#I think it’s be neat if he still loves double battle and acts as the players tutorial for it
pastryglitch · 2 years
Also just btw I am 100% an “Emmet also got sent through time” TRUTHER. It just makes sense to my brain I need Gen 5 legends sequel and I need Emmet to be in it NOW
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amintyworld · 4 years
You Just Need To Smile - Dream SMP TEA AU
A/N: Welcome to another oneshot for an AU from @dreamsmp-au-ideas - this time it’s their The Egg Administration AU. We’ve got Corrupted Tommy here folks! For better context, please check out the AU on their blog, it’s so good guys! Anyway, Hope you enjoy! - Minty
TW: Blood/gore, threats of death, major character near death, panic attack(?), cursing (tell me if I need to tag anything else!)
Summary: Wilbur won’t give up on getting through to Tommy so easily.
As Wilbur crept deeper into the cave, his heart felt heavy. A single sword hung off his back, the air thick and heavy. Sweat dripped down his brow at the humidity as he entered the room he began to know so well - the air grew thicker with the spores. Wilbur moved quickly before he tripped over a particularly thick blood vine. The light was dim from the scattered torches as Wilbur’s eyes adjusted to the light, and he began to walk towards the Egg where he knew a certain person was standing guard. 
“So you’ve come into the lion’s den, huh?” Wilbur whipped around to notice Schlatt, hands behind his back with Punz and Quackity by his side, weapons drawn. “No armor to protect you, no potions or apples to regen, no pearls to escape…” His lips turned up into a smirk. “What exactly do you think you’re doing, Wilbur?”
“Shut up, Schlatt. I’m here to see Tommy.” Wilbur threw over his shoulder. Wilbur could hear Schlatt’s chilling laugh echo throughout the cave walls. He jumped down as he walked beside him, waving Punz and Quackity away with a flick of his hand. “Tommy, huh? This’ll be too good to miss.”
Wilbur knew, logically, that there was no way to tell if it could work - from what he’d heard, talking with him in this state did little to help, even angered him more. But that doesn’t mean Wilbur wasn’t willing to try. He’d try anything, do anything for him. Despite what Technoblade and Fundy insisted he wouldn’t give up on him when the kid stood by him and helped him during the darkest days of his entire life. Wilbur loved Tommy and cared for him so much, nothing, absolutely nothing could stand in the way between them that Wilbur wouldn’t conquer, wouldn’t cheat and bribe and fight his way through inch by inch.
Tommy, the kid whose laugh and smile could light up an entire room. Tommy, who stole the most random objects from everyone just because he could. Tommy, who was so loyal and always ready for a fight. Tommy, who loved his friends and family and most of all, L’manburg.
As Wilbur slowly approached closer to the Egg, he knew immediately that this wasn’t his Tommy. His eyes were angered, pained, the mischievous spark that would always land him in trouble completely gone. His hair was oddly neat and combed instead of his messy blonde mop, his green bandana that hung around his neck gone. The black gloves Wilbur gave him so long ago to stop the teen from building calluses with how tightly he gripped his sword disappeared. Even the scratches and scars that adorned his face were gone, the stories and funny memories and battles all lost with an instant health potion. A dark cloak with crimson red stitches around the edges, a white T-Shirt with jeans tainted red. Tommy’s eyes glowed a deep crimson red that sent silent threats over toward Wilbur as he slowly moved closer.
The one thing that was so wrong about Tommy that bothered Wilbur the most - his mouth always set in a thin line. Wilbur can’t remember the last time he saw Tommy smile since he was taken. Wilbur missed seeing Tommy smile and laugh and throw curse words back and forth while he tried to act so much older and puff his chest out with overconfidence. Tommy’s voice was slightly angered. “Don’t take another step.”
“Tommy, it’s me. It’s Wilbur. Your brother.”
“I don’t have a brother,” Tommy said, sword still up and ready for battle.
“I’m your family.”
“Manburg is my family now.” Tommy insisted, pointing his sword threateningly at Wilbur. “And you’re nothing more than a traitor.”
“No, Tommy, please-” Wilbur said, holding up his hands in a sort of surrender as he stepped closer, only for Tommy to charge and quickly strike his side. Wilbur’s breath hitched in pain as he doubled over, catching himself before he fell. “I won’t fight you.”
“Then you’re weak.” Tommy spat like venom. Tommy quickly moved toward the side for another strike, and Wilbur’s pain whimpers echoed throughout the cavern. “A ruler who’s too much of a pussy to strike a blow against the enemy. Someone who always cared more about the country than the people in it.” He growled, and Wilbur’s heart sank.
“I get it, Tommy. You’re mad.” Wilbur said through pained breaths. “I made some really stupid mistakes, I know I fucked up.” A few tears trickled down Wilbur’s cheeks. “I messed up and you didn’t deserve that and I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry. But I love you so much, Tommy, I love you too much to leave you, not like this.”
Tommy hesitated for a moment at Wilbur’s words, the red in his eyes fading for a second before they became darker. “I’ll kill you…” Tears of emotion spilled down Tommy’s cheeks. “I’ll fucking kill you!” He leaped toward Wilbur as Wilbur just closed his eyes, bracing for impact. But it never came. He opened his eyes to find Ranboo and Tubbo pinning Tommy’s arms to the ground as he kicked and struggled, eyes filled with rage as tears streamed down his cheeks. “Let go of me, let me kill him! He deserves to die!”
Fundy was at Wilbur’s side, letting Wilbur lean on him for support. “Dad, we need to get out of here. Come on.”
Wilbur’s body struggled to stand, his legs getting weaker. He looked over to Tommy, yelling, almost screaming with tears streaming down his cheeks. The sight utterly broke Wilbur’s heart. Right at that moment, Wilbur knew what Tommy needed more than anything. “No. Guys, let him go.”
“Wilbur, no. Are you crazy?!” Tubbo shouted, panicked.
“Please, Tubbo.”
Fundy looked over at him in concern, and Wilbur rubbed his thumb over his son’s paw in a bit of comfort. “He just needs to smile.” He said, moving slowly, pushing through the pain to move toward Tommy. Tubbo and Ranboo eventually lost their grip as Tommy picked up his abandoned sword, rushing towards Wilbur, tears in his eyes. “I hate you!” He yelled, his sword spearing through Wilbur’s chest. Wilbur wrapped his arms around Tommy, pulling him into a hug that Tommy quickly tried to get away from, struggling against Wilbur’s grip. “I hate you, I hate you, I…” Tommy couldn’t seem to find the words anymore as he sobbed. Wilbur just pulled him closer, ignoring the pain.
“You… you just need to smile.” Wilbur managed, his hands finding themselves in Tommy’s hair as Wilbur clung to him and held him closely. Tommy’s sword dropped to the floor with a clang as Wilbur rubbed his back in comfort. “It’s okay, Tommy. It’s okay, shhh…”
For a few moments, all that could be heard was sobbing and Wilbur’s loving reassurances. Then, Wilbur heard Tommy’s voice, raw and hurt and scared, oh so scared. “W-Wilbur…?”
“Tommy...” Wilbur said in relief, his eyes welling up with tears. He felt his body go limp as his adrenaline wore off, his world fading to black as he fell backward, Tommy struggling to catch Wilbur as he fell to the floor. A pool of blood was beginning to form as Tommy looked down to notice the multiple deep stab wounds and cuts littering Wilbur’s chest, wounds he made, hurt he caused.
Tommy looked down at the scene, at what he’d done, and screamed Wilbur’s name, dropping to his knees, his body shaking, tears running down his cheeks. Shit... shit shit shit, what have I done?! Fundy quickly moved to his side, shouting orders as Ranboo searched his inventory for potions and Tubbo ripped off bits of his coat to make some makeshift bandages. He looked so pale, he wasn’t moving. No, nononononono NO-!
Suddenly, a glitched voice cut through his thoughts as he backed up, beginning to panic until his back hit the Egg, and a familiar static began to fill his head that sent chills down his spine.
Look at what you did, Tommy. Don’t you want to go back to sleep?
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waywardimpalawriter · 3 years
Man out of time (Marcus Moreno x Female Reader)
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Man out of time
Pairing:  Marcus Moreno x Female Reader
Characters: Marcus Moreno, Missy Moreno, Anita Moreno, mentions of Miracle Guy,  
Setting: few months after the end of We can be heroes 
Rating: PG-13 for now
Warnings: few curse words, angst mostly,
 Word count: 1,610
Summary: Simple, two syllable word Dictionary.com say’s it means easy to understand, deal with, use, etc. Marcus Moreno curses its existence, wishing his katana’s could cut through with a neat slice and bring back what he’s lost.   
Notes: Written for Writer Wednesday held by the marvelous @autumnleaves1991-blog​. I’ll admit I battled with this one for a good while and with the help of @icanbeyourjedi​ decided this would be my first Marcus Moreno fic. I do hope you all enjoy and as always much love to all my doves. 
“You promised remember?” Stubborn set to her small statue, arms across with a deep glare in those normally sweet brown eyes. “What happened to that promise dad?”
Looking to his mom for help but coming up empty as she just lifts her hands and shrugs with a small roll of her eyes before turning away to head back towards the kitchen. “Thanks mom,” slight sarcastic twist to the tone. Hand resting on popped out hip studying his daughter while searching for the right words to explain. “True it’s no emergency like two months ago Missy but the mission is simple enough I’ll be back home before the weekend.”
“Take me with you then,” brow lifting in challenge remind Marcus so much of her mother the memory picking his heart.
Pushing those thoughts aside, “I can’t you have school and training,” seeing her fixing to protest he holds up a hand to stall the flow of words. “Besides it’s too dangerous, this isn’t a typical mission the Heroics would go on.”
“So they push it on you, why?” Voice rising slightly with worry and a dash of fear for her father’s safety.
Running a hand through his hair tugging the dark strands lightly in frustration. “Things are…” always searching for the right words to explain, without giving too much away and keeping Missy in the dark to protect her. “Complicated Missy I have to lead by example you know that sweetheart. Please trust me when I say this isn’t something I want to do.”
“Then why…”
Sighing Marcus steps towards his daughter crouching down so their eye level, “Because I’m the only one qualified to take the mission.” Resting a fingerless gloved hand on her slim shoulder, “Simple in and out, take out the bad guy done,” offering her, his patented half smile. “Besides you’ve got your friends now and training you’ll never notice I’m gone.”
Expressive chocolate eyes roll but the smirk is all Moreno when they lock back with her father’s. Flinging herself into his arms, wrapping her own around his neck and hugging the life’s breath from his lungs. “You’re wrong dad I’ll miss you,” trying to keep the trembling from her voice. Tears pricking the back of her eyes, nose rubbing along the leather jacket he’s wearing. “Four day’s right? No longer?”
“No longer just four days sweetheart,” pulling back to smile at his daughter catching the fear in her glassy eyes. “I promise to be safe.”
“And come home right?” She adds still clinging to her father’s shoulders. Memories of watching the alien’s wrap their mechanical arms around and pull him into the ship still very fresh in her mind. Never wanting a repeat performance of those horrible three hours.
Nodding, “Yes ma’am and I expect you to mind your abuela, do your homework and train.” Ticking off each one while giving her a smile.
“Always dad,” eyes rolling again as she lets him go, standing to his full height now. “When do you leave?”
Smiling slipping to a frown, “Once I’m packed. Intel came in this afternoon and I’ve been briefed.”
“Ah so that’s why your wear this ridiculous get up and rode in on that obnoxious two wheeled death machine,” putting her own words into the conversation, Anita Moreno rejoined her son and granddaughter leaning heavily on her cain. “Don’t you dare roll your eyes at me Marcus Moreno you aren’t too old for me to whip,” banishing her walking stick towards him affectionately.
“Mom,” wanting too but doesn’t roll his eyes at her words, heart warmed by the undercurrent of worry he picks up despite her admonishment. Knowing much like Missy, she worried about his well being and the dangers lurking around each corner for the leader of the Heroics. “Neither of you need to worry, it’s a simple mission nothing I haven’t faced before.”
Boy had he been wrong about those last few words, cursing that two syllable word with every fiber in his being while trying to adjust to these strange surroundings. Floating car honking, racing pass Marcus standing stock still in the middles of what didn’t appear be to a street.
“Hey asshole move before you get flown over,” half hanging out the window with a middle finger salute aimed his way.
Itching to use his powers on the punk Marcus shakes his head stepping back and almost tripping over the cement curb.  Mesmerized by the sheer sights surrounding him. Blinking several times thinking he’s seeing things or at the very least Miracle Guy is playing some seriously messed up trick on him.
“Lost?” Soft feminine voice questions from behind him.
Turning slowly, weary of who’s standing at his back, “You could say that.”
“Marcus Moreno?” Gasp issues from her parted lips eyes shocked wide almost like seeing a ghost. “But… but your…”
Frowning unsure of this woman with how she’s acting at seeing him. “I’m what?”
“Dead…” her words echo around him like a thick fog.
Head shaking, reaching into his jeans pocket to pull the cell phone out cursing upon finding it’s out of juice. “The rumors of my demise are greatly exaggerated.” Trying to make light even as a stone starts to sink in his stomach. “Miracle Guy put you up to this? Has to be some kind of simulation testing me right?”
“No… no it’s,” bitting her lip, she takes a step forward pulling a thin clear plastic looking object from her pocket. “What year is it?”
“Why?” Looking between her face and the light up piece of tech in her hand, Marcus takes a step back. Only to be honked at by another flying car. “Tech guys stepped up their game this time around.”
“Because,” swallowing harshly, “your not in Kansas anymore Toto.” Trying and failing to give a half smile. Only to have it fall with he scowl Marcus sends her. “Answer the question first then I’ll explain.”
Sighing, running a shaky hand through his hair, dread filling his veins, “2021, March if I remember.”
“I”m sorry Dorothy but you’re wrong,” glancing down eyes focused on the thin piece of plastic in her grasp. Pulling up the calendar to show him the date. “It’s March 14, 2041 and you good sir have come back from the dead.”
Gapping like a fish out of water, Marcus can’t seem to string two words together till a bubble of laughter leaves his chest. Morphing into chuckles and finally a great big belly laugh which has him doubling over holding his stomach and slapping his knee. “It’s a joke right? Miracle Guy, Tech-No he’d be able to pull something like this off.”
Glancing up at her, seeing the weariness even a touch of fear painted in those deep eyes. Turning her phone back around to pull up the news report. Male voice echoing around the two of them only slightly drowned out by the busy city still churning.
“The search has been called off for Heroic’s leader Marcus Moreno as it entered the third week with no sign. Our hearts go out to the Moreno family hit by this tragedy. Leaving so many to wonder what exactly happened and how did his last mission go so wrong.”
Shaking his head, eyes blinking several times to clear the imagines of Missy and Anita crying in each others arms. Surrounded by the children of the Heroics and the hero’s themselves, each taking the news differently. Vision filled with Missy’s red rimmed, tear streaked face breaking his heart, legs giving out from under him and crumbing to his knees.
“I don’t… I just left… it’s been two hours,” words stuttering from his mouth trying to grasp exactly what happened.
Debating with herself whether to step forward for comfort or turn to leave. The former winning as she drops beside him, returning the phone to its pocket and carefully gathering this broken semi stranger into her arms. “I’m sorry, this wasn’t the intension we had. There’s,” swallowing hard when she feels him stiffen beside her. “A plan, we had a plan but it’s changed and now you’re stuck.”
Wide with anger and shock, Marcus’s deep chocolate eyes raise to look at her. “You did this?”
Gulping for air and words, “Not me solely no, I apologize truly this wasn’t… I mean,” fidgeting under the intense stare, bottom lip caught by her tongue and drug between pearly whites. “I’m sorry Marcus so sorry,” short sob leaving a dry throat.
“Sorry for what? For taking me away from my life, from my time period or from the little girl who needs her father? Because as I see it right now this is all manner of fucked up and your gonna do something about it. Fix this shit so I can get back to my daughter.” Seething with rage Marcus stands to his full impressive height. Reaching behind to pull both katana’s from there sheathes.
Staying on her knees head bowed, “I can’t that’s the trouble Marcus.” Looking up into his pain streaked furious chocolate eyes, flinching at the sneer that contorts his beloved features. “I’m mysorry darling truly,” words whispered and barely meeting his ears as she vanishes into the thin air.
Speechless, arms hanging at his sides, stuck by the realization of her words, the video, combine with the knowledge he’s lost twenty some years with Missy watching her grow-up. Emotions swirl like a thick fog in his mind consuming thoughts and making reactions none existence to the world around him. A world that’s left him behind, while he’s stuck in the past and facing an uncertain future as a man out of time.
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fatesdeepdive · 3 years
Entry 11: Archduke Silly Bot
I built a new Mess Hall and Accessory Shop, but before I could play with them, my castle was attacked! By spooky ghost men from the Astral Plane I mean, I summoned them, but still, the castle is in danger. Fifteen enemies showed up to try and seize the fort. Lilith was supposed to help me fight, but just stayed in her pond and did nothing. Dumb fish.
The invaders were tough, but focused more on smashing stuff than killing my Units. Unfortunately, there was a casualty. Kenshi, our valiant POW who we force to serve as cannon fodder, was slain in battle. I mean, not really, because I’m playing Casual mode. Still, I renamed the castle Fort Kenshi in his honor.
The invasion gave me the points needed to build two new structures: the Rod Shop and the Smithy. The Mess Hall can be used to slightly boost unit stats for one battle. The Rod Shop can be used to buy various consumable items. Smithy can be used to reforge Weapons; for instance, I gave Kenshi a new bronze club called Kenshi’s Whacker. The Accessory shop can be used to buy and equip fun accessories, like the bath towel that is all Kenshi is allowed to wear.
Support: Jakob/Mozu
C: Jakob finds Mozu crying, because she had a nightmare about the death of her family, and comforts her.
B: Jakob tells Mozu that she is fortunate to have had something to lose; he explains his abusive childhood that ended with him being sold into servitude of the royal family and tells Mozu to hold onto her memories of her village.
A: Mozu begins training so she can be strong enough to protect everyone and thanks Jakob for looking out for her.
S: Jakob proposes to Mozu, asking her to help him create memories worth cherishing.
Review: This one was short, but good. It could have very easily just been a throwaway conversation about Jakob’s fanciness contrasting Mozu’s lack of sophistication. Instead, it was a genuinely touching conversation that expanded both characters and made me love Jakob even more.
Support: Orochi/Saizo
C: Orochi tells Saizo to stop being mean, because it’s ruining his reputation with the ladies, and threatens to take matters into her own hands.
B: Orochi reveals that when they first met, when Saizo was a child and she was...whatever age she was, she predicted misfortune in his future, which scared Saizo so much he wet his pants. She then reveals that she’s told everyone. Saizo runs away to salvage his reputation.
A: Saizo comes back, furious. Apparently, Orochi lied about telling everyone and Saizo, in his attempts to explain that he only peed his pants because he was a child, ended up spreading the story for her.
S: Saizo has turned over a new leaf and is trying to be nicer thanks to Orochi’s mind games. Orochi confesses that, when she fortolled misfortune in Saizo’s future, she must have actually been talking about his father. Because, as we all know, Saizo has not suffered any misfortune in his life. Also they get married.
Review: This one was decent. Saizo ignoring Orochi’s threats at first then ruining everything in his struggle to fix things is amusing, and the duo have better chemistry than most couples in this game.
Support: Azura/Corrin (Birthright)
Notice the Birthright parenthetical. Corrin and Azura, the main duo, actually have different conversations in different routes, which is neat.
C: Corrin and Azura take a walk together. Azura compares the nice day to Castle Shirasagi. She then apologizes for bringing up her childhood, which she feels belonged to Corrin.
B: Azura asks Corrin about her childhood and Corrin explains both the forced isolation and the constant companionship from Elise and the servants. Corrin actually says she misses the Northern Fortress.
A: Corrin and Azura reflect on their different opinions of Nohr: Azura’s feelings of it being the evil she escaped and Corrin’s of it being a home she misses. They discuss the fact that no place is truly good or bad, something the game’s writers needed to be reminded of, and vow to bring peace.
S: Corrin states that his good memories of Nohr all stem from kind people and vows to be that kind of person for her. The duo exchange some insanely on the nose promises about being fine in a dark pit if they’re together and their fates being intertwined. Now, this may feel like incest because they share parents and siblings, but I actually think this one is okay? As long as there isn’t some late game twist that makes them cousins or something, this seems good.
Review: Overall, a fairly good conversation. Corrin’s feelings on Nohr are more nuanced than this game normally is and the idea that Nohr isn’t evil because of the people is a good sentiment.
Support: Setsuna/Subaki
C: Subaki and Setsuna are assigned to train new recruits together. The new recruit is Kenshi, I have decided. Subaki, worried that Setsuna will be Setsuna and mess everything up, does everything himself.
B: Setsuna just wanders off in the middle of training new recruits and Subaki tries to help her be a better leader.
A: Setsuna attempts to resign from teaching, but Subaki tells her that her wandering off actually helped the recruits because she’s observant, I guess. Setsuna does not retire from teaching.
S: Setsuna tells Subaki that she likes him then wanders off because she’s done talking. Subaki chases after her and proposes.
Review: This one was mediocre. Setsuna is always fun, but this support conversation lacked a good conflict and was resolved in a dumb way. Setsuna wandering off in the middle of a confession is fun, but the relationship wasn’t built up at all.
Birthright Chapter 9: Land of Gods
The gang head to Izumo, a neutral kingdom south of Hoshido. The guards, recognizing Azura, let the party in. Corrin asks about the missing princes and is told no battle happened near Izumo. No war in Ba Sing Se and all that jazz. Archduke Izana approaches them, looking like a wise and calm leader. Then he talks and they realize that he’s a silly boy.
They ask him about the battle on the border of Izumo and he tells them he knows nothing about it. Izana invites the gang to rest and be treated by his healers. He also invites Corrin and Sakura to go to some special spa healing in his deep relaxation chamber which is absolutely not suspicious.
The deep relaxation chamber is an execution chamber. Nohrian soldiers march in to kill Corrin and Izana reveals that he is actually a Nohrian mage named Zola. His voice sounds like Gollum and he has this weird jester hat. I cannot wait for the part of the game where we kill him.
Right before Corrin is executed, half of the Nohrian soldiers attack the other half. It’s revealed the soldiers are actually our soldiers in disguise. Where they got the Nohrian costumes, I do not know. Maybe they looted them from some corpses? Also, how did they know this was happening? And how did they seamlessly blend into the Nohrian army? I have many questions.
Hinoka explains that she knew Zola wasn’t the real Izana because no royal would ever act like such a silly boy, because she has never read any history textbook. The battle begins.
Something I haven’t mentioned yet that I want to mention: if an enemy has a super effective weapon, a red balloon with an exclamation mark appears above them as you move your unit. Nice touch.
On turn two, two new characters march into battle: a Samurai named Hinata and a Spear Fighter named Oboro. The two of them are looking for Takumi. The two bicker. Hinata is an idiot and is thirsty for Takumi. Oboro fantasizes about killing all of the Nohrian scum and Hinata tells her to chill out. These two idiots are Takumi’s retainers. Corrin goes up to the duo and recruits them.
A samurai and one of Takumi’s retainers. His personal skill, Triple Threat, hurts enemies who lower him below half health. His design is fine, I guess. I think they’re going for a meathead thing from his introduction and his scars and muscles, but he looks way too young. Personality wise, he seems to be kinda dumb, but not enough to be funny.
A spear fighter who is really goddamn thirsty for Takumi and is also really racist. Her unit description is: Loves fashion, hates Nohr. Her personal skill makes her do extra damage to Nohrians, which is useful because we are at war with Nohr. Fates has a bad tendency of reducing characters to a single character trait and we’ve already been shown three traits for Oboro, which I assume will dominate every line she ever says. Seriously, we’ve known her for a minute and she’s said Nohrian Scum a dozen times.
This map was good. It was a standard fighting enemies in a castle map; nothing special, but then again it didn’t need to be special. After the battle, Zola says that he’d rather die than tell Corrin anything. He then throws a smokescreen and runs away, only to be attacked by Leo.
Leo says he’s going to kill Zola for being a disgrace to Nohr and Corrin says, no, don’t do that, don’t hurt another Nohrian. Except, Corrin has killed dozens of Nohrians at this point. Leo yells at Corrin for being a traitor and gives her Zola to keep as a pet. Corrin reflects on how Leo has gotten stronger, but also become more cruel, since her betrayal of Nohr.
The gang meets the real Izana. Yeah he’s every bit as weird and wacky as Zola was. He tells the gang about hearing that the princes were near the bottomless canyon and reads Corrin’s fortune. He sings the next verse of Ocean’s Grey Waves, implying that this song is genuinely a prophecy about this game.
In the white light, a hand reaches through
A double-edged blade cuts your heart in two
Waking dreams fade away,
Embrace the brand-new day
So, let’s see. First off, a lot of imagery about light, which is Hoshido’s aesthetic. Not sure what verse one means, but verse two is some heavy foreshadowing for Chapter 26. I’ll talk about it more then. Verses three and four are about Corrin leaving the fake life in Nohr and returning to Hoshido. Probably.
Azana also predicts that the princes are both alright, so the gang heads off to find them. That night, Azura talks to Corrin about the prophecy, saying that it is the lyrics to a song she was taught as a child that now seems to be about Corrin.
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llendrinall · 4 years
(1) Draco, Harry, Hermione & Ron (aged 23) all are working on a case. Harry & Ron are Aurors. Draco & Hermione are both Healers & Unspeakables. The case is something like a bunch of Death Eater wannabes trying to resurrect the dark lord. So while busting in on their ritual all 4 are transported to their younger bodies at different times. Draco (5), Ron (7), Hermione (9), Harry (11) (The day before Hagrid comes to fetches him.)
(2) Harry and Draco were married so they use a phrase to each other so the other knows that they're the other and then plan a meet in the Room of Requirements. After confirming that Ron and Hermione (Married) are who they are too they go to the meet too. While each playing the roles they had the first time around. They then work out a plan for the war (Since Draco hasn't found a way back they plan to change things).
(3) Draco needs to play the bully/death eater and work to save the lives of the war victims. While Harry, Ron and Hermione work out the horcrux ect. Befor and during the war they secretly work to make preperations and stuff to minimize the damage while also playing their parts as school rivals. And they manage to minimize the deaths and they manage to save a lot of familiar faces. Sirius, Remus, Tonks, George ect.
(4) So after Harry kills Voldemort (He had an argument with Draco cuz Draco was worried he wouldn't come back this time) they're in the grand hall and everyone just sees the golden trio going to Draco with smiles. Ron gives him a handshake, Hermione a Hug, and shockingly Harry kisses him infront of everyone (Draco's parents are like "WTF?") And says "Told you i wouldn't die." "Shut up you bloody git". (In my head its a long fic with a LOT of stuff added. I just wanna know how you'd write this)
 Mmh, yes this would be a long plotty fic, so I won’t detail the structure, just some of the elements I would use to build it.
First, I would have them go back to exactly one month before they turn 11. There is a very nice symmetry there and we avoid having Draco too long in his child’s body. An adult Draco in a 5-year-old body would be terrifying. Lucius would just flee the country.
So they go back to 11 minus one month. Harry and Draco have 1-2 summer months to get settled and start figuring things out, Ron gets around 7 months to think about family dynamics and draft a plan to contact his friends. Hermione has a whole year plus change to rage, study and come up with a definite plan to Get Things Right.
There is a beautiful tense scene as they board the train, because Harry and Ron don’t know if their friend is their old self or their young self. They are both very cautious around each other until Harry notices the way Ron looks at Scabbers and he knows. It just takes a couple of loaded comments afterwards to recognize each other.  
Hermione barges in their compartment in her usual way and they have to drop some very heavy hints to remind her they are not alone. They can’t spook Pettigrew.  Draco comes by, stares at Harry in silence for a whole minute and then passes him a note saying he can’t find the diary and also he ordered Dobby to go serve Harry, he should be waiting in Hogwarts. It is unclear whether Draco knows this Harry is the old Harry because Draco is, and has always been, kind of odd. It took them a while to discover it, but Draco is just a bunch or random powerful ideas held together with anxiety and fire. Harry loves him so much.
They go to Hogwarts. You would think that in this timeline Harry would be the most belligerent/hostile of them, but it is actually Hermione. Hermione is a nightmare student. She has a list of one hundred and fifty names and she is going to save all of them (except maybe Dumbledore and Snape). She has no time nor attention to waste in silly classes telling her what she already knows. She only comes to class sporadically, aces all her tests and hands out beautiful neat homework that barely took ten minutes out of her day to complete. Teachers hate her (or heavily dislike her), but they can’t expel her. It’s beautiful. The twins develop a crush on her.  
Harry waits patiently until Christmas so Dumbledore can gift him the Invisibility Cloak and then announces that he is not going back to the Dursleys. Dumbledore insists. Harry says softly “by Jove, I will not” and Dumbledore thinks about that exchange for a week. He forgets about it when ten days later there is an incident in Transfiguration class and McGonagall discovers that Ron’s pet rat Scabbers is actually Peter Pettigrew.
(They were going to wait until Quirrell tried to steal the philosopher’s. Hermione insisted they couldn’t deviate too much of the original timeline or they would lose their advantage of knowing what was going to happen. If something was going to change, it was better to attach it to some other important event.
But Harry pointed out that it would be much easier to keep Sirius alive if he had some extra months of freedom and he didn’t have to live as a fugitive and Ron was certain that they would be fine even if they changed everything. It wasn’t just their knowledge of the events to come, it was their knowledge, period, their experience.
Ron is a man now, and adult, and he is kind of freaked out at the shenanigans they did when they were merely children. What were they thinking? Was there no competent adult to point out that were kids? It shouldn’t be up to them to rescue Sirius or Buckbeak, what in the seven hells.)
Anyway, Sirius is freed and Dumbledore is forced to explain everything about prophecies and love magic and blood protection early, because Harry insists he is going to live with Sirius. Harry agrees to go back to the Dursleys for two weeks, but Sirius has to come with him and no, he will not come as a dog, that’s demeaning. He will spend his time at the Dursleys as a human, thank you very much.
Sirius is the first adult to realize that there is something not quite right about Harry. The others had noticed that Harry was… special. But Sirius is the first one to see through, although he doesn’t know what he is seeing exactly.
Lucius still uses the Diary against the Weasleys, but this time Ron picks it up. Their first week back in Hogwarts, they all go for a nice excursion down to the Basilisk lair. They bring the Diadem, too. Harry speaks to the Basilisk and both horcruxes are destroyed.
The rest of the year is spent plotting. Draco takes on the role of the bully and plays it up to hilarious heights. He picks on everyone, and that’s everyone, except Neville and Luna. Funnily, Cedric Diggory is a big fan of him and always answers to Draco’s banter.
Draco suggests having a Duel Club to Lockhart. There has been no student attacks, of course, but Lockhart loves the idea and Draco wants the opportunity to fight Harry and make ridiculously sexually charged comments. They have five very nice duelling sessions until the curse of the DADA post acts up and professor Lockhart is unavailable the rest of the year.
(Harry tutors everyone in his year so this time people will actually now how to cast a protego. Ginny comes to the classes too and is by far his best student).
That summer, Ron has a very long chat with Percy explaining everything. Ron is now eight years older than Percy and understand why his brother fell to the Ministry and rejected his family. The Weasleys had pushed him that way, hadn’t they? Ron also understands that suddenly being nice to Percy and giving him recognition won’t work. It’s too late. But telling Percy they come from another timeline in which Fred died gets Percy’s attention immediately. Percy spends a whole weekend freaking out in silence (nobody notices, of course, and boy is Ron appalled at his family dynamics). Come Monday, Percy emerges relatively calm, all things considered. He has given himself a haircut and is resolved to infiltrate the Ministry.  
The locket is destroyed that summer. They let Sirius and Kreacher do it.
They were hoping to have all horcruxes down before Voldemort rose back, but Pettigrew escapes Azkaban and Voldemort comes back a year ahead of schedule. (Early 4th year).
Dumbledore locates the ring. Despite warnings from all of them (and Snape) he still puts the ring on and gets a curse for it. Hermione says if he is going to be like that, she will take him from her To-Save list.
Barely eight months after Voldemort comes back to power, the Ministry is full of his followers. For now, Voldemort is happy with acting from the shadows, but soon he will want more and the four of them want to avoid open war as much as possible.
Percy sends Ron Helga’s cup, broken. Ron asks how he did it in case they ever find themselves in a similar situation (new timeline and all), but Percy only says that he asked politely. That means there are only two (two? Or is it one?) horcruxes remaining. Draco decides to speed things up, before Voldemort stars his terror campaign. He tells his father than Dumbledore has a mysterious ring with an interesting crest and that’s enough to have Voldemort attack Hogwarts with all his might.
It may not seem like a good idea, but if you think about it it’s much better to have dark wizards try to take over a castle than over a cottage where a half-blood family lives. Plus, now they don’t have to sweep Britain looking for Nagini. They can see her perfectly well down in the grounds trying and failing to eat Hagrid.
The battle draws on and almost becomes a siege. The Ministry comes to help, only they help Voldemort’s side, what with being infiltrated and all.
It’s still preferable to the years of the war.
Sirius has been put under a careful and insistent treatment of “Sirius, no”, so he actually stops when he is told to, he doesn’t follow Pettigrew to a trap and he isn’t killed by Bellatrix. Well done, Sirius! Another advantage of Sirius surviving, beyond the fact that he survived, yay, is that he gets to save Snape when Voldemort decides he might not be a good double spy after all. Snape hates the idea of owing his life to Sirius. It is very entertaining.
Neville kills Bellatrix Lestrange. Luna kills Nagini (and feels bad for it, and cries, sweet Luna, may she always have a soft heart). Peter Pettigrew dies in a freak accident in which both the giant squid and the twins are involved. Cedric Diggory bullies seven Ministry wizards into switching sides.
Things are going good. There are many wounded, more than the last time, but no dead, not on their side.
Harry knows he will have to die, again. And it will have to be Voldemort. He can’t risk having anyone else cast the curse (would they even meant it?). They have changed so many things… They can’t be sure that all those changes won’t coalesce in this one instant in time. They can’t be sure that Harry will make it back.
But Harry still goes, because that’s what he has to do. He tries to make things as similar as possible, act the same way, say the same things. Maybe having Sirius and Moody and Tonks and Lupin alive and well and fighting won’t matter if Harry just follows the script on this.
But just in case it will matter, just in case Harry doesn’t come back this time, he throws some ad lib.
“Hey, Tom,” Harry says, holding his thumb between his index and middle finger. “I’ve got your nose.”
Well, at least he can be sure that Voldemort means it when he cast the curse.
 The honour of killing Voldemort falls on Hagrid this time. It isn’t pretty.
And Harry comes back. Draco forgives him just for having said that line.
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cynicalrainbows · 4 years
Im glad you liked it hehe! Jane is really fun to make hc/new characterizations for (I’m someone who likes to write myself, and characters are my fav part of most story telling). I think it’s mostly due to the fact that I feel her song can get a little misinterpreted at times (this is largely due to the fact that it’s a ballad and ballads can be very vague). I could go on a whole ramble about what I think the song is about the line/cut line from it but to keep it short- I see her song as her in denial and realizing/reminiscing on her relationship with Henry and seeing that it was emotional ab*sive (the whole song chorus is like she’s going to battle) but she stood firm and wanted to focus her true love on her child (regardless of gender). To me that and her part in “Six” gives me an idea of a Jane who was hurt and used before but just wants now to live her life to fullest, with true freedom in what she can say or think or do with no one stopping her . And she wants to do all this with the queens, her new family.
Mom!Jane is adorable, she’s a sweetheart but a Jane that’s a little more fiery, a little more chaotic, and much more teasing hits a little different. And well that changes her dynamic with everyone but I just wanted to focus on Anne cause I also think differently about her as well (like i think she’s smart as hell through the whole fake competition since she’s trying to get the audience to like her and she does a decent job at that... she’s pretty neat I think). I do think Katherine fits in well too, with Anne also acting like an older sibling but Kat and Jane (even tho Jane is older than Kat) being more in the same level with stuff. Kat’s not as chaotic as Jane but she’s more “eh why not I’m in” cause it just makes her happy to hang out with them.
Anger is such an exhausting emotion but something I learned once from a therapist of mine is that it’s sometimes an emotion that’s covers up what you’re really feeling. It’s easier to be angry at something then to be truly vulnerable, but when you recognize the underlying cause and have people who can support you through it, it can become easier to be vulnerable. That can definitely apply here, where Anne and Jane become much more vulnerable with eachother. Anne would then learn about all the shit Jane went through with her family and Henry (hearing that he threatened to have her beheaded like Anne during the pilgrimage of grace incident would make her both angry and bring out a protective instinct). She would be the one to comfort Jane on the idea that she didn’t go through much cause “You totally got screwed over too! We all did! Just cause it was different pain, doesn’t mean it’s not valid pain!”
Her reigning Jane is mostly her making sure Jane doesn’t go too far (Anne had to stop her from trying to bake stuff faster by upping the temperature too many times to count), but she can’t help but be happy at the fact that Jane feels comfortable enough to do stuff like that or joke around with the queens at all with no fear of extreme punishment (not that they would punish her, but like... trauma sucks).
(And yeah I definitely agree on the point on the illiteracy hc, as we only know so much in her education but it wouldn’t be a surprise that she might have been slightly illiterate given the time. I just also like the hc of her having dyslexia cause of the fics that cover it, specifically HMA64 I love their fics dearly)
And yes, i thought of it once and thought “god that’s adorable, i have to include this”. With every groan from the other queens lips at each of Jane’s puns, Anne gets more and more proud :D.
And im seriously happy you liked it (I mean I didn’t think I would start to hc stuff about a musical about the six wives of Henry the eighth but like ehh historical fiction is a thing and writing has always been about what ifs, so why not)! And well I’m sure if I think of something you might like again, I’ll share it :).
Oh my god I was replying to an ask, scrolled down slightly and did a double take, wondering how I’d missed this post- and THEN remembered getting it, reading it and being like ‘Oh I don;t have time to give this amazing as the attention to deserves so I’ll save it-’ and then I think life just got in the way and it slipped from my mind entirely- and anon I’m so sorry! I promise I wasn’t ignoiring it on purpose but I do feel like a very ungrateful wench after you went to such trouble to send such an interesting ask!
I agree that Jane gives the impression of recognising how awful Henry was in her song- idk if you’ve seen the tour cast but the Jane I saw did an amazing job of just coming across as someone who had been very wounded and who was only just giving herself permission to sort of slowly realise it wasn’t her fault and that she didn’t deserve it, like she was still in the habit of excusing him but was slowly relaising how wrong it was.
I can definitely imagine Kitty and Jane being on a similar sort of level, out of the cousins- they’re the two youngest, the two least well educated, both were sort of pushed into Henry’s bed (Jane just came out of it a lot better), both were meant to be sort of ‘dresh start’ queens: Jane was the good wife after the temptress Nan Bullen and Kitty was the pretty young girl married for love after the doomed arranged marriage of politics. So I like the idea of them getting on as friends and equals rather than just Mother and Child.
Omg imagine Jane finally having the courage to make a joke or tease another queen and like it’s really mild but she still flinches and freezes- so the others make sure to laugh and make it clear that they’re really thrilled she’s comfrotable enough to realx a bit (and then they unleash a monster because Jane discovers puns....)
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astaralys · 5 years
Of Nowhere in Particular, an icebros oneshot
Kristoff doesn't understand hair braiding. Or his sister-in-law, for that matter. In one lesson, Elsa demystifies both for him. A post-Frozen 2 icebros oneshot.
(a.k.a that one scene from ch. 6 of The Next Unknown that wouldn’t leave me alone until I’d given it another 2793 words...)
Can also be read on: FF.net || AO3
Thank you for reading!
This was ridiculous. He could dig a snow anchor in his sleep. He could fasten knots so secure that the sled wouldn't budge an inch in a snowstorm. He understood stuff like this.
"Are you sure you know what you're doing?"
"You're not helping, Sven."
"You should just ask Anna to teach you."
"She showed me once when she was half-asleep. I've got this. Hold still."
Yelping, Kristoff whirled around in time to see the ropes that had flown out of his hands land conveniently in Elsa's.
"Sorry for scaring you," she said sheepishly.
"Oh my god." Kristoff clutched his chest. "I thought you were Anna."
Elsa's brow furrowed in concern. "Did the two of you have a fight?"
"No! No, we're good—great. Seriously. It's just… I'm kinda trying to surprise her with something and you know Anna; never know when she's going to pop up. Or where. One time, she gave me, like, half a second's warning before she jumped out a second-storey window and I had to drop everything to catch her."
Nice one, Bjorgman. Now she'll think you're enabling her sister's recklessness.
"… Never mind. Did you, uh, need me for something?"
Elsa's lips curved. "Anna and I wondered if you might be free to join us for lunch." She raised the rope, which she had wound into a neat coil. "But now I'm wondering if I walked in on you putting Sven in a hogtie. He doesn't look very happy."
"We're just practicing some knots before our next trip into the mountains. Right, boy? Ow! Hey!" Sven had snorted and butted him.
Elsa arched a fine eyebrow.
Rubbing his back, Kristoff muttered, "Braiding."
"I'm sorry? I didn't catch that."
"Braiding her hair!"
Too late, Kristoff realised he'd practically yelled at Elsa. Anna's sister. His sister-in-law. Queen of ice and snow. Crap.
But she only stepped forward with mirth in her eyes. "May I?"
Dumbly, he nodded.
Sven held perfectly still for Elsa, allowing her to loop the ropes over his antlers. "You have way too many ropes. It isn't as complicated as it looks; most braids require only three strands." She looked over her shoulder to where Kristoff still stood, dazed. Her smile broadened in amusement. "Come closer. I have no intention of strangling you."
He reluctantly drew up to her side, shooting Sven a hapless look. His best friend ignored him and let out a snuff of pleasure as Elsa scratched his chin. Traitor.
"This is a French braid." Elsa's fingers wove through the ropes in an entirely different kind of magic. "Dutch braid. Pull-through braid. Waterfall braid. The varieties are endless. The symmetry of Anna's pigtails would be difficult for a beginner; I suggest you start with a simple three-strand braid."
Kristoff's eyes felt crossed just from watching. He latched onto the word 'simple'. "Is that the kind of braid you usually have?"
"Yes. It was the first style I taught Anna, too." She fastened the spare ropes to Sven's other antler. "Here, hold your fingers like this. Try to follow along, and tell me if you need me to slow down. Ready?"
He wasn't. How on earth did women do this every day? He'd once seen Anna and Elsa take turns braiding each other's hair at games night, shouting guesses at Olaf's enactments without once looking down at their hands. Utterly terrifying.
But Elsa had once terrified him, too. And now she was laughing as she leaned over to free his clumsy fingers from the dead knot he'd somehow created, her voice warm with patience. "I know it's difficult, but it does get easier. Let's try again. Left… cross—no, the other way. Yes. Now right… and cross again… that's it. You're getting it."
His hair had flopped over his eyes. His left leg was itchy. He wanted to sneeze. But Kristoff dared not take his hands or eyes off the braid, which looked nothing like Elsa's. If he squinted hard enough, though, he could just see it starting to take shape.
There was a rhythm to it, too, just like ice harvesting. Saw, clamp, lift, load… left, cross, right, cross…
Suddenly, Elsa clapped her hands together. "You did it!"
"I did?" Kristoff blinked, looking down. He stared. "Holy carrots—I did it!"
He repeated it to prove that he could. Then again. When he finally managed to do it without Elsa guiding him, Kristoff punched the air and turned to her with both hands held high.
She tilted her head quizzically.
"Hi-ten," he told her. "Two hi-fives."
"Oh. Yes, of course." After slapping palms, she added, "You have very large hands."
"Doesn't help with the braiding, trust me."
"But it does mean you'll be able to catch Anna when she falls." Before Kristoff could think of how to respond to that, Elsa asked, "Would you like to try for real now?"
"Catching Anna? Kinda did that a hundred times already."
"Braiding hair, Kristoff."
"Right. Uh… sure." He sweated at the thought of Anna wearing his ugly braid for the rest of the day, because he already knew she would refuse to take it out. Sometimes Kristoff still wondered how someone like her had ended up so irrevocably taking over the heart of someone like him.
Elsa twirled her hand, and a stool of ice rose from the ground. Then she sat down with her back to him, clasping her hands in her lap.
That was when it hit Kristoff that she meant for him to practice on her. "Are you sure? I mean, I'd like to. May I—I mean we me… wait, what?"
Tucking a piece of hair behind her ear, Elsa chuckled. "You may."
"O-Okay... it's just, um, this is a lot. For me."
Even as he said it, Kristoff realised that it was a lot more for Elsa than it was for him. He knew her well enough by now to tell that she wasn't as relaxed as she tried to portray. They were two ends of the same chain, clicking together only when Anna was their connecting clasp. And they both knew that.
"I'm definitely going to mess up. My stupid salami fingers might yank out your hair."
"That's fine. When we were little, Anna used to pull my braid and pretend I was a racehorse."
It took a moment. Then Kristoff burst into laughter. "You're kidding me."
"Oh no, I am deadly serious. I was Elsa the Swift, proudly bearing Anna the Fearless-Viking-and-Sometimes-Dragonslayer into many vicious battles."
The strangest part was Kristoff could actually picture it. Not Elsa as a horse, but as a child zipping down the halls to indulge her rambunctious baby sister. Elsa with the chest of satin gloves Anna had told him about. Elsa withdrawing from others the same way Kristoff had—except she had been driven away by the horror of hurting them, and he had distanced himself out of fear of being hurt by them.
Then there was Elsa wiping a smudge of paint off of his cheek on Anna's perfect birthday. Elsa being the only one to understand that he'd been acting out 'alone' at last week's charades. Elsa opening her arms and hugging him back for a fraction longer each time she returned from the Enchanted Forest.
Elsa conjuring a second stool for him so he could sit down and braid her hair.
Kristoff gazed at the stool's flawless crystalline structure, as fine and strong and brittle as the silky hair in his hands, and wanted to say I love your ice.
Instead, he blurted out: "I love you."
Elsa spun around. Their wide eyes locked together.
"Ice!" Kristoff said hastily. He could hear Sven laughing behind him. "I love your ice! I mean, I don't not love—I do like you…"
Elsa's lips twitched. "Kristoff?"
"Yes, ma'am."
"I also don't not love you."
Kristoff opened and closed his mouth. "That is very confusing."
"Double negatives usually are," she replied, turning back around. "But the meaning remains the same, no matter how complicated it seems."
Kristoff blinked, then sat down. Slowly, carefully, he combed a hand through Elsa's hair. "I'm sorry," he murmured.
"You really have nothing to apologise for."
"No, I meant… I'm sorry I wasn't there. When you and Anna found your parents' ship. And when you… you know. In Ahtohallan."
He couldn't see her face, and Elsa always sat with such poise that it was hard to tell, but Kristoff sensed her whole body go still.
He divided her hair into three strands. "I wish I'd been there. I should have been there."
"No one but me could have safely crossed the Dark Sea—"
"I know that. I know there was probably nothing I could have done. And I'm not saying you and Anna need my protection but…" Kristoff let out a frustrated sigh. "I was raised by trolls, Elsa."
She sounded confused. "I know…?"
"Trolls have very long lives." The rhythm of braiding lulled him into forcing the words out. "Reindeers are better than people, because people beat you and cheat you. And leave you."
Things had been so much simpler when it had just been him and Sven. Before Kristoff had learned how dangerous it was to care for someone. Before the only two people he trusted froze to death one after the other.
Left, cross, right, cross.
The braid slid out of his hands as Elsa turned around. "I'm sorry, too," she said softly. "For leaving you behind and…"
"Dying? Yeah, it'd be great if you could refrain from doing that again."
"You realise it must happen at least one more time, don't you?"
"You realise it would have sounded a lot more reassuring if you hadn't said 'at least', right?"
"Well," Elsa said with a bashful smile, "it wasn't like the first time was intentional. I thought it best to be safe."
"Safe," Kristoff retorted. "Please. You and Anna have no sense of self-preservation. Can you please develop some before I end up having to rule Arendelle? That would be tragic for all involved."
"'King Kristoff' does have a nice ring to it."
"So does Kristoff Bjorgman of Nowhere in Particular."
People like him were not meant to be called Your Highness. They did not marry queens and live in castles. They had no business gelling their hair, or learning how to braid their wife's at night so she wouldn't wake up with shocking bed hair.
People like him were never meant to have so much to lose.
"I've always envied people like you."
Kristoff blinked. "I'm sorry, what?"
Elsa's smile was distant. "This will sound conceited and ungrateful… but I spent most of my life wishing I could be of Nowhere in Particular, too."
Sven shot him a baleful, look-what-you've-done look.
Kristoff swallowed. "I think I was there that night."
"I'm sorry?"
There was no way he could do this face to face, so he twirled his finger. Despite being clearly confused, Elsa still turned back around. If only Anna was as compliant.
Unravelling the half-braid that remained, Kristoff said, "I'd snuck out of the orphanage to hang out with the ice harvesters, and I got separated from them when your parents rode past me in the woods. You left behind a trail of ice; it was like nothing I'd ever seen before. So Sven and I followed it to the trolls. I didn't know it was you and Anna until way later, when I saw your ice palace and made the connection. I mean; I've seen a lot of ice, but none of it comes close to yours. I never forgot it—because that night, I remember thinking that I wanted to be you."
Elsa sucked in an audible breath. "You shouldn't have. It was the worst day of my life. I hurt Anna and I… I lost a lot of things that night, Kristoff."
"Yeah, but I didn't know that. I was a scruffy orphan feeling sorry for himself. All I saw was that you had parents who obviously loved you, a sibling to play with, and ice magic to boot. Everything I didn't have, and wanted. But then Bulda adopted me. I went from Kristoff of Nowhere in Particular to Kristoff of the Valley of the Living Rock—and now I'm supposedly Prince Kristoff of Arendelle."
He began the braid again, his fingers steadier this time. "I'm sorry that you were scared that night. If I could go back, I'd jump out of the bushes and tell Pabbie to leave Anna's memories alone, and to save those visions for when you were older. But I'm not sorry that you are you, Elsa, because… well—let's just say that the worst day of your life set into motion the best of mine. You're the reason I have a family."
Anna falling quiet usually meant something was wrong, but Elsa's silence was a part of her; a bridge as much as a barrier. When he'd first started staying in the castle, Kristoff had instinctively hid himself whenever servants or guards approached, unable to shake off the feeling that someone would tell him he wasn't supposed to be there. He'd discovered many broom closets this way.
Every now and then, though, he'd slip into a random sitting room and stumble across Elsa tucked away, reading. There was always a startled, wary edge in her expression when she looked up, but Kristoff had also learned to expect the subtle relief when Elsa recognised that it was just him. She'd offer a smile and sometimes tilt her head or raise an eyebrow. Then she would usually return to her book without saying anything, leaving only an indescribable warmth in the silence; assuring him, without words, that he was welcome to stay.
Sometimes they sat and talked. Sometimes she read and he napped, and they'd both jump out of their skins when Anna inevitably banged into the room with leaves in her hair, ducklings in her hands, and sunshine in her eyes. Sometimes Kristoff would slip out of a busy ballroom and onto a secluded balcony, and she'd already be there catching a breath of fresh air. Sometimes, they'd wordlessly share a flute of champagne one of them had brought out, and he would understand in her tired smile that Elsa of Arendelle and Kristoff of Nowhere in Particular were not so different after all. Two fixer-uppers guided by the same landmark.
Elsa's voice sounded raw as she said, "May I change your life a second time?"
"It'll at least be the fifth time, but sure."
"If you give Anna a pillow to hug and use a hot water bottle to warm up the bed near her feet on cold nights, she won't kick you in her sleep."
"… Are you serious?"
"Yes. Although I do advise wearing an extra layer. I haven't found a way to stop her from stealing the blanket."
"What about the snoring? Any tricks for that?"
"Mother had a way of simply closing her mouth, but I also have not figured that out yet."
He finished the braid and held it over her shoulder. "If I can, do I get a prize?"
Elsa secured her hair with a touch of ice, and smiled back at him. Her eyelashes were heavy with unfallen tears, but her eyes shone with warmth. "I hope you're not expecting another medal and sled. I've already given you my whole world."
She had. She'd given him the gift of summer, wrapped in laughter and strawberry blonde hair.
Who they could now hear calling their names.
Kristoff and Elsa looked at each other.
"Bucket," he predicted, as they both stood up.
Elsa shook her head. "Dress."
Standing at the door, they watched Anna's face light up as she spotted them. She flounced across the courtyard, evading buckets of soap water left behind by the cleaning staff and even remembering to lift her dress as she ran. There was hope.
Then they saw her shoes. "Heels," Kristoff muttered, as Elsa sighed, "Oh dear."
"There you guys are! Are we having lunch or ho-whoooaa!"
The Queen of Arendelle landed face first in a fluffy mound of snow.
Elsa lowered her hand and gave Kristoff a pointed look. "Your wife."
"Your sister."
A snowball exploded on the doorframe above, showering both of them in white.
Anna giggled in the background.
Kristoff shook the cold out of his hair and began to roll up his sleeves. "Our idiot?" he suggested.
"Queen of Poor Decisions," Elsa agreed, calmly brushing herself off as a winter breeze swirled at her feet.
Anna was already running, her laughter floating up into the sky.
Reindeers were better than people; Kristoff knew that was true.
For all except two.
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arabian-bloodstream · 5 years
Why I love ‘Attack of the Clones’
I think that Attack of the Clones is the underrated gem of the Star Wars universe. Yeah, I said it. And here is my review of the film and why I think so!
The beginning of the film sets up the rest of the film so well. It's beautifully done. We begin with Amidala's attack, which is a neat reference to how Padme had her bodyguard/double all throughout The Phantom Menace. From that we get the concise, digestible explanation of the Separatist vs. the Republic, and why the Jedi Knights are needed and why Amidala specifically needs Jedi protection as well. It wasn't ham-handed, it wasn't confusing, it flowed so naturally. By the way, it also proved how wrong the Machete Cut is (which cuts out TPM). You *need* TPM for the moments between Amidala/Palpatine to work, and boy, do they work.
Speaking of Amidala needing Jedi protection, what that scene also gave us what further insight into Anakin and Obi-Wan's relationship. Further insight because our first introduction to the two with Anakin as a young man was fantastic. Say what you will about Hayden Christensen's acting–and, no, I don't blame him, I've seen him in other things, he's been good–but he and Ewan MacGregor are fantastic together. Great chemistry, wonderful ying and yang. Their quick ride in the elevator showed a bit of sibling, but also a touch of a father/son vibe, with a dose of mentorship. Overall their friendship shone through. Ah, until that scene with Amidala when the mentorship came into strong play and whoo, boy! that little "discussion" about what a Jedi mandate is and is not right in front of Amidala and her entourage was the very definition of AWKWARD! It set up the differences right off the bat between Anakin and Obi-Wan and really Anakin and the Jedi.
OK, fine, the scene could have been better (as so many in this film--but the same could be said for Revenge of the Sith) had Hayden Christensen done a better acting job. However, as I wrote above, it's really not that Christensen is a bad actor, it's that he's an actor who truly needs direction. For example, Samuel L. Jackson is not a bad actor. At all. And, yet, he's kinda dreadful in these films. Frankly, I never thought I'd think that SLJ is a bad actor. However, He is in this Prequel Trilogy and that's because George Lucas is not a strong director for actors. So Christensen's acting woes can be laid at the feet of Lucas. MacGregor, Natalie Portman, Ian McDiarmid are simply the types of actors who can deliver a performance without the aid of director to guide them. Some can do so better than others. Christensen isn't one of them. So essentially I just accepted that I could harp on the less than stellar acting coming from the co-lead thanks (or no thanks) to the direction or enjoy the overall storytelling, the brilliant weaving together of the threads and how well the characters, the plots and the action pieces worked.
Yes, the actions pieces... like the chase sequence with Obi-Wan, Anakin and Amidala's would-be assassin. That was awesome. Thrilling, sharply-directed and I just loved the humor. The banter was just top-notch between Anakin and Obi-Wan. When Obi-Wan asked what took Anakin so long, had he stopped with just saying he was looking for a speeder he liked it would have been eh, a one-liner without any punch but he kept it up while Obi-Wan was giving directions, with bits about what he liked in a speeder which gave just enough resonance that it had the feel of a long-running joke. This gave it a touch of realism, familiarity to their relationship. It was great, and, again, Christensen and MacGregor are just so good together. Lucas wrote these two so, so well.
And he knew how to twist the knife! Obi-Wan to Anakin: "Why do I think you're going to be the death of me?" {SOBS}
OK, so I wrote above about how if one can put aside Christensen's acting issues it is very possible to see the good of this film. A shining example of this is the juxtaposition of Kamino and the Lake Country on Naboo. Firstly, let's just talk about the awesome of Kamino itself. I simply cannot get over how GORGEOUS everything about Kamino is. The aliens, the design of the infrastructure, the costuming, it's just all top-notch gorgeous. I love every single, solitary moment of the Kamino stuff. The creation and history of the clones, Boba Fett's backstory, him being a clone of Jango–the one who wasn't changed or accelerated, how it so naturally fit into the introduction of the Clone Wars. So brilliant. And also how Jango and the clones were tied into that exhilarating open sequence/attack on Amidala. Aah, just so good.
Now, let's tie that brilliance in with Lake Country... because it *does* tie into Kamino and that is a big reason why I just can't hate on the love story as presented in Attack of the Clones. Because of *how* it's presented. By giving us Anakin and Padme falling in love in the Lake Country at the same time we (through Obi-Wan) learned about Kamino and the clones we saw love and war side by side. It made perfect sense juxtaposing the Lake Country and Kamino. You have the two young lovers falling on the one side, and the Clone army, set up for war, on the other. We know that Anakin falling in love with Padme is going to eventually lead him to take the Dark Path, and the Clone Army is going to turn on the Jedi somehow. Having the introduction of the clones and the introduction of the love story juxtaposed is brilliant because here you have the two key forces that BRING THE JEDI DOWN: Order 66 and Anakin Skywalker falling in love. It's so perfect.
Yes, yes, again, the love story section probably features Christensen's worst acting, but again, I blame Lucas. As for the actual scenes themselves (outside of his acting), well, I like them. I'm fine with the over-the-top dialogue. I don't think there was anything wrong with it. Was it extra? Yes. Is he a Skywalker? Yes. Are Skywalkers extra? Is the sky blue? It's who he is, he's gonna go overboard with his exclamations. It's completely in character for the Skywalkers and for Anakin Skywalker. Totally. Also, in addition to his over-the-top exclamations of love, these scenes also showed us that before he went fully Dark Side, yes, Anakin already did believe in the idea of someone like the Emperor. That idea was something he was for.
Oh, and biggie here, I absolutely think that the "I don't like sand" was a fantastic line. It was about Tatooine and all that it represented, and like he said the opposite of what Padme was. It just meant so much and was (a) a callback to his childhood as a slave, being owned by someone, and the freedom that his mother never got, and (b) foreshadowing for what was to come with Shmi's death because "sand" was representative of Tatooine. *sigh* Yeah, Shmi. Man, oh, man. Shmi's death scene just guts me every time. Seriously, it makes me cry. Now, this... this is easily Christensen's best acting in the entire trilogy. The love and connection is just immediately there between them and when she's gone his devastation is so real and that switch from pain to anger is just ON! Ugh, and when he starts killing and then it swipes to Yoda and we hear Qui-Gon crying out "Anakin! Anakin!" it just breaks my heart. This is one of the best scenes in the entire Saga.
And then were back to the action. The "machines making machines" set piece and the arena sequence are both awesome and fun, with Anakin, Padme and Obi-Wan showing off their skills, wit, bravery, bravado and just overall awesome. And in between the two, oh, I loved, loved the scene between Anakin and Padme before they were brought out into the arena where she confessed her love ("I truly, deeply love you"). It was a beautiful scene, my favorite Anakin/Padme scene. I don't think that Christensen and Portman had the best chemistry or that Anakin/Padme love story was the best written, but this scene was one that I think showed the best promise of what could have been had a better director (sorry, George) and a better love story writer had taken on that aspect. Anyway, back to the action, past the arena battle where the trio were losing despite a valiant effort before the Jedi showed up was awesome, but then they were losing too... until Yoda showing up with the clones and took over and that was awesome!
OK, we're reaching the end now and still we're continuing to get those signs of what's to come. Anakin is truly caught between love over duty, wanting to save Padme over going after Dooku and Obi-Wan is witness and has to really push to keep him on the right path. But wait there's more goodness ahead! Oh, yeah, the triple header of a lightsaber duel between Anakin and Obi-Wan and Dooku! But wait! There's even more! And better! I just... man... I will never not love the Yoda/Dooku lightsaber fight because, dude, Yoda in a lightsaber fight is AWESOME!
Finally, we reach the end and for those who have seen the Original Trilogy we know where this all leads and so it's perfect. This wedding of Anakin and Padme with no dialogue, just the two at the Lake Country on Naboo where they fell in love. It's perfectly done because it should be a happy occasion, but it's a somber affair. Even during their wedding kiss, neither is really smiling. The final long shot of the two, with R2 and C3P0 as their only guests on the balcony where they shared their first kiss against that gorgeous backdrop is so lovely... ah, but we know, we know there is no happy ending here. As the overall feel of the scene tells us despite the visual beauty of it.
So, yeah, this is why I love this movie. This is all the good, the great I see in it.Attack of the Clones: Underrated gem of the Star Wars universe.
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senotsuri · 4 years
Going with Negative Legend’s keyboard controlled playthrough, because it is technically the wii version. If I notice anything I want to mention that he cuts, I’ll point it out.
Unknown Hyperspace? It’s the centre of Vestroia’s void what are you on about
Naga’s screeching doesn’t match his voice. It sounds more like an eagle than a stock evil
“Finally, the Silent Orb is complete! Now, all bakugan will bow to me!” this thing is going to be forgotten about for ages. It’s super important later.  “Moments later, in the doom dimension” which means Leonidas was created indirectly by Naga (Naga generated the Silent Orb.) If it weren’t for the fact that he immediately leaves, Leonidas could be a super good gatekeeper for the doom dimension
Depending on your Leonidas’ attribute, the first ghost that forms the energy ball Leonidas explodes from will be the same attribute. Neat! Nega has a purple ghost. From what I can see, it comes from a dead Robotallion
What I find weird here is how much BBBmc likes bakugan, but is such a beginner that they still don’t know how to get bakugan from the store Alice runs. They don’t even know all the rules (not like there are many, let alone many the game actually gives you.) It’s a minor nitpick, and seems to be a poorly fixed remnant of the factsheet plot
Dan is BBBmc’s friend prior to this on the factsheet, but BBBmc in the game acts like Dan’s never actually met him, and vice versa. Also canon inconsistencies are gonna fly high, despite being written by the show writers
Why is Dan explaining how this game works? I know he made the rules in part with Shun, but given that Alice does the tutorial section of the game otherwise, shouldn’t she be teaching BBBmc? Eh, any way to make Dan’s like for BBBmc work, ig.
The tutorial doesn’t let you select any gatecards yourself.
Gates boost gs, change battle rules (unless silver; they’re blank), and decide on game mode (shooting is gold, matching is silver, and shaking is bronze)
BBBmc throws his gate card with one leg up, implying he got himself off balance, which is really cute initially, but out of place by the end of the game
“You rock!” Dan says, any time the tutorial goes according to plan
You can shoot at your opponent’s bakugan to basically heckle them. They can’t do this back to you. It’s very petty, and the closest BBBmc can get to passive aggressive, but it’s usually worth it in a very specific tournament later
The character design is actually better here than in DOTC imo, even if the character creation is worse in BBB
Serpenoid looks dead when he loses.
“I just love the fact that they have Dan teach you the game. It just makes you feel so validated!” Nega has a very good point actually...
Double stand-- Ok so Nega does say that he’s finally figured out what the shooting is for (making double stands easier), but he’s only figured out what half of it is for.
When you miss, Dan goes “Try it again!” with a thumbs up and a wink, and you can retry your throw. It’s very cute what the hell. Also rule breaking on Dan’s account
Power throws are a man’s worst enemy when you have terrible control of your controls
“We could end up as partners in the tournament Shuji was talking about!” Dan is wrong threefold here; the tournament Shuji mentions is the Neo Challengers Tournament (1), which is a 1v1 format, not 2v2 (2), and Dan is partnered with you in a tournament Shuji isn’t even in (3)
“To enter a tournament, I need a wicked bakugan; something like Drago!” BBBmc means that his bakugan aren’t really strong enough to be reliable assets for a tournament (and also bakugan that can talk), but it sounds like he jinxes getting Leonidas, since Leonidas does look wicked in both senses
The store in BBB is super nice looking
The Battle Brawlers are famous enough to be internet known, and specifically famous enough for the members to have their appearance and first names known. This only continues until you meet the last member, so feel free to forget that they’re internet famous
I realise that this does in fact mean that there would’ve been a late 2000s-esque fandom for the battle brawlers, canonically speaking, but the concept is very slightly cursed.
BBBmc drops by the store to look around “almost everyday”. This is why I’m confused as to why he doesn’t know how to buy the bakugan... If it’d been something akin to “could you remind me? I think I forgot...” then I wouldn’t find that odd, but eh. Minor nitpick
“I’LL BULLY SOME WEAKLINGS TO GET SOME EASY BAKUGAN POINTS!” Nega is technically referring to Akira, because he’s the only opponent at the start of the game in the park
“I’ll be a battle brawler... someday.” BBBmc is prophetic here; he actually does become one later (albeit honourary...)
Intense god rays and field opening glow causes bakugan to appear I guess? That being said, Leonidas’ colour is easily visible through the intense light?? weird. Also the intense light fades and rains down in faint drops of colour, accurate to Leo’s attribute.
“Yeah! We’ll beat ‘em all!” The park is pleased that you even acknowledge its primary function
“I sense that in this world I will only release my true powers in these bakugan battles...” Leo’s technically right, but his true powers are about as standard as any other bakugan with a signature ability.
“Was that a yes?” BBBmc essentially just went “weird, but ok.” right in Leonidas’ face. And then calls him Partner. Nega’s character is wearing white cowboy lookin’ chaps so I find this even funnier why is there a whip at his waist-- 
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flatstarcarcosa · 4 years
they said love is grabbing blindly at a pit full of snakes
Summary: Three months ago, Slade died. Four days ago, be barged back into the house like a whirlwind, and for a moment all was right with the world. Reese has discovered strangers can wear familiar faces, and to top it off: There is another Slade greeting them over morning coffee and acting as if nothing is wrong.
How can there be two Slades, and what do either of them want?
(part one) (part two) (part three)
Ship: wilson&wilson Warnings: violence, swearing, slight depictions of gore? there’s a big fight is all im sayin. slade kicks his own ass, finally, his life long dream.  sidenote: i decided to structure this piece similar to the comic. there’s titles between switches scenes, and the timeline isn’t entirely linear. i think it’s still simple enough to follow, but it was a neat exercise.
------------------------ 'The Man in the Mirror'  At the Same Time
“You think you can let them run away and everything will be fine?” Slade asks himself, sneering under his helmet. “For the record, I'm not actually here for Reese. They just happened to be a nice bonus.” 
“You talk too much to be me,” the other calls from his position behind the sofa. He's currently ripping the fabric on the bottom apart with his fingers, digging for the Glock hidden in the springs.  “We both love the sound of our own voice, you know that!”
 Slade scoffs, wrapping his hand around the comforting feeling of the gun. He doesn't bother to check it, there's no need: he knows it's hot.  He manages to get two shots off before he has to duck again. One goes wide and ricochets off the far living room wall, and he manages to think that at least it's finally a good excuse to remodel the fucking room as he pops off the second. It hits his double in the chest, and bounces almost harmlessly off his armor. What the fuck is that? He thinks, followed by where the fuck can I get some?
“I'm surprised Joesph hasn't shown up yet,” says the Other. “You know he's always chronically trying to be a hero. It's a disappointment, honestly.” “Joe is never a disappointment,” says the Original. He winces even as he says it, realizing he's falling into his own psychological traps. His Other talks the same way he does, and he's not used to being on the receiving end of his own tricks. He reminds himself to stop being goaded into responding as he fires three more shots.  They're not calculated, and he's pleased when his alter takes the bait and gets distracted with lunging to the left to dodge. The brief seconds allows him to slip the gun into his waist band and grab the sword he has hanging over the fireplace. It's not one of his usual weapons, and it's definitely not his reliable promethium blade. But it's battle ready and it's sharp, and it's solid in his hands and that's all he needs.  He closes the distance between them in a single breath, and his alter barely has time to parry. He doesn't have the time to get his own blade up, and instead uses his forearm to protect his neck.  “You know this won't end quickly,” says his alter. He grins behind the helmet, the gesture translating to his body language enough that Slade can't think of a time he's ever felt more disgusted with himself. “This doesn't have a happy ending. We don't get happy endings!”  “Shut up,” says Slade.  “You had a chance,” his alter continues. “And you've done nothing but piss on it, you just got lucky enough to trip into someone that's willing to believe it's rain.”
Despite telling himself not to be goaded, his temper gets the better of him. He shoves his body weight against the other man, knocking them both off balance as he reaches for the Glock. His double hits the ground first, and rolls back to his feet. Slade kicks the sword out of his hand, bringing the gun up and hoping like hell that from this close, it will do something against the helmet. He fires the last four rounds as quick as possible before putting space between the two of them again.  Inside the helmet, his double lets out a strangled growl. The bullets barely scratched the paint, but the force of the impact is enough to make his teeth rattle and his ears ring.  Slade turns on his heels, bounding up the stairs and making for his office. His double shakes his head, collecting his sword and giving chase.  “Pointless,” he hisses. ---------------
'The Cavalry',  Somewhere in Vermont
Wintergreen has several missed call notifications lighting up his phone screen, all of them from Reese. He furrows his brows as he opens his mailbox, holding the phone to his ear. He listens to them each in turn, growing more concerned as he does until he's almost running to his car as he dials Joey.
“Yeah, I know,” says Joey's electronically filtered voice. “I'm on my way now.”  “No,” says Bill, “I don't think you do know.”  “Dad has an evil clone, it tried to kill Rose and tore up half of New York,” says Joey monotonously.  “The clone, or whatever this is, ended up in Vermont. He's with Reese,” says Bill. Joey falls silent.  “Gotta go,” he says, terminating the call before Bill can say anything else. Bill swears as he turns the engine on.  “Wilson Family Problems, am I right?” he mutters to himself. ----------------
 'Ground Zero' Vermont Safehouse 
Unable to stop his own momentum, Slade instead focuses on his landing as he crashes through the wooden railing and slams into the dining room table below. Something in his rib cage snaps audibly. He hisses, rolling to his his feet as his armored double lands firmly on the splinters. 
“Why do you fight?!” he yells.  “The same reasons you do, I'll bet,” he answers.  “You will not win.” His double raises his sword. Slade grins at himself as he backs towards where the fighting began. The back door to the kitchen swings open as he does.  “I wasn't trying to,” he says, “I was buying time. Knowing when someone isn't going to listen to you comes in handy, occasionally.”  “Slade!” Reese yells. In their arms they hold his gear from his old armor, the sword made of Nth metal being the most important.  “Pointless,” his double says again. Reese throws the sword, and it is in that moment that time stops proceeding correctly. Slade reaches out with one hand and catches it firm as his double closes in and raises his gun. The two of them slam into each other, Slade running the alter through the abdomen with his sword arm and pushing the gun out of the way with the other.  He does not hear it go off.  He does hear the other man begin to laugh.  Suddenly, Reese gasps a watery, gurgling noise that seems impossibly loud in the sudden silence that's befallen the house. Slade's hold on his double loosens just slightly, and the other grins wildly.  Reese hits the floor with a soft thud.  “This seems familiar, huh?” he asks, almost jovially. “Looks like you gotta choose again. Finish me off, Reese dies. Save them, I get what I want and then I kill you both anyway. Time's a tickin' boy, better make your bets.”  “No,” Slade breathes, and for a moment it is not Reese lying on the floor bleeding out, it's Joesph. The images flash back and forth like some fucked up highlight reel: Joey, Reese, Joey, Reese. Somewhere in the back of his mind Adeline's voice chanting 'you killed my son' changes into Reese. 'You killed me, just like we always knew you would.' It happens too fast and too slow all at once. Slade looks over at himself, at the older and more scarred copy that seems to be reveling in the situation like a mad dog with a bone. “No,” he repeats. “Not again.” Slade lets go, turning his back to lunge for Reese. He's not quick enough, and his copy's blade thrusts upwards and outwards. His Ikon suit will stop it, the weapon unable to penetrate the gravity sheath's force field. Except he's not wearing the Ikon suit, is he? He's wearing a normal pair of hospital scrubs, and he is once again as he was just a short time ago: unarmed, and unarmored.  The blade plunges through his back, and his double's foot kicks him down as he pulls the sword back out. Slade hits the floor with a loud grunt. His abdomen is on fire as his blood begins splattering the floor.  He staggers to his knees, all but crawling across the tile. “I won't fail again,” he says hoarsely. His vision is still flashing between two of the things he's ever loved more than life itself: his son, and his soul mate.  He already failed his son, he can't fail Reese as well.  He promised himself too many times he would die before he did. “You still don't get it,” his alter growls. He plants a foot on either side of Slade's back, reaching down and grabbing him by the hair. “This is what you do. This is all you ever do, all you ever will do.”  “No,” Slade whispers. His double slams his face into the floor. One, twice, more. His vision begins to blur; from tears, from trauma. “Pathetic.” His double drops him, moving over to where Reese has landed in front of the cupboards. They hold their hands to their stomach, gasping. There's blood in their mouth, and they're fairly certain Slade's evil twin was using hollow points. They know enough to know neither of those things indicate a good prognosis. They are not going to be conscious long. The other Slade comes to a stop and kneels down in front of them. A quiet hissing fills the air as he removes his helmet, setting it on the floor and reaching out to brush his thumb against the side of their cheek.  “You know when you said how my you died, it was similar to Joey?” he asks softly. Reese blinks, confusedly. “It's because I was lying.”  “...w-what?” they manage to choke out.  “I realized something the day I drowned Rose,” he says, casually, “I cannot be two men at once. I cannot love a family, and love my work. I don't get both. I had to choose, so I chose. I knew that I loved you too much to continue living like I had been.”  He leans in and rests his forehead against theirs.  “Do you know what you're supposed to do with the things you love?”  “No...”  “You set them free”, he whispers. His blade slices into them, and Reese screams at a pitch they did not know they could reach. The last thing they are aware of is the feeling of his lips on their cheek, and the sight of their Slade sprawled a few feet away, drowning in a pool of his own blood. Neither Reese nor Slade are conscious the moment Joey busts through the side of the house. He tackles his not-father to the floor before using his overwhelming telepathy, fueled by the 'gift' bestowed by Lex Luthor, to encase the man in a bubble and float him out of the house. Joey takes to the skies, raising them both higher and higher until the very Earth falls away beneath them.  “It's time for a talk, pop,” he says. His voice echoes in the other Slade's ears loud enough to hurt.
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mashitandsmashit · 4 years
America’s Got Talent: Season 15 - Quarter-Finals 1
Well, it's official! AGT has reached a “new normal”!
Almost half the acts were filmed, and some of them appeared to be pre-recorded...Kinda undermines the live stage aspect of this show...
What's more, we have Kelly Clarkson filling in for the man who made her famous (I figured it was only a matter of time before we saw her as a guest judge). I guess she was okay, but not really one worth judging anyone other than singers...I'm sure she's right at home on “The Voice”, but here...Well, we'll see if she might develop more of a presence, assuming Simon still needs more time to recover...(No need to hurry, Simon...But get well!)
Speaking of people who couldn't make it, the Divas and Drummers were unable to make it for some reason, and have dropped out of the competition...Brett Loudermilk has filled their spot for tonight, which still leaves a vacant spot to bring somebody back in one of the next three weeks...Let's just say, I've already made my wildcard predictions, even though they weren't actually intending on any for this round...Also, this change of plans must have happened a while ago, since someone on the Wiki kept listing Brett for this week, even with the editors removing it...This was WELL before they announced that Divas and Drummers dropped out...
Despite the weird nature of the show, I guess I'll give them props for not USING props, and creating some pretty neat three-dimensional backdrops...Roberta really did look like she was trapped on an island with no means of escape...Well, in an overly-CG'd movie sort of way...
I also liked how the acts that WEREN'T there were able to get some pretty neat sets...It's almost like they're in a movie studio amusement park or something...
Anyway, let's gauge their qualities best we can...
11: Michael Yo. This is probably the first time in a while that a comedian on this show (not counting the ones that were quickly rejected...though on second thought, it might) failed to make me crack a smile even once! The jokes were the same old uninspired gender stereotype jokes I've heard from every hack comedian, and there's just something REALLY obnoxious about his whole “CAN I GET A WHAT-WHAT!?” delivery. I didn't like him last time either, but there were a FEW chuckle-worthy jokes in his audition...And yes, I feel bad saying these things, especially after hearing what he went through. I sympathize, and am glad that he recovered...But if he goes through tomorrow (and let's face it, he likely will), it's not for whatever laughs he brought (as few as those might have been) but the tears. And some of those tears are his own...(Not that he doesn't have REASON to be emotional, but he is VERY emotional, even by this show's standards...)
10: Shaquira McGrath. Without the upbeat fun of her audition, or the moving arrangement of her JC performance, this felt about as bland as any singer I've heard in the past...She also drowned herself out with the backing track and just didn't seem to have the confidence she showed before...She even had a boring set to compliment the boring performance (which is sad, since she was the first to perform on that stage, and the ones to come were much better...)
9: Roberta Battaglia. I guess she's in a similar position as Shaquira, as what made her stand out before was the Lady Gaga vocals...This song wasn't nearly as interesting, but I guess at the very least her singing was more consistent than Shaquira's...Are they really gonna push her to win this season? Because so far, I'm not quite sold on her...
8: Pork Chop Revue. “Lethargic dog act” sounds about right...I know they're hyping it up because “It's pigs instead of dogs! OMG!” But like I said before, pigs aren't really that hard to train...And none of the tricks were anything surprising...(At least their audition had that baby pig in the carriage...) Still cute, but I'd still say this act is the runt of tonight's litter, ready for the proverbial slaughter...It's gonna take more than a talented spider to save THEM...That'll do, pigs...That'll do...
7: Frenchie Babyy. There's a likability to Frenchie that makes me REALLY want to like his act...But in the end, I think he's suffering pretty much the same problem as Turf did: There's not much to the act aside from a guy doing weird things with his arms...He just looked lost in that elaborate 3D set, and there's only so much stage you can fill with just your arms...It's not like contortionists filling a stage is impossible; Strauss Serpent pulled it off (at least once), and that guy can pull off contortions that Frenchie could never even DREAM of! We'll just see if Howie's faith that he'll go through tomorrow is well-placed...
6: Simon and Maria. It's amazing what a fun set can do for an otherwise humdrum act...Not much to this performance that I haven't seen before from them, but throw in the diner set and the retro clothes, and something just clicks...I didn't love it, but I still had fun watching them, and I could tell they had fun performing...
5: Double Dragon. Similar case for these ladies, but even moreso! Their name may be a ripoff of an old-school arcade game, but they sure know how to put on a show! In a battle against that OTHER singing twin act with a name straight out of 80s martial arts works, sorry, but the Ninjas are no match for the Dragons!
4: Archie Williams. I'm starting to get Archie's charm. He may not be the best singer, but he is compelling to listen to...Do I support him potentially winning this whole thing? Not really...But I will wish him the best nonetheless!
3: Annaliese Nock. Sorry, Bello, but I can't count you for this performance...Nonetheless, like Simon Cowell, I wish you a good recovery! (Speedy too, but like I said, Simon doesn't need to rush it...) Anyway, it's funny how they talk about their previous appearances on this show, and yet never brought up that Bello performed this very same act in this very same round three years ago...I will admit...It was better when he did it...He was a LOT more nimble and probably had years of experience doing it, as opposed to Anna tripping at points and looking like it was much harder for her...But that still didn't stop it from being compelling to watch...Even when she tripped (or ESPECIALLY when she tripped), you just can't help but root for her to keep going! For that, it might have ended up better than it would have if both of them performed this stunt together...Either way, we'll see if they get the votes they deserve this time, but there's still some stiff competition (by which I mean there were quite a few acts that appeal to emotions more than raw talent...Though maybe they'll get sympathy votes for the accident...)
2: Brett Loudermilk. A mixture of sword swallowing, archery, magic and comedy! It's like he threw four separate acts into a blender, and this was the result! It looks like Sofia's gonna be a permanent fixture as his assistant, at least as long as he's competing in this game...I guess they work off of each other too well! And once again, funnier than the actual comedian tonight (without any offense to Michael, since I know he went through a lot lately). Him and his Pepto-Bismol hair have my vote!
1: Feng E. The sad thing is, Feng's probably not gonna get the votes he deserves, because he didn't receive the hype he deserves. I mean, second act of the night!? Really!? This was too awesome to be placed so early! No doubt there's a bias for which acts tend to get hyped over others, and innovative instrumentalists are never particularly high in the pecking order unless they have a sob story to milk for all it's worth...Though I will say that his Lego story is a story I would vote for! We'll just see how things turn out tomorrow, but with so many acts that the judges seem to like over him, and even in the child category he gets out-cuted by Roberta and Maria, it's not looking particularly hopeful for him...
Pretty mixed bag of a night...Cowellization seemed to be in full effect even without the man himself there...Also, the filmed performances are gonna take some getting used to, but I do like how the acts work with them...
My Votes: I gave every vote I could to my Top 3 in this list...
Result Predictions: I'm not really in the mood to be optimistic here...I still hold that Archie and Roberta will get the Top 2 spots, Michael will probably get the other one, and maybe one or two of my three favorites will make their way into the save votes alongside maybe Simon and Maria and/or Double Dragon...
See you tomorrow for Kodi Lee and Mat Franco!
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drjackandmissjo · 4 years
firewhisky on ice, sunset and vine
you’ve ruined my life by not being mine
Chapter 3 --- previous chapter --- next chapter
Harry Potter fics Masterlist
"Sorry, Blaise. Can't today." That had been the customary answer from none other than Draco Malfoy, prefect and general pain in Blaise's ass, despite still being one of his best friends. Since they had started their lectures, there had been an incredible array of excuses left and right, but enough was enough and all the brain abled Slytherins agreed it was time for an intervention.
Crossing his arms over his chest, Theo began protesting, in his usual disarmingly calm behaviour: "You've been saying that since the year started!" he all but yelled at the blonde, visibly losing his temper already.
"I'm busy okay, back off" came a defensive reply that left something to be expected, yet refused to lead on more.
"No, we're not backing off on this anymore" said Blaise, still seated down in front of his irritating Herbology textbook. He could also feel his temper rising, but managed to keep it contained, remembering the neat way the muscles of a certain Gryffindor boy pulled wherever he scribbled a tiny note on a piece of parchment and choosing to focus on that to remain calm. He was really grateful they didn't have a legilimens in their house, otherwise things would've been even more awkward that usual. "Is this because of your new fancy position?" he asked, mustering as little discomfort as possible in his words, although the mere idea bothered him infinitely.
Draco's face paled of all its blood, eyes darting to look behind them all and to asses that nobody was spying on their conversation. "You know very damn well I can't talk about it!"
"Draco, you shouldn't keep secrets, you'll get wrinkles!" said Pansy, gazing her perfectly manicured fingers as lazily as possible. Blaise had wondered for their entire first year if she truly did not care about anything in the world or if that was an act, but quickly discovered that she cared way too much on occasion and it was smothering to say the least.
But her nonchalant remark snapped Draco out of his mind, and he replied with a hissed "Shut the fuck up Parkinson or I'll hex you into next week."
Blaise and Theo both laughed at the attempted threat, doubling over themselves in laughter as Pansy snickered sprawled over her chair. "How, may I ask, do you suppose to do so?" she asked, her blood red lips gleaming from the light of the fireplace in front of her, "You haven't been paying attention to class as much as you used to. You spend all your time daydreaming or staring at Saint Potter's tush" she added in a matter of fact way, voicing the thought they all shared.
Whether Draco was distracted by whatever dirty deed the Death Eaters wanted him to do or by Saint Potter and his rather objectively well shaped backside, formed finely by years of riding a broom and training, he was still distracted nevertheless, and that wouldn't do well on their collective well-being.
The blonde moved abruptly back, yelling such a forced "I DO NOT" that nobody in their right state of mind would believe. It wasn't as if Draco was out and proud or had even remotely hinted anything, but merely from a muggle statistic point of view, a class which his mother had forced Blaise to attend during the summer and he was incredibly grateful for, it was most probable that he was some sort of queer than anything else. He spent way too much time preparing himself to even see Saint Potter in the hallways, messing his hair and slicking it back countless of times to just "show him and his loser group of friends that we're so much better!" , to be even remotely straight. All of them would still love and care for him either way, as they would for Blaise, but the young boy understood the blonde's reluctance to share that little piece of information.
"Yes, you do, you queer puff. Don't deny it" continued Pansy, not wanting to let the subject drop and inevitably side-tracking from their original battle plan. Many headaches of Blaise's were caused by Pansy's inability to follow a scheme and still the only cure he could think of was to remove her head from her shoulders and leave it on the fireplace. That would've lightened his tension for sure!
But Draco was having none of it: suddenly as red on his face as a Gryffindor robe, he stood up from the couch and began walking away towards the dormitory door, leaving their intervention unfulfilled and useless. Another reason behind Blaise's headaches was Draco's ability to ruin all his bloody plans and intentions.
"Enough with this bullshit" he called back, looking distraught and uneasy, "I don't need your help and surely you don't need mine so kindly fuck off all of you. Let me know when you drop all this crazy shit!"
Blaise followed suit, exiting through the portrait after his friend and catching him up once he was near the staircases. "The fuck you want now?" asked the blonde, ire and hatred lacing his words. Despite it all, Blaise couldn't help but notice how his roommate was shaking, fear deep in his eyes.
He knew he should've tried to comfort, he knew he should've been patient, yet he couldn't bring himself to: while it was true that Draco didn't want to get in those awful games the adults of his family played, he still swore to fulfil whatever duty was asked from him, without mentioning it to his best friends and closest allies. He had a choice and choose to cower before the Dark Lord, he gave in to the threats and the violence and the bloody stereotype that Slytherins were evil murderers.
So when he spoke finally, they weren't kind words those that came out of him: "I would've loved to spend some time with you, you stupid bitch, even if it was studying, cause we rarely even see each other anymore. You're so busy either stalking Potter or doing Salazar knows what on the fifth floor." He saw Draco's eyes widen, the fear turning into full panic and then blow away as if nothing had fazed him in usual Malfoy Manner. Another headache was coming and Blaise wondered if he could go to Madam Pomfrey and ask her " oh hello! Do you have anything to rid me of those terrible pains inflicted by my awful Death Eater roommate, along of those terrible housemates of mine? ". Now, that would surely be an interesting reaction.
"Shut up, Zabini, you don't even know what you're talking about!" Draco whispered violently, checking that nobody was eavesdropping in the empty corridor. "Well why don't you start explaining?" he fired back, standing his ground with his full height and towering over the blonde, who looked like he was about to pass out at any given moment.
" Merde " he said eventually, after having gathered his thoughts, "I cannot talk to anyone about this, okay? Not even you, no matter how hard you push. He'll kill my mum if I don't do it!" He sounded more exasperated than scared now, as if he had already rehearsed that same conversation, probably with himself.
Still, Blaise needed all the answers he could get, "You mean…?"
" Porca puttana Eva ." He passed a hand over his face, going straight to his shortly cut hair as if to ground himself. He had had doubts, of course, anyone in their right mind would have them and he was really surprised nobody from Saint Potter's squad was onto him like a guard dog. But thinking is one thing, having those thoughts acknowledged and confirmed was another topic entirely. Blaise felt as if the ground would open up from the stone under their feet and swallow them both whole. "Worse ways to go " he thought blandly.
"Indeed. So all I can ask all of you to do is cover for me and have faith in what I'm doing."
He uttered a dry laugh, trying to hide the nervousness that conversation was suddenly giving him. "How can we do it if you don't even trust us?" he asked roughly, hurt and very pissed off.
Draco now looked in full disbelief, as if he had never enthralled the thought of someone not following him blindly before. He supposed it might be true, since in their previous years he was always eager to agree with the blonde. But after their fiasco with Umbridge, Blaise swore to took with a grain of salt everything. Including his friendships.
"How can I trust you lot? I'm marked. I swore an oath. When the time is right you'll be too and we'll take back what's rightfully ours."
"You talk like a madman, and hopefully I'll never have a seat at that table" he said, stumbling backwards. 'Rule number thirteen: men are easily lead and get foolish as soon as they get a taste for any type of power or violence. Do not become like one of those' his mother told him and he didn't plan on disappoint her anytime soon.
"I'm gonna go back and study for the quiz tomorrow, and I highly suggest you do to" he said dryly after a while, regarding his friend with as little interest and concern as he could. And he then turned around, ignoring Draco's feeble attempt to snatch his attention back. For a seeker, he was trash at his job.
As soon as he crossed the threshold of the portrait, he was flooded with questions from his fellow housemates, but they all immediately shut up at the thunderous look on his face. Theo seemed to catch on and simply raised an eyebrow at Blaise, who pointedly ignored his roommate and moved back to his Herbology textbook. There had been whispers among the Pureblood Slytherins, many parents having fallen back into old habits and already planning the coming of their children. Blaise had not truly acknowledged those words, choosing to ignore them, never revealing his disdain towards so many of his friends' families.
His father had been amongst those and had perished when his mother was still pregnant, and she and his grandparents had raised him to loathe that idiotic, medieval, misogynistic and racist behaviour. " White idiots think like that, and you are neither" had told him his mother the first time he had brought up the Dark Lord and his antics. He agreed.
Struggling to concentrate, he tried to remember if asphodel was considered by the ancient Greeks the food of the dead or of the nymphs, but his mind was full of worries.
He definitely needed to go to the infirmary for a headache remedy very soon.
"Merde" s French for "shit" cause we all know that Draco's pretentious ass swears in French "Porca puttana Eva" Is basically "Holy burning shit" literally is "that fucking bitch of Eve"
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81scorp · 4 years
Constructive criticism: The Superman film series
(An editorial originally posted on Deviantart Mar 26 2015)
Superman, created in 1938 by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster. A popular character that has remained popular through the years and is considered an american cultural icon. He has appeared on the radio, animated shows and live action TV. Then someone thought "Wouldn`t it be neat to see the man of tomorrow on the big screen?". Because of the special effects they had back then, portraying Ol` Supes most well known and iconic power: flying, was hard to pull of without making it look a tad bit silly. From what I`ve heard they were, at one point, thinking about taking it in a direction similar to the campy Adam West Batman universe. But Richard Donner (to my knowledge at least, correct me if I`m wrong) wanted it to be a movie that people could take more seriously. So, with a more serious script, good casting, acting, well made flying effects and the music of John Williams you would`ve believed a man could fly. It was a critical and financial success, and with financial success comes sequels. Superman II was a little more tongue in cheek than it`s predecessor but was still considered good and did well at the box office. Then came Superman III... and after it came Superman IV... Both were not that good. Let us, in my very subjective editorial, take a look at were they went wrong and how it could have been improved. Truth, justice and SPOILERS Superman Not really much to mention about the first movie. It is, for it`s time at least, an almost perfect superhero-movie. The score by John Williams fits perfectly with the tone and story and, this is probably just me but, the space scenes have a bit of a 2001: A space odyssey feel to them. There is of course one thing that makes it end up on this list. Reversing time by reversing Earth`s rotation/traveling backwards in time                                                                                                                   In a way it`s an admirable gesture that shows that he is willing to move heaven and earth for Lois and the scene before it is a powerful one where he holds her body in his arms. But still. If he somehow made the planet spin the other way it wouldn`t affect time, the sun would just rise in the west and set in the east. Assuming that the planet and it`s inhabitans would survive the change. Some say that he didn`t actually change the rotation, that it was just a way to illustrate that he actually travelled backwards through time. It would make more sense if he used a wormhole to time-travel. But if he time-travelled, wouldn`t there be two Supermen? The time-travelling one and the one from that time-period? Oh my, I`ve gone cross-eyed! But to be honest, I wouldn`t like that either, I feel it makes him too powerful. Don`t get me wrong, I want Superman to be powerful. But there should be limits. Instead: He`s holding her body in his arms. Superman: "Lois... please... don`t be dead..." (He COULD try to bring her back with CPR. But maybe he`ll accidentally crush her chest with his superstrength or destroy her lungs with his breath? You could argue that he has learned to control his power and hold it back. Yes, but in this scene he`s in a very emotional state. Is he stable enough to control himself that much?) There is silence for a moment... Then: ba-bump! He hears her heartbeat! she`s alive! She regains consciousness and he takes her to the nearest hospital. This shows that despite his god-likeness there are limits to what he can do. Maybe not perfect, maybe it lacks something, but at least it makes sense. Superman II Donner had a different vision of Superman 2 than the one that ended up on the big screen. However, due to off-screen problems between Donner and the producers over shooting schedule and final cut privileges, Donner (who had shot roughly 75% of the movie) was replaced by Richard Lester (who had to shoot 51% of the film in order to get directors credit). I still like the film but I have to admit it lacks a little of what could have made it great in some areas. Zod being amazed by so many things on Earth. I know, Earth and Krypton are two different planets, but still. He could understand what some things are even if they are different from Krypton. Like when he lands in a lake and goes: "strange surface". What? You don`t have lakes on Krypton? Then again, from what I saw of Krypton I don`t remember seeing any, so maybe they don`t. But at one point in Krypton`s history they must`ve had lakes and oceans, right? Not to mention that he`s confused that humans don`t have superpowers. Less of scenes like these. Zod`s telekinesis powers Not poor writing, just a personal opinion of mine. I like it better if all Kryptonians`s powers are limited to the ones Superman usually has. So away with it. That stupid STUPID kid at niagara falls Now this is poor writing. I know that it`s necessary for Superman to save someone so that Lois can get suspicious, but does it have to be in such a stupid way? The kid could have been leaning to get a glimpse of/trying to photograph something and lost his balance, and he could have been on the right side of the rails! (I assume they`re called rails,correct me if I´m wrong, english is my second language.) Not perfect but at least it makes him look like less of a Darwin-award nominee. Real kids are smarter than him... I hope. That female Daily Planet employee Remember the woman who said that the other ones were just as strong as superman? The way she said it made me think she was gonna turn out to be Nelson Muntz in disguise who mocks Lois for rooting on the losing team. She could have said it like: "Oh my god... The other ones are just as strong as Superman!" As if she`s aware that if Supes loses, everyone on Earth is doomed... including her. I know, it`s a small scene, but still. The unnecessarily thrown-in "comedic" moments during the big fight The producers seemed to have thought "this is based on a comic, as in comical. Let`s force in some comedy!" You know scenes like when the man eats an ice cream and it blows away, and the man who tries to make a phonecall and still stays on the phone even when the phonebooth he`s in gets obliterated. Away with scenes like those! Superman throwing the giant "S"-shield and the holographic doubles People think of the "S"-shield thing as another Superpower, but it doesn`t have to be, it could have been a thing that he had prepared. However, since we never find out if it was a power or not and it didn`t really change much, I`d say: loose it. The holographic doubles: From what I remember (correct me if I`m wrong) this is supposed to be a superpower. Why didn`t he use this in other scenes? I would change it to: Supes and Zod and the others fighting each other by moving around quickly with super-speed. The amnesia kiss Added superpower and lazy writing. Instead of Supes erasing Lois`s memory because she can`t handle that Clark is Superman, how about: She feels that having this knowledge is hard, but she can handle it. It would be more mature that way than to reset everything to status qou. Good performance by Margot Kidder though. Superman III Richard Donner was not involved in the making of this movie. Richard Lester was the one in the director`s chair, and the small seeds that hinted the direction of where this franchise was going in the second movie had blossomed to their full potential in this one. (If you can call it "potential".) In this case I don`t feel that it`s enough to list a few points like the previous ones. I`d change most of the plot. Bad guy Since Superman fought a computer in the climax I`d pick Brainiac as the villain. Since it came out 1983 I`d go with the pre-crisis version of him. Plot Earth is visited by an extra terrestrial A.I. that comes in peace, to gather information about us and then leave to continue it`s fact-finding mission (yes, I know, it`s a lot like that episode from that animated series). The A.I. (Brainiac) exposes Supes to a radiation that makes him evil. Some of Earth`s population put their trust in Brainiac since Supes has lost it. Eventually Supes manage to defeat his bad side in a junkyard (I liked that scene so I`m keeping it) and goes to battle Brainiac who, after being defeated, flees back into space. Subplot Since Lois was mostly absent from the third movie she`ll get more screen time in my version. She thinks it`s a bit much to be Supes girlfriend so she leaves Clark to date a more earthbound man. (But she has no trouble keeping his secret though, just so you know.) There could be some scenes where the three meet that could be a little funny but also a litte sad. However, in the end Lois realizes that she still loves Clark and goes back to him. Superman IV: The Quest for Peace This movie was not directed by Richard Lester or produced by Ilya and Alexander Salkind. It didn`t make it any better though. I still kinda liked this movie more than III though. Partly because of it`s so bad it`s goodness but also because it felt more like a Superman movie than a Richard Pryor movie. Still bad though. First... NO CHINESE WALL RESTORING VISION! Nuff said. Lenny Luthor Remove most, if not all of his goofiness or replace him with miss Teschmacher or come up some other assistant of Lex. Lex breaking out of prison Instead of Luthor being freed because the two guards wanted to see what it was like to sit in an expensive car: Have Lenny/miss Teschmacher/new character come flying in with a jetpack, give Lex an extra jetpack that he/she was carrying and have them both fly away together. Badguy Since Nuclear Man was a clone of Superman I`d use Bizarro. The thing with Bizarro though is that he`s not much of a villain. Wether he`s evil or (trying to be) good he`s always mentally slow. Therefore he could be like Frankensteins monster. He may not be as threatening as Nuclear man, but at least he`s 3-dimensional. So technically, the biggest villain in this scenario would still be Lex. Bizarro would just be an obstacle. Also: He wouldn`t be solar powered. Subplots Clark`s mom would be very old but Lana could be helping her take care of the farm. So that scene where a man wants to buy Clark`s farm but he refuses because he only wants to sell to a real farmer wouldn`t be necessary. Since Lois remembers Clarks secret identity in this hypothetical movie and they`ve gotten back together there`s no point in having that scene with the "double date" with her, Clark/Superman and Lacy. This would give more room to Lois`s conflict with David Warfield over what he`s done to Daily Planet, and in some cases she`d have to have this conflict with Lacy Warfield. Plot After Lex escapes from prison he and Lenny/miss Teschmacher/new character gets a hair sample from Supes just like they did in the movie. But they create him in a lab in Lex`s HQ (no rockets in the sun). Lex fills the clone`s head with knowledge through a subliminal "teaching-helmet". The clone is at first a perfect duplicate of Supes but then turns all Bizarro-y. Lex calls him "bizarre" and adds "Oh!" as in "Oh. What the hell am I gonna do with it now!?" But realizes he can still have use for him. Bizarro causes disasters, fights Supes and wins the first round (Beginners luck?). Supes manages got get a piece of Bizarro`s hair during the fight. He gives it to Prof: Phineas Potter (a friend of Supes in the silver age comics) to analyze. Later Bizarro slowly developes a conscience. Round 2: Supes wears a protection suit and tries to use a bit of kryptonite on Bizarro. (It`s the rock that Lex used in the first movie.) Supes gave it to scientists to use against him if he turns evil again like in the third movie (Continuity!). It doesn`t work on Bizarro, they fight. Their battle puts people in danger, Supes has to temporarily incapacitate Bizarro and help them. Bizarro sees how Supes cares about others and then leaves. It ends in a draw. Round 3: Prof Potter has, by comparing Bizarro`s dna with Supes and analyzing how ordinary kryptonite affects Supe`s dna, created blue Kryptonite. Supes uses it against Bizarro. In their fight, civilians are put in danger. Supes try to keep them safe. Bizarro, even though he`s weakened, helps him. They see that they are not enemies and Bizarro turns on Lex who tries to destroy him and sends him to an ambiguous death. In the climax Lex puts on a super-armor-suit, battles Supes, loses and goes back to jail. It is hinted that Bizarro is still alive and travelling the world, trying to do good. In my version there`s no "Supes gets rid of nuclear weapons", but I hope the subplot with Bizarro`s inner journey is enough to make it feel that there are enough plot-lines. Superman Returns After being absent from the big screen for 19 years, Superman (much like the title says) returned to a world with new actors, a bigger budget and digital effects. Directed by Bryan Singer, it completely ignored the last two movies and was a big love letter to Richard Donner`s Superman movies. And it wasn`t very successful. People were not very keen on Supes having a kid with Lois (based on a scene from Richard Donner`s cut of Superman II where Supes and Lois have some nekkid action after he`s given up his powers). Plus Lex`s evil plan was pretty much the same plan he had in the first movie, except with more kryptonite. Lots and lots and lots of kryptonite. How I would have done it.
Plot Supes returns to Earth after having been out in space for a few years, searching for the leftovers of Krypton. His mom is now dead and the farm (like in the last movie) is being taken care of by Lana. She`s glad that he`s back and thinks that he should take care of the farm now because she has plans for her own life and she`s engaged to Pete Ross. Since Supes never found what he hoped to find in space Lana thinks he should try to focus on his life on Earth. Lois is dating a guy (and if there has to be a kid in this movie he/she should be the child of the guy that Lois is dating) and Lex is out of prison. I`d keep the part about Lois writing the "Why the world doesn`t need Superman" article and the part where Supes prevents the plane from crashing. When Supes travelled in space an alien being noticed him and tracked him to earth. Early in the movie Lex seems to be the main bad guy, but then it turns out to be the alien that followed Supes to Earth, and it should be... Mongul! You may ask: "Why not Darkseid?" For the same reason the Avengers didn`t fight Thanos in their first movie, he should come later. Supes fights Mongul and gets unexpected help from Lex who uses his high-tech weapons against the threat. Mongul is defeated and Supes and Lex are celebrated as heroes. Supes however doesn`t believe that Lex has changed, that the heroic act is just for show (and he`s right). Lois leaves the guy she`s dating but doesn`t go back to Supes (at least not yet). Meanwhile: elsewhere, a man is watching the celebration on a big computer-screen (he`s seen from behind and the computer-screen is the only light source in the room). There`s a butler standing next to him. They`re in a cave. With bats. (Sequel-bait!) And those are my ideas. They`re not perfect but I hope they`re not bad.        
Have to go now. I have to fight a giant metal spider for some reason.
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sauvechouris · 4 years
Ah, Daein! Its snowy lands, its flooded towns, its soldiers, its vengeful citizens, its dragons…
(no I’m not sorry for referencing the excalibur movie in 2020, it was funny)
You know what, realistically i’m never going to use Calill enough to get her supports, so Reyson+Tormod is okay.
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We’ll build our village there.
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On the one hand, yeah that was rude. Manners, Reyson.
(”Kind-looking eyes” ffdsh Tormod have you looked at him, even his neutral portrait looks like he’s angry, Reyson thinks of murder all day-)
On the other hand… it is absurd. It’s a desert. I don’t think it’s going to work. :s
On the third hand, the restoration of Serenes forest really looked miraculous, and Tormod is young and enthusiastic, and they do need a place to live, so yeah, I can understand how it doesn’t sound that far-fetched to him. But he’s probably better off hitching a ride to Gallia? (ah but of course, our ship captain doesn’t get supports because he’s an unplayable traitor-) Iirc, his friends are all beast laguz, and there is precedent for beorc living there too so Tormod staying with them shouldn’t be a problem...
Emulator did something weird with how it stored screencaps and I had to move some, and looking at them again made me realize that the candles on the walls of Daein keep were animated? which is neat! but i took screencaps too small and now i can’t get a picture where it will show well in a text post. orz
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And this! Children! Is what we call! A trap!
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Thank you Elincia.
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It would, especially in the snow, wouldn’t it? But that would probably take too long to work in a video game with one battle per chapter. For an in-universe justification, they definitely know Elincia’s army is gaining support, thanks to Nasir, so I guess it could seem more important to crush them quickly before Gallia or Begnion can send reinforcements than to do it “safely”?
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I’m reacting to this like a mature adult and definitely not making faces at the screen right now. Really. Or I would be if they didn’t rub it in my face. Yes it’s a bad plan! Shut up!
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Ena, I love you and I’m grateful for your… optimistic interpretation, but he sort of has a point there, unfortunately.
(Okay, it’s probably not that bad a plan, I’m sure I’ve seen the “if we know there’s a trap and there’s nothing else to do, might as well spring it” reasoning elsewhere, and it’s kinda legit, but. But.)
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Close the gate and seal off their escape route. This contest will be decided here.
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What could possibly allow us to destroy an army in one fell swoop...provided we can herd them here?
Considering Ena’s (probable) nature and this choice of words, I’m assuming a big old fire? Classic, but it would do the job.
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I could almost appreciate this.
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QUICK, ACT SURPRISED (though i’m honestly relieved that I don’t have to feel dumb for assuming this was what she was even though she has beast face marks)
(and I didn’t see the magical girl transformation effect coming either. Or that she would be?? Pink?? I should have, she has pink hair and she’s a girl, but apparently pink hair → pink scales was too big a leap for me. Oh, this is stupid, Awakening even had a pink dragon. I think.
That said, even though the first and only female dragon so far being pink is a cliché, I do like that her design isn’t super girly apart from that? I thiiink the ones who moved the ship that one time might have been more muscular, but not that much either? And even if they are, she’s still buff. Which isn’t my kind of design, aesthetically, if I got to pick i’d pick awakening’s leafy seadragon look for everyone, but at least there’s some consistency here.)
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...yeah, this wasn’t going to go any other way, huh.
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“No matter what I show you”, she said! And you said yes! Face up!
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So once one of the ~evil and treacherous sub-humans~ is on your side, she’s good ! Legendary ! A powerful omen ! Coward.
(Unless it’s some kind of double standard for beasts vs dragons, but frankly I don’t care, it wouldn’t make much of a difference since they never gave any hint that they didn’t mean all laguz when they said « sub-human ».)
I’m aware that if he wasn’t hypocritical and called for his men to kill her right now, I’d still call him a fucking coward, so maybe it’s unfair, but again, I don’t care.
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So that’s really how this goes. I did think it would, but there was the possibility that they might turn on Ena, and she’d be forced to endure without killing any Daein soldiers in return, as a yellow unit trying to fight us independently? Or as a green unit that could be recruited, but she’s been consistent about wanting to stay there and do what she’s told so she’ll be allowed to go back to Ashnard, so I doubt it. Shame. ;;
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DON’T PANIC, OH MY GOD, BEGNION, USELESS ALL OF YOU (except you Tanith, I respect you)
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Speaking of which, that would have been a good time to have her speak.
But yes! don’t panic! We’re just trapped in the enemy castle haha no big deal
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A VALID CONCERN, tbh if no one attemps to take her hostage until we’re out of Daein we’ll have been really lucky.
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...what else could it be, Soren? Why did the doors close if it’s not a trap, un courant d’air?
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Whatever they are planning, it appears that they want us all to experience it at the same time.
odds of (dragon) fire intensify
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Yeah, it kills everyone but you need laguz lives to power it, and then the legendary-
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Ashnard, in Crimea: read at 4pm
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We can spare no efforts to protect the princess. We should put together an elite team and head for the throne room.
Soren understands me. (Well, on the tactical part. Elincia could be snatched by Daein and thrown in jail and he would just find it inconvenient.)
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I like the effort to justify that the gameplay battle will only involve like a dozen people on our side. (Though I’m going to feel silly putting Ilyana on an elite team.)
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...I’d like to speak to your architect.
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YEP, r.i.p. my hopes of Other unit Ena, she’s on the objective tile, she’s screwed unless the plot says otherwise, this is fine, this is fine /screams
(The cursor is on the mercenary because he stood out so I thought he might be a miniboss? But no, that’s just the class design.)
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Dragon! 44 weight, look, she really is buff. (But why all the stat penalties)
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(Pink red dragon :p)
(1 range, though? And she has way more strength than magic, why not have her hit people instead? wait no, it uses strength? wha- this makes no sense at all)
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I see, I see… This raises interesting questions (staying shifted all the time takes a toll on laguz? Are they meant to shift regularly? Is one form more “natural” to them than the other?), but it’s probably a pure gameplay thing that doesn’t mean much canonically…? (At least, on a gameplay level, it’s consistent I suppose? Everyone has biorhythm, yeah that’s not what actually regulates laguz transformation but it’s similar, and this goes against it, so you avoid the low points at the cost of also avoiding the times when you’re at your best? Idk)
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Obviously, no one here can Talk to Ena (THIS WOULD BE A GREAT TIME TO HAVE NASIR BE PLAYABLE), because fuck you. But...
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Tauroneo. Okay, sure!
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Grand Titans Rewatch: 1.02
Grand Titans Rewatch: 1.02
it’s been literal months since i started this project and neither this nor the fic series that’s supposed to go alongside it has garnered much attention, if any, but damn it, i made a commitment and this time, i’m going to follow through.
for reference, episode 1’s recap here, and its corresponding fic tag is here.
SPOILERS ahead for pretty much the entire series.
1. the recap portion of the episode leans very heavily on the type of horror genre that rachel’s character brings to the show, and honestly, i love it. the superhero genre can feel very… sterile at times, with bright, clean colours and costumes and standard team-ups ending in a climactic punch-fest. the insidious horror of rachel discovering something huge and dangerous inside of her and trying—and largely failing—to control it bleeds into the rest of the show; each of the team has an inner demon to battle, but the lesson isn’t triumph over the beast as much as it is acceptance. it’s unfortunate that the dc live action universe in general has developed a reputation for being gratuitously grimdark; i love the thematic consistency that the tone brings to the show, and it is honestly the freshest take on these characters that i’ve seen so far.
1.5. there’s something to be said, too, about this muddy-window perspective we get into these established superheroes’ lives—the intriguing, sometimes downright opaque scenes of them trying to re-build from wreckage. i love that this is how they choose to distinguish themselves in a very, very crowded arena: the origin story here is not for the superheroes or even the team themselves, but the bonds they form and the family that they become.
2. i kinda love the clash between the goofy costume and the grimdark torture scene. it’s never immediately obvious, but this show is remarkably committed to its comic book roots—so much so that it’s kind of jarring. usually in the journey from the comic to the screen there is an ironing-out of genre and tone, but this show will show you its spandex clad hero with the plastic-feather cape being threatened with torture and castration because that’s how it goes in the comics, goddammit!
2.25. it’s pretty impressive that they’re able to afford such a big place in washington dc
2.5. hank and dawn’s easy intimacy is lovely to watch. i remember not being fond of this long detour to introduce these two relatively obscure characters right after all that juicy set-up in the first episode the first time i watched this, but now i can enjoy the languid way their story unravels, the little glimpses we get into the life they’ve led and the marks that it has left behind.
2.8. a delightfully cheesy moment with the giant bird cage immediately followed by a quietly devastating depiction of sexual impotence and a possible addiction to multiple painkillers! see what i mean?
oh! and before i forget:
3. flashback time! can’t say that i’m terribly impressed with the fight choreography; there appears to be hardly any contact between the heroes’ kicks and lunges and the thugs they’re supposed to be fighting, and a lot of slow-motion and editing trickery needs to be employed to make this look kinetic. i don’t really blame them much, though—those capes look awfully cumbersome to be just walking around in, leave alone fight. and i’m glad that the show is making a point of showing that robin’s style of fighting in flippier and more acrobatic than the others’.
3.65. aaaand we get our first hint of History between dick and dawn. to be honest, given what i remember of the rest of s1 and what we know of s2, it does seem like they’re making it so that the original titans did exist, swapping out roy and wally for hank and dawn. i’m not super-enthusiastic about this decision, but we’ll see how it plays out.
4. dick and rachel!
a) rachel desperately trying to hide how scared and vulnerable she feels behind brittle defiance
b) dick bemused and concerned and casting around for ways to connect with her but giving up too easily
c) “for the lady” – oh, dick. i love you.
d) rachel warily checking her reflection
e) dick making false promises of safety to rachel in order to get her to come with him to washington—a manipulative little ploy that i’m sure was par-for-the-course during his time with batman
f) “but sometimes there’s no time to be scared” is that what kid!dick told himself when he was starting out as robin oh my heart hurts
g) dick just dropping out of his job for an indefinite time without notice because why in the world would bruce wayne’s ward ever have to worry about keeping down a steady job? he’s utterly unconscious of this, which makes it hilarious
5. i’m already really fond of rohrbach and charlie the m.e. i know s2’s slate is already really crowded, but i wouldn’t mind seeing a resurrected rohrbach make an appearance, and for bit more of a spotlight on dick’s day job.
6. OH MAN i honestly didn’t remember that dick phoned alfred this episode! and that he considered—for a second—calling bruce! poor guy’s genuinely scared. for all his ‘fuck batman’s, dick’s anger and fear is more internally directed than he realises. this boy needs therapy.
6.5. dick going “… obviously” at rachel telling him not to get pineapple on their pizza makes me think he was definitely setting out to get pineapple on their pizza at that moment.
6.75. oh fuck. i knew it was coming, but that dead guy screaming at rachel through the photo was still terrifying. man i wish they’d stuck a little longer with the horror/mystery vibe they’ve got going here.
6.8. dick immediately reaching out to hold rachel and comfort her as she sobs, terrified, in the bathtub shouldn’t feel particularly special or heartwarming—it’s a very natural, human instinct, after all—but for this particular version of dick grayson to automatically show this compassion when he’s half convinced himself that his lifetime as a vigilante has left him an amoral husk of his previous self… is significant.
7. it’s an interesting choice to go with the nuclear family as the first major villains featured on this show, but fits totally with the tone so far—the dark, despairing and dank things that hide underneath a cracking veneer of cheery suburban normality. pretty standard horror genre stuff—with an added twist that these people aren’t actually androids, but regular people horrifically tortured and brainwashed to act as murder machines.
7.5. aside from that, it’s a neat contrast to the found family that’s actually starting to evolve, with all of its rough edges and imperfect but raw displays of love.
8. i really like that, for all that rachel and dick have in common, their interaction is weird, start-stop in nature, each dancing around answering the others’ questions with any kind of honesty. rachel has clearly picked up on dick’s caginess around her and dick, for all that he’s been trained in subterfuge and basically been living a lie to most of his friends and co-workers, is unable to keep acting like he knows what he’s doing. he hasn’t had to really live a double life in a while—and he’s rusty when it comes to doing anything that’s not detective or vigilante work.
8.5. dick’s interactions in general through the series contrast with the easy and intimate ways the others talk with each other; he’s just so isolated and so friggin rusty at this.
9. you’d think rachel would’ve figured out by now not to shake random people’s hands.
9.25. i’m so happy about this show’s commitment to showing just how much of a hot mess dick is.
9.35. i’ve certainly warmed up to the icy, washed-out way this show looks, and the general sense of… space, both in terms of physical space as well as the way each scene is allowed to unfold and just breathe. you don’t get that a lot in superhero media these days.
9.45. an update to the dick grayson timeline! dawn says she hasn’t seen dick in four years and seems genuinely surprised to learn that he’s working with the police now. so how do you go from zero to detective in just four years? is that even possible? the timeframe becomes even shorter if you assume that he only decided to join law enforcement after leaving batman. maybe that’s just another thing that dick kept hidden from his friends, even when they were, you know, friends.
anyway, dick continues to be a hot mess, and i am glad that is consistent over every on-screen iteration.
9.5. i am genuinely unsure why this dick/dawn history exists other than to create some weird conflict between hank and dick. i’d much rather that conflict come from dick being an asshole generally and dropping all contact with his friends when it all became just Too Much To Deal With.
10. OH MAN so him contacting alfred was to arrange a big sum of money to pay off hank and dawn?? yep, dick is 100 percent bruce wayne’s protégé. i’m sure he also thinks of this as a way to help hank recover and for hank and dawn to rebuild their post-vigilantism life. this is a terrible way to deal with your guilt, my friend.
and i love that all of this—the mistakes he’s making with rachel despite his genuine concern for and desire to help her, the way he’s unable to really talk to her instead of at her, his false platitudes when he thinks he has nothing to say—is a plausible reflection of the ways bruce floundered with him when he first took dick in. dick has spent so, so long as bruce’s sole heir; though i’m sure they learned to communicate better, the core dysfunction of his relationship with bruce is embedded in his bones.
but the show is clearly setting up the dick-rachel relationship to evolve—and in doing so, have dick come to terms with his own relationship with bruce, instead of spinning increasingly bitter and dark memories of it in his head.
all said, tho: what a dick move. in every sense of the word.
11. aaand here’s why i never understand criticism of this show that says dick is too dark: it’s just so typical of him to hold himself to insane standards and just cut loose and run whenever he feels he’s failed those standards. it’s why he’s always among the first choices to lead a team but his leadership almost never sustains very long. it’s why he’s everybody’s friend but so desperately, desperately alone, especially when it’s his turn to spiral and need help. it’s why when he is spiralling, he adopts spectacularly self-destructive methods to do so. standing aside while zucco died is essentially his (infamous) blockbuster moment, when he so egregiously compromised his moral code that he was forced to re-evaluate the very core of what he’d identified as for decades. he hates himself, but he splits the blame, recognising the very real damage being robin did to him but pinning everything that’s wrong with him on it.
this tracks with every version of dick grayson that i can think of, bar the golden age/silver age comics, more contemporary nightwing runs—especially after his stint as batman with damian as robin—where he’s matured a bit and more level-headed, and, of course, fanon.
11.5. but while dick is wrestling with himself, actual people do get hurt and lost on the wayside. i’m glad that this show is not shying away from showing that.
12. maaan you really, really didn’t have to do this to anyone, leave alone someone as prominent in nightwing’s history as amy rohrbach. still holding out hope that she’ll return somehow next season.
13. rachel using dick’s own words to get him to help hank and dawn… oh fuck yes.
13.5. to be perfectly honest, i quite enjoyed robin as this menace in the shadows, taking thugs down brutally when they can’t even see him. you never see hyper-competent robin on-screen anymore.
13.75. also? hank and dawn’s genuine horror at his brutality is another giant indicator that this is not a dick grayson who’s functioning optimally, by any standard. he needs a place to start growing from, and this is it.
14. dick getting called out on his bullshit is pretty satisfying to watch, no lie.
14.5. i’d forgotten just how brutally the nuclear family defeat hank, dawn, and dick. yikes.
14.8. that last shot of dick desperately trying to save dawn’s life while having flashbacks to his own parents falling to their deaths is so fucking haunting, holy shit.
15. that was… honestly so good, you guys! i remember seeing this episode for the first time and feeling a little irritated with the languid pacing and the way it seemed sort of like filler. but there’s so much great stuff that stands out to me on re-watch—this show genuinely rewards multiple viewings, even when you know what’s coming next.
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thenixkat · 5 years
Animorphs notes 50
Book 50
In the final count down
We start with a fucking Cassie book.
Who is scraping their slave’s blades together in the middle of a fight?
Who decided to start haveing hork bodies make a weird pretty much impossible noise given the fucking placement of their blades. 
Also still no distinction b/w enslaved people and the people controlling them
… Cassie’s skin… is already brown… ya know what? I don’t care, I’ve already revoked her Black card for a while now
So this was an exercise. One that Cassie failed.
Also since when was Toby’s speech ‘guttural’?
Also just doubling down on this staying put for siege warfare nonsense from 47 huh?
Imagine if yall decided to break this shit to yer families b4 u were forced to do so
Well at least they have a new camp and didn’t inside on staying in the old one. It’s a start
Hell yeah hork-bajir construction and engineering prowess
If Jake really gave a damn about the saftey of his parents he’d have fucking made a second attempt to rescue his brother
He should blame himself
I mean I’ve mostly ignored Tobias but this whole wild hawk thing reads like an extended suicide attempt that the universe just won’t take him up on
hammers i get axes and saws? Why? horks... are axes and saws
Cassie's mom needs to not be specist
also of course the parents aren't allowed to have any competence. they are damseles who can't fight and need to be babysat by horks. also! the animorphs never consider giving their parents morphing just incase to protect themselves. Except for Loren but there’s lot to unpack there and I’d rather just throw out the suitcase
also why the fuck would Cassie's mom, a fucking veterinarian not understand that people could die? Vets have to deal with death and injury and unpleasant shit. Ya know the realities of nature and chance and the horrible things that happen to animals and what people can do to animals
but that would mean actually making the parents characters and not just devices to show how much the Animorphs have 'grown' and how people who'bve never been to war can't possibly understand it
I’ve not forgotten Marco deliberately leaving his stepmom to be enslaved b/c he likes his first mom better
Also the Animorphs are def falling apart
i wish the parents were allowed to act like actual people
When I say the ableist shit in Animorphs I don’t just mean the shit with the physically disabled characters
Rachel didn’t touch them? At no point in that segment did she touch her mom. This is book 34 all over again when the writer changing events a paragraph apart. My kingdom for a fucking editor
Ah it just seemed like she was talking to Rachel and not the horks. I will not delete my previous point
and the series had been trying to make a point of painting Rachel as needlessly violient and dangerous for a good while now it just felt like something the writers would do
*Note: I don’t actually put my full conversations with Ach in these
Cassie yer the last person who can be calling people cowards
A functional team leader would know the second in command just incase anything happened
Tobias seems to be hanging out in human shape more
The hork-bajir are getting on just fine Cassie and would be great without yall
… I’m just gonna assume that Toomin took all the parents brains b/c them being functional would get in the way of his plans
I’m just gonna start skipping shit b/c thsi is very poorly written
Is this implying that Toby has an underbite?
Just assuming that the yeerk resistance has been crushed or can’t help
All the animorphs are speciest as fuck and deserve to fucking lose this fight
“So it has to be people” I hate these kids i hate these kids i hate these kids
Writers: Purposely makes the adults behave with no sense or realism at all
Writers: Are to uncreative to use the hork-bajir Writers: Guess the only solution is to throw more kids at the meat grinder and let's sprinkle in some ableism
The yeerks have very advanced prosthetics/medical technology and a body is a body you ableist hacks
...The yeerks would know that morphing heals people you cunts VISSER 3 FUCKING EXISTS\
Pointing out yer inconsistencies doesn’t make it better
I don’t  give a shit about yer romo worries
You’d think these fuckers would wear a different face than their own but that ould imply they can think
Part of me just loves the ‘fuck off’ energy that girls have for Marco. 
More ableism. There was no rudeness on the part of the stuttering boy or the girls expecting the Animorphs to fucking stick around and wait for what he had to say
I like James
James and friends are a good.
Like it feels like an entirely different actually competent writer showed up for a few scenes
Annnnd now we’re back to shit. Collette you and yours did nothing wrong or dude
Kelly has exactly the right attitude. And Timmy’s probably the only asian person outside of Allison Kim in this whole fucking series.
hell yeah James kick his ass!
I wanna see Kelly kick their asses too! Cassie is racist against romani people
honestly I would have prefered it if James didn't give a shit about Jake turning into a tiger. something like, "That ain't gonna help you beat me jackass"
listen take it to the ultimate level, mount some dracon beams to his chair and just have him fucking go at the yeerk forces and kick their asses
Call their asses out James
Not everyone is willing or able to put their lives on the line and that’s fine. Not everyone is a warrior or willing to throw away their lives. There’s more roles in a war than just fighting
Oh who coulda guessed that the important one would be healed by morphing
i am not well versed enough in disability issues to rip that apart but i know enough that it should be shredded
You had several fucking choices that you decided not to go with b/c the writers are hacks
Huh neat the yeerks predicted them and attacked
Nice. I love some competence. The unnammed yeerk leads the capture of the majority of teh Animorphs
Kelly's battle morph is a fucking walrus! that's awsome
Everyone’s competence has flushed into the void
booo Kelly has a perfictly good walrus
Tobias isn’t morphed oh forget it
One of the yeerk resistence actually did something!
Thanks Cassie! You’ve fucked over yer side and will have much more blood on yer hands. 
Also Jake continues to not give a singular shit about rescuing his brother
And that ends the book
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