#I think it glitched because I left the page or something
Sonic Prime Moana AU
A loose combination of Sonic Prime and Moana based on this post:
Disclaimer: Characters might be a bit ooc because.
- Instead of making universes, the Paradox Prism makes islands/regions when Sonic breaks it
- New Yoke is a ship rather than a city (because I’d rather draw a boat than cities)
- The regions are as follows: The Grim, The Aquamarine, and The Jungle
- The mainland still exists after the Prism shatters, but it’s unbalanced and wacky without the prism absorbing all the extra chaos with it’s order piece for Green Hills
- Instead of being above ground, the Prism is hidden below ground
- Once it is shattered, its pieces fly out of the cave and form the islands
- Green Hills Island!!! With more mountains and also meadows
Basic Character Stuff
- Everyone wears either bandanas or necklaces because I said so
- Shadow takes on the demigod role, guarding over the island in the shadows, sometimes chatting with the others (but not much)
- He has a gold necklace with a smaller chaos emerald for his powers (its role is alike to Maui’s hook)
- Eggman (kind of like a smaller demigod?) hides in the mountains, always trying to sabotage the island due to a vendetta with Shadow
- The non-gods like Sonic can get blessings that are essential lowkey powers
- The difference is that the gods/demigods can do everything well but have specializations (Shadow’s are knowledge and strength and Eggman’s are knowledge and corruption/disorder)
Half developed plot (might change if I write a fic or something)
- All of them except shadow are quite the explorers although Sonic wants to venture on to new heights compared to the others
- He goes exploring in underground caves by himself despite being discouraged by his friends
- Sonic comes across Shadow standing by the Paradox Prism, sneaking in the shadows
- Suddenly Eggman grabs him and offers to trade his life for the prism in front of Shadow
- Shadow’s like “nope” and fights eggman, trying to retrieve Sonic without hurting him TOO MUCH
- Sonic (blessed with speed and strength unbeknownst to him) suddenly finds himself running very fast after escaping egg man’s grasp
- He is unsure of how to stop running and slams into the Paradox prism, much to Shadow’s and egg man’s dismay
- It breaks and creates chaos on Green Hills Island and creates the three new regions
- As the shards ricochet around, Shadow loses his necklace and Eggman takes it
- Shadow is very angry and Sonic offers to fix it
- Shadow reluctantly agrees to help him
- Sonic sees the chaos on the island before he leaves and explains part of what happened to his friends
- Shadow tells them how to survive and he and Sonic are off by boat
(The Grim Region)
- At first it’s very rocky and stormy
- They decided to wait on a small island until the storm calms
- They talk and get along for a moment
- Training montage for Sonic because I love that for them and for me
- Storm calms mostly, back to the Sea!
- Things go poorly in the grim after a run in with the New Yoke and it’s dystopian crew due to Sonic’s careless and inexperience
- Shadow only gets half of his emerald and half of his power back and storms off back to the island right before he and Sonic reach the Aquamarine
(The Aquamarine)
- Sonic is alone and sad, gets lost and picked up by the Dread and his crew
- Eventually The storm is back oh no
- The crew tries to gain control but their ship sinks
- Sonic tries to swim and calls out for help
- He sinks into the water and it all goes black >:0
- He wakes up drenched back on his boat with Shadow!!!
- They make up and get going again, Shadow got the crystal from the Aquamarine
- And then it’s into the jungle
(The Jungle$
- The greenery gets in the way crap, gotta get out of the boat
- They get hunted by two tribes (Amy variant with Knuckles and Birdie and Rouge Variant with Tails and Big) who then fight
- Shadow easily gets free and he and Sonic help the tribes get along again
- The tribes now one tribe lead them to the Jungle’s shard
- More journey, The New Yoke is back, Shadow and Sonic win!!!
- They get the Grim crystal
- As they go home they realize the crystal isn’t whole, keep searching, find nothing
- They gotta sacrifice the emerald to get home quickly (what a twist I know)
(Back to Green Hills)
- The island is in ruins nooo
- Basically huge team up of everyone ever
- Eggman with New Yoke crew and then everyone else on the other side
- Obviously everyone else wins and Eggman and co is chucked off the island
- Crystal whole with the Island stabilizer part
- All the regions combine WHOA
- happy end and shadow makes friends (especially with Sonic, could be interpreted as sonadow but like. Doesn’t matter it’s whatever you want it to be)
- The end Jesus CHRIST that was long
TLDR: Sonic prime au where Sonic prime meets Moana meets ooc characters. Shadow’s a demigod who defends the island against Eggman. Sonic fucks up and breaks the crystal. Shadow and Sonic go get the pieces and have conflict that gets resolved. The 4 crystal shards make three regions, the fourth being to keep order on Green Hills. Crystal piece unite and so do regions, happy times for everyone. Sonic and Shadow are best friends (yay!).
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daisy-daze17 · 2 months
Omori Manga Thoughts cause it was uhhh
OK so like. The thing is I only got into the omori fandom in February of this year so take my opinion with a grain of salt.
1. I'm mostly a fan of the art style-- a lot of people said that Sunny always seems to have a panicked expression so it's hard to read into him, plus the characters look a lot younger than they're supposed to (Which I find odd). But other than that, I think it does a really good job representing the scarier parts with very abstract drawings of Mari/Something. They coloured it well and thank god did Kel's skintone right. There is one particular panel that I especially love:
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So much detail and it captures the feeling of seeing faraway for the first time really well ^^
Some nitpicky positive thoughts:
Sunny could have looked more distinct from Omori because the only difference I see are their outfits. Maybe make Sunny's features softer and have less contrasting values so we can see an immediate difference.
I like how they did everyone's eyes-- Sunny/Omori's are just dull and black, and everyone else with dark eyes are shown to have a light in them. (Just a nice detail i appreciated)
I like how Omori is clearly less expressive compared to sunny, but I think Sunny could have benefitted from having more emotions than surprised/blushing.
2. The pacing was weird. like really fucking weird. The basic structure of the game Omori is: Omori is in whitespace -> Omori plus the gang (Hero, Aubrey and Kel) meet up with Basil and Mari in headspace -> everyone minus Mari goes to Basil's house and learn all the combat stuff along the way -> after fixing the photo album it suddenly shifts to basil in a panicked state before glitching you back into white space again. The moment when basil shifts the mood from calm to terrifying is REALLY important.
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It forces the new tone on you very suddenly and also sets up a lot of mystery surrounding Mari when Basil can't finish what he was going to say about her. By now we know that something is very wrong and it has to do with Mari, but we don't know what.
The manga is kind of all over the place the whole time. First we see the christmas scene when Sunny gets his violin. But then Mari does her whole nightmare thing and we know somethings up from the first few pages. Next we wake up at night as Sunny in the real world... yet it shows the little "THREE DAYS LEFT" as well? At this point I was super confused because basically the entire nighttime sequence is shown through a sort of montage with Sunny's mom's voice message in the background before transitioning into the day when Kel first knocks on the door. A cool thing they did was parallel Kel's knocking with the creepy knocking we get from Mari Something. HOWEVER for reasons unknown they just completely cut out the fight against something on the stairs??
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Something I was really excited about was seeing how they would integrate the combat into the manga. And they do it later with the Aubrey fight (more on that later), but not now? So now I'm wondering if they'll include Sunny's three fears that he has to overcome.
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So next we find our boy (KEL!!!!!) and he is asking Sunny if he wants to come to Hobbies. I did find the dialogue here pretty awkward as Kel bounced back and forth in demeanor, but that's to be expected since Sunny isn't talking. (And I appreciate how he shows some kind of reaction to seeing one of his best friends after 4 years lol)
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I mean compared to this when he just jumps straight into his hobbez idea without much reaction to actually seeing Sunny lol.
The most notable thing after this is the Aubrey confrontation with Basil and the other hooligans. I DONT KNOW WHY but they chose to not show the hooligans in that scene!! The hooligans are aubrey's little gang/posse who she hangs around with all the time and the people we always see when she's bullying Basil.
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It's very important to note that Basil is talking to KIM here. He starts the conversation begging for her to tell Aubrey to give the photo album back. Aubrey is actively ignoring his attempts to get it back, with basil claiming "She won't listen to me."
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In the manga she appears out of seemingly no where and proceeds to beat Basil directly with her bat. Prior to this we get no setup or explanation as to why Aubrey's attacking him or what the situation is. WORST OF ALL, It's only Aubrey alone attacking him and NOT her gang of the Hooligans. The hooligans are important in showing us just how isolated and ostracized from society Basil really is after Aubrey began bullying him. He literally has a whole gang of kids who call him a creep and attack him regularly. Here it seems like Aubrey is insane and is just beating him selfless for kicks. (not that I'm justifying Aubrey's behavior in the game, but the lack of context makes this situation even worse.)
I think It's also important to bring up how they switched around the order of events because in this situation, it's not working. We're supposed to first be introduced to younger Aubrey and Basil in headspace-- their younger counterparts. Aubrey is strong-willed and excitable and Basil is calm and kind. And most importantly-- they're VERY GOOD FRIENDS. So seeing Aubrey revealed to have been bullying him these past 4 years shocks the player and makes them understand how much things have really changed. Doing it the other way around will automatically villainize DW Aubrey since we already know what goes on in real life.
And then something interesting happens-- Sunny blacks out during the fight and returns to Headspace. This is SUPER weird as we've only ever seen Sunny go into headspace while sleeping, because it's an escape mechanism he uses to avoid The Truth. Does this mean he isn't aware he goes into headspace unwillingly sometimes? And what does this mean for the continuation of the real world story? Are we going to go through the entire Space Boy quest just to get back to that scene?
Anyway, I'm interested to see how they take it from here. Maybe they'll do a continuous switchover to the real world where they jump between it more frequently. But I question what that would mean for the timeline because the events of headspace happen in between the three days while Sunny is sleeping-- so he can't be in two places at the same time. Maybe they'll write more and more random ways for Sunny to black out to do this?? They defiantly are trying to take a step back from following the game exactly. I can't say I don't like it because I don't know how it'll turn out, so I'm excited for chapter 2!
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Now, I hate to bring political garbage to my page. I do it oh so sparingly, you know? But this warrants the chatter. I just want you to listen to this man speak about voting. Mainly the first minute of audio. This is a clip taken from The Hill's video stream of former president Donald Trump's speech at the 'The Believer's Summit' (https://www.youtube.com/live/EK-2ciNXBMU?si=D3fKwQ_rWxXtFfEw). I do have captions enabled, but be warned they have a lot of random letters due to Trump's 'unique' speech style.
Also, please note the odd cut at the beginning where Trump's head seems to clip is NOT an edit on my part, and I do not believe it is a cut on The Hill's part either. As the words continue in flow and do not appear edited. Also in that this is a streamed video and is unlikely to have tampering. I believe it may just be a glitch in the stream. That or we fell through a mandala universe in direct sight.
Trump talks about the 'cheating left' and the necessity of christians to vote. People have commented on how he says he is not christian (this does reflect on the captions), but I actually don't think that was intentional on his part. It may be word soup in that after an hour long speech, the sentence didn't form correctly (or dementia episode lol). However, my focus is more on his next few sentences/claims about how this election will remove all need for christians to ever vote again.
I question how this can be interpreted in any way other than 'I am the last vote you'll make.' I see a lot of things the candidates say that can be taken out of context. Yet here I have provided a clip with prior and continued context, as well as the entire video, and yet this doesn't seem interpretable. I can't see the angle where this can be taken out of context. I can't see where it's a joke. I can't see where it means something else. How do you interpret: "Get out there and vote. You won't have to do it anymore. Four more years. You know what? It'll be fixed. It'll be fine. You won't have to vote anymore, my beautiful christians.... In four years, you won't have to vote again. We'll have it fixed so good you won't have to vote again."?
You can't. He means every word of it. Even if you pull the angle of 'he'll fix the country so well that its christian core beliefs will be in control and no matter who you vote for, it'll be christian.' It's scummy. It implies heavily that in four years, the need to vote will be unnecessary because no matter how you vote, the set 'correct' person will win. That can't be achieved without voting.
You could suggest he means 'this is the only election that matters and when the next candidacy rolls around the effort is unnecessary but that doesn't make a lot of sense either.
The only way to not make this sound predatory is by suggesting he's just hyping the crowd and doesn't actually mean it... but that can't be it. At least, not to the people who follow Trump like he's the next messiah. Since that would imply cognitive decline. After all, saying he means it harmlessly and doesn't mean to sound so manipulative negates the idea that he's a competent ruler leader.
However you interpret it, whatever you take it to mean, you can't ignore the warning signs.
Doesn't it feel dystopian? This is the behaviour they warn us about. Extreme nationalism. Pushing religious ideology as politics. Placing your leadership on the same pedestal as a god. 'Vote with me to be a hero'.
Its cultism.
Scary shit.
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altheneum-library · 2 years
"How the harem starts" || DOORS cast x reader || part 1
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Page contains:
Content warning/s:
* I recommend reading  Gay4KukiShinobu's book! it's nice! totally not unintentionally bringing their book more attention because it deserves it!!
Character/s used:
* Rush
* Ambush
* Screech
* Hide
* Seek
* Figure
* Eyes
* Glitch
proof read/written with extra care, warning again the reader in this has a MILD stutter problem, if you don't like the reader having a mild stuttering problem. Thank you for reading and l e a v e.
~ ~
How you met him was through a convenient accident. He had been feeling a bit moody after not being able to catch your friends and he just- didn't wanna do anything for the rest of the night. 
but then he saw your friends again, it was a dark room and you had just triggered his senses since the lights flickered. he would smirk with glee and run in but a moment before he could kill you, he sees that you were pushed out of the closet by one of your friends who was panicking and needed a closet.
You earned his sympathy, human. He actually felt bad for you so he decided to turn into his humanoid form and pick you up, he'll kill your friends later.
You were extremely confused and skeptical at first but after he explains that he felt genuinely bad for you and you just understood what he meant by then and with a smile, thanked him. maybe he wasn't so bad after all? and-  is that purple blush on his face?-
~ ~
While you were trying to catch up to your friends, they were all going in the vents but then Ambush came ushering themselves in. they saw you and remembered what Rush told them. (yes, Rush told Ambush about you some time when they crossed each other). 
Ambush feels a bit bad, so they delayed themselves by 2 slightly slow seconds for you to go inside the vents and to fool your group. once it killed like...2 guys from your group, it was now just 3. you and your two currently alive friends
they just argued over whose fault it was, blaming the other for their death. the 2 guys kept bullying you greatly and the other two were your defenders, so they excluded you from the blame. plus, both knew that you're probably really scared right now.
You were for a bit as the three of you continued.
Ambush would watch over from a good distance, when the three of you went to the room where there was an office and a desk you all could loot. you seemed to have typed something in the typewriter.
when all of you left, it feels a wash of warmth and a smile creep onto their face of what you wrote.
"thank you for beating those guys up! they were meanies to us anyways :) - (P/N)"
~ ~
A dark room came along, you and your remaining surviving friends all had lighters but it wasn't enough for 6 dark rooms in a row! you all weren't expecting that.
Screech was, however, excited to scare or bite some people! it's always the prankster of the group and he loves to scare people a lot. by the time you group found another lighter, you were a target for Screech.
But when he appeared, you weren't afraid at all...you were more of amazed by how he looked. even commented how cute and cool he looked.
that fluttered his heart and a slight purple blush appears. 
He stuttered out a thank you before poofing away, seems like you gained a new friend! or did you >w>?
~ ~
It saw that your one of your male friends had pushed you out in selfishness, not even thinking about your safety, though at first it didn't really care about your well-being at first before you went into one of it's closets.
it was about to push you out but it didn't for some reason, something was different about you and it had a hunch that maybe you'd be a bit different?
once it revealed itself to you, it was surprised that it's hunch feeling was right. you weren't scared or pushed him away, you see it as cool and maybe adorable
yeah, it lets you inside it's closets and stay in however you want, really glad that your friends are dead too
~ ~
In the halls he was supposed to chase you, but after hearing how good you were to his companions, he just spared you. though your other friends that survived...??? eehhhh....yeah, they don't exist much anymore-
After giving him a good scolding while he looked uncaring of what he's done to your friends, Seek would pick you up and bring you right out of his hallways, putting you down right after. happy that he got to know that at least one human isn't scared of them enough to judge them.
You just said that all monsters looked cool and stuff, and complimented how handsome he looked, although you didn't appreciate the fact he killed your friends, at least you would gain new ones right?
he swore his face blushed a bright red right there as he watched you walk away.
Seek cleared his throat before going to Figure to tell him about you but it seems you reached to him first
~ ~
When you went into it's library, you can't help but say "Hello..? is anybody there..?".
Figure was surprised somebody had actually spoke upon entering his library, he liked your voice and approached you.  Though hearing your heartbeat go fast, he went gentle and slow with his introduction. He is quite shy and reserved himself, so no need to be afraid human!
Once you realized that he was blind, you assumed it would've been obvious that he must've been a bit jumped by your sudden appearance. you softly apologized to the Figure while he gently used his claws to pat your head. 
Fortunately, Figure always knows the code to the locked door! he tells you the code and to be safe but before you could leave, you gave him a big ol' thank you hug.
Yeah, so uh, how does it feel to have a big awkward, shy, puppy monster following you around?
~ ~
When you encountered them, he was sort of just doing his main job of killing humans by looking at them but after hearing what you have done for his friends, his attacks are lowered and don't affect you as much! 
It was quite nice to be meeting them in their humanoid form, seeing as how he rarely uses it because all he can do is whisper enchantments and curses. he writes to you and you talk to them!  win-win of a friendly conversation.
after you continued on with your journey, it finds itself quite attached to you. he absolutely likes you!
~ ~
You were kinda lagging behind as you were getting tired, Glitch had been watching over you for a bit and he was absolutely glad to see that you're one of the good humans from everyone else they've seen.
Once you were about to sit down, they just spawned in front of you and as you were about to yelp from the surprise, you were teleported to a nice bedroom. 
Glitch apologizes for it's intrusion and introduced himself, explaining that he saw how tired you were and wanted to help out in repayment of your kindness and warmth in the hotel.
You understood completely and despite the deaths you've experienced, it'd probably make sense if they didn't trust your friends and killed them, to make sure that they aren't going to do anything bad to the hotel. 
You and Glitch talked for awhile before they told you that they had to leave, you say your farewells and he simply disappears.
You wondered if you were going to see him again....though, he'll make it so he appears often, only to you ^^
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thefandomtrashpit · 2 months
What's sad about MD ending is not that it's ending
Putting a read more because like a lot of my other text post, this one got long
Welp, by now I'm sure the majority of the fans have heard about the trailer for the 8th episode of Murder drones, and how that trailer is called the 'Series Final.' Of course, this is upsetting in itself. This story about these weird little robots, the world that the live in, and how this 'big bad eldritch abomination of a code error' feels like it is ending way too soon what the show has built up in its run time. There feels like there's still to many questions that are going to be left unaswered, and too many mysteries that are going to be left unsolved...but at the end of the day, it's also better to leave a series in a high note then to continue banging it out and watch it become a mess of what it originally was.
Yes, I am sad that after waiting for so long, I hear that something I was looking forward to is going to be ending with an episode that's coming up in a few weeks at this point in time. Much like a lot of other fans, I was holding onto the hope and the copium that Murder Drones would be getting a second season after Glitch finally released the awaited 8th episode. And I was very much disheartened with seeing the episode trailer being called it's series final and just the season final. But I can except than the book for this crazy little story has to come to a close. I now just hold out hope that the time the people working on the show has put into this episode will leave all us fans satisfied with where this crazy and wonderful story we all stuck around for ends.
But now it time to get into what I put in as the title. As sad before, the series coming to an end is going to be sad, but I personally don't think that's going to be the saddest part. No, I think the saddest part is going to be slow death of the memory of the show. Why I think this...Well, it's what happened to Meta Runner. This was the first show of the Glitch Productions channel, and we barely see anything about it getting talked about. Glitch didn't even so much as tweet anything about Meta Runner on the anniversary of the show, all the past merch was put under the 'Glitch Classics' section of the store, and said merch is forever sold out as no more of them are being made. Sure we got a little Tari figure in the new 'Glitch Inn' that the company is doing, but that really is only because Glitch acknowledges the fact that some fans still remember Meta Runner. Tari on the SMG4 channel has just become than just a 'quirky' background character to the other characters on that channel, her purpose of advertising her show long gone by. What was once the driving project for this indie show company has been reduced to getting nothing more than fun little call backs.
Eventually, the same is going to happened to Murder drones. The merch is going to stop being made, when the last of it gets sold that's it for it all, and it is even possibly going to be moved under the Classic section of the store to make room for whatever other projects Glitch does to be one the front page. Kevin and Luke aren't going to be talking much about the show, as there's not going to be a reason to with it being over. And eventually the projects they do after the show is going to push the shows playlist on the channel down. There is going to come a time when we look back on what happened and think 'Wow, this show only exists in references now.'
So yeah, those have been my thought about what sad about the show coming to an end.
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nep-nomer · 4 months
Sorry for not updating on the sentiscream fanfic- got very sidetracked. Anyway, here's kinda the first page because i don't wanna leave y'all hanging
Colored text so you know who's who
Out of all of the Mechs that could've been picked for this mission, why did it have to be him? This whole thing was supposed to be beneath him, taken care of by the more incompetent bots, yet sentinel was the one that had to do this dirty work? It annoyed him how this seemed all so common for him.
Letting out a scoff, sentinel continued on his mission, scanning the area for any nearby decepticons or any suspicious activity. "This is so stupid! Why do I gotta go out here and be bait for the decepticons when Optimus is obviously a better option!"
In a small fit of rage, he tossed the scanner to the side, walking forwards with his arms crossed. "Sometimes I think that-" Another voice interrupted. "-Their processors are malfunctioning!"
"Yeah... Yeah that's right! Their obviously having some sort of technical glitch and... Wait- hold on..." Sentinel looked around before running behind a rock, hiding behind it in case he did something bad. After some silence, the voice came through again, but it sounded familiar.
"I swear, it's like they don't even have a processor in their heads! They think they can just tell me, the great starscream, what to do?" Starscreams voice sounded grouchy, putting more emphasis' on his h's and e's as if he was hissing.
Sentinel poked his head over the rock for a quick peek, scanning the area until his optics landed on starscreams frame. He wanted to see what the decepticon was doing here.
Starscream let out a growl as he ran at a rock, reeling his leg back and punting the rock across the area. "Maybe if I'm lucky enough, that rock will land on megatrons head and terminate him."
Sentinel quickly ducked back behind the rock after witnessing that, looking across his own frame before stopping in realization... He had left his weapons in the ship. "... Oh slag..." Sentinel knew that he had to get out of here, and fast, before he was spotted by starscream.
Sentinel took in a deep breath before peeking at starscream again, just to keep track of where he was. Before he knew it, a servo came down and rested on the rock. "Maybe I'll just stay here for a bit and hope some autobot will terminate megatron for me..."
Sentinel quickly ducked back behind the rock, covering his mouth with both of his servos. That was close... Too close... Starscream had nearly touched his chin... But at least he wasn't facing sentinel, that would've been bad.
Sentinel took a deep breath before begining to sneak away, heading towards another nearby rock to hide behind. As he walked over he took one last look at starscream, getting a good look at his frame.
Of course starscream was huge, most decepticons were hulking in size, but sentinel hadn't expected starscream to have some small details. He was just noticing that starscream had sharper digits on his servos and a longer chin... He wondered how starscream could keep it so nicely polished.
But it wasn't long before sentinel began sneaking away, slowly crawling back to the ship so that he wouldn't be spotted by the seeker and be targeted. He kept his eyes on starscream, which proved to be a bad idea as he tripped right over another rock.
Sentinel let out a yelp as he landed on his face, getting caught up in a ditch. "Oww... What idiot left this uncovered!?" He moved his legs, trying to pivot them so that he could get up easier, but that was when something grabbed them.
Sentinel let out a scream as he was lifted up, immediately throwing punches in the air to attack whatever had picked him up. "Put me down right now or I'll turn you into scrap!" "You and what weapons?" Sentinel froze, immediately looking up to see that starscream was holding him by his legs.
"You know... For a prime, I expected you to be a little bit of a challenge, but this? This is ridiculous." And to sentinels surprise, he was immediately dropped onto the ground, this time landing on his chest. He was about to get up before he felt two small hard objects hit his helm.
"Here. Take this and get yourself some ammo. Come back to me when you're an actual challenge." Starscream said before walking off, leaving sentinel behind and covered in dust.
Sentinel couldn't believe it... Starscream had just... Insulted him! He immediately got up, Dusting himself off as he began walking after starscream. "Hey! You don't just get to do that! Do you have any idea who I am!?"
Starscream turned around to look at sentinel, raising a eyebrow. "Yeah, I do. That's why I called you a prime... Are you not a prime?" Starscream said in a teasing manner, crossing his arms as sentinel stomped towards him, trying to square up.
"Of course I am! I am one of the best, ultra Magnus said so!" Starscream chuckled at sentinels statement. "Oh really? You are? Why don't you prove it?" Sentinel was taken aback by starscreams request... True, he did have proof that he was a prime, but he wasn't allowed to show it to the decepticons...
Sentinel backed up, looking at starscream and then glancing towards the ship, trying to weigh his options... After a few seconds he let out a short grumble, getting out the small little trinket he got from ultra Magnus as proof that he was a prime.
He held it up for starscream to see, placing a servo on his own hip as a smug smile found its way onto sentinel's face. "See? I am a prime." Starscream looked down at the little trinket, a little surprised that there was actual physical proof that someone was a prime.
But before starscream could do anything, sentinel immediately pulled it away and put it back on his body, just to make sure starscream didn't snatch it away. "Now, I think I deserve a apology."
"A apology? I don't need to apologize to a autobot." Starscream said, standing up straight. "You guys think you deserve everything." Sentinel growled, standing on his toes to seem a bit more menacing.
"Says you! You guys fly around, acting like you own everything!" Starscream leaned his face down closer to sentinel, almost getting into his face. "maybe because we do! You autobots always get what you want!"
Sentinel then got into starscreams face, practically shaking in anger. "It's because I deserve the things I want, you flying oaf! I am a prime and you will show me some respect!"
Starscream then tackled sentinel, begining to wrestle with him. "insolent fool!" As the two wrestled, they barely noticed that the allspark shard in starscreams head was begining to glow.
As sentinel and starscream began going at each other's throats, pushing each other into rocks and ditches, they barely noticed how they were scanned, a barely visible blue light glowing around various parts of their bodies.
It wasn't until starscream had sentinel pinned under him that things took a turn. "I bet megatron will see me differently if I brought him a prime!" "In your dreams, decepti-creep!" Sentinel yelled before his eyes caught the familiar blue glow.
He looked up, his eyes widening in surprise. Starscream took note of this and squinted a bit. "What? What are you gawking at!?" "Y-your shard is glowing." Sentinel said, his voice being a bit meek. "What." Starscream dropped his guard, being very confused.
In a instant a giant blue light flashed in between them, causing both of them to flinch. Starscream yelled as he closed his eyes. "What the scrap is happening!?" Sentinel made a small worried groan as he put his hands over his face. "I-i don't know! It's Your allspark shard!"
As the two tried covering their eyes, they began to feel weird. The familiar sound and feeling of transformation, yet they weren't transforming into their alt modes. Starscream looked down at his foot and gasped. "Get your foot out of me!!" Sentinel yelped in surprise as he looked down. "Ew! Ewewew! Get your foot out of me!!"
Then they were suddenly pulled into the light, a bright and huge explosion erupting from the area, throwing dust and rock everywhere...
There was a small ringing tone playing in their audials... Everything hurt and they felt dizzy. Slowly, they opened their eyes, looking out into the sky. They slowly and carefully got up, their body aching all over. "Ow... That hurt... Wait... Huh?" They looked at their hands, a unfamiliar purple filling their vision.
They then looked at their body and began feeling around, touching their Nosecone, wheels, shield and wings before putting their hands on their face. "Wh... What??" As they stood there they carefully looked around until they found a particularly shiny surface, probably made during the explosion.
Carefully, they went over, looking at their reflection in the surface. "my... My face... My body...! What did you do!?" They got up onto their feet, stumbling as they tried to regain balance. "Me!? What did I do!? You're the one who had the shard!"
They stumbled around, looking at their hands in disgust. "Well obviously you have some sort of... Prime power that interfered with it, and I demand that you-" they stopped once they saw their full reflection.
Sure, they were pretty purple, but the orange highlights on some parts of their bodies clashed in a oddly pleasing way. They even saw their own pupils which was a bit strange for some reason. They soon noticed how their body looked, carefully tracing their body with their hands.
"Oh... Well... Maybe I underestimated you... Or rather, us?" They soon turned their face away, blushing profusely. "Why are you looking at it like that!? Stop!"
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So no one was going to tell me that Moon's whole 'naptime attendant' schtick is complete FANON???
Was this something I was just supposed to figure out on my own? Am I late to the party? Is this common knowledge that I've just been miraculously dodging this whole time???
I mean it makes sense with his character design. He's wearing a literal sleeping cap and comes out in the dark. He threatens Gregory with a 'bedtime', which I know is a metaphor but COME ON! And I know the red eyes are creepy but red light is actually great for navigating in the dark because it can keep your eyes dilated, unlike white or yellow light. THE EVIDENCE WAS THERE!
Knowing all of that though, it still didn't sit right with me. Like, something about it didn't add up. Something about him just made me think 'Who designs a naptime attendant to be this sadistic?' I just figured it was the glitch hitting him a little extra hard for whatever reason.
BUT THEN I finally read the entire wiki page about my favorite Astro boys and discovered that nope, no naptime attendant! Just the cheapskate Fazbear Entertainment and their shitty attempts at money grabbing without thinking ANYTHING THROUGH.
They really made Moon to be an 'evil' side on purpose and from the start. And then thought it was a gOoD iDeA to put THAT SAME animatronic in charge of children?!? You'd think they would have stopped when they realized separating or turning off Moon would be 'too expensive'. NOPE, they looked at that unhinged ball of circuits and said 'DO IT ANYWAY! JUST KEEP THE LIGHTS ON!'. And then when the lights WOULDN'T stay on they just said 'screw it, make it a bit! We can cash in on this too!'. I mean, I knew human life meant nothing to Fazbear Entertainment, but DAMN.
It's just so sad and even more messed up. Moon was literally built to be an antagonist and then was put into isolation for being LITERALLY WHAT THEY DESIGNED HIM TO BE. They left him to fester which was made all the worse by the glitch. No wonder Sun seemed genuinely scared of changing into Moon.
I'm sure there's more to this than what I'm describing and I'm not here to say 'don't stray from canon!'. I love the fanon narrative this community has made! I was just a little blindsided because Moon being the naptime attendant felt like such a universal truth that I didn't even consider an alternative.
I want to keep looking into it because it's a heartbreaking an interesting way to look at the boys. Moon living up to the monster they made him be and how he feels about it. Sun living in fear of his counterpart and/or maybe feeling a sense of superiority over him from their theatre days as the hero to Moon's villain. I wonder if Moon ever looks at Sun and wants to play the hero. I wonder if Sun ever wants to let loose and be the villain. It feels like there's potential for some soft Moon and unhinged Sun and I AM HERE FOR IT!
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gumspine · 4 months
HELLO this is horrendously late work was kicking my ass but YES i'm juice and i'll be writing for jung namoo! he's a 22 y/o production assistant/audiovisual technician (yes they still exist) (i like to imagine that it's a bit of a simultaneously hyperfuturistic but also a thing of the past type paradox that namoo precisely loves) + he's also part of the glitched-out subplot as moneybags!
linking namoo's profile + wip plots page for easy access and there's more abt him under the cut, but b4 i get into it: if you'd like to plot, please like this post and i'll msg you <3
family: parents were low level but pioneering programmers for iron fist! which would've been well and good if they hadn't gotten themselves embroiled in betting on matches/tournaments to the extent that they would tamper with code or collude with fighters to win bets. orbit found out and suddenly mom and pops were "volunteering" to "work" in the outer world
namoo and his older brother (gureum) were 9 and 12 at the time; guardianship went to a family relative who squandered their parents' payouts liberally. namoo and gureum tolerated it for a bit, but eventually found a good chance to run off w/ what little money was left and live in the belt by themselves
spent his teens doing odd jobs and gigs, picked up a lot of skills along the way. procedural learner and is what one wld describe as being good with his hands
in light of the above ^ he opted for vocational training instead of university! financially it was also the most practical choice. got introduced to PA work by an instructor he had at vocational school, and he follows orders well enough to be delegated miscellaneous grunt work around set without worry. eventually wiggles his way up to actual PA tasks, w/c is where he also picked up a lot of his initial av tech knowledge!
decides to stick to tv/film/event production by the time he's 20, and currently has trade certifications on electronics/communication systems, audiovisual tech, modern media + three-quarters of a term in event management (this is namoo pretty much)
currently still project-based/freelance, but he's rarely out of a gig because he's got that head-down no-complaints hardworking reliability that cost-cutting bosses just luuuv (it's a capitalist corporatocratic world after all)
(ok but seriously he's cultivated a rep for like. being helpful and having initiative and needing little supervision to get stuff done so it follows that he always gets called on whenever production/event companies need PA/tech help!)
at a glance: u can immediately tell he's the youngest child/baby brother bc he's very. cutesy and affectionate? loves to tease and be a lil gremlin
despite his boyish tendencies, he's far from immature. brother raised him using their parents and relatives as cautionary tales (in the sense that they sucked as human beings lol) so he grew up a decent kid, if a bit of a doormat
carries himself well on the outside but deep down he has pretty much internalized the prejudice he's experienced due to living in the belt and being poor so his self-esteem is six feet in the mud. not in a wallowy self-pitying sense but like. his instinct is to make himself small and take up as little space as possible. also of the thinking that if he's treated badly he should just put up with it because who is he to complain? he's nobody
growing up his mindset has shaped up to prioritize survival over pride so if self-esteem has to take a backseat it'll take a backseat
his glitch (moneybags, aka he gets unlimited merits for an hour if he claps under a very specific circumstanceㅡw/c he's unaware of! so it isn't something he can intentionally replicate yet) has also put him in a tough spot w/ authorities before (basically he thought the amt of money in his acct wasn't real and just went around clicking "buy" on a bunch of stuff... sorry he was 13... anyway yeah the transactions went through. cue police sirens bc what is a boy from the belt doing w/ that much money)
managed to evade interrogation/escalation by the skin of his teeth thnx to his big bro but like! ya boy is traumatized indefinitely. hates coming across/potentially talking to the terra equivalent of law enforcement or authorities
not to mention that their relatives (to a certain degree aware that their parents were virtual-deathed (?) bc things went sideways with orbit and their gambling) used to taunt namoo abt receiving the same punishment for any little thing so
he has actually accidentally triggered the glitch twice more after that first instance, though he's handled those two times a lot better and with more tact! thnx again in part to his bro so he's not as terrified of his glitch as he initially was. used it to pay the bills and purchase a couple other stuff LMAO but he still gets anxious around authority though
he's also a bit of a conspiracy theorist because he's well-aware that glitches can exist! he's proof of it! doesn't go so far as to interact w/ the tinhat community but he reads the posts n forums... has a bit of a vested interest as well in like. people being sent to the outer world via virtual death against their will because of what may or may not have happened 2 his parents (he doesn't rlly know the truth yet)
sidenote: even though iron fist is somewhat entwined w/ the way his childhood has tumbled downhill, he still luvs the game (as an audience; he can't play for the life of him) and luvs being part of the tech team for iron fist events/tournaments bc it was a big part of like. being a teen in the belt and just having this outlet regardless of how tough life was
very much artistically inclined, which is why he was initially drawn to tv/film PA work! my 31st century tech lore is that production sets use hyper-realistic life-scale "holographic" projections instead of props or shooting on location which! def sucks for propmasters and authenticity but like. even though this world is virtual and crazy advanced and the sky's the limit, it would still take a creative eye to make beautiful things! u could have the tools but w/o that human touch it wouldn't quite be the same. so he's out here sticking it out as that should-be-a-thing-of-the-past human aspect to a creative endeavor that has endured literal millennia. even though ofc it prolly has changed a lot from our time
his work is predominantly on the technical side but he's interested and has a knack for design! specifically w/ holography as the medium. one of the stuff he probably bought w/ his glitch money is the holography version of a wacom tablet
one day would love to lean into that and pick up design as his main fare but for now he earns steadily with PA/av tech work and he's really quite good at it to the point that he's kind of moving up in the world a little? so he's content! not to mention all the backstage perks of getting to work iron fist gigs lol he's just a boy fr
has had the opportunity to be additional tech help with both of last year's iron fist majors so he's hoping he'll get called on to that gig again 🤞
ppl he grew up with in the the belt, roommates (they were able to move out of the belt eventually so he currently lives in a megabuilding! give him roomies he's super neat and considerate 💙 though downside is that he snores like a cartoon character), celebs he's either had the pleasure or displeasure of working with, iron fist folks (staff, fighters, maybe people whose parents knew his parents?), fellow tinfoil hat wearers, whatever it is let's write it!
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f0point5 · 4 months
So I wasn't here in 21 for that year 😶 I was trying to stay alive and tbh never could care for motorsport but my point is; is there somewhere I can find a play by play for that season, because from what I read from a ask you posted it sounds like lewis wasn't all that good that season. Could be wrong and misinterpreting it. But I also heard a interview thing kmag did and he was like 'it may not have been a fair few last laps but the right man won (21)' or something like that and now this has reignited my genuine curiosity over how fucked or not fucked that year was and if it even was a title fight but 2 dudes with 50/50 bad and good luck at different times? Ta my love xx
I’m so sorry this has been sitting in my inbox so long I’ve been try to clear my inbox for ages but the app glitches when I scroll down sometimes and it’s a hell scape!!!
If you are still interested, the basic theme of the 2021 season is that “Lewis won the race (AD) but Max won the championship”. Now obviously Lewis did not win the race but the point is that a lot of people figured okay sure that race direction was fucked but Max deserved to win because throughout the season he was quite unlucky, and he capitalised on every possible opportunity, whereas Hamilton fumbled it quite a few times and really didn’t need to be in a position to lose the championship in the first place. Merc/Hamilton as a combo left themselves vulnerable with the way they went about things, and we still see shades of that today, they’ve never been the most efficient team.
If you are still interested I actually think the wiki page for the season is pretty comprehensive. You can find it here
Again, I’m soooo sorry it took 10 years to answer this 🫣🫣🫣
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secrets-of-everwich · 10 months
05-2 The Book
[Electronic hum underlies the recording]
[This recording keeps glitching out, a lot more frequently than before]
Hello, this is Callie Hewitt, recording on the 11th October 2021, approximately an hour after the last recording. I’m here with Rin and Asher, and…
We were right. Something was wrong with Emilia.
Xavier isn’t here because he’s got work that he’s already super late for, and Emilia isn’t here because she needed to have food, but I have assurances that she’s okay.
Well, she was okay when we left her.
Don’t say that, I’m sure she’s still okay! Why wouldn’t she be?
Ash, she was-
Okay, cutting you off there before you spoil the entire episode. I’m sure my one listener – who’s surprisingly already listened to the last episode! Wow! … Can’t be Xavier then. Sorry, I got sidetacked, I’m sure my one listener wants to keep the suspense! First of all: The book.
Got it here.
Because that last episode had like- No explanations, and was solely talking, let me talk about the book-
Can I do it? I can definitely talk for a while, and I’m very good at explaining things, or so I’ve been told, plus this detective stuff is so fun, it’s like I’m in my own little piece of theatre!
This is real life, not theatre. Let Callie do it, this is her thing after all.
Aw, ok.
This is an old book, written by Adam Ives, also known as Rin Ives’ grandfather. It’s a little diary book, with drawings in. How did you come to get this, by the way Rin? You just said your grandfather gave it to you.
He said I may find some entries useful. He’s definitely the eccentric type, I’ve no idea how he went on to be a CEO.
I like your grandfather, he’s funny!
I wonder if he knew about Em somehow… Hm. Anyway, the page we’re looking for is around April 1962, a week or so before Jill was nearly killed. It doesn’t describe what Adam was going through, but explains how he’s discovered something while exploring the Abandoned Manor.
OH, for the record, Everwich Manor was left uninhabited between the early 1910s and 1993, when my parents discovered they’d inherited it due to a familial link to the Greenes. I was gonna explain more about this in last episode but. Obviously that fell through.
[Recording glitches increase in frequency, making this section almost inaudible]
The manor was abandoned, and so a great place for teens to explore. This page explains the creature it found living in the basement.
Wait, show me that drawing-
That’s what I saw. That’s what X took me to see, when we went into the basement!
[A pause]
That tiny thing? You said it was huge!
No, it wasn’t tiny- Wait, why do you think it’s tiny?
There’s a scale in the corner.
Oh. Well the one I saw wasn’t tiny, it was huge.
Huh. Strange.
[Sounds of a radio being tuned]
[Radio static growing louder]
[The voice sounds distorted]
The rest of this recording has been… Lost. Please refrain from listening to the rest of this podcast. History will be repeating itself, if I have anything to say about it.
[Sounds of a radio being tuned]
[Radio static growing quieter]
[Recording sounds as normal – barely any glitches]
I hope X – or Rin or Ash for that matter – didn’t get hurt by that thing. I’ll have to keep an eye on them. Make sure they’re all okay. There’s definitely more to this story. Like why Emilia was doing some experiments. I want to get a statement from her. Rest assured, I will not be stopping this podcast until I’ve found all the answers. This has been Callie Hewitt. Thank you for listening to this Secret of Everwich.
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Day 67 of Writing Something Everyday
(365 Day Challenge)
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Everything feels so odd,
I'm a passenger in a car that someone else is driving.
It's dark outside and I can't see the driver, I want to look but I can't bring myself to.
I hope that it's God driving because the latter terrifies me.
I'm scared, feeling out of control - losing grip on everything around me.
Just a simulated girl living in a world where the game creator is constantly changing my surroundings.
I think I'm okay and then something glitches and shows me there's something wrong.
Glitching in a loop..
I just put that towel away, why is it on the couch?
Where is that spoon? It's either in the sink or the drawer - but it's nowhere to be found..
Weird sounds around me day and night that make me jump.
Audible voices I answer aloud yet there's nobody there..
Am I descending further into this madness??
What would my mom say, what would she do? Well she'd tell me not to pay attention to it.
But it's incredibly hard when you're alone and every distraction doesn't distract you - only forcing you to focus solely on those things.
My world had colour, but now I stand on a blank page - a void that has no ending or shape and there are no walls to lean on or corners to hide in.
Shapeless like me.
Shapeless like the calendar on the wall.
I've forgotten what it looked like to cross the days off - what it feels like to remember the day of the week.
Agony Amnesia..
Shapeless like the clock on the wall that keeps ticking without batteries in it.
I can't remember who I am or who I was.
Afraid to move forward in case I do something wrong, walking through the wrong door..
Then again I might forget about you too if I move forward, you're the only part of me on earth I haven't forgotten yet.
I've forgotten everything and now I'm just sleepwalking my way through life.
Like I slept walked into that car a few days ago and just realized I was in it.
Now I just sit here quietly watching the streetlights, signs and the world blur together like water colours in a book.
I look out the window and pray that this car will drive me to my destination.
I've driven myself crazy what's next?
The Twilight Zone I guess...
Most will say "there's only one way to go from here and that's up!"
As if that's encouraging..
Those people have clearly never felt as though they're buried 10 feet beneath the dirt and knowing that there's an endless footage of earth left below that that can and will swallow you..
There's only one way down too..
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lowglowinq · 1 year
My observations from the Welcome Home secret Episodes and Other Important Items. (Some details will be reblogged on this post.)
Hidden Video Link Summaries
These are summaries I created of each secret of @partycoffin's Welcome Home episodes and the few things I've notices in them. I have yet to review the audio linked from the pictures drawn by Wally, but I am curious if they are the "Answers" to each question that cuts off the video.
These episodes can be accessed by finding all the bugs on the pages of the Welcome home website. I will late post all their locations, but the links will be pictured below.
In all the episodes, there is a loud dial sound or a noise cutting to the video at the beginning. The video ends when another character mentions Wally, causing the video and audio to glitch. We seem to be viewing Wally’s point of view in these episodes.
Howdy delivers yarn to Poppy and procures a “yarn spinner” which is most likely a handheld whisk. Poppy is appreciative but skeptical about this device, as she already has help from Wally.
POV- We are sitting on a quilt with yarn in our hands looking at the ground. He remains rather stationary the entire time.
2. “Answer”
Sally is asking Poppy to make her a cake for an upcoming show or play. She wants a huge three tier cake that’s vibrant and showstopping. Poppy inquires about the flavor or the cake, but Sally hadn’t thought that far ahead since the audience wouldn’t be able to taste it from their seats. Then Poppy asks Wally what he thinks and that’s when the video ends.
POV- We are sitting on a quilt with plates of tea, an apple, pancakes, and a duck plate of a single piece of broccoli. Compared to last time, we see Wally move his hand back and forth from the teacup in front of him.
3. "Answer"
Sally has come in to Howdy’s grocery store to buy either chips or potatoes. She wants something light, something not as heavy as chips so Howdy suggests mashed potatoes. She ends up getting those and a bunch of other food that seem inedible. Then Howdy asks if Wally wants anything.
POV- We are facing two cereal boxes. The cereal box on the right is moved forward slightly during the video.
4. “Answer”
Frank tends to his flowers while Barnaby makes insufferable jokes. He insists that Barnaby leave since his jokes are poisoning his flowers. Frank then asks Wally how he deals with Barnaby, ending the video.
POV- We are sitting in the tomato garden surrounded by clothespins of red, blue, yellow, orange. To his front right, there is either a pulverized or half eaten tomato and to his left is a blue clothespin facing upside down in the dirt. These clothespins oddly look like people.
5. “Answer”
Eddie is delivering mail when he trips and falls over. He gets back up and mentions that he ran into a few buildings today and played hopscotch that Julie drew earlier. He delivers the mail he has for Wally, and Barnaby begins to chase Eddie who is supposed to deliver his Kazoo collection today. Eddie runs away as Barnaby makes it to the front to Wally.
POV- We look to be staring at the ground with leaves on the left side and an odd-looking teethed stick in front of him. The ground seems to be covered in letters.
6. “Answer”
Frank is talking with Julie about how there are beetles eating up the tomatoes he’s grown. He wishes they would leave the tomatoes alone so Julie suggests that they put up a sign to tell them that they can look but not touch. But Frank insists the beetles can’t read. Julie believes that they can because they have big eyes, but Frank says that comment was rude, and they poke fun at each other with rude jokes. Then Frank suggests coming up with a joke to save his Tomatoes, saying that with the three of them, they could figure something out.
POV- We are pointed down in at the ground, similar to the position in video 4, where we are in the tomato patch. This time the clothespins are rearranged and where the blue clothespin was, are a few yellow tomatoes that have been half eaten and lightly covered in dirt. The red tomato on the right is covered in dirt too.
7. “Answer”
Julie is instructing Eddie on how to be a good associate of the “Breen Berry” company, with her as President Joyful. She is demanding that Eddie follow along at her pace, as it is difficult to run a business. Julie gets a phone call from someone and finds out that the company has gone broke, and she goes on a rampage. Eddie gets a call from Barnaby who’s looking for Wally and Eddie hands Wally the phone.
POV- We are looking at a piece of paper with a drawing of a pie and a drawing of Wally with the word “Breen” written at the bottom. There are crayons and some colored paper next to him.  
8. “Answer”
A bell rings and Frank enters the post office where Eddie is freaking out about a beetle in the office. Apparently, it has been rummaging around, making a mess of things, so Eddie called Frank to catch it. Frank teases him and catches the beetle, taking it away.
POV- We are next to a pile of paper chains and paper, looking down at them.
9. “Answer”
Poppy is trying a new recipe out, one that involves fruit and seeds, with no gelatin. Frank comforts her as they talk about the food. Frank references that if the muffins were shaped into butterflies and had the seeds in them, that could’ve saved his garden from the previous episodes. Poppy is so worried she will burn or hurt herself in some way as she takes out the muffins and Frank reassures her, asking Wally to assure that everyone is safe and sound.
POV- We are looking down at a plate and an apple shaped game of tic-tac-toe. A tray of fruit and seed muffins slide onto the table, and later a handkerchief or towel is put down beside it.
10. “Answer”
Sally is rehearsing a play where Julie is princess turned queen and house is her knight in shining armor. Julie is supposed to be reading from the script but she keeps adding wacky lines declared as law, which in turn frustrates Sally. Sally lets it go and then emphasizes how difficult directing is to Wally.
POV- We are looking at a script procured by Sally, showing the lines that Julie is supposed to be reading.
11. “Answer”
Julie is making jokes to Barnaby and says that they are absolutely terrible. Julie continues to try and prove that they’re good, exclaiming that Frank thinks she is funny too. Barnaby continues to tease her, and Julie tries to get Wally to agree that she’s funny.
POV- We are looking at the leaves as the sun peers through them. It looks as if it were sunset.
12. “Answer”
Howdy is telling a story about his very extensive family members and Barnaby acts to be interested, trying to follow along in Howdy’s tale. Barnaby makes some jokes about the play-on-words and they both laugh. Then Howdy asks Wally how his drink is.
POV- We look down at a table with a sundae to our right and a spoon and a blue swirly straw to our left. The tablecloth is striped red and white.
13. “Answer”
Eddie delivers a bunch of packages to Howdy and finds he needs to deliver a bunch of bowling balls to Julie.
POV- We are looking at a bunch of multicolored apples.
14. "Answer"
Barnaby is making jokes to House who replies with squeaks and creeks. Barnaby then makes a joke that House doesn’t like and Barnaby tries to prove that he is funny. Then Barnaby notices that Wally has stopped painting and is acting weird.
POV- We are starring at a blob of white paint and a blob or red paint.
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amarantine-amirite · 5 months
Be Careful What You Say
The universal college experience, no matter your major, is learning how remarkably fucked everything is. The sole exception is business majors, who never learn this because they don't have exams.
I used to think that the thing about business majors was true. Something happened that made me realize that it wasn't: what happened with my course in Operating Systems. 
We arrived in class on the first day. Our instructor, a skinny blonde woman, came in with a stack of syllabi. “Good morning everybody,” she introduced herself as she passed out the syllabi, “my name is Dr. Palmer, and welcome to Operating Systems.” 
Kids looked at the printouts. “Now, if you look at the syllabus, you will notice that there is no final exam despite being a sophomore-level course,” she said with a chuckle. “We actually can’t assign finals for this class anymore because of a problem we had last semester.” 
She then proceeded to tell us about all of the glitches that made the previous semester's final impossible to complete. The exam had 20 questions, but no Question 13. Some of the kids took it just assumed they skipped it on purpose due to superstition, like some buildings do with the 13th floor on the elevator. A Spanish question preceded a calculus question, neither of which had any relevance to the course. Some questions inquired about your sex life. To nobody's surprise, loads of people decided to duck away from that one, and when they did, they discovered the "pass" button, meant to skip questions and come back to them later, wasn’t working. One of the questions was written in Wingdings font, and nobody could make heads or tails of it. 
Kids complained. Nobody finished the test and their grades reflected it. The complaints made their way to the board of directors and the dean’s office. 
To everybody's shock, the dean's office forbade anyone teaching second-year OS design to create a final, and to assign a term paper instead. The argument was that if you can't complete your test due to one or more problems with the test itself, that’s on The course staff, and that penalizing students because of it was tantamount to fraud. 
The term paper was always on an extremely niche area of the subject. Dr. Palmer assigned topics randomly. The topic I got was so niche that I could find only one text on it. It was a good source with a three-page-long mathematical proof. I cited this proof as the fulcrum for my paper.
About 4 weeks before the deadline, Dr. Palmer left, and Dr. Mendez took over the class. The night before his first class back, he sent out an email instructing us to turn in my rough draft. It caught me by surprise, but I managed to put together a bibliography, get it legible, and hand it in.
Roughly a week after I handed in my draft, I got an email that said this: you have been founded gilty of ploariozaiton on yr term paper. 
I couldn’t help but laugh that an email from the university had that many spelling mistakes. I was positive it was a joke. 
The following day, Dr. Mendez pulled me aside at the end of class. I discovered that the email wasn’t a joke. “You wanted to speak to me, sir?” I asked timorously. 
“Ah, yes, Sophie,” Dr. Mendez said
I pulled up the email on my phone. “would it be related to this email that I really hope I read wrong?” 
Dr. Mendez dug my draft out of the pile on the podium of the lecture theater. “Look at this bibliography, tell me what you see.”
I looked at my bibliography. It only had one text cited. “the book with the proof?” I asked as I pointed to the lone item in the bibliography.
Dr. Mendez slammed the paper down on the podium. “You plagiarized this paper,” he barked. 
“Plagiarized?” I asked in horror. I clearly cited the book, I couldn’t have possibly plagiarized anything. 
“You used the wrong style of citation,” Dr. Mendez scolded, “That constitutes plagiarism.”
“The instruction sheet for the assignment said to use APA format”
Dr. Mendez shook his head. “It's supposed to be Chicago format,” he said. He had his mind made up and didn't want to be confused with the facts. 
“Even still, it was what I was instructed to use at the time,” I shrugged, “It's only a rough draft, I can fix it later”
I hoped he’d listen to reason. He didn’t. “Doesn’t matter,” Dr. Mendez blurted, “the citation style is still wrong.”
“But, this isn’t plagiarism,” I said, gesturing to the paper hard enough my fingers hit the page. 
Dr. Mendez got his bag and left. “Well, that’s for the council to decide,” he said as he exited
My hearing took place the following week. I showed up on time, and Dr. Mendez showed up half an hour later. Someone from the Academic Accountability Office arrived to take notes. 
The people at the student union told me that they let the student speak first. Before I could say anything, the notetaker passed me some printouts. “Sophie, do you recognize these?” he asked
I did. The printouts were hard copies of my long-since deleted LinkedIn profile from high school.
Yes, I had LinkedIn in high school. I had to take a careers class that required us to make a LinkedIn profile for ourselves. I only used it for that class.
About a month after the class ended, I got up in the middle of the night and saw a guy on LinkedIn named Jose was flexing his salary and boat. I very stupidly made a comment involving the words "No way Jose."
It swiftly devolved into madness. People made racist death threats, 25 people got their accounts suspended, and Jose ended up committing suicide. 
Dr. Mendez glared at me. “Sophie, do you remember what happened next?” he hoped to hear me say my account got suspended.
“Well,” I began, “after the Jose incident, I threw out the old LinkedIn account. I didn't get back to LinkedIn until after I graduated high school.” 
Dr. Mendez fixed his gaze on me like a laser drilling out a part. “Your stupid joke killed my son,” he growled. 
My jaw dropped. “Jose was your son?” I asked.
Dr. Mendez sighed. “Yes, and you need to learn your lesson,” he stood up and slowly lurched in my direction. “I gave you that topic because our library only had that one book on the subject. Honestly, I just thought you’d simply photocopy the proof and hand that in.”
The meeting ended like that. Not only did they find me guilty of plagiarism, but they found grounds to immediately remove me from campus. They usually only reserve that for kids to get kicked out due to violent behavior, not cheating.
The next day, they told me I had 6 hours to pack my things and leave or they would call the police and I would be found guilty of trespassing. I cried as I had to quickly pack my things and move back in with my parents who would be beside themselves once they found out.
I couldn't get everything packed in 6 hours. I had to leave about a quarter of my stuff behind. I’m not even allowed to go back there, so I can’t even pick it up.
It doesn’t matter whether you have an exam. College teaches you everything is fucked. 
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
I had the weirdest god damn dream and I believe part of the reason it happened was cause I read all the previous asks before so I wanna share it here for everyone.
For starters, the world has been taken over by a corrupt organisation that believes in one god and wants everyone to believe in them as well. They started taking over governments and ended up taking up the world in no time, forcing everyone to worship their god. There were three things you needed to do to worship their god: talk about the god, pray to the god and think only about the god; anyone who failed to do so would either get tortured brutally or outright killed.
Now here's where things kinda get more bizzare. Apparently, to get a hold of more people and monitor them, they decided to take over Genshin and change a lot of things in the game. First, they deleted all the regions so Teyvat was just one big continent named after one of most devout followers in the organisation. Then, they added a bunch of new world quests that talked about their god and achieving these quests wouldn't give you primogems but "good fate" that allowed you to pray for the god and get better rewards. These quests were acted our by fatui but they were portrayal are holy good people that were just trying to spread the message about their god (didn't see any harbringers and there wasn't a mention of them so maybe they don't exist here?). Lastly, all the characters had somehow become self aware and had to follow the same three rules or else they would be punished as well.
In the dream, I was fugitive who was playing this weird genshin. The fugitive didn't believe in the god but pretended to do so to save myself and my family. While playing the game, they decided to open the character menu to check my character's artifacts. When scrolling to Tighnari, he makes a comment about how ridiculous this new rules were and why anyone should follow it. The moment he says that, the screen freezes and becomes progressively more glitchy, slowly covering the whole screen until the only thing that was visible was Tighnari's shock face and his eyes slowly turning black.
"No, wait, I didn't--"
Then, the game restarts on it's own and when they open the character menu again, Tighnari's page is there but Tighnari himself is completely gone.
Afterwards, while playing as Cyno, Cyno makes a passing comment about not being able to find Tighnari and asks the player if they've seen him. They say no and Cyno is obviously disappointed but continues to do the quests together with them. Everything continues on as normal until he says something about their god had changed to another when Buer was already a good enough god for them and the entire screen freezes again. However, instead of the screen getting glitchy, the glitches appear at various parts of his body and slowly eat every part of him, forcing the player to watch as Cyno tries to fight off the mysterious glitchy sustenance until it leaves him with only his neck and his head.
He tries to scream but his vocal chords had long been eaten by the glitches. When the glitches completely swallow his body, they disappear and leave nothing on spot.
There are a few details I left out but typing this in the car is slowly making me carsick so I'll add some of em later djjxnxjx I blame all the faceless ayato and creepypasta stuff HAHHA
I read this before a quiz and it took me long to process this cuz bro. Bro, this could be a good fricking premise for a sagau fic but I already have a sagau fic running lol–
Let's give your nightmare more additional details for the hell of it:
You can't chose any other twin. In this example I'll have Aether as the only traveler you can pick and Lumine is the "God".
This was what the Loom of Fate operations was all about. Don't misunderstand her. She wasn't always like this. At first, her ascension to "Godhood" isn't for her own benefit.
It's yours.
That's because she couldn't take it anymore. She's finally lost it. Lumine couldn't handle the way you've been using everyone except her. Most of all: she feels insulted for your sake that no one cares enough to treat you with respect. In her twin's body, they force you to work commissions and isolate yourself on domains that barely give you proper artifacts. It fills her with rage to watch your party members fail to crit– it disgusts her.
If she could take out all these pests... All these "characters" that worship false Gods like Buer... Then maybe they'll finally recognize you as the one that should sit on the thrones of Celestia.
The first to go would be Xiao and Ganyu. Zhongli was too late to save his subjects.
Zhongli taught them to treat him with reverence. Zhongli taught them Filial piety.
He taught them to respect Rex Lapis. Of course his most loyal subjects would oppose a new ruler.
And there's nothing more painful to a loving parent than the loss of their child.
It was in their death that she realized:
"This feels... Fulfilling."
Yes. Yes, there's no need to change what has been done.
Lumine has gone through enough.
She'll be the overseer of this new world and you will be the one to serve her instead.
Perhaps you continued walking around genshin as a fugitive, thinking that these are all part of some major archon quest with a grand resolution of having Aether and Lumine confront each other head on for all the things she had done with the leylines.
That should be your next move... If you could manage to find Dainsleif.
You couldn't access any archon quests– sometimes you'd see the screen glitch and show where the next scene will take place only for it to be overtaken by messages about devoting yourself to this unnamed God.
Ha. Well. You've had your fun playing the game, right?
It's her turn to control you now.
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Welcome Home Website (Part 1)
spoilers(??) under the cut !!
OK SO first off im just on the first page and already the little animation of someone (Wally?) drawing Home is new
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A LOT OF NEW THINGS SO EXCITING !!! love the little Wally sitting on the website updates !!
as you can see, i've highlighted that little section underneath the artwork of Wally sitting on a rock
and thats because i noticed that the text is blocked after 'about the' and wanted to highlight it and copy paste it to get the text behind the gif (bc im p sure its the gif of the spinning home thats blocking it)
"learn about the vibrant world around them and take part in nonsensical fun!"
i have no idea if that was on purpose or if thats what it said originally (its been a while since ive seen the website ok?) but thats interesting OH I KNOW HOW TO CHECK
ok so i went to Night Mind's video on Welcome Home because it was about an old version of the site, and yep nothing about that has changed besides the fact that 'vibrant world' is now covered
is this important or could it just be a glitch? no idea but i'll let it go for now
onto the more obvious new changes
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alright so i read through the website update, and the 'y' on 'You' in the first sentence of the second paragraph is capitalized AND in a different font last time we had to look out for letters that were out of place, so im taking note of this
though it may just to highlight 'you' as in us, the viewers/audience/people interacting with the site
also!! a little ladybug thing is coming from behind that counter (which i assume is counting how many people have visited the site) and its cute! and new and i wonder if its important to anything?
is it just me or is the background different (i dont think it is but it feels more saturated to me (maybe its just been a while since ive seen the site tho LOL))
the telephone is interesting too but i think we'll find out more of it in the exhibition page
i'll be going through the different pages from left to right
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well now im afraid
i will save that for later i will finish looking through the rest of this page um
so. the W on 'Wally' is still messed up as you can see but not sure if thats still relevant since that was a clue for last time yk
so the restored art pieces are the same, nothing's changed
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this is new though
i can click on the tulips and after the bug im a little afraid
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by clicking on the yellow tulip
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by clicking on the blue and red tulips
audio !! neat
the names of the tabs are interesting, i wonder if u put them in a certain order it will make a sentence? like 'will you help me' or something?? will have to find more secrets i guess
ok so now i will watch 'answer' (im afraid)
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also !! omg they have voices now thats so cool !!
i have no idea what it is im looking at, but it must be somewhere in Frank's garden right?
now the end of the video has my interests peaked, because when Frank asks (who i assume is) us and the audio just glitches out? first a deep voice replies to Frank but i cant make out what its saying
also then the glitch at the end, i think its supposed to loop with the glitch at the beginning
like it sounds connected
oh also some amendment to the figures there's actually 9 of them one is just at the edge of the camera and u cant see it
ok next for the audios
so 'Help' is Wally, which is interesting
nothing too helpful(aha) but just him realizing that we can hear him i guess? 'What are you waiting for?' the answers obv/j
Wally's laugh is so cute
'will' huh he talks about eyes, he said thats what an eye looks like, his are black and asks what color is mine/ours
it might just be me but the middle of the record kinda looks like an eye? or maybe im just crazy LOL
ok now onto 'The Neighborhood' page
so first off, i can click the gif of Home surrounded by flowers at the top
oh wait it just brings u back to the first/home page LMAOAOAOOA
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another bug
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clicked it and another video called 'answer' and its probably another video in Frank's garden
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also interesting thing to note! the colored part of the records are different for each character, Julie's is pink and Sally's orange
i point this out because there were records for the 'Help' and 'will' audio, they were broken but the color was red
and red is associated with Wally (and Home too) so yeah thats all
anyways Sally's voice fits her so well too!! i love it, actually kinda reminds me of a character from Star Darlings LOL
Poppy's voice is cute! has old lady vibes
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another bug, surprisingly on Eddie's character page, which is interesting
LOVE HIS VOICE IT FITS SO WELL TOO 'When it comes to friendship, I always deliver!' ur so cute Eddie
HELP ME HOWDY'S VOICE????? IT FITS SO WELL TOO????? so old-timey announcer voice
ofc Barnaby's voice sample is him making a joke. ofc it is. also his voice reminds me a LOT of Sans from Undertale so
actually now that i think abt it Frank's voice reminds me of Papyrus from Undertale,, n the fight they had has similar vibes to Sans and Papyrus,,, well anyways
tbh in my head he always had more of a Squidward voice, like more nasally(?) but his voice fits really well too!
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everyone already knows what Wally sounds like, but wow hearing it in a not-creepy environment is always cool
anyways. the flower is a gif and i can click on it so more creepy stuff now
hm called 'will' again which is interesting but the W is capitalized
the so below page is the same so time to check out the new stuff!
starting with the bug from the bottom of The Neighborhood page
so i was wrong its actually Frank and Poppy baking which is cute! love their friendship BUT Frank's voice got glitched out at the end when Frank said 'Wally' which makes me wanna re-listen to the first one
so all these videos are from Wally's perspective???
yep so the bug from Eddie's page leads to a video of Frank and Eddie talking about a bug that's in the post office!! made me especially giddy because i ship Frank x Eddie LOL
they are so cute!! so cute !!!!!
also, i've only seen 3 but it's interesting how all these videos are of Frank interacting with the other neighbors, then the video ending with his voice glitching out on 'Wally'
i think that there's more bugs and videos for the rest of the neighbors, but i'll go looking for them later! im gonna eat now and i wanna take a break to absorb all this stuff
i have no idea but i'll ponder on it more later bye bye!
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sry i love the idea of survivor bti rebecca so much cuz just imagine for a sec some drabble that starts off similar to a springtrap x reader fic like frighteningly intriguing or smthn but instead of romance its like “the fuck thats my dad” it would be so hilarious
Ohoho. Hoh. Y’all really just like my shit mashed together with other people’s universes huh? This definitely got me thinking though because @glitchysquidd’s notebook pages are quite compelling… After reading what I could of it to get an idea, this is going to be far from hilarious. It is going to be god awful, especially since poor Rebecca in this blurry fnaf timeline is still technically a minor. I hope the original creator of Frighteningly Intriguing does get a kick out of this though. Your stuff is a very fun read and I worked hard to make this even remotely comparable.
No read more because tumblr is glitching my text when I use it. Trigger warnings for autism meltdowns, flashbacks, trauma, and the obvious mentions of death. Let’s go…
It All Comes Back to Haunt You
A teenage girl groaned as she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket again. Micheal would not leave her the hell alone. She had spoken with Tim and Samantha already. They seemed more excited about her “past experience” with the animatronics than anything else. Her brother was supposed to take the job, but after a horrible amount of hallucinations he got just entering the building, she volunteered. He was not happy about it, but Henry wouldn’t let him go back until he recovered.
She had one night to actually be able to do something besides sit at home and hope the rest of her loved ones didn’t die horribly. This was her chance to prove herself in a sense. The Afton name followed her even after witness protection tried to erase it from her records. Her classmates knew who her father was. Of course they did. There was a whole fanbase of people who idolized him. Others stuck to throwing cafeteria food at her and telling her she should’ve died by her father’s hand and joined the rest of them.
She couldn’t say she disagreed…
Looking over the note left for her, she wandered around the empty horror attraction, searching for the other employee she was meeting up with. A couple of her peers wanted to trick her into coming to this place on halloween to cause her to have flashbacks. She heard their plans while eating lunch one day. What’s weird is she didn’t feel like she was reliving past trauma at all. The animatronics she just stumbled upon, the old models… Those were her friends… Hell, one of them was her own brother. They saved her life that night…
The teen didn’t flinch when Freddy’s head moved a bit, dead eyes sparking in recognition. Instead she just mumbled awkwardly, “H-hi, Gabe… I uh… hope everyone’s been doing alright… I’ll come see you later, o-okay…?”
“Let us sleep…” A ghostly child’s voice grumbled tiredly.
“S-sorry, guys…”
She didn’t argue, slowly shutting the door and continuing her search, soon overhearing faint conversation. Rebecca felt Micheal blowing up her phone again, and finally looked.
“Is his workshop still there? Henry wants to know if you could snap some pictures of blueprints.”
That was a good question, and she just stumbled upon the answer. Why was it wide open? Maybe her employers found it? Yeah, she’d go with that. The room was like a time capsule, mesmerizing her in an encompassing nostalgia. She remembered playing in this room so much as a little girl… Her father used to sit right here with her on his lap and she’d scribble on his scrap paper—
No. No no no. No diving into the past. Pulling out her phone, she snapped a few pics and tried to leave. The familiar head of a yellow rabbit lying against the wall froze her solid. Maybe she had underestimated the amount of trauma this task would bring back… Oh God… Was that her brother’s picture, and the address written after the bite? Her heart was starting to hurt more than her head…
“Who’s there?!”
A voice made her jump, putting down papers she was sifting through. A slightly beat up figure approached.
“Listen, don’t make me call the police, kid—“
Rebecca handed over the note, noticing the other person squint tiredly.
“You’re the one they hired to shadow me? You’re a little young.”
She nodded, “I-I’m Rebecca. My uh… my brother couldn’t make it…”
“Fine…” Her new coworker didn’t seem too thrilled for some reason, “Come on. I guess you gotta meet Dave.”
“Dave?” Rebecca echoed in bewilderment, “I thought they said we were the only two employees he—“
“Dave’s not an employee. He’s kinda scary. Smells awful. Walking biohazard. Still, he’s pretty cool.”
What the fuck were they talking about? If this “Dave” wasn’t a staff member then— Did they mean an animatronic they named Dave for comedic effect?
Then she saw it. The head peeking from around the distant corner down the hall… The head of the other Spring Bonnie suit. The same one she watched springlock her father when she was six, while she was on the ground with a knife in her body. She froze, feeling her heart drop to her feet.
“W-what the hell is that?!”
“That’s Dave...” Her mysterious coworker shrugged, “No need to actually be scared of him. He’s…relatively harmless…”
Rebecca knew for a fact his name wasn’t Dave. Her dad was just as bad at coming up with fake names to hide his identity as Micheal was. God, if she ever made it home, Henry and Mikey would not be happy to hear William Afton was back. This poor innocent person had no idea who they were dealing with! What should she say? Could she say something?!
Nope… She was in full meltdown mode now, totally mute. The teen felt her mind leave the current moment and rewind back years in the past. Her mother had convinced her she made up her family outside of herself and Micheal… She didn’t even recognize William as her father until he forced her to look at the suit that jogged her memory. He held her and told her he loved her, before a sharp pain pierced her back. She recalled seeing the ghosts of the children and the puppet standing between them… Then the springlocks went off. His screams haunted her as she passed out.
After that… It was a long stay at the hospital, which made her remember the siblings she was told she made up all the more… Loads of therapy later, she was staying with Micheal and Henry trying to repair her life to some form of normalcy without her mother… The best thing her father did was set her free from her mother, but that was besides the point. All the while the traumatic experience became the talk of the world, it seemed. True crime podcasts, news reports, so many fans of the franchise trying to find her and ask her about her experiences…
This was all some spooky story to the rest of the world, and this hooky horror attraction all but proved it. It was all fun and games until your siblings died and your father comforted you as he stabbed you in the back both figuratively and literally. Of course…
When she finally grounded herself, she nearly lost all the air in her lungs as she realized he was now a foot away from her.
“Dave! Personal space! Can’t you see she’s freaked out?!” Her coworker was starting to get concerned.
The animatronic rabbit rolled his eyes, all but confirming to Rebecca this was definitely still her dad. He was the type to scoff at anyone giving him advice in such a situation. His dead eyes almost seemed concerned when he shifted his gaze to her. That terrified her further. The last time he looked concerned for her was when she got stabbed.
“Hey hey…” The other employee spoke slightly softer, “Dude all the color is gone from your face… Here, sit down… Try to breathe… I’m gonna grab you some water…”
Her phone was buzzing like crazy. She didn’t dare take it out. She couldn’t. Trying to breathe, she gasped and choked on air as “Dave” sat down next to her, far too casually. This was painful. Was he trying to give her cardiac arrest?!
He was totally silent, besides the sounds of his joints ticking and popping unnaturally with his movements. It occurred to her with the stench that his body was still in there, making her gag. Her attempts to catch her breath were the loudest sounds for a few moments. It was almost calm… until she felt a hand on her back.
She would have screamed if she had any voice to scream with. Instead, the teen stiffened at the feeling of his hand feeling over her shirt, clearly noticing the slight bump of the scar she had down her back from his own actions. His eyes almost lit up at that, whether in a positive or negative way she had no idea. It seemed he was surprised she didn’t pull away. It was because she couldn’t due to paralyzing terror.
“S-stop pretending already…” She stammered, “I-if you want to finish it… J-just—“
His ears drooped slightly, and he almost sighed…?
What was up with him?! He wouldn’t even say a single word to her after all of what he put her through?! Wait… Could he even talk?
Footsteps made Rebecca relax a bit as her coworker had returned with water. She grabbed their arm to be helped up, and eagerly created space between herself and the figure sitting next to her. She pulled out her phone and with trembling hands found herself not texting her brother or Henry for help. She just left them on read. As much as she wanted to believe her own father was safe, it could seal her doom like it did before. She knew not to underestimate him, but she didn’t want to be a coward…
She was also worried about this other person who had no idea what they were up against. This was no time to fear the results of her actions. This was potentially another life on the line. She typed on the notes app on her phone and showed it to her coworker.
“I can’t talk right now, but please listen to me. Dave isn’t his name. He’s lying.”
“What? How would you know his name? You just got here.” They scoffed, almost playfully, obviously not taking her seriously, “I think you’re still in shock, dude…”
She could feel her father’s eyes on her even without looking up from the screen. As much therapy as she went through and as much as she knew her father did terrible things, she couldn’t help but feel guilty for doing anything to harm him. It was still her father, after all… Is it bad she missed him? After remembering all the things her mother told her were her imagination filling in loneliness from her autism… Was it bad she wanted her whole family back?
She was jolted out of her feelings when Henry tried calling her, but she pressed decline. This happened about three more times with Micheal’s number within the next two minutes.
“Yeesh…” Her new acquaintance commented jokingly, “Family won’t get off your back, huh? I don’t miss being your age, that’s for sure. Nobody thinks you’re capable of anything.”
Finally, a text from Mikey sealed her fate for the night and any future nights.
“That’s it. I’m coming to get you.”
She spat out the water she sipped, confused at why she was upset Micheal was coming to save her… Well… Rebecca still felt like she didn’t deserve to be saved the first time, so… Maybe it was that with her dad still here, she was finally hoping for this nightmare to end how it should have back then? She should’ve died. That was all she ever heard from doctors and police and kids at school… Yet she continued on living… She couldn’t count how many times people who knew who she was related to expected her to “snap” just like her parents.
As much as she loved Micheal and Henry for supporting her, she felt like she dragged them down by not being able to hate her father’s guts like they did. She was so young when it happened. Her mind was so cloudy on whether he actually cared in those moments or not. It was so confusing… Her mother’s gaslighting made it difficult enough without finding out her father was real and a serial killer. Then there was the matter of how just before she was born this whole mess started…
What did she do wrong to make her happy family fall apart before her very eyes…? Should she have been born at all…? Was she the one to blame for all of this? Of course. Who else would it be…? All those kids who died… Her mother being killed while baking her birthday cake because she just had to go see the animatronics she was banned from seeing that day with Mr. Emily… This all wouldn’t have happened if she hadn’t been what he was after… It was all her fault. She knew it deep down, too…
“Shit… A-Are you crying…?” The voice of the adult beside her sounded worried, “Was it something I said— DAVE! YOU ARE NOT FUCKING HELPING!”
The rabbit stiffened at being screamed at, but still stood up and approached. Before anyone could stop him, he hugged this seemingly random teenager in a manner uncharacteristic to his entire personality.
“What the hell’s gotten into y—“
Rebecca’s eyes shot open wide, as she began shivering and losing strength in her feet. She was prepared for the pain of the knife…a springlock mechanism… something to impale her and leave her bleeding out on the grimy floors, like just another prop in this haunted house built around her trauma.
…Yet nothing came. No stabbing, no blood coughed out of her mouth... This wasn’t like before. This was…just a hug? A…real one? From him?! She finally looked up at the masked face, silently demanding some sort of answer behind the whirlwind of emotion she was trapped in. He didn’t say a word, looking down at her and daintily moving some hair out of her eyes. His hold on her was careful, but also possessive. He wanted to keep her close to him for as long as he could…
Eventually the third figure pried her out of the rabbit’s steel grip, much to his upset as he stomped his foot to make a loud thud echo down the hallway. Her phone vibrated. Rebecca knew her brother was waiting outside, and would rather not have him break in to see this. She slowly turned to the door, shaken and shocked by what had unfolded. She almost wanted to go back to hug him one last time. No way she would be allowed back once Micheal and Henry found out…
“My rides here… They want me to come home. My brother is gonna come instead. He just needed someone else to cover for one night…”
She showed the phone mainly to the other person, but her father did see what it said and nodded solemnly, much to her surprise.
Springtrap followed them to the doorway as much as he could without being seen, and watched as his more recently met friend sent off the teen, who ended up running straight to a hooded figure. Micheal was taking care of her at least… He could overhear the conversation.
“She had a panic attack or something when she saw one of the animatronics in the attraction.” The employee’s voice sounded confused, but also slightly dismissive, “Probably just a little spook.”
“Thanks for looking out for her.” Micheal replied, “Can I ask which one of them it was?”
“J-just Bonnie.” Rebecca piped up suddenly.
Wait. Did his daughter just cover for him… or was she scared of Micheal’s reaction to finding out he was still here…?
William felt like it was both, but that included the former, and that nearly melted his dead metal heart. God, of course she still cared about him. She was too young to actually have the capacity to hate him for what he’d done to her back then. She was the youngest child he ever attempted killing. This wasn’t supposed to end like this for her… It stung seeing her still impacted by it after all these years. This wasn’t supposed to be her fate.
He wished he had gotten the job done on the night of her sixth birthday, if only to spare her from this haunting her for the rest of her life.
After the pair of siblings left, the only words that came next were:
“Dave, what the flying fuck was that?”
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