#I think ace would actually be a good dad
leeyd · 5 months
Wouldn't it be funny if future Ace who somehow succeeded in getting married and having a child and all.
And when he thought everything was fine and dandy, his kid blurted out "uncle deuce is so much more cooler"
+points if deuce is a police unlike ace
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moonpaw · 2 years
people who actually believe that theory that usopp will die to prove he's a brave warrior of the sea is so ridiculous when oda can't even kill a giant who was in a flashback 22 years ago
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aroaessidhe · 2 years
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2022 reads // twitter thread
The [Un]Popular Vote
YA contemporary about a trans boy who decides to run for student president after witnessing homophobic bullying at his new school
while keeping the fact that he's trans hidden, because of his politician father
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chaotic-mystery · 10 days
Consider It a Favor || J.M.
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Summary: Your AC breaks in your car and the one person around to help is your neighbor, Mr.Miller. (No outbreak!Joel miller x f!reader)
Content Warnings: 18+ as always, MDNI. Age gap (Not specified but I put Sarah in college) DILF Joel mowing his lawn, reader is able-bodied and is wearing a swim suit/coverup, reader has hair Joel can pull, kissing, swearing, (1) blowjob, size kink go brrr, pet names (good girl, sweetheart, baby) facedown ass up, babey, a little manhandling, unprotected penetration (don't look at me okay, the whore in me jumped out), dirty talk, Joel hyping up his ego, pussy ownership, creampie, a little glimpse of aftercare and what really happened to your AC.
Authors Note: This is my own submission for Summer Lovin' 24! We had a blast making this and I will def do another in the future. Ali, you are an absolute beast for making all of these moodboards, thank you bby. As always, go check out everyone else's submissions, Ali's been on top of it with the masterlist so you can find them all in one place over at @pedgito🖤 (Also are we surprised I'm posting this late? No)
|| wc: 3.4k || Dividers by me || Masterlist ||
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There he was again, Mr.Miller in the front of his house mowing away at the barley grown grass with nothing but gray shorts on and his shoes, the sweat glistening in the sun over his shoulders. You knew it was wrong to look at your neighbor like this but how could you help yourself when he was so irresistible?
He didn’t have a problem with you staring either, he never told you to stop or that it made him feel weird. Having the attention of a woman made him feel good, especially when she was younger than him. It let him know he still had it in him.
“Hi Mr.Miller!” You try shouting over the roaring lawn mower but it was no use. He keeps walking up and down near the sidewalk, making sure he doesn’t miss an inch. If you didn’t get going now, you were never going to make the beach party you got invited to earlier. Making your way down the stairs of your wooden deck and sneaking glances at him every few steps to your car, you smile to yourself imagining him at the beach, laying on his stomach to tan that beautiful back.
Fading back into reality, you realize he was standing in front of you  snapping and waving his fingers to get your attention. 
“How’s it goin’ sugar? Doin’ okay in this heat?” 
“O-oh! Yeah, I’m just on my way to the beach now. Grass looks really good, can I pay you to cut my dads?” You joke and point behind you to the taller grass that didn’t look so bad before Joel cut his. 
“No, c’mon don’t start that shit. Well I’ll let you get goin’. I’m fixin’ to finish this yard anyway.” 
He waves goodbye and you stand up straight to look your best for his last glance at you, something to hopefully think about when he’s finishing his grass. Flipping over the engine as soon as you get inside, you roll the windows down to let the warm air out and you blast the AC to cool down. Something felt off though, the car was making a weird sound and the air wasn’t getting cold like it usually did. Frustrated and hot, you get back out and slam the door shut, walking in front of the hood to open it. Joel notices you get out and he turns to watch you, his brows knitting together in confusion.
“Everything okay, darlin?” He wipes his hands on his shorts as he walks over to you. 
“No, my goddamn AC won’t work right and I don’t know why but I can’t drive there without it, I would actually rather eat a jean jacket.”
He laughs and shakes his head before walking over to the driver side door, climbing in to stick his hand in front of the air vent. Feeling for himself firsthand the disgustingly warm air that was hotter than satan's asshole, Joel walks back to the hood and rests his hand along the top of it, his arm stretched up over his head. 
“I can take a look at it if you want? Probably won’t make it to the beach today but I can try like hell.”
“Are you sure? I have some cash inside the house to pay you. Hold on, let me go grab it.” You sprint towards the front door of the house and pat down the pockets of your skimpy coverup for the sound of the jingling keys. “Hey Joel, do you see my house keys in my car on the seat?”
“Let me look, sweetheart.” He opens the passenger side door and glances around on the passenger seat, not a single nickel key anywhere in sight. This was perfect, just perfect. You locked yourself out and you’re stuck outside in your swimsuit under the see through cover up you just had to wear instead of wearing normal clothes like every other person ever. 
“No! No key!” He shouts from your car and gets out, shaking his head side to side in case you didn’t hear him. 
Fuck. What were you going to do now? No one else was going to be home until later tonight, window climbing was out of the question, the back screen door had a wooden pole in the track to keep people from breaking in when you weren’t using it, there were no options but to hang out with Joel. You didn’t mind, but dressed like this? What would the neighbors think considering how nosy they are and the neighbor across the street who Joel briefly had a thing with. No one knew about that but you, thank god for late night trips to sit on the roof and smoke, right? You get to hear everything when it’s quiet.
Joel shuts the hood and gets back in the driver's seat, the door latching softly behind him. His big hand grabs the back of the passenger seat headrest as he reverses out of your driveway with the other one hand on the wheel, spinning it in such a controlled way it weirdly turns you on seeing him drive like that. He pulls into his garage and shuts off the engine before tucking the keys in the sun visor. He chuckles at the key to keychain ratio you have on the worn out carabiner, the red paint scratched all over and showing the silver metal under it.
”So, turns out I locked myself out of my house…this is just great.” You scratch your forehead in frustration and sigh. If you were just paying attention to what you were doing when you were leaving you wouldn’t have locked yourself out and you wouldn’t be out here half naked with Joel. You fling the trunk open and start to look for extra clothes, anything to put on to be a little more presentable and not have the neighbors question your entire life.
The options were slim pickings. A choice between wearing a hoodie in 100 degree weather, a safety vest you swore you needed to buy the other day, and someone’s jeans that weren’t your size at all. 
“What are you doin’ back there?” 
“Looking for something to put on because I look crazy.” 
A sigh of relief washes over you as you find all the way in the corner of the trunk, an oversized gray t-shirt you didn’t even remember owning. The band printed on the front was so faded out by now you couldn’t tell who was even on it. 
Pulling the cotton fabric over your swimsuit and shimming your cover up down your legs until you’re able to step out of it, you toss it in the trunk before you slam it shut and grab a seat next to the oscillating fan he has going. The semi cool air blows your scent right in his direction and he tries to act normal about the smell of your perfume mixed with sunscreen. He yanks the short stool over to him and the wheels wobble as it rolls fast towards him and he sits down with his flashlight in his other hand, inspecting what could be the issue. The heat was starting to get to you and your head was pounding, ringing with a sharp headache. 
“Sweetheart, come hold this light for me, would you please?” 
“Y-yeah, absolutely.” 
You stand up a little too eagerly and walk over to where he was in front of the car. Joel’s hand brushes against yours as he holds out the black flashlight, his dark brown eyes glancing up at yours as soon as your skin touches. It was something you’d never felt before. Maybe it was because he was so much older and it was wrong to feel this way about your neighbor. Maybe it was the excitement of knowing you’d be thinking about this later when you were home and by yourself, taking care of this aching feeling that was growing between your thighs. 
“Point it up just a little bit more, yeah right there. Good girl.” 
At this point he has to know what he was doing to you, the smirk on his lips was a dead give away. He saw the way your eyes widened just enough to make his breath catch in his throat, but he couldn’t act on it. Not yet, at least. He grunts and groans as he starts to move stuff and loosen nuts, the same sounds you imagine echo off his bedroom walls when he’s taking care of himself. He seems like a moaner when he’s jerking off, with such a big house and just one person living there now, there was no way he was a silent masturbater. 
A few hours passed and your hair was sticking to the nape of your neck, completely drenched in sweat. He ended up finding the problem and fixing it just like that. He must know what he’s doing because he found the problem fast…a little too fast.
“Thank you, Mr.Miller, I really appreciate it. Do you have something I can drink?” 
“Oh, shit! I’ve got lemonade inside, c’mon. Ladies first.” 
Joel stands up and lets you walk past before he’s behind you, watching your amazing ass move as you walk up the two little steps to go inside the house. His hand reaches up to the wall and presses on the white button to close the garage door. Seeing the inside of his house was new to you, you’d only seen what you could inside by the front door when you walked by. The tan walls lead you to the kitchen and he points to the white counter island. 
“Sit and wait for me right here, I’ll get ya some lemonade and we can cool off.” 
His finger points to the small barstool tucked under the counter and you straddle the leather top, your ass looking so tempting. The air blows through the vent next to your leg and you shiver slightly as it kisses your warm leg, your nipples hardening under your shirt. Joel walks over to your side and stands close, the lemonade glass clinking against the counter when he sets it down. 
“So what do I owe you?” You ask, taking a sip of lemonade.
“Nothin’ consider it a favor.” 
“Are you sure?” 
You didn’t want it to just be a favor, but if he wanted to play that game, you could too. 
“More than sure, sweetheart.” 
Joel’s waist is so close to brushing against your arm, it was killing you not to move just the slightest to feel him on you. You look up at him and roll your eyes slightly. 
“What was that for?” He asks, his brows knitting together in confusion. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” The smirk grows wider on your face before you turn the stool forward but Joel’s hand comes to your neck, right underneath your hair, and he grasps firmly before he guides you to look at him once more. 
“Think you know exactly what I’m talkin’ about.”
His words were breathy, as if he’s running out of time to talk and his lips crash onto yours. Joel’s mustache pokes against your lip as you kiss him deeper before pulling away, standing with your back against the counter, Joel right in front of you with his hands on his hips. 
“I um, I didn’t mean to do that. I don’t know what I was thinking.” Joel looks around the kitchen as if his excuse is written out on the walls for him. 
“I won’t tell anyone, I promise. You can trust me, Mr.Miller.” 
The innocent smile you flash at him causes him to chuckle and shake his head at you. Joel crosses his arms over his chest and gives a pause before responding. 
“You’re trouble, you know that? Come here.” His finger signals for you to come closer and you happily oblige. Joel’s hands squeeze your hips before his right one travels up to your neck, gripping firmly so you can’t wiggle away.
“Tell me, princess…is that what you want? You want me to bend you over the couch, touch you until you can’t take it, shove my cock in your pretty little mouth?”
Full body chills wash over you. Jesus christ, he was good. Looking at him in his eyes once more, the true nature of Joel Miller was coming out to play. The man who pretended to be an innocent, quiet neighbor, was actually just an older man who wanted to fuck you just as much, if not more than you wanted him to. A wolf in sheep's clothing.
“That’s exactly what I want. More than anything.” You grab his forearm and rub softly before following down to his hip. 
It was driving him crazy the way you were toying with the waistband of his gray shorts, the anticipation was killing him. Joel lets go of your neck and nods his head to the floor, wanting you to get on your knees in front of him. When you kneel down and sit patiently, his shorts fall right to his feet, hardened cock springing out in front of you. 
“I don’t think this is gonna fit, Joel.” 
“It’s okay, don’t worry; I’ll make it fit. Open your mouth, sweetheart.” 
Joel waits until your lips part and your tongue sticks out before smacking the tip of his cock against the wetness pooling on your tongue. His groans fill your ears like a symphony and you swear you’ve died and gone to heaven. His cock wasn’t even inside you yet and you were already so wet for him, you could feel it all over the inside of your swimsuit bottoms. You grab the base and begin sucking, taking your time so your lips run slowly over every vein, every inch of skin his cock has to offer.
The amazing work you were doing with your mouth causes him to grunt and buck his hips, ever so slightly face fucking you until he looks down with his teeth clenched from the pleasure. 
“God damn, you can take it deep. Nasty little one. Doin’ even better than I imagined.” 
The bell goes off in your head and you slowly take his cock out of your mouth and look up at him with a grin on your face. 
“You think about what it would be like to get a blowjob from me?” 
Joel scratches his beard and looks away from you so you don’t see the blush creeping on his face. 
“I do, every night. You don’t make it easier on me when I see you outside half naked because it’s so hot out, your tits spilling out of your top. You’re so fucking beautiful, sweetheart.” 
Now it was your turn to feel the heat rising in your cheeks. You always wondered if he noticed your outfits and he was giving you answers you never thought you’d get. You continue working your tongue from his balls all the way to the tip of his cock, swirling your tongue over the tip and getting any precum dripping out from the way you had him going. His hand runs through your hair and wraps around it, tugging everytime your tongue brushes over the sensitive spot right under the tip. 
“Get up, I can’t take this anymore. I need to fuck you, I need to feel what it’s like inside you.”
He helps you up and walks you over to the black leather couch tucked right under the big picture window in the living room, tossing you down onto the cushions and pulling your ass up into the air with your back arched. He watches as the swim fabric reveals your glossy cunt with the help of Joel pulling the bottoms down just to sit right below your ass.
“Are you ready to be a good girl for me?” Joel grabs your hips and leans over you, cupping your breasts and toying with a nipple as he grinds his cock against your ass waiting for your approval. 
“Y-yes, Joel. I want you to stretch me out. Give it all to me, please.” 
That was enough for him to push his thick cock deep inside you and for a moment your eyes rolled back into your skull. It was one thing having it down your throat but it was another when it feels like it's tearing you in two. Joel’s big hand spreads on your lower back as he drives himself deeper into you, giving you a moment of time to adjust to him before he starts thrusting. 
“Fuck you’re so tight, already squeezing around me. You like that, baby?” His hips slam into you with a rhythmed pace and he grabs your wrists, pinning them to your back while he goes faster. 
Joel’s balls pat against your ass with the speed he’s going and his grunts fall into sync with yours. The two of you start to move against each other and Joel pins your arms tighter to your back to keep himself steady. This was everything you wanted and more and the way your tummy was doing flips, you knew he was ruining you and this wasn’t just a one time thing. 
“Oh my god, Mr.Miller please, go harder, please. Spank me.” 
Joel’s ears perk up and he doesn’t let your arms fall to your side. He holds your wrists with one hand and begins to slap your ass, groaning with every connection his palm makes with your cheeks. You lose count after the fourth one and continue to moan Joel’s name, your pussy aching from the contact.
“I think you’re gonna get me addicted to this pussy, sweetheart. Gonna have to come over again so you can make yourself feel good on my cock, you like the sound of that, baby? I hope I ruin guys your age for you so you only want an older man deep inside you.”
You whine out and the building feeling in your tummy continues and Joel’s words almost push you over the edge. His hand lets go of your wrists and grasp firmly on your hips, slamming your body back against his. 
“I can feel you wanting to come. Is that right? Tell me who this pussy belongs to, sweetheart. Tell me” he growls and spanks you.
Your teeth clamp together as you try not to come yet but he makes it hard with the way he’s plowing into you. Gripping onto the cushion next to you, you try to answer but his moans catch you off guard and make you lose focus.
“C’mon, baby. Tell me who this pussy belongs to and I’ll let you come.” 
Joel spanks your ass again and it brings you enough momentum to respond.
“It’s-fuck-it’s yours Joel. This pussy is yours, all yours I swear.” 
The groan he pulls deep from his sternum is exactly what you need to send you over, dissolving into pleasure underneath Joel. He doesn’t stop thrusting inside of you as he finds it fascinating to watch you squirm and choke out broken moans of his name.
“It’s okay, I got you baby. I’ve got you.” He pants out and soon he’s following you, shooting his load of cum deep inside you. The two of you whimper soft nothings as you come down off your high and Joel catches his breath while he goes soft inside you, the living room falling quiet now. 
As you lay there in a daze with Joel getting off of you, he gives you another moment before he helps you up and fixes your swimsuit bottoms to where they should be sitting. You fix your hair to not look so crazy and turn around to look outside the window and over to your driveway, no one home yet. 
“Joel, would it be okay if I took a nap? You kinda wore my ass out.” You laugh and rest your head on his shoulder. 
“Yeah, absolutely. I won’t uh, I won’t make you sleep on the couch though. C’mon, come sleep in my bed. I’ll make us somethin’ to eat.” He kisses your forehead and walks you to his room. The blue walls and gray sheets invite you in and you’re drawn to his bed immediately. The pillows still fluffed and mangled from him sleeping earlier in the morning but you couldn’t wait to lay on them. He gets you all cozy and in his spot he sleeps and kisses you once more. 
“I’ll come get you when the food is done. Also, sorry I ruined your AC but at least I fixed it!” He says quickly and disappears down the stairs. 
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egophiliac · 3 months
Serious question.
Do you think we’ll see the parents/family of each of the guys???
Like, We’ve been TEASED with Ace’s brother, that I’m starting to think it’s just a reference to that Alice in Wonderland park character in Japan and nothing else….
Jack’s family, Ruggie’s grandma, Falena, Maleficia, Ms.Rosehearts, Just now Vil’s dad is in the picture which I am really happy but now I’m wondering about his mom, and so Deuce’s mom.
I mean, some HAVE a silhouette!! It could mean they do have a design in the making/ready to show. They could’ve shown us Falena in the Tamashina (hope I said that correctly) event, but didn’t (prolly to make Leona not so σ(▼□▼メ) and it’s understandable)
Anyhow, any idea/headcannon about this? Who do you want to see first?
I'm wondering if everyone might eventually get a travel event? like they've now introduced with Vil's that it doesn't have to be specifically hometowns, so that opens things up a lot! (especially if they have to figure out how to do three separate Coral Sea visits) (how would that even work otherwise)
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but yeah, I hope everyone gets a chance! there's a lot of backstory characters I would LOVE to meet. :D :D :D though I do think some of them don't really suit the more light-hearted tone of the events (pretty sure you're right about that being why Falena wasn't in Tamashina-Mina, that would've just been. too much for Leona.) so like...we're probably not ever going to meet the Rosehearts. or Maleficia (although I maintain that this would be THE funniest possible way to introduce her outside of the main story, and actually I would love this a lot, can we please Twst) (I need to see her to put Malleus in a froofy little outfit and tell him what a handsome boy he is). but they've sprung surprises like Kifaji on us, and honestly anyone who shows up and tells embarrassing stories about characters' childhoods is good in my book!
characters off the top of my head who I most want to meet: literally any of the Zigvolts, Azul's mom, Ace's brother, Che'nya's grandfather (<- I think he would be a good one for Riddle) (please just any non-terrible adult in his life), any member of Rook's family because I need to see how they managed to produce him, and...really just whoever they can come up with for Silver.
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astonmartinii · 10 months
no more ace to play [mamma mia part two] | formula one social media au
drivers: sebastian vettel, fernando alonso and jenson button
the investigation was fruitful but now y/n has a handful of drivers and a bucket load of criticism
general note: i answered an ask about this but i thought i'd reiterate here, this is a no wives or kids au, so seb and jenson's wives and kids do not exist in this !! thank you so much for all the lovely feedback on the last part, hopefully i remembered to tag everyone who asked x
part one | masterlist | ko-fi
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liked by sebastianvettel, jensonbutton and 1.405,605 others
tagged: fernandoalo_oficial, sebastianvettel, jensonbutton
yourusername: so i guess it's kinda real now and they're all lovely x
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user4: i know the bitter old people are going to find this now but i for one think it's fucking ICONIC
user5: the guys are way too chill for the situation
user6: they've not said anything, so how would you know?
user5: idk reeks of babytrapping
user7: be for real y/n doesn't need to baby trap anyone she has her own career?
yourbff: debrief needed STAT
yourusername: literally on my way to yours right now get the non-alcoholic wine READY
landonorris: do i like get a prize for my hand in this?
yourusername: here's a gold star ⭐️
landonorris: i was hoping for some monetary rewards
yourusername: ur literally a millionaire ?
landonorris: and?
user8: are any of them gonna like comment or?
user9: very odd considering they wouldn't shut THE FUCK UP on their own posts
user10: for real they were very proud of their 'accomplishments' but now it's the consequences of their actions and theyre silent ?
user11: have yall considered the fact that finding out you might be a dad is a bit of a shock, let them all process it?
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liked by lewishamilton, sebastianvettel and 302,889 others
jensonbutton: back to see the old rides
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user13: so like what team is this kid going to support they've got so much to choose from?
user14: if they have any taste, ferrari 💅
user15: i mean their momma clearly has taste so ....
oscarpiastri: nice to meet you jenson!
jensonbutton: by how much mark talks about you i could've sworn i'd already met you
aussiegrit: bold of you to send shots my way considering your current predicament
user16: mark saying this like they aren't lucky to be with y/n ?
user17: bro we all saw that you met up with y/n and the baby daddy squad... wanna maybe share some thoughts?
user18: why would he want to publicise that he got with a slag?
user17: i know you're not calling y/n a slag when we're talking about f1 playboy JENSON BUTTON ?
user19: i have complete faith that this mamma mia summer WILL have a good ending but i NEED these men to maybe actually talk about it so people aren't just out here coming for y/n ?
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liked by fernandoalo_oficial, jensonbutton and 1,209,677 others
yourusername: got myself a sweet treat and did some meditation (i.e. listening to asmr roleplay) because life is crazy and morning sickness is a bitch
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user24: not to be sappy but i am emotional watching y/n go through this, she's been on the internet for so long i feel like i've watched her grow up, idk anything about f1 but i hope they're good for her
yourbff: gosh who knew you getting pregnant would lead to us having to go to the bakery every single morning
yourusername: but but but they have such good croissants and SHUSH I BUY YOU YOURS EVERYDAY
yourbff: i know you're like my sugar mama, please still buy me pastries when you have your actual child
user25: i think we're all being a wee bit dramatic about the whole "they haven't said anything" business. yes, they probably should say they're fine with it so people stop accusing y/n of baby trapping them but ALSO we don't know what they do everyday, maybe we should just let the adults go about their business
charles_leclerc: i am basically seb's kid so i shall be a character witness: that man is an ANGEL and believe me that took a lot for me to say in public lol
yourusername: why thank you charles, i have heard a lot about you. in fact on his "provisional dad cv", sebastian directly named you, some guys called max verstappen, mick schumacher and lance stroll as fatherly experience
sebastianvettel: this is a serious matter and i wanted to show that i'm serious about fatherhood
mickschumacher: soz max, charles and lance i think WE all know who his favourite is
lancestroll: i'm just happy to be recognised tbf
yourusername: well i kinda hope this real child will be his favourite...
charles_leclerc: boring 🥱
alexalbon: well i'm gonna nominate myself as jenson's grid kid and woah that guy is great 👍
jensonbutton: sounds kinda sarcastic but thanks for the effort alex
carlossainz55: seeing as we're all here i'll say that nando is the best grid dad sorry not sorry
yourusername: you're all here but idk who you people are ?
fernandoalo_oficial: chilli have i ever told you how proud i am of you?
stoffelvandoorne: do i mean nothing to you old man
user26: wtf is going on here
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liked by yourusername, sebastianvettel and 1,403,677 others
fernandoalo_oficial: what a race! thankful to finally be back on the podium this weekend and i'd like to dedicate this race to the soon-to-be new addition and my new family, here's to our future ❤️
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jensonbutton: proud of you, come home quick x
user29: i'm sooooo chill about this
fernandoalo_oficial: i'll make sure to tell the team that THE jenson button wants the meeting to go faster
sebastianvettel: do i mean nothing? that's literally my old team name drop ME
yourusername: just tell them i've gone into labour
fernandoalo_oficial: you've not even been pregnant two months yet...
yourusername: they don't know that
astonmartinf1: this is a public instagram comment section...
maxverstappen1: maybe when the little one is actually here i'll let you win for once
fernandoalo_oficial: how kind of you?
maxverstappen1: i need the little one to know that at least one of you is cool and that i should be their favourite god father
lewishamilton: now that is a bold assumption
danielricciardo: i have been quiet on this topic but if anyone is prime god father material YOU'RE LOOKING AT HIM
yourusername: you'll all receive an email and a god father application in the coming weeks
charles_leclerc: is this another seb idea?
yourusername: maybe... but idk yall so i think it's a good idea
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liked by maxverstappen1, mickschumacher and 1,509,874 others
tagged: jensonbutton, fernandoalo_oficial, sebastianvettel
yourusername: welcome to the crazy house
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user33: so we've confirmed the poly? yes or no?
user34: i'm gonna say yes but with them you literally never know
georgerussell63: so we all sent them a jellycat?
alexalbon: speak for yourself george that sick ass rocking bunny is all albon
user35: not to be weird but this kids is literally going to have the hottest parents of all time
user36: no cause if i'm a teacher and all of them walk in for parent's evening i'm passing out
jensonbutton: oh wow what a lovely crib i wonder who put that together
fernandoalo_oficial: don't you dare take all the credit
sebastianvettel: as if anyone other than the WOOD WORK KING put that together
yourusername: guys they are lying the delivery guy put it together and they all stood around watching like dads at the airport
jensonbutton: "like dads" so still getting the experience in
danielricciardo: so who is responsible for this grandpa ass nursery aesthetic?
yourusername: well this is awkward i thought it was cute
fernandoalo_oficial: it is don't worry honey, it matches seb's overall grandpa aesthetic
sebastianvettel: you guys agreed to move to mine don't switch up on my aesthetic now
jensonbutton: oh seb we all love your certain affinity for tartan and plaid
sebastianvettel: i'm not feeling this love right now :(
yourusername: cuddle pile incoming
note: ahhh okay this was very highly requested so i hope it met expectations. i'm thinking this could defo be a longer series (i am also working on into the arms of another dw) following the whole family if yall would like that? i'm gonna try and tag everyone who requested that, i am sorry if i missed anyone x
taglist: @boiohboii @vellicora @faithm120601 @raizelchrysanderoctavius @luv4kani @minkyungseokie @eugene-emt-roe @magical-spit @ironmaiden1313 @jaydaaasworld @whoreks @rainerax @nonsensical-nonsence @laneyspaulding19 @chelseyyouraverageluigi @lxclerc @gemofthenight @woweewoowa
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yuri-is-online · 5 months
Daytime TV Dreaming (A Fyuuture Kid AU Drabble ft. Heartsabyul, Savanaclaw, and Octavinelle)
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While camping in the mountains during Camp Vargas, you encounter a monster exactly like the one you fought off with Ace and Deuce at the beginning of the year. While trying to fight it off again, a strange portal opens up in the mine and a person jumps out of it to your rescue. He says he doesn't remember much, but it's clear when you bring him to Crowley that this boy is also from your world, despite being a mage, and until the headmage can think of a better solution, he assigns "Yutu" to your dorm.
Something a certain someone has an opinion about.
notes: When I was re-working my masterlist I deleted a fic that I meant to be the start of a series where Yuu’s child travels back in time to try and prevent the destruction of Twisted Wonderland and their parent's untimely death. For some reason I wrote that child as having been born after Yuu was forced to leave Twisted Wonderland with modified memories, so he doesn't actually know that much about his dad until he gets iseakaid just like Yuu did to attend Night Raven in a much more dystopian setting. Anyway if I ever go back to that concept I'll probably re work it, but I thought it would be fun to share my notes about the guys reaction to this newcomer who gets sorted into Ramshackle Dorm. They/them used for Yuu as always but they are implied to be afab, "Yutu" is not meant to be the child's real name, and he is meant to be wearing a disguise to make his identity less obvious. Actual fic can be found on my masterlist.
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Ace- is legitimately worried about the intentions of this weird newcomer but it comes off as him being a jealous brat so no one takes him seriously. Look, something just doesn't feel right about this! Your world doesn't have any mages but now one shows up? And he's weirdly familiar with you? Cmon someone other than him start asking some questions please! Tries to have "a talk" with Yutu, who is trying really hard to understand what his parent saw in his dad and... just not getting it at all. RiP Ace you have been assigned cringe before the kid has even been born.
Deuce- only concerned with making a good impression because if this person is from Yuu's world then they might value his opinion on.... things. Also an honor student would try to win over his crush on his own merit and not by intimidating potential competition. Actually ends up befriending Yutu and really liking his vibes, which gives the boy a lot of guilt because he knows his dad would probably feel very guilty if he knew what his son's life has been like.
Trey- he is slightly worried about how Yuu will handle having to take care of an actual person and not just a monster, but he also feels like it is none of his business so he doesn't pay too much attention. But then Yuu mentions that Yutu is a pretty talented baker and that's why they haven't been bugging him for sweets as much. Well isn't that just ADORABLE??? Trey isn't upset about this at all nope, not one bit. He's extremely upset and Yutu is stirring the pot because he thinks making his dad angry is funny.
Cater- oh look, another person who won't be a part of his life eventually. He doesn't get any weird vibes from Yutu so he doesn't worry about what his appearance might mean too much, but there is something about the way the newbie insists on trying to be his friend that reminds him a lot of Yuu and isn't helping with this whole "denial of the crush" thing he is trying to do. If he didn't know any better he would think Yutu was doing it on purpose.
Riddle- immediately starts butting into Yuu's life more to give them advice about being a proper housewarden. Not that he didn't already see them as one, it's just disciplining a human student and disciplining Grim are a bit different and no he is not using this as an excuse to spy on the Prefect how dare this brat suggest his intentions are impure?!?! (Ah but you see Riddle you can't just take Yutu's head off in front of their Prefect because you want them to liiiike you and he is so going to use that against you.)
Leona- understands that something is not quite right as Yutu's explanation of who he is doesn't quite pass the sniff test. Literally, the brat smells like Yuu with his magic and since Leona was one of the people who got a good look at the portal Yutu came through he pieces things together pretty quickly. Not that he immediately goes and pulls a Vader on the kid, he just makes it clear he knows there is some time travel involved and demands to know what his goals are. He can leave the family shit for after he's secured the kid's existence.
Ruggie and Jack- while they have different opinions on the new kid, Leona's sense of smell still tells him Yutu's identity and as their dormleader he feels the need to take them aside and mention what he knows... sort of. He tells them that he's pretty sure time travel is involved and that Yutu is related to Yuu, but he neglects to mention the whole bit about who he thinks the father is... which drives them insane in completely different ways.
Ruggie thinks that since you clearly have a thing for beastmen anyway he would be stupid not to shoot his shot. He doesn't give two shits about whether or not Yutu is his kid, time isn't real so he can just rewrite it a bit.
Jack is determined to treat Yutu fairly and protect him since you are his friend and that's what friends do for each other's kids. Has a full blown panic over whether or not this might give the kid an identity crisis and takes him aside to reassure him he doesn't want to replace his real father, and that he will be happy as long as Yuu is happy. que the world's most awkward conversation
Azul- Oh? Ramshackle has a new dorm member? And he's a mysterious mage... allegedly from the same world as Yuu... something doesn't make sense here but while he is figuring that out. Capitalism ho! This is a great money making opportunity he is observing and scheming and thinking about the perfect contract to get Yutu to spill all his secrets. Unfortunately, Yutu seems to be afraid of him for some reason? Not Floyd or Jade, just him. He can't say he dislikes it... but it is a bit odd, at least it gives him something to talk about with you???
Floyd- Also saw the portal that Yutu came through and thinks something must be up with how close the guppy seems to want to be with Yuu. Starts calling him baby shrimpy as a joke because of how clingy he is to you, but he really really hates it. He can't fight baby shrimpy because that will make you not like him, and he can't scare baby shrimpy off with a deal because he's weirdly smart with those sort of things. He also seems to really look up to Floyd... like that one spiderverse meme, and Floyd hates it! he already had a hard enough time getting Yuu alone when Grim was around he doesn't need a second baby unless it's actually his >:CCC
Jade- a new mage? How delightfully unpredictable. He's probably the only one genuinely happy Yutu is around because of how funny the story of his arrival is. The only upsetting thing about this is that he wasn't able to go camping with Yuu himself. Like Azul he senses something is wrong with Yutu's story, but he doesn't intend to press him until he has the new kid's trust. He's just here to help after all, there's nothing to be afraid of so long as there is no need for him to be jealous.
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loluzzz · 6 months
Dad Bestfriend Hiromi Higuruma Headcannons
A/N : first time writing + it’s 12am. hopefully u enjoy and if not lmk what i can do better :p
Dad’s Bestfriend Hiromi who always likes to check in on you to make sure you’re okay. He’s always there to listen whenever you need to talk. Sometimes you ramble for hours and when you try to apologize he responds with “It’s okay honey. That’s what I’m here for.”
Dads Bestfriend Hiromi who always seems recharged once he’s around you. In a way you were both similar since you were both stressed out all the time. Having each other to lean back on has help create such a strong relationship between you two.
Dad’s Bestfriend Hiromi who always teases you about your looks and how gorgeous you are.
- “Look at you pretty girl”
- “I bet all the boys at uni are just all over you”
- “You look stunning”
Dad’s Bestfriend Hiromi who gets slightly jealous whenever you mention a boys name around him. He plays it cool but will begin to ask questions. What are they like? Do they work? Are they a good influence? You always dismissed her concerns as just being protective over his bestfriend’s little girl.
Dad’s Bestfriend Hiromi who’s more attentive to your needs than your actual father. Need a shoulder to cry on? He’s there. Struggling in a class? Hiromi is willing to tutor you for free. Need a ride? doesn’t matter how far, he’ll be there.
Dad’s Bestfriend Hiromi who enjoys spoiling you. Whether it’s for a special occasion such as your birthday or something as small as aceing exam, he’ll make sure to gift you something. Whether it was something small like your favorite flowers or even grand gesture such as expensive jewelry.
Dad’s Bestfriend Hiromi who is awfully playful around you as a way to get you to touch him. He’ll sometimes snatch for your phone, book or drink away from you in an attempt for you to climb on his body to retrieve it back. The way your small hands grabbed his big arms or the way you’d occasionally sit on top of him in order to grab your stuff back turned him on.
Dad’s Bestfriend Hiromi who likes to have you grind on his lap whenever your parents weren’t around. Helping you both relieve some sexual tension between you guys. You desperately rub your panties against his bulge on his black slacks. He grins onto your hips making sure to keep you balanced on top of him.
“Keep going. You’re so needy today pretty girl…” He whispered softly into your ear.
Dad’s Bestfriend Hiromi whose love language is physical touch. He would sometime sneak in a few touches on your body. Rubbing and holding your inner thigh as he drives you home after he offers to pick you up from uni for your dad. It was just an excuse to have some alone time with you. Some days he tries to go further and rubs your clothed pussy under your skirt. He makes sure to ask before her moved them to the side to finger you. All while he’s still driving you home, making sure you get home safely.
Dad’s Bestfriend Hiromi who would enjoy edging himself to your pictures. He made a secret account just to stalk your instagram. All those seemingly innocent pictures of you, after the gym stories, and simple selfies of your face drove him insane. Just thinking what your moans would sound like. He rubs his bulge through his boxers while looking at a full body picture of you.
“Mmmm~ Just one chance y/n please~ Mmph~ Just let me cum inside youuu~”
“So desperate h-huh pretty girl? Fuck- mmmm~”
“Bet you’re so tight and warm. Just squeezing my cock~”
“Such a perfect little body~ mmm~”
Dad’s Bestfriend Hiromi who finally gets the chance to sleep with you makes sure not to mess up. He’s entirely focused on your pleasure before his. Making sure to flick his tongue all around your wet pussy. Eating you out just the way you like while his nose tickles your clit. You could tell he enjoyed this just as much as you did. You could cum from this alone. He was so gentle with you, making sure not to be too rough or mean to your body.
Dad’s Bestfriend Hiromi whimpering mess once he finally inserts his veiny cock inside you making such lewd noises each thrust. While in missionary, he holds onto your waist but makes sure not to grab you too rough. The tip of his cock just kissing your cervix.
“Just as how I imagined~”
“Mmm~ You feel so good~ It feels good for you to right my pretty girl~?”
“Yes baby~ Just wrap yourself around my cock~”
Dad’s Bestfriend Hiromi who makes sure to cum deep inside you, not letting a drop escape from your puffy cunt. He hugged you tight once you both finish.
Dad’s Bestfriend Hiromi who makes sure to hold onto you tightly as apart of aftercare.
“You did so well baby~”
“Such a pretty girl. You’re okay. Rest on me okay?”
“I’m here for you baby. Want me to rub your little body? You must be so sore.”
He always prioritizes your wellbeing over his. He continues to comfort you and hold you until you fall asleep. That’s when he finally falls asleep after you. Still holding you close to his chest.
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night-raven-tattler · 7 months
Say hi to daddy!
Summary: How would these characters behave as fathers? What does their ideal family look like?
Characters: Heartslabyul dorm (Riddle, Ace, Deuce, Trey, Cater)
Other parts of the series: Savanaclaw, Octavinelle, Scarabia, Pomefiore, Ignihyde, Diasomnia, Royal Sword Academy
By opening the document, you agree to Mx Tattly's terms of source confidentiality.
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He has so many shelves filled with parenting books everyone thinks he's preparing for writing his own study on parenting
Riddle is the type to panic whenever his child does things that are not written in the books or they don't pass certain milestones according to the research he's done
On one hand, Riddle is a logical man, who knows not all children all the same
On the other hand, he has no idea what good parenting actually looks like, so he assumes everything that goes "wrong" is his fault
For Riddle, parenting will be a journey full of a lot of growing and healing, healing his inner child especially
While hesitant to interact with his child at the beginning due to not wanting to snap at them unintentionally, once he's eased into it he'll become very attached
Riddle will be a little pushy when it comes to school at some point, but it comes from a place of care, and he will spend as much time as needed to tutor his child for any subject and reqard them when needed
He has scheduled play time, naps, meals and the occasional strawberry tart from uncle Trey when the child reaches an appropriate age
I can see Riddle as a boy dad and having only 1 child (that he, unfortunately, dresses like a small victorian child), 2 kids would be a bit too overwhelming for him
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Ace is, hands down, the fun parent
Always taking care of the tasks that involve more fun having than care taking, Ace is the go-to parent for when any child is upset and crying
Card tricks, stories with fun voices, playtime that crosses curfew by a few minutes, his personal mission is to make his children have fun and enjoy things
When they get older, they'll have to learn how to deal with Ace's honesty and his roundabout way of telling them he cares about them
Ace is not a person to hold back from saying what he thinks, so both him and his children will have to find a middle ground in order to not hurt each other
For Ace, parenting will become the perfect opportunity to become gentler with his words, and his love for the people he cares about will finally have a good place to go to
Once the kids are old enough, prank wars become a thing in the household
Not even poor uncle Deuce who drops by after work is free of the classic whoopee cushion
Ace definitely has a daughter, and no more than 2-3 kids
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If the dictionary had a picture next to "girl dad", it would be a picture of Deuce
He is the most gentle, most nervous parent out of his Heartslabyul dormmates
While he is not huge on looking into parenting books, he asks his mother for advice at least once a day
Until one day, when things just start flowing naturally and the parental instinct fully kicks in
When his babies get fussy, he likes to take them out on walks, to feel the calming wind and see the pretty sky
He slowly introduces all of his kids to blastcycles and taking them on small trips, even though he might get scolded himself for that
Deuce goes from being afraid of breaking his precious little babies to being a lover of roughhousing
Who would've thought that Deuce's feisty personality would also go to his kids to some degree? /s
Deuce is very afraid of finding out one of his kids is going down a darker path and becoming less appreciative of the things around them
While it will be a struggle and it will throw Deuce into an identity crisis, he'll do what he knows best: he won't give up on them, and keep loving them until they learn their lesson
If Deuce is capable of change, anyone is
Deuce is a family man, he'd love a few kids, not any more than 4 though
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Trey is the kind of parent who loves carrying around his children everywhere he goes, even while doing errands
He has baby chairs and carriers all over the house, and a bunch of baby sized kitchen accessories
Trey introduces cooking and baking to his children very early: they have special utensils that they know how to use from the age of 3
Some might think it's extreme, but Trey is determined to build their independence from a young age
He is kind of the picture perfect dad, not gonna lie: he is caring, stern but not strict and is the epitome of gentle parenting
He encourages his children to be creative, inside and outside of the kitchen
And he praises anything his kids show off to him
Yeah, he is the parent who puts drawings up on his fridge and stuff
Trey sometimes brings the kids to the bakery to increase the number of customers through some sweet displays of family time
If you ask him, he'll say it was uncle Cater's idea, but he's lying
Trey would definitely lean towards a bigger family, maybe 6 kids at the most, since he will get the hang of daddy-ing quite fast
Plus, uncle Che'nya is a very eager babysitter
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I really think Cater is into the new dad aesthetic
Posting pics of him and his new baby on Magicam, with the kid holding onto his finger with their tiny hand, with their first blankie, meeting uncle Trey for the first time
But he always keeps their face out of the picture or blurs it
Cater loves dancing between sharing his joys on social media and maintaining some privacy for his child until they are old enough to tell him if they want their picture to be posted
Cater is a fun dad all around: he loves going on small trips, piggy back rides, rocking his kiddo to sleep
He attends parenting classes before having his first child, and enjoys interacting with the local new mommies committee
Unfortunately, he is a bit reserved when the child becomes fussy or upset
Old habits die hard, and he knows he has to be open with his child for the betterment of their relationship
...yet, he is scared of being hated by his own child
It's terrifying, especially in the moments when his baby calls for their dad, and Cater gives in and starts soothing his little one
It's a struggle, not gonna lie, but Cater is willing to make baby steps
One child is enough for Cater, and he is definitely a boy dad in my eyes
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leonasimp · 2 years
❥ 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐦!
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬: all dorm members x crush reader
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: slightly suggestive on leona's part, not proofread
𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐫𝐚: i have homecoming tuesday so i decided to do it with the twst! plus reader's pronouns aren't stated!
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After losing another yearly tournament with RSA, the headmage and staff had decided to throw a homecoming dance!
This being your first NRC homecoming, you wondered how great it'll be.
Walking through the hallways to go back to your dorm, you're oblivious to what the twst boys have in store.
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𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬:
he would probably ask you to be his homecoming date in the rose garden
will give you a single red rose
his face will be as red as the rose
i think this would be his first school dance because he was homeschooled
at homecoming, he would be blushing the whole time and uses his signature spell on anyone (ace) who teases him
he's really good at slow dancing!
while being your date, he also supervises to make sure no one is breaking rules
i feel like he'll work up the courage and kiss your knuckles
"Thank you for being my date to the dance, Prefect. This is both our first dance so I hope this will be a great experience for the both of us."
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𝐀𝐜𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐚:
he'd probably ask as soon as he knows about it
wants to do it before deuce
he will blush if you actually are willing then would be smug about it
at homecoming, he'll look really formal
laughs at couples yet acts coupley towards you
there's never a moment where you aren't on the dance floor either dancing crazily to songs or embarrassingly trying to slow dance
teases you a lot during it although deep down, he's shy.
you guy will probably tell the dj to play an inappropriate song LMAO
riddle won't be happy!
"ew, yuck! look at those losers over there, all sucking each other's faces. HA, that's hil-...WHAT- i never even tried to kiss you tonight! pfffttttttt."
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𝐃𝐞𝐮𝐜𝐞 𝐒𝐩𝐚𝐝𝐞:
he'd be a blushing mess!
he'd accidentally confess his feelings too :0
mans asked his mom for help and will end up getting you a bouquet of flowers
at homecoming, he's so awkward and tense but it's cute
he's also a gentleman and will willingly beat up anyone who tries to steal his date away
he will be so shy while slow dancing too, he just knows that ace is somewhere laughing and filming him
you'll definitely will have to take the lead
pls don't laugh if he steps on your foot, he's trying :(
i think by the time the dance ends, he'll give you a little kiss on the forehead
100% calls his mom and tells her EVERYTHING
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𝐂𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝:
will 100% film himself asking you and your reaction
i feel like he'll be standing with a huge cringe poster that has a pun line to ask you to homecoming!
he'll help you with your dress/suit and getting ready. you guys are matching
his magicam will be FILLED with videos and pictures of the dance with 98% of them being you.
you'll never be bored at all the whole time and you'll have so much confidence with him!
slow dancing will be comfortable and nice yet he'll probably be a little shy
"WOAH! Look at my amazing date, go prefect! #dancingprefect #nrchomecoming #caycaysdate."
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𝐓𝐫𝐞𝐲 𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫:
i think he'd be really cringe about it
like he'll say a dad joke and ask you to the homecoming LMAO
during homecoming, he's a gentleman
he'll even pay for yummy snacks and drinks
probably a secret dancer, i think he'll dance pretty good
he'll crack jokes and he'll laugh if you fall while dancing but then help you up
the slow dances good? it'll probably be so romantic then he'll crack a dad joke---
"my dad jokes aren't that bad. these dance jokes really get you in the rhythm..hahaha that was the last one. yes! i promise."
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𝐋𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐚 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐫:
probably wouldn't ask you to be his date until you're at the dance. like he'll be sleeping outside the gymnasium and get jealous at some dudes trying to dance with you or ruggie will make him do it
mans will look so fine like damn
he's great at dancing, esp slow dancing
i wonder if he'll hold you close to his chest while you dance
100% a tease the whole time and will definitely kiss your face or hand
he'll be smug with that mf smirk
will show you off to everyone
ruggie will tease him and you, probably will film to get blackmail
by the end of your night, you guys will sneak off to the botanical garden and cuddle or more :0 <3
"no one'll notice if ya ditch, cmon herbivore. let loose, will ya? it ain't nice to reject a prince. "
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𝐑𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐢𝐞 𝐁𝐮𝐜𝐜𝐡𝐢:
he'll get you a bouquet of freshly picked dandelions. they don't look REALLY pretty but it's the thought that counts :(<3
he'll play it off cool while asking you but is freaking out
during homecoming, he's probably wearing one of leona's suits or one of his own which probably has a few holes in it but he looks very good
you guys will always be near the food and you'll probably have to be on look out while ruggie steals snacks
i bet ruggie is a really good dancer but when it comes to slow dancing, he isn't all that good
he'll be shy and might step on your feet LMAO but he's cute so it's okay
"Oi, mc! come stand guard while i grab these slices of pizza for us!"
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𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐇𝐨𝐰𝐥:
i feel like he'll ask you and play it off as him not wanting you to be the only one without a date but he just really wants to go with you
he'll be wicked shy asking you and during homecoming but will play it cool, esp in front of the first years
his tail will never stop wagging like he'll be such a happy bby
i think he may be good at slow dancing
he'll growl at anyone who looks at you badly or hungrily too so yay
"hey, wanna go to the homecoming? the others seem to have found dates so i didn't want you to be alone."
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𝐀𝐳𝐮𝐥 𝐀𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐨:
he'll be panicking to ask you out. before he can ask you out, floyd will probably say something about him wanting you to be his homecoming date
during homecoming, he'll look very clean and formal yet he'll be panicking. dw, he'll loosen up throughout the night
slow dances will be good, i feel like he'll be MARVELOUS at slow dancing
he will NOT let you waste your money or his on the snacks and drinks there. instead, he'll make you guys go to the mostro lounge and have stuff there
"oh prefect, why spend your money on these things when you can get free luxury at the mostro lounge?"
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𝐉𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐋𝐞𝐞𝐜𝐡:
he'll get your favorite snack and ask you out
a huge smile will be his face while he asks and at the homecoming
he'll be such a gentleman the whole time
100% will call you things like darling, love, etc.
he's a good slower dancer and will caress your back and HAUHDBDHDO
i bet he'll give you a little smooch the forehead just to see you get flustered
you guys probably sneaked to the bathroom and ate mushrooms (good or bad ones, you decide)
"fufu, you're quite adorable when you blush, darling."
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𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐲𝐝 𝐋𝐞𝐞𝐜𝐡:
once he heard about the dance, you were already his date. you got no choice cuz mans will cling onto you
he's the life of the party so you'll never be bored the whole time
why do i feel like he'll show up with an animal print suit?
he'll be clinging onto you the whole time
if he has mood swings, just do a goofy dance and give him kisses then he'll be fine
if you attempt to slow dance, it's just floyd picking you up and swaying you.
"shrimpy~! i love this song! let's go back to the dance floor!...nono! food can wait, we gotta dance!"
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𝐊𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐦 𝐀𝐥-𝐀𝐬𝐢𝐦:
he'll have jamil help him through a huge party to ask you
you guys will have such a fun time but always remember that jamil is watching
he'll be so excited over the littlest things
sm compliments and he'll probably give you some jewelry to go with your dress/suit
slow dancing is so cute with him. he doesn't really know how to do it but every time you guys mess up, you both will burst out in laughter.
"mc this is amazing! are you having fun? im having fun! yay, what should we do next?"
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𝐉𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥 𝐕𝐢𝐩𝐞𝐫:
kalim would 100% help him ask you out whenever that'll be him accidentally saying something or forcing you two to go together!
you'd have to remind him that he is supposed to relax and not look after kalim
he'll make sure you drink and eat enough
he's a great dancer so try and keep up with him LMAO
he's great at slow dancing but will blush obv
he'll be smiling too awhh
mans will 100% appreciate that you were able to make him relax for a few hours
"thank you mc for tonight. i don't normally relax like this so i appreciate it. you're a wonderful date."
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𝐕𝐢𝐥 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐞𝐧𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐭:
he'll probably give you a whole thing of roses and shit then ask you out
he's a gentleman yass
now..there's no doubt that vil looks better than you. although he helped you get ready and everything, he still looks better. you just gotta deal with it
you guy will probably be the most popular date that night
he'll make sure you guys dont consume too much sugar
dancing with him is fun and you'll even get some dance tips and critics
slow dancing, he'll 100% take the lead and teach you
rook will be crying at how beautiful you guys are
"perfect! you're a natural already but just remember to keep your head up and be confident, prefect."
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𝐑𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐇𝐮𝐧𝐭:
mans will go ALL out for asking. he'll stalk you and gain intel on your favorite stuff, write a love poem, and all that
when he sees you, non stop compliments. i think he'll even go far as to crying
he'll be the perfect gentleman and will always hold + kiss your hand
on the dance floor, he'll always be holding onto you and dancing
slow dancing, he's great! like it's really shocking at how good he is
"oui tricker! oh, you look so marvelous. this beauty is so overwhelming. look at me weep in your presence of beauty."
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𝐄𝐩𝐞𝐥 𝐅𝐞𝐥𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐫:
he'll be so shy while asking you but will act manly
probably will carve a heart out an apple
he'll look all pretty cuz vil dressed him up but once out of vil's side, he'll fix it up to his liking
he'll talk in his country accent with you
he's wild on the dance floor esp with cotton eye joe
slow dancing, he's so nervous and will act goofy about it but when vil glances at him, he'll be so serious about it
"pfftt, this is how y'all snobby rich folk dance? oh no, he's lookin' at us."
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𝐈𝐝𝐢𝐚 𝐒𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐝:
you're gonna be the one asking him out with the help of ortho
if you manage to convince him, you're gonna have to help him get ready
at the dance, he'll be so shy and scared but probably after some monster drinks, he'll be fine
you guys will probably sit all the way in the back of the bleachers and play games
if you manage to slow dance, his hair will turn pink as you both sway back and worth
"a-ahahah- d-d..do we have to be with the normies?"
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𝐎𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐨 𝐒𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐝 (𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜):
he'll probably find you sitting alone and ask you if he could accompany you
you can teach him how to dance and slow dance
he'll say you're pretty and proceed to try and make you dance with idia HELP
"mc! you look so pretty but you're sitting by yourself! would you like to try dancing? idia put a new code to make me dance good."
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𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐮𝐬 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐚:
he'll ask lilia for help on trying to ask you. on one of your walks, he'll shyly ask you and will be so happy when you do. he'll tell lilia all about it when he gets back
you guys will be the most popular couple and it'll be a little overwhelming but great
he doesn't really know a lot of dances but when it comes to slow dancing, well, he is almost fae king. you'll take the whole dance floor away but also good luck with dancing cuz he's tall!
you'll probably end up leaving and going stargazing
he gives you little smooches on the forehead
"haha, child of man, stop giggling. im trying to give you a blessing!..no, im not just giving you a "smooch" on the forehead."
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𝐋𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐚 𝐕𝐚𝐧𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐞:
lilia will probably go the traditional route and get you some roses and ask you out formally
he's old so he knows a lot of dances but it's funny to watch and teach him modern dances from today
he's very great at slow dancing, he has had practice. will probably compete with malleus and his date for slow dancing
"fufu~ am i rocking it, like the kids say?"
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he'll ask malleus and lilia how to ask you but will regret it cuz they'll tease him
i hope the loud music will keep him awake!
he's decent at dancing and is pretty great at slow dancing cuz he dances with his animal friends!
he's the number 1 gentleman for the night
he'll only blush when malleus and lilia tease him
"father, stop! mc is my date, we're just friends! no no! ah, please be quiet..ahh"
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𝐒𝐞𝐛𝐞𝐤 𝐙𝐢𝐠𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐭:
im not sure how he'll be your date but you'll probably ask him to dance and you guys'll dance battle HELP
he'll see you worthy and will only be with you as long as the young master is in his sight
he'll laugh WICKED LOUD if you fall or step on his foot
if you're a malleus simp then that's good cuz that'll probably be your whole conversation
he wont seem like it but he's actually really happy to have you as a date
"you human! you seem rather decent in the midst of the dance battle, let us be partners at this dance."
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yuusishi · 7 months
me and my dad own a fish tank and recently i got a new gold fish that i named riddle!
so that got me wondering how riddle and/or floyd would react to a reader that has a gold fish named after riddle? (assuming the reader has good enough equipment and that the fish wont die in a week)
pairings : Riddle Rosehearts , Floyd Leech (sep.) x gn!Reader
genre : fluff , can be read platonically
cws/tws : none
a/n : I know this ask was sent a few months ago but enjoy your Riddle fishy :3 I hope it lives a long life !!
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Riddle Rosehearts !!
He's so ?? confused ??
Like...genuinely why would you name a goldfish after him.
He begs you not to tell Ace or Floyd or any student for that matter because he knows he'll never hear the end of it.
Over time he gets used to it and honestly forgets that he and a goldfish have the same name.
But this also makes funny sentences to leave his mouth, mainly "Have you fed Riddle already?", "I fed Riddle earlier and it only ate a little bit, is it doing alright?".
Riddle isn't a careless person by any means, so he can't wrap his head around how he's saying those sentences like it's the most normal thing in the world, even with the context of your goldfish.
Please just...make sure no one else is around when you two talk about your beloved goldfish...
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Floyd Leech !!
He, on the other hand, thinks it's the funniest thing in the world. You named your goldfish over his goldfish (except only one is an actual goldfish).
Probably made you bring it to class before and presented in front of Riddle (the human one).
"Hey goldfishie, did you know this goldfish is named after you?", "???".
Riddle’s eyes flickered between your nervous face that’s holding back laughter and at the complete unrestrained amusement on Floyd’s face.
Just when the human Riddle was about to start interrogating you on why on earth you’d name a goldfish that, Floyd pulled at your arm to start sprinting away from the dorm leader.
With the fish completely safe and healthy in the little plastic baggie in his hand of course.
The type to just stare at the fish with the most intense gaze for random periods of time. He could be glaring at the fish for 5 minutes or 30.
He also puts stickers on the outer of the aquarium walls :3
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"Stupid" Things the TWST Cast Believed As Kids
I was going to post this without a preamble but it just looked wrong LMAO -----------------------------------------------------
Riddle - He just mispronounced a lot of words out loud. This is actually common in a lot of kids that read a lot, they don't know how to say a word any differently than the way they've pronounced it in their head, so some examples: (Ladle -> would rhyme with Saddle, Rhythm had over-emphasis on the first 'h', etc.)
Trey - thought butter was made from the fat collected off of cow butts ('butt' was also the only 'naughty' word he knew for a long time). The thing is he had probably seen his parents make butter. either by accident or on purpose and it still didn't click for him.
Cater - only ate black beans, (when they were served). when he was a kid because he thought they were the same as coffee beans. He saw his dad eating chocolate covered coffee beans and got mad when he denied him the Delight Of Caffeine at Three Years Old so thought eating black beans was like. A super sneaky way of being like his dad.
Deuce - Chocolate covered strawberries came from a special plant, he didn't think his mom just set them up for him sometimes. He ended up asking more than a few times when his strawberries were plain when they could 'go back to the store and get the good kind' and would call the strawberries without chocolate 'rotten'.
Ace - For whatever reason, he didn't think bears were a real animal. Just. Teddy bears existed. And of course when his big brother showed him pictures of real bears he thought he was messing with him. Ace will not admit how long it took him to realize that bears are real.
Leona - Falena told him once that vanilla extract comes from 'beaver butt juice' and it was in all the vanilla flavoured desserts he's ever had. Yes Falena was messing with him to get his portion of desserts because Leona was too grossed out to eat them. It managed to last about 6 months before Leona was fed up and researched the information on his own.
Ruggie - His grandma protected him best she could from food scarcity, so he genuinely believed she knew how to make something from nothing. Same with his clothes.
Jack - Refused to eat hotdogs because he thought they were made from real dogs and cried whenever he saw someone else eating hot dogs. Even when they bough turkey hot dogs he thought they added 'turkey flavouring' to the Dogs.
Azul - Thought cuttlefish were 'cuddlefish' and would get so SO upset when they didn't want to snuggle with him
Jade - When he first heard the word 'hermaphrodite' he thought it meant someone who just really really liked hermit crabs.
Floyd - Was SO disappointed to find out ice cream didn't scream while you eat it (I-scream)
Kalim - Used to try and eat really fast, so Jamil told him if he ate his food too hot his tongue would melt to the top of his mouth. (Yeah Jamil got in trouble for that one but it worked, Kalim savoured his food and he still makes sure his food is cooled down a little before he eats).
Jamil - Didn't eat yogurt for a long time because he didn't want to 'feed the bacteria in his belly'. That was his only reasoning.
Vil - thought candy cigarettes were real cigarettes, this resulted in him biting one of his dad's or fellow actor's cigarettes and Regretting it. (Even the fake ones are filled with like an herbal blend, you don't want to eat it still)
Rook - kinda sad, but genuinely thought termites were considered dessert. They were fairly rampant in his home so he would eat them any chance he got (raw termites supposedly taste like pineapple).
Epel - yeah he thought he was a werewolf, there isn't much else to add.
Idia - Thought that microwaving a spider/other bugs for a very short amount of time would mutate their DNA and he could keep it as a pet, despite many failed attempts, he continued trying.
Ortho - (insert ugly crying here thinking about baby boys early years) he really believed that one day Idia would find a way to bring the characters from tv/video games into 'real life' so they could have play dates with them. (Idia promised him he would try his best)
Malleus - He thought computers were a type of pet people could have.
Lilia - Used to think that the stars were really big glow bugs
Silver - Fully believed the storks deliver babies thing. Not because of Lilia, but because of a story book and it made things easy so he just rolled with it anyways, until Silver was old enough.
Sebek - That the fountain of youth was real - he wanted to drink from it once he reached his prime so that he could serve Malleus always.
Che'nya - Refused to believe that gum ever came from trees because he 'tried sap before and it didn't even taste like syrup so how could something sweet as gum come from trees'.
Najma - Thought she was able to talk to ghosts, it was just Jamil fucking with her lskjfhsldkjfsdf
Neige - Didn't know what owls were, called them tree penguins.
Rollo - Called ambulances 'Body Rescue Busses' because even as a kid he knew only God could save your soul. (you can take that seriously or as satire idc) -------------------------------------------------------- @fluffle-writes thank you for the compliments, and the motivation to write!! ljfkjdshflkjsdf
If you want to be on a taglist in the future lmk
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 21 days
F! Yuu’s Dad in Twst Wonderland Headcanons pt. 2
Heartslabyul, Octavinelle, Scarabia, and Pomefiore are genuinely the only dorms that respect your dad.
Savannaclaw keeps trying to fight him with the exception of Jack, Ruggie, and Leona.
Ignihyde fears your father. Mainly because your father thinks Idia is some form of a perverted weirdo.
🦀: Yuu, that weird boy is looking at you and your cat again.
🎮: Please let me touch your cat…
🦀:….I’m going to give you five minutes to get away from us.
Meanwhile, Diasomnia, is still amused your dad tried to beat up Malleus.
The core emotions and feelings of Diasomnia towards Yuu’s dad is the following:
Malleus: Amused and now takes gaining any sort of relationship with you as a challenge
Silver: A bit wary of your dad but still gets why he’s so protective over you
Sebek: Wants to beat him up for threatening Malleus and thinks he can win
Lilia: As a father he understands and is probably going to tell Malleus not to purposefully irritate your father for his own good.
After witnessing Riddle’s overblot, your father is convinced on staying at the Isle Sage’s hotel
Or maybe trying RSA
Whatever option comes first.
In fact, he actually tried to bolt out of NRC after the Savannaclaw overblot.
🦀: Yuu! Yuu! Yuu, listen to me! These kids are not right in the head. A hyena furry boy was using magic to control people’s bodies so they fall down the stairs. For a school tournament! And the lion furry man, BY THE WAY, he is 20! He tried to turn everyone into sand!
🦐: Dad, please, they’re my friends and I give them comfort. Plus Riddle and Leona were having a mental health crisis.
🦀: These kids are serial killers or murders in the making! We should’ve ran when we found out they worshipped Disney villains!
You end up running out of NRC with your father with Grim, and by the time morning came, someone has already found you.
♥️: Yo. I heard Yuu was staying here now.
🦀: How did you find us?
♥️: Um…I had a bit of help…more like magic spell really.
Deuce, Epel, Jack, Silver, and Sebek step out from behind Ace.
🦀: *Sigh* Look, I get we teleported into your school, but we really don’t need to stay there-
🦐: Dad, can’t I attend school there until we go home? It’s perfect.
🦀: They literally don’t even have a girls bathroom for you to use.
🦐: Doesn’t matter. I can use the bathroom when no one is in there.
Then things heat up when Malleus appears.
🐉: There you are, Child of Man. I’ve been looking for you everywhere.
🦀: Let me guess, you didn’t see her inside her room when you floated by? Like you usually do when you think no one notices?
🐉: Child of Man, would you like to go to my gargoyles club meeting? It’s really only me, but together we can bring more people.
🦀: That is the worst lie for a date I’ve ever heard. Also, her name is Yuu not Child of Man. And this Man is named F/N. Besides, we still don’t know your actually name Hornyton.
The mocking of the nickname Yuu picked out for him causes him to get upset. Which inadvertently activated the fairy tale fae behavior.
🐉: You know, a name is a very important thing to give away. If I give my name to you, you must give something to me.
🦀: You realize I can just break into Crowley’s office and get your school records or just ask anyone what your name is, right?
🐉: Perhaps, your daughter might be something of equal value to give. My name for a girl with an otherworldly name. I assure you I’ll treat her well if you give her to-
Your dad punches Malleus square in the nose and KOs him.
❤️&♠️: Damn.
🗡️: I told him not to make being in a relationship with Yuu a challenge.
🍎: Nice right hook.
🐺: What good form.
Your dad shuts the door, and packs up your stuff again.
You move back into Ramshackle the next day, but this time there’s iron hanging around the doors and windows.
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fanby-fckry · 3 months
You know what, I’m just gonna say it. I think that Alastor being aroace is part of the reason he’s so shippable to me.
Before you come at me, check the flag in my pfp; I’m aroace-spec.
Maybe it’s me projecting, maybe it’s because I love exploring relationships through an aroace lens, but goddamn. I ship him more than any other character and every time I do, his aroaceness is a major component in the ship.
Examples below the cut because it’s gonna get long:
📻🍎 || RadioApple:
There are so many versions of this dynamic and I am here for all of them.
We have the pre-canon kinky QPR that I show in UH3. I could talk about that all day, but to summarize:
Aroace x genuinely respectful allo is a dynamic that heals my soul.
Lucifer is less tied down by human constructs like amatonormativity, having never been human himself.
The Devil values consent.
Kinky cannibalism, kinky cannibalism, kinky cannibalism, kinky ca- *I am removed from the stage with a comically large hook*
Then we have the Evil and fucked up QPR dynamic:
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And of course, trying to get along for Charlie’s sake and eventually bonding over their shared love of dad jokes and musical theatre, both being violinists (yup, Alastor plays violin too, check the wiki) with niche hobbies/interests (ducks, furby organ) and accidentally winding up in a loving, healthy QPR.
📻🕸️ || RadioDust:
There’s something about an aroace and a sex worker who very rarely falls in love.
Angel would know that Alastor isn’t with him for sex, would know that he values Angel beyond his body.
With greyro Alastor, Angel and Alastor would both be inexperienced with romance, but in wildly different ways. Angel has never had a healthy romantic relationship and therefor tries not to fall in love. Greyro Alastor has probably experienced romantic attraction like less than three times in his 100+ years of existence.
And if Alastor never gains romantic attraction for Angel, that’s a whole other level to the dynamic.
It’s got some great angst potential with Angel wondering if he’s not good enough to love romantically or Alastor feeling guilty or confused as to Why It Hasn’t Happened Yet when he cares for Angel so deeply, and eventually it gets resolved with the two of them accepting that their attractions don’t have to match up for them to love/appreciate/care for each other and they smash the amatonormative relationship hierarchy as queer platonic partners.
Or, Angel’s just totally cool with it from the start because he’s spent decades in the kink scene and has potentially been exposed to more relationship anarchy than Alastor.
Kink and queerness have a great deal of historical and cultural overlap, and that includes aroace queerness. Because Angel’s had way more canon exposure to both, it’s possible he knows more about Alastor’s orientation than Alastor does, and I love the idea of Angel introducing him to terms or just being super chill about not labeling things.
📻♥️ || RadioHusk:
Drawing like 90% from pilot dynamic and headcanon on this. They’re just two old men. They get drunk and cuddle. Alastor is one of the few people who knows Husk can purr and takes advantage of this fact. Alastor considers Husk a friend in a fucked up, possessive way. Husk considers Alastor a pain in the ass, but does care about him on some level.
It’s Fucked Up and Evil QPR: Remix Edition.
And the versions where the author puts them through fanfic couple’s therapy and actually gets them into a healthy point in their relationship? One where Alastor no longer owns Husk’s Soul? *chef’s kiss*
📻🌹 || RadioRose:
For me, personally, this is an exclusively nonsexual, non-romantic ship. They’re besties; they’re QPPs. They’re married for the tax benefits and so that they cannot be forced to testify against each other in court.
Rosie knew Alastor was aroace before he did and rather than sit down and explain it to him, she decided to make ace puns.
📻🖤 || RadioSiren: [edit, context here] RadioFemme
Ok, so this is entirely based on non-canon-compliant Lilith. Or, I guess, non-series-compliant Lilith. More of the old WOG stuff from the pilot era, with a healthy dose of headcanon for flavor.
I love the idea of Lilith and Lucifer having an open marriage; I love the UH3 style polycule dynamic.
Lilith being the original seductress and Alastor being aesthetically but not sexually or romantically attracted to her is very near and dear to my heart.
I’m an aroace with a voice kink who is aesthetically attracted to Lilith and I think Alastor is an aroace with a voice kink who would be aesthetically attracted to Lilith, ok?
📻📺 || RadioStatic:
I’m gonna be real with you, 90% of my interest in RadioStatic is in the one-sided version where Vox is a pathetic little incel simp and Alastor is either oblivious, mildly annoyed, or finds the whole thing hilarious.
Whenever there’s any reciprocation on Alastor’s part, I always imagine it being in a very aroace, very Alastor-esque way. He needs to be get something out of it completely unrelated to sex/romance. And he needs to be manipulative and sadistic in the process.
Whether that something is kink-related, a business transaction, or simply the quality entertainment provided by Vox being a cringefail TV-headed little bitch, I love to see it.
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thatstonedwriter · 10 months
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Content; gender neutral, no pronouns, swearing, mentions of relationship insecurity, some suggestive themes, mentions of Polyam (fizz/Ozzie/reader)
Feat; Fizzarolli, Loona, Blitz, Stolas
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You got them acting up. When they're down bad,
Fizzarolli will constantly be touchy. Somehow, someway, he just needs to be in contact with you. Loves showing off- which means he'll do tricks, sing, and show off his flexibility (fuckin' slut). He'll brag about how cool you are, how fantastic, how amazing- to literally everyone. If he's in his relationship with Ozzie, the two of them talk about how they would integrate you into the relationship. Since Fizz actually knows how to communicate (unlike someone we know), he's very good with knowing about boundaries, needs, and expectations. Will constantly cozy up to you and will flirt shamelessly. He's just such a cutie
Loona can't hide it. She's so obviously enamored by you. Her intimidating facade shatters, leaving her an awkward, smiley, goofy love struck pup. Her tail will wag, she stands up a bit straighter, avoids eye contact, but listens so intently. Tries to crack jokes, but just ends up telling on herself. For reference, please see: "That's hot-" "Ha, I wish I had friends-". Can and will fight people for your attention. If you're in a conversation with Moxxie, oh wow, suddenly she has a reason to drop kick him into the next ring of hell. Blitz obviously knows if Loona has a crush on someone, so expect some glares, "playful" death threats, and lots of questions/comments about how you'd treat her, etc. He warms up.. Eventually. Either way, Loona doesn't care. All she wants is to be with you.
Blitz avoids it. He thinks love is stupid, that no one could ever possibly love him, and that he doesn't deserve a relationship. Depending on how close you are, he'll either: isolate, pretend he doesn't feel anything and attempt to act normal, or flirt. Tbh, I think if he's very close to someone, he'll isolate, because he doesn't know how to deal with his emotions. No matter how he handles it, everyone notices this change in his behavior, especially Loona. Like her dad, she'll be very protective and pretty harsh. Once she's sure you have good intentions, she'll be more accepting. Still pokes fun at you though. It'll take a lot of patience, determination, and a lot of forcing Blitz to communicate- but eventually, hopefully, he'll allow himself to be happy with you.
Stolas, somehow, becomes even more of a slut. We've seen how he acts with Blitz. Of course he's going to flirt and make passes. (However, if you're on the ace spectrum or are uncomfortable with it, he'll absolutely respect your boundaries). He's also one to spoil those he's interested in, whether it be thoughtful gifts, bouquets, you name it. He wants so badly to have and express his love and passion. Initially, there will likely be communication issues. It's entirely possible that he has relationship insecurity and will be a bit clingy, but will always try to give you the space you need. He just wants love. He just wants you.
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mouschiwrites · 4 months
Ninjas x reader?
So basically readers dad/mom/wtv is a ex military Sargent who's very overprotective and intimidating. And the ninjas are meeting them for the first time how would they react?
Ooh, I actually like that idea,,, "ex-military parent" is a trope that needs to be used more often tbh
Ninjago - Ninjas When Your Parent is Ex-Military
He'd be super nervous, but he'd totally ace the first impression
And literally every impression after that
I feel like Cole is just the kind of guy your parents would always love, whether they're strict or laid back, grumpy or cheery—they are going to love him
Maybe it's because he always shows respect
And it's no exception with your parent; if anything, he's extra respectful
Definitely calls them "sir" or "ma'am"
(Honestly he probably does this anyway at first, but he'll do it more consistently with your parent)
Whenever they get all protective over you, he somehow manages to quell their worries without stepping on their toes
Like, if your parent says:
"You know, when we're in public Y/n never leaves my sight."
He'll smile and say:
"That's what I try to do, too. I like to know they're safe."
This technique never fails to satisfy and impress your parent
He seems pretty calm and pleasant when around your parent, and while this is forced at first, it becomes more natural over time
Mostly because your parent starts to relax around him too, easing up on the intimidating glares and snide comments intended as "tests"
Soon enough your parent is actually asking you when you're bringing him home next!
"When are you bringing that Cole boy around again? He's a good kid."
He is absolutely TERRIFIED to meet your parent when he finds out they're ex-military
He keeps putting off the meeting; little does he know this is making your parent suspicious of him already
You literally have to beg him to meet them, if not for your sake, then for his own
Because you know that the longer he keeps making excuses, the more your parent is going to be biased against him
So when he finally agrees, it's a big relief for you
Not so much for him; he spends every second leading up to the meeting stressing out
What's he gonna wear? What's he gonna say? How should he stand? What if he gets fidgety?
Then it happens: he meets your parent
And he fumbles so hard D:
His bumbling nervousness (which is NOT helped by your parent's intentionally intimidating demeanor) makes him come off as a wuss, which your parent doesn't like
They think Jay can't protect you, which is, like, their #1 requirement for any partner you have
So they totally disapprove of him
That is, until they see him on the news
He somehow failed to mention on your first meeting that he was a ninja; a ninja with powers, no less
So your parent sees him on the news one night, and immediately calls you over
"Is that your boyfriend on the news? Oh my! Did you just see that?? Good gravy!"
"Does this mean you don't hate him now?"
"Hate him? How could I? This kid could take me in a fight! Hell, bring him around again; I've gotta apologize before he comes after me, hah!"
From what you said about Kai to your parent before they met him, they assumed he was sort of a bad boy
Which they didn't like. At all.
So when they ask you to bring him home, it's almost like a challenge
And that's certainly how Kai sees it; a challenge to prove his worth
So he trains for it
He works out extra hard, practices his smile in the mirror, tests different greetings
It's silly, but you know that he's probably going to need the practice, what with your parent... being like they are
The practice gives him an air of confidence that actually ends up putting your parent off
Everything else was fine; the handshake, calling them "sir/ma'am," asking polite questions...
It was just that smirk, that total lack of nervousness that put a (deeper than usual) scowl on your parent's face
It wasn't that Kai wasn't nervous; he was just hiding it to seem tough
Eventually he starts to break, and his anxiety finally shines through
Your parent realizes that everything he's been doing has been for them, and he wasn't really like that all the time
And then they're just a little impressed; not much, but just enough so that they don't totally hate him
It'll take time for them to warm up to him, and honestly it'll probably take a bit for Kai to warm up to them, too
Your parent will sort of see themselves in Kai: a fiery young person eager for a fight
And from there they'll be besties tbh; they can relate to each other, and they enjoy testing each other's fierceness
I don't actually think that Zane will be nervous about your parent being ex-military
If he's feeling any anxiety, it's about meeting your parent in general
He doesn't know why them being ex-military would change things; veteran or not, he needs them to like him
But it does give him a hint on how to please them
He spends a lot of time researching the military, trying to come up with topics to discuss
He's also just trying to understand them better
So when you finally meet, he's almost too perfect in the way he conducts himself
He's quite naturally respectful and pleasant, but it's his knowledge about the military that really gets your parent
The questions he asks are so specific that each one makes your parent's brows jump up for half a second in surprise
They're more than happy to answer the question, of course; they're just impressed that he knew to ask
And when he leaves your parent is actually the one asking if he'd like to come over again
Tbh they just want to answer more of his questions
Needless to say, they end up liking him a lot; not as your boyfriend, but as a "nice young man"
It's only after the first meeting that they let the idea that this "nice young man" is your boyfriend set in
The change is visible on their face; they just blink with owlish eyes for a second before clapping you on the shoulder with a grin
"You picked a good one, Y/n! He sure knows his stuff!"
And the more he comes around, the more little details your parent learns to like, from his mannerisms to his personality
They don't even care that he's a robot
He's as human to them as anyone :)
He's pretty scared to meet your parent
His experience with parents was definitely... different
He has no idea what to expect when you tell him that your parent is strict/protective
His parents were about as present in his life as strawberries in an apple pie, so he doesn't really have a sense of what real parenting is like
So just add that to the fact that your parent is like the final boss of seeking parent approval
No matter how much you tell him to just be himself, he's convinced that he needs to act a specific way
He has no idea what that "way" is, but he's certain it exists
Unfortunately he doesn't figure it out by the time he's on your porch knocking on the door
So he's forced to follow your advice
His pleasant, agreeable nature does little to impress your parent
It's not that they don't like him, they just think he's a little... plain
But then they see how he treats you
Lloyd didn't know if showing affection for you was against this obscure idea of "ways to act around parents," but he did it anyway
He was as respectful ever in showing his admiration for you
He called you beautiful and kissed your hand, pulled your chair out for you at the dinner table and everything
He was a total gentleman, as always
This is what got your parent to like him
He wasn't just this plain blonde boy who "fooled" you into dating him; suddenly he was a dazzling gentleman with impeccable manners
This impression might've been a bit exaggerated
I mean, Lloyd is just naturally nice like that; he's not trying to be this "perfect" character
But ultimately that's how your parent sees him, which is better than a bad impression (I guess?)
She's not scared of your parent
No matter how much they might try to intimidate her, she's unflinching in her demeanor around them
Much like Zane, any anxiety she's feeling is because they're your parent, not because they're ex-military
But I don't think she has any reason to worry
She has a strong personality, with brains, brawn, and that fearless air about her
Your parent is impressed at the way she doesn't even seem to notice their glares
She just keeps smiling her little smile, asking another question to get to know your parent or answering their questions
At first your parent is a little irked by the way they can't seem to get to her, but the more she talks the more they realize that there's a reason behind this
She's a genuine toughie; she's seen enough that she's not scared of much anymore
And that's when your parent decides that they like her
I guess they sort of see themself in her
But they also like the fact that, because she's tough like that, she can protect you
And, just as importantly, she can protect herself
To your parent that means that not only is she going to take care of you, but she's going to take care of herself so that she can always be there for you
So they sort of drop the intimidation tactics
Not all the way, just because that's how they are when it comes to you
Just enough to show Nya that they're warming up to her
And she's totally ecstatic about that!
She knows family is important to you, so to be accepted by your parent is fantastic :D
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Thank you for this request!! And thanks for reading, take care doves <33
(divider by saradika)
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