#I think about momochi a lot
iheartmomochi · 1 year
i can’t help but feel like spring holds some sort of significance to momochi. i’m not sure whether or not it’s explicitly stated to be his favorite season bc A. i don’t know japanese and B. I haven’t listened to all of his cds/read his all of tweets (yet.) but it really feels like spring holds a lot of memories. maybe i’m reading too much into it but he posts a lot of pictures of flowers on his twitter & sometimes he explicitly mentions springs or even sakura trees (blossom during spring) in his songs (flowers are mentioned sometimes) like yabure zakura, yakouka, sanka, kataridori.
usually when it’s mentioned it isn’t always in the best context… in his songs, spring is accompanied by negative feelings like death or abandonment (except for yakouka which is interesting but that’s a whole another thing on its own). So Yeah. Goes without saying what i think thats about (his mom…)
On another note, his drawings of flowers are very cute. Here is one of them:
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koumeowkami · 2 years
as an astrology hoe, it annoys me that the dear vocalist characters don't have a date of birth and a zodiac sign for god knows what reason, so here i am to assign a zodiac sign to each one of them :D
reo is the perfectionist type: he's very critical, both towards himself and the others. his disciplined, ingenious, scrupulous demeanor makes him the perfect virgo. and yet, the virgo loses his mind when his feelings are deep: this explains how he's a clingy and cuddly little boy with his lover, completely erasing his usual personality lol
honestly i'm pretty conflicted about whether to choose pisces or cancer, but i think the latter wins. joshua is a babyboy!! he's sensitive, sweet and speaks softly. he's also really emotional tho, and easily ends trapped in his own thoughts. the cancer needs to be understood and protected, so to put it simply: protect joshua at all costs :(
a-tan's personality is a real mess and what's the messiest sign i know? aquarius!! he's sociable, selfless, but also REALLY unstable, impulsive and highly dynamic. i know many aquarius and i'm not lying when i say i never know what goes through their mind 😭 i get the same feeling with him. moreover, the aquarius is original, open-minded and nonconformist, and both a-tan's music and personality follow this perspective!
we all know that judah is a raging, ill-tempered boy and aries fits him SO MUCH. the aries is ambitious, impatient, aggressive and impulsive: all of these are basic judah traits! but he also loves hard and judah, despite everything, definitely does too.
a toned down version of judah. this boy is indeed hot-blooded, but he doesn't show it as much as a fire sign would (key words: as much). the scorpio tries hard to keep it together and be normal, being actually part of the "quiet squad", but he's brutally honest and can snap at any time. this bitch attracts quarrels: he does it ALL THE TIME!! and with his lover too!! but this just stems from tenacity and determination. scorpios do have a soft side, but you gotta dig a bit for it: this is like the ultimate tsundere sign lol
where do i even begin. momochi's double personality makes it pretty obvious why i chose this sign :D geminis have a pretty flexible and mutable personality, plus a VERY instable emotional control and this fits a yandere personality a lot. not to mention that the gemini is very creative and clever, making him a genius!
ciel always gave me a feeling of tranquility and stability among the chaos that surrounded the rest of the cast lmao. taurus fits him for his being a mature, serious and practical person, but also really determined!! taurus is also a really sensual sign and i need to mention that his first love song (luv your sting) is pretty sexy so... yeah
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reminiscentbelle · 4 months
Rejet recently did a public fan voting for their characters for their 10th anniversary with specific prompts on their website here. I thought I'd share where each of our Dear Vocalist boys ended up!
[* Using a translation app so translations may be inaccurate]
[* Indents are fan comments! They are only included for the top ten]
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Guy you'd like to have as a boyfriend
Reo: 6th
Because he is very stoic at work, always aiming high, strict with himself and the members, and charismatic, but in front of her, he is a cute boyfriend, and the gap between the two is irresistible. He is serious about music, but kind and caring to her at all times. He is cute when he is in front of his cat and strawberry shortcake. His singing voice is superbly handsome. His face is also very handsome. He is the best of handsome men.
A': 9th
Because I love CR's youngest genius and handsome vocalist the most in the world. Because I believe he will continue to make me happy by being crazy and not boring me everyday. Because I want to make out with A-tan, an Everest level crazy & special vocalist, forever and ever in the future. [yeah idk either LMAOOO]
Momochi: 19th
Judah: 30th
2You: 35th
Joshua: 40th [robbed btw]
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Who do you want to cook with the most?
none of them got into top ten LMAOOOO
A': 13th
2You: 22nd
Reo: 34th
Judah: 39th
Joshua not on here... :(
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Who do you want to become your teacher?
Joshua: 15th [i gasped!!!!!]
Judah: 30th
A': 47th
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Guy you want to go karaoke with
A': 2nd
It's definitely going to be a lot of fun!!!! I want to do duets and have fun! I also want to mix up the drink bar and order Russian roulette takoyaki and eat them! Do you need a reason to hear a handsome vocalist sing live?
MMC: 6th
Momochi-kun is the only choice for this one! It's too good to have that Momochi-kun's singing voice all to yourself. ......♪ I wish you would sing just for me.....!
Reo: 16th
Judah: 17th
2U: 20th
Joshua: 42nd [ROBBED AGAIN]
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Who heals you when you feel tired?
Reo: 12th
A': 17th
Joshua: 31st
MMC: 44th
MMC top 50 and not Judah I actually shed a tear
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Someone who will suddenly start singing
Judah: 4th
He is the only one. Inspired by the sounds of everyday life, he seems to compose and sing on the spot. There's no way someone who suddenly starts composing music and saying things like "it suddenly came to me" won't suddenly start singing!
A': 5th
At first I thought I was humming along, but then I started to enjoy the song and I think I'm going to sing it with all my might. I want them to suddenly start singing in the streets and do some guerrilla live performances!
MMC: 31st [this is such a big jump omfg]
Reo: 48th
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Someone who will protect you when fighting a powerful enemy
ngl expected that none of them will place super high LMAOOO
A': 22nd
Reo: 31st
Judah: 48th
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Guy that you can never betray/cross
I don't disobey him because I think he said on the CD that if I left him, he would chase me and kill me. What Momochi-kun says? \ Absolutely! /
Judah: 30th
and nobody else mmc judah we need to do some reflecting
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Because I pity him so I want to support him
2U: 3rd [this was completely unexpected like in-between all the vampires who had their entire family killed or something you have a failed idol reject nepo baby LMAOOOOO (lovingly)]
I know there will be a lot of things said about the past, but I want you to look forward and move forward regardless of that! Not only the other vocalists, but also RAT-chans has been at his mercy lately, so I'm rooting for him.
MMC: 23rd
A': 25th [this is crazy how is 2u above both of them LMAOOOO]
Reo: 40th
Joshua: 43rd
no judah his only problem is his older brother
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Who would you like to bring onto a deserted island?
A': 11th
Joshua: 18th [he would be my pick]
Reo: 28th
2U: 36th
MMC: 46th
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yua-nism · 1 year
An analysis of Momochi: from a student interested in psychology
The main thing I’ll be talking about here is the way he treats his s/o and the members of Veronica, though there’s more emphasis on the former. Hope you guys enjoy this wall of text I wrote at school during my free time.
TW: mentions of suicide, abuse, toxic relationships
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First up, the way he treats his s/o might be due to how his parents interacted, or how he was treated. In this scenario, the most possible situation at hand is:
Parents’ toxic relationship ---> Momochi ---> (Projection) S/O
+ Research has shown that one’s parents’ relationship will affect the child’s love life. For example, Person A’s parents squabble and fight every day, one blaming the other and the one silently accepting (no retaliation). Communication is non-existent. Growing up, Person A finds themselves in the same situation despite constantly telling themselves not to be like their parents. This has happened quite a lot.
+ I believe that Momochi’s mother was on the receiving end of the abuse, considering she was implied to have committed suicide. If we also take into consideration Awauta and Gurensinjyu, this is the most possible situation.
Now, Momochi’s growth environment caused him to project his mother onto his S/O, regardless of whether he’s aware that his actions are bad. To let everyone understand easier, here’s another example: a mother gets scolded by her superiors at work, and in turn scolds her child at home, while saying it’s “education”. This is a type of unconscious self-defense mechanism. To summarize,
a loop of “Repression” (emotions) + “Rationalize” (thoughts) + “Addiction” (behavior).
Repression: The environment he grew up in caused him to grew up neglected and unloved. He IS angry, and he should be, but he couldn’t find a way to let out those negative emotions, so he repressed them. They are still present, however.
Rationalize: His thoughts and fears, especially matters regarding his girlfriend and Veronica (fear of abandonment). He unconsciously rationalizes those fears and convinces himself that he is in the right, and he is the superior one.
Addiction: Momochi’s behavior towards his S/O. Because of the two factors above, he feels a sense of satisfaction when he sees his girlfriend in pain because of him specifically. This is especially evident whenever he chokes his S/O in his drama tracks.
Momochi’s repressed negative emotions from how he was raised, combined with his fears and thoughts, make him the person he is right now. A toxic loop, but to him, it is still love nonetheless. He does truly love his girlfriend (I used up all my strength just to write these 6 words), but because of environmental and psychological factors, his idea of love is twisted and incredibly unusual.
No one taught him how to love someone properly, and nor do I think he loves himself either. He puts on a facade of superiority to hide his insecurities. Here’s his mindset in a nutshell:
“I don’t know how to love, so I’ll show her love in my own way. This is so she’ll never leave my side. I’m scared, but I don’t know any other way to make her stay with me.”
“The members of Veronica are all rich and good-looking. I can only surpass them with my skills. I’m scared of losing my only worth because they all surpass me in terms of background and looks.”
Anyways, that’s all. I hope this Momochi guy goes to superhell. Actually, superhell is too good for him, he should be stuck in between the limbo of heaven and hell so he suffers forever. That’s it. And to everyone who read this till the end, seek help. Thank you.
How Psychology Works: Applied Psychology Visually Explained——Penguin Random House
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hazelestelle · 6 months
Winter 2024 Anime Review
I watched a few of the winter 2024 anime, and here are my thoughts ^_^
7th Time Loop: 10/10
It’s so beautiful! The animation is fantastic, the story is interesting, the characters are great, the romance makes sense, it’s just wonderful. I love it so much, I bought the manga, because I need more.
If you watch one anime from this season, make it this one.
My instant death ability is overpowered: 8/10
It’s fun! It’s obviously a parody, but it has enough serious moments too. The MC’s backstory is so intriguing. I really hope there’s a second season because I want to know more.
It gets minus points for Mokomoko and Hanakawa though. All that shouting was incredibly grating and annoying, and it wasn’t funny anymore after 3 seconds.
The Demon Prince of Momochi House: 7/10
It’s cute! That’s really it, it’s a lovely shoujou with supernatural elements. It has heartfelt moments and funny moments. No real surprises, but it’s nice to watch and pretty to look at, and has a good enough ending that it doesn’t necessarily need more seasons.
Villainess Level 99: 6/10
I don’t know. I think My Next Life as a Villainess was better. This wasn’t bad, but for me, Yumiella was just too obtuse at times. I would have loved to see more of Eloanora, especially with how prominently she features in the ending theme, and I did like Patrick.
It gets minus point for the worst cgi dragon in the history of cgi.
A sign of affection: 5/10
I’m really on the fence about this one. The animation is beautiful, there’s no doubt about it, and I love how they used colour to show their different ways of thinking and their “worlds”.
But I didn’t buy the romance. Yuki still pretty much getting a heart attack and being so so embarrassed about Itsu even just looking her way, even after they got together and had kissed, got annoying fast, and Itsu was just way too aloof. I didn’t feel that he liked her at all. For example, she was so excited about landing that job, and he texted “grats”? Not even a full word. Come on, dude.
And don’t get me started on Oushi. He’s an arsehole and an idiot, and I don’t even wanna say more about him. I didn’t buy Shin and Emma’s romance either. The only ones who made sense were Kyoya and Rin.
I had a lot to say about this, haha.
Solo Leveling: 3/10
I don’t get it. I kept watching because I kept waiting for something to happen that would justify the hype, but it just didn’t. Nothing happened at all. The pacing is so bad, I feel like I have watched 4 episodes, maybe 5 if I’m generous, but it’s been 12 already.
I will say though, the soundtrack is fire. I ordered the CD because it’s so good. And the animation and aesthetic are very good too, which is why I didn’t give it 0 points.
I just started The weakest tamer goes on a journey to pick up trash, and High Card season 2 is next on my list. If you have any recommendations for me, let me know ^_^
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mixelation · 2 years
here's a cut scene from you terrible thing (you beautiful thing), which takes place after the first Zabuza fight. cut because I changed how I wanted to handle the wave arc.
Kakashi wakes with a hand on his neck. 
Usually this would catalyze him to spring into action with a high-speed, super cool taijutsu move. But today his brain and body both feel a little too much like mush to do much of anything. 
“Hrrng,” he says and his arm does a sad little flop. 
“Good, you’re awake,” Sasori’s voice says. The room reeks of his weird chemical scent. 
Oh shit, Kakashi mush-brain offers up. 
There’s the sound of fabric shifting, and then Sasori says, “The carotid artery is a good place to inject chakra if you don’t have a lot to give.”
“I see,” Sakura replies. “Can I try?”
Oh fuck, Kakashi thinks. The kids are here too. This is bad. This is very, very bad. 
“Blegh,” he says outloud. Sasori ignores him as he informs Sakura that she can’t try because this is an advanced technique and she’s a poorly trained genin. 
Good, Kakashi thinks, because he doesn’t want to win a fight with Zabuza only for his own student to kill him with chakra incompatibility. This thought it followed by, Sasori should be nicer to her and to my training, and then: 
“Why?” Kakashi croaks. He blinks up at the wood rafters above him. The heavy blanket on top of him smells like moth balls. He has no idea where he is. 
“Why what?” Sasori snaps. 
Sakura is more enthusiastic to answer whatever question she thinks Kakashi is asking. 
“Sasori-san said he’s a friend and he could wake you up,” she says, and Kakashi catches a flutter of pink out of the corner of his eye as she moves. “The boys and I weren’t sure if we could trust him, but then, um…”
But they couldn’t have stopped him if they’d wanted to. Kakashi turns his head slightly, and Sasori looks deeply bored, even with the pads of his fingers slowly feeding chakra into Kakashi’s pulse. 
Kakashi should probably just be relieved Sasori didn’t murder one of his cute little students in the process. Oh gods, unless…?
“Narusa?” Kakashi asks, cold panic seeping in. 
“What?” Sasori asks, eyebrow twitching. 
Kakashi clears his throat and sits with unprecedented effort. Sasori withdraws his hand. 
The room is plain, with a narrow little window letting afternoon light in. Sakura is sitting seiza next to Sasori, and Kakashi’s brain struggles to make sense of the two of them sitting next to each other, two distinct parts of his life colliding. He’s relieved to see Sakura looks completely unharmed despite new bags under her eyes and her hair greasier than she’s ever let it get before. 
(Later, Kakashi will need to talk to her about treating random strangers performing medical techniques on him as a learning experience rather than a reason to be sending off alarms to Konoha.) 
“Naruto and Sasuke?” he tries again. 
“They’re fine,” Sakura assures him. 
Sasori rolls his eyes. “They’re loud.” 
“The bridge-builder took us in,” Sakura continues. 
“It was stupid of you to bring new genin into Wave,” Sasori tells him, and the corners of Sakura’s mouth turn down as her eyes dart between them. “And stupid of you to let Momochi get away.”
“Well you see, I was busy having chakra exhaustion,” Kakashi replies.
Sakura is looking increasingly unsure of this interaction. 
“Why don’t you leave us alone,” Kakashi tells her. “Go tell the boys I lived.”
“Go take a shower,” Sasori gripes, and Sakura makes an offended face as she stands. She doesn’t talk back to him the way she would Naruto or Sasuke or even Kakashi on her worst days, because for all her naivety and preteen brattiness, Sakura isn’t dumb. 
Kakashi might be dumb, though. How did he let this mission end up like this?
When Sakura is gone, Sasori sniffs, “She’s the most promising one. She’s the only one who could string a coherent summary of events together.” 
(Kakashi will also have to have a talk with Sakura about explaining her missions to random strangers.)
Sasori complains at length he had to interact with Kakashi’s students and then couldn’t even poison them because he knew Kakashi’s stupid martyr mouth would be asking about them the second he woke up. Kakashi listens to Sasori’s complaints with half an ear as he ponders his way through the current situation. It sounds like Sasori did roughhouse the genin a little when he first showed up and they wouldn’t let him pass, although he claims he did no damage beside bruise a few egos. 
“Aw, they defended me?” Kakashi says. “Adorable.”
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fireflylitsky · 26 days
This is just me on my "Sakrua should have Kubikiribocho" bullshit 😂
Sakura wasn’t sure what a normal girl got for her eighteenth birthday, but she was positive it wasn’t this. Her sensei rubbed at the back of his neck when he presented it to her, smiling through his uncertainty. “I wasn’t sure what to get you,” he admitted, gesturing to the unwieldy blade.
No kidding.
But she smiled all the same and thanked him as she accepted Kubikiribocho. The Executioner's blade. Zabuza’s sword. 
“Thought it might bring back some memories,” Kakashi said. He wasn’t wrong. She couldn’t fault him there.
It seemed so big when she was small. She thought for sure now that she’d grown, its grandeur would have diminished, but no. Somehow it only seemed bigger now in her clutch. 
Kakashi-sensei justified the gift further, stating she was the only one he could think of that would do it justice. So that was just great. Now she had to.
The first time Sakura heard it, it scared her.
At the draw of blood—a kill—a voice scratched at the back of her skull. Deep and coarse. It put a dryness in her throat. Made her thirst, though not in any unpleasant way. Made her think that maybe more might be good, yes.
Needless to say, she decided to keep this to herself.
“More.” That was all it said for the longest time. She grew so used to it that it honestly became easy to ignore. Her blade carved through flesh, and with it came that hunger. That urging insistence. Sometimes it even sounded like praise.
It wasn’t until a particularly brutal battle, during which Sakura struggled to gain the upper hand, that the sword developed a vocabulary—a rude one. “Behind,” it warned with a growl, tacking on a muttered, “idiotic girl…”
Sakura narrowly dodged the attack because of that warning, leaving her free to balk at the absolute audacity of her sword. “Excuse me?!” 
It was on that day Sakura came to find out that some souls do not pass on to the afterlife. Some will cling to whatever they can and refuse death. Attach themselves to a vessel and live on inside it.
Kubrikiribocho just happened to be such a vessel, and Zabuza Momochi was anything but dead.
SO basically this becomes the story of Sakura and the soul of Zabuza bonding VERY SLOWLY over the course of many years. At first he's miffed when this stupid pink-haired girl becomes his wielder because ugh, she's not going to help his cause at all. (He believes that if he is able to absorb enough blood--enough life--through the blade, he can use it as a conduit to come back. After all, this blade's ability is to regenerate that which has already been destroyed)
But over time she piques his interest. He sees her potential. That feral streak in her. Maybe she can be useful to him. So he starts becoming more talkative (even if he is rude) and starts to guide her and work with her in battle.
They have lots of little quiet moments other people wouldn't understand (very underdeveloped snippet incoming):
Her body hurts. Her heart hurts. She feels it all welling up inside her and knows she’ll cry herself to sleep tonight in this ramshackle hut—alone, but not. Kubikiribocho lies in bed beside her. She sidles up against it and lays a hand on the oddly warm blade.
Zabuza’s silent, but she knows he can feel what she’s feeling. They’re too intertwined now. “I’m so sorry…” she eventually says. “This is unbecoming of me. Of a kunoichi. I just… didn’t want to be alone. Not after…” she chokes off, unable to put it in words yet.
“…Not like I’m going anywhere.” His voice sounds in her head, dismissive in a strangely comforting way.
“True… sorry about that, too.”
Silence spans between them and if a sentient sword could sigh, well, it sounds like that.
“Hey, Zabuza…?” she murmurs after a while, barely audible as she trails her fingers along the smooth steel of the blade, absently tracing lines down the edge.
“I’m going to fix you,” she says, determined. “I’m going to bring you back no matter what. I’ll find a way. I promise.”
“Tch… yeah, yeah, I know.”
“I mean it.”
“I know you do.”
“I won’t be useless. Not to you, too.”
There’s another stretch of silence before she hears him speak again. “Did someone tell you that? You’re useless?”
“Not… in those words exactly,” she says. “But I know that it’s true. Especially after today.”
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exrankluck · 1 year
Dear Vocalist Unlimited Veronica Translation — ゆくすゑ [track four]
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disclaimer: this is 90% AI-generated transcription and translation, some things might be inaccurate or awkward.
ディア ヴォーカリスト Unlimited エントリーNo.5 Veronica / モモチ (CV: 豊永利行)
- Drums: YAMATO (CV. Shunichi Toki)
- Guitar: OHGI (CV. Makoto Furukawa)
- Bass: AMA (CV. Kengo Kawanishi)
- Keyboard: SHIZURU (CV. Yoshitaka Yamaya)
Shizuru: Really? If you say so, I'll try to think positively.
Yeah, that's right. The recording is scheduled to start around next week.
No, the release is in the fall.
But, as always, we don't know a lot about the schedule until the results of the Survival are out.
Yeah, sorry for the inconvenience.
But, since we're here, I'll talk to the office about the additional performance we discussed earlier. If possible, before the end of the year.
Mm, okay. See you then.
Shizuru: Now then... Hm?
Shizuru: Moshi moshi.
mmc: Ah, moshi moshi, Shizu-kun?
mmc: Sorry for calling so late.
mmc: I heard you got a call.
Shizuru: Oh, mhm.
Shizuru: It's just a confirmation call. About the recording.
Shizuru: Is it okay to stick to the schedule as planned?
mmc: Yeah, that's the plan.
mmc: Ah, by the way, I sent you demos and some other things.
mmc: Did they arrive properly?
Shizuru: Yeah, they did, they did~
Shizuru: I haven't checked it thoroughly yet, but it looks super cool again this time. I'm looking forward to it.
Shizuru: Anyways, let's keep the reservations for all the studios that we have on hold.
mmc: Mm, thanks. Oh, by the way…
mmc: We haven't been able to meet for a while, and I haven't had a chance to say it, but I'm sorry I couldn't make it to your piano recital last month, even though you invited me.
Shizuru: Don’t worry about it.
Shizuru: In fact, I haven't even thanked you properly yet. You sent me flowers again this time.
mmc: It’s nothing. It was just a small gesture.
mmc: I heard this time was a great success too, I'm glad!
Shizuru: Yeah, thanks to everyone. Actually, I got a request for an additional performance.
mmc: Wow, that's great~!
Shizuru: Well, there's also Veronica's new song, so it's not official yet. But if you can come next time, please do.
AMA: Whoa!
AMA: Y-You scared me.
AMA: If you're back, let me know…
AMA: No, I wasn't sleeping. I was listening to music with my earphones on.
AMA: Um, speaking of which, Veronica's recording session is starting next week, so I wanted to listen to the demo again while I can.
AMA: Mhm, I think it's going to be a great song again.
AMA: I still don't really understand what he wants to express with this song.
AMA: Yeah, it’s difficult.
AMA: Both the music and lyrics that Momochi-kun creates are all...
*shiny sfx flashback*
AMA: How about… Huh, Momochi-kun.
mmc: Ah, it’s Akkun~ It feels like it's been a while since we last met!
AMA: Yeah, I was away from Tokyo for a while for a photo shoot for my photo book.
AMA: And, the release this time went well too.
mmc: I see, you're still busy as usual. Good job.
AMA: Guren Shinjuu seems to be getting good reviews.
AMA: As expected of Cheers.
AMA: Momochi-kun likes Japanese (wa) rock music. That’s good to know.
mmc: Hehe. Actually, I was quite hesitant this time. There were also discussions about the image, and even if Kataridori was popular, I don’t want to make Veronica's image too rock-like.
AMA: I see. Veronica is versatile, after all.
mmc: Mhm, that's right.
AMA: Um, I've been wanting to ask for a while…
mmc: What?
AMA: Is there a model (muse) for Momochi-kun's lyrics? Not just for this new song, but in general…
mmc: Why do you ask?
AMA: Just curious. Especially with lyrics about women, I wonder how you write them.
mmc: No, there is no model. It’s all in my imaginary world.
mmc: But don't you think it's ideal?
AMA: People like this…
mmc: Yes, that's what I'm aiming for.
mmc: I hope people who hear it, like Akkun, imagine all kinds of things.
mmc: Because songs that end after just one listen are boring, aren't they?
*shiny sfx flashback* [AMA]
AMA: The title track is still easier to understand. Momochi-kun is probably singing about the feelings of a certain woman.
But with this song, I really don't understand anything.
I might be able to understand the way Momochi-kun builds up the song by listening during the recording, but I still can't figure out what the theme of the song is.
No matter how much I think about it, I still don't understand. But I think that's what Momochi-kun is aiming for - not to arrive at a definitive answer, but to purposely avoid it.
Thanks to that, I've been in a state of constantly thinking about this song since the other day.
Yes. Well, that's true.
I think Momochi-kun is amazing. He doesn't talk much about himself, but I know that much.
Thinking about it, this song is like Momochi-kun himself. Even though I don't know anything, I find myself drawn to it.
Oh no, I ended up talking about work again.
We decided not to talk about work, didn't we?
It’s me who doesn’t like it.
Let's just be together here as lovers, not as manager and artist.
mmc: Yeah, that was really good! Can I get one more like that?
Ohgi: But I think it was a little boring. This current version is better.
mmc: Yeah, don’t worry. You could even make it more emotional or intense.
mmc: Okay then, thank you.
Ohgi: Good job.
Ohgi: Huh? Where's Momochi-kun?
AMA: Probably taking a break or on the phone.
Yamato: By the way, nice job with the "Ohgi" move!
Yamato: That move today didn’t go smoothly in the past, right?
Shizuru: Yeah, and he even made a request.
Shizuru: Isn't it unusual for Momochi-kun to do that?
Ohgi: Hah, it's just a coincidence.
Ohgi: What I’m doing isn't any different from what I’ve done before.
Ohgi: I guess it's like predicting what Momochi-kun will do and watching his reactions.
Ohgi: That method has caused a big mess in the past.
AMA: But that’s not a bad strategy. Ohgi did nothing wrong.
AMA: It was my fault for doing something unnecessary and causing a bad atmosphere.
Ohgi: Akkun covered for me, but in the end, the third generation was not called up.
Yamato: After all of that, we’re still somewhat recognized, especially Momochi-kun.
AMA: I hope so. Everyone did their best this time too.
Ohgi: I'm sure it'll be okay. The fact that we've come this far is proof of that.
Shizuru: Yeah, we can be confident.
Shizuru: We have achieved our goal too.
AMA: Goal?
Shizuru: Well, isn't it just the five of us who can embody Veronica's world?
Shizuru: No one talks about the first-generation anymore.
Yamato: That’s true~ We are the strongest team capable of embodying Mr. Veronica's world.
Yamato: So lets keep doing our best from now on!
Ohgi: Let's do that.
Shizuru: Hey, hey, isn't this the time to do that thing we talked about before?
Yamato: I was thinking the same thing. In that case, let’s do it!
AMA: Now then…
mmc: Hm? …Huh?!
Shizuru: Ah, Momochi-kun, you finally came back!
mmc: I-I'm surprised. Everyone was still here!
mmc: I thought everyone had already left. N-No way.
Yamato: No, no. Actually, we were waiting for you, Momochi-kun~
mmc: Eh? Me? Um... What?
mmc: ?! Are we having an after-party now or something?
Shizuru: Ah, there was actually talk of having a party to celebrate, but, well, the song isn't finished yet.
mmc: Eh? Ah… nevermind.
Ohgi: Our recording is done for the day, but your recording isn't finished yet, Momochi-kun. When everything is really finished, we should have another party.
AMA: Let's have an after-party again with everyone.
Yamato: Yeah, let's do that. Let’s do it!
mmc: Mhm, I definitely think that's a good idea. Hahaha…
mmc: Anyways, everyone worked hard this time.
mmc: Now it's my turn to work hard.
mmc: I'll make sure both songs are the best new songs ever, so look forward to it!
Yamato: Of course, I'm super excited~!
Yamato: So, let's call it a day and do our usual thing.
AMA: That's what I was waiting for.
AMA: Momochi-kun, you know what to do?
mmc: Oh, I see. Got it! I understand, we’re doing it here?
Ohgi: Now then, Momochi-kun, please take care of it.
mmc: Alright~ Ehem… Then let's go, Veronica! Ei ei oh (cheer)!
all: Oh (cheer)!
Shizuru: Alright. With this, there's no doubt that this Survival was a huge success.
mmc: Well, that goes without saying, hehe~
*ゆくすゑ (yukusue) - fate; one's future i.e. “what lies ahead”
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goemon-fan · 1 year
It's great to see you talk about and defend Part 1 Goemon! He has some lovely care put into the way he moves! I see him as an era-specific personality like how Clampett's Daffy Duck plays out in contrast to Chuck Jones' version, for example. I wish that I could reignite that passion for Pilot/Part 1 Goemon before I came across the Anime Goemon is Koroshi theory... (this was in 2019 before waddlehek's post was created)
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To be honest, I didn't care for Part 1 Goemon too much the first time I watched his episodes, and Part 2 Goemon admittedly used to be my favorite. However, in explaining to a friend what Goemon stands for as a character and who he is, I saw myself referencing Part 1 a lot, as well as the subtleties behind certain scenes (the bird in the cage being allegorical for Goemon, Momochi's treatment of Goemon, what Lupin and Goemon's friendship stands for). I decided to go back and watch it yet another time but with an open mind, and it completely changed my opinion of Part 1. There are a lot of subtle things that the characters do that you only pick up on if you're paying attention, and to this day I think it is one of the only few Lupin III works that has depth and complexity within the characters and their motivations. It's kind of a shame that the series became known for Part 2 and skewed later works, because I feel that at times Part 2 is heavily out of character/inaccurate, and I think Part 2 Goemon's bad moments (Kooky Kabuki in particular) led to the unrecognizable Goemon we have today. It's fine if you or anyone else in the fandom doesn't like or isn't big on Part 1, it's entirely subjective, but I find that it's great at explaining who and what Goemon is
(sorry for the late reply)
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mrsmarymorstan · 1 year
Hi....Do you mind if I ask you some random thing? I used to love shounen and shoujo manga equally....But ever since I found BL manga 3 years ago, my interest in shoujo decrese a lot, and what I search for is just the dynamic between mc (male) and male lead...I don't want to read mc (female) and male lead or mc (male) and female lead...My interest in het romance also decrese....
What do you think happen to me? Sorry for this weird ask....
I mean, firstly people's tastes change and that's okay! Lots of people prefer to read same sex romance over characters of different genders! It's nothing to really worry about unless you're a dick about it, which you are not being so that's fine!
It could be that you don't like the way some female characters are treated in manga, so having none there makes it more fun to read. It could be that you find you can get more invested in a romance if you're not expected to relate to one of the characters. You may be queer and prefer to read queer romance as a result even if those characters don't match your gender!
Or maybe you just wanted a change of pace with BL. There's even manga such as "I want to be a wall" and "BL Metamorphosis" that directly talk about this phenomenon among (cis) women so, regardless of your personal gender identity, you're definitely not alone in feeling as though you can't relate to Male/Female romance anymore.
It's also true that BL as we know it began within the pages of Shojo Magazines! And indeed, many modern queer series are still published in Shojo Magazines! So you may be enjoying Shojo without even knowing it =)
Good recent examples of this include "My Love Mix-Up" and "Sasaki and Miyano"! But also let's not forget classics like "New York New York" and "Banana Fish". Heck! Why not throw "Rose of Versailles" and "Princess Knight" in there too, because honey there is nothing CisHet about Lady Oscar, and Prince Sapphire lol
And also a good reminder that "Shojo" is not synonymous with "Romance"! Yes, romantic subplots are a common feature, but when you think of Sailor Moon do you think of her as constantly pining after Tuxedo Mask, or do you imagine her doing her cool transformations and beating up whatever weird monsters have been sent her way that week?
Some good Non-Romance Orientated Shojo I would recommend that I've been reading lately are:
- Dawn of the Arcana
- The King's Beast
- Kageki Shojo!!
- Prince Freya
- Rose of Versailles
- The Demon Prince of Momochi House
(Oh and "Shojo Horror" is a whole thing too, Junji Ito got his start in Shojo Magazines. 'Starfruit Books' are a digital publisher who publish a lot of English and Spanish Language Shojo Horror so worth looking them up too if you like horror, which I don't, but respect those who do lol)
But if you're maybe looking for some Non-Heteronormative M/F romances to give them another shot I can recommend:
- A Sign of Affection (If you liked "I hear the Sun Spot" I think you'll like this)
- Ladies On Top (18+)
- Snow White With The Red Hair
- The Invisible Man And His Soon To Be Wife
And whilst these ones are still rather heteronormative, they do contain female leads who do way more than just sit around and hope that senpai notices them:
- Something's Wrong With Us (18+)
- Sweat and Soap (18+)
- Knight of The Ice
- My Happy Marriage
- Your Name
And whilst my goal this year is to try and read more Girl Love stories, (or just F/F romance in general I should say) and therefore I don't have AS MANY to recommend I HAVE been reading "Runaway With Me Girl", "Catch These Hands" and "Kase-san and Yamada"
I hope that helps! At the end of the day, whilst I always encourage people to try to read out of their comfort zone, it's your free time and your money! You should be allowed to spend it however you want, so long as you're not hurting anyone.
(I do think that anyone attempting to be a professional reviewer should absolutely try and read more books from more demographics but that's you trying to make money off of your hobby which is absolutely not the same as a rando who just wants to read about boys kissing on their time off from work/school)
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voltageapps · 11 months
LEADING MAN AWARDS 2023 -The King Returns-
Until 10/24 23:59 JST!
Show your support and get the wallpapers with votes!
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What the nominees say (click the names for the tweets)
Seiji Goto: "I'm so grateful and so excited about the love you've given me. I'm going to do my best to grow and thrive till the end, all so that I'm worthy of it."
Takaomi Tsugaru: "I'm in the mood to spoil you, but you don't have to spoil me back. I'm not used to that kinda thing."
Sentaro Kyogoku: "You told me you loved me, so I'm gonna make it through this and find you on the other side. Once we get home, I'm never letting you go again."
Ryoichi Hirose: "It's such a luxury to hear you say you love me day after day. When this is all over with, we're going to have to celebrate as husband and wife."
Kaede Ekuni: "You showed me that you love me lots, so I'm gonna show you too. It makes me all toasty inside when you love me. Let's be toasty together?"
Kota Igarashi: "I thought I'd have to work hard enough for everybody, but now that you're around, I've got nothing to worry about. You make me way too strong. Thanks."
Ayumu Shinonome: "Do whatever you want. My heart's not going to change. How you interpret that's up to you, I guess?"
Kei Soejima: "You feel so strongly about me... Have I made it to Eden? It's hard to imagine something more wonderful than this, but maybe I can make it there with you at my side."
Shu Hasunuma: "What man could stay calm after his wife tells him she loves him that much? I almost forgot how to breathe!"
Kunihiro Kasai: "Thank you for telling me you love me. I'm not gonna hold back either, so I hope you're ready for me?"
Subaru Ichiyanagi: "You've done well to make it this far. There's a bit left to go, but don't force it. You're at your best when you're healthy and happy."
Boss (Seiichi Setoyanagi): "I thought I knew how reliable you could be, but you've outdone yourself... I'm proud to have someone like you as my girlfriend."
Riki Yanase: "Thanks for going to such lengths for my sake. I'm gonna return what you've given me several times over. Just be patient a little longer."
Takane Momochi: "All I need is your smile. If you go showering me in this much love, I'll get a little, you know... embarrassed."
Hideki Ishigami: "I hear what's in your heart. I do, so don't worry... There's nothing else I need right now."
Rei Rindoh: "I can't begin to describe how happy I am to be the recipient of your feelings. We're almost there, so don't give up on me just yet."
Kazuomi Shido: "Well, this is a problem. Didn't think watching you go this far for me would get me hot under the collar... Don't get angry. It's just biology."
Hibiki Shiina: "You always take off chasing after new dreams, but don't forget that you have me by your side."
Tetsuya Hosho: "Would that I could take you home and make out with you right now, lamb. Come closer, at least, so that I can pamper you?"
Toru Kurosawa: "I can't believe all you've done for me... You're so cute. Are you okay? Shall I burn this image into my retinas? I think so!"
Kaisei Kuon: "I'll run alongside you until we reach the finish line! You'll be safe in my arms in the final leg, so leave everything to me!"
Tadanobu Nomura: "Not only is my heart yours, but you're so sweet that you've got an unbreakable hold on it. Thank you."
Shusuke Soma: "Is it foolish to crave the sight of your gentle smile as much as I do? Especially in a competition like this? Well, I don't mind either way."
Eisuke Ichinomiya: "You have done well thus far. Your dreams are my dreams. Your aspirations my aspirations. And until the final moment, you're forbidden from leaving my side."
Tsumugu Kido: "Once this is all over, let's have a wrap up party with sukiyaki. Stay strong! Don't lose heart, 'kay?"
Yukihisa Maki: "This is the last hurdle. Why don't I offer you an enchanted kiss to keep you going?"
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iheartmomochi · 1 month
been thinking of the xtreme cd a lot. i’m a big fan of the cinderella motif in the cd.
starting off when momochi decides to throw away her perfectly good shoes (cinderella loses her glass slipper) and kicks her out (cinderalla runs out of the ball and leaves the prince at the ball). in the end momochi eventually forgives her after she stands outside his apartment for A While (the prince searched the whole kingdom for the owner of the slipper). And as a sort of reward to her for getting in his good graces again, he gives her the shoe (prince finds cinderalla). although unlike the shoe being a perfect fit like how it is cinderella, momochi purposefully gives her a shoe that a smaller size so that she isn’t able to leave his side anymore. And that’s their happy ending.
also the writers picking cinderella feels very intentional to me. cinderella has literally no friends (human friends.) and her family didn’t like her and then you have momokano whose parents obviously don’t care about her and she also has 0 friends. not to mention there was a previously cinderella reference before xtreme (stellaworth short story.) and it’s a full circle moment since in that momochi thinks to himself that he will never treat her like a princess and he clearly did not in xtreme.
also very interesting to me because this cd is where the whole magic motif starts that’s later referenced in unlimited. although momochi doesn’t directly use the word “magic” like he does in unlimited, the fact that the third track is called “the glass slipper” is very much the set up. i mean cinderella only receives the glass slippers as a product of magic. in the context of the cd, the heels he buys kano are only given to her because she has proven that she believes him and by extension his “magic.”
the concept of glass slippers is so interesting to me because it also ties into the theme of “short-lasting” things that has been prevalent in momochi’s story since awauta. after all in cinderella the shoes only last until midnight. but that’s not how it translates into the xtreme cd. the way i see it is that it’s “short-lasting” because it only holds up as long as kano believes in momochi (which also ties into his unlimited cd). i could say more about this specific thing but i do plan on making another post about this eventually.
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koumeowkami · 1 year
6, 10, 13 and 19 for the violence ask game!!!
choose violence ask game!
cherennnn these questions were so hard 😭 i did my best okay
6) which ship fans are the most annoying?
uhhhh i don't find any shippers annoying (as in pushy with their ideas and stuff like that)?? maybeeee a bit wataei shippers cause it often sounds to me that you must love them only cause they're fundamental for the enstars plot. remember that infamous wataei poll? those times on tumblr were hell for me. but in general i find the fans of certain characters more annoying than shippers and i could make a whole list for that lol
10) worst part of fanon
okay uhhh... i pondered over this question for half an hour trying to understand and i'm still not sure of it (← isn't familiar with fandom terminology), but here goes nothing! just some fandom opinions i don't agree with:
- i said that some days ago but, fem tsumugi being drawn in a way that in my opinion is unfit for her character
- the hajun with nayuta/cozmez ship is a bit odd to me cause fans always turn him into a person that's completely different from canon. like... he would not fucking do that believe me, he's genuinely nice only with bae and it couldn't be different even in headcanons 😭 in general, it seems to me that hajun is seen very differently from what he's really like but maybe it's just my hatred for him speaking :D /hj
- do some fans know that kanata is not just a tsundere. like i bully him for that too (affectionately) but he's such a complex and deeply emotional character please let's not overlook that. for some reason i think not a lot of people pay attention to cozmez lore and it's about time y'all start doing that
- hinata being seen as the worst brother ever™ and toxic as fuck cause ?????? that's just so wrong ???? he may have used wrong ways but he NEVER ever planned to make yuta suffer. on the contrary, he did pretty much everything for him. i think some people should learn how to read
13) worst blorbofication
momochi. i think no one's less unfit for that title than him 💀
19) you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
i would say dialovers as a whole but actually i'm not ashamed lol sorry. maybe i'm a bit "ashamed" i like laito and shiki (dance with devils), but i'm gonna justify myself saying that their story arcs are interesting despite all the gruesome details (they're probably the only "problematic" characters i like). can daisuke hirakawa also be a good reason to like them? cause... yeah
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hotarutranslations · 1 year
25th Yoyogi 2nd Day! 2nd Performance!
I'll also write about the 2nd day's 2nd performance!
Speaking of I also want to write about this,
Through all of the performances, The opening VTR was really wonderful……🪩✨️
Live Hello! Project videos from since it was formed, It was a VTR that connected to the most recent things but,
At first it was like a world I had only seen in video, a world I longed to be apart of, Gradually, the seniors who have directly helped me, Still in the world where I'm a junior member of the group, While thinking, I love them-- I love them--, The first time I participated in a live was shown…… That tour, Its only things I know from this tour, and it also showed Covid's Kachou Fuugetsu,
I'm also a part of the history, I…recoginize it…for real……
25 years is really really amazing but, I thought like, is it really 25 years packed in!? Isn't it an amazing history………
Further, the 2nd performance, For me, it was the appearance of the people I had direct experience with🪩✨️
Morning Musume '23 got to sing "Dance de Bakoon!", it was super fun, although it isn't my song, I was happy that I could dance to it without checking the choreography as its ingrained in me
For Buono!-san, The, "Momochi is here today too---!" showing the ribbons on their pinkies, hearing her singing, I was bawling
For Buono!-san, Towards my past self, Why didn't you pay more attention to them? I'm seriously angry about that, its a regret of mine in particular👹👹👹
It doesn't matter when you fell in love! There are people who often say that, (I also really think that way!)
I have never been so envious of those who followed them since then……
Including the cheers in the venue, It was really a wonderful song to listen to🍀
Thats right,
after that,
I wrote that I was crying but that's how I felt, I performed right after that so I was desperately holding it in
Suzuki Airi-san's "DISTANCE" I danced to it with Hirai Miyo-chan!
My favorite Suzuki Airi-san song, who I adore……
On this big stage, Being able to experience Suzuki-san's singing while dancing, It was reallyyy fun❤️‍🔥
The push and pull of her singing voice, It came directly to my ears, ⚠️I don't know how how she is so charming, Since she was drawing in with her singing, it felt like I'd draw in a bit with the dancing, is how it felt, there was a bit of a gap…..intentionally…… I'm moved that the composure and power exists, upon the back of the really cool Suzuki-san
I have seen her sing many songs, its amazing how she always draws in the audience with her charm
Excuse me, I can't put the meaning into words
Dancing with Miyo-chan like this just the 2 of us, Its actually the first time so, I'm also very happy about the 2 of us with that😳❤️‍🔥
Thank you very much for the really wonderful opportunity!
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I wore my hair in a ponytail to match dancing to DISTANCE! It was a coincidence that Miyo-chan also had a ponytail!
It continued with C-ute-san and Berryz Koubou-san songs
In joining Hello! Project, I got see, lots and lots of seniors🤍
At that time, they have the presence of older sisters like, I can't reach them… and, as I get older, when I reached their age, I couldn't help but compare myself to my seniors, wondering if I could be them, I still haven't reached them at all
Yesterday, I saw everyone became even more and more wonderful woman, like, I can't reach them--! I happily thought this
……do you understand……🥺🥺
I will always love and admire them
Hello! Project certainly, I think it will be like this forever! Aah! Its pretty wonderful!
Thats it for today!!! We've switched over and started rehearsals for the fall tour!!! Fuu,,!
Please come and support us in the fall tour!
see you ayumin <3
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yua-nism · 1 year
Kaleido- A kaleidoscope or Pandora’s box? An analysis of Kaleido’s lyrics
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Note: This is a translation of 互口互's theory on Weibo! Please go check it out!
First of all, the song name, the Japanese name for it is カレヰド, this term comes from the Greek term Kaleido, meaning kaleidoscope. KALOS means beauty, and EIDOS means shape. Ever-changing beautiful shapes, which is what a kaleidoscope is. But as to why the Greek term for kaleidoscope is used, we’ll leave this question for later.
Next, to put it clearly, the perspective of the song in the first half is from a woman’s view. (Before 01:48) The JP fans on Twitter, the courtesan setting in Awauta, and the female ghost in Uwasanometsukosan (Momochi is pretty used to writing lyrics from a woman’s perspective at this point), plus the lyrics of the song itself can prove this. As to the role he’s playing this time, I personally think it’s a caged woman waiting for her husband to come home desperately. Doesn’t that mean it’s from Momochi's kano’s perspective though? Nope. In my opinion, I think this song is about Momochi's feelings for his kano, which means he’s singing about himself. Details below.
"There’s nothing I don’t need, let me ask about everything.” These words are said by the wife waiting eagerly for her husband to come home: Did anything happen outside? Please tell me everything, every little thing matters to me, don’t miss anything. Now let’s think about something, even though the one staying at home is Momochi's kano, who’s the one actually doing the asking? Yep, it’s mmc. Did you behave? Anything you need? Did you stay at home? You didn’t go out, right? (Sometimes he’ll even look at her phone call history, cross this) Will Momochi's kano go up to him of her own accord after he opens the 4-layer lock and ask him a ton of questions at once? Probably not, she’s mostly the one being asked, like the husband in this song.
”You’ll be coming back late again, right? My suspicions go round and round” The literal translation, “the bugs’ messages keep coming” is a saying in Japanese, usually meaning a bad premonition. This part of the lyrics is about the wife feeling anxious and insecure about the possibility of her husband coming home later. Now, if her emotions reach a breaking point, what would she do? Is it possible that she’ll think of a way to let her husband stay at home so she can see him whenever without needing to wait? The answer is: putting a lock on the door. Just like Momochi putting a 4 layer lock on the door in reality and locking his kano in at home so he won’t have to be anxious about her returning home at a late time. At this point Momochi's way of thinking is completely matches up with the wife, of course mmc won’t have to wait long, he’ll call a lot and even threaten you to pick up within 2 rings (lol).
“A burning heart going from red to blue, it won’t cool down." These flames of love start to reflect” The color on the outer layer of the flames is red, while the inner one is blue, and the inner flames burn hotter than the outer ones, which means the temperature of his heart is getting higher and higher, it’ll burn and never cool. To put it simply, he loves her a lot, only more, and his love won’t ever become rational.
“’Please don’t go’ You’re all I have” In the lyrics, “anata” is used which is how wives usually address their husbands or seniors that they’re very close with as a sign of respect. If you don’t know what this one is about, you can think about how in S2 Momochi asked his kano in the rain why he left her, at that point in time, this is what he was thinking. “Hanging on with clawed fingers, hurting everything that they touch.” For one, clawed might refer to how the wife might have long fingernails, but it could also mean how the way Momochi asks to stay by his side is sharp and hurting. (In S2 he said his kano betrayed her promise, in S4 he said the opposite of his thoughts, talking about how he wouldn’t forgive her, saying she’s dumb, saying nobody except him would love her, incredibly offensive) Hurting everything that he touches, Momochi has done a lot of physically harming actions on his kano, biting, gripping her neck, punching earholes, in conclusion, he wants to say that he has a desire for destruction and dominance, that he can’t control or doesn’t want to control. Kind of feels like “the more beautiful something is the more I can’t touch it” kinda thing.
"Drunk on these colors, a mutual destruction.” You can’t really have mutual destruction if both parties have a clear mind, right?  “Ah, hold me in your embrace (This night once more), for my self-satisfaction” The “for my self-satisfaction” part can also be translated as “I’m alone tonight again”, it means a sense of self-righteousness. This basically brings out a feeling of loneliness yet a persisting unwillingness to admit it, so we’ll just translate it to Momochi’s constant denial of what he says, “Please hug me tonight, if you’re not willing to, then being alone tonight again sounds nice” In a nutshell, this part writes about a stubborn yet confusing wife, you guys can listen to the song itself to feel it.
“The more I call out, the further away you become. Losing even a place to belong.” This part has nothing to do with the story of Pandora’s box, probably Momochi’s thoughts on his relationship with his kano. Because of problems with expression plus his kano being a shy and passive person, though his love is only increasing, the distance between them isn’t closing in, perhaps even pushing his kano further away. If he loses his place of belonging, then on a physical meaning Momochi can be said to no longer have a home, except that house he lived in with his kano. (As to how twisted Momochi’s expressions can get, go look at Yakouka, literally no one can understand it) Now we’re in the second half of the lyrics. A repeating symbolism is a box. You can’t open the box, if you do you’ll lose all you have. As to which box is referred to, there are two boxes that fulfill the condition above, one is a Japanese legend in which a man opens the box, becoming an old man and losing everything he once had. This story is pretty simple so no analysis. The other one is Pandora’s box. Pandora, pan means everything, dora means gift, the gods created Pandora as an invincible woman who has everything, (mmc’s musical talent is also once in a hundred years), yet Zeus’ box that he gave to Pandora is filled with greed, lies, jealousy, pain, and defamation. (These qualities are all shown on Momochi).
Back to the question at the start of this, if KALOS means beauty in Greek, then why is evil mentioned? Is it because of this pandora full of bitterness because of revenge? Perhaps kaleido is the opposite of pandora.
Thank you for reading! That is all :D
notes: i'm dying. btw please go actually check out yakouka's lyrics they're on the wiki and yes the english translation for the lyrics is from the wiki...!! thank you so much to 互口互 for letting me translate their post!
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managician-tls · 1 year
Basketball at Dusk - Physical Experience 1 (5/10)
Featured characters: Botan, Protag-kun, Asuka, Renren, Himari
Location: Classroom
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Botan: Oh? If it isn't the transfer student. Why are you all the way in the third year classrooms?
Hmm... So you got told that 'The student council president is wandering about somewhere, so I want you to look for her'.
Must've been the student council... Mitsuru sure knows how to order people around, doesn't she?
She's both in the student council and the track club, so it's only obvious she's learned to do it, though.
Oh, me? I was just about to head home.
Yeah. Since I'm bored anyway, it wouldn't hurt to help you look for her.
I'd like to get rewarded with some sweets in return... ♪
Mm. I'll be asking for sweets a little expensive, though.
I'll find her for sure, don't you worry... ♪
So then, do we have a deal?
Mm. Negotiation success ♪
First off, let's start looking around the third year classrooms.
Huh... I look like I'm having fun, you say?
Is that so...? I hadn't really noticed.
But I'm not a genius at looking for people.
I might be enjoying this because of that. It's more fun to do things you don't do regularly, don't you think?
Mm. Routinary things — they're boring.
Just like a quiz that you already know the answers to isn't interesting.
Well then, let's go through trial and error for this. It's while we're young that we're still allowed to do mistakes, after all.
Speaking of that.
It seems there was a time when Momochi-san went through trial and error, too, to become friends with the ball...?
She might be doing basketball practice right now.
That sounds like fun. Maybe, just as she keeps failing over and over, she'll experience some growth... ♪
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Hissatsu technique! I don't really know what I'm doing, but it's a mix of my basketball and my Momocchi Dive!
Momocchi Combination!
Renren: To have perfected your own, original technique in such a short time — how impressive, ya!
But I won't lose, de! Whooacchoo!
This is my special technique-ya!
Asuka: W-WHAAAAAAT—! She broke through my Momocchi Combination so easily!
Renren: Ufufu... I'm sorry for you, ya! This is the legacy of China's history, passed down for four thousand years...!
I won't lose to a greenhorn like you, ma!
Himari: ...Have you two had enough yet?
I couldn't keep up with y'all's kooky shenanigans at all, so I went take a naaap...
Are you all set, Mochimochi?
Asuka: Hm? Set for what?
Himari: Komatsu Botan's feelings — do you understand them now?
Asuka: I've already got them down perfectly!
Komacchi-senpai overcame the fear in her heart by helping out various clubs!
You've got my whole respect, Komacchi-senpai~
Himari: So then, are we done here? I forgot I've got student council work to do...
'With this, problem solved!' ...Can I say that and go?
Asuka: Eeeeh—! Since you're already here, I'd like to hang out together a little longer!
Right now, I'm sure I'd even be able to land a dunk shot!
So! I want you to see the fruits of my labour~ ♪
Renren: Ooh! Are you going to show off that "Momocchi Combination" from earlier on a basketball court, ma?
If that's the case, I can't miss out on it, ba?
Asuka: Today's basketball practice isn't being held on the gym, though, it's outdoors!
Could we use the president's authority to get inside? Please~ ♪
Himari: T-That's absolutely a no go! That'd be a massive abuse of my authorityyy!
I have lots of people keeping an eye on me, y'know!
If I exercised my power here, I'd get dirty looks thrown my way for suuure!
Asuka: Can't you do something about it? Just five minutes would be enough, please~ ♪
Himari: Hey, stop pulling on me! You're straining my arm! It's no good if you take me away by forceee!
Fine, I-I get it, I've got it! I can walk on my own just fine, thank you very much! And I'll look over you!
Asuka: Yaaay~ ♪ It's a promise then~, student council president ♪
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Himari: Geez. What am I gonna do with youuu?
You've gotta make sure to let Botan know all about this later, got it?
What's up with her anyway, leaving behind a junior who so clearly admires her...
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