#I think Sam and Lucifer would have a great time in Friendship OH
farieshades · 2 years
...... I had a ask. I did really. But I can't remember it so now I'm just sipping my coffee staring into space like a badly written fanfic.
What would you change about Supernatural? (Yes Far the TV show)
I do like how you included “For the TV show” knowing full well that I could and would rant about mythology and the supernatural/paranormal for hours. 
In the earlier seasons, this made a lot of sense. There was an intrinsic fear the audience held for the characters. A “Oh no, what’s going to happen, will x survive?” but, over time the Brothers gained too much ‘power’. It wasn’t that they obtained really any special ability (although, that could very well be argued in certain seasons) but by the end of it they were just humans fighting against darkness encroaching upon others. 
From a writing standpoint, there was a need to make the characters stronger I suppose, as soon as you introduce angels and Chuck, but really, each season tried to up the ante of what came before. - You Fought and Won against Azazel? Time to Introduce Lucifer - You Fought and Won against Lucifer? Time to introduce another bastard. 
I mean really, what is the progression? Meg/Azazel > Azazel > Lilith x2 > Lucifer > Eve / Crowley (and Castiel somehow) > Leviathans and Politics > Crowley and Metatron > Abaddon > Mark of Cain or Rowena?> The Darkness/Amara > British Men of Letters/Lucifer (how are you still here didn't we deal with you already? Why are we bringing Lucifer back into plots) > Lucifer/Apocalypse World Michael > AW Michael > God himself. 
It was similar, in my mind, how Buffy TVS goes up against her BBEG’s who do progressively get worse, but, not in the same way? The Master (simple, evil, background bad guy who is a genuine threat when he shows up those few times throughout the seasons w/ parallel world bullshit) > Spike/Drusilla (easy fight at anytime as they are just vampires tho they add plenty to the plot - then again, the two collectivelly killed 4(?) slayers) > The Mayor (who is of course evil, we love evil polititions in fantasy, right Dick Roman? At least Dick Roman didn't turn into a giant snake, he just... kinda ate people?>The Initiative-Adam (Shadowy government making a frankenstein killing machine that doesn't obey orders like they hoped) > Glory (we love gods of alternate hellwords being exiled to earth and somehow living the life of luxury) > Dark Willow + The Three Idiots of Geekdom (Willow was great actually and it caused a lot of things to go tits up - The trio, however, sucked but they did cause the dark Willow so ... shrug?) > The First Evil (which is great, supposedly end-of-times bad who you need to show power of friendship or something to combat and stuff, but it was also very downplayed)
But Back to SPN - the BBEG’s just get stronger and stronger and at some point there’s no fear or thrill in hunting them, and the Monster-of-the-week episodes as filler pose absolutely no threat to the brothers whereas when we were in season 1-3 the monster-of-the-week was terrifying and, well, followed a familiar script that worked. 
So, keeping the brother’s at the same level as they were would be a change I’d make. Not in…. Like, ok, they get more confident in themselves because they are good hunters, definitely some of the best, but they surpass cocky and confident in their actions [which i blame writers irl but also John Winchester to make the characters actually work in this way - he makes them think this is the way they must act and they do type of deal]. 
The Apocalypse (Season 5)
Another change I’d probably do would be to separate the series into two different types. SPN could have ended at the end of Season 5. We lost Sam, but the Apocalypse is prevented. A good hero-arc, sacrifice, and well you get the bittersweet pain of knowing that this wouldn’t have happened if not for the first episode. It would finish perfectly, Dean must live with the knowledge that he brought his brother back into hunting, while Sam becomes a tragic hero making the ultimate sacrifice… Maybe I just like angst. 
Season 6+ could very easily be a continuation, sure, but in more of a spin-off sense. Bringing back soulless Sam makes the sacrifice almost silly the previous season. 
I do like the seasons as they are, but that’s just how my head is structuring a lot of it. I do like how the characters grew, the side characters getting introduced, the family background we slowly learn (how is it that all the campbells show up and no past winchesters do barring whats-his-name grandpa man? More american men of letters from history would be more interesting than whateverthefuck the british MoL were doing.)
Or hell, switch it around like a DW season and have new hunters replace people and its no longer Winchester Brothers but the entire community taking on more and more bad, instead of constantly upping the crisis you could see different places of the world rather than America/Canada/UK, you could see hunters in Russia or Japan or India. -- It wouldn’t have likely been a idea at the time of filming it, but that’s an interesting thought to be sure.
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katsidhe · 4 years
13.21 Roadtrip Itinerary
I have a certain obsessive and deathless curiosity with regards to the ill-defined time gap and geographical barriers in 13.21. 
My friend, dauntless, has created a tourist guide from the Nada Tunnel in KY to Dayton, OH. Now, I’m not saying that this trip definitely happened in 13.21. But we don’t know it DIDN’T happen, which is the much more important point.  
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1. Start your journey at the historic Nada tunnel! Built in 1911, this 900-foot railway tunnel is the closest thing Kentucky has to a mountain pass. This is also the highest elevation you’ll experience during your trip - a whopping 1,306 ft above sea level! Remember to stay hydrated and watch for signs of altitude sickness.
2. Next, pass through Winchester, Kentucky, named the “Nicest Place in Kentucky” by Reader’s Digest in 2019. Take the opportunity to check out the Kentucky Bluegrass Heritage Museum, home of the Pioneer Telephone Collection. Reader’s Digest has odd taste.
3. Your next stop is Morehead State University, my best guess for the location of the treacherous Morehead Tunnel. Keep an eye out for vampire hordes or rogue ceiling fans - they’ll getcha. And don’t forget to check out the towns of Pinchem, Rabbit Town, Salt Lick, Sharkey, and Zag on the way!
4. No trip to Kentucky would be complete without stopping at the Creation Museum! Learn how the earth is 6000 years old for just $39.95 - or try the combined Ark Park experience for $79.95! If you’re looking for employment, however, you should be willing to sign a statement saying you’re a straight young-earth creationist. You’re also a stone’s throw away from Union, KY and US Hwy 42, featured prominently in 4.10, “Heaven and Hell.”
5. Can’t wait to see Dayton? Try Dayton, Kentucky (motto: “Big city fun with a small community feel”)! You’ll be able to cross the Ohio River, the only significant geographical barrier on your journey. Also, apparently they have nice bars?
6. If one Winchester isn’t enough, give Winchester, Ohio a shot! There are at least three. I’m talking about the one in Adams County (not the one near Winchester-Vega road or the ghost town south of Newville). The Confederate Army raided it at one point.
7. Continue through Lynx (do not follow signs for Peebles or Bacon Flat) to arrive in Friendship, Ohio. Because the journey is about the friends we made along the way. :) You could have stopped by Friendship, Indiana when you were at the Creation Museum, if you’d wanted to visit a trash state.
8. Here’s a stop the kids will love: The Paul A. Johnson Pencil Sharpener Museum near the Hocking Hills. (Again, altitudes approach 1000 feet, so exercise caution.) Containing over 3,400 pencil sharpeners, this museum is the largest of its kind in America. Visitors rave, “If you’re in the area, why not?” and “Nice restrooms!”
9. Your penultimate stop is Lebanon, Ohio. It may not be the geographic center of the country, but it does have an annual Horse Drawn Carriage Parade. You’ll be passing just north of Gist Settlement, Cozzadale, Lynchburg, and Blanchester (you’ve heard of the Winchesters; get ready for the Blanchesters).
10. A mere 24 more miles, and you’ve made it to the bustling acropolis of Dayton, Ohio, founded on April Fool’s Day in 1796. Its namesake, Capt. Jonathan Dayton, got wrapped up in Burr’s whole “King of Mexico” thing, and Dayton was the site of peace accords that ended the Bosnian War. Check out the US Air Force Museum! And... that’s about it. But you made it, against all odds! Great job!
Allow 181 hours of continuous hiking.
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autisticandroids · 3 years
Oh patron saint of mpreg, tell us, what is the absolute gold standard canon divergent mpreg scenario with Cas and Dean?
so for me the gold standard is for cas to get pregnant due to some kind of magical or metaphysical situation that dean at least does not perceive as sex. bonus points is cas is hesitant about it but refuses to explain why (because he doesn't know how dean will deal with the concept of himself being able to potentially get cas pregnant), so dean is like "we're doing it anyway" and then they do it and then cas doesn't tell anyone that he is pregnant until circumstances force the information out of him. and then dean has to deal with the fact that 1) cas can get pregnant, 2) cas is pregnant, 3) it's his, and he does so pretty poorly.
the rest is under a cut because this post is over 2.5k words long.
my favorite times for this to happen are at the end of season nine, just before dean dies and gets demonized in do you believe in miracles, and at the start of season twelve, just before sam and dean go to jail, because the pining in both those scenarios is delicious but it is so much more powerful if cas is also pregnant, and never even told dean. double points if the truth somehow comes out while they're separated so when dean comes back it's like. yeah cas is pregnant. it's yours. welcome home dean now you have to coddle cas' emotions because he thought he would have to raise your baby alone.
the season twelve scenario is particularly delicious because 1) we can have lucifer slut shaming cas in front of crowley in rock never dies, so crowley knows before dean, and 2) much more importantly, mary is there, and i am obsessed with like. okay. several things.
- the idea of mary getting all baby fever because she misses her boys and this is like. a baby she can take care of because she never got to take care of sam
- the idea of dean working through some of his parentification trauma by coparenting a child with the parent whose place he felt he had to take
- the idea of mary coming in and projecting her insane 1980s gender roles all over cas, suddenly treating him like a woman, stripping him of agency, etc. and like. dean would also do this even though he's not from the eighties, but mary would do it double strength, and they would reinforce each other, it would be a nightmare
- also mary trying to relate to cas on the Travails Of Motherhood etc. and cas being like ?????????? like i cannot stress enough that the weird gender roles she projects onto cas are also standards that she held herself to back when she was a Wife And Mother. while cas is like mary i am not a human woman and also i don't see what "having to look pretty for my man when i'm all baby bloaty" has to do with anything. that's not something i feel like i have to do
oh and 3) could you imagine lily sunder has some regrets if cas was pregnant? unfathomable episode. like ishim and mirabel's reaction but ALSO lily's. and it would fix the number one issue i have with lily sunder, which is that the resolution of the moral dilemma is "well AKSHUALLY the kid was human and not a nephilim so killing it was bad" rather than "it was bad to kill lily's baby, full stop." like ishim's cover up and using the machinery of power to manipulate the truth is very compelling, but the fact that it results in the moral essentially being "it would have been okay if the kid had been a nephilim" suuuuuucks.
basically, there's a reason i have two entire mpreg aus set in season twelve.
and then the delicious part in the season nine version is like. one, dean is away for much longer and he could be anywhere. also he's a demon and he's cheating on cas with crowley. and then even when cas gets him back he's still cursed with the mark, so we can get all weepy over that. you know. i'm the one who's going to have to watch you murder the world and i'm eight months pregnant. etc etc.
but the other thing that's juicy about this version is that cas is still semi-involved with the other angels at this point, like he's roadtripping around with hannah and they're trying to get heaven under control, so carrying a nephil is going to really affect those relationships. so he's going to be probably disliked by the other angels, and there are MANY opportunities for slut-shaming, but at the same time, the other "outcast" type angels might respect him for violating heaven's dictates.
and then of course there's his grace vampirism victorian wasting disease. in canon he's perfectly happy to let himself die, but if he were having dean's baby he would absolutely not do that, that's dean's baby he's endangering there. so of course there's the terrible guilt of having to kill other angels so he can live, plus potentially preparing to die shortly after childbirth so he doesn't have to keep killing. delicious.
and on top of all this cas can get slutshamed by metatron in, depending on when exactly he gets knocked up, meta fiction, stairway to heaven, and do you believe in miracles. plus stairway to heaven would be insane like all the angels would know that cas is pregnant. they would see it in his grace. like cas' angel army would just. know that he was pregnant with a nephil, and have to accept that because he's their leader. in love with humanity indeed.
i'm trying to think of other good times for this drama with cas getting secretly pregnant through a nonsexual interaction to take place. it would be great in season six. like: he's doing a blasphemy with his body but at the same time he's this big important rebel leader so they can't say shit about him, and also he's pregnant while fighting these big important battles (fun and sexy), AND this is like, hot on the heels of the realization that something about his feelings for dean is untoward, expands beyond the bounds of ordinary friendship and camaraderie. like he realizes that, and maybe even that he has sexual feelings for dean, and then he gets immediately knocked up. stunning.
it would ALSO be extremely fun for it to be some kind of... i don't know, magical longer gestation times, whatever, but for cas to have gotten pregnant sometime in s5 and only realized during the Year Of Lisa. LOVE to watch a man rake leaves while both metaphorically carrying the taint of taboo sexual feelings for him and literally carrying his child.
but the thing about season six is, first of all, cas isn't really... envisioning a future with dean. not the way he does in the later seasons. like does he fantasize about a future with dean? yes. like. he really did watch that motherfucker rake leaves. but it's only fantasy. he expected to never speak to dean again after swan song until dean prayed to him in the third man. he's obsessed with dean, but it's distant. remote.
like, we talk about cas babytrapping dean in the later seasons with jack, and he absolutely does, and he would do it even more if dean got him literally pregnant, but that babytrap is about... how do i put this. it's about winning dean's affection. late seasons cas knows that he's going to die by dean's side. the difference that babytrapping dean makes is that maybe it will get dean to be nice to him in the mean time, instead of discarding him like so much toilet paper.
but season six cas doesn't think of it like that. if he were gonna babytrap dean, it would be in the more traditional sense of forcing dean to stay with him in order to raise their child together. and he would never do that. he wants dean to have a happy future, which in his mind does not include him. like, compare here "he's retired and he's to stay that way" in the man who would be king, where cas assumes that dean is happy without him and expects him to live out his days peacefully without ever seeing him again, to "i'm the one who's going to have to watch you murder the world" in the prisoner, where cas assumes that he will be by dean's side for centuries.
but anyway, the other, much more important problem with season six is that cas has a war to fight. like, in the later seasons, cas really has nothing. even when he's on tenuous good terms with the angels, he doesn't really have a home with them. the winchesters are his family, and he'd give up anything for them. he has nothing in his life. he's at rock bottom, and this becomes truer the further along you go. late seasons cas has nothing he would prioritize over serving the winchesters, and he would be happy dropping anything he was involved in to have and raise dean's baby. parenting would give him a purpose that he no longer has, because everything else has been stripped from him.
but in season six cas has a life outside of them. like yes, he has a war to fight, but he also has a place in heaven, with the other angels. he belongs somewhere, he has solid connections to the outside world. even if he didn't have a war to fight, i don't know how excited he would be to have and raise a baby (even dean's baby) because he simply has other things he could be doing. he's involved in the world beyond the winchesters.
like, the reason cas wants to be a parent is that he is totally alone and totally purposeless. having a child gives him both a reason for being and someone who will always love him and who he can care for. if he doesn't have that hole in his life he might not be so eager to fill it with a baby.
for all these reasons, this plotline really doesn't work in season six, because you simply cannot justify cas not getting an abortion, unless you do something nasty like make angel abortion impossible, which i don't love.
you COULD somehow put the impregnation just at the end of season six, maybe just before the man who would be king, such that cas doesn't realize he's pregnant until he's already godstiel. you guys are unfortunately very aware of how obsessed i am with pregnant godstiel.
actually, @jeanne-de-valois has a concept of like. a single, madness fueled midnight hookup immediately pre-tmwwbk (or maybe even during, but prior to the superman mistake), where cas is simultaneously so stressed from being stretched so thin from the war and the lying and the shady dealings, and so high on being The Big Man In Heaven, that he's bold and out of his mind enough to actually come onto dean, like he just appears one night in dean's bedroom and is like, fuck me, and dean is like 👁👄👁 okay. so they have one single adrenaline and madness fueled hookup, and then everything immediately goes to shit.
and i think that's a great place for cas to get pregnant, and then he doesn't realize until he's become god, or maybe he does and he's just like "i'll deal with it later," either way godstiel is like oh? i carry dean's heir inside me? i will have dean's baby. i will have dean's baby it is my right and also my boon to him and also a symbol of my great and magnanimous love for humanity. and also maybe i will put giant paintings of myself pregnant with his child up in churches. what about that. which would be fun. don't know when he would give birth though. actually it would be insane if he gave birth as emmanuel and was just like. raising dean's nephil when dean found him again. nuts. but it just doesn't really have the same flavor as late seasons mpreg. doesn't compel me nearly as much. like the symbolism of godstiel being pregnant with dean's child is fun and sexy but them actually raising the kid afterwards doesn't compel me nearly as much, so it's better to leave literal mpreg to the later seasons and let godstiel mpreg reside in symbolism and fantasy.
or maybe the fetus gets stolen by the leviathans when cas walks into the lake and dean has to battle his leviathanated nephil daughter as the main villain of s7. like she's dick roman's secret weapon. i think that would be fun, actually. kind of an emma situation but drawn out over the whole season. and he thinks cas is dead for most of it so she's all he's got left of cas and a mess cas left for him to clean up. big sexy.
and as a bonus, i will also tell you the best time, imo, for dean to get pregnant: near the end of season eight. possibly a single, tragic farewell fuck in sacrifice when cas is planning to lock himself away in heaven and they're never gonna see each other again. and this impregnates dean with cas' nephil.
but then cas is human. and he can't do anything about it. like generally if they managed to get dean pregnant somehow, cas would immediately talk him into an abortion (which wouldn't be too hard; dean's natural white midwestern man who doesn't vote aversion to abortion would be at war with the horror of being pregnant, and the horror would win), or might not even inform dean that he's pregnant, and just quietly end the pregnancy without dean's knowledge, because cas would never put dean through that. but if cas is human, he can't do that. and furthermore, that nephil is the last evidence of his angelic nature that persists. it's the last of what he used to be, the last of his grace. and there's something absolutely delectable about that.
then of course dean would have to leave the bunker if he was pregnant with a nephil, because angels would be after him, and he wouldn't want to lead them to gadreel, so i am imagining dean discovering that he's pregnant and then showing up in a panic at the gas n sip like "actually cas i'm also out of the bunker will you go on the run with me?" and then they go on the run and have to live in motels again and cas gets to live with take care of dean who is pregnant with his child which is essentially his dream, and he doesn't have to feel guilty because he's no longer capable of giving dean an abortion so he doesn't feel obligated to get him to have one. ideally cas gets re-angeled just in time to give dean an angelic c-section. or maybe they rely on a normal human c-section in a hospital and cas stays human and they are two humans raising their nephil, which is also fun to me.
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440mxs-wife · 4 years
The Hunter’s Princess - Chapter 8: Communication Breakdown
Pairing: Dean x OFC Kira (eventual), Prince!Dean x OFC Lady Kira. Other Characters: Sam Winchester, Prince!Sam Winchester, Castiel, Rowena, Gabriel, King!John, Queen!Mary, Lucifer and assorted minor characters.
Chapter 8 Word Count: 3600+
Warnings: This is going to be a bit angsty. Confrontations, Misunderstandings and Threats, oh my!
A/N: This is from some material that’s been rattling around in my head from another project that changed direction. Couldn’t let all this content go to waste, though, so here it is. It’s a work-in-progress, and I will try and update as regularly as I can. If you want to be tagged in this series, send me a message!
A/N2: I would like to thank everyone for your support and your comments so far. I hope you are enjoying this as much as I am having fun writing it.
Thank you and happy reading!
"So let me get this straight....You cornered her and accused her of using some sort of trickery or magic to win the equestrian event. You were close enough to snap the locket off of her neck, but for some reason, I STILL DON'T HAVE IT?!?" Lucifer roared.
"It's not my fault! She ducked out of the way just in time, then her 'adoring fans' swarmed us in the courtyard. They jostled me around until I lost track of her," Lady Serena shot back.
"What is it with this woman?!?" Lucifer thundered. "Every time I think I have her cornered, she finds a loophole and gets out of trouble," he muttered as he paced the room.
"She and Prince Dean have been getting rather cozy lately," Lady Serena retorted. "Should I do something to break them up?" she asked.
"That particular issue is none of my concern at the moment, Serena. I have many more pressing issues that require my attention at the moment. Perhaps it's time I paid Lady Kira a visit myself. See if I can convince her to view things from my perspective," Lucifer replied ominously.
The evening meal consisted of roast beef, potatoes and other assorted vegetables. Since Kira took first place in both competitions, her place at the table was next to Prince Dean. At various times during the meal, their hands would meet briefly under the table. After dessert, Kira wandered out on the terrace for some fresh air.
She placed her hands on the balcony railing and gazed up at the stars. She felt warm hands on her nearly bare shoulders and turned to see it was Prince Dean. "Good evening, Lady Kira," he remarked.
"Good evening, Your Highness," Kira replied, with a slight curtsy. "Lovely, isn't it?" she asked.
"Yes, you are, sweetheart," he murmured against her hair.
Kira smiled and laughed softly. "Thank you, Your Highness. I appreciate the compliment, but we've talked about this. I need to go back to my world, and for that reason, I can't have any 'entanglements' while I'm here. Just friends, remember?"
"You are absolutely correct, and I apologize. Perhaps you'd like to join me in a moonlight stroll through the garden, Lady Kira? Just as friends?" Prince Dean asked.
"Thank you very kindly for your offer, but after today's excitement, I'm thinking of turning in early. I would, however, love to accept your invitation, should it be offered at another time," she answered.
"You have only to ask, Lady Kira. Until tomorrow, then," he kissed the back of her hand, then pulled her close and brushed her cheek in a chaste kiss.
"Until tomorrow," Kira whispered.
Kira could feel the blush rising in her cheeks as she made her way up the stairs to her room. Once inside, she leaned against the closed door, a thoughtful smile on her lips. The smile quickly faded when Kira saw Sarah standing against the wall, a look of sheer terror on her face. Kira also noticed that she had an unwanted guest in her room. "What exactly are you doing in here?" Kira demanded.
For Prince Dean, everything was falling into place. When his mother and father first announced this tournament to find him and Samuel a bride, Dean was skeptical that it would be successful. That was before he spent time with Lady Kira. Someone with her weapons skills and ability to handle a horse would be a definite asset to their hunting efforts.
But it was the woman herself that he found most interesting. Lady Kira was smart, kind and not afraid to speak her mind. She'd told him time and again that she didn't belong in this world, but that there is a Lady Kira that's stuck in her world. Prince Dean wondered how alike the two women were, if at all. He decided that once everything was made right again in the multiverse, he would do what was necessary to seek out his Lady Kira.
Strolling through the garden, Prince Dean noticed a yellow rose in perfect bloom on one of the bushes. Using his knife, he cut the stem and smiled to himself as he removed the thorns. He couldn't wait to see the look on Lady Kira's face when he presented her with this small token of his friendship for her. Prince Dean raced up the stairs to her room. He paused before knocking on the door because he heard another voice in her room, a male voice. The prince put his ear to the door and strained to hear their conversation.
"Lucifer. What do you want?" Kira demanded.
"Relax, Lady Kira. I only want to talk. I understand you have a valuable piece of jewelry in your possession. A piece with tremendous power that could be dangerous in the wrong hands," Lucifer remarked.
"I don't know what you're talking about, Lucifer. The only jewelry I brought with me is one of sentimental value. I've been wearing it every day in honor of my mother," she explained.
"Oh come now, Lady Kira, let's not kid ourselves," Lucifer chided. "We both know that locket of yours has more than just 'sentimental value'. It can allow travel between dimensions across the multiverse. For instance, you don't belong to this dimension, do you?" he asked.
"So, what of it? You don't actually think I'll give it to you, do you? I've dealt with you before, and I know what you're capable of. There's no way I will do anything that will disrupt the balance of power," Kira retorted.
"That kind of power is too much for one person or even one archangel to hold," he acknowledged. "But....if you and I were to control it together....we could rule the multiverse! Just think of the possibilities, Lady Kira! Unlimited travel, untold adventure, endless discovery," he remarked.
"Yes, all of that may be true. However, when you get tired of sharing with me, you'll snap your fingers and I'll be blinked out of existence," she reminded him.
"Oh, I don't know about that. You're a lovely woman, Lady Kira. Smart, sassy but with a good sense of humor. I find all that rather appealing," Lucifer said softly.
"The locket is one of the only ways I can get back to my world, something I am deeply committed to. I need to get back to Sam and Dean--" she started.
"Who, at this very moment, are being watched by my best demons. The minute things don't go my way in this dimension, they will strike. I truly cannot guarantee that Sam and Dean will come out alive," Lucifer threatened, his eyes glowing red.
"You wouldn't dare," Kira whispered, knowing full well he was serious. She took a deep breath and smoothed out her skirts. She sauntered over to Lucifer, stopping in front of him with very little space between them. Kira ran her hands up his chest and placed them on his shoulders. "I can see you're rather invested in making this work between us, Lucifer," Kira replied. She moved her hands to either side of his neck, teasing the hairs at the base.
Lucifer shuddered in response, telling Kira that what she was doing was having the desired effect. "I am, Lady Kira. With you ruling by my side, no one would be able to stop us," he grinned.
Prince Dean couldn't believe what he was hearing. All the time they had spent getting to know each other, becoming close friends. She was so adamant about getting back to her home dimension without 'entanglements'. He could see now that she was just stringing him along, feeding him lies while someone else was already waiting in the wings. He dropped the rose at her doorstep in defeat and returned to his room.
"Mmm hmm. However, there's just....one problem, Lucifer." Raising her voice, "It'll be a cold day in that Hell you came from before I ever give up this locket," Kira snapped. "Now, get out of my room before I call for Castiel or one of his guards," she threatened.
Lucifer yanked open the door and turned back one last time. "You'll regret this, Lady Kira. Mark my words: one way or another, that locket will be mine," he retorted as he slammed the door.
As soon as Lucifer left the room, Kira collapsed on her bed. She had just gone toe-to-toe with the Great Satan and lived to tell the tale. Sarah timidly stepped away from the wall and walked over to where I was sitting. "Can I get you anything, Miss? A glass of water, perhaps?" she asked.
Kira was in such a state of shock that all she could do is nod her head. As Sarah turned to leave, Kira took her hand. "Sarah, I am so very sorry that you had to go through this. You were very brave, though," Kira told her.
"Thank you, Miss. So were you," she replied, then left to get Kira a glass of water.
What was she going to do? Lucifer said he had his best demons watching Sam and Dean's every move, and could strike at any moment. Kira had to have faith that they could defend themselves against the demons. Kira knew she couldn't do the unthinkable, which was to hand over the locket to Lucifer. This is going to be a long few days, she thought.
The next morning, Kira put on a pale yellow day dress and went looking for Prince Dean. She wanted to see if the offer for a tour of the gardens was still available. When she reached the stable area, she noticed Collins was saddling a horse, getting it ready for someone to ride.
"Good morning, Collins!" Kira called cheerfully. He removed his hat and bowed. "Good morning, Lady Kira. Brilliant riding yesterday, milady. I knew you would carry through to victory," he beamed at her.
Kira blushed at his compliment and thanked him. "Have you seen Prince Dean this morning? He mentioned something last night about a tour of the gardens, and...." her voice trailed off as she saw him with Lady Serena. She had her hand tucked under his arm, his head bent towards her as if sharing a secret. When he leaned back, she threw her head back in laughter.
Kira started to feel sick to her stomach at seeing the two of them together. She felt as if the time they'd spent together becoming close friends had meant nothing to him. Kira turned to leave, but not before Lady Serena called out, "Oh, good morning, Lady Kira!" She froze on the spot and waited for the prince and Lady Serena to catch up to her position. When Prince Dean caught Kira's eyes with his, they held none of the affection they once showed. "Good morning, Lady Kira. I trust you slept well," he said coldly.
She curtsied, "Good morning, Your Highness. Yes, thank you, I did sleep well," Kira responded, even though her sleep was anything but restful. "Please excuse me," she curtsied again and left before the first tear could fall. Kira heard her name being called behind her, but there was no way she was going to stop until she had reached her room.
Someone caught her hand and stopped her. Kira turned and found herself face-to-face with Prince Samuel. "Lady Kira, is everything all right?" he asked with concern.
"Yes, Your Highness. Everything is fine," Kira replied.
"I think we both know that it's not," Prince Samuel said as he guided her to a stone bench in the courtyard. "I can see that you're upset. Did something happen between you and my brother?" he asked. "One minute he's spending as much time as possible with you, and now he's turning to Lady Serena? What happened?" he asked again.
"I really don't know, Your Highness. I wish I did, because I can feel my heart breaking," Kira sniffled.
"Think back to last night. I saw the two of you at dinner, so I know something was going on between you two. Not that I mind, I want my brother to be happy, and it's been a very long time since I've seen him so," he remarked.
Kira thought back and relayed last night's events to Prince Samuel. Prince Dean asked her to take a midnight stroll in the garden just as friends. She said she wanted to turn in early, then she found Lucifer in her room. "We talked, he threatened me, I sassed him back, that's all I remember," Kira explained. "Wait a minute."
"What?" he asked.
"Well, Lucifer wants me to give up my locket. It's a 'charmed object' that would allow him free movement throughout the multiverse. When he was trying to convince me, he was sort of....flirting with me, complimenting me. At first I was repulsed, then he threatened my friends in my home world," she explained.
"Okay, then what?" Prince Samuel queried.
"Then I decided to pretend to flirt with him, make him think he was succeeding," Kira said. "It seemed to be working, but then I told him it would be a cold day in Hell before I would hand over my locket and kicked him out of my room. I remember looking down before I closed the door and saw....Oh my," she whispered.
"You saw....?" Prince Samuel prompted.
"A single yellow rose. Do you think that Prince Dean heard my conversation and thinks....oh no," Kira said in horror before bursting into tears. Prince Samuel took her into his arms to comfort her.
Lady Serena looked over and saw Prince Samuel with his arms around Lady Kira. "Some people have no consideration for others' feelings," she shook her head sadly.
"Why do you say that?" Prince Dean asked as he followed her gaze towards Prince Samuel and Lady Kira. His eyes narrowed at the sight of the woman he thought he could trust, wrapped up in his brother's arms. "How about we visit the marketplace, hmm?" he said tightly as he steered them both out of eyesight of his brother.
"As you wish, Your Highness," Lady Serena said smugly as she allowed herself to be led out of the courtyard.
Collins had been watching the entire scene very carefully. He knew of Prince Dean's deep friendship with Lady Kira. Even from a distance, he could tell that something wasn't right between them at the moment. He decided to keep an eye on them and to try and figure out what was going on.
Prince Samuel knew there had to have been some sort of misunderstanding between his brother and Lady Kira. He saw how they were at dinner the previous night, and he could tell she brings Dean happiness. Something he hadn't seen in his brother for quite some time.
When Lady Kira told him about her conversation with Lucifer, he'd bet the crown jewels that Dean was listening at the door. He may have heard Lucifer flirting with her, but probably didn't hear her reject him and throw him out. Prince Samuel made up his mind to talk some sense into his brother.
Prince Samuel pulled back from embracing Lady Kira and bent down to look in her eyes. "Listen, I'm going to talk to him, see if I can straighten things out. I've seen the two of you, and you have a great thing going. I know you said you don't exactly belong here and need to get home. But I haven't seen him trust someone or be this happy around another woman except you," he explained.
"That's very sweet of you to say, Your Highness," Kira replied. "And I wish it were true. Looks like he's made his choice to end our friendship and shift his attention to someone else. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to return to my room. Good day, Prince Samuel," she remarked as she left. Prince Samuel stared after her, watching as she retreated to her room.
"Begging your pardon, Your Highness," Sam heard as he turned to see Collins standing next to him.
"Yes, Collins? What is it?" he asked.
"We've just received word that there's been an animal attack two towns over from here in the Eastern Province. A few hours' ride from here, maybe less. Shall I fetch Prince Dean and Castiel?" he inquired.
"Yes please, Collins. Tell them I'll meet them back here in 15 minutes," Sam told him. Collins nodded and ran off to tell Prince Dean and Castiel about the hunt.
Kira came back from breakfast rather suddenly, and with red, puffy eyes. Rowena went to see her in her room and ask what had happened. Between sobs, Kira told Rowena what she saw with Prince Dean this morning. "Don't you worry, dearie. Auntie Rowena is going to get to the bottom of this, you'll see," she assured Kira.
"I hope so, Rowena, because I miss my friendship with Prince Dean, and I miss my Dean at home," she choked out.
Rowena came over and gathered Kira in an almost motherly embrace. "Och, sweet child, I know your heart must be achin' somethin' fierce. I'm sure there's a miracle right 'round the corner, a way to get home. We just have to be patient and find it, darlin'," she soothed in her lilting accent.
A whooshing of wings was heard and a familiar figure appeared before them. A playful smirk was on his lips and he had a twinkle in his honey-colored eyes. "Ta-da! Behold! I bring you tidings of great joy, for I have your Get-Out-of-Here-Soon card," he announced.
"Gabriel!" Kira stepped out of Rowena's embrace and nearly threw herself into Gabriel's arms.
"Whoa, whoa, what happened, Kitten? Everything okay?" he asked. His hand rubbed up and down Kira's back, trying to comfort her.
Kira was still so upset that she couldn't tell Gabriel what had transpired between her and Prince Dean. Rowena explained about the competition and how Kira had won the equestrian challenge. "She seemed to have won the attention of Prince Dean, and the two of them had been spending a lot of time together. Until today, that is," Rowena explained.
"Why? What happened to make today any different?" Gabriel wondered.
"One word. Lucifer," Kira spat out. "He knows about my locket and what it can do. He tried to convince me to be his partner, travel the universe across all the dimensions. Prince Dean was on the other side of my door and heard our conversation," she finished.
"Why should that matter? And what did you tell Lucifer?" Rowena asked.
"I started flirting with him to make him think I was going along. He wasn't giving up on the whole, 'rule the multiverse together' idea. Prince Dean must have heard and got the wrong idea," Kira surmised.
"To answer your other question, I told Lucifer no. I also informed him it would be a cold day in the Hell he came from before I would ever give up this locket. This proves to me more than ever that we have to put our plan in motion to use a decoy locket," Kira declared.
"I'll get right to work on it, don't you worry, dearie," Rowena promised.
"Oh, hey! I did have a message for you and some information about how to get home. Your royal twin, the Samsquatch and your Dean-o figured it out. They used the lore books in the library and some of the ones in those boxes with your parents' stuff," Gabriel mentioned.
"That's great! What do we need? How do we do this? Come on, Gabe, give me details!" Kira was chomping at the bit because she wanted to be home. Anything that put her closer to that goal was something she was going to jump on and make happen.
Gabriel gave Rowena a list of the materials she would need and a sketch of the symbol to be drawn on the altar. Kira was relieved to discover that the petite, red-haired beauty had all of the ingredients. "This has to be done during the height of the lunar eclipse, so a little over two days from now," Gabriel explained. Then he went back to showing Rowena how to draw the symbol on the altar.
"Hey, Gabriel?" Kira said softly. He hummed in her direction to indicate that she had his attention. "You said you have a message for me from Dean," she asked timidly.
With a soft smile, Gabriel relented and confirmed that he indeed had a message for Kira from Dean. Once he put his hand on Kira's shoulder, the rest of the world seemed to melt away, leaving only a hazy-looking Dean in front of her. "Tell her that I love her and that Sam and I won't stop until she's back, safe in my arms," he faded away when Gabriel took his hand from Kira's shoulder.
Tears of joy streamed down Kira's cheeks. "He loves me?" she whispered.
"It would seem so," Gabriel muttered playfully.
"Is there any way that I can get him a message, like telepathically or something?" Kira asked. Gabriel nodded and whispered the words to a spell that, in conjunction with some special ingredients, would project her into Dean's thoughts.
"But, SweetCheeks, it won't last long, a few minutes at most. AND, when it gives out, you will feel nearly drained of all your energy. Like squeezing all the juice out of the lemon," he warned.
"I understand, Gabe, I just need to see him. To tell him that I love him as well, and that I'll do whatever it takes to get home," Kira vowed.
Part 9 here!
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The Hunter’s Princess Series Tags: @supernatural-love14
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missjackil · 4 years
My 15x19 Opinion
Inherit The Earth
I’m not going to say this was a great episode overall, but it wasn’t bad, and the ending was beautiful! I almost wish it had been the series finale because I loved the Running on Empty montage and my boys smiling as they ride into the sunset, but Id ikely say the episode itself wasnt sufficiently satisfying as the final episode of the longest running genre show in history, but as a season finale, it was pretty good!
We begin with Dean meeting up with Sam and Jack, and Dean tells them about Cas. Im glad Dean didn’t shed anymore tears or dwell on it, but Im bothered by Sam not showing any emotion. Had Sam been upset, then it would have looked like he valued their friendship even if Cas obviously didn’t, but now it just kinda looks like neither cared much. I feel a little bad for the Sastiel shippers tbh
Now in true Sam Winchester fashion, Sam puts all the blame on himself that the whole world is gone because he “screwed up” and I felt really bad for him, but I know the Winchesters, and they’ll figure it out.
Dean finding the dog was adorable. I always get warm fuzzies when the boys get cute with animals! Big bad lethal hunters get all soft and smooshy for bunnies and doggies and watch funny kitten videos! I liked Dean telling the dog maybe Sam will let him sleep in his bed!
Back at the Bunker, the boys wake up the following morning. Sam and his coffee, sleepless Jack in his PJs and Dean hungover on the floor. Dean wakes up and gets a call, Now I want a show of hands for everyone who did like I did ok?
(Dean’s phone rings and he answers it}
Cas :Dean open the door Im hurt Me: Oh COME ON!! SERIOUSLY? (Dean answers the door) Lucifer: 😆 Me: YAAAY LUCIFER!!
That was me.. admit it, was it you too? I’ve never been happy to see Lucifer till then LOL
So we get the book, theres a new Death (she was funny btw) Michael comes,  Death 3.0 dies, stil no one can read the book, yada yada yada Mike kills Lucifer (seriously? 3 people have killed Lucifer and none of them were SAM!! Grrrrr) 
So Sam and Dean meet up with Chuck, I got a kick out of him asking if they were “enjoyng some alone time?” Chuck doesnt just ship the Wincest, he wrote it *snicker*  Dean pleads to have everything put back to how it was, he says he’ll kill Sam or Sam kill him or they’ll kill each other, whatever but Chuck declines. 
Now we move on to casting the “spell” out by the lake (obviously where they filmed Bravealecki lol) and Chuck comes to end them I have to say,, watching the boys getting pummled was hard, but it really did my soul some good to see them keep getting up get beat down, get back up, and then ultimately, hold each other up 💕💕💕 I loved their beaten faces, smiling through the blood, yeah Chuck, you lost! 
Now, Im glad they didn’t kill Chuck, I didnt think anyone was going to kil him anyway, but I did think he’d be redeemed, instead, they surprize me again and Chuck lives but now is just human. Good call!
Jack being the “New God” is iffy to me if I like it. I’m gad he got a good end, Sam stood by him from day 1 that he was worth saving, and he was. But ruler of the Universe? Ehhhhh not a fan, but at least he does have Amara with him. His goodbye was a little cheesy but Sam looked sad “What if we want to see you?” I mean, he’s letting his only son just go away forever... that hurts.
So the boys are home now, not social distancing AT ALL hehe. and after we salute those lost along the way, Sam and Dean take in the fact that they’re finallly free to be Sam and Dean and they like that. Dean gives Sam the most awesome side hug ever, and Sam makes the cutest face!! Just kil me with brolove please!!
Now the perfect song for their recap montage, Runnin’ on Empty!!  Of course I cried, did you think I wouldn’t?
Overall it was good and I enjoyed watching it a 2nd time already. Im let down some by still not knowing why Sam was in the book, why theyve brought up Sam and Dean being Mike and Lucifer’s vessles every season since 11 and not put closure to it. I mean we dont need a grand puppet show, but something for closure, Mike and Luci asking again and almost winning and thge boys giving a final no? Chuck saying he doesnt even want them as the vessels anyhmore? How about why the Hell he wanted them in the first place? I mean it was a big deal just to get John and Mary together so that Sam and Dean would be born, and Id be fine with it ending when s5 ended, but they brought it back up in 11 and kept reminding us every season after so..... wtf?
Anyway I did like it, even with the issues so on a scale of Bloodlines to Lebanon I’ll give this one an 8.5. 
Next week is it folks and I already miss them. I hope with all my soul the boys end up together, and I hope that TPTB were smart when they had JDM and Sam Smith together last season that they took some time to film a Heavenly Winchester Reunion and have been very tight lipped about it. It would be so easy and so awesome!! I doubt they were that smart so just keep my boys together thats all I ask!! 
If the end sucks I wont even bother with a recap and wont likely be on Tumblr anymore at least for a while, so.. lets pray it doesnt suck!
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deans-haunted-baby · 5 years
Why I don’t think Michael will side with Chuck in the End
I know there’s theories floating around that Michael may have been deceiving the Winchesters in 15x08. Its true we have no idea what his agenda is or if he’s that interested in playing nice with TFW. They did trap him in Hell with their half brother for a long time so he’s not exactly warm & fuzzy about that. However this isn’t the psychotic, sinister version of Michael from the alternate universe nor is he the same steel cold obedient soldier back in 5x22. He’s changed massively. There’s more humanity in him now than he’d like to admit. In spite of what we’ve seen from Michael in the past, I don’t think he’s interested in harming Sam and Dean, at least not currently. And I just can’t see him running to Chuck, not after receiving all that alarming information. So I'm going to present the following reasons for why he probably won’t turn on the boys. Number 1 being the most important. Adam Milligan.
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For however it happened the archangel bonded with a human. The formally resurrected 19 yr old illegitimate son of John Winchester. All those years spent in the cage these two managed to forge an understanding between one another; an unusual strong connection. They're friends and allies. Michael listens to and respects Adam’s opinions even if he doesn’t always agree. Allows him freedom to control his own body. And despite being the ruthless warrior that he still is, Michael’s been shown to be much more merciful, patient and compassionate compared to when the boys last faced him. Because of his relationship with Adam, Michael’s developed a newfound appreciation for humanity similar to his aunt Amara aka the Darkness. He truly cares about Adam and protects him. Like at the diner when he smote Lilith for posing a threat. Then instead of killing the witnesses in front of Adam, Michael chooses to spare their lives by erasing their memories. He even defended Adam to the Winchesters further demonstrating that he does consider his feelings. That’s beyond the person he was when he told Dean “Adam isn’t home right now” all those years ago.
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So I have no doubt Michael will do what ever means necessary to keep Adam safe from Chuck, who is hell bent on destroying the world which Adam is part of. Even if that means siding with some old enemies to take him down so be it. As the old saying goes “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”. Of course that doesn’t mean Adam shares any love for Sam and Dean. Hell no. He made that pretty clear at the diner. He has every reason and right to hate them after ten years of failure to save him from Hell. Every reason to make them suffer. Adam deserves to be pissed at the Winchesters and the world for doing him dirty like that. But...for better or worse, Sam and Dean are still his brothers. Its for that reason and that reason alone that I don’t see Michael threatening to go after them later. He knows Adam wouldn’t want that unless (he really is a scheming crazy person deep inside) Michael’s friendship with him is just smoke & mirrors which I don’t believe for one second. 
And Adam’s been presented as being a very forgiving, kind soul despite all the pain he’s been through. Revenge wasn’t even on his mind the moment he got out of that cage. It was human food on top of wanting to go back to school or get a job. Meaning he cared more about getting back to some sense of normalcy. Then when Castiel and the Winchesters pulled him and Michael into their crisis, Adam was willing to hear their side and attempted to convince Michael to help them. Why go through that whole charade if Adam just wanted Sam and Dean hurt or dead? They had every opportunity to double-cross TFW while being held captive but instead Michael & Adam chose to put aside their grievances, at least for the moment, and give the Winchesters something useful. Now whether or not the spell actually works (I doubt it’ll be that simple) is the mystery. However this definitely not the last time we’ll see these two characters which brings me to point number 2. Jack Kline.
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This is a big one. Why you ask? Well lets go over that scene in 15x08 where Castiel shares his memories with Michael and Adam. There was so much foreshadowing in this moment (from Michael/Adam’s return down the road, to Michael’s unavoidable confrontation with Chuck and finally his eventual encounter with the young Nephilim himself) based on how that scene was shot and edited. The primary objective was Michael watching Jack die at the snap of Chuck’s fingers and reacting to it along with all the other nasty business his dad’s been doing behind the scenes. Talking didn’t seem to be enough to get through to Michael and neither did antagonizing him. His stubbornness and arrogance wasn’t surprising being he is the Prince of Heaven and has a blind idealized devotion for his father as his loyal son. So in order to open Michael’s eyes and get him to see the truth, Castiel focuses his energy on the most ruthless, evil act Chuck has ever committed. Murdering his grandson and Michael’s nephew. 
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Doing this Castiel shatters that righteous image Michael has had of his father forever because Chuck/God (father of all creation) is suppose to be the embodiment of light, love, hope, peace and benevolence. He created Michael to be his champion of humanity; the guardian protector of Heaven and Earth. Its Michael’s sworn destiny to defend good against evil. And Chuck crossed the line, several in fact. He represents everything Michael was born to oppose. Trying to mess with free will, attempting to destroy everything he created all out of spite because the Winchesters refused to play his games anymore. But above every horrible thing he’s ever done there’s no sin greater than taking the life of his own flesh and blood. A child born of a human (God’s greatest creation) and an archangel (Michael’s younger brother Lucifer whom, despite their conflict, he loved immensely). That is unforgivable. No matter how much he may still love him, Michael has absolutely no reason to trust his father; not after all those centuries of deception. And Chuck has shown he has no regard for human life let alone the lives of his own family which Jack’s death all represents. 
Now Michael chose to leave at the end of 15x08 after giving our heroes the spell to trap Chuck and showing them the door to Purgatory. But what’s interesting about that is his reference to the Darkness. It’s unclear if Michael even knows Amara has been released and neither Dean or Castiel ever mention it. I wonder if he can sense her energy. So the question is where is Michael going? Is he planning to seek her out or leaving to confront his father (which I doubt since Chuck is preoccupied with Sam and Eileen at the moment)? What we do know is Michael and Adam can’t avoid the inevitable. They’re as much apart of this fight as TFW whether they like it or not. It all depends on which side Michael ultimately chooses. Will he align himself with the Winchesters or is he going to be on his own side? It’ll be interesting to find out when the show returns in 2020!  And I’ve been thinking a lot about what Michael’s interaction with Jack will look like when they’re finally reunited because if its anything like what we saw with Gabriel (or better) that could be a good sign for Sam, Dean and Castiel. 
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 Out of all his paternal family members Jack’s so far met his biological dad (that didn’t go over so well), his grandfather (that didn’t go well either) and one of his archangel uncles. He’s yet to encounter his great aunt Amara the Darkness or his most powerful famous warrior uncle. The original Michael. Those are interactions I’d very much like to see happen before the show ends. But for arguments sake lets say Michael does consider turning on the Winchesters. Not that he would or might but what if he still has doubts. Jack could be TFW’s best chance at gaining Michael’s trust, cooperation and alliance. He could tell his uncle that Castiel and the Winchesters had been raising him as their own; protecting him since he was born. Things I’m sure Michael might appreciate. Or Jack could confide his biggest regret (accidently killing Mary Winchester) as a means to bond with Michael and help him understand the Winchester brothers a little better. Reminding Michael and Adam of redemption and forgiveness. That any pain the Winchesters might’ve caused them has no comparison to what Jack took from Sam and Dean and yet they’re still a family.
It’ll be fascinating to see how they go about the dynamic between these characters considering what happened with AU Michael in S13 and S14. Jack may be a little hesitant of his uncle at first and Michael may be hostile (since he probably knows Nephilim are forbidden) yet curious or a combination of both. Or maybe their first encounter may be a bit softer than expected what with Adam in the middle of things. Michael could become very taken with Jack and protective of him. He was very distraught after seeing those horrifying images of his father killing his nephew. And I could see Adam being their ice breaker (oh the comedic possibilities of this!) he’s a very laidback, likable chill dude not to mention Sam and Dean’s half brother. Yah that little detail is probably going to be the most shocking for Jack since Adam’s never been a blip on the Winchesters’ radar.
Moving onto point number 3. Heaven. It’s dying which is why Jack was manipulated into creating new angels to power it up. After all the damage done by Metatron, Lucifer and the Entity it’s left in ruin and without proper leadership. We know as of right now Michael has no intention of going back there. He’s severely withdrawn since learning his brothers are all deceased and probably feels like a failure and a fool. But none the less he’s got unfinished business back home. By the time Supernatural ends someone’s got to be left in charge of things up there, my moneys on either Amara or Michael since he’s the heir to the throne of Heaven. It would be a fitting ending for either of them. Maybe Michael will somehow restore Heaven’s power (with Amara and Jack) and reopen it for the all the earthbound souls. Or maybe in the aftermath of the final showdown against Chuck, Michael will just hang around with Adam and whoever else is left standing on Earth. And finally we reach my last point number 4. Amara.
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What do we know about Michael’s complicated history with his aunt? Not much either than the fact that he and his brothers were ordered by Chuck to seal her away centuries ago; with no intention of ever releasing her. Something tells me Amara wouldn’t harbor any kind of affection for Michael, not after what we saw with Lucifer. And we have no idea if she still shares that same connection with Dean as she did in S11 (though rumor has it they got an upcoming storyline together in the back-half of S15) or if she’s even interested in lending a hand in the Winchesters’ business of saving the world. However Amara has been shown, like Michael, to have developed a love for humanity. She’s having the time of her life vacationing all over and taking advantage of her freedom. I don’t think she’d be too thrilled knowing her brother plans to destroy all he’s accomplished and he’s not exactly her favorite person to be around. She’s completely done with Chuck’s crap. He’s alienated her to the point where she wants to be as far from him as humanly possibly. 
And if she does still view Dean in a favorable light after what he’d done for her, that could be what persuades Amara into helping TFW. Michael would have to be an absolute moron to attempt an attack (if he decided to make them his enemies) if Sam and Dean manage to get the Darkness on their side. Its canon that she’s far more powerful than the archangels which is why it took all of them combined to lock her away. That said I don’t think Michael’s character is being set up as a villain. We already had AU Michael, been there done that. Nor do I see him and Amara at odds specifically because of their deteriorating ties to Chuck. Could their reunion be pretty heated and violent? Possibly. Its hard to say where they’ll stand with each other when they cross paths, there’s some bad blood between them for sure so they’ve got some family issues to sort through. But as of right now, what’s happening is bigger than both of them and their angst. Ironically Michael and Amara got more in common with each other than they realize. 
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Both of them were abandoned, lied to and used by Chuck on top of being imprisoned for many years. And they actually care about the world they're currently inhabiting which Chuck wants to end. That’s got to be worth more to them than some old discrepancies in the past. Enough for them to want to put aside their differences and work together to stop Chuck. Imagine how awesome this storyline would be, former enemy family members coming together because of a common threat they’re all facing. Michael and Amara along side TFW, that’s a pretty badass team. I WANT THIS. I want to see Michael get to be a good guy. Become an ally and the honorable hero he was meant to be. Saving humanity whom he now cares about with his human best friend. We deserve to see this version of Michael come into fruition before the show ends. 
Anyway those are my thoughts on the Michael/Adam situation. I hope it comes true or most of it anyway. I know Supernatural is building up for a big finish. It would be nice if they didn’t waste two characters we haven't seen for ten years. I want to believe that they have plans for Michael and Adam that don’t include killing them off for shock value and/or villainizing them at the last second. They deserve better than that. 15x08 was a perfect example of how to utilize and develop these characters into the plot. They have so much potential and story left to tell. Lets hope the writers know what they’re doing.
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shirtlesssammy · 5 years
15x05: Proverbs 17:3
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I’m not crying, you’re crying!
(weeping in corner ---this is Steve Yockey’s last episode) 
Black Forest, Colorado
Three young women on a Pinterest inspired LL Bean photoshoot getaway, toast to friendship and good times. Now that they’re done with college, two of them have found jobs and are on their way to subverting the new world order of underemployment. Ashley, the other friend, will be driving for Uber. 
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They all hear a noise outside the tent. Julie goes for more rum and gets yanked. The other one tries closing the tent but is also yanked. Cue Ashley’s screams!
At the bunker, Sam checks his messages to Cas. He’s been texting and texting but hasn’t heard anything back. I am emotional. Dean is going to bury that shit and not even tell his brother what happened? ARGH. Sam hides his phone pretty quick so it’s obvious that he knows something isn’t right --and he doesn’t needle his brother about it so he knows something REALLY isn’t right. 
Dean’s back from a supply run and is back on his overcompensating with food bullshit. He eats a ghost pepper jerky bite and instantly regrets it. On the plus side, we get this:
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Anyway, they’ve got a case. 
*Dream Vision Alert*
Lucifer!Sam sits at a table in the bunker. Dean approaches from behind, draws the Colt, asks for forgiveness, and shoots Sam in the back of the head. Lucifer!Sam doesn’t die though. The wound heals and his eyes glow red. Lucifer!Sam scoffs at the idea that the Colt would kill him, adding, “we both knew it had to end this way.” Then fire consumes Dean. 
Sam wakes in the Impala. Dean wants to know what’s up but Sam will only admit to a bad dream. 
They reach Colorado and instead of their usual routine, Dean pulls out some old school tricks: Fish and Wildlife agents. They were babies! (But this is also just such a nice way to show HOW MUCH Sam and Dean have changed over the years. The story Chuck was telling in season one has changed so much --they are not the same anymore. And while Dean continues to repress his current issues (ala Cas), it’s clear that he’s not the same.)
They go in and talk with the sheriff.
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(Also, this is yet another week using an actor that has been in a previous episode of Supernatural. I realize this does happen, but this actress played Tara, the hunter that helped Dean and Crowley find Cain and the First Blade--and the Mark of Cain.) 
The sheriff doesn’t think these attacks are animal in nature. There’s one witness they can talk to. They head to the hospital to talk with her. They ask what she remembers. She flashes back to the forest. She’s running and a man/monster is chasing her. She’s reluctant to talk, but Dean assures her that they’ve heard it all. The man that killed her friends had claws and fangs. A werewolf. Dean tells the poor girl that monsters and werewolves are all real. 
Dean gets a name. Sam points out that it wasn’t a full moon the night Ashley was attacked (Dean suggests pureblood), and Sam sets off to find an address. 
They head to a cabin in the woods where Andy, the werewolf, lives with his brother, Josh. They’re isolated, reluctant to have visitors, don’t have a phone. Just as God intended. Sam and Dean leave. 
Josh yells at Andy for not killing Ashley. I’m just loling all over the place. This melodramatic crazy is TOO much. Family of werewolves that hunt people. Their dad’s dead but it’s the family business. Reluctant younger brother...
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The brothers check in at the Sleepy Bear Inn. (Have we mentioned HOW MUCH WE LOVE JERRY WANEK? It’s true!) 
They’ve got Ashley under their protection. They need to go take care of “the lumberjack twins.” Sam wonders why this whole case seems too easy. Lololol. Ashley asks the brothers to stay with her until she falls asleep. Meanwhile, Andy and Josh are outside the motel ready to kill her. 
Dean and Ashley talk about hunting. Dean says he likes his job --helping people. She asks if he ever wanted to be anything else: Jimi Hendrix. He says that so quickly. It breaks me a bit. But then he toes the company line. Ashley wondering how great life would be if it was all planned out. That makes Dean turn a little green. Poor bby. 
Sam wakes Sleeping Beauty - I mean, Dean. He zonked out while Sam headed out to get food and while he was sleeping, Ashley disappeared.
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Cut to Ashley who is astonishingly NOT DEAD YET. She’s tied up in a bloody slaughter room, though. The two werewolf bros burst in, mid argument. “This isn’t who we are,” Andy protests, his pure white, tucked-in sweater standing out sharply against the ACTUAL BLOOD SPATTERED WALL. (Like, seriously, guys. Get a cleaning service, at least. That can’t be sanitary.)
“This is exactly who we are,” Josh growls. Hoooo-boy.
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Dean and Sam race back to the cabin and quickly follow Ashley’s screams to the slaughter room. Their approach causes the werewolves to scamper, but not very far. As they attempt to escape, the Winchesters and Ashley get ambushed in the main room. The two werewolves get the upper hand on Dean and Sam, and the werewolf with a taste for human flesh closes in on Dean, snarling. Andy picks up Dean’s dropped gun and points it at Sam. He stares between Sam and Josh in agony.
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Andy shoots and kills his brother. “He turned into a monster,” Andy explains tearfully. “And I’m a monster too.” He turns the gun on himself, killing himself with one quick shot to the heart. (Jeez, always the heart in this season. It’s almost like it’s an important metaphor or something.)
“That was weird,” Dean says which is like a total UNDERSTATEMENT… But that doesn’t even come close to what happens next. Dean tries to comfort Ashley, who pushes away and…
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…trips and falls right onto the antlers. BOOM. Ashley’s dead. Sam, Dean, and pretty much every single one of us viewers stares at Ashley’s body in shock and confusion. That’s…not…normal. Also, this episode is only half over. WTF?
“Well, this is a bitch,” Ashley grumbles, opening her eyes and standing up, still impaled. She cheerfully flashes her eyes white at Sam. She’s LILITH, baby! 
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Lilith has clearly never made friends with the phrase “Loose lips sink ships” because she spills E V E R Y T H I N G. Chuck pulled her out of the Empty (where she was dead as a demon doornail), gave her instructions to seduce Dean post-rescue, told her to show Sam and Dean the werewolf murder/sacrifice mirror, and sent her to retrieve the magic gun: Ye Olde Equalizer. 
The Winchesters try to fight Lilith, but she blasts them into the walls, knocking Sam out. Dean promises Lilith the gun as long as Sam’s okay. Same old song and dance, my friends. But now we get the feeling that Dean’s SEEING THE SCRIPT even while he’s still feeling utterly trapped by it.
Sam has another vision while he’s power healing through his latest concussion. This time, Dean’s out to kill a human Sam. Dean, under the influence of the Mark of Cain, murders his brother with the first blade. When Sam wakes, the cabin is empty. 
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In the Impala, Lilith is sitting about two feet away from the equalizer gun - still hidden in the glove box- and amusedly answers Dean’s questions. She’s massively irked that she’s back on Earth as part of Chuck’s latest story…when the story she THOUGHT her death was integral to was foiled by the Winchesters. It’s adding insult to injury, man. “Wouldn’t it be great if everything was just planned out for you?” she repeats and then laughs right in Dean’s face. Chuck fed her that line directly. 
Lilith chirpily comments on Chuck’s storytelling propensity and his hamfisted werewolf brother foreshadowing. “It always ends the same,” she tells Dean. “One brother killing the other.” 
Back at the motel, I am still UTTERLY DAMN CHARMED at the Wanek crew’s amazing work on this room. 
For Please Come Decorate My House Science:
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Dean tells Lilith that she’ll NEVER get the gun and she starts to slice him bit by bit. It’s the death of a thousand cuts!
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Sam breaks in and shoots Lilith in the forehead without another word. He traps her in place with a devil’s trap bullet. “I’ve got you now, my pretty!” Sam should have shouted (but didn’t). What he does do is threaten to kill her. Lilith gets pissed at this. Like, EXCUSE HER VERY MUCH, but she’s a total badass who LET Sam kill her back in season four. Don’t mess with her! 
The Winchesters flee but don’t even make it past the parking lot. Lilith zaps out to meet them. Where’s the gun??? She reasons it out, and concludes that the gun is clearly in the Impala. (Clears throat… The most important car in the universe!?) Lilith finds the equalizer pretty much right away and laughs at how damn easy it was. Which...yeah.
“We’ll get it back,” Sam snarls and without further ado, Lilith melts the heck out of the gun. Now it’s just a cooling black pool against the asphalt. Oooooookay. Plan...X?
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Back at the bunker, the boys fortify themselves with liquor. Sam leaves ANOTHER voicemail for Cas. (Pardon me while I take a short break to weep and rend my clothing.) “We gave him the head’s up on Chuck and Lilith,” Dean says. “What else are we supposed to do?” Oh, I don’t know. Probably apologize? Tell him you love him and value him as a person. That sort of thing. 
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Dean’s pretty shattered at the revelation that Chuck’s still pulling their strings. Thanks to Lilith, he understands that Chuck wants an ending where one of them kills the other. Sam immediately ties this into the dreams he’s been having. “You’re just telling me this, NOW?” Dean asks. And…I think that reaction is justified. Sam speculates that his equalizer wound is showing him Chuck’s endings and MAYBE a slice of Chuck’s mind. 
“This was supposed to be over,” Dean says in response. “Are we just gonna keep running in this friggin’ hamster wheel until we die? Or we get boring and he ends us?” I’m laughing at the direct commentary on how TV shows live and die but also...DEAN BBY. 
Sam thinks they can fight. Dean wants to know how the hell they’re supposed to FIGHT GOD.
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Goldilocks and the Three Quotes:
Poor, faithful Dean. We both knew it had to end this way
I’ll Freud you
Whatever you’re about to say, I want you to know that we’ve heard worse. We’ve heard weirder
I don’t lie to you. I look out for you
That’s not how this story goes
Oh, you would promise a girl the moon, Dean Winchester
Of the three potential vessels, Ashley had the best hair
God? He is not exactly Shakespeare. He’s more of a low rent Dean Koontz
Be a good boy and show me that BIG GUN, huh?
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lest-we-be-liars · 5 years
Did I just fall in love with a Bucklemming episode?!
I am shocked! SHOOKETH!
It was actually great! Like....I don't know what to think... everything I know is wrong...black is white, up is down....
The Acting!
Chuck always had a weird uncomfortable vibe for me, but he's genuinely starting to give me the willie's. Bravo Rob!
Can we please talk about how well Keith Szarabajka portrayed Donatello being possessed by Chuck? Like, I was blown away. It really felt like Chuck with no trace of the prophet at all. I was more than impressed. Just...ugh....
Ruthie! You goddess, you!
Shoshana, I see you!
J2M, beautiful as always.
But most of all, Jake Motha Effin Abel!!!! I was not excited for this(mostly, because of the writing team) but I'll be damned if the man didn't blow me away! Slipping between two characters like that at such a quick pace is not an easy task, but he nailed it!!! You sir, are fantastic!
The directing!
Dick, you never cease to amaze me. Your episodes are always asthetic wonders. Nothing felt clunky or awkward for me. You are just as good behind the camera as you are in front of it!
The writing itself!
Again. I am shooketh!
It wasn't full of horrible jokes
Two female characters and both of them actually managed to live! Not only that, they were badasses! ( Aside from Eileen being tricked) Neither of them were pathetic damsels in distress! Rowena is actually in a position of power!
There was character development!
It actually flowed!
The dialogue was bearable
No one died! (Well, Lilith...but I mean...they were probably gonna waste that storyline anyway ...)
It didn't bore me to tears or anger me beyond all reason
Canon was still kind of ignored ( Belphagore already told Dean Michael wasn't in the cage anymore, he should have known) but not to the point where it was painful
We finally got some plot development!
Are we sure this was Bucklemming? *Triple checks* yup! SHOOKETH!
The episode itself
Chuck, gambling, like his sister. Okay.
Chuck, going serial killer on every one in the casino. Creepy.
Chuck is actually starting to scare me.
Poor Donatello. He didn't choose the prophet life. Last time he read the tablets, Cas fried his brain crispier than the chicken he was eating. And now God is using him to spy on the guys. His little moment on the phone with Dean while he was seeing all the places Michael was landing had me rolling though. He deserves his bourbon!
Sam being a protective "friend". Sweetie, she's a MOL legacy. She was hunting long before she met you. She's got this. I love it though. It's sweet. He needs to let himself be happy. I want him to be happy damnit! She was brought back for a reason. Don't let Chuck and his crazy ass ruin this for him. Also, free Sam from Chuck! Please and thank you.
Eileen. I love her. I'm glad she's back. I'm sad Chuck used her to trap Sam. Like fuck. Just let them be happy! I know it's supernatural. It's not supposed to be Happy. I know one of the main reasons I love this show is because it doesn't focus solely on romance, but she actually came back! Sam's Dick-O-Death couldn't keep her down. She deserves to stay alive!
ROWENA!!!! I legitimately squeed! I'm not an overly emotional person, but I made a noise so happy when I heard her voice....my dog has been giving me dirty looks ever since. My Goddess! MY QUEEN! The Queen! Of Hell! It's everything she deserves! She has those demons quaking! Not to mention she looks absolutely stunning! And telling Dean and Cas to get their shit together before they die and regret it...
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Dean. Encouraging your brother to be happy? Good boy. Admitting you have been in a bad place? Starting a conversation with Cas and showing concern (despite the fact you couldn't look him in the eye)? You genuinely apologized to someone without making it about yourself? Is that character development I'm smelling? So proud. You at least tired to save Adam briefly, and letting him know that you were sorry for what happened to him was a good step. He may not have forgiven you right away, but it was a good step. * Cough* hint*cough*. (Don't get me wrong, they both need to apologise to each other. I'm sick of the snippiness)
Cas! Hunny! I like having the badass he once was slowly leaking back in. Adding the straight up bitch to it is a bonus! "Oh, I'm not here to beg." "You have an entire oak tree shoved up your ass." honestly his whole speech to Micheal was prime sassy Cas! I live! 1 issue: why can he hold his own against and archangel, but demons can kick his ass? And not touching Dean when he healed him? Refusing to look at him? Get over your shit you two! There's a bigger picture here!
Adam. The most well rounded man with Winchester blood.he was locked away for years in Lucifer's cage with every reason to seek revenge and instead he ended up being the voice of reason. He wasn't vengeful or petty....he just wanted food and an apology. Like I have too much to say about him, but I want to focus on the fact that instead of being resentful towards Michael, he made friends with him. like he could have checked out, but he reached out instead. He really is a good man.
Michael. Was not what I expected. I feel sorry for him. Like, yeah he was a little extra, but I can't blame him. He just learned that he was never his father's favorite, that everything he knew was a lie, and everything he's ever fought for is meaningless. I expected him to be big and scary and go evil, and he goes and helps the out instead. I like this Michael. I hope he stays this way. Also again ...his friendship with Adam is refreshing.
Chuck has Sam and I am not okay!
PURGATORY! I always wished they would have made more out of Purgatory! It felt like a wasted opportunity. No maybe a whole ass episode! I have thoughts about what it could mean for Dean, but I will keep them to myself (for now). I'm stoked!
We are finally getting somewhere with this final season!
Over all great episode! 8.9/10. Can't wait until next month!
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marril96 · 5 years
The Distance Between Us
Chapter 18: The Devil You Know
Pairing: Rowena x reader
Summary: Lucifer isn’t happy about.your and Rowena’s friendship, and you don’t take kindly to intimidation.
Warning: Slurs
Editor: @miss-moon-guardian
The midterm was getting closer, and with it, your and Rowena's tutoring sessions had become more frequent.
Truth be told, there was no need for constant studying, but the more time the two of you got to spend together, the better. You certainly weren't complaining, and neither was Rowena.
It wasn't like you were studying all the time, anyway. Quite contrary — you spent half the time chatting about nonsense and engaging in banter that always ended in giggles and laughter.
You were having fun.
For the first time in forever, you were truly, genuinely having fun.
With, of all people, Rowena MacLeod.
No — not with her.
Because of her.
You loved spending time with her. You loved it from the bottom of your heart, from the depth of your soul.
You loved her.
It felt freeing to finally admit it to yourself.
It wasn't something you were proud of, or something you'd wanted. It certainly wasn't something you'd planned.
But it happened.
The heart wanted what it wanted.
You were glad it wanted her.
There were still so many things about her that bothered you. Things that, when you gave them more thorough thought, made you resent her. But, just like the bad, there was good in her that made all her indiscretions, all her flaws feel small.
She was so sweet. So lovely. Patient even when you were a pain. There was a kindness to her she rarely showed, but when she did, it shined brighter than the sun. And when she smiled at you, it was honest. Genuine. The kind of smile you'd never seen her give her friends. The kind that came straight from the heart.
How could someone be so wicked one moment, and so angelic the next? How could the same mouth that spewed venom utter such tenderness? How could eyes that threatened murder shine so bright?
How could you hate someone and then love them in the span of a second?
It made no sense.
Life rarely did.
Maybe it wasn't supposed to. Maybe living and feeling and loving was all there was to it.
If that was so, you were okay with it. You were disappointed by the sheer simplicity of it, but otherwise had no complaints.
You were okay with loving Rowena.
Even if she didn't love you back.
Your friends weren't too thrilled about you spending so much time with her — the time you usually spent with them. But, despite their disapproval, they understood you needed to prepare for the midterm as best as you could. It wasn't like you'd abandoned them. You still hung out with them, but half of the time that used to go to them was now Rowena's. They had to accept that for the time being, and it seemed they did. Begrudgingly so, but they did.
Crowley still threw dramatic fits and Dean gave you suspicious looks (thankfully, he'd learned to keep his comments to himself), but other than that, things were okay. As they should be. Unsurprisingly, Sam was the most supportive. So supportive, in fact, that he made teasing little quips and gave suggestive winks that made you blush every single time.
Did he know something? Had he noticed you liked Rowena as more than a friend, and that that was why you wanted to spend so much time with her?
He couldn't have.
You were being careful. You didn't defend Rowena too much around Crowley, or make flimsy excuses about having to meet her. She was your tutor. You stuck by that because, despite your feelings for her, it was true. You couldn't be caught lying about something that was true.
You were overthinking it. Sam knew nothing. He was just being a tease, as friends did.
"These numbers are killing me," you whined the day before the midterm. You and Rowena were in the library, using your free period to study.
Not your ideal way to spend a free period, buy hey, you got to hang out with her. Alone (aside from the librarian, who kept her eyes glued to her computer and paid no attention to you two). Away from prying eyes and suspicious glances. It was a win in your book.
"One more day and you're free," Rowena reminded you.
You groaned. "How do you not go crazy?"
She shrugged. "I like studying."
"You must be the only kid in the country who does."
The only popular kid.
Her kind usually got on by stretched out Ds and sucking up to teachers.
Olivette certainly did, as well as her little posse. And so did Lucifer.
Rowena chuckled. "It's fun," she said simply. "I like learning new things."
You did, too.
That was what the internet was for.
Not five-hundred-page books.
And certainly not textbooks.
"Learn something new while I go pee."
"Don't get lost on your way back."
You sent her a sour smile, earning you an innocent blink, and said, "Don't you worry your pretty little head. I'll find my way back to you."
The good thing about having a free period was that bathrooms were empty. You didn't have to push your way through a crowd and search for a free stall that may or may not be soiled and smelly.
You did your business quickly and, while washing your hands, took the time to wash your face. The water was cool on your skin, chasing away sleep that threatened to overcome you. You were so tired. So damn sleepy. Between school, study sessions, and chatting with your friends online, you barely got enough sleep.
The midterm had turned you into a zombie, running on caffeine instead of rest.
One more day and it would all be over.
Just one more day.
You could do it.
"Look who we have here."
The voice startled you back to reality. Lucifer was standing by the door, looking at you with raw hunger in his eyes. His gaze was intense, focused, like that of a predator observing its prey, lips curled in a smirk that promised trouble. His right arm hung loosely at his side, his left one leaning against the doorframe.
He appeared casual, normal, a regular high school kid greeting another, but there was something imposing in his stance. Something wicked, threatening, that sent a rush of shivers, cold as ice, down your spine.
He could pretend all he wanted, but the fact remained he was no normal high schooler, and he certainly wasn't here to chat about whatever it was kids your age usually chatted about.
Where Lucifer went, trouble followed. If not, he made it follow.
Whatever he was here for, you were willing to bet it was nothing good.
His eyes, beautiful and deadly all at once, colder than the coldest ice, remained on you, followed every micro movement of your body. Although clad in a turtleneck, you felt exposed, naked, under his stare. You crossed your arms over your chest as if to cover up and said in a voice as chilly as the air outside, "Get out."
Bastard that he was, he took a step further inside and shut the door behind him.
Fucking great.
Not only did he catch you off guard — now you were stuck with him.
You swallowed a lump in your throat, pushed the rising fear down. You had nothing to be afraid of. Lucifer was an asshole with nasty habits and wandering hands, but he wouldn't do anything too bad.
Would he?
"You and I are gonna have a little chat first."
You cocked up an eyebrow. Swallowed down the uneasiness and put on a brave face. He didn't get to see you shaken. "Are we? I mean, we don't have that much in common. Unless you're into American Horror Story, in which case I'm not discussing it with you."
"Cute." He chuckled. You responded with a fake sugary smile. "But we do have one thing in common, remember? I'm fucking her. And you're… well, doing whatever the hell you're doing with her."
So that was what this was about.
"I can assure you, there's nothing going on between me and Olivette. I barely know her."
Two could play this game.
The amusement on his face flickered away for a split second, long enough for you to take notice. Your mouth curled into a smirk, smug, satisfied. He may have thought himself invincible, but he wasn't. Far from it. He could be hurt, taken off guard. Knocked down a small, barely noticeable peg.
It wasn't much, but it was something.
Daddy and popularity couldn't protect him from everything.
"We've got ourselves a comedian," Lucifer commented, letting out a chuckle.
"I've been told I'm hilarious," you retorted.
"You've been lied to."
You shrugged, nonchalant. "Maybe. I mean, that's your field of expertise. You tell me."
He laughed.
You grinned. "So I haven't been lied to."
He sucked in a breath, long and hard. And when he looked up at you, his expression shifted, all the carelessness fading away in favor of something that could best be described as tranquil fury. His face was a blank, all emotion gone, wiped clean, but there was something boiling under the surface. Something dark. Dangerous.
He took a few steps forwards. Instinctively, you backed away into the sink, putting some distance between you. Just in case.
He was an animal, wild and unpredictable. No peers to hold him back from acting out. No daddy to threaten to disown him. Just you and the tiled walls keeping you prisoner, trapping you in with him.
When he spoke, it was pure ice. "Cut the crap. You've been keeping Rowena from me for weeks."
You barely held back a laugh. For such an alpha male, he was strangely insecure. "Are you jealous?"
"She's my girlfriend," he said firmly. An order, a command.
Too bad you weren't big on following those.
"And she's my friend."
He snorted. "Calling her your friend's quite generous."
Maybe so.
Whatever your and Rowena's relationship was, it was none of his business.
"Think whatever you want, but I can assure you, I haven't been keeping her from you."
Rowena had been the one to suggest frequent studying sessions. She'd been the one asking you out to Biggerson's, to her house, to the library to go over lessons. She'd been the one texting you with praises, with assurances that you would pass the final.
"She's the one who chooses to hang out with me," you continued. Unable to resist a jab, you added, "It's not my fault I'm better company than you."
"How much better?"
He walked over to you. Laid his hands on sinks on either side of you, trapping you in. Caging you like a helpless animal.
Your heart jumped, fear filling your veins like a drug. Making you queasy, lightheaded. But you kept your head up, kept your eyes locked on his in pretend bravery. He didn't get to make you cower. He didn't get to intimidate you and get away with it.
You weren't a Freshman girl, helpless and frightened.
You weren't his friends, high on power.
You weren't Rowena, drunk on his lies.
You'd stood your ground when he'd grabbed your ass, and you would stand your ground now.
"Don't play dumb with me, sweetheart," Lucifer said. "I know you're a dyke."
"I'm not—"
"I can smell it on you."
"Your superpower's malfunctioning."
He gave a small, smug chuckle.
"What I am is none of your business," you spat.
"It is when you try to seduce my girlfriend."
A bark of laughter escaped you before you could try to stop it.
What in hell was he talking about?
You had feelings for Rowena, but you'd never come on to her. Regardless of your opinion about her taste in men (or lack thereof), you would never go after someone who was taken.
You thought she deserved better, but you'd never acted on it. You'd never even said it out loud.
Had she noticed your crush? Had she told him about it?
"You're crazy," you said.
Understatement of the century.
Lucifer was a certified psycho case.
"Am I?"
He got in your face, his minty breath crawling over your skin. Creeping over it like thousands of tiny spiders, harmless but terrifying. You held back a gag. You didn't want to be this close to him.
You didn't want to be anywhere near him, least of all alone.
"I've seen the way you look at her," he said. "And I totally get you. She's a nice piece of ass. All tiny and flexible and… ginger." He puckered his lips. "There's something about gingers. But anyway, while I wholeheartedly understand your attraction, she's still my girlfriend. You dig?"
"So nice to have your approval—" not that you needed it "—but I don't dig. There's nothing going on between her and me."
He sighed in exasperation. "Bros before hoes. Dick before chicks. And so on and so on."
"I'm not your bro, Lucifer." You would rather eat a gun than become anything of the sort. "Rowena's my friend. That's all. And yeah, we hang out a lot. But you know what?" You shoved your face in his this time, a small vengeance. "She's happy when she's with me. Always smiling and laughing. When's the last time she smiled when she was with you? And I don't mean that fake shit she puts on at school — I'm talking about actual smiles. I see them all the time, and I'm only her friend. She must be all sunshine and rainbows with her boyfriend. Or is she?"
Growling like a rabid dog, Lucifer shoved you into the wall. Pain exploded over your back, pulsating like a giant heart beating against you, slamming into you over and over. You gritted your teeth to stifle a moan; you wouldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing you in pain.
"Get your filthy hands off me!" you snarled, pushing him off.
His fingers, thick, strong, wrapped around your wrists in an iron grip. In a swift, trained motion, he pinned them up against the wall. His eyes were on yours, nose pressed firmly against yours. He breathed on you, into you, over you, and this time you did gag.
Your heart raced with panic, chills as cold as ice creeping down your spine. You tried to break free, but as you struggled, his grip tightened to the point of pain.
You were trapped. Caged by an animal as unpredictable as any predator.
You swallowed a lump at the back of your throat and smoothed out your features into as much neutrality as you could muster. You kept your gaze on his, never faltering, never blinking. The best way to beat a predator was to face it. To stare it down until it realized it met its match and backed down like the coward it was for only cowards went after the weaker.
"Stay away from her," he commanded in a dangerously calm voice. A quiet threat.
"I will she when tells me to."
You took orders from no one. Especially not spoiled brats throwing tantrums.
"I'm telling you."
"Who the fuck do you think you are?" you snapped, pissed to high heavens. Completely and utterly sick of his shit. "Your daddy may be the principal, but you're nothing! You hear me? Nothing!"
He raised his fist, aimed it to strike you.
You scoffed. "Go on. Hit me. Do it and your life is over. I'm not scared of you, Lucifer." You were, deathly so, to the point where your voice threatened to break, but he didn't have to know that. "Lay your hand on me and your daddy won't be able to protect you anymore."
Not when news sites got wind of it.
Not when your friends got their hands on him.
Not when the police took him away in handcuffs for you were both legal adults and assault was serious business.
"I can fight my own battles."
"Right. That's why you're here on Rowena's behalf."
"I'm here on my behalf."
You laughed in his face. "You're not asking me to stay away from you, are you? For the record, if that's what you want, you can totally have it. I'd rather swallow razors than hang out with you."
"I know what you're trying to do," he accused. "Rowena is mine. You can't have her."
"I don't want her." You did — good god, you did — but you knew it would never happen. You were more than content with being her friend. "And she doesn't want me. What's the matter, Luci? You don't trust your own girlfriend?"
"What can I say?" He shrugged. "She's been known to make some… questionable decisions."
There one such decision was, right in front of you. "So you decided to make them for her?"
"I decided to protect her."
"Bullshit! You're only doing this to stroke your own ego," you spat. "Big, strong macho man can't handle his girlfriend having friends." You looked him straight in the eyes, forcing every word to sink in, to settle down and sting. "Rowena's old enough to know what she wants. If she's hanging out with a girl she hated until recently more than her boyfriend, well, I'd say it's the boyfriend who should ask himself why that is. Maybe she's as sick of your shit as I am."
He squeezed your wrists, dug his nails into the skin almost to the point of drawing blood.
"Truth hurts doesn't it?" you said, swallowing a hiss.
Before he could respond, the door clicked open and a voice, familiar, demanding, said, "What in hell is going on here?"
You looked at Rowena, frightened, defiant eyes meeting her baffled ones. A welcome relief washed over you. "Your animal boyfriend attacked me!"
Lucifer instantly released you and stepped away, hands up in surrender. "We were just having a little chat."
She cocked up an eyebrow, not quite buying it. "Oh, really?"
"Yeah. I didn't attack her. We just had a discussion that got a little heated."
"He tried to hit me!" you exclaimed, then held up your sore wrists for her to see.
"She's lying! She came at me. I was defending myself." He shrugged. "Bitch is crazy."
"Oh, give me a break! You're not gonna believe this bullshit?"
A part of you was terrified she would, but one look into Rowena's eyes told you you had nothing to worry about.
She had your back.
"What in hell is wrong with you, Lucifer?" Her tone was that of danger, of threat, his name dripping with poison.
"What's wrong with me?" He pointed at you, outraged. "You should be asking what's wrong with her!"
Because you were the unhinged one here.
"He wanted me to stop hanging out with you."
There was no reason to keep it secret. The bastard had made his bed. Now he had to lie in it.
Rowena looked at him with murder in her eyes. "Again with this nonsense?"
So you were correct. He had tried to ban her from seeing you.
And when she'd — quite obviously — refused, he'd decided to force you to stay away.
You wondered if he'd been as rough with her.
No way, you told yourself. Rowena would never allow someone to put their hands on her.
"It's not like that!" Lucifer protested.
He tried to say something else, but Rowena held up a forefinger in warning. "We'll talk about this later." She turned to you, motioned for you to come closer. "Come on, Y/N. We've got some more studying to do."
You did as asked without complaint, throwing Lucifer a smug look on your way over to her. I win, it said. She was on your side. She'd chosen you.
You hoped she roasted him good later on.
You hoped she dumped him.
Not likely, but a girl could dream.
Even if she did, the little voice in the back of your mind told you, she wouldn't be with you. She would never be yours.
Popular girls didn't hook up with loser ones.
Rowena was a rebel, but not to that extent.
She didn't even like you like that.
You doubted she was even into girls.
"Come on, Red!" Lucifer whined.
"Later!" she snapped. As soon as you were in the hallway, finally away from him for the last ten minutes seemed like hours, she asked in that soft, gentle voice she rarely used, "Are you alright? Has he hurt you?"
"I'm fine."
You rubbed your sore wrists. Though they would soon blossom with bruises, they didn't hurt that much. Your heart was still beating like crazy, adrenaline pumping through your veins like caffeine, but other than that you were okay.
"I'll sort it out with Lucifer," Rowena promised.
"You do that." If it was even possible. You couldn't fix crazy. "What's his problem?"
She sighed. "He can get a wee bit jealous."
Understatement of the century.
If that was a wee bit, you didn't want to know what he was like when he was very jealous.
"He's fucking crazy!"
She had no disagreements to that.
A silence befell the two of you, uncomfortable, suffocating. So many words left unsaid hung in the air, taunting you, mocking you, daring you to utter them as loud and clear as your mind was shouting them.
Lucifer was a monster. A psychopath. A killer in the making. What was Rowena doing with him? Did she care so little about other people — about herself — that she could get past everything he'd done?
Did she care at all?
Did she care about you?
Being with him gave her power, a title in this school. But what did all of it matter if he didn't respect her? What did it matter if all she was to him was a pawn, a — hopefully not literal — punching bag?
After moments of discomfort, you finally dared yourself to ask, "Why do you put up with him?"
"Because I…" I love him, Rowena most likely wanted to say, but stopped herself in time, reluctance hanging over her face like a painting. "It's complicated."
It damn well had to be. Someone of her ego, of her confidence, didn't just let such disrespect pass. There had to be more at play. Things she wasn't willing to let you in on.
"He's a piece of shit," you said.
"He bloody is," she said with a small chuckle.
Your face remained cold, no humor left. You sucked in a breath, a deep one, for courage. "You deserve better."
You said it.
Rowena stopped in her tracks. Looked at you as if you'd just admitted you were in love with her. Eyes wide, mouth ajar in a small O. Surprise etched over her face like a painting.
"I mean it," you said, not regretting a thing.
She deserved so much better. Someone who cared about her, who didn't want to control her. Someone who trusted her to make her own decision and respected every single one of them.
Not necessarily you.
Just someone.
Anyone other than Lucifer.
Rowena pulled on a smile. "Lovely of you to say, but it's not that simple. Sometimes settling is the only choice we have."
"Not when it comes to dating," you said.
She shook her head. "You wouldn't understand."
"Try me."
She fell into silence. "I'll take care of Lucifer. He won't bother you again."
A topic for another time, then.
You considered pressing it, but elected not to. After everything that happened, now was not the time. "You do that."
Whatever it was she saw in him, you hoped it was worth it.
"We'll still… hang out?" you asked, just to be sure.
"Aye. I'll not let my boyfriend choose my friends."
It felt weird to hear it from her mouth, to hear her acknowledge it out loud and proud.
Weird, but… beautiful.
Your heart swelled with warmth.
"What if he tries it again?"
"Well…" She swallowed, hard. "Then he's not the boy for me, is he?"
"I thought it was complicated."
"Some things are less so than others."
Maybe so.
Putting on a smile, you gave a small nod before entering the library and getting back to work. After what had happened, you couldn't really focus on math as much as you should have. Lucifer's words — threats — echoed in your head. Your wrists burned where he'd grabbed them. Your skin still felt sticky with his breath.
If Rowena didn't solve this problem, you would.
And it wouldn't be pretty for him.
Tags: @werewolfbarbie @oswinthestrange @songofthecagedmoose @apurdyfulmind @getthesalt-sam @metallihca @salembitchtrials @jay-eris @hellsmother @elizabeth-effie @victoriasagittariablack @rowenaswife @wonderifshelikesroses @xfireandsin @liddell-alien @hotdiggitydammit @lae-lae @darkhumorsblog @gaysnakess @angel7376 @cherrypierowena @ruthieconnells @evil-regal-vampiress @collectorofsecretsandsouls @angel-e-v-a @tasyahilker @a-queen-and-her-throne
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angrypixie-sarisa · 5 years
The one with the truth
Piedras Rodantes Pt. 6
Okay, so, I wanted to write another fanfic and since nobody pays attention to me on tumblr, the situation it’s just perfect, It’s a Supernatural fic. Now here’s the deal. It’s a polyamorous situation. I know, shush.
Sam x Mexican!Fem!Witch!reader x Dean  
Warnings: Throughout the fic there are gonna be lines in Spanish. Nothing to fancy for google traductor, i hope. “Suggestions” of spanish songs i love.  Swearing in both spanish and english. And the usual, mentions of blood, violence, smut and other varieties. It’s supernatural, really we don’t expect something else. Spoilers?(if you haven’t watch spn of course, or if you are just getting started with it) Also, SLOWBURN. Also, some chapters are short, some are long, depends on my mood.
Descriptionof the whole fic in general: So, remember when Sam took a break of hunting because he thought he was a danger for everyone? Season 5, i think? That’s where the fic starts. Reader and Sam met at the bar where he worked at, developed a friendship and a crush on one and the other. Then Sam has to leave because of all the shit that goes down throghout the season and the horseman and the fight between the archangels. But promises the reader that somehow, he’ll come back. Then, he goes to hell. That’s when reader meets Dean. And yeah, things aren’t as smooth with them in the begining. Reader befriends Lisa and Ben first, which raises Dean’s suspicions. He just wants to keep them save and all. After some stuff they become friends and the Sam comes back. So yeah…
Also if I ever use GIFs, they’re not mine. Credits and Love to the owner. 
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“¿Debería decirle?” You asked the cards. It wasn’t like every day that someone could bring themselves to understand what you were. Nevermind accepting it. It killed you not telling him the truth, especially when you felt like you could tell him anything.
Your hands shuffled the deck, their loyal memory to it already continuing with their usual routine. Five cards, each in their right place and the question. A knot formed in your stomach.
Quiero decirle, pero tengo miedo. You took a deep breath. Stop it; don’t fear when you’re handling the cards. Another wave of clean air swam in and out your lungs. And so, you started your lecture.
You opened your door and smile at the sight of Sam standing in front of you. But something was wrong. Your smile didn’t reach your eyes like usual. Sam cleared his throat.
“Hey.” You let him inside. He turned to look at you. “Okay.” You hold your breath as you took his hand and guided him to the kitchen. You had already prepared some snacks, Sam noted. As you two sat down in front of one another, he reached to grab a piece of cantaloupe.
“Sam, we’ve known each other for a while, have we not?” He nodded as he swallowed.
“Yeah, why?” You licked your lips. Sólo dile.
“I have to tell you something.”
“Okay?” He looked so innocent, maybe a little bit wary yet confident. Just like the past couple of days, you struggled to get the truth out of your mouth. The worst thing was that he knew there was something wrong. Not a problem but a bother. And as well as he knew that, he also knew you just needed time to think how to express what you wanted to tell him. You would in the end tell him, no doubt about it. He was patient, he could wait.
However, as you took in a deep breath, his cell rang. He took it out of his pocket and stared at the screen, hesitating.
“It’s okay. You can take it.” That way you could muster some courage quicker.
“Are you sure?” It had to be important if he had hesitated. For the both of you, it was clearly a polite gesture not to answer phone calls if you were in a conversation with someone, whether it had just started or it was about to finish, unless it was something important.
You nodded vigorously, closing your eyes like you always did. “Yep, absolutely. In fact, if you don’t take it, I’mma get mad.” Sam chuckled, holding his pinky finger for you to lock with yours, promising he’ll be back. If only it would apply for more than phone calls.
“Dean, am, em, hi. What’s up?”
“What’s up? What has always been up, that’s what.” Sam heard the voice of his brother through the speaker. He sounded annoyed or mad, he sounded kind of like you when annoyed or mad. Or you sounded like him? Well, something like that.
“Listen, I kept thinking and…”
“I was thinking, too.” Sam interrupted.
“You were?”
You didn’t mean to eavesdrop, not at first. You had keen senses, although controllable, they always activated when needed; whether consciously or unconsciously. That’s how you knew Dean’s voice sounded surprised, cautious and relieved. It sounded like hope in Pandora’s Box; not knowing if to leave or stay.
“Yeah, I really think it was a good idea to get me, you know, out of the picture. That way, everyone’s safe, you know?” Was that a swallow you heard at the other end of the line? Oh, Sammy, sometimes you’re too naïve.
“Yeah, uh, I was just calling to…Check…On you and let you know everything’s been… Uh, going smooth. No signs of demons or Lucifer…” Well, will you look at that? It seems they’re both naïve.
“Great, um, thanks dude. Talk to you later?”
“Yeah, yeah.” Not a bye or a goodbye. Seriously, sometimes you understood why men cried over women being difficult, only because they were as difficult if not more. But that was just you’re opinion.
As Sam hanged up, he took the opportunity to check on his voicemail; your keen hearing just starting to fade back to normal.
 He reentered the kitchen with a frown in his face.
“Hey, am, I got a call from work, they need me to start my shift early…”
“Oh, that’s fine.” He gave you an apologetic look mixed with his puppy worried eyes. His stupid eyes that made you want to grab his face in your hands and pamper it with kisses. Not right in that precise moment but in general.
Sam started towards the door, grabbing his jacket, which you never understood why he carried around. He always used two or more layers of clothes and it always confused you.
“Hey!” You reopened the door, grabbing your jacket as well, although unlike him, you only used two layers of clothes, maximum three.
You closed the door behind you, locking it, and whispering your special incantation which Sam couldn’t even hear (he was busy looking at your ass, but never mind that). It was that time were spells started to ware off and needed reinforcements.
“I’m coming with ya.”
“You sure?” Instead of your vigorous, repetitive and excited nods, you gave him a single one though with a bright smile. Even though you wouldn’t walk that long, he still placed his arm around your shoulders, making you hug guiltily his waist.
  “Sam, I’m witch. No.” You cleared your throat. “Hey, Sammy, you know how you’re a hunter and I’m a witch. Funny, right?” You groaned and hid your face in your hands. “Mira corazón, Imma just say this straight and please don’t be upset…” You looked at your reflection in the mirror, hoping it had more courage than you. You took a deep breath. “I put milk before cereal. No! That’s a lie! I only did it once because I was too hungover to care!” You gave some stumps while going around in circles until you ended in the same spot as before, looking at your flustered face. “Dear God, I need help.”
 Sam cleaned the bar, as he continuously stole looks at the ladies restroom’s shot door. It had been a while and you hadn’t come out yet. Not that he was timing you but your trips to the restroom were always quick or average. Finally, you stepped out and walked right towards the stool you were occupying before. Through all the way you kept looking around or at the floor but never at what was in front of you, because he would be there with his gorgeously stupid face.
You sat down and finally looked at him, neutral face on. He raised his eyebrows and you squinted at him, making him chuckle. He broke eye contact and started prepping a drink; first putting some ice, then tequila, some tajín, sangría, sprite, lime and salt. No way, was he…?
“Un vampiro para la señorita.” ¡Chingado, Samuel! ¿Por qué chingados me haces esto a mí? ¡Me la estás poniendo más difícil cabrón! Regardless of your thoughts, you flashed him the smile he was hoping for, a sincere one, the one that totally spoke to him, telling him you were facing a rough patch but you could do it and you just wanted him to be beside you.
Could we just go back at that Spanish, though, Sarisa? Yes, I am breaking the forth wall. Anyway, that Spanish sounded really good, like he practiced it and then he forgot about it but in the moment remembered it all and I’m MELTING. Okay, just wanted to say that, continue narrating.
You took a swig, moaning at the great familiar taste of one of your favorite drinks.
“Damn, Sammy, this is really good.” He took great pride on those words. Even when for you everything was good.
“Glad you like it.” He knelt in on his forearms, resting. He was close, but you had been closer than that yet never kissed.
“Like it? I’m fucking marrying this drink; I hope it’s legal in this country.” He laughed through his nose, scrunching it a little bit, just as you did. You spent so much time together you started to pick on somethings the other did.
You swallowed another swig. “Your Spanish was on point, by the way.”
“Really?” Now you did nod like an excited 5-year old.
“Oh yeah, ten points to Gryffindor.” Sam laughed harder at that.
“First of, you’re such a nerd. Second, I like to think myself as a Ravenclaw.” You wiggled your eyebrows.
“Who’s the nerd, now, huh?” He opened his mouth to debate, opened and closed, like a fish, obviously not having a good argument for that remark.
“Shut up. I spent so much time with you, it’s contagious.” Your mind immediately went on to Smells like teen spirit, singing internally the one part with that word when the song started sounding on the speakers of the place. You smiled; your foot tapping at the rhythm of the guitar. Sometimes these things happened.
Sam rolled his eyes in annoyance. He wasn’t particularly fond at the music genre; only knowing the lyrics to some songs because of Dean, although now he had a whole new reason for knowing the lyrics for those types of songs. He couldn’t help but smile at your enthusiastic hands tapping as if you were the drummer.
“Sing with me, Sammy. With the lights out, it’s less dangerous…” You passed your invisible microphone to him. And he complied, but not without expressing a slight faked discomfort.
“Here we are now, entertain us.” Back.
“I feel stupid and contagious.” Forward.
“Here we are now, entertain us.” You laughed at his lack of enthusiasm.
At foreign eyes, it would seem as if you had already had too much to drink. Why people assumed you needed insanely amounts of alcohol in you to be as goofy as you were? You never knew. But you needn’t alcohol to be fun, just someone you would love to make laugh.
“That sounded terrible.”
“What do you want? I don’t like these songs.”
“Okay, fine, I give you that. Still terrible, though.” And you laughed some more, tipping your head back and then forward like your invisible microphone.
“If we were alone, I would get you for that.” His eyes glinted. He was having fun as well.
“If we were alone, I would’ve been laughing for more than one reason.” You were now facing each other, both leaning in, looking at each other’s mischievous eyes. And you could’ve kissed, but the place was starting to fill and some partying college students wanted tequila shots.
 Thanks to having quite a boss, Sam got early off his shift, due to him starting it before his actual work time.
You were now walking in your kitchen. Discussing some dinner options, however neither one of you was that hungry. So you moved the party to the couch, the couch that miraculously fitted Sam’s legs in pretty well.
“What did you want to tell me?” He asked and his questioned died in the air. You were too busy looking at his calves to actually process his words. You rolled the hem of his pants up and pulled at one of his leg hairs.
“Y/N, don’t!” You laughed and tugged at another one.
“Hey!” You repeated the action.
He sat down reaching towards your forearms and trapping them successfully in his massive hands. Then he pulled you in so you both were lying in the couch. His legs were safe and you were lying on top of him with your chest pressed against his.
He placed a lock of your hair behind your ear and rested his hand upon your cheek. Meanwhile, you cupped his face in your hands; both of your faces smiling sweetly at each other.
“What did you want to tell me?” And your smile faltered and you gulped.
Instantly, Sam’s gaze turned from adoring to a worry one.
This was it, there was no escaping it. Well, actually, there was, but you were tired of putting it off. You sat down, away from his touch and closed yourself, hugging your legs into your chest.
He sat as well, giving you space but still keeping at a length he could reach into, in case you needed a hug.
“Well, um, first of all… I know.” You whispered. Sam furrowed his brow. It had been so long since he thought about the hunting style of living; it didn’t flash his mind that it had something to do with this conversation.
“I know you are a hunter.” His mouth fell open. “I’ve known for a while, actually.” You added while he collected himself. He straightened, obviously nervous and alert; after all, there were plenty of things that knew of the existence of hunters. Although, once he had decided he wanted your friendship or even more, he had you tested, so the only thing that could explain such thing was one and only one.
“And I know because…”
“You’re a hunter.” “I’m a witch.” Sam stood up abruptly. “You’re what?”
“Please, Sam, just let me explain.”
“You’re what?!”
“Sam, listen to me! I know, you have history with these things, but don’t you think if I wanted to hurt you, I would’ve already done it?”
“I…” He didn’t know. But he did know that trusting something he would normally hunt wasn’t something he would’ve planed on doing. Yet here he was.
You took in a deep breath. There was a pain in your chest. The mere thought of him thinking you wanted to harm him made your hope shatter into a million pieces. You liked him and didn’t want to lose him just for some stupid stereotype. Or the fault of the actions of others that had nothing to do with you.
“Okay, just listen to me. Sam, please sit, let’s talk.” You neared him carefully. It hurt you so much when he backed a step down. Was it a tear that ran down your cheek? Great, that’ll convince him. The witch fake cries so he falls into the trap. You scolded yourself sarcastically. You quickly wiped it away. It wasn’t the time for crying.
“Fine, I won’t touch you. But please, listen. Yes, I am a witch, however there’s a difference between me and the ones you’ve encountered before. I don’t obtain my power from demons or the devil or anyone. I obtain it from myself and I know it sounds silly, but it’s the truth. There’s so much more than the stereotypical witch. There is so much more of me than just the box that society has put me in, that hunters have put me in. Sam, I’m begging you, trust me. The girl you met at the bar, the one whom you’ve shared countless of nights laughing and storytelling and binge watching TV, that’s me. I have never been fake around you; I just hid a part of my personality until it felt right to show it.” Fucking tears, don’t roll down. Don’t you dare roll down.
You looked at Sam, waiting for a response. He let himself close his eyes for a moment and then he opened them again.
“I need some time, to think.” You swallowed the lump that formed in your throat and nodded. With a blurry sight, you watched him exit your home and wondered if he’d ever come back.
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writingarchangels · 6 years
The Nougat Apocalypse (Jack Kline)
Pairing: Michifer & Sabriel
Word count: 1.7K
Triggers: madness, nougat
Where Jack gets mad and accidentally starts a nougat apocalypse - much to everyone's horror.
Jack looked around in amazement, standing on the tips of his toes so he could see better. The bunker was filled with many people he had never met before. He had never seen so many people together in one place! The child wondered if any of them would like to be his friend.
He looked around at the many people gathered - angels, humans & demons alike - as he held a few nougat bars close to his chest.
Deciding to test his luck, he went up to a brunette girl closest to him. “Hello, I’m Jack!” He said enthusiastically when he stood in front of her, giving her a large smile. Maybe this demon would like to be his friend. He didn’t have any demon friends yet, and she hadn’t tried to kill anyone so Jack figured she wasn’t as bad as those demons Sam had told him about once.
The demon gave him a blank look. “Get lost. I don’t do well with kids,” she told him bluntly.
Jack didn’t let that stop him. “What’s your name? Would you like some nougat?” He asked, after which he offered her one of his candy bars. Not yet fully understanding ‘personal space’, he nearly pushed the candy in her face.
“It’s Meg,” she replied, “and I’m not sure if your half-breed ass noticed or not... but I’m a demon. Demons don’t need to eat so I don’t need your candy. Keep it.”
Jack took a step back at Meg’s words as if she pushed him. “Oh... okay...” he said sadly, looking down at his feet before he turned around and walked off again.
The demon failed the Nephilim’s friendship test... so Jack figured he should find another possible friend. His gaze landed on two angels who were talking to each other, he tilted his head. He didn’t have the best experiences with most angels but he figured he could at least try.
Going up to the two angels, he said. “Hi!”
The angels looked up at him. One of them tilted his head and the other gave him an amused look. “You’re Lucifer’s kid, right? I don’t think that we’ve met yet,” the blond angel said. “I’m Gabriel, the awesome one, and that’s Michael. He’s kinda a dick but can be a softy once you get to know him.” He added, pointing towards the dark haired one standing next to him, who gave him a glare at being introduced that way.
Gabriel ignored his brother’s dead-glare and instead had his attention focused on the young Nephilim.
“I’m Jack!” He replied. This was going well so far. He might get some new friends today! But there was only one way to be sure. “Do you want some nougat?” He tried again, holding out a few candy bars, almost holding his breath.
“I never say no to candy!” Gabriel said and took a bar from Jack’s outstretched hands and proceeded to eat it.
Michael watched the other angel in bafflement. “Wait... I thought we couldn’t eat human food?” He gaped at Gabriel.
Gabriel gave his brother an almost sad look as Jack watched their interaction with fascination. “We can actually eat sweet food just fine. Candy as well, which includes nougat.”
Jack offered Michael some nougat as well, who took it silently upon receiving the child’s hopeful expression. Michael ate the nougat and concluded that he enjoyed it, much to the joy of Jack and Gabriel.
Those angels passed his friendship test.
Watching the Nephilim interact with the Archangels got Meg curious. If angels could eat candy... would that count for demons as well? She couldn’t help but wonder about that. Eyes falling on the table, she noticed a lone nougat bar laying on the surface. Walking over to it, she picked it up almost skeptically, turning it around as she inspected it closely.
Shrugging, the demon unwrapped the candy bar and took a small bite. Pulling a face at the taste, she put the nougat down again.
It just wasn’t her cup of tea. Too sweet for her liking.
In the corner of his eyes, Jack saw Meg pull a face and put the nougat away in distaste. Eyes widening in horror, he looked again to check he wasn’t imagining things. But he wasn’t. She actually put the nougat away.
No, not the nougat!
“Jack... are you alright?” Michael asked worriedly when he noticed that the child had grown pale and started shaking in what seemed to be rage to him. He shared a worried glance with Gabriel, and almost instinctively, both Archangels took a few steps back.
In a flash, Jack jumped up, nougat bars in his hands. He threw them at the demon. But Meg only laughed at that, slightly amused at the fact that the child had started throwing candy her way.
This is not how it is supposed to go! This was supposed to be a battle to honor the nougat, one that would be heralded throughout the ages for its greatness and noble cause. But for the demon, this appeared to be a game, nothing more than a food fight. The thought alone was enough to anger Jack. He began to propel more nougat bars at the demon in speeds never thought imaginable, with enough force to harm any mortal.
When yet another nougat bar hit Meg square in the face, she scowled and whistled sharply to summon her Hellhound to her side. The hound growled, and with its master’s command, charged at the Nephilim.
Eyes flashing, Jack slammed the hound away with a wave of his wrist. “Surrender,” he hissed, more bars of the world-famous nougat appearing in his hands which he held up like a trophy. He jumped at the demon.
“No one messes with my nougat!” Jack hissed between his teeth before he proceeded to smother the demon with the candy, shoving it down her windpipe.
The Archangel Lucifer had felt the energy coming off his son and was watching him shove nougat bar after nougat bar down the choking demon’s windpipe. He was proud at his son on acting according to his true self and instincts, but he also made a mental note not to piss Jack off - or do anything to ‘offend the nougat.’
“JACK!!” Sam called out, just entering the room and noticing what the Nephilim was up too. He tried his best to ignore the other entities in the room - keeping in mind that they needed them - as he pushed his way through them to reach the young Nephilim. “DON’T!!”
But Jack did not hear. Eyes glowing up a radiant gold, Jack’s gaze narrowed. As if he were to be breathing, he tapped into the vastness that was his powers - which were multiplied thanks to his rage - and then he unleashed them. All of it, holding nothing back.
Before anyone could comprehend what was going on, they all got strangled and flooded by what appeared to be an infinite amount of nougat. The nougat got in their clothes and hair, pressed then flush against the walls and each other, the poor angels got it in their wings, and it reached nearly the ceiling as they were struggling against the flood of candy.
And it was not just the Bunker that was hit by Jack’s powers... the candy flooded out and even reached the cities close-by. In no time at all, it had covered the majority of the American continent, spreading out even further and baffling those who lived there. Thanks to the Nephilim’s powers, it just kept on coming and coming and coming. There was no end in sight.
Meg screamed in terror when the nougat hit as she started choking when it got stuck in her windpipe. She was a demon, so she would survive, but still... it was no fun to be strangled by nougat.
Attempting to swim through the nougat, Sam tried to get to Jack in the hopes of undoing this madness. But he wasn’t really getting anywhere for moving around was hard. It also wasn’t helping that he somehow managed to get sandwiched between Gabriel and a wall. “Gabe, can you move?” Sam asked, struggling.
The Archangel shrugged. “I would, Samator, but all this nougat makes moving around hard.”
Sam glared at the Archangel. Especially since said Archangel did not seem to mind at all to be stuck against him. He even seemed to like it. “Can’t you zap it away?”
Gabriel shook his head. “I already tried but am unable too. Only Jack can remove all this.” Sam groaned at that and Gabriel grinned. “Come on, Sam-A-Ham. It could be worse! Candy is fun, and at least you’re stuck with me, out of everyone.”
Ever since the nougat appeared, Jack was in bliss. He wasn’t entirely sure how it happened, but this was one of the best things to ever happen to him in his short life. Closing his eyes in content, he snuggled closer against the candy, failing to notice the screams of terror around him. But because he lost his concentration, and because of the nougat, he forgot his rage for a moment. His powers got undone and the nougat vanished - leaving everyone to fall down in exclamations of shock.
Sam fell right on top of Gabriel - his face square in the angel’s groin - who let out a grunt at having the much taller man fall on him.
Lucifer managed to get stuck under Michael, left to stare in those shocked blue eyes staring down at him. Both Archangels froze and stared at each other wide-eyed before Michael jumped off as if electrocuted. They looked away from each other, both blushing madly, and Michael busied himself with attempting to get some leftover nougat bars out of his wings.
A few nougat bars seemed to stay behind. Leftovers from the flood. Jack noticed this and the Nephilim started to run, snatching the nougat bars off the ground - stuffing them in the ‘secret nougat pocket’ his jacket had - as he made a mad dash for his room.
“JACK!!” Sam yelled, moving to run after the child and trying to catch him. “Get back here!” They disappeared somewhere along the corner as the rest stayed behind, still dazed and traumatized from what had happened. Somewhere along the way, Meg slipped back down to Hell - deciding she would rather face hellfire than a certain Nephilim and his candy.
They could officially cross ‘getting strangled by nougat’ off their bucket list.
Tags: @luciferstempest @gabrielsbackbitches @kittyhazelnutwashere
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joanthangroff · 6 years
001: gotham, 002, deckerstar and/or thiam, 003: bucky!!! love u, rux
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: Oh God this keeps changing all the time but I think overall it’s Jim? You know me, I am a sucker for the good protagonists who fuck up at times. But otherwise I’m a big fan of this version of Bruce and I really like Oswald!
Least Favorite character: uhhhh I didn’t like Barbara a lot of times but depending on the season she’s really great so? I’m not sure there really is one that just makes me groan or something.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): BatCat, Nygmobblepot, Jim/Lee, Barbara/Tabitha aaaaaaaaaaaaand idk I don’t ship much here for some reason
Character I find most attractive: ………… Alfred. fuck off
Character I would marry: Again, Alfred…
Character I would be best friends with: Lucius! And probably Harvey.
a random thought: I have so many thoughts about how I ant the ending to be…. Listen, just give me Bruce in the batsuit - but not a close-up but more like a silhouette. He’s standing on a gargoyle or whatever and the image fades out, with the Bat signal in the background lighting against the clouds… It would be so good. Gotham please. Don’t fuck this up we don’t need a flash-forward, we all know what Batman is like I WANT A GOOD ENDING FOR A GOOD PREQUEL
An unpopular opinion: Butch was great!!! (Is that an unpopular opinion? I don’t know. I barely go here.)
My Canon OTP: Jim/Lee
My Non-canon OTP: Nygmobblepot (though, hopefully, they change the non-canon status)
Most Badass Character: Alfred.
Most Epic Villain: Zsasz ;)
Pairing I am not a fan of: Jim/Barbara
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): uhhhhhhhhh idk
Favourite Friendship: Jim/Harvey!
Character I most identify with: Harvey lmao
Character I wish I could be: Lee!
002 | send me a ship and I will tell you:
when or if I started shipping it. RIGHT AT A THE START MY BRO
my thoughts: they’re literally meant to be man stop the drama and finally fucking start dating I am suffering so much SEASON 4 LETS GO
What makes me happy about them: they’re always helping each other so much! They can see when the other is hurting and help out of the funk, even with the smallest of things
What makes me sad about them: that they just won’t fucking talk :(((
things done in fanfic that annoys me: I don’t read much deckerstar fics so uhhh idk
things I look for in fanfic: contradicting myself here but drama and slow burn
My wishlist: let! Them! Date! Without! Ruining! The! Dynamic!
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: NOBODY!!! no joke they’d both be a nice fit for maze
My happily ever after for them: they’re happily married and live in LA, investigating stuff. Trixie doesn’t call Lucifer dad but that’s what he is (she has two dads we all know that)! Every once in a while they take a trip down to hell to check if everything’s going smoothly. There’s been a change of order and Chloe has helped reform it. Don’t ask me for details about how but I just want a hades/perspehone aesthetic here okay
I’m not doing Thiam bc it’s literally the same that @rux-ian said wtf (although I have to admit I AM guilty of making them soft but at least only in AUs in contrast to some “canon-compliant” fics I’ve seen lmao)
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you
How I feel about this character: I’m sad about him!!!! I don’t even know what’s up with him in the MCU atm (wait the snap got him didn’t it) but I just want to wrap him up in a blanket and smooch
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Steve
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Steve, Sam, that freaking tony friendship you made me feel for
My unpopular opinion about this character: I have no idea what’s popular in this fandom rux
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: let him rest!!!!
Favorite friendship for this character: STUCKY
My crossover ship: not ship but let Bucky and John Young from the Tomorrow people meet and share how they’ve suffered the same trauma
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rainbowtransform · 6 years
Pssst, it’s on AO3
Pairings: Gabriel & God, Gabriel & Amara, Gabriel & Raphael
Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Gabriel, Raphael, Michael, Alternative Michael, Lucifer, Jack Kline, Mary Winchester, Amara, Chuck Shurley
Tags: Angst, Fluff (not really), Not a Happy Ending, Open-ended, Chuck tries, okay? Amara and Gabriel friendship is where it’s at. Hint of Sabriel if you squint I guess,
Summary: “Gabriel’s dead,” He says. 
He can’t quite believe it - he can’t, truly.
“No,” She says, her hands flying to her mouth. “Not my little Hummingbird, he can’t be-”
“Amara,” He says quietly, tears building. “My son is dead. Laughter is Dead.”
Gabriel remembers, as a fledgling, he’d been happy. Great. He’d played everyday, had fun with his brothers (Michael, Raphael, and Lucifer). Lucifer taught him some tricks, how to control his Grace, and Raphael would help keep their wings in tip-top shape.
Then his Father decided that they needed more siblings, to help fight in His army. To help Heaven be the best that it could be. So, more and more angels were “born” and Gabriel and his brothers became “archangels”.
Gabriel didn’t really think him becoming an Archangel was a big deal, but nobody ever wanted to play with him anymore. Michael was too busy doing what their Father wished, Lucifer was busy doing the opposite of Michael, and Raphael was too busy teaching other Angels how to smooth out angels’ feathers, to calm down the roiling storm of fledglings’ Grace.
Gabriel once asked his Father, “Why do you make new Angels?”
And his Father, eyes dark, had turned away and told Gabriel, “There won’t be any left soon enough.”
And Gabriel vowed to never ask his Father ‘why’ anymore.
(Read more, mobile users.)
Aunt Amara throws a tantrum - that’s what Lucifer tells Gabriel. “She wants something, but Father won’t give it to her,” he tells Gabriel.
“Why?” Gabriel questions. He’s barely older than a fledgling now (he’s ten millennium years old, he isn’t a baby), and he asks about everything. (The new planets his Father made; the thing that went bump in the night; his brother’s authority)
“Because she’s weird,” Lucifer tells Gabriel and Gabriel shrugs.
(All he really remembers of his Aunt was the way she laughed, and how she played with Gabriel when the others were too busy.)
(But then his father ordered her locked away, and she pleaded for Gabriel to change His mind.)
(Gabriel cried, and cried and pleaded, but his Father stood by His choice.)
(Amara’s anger grew, and she shrieked “You stupid, ungrateful child!” And Gabriel fled.)
They locked away their Aunt, and Gabriel’s memory of “love, happiness, warmth,” has faded along with Lucifer’s brightness.
“See these Gabriel?” Lucifer told Gabriel, and smile on his face. He was holding something in his hand and when he released it, Gabriel shrieked.
“What is that?” He yelled and Lucifer grabbed it again.
“It’s a mosquito.” Lucifer said, grinning madly. “It’s for the Humans Father says he will make.”
Gabriel itched at the bite on his arm. “Why?” He asked, and Lucifer’s smile turned feral.
“Because they’re mindless, just like humans,” he said and Gabriel heard Amara’s voice echo.
The Mark came, Lucifer’s kindness went, and the fighting begins. The once thick-as-thieves brothers are angry all the time.
Gabriel tries to stop exactly one fight from his brothers, and he is thrown to the ground. Lucifer snarls “Stay away, baby brother. You’re so annoying!”
“Don’t talk to him like that!”
“Oh, yeah? Well, make me.”
So, Gabriel runs.
He leans against his room’s door, keeping it locked and sobs. No one hears him, and nobody will.
Their Father is in His study, trying to figure out the “kinks” to His new creation; and no Angel is allowed in.
Gabriel doesn’t run to anyone else for comfort. Instead, he keeps his thoughts and feelings to himself.
Gabriel keeps his mouth shut, even when they talk to him. (They barely do anymore; Raphael doesn’t even go towards their “home” anymore.)
“Lucifer? Do you want to go down to Earth? Maybe we can go exploring?” Gabriel questions, trying to coax the ‘big brother’ instinct out of him.
Lucifer sneers. “Down there?”
“You said you’d take me,” Gabriel’s arms tremble and his golden wings fold against Gabriel’s spine.
“That’s before I realized what a waste of time Earth was,” Lucifer snaps.
“But you said it was going to be fun…” Gabriel murmurs and Lucifer sneers.
“‘Fun’?” He snarled. “‘Fun? Fun is making things to make Father’s creations miserable. Fun is riling up Michael’s feathers.” Lucifer smiles creepily at Gabriel.
“Fun is plucking someone else’s feathers, one by one and listening to them plead me to stop.”
Gabriel’s wings flutter in distrest, and Gabriel’s eyes widen as he realizes what Lucifer intends. Gabriel turns quickly to flee.
Lucifer grabs his arm. “No, no, Little Brother,” he tells him. “You can’t escape that easily.”
“Let me go! Let me go!” Gabriel screams.
“Nope,” Lucifer says and Gabriel feels him stroke down golden feathers - and Gabriel shivers.
He screams.
“I’m sorry,” Lucifer says. Gabriel nurses his third left wing, eyes staring into Lucifer’s own. He’s “back to himself” as their Father calls it, but he’s holding a fistfull of golden feathers and Gabriel can’t look him in the eye anymore.
“I’m sorry, Gabriel,” Lucifer’s face is ashen. “Let me take you to Raphael.”
Gabriel shrieks when Lucifer comes near. Lucifer’s wings drop and Gabriel turns and flies.
He flies faster than he’s ever flown, and flies straight into their Father’s study.
His Father stares at him like he’s grown a fourth set of wings.
“Daddy,” Gabriel sobs, and grabs His shirt, burying Gabriel’s face into it. “Father, Lucifer ripped my feathers off my wings.”
“What?” His Father asks, surprised.
Gabriel repeats.
“I will speak to him,” his Father says before rocking Gabriel. “It’s alright, Gabriel. It’s alright.”
His Grace touches Gabriel’s featherless wing and the new feathers grow back shiny and new.
Gabriel just cries into His shoulder and mumbles “I just want my brother back,” Gabriel whimpers.
God raises His head, and says “I do, too,” He says before touching two fingers to Gabriel’s forehead. “Sleep, Gabriel.”
(And Gabriel does.)
Gabriel isn’t allowed to be near Lucifer when he’s having an “episode”. Instead, Lucifer needs to go straight to Raphael when he feels it coming on.
Lucifer does, for a small portion of time, and then he doesn’t do it.
Instead, he actively seeks out Gabriel.
“Punishment,” Lucifer tells Gabriel. “You can’t go to Father for everything.”
So, Gabriel hides the one place Lucifer won’t go to - Earth.
He meets Loki on one of his ‘exploration/hiding-from-Lucifer’. He isn’t screaming. He’s rather just keeping quiet and angrily plotting revenge. Gabriel releases him, and asks if he wants to play with him.
“Yeah, sure, okay,” Loki chuckles darkly.
“You don’t?” Gabriel questions.
“Of course I don’t!” Loki snaps. “I’ve got to go back to Asgard and help Thor, my brother, from killing himself.”
“But surely he’ll be okay by himself?”
“I doubt it. I’ve already left him for three centuries too long.”
“That isn’t long,” Gabriel frowns.
“How old are you, Little Angel?” Loki asks.
“I’m ten million millenium and sixty-three centuries old!” Gabriel puffs his chest out in pride.
“Still a child,” Loki says.
“I guess so,” Gabriel deflates.
“Go home, kid.”
“I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“My brother’s looking for me.”
“So go home.”
“I can’t.”
“Listen to me, kid: nothing’s more important than family, got it? Even if they hate you, even if they’d rather they stab you in the back, even if you don’t get the recognition you ‘rightfully deserve’, family’s the best shit that’s ever happened to you, so go home, Little Angel.”
“But Lucifer’s going to pull my feathers again,” Gabriel whines.
“Don’t make me take you back to my home.” Loki warns. “My home isn’t nearly as bright as yours is, Little Angel.”
Gabriel plays with the edge of his wings. “Okay,” he whispers.
“Good. Now, I owe you something Little Angel.”
Loki disappears and Gabriel whispers an “okay” to empty air.
“I wish you’d Fall!” The words burst through Lucifer’s mouth.
Gabriel’s eyes widen, and then his eyes narrow and he snarls “Fine.” before he disappears.
Lucifer is thrown into the cage.
Gabriel’s Father leaves them without any warning.
Loki listens, and he gives Gabriel his own Vessel and his teaches him to act like Loki.
Not God’s Messenger; not Gabriel the Archangel - Loki .
And Gabriel does.
The first thing Gabriel does when he sees Sam Winchester is fight his instinct to flee. But he doesn’t. Instead, he plays his part, like a good little Trickster and ignores the sad, unhappy, reach, reach, don’t hurt, no-no-no-no of his Grace.
Gabriel plays his part, just like he knows the others will play theirs. He dies, he lives, he plots, he plans. He thinks the only way to truly get the Apocalypse to stop is if he leaves the breadcrumbs for Sam Winchester. (Dean’s too loyal. The only thing he’d get through with Dean is: never let Sam out of his sight. And that won’t work, because Dean’s going to die soon anyway.
Gabriel’s plan is simple: kill Dean just a few times. Leave enough breadcrumbs for Sam to follow, get Sam to see that he can’t listen to others.
(It doesn’t work that way. It doesn’t work. Nothing Gabriel ever does works!)
Instead, Sam turns into a killing machine. He tracks the Trickster down, he’s ready to kill Bobby Singer if the time calls for it, and he’s ready - oh is he ready - to drink demon blood if the time comes to it.
(Gabriel listens to his plea, and he knows that Sam’s in too deep. Gabriel can’t help him, but his Grace reaches out, crying help, no, please, no-no-no, bright, warm, please and Gabriel reigns it back in. We can’t , he tells it and it cries out, sinking below the surface and sits there, waiting  for Gabriel’s orders when the time comes.)
(Gabriel brings Dean back, gives Sam the “happy” ending, and then watches as Dean dies, Sam drinks the blood.)
(Gabriel watches the world erupt into flames, and waits for his brother’s calling. His fingers close around the Horn, and he listens for his Father’s call.)
(No one tells him to Sound the Horn. And Gabriel’s Horn stays silent, untouched, and Gabriel hides.)
(They want him to blow the Horn. They want him to start the Apocalypse now.)
(But Father didn’t tell Gabriel to sound the Horn.)
(And Gabriel won’t)
Gabriel wants to fight Lucifer. He is as close as he’s ever going to be.
But all Gabriel can hear is Lucifer wishing he’d Fall, and to never see him again.
And Gabriel’s tricks begin to work it’s magic.
Gabriel teethers on the edge of life and death with Lucifer.
(He watches his brother barely hesitate as he shoves an Angel Blade through Gabriel’s stomach.)
Loki’s children sell him off and Gabriel wants to scream, rage, cry, smite, throw.
But he doesn’t - instead he just keeps his eyes forward. He won’t break, he’s his Father’s Archangel and he won’t break.
Gabriel breaks.
He prays, screams, cries, pleads for his Father to come. For his Father to pull him from his prison. For his Father to come for him, please. He’ll take any punishment He will give.
(Gabriel can’t know his Father isn’t on Earth anymore. He can’t know his Father is so far away he can’t hear Gabriel’s praying. Gabriel can’t know that his Father can feel when one of them dies.)
(Gabriel doesn’t know.)
(And Gabriel’s mind breaks.)
He finds himself deep inside his mind and he won’t escape.
He can’t escape.
Of course it’s Sam Winchester who would be the one who’d take him out of his comotised state.
“Pornstars,” Gabriel says because it’s the one thing he can say since he continues to tether between the mind gape that he’d created when he broke, and sanity.
Gabriel glances at Sam’s face and the gape closes with a sigh and a murmur of agreement.
Gabriel’s stability solidifies slightly.
“I put my money on you, last time,” Gabriel tells Sam Winchester. “I think you can do it again.”
He gave it for Sam Winchester. For the boy’s bright Soul.
Gabriel uses his Grace to flee the Bunker, but he can’t shake the feeling of regret and shame building up inside him.
Why does he run?
Because if he stays in one place, they will tell him to leave. They will wish him hatred. They will want him to Fall from his Father’s Grace, just like Lucifer.
Gabriel wants revenge.
And the Winchesters help him get it.
It feels good for a moment, before Gabriel’s Grace sighs and whimpers.
Gabriel extracts the Grace. It isn’t a lot - he barely had a week to get it replenished.
The way folds and disappears and they need to get Lucifer and Gabriel doesn’t want to!
Gabriel moves rocks out of the way, and he watches Sam Winchester die in front of his eyes.
And he can’t help but think about what would have been different if - and only if - he’d had more Grace. Instead, he barely has a sliver.
So, Gabriel is quiet. Subdued. Castiel tells him of Heaven’s dillenia, and Gabriel loves his family, he does. But he can’t go back to Heaven. His brothers are gone, his Father is gone, hissiblings are dead.
But, Gabriel’s fingers curl around the one thing his Grace could always manifest. The Horn of Gabriel; the first thing Gabriel’s Father gave him.
“Don’t blow for the Apocalypse unless I give the order,” He told Gabriel, curling his fingers around the Horn. “Your Grace will always… always be able to manifest it. Whether it’s just a sliver or full power.”
And Gabriel knows what he can use the Horn for - it isn’t just for the Apocalypse. He can wake his brothers and sisters in the Empty. Not this Empty, Gabriel reminds himself. The plan’s forming in his head and he knows what he needs to do.
(And he thinks he’s doing it for the “Boy-King”.)
He goes searching for his nephew after his brother comes back with Sam Winchester.
(And, oh, does Gabriel want to hug Sam. But Lucifer’s sitting right there and he smirks over at Gabriel like he knows what he wants.)
And Lucifer wants his son.
Gabriel won’t allow that.
He calls Lucifer cancer.
Lucifer sheds a tear, but Gabriel can’t see that. All he can really see is Lucifer’s hand clutching golden feathers, Gabriel’s skin marred with Angel blade marks, Gabriel thinking of Falling when he was barely a teenager just so Lucifer could stop, he hears his brother wishing that Gabriel would Fall.
And Gabriel holds back his tears, and lets go of his anger and calls Lucifer cancer.
And Gabriel’s mind supplies him with things that Lucifer once did: the way Lucifer would trace Gabriel’s jaw before yanking on his hair; Lucifer spraining one wing and breaking another; Lucifer actively seeking Gabriel out to “punish” him for going to their Father.
And Gabriel can’t really take that.
Gabriel fights Michael. He’s low on Grace, but he won’t let Dean or Sam Winchester die again in this world. He won’t be around to see them safe - he knows.
But they’re safe enough wherever Michael isn’t.
They’re safe wherever Lucifer isn’t.
Gabriel doesn’t pull a trick. He sees his not-brother’s Blade plunge into his chest before he feels it.
Gabriel dies with a prayer to his Father, who never answered before, to help keep the others safe.
Gabriel dies with nobody around except a not-brother, and a brother who’d tortured him throughout his years.
Gabriel dies with a tear slipping down his cheek.
Gabriel dies remembering the good times.
And his Grace comes surging forward, trying to heal. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, it whimpers. Gabriel stops it gently. We need to go, he tells it.
We don’t want to. We are lonely.
We have each other.
(And Gabriel falls to sleep.)
The Cosmic Entity feeling something else join it’s Rank, and he feels the universe grow darker.
That one’s important, he thinks. He watches the Kindness find the Laughter and curl around each other. The Kindness wraps its Grace around the Laughter like it’s a child.
And the Entity thinks, just for a moment, that the world needs Laughter in order to have Kindness; and Kindness is needed for Evil; and Evil is needed for Good.
And if they are all wrapped in the Entity’s sleep, then the World’s time would come to an end.
He doesn’t move from His spot. His sister stands next to Him, eyes wide as She stares.
“What?” She questions.
“Gabriel’s dead,” He says. He can’t quite believe it - he can’t, truly.
“No,” She says, her hands flying to her mouth. “Not my little Hummingbird, he can’t be-”
“Amara,” He says quietly, tears building. “My son is dead. Laughter is Dead.”
And the world they have created just for them plunges into darkness and static fills the air. Anger and power oozes our of every pore and Amara’s lips curl up as She watches Her brother’s True Self emerge.
“I will find my son’s killer,” He vows. “Whether you help me or not, and I won’t rest until they are dead.”
Amara stands up straighter, and Her eyes lock onto His. “You know where we need to go.”
“After you,” He says and Amara’s walks through their portal and into the Winchesters’ Bunker.
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lumapagno · 6 years
Fainted - SAMWENA
counting of words: 2190
characters: Rowena x Sam (Samwena) 
OBS: Based on the episode where Rowena keeps the slit open, it may contain spoilers.
Alert: This is my story that was originally written in Portuguese (my language) sorry for any translation error. It's published in spirit and wattpad on rowenagirl profile, do not share without giving my credits!
Rowena struggled hard to keep the rift open for the apocalyptic world. She had been left alone to take care of the slit and Lucifer, but he had let go of the magical chains that witch had thrown to hold him as his grace, which dripped slowly into a tray along with the other ingredients to keep the crack open. He hurt her when he threw her to one of the walls of the Bunker's room and she could hear a crackling, possibly one of her ribs, and then fell heavily to the floor with a small part of her forehead cut off and blood dribbling down by the cheek.
In an attempt to protect himself he proclaimed some Latin words and saw the archangel being thrown into the cleft. She did not want this to happen, everyone was there, Sam was there, and Lucifer too being there was her fault.
Still getting up from the floor, she put herself next to the book of the condemned, she often thought of simply taking the book and leaving, but she could not, wanted to stay and help the boys, help Sam who had helped her so many times, one with them, and with some spells he continued to profane Latin words and chants to keep the gap open in time for everyone to come back safely, including Sam.
She could hardly bear it when Cas appeared through the crevice and then many others, but not yet Sam, her vision was blurred, her forehead still bleeding, and she was shaking a lot, but she still had to keep the gap open until everyone passed.
She cared so much about the older one, Sam had always been so kind to her, and she thought he was very handsome, he understood her, he talked to her, they were good friends. But for her he was being more, she left all her traumas with other men, the fear of being weak, the fear of being hurt, again with Sam was different, she felt protected, he had a feeling so good to her that she loved being in the presence of the hunter. They were things she hardly believed she thought about.
Then after a few seconds of waiting for Sam, he finally appeared and a feeling of happiness overpowered her, she let the crack close, and then she held him up and felt his gaze darken until she collapsed on the table, her magic was exhausted.
Sam dropped her suitcases and ran to help her, took her in her arms and ran with her into the Bunker's room, letting Dean take care of all the people there.
He put her on his bed and adjusted some pillows and pillows, he was so worried to see her in that state, felt so worried and guilty to see her in that state, it was his fault, he knew how Lucifer was and what he was capable of Rowena could have just picked up the book and ran away but she stayed and helped them, Sam cared so much, she confronted him so much, and always played with him, the fear for Lucifer joined them, they were refuge from each other, only them they knew as it was the real face of Lucifer and the horrors they passed through. He said he would protect her in a conversation they had inside the Impala while they waited for Dean, he had put his not on her shoulder and had promised that if she behaved her friendship would be that he would protect her, something also happened that day inside that impala, lucky that Dean did not see anything.
"Please, Rowena, wake up, I'm sorry, I should not have left you alone."
She spoke as she stroked the red hair and soft white skin of the redhead.
"I failed you, I said I was going to protect you, and I did not." Please wake up, I can not lose anyone else, not you, why do I care so much about you? Because I like you?
She held on as she held one of the redhead's hands and laughed worriedly, the redhead who was now slowly opening her eyes and looking at Sam caught her laugh.
"Well, I care about you, too.
The witch murmured, her protective spell making her slowly restore her health. She was forewarned.
"I did not know you were your kind of woman, Samuel."
Said the redhead.
Sam looked at her a little angry and blushed.
"Why did you wait until now to tell me that you had agreed?"
The hunter grunted, frowning.
"I wanted to hear you declare yourself while I was on my near deathbed."
Dramatized in long words.
His body had a faint purple light that illuminated him completely and arranged all his bruises. Sam watched her.
"You do not have to be unconscious for me to testify. You know what I feel.
He passed his thumb on the redhead's cheek that now reminded her of the day they were alone on the impala and Sam had kissed her and she had really liked it, her body felt like it was going to explode, and Sam felt the same way, both were in love and only discovered in a moment of weakness making a mistake that in the end gave the feelings to the surface, great Sam in love with a witch of more than 300 years and she in love with a hunter so much younger, could hardly imagine if Dean or Crowley knew knew it.
Rowena put her hand over the one of the larger one and kissed and caressed it, the touch of the largest was soft and careful not to hurt her.
- I know giant, I love you too.
Speaking of the charge
"Damn I hardly believe I said that. ]
The redhead spoke softly and Sam laughed.
The witch approached and pressed her lips to his, making some sudden movements to throw the hunter over her. Sam stopped.
- Are you alright? Your bruises?
He asked worriedly.
- Honey, I'm a witch.
She was not 100% well, but it was enough for that.
Sam hugged her so hard, that hug said so much, one good thing that I did not lose him, I'm sorry I left you alone, because I shot you when you wanted to talk to Death, everything I've done to you, but also the most sincere I love you, so many years being enemies but deep down so passionate, Rowena also felt sorry for everything that did, for having almost killed him, for having betrayed the trust, but she gave her most sincere love, the one she vowed to give no one else, never to be hurt and abandoned, not to be weak, not to suffer, but Sam made her go and think differently, made her feel, Sam had always believed that there was a loving, affectionate Rowena, and she was there in his arms, so small and fragile, but so brave and fearless.
His lips glued once more, and Rowena, even so weak, desecrated a few words and made the door close and lock, now they were safe.
Their mouths were so hot and humid they were one, the hunter was lying on and she with her arms around his neck pulled him closer, she kissed the hunter's neck and saw how he shivered, his scent of a male fragrance Rowena, well behaved, left Rowena instigated.
The hunter followed the witch's command to proceed and she sat on the bed with her back to him and put her hair fire-colored forward, he unzipped the single witch's wine dress leaving the show behind her back, picked up the tip of one of her fingers and brushed him slowly over the back of the redhead who threw her neck back in approval, he began kissing a line of kiss on her collarbone until it reached her neck and nibbled lightly, continued to know each place of the soft white backs of the witch, so full of freckles, resembled a starry sky, she had a scent of citrus and seductive, her hair so well cared for and fragrant, stood out in long, armed bunches.
The redhead took the hunter's two hands and placed them on her small, steep breasts in circular motions.
- All right Sammy.
The redhead murmured and charged and kissed him and felt their tongues intertwine.
Rowena began undressing the hunter by tossing each piece of clothing into one corner of the room and she got rid of her dress by wearing only her white lace panties, and Sam, naked, showed her member that was aroused by the witch.
She stood face to face with him and politely pushed him to lie down on the bed and she lay in the middle of her legs preparing for her work.
- Oh my God! You're huge, I fell in love with a real moose.
The redhead laughed.
- Why are you laughing?
Laughing the hunter spoke too.
"Of you giant, big in every way.
The redhead spoke, giving a lick to the hunter's limb that clutched the sheets through the provocation.
- Rowena ...
He spoke maliciously through the groans.
- And you're beautiful in all ...
He spoke without being able to finish what he wanted and Rowena ...
He cupped his cock with his tongue in swiveling movements on the head of the cock and swallowed it all down the sucking so hard he received moans in approval by the hunter. When she realized that he was reaching the apex she dropped the limb and returned to kiss him so that he could catch his breath now it was his turn to return the pleasure and he laid her on the bed, began kissing and sucking her breasts passed his hands to the around the narrow waist of the redhead, kissed her abdomen to reach the witch's groin and gradually took off her last piece of clothing with index fingers and pasted her mouth to her lower lips, penetrated her tongue in circular movements and excited her clitoris , took one finger and each time entered the moist and soft interior, taking care of any symptom of pain coming from the redhead, three of his fingers were inside her preparing for something bigger, much bigger, she looked at him and nodded and he put the pulsating member's head into the space that seemed to fit perfectly, now they were one, drunk by all the feelings that were felt, fury, passion, love, desire, fears, their minds they turned in ecstasy that one caused in the other, that everything was new for both.
The redhead wiggled her hips for Sam to accelerate her thrusts and so he did and she grabbed her legs in the trunk of the larger one and held him tight in her arms, oh my god they were , oh my god they were in their only paradise, she was so small and flexible and that was so wrong but so good.
In a change of position she laid him down again and began to ride over him, staring at him and drawing her lips together again, Sam kissed her fondly on every turn and turn she made over him, they accelerated their movements causing their bodies to do so noises at the mere collision, Sam was coming at his peak barely able to keep all the liquid flowing from him, he again kissed the redhead and sat down taking her in his lap and hugging her, her breasts glued to catch their breath, little Rowena had laid her head on his shoulder, and I stroked her hair and murmured how special she was for him. In the end, they both fell asleep in each other's arms. Sam hugged her completely. She was so small. Bravo but deep down what she needed was someone who loved her.
The next day Sam woke up and rolled over on the bed, turned aside and met the naked redhead just as he turned his back on the hunter, was only covered up to his waist, he watched her and began to have flashes of the night that They had it together, when everything was perfect, he began stroking her hair and she woke up turning to him and pulled the cover up to cover her breasts and charged him.
- Good morning, Ro?
Asked the fool.
- We?
She moved her index finger laughing at what they had both done and she was beginning to remember what had happened.
Sam shrugged and smiled.
- Are you better?
Asked the older man.
She gave him a badge, that was a yes probably.
"It was perfect, Samuel.
And the two of them got together for another kiss and Sam brought her closer to him and she found him putting one of his legs over his legs and hugging him.
- I love you.
He murmured kissing the redhead's brow and smiled, he knew she was smiling too.
They could hardly wait for a next time, they supplied each other's needs, understood each other, protected and loved each other, that mattered.
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amooseinthebunker · 7 years
Kids, Hunters, and Everything In Between: A Sam Winchester Imagine
So this is a little Sam imagine, it’s kinda fluffy, and I don’t really know what else to say about it, except please don’t judge it on this terrible author’s note.  Hope you guys like it, and enjoy x
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Age 7
“Y/N, I want you to meet a friend of mine. This is John Winchester. We work together”, your father introduced you to the man standing in front of you. There was a stern look about him, almost as if he’d aged before his time. He knelt down, greeting you with a smile, and that’s when your attention was drawn to the two boys behind you. 
“These are my boys. This is Dean,” he introduced you to the one who was obviously the eldest who nodded at you warily, a look of someone who’d had to grow up too quickly, “and this is Sam.” The younger one shuffled forward, smiling shyly, all the while looking at his brother for reassurance and guidance. 
“Boys, this is Y/N. When me and her father are working, you guys are gonna be spending some time together.”
The boys nodded, Dean looking as if he was going to query his father’s decision before thinking better of it. You couldn’t blame him, the man seemed terrifying. 
“We’d better get going, John. Be good Y/N. You know the drill,” your father kissed you on the forehead before leaving. 
John said goodbye to his boys, spending longer with Dean you noticed. 
“And watch out for Sammy. I know, Dad.”
“Watch out for Y/N too.”
Dean looked at you, the little girl who’s the same age as his younger brother, and that internal hero complex he has came to the surface. 
“Sure, Dad.”
When both men had left, you sat next to Sam as Dean switched on the TV. Sam smiled at the cartoon on the screen, and you found yourself matching his laughter. Even Dean managed to crack a smile. 
Eventually, the three of you began to form the basis of what appeared to be a friendship. So, you asked the question you’d been wanting to.
“So, where’s your Mom?”
Dean didn’t speak, just stormed out the room in anger. You looked worried, you didn’t mean to upset him. Sam gave you a half-smile, even as a child, he had a caring way about him.
“Our Mom died when I was a baby. He doesn’t like to talk about it. Neither does my Dad.”
“Mine doesn’t either.”
“Your Mom died too?”
“Yeah, there was a fire apparently.”
“Oh, mine died in a car crash.”
Age 11
Four years had passed since your first encounter with the Winchester brothers, and they had brought change with them. You and Sam now knew the truth about what your fathers did for jobs, Sam learning the truth about his mother’s death. He’d stolen his father’s phone so he could tell you. 
Your fathers still worked together, sometimes having Dean tag along. He would be a great hunter, that’s what your dad always said when he came back. You and Sam looked after each other, researching creatures you had yet to experience face to face. 
You two had become best friends, there was no doubt about that. But what with both families moving all over the place because of work, it was inevitable that in a few years you would grow apart. 
Age 15
“Dad let me out on my first hunt alone the other week”, pride was evident on Sam’s face. 
“What was it?”
“A kitsune.”
Your eyes widened. That was a brave step.
“She kissed me.”
Oh. You couldn’t ignore the hint of jealousy that swam it’s way to the surface. You knew for a fact that it would have been Sam’s first kiss. A small, idealistic part of it always thought it would have been you. 
Obviously not.
Age 19
You were in Wyoming, recovering from a hunt. Your father had died only last year, and so you saw no other option but to continue on with the so-called family business. 
You hadn’t heard from John or Dean Winchester since the funeral, but Sam still called at least once a week. That was something you had to look forward to. 
Talk of the Devil.
“Hey Sam. What’s up?”
“I got in.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Stanford. I got in. No more hunting, just a normal life.”
You felt proud of him, obviously. It was what he wanted. But part of you couldn’t help but feel slightly saddened. There’d no longer be the chance to randomly meet him on hunts, and at Stanford, he’d be surrounded by college girls. 
The crush you’d been harboring since you were nine years old just hadn’t disappeared like you’d hoped. 
Age 23
When your phone started ringing Monday morning, you hadn’t expected the caller to be Dean Winchester. 
“Dean, hey.”
“Hey, Y/N. Listen, I know it sounds pretty crazy but do you think you could get to Bobby’s? Like now?”
His voice caught in his throat when he spoke, and that was enough to tell you that something terrible had happened to someone he loved. 
“I’m on my way.”
When you got to Bobby’s, you found Dean working on the Impala. 
“Dean, what happened?”
“My dad, he, um, he-”
That was enough to tell you that John Winchester was gone from the world. You couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief at the fact that it wasn’t Sam. He was still at Stanford, wasn’t he?
“It’s okay, Dean. Bobby inside?”
“Yeah, he’s with Sam.”
“I thought Sam was at Stanford.”
“He’ll explain that to you.”
When you walked into Bobby’s house and saw the youngest Winchester, you were immediately pulled into a hug. He’d gotten taller since you last saw him, his hair falling just short of his eyes. You inhaled his familiar scent, all the feelings you had for him finding their way back to the surface. 
And then he launched into his explanation. When he finished, you sat back in disbelief. 
“So you think I’m one of these special children?”
“Yeah, basically.”
Sam smiled at you in that reassuring way he often did as a teenager. It was a smile that, combined with ridiculous puppy-dog eyes, had made you fall for him.
“Okay then.”
Your face seemed to betray you as fear painted itself across your features and Sam pulled you into yet another hug. 
“It’s gonna be okay, Y/N. Me and Dean, we’re not going to let anything happen to you. Promise.”
“Thanks Sam.”
He kissed you on the top of your head before going to check on his older brother. Dean wasn’t taking John’s death well, but that was a story for another time. 
It would be three years before Sam kissed you again. This time, it would be on the lips, full of passion and devotion. There would be a proclamation of love, one that was almost a decade overdue. 
The next day he would say yes to Lucifer. 
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margarittet · 7 years
SPN Season13 in the Galaxy not so Far Away, aka Supernatural vs Star Wars
We all know how important “Star Wars” are in the SPN universe, but I just had a revelation yesterday: we are now in the point of the story that literally just arrived at the doorstep of “a new hope”, and everything just fell into place. 
(To the fellow SW fans: I am drawing parallels here only to the first six movies, excluding everything else, because I realised this is a topic that you can write about for hours and hours - with this thought in mind, I have limited myself to the very basic character overview. If anyone wants to add plot analysis, philosophy, more future speculation or whatever else, please feel encouraged to do so!)
The classic “Star Wars” is a franchise that is an archetypical, medieval adventure/fairy tale/coming-of-age story set in space, with magic, romance, religion, philosophy, knights, dark lords, orphaned heroes, a princess, wizards and scoundrels, a quest, epic battles, a war between good and evil, love, choices and redemption. It also talks a lot about free will, nature vs nurture, found family vs blood family, the power of love, faith, hope, self-understanding, and self-acceptance.
It’s a perfect parallel to Supernatural. So, let’s have a look:
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1) Lucifer is Anakin/Darth Vader. The one with amazing powers, the one who stood out among the Jedi/angels, who was supposed to be “the bringer of light”, but who was brought to the Dark Side due to hubris and hate, and to rules he didn’t agree with, the rules given from above. The moment love was gone from his life, Anakin/Lucifer went bye-bye, gave in to the power of evil, and became the Dark Lord. 
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Once Luke/Jack came into the picture, Anakin/Lucifer started looking for him to lure him to the Dark Side, because Vader, just like Lucifer, doesn’t understand the concept of love above blood, and of free will that can steer our innate nature. Luke does not give in to the dark side, and in the end he manages to draw his father back to the side of light because of love and light he chose for himself - and Anakin dies redeemed. I’m not sure if this is Lucifer’s path, but since he “was not a villain” in his story either, we’ll see.
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Anakin/Lucifer used to be the Chosen One, the one destined to change Jedis/angels, but he went astray. Luke/Jack is now the one set to repair the damage he has done.
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2) So, Jack is our Luke Skywalker now. At the beginning of our story it was Sam who was Luke’s parallel, but Sam has grown and can now be the older, smarter “Jedi” who has seen it all before, and can use it to educate his young padawan. That just underlines the similarities between Jack and Sam that will play a big part in the future. 
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Jack/Luke. A young kid, who has humongous amounts of power/magic/Force inside of him, who is “a new hope” for the universe, but who needs outside influences that would keep him away from the Dark Side. He will need his teachers and friends to stay on the path of light, to fight for the right cause, and to help restore the Republic (balance). They will also help him understand the new world he was thrown into with all the politics and family drama behind it - his dad is the Prince of Darkness after all (Lucifer/Darth Vader), his mom was a sweet, innocent soul who loved purely, but is now dead (Kelly/Padme Amidala), he himself posseses the potential to build or destroy, and now the question is how he will choose to use his abilities.
(Ok, since we don’t yet have gifs of Jack, here you have a preview from another show:)
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He will figure out where he will put his power, faith and heart, with a little help of his friends:
3) Dean/Han Solo - an actual human, with no superpowers of his own, but by no means unimportant or without special traits. Just as Han, Dean is the epitome of charm, courage, skill, quick wit, friendship, love and humanity. He doesn’t need the Force/magic/angelic powers to be one of the most important people in the Galaxy. He would happily die for his friends/family, and he is also the lover in the story, a BAMF fighter and a great pilot/driver with a cool vehicle.
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4) Cas is part Yoda, part Leia. Yoda is Cas’ supernatural - “angelic/alien” - side. Leia is Cas’ human side.
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He is paralleled to Leia in the fact that he is the newly found family to Luke (Sam/Jack), and a lover to Han (Dean). He also resembles Leia in the way that, even though she has a very strong Force heritage (that would be angel powers in this analogy), she is not really interested in her skills, and prefers more down-to-earth activities, like fighting for the cause, and enjoying love/family life. 
Oh, and the sass.
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As for Yoda - he just now is becoming a Yoda parallel. He is being separated from Sam and Dean, going through his spiritual awakening into self-awareness, and gaining knowledge (his own Buddha-like path), so that he can emerge again, more prepared to take a role of a teacher. I almost can see some kind of Dagobah-like scenario where Jack and Cas go away for some time, so that Cas can show Jack something connected to his angelic side - the light side of the angelic “Force”.
Life lesson to be taken from this: never take the dorky little guy at face value.
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5) Sam, who used to be Luke, swinging between the light and dark inside of him, can now become Obi-Wan, being half a teacher-philosopher, half a warrior - not unlike Cas, but I think Cas is definitely more Yoda. Castiel is”alien”. Sam is fully human, only with special powers, so he’s Obi-Wan. Additionally, in another parallel, Sam has a past with Lucifer, something that can be used now when he will try helping Jack.
Sam, as a mirror to Jack, has always been the HOPE in the show.
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(Just a side comment: the sass is strong with this one.)
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Angel!Cas/Yoda and Sam/Obi-Wan are very similar to each other in a way that they are both a bit hermit, they have no problems being alone, studying new things, or just spending hours doing things that people like Dean/Han Solo or Jack/Luke would find deadly boring. They have few earthly possesions. They don’t nest. They prefer knowledge/faith/spiritual growth to material things and strong emotions (of course Cas is slowly breaking out of this, becoming Leia). It’s a very Buddhist approach to life that Jedis preached as well.  
(I guess Sam is a bit of Chewie, too.)
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Human!Cas will be different. He will be earth bound, love bound, and mission bound - and once the mission is done, and balance is restored, he will find his place, his home with his lover, and he will be very happy with it. Love will be a huge part of his character story, but not the defining part - just like Leia, he will be a fighter, a strategist, a soldier, and in the end, a lover.
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Sam and Cas, paralleling Yoda/Obi-Wan, once they teach Luke/Jack about everything he needs to know, will die (figuratively) which means that they will finally be able to ”rest in peace” - settle down in their final endgames - Sam a scholar and a hunter, and Cas a lover, a hunter and a human. Jack will be settling down, too, after his job is done and Lucifer is dead - like Luke.
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It’s going to be a good ending. There will be music, dancing, kissing and ILYs. 
And, hopefully, some Ewoks.
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