#spn 15x05
2sw · 2 months
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Sweet, brave, selfless Sam. There's nothing he can't do.
#samweek2024 Day Seven 🎂 Happy Birthday Sam! 🎉
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uh-ohspaghettio · 10 months
I love how in season 15 Chuck gives Dean a freshly out of college aged girl and it’s like 😏😏😏 and Dean is like tf am I supposed to do with this???
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eversw · 3 months
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SUPERNATURAL l S15E05 Proverbs 17:3
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wishbonedean · 3 days
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If I saw these messages on my brother's phone and saw how much he's worrying all by himself, I too would playfully mock him about his hubris and reaction to ghost pepper jerky, just to give him something else to think about.
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becauseofthebowties · 2 years
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15.05 - Proverbs 17:3 • SPN Time Stamp Roulette (35/?) •
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🩸Bloody Dean Every Episode🩸- 15x05 Proverbs 17:3
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shallowseeker · 6 months
Dean dreams of Mary facing Lucifer in 13x01...and Mary burns.
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Sam dreams of Dean facing Lucifer in 15x05...and Dean burns.
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deansraspberrypie · 1 year
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Bowlegs baby 🥹😍❤🥰
🍰 Tag list: @avanatural @undisputedchick @jranutter @fortheloveof-jackles @kazsrm67 @muchamusedaboutnothing @breath-of-snow-and-ashes @bluedragonflylady @mrsjenniferwinchester @unabashed-lover-of-fictional-men 🥧
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tsukiyo-7 · 3 months
• S15 E05 Proverbs 17:3
The absolutely inhuman sound that escaped my throat as soon as Jared Padalecki's glorious back clad in a fucking white tux entered the frane GOD HELP ME- (or maybe not)
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angelsdean · 2 years
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ok burying yourself in work to cope, i see
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deanwasalwaysbi · 2 years
They Added Texts.
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They went back to make more explicit details. Sam didn’t know what was going on between Dean and Cas. That was specifically between them.   Had to go back and underline that in the script. cool. cool cool cool.
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ineffableuser · 2 years
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Well ain’t that a nice surprise
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mlobsters · 3 months
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supernatural s15e5 proverbs 17:3 (w. steve yockey)
the ghost pepper jerky thing was pretty cute, minus the gagging. reminds me of this local jalapeño jerky i bought at some i don't even know what thing in a giant corporate building when i was working as a temp doing the most tedious data entry job over the summer one year in phoenix in the late 90s. it was luscious. always chasing that jerky dream
padalecki getting to flex all sorts of different characters. demon blood!sam, lucifer!sam. so, we going with this is just nightmares? not visions? reminds me of when he was so certain the visions he was getting were from god and never considered they were coming from lucifer in whatever season that was. 11? just with all his history, would think visions might be up there in the list of considerations whenever some weird ass shit is going on in his head. but who knows, maybe he has had vivid nightmares like that before so he brushes it off. if i wanna fill in the gaps for them
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DEAN Look at you. You look like a baby. SAM Me? Look at you. DEAN What? I look exactly the same.
cute cute. what is that picture of sam lol. wiki says that's s1 sam hair but his hair never looked like that in the show :p
via the wiki
Sam and Dean go undercover as U.S. Wildlife Service agents, with Sam taking the alias "Agent Mark Hamill" and Dean using "Agent Dean Ford". Sam and Dean last used these identities in 1.03 Dead in the Water. "Deep cut", originally a music term, generally means an obscure reference that only people with an intimate knowledge of a topic will get. Additionally, when Eric Kripke was pitching Supernatural, he used the phrase "Star Wars in truck stop America", and described the characters of Sam and Dean Winchester (then Harrison) thus: “If Sam’s the good kid, Dean’s the troublemaker. If Sam’s Luke Skywalker, Dean’s Han Solo.”
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very kind of... cheeky shots. the slightly goofy outfits, the taxidermy, her being so low down and looking way up. i see this is another speight jr directed episode
we're pushing hard on this dean will protect the girl who was attacked thing, which seems like setting up for failure
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this getup is very cute on sam, not gonna lie
ANDY I didn’t want to hunt people in the first place. Dad would never have – JOSH Dad is dead! JOSH Look, hey. If you don’t want to hunt people… we’ll stop.
LOL the brothers and the younger one doesn't want to hunt and dad is dead. except the hunting is eating people
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JOSH I don’t lie to you. I look out for you. So, we’ll stop.
see, just regular brother stuff
DEAN Do I like it? I do. I mean, there’s bad, don’t get me wrong. A lot of bad. Still, feels good to help people. You know? ASHLEY Did you ever want to be anything else? DEAN Jimi Hendrix. DEAN No, not really. I’m where I’m supposed to be.
confirming he's still in on the job and life and all i guess. speaking of, what about sam's crushing grief and depression from last episode
jesus christ. we had one vampire kid offering himself up to be killed last episode, now we've got a werewolf brothers murder suicide
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15x05 / hannibal s1e1
LOL what. is chuck just having a laugh or something.
lilith, really?? this reunion tour is so far beyond out of hand :p
LILITH Was dead. Yeah. In the Empty, sleeping the big sleep, until the boss brought me back. SAM The boss? Lucifer? LILITH God. I was supposed to get rescued and in a moment of sweet relief seduce Dean, blah blah blah, obviously that’s not happening now, so – oh, well.
should have gone for an older body if that was the case, i don't think dean's really down for 22 year olds anymore
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really doing the greatest hits here. now sam gets a visit from demon!dean in his brain while he has yet another concussion
LILITH Word for word. God… he is not exactly Shakespeare. He’s more of a low-rent Dean Koontz. I had to listen to his whole, quote “writing philosophy”. And his very weird, very pervy obsession with you. Then it always ends the same. One brother killing the other. I mean, this world… he could’ve ended it in so many ways, and… he likes that one. You know, I guess that’s why you had to see the werewolf brothers die the way they did, ‘cause… foreshadowing.
like, the meta shade is getting to be a LOT. i'm not arguing being while i love sam and dean, i don't often like the plot. but if y'all agree, be better :p
i like the actress who is playing lilith though, she seems to be having fun with it
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DEAN That Cas? SAM Yeah, straight to voicemail. Again. DEAN Yeah, well. We gave the heads up on Chuck and Lilith, so… what else are we supposed to do?
i thought the whole breakup with cas thing was a bit out of left field but whatever. dean was being an asshole so, good for him taking a break and staying incommunicado
DEAN So, what? We’re just stuck in his… in his maze, still? And now, Lilith is back. I mean, what’s he gonna do? Just throw our greatest hits at us?
SAM Dean, my dreams, or visions, or whatever… they all end the same way. With us killing each other. DEAN You’re just telling me this now? SAM I-I thought they must’ve been some form of messed up PTSD, but… but what if they’re not? What if I’m somehow seeing Chuck’s endings? You know, different ones.
see, that is one of the few bright spots of the late-late seasons. they actually talk about important things in a semi-timely manner
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DEAN How would that be possible? SAM ‘Cause of this. When I shot Chuck, the bullet wasn’t a bullet, it was uh… a piece of me. Right? So, what if it created a – a link of sort, you know? I mean, what if – what if I don’t… what if somehow, I’m in his head?
okayy that's not the explanation i was expecting. the bullet was a piece of him? i thought it was just energy. guess i wasn't really paying attention to the technobabble explanation either
feels like it's been a while since dean's really broken down like this and gotten emotional. usually in the big emotion scenes with sam, dean's the one that's keeping pretty steady. but can really feel some of the despair coming through this time and like he's actually choked up
i think i've been a little confused/judgey about how it seemed like he was very emotional in the early seasons and it just locked up tight, like jackles wasn't going there because xyz reason that wasn't necessarily a show reason. which is silly, he's all-in on the show and character. so i'm sure it was a character choice. but i guess the shift felt unnatural to me? maybe it'll make more sense when (i'm saying when, not if) i rewatch it. or maybe it's not as stark as i'm remembering it
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garashir · 1 year
they’re brothers!???
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jackexmachina · 2 years
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spn + text posts
image description: clips from “Sin City,” “After School Special,” “The Rapture,” “The Great Escapist,” “About A Boy,” “Our Little World,” “Lost and Found,” “Various & Sundry Villains,” “Unfinished Business,” and “Proverbs 17:3” paired with tumblr text posts
13x01: Jack is across from Sam in the holding cell of a police station, and he moves to sit cross-legged on a bench. His brow is furrowed and he looks concerned, then he looks up at Sam saying, “Will you tell them that I’m sorry?” text post from jame7t reads [sorry for being lovable and cute & sweet. AND adorable.]
15x05: Sam picks up his cell phone from a table in the bunker, it shows several unanswered texts to Cass which read “Hey Cass checking in.” “How are you doing? Everything ok?” “Cass call me we need to talk.” “Didn’t realize you were taking off.” “Service sucks in the bunker, want to make sure you’re getting these?” “Call me when you can.” “Want to make sure you’re ok?” text post from papayajuan2019 reads [people who dont double text are in such mental prisons. i will text seven times if it requires it]
13x12: Dean stands in front of Sam in the bunker, he makes a sweeping motion with his hand saying, “It is gorgeous outside.” Sam puts a hand on his shoulder, telling him to stop as he turns away, but then Dean punches him and knocks him out. Dean winces as he watches Sam fall to the floor. text post from fungalfaggot reads [oh you’re touch starved? here eat up *fucking punches you*]
4x13: young!Sam in a flashback turns in his chair to glare at a school bully, saying, “Yeah, sure.” text post from evilvillain123456789 reads [fifth grader’s report card with straight As and at the bottom the teacher wrote “extremely violent and dangerous young man”]
11x06: Several moving close-up shots of Castiel standing at the door leading outside the bunker, he is suffering from PTSD flashbacks. He looks haggard and disoriented. text post from elytrians reads [“you look tired” well the torment is relentless and the horrors never cease]
4x20: Sam moves away from a demon and the lower half of his face is covered with demon blood, his teeth are bared and his eyes look animalistic. He turns around to stand up and sees Dean and Castiel in Claire’s vessel watching him, disturbed. His face falls, caught. text post from dogmotif reads [haha hey i love the blood dripping from your face and the animal rage in your eyes whats your pronouns]
13x20: Gabriel watches Sam, calculating, but then he turns to look at Dean. Dean rolls his eyes, shrugging in acquiescence. text post from annabelle--cane reads [it’s rotten work. especially to me especially if it’s you. I’ll fucking do it but christ alive.]
8x21: Sam stands in front of Dean in a hallway, slightly delirious and telling Dean about a memory from when he was very young. He says he was thinking, “I could never go on a quest like that.” He is almost smiling as he finishes speaking. text post from soulmvtes reads [trying to outgrow the deep shame and embarrassment woven into my existence wbu]
10x12: age-regressed Dean stands in front of Sam outside a witch’s lair, saying, “First time you ever had to say that, huh?” and grinning. Sam glares at him, bending down a little to respond, “Big talk coming from the dude wearing underoos.” text post from monelyslave-noscopekween600thou reads [I’m at the doctor office and this baby keeps yelling “I want donow” (mcdonalds) and the big brother (I assume) said “all the mcdonalds burnt down, there’s no more mcdonalds”]
3x04: Sam stands at the door to an office he’s just broken into, telling them, “Have a nice day?” He tries to smile but then quickly leaves, cringing painfully as he walks away. text post from kristina100000 reads [we should all be 6′5 with 250lbs of muscle mass with a heart of a darling]
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pregnancykink · 9 months
they sure are relying on nostalgia value this season huh. nice to see them not be fbi for a second tho
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