#I think I got everything 😅
themissingmango · 3 months
🌈 Pride Planes shop updates! It’s been a busy month so I thought I’d share everything that’s now available and where.
Firstly, wallpapers!
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this pack is available over here on my ko-fi and includes a few variations on the ace plane that I think are quite fun!
INPRNT is next and I’ll link that here
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Finally, Redbubble! Linked here where you can find the bi-plane sticker that I’m really excited about!! 💙💜💖 ✈️
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nachosncheezies · 2 months
Mulder, Scully, and "sibling vibes"
So a few times lately I've remarked on the sibling energy I see in early Mulder & Scully, and I think perhaps it's misunderstood. I jokingly self-identified not long ago as "not a romo, not a noromo, but a secret third thing (delighted they ended up together but wishes the whole kiss kiss kiiiiiss! thing wasn't dominant forever and always)" This applies to all my fandoms fwiw. For me the friendships generally trump everything.
The other day I added this (among some other rambling) to one of @randomfoggytiger's excellent posts about Mulder and women:
To me, these two start out as best friends, almost a "sibling" relationship at first: Mulder has been looking for Samantha, "walking into that room" everyday for many more years of his life than he wasn't, and here comes this precocious, punchy little woman who says she's looking forward to being around him. She plays with him in the rain, she laughs at him, teases him and calls him "sucker", she listens to him and is eager to learn everything he can teach her. They squabble, but always stick together. She stands next to him with her little foot stuck stubbornly out to the side and her arms folded, or her little hands on her little hips, always exuding an attitude that's surprisingly large for her little body. When he looks at her it's at the top of her head. She's even the same age as Samantha. When she panics or gets scared she turns to him, and he wraps her in a blanket and tells her stories. I know it is often interpreted as flirting, but if you were to age them down, it could just as easily be a big brother who adores his little sister and a little sister who thinks her big brother hung the moon. My personal feeling is, it would be almost impossible for him not to notice commonalities between Scully and Samantha. Perhaps that's partly why he's so comfortable sharing Samantha's story with her.
To clarify, I don't think either saw the other as an actual or replacement sibling, and I don't see it as something that is remotely incompatible or icky regardless of where they ended up. Love's a lot of things and it can change and be all of it or none of it at once.
Not a person, but a pattern
Mulder and Scully were thrown together and immediately flung themselves about as far from home as you could get without crossing an ocean, at a time when there was no internet and a long distance phone call cost a million billion dollars (adjusted for inflation)(facetious). This is more than just long hours doing stakeouts or interviewing witnesses or writing profiles or joining sting operations or whatever it is that average partners (especially green-ass newbies from Quantico) might presumably be doing. They might as well have been at sea. They'd known each other for maybe a week and suddenly had to learn to not just work together but to live together, being each other's only company and support system, etc.
Watching the way they interact particularly during the pilot could be (and it seems almost always is) interpreted as crushes and flirting. I see that too, but I'm gonna toss that aside for a sec and ask you to imagine they are children, or at the very least that they're not looking to date (other people have written some very good posts about sex not being that important to them ever, or how they use it for self-flagellation (him) or rebellion (her) etc. And as fun as fanfic is, I agree with that take. For all their smouldering - both individually and together - they're remarkably sexless. But I digress. Just imagine that the search for a date or the possibility of sex is not part of the equation at this stage.)
They're both SO influenced and informed by the patterns they've been living all the way since childhood, as most of us are.
Scully is used to following strong male personalities, living to impress her dad, being a kid sister to a man who has strong opinions about how the world is or ought to be. She's extremely capable but very young for her long list of credentials (she's presumably gone from school to school to school without much lived experience), and they give her her very first field assignment with Fox Mulder. She's heard a lot about him. She's looking forward to working with him. This is probably nothing at all like what she expected when she went to Quantico, but she wants to distinguish herself so she'll go where she's asked and do her Very Best Job at it. But he immediately absconds with her and now she's doing something fun and new, and this man they've assigned her to is quirky and weird and possibly just bat-crap crazy, but in between it all he's incredibly intelligent and he's showing her the ropes and teaching her new things and she's just so excited to be here.
Mulder had to grow up way too fast, aged 12, and maybe suffered a sort of arrested development in that sense. He was once a big brother to a girl who was 8 years old and probably a bit of a brat, as precocious 8 year olds often are (I mean the first time we actually see her she called him a buttmunch and screamed in his face because she didn't get her way). They've sent him a partner who is a remarkable overachiever; she's a biophysicist and medical doctor, a Quantico graduate, and all under age 30. Her credentials include rewriting Einstein and her job responsibilities include "tattle tale". She's gonna challenge him at every turn, but she's green and earnest enough to want his to learn from his experience. She's following him and she's hanging on his every word and she's laughing at and with him. She asks a lot of questions and openly enjoys just being there with him, just being a part of it all.
Age them down 20 years and they could just be two kids playing in the woods and the rain. That doesn't mean they see their siblings in each other, but... to me, it doesn't not mean that either. It's patterns they've carried with them their whole lives. What I'm getting at is that that sort of sibling push-and-pull would be an extremely comfortable and familiar dynamic for them both to slip into, especially considering their isolation, and it's one which also lends itself to quick and easy affection. It's not the predominant feature of their friendship, but it's a starting place, and it ripples forward across time. (Imo it also informs the lack of romance for a number of years.)
The sibling vibes fade into the background after a few episodes (although I see shades of it popping up here and there through at least Darkness Falls), and it transforms into what becomes an easy, fast friendship, and then a deep, ride-or-die best friendship.
Of course, a twisted version of it is brutally resurrected and brought to the fore in season 2, and I think that more than anything is what scuppers a move out of denial or past anything apart from best friends until at least cancer arc, but that's a whole other post.
Thanks for readiiing 💕
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possiblyfunny · 18 days
I forgot how to make posts, but don’t worry guys, I’m still alive-
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Ghostly Assistance
Heyyy! I finally drew Leaf! (Plus a slight Aster redesign-) This took way too long, and I apologize for the delay and the overall messiness. She had been sitting in my drawing program as a sketch for two months 😅 but with the Flashbacks up starting in Missing Numbers, I finally got the will to finish it!
Leaf Aoyama belongs to @creatively-cosmic. They have a blog called @themissingnumbers, which you should check out, like—right now.
[Sketch + Extras below the cut!]
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Here’s the cover of the book, if you wanted that- (I know it’s crap but I’m tired)
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[And for those who are curious, some notes about the art:
-The book is Aster’s. He’s read the book cover to cover well over 25 times. It’s his favorite book on flowers, but he’s more than happy to lend it to someone who wants to learn about flora.
-The content of the art (because there was intended to be a background that got scrapped-) is that Aster was showing Leaf around his secret garden deep in the woods, guiding her so that she wouldn’t get lost and showing her the different flowers and such. (That’s why she has the book-)
-You know how in some video games, you can press a button and whatever special companion you have will show up to give you a hint? (Ex: Navi, Fi, Rotom, Olivia, etc) That’s what Aster is doing right now. Whenever Leaf had a question—he had the answers.
-And if you’re wondering—Yes. Aster did make her a flower crown afterwards. And Yes, he thinks she looks very beautiful with flowers in her hair.]
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liquidstar · 3 months
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oc req i got from a friend on cohost for these two hanging out! which eventually turned into me thinking "what if this is just saiph walking up to ramus unprompted on Guild Beach Day, but ramus fully forgot who he was since they last met" and that concept was funny enough to me that thats what the drawing became
but still, here's an edited (technically original) version under the cut bc i think eventually they start to talk for real anyway lol
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e77y · 4 months
We did it Joe (OCD diagnosis)
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monst · 2 months
Do ya think Tim's parents got him one of these when he was a kid?
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coolcattime · 4 months
if jordan and tom are there for the whole ghost capsize situation, it’d be really funny for jordan to just be like on martha’s side of the whole thing like “unfortunately she does have a point about this :/“ because he views her as the lesser of two evils (said evils being spark and a dead capsize 💀)
Oh YES 100% Jordan ends up with Martha on the side of “We should exorcise Capsize rather than revive her.”
He doesn't start out agreeing, since I really doubt he learnt the lesson of necromancy bad from Season Two and he definitely hasn't learnt that Capsize actively disliked him. But the seeds of frustration do get replanted almost immediately when ghost Capsize first appears and excitedly greets Tom first. He tries to write it off as her just knowing Tom had a piece of her soul and wanting to be reconnected with it. But that excuse quickly wears thin as (as in the actual ‘canon’ of my post timeline) Wag extends the binding of her spirit so she latch onto anyone in the group as opposed to being stuck with Spark. She still mostly sticks with Spark, but also appears often with Sonja and Tom. More noticeable, she avoids Jordan with the same fervour as she avoids Ruxomar Dianite and tends to harass him whether she is forced to be near him.
Jordan I think pretty quickly falls down the route of “Capsize isn't herself, if she's revived it'll just fail again.” And very reluctantly agreeing with Martha that they should instead just try to put her soul to rest.
Now, I think Spark and Jordan's relationship is interesting. In my actual post timeline, Spark isn't meant to dislike Jordan, even if he has the occasional resentful thought about the events of Season Two, he mostly sees Jordan (and the rest of Season One champions and the pirates) in the same vein as he sees Alyssa and Andor: people with the weight of the world thurst onto them way too young. Jordan sees this as condescending and also assumes that Spark does genuinely and actively resent him for the events of Season Two due to his own guilt over the loss of Ianite. And I think with Jordan and Tom being introduced alongside all the others while Capsize is still dead, makes their opinions of each other worse.
Spark sees the way Jordan gets so quickly frustrated with Capsize and his flip towards not reviving her and it doesn't exactly leave the best impression. Especially when said attitude is mixed with Capsize already having a clear dislike towards Jordan (which Spark now has somewhat of an explanation for), he ends up outwardly frustrated with Jordan now.
Meanwhile Jordan sees how Capsize interacts with Spark, being noticeably friendlier than she treats him. And I think he kinda jumps back into his Season One behaviour. But less that Spark is “Mr Steal Your Girl” and more like Spark has stolen his position as champion. Because Capsize seems to love him and Ianite is very clearly on board with reviving Capsize and appreciates Spark helping to do so.
Basically there is A LOT of tension between Jordan and Spark even before Jordan fully joins Martha in the opinion of let's not revive Capsize.
Now, there is a very particular scene within the canon of my post timeline that I have not written yet but is very important to the ghost Capsize section. Namely when Martha actually goes to Spark to suggest that they try to exorcise Capsize rather than revive her.
This, for obvious reasons, turns into a massive mess as, despite Spark and Martha both staying relatively calm, Capsize is there and listening. Capsize being there wouldn't have particularly mattered if Martha didn't say: “We should let her rest, go to whatever afterlife is waiting for her.”
The latest living memories Capsize has at this point are the event of Chapter One of Third Time's the Charm. So the idea of moving onto her actual afterlife ends with her lashing out in fear and using an ability I believe I've mentioned in a previous ask: forcing people to relive her memories. Martha and Spark both ends up reliving the events of Third Time's the Charm Chapter One and Capsize herself ends up hiding and refusing to actual show herself for about a week.
The reason I bring up that scene is this ask gave me the idea for the equivalent scene this AU of my own AU that ends up a bigger mess because of the key differences being:
- Jordan insists that he go and try to persuade Spark.
- Spark doesn't have the same desire to speak calmly with Jordan as he did with Martha.
- Jordan doesn't have the same desire as Martha to not yell at Spark.
- Capsize has another fragment of her soul from Tom and therefore has more control over her ghostly form and abilities
So basically it devolves into a honestly quite vicious argument between Spark and Jordan that ends up barely about Capsize and more just the two laying into each other. When Jordan says something that seems to genuinely upset Spark, Capsize ends up angry enough to purposely lash out at Jordan and force him to experience her memories of him. She then proceeds to poltergeist and not let anyone near the unconscious Jordan until Tom and Sonja arrive and manage to calm her down (Spark was not attempting to calm her down).
I don't know the exact fallout this causes, other than a whole mess, but you did give me a very good idea of a scene that would happen in this version of the timeline and I hope you enjoyed it ^-^
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im-no-jedi · 8 months
I'm in the process of writing out my Cody is Hunter thoughts from The Solitary Clone but because it's Thursday, I probably won't get them all out until later tonight, which means I probably won't be sharing them until tomorrow wehhhhhhhh
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missr3n3 · 30 days
do u ever realized u fucked up. about a week after the fact :^) and now u can't do anything about it :^)))
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adore-gregor · 3 months
ugh there it goes
#our promotion 😢😢#1st place is gone#today was tough our opponents were all way better than us#we only won 1 match out of 6#now they're leading our league well we should at least win our last matchday and get 2nd place#the no1 seed was in another league from ours 6:0 6:0 altough she's quite a good player at our club#we only won one doubles match altough they were not as good by far as their other players#and all the matches were quite one sided they were also way higher rated than us#i also lost my match 😫 altough it was quite close actually but that is even worse sometimes idk#i certainly could have won idk why i didn't i mean there were not many chances but they were there#i lost 5:7 4:6 ugh 😭#maybe with a better serve i would have won#but i was 5:4 up and i didn't win that point like that's when you have to be there and make it#i think this might just be one of my weaknesses i'm really good at conebacks and believing in that i'll win but i have to be more effective#and 'cold' when it matters sometimes i'm quite wasteful with my chances#i often make the craziest most difficult shots which are 'impossible' to get back but then fail at the easiest one's#especially in the crucial moments maybe i should play it safe more and be more patient#nah but winning that first set would have changed everything because 3rd sets are more likely to be my advantage with my speed and fitness#and in the 2nd i was just always one behind i always caught up but never went ahead#my serve also wasn't really there today and my 2nd serve is still too weak opponents take advantage and if i have a bad 1st serve percentage#like today it makes it difficult to win my own serve and i also made many double faults (4) 😕#i aced her once tho 🤪#but my serves are sometimes great but very inconsistent dependent on the day (the 2nd one always bad)#my backhand also wasn't as good as usualy i hit a lot of them out but it got better altough then i took many with my forehand which worked#and my opponent had riddiculous stops they wouldn't go up the ground again 🫠#and she was so good at net and also whenever i went there she'd pass me or lob me 😅#i gave up doing that very soon my best shot at this was just hitting winners and hitting balls deep to her forehand#i succeeded at that a couple of times but it was not enough#i mean i didn't play badly but what a shame#she was very nice though and very fair it was a pleasant match and she told me she was the best opponent she encountered in the league
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bloomingkyras · 11 months
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giving Rhett a makeover since i don't see him living in Chestnut Rigde anymore 🤭 and already started renovate the house that i download from gemma, its already took hour decorate only the backyard and now stuck whether to use all room with full pattern wallpaper or kitchen plain and or mix both 😅 and i already love the new love seat that just released from @myshunosun ❤
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regret-breathing · 5 months
ive started calling the femme ive been growing closer to over the last nine or ten months my sweetheart. im truly not beating the old man allegations on this one.
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nerdie-faerie · 1 year
Having a big family is too expensive. Where am I supposed to find the money for my brother's 20th, my cousin's 21st and graduation, my twin cousins turning 23, my other cousin turning 26 and having a baby all this month!! 😭
#Demon Spawn#+Extra#theres too much going on! and my mum doesnt tell me everything at once so i think i only have one purchase to worry about#and then she hits me with another one!! did you remember this? did you remember that? no i was still dealing with the last one#im sorry but siblings are prioritised then i gotta sort out my own sht if i can then afford all these other peoples things#when i dont even speak to them! then sure maybe ill get around to it but theyve all got more extravagant preferences which i cant afford 😅#most of them still live at home and dont pay rent let alone tuition i cant afford their expectations and having 4 cousin birthdays#in a month is ridiculous have you seen the price of postage? and you wanna add in graduations and a baby into it???#i probably sound like im btching about nothing to people who have a good relationship with their cousins but i never see them and even#when i do we dont talk its super awkward and we have nothing in common yet i gotta go spend money i dont have all at once on them#and i cant even say sht cus my mum arranged a 21st for me that i didnt want so they did end up getting me stuff#god i sound like such btch i just dont know these people and its stressful trying to get presents as is but so many occasions at once when#i have no clue is stressing me out right now its not that i dont want to celebrate its the sudden expenditure and the fact its not spread#out and that theres so many cus i already got 8 siblings and my mum is one of 5 and my cousins are getting older so theyre going through#milestones that require gifts too at the same time as their birthday
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mayoiayasep · 8 months
hows it going over there nyx
well as you can see from the theme i am doing so great. 👍🏾 its a crime against me that the mv wasn't longer though...
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leenaur143 · 11 months
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❤️ Happy 5 years Anniversary Ateez! ❤️
This is how I spent the anniversary day (and a few days in the run up to this day) - I didn't know how to display these 'zero fever: part 2' posters so it got my creative mind thinking (for once 😅) and I decided to make a homemade frame for them! It seems a bit childish I know, but I enjoyed making it, especially since it's dedicated to a group of 8 individuals who mean a lot to me 🫶
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tinknevertalks · 2 years
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I made @offworld-lamb's partner in crime a dice bag for his birthday. He likes it. XD
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