#I think Batcow is very cute
princessmossy · 23 days
I learned about Dami week and wanted to play. I’m late to the party but I hope that’s okay I’ll just be a day behind oops.
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Day 1 - Pets! I drew Dami and Batcow!
I can’t ever draw his hair right so I gave up and did my own thing. I did base it off of the boy wonder comic’s hairstyle though.
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And here’s the Dami week prompts day 1 is done I’m working on day 2 and 3 so day 2 will be posted tomorrow (day 3) lol.
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batglare101 · 3 months
I love your designs! I have my own dc (mostly just the bats) / warriors au, but with the idea that Damian writes self-insert warriors fanfiction and keeps it kinda like a diary. I see you had trouble with Steph’s warrior name, and honestly -mood. I like Dawnbite, it suits her very well! I named her Violetrot, which isnt as flattering, and i also made her a torbie so shes kind of moldy looking… And since it’s Damian basically making warriorsonas for his family and playing dolls with them, Batcow is also there and her name is Cowspot
omfg that's so cute. I think I came across something similar on ao3, though I can't pinpoint the fic -- I'm pleasantly surprised a lot of people like the idea of damian reading warrior cats (I don't blame them because I see it too)
violetrot is a good name though! I used the dawn prefix for my steph solely because of her color. her name was lavenderbite before I ultimately decided to go with dawnbite
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YOU HAVE SUMMONED ME honestly I was worried that this was super late but then I saw the time stamp on your post and I was like 😀 tis still shenanigan time!! HALEY!!! aka BITEWING!!!! sweet angel baby puppy love of my life. she’s adorable. she only has three legs! when dick rescued her from getting abused by some random jerks in the street she BIT HIM hard enough that he needed STITCHES. and he said “oh i’m gonna take her to the pound tomorrow” and babs and tim were like 👀 uh huh, sure you are dick… and next thing you know we see he’s got toys for her and a bed and a bowl with her name on it. her name was voted on by readers and is a nod to haly's circus! (which writers occasionally forget that dick owns now, but that’s a whole other tangent) she is a tiny menace and I love her! just in canon we’ve seen her try to play with/tear up important papers, she ate dick’s tv remote and tore up his couch, and she has daydreams about fighting crime as bitewing 🩵 she very much strikes me as an ankle biting menace while she’s still a puppy, and I feel like lucky would literally have to scruff her to pull her away from a fight… which honestly also feels right for kate and dick in some cases 😂
This is amazing I am sobbing I am weeping Kate and Dick with their disabled doggos
(Also Dick and Clint lowkey soulmate vibes???)
I was imagining Kate losing Lucky at a dog park (full disclosure I have no idea how dog parks work, maybe just a regular park?) and she's getting pizza to lure Lucky (and potentially also Jeff???) back to her, she's not super worried, she's chatting to Cute Tall Guy who is ALSO missing his dog. He's not getting pizza for doggo, just for him. Anyway SUDDENLY A RUCKUS and Kate and Tall Guy hear Barking! And individually they are thinking, well, my dog might have just started a gang war
This is fine
It turns out puppo Haley has found a stray cat mama with a new litter of kittens and has planted herself between the cat and some other dogs who are clearly VERY poorly behaved, but she is a hero and that's! what! heroes! do! However Haley is a pup and also missing a leg she could use some backup basically, and Lucky, who has never met a disaster he doesn't love, decides to ALSO plant himself between the mean dogs (who are lowkey trying to bully Haley) and Haley and the cats. Jeff might be there but mostly for the Drama bc he's a messy bench like that
Anyway Dick and Kate proceed to RIP INTO the other dog owners and then look at each other askance like wtf are we supposed to do with the cat?!?!?! Who has decided Haley is just a big dumb kitten she lost and has adopted her (very bruce-coded of the cat tbh). And kittens?!?! One of them is orange and has something going on with an eye and Kate is like oh NO this kitten is a cat Lucky I can't believe I have at least one cat now
(clint: you know you don't have t--
Kate: who am I to argue with the cat distribution system)
Dick is frantically calling up his favorite animal expert (it's Damian) about how to safely move mama and kittens? And where? Vet??!?!? Animal shelter?!?!?! Tim?!?!
To be fair Dick could have probably figured it out if he was alone but Kate is there and his brain makes dialup noises when he looks at her for too long yes he's WEAK leave him alone
At some point Kate winds up sitting on the ground and Haley flops into her lap and passes out because it's been a big day for a puppy and Lucky and Jeff give Kate the BIGGEST SADDEST BABY EYES because that's their spot?? Why is this interloper hogging the Pizza Girl? Lucky turns Sad Dog Eye on Dick like Dick is just going to remove his darling puppy from her nap spot? Sir. Please be serious.
Idk where i was going with this but also Lucky the hardened established dog hero and Haley his young impetuous sidekick dog, Jeff finding missions for them working out of Batcow's barn. BITEWING!!! I am dead. Pandemonium is their business.
lol for some reason Haley is giving me cat vibes a little. Lucky is like, this is Pizza Girl. Protecting Pizza Girl is my sworn duty. And Haley is like I am BITEWING. This is my human sidekick, Nightwing.
(Also for some reason I'm lowkey vibing Clint and Babs???? For this???? I think they are besties regardless but just seeing them watching their favo disaster birds getting parent trapped by their DOGS like "are you seeing this? I'm not the only one seeing this right????")
ANyway maybe Clint has custody of Lucky so Kate and Jeff are moping hanging out at a park (Jeff is an extrovert and he is LONELY he wants FRIENDS) and one of two things happens:
Haley bolts and Dick is chasing after her and hears someone go "Don't you BARK at him, he didn't do anything! He just wants to be friends!" which makes Dick have the simultaneous thoughts of "oh no what did my dog do" and "how DARE you yell at my dog!!"
he rounds the corner and sees Haley looking as chagrined as a chaos pup can look before scootching closer to the other dog and licking its...nose. Snout?
"That's a shark," Dick says. The shark in question is now dragging out what appears to be a rotisserie chicken and is sharing it with Haley.
"What?" Kate says. "No, he's just a rare breed of dog. The, uh. The Chilean Hairless....land...shark."
OR Haley is Not Afraid! She decided she and Dick were playing fetch with one of his escrima sticks and she took OFF so now Dick is yelling for her hoping she comes back with the same stick she left with.
So Dick is hollering for her and Kate answers back "Haley is over here! Uhh assuming Haley is a dog and not a child, or a bird, or a lizard of some kind?"
And that's when Dick sees his dog playing with his escrima stick with a shark??? who is leaving dents in his weapon????
Kate isn't even looking at Dick when she's like "hey, do you come here often? Jeff has been really lonely and she's the first dog we've met that isn't terrified of him, so that's pretty cool, anyway hi my name is Kate...." and THEN she looks up (and up, and up) at Dick and is like. oh my god. is this why Gwen said we should try this park today??? Because of beautiful dog dad man?
either way Jeff REFUSES to leave Haley which means Dick and Kate have to spend most of the day together. At some point MODOK tries to steal Jeff back and Haley plants herself in front of Jeff and growls at MODOK and she's actually pretty intimidating but it's still the cutest thing ever. Jeff and Haley are ride-or-dies, like Jeff will be mad at Dick when Haley has to go to the vet.
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batfoonery · 3 years
BatPets Headcanons
In honor of the Most Glorious and Beloved Bitewing (and Ace and Titus and Alfred the Cat and Goliath and Batcow.....) I wanted to share my thoughts on what pets the batfam has and should have.
Ahhhhhhh Bitewing! Our new beloved! We've only just gotten you but if you get whooshed away by bad writers I already know I will RIOT.
It actually makes perfect sense for Dick to take in a stray pup. His bro-son has the attitude and personality of a cat, so he already had that covered. And I can't see him paying high prices for a designer breed (bless him) so it's stray/shelter or nothing.
That being said, he also needs a young dog. Some people are made with the disposition to take in the older dogs with older dog needs, but Dick loves deeply and I can't see that he'd deal well with the shorter timeframe of taking in older dogs. So. Younger dogs, that he can go running with in the morning and play with in the park and nap with on the couch.
My man has taste, and also had a doggo as a kid. He's got a soft spot for all of Gotham's forgotten strays. I see him as being a pitbull kind of guy, but like. Also mastiffs. Anything big and menacing looking, but they always turn out to be utter marshmallows.
Totally the type to name his big scary dog Tinkerbell or Baby or something mushy like that. Likewise, Kori and Artemis (and probably Roy) all collect cutesy costumes and collars and leashes. Has the most cutsey giant dog.
The kind of dog that he can trust to take care of kids. If he's particularly concerned about a kid out on the street he can drop the dog off to stand guard until the kid's parent shows up. The dog is real gentle with the lil human, but scares off potential kidnappers.
The first of our exotics keepers! I feel like Cass would really appreciate betta fish. The way the swim and flit through the water, fins seeming to dance as they moved.... like tulle, like dancing.
She probably has several tanks. The first one she got was from Petsmart or PetCo or whatever. It irked her because she knows they don't tend to treat the fish well, but the local petshop's fish were all extremely sickly looking. After that she's hooked, for lack of a better word, and Bruce ends up learning way more than he ever needed to learn about importing fish (and paying for imported fish).
She's meticulous about their care. They've all got nice big clean tanks, and a companion to help keep them clean (different ones according to temperaments, snails for the easier going ones and shrimp for the more aggressive boys). They've got live plants and decorations to hide under, each tank a different theme to show off the fish. Has lowkey been considering getting a female for one of her favorite easy going boys (the first one, who has become a very soothing companion) because he's getting older and she'd like to be able to carry a part of him on.
His companion is an emotional support animal, with papers from his doctor and everything. Seems like he should be a dog person, but instead has a very big Turkish Angora. Her name is Mrs. Tuffles and he got her from a breed-specific rescue.
She's good for him because she disrupts his work and also helps provide a soothing presence when he has a panic attack. At night if he isn't in bed at a certain time she lays on top of whatever he's working on. If he's panicking she lays on his lap or chest and purrs (the added weight, the feeling and sounds of the purrs, held disrupt tension). She's a cuddly cat, and it tricks him into sleeping in in the mornings.
When he finds out that cats purr on a wavelength that encourages healing, and that there's evidence that they sit on humans and purr in attempts to heal/help them, he bursts into tears and startles the cat, who had been draped over his shoulders.
Got a bunny because she thought it would be an easy pet. She was very very wrong. It was from one of the neighbors in her building, because the mom of the kid who brought it home didn't want it anymore. It's a cute little lop, grey and brown.
She quickly discovers that bunnies are super dirty, and they absolutely stink. It bites her for the first week (and Tim and Jason and everyone else that isn't Damian, who somehow tricks it into loving him) and she seriously considers taking it to the shelter. But she doesn't. By week three, he's snuggling up on her feet and in her lap, and she decides that maybe he isn't so bad after all.
He didn't have a name when she got him, so she call him Mi-Mi. She doesn't tell Damian, but it's totally named after him because he reminds her of the way Damian had been when she'd first met him and the progression of their friendship over time.
Seems like a bird type of dude. Probably has a Cockatiel or two. They're very sassy birbs, and there's no way he doesn't enjoy that. One of them repeats words, and has picked up swears from Jason. It swears at Bruce every time he comes in Duke's room. Everyone except Bruce finds it funny.
The other one "dances" whenever it hears music coming from Cass's room. They're both very active and curious, he's contantly having to buy toys for them to rip apart. One of them nipped Damian's ear once, and Duke has never seen Damian look more offended in his life. It was probably the first pet that Damian hadn't been able to Disney-Princess.
They've probably got a dumb name pair. Tom and Jerry, Chip and Dale, etc. Personally I think he'd get a kick out of naming them Batman and Robin, just to fuck with Bruce. He probably then teaches the one who talks (Batman) to say dumb things like "I am the night! I work alone!" etc etc.
Has all the animal companions. Not pets. That makes them beneath him, which probably opposes his fundamental beliefs. This is my reminder to yall that Ra's started out as an eco-terrorist. Putting aside what he is or is not now, I like to believe that Damian was raised with a deep respect for nature and animals, he probably sees humans as just one particularly terrible animal species.
He has a wide array of companions as is. I'm good with them all, although I wish they'd bring back his dragon friend. :( I love the dragon friend.
I think he'd be the type to have axolotls too. They've got an interesting mythological basis and fit into the dragon theme. Plus the short story "The Axolotl" by Cortazar is a fascinating piece of mystical realism and I could see that he'd be intrigued by the species. They're endangered in the wild because of habitat destruction and invasion of foreign species that prey on them, but are easily bred in captivity. So I could see he'd keep at least one breeding pair, with the intent to someday bully Bruce into funding a project to save their natural habitat.
Doesn't have her own pets, because she doesn't want the responsibility on top of everything else she does.
But her apartment always has furry/feathered friends in it because she's constantly petsitting for the others when they have to go do hero stuff. She's basically like a step-mom for everyone else's pets. She's learned how to take care of tanks and whatnot as well, mostly for Cass. The axolotls are gross and she refuses to touch those tanks, but the bettas are kinda like cute grumpy old men. She likes to tease Bruce by telling him his grand-fish take after him.
Always has a variety of pet snacks with her. She is determined to be the overall favorite human to all the bat-pets. Competition is fierce between her and Dami, but she has an edge because Robin the Cockatiel seems to prefer her.
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queerbutstillhere · 4 years
Operation Chick Liberation
"Oh my God. Dick, you're not gonna believe this."
Dick sighed  and looked up from his phone. The news had been playing on mute on the tv while both he and Jason were busy doing other things and not really paying attention. But now Jason unmuted it, and Dick could hear the report. Did he believe it? No, not one bit, but he could definitely hear it.
"...Robin and Red Robin have been seen making off with boxes of chicks from a local pet store, more after the break."
"Dick is going to kill us."
"Hush, Drake. This will be better for them."
"Why are we stealing chicks again, Damian?"
Robin looked up at his brother, the white lenses of his mask hiding the mischief in his eyes. His small smirk, however, gave him away all too quickly.
"Because if we don’t liberate them, who will?"
Tim snorted, then smiled as he shook his head. "You know what? Hell yeah, let's steal some chickens."
So, they executed their meticulously thought out plan. Sneaked in through a skylight, found the chick boxes, picked the lock to the cage and carefully packed up several of the boxes with as many chicks as Damian deemed appropriate. 
Usually Tim didn't encourage petty theft, but Damian had come directly to him with a rather clever plan for chick liberation and Tim couldn't help but say yes. Partially because he just wanted to see how this went, and partially because the little puppy dog look that Damian had given him had been enough to make him crumple. 
For as much as they fought, Tim still loves the little gremlin. 
Getting the chicks back out was a lot harder than getting in had been. Damian was very adamant that they couldn't jostle the poor chicks in any way, so it was a very slow process of hugging a box of chicks with one arm while slowly grappling back up through the skylight. Slowly, they managed to get all the boxes up, replace the skylight, and then they began slowly transporting the boxes back to their bikes.
"I can't believe we just stole three dozen chicks."
"Believe it," Damian said with a little giggle, grinning brightly at Tim.
He looked happy, and that alone was worth it.
Carefully, they secured the chicks to the back of their bikes, and took off towards home. Part two of Damian's brilliant plan was to sneak the chicks onto the manor grounds. Tim wasn't exactly sure where Damian was planning to put them after they got the chicks home, but the manor certainly had enough property for a chicken pen. They just didn't have one, so he was curious what the plan here was.
They got home, and then the operation became, "Sneak The Chicks Past Bruce," which was not easy, due to their constant cheeping. They covered the boxes with their capes and very quickly darted from where they parked their bikes over to the lift. Tim heard Bruce call to them, asking what they had, but they didn't stop. Inside the lift, they looked at each other, serious for a moment, before breaking into laughter.
"Where the hell are we putting these?!"
"Well, I had considered Todd's room—" Damian started.
"Oh no..."
"—but I decided that would not be best for their own safety. I have created a pen for them in the BatBarn."
"Oh my God, you really thought this through?"
"Tt, I'm not a fool, Drake." He's still grinning, so Tim knew he was still in a good mood, but they ran into a problem when they got upstairs.
The “problem” being Dick and Jason.
They were waiting at the back door, arms crossed, looking like they were fighting smiles.
"What are you two doing?" Jason asked.
"Taking trash out," Tim volunteered, gesturing at the box.
Soft cheeping betrayed his lie immediately.
"And why didn't you change before coming up?" Dick asked, failing to hide his smile.
"We wanted to go back out later," was Damian's response.
More soft cheeping. Rattling in the boxes. A little beak peaked out of one of the air holes. All three of them looked at it. Tim and Damian slowly looked at each other, then up at Dick and Jason.
"I can't believe you guys stole chickens," Jason finally cracked, starting to laugh.
"We were saving them from an unfortunate life!" Damian protested, immediately looking distressed.
"Damian, you could have just bought them! You remember who your dad is, right?" Dick's also started laughing now.
He reaches out and opens the lid of Tim's box, still chuckling.
"They are pretty cute."
"Come on, let's get them outside before Alfred finds out."
Damian led the way proudly, carrying his boxes of chicks. They walked out to the barn, which, yes, they do call the BatBarn. Batcow greeted them from her pasture with a deep moo, and Damian called back to her in arabic, something soft and sweet.
Inside the barn, the second stall had in fact been converted to a chicken pen, complete with a heat lamp, water bowl, and feed trough filled with chick feed. It was clear how much time Damian spent at the Kents’. Tim and Damian knelt down in the sawdust and carefully removed the chicks from their boxes, setting them in the soft, fluffy shavings. They ran around, cheeping in confusion for a bit, investigating everything, and eating the shavings.
Damian sat down against the wall. He pulled off his mask and gloves then reached out, picking up a soft, fluffy little brown mottled ball. Tim couldn't help but grin at his little brother. The kid looked so happy, surrounded by all these fluffy, mixed breed chicks. The only type of chicks the two of them liked-
Tim glanced up to find that Dick and Jason had disappeared. He shrugged and moved over, sitting next to Damian after shooing some chicks out of the way. He picked one up and gently cupped it in his hands.
"They are pretty cute."
Damian hummed, glancing up at him. 
"Do you think Alfred will let them stay?"
"As long as you let him use their eggs, probably."
Damian tilted his head, thinking.
"I think an arrangement can be made," he hummed, then focused back on the chicks.
They stayed out there for a long time. When the chicks finally started getting too annoyed with them, Damian stood and started fiddling with the heat lamp.
"Come along, Drake. We should let them sleep," he said, turning to Tim.
"Yes, of course."
Tim stood and dusted himself off before following Damian out. They walked up to the house in silence. It wasn't until they had reached the back door that Damian spoke.
"Yeah, Damian?"
"Thank you."
"Any time, squirt."
Tim stood by the door, watching Damian walk towards the office that would lead him into the batcave. And he just grinned to himself. Today he stole chickens, and bonded with his little brother.
It was a good day.
For @absolute-0zero !!!! Brothers bonding over chickens! Thank you to @wisdom-walks-alone and @battoad for betaing this cute thing for me! Find it here on ao3!
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sun-moon-stars-jedi · 4 years
Batfam Ficrecs - Part 4
Another boring day at home? Why not brighten it up with some reading. Here’s a new batch of great Batfam fanfics, most of them published pretty recently, so hopefully you’ll find something new to read.
And if this list isn’t enough for you, here are links to my previous reclists Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 and an amazing list with all the must-read fanfics of the fandom by batfamficfind.
Have fun reading =D
Fluff, fluff and even more fluff:
ergonomics by envysparkler (Gen, 2.7K, Rated Teen): Bruce’s kids keep invading his bed and he is just so tired. Absolutely sweet family fluff with many cuddles and a tired Batdad, who would give his kids everything, but do they really have to steal his bed every night? (Also, envysparkler writes so much amazing Batfam, I can’t put all their stories in this list, but check them out if you haven’t yet. It will be absolutely worth it.)
Is This Real Life? by shanahane (M/M, 6.3K, Rated Gen): At some point or another, all of Bruce’s four sons have their wisdom teeth removed. It’s a different experience for all of them. Really nice no capes AU in a series where Bruce went to therapy instead of becoming Batman. The M/M is due to some background Birdflash, but the focus is on the Batfam.
New year bets by Fleur_de_Violette (Gen, 9.3K, Rated Teen): Dick overworking himself because he is a good person, Jason worrying about him without admitting to being worried, and bets on people’s health. Just a very nice Batfam story that puts Dick forgetting about his own health and his family looking after him in the focus.
Of Flags and Forts by DawnsEternalLight (Gen, 2.7K, Rated Gen): Every year the Batfam has a game of capture the flag fused with a snowball fight, and this time Damian gets to join the fun.
Funny Batfam:
I Must Leave Right Now, Immediatly by motleyfam (Gen, 3.0K, Rated Teen): Tim splits his pants at a charity gala. To say that he’s expecting merciless teasing from his brothers is an understatement. What he gets is...not that? Super sweet and funny story about Jason and Damian helping Tim and being good brothers. The ending had me in stitches, I was laughing so hard.
On the Record by I_Write_Midnight_Snacks (Gen, 1.5K, Not Rated): Jason is stealing the tires of the Batmobile once again, Tim is filming, Bruce is tiredly drinking his coffee and Dick seriously considers which side he is on. Very funny little story that just perfectly captured the dynamic in the Batfam.
hit ‘em up style by TheResurrectionist (Gen, 2.3K, Not Rated): Steph asks Bruce to get her some tampons and in typical Bruce Wayne fashion, he takes it way too seriously. Absolutely delightful, good Batdad cranked up to the max.
the reflex by TheResurrectionist (Gen, 1.0K, Not Rated): Bruce and Jason hide out with Batcow to smoke and it is so cute and funny.
A little bit of angst:
An Even Trade by fanfictiongreenirises (Gen, 3.2K, Rated Gen): Batfam meets Supernatural as Dick makes a crossroads deal to save his little brother. Perfect amount of angst and bittersweetness. If you enjoy selflessness and brothers doing the impossible for each other, this is the fic for you.
With Your Best Violence by woodenwashbucket (Gen, 4.7K, Rated Teen): Talia shows back up in Gotham and blackmails Jason into bringing Damian back to the League of Shadows. Really great story about Jason ebing backed into a corner but still trying to look out for his little brother.
little soldier boy, come marching home by TheImaginativeFox (Gen, 10.9K, Rated Teen): After Jason dies and before he comes back, he spends his days tethered to Bruce as a ghost with the ability to sense when people are about to die. One day Dick starts to make Jason’s death-sense go haywire. This story legit made me cry, but it was so good. I would still recommend to read the tags first, as you might guess there are some heavy/sad themes in here.
to the red planet Mars by r_astra (Gen, 30.2K+, Not Rated): Jason and Bruce get hit with a curse that won’t allow them to be more than fifty feet apart and with Jason’s return to the Manor some things come to light. If you are looking for a fic that deals with Bruce’s abusive behaviour towards his kids in the comics, this is the one for you. This story hits so hard, but it is exceptionally good and well worth a read (last chapter isn’t up yet).
the thing with feathers by bacondoughnut (Gen, 16.3K+, Not Rated): When Dick and Bruce go missing and Tim can't find them on his own he turns to the only other person he can think of for help, Jason. He just hopes they can keep from killing each other long enough to save their family. Jason reluctantly helping Tim, great detective work and begrudging brotherly bonding, what more could you want? An ongoing story and I am delighted every time there is an update.
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anothertimdrakestan · 4 years
Notes & Poems From Damian
You and Damian had been together when the quarantine started but two weeks later your parents demanded you come home. Because he still goes on patrol Damian refuses to physically see you at the risk of his dear beloved falling ill so he leaves little notes and poems on your desk (he learned how to quietly pop open your window within just a month of dating) and here are some of your favorite notes from him:
Dearest Beloved, Roses are red,  I gave Dick a shove, Come home to me, I miss you my love Sincerely, Damian Wayne
Beloved Y/N, My creativity has left me tonight so as I sit on patrol I will account some of tonight's events because I believe they will bring you pleasure. Though not the kind of pleasure I wish I could give you... Tonight Dick challenged Tim, Jason, and I to see who the second greatest gymnast is and I defeated them. Granted, Jason refused to participate but I believe it was out of weakness. Additionally, Tim has not slept in 36 hours which drastically reduced his speed, agility, and control. Nevertheless, I hope you are proud of me as you are now the world's second greatest gymnast’s favorite person, and I believe that has some merit. Ah, as I am writing this Tim has a message for you, this will be written by him so excuse poor language as he is severely sleep deprived: Y/N come home or I guess you are home well whatever come home Demon Spawn is a terror without you I tried to cuddle him like you always do but he bit me and I don’t know how you do it why do you even love him. Also! Come home because he’s sexually deprived as fuck. I mean we’ve caught him jackin- Dearest beloved I apologize you’ll have to read that I only brought this paper and it’s pen so. Timothy is correct that I miss you but I hope you can spare the more unsavory details. Anyways, I love you and miss you and I’ll try not to stare at you while you sleep tonight as I know it “creeps you out” Until tomorrow, Damian Wayne.
Greetings Beloved! Today is my day off patrol so I am writing this with Pennyworth tonight. I have attached a recipe for the cookies you love because Alred is upset he cannot cook with you for the time being. Father says you can come back in a week if your family will allow it as long as I have not developed any symptoms so I hope you will let me know quickly as I long to have you in my arms. Pennyworth says that was very cheesy so please do not tell the other hooligans living in my house I said that. It can be our secret. I apologize for the quick note, the others have returned and I do not want Dick to get ahold of this letter. Best, Damian Wayne.
My Love, Y/N
Hopefully this is one of our last notes, I wish to see you soon. Here are some rhymes about you that make me smile.
I miss beloved y/n more than, I wish Jason would go die again.
Timothy is Jason’s replacement, I wish to make love to you in my basement.
Being without you is a pain, I will make you Y/N Wayne.
(I like that one the most - do you?)
Batcow makes a lonely moo, My pets and I wish to be with you.
Your snore is cute when you sleep at night, I believe that last line will give you a fright
You may think these rhymes are lame, But next time you see me you’ll be screaming my name. 
I miss you Beloved, Sincerely, Damian Wayne.
LINK TO PT. 2  <- go check it out I think it’s my favorite thing I’ve written so far :)
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Lost on Aisle 4
Here is my very last entry for Dick and Dami week! Day 7: Separation/Reunion 
Thank you so much everyone who took time to create content for this week, and everyone who’s read and reblogged things. It’s been an amazing week with so much content I can’t believe it. You guys have been amazing. 
AO3 Link
It was embarrassing to admit that Damian had not expected this to ever happen to him. It was embarrassing that he had allowed it to happen. Not simply embarrassing, but mortifying. Mortifying, foolish, stupid, and something not befitting someone raised by the League of Assassins or a future heir to the Batman mantel.
The truth was. Damian was lost. Or rather, Damian had lost Grayson.
On its own, Damian decided, the statement was innocuous enough. If he closed his eyes and pretended he was on a rooftop with rain pelting down at him or thick viscous fog obscuring his vision. If he imagined a vast forest of vines and exotic plants grown almost overnight by Ivy he could say that this was not foolishness or embarrassing or mortifying. That came with the territory.
Damian sighed, and set the book he’d been leafing through back on the shelf and sucked in a deep breath, turning to look down the aisle. The aisle filled with overly large items. Comically large items. Who needed a teddy bear larger than a full grown man? Or a box of romance novels, most likely all containing the same plot with slight differences in names and eye colors?
This store was foolish.
It was far too large. That was the problem. Damian had told Grayson so from the start. Well. He had first questioned the validity of their trip, then he had stated the store’s faults. The huge aisles, the too bright lighting, the bulk product that forced someone to have more than they could ever hope to use.
Damian was Robin and he could not eve lift some of the “bundles”. Not even the tallest man in the world could see over the top of the aisles, stacked high with huge boxes. It was stupid. He kicked his foot and turned back to the rack to face the traitorous book.
He glared at it, then picked it back up to turn in his hands again. It was a book on dinosaurs. The cover was smooth and matte, but felt nice under his palms. The cover featured a recently discovered complete skeleton, which had caught Damian’s eye and prompted the disastrous flip-through. He tucked the book under his arm and made for the far end of the aisle.
The end opened into a large open area filled with bins stacked high with boxes and tubs of various products. There were displays of evenly piled packages of water, electronics, and in one case, perfectly stacked cans of peas.
People milled everywhere. Baskets larger than batcow crossed this way and that, some full, some still in need of filling. Mother’s wrangled children, while father’s stopped at DVD display’s pulling off cases covered in raging monsters and laser beams.
Grayson was nowhere to be seen.
Damian pulled his phone from his pocket and attempted to call his brother. The line hesitated, giving a long terrible pause before attempting to ring. One. Two. Three rings, and then the call abruptly ended.
The phone’s display told him that his service was spotty at best in the store. One more reason to think the place foolish and terribly built.
Damian turned back to look at the aisle of books, games, and stuffed toys. Grayson had told him to wait in one place if he became lost or separated from him. Damian had scoffed at the instruction, as if he could lose Grayson of all people. Grayson who did not stop talking or attempting to get Damian to “try this sample” or “look at this cap, how cute would you look in it?”
He squared his shoulders. Grayson could not have gotten that far. Besides, he knew the man’s next location, or the item he would next be searching for. Grayson had made sure Damian memorized their list of needed items so he could remind him of anything forgotten.
Protein powder was next. After gauging the contents of the aisles on the far too high signs (really, how was anyone expected to *read* those?), Damian turned left and began winding his way through men, women, and families in search of his brother.
Damian was jostled, pushed, and almost trampled. He got turned around after one child blew past him like Wallace late to dinner. The child sending him turning, spinning, until he’d lost where 53 was supposed to be.
If only Grayson had no insisted on coming here. If only Damian had not allowed himself to be lured by the promise of Cheese Viking and fried yams.
Someone grabbed Damian’s arm, their grip soft but startling. He spun on the person, having to take one, then two, mental beats so he did not jab the person in their solar plexus and make a run for it.
“Hey sweetheart, where is your parent?”
Damian tugged at his arm but the woman, cheery cheeked and almost glowing with motherly worry did not release her grip.
“I am here with my brother.” Damian said, his tone imperious as he straightened, “And if you do not release me I will lose him, and be trapped in this maze forever.”
This startled the woman, who let go of his arm and stepped back, “I really doubt you’ll be trapped here.” she said, finding her smile again, “Why don’t I help you find your brother?”
Damian’s eyes narrowed at her. Was this a trap? Did this woman recognize him and have intentions of kidnapping him for ransom? Was there a more sinister lilt to her tone?
The voice in his head that sounded just a little bit like Grayson told Damian he was being silly. The voice that sounded like Mother said he was not being suspicious enough. Damian decided for a middle ground.
“Thank you for your offer, however I can find him on my own. We separated simply so I could retrieve,” he paused for half a second before swiping a comically large bag of sour cream and onion chips from the shelf display, “this and this book.” he angled his chin towards the book under his other arm, “My brother is waiting for me and I really do need to get back to him.”
He took a step back, and when the woman did not attempt to reach for him again, assumed he was in the clear.
“Alright, well hurry back. You never know who might be wandering around here. Stores are dangerous places for children to wander alone.” she said, waving him off.
Damian bit back a rebuke for her calling him a child, choosing to take the win. He spun on his heel and moved swiftly in the opposite direction from her, ducking down the first aisle that was not overly populated with people.
He glanced behind him to make sure the woman had not followed him. Her words on not knowing who might stalk a store still ringing in his head. Had they been a warning? An indication she was one of those people? Had his silly instincts been correct?
A sigh released itself from his chest, long and exhausted. This was ridiculous.
So much time had been wasted at this point that Damian was certain Grayson had moved on from the protein powder to searching out the next item: frozen snacks for patrol.
Damian moved down the aisle to the opposite end (the better to get away from that woman) and passed the protein powder. Grayson was obviously not here, but Damian had hope that he was close.
He hurried, almost running the last few steps to burst out into another busy walkway filled with people. Damian looked from face to face, buggy to buggy, and thought he spotted messy dark hair in the crowd.
He pushed and shoved his way in that direction, darting once between a woman’s arm and her buggy to reach the hair.
The figure was clothed in a blue shirt, like Grayson’s and Damian sprinted to get around the man, only to find it was not his brother, but a very confused look alike.
Damian scowled at him, “Useless.” he grumbled.
“Excuse me?” the man blinked.
“Point me in the direction of the frozen foods, Gothamite.” Damian said.
When the man did not respond Damian stamped his foot, “Which direction?” he asked again, impatience lancing his tone.
The man pointed, and Damian moved to rush past him, tossing out a hurried, “Your assistance is appreciated.”
Behind him he heard a distantly growing, “But I’m not... I’m from Star City.”
The building could only be called labyrinthine. The way things twisted and turned. It boggled Damian how one could be on his way to frozen goods and then suddenly find himself by peaches, towering taller than the tree they’d been plucked from, winded and angry.
He was grumpy. Frustrated. And generally irritated with the store. He was contemplating buying and dismantling the entire chain. Or at least implementing some kind of mapping system.
“Attention Costco customers!” a bright, bubbly voice crackled overhead.
Damian’s heart picked up at the announcement. Perhaps Grayson had decided to search for him, and was utilizing the store’s speakers.
“It’s that time again! All our fried, roasted, and grilled chicken is on sale. Come down to the deli for five dollar chicken. That’s right eight pieces for five dollars, mix and match or choose your favorite style! Five dollar chicken. Stop by our deli and get yours today!”
The urge to throw his book upwards at the speaker was intense. The only thing that kept Damian from doing it was the fact that the stupid device was so high up he had no chance of hitting it. Jon could manage it, but Damian could not. He no longer had powers after all.
His chest stung a little that the announcement had not been regarding him. Grayson had to have noticed his absence by now. He had either gotten lost himself, or perhaps the man had found his way back to the books Damian had stopped by, if he had realized that was where their separation happened.
To squelch the disappointment Damian moved from the peaches to the strawberries, their sweet bright scent luring him like one of those cartoon children to pie on a window. His stomach grumbled at him.
He examined the plastic containers of strawberries, finding one that seemed to contain mostly ripe, beautifully red berries. He shifted his book to the arm holding the chips (still in hand in case the woman were to appear again) and opened the package taking out a strawberry to munch on.
The container was added to his already over loaded arm, balanced between book and chips. The berry was sweet, and refreshing after all of Damian’s searching. He finished it, leaves and all.
His best course of action was to either find his way to the front of the store to make use of the intercom system or back to the books where he’d become lost in the first place.
It was easy to assume one could retrace their steps in the store with little trouble. Then again, it had been easy to assume Damian would not become lost in the store either. He was all to quickly turned around again, grumbling with frustration as he now found himself in electronics. Televisions sang with music, and flashed bright with colors designed to convince customers that one particular screen was better than another. Laptops and tablets where lit with games and apps, children shoving each other to be the next one to play while parents spoke with employees.
There were bins and bins of DVDs and CDs, and even for video games. Damian wandered up and down aisles until he reached one similar to where he had been lost, lined with strategy guides and large headed figures of popular characters, and baskets of mystery boxes. Damian tutted at the boxes, who wished to waste money and effort on the chance they would not get the single toy they desired? Was it not better to make a purchase one would be certain about?
Grayson would like them. He’d buy up six and say “I’m sure I’ve got one of each character” then end up with six of the same.
Damian lifted one dedicated to the Smash Brothers game Grayson liked to play with the family. It seemed impossible to have every available character as an option to receive, but there were a great many listed on the back. He took a second box. He and Grayson could open them together when he found him.
In his momentary pause he ate two more strawberries from his container, snapping it closed when he got odd looks from a few kids wandering down the aisle.
It took forever, but eventually Damian found his way back to the books and too large stuffed animals. He was exhausted from the search, his feet starting to hurt as he’d wandered the overly hard floors.
Damian sat on the floor and leaned against one of the giant bears, setting the strawberries beside him. He would wait here. Hopefully Grayson would re-trace his path and find Damian. Or the speakers would crackle to life again and Damian would start the long trudge towards the front of the store.
He snuggled against the soft bear and worked his way through the strawberries, one by one as he played Tetris on his phone.
When the battery started to dip below 30% Damian pocketed it and opened the book he’d lugged around the store with him, starting on page one with the introduction.
It wasn’t that it was a boring book, it was that Damian was tired. Not that he would admit that to anyone else. Still, his eyes were heavy as he passed through chapter one, and eventually the book laid against his chest, and Damian rolled into the bear’s soft fur.
It was a little like laying against Titus, only there was no heartbeat or warmth pulsing under the fur. Just that of Damian’s own body heat seeping into the inanimate object.
Damian was woken as arms tugged him up and away from the bear. Grayson’s voice warm in his ear. “Here you are, Little Bird. Got bored waiting for me?”
“You took your time.” Damian mumbled, still groggy.
Grayson chuckled, “Would you believe I got lost? Though, from the look of all this stuff, I suspect you did too.”
“Tt. I assumed you to be slower than you were.”
“Is that right?” Grayson settled Damian in the large part of the cart (he was too big for the actual seat) and dropped the bear on top of him.
Damian shoved the fuzzy animal away and heard the crinkle of the chips and empty strawberry container as Grayson lifted those, and set them in the seat of the basket.
“I’m glad I got another batch of strawberries, if I’d trusted you to find them we’d have to go all the way back to produce.” Grayson teased.
The bear was finally shoved down into the basket and Damian glared at his brother, “If you had not left me so long there would have been some to share. I thought myself stranded, and did what I had to for survival.”
Grayson actually laughed at this, “And were these for survival too?” he shook the two mystery boxes.
“Tt. Of course. I had to stave off boredom somehow.”
The boxes were handed to Damian and Grayson made to push the cart away, forcing Damian to scramble up from his semi comfortable spot in the basket, to peer over the edge, “Do not forget my book.” he pointed, “It is the reason we are in this mess anyway.”
His brother knelt down and lifted the half open book from the ground, dusting the pages where dirt had stuck to them, “Interesting, I think you need to tell me the story of what happened.”
He handed the book to Damian and grinned, “Let’s start with the dinos.”
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unavenged-robin · 5 years
Juxtaposition - 3
Part 1 + Part 2
Tim hadn’t meant anything by it, honestly. He just happened to stumble into the kid while having a camera in his hands, and that was all. It hadn’t been his fault if Damian was too busy drawing and didn't notice him: the brat was supposed to be a baby ninja, after all. Another thing he was not responsible for was Damian being... photogenic. He would never use the word cute, not even to save his own life.
Point is, the kid was sitting there, under a tree, surrounded by his pets - Titus' big head on his leg, Alfred the cat curled up by his feet - his head bent over an old sketchbook, and a look of total focus on his face, and Tim didn’t even think about it, he raised the camera to his eye and took the photo.
Damian lifted his head, looking annoyed but not surprised. So maybe he had known about Tim being there. Maybe he just hadn’t care enough.
“Taking photos of people without their explicit consent is a felony, Drake”, he said, narrowing his eyes at Tim. “I could report you and have you arrested.”
Tim snorted and plopped down on the grass in front of the kid.
It was such a beautiful day. The sun was warm over the skin and the wind was like a gentle caress on the face. Even the colors looked like they were happy to exist; they were so intense they seemed to vibrate under his stare: the blue was so blue the sky could’ve very well been the ocean, the green was so green the whole garden could’ve been just one, giant new leaf of a young tree.
And Damian, Damian was a spot of red and black in all that green, like a tiny ladybug resting in the grass, and his eyes were also the greenest green Tim had seen for a while. He had smiled at the kid with a contented heart.
“You happen to be a minor, brat”, he reminded him with a bit of teasing in his voice. “And I'm listed as one of your legal guardians. That means that, until you're eighteen, I can pretty much do whatever I want with you.”
Damian looked up from his sketchbook to squint at him. His cheeks were sun-kissed and his nose was getting too red under the warm light of the afternoon, and Tim remembers how in that moment he had the sudden, shattering realization that he felt a not insignificant amount of affection for his brother. And that had not been the only time he’s ever felt that way, but it had perhaps been the first one.
Damian had dismissed him without a second thought.
“You are not my legal guardian.”
“I am too.”
The words stayed there for a moment, lingering between them, then Damian had frowned at him, out of curiosity more than outrage, Tim thought, as he choose to believe him.
“Why?”, he asked.
Tim turned his eyes away, lifting his face to observe the branches of the tree above them swaying slowly in the wind. He didn’t want to ruin the quiet.
“Because this family is a mess and Bruce wants to be sure that, if he decides to go take another stroll in the past again, you won't be left on your own”, he explained anyway. It was both a surreal and a serious affair, and they both knew it.
Damian had considered it for a moment, gnawing pensively at the tip of his pencil.
“I won't be left with you anyway”, he decided with a shrug. “You would have to go through Grayson's body to get me.”
Tim remembers how he had laughed at that.
“Yeah, that's true”, he had said. “Neither of us need to worry about it.”
Tim stares at the ceiling of his own bedroom like he expects some kind of answer coming down from there, along with a few friendly spiders he’s never had the time to chase away.
That afternoon used to be a good memory, once upon a time. Now it comes at him at night, haunting him with its bitter taste of unforeseen omen, and Tim wonders if Damian ever thinks about it, if he remembers it as clearly as he does.
He hopes not. He hopes that, at least for the kid, it’s not ruined.
There’s still some good stuff attached to that memory, though. Damian had wanted that photo, marched down to this very apartment to get it. And Tim had developed the film just for him, showed him how to do it and pretended not to notice how invested Damian was. That had been nice too: teaching the kid something new, something harmless they both enjoyed. Damian had let Tim guide his hands through the various proceedings, he had even obeyed every instruction with a minimum amount of huffs and scoffs. That had been another good day.
Fast forward, Tim hadn’t been there for Damian’s eleventh birthday, but he had bought him a camera and asked Alfred to pack it up in the most childish, colourful wrapping paper he could find, and to give it to the brat when he looked less willingly to throw it away without even bothering to unwrap it. And of course he hadn’t expected much in return, but to his surprise Damian had actually texted him a short and very formal thank you. That meant the little gremlin had loved the gift. Tim had been happy about it.
Those memories still makes him smile, even if now they leave a bitter aftertaste on his lips. Nice moments like those had been a rare thing, little pearls lost in the sand of the constant fights, the misunderstandings, and the mutual disinterest.
And now the world was all chaos and fragile things, and none of them really know what to do. Not Damian, freshly deprived of the only two father figures he had ever known; not Tim, who had found himself responsible for him; and sure enough not Jason, who had just got himself trapped in the whole mess.
Tim sighs and gets out of bed. The clock radio on the nightstand marks four o'clock in the morning, but there's no way he’s going back to sleep tonight, he's sure of that. Better to make some tea and keep working on tomorrow’s case. At least that’s the plan when he gets into the kitchen.
He goes as far as to put some water on the heat, then the memories of that afternoon comes back to needle him. There must be a box somewhere, filled with the photos from the first film he had developed for Damian, the first photos the kid had ever took in his life, as far as Tim knows. And e hadn't told Damian this - of course he hadn’t - but he'd made copies for himself. At the time he hadn't even ask himself why: he had just wanted to do it, so he had gone and done it.
He finds the box tucked away on the highest shelf of his library, covered by a thin layer of dust. Housekeeping’s never been his strongest suit.
A faint gurgling from the kitchen reminds him of the tea he was making. Tim retrieves it, pushes some jasmine leaves into the hot cup, then goes and sits on the couch. He shoots a quick look at Damian's room, but the door is closed and no light seeps from under it, no noise comes from the other side. The boy should be asleep.
For some reason he can’t explain, Tim feels a pang of guilt as he opens the box.
Damian’s photos are all there and Tim picks them up with a smile. It's funny looking at his family through the kid's eyes: everyone looks a lot taller, everything seems bigger. It's a bit of a déjà-vu, because Tim remembers well enough how the world looks like on a child scale.
The first bunch of photos are reserved to Damian's pet, of course. Here’s Titus, sleeping on the library’s rug or sitting at Damian’s feet, and Alfred the cat curled up on the windowsill. There’s Batcow eating some grass in the back of their courtyard, Goliath with its wings spread out, getting ready to fly. Tim knows Damian misses them. He wish he could at least give them back to him but he has no space for pets in his apartment, and they can’t go home anyway.
He puts those photos aside, and the next one hits him like a fist in the stomach. Here, in front of him, there’s Dick. He's smiling down, his lips upturned, the affection so clear in his eyes. Tim tries to imagine whatever absurd excuse Damian had tried to made up to justify his wish to have a picture of him, and he can’t think of anything, but it’s pretty obvious that Dick had seen right through the kid.
Damian is the subject of the next photo. Even if it hadn't came up right after Dick's one, Tim would've known anyway that Dick was the one who took it. It's the expression on Damian's face to give it away, that little not-really-annoyed-but-pretending-to-be-anyway scowl that holds the same affection of Dick's smile. He can see that moment so clearly in his mind. How Dick would’ve said something like you can take a picture of me only if I can take a picture of you, and Damian would’ve rolled his eyes and then indulge the blackmail with a secret happiness.
He laughs heartily at the following four photos. They are a set of unfocused, very awkward selfies of Damian and Stephanie, with her being the head of the operation, since Damian's arms would be too short to even attempt it. Damian’s glaring in the first photo and openly laughing in the last one, and Stephanie had been quick, albeit a little imprecise, at capturing that moment. The result is a blurry picture with a very strange angle, but it’s still one of Tim’s favorite.
There are a lot of pictures of Bruce. At first they were taken from a distance, and they portray him from behind, or busy doing something else: bending over his desk to write a letter, sitting in the armchair reading a book, standing in the kitchen with Alfred sipping a tea. They all give the idea of stolen moments, even if Bruce had probably known what the kid was doing. Tim could see him playing along, waiting for Damian to decide what worked best for him.
And of course Damian had eventually decided to make Bruce a part of the new hobby. The other shots still have a formal setting, very different from the spontaneity of the photos of Dick and Stephanie, but Bruce smiles in almost all of them and there’s a complicity and a quiet happiness that makes Tim’s heart ache. He misses Bruce. And he can only imagine how much Damian’s missing him too, how all this time apart is affecting him, his memories, his relationship with Bruce.
Tim brushes a cold fingertip over the pictures and wishes he could fix, if not everything, at least some of it. They can’t have Dick back, but Bruce is still there, still alive, and breathing, and living a life that doesn’t include them anymore, and if anything, it hurts almost as much as believing him to be dead.
He takes a quick look at all the photos again and he wonders how it is possible that none of them ever realized how important those moments were, how much they would have missed them once they were gone. For all the unspoken things and the cruel past, for all the miscommunications and the fights and the bickering, the truth of what there used to be between them as a family it’s just there in his hands: it was love, love and nothing else.
He hopes that Damian can see it too.
He flips through the pictures one last time, and this time he’s forced to notice how there are no photos of himself, or of Jason, for that matter. It shouldn't have been unexpected, but it stings anyway, even if only a little bit.
Tim’s considering what to do with the photos, if put them in their box and hide it again, or leave everything here on the coffee table for Damian to find, when he hears soft footsteps behind his back and the decision is taken out of his hands.
“Hey”, he says when the kid circumnavigates the couch to come standing in front of him.
“Want some tea?”, Tim offers, lifting his own cup.
Damian shakes his head no and curls up next to Tim, tucking his bare feet under him. He looks still half asleep, which is kind of a blessing right now. Tim has a good feeling about how Damian will take the news of the existence of those illegitimate copies of his pictures, but you never know.
“Mine are still in my room back at home, I believe”, Damian whispers, as he reaches out for the box. Tim lets him have it, and watches him closely as the boy collects all the pictures in his hands.
“Alfred would never let anyone touch your room while you’re away”, he reassures him, and since Damian’s just got to the picture of Dick, he slings an arm around the boy’s shoulders and pulls him closer.
“We’re going to need an album for them”, he says gently. “Like one of those Alfred has back home. We can make a new family album or something. Show it to him once everything goes back to normal, you know?”
Damian nods as he leans against Tim’s chest. He’s still warm from the bed, and his hair is a mess, but also soft under Tim’s chin. He’s wearing one of Jason’s old shirt because for the second week in a row Tim forgot to do the laundry, and he smells like Dick’s aftershave because that’s what Jason’s using now.
Tim holds Damian a bit closer. They are all trying to pick up the pieces as best as they can. It’s not easy.
“We could go to the park tomorrow”, he adds, because why not. “Bring Jason with us. Take some new photos for your album. What do you say?”
Damian moves closer to him, eyes still transfixed on Dick’s face.
“Yes”, he answers softly. “I would like that.”
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hermannco · 6 years
How did Oswald get his penguin Francis, and why dose he love that cute little bird like it was he's son? I have nothing against this also do any of the other rouges like Scarecrow, or Riddler have pets as well? Any way have a good day.
Important RA facts:
Batman gave Francis to Oswald as a gift. Francis is a rescue unnable to go back to the wild find, one of his flippers is pretty damaged. Bruce saw one of his rogues tettering too close to the abyss and decided to pull them back out. To be more specific, Oswald lost his mom and part of his empire to an Oglivy attack (And betrayal) and the Whaler. The entire thing with the night of the monster men mixed with Gotham Undeground and Pain and prejudice all mixed together. My point is, Oswald attacked back so hard that the territories are empty but remain empty out of fear of what Oswald can would do.
Cobblepot singlehandedly was about to return to his years of villany and target Gotham itself in his endless rampage but he didn’t. Francis was a surprise from his mother that she was gonna give him before her tragic demise. She and her 2 personal nurses were planning it for a while. Bruce basically used this to calm him down sort of.  Because at the end of the day Bruce stopped the attack to the city, he didn’t get to stop the ‘dissapearence’ of Oglivy, the Whaler and some monster men.
On the subseccion on who else has/had animals.
Jervis used to have/raise rabbits until he saw his family eat all of them for an important dinner. He even had to kill some of them. Haven’t had any pets since.
Crane doesn’t cannonically have normal a ‘pet’, he raises leeches and other bugs. Beettles, ants and all those sorts. Sometimes I draw him with a crow bcs I’ll be dammed if thats not what all yall like even if he doesn’t have one but some people REALLY want that to be, like giving him glasses, NEWSFLASH: WRONG UNIVERSE..
Oswald in all tecnicality has Francis as a “PET” because is not, its a penguin that he himself went off to get the damn license to be able to have him. Its a rescue animal and is treated as one, a very spoiled one tho. As pets he has 1 tucan, 3 parrots, 10 parakets, 1 kirk, and 4 conures. Those are his house birds, the aviary ones are an entire different ordeal.
Selina has cats. 3 ragdolls, 1 Maine Coon and 1 Persian to be specific. They are trained to steal.
Query and Echo both have a snake
Kirk doesn’t have pets but all the bats he takes care of are very close. Francine Lamstrong has an opossum.
Dr Fate has 1 black tuxedo cat persian.
Jason Blood and Etrigan have a red haired maine coon.
We don’t know if Noodle (Joker) has raccoons or the raccoons have him.
Harley has 2 hyenas and one weiner dog as per traditional.
Harvey Bullock has a dog. English bulldog.
Two face has 2 dogs, for more specifications ask Quinn
Cain has 1 gargoyle, 20 bats, 1 cat, 1 fox, 1 black panther, 1 landshark with wings, 2 dogs, an unumbered amount of wild plants and some hercules beetles. And another upsetting number of animals that come and go from the house.
Abel has a man eating plant and Goldie.
Jim Gordon and Barbara have have a dog russian bear hunter named “Doodle”. They got it under the impression it was other smaller type of dog, it sure wasn’t.
Firefly had a iguana once. It got given away in circunstances beyond of his control. Currently the closest to a pet is his race car.
Killer Moth doesn’t have pet moths but they sure invade his apartment.
Deadman had a rat named ‘Ronaldo’
Damian has Batcow, ace and a cat and a demon. I don’t remember their canon names tho.
And that’s all I can think ATM. Sorry for the delay, I was Dming a DnD session.
EDIT: Fixed the typo to avoid confusion. Whaler, not Amanda Waller. Not even Oswald Cobblepot in his endless rage can take her down.
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thebatfaminsta · 6 years
WonderBatkids Headcanons
A few head canons I have circling around in the mass of meat I call a brain! How I imagine the batkids looked and acted as... well... kids!
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DICK - Romani, hair has a beach swept natural look, total baby face up until age 18, deep soulful brown eyes, cutie round face with very pinchable cheeks, messy thick eyebrows, maybe has pierced ears from his time in the circus, absolutely a sweetheart, listens to his parents (and later Bruce and Diana as his surrogate parents), but also very astute to people’s feelings and is good at looking out for people and making sure no one is left out, a classic good older brother, he loves Diana of course but he has a special relationship with Bruce being the “first born” son, he idolized Bruce forever.
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JASON- Mop of black hair on his head with an undercut to keep it somewhat tamed, yet he still hasn’t figured out what to do with the longer strands, thick puffy lips, always seems like he is squinting but really just questions many things and thinks a lot, a total charmer (until he opens his mouth and a string of curse words he learned in the street come out), actually an amazing student and very book smart, however he is far from the teachers pet, and always gets himself into shenanigans trying to make his class mates laugh, Diana is the only one who can get him to behave, partly because she is the only one he is genuinely afraid of, but also loves and reveres because of this, and because of this Jason really only responds now to strong female intervention.
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TIM- Baby face, smol, expressive black eyes, always looks like he is worrying about something and probably is (or he is coding an app in his head it depends), very tech savvy even at a young age, and his small size allowed him to get behind the tv and reroute the WiFi is he learned early, definitely a mama’s boy and spends most of his time on Diana’s hip or lap, but he also has Bruce’s reserved, I-can-do-this-alone attitude, which they bond over (in their separate corners of course), Tim doesn’t nap EVER even as a toddler.
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DAMIAN- always looks a little angry, slight Napoleon complex, hates it when people say he’s cute (but he really is with his caramel colored skin, big brown eyes, and pouty lips), depending on the week and his mood he really won’t listen to anyone except Dick, Bruce and Diana can divide and conquer and better get him to cooperate, Diana and Damian bond over their mutual love of animals and coercing Bruce to let them keep they strays they find, when Damian found out Diana could talk to animals he was in absolute awe of her, once a week passed and he had calmed himself he asked her to speak to Titus and Alfred the Cat and Batcow and Co. for him, and to this day she is their translator (although Dami does a good job interpreting their needs as well)
This is Part 1 of 2! More to come!
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nightwing-ing-it · 6 years
Nightwing: Rebirth #42
The more I think about this issue the more I’m impressed but also feel out of my depth when reviewing it.  
I’ve never watched this Bruce Lee film called Game of Death and I don’t know much about Kabuki either so I think someone who knows a little more can bring better light to different references in this issue but I’ll just talk about what I liked from the issue as an average reader.
My compliments are mostly directed towards the writers Kelly and Lanzing having known that they only had a few Nightwing issues in their hands had opted for a story that was actually pretty ambitious for one issue and pulling it off.
The structure was really good, the pacing of the story line into different sections and not dwelling at all in unimportant aspects of the story.  It didn’t slow down but felt like an adventure with a lot of movement through the whole issue.
The start with Nightwing walking up in the suit was great.  I’m not asking questions or mad.  I loved it.  Maybe he was in too much of a rush to take it off.  I don’t know and I don’t care because it really doesn’t matter to the story.  
But it was a good way to start off.  It made the issue start differently than other Nightwing issues and matched with the difference in narration tone we got from Damian.
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As a reader you could tell Dick’s voice very distinctly from Damian’s voice right away without relying on really easy tells like Damian’s ‘tt’ or anything super light from Dick.
And Dick was annoyed and I’m happy because yeah it’s stressful having to go save your brother from the clutches of evil!  The fight scene at the beginning to set up the premise of all of this while not slowing down the pacing was great.
I like how all of the levels of Kabuki brought out different strong aspects of Dick’s character, how versatile he is but also how strong and unyielding he is.
His ability to use his opponents strengths against them
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His grace and adaptability that serves to strengthen his power
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I really liked ‘skill’ in which they chose not to give Dick much dialogue and let his actions speak for him and the way we see the fighter that seems the strongest and hardest to fight kneel in defeat
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During the ‘boss’ battle I didn’t mind at all that the main villain was not super highlighted.  The writers knew that they only had one issue and would not be able to flesh out their one issue villain completely and they focused on their hero Dick Grayson and the relationship between Damian and Dick more than their OC.  Some writers get so caught up in their OC’s that they neglect their main character and I’m so glad they didn’t fall down that rabbit hole.  The villain’s were as thought out as they needed to be.
The final battle, just like the other battles, was not all about the villain but how Dick fought the villain.
Dick was able to see that rescuing Damian before finishing the fight was important so they could finish it together, which also brought out the family and humility aspects of Dick’s character.  He puts on a show not because he’s showboating or egotistical, it’s his style, it’s a distraction, and it doesn’t take away from his skill/ability to fight, it’s part of it.
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It was also very sweet how Damian befriended the dragon.  They didn’t even have to show the befriending scene.  I believed it right away.  Anyone who knows Damian knows of his horde of animals.  If he hadn’t already befriended it then he would have eventually.
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It also wrapped up well.  I’m glad that Bruce was included at the end when they were watching Damian in the Batcave
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as well as the very cute inclusion of Goliath and Batcow, which answers all the remaining questions of, where would they keep the dragon, how would he get along with the other animals, does Bruce know about this adventure, etc.
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A good self contained story that brings out good aspects of the main character and his relationships.  This issue is worth picking up.
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unavenged-robin · 7 years
“I can’t breathe” + Damian Wayne
I know nobody believes me anymore, but this was supposed to be a very brief ficlet. Anyway. I thrown in Jason as a bonus because I miss writing about the two of them bonding in life or death situations. Enjoy.
Contrary to popular belief (that he liked to reinforce himself every chance he got), Jason didn’t hate having Damian tagging along with him for patrol. He actually found it kinda funny, mostly because the kid was so serious and liked to fight hard and without too much chattering just like his father, and it amused him to no end to watch the confusion and the fear on the faces of the random thugs they happened to be fighting when they got the living shit beaten out of them by a kid that barely came up to their chests. It was endearing.
“I found the burned warehouse”, Robin’s voice announced through the comm, and Jason checked his coordinates.
“Coming”, he answered, after a moment. “ETA three minutes.”
There were a few seconds of white noise on the other line, and then Damian spoke again: “There are people trapped in the basement. And considering the damage made by the fire, the structure is likely to collapse on itself sooner rather than later.”
“Robin”, Jason warned, shooting his grapple at the nearest building. “I said I’m coming.”
This was the only thing he really didn’t like about patrolling with the youngest of their clan (other than Damian being a brat, of course). The sense of responsibility that came with it. Even with Damian being the furthest thing from a defenseless kid, there was still the undeniable evidence that he was, in fact, a kid. That made Jason not only the adult in charge, but also the one that was going to be blamed if anything went wrong - which, considering Damian, was a very likely probability.
“There’s only one way to access the basement, and it’s too small for you anyway”, Damian duly argued, and Jason swore under his breath and started running even if he knew it was a lost cause already.
“I’m almost there, and if I don’t find you above ground I’m going to sell you to the circus”, he growled anyway, hoping that the jab would irritate the kid enough to make him stay put for the handful of seconds he needed to reach him.
“I hear children crying”, and Jason could hear the frown in the kid’s voice. “According to your intel, it should’ve been one of the Penguin’s abandoned storehouse, so why there are crying children in the basement?”
The way Damian stressed out the words to imply Jason’s incompetence irked him enough to make him snap. “I don’t fucking know, Robin. Just wait for me.”
White noise again.
It took him two minutes and fifteen seconds to get to the place and find out that Damian - of course - hadn’t even considered the idea of waiting for him. Jason swore again, and punched the comm as soon as he landed on the ground.
“Where the hell are you?”, he asked. “And how do I get there to kick your ass?”
“There is a vent opening on the back of the building, near the railing”, Damian answered. “Shush.”
“Shush?”, Jason repeated, momentarily more surprised than pissed off at the idea of the kid shushing him.
“We’re going to get you out of there, okay?”, Damian’s voice continued in a quiet, almost soft voice, and Jason realized he wasn’t talking to him at all. He found the opening quickly enough: a small manhole attached to some kind of rusty conduct. Probably an old vent, like Damian said. Jason could barely slip both his arms in there, so he waited and continued to listen to Damian speaking to the kids. It was new to him, and kinda weird, to hear Damian trying to comfort someone. How he tried to sound reassuring with big words and enough self-confidence to fill a man twice his size. It made Jason smile.
“Hood? Can you see me?”
Jason looked down the vent and yes, he could see Damian eight feet below the ground, looking up at him with a four, maybe five years old little girl clinging to his neck.
“That’s cute”, Jason teased. “We should tell Batdad that you need a little sister. I don’t think it’d take too much work to persuade him and Catmom to make you one.”
“Shut up”, Damian growled and yes, this time he was talking to Jason. “And take her.”
Jason laughed and reached down for the kid while Damian lifted her as much as he could. It took some adjustment, but in the end he was able to hoist the little girl up into his lap.
“Hey”, he smiled at her. “Gimme a moment and we’ll go get you some ice cream, yeah?”
She was covered in dirt and looked like hell, but she still smiled back at him easily and with too much trust.
“Hood, there are five other kids down here and the walls are about to crumble down”, Robin hissed. “Maybe you could get a move?”
“No ice cream for you”, Jason answered. “And you get a move, Robin. Since you got yourself in there in the first place”, he reminded him.
Damian grumbled something intentionally unintelligible and went to collect another kid. They worked fast and managed to get four other children out (six little girl, Jason beared in mind, feeling his blood boil. Six little girl, no older than five, held into a basement of an abandoned warehouse. Once they were done here he would take Damian home, and then he was going to have a chat with Cobblepot. A very long, hard, violent chat) but the last one took one look up the vent, saw Jason’s Red Hood helmet peering down, and started to cry so suddenly and so hysterically to actually make Damian, who was holding her, jump in surprise.
“What the hell?”, Damian bellowed in response, a little too loud and a little too angry for the already scared little girl to bear, and the following scramble between the two kids would’ve been amusing to Jason, if not for the fact that the crying and the swearing were both covered up by a louder, deeper grumble coming from the basement itself.
Before they could do anything there was a snap, then an eruption of dust that forced Jason to withdraw for a moment.
“Shit”, he and Damian said at the same time.
“Get up here, Robin. Now”, Jason urged, looking down the vent again, but the kids had already disappeared from his sight, swallowed by a cloud of dust. He could only hear coughing and more crying.
“Not enough space for both of us”, Damian yelled up at him, and then, softly, at the girl: “You need to calm down. There’s no need to be scared. He’s going to help you.”
But the girl was even more terrified now. She was blinded and suffocated and alone with two strangers. Her sobbing was heart wrenching and Jason could tell that Damian was starting to panic too.
“Shit”, Jason repeated, then he took off his helmet and tried to conjure up his best child-friendly smile, despite the urge to yell and kick something. If something were to happen to Damian, Dick and Bruce would kill him together, and then Alfred would hide his corpse by feeding it off to Titus and Batcow and whatever other pet the kid had hoarded in the meanwhile. Jason was sure of that.
“Hey, hey, hey”, he called out, trying to catch the girl’s attention once the dust cleared up a bit. He could still see only a little more than shadows, and he doubted the kids could see him any better than he could see them, but he tried anyway: “Look, I took the helmet off. See? Not a bad face, uh?”
In the meanwhile Damian was trying to rock the little girl - not an easy task, considering that he wasn’t that much bigger than her - talking again with his softer voice, sputtering out what sounded like every reassuring word he could think of.
There was another loud series of snaps and crackling of metal and old wood. The girls behind him were now whimpering because of the cold, and Jason started considering all the ways he could enlarge the hole enough to lower himself inside without making the situation worse, but it was impossible.
“You can trust him, I promise”, Damian was saying between coughs, voice tired and hushed and desperately urgent. “He’s my- he’s my big brother. He’s good. He’s a good person. He will buy you an ice cream.”
Jason tried to smile and held out his hand again. It took a few others soothing promises from both him and Damian before the little girl actually reached out to take it, and Jason sighed in relief when his fingers finally closed around the child’s tiny wrist. He smiled at her again while settling her down safely on the ground beside him, then he held his hand out into the vent one final time, ready to take Damian out of there and put an end to the whole night.
Except that Damian wasn’t looking up at him anymore. His head was lowered down between his shoulders, he was shaking with coughs and his hands were on the wall in front of him like he needed the support to not fall down.
“Robin?”, Jason called out in the same voice he used with the little girls. “Kid, come on. I need to take you out of there, you’ll rest in a moment, I promise.”
Damian shook his head, still not looking up at him. Jason felt the worry turning into a sharp pang of panic.
“Dam- Robin, come on. Just one little jump and we’re done, okay? I was lying on the ice cream, I’ll buy one for you too.”
Damian was shaking harder now.
“Can’t breath”, finally came the answer, and it was so choked Jason only heard it through the comm.
“Do you have your rebreather?”, he asked, but it was a stupid question, and he knew it. If the kid had a rebreather on him he would’ve used without any prompt from Jason.
“Okay. Okay. That’s fine. Look, I have mine right here, okay? You only have to take my hand, alright?”
Another fit of coughs.
“I can’t-”
“Robin”, Jason barked in his best imitation of the Batman’s voice, and he startled the kid enough to make him look up again. He offered him his hand for the second time, stretching his arm as far as he could into the vent, and repeated, gentler this time: “One little jump, kid. C’mon.”
He couldn’t see the kid’s face behind the thin cloud of dust that still hung between them, but he saw his body language changing and a moment later Damian straightened himself up in determination. In the space of time between two heartbeats, Damian took a choked breath, clenched his fists, then jumped. When their fingers touched, Jason was struck by the sicken certainty that he wasn’t going to be able to hold on, that Damian’s jump had been too short and he would’ve slipped away and fallen. But it was only a moment. Their hands closed into a monkey grip and the gauntlets offered enough friction to not let either of their holds slip away.
One instant later Jason had hauled Damian up into his arms, with just a little more force than necessary. But the kid collapsed against Jason’s chest, swallowing down big gulps of fresh air, and didn’t complain one bit.
“Easy now. Easy”, Jason instructed softly, one hand rubbing the kid’s back, the other cupping the back of his head. “In and out. In and out. Take little breaths or you’ll pass out.”
This time, Damian obeyed him. He slowed down his frantic attempts of taking in as much air as he could, and tried to imitate Jason’s breathing. He also shifted into the hold to cling to Jason’s neck and hide his face against his brother’s shoulder. Jason let him settle down, then rested his cheek on top of the boy’s head.
“Jeez Louise, kid”, he sighed. “Let’s not do that again, yeah?”
Damian didn’t answer, but his fingers tightened around the fabric of his jacket in what Jason decided to read as acquiescence. Keeping Damian close, he sat down on the ground and looked around for the girls. He found them cuddled together a few feet from them.
“We need to call the police and an ambulance”, he said, more to himself than to the kids in front of him, or to the one into his arms.
“Already done”, Damian mumbled anyway. “While I was waiting for you.”
“That must’ve been a very brief call, then”, Jason retorted, but not too harshly. He wasn’t in the mood for a lecture right now, not with Damian slumped down safely into his arms and six little girls looking at him with big, wet, scared eyes. “Your big brother, uh?”, he asked instead, unable to stop himself.
“I was suffocating”, Damian reminded him with a groan. “Also, legally I cannot be held responsible of what I say in a situation of danger.”
“That’s undercover cops, kiddo”, Jason laughed. “Dick is making you watch too many tv shows. You ready to get up and go home?”
He felt Damian shift again, his forehead now resting against the side of Jason’s neck. His breathing was still a little strained, but overall he finally sounded okay when he spoke again.
“First I want my ice cream.”
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