#I swear they're also harder to kill
pomefioredove · 3 months
I— 'Don't bite your lip, I want to do that' with Jamil possibly? 🥺 I swear that would straight up kill me (in a good way)
I hope you have a good day!
oooh... this one is interesting
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summary: "Don't bite your lip, I want to do that" type of post: short fic characters: jamil additional info: romantic, reader is gender neutral, reader is not specified to be yuu, BRIEF mention of blood, a little kissing, fluffy, not proofread aaand maybe a little ooc
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You are the personification of bad habits.
At first, Jamil avoided you; he thought he had done enough babysitting, and the last thing he needed was to worry himself over your love of biting your nails.
...And then, of course, he caved.
He couldn't just avoid you forever, and if he was going to be your friend anyway, he might as well have tried.
So, Jamil has learned a lot about you in these past few months.
For one, when you're nervous, no amount of verbal reminders will prevent you from fidgeting.
And, for another, you responded shockingly well to physical touch.
It became a habit of his. Away from prying eyes, he'd hold your hands to prevent you from picking your cuticles and tuck your hair behind your ears so you wouldn't chew on it.
He fussed over you in ways not even he understood, but that didn't matter.
He liked the feeling that came with being the leader between the two of you.
There was just one thing he couldn't seem to fix.
"Stop that," Jamil says, running his thumb over your lower lip. He sighs, seeing the blood beading from where you'd bitten.
He takes up a handkerchief, dabbing at your lip.
"There are better ways to deal with your anxiety than taking it out on yourself," he mutters. He would know.
"It's not worth apologizing over," Jamil says. "Don't let your thoughts get the best of you. They're supposed to serve you, not..."
He pauses, withdrawing the handkerchief.
"I just wish you'd stop doing that,"
"I can't help it," you say.
He knows that already, he thinks. That's why he's trying to help.
He frowns. Being so worried over someone he has no obligation to worry over is a new feeling, but not an unwelcome one.
It's just... difficult.
"You're too thoughtful for your own good, sometimes," but it's not like he's complaining. It's a welcome break from the thoughtlessness he deals with elsewhere.
Jamil knows it's your first instinct to bite and pick and peel; he's also confident he'll find a way to train you out of it.
No. What a stupid thought. Holding hands is one thing, occupying your lips to dissuade you is another.
"What are you thinking about?" you ask.
Ugh. "Nothing. A solution,"
"I want to hear it," you seem quite adamant. He sighs.
"I thought that if occupying your hands has worked for in the past, that the same might be true of your lips... but that's clearly not as easy,"
You're quiet. Probably thinking, and then overthinking.
"Well... why not? Why not kiss me, I mean?"
Jamil almost drops the handkerchief. Maybe you weren't overthinking this time, after all.
"...Because this is not some silly movie where I say something like... "don't bite your lip, I want to do that", or something equally embarrassing,"
You seem to hold back a giggle, much to his chagrin. "Maybe you should. Maybe it would work,"
"...You're not serious,"
You nod. Sevens, you are turning out to be a handful today. Much more so than usual.
He sighs. "Fine, but only because you insist,"
A long silence follows. Jamil studies your expression, almost looking for a hint of deceit, but... it's just you.
Genuinely caring about others is such a headache.
He hesitates, and then leans in, pressing a short but sweet kiss to your mouth. It tastes like blood. Not that he minds.
Keeping a cool facade after that is harder than he expected, and it takes him a minute to pull himself together.
At least you look happy with yourself.
Despite his internal embarrassment, he can't help but smile at the thought.
"Distracting enough?"
You're quiet, lost in thought... and then you nod. "I would say so. I guess your theory was right all along,"
Jamil feels a little swell of pride, both at the praise and at the soft look on your face.
"Hm. They often are,"
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Bloodstained Petals
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Pairings: Mattheo Riddle x fem!reader
Warnings: Swearing, unrequited love, mentions of blood and throwing up, violence, death, and my shitty writing.
Summary: The Hanahaki Disease is a rare disease that causes flowers to grow in the person's lungs. The only way to stop it from killing the person, is to get the one they're in love with, to fall in love with them.
Y/n sighed as she watched as Mattheo make an advance on the girl he's been keen on for the last 2 months.
Theo sighed as he saw the look on the girl's face. He had known about her love for the dickhead since the beginning.
Y/n, you're making things harder for yourself," He finally spoke up.
"What's wrong with me?" She asked the question she's been asking him for years now.
"There's nothing wrong with you, love," Theo said, "He's just a fucking idiot."
Y/n sighed again, looking down at her food, feeling too sick to even think about eating anything.
"I'm going to bed, I'll see you tomorrow at breakfast," She said before getting up and walking out.
"I need the room tonight," Mattheo said when he came back to the table, "Where's Y/n?"
"You're a fucking idiot," Theo said also getting up to try and catch up with her, but she was already gone.
Y/n woke up in the middle of the night, coughing up her lungs. She ran to the bathroom to get her something to drink so that she'd stop coughing.
After downing a glass or two of water, her stomach churned. She quickly bent over the toilet and threw up.
Her heart sank with fear as she saw the blood and the petals. She then started coughing again, more petals.
Next thing she knew she stormed to the Gryffindor common room, ignoring the fat lady's whining about waking her up, and she ran straight to Hermione's room.
"Thank Merlin, you're awake," Y/n said.
"What's wrong?" Hermione asked worriedly as she looked at the panicked girl.
As if on cue another coughing fit started and petals landed in het hand.
"Are those?"
"Oh my God," Hermione said, "You have the Hanahaki Disease."
"You say that like I'm supposed to know what it means," Y/n said as she threw the petals into the bin.
"Hanahaki Disease, is caused by unrequited love."
Y/n stayed silent. She brought this upon herself... falling in love with Mattheo.
"It's very rare. It causes a flower to grow in your lungs. The only way to stop it, is to..."
"Is to what?" Y/n asked, looking at Hermione.
"Is to get the person you're in love with, to fall in love with you. They can't just say I love you, and it'll be gone. They have to actually mean it," She said.
"I'm doomed," Y/n said as she sat down on Hermione's bed.
"Y/n," Hermione said. Her words were cut short when Y/n went into another coughing fit. She patted Y/n on the back, to help in whatever way she can.
Y/n then ran to the bathroom to throw up. Hermione ran after her to hold her hair back.
"We have to get you to Madam Pomfrey," Hermione said.
"No, I don't want anyone else to know about this," Y/n said, "Especially not Mattheo or Theo."
"Y/n if you don't do something, you're going to die," She said.
Y/n didn't answer her...
Over the next few days everyone noticed that she looked a bit sick. Professor McGonagall had sent her to her dorm after she had ran out of the classroom for the third time that lesson.
So, Y/n, just laid there in her bed and stared up at the ceiling. Her room littered with petals.
Theo had tried to come by a few times every day, but she made sure he couldn't come in.
She had Hermione put a charm on her door after Pansy walked in and saw Y/n coughing up petals. Y/n tried to lie her way out of, but Pansy knew immediately what it was. So now, the only people who can enter her dorm, was Pansy and Hermione.
As Y/n laid on her bed, she heard a soft knock on her door. She thought it was Theo, but when the spoke she knew she thought wrong.
"Y/n, I'm just checking in on you. Are you alright?" He was silent for a few moments, "Theo says you won't even let him in."
"Please, I need to know if you're alright," He said, "You're my best friend, I care about you."
The word 'friend' echoed in her mind for the rest of the day. She was only pulled out of her thoughts when she heard Theo yelling at Hermione.
"Why can't I fucking see her?" He yelled.
"Theo, she's not feeling well," Hermione said, "She said she doesn't want to get you sick."
"You and Pansy are in there every day!" He yelled again.
"Hermione," Y/n spoke, her voice raspy. Her throat was raw because of the coughing. She was weak due to the amount of blood she lost and the lack of oxygen.
Hermione's head poked through the door, "Let him in," Y/n said. She knew she didn't have a lot of time left, so she knew she had to tell him.
Hermione nodded, glad that she was finally telling Theo.
Hermione closed the door and lifted her wand. A few moments later, she turned towards Theo and nodded her head towards the door.
Theo didn't hesitate to storm in. He stopped dead in his tracks as he saw how sick his best friend was.
He saw the petals, and immediately knew about what she had and why she had it.
"Holy fuck, love," Theo said as he knelt down next to her.
"Hey Theo," She smiled weakly.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked. Tears were in her eyes; he feared for her life.
"I didn't want to worry you too much," She said.
"You still worried me, love," He said as he took her hand and kissed it.
"I'm sorry," Y/n said, her eyes starting to droop.
"Get some rest, love," Theo said, "I'll be here when you wake up."
Y/n took her hand out of his and placed it on his cheek. A tear fell from his cheek, she wiped it away with her thumb before she closed her eyes.
Theo stayed for a few minutes. He thought, how could someone do this to her.
The anger consumed him. He made sure Y/n was comfortable before he stomped off to find Mattheo.
He found Mattheo with that girl. He pulled him up by the collar and pinned him to the wall.
"You motherfucker, you did this to her. She's dying because of you're fucking selfishness," Theo spat in his face.
"What the fuck man?" Mattheo said, "Who's dying?"
Theo said nothing, he dropped Mattheo on the floor before dragging him to Y/n's dorm.
Theo opened up the door and saw Hermione standing over you. She had her wand out, she was examining you.
"Y/n?" Mattheo said. His heart sank. He saw the blood, the petals. He knew.
It was because of him?
"This is all your fault. She's been in love with you for a long time, but you didn't even bother thinking about her. You made it seem like you love her but then you go after other girls," Theo said.
"I've always loved her. I just thought she didn't love me," Mattheo said.
"It's always been you."
They both looked up and saw that Y/n was looking at them. Or, Mattheo.
Mattheo went over to her, and crouched beside her bed.
"I'm so sorry I did this to you," He said, "I love you, I really do love you."
"I love you too, Mattheo," She said, smiling weakly at him. He leaned forward and planted his lips on hers. Neither of them caring about the blood and tears.
They both pulled away when another coughing fit started. Mattheo placed his hand on her back and rubbed circles.
"Why isn't she better?" Theo asked, "Shouldn't she be cured now?"
"I'm afraid, it's too late," Hermione said as tears ran down her cheeks. Pansy stood to the side, trying not to get lost in the tears.
Both the boys' hearts sank. She looked at them both.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner," She said.
"It's alright, love," Theo said as he too crouched down next to her bed, taking her other hand.
"I'll always be with you," She said, "I love you both."
"No, don't say that, you're not dying," Mattheo said, "I finally got to tell you I love you. You're not leaving me now."
She smiled at him, tears running down her cheeks.
She let go of her last breath.
"No, no, no, no, no, no, no," Mattheo begged sobbing. He lifted her up and held her to his chest as he rocked back and forth, sobbing into her hair.
Theo sobbed as he held her hands. His best friend since childhood gone.
Hermione held Pansy as they both cried.
"Don't leave me, please, don't leave me," Mattheo's voice cracked as he begged with every sob.
He blamed himself, he was too late.
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🌻 tate langdon boyfriend headcanons 🌻
tate langdon x reader
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💜 oh lord, buckle up guys, you're in for a wild one
🧡 he definitely fell first and 100% harder and you can't tell me otherwise
💜 we all know how tate is, he's very clingy and he's very very possessive of what's his. and that's how he views you, you're his and nobody else's
🧡 would definitely stay hidden at first, just so he could watch you for a bit. at this point, there's nothing about you that tate doesn't know
💜 when you finally meet, tate swears he could die all over again and he'd die happy
🧡 tate would definitely act more innocent than he actually is. this boy knows how to cry on command and he will use it to his advantage, don't think just because he loves you that he wouldn't
💜 if anything, he does it because he loves you and he can't have you leave him like violet did
🧡 i hope you like nirvana, because tate will not listen to something that you like if he doesn't enjoy it. he's not very good at that
💜 tate always needs to be touching you. all the time. whether it's an arm around you or holding hands, this boy craves physical touch and to be the centre of your attention
🧡will probably try his best to get your friends to stop hanging around you so he can have you all to himself. will deliberately scare them to stop them from coming to the house
💜 would also certainly lie about ever doing such a thing were you to confront him about it
🧡 tate wouldn't ever want you to ever leave the house., if he had his way that is. would hate it if you chose to spend time with other people
💜 like what did they have that he didn't?
🧡 he would 100% be the type that watches you even when you're asleep. or anytime, really.
💜 would definitely want you to commit suicide, so that you can be with him forever. you of course find this idea insane and don't think he actually means it
🧡 he does. he's 100% serious
💜 i can imagine that tate gives really good hugs though. the warm, bear hugs that you never want to leave because they make you feel so secure and safe
🧡 is very big on comforting you after a bad day. he'll listen to your rants, let you cry in your arms, whatever you need him for and he'll do it
💜 let's be honest though, it's probably just another way he gains your trust so that you won't ever think of leaving him
🧡 feels extremely guilty if he ever hurt you in any way, or upset you
💜would probably just disappear for a few days because he can't face the fact that he's hurt you. but obviously he comes back because the boy can't help himself
🧡 tate is your ride or die. he would die for you all over again if you asked him to and alternatively would kill for you if that's what you required
💜 makes silly little handmade gifts for you. tate can't leave the house so he has time to be creative
🧡 it's even better if it's raining outside when he makes them, it sets a nice vibe
💜 loves, loves halloween. the two of you would carve pumpkins together and sit for hours in your room telling ghost stories and drinking apple cider
🧡 if tate had his own way, you'd never meet his mother
💜you do eventually and she probably hates you lmao, but do we really care let's be real here
🧡 tate is the kind of boyfriend that would make a playlist for you as a present
💜 he'd try his hardest to make sure you don't find out about his past. which lasted about 2 months max because you're not stupid
🧡 violet, vivien and moira would try and protect you at all costs. they're like your three guardian angels, whether they decide to show themselves to you or not
💜 i imagine you'd actually get on with violet really well
🧡 this could go one of two ways with tate. he'd love it, both girls he'd loved were getting along, makes his life easier. or, he'd hate it. hate that you choose to spend time with the girl that broke his heart
💜 isn't really big on nicknames tbh, he thinks your name is the most beautiful word he knows, and so he wouldn't dream of calling you anything else
🧡 tate is 100% the little spoon, don't fight me on this
💜 absolutely lives for your affection. he thrives best on it
🧡 would be sweet but low-key toxic, so solid 6/10
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yanderambling · 1 year
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thank you both so much!! i decided to mix these up a bit so have Adrian being jealous over reader bullying someone else (and then doing something about it...)! i hope you like~ also: i changed the gif for... reasons, sorry lol i swear this won't be a thing okay bye enjoy <3
pairing: Masochist Puppyboy!Yandere(m) x Bully!Reader(gn)
words: ~ 2.2k
you can read the original post here!
CW: 18+, yandere behavior, bullying, physical/verbal abuse, breaking/entering, violence, mild gore, suggestive shit too ygi
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Adrian watches in stunned horror as you crowd another student against the wall of the school hallway.
You lean your face close to theirs, some sweet poison dripping from your tongue, and they laugh nervously. They keep pressing back against the wall, as if they want to get away from you.
What an idiot. Doesn’t this moron see that they're being blessed in this moment? Don't they know that others would kill to be in their position?
Adrian feels the wooden bento box lid crack under his fingers.
He'd struggled not to assume the worst when you hadn't been at your spot to pick it up today, but now he just feels like a fool for harboring hope.
How could this happen? How could you do this to him? How could this person be more important than his homemade lunch? Than him? Have you gotten bored of him already? What does this dimwit have to offer you that he doesn't?
He's standing in front of you before he realizes he'd moved.
It's even harder to watch up close- your sparkling, predatory eyes tracking every uncomfortable shift of your victim, your body closing them in, making them feel trapped.
Oh, how Adrian aches to be your prey again.
Luckily, it only takes few seconds of awkward hovering before you register his presence.
"Oh- ha, shit. Hey," You tap the other student's shoulder, despite their full attention already being on you, "you've met my mutt, right? Just a sec."
You turn to face him, one hand still on the wall just above the other student's shoulder. Adrian blessedly can't focus on it over the euphoric mantra of my mutt my mutt my mutt echoing in his head.
Your fingers brushing over his as you snatch the lunch away is just enough to break him out of it.
"Great, fuck off now." You turn back to the other student as you jam the box into your bag.
No no no no no.
That can't be it. He can't just leave you here to be swept away by some bland bambi wannabe, resigning him to forever trailing behind, vying for the scraps of your cruelty. No, he can't have that. He can't live off of that.
Stricken by a new sense of panic, Adrian can do little more than remain uncertainly by your side, leveling an unnerving glare at the other student as he imagines every single way he'd like to take them out of the equation.
"I like this jacket." You remark with an infuriatingly flirtatious edge.
"Th-thanks." The student stutters, flinching when you pick an imaginary piece of lint off their arm. Adrian clenches his hands into fists. "Uh, it was a birthday gift, from- from my parents."
A knowing smirk curls your lips as you nod in faux interest (Adrian can tell). "Yeah? Looks expensive. I wonder what else your folks got you?"
The other student starts to look even more uncomfortable, shifting on their feet as their eyes dart around in search of an escape route.
Oh. So that's your plan, skim off their birthday haul? Of course.
Now that he thinks about it, Adrian recalls that this student is somewhat notorious for having wealthy parents- but, hell, Adrian's parents are definitely richer than theirs! Why didn't you just come to him? (Because you have no idea; he certainly doesn't dress like it, he walks to school, and it's not like you pay him too much mind outside of the lunches and entertainment he provides anyway.)
"I can give you money."
You slowly turn your head to face him, a dangerous edge to the movement that sends a thrill down Adrian's spine.
"Did you not hear me before? I said fuck off."
Adrian's gut clenches unpleasantly, torn between his instinct to obey you and his desire to stay the object of your attention.
The latter wins out pretty quickly.
Your entire demeanor shifts.
A manic, incredulous sort of smile spreads across your face as the challenge fully registers. Adrian notices your unoccupied hand flexing beside you as you turn to face him fully. He doesn't think he's ever seen you look so wild, so feral. The force of your stare is enough to have him cowering, ears flattening as his tail tucks firmly between his legs (more to hide his tenting crotch than out of fear).
Your voice is menacingly level as you say,
"The fuck did I just hear?"
Adrian is pretty sure his heart has stopped beating.
He's completely frozen, his throat clicking as he struggles for something, anything to say, to get that intense glare off him but also please dear god don't look away-
"Uh- I, ah- I- I didn't- um-"
Adrian flinches as the bell rings, and he just barely sees the other student ducking under your arm and scurrying off to class.
You slam your fist into the concrete wall, causing Adrian to flinch again, though he stays rooted to his spot in front of you.
"See what you did? Stupid fucking mutt..."
You shove past him roughly, and the pain of his shoulder colliding with the wall is beautifully complemented by the residual warmth of your body against his.
He watches in shock as you stalk down the hall and disappear from sight.
He can't believe he did that. He can't believe he's still standing. He wonders what would've happened if the bell hadn't rung, if you two hadn't been on school grounds...
A shiver surges through his body at the thought, and he has to physically shake himself to return his mind to the issue at hand.
Crisis averted.
For now.
Throughout the day, you corner that student exactly five more times. Adrian manages to interfere with every single one.
It's at the end of the school day, after you've told him off rather disappointingly for getting involved again (and you don't even give him a good punch for his trouble), that Adrian decides he needs a more permanent solution.
It isn't hard to follow your new target home, god knows he's had plenty of practice, and their security's not much trouble either. It's remarkably robust for a home system, but Adrian is a lonely nerd with too much time on his hands and practical experience. Dismantling it takes less than an hour.
Once he's inside, it's just a matter of scribbling a threatening note in unidentifiable handwriting (stating, in no uncertain terms, that they shouldn't even think of going near you again if they know what's good for them), hiding in their closet to take polaroids of them asleep, removing a lock of their hair to attach to the note alongside the polaroids, and leaving it all on their desk for them to find in the morning.
He's got it down to a science at this point.
The rest of his night is spent outside your window, watching you sleep and wishing things would go back to normal.
When it's still only your friends at your usual spot the next morning, Adrian feels disappointment weigh him down for the rest of his walk.
But, when he gets to school, he sees you openly scanning the hallways. Alone, no new victim in sight.
It seems they're trying to listen, at least. Emboldened by the lack of competition, Adrian hurriedly brings you your lunch.
You still dismiss him almost immediately.
He's tempted to defy you again, if only for you to give him a second glance, but he really doesn't think he could handle the rush again this soon.
Instead, he watches from a distance as you continuously try to track your new target down, and they consistently evade you.
He has to commend their effort- going to classes without textbooks, hiding in every nook and cranny when you passed, they even ate their lunch in the bathroom- it's looking like they might just be able to comply.
Until school lets out, and you catch them sneaking around the back.
"Hey! You have not been easy to find. If I didn't know better, I'd say you're avoiding me."
Adrian stays hunkered in the shadows as the other student stiffens and slowly turns to face you.
"Leave me alone."
The demand is so quiet, it's mostly lost to the ambient hum of the town around you.
You pull a familiar smirk and sidle closer to them, confidence emanating from your every movement. "What was that?"
They suddenly stumble backwards, just barely saving themself from overbalancing as they shout,
"Leave me alone!"
Your eyes widen at the outburst, and Adrian notices you checking for new witnesses as you raise your hands defensively.
"Woah, woah, what's the-"
"Just- just leave me alone! I know who you are, okay? I-I know what kind of person you are, the- the things you do, and I don't- I don't want anything to do with you! Okay? Or- or your creepy fucking friend, either!"
"My wha-?"
"I don't- None of it! Listen- my-my mom's a lawyer, you know? She could have you arrested for-for harassment, or worse! So just- just leave me alone!"
They turn and flee before you can get another word out.
You're left standing stunned, your hands clenching into fists as you fully process this rejection, this humiliation, this complete and utter undermining of your power.
You can't just go after them, you're not willing to test that whole "lawyer mom" claim, but every second you spend idle stokes the fury smoldering within you.
You need to purge it. You need to take it out on something.
Adrian steps around the corner.
That one word is enough to make him melt into a puddle.
He's helpless to do anything but stare wide-eyed as you storm over to him. He doesn't even brace himself for the punch, falling to the ground with a sharp groan.
"What the fuck did you do? Huh? What'd you do you little fucking creep?"
You punctuate each question with a kick to his prone form, forcing him to release a litany of moans containing equal parts pain and ecstasy.
This, this is how it's supposed to be; your undivided attention on him, your complete focus on touching him, on making him feel. He's the only one you should want to treat like this, to devote your time, your energy, your passion to.
"Can't keep your fucking nose out of my business, can you?" Another kick. Adrian keens. "Is this what you wanted? Are you happy now, you stupid mutt?"
Yes yes yes.
Another kick, this one landing somewhere on his head. As he feels blood trickle into his eye, Adrian briefly wonders if he's died and gone to heaven.
A solid foot to his stomach tells him he's very much still alive, but with it comes a heady lightness spreading throughout his whole body. Another and he feels like he's floating on the high of your touch, your anger, like he could sink into it and be wrapped up in the warmth of your rage. Another and his vision starts to white out. He's known no greater pleasure in life than surrendering to your furious whims, nothing else has ever felt so right. He wants nothing more than to stay like this forever.
Then the kicking stops.
Adrian instinctively whines at the loss, a high whimper lingering in the back of his throat as his head shoots up to search for you.
You're already stomping away, still muttering quiet curses (though Adrian can't hear them over the blood rushing in his ears) and too far off to catch his pitiful mewling. He doesn't take his eyes off you until you round a corner, and even then his gaze helplessly lingers on the space you had occupied.
He stays laying there long after you leave, blissfully basking in the afterglow of your abuse (he doesn't think his shaking legs would support him for awhile anyway). It isn't until he hears a car start nearby that he forces himself, ever so slowly, to make his way home.
He sneaks in with little trouble, rushing to the bathroom to hide away and admire your handiwork.
Deep, angry bruises are already forming all over his skin, some home to lightly bleeding cuts. Adrian presses on each one as he finds them, committing them to memory as he bites his cheek to keep quiet (it's a losing battle).
Loathe as he is to disfigure your art, he knows you won't have the chance to create more if someone finds out (nobody else could possibly understand the bond you share, so intimate and complex as it is), so he begrudgingly cleans the wounds and patches himself up.
It's a familiar process, almost habit by now, and after the bandages and makeup and careful positioning of clothing, nobody would suspect he'd so much as tripped.
But he knows.
He reminds himself every other second while he's camped outside your house that night, methodically fidgeting with every injury as he works his way across his body. He unconsciously applies extra force against the bruises littering his thighs, unable to tear his gaze from your sleeping face.
He wants to do more (god does he want to), but he can't. He could never.
Not without you.
He'll simply have to settle for torturing himself in the meantime, refreshing your marks so they stay effective, just until you get another chance to do it yourself.
When he sees you at your spot the next day (now carrying a lot of extra cash on the off-chance you decide to empty his pockets), he doesn't even try to stop his tail from wagging.
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thanks so much for reading! feel free to send a request <3
check my pinned post ~
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yeeterthek33per · 1 year
Claim Her Name (Caitlin Foord x Reader x Steph Catley)
A/n requested smut
Star marks the start of smut 18+, Minors DNI
Also apologising in advance
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There's a small breeze that blows through the house on a hot summer afternoon. The heatwave had been practically killing any effort to try and get anything productive done, but the cool air was a nice turn.
So you'd opened up the house and started on the list of chores you hadn't touched yet.
Clad in one of Steph's black arsenal jerseys, and just underwear, you clear out most of them within a few hours.
Midway through scrubbing down the benches in the kitchen and cooking, your ears perk up enough to hear a car pull into the driveway, and two doors slam shut.
You continue to hum with a small smile, knowing it was just Steph and Caitlin.
What you aren't expecting is the bickering coming from the two. And what you definitely aren't expecting is the conversation they're having.
Lord knows they didn't have a filter when they got like this.
"Oh come on Caitlin, like she cums any harder in your jersey than she does in mine."
"She does! Thank you very much. That was proven a week ago."
"How? She wasn't even in your jersey. She was wearing a plain Arsenal 22/23 kit."
"Still counts."
Theres a huff.
"If that counts, that means she was technically wearing my jersey too!"
"Like shit! I was the one to make her cum, therefore it counts for me, not you."
You shake your head as you hear them slowly approach the kitchen. Only then do you realise there's a name on the back of your jersey, and you quietly curse, knowing you won't hear the end of it from either of them.
As they approach the kitchen, Steph pauses mid argument, spotting you standing with your hands leaning against the bench, watching the doorway.
"Alright babe, who do you think is right here? Who makes you cum the hardest in who's jersey?"
"Wooow, 'Hey baby, we're home, we missed you so much, wow, what smells so good? Thank you for cooking dinner. We love you.' Aww, thanks, my loves, I missed you both so much as well, I hope training went alright, I love you too!"
Caitlin bursts out laughing, and Steph slaps her palm against her forehead before shuffle jogging over silently to apologise. Her hands find your waist from behind, turning you to her, and she mumbles a soft apology against your lips, noting your lack of pants.
"Hey baby, sorry, you know us getting into it. Dinner does smell really good. Thank you for cooking. And might I say, you do look absolutely ravishing with my name on your back."
You glare playfully at her, poking her in the shoulder.
A cheeky grin crosses her face.
"I'd definitely do that."
You roll your eyes and turn to the now pouting Caitlin.
"What's up with you?"
"You're wearing her number over mine."
Your brow raises.
"Babe, I was wearing yours yesterday... and the day before that... and five out of seven days last week."
Her cheeks flush a little, and she huffs.
You just chuckle and shake your head at her. While you're having this conversation, Steph slides her hands down to your hips, admiring the sight of her name on your back.
One hand slips up your back again and gently rubs at your shoulder, and she presses into you, nearly pinning you against the counter.
"God baby, you're killing me here." It's muttered next to your ear.
"Oh, I'm killing YOU, am I?" It's said with a soft giggle that escapes your lips.
Your head tilts to the side regardless, and she takes the opportunity to make eye contact with Caitlin as she presses soft kisses to your neck, looking her dead in the eye with a daring gaze.
Before they get too far, though, you shake off the slight haze and duck out from Steph's grip to continue watching the pans on the stove.
Steph huffs, but you silence her with a 'look'.
"Set the table goofballs, dinner's nearly done, and enough with the bickering about my orgasms."
They both quickly rush to do as they're told, always swift to outdo the other. They do love each other, and you can swear they were intimate in their own right, but jesus, were they competitive.
This definitely isn't the first time they've been caught bickering about you, and you're sure it certainly won't be the last.
In the past, it's usually been about who can get you to laugh first or who buys the food closest to what you're craving when you're on your period. But orgasms?
That was a new one. Even for the ever horny Caitlin Foord. You swore her sex drive was through the roof at all times of the day.
Her challenging Steph like that wasn't new, but doing it while walking in the door from training was just taking it to a whole other level.
So you were certainly on guard for the possibility that you were getting jumped tonight. You'd already completed most of the stuff you needed to anyway.
As you all sat and ate at the square table in the dining room, Steph and Caitlin sat either side of you. Occasional chatter comes up, you prompting them about training and them asking if everything went alright today, and if there was anything they could help with after dinner.
That was something you would forever be grateful for. They had one of the busiest careers out there, playing, training, doing media, and prepping for national team duty. Hell, Caitlin had a second job working as a physio.
Then there was you. You worked from home and did most of the chores around the house, and they still insisted they help you with that.
Sure, it was a decently paying job, and you were thankful for that opportunity, but... was it enough? They certainly deserved so much better than what you could give them, right?
Funnily enough, you'd made the mistake of having that same thought about two months ago. You'd expressed that you felt a little lacking in terms of how much you did and nearly took on a second job.
It's not like you needed it. You just felt like you weren't working hard enough.
Of course, Steph and Caitlin were quick to tell you otherwise and prove it. You made sure there was always company at home. You were there for them in ways any other person couldn't be. You always had a fresh, cooked, healthy meal for them.
You still worked your butt off with your current job. You earned nearly half the income in the house. On top of that, the house was always in top shape. You did maintenance, yard work, cleaning, organising, laundry. To them, that was more than enough.
So you kept that one to yourself, knowing you'd only be told otherwise and made a promise to yourself to work on that one later. Maybe a volunteer position might ease that?
Everything you did, your girls were right there with you when they could be.
God, you loved them.
As dinner slows to soft chatter, and as soon as you put your fork down, about to stand to clear the table, both of them stand up, Caitlin grabbing the leftovers to container them and put them away for later, Steph grabbing the dishes to put in the sink to wash.
You watched them move around the kitchen with ease, occasionally ribbing each other lightly, playful banter in the air as they cleaned up.
This was just a routine you'd have to get used to. You get scolded every time you try to do the dishes after dinner.
"Nuh uh, you cooked for us and cleaned all day. Pretty butt in chair baby, we'll finish this."
You took the opportunity to go and start the next load of laundry while they did that, not wanting to sit still for too long.
You hear footsteps pad from behind you into the laundryroom. And you turn to look at Steph, who's now leaning against the doorway, watching you.
"What's up?"
"Nothing, just admiring." A small smile pulling at her lips.
You shake your head slightly and bend down to pick up the next basket to move it, but a pair of hands pull you up, spin you around, and press you against the washing machine.
Steph quickly takes your lips with her own, and it just about knocks the air from your lungs. She lifts you to sit on the machine, and her hands are hot on your thighs, keeping you as close as possible.
Your legs wrap around her, and you chuckle softly as she immediately goes for your neck again.
She had a thing for leaving marks on you. Not that you minded. You never really had anything to do in town and were easy enough to cover when you did. Plus, you enjoyed the feeling of both of them claiming you like this.
Her mouth trails over the junction of your neck and shoulder, teeth pulling at the skin and lips soothing the ministrations. Your hands slip up the back of her shirt, gently scratching the skin where you know it riles her up.
Her grip on your legs tightens a little as you do so, fingers digging into the skin, leaving you keening as she kisses you again.
Her tongue dips between your lips, leaving you whimpering softly, melting completely into her.
"You're so fucking sexy dressed like this baby. You have no idea how much I love seeing my name on your back."
You breathlessly chuckle as she returns to work on your neck.
"Oh, I think I have a little idea."
At that, she pulls you to the edge of the machine, nudging you to lift your hips as she pulls your underwear off from beneath you.
"I'm sure we can remedy that then and give you the full idea."
She drops to her knees, pulling her hair back with a hair tie and a small wink that, if you'd been standing, would have taken your knees out from under you.
Thankfully, the window in the laundry room is frosted, so it's not entirely obvious to the outside world what you're doing.
"Jesus baby, you're killing me."
Her breath fans your centre as she pulls you right to the edge of the machine. Her eyes meet yours as she wiggles her brows at you and you laugh.
"All in a days work."
"Yeah, yeah, now hush and fuck me."
Steph kisses at your inner thigh, a teasing smile on her lips. "So demanding."
With that, she kisses at your clit, tongue peaking out to swipe up your slit.
Your head lulls back, and you lean back fully on your hands with a soft moan. One hand moves to grip the back of her head as she moves her tongue in zigzags, moving just enough to work you up, but in no way near enough to finish from it.
"Steph." It comes out as a soft sigh, almost pleading with her.
"Shh baby, we've got time."
Her tongue lazily drags up your taste into her mouth as her lips wrap around your clit to suck gently.
You look down to make eye contact with her, fingers running through the loose hair, gripping it slightly. It makes you moan a little louder this time as she dips her tongue inside you.
"And to think, you told me you were just helping her do laundry."
You meet Caitlin's eye in the doorway, wondering how long she'd been standing there off to the side.
Steph pulls away for a moment, making you whine softly.
"Was wondering when you were gonna get in here."
"Baby, please." You urge Steph's head back towards you.
She tuts playfully at you, hands pressing your legs wider, as she signals your other girlfriend to join her. Caitlin just shakes her head.
"You said you could make her cum harder. Prove it."
"Technically, you said that, I only said it wasn't true in your case."
You groan out, a little frustrated now.
"Guys, fuck the techinicalities, can one of you please just continue, your head is between my legs, you should be making me cum, not arg- shiiitt"
Steph dives in just about straight away. This time, it's much more aggressive and leaves you bucking your hips against her face.
One hand slips away from your inner thigh and moves to press two digits to your entrance. Her fingers dip inside slow, teasing, and it sends tingles up your spine.
Her arm moves with her thrusts, bicep tensing with each stroke. Steph feels you clench around her fingers and speeds up her strokes to match your hips thrusting against her.
Her other arm has to eventually move to hold you down, though, in order to keep her mouth where you need it.
Your hips start to jerk a little more, and as her fingers curl just right inside you, you clench tightly. She knows you're close and speeds up a little, tapping your g-spot, throwing you closer as your chest starts to rise and fall rapidly.
Her tongue zigzagging harshly over your clit is what sends you over with a squeaked cry, curses tumbling from your lips.
Your toes curl, your eyes are clenched shut, and your fingernails bite into your palms as your orgasm crashes through you.
What Steph hadn't seen as she fucked you was Caitlin leaving the doorway and returning a second later. With something in hand.
She spots the forward, now wandering into the room with a short sleeve black away jersey.
As you come down from the high, a little hazey from the impromptu orgasm, you see Caitlin and spot whats now in her hand.
"We're gonna run a little experiment, baby, tonight is all about you."
You lift your head off the wall with a slight kink in your brow.
"Like y'all don't do that ceremoniously every other night."
Her hand comes up to rest on your cheek, thumb tugging gently at your bottom lip.
"But, if you let me finish, we see who can make you cum harder in who's jersey."
You whimper slightly, at the same time Steph removes her fingers from you and stands to your level.
"You get to cum as much as you want, but, at the end of each orgasm, give us a rating."
"Seriously?" You look at them a little unimpressed, you weren't physically prepared for tonight by any means and plus, they know well and true that you won't be able to answer them after the fifth or so orgasm.
Steph moves back to stand between your legs and kiss at your neck, mumbling into your ear.
"We can take it easy, and take as long you like baby, but you'll be cumming later either way."
You huff slightly before nodding.
"Jesus, you're both gonna be the death of me." You murmur, closing your eyes as her teeth nip at the new unmarked skin.
"Then, 7/10, the mouth work was 10/10, but the location was questionable. My ass hurts now too."
Her lips detach from your neck, and she pulls away with a pouty look on her face. "Sorry baby, rating's a rating."
With that, you feel a new pair of hands grab your legs.
You sit up to kiss Caitlin as she hikes you into her arms, lifting you off the machine completely and walking you to the bedroom, Steph trailing behind.
Your arms tighten around her neck, pulling her down with you as she tries to set you down, and you giggle softly at the look on her face when she lands on top of you.
She's nestled between your legs, and her hands keep her from entirely leaning on you, though you put an end to that and pull her down onto you, keeping your legs tight around her to take her full weight.
She smirks against your lips, and her hand slips between you, riding up under the black jersey. She grabs at your chest, palming it as she leans off to the side slightly to get more access.
You moan as she works at your chest, kneading and pinching at your nipple.
Suddenly, her weight disappears off you as she sits up and pulls you with her. You barely register her hands, pulling one jersey off and replacing it with her own.
The moment it's back on, you're pushed backwards again. This time, she's settled on either side of your left leg, straddling it. Her hands pull her own shirt off with you staring at her stomach as she does so.
She chuckles at your expression and leans down to capture your lips again.
Caitlin's hand moves between your legs, and you jolt slightly, still a little sensitive. Her finger rubs slowly at your clit, making you sigh softly into her mouth.
She pulls away with a small nip to your lower lip and kisses to your collarbone and slips down to level with your pussy.
You feel the bed shift to your left. It's Steph, but she doesn't move to touch you. You beckon her over, but she doesn't move, only shakes her head no at you.
You whine softly, "Why not?"
"Because we're not allowed to touch you while the other is doing her thing, those are rules, sorry baby."
You huff slightly, "Fuck the rules."
Caitlin raises a brow at Steph.
"Or you could let her do her thing and fuck you instead?"
You almost protest, but Caitlin's tongue interrupts you.
Her first swipe makes you let out a breathy sigh. Her next is much harsher, and you moan into the cool night air. She dives straight into you after that, and your head drops to the pillow beneath it, eyes clenched shut.
She works you up the same as the defender had, but when she sneaks two fingers into your entrance, you notice she's paired it with something else and it sends heat straight to your gut at the thought.
It's a vibrating ring.
When she snuck that on, you had no idea, but that thought quickly gets wiped away, as she fully pushes the first two fingers in and holds her third tight to the other two.
You can hear Steph protest from next to you.
"Cheating little shit."
Caitlin just winks cheekily at her and doubles her efforts. To your credit, you hold off for as long as you can, but in the end, her lips sucking harshly at your clit is what sends you over. And fast.
Caitlin has a smirk on her face as she brings you down. And when she pulls away, you give her a joking thumbs up.
"8/10, sneaky choice with the ring, but didn't it last long enough. Great mouth work, still wearing pants, though."
Steph growls at that.
"What happened to no outside influence?"
Caitlin shrugs, a cheeky grin on her face.
"It was technically inside her."
Steph huffs, crossing her arms over her chest.
"Fine, how about we rework the rules since you so clearly won't stick to them. We'll make so we can use any toy to make her cum."
She turns to you, which you'd been watching them with hooded eyes and a small amused smile on your face.
"What about you, baby? Any input?"
"You know I'm not gonna have input, babe, I'm here for the orgasms and the entertainment."
She rolls her eyes and turns back to Caitlin.
"Well? What's your input?"
Caitlin taps her fingers on her chin, pretending to think for a moment.
"We can use anything?"
Steph sighs and nods.
"Within reason and at the discretion of Y/n."
Caitlin immediately sticks her hand out.
Steph raises both brows at her before shaking her hand and her own head at the girl. You giggle at the two. Your goofballs.
"Alright, back in a second."
She steps off the bed and heads into the walk-in wardrobe, pulling out a box you know all too well. She pulls off the lid and tosses it, setting the box down at the end of the bed before kneeling to dig through it.
You wiggle your way down, leaning on your elbows to look over at what she's pulling out. She goes to grab a small vibrator but stops when she notices you watching her.
She quickly shoos you back up the bed, and you whine but do so. She pulls out a few objects that you can't see and leaves them layed out on the carpet where you can't get a glimpse from your position.
The first thing she does is grab the blindfold and shift up the bed, straddling your waist. Damn, you were banking on her not doing that.
You sit up obediently, and she ties it around your head tightly, making sure to shift it so there's no chance for you to peak.
"This stays on for the rest of tonight, so there's no chance she sees what we're about to do. Senses heightened kind of thing. Tends to make you cum harder."
You hear Caitlin speak up from beside you.
"Eye contact is pretty hot though."
Steph scoffs.
"Good luck getting her to keep it."
You make a mock offended noise.
"Excuse me." You huff.
"Yeah, no, sorry babe, you kind of make it difficult when you won't sit still long enough." Caitlin chuckles slightly.
"Yup." Is Steph's answer and you pout softly.
She shifts off you and the bed moves as she steps off it. You hear some rustling for a bit before she gets back onto the bed.
"Turn over on your stomach."
You do so carefully as to not just fall off the bed, and Steph's hands guide your hips up slightly to slip a pillow beneath them.
A bottle lid is cracked open, and you assume it's lube.
"We agreed no butt stuff, right?"
Two seconds of silence.
"Baby, we talked about this, and been there done that was a big no, so yes, it's a no, no butt stuff."
"Just double checking" There's a little tone behind it. Steph sighs slightly, and Caitlin stifles a laugh.
"Alright, so the brat tone ends now."
"Geez sorry." You work out why she says it pretty quickly.
A smack to the left cheek makes you jump slightly.
Another smack to the right cheek.
"Yes Ma'am."
You can hear your other girlfriend snort behind her hand and your cheeks burn as you realise what you said.
"Not what I meant, but that's a better answer." You hear the surprised but amused tone behind it.
Steph continues, and you feel her fingers dip into you, the lube cold, and it sends shivers up your spine, and you sigh into the pillow.
There's some more rustling as Steph leans back off you for a second.
"God, Steph, you're gonna kill the poor girl."
That makes you perk up again suddenly.
"Caitlin." It's said in a more stern tone.
"Shut the fuck up."
"Yes, Ma'am." She says it jokingly, and your cheeks only go redder at that.
You whine into the pillow lightly.
"Can we please drop that? It was in the heat of the moment."
"I'll think about it." Yeah, no, she's not gonna let that one go.
"Oh for the love of fuck Cait, please?"
"I said I'd think about it." Her tone is mocking yours now.
"Will you stop shit stirring?" Steph's a little annoyed by now.
You snort.
It's a not so soft smack now. And you yelp.
"Okay, sorry...Ma'am... Sorry, Ma'am."
"Are you done?"
"Caitlin." It's her final warning tone.
You assume Caitlin at least acknowledges that silently because you feel Steph's hands move your legs apart, and she kneels between them.
At first, you think it's the vibrator she went to grab earlier, but it feels much bigger than that, and it's definitely not any dildo you own or the red and white strap you have for that matter either.
You can tell it's a strap, though, judging by the fact you can feel Steph lean over you as she pushes the tip in.
It stretches you out enough that you have to gulp in air as she moves in slowly, eventually bottoming out, hips against your own.
"That's it, just breathe baby, you're doing so well. You can take it. I know you can." That has you whimpering as you grit your teeth and bury your face into the pillow below you.
You wiggle your hips a little to adjust to the stretch of it.
"That's a girl. Take your time."
Your hips push back a little, and you relax a bit more to take it better.
"Good girl." It's a little breathy now, and it sends goosebumps up your arm, and you keen under the praise. Her lips press soft kisses to your back and shoulder, a comforting touch when you need it.
She slowly pulls out and pushes back in. Her hips move carefully, letting you feel it drag against your insides as you calm your breathing to relax more and let the strap in better.
Her thrusts speed up a little, hips slapping against yours a little harder now, and you moan softly into the pillow.
The thrusts start moving faster, into more of a pounding motion, and she grabs your hair to turn your head to the side, away from the pillow muffling you.
"No hiding those noises from us, baby. Let them out. We want to hear you nice and loud."
That's paired with a particularly harsh thrust, and you cry out. She readjusts her hips, thrusting in at the new pace, and her arm wraps around your neck, pulling you back into her body while the other holds her up beside you.
The new angle makes the strap hit and brush against your g-spot and with a renewed vigor at that. You're moaning loudly and in time with her thrusts now.
She's fucking you so hard, the bed starts to shift a little, the frame rocking in time with you both.
Your legs start to shake around her, and she feels the resistance with every thrust.
"Taking my strap so well for me, baby, you wanna cum?"
Her voice is murmured next to your ear, breath hot on your skin.
"So c-close, p-please!"
You stutter each time her hips slap against your ass.
Steph sits back slightly, hand now pushing against the back of your neck, holding you against the mattress.
"Go ahead then, baby girl, cum on my strap, cum for me."
It only takes a moment, and her words make the knot in your stomach snap. Your vision goes white under the darkness of the blindfold, and your mouth drops open with a loud cry.
Steph's thrusts become a little ragged, but she pushes down her own orgasm and slows her high, instead continuing to help bring you down with slow thrusts.
She stops when you whine a bit. Your back rises and falls rapidly with your head buried back in the pillow.
A moment passes, and you're still silent.
Caitlin is now leaning forward on her elbows, sitting in a chair facing the bed, and her pupils have dilated from watching you both.
She watches as Steph leans down carefully, so as not to move her hips. She kisses your shoulder softly.
"You okay?"
You don't move, and you're silent for a second.
"...gimme a minute..."
A smug smile crosses Steph's lips.
"Take all the time you need, sweet girl."
You don't even have to see her face to know it's there. Her voice is enough to know.
"...I think... my deaf grandmother could have heard the smugness in your voice then."
Caitlin recovers enough to snicker at that.
Steph shoots you both a glare, you can feel it burning into the back of your head, and she purposefully jerks her hips, which makes you yelp slightly.
"Baaabe, geez, you just made cream on your cock, be happy."
Caitlin has to hold in a bigger laugh.
"Baby, from my perspective here. If you want to be able to sit on your ass tomorrow, I suggest shutting your mouth. Just, ya know, if Steph's expression is anything to go by."
Steph rolls her eyes.
"Fucking brat."
"Me? Pft never." There's a small smile pulling at your lips now.
Dead silence.
You feel her lean down, her breath fanning your neck, and you tilt your head slightly.
"Sorry.. I love you? 9.5 out of 10, couldn't watch you fucking me but I'm very grateful you made me cum. In fact so grateful, I'll be a good girl for the rest of the night...?" You let out a nervous laugh with it.
A soft chuckle in your ear.
"That's what I thought."
She sits up again.
"Still could have gone without the blindfold, though."
"Babe, oh my fucking god. Mouth." There's laughter behind it.
Steph just sighs... and pulls out without warning. Fast.
It leaves you shakingly empty, and you release any air you have left in your lungs.
"Jeeeesus fucking christ."
Two spanks to the left and right cheeks swiftly make you close your mouth.
"Alright, my turn." A thud where Caitlin suddenly gets up and goes to the end of the bed. Steph moves away from you and off the bed with a shaky wobble.
You sit up and pull Steph's jersey off, knowing the course of action now. You hold it out in the direction you think she is, and you hear her laugh from your other side.
Your face flushes.
"Sorry." And you hold it out in the direction of where she was laughing from. She takes it from your hand.
"That's okay, baby."
You can hear Caitlin moving things around in the crate. A couple of items drop onto the bed. One of them jingles slightly and you have a feeling you know exactly what that was.
"Okay!" And she claps her hands together.
"You good?" You ask, mainly concerned she might have lost it somewhere between Steph railing you and finding the handcuffs in the crate.
"Perfect, why?". "Also, you can turn over for me. Leave the pillow under your hips." You can hear the evil grin on her face as you do so.
"No reason." You flash your best innocent smile.
"Jesus, Caitlin, if I didn't end the poor girl, you will."
"Oh, don't you start." You laugh at that.
You hear Steph get up from her spot on the chair. And a small kissing noise.
"I'm sorry baby, proceed."
She returns to her seat.
"I'm gonna combust here if you wait any longer."
"You don't start with me either, because I can make this very complicated for you if you decide to get bratty with me."
"I can't help it. The 9.5/10s bring it out in me."
You hear Steph spit take. You were gonna get it now.
It took about three hours overall. But it finally comes to an end. In the end, it's Steph who lasts the longest, but you nearly called it quits three orgasms ago.
Caitlin ends up with a leg cramp and has to throw in the towel. Your stubborn girlfriends finally managed to get it out of their system for the night.
Though they do end up bickering about who's jersey you should sleep in and you just sigh and order them to just grab you a plain Arsenal hoodie. They're more comfy anyway.
They're idiots sometimes, but they're your idiots. Your extremely territorial, competitive idiots.
You never did end up telling them who won.
Oh god it's so fucking long, im sorry 😭
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theredcuyo · 3 months
Hmm, so today i worked with a bit of horror and this came to me
What if we make the Batman into a cryptid but the cooler kind, the leyend to scare young kids type
Before you write or send a comment, i'm mexican, born and raised, still live there. Thank You.
This came from me thinking about La llorona, a leyend (scary one) here in México and some other parts of latam it seems(?) and it's in short, about a woman whose kids die and she dies from sadness over it, with her eyes drying up from so much crying, becoming a spirit that haunts the world while calling for her children in desperate screams
The reason behind the kids' death changes depending on who you ask, either she killed them or it was an accident, but they die by drowing in all versions, and, as a result of the above, any kid she comes across gets taken away because she mistakes them for her own, they end up dying by her hands too tho (because she thinks they're hers and drowns them, or because she realizes they aren't)
She's also a single mother (the story goes back to the 1500 btw)
And I think Bruce fits this. So. Fucking. Well.
Like, Jason and Dick die, and he becomes this, and then Tim was trying to help him pass from the world but he couldn't and instead became his child too, and the rest followed along, by accident, by choice or not
Can he be a hero here? I don't think so, but, maybe he does care for the children somehow, the ones that he realizes aren't his, that they have parents to go to are the ones he protects
He cares for the people, who are not at fault for his loss, so he protects the city he also haunts
He cares for the nice old man who's never been afraid of him, who gives him a sad smile and who he feels like he knows but all the memories of his life are buried down and forgotten behind his children dying
He might not even want the children he takes to die, it's like the pit rage in canon, it takes over him and they world gets too blurry to think right
And he cares for those kids, he really does, it's not their fault, but there's one he can never remember the name of (Dick) no matter how many times he repeats it
Dick forgave his dad (whatever the reason for their deaths might be) and wanders around him in a nice way, doing his best so all of them can finally pass away
Jason hasn't. He haunts Bruce, most of the episodes where he snatches more kids away are Jason's fault, as he appears and dissapears in front of him, making him believe any kid is his boy, Jason doesn't notice and actually tries to protect other kids.
Steph's 'your not my dad!' call hits harder in this au-
Cass was wandering around town alone, she didn't stand a chance because she couldn't even scream for help. She's like a second shadow to Bruce, always near, always watching, and some who have scaped them swear her eyes never stop looking at you. She might be the only kid who's not mad at him for taking her away
Duke is similar enough, he didn't like the dark, but when there's no other choice is the worst thing that happens.
Damian's tale as a child of his that Bruce originally thought to have died gets worse when he gets taken, reunited but only by death, one that is his dad's fault.
One where Bruce got another one of his kids killed.
Hoenstly, i'd like to work on this au? If that's like fine?
I'll try to make some designs and maybe like some draws, if i get to, a series of one-shots
Oh, and if you non-latam people want to know more about la llorona, well, there's a kids animated movie :D is called "La leyenda de la llorona" pretty sure you can find it with subtitles (always better than dub tbh) it's part of a saga on mexican leyends too, can watch the others if it calls your attention, they're fun
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irisintheafterglow · 10 months
living in winter, I am your summer
summary: you try teaching satoru how to figure skate and for once, he's not good at something. (hockey player!gojo)
wc: 0.8k
cw/tags: swearing, established relationship with pet names, probably inaccurate terms of ice skating, short and sweet little drabble
note: okay i won't even lie, i do not like ice skating. i much prefer rollerskating because at least when you're rollerskating, you fall on something dry. when you fall on the ice, it's cold and wet and your ass still hurts. however i love watching the ice dancers in the olympics because they're so graceful and i could literally never. also small fic of this because i'm feeling a little unmotivated but hockey player!gojo makes me happy. hope you enjoy! this one's for you midi
likes, reblogs, and replies are appreciated :)
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“Okay, now put your hand down here…not there, doofus,” you instruct with a smile, guiding his hands to your waist. If he caught the shiver that shot up your spine, you’d just write it off as the chill of the rink. Not that he’d care, anyway. He always knew what he did to you, and he loved it.
“In my defense, you said to put my hands lower,” he mutters in your ear and you snort, lightly knocking your elbow backward into his chest. He’s wearing the black crewneck that you liked to steal from his closet whenever you stayed over, the one with the blue heart you embroidered on the inside of the left sleeve. “I’m following directions, am I not?”
“You know, maybe this isn’t such a good idea,” you say quickly and he takes the bait without fail. Before you can even shift weight to push away from him, his hands are back on your body and holding you as close as humanly possible. He hums mindlessly, taking the opportunity to kiss the spot behind your ear that always made you melt. “You’re a terrible student.”
“You’re a terrible teacher,” he fires back. “Alright, what do I do now? Just chuck you across the ice?”
“I’m going to kill you if you do that,” you warn, turning to look at him over your shoulder and finding nothing but a grin as blindingly white as the ice beneath your skates. “So, all you need to do is just grab my waist and very carefully lift me off the ice. Can you handle that?”
“Pfft, I can lift you in my sleep. Are you ready to go flying?”
“I can’t believe you convinced me to do this,” you say to no one in particular before strong hands secure around your waist and lift you a few feet off the ice. They’re shaky, nothing as steady as the actual partners you’ve danced with, but the giddy dancing that follows after you’ve touched the ground again is enough to make you happy. Before you can turn around and congratulate him on not ending your skating career, Satoru’s taken off across the ice in absolute joy. Distant sounds of his blades slamming into the ice as he sprints across the rink echo through the empty space. “Okay, get back over here! No more lifts until you can jump!” 
“I can jump right now, just watch me!” There’s a loud curse and a thud as he falls to the side, unable to keep his balance after throwing himself into a jump. “That was a practice run,” he says with no less enthusiasm. “However, maybe I need an example first.” Over the course of a few hours, you manage to teach him to do a simple jump and how to spin around more than two times in one go. To your surprise, he isn’t good at any of it. His limbs are too lanky for him to control properly, he’s used to having both blades on the ground and can barely balance on one foot, and he likes to skip any technique and try a skill right after you show him how to do it. 
“Fake it ‘til you make it just isn’t working right now, hmm?” 
“This is much harder than you make it out to be,” he huffs, hands on his knees after you asked him to do two consecutive jumps in a row. “Are your calves cramping? My calves are cramping. Why are my calves cramping?”
“It’s just part of the sport, sweetheart,” you say gently, holding his face with your gloved hands. “I couldn’t do half the things that you do out here.”
“Can we just dance for a little bit? No technique, no fancy jumps or whatever. Just us and the ice?”
“Sure, baby. Anything for my big, muscled hockey player that gets taken out after two jumps,” you tease and the competitive glint that catches in his eye activates your fight or flight. You throw your leg backward and skate as quickly as your legs can take you, trying to outrun the guy just bounding across the ice after you. “Okay, okay! I'll take it back!” You concede out of fear and adrenaline, slowing to a halt while he catches up and snakes his arms around your waist from behind you. 
“Caught you,” he murmurs, his breath warm next to your ear. “What was that about being taken out after two jumps?”
“I said I'll take it back, Satoru,” you laugh, but his arms are solid iron locked around your torso. “C’mon, dance with me. Just take my hand and follow my lead.” 
“I’m not going to be very good at it,” he points out.
“I don’t care if you’re good at it, as long as I get to spend more time with you.”
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if you enjoy my writing and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee on my ko-fi! you can also check out my full masterlist here :)
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⠀ 𝐀𝐋𝐖𝐀𝐘𝐒 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 – 𝐣. 𝐝. 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ✧‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ (navi. & masterlist. & tag. )
「 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 」 yandere!jason dean 𝒙 female!reader
「 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 」 in which you try to break up with jason dean, but you find that doing so is a lot harder than you anticipated.
「 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 」 man-handling, murder / death, manipulation, toxic / abusive relationship, unconsensual kissing, threatening, swearing, generally psychotic behavior, implied / referenced stalking, general yandere themes.
「 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 」 1.2k
「 𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐧'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 .⁺ ˖ ⌒ this one's a bit on the shorter side, but it was fun to write!
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"You killed her."
Those were the only words you could think to utter staring at your deranged ex-partner. "You fucking killed her, didn't you?"
In spite of your current rage and distress, all J. D. could seem to do was offer you a devilish grin and a smirk. "Well, I wouldn't say killed her, just... I put her out of her misery, is all. Charity work, really."
"You did it. You murdered my best friend. Do you think this is a joke?"
"Well, it is quite funny, if I do say so myself."
You weren't quite sure what you were feeling at the moment. Anger was one thing, but heartbroken, too, for you had lost the person that was closest to you.
And yet, your inner turmoil aside, you felt a terrible, terrible smile slither its way across your face - a not because you were happy by any stretch - the situation you found yourself in was by no means one that'd cause you any feelings of joy - but simply because you had no idea what else to do.
"She was right. I should have stayed away from you. You're not a rebel. You're fucking psychotic."
"Well, you say tomato, I say 'to-mah-to'."
You grated your teeth together. "Just get out, J. D." You were much too tired to play any of J. D.'s mind games. You just wanted him gone. And for a moment - for one beautiful moment - he seemed to consider doing what you asked. But, alas, he was never one for folding so easily.
You drew in a sharp breath. "Excuse me?"
J. D. took a step closer to you. You held your ground, hoping to give off the impression that you weren't intimidated by what he might do; you knew he had a loaded gun on him, and his unpredictable nature didn't ease your racing heart.
"I'm not leaving, and you can't make me."
"J. D., this is my house."
"Well, technically it's your parent's home, and I doubt you want to get them involved, unless you'd like two more of your loved ones with their brains blown out."
You stiffened, your throat tightening up. Upon your lack of a response, J. D.'s mouth curled into a wicked smile. "That's what I thought. Now, how about we both go out to 7-11 and grab a couple of slushies?"
J. D. outstretched his arm in order to grasp your hand, but just as your fingers brushed, you jerked backwards. J. D.'s smile faded.
"Y/n - "
"I'll call the cops - I'll fucking call the cops on you, J. D.!"
J. D. raised an eyebrow and began nodding. "The cops?" He inquired. "Tell me, when they arrest me, do you think they're going to ignore the fact that you somehow knew for a fact that I killed Heather, Kurt, and Ram? What proof do you have that doesn't incriminate yourself? What will you say when they ask you how you know it's me? You wrote the letters."
"Yeah, well I didn't murder people!"
A strangely exuberant laughter escaped J. D.'s lips. "You didn't, did you? Then you didn't give Heather that mug of liquid drainer? And you also didn't shoot Kurt?"
You paused briefly, thinking of a quick defence. "Well I didn't know that was the wrong cup! And Kurt - I was just so shocked - "
J. D. took a step forward. You took a step back. J. D. grinned. He continued his approach until you inevitably collided with the wall, letting out a small gasp. "Admit it, Y/n!" He trapped you with his arms. "You say I'm evil, but look in the mirror! We're the same! We both do fucked up shit, and we like it! I saw that look on your face when Heather died. You were glad."
"We are not the same. I did not want them dead. Whatever you thought you saw in me when Heather died, it wasn't there. You're delusional, J. D. Now, I'm calling the cops, so don't even try to - "
"You can't call them. You know that. The moment you do your parents would be dead - and, besides, you know you couldn't pay to have a lawyer send me to jail. I know your parents wouldn't be able to afford it."
He was right. And you hated him for it. You didn't even ask how he knew your family wouldn't have sufficient funds - at this point, you'd be surprised if he didn't know something about you or your personal life.
"Well, I'm not coming with you, no matter what you'd do. I'd rather - "
J. D. didn't allow you to finish, forcefully swallowing your words with the press of his lips. The kiss was anything then what it should have been - it was greedy, feverish, demanding. You didn't have so much as a moment to breath as J. D. devoured you, leaving you terribly, terribly breathless. His icy fingers tug into your skin, surely leaving bruises, and you shuddered at the feeling of his wandering hands along your exposed skin.
J. D.'s kisses now were not what they once were. A million years ago, they sweet and tender, a warm interlocking of souls on a cold winter's day. They were beautiful and wonderful and tasted of nothing but kindness and thoughtfulness. But this one was nothing like the ones you'd experienced in the past. It was hungry, rough as J. D. pressed you plush against him, searing as opposed to warm, poisonous as opposed to tender.
It was after what could only be described as an eternity that J. D. pulled away, staring at your dizzy self with a satisfied expression upon his face.
Because, at last, here you were, like a bird with clipped wings, caught in J. D.'s trap, the one you'd unknowingly watched him craft bar by bar.
You froze as you felt two arms slither around your waist, firmly pulling you to J. D. He liked you like this - he could practically smell the fear radiating off of you, and it was intoxicating. Neither slushies nor cigars could compare to the high he felt from your presence.
"You're not leaving. You can't. And, besides, I'd kill you if you did." He let out a satisfied sigh. "I worship you - can't you see that?" You shivered as J. D.'s warm breath tickled your ear. "We were meant to be, darling. There was a reason we met... you were made for me."
You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding as J. D. slowly let you go, grasping your chin between his forefinger and thumb. You naturally diverted your gaze.
J. D. grabbed your arm and squeezed it tightly, causing you to let out a small yelp. "Look at me."
Hesitantly, you obliged, your stomach knotting when you caught the dark glimmer in J. D.'s eyes. It was then that you knew - knew that you'd never once be free again, knew you'd be forever bound to J. D.
"We're going to fix this fucked up world together, Y/n."
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© do not translate, steal, or repost any of my works elsewhere without consulting me and gaining my consent.
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kokushibosbestie · 1 month
Lil Zeyn_Syre Crush Headcanons ♡
A/N: I literally thought of these at 3am but I was too tired to grab my laptop so here we are! BTW, this isn't anything fancy, these are just me being delusional and sharing it with my luvs. <3
WARNINGS: Slight cussing, mention of death, possible spoilers for Zeyn_Syre's OCS, fluff, crushing.
Christian Dean ☆
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I swear, he will blatantly stare at you and doesn't care if you notice
And he'd definitely flirt a LOT
the teasing is REAL. Like, prepare to be teased ALL the time
If you're not okay with being touched, he'll keep his hands to himself but there is going to be a lot of touching otherwise
Hand kisses, putting his hand on your thigh/knee, arm around you/on waist, ruffling/playing with your hair 😩😩😩
And he does this even before y'all get together bc why not?
You and his sister HAVE to get along because now you're apart of his "I would will kill for you" list 😊
Dirty jokes 24/7
Pet names: Baby, babe, love, princess/prince, gorgeous, handsome, etc.
"Damn love, you're fucking sexy. Not sure if I can keep my hands off of you baby~" AHHHHHH
Tbh tho, he is traumatized from his previous crush Destiny, who died, so he's gonna deny it for a while
So be gentle pls, he just wants to be loved without having to lose someone for once
If another guy even LOOKS at you in a flirty way, he's going to death glare them until they leave typa protective
So imagine what would happen if someone touched you 💀
if you tell him that someone did something to you that hurt you emotionally or physically, even if it was 3 years ago; he's gonna find them and they're gonna go missing- 😀
And, no matter how tall you are or how much you weigh, he will still throw you over his back and carry you around like you don't weigh anything- 😘
Or hold you bridal style
He will listen to you rant for hours, just listening to you talk
little "mhm,"'s "yeah?"'s and "hm"'s while you're talking
and he will never, EVER cut you off while your ranting and will only speak when you're finished
You fell first, he fell harder ☆
Micah ▨
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Fuc me emo boy fuc me emo boy
He's so adorable
Turns BRIGHT RED if you even stand a foot away. 🤗
Headpat slut
Also enjoys listening to you talk
Will let you touch him, but doesn't really touch you
The most he'll do is hold your hand and pat your head
And an occasional hug here and there
But he's the jealous af kinda protective
Writes poems and songs about you but will never share them with you because he thinks you don't like him
Compliments here and there
He just calls you by your name or a preferred nickname, no pet names
You're the sun to his moon, no matter if you're an extrovert or introvert 😚
When you do stupid shit, he'll sigh loudly and ask you why your doing that 😭
Stay With Me, Dandelions, So This Is What Love Feels Like, etc.
He listens to that playlist with headphones on for hours in his room alone, just thinking about you
Boy is in loveeee 😌
Teaches you how to play the guitar
if he does,
Its gonna be while you are talking gushing over your crush, which is him, but you don't tell him that part
"I'm sorry but I don't want to hear you gush over someone else like that! I want to be the one you're talking about! Why can't you see how much I like you what I'd do for you??"
He realizes what he said and apologized, before trying to leave you better not let him leave 😒
He fell first and harder ▨
Zeyn Dean ✿
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Idk if her last name is Dean but I'm assuming so bc that's her brother's last name
She has a casual crush, but doesn't think too much about it unless you get close
Becomes a little quieter around you than normal 😀
She loves going to the mall with you or teaching you how to play a sport
Study sessions if you go to school together
Will always remember every special date bc she's a good friend
Frequently makes jokes
Y'all be laughing at the worst dad jokes ever
Likes playing video games
Yk how little kids will do the most simple, easy thing to do and excitedly say "Mommy, daddy, look what I just did! Did you see that???"
Well that's her
If her brother approves of you, then she'll probably not confess. 😅
You're her best friend before you're anything else though
Not the jealous type, she's a little too nice sometimes.
Singing Call Me Maybe, Rather Be, Stereo Hearts, and other upbeat songs all the time 😚
But she will get a little paranoid at times and calls you to make sure you're okay.
Pet names: Sweetheart, sunshine, and just a nickname
Holding hands: yes
Leaning on shoulder: Yes
Holding hands: YES
She fell first, you fell harder and then she fell even HARDER. ✿
* * * These characters and art are NOT MINE, they Belong to Zeyn_Syre on Tiktok and YouTube. The writing is prompt and writing is mine, please do not claim, copy, or use it without my permission. Thank you! <3
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cursedvida · 1 year
SAD EYES, BROKEN SMILE p.II (Buggy x f!Reader)
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Warnings: violence, swearing a lot, reader being a little tsunedere. Little age gap between the reader and Buggy, she's like 25/26.
A/N: i didn't plane this for having more than one chapter but here we go... Again sorry for the typos, English isn't my first language. I hope you enjoy this :D
You don't know much about seduction. In fact, you don't know anything. Throughout your life you've had very little interest in love affairs. You had a pretty rough teenage years, so you were too busy surviving to think about boys. Therefore, the whole thing with Buggy is something totally new to you. Not being in control of the situation gets on your nerves. It's irritating, nauseating. To think that right now you could have collected a nice reward and you could be quietly enjoying your money, but instead you're in that crew thinking about a clown all day is something your pride can't take. You often wonder how you could have stooped so low, but as soon as that red-nosed idiot pops into your head there is only room for daydreaming. 
Now your goal is no longer to kidnap him and hand him over to people who will probably kill him, but to try to make him notice you. But really you, as a possible love interest, and that's much harder than your first mission. It's like ten billion times more complicated. Killing people is a lot easier than attracting them. 
You were trained to kill people, so you're not a person who knows very well how to relate to others. Social skills aren't your strong suit and being nice for more than fifteen minutes isn't either. You've at least tried to be friendly with the rest of the crew, but by continuing to pretend you're a wimp you haven't had much chance to blend in either. 
Today the whole crew went to the nearest tavern for a drink. Buggy claims to have landed a deal that will bring in a lot of money, so he's in a good mood. At first the tavern keeper didn't seem too happy to welcome a gang of pirates to his place, but Buggy can be quite persuasive when he wants to be. 
Now they're all drunk. Buggy is the center of attention, as usual. He boasts of his great wit and everyone around him cheers him on. The alcohol causes all emotions to intensify. You watch him from the bar, this time you're drinking because it's the only way you don't feel ridiculous about being hopelessly attracted to that idiot. 
You have conflicting feelings all the time. You like him, but you think he's a dumbass. You're attracted to him, but at the same time you think he does terribly ridiculous things. You have no idea how to handle all those emotions, but you're also unable to take your eyes off him or ask yourself absurd questions, like how experienced he should be, or how he should look without makeup. You also often think about whether he'll like younger girls, because he's got more than a decade on you and you might not be his type. In fact, what his type is also comes to your mind all too often. 
Fuck, you're a mess. 
You order another mug of beer, turning away from staring at Buggy with an intensity that could break solid concrete. You've always had a good tolerance for alcohol so you're not drunk, just dizzy enough to make it all the same to you. The perfect state. 
"What's a girl like you doing surrounded by this bunch of weirdos?"
Suddenly you see a guy next to you, he doesn't belong to the crew. He's a big man, looking menacing. He must be one of the few people who have decided to stay in the bar despite the pirates. You decide to deliberately ignore him. 
"Hey gorgeous, I'm talking to you.”
You take another swig of beer, completely evading. You decide to turn around again, now Buggy is doing some sort of demonstration. He has detached his hand from the rest of his arm and swings his clenched fist at full speed. You don't know what he's talking about, but he sure has exaggerated the whole thing. You smile to yourself. 
"Who the fuck is that fucking clown?" asks the heavy one, still standing next to you. 
You don't even deign to look at him. 
"Shut the fuck up" You tell him in the coldest voice you can. 
"Don't tell me you're going with him and his whole gang of freaks" The guy lets out a huge laugh "Honey, a beauty like you is wasted among all those creeps."
"And the oxygen you use is also a waste considering it could be useful to someone who isn't useless to society."
"But what the fuck is wrong with you, does it bother you that much that I pick on that loser?"
"I told you before to shut the fuck up" You repeat calmly and without raising your voice. 
"Uh, you scare me" he laughs "almost as much as your big nosed captain". 
"All right, you asked for it”
The guy can't even react, as soon as he wants to realize you've already stuck an ashtray in his mouth, wedging it in such a way that he can barely breathe. And, before the others can even realize what's happening, you grab one of the stools and hit him so hard in the stomach that the guy goes flying towards the other end of the bar, hitting the wall with such force that the ashtray comes out of his mouth. 
You calmly return to your seat, taking another sip of beer as if nothing had happened. But it's at that moment that you come back to reality to realize that Buggy is no longer the center of attention, but you, and that everyone is staring at you in disbelief, including your captain. 
Fucking shit, for fuck's sake. 
Now you've really fucked up. You're supposed to be a rookie with barely any physical skills, not a killing machine. Let's see how you get out of this now, though at least Buggy is paying attention to you. God, you have to be a moron to think something like that at a time like that, you're totally losing your mind. 
"What the hell was that?" Buggy ask to you.
You just answer simply, as if everything that just happened was not with you.
"He was bothering me"
Buggy approaches you, something that makes you nervous. Not because he might be angry, but to have him around. You almost killed a guy just two minutes ago but having the man you're obsessed with looking at you makes your legs tremble.
“You broke all his teeth, Y/N.”
You look at the man across the bar. It's true, you've left his mouth in a mess, all his clothes are stained by the blood that falls on him. But hey, he asked for it, you warned him.
"Why hadn't you said you knew how to fight like that?" He insists, and you don't know if right now he's thinking of killing you, kicking you out of the crew, or both. 
You can't tell him that you were hired to hunt him down and that you've abandoned that task because you have a huge crush on him. Especially the crush part, you would never admit that, so you must think of a good excuse as soon as possible. 
"My parents trained me" and that's not a lie "but they always said to only use my skills if necessary" that's a lie, and a big one at that. 
Buggy looks you up and down, which makes your stomach tingle. You are so close to him that you can almost feel his breath on your skin. So close that it would be very easy to get a couple of centimeters closer and see what red lips taste like. You wonder what his skin must feel like against yours, or how your hands must feel tangled in his hair. You look like the narrator of a romance novel, it's pitiful but you can't help it. 
"You've been swabbing the deck since you came in, how did it not occur to you to say you could be of more use to us?”
"I'm sorry, captain."
Buggy lets out a sigh, there is something paternalistic in his attitude, that condescension that is so typical of him. That makes you relax, he believed everything. Probably because he's drunk, but you don't care about that now.
Buggy puts his hands on your shoulders, making you jump. It's the most contact you've had since you've known him and it's not even real contact because he's wearing the fucking gloves.
"Y/N, look at me" And you obey, although the fact of having him so close to you, being able to smell his alcohol breath mixed with that smell of gunpowder that characterizes him makes you a little dazed. You feel more and more like kissing him. "You can't keep such important information to yourself. But don't worry, I'm going to look for a better position for you. With how good you are at fighting, we're going to do great things together, huh."
You nod without further ado. It's a shitty proposition, he's just telling you that he'll use you as a weapon, like he uses the strongest members of his crew. But you don't care, because Buggy is touching you and because from now on you will be able to talk to him a lot more.
Maybe you should go talk to that guy from earlier and thank him.
Oh, god. Yeah, you're definitely going from bad to worse.
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crabcollectorskykid · 2 years
May I request a fic about vet!skykid reader and the sully family, where reader goes out with the kids and spider, when they get ambushed by Quradrinth (idk if I spelt it right), and they get taken with spider. And Quradrinth’s crew starts to run experiments on them to see what they are. Later they end up taking reader with Spider when they hunt the Tulkun. Then when Lo’ak and Neteyam go back for Spider, they save reader as well. (Also, Neteyam doesn’t get shot.) Everyone goes back to the Metakiyan clan and gets patched when the Sully see that reader has a lot injuries from the experiments?
"I wanna go home.."
Sully family + spider x vet!reader
Genre: angst/comfort
Warnings: violence,death threats,experiments,war?,near death,lots of injuries,swearing,a bit brutal about a certain procedure for (___)
Pronouns: they/them
You guys...I love you guys so much, I absolutely love this kind of angst request where reader gets hurt. I like torturing people in fanfics so this is perfect but I'll try not to make it too brutal with the experiments, ENJOY THE FOOD ANGST LOVERS. Also note that the reader will be a bit shorter than spider
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"where's spider and (___)?" Jake asked kiri who was crying "they took them. They took spider and (___)." Kiri sobbed between the sentence, neytiri was comforting her by hugging her "...shit."
"STOP IT YOU'RE HURTING THEM!" Spider yelled witnessing the crew doing experiments on (___) who was chained on a bed. What kind of experiments you might say, well glad you asked it involves using sharp tools,needles,lots of blood samples,and other things you don't wanna know. "STOP IT PLEASE" spider begged trying to get out of the chair he was strapped into, they eventually stopped the experiments but (___) was barely moving hell I don't think they're even concious, spider quickly went to their side trying to wake them up "s-shit, dude wake up don't die on me just yet. C'mon stand up!" Spider panicked, he didn't wanna lose you yet. You were the only person he knows in the room. Once again they took spider and strapped him in the chair, they took (___) and strapped them in a machine. They turned it on and the things infront of him started circling and the fact it has lights made it worse since a headache started occuring, not even just a headache it felt like your head was about to explode so you started doing everything you can to get out of the machine. The lady with a hat started talking "where is Jake sully?" She said hoping to get an answer but you didn't talk you can't.
"stop it please!" Spider pleaded, the longer you were in that machine the harder for you to stay up "y'know this will all stop if you just tell us where he is." The lady said but you barely heard the words she said, everything EVERYTHING was barely there you can't see,hear,or even comprehend clearly, not with this thing on you "their mind is blank, it's all blurry." The lady said looking at the hologram of your brain". "THEY CANT TALK, STOP IT YOURE GONNA KILL THEM!" spider pleaded again noticing that (___) was moving in and out of consciousness, they also stopped struggling which was very weird. Quaritch can't bare to hear spider again and stopped the machine, this made the lady look at quaritch with a look of confused and a bit of anger. (___) was unconscious and had a nosebleed, spider managed to get out of the chair and went to (___) side who was on the ground in a bad condition. "general, let me handle these." Quaritch said the general looked a bit shock and said "this better be worth it."
Spider was in a room with a table in the middle, he went under it somewhat giving him comfort that he's safe but what he is worrying right now is (___) they were nowhere to be seen and that made him worried what could've to them. Were they dead?are they alive?are they doing experiments on them again? All those questions were not helping him in the current situation he is in. The door opened which made him defensive and hugged himself, the person crouch down and saw it was the guy who stopped the machine but even tho he did that he was not gonna trust him that easily. Once he saw he was going to the other side of the table he took the chance to try and escape but unfortunately the blue caught caught what he was doing and quickly grabbed him from going further "whoa whoa, easy tiger easy." He said putting him on the table that was weirdly gentle since he thought he was gonna be rough, spider was about to do it again but a big blue hand stopped him from doing so. He tried escaping the hand by lashing out trying to push his hand out of the way but he was much bigger and stronger than him so it was quite impossible to do so. So he calmed down a bit, the blue guy raised his hands showing that he wasn't gonna show harm "we good?" He asked, spider looked everywhere BUT him.
*timeskip to where they save spider because I'm in a hurry*
"dude c'mon hurry!" Lo'ak said to spider "wait, (___) is still in there we need to go and get them!" Spider said running inside the ship "lo'ak let's go, like spider said they are still in there!" Neteyam said grabbing lo'aks hand dragging him inside the ship, spider opened a door which leads to the lab (___) was in. They were tied on a wall, they looked weak and in pain so they quickly got them out of it "hey Birdy, don't worry we'll be out of here." Neteyam said cutting the ropes helping you stand up "C'mon let's hurry up or else-" "oi! What are you do-" before the crewman get to finish finish his sentence (___) quickly took the gun from lo'aks hands and shot him "...damn good aim bro." Spider said, all four of them quickly running to find an exit but some of quaritch's crew found them so they quickly his behind the pipes near an open water but they can't just go into it or else they'll get shot, neteyam was trying to shoot the crew "GO GO!" Neteyam yelled spider and lo'ak quickly jumped but (___) stayed not wanting to leave neteyam. Soon after the bullets ran out and they had to jump "when I count to 3 we jump." Neteyam said looking at (___) who nodded "1,2,3!" Both of them quickly jump, the crew trying to shoot them. "There you guys are, c'mon hurry up." Spider said swimming lo'ak was about to follow him but saw neteyam holding (___) up "w-whats wrong?" He asked knowing damn well what happened "they got shot." Neteyam said holding (___) up more since it looks like they were starting to choke on the water "hurry, over here!" Tsiyera said who was riding her ilu, neteyam quickly swam towards it and laid (___) there. He quickly started to look for the gunshot wound and in relief that they just got hit in the shoulder and not somewhere major.
"kiri and Tuk is still there." Tsiyera said lo'ak looked a bit hesitant and said "we can't go back." He said the iku swimming faster.
The gang saw Jake landing on a rock which made them shout at him so they can get his attention "Dad! Help!" Lo'ak said making the ilu go towards him, neteyam was at the back holding (___) up while putting pressure on their wound "Please!" Tsiyera pleaded, you looked young, too young and you were losing alot of blood, you are not gonna die young. Once they were close enough Jake helped them get (___) of the ilu and made them lay on the rock, Jake gentle looked at (___)'s back and sighed "the bullet didn't went through, t-that's good." He stuttered a bit stress by the situation "lo'ak put pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding." He said, lo'ak quickly followed his demand putting pressure on the wound, he saw that the gunshot wasn't the only thing that harmed you but cuts and bruises were scattered around your body making him worried what quaritch had done to you, he looked at spider and asked "what happened to them, why are they covered in bruises?" Spider looked a bit puzzled and said "i-i can expl-" but before he could finish his sentence neytiri went down on ikran and went by Jake side "what happened, are they ok?" Neytiri asked a bit worried, neytiri considered as one of her own she basically raised after you lost your own home and kept you under her wing, she watch you grew and seeing you in this state made her angry on who hurted a "harmless" angel like you "kiri and tuk are still in the ship." Tsiyera said, Jake and neytiri looked at eachother and nodded neteyam was about to tell them that he's gonna follow but Jake beat him to it "all of you stay here and monitor (___)'s condition." Jake knelt down on one knee infront of lo'ak and neteyam "right now I need you guys to protect (___) from any harm, that is an order. So please, don't fail this one mission for me." He said rubbing both of lo'aks and Neteyam's head.
*timeskip to the village*
The family reach the village and saw tonowari and Ronal who were waiting for them tonowari was about to speak but Jake quickly stopped him "I need you to help them please" Jake pleaded, Ronal quickly led them to a marui where medical stuff were prepared. The metkayinas watch as Ronal patched up the cuts and bruises you had but she was frustrated at the gun wound, Tsiyera was hugging lo'ak looking away from the scene because she can't seem to ahndle seeing (___) in pain afterall you were simply a child "the gun wound is too deep, I don't have the right equipments to get it out and it looks like they don't have much time if the gun wound isn't treated." Ronal said looking at Jake, neytiri closed her mouth and cried. Jake quickly thought and said "I need my friend norm to come here and help me with this." Jake said to tonowari who was a bit hesitant whether to say yes or no "please, I need them alive. They are still too young to die." Jake pleaded again, tears was pricking up in his eye, tonowari looked at Ronal for an answer who suprisingly nodded her head "alright." Tonowari nodded.
"give me the tweezers (I think that's what they call it)." Norm said as they quickly handed it to him, he hesitated a bit and Jake noticed it "w-whats wrong?" He stuttered not liking on what's going to happen, norm sighed and had a stern look. "Kiddo, what I'm going to do will be a bit painful. Can you take it?" Norm asked he didn't want you to die but this was gonna be painful without anaesthesia, once he saw you slightly nod he prepared them "take the children away-take them away!" Norm yelled at the metkayinas and neteyam who had Tuk, norm rarely gets serious like this so Jake was a bit nervous "I'm gonna count to three. 1,2,3!" Once he finished counting he put the tweezers inside your shoulder trying to find the bullet as quickly as he can, the tweezers touching your flesh,nerves,and bones made you feel an unbearable pain. You tried to hold it in but you can't you simply just can't, all you could do was let out a blood curdling scream that made the na'vis have goosebumps from. Neytiri and Jake was affected by it the most since you were like their child after they started taking care of you, lo'ak had to take Tsiyera away because of how much she was crying. The other metkayinas also went away because they couldn't handle seeing a child let out a bloody scream, some even covered their mouths, and some even muttered pitiness.
You were mumbling 'stop' 'please' 'it hurts' but they can't do anything, neytiri was crying as she was trying to comfort you and calm you down. All of them felt helpless,useless as they watch you experience the pain, hell even Ronal felt sorry for you and as for tonowari he had the look of horror. You might be thinking, is it really that bad? Yes, yes it is. I could animate but I simply cannot animate something disturbing but finally norm took out the bullet, he quickly instructed them clean the wound and patch them while he prepares for the sedate. Ah I see, why did he not do it in the first place? The dumbass helicopter just arrived with it, that's what.
Jake and tonowari talked to eachother while Ronal and neytiri was talking to each other, Ronal was comforting neytiri after the experience (look man, I want them as besties not enemies-). "Gosh for once I'm glad I was not there to experience that." Neteyam said after lo'ak explained the situation about the procedure, aonung looked like he was about to puke "was it really that bad?" Lo'ak asked he didn't get to see the whole procedure because he went away, aonung shot a glare at him and puked "bold of you to say that, I EXPERIENCED THE WHOLE THING!" he yelled the last part before puking again "the poor child, what had they done to experience that? They looked too young too!" Tsiyera said wiping her tears, she sent a glare towards aonung and said "aonung, don't you dare make fun of them unless you want me to snitch you on mom." She said, even if her eyes were full of tears when they were walking away she still saw a glimpse of her mother's face which was filled with sadness and horror "don't worry I won't, not after they went through that." He responded
After all of them calmed down, the sully and the tonowari's family were talking to each other, you were in a small mattress and a pillow was on your head and kiri&Tuk was by your side doing your hair, something comfortable is important after experiencing something like that "spider, can you tell me what happened to (___)?" Jake asked once more and spider sighed "They kept on experimenting on them trying to find out what they are,they kept putting strange liquids in their body and basically tortured them if they didn't talk. The cuts were from the experiments and the bruises were from uhm, quaritch's crew beating up (___) if they didn't talk.." the explanation made Jake furious he was quite literally muttering threats under his breath but neytiri calmed him down "ma'jake, it's ok they are gone now. They are dead." Neytiri said silently happy that she didn't held back her anger when they were fighting in the ship finding their daughters. Spider had a look of guiltiness but no one saw that, I don't think he has the courage to say it afterall, he doesn't wanna be skinned alive by the sully family after they found out he saved their number one enemy.
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snow-lavender · 5 months
little thoughts about the brutus cmv
"that the people would see me too as a poet/and not just the muse" is really interesting coming from fable. because he kind of has a point. the aether is inherently derivative and dependent on the other three realms. if it's a work of great art, the other three major gods serve as muses
especially from fable's point of view; in more modern conceptions, the muse of an artist is often mistreated, exploited, and under-credited. (they're also usually like. women suffering under misogynist structures of art and finance, but fable has such a victim complex i can see him being fine with co-opting that /j)
similarly, "i'll never forget that you showed me how to make art" alerion made the other realms for his siblings, which then inspired the creation of mortals. the works of art that fable is driven to kill by losing to alerion also owe their existence to him, in a way
it is so weird seeing trees in full leaf knowing this cmv was filmed, what, two weeks ago? that is NOT how i'm used to trees looking in early may. why is it so green.
"frater meus" hits harder when you remember that vo'lete is largely based off latin. fable is calling alerion his brother in his own language while rationalising why he has to die
obviously the song choice is fucking incredible, you don't need me to tell you that. espicially when that fourth verse hits my god
also alerion desperately crawling backwards and fable shouting why and how this is for the best down at him. peak cinema
it seems like when fable is stewing on the bench there's actually blood on the tip of the sword? like it's mostly out of frame but i swear it's red in some places
in conclusion:
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Found Family Tournament Round 1 Part 10 Group 50
Propaganda and further pictures under the cut
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The Bad Kids: Riz "The Ball" Gukgak, Adaine Abernant, Fabian Aramaris Seacaster, Gorgug Thistlespring, Figueroth "Fig" Faeth, Kristen Applebees (& Ragh Barkrock)
Drawtectives: Gyorik "York" Rogdul, Grendan "Grandma" Highforge, Rosé, Jancy True, Eugene Finch
Submissions are still open!
The Bad Kids:
before i start the pictures below are by isawiitch (https://www.tumblr.com/isawiitch), victor rosas (https://twitter.com/SirVictorThe2nd), and m0nomercy (https://www.tumblr.com/m0nomercy) respectively check them out they're very cool and also that middle guy did the official art for fantasy high its very cool
Mods note: said middle picture is a .webp. And I sadly can't add those. But the others are below
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anyways all of these dumb teens are just god they complete each other they're the most important people in the world to each other like fabian and gorgug meeting with a punch to the stomach and going on to share a hug in an evil forest and "DO YOU WANT ME TO BITE IT OUT FOR YOU" "the ball, wait" -riz and fabian and kristen's really bad inspiring speech (they're gonna get inspiring real soon) but they are inspiring because they're from the best and sweetest friend in the whole world and gorgug getting razzed a little for thinking random people are his dad and the sheer joy everyone felt for him when he met his real parents and RIZ THE BALL GUKGAK AND FABIAN SEACASTER THE DUO OF ALL TIME and adaine learning to be a normal teen and fig swearing she's not an open person when she pours her heart out to her friends every chance she gets and riz and adaine being the only two non-horny members of the team and bonding over that and being smart but terrible in social interactions together and "its called being gay, when you're here you're family" -kristen applebees, 2019 and fig starting a band with gorgug, one of the more socially awkward members of the party and "what would riz do" "you bite down hard on a piece of glass" and adaine's actual worst fear being what she would become after her friends passed and the KILL YOUR DAD chant and its gorgug keep going and all of them feeling each others' overcoming of fear in the forest of the nightmare king no matter how far apart they are and riz shooting off an incel's fingers for being weird about adaine (there was other stuff going on but you can't convince me that it wasn't at least partially because of that) and the gang not really letting gorgug and kristen forget that one time they died (they got better and were psychologically okay with it after a bit so this was lighthearted jabs and not straight-up reminding them of a big traumatic moment) and "my friends were warmer to me on the first day that we met than you were to me in my whole life" -adaine abernant, 2020
AND that doesn't even include all the crazy stuff with bad kids-adjacent found family members like gilear faeth getting his life back together thanks to these teens and jawbone o'shaughnessy being the dad of all time to the point where he actually adopts adaine at the end of sophomore year and aelwyn abernant holy shit (she's harder to justify here because her main important interactions are with her sister, unlike gilear who is technically fig's stepdad but is a core part of the found family in all directions) aelwyn abernant is trying so desperately hard to be better and ayda aguefort and adaine swapping homemade spells named after each other (adaine kills her dad with hers its a good time) and ragh barkrock getting over his internalized homophobia
SO IN CONCLUSION these guys have changed each other so much and every single combination of them, be it a duo or a trio or whatever has a distinct dynamic thats so so important to me. they're all family to each other, some of them more than even their real families. they are the guys of all time and my blorbos even and are a wicked good found family
Sometimes a family is the kids who all got detention together on the first day of school at adventuring academy.
And sometimes that family is:
A Half-elf-Half-Pirate rich boy who killed toxic masculinity by learning how to dance, and mercy-killed his father by stabbing him with a sword.
"The Greatest Wizard of this Age" (actually a Barbarian who took a level in artificer to boost his cellphone-reception to call and apologize to his satyr girlfriend) Half-Orc drummer who was adopted by Gnomes;
A bisexual Punk-rocker Tiefling who thought she was a wood-elf until her horns came-in & caused her and her adoptive father to discover that her biological father is actually an Archdevil;
The Elven Oracle (later just "The Oracle"/"Everybody's Oracle") who was adopted by the school's Werewolf Guidance Councilor after her evil parents disowned her (she later punched her evil bio-dad to death in a single round of combat, despite being a magic caster);
An aro-ace (un)licensed Private Investigator Goblin who carries a briefcase and ate the face of the dragon that ate his father;
And a lesbian ex-fundie human who met the corn-god her family worships, found out he sucks & left the church and her family, CREATED HER OWN GOD (of Buzzfeed listical symbols, known first as "YES!" then later "YES?"), only to then abandon that god to become the Saint of the long forgotten Goddex/Goddess of Mystery, Night and Magic.
(Optionally, add in the Half-Orc repressed-gay bully they befriended and helped come out)
And sometimes, that found family becomes a literal family, because over the course of the series:
Fig's mom starts dating Adaine's adoptive dad,
Fig's adoptive dad gets engaged to Fabian's mom,
Fig's biological dad starts dating Riz's mom,
Kirsten starts dating the niece of Adaine's adoptive dad/Fig's mom' boyfriend.
(Gorgug is the only one who still isn't related to the others, but he did find his biological parents. And although he still lives with his adoptive parents, he is now in the famous band "Fig and the Cig Figs" along-side his bio-parents, Fig, and Fig's bio-dad)
Currently, Fig, Adaine, Kirsten, Fig's mom, Adaine's adopted dad, Kirsten's GF, Adaine's biological older sister, Adaine's sister's ghost fiancé, Ragh, Ragh's mom, and Fig's Half-Phoenix librarian/pirate GF all live in one giant haunted old Victorian-style Manor.
They are so silly and cute <3 Three strangers bond over solving a murder mystery as interns to a tired detective/mom figure. In s2 they pick up an amnesiac guy and adopt him as a son (despite one of them being younger than him). Everyone pls watch Drawtectives it's so fun and there's lots of wacky drawing shenanigans involved
they are SILLY they are BESTIES they are in a POLYCULE they LOVE EACHOTHER 🥺🥺 (eugene is their son who is also their age and jancy is their mom. dw its not weird) (art included is all by karina @dilfosaur of drawfee)
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bloedewir · 2 months
Weekly delusional theory time yay 🥳
It's fun to think Solas is a tired mess of an elf who can't plan anything without screwing it all up. How can that weirdo possibly achieve his goal? More so, how did he even trapped elven gods?
By playing the game with well known rules. Like, idk, chess?
Look, the figures are different so as maybe the board but the rules are the same. And tactics. All he need is to be inconspicuous and discreet as always.
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Distract the enemy, let them think they're winning, then strike.
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It's already a proven strategy: take the unlucky one (Inquisitor/Rook), put them into the middle of worldwide catastrophe (Breach/Evanuris), step aside, offer your help, guide them wherever course you need, give them shelter (Skyhold/Lighthouse), look trustworthy, when all is over - say byebye and continue following your plan.
Yes there's still a few blind spots and something that can't be foreseed yet there's also a time to prepare yourself. Did Solas have a plan in case Inquisitor would've been failed? Presumably. If he has a plan in case Rook will fail? Presumably.
A part with Inquisitor' involving back in time was an improvisation but it paid off. Unintended risk it was however; not a comfort zone but odds depending play, like Wicked Grace. Quite efficient though. Why not try again but with some improvements?
Solas didn't know who Inquisitor is before the Conclave. Now (I'm like 78% sure) he knows who Rook is.
Varric chased Solas for some time and Solas was well aware of it. Varric didn't pick up Rook just before the beginning of the game. Their dialogue assumes they know each other (for some time, like weeks idk?). I bet Solas knew about "da4 protagonist", had time to look closer and fit Rook into his plans. That's why after all these years (10!) it was surprisingly easy to find him and even interrupt the ritual. Because it was intended.
(I won't be surprised if all this "ah help I trapped in the Fade" situation turns out to be a top tier wolf prank)
Right, but why make your life harder and involve a random mortal? As a wild guess: evanuris must be released to tear down the Veil. Seven gods, seven seals - get rid of them and follow your dream, destroy the Veil and restore your ✨perfect elvhen empire✨. Why risk and deal with two evanuris himself when you can move one of the pawns? Place your rivals against each other and look. Inquisitor won and proved mortals are not useless, so Rook can win too. And if Rook fails, you can intervene and finish the job.
I also think that's the reason why Inquisitor will be back. And I think Solas won't like it. Inquisitor is the one who can say, "What's going on here? Hey, I've seen it before. I know what you're up to". Without them Solas is quite comfortable with drawing a portrait of a tired lonely being who's easy to sympathize with. But a sudden Inquisitor's comeback can mess this up.
I'm not saying he doesn't deserve sympathy or he's a pure evil. He had enough time to turn his flaws and destructive feelings into useful tools. And if he uses his guilt/loneliness/despair when it's needed it doesn't make it a less real. The dude is complex like rocket science after all.
For now, as it seems to me, Solas intends to "replay" Inquisition because it went kinda well. Minimal risk as he may think. What the odds another mortal happened to be unique too? They doesn't even bear a ✨magnificent elvhen magic✨ mark! Poor bastard (affectionate), he doesn't even know what comes.. But I swear to gods, above and below, if he'll do that "what we had was real" thing again, I'll kill everyone in that game and then tear that freaking Veil down myself.
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cinnamon-galaxies · 2 months
What are your top 3 favorite ship dynamics? I was watching “Relationship dynamics from tumblr 2” by tonka joey (give it a watch! It has 7 or maybe more parts and is really fun) on youtube and i got curious.
have a good day!
My favorite relationship dynamics
You literally send me into a rabbit hole with that question. I've been researching relationship dynamics for the last few hours straight and I'm pretty sure I won't stop for the next hours or even days. It's just so much fun and now I really feel the urge to draw Alastor and Mara in as many fitting relationship dynamics as possible. I swear, the ideas are COOKING.
There are so many good dynamics what makes it even harder for me to answer your question because it feels impossible for me to reduce the list to just my top three... So, this response might get a little bit out of hands. But maybe it'll be a helpful inspiration for anyone who reads this!
So, one of my all time favorite tropes is "enemies to lovers". And there are so many possibilities to showcase this trope in different dynamics...
First off, there's the classic "enemies to lovers". Both hate each other or are on different sides but end up falling in love. Oh, the denial and slow burn is just chefs kiss. I just adore a well written push and pull between two characters who are supposedly enemies or rivals but secretly pine for each other.
But what about two characters who despise each other but accidentally end up in bed just to regret their actions the morning after? Ooooooh, the potential... The possibility of creating delicious second hand embarrassment and the possible banter between the character's following afterwards while they continue pretending as if nothing happened even though both of them get constantly haunted by the memory of sharing a night together... Just 😘👌🏻
Or imagine enemies who are ALSO lovers? Like hate-love relationship but take it LITERALLY.
Another category of ship dynamics I ADORE is "villainous couples". Both of them just want to watch the world burn; they're both murderers and horrible people but their relationship is all loving, caring and healthy and just all over wholesome. They're devoted to each other like Gomez and Morticia Addams and support each other's heinous plans. This is definitely a top tier dynamic, in my opinion.
Other villain ship dynamics I like are "evil genius x the supportive". Or "the tough ahh mastermind villain x their annoying simp". (I've thought about this dynamic so often and it sounds hilarious.)
Or what I'm also into (which is also a classic) is "villain x ex hero". Who cares about redeeming the villain when the hero can get corrupted...? Especially if the villain is in the right the whole time or if the villain just loves to create chaos but is still charismatic af. (Dude doesn't need to be changed. He's perfect the way he is 👌🏻)
"The person who doesn't believe in love but then falls in love with the hopeless romantic" will also have my heart forever! The denial, the mutual pining but not wanting to confess because they fear rejection or appearing weak (It's basically every good Alastor x OC/reader romance story I've read and I'm down bad for this trope.)
"Grumpy x Sunshine"? A classic. I like it. But what about "looks evil but is actually sweet x looks sweet but is actually a psychopath"?
Or "looks dangerous but is completely harmless x looks harmless but will actually kill you if you hurt their partner"?
"Big scary demon overlord x their little bean" is also so much fun to read and write. Or just imagine "big scary demon overlord x random dude":
Character A: "ł'₥ ₲ØⱤ₲Ø₮Ⱨ, ĐɆ₴₮ⱤØɎɆⱤ Ø₣ ₩ØⱤⱠĐ₴!!! And this is Steve."
Character B: *casually waves their hand*
Or just "the tough ahh stoic and intimidating character who has a huge soft spot for character B"... It's so cute in my opinion and I just love it when all grumpy melts around their partner... It makes them appear even more special to them...
I also like the idea of "tough and serious x silly and clumsy" (bonus points if they have ADHD).
I just really like polar opposites as a dynamic, especially if everyone else thinks they don't match but it actually works out perfectly for them! They're so much fun and can complement each other in ways that make stories so exciting...
Well, that was already a lot. But since I've already exaggerated this post I can also just round this off by adding a list of other ship dynamics I think are fun:
- autism x ADHD
- wide eyed and curious x the cool one that admires them
- character that get shipped with each other and both of them hate it/find it annoying
- chill tall one x angry short one
- traumatized x traumatized but smug
- two idiots with one brain cell (they share that single brain cell)
- scary eldritch horror x the one who thinks it's kinky (this just sounds so much fun... Imagine character A goes all scary and intimidating but B is just: "Damn, that's hot.")
And well, basically Gomez x Morticia. (I know I already mentioned it but that was in the "villain" context. They don't need to be evil. They're just a wholesome and happy couple that's completely devoted to each other until the end of time.)
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7nessasaryevils · 3 months
And so we begin... Gods I'm terrified... ep 7 of Wandee Goodday: how shall thee fuck me up?
- oh great we starting it right off with fucking cuddling on Yak's chest this is such normal non-boyfriend behaviour 🙄😑
- Yak my darling, if you're looking for psychiatrists, I'd recommend one that isn't a crazed Naga prince hell-bent on revenge on a reincarnated chicken... just saying 🤷🏾‍♀️ - although I am immensely in love that Dee does bring up therapy for Yak 🥹🥹
- them just comforting each other in a physical way that isn't sex... IM GOING TO KILL SOMEONE
- I have never hated a title sequence more than when it came right before I know yak was about to ask for a kiss as his reward 😤😡
- Yak being so fucking comfortable in Dee's space... I hate you both and I'm going to smush your faces together if it's the last thing I do
- WHAT PICTURE WAS THAT MY EYES SUCK!!never mind it was ter now im wishing my brain can unsee it
- yak my darling he loves you I promise!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺
- not me barely taking in the fact that Dee kept the picture rather than throwing it out (which... I will shake you for Dee!!) and then getting fucking smacked in the face with the first kiss poster... P'Golf you test me today
- normally I don't condone vandalism but today... YEAH YAK RIP IT
- Kao our king asking the important questions as always! (Psst shake him harder Kao please and thanks)
- Ter... I swear to god you try some shit I will snap you in half (though the sunlight is doing ✨fabulous ✨ things for Pod!) edit: in retrospect that sunlight is literally turning his eyes red P'Golf you actual fucking genius
- me as soon as ter starts speaking
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- pfft Cher you absolute king ♥️♥️
-uhhh... is this the weight training equivalent of that pottery scene from Ghost??
- ohhh they're so stupid i wanna die
- Cher and Yak are the mother son relationship I never knew I needed ♥️
- ohhhh i have a bad feeling about this... but also Dee.. you dumbass put on pants at the very least when you're entering a snake's house!
- this sequence of events is most horrific and terrible and I do not like it
- I'm going to kill Ter. Anyone who stops me... beware my wrath. Yak should've broken his fucking nose.
- also the fact that Ter lives in room 666. HE IS THE DEVIL YOU ARE SO RIGHT
- nooooo yak! Baby!!
- Kao. sir. I'm going to conquer empires in your name! MY KING!!
- the break up episode is meant to be #11 not # 8 what is this?!??
- not the necklace... no please not the necklace
- I hate everything nobody talk to me
- oh cool yak made it hurt even more im going to rip out my eyeballs thanks
- the worst the worst the worst I'm in pain
- that's it. That's fucking it. Someone get me Vegas Therapanyakul on the phone right now, I need to order a fucking hi- never mind the idiot doctor fell asleep. My sincerest wish is that Dee knees Ter in the balls as he gets up.
- Taem baby girl what was that??? 😦😦🤨🤨🤨
- sassy english my beloved 🤣🤣
- oh... ohhh no no no no no no- oh what the fuck what the fuck YAK CONCENTRATE BABY
- did i fucking expect the grim reaper? No. And neither did Yak if that right hook was any indication ouch!
- yak and yei fighting... this epsiode really said how can i hurt Nessie today....
- ohhhh fucking fuckity fuck why won't this epsiode let me BREATHE
- yak's face when he see Dee!!!! His teary eyes!!! I ACHE THANKS
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- also throwback to The Sign and their bolster light effect I have never been the same again
- I 'm just gonna die in a corner bye don't look for me I do not exist to any of you
This episode has finally culminated in the kiss we all have been waiting for and I don't know about any of you but I feel the same as I did three years ago watching Bad Buddy. The absolute joy and heartache in me as these boys who so clearly love and care for each other finally acknowledge their feelings.
Next episode is also coming for my existence and I shall keep myself alive until then to regale you all with my incoherent screams ♥️
Until next time! 🥊🩺
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