#I swear I try to be rude sometimes I guess I’m just not rude enough
I like to think I have a below to average amount of weird but otherwise harmless old men interactions for a 5’3 female presenting person but I’ve been told multiple times that that is not the case…
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sugrhigh · 7 months
HALLOWEEN - ( m.s )
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summary- you help your best friend matt with his makeup on halloween
warnings- none it’s cutie fluff
bff!matt x fem!reader
a/n: here’s a short little fluff piece i wrote a minute ago to hold you guys over for a bit!! more to come soon i promise
@fawnchives @l9vesick @junnniiieee07 @wurlibydominicfike @mazzystar111 @sturnlova @mattswrld @blueeyedbesson @urmommysbathroom @idkwhatthisevenislol
“will you quit shifting around? you’re messing me up.”
you’re so focused on getting his makeup perfect, and he won’t stop fidgeting, which doesn’t help. your bare knees press against his black jeans as you both sit criss-cross on his bed.
you're already in your costume, which is just a more adult version of dorothy, blue checkered dress and all.
“i’m not even moving!” matt protests, squinting one eye open to look at you.
“don’t do that either! keep ‘em closed.” you scold him, and he surprisingly listens.
matt feels your laugh fan across his face as you lean back in, and he can smell your light perfume. being this close to you always drives him crazy, whether you’re just friends or not.
“so damn rude.” he jokes with a small smile as you continue applying the dark eyeshadow to his eyes.
you’d already finished with the bottom half of his face; he’s a skeleton, teeth outlined around his mouth and cheekbones emphasized by the smoky makeup. he’s even got the shirt with a ribcage printed on it to match.
you’re copying an inspiration picture he found on pinterest, of all places, and you have to admit you’re doing a damn good job.
matt looks great. a little too good, with his face all scruffy against your hand and his hair messy across his forehead. it’s hard not to notice when you’re right up against him.
“who else is going to keep you in check?” you reply, adding a few finishing touches to some of the outlines and trying not to stare at him too much.
“true. you definitely know how to humble me.” matt says as you lean back a bit to observe your work.
“hey, i’m not always mean.” you find yourself frowning a little bit, and you’re not sure why his answer upsets you.
this time he fully opens both eyes, that striking shade of blue, and he looks at you like you’re crazy.
“sure you’re not.” he says sarcastically, and your eyebrows furrow further.
his small grin fades when he notices your own expression, and matt nudges his knee against yours gently.
“i was just joking. i love you, even when you’re kind of cranky.”
this makes you smile, even though you try to fight it. you have to admit you’re not always the nicest, and that sometimes you do have a bit of a guard up with him.
it’s just because you love him as so much more than your best friend, and it scares you. looking into his eyes right now is scaring you even more, and you see his gaze flick at your mouth.
“your makeup is all done, princess.” you tease matt softly, and he licks his lips.
now he can see you staring at his mouth, and it makes his stomach erupt with butterflies. it’s embarrassing how many times he’s thought about kissing you throughout this process, having you just inches from his face as you helped with his costume.
maybe that’s why he liked the idea so much in the first place.
“then i guess we better get going, sweetheart.” he taunts you back, and you suck in a breath.
a stroke of silence passes between the two of you, one of the most charged moments you’ve ever experienced with him.
“tell me not to kiss you,” matt says quietly as he leans in, lips so close to yours you swear you can almost feel them, “tell me it’s a stupid idea.”
“i…i can’t do that.” you mumble, just loud enough for him to hear.
he can’t take it anymore. he closes the final bit of distance between the two of you so that he can capture your mouth with his own.
it’s steady and sweet, and you’re just so glad it’s finally happening. you put a hand on his chest, pulling away after a good minute.
you’re breathing a bit heavy and so is he, both unable to contain your smiles. you smudged his makeup a bit, so you reach up and fix it with your finger gently.
“sorry, i didn’t mean to ruin your hard work.” matt apologizes.
“it’s okay, i liked it enough to forgive you.” you tease him, giving him one more careful peck just for the hell of it.
he laughs, and it’s his turn to extend his hand out, using his thumb to wipe the black streaks off of your lips. your heart feels like it’s going to explode, and you don’t know how you’re going to go to this party with all of your friends and act normal.
“we should do that more often, maybe when i’m not a skeleton.” he suggests, dropping his hand back into his lap with a grin.
“you’re actually right for once, because we really should.” you joke, licking your lips to make sure your own makeup still looks okay.
“what did you say earlier about being so nice?” matt tilts his head, eyebrows raised in a knowing look.
“hey, i never said nice, i said not always mean.” you point out, and he chuckles again as he shakes his head.
he’s about to respond when chris throws the door open and both of you flinch hard.
“hurry it up, lovebirds. we’re going to be late.”
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espinosaurusrexex · 1 year
*intensely thinking of final answer*
*game show waiting music*
I think I'm going with miscommunication with Bucky.
*presses button to log it in*
*game show celebration music* congratulations! You have a Bingo!!! 💗 This was fun. I'm hoping it counts as Miscommunication because, technically, it's only one-sided. But I loved it so much I had to write it. Anyway - enjoy! 🥰
summary 'cause it's a little longer: You’re the new recruit with mind-controlling abilities and Bucky hates it. But after avoiding you for a while and being responsible for several dangerous situations because of it, Bucky is asked to resolve his issues with you. He’s not amused, but amazing things can happen when people are trapped in elevators and it makes Bucky realize that, maybe, you’re not as awful as he thought.
Miscommunication (Bingo Game)
BuckyBarnes x Enhanced!Female!Reader
word count: 3.3k
warnings: enemies to friends (for now?), grumpy!Bucky, angst, swearing, sassy reader, arguing, and me trying to be funny
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“Can you make people cry?”
“What about making them dance real good.” Another man chimed in. You remembered him introducing himself as ‘The Falcon’.
“On what?”
“Are you a good dancer?” You smirked. 
“Is that a challenge?” He raised his eyebrows. 
“What about farts, can you make people fart,” The ant guy asked with enthusiasm. 
“I... I haven’t tried that yet.”
“Well, it would be a great prank.”
“I guess?” It wasn’t the weirdest thing you’d been asked before - you’d never forget that day your niece brought you to school for your magic talent... kindergartners asked the most unexpected questions. But hearing them from an adult was still a little unusual. 
“So you can just make people do things?” The youngest of the group asked.
“Pretty much.”
“It’s hard to explain.”
His eyes lit up. “Woah, so you could make Mr. Falcon go and get me a bowl of popcorn right now?”
“Careful, spider boy.” The man - Sam, you believed - warned. 
“I could, yes.”
“I’ve never had this much power!” Peter rubbed his hands with a bright smile - his name was easy to remember with all the questions he fired at you.
“You still don’t, kid. Keep it down a little will ya?” The goatee man tapped his shoulder with the twitch of his brow. 
“Oh, yes Mr. Stark. Sorry, Mr. Stark.”
“Tony,” he corrected.
“Right. Mr. Tony, sir.”
You’d been here for thirty minutes and everyone was all over you. You didn’t mind, really. On the contrary, you enjoyed that the people you would work with were actually interested. Well, all except for one. It didn’t go past you that one person had been watching you from the corner the whole time, not losing a word, simply staring ahead broodily with his arms crossed 
“Alright, everyone,” Tony clapped once, “last question. I still have to show the rookie the rest of the compound.”
“Oh me, me, me!!!” Peter raised his hand and almost picked Tony’s nose.
“Barnes, do you have anything? You’ve been awfully quiet.”
“I don’t need to know shit, Stark.” The brunette pushed himself off the wall, revealing a couple more inches to his height you had not noticed before. 
“Don’t be rude, Mr. Barnes,” Peter pouted; he seemed to be adoring you already. 
“I’m not rude. It’s just a stupid power that no one needs. It’s fucking dangerous and shouldn’t be part of the Avengers,” he exclaimed and proceeded to leave the room, making you feel a little sad and the rest of the team look baffled. 
“Well... okay.” Tony turned to you, rolling his eyes as Peter’s desperate noises reached his ears again. “What’s your question, Peter?”
“Miss, I don’t think your power is stupid. It’s super mega awesome and I seriously wish I could tell Flash about it, he would be so jealous!” You laughed. 
“The question, kid.”
“Oh, yes... can you make animals talk?”
That had been about four weeks ago, and Bucky had been avoiding you ever since. He had heard what you could do the first day you got introduced, and thanks to Peter he had more than enough knowledge about how vastly your power reached. 
Mind control. That was the fucking last thing they needed on the team. How fucking ridiculous. Bucky didn’t want to have anything to do with it, or you for that matter. It was enough that Wanda had the ability to read minds, he didn’t need someone controlling them on top of it. 
So Bucky didn’t like you or your power or the danger that came with it, and he put a huge amount of effort into showing you his disdain. When you entered the room, he stood to leave. When you were assigned on a mission together, he tried to switch with someone else - earning him weeks worth of laundry duty for Sam and dishwashing chores for Nat - but that was worth it. And when he wasn’t able to, he communicated with you as little as possible, earning a couple of scoldings from Stark and Fury for not warning you of threats in time - but really, nothing bad ever happened, so Bucky didn’t know what the problem was.
And soon, much to Bucky’s relief, you started reciprocating the hostile behavior he displayed toward you on a daily basis.
Constant bickering, dangerous situations, and death stares were your new M.O. but Bucky knew it only meant for you to finally back off. Because you had tried to be nice to him in the beginning, and Bucky felt a little bad for making you sad, but it was nothing to how sorry he would be if he ever let you in. 
A gunshot sounded through the crackly speaker.
Followed by a round of grunts and hits of which a fair amount landed in Bucky’s ribs and face.
“Oh right, there’s a hostile headed your way. Sorry, must’ve slipped my mind. I’m a little ‘careless’ at times.”
Yep, that one had hurt. But he’d rather pack a punch than retract his comment about your being careless. Because that’s what you were - or rather your ability. Careless and dangerous.
Bucky watched as Steve crossed his arms after pausing the recording, his captain stare in full force as he watched his best friend lean back in his chair unimpressed.
“Buck, you know I don’t want to do this but it's also my job to make sure my team is conducting missions safely. So, what’s wrong? You don’t usually act this way - even with people you don’t like - so don’t even try.”
Bucky just huffed, crossing his arms as well. He didn’t feel the need to respond. This was ridiculous; everyone should see how dangerous you were.
“You got a chance to solve this the easy way here. Help me out a little, pal. If you don’t cooperate, I need to apply official protocol. So tell me, please, what’s the problem?” Steve’s eyebrows were raised in anticipation, but Bucky was too sulky to help. To hell with this ‘I’m your friend-‘crap - he should go ahead and apply official protocol, maybe they’d see that your ability alone probably violated six paragraphs of the Avengers’ Oath. 
He bit his tongue before losing another comment swirling in his head, looking out the window to distract himself from the unfortunate situation he found himself in. Bucky hated when Steve became all professional with him. It was stupid. 
“You’re putting yourself and the team in danger,” Steve tried again, “there must be a reason for your behaving like this. Let me fix it. Let me help-” 
“I don’t need fixing!” Bucky snapped, his eyes finding Steve’s in a heartbeat as he leaned forward in his chair. 
“Then what is it? Do you like her? Is that why you're being so...” The blonde’s hand flailed in the air as he tried to find the words to describe Bucky’s behavior. 
“Fuck no.” He leaned back again. 
“Language,” Steve warned, only to earn a side eye from his friend. 
Bucky knew exactly why he avoided you. And so should Steve. He was his best friend for fuck’s sake. This was the most unnecessary conversation he’s ever had. If anything, Steve should have his back and not try to ‘fix him’.
“You should talk to her.”
“I’m being serious. What’s the issue?”
“You know damn well what the issue is, Steve!” Bucky rose from his chair but Steve didn't flinch. He merely scolded him for his cursing again. 
But after a minute of blank staring at each other, Steve broke the silence again. “You’re scared.”
And Bucky exhaled a long breath before training his eyes on the ceiling. “Of course I’m scared, Steve! There is nothing worse than not being in control.” He looked at him. “Im gonna hurt people. I have before. And being close to her... It just makes the possibility of the winter soldier returning a lot more likely.”
“She wouldn’t do that.”
“You don’t know that. She’s had no training; it could happen accidentally.
Steve was quiet for a while, just looking at his friend, assessing his comment. Bucky could see the wheels turning behind his eyes and after a while, he just stared out the window again until the blonde would present another righteous monologue to him. 
“You should tell her,” Steve finally said and Bucky wondered why it had taken him so long to come up with a sentence he’d already said. 
“I don’t need to tell her shit. Just keep her away from me.” He rolled his eyes, but he was desperate at this point. Bucky just wanted to go - leave and stop being bothered by everyone. 
Steve just shook his head in defeat - Bucky had done it again. Successfully shaken the unavoidable for today. He smiled to himself as he turned to leave the conference room. But before he could reach the last chair on his way, Steve held him back one last time.
“She’s a very nice person, you know? And your attitude towards her is affecting everyone on the team. Maybe, if you could look past your issues with her... You’d see how nicely she fits in with us.” Steve cocked his head to the side with a small smile. “I’m sure you’d get along if you just took the time to get to know her...”
But Bucky only replied with a bitter ‘shut up, punk’ before averting his eyes again. He didn’t like this at all. 
Steve sighed. “Just promise me you’ll do something.”
Bucky shot him one last look before turning and leaving without another response. 
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” Bucky looked at you through hooded eyelids upon your entering the elevator. 
You just ignored him. You had tried to be nice long enough, tried to make him your friend one too many times, each one teaching you just how vain the attempt had been. Because if you had learned one thing about Bucky Barnes over the past month, it was that he hated your guts and that he was not willing to try and be civil with you. So, you saw no reason to be nice anymore. 
“Don’t act like it's my pleasure either.” You turned and faced the door after pushing the buttons to your floor. 
Bucky just huffed behind you and you held your head a little higher, trying to let the seconds pass until you could leave again. It’s only an elevator ride - how hard could it be? But time seemed to pass slower than usual, and the unsteady rattling of the glass chamber going up the tower made the whole ordeal that much more unpleasant. 
That was until it suddenly stopped, a screeching sound echoing through the small space until the elevator halted abruptly, making you lose your balance for a brief moment. 
“What the-“ you muttered and pressed the floor button another time. Then again. And again. But nothing happened.  
You tried the emergency call button, but again, nothing. You were stuck. Several hundred feet in the air with Bucky Barnes. Great.
You took a deep breath, there were worse things, you tried to calm yourself, but upon stealing a glance over your shoulder, only to see Bucky glaring at you, that attempt disintegrated. Still, you chose to ignore him. You’d get out of here eventually. Someone would notice you were missing and look for you, check the security cameras, maybe - do something and finally break open these damn elevator doors. 
But then Bucky began to shuffle behind you, his steps clicking on the tiled floor of the lift, and uneven pace interrupted by the confines of the small room and it agitated you. It was enough you were stuck in an elevator when you had work to do. Now you couldn’t even concentrate. 
“Would you stop pacing?” You finally snapped and turned around only to see Bucky staring at you with wide eyes.
But he caught himself quickly. “What’s it matter to you?”
“It’s annoying. And as much as I hate to be stuck in here with you, we need to find a way not to kill each other until someone comes to help.” You turned back around taking another deep breath and enjoying the silence.
It didn’t last long though because the shuffling picked back up again soon. You waited another minute, but when Bucky made even more noise, a thudding sound coming from behind, you whipped around again to yell at him. 
But you stopped in your tracks as you saw him kneeling on the floor, his head tugged beneath his arms as his shoulder heaved rapidly. 
“Wha-“You moved forward to help but-
“Stay away from me!” He spat with fire in his eyes and then his head was back between his knees. 
You took a step back and assessed the situation. The posture, the heavy breathing, the slight shudder in his hands, the constant rocking. He was scared. He was having a panic attack. 
And as much as you wanted to avoid him, you were not cruel. When someone needed help, you helped. “Bucky-“ 
“I said stay the fuck away!” He crawled back into the corner.
You held your hands up in surrender, carefully trying to speak again. “I just want to help-“
“Well, I don’t need your help. Just back off!” The elevator shook with the boom of his voice, making your breath hitch. 
That was it, the last straw. All the pent-up anger of the past weeks bubbled to the surface, desperation and cluelessness balling up in frustration. You could barely feel it crawl up your body before you opened your mouth and screamed back. “What's your problem Bucky? I want you to feel better! What did I do that makes you hate me so much?!”
Your chest heaved in anger, your hands balling into fists as you watched Bucky get up slowly - eyes darker than you’d ever seen before. His arm whirred but he didn’t move it. He merely stepped a little closer to you, towering over you when his husky voice mumbled into the space between you. 
“I don’t hate you.” You swallowed and stared up at him, he was intimidating. “I’m fucking scared to lose control and-“ his vibranium arm shot up towards you but you stopped it in its tracks. Bucky’s fist was hanging in the air above you, your power holding him off and it took a fair amount of strength to do so. His eyes shot from his fist back to you, jaw tensing. 
“I would never do that.”
“You’re telling me I’m irrational?” He hinted towards his arm still held back by your control and you immediately let it fall back to his side. “...that it couldn’t happen by accident?”
“You underestimate me, Bucky.” You pressed with spite, willing him back a step to leave you space to breathe again. 
“I don't know you.”
“And who’s fault is that?” That shut him up. 
Bucky flexed his vibranium fingers, testing his own control again before his eyes found you again. 
“Let me show you.” You tried softly. Maybe this was the gateway to a start-over. At least now you knew the issue, now there was only solving it left. 
Bucky looked at you questioningly.
“Let me show you why you don’t need to be scared.” You smiled and somehow it softened the tension around you. 
Bucky’s shoulders relaxed when he stood up straighter. “And why would I want that?” He was stubborn.
“I’m offering an olive branch here. And after all that you have pulled, I suggest taking it. Because I cannot guarantee I’ll feel this nice again if you don’t.”
Bucky watched you carefully for a moment. As if he was trying to detect a joke in your statement, he analyzed every inch of your body suspiciously. And then after another minute, he sighed in defeat. 
“Then we need to get out of here.”
Bucky was still a little wary now that you had dragged him outside. The sun was shining in the bright blue sky but having you stand so close to him was still making him nervous. He had no idea what he had just signed up for. 
There were a few people outside as well, all going about their days and when he turned his head to you, he noticed you watching them intently. 
“I can feel their energy,” you stated, making Bucky check if anyone was behaving as though he was influenced by you in any way - they weren’t. 
“And, yes, I can make living beings succumb to my will, but when I do, I feel their pain, their mental wars...” You looked at him and Bucky could feel your eyes pushing through to his deepest fears. “I wouldn’t make them do anything I wouldn’t want to endure myself... unless, of course... it’s necessary.”
Bucky thought back to a mission a while back. You had been utilized to make a hostile talk using rather unorthodox strategies. This time you actually had to hold them in place - position their limbs in places they shouldn’t be. He closed his eyes when he remembered your death cries. They had been hunting him for days. But other than you, the hostile had been killed. 
“You’re mentally linking with them,” he whispered almost ashamed for not noticing it earlier. Everyone on the team probably knew it already - he had just never taken the time to listen. 
“Yes.” He swallowed thickly, watching as you turned to him fully and he mirrored your action.
“If I were to make you- if I..,” you trailed off, took a deep breath, and shook your head. “I wouldn’t do that.”
And that’s when Bucky finally understood. All this time he had avoided you, fought with you, and despised you for thinking you’d be cruel for fun. He felt awful.
Your name slipped from his lips for the first time, calling your attention to his sorrowful eyes. “I’m so sorry.”
You nodded. “It’s okay. I understand it’s scary. I was scared of it, too, when I first found out... But I had a lot of time to learn. And now... I actually know how to utilize my power - control it. It even has some perks.”
Bucky’s eyebrows raised intrigued. A silent question to which you only responded by carefully reaching your hand out so his flesh one. 
“Can I?” You asked before actually taking it and Bucky just nodded while watching you carefully.  
He felt a lot calmer than he had before. And when you finally touched his calloused fingers, there was no urge to pull away like there had always been. You smiled at him and then nodded up to the sky, urging him to follow your stare.
“Look,” you whispered, and then Bucky felt his spine tingle. All of a sudden, it felt like his feet were lifted off the ground - smooth and subtle - almost comforting, he was engulfed by the feeling of floating - no - flying. 
His eyes followed the birds in the sky, which were now rounding effortless constellations several feet above his head and Bucky just knew that they were feeling the same - exactly the same. It was amazing, and even though it was a little strange and scary, your hand holding his made him feel unusually safe.
After a while, Bucky felt the feeling subside, the birds in the sky stopped flying above him and continues their journey east again. Your hand left his but he still felt lighter than he had ever before. 
His smile found you. “That’s actually pretty amazing,” he beamed before looking at the birds passing him and then back to you again. 
“Yeah... it is.” You smiled as well and Bucky felt all his doubts about you float away with the feeling this extraordinary experience had brought him.
Maybe mind control wasn’t as ridiculous and careless as he had thought it to be...
if you liked this fic, please tell me - it means so much 💓
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candeathbereal · 1 year
Mars conjunct Pluto (Synastry)
Now this will somewhat be pulling from my experience as a Sag mars and bruh I swear I know so many people who got my mars conjunct their Pluto. Also not every Sag Pluto will be conjunct my Mars because honestly my mars is at the 22nd degree so the farthest it can go for conjunct (really stretching it) is between 17-27 degrees imo. Sure you could add or subtract a couple of degrees but I’m going to keep it at five degree distance roughly, because the experiences I felt with this aspect in synastry were relatively more intense when the orbs were smaller. Now that I got that out of the way...
-I for the most part think it will be so fucking weird to meet a person that you have this aspect with. As the mars person most times I usually get an odd feeling when around people I have this aspect with. For Example: I had met people where the aspect is almost an exact aspect (fucking close orbs bruh) and at first I don’t think much of them...until I decide to talk to them. Then all of the sudden there is this insane connection. We were talking every chance we got and having a great time. Then when we weren’t really talking to each other for the dumbest reason (bruh if I was in a movie you guys would be yelling at the screen cause oof it was so dumb) they would stay on my mind that on the random occasion when we would see each other I would get so antsy (honestly probably angsty as well tbh).
Now being who I am as a person, I will speak up when I disagree with you. For the most part it’s because I in someway trust that you will listen to me and maybe even disagree with me on the topic. For whatever reason people assume I’m mad but really I have an intense way of speaking apparently. But I for the most part don’t mean to be rude, because weirdly enough I will try my hardest to be polite when I argue with someone and somehow it will still be very cutthroat (i guess). I am working on it it just takes time and practice.
I know I rambled a bit but that is just to give context to me as a person, because when it comes to people (where I have Mars conjunct Pluto) they don’t get mad at me like some people usually do but instead they get sad about it. I do wonder if they feel sad about my actions or their own.
People I have this aspect with
-My sister--Some Friends--Probably a fuck ton more people but idk...
Here is another example of when I had this aspect with a coworker of mine. I think me and him had a good amount of aspects and stuff in synastry that attributed to this as well. Anyways we would randomly be close like bruh it was like we had known each other for a long time or even like he was my brother some how. We would play around with each other from play fighting to basic games like rock paper scissors. It’s even funnier considering that when we did talk to each other we would have to stop for a moment because a customer or whatever would come in...like we were still professionals.  Then we would go back to joking around and it’s interesting because I felt like I could understand him even when he didn’t know what he wanted to say. Like he wasn’t fluent in English and I wasn’t fluent in Spanish but we would somehow find a way to understand the other person like girl I will pull out google translate as a last resort sometimes. I’ll have to talk about it more another day...
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httpiastri · 3 months
AHHH sorry but i was just thinking about this too! i swear it really pisses me off whenever i hear him complain. like…i understand that while racing you are high on adrenaline and maybe you accidentally say things but at least apologise for it after…like paul will get mad sometimes too for example with franco or with antonelli that one time it yet he didn’t whine about it anymore after. Hadjar honestly has been pissing me off a lot lately. and it’s the fact that it’s like his fault. if it wasn’t his fault and he complained i guess it’s a little better and like i kinda understand ykyk but than he’s always saying like oh he’s too slow that kind of things and im like bro i understand you gotta save your tires but everyone has to too…so like just ( ik this might sound rude im sorry 😭 ) suck it up . racing is a super competitive sport and yk it is obviously….
but anyways, also i’m super happy about paul getting pole like!!! oh and when i tell you i was jumping around cuz f3,2 &1 all of my fav drivers are on pole like 🤭 i reallly hope they all can make this a win! sorry for talking so much 😭
YES!!!! and the way that he complains about everything all the time??? like when he himself doesn't drive well enough to get into the top 10, he complains. when he loses his win due to bad luck, he complains. 😐😐 and like in monaco, do you really need to be THAT upset?? cant you just be like "ah too bad, good for zak to have that luck" ??? that stuff happens once every like 20 races, and i get that it's hard to accept but it's just racing ?????????
last year in spa in f3 when paul lost his win when trying to gamble with the tyres, he didn't even complain…. i was expecting him to be soooo upset but he seemed alright with it and to me that's pretty admirable (esp since in hindsight, that win could've won him the championship!!….)
dont worry about sounding rude, you're right 😁 pick another sport if you can't take losing sometimes? like look at max verstappen for example, he loses the pole position to a friend and does he go screaming on the radio? no, he's happy for him!!!!! be like max, hadjar 😶
and god yes paul pole is so 🥹 and hes doing so well so far 🥹🥹 (no im not jinxing it) and chris pole also, even though he couldnt keep the lead, but p2 is lovely too!!! and lando aaaaa great weekend pole-wise shsjdhdj
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clumsiestgiantess · 1 year
Second addition of @entomolog-t ‘s Soul Shard AU  (the smaller pov):
I have no clue what happened, and only had a split second to figure it out before I was thrown backwards by a force much stronger than I expected.  The ground beneath me jerked forwards too quickly for me to catch myself, and I fell over on my back, the air briefly knocked out of my lungs.  Once I managed to sit back up, my blood ran cold.  I had some hint of where I was by the distinct rumble of a motor beneath me, but as I gazed around at the undersides of seats raised way too far above my head, I was simultaneously thrilled and terrified.  I was me, but not – a smaller version of myself.  Which could only mean.. whoever is driving this car is my soulmate.  Why else would I have ended up like this?  Suddenly seeing everything at a smaller scale meant that I was only one small portion of my soul at the moment, and I'd been brought directly to whoever was destined to be my soulmate.  I must have met them sometime today and hadn't even realized it. 
It took me a while to even get somewhere where I could see them.  I’d shown up directly behind the driver’s seat, which meant I’d have to walk to the side of it to see the driver, which was no small task.  With the floor constantly moving, it was hard to get around.  Nevermind the fact that I was now ridiculously small.  I thought about calling out to my soulmate, before realizing that distracting the driver with something as jarring as myself probably wasn’t the smartest idea.  Until the car came to a stop, I would have to make do with trying to get a good look at them from here.  Before long, the rumble of the engine finally faded out and the floor finally stopped vibrating.  Nerves knotted in my stomach as the driver opened the door to leave.  It wasn’t the best time to second-guess myself, considering I certainly did not want to be left in the car.  “Wait!  I’m still in here!” I called right before the door fell closed.  Out the window high above me, I watched them flinch from behind.  Slowly, the driver leaned into their car and peered confusedly into the backseat.
Oh no.  Oh hell no.  THEM?!  The bewildered driver, my supposed soulmate, was none other than the person I’d bumped into earlier — the one who’d been unnecessarily rude to me before I could even try to apologize.  In a split second, the passenger door was thrown open.  The woman stared me down in what was probably shock, but to four-inch-tall me, it seemed a lot more like malice.  Practically anything could be considered a threat to me at my height, but she seemed threatening even before I was small enough to be held in one hand.  “What the..?”  The moment she uttered those two words, I scrambled away from her as fast as I could, dodging beneath the seat beside me.  I lay grasping the floor with my heart pounding in my ears.  It can’t be them!  It just can’t be!  My blurry vision could faintly make out the shape of someone gigantic looming closer.
Even if I managed to hide from her, what then?  I would still be locked in with no way to escape.  So much as jumping down from the edge of the car to the ground would be enough to break my ankles.  I was torn from my horrific thoughts by the sound of a voice loud enough to have come out of a speaker.  “Hello?  Where did you go?  You.. You must be my soulmate, right?”  I could feel the slight thump of her head resting on the floor to peer under the seat.  Clearly she hadn’t gotten a good enough look at me to recognize who I was.  “Hello?”  The woman called again, and suddenly a gigantic hand slid beneath the seat only a few inches from my face.  I couldn’t help but shriek involuntarily at the sight.  Hesitantly, the massive limb retreated backwards.  “It’s- It’s ok.  You’re my soulmate.  I’m not gonna hurt you.”
She’s only being that nice because she doesn’t know who I am.  What happened to all these niceties on the street?  Taking a few deep breaths to try and steady my voice, I spoke.  “Do you swear you won’t hurt me?  No matter who I am?”  There was a long pause.  I peered out of my hiding place just enough to see her gaze wander in thought.  “Should I want to hurt you?” she asked, confused, “Who are you?”  I tried to back further up, but the end of the seat stopped me after just a few inches.  I let her question sit in silence, but answering it would definitely have been better.  Without an answer to satisfy her, a hand shot beneath the seat again, grasping around in the small space.  I shrieked as her fingertips brushed against me.  Desperately, I tried to cling to something, but soon I was dragged dizzyingly out of my terrible hiding spot.
“No!  Wait!  Please!  I-I’m sorry for bumping into you earlier!  Don’t-!”  My throat squeezed closed before I could say anything else, leaving a frightening silence in the air.  My definitely non-soulmate held me in a fist from the torso down.  I couldn’t help but imagine how many bones she could break by tightening her grip just a bit more.  Even with my eyes closed tightly, I could still feel her scrutinizing me from above.  “Wait a second…”  Without warning, her hand opened up, releasing me into her palm.  I sat up fearfully, gazing up at her with nowhere to go.  “You’re the person who bumped into me a while ago?”  “Please, I-”  “Why are you so worried?” she chuckled, “I thought you were going to be someone a lot worse.  Like my new boss.”  
Gently, I was slid off her palm and onto the seat in front of her.  She looked at me with concern while my mind drew a blank.  “Wh- But-  You were angry with me,” I protested, slowly pulling myself out of my hunched-over stance.  “And?” the gigantic woman replied, slightly amused, “I was angry with you.  For like, five minutes after I walked off.  After that, I forgot about the whole thing.”  I gawked, suddenly feeling very stupid.  All I did was bump into someone.  Why was I so upset over her reaction?  I guess now that my life might’ve depended on it, her reaction had been extremely important to me.  From the moment I recognized her, I chose to play it safe and assume the worst.
Sighing in relief, I sat back on the soccer field sized seat.  “I- I guess I got a bit carried away there.”  I chuckled nervously, glancing up at my soulmate, who watched me intently.  She shrugged after a brief moment.  “Happens to the best of us.  So, will you tell me who you are now?”  “My name’s Alexis.  Sorry for judging you so harshly.”  “That’s alright.  To be fair, I must look rather intimidating to you at that size.  My name’s Erica, by the way.”  I huffed, the tiniest bit annoyed at my much smaller vantage point.  Though she made it clear she wouldn't hurt me, Erica was still more than capable of it.  “Do you know when I get to go back with my bigger self?  I never paid much attention to this type of thing.”  Erica sat back, eyes wide.  “Oh!  I forgot you have a normal-sized version of yourself somewhere.  That means there must be a tiny version of me running around somewhere too.”  She glanced back at me, “Sorry, I don’t remember when that stuff happens.  It’s supposed to be crazy, though.  You gain all these new memories in an instant.  Like deja-vu, even though you haven’t actually seen them before.”  
I looked around the vast space of the car, “So I’m stuck like this.. indefinitely.”  “Eventually you’ll go back.”  “But what am I going to do until then?  It’s not like I can go and live like this; I wouldn’t be able to do anything!”  Erica shifted to sit on the seat beside mine, gesturing to the open car door.  “Well, I just got home.  Why don’t you spend the night?  I could help with anything you might need.”  I thought about it briefly.  If Erica really is my soulmate, then it would be senseless not to take her offer.  “I’ll come with you,” I nodded, “If I can’t trust my soulmate, who can I trust?”  Erica held out a hand for me to step onto and I took it, grateful she hadn’t grabbed me again.  She held her hand steady as she gathered her things and made her way inside.  Though I’d been horribly frightened only minutes ago, I was certain that with our misunderstanding cleared up, things would turn out just fine.
The smol version! It’s always a struggle to pick either the giant or tiny’s perspective whenever I start writing something. Both are so fun to write that I’ll sometimes go and do a bit of both. Hope you enjoyed!
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exd3nn · 7 months
What even are we?
Chapter two : The journey
Warning⚠️swearing , smoking , implication of death
August 2nd , present day
“03:00 am” , I read on the clock before sticking my head back into my closet. I had to be quiet , they can’t know. I honestly couldn’t believe I was actually doing this. It finally feels real.
Back to the important stuff though, since I won’t be able to take much stuff with me , I have to choose carefully. Vivienne didn’t want to see me on the day I’d leave , saying it would only make it more difficult.
I had to be at the train station by 4am and at the airport by 6. That should be enough time.
I finally chose the clothes I wanted to take , leaving me with space for one more pair of shoes. I took my favorite pair , my most expensive one too , my only mary jane heels . I honestly don’t know what I’d do without them.
I took a backpack and threw in my essentials like my makeup bag , toothbrush and toothpaste , skincare. Just the important things. I put my jacket on , my favorite beanie , threw my hood on and turned my earphones on. I had to walk to the train station , it wasn’t that far anyway.And so I closed that door for one last time.
At the train station I had to buy my ticket. After that I still had a little more time , so I decided to get myself a coffee and a pack of cigarettes , to calm myself down. I sat down outside , lit my cigarette , and leaned my head back while blowing the smoke out. Holy shit . I’m actually doing this. What once felt like a dream out of reach , was actually turning to reality. “I’m sorry mom,Matthew” , I felt the need to apologize , I didn’t want to leave Matt behind like that. I didn’t plan on making him grow up without me by his side. But I guess you just have to be selfish sometimes. I’d rather have him slowly forget about me , than having to look at a stone with my name on it.
Enough with the negativity. I finished my coffee , and went to where my train would arrive. I looked at my watch , “04:16” , I read before touching the frame of it. My mom had gifted it to me on my 17th birthday , it’s precious to me ,I couldn’t leave it.
Three minutes later , the train was there. And so my journey began.
On the train I slept , then once I got on the plane , I wanted to sleep once more.
But luck decided not to be on my side in that moment. I got to my seat , it was a window seat. Which is already bad enough when you’re traveling alone. But I guess the guy that’s supposed to sit beside me decided to be an asshole.
This guy just put his bag on my seat while I was trying to sit down.
“Uh, excuse me sir , but this is my seat. Can you please take your bag?”
He looked me up and down , took the bag , and just focused on his phone. He didn’t even apologize , how rude! But whatever , I just sat down and waited until we took off.
I was ready to get cozy in my seat , and since it was pretty cold , I took out my favorite blanket that I decided to take with me. I heard him scoff beside me.
“Does this bother you? Sorry I was just feeling cold” , I said in a polite tone. He, however , said: “Whatever” while side eyeing me. What the hell was this guy’s deal? I just ignored him and turned on my phone to listen to some music , it was too early to deal with guys like him anyway.
While I was listening to my playlist I decided to look at some of the songs , before deciding on a song by Enhypen , the song being ‘Blind’ . It was a calm song , so it was nice to fall asleep to. I could see the man from the corner of my eye looking at my phone , his eyes widening when he saw what song I was listening to. He quickly looked away before taking his cap off to run his hands through his hair , then putting it back on. And in that moment , it hit me.
That shit hit me harder than the bus that ran over Regina George. I knew this guy. And I was starting to panic , cause there was no way in hell , I was this close.I was sitting so close to him I could smell his cologne. I didn’t want to believe it , but the safety pin on his necklace was solid proof. The man I had just called an asshole, was…
Nishimura Riki.
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palialaina · 1 year
I guess life decided to be nice to me after something like three rude nightmares in as many days. (I am amazed Jel doesn't mind helping me with the whole waking up and calming down after...)
I also kind of embarrassed myself earlier with Dad. I was leaving after a chat and said "Bye dad, love you." I think about half the tavern heard, honestly.... so naturally I panicked and ran off.
Gonna be a fuuuuuun conversation later.
At least I'm down to my last item for the Starry Night Temple! I managed, in quick succession, to fish up the giant goldfish (I kind of want one, but I'd rather keep it in a pond or a big aquarium...) and a bottle with the sushi recipe!
And I swear, if I figure out who threw a sushi recipe into a pond, I might have to throw them in as revenge.
I did have to add another prep station to my cooking space, and I really hope that's the last one I need to make. My area is crowded with two of everything but the oven!
At least with making sushi the only things that smell like fish are my hands, and Kenyatta gave me some lovely-smelling lotion the other day that covered the fish ick pretty nice. I don't think I'll ever be a fish-meal person though.... yick.
But with that bout of luck, all that's left is the unicorn fish over in Bahari Bay! Ooooo, I'm excited! I want to know what'll happen when I finish this last thing off!
I also got pinged to talk to Chanye, this time by Auntie Del. He's... not a bad guy. For some reason I feel like religion talk sets my teeth on edge, but he's... I dunno, he's chill enough that I don't mind it? Maybe it's just that it's something completely unknown...
Maybe it's the fact that I still remember the voice that accompanied me on my way out of the void.
Anyways. Chayne.
Apparently he got so distracted trying to interpret whatever was going on with the moons that he forgot he was supposed to go look after Auni, and he was very upset with himself. You know, he jokes about the sects of his brotherhood sometimes, but I think he's got his head in the clouds just as much.
Eh. Maybe that's a little mean. More often than not, he's pretty down to earth. Maybe it's just a priest thing?
So he started getting upset about that, and muttering that he shouldn't expect himself to be an expert in human-related things. Well, I know an expert (mostly) in human related things. So I went and talked to Jina, and apparently the Phoenix moon has volcanoes on its surface!
...something about that is very familiar. A... a planet with volcanoes on it that....
Mn. And it's gone. Figures.
Anyways, the flashes of light Chayne is trying to interpret is apparently volcanoes erupting on the moon, which is honestly cool enough on its own, but Jina suggested I get something called a Moon Tablet from the Phoenix shrine.
So I did~ They weren't all that hard to find either.
I gave it to Chayne, and can the man fuss. Like, he didn't want me to put myself out by doing this, but is it putting myself out when I'm curious too? And inasmuch as I'm comfortable with, he does feel rather like a friend to me. He's never judged me for not being spiritual, or for the... stuff that happened when I first got here, before I really had my feet under me.
Heck, I was a wreck back then...
Still, he asked me to not involve anyone else until he's had time to try and interpret what's going on. Since I admittedly don't know anyone else who'd be interested, that was an easy promise to make. I mean, I might ask Lark or Orion if they have any idea, but who knows?
Oh, speaking of, I got another letter from Orion earlier.
Pray receive mine gratitude for inviting me to your little soirée recently. Your domicile was most inspiring. I shall send thee an invitation when it transpires I have more than one freaking room. I was also grateful for your farming advice! I listened carefully, took notes, then bought some seeds from Zeki and planted them around randomly in a burst of farming exuberance. I’m pretty sure Badruu would approve.
I also took your advice and gave Tish a gift to apologize for barging into her (open) house. It worked perfectly, she loved the Sun Lily, it was the perfect way to apologize without actually telling her. Naturally after that I just blurted out what I’d done. But she wasn’t even mad! I think she treats her house like a kind of low-key second showroom or something. Very cool idea. As I left I met Reth going down the street. He seemed surprised that I’d given his sister a flower. I didn’t see what the big deal was until about twenty minutes ago. BERRY. I’VE BEEN GIVING HER SUN LILIES FOR DAYS. I JUST THOUGHT SHE LIKED THEM. WHAT DO I DO BERRY WHAT DO I DOOOOOOO.
OK, maybe that’s not a thing anymore. You said you and Jel made pins or something, right? So maybe she just likes flowers. But then Reth wouldn’t have cared. Unless he read about ancient human customs and is messing with me. That… absolutely sounds like something he’d do. Well played, sir, well played. Logic has one again provided a narrow escape from WHAT IF TISH READ THOSE BOOKS TOO BERRY HELP.
PS: I got a fishtank but instead of putting a fish in it I put Nai’o’s carrot. Carrot understands me.
PPS: Should I be concerned that my two confidants are Berry and Carrot? I should tell Badruu that one.
I'll have to let him know about the heartdrop lilies. Though given how new he is, it's probably going to take a bit before he can give one to anyone, if he's even interested in them like that.
...hm. I should get some chocolate for Jel. He's been amazingly sweet recently, since I gave him my pin, and I've been kind of... running around like I usually do.
Something about having my pin has relaxed him. He comes over more often, for one thing. Used to be I had to specifically ask him to come over, and mention if it was for dinner, or to place games, but the past couple evenings, he's just shown up on his own, asked if he was interrupting, and when I said no, told me it was time to stop working and eat.
Well, okay, he didn't tell me, he asked how soon I was going to be done and the sneak has brought me a berry pie every time, so how can I not stop for that???
He's a brat. I think I love him.
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7-minutes-only · 3 months
Ember [F]
Spice Level: Fluff Dangers: None Word Count: 1,032 Character/s: Ember Reader: Female Planet: Kalsi Timeline: Main
The slip of paper you pull from the clown woman’s hat is slightly charred around the edges, and has the word “Ember” written on it.
Not an entirely unheard of name. It brings to mind a quieter sort of burn, warm and gentle. The woman who comes forwards as you call out matches it well.
With black hair in an asymmetrical cut, and bright orange eyes, she certainly fits the fire portion of her name. There are ram’s horns on her head, smaller and keeping close to her skull. Her gentle smile and somewhat awkward fidgeting hint at an aloof personality, too. You smile at her, trying to make her feel less nervous.
Before you can speak, though, you’re both ushered into the closet by the clown-dressed woman.
“You both know the rules – seven minutes! Don’t waste them!” she teases, before locking the door, sealing you both inside.
Ember fidgets, and you could almost swear she’s...sort of glowing. There’s a faint white light in her eyes. As her eyes glance around, you end up catching each other’s gaze for a moment, and a mix of emotions settle in your stomach – it feels like butterflies.
“U-Um-” you mumble, quickly averting your eyes away. “Ember is...a nice name. It suits you really well.”
She laughs a little, awkwardly.
“You think so?” she asks. “Well, it isn’t exactly my name...we were all given these slips of paper with fake names on them, for the party. Didn’t you get one?”
No, you didn’t. You shake your head, and she sort of slumps a little in confusion.
“Huh...well, I’m sure it’s nothing. Uh, here, you can-”
She rummages around in her pockets, and hands you a piece of paper. Your fingers brush hers, and they’re...warm. Very warm. On the paper, a small message is written;
“Congratulations on this one-in-a-lifetime chance! For the evening, consider your name Ember. Please refrain from sharing any other name until the event ends.”
“So, Ember isn’t your real name?” you ask, handing the paper back.
“No, it’s not. It’s pretty, though – and would probably get a lot fewer questions about where it comes from.” she answers, chuckling.
You sit in an awkward, though somehow comfortable, silence. It only lasts a few seconds before Ember shifts in place, picking at her fingers.
“Y’know, this...isn’t really the kind of game I’d play normally.” she confesses. “I only agreed to come because I thought maybe I’d end up with-”
She catches herself, and you can feel more warmth in the room. It’s a little suffocating in the tiny space, but you’ll manage.
“S-Sorry, um...that’s a bit rude, isn’t it?”
“I don’t think so.” you assure her. “So, then, if we’re not gonna have heaven in here…”
You place a hand on her leg, further down. She gets even warmer towards her core, it feels like.
“What do you wanna have?”
She thinks for a long moment, debating with herself. Finally, she feels around for your arm, and tugs it gently.
“We could still...get close. If you wanted, I mean. I...I’m a little curious about where you came from.” she offers.
You sit next to her, cuddled up in the small space. Sitting together like this, you have enough room to stretch your legs. Hers are...kind of fuzzy, actually. Very fuzzy. Her feet don’t feel much like feet at all – hard and blocky. Wait, does she-
“Are you...some kind of satyr, or something?” you ask. Between the horns, and the strange legs you can’t see in the dark...maybe.
“Sort of. I’m a bit of a mixed thing, though. Goat, elf...demon.” she confesses. The last word is uneasy, like she’s not sure how you’ll take it.
“Is...uh...is this a good demon world or…?” you ask.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, back home, we...we had a lot of stories. Fictions. Some worlds had evil demons, monsters. Other stories had tragic demons, misunderstood people. Others were pretty much just humans with horns and wings, and sometimes immortality.” you explain. She sort of stiffens.
“Oh. Hmm...a mixed bag, I guess? I’ve heard that my mom was a pretty bad person, but I never met her. I know lots of nicer Demons, though, and my little sister’s...well, she’s not evil, I don’t think.”
“Little sister? Is she at the party?” you ask, not quite understanding how awkward it might be if she was.
Ember sort of shrugs.
“She seems to be coming and going. Not one for social stuff, you know?? Especially not…” she gestures to the closet, to the two of you crammed together. “...this kinda thing. I kinda worry she’s gonna outright refuse to play if somebody pulls her name.” she laughs.
You grin at her. She relaxes a little, and grips your hand. She thinks for a moment, squeezing. Finally, she turns to you, her eyes glowing a little more steadily.
“Y’know...we probably don’t have long left. It would be a waste if we didn’t do anything, wouldn’t it?” she asks.
“You don’t have to.” you assure her. Besides, just talking with her is kind of fun. She shakes her head.
“I kind of...want to. Just a little. Can I ask you to close your eyes, and trust me?” she asks.
You oblige, closing your eyes and relaxing. Warmth spreads across you, like a hug. Ember kisses you, and you feel her hold you, like you’re...precious, in a way. The heat seeps into your skin, your bones. But you don’t feel overheated – in anything, you feel...empowered.
When she pulls away, she pecks your forehead gently, and the overwhelming heat settles into comforting warmth.
“Thanks. I hope I get to see you again.” she says, and you steal a kiss from her as she pulls back.
You both sit for a moment, processing the feelings. Ember laughs, and goes to speak, but is interrupted by the knocking on the door.
“Time’s up! Awful quiet in there…” the clown woman says, and you hear the door click.
Ember smiles at you as the light bathes you both. She helps you up, and exits. As she walks off, she turns back to you.
“I mean it – come find me!” she requests.
You nod, and she smiles before disappearing into the crowd.
0 notes
Blocked II
Warnings: swearing, smut
Plot: Colson shows up to your apartment to finish what he started.
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You snuggled yourself down under your blanket, warming your body up. You’re so proud of how strong you were with Colson tonight that you’re practically on cloud nine. You didn’t stay long after your bathroom catch-up. You’re fairly sure he would’ve come back out and been an absolute ass to you as revenge for leaving him high and…well hard. You chuckle to yourself as you remember the look on his face when you hopped off the bench and walked out. Priceless. You’re slowly drifting into sleep when you hear a banging on your front door. You wonder if maybe you heard it wrong but then it comes again, louder this time. You flick your bedside light on and try to get your bearings.
You quickly jump out of bed and throw on your satin robe to hide your negligee. You rush to the door, hoping the rude person on the other side hasn’t woken the whole building. Your super already doesn’t like you because of your occasional rowdy parties. You unlock the chain and the deadbolt and swing the door open enough to see who is on the other side. Crap.
Colson stands before you, completely drunk, holding a tall bottle of tequila in one hand and a poorly lit cigarette in the other. His eyes are red and bloodshot so he’s also high. You’re fuming at him. Your body temperature and blood pressure has completely sky-rocketed. It’s one thing to piss each other of in public but to show up at your apartment? That’s too far even for him. You quickly drag him into the apartment before he says anything.
“Woah, easy girl,” he chuckles at himself like he’s the most entertaining guy in the world.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” you spit at him, your cheeks flushed in anger.
“Don’t worry, I’m not here to piss you off again. I just wanted to talk,” he grumbles and collapses on your couch, putting his boots up on your coffee table.
“Well that’s great Colson but it’s,” you look at the clock on your wall, “2 o’clock in the morning so now isn’t the most convenient time to talk. You need to leave.” You stand in front of him with your arms folded and he does his best to avoid looking at you.
“You didn’t have to run out, you know?” He whispers, a look of hurt crossing his face.
You’re not really sure where he’s leading with this but you know it can’t be good. As if on cue he clampers to his feet, stumbling slightly before regaining his balance.
“You can’t just fucking leave a guy hanging like that!” He booms at you and you take a sudden step back.
You know Colson would never intentionally hurt you but sometimes what a person wants to do and what they actually do can be two very different things. Especially when alcohol is involved.
“This is so typical of you Y/N! You walk around all innocent and above everyone else but you’re just like every other girl. You have no regards for anyone else’s feelings. You’re a complete and utter slut!”
You can’t stop yourself as your hand springs out and slaps Colson across his cheek. Hard. He stumbles back a bit, whether it’s from shock or because he’s drunk you don’t know and frankly you don’t care. You feel the tears well in your eyes and you try your best to hold them back.
“Fuck you,” you hiss at him. He’s avoiding looking at you again and that just seems to anger you more. “What the fuck is your problem? What you can call me a slut but you can’t even look at me? I’m the slut? Well that’s a bit rich coming from you. Although, I guess if anyone’s the expert it would be you!”
“I never fucked her! How many times do I have to say that? I…I loved you.”
You can’t help but falter at his use of past tense. When you don’t say anything back, he finally looks at you and you see his pupils completely dilate as he takes in your appearance. You hadn’t realised that your robe had come untied and your negligee was now completely exposed. Your boobs on display. Colson takes his bottom lip in between his teeth as he studies your body. Your curves very visible in the tight fitting nightgown. You find yourself enjoying his attention, almost craving it in some masochistic way. You don’t even mind when he reaches a long slender finger out to run it down the curve of your cleavage over the top of the nightgown. His breathing has become deeper, as has your own. He takes a step towards you. You put your hand on his chest to try and push him away.
“Don’t,” you protest weakly. Even you wouldn’t stop.
He leans down and ghosts his lips along the side of your neck. He doesn’t make complete contact but it’s enough to make you moan in pleasure. Finally, he connects his lips to your neck and leaves a wet trail of kisses up and down. He leans down further so he can kiss your collarbone, the top of your sternum, the top of each breast. You lace your fingers through his hair as he guides his way across your body. You’re practically buzzing at this point. He ghosts his lips again over your left nipple as they harden through the material. Suddenly he stands and steps back from you. You’re panting and confused as you look up at him.
“Beg,” Colson murmurs. He’s folded his arms again.
“What?” You pant, confused and unsatisfied.
“You heard me. I want you to beg me to take you into your bedroom and fuck your brains out otherwise, I’m leaving.”
So this was his whole reason for coming over? He wanted revenge for you leaving him in the bathroom after you got what you wanted.
“Colson I…” you stumble over your words. Your brain is screaming at you to tell him to fuck off but the throbbing of your pussy is begging for something to satisfy her. “Please fuck me Kells. I need to feel you inside me.”
Colson doesn’t need much else. He picks you up and swings you over his shoulder, carrying you towards your bedroom. He smacks your ass cheek as he walks and you groan in a mix of pleasure and pain. Oh yeah, definite masochist.
He throws you down on the bed and tears off your robe, throwing it across the room. He pulls off his leather jacket and his white t-shirt before he returns to nibbling and kissing at your neck. You wrap your legs around his waist and grind against him. You can feel his length against your hot pussy. He bites at your neck, dragging his teeth towards your throat. He moves away, standing up on the side of the bed. You prop yourself up on your elbows to watch his movements.
He kicks off his boots and socks and removes his pants and boxers. He stands before the bed, his long length in his hand. He slowly pumps himself as he watches you.
“Suck it,” he demands, removing his hand and standing in front of you.
You bring yourself to the edge of the bed on your knees. You lean down and take his length in your hand. You kiss his deep purple tip before licking from his balls all way back to the head. You sink your mouth onto him and he groans as you suck. He wraps his hands in your hair to guide your movements. He’s groaning and swearing as you work him. All of a sudden he thrusts his hips forward so that you’re gagging on his cock. He lifts your nightgown over your head and pulls you up and flips you onto your stomach.
“Up!” He barks at you and you position yourself onto all fours.
He doesn’t even check that you’re wet enough for his large size and girth, even though your pussy has been dripping for a while now. He places himself at your entrance and slams himself in.
“Fuck you’re so tight. I missed this pussy. Nothing is as good as this,” he moans as he moves his hips backwards and forwards at a slow pace.
You can’t help but smile at his twisted compliment. A lot of girls would probably be offended by the comparison but it doesn’t even phase you. You’re just more turned on as you think about all the girls Colson has fucked, knowing that you’re the best he’ll ever have.
He begins his pace and you feel yourself tightening and contracting with each thrust. He reaches his hand around your body to your clit and begins rubbing it in tight circles.
“Oh fuck, Colson…D-don’t stop,” you stammer as you feel yourself getting close.
“Not yet,” he orders. He pulls his finger back and you whimper at the loss of contact to your throbbing clit. “You cum when I say you can.”
He flips you onto you back and lifts your legs up to prop onto his shoulders. He pushes back into you and you can feel him hitting new spots of your inner walls. You moan and writhe under the pleasure as he returns his fingers to your clit. He’s pounding you hard and you feel his hips begin to stutter, warning you that he’s close. You’re walls are contracting around him and you’re waiting for him to allow you to explode all over his cock. Suddenly, he pulls out of you and releases all over your stomach and tits.
“Fuck!” He screams as he cums, slightly convulsing as he pumps himself with his hand.
He finds his boxers on the floor and pulls them on. He goes into your ensuite, returning with a wet hand towel and cleans you off. He throws the towel in your hamper and crawls into your side of the bed, pulling you with him. He holds you against him, kissing the top of your head. You’re in a bit of a blur as his actions have completely confused you.
“Excuse me,” you sit up so you can look at him. “Aren’t you forgetting something?”
“Now we’re even.”
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taeilskitty · 3 years
Hey there! I saw that you open for a request so here's what I thought : what kind of sound did nct make when having sex? Are they more into whimpers, groans, or maybe dirty talk? Thank you so much for answering my question and hope you have a good day!
i was BORN to answer this omg. lemme tell you, i have thought about this so SO much!! (i'm leaving chenji out of this bc i don't know how people feel about that yet)
anyways, i hope u enjoy and i hope this matches what you had in mind <3
oh fuck. taeil is most certainly a groaner. i think (and trust me, i've thought a lot) he must make these gorgeous low moans like right in the back of his throat if that makes sense - have you ever heard his bubble voice messages? oh my god, they're so fucking hot. his raspy voice in the middle of the night is just to die for. that makes me CONVINCED that he dirty talks super up close. even thinking about it makes me shiver :(( he's the king of praise, i just know it. i think he degrades too, but his favourite is when he mixes both together - "you look so pathetic there baby, how cute." "daddy loves his pretty slut so much." "god you're so fucking good for me, my cockslut~" taeil also asks things, i think that suits him so much. "yeah? you like that?" "is daddy's cock too big baby? shh, i'll be done soon..."
whiner. whiner. undoubtedly. this boy has the sweetest, prettiest little moans... he gets all high pitched when he's close and oh god when he sinks into subspace he just mewls and his voice gets so weak </3 little "yes" and "a-ah thank you"s slip out because he such a good kitten. he's so precious... and if he gets asked to speak while he's getting fucked he just squeaks out an answer. "m.. love it... ah..." n he will never fail to say his please and thank yous - he's so well mannered even when hes getting used !!!
this is just. oh my. i think he's silent for the most part. heavy breathing and quiet grunts and groans until he's close. THAT'S when he starts moaning, all sorts of things slipping out. "god you're so good" "i love this hole so much" ahh??! i think he talks down too. fuck !!! daddy!johnny is so patronising, and not just outside of the bedroom. kinda like taeil, he asks things, but he makes u feel so dumb and cock drunk :( AH AND he like... coos when you feel all dazed from his cock... "awh~ is that good? you like that don't you sweetheart? yeah, i know."
i have this vision of yuta just SLAMMING from behind with his face right up in your ear, telling you all sorts of dirty things lowly with just the hottest voice ever. he's very vocal about what he wants, and he loves cumming inside... so expect him to talk about that. oh, he is so fucking possessive too. "hmm. mine. this is mine. you're mine." he probably bites your ear/neck when he says it... the grunts that come out when he slams are enough to send anyone reeling, but i bet he tells you "fuck. gonna. gonna cum in my fuckdoll--" n his voice just trails off as he fills you up and sighs<33
now kun is !! an interesting one !! ... i envision him as a pretty hard dom, so i don't think he's any stranger to degrading. that being said, i think he's more talkative when he's giving punishments (e.g. spanking over his thigh... heaven<33) rather than when he's fucking. i think he moans lowly, semi-quietly but as he gets more and more pent up he gets louder. (i think this is the case for most of the nct doms but oh well) he'll praise how good you make him feel - assuming you've been behaved enough - but that doesn't stop him from cursing under his breath at every chance he gets ,,..
definitely has pretty moans !! he probably does whine, but i mean that in a dom way - if that makes sense? higher pitched moans but not pathetic, in fact it's probably paired with him whispering "fuck yes, good [insert ur fave petname here]". i think he's the type to kiss you a lot during sex and like... moan into your mouth; any space not taken up by the sound of moans will for sure be filled with the sound of his panting and his tongue dancing with yours.
another semi-whiner. i always saw him as a dom but i'm sliiightly succumbing to the idea that he may be a switch... which is why i think there's so much BEAUTY in his moans?? ten makes really pretty, breathy whines and moans i'm sure, i don't particularly think he talks a crazy amount but rather short instructions. (yes i'm going back to dom!ten) "turn around." "get on your knees" "quiet." AH !! he always lets you know what he needs - however, sub!ten will just whine and squirm till you make him cum because he is most definitely a slut who takes anything:(
first of all, this man wrecks me to the fucking core, and i could talk about this for... a while. but his moans are definitely like, raspy high-pitched type. think about his vocals. esp in try again... i bet you they sound like THAT. i'm sure he talks a bit too, tbh he probably says rather textbook dirty things but it sounds so fucking hot when it's him. "yeah take it, take my cock" "fuck yes just like that", he loves how you whine when he moans right up next to you btw - it just makes him do it even more. oh, and bonus - he will never call you ANYTHING without prefixing it with my or daddy's. daddy's girl, daddy's boy, daddy's pet, my dirty slut... ahh<3
it's almost contrasting to jaehyun but sicheng's voice is so low. i can't explain this in any way other than that he's kitty, but his moans are so... puppy? and when he's fucked, he makes himself sound so dumb too. he's constantly slurring his words and biting his lip because he's trying to keep quiet but anyone who walks by the room will hear "mm.. m!!" because he just can't help himself :( when he's close he probably squeaks like taeyong and cums all over the place GOD i want him
oh god there's no doubt that jungwoo talks SO much during sex. he probably loses his fucking mind with how good he feels. he's such a good boy but sometimes you just need him to shut up - but he can't. he squeaks out a little moan when you push into him, or when you start touching his cock, but withn minutes he's babbling non-stop; "oh god oh god mommy/daddy i love it so much, a-ah like that, please~"
my brain used to be convinced that xuxi was a dom, but i'm now sure he's a switch. either way, his moans are pretty much the same. they're very heavy and... i guess manly is the best way to put it. in my head i can literally picture him being like "ughhh..." when you start fucking because he just feels like he's wanted to fuck you so desperately - yes, even if you fucked hours before. it's always so breathy and moany and i think he sounds like a bit of a fuckboy tbh... "fuck yeah" as he slides his cock into you? THANKS
loud baby loud baby LOUD BABY:((( no matter how much you cover that pretty mouth of his he will be so LOUD!! he can't stop talking and whining and panting, kinda like jungwoo but honestly... more. he swears a lot too. he tries not to but he just can't help himself :( "aw shit... god shit!!!" under his breath UGHHFDGGDFDD SO FUCKING CUTE IM GONNA SCREAM !!! he's very polite though, so he always says sorry every single time :( he babbles like hell when he cums, he can't stop himself, again like jungwoo. "i'm gonna cum i'mgonnacumi- i'm -- ah fuck, shit--!!"
two words. action figure. everyone knew that was coming, HA - i'm sorry but THAT verse means we all know how he sounds. i think he tries his best to talk normally while you edge him but his little voice keeps on wavering and cracking and just... he can't help but sound all pretty and pathetic :( but surely dejun has some (very frequent) moments where he can't keep his front anymore and just whines like a whore because it feels so good<3
the things i'd let this man do to me:))) i think at first he'd actually try and hide his moans because he feels like that's what he's supposed to do, but no. for me personally, i know i would NOT LET THAT HAPPEN !! he probably sucks the air in through his teeth in an attempt to hide it - it's very fucking sexy when he does that, granted - but he can't keep doing that for long. i think he hums and laughs when he can't keep it in any longer because he almost feels some kinda defeat but then he just moans semi-loudly and lets out a "good girl/boy/baby... let me fuck you, huh?"
renjun scares the fuck out of me. why? because his moans are fairly quiet. he's master and it S H O W S. he grunts quietly, maybe muttering things under his breath like "so fucking tight" "mmh there you go..." to fill some silence but he does it subconsciously; he goes so far into domspace sometimes that he just can't control himself. when he's close he talks through his teeth and he's like "i'm. i'm gonna cum baby..."and the more you whine on his cock the more he just laughs at you because he's a sadist hhhhhhhhhhh.........
most definitely a fun one... you see when he's sub, he pants and whines and drools all over himself like a big dumb puppy boy and he just breathes so heavy n his moans are all shaky... if he's a brat he will try and talk big but he can't take it, he just gets so pathetic and !!! but dom jeno is fucking TERRIFYING because he talks down and tries his best to intimidate you. he chuckles and degrades you, but one of his faves is when he can big himself up under his breath. "look at you now. you love this fucking cock."
this isn't good for my mental health :) i fucking cannot TAKE this brat :) AHA! hyuckie is honestly such a whore, he's bratty and rude and always talks back at you like he's the king of the fucking world. he's constantly laughing at you and trying so hard to make you feel like you're not worthy but he feels so good he just gets fucked dumb by you :( he is SO loud too. he wants everyone to hear what a dirty whore he is and he makes sure he puts on his prettiest pornstar moans. he whines like his life depends on it. on the off chance that he's being a good boy, he begs and cries and whimpers when he finally cums - and i mean CRIES. sobs. he'll be heaving by the time you're done with him, but god he fucking loves it.
fuck... fuck okay... well firstly he loves to talk. we all know how much he praises and how he's constantly showing his love off... that doesn't stop at fanservice, nope. he will fuck you like a ragdoll and keep calm and composed as ever, talking down to you as if you're in his lap for a soft cuddle. "baby loves nana so much hm~?" "oh you really love that don't you?" "you know you're so pretty. nana wants to cum in you so bad~" yes, he calls himself nana because he's a cocky fuck and loves how it sounds. especially when you're moaning it for him.
i'm kinda in 2 minds about this... on the one hand, he's kinda like hyuckie in that he whines a LOT. but he can actually keep his composure - he's a breathy whiner, he's not quite as loud and he most certainy doesn't crumble as easily. (that's not to say that he can't, he most definitely can.) on the other hand i think when he's in a more neutral headspace rather than subby, he talks to you like a total fuckboy. not in a mean way but he's just like "hah. i know you love me fucking you like this." he gets so cocky and he sucks hickeys into your neck and hums quietly<3
he's such a shy baby :( he wants to moan so much but he probably gets all self conscious and tries to hide it... so you gotta make him feel safe :( when he does he whimpers and it's so pretty and pathetic. the way he wells up with tears and hitches his breath is. adorable. he whispers "thank you... ah..." every time he feels that good and by the time he cums it's just falling from him like a waterfall :( the more comfortable he feels, though, the sluttier he can get... he will always be a good boy but i think he lets his whore side come out every once in a while <3
last but most certainly not least, yet ANOTHER boy who pains me to the core. i think sungchan whimpers too. THERE I SAID IT. his cock is too big for his own good so he just... needs you to do SOMETHING to him :( he always sighs at first, maybe hissing just a little but then he gets to a point where he's quietly whimpering because he just needs to cum so fucking bad <//3 "need it... p-please..." he's always nervous to use titles but if he wants to cum he has no choice :( when his dom asks please who? he blushes bright red n mumbles a little "please mommy/daddy... 'm so good..." and god yes he is he deserves it so much ugh<33333333333333
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foli-vora · 3 years
my girl
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A/N: look, I don’t even fucking know. I saw the reference picture and my mind just went absolutely feral. What started out as what could be a simple threesome, soon turned into this—whatever the fuck this is. I refuse to apologise. I enjoyed this ride and will now throw this out into the abyss like a grenade and run back to the safety of my blankets, ashamed to ever return.
This is for @autumnleaves1991-blog Writers Wednesday ❤️ such an incredible idea! Thank you for letting me join in!
Pairing: Dave York x f!reader x Francisco “Catfish” Morales
Word count: 2.4k
Warnings: this is straight up filth. FILTH. SMUT 18+ NO MINORS!! Swearing, alcohol, fingering, oral sex (f receiving), lactation kink—not everyone’s cup of tea, I get it... dirty talk, Dave’s a bastard and Frankie’s a pussy eating king—both things we know by now. Um, enjoy, I guess?
You laugh lightly, head falling back onto Dave’s shoulder as Frankie drops his cards to the table with a drawn out sigh.
“You can’t lie for shit, Morales.”
He shoots a half hearted glare at Dave, crossing his arms stubbornly. “I don’t think that’s a bad thing, York.”
You snort quietly, fingers intertwining with the hand resting comfortably on your thigh. “It’s not a good thing, either. Drink up.”
“Two against one is hardly fair.”
Dave grins, momentarily pressing against your back to reach for his own beer before reclining comfortably back in the chair, pulling you tighter against him as he goes. “You say that like she’s a threat—she’s as hopeless as you.”
The sun still warms your shoulders as it starts it’s descent below the heavy tree line behind your property, the bright summer glow fading into something softer, more relaxing, and you eye the mess of paper plates, cups and random toys strewn about in the yard—the leftover destruction of your sons first birthday.
Dave’s fingers softly pinch your chin and return your focus to the table and the drinking game currently taking place, coaxing another beer into your hands while he kisses softly below your ear. “Stop looking at it—we’ll do it in the morning.”
“Yeah, when I’m long gone.” Frankie mutters, grinning at you before tipping his head back and polishing off another can while Dave laughs quietly.
He liked Dave. The guy was strange sometimes, what with his out of town work and mysterious friends that made the hairs on the back of Frankie’s neck stand, but Dave was a good guy... adored the absolute hell out of you and that’s all that mattered. He served, too, but unlike Frankie choosing to retire, he took up an opportunity with the CIA. Not too shabby.
Frankie’s checking in with his babysitter a little while later, having lost again, when he hears a little moan. His eyes move towards the sound before he can help it.
What the fuck?
Frankie shifts in his seat, not looking straight at the pair of you in fear of fucking flat out moaning. He chalks it up to just not being with someone for a while but wow. He could see you from the corner of his eye, see Dave’s hands and the way they move to squeeze and pinch at your tits as his mouth practically devours yours. You’re complete putty in his hands, melting into his lap and taking whatever he gives you hungrily.
Maybe he should go.
Fuck. Did you just whimper?
Jesus. He needs to leave now.
“I’ll head off... give you two some space—”
Dave’s low voice stops his rise from the chair, his ass hanging awkwardly over the seat as eyes that match his in colour and depth zero in on him from across the table. “What’s the rush, Morales?”
“No rush. I just don’t want to intrude—”
“You’re not. Sit down. Have another beer.”
Say no. Say no.
He resettles in the chair, immediately reaching for another can as wonders why he suddenly feels so fucking studied under Dave’s watchful gaze.
“So how long have you wanted to fuck my wife?”
You blink in shock, “David!”
Frankie just about chokes. Beer spills from his lips and he hacks a cough in surprise, sleeve catching the drops of liquid that fall from his chin. Fuck. Fucking shit. What the fuck is he meant to do? He’s gonna get his ass kicked, and if he’s being honest with himself, he fucking deserves it.
He should’ve fucking left.
“Man, I swear—” He swears what? He can tell by the way Dave’s looking at him that the man already knows. He’s not angry—not even a little bit. He’s just... smug. And curious. What kind of fucking game is this guy playing?
“Oh god, Frankie, I’m so sorry—please ignore him. David, what’s the fucking matter with you?!”
You bristle when he blatantly ignores you, instead raising a brow in challenge at Frankie. “Am I wrong?”
Frankie works his jaw, eyes narrowing slightly as he tries to work out Dave’s play. He doesn’t seem to be looking for a fight. Doesn’t seem to be doing it out of spite or wanting to upset you. He has no idea how to act, what to fucking say.
Dave nods, grinning. “Thought as much.”
His hand cups your chest, squeezing the flesh softly, and you squirm in his touch, cheeks flooding with embarrassment for your friend as Frankie swallows uncomfortably, eyes immediately finding the crushed cans on the table. “Dave—”
“He doesn’t mind—do you, Morales?”
You watch in slight surprise as Frankie’s eyes flutter to your chest, watching the way Dave handles you roughly before they’re moving away again, almost shy.
“It’s alright. You can watch. Can’t he, honey?”
And then Frankie’s looking at you, eyes unsure and questioning but burning with something that has a thrill running along your spine. You nod quietly, heart beating unsteadily as Frankie’s eyes widen slightly, body squirming in the chair.
“If—if you want to.”
He exhales softly, now watching with rapt attention as Dave brings both hands up, undoing each button of your dress until your modest cotton bra is on show, nipples poking through and straining against the fabric. He feels the air leave his lungs the second Dave pulls at the cups, spilling your tits out to the open air and his wandering gaze. He can’t help but make a noise at the sight of them, cock hardening to the point of discomfort as Dave massages them softly, your eyes rolling a little as he pinches at your nipples.
Frankie stiffens in the chair, breath catching and stomach dropping.
Fucking shit—
Dave hums lowly in appreciation, feeling a warm dribble across his thumb and fingers as you squirm from the familiar tingle in your breasts. “She’s trying to stop and dry it up, but it takes a while, doesn’t it, honey? Not that I care—more for me in the long run.”
Frankie almost whines. Fucking whines. He catches it just before it falls from his throat, close to embarrassment. Dave knows—the bastard. You look so good. So fucking good. Fuck, there’s so much—
“Have a taste.”
You moan softly at the idea, and Dave hushes you softly as he presses a kiss to your throat.
Frankie eyes the milk that falls from your nipple before glancing up and meeting Dave’s gaze, lips pursing in thought despite the way his cock throbs in his jeans. What was the ulterior motive here? Was it a test? Was he just looking for a reason to knock him out? Does he even care?
Dave watches him, expression unwavering, almost teasing as he coaxes more milk from your tits and runs his fingers through the warm stream sliding down your skin.
“What’s the catch?” Frankie eventually asks, voice hoarse, and Dave grins.
“No catch.”
Did he get up too fast? By the way Dave laughs at him, he probably did. He doesn’t care. He can’t get around the stupid fucking glass table quick enough.
Frankie drops to his knees in front of you, attention completely focused on the way Dave squeezes gently at your nipple and draws more milk from your tit.
He wants to double check. He knows Dave would never push you to do something you didn’t want to, but there’s been a bit of alcohol involved, and even though he knows your tolerance level is much higher than a few beers, hell—even tequila doesn’t bring you down, checking doesn’t hurt. “Are you—”
You nod, “It’s okay, Frankie.”
“Go on.”
He doesn’t need to be told twice. Frankie’s lip attach to you the second Dave opens his mouth, his tongue running immediately over your nipple and groaning when the taste of your milk sinks into his taste buds. So fucking sweet. You whine into Dave’s ear when Frankie increases his pressure, greedy for more as you flood his mouth, and your stomach tightens at Dave’s low hum.
“Feel good, honey?” He asks quietly, other hand cupping and rolling your free nipple in his hand as Frankie moans softly against your skin, the prickle of his facial hair so different to Dave’s clean shaven face, but no less pleasant.
“S-so good—”
Dave’s fingers gently pinch at the hem of your dress, sliding it up along your thighs and pooling it above your waist before coaxing your thighs open a little more, Frankie immediately moving into the free space as soon as he could. Dave pulls your panties to the side, running his fingers through your slick folds with a low groan.
“You’re so fucking wet. Do you like him sucking on your tits?”
You whine quietly, hips arching into the two fingers that swirl around your entrance before they slide in and curl against your hot walls. He moves slowly, dragging them almost lazily in and out of your pussy as he feels more of your arousal coat his hand.
“Yeah, you do like it—so does he. Do you think he can hear how wet you are, baby? Do you think he can hear my fingers move in this greedy little cunt?”
Frankie groans. Loudly. He’d be embarrassed if he wasn’t so fucking turned on. He can hear it. It’s driving him fucking mad. He wants to look, wants to watch how your face moves as Dave finds that spot deep along your walls, but he can’t pull away from you. Not yet. If this is the only chance he gets to do this, then he’s taking it and fucking running.
Dave’s gentle as he pulls his fingers from you, swirling his slick soaked fingers around and over your nipple before coaxing Frankie to the other side. The obscene groan that vibrates against your chest sends flutters through your entire body as Frankie laps at your skin with a ravenous frenzy, tongue smoothing over every bit of wet skin he could find before latching onto your nipple without abandon.
Dave picks up on it immediately. “Easy. You hurt her, I hurt you.”
A tongue smoothes over your nipple in silent apology, and your fingers run through the flattened curls of Frankie’s hat hair in acceptance, his face nuzzling against your skin as you bring him closer. Dave’s fingers return to your pussy, leisurely circling your clit, swollen and throbbing from lack of attention.
“Do you want to cum, honey?”
The needy whine that leaves your mouth has him cooing into the side of your face, fingers picking up speed and pressure at the desperate little buck of your hips.
“Maybe if you ask Francisco nicely, he’ll eat this pretty pussy until you cum.”
Jesus fucking Christ.
Is he serious?
Frankie shudders against you, cock straining so fucking hard against his jeans he almost wants to cry. He’d beg if he has to. If that tiny little taster Dave gave him was anything to go by, you’d drive him fucking wild.
“P-please Frankie—”
Dave tuts lowly in your ear, “‘Please Frankie’—you can do better than that. He can’t hear you.”
“Fuck. Please—”
“Please what?”
“Please eat my pussy—please—”
Dave winds his fingers into Frankie’s hair and tugs sharply, the other man detaching from your tit with a wet smack of his lips. He eyes the small trail of milk sliding into Frankie’s beard and scoffs quietly, “Messy.”
Frankie’s already flushed cheeks darken even further, but he doesn’t care. All he cares about is how fucking stunning you look, legs spread and face morphed in ecstasy as Dave rubs over your clit with a shadow of a smirk—the man knew he drove you crazy.
God, so fucking wet—
You’re dripping. He can see it. He watches the way your entrance flutters, pussy clenching hungrily around nothing as Dave slows his movements.
“Well? You heard her.” He parts your folds, baring you in all your slick fucking glory, and Frankie all but fucking loses his god damn mind. He dives in, uncaring that Dave’s fingers are there and his tongues probably running over them more than he cares to count. Dave doesn’t seem to mind.
The cry that falls from your lips has Frankie pressing forward, mouth pressing greedily against you as his tongue works at your pussy, lapping at your weeping entrance before lathing attention to your clit, tightening his lips around the nerve and letting his tongue massage over it.
“Oh fuck, Frankie—”
Dave hums, curved nose trailing softly along the side of your face as you thrash in his arms, bucking into the mouth that all but fucking devours your pussy. His tries to ignore the way you shift on his lap, the way your ass drags so fucking nicely over his hard cock straining under you, tries to ignore the delicious fucking sounds coming from both you and Frankie, but he can only endure so much.
He bites into your shoulder, eyes tightening as he fights off the waves of tempting bliss tingling at the base of his spine. Not yet. He wants more.
“Come on, baby. He’s been so good—cum on his mouth. Give it to him.”
Your body thrums with waves of electricity at Dave’s words, each swipe of Frankie’s tongue driving you further and further until you’re stiffening, Dave cooing quiet praises and quickly slapping a firm hand over your mouth as you find your peak, crying out and shaking in his arms as Frankie holds onto your thighs, tongue burying itself in your fluttering pussy to take everything you give him.
Your cries turn into whines, and soon you’re squirming, trying to get away from Frankie’s mouth. He takes the message before Dave can intervene, pulling away with a shaky exhale and desperately trying not to blow his load in his fucking jeans. He had a feeling Dave would never let him live it down, but it was so fucking hard not to. You were wrecked.
He watches you come down from your high from the floor between your thighs, heart hammering as Dave softly runs his fingers along your skin, voice almost silent as he murmurs in your ear. Dark eyes are soon on him and Frankie briefly worries he’s overstepping his welcome, until Dave speaks.
“That’s what you get when you lose, Morales. Imagine what you’ll get if you win. Deal ‘em.” Dave nods to the cards on the table, acting like he didn’t have you still trembling in his arms with your tits out, and dress bunched around your hips with your pussy still spread and quivering.
Frankie swallows, nodding silently and moving back to his seat, reaching for the cards with a sudden urge to win and wipe that fucking smirk off of Dave’s face.
Tags: @anu-simps @seasonschange-butpeopledont @withasideofmeg @you-got-me-starry-eyed @mouthymandalorianalso @frannyzooey @wyn-dixie @intu-witch-tion @amneris21 @mad-girl-without-a-box @pinguinstudiert @sergeantbannerbarnes @betterthanbucky @kat-r-in @starlightmornings @randomness501 @antisocialthat70sshow @buttercup--bee @sleep-tight1 @spideysimpossiblegirl @greeneyedblondie44 @hope-for-the-best-98 @bunniwarrior @fangirl-316 @acourtofsnakes @leaiorganas @princess76179​ @mamacitapascal @221bshrlocked @danniburgh @lv7867​ @autumnleaves1991-blog​ @julesorwhatever​
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princehrry-writings · 3 years
happy Easter if you celebrate it!! I've been working on this for a couple weeks!! It's the longest one-shot I think I've ever written.
word count: 5180
please please please flood my inbox with your thoughts and comments!! i want to know what you think!!!
warnings: some swearing (i think), absent birth father, single mom, nothing too serious.
“And who might this be?” He said softly, hoping that he wouldn’t frighten her.
“Tell Harry your name baby,” Y/n brushed a stray piece of hair away from her daughter's face who shied away behind her mom’s leg.
“Stella,” the little girl mumbled, fidgeting with the jeans she hid behind. He felt his heart flutter. She was just so freakin cute.
“It’s lovely to meet you Stella, m’Harry!”
“You talk funny.” The child said, making Harry laugh and Y/n gasp, scolding her daughter for being rude while trying not to laugh at her blunt comment.
“Stella Rose, that was not a very nice thing to say!” Y/n softly reprimanded.
“Sowwy Hawwy,” He chuckled, letting her know he forgave her.
Y/n is a single mom and Harry wants to be a part of the family.
Getting pregnant was definitely not something Y/n wanted to be doing at 20 years old. She had a boyfriend and the career of her dreams but as soon as the news broke, one of those things was no longer true. Her ex skipped town faster than she could even finish telling him she was pregnant, so Y/n was left to her own devices since her family was so far away.
She was a songwriter. She had worked with all the big names in the industry from Taylor Swift to All Time Low. She was known for being able to write in any genre, that’s what set her apart and why people were clawing at the chance to work with her.
And then she got pregnant. She kept writing songs until she was eight and a half months along but due to minor complications, her doctor had ordered her to stay home. So she did. She stayed home, had the baby, and raised her all by herself. Now that baby, whose name is Stella, is four years old and is traveling the world with her mom. Y/n had gone back to work when Stella was a year old. At first, she would leave her baby with a sitter, but eventually, she got to a point where Stella was old enough to come along to writing sessions and quietly color or play with toys in a corner. She really liked going to work with her mom. She got to see a bunch of cool places and meet a lot of nice people.
And one of those people was Harry Styles. Y/n had met him a few times back when he was with One Direction, had even tried to work with the band a few times but things never lined up right. But now he was making his second studio album and only wanted the best of the best to write with him so naturally, he called Y/n. Harry knew she had a kid but he didn’t expect her to bring said kid to a writing session. Harry didn’t really mind- he loves kids, but his friends had been known to curse a lot and he didn’t want to cause any harm to the child.
He made sure to give everyone a stern talking to, even though Kid already knew to hold his tongue (his little ones had repeated some colorful words a few times). He wanted everything to go right, needed it to. Y/n was more than just another songwriter.
“Y/n! I’m so glad you could make it!” Harry smiled as she walked into the studio. She smiled back, walking into his open arms for a hug.
“Thank you so much for having me, I’m super stoked to be working with you!” She said, slightly muffled by his neck. Harry looked down behind Y/n and saw a little girl that looked exactly like the woman currently in his arms looking right back up at him. When the two pulled away Harry was quick to kneel down to her height.
“And who might this be?” He said softly, hoping that he wouldn’t frighten her.
“Tell Harry your name baby,” Y/n brushed a stray piece of hair away from her daughter's face who shied away behind her mom’s leg.
“Stella,” the little girl mumbled, fidgeting with the jeans she hid behind. He felt his heart flutter. She was just so freakin cute.
“It’s lovely to meet you Stella, m’Harry!”
“You talk funny.” The child said, making Harry laugh and Y/n gasp, scolding her daughter for being rude while trying not to laugh at her blunt comment.
“Stella Rose, that was not a very nice thing to say!” Y/n softly reprimanded.
“Sowwy Hawwy,” He chuckled, letting her know he forgave her. Although he wasn’t mad, he understood Y/n had to teach her not to say things like that even if they were funny.
When Stella had settled at a table out of the way of the adults in the room with her coloring book and a juice box, the work began. Y/n and Harry sat at a piano bench ( he hoped she couldn’t hear his pounding heart) while Kid and Mitch, along with Jeff, sat scattered around the other furniture in the studio.
“So, I have a couple of ideas that I’ve been sitting on that I think you might like. You can look through this and see if there's something that catches your eye.” Y/n said, handing Harry a notebook. She tried to ignore the tingle she felt run up her arm when their fingers brushed. He flipped around the pages, noticing random little doodles in the corners and in between lines, and the somewhat messy but readable handwriting. He thought it was cute how she connected her s’s to her t’s and k’s when she wrote.
One page, in particular, caught his attention.
Golden, Golden, Golden
As I open my eyes
Hold it, focus
So you take me back to the light
I know you were way too bright for me
I’m hopeless, broken
So you wait for me in the sky
Brown my skin just right
“Is this a verse or a chorus?” He asked, pointing it out to her. She shrugged saying she didn’t really know yet but it would probably be a verse.
“I like it a lot,” He said and she smiled, picking up her guitar and strumming it to the tune she had thought of for the words. He listened and nodded along, already getting ideas for where to go next.
“I like the golden thing. I think that could be a good hook, something like we’re so golden,” Kid spoke up, tapping his fingers along to what she was playing.
“Or you’re so golden,” Mitch suggested. Harry and Y/n’s eyes widened at the same time, both looking up at each other when they heard the line.
“You’re so golden, you’re so golden…” Y/n hummed.
“I’m out of my head, and I know what you said about hearts get broken,”
“How about I’m out of my head and I know that you’re scared because hearts get broken,”
“I like that better, yeah!” Harry smiled, nodding along to the beat.
Y/n looked over 30 minutes later to see Stella had sprawled out on the floor with her arms folded beneath her head, first finger stuck into her mouth, and she smiled, breathing out a laugh.
“She’s so precious,” Harry murmured from beside you. Your gaze found his and the smile on your face widened a little bit.
“She is, isn’t she.” She said, pride present in her eyes.
“Looks just like you as well,”
“Yeah thank god, I don’t know what I would have done if she had ended up looking like her sperm donor,” Malice dripped from the end of her phrase. Y/n couldn’t even entertain the idea of her looking like the man who helped create her. That nerve was still a little raw, not because she had any remaining feelings, but because he had abandoned not only her but the beautiful baby girl who was napping not 15 feet away from her. She figured they were better off without him, yet her heart always shattered a little when Stella asked if she had a daddy like the people she sees on tv.
“I couldn’t imagine finding out the woman I loved was pregnant and then leaving her, any real man would have stayed.” His eyes were genuine, which she appreciated. Most people would say they felt sorry for her, pity dripping from their gaze, but she didn’t need pity, didn’t need people to feel sorry for her. But what Harry said was out of pity, he just honestly couldn’t understand how anyone would abandon a child.
“Yeah well, I guess I just wasn’t the woman he loved.” She said, looking back at her baby. Stella made all of that pain from when he disappeared worth it.
Harry wanted to be able to take that pain away.
“Hey I know it’s late, but I have this idea and I want you to hear it,” Harry’s raspy voice chimed through the speaker of Y/n’s phone. She glanced at the time, reading 1:30 AM, and sighed.
“Come open the door,” He said.
“Wait what? You’re here?”
“Yeah, come on. It’s cold out here.”
“Ugh, hold on,” The woman sighed, hanging up and tip-toeing out of her room so her footsteps wouldn’t wake the sleeping four-year-old in the next room over. Her door was open and she was a light sleeper.
The door swung open and Harry stood there with a small smile on his face, burrowing as deep into his coat as he could to shield himself from the cold air outside.
“Hi!” His cheeky smile made Y/n’s heart flutter.
This was the first of many times he would show up at her place in the middle of the night.
Another night of Harry coming over late with a song idea he couldn’t wait to show Y/n, although now it was more he would come over after Stella fell asleep and the two would watch movies and talk, and sometimes write songs (even though the album was done).
The pair were perched on the couch in a heated conversation about whether or not pineapple belongs on pizza (it does and that is a fact not an opinion) when the sound of little footsteps caught their attention. They both looked up from where they sat at the sound of loud crying coming down the stairs, seeing a small child with tears barreling down her face, cheeks flush an angry red, first finger stuck in her mouth, teddy bear clutched tightly to her chest.
“Baby what’s wrong?” Y/n cooed, getting up and sweeping her into her arms. She went and sat back down on the couch, cradling the baby to her chest, brushing her hair out of her face, and rocking her back and forth.
“Scawwy dweam mommy,” She hiccuped into her mom’s neck, where she hid her face. Her tiny hands clutched onto her shirt, finger stick tucked between her lips.
Harry held back a coo at the little girl, feeling himself fall further and further for the little family of two sitting before him. He hadn’t been able to take his mind off of them since that first day he met Stella. He’d always had a schoolboy crush on Y/n since they first met all those years ago but knew it was one-sided when she introduced her boyfriend one of the last times they had seen each other. As fate would have it though, they found their way back to each other. Neither of them could deny the feelings they held, but Y/n was scared to bring someone into the picture because she didn’t want Stella to get attached to someone who wouldn’t be permanent. She was lucky her ex left before he ever got the chance to meet Stella, the kid had no clue what she was missing, therefore didn’t have any pain due to her absent father.
She would be lying if she said she didn’t imagine Harry stepping into that role. But she couldn’t ask that of him. He was at a time in his career where he didn’t have time to be the father of a four year old.
But life is full of surprises.
“Hawwy.” The baby whimpered and crawled off of Y/n’s chest, into his lap and snuggled her head right into him like it was where she was meant to be all along. His heart just about burst when the little girl fisted his shirt, tucking herself into him. His arms instinctively wrapped around her, cradling her into him and rocking her back and forth like her mother had been only moments ago.
Stella calms down almost immediately, to Y/n’s surprise. It usually takes her a while to console her baby from bad dreams, but all Harry had to do was hold her, and boom, no more tears.
“You alright petal?” He cooed into her hair, soothing his hand up and down her back to keep her calm. She nodded, letting out a huge yawn and closing her eyes, falling back asleep in his arms.
Y/n was astonished. Stella had never fallen asleep on anyone but her mom or her grandmother. She’s known Harry for a few months and was acting like he’d been there her whole life.
“Wow… she loves you.” Y/n whispered, not really meaning for him to hear but he did and his smile gave her the impression that he loved her too. But Stella wasn’t the only one he felt such affections for.
“Y/n....” He starts after a moment of silence, “I know this sounds crazy because we’ve only truly known each other for a few months… but I’ve had feelings for you for years. I missed my opportunity when you got with your ex but I’m here now, and I love you, and I love Stella, and I would do anything to stay in both of your lives if you’d have me. I want to be here for you, and I want to be here for her as well.” His confession shocked the woman sitting across from him.
Y/n was quiet, eyebrows furrowed in deep thought while she took in what he was saying. Trying her best to keep her fantasies of playing house with him at bay, she spoke.
“Harry, as much as all of that sounds lovely, you’re about to start press for the album and then go on tour. You’re not gonna have time to be in a relationship, and as much as I wish I could just jump into something like that, I can’t. I have her to think about…” She gestured to the toddler sleeping on him.
“She needs consistency, her life is already hectic enough.”
“So come with me!” He spouted, and then retracted a bit realizing he could wake Stella up.
“Come with me! You two travel around already, so come on the press tour with me and then come on the big tour with me! I know this sounds impulsive and it’s probably the craziest thing I’ve ever said in my life ever, but I’ve never been more sure of anything. I know what I want Y/n, and that’s to be a part of this family. I want to be a part of your lives!”
“Harry, I-”
“Please Y/n. Give me a chance! I won’t let you down!” The gleam in his eyes shows her that he’s serious. He really does want this. Harry just hopes that Y/n can see just how willing he is, how much it would mean to him to have (what he already affectionately considers to be) his girls with him on tour.
It’s quiet, only sounds of Stella’s even breaths and the light noise of her sucking on her finger fill the room. Eventually, Y/n gathers her thoughts, mind made up.
“We’ll try it out… see how it goes….” She said, releasing a breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding on to. Harry’s smile grew tenfold at her confession, reaching over and bringing her face closer to his to kiss her lips, careful not to wake the baby in his arms.
He had never been happier, Harry decides, than he is right now.
“Hawwy?” Stella’s voice catches Y/n’s attention from where she sits on the plane, in between her and Harry. She turns her little head to the man sitting in the aisle seat, big round eyes staring right into his.
“What is it, lovebug?” He asks, pushing her wild baby hairs away from her eyes. Y/n did her very best not to coo at the two of them. Harry had fallen perfectly into step with the mother and daughter, like this duo had been a trio all along. She was still hesitant to think of him as a father figure for Stella though, just because if things went south somehow, she didn’t want her baby suffering a loss like that (a second time).
Stella’s little fists rubbed at her tired eyes. She let out a small ‘hmph’ and laid her head on Harry’s arm, wrapping her own little arms around his.
“Awe you my daddy?” She asked and Y/n choked on her spit, looking back over at the toddler.
“Stella, baby-”
“I would love to be your daddy lovebug, but that’s not really up to me…” He spoke and glanced up at Y/n quickly, trepidation clear in his eyes. Harry was afraid he might overstep. Sure he knew that things were still new between him and Y/n but he wanted nothing more than for Stella to think of him as her dad.
“Who’s it up to?” Y/n could tell she was about to fall asleep but was fighting it in order to get her answers. She had adjusted to a more fast pace schedule quite nicely. She slept through most plane and car rides and absolutely loved being backstage at concerts. Harry thought she looked so adorable with her big noise-canceling headphones on. They had been on the road for a few months now, and it had been 8 months since Y/n decided to give him a chance.
“It’s up to mummy, baby.” He answered, his fingers tangling into his chestnut curls in a futile attempt to keep them out of his face.
Stella’s head immediately whipped to look at her mom, who sat frozen in her seat, not knowing what to do.
“Mommy, is Hawwy my daddy?” She repeated her question. Y/n had a feeling that Stella thought Harry was her real dad, the one that her mom didn’t like to talk about. She had to make sure there was no confusion.
“Not like you're thinking he is, baby. He’s not your birth dad, he didn’t help mommy make you, but if you want him to be your daddy, then that’s ok with me.” Y/n locked eyes with the man sitting across from her with a smile on his face. She was glad that they were flying private because she really didn’t need anyone ruining this moment for them. All her fears of this not working out felt stupid now.
How could she ever think that things with Harry wouldn’t work out? He was right where he belonged.
“Baby!” Harry knelt down to catch the running (almost) 5 year old, picking her up and spinning her around in his arms. They were in England for two weeks on tour. One for shows, and one so that Y/n and Stella could meet Harry’s mom and sister for the first time as a part of the family. Y/n had met them before as “a friend of Harry’s” many years ago, but they had never met her as Harry’s girlfriend, and they hadn’t met Stella.
Currently, Harry was in the middle of a show and Stella had just escaped her mothers arms side stage in favor of running to her dad. Y/n still couldn’t get over saying that. Harry is Stella’s dad. She doesn’t think that will ever get old.
No one knew how serious the relationship between Y/n and Harry was. The public knew they were together (after a very vague post on instagram of the mother/daughter duo napping with the caption “my girls”). Many people thought this was a PR stunt, just because it was so unlike Harry to post something like that. But he had actually confirmed in an interview that, yes, he was in a relationship with the songwriter and it was pretty serious. That was all he chose to say, in favor of keeping his secrecy, as he so famously loves to do.
What came as a shock to the audience was what the child had called Harry. They all knew about Stella, obviously, but no one would have thought that this child would think of him as her father. A lot of people didn’t like thinking about Harry being a father.
“What are you doing out here baby?” He said into her ear, making sure he could hear her over the loud noise of the audience. Most of them loved getting glimpses into his life, so the crowd was excited to see Stella out on stage and many thought it was adorable that she already thought of him as her dad.
“Missed you.” She said into his neck. The microphone had somehow picked up their little exchange and the whole crowd sighed a collective “awe” when she said that. She was perched on his hip with her little arms wrapped around his neck, her favorite place if she had to choose one. She was pretty small for a 4-year-old, most people usually thought she was younger.
Harry chuckled and saw Y/n standing there with a smile on her face. Mitch was giggling at the exchange and kept glancing back at Sarah with a knowing look of “That’s going to be us soon,” written on his face.
“I missed you too lovebug, but I’m in the middle of a show! I gotta send you back to mumma.” He said. Stella didn’t like that though, because as soon as the words left his lips she was clinging to him like he was her life force and the tears began streaming down her face. She didn’t like having to share her daddy. She just wanted to be held by him right now, and she’d be damned if she got anything but her way.
This amused everyone, the child's insistence to be in her father's arms, so he sighed and bent to her will because how could he say no to his baby girl?
So he walked over to her mom and got her headphones, slipping them on her, and walked back to his microphone with her on his hip, ready to start the next song.
“Harry and Stella” was trending on twitter the very next morning. No one could get enough of the father-daughter duo.
Y/n hadn’t been this nervous since she was about to give birth to Stella. She stood with her baby in her arms as Harry opened the door to his childhood home, announcing to his mom and sister that they were there. She had to wipe her sweaty palms on her jeans more than once.
Anne rushed out from wherever she had been, greeting the three of them. Stella had met Anne via FaceTime many times so it was not news to her (or Gemma) that Harry had stepped into the role of Stella’s father. She will admit she was surprised at first but then she was reminded that Harry had been in their lives for almost a year before Stella had asked the question. It wasn’t something that was rushed into.
Anne was very excited to be meeting her grandbaby and was very excited to meet the girl that had made her a grandmother.
Stella got shy, not being used to seeing “Nana” in person. Gemma had emerged from her spot in the kitchen as well, greeting everyone.
“Hello, my loves! How was the trip?” Anne said, kissing both of them on the cheek, her hand gently caressing the child's cheek in an attempt to get her out of her shell. Once she realized that this was her Nana that was standing before her, Stella reached out for Anne, silently asking to be held by her. Anne jumped at the chance, sweeping the baby into her arms and giving her a big hug, kissing her on the forehead multiple times, not being able to quell her affection for her first grandchild.
“It was good mum, Stell slept the whole way and traffic was pretty light,” Harry said, slipping his hand into his girlfriend’s, brushing his thumb back and forth trying to help calm her anxieties. For whatever reason, Y/n was worried that Gemma and Anne wouldn’t like her because she had come into their son/brother's life with a child, but it was clear that the two ladies loved the idea of Harry being Stella’s father.
“Oh, that's lovely!” She smiled, cuddling Stella impossibly closer to her. Y/n felt most of her worries melt away seeing the woman with her baby.
She felt silly for thinking Anne would be anything but happy.
Anne would not put Stella down for anything. The two were attached at the hip every waking second. Y/n was actually starting to miss her baby, but she appreciated getting to spend time with Harry without having to keep an eye on their little one. Gemma was absolutely smitten with Stella as well. She was very excited to be “Auntie Gem” as Stella had quickly adapted to calling her. Stella was very happy as well. She had never been around so much family in her whole life. She’d been so used to just her and her mom, and then just them and Harry, but now she had two whole grandma’s all to herself and an auntie she gets to call her own, something she never knew she was missing, that Y/n never thought her baby would get to have.
Harry was so happy to see his baby with Anne and Gemma. They had been bumped to spot number 3 and 4 on his favorite girl list, with Stella and Y/n taking spots 1 and 2. They didn’t mind one bit.
“Daddy, can we watch a movie?” Stella jumped up onto his lap as he and Y/n sat on the couch, just talking and enjoying each other's company. Y/n smiled at the girl, tightening her grip around Harry’s shoulders, resting her head in the crook of his neck.
“Of course we can lovebug! Go get Nana and auntie Gem and we’ll all pick one out together!” He replied, petting her wild baby hairs out of her eyes just like he always did.
“Auntie Gemma said to ask you if we could watch…” She paused for a second, her little finger tapping on her chin like she couldn’t remember what she was gonna say. Suddenly, she was up and running back to the hallway she had just come from. Y/n and Harry heard little whispers before she came running back out and plopped back onto Harry’s lap, on ‘oof’ erupting from him.
“This Is Us!” She finally said. Harry’s face dropped as he looked behind them to see Gemma standing there, trying to hold back her laughter. Y/n just started cackling and Stella was giggling even though she had no idea what was going on.
“Daddy’s in that movie baby,” Y/n finally calmed down enough to say to her daughter. The little one’s eyes lit up, her hands clasped underneath her chin. This was what she did when she wanted her daddy to say yes to her because she knew he couldn’t resist how adorable she was.
“Please please please!!!!!!” She whined, leaning in to place her forehead against Harry’s. She knew exactly how to get him. He caved every single time.
“Yeah, fine. We can watch it!” He finally said and all three girls cheered. Anne came in at the noise wondering what was going on.
“What’s all this?” She asked and Stella ran up to her, pulling on her
“We watching Daddy’s movie Nana!” She said, jumping up and down with a glowing beam on her face.
“Oh, are we now? Which one?” Anne asked and Stella paused.
“Daddy, how many movies awe you in?” She came back and crawled into his lap. She still had trouble saying her r’s. Her and Harry were working on it.
“Two, lovebug. But one of them you can’t watch until you’re older. It’s too scary f’you.” He said, cuddling his baby into his chest. She put on a little pout hearing that. She didn’t like when her daddy told her no, but this was something he wasn’t gonna budge on.
“Ok,” She sighed. All the adults thought this was adorable.
So they all settled in and watched the movie. Harry had a permanent blush on his face and Stella would jump up and down every time he was on the screen.
“Nana look!! That’s you!!” Anne laughed and nodded to her granddaughter.
“Yes, it is baby!”
“Mommy, why aren’t you in this movie?” She asked and everyone giggled.
“Me and Daddy didn’t know each other very well back then, baby.” Y/n laughed. Stella didn’t really understand but she didn’t say anything else.
The last few days had worn her out and that became very obvious when Harry looked down and saw his baby asleep on his chest, her first finger stuck in her mouth just like it always was when she fell asleep.
“Love, I’m gonna go lay her down, and then I’ll be right back,” Harry whispered, cradling the sleeping girl in his arms and slowly standing up. Y/n nodded, kissing his cheek before he left.
“He’s so good with her!” Gemma cooed, her face lighting up seeing her brother with his kid. A sight she was still kind of getting used to seeing.
“He really is…” Y/n smiled, “It was pretty instant too. Anytime he’d come over and she was still awake, he’d insist on putting her to bed, reading to her, singing to her, he’d bring her toys. She’s had him wrapped around her little finger since he first laid eyes on her.”
“That’s so precious,” Anne spoke up, coming to sit next to her, wrapping Y/n in her warm embrace.
“I can’t wait until you two get married!” Y/n laughed at Gemma’s confession, snuggling into Anne.
“All he has to do is ask, I’m ready to say yes!” What none of the girls knew was that Harry was standing right outside the living room, hearing everything that was being said. His mind raced back to his suitcase where a velvet box sat tucked away between all of his clothes.
He was hesitant to bring the idea up because it had only been a year, but the saying when you know, you know he thought.
He came back into the living room, acting none the wiser, sitting on the other side of the girl he was going to marry (she just didn’t know it yet), and cuddled into her just as she had cuddled into his mom.
“Daddy,” A small voice broke through the now quiet hum of the tv.
“Lovebug, what are you doing back up?” He asked, lifting the sleepy little thing into his lap.
“Scawwy dweam, daddy.” She said and he pouted, pulling her closer into his chest and snuggling her back to sleep.
Harry was exactly where he belonged in life. With his baby girl in his arms, and his Love by his side.
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tenkasato · 3 years
Hellow, Ten~ May I make a request with some Gojo comfort fluff? Something like what you wrote with Megumi x nurse reader? Alittle angst if you must? TY in advance!
Alright. It was supposed to be angst... but it turned out more fluff than angst which I HAD NOT intended. There's a sprinkle of angst so I hope you like that, anon. Enjoy!
A Modest Invitation
Scenario: Gojo is feeling down, and you have ways to entertain him.
Warning: suggestive language, swearing, overloaded fluff I guess
As far as Gojo Satoru was concerned, this was his favorite time of the day.
Business was the same as usual. Curses to exorcise and erase from existence. Problems to mull over and draft solutions to. Children to nurture and guide. And so on, so on, so on, and so forth...
Mind you, being the strongest sorcerer doesn't exempt you from feeling burned out.
He buried his face unto your stomach, nuzzling his nose on the thin fabric that covered your skin and inhaling your fresh, floral scent. Being able to touch you, to feel your existence palpable under his fingers gave him a relief that kept him sane for the past few days.
You were still here. Alive. Breathing. With him.
"Not going to tell me I’m heavy?" he asked as he smiled against you.
You clicked your tongue, and with a trace of amusement and affection, you said, "You won’t be getting off me even if I did, right? So, what’s the point?"
"My wife is such a smart woman."
"Sure am," you snorted.
He felt your hand run through his still wet hair in ginger strokes, straightening the tangles at the tips and drawing circles on his scalp. He heaved a heavy sigh.
Your fingers stopped midway between a stroke. "Something wrong, Satoru?"
Satoru raised his head in surprise. "Huh?"
You rolled your eyes at him. “Oh, come on. I’ve known you since we were in diapers. I know what every sigh you make means.”
Satoru held you in his stare, and you couldn't help but drown into those aquamarine eyes that engulfs your whole existence. You loved those eyes. You loved them dearly.
“I heard you worked with your ex today,” he said in a quiet voice. The unease in his tone made you blink. He had tried to speak with nonchalance but you heard the apprehension nonetheless.
"Is someone jealous?" you teased, the smirk in your face unconcealed. "Glad the day finally came."
He snapped his head up to meet your gaze, lifting his torso up with his arms so he could properly fix you a heated, sullen glare. "Not funny."
"Oh, come on. I used to get jealous of your ladies before. Give me a chance to be the one getting jealous over this time."
"That doesn't sound fair," he whined this time. Satoru crawled towards you until his face was directly over yours. "You're doing it on purpose."
You stared back at him innocently. "And why would I do that?”
He lied down beside you with his arm caged around your torso. You shifted and snuggled up to him.
You reached out to his face as if to console him, pressing the pads of your fingers on his jaw and thumbing his lower lip. You stayed like that for a couple more minutes, basking under the dim light by the corner and plainly listening to each other’s breathing. He thought you had fallen asleep when you had stopped moving, until he felt a light pressure on his chin.
“Jokes aside,” you started when he finally got a look at you, “are you okay? I didn't think you'd be bothered by something like that. You know there's nothing to worry about my ex, right?”
Glancing away, he said, embarrassed, “It’s… I feel so insignificant lately.”
The stare you returned was so intense he could feel your eyes boring into him even without having to look at you. You didn’t ask him to elaborate. You waited, knowing he needed time to articulate his thoughts. Sometimes, he wished you weren't this receptive to him. Being so weak in front of you made him loathe himself even more than he already had.
The day you got married, he poured his heart out with promises of being your respite, your fortress, your source of joy. He thought he could, but with all the responsibilities piled on top of his head, he realized he couldn't give you all the time you deserved.
How many times had he missed your call?
How many times did you have to sleep on the bed at night, cold and alone?
How many times did you hide your tears from him because you didn't want to be an additional burden?
“Look at me,” your voice was a mere whisper.
Reluctantly, he did. He gazed at your serene smile, a glimmer of adoration covering your eyes with a sheen.
Then, with all sinceirty and seriousness, you said, “Wanna fuck?”
Taken aback, Satoru recoiled from you, nearly knocking himself out of the bed. He gaped at you as if you’d just openly admitted being a vampire for a century now.
You let out a string of rude laughter at his stupefied state. “I really love it when you blush like that.”
“You—aren’t you being too bold with—with—you know what? Never mind,” he groaned and inched back into your outstretched arms. “I should’ve been used to your unpredictable, horny episodes.”
“Hey, I ain’t horny now,” you retorted, slightly scandalized. “It just looked like you could use some.”
“It’s hardly the time,” he grumbled with the roll of his eyes.
You, with all the theatrics of a broadway actress, pressed your hand on your chest and gasped. “Oh my goodness. Who are you? My husband would never have turned me down for sex.”
He hissed your name with a warning tone.
The mischievous mold in your face ebbed away like melting wax. Your eyes were speaking to him in a language he could not decipher, in a volume so quiet it was deafening. Whatever emotion you were trying to emanate to him, the unsaid promise of devotion and love—they were so painfully genuine it made his heart ache.
Your face broke into a smile, bitter and sweet, and he found himself returning it.
Suddenly, your smile evolved into nasty Cheshire cat grin, and that alone should’ve been enough cue for him to retreat. But he was a second too late from reacting when your hand shot out and pinched his nose hard.
He let out a yell of utter surprise and pain, earning a roar of thunderous laughter from the despicable you beside him. Cheeks burning, he grabbed his pillow and without preamble, threw it at your face.
You squealed at his sudden retaliation. Wasting no time, you released your battle cry and threw your entire frame in an attempt to tackle him. He smirked at the futile attack but his cockiness came blowing in his face when you poked at his sides.
“Hey!” he yelped as you tickled. “Hey—haha—HEY—“
“Do you—“ you grunted as he pinched your cheeks raw, “—yield?”
“Hell no,” he spits, “not when I’m winning—pAHAHAHA—!”
Satoru took you by surprise when he wrapped his legs around you, pinning his knees on both sides of your hips and twisted his body. You weren't given a chance to yell. Your back connected with the bed with him sitting on top of your thighs, a triumphant grin painted on his face.
“Do you yield?” he asked, catching your wrists before you took another jab at his ribs.
“You do know,” you huffed, “that I can take you down. If I wanted to, yeah?”
“I have no doubts,” he chuckled almost proudly. “But you’re too pure-hearted to hurt the love of your life.”
“Hmm... cocky little bastard.”
“But you love me,” he insisted.
You exhaled in exasperation. “Come here before you suffocate my thighs.”
Laughing, he obliged, lying back beside you all ruffled and warm inside. As you had always, you scooted closer and laid your head on his chest, arm and leg thrown over the rest of his body.
Your sigh of contentment was music to his ears.
“Feel better now?”
“A lot better.”
“Ready to talk now?”
He hugged you closer. He wanted to be closer even though he didn't know how to. If there's anything he's afraid of, it's not being enough for you.
“You matter,” you said, as if reading his frown and hearing his thoughts. “You matter the most to me.”
He turned to embrace you fully, planting a kiss on your forehead. His fingers gingerly ghosted your spine, easing you into his body.
“Hey, Sunshine.”
He let his hand slide down your back to your bottom and squeezed, his solemn features morphing to a wolfish smirk.
“Mind if I take you up on that offer?”
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haikyuuuuuhypeeeee · 3 years
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September Scribbles - Tuesday, September 7th
Genre: Angsty/Fighting
Featuring: Bokuto Koutarou (1.1k wc)
Prompt: “I really don’t understand what’s going on with you sometimes!” (prompt from @creativepromptsforwriting)
WARNING: Swearing, self-deprecating thoughts (this will have a happy ending - I am physically unable to write stories without happy endings but there’s still angst so please take care.)
Bokuto Koutarou has heard it all before.
“You’re so moody!”
But that doesn’t make hearing it every time any easier.
“Up and down, hot and cold - just pick one!”
From friends, partners, even family.
“Why are you like this?”
And now, from you.
“Kou,” you say softly, staring straight ahead at the road as you drive back home. Bokuto is in the passenger seat, hands twitching and a frown permanently etched on his face.
“Please talk to me.”
Bokuto doesn’t reply. He watches the scenery whiz by, buildings and people blurring together. You sigh, and the sound sends a pang to Bokuto’s heart.
He doesn’t know why he’s like this. He doesn’t understand why the highs are so high but the lows so low. He could take some guesses - maybe it was because he had a shitty practice this morning. Or maybe it was because he couldn’t find his nice dress shirt that he wanted to wear to dinner.
Or maybe he’s so fucked in the head that even a missing sock makes him want to curl up in a ball in the closet.
Bokuto wishes, nearly begs to any deity that exists, to not be like this. He doesn’t want to be a tangled web of emotions that even the smartest people he knows can’t figure out. He doesn’t want to drive people away by his inability to handle his own emotions. He doesn’t want to be having the absolute greatest day ever before turning to the worst day of his life by something so small and insignificant.
He doesn’t want to have you sitting in the car with him now, gearing up to break things off. He doesn’t want to be the root cause of yet another failed relationship.
“Koutarou,” you try again. “Can you at least tell me why you thought sulking at dinner and only giving my family one-word answers was a good idea? Do you not like them?”
“No,” Bokuto finally speaks. “It’s not that.”
“Then tell me!” Your raised voice, an indicator of your lost patience, echoes in the car. “Tell me why you couldn’t hold a conversation with my parents! It was embarrassing to have to assure them that my boyfriend doesn’t hate them, and yes he treats me well!” You slow and pull into the driveway, putting the car in park and turning towards Bokuto. Your face is hard as you stare Bokuto down.
Bokuto fists his hair. “I don’t even know how to explain it!”
“If you didn’t want to go tonight you didn’t have to!”
“I wanted to go, okay?!”
“Then why were you so rude?”
“I don’t KNOW!”
“That’s not good enough, Koutarou!”
“Well maybe I’m not good enough!”
Bokuto’s shout is followed by a ringing silence. Your eyes are wide in surprise, and he can feel the same expression on his own face. He wretches open the car door, exits the car and slams it shut before stalking into the house. Faintly he can hear your car door shut but he fishes out his set of keys, unlocks the front door and lets himself inside.
Part of him wants to escape the embarrassment of yelling at you in the car, part of him wants to escape what is sure to be the scolding of letting his emotions get the best of him. But what he really runs from is the certain fact that you will be breaking up with Bokuto. No longer will you want to deal with his erratic behavior and moods that go up and down and up and down. This fight is following the same pattern as all the ones before - a big blow out followed by a telling silence before the final bomb is dropped.
You’re so moody!
Up and down, hot and cold - just pick one!
Why are you like this?
Bokuto has retreated to the kitchen, sitting on a stool at the island, when he hears you walk inside. He hears the front door shut, the deadbolt lock in place, and your heels tapping across the floor as you come into the kitchen. Bokuto watches as you walk to a cabinet, grab a glass, take it to the sink to fill with water, and place it in front of him. You don’t look at him the entire time, entirely focused on your own movements as you sit next to him.
You let out a big breath, and Bokuto steels himself for the inevitable.
“You know Koutarou, I really don’t understand what’s going on with you sometimes.”
Bokuto flinches, as if the words had a physical impact on him. He knows they had an emotional impact on him, as he feels his vision blurring with tears and something truly awful bubbling in his gut. He closes his eyes, purses his lips and braces for the final line.
I can’t do this anymore.
He’s heard it before, and he’s certain he’ll hear it again.
A hand coming to cup his face startles Bokuto, and he quickly opens his eyes to see you giving him a sad smile.
“But I want to know what I can do to make you understand that you are more than enough for me.”
Bokuto lets out a tiny hiccup of a breath as another hand comes to hold his face. You’re giving him a serious look, but he thinks he sees a glimmer of adoration in your eyes. “Koutarou, there is nothing you could do or say that would tell me that you’re not enough for me. And I’m sorry if I ever made you feel like you had to meet some mark to make me happy. I love you for you.”
Bokuto inhales sharply, making his exhale more of a sob than anything. And sure enough that opens the floodgates and he collapses into your arms, crying. He feels your arms come around to hold him tight, and you let him cry against your shoulder.
“I’m sorry,” he sobs. “I wanted to go to the dinner and I wanted to have a good time and I, I,”
“Shhhhh,” you shush him gently. “It’s alright, Kou. It’s okay. We can talk about it later.”
Bokuto feels himself dissolve into fresh tears at your promise, the promise of a later. You’re not just writing him off, you’re not casting him aside as a failed relationship.
You want to listen, you want to help. Bokuto isn’t sure what that help will look like, but the fact that you even want to try makes his heart seize in his chest and makes him cry even harder. But it’s tears of relief.
“I love you,” he cries softly.
He feels your hand come up to caress his hair. “I love you too. You, Koutarou - for all that you are.”
Bokuto exhales harshly again, more tears welling in his eyes. But he smiles at the tenderness in your voice. It’s something he has heard before, from you. But each time he finds himself caught off guard with how reassuring it is to hear - that he’s loved, for who he is.
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September Scribbles Masterlist🧡
Taglist: @psycho-nightrose @camcam1617 @kamalymaly @toobsessedsstuff @shookykookie30 @ara-mitsue
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the girl next door ~ rodrick heffley;diary of a wimpy kid
word count: 1675
request?: yes!
waaaavyguurl “hey! could you do a rodrick heffley imagine where in rodrick rules the fem!reader has just moved in a house next to the heffley’s and she’s in maths class with rodrick. she’s kinda a genius, so he asks her to help him with hw and they start dating ?? maybe with an insert of greg who understands they’re together when he sees them dancing at the party ?? thank u <3″
description: in which rodrick falls for the smart girl next door
pairing: rodrick heffley x female!reader
warnings: swearing
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His mother had been adamant about the entire Heffley family going to greet their new neighbors just a day after they moved in. Susan spent the whole night making brownies, with Manny’s “help”, and had them boxed up and ready to go the next morning.
“What if they’re allergic to brownies?” Greg asked after Frank had to literally drag him out of bed.
“They’re made from scratch, so the only allergies in it are dairy and gluten,” Susan responded.
“Why couldn’t this have waited till tonight?” Rodrick groaned. “Give them some time to breathe before we scare them off.”
“If we wait too long we’ll look like rude neighbors!”
Rodrick rolled his eyes. He was sure none of the other people on the block had went to meet the new neighbors yet, but there was no talking Susan Heffley out of something once she set her mind to it.
She made the boys dress up in their nicest clothes, which for Rodrick was a pair of jeans without holes in them and a plain black t-shirt, before they made their way across the street. Rodrick let out an annoyed sigh as Susan knocked on the door and they waited.
A girl that looked about Rodrick’s age answered the door. Rodrick couldn’t help but stand up a little straighter as her eyes wandered over the family before her. “Uh...hi?”
“Hello!” Susan greeted. “We’re the Heffleys; I’m Susan, this is my husband, Frank, and my boys, Manny, Greg, and Rodrick. We just wanted to come over and welcome you and your parents to the neighborhood with some homemade brownies!”
“Nice to meet you,” the young girl greeted. “I’m (Y/N). You guys actually just missed my parents. They both work morning shifts, they won’t be home until sometime this evening.”
Rodrick held back his desire to tell his mother “I told you so”.
“Wait, so you’re here by yourself?” Greg asked. “That’s so cool!”
(Y/N) chuckled. “I appreciate the gesture none the less, and my parents will, too. I’ll tell them you stopped by, they’ll probably invite you guys back for dinner sometime.”
“That’d be great!” Susan said. “We’ll wait for your call!”
Greg and Manny were the first to break away from their parents, excitedly running back to the house to play video games and watch cartoons like they normally did on a weekend morning. Susan chased after Manny, telling him not to run across the street without her, while Frank just silently left. Rodrick stayed a moment, trying to think of something to say to (Y/N).
“I-I guess I’ll see you at school on Monday,” he finally managed to say, immediately cringing at the stupid thing he decided to say.
(Y/N) smiled at this, though, and responded, “Yeah, I’ll see you Monday. It’ll be nice to already know a friendly face.”
Rodrick smiled back and nodded. (Y/N) closed the door as Rodrick turned away, silently celebrating to himself before joining his family back at the Heffley household.
That Monday, Rodrick tried not to seem too obvious as he looked around for (Y/N) at school. He couldn’t hide his disappointment when he couldn’t find her the first half of the day.
When she walked into his sixth period math class, Rodrick smiled widely and waved at her. She smiled back and quickly sat in the empty seat next to him.
“Hey! I finally found you!” she said. “This school is so big, and there’s so many people!”
“Yeah, it is pretty big,” Rodrick responded, lamely. “How have your classes been so far?”
(Y/N) shrugged. “They’re, you know, classes. I feel like I can’t form an opinion on anything yet.”
Before Rodrick could ask anymore questions, the teacher came in to start the class.
Math class always dragged on, but that day it felt like it was going at a pace even slower than a snail. Rodrick wanted nothing more than for the class to just end so he could talk to her more.
“The answer is six,” (Y/N) whispered to herself.
Rodrick looked over at her. “What?”
(Y/N) looked at him. Her face was confused at first until she realized she had spoken out loud. Before she could respond, the teacher asked, “Do you two have something to add Miss. (Y/L/N)? Mr. Heffley?”
The two exchanged a look before (Y/N) responded. “The answer to the equation is actually six. You mixed up on your second to last calculation.”
A snicker came from her classmates as the teacher rolled his eyes at her. “I can assure you my calculations are correct Miss. (Y/L/N).”
“I’m not saying they’re all wrong, just the second to last calculation.” (Y/N) rose from her seat and made her way to the whiteboard. “May I?”
“Oh sure, since you know everything.”
(Y/N) ignored his sarcastic tone and erased everything that was on the board except for the starting equation. Rodrick watched as (Y/N) rewrote the entire equation down to the last step, in which she changed the workings to equal six.
The entire room seemed to hold their breath as (Y/N) turned to their teacher. He had a blank expression on his face before letting out a sigh. “Okay, I see your point. Well done Miss. (Y/L/N), now go sit down.”
(Y/N) returned to her seat next to Rodrick, her cheeks tinted pink.
When class finally ended, Rodrick and (Y/N) left together. “That was so impressive! You’re, like, a math genius.”
“My parents have been teaching me basically since I was born,” (Y/N) explained. “They basically made me an overachiever since birth.”
“That’s cool, though. Maybe you could help me with my homework sometime.”
(Y/N) smiled. “Yeah! I’d love to!”
Rodrick watched (Y/N) talk to some friends in the living room from his spot in the kitchen. He couldn’t help but smile when she laughed at whatever one of the girls had said.
(Y/N) had really opened up in the months following her moving in. She had gained a great group of friends and had opened up a lot to the people in their grade. She was no longer the shy new girl, but now the smart, semi-popular girl that everyone loved.
“How long till you tell mom and dad about (Y/N)?” Greg asked as he came to stand next to his big brother.
“Disintegrate child,” Rodrick hissed. “Wait, how do you know about me and (Y/N)?”
Greg scoffed. “Come on, Rodrick. You’ve never looked at a girl the way you look at her, among other very obvious tells. You are totally in love with her.”
“Whoa, whoa. Back it up little bro. In love is a strong word. I like her a lot at the most.”
“Like who a lot?”
(Y/N) walked up to the brothers and threw an arm over Rodrick’s shoulder. He felt his heart starting to race at just her close proximity, and he couldn’t stop the smile that spread on his face knowing she was there next to him.
Okay, maybe I love her a little bit.
“What lucky girl has taken little Rodrick’s heart?” (Y/N) continued with their “friends” bit.
“You can drop it. Greg knows about us.”
(Y/N) sighed with relief as she dropped her arm from Rodrick’s shoulder. “Good. There was no way I was going to be able to pretend that Rodrick liked someone else. I was sure I was gonna crack.”
Rodrick wrapped his arm around (Y/N)’s shoulder and kissed her forehead. (Y/N) leaned into his embrace, a dreamy smile on her face as she peered up at her boyfriend. Greg looked between the two of them, an amused smile on his face.
“I’m happy for you guys,” he said. “But, just remember (Y/N), you could do so much better than Rodrick.”
Rodrick untangled himself from Greg just long enough to feign a threatening punch. Greg took off as soon as Rodrick’s hand went up, disappearing into the crowd of party people around him. Rodrick shook his head and rolled his eyes as (Y/N) laughed.
“He’s smarter than you give him credit for,” (Y/N) pointed out.
“Don’t give him too much credit, it’ll go to his already massive sized head,” Rodrick warned her.
(Y/N) laughed before giving Rodrick a quick peck on her lips. “So, Greg has already figured us out. When do we tell your parents?”
Rodrick sighed as he pulled (Y/N) tightly against them. “Realistically, they’re the next step. I don’t need Greg having anything else he can hold over my head as leverage or blackmail. But...I really don’t want you to meet them. Not because I don’t think they’d like you, they already love you more than they love the three of us. It’s just...mom is super overbearing, especially with girlfriends. The last one I had that I brought to meet them, mom straight up asked her if she planned to ever have kids and get married after graduating high school.”
(Y/N) covered her mouth to try and stifle the laugh that came out. She had met Susan Heffley a few times in passing when doing homework with Rodrick, and even in the few times she had met Rodrick’s mom, she knew that Rodrick’s story was not an exaggeration.”
“Dad is just boring,” Rodrick continued. “He doesn’t do much besides work and collect figurines. He’ll probably ask you if you’ll talk me out of being in the band and actually doing something with my life.”
(Y/N) leaned into Rodrick again. “I won’t push you. You have your reasonings for not wanting me to meet them, and I understand those reasonings. But, just so you know, they’re not gonna chase me away from you. I’m in this for the long haul, Heffley. You’re stuck with me until you get tired of me.”
Rodrick smiled and kissed (Y/N) again. “I’ll never get tired of you, (Y/L/N).”
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