#I sure love draft shenanigans
sungbeam · 1 month
𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞
dragon shifter!park seonghwa x f!reader
just because you're both dragon shifters doesn't mean this courtship thing is easy.
▷ 6.1k words, pg-13, f2l, dragon shifters au, urban fantasy, swearing, mentions of a big roach/insect, shoulder kiss, seonghwa goes shirtless once (1), mentions of courtship/mating traditions, the boys are implicit in shenanigans ofc, love in the form of jewelry, very mild jealousy, pining
a/n: this au idea was like ,,, 3 months in the making but i reopened the draft yesterday cuz i was tired of rotting 😭 anyways... i think shy, romantic seonghwa is cute ! (also very much hoping this isn't too boring jsfnkdnf)
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Park Seonghwa was pretty sure he fell in love with you the day you met. 
It wasn't something he openly admitted to, especially since his attraction had come first when he saw you across the dormitory common room, and was struck dumb by the curve of your smile and the way the sunlight hit your irises to make them glint like jewels. While it was stereotypical to think that dragons only cared about appearances, it didn't come from nothing. It was part of the reason why Seonghwa didn't like saying it was love at first sight; it technically wasn't, by all definitions. He just thought you were beautiful. 
It wasn't until he finally worked up the courage (thanks to his best friend Hongjoong's encouragement (shoving)) to introduce himself to you that he realized what you were—a dragon shifter, just like him. It was no wonder he felt a pull toward you; dragon shifters were a dime a dozen, especially in the city where you both attended university. He told himself his fast friendship and bonding with you came from his excitement of being the same species, as well as learning each other's cultures and traditions, as you came from different clans. 
Though, that didn't account for the amount of times he daydreamed about adorning you in his family's jewels, as it was customary in courtship traditions to wear one's mate's gems. Neither did it account for the way his heart beat faster whenever you were around, the purring from his chest after that one time you fell asleep on his shoulder… It was complicated. 
“Everyone, let's load up the cars! Quick—off your asses. Let's move, people!” Hongjoong hollered like a drill sergeant, his hands cupped around his mouth before clapping too loud for six in the morning on a Saturday. 
Who in their right mind would be crazy enough to wake up so early on the Saturday of their last spring break? Only one demon in particular, and his name was Kim Hongjoong. 
Seonghwa was still half asleep, his eyelids droopy and his limbs even droopier. He nearly flopped face-first onto the pavement outside the apartment complex. He slung his duffle bag over his shoulder and slumped over to the passenger side of the SUV. It had taken all of his willpower to not trudge out in his Lego Movie pajama set.
“—and for goddess's sake, where is Yn?”
He jolted upright. “Yn?” He blubbered, head going on a swivel. 
Hongjoong peered at him weirdly with his hands on his hips, and Wooyoung snorted, then scurried past to avoid Seonghwa's scowl. “Yes, Yn,” Hongjoong said. “Are you awake, Hwa? We literally talked about Yn coming on the trip with us last night.”
Oh. Right. 
Seonghwa blinked his bleary eyes open and nodded sheepishly. Thank goodness he wasn't in his Lego Movie pajamas. “Y-yep, of course I remember!” 
He glanced away, nostrils flaring as he caught onto a familiar scent coming down the street. He could pick out the smell of apple blossoms, tangerines, and your particular musk from a mile away if he was more awake.
“Sorry, I'm late!” Then there came the voice. Your voice simultaneously jump-started his heart and made his heart swoon. If he was about to faint, it probably wasn't going to be from sleep deprivation. 
He couldn't believe he nearly forgot you were coming to the lake with them. 
Your form came into view, your hair a windswept mess and a sheepish sort of smile on your face as you wrestled with the duffle on one shoulder, your backpack on the other, and a paper grocery bag. 
Seonghwa practically fell over himself in order to drop his own bag on the sidewalk and rush over to you. “Here, I got it,” he murmured, taking the grocery bag and duffle bag away from you so he could hold them. 
Your smile widened at him, and he swore the soft morning light was purposefully making your eyes glow right now. “Thanks, Hwa. Very sweet of you.”
“Of course,” he said with a humble nod, pointedly ignoring all of the looks he was getting from his friends. 
“You're just on time,” Hongjoong greeted you with a small smile. “How were exams for you?”
You brushed a hand through your hair, a tired laugh falling from your lips. “They were… alright,” you opted to say. “Glad they're over now, and I'm so ready for this trip.” You gestured to the grocery bag Seonghwa held. “Oh! I brought snacks, by the way.”
Mingi stuck his entire upper body out of the passenger seat of Yunho's sedan. “Yn-ah! You're riding in our car, right?” 
Seonghwa's expression molded into something sour. “Where did you get that idea from?”
“Mingi, you should just give up now,” San chuckled. He sent a wink over to Seonghwa, then glanced back at the naiad who's head Seonghwa was currently trying to glare a hole through. “We’ve already claimed Yn for our car.”
You looked on in confused amusement. “I'll split the snacks between the cars, guys. And plus, the SUV will have more room than the sedan.”
“Exactly,” Seonghwa piped up. He marched over to the back doors of the SUV to safely deposit your things within. There was no need for you to be squished between Yeosang and Jongho in Yunho's comically tiny car, when you could be in the same car as him—no, wait. That wasn't what he meant—
“Well, this is just favoritism,” Yunho jested as he slammed his trunk shut. He shot you a sunny grin that made Seonghwa glance over at you for your reaction. Yunho's being half-siren always made his voice and gestures a little more silken and sweet than the rest of them. “Are you sure it's 'cause of the extra room and not because Wooyoung's cat is gonna be in that car?”
You chuckled, shrugging. As if on cue, a lithe feline in silky black fur trotted out from the bushes. She strutted over to you, purring as she wrapped her tail around your calf. “Okay, maybe you caught me,” you said, crouching down to pet Wooyoung's cat familiar. 
Seonghwa was not going to be jealous over a cat. He was absolutely not. Some sleep would screw his head on straight—yes, sleep did sound nice. He didn't know what was up with himself this morning. 
“Pretty sure she loves you more than she loves me,” Wooyoung pouted as he stuck his head out of the SUV's back window. 
You picked the feline up with your hands, and she gave a crooning meow as you held her up to her witch through the window. “I wouldn't mind adopting her if she wasn't permanently bound to you.”
Seonghwa's eye twitched at the same time he and Hongjoong made eye contact. 
The demon's mouth curled into a knowing, teasing smile—I see you. Seonghwa could feel the heat lift to the surface of his skin as he ducked into the car. He really needed a nap.  
The remainder of the time was used swiftly as everyone finished packing things into your respective cars, including your bodies. About an hour later, you were well on your way out of the city. 
As this was all nine of yours last year of university, this spring break needed to be a memorable one. Yeosang had heard talk through the grapevine of a collection of interlinking caves overlooking a small lake. It was located a few hours out of the city proper, but it would pose as a peaceful getaway for the week. Each of the small caverns were open facing, peering over the water's surface, and each was designed to be like rooms in a house. There would be enough for the boys to sleep two to a bed, with you getting your own. 
The drive out of the city was an easy one. Seonghwa slept nearly the entire time, only waking up to a near-quiet car, save for Hongjoong's choice of music playing softly from the radio. 
“'Morning,” Hongjoong murmured, taking his eyes off the road for a brief moment. 
Seonghwa yawned and turned his eyes up and outward at the world around him. Concrete jungle had become emerald green trees speared with beams of buttery sunshine. He bet it smelled glorious. “Morning,” he said back quietly. “Are they still…” 
His voice trailed off as he twisted around in his seat and took in the middle row behind him. You, San, and Wooyoung were squished arm to arm, thigh to thigh; Wooyoung's black cat familiar laid fast asleep in Wooyoung's lap, with Wooyoung's head against San, San's head against you, and your head against the car window. Seonghwa cooed to himself at the sight, carefully snapping a picture with his phone, before returning to face the front. 
The remainder of the drive was swift, and as you approached the site of your home for the next several days, you all slowly began to wake up. Seonghwa rolled his window down and braced his arm over the open sill, a smile breaking onto his lips as he greedily inhaled the clean, crisp air. 
His eyes flickered to the side mirror, locking gazes with you. For a moment, he held your eye contact. He watched your mouth curve into that pretty smile of yours that made his insides flutter, before you looked out at the forest again. 
When Hongjoong's and Yunho's cars broke out of the trees and into the next clearing, everyone's breaths stole away. 
“No way we scored this good,” San whispered in giddy excitement as he shoved his body between Hongjoong and Seonghwa to peer out the front windshield. 
Before you stood a wide lake, its waters so clear that one could see straight to the bottom. The caverns that you would all bunker up in were on the far shore, stacked atop one another in two layers with four openings on the bottom and three on the top. A waterfall curtained off two of the cavern rooms as it flowed from the rocky outcropping that loomed over the lake, and into the lake itself; the sound was not thunderous, but a dull sort of roar that was almost muffled. 
With the sun rising higher into the sky, its beams reflected off the cascading spray of water to create a small rainbow in the mist. Suffice to say, the view in front of you deserved its own magazine. 
“Let's get our spring break on!” Wooyoung hooted as Hongjoong pulled the car around the shore of the lake to reach the base of the caverns. 
As the day sank from late morning to early afternoon, you and your friends transferred all of your belongings from the cars and into the caverns. Rooms were decided by an efficient round of Rock Paper Scissors—you luckily scored first, and chose the most private room behind the waterfall for yourself. 
Once everyone was settled, it became a race of who could get into the water—
Seonghwa peered out from the living room cavern on the second floor to see the bodies below take a running start into the lake. He chuckled to himself, leaning his hip against the wall with a can of soda in his hand as he watched his friends break the surface of the lake, one by one. 
“You're not swimming?”
Seonghwa nearly fell forward and out of the open cave, down into the water. His hand slapped against the wall to catch himself, his heart practically tumbling out of his chest anyway. 
To your credit, you looked apologetic, grimacing through a smile as you came to stand next to him. “Sorry. You didn't hear me come in?” 
You had changed out of your T-shirt and shorts from earlier into a cropped tank top and loose skirt, a silver waist chain winking up at him from where it linked around your belly. 
The thought shoved itself into his brain—that you would look terribly divine in his jewelry.
He swallowed, dragging his eyes up back to yours. “I didn't,” he admitted sheepishly. “Guess I was too focused on watching everyone else. Have you settled in alright?”
You had chosen the cavern bedroom right next to the living room, but it was the only bedroom on this level. 
With a nod, you turned your gaze outward at the ocean of emerald green trees surrounding this little oasis. “I have,” you said pleasantly. “You?”
“Same here.” He carded a hand through his hair. “It's really quite beautiful here.” But not as beautiful as you. 
You glanced over at him again, and he wondered if he could concoct enough things to say to keep your attention on him. “Oh, I definitely agree; it's a perfect paradise, really. The waterfall” — you inclined your chin to your left — “I think it'll be most beautiful at sunset.”
He lifted one of his brows and pushed off the cavern wall. “Oh? Why do you think so?”
“If the sunset faces us,” you explained, gesturing your hand out to the eastern horizon in the distance, “then it'll reflect its light against the waterfall. As the sun sinks down and lights the sky on fire, so too will it set the water aflame.”
Seonghwa could envision your words in his mind's eye as he took in the waterfall careening into the lake below. Its crystal blue waters were so clear that it undoubtedly would reflect the shades of the sunset, and become illuminated as you said—where water turned to flame. 
A soft smile came to his face. What a gorgeous image. 
“I bet it'd look incredible from the skies.” Your words drew him back to your face. You were already looking over at him, and his heart gave a loving lurch. 
Seonghwa cleared his throat. “I agree. Have you been able to stretch your wings recently?”
You hummed, tilting your head from side to side. “Not super recently because I was locked inside to study for the last week or two. You?”
“Same,” he chuckled and reached behind his back to scratch at the nape of his neck. Usually, he tried to shift into dragon form at least twice a week to keep his wings strong, but when life got busy, it was difficult to find enough time to take to the skies. “Would—would you like to take a flight with me sometime?” He stammered, fumbling over his words. “Just, y'know, like a casual thing.”
Excellent, Hwa. The spitting image of confidence. 
He sipped on his soda, already hearing Hongjoong's exasperated sigh in his ear. 
Your smile softened at the corners. “I'd love to. After dinner, maybe?”
His shoulders loosened in relief. “Sounds like a plan.”
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“This is your chance! It's a sign!” 
Seonghwa frowned at his reflection in the vanity mirror as he played around with his dark curls. Tied up? Kept down? It really didn't matter; he was literally going to be a dragon for the majority of the time, but it never hurt to appear well-groomed before a potential… ahem, friend. A friend. 
Hongjoong slumped down on the foot of their shared bed, a deadpan on his face when Seonghwa continued to ignore him. “Park Seonghwa, so help me, I will plant one of your anklets in her jewelry box—”
“And if you do that,” Seonghwa drawled as he gave up on his hair and reached for the tube of lip gloss on the vanity top, “I will tell that elven girl you've become so fond of about how you—”
“Okay, I got it,” Hongjoong cut in with a scowl. “Aish, so touchy. I'm just saying that this trip is the perfect opportunity to let her know how you feel, and to court her.”
Seonghwa knew that; of course, he fucking knew that. The thing was that if anything went poorly, you would practically be stuck here with him until the end of the trip. He cringed to himself at the mere awkwardness of that potential outcome. “It's just a wing stretch,” he reasoned aloud to himself. He grabbed one of the bottles of cologne on the table to spritz around his scent glands. “It's not like I'm going to offer her a necklace.”
“Yes, because you need to smell nice for a wing stretch.” Hongjoong fell back onto the bed with a grumble under his breath at Seonghwa's stubbornness. 
Dinner had finished up about fifteen minutes ago, and while everyone departed to do their own activities, you and Seonghwa agreed to reconvene at the tops of the caves in five minutes for your planned flight together. The days were growing longer as spring waltzed toward summer, and thus, the sun reigned the skies for a lengthier period of time. The two of you would ideally circle back in time to watch the sunset hit the waterfall.
Seonghwa left Hongjoong to their quarters as he made his way up to the rocky outcropping at the top of the waterfall. 
You were already waiting for him, your bare feet standing in the shallow end of the river leading down to the waterfall. You still had on the top and skirt from earlier, and as a light breeze wafted past, it blew through your hair and your clothes like a dream. 
You glanced up at him. “Ready?”
“Whenever you are.” He grinned as the anticipation and excitement of breaking his wings free slowly bubbled up into his chest. It wasn't only being able to spend time with you, but simply the thoughts of being his dragon self that made him so giddy. 
You hopped out of the river and padded across the soil toward him. 
Once you were in line with him, Seonghwa flashed you a wide smile and sprinted toward the cliff edge. Your laughter followed him as he dove off toward the water below, eyes falling closed as he relished in the wind whipping past his skin. 
When he opened his eyes, he skimmed the water's surface with the edge of a veiny, membranous wing, before swooping back up toward the ripening sky above. His humanoid features had fully transformed into that of a creature nearly five times his human height. Scales of obsidian, gleaming a dark blue in the light, rippled across his back, his skin. He huffed steam from his nostrils and searched for you. 
A body of iridescent white, so pearly that you appeared a shade of light purple in the burning gold light, blurred in his periphery. 
He whipped his head in your direction, watching you soar around him in a loose circle. You wrapped around him and grazed the end of your tail against his, a caress. 
He didn't want to think too much about that. 
And then your irises, blue-purple in this form, were blinking at him. Northward? Your snout gestured in that vague direction. 
Seonghwa huffed his agreement, and the pair of you took off into the skies. 
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A dragon shifter's courtship traditions were different from other shifters’ cultures. For one, the value of wearing a potential mate's jewelry was equivalent to acceptance of courtship; additionally, wearing one another's jewels essentially spelled out a long-term partnership. It was similar to humans’ exchanging of rings. 
Dragons dressed their mates in their own jewels as dragons were ruthlessly protective of their hoards of treasures, and a mate was even more precious than any jewel one could acquire. There were other rituals, too—such as dousing one another in dragonfire, performing a certain mating dance, consuming meals made by their mate—but the jewels had always been emphasized in Seonghwa's clan. 
It was why he stiffened when he saw a slim, silver chain wrapped around your ankle this morning. 
The piece of jewelry looked awfully similar to something he owned, except the one you wore was studded with an amethyst on the tail, whereas the one he owned was studded with sapphire. He struggled to swallow as he stepped into the kitchen, eyes pinned to your ankle. 
The way the light refracted off the gem made the article appear so much like his own jewelry; his heart could not take a scare like that so early. Perhaps scare wasn't such an accurate word—he simply hadn't had the time to mentally prepare. 
It didn't matter how long he'd fantasized about it. Seeing the real thing would likely bring him to his knees regardless. 
“Hwa,” your amused chuckle greeted his ears as you peered at him from over the rim of your coffee cup. “Good morning.”
He tried for a smile and forced himself to look at something, anything, other than your ankle. “Hi. Good morning.” Seonghwa grabbed a cup of his own to pour a helping of the brew into. “Sleep well?”
You rolled your shoulders back, followed by your neck. But as he blew on the hot coffee, he failed to notice the way your eyes watched his movements regarding the coffee. “Mhm, way better after we flew last night.”
Seonghwa hummed warmly. “Yes, same here.” Last night was a blissful night of deep sleep. The tension between his shoulder blades had lessened considerably. 
He took a gentle sip of his beverage, and the rich bittersweetness hit him as an alluring wakeup call. You were still watching as he took a larger gulp. 
His eyes met yours. “Something wrong?” He asked, licking his lips. 
Your eyes widened. “Nope,” you squeaked out. You coughed, setting your mug on the table to lace your fingers together. “Uhm so… thoughts on kebabs for lunch? I was gonna go hunting later.”
“Mmh.” Seonghwa drained his cup of coffee. “That sounds good. I can go with you—if you'd like,” he added swiftly. Sometimes hunting could be a therapeutic solo trip and he hoped he wasn't encroaching. Though, going hunting just the two of you sounded nice, too. 
“I'd love the company,” you said. When you smiled, his own widened. 
The brief moment of peace the two of you shared shattered as two bodies barrelled into the room, followed by another set of thundering footsteps behind them. 
“YAH! Choi Jongho, I know this was all your idea!” Wooyoung appeared in the doorway of the kitchen, drenched from head to toe with dark and damp bangs hanging in his seething eyes. A puddle was beginning to form beneath him as he glared at the two giggling imps cowering behind the opposite end of the counter. 
You and Seonghwa connected gazes across the chaos. Good grief. 
From behind Wooyoung's calf, another creature poked her head out to hiss at the perpetrators. Wooyoung's cat familiar looked akin to a wet rat, the poor thing. 
“Seonghwa hyung, do something!”
Seonghwa's eyes drifted over to Jongho and Yeosang, who flashed him a pair of sheepish smiles. “Aye… both of you. Now.”
“We didn't get water on San,” was what Yeosang offered with a shrug. 
That seemed to not be the answer Wooyoung was looking for. If the witch was a dragon instead, Seonghwa was sure he would be blowing steam out of his ears. “Are you kidding me? I am going to hex you so badly, you will never know a day of peac—”
Jongho suddenly yelped, startling everyone as he leaped a couple feet in the air and ran to crouch beside you at the breakfast table. 
“What, what? What is it?” 
Yeosang's eyes had widened to the size of globes, too, as he scurried backward to the edge of the cavern. His stare was still pinned to something on the other side of the counter. 
Seonghwa peered over the ledge and swore sharply. “That is the biggest fucking bug I have ever seen in my life,” he said with his hand pressed to his face, stressed. 
Wooyoung had magically disappeared, and his cat had retreated alongside him. If even the cat didn't want anything to do with the big hunk of insect—
“AH-AH! HYUNG, IT'S MOVING!” Jongho screeched and grabbed the back of your chair to hide behind you. 
Seonghwa paused at that action, but snapped out of it when he saw the legs peek out from around the corner. “Can someone get Yunho?”
“Ohhhhh, I'm too young to die,” the youngest whispered toward the ceiling, his face contorted in fear and anguish; it was a rare thing to see from Jongho. “Yn, please, flame its ass or something!”
You sputtered, curling your feet up onto your chair with you in case the bug came scuttling toward the table. “Uh no. Yunho would literally flame me if I did!”
“Screw what he thinks. He's not here right now.”
Seonghwa clambered up onto the counter and peered over the edge again. He slapped a hand over his mouth after seeing the bug for another time. “Okay,” he said carefully, “on the count of three, we're all going to run for the edge and jump into the lake.”
Three nods from around the room. 
“One…” Everyone shifted an inch toward the cave opening. “Two…”
The fuckass bug moved. 
The countdown was abandoned—Jongho ran for the opening and tackled Yeosang into the water. Seonghwa leaped over the remainder of the countertop in time to swan dive into the lake beside you. His body sliced into the water like a hot knife through butter, and the lake's cool temperatures engulfed him in a refreshing embrace. 
Your head popped up right beside him and you shot him a laughing grin. “Well, that's definitely one way to start off the day.”
He laughed alongside you, slicking his wet hair back and out of his face. “I mean, we were gonna end up in the water at some point,” he mused. 
“True.” Your eyes zeroed in on something just below his jawline. You swam a little closer, and Seonghwa's heart catapulted into his throat. “You have a little, uhm, watercress…”
Your fingers brushed over his collarbone as you gently plucked the strand of watercress out from the links of the necklace sitting on his sternum. You lifted the plant up as if to say, 'Ta da,’ before pausing at your physical proximity. 
Seonghwa watched as a drop of water dripped down the middle of your face, down the slope of your nose, and slipped over your plush lips. Woah…
He had half the mind to reach out and thumb it away. 
“Two dragons, a fae prince, and a water mage couldn't handle a fucking roach?” 
You and Seonghwa jolted away from each other like similar poles of a magnet, heat rushing up to the surface of your skin. You both tilted your gazes up to the caves and saw Yunho appear at the mouth of the kitchen, a wide grin on his face as he held the bug up between his two fingers. 
“That sounds like a joke I've heard before,” San laughed as he walked up next to Yunho. He waved down at the lot of you in the water, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. 
Wooyoung peered out from behind San. “Instant karma!” He hollered. 
“Come down here, and we can talk about instant karma,” Jongho threw right back up at him. He flicked his wrist and sent a jet of lake water up to the cave mouth, hitting Wooyoung square between the eyes with scary accuracy. 
San howled in laughter as his friend hissed from the friendly fire. 
Seonghwa loosened a warm chuckle before turning toward you—wait. Where did you go? He twirled around in the water, eyes scanning the lake for where you'd gone. 
“Hwa!” You were by the far shore, raising your hand up to wave him over. 
He didn't hesitate to swim over toward you. The two of you swam over to the furthest edge of the lake, far from the others. The morning sun had not yet crested high enough to penetrate through the trees here, and that left you both in a patch of dreamy shade where long leaves dripped into the water like Mother Nature's curtains. 
Seonghwa clambered out onto the bank and yanked the hem of his shirt up and over his head. The material had stuck to his skin like glue, and he was a lot more comfortable without it on. 
Behind him though, he swore he heard your breath hitch. 
The corner of his lips curled upward in satisfaction. He continued to feign ignorance as he wrung his wet shirt out, arm muscles flexing as the water trickled out of the fabric. “You coming up, love?” He asked casually, peering over his shoulder at you lingering in the water. 
You cleared your throat as you pulled yourself onto land. “Y-yeah,” you said, covering your stammer with a breathy laugh. 
“Cold?” He teased, finally turning his body to face you in full. 
You passed him an expression of playful exasperation. “Freezing,” you jested back. It was difficult for dragon shifters to be cold; the amount of heat either of you generated on your own was enough to keep you warm all the time. After all, you did spew fire from your mouth on occasion. 
Seonghwa whipped his shirt out in front of him and blew a breath of steam through it. The fabric dried up fast, but instead of putting it back on, he slung it over his shoulder. 
An idea plunked itself into the forefront of his mind. “Shall we hunt?” He asked and extended a hand out to you. 
He saw the flicker of blue-purple in your irises—like lightning—as you brushed a lock of hair from your eyes. You took his hand, your fingers and palms slotting together like matching clasps of a chain. “We shall.”
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Seonghwa sat at the vanity table in his and Hongjoong's room. The world beyond the mouth of this cavern was a dark sapphire, embroidered with small diamonds in its fabric—the night sky and its stars. The muffled rush of the waterfall nearby played in the background as he sifted through his traveler's chest of jewelry and gemstones. Hongjoong had half fallen asleep in the hot spring somewhere behind him, so Seonghwa was taking this time to pick out what he wanted to wear to… tomorrow…
His hand movements stilled as something caught his eyes in the chest of shiny stones. He held his breath, carefully withdrawing a silver chain out by its amethyst stone. There was no question about what it was and that it didn't belong to him. 
Your fragrance still lingered on the metal, though cool from being away from your body heat for a while. 
Seonghwa breathed out loudly through his nose as he stared at the article in his palm. 
He could hear Hongjoong emerging from the hot spring pool. “Something wrong, Hwa?”
“Did you” — Seonghwa's brows furrowed and he twisted around on the vanity stool — “steal her anklet?”
Hongjoong frowned, wrapping a towel around his waist before coming to stand beside his friend. He peered down at the article, reaching out to touch the anklet. 
Seonghwa moved his hand away and his chest rumbled with a low growl. 
A soft huff of amusement fell from Hongjoong's lips, and he settled his hand on Seonghwa's shoulder instead. “No, I wouldn't dare. I don't want to face a dragon's wrath for stealing from their hoard, thank you very much.”
“Hmph.” Seonghwa considered the article in his palm once more. If Hongjoong wasn't pulling his leg, then the logical answer was that you put your anklet in his jewelry chest. But why would you do that, and when did you? He would have smelled your scent lingering in this room if you had, and he couldn't pick up on any of his friends’ scents either. 
A flower of hope blossomed in his chest as he thought about the implications of this gesture further. Maybe it didn't matter how it got here, only what you thought about it being here in his possession.
“It's a sign,” Hongjoong giggled, squeezing his shoulder. He trudged away to go find his sweatpants to sleep in. “Your move, Park!”
Seonghwa slowly wrapped his fingers around the chain, a small smile flitting onto his face. In the mirror, his cheekbones burned the color of the rubies in his jewelry case. 
His move, indeed. 
In the morning, Seonghwa rose before day broke the dawn. 
It had come to him like a strike of lightning last night as he laid in bed, staring up at the ceiling, weighing the option of wearing your anklet like a lovesick fool or returning it to you in the morning. What he'd remembered, instead, was something you told him about your clan's traditions. 
While his family held a lot more emphasis on adornment for mating traditions, your family clan put more importance on the act of making a meal for a potential partner. Consuming said meal was an acceptance of courtship and love. 
As he hunched over the kitchen countertop pouring over a recipe on his phone, he marinated on how to go about this. Presenting you with breakfast—that he only made for you, might he add—was not a subtle move in the slightest. Perhaps slipping your anklet into his things could be interpreted a couple ways, but it wasn't a glaring neon sign like this gesture was going to be. 
Nonetheless, Seonghwa got to work. He was counting on his friends to stay the fuck asleep. 
About an hour later, he was just finishing up when he picked up on the sound of your bare feet padding across the hallway toward the kitchen. Your perfume followed next, carrying into the room on an invisible breeze. Seonghwa drummed his fingers against the countertop as you strolled into the room, eyes wide and bright when you saw him there with food made. 
“Well, something smells yummy,” you said warmly. “Should I go wake the others?”
“No!” He laughed nervously, breaking into a bashful smile. “No need. This—this is just for you. I mean, I made breakfast for you.”
Your eyes seemed to grow even wider. “Break—breakfast for me? Just me?”
He nodded and wrung his hands in front of his body. “Just you… if that's okay.”
“Of course, that's okay. More than okay, really,” you murmured, eyes turning shy. The implications were too blatant not to miss or deny. 
Seonghwa gestured for you to take a seat at the breakfast table and presented you with the hot and fresh plate of breakfast he'd just made. He claimed the seat across from you with his own plate, but didn't touch it yet. His nerves made his hands shake beneath the table as he watched you take your utensil and fork a bite into your mouth. 
Something warm burst in his chest as you swallowed, then took another bite. 
“It's really good,” you said to him between bites. Your mouth was pursed into a wide smile, a tenderness swimming in your gemstone irises. “I think though,” you murmured after swallowing, “that we need to talk.”
Seonghwa's stomach tightened, but he nodded. “Agreed. I, uhm, I found this in my jewelry case last night.” He pulled out the strand of silver and amethyst from his pocket. The metal and jewel glistened in the soft morning sunlight pouring into the open cavern. 
“Oh, you didn't wear it?”
He went doe-eyed. “I wanted to—I just wanted to be clear about intentions first, just because if I wore this…” He stammered, “Then you'd be mine and I'd be yours.” 
The wording of it made your pulse skip, but it was exactly what you wanted. All of this stumbling around each other, falling over yourselves, was for this purpose. 
“Is that right, love?”
You nodded, as the two of you shared a smile in the glow of early morning. “That's right.”
He would be yours, and you would be his. 
Breakfast was dined upon in peace with quiet murmurings exchanged between the two of you, accompanied by light laughter and loving gazes. It was a marvel none of it was interrupted by the other occupants of the lakeside getaway. 
There was another thing that had to be done in order to seal the deal, however. 
When breakfast was finished and cleaned up after, Seonghwa barged back into his and Hongjoong's shared bedroom. His demon best friend was nowhere to be found, but it was no matter. Seonghwa went over to the vanity table and carefully picked up the necklace he had laid out last night. It was white gold studded in fat, glistening rubies—his prized possession, and one of the few pieces he had saved for only his future partner to wear.
That giddy excitement curled in his stomach again as he took the necklace with him up to your bedroom on the second floor. You were there waiting for him, your foot braced on the vanity stool to fix his sapphire chain onto your ankle, as your amethyst one laid around his. 
“This,” he murmured as he came up behind you in the mirror, “I've been saving for someone special.” He locked eyes with you in the looking glass, a sweet smile playing on his lips as he draped the heavy gems over your sternum. 
Blood rubies were precious and harder to come by these days, which was why Seonghwa coveted them. It only made sense that they should rest now on a person he would also come to value even more. They sat perfectly upon your collarbones, like a tiara upon your head… like it was made for you. You were yourself a treasure. 
Seonghwa could hardly contain his contentment at the sight. He wrapped his arms around your middle as he pressed a kiss to your shoulder, smiling against your skin. “Perfect.”
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a/n: don't forget to reblog + comment if u enjoyed!
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koolades-world · 4 months
Can I request prompt #32 with Mammon?! Where the brothers are doing their usual teasing of Mammon and it finally gets to him. He then goes to MC for comfort! Maybe cuddling involved? 👀
thank you! of course you can :)
i love a good hurt comfort with mammon
enjoy <3
prompt 32 w/ Mammon
You loved the brothers, no doubt. You’d all formed unbreakable bonds and you spent lots of time together. They loved each other too. But at the end of the day, they were demon who really did treat each other as siblings. They were downright cruel to each other at times. You understood to some degree, but you and your siblings never went that far. You would get into a loud argument, but about ten minutes later, be good friends again and give each other a helping hand. Maybe that’s how the brothers expected their relationship to be, but it felt like more times than not, they took things a little too far.
It was oddly quiet in the house. You and Lucifer were sitting in his room together. He was doing paperwork, while you tried planning the latest shenanigan that Diavolo had proposed. You occasionally asked him for advice or his opinion on something. From time to time, the two of you would randomly start to chat about things that happened to come to mind. It was nice to work in silence, but it did leave you questioning what the rest of the household was doing.
“Do you think I should try plan the venue set up around the ice sculpture, or the games? If the sculpture was in the center, it would definitely help elevate the overall elegance, but the games are the whole point of the event. I’m not really sure what Diavolo was thinking asking me to plan a classy, but fun event. It’s very him though, I will say.” You stared blankly at the paper you were sketching on. It was rather crude, but it was only the first draft.
Lucifer remained silent for a second. “Plan around the games. The sculpture can be at the far end of the venue. Still center, but helps put the focus on what Lord Diavolo wanted. Besides, who know what kinds of games he wants to plan? The more room the better.” Lucifer didn’t look up from his work, but you could tell he’d thought hard about what you’d said.
“Thanks. You’re right.” You went back to sketching, making note of what he said off to the side with your other little notes. The two of you sat in silence for a little while longer, before Lucifer spoke up again.
“It’s awfully silent. I think I’m going to go check up on everyone.” He abruptly got up. You had been thinking the same thing.
“Alright, I’ll stay here for now I think. If you have any issues, call me.” You had a few ideas you wanted to get down, alas you forget them.
“I’ll be back shortly.” He shut the door behind him, leaving you alone in his room. You thought about snooping a little, but that would be a breach of his privacy. Besides, how many people could say they were trusted so much so by Lucifer himself that they were left alone in his room? You continued to work, jotting down ideas that came to mind to bring up with Diavolo and Barbatos later.
When you finally looked up, you realized Lucifer still wasn’t back. With that, you got up and decided to look for him. He hadn’t called for you, but knowing him, he wouldn’t even if there was something wrong. The house was still silent. It gave you an icky sort of dread. Something was wrong. You grew more and more panicked by the minute, throwing open every door in the house in search of anybody, but to no avail. The last place you could think to check was outside.
Fortunately, they were all out there.
Unfortunately, some kind of conflict seemed to be happening.
You struggled to take in everything that happening, But, the first thing you zeroed in on was Mammon. He strangely wasn’t part of whatever was happening. He was sitting on the ground, head hanging and looking defeated. Ignoring everyone else, you quickly made your way over to him and knelt beside him. He didn’t even turn to acknowledge you.
“Mammon?” You took his hand, but you still got no reaction. You gently took his face in your other hand and turned it towards you. You’ll never forget the expression on his face. It was devoid of the joy and that smile you were so used to seeing. Instead, it was blank. It was eerie seeing him with a blank slate of an expression. He looked without looking, as if he didn’t even register you were there. “Mams. Let’s go inside.” You didn’t know what happened, but that could wait. Right now, you knew he needed to be away from the ongoing argument. They were so into the fight, they didn’t even notice the two of you leaving.
After you shut the door behind you, the din was deafened. No wonder you didn’t realize they were outside. You led Mammon back up to his room and locked the door behind the both of you. You knew he had some snacks and drinks in his mini fridge in case you needed them. You sat him down, and threw one of the blankets you’d left in his room around his shoulder. “What happened?” Now that the two of you were alone, you figured he might be more receptive to you.
Mammon turned to look at you: the most reaction you’d see out of him so far. He stared at you, and you held his hand comfortingly. He gazed at you, still with a mostly blank expression. “Yer too good to me.” He finally spoke.
“You deserve it. I don’t think I could imagine my life without you.” You were a little confused where all of this was coming from, making you wonder what might have happened.
“Well, my brothers could. They don’t need me.” He looked away from you again.
“What are you talking about? Of course they need you. This family wouldn’t be complete without you. You’re the great Mammon.” You tried to lift his spirits, but it didn’t seem to work.
“Ya’d think differently if you didn’t see me so positively. I’m a piece of scum.” You lent forward a little, trying to meet his eyes, but he fully turned away. He gripped your hand tighter. You sunk back into your chair, but he didn’t move back to how he was before.
“What’d they say?” You move his hand and held it to your chest.
“They told me I was a stain on the family and I didn’t deserve my title. That all I did was make their life harder. They said it in the heat of the argument, so maybe they didn’t mean it, but I’m starting to thing they’re right.” You felt your heart throb for him. It seemed as if he was past the point of tears, because you saw none now and before. He seemed almost numb to it all. If you didn’t know him, you’d just assume he was tired. But you did. And you knew just what you needed to say to try and help.
“You’re Mammon. You fought beside Lucifer and earned your spot fair and square. They might not see what makes you special, but I do.I got to know you much more recently than they did, but we’re so close. Did you ever stop to wonder why? You’re so sweet and loving to me, even early on. It was really great to know I could trust someone in this new and scary world. To me, you’re perfect. I don’t care what anyone else says. You’re my first demon, after all.” You spoke from the heart. “You light up my world, Mams. I’m really glad I met you.” While he was still facing away from you, you felt the grip on your hand soften a little.
“Do ya really think that?” He seemed tentative with his words, as if you might take them back any second.
He still seemed unsure, so you continued. “Think of it this way. Every choice you ever made led you here, and the same goes for me. Even if every choice was a bad one, which they weren’t, we still ended up here, together. You make my life better, and if I need to tell you it a million times, I will.”
“Really?” He finally turned back to look at you. His eyes were still free to tears, but a smile tugged at the corners of his lips.
“Of course I do. Why else would I be here with you right now?” With that, Mammon tackled you into a hug. You playfully screamed, but hugged him back. He needed it. You let him have his moment, and the two of you remained snuggled up in your blanket on his bed. He rolled over, so you were on top of the cuddle hug now.
“I can’t be suffocating my human, now can I?” His signature smile was back. You were glad you were able to help him. You’d do anything for that smile.
“Prime example of you being sweet.” You laughed as he threw the blanket over your head. As much as he tended to deny it, he truly did love his human. You picked him up during times likes this and supported him no matter what, even when he tended to act prickly with his emotions. You were just what he needed in his life.
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nariism · 1 year
my brother's best friend
pair. miya osamu x gn!reader
content: fluff, attempts at humour, miya atsumu is a little shit, first loves, mutual pining
synopsis. miya osamu takes pride in the fact that he’s the smarter of the twins. he, in fact, is not (especially when it comes to you).
wc. 3.1k
a/n: om nom nom nom nom brother's best friend trope nom nom nom... ok i have to come clean about this fic i literally wrote the first draft for this in 2021 on WATTPAD and it's been sitting dormant forever up until recently. enjoy 🫶
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‎oh my god, how did i end up here?
it’s the only thought repeating over and over again in osamu’s head as he sits there staring at you. you’re too preoccupied with the menu in your hands to notice his unwavering gaze, scanning through it and muttering to yourself indecisively about what to order.
of course, the question of how he ended up here on a date with you could be summarized in one simple sentence:
miya atsumu is the world’s biggest idiot.
if kita or aran were here they would surely be poking fun at him right now, lecturing him about how his dna is a perfect carbon copy of atsumu’s. and while they would be right, osamu is convinced his brother has at least 70% less brain cell capacity.
the thought makes him feel a little smug. (he’s in the class under atsumu.)
you were friends. at least as far as how often you saw each other, he considered you good friends. maybe. not that he knew all that much about you other than the fact that you were constantly... around. if he didn’t know that atsumu was the biggest knucklehead on planet earth, he would have assumed you were dating. but he knew his brother was too invested in volleyball to be seeing anyone seriously, and you didn’t didn’t seem like the type to mess around with guys like him anyways.
you were way too level-headed for that despite the raunchy, head-turning jokes you liked to tell, which honestly might be the reason why atsumu keeps you around.
whenever you came to their house, you would stick to lounging in atsumu’s room or the living room. you typically avoided disturbing osamu and the rest of their family — not like they minded having you around. no, in fact, their mother had a strange soft spot for you. you were quiet and well mannered, until it was just the three of you and suddenly an onslaught of fierce attacks on poor atsumu would commence.
for the majority of your friendship, you have stayed out of his way and he stays out of yours. you only talk to each other when deemed necessary, like when walking home from school or when you shyly greet him at the door because atsumu is on the toilet. he does, however, rejoice in the fact that there is another person on the atsumu hate train, and appreciates that you’re at least colourful with your insults. it’s impressive, really.
(he would never admit it. never. never ever. but it warms his heart a little that there’s someone out there just like him, expressing their love for miya atsumu in less conventional ways.)
you were quick witted and funny. a free source of entertainment when he would grow bored of his brother’s shenanigans. and it was a two way street, because when you needed a break from atsumu, osamu was always right there. 
you were noticeably gentler with the younger of the miya twins: asking him how school was, and if he needed help with his chemistry homework, and what he had for lunch. menial little things, but sometimes he found himself thinking that it was the highlight of his day.
otherwise, your presence in his life is, as osamu considers it, indifferent.
sure, he likes to look at you. and sometimes, maybe, he wishes you and atsumu would invite him around more often. it also doesn’t help his heart when you’re so nice to him, like when you’re all having dinner together and you pretend you don’t want the last dumpling on your plate and shovel it onto his. he likes that. or when you invite yourself into their freezer for ice cream, you always make sure to grab an extra one for him. there have been multiple occasions in which you’ve wordlessly slid him your notes to copy, too.
you were good at that; knowing what others wanted and being more selfless than the average person. you’re a people pleaser, and though he and atsumu used to make fun of your type when they were kids, your charm is undeniable.
unfortunately, actually making any sort of move on you is out of the question. not only would it potentially complicate things between you and him, it would also risk putting a strain on your friendship with atsumu. making his brother’s life a living hell is what miya osamu was born into this world to do, but for some reason his stomach turns at the thought of ruining your friendship.
you were just atsumu’s cute best friend. nothing less, nothing more. and he would very much like to beat the “i fell in love with my brother’s best friend” allegations, thank you.
he realizes he’s still looking at you intently with his arms crossed over his chest. he watches as your nose scrunches a little in thought, trying to decide between their two best sellers. he sighs in relief when you get up to order for yourself, tucking a stray hair under his cap before going back to sulking with his thoughts.
atsumu had a lot of bad ideas. so many that if they sat down and listed them all out they might be there for a couple days. but this? this is his worst one yet. and how osamu managed to get roped (bribed) into this, he will never know. but here he is, and here you are, and here atsumu is not.
he really should get better at saying no to atsumu.
(“c’mon, ‘samu! please? for me?!”
“what the hell? no. that’s a shitty thing to do. just tell them ya can’t go.”
“but it’s their birthday! they were lookin’ forward to this. they’ll hate me forever if i bailed!”
“and? why would i help you? ‘specially with somethin’ so stupid. it’s your fault you didn’t plan better.”
“don’t be like that, y’know it was a last minute thing!”
a beat of silence.
“pretty please? it’s their birthday… you guys are friends too, right?”
osamu can’t believe he’s entertaining this stupid idea for even a second. you’re not an idiot. you’d know it’s him with a single glance.
“this is an all time low, even for you. they’ll notice it’s me right away. are ya crazy, ‘tsumu? hit your head or somethin’?”
“it’s just this one time! i’ll never ask ya for anythin’ ever again. never ever ever ever, i swear it.”
“don’t sound so tired with me! do this for your big brother. have i mentioned it’s their birthday?”
big brother? osamu scoffs loudly.
“you actually mentioned it three times. and yer only a couple minutes older than me. but... fine.”
“don’t be such a jacka- wait, what?”
“i said fine. but you owe me lunch for the next two weeks.”
“... are ya sure they won’t know it’s me? i mean, i really think you should reconsider-”
“oh shut up, ‘samu, we’re identical!”
“just know that i won’t hesitate to throw ya under the bus if shit hits the fan.”)
what a terrible plan. pretending to be atsumu was proving to be harder than he initially anticipated. he would have thought that spending every agonizing, waking, living hour with his brother would have trained him well enough, but atsumu is so no-chill that it’s somehow making this already horrible idea even worse with every passing second.
surprisingly, you haven’t said anything. you haven’t acknowledged the massive elephant in the room. this could only mean one of three things:
1. you’ve noticed, but you’re desperately trying to spare atsumu’s feelings and osamu’s embarrassment by not bringing it up.
2. you’re dumber than he thought. dumber than a rock, actually, if you didn’t take one look at osamu and know it was him.
3. you are a cruel, wicked, evil, deranged human being who finds osamu’s situation entirely hilarious and wants this to go on for as long as possible.
judging by your casual banter, he’s willing to bet it’s either option one or two. you’re twirling a lanyard around your finger when you finally return with your drink of choice in tow. next destination: the local aquarium. atsumu put a surprising amount of effort into planning the day.
it’s a shame he hadn’t accounted for planning himself into it.
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‎he shouldn’t have agreed to come here.
spending time alone with you like this was bound to stir up feelings he’d long ago buried in the hollows of his heart. of the miya twins, osamu was always better at keeping his emotions under wraps. there were rare occasions in which he lost his cool, in which he was actually somehow worse than atsumu, but in general he was as level-headed as you were.
you’re ruining him and his plans to never acknowledge his feelings for you.
it’s unfair, really, how his heart seemingly gets lodged in his throat when you cling to his arm so tightly, laughing and pointing out all the funny-looking fish. and when you point at something called a vampire squid, raving about how long it took you to find one in animal crossing, he nearly crumbles to his knees and puts his head in his hands.
(in other words, he’s totally whipped. he’s not beating those allegations.)
osamu thought he could get used to looking at anyone’s face. he always found people boring — he grew up being the other half of his brother, after all. the miya twins are many things, but boring is not one of them, and to entertain them you have to be someone with a special brand of humour.
but now, as he looks at you with the soft blue glow from the tank shining against your face, he can’t help the thought that crosses his mind:
i could never get tired of this.
“... hailing from the depths of tropical and subtropical waters, the vampire squid feeds on marine snow.”
he blinks back into reality, eyes drifting from you to the sea creature you’re admiring, then back to you. “marine snow? sounds gross.”
“it’s the debris that falls to the lower levels of the ocean. lots of deep sea creatures feed that way since it saves them the energy of needing to go hunt.”
osamu seems skeptical. “they really just eat anythin’ like that?”
your head turns to look at him. there’s a little smile playing on your face, like you seem amused by what he just said. “sounds like someone i know.”
he makes a strange expression in response. were you talking about him? did you often bring him up when you were alone with atsumu? the soft and fond look in your eyes doesn’t help his racing heart. the idea that you and atsumu talk about him in private so sweetly makes his face burn slightly in embarrassment.
he shakes his head to get the thought out of his brain before stuffing his hands into his pockets.
your arm finds his again, locking together. it’s an oddly intimate action, even if you think he really is atsumu. he doesn’t know you to be the most touchy person on earth, though he supposes he can’t see what you’re like behind the closed doors of his brother’s bedroom. his blood boils for some reason.
you stop at the next tank, the one situated in the centre of the room filled high with kelp and schools of tiny fish. you’re looking at them with wide eyes, light shimmering in them. he could cry right now. you look like an angel bathed in the shadows of dancing fish as your gaze carefully follows a school circling around the top of the aquarium.
there’s a feeling swimming inside of him, unfamiliar and oh so dreadful. he can feel it in raging in every part of him — in his heart, in the fiery pits of his stomach, in his throat — and he knows exactly which word comes to mind.
miya osamu may be in the lowest class in his year, and he might share a single brain cell with his brother, but he’s read enough books to describe this feeling. he’s listened to enough love songs to know this ache in him.
if you asked him ten years from now, he’d tell you exactly the same thing as he would right now; that your first love is always petrifying.
“pretty, aren’t they?”
“yeah. real pretty.”
but he hasn’t looked at them even once. how could he when there’s a living, breathing angel standing next to him?
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‎osamu delivers you to your doorstep that night.
it feels like a dream, the whole day and having the privilege of holding your hand and feeling your body against his.
maybe it was just the greedy monster in him speaking. the laws of the universe dictate that if it’s you and osamu, atsumu needs to be there, too. the miya twins have always come in a package. a duo. there is no just atsumu or just osamu, at least there wasn’t until you came along.
suddenly it was you and atsumu. it was atsumu and osamu, and you. but there was never just you and osamu. it didn’t work that way.
well, screw the universe and its laws. osamu never believed in that astrology shit anyways.
he’s fully prepared to keep this day an untarnished memory — something to cherish when life goes back to normal and he’s unable to stand shoulder to shoulder like this with you again.
when you lean in to kiss him, there is only one thought repeating in his mind like a mantra:
it’s just once. just one day. one last perfect memory.
you’re so close that he can feel your breath filling his lungs. his heart hammers where it rests in his chest, so loud that he can hear it thundering in his ears. it’s then that he realizes this is wrong. all of it is wrong.
he recoils back with lightning speed, and his heart aches at the sight of your disappointed and puzzled expression. but it’s not fair to you, and it’s not fair to atsumu either.
he cares about both of you too much to be selfish right now.
how could he possibly risk hurting two of the people he cared most about in the world? he couldn’t be that self-centred, to be able to steal a kiss from you just to keep his memories of this day perfect.
perfect doesn’t exist if none of it is real.
“i’m not… i’m not who you think i am.”
he slides the hat off his head with shame burning in his cheeks, avoiding your eyes like a child who got caught with his hand in a cookie jar. it was time for him to be honest, both with you and himself.
“look, yer really cool. and i– crap, it’s complicated, ‘kay? i might like you. like– like you, like you. i wasn’t thinkin’ straight. 'm really sorry, i know it was wrong to string you along, i was just havin’ so much fun today that–”
his mouth suddenly comes to a halt as you reach forward and capture his cheeks between your fingers, squishing them together so he’ll stop rambling.
you look at him with a confused but amused smile. “um, ‘samu? i like you, too.”
“what?” he sputters out as much as he can with his face still held in place. his brows furrow, but all rational thoughts have stopped flowing in his mind. he’s staring at you like a flabbergasted idiot, so you continue.
“why else would i agree to go on a date with you on my birthday?”
“but– i– huh?”
your head tilts. “this was a date, wasn’t it?”
it dawns on him then. it had never occurred to osamu that there was another explanation for your strange lack of acknowledgment that he is painfully easy to see through:
4. you like him and simply thought this was a date. you like him as much as he likes you, which is a stupid amount. after all, he likes you enough to go through with an infinite number of atsumu’s terrible ideas just to make you happy.
of course you weren’t that dense. of course he was found out the second you laid eyes on him. of course he had misread the entire situation because he was blinded by his brother’s boisterous claims that they were indistinguishable.
“this is ridiculous. i can’t believe you–… atsumu somehow always pulls through even when he doesn’t mean to.”
“what do you mean?”
“whadd’ya mean, what do i mean?”
“about atsumu?”
“oh, he was freakin’ out about missin’ today and wanted me to go through this whole thing pretendin' i’m him so ya wouldn’t be mad at him.”
“but he already told me he couldn’t make it today? you really didn’t have to do… all this,” you gesture to his whole body with a flick of your wrist.
at your words osamu finally crumbles to his knees in pure agony. he looks up to the sky, to whatever god has forsaken him by making atsumu his other half, and sighs with the weight of the world on his shoulders. he can just imagine the shit-eating grin his brother has right now.
“i’m…” he pauses, carefully selecting his next words, “going to smother him with a pillow.”
you blink at him for a moment before all the pieces fall into place.
all the times you’d gushed to atsumu about your massive crush on his twin and the way he’d complain to no end about neither of you making a move, forcing him to watch on with mild disgust as his best friend and brother made goo goo eyes at each other. all the times he would “forget” his shoes at the gym and need to run back to grab them, pushing you into small talk with osamu. all the times he would suffer through your teasing just to see the two of you walking side-by-side sharing proud little smiles.
atsumu’s resume looks something like this: world’s biggest idiot, volleyball player, third-wheel, and tired wingman.
you’ll have to thank him later.
“no wonder you’ve been acting so weird all day! i thought you were just one of those guys who gets nervous on first dates!” accompanied by this statement is a laugh that makes osamu weak.
he grumbles. “what’s so funny?”
“say what you want, but you’re as dumb as ‘tsumu.”
“no… please… don’t compare me to that nitwit… i might have a heart attack at this rate.”
you snicker quietly as you help osamu back onto his feet, eyes shimmering with joy as you let his confession sink in.
“you’re right, he is an idiot.”
“he’s gonna hate us even more from now on,” osamu smiles uncontrollably, inching closer to you again.
“yeah?” your lips brush against his daringly, “i can live with that.”
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© ALABOADOA 2023 — please do not translate or post my works to other platforms.
🏷️ @hyomagiri (im dead like actually dead)
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at1nys-blog · 16 days
A change of heart
Pairing: Kakashi Hatake x Naruto mother figure!reader
Summary: Naruto has left to train with Jiraya and you are left to wonder if he is doing okay.
A/N: let me get this out of my system thanks a lot don’t know if is going to kill my writer’s block but I see what happens with the asks I have in my draft. I have no idea what this is, if is bad please pretend nothing was written🙃. This is the longer ff I have wrote and is just crazy to me lol @charming-cherry0 here the Kakashi’s ff I’ve talked about hope you like it
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You gave up a life filled with missions; a life of notority for the love you had-and still have to this day-for the people that took you in and raised you when your family died. You had promised to Minato and Kushina that you would take care of their son if anything happened to them. You didn't expect to fill in the role of a mother this soon.
When they sacrified themselves for the security of Konoha you were initially mad at them, leaving you just like your biological family did. Of course it wasn't their plan to die this young, not when they just became partens for the second time. You had to live with the fact that you had a job do to, to take care of your little brother Naruto.
Time passed, Naruto grew up and you couldn't help but being reminded about that night. Mostly because the villagers would always bring it up when walking past you and the Jinchūriki, making the young ninja ask questions, and you had to tell him white lies about it, the Third Hokage had made everyone promise to never reveal the true identity of his parents.
It broke your heart to lie to him, keeping him in the shadows of his lineage, but you knew that if words spread he was the son of the famous Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage of the Leaf Village, he was going to be in more danger than he already was for having a tailed beast sealed into him.
It broke your heart when Naruto would come home faking a smile. You noticed he had been secretly crying, his puffy red eyes giving away his secret, but you never commented on them, instead you made sure to remind him that there were more important metters than caring about what people had to say about it. It always brought a sincere smile on his beautiful features.
With time, his pranks and shenanigans never stopped, and so your profusely apologizes to the villagers, who only rolled their eyes to you and whispered under their breath what a terrible guardian you were to the kid. "If he doesn't know how to behave is because he is not getting a proper education" they always said and you had to control yourself and not yelling at them that you were doing your best as a young girl yourself. Sometimes Naruto would hear the adults making fun of you, and this was one of the reasons why he would be mean to them, throwing ramen leftovers on their face or sticking out his foot to make them trip.
"Naruto, what happened? Why would do that to them?" you would ask him once in confinement of your apartament, away from prying eyes and ears. He would only say that he felt like it, or that they had been making fun of him. He didn't want to make you doubt your skills as a parental figure, not when he too knew he wasn't an easy kid to take care of. You would scoff and tell him to got to his room and do some homeworks while you would make dinner.
With time, things started to get better. Naruto had came to you one day revealing that he was determined to befriend Sasuke Uchiha, at the mention of the clan that got massacred your mind went back to when you had met the boy's mother before the tragedies that took place at the village and you smiled at him. Assuring him that one day, the two of them would the best of friends, you didn't know that was taking them a long time to get there.
It was when Naruto failed the gennin exam that you felt like a failure, if he didn't came to you for help it had to be because you weren't doing a good job of reassuring the boy he could rely on you, but oh how wrong you were. Naruto loved you dearly, and was grateful to have you in his life so he couldn't let you down, he had to make you proud of him and he thought that coming to you for help was a sign of weakness for him and he didn't want to show you he was weak.
You cried, for the first time in front of him, that night after he had told you all of that. Hugging like your lives depended on that you assured him that it was okay to show weakness, for him he was just a kid. From that night he never kept sectres from you, well maybe just the fact that he knew that people still belittled you by doing a poor job raising him.
You never, in your life, were jealous of people but since Kakashi Hatake became the sensei assigned to Naruto's team you discovered a new emotion: jealousy.
You had heard about the shinobi in question, how could you not? He was famous because of his father and for his talents. While at the academy you never interacted much with him and he kept a distance from you too, the two of you had nothing in common but the fact that your adoptive father was his teacher, that was it. Nothing less, nothing more. One single person in common wasn't a reason strong enough to bring the two of you to talk to each other for more than five minutes. But now? How much you wished to be able to take off your ears, because honestly? You couldn't stand another day hearing about the man.
Naruto was smittered with him, sure Kakashi sometimes was harsh with him but he was a great teacher. He couldn't stop talking about him, not only that but the constant talk of the town on how lucky Naruto was to have such a mature and responsible teacher made all your hard work seem trivial. The villagers kept on belittling you by putting on a pedestal Kakashi Hatake, the gem of the Leaf Village.
It had been a week since Naruto left Konoha alongside Jiraya, a week without a single word from him informing you about his days with the legendary ninja and his training sessions, a week worrying about the boy. Was he eating enough? Was he resting enough? Is he spending his money wisely or is he spending it for useless things? You couldn't stop thinking about how he was doing away from you.
"Earth's calling Y/N." you heard the voice of Kakashi from the other side of the window of the shop. You rolled your eyes upon seeing him laying hands on the windowsill with his book on sight. You turn around, asking him what he needed in such a late hour at your store. "saw the light was on and decided to see if you needed anything"
"Nothing if it's coming from you." you simply said walking towards the register to collect your things before heading back home. You didn't hear him jump into the store, his movements always quiet as if he is always on a mission of some sorts, you didn't even hear him closing the window, only when you turned to leave the store you noticed what he has been doing. "you need anything?" you mocked him, your words harsh because why was he so suddenly paying you a visit after closing hour?
"I don't need anything. Again I saw the li-" you cut him off, taking out the keys you unlocked the door and invited him outside. He didn't say anything, just followed your silent instructions and waited next to you to lock the door again. "heading home?"
"What do you think?" his presence was annoying you, you didn't want to be seen with him walking around the village, who knew what terrible things people would say if they saw you with such loved shinobi like him. "Hatake you don't have to walk me home, I still remember how to protect myself" it was true, all those year of combat training were still present in your muscle memory so you could have managed just fine if something were to happen to you. He didn't care, keeping you company on your way home.
"I just want to catch up with an old friend, is that wrong?" you halted at his words? Friends? Since when did he consider you a friend? The last time you checked the two of you even spoke was during the attack of the Nine tailed fox on the village, and just because you had to inform him about a change in the original plans.
He noticed your absence a couple of seconds later, turning around he asked you what happened that got you to stop in your tracks.
"I'm sorry, since when are we friends?" Kakashi was about to answer but you didn't give him the chance to add anything. "Listen, just because you are Naruto's teacher does not mean you and me are friends. And before I say anything that I will regret later please go home. I don't need to be reminded that I am a pathetic excuse of a mother." you whispered the last part, you didn't need him to know how you felt.
Kakashi heard you, loud and clear. He knew you were critisized by the villagers. He came across a couple of people that would praise him by belittling you, the ninja had always took your side, defending you against the mean words spoke behind your back. He didn't fight you, he didn't comment on your sentence, he was sure whatever he said wasn't going to make you feel better.
That night you cried, alone in the apartament you shared with Naruto and that was going to feel cold until he was back from his training. You knew that those three years without him were going to be long.
The next morning you woke up tired, giving a quick look at the pillow you could tell you cried yourself to sleep. The sight in the bathroom's mirror could confirm your theory, not that it was that hard to come to the conclusion of that, after what happened last night it was either that or you had spilled some water on it. The latter being the last possible.
Once you were finally ready to go and open the doors of your shop, you were faced with a toad at your doorstep, you can tell is one of Jiraya's because the animal is too big to be a common one. Is only when you took a second look that you noticed it had an envelope between its hands, you asked permission to take it from the animal and when the envolope was in yours the toad disappeared. You smiled reading the name of Naruto on the paper. Today was going to be great.
Dear Y/N,
sorry if I haven't written to you sooner but this week my days were filled with learning new techniques with the Ero-sennin that I totally forgot to inform you about my days. You don't have to worry about me, the Toad Sage reminds me to not overwork myself. I am eating a lot of good and tasy food. My sleeping schedule is not the best but I always remember your words about how important a good sleep is to become stronger.
I miss you very much, take care of the shop and eat a lot of ramen for me too.
Love you, Naruto.
The letter finished with his signature thumb print and a smiley face next to it, you smiled thanking that he remembered you while away for training.
The door of the shop opened, and you looked up from the letter to invite in your first client of the day but upon seeing Kakashi you rolled your eyes annoyed by his presence already.
"I don't think rolling your eyes is a good way to make your costumers feel welcomed" he commented.
"Why are you here?" you asked walking in front of the your desk. "and don't you dare to say that you just want to have a talk with a friend because I'm pretty sure I made it clear yesterday that we aren't friends." your tone was calm but the point came across to the shinobi, you didn't want to have him around.
"I'm here in peace. I want to look for something to buy, that's all." he said, intertwining his hands behind the back of his head he started walking around the store.
"You do realize this is a store that has nothing for you, right?" your shop was filled with clothes and accessories for the female villagers, nothing that Kakashi could wear or use even if he wanted to. The sizes were too small for him and you could swear he is not the type to take a bag with him. You pictured him with a couple of hairpins but only in the secrecy of his apartament, never outside. You scoffed at the imagine of him securing his white hair with pretty pins.
"I never said it was for me. I said I'm looking for something to buy." he repeated, deciding to not ask you why were you scoffing so out of the blue. "Asuma wants to surprise Kurenai and I offered to help him find something that she might like" you were taken aback, you never imagined him to be someone that would offer his help to look for gifts. "oh by the way, do you know if Naruto is okay? That ungrateful kid didn't write me a letter yet." you totally missed the little smile that formed on his face, both because you were facing his back and because of the mask he never takes off his face.
"I, actually, got a letter from him this morning." you said happy that Naruto wrote to you first than Kakashi, even though he had wrote at the two of you simultaneously, but what you didn't know couldn't hurt you, right? and Kakashi kept that information for himself when he heard your teasing tone. He didn't want to ruin your day, not after what you had said yesterday.
"That kid, forgetting about his teacher like I mean nothing to him." he commented looking at some hair clips with a charm at the end, he took a couple of them and came to you asking for which one you prefered. You choose the wooden one with the red details reminding him that most of Kurenai's outfits involved the color red. He thanked you and paid for the object.
"You mean a lot to Naruto, more than I like to admit honestly." you told him before he could leave the store. "Thank you for everything you do and for taking care of him when I can't" you confessed. He only smiled at you, wishing you a good day and promising that he wasn't going to bother you for the rest of the day.
Months passed and once a week you would get a visit from one of Jiraya's toads delivering at your doorsteps a letter from Naruto informing you about his days with the Toads Sage and how much he is improving his ninja's skills and you, oh so wished to write to him how proud you were, but his safety came first and if you wrote to him the Akatsuki would probably find him, risking to get kidnapped. You just made a note to yourself to tell him that, the moment he was back to Konoha.
Naruto’s letters weren’t the only thing keeping you company and making you smile, Kakashi was another reason why your days weren’t too boring. He would come to your shop, pretending to look around and then waiting for you to close up so he could walk you home, asking about your day, asking what Naruto had told you in his letter that week, talking about his missions (if he was allowed) and about Guy. The stories about his friend were the one you anticipated the most if you had to be honest.
When he started to hang around more, you were annoyed at him, mostly because you knew people would talk behind your back, making comments questioning why Kakashi Hatake, one of the most renowned shinobi of the village was friend with someone like you. Someone that failed both as a shinobi and as a parental figure. Their words were just speculations, you knew that, everything was far away from the truth but they still hurt you.
"She was a great shinobi and gave up all of it just because of a kid." you heard someone commenting while walking past Ramen Ichiraku, his friend scoffed saying that if you gave up so easily to take care of Naruto it was because you weren't that good as a ninja to start with.
"She failed as a ninja and as a mother. If Naruto thinks he can do whatever he wants is all her fault." he added half drunk. You had to stop in your tracks, not because you wanted to know how the conversation would move on, you didn't care much, but you had to take a deep breath before breaking down in the middle of the street. The day didn’t start in the best way and it was going to end even worse if you were to show yourself weak in front of others.
"She was the only one that could keep up with me." you recognized the voice, how could you not? It was Kakashi. "and she could kick your asses if she only wanted." he stopped, you thought to eat some more portion of ramen or to drink some water. "She did her best considering her young age and the fact that everyone was against her. Leave her alone already, she went through so much and doesn't need such remarks from people that don't even know her." The other two ninjas didn’t talk back, and you headed back home assuming they dropped the conversation there. Nothing else to add after Kakashi called them out.
Walking down memory lane that night you rememberer how during your days at the academy you thought you didn’t like Kakashi, but with time you realized you hated him. Growing up you matured and came to the conclusion that hate was such a strong emotion to feel for someone that you had nothing to do with, it was jealousy, not hatred. It could never be hatred. Now, at the doorsteps of your thirties you had to admit you were envious of him.
You envied Kakashi because he was naturally talented; you envied him because every kid always talked about him; you envied him because he was liked by all the people of Konoha; you envied him because he was everything that you could have been if life didn’t throw you a tragedy after another. You went to sleep with Kakashi’s words still in your mind and with apologizing to Kakashi on your to-do list.
That morning was rather...calm, the sky being grey didn't allow the birds to fly away from their nests and you imagined today was going to be pretty slow since people didn't like to go out with such a weather.
Opening the door of your house you bumped into Kakashi, standing there with a Bangasa* umbrella in hand.
“What are you doing here?” You asked visibly, and rightly so, confused at his presence in front of your door.
“Walking you to work? I need to be gone for a mission after lunch so I thought that maybe I could spend some time with you before leaving. If you are fine with it, of course.” You were fine with the idea of him walking you to work but the fact that he was leaving for a mission wasn’t in your plans. You decided to wait when he was back to talk to him, you didn’t want to distract him while on a mission. “So…”
“Sorry. I’m… that’s okay and really, you don’t have to spend time with me.” You said locking your door.
“But I want to. And you know, we can’t tell if I’m coming back to Konoha in one piece.” He teased but you took it seriously, knowing that you had a conversation planned with him.
“You better come back in one piece I… I have something I would like to discuss with you.” Kakashi was curious and asking to explain further your words, you repeated that it had to wait when he was done with the mission. “I just don’t wanna distract you.”
“You would never distract me. Come on, tell me.” Giving in sounded so easy and it was. The apology rolling out your mouth in a second. “And it had to wait for the mission to be over because…” you didn’t know, it was stupid considering you just had to apologize to him. Maybe you thought he was going to add more than a simple ‘thank you’, what exactly were you expecting was a mystery to you too. “Don’t worry, you don’t have to tell me.” He added before you could express your reasoning, if there were any.
As he said he spent half the day at your shop, in the corner he made himself with time. He was quiet, reading his book and not exchanging words with the women that wanted to talk to him. They didn’t exist to him.
At lunch he stood up from his chair (yours but you never used it so he decided to claim it as his) and took out of the pocket of his vest a small white stone, you recognized it, it was an opal.
“I read it is good for protection. Never go out without it until I’m back.” You smiled at him and thanked him. “Or… don’t I don’t know. I was told… I thought you would like it.”
“I love it. Just, make sure to be back safe and sound. I don’t want to plan your funeral, I still don’t like you.” You joked. He smiled under the mask, his visible eye squinting a little bit.
“Don’t worry, Guy has everything planned for my funeral already.” He joked “see you when I’m back.” He added before leaving the shop. You watched him walk out when one of your costumers nudged at you.
“He is a good catch, confess already.” You blushed at her words and made sure she understood that you felt nothing more than admiration towards the ninja. “Whatever makes you sleep at night.” She said before paying for the necklace she had chosen.
The mission took longer than what you expected, and since your apologizes to Kakashi you bumped into his friends more than usual (Guy drunk told you he asked them to keep you company when possible) but you didn’t mind their presence. Since Naruto left you realized he was your only friend.
Kurenai was a sweet woman, always making sure you were doing fine and making sure if you had eaten enough for the day; Asuma was quiet, mostly sticking around Kurenai and promising you he would quit smoking (he never did); Guy was the funniest of the trio, telling you stories about when he and Kakashi were younger and even if you knew some of them already you let him talk.
Waking up, you looked at the calendar on your little desk, the day circled in orange was a reminder of the anniversary of the death of Minato and Kushina. It was the first time you went to their grave all by yourself and thinking about it you didn’t want to go anymore. Maybe staying all day home wasn’t a bad idea after all.
You wished Kakashi didn’t get his friends to be on your neck 24/7 because the second you laid down in bed you noticed the three ninjas outside your bedroom window.
“Why are you guys here?” You asked looking at them.
“Because we don’t want you to rot in your bed today.” Answered Guy “get off bed and get ready” he added.
“Ready for what?”
“We have a little surprise for you.” Asuma was the one answering your question. “Come on.” You sighed rolling your eyes before leaving the bed once again. “Good choice.”
Getting ready with your mind elsewhere wasn’t easy but you wouldn’t dare make the three ninjas outside your house tell you, once again, to move already.
Stepping out your apartment you wanted to go back in, whose idea was to blindfold you? And, most importantly, why would they blindfold you? Kurenai assured you it was her idea, you doubted that but there wasn’t time to fight if she was lying or not, and that you had to trust them.
Is not like you didn’t trust them but the fact that they just decided to take you out and blindfold you wasn’t helping at all. You decided to follow their instructions, without complaining.
The spot was a special one for you, not because it was anything secluded (if it was your friends couldn’t be able to find it) but because it was where Minato, Kushina and you liked to spend time together. It was your little piece of Heaven on Earth until…
“You didn’t had to” you told them, because they really didn’t had to prepare a picnic for you.
“We wanted to” replayed Kurenai “and besides what a best way to remember them than spending some time at their favorite secret place” she added up, smile on her face.
“If the dishes are not of your taste blame it on Kakashi, he suggested those” explained Guy
“Pretty sure he remembers his sensei’s favorite foods so I’m not even surprised.” You were, because those were mostly your favorite dishes (also some of Minato and Kushina’s).
The four of you started eating and in the mean time ended up talking about the Fourth Hogake and his wife, the three ninjas asking you about how the two deceased shinobi were in the privacy of their house and you laughed at the memories.
“Okay, okay let me just…” you cleared your throat and took a sip of sake before speaking again. “…I would tell you curious cats all about my lovely parents that died to save the village that hates me” everyone laughed at your tipsy words.
Standing up you try to stay as in equilibrium as possible before speaking again. And you started from the beginning, from when Kushina found you crying your eyes out over your parents’ dead bodies. She comforted you, telling you everything was going to be okay, and she took you with her, there is when you met Minato and Jiraya for the first time.
You told them how Minato was a lovely fiancée to Kushina and how he was always helping around the house without a sense of shame whatsoever, you admired him for that wishing for yourself a man that could help around the house without complaining that he shouldn’t do such things since ‘he is a man’
“That sounds like Kakashi if I have to be honest” cut you off Asuma and you laughed it off, maybe he was right but you and Kakashi? Engaged? No thank you. Talking about them some more you arrived at the day they sacrificed themselves and your happy smile dissolved from your features, leaving space to a more serious expression.
“No one knows, not even Kakashi I guess but I need to be honest about it. I hated them for quite a bit. They promised me to never leave me alone. That they would never do like my biological parents did and yet… but they didn’t leave me alone, no sir. They put the responsibility of raising a child on my shoulders and I was only 15 years old. I hated it, I couldn’t look at Naruto without thinking about them and for a couple of months I didn’t take care of him like I promised. Then one day I saw Kakashi…” another sip of sake “…and he looked like nothing was bothering him, he had moved on faster compared to me, he made it seems so easy and I hated him for that. I hated how fast he had moved on, I hated him so much that I felt like I had to prove a point. I still don’t know what the point was supposed to be, but I think it helped me come to my senses and do what I was supposed to do for the past three months.”
Asuma, Kurenai and Guy were left speechless at your words and you mentally thanked them for keeping their judgmental thoughts for themselves. Because if they spoke their minds you would have hated it.
You spent the whole day eating and training with the three shinobi and you are happy to be able to get back to the old days when you would train with them when you weren’t yet stripped of your position as a ninja of the Leaf Village.
You are a little rusty, I mean after 17 years of working in a jewelry shop everyone would be, but you managed to take down Guy and Asuma a couple of times. It was after the sun set that your friends decided it was time to go home and after your thank yous they left you alone with your thoughts.
You stayed some more, looking at the horizon with one thing in mind: Kakashi Hatake. You wished he was there with you, he was the only one, after you, to have spent the majority of his time alongside Minato. Rin was dead, to keep the village safe, Obito died to save Kakashi and he was away for a mission that would take his life away if he wasn’t careful enough.
Walking up the stairs you didn’t notice the “bread crumbs” left on the steps, only when you reached the top and see Kakashi in front of your door that you notice he is holding something in his hands.
You look back noticing the petals of Kushina’s favorite flower. Your eyes tear up at the memory and the fact that you didn’t allowed yourself to look at those flowers ever again.
“Surprise.” He said and when you turn around to face him his small smile disappeared and his expression turned worried. You don’t have the time to fall on your knees that he is holding your shaking body into his. Your cries filling the silent night. “Is okay, I’m here now.” And you keep crying holding into him for dear life.
It took you a couple of minutes to stop crying and even then you kept on sobbing every now and then. Kakashi took off his fingerless gloves and started wiping away the tears on your face.
“I miss them” you said hiccuping your words to him. He doesn’t say much, just that he understands the pain in your heart because he misses them too. “Please don’t you leave me too” his heart aches at your words and he keeps on drying up your face assuring you that he wasn’t going anywhere without you.
He helps you up and walks you to the door and you wished you were able to function but no. With shaky hands you dropped the keys on the floor but he is there, helping you in every way possible without judgement.
Entering he made you sit down at the dinner table and while you tried your best to recollect yourself he filled up a glass of water.
“Drink up everything you are drained” he commented and you listened to him (mostly because you were truly thirsty) and chunked the whole glass down. It was refreshing you though. “Sorry if I made you cry, it wasn’t my intention”
“It wasn’t your fault. I think it was the build up pain.” You didn’t mean to tell him about it but you did regardless. Telling him how you never properly mourned their death because first you hated them for leaving you and then you had a child to take care of and you couldn’t dwell in your pain.
“I hated Minato for a while too.” He confessed and you were speechless at the confession. You always thought he had moved on pretty fast after what he had been through, you imagined he was used to people leaving him behind. You were so wrong about all of it and you felt guilty you felt like crying again. But you didn’t, you couldn’t because Kakashi told you to get ready for bed. “If you need me here I can sleep over.”
You find yourself almost using the L word in that moment, if it was out of friendship love or romantic you didn’t know. You knew you were grateful for him in that moment. You tell him he could sleep in Naruto’s bed and he nods at your proposition. That night you had a good sleep, one you haven’t had in years and that you truly needed and you only had to thank Kakashi Hatake for that.
It was during dead time that you heard Konohamaru screaming from the top of his lungs that Naruto "big brother" was back from his three years training. You rushed outside, locking the shop as fast possible. Running behind the Third Hokage's grandchild on your way to see Naruto you almost bumped into Kakashi.
"where are you running to?" he asked, following behind you.
"Naruto is back" Konohamaru and you said in unison, Kakashi speeding up and catching up with the two of you. He wanted to meet his student because he too have been missing him lots during those three years.
Kakashi stayed behind, never passing by you. The shinobi wanted for you to be the first one to see Naruto, considering the relationship that binds the two of you and for the fact that the young ninja didn't write that week (Kakashi hopes that Naruto did it on purpose but he imagines the kid just genuinely forgot), and you did, between the three of you, you spot him first. He was talking with Sakura, the girl was mad at him for something you didn't even care to find out. It was when the kid you raised as your own spotted you that he ran to you. He hugged you, hands around your middle and lifted you making you squeal out of surprise.
"why didn't you wrote me you were coming at the village?" you said once he put you down. "I was going to think something had happen to you" he scratched the back of his head giving you a nervous smile. Before he could apologize properly Konohamaru was all over him asking him questions about the time he was away and reminding him about the promise the older ninja made before leaving (a stupid challenge about who performs better the Sexy Jutsu Naruto invented). You noticed Sakura rolling his eyes, Moegi doing the same.
You felt Kakashi lightly hugging you from the side, and you didn't mind the presence of the ninja, not when you apologized for your shitty behaviour. Since that day your relationship with Kakashi got better day after day to the point where you started having feelings for the man, romanic ones to be pricise.
"what is happening between the two of you?" he asked, looking confused to why you weren't at Kakashi's throat for being this close to your figure. "are you fucking my mom?" you were able to feel hear Kakashi stiffening at those words, who wouldn't when accused of such an intimate, and very personal, activity. "you know what? I don't actually want to know. Treat her right or I am coming for you, I know where you live" he threatened him and both you and Kakashi weren't able to say much back before he excused himself saying he had to report to Granda Tsunade frst thing first.
As you were left with Sakura, team Ebisu and Kakashi you cleared your throat ready to explain that the only thing that there was between Kakashi and you was pure frienship. Nothing more, nothing less.
"not to be that person..." started to speak Sakura "but I never, ever, saw Kakashi sensei interested in a woman like he is with you." she shrugged her shoulders when you gave her a death stare. "Just saying. By the way, gotta make sure Naruto doesn't get in trouble with the Hokage" you pinched the bridge of your nose, inhaling deep to keep calm. When you opened back your eyes you noticed the younger ninjas looking at you.
"You three better get to training before I rat you out to Ebisu Sensei" Konohamaru wasn't didn't care, you could tell, the smirk selling away his thoughts on the entire situation.
"Kids those days, always telling lies" you tried your best to light up the mood but Kakashi's espression told you you were failing. "you don't... you don't think so?"
"totally, yeah. Kids teasing their teacher like there is no tomorrow." he said, heading back to his apartment avoiding any type of contact with you. You follow behind him, your shop being in the same direction as his house.
"I'm sorry for Naruto. I will make sure he apologizes to you as soon as possible." he doesn't answer, keeping his pace slow so you were able to keep up with him. "I would suggest he pays for whatever you would like, you know, as a little revenge" he chuckled a little and you were happy that he finally was able to let Naruto's words bahind him.
Kakashi kept you company at the shop, helping some costumers that mostly wanted to engage in a conversation with him. Mostly to ask him if he was single and what type of girls he liked, he nervously laghed at them trying his best to change the topic.
Looking at the interaction you couldn't help but smile at it. The way he softly smiled at those ladies trying to set him up. The way he would try and subtly change the subject. The way he would walk them out with gentle hands.
He scoffed, walking to the cash register he takes his head between his hands complaining about the ladies of the village doing whatever they were trying to achieve.
"I mean, you are old and never been seen with a partner of any sorts. You spend all your time with your students or out for missions." you tell him, pushing his elbows away from the desk. "they like you and they want to see you settled down. That's it" Kakashi and you were discussing about the fact that he doesn’t want to settle down with the first woman people would set him up with, he wants to meet someone and grew with them, embrancing their qualities but also their flaws and he does tell you that. Soft boy, was your first thought at his words.
The bell at the top of the door rang and shifting your gaze to the entrance you saw Naruto with his signature smile on display.
"Ehy mom, I came to tell you that I need to go first thing in the morning for a mission."
"So soon? But you just..." looking how his joyful look turned into a more serious one you knew it was about Sasuke, it had to be about him. "I get it. Do you at least have the time to eat with me before you leave?" he nodded and you told him, and Kakashi to wait for you outside so you could finish cleaning before closing the shop.
Walking to Ichiraku Naruto revealed some new details that he couldn't share before about his days with the Ero-Sennin and you had a good laugh with him. Kakashi didn't intrude much, for what reason you couldn't tell, but it didn't care at the moment becuase you were back with your favourite boy.
Teuchi welcomed the three of you and so did his daughter, a little smirk forming on his face at the sight of Kakashi.
"Introducing the boyfriend to the family?" she said earning a little spank on her back from her father.
"He is not my boyfriend Ayame, how many times do I have to tell you?" you complied at her statement.
"But you wished he was?" said the younger ones, you turned to Naruto looking at him in confusion, what gave him such an idea? "I mean I come back and you haven't yelled at him once."
"This doesn't mean I want him to be my boyfriend but just that me and Kakashi talked out our.."
"yours" he interjected and you rolled your eyes at him.
"Yeah, my problems..." you said looking at Kakashi "...we became friends with time. Nothing wrong with it" you said and then asked Teuchi for three ramens.
While Teuchi and Anyame prepare your food Naruto was curios to know how it happened, he clearly remembered you saying that there was no way you would change your mind on Kakashi, and here you were, sharing some ramen with the person you were supposed to hate the most in this world.
You told him about how everything changed between his sensei and you when you apologize to him and that you find out a different side of him when he helped you during your breakdown. Since then you did everything together, let it be a little stroll around Konoha or having lunch during your breaks at the shop.
“With time I started liking him.” You said “oh thank you for the food.” You take a spoonful of it and complimented Teuchi. “You see, with time you can understand who truly cares for you.” That was a little jab at Naruto because you never liked Sakura for him. Sure they were good friends now, but the way she treated him at the beginning ot their training times? It wasn’t what you had expected from a team mate.
“Don’t get all philosophical on the kid already.” Commented Kakashi. You gave him a side eye. “Sorry but he just arrived after three years with Jiraya what do you think he will understand if you use big words to him?”
“I’m not stupid”
“He is not stupid” Kakashi turned around when he heard Teuchi and Ayame defending Naruto as well. “The kid just ignores some things.” Carried on the owner of the ramen shop. “I mean a LOT of things but is not his problem. He took after his mother.” You laughed, remembering Kushina being just like him when you first met her. She calmed down a little bit, still being her silly self, now that you were under her care.
Naruto finally dropped the previous conversation, more interested in knowing more about his mother now that the man mentioned her. Sure you had talked to him about his parents but you didn’t know much about them before you became part of their family so while he is intrigued about stories of his young parents from Teuchi you kept an eye on him, smiling at his shiny eyes at the stories he is told.
Once you were done eating Kakashi payed for the three of us and you thanked him for the gesture. Naruto complained, if he knew his sensei would have been the one paying he would have got a second portion to take home for you just to rise the bill a little bit and annoy his sensei.
“You want us to walk you at the gates?” You asked making sure you weren’t too much of a burden for him since he had to be at the gates before sun rise. He “uhmed” in response and you are quite happy that you can spend some more time with him.
“I wouldn’t be too mad at Kakashi if he tried something.” Naruto spoke when he was able to see the gates of Konoha. You and Kakashi stopped in your tracks both looking at him with wide eyes. “I want you to be happy and if he makes you happy I’m okay.” He kissed you goodbye before sprinting away where his friends and team mates for the Sasuke rescue team were waiting for him.
You were left alone with Kakashi next to you, with nothing to say due to Naruto’s confession. What were you supposed to say? What were you supposed to do? You wished Kurenai was there to give you some advice on it but she wasn’t. And even if she was she wouldn’t be much of help because she would be too occupied teasing you.
“So… do I make you happy? Because you sure make me happy.” Kakashi cut the silence and you wished he didn’t, not like that at least.
“You annoy me, that’s different.” You rolled your eyes at him and started walking towards your apartment. It took him some minutes to realize your words and when he does, he runs behind you catching up with you almost immediately him and his stupid long legs.
“Ehy, what do you mean I annoy you? You said you started to like me.”
“Again, it doesn’t mean you don’t annoy me sometimes.” You keep teasing him and he missed the way you smiled at him. And you miss the way he does the same.
It was in front of your porch that he cups your face and looked deep into your eyes before asking permission to kiss you and you gave him the green light to do so. The kiss is gentle, and short lived but you didn’t care. You invite him inside and this time you let him sleep in your bed.
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heretodestroyou · 1 year
heart-shaped sunglasses.
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pairing(s); matthew lillard!william afton x reader
fandom; five nights at freddy’s [movie]
w/c; 592
trigger/content warnings; slightly unholy thoughts from william about you in your uniform, fem!reader, (reader wears lipstick, has boobs, is called 'girl' by william and has medium-length hair), heavy lana del rey influences (diet mountain dew), mentioned that reader smokes cigarettes, age gap (william is late 40s, reader is mid 20s), no explicit romance but it's heavily implied there's mutual pining, written from william's pov, reader knows his real name, not proof-read, NO use of y/n, lmk if i missed anything.
stella speaks! at this point someone reblogs/tags me in a shitpost about this man, i add tags while my brain is inconsolably horny, and then all of a sudden i'm writing a new draft. and yes, ik lana wasn't really a thing in 1990s, but for now let's pretend he's still a silver fox in the 2020s.
tags; @truecobblepot bc ofc🫶🏽🫶🏽
inspired by this post and the shenanigans that ensued.
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“I just wanted to know how much I appreciate you staying late these past couple weeks.”
William’s voice is smooth, he’s demeanor calm, the slight tilt of his head and the casual clasp of his hands in front of him giving no hint to the turmoil in his brain.
You’re his employee. His best employee, no less. He can’t afford to lose you, to drive you away. So he’ll make sure you’re not looking him in the eye when his roam your body.
The words that come from your mouth are sincere. He knows this. He doesn’t much care in this moment however. That red vest is pulled across your breasts, and the top button of your shirt is undone, your tie looser now that the building is empty.
It’s his fault, how tight your uniform is on you. He has your size on file, but he always orders a size down, just for him. He doesn’t pay mind to the way teenage pizza boys and older brothers here with siblings watch you, because he knows he’s miles better than they are.
His eyes linger in the plastic heart-shaped sunglasses hanging from your collar, and he nods towards them. “And those? I do hope you haven’t been wearing those all day.”
It’s a gentle correction. No matter how much William favors you, he still must keep his image up. You shake your head. “No, I just got them out of my locker when I closed up with Robyn.”
“Where did you get them?” He asks, leaning forward. The movement is subtle, but he knows you catch it.
“It was a gag gift from some party,” you answer, taking them off your vest and sliding them on. William's breath barely catches in his throat. The frames are the same shade as the blood red lipstick you love wearing.
It’s your signature. It’s how he knows you’ve been in the break room, paper coffee and water cups stamped with your lips in the trash, lipstick printed cigarette buts in the back alleyway that he’s convinced himself are prettier than anyone else’s.
William's brain is rapid firing all kinds of signals, ranging from you're nearly 20 years younger than him, to why have I never felt this was about my ex-wife?
Everything about you seems to catered to William's preferences. You hold eye contact with him and customers, you're great with kids (including his!), and you actually appreciate the care he takes of his animatronics.
He chuckles as you look around his dim office with your heart-shaped sunglasses. "Well, now, look at you. Never was there ever a girl so pretty." You giggle, tugging on a strand of hair and sliding them up into your hair. "That's so sweet, Mr. Afton!" William chuckles. You're picture perfect and William is damn well aware that he's no good for you. "Please, call me William. It's only fitting that we remain on first name basis...as of your promotion to assistant manager."
Your eyes widen, and you let out a little gasp. "Do you really mean that, Mr. Af-- William?"
God, the way your lips form his name is intoxicating. He nods, his demeanor wavering slightly as you beam at him, thanking him.
It’s a power move, he knows. A selfish one, no less. But he can’t risk losing the one competent employee. And besides, the assistant manager’s uniform is closer to his, the pale purple shirt and darker tie, black slacks and black shoes (of your choosing, of course).
And who is he to deny himself that view?
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dairy-farmer · 1 month
There is an apocalypse going on. Everyone is doomed and Tim, one of the few heroes who survived it has a plan.
Tim wants to time travel and make sure the apocalypse never happens. He's sure that he could do it, so he does.
One problem is he overshoots and ends up before he was born so the one who started the apocalypse is just in highschool.
Tim, as a morally outstanding hero, decideds that the world is better without that teenager. He dosen't neccesary kill him, just makes sure that his intellect isn't noticed so that he won't have the resources to grow.
The other problem is that after that he doesn't know what to do with himself. He dosn't exist yet and until he is born he will continue existing in this timeline.
Well, Tim makes himself a new identity(Alvin Dapper), a company(he needs money to support his vigilante gear) and decides to draft himself a new hero identity as to not cause a too big divergence of a timeline.
He does it all in Gotham of course, no place better than home, after all.
While doing his vigilante things he meets Batman, newly started, who demands knowledge on why he's doing what he's doing.
Tim, who dedicated his life to helping this mentally ill man in a bat costume, lies(can't have anybody knowing about the time travel) and decides to teach him the ropes of being a vigilante.
They become partners in crime, which eventually ends up with Bruce revealing his identity and vice versa(Tim doesn't actually reveal his identity, Bruce just thinks he does, the papers behind Alvin Dapper are too good to be fabricated, right?).
This partnership eventually turns to mutual love, which Tim is a bit horrified by because that was his mentor figure in another life, wtf brain!!???
But all good things must end when the birth of Timothy Drake draws near.
Tim finnaly explains things to Bruce, he dosen't want him to think he abonded him after all.
Bruce, lovestruck as he is, decides that, actually his lover's life is more important than the timeline, and causes Janet Drake to have a miscarrige seconds before the birth.
Cue Tim freaking out because the timeline is ruined.
!!!!!!! yes! i love the concept of time travel shenanigans where tim is stuck in the past and has to live his life in the past and meets bruce when he's just starting out/before starting out. one of my all time favorite brutim's is from this collection of one shots where that situation plays out ❤️❤️❤️❤️!!!
tim freaking out with bruce essentially destroying the time line and not only that but by doing it through such tactics because he NEEDS tim, he won't last as batman without him. tim realizing that the universe has already been sent down a different path since he arrived because of the things he's done and now the crooked things that bruce has done and now coming to terms with he's alive and staying as much in this universe that he has changed irrevocably now that he was never going to be born.
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hyperactively-me · 11 months
happy (belated) halloween 🧛‍♀️🎃🍂
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He whistles appreciatively, unabashedly raking over your form. "I might just have to keep you all to myself tonight." His hands reach out to grab your hips, hands gliding up and down your body. One hand travels down to the top of your thigh highs, playing with the little bow at the top. Slowly, he pushes his fingers under the thin, partially see through fabric, pressing his nails into the flesh of your thighs. Your face grows warm as you playfully swat his arm, squirming under his touch. "As tempting as that sounds, I can't."
tumblr was a bitch and deleted half of my draft, so i had to rewrite the second half of the fic unfortunately, which is why this is posted past halloween lol. ok lemme explain myself. i wrote this solely for myself (what can i say, i had to indulge my thoughts!). this is extremely self-indulgent and self-serving. the costume described here is quite literally the exact costume i wore for halloween...shenanigans...i went to (shoutout spirit halloween). i was honestly really feelin' myself when wearing it sooooooooo...this tiny little minuscule thought popped into my mind and. yeah. here we are now! i mean, since it's literally based off something i wore, it's not gonna be perfectly written in the sense that it doesn't have physical descriptors, such as hair descriptions and mentions of blushing. take that as you will. happy reading ;)
warnings: smut
You glance at the clock, realizing it's almost time to head to your friend's Halloween party. You had picked out a rather...showy...vampire costume; a very lacy black corset top, a black micro skirt with a slit up the side, black thigh highs with bows, black lacy fingerless gloves, and a black ribbon choker. You slipped your costume on with ease, the full outfit accentuating your body in all the right places. You dab some fake blood on your throat and top of your chest and cleavage, adding to the "vampire-ness" of the costume.
As you sit at your vanity, you meticulously apply your makeup, darkening your eyes with deep, smoky makeup. Simon had just walked into your shared bedroom, bringing a load of his laundry from the washer. As he set down the load on the bed, he takes a good long look at you from the open door of the bathroom. With a grunt, he approaches the threshold of the bathroom door, eyes fixated on your form. He leans against the doorway, a smirk playing on his lips.
"Lookin' good, love," he says, his voice low and husky.
You catch his gaze in the mirror, and the intensity in his eyes sends a shiver down your spine.
"You think so?" you ask, a playful grin forming on your lips as you adjust your hair.
Simon steps up to you, his hand brushing against your arm.
"Are you sure you have to go?" he punctuates his words with a little whine, and you can't help but smile, shaking your head.
You finish the look with a set of fangs and bright red lipstick. A final touch of fake blood dribbles from the corner of your lip down to your chin. With a contended sigh, you stand up from your vanity chair, turning to face Simon.
"Yes, I have to go right now, actually," you say. "Final product, how does it look?"
You give him a twirl, stopping in front of him with a little flourish.
He whistles appreciatively, unabashedly raking over your form. "I might just have to keep you all to myself tonight."
His hands reach out to grab your hips, hands gliding up and down your body. One hand travels down to the top of your thigh highs, playing with the little bow at the top. Slowly, he pushes his fingers under the thin, partially see through fabric, pressing his nails into the flesh of your thighs.
Your face grows warm as you playfully swat his arm, squirming under his touch. "As tempting as that sounds, I can't."
Simon smirks, a glint of mischief in his eyes. He wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you up against him. "I was thinking we could have our own little party right here." His hands slip under your skirt to cup your ass, squeezing it hard. Your skirt practically showed your entire ass off, the edge of the fabric resting just under the curve of your ass.
You blink once, twice. With a little giggle and a sigh, you shake your head. "I promised my friends I'd be there."
Simon groans, his gaze lingering on you. "You're breakin' my heart, you know that?" he says, his tone dripping with mock sadness.
You laugh, the warmth of his embrace making it difficult to resist him. "It's just for a few hours, you big baby."
He leans in, his lips grazing your neck. "Yeah, a few hours I'll be waitin' for you to come home 'til I can fuck you nice 'n hard," he murmurs, his breath sending a shiver through you. His lips linger on your skin, teasingly tracing the line of your jaw.
You let out a soft sigh, squeezing your thighs together.
"I- I have to go," you stutter out, trying to fight the heat creeping up your cheeks.
He drops his head on your shoulder for a moment and kisses your shoulder. Reluctantly, Simon releases his hold on you. "Alright, have fun, love. But remember, I'll be countin' the milliseconds until you're back."
You wiggle your eyebrows playfully at him as you reach over to grab your purse.
He follows you to the front door like a puppy, hand grazing the small of your back. He leans against the doorway, crossing his arms and giving you the best impression of someone who's been abandoned.
Before you can fully open the door, he's grabbing your wrist, yanking you into him just so he could cop another feel. The door clicks shut behind you, and you find yourself pressed against it. Simon's hands slide from your wrist to your waist, pulling you even closer. His lips meet yours in a hungry kiss, which you happily return. Bits of your fresh red lipstick lingers on his lips as you pull away finally, really needing to leave.
"Later tonight," you tease, pushing his chest gently. "I gotta go, seriously. I'll text you when I get there. You have my location."
Simon pouts in front of you, a last ditch attempt at getting you to stay.
"I'll only be gone for a couple hours, then you can do whatever you want to me," you whisper seductively in his ear.
Simon swallows thickly, nodding his head as he finally lets you go.
With that, you press up onto your toes to kiss his cheek goodbye, leaving a red lipstick stain in your wake.
"Lock the door after me, please?" you call over your shoulder as you push open the front door.
"'Course. You have everything you need?" he questions, pointing to your purse. Of course, when you first got together, he made you start carrying pepper spray and a pocket knife.
"Yeah, all set. Alright, see you later, Si," you shout back, heading toward your friend's car parked outside.
The brisk autumn air is a sharp contrast to the heated moment you had just left behind. God. That man. Insatiable, I tell you.
As you make your way to the party, your mind is a whirlwind of anticipation. The remnants of Simon's kiss lingers on your lips, and you can't help but think about what he whispered so seductively into your ear.
Arriving at the party, you're greeted by the pulsating beat of music, laughter, and the unmistakable scent of Halloween in the air. Your friends cheer at your entrance, gushing over your vampire costume. The atmosphere is infectious, and you find yourself losing track of time as you immerse yourself in the party.
At one point, your phone buzzes with a message from Simon. You think you're going to pass out when you open your phone with full brightness. You scramble to turn it down, biting your lip as you take in the sight before you. He was describing in heavy detail what he had in store for you when you got home. The anticipation builds with each passing moment, and you can't help but steal glances at the clock, eager for the party to wind down.
As the hours slip away, you decide it's time to take your leave. Your goodbyes are filled with promises of future hangouts. You assure your friends that you had an amazing time, and with a giddy grin, you head back home, stomach fluttering with anticipation.
. . .
As you unlock the front door, you're met with a dark house, save for the lamplight streaming from the living room.
"Hey, baby, I'm home," you call out, dropping your purse on a nearby table while slipping your shoes off by the front door.
The moment Simon hears your voice, he’s stumbling over his own feet getting up from the couch.
Immediately he’s on you, hands grabbing fervently at your waist. He leans down and presses a firm kiss on your lips. He slowly walks you back into the front door, pushing you up against the firm wood. You melt into the warmth of his body, gently brushing your lips against his. He makes a low sound from his throat in reaction, using his hand to keep your jaw open while he licks deep into your mouth with his tongue.
“Been waitin’ all night for you,” he mumbles in between kisses. You instinctively grab his shoulders, mewling into his mouth as he shoves his tongue into your mouth. His fingers start to dig into your flesh, pressing under the hem of your corset.
"Mm, were you on the couch in the dark?" you question, panting slightly as you pull away, letting your head rest on the door behind you.
His hands tighten around your waist as he breaks the kiss, a smirk playing on his lips. "Lost track of time, thinkin' about what was waiting for me," he admits, his voice low and filled with desire.
You let out a breathy chuckle, swiping your finger over the remnants of your kiss on his cheek a few hours ago.
"You gonna explain your little texts to me, or?" you tease gently, tracing your finger down to the corner of his lip.
"Rather just show you, love," he exclaims, taking your wrist in his hold. Without hesitating, he takes the edge of your lacy fingerless glove in his teeth, and slowly pulls it up and off your hand. You stare up at him, mouth agape as he takes your other hand, repeating the action, this time more slowly. If that was even possible. Not once does he break eye contact, raising his eyebrows at your now heated expression.
"Hmm," he hums, dropping the gloves between his teeth to the floor. He takes your chin in between his fingers, thumb tracing the dried fake blood trailing from your lip to your chin.
Before you can say anything, he's unceremoniously throwing you over his shoulder, your arms dangling down his back. You squeal in surprise, hands searching for stability on his waist.
One arm fastens around the back of your knees, keeping you propped up over his shoulder. His hand brushes over the top of one of your thigh highs, pulling the fabric higher over your thigh. His free hand comes up to grope your ass, now fully on display, no thanks to your skirt.
"Teasin' me in this little get-up you have on, aren't ya, darlin'? Like a goddamn present, wrapped s' prettily f'me."
Your pussy clenches at his words, the need for him to touch you increasing by the second.
"Simon—" you try to say, but instead he bites your hip. You gasp in response, nails digging into his skin harshly. He smooths over the bite with his hot tongue, pressing a sloppy kiss over it. Wetness starts to pool in the fabric of your panties, your vision getting a little dizzy from the way he's rubbing his hand over your ass, the way his tongue left a wet spot on the fleshy curve of your hip.
"Be a good girl f'me, yeah?" he says huskily. "'M makin’ good on my promise."
He practically kicks down your bedroom door, his patience wearing thin the more you wriggle in his grasp. Simon body slams you (affectionately) onto the bed with a grunt, wasting no time to crawl over you.
"Gonna fuck you how you deserve," he promises, his hands ghosting from your legs to your shoulders, pushing back stray strands of hair away from your skin.
Simon pushes down the lace cupping your cleavage, strong and large hands butterfly out across your chest, squeezing the pillowy flesh of your breasts.
"Yes, like that," you encourage, rolling your neck out to relax.
He lowers his head down, lapping his tongue over your nipple. His other hand massages the supple skin of your breast. You moan lightly as he gently grazes his teeth over your skin, his other hand pinching your nipple.
You press your hands up against his chest, balling his black t-shirt in your hands. With a quick breath, you lift your knee up and press it into the crotch of his sweats, making him groan unabashedly. He falters slightly, nearly stuttering to a stop as he gasps from the pressure. You lean up to press a kiss to his jaw, moving your way up to bite his ear lobe with a tug, the fake fangs pressing sharply into the flesh.
"F- fuck," he mutters, squeezing the flesh of your hips.
You slide your hand under the waistband of his sweats and grab his half-hard cock.
"Fuckin' hell,” he groans, letting his head droop. “Y- you little minx.”
He grabs your hand holding his cock, and pumps himself once, twice, before he’s shuddering over you.
“F- fuckkk,” he groans, coming back down to kiss you hard. You run your fingers through his hair, pulling the short strands gently at the base of his neck.
With new resolve, he shoves you over onto your stomach, straddling you as his fingers hurriedly fiddle with the metal hooks that kept your corset firm around your torso.
"Don't you dare rip this corset Simon Riley," you warn, reaching a hand behind you. In a flash, he's pinning your hand back to the bed, pressing his knee just hard enough on your wrist to keep it down.
"Fuckin'— how the fuck do you take this thing off—?" he grunts, yanking at the metal hooks impatiently. He fiddles with it for a moment more then starts to unsnap the hooks, successfully freeing you from the corset.
"Goddamn difficult f'r no reason—" he mumbles to himself as he flips you back onto your back, pushing your corset onto the floor. You let out a giggle. "Awww, big guy had a hard time takin' off a little top?" you tease, stroking his cheek.
"Damn hooks," he grumbles, shaking his head with a smirk as he leans down to capture your lips in a heated kiss. His hands come back up to grope your breasts as he kisses deep into your mouth, barely coming up enough for oxygen.
He reaches around you to fumble with the zipper of your micro skirt, deftly dragging the zipper down the moment he grasps onto it. In one fluid motion, he slides your skirt down your hips and off your legs, tossing it onto the floor. You squeeze your thighs together in anticipation, emitting a soft, low moan.
"You look so fuckin' good like this," he mumbles, gripping your knees and wrenching your legs apart, allowing your knees to rest on his sides.
He takes a ragged breath as his hands ghost over the thin, lacy waistband of your black thong. You watch intently as he drags his fingers down to your core, pressing into the bottom of your panties firmly. You're soaking.
"Fuck, you know what you're doin' to me, lovie?" he groans, hooking a finger under the waistband. Slowly, he drags your panties down your thighs and off your ankles.
He whispers, "You're trouble, you know that?" with a grin.
You flush at his words, whimpering ever so quietly as he runs his calloused palms up your thighs.
"J- just touch me already," you whimper, wrapping your legs around his waist and yanking him closer to you.
"Almost, pretty girl," he says, lowering himself to your thighs, "let me enjoy this."
You're dripping onto the sheets at this point, the anticipation eating away at you. He was taking his sweet, sweet time. Can't rush a stubborn man.
Simon starts to leave open mouthed kisses on the curve of your hip, drool messily dripping down your flesh. He nips at your skin, dragging his nose across the slope of your upper thigh before catching the edge of your thigh high in his teeth.
"S- Simon," you beg, grabbing onto his head. He hasn't even touched you where you needed him most, yet you're already begging him. Simon doesn't respond, ignoring the way you're calling out for him.
He drags your stocking all the way down to your ankle, slipping it off with ease.
"Hmm," he hums contentedly, running his palm up your now bare leg.
He grabs your other clothed leg, hand grabbing your ankle gingerly, fingers ghosting over the tops of your thigh high. He plays with the bow one last time before slipping his fingers under the thin fabric, digging into the flesh of your thigh.
"Fuckin' hell, lovie,” he breathes as he slips your other stocking off your leg. You're quivering from desire, practically gasping for air as he teases your now bare skin.
Before you can beg him to touch you, he's lowering his head to your soaking core. You’re promptly cut off by your own gasp when his hot, expert tongue presses into your clit.
You clench around nothing from how fucking bad you needed him on your aching cunt. The garbled moan you let out is obscene, desperate and worked up from his prior touching and teasing. His mouth is an incinerator against your slick folds, tongue lapping at the velvet of your folds like a man starved. He hums low in his throat as you squeeze your thighs around his head, back arching as his hands squeeze your thighs.
“Si- oh, fuck—”  you moan, words dissipating from your lips as he presses into your clit again.
His fingers dig into your thighs as they tighten around his head, his tongue swirling around your clit like its his day job. You push your hips against his mouth, seeking him out for more.
You moan again as his nose pushes against your sensitive spot whilst is tongue gently pushes inside your hole. He's slow, methodically licking your pussy, humming at your sounds.
You nearly pass out when he pushes two of his thick, calloused fingers deep inside your cunt.
“Oh—f-fuck— Simon,” you moan, burying your fingers in his cropped hair in an attempt to ground yourself.
He growls as you blabber, curling his fingers upwards into your walls. Your cunt pulses around his fingers, aching for more.
"I- you—," you mutter, trying to convey how fucking good he's making you feel right now.
He pulls his fingers almost all the way out, leaving just his fingertips in, just before pushing them all the way back in. He relishes in the way you mewl from just his touch, letting out a breathy chuckle at the way you push your hips farther onto him. Suddenly, he's repeating the action, pumping his fingers over and over inside you until you're practically crying for more.
"I- I need—"
"What do you need, lovie?" he questions innocently, curling his fingers upwards again.
"I- I need you to fuck me—"
"Am I not fucking you with my fingers?" he growls, reaching up to grip your jaw. His fingers start to work themselves faster in you, reaching his thumb to circle your clit. Suddenly, he latches his mouth back on your core, driving his tongue between your folds as if he's trying to split you in half on his tongue.
The way he's latched onto you causes you to see stars, and the oh so familiar feeling of an orgasm comes rushing upon you.
"You—" you garble, your muscles pulling tight in your core. “I-I’m gonna cum,” you breathe, yanking at his hair again in encouragement, to push you over the edge.
The moment he hums against you, the vibration against your clit pushes you straight over the edge. He moves straight to your clit the moment you let go, fingers curling to coax it out of you.
A strangled cry falls from your lips when your orgasm tears through you, the stimulation all too much. Your back arches with your release, toes curling at the sensation. Simon laps up your cum on his tongue, swallowing it like it's the first thing he's drank in days.
"Good girl," he breathes, removing himself from your cunt. "So beautiful," he mumbles, coming up to kiss you. He drags his tongue down to your neck, then comes back up to suck your juices off his fingers in a lewd display.
You swallow thickly, chest heaving watching the way his tongue laps up your slick off his fingers. You thread your fingers together over the back of his neck, pulling him down to kiss you again. Your legs pressing into him feels so delicious, the way you're beckoning him to you. You feel so good, so soft against him that he can't hold himself back from humping you. He's going to go fucking crazy.
"C- can't wait any longer," Simon grunts, yanking down his sweats at lightning speed. His cock slaps up against his lower stomach, hard and pulsing.
A surge of heat courses through your veins, igniting every inch of your being.
"Gonna— fuckin' lose my damn mind," he groans as he lines up with your entrance, noting the way your hole is still dripping.
His strong hands move you, pulling your legs up and outwards. The tip of his girthy cock prods at your entrance, his arm coming up to cradle your head.
"J- just fuck me," you groan, bucking your hips upwards. The moment you rock against him, he's pushing his cock inside you. You both groan at the sensation, the way his cock stretches and pulls you open so nicely. He groans as you swallow him whole, your cunt sucking him in so greedily.
"S- so fuckin' sexy under me like this, lovie," he pants, resting his forehead on yours for a brief moment.
You quiver at the way his cock stretches you open, and you try to speak, but you can't. Simon took his time running his palms over your body, feeling you up. You whimper needily, rolling your hips against him, and it was enough to get him to start moving.
His hips snap against yours, fast and rough. He's relentless, fucking you into the mattress with a strength that only he possesses. He pulls out almost all the way, then pushes back in rapidly. You feel as though the wind is knocked out of your lungs when his hand traces up your thigh to press into your clit.
He strong frame presses against yours, craving closeness. Sweat starts to drip from his forehead, his front strands of hair matting to his forehead. The sight alone could make you cum. His arms flex as he moves his hands to get a bruising grip on your hips. You moan at the way he's rutting into you, acting like a starving man who's been craving pussy.
"Thas' it, lovie," he grunts, watching the way you take his cock so nicely.
"S- so good," you manage to say, squirming under his hold. You instinctively bring your hand down to play with your clit, and in a flash, he's taking your hand away and replacing it with his own, thumb rubbing against it.
"F- fuck, you can barely even speak you're so—" he stutters when you clench around his cock from him playing with your clit.
His thrusts are still going hard, chasing after you with each movement. Simon's pace didn’t let up, the desire to make you feel so good heightening.
"Simon," you moan grabbing at his arms. You can't help but roll your hips again, encouraging him further.
"Thas' right. Say my name," Simon's tone drips with praise, and it makes you shiver, clenching around his cock. He groans again, nearly stuttering to a stop at the action.
Each brush of his fingers against your clit brings to life another orgasm, the muscles in your lower abdomen pulling already. The air is filled with your moans and whimpers and Simon's guttural grunts. He's starved, so extremely needy, and he needed you.
"Simon—" you gasp, "—gonna cum—," digging your nails into his skin.
You watch his eyes meet yours, his pupils blown with lust. His lips meet yours in a kiss, his thrusts turning sloppy.
Your orgasm pierces you like a bolt of electricity, your muscles contracting and draining every last ounce of rationality from your thoughts. You cum hard, seeing stars in your vision, laying there weakly afterwards and let him keep fucking into you, chasing his own high.
"Good girl," he hisses, a sharp intake breath, and his own orgasm chases yours. His hand leaves your clit to grab your hip. His momentum is even, but he's panting, visibly overcome by pleasure. Simon shudders as he buries himself deep within you, his cock pressed against your cervix as he empties himself inside you.
Still catching your breath, you pull him down on top of you to kiss you. He falls on top of you, his chest pressed flush against yours.
"You're perfect," you mumble after a pause. "Treat me so well."
You brush your hands through his hair, massaging his scalp.
He sighs, chuckling lightly as he catches his own breath. He shoves his face in the crook of your neck, allowing you to caress him.
"So gorgeous," he murmurs back, leaning up to capture your lips in a kiss again.
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doodlinge · 3 months
my writing tips, that i think people will find useful:
- write dialogue first and THEN make a scene around it.
i like to do this sometimes for multiple reasons. first, if you’re in a flow of good ideas, getting dialogue done will be a future GAME CHANGER. you don’t have to be stuck fussing over little word choices because you just do it when you have a good idea, and it works! fuss over it now, save time for descriptions later. second, the characters you’re writing usuuallly wont be able to read eachother’s minds. we people do everything by communication and talking! so, map out what you want your scene to look like through dialogue! i like to do mine as a screenplay or movie script, so that way i can ensure that the characters are speaking Like Real People (tm). and THEN I READ IT OUTLOUD >:)
- map out your chapters before you start to write. seriously, do it.
so, personally, my favorite part of fanfiction and writing is the planning stage. and i like doing it on paper, but we’ll get into that after this. first, you get the idea, the spark in your brain that could make an AMAZING story, comic, or au. that’s the general premise to work off of! write that down, if you need. next, do a VERY rough draft of what you want to happen—specifically, the 3 main points of your story: the beginning event, the middle event or climax, and the ending event, or your point A, B, and C. work off of and build up (or build down) from each of these core events of your story, planning the small events that lead up to The Big Guy (or B). these ideas or premises for each leading event can and probably will be VERY, VERY rough, but once you’ve got the rough idea of what will probably happen done, you can get to work on MORE PLANNING (sorry guys. learn to enjoy it)
- PLANNING PART TWO BABY WOOO (plan out your chapters. and if it doesnt work when you’re writing it, that’s okay!)
this is what you will do before you write your chapters, that works for me way better than just going in with no plan. personally, when i started to write the fic i’m currently writing, i mapped out all the rough details that i want to happen in the climax chapter of my story, because most people find the middle the hardest part. since i already had an rough idea of what would have happened before the climax with my previous planning stage, i already was able to connect how all of the buildup would lead into the climax of the story pretty easily. every action in your story will have a consequence, big or small, and that all will lead up to your protagonist bursting into tears or the main couple confessing their love or the final, epic battle between the protagonist and antagonist! if, when you’re writing, the rough idea you had just isn’t working out, you can either a: redo it completely if it’s a huge problem, or b (my favorite): work around it in the moment and improvise. i ended up making my fic’s climax way better just because of the extra scenes i added in while writing, but since i had my original plan to work off of, everything was a lot easier.
- make every scene with a motive to accomplish
most people know this one, but i thought it was good to add in. whether it’s to flesh out the world around your characters with fun and shenanigans or to give the audience a little more insight into a character who will be useful in the future, every scene and every chapter should have a purpose. when people act, they also like to give their characters motivations, and for a while, i wasn’t sure how that could connect. however, now i understand. let’s say a character is trying to motivate another one to be brave and face their fears, but character a is actually only interested in their own interests. character a’s motivation is to be self-serving—they’re not as concerned with helping character b, but instead, they want to help themself. this shows a lot about character a! when you have a purpose for every story beat and a motive for each character, it can help you flesh out the character much better.
- show don’t tell (and what i interpret that as)
okay, so for a while, i had NO idea what show don’t tell even meant. i LOVE writing about my character’s thoughts, their interests, their perspectives on what’s going on around them. character analysis is one of the best parts, for me! but there are ways to show what a character is thinking without the use of heavy description. for example, take this part from the fic i’m currently working on right now:
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the character i’m writing for had not mentioned her mom the entire chapter, but when you go back and analyze her character throughout it, you can see major hints that part of why she who she is stems from her trauma with her mother. when she connects to an older adult female figure and feels understood, the issues she has are shown and not told, clear as day. by using dialogue and trusting your audience to connect the dots about your characters, you can make a better-written story! remember motivations; sometimes, characters don’t even know they have the motivations that they do, and the audience has to figure it out based on context clues. leave room for intrigue and mystery! think; if you were this character in this situation feeling the way they felt, what would you do? what would you say? why would you say it, and what would that reveal about you?
- write one story beat per day and WRITE ON PAPER
the word count, for me, doesn’t matter. if the quality of your writing is good, and the pacing gives audiences room to breathe, then that’s enough! quality over quantity, in my opinion. if you’re not up for writing, PLAN CHAPTERS! plan scenes, plan events! plan dialogue, make it fun! that is writing too. for me, when i have the planning done, i go with the One Story Beat Per Day Rule. if you get one small event done each time you write, you’ll be finishing The Big Event you wanted to accomplish in no time. and if you’re in the middle of a big story beat and you just need a break, i’d say to take one…. and later, come back with a notebook and a pen and think. paper has helped me write better because the flow of thought just keeps going when i’m focused, and i think it might work for a lot of people.
writing and finishing stuff is really, really hard. but if you get one small thing done for the characters in your story, comic or au each day… you’ll eventually have an amazing, finished story. make it fun for yourself. listen to music, act out the scripts, use color theory, analyze your characters and don’t make it a chore! every small step contributes to getting to the top. make something you will love to write, and that you will love to read. make something for yourself, because in the end, if you enjoy it, the audiences will enjoy it.
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persesphonestears · 2 years
Taskforce 141 + Los Vaqueros + König and Horangi
More shit because I remembered I have drafts :>
A/N: My Y/N's are intended to be read as if the reader/Y/N is male/Trans masc, Also Bold is actions.
!!CW!!: Sexual jokes, Swearing, blood mentions(? i think), Shepard warning! alcohol mentions(being drunk) just silly cod shenanigan's (please tell me if I've forgotten any!)
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Y/N: *sleepy* ah what's going on
Price: *also sleepy and sitting up* what the fuck man
Rudy: do you have any ice?
Y/N: no i just have freezable fruit shapes
Rudy: why..?
Y/N: just because
Y/N: hey bro what do you wanna eat
Ghosts thoughts: the souls of the innocent
Ghost: A bagel
Ghosts thoughts: NOOOO
Ghost: Two bagels
Y/N: Riley do you want the ball?
Y/N: *throws the ball*
Riley: *runs for the ball and throws himself into the wall*
Y/N: I can't find it
Ghost: what you looking for?
Y/N: my happiness
Ghost: oh shit lost mine too let me help look
Y/N: That moment when you walk into a room and forgot why
Alejandro: *angrily jumping on them*
Y/N: *falling in slow motion* oh that's right I pranked Alejandro
Lasswell: Kid I gotta tell you something..
Y/N: what is it?
Lasswell: I'm gay..
Y/N: Wha- what does that mean?
Lasswell: It means I like pus-
Y/N: do you still love dad(price)?
Lasswell: ew no
Y/N undercover: Are your parents serial killers… Cause i'm pretty sure they killed mine and IM BACK FOR REVENGE-
Soap: My favourite holiday is halloween
Gaz: So my favourite holiday is christmas what about you Y/N?
Y/N: The purge :D
Ghost: ah that's nice
Price: Ye- wait what.
Y/N: *fishing* Ugh the fish got off
Shepard: Probably cause god is angry
Y/N: About what?
Shepard: Gay marriage
Y/N: Look this is why I don't go fishing with you-
Y/N: Dude lowkey your Dad(Price) is like super hot
Gaz: Lowkey dude that's kinda weird.
Graves: Sir you can't steal in here
Y/N: Wha no i didn't steal anything?
Graves: You stole my heart
Y/N: *giggles* fuck you it's mine now. *runs off with Graves literal heart in their hand*
Y/N: That was the best sex I've ever had
Gaz: Heh nice- hey wait that's my mums(Price) room!
Y/N: and that's why they call me mother fucker
Alejandro: Hey can I get a sip of that water?
Y/N: it's not water
Alejandro: Vodka! I like your stu-
Y/N: it's vinegar.
Alejandro: what..?
Y/N: it's vinegar PUSSY-
Graves: Hey Y/N, Are you straight?
Y/N: Am i straight? mmm uhh mm no sorry I like penis
Y/N and Ghost: What's wrong with the way we dress?
Soap: Well some people say that all black make you look like an evil villain.
Soap: Not me though I think it makes you look like a sexy motorcycle vroom vroom
Y/N: *drunk* next time I open up to someone is my fucking autopsy
Gaz: I worry about you
Ghost: Get in line
Soap: here take my spot.
Price: Y/N, we talked about this..
Y/N: ask me why I love you
Ghost: Why do you love me?
Y/N: I'm glad you ask! *pulls out a 500 slide presentation*
König: *lovingly stroking Y/N’s hair* Your so cute
Y/N: *drunkly* I could beat the shit out of you
König: sure you could
Price: My god do you ever stop with the ‘I wanna die stuff’??
Y/N: I'll stop when I die, that's for sure.
Y/N: I can fit the whole world in my hands!
Alejandro: Amor that's impossible
Y/N: Yes I can *holds Alejandro’s face* See!
Alejandro: *blushes furiously* Get your hands off me, I have a reputation
Price: Where's Y/N?
Rudy: Doing stuff.
Price: Yeah i don't like the sound of that. Where's Gaz?
Rudy: Trying to stop Y/N from doing stuff.
Price: Ghost and Soap?
Rudy: Trying to stop Gaz from stopping Y/N from doing stuff.
Price: Uh Alejandro and König..?
Rudy: Watching it all.
Ghost: I wanna do bad stuff to you.
Y/N: *being interrogated* Like what 😼
Ghost: Break your legs
Ghost: Choke you to death
Ghost: Push you off a building
Y/N: Kinky
Ghost: What the fuck?
Y/N: Is that your hand on my ass?
Alejandro: It was an accident.
Y/N: Your hand is still on my ass
Alejandro: It's still an accident.
Y/N: I have an idea!
König: Maus, your last idea was unnecessary murder
*Taking Alejandro to meet your guardians/parental figures* (amab reader)
Y/N: Okay let's try again, I'm my dad okay?
Alejandro: Fine
Y/N: *lowers their voice* So why should i let you date my child?
Alejandro: Because I can't get them pregnant
Y/N: When I get murdered can you make sure my murder case stays unsolved?
König: What?
Y/N: I wanna be on buzzfeed’s unsolved murder case's
Horangi: Can we go back to you saying ‘when I get murdered’..?
Y/N: Gods give me patience.
Price: Don't you mean power?
Y/N: If the gods gave me powers they'd all be dead.
Soap: So uh I was wondering if you'd go out with me..?
Y/N: Yeah I'd love too!
Soap: You'll come arou- WAIT DID YOU JUST SAY YES?!
Soap: *runs off*
Y/N: so can I leave or..?
Soap: *running back dragging Ghost behind him*
Soap: Say it! Say it again!!
Y/N and Alejandro fighting
Rudy: What absolute idiots.
Rudy: I can't believe I fell in love with them both.
Anyway thank you for joining me in my silly lil guy shenanigans ٩(ᐛ)و
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wrongcaitlyn · 6 months
okay fuck so i got an anon ask for solangelo fic recs and then i made a draft on my phone but then deleted it bc i wanted to type it out on my computer but then that deleted the ask too so!! hopefully this reaches the anon i apologize deeply for losing your ask😭
so first of all if you wanna check out my ao3 i have a bunch of recs in my bookmarks (57 solangelo ones im pretty sure)
but here are some of my favs
i'm put in awe (of something so flawed and free) by CordeliaRose (@cordelia---rose)
archaeologist!Nico & trauma surgeon!Will AU. this fic is. ohmgyod. nico's internal dialogue is just absolutely perfect in this fic and i laughed so hard and god it was just so beautifully written?? but also solangelo are literally so cute. like. ahglskdf. i gotta reread this actually but anyway (also anything by this author, absolutely hilarious, such good writing)
dumb, dumb love by thegoldenappleofdiscord
five times nico and will are dumb and in love, and the one time they are totally 100% dead serious. i love a good outsider's pov, and this fic is just gorgeous. it's a bunch of different perspectives into solangelo, and it's pure fluff, and it's got some of my favorite solangelo quotes (like, when i read fanfic i screenshot parts i rlly like and i practically screenshotted this entire fic), and their characterization is just so so accurate they're so so in love
paris by ethannku (@ethannku)
Nico has a travel YouTube channel. And a crush on one Will Solace. i'm such a sucker for socmed au's and this one is done SO so well. my all time favorite. and it's sequel too!! the formatting i am in awe of, but other than that, it's just a really good time and i just love all the little details. i've reread this too many times to count and was SO excited when a sequel was published, and i can only hope that there's more to the au in the future!! (also this author writes incredible solangelo fics and even more valgrace fics which i recently just bingeread and are soo good)
Perfect Places by buoyantsaturn (@buoyantsaturn)
“My name’s Will,” he started - so far so good - but then continued, “and I guess my favorite food to cook would be, um, frozen pizza.” Was Nico only attracted to idiots? this one's fucking hilarious. i can't even put it to words like their dynamic in this fic is so funny and yet so cute and nico is honestly just like. shocked that will is somehow still alive?? will's a safety hazard. but also piper and jason in this fic are so funny too, it's honestly just such a good, fun read (and, once again, this author's incredible. read everything by them)
I Can't Help It If You Look Like an Angel by the_oncoming_stormaggedon (@lordstormageddidnt)
Will Solace is a pre-med student whose friends run a true crime podcast called "Nothing to See Here". Nico di Angelo, despite not realizing he's a missing person, is the subject of one of the episodes. They meet by chance in a random bar, and shenanigans ensue. i mean, if it's got a taylor swift title, i'm already sold. and then it's part of a series called "Hey Stephen is a solangelo song and i will die on that hill" which is the realest thing ever?? but ASIDE from that, i could honestly rec this entire series (+ the other series it's a part of, "Nothing to See Here" which is all part of the same au) and also everything by this author - it's hilarious, i just love the premise, and the writing is so good!! and hey stephen is a solangelo song, thereby reinforcing my "fearless is will's favorite album ever of all time and i will die on this hill" argument
Even When the Music's Gone by the_oncoming_stormaggedon
It's the 74th Annual Hunger Games, and Nico and Will are the last two tributes alive. haha this is pure angst. just gutwrenching angst. love a good hunger games au and some MCD!
can i handle the seasons of my life? by buoyantsaturn
“I think that most people your age finished high school, and whether they knew what they wanted to do with the rest of their life or not, they went to college. That was their version of ditching everything they knew in order to find themselves. Maybe it’s time for you to stop taking advice from other kids who grew up the same way you did, and take it from someone who used to be normal.”  FAME AU FAME AU FAME AU FAME AU i mean, not REALLY about the fame aspect of it, but i still love it so so much. will's essentially a nepo baby turned not-nepo-baby turned college student and nico's naomi's driver, and there's even... there's EVEN A VERY BRIEFLY IMPLIED POLLEN. yeah they're relationship is just so cute in this and i love the au and i love how it's written and ugh i need more fame au's in my life
so it turns out teachers don't live at school by RegretfullyRegretful (@marbleheavy)
Nico's TA and students are determined to figure out something, anything about him. Of course, it would all just be a lot easier if they asked. Either way, Professor di Angelo is decidedly a lonely hermit. (Someone should really tell his husband and baby that) this was one of the first solangelo fics i ever read, and it's just. so. funny. another outsider's pov bc i love it, and just... the assumptions abt nico, the fluff of solangelo, and then their story of how they got together is so...ahhsdlkjs this author is just a master at tooth-rotting fluff go read everything they write
my lover's the sunlight by demigodbeautiies
Figure Skater Nico di Angelo has a run in with Ice Hockey Player Will Solace. It doesn't go too smoothly, but then again - when does it ever? OLYMPICS AU. FAME(ISH) AU. IM OBSESSED THIS IS WRITTEN SO WELL and like... the very brief part where it feels a lot like a fame au like i just i'm obsessed can you tell. the writing is just beautiful in this, i love nico's internal dialogue, and... i mean, it's an olympics au. ofc its perfect
The Stolen God by TsarinaTorment (@tsarinatorment)
Python is defeated. The prophecies are restored, and Nero has fallen. Apollo has not been seen since. His trials are over; why isn’t he back on Olympus? okay so. this is a bit of a longer fic. and it's a post-toa, pjoxmcga crossover, and it's not *entirely* focused on solangelo - but when i tell you that this fic, if i weren't reading it on ao3, i would truly and full-heartedly believe was a real life published novel - i am NOT LYING. i rec'd this to my friend right after i read it bc i was just like so so obsessed with it and it's literally just. the plot?? is insane. i'm in awe of the author, bc this isn't even the only novel-length fic that they've written with an insane plot too (their fic Eclipse is also phenomenal, but it's more focused on apollo and hades so i didn't rec it here) there's some fierrochase here, lester being lester, and some very very very cute solangelo! and meg! i think sometimes you read a fic and you're like "oh, shit, that could be a novel, and i would think it's better than some actual novels i've read" and this is one of them
(Please Don't Let Me) Fade Alone by TsarinaTorment
Please. Don't let me. the summary's really short here so it's basically that will gets very very very injured and then apollo saves him (rip, i'm sorry, i suck at summaries) once again this isn't necessarily nico focused... it's much more will & apollo. this author writes the absolute best stuff for the apollo cabin, genuinely, if you love will/cabin 7/apollo PLEASE read everything they've ever written but this is just so angsty and the hurt/comfort is so real and goddd it's so good
he was seen on occasion (pacing the rocks, staring out at the midnight sea) by stargirltv
Nico di Angelo is a completely normal eighteen year old. He attends high school, has a socially acceptable amount of friends for a social outcast and has been in a relationship for the past four years with the guy he’s pretty sure he’s going to marry. He also happens to be the world's biggest bedroom pop artist, ‘Hell’s Angel’, with a fan base that will stop at nothing to uncover his true identity and a Father that continually pushes him to be better. His boyfriend freaking out under every single one of his tweets is making it a bit easier for them to figure it out. so. fame au. y'all already know the premise of this is just absolutely hilarious and the interview?? the posts?? will just being will and i absolutely love his characterization?? and the friend group?? this is one of the funniest things ever but also just written so well anddddd yes yes yes it's a fame au POPSTAR NICO RIGHTS except he's not *really* a popstar in this one but like close enough oh AND it's a taylor swift title??? like this fic was made for me basically
okay that was MUCH longer than intended but i hope you enjoy some of the fics on here!! pls let me know if y'all ever want more recs i read literally so many fics - and if you guys ever want to give me any recs, feel free to do so! as of today, i have read *checks fic tracker bc i'm obsessive and need to keep track of everything* about 7.3 million words of fanfic this year. and that's actually less than normal (for me)
also if anyone reads patrochilles please read this fic it's literally been in my head nonstop for the past few weeks since i've read it and it's one of the best things i've ever read and like holyshit if you read patrochilles read it read it read it
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Hey there, lovely readers! This past month, our Coalition has been hard at work with our latest Competition: Beach Day! We invite you to join us in reading these works and partake in Voting between now and July 14th! You can choose Best in Romance, Best in Fluff, Best in Comedy, and more!
There were 8 entries, featuring everything from post-SBURB to humanstuck AUs. List below the cut, for your perusal. I hope you read them all!
[edited artwork by our lovely admin @arealpeople ]
(1) The Beach Day Will Continue Until Morale Improves
Or: Don't let the Terezi drive the bus.
(2) Beachside Epitaph
Rose danced in the firmaments of reality, playing god with a game built to crown one. Kanaya looked for a beach to reclaim a sense of normality in a universe gone mad. At least conversation framed with lapping waves was ‘close enough.’
(3) Ever Forward
Your name is John Egbert. You were drafted. Due to mishaps, you are on a boat on June 6, 1944 with a squad that you've never met before, headed for Omaha beach.
(4) Karkat's Awesome Beach Day Saving John's Lusus-Guardian
Karkat gets invited to go down to the beach with John and all his friends. Unfortunately, John doesn't seem to know the first thing about keeping his lusus safe at the beach. Guess it's up to Karkat to keep the poor boy from becoming an orphan.
(5) Notion
A nice day for a group of friends on the beach
(6) Obligatory Beach Episode
June and her pals visit the beach…but now that there's time to just…slown down and appreciate life, silly old fears come back.
(7) ShoreTrip
Vriska and her friends go to the beach, shenanigans occur, tags are ur friend.
(8) Swim
It’s earth C’s first beach day! But Vriska isn't so sure she'll enjoy it...
Special shoutout to our authors: @arealpeople ; @madam-melon-meow ; @meowloudly15 ; @ambrosianlullaby ; @aspen1185 ; @june-egbert-official ; @timelessambivalence and @bralsradoesfanfiction !
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The Handy Dandy Posting Guide
Posting Guide
As hard as it is to believe, we are here: the opening of the Jaime x Brienne 2024 Fic Exchange collection! I know, I know, it feels like prompts went out yesterday. But it's okay if you aren't quite done yet--the posting window is two weeks, so there's still time!
However, if you do know you cannot complete a fic please reach out to me as soon as possible so a knight writer can be arranged. Life happens and there’s no shame in needing a little help.
Now with the collection opening soon, here’s some FAQ on posting!
How does posting work?
There are two options: (1) Go to the collection here, and in the top right there will be a ‘Post to Collection’ button (2) Upload your fic to ao3 as usual, and make sure you enter JaimeBrienneFicExchange2024 in the collection field. From here, the process is the same. Fill in the relevant details and ensure you put your recipient’s AO3 name in the ‘Gift this work to’ field. Double check your original prompt to ensure you have the correct name. A few people have different tumblr/AO3 names and we don’t want any fics to go astray. If you’ve already made an AO3 draft before the today, make sure you add it to the collection and put in your recipient’s username in the fields mentioned above, and make sure you change the date when posting (or your fic will be buried). Be aware it can cause some shenanigans where the fic may not appear at the top of the page.  After that, it’s as simple as clicking post! Your fic will be submitted to the exchange and automatically be made anonymous. 
I can see my name, something went wrong!
Deep breath. As the author, when you open your own fic (posted or in a draft), it will say ‘Anonymous [YourUsername]’, but to other users it will simply say ‘Anonymous’. If that is not how it appears, double check that it is added to the correct collection and reach out if you still have a problem. Author’s names will not be revealed until October 7th, when I click the button to reveal them. Feel free to reply to comments during that week. As long as you are logged into the account that posted the fic, all of your comments will also be anonymised. 
What about Lil’ Oathkeepers?
I’m glad you asked, imaginary exchange participant that’s totally not me talking to myself! A Lil’ Oathkeeper is a gift that can be any size and shape. It can be art! A video edit! A moodboard! A fic shorter than 1000 words! Or… a fic longer than a 1000 words, but you probably know that. Anyone (you don’t even have to be signed up to the exchange) can make and gift a Lil’ Oathkeeper. I’ll be releasing the prompt spreadsheet and posting instructions once all gifts are posted.
Can I thank my beta in the notes of my story?
Absolutely you can! The betas of the fandom work HARD, they definitely deserve recognition. Just be mindful of including anything in your notes that might reveal who you are. You could choose to name your beta, or just thank them generally and add their name after authors have been revealed.
What if I don’t receive a story?
Everyone gets a story. Authors have until September 30th to post a complete fic, so chances are they just haven’t posted yet. It also might be because your fic needed a knight writer to write it. If this is the case, know that your knight is probably working very diligently to complete it, but might not be able to complete it within the posting window. If it looks like your fic will be significantly delayed (like until after authors are revealed) we will contact you directly to let you know what’s up.
What’s the etiquette around thanking my author? 
It can be hard to know what to say when you get a gift fic. Maybe it takes the prompts somewhere you hadn't imagined, or maybe you love it so much high-pitched pterodactyl noises are all you can manage. Maybe it's both. But it is good manners to leave a kudos and a comment. It doesn't have to be a long comment, and length does not equal love, but your author worked hard and deserves to have that effort recognised. And if you don't quite have time to read your gift right now? Please pop in and say so if you can!
Can I promote my story?
Please don’t do this until authors have been revealed through the collection. Once they have, go wild!
Can I rec my gift story?
Absolutely! Share the love! You can choose to rec it while it’s still anonymous, or wait until the authors are revealed. It’s up to you.
Have another question that hasn’t been answered in the FAQs? Just reach out! I can be reached via Tumblr, Discord, or [email protected] and will get back to you ASAP!
I'm sure the panic is kicking in, but I promise you have time to create and share something wonderful. Keep calm and have fun, I can't wait to see what you have written!
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vumming · 9 months
all of us are dead — jang woo-jin “barriers”
contents : cringe, cliché(?)
a/n: requested by, anon [ hello can i req a jealous jang woojin x reader 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀 ty ] HAH THIS HAS BEEN IN THE DRAFTS I DON'T KNOW HOW LONG LOL
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“Hey. Who was that?”
He tries to act cool, walking beside you as he looks at the direction of the guy who tried to act familiar with you—his words, not mine. Eyeing the boy like a predator despite him already walking away.
You scoffed, brushing off his arms that lays on your shoulder with a teasing tone, “and why do you care?”
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“I asked first.”
“And I asked second.”
“I'm still first.” There is a cheeky grin on his face but it didn't reached his eyes, a hurtful look then flickered for a minute before they disappear like a flicker of a light. Woo-jin took a step forward with a smug grin present on his face that makes you have the drive to somehow—crush that smirk off.
Raising a brow at his somewhat interest, you answered with a huff. “It was just someone from the other class.”
“Why did he approached you then?” Woo-jin bites back the words that should've followed, watching as you blinked at him owlishly, what does he want with you? surely he didn't confessed, right? He sees you cross your arms over your chest, cocking your head to the side with a slight grin.
Oh no-
“He just asked for my helped for the upcoming class collaboration.”
Woo-jin blinked.
He felt so stupid assuming things but how can he help it? You're likeable—especially in his eyes so how can he not like you? Woo-jin blinks, staring at the place that the boy went out before glancing back at you. There's something soft with how his smile turned softer.
It is unlike the ones he would shoot you, that boyish grin of his that looks stupid.
Now he looks more stupid.
And yet, that made your heart skip a beat at the sight only for you to internally beat yourself up for thinking such things.
"Why.. why the hell do you look relieved?" Came out of your mouth, straightforward and blunt, a tone of confusion seeping in as you can't help but think. Why?
Woo-jin spluttered a cough at your words, hitting his chest in repeat as he choked in his own spit. "M-me?! Relieved?" His eyes were blown wide akin to saucers.
"It's not that..!" He defended himself, "I was just wondering if you're really that reliable for him to pick you to help him." And like a child, he took out his tongue while pulling his eyelid which is a kid's universal sign of disrespect.
"Why you!" You gasped at his childish behavior, reaching to pinch him only for his swift lithe hands to capture your own.
"Nuh-uh!" "Oi, let go! You stupid—"
"Who are you calling stupid?" He retorts, taking both of your wrists as he dodges your pinches. "You! You son of a—!" When you couldn't hit him, you settled for hitting him by the shin with your feet, raising it to kick him playfully.
There's laughter all around as the two of you pick on each other, a usual occurrence in your friendship that the both of you had come and learnt to love and do. The playful quarrel and mischievous shenanigans that the both of you act.
It's pleasant.
But why does his eyes twinkle so much with affection as he looks at you, despite those boyish grin of his, the crinkles on his eyes softens every now and then.
Your foot hits his knee as he hissed, letting out a small pained cry as he crumbles to the ground like a kid deprived of cookies from the jar. "Gah!"
"Damn you hit me too hard.." He murmured, head bowed as he clutched his knee. You follow, frantic and panicking, his hold on one of your wrists still firm but tender. It's like he doesn't want to hurt you.
Hands not knowing what to do as you watch him, "It- Wait I didn't mean to do it that harsh!" You try to defend yourself, kneeling before him as you reach for his knee delicately, afraid that you'll hurt him further.
"Kidding!" Woo-jin exclaimed, craning his neck to look at you only to freeze.
The proximity is too close.
One move could make the two of you..
His eyes that's trained on yours, unblinking, briefly glanced at your lips. You could see how his adam apple bob, like there is something stuck inside his throat. But you aren't fairing any better with how your whole body freeze.
"You.." his lips move, the voice barely audible if not for the closeness that you both share.
"Why won't you pull away..?" He whispers, still watching you.
The two of you were stuck in the moment, time seemingly freezing in place like how the two of you are focused towards each other. "Well, why aren't you..?" You turned his question back on him.
For there is no way that you'll be able to answer that. Not without spilling the thoughts you've always had inside your head. One that can ruin what the both of you share, this friendship that both of you are content with.
But is he truly?
He sighs through his nose, eyes still on you as his fingers that's holding you, twitch. "Because.."
Without warning, he gathers his thoughts and faces reality, taking the opportunity he was blessed with. Hand pulling you down to press your lips against his.
Woo-jin's lips are chapped, yet the softness of it overwhelms you.
The way his other arm snakes to pull you by the back of your neck, the desperate feelings he has for you leaks from his actions.
Was this how kiss always felt? You don't know, but the chemistry doesn't fail.
And before you knew it, it was over.
"I don't want you being with him. Even if it's helping him." He murmurs, not pulling away completely. His forehead pressed against yours oh so sweetly. Beneath those eyes were intensity, the genuine and raw emotion came spilling out as soon as he built up his confidence.
"I don't like it."
Woo-jin.. just ruined the barriers that bounds you two as friends.
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paper-gold-theories · 3 months
If its ok by you, may I ask for some domestic fluff headcanons for Goldheart and Flug? I'd love to hear what you think they get up to while living together
HeroFlugAU Draft Fics
Not really Fluff. But here are some draft slice of life fanfic drafts for the HeroFlugAU 😆
1) GoldHeart likes to seduce Flug for morning sex just to make him late for his daily schedules. It resulted in Flug having to add morning sex as part of his schedule so that he won't. Making GoldHeart burst out laughing hysterically. He still purposely makes Flug go 5 mins off just to troll him, much to the former villian's frustrations.
2) GoldHeart is petty jealous of anything that has Flug's attention other than him, like his friends, the Golden Jet he's working on for the team and now more recently that Codigo Guajalote show. So he would often seduce him to make him miss the premier. Much to Flug's frustration and they make it into a competition.
3) GoldHeart and Flug go to Supervillains Supermarket & Deli in there are civilian identities to buy groceries, shenanigans ensue.
GoldHeart: We're note taking this van. It looks like the kind of van you'd kidnapped people in
Flug: Well technically I...
GoldHeart, covering his ears: Lalala its better I don't know.
Flug: Well what vehicle should we take then?
GoldHeart: I haven't drawn this in a while. (Points to one of his solid gold Ferraris)
Flug: That? That car has barely any space in the boot. I bet that can't even fit a single bag of groceries.
GoldHeart: It's fine we can just put the groceries on our lap, if it doesn't.
(It wasn't fine, they ended up only getting half the groceries and would try another day to get the rest. 😂)
(outside supermarket)
GoldHeart, laughs: Why do you villians call everything you own evil. Isn't kind of overcompensatingly. What you guys think are gonna be less evil if you don't.
Flug, teasing: Says the guy with "gold hearts" on his knee caps.
GoldHeart, teasing: Sure "Mr planes everywhere".
Flug, laughs: Alright maybe both sides are overcompensating.
GoldHeart, laughs: I can take that.
4) A petty argument of who ends up more desperate for sex ends up with of them had a competition to see who can go long without having sex with. The loser is the one who makes the first move. Everyone suffers the consequences. Frust ated and horny of them attempt to make the other lose by seducing each other. In the end both of them end up losing at the same time and jumping on each others bones and their boners 👀.
5) GoldHeart drinks Flug's special awake coffee and can't sleep for a week drags Flug along to do crazy things out of sheer petiness so that he won't have to be wake along. Like taking a several hour plane trip across the continent to get Elvis's Fools Gold Sandwiches, going up the mountains abd solving puzzles to get the fourth flavour ice cream or going to Guzmán Muñoz to do a tag team wrestle in leotards which ended up with GoldHeart being posessed by a parasite mask resulting in Flug having to fight him. Flug was armed with a tranquiliser gun and a laser gun to counter GoldHeart's powers which the both agreed to use if GoldHeart got mind control, but Flug didn't want to use it at first and tried to reason with GoldHeart only for him to end up getting tea bagged by GoldHeart, resulting Flug's last string of sanity snapping for not sleeping for days which ended him him shooting him with the laser and shooting tranquiliser multiple times and finally managing to get some sleep.
Flug wonders why he didn't think about that a few days ago...
Bonus Scene
After GoldHeart defeated Mask Macabre
Adelita: That's right. Pedro is my husband!
[Crowd & Flug]: *gasps*
Sleep deprived and cranky GoldHeart: OH MY GOD AN ANSWER TO A QUESTION NOBODY ASKED!!
Adelita: [ignores him and tells about her husband's origin story and how he ended up being posessed by the mask]
(They are technically wanted by P.E.A.C.E, so Flug puts a tracker on them before they managed to escape. Mask Macabre gets sent to Area 52 for vivisection)
Bonus Draft
6) Some crazy fan got a hold of GoldHeart's underwear after he accidentally left it in a hotel room and tried to auction off on eBay for a million dollars (Miss Heed was one of the bidders). The Golden Rule Members attempt to hunt the creep down and beat the crap out of them bring them to justice.
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mimiwrites2000 · 10 months
Attack On… Podcast!
Archive of Our Own
As the Attack on Titan series comes to an end after ten years, the cast is reunited in hosting a podcast, talking about their times on the set of the filming, their friendships, and all in-between.
And well, shenanigans are inevitable.
Attack on Titan acting AU, as the cast host a podcast, and interview the rest of the cast.
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Episode 01
Armin: On that day, mankind received a grim reminder. We lived in fear of the Titans and were disgraced to live in these cages we called walls.
Eren: Wow, you made me travel back so many years, that was so long ago.
Armin: I know… I just love saying it, it's a cool way to start a series–
Eren: Welcome! everyone to the Attack on Titan podcast! Where we share our experiences, stories, and behind the scenes from the set of, Attack on Titan.
Armin: indeed indeed, and we are totally doing this because we want to, not because the production company is forcing us into it–
Eren: Armin–
Armin: and the marketing these days is crazy but here we are! And we are glad to have you around, we don't know how frequent these podcasts would be, but, yeah, anyway, Eren.
Eren: Y-yes? What?
Armin: How are you?
Eren: … you don't know how podcasts work, do you?
Armin: nope.
Eren: Oh Gosh–
Armin: Sooooo for our first segment, we will be reading some of your tweets from Twitter–
Eren: X, it's called X.
Armin: not in my house, so anyway, the first tweet here says, how hard was it to act with all the green screens and dots and all those effects things, while not being able to see any of those effects in real life?
Eren: Good question, I think that, being part of a project for… ten years, you just become part of the set, you know?
Armin: yeah we don't really have to imagine these effects or try to deal with things that we don't see, it's like we are there, it's like we lived those moments, we also had a really great VFX team and artists who gave very clear instructions, and they provided us with draft samples of how these effects would look like, and… well, considering the rumbling, it was quite… not easy.
Eren: you did a great job with that monologue though.
Armin: well, thank you, and do I have to mention it took me over 34 takes?
Eren: oh yeah we got to a point where we were literally reciting his speech with him.
Armin: but they ended up using the first take, which made me proud but equally pissed off.
Eren: they used the first take?
Armin: yup, and yes, you all could've been spared from memorizing that speech.
Eren mocking: get up! You useless piece of shit!
Armin laughing: Oh God.
Eren: you asshole! I-don't-know what other profanities but some sad other hate-speech things!
Armin: oh well…
Eren: no but good job, it was phenomenal, it'll get you many awards. Now for our second question, how much physical exercise do you guys do to stay in shape? I both love and hate this question, because I've never been in such good shape, but at the same time, I don't want to be reminded by all the exercises and diets we used to do…
Armin: yeah, especially you, I mean, I don't have many shirtless scenes soooo…
Eren: Oh you do have one.
Armin: no I don't.
Eren: Oh yes you do! He does! They cut the scene out! 
Armin: hey no! I do not have a shirtless scene!
Eren: yeah sure, pretty sure we'll talk about that scene at one point
Armin: sooooo next question.
Eren: It'll come up, it'll come up.
Armin: so, this question says, favorite drinks? Coffee–
Eren: Rum!
Armin: ok another question, oh this is a good one, so this question says, if you have one thing to change about your characters in the finale, what would you change?
Eren: hmmm, well, for me, personally, I wouldn't change anything about the finale, it was perfect, but, I wouldn't mind more insight into their futures.
Armin: yeah I was going to say the same thing and I think it's because I'm just not over the fact that it's over, we've lived with these characters for over ten years, we can't just let go.
Eren: Yeah, yeah, exactly.
Armin: Well, I mean, it's like, it's weird, you know?
Eren: Yeah I know, but I also would've loved to have more romantic scenes–
Armin: oh there he goes.
Eren: oh come on! Are you complaining about having more romantic scenes? 
Armin: alright yes of course after all that pain and sadness, more romance would've been great, but at the same time, it had the perfect amount of romance.
Eren: You're just saying this because-
Armin: Eren don't–
Eren: –you don't want anyone to question that shirtless scene.
Armin: OK SO, we are done with questions for today, that's it, I don't know how they end podcasts, I don't know what I'm supposed to say here, but I guess follow us to get updates, we will have guests in the following episodes, let us know what you would like to hear, and yes goodnight! 
Eren: Coward! 
Armin: bye bye!
If you saw misspelled words, then no you didn’t
Hope you enjoyed this! This is just a tiny fun thing I’m working on for jokes and laughs while I work on other serious projects
But… anyone wants to record these…? Let me know
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therichantsim · 9 months
Simblr Gratitude 💜💜💜
I have been sitting on this because what are words... Whew, okay here goes nothing. After a season of feeling icky and not being sure if I should continue with simblr, storytelling and even playing the sims altogether. I'm glad I was encouraged. My first shout-out is going to my good sis @cinamun. I for real deal love you. We keke in the DMs and talk about all kinds of stuff but you are a queen and the cornerstone of black simblr. Even if I were to leave I would always come back to check on you, scroll your page, and heart all your shenanigans. The second shout-out goes to @maxfaiden/@greighish. I think anyone who has had the pleasure of having you as a reader definitely has to enjoy your amazing and sometimes in-depth analysis of their story. We live for that shit!!! I know we all like to say we don't do it for the engagement but to some extent yes the hell we do. So, thank you for braving these internet streets to give us the breakdown. You are appreciated. The third shout-out goes to the day one OG readers that have always liked, commented, and reblogged @geminispeaketh @quesims @omgkayplays @ladytee918 @theosconfessions @helloavocadooo @shesthespinstersimmer @trumpets0ng @missyv89 @sandibat69 @bbdoll @mysimsloveaffair @cross-design. Y'all have been riding with this crazy blog since I turned it into a simblr. Up next are my new friends @beebeesiims, @oatberrytea, @yooniesim @riverofjazzsims @happy-lemon @nyrarachelle @beachyserasims @happy-lemon @kissalopa @invisiblequeen I know a lot of you found me during my BC challenge but I appreciate you for sticking around and engaging in my maddness.
I know I probably forgot to mention someone which is why this sat in my drafts for two days. Yet still please know you all are appreciated. Especially now when we're living in real-life dystopian times. This community of misfits has been and hopefully always will be my place of online mental refuge, fantasy, comedy relief, rant space and so much more. I've learned so much about writing, editing, gaming, and non-sim-related knowledge. Peace, love, and grace to you all.
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