#I still wanted the guys to almost hold hands but they'd absolutely crush the girls if they sat on their shoulders 😅
arelliann ¡ 4 months
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This one goes out to @corrodedbisexual for the ref and idea because I couldn't resist having a go
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gunilslaugh ¡ 1 year
Thank you so much for your hard work dear. I really love all of your works! 😍 Can i request Xdinary Heroes reaction to you meeting his parents? Maybe they'd invite both of you to stay at the member's family house for a week or something? I'm curious how they react to finally see you for the first time and how the boys would react 🥺
Here you go! This was so fun to write I hope that you enjoy it!!
All members >^.^<
Summary: Meeting Xdinary Heroes parents for the first time.
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photo not mine credits to owner.
Gunil is so excited for you to finally meet and spend time with his parents. They had invited the two of you over for the weekend, since Gunil’s schedule was finally free. Contrary to Gunil’s excitement you were a nervous wreck. Meeting parents is usually a big step in a relationship. You worried about making a good first impression.
“Hey there’s nothing to worry about. They’re gonna love you. My mom has been bugging me for months about meeting you,” Gunil reassures you as he parked the car in front of his parents home. 
“But-” you began to talk, but Gunil cut you off.
“No buts. I’m sure it will go well. Now come on, let's not keep my mom waiting any longer. She’s probably standing at the door right now,” he chuckles lightly. The two of you grab your bags and walk up the steps to the front door. Sure enough just seconds after knocking the door opens revealing Gunil’s parents. 
“Y/n! It’s so nice to finally meet you!” Gunil’s mom greets you elatedly. She takes your bag from your hand and gives it to Gunil’s dad, telling him to take it to Gunil’s room. “Come on now, dinner is almost ready,” She says after hugging Gunil and telling him how much she missed him. Dinner went well. Gunil’s mom told you all about how Gunil would call her to ramble about you when he was crushing on you. Succeeding in making Gunil turn into a tomato, but you thought that it was cute. Gunil’s dad found the chance to tell multiple dad jokes, making you see where Gunil got his sense of humor from.
Currently, Gunil and you were snuggly packed onto his twin sized bed ready to sleep.
“See I told you there was nothing to worry about. They absolutely adore you,” Gunil tells you.
“Yeah, I’m glad it went well,” you replied. All the nerves you felt before now completely disappeared. 
The next morning Gunil and you are awoken by Gunil’s mom taking photos of you guys all cuddling up in bed.
“Mom!” Gunil whined, but still didn’t let you go from his hold.
“I can’t help it. The two of you looked so cute,” she replied, showing him the photos she just took.
Jungsu was really happy when you agreed to meeting his parents. His mom had already brought it up a few times about how much she wanted to meet the girl who her beloved son loves so much. Jungsu didn’t want you to feel pressured though, knowing how nerve wracking meeting parents could be. He reassured you that there was no rush and you could meet them when you felt ready.
That time was now. You and Jungsu had just arrived at his parents house. Jungsu’s hand was comfortingly holding yours as you waited for his parents to open the door. The door opened and your breath hitched, nerves taking full effect now. 
“You’re even prettier than in the photos,” Jungsu’s mom gushed, causing you to blush.
“You’re prettier than me though. I see where Jungsu gets his looks from,” you responded with a smile, cheeks still tinted pink.
“Oh stop! There’s no need to flatter me,” she says, gently taking your hand to pull you inside.
“You know she’s been dying to meet you,” Jungsu’s dad states when you all sat down at the table for lunch. 
“Jungsu always speaks so adoringly about them, so how could I not want to meet them?” She defends herself. You all continue to chat over lunch. You told them stories about your childhood and your time spent with Jungsu. 
Afterwards you helped Jungsu’s mom with the dishes. You washed while she dried and put away. The two of you continued to talk a bit while cleaning. 
“I get why Jungsu loves you so much,” she tells you after putting away the last dish. Her words took you by surprise and you didn’t know how to respond. “I’m glad that he has someone like you by his side supporting him,” thankfully she continued. Giving you time to formulate a response.
“I’m lucky to have him by my side too,” you responded, making his mom smile. 
“If you don’t make them my daughter-in-law I’m going to be very disappointed,” Jungsu’s mother says when you and Jungsu are getting ready to leave. 
“Mom, it’s too early to be saying things like that,” Jungsu complained.
“No I’m gonna be disappointed too if I’m not,” you said. Jungsu flushed and hurriedly pulled you out the door.
Jiseok was a little nervous about asking you to meet his parents. The two of you had only been together for a few months, but his mother was really adamant about meeting you. However Jiseok was very pleasantly surprised when you agreed to it, saying you were going to meet them at some point anyway.
Jiseok had one arm casually splayed around your shoulder and his other arm reached out to knock on the door. The door opened shortly after displaying the view of both his parents. 
“There’s our Jiseok that we missed so much!” His mother says excitedly pulling him into a hug. Jiseok’s father hugs him next after his mom releases him.
“And the y/n that we’ve heard so much about!” Now it’s your turn to be pulled into a hug. After pulling away from the hug you and Jiseok took your things to his bedroom to get settled for the weekend. 
You offered to help out Jiseok’s mom with making dinner, to which she gladly accepted. At the beginning you felt a little bit awkward because you were a bit nervous about wanting her to like you, but after a bit of warming up the kitchen is now filled with your guys' laughter.
“What’s so funny?” Jiseok’s dad questions entering the kitchen with Jiseok only a few steps behind him. 
“Oh y/n was just telling me about the hike they and Jiseok took to Baegundae Peak,” She explained, still trying to catch her breath slightly. 
“I don’t just have to worry about my mom telling embarrassing stories about me, but you too!” Jiseok exclaimed with a sense of betrayal.
“What happened?” His dad asked.
“I’ll tell you later,” his mom snickered. “Come on let’s eat,” she continued, grabbing the food to carry it over to the table. Over dinner Jiseok found a way to take revenge and tell an embarrassing story about you. Although you couldn’t even be that annoyed about it, since the atmosphere was so bright and lively.
The weekend seemed to have flown by. You and Jiseok were saying your last goodbyes to his parents. Just before you botched walked out the door Jiseok’s mother whispered something in his ear, that made Jiseok smile but also flush. She told him to marry you.
Seungmin was overjoyed about you meeting his parents. He told you about how much his parents wanted to meet you and when you agreed he rushed to talk to his mom about setting something up. They worked out a time for the both of you to come spend a weekend with them. 
“Wait, now that we’re here I feel really nervous,” you say before you and Seungmin could exit the car. 
“Why are you nervous? You’ve talked to both of them on the phone before,” Seungmin states, resting a reassuring hand on your leg.
“I know, but this is in person, it’s different,” you told him.
“It’s gonna go well. They already like you, so stop overthinking,” he tells you. The pair of you get out of the car with your things and walk up to the door. His parents are quick to answer the door and welcome you inside. 
“Y/n you have no idea how much we’ve been dying to meet you in person,” his mom raves.
“It’s all that she’s talked about this week ‘Finally meeting y/n’,” Seungmin’s dad adds. That’s all it took to subside your nerves. 
“Come on dinner’s ready,” Seungmin’s mom ushers you all towards the table. The conversation flowed naturally while you guys ate and afterward you and Seungmin did clean up duty. 
“The remind me of us when we were younger,” Seungmin’s mom said as she and her husband watched you and Seungmin clean up.
“They’re a really good match. I’m glad our son found them,” his dad noted. Seungmin happens to catch his parents watching you two and gives them a questioning look. They smile and his dad throws him a thumbs up before they walk away, causing Seungmin to chuckle.
“What?” you ask Seungmin upon hearing his chuckle.
“Nothing,” he responds with a smile etched into his face. The two of you finished cleaning up then joined his parents in the living room. You all watched a movie together before going to bed. 
In the morning Seungmin’s mom came to wake you and Seungmin for breakfast, but she couldn’t help but stare at the sight of Seungmin sleeping with his head on your chest and arm securely around your waist. She snapped a quick picture before actually waking you two.
Hyeongjun already knew that his parents liked you, so he didn’t have any worries about you meeting them. He just wanted to be sure that you were comfortable with it too. When you told him that you were, it made him so happy. Hyeongjun liked the thought of you and his parents spending time together.
The two of you had just arrived at his parents house. Your hands were linked together as you approached the door. Only moments after knocking the door swung open. 
“Y/n! I’m so glad to finally get to meet you,” Hyeonjun’s mom says while pulling both you and Hyeongjun into a hug. Hyeongjun’s dad warmly welcomes you both, also giving the two of you a hug.  All of you sat in the living room talking for a bit before deciding to eat some lunch. You helped his mom dish it up, while Hyeongjun and his dad set the table. 
“You know Hyeongjun used to call me and talk about you all the time,” his mom spoke up.
“Mom! Why are you bringing that up?” Hyeongjun complained, staring at his plate to hide his flushed face. 
“It was cute, there’s nothing wrong with it,” she justified.
“Actually I used to talk to my mom about Hyeongjun,” you admitted. 
“Really?” Hyeonjun said, picking his head up, now looking at you.
“Yeah and I would call her and say ‘Mom I like him so much. What do I do?’,” you mocked yourself.
“That’s exactly what Hyeongjun did too. I was so glad when he finally told me that you two had gotten together,” Hyeongjun’s mom tells.
Later for a pre-dinner snack you were helping Hyeongjun’s mom cut up some fruits.
“You know I’m really thankful that Hyeonjun has you,” his mom stated. “I always worry about him being an idol. I know how stressful their lives can be. Busy schedules, not enough sleep, worried about diets,” she lists out. “But I feel better knowing Hyeonjun has you to help look out for him. I can tell he really loves you a lot,” She finished.
“Hyeongjun looks out for me too. We take care of each other. I love him a lot too,” you replied.
“Trust me I know,” she said, picking up the plate of cut fruit walking back to the living room.
Jooyeon couldn’t have been more excited for you to meet his parents. You hardly had time to be nervous with how excited he was.They had been asking about meeting you for a while due to how much Jooyeon talks about you. His parents invited you over for the weekend. Jooyeon was so excited about it all week and the day had finally arrived.
Jooyeon had just knocked on the door to his parents house. He kept an arm wrapped around your lower back as you guys waited for his parents to answer the door. Moments later the door opened.
“Jooyeon! Y/n! You’re finally here,” Jooyeon’s mom says. She hugs Jooyeon first telling him how much she’s missed him before his father does the same. They’re just as energetic to welcome you too, saying that it’s nice to meet you and not just hear about Jooyeon talking about you. “You two must be hungry from the trip, let’s go eat,” she leads you guys into the dinning room. You sit next to Jooyeon and his parents sit across from the two of you. His parents asked you some questions about your childhood and your life. By the end of the meal laughter surrounded the table. 
You were currently washing dishes with Jooyeon, who kept minorly complaining about what a chore it is. You told him that it would go faster if he stopped complaining. 
Jooyeon’s mom marveled at the sight because she had never seen Jooyeon do the dishes so easily before. If she didn’t approve of you before she definitely did now seeing how you brought out a more mature side to her son.
Afterwards you all played some card games together. It was nothing short of fun and a nice way to end the night before heading to bed. 
Jooyeon and you were cuddled up in his bed with some stuffed animals. Jooyeon’s mom discovered the sight when she went to wake you two up the next morning. She took out her phone to take multiple pictures of you both all cuddled up. Jooyeon stirred awake catching his mom’s little photo shoot. At first he let out a groan.
“Send them to me,” he followed up with then proceeding to close his eyes once more.
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twinklelilstarkey ¡ 3 years
A Rafe thing based any of Olivia Rodrigo's new songs omg it would be an angst train but they'd kinda fit his character
Good 4 u - Rafe Cameron
A/N: Hey anon! I wasn’t sure if you meant this song or Deja Vu, so I made this one. Hope you like it either way.
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Words: 2.7k+
Type: Angst
Warnings: Female!Reader. Cheerleader!Reader. Rafe is an asshole. Long relationship break up. All the suffering that comes with break ups.
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To say your relationship with Rafe was complicated is an understatement. Constant on and off for the whole two years you dated. Surely hard for the both of you while it was happening, but by the looks of it, someone can move rather quickly. Almost like it’s nothing.
Rafe is at the end of the hall and already with his arm over the shoulders of some girl. And you have nothing against her, she’s beautiful and seems like a nice person, but he sure has some nerve. It hasn’t even been 2 weeks.
At least it’s the last week of high school, so, you got that to look forward to. No more Rafe and all his shit. 
For the two years you dated, he was your priority in everything. You helped him school, with his addiction, with his dad - found him a therapist, one you’ve worked with before and absolutely loved. God, it doesn’t even seem fair. Your parents paid for his visits there, too, yet he had absolutely no remorse when he broke up with you and said all those horrible things.
You’re better than this, Y/N. You deserve more.
You open your locker and quickly hide from any unwanted attention with the now wide-open door. You take a deep breath, ignoring the sudden wave of chills that seem to have wanted to crawl under your skin just now.
“Ew. Who the fuck is that?” You hear a voice behind you and you look over your shoulder.
Your best friend, Sadie, is about two feet away from you, walking slowly to stand beside you while glaring down the hallway. You follow her gaze and sigh as you notice that she’s staring at Rafe’s new girl.
Sadie is the type of person that just can brighten any of your days. No matter what she does. If she’s beside you, you’re okay. Or you, at least, feel okay.
“No idea.” You say while grabbing your duffle bag and slamming your door closed.
“You doing good?” She asks and you nod quickly.
“Yeah. I don’t give a fuck about him anymore.”
Sure, huge lie. But to be quite honest, you don’t exactly feel sad (yet). You don’t feel the need to cry or something of the sort, all you feel is... angry.
You’re going to ignore the fact that you cried your eyes out not even 8 hours ago in your bathroom when taking a shower before bed. It didn’t happen, it was all an illusion. You didn’t sit under the warm water and hoped that your sobs didn’t echo too much off the walls of the bathroom and that your parents could hear you.
You’re okay.
“That’s my girl.” Sadie says before wrapping her arm over your shoulders, “The girls texted me and they’re already waiting for us in the locker room.”
You give her a short nod and soon the two of you start making your way down the hall to get to the locker rooms. Ignoring the looks you’re getting, you smile at Sadie’s heavy description of her dream and you shake your head at the mention of her celebrity crush.
“I swear, Y/N, we were almost at it there...” She tries to convince you, “He just- looked so real.”
You giggle at her lovesick words and she lets out a sigh.
“I’ll marry him one day, you know?” She asks you and you nod. “We’ll have a huge weddin-”
She stops talking right as someone hits shoulder to shoulder with her. Her face goes from lovesick excitement to pure hate in a second.
“Watch where you’re going, dickhead!”
You lift your gaze to find Topper looking down at Sadie with just as much annoyance. She rolls her eyes beside you and makes sure to push him out of her way completely before starting to walk with you again.
A smile appears over your lips and you see him stare at your friend as if in disgust. Your gaze lifts to the rest of his friend group and you notice Kelce first, who doesn’t hesitate in giving you a smile as a greeting.
You mouth a little ‘hi’ as you walk away, yet your eyes don’t miss a beat when they notice that you just walked by Rafe and didn’t even acknowledge him. He still has his arm over the new girl’s shoulders, but he’s holding her closer now, almost as if to protect her.
From what? You?
His eyes study you back, half hooded, almost as if tired with what just happened. You scowl and face back at what’s in front of you, feeling your heart quicken with some sort of adrenaline. You’ve never felt like tackling someone to the ground so much in your life.
Cheer practice can be emotionally tiring, but the fact that you’re in your last practices for the rest of your life kind of makes it worth it. You love most girls and guys on the team, so it will be hard to say ‘bye’ to them, but you swear you’re dying to never use this uniform again.
Cheerleading was the thing that made you and Rafe meet, or should you say, what made him look at you. You two didn’t know each other before your first football game, yet that was what changed everything for the two of you.
“You know what?” Sadie asks beside you while leaning forward to touch her toes, “I totally feel like you should have an ex-girlfriend crazy kinda moment.”
“Like, I don’t know, key his car, burn his locker, cut up his clothes, destroy his notes- Why are you looking at me like that?”
You chuckle at her once you notice how shocked you must have looked at her words.
“You’re crazy.”
“I know, but you wasted money and two years of your life with that guy. He deserves something, especially after the way he left you.” She says while pointing a finger at you.
“I agree.” One of the cheer guys says as he walks by you.
“With me having to have crazy moment?” You ask him and he nods.
“Yeah. Cameron needs his wake-up call, why do you think we all hate him?” He asks and Sadie chuckles beside you as he walks away.
“You heard him.”
You shake your head and continue to stretch while deep in thought. 
You’re not going to do what they’re telling you to, but, god, the memory of your last day together still hurts. His words, so empty with emotion that you felt like you were in a nightmare, the way he pulled away from your touch when you almost pleaded for him to stay. Everything.
Yet, before you can even think more about it, Sadie decides to talk.
“You could totally get some gas and dump it all over his bedroo- Ah, No. You would have to deal with Ward there because it’s his house. But his bik-”
“Sadie!” You tell her seriously and she smiles at you, “I’m not going to do that.”
“You should.” Someone else behind you says.
Sadie burst out laughing and you shake your head at her.
“It wouldn’t resolve anything.” You tell her, ignoring the other cheer member.
As much as you like to joke around, the feeling is still too heavy on your chest. It’s still hard to act like everyone wants you to. Act like Rafe is acting.
“Okay, and? At least you could wake him up for life. He’s an asshole, Y/N. He doesn’t deserve you being nice to him.”
“Tell me about it.” You whisper to yourself.
She stays silent and you sigh.
“I just-” You begin your rant, yet you hesitate slightly. The look on her face calms you, “I just didn’t expect him to act like this not even a month later, you know? He acts like he doesn’t even know me, and when I talked to him last week, it kinda seemed- off? He was like a zombie, with no emotions, no nothing. Like he never cared.”
You look away quickly to look down at the floor and blink away your tears. Sadie didn’t notice it.
“He’s weird, I’m not going to lie.” She tells you and you sigh again, “And he has been weird for the longest time. His apathy is just... Ugh,” She cringes, “Stronger than ever, now.”
You stay quiet.
“He’s an asshole.” She repeats, “He wounded you and now just likes to scrub salt onto the wound. That’s the type of person he is.”
You stop yourself before you defend him.
“Or maybe I’m just too emotional.” You murmur to yourself.
You tap the end of your pencil on your notebook while carefully reading the question. There’s nothing like doing homework last minute, admit it, you swear you get smarter by the amount of pressure you’re putting on yourself.
“If he doesn’t stop staring, I’ll stab in the eye with your pencil.” Sadie says as she takes a seat beside you.
“Who?” You ask, not lifting your gaze over your book.
“He’s the nice one, Sadie. Remember?” You tell her with the most monotone voice ever.
“Still. He’s friends with druggy.” She says and you roll your eyes at her nickname for Rafe, “Speaking of the devil.”
You lift your eyes for a split second and they meet Rafe, who is just walking into the classroom, studying all the empty seats. You force yourself to look away and finish your homework, and the voice of your teacher stops you.
“Good evening, everyone.”
When did she even come in?
You take a deep breath and bring your hands to your head as you try to focus on the last question. Oh God, doing homework last minute isn’t fun anymore.
“Please, everyone- I feel like I’m repeating myself every class. Do not change places from one class to the other. Please seat with your partner from the beginning of the semester.”
Oh, great. She had forgotten to do this lately, why today?
“Come on, now.” She encourages.
You feel Sadie get up from her seat and she makes sure to pinch your arm before leaving your side, making you smile down at your notebook.
The familiar smell of a certain cologne reaches your nose, yet you don’t even look up. Rafe throws his stuff down at his side of the table and you continue to write the last words.
“Hope you all did your homework.”
You sigh in relief as you finally finish it while everyone else starts pulling their papers from their bags.
“Your paper, Mr. Cameron?” The teacher asks as she reaches your table.
He doesn’t answer her and she looks over at you. You give your paper to her and she gives you a small smile before moving to the next table.
That was a close one. Never again.
You lean back on your chair and look at your pencil, feeling the tension start to build up on and around the table you’re sitting at. You can tell by the corner of your eye that Rafe has his arms crossed over his chest like a toddler throwing a tantrum, and he’s staring at the board at the front of the class.
Your mind dives into a dream world and your attention is stolen to some memories. Your heart tightens like a sore muscle at the first image that comes up right at the beginning.
Memories of old habits that just ended up being a part of your routine. Things that you wouldn’t think of whenever he wasn’t close to you, but now that he is, they’re stronger than ever.
Every time in this class, you would doodle on Rafe’s right hand and always draw a little heart on the back of it, the space between his thumb and pointer finger.
“I’ll tattoo it one day.” He had said to you not even 4 weeks ago, during a class.
“Really?” You asked with a huge smile.
“Yeah.” He says, mimicking your bright smile, “You’re going to keep on doing it until then, so might as well get a permanent one.”
You blink the difficult memory away and look down at your notebook. You haven’t exactly had much motivation to take notes during the past few classes, for obvious reasons, so what’s written on the corner of the pages is already... not up to date.
It’s Rafe’s handwriting. They are just questions he would write down in your notebook when he couldn’t talk without the teacher hearing him.
You, overly curious, flip the pages back and stare at previous classes. Your eyes stop on one 2 months ago.
A bunch of rounds of tic-tac-toe scattered all throughout the page, yet your eyes focus on a conversation. It had both of your handwritings, yet it was all your pencil.
You read it with a small smile and your heart tightens further as you continue.
I swear to god. You’re the only person who ever gets me
You flip the pages again and at the corner of another page, you stop.
Love you. You got this!!!
“Let’s start with today’s class, yeah?” Your teacher asks, back at the front of the classroom.
You quickly bring your hands to your face and discreetly wipe away your tears. While no one is looking, you lay your arm over your side of the table and lean your head over it, flipping to the last pages of the notebook, acting like you didn’t see anything.
The bell rings and you lift your head from your arm. You watch for a few seconds as everyone starts putting all of their stuff away on their backpacks and ignore whatever the teacher is saying.
When snapping back to reality, you stand on your feet and throw your bag over your shoulder to make your way to the door, since you’ve put all your stuff away minutes prior to the class ending. Rafe had been the first to walk off the room, and to nobody’s surprise, he’s the first one you see when you walk out.
He’s leaning back on a random wall of lockers, looking down at his phone. You study it for a second and your mind focuses on him as memories continue to fill your thoughts. That’s exactly how he used to wait for you after class, leaning against your locker as he texts you.
A small smile appears over his face and he lifts his head to look down the hallway, making his smile stretch further. His bright smile is almost able to lift the pressure on your chest, making it easier to breathe, but, it isn’t meant for you.
You follow his gaze and your breathing stops abruptly, he’s smiling at her. Just like he did to you. 
You watch her as she smiles over at him and quickens her pace, running towards him. When she’s standing right by him, Rafe holds onto her waist.
They look at one another, eyes glued, while their smiles continue to be as bright. Her mouth is moving, yet you don’t hear her over how muffled your hearing is and also over all the people talking in the hallway. 
Rafe nods at her and asks a ‘are you serious?’, almost as if he’s proud of her. Proud of her accomplishments.
And they share a kiss.
Your breathing comes back heavy and you force yourself to look away again. Tears fill your vision and you step away from the classroom doorway. Away from them and everyone that seemed to be as entertained with the new couple.
You don’t study the looks on their faces, but a lot of people came out of the class and did the same thing as you. They looked at Rafe and at you, almost as if waiting for something to happen, but, nothing does.
As you walk away, Sadie calls out for you, just now being able to put all her stuff away and get out through the occupied classroom door. Her eyes study what everyone is looking at, and even she feels her heart sink to her stomach.
She calls out to you again, yet you don’t hear her.
The girl’s happy giggles enter and violate your ears, repeating over and over again in your head like an echo. While Rafe’s bright smile haunts you like a ghost as you push the doors of the school open.
Sadie runs through everyone and her screams and her running, seem to be enough to catch more people’s attention, even though she doesn’t even notice it.
She, in a way, feels like some sort of a bad friend. She had cracked jokes all day, believing that you were finally doing better and not even close to cracking again. But at the end of the day, you’re just as broken as you were a few days ago. All the cracks that had healed, have reopened for some unknown reason to her, except for the new girl. 
She has to get to you, now. You can’t be alone.
The new girl looks away from Rafe as a running girl hits her shoulder ever so slightly and she frowns as her eyes follow her. She looks panicked in a way, continuously screaming for the name of someone she has never heard before.
Her eyes then fall on the rest of the hallway, noticing how people are also looking at this running girl almost as if in... pity? And as she’s out of the doors, they all turn to her.
Rafe has told her multiple times that she doesn’t need to worry about the looks she’ll get, always the same things. 
“Why are they all looking at us?” She asks him.
“I don’t know. Probably just shocked that I finally am dating someone as good as you.”
And she was oblivious enough to believe him.
Fresh cold air hits your wet cheeks and you breathe in deeply, trying to wipe away the tears before anyone sees them. You notice Sadie now standing beside you and quickly, she wraps her arms around you.
It’s good to see him happy and healthy, to see him doing great, even if it’s without you. It’s good the see that he’s treating someone well, looking like a better man. Good for him.
But it still hurts because you’re not even close to feeling like that about yourself. You’re tired of crying and suffering.
Screw that, and screw him. 
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Hope this was angsty enough. The ending has more references to the song than the rest, but... yeah. 
In case you’re curious on what lines I based some stuff on, here it is:
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Hope you liked it!
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denisn4te ¡ 4 years
Obey Me characters and their assigned dogs!
Okay, guys, I have a cool idea! What if like as an assignment, Diavolo decided to give everyone a dog from the human world to see how well dogs from the human world could get with demons and the students were allowed to choose which dog breed they'd want it to be. The assignment was to be for a few months long.
Here are my thoughts on which dog breeds they had been assigned and how well they raised them.
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At first, he wanted to just use Cerberus as his dog, but it had to be a dog breed from the human world.
Obviously, he chose a big and very intimidating dog.
He received a male dog and named him Damien.
Lucifer already knew the basics of raising a dog since he is the owner of Cerberus and all.
Within the first month, Lucifer began training Damien.
By the end of that month, Damien was probably the best guard dog in the entire Devildom.
Despite being a big and scary dog, Damien was actually a big sweetheart!
He'd always follows Lucifer around and get sad when his owner wasn't around. He especially loves doing tricks for treats.
Damien is only aggressive he senses harm coming towards him or Lucifer or when he is ordered to attack.
By attack, he just chases the brothers whenever they make Lucifer mad.
When the assignment was over and the dogs were to be brought back to the human world, Lucifer immediately locked himself in his room and cranked that record player volume to 100 all while claiming he wasn't sad.
Mammon-Italian Greyhound
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Tried to sell the dog not even one days after getting it
Mammon didn't know crap about human world dog breeds so he just picked a random breed not knowing anything about it. His immediate thought was 'is this a rat?'
Mammon had received a female dog and named her Jade after Lucifer caught him trying to sell her.
At first, he wanted nothing to do with Jade until out of literally nowhere she had brought him a couple of Grimm.
Suddenly he was very interested after realizing Jade had a strange habit of finding and digging up valuables. From Grimm and small jewelry to literally buried artifacts.
Nobody knows how she does it and it's concerning that they had put her in Mammon's care.
Mammon immediately started to teach Jade how to do cute tricks to random people for treats and such.
Jade was also a very energetic dog always running around and barking at almost everyone except Mammon, MC, and MC's assigned dog.
Jade loves playing with the other dogs even if it's clear that they don't want to play.
Mammon was absolutely sobbing when Jade had to go back to the human world and absolutely didn't want to let her go.
He wasn't okay for a very long time after that.
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Just like Mammon, Leviathan didn't want to do anything with a dog until he realized some dogs were specialized in swimming.
Him being very associated with the ocean was suddenly interested when he heard about the breed Newfoundland. He thought the name sounded cool and picked that in.
Probably should have done more research because he didn't realize how huge this breed was.
He received a female dog and named her Henry 4.0
Leviathan didn't know anything about dogs and boy was it so hard for him at first.
Probably had to learn by watching animes, reading mangas, and playing games about dogs NINTENDOGS.
Actually got pretty used to having a dog really quickly and enjoyed it too.
Henry 4.0 was a really chill girl and likes sleeping on top of Leviathan. Just casually crushing the boy y' know.
She really likes laying with him while he's watching anime and playing his video games.
Their favorite activities to do are taking baths, going out to swim in the nearby river, and cosplay!
Yes, you heard that right! Cosplaying is a thing they did quite often and they always dressed up as duo characters. Of course Leviathan made the cosplays from scratch.
One good thing that this assignment did was getting Leviathan out of his room for when he would take Henry 4.0 out for walks.
Whenever Leviathan got sad he'd just hug Henry 4.0 and put his head into her fur. Henry 4.0 became kind of like an emotional support animal for him.
Leviathan absolutely refused to let them take Henry 4.0 away when the assignment was over. He even tried to hide her and threatened to summon Lotan again (which he did end up doing!)
Was very much not okay after the assignment was over.
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Satan is clearly the most educated on human world dog breeds and even though he very much prefers cats over dogs, he always did like the Basenji breed.
They are known as the 'barkless' dog and even have a somewhat reputation for acting like cats.
Satan had received a male dog and named him Benjamin.
Once the assignment began he quickly began to read books about dogs.
Satan actually surprisingly liked Benjamin rather quickly despite not liking dogs all that much.
They mostly just sat down together in the library while Satan read books and Benjamin would nap.
Benjamin was a pretty active dog and liked to play with the other dogs every now and then.
But just like Satan, he got mad a lot. Whenever someone got into his personal space while he was tired he wouldn't bark at them, but he had a pretty spooky growl.
Other than that Benjamin is actually really chill.
Satan also taught Benjamin a few tricks which may or may not be targeted at Lucifer and his assigned dog, Damien.
The number of times Benjamin was seen running away from Damien and/or Lucifer with Lucifer's paperwork in his mouth was pretty impressive.
One surprise was that Benjamin and Damien got super well with each ther much to Lucifer and Satan's dismay.
Besides the antagonizing Lucifer tricks, Benjamin didn't really know any tricks other than to sit and fetch.
Just like the other brothers he was truly sad to see Benjamin go and had one last trick to play on Lucifer before the assignment ended.
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A lot of people were expecting Asmodeus to get a small dog, but he really said no❤
He already knew about all the most beautiful dog breeds from the human world and the Samoyed was absolutely elegant.
He had received a female dog and named her Opal.
He already followed a few dog pages on the internet so he had a few basics down.
You already know he's one of those absolutely extra dog owners and honestly good for both him and Opal.
He loves taking her baths and always makes sure the dog products he uses are the absolute best.
Asmodeus even bought her a gemstone collar and I'm not talking about those leather collars with those flat little slabs, I'm talking about these kinds of collars
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Yes, he's that extra and no he's not ashamed.
Opal had to be the most spoiled dog in the Devildom by the end of it.
She didn't like to play all that much unless it was with Asmodeus or MC. Pretty people only.
She almost never growled ever and she would have to be really pissed if she ever did. For example, when Mammon accidentally spilled some wet dog food on her fur, she never forgave him.
As you already know, Opal got the best kind of food a dog could eat. Asmodeus being one for best self-care, he didn't want his beloved Opal eating low-grade kibble. Only the best for his little girl.
You already KNOW he dresses her up and takes her out to the club. Loves showing her off to the fans. Likes dragging MC and their assigned dog along with them just to have fun.
Do not ever pet Opal unless you have clear permission from both her and Asmodeus and also clean your hands first. Opal's fur is too delicate and beautiful to get ruined.
Whenever Asmodeus gets drunk he always hugs Opal and cries into her fluff which she doesn't mind.
Asmodeus wouldn't stop posting pictures of him and Opal on social media and even after the assignment ended he still posted older pictures of her.
Couldn't hold back the tears after Opal went back to the human world after the assignment was over. He took her on one last spa day before the day the assignment was over and gave her the best meal.
Was crying on Devilgram Live later that day.
Beelzebub-Saint Bernard
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A pretty obvious one. Just like Mammon, he knew nothing about human world dog breeds and chose a Saint Bernard because Satan suggested it.
Satan purposely suggested a big dog because if it were a small one, Beel would have eaten it.
He received a female dog and named her Biscuit. The alternatives were Big Mac and Burger, but Lucifer didn't allow it.
Ome thing these two had in common was a large appetite. Beel quickly got attached to Biscuit mostly because of that.
Beel has to be supervised while feeding Biscuit her dog food cause sometimes he'll try to eat some of her food.
Biscuit loves cuddles and is a big softie just like Beel. Though she seemed to be more of a dog for Belphie since she was always tired and sleeping.
Beel never minded though and always enjoyed walking into a room and seeing Biscuit laying with Belphie and Belphie's assigned dog.
Biscuit gets along with literally everyone including the other dogs. She always lets them do whatever just as long as they aren't harming anyone.
If you do harm her owner or his family she'll go from 0 to 101 in a second. Saint Bernards actually have a very powerful bite so it's best not to piss her off.
But out of her entire time in the Devildom with the brothers, MC, and the other assigned dogs she only really actually bit someone once and it was in self-defense.
Of this assignment had taken place during the whole Belphie attic incident, Biscuit would have been a huge emotional support animal to Beel.
If it didn't take place during that time then Beel would have loved her the same way.
Whenever he would try and work out, Biscuit would always lay on him and get in the way. She's too precious.
The only workout she wouldn't interrupt with cuteness is morning walks/runs.
One problem however is how much Beel would forget to brush her and she'd leave fur absolutely everywhere.
When the assignment was over he felt like he lost a part of himself.
He woke up the morning after looking for Biscuit to take her for their morning run and remembered that the assignment was over.
Still has her collar and leash.
Sad lad hours
Belphegor-Basset Hound
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Belphie definitely was one of the brothers who didn't want to do anything with dogs and in fact, he didn't even choose a dog breed so they gave him a random one for the assignment.
Clearly whoever chose the breed for him knew their breeds well because Basset Hounds are some sleepy dogs.
He received a female dog and named her Floppy. Very creative I know.
To be honest, Belphie would be the most irresponsible of the brothers when it comes to raising a dog.
Usually, he had to be reminded a lot to care for this damn dog. Whether it's be reminded to feed her or take her on walks, he's just really lazy.
At first, he didn't like Floppy at all and thought she was ugly until Beel pointed out how much they sleep together.
It was true how much they slept together, wherever Belphie was sleeping, Floppy was either on top of him or next to him.
That's when Belphie actually began to care about her and trying to take better care of her.
He'd forget a lot of the times to do things, but he was trying.
Floppy didn't know any tricks or even bother to learn any. She didn't beg for food or play with the other dogs. She never growled or barked at all either.
Someone would literally be getting stabbed in front of her and she'd yawn.
Even though Floppy never liked getting along with the other dogs, she did like to nap with Beel's assigned dog, Biscuit.
Nobody else though. Not even MC or their assigned dog.
Floppy hated going on walks and any other activity that included having to put any effort into it.
She'd just let Belphie drag her across the ground by the leash.
Belphie was the least sad when the assignment was over. He does really miss Floppy, but he knew he wasn't the best dog owner and she deserves better.
He just wishes her well and hopes she finds a better family. Oh god, he's crying now-
tl;dr: The brothers get dogs, get attached, then get really sad once the dogs are gone.
Oh lord, this took so much longer to make than I expected. Online classes haven't been nice to me. I was going to make some art for this, but this already took way longer than I expected so I'll probably save that for another time!
If anyone of you wants you can add to this by saying what your MC's assigned dog is! Anyways hope you all have a good day and maybe I'll even make a part 2 for the Undateables! ;)
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godlydolans ¡ 5 years
Tumblr won't let me answer this ask so I'm doing it this way-Pt.3
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This is some star-crossed lovers shit that I cry over! I argue with my parents about the whole marrying into your own caste bullshit almost everyday. I really hope and pray this way of thinking changes because it really is a pain in the ass 😤
Y/N was going through a rough breakup when she'd first met Grayson. The guy she had been dating was from her own culture, a Doctor and her parents really liked him for their daughter. While the initial one year had been great, she quickly realised he wasn't the right guy for her. He was too controlling, too busy, too toxic. She had to break things off despite what the society would say.
For the longest time after that, Y/N closed herself off. She only left her dorm to go to her classes, occasionally going to the nearby diner with her girlfriends to ger food and then back into the dorm. The happy go-lucky girl who loved to party on the weekends was lost somewhere.
It just so happens that the night her room mate literally dragged her out of the dorm and to a party at some club she didn't care to know the name of, was the very night Grayson also attended his very first 'college party' per say.
Grayson Dolan had never been to frat parties in his life because he never went to college but had definitely heard great things from his sister and some friends that went to UCLA. One of those friends had invited him and his brother to the party his friend was throwing and Grayson was not gonna let the opportunity pass.
So what if he didn't go to University? He could still say he knew what college parties looked like!
So it was on one of the three outdoor patios at Q's Billiard Club that Grayson and Y/N first saw each other. She was there because the loud music was starting to make her head ache (she'd gotten a little too used to the usual quiet of her dorm room). Grayson was there to catch some fresh air, the tightly packed club was making him a little claustrophobic. And it wasn't like they were the only two people outside that night, but still both of them couldn't stop their eyes from going back to each other.
Y/N had noticed the new face among her friends' group when everyone had gathered around the pool table and how could she not? His bright smile and loud laugh were both extremely hard to miss. She had noticed how charismatic and magnetic he was and she'd be lying to herself if she said her eyes didn't search for him while she was inside just so she could see him smile once again.
There was just something about that smile..
Grayson had also noticed her when she had been talking to some guy, smiling from ear to ear as one hand played with the ring on her little finger. She was beautiful. He could tell that much even under the horrible lights of the club but now that she stood just few feet away from him, he could really see how beautiful she was.
Jesus Christ.. he'd thought, she had such beautiful dark long hair, big doe eyes with long lashes adorning them, thick eyebrows framed her exotic face beautifully and let's not even talk about the 'voluptuous' lips, as he likes to put it. That sharp bone structure could cut a loaf of bread and he couldn't stop himself from stealing glances her way. Usually Ethan is the shy one, but that night, Grayson would swear cat had got his tongue. The poor guy was sweating bullets, trying to find something to strike up a conversation with Y/N, but whenever he would open his mouth to say something, his nerves would get the best of him and he would eat his words before they had the opportunity to come out.
She eventually went back inside, making Grayson curse under his breath for losing his chance to talk to her. Little did he know he'd be getting introduced to Y/N very soon by their common friend, Ashton. Bless his soul.
The majority of the night, Y/N and Grayson spent together, talking about everything from their aim in life to freaking politics. She was extremely intelligent and he was a great listener along with having an interesting mind. Neither could stop themselves from getting infatuated with the other.
After that night, they met again at next weekend's party, then the next one and the next one. Grayson had started counting the days untill Saturday, when he could see her again.
Y/N, on the other hand, was starting to get wary about these meetings because she knew she was starting to really like him and that's what she couldn't allow herself to do. She knew getting involved with Grayson would only lead to heartbreak because there would never be a future with him. But she didn't have the the will power to stop seeing him either.
Ultimately, she decided she would not think too much and let the chips fall wherever they may. She really liked Grayson and Grayson really liked her and if she was lucky, things would not get too serious to the point where she'd have to rope in her family.
This would be her little secret, that's all.
Only, that's not all. And her little secret would not be so little. What was only supposed to be just two friends-who-knew-they-liked-each-other hanging out, turned into a three year long serious relationship. What was only supposed to be a crush she thought she'd get over eventually, turned into something so much more serious and permanent.
Y/N fell head over heels in love with everything that makes up the man that is Grayson and don't think she didn't try to stop those feelings in their track!
In the three years they were together, they took a break three times, the first time because Grayson was afraid what his fans would do to her if they found out. The second time because of what Y/N's family would do to her if they found out and the third time was solely because Y/N didn't know what to do about the situation she had trapped herself in. (But they obviously found their way back to each other!)
The poor girl loved her family more than anything else in the world and she didn't remember ever hiding something from either her mum or her dad. And while she knew that she wasn't wrong for loving Grayson, not at all, because loving him and being loved by him seemed like the most right thing she'd ever done, but the fact that she was hiding her relationship from her parents for three years definitely gave her multiple sleepless nights.
She tried to tell them several times when things were getting serious between her and Grayson, but everytime she would chicken out because she wasn't ready to choose between her family and the love of her life. She knew her family would never accept him no matter how perfect he was because he didn't share the same cultural background as her and she knew that if she chose him, she would be disowned within a second.
If someone would have asked her to choose between any guy and her dad even two years ago, she would have chosen her father in a heartbeat. There was even a time in the early stages of her relationship where she had made those cute little 'open when' cards for Grayson, giving them to him on their one year anniversary. She had gotten the idea off of pinterest and she remembers hesitating while making the 'open when you're getting married' card because she was so sure she wouldn't be the one that'd get to marry that amazing man.
Y/N knew there was zero way she would get to have Grayson as her husband no matter how much she prayed for it, so she didn't know what to write in that particular card. After going over words and crumbling four pieces of paper, she finally wrote just five words in the card and folded it shut with teary eyes. Grayson had a tendency to misplace things and there was a high chance this card would never even be opened by him, but she still made it and gave it to him.
Now fast forward to two years later, Grayson stood before her with one knee bent, holding a beautiful diamond ring with both hands and saying the most beautiful speech while she stood infront of him, absolutely bawling her eyes out and covering her mouth in shock. It was the eve of her birthday and she had just gotten off the phone with her family, during which Grayson had stood silently to the side, making sure to not make a single noice because he couldn't risk being heard by your parents. The proposal had come as a total shock to Y/N but there was no doubt in her head that she had to say 'yes' when she saw him getting down on one knee and flashing her favourite smile in the entire world to her. She didn't think about how she'd tell her family that she was freaking engaged, or about how they'd react to having Grayson as their son in-law, or if they'd even want to see her after she'd break the news to them. All she knew in that moment was that Grayson was her man, the love of her life. No other man could ever take his place and she just had to make him officially hers. Staying away from him was out of the question. She'd tried that and failed miserably. At this point, she knew they were meant to be together, that's all she cared about.
"Yes," she'd breathed, a choked sob escaping her lips when a tear rolled down Grayson's cheek. She got down on both knees in front of him and launched herself into his arms. "Yes, yes, I will marry you!"
He had not wasted a second in taking her face in his hands and kissing her lips with everything he had. They had each other, that was enough for now.
That year when she'd gone home for her Diwali, she had asked her mum and dad to sit with her and with a pounding heart and shaky breaths, she had finally told them about Grayson. She was very aware that this would be her last diwali with her family but she knew her love for Grayson was nothing to be ashamed about. She hadn't committed a crime, she'd just fallen in love.
"I'm marrying him before new years, dad." Y/N had lifted her head up from her lap, pulling out from under her high neck top, the ring that she'd worn like a pendant around her neck. The sparkle of the diamond made her mother gasp. Her father sat in front of her, motionless, not even looking at her. She knew she had really hurt her dad and his teary eyes were making her heart break into a million pieces but she couldn't reach out and comfort him. She didn't have the right to, anymore. "Dad, trust me, he's an amazing man! You would love him if you met--"
"Tell her to get out of my house." He'd commanded her mother and stormed out of the room, without spading her a glance.
"Mum please--"
"Don't call me that! You clearly didn't think about your mum while you were messing around with that American--three years, Y/N?! You didn't feel ashamed of yourself?! And today you came here to invite us to your wedding?! How dare you?"
So yeah, she got kicked out of her house on the night of Diwali. At least she didn't get a slap to the face..? She just booked a room in a hotel near the airport, preparing to fly back to her fiancĂŠ at the crack of dawn. He was waiting for her with open arms when she came home the next day, letting go of her travel bag and absolutely crumbling into his arms. Her broken sobs were muffled by the fabric of his shirt as he held her head against his chest, placing kisses on her forehead every now and then.
"I'm sorry," he kept whispering in her ear, feeling awful for being the reason his girl got dsowned by her parents. "I'm so sorry.
"He didn't even look at me, Gray! Called me a disgrace!" The pain was unbearable. She couldn't breath, her heart seemed too heavy and the image of her father's pain stricken face kept roaming her mind. "They hate me, Gray."
"They are your parents, Y/N, they can't hate you. They are just mad. They'll come around eventually." He didn't know whom he was reassuring, himself or her. This isn't how he had imagined his wedding would be, with no family member attending from the bride's side. He really wished he could take some of her pain away, but all he could really give her was a promise to always be by her side through everything. He promised her he would never leave her. Never ever leave her.
They were bound by fate after all.
Just a day before the wedding, when Y/N was looking for the personalised cufflinks she'd bought as a wedding gift to Grayson, she stumbled upon a fat envelope on Grayson's side of the wardrobe. Opening it in curiosity, she found all the 'open when' cards that she'd made for him all those years ago. All the cards had been opened except for one.
Open when you're getting married.
The words were written in cursive on top of the card, the seal of it was still intact, meaning Grayson had really listened to her instructions, despite the curiosity nagging him everytime his eyes would fall on the envelopes. She didn't even know he had kept all the cards, Grayson tended to lose things easily.
Looking at the card, she remembered that day she'd sat down in her living room with all these papers scattered around her, doubting if she'll even get to marry Grayson. And now here she was, sitting in her future bedroom that she'd share with her soon to be husband. She would be marrying the man of her dreams tomorrow. And even though her day wouldn't be perfect because of the absence of her family, it would still be her day. The day she would finally be Mrs. Grayson Dolan.
Y/N took the cufflinks out of the wardrobe and held the card in her hand, walking over to Grayson's wedding suit that still hung on the hook of the wardrobe, just about of be taken to the venue for the wedding. Smiling with teary eyes, she slipped the card into the pocket of his coat along with the box that contained the cufflinks. It was a miracle that she found the card just a day before the wedding. It was all fate.
And the next day, while Grayson was getting ready, Ethan informed him that his almost wife had kept a gift in the pocket of his coat and had asked him to tell Grayson that. The groom had eagerly shoved his hand into his coat's pocket and found not just one gift, but two.
The cufflinks laid forgotten on the bed when his eyes fell on the card and he hastily opened it, finally getting to see what was written inside.
Just five words that brought tears into his eyes.
I hope it was me...
He smiled at the words, his throat tight and eyes filled with tears as he read the words over and over. Their love was powerful, they were meant to be together and together, they knew they could conquer anything. Yes, the path they had chosen to take was not an easy one, but he knew deep in his heart that things would get better.
And thankfully for them, Y/N's parents finally came along two years later. The cause of that was the little bundle of joy that Grayson and Y/N had created together. Things were starting to look up again, Y/N's dad was smitten with her little baby girl and her family loved Grayson once they got to know him. These days, her dad has been trying to get his son in-law into Cricket so they can watch together on TV when the World Cup rolls around. Grayson, on the other hand, has other plans. The Best Husband In The World is now set to earn the title of The Best Son In-Law In The World too, what with sneakily buying tickets for the whole family to watch the World Cup finale in the freaking stadium.
"I've got the best seats! He's gonna have a great view of the whole thing." He beams as she lays her head on his chest at night.
"You didn't have to do that, babe."
"Oh c'mon, he gave his freaking daughter to me, I know how hard that must have been now that I have my own, it's the least I can do for him."
Needless to say, Y/N's dad is over the moon, watching the match from the stadium with Grayson sitting beside him. Gray looks so cute and hot cheering for her country, she would definitely have pounced on his had they not been with her family, sitting among what looks like thousands and thousands of people.
But it's okay. They have all the time in the world for baby making. He's all hers just like she's all his.
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