#I still think it’s funny tho how I can never create just One Character to exist on their own
jackobbit · 4 months
I think I have accidentally made a trio of DCA ocs
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msbunnat · 27 days
thank you for your answer, in any case I was already very excited by your comic and I cannot wait to read more about it!
I honestly cannot understand the people hating on your work. I feel like fandoms has been invaded by a wave of purity/moral policy that shouldn't exist anymore. it's even more wild to me knowing you're working on a greek myth, and the greek myths are KNOWN to have many versions. that's the beauty of them in my opinion, the way these authors all wrote their own versions and they passed them to us. I love the fact you picked Ganimedes, and you decided to explore both Zeus and him. And the mystery you keep about your relationship really makes me wonder which take you will follow!
and speaking of take, I really enjoy yours on Zeus. Gods are complex beings, and sure they're problematic (like duh) and bad, and everything but it's funny how people will decide which pick for who. Like everybody love Poseidon but oh boy, he can be as bad as Zeus people. So yeah, I am actually excited to read the way you're gonna write him! I don't hate Zeus, sure he does seem one of the "worse" when reading most of the myths, but my favorite thing is the way you can love one god in one story, and hate him in another. they're immortal beings. they're not just black and white. so I happen to enjoy when authors write Zeus as more than just a big bad villain. But I also enjoy when they just don't make him a "sweet lovely daddy".
Oh by the way, I didn't know the version of Metis abusing him and I'll have to look into it! We had a more "feminist" vision of her myth in my class, so it's not something that was talked about hmm.
Also, my bad for saying he died. It was a sum up because of him turning into a constellation. I cannot say we studied this myth so unfortunately I don't have sources to help you on it! It's assumed he lives on forever young but the fact he turns into a constellation is why people think he died?
Thanks! I want to post soon, but I'm so tireeed ;w; I prefer to make people wait and do a good job tho.
About the hate... People re affraid (artists have to much power kkkkk) and we live in a time that you need to share your opnion to get validation. In my case, they need to say that Zeus is bad and hate on him and me so they know they re on the rigth side and have good morals. And even after all this, I think its a good thing they just warning people, that way I can get to my real target that can enjoy characters more complex that re not good or evil, but mess up beings (that includes Ganimedes). And even if people in the end critizied my aproach, its also fine, I dont claim to be perfect and just hope that even to the mad ones, they feel inspired to create their version as well. I think they forgot that, like, they can have their version and will be as valid as mine, dosent matter the story.
(I really enjoy everything about Ganymede, if people go and do their versions, its a plus to me! More about him is best for me heheh. I came across two versions of Ganymede on tumblr and I LOVE BOTH!! I really want to do a fanart of the second one, but I'm a lil afraid if they dont want to interact with me, which is fair, but I'm just judging by the dark aproach on the myth, as a horror story).
Thanks for liking my Zeus u.u I'm really more found of him, as I think about his past, but I'm trying not to focus to much on him! He steals the scene to much!!!
About Metis, its not a version, but a interpretation. I'm looking to see if I find a sourse, but anyway, its intresting, since they met when Zeus was still young. And there re some greek myths with female abusers, so... its something.
Oooh! I see. hm... I never see the constelation as a death, so its not clicking with me, but I understand. Any way, I kinda dont like the constelation, for some reason looks wrong to me, but its a valid version and Im totally using the aesthetic kkkk
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gryphonlover · 2 months
I’m in a yapping mood so I’ve come to bother you (I’m so sorry), anyways here’s how I think the chain would play BG3:
Time- he has absolutely no idea what he’s doing. He falls for every trap and he accidentally kills characters he shouldn’t have because he trusted the wrong people. He definitely played the dark urge because he thought “that one looks interesting” but didn’t fully think that choice through, and he was TRYING to be a good person but he’s absolutely given into the evil thoughts by act 2. Doesn’t even realize romancing the characters is an OPTION until Lae’zel comes up to him like “i want you” and then he screams
Wars- He’s still stuck in character creator /j Fr tho he put HOURS into designing his tav and his created like, the most conventionally attractive mf out there (it’s definitely a paladin half high elf with that ONE specific face). He’d romance Wyll (best man in existence) or Lae’zel (terrifying lady). I’d say he plays it for the dating sim but he’s also INSANE and likes attacking people
Twi- He’d play a sweet little tiefling druid. He’s just there for the vibes, he just wants to pet the owlbear cub the rest of the game stresses him out (he’s a stardew valley kinda guy). He stays in the safety of act 1 and just runs around
Sky- he takes his bg3 incredibly seriously, he has over 700 hours. I think he’d be a cleric, every single time. He’s GOOD at combat, he’d good at building the characters, he loves exploring
Hyrule- Ranger. Romanced the emperor because he thought it was funny and then had a LOT of explaining to do when Legend saw he got a trophy for that. He just makes whatever he thinks the funniest choice would be
Legend- He’s one of the few who has the strength to play a different character every play through. He loves exploring the game and he’s romanced all the characters just to see how different they all are and he loves all their lore. Has more hours than Sky but pretends he doesn’t so he doesn’t get judged for being insane
Wild- Wizard or Sorcerer, either way he blows everything up. Pickpockets all the npcs for cash because he thinks its funny, makes HORRIBLE decisions because he’s curious to see what happens. Definitely doesn’t know you can pay Withers to revive people after they die-
Four- plays the exact same dragonborn fighter every single time, but each play through he does gets crazier and crazier until he’s making INSANE decisions and everyone gets the WORST possible endings, but he’s having fun and he likes being evil
Wind- he picked to be a sorcerer, but other than that he randomized everything else and ended up playing a hot pink gnome he named “Ronald”. He’s having the time of his life
This is the best thing I've heard ALL DAY. I'm not kidding. (And you can bother me anytime. That's why the ask ox is open. 👍)
I have to admit, I had the same reaction as Time when I discovered the dating part, and I've never even played the game. 😅
11/10, totally agree. They would love D&D so much, my goodness. Someone needs to make an LU version of that one episode of VLD where all the paladins play a one-session campaign. It would be complete chaos.
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meraki-sunset · 2 years
how closely would you say your trollsona represents/resembles you? i'm trying to make one and i'm not sure where to draw the line between them being their own character and being a representation of me. i'm asking you bc yours seems well thought-out and also i really like the design :D
I thinks it resembles me a lot in personality, tho not that much in appearance anymore since my hair has grown longer since i made her.
It's funny you mention it, the first trollsona i made ended up evolving into an oc, because it became more and more of a character of it's own, with a backstory, oc friends, etc. at some point it was no longer me and I grew out of it. the same happened to some friend's first sonas, they evolved into characters because we builded this whole world around them and detached from us.
Whit Meraki,l she represents me as a troll, she is to me like what "orange skin homestuck hussie" is to actual andrew hussie. When people say Meraki, they are talking about me, it's my internet name by now. The character Meraki is like an avatar, so i can insert myself in the internet, roleplays and in comics. my trollsona can jump through diferent scenarios and situations but in the end she is me if i was in those scenarions. it think that's what diferenciates a sona from an OC. For an oc you create everything about it, from design to backstory to relationships with other ocs. they exist in fantasy, while the sona, even as an alien or moster or wizard, it's you at it's core.
I personaly think of it kinda like reality shifting, as if i woke up in a diferent body or like in avatar (the blue aliens) where you jump into a diferent body to go to another planet. To me the character should look like you to some extent, and be like you in personality, react like you to situations, break the forth wall ever now and then. They can be an idealized version of you. maybe a little more extroverted, or composed, or brave, or have the hair you would like to have. At the same time maybe they have the same neclace you use every day, or dress like you do in real life, or like the foods you like, etc. Meraki is like me when i'm with friends, a little loud and bubbly, trying to make people laugh, while in regular everyday life i'm more introverted.
Meraki looks like me when i first made her, short sunflower hair and wears long skirts, and i never changed her design because i feel like that's still me even if i no longer look like that (i'm planing on cuting my hair short again at some point, i just like it how it is now)
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In the end it's all up to you. you might change and grow and your sona might change with you. you might outgrow it and create a new one and that's normal. With sonas you mix yourself with ficcion. To me they're like avatars in a videogame and it makes sence they won't always be or look like you
So to answer your question shorlty, if you don't know where to draw the line between you and character, try for it to be more you than a character, for it to be you in another scenario, in another world.
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fudgetunblr · 1 month
I've been thinking a bit about what alternative beginnings of the season they could've given the siblings, and here's some ideas I've had:
Luther was always number one, not necessarily because he was the strongest but because he was always the one most willing to please and be there for Reginald. He cared about his siblings, but he also cared about following protocol more. I think he'd want to be a part of a team, and therefore maybe he works in construction or something. He's not as strong as he once was, showcasing a life without powers, while still giving him something that felt meaningful to him. It ain't much, but it's honest work - and maybe that's what he needs. Also, he doesn't live in their old house obvi.
Diego always wanted to be a cop. Ik, Ik, ACAB, but it still would make sense for his character that despite his erratic behaviour, having kids and a wife and realising he needed to take care of them would calm him down a bit, leading him to a police job. It wouldn't be glamorous, and he could still want more. It would also showcase how he isn't as precise as he was without his powers, but still given him something that felt more meaningful.
Allison being a less successful actress feels correct. But having Ray walk out felt like such a disappointment. Perhaps instead either he died or she left him, showcasing that the Raymond in this timeline wasn't the same, and nothing was as it should. It would also make sense if she was really estranged from her siblings out of guilt. They try to pull that one, but they don't actually show it completely. Maybe she thinks they're madder at her then they actually are? Who knows. More self-reflection at the time-line she helped create.
Klaus being scared of everything was kind of interesting, considering he was once immortal. He didn't know it most of the time, but he also did drugs because of his powers. I like him starting this season off being clean, and also him just being extra careful. I don't think he would've gotten a job, he'd definitely mooch off of someone else, but perhaps not Allison. What if it was Luther instead? It feels like something he would do. Or Diego who forces him to babysit. They've never liked his bullshit, but I feel like Luther would've taken pity on him.
Five retires. Idk how, but he'd find a way. It would be a lot funnier seeing him just chilling out at an old persons home then have him be an agent. He's already done that shit, he's finished with all that.
Ben being a crypto-bro is so funny tho, idk, that can stay the same. And Luther picks him up from prison, and he's like "btw , Klaus lives with me" and we get some Ben and Klaus shenanigans.
Victor moving to Canada also feels correct.
I don't even know what I want Laila to do. I kind of enjoyed her being a stay at home mum, trying to do better than her own upbringing, but also showcasing how it's slowly killing her. Or perhaps she it content with it. Because just like five, she's spent her entire life running and flashing through time, maybe she enjoys settling down.
All this leads me to this - I don't like Ben spiking their drinks and forcing their powers back. I think it would be better if a real threat presented itself and they chose to get them back. Maybe Ben found the marigold and tried to talk Luther and Klaus into taking it. They tell him no, then someone, maybe Klaus, dies, and just like in the beginning, it's the thing that brings them all back together.
I love Klaus, and it would suck without him, but maybe seeing someone who has constantly escaped death so many times actually face mortality would bring a certain perspective. There's a threat (idk what that would be, something something, wrong timeline), and they're just not strong enough to defeat it without their powers. They don't want them back, they're content with their lives as they are, but they have to get them back now to save the world one last time.
Idk, that's just some thoughts. I think seeing them content and have shit ruffle up their lives one last time would've been an interesting way to return to. Alternatively, them being unhappy in the beginning, getting their powers back and then losing them again, because they recognise that they're happier without them. Just, any semblance of a character arc through the season and some introspective you know?
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cometcrumbss · 11 months
Have an au except I can't write
Okay think about it pjsekai x Infinity Train. Majority of the characters are average passengers or companions maybe except Mafuyu? Idk she COULD be the Amelia but hey, any OTHER character can be her. Also all of them follow VERY similar plotlines to season 2 cause of the whole companion stuff. And Miku is the conductor, I say no other words
- Ichika and Honami can be passengers. I'm not sure about Ichika but Honami is a passenger because she was bullied a lot and didn't know how to deal with it properly. So it's basically her learning how to be brave ig (I NEED to catch up l/n lore)
- Saki and Shiho are their companions. Shiho could be a kinda human but Saki can a cute little dog (or a corgi? hehe) and Shiho is from the school cart
- Maybe some Honasaki or Ichishiho?? Ichisaki, Shihonami and Polyneed works too
-I think Saki and Shiho might go to the real world with Ichika and Honami.
More More Jump!
- Everyone is companion except Haruka.
- Haruka joined the train after ASRUN disbanded
-the rest of the idols, Minori, Airi and Shizuku, are all part of the IDOL cart. They're all humans with some animal like features (Shizuku with cat ears and tail and minori having bunny ears)
- the moment minori saw haruka, she instantly fell in love with her (like in canon) and goes this whole journey of learning everything about her and learning lessons from Haruka about Idol(ing?)
- I think they do say goodbye but idk about Minori.
Vivid Bad Squad
- An and Kohane are passengers while Akito and Toya are companions
- Vbs kinda follows the premise of season 4, except An and Kohane didn't have the same numbers on their hand.
- Akito and Toya are from the street cart. MEIKO and Len are also there. Like in Canon, they both want to surpass RAD WEEKEND except Ken is different ig?
-Akitoya has their plot where they're actually rivals as they both want to surpass alone but they realize that they work really well together and in the end, they become partners
- An and Kohane actually meet from akitoya and similarly realize that work together well too and then pull a Ryan and Min gi thing where, in the real world, they're singing partners who travel across the world!
Wonderland x Showtime
- rui and nene are passengers while emu and tsukasa are companions
- ruinene were never close and actually had a pretty broken relationship
- rui was too insecure of himself and had low self esteem while nene couldn't hold long term friendships and just pushed people away a lot (rui being a victim unfortunately) and now the train brought them together to fix it
- tsukasa and emu are from the theme park cart along with Saki. They join them to bring some positivity and the four may or may not got way to attached to one another
- the four actually do get out of the train and become a theater troupe!
-I've realized that this sounds polysho, I don't ship it personally (I see queerplatonically tho 👀) you can interpret it as that :)
Nightcord at 25:00
- all of them are passengersbut separate and only meet after the train, their companion is kaito (kanamafu) cause that's funny and rin (mizuena)
- I don't really need to explain how they got into the train but Mafuyu has been in the train longer than anybody else and also has the longest number than anybody in project sekai does
- Kanade, despite being a passenger, does everything she can to save her, and unironically, it helps her.
- Mizuena has their own plot. Their relationship is similar to Canon except that Mizuki actually told Ena everything which got her out the train but Ena was still stuck
- Mizuki still stayed, and the two had to struggle with ups and downs of their numbers the most
- thankfully, they both left the train together and altogether, kanamafu and mizuena met through nightcord, creating the music group we know today
Lmao, sorry for rambling all of this, it's just fun merging your two favorite things together, I know the show is cancelled and all but prayers for the movie or season 5 🙏
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hello friends i accidentally angered the twst fandom on twitter so i’ll do it here too but explain things more thoroughly
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i haven’t read any of leona’s vignettes, i’ll admit that. i understand his background of being the second-born prince and that he knows he’ll never be king like his brother, however going into his overblot and afterwards, he always just seemed like a mopey character that just said “fuck it” rather than creating a spot for himself. we can’t all have everything we want but we can strive to do more with our lives than give up immediately.
i say floyd is annoying ✨lovingly✨ because i love the octavinelle dynamic (it would prolly be the dorm i’d be sorted into). however i just don’t like touch. not one bit. touch is so bad it sucks and i hate it. unlike kalim, i don’t think floyd would respect that boundary with me and would instead test it and that idea alone makes me kinda uncomfy with him (i love jade tho).
i get that vil is a celebrity and his public appearance is everything, but as someone that doesn’t exactly fit the beauty standards set by society, i think all he’d do is make me feel bad for who i am. i really hate how he forces epel to make changes to his personality and speech to fit vil’s standard of beauty. if it was just taming the aggression a bit, it would be fine, but it goes beyond that to the point where epel has to hold back who he is (and i’m also from a small farm town and i’d hate that)
rook is a genuinely terrifying character to me. i really don’t understand how we justify the stalking behavior. i’ve been stalked before and it’s terrifying to live through. his presence alone puts me into fight or flight mode.
idia reminds me of my roommate. they’re actually nearly the same person. my roommate gives me so much ick it’s not even funny (im stuck on the lease until it ends so no getting out of it yet). my discord kitten opinion is mostly just satire (but i wouldn’t doubt it if he had them).
malleus is an overrated character. for the time being. i think he definitely has some adorable character traits (his lab coat vignette just makes me smile). i am refusing spoilers for chapter 7 and any events that haven’t been released on eng server, so maybe my opinions of him can change. for the time being though, a lot of fan media has portrayed him as clingy and possessive, maybe even a hint stalkish, and i don’t mess with that. jealousy has never been attractive to me, especially after going through a very toxic and possessive relationship.
however my opinions are still controversial. this has made me realize i should prolly read some of the vignettes i’ve just skipped through because i might be missing some character moments.
still love heartslabyul and scarabia tho they’re perfect
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heloflor · 1 year
After getting into Mario with a more “fandom” kind of mindset, and more specifically getting a bigger interest in the RPG games, something that amuses me a lot are the people in youtube comments trying to argue that the Koopalings aren’t Bowser’s children.
Like, don’t get me wrong, I know Miyamoto retconned their link to Bowser. But the funny thing is, even to this day, Nintendo themselves are still writing those kids as if they were related to Bowser !
Seriously :
- In New Super Mario Bros Wii and Wii U, the Koopalings are attacking the castle along with Junior/Bowser, thus putting them on the same level of importance as Bowser and his son. The ending cutscenes do the same thing, especially the one in Wii U that just screams “they’re a family”. Plus, all the Koopalings serve as world bosses, which was kinda Junior’s role in DS, yet again putting them on the same level.
- In New Bros U, they all have their own ship. The only character to have a ship with their face on it before had always been Bowser.
- As I’ve seen someone point out in a comment section, the Koopalings are different skins of Junior in Smash Ultimate, again putting them on the same level as Bowser’s son. They might also be skins of Junior in Mario Maker 2 but I’m not sure on this one.
- In New Bros 2, they’re using a giant clown car, which is implied to belong to Bowser as Bowser and Junior are the only ones with a recurring clown car and Junior’s is too small. I doubt Bowser would let just about anybody use his car.
- On top of that, each has their own clown car in Smash.
- You know that icon/logo of his head thing that Bowser has (the one we see in games like 64 when we die) ? Bowser Junior had had one for a while now and more recently each Koopaling were given one (I think you can see them at Nintendo World in Bowser’s castle ?).
- Since they were originally created as Bowser’s children, they’re the same type of Koopa as him, and that fact hadn’t been changed in recent years. Hell, outside of Ludwig in Mario World and the fights in Superstar Saga, the Koopalings are never shown to breath fire, yet in the remake of Superstar Saga, they chose to keep the fire breath (except for Ludwig ironically enough). They could’ve easily removed the fire breath to make them more similar to Boom Boom, especially since Boom Boom has recently been shown with spikes on his shell, but they chose to keep this ability. Granted their shell plastron is different from Boom Boom, but that’s another design change Nintendo could make to set them apart from Bowser (giving them the same shell as Boom Boom to make it seem like they’re the same species, instead of keeping them as “Royal Koopas”).
In short, the Koopalings’ design wasn’t changed after the retcon, making them, Bowser and Junior the only members of that specific type of Koopa, thus implying they might be related. It’s also not helped by them having magic (which only Magikoopas and Bowser have) + being high-ranked members of the army. They might also be the only minors in the army, which raises a few eyebrows as to how they got the job (why would Bowser hire a bunch of children/teenagers to put in charge of his army ? Granted some like Ludwig, Roy and Wendy might be adults by now but I can’t bring myself to see Lemmy and Larry as anything other than teenagers).
- Saw a video of the bosses in Paper Mario Color Splash, and the minions (paratroopas) address Ludwig as “your evilness”, which is pretty reminiscent to how Bowser is called by his army, most notably by Kamek (“you grouchiness”, stuff like this)
- Baby Bowser and Bowser Jr are referred to as “young master” by Kamek. In the RPGs, the Koopalings are sometimes called “master [name]” (and “mistress Wendy”) when talked to individually. Note that both this point and the previous one are for the English version tho, not the Japanese one (no idea how they’re called in Japan).
- There’s that one Super Mario Adventures comic made in the 90s that was apparently re-released a few years ago (something like 2017-2018 ?), aka well after Nintendo retconned the kids’ relationship with Bowser (around 2012). Yet, in this comic, at least in the English version, the Koopalings are explicitly said to be Bowser’s children, with him saying he wants to marry Peach so they can have a mom + the kids calling him dad. And I don’t think they changed this dialogue in the re-release ?
- Bowser Jr’s Journey. Just, Bowser Jr’s Journey. After seeing all the cutscenes of this game, it is a crime that those kids aren’t related ! Hell there’s literally a moment where Junior pulls out the “I’ll tell dad !” card on Roy ! And let’s not forget stuff like the interactions between Junior and most notably Ludwig/Morton/Roy, Junior saying “us Koopalings” at some point thus including himself amongst that group, or stuff like him singing “I’m the one who wears the crown” making it sound like he’s saying “I’m the one chosen amongst the eight of us”. Then there’s the “family drama” vibe in the first half, the cute moments etc (Also unpopular opinion but after seeing that game, Ludwig should still be the heir of the throne. He has what it takes to be a fantastic king ! Granted Junior is still extremely young and could learn and mature.)
- Also about Jr’s Journey, the main conflict actually works a lot better if you imagine the kids to be siblings, with the Koopalings talking down to Junior because he’s the baby of the family + they resent him for taking the throne from them, while Junior is tired of his siblings babying him + he’s that kind of kid who orders the older siblings around because he thinks he has the power to do so. Them being siblings also justifies why Junior changes his mind so easily during the beach scene and then is quickly shown to be strongly attached to the others (getting happy when Iggy gets his memories back, ordering Ludwig to stay with him from now on, that whole adorable scene with Morton etc).
Meanwhile, if you see the Koopalings as nothing more than high-ranked underlings, it’s weird why they would have such an issue with Junior, the son of their king who is also their boss, and likewise it’s weird why Junior would take such issue with them only to have such a quick change of heart. Idk, I feel like if they weren’t siblings they probably wouldn’t spend that much time together, making both their whole conflict and strong bond a bit weird. And in general their interactions in this game read more as people who are widely different and wouldn’t usually be friends yet still love each other, which is the kind of dynamic many siblings tend to have (isn’t there a poll going around about whether you’d be friends with your siblings if they weren’t your siblings, and the option winning is “we wouldn’t be friends” ?)
- According to their page on the Mario wiki, during an interview revealing them in Mario Kart 8, Miyamoto used a word that means either “underlings” or “adopted children” when mentioning their relationship to Bowser (btw I know it’s the most popular headcanon anyways but them being adoptive children is just perfect. It would explain why 1. Some might be young adults while Bowser is younger than 40 depending on how old you see him, 2. Why they look so widely different from Bowser and each other, 3. Why Junior is the rightful heir).
- Also according to the wiki, the Italian and German versions of Mario and Luigi Paper Jam has mentions of them being Bowser’s kids, which I find hilarious. The translation teams didn’t give a fuck !
So yeah, when it comes to the Koopalings not being Bowser’s kids : who’s gonna tell Nintendo ?
(Side note about the whole idea of “Bowser clearly likes Junior more and neglects his older kids” : what if instead it was just that the Koopalings are teenagers/young adults now so Bowser is giving them their space + have them busy with royal duties, hence why he doesn’t spend that much time with them ? Plus, in all the examples that put the Koopalings on the same level as Junior, it’s pretty evident that they have the same privileges)
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I'm binging the Diasomnia chapters. Holy fucking shit-
I am keeping you updated!!!
Spoilers ahead!!!
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-Well I'm officially stuck with the "Sus goop" let's hope I can level up high enough. Idk how this will be possible tho. My chances look rather slim (12.9).
-HAHA, I DID IT!! (Barely). Waaaa Ortho is such a clever boy. Also mama and papa Shroud?! So cute!! I love mama Shrouds voice and I love how she immediately sprung into action. (14.9, 12:23)
-i'm sensing that I will see Ortho in his Cerberus gear soon (14.9. 12:30)
-WAAAAA IT'S SO COOL. Also wtf do you mean "password protected folders"
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-struggling a bit with sebek. I hope we'll be fine and I can get through this quickly (14.9 12:51)
-HAHA I DID IT. (14.9, 12:57) I also like how all battles with malleus so far have been unwinnable. Anyways I think the next chapter will be Lilia themed!! (55)
-Lilia is beating my ass due to my lack of floral characters :( I'm stuck, currently training his son (Mal) to Beat him (15.9. 8:23)
-gave in and payed the damm 10 diamond fee. It's all good because Baur and (general) Lilia face reveal!!! AND SILVER FINALLY SAID THE "F" WORD TO DREAM LILIA (father) (22:45, 15.9)
-Really loving the Macro aggression of Baur towards his grandson (23:21. 15.9 )
-I'm scared of the new battle mechanic....
-not Lilia usin his own child as BAIT
-why do the iron clads have tanks... (16.9. 21:50)
-LILIA PROTECTING SILVER, RAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! THE FATHERLY INSTINCT IS KICKING IN!!!! Apparently I ate up all the ENG Version had to offer so far. That means some resting time for me until the next chapters come out. (17.9. 9:01)
-"Even in a dream you're still my-" OH WHAT IF I DIED ON THE SPOT????
-okay I just decided to look at some fan translations to continue, here are my thoughts:
-Her and Lilia bickering is so funny, my god she is ruthless
-"Dragons can only hatch with the magic and love of their parents and only with true love" OH FUCK OFF I KNOW WHERE THIS IS GOING AND I DONT LIKE IT
Okay but same tho she's very pretty
-wooow silver is related to the knight if dawn who belongs to the SILVER owls. What a shocker.
-I love that the knight of dawn is just silvers facial render with longer hair and some blonde pigment slapped on to it. A for Effort
-Bro (Silver) is about to create a new ocean with the tears he's shedding. MF found out who he was related to and just decided to die on the spot.
-Omg silver is technically hundreds of years old??? Slay
-LILIA TRIED TO KILL LITTLE SILVER?! Or at least thought about it for a brief second, you know..
-"please don't, father. I don't deserve to be loved by you"
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i'm going to fucking explode what the fuck.
-Genuinely shut the fuck up Silver. I know you're going through an identity crisis but you are so worthy of love.
-The fucking acorn necklace. When I tell you I JUMPED FROM MY SEAT!
-"papa please stay healthy and we will stay together forever" SHUT UP AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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-"with this bracelet i fell like I could live another 1000 years" PLEASE STOP OH MY GOD
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just-a-carrot · 11 months
Okay, so I was just looking through some of your art, and I made an interesting observation.
You draw Iggy mouthless. Like, a lot. And a lot of the times when he does have a mouth it's a really small line/dot. And there's nothing wrong with that! I think, in your style, it works quite well and doesn't look too out of place. But it's really funny, seeing how the other characters around him are usually very emotive with their mouths, so it creates a very interesting contrast.
Thinking about it, it actually makes sense considering Iggy's personality. He's a shy, quiet, anxious little fellow, and I trust he probably has trouble speaking up for himself. So for him, not having a mouth actually fits him? If that makes sense. I also love how despite his lack of mouth, you still manage to make him so damn expressive? This is one thing I really wanna point out, you're really good at emotions, Carrot. You just have a way of expressing your characters' feelings that is both nuanced and yet very clear. I think your art style is just great in general? Like, I know you've said before that it might be a turn-off and it has to "grow on people", but I never disliked it. I thought it was very charming and unique, and I still do! Also, this is hard to explain, but I love how your art manages to be so simple and yet so detailed at the same time? Like, it's very clear and expressive and abstract, and yet it has all these little details, but they're never distracting, and only enhance your drawings!
Anyways, I got a bit carried away at the end, but I really felt the need to tell you thisjsjshsubsjens– but, yeah, that's about all, have a good day, Carrot! :D
you are not the first person who's commented on iggy's lack of mouth, so this is making me laugh a bit 🤣💦
i will admit that though i have always drawn iggy's mouth rather small (especially compared to the others), the complete lack of it is something that kinda evolved as production went on (similar to all the other character changes alkjdasf)
i've never really thought about why this happened, it's kinda just something that happened often when i drew him, i guess because it felt fitting and right for his face and expressions LOL but that's such a good analysis of it now that you've said it. it's true that he has a hard time speaking up and often just speaking in general...
omg you're gonna make me cry
i have indeed had a lot of self-conscious thoughts about my art throughout production, mostly because i know it's not very pretty and detailed like a lot of VNs. i also got a number of disparaging comments about it early on. so hearing that people do actually like it really means a lot to me... 🥺 i know that some of the early art especially is a bit rough (and the characters themselves have evolved a bit as well). this is part of why i'd love to clean up some of the earlier art later on in some kind of remaster... lol
but i'm glad that you like it it so much!! i feel really blessed that i have been able to find people who can like my art style! hearing stuff like that really makes my day ldkajfdas
so thank you very much!! 😭💕
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sasquach-scratches · 1 month
Unfortunately that poll of "Your Most Hated TES Game" has got me thinking again about my level of disgust across the series and tbh i kinda need to update that so I guess I'll use this to organize my thoughts lmao
For the record, though, I haven't played EVERY TES game out there and those I did weren't finished half the time
Anyways let's get into it
Arena-Actually, lemme separate them into categories cause can you REALLY compare them all equally given how different they are
The Eldest of Scrolls
Arena: Probably the only one of the old-school games I actually finished. Big ol dungeon crawler. Magic goes boom. Hard to really "hate" the game cause I don't feel too strongly about it which is funny cause it's technically the first TES game I played (I waited a month for Oblivion to arrive in the mail)
Daggerfall: Never finished it. As I understand, though, it's Arena but More. I think this is one I'd have stronger feelings about had i actually stuck to playing it till the end
Battlespire: Arena but More but Without the Extra Roleplay. Probably more polarizing but again, barely got an hour or so in lol
Dawnstar/Shadowkey/Stormhold: Never played, but want to (especially Shadowkey) I hear they're all full of jank tho so who knows if i'd enjoy it
The Modern Scrolls
Redguard: Never played.
Morrowind: Played a full game and got through half of another, but given how hogwild I go with the modern TES games it doesn't feel like it's enough to deserve that "Worlds Biggest Hater" energy from me. I do think the "combat sucks" thing is overblown, though. Not saying it's perfect but maybe y'all are too used to the actionized games and/or using the wrong weapon for your skillset. Do not like how easy it is to get lost cause if you don't have Mark/Recall or an Intervention spell you can't just jump to a familiar location.
Oblivion: In short, it's the first TES game I truly played. So I love it for that but also hate it for its shitass levelling and whitewashing of lore/the Empire in more ways than one. I love it more now because of how streamlined Skyrim is. I hate it more now cause it was definitely a low point for Bethesda's worldbuilding. LOVE the CC and I remember spending over an hour creating my first character then immediately rerolling cause oops I overdid it. It's my problematic fave
Skyrim: Love the OCs and the adventures I made for it. Hate the fandom it grew. Love the art direction in comparison to Oblivion. Hate the "gritty" filter put over it. Hate its shitass writing and quests. Love the addition of skill trees but hate their implementation. Absolutely LOATHE the downgrade to magic (idc if it's "story integration" it still sucks) Heavily dislike how little choice you get at CC as far as your skills go. 50/50 on the cosmetic side of CC cause on one hand you can't go ham on face creation but on the other you can change things like weight and nose/eye types but on the other other hand weight is just muscle mass unless you're using the fem body where it's SLIGHTLY thicker
Spinoff Scrolls 2: Finger on the Monkey's Paw Curls
Elder Scrolls Online: This one's...complicated just by virtue of being an MMO that's STILL updating. When I first played it, it was a breath of fresh air over the previous entries not just cause of different gameplay but because having multiple characters was an actual tangible thing in-game. I'm an OC whore okay. The story of the base game felt a LOT tighter, too, given it was actually linear. 'Course, the writing always felt really good or really bad and rarely was it in-between. Either way I got very, VERY invested in it in a way I knew I would never be able to experience again and I will never forget that. The CC is Phenomenal and easily the best one in any TES game so far. (Boob and ass slider? FOR MEN TOO???)
Lore also was hit or miss, with me being VERY appreciative of them touching things that Bethesda never bothered with if it wasn't for killing (i.e. types of food, clothing, toys, etc) but also while the lore team did consult with Bethesda there were and still are some glaring oversights that feel like they shouldn't have happened (especially earlier in the game's life) Given there's still some hiccups I'm guessing the Bethesda team doesn't actually consider it very important (makes sense, the main games also bend lore for the sake of gameplay/Todd's whims A LOT, just look at Oblivion lmao) I also love love love that they touch on the weirder topics, even if sometimes it's done in a way that feels too...on the nose? idk how to explain it
Recent ESO, though? Writing got more and more bland, with some standout sidequests. Lore still hit or miss so that's whatever. I stopped caring for the gameplay after...Orsinium?...when I gave up on relearning how to play with the regular changes to combat. Gave up trying to fit my OCs stories into the new content too, even with new characters (helps that they're not as developed lol) Still play out of habit but I defo think it fell off and this recent change to the yearly content doesn't seem to be helping but then I haven't touched new content since High Isle lmao
Legends: Seemed interesting but never played it much lmao, lore/story seems to follow ESO's example of being hit or miss from what I saw
Blades: It was okay I guess. Another game I developed a habit for then promptly dropped after I finished building and upgrading my town. It's a mobile game so idk what I expected, annoying ads begging for money abounded. I did all of it without paying a single cent on my Switch and it was a slog but I did it. Pretty meh about it tbh
Castles: Looks cute. Never played it and probably never will.
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vermillion71401 · 9 months
I still don’t get the reason why Prof. Saiga and Prof. Stronskaya made the paper. What are they aiming with that? Did I miss something? And conflict coefficient is too much like crime coefficient. This is personal reason, but honestly conflict coefficient is much more reasonable than Sybil. At least, they don’t judge based on how cloudy people are.
I like Saiga and Kougami relationship, and for once we get to see Kougami use Keigo.
No hate, but idk some people debate over Kougami calling Frederica by her name. Akane also called her like that too, except she always use -san, like she did with Shion-san. Kougami also address Shion with her name and nothing happen. He’s just comfortable with both of them, I think. (idk how close they were, need novel)
Why Azusawa never appear on this movie? I thought since we don’t know anything about him in PP3 we somehow have explanation in PPP, with Shindou especially. Well, I despise PP3 anyway, pls don’t ask me why. I appreciate PP staff work tho.
Sugo is cute, loyal hound to his inspector. He’d make quick call, inform anything suspicious to Akane.
I find it funny Kougami act childish in this scenes:
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He clearly keep his distance from Akane and div 1 after he and Akane’s convo late night call, even Saiga asked him. He only dare to look at her face again after their body almost exploded with c4, meanwhile Akane from the first time act as if nothing happen. Nice writing, I guess.
Until PPP, I think so many characters have died. And their death is almost have no meaning nor progress to the story (yet with Saiga’s case). PP is dystopian anime, I get it, the story is dark and tragic, I get it, but why they shown so many death after s1? No, it’s not meaningless, it’s actually create situation or drama (for ex Sugo killed Aoyanagi), but not with audience. They don’t make us fully feel related or attachment to the character, but suddenly they’re gone. (like entire div 3 on PP2.) This is just personal opinion, but Saiga’s death is kind of ashamed, they shouldn’t just kill him as a mere bait for Peacebreaker, it’s too bad. There’s so much potential to his character in the future instalment if they ever make one  :’(
Akane running away to fallen Saiga is kinda throw me off. Why not help Kougami or Frederica first? This is out of character. The old Akane would never.
I like that Akane bursts in front of Kougami in elevator scene. When it’s just the two of them, she actually lower her wall because in my case, I never want to cry in public or in front of strangers. Well, she cried near the fountain holo before though, but you get the point.
Kougami sympathy to Akira.
Akira is precious, that’s it. Everyone who watch it already know why.
Just for a brief second, I can see Akane’s eyes shaking when she heard Kougami’s tone on the call. She must be aware he’s in pain.
The scene where Tonami had possessed Akira, Akane could have done so much more or at least TRY something. Where’s the badass Akane we always adore?
Akane always have puppy eyes for one man and one man only. Guess who?
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Those puppy eyes can kill me.
Also, I find this script is irrelevant. In the hospital, first Akane relief that Kougami is unhurt, then suddenly he said ‘my mistake’? Why is he suddenly apologize, lmao.
Sybil is a bitch. After Yabuki and Shindo’s tasks done, they told Shindo to just die. Sigh.
I HATE that Tonami has low CC. In s1, we only learn that people with low CC can’t even commit crimes except being asymptomatic, and suddenly this new villain who basically terrorist has clear hue just because he feel sympathy to low life and wants fairness for them (cmiiw). He kill people for God’s sake! This shows inconsistence of writing and will create plot hole in the future. And for Akane’s case, I tolerate it probably because Kasei isn’t actually human.
Akane is so strong, she has been shot twice by Tonami, yet she can speak clearly, even sit. Meanwhile we can find waver in Kougami’s voice on that call (he only get one bullet on his thigh.)
I find this interesting.
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Akane is NOT aware that Tonami is about to shoot her. If she knows, would she see Kougami’s sin differently? But after much thought, I think it’s still wouldn’t change a thing, because she wants to arrest Tonami. But dude, Kougami shoots because he can’t lose her, if he shoots his leg or hand or whatever, anything could happen and Akane would’ve been died. If I were him, I’ll shoot his head also without hesitation. I wonder if she understand that she’s at stake.
Who transfer Sugino to SAD? Akane?
Imagine Kougami’s feeling when he can’t do anything to stop Akane. Wow.
Akane’s decision to do that is actually admirable, she honour Shindo and Akira’s death.
This is the end of my chattering. I hope I’m not seen for being a pathetic shipper. I love psycho pass as anime.
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de4dlyniightshade · 8 months
heyy :) erm im gonna fangirl really quick and then the request will be at the end incase you wanna skip to that part or anything, lol. okay so this is very much unnecessary and unasked for and blah blah but i don't care! i believe writers need to hear how much we appreciate them and their works because whew mama! ive been trying to write fics for like months and it actually is so horrible. i genuinely start to angrily vibrate bc my thoughts don't flow on the notes app. but i just wanted to say, nightshade, (ehehe that's so cheeky and silly for some reason) that i reallyyy love your work. its actually like horrific how much your writing just makes me so 😜😊🤭 i know you're not like a celebrity or anything, so it's gonna be weird with this like mini parasocial relationship thing, but please know your work has an impact !! a few months ago, i did something extremely bad and out of character while i was spiraling, and i decided that the best decision for me would be to quit using social media. (and beforehand i had quit using tiktok for like 7 months already and i wasn't that addicted to my phone but i still was consuming negative media) so, ofc, i stopped completely for a good month or so and only ever using youtube every now and then. buttttt, one of the first social media platforms i came back to first... was tumblr! it's actually so silly too because i only used tumblr like 4 times beforehand so i was quite new. but anyway anyway (im a yapper UGH) i really found that your posts had made me feel happy :) idk they kinda reminded me of myself before i went big bad that one time and it made me inspired to go back to how i used to be... u get me?? you're writing literally haunts my brain oh my lord it should be illegal to read your stuff because afterwards i literally have this crazy ass urge to read more and more and more. im lowkey an addict cause i be having my deadlynightshade withdrawals. the way you write is just so 😫 gosh, it's beautiful. i also love ur sillyness because like ME TOO. your random little posts are so me coded and i love it. YOU'RE SO FUNNY 😭 uhmm i just wanted to say thanks for being super cool and talented because believe it or not, the stuff you put out makes me really happy! (that was so melodramatic like mf they write about spencer being a pathetic pussy drunk bitch why are you saying it changed ur life?? its true tho.) erm yeah that's the end of that part i just again wanted to thank you 🙏 i wish we were friends SO BAD like you're actually awesome what the fuck.... but like how do u even become friends w ppl?? LMAO ERM ANYWAY 😍 can you write a blurb or h.c or something (honestly anything will make me happy) about valentine's day?? 🤭 basically spencer being SO FUCKING SHY because you can't stop touching his hands or hair subtly or like kissing his cheek leaving marks from lipstick or like getting him his favorite snacks/drinks/books/textures/ basically a gift that made u think about him?? ugh or him doing the same with you like him being the best fucking nerd boy ever and spoiling you so much like he goes ape shit spending well over his funds limit but it's worth it because it's you? or like sweet soft cutie pie sex? at the end of the day and he's like... Erm.. Pussy for 1 please! you were so pretty today... You always are-! (I'm mentally ill and writing this at 8:37 pm on a thursday night.)
this is. the sweetest shit anyone has ever said to me i actually cried ngl to you.
i'm genuinely so thankful for the little community i have created here i never expected such an insane amount of positivity and love from people just for the whack ass shit i write but that's probably just my perpetual self hatred and disbelief that people enjoy anything about me🤞
i think it's crazy how people on the internet who have never met me, don't know me, what i look like, or anything can treat me better than any of my friends have and i'll always be thankful for that.
ALSO! i love being called funny pls kiss me i never think i'm actually funny istg
i was also planning on writing a valentines fic ALREADY but this made me wanna write it even more as a thank you for this message it genuinely made my week(can't promise it ON TIME for valentines but i can try!)
i'm also so glad that my work and blog makes you happy, there's no privilege greater than making someone smile even when they don't feel like it</3
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necroangelz · 4 months
haiy ., 🪽 pleas😓‼️ /nf
『 🪽 』
infodump about an oc
I'll be discussing a newer oc in this post, riamu yumemi......! yea she's based on the im@s character so what... i used the character's name and used her appearance as inspo as well but that's about it. others may find unintentional similarities between the two though
i know nothing about im@s riamu it just... felt right to me to make the oc based on her ig? idk anyway here we go
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picrew linkie melanin added by yours truly
so this riamu is a mad scientist girly who is absolutely Not professional enough for her job! she never follows lab safety precautions, none of her experiments are legal, she constantly causes explosions or invents a new virus on accident or creates deadly military weapons and she's an absolute liability to the corporation she works for. not that they can fire her though :) she's too valuable to them :) and bad things will happen if they fire her :)
not only that but she's also a nightmare to be around
she has very volatile and explosive mood swings and sometimes lies about shit for fun and makes people vaguely uncomfortable and she kiiinddd offf has a god complex?? but come on she's just a silly hyper girly :3 she's not really mean to people she's just .... a lot to handle and overwhelming
riamu is obsessed with presenting herself in a certain way, rn she's trying to present herself as a quirky and cutesy anime girl. she dyed her hair to stand out more and she dresses up in jfashion... even when she's at work. its obvious she forces herself to behave differently too. she forces herself to be outspoken, bubbly, charismatic, and basically just super duper different. she wants to stand out and make an impression on people's minds and god she does it so well. her behavior gets on people's nerves but lots of people end up being intrigued and drawn to her even tho they dislike her. so instead of disliking her they end up loving her too
speaking of love riamu is . absolutely desperate for love but she can't keep a relationship to save her life. instead she chases after unattainable beings that she can't even date, including:
1. the cute lady who recently gained superpowers and goes around and fights crime (i inserted this character bc i thought it would be funny to make this a universe with like stereotypical superheroes and villains and shit). riamu is very obsessed with her and claims that the superhero is in love with her too but that's... really not how it is. riamu keeps a collection of "proofs" proving the superhero reciprocates her feelings and she's really just reaching so hard man. the superhero avoids fighting riamu and battling her because any interaction or confrontation at all will just enforce riamu's beliefs that they're in love
2. an AI system created by one of her co-workers that's meant to help around the laboratory. riamu please stop trying to seduce the lab's AI and turn it evil. it cannot feel any type of attraction and it would be largely inconvenient if it attempted to commit omnicide against humans and the whole planet
3. speaking of AIs that commit omnicide riamu also has a fictional crush on AM from i have no mouth and i must scream.
that's all i have to say for now about riamu. extra fun facts about her:
- she permanently cured her own bad eyesight on her own but she still wears glasses as an accessory
- she wears an eyepatch sometimes but everyone knows damn well she doesn't need one
- some comments her co-workers have made about her: "i don't like thinking about her." "she's fun but... you really can't take her anywhere." "id say she'd be benefited by therapy but nothing can help her anymore." "she owes the corp 10 zillion dollars" "i think everyone should be less critical of her" "the other day she tried to stab everyone in the room and then herself. this isn't the first time this happened." "she's helped the entire country with her innovations but also she's capable of destroying the whole planet" "she's a genius! :3" "I'm subscribed to her onlyfans"
okay that's all goodbye!
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spacedlexi · 10 months
hey same anon from yesterday!
first off, good luck with your assignments, Killin myself out here too.
And thanks for the advice! I’m trying to make it canonical while in a modern au, so since this was a mainly S1 part of the series, Clem’s parents + Lee’s wife nonsense still happens, just navigated differently. Different dates obviously happen, some characters are less prominent and others are more (i.e St. John’s useless, or Larry + Lee’s family roles/created)
For the personalities, some characters are just easier to write I think. I’ll never understand the Violet southerner thing, a telltale sight for me is if someone messes that up. (Also basically every story has Minerva as a total asshole so that’s funny)
I tried to implement game lines too, while putting it in modern context! And the end of the day you’re right, it is MY choice, just want to have it look nice. Again, thanks and good luck!
using lines ripped from the game can definitely be helpful, especially if it feels natural in the scene, i would just be careful in not leaning on it too much. adding a twist to it definitely helps. but really try to pay attention to the cadence with which characters speak. theres a rhythm to Everything. do they stutter when theyre nervous? do they use a lot of filler words? do they hesitate at all or do they speak confidently? do they enunciate? stuff like that. if you can figure that out it makes it easier to write dialogue that really feels like its coming from that character. think about the different ways multiple characters may express the same idea. how does it get filtered through their heads and mouths. its less about What the character is saying and more How theyre saying it. believability and all that. to me it feels like pulling off a magic trick
it really is just a delicate balance of behavior and vocabulary. its why i try to cut a lot of slack to writers when it comes to fic. i know its a hard line to walk, and i'll give points for getting Enough right. especially for characters we dont see much of. thats why even tho it annoys me a bit i understand why so many people write minnie as being a possessive asshole and not much else. its why i end up going down the rabbit hole trying to figure out who she was before the delta. like we Know she was a different person, we just dont know much about that person, and the experience/thought process that she had that turned her from the "didnt even like killing walkers" never mind the darkness minnie into the minnie that killed her sister. i find her to be a really interesting character because its obvious she still cares about the ericson group in some fucked up way (sans clem she just sees her as an obstacle to getting them back) and i Do wish that depth was examined more in fics. but maybe im just not reading the right ones
ANYWAY i hope this has all been helpful and good luck with your writing 💕
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antiloreolympus · 2 years
9 Anti LO Asks
1. I know nothing about this, I just stumbled onto your blog and started reading, but I saw a post where (presumably) the author said that Aphrodite and Persephone... weren't skinny? They're tiny??? Wtf
2. I love long-haired men so much I never thought I would consider a long-haired man ugly. But goddamn, Hades still looks ugly even with long hair, even to me. That's impressive... are you, like, alive, btw?
3. You know, in the new currently fast pass chapter... Kronos takes over Hades and makes him say stuff to Thanatos? Right, but then he goes, "What's wrong, don't want Persephone to be your new mommy?" Which is terrible writing enough on it's own but then you HAVE to consider that PERSEPHONE HERSELF IS YOUNGER THAN THANATOS, SOMEONES WHOSE MEANT TO BE HADES' SURROGATE SON (who he treats like shit). Like, Hades is more than old enough to be a father but Persephone only JUST turned old enough to maybe be a mother! Which really makes you realize, Hades isn't old enough to be her dad, he's old enough to be her grandpa. Disgusting. Like, there can't be any defense for this 💀
4. tbh i think eris is a shit character and a hamfisted plot device. she could have been added so much better.
5. My personal criticism with LO has mostly to do with the art style. Like yes the writings kinda trashy but trashy can still be good if its coupled with great visuals and characters. The problem is that the arts just pathetically inconsistent. You can't even blame webtoon for it since she has a few assistants. I'm an artist myself and even tho I don't draw for a living, I know it's fairly easy to create simple character charts and reference sheets. Some people say it's not that bad but god the inconsistency in the characters appearances can ruin chapters for me.
For example, the fact that Persephone sometimes has siren eyes, doe eyes, full lips, no lips, extra body fat, less body fat, a button nose, or a longer nose is ridiculous. It drives me nuts when people call the art amazing, because it's just not. And it seems like all of her aesthetic details (IE wardrobe and colors) are all very surface level, aside from Minthe/Persephone and Hades contrasts.
Demeter being green and purple makes some sense, but then her daughter being neon pink ONLY is weird. Hades being blue and winter-esq makes some sense since there's no sun in the underworld, but the ENTIRE underworld being the same blue and black is just ugly. Zeus being a royal purple? Makes sense. Hera being gold? That too. They're the only color pallets that actually correspond with personality, yet they're wasted with basic wardrobes and character development.   Ares being gold makes sense GENETICALLY, but not in practicality. Same with Hermes being red. Plus, she seems to assign colors to characters at random without even seeing how they build off of each other, let alone their own personalities.
I don't think people really get how important color and wardrobe are in stories, especially visual ones. You should be able to look at a character and immediately understand what they're about, even if it's subconsciously. But Persephone is often in bright happy colors and tight clothing even in times of stress or depression. Artemis is always in workout gear or her uniform. Minthe is more in "sexy" clothing, which is fine, but her colors don't change with her mental state.
Another problem I have is again with Persephone. Her wardrobe isn't even picked out by her, it's always by others/magic. She never really gets to visually tell us how she feels other than her glaringly obvious vines and eyes. Like, I could deal with a visual crutch if the writing was good or vise versa, but when they're both lacking it just sucks.
I see a lot of people say the same things I wanted to, like how creepy Perse and Hades are, how Apollo wasn't handled well, yada yada yada. Anyway Hades is creepy and Hera, Minthe, and Demeter deserve the world ✌🏼
6. It's really funny bc I've been reading some of the scenes of Hades' problematic action (esp the latest fast pass) and he literally talks like my abusive dad and my ex groomer. Like hm maybe your male lead having the same verbal manipulation tactics as actual abusers isn't the best. But oh my bad Hades is still a perfect man /s
7. something that makes me angry about demeter is that we are supposed to see her as an abusive or controlling mother ( i know that controlling mothers is an obviously bad thing ) but all her reasons are a good part of the time valid?
She doesn't want her child dating a 40y + man who she knows for like 11 days +++ someone who was literally a horrible person with her until the point she cried .
And lets not forget about the slaver owner thing 🥺 demeter knows hades more time  than persephone, obviously. It's not something bad if you dont want your TEENAGER daughter next to a grown old man who the only thing he thinks about its her "small petite thicc pink body" 😁
8. i just wanted to say that i really love your blog, like whenever i look at it i feel better. idk if thats kinda weird since its an anti blog but it just kinda brings me euphoria. ty!
From OP: Thank you so much! I’m glad my blog can be beneficial for you. /pos
-----FP Spoiler-----
9. 220 spoiler: full fuckin disrespect, we all know Kronos wants Persephone rather than Hera as his “golden traitor”, because fuck every other god/goddess, the only ones that matter are Hades and Persephone!!
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