#I still think about you often
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cybertron-after-dark · 4 months ago
Average transformers g1 episode:
Megatron is attempting to black out the entire sky across a hundred mile radius and funnel all the sunlight into one, concentrated solar death ray to target a heavy duty solar panel he's having soundwave and the cassetticons build in order to convert it to energon. Then he plans to hit the autobot base with the death ray just for funsies. Starscream plans to push Megatron directly into the death ray, also just for funsies.
Optimus sends Wheeljack and Spike to deal with it, along with two bots you're pretty sure have not been in this show before this point, but you're kind of past asking how many of these fuckers were on the ark offscreen when it crashed. One of them has the worst fake Canadian accent you have ever heard, and the other's name sounds inexplicably dirty.
Starscream tries to get Megatron to stand in the spot he told Skywarp and Ramjet to direct the death ray, but is interrupted when Rumble asks why Starscream stuck him with extra work (a task Megatron assigned specifically to Starscream). This vexes Megatron. The autobots show up and try to figure out what the point of the blacked out sky is while Starscream attempts to talk his way out of it. Then the death ray goes off two feet away from Megatron, which only pisses him off further.
The Canadian bot yells "AH BINARY-BEAVERS!!" because the death ray caught him off guard and completely gives away the bots' position. Soundwave immediately fires on them. Gratuitous robot violence ensues. Spike is generally useless and tries chucking rocks at Rumble. Megatron is too busy trying to almost-murder Starscream to bother with the autobots and just lets Soundwave handle it.
Probably-an-innuendo-name-bot is luckily a flier and takes the chance to see what's blocking the sun now that their cover's blown anyway. He gets up there and the seekers are sticking tinfoil on the clouds to make the tops reflective. The writers are really just hoping you don't think too hard about it.
Skywarp starts firing on dirty-name and calls him a nerd. Dirty-name takes evasive action. Skywarp runs out of ammo and starts just chucking tin foil at him. Dirty-name calls him dumb and says his processor is made of spare toaster parts. Then he crash lands and canada-bot asks if dirty-name's wings are spare toaster parts as well. Wheeljack yells that they'll all be spare toaster parts if they don't focus on the decepticons. The death ray goes off again and barely misses the autobots. Wheeljack corrects himself to Melted spare toaster parts.
Dirty-name gives Wheeljack the rundown on the tinfoil clouds so he can figure out a way to get rid of them while Canada-bot fights Soundwave and the cassettes in the background. Spike is kind of helping too sort of almost. Those rocks hes chucking sure are damaging. Ravage gets straight up drop kicked. It cuts back to Wheeljack whipping up a good old fashioned Device™️.
Starscream flies up past the tinfoil barrier while Megatron shoots at him. All the holes he's shooting in the blackout barrier are just making more, slightly shittier death rays and the main one is losing concentration. One of them hits Megatron right in the optic and he keels over with an over the top screech. Starscream descends, breaking another hole in the tinfoil to see a golden opportunity.
Wheeljack finishes his Device™️: A grenade that makes tinfoil entirely invisible, thus rendering the whole weapon unusable. The writers are hungover, please do not think about it too hard. Pretty please. Dirty-name doesn't know if he can throw it into one of the holes in the barrier on his own since he can't fly in robot mode and he cant throw in altmode. Spike offers to get on his back and throw it in for him if he can get close enough. And he's just SO good at throwing things. The other two agree he's their best shot, they're so happy spike is around, couldn't do it without him.
Starscream is hovering in the air as he gives his Decepticon Leader Acceptance Speech he's prepared for this very occasion, golden light streaming in from the him-shaped hole in the barrier. Dirty-name and spike zip past him and spike makes the best goddamn throw of his life. Before starscream can properly question the Fucking Audacity of these autobots interrupting him while he's trying to have a moment, the invisible explosion goes off that the animators are just happy they don't have to put that much effort into drawing. Starscream gets knocked out of the air and crashes directly onto Megatron. This vexes Megatron.
Sky's normal again. Don't worry that there's still tinfoil there, don't even fuckin worry about it dude. Spike and Dirty-name touch back down. Round of applause for spike for throwing super good. Wheeljack comments that he's just happy it blew up the way it was supposed to. Cue uncomfortably long laughing. Megatron manages to roll starscream off him and calls for a retreat.
Back at the decepticon base, Megatron has an eyepatch and is skulking. Starscream yaps about how it makes him look like a proper tyrant, brooding and battle scarred, and, dare he say, darkly handsome? This vexes Megatron.
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cosmicredcadet · 4 months ago
I wholeheartedly believe that the last thing that should be said in response to aspecs hating their identity is "don't worry! Aspecs can still do X, Y, and Z" and I'm so fucking serious about this.
The least helpful thing you can do to someone who have not accepted their aspec identity yet is give them ways to compensate for it. If an aspec person is upset over not being able to enter a romantic relationship, the last thing that should be done is to tell them they can still enter one or instead enter a QPR - not because that's not true but because that is quite literally going to stunt their ability to accept their aspec identity. Telling them they can instead enter a QPR when they're upset over the lack of romantic relationships is at MOST a bandaid for the main issue. Instead of them coming to accept their identity and accept who they are you have instead handed them an amatonormative alternative on a silver platter that allows them to pretend they still fit into amatonormativity without every deconstructing it. This is how we get QPRs getting shoved into an amatonormative framework - these people NEVER got over the "I'm sad that I'm aspec" phase because they were handed alternatives instead of given actual support in deconstructing their internalized aphobia, self hatred, and amatonormative biases.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year ago
To any disabled person undergoing tests to find What's Wrong: I hope your results come back the way you hope and that you receive the help you need. I hope you are not denied care, I hope you are taken seriously even after this, and I hope that you will be taken care of compassionately
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kaiserouo · 8 months ago
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turtleblogatlast · 7 months ago
Something about this kind of swimming getup for characters always immediately gives me transmasc vibes. Blue swim trunks and a tank top? Sorry man my brain already connected the dots. The vibes are there, and they’re not leaving.
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tinyfantasminha · 3 months ago
I don't want to keep clogging my blog with vent posts but uh... I guess this is a more general concern/observation
But it's getting real hard to stay motivated in fandom spaces when there's little compensation, and annoying occurrences are more frequent than good ones.
Mainly there's been less engagement/people showing interest in creators and their art (such as sending asks, making comments and reblogging with tags) and MORE parasocial interactions. This goes for both artists and writers.
Over this year I've noticed a vast disinterest within my public in general. Asks about ocs, my art, or just nice simple comments of ''I love your art'' has been getting more and more scarce. My follower number is bigger than 2-3 years ago sure and I get more likes on my posts but they are feeling more like just numbers and statistics than actual people who supposedly like my stuff.
And while people being parasocial with creators has always been a thing, I feel like it's gotten way worse... in general? People sending personal pictures out of the blue in hopes of being validated, unwanted psychological advice or assumptions about the creator without any established connection first ( <- these happened to me in the same week.) ventdump, just insensitive/lacking of common sense comments in general, unreasonable demands (mostly with writers)... I wondered at first if it was just me, but a handful of mutuals/acquaintances who are artists and writers seems to be going through it as well.
It's annoying. It's tough. It's getting exhausting. Creators pour so much of themselves into their work—countless hours, effort, and passion, all to share something meaningful or entertaining with others (and for FREE) The LEAST anyone can do is show respect, even if opinions differ. When a writer posts a fanfic, don't just say ''omg post next chapter!'', when an artist posts a drawing of their favorite character, don't just say ''omg draw (character) next!'' as if they're faceless content machines that are expected to churn out more '''content''' for you without acknowledgment, encouragement, or appreciation.
''I want to support creators but I don't know what to say and I feel intimidated by their talent so I just lurk silently :((('' I swear to you, no creator (at least not the majority) is making up an intimidating persona to discourage you from interacting with them. They WANT your comments. A single ''I love your art/writing/videos'' or even something as silly as ''I want to eat your art'' is enough to keep a creator sighing dreamily for WEEKS. It doesn't have to be deep! It's heartfelt and that's what it matters!! (Just remember to keep it relevant and thoughtful... It takes just a bit of common sense NOT to comment things like ''this looks like (another character)'' or ''this but with (another unrelated ship/character/show)''. No one wants to hear comparisons or unrelated ideas when they’ve poured their soul into something.)
In fact, the ''I like your art but I think you're intimidating'' feels more hurtful than flattering. It makes me feel like I'm doing something wrong, acting wrong. 💀
If you love that fanfic that changed your brain psyche forever and want to gush about it, go tell the writer. If you loved so much a piece of art that you saved it a million times in your phone and can't stop thinking about it, go tell the artist. Push away the ''they probably won't care about my comment/it won't make a difference'' thoughts. DO IT NOW. You won't know when they might go inactive forever or deactivate. You can't know if that is the last piece they will ever post. Make sure you show appreciation to creators NOW, while they are still here. While they're still not being replaced by AI.
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solifloris · 2 months ago
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i want to protect you, but i don't know how i should do that. — yves olade, 'sugar apple' / love and deepspace / lee know (stray kids), 'limbo' / plave, 'wait for you' / love and deepspace / ibn hazm, 'my heart' / yves olade, 'sugar apple' / love and deepspace / maggie nelson, 'bluets' / love and deepspace / sakkaira
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ruporas · 2 years ago
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all I wanted was to save them... (ID in alt)
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Something something every time Charlie isn’t fighting to be the center of attention, he is always looking around to others to gauge their reactions and silently observing them all something something he is searching for connection, to fit in and be loved but he doesn’t know how to ask for love so instead he gains their attention by acting out in ways he knows they’ll notice and tries to pretend their attention and love are the same thing
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#Charlie knows how to push people’s buttons just right to make them pay attention to him because he’s always observing them first; like he’s#not as reckless as we all think he is; he’s fairly smart and also#like Charlie seems so emotionally intelligent in the way he can gauge most peoples reactions from observing them and I think that’s why he#liked keating because keating didn’t act the way he expected and so it was amusing and enthralling to see someone he couldn’t clock#keating would do weird things and Charlie would watch in amusement and he would try to push Keatings buttons in the ways that would make#other teachers upset but they all just slid off Keatings back without him getting upset so Charlie had to try harder but keating seemed to#praise him so Charlie actually started getting what he was craving and so he tried to do something big for keating only to be confused when#keating didn’t like what he did; but then Keating still gave that unconditional support even tho Charlie didn’t get the right action and I#think that’s at the root of their relationship like you can’t have the keating and Charlie dynamic without Charlie being smart#charlie dalton#dps#dead poets society#dps fandom#dead poets fandom#like it’s so interesting to watch him in scenes not about him cause it feels like he is such a more dynamic and complex character when you#do cause we all say he doesn’t know how to be quiet but so often he is silently in the background watch and observing like the walking#scene is a good example and idk I just feel like Charlie is silent and observing more than we think he is we just don’t realize cause he is#so loud in his other moments we take those as him#and ignore him otherwise which feels like exactly what he wants because he wants to connect with people but he wants it to be on his terms#because he spent so long manipulating people’s perception of him that to be vulnerable or not in control makes him scared and he can have#this front he puts on criticized and made fun of because it’s not the real him but if the real him was ever rejected I don’t know if he#could handle it and I think he knows that; idk I just think we need to give Charlie more credit than we are giving him cause hes so complex
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astroturf-enthusiast · 2 years ago
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We were robbed of Lloyd and Cole having any bonding about their ghostly happenings
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mulders-too-large-shirt · 4 months ago
thinking about how mulder loves to get scully a gift, usually terribly heartfelt, even if disguised as something flippant:
the superbowl vhs tape he brings her when she wakes up from her coma in one breath (and her deadpan "i knew there was a reason to live")
tickets for a football game to watch together in irresistible
bringing her flowers to the hospital in memento mori (he lies, saying he stole them from a guy with broken legs to make her laugh)
the birthday keychain in tempus fugit (and when she finds a meaning to it, he claims "i just thought it was a pretty cool keychain")
that is a man who is always thinking about her.
#you can just picture him at the store thinking “oh boy she's gonna love this :)”#i think the superbowl vhs one chokes me up the most because he's trying so hard to play it cool when he had just lost her#and he needs to break the ice somehow because he hates to put those big feelings into words#he's more into saying what he means with touch and subtext#it's as if he needed SOMETHING off of the shelf at the store to say “i'm glad you're back. i missed you. i hope you're well”#so he goes with a dumbass VHS she is never going to watch. just to see her recognize his coded declaration of love.#and that exhausted smile she reserves for his antics#and it makes me tear up! still! thinking about it!#i know love languages are problematic but i do think there is something underrated about giving gifts as an act of love#of having your thoughts for someone being represented with a physical object. making that love tangible. you can touch it.#(it works very well on me because i tend to assume if you're out of sight you're not thinking about me)#(so looking at a little trinket someone gave me is like oh!!! they actually are thinking about me often. enough to find this Thing)#anyway. that is my emotional ramble for the evening. please enjoy#AND DISCLAIMER: i am sure there are other examples of him giving gifts i forgot and that there are more yet to come#but as a reminder i have only seen up to s5 ep 3 so! pls no spoilers even if i do tag this for the general public#okay promise? promise no spoilers in the tags? thank youuuuu mwah#the x files#txf#msr#fox mulder
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halfbaked00q · 28 days ago
Im soooo weak to when Bond is like casually being used or exploited at his expense for some ostensible Greater Good except the situation doesn't HAVE to come to that, not really, and he's so inured and even numb to it that he barely pays it any mind; meanwhile, Q absolutely minds and is very indignant on his behalf and works overtime to like either try to avert or forestall the situation before it gets to the point where Bond has to dig his own claws into more of his soft underbelly to offer up on the sacrificial alter of politics of all tawdry things, or to manufacture a way in which he does the needless "needful" so as to spare Bond at least one unnecessary additional wound upon his psyche.
bonus if Bond finds out and maybe after being angry or indignant about it - I don't need you to do my job for me, Q, this is what I'm here to do - and either Q tells him/lets slip or he deduces that like, this isn't Q thinking he can't get the job done, this is Q finding him precious and worthy of protecting, and like. he's just very in awe of that and does in fact feel very safe and cherished within the cradle of his Quartermaster's regard
#00q#of like... yes it's constant surveillance. but also it's like. constantly having a companion & constantly having an all-seeing eye#looking out for you and reaching out to influence your life#I'd imagine it's very like religion (*puts a Bond thought bubble on this*)#it's the Take Me to Church-ism of it all#lmao I didn't start this off as a web-weaving but now I'm weaving it into a web#but yeah in this fic - looked it up it's Playing the Part - this other rando agent is like. is he in your ear rn? the Quartermaster?#and the guy is like. I don't know how you handle it‚ being under his watch all the time. I know he's supposed to be your guardian angel but#I hope I never come to his attention‚ I don't want him to care enough to know a thing about me.#and it's sooo so interesting in the context of Q and this like. pathological need for omniscience we often assign him#cuz yeah it COULD be very oppressive and overbearing#but like. I think it complements Bond's Ambiguous Disorders a lot bc it WOULD read to Bond as Caring#like so much of his life doesn't belong to himself anyway so a lot of the puppeting is old hat#but what a novelty to have someone who does it not because they want something from him or because of what he can do for them#but because they care so deeply about *him* as to want to do right by him and look out for his well-being#also sidebar'ing back but like there's a lot stupid about Business English but 'do the needful' is probably one of if not THE dumbest thing#I've ever heard or seen in my life. like. absolute epitome of garbage bullshit bureaucracy-speak nonsense and I know I'm getting into dicey#territory cuz despite whatever origin it may have had it's seen more today as an Indianism. but still like in and of itself it's such#a dumb phrase. and speaks to such a height of bureacracy & it's like. you don't have to say it like that. there are other words you can use#okay anyway. back to 00q#somehow I've brought this into 'blasphemy but make it sexy. as a treat' lmao but yeah... Q as Bond's wrathful & jealous God....#WAIT another web weaving. Ulysses when Bond is like. no not a guardian angel. Q is his patron deity his household god. mm yes *chefs kiss*
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shorthaltsjester · 7 months ago
it is quite funny to me as someone who studies philosophy and has had to have the conversations that bh and ludinus have been having many times over and often with people who like ludinus do not have any reading comprehension and truly like. the notion of “this shouldn’t exist” is almost always one that comes up regardless of whether it’s a discussion on the metaphysics of a potential God(s) or divinity, high political powers, or vehicles of systemic oppression. and what anyone who cares about people more than their ideals (even, sometimes, ideals that started out being about people but quickly come to be about the ideals themselves) realizes very quickly in a philosophical discussion about what should and shouldn’t exist is that it does not matter if what you’ve decided ‘shouldn’t’ exist does in fact already exist. like that tends to be the difference between sociopolitical philosophy that actually has teeth and substance in the world — a willingness to engage with the world as it is, not as it should be. because you can have the perfect image of a just and wonderful future world, but if you do not at every step reckon with the unjust world from which you are aiming at that future, you’re doing nothing. ideals are helpful because they aim us toward goals and hopes, but they’re nothing without a reality that grounds them.
and so people like ludinus, who in the real world would play the role of a graduate student with critical thinking skills that make every professor he comes across question how he arrived at his level of study, they don’t have Wrong ideals, there’s obviously plenty of reasons why an exandria without gods might in fact be a better place for mortals (there are also many Many reasons why it would not). but ludinus has also chosen his ideals to weigh heavier than the mortals he claims to uphold them with. i think ashton is also interesting, because i think a lot of their positions have a fun fluctuation between being ideal focused and person focused, where sometimes they’re focused on how unfair life is in a very nihilistic position, and at other times they seem quite clear about how much ideals help no one if they’re not second to the desire to help others. and i think that made their role in the convo with ludinus in 102 especially interesting and irritating (but in a narratively fulfilling way). anyway, truly so fun watching ludinus argue with the amount of fallacies and undeserved confidence of like right wing first year students in an ethics class explaining how actually the ends justify the means and thanos had the right idea actually if it means no more starvation. get a grip old man.
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rosurie · 16 days ago
me showing up with another Damsel hairstyle to offer you all
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every time I draw my girl her hair gets more curly and bigger [because I'm indecisive as shit omg ill update her intro sheet at some point]
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look at her. my angel. her hair is big and full of secrets ♡
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laterkatersays · 21 days ago
it can be so frustrating.
To wait for years for your ship to happen. To have a section of your own community actively hate one of your favourite characters, to call them an abuser, to hate the relationship you love with all of your heart, and to constantly claim the other character would be better off with literally anyone else.
And you wait, for the very final episode, the last chance for them to open their bruised, battered hearts to each other, to reveal themselves, to get that romantic final kiss. To get a promise of a forever, or even just a promise of a tomorrow, together.
And then. To instead get, "Can I come with you?" and then for the response to be, "I'd love that, but not yet."
To get, "I think I need you to be thoughtful about it. I think that's what I would ask, is take some time and be thoughtful... This is a thing I do not what you to jump into, even if it's just casual fucking around."
To get a possible vision of regular visits, and adventures together, but also time apart, time spent doing their own things, alone and with others. For it to be still undefined, still not sure if they are friends, or friends with benefits, or...
(That lingering or...)
It can be frustrating, not to get the romantic ending. The shiny, golden ending you can hold up and show to others, and say, "See? It was a long hard road, but they are happy and in love and together."
The ending you can hold close to your chest, while you grieve the fact that it's over, to give yourself comfort, knowing that they are happy, together, loved.
But instead, my friends, instead. We got endless possibilities.
Which only makes sense, for an apprentice fatestitcher, and a person held together by potential and probability.
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