#I still love dub Diavolo’s voice though
coochellati · 4 months
Okay I know this blog is about talking about Bruno, and love both his English and Japanese voice (they make me melt into a puddle 🫠 Especially Ray's performance)
But Diavolo's English voice always makes me freeze 😣 It's fucking scary and amazing. Kellen Goff did Diavolo even more angry and I didn't know that was possible. He deserves all the praise for that performance.
RIGHT! I LOVE HIS VOICE!! He gets so GROWLY. Kellen Goff is so good at bringing out his ferocity; dub Diavolo sounds straight up feral when he’s angry. How does Kellen Goff do that? How does he capture Diavolo’s rage so perfectly?
I got lucky and met Kellen Goff at motor city comic con in 2022. I was in half-Bruno cosplay (wig, hairclips, and makeup) and as soon as I walked up to him, he shouted “BUCCIARATI!” into the mic and I squealed.
And then I got his signature!!
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he drew a little king crimson on it too 😭
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thanks for the ask!!!! :)))))
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incorrectinfinity · 2 months
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@heatwa-ves AN OPPORTUNITY TO YAP!?!?!?
Mainly it's personal issues with taste.
I am not really an enjoyer of Diavolo, I think his motivations beyond his need for anonymity were unclear and kinda disappointing. Don't get me wrong I appreciate pure evil villains who do what they want when they want, but they have the right personality for it (DIO and Kira) in my opinion Diavolo did not have that much of an interesting personality and was mainly just underwhelming. His most interesting trait was his care for Doppio but after their separation he didn't mention him once so like?
I also wish he had something more to do with Giorno to help make up for his lack of screentime. When watching the first time I thought that he was going to be revealed to have something to do with Giorno's hero, but that's not really a criticism of the part itself it's just something I would've done.
Along with that I am not a big fan of body swapping either, there were many moments that I found annoying or just insanely abrupt considering the dark tone established with the previous arcs and how hugely this was built up to. I made a joke about it in the post this comment was under it about how Mista and Trish's silly conversation was abruptly met with Giorno's final monolog. That scene just entirely summarizes my thoughts about Chariot Requiem as an arc.
Though to be fair to it, at least in the dub the voice actors are all trying to do impressions of eachother and that is fucking great I actually loved that a lot.
And then. Rolling stones.
In this final arc with all of the characters that we had lost.... why wasn't Fugo used more?
It just bothers me, and again the tone of Part 5's ending is so insanely inconsistent it makes my head spin. I get that it flows with the theme of fate throughout part 5 but also I really did not need this arc to be satisfied with the ending. It feels abrupt and out of place.
I really would've preferred getting answers to what happened from Giorno's victory onward, but Araki only writes what he finds interesting so maybe he knows it would've been sucky. I am still curious.
On the other side Narancia's death was literally the perfect scene, the final anime-original tribute to him breaks my heart into a million billion pieces.
Bruno's self sacrifice also makes me emotional and one of my favorite scenes of part 5 is where he tells Mista to shoot his body, with Giorno clarifying to say that it's meant to slow him down. Them staring at eachother afterwards is fucking brilliant. Giorno's optimism built upon denial is so interesting to me... he gives me brain worms.
Also very few classic dub insults. The only one I can think of is Mista saying "Golden Wind Whatchmacallit" and I don't think that counts. 0/10 terrible part I hate jojo.
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deusluxuria · 1 year
A whole bunch of Doppio headcanons because ehh
( Spoilers: Part 5 / Golden Wind / Vento Aureo )
( Warnings: abuse, stalking, christianity )
( Note: These HCs are based around another HC I have that Doppio does not have DID, but rather Diavolo is an obsessed stalker from Sardinia, a childhood classmate of Doppio's, who became so attached to Doppio to the point of having cosmetic surgery to look almost exactly like him. )
-He was never named by his mother. The priest who adopted him gave him the first name "Domenico" and the priest's last name "Voltolini." Diavolo was the one who gave him the nickname "Doppio," as a way to claim ownership of him and to dub him an extension of himself.
-Loves guns and tanks. Maybe even too much. He uses guns and other weapons for a majority of combat, more than his Stand. He can use King Crimson to quadruple-weild, and even though he can throw a mean punch, King Crimson's arms are way stronger.
-Despite being highly skilled with weapons, he overuses ammo and gets overzealous. He's definitely not someone who can "just injure" an opponent, unless it's by accident. He's very prone to frustration and rage (i.e. in canon, the fight with Risotto where he completely loses it and screams while banging King Crimson's fists at the ground and the empty air), which means strategy is not always viable.
-Can wildly swing from being gentle and friendly to being snappy and snarky... to being all-out violent and aggressive. People who have witnessed this range are usually in awe. Especially since he typically comes off as kind, silly, and even shy. Some know him as being fun to be around, others know him as a cataclysmic mess.
-Loves guns but also practices knife-throwing, archery, and swordfighting. Most of what he did for school involved hands-on experience instead of learning math or writing essays and whatnot, and his favorite subjects involved learning how to fight. He also knows how to make traps and use bombs.
-He was taken in by Tiziano & Squalo after accidentally getting involved in a fight between Passione and a street gang. That's how he initially joined Passione, before The Boss noticed him and promoted him to the Assassination squad. Tiziano & Squalo still consider him like a son.
-Doppio was with the Assassins for a few years before Diavolo chose him as an informant.
-Risotto was very nice to him, even protective, but most of the others were terribly mean to Doppio, particularly Formaggio (whose favorite thing is to target people he sees as weaker than him, whether younger or of smaller stature -- Doppio is older than him, but definitely smaller), who often made accusations that a scrawny guy like Doppio who won't even use his Stand must only be in the mafia because "The Boss likes you in his bed too much to fire you."
-It wasn't the reason why Doppio stayed, but other members of Passione certainly got the vibes that Doppio was sleeping with The Boss. Sleeping around in the mafia is commonplace, but no one else had ever been in the same room with The Boss or heard his voice. Which is why, when the other mafiosi found out Doppio had daily phone calls with him, and his body language and tone of voice had sensual implications (according to them), they started to resent Doppio and assumed he was in on the horrible ways the other mafiosi were treated by The Boss and that Doppio had no objections to the abuse.
-Before the other mafiosi started spreading rumors and resenting him, he brought by far the most light into the organization. He's playful and loving, and cares about his fellow mafiosi way more than Diavolo ever could. It was common in the Assassin squad for a scenario like: Risotto going to get a mop to help Doppio after he used way too much laundry soap, only to come back hearing laughter and seeing that Doppio had started a friendly fight with the others of running around throwing laundry suds at each other. Sure, the other mafiosi were fun and laughed together plenty, but it just wasn't the same without Doppio.
-Pesci has an intense crush on him. The two would've been able to connect about how they were both stuck in toxic, co-dependent situations with a superior (Pesci's being Prosciutto who has only decided he's better than his brother). To Doppio, the crush was obvious, and he once kind of snapped at Pesci and said, "I bet you're like all the others and you think I'm some soft, cute, innocent sprite or whatever, but if you knew anything about me, you'd want nothing to do with me outside of business. I'm just as rotten as everyone here, maybe worse. I've known plenty of others like you, and you're all only interested in one thing, and it involves some illusion of me that doesn't exist. Look around you and realize where we are. Wake the fuck up and realize that people like us will never know love, only emptiness and hedonism. There is nothing on the other side of infatuation for us; there is only indulgence to distract from the suffering."
-Doppio does secretly speak to a therapist. But only about his substance abuse, dangerous promiscuity, other self-destructive problems, and his lack of prospect or life goals. It never really helped because Doppio never brought up Diavolo, his own involvement with the mafia, Trish, or the fire that killed the priest and wiped out his hometown. Those things, mainly Diavolo, were major causes of the problems he talked about.
-There was a different boss of Passione before Diavolo, who murdered the old boss around the time Doppio joined. Tiziano and Risotto were the first to notice something had changed. But as no one was allowed to know the Boss's identity besides his informant, anyone who had suspicions about a change had to stay quiet. It was only when things in Passione started becoming unbearable that Risotto admitted his theory to his team. That's when Gelato & Sorbet tried to find The Boss, which resulted in their deaths. Risotto then deeply regretted saying anything, though circumstances had become so dire that the two likely would've made that act of resistance anyway.
-Diavolo had ordered Doppio to kill Sorbet & Gelato, who were another two of the assassins who had always been nice to Doppio. Doppio stayed as collected as possible while carrying out the attack, but after he was done, he spent a long night bawling his eyes out and couldn't eat for days.
-When Diavolo promoted him to informant, he subjected him to what Doppio would call "extremely violent hazing rituals" to test if he was strong-willed enough for the position. It was essentially just days of nonstop torture. Diavolo would never admit to Doppio that he would've chosen him no matter what, and that he'd put him through the torment for his own enjoyment.
-Doppio already had endured a great deal of extreme bullying as a child (though it became less obvious after the priest, who adored him, found out and raised hell about it). So he was already wired with learned helplessness. This is a huge reason why he pretty much let Diavolo treat him however he wanted. If Doppio had survived after Diavolo's death, it would take Doppio a long time, and a lot of help, to realize that he hadn't deserved Diavolo's abuse. But realizing in the first place that it was abuse would hit him like a ton of bricks.
-Wasn't nearly as religious after his hometown burned to the ground, but sometimes when he's particularly stressed he'll still make the sign of the cross or say his Hail Mary's (i.e. after nearly getting in a car accident). As he'd say, "You can take the man out of the Italian Catholic home, but..." Although, Doppio's attachment to Catholic symbols and ideas are mainly because they remind him of his adoptive father, who would've taken a bullet for him. While the priest was very open-minded and understood the importance of children having freedom of ideas, his religion was one major way he expressed his love. Doppio has a tattoo over his heart of the rosary the priest wore, and one on his back of the chapel their home was connected to.
-Has other tattoos, mostly of guns and gun-related things. But then there's his tattoo sleeves, which Diavolo copied. Except, Doppio's sleeves are of vines and floral motifs inspired by the priest's decor in his childhood home, and Diavolo's were closer to resembling octopus tentacles and reptilian details.
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wri0thesley · 3 years
hi nat! huge fan of your blog and finally taking the time to send a request of my own in ❤ I'd like to request a fem reader total power exchange with either Kars or Diavolo (dealer's choice!). I just absolutely love them both so much and really love the idea of them just having total control over me and taking care of me in what they know is best for me 🥺 ideally I'd like size difference and breeding kink featured as well if that's possible! thank you so much in advance if you decide to do this!
obedience - kars x fem!reader
it’s so easy to give yourself up to kars.
warnings: afab reader, fem pronouns. breeding kink, total power exchange, size difference - coming inside, dub-con if you squint but it’s not intended to be (reader is just very happy to have kars be utterly in charge of them). nsfw, minors dni!
It’s so easy to give yourself up to Kars.
So simple, to let him take the reins and to just do what he wants. Despite the power that thrums in his veins, he is gentle with you – reminded of your human frailty, as he treats you like a favoured doll. He bids you to do things, and you do them with a smile on your face and your head empty of anything but pleasing him. It’s freeing. It’s wonderful. And you’re often rewarded for your obedience to the tune of fingers carding through your hair, Kars’ soft murmurs that you’re doing well, and the feel of being pressed into a bed so soft you can barely stand it.
“Kiss me,” murmurs the creature bent over you. He dwarfs you in stature and breadth; towering over your smaller form, his muscles rippling in the light. He’s so strong as he touches you, readjusting your body beneath him to ensure that you’re helpless and splayed and he can drink you in like a glass of fine wine.
You do; not listening to one of his orders is utterly unthinkable. You arch your back to press your lips against his (there’s the faintest taste of blood on him, but that is quickly overtaken by the way that his scent wraps around you in a comforting embrace). He takes control of the kiss easily, sharp teeth tugging at your lower lip, a pleased hum reverberating into the cavern of your mouth. Big hands come to your hips, gently pushing up the filmy material that he gives you to wear.
It leaves little to the imagination, but Kars bids you wear it, so you wrap the diaphanous fabrics about yourself and smile. Kars’ eyes drink you in; the way the sheer fabric clings to your body, and you feel transformed and beautiful and his.
His hands are so large on your hips; he could toss you anywhere he wanted and it would probably not bring forth more than a smile from his lips. He slides them further up, so that they brush the curve of your waist and the swell of your breast – your breath catches at that, his palms rough against your sensitive nipples. He’s so cold; you find yourself shivering. And then, Kars murmurs;
“Be still, little pet,” and you steel yourself for the cold of his fingertips and touch, pushing back the shivers that want to wrack your body. He rewards you with a curve of his lips, a light squeeze to your breast that has your face flushing hot and desire pooling between your thighs. “Good.”
You relish the praise. He does not need to praise you – you are his already, and if he degraded you you would take it with a soft smile and the knowledge that he has total power over you – but it still makes heat bloom in your stomach, your own mouth curving in a mirror of his as he lets out a soft noise as thumbs brush your collarbone.
“Pet,” he says, soft and dark, his voice so deep and commanding that it makes your toes curl. “Tonight I am going to breed you.”
A soft noise escapes your throat at the way he’s looking at you; all hungry and wanting. He does not ask it as a question – you are his unconditionally, and that means his body is yours to do as he wills with. Your teeth bite down into your bottom lip as you look into his clear, certain gaze.
He smiles at your obedience; the way that as his hands once more travel down your soft skin, you push yourself into his grip, relishing the feel of his fingers upon your skin.
“So small,” he murmurs, as his hands wrap almost entirely around your thigh. It’s not that you are a particularly small person – it’s merely that Kars is so huge that all humans are like delicate little dolls to him. He could snap you in half if he wanted – and if he did, you think, you his so completely and utterly that you would probably merely thank him for it. His hands pry your thighs apart, so he can look at the glistening space between your thighs; needy and slick with how he touches you and how he speaks to you. “Ah. You’re ready for me already.”
You always are. You’re trained to hear the sound of his voice and feel the slick pool between your legs; you had trained yourself into doing it, wanting so badly to impress him and be the perfect little pet he’d murmured that he thought you would make.
You don’t speak, because he has not bid you to do so; but your hips tilt in a wordless plea to touch you there before you go mad with the want of it. The pad of one huge finger descends, swiping through your slit with a pleased hum – you open your mouth obediently as he brings it to your lips. His finger alone is bigger than some human cocks. Your tongue pliantly swirls around it, the essence of you flooding your mouth.
“How do you taste?” He asks, with a light lilt – and where once you would have been embarrassed and stammering, now you simply blink honey-slow at him and murmur;
“Yes,” he hums in agreement.
He shifts closer to you on the bed, your body sinking into the feather-soft pillows as your hips are rearranged just so and Kars slots his muscular thighs in between you. The stretch of how far apart your legs need to be to allow for his girth burns, but you do not say anything because you are in exactly the position you are meant to be in.
His thick cock brushes your thigh and you shiver, feeling your hole flutter in excitement. The head of him pushes against your entrance – thick, and wide, and perfect. You relax into the feeling of him pushing his cock inside you. The stretch of him inside of your tight channel is familiar in its intensity; comforting in its inexorable progress. This is what you are supposed to do. This is right.
His hands fasten beneath your knees, pushing you into a position that has you feeling every ridge and vein of his cock inside of you. He does not bottom out – you cannot handle that, even with all of your careful training and desire to please. But you take two thirds of his cock and he seems pleased as he pulls back, readying himself to take you at the brutal, punishing pace that he always uses with you.
You do not mind. You like being beneath him, as his thrusts make your entire body shiver. There is nothing in the world except Kars’ skin on yours, the feel of him stretching you wide open, the insistent pounding as his cock hits that spongy spot of pleasure inside of you with every thrust. You can feel your breasts bouncing as you’re pounded into the mattress below, but you do not make any sound more than soft whimpers and pants – Kars prefers that, and you want nothing more than to be his perfect little pet.
You easily lose track of how long you’ve been bent in half like this; Kars’ stamina is unrivalled. You feel yourself ache and sweat and pant, tears in your eyes and drool trickling from the corner of your mouth, but you say nothing. Kars uses you as he sees fit, and you enjoy being used.
His cock continues to brush against that centre of pleasure buried inside of you, and you feel yourself teeter on the brink of an orgasm. Your fingers dig hard into the bed beneath you, head thrown back, vulnerable throat exposed as all of the tension inside of you fades to one pinprick point and you come around his cock, gushing and spasming. You’re hot and oversensitive all over, but you do not make a noise about it aside from the heavy breathing – Kars has not reached his own peak yet, and that is far more important than your trembling body. Kars groans in pleasure at the submissive way you let him use you, the way you do not plead tearfully that it is too much – it is never too much for you, if Kars is the one making you feel this way. You treasure the noise – Kars is so often silent when he fucks you with nothing more than the pleased half-lidded look of his eyes to suggest that he’s even enjoying himself.
He continues to fuck into you, as the aftershocks finally recede and you simply feel a little sore and sensitive. His hips are getting faster (how long as it been? Beneath Kars, it often feels as though time has no meaning – there is no important way to mark it except ‘Kars has not come yet’). You look at him with tears of pleasure still blearing your vision, and you swear that you see his fangs dig into his bottom lip as his eyes sweep over your sweet, submissive form. His hips falter. His cock – huge and hot and thick – twitches.
And you feel him come inside of you, ropes of his release painting your insides white as the sensation pushes you over into another trembling orgasm.
Well. Not quite just the sensation, though the feel of being flooded and filled certainly helps; but the knowledge that Kars sees you as worthy of taking his seed, of breeding you . . . That pushes you over the edge too, his cock not stilling as he pumps his load as deep into you as it can possibly go.
You’re limp as he slides his cock out of you. He does not let go of your thighs, where he’s practically pressing your knees to your chest – he kneels between them, satisfied as he looks down at the dripping mess of his come (he always comes so much, so your stomach distends slightly – sometimes he pushes on the light bulge and watches it leak out of you with hunger in his eye) where it decorates your slit.
“I’ll keep you in this position for a while,” he rumbles. “To make sure it takes. And if not . . .” His smile is the smile of a wolf looking at a little rabbit. “Well. You’ll let me try again, won’t you?”
Your answer is instantaneous.
“Always, My Lord.”
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Omg, okay for the yandere prompts: what about 4 and 39 with Diavolo?
4. “Shh, dolls don’t speak out of line.”
39. “Come here, doll. See? Being obedient means you’re treated like the doll you are.”
t.w. yandere, mentions of dub-con/non-con, manipulation, dark themes
*Amare = Love
Rain in the Devildom, though not entirely rare, came for week-long sessions before having a dry spell of a few more. The rain felt fresh, cleansing, almost as if it fell from the Celestial Realm to bond the Devildom to it in some way. 
In a nest of pillows and blankets, the window seat fogged, water trailing down the glass that looked over the Devildom. The palace held a violet hue to it, contrasting against the warmer colors of the civilian lives down below. It was peaceful, ironic as peace in hell was, but you seemed to find it in these little moments alone.
You heard the heavy footsteps of your... lover, long strides making their way to the library you were residing in, the vibrations of his movements could be felt in the old and polished wood.
Gripping the blanket around you tighter, you closed your eyes and leaned your head against the glass, a sigh escaping your lips as you felt his words cloud your mind. They soaked themselves into your mind, from the royal clothing he gave you to the actions you took with Diavolo, you seemed to become the perfect lover in the eyes of the public.
But why did it hurt so much to love him?
Why couldn’t you just love him?
He... deserved it. The love, adoration, and care of another being.
And you could give it to him.
But why did it hurt?
Why did it feel painful to love him, when all he did was love you, care for you?
“Ah! There you are, Amare!* I see you’re enjoying the library and its wonders. How are you feeling?” He made his way over to you, a smile on his face, and to the outside- he looked like a puppy making its way to their owner. But it was too far off. 
“Mn. Very well, enjoying the rain, reading. How was your meeting?” You smiled, voice weak and soft, feeling him move to sit next to you. His arm made its way around you, his back against the wall creaked under his weight, and his warmth was immense- you felt attracted to it, but the more you stayed, the more you felt like you were on fire.
Being near him made you burn.
Burn in what? Desire? Hatred? Love? You knew whatever you held for him, it was intense, and you wanted it to leave. And the feeling did.
When he was gone.
You listened as he went on about the meeting, how the nobles enjoyed his banter, how Lucifer was still as serious as ever, Barbatos giving some not-so-welcoming looks to the more inconsiderate guests.
“How is Lucifer, really? Or Mammon? Levi? I haven’t heard about them for a while.”  You asked, sickly sweetness molded into your tone, your hands gripping at the blankets- some books shifting against the movement.
“Amare, you know how I’d rather not get involved with their personal affairs, they are a hectic bunch.” He gave a tight lipped smile, his arm pushing you into him, his free hand making its way to your chin.
“But- I know, but I worry-” Your voice cuts itself off in fear before returning, Diavolos hand dropping from your chin to the soft and tender skin of your neck, tightening just enough to take your breath away. The growl that came from his chest made you tremble, your body pressed against the wood, his body shifted so that he was facing your body from the side.
“Shh. Dolls don’t speak out of line. Remember?” He was testing you, your smaller hands wrapped around his wrist, his grip unwavering. The red of his uniform had unpleasant memories flash in your mind.
The red of your own blood trailing down your shoulders from his teeth greedily sinking into the flesh. The red flushed skin of his body against yours, taking you, claiming you. The red of him needing you, entirely, and whole.
But you needed him to calm down.
“I’m sorry. I- I’m just tired. I shouldn’t have pushed you.” A hum left his lips, face buried into your hair as his grip loosened and now trailed down your chest, the calloused hand of a prince traced your collarbone and the base of your neck. You slumped down and away from him, ever so slightly, but he noticed. 
He always does.
He moved quickly to take you in his lap, your thighs on each side of his hips, his forehead now against yours. The heat that left him had you lean into him, attracting a moth to a flame, a demon tempting a human.
He had a pull on you and he loved it, he needed you to long for him like he did you, understand that everything was for you. His perfect little doll, fit to rule by his side, care for him and their heirs after a long day.
Ah, heirs. He needed to ask you for them soon. To cement his place on the throne, you to him, and his love for you. He’d need to ask an old friend for a favor to ensure his dream, because he wanted you and everything you could give him, and if you couldn’t- he’d help give you that push.
If your body couldn’t give him what he needed, Diavolo didn’t mind asking for favors owed to him, he found ways to take what he needed from you. It was for the both of you of course! He only loves you more than a sinner loves blasphemy!
“Come here, doll. See? Being obedient means you’re being treated like the doll you are.” Diavolo mused, taking a deep breath, inhaling your scent and comforting himself.
“I love you.” His voice was low, possessive, changed. It left a part of him that even the petty demon form he showed before could never, a form of horror and darkness, the truest part of him.
But it wasn’t love like how most felt.
It was different.
It was sick.
“I love you more.”
And maybe you were too.
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thirsthourdemon · 4 years
Headcanon on their online platforms but mainly on Twitch, onlyfans stuff, patreon, tumblr
Includes: Demon bros + undateablesss
Genre: Crack, Fluff and slight smut
Warnings: NSFW mentions
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-He didn’t have a big online presence because he was active, no no
-He had an online presence cause everyone always sees him on Diavolo s pictures and such so for a time they shared an audience
-One time Diavolo and Barbatos were doing a thing where they read a book aloud for some sort of game
-Diavolo kind of recorded that for a little bit
-People liked it so much they suggested for “the one with the deep cold voice”, luci, to do asmr on youtube or something
-He doesn’t know what an Onlyfans is however he does have a patreon.
-Diavolo was interested in the idea and discussed it with him
-His fandom consists of either people who are interested in what he reads or...Horny people who get off at how proper and low his voice is
-His profile picture is a picture of him with his head cropped out where he’s fixing his gloves
-Luci isnt like super famous but he has a loyal fanbase that appreciates him a lot also lots of simps with daddy issues
-He was confused as to why someone would ask him to be their father
-He gets the daddy kink but why???
-Last post: A picture MC took where he’s holding a whip cause mammon fucked something up 🙂
-Bold of us to assume he didn’t already have one
-You already know why he’s on here.
-He has random content but he mainly got his audience since he kind of tried modeling thing for a while. It was for a big brand on their new jock type jackets
-Mammon really wanted cash at that time and he got the thing over and done with making him a couple more grims richer
-The photographers told him they could transfer the pictures though! So he just saved his pictures because “Who wouldn’t want a picture of THE mammon?”
-That gave him the idea
-His audience? Whoreknee
-They even accept the fact that his captions for some pictures are “You should be honored you get pictures of me”
-He posts that with a blushing face half of the time HAHAHAHA
-Levi found it and just laughed at the pictures
-Surprisingly enough the pictures were actually well taken because MC was forced into em
-His most popular picture was the one with him was actually a picture that the brothers took of him tucking in what appeared to be goldie on a seperate MINI BED WITH A SMALL TOY LAMP BESIDE IT
-He did a QnA for his followers to celebrate on his instagram
-PFFTT He got so many questions about Goldie
-Was dubbed “Goldie’s Daddy” after that
-Last post: A picture of him wearing the new Luxury brand jacket he got and his keys in front of his car with the caption “Daddy’s going for a ride”
-I’ve always head canon that Levi knows how to draw digital emotes. Like he just picked it up cause he wanted to make fanart of him in henry together 😔
-Also has a red bubble or an etsy where he sells some prints and stickers of fanart 👀
-He went on twitch since there were so many TSL streamers there who just played games while they discussed theories as well
-Levi is an emote artist and while he draws he sometimes just discusses the theories with his fellow Yucky Otakus
-He’s the type to really interact with everyone even though he barely does that in real life
-Sometimes though when he gets packages that fans sent or ones that he ordered he’d stream unboxing them.
-He hates showing his face? Oh dont worry He’s wearing a facemask and all that
-His fandom is genuinely into him. Like they actually like him as a person but kinda once got into a scandal on gatekeeping
-He took a break for a bit but he kind of said sorry and everyone just forgave him because he isn’t really the type to do drama and it was just that one instance-
-Overall loved by the community due to how chill he is and how invested he is on fan theories
-He has a twitter btw and lemme tell you it’s just threads and threads of discussions
-Whenever he does stream unboxing videos though and he shows his shelves everyone freaks out how he has EVERY FUCKING VOLUME OF EVERY ANIME AND GAME
-People sometimes ask him personal questions and he tries his best to try to answer them but he shows a face where he looks uncomfy
-Everyone just bullies anyone who makes him uncomfy giving his fanbase a very protective reputation
-Last post: “Unboxing fanmail L8er @ 10pm LOL CYA GUYS XD”
-He has a tumblr. You cant tell me he doesn’t have one.
-He had tumblr like back in the old day though like when porn was still available here.
-Get this...He’s known all through out the academia blogs. He INVENTED Academia
-Satan has 1 blog and that’s it. It’s his main blog and he just posts pictures of the book cover and does essays, reviews or sometimes he writes the ending he wanted to happen.
-Dont get me wrong he has a patreon but only because people loved getting more exclusive takes of stuff like his book notes on certain pages or sometimes his notes and thoughts on Artistic Erotica
-Probably has a Ko-Fi because he though he needed it after most of the blogs he followed had it
-He thinks it should be “Table of Content” and not “Masterlist” so he uses just that
-Profile picture is him wearing his signature washed out green grandma sweater while he has a book in hand and a cup of earl grey on his table
-People go to him falling in love with his aesthetic and Book reviews but they stay in love with him because he is big on one on one discussions actually
-He goes for one on one voice calls where he just...He talks to you about any book of your choosing
-Fans send him tea but he knows better than to eat something a stranger gives so he makes beel take a taste first sometimes but ultimately scolds the boy when he takes too much
-He wasn’t supposed to have merch but everyone liked the idea of small packages (More like letters) that really do look old and vintage
-He usually only give those to the people who pay for the top tier stuff
-It usually contains 1 type of tea, a letter he wrote for them himself and a bookmark with his name stamped on it
-He got the stamp custom made ❤️
-Last post: (Insert 5k word essay)
This is what I thought of Edgar Allan Poe’s “A cask of Amatillado”
Playlist: (Insert soft classic Music playlist on Spotify)
Tea: Black Currant
-Is a brand influencer as well
-The brand ambassador of this pretty well known semi-luxury skin care brand
-His devilgram? Perfectly made by his PR team which is just him and solomon
-Before I move onto the NSFW stuff I want to emphasize how Beautiful his instagram is and his aesthetic
-His aesthetic is romantic/sexual tension/Unparalleled beauty
-Also a make up brand influencer and has his own make up line
-something along the lines of “The Devil’s box of charms 🖤”
-The type to DG live whenever he’s just showing off the make up look he did or the outfit he got
-The house of lamentation may have PR packages stacking up due to how most of them have an online influence but out of 10 boxes 7 of them would be for Asmo
-Lemme tell you this...He has a specific drawer and space in his closet just for the sexy outfits he has.
-The demon’s onlyfans has pictures of him just teasing his audience where he’s wearing a black skintight get up and his bulge is showing
-Nudes are for mid and top tiers
-His fandom loves seeing in stocking and chokers
-“The choker is from etsy and here’s the link to their shop~”
-He doesnt completely show his body but...Him in suggestive clothing gets everyone pre cumming
-His fandom is just filled with simps 😔
-He loves them and blows a kiss towards the camera everytime he ends a live
-Probably has had a scandal or 4
-Posted an Ahegao once and everyone lost it
-Has been the face for Ahegaos ever since
-Belle delphine who?
-Definitely tik tok famous too 😎
-Has memorized all of Doja Cat’s songs
-Last post: “Hope you guys are ready for tonight’s session~ 😈” With a picture of him in an Fuchsia and black themed lingerie set. A collar with a bell on it.
-Bonus: One time Solomon summoned him while he was taking pictures and he was still in his lingerie set. 😛
-Was originally inspired by Mukbangs Channels so he did them on youtube too
-You get his Mukbangs on your recommended, You subscribe because of his cute and funny reactions whenever someone in the backgrounds is astounded to how much he’s eating
-Everyone knew beel as a cute guy who just does Mukbangs and loves to eat
-He once did a fridge raid and ended up eating everything in the fridge
-That was THE MOST CHAOTIC VIDEO on his channel cause you can just see luci and MC trying to make him stop
-He eventually got a patreon because mammon told him people will give him more money for food like that and to be honest he made a patreon but mammon takes care of it from time to time
-Oh you knew him as this sweet beautiful boy who just likes eating? hERe HavE sOmE WorKOUt pICs
-His body got everyone thirsty or may I say Starving
-S I M P S everywhere
-His patreon content is just him making small videos eating or pictures of him being all sweaty from the gym 😛💦
-“Eh? You should feed me instead” *opens his mouth*
-Fans send him lots of boxes of weird food to see his reaction sometimes
-Did the fire noodle challenge a bit late but everyone is surprised to how he isn’t giving the reaction like they expected him
-Spice tolerance? Unmatched
-His fandom is either “UwU Beel please eat try this!” Or “Daddy Please FEED US WITH YOUR DELICIOUS THIGHS! 😩🥵💦💦💦”
-He does the service where he sends you his body building pictures except he isn’t sending them, Mammon is.
-Manager Mammon 😎 Gets a half of the profit
-Can I just...BeelProbablyHasnevergottenintoanyscandalbuthasalotofhaterssayingthefansonlylikehimforhishandsomefaceandgreatbodyandnicevoicebutlikewhatiswrongwithlikinghimbecauseofthosethings?Itisntbadtolikethatstuffatall
-Last post: “🍙 Thank you to @(Your Username) for the Onigiri! I finished the whole batch! Please send more food”
-Sleep Guru
-Im sorry but I cant see him having any other social media aside from tumblr, twitter and Devilgram
-Belphie barely checks his phone but he has tumblr because apparently there’s a thing called the SandMan’s Box Community
-It’s like LootCrate, a subscription service that gives you stuff like Comfy Pillow sheets and tea for better sleeping
-This even gives you something like sleeping masks or ear muffs.
-The community is well...nocturnal
-His ask box is always full of his 100+ mutuals who just discuss stuff with him
-Whenever he actually does try to type online he makes articles about the best sleep positions or stuff like that
-His fandom is just loving mutuals who sleep and take care of each other
-They have a discord server where it just plays soft music to help everyone sleep
-Last post: “Humans aren’t so bad when they’re asleep”
||Luke and Simeon
-He has a big following on twitch where he just bakes sweets in his cute little hat and-
-Clearly you can tell I follow him on twitch
-The type of twitch streamer that no one hates on because why would you? He is literally just baking and cute comments
-Sometimes he streams with Simeon and everyone loves both of them
-When people give money they dont give “money” no no...they call donating headpats
-Luke is just so adorable that everyone just...
-“Angel Lulu’s Protection Squad⭐️”
-He got famous when he...He doesnt want to call it a collab but He made a lot of sweets and gave them to beel so everyone freaked out and thought
-He is now pissed that everyone thinks they’re friends 😠
-Basically his fans started making dishes and candy inspired by him
-Sometimes they send it in and Simeon has to confiscate some because
-“Im sorry, guys. You are all really sweet and I know that you mean well but Luke isn’t allowed much sweets yet”
-No one ever EVER lewds luke
-Fortunately Luke’s fandom has the least amount of pedophiles because everyone drives them away the moment they try something
-Whenever luke does fan mail/unboxing videos people just adore how Simeon places a glass of water at the table below the camera and the scissors or cutter he uses is child proof
-Even though Luke is the main person on his account everyone also notices Simeon.
-How couldn’t they? He looked like he wanted to make everyone in the audience live a better life
-Add that with luke’s wholesome baking and BOOM! You are now ready for a better life🌟
-Last post: It’s a picture of Luke shyly showing of his new batch of sun and moon shaped sugar cookies. “Sun and Moon. Tune in later at 3 pm to see how we made these!”
-He barely posts but he helps asmodeus with his stuff
-Too busy with anything else but helps out when things get interesting
-Proposes Ideas for Asmo sometimes when the demon doesn’t know what to wear for a live or a story
-Laughs at Asmo sometimes when he gets into scandals and drama
-Happy cameraman ❤️
-People follow him because 1.) He’s hot 2.) The fans ship him with Asmodeus
-Last Post: “When will you learn 🙂”
-He is a vlogger~ Not a very active vlogger but a vlogger nonetheless
-He films anything he can but he’s more known on tik tok and devilgram rather than twitch or youtube
-People have been thirsting for him ever since and no one can convince me that they dont just shamelessly call him daddy whenever he goes on live
-Barbatos makes sure however that whenever it isnt appropriate anymore that he would tell diavolo to turn the camera off
-Wranggled Luci into his mess and now everyone knows the face of that one dude who just reads documents
-Everyone lowkey ships them
-Diavolo is the type to take a picture of a big meeting or a retreat out of instinct to just document his life
-He actually didnt know about vloggers before but he just liked the thought of documenting it
-Everyone picks up “Master” vibes as they say from him hehehe
-He doesnt have an Onlyfans or patreon 😔😔😔
-I honestly would have subscribed to his services
-Last post: “Barbatos made a delicious meal for us at the retreat today” Along with a picture of the Beautiful Demon Delicacy Spread in the table.
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Taglist: No one yet (Please be part of the taglist for more content like this ☹️ It’s getting really discouraging)
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blueluneacy · 4 years
Commuted Sentence
So I created an Emperor Diavolo Au. Haha happy turkey day heres some dinner
Warnings: not sfw, deep throating, serious dub con, implications of an older person teachin someone younger than them, inexperienced reader, imprisonment, slavery. This one is a doozy
You whimpered as you sat in your small cell, looking up at the tiny window that you would never be able to reach, trying to take in warmth from the little sunlight that came through the bleak little thing. 
It all happened so fast. You woke up to the smell of smoke, finding your home to be in flames. You had to jump out the window to get out, and you were the only one. You mourned the loss of everything, your possessions and loved ones alike. And then you were swept up by royal guards, claiming that you were being arrested for arson and the death of your family caused by said arson. You thought that the justice system would clearly be on your side, since you obviously hadn’t done it, but your trial absolutely blinded you, and you were sentenced. To death.
Your face went pale when the judge gave the verdict, carrying you off to a holding cell where you would wait for your sentence to be carried out. You waited for days in that little holding cell, trying to think of a way that would be able to survive, to avoid what felt so inevitable. So you sat, trying to look out at the sunlight, what felt like the only freedom you had left.
You barely noticed when someone came to visit your cell, too occupied with your own despair to really look over to see who had entered the room, looking at you beyond the bars that held you in your cage.
“Are you this disrespectful to everyone? I should have you hanged just for your refusal to acknowledge my presence.” He spoke out. You turned quickly, your eyes wide as you saw the emperor standing right in front of you. You quickly bowed your head, but your eyes still looked up to try and see what you could of the illusive man. 
The emperor himself was not one many had ever actually seen. He would often send one of his strange assistants out for public events, and he refused to be on any official coinage like past emperors, so it made it practically impossible for the public to know who he was. Perhaps it was to deviate from the old lineage. Emperor Diavolo had taken the throne after the last emperor died with no heirs, causing a great power struggle. The people thought that perhaps a civil war would appear among the nobles, until Diavolo swooped in with some papers claiming he was the great nephew of the former emperor. Without anyone else having any claim, he was able to take the throne for himself, though rumors still persist that perhaps he isn’t even of noble blood.
Well, noble blood or not, he was still beautiful. His hair was long, a vibrant pink that was pulled back and put into a low ponytail, his body lean and muscular, hidden by the extravagant clothing he wore, his eyes bright green, piercing into you. But even his good looks couldn’t hide how his face was set into a scowl, as if dealing with a petulant child rather than a prisoner accused of murder. 
“Apologies, your Majesty. I… I didn’t notice that you were there.” You replied, looking down at the ground in your attempt to seem polite. But more than anything, you were confused. What the hell did the emperor want with some lowlife prisoner on death row? Diavolo just hummed as looked at you, reaching through the bars to grab you by the chin, forcing you to look up at him. You gulped as he stared right into your eyes, examining you so closely it made you want to roll over and die right there.
“I can’t tell if you’re stupid, or stubborn.” Diavolo spat in return, practically throwing you as he let you go. You fell back and whimpered, easily pushing yourself onto your knees.
“I-I’m sorry, your grace, please! This is all one big misunderstanding, really!” You cried out, bowing your head, then quickly changing your mind and pushing your entire body to the floor. Diavolo just scoffed at you, watching as you prostrated yourself in front of him, easily hiding his amusement at your fear.
“What is? Your disrespect, or the fact that you’re here in the first place?” Diavolo asked. The question caused you to raise your head up curiously. Perhaps the emperor was just the man for you to plead your case to.
“Um, both of them, actually, your highness. See, I believe there was a grave misjudgement in my case. All of the witnesses were people no where close to where I lived, and I have reason to believe that there may have even been people lying on the stand-”
“Enough. I already know everything about that, you don’t need to continue to babble on.” Diavolo’s booming voice cut you off, leaving you to instantly go silent, looking at the ground. He chuckled, pulling out a key from his pocket and unlocking your cell, opening up the door instantly.
“I’m going to leave this open as I come in here. If you try anything to escape, the guards will kill you before you can get down the hallway.” Diavolo warned, before stepping inside the small cell. He audibly scoffed as he looked around at the poor conditions.
“I’m here to make you an offer that I don’t think you’ll have trouble refusing. Just a little bit of labor in exchange for your life.” Diavolo explained. You immediately perked up, staring up at Diavolo with huge eyes. While just moments ago, you felt fear in the presence of the Emperor, already were you ready to sing his good graces, to thank him endlessly for his mercy.
“Of course, your majesty, anything! I’ll do anything, oh my god, you don’t know how much this means to me-” You started to babble, the Emperor’s eyes just narrowing as his fist tightened.
“You will speak when I give you permission to do so. You will do well to learn not to speak in the presence of your betters. I will not warn you again.” He growled. You whimpered, curling in on yourself before nodding. Diavolo visibly relaxed a bit, before continuing.
“I doubt you’ll have any qualms about the arrangement. Your sentence will be commuted, and it shouldn’t be very difficult for you.” He told you. You sighed a bit. You supposed searching in the palace wouldn’t be too difficult, all things considered. Anything to get out of this cell. You just nodded in response, looking up at Diavolo but kept your mouth shut. “I knew you would. It’s the deal of a lifetime, after all.” A small smile came over Diavolo’s face as he reached over, patting your head a few times before tangling his fingers through your hair and forcefully pulling you closer to him, pulling your face close to his pants. “Now then, I believe I’ll start your work right now. You may begin.” You gasped, started to squirm as you tried to break free of Diavolo’s painful grip.
“What’s going on?! What do you mean, I thought I was going to work-!” You were cut off by Diavolo’s hand slapping your face.
“That’s the third time that you spoke out of turn, dear. You really need to learn to mind your manners.” He seemed actually amused, delighted even, that you did break his rule, however, letting you wince and hold your tender cheek. “I’m surprised you can be this dull about these things. But since you don’t understand, I will spell it out plainly to you.” He let go of your hair in favor of taking your chin in his hand and forcing you to look up to him.
“You will take care of my physical needs without complaint. If I find any bit of noncompliance, I will have no problem sending you back here.” He told you. You swallowed, feeling your eyes start to tear up as you nodded, looking away. You felt so humiliated, stuck on your knees in front of this man as he held your life in his hands, able to throw it away on merely a whim. Diavolo hummed, letting go of you and moving instead to unzip his pants. He easily pulled out his cock, leaving you to swallow as you saw it. He was big, a lot bigger than you had imagined, thick with a gentle curve. You felt your face flush with embarrassment as you put your hands on your knees, trying to figure out what exactly you were supposed to do with that.
“You’ve never done a thing like this before, have you?” Diavolo asked, assumed by how embarrassed you were about the whole thing. You just gulped, trying to figure out some way to save this situation.
“I haven’t, b-but, I can help you in other ways if you want! I could cook, or um, clean, I’m really good at ironing clothes-” 
“No need. I’m more than happy to teach you what you need to know, pet.” Diavolo pulled you closer, letting his cock nudge against your lips in a way that made you squeeze.
“Go on. Try using your tongue.” Diavolo’s voice was laid back, but you could tell that he meant that as an order. You gulped and nodded, trying to keep yourself from falling apart as you stuck out your tongue, just letting it run over the tip. It was what was closest to you, after all, it had to be the right call, right? Well, it made Diavolo shudder, hand on your head gently rubbing your scalp in a way you guessed was meant to be soothing. 
“You may be worth something yet. But try running your tongue over the whole thing rather than just focusing on there.” He instructed. Every time he spoke you just nodded, not wanting to be hit again for responding. You started to make broad licks across the whole of his cock, looking up at Diavolo to continually gauge his reaction. 
“That’s it, good. Now take it in your mouth, nice and slow.” He hummed, continuing to pet your head as he guided your lips to the tip of his cock, nudging you to open your mouth. You gulped, but did as he asked, opening up your mouth if only to save yourself from what might happen if you refused. You started to take him into your mouth, slowly as far as you could without choking. When you realized you had only taken in half of him, you looked back up at Diavolo, not wanting to do anything before he had told you explicitly what he expected. He sighed and rolled his eyes at your hestitance, gripping your head harder.
“Is that really all you can take? I don’t think you’re trying hard enough.” He growled, pushing himself down your throat and leaving you to choke. New tears sprung for your eyes as he started to guide your head back and forth. You whined in return, but kept your hands on your knees, trying to take deep breaths through your nose. God, you couldn’t imagine what would happen if you threw up on the Emperor.
“There you go, that’s much better. You’re not very good at this, but you make up for it by how tight your throat is.” He chuckled. “Now take this, and I promise that you’ll be out of this cell.” You looked up in confusion, as if to ask what he meant, but Diavolo just let his sharp nails dig into your scalp, beginning to fuck your throat with reckless abandon. You groaned as you began to sob, your nose clogging with your own snot as you tried to keep back your own bile. 
It didn’t last long, if you were completely honest. The Emperor was obviously pent up in a way that you found rather shocking. Sure he had concubines or something that he could take his frustrations out on, right? Why did it have to be you? But still, you could tell that he was probably getting close as his thrusted were getting jerky, his growling becoming more like a low groan.
“That’s it, you’re going to swallow everything. You’re going to take everything that I’m going to give you, and afterwards, you’re going to fucking thank me for it.” Diavolo’s voice was low practically in a hiss as he thrust into your throat one, two, three more times before forcing himself as deep as he could, your nose forced to take him the musky smell of his pubic hair. He let out a small sound when he finally came, your entire senses becoming overwhelmed by the taste of salt from his cum. He didn’t pull out until he felt you swallow, forced to take him in. When he finally let you go and pulled out, you took large, deep breaths, gasping as you swallowed what was left in your mouth with a shudder.
Diavolo just looked down at you expectantly, his already thin patience wearing as you collected yourself. You caught his harsh look at you, and gulped, looking at the ground.
“T… Thank you, your Majesty.” You mumbled. It was pathetic, sure, but it was enough to satisfy, giving you a small pat on the head that you supposed was meant to be affectionate.
“Good, you did well for your first time. Now clean me up and tuck me back away.” He hummed. You just whimpered and nodded, moving to try and clean Diavolo off with your hands, but before you could even touch him, he grabbed your wrist, shaking his head.
“With your tongue, pet.” He warned you. You swallowed, nodding a bit and immediately darted your tongue out, cleaning up Diavolo the best you could before tucking him away.
“That’s it. I think this arrangement will be extremely… Agreeable. The guards will show you to your new living quarters as soon as I sign the paperwork to commute your sentence.” The Emperor spoke, already walking out of the cell and closing it behind him. 
“I do hope that we’ll keep up this good behavior. I really have no qualms about making sure you end up right back here.” He told you, leaving you alone once again. As soon as he left, you couldn’t help but start to sob, slowly crying yourself to sleep.
You woke up to the sound of your cell opening again, guards coming over to you and easily picking you up. You were dazed, trying to make sense of the whole thing, before handcuffs hit your wrist.
“W-Wait, what’s going on? I thought I was being made into a servant!” You asked, but the guards just pulled you along, taking you out of your cell and up a long staircase to the palace.
“It’s customary to transport a slave like this. You should get used to it, the Emperor had the good enough graces to change your sentence from death to slavery. I wouldn’t complain if I were you.” The guard grunted, your face falling flat as you realized your circumstances.
Maybe dying would’ve been easier.
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whispsofwind · 4 years
Buoni presagi, episode 2, part 2
After a ridiculous amount of time, I’m picking up again my rewatch of Italian Good Omens (don’t judge me, there was opera live on TV and cheesy Christmas movies to watch!)
Here’s Episode 1, part 1 and part 2, and the first part of episode 2. A reminder that this series is basically me complaining about the dub, and it’s tagged ‘Buoni presagi’. Not much to complain about in this one though, it’s actually quite good!
All these days didn’t warm me to the Them’s voices. They’re just not convincing, except perhaps Pepper’s angry rants.
The fact that they call the dog ‘Dog’ in Italian too is going to drive me up the walls. Why. Just why, it ruins the joke – aaah I’m fine. FINE.
You may ask, do I still want to strangle Azraphel? Yes. Yes I do, he’s insufferable, but at the very least he’s great at being smug and condescending. I much prefer the original Aziraphale.
Oh, children why do you sound so bored. Please children, I am begging you.
“I love fear, great admirer, let’s go find the nuns” Crowley horror fan confirmed.
I got to give it to him, Azraphel’s little breathless ‘Grazie’ (thank you) kind of got me.
“Oh, a good cause?” Guys I can’t properly explain how Crowley says it, he uses this low voice and you just KNOW he’s planning something, I love him. Still the best so far.
I kind of love the emotion the people shooting at Tadfield put into it, some of them go completely over the top and it’s perfect.
Since ‘nice’ doesn’t have a precise translation (I’ve seen it translated as anything from ‘good’ to ‘cute’ to ‘beautiful’), they settled for Azraphel calling Crowley ‘buono’ (ie good. You can actually hear Azraphel was about to say ‘a good devil’). So now Crowley has a problem with 5 letters words! Which would include love, amore in Italian. Well done.
Azraphel, before asking a question to Mary, snidely says ‘look and learn’ (more or less, it’s literally ‘stay and look’ but the actual meaning is the first one I said). Did I already say he’s smug, he’s such a SMUG BASTARD GUYS.
“How the heaven should I know?” became “come angelo faccio a saperlo?”, which literally means “how angel would I know?”. This is amazing because it’s substituting the word ‘devil’ with ‘angel’, the commonly used phrase being “how devil would I know?”, “come diavolo faccio a saperlo?” (‘devil’ here basically does what ‘hell’ does in English, grammatically speaking).
No matter the language, it’s still hilarious how quickly Crowley caves when Azraphel/Aziraphale decides they’re giving a lift to Anathema. This whole sequence is simply amazing.
Upon this rewatching, I can’t help but notice how often the background behind Crowley is much darker than behind Aziraphale. Azraphel. Whatever. It happens constantly, and in scenes I hadn’t actually noticed before.
Ahh, ‘tickety boo’ got such a boring translation. ‘Absolutely unsurpassed”. C’mon. You can do better than that.
Agnes calls Azraphel a ‘Prince’, not a ‘Principality’. Just saying.
And Episode 2 is wrapped up! Next, Episode 3… the one I dread the most (please be good, pleeeaseeee)
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Psycho Analysis: Yoshikage Kira
(WARNING! This analysis contains SPOILERS!)
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“You can call me Yoshikage Kira. I'm currently 33 years old. Not that you'd care, but I reside in northeast Morioh's villa district. Also, I've yet to marry. In order to make a living, I work for Kame Yu department stores. After a long day's work, I return home no later than 8 PM. I don't like smoking, but do enjoy the occasional drink. I'm always in bed by 11 PM, and I make it a point to get no less than 8 hours of sleep each night. Before bed, I drink a warm glass of milk. It's always coupled with 20 minutes of stretching to decompress from the long workday. Sweet dreams are the usual result of this. I then awake as refreshed and recharged as a newborn child, ready to take on the day's challenges. And after my last checkup, I was given a clean bill of health. For as long as I could remember, I've done everything in my power to live a productive life that allows me to pursue a lasting inner peace. This may be a foreign concept, but I choose not to concern myself with winning or losing, life's troubles, or enemies who bring sleepless nights. That is how I cope with this backwards life we find ourselves living. It's what brings me happiness in a world fraught with hardship and misery. Of course, if I were ever to engage in combat, I would win the battle without question.”
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is an absolute wealth of fantastic villains, some of the absolute best fiction has to offer. Villains like Dio and Funny Valentine and Diavolo and Pucci have become iconic among fans for their crazy personalities, quotable lines, powerful stands, unique designs, and overall character. But one villain stands out as perhaps the greatest creation of Hirohiko Araki, the villain of what is arguably the best part of the franchise: Yoshikage Kira of Diamond is Unbreakable.
Kira is the remorseless serial Killer who has been living in plain sight in Morioh for years, killing women and taking their hands to be his “girlfriends.” He miraculously was never caught despite being active for over a decade, due to a combination of sheer luck and his incredibly dangerous Stand Killer Queen. The utterly terrifying part is that for the most part he seems like an absolutely normal, average guy who otherwise wouldn’t stand out too much in a crowd (well, by JoJo standards anyway, he does dress a bit too colorfully to fit in to a crowd in the real world). This is also what makes him so great as a JoJo villain: even among the others, he stands out. Kind of ironic, all things considered.
Actor: The dub chose to grace Kira with the voice of D.C. Douglas, who you may know as Albert Wesker or Legion. To say that his voice work is perfect would be an understatement; he truly sells Kira as a normal guy while at the same time leaving an air of uncomfortable dread around every word Kira says. And when Kira snaps… brrrrr. Douglas really outdid himself here.
Motivation/Goals: Yoshikage Kira simply wishes to live a quiet life, free from the worries that the common man has. He just wants to live and brutally obliterate women until the end of his days, never being caught or facing justice. This is the gist of his character when first introduced, but of course, things change when Josuke and the gang get on his tail; he then goes out of his way to escape them by stealing the identity and life of a man named Kosaku Kawajiri, and when even that fails due to Kawajiri’s son catching on to him he gains a new ability so he can simply obliterate them all. The long and short of it though is that Kira is very much your typical serial killer pushed too far, though with his abilities, Kira is a lot more than “typical.”
Personality: Kira’s personality when compared to other villains like DIO is actually very subdued. For the most part, he is very calm, collected, and doesn’t really ham it up to any great extent. But when he does, it’s usually extremely terrifying; just look at the scene where he invades the couple’s apartment and kills them if you need evidence of how utterly terrifying Kira can be when he raises his voice
All that being said, once Kira gets Bites the Dust all bets are off. He becomes a lot hammier, though none of it feels like a betrayal of his character; it more feels like after all his desperate attempts to escape and all the fear of being caught, he is finally winning. And then when he starts to lose… it does sort of bring back memories of DIO after drinking Joseph’s blood, with how unhinged and even maniacal he starts to become.
Final Fate: Kira has the honor of dying twice within the span of a single episode. First comes when he is pushed into the path of an oncoming ambulance, which accidentally backs up over his head, killing him. Kira’s spirit ends up on Reimi’s street, and together with Arnold she succeeds in making Kira turn around and face the hands of the wicked spirits that live there, who proceed to tear him and Killer Queen apart and drag them to oblivion.
Both deaths are fitting and have a sense of irony to them. An ambulance reverses over him and tears off his face, just as he did to Kosaku Kawajiri; there’s also the fact that his face being mangled by the wheels of the ambulance technically gives Kira the anonymity he so craved. Then of course there is the fact that Kira is dragged off by the object of his desires, torn apart and brought to a place where he will never again experience a quiet day.
Best Scene: For Kira in his original appearance, it’s almost definitely his brutal murder of Shigechi. When he’s Kosaku Kawajiri, the final activation of Bites the Dust and his final fate really take the cake.
Best Quote: You know there is only one quote that could possibly go here. The single most famous thing Kira ever said. And while the dub unfortunately had to censor the line because there are some words you just can’t say on TV, the line still managed to be as epic as promised even if it did have a bit of unintentional hilarity to it:
“When I was a young boy, I remember discovering Leonardo da Vinci's enigmatic Mona Lisa while leafing through a tome of the master's works. It was my first time laying eyes on her! The beauty before me, well, it aroused something in me... it gave me a rock hard cock!”
The “cock” was bleeped out in the broadcast. I just love how this drops all the pretense and subtlety of the manga’s translation, it’s really beautiful and really showcases just how desperate and unhinged Kira has become.
Final Thoughts & Score: As has been noted and alluded to, there is a hilarious irony to Kira. By being a JoJo villain who does his best to appear as average and mundane as possible, he stands out compared to his garish, posing, flexing, hammy peers in the series. Of course, this really does just help make him all the more intriguing and unique… which, if he were real, would just frustrate him all the more.
Frankly this is the easiest 10/10 I have ever given to a villain. I hardly even have to think about it. Kira is just my absolute favorite villain subjectively speaking, and even objectively he’s just a fantastic character who fits the story so well. The ultimate enemy of a man who can fix anything is a man who can blow up everything, it’s pure brilliance, like a shining diamond perhaps. Then there’s his design, which just oozes cool, as well as Killer Queen’s design and myriad powers, which are likewise insanely awesome. Is it any surprise that he’s my go-to inspiration for when I design serial killer OCs?
There’s also just how he contrasts with the part as a whole. Diamond is Unbreakable is very relaxed and laid-back, plot wise. Compared to the previous three stories, which were all about fabulous muscle-bound vampires trying to take over the world, this is just a simple story about a gang of teens trying to find a killer and protect their town. There’s a lot of wacky situations and side characters, and overall the tone manages to stay fun and lighthearted… until Kira steps on the scene. Kira’s every appearance brings in a lot of dark, terrifying, and truly gruesome moments, and even with some of the levity provided such as his rambling about the erection he got from the Mona Lisa he still manages to be incredibly creepy and unnerving until his dying breath.
Kira is just an utterly fantastic villain with cool powers, a great voice actor, and two really fun playable appearances in All-Star Battle (Kawajiri’s Great Heat Attack is one of my favorites, it’s so funny). And while it’s obviously sad but still expected such a fantastic villain has to die, we can all take solace in knowing that some day in the distant future we will see him again (sort of) in Part 8. Still, it’s doubtful it will fill the hole Kira has exploded in the hearts of JoJo fans everywhere. 
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sarazanmai · 7 years
Thoughts on the “Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure” English dub. Episode nine.
and thus one of my favorite variations of Dio was born, Floating Head Dio
something I like with this series is you don’t see major events undone, what I mean is things like Dio turning all these people isn’t erased much like how the Kawajiri family is still broken at the end of DIU
for how this series can get, there is a feeling of permanence to it that many other famous anime lack
Jonathan, Zeppeli, they don’t get a reset button and even if there are deaths within this series I did not want or see a need for I appreciate Araki committing to his decisions
“our work here is done” for now
I am gonna miss this intro
also they added sound effects over the music. hmmm.
sorry but I always hated Erina’s wedding gown
“Mr. Speedwagon! you almost missed being able to say goodbye” I’m sad
“these tears that I cry are from joy, joy that I’m here with you” STOP
also can we appreciate that Erina is pregnant at this point?
just reminding everyone I guess
its too bad they axed some scenes with Jonathan and Erina as kids since I really like how Michelle voices her
so in the manga anyway Jonathan swears after hitting his head, not sure if the Japanese anime kept it or not but eh it was an endearing moment
dramatic color change of drama
also the music that plays when Jonathan spots Wang Chan reminds me of the opening part of Jojo Sono Chi no Kioku (my second favorite intro by the way)
he got a splitting headache!
“where is...my body?” um it got destroyed? sorry?
Floating Head Dio will always be hilarious to me
so the family behind Erina is one I can’t take seriously anymore because someone a while back posted those screen caps of them and wrote “dammit honey I can’t take you anywhere!”
its still funny
“Dio...” “Jojo...” this sums up PB in a nutshell
“if there really is a God, one who plucks the strings that bind our fates, I am certain that our fates were bound together for a reason” a point further substantiated by SBR, but a point we still don’t really know much about
whatever reason it is that Jonathan and Dio are so bound up together we can only leave it to personal interpretation because Araki never tells us
maybe that’s intentional, maybe he just didn’t bother giving us a reason, for me I just see Jonathan and Dio as representing two opposing forces that are constantly at odds
granted Johnny and Diego are very different from their counterparts which is why they are characters in their own right instead of extensions of these two, but the fact that they still got tied up with each other in their timeline does prove that Araki sees the Joestars and Dio as two entities that will always be involved with each other
this is jumping the gun, but this ties into why I wish he explored Giorno’s connections to Jonathan and Dio more as he’s literally the byproduct of Dio forcing himself into Jonathan’s fate
look, look with your special eyes
so the fact that he shatters the glass with his eye beams and is still fine suggests that the jar was not necessary at all and just something he did for aesthetics
RIP Lisa Lisa’s birth parents
I’ll give them credit for making baby Lisa Lisa a brunette, since I recall the manga making her blond (oops)
“the body of my dearest foe has become my future!” you have no idea
all Jonathan wants to do is save Erina...
its Dio’s turn at exposition now
this is a beautiful moment and I also gotta say Araki might be the only person who wrote a shonen manga that was not afraid to show his couple kissing (well okay him and Togashi since Yusuke and Keiko kiss)
why are authors of shonen manga so afraid of showing any intimacy between their leading male and his love interest? do you assume the readers still think girls have cooties? even American comics show the heroes kissing women
unfriendly reminder that Erina is only 19
fuck you Dio
okay the way Dio says “velvet boudoir” is hilarious especially knowing a boudoir is something for women not men
he stabbed Floating Head Dio in his neck, a weird area to attack a floating head admittedly
“farewell to you my beloved” no....
back when the SDC finale aired I mentioned this series never making me cry before (though seeing Jotaro and Joseph say goodbye to Polnareff came close) but this is really effective
I think coming back to certain parts of the series has helped me realize that even something as ridiculous as Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure can move me
I mentioned previously that I once felt Jonathan’s death was undermined by SDC and how now I see that’s untrue. Jonathan’s goal throughout this climax was get Erina to safety, stop Dio but get Erina to safety at all costs. she is pregnant with their only son and leaving with the future mother to their only grandchild, the legacy is what Jonathan died for. it was not just about stopping Dio, assuming it was about that was very narrow minded of me. the fact that his bloodline carried onward even in highly complicated ways is his true victory. without his heroic death Joseph wouldn’t have been able to stop Kars, Jotaro wouldn’t have finished what he started with Dio, Josuke wouldn’t have saved Morioh, Giorno wouldn’t have defeated Diavolo, Jolyne would not have accomplished all that she did, because none of them would have existed
in the back of the official English manga there are nice writings from Araki about some of the choices he made. one thing he noted was that killing Jonathan was a very bold move as the idea of the hero dying, but the story moving forward was unheard of. and its because he chose to make this a generational series that Jojo is still able to exist as a manga and anime now. he did create a perfect formula for maintaining his story without it becoming redundant, whether he realized it or not
and even if fans will still argue that PB is so removed from the rest of the series or that its the weakest chain I disagree. PB laid the groundwork for some of the most significant elements of the series and gave us some of the most important characters that exist within it. there’s a reason they tried to make it into a standalone movie. granted the movie was so bad Araki scrubbed it out public access sparing the occasional screen cap and some dialogue free footage of Dio and Jonathan meeting, its still proof that in its homeland PB is regarded as something worthy of retelling
mind you PB isn’t perfect, I feel that every part of Jojo has something that needed to be worked on, but revisiting it has really helped me to appreciate it more than I already did. its too bad the anime cut some noteworthy things, but I really think fans still gain a lot from it and to deprive yourself of this experience just because you only care about Stands or you bought the unjustified hype that PB and BT are bad just feels like shooting yourself in the foot
as far as this dub is concerned, despite the accents slipping occasionally and some questionable line changes and translation choices I think they’ve done very well. I enjoyed myself completely.
back to the episode though (yeah I still got a few minutes of it left, God will I ever stop ranting?)
“his life was an important part of history, but invisible to ordinary people” WOW that is one meta ass line
“and the book of the stone mask was closed. for a time. but that was only the beginning of a new bizarre adventure” DUN NUN NUN
meanwhile, in the Aztec ruins, there is a new diva on the block
tune in next time where we go to New York to meet my absolute favorite character in the entire series
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yandere-daydreams · 4 years
Kinktober - Day One
Prompt: Cockwarming
Pairing: Lucifer/Reader (Obey Me)
TW: Dub-Con, AFAB!Reader, Non-Graphic Violence, Semi-Public Sex, and Verbal Degradation.
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Things always seemed to escalate, with Lucifer.
It was one of his many, many unpleasant talents, even if you seemed to be the only person who ever got to see its full extents. You might follow him into an empty classroom under the guise of looking for something he’d forgotten, and more often than not, you’d leave limping and bruised with a poor, nearly abandoned notebook cradled in your arms. He might call you into his room to help him with something he should’ve been able to handle by himself, and the next morning, you’d wake up in his bed, a uniform already folded on the bedside table to replace the one he’d shredded. And, when he asked you to come to his office to sign a form for the exchange program, you tended to end up stripped from the waist down, his coat draped over your shoulders and his cock buried so deep inside of you, you were afraid that if you moved in just the wrong way, you’d break altogether.
That might’ve been the problem. You’d break, meaning you weren’t already broken. Meaning he hadn’t broken you, yet.
That was another thing about Lucifer. Things always escalated, but tonight, they couldn’t seem to escalate enough.
It was frustrating. It was frustrating, and more than that, it wasn’t, it couldn’t be, it would never be frustrating enough. Even if you could feel that familar pressure, a tight compression that made your toes curl and your body heat up as your hips pressed flash against his, a strong arm kept you from moving, from going any further, and although the edge of his desk was biting into your spine, his chest slotted against yours as his warm breath ghosted over your exposed neck, he was more than happy to neglect you and scribble away at whatever paperwork Diavolo had sent off for him to do. There was tension, but there wasn’t friction. There was slick, dripping from your enterance and drooling onto his lap, but there wasn’t anything to do with it. There wasn’t discomfort, but there wasn’t the pleasure that would make it worth the pain, there wasn’t the satisfaction.
There was just Lucifer, the sound of his quill scratching against paper, and your own growing irritability, as he failed to provide anything but the prior.
You didn’t even notice you were starting to move, not until your fists were already balled around the dark fabric of his shirt as you attempted to grind against him, but whatever feeble, stuttering pace you were able to pick up was quickly interrupted by a row of gloved fingertips digging into your side, stiffling your progress without remorse. At least he felt the need to look at you, this time, a poorly concealed sigh making his exasperation more than apparent. Still, it was manufactured, dramatic, at best. He liked having power of you. He liked being in charge. If he’s denying himself anything, it’s only because he planned on making you beg for it.
Still, that didn’t stop him from pouting as he leaned back, a frown pulling at the corners of his lips, as overdone as it was enraging. “You’re squirming,” He said, his sympathy layered on so heavily, you could almost believe it was genuine. “Again.”
It took you a moment to remember how to speak, the air catching in your throat as soon as you opened your mouth. There wasn’t enough, there wasn’t nearly enough, but at the same time, there was too much for your voice not to shake, too much for you not to hesitate before you spoke. You could only hope it wouldn’t go to his head, but judging by how reflexively his frown broke into a smirk, it was a pointless thing to wish for. “Can’t help it,” You mumbled, making a half-hearted attempt to hide your face in his shoulder. “You’re-- It’s uncomfortable.”
That earned a jerk of his hips, a sudden thrust upward that left you biting back a moand clenching your thighs around his waist. From the light chuckle he let out, you would’ve thought that’d pinched your cheek or given you the gentlest love tap, but Lucifer was good at that. He always found a way to make you think you were the crazy one, that he was doing something innocent and you were wrong for wanting to get off on it.
“It’s uncomfortable,” He mused. His grip around your midriff began to loosen, but any relief that might have brought was short-lived. Before his arm could fall away completely, his free hand was cupping your chin, tilting your head back with a little more force than he really needed to use. “Is it uncomfortable? I thought I was doing you a favor by giving you so much time to adjust.” The pad of his thumb pushed into your jaw, driving out a low whimper before you could swallow it down. Lucifer only hummed as he pulled you closer and kissed the top of your head, a gesture much too loving for the situation he’d dragged you into. “You’re always going on about how much it hurts, how I’m being too rough, how you’re not getting what you want. Isn’t this better, (Y/n)?”
You didn’t answer. It wasn’t, he knew it wasn’t, but you had a feeling he didn’t care. It was all you could do to tug his coat around you, to ignore the way your cunt clenched around him and do your best not to meet his eyes as you changed the topic. “Someone could walk in,” You whined, nodding towards his office door. “If anyone hears something--”
You didn’t get a chance to finish. Before you could get another word out, his hand had fallen away from your jaw, his hold finding your neck, instead. It was a sudden movement, something so abrupt and so impulsive, you didn’t realize he’d moved, not until you were lying flat on his desk, your spine aching and your throat throbbing as you realized how difficult it’d become to breath. That wasn’t your main concern, though, no, it didn’t even come close. For a second, for a brief, blissful second, he was fucking into you, lighting your nerves on fire and making everything so beautiful as he inadvertantly forced himself even deeper, as he finally gave you want you needed. But, it was only for a second. Just as quickly as you’d caught hold of the slightest hint of contentment, it was ripped away from you, torn and destroyed by Lucifer’s firm grip and his stern scowl as he held you down, refusing to let you rut into him or do anything besides writhing and mewling for what he was just too kind to give you.
“Such a greedy little slut,” He growled, his patience giving in before his discipline. You could feel him twitching inside of you, he had to want this as badly as you did, but if Lucifer cared about his own carnal urges, you couldn’t tell. This wasn’t about sex, for him, it wasn’t about panting and sweating and making someone else feel good. He wanted you to suffer, he wanted to stand by and watch as you humiliate yourself into submission, and as much as you hated to admit it, Lucifer tended to get what he wanted. “I’ll give you a choice. You can either shut your mouth and wait your turn, or you can keep acting up and see how generous I’m feeling when you’re finished. I think you’re smart enough to make the right descion, love.”
You hated him. You hated him, and you hated his office, and you hated his cock and you hated how much you didn’t hate it, you hated how much you wanted more. You hated that he was right, and you hated how small he made you feel, by saying it so blatantly. You hated all of it.
You just wish you hated it a little more.
Meekly, you let your head fall to the side, Lucifer’s grin only growing wider as your body relaxed under his. You knew what he wanted, and he knew you were going to give it to him. The only thing you could do was try not to draw it out any longer than you had to.
“I can wait.”
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yandere-daydreams · 4 years
Kinktober - Day Twenty-Four
Prompt: Corruption
Pairing: Diavolo/Reader & Simeon/Reader (Obey Me)
TW: Dub-Con, F.Reader, Oral Sex, Implied Gaslighting, Religious Themes, and Coercion. 
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You’ve been having the strangest dreams, lately.
They always started in your room, or… what presented itself as your room, rather. It was filled with your books and your clothes and all the things you’d expect to see in the place you dwelled most often, but the bed was too big to be yours, the sheets silken instead of stiff cotton. The ceiling was always just a little too high, every candle always lit, and most jarringly of all, your window was always open, a mistake you’d never make in the dead of winter. When you woke up, you’d wonder if the rest of your home had been replicated, if the pages of your novels would be blank if you tried to read them, but nothing that lucid ever occurred to your sleeping mind. On a good night, you’d simply feel tired, hazy, as you would after burning incense, but on some, you could hardly will your body to move at all. As if you’d knocked over your alter completely, and been left to suffocate on the resulting smoke.
That was alright, though. You rarely had the opportunity to move, regardless of whether or not you could.
Simeon and Diavolo made sure of that.
Diavolo, moreso than his companion. Even in his lap, his bare chest pressed to your back and his breath ghosting over your neck, he felt the need to keep a palm pressed against your thigh, hiking your nightgown up to your waist and nudging your legs apart, encouraging you to keep them spread and give his companion space to fill. You didn’t know why he felt he had to touch you. His form eclipsed your own, and even if it didn’t, he had this authoritative aire to him, an aura that always made you hesitate to complain when his tone dipped into anything below jovial. You would’ve done anything he asked of you, regardless of how filthy it made you feel.
Simeon was easier to handle, in comparison, less imposing that his peer. His eyes were softer, contemplative but not calculating, and he had a way of making you feel privileged, making you feel pious. Your head was still full of nothing, your joints rigid and your limbs heavy, but your heart beat a little faster when he smiled, his expression all gentleness and care and ethereal perfection. He must’ve noticed your sudden attentiveness, the flush that rose to your cheeks as your mattress dipped under his weight and he settled in front of you, because when he broke the silence, he did so intimately. Indulgently, you’d say, if everything he did wasn’t so angelic. “My little lamb,” He cooed, the words falling somewhere between praising and patronizing. A mixture of sweet and sickening that you couldn’t help but lull into. “Have we kept you waiting?”
You weren’t sure how to answer. Part of you didn’t want to answer, not really, not when you knew there’d be no way to scavenge your pride, if you did. Agreeing would be an admission of guilt, an admission of sin, but trying to deny your eagerness would only make you sound childish. You opened your mouth, but Diavolo was faster than you were, his lips pressing into the side of your neck as he spoke. “Don’t put pressure on the poor girl.” His voice was muffled by your skin, the reverberation forcing you to shudder. “She’s still trying to play innocent, Simeon, just like you. Imagine how shameful it must feel, to be caught in her position.”
That caught your interest, if only for what it implied. “Am I… You think I’m shameful?”
At that, Simeon’s simper turned into a small pout. He took his time, reaching up to cradle your chin and tilt your head back, the pad of his thumb running over your cheek as he met your eyes. There was always an underlying hint of competition between the two, subtle but apparent to anyone who had to look as closely as you did, and there was no time it was more on-display than when Simeon infringed on territory Diavolo considered his. Already, he was baring his teeth, but if Simeon noticed, he didn’t seem to care. “Of course not, dear. There’s nothing immoral about holy love, and that’s exactly what the two of us have.” His gaze shifted, flickering past you. “Our guest, on the other hand--”
Simeon didn’t get a chance to finish. Before he could, Diavolo’s hand was in his hair, clamping down around his scalp and jerking him downward, pressing Simeon’s face into your cunt so quickly and so suddenly, you didn’t process that either of them had moved - you couldn’t, not until you felt Simeon’s mouth cup your sex, his form relaxing as he caught-on to Diavolo’s intentions. It was abrupt, and so was the pleasure, a sharp heat that shot your core and made it impossible not to lurch forward as Simeon braced himself on your hips, nails digging into tender flesh, forcing you to focus on the felling of his tongue tracing patterns into your pussy, all planned, all careful, meant to make you writhe and squirm and buck against him, even when you knew you shouldn’t be enjoying this.
By way of reward, Diavolo took to carding through Simeon’s hair, petting him like a favored creature as Simeon worked. “He talks too much, doesn’t he? Men so righteous always do.” There was a hum on his part, a stifled moan on yours, and slowly, casually, Diavolo allowed his unoccupied hand to find the collar of your gown, the thin fabric disregarded with a tug and a pointed, deafening tear. Simeon was skilled in his own right, noting your reactions and devoting himself to your pleasure, but Diavolo rarely proceeded with that much caution. It shouldn’t have felt good, as he groped at your chest, nimble fingers pinching at your nipples while his careless mouth found your neck, searching for sensitive areas and abusing them, once he found what he was looking for. Compared to Simeon’s kitten licks, the delicate way his tongue curled inside of you, it was nearly too much. The feeling of his spit on your skin, of your own blood dripping down your chest whenever he bit down, it was--
It wasn’t enough.
You let out a whine, the noise pitchy, needy, and Diavolo laughed, only drawing away slightly to push a light, chaste kiss into the corner of your mouth. It was condescending, it was meant to make you feel small, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care, not as he pulled you closer, not as Simeon groaned and encouraged you to grind against him, to chase after what you wanted, rather than what either man was willing to give. “Is someone getting impatient?” Diavolo asked, the question cocky, mocking. “I suppose Simeon may be right. Perhaps we have been neglecting our precious mortal, after all.” He paused, letting out a faux-sigh. Not for the first time, you wondered if you’d ever truly know what went on inside his mind. “Do you want something more, princess?”
You did. You wanted more, you wanted so much more, but at the same time, you couldn’t stand the thought of accepting it. This was wrong, this was bad, this was sinful. It was sinful, even in a dream, even if you knew you’d beg for redemption the moment you awoken. You shouldn’t want this. You shouldn’t, but you did.
You wanted it more than you’d ever wanted anything.
Your voice shook, your tone meek, reluctant. Still, you could feel Diavolo grin, his hand trailing downward, meant to either aid Simeon or replace him completely. He didn’t seem to care. Pulling away, Simeon sent you another smile, beaming and proud, as if he could still sway your mind.
As if you didn’t know you’d been damned since the moment they put their hands on you.
“Yes, please.”
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yandere-daydreams · 4 years
Kinktober - Day Fourteen
Prompt: Role Reversal 
Pairing: Lucifer/Reader (Obey Me)
TW: Dub-Con, AFAB!Reader, Choking, Slight Bondage, Unhealthy Relationships, Mentions of Past Non-Con, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, and Abuse of Power
***This takes placing during Chapter 37, and contains minor spoilers. Don’t read it if you’re still catching up with the main story.
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You knew it was a terrible thing to do.
You didn’t want to think of Lucifer as weak, not after everything he’d done to you, but it would’ve been impossible to deny he was... more vulnerable than he used to be. He had to be. He’d been afflicted, struck by something cosmic and inevitable, and he’d lost his memory as a result, been stripped of everything but his own name and the bare essentials. From a certain angle, it was your fault. From another, you couldn’t be blamed for not knowing something Diavolo was so adamant on keeping to himself. You should probably feel bad, either way - not guilty, but sympathetic. You didn’t have to pity him, but you should’ve at least made an effort to act like you cared.
You should’ve, and yet, you couldn’t seem to.
He’d never bothered to act like he cared about you, after all.
This was more gratifying, too, more fun. You’d always wondered what it would be like to switch places, to force yourself into a role of authority, a role of superiority, and watch from your stolen perch as Lucifer suffered and squirmed and begged you not to do all the many, many things he’d done to you. Still, you never thought it’d feel this good. 
It didn’t help that he’d been so eager to please. He tried to hide it, but he was desperate, frantic, and when you mentioned knowing something that just might jog his memory, he’d dropped to his knees and taken you by the hand and only hesitated slightly before asking you to do whatever you needed to do. The old Lucifer would never be so eager. The old Lucifer would never ask you anything. But, the old Lucifer wouldn’t watch patiently as you adjusted a leather-bound collar to fit his neck, either, and he certainly wouldn’t swallow down all the many instinctual, cautious questions that came with having someone you only feel like you know unbutton your shirt and tell you to lie down while they straddle your waist and lock a silver pair of shackles around your wrists, ones you can’t seem to break with your oh-so-impressive demonic might. He must’ve been confused. He couldn’t be scared, but you’d understand if he was uncertain. You wouldn’t be able to blame him, if he was.
You just wish you cared enough to let that stop you.
“And, you’re sure this was-- fuck.” His voice was already shaking, already uneven and apprehensive. It made sense. You’d didn’t break down, anymore, didn’t sob and bury your face in the pillow whenever he pinned you to his bed and allowed his self-restraint to falter, but Lucifer wasn’t as practiced. He already looked like he was on the verge of tears, and you’d only just started to touch him. By the time you began to ease yourself onto his cock, already hard and throbbing, he was biting down on his lower lip, trying in vain to keep his eyes focused, fighting cries and moans in equal measure. Despite his best attempts to control himself, that sense of composure shattered completely as you bottomed out, your cunt clenching around him, if only out of habit. “I don’t--” He tried, cutting himself off as soon as the words threatened to break into a mewl. “I don’t remember this.”
You could’ve laughed. You did, actually, letting out a breathy chuckle as you ground your hips against his, pleasure sparking into a low, hungry fire in your core, eager to be fed. You weren’t in a hurry, though. That was something you and Lucifer had never agreed on, and he wasn’t the type to compromise. You liked to take things slow, but he was all about stolen moments, fleeting kisses found only in abandoned hallways and rash touches that left you feeling small and dirty and so, so exposed. Even now, he had to make an effort to hold himself back, fighting the urge to thrust up into you and rush things that shouldn’t be rushed. You only pressed your palm against his midriff, resting your weight on his torso. You couldn’t make him stop, but you could encourage him to. You could make him think that’s what the old Lucifer would do, when he wanted to prove how much he cared for you.
“That’s the point, baby.” You tried to keep your tone sweet, as light and as caring as you were sure you should be, but there was only so much you could do to keep it from becoming sickly, more of a patronizing coo than a comfort. “I’m trying to help you out, alright? We used to do this kind of thing all the time, and I thought you really liked it.” You paused, momentarily, leaning over him just far enough to rest your hands against his chest, to give him a good view of your expression as you contorted your features into an over-dramatic pout. “Or, do you just not like me anymore?”
His answer was immediate, instinctive, a quick shake of his head as his eyes clenched shut, his entire body going rigid when you started bouncing on his cock in earnest. Like this, you could almost see why he enjoyed it so much. In comparison to what he did to you, this was a kindness, but there was still a power to it, a degree of control that came with watching someone so smart and so strong whimper and writhe, squirming in an attempt to heighten whatever meager sensations you were willing to offer. You didn’t plan on aiding his pursuit. Instead, you let yourself indulge, fingers trailing over bare, flushed skin, the pad of your thumb digging into the bruises over his collarbone, tracing the shape of the brutal, bloody bitemarks on his shoulders, and finally, settling on the collar - his collar, now, pitch-black and unpadded and painfully tight, a small tag rocking and jingling every time he tensed or twisted or tried to rut into you for the barest hint of proper friction. It was pathetic.
It was perfect.
You didn’t try to stop yourself. Your knuckles pressed into his throat, stiffling his whines and cutting off his air supply as you wrapped your fist around the thin strip of material. His eyes shot open, panic - real panic - setting in for the first time since the start of your encounter, but he couldn’t resist, couldn’t stop you as you jerked him off the mattress, nearly dragging him up to your height. “You do still love me, don’t you?” He opened his mouth, but you were faster. You didn’t speak loudly, but you didn’t have to, not when he was already struggling to breathe. “Don’t talk. I don’t want to hear you whine your way out of this.”
Hastily, he nodded, and automatically, you dropped him, letting him fall against the sheets. You made sure the freedom was momentary, though, your hands wrapping around his neck and squeezing, that sense of primal, richeous, earned satisfaction slowly flooding back in. 
For the first time in a long time, you found yourself smiling at Lucifer. You had a feeling you were going to like this new version of him. 
More than you’d like the last one, anyway.
“Then behave.”
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wri0thesley · 5 years
Yandere prompt no.46 with diavolo pretty please?
“It’s okay to love me. Please love me.”
warnings!: nsfw. non-con. dub-con. yandere. afab reader and fem pronouns. gaslighting. bondage. doppio. (he’s a warning)
Vinegar Doppio is everything you could ever want in a boyfriend. 
He’s charming and kind and devoted. He holds your hand and brings you surprise gifts and remembers everything about you, kissing the top of your head and blushing and grinning a little shyly whenever you catch him looking at you. The skin beneath his sprinkling of freckles burns warms as he says, his voice earnest;
“I’m just so lucky to have you, amore.”
“I’m the lucky one,” you always tell him, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him softly, waiting with bated breath for his own arms to curl around you in return. Both of your eyelids fluttering closed, Doppio always gets a little tighter with his embrace. Something, you think about the darkness and the fact you’re not looking at him and wonder if perhaps it’s this which makes him feel able to give in to his darkest urges and treat you with more roughness than he ordinarily would. 
He has his quirks, of course. 
There’s his boss - the way he rushes to answer his phone, fingers trembling with anticipation. The laugh and the strange shadow that passes over his face when you crack a weak joke about how he must love his boss even more than he loves you. There’s the mystery surrounding his work, too - though you’ve come to your own conclusions about that from flecks of blood on his shirt collars and bruises and scars that he waves away as if they’re not important. 
Doppio has a dark side, and you know that this knowledge should drive you out of his arms. The fears of what his career is should make you move out of the shabby apartment you two share. The way that his gaze sometimes turns stony and a look that chills you to the bone settles on his mouth, shoulders tensing - all of those things should make you less likely to want to kiss Vinegar Doppio and wrap your thighs around his hips and listen to the creak of the springs and the mumbling stream of soft words that spill from his full mouth. 
You ignore all of it, in favour of that. 
You ignore when Doppio begs you to close his eyes as he fucks you, and you do it, aware that the snap of his hips becomes a little meaner and deeper as your fingers clench in the bedsheets below you and broken moans tear themselves from your throat. You ignore when he rolls you onto your back and the kisses that are lathed across your shoulders are bites instead, one of his hands keeping your head still as your body rocks with each slam of his cock inside you. You ignore the blindfold when he slips it over your head and he buries his head between your thighs, the growls of pleasure coming from his mouth a little darker and grittier than the ones he usually emits--
Until you don’t.
It’s not a conscious decision you make, to go against Doppio’s wishes. You would never deliberately upset him - it’s, perhaps, neither of your faults that the secret is revealed and your life as you know it is stripped away from you for a gilded cage to be erected in its place. It’s Doppio’s shaking hands because he’s so eager to strip you from every scrap of silk that your new lingerie is made of, perhaps. Maybe it’s the laugh when he pulls out the dark silk tie you’ve never seen him wear, but that is the exact shade of the padded cups of your bra, and the way your head moves with your mirth. Perhaps it’s his eagerness to have you in ropes bound below him, making him sloppy in other thing. Perhaps it’s just a tie-blindfold tied too loosely, or your head moving too much against the pillow with the slow luxurious stretch of Doppio’s cock as your tight wetness engulfs him--
Whichever it is, your hands are tied to the bedpost and far above your head when it happens. 
The man above you - the man with his length buried inside you, his body scarred and muscled above you, his arms intricately tattooed and his hair unbound where Doppio’s almost never is - is not your boyfriend. The man you are staring at now - with wide eyes where the blindfold has come loose - has you beneath him, at his mercy, tied up and helpless . . . and you have never seen him before in your life. 
One of his hands slaps over your mouth before you can scream, panic wildly flashing in his own gaze (a gaze that refracts light in a strange way and makes your stomach roll in discomfort, even as your body begins to convulse beneath him in an attempt to get him away from you. 
“Be still,” he growls, and a dim part of your brain registers that the growl is familiar but does not want to admit to why it’s so familiar. “You’re still for him--”
You move your hips in the wrong way and his cock strokes against you inside, a rough spot on your walls that has you seeing stars and has a low guttural groan of pleasure coming from the man who is not Doppio’s mouth. He moves inside you - and though you hate it, though you have no idea what’s going on, though fear has clouded your mind and robbed any real thoughts from your brain, the slick drag of his cock is familiar more than anything else. 
“That’s right,” he murmurs, as almost instinctively your hips buck up against his in search of delicious friction. “Good. Good girl,” and then, softer, he whispers your name, and your entire body is utterly frozen. 
The fact that this is not Doppio does not bring an end to the fact you were soaking wet before there was a cock inside you, or the fact that your entire body is singing out with need, or the hot tight ball of want that Doppio’s lust-darkened gaze and reverent touches had awakened within you. And it doesn’t change, either, the fact that this man with the speckled pink hair and the tattoos and the muscles seems to know how to play you in a way that has your face burning. 
You always thought that only Doppio knew how to make you feel like that. 
“Just look at you,” he whispers. The hand not over your mouth wanders over you, drinking you in, cupping your breasts and grazing your stomach with a practised touch, gripping your hip even as he drives himself in and out of you, the slick sounds of his cock and your strained breathing against him the only noises in the quiet room. “You’re beautiful. Tu sei mia.”
His words send a shiver of fear through you, even as his hand pulls back from your mouth, allowing you to gulp in a great gasp of air even as the back of his hand caresses your cheek in an echo of a loving embrace. He’s looking down at you as he fucks you like he’s known you for years. Your heart pounds in time with the needy ache in your lower body that he’s satiating with every thrust.
“Wh-who are you?” You try and whimper out, your words issuing forth half-moan and half-incoherent. He still manages to understand you, though - and that hand trails down, pinching your nipples and scratching thin lines over sensitive skin until you’re a useless puddle, whimpering with each fierce drag of his cock inside you. Though the way he looks at you is tender, the way he fucks you is anything but. 
“I’m your everything, tesoro,” he says, his voice smooth and sure. “I’m the one who’s keeping you safe. The one giving you everything. The one who loves you--”
“Please--” you gasp out, even as his fingers have found where your thighs are parted, as they circle your clit with a practised touch and the exact right amount of pressure to have jolts of pleasure sparking through every inch of you. “Please--”
“Diavolo,” he whispers, like he’s giving you a prayer to recite, and you realise with a whip-fire frack of even more visceral fear that this is his name. This is who he thinks he is, this demon in your bed who has spirited away your Doppio only to make you feel things that have you on the verge of tears. 
“Don’t--” You try and say, but his fingers are too clever and too fast and your peak is fast approaching despite that you do not want it. You want to be anywhere but here. “I don’t want this--”
“You do,” he insists. “You always come for me so beautifully, bella--”
He kisses you, and it is raw and primal and hungry and you feel something in the back of your mind break as you realise he kisses you exactly like Doppio kisses you when you close your eyes. All of the fight inside you, fizzing with promise, resigns itself to being a part of the way your body is singing out in need. Your back arches below him as he bites into the soft flesh of your lower lip and you yield as you feel blankness ebbing at the edges of your vision. He whispers, against your mouth;
“Say you love me.”
You are only dimly inside your own body. You feel soft and numb and tingling all at once, and you mumble something against him in return that might be Doppio’s name. His eyes flash. His grip tightens. There’s a desperation in his voice and in the tilt of his hips and the way his body drives into yours that says you have gotten something wrong, and his voice is a desperate clenched teeth plea as his own hips begin to stutter.
“It’s okay to love me,” Diavolo whispers, his voice breaking and pitching as he reaches his peak and you feel the twitch of him inside you, the way his cock pumps a few wild, final times and fills you hot and needy. “You can love me. You can love me too.”
Your own peak comes moments afterwards, eyes squeezing shut as a ragged moan is torn from your throat and white fireworks explode behind your vision, the entire world a riot of colour and blank space at once, your breath short and your body arching as you clench around his spent cock. 
There’s a brief whisper, so quiet against your lips it might not have been there at all.
“You will love me.”
The aftershocks weakly ripple through you as you lie there, breath heaving and eyes closed, wondering if you just cheated on your boyfriend as a hundred other thoughts chase through your head in a raging whirlpool. And then, a familiar voice and familiar hands as your eyes blink open.
“Huh? Oh, I guess the blindfold came off--”
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wri0thesley · 5 years
Hi Nat! Could I please get “You don’t even know how lucky you are. I protect you and provide for you. Don’t act so ungrateful.” for Diavolo or Prosciutto. Thanks!! c:
For the Yandere Prompts how about 45 with Diavolo?
well. clearly something about this prompt brought out the diavolo fuckers. 
warnings: not sfw. non-con/dub-con. violence. yandere. kidnapping. 
The cage is gilded, but it's still a cage.
You know by now that Diavolo is not a kind jailer. You know that when you speak out of turn, or misbehave, or beg for your freedom (in any way), Diavolo's eyes narrow and his touch becomes rough and angry. He grabs your arm so hard his fingertips leave bruises, or pulls your hair so hard you wonder how he does not rip full hanks of it from your scalp.
"Look at all of this," he hisses, motioning around the villa - the expensive, beautiful furniture and the windows with their stunning views and the doors that all lock behind him and you are never allowed the keys to. "This isn't good enough for you? You still want more? You're an ungrateful little bitch."
The snarls and the insults don't wound you like they used to. Diavolo has twisted every one of your insecurities - ones you didn't think anybody but you would ever know about - and used them to pierce through your outer shell a hundred times. He's brought up failed relationships (that you don't know how he discovered), self-doubt, your fears and your hopes - and he's brought them up when he's spitting anger and venom at you until you wonder if he can actually look into your mind.
They hurt, of course - part of you (a quiet, desperate part you don't want to acknowledge) craves Diavolo's approval more than anything else. Soft fingers instead of slaps. Gentle words instead of hisses. The soothing feel of lips across your forehead and mouth when you ask for it, instead of seized from you as the man physically pins you beneath him. You try to force the needful, aching part of you away as best you can.
That's what Diavolo wants. You to break under his regime. You to cling to his knee and press your tear-stained face against his expensive trousers and tell him you would do anything to please him - that you're thankful for what he's given you.
You are not thankful. Not for the expensive silks, and the beautiful jewelry, the villa that you'd never even have dreamed of living in. Not for his occasional barbed-wire compliments; "You're so pretty when you're not struggling. See how much better things would be if you just gave over? I could make you perfect, tesoro. All you have to do is obey."
And it's this - your lack of appreciation for the fact you're nothing more than Diavolo's prisoner - that drives him wild with frustration and anger.
You don't remember what it was this time. Whether you'd begged him to open a window, or whether you'd scorned the expensive lingerie he'd brought you, or whether you'd shrunk away from the persistent way he reached out for you - what it is really doesn't matter. All that matters is that you had done it, rejected his gifts and him by extension.
And there are few things he hates more than your ingratitude.
"You don't even know how lucky you are," he'd hissed out to you, wrenching you from where you'd sat, pinning you with strength no mere man should possess on the floor between his knees. You'd struggled against him, but all it had done was drive him wilder and angrier with his rage. He had pinned your wrists above your head with one hand, his eyes wild with fury as you'd struggled hopelessly against him. "I could make you nothing."
One hand, tearing down the buttons of your dress, exposing your chest and the underwear that he buys you (all sexy black lace and silks - nothing like what you'd choose for yourself. But you're not permitted that choice any more.) Even the underwear is not spared his rage, and suddenly your chest is bare and one hand is squeezing hard enough at your breast to bruise, calloused thumbs and fingers pinching your nipples until you feel tears bead in the corner of your eyes. You squirm beneath him, desperate to get away from his prying fingers and his wandering hands and the way he's looking down at you, like you're a piece of meat that he finds unsatisfactory.
"I protect you and provide for you," he whispers, his voice a venomous hiss - and whilst you can't argue that the second part of the sentence is true, the first seems like a bare-faced lie as he rips your skirts, keeping your body prone and vulnerable beneath him. You do not feel at all protected, subject to the way Diavolo is looking at you and treating you and with the knowledge hanging over your head of what he's going to do.
"Don't act so ungrateful," he whispers, and he shifts against you and you feel the hardness of his cock in his expensive slacks digging into you and you feel panic rise hot and sour in your throat. It's not the first time - you know it will not be the last time - but you can't help but want to struggle against him and delay the inevitable.
"Please," you whimper out, "I'm s-sorry--"
"Not as sorry as you will be, prediletto," he says, his voice grim - and fingers are prying beneath the lace of your underwear, thumb rubbing over your clothed core to coax some slick from you. Your body squirms beneath him - but he's had you in this position too many times for you to make a real attempt. He's learnt your body by heart - the pressure to apply, the places to touch you, and though you're halfway on the path to sobbing you can already feel the wet spot forming on the black lace. "See? Your body knows what you want. Your body knows to submit."
"D-Diavolo--" you whimper, the name sticking in your throat. It's the wrong choice. Calmly, almost as if he knew it was coming, you feel the sharp sting of a hand across your cheek.
You don't know how he does it. The hand on your wrists is still there. The hand coaxing more wetness from you, preparing you for his cock, is still there (if anything, you feel more damp, more needy, hotter and hungrier - but you try not to think about that. Thinking about how your body is screaming out for him as the rest of you is screaming out to get away from him always leaves you helpless and confused). But the sting and the warmth on your face is unmistakable.
"You haven't earned that right," he says, calmly. Your underwear is being slid down your thighs. "You will call me Don, or Imperatore, or Signore - or you will find your pretty mouth too busy to call me anything."
You nod, helplessly, as he shifts and your thighs are pressed apart, open and wanting. Diavolo's eyes travel downwards hungrily, taking in the tatters of your dress and where your legs are lewdly open, displaying the glinting wetness of your sex in the bright airy light of the beautiful villa he keeps you in.
It feels wrong, for something this sordid to happen in such beautiful setting. But Diavolo is shameless, and you are spread beneath him in the middle of the day in a huge, empty house - where, if you scream, nobody will hear you.
It doesn't stop you begging, as he calmly reaches for the fly of his trousers. You whimper out nonsense about how you're sorry, how you'll be good, how you're thankful for everything he does for you - you even pepper your impassioned pleas with 'Signore' and all of the other things he loves being called. It does nothing for you. That full mouth is simply twisted to one side in an arrogant smirk and he murmurs, his voice so low it feels like he's speaking directly into your head;
"You'll be more thankful for my cock." Your face burns red, but he leans in, and - sure enough - the head of his cock presses against your damp folds. "In fact . . ." He lets go of your wrists, unconcerned now his hips are pinning you beneath him that you'll be able to give him any kind of a struggle. He cups the side of your face in a move that's disgustingly tender. "You will thank me for my cock. Do you understand, troia?"
Your eyes are filled with tears but you nod, even as you feel the slow, inexorable stretch of Diavolo entering you. He's big. He's done this before, but you're always surprised by just how red-hot the stretch of him pressing his length within you is - the way that it sends shocks of heat and need through your entire body. Your breath comes out in a wheezing gasp as he demands;
"Tesoro? Don't you have something to say?"
"T-thank you," you manage, your vision blurring at just how it feels to be filled. You don't understand how this happens! You can be desperate to get away from him for hours, but when he's inside you, you suddenly feel as though he's been teasing you and driving you to the brink of utter need for just as long. It's as if he stops time, but only for you - as if he stops time only to touch you and set you aflame with need for his cock.
"What are you thanking me for?" He murmurs, his voice gritty at the edges. You can see the fire of enjoyment in your eyes as he looms above you, bottoming out against your slick tightness, his lips in a smile in a way that you only ever see when he fucks you.
"F-for your cock!" You whimper out, needy, as he pulls out and slams his length back in again, satisfying an ache that's come on quicker than a hurricane. Your fingers come up to helplessly cling to him, and he does not stop you - the rhythm he falls into is punishing, but you can't help but find it not quick enough. Not to sate the beast that's somehow running amok inside you. "Please! I n-need your cock! I-- ahh--"
One hand slides between you both, teasing the swollen nub of your clit with practised movements. It does not take long for you to feel your thighs shake, your body tremble, the heated ball of tension in your stomach coil and spring - and you come around his cock in pulsating shivers, needful whimpers, desperate tears.
You coming does not mean a cessation of his desire upon your flesh. You have been pinned underneath him for hours before, his stamina never decreasing, his eyes bright and wide and almost demonic as he drives you to unwanted peak after unwanted peak, until you're sobbing against him in an overstimulated mess and you feel like you will die if you come even once more.
You never do die.
Your body's aftershocks make you tremulous beneath him, your body quivering - but the shivers are quick to build into a whispering lap of waves against the shore, more certain and intense with every thrust of the hard cock inside you. As you feel another peak begin to build, he chuckles breathlessly, and looks down at you.
A finger drags down the side of your face, tracing the shape of your lips, forcing your mouth open so his thumb can slip between your open mouth and gently tease the tip of your tongue.
"Tesoro," he murmurs, "you are so lucky to even be alive. Never forget . . . if you're not acting grateful enough for me . . ." The finger trails down, over your chin, to your throat and where your pulse is beating wildly against the surface of your skin. "Well. There are always others who would jump at the chance. You're lucky that I enjoy you so much."
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Psycho Analysis: The Pillar Men
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(WARNING! This analysis contains SPOILERS!)
“Awaken my masters!”
Sometimes it’s really hard to divide a villain team into singular entries to cover on Psycho Analysis; the characters are just too intrinsically linked to take apart and do individually. So, the easy answer to this problem is to just do the whole group together! And considering these guys come right out and make their big debut by striking a pose together, how can I not group them together?
The Pillar Men are the major antagonists of the second (and objectively one of the best) parts of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. The trio consists of sinister and mysterious leader Kars, crafty and determined second-in-command Esidisi, and loyal and noble warrior Wamuu, and they pose one of the greatest threats in all of the JoJo canon on account of being enormous, ridiculously buff ancient Aztec vampires with insanely bizarre powers.
Oh, and Kars is the one who made the mask that turned Dio, thereby making Kars a greater scope villain for the entire franchise, so there’s that too.
Of course, while they’re all a serious threat, they aren’t really totally equal in terms of quality. Just watching the show it’s easy to tell who the more interesting Pillar Men are, though I will say all of them are good villains.
Actor: Kars is portrayed by John DeMita, who has had a long history voice acting smaller roles; Esidisi is portrayed by Chris Jai Alex, whose biggest role to date aside from this is Panthro in ThunderCats Roar; Wamuu is voiced by Paul St. Peter, who is probably the most famous of the three as he is the voice behind Xemnas of Kingdom Hearts fame, Kurama in Naruto media since 2014, and perhaps most surprisingly (and amazingly) of all, Wormmon in Digimon Adventure 02. All three do excellent jobs, with their voices really helping sell the character of the Pillar Man they’re voicing, and generally speaking they seem to be considered some of the best-voiced characters in the dub.
Motivation/Goals: The Pillar Men share one simple goal: they desire to obtain the stone mask and the Red Stone of Aja and combine them so that they may become the ultimate lifeforms, thus becoming invincible. This seems like a really good plan… but, frankly, it also seems like overkill considering these guys are basically godly powerful right off the bat, their only major weakness being sunlight. I suppose wanting to find and eradicate your only weakness is a smart goal, and the fact you become a literal god on top of that is icing on the cake.
Personality: Wamuu and Esidisi both really shine in the personality department, while Kars, unfortunately, hangs behind the two. Wamuu especially is a very interesting character, being the most honorable and noble of the Pillar Men; from his allowing Caesar’s blood bubble headband to continue to exist to his constant playing fair in his fights, Wamuu easily cements himself as one of the most affable antagonists in the franchise, to the point where he and Joseph basically become friends as he dies. His code of honor, fierce loyalty, and sheer badassery makes him a lot of fun to watch.
Esidisi is not quite as nice or honorable as Wamuu; considering he posessed the body of an innocent girl just so he could try one final suicide attack after his initial defeat shows he’s not afraid to be a bit underhanded, as does his crying psych out trick. And yet, that being said, Esidisi is still a pretty honorable villain in his own right, and much like Wamuu he does view Joseph as a very worthy adversary. The lengths he goes to aid his fellow Pillar Men indicates he does have a fondness for them, one that is seemingly reciprocated, and this sort of villainous friendship is always nice to see. While definitely more pragmatic and tricky than Whamuu, there’s no denying Esidisi was a worthy foe.
Kars… is odd. As the leader and the final foe to be faced in the story, he spends much of the series mysterious, his nature and motives shrouded in mystery. However, unlike DIO or Yoshikage Kira, we never really do get much of a sense of who Kars is in comparison to his fellow Pillar Men until the very end of this part. What we do get ultimately ends up being contradicted as well; his love of the natural world, for instance, shown best when he kills drunk drivers to save a dog and overcomplicates a landing to avoid crushing flowers, is tossed out the window when he becomes the Ultimate Life Form and allows his squirrel hand to kill another squirrel. He also puts up an act of being honorable and noble like his subordinates, but it’s all seemingly for show, as he goes back on his word when it suits him and he plays dirty and sadistically. Even his love for his fellow Pillar Men is a bit iffy; while it’s pretty obvious that he did care for Wamuu and Esidisi, and he told Joseph he would avenge them after their deaths, he does at one point pretty callously dismiss Santana, a Pillar Man he himself had raised. Kars’ personality just seems to flip flop back and forth when it suits him, and putting that aside he’s just a bit too mysterious and vague for his own good.
However, if nothing else, Kars shares one trait with his fellow Pillar Men: he is undeniably over-the-top and hammy to an absurd degree when the scene calls for it, and that honestly does redeem him at least a bit. And what little we do get about his origins and the source of his motivations is pretty interesting and makes a lot of sense. It just comes a bit too late for his own good.
Final Fate: All three Pillar Men meet their end in this part. Esidisi diees first; after being reduced to little more than a brain and some blood vessels, he is vaporized by sunlight after trying to steal Suzie Q.’s body. Wamuu is defeated in one-on-one combat between himself and Joseph, with his dying moments cementing how honorable he is and showcasing the culmination of his relationship with Joseph. Kars has the most sever and disturbing fate of all three; after becoming the Ultimate Lifeform and being blasted into space by sheer accident, his adaptive abilities kick in and put him into a state of hibernation to save him from the cold, airless vacuum of space. Unable to move and trapped entirely as he drifts further and further away, Kars eventually ceases thinking to cope with this horrible situation.
Best Scene: As a group, there is no better scene with all three than their introduction, in which upon waking up for the first time in thousands of years, all three of them strike a dramatic pose together. It is one of the most JoJo moments you will ever witness.
Individually, Wamuu has his final battle and ultimate death against Joseph, which cements his status as the very best Pillar Man with his noble and badass qualities on full display. 
Esidisi has the scene where he breaks out crying to psych Joseph out, a weird and iconic trait of the character that was even adapted as a taunt in All-Star Battle. 
And Kars has the moment where he decides to strum the opening notes of “Roandabout” on Lisa Lisa’s legs solely to piss off Joseph.
Best Quote: Wamuu’s best quote is the one used to introduce this Psycho Analysis, and the one used to introduce the Pillar Men as a whole: “Awaken, my masters!”
Esidisi gets this when he turns Joseph’s signature trick on him: “Next you'll say, ‘I'm going to wipe that smirk off your face!’ Watch.” This is only improved when Joseph responds with exactly that and then calls him out on stealing his tricks.
Kars gets this after the Pillar Men give their wedding rings to Joseph: “Let us keep moving. Apparently the human race has regressed rather than evolved.”
Final Thoughts & Score: The Pillar Men are really fun antagonists. They bring a level of seriousness and drama to the story that plays well off of Joseph’s goofy and eccentric personality, while not being entirely above goofiness themselves; I mean, Esidisi’s sobbing trick and Kars turning his hand into a squirrel are both things that happened, after all. And on top of all of that, they take the overly buff and macho aesthetic of early JoJo to its ludicrous, logical extreme with their awesomely god-like builds. They’re not called “The Aztec Gods of Fitness” by fans for nothing.
As I mentioned though, some of the Pillar Men are just more interesting than others. Unsurprisingly, Wamuu is a 10/10; with his excellent voice acting, his defined and noble personality, and his strange yet compelling relationship with Joseph make him one of the most notable antagonists in the entire franchise, and he’s not even the big bad!
Esidisi scores an 8/10. He’s not quite as impressive as Wamuu is, but he’s still pretty awesome in his own right. His incredible determination and love for his comrades to the point where he just refused to die for a bit solely to make their lives a little easier is honestly a bit inspiring and a great show of his true character. The fact he fights with his own blood veins is also ridiculously cool and disgusting all at once. Kars… I am giving a 6/10. He has a reputation of being one of the more base-breaking villains of the franchise, though definitely not to the extent of Diavolo, and it is a bit easy to see why. Kars is a bit too mysterious for his own good, and what little we do see of him seems to get dropped whenever it suits his mood. All that aside, there really is no denying that what we do learn about him is relatively interesting, and when he finally cuts loose towards the end and starts hamming it up, he honestly does live up to the precedent set by his cohorts. Still, I can’t pretend like he’s not overshadowed a lot by Esidisi and Wamuu; they’re just a lot more fun as antagonists. At the very least Kars is a lot of fun to play as in All-Star Battle, though his GHA really is a pain to pull off.
No matter the individual quality level though, as the collective big bads of this part of the Joestar Saga the Pillar Men are all some of the most interesting and unique foes in the series. I think what’s most impressive is that the series somehow managed to top these guys with nearly every villain after this. You heard right, this series gave giant ancient Aztec vampires with incredibly strange body powers and with one of them literally becoming the ultimate lifeform in the second part of eight and counting, and yet somehow they still managed to keep escalating the villains from here to ludicrous extremes, with a bisexual psychopathic egomaniac vampire who can stop time, a hand-fetishizing serial killer who can turn things into bombs and rewind time, a paranoid mafia don with multiple personalities  and the ability to erase short chunks of time, a gay priest who has a thing for prime numbers and wants to reset the universe for his vampire boyfriend, and a dimension-hopping United States president who wants to collect the pieces of Jesus Christ’s corpse to attain ultimate power all following as big bads.
It really is that sort of series. And when the series is like that, it’s better to start embracing how crazy and over-the-top you are early on, and what better way to do that than with Aztec super vampires? The Pillar Men are a great way to ease people in to the insanity that would follow, being a perfect mix of down-to-earth understandable weirdness and out-there bonkers wackiness. Much like Forever after, they marked a point where the series really started shaping up into the one we all know and love by truly creating and embracing its identity. For that, they definitely deserve a lot of respect.
UPDATE: The only real change here is that Wammu gets bumped down to a 9/10. This is mainly because, as amazing as Wammu is, he’s still not quite on the level as villains like DIO or Kira in terms of iconicness. I wish he was, but sadly we do not live in that world.
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