#I shudder to think
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loosethreadsofyoursoul Ā· 6 months ago
buckā€™s energy this episode:
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charmwasjess Ā· 4 months ago
If Lucasfilm hires you to develop a project what do you pitch?
(Happy Thanksgiving btw šŸ¦ƒ)
Forgive me oā€™ Geode, friend and sender of fun asks, but the pitch would be me asking to use the restroom and then sneaking out through an open window.
I know! I know! What a boring answer! That sounds so cynical and unfun! Jess LOVES Star Wars content!! So why is she crying?!
Problem is, I think I would want to pitch The Acolyte. 
Of course, I disagree with Leslye Headlandā€™s take on the Jedi Order completely. But I canā€™t say I didnā€™t have fun with that show, or that I wouldnā€™t have tried to do the exact same thing she did with some meaningful differences: get a Jedi-centric story away from the Skywalker Saga, explore weird places, make it dark and edgy and sexy, diverse leads, LGTBQIA+ characters treated like real characters, big tasty lightsaber fights. And it would get cancelled just like The Acolyte did, as none of the things I wanted to fix about the show were the reasons for its failure. 
I donā€™t think itā€™s just Star Wars, by the way. It is ROUGH out there for creative people working on projects, big or small. The industry is changing in ways that are still being realized as stories change to franchises which change to corporate properties managing streaming conglomerates. I imagine it will get a great deal worse before it gets better as companies start to cheap out on AI. Iā€™ve talked to Netflix producers, friends who write for Marvel projects, and closer to home, my partner just realized the creative dream of a lifetime: the book heā€™s worked on for seven years got published by THE publisher in his scene. Itā€™s a success! His fans are fantastic! The reviews are great! Heā€™s sold so many copies so quickly that he would qualify for NYT bestsellers criteria if they listed his genre. His experience with the process was like pulling fucking teeth. He was unsupported with the book on every level by his publishers, fought for every good decision, and the whole process was exhausting and demoralizing.  
I canā€™t imagine how quickly the dream turns into a nightmare for someone taking on a Lucasfilm project, getting the chance to tell a story theyā€™re deeply passionate about, and then it fails utterly for reasons entirely outside of their control.  
Anyway, without invoking Apolloā€™s red ball, I do want to talk about a Dooku: Jedi Lost adaptation for a second. Because of course, imagining well done cinematic scenes of certain favorite moments in that book - the Tirra ā€˜taka or Sifo-Dyasā€™s sandstorm while Dookuā€™s blue blade is just cutting down foes left and right - make my nips so hard they just break off and go flying around the room, smashing up the furniture. Itā€™s impossible not to dream ā€œwell, what if they just did it really well?ā€ 
But hereā€™s where I think it falls apart. Regardless of how you view the platonic or romantic nature of Sifo-Dyas and Dooku's relationship, a good half the book is two male characters having intimate, affirming conversations about their feelings. Can you imagine a Star Wars property where the male leads look at each other and say lines like ā€œyouā€™re here. With me.ā€ or the whole ā€œIā€™m in.ā€ ā€œIā€m inā€ exchange as their ship literally falls burning from the sky? Disney would probably turn it into a lightsaber fight, and yeah, Iā€™d reblog the shit out of those gifs, but I think it would erase something core that I love in the narrative that is perfectly captured in the medium itā€™s in right now. Something tender and understated and rare.
....And even if they captured that aspect perfectly, part of the ā€œfandomā€ that hadnā€™t seen a Star Wars film since May 2005 would bleat ā€œwokeā€ and complain that their wife left them because someone (me) ruined Count Dooku.
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h-monayy Ā· 5 months ago
Itā€™s weird being in this fandom here and on instagram. Like following the official account and seeing all of the middle aged people commenting like oh. You have a job and a family Iā€™m the outlier here. Iā€™m very glad they donā€™t have the horrors of a large very young fanbase though I wouldnā€™t wish that on anyone šŸ˜” plus they r the ones tuning in live and keeping it renewed for new seasons so god bless them !!!
But here itā€™s the neurodivergent kids (shoutout yā€™all r the backbone of any solid fandom) and people who are deranged (me).
I also almost passed out when Asher Grodman viewed my story when I reposted one of his posts. I forget that they arenā€™t mega celebrities šŸ˜­ this fandom is SMALL !!!
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ccryptidccreek Ā· 1 year ago
Every time I see cursed cat Alastor, I get acosted by horrible, painful memories of a dark time.
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Cursed cat alastor source :]
Couldn't find who made the jellenheimer image sadly :[ If you have the source lmk!
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daisychain-unchained Ā· 1 year ago
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I pray to all the world as one that day will bring the sun / In the scarlet light of Valentineā€™s our paper hearts are blind
- Valentine Melody, Tim Buckley [Feb. 14, 1947 - June 29, 1975]
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from-the-coffee-shop-in-edoras Ā· 9 months ago
Apparently, current or former horse girls converge towards Rohan stories...
Wid and Guth's story is full of beautiful horse scenes, particularly the one where Guth rides down to the river with no hands and Wid is drooling at him (so are we tbh)! Also, gold star for only including one small scene with the "only one horse" trope, and a justified one!
Care to tell us more about your real-life experience with horses?
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Oh, goodness, yes! Horse girls unite! Loving Rohan is just a natural state for us! ā™„ļøšŸ—”ļøšŸŽšŸ‘‘
I grew up around horses. My grandparents had two at their farm when I was really little (too little to ride, but not too little to make myself a giant horsey friend!) and Iā€™d hang out with them whenever I could. Then when I was 7 or 8, I started riding at one of the horse farms around where I grew up. Iā€™m no GuthlĆ”f (šŸ‘€), but I was a pretty good pleasure rider and a decent jumper.
I worked at a stable for years both doing barn chores and helping to exercise the long-term boarded horses whose owners couldnā€™t ride every day. In the process, I got a Might As Well Have Been Mine horse, whose name was Polar. His owner was lazy, so I was pretty much the only one to ever ride him. He was gentle and sweet and goofy and had a canter so smooth you wouldnā€™t even feel like you were moving at all. Just a 10/10, no notes kind of boy. I still miss him!
My riding days came to an end as I was finishing high school. I had a GuthlĆ”f experience and hit my head on a fence post (it was FINE, I had my helmet on!), which made my mom REALLY antsy about the whole concept of riding. Then I went away to college, where riding wasnā€™t really an option, and I havenā€™t lived a very riding-friendly lifestyle ever since.
Iā€™d love to get back into it, but Iā€™d probably annoy myself by how rusty Iā€™d be. Maybe somedayā€¦and if I ever found myself with a horse by some miracle, Iā€™d absolutely name it Syndrigan in honor of GuthlĆ”fā€™s special girl. Thanks for asking! ā™„ļøā™„ļøā™„ļø
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fakeoldmanfucker Ā· 2 years ago
I need to find the person who turned down Thiel's application to a Supreme Court clerkship and shake their hand.
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ao3 is back and now my sanity is gone again!!!
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roadsidecannibalism Ā· 2 years ago
Iā€™d be a stem kid
if we lived in a world where u had to do the career u were first interested in as a child what would u be doing, id be a firefighter
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loveislandthegayme Ā· 1 month ago
season four is forever and always the most unserious season
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like how do any of these options solve this in a realistic setting COME ON NOW
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diamond-rings-and-gutter-bones Ā· 9 months ago
ok but seriously we're going to have to do this thing for real now
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urgentkettle Ā· 1 year ago
Anyway I wish squid weren't just in the ocean but could fly, I think that would be exciting! @bogleech
You take that back and wish no such evil upon us. Itā€™s hard enough up here already.
The last few krakens and giant squids I saw in any media had entirely soft suckers like an octopus so now I'm wondering something. Giant squid generally have "tooth lined" suckers, and the colossal squid's two longer tentacles have suckers that evolved into full blown claws all over them.
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livesonloop Ā· 1 year ago
I'll get this degree...I'll get it if it's the last thing I ever do!
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beastlyidiocy Ā· 7 months ago
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my sweet old man who is genuinely too kind for the world he lives in :(
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frivolous-pastel Ā· 2 years ago
"I pity the fool" and "I shudder to think" have the same energy
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hawkeyeslaughter Ā· 1 year ago
hey , donā€™t cry . 256 episodes of mash to watch . many enjoyable . all with hawkeye . okay ?
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