#I rewatched cars 2 for the boat scenes
haunted-planes · 5 months
As much as I love the second movie, it doesn’t make sense to me that ✨super rich✨ lemons have beef with sport cars. They could have simply bought the racers contracts and make them their bitches.
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im just thinking about that scene in episode 2 of moon knight after marc takes control of the body and transforms into moon knight to fight the jackal off
there's a brief moment where he kinda just stops, he's in full suit, it doesn't even seem like he's assessing the threat because he would have already done that
there's a break in the music, and all i can think what happens there is that marc is finally seeing layla in god knows how long after going no contact
maybe im being a little romantic, but there's just so much between them that they need to talk about (which they get to talking about on the boat), idk that much ab marc bc his face is covered but in layla i can sense that on one hand she wants to run into his arms, the other she wants to run away from him and the other is concerned about whatever the hell was beating steven up like that
and it's clear that both marc and steven have full cognitive awareness when they're in their suits, so it's not a hulk-type of transformation; so it wouldn't make sense for her to be asking him to 'get it out of here' because a) he knew and b) he can see and c) that's the whole reason he took control anyways (he tells steven in the bus window that 'somebody is going to get hurt')
i really do think that for just a moment he's glued to the spot, he sees layla and layla sees him and it's just a little eye-to-eye, yearning type of situation that doesn't belong at all in the gruesome fight that's happening at the time
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because the moment marc starts to transforms look here, she runs in front of him, even if it's so much closer to the jackal, it's like there's the pull between the two of them and she doesn't want to stay away despite everything he's put her through
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like i just feel like in this part (if there was even an inkling more lighting), you could just see the anguish on layla's face, i think she's trying to pull herself out of it, as well as marc, because she knows now's not the time for this, but at the same time that's her husband and she's missed him so much and it's been so hard for her to see his face and have him not recognise her because that's steven but it looks like marc
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besides that, it's the familiarity of marc's suit, of the one she was begging steven to summon, and the fact that she can relax now that she knows he can take care of himself as well as the thing that's been destroying cars around her
in short she's been scared, lonely and concerned, and still not sure if she'd ever see marc again and gods does she hope that he'll stay this time and maybe they can work things out, but people are getting hurt and she cares about them too, and she tries to agitate marc again and remind him about what he's here to do now
idk i feel like rewatching this scene with a lot more context of what happened between him and layla really gives you another emotional punch to the gut, because i never really understood that pause until i looked at it like that or the whole 'get it out of here' thing
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mlobsters · 2 months
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supernatural s1e14 nightmare (w. sera gamble, raelle tucker)
dude being in that smoky exhaust vintage car reminded me of b dylan hollis showcasing his '78 lincoln continental mark v, it's a boat of a car (longer than the impala but 2 doors and puny backseat, no less). he mentioned it gets 7mpg. always thinking about baby and fuel expenses
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see there's the advantage of being in arm's reach i was talking about, shake him right out of bed
DEAN Yeah, that makes sense. You're dreaming about our house, your girlfriend. This guy in your dream, you ever seen him before? SAM No. DEAN No. Exactly. Why would you have premonitions about some random dude in Michigan.
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sam with the "i was right, jerk" stare lol
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rolling my eyes thinking about that's some peak post 9/11 hyper patriotic bullshit with the giant flag on the police car, then noticed it's also an ugly modern impala ha
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SAM I don't know what it was. I don't know why I'm having these dreams, I don't know what the hell is happening Dean. What. DEAN Nothing. I'm just, I'm worried about you man. SAM Well, don't look at me like that! DEAN I'm not looking at you like anything. Though I gotta say, you do look like crap. SAM Nice. Thanks.
so begins the sam starting to get freaked out over (dean) thinking he's a freak storyline?
SAM Dean, you saw them, they're devastated. They're not going to want to talk to us. DEAN Yeah, you're right. But I think I know who they will talk to.
excuse to play dress up
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pretty sure i commented on this first time watching but it cracks me up that for his priestly getup, sam combs his bangs to the side. extra forehead also means extra sympathetic face via forehead crinkles
i know the mom (beth broderick) from something, all i can figure is sabrina the teenage witch, but i didn't think i'd seen much of that show? but she's so familiar and i definitely know her voice. ah well
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i definitely know these ladies though?? the 5 mrs buchanans???? 17 episodes in 1994-5. focus, nic. the dumbass green laser gadget is soon
SAM I know it's rough, losing a parent. Especially when you don't have all the answers.
uh huh
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s1e14 brendan fletcher as max miller / the killing s3e3 as goldie
thought he played belko in the killing for a minute and was very confused. both actors are named brendan too! lol
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truly the green lasers that does me in every time. it's just so out of step with the general vibe of this show lol and thankfully never to be seen again
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sweaty jared sighting
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jensen was givin a lot of neck in this little gun cleaning situation
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the classic grab for the amulet/chest. rewatched the clip from 2x11 because i know you can see the amulet sorta flash by like he had it gripped before he grabbed dean's face but wasn't sure if we see him grab him (we don't) but noticed that it's the mushy music theme at the end of that scene!! (also little insight into why the music reminded me of top gun!)
DEAN If you're gunna hurl I'll pull the car over you know, cause the upholstery…
surely they've got towels or blankets for protecting the precious upholstery being how often they're covered in blood and viscera. also, plastic bags aren't just for trash
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sam sweaty and freaked out, dean doing a bad job at not looking freaked out
SAM Dean, I'm scared, man. These nightmares weren't bad enough, now I'm seeing things when I'm awake? And these, visions, or whatever, they're getting more intense. And painful. DEAN Come on man, you'll be all right. It'll be fine. SAM What is it about the Millers? Why am I connected to them, why am I watching them die? Why the hell is this happening to me? DEAN I don't know, Sam, but we'll figure it out. We've faced the unexplainable every day. This is just another thing. SAM No. It's never been us. It's never been in the family like this. Tell the truth, you can't tell me this doesn't freak you out. DEAN (After staring straight ahead for a long moment) This doesn't freak me out.
some cute little parkour there getting up dude's building, will i make gifs no one cares about again? maybe so
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had to go brighten this up, look at those jeans pockets. how very 2000s lol. and i think sam's actually wearing boots in this sprint up the fire escape
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of course i made the gifs. parkour!
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sammy bout to walk into traffic, i'm sure dean taught you better :p
SAM Well, I know one thing I have in common with these people. DEAN What's that? SAM Both our families are cursed. DEAN Our family's not cursed! We just...had our dark spots. SAM Our dark spots are...pretty dark. DEAN You're....dark.
okay that was cute and i laughed
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man, this actor that plays max is really good at this. i remembered him being he was really good at crying/playing sad but this conversation where sam and dean are trying to gently push for info on his dad and uncle, everyone does such a good job. max seems genuinely upset and scared but trying to put on a good front unsuccessfully, dean pushes but not too hard and then also is the one to be pretty soft about suggesting they should head out and let max get some rest.
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fun fact i used this moment for my tiny sam and dean in my motel acrylic painting, you can take the first shower
MAN Well, in my life I've never seen a child treated like that. I mean I'd hear Mr Miller yelling and throwing things clear across the street, he was a mean drunk. He used to beat the tar outta Max. Bruises. Broke his arm two times that I know of. SAM This was going on regularly? MAN Practically every day. In fact that thug brother of his was just as likely to take a swing at the boy but the worst part was the stepmother. She'd just stand there, checked out, not lifting a finger to protect him. I must have called the police seven or eight times. Never did any good.
cps has problems too but that's who they should have been contacting
SAM These visions, this whole time -- I wasn't connecting to the Millers, I was connecting to Max! The thing is I don't get why, man. I guess -- because we're so alike? DEAN What are you talking about? The dude's nothing like you. SAM Well. We both have psychic abilities, we both... DEAN Both what? Sam, Max is a monster, he's already killed two people, now he's gunning for a third. SAM Well, with what he went through, the beatings, to want revenge on those people? I'm sorry, man, I hate to say it, but it's not that insane. DEAN Yeah but it doesn't justify murdering your entire family! SAM Dean... DEAN He's no different from anything else we've hunted, all right? We gotta end him. SAM We're not going to kill Max. DEAN Then what? Hand him over to the cops and say 'Lock him up officer; he kills with the power of his mind.' SAM No way. Forget it. DEAN Sam...
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dean's face to the "promise me" line lol
SAM Dean. He's a person. We can talk to him. Hey, promise me you'll follow my lead on this one. DEAN All right fine. But I'm not letting him hurt anybody else.
this had to go down in only way where someone's hand is forced, painted themselves into a corner. far from the days where they can be like, if we catch wind if you killing someone, it's curtains 😠 (like kate in bitten 8x04) classic slip slide around a moral quandary
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what a beautiful shot of him. and interesting with their pushing sam to admit that john never hated him, with this conversation. john raised them like soldiers, stole their childhoods, neglected them, etc. but he never hated them
MAX It wasn't about getting away. Just knowing they would still be out there. It was about...not being afraid. When my Dad used to look at me, there was hate in his eyes. Do you know what that feels like? SAM No.
feels like jared is *this close* to really hitting this conversation where he realizes max's mom got killed by azazel too, but felt kind of clunky. but it's also kind of an awkward vibe generally because sam's in puzzle solving mode and kind of fired up because he's figuring it out but max is still crying (and doing really well at keeping that despair and fear going so long). i think all the times in the rewatch i felt a little wobbly about jared's performance is portraying this type of emotion, think he just hasn't quite nailed down where to go with it
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more sweaty sam out of nowhere which i'm blaming on sweaty jared
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floating gun effects are rough. the knife wasn't great but it was easier to ignore but this is big and bright and shiny all over and they're rotating it and it's like mmmmkay. that's a real gun!
sammy with his one-time (other than when he's juiced up on demon blood) telekinesis, because if there's anything that's gonna bring out the psychic powers it's gonna be saving dean
ugh i forgot max killed himself. blugh.
SAM Well, I'll tell you one thing. We're lucky we had Dad. DEAN Well, I never thought I'd hear you say that. SAM Well, it coulda gone a whole other way after Mom. I little more tequila and a little less demon hunting and we woulda had Max's childhood. All things considered, we turned out ok. Thanks to him. DEAN All things considered.
in spite of him, bro! john's lucky dean was able to take care of everyone. as a child! sure, it could have been worse, that doesn't make it good either :p
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my goodness sam giving the babiest sweetest puppy face in all the lands
SAM Yeah, maybe. Aren't you worried, man? Aren't you worried I could turn into Max or something? DEAN Nope. No way. You know why? SAM No. Why? DEAN Cause you got one advantage Max didn't have. SAM Dad? Because Dad's not here, Dean. DEAN No. Me. As long as I'm around, nothing bad is gonna happen to you.
moment of despair over how very much this is not the case, despite all his efforts
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Sonic Movie 2 Rewatch Live Reaction
tSame deal as the first let’s GO
It was what properly got me into the fandom and made me wanna write stuff I’m sorry
I love the opening so so much
“The question is, for whom am I narrating this?”
Eggman absolutely kills three people in the beginning of this one
God I have such fond memories of laughing about the probable death count with friends
Oh I want a size comparison between him and Sonic and Tails IMMEDIATELY
Sonic absolutely ends up shorter than both of his brothers absolutely
Imagine if the third movie opens with Eggman finding Shadow and Shadow starts manipulating him to parallel this
Hi hi Sonic my friend I love you mwah mwah
This movie makes me so so so happy
That drawer has a lot of stuff in it I love it so much
So does he um. Does he get traumatic flashbacks to the moment BEFORE everything went to shit with Longclaw?
Ooookay so like. Sonic loses his first night of sleep when he does the crime stuff. First night of no sleep plus using his powers plus physical activity. Loses his second night of sleep when Eggman and Knuckles attack the house. Second night of no sleep plus using his powers plus physical activity plus getting hurt. He does get in at least a couple hours in Siberia but considering they arrived when it was already dark, spent probably a couple hours partying, slept in a probably not super comfy spot, and then woke up in the day I’m willing to bet not a super great quality of sleep and not super long either. And then a SUPER long day of adventuring in which Sonic almost died multiple times. Boy must have passed the fuck out after getting back home. Hmmm. Do I add insomnia to the list of mental illnesses
Poor Tom and Maddie trying to properly parent Sonic must be really hard
On one hand. Hearing Sonic say “You’re supposed to be my friend, stop trying to be my dad,” breaks my heart. On the other. Lol lmao Sonic friendzoned his own fucking DAD
“Being a hero is about taking responsibility for other people” oh okay so Sonic is Tails’ hero and Tom is Sonic’s hero okay cool I’m totally not gonna go bawl my eyes out
“You don’t choose that moment. That moment chooses you,” So nic choosing Tom in the first movie.... oughohgsuru my mental illnesses are going CRAZY rn /pos
“My dad taught me this lesson in this very boat and now I teach it to you in the same boat.” “Okay bestie”
Portal scene is os so so cute
Tails arriving in the human world and immediately stealing a cop car vs kleptomaniac Sonic stealing everything he’s ever needed or wanted in his entire life FIGHT
“So whatever is is you’re doing I’m sure you can undo it by the time we get back-”
Third time Sonic has been attacked/threatened in his home :(
Oh he’s going RIGHT for the kill
Sonic’s tone when he says “I get it,” sticks in my head 24/7
Brother meet brother
Insane that Sonic met Knuckles before he met Tails
Idris Elba arrived on set ready to give the best vocal performance of the century and I am so happy about it
Second time his home has gotten destroyed by an echidna :(
Second time it’s gotten destroyed by Eggman too :(
So if the powers can be activated with emotions does that mean Knuckles is always either in pain or angry
Okay so if Sonic’s got the eye glowy thing. And Knuckles has got the eye glowy thing. And powers are triggered by strong emotion/personal revelation. What if Tails gets the eye glowy thing after the “because you just told me, fox boy!” scene in movie 3
Rouge gets the eye glowy thing after seeing the Master Emerald
Me and my friend were losing our MINDS when we first saw this scene
Ah yes time for the Eggman yassification scene
“Earth is my turf, g. If you don’t know how to floss you’ll be lost without me.” “I understand nothing of what you just said.”
So uh did Wade know about all of this and then just NOT contact Tom?
Sonic absolutely has some trauma from Knuckles so sorry
When my friend saw the Master Emerald she said “oh my god is that the thing Sonic uses to turn blond?!”
Is that the first time Sonic ever heard Longclaw say that she loved him
He has the same little belt things he uses in the games cus his gloves are too big
Can’t believe Agent Stone outfruited Sonic the Hedgehog
In this world we don’t say “I love you” we say “I never stopped steaming your Austrian goat’s milk”
“trained in all forms of lethal combat” does Knuckles know how to use a gun
Sonic in the first movie: I want a friend (gets a friend)
Sonic in the second movie: I want... multiple friends (gets multiple friends and also a dad and a mom)
Sonic in the third movie: I want... a BOYFRIEND (Shadow breaks down the door and attempts to kill him)
I don’t even ship Sonadow all that much but PLEASE it would be so funny. I know they’re gonna make him have a crush on Amy but pls I want the writers to trip ass backwards into implying he has a thing for Shadow as well it would be the funniest possible characterization
“Don’t worry! On Earth, people are very welcoming and love taking complete strangers into their homes!”
Sonic DEFINITELY got grounded for lying directly to Tom about where he was
The. The freaks scene. Oh so many thoughts too little words
Unironically love the dance scene. Especially since everyone in that bar was probably completely smashed at that point in the night
If we get any adventure 2 poses in the third movie I’ll cry and scream and sob and wail and vomit an
I wanna see Rouge do some of her poses please it would be so cool
LOVE the animation in this movie
When I saw the chaos emeralds for the first time in the movie I screamed out loud cus I knew we were getting Super Sonic
Just realized Longclaw’s entire existence implies the Babylons. Oh I want a Riders movie so bad I wanna see Wave beefing with an 8 year old so bad
Imagine if there was like a little side pod on the thing Eggman rode in for Knuckles. That would be so funny
Sonic hurling the missile at Knuckles. Oh that was a murder attempt. Or at least he did not care if it killed Knuckles
Get therapy the both of you
Second movie feels like so much more of an ADVENTURE i love it
You can visibly see Knuckles start to reconsider when he sees Sonic go to help Tails instead of for the compass
Skipping wedding scene because second-hand embarrassment bad
Oh my god I forgot Sonic got tased right in front of Tom and Maddie. And then shoved into the cage. Btw it’s my personal headcanon that the cage was electrified so he couldn’t get out without hurting himself. Or maybe they’d threatened to kill Tom/Tails if he tried to escape
Oh just realized the compass has gems which are the colors of the Chaos Emeralds on them. Maybe it’ll be used next movie to find them
Sonic deciding to run across the ocean for hundreds of miles all alone against the wishes of everyone else despite knowing it could KILL him is something that lives in my head rent free. Baby girl there is something wrong with you and that thing is self destructive behavior bordering on suicidal impulses.
“I’m not letting anyone else get hurt because of me” :(
He really went from running across a lake while clinging to a boat while his dad was there to having an argument with his dad and then running across an ocean for hundreds of miles ALONE in a storm and almost drowning
He has two almost drowning sequences in this movie MAN
Movie Knuckles is SO SMALL compared to humans but also SO BIG compared to the other Mobians
Rouge has gotta be at least as tall as him in the third movie
Robotnik coming up with like. Innocent sounding nicknames that he says in a mean way. i HAVE to include that in Empty Space and the AU that is slowly forming in my head
Robotnik. Fondness for electricity. Hmmmm. Sonic with electric looking powers. Hmmm
“Because my destiny is to protect my friends and family.” HE SAID FAMILY ALREADY
Only thinking about Knuckles giving Sonic fighting lessons after this movie
The scene where Sonic beats Knuckles into the rock is so FUCKING cool they better give him even more cool scenes in the third movie I wanna go apeshit in the theater
Thinking SO hard about the one shot where Sonic is holding his arm after Knuckles almost kills him
The brief hesitation before Knuckles says “friend” breaks my heart
“Chaos is power”
Sonic actively diving into water to save someone who just almost killed him. Oh my god baby you are a hero 
Idk why but Sonic’s mild obsession with being perceived as manly comes off as very transfem to me. I’m making her transfem now you can’t stop me
Did Knuckles have to drag Sonic both up out of the temple and then all the way back to the island? That must have been traumatizing for Sonic
Sonic throwing sand at Knuckles immediately... I love her... love them so much. 
Movie Sonic having brothers now is something that can be so personal to me. Everybody either adopts her or she adopts them
Knuckles starting to rib Sonic immediately after bonding with her is something that can be so personal to me
Transfem movie Sonic meeting Amy in third movie and having her egg cracked is something I HAVE to write as soon as that movie comes out. Like she meets Amy and goes “oh that dress looks so nice I would look good in that dress” and then goes “WAIT” 
Trans man Eggman and trans woman SOnic. Trans mlm/trans wlw violence
Agent Stone and Eggman are SO fruity on main
Wade gets so much shit in these movies and he’s just vibing. 
Trans fem Sonic realizing she’s trans and then immediately being like. Well now I have to be the prettiest girl sorry Mom it’s a competition now
“Doctor! Take me with you!” and then Eggman DID
If the Master Emerald did turn thoughts in reality the world would be SCREWED if I had it
Big brother Knuckles and little brother Tails and middle sister Sonic is something that can be SO personal to me specifically
Sonic just got SMACKED off that plane holy shit
Movie Knuckles is like twice the size of the other Mobians I love him so much
Better see Knuckles being a protective older brother in the next movie
Also I still love the idea of movie Sonic being like 13-14 and the others being their normal age. Knuckles is horrified when he learns what Sonic’s age is and Sonic doesn’t give a shit and just starts calling him an old man
Sonic experiences SO much in this movie like leave her ALONE
Maddie and Tom are so ride or die for their daughter I love this family unit so much
Movie Sonic realizing that she is loved and has a family seconds before “dying” vs Tails seeing the person he’s come to view as family plus extended family “die” in front of him
Movie Sonic comes out as trans to Robotnik and Robotnik sighs and goes “guess I have to make Metal Sonic a girl now” and Sonic just go “wait what”
Trans fem Sonic not giving a shit about pronouns but every time someone refers to her as a girl she gets the most intense wave of gender euphoria
So she definitely sent the Chaos Emeralds into space. Hope we get other zones in the next movie
Oh my god everyone but Sonic is so dirty. She stays winning.
Main movie over. Credits look so good tho and I LOVE the song
Movie over I am going fucking INSANE I love them all os much. Trans fem Sonic I am holding you so gently. 
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h0stileleaf · 2 years
Rewatching the OC
I decided to rewatch through the OC and here are some thoughts I had on S1E1:
Love how the first scene the just had "CHINO" spray panted across a wall behind the actors to show that they were in Chino. Think that's funny.
How did that cop know that they were stealing that car? They drove by after the window had been smashed and it would have just looked like a guy standing next to a car since it was kinda dark. Also where did the other two cop cars come from so quickly???
How is Trey (the older brother) only looking at 3-5 years for 1) stealing a car 2) crashing said car 3) having a gun in his pants while stealing said car 4) having pot in his jacket while stealing said car and 5) having multiple priors??? Like sure he's white but this was a poor area and he had multiple priors. Would have thought more like 10-15 for a "light" sentence. Maybe I just don't know the avg. sentences for this stuff.
Also I feel like there's a better way to steal an old car like that other than just smashing in the window. He was begging to get caught.
Ryan says social security is theorized to run out by 2025... is that true? I need to do some research on that...
Also, love how the writers went "we'll make him really smart and we'll show that by him saying the same edgelord type of 'nothing matters, society sucks' philosophy we find online from other teenagers! Perfect!"
Sandy telling a kid he just met that he's stupid and weak feels a little weird but maybe that's because I know these characters
We are only 3 mins in... yikes.
Love the early 2000s mens wardrobe. Ryan's hoodie and leather jacket slays. And his slutty little almost choker necklace? Bring that fashion style back, please men I'm begging you.
Oh good. Mom's exposition time is here to tell us his dad's also in jail.
We finally reached the theme song and I am so grateful for it. This song slaps so hard. Top tier 2000s teen show intro.
Malewife Sandy with his wife being the primary breadwinner. Iconic, esp for the time.
Ryan and I smoke the same brand of cigarettes. Fun fact.
"Who are you?" "Whoever you want me to be?" SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP
He had a lighter, why not just light her cigarette normally. Rizz is through the roof.
He's trying so hard to look tough, its so funny.
Love Sandy. He's so funny. His facial expressions are great.
His white wifebeater tanktop is so iconic. I bought one when I first saw the show because I loved his outfits despite the fact that I was (and still am) a chick.
Seth is also so funny.
But the fact that he named his boat after a chick he's never spoken to before is wild. Makes sense for a teenage boy though.
Sandy's so good to Ryan. The tie scene is so sweet.
I forgot everyone thinks Ryan's from different places.
How is Marissa gonna say she doesn't know if Ryan is a cousin or a poolboy when she was the once who decided he was the cousin???
Ryan is so unbothered it's funny. Some dude's sobbing in the bathroom. Not his problem.
The All American Rejects song really adds to the time period of this show.
This show really did not prepare me for what high school parties would be like. Maybe I just didn't grow up in the right tax bracket.
I did have to skip the part where Seth yells at him at the party. It kinda hurts to watch. A necessary evil tho.
I am sad Ryan got his ass handed to him but to be fair it was like 5 vs 1.5 (Seth only half counts)
L friends leaving marissa passed out on her back on her back porch. Take her back with yall. Damn.
Ryan is so lucky no one was out to see him carrying a passed out girl to his bed. Also how did she grab around him if she's so passed out??? Whatever.
"He has a family Sandy. It's not up to you to decide if they're good enough." Except he didn't? Ryan literally called him asking for help because his mom kicked him out and her boyfriend beat him up. Sandy didn't decide shit. L wife.
The breakfast scene is so funny. Just the way the wife (idk her name) was put in the position to immediately feel bad about kicking him out as he pulls like a kicked puppy act. Comedy gold.
Seth and Ryan's friendship is so cute. He met this dude like 24 hours ago and he wants to go visit him in Chino. Adorable, we love positive male bonding here.
Good news, Marissa survived. And she didn't even look hungover. Good for her. I mean other than the douche-y boyfriend.
Thank goodness Sandy stuck around after dropping Ryan off because there's no way that boy would have called him for help again. He would have just tried to figure it out. Bless his heart.
This show slaps so hard, can't wait to finish rewatching it because high key I don't think I ever actually finished it the first time.
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sambucksteven · 3 years
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I’ve never loved Sam Wilson so much in my life.
The man can read a room. The way he spoke softly with Bucky, matching his tone, when they were on the plane after meeting John Walker... He kept the conversation civil and logical to keep Bucky’s emotion in check. (One of my favorite scenes of ep. 2)
Balances emotion and logic. He acts on emotion but also thinks logically and listens which can be seen a lot when he was with Steve (and now with Bucky). For example, when Bucky left the car with Walker, Sam stayed and let Walker finish speaking before getting out. Even though Walker consistently insulted them and didn’t deserve to be heard.
Maintains an empathetic open mind. When Bucky, Walker, Hoskins, and Sam talked about the Flag Smashers. Sam proposes, just once, they could just be trying to help people. It’s shot down by the ass-clown Walker but Sam has empathy for them and considers every angle of the situation without jumping to conclusions.
Patient and keeps his temperament in check. He will firmly defends himself and others with a level head. But he never gets riled up unless he has a good reason like when he finds out about Isaiah. He has every right to be angry in that moment
Always fights for what is right. THE MAN DROPPED EVERYTHING TO HELP STEVE OUT OF THE BLUE AFTER MEETING HIM TWICE! Two damn times. Come on!
...But always keeps things light and fun. Self explanatory lol This is seen throughout his time in the MCU.
Always says the right thing and affirms what people need to hear. He says it whether they want to or not. He is logical but maintains respect. This can be seen with Bucky consistently, probably because he was working at the VA for vets with PTSD.
Incredibly compassionate. He is a good man which is why he got the shield. This show just proves it. It shows us what Steve saw in him! Bucky beat his ass in WS and he didn’t move his seat up for him CW but the man still TEXTED BUCKY FOR MONTHS DESPITE BEING IGNORED because he knows he’s in pain.
Handles situations with such grace and poise. This is despite the stress and grief that systemic racism brings and despite being absolutely humiliated and heartbroken when they gave the shield to Walker. He gives me grounded Black Panther energy.
Unbelievably charming, hilarious, and charismatic family man who never gives up. NOT ONCE do you see him complaining about money or making demands. He doesn’t get a loan in episode 1 for the boat but says he’ll go to every bank in the area.
GREAT WITH CHILDREN which is why he and Bucky get along lol
YES, Bucky has been my favorite MCU character since forever and yeah, Bucky’s story is sad and heartbreaking...
BUT you are... blind and/or utterly ignorant if you don’t see how heartbreaking it is for Sam.
He is holding it together BECAUSE HE HAS TO! He doesn’t get the option to act on his emotions and throw a tantrum as a black man. He moves forward because he has to and he continues to fight for a country that doesn’t respect him. These are real world issues. Respect him and his journey.
(Rewatch the episodes. Watch his expressions. Mackie went to Julliard he knows what he is doing. His acting is brilliant.)
Sam is such a good person and an incredible character. I LOVE how tfatws is finally showing it. Like that is Captain effing America. I have immense respect for this character and...
YES, I am now 200% in love with Sam Wilson.
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heloflor · 3 years
A small thing that I always found pretty amusing with Cavendish and Dakota : When they’re in a serious situation, talking with several people and divulging important information, instead of looking at the entire group while giving said important information, they have a tendency to just look at each other, as if the others weren’t there. Or at least, if they look at the group, they end up glancing at each other at some point.
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In a way, I guess it kinds of shows just how used to work with each other they are. I mean, if it’s always the two of them alone while on mission, then of course they will look at each other when talking important matters.
This is also something we find in the way they talk. Overall, if you look at their dialogues, they don’t use each other’s names that much and instead use “you”, including with other people around. Like for example you have the ending of “Missing Milo”, during the car chase scene. When Dakota reaches outside to get a snack, Cavendish doesn’t say his name when telling him to close the window, so the kids might have turned their heads towards him to see what he was talking about.
On that same note, there’s also every scene in their “apartment”. I’m pretty sure the ending of “Abducting Murphy’s Law” is the only moment when one of them uses the other’s name indoors (with Dakota saying “Cavendish” a few times). But other than that, when in private, they just use “you”, which obviously makes sense given that it’s just the two of them here. But at the same time, it can show how used they are to be around each other.
Then there’s also the first time we meet them in “The Doctor Zone Files”, I think all of “Murphy’s Lard” except for the very end, possibly same for “The Substitute” (it’s been a while since I’ve seen this one), most of “Perchance to Sleepwalk” and the halloween special (at least I think for that second one ?), “A World Without Milo” etc... And yeah I don’t mention any episodes from season 2 because I haven’t rewatched them enough to remember how they talk, though I’m pretty sure “Lady Krillers” might be another good example. And “Abducting Murphy’s Law” in general too, if you remove all the times Dakota calls out for Cavendish in frustration.
Though, my favorite example of “Cavendish and Dakota forgetting there are other people around” has to be the ice-cream moment in “Missing Milo”. This moment is actually what made me realize how focused these two can be with each other during important dialogue, because a lot of people used this scene as an example of Dakota being a dad towards Milo (*cough* Dadkota *cough*) and when I first discovered the fandom I was always like “but isn’t Dakota asking Cavendish though ? I mean, Cavendish’s the one who answers his question.”. And the thing is, if you look at Dakota’s eyes, he does look at Milo when asking “You want one ?”, meaning that he did intend to give one to the kid.
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But because Cavendish is so used to him and Dakota being alone, he assumes that Dakota is talking to him instead.
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(dat pose tho)
In the same way, there’s also the S2 finale. When Cavendish complains about the planet but then gets motivated to save it, he addresses Dakota specifically.
Idk, it’s just a pretty amusing thing. And in a way, it shows just how long these two must have worked together and how used to each other’s presence when nobody else is around they became.
(Side note but the moment in the boat from “Fungus Among Us” is actually pretty sweet depending on how you read it because in that moment, Cavendish is starting to give up due to the circumstances. So maybe he’s looking at Dakota because he’s seeking comfort. Like, maybe 1. it makes him feel better to vent his doubts to Dakota 2. he hopes Dakota would give a few encouraging words or 3. seeing Dakota being there comforts him a little because it reminds him that he’s not truly alone or something like that.
On the other hand tho the moment from the crossover is pretty funny with Dakota literally facing away from the people he’s giving information to just so that he can look at Cavendish.
And in the S2 finale, the fact that Dakota looks at Cavendish while saying “us” about the ship makes it look like he’s talking about just the two of them if you don’t have the full context.)
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alphinias · 2 years
It's sad hour o'clock.
I was rewatching season 2 and just noticed this thing.
During the whole season JJ is basically feeling defeated and insisting that "I'll end up in jail anyway" like there's nothing more the future holds for him but then in the scene where he sends off Luke with the boat he tells him "everything I have, you have to ruin it" referring to the "fight" with Kiara in the car.
...He thinks of Kiara as one of the few good things he has left in life.
Gotta go cry in a corner now. bye.
His line to Luke does SO many things to me. It’s such an underrated thing and says a lot about how much JJ values Kie and his relationship with her and how he’s used to everything good in his life not working out. It’s so sad. The entire thing.
I so wish he could had heard what she said to Luke about him because it would have meant literally everything to him. But I fully believe that conversation is coming in S3.
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skyfelzz · 3 years
RE7+RE8: My attempt in counting EVERY Ethan's CANONICAL damages/injuries he has taken (Warning: it's VERY LONG)
Yep, I have done the deed. (I know, I know, there's already maybe a few posts and videos out there on the internet that already list out all the canonical damages/injuries Ethan has taken, but STILL) Welp, I want the NUMBERS, sooo yea! Also, as I said in the title, it's very long, so if you're interested, everything is under the cut! >:D (Also, first ever contribution to the RE community, hi everyone XD) Rules: 1. Optional ones do NOT count, not even the leg got cut off by shovel one, since, ya know, it's optional, plus it also makes my job way easier :P 2. I count what I think would hurt on a daily life basis, don't care minor or major, I'M COUNTING EM. 3. I count the damages INDIVIDUALLY, so let's say if he got slashed 5 times at the same time that counts as 5 damages Exceptions: - Scene is too fast and I can't count them individually even if the clip is slowed down - All of it happens at once, for example, 4 sharp fingers of Lady D's stabbed through Ethan would count as 1 damage 4. To also make all of our life easier I numbered the damages 5. I will describe these damages as short as possible, but if u want me to make it more detailed, go ahead! tell me >:D 6. I'm too poor to own the games and can only rely on videos so pls, go easy on me :'D also, as a person who is sensitive to hand damages and has to constantly rewatch and reconfirm, this is HARD to make
OK, hoo boi, here we go!
RE7: Guesthouse/Encounter with Mia: 1. dropped from the broken ladder 2-3. got yeeted by Mia, hit the wall n drop on floor 4. pushed harshly to the floor by Mia 5-8. left arm was sliced 4 times by Mia 9. stabbed through left hand w/ knife by Mia 10-12. sliced twice on right arm once on left arm by Mia 13. left hand cut while holding knife by Mia 14. shoulder probably got stabbed by Mia 15. left wrist probably got twisted by Mia 16-17. yeeted through wooden wall n hit the floor by Mia 18. wooden planks fall on him when he got yeeted through said wall 19. grabbed hard on shoulders by Mia 20-21. slam on wall then floor by Mia 22. slam left arm to wall by Mia 23. pinned his left hand on the wall using a screwdriver by Mia 24. pull the screwdriver out 25. left hand got chainsawed by Mia 26. pushed to floor by Mia 27-28. "welcome to the family son" punch by Jack then falls on floor 29. head got stomped(true death) by Jack 30-31. got dragged on wet ass swampy grounds with stump on the left hand still prob in water
Dinner scene: 32. Lucas yeeted his plate to his face 33. Jack used a knife to cut somewhere around Ethan's mouth 34. hit on wooden floor while trying to untie himself from chair
Jack (Chainsaw fight): 35. got forcefully turned around by holding head 36-37. got kicked in stomach and drop on prob concrete floor
Margurite: 38-39. yeeted by Marguerite when attempting to enter crow door and hit the wooden floor 40-41. dropped through broken wooden floor and hit stone ground
Lucas: 42. tv explodes in his face 43-44. cake explodes in his face and impact on floor
Jack (Mutated): 45-46. got grabbed and slammed on floor 47. forced grabbed by Jack 48. swung and slammed on the ground Boat section: 49. knocked unconscious in water [Unsure: bring by mold, encased in mold]
Eveline: 50-51. slapped by Evie 2 times left and right 52. dropped from even greater height 53. left leg got stabbed through and lift up 54. got dragged 55. got hung upside down 56. got slapped 2 times 57. dropped from that height again
House: 1-2 (58-59). Knocked out with gun handle by chis squad then pass out 3 (60). got dragged on floor to put him in the vehicle
Entering Village/Village: 4 (61). car crash 5 (62). left hand got cut by barb wire 6 (63). slide down steep when entering village 7-8 (64-65). grabbed in the knee and pulled down through wooden floor by a lycan 9 (66). fall over when lycan bit him 10 (67). left hand got bitten and lost 2 fingers and chunk of hand by the same lycan 11-13 (68-70). got grabbed and yeeted out of wooden wall and slammed on the ground by the same lycan 14-16 (71-73). got grabbed, turned around, and sliced (face/chest???) by a lycan 17- 18 (74-75). got grabbed and yeeted by said lycan into river 19 (76). haven't bandaged left hand in river 20 (77). arrow in leg by a lycan 21 (78). pulls arrow out from the leg 22 (79). fall over/got pushed by Leonardo 23-25 (80-82). impact of 3 truck crashes 26 (83). smack wounded left hand on a wall 27 (84). jump down from the ledge [Unsure: the 2 cuts o his palm when he pushed the box in the first dark house he entered? where did those came from?]
Four Lords Meeting: 28 (85). some metal rod getting stabbed in the chest/stomach by Heisenberg 29-30 (86-87). got hit by crap ton of metals to the body and fall over 31 (88). dragged on ground stomach down with said wound prob got effected 32 (89). drop down to hole after meeting 33 (90). got hammered by Urias in the face 34 (91). slide on rough stone after Urias missed his hammer 35 (92). drop down from the slide and hit the ground 36 (93). multiple scratches from the rolling spike while breaking the cuff [Unsure: cuff break using spike, heat and sparks from friction]
Castle section: 37 (94). pushed by Bela and fall over 38-39 (95-96). both his knees got sickled by Lady D's daughters 40 (97). right side of body hit a chair while got dragged 41 (98). right wrist hit table leg while got dragged 42 (99). left hand wrist got cut for Lady D to suck blood 43-44 (100-101). both his hand got hooked and got hung up to the ceiling 45-46 (102-103). forced to pull both of his hands out of the hook 47 (104). drop down after unhook himself 48 (105). attacked by flies 49-50 (106-107). 2 flies coming out of his right hand 51 (108). drop down from height into a hole 52-53 (109-110). pushed through wood planks by Bela and fall over 54-55 (111-112). got grabbed up/choked in the neck then on head by Lady D 56 (113). got bodyslammed once by Lady D 57-58 (114-115). head slammed 2 times to the floor by Lady D 59 (116). pushed into the holed floor by Lady D 60-62 (117-119). drop through 2 floors and then hit on the stone floor 63 (120). right hand got severed by Lady D (and he sticks that back on like biology dosent exist) 64 (121). got lift up then yeeted by lady D and dropped on the floor 65 (122). grabbed by the wrist and got lift up but Lady D 66 (123). getting stabbed in the stomach by Lady D 67-69 (124-126). grabbed by the neck and getting yeeted through a thick ass stone wall and glass and hit floor, 70-72 (127-129). grabbed and got yeeted/slammed on wall then floor, 73 (130). hit by lots of debris during the end of Lady D boss fight on tower 74-75 (131-132). got grabbed by Lady D again, drop from very great height and hit stone floor
Dollhouse section: 76 (133). fell over while defending dolls 77 (134). thumb got bit by Angie 78 (135). pushed by Angie and fall over
Varcolac assault: 79 (136). fall over 80 (137). getting bitten in the waist/stomach 81 (138). clawed through the stomach 82 (139). left knee got bitten 83 (140). get dragged from that 84 (141). stomach got bitten 85 (142). right leg got bitten 86-87 (143-144). getting swung dragged and yeeted
Reservoir: 88 (145). acid drops after taking the flask 89 (146). got attacked by Night Howl 90 (147). getting pushed by Chris then fall over 91 (148). yeeted by Moreau into water 92 (149). jump over ramp and hit the ground
Factory section: 93 (150). pushed to chair 94 (151). drop into hole and hit the floor 95 (152). slide in tunnel at a high velocity 96 (153). dropped from great height to flat scrap metal 97 (154). drop on the floor after stop fan using gun 98-99 (155-156). fall over when hit by 1 metal in the metal whoosh when Ethan tryna escape at the end of the section 100 (157). sparks from the mutating Heisenberg 101 (158). dropped from great height into water 102 (159). pressure on the left hand wound when getting up from the water 103-107 (160-164). Chris suddenly grabbed Ethan and turn him over and getting punched and kicked by Chris and fall over 108 (165). slightly pushed Ethan on the tank 109 (166). got lift up n explosion 110-111 (167-168). drop with tank, electric sparks when Karl tryna cut Ethan 112 (169). got lift to a great height by waves idk my science 113 (170). hit by tank 114 (171). explosion: round 1 115 (172). drop from said great height 116 (173). explosion: electric boogaloo
Miranda: 117-119 (174-176). 3 crows to the face when Miranda transforms 120-121 (177-178). getting heart ripped out and fall over 122 (179). pushed and fall over when grabbing Rose 123 (180). got wrapped/grabbed/pinned/idk by mold
Ending: 124 (181). right hand crumbles 125 (182). fall over with knees 126 (183). detonate bomb and explode (RIP)
TOTAL: 57(RE7)+126 (RE8) = 183
Conclusion: Ethan Winters has CANONICALLY taken 183 damages throughout RE7 and RE8, welp let's take a moment to like, digest that for a while.
[P.S. Thanks for probably like, the 2 ppl who actually read this entire post, I appreciate ya! :D]
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djemsostylist · 3 years
The Great Dizi List, Part 1
A comprehensive list of the dizis I have watched, chronologically.
Originally part of an ask that spiraled out of control, I figured I'd collect my reviews here for easier reading, and then divide them into eras...
Kurt Seyit ve Şura: This one I watched maybe 4 years ago when I stumbled across it on Tumblr. Period romance drama set in one of the prettier modern times, I was obsessed with the drama and how beautiful it was, but then I googled the end, got pissed and never finished. Swore off Turkish shows. Fast forward 3ish years...
Sen Çal Kapımı: I came across this one through gifs on Tumblr, and fell in love fast. I got hardcore obsessed with this show for months until I abruptly realized...it was kind of crap? I'd still recommend the first 12 episodes, but it goes down hill rapidly. It was never good but if you are looking for mindless fun with beautiful people who have amazing chemistry, I'd recommend. The first 12 are the perfect romcom, and you can just headcanon your own ending (or skip to 27 and then stop.)
Şeref Meselesi: Absolutely stunning.  A true masterpiece. This one is a mafia drama, but it's more about exploring people, found families, and the way you can never quite escape fate. Heartbreaking and beautiful and overwhelming, and I will never truly get over it.  Yiğit Kılıç is one of those characters who will stay with me for a long time.  Compelling characters, beautifully shot and told, super tight narrative.  It was art.  Reminded me more of a stage play than a television show. Cannot recommend enough.
Meryem: Absolutely adored it.  This one is a crime drama, and without giving too much away, it's about two people who meet after a car accident, and what spirals from there. Tight narrative, satisfying story, and surprising characters–it has the best foursome of any show and my current favorite family.  It was predictable but also surprising, it has arguably the best male dizi character, and the main couple is just stunning together.  It was one of those shows that you finish and immediately want to watch again.  I’d put it up there as one of my favorite shows period, not just favorite dizi.
Bu Şehir Arkandan Gelecek: This one is a family drama, about a boy who comes back to Istanbul after 20 years and the life he builds for himself as he discovers his past. I loved Kerem in this (Ali is a ray of sunshine) and I really enjoyed his story with with his family and the arc his character took, but the two girls drove me up the wall.  I can still hear Derin whining if I close my eyes.  Still, he’s beautiful in it (he boxes, so there are many shirtless scenes and lovely workout moments) so I’d recommend it on that alone.  Not one I’d rewatch tbh.  Good for a one time through.
Kiralık Aşk: This one is a romcom, and the first one I tried after starting SCK. Premise is fairly basic--girl joins a company with instructions to get close to the CEO, which she does but they both accidentally fall in love along the way. I did not finish this one.  Got about 24ish episodes in, and just wasn’t feeling it.  I didn’t really care for the drawn out secret plotline, and while I liked the main couple, it wasn’t enough to keep my attention.  Good, but I didn’t have the patience to last through another 40 episodes tbh. When @lolo-deli rewatched, she sent me screencaps and gifs and YouTube videos of the highlights from the bits I missed, bc she’s the best lol.
Erkenci Kuş: Much like KA, I did not finish this one.  Yet another romcom where a girl joins a major company and has to get close to the CEO and falls in love, etc. I wasn’t a huge fan of the main couple to start, didn’t really love any of the side characters, and after reading about where it went, noped out by the 20th episode or so. Written by the same people who did SCK, so I guess that says something tbh.
Ariza: This one is a mafia drama, which happens to be my favorite kind tbh. I really like this one initially, but then I sort of forgot I was watching it?  Like, it wasn’t bad, but just wasn’t enough to keep me coming back week after week.  It was one of those where something was missing for me. I adore  Ayça Aysin Turan though, she’s flawless.
Maraşlı: This one I'd define as a psychological drama. I only made it about 4 episodes, and while it is excellently done, I just couldn't get into it. I think part of my issue with this one is that I need a ship (romantic or friendship) and this one just didn't have it for me. I've heard it was great, just didn't float my boat I guess.
Part 2, Part 3
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enigmaticxbee · 3 years
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S9 Rewatch - Investigation
Autopsies: Scully does autopsies in 11 episodes, up from 6 episodes last season and equal to season 2 - the last time she was assigned to Quantico. My favorite is her impromptu middle of the night cat autopsy in 9x14 Scary Monsters.
Rule-Breaking: Solid rule-breaking from Scully again this season: she performs an unauthorized autopsy two days after giving birth in 9x01 Nothing Important Happened Today; goes to Texas to search for Doggett against Kersh’s orders in 9x07 John Doe; interrogates the man who tried to kill her son after shooting him without providing medical aid in 9x09 Provenance (fierce, but I think against her Hippocratic oath); goes rogue to find William, withholding critical information from the FBI investigation in 9x10 Providence; autopsies a cat in her kitchen in 9x14 Scary Monsters (I don’t know if it’s against any rules per say - but that evidence isn’t going to hold up in court is it?); took X-Files files home and hid them in her closet as revealed in 9x16 William (but which ones 👀); and performs an unauthorized autopsy and then goes on the run with an escaped prisoner in 9x19 The Truth.
Scully’s in Danger: She narrowly escapes a boat explosion; narrowly escapes helicopters dropping bombs on Anasazi ruins; and is attacked by suspects in 4 episodes, including one who beats her up in his attempted assassination of William. Honestly if it wasn’t for her missing partner and the multiple kidnapping and murder attempts on her son this would probably be Scully’s most relaxing season, but alas.
Mulder’s in Danger: He is on the run for months; threatened by super soldiers and a UFO cult; chased by super soldiers when he tries to return to Scully; attacked by a suspect; tortured by guards; sentenced to death; and narrowly escapes helicopters dropping bombs on Anasazi ruins. I’m sure would be much worse if he appeared in more than one episode!
Hospitals: No hospital visits herself this season but Scully does spend time in hospitals when Doggett is shot and paralyzed in 9x04 4-D and hit by a car in 9x10 Providence; when Reyes is hit by a car in 9x11 Audrey Pauley; and when William is injected with magnetite(?) in 9x16 William.
Driving: Scully takes the wheel with Reyes as passenger in the search for William in 9x10 Providence; Mulder drives the get-away car with Scully as passenger in 9x19 The Truth. Not many memorable car scenes this season but Mulder does give sleeping Scully a soft little kiss on the cheek in the finale 🥺
Line of Duty?: Scully shoots the assassin in 9x09 Provenance, but he survives (despite Scully’s best efforts). Mulder’s accused of killing Knowle Rohrer in 9x19 The Truth but he’s a super soldier and couldn’t have been killed by a fall. He does lure a super soldier into the magnetite quarry to his death in 9x06 Trust No 1. Doggett and Reyes each kill suspects in two episodes.
Investigation: 18 episodes apart 😭
Solve Rate: 64% overall solve rate at the end of the season and 84% solve rate for this season. With Scully’s help Doggett and Reyes actually do pretty well this season. Although I miss the classic who knows what happened endings of the early seasons.
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nancydfan · 3 years
In relation to the pre-RE8 ask. I assumed the mold was similar to an irl virus carrier - you don't know you have it until you test for it, which leads to the question 'why wasn't Ethan tested?'
I have two theories
1) They were more concerned with Mia who they KNEW was infected - this is terrible from a professional standpoint and if true those doctors/scientists should be fired, but this is also the most probable in my opinion
2) They did test it but through the power of how well Ethan took to the mold and/or because Ethan himself fully believed he wasn't a mold man (belief is a powerful thing) the test results came back wrong.
3) Someone on the inside was a spy and faked the results, which is how Miranda found out about Rose but Miranda seemed surprised by Ethan's return which hinted she didn't know the full extent of his powers so less likely but still possible.
On Mia's end, I think she knew longer than just after re7. My memory of re7 is a bit rusty but it makes sense to me that she either
a) knew he was a mold man/something was up and ended up trusting him when it became apparent his search for the cure was sincere (she fought through the boat to go get him, she 100% was fighting for Ethan and not what she believed was a mold man wearing his skin)
b) suspected something happened to him and noticed signs but didn't fully realize it until after re7
I say this with the thought that it would be way harder to test/confirm Ethan as a mold man when being monitored 24/7 and out of danger where there's less...let's say extreme evidence. So I think she knew something was off in re7 and confirmed it before the end of the game simply because of her 'special' comment to Chris. Who knows, maybe she woke up before Ethan and saw his dead body?
(Also, lowkey I was rewatching an re8 playthrough and I'm positive Ethan died with that old man in the beginning, that was our first BIG hint...but also how many times did this man die and we all just went ah yes, vibeogame go brrrrr hahaha) (as I am writing this i realized he also could have died with the squad in the escort car and I am Shook, ETHAN PLEASE STOP DYING)
Back to Mia (lmao sorry for the sidetrack), if she knew he died then there's a solid chunk of that game where she was having a crisis behind the scenes where this 'fake' Ethan is running around trying to find and make this cure and she's waiting for the other shoe to drop the entire time but no, he goes through with it and chases off Lucas and she gets cured. By the time they get to the boat she is convinced enough to go save him.
Or maybe she remembers he died through nightmares and her memory comes back slowly, which leads to her argument with Ethan that 'we matter, YOU matter' because he DIED because of her mistakes/for her and she just wants him to think of himself for once.
I have so many emotions and theories, I feel like the Pepe Silvia meme. You asked for this though, so now we're both in this mess hahahahaha :D
Have a nice night :)
I did ask for it and I love it! Pls feel free to send me msgs whenever because I love hearing people’s thoughts because I’m not the smartest person here so y’all always have me thinking! Also, I’m super about to respond in the most crazy all over the place sorry =o
Starting with Mia in RE7, I don’t think she knew Ethan was dead. I know the VHS tapes were more of a learning tool for the characters but I think they’re canon in they’re own weird way  lol. She talks to Ethan in a way even saying there’s much he doesn’t know but I think it’s in relation to evie and the bakers moreso then him being dead. I can see how it could be implied that way but she’s talking to him as her husband so that’s why I don’t see it. And as you said, in the boat, she was there for Ethan, her husband, no questions about anything else. She tells Evie not to hurt him. It just feels like she still thinks he’s human. But that’s just my take.  
That being said, I love love that concept. And since capcom can only give us like 15 minutes to even explain anything about Mia, I would love to see this explored in fan fiction (hint hint somewhere out there lol) BECAUSE can you imagine? Mia’s been trapped in Dulvey three years and her husband shows up so suddenly she has hope. Then she sees him murdered? And then he pops back up and she knows that’s just not him anymore. Oooof sign me tf up 
I imagine the more boring option is she put two and two together as she learned just a bit of what ethan went through. I imagine he has a leg scar? That had to come up eventually. And obviously once the crisis is over she might actually stop and think about how ethan has his left hand back. 
As for no one figuring out ethan was mold, yeah, you’re probably right about the most boring, lazy route. Did ethan just not tell them he reattached a limb or can they not see it’s not exactly fully there? Didn’t someone ask about this??? I agree that angry ethan can be persuasive but holy shit someone dropped the ball. And if they gave him something, did it not impact him at all? Wouldn’t he have some reaction to anything designed as anti mold? Or did they chaulk it up to it being removed? Mia is shown to be heavily medicated and they didn’t even give this man anxiety medication. 
It’s just so odd no one thought of anything in the course of three years. But maybe his mold condition and his belief is that strong. And like you said, his body is no longer in crisis. It doesn’t need to keep supporting physical abuse so it can support his human identity better. 
Also ethan is basically an honorary winchester with as many times he dies LAWL
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Thoughts on the Alex Rider TV show...
Some background: I’ve been reading the books since Point Blanc came out, so we are going back a few years (actually quite a few more years than I care to credit). I thought the Stormbreaker movie was a pretty awful adaptation all round. Definitely lacked the grit of the book series. Imagine my fear of what they were going to do to Point Blanc, one of my favourite books of the series...
So, thoughts (in no particular order):
1. Otto Farrant is brilliantly cast. OK, one can nitpick. He’s been aged up, but I think that works - the TV series has tried to go grittier than the movie, and if we’re honest, a 14 year old being treated the way Alex is would just be extremely uncomfortable viewing. The books are written for children - they put up with a lot more than adults. And Farrant manages to strike an excellent balance between being old enough to make the whole thing believable, and young enough to provoke the right amount of outrage. His portrayal of Alex is really very good - the unwillingness to let something drop when he’s curious about it, the coldness, the desire to just be a schoolboy, the fundamental streak of doing what’s right. Sorry, Alex Pettyfer, but no matter how good looking you were, you weren’t Alex Rider for me. Otto Farrant has nailed it.
2. Alex generally. The writing is pretty faithful to his character. There are a few tweaks - he’s a bit more of a rebel than he is in the books. The foam party - one can see Alex doing that in the book because it’s part of the bad-boy act he’s supposed to be putting on, but I’m not sure that was the motivation for the foam party; I think he did it because it was fun and he’s someone who likes to rock the boat a bit. But I liked this Alex. It made his snarkiness and impulsiveness that much more believable. And, let’s be honest, what kid is taught to withstand interrogation techniques without becoming a bit of a loose cannon? One thing that was changed that I’m still not sure about was his determination to go back to Point Blanc. Book Alex didn’t want to go back; TV Alex says he’s going with or without MI6′s help because he’s got friends there. This was admirable, and I think probably the right move (I don’t think “leaving it to the professionals” would have come off well on screen when he’d made such good friends), but I did miss the scene from the book where Jones more or less manipulates him into going back in.
3. Jack. I love Jack as a character. It’s a bit more of recent phenomenon - I think since I became about the age that Jack is and suddenly woke up to what she must have felt - but the book Jack puts up with so much without complaint. The thing is, she’s a very tricky character to portray, because it’s a fine balance between making her powerless and useless. I think they did a good job here. They’ve changed things - Jack gets her degree at the start, and hints to Ian that it might be time for her to think about leaving. It’s not faithful to the book, but it’s a brilliant move, because as soon as Ian dies and she sticks around, you think - wow. She’s just given up her plans for this kid. She really cares. And that’s what the book series hints at throughout but has only addressed explicitly in recent books. I also like that they showed her having a bit more agency, which is realistic. I mean, she’s got a law degree. She’s not helpless. Ronkẹ Adékoluẹjo does a good job here. OK, she’s not the red haired Jack we know of the series. But so what? Representation matters (on a side point of which, good job in making Alex’s crush at school black too). And didn’t that thing about Immigration strike just a bit harder because Jack was black? Didn’t it make it that much more realistic and scary? This shit happens, people.
4.Ian. I didn’t have strong views about this. I’ve seen that others didn’t like how his death was changed. I’d argue they wanted to get away from what had already been done in the Stormbreaker movie, and, anyway, it set up the mystery of Scorpia’s involvement and the MI6 leak quite effectively. I don’t care about the speeding/seatbelt change. They probably did it because these days any decent car (like Ian’s was) screams at the driver if they’ve not got their seatbelt on.
5. K Unit generally. We didn’t get too much of Fox, Eagle and Snake, but we got a bit, and what I saw, I really liked. I liked that two of them were women (one of them an excellent sniper!). This show generally handles women much better than the book series - far more balance. I liked the introduction of K Unit - the whole interrogation scene was really well done, from K Unit following orders but being quite uncomfortable with the whole thing, to Alex’s reaction to it, to his escape. I think the lack of SAS training camp was again an attempt to shift away from the Stormbreaker movie and, although it has spawned a lot of fanfiction, it doesn’t actually serve any purpose that couldn’t be addressed elsewhere. For K Unit lovers, I think this move was a good thing. It is pretty difficult to justify K Unit’s attitude towards Alex at Brecon Beacons, and translating that situation to one of trust between Alex and Wolf would be very difficult. This approach worked because, although K Unit was introduced in circumstances where you think they’re acting badly (following orders to interrogate Alex), you’re immediately introduced to the idea they’re not comfortable about it - so they might be good guys after all.
6. Wolf. So this gave us ALL the feels (the apology, the blanket wrap at the end...), but I (possibly controversially) think they could have done more here. I would have liked to have seen a bit more of what we saw in the book - Wolf not liking Alex, and then them turning that around. Don’t get me wrong - obviously, the more Alex/Wolf trust, the better. But I thought they made Wolf into a bit more of a softie than they really needed to. They had 8 episodes - they had time to build more of a character arc for him. 
7. Jones. Mixed feelings. Vicky McClure is really good, and I think the way they’ve set it up, there’s room for a good character arc here; at the moment, the Department is portrayed as basically being under Alan Blunt’s rule, with others disagreeing with his approach but getting overruled. If they make it far enough, Mrs Jones is going to need to have adopted some of his ruthlessness by the time Blunt gets the sack at the end of Scorpia Rising. A bit like Wolf, I thought Mrs Jones could have been a bit more complex than she was. But I’m happy to wait and see what they do in (hopefully) future seasons.
8. Setting. Generally pretty well done. Thank GOD they were wearing proper school uniform (what were the directors of the Stormbreaker movie thinking...this is Britain, y’all). The Point Blanc academy was suitably creepy and isolated. My only criticism re setting was that the “Department” was in a basement. I can see why they did it (dark and mysterious setting, OK), but it didn’t strike me as a particularly realistic place to run a Government department from. Even MI6 has a decent building in Vauxhall.
9. Kyra. I didn’t want to like this deviation in principle - I was really suspicious they were just setting up a love interest (the same way as in the Stormbreaker movie, where they elevated Sabina’s character in a way that just wasn’t appropriate). But Kyra was a brilliant addition. Complex but good-hearted. And nothing cringey happened - even that nearly kiss before Alex leaves Point Blanc was actually pretty believable and went just far enough. Be interesting to see if she comes back - that hanging ending, man. Poor Kyra. On a side point, I think for the purposes of the TV series it was quite important to give Alex a good friend at the academy. Solitary spying works well on the page, but not so much on screen - viewers need dialogue. I thought the way they did it worked well.
10. Plot. Yes, there were tweaks. But I thought the way it was put together was well done. There was no dramatic baddie revealing all at the end. I liked the way it gradually unfolded, and that although MI6 had managed to piece some of it together, it was ultimately Alex who solved it through the spying he’d done. Interesting that they have decided to introduce Scorpia so early on, but it’s given us something to drive the series forward rather than it just being one mission after another, so probably a good move.
11. Tom. The relationship between Tom and Alex was well done (when Alex comes to Tom’s rescue at the end!). O’Connor is good (though, please, PLEASE can we ditch what my husband and I have dubbed the gnome hat?). I thought he got slightly too much air time at this stage, personally - and turning up at the Friends’ house was a bridge too far for me. But I can forgive this. I liked the way they targeted Tom because he and Alex are such best friends. This bromance was something missing from the series and it was a welcome introduction.
I could go on, but I think this is long enough. If anyone has anything they’d like to chat about or to hear my opinion on, do PM me or comment on this post. Meanwhile, I’m off to rewatch the series.
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wiiired · 4 years
Season 2 Awards
We’ve finished Season 2! Like last time, I thought it’d be fun to make a bracket of my favorite and least favorite moments, once again relying on Way Down in the Hole for the categories. So, without further ado, the best and worst of Season 2.
Best and Worst Boss: I’m going to give both of these to Frank Sobotka. There’s nobody more invested in the well-being of his union -- from bribing politicians to ratting on the Greeks to keep his men away from criminal charges, Sobotka was willing to do anything to protect IBS Local 1514. Over the course of the season, we see him be incredibly generous with union workers, gifting them cash when they’re in a hard spot, and drinking with them at the local bar. But Frank is also the reason that police attention falls on the union; while you can’t blame him for Stan Valchek’s personal grudge, he’s absolutely blameworthy for getting in deep with a criminal organization. Ultimately, Frank was too short-sighted to be a good boss, and his insistence in maintaining the status quo rather than looking for ways to adapt was ultimately his downfall. Of course, his downfall also cost the union its freedom -- in the final montage of S2E12, we see that IBS has been taken over by the feds.
Best Couple: My favorite couple is one that never happened -- Frank and Beadie (making my case: 1, 2). I’m a sucker for yearning looks, and there were definitely some looks traded between the union boss and local cop. They seemed to genuinely care about each other, beyond a friendly smile at the port or in the bar. One of the most memorable scenes of Season 2 is when Beadie confronts Frank and asks him to talk to the cops. Frank confesses to her that he thought he was doing the wrong thing for the right reasons, and Beadie says, “There are different types of wrong.” I feel like they could’ve been a couple that mutually supported each other -- Frank the stable union presence for Beadie’s kids, giving Beadie more flexibility to find the career she’s looking for. Alas, the Greeks ruined that one for me.
Worst Couple: Nick Sobotka and Aimee. Nick just isn’t ready to settle down. He isn’t making enough money to support a family, and while he loves his child he isn’t enough of a presence to be there for her. Not to mention, he abandons Aimee in his parents’ home and spends the night with Prissy rather than seeking comfort from his significant other. Aimee deserves better than this man who brought trouble onto himself, and consequently made her life more difficult (the three of them got dragged into Witness Protection thanks to Nick’s Greek connections). I say time to move on.
Favorite Quote: Any of the nicknames for Jimmy while he was riding the boat. Sailor Boy, Little Man in the Canoe, Captain Chesapeake, McNulty the Sailor Man, and my favorite, Prince of Tides.
File This Away for Later Moment: Stringer’s encounter with Brother Mouzone. The way that Brother Mouzone sees straight through Stringer -- remember that. Mouzone will be making an appearance in Season 3.
Rookie of the Year: Ziggy. On Way Down in the Hole, Van Lathan pointed out that Ziggy is a character who always provokes an emotional reaction; love him or hate him, you feel some kind of way when he shows up. Personally, I found my growing tolerance for Ziggy growing over the course of the season, and on a rewatch I was more attentive to the way he’s treated by Nick and Frank. It’s hard not to feel sorry for the class clown who just wanted some respect, and couldn’t get it, stuck in a job where he couldn’t succeed and ignored by his own father. Over a single season, Ziggy evolves from union jester to booster extraordinaire to convicted murderer, all because he couldn’t find his spot. Hopefully he’ll have time to change in prison, and he’ll be able to start over once he gets out.
Six M(e)n of the Year: Jemele Hill and Van Lathan picked Herc and Carver, and I have to agree. No one was a more consistent B plot than Police Brutality 1 & 2 (Jemele’s nickname for them): Herc’s pestering of Kima to join the team, and then getting Daniels to bring Carver on board, too; the bug-tennis ball-Fuzzy Dunlop subplot; those brief seconds where the two of them struggled to bring that air conditioner up the stairs; constant car surveillance and that amazing scene with the french fries (”You think I’m fat?”). I’ve always liked Herc and Carver because I think they’re funny, but I felt guiltier about it last season because they were unquestionably the cops most likely to beat someone up. This season, they’re the perfect combination of scheming yet inept and well-positioned as comic relief.
Favorite Scene: It’s either D’Angelo’s death in S2E6 or the scene in S2E11 where Beadie asks Frank to talk to the cops. First, D’Angelo’s death is dramatic because it’s so sudden -- everything is going well, and then thirty seconds later D’Angelo’s on the floor with a belt around his neck. The first time I watched S2E6 I didn’t actually believe that D’Angelo had died -- it wasn’t until the next episode that I understood he’d actually been killed off. Not to mention, D’Angelo was season 1′s moral compass, so losing him was pretty upsetting. Second, the scene between Beadie and Frank -- well, I’m just a romantic for them. Whether they should’ve been together or just good friends, you can’t deny how well Amy Ryan and Chris Bauer act emotional. I felt Frank’s regret for everything he’d done, even more so because I knew what was going to happen to him. And, yes, I think this scene is proof why Beadie and Frank would’ve been a good couple. While Beadie was there for a reason, she was the only person who was able to comfort Frank and understand why he made the choices that he did, and Beadie was the only person Frank was able to open up to. Maybe in an alternate universe, Frank comes clean, helps the cops nab the Greeks before they sail off on fraudulent passports, and Beadie drives him home, where with Ziggy in jail he decides he’s going to start anew. The two of them load his truck with suitcases, pick up Beadie’s kids, and drive off into the sunset.
Best Performance: Nick Sobotka. It’s hard to make a thieving, racist dockworker sympathetic, but Pablo Schreiber did it. Jemele Hill points out that Nick is the most openly racist of the dockworkers; despite working with and seemingly befriending black fellow dockworkers, Nick consistently uses the n-word, and in S2E7 gives an infamous speech to Frog, reminding them that they’re both white. Yet we also see Nick struggling to survive: living in his parents’ basement, giving money to his girlfriend when he can, and being affectionate with his daughter. He turns to crime because he can’t make enough money at his straight job. Nick Sobotka’s character is a masterful ruse to get white audience members, who may have resisted empathizing with the Barksdales, to see drug sellers as human. I also have to shout out Pablo Schreiber for being (a) very cute, (b) 6′5″, and (c) apparently very talented at playing believably nasty characters -- he won an Emmy for Orange is the New Black as George “Pornstache” Mendez, an abusive corrections officer who exacts sex from inmates in return for drugs he smuggles in. I guess post-Emmy he’s in demand, most recently playing Mad Sweeney on American Gods.
Stringer Bell Fuckboy Award: There are two options, both of them defensible. It’s either the scene where Stringer seduces Donette, or when he’s over there later playing with D’Angelo’s kid while Donette makes him dinner. Personally, I’d pick the latter. Not only are Stringer and Donette holding hands in front of D’Angelo’s son, but Stringer actually picks up the (world’s cutest) baby and bad-mouths D’Angelo to him! Classic fuckboy.
Favorite Trivia: Apparently, Lance Reddick (Cedric Daniels) hated Dominic West (Jimmy McNulty). In real life, Reddick and West are somewhat like their TV personalities -- Reddick is quieter and more reserved while West is very chatty and extraverted. In All the Pieces Matter, Reddick admitted that he found West rather annoying and avoided him outside of work.
MVP: Beadie Russell. Instrumental to the plot, growing exponentially from day-jobber in S2E1 to certified good police in S2E12, and maybe the kindest character on the show. A single mother supporting herself and two kids, it’s hard not to root for Beadie, who became a cop after realizing she couldn’t feed her family on a toll-taker’s salary. She also gets a disproportionate number of the season’s most quotable lines, from “What they need is a union” to “World just keeps turning, right?,” probably because she represents the viewer’s perspective (taking over from gone-too-soon D’Angelo Barksdale). While her weakness for McNulty will get her in trouble, I’m glad we’ll see the return of Beadie in Seasons 4 and 5.
That was fun y’all. Here’s my bracket for Season 1.
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that-crooked-smile · 4 years
2, 25, 36😊❤
Thank you so much for the ask, Janelle 💖
2. 3 movies you have rewatched many times
I. I'm counting the entire Twilight Saga as a single one here, because there was a very cursed week during quarantine where I watch all five movies once per day 💀
II. Wall-E ! Probably one of my absolute favourite animated movies!
II. Parasite! I really really loved this movie! I've rewatched it quite a few times, and each time I found new scenes with foreshadowing that I didn't notice before!
25. 3 people you’d never get tired of
I. My best friend - I love her so much, and she’s just such an amazing human being? My brain can’t comprehend that
II. Both my siblings - We just understand each other, and I share so many interests with them (some with my brother, some with my sister). They’re good beans
III. My parents - I know this list is kind of cheesy but I’m quite the family person I guess?
36. 3 ways of traveling that you enjoy the most
As much as I love seeing other countries, the actual traveling part is absolutely terrible. Especially since I get nauseous pretty fast.
I. Train - I never really traveled far by train, just from home to school and back, and sometimes to go out, but definitely the most comfortable way
II. Car and bus - I used to travel every summer to Portugal by car. 24 Hours in a Car. With 4 Other People. Terrible.
III. Airplane - Last year was my first time traveling by plane, and this year my second one. I don’t think it is suuuper bad, but it is super loud, and gives me an enormous headache after arriving. I’m also quite scared of planes 💀
In this house we do not talk about traveling with a boat. Never.
feel free to ask me ‘3 things...’ asks !
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jq37 · 5 years
**spoilers for just like, all of bloodkeep**
***also, finale thoughts are coming, I had technical difficulties w/ the dropout site this weekend when I sat down to rewatch for notes***
OK, wow, I was NOT expecting the BTS video to THAT illuminating. I thought it was gonna have some cute cast stuff (which it did; I loved all the stuff with Matt and Rekha especially). Not, like, wild behind the DM screen plot twists. OK, taking it chronologically:
I can’t IMAGINE Rekha in Fantasy High. The energy of her and Emily at the same table would be so much. I will always be haunted by the knowledge of what could have been. 
Trapp buying monster manuals as a kid had big Sohkbar energy. Also, mad at myself that I never made the Hagrid connection because that is so what he’s doing all the time. 
“That’s Knife backwards and she’s very proud of that and so am I.”
It never occurred to me that Maggie has a full name tbh.
“Murderous Rodney Dangerfield.”
Matt can’t even even stop RP’ing during his interview.
I can’t believe this was a TWO DAY SHOOT. I thought it was at least 3 days. And, for some reason, I thought it was weekend shoots, not back to back days (prob cause my group is weekly). That means this was mostly super off the cuff. There wasn’t a lot of time to mull over strategy on the car ride home or whatever. This was such a roller coaster stretched over 6 weeks. Imagine it in 2 days!
Brennan at the camera with absolutely no prompting: Hell yeah!
Ooooh boy
So, in case you didn’t watch the video, what was SUPPOSED to happen was they would go down to the evil basement and then only one of them would be able to go on the boat. In order to get on the boat to hell, they would need to get a blessing from one of the statues. Four statues, six PCs. Brennan tried to lead them to a PvP endgame. THE PLAN WAS ALWAYS A PVP ENDGAME.
There is just SO MUCH to unpack here!
Like, OK. These guys are evil, right? Like, they casually talk about genocide all the time. That’s USDA Grade evil. BUT. They’re not mean. (OK, to the odd NPC but I’m speaking generally). When they all start off, the only real animosity in the group is Sohkbar towards Leiland for not being great with the wyverns and then there’s a little cattiness between Leiland and Maggie. But that’s it! And, like, Efink and Lilith read as straight up besties from ep 1! I NEVER felt the game leading towards any kind of group dissonance. From episode 1 there was a, “We’re all in this together,” vibe. They decided that so early on and they stuck to it. (In fact, they MADE MORE FRIENDS on the way!)
It’s like, Brennan told them, “You’re evil,” but he never said, “You don’t like each other,” and that made all the difference. 
Like, even in the pregame interview, Amy says something like, “I get to play someone evil whose ultimate goals will still help the people around her.” 
When you’re playing with players who are decent people irl and who haven’t been given a good story reason or the explicit direction to go turncoat, I feel like most peoples’ natural inclination isn’t to do that. 
Knowing that the game was supposed to end with a Super Smash Bros Free for All, the fact that episode 5 was all epiphanies and hugging and feelings is that much funnier. That wasn’t the boatman telling him to stop hugging. That was Brennan, the DM that knew his sick plans just got jossed to hell. 
I love that Brennan said that the sweet character moments were completely unprompted by him but, as a viewer, they play as the most logical actions by these players. I was like, “This ISN’T what you wanted to happen?????” They felt like totally planned arcs! Brennan is so good at rolling with the punches. I feel like he must have accepted it by that point in ep 5 because, the way he was describing those falls (except for maybe Lilith’s looking back) read 100% to me like people who were having a near death experience that was going to bring them *together*, not the other way around. And, if it wasn’t, that’s how 6/6 of them took it so…
There was way too much time for these PCs to bond for this to end in PvP. The opportunities for backstabbing would have had to be planted WAY earlier for it to maybe work, imo. Or some kind of gollum/crown mechanic for craziness to spur a betrayal. 
This also explains why Bren kept prodding Lilith about how the crown should have been hers. Lol, and instead of staging a coup, she called dibs on the godmom position. BLESS.
IMPORTANT EDIT: I was thinking this so hard that I thought I wrote it but turns out I didn’t. If Brennan had forced them into a Thunderdome situation, I am 100% convinced it would have ended with everyone (except maaaaybe Markus) just bowing out to let Maggie win. Lilith and Leiland for sure at the very least and they for sure would have enough firepower to fight off everyone else if need be. (Efink would be next on that list after her near death moment of clarity.)
Brennan mentioned how wild Maggie and Leiland’s collective arc is and he’s right and I wanna talk about it more later. 
THE GHOST FIGURINES. Oh man, that would have been dope. I’m glad about how it ended, but that could have been cool. 
Nevermind, this is the bad ending, we were robbed. 
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