#I refuse to put up with anything more than plugging in a HDMI cord in and adjusting the audio and display settings
kris-mage-fics · 1 month
Just a heads up, I might be sparse on-line for a while. The TV that I hook my laptop up to just died, and I don't know when we can get a new one. I can use the laptop at the table, but that hurts my neck pretty quickly. I can't say I'm surprised this happened, it's like 16 or 17 years old. I actually said to my husband earlier this year I had a feeling it would die soon. Something I'd rather have been wrong about, lol
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trying to get a cheap Xbox 360: a saga
background: several years ago I found a bunch of stuff in a dumpster, like a couple backpacks, some dried crickets (reptile food I guess), a bunch of birthday cards, and also a functional PSP with two games, an original Xbox, and a probably busted Gamecube with a controller. the whole thing was a mystery; I did eventually find the owner on Facebook because his name was on the cards and I tried to contact him to see if he wanted any of it back, especially the cards since it seemed like those might have sentimental value, and it went in his spam folder and he found my message like...three years later to say no thanks. so: free stuff for me! figured I might have a use for the Xbox eventually.
I didn’t, actually, because what are you even going to do with an original Xbox, but then once I finally got through Silent Hill 2 and 3 I started hunting around to see how hard it would be to play any of the other games. and I discovered, first of all, that Silent Hill: Homecoming has no trophies or achievements on Playstation or Steam, which is where I had it on my wish list, but it does have Xbox 360 achievements; that Silent Hill 4 is also supposed to be good but it hasn’t been re-released on anything newer than PS2/Xbox, because Konami hates putting in any effort to make money; that it’s possible to get Silent Hill 4 for like ten bucks if you go with the Xbox version; and also that an Xbox 360, in what appears to be its only major advantage over the PS3, can natively play any original Xbox game. so then obviously I fixated on getting a cheap Xbox 360, because that doubles my field of games I can play cheap by getting them used (and I’d already picked up a couple downloadable Xbox 360 games for free that were just sitting in my Microsoft account).
and after that it just got dumb. 
do some hunting. actual refurbished Xbox 360 consoles are like $70; Goodwill often has some for $50, which seems like way too much considering a) I’m not sure those come with power supplies and they definitely don’t come with controllers, and b) if they don’t come with power supplies, there’s no way to know if they work. start stalking Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace.
eventually find somebody on Craigslist selling original Xbox 360, power supply, two controllers, and two games (Madden 09 and some arcade compilation) for $35, which sounds like a very very good deal; don’t want to pull the HDMI cable off my PS3, though, so I order one cheap and wait
bring Madden 09, original Xbox, and probably-busted Gamecube to local game store, where I’m pleasantly surprised to be offered $40 trade-in credit for everything; immediately buy Silent Hill: Homecoming for Xbox 360
HDMI cable arrives. I hook everything up...........and get a Red Ring of Death
hunt around on the internet to see if there’s anything I can try
open Xbox 360, slicing open finger in the process, in hopes that dust inside is the cause of RROD; it’s not
controllers also don’t seem to work. no, wait, one of them does, the one that looks like it might actually be a little corroded? new batteries don’t work but the old ones do even though I’m pretty sure they didn’t the first time I tried?
call around to see what repair prices are like. it’s not great! the whole point was to get this for extremely cheap!
find somebody else on Facebook Marketplace selling another original Xbox 360 and an Xbox 360 E (but no power supply for either) for $40, because apparently her nephew just left them behind when he left the state. I figure okay, I can use the power supply and maybe controllers from Craigslist, and whichever consoles I decide not to keep can at least get me something in trade-in value. plan to meet. get cash and drive all the way over. stop hearing from her. eventually learn her daughter got a bloody nose at the playground and they went home. ask if we can meet again. hear nothing.
she’s available the next day. I say a different day would be better. she’s like okay I’ll just go to the next person then (you know, even though I’d been talking to her and she knew I drove all the way across town once already). I’m like ugh fine if today’s the only day then yeah I’ll drive over again, knowing I might be getting suckered but it does seem like a good price. this time I actually get them.
this Xbox 360 is like...surprisingly beat up, but I hook it up with the power supply from the RROD Xbox 360 and it WORKS. also has Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 inside. bonus. 
Xbox 360 E requires a different power cord, and local store has power supplies for $30 or more. I decide I can be patient and go online, where I discover that instead I can order a three-dollar adapter that will let me use the original power supply with it. also order a rechargeable battery pack for the controller, which...works on both controllers, including the one that refused to work with batteries. sure why not.
find wired controller at Goodwill for $8 and buy it, figuring it’s a good deal and it’ll be especially useful if I want to use a controller with my PC. has an old plug that the Xbox won’t take (which is weird, because...I have the oldest version of Xbox 360, and this is an Xbox 360 controller, so what console was this controller designed for?) so I order a USB adapter for a couple bucks. it arrives. wired controller doesn’t turn on. is it the adapter or the controller itself? no idea but my money’s on “I spent eight bucks on a busted controller because I shouldn’t buy shit like that at Goodwill maybe”.
decide I want to try MW3 just to see if I want to play it before trading it in. open optical drive, and it closes itself faster than I expected, so I grab at the tray. it doesn’t like that. will now only make sad noises when I try to open it. I do some reading on how to open stuck Xbox 360 optical drives, watch some videos, spend a considerable amount of time messing with it. nope, it Will Not Open. 
occurs to me that the Xbox 360 E might have something in it as well, since I don’t have a power supply and haven’t been able to turn it on. turns out the Xbox 360 E is actually designed in a reasonable way that lets you easily pop open the tray if it’s stuck. it does have something inside but it’s just a DVD of The Equalizer, boo.
so now I have an original Xbox 360 in great shape except for the RROD, and a beat-up one that is somehow perfectly functional except for the optical drive, and a much less beat-up Xbox 360 E that I’m feeling much friendlier toward but that I can’t use until I get the adapter, so I figure I’ll use that one. it’s newer, it’s obviously better designed, it probably doesn’t have the same problems that gave so many original Xbox 360 consoles the RROD.
the adapter finally arrives. I hook everything up. the Xbox 360 E does not turn on.
no RROD, no nothing, it just sits there. I ask the universe if it’s fucking kidding me but the universe does not reply. 
is it the adapter or the console? I HAVE NO WAY TO KNOW BECAUSE I HAVE NO WAY TO POWER THE CONSOLE. grumpily order an actual Xbox 360 E power supply, finding a third-party one on eBay for $15.
now: waiting for the new power supply but also still stalking Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist, wondering if I should jump on it if I find yet another cheap console that might be better than what I’ve gotten so far or if that’s, you know, the whole “throwing good money after bad” thing.
prediction: once I get the Xbox 360 E power supply, the console still will not turn on, which will leave me with a power supply I will probably want to resell and two original Xbox 360 consoles busted in different ways. I will try to swap the optical drives which, if successful, will leave me with one beat-up but functioning Xbox 360, and two busted consoles that should at least get me some trade-in value. however, given my luck so far, I will be utterly unsurprised if the beat-up but functioning Xbox 360 just fucking dies on me in fairly short order as well.
this also does not include my attempts to get Minecraft for cheap, because one dude on Facebook was going to sell it to me but then he stopped replying, and somebody else wanted me to drive out even further but then she had some kind of emergency so that didn’t work either.
I just. I just wanted to get a cheap Xbox 360 so I could play more games, why did that have to be so complicated
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I’ll Die Without You
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A/N: I don’t think that I’m good at angst. I feel like I don’t have a forte in writing yet and it’s really frustrating. But I’ll push forward until become more confident in my work. Thank you to those of you who have been here from the beginning, here from a few days ago and those who intend to be here for as long as we are posting.
Also, I’m using America as the place that Y/N is visiting. Not that that’s really important but it would explain the time difference.
(Uh... this wasn’t supposed to be smut but them Baekhyun wanted to go and be,,,beautiful. Also Sweet Lies is a thing so..ye)
There will be a part 2 that continues my original plan.
~Admin Allie
You sunk your hands into the warm laundry that sat inside of the dryer. The comforting heat shot up your body and made you smile. Freshly wash clothes always reminded you for your boyfriend; warm, soft and inviting. You gathered the garments into your arms and made your way to your bed room. As you walked down the hall you heard small whimpers and grunts, to which you smiled.
“Baek, what are you doing?” you chuckled out. You peered into the room and saw him struggling to get into your suitcase.
You threw your head back and began to laugh at the silly sight of a grown man trying to stuff himself into your bag. He threw a playful glare your way.
“Are you just gonna laugh or help me inside?” He continued to struggle to get his head into a corner of the suitcase. He used his only other free limb to push his head in. “Now all you need to do set up a water system and easy to eat food.” Your laughing never stopped.
“Baekhyun you need to get out of my bag.” He pouted at you and flipped the top of the suitcase closed.
“Don’t go. I’ll die without you,” he said with a highly whiney voice. You sat in front of the bag and opened it. You looked down at him with an expression that told him that he was being dramatic but his pout didn’t let up.
“I’ll only be gone for a week.” He dragged his sad eyes up to yours and shook his head.
“I don’t care.”
You didn’t want to do this to him, but you had to make him pity you just a little so that he could stop being selfish.
“This is my first proper break since I debuted and I haven’t seen my family in over three years. You know I can’t not go back home, Baek.” His face relaxed and he huffed. He put up a fight with the suitcase before he could mostly free himself and sit up in the bag. He took the laundry pile that sat in your lap and stared to fold your clothes. You smiled at him and played with his messy hair before starting to assist him with folding. You two stayed in silence for a while, just taking in the presence of one another. You would look up to him occasionally and see his concentrated face as he folded the more thin and flimsy blouses in the pile.
After you finished packing the case with your clothes, you started to move about the house, collecting the miscellaneous things you would need on your trip. You started in the bathroom where most of your things would be. You opened the cabinet and before getting what you needed, you saw a note on a cute piece of stationary that he got as a gift from a fan. It was propped up against something so you read the note before moving it.
“Take me with you! ‘.ㅅ’ ” You moved the note and saw a cute Baekhyun doll that was dressed in the flying squirrel onesie that he wore during one of his concerts. You grinned at the doll and took it off of the shelf. You ran your fingers over the soft fabric and felt your heart swell with both happiness and remorse. You didn’t want to leave him as much as he didn’t want you to, but you need to see your family. You keep telling him and yourself that the time will pass quickly but you weren’t so sure of this false promise. You spent more than six years with Baekhyun. First as a coworker, then a friend, a crush and eventually the love of your life. It wouldn’t only be hard for him but family had to come first at least once.
He even tried to convince the President to let him accompany you on your trip back home, promising to not be seen and to lay low, but was refused because his schedule was too full and his comeback would be in less than three weeks. Ever since he was told that he couldn’t go, he’s been pouty and pissy about the whole thing.
You gathered the rest of your belongings and went to the room with tiny Baekhyun hugged up under your arm. When you dropped everything onto the bed you continued to hold him, making his new home between your arm and chest. You looked to Baekhyun who was sitting on the bed, looking like he was dozing off.
“Hey,” you called to him. His first response was a jolt in his body and then he looked to you.
“What?” He said while he stretched his tired muscles.
“Thanks for baby Baek. He’ll keep me happy.” He gave you a small smile and blinked at you slowly. “After I pack this bag, do you wanna take a nap? I have half of a day before I have to leave so we can sleep a little now and have a late movie night.” He nodded to you and folded his arms in front of his body while he watched you pack the bag with his with half closed eyes. You finished as soon as you could but still put everything in the bag in a skillful way in which it wouldn’t cause a fuss to close it.
You pushed everything off of the bed and immediately slid into his arms, placing your back on his chest. He held onto you in a lazy fashion and let out a content hum. The warmth that radiated from his body made you feel sleepy almost instantly. Your eyes were beginning to shut when you heard Baekhyun’s thick voice whisper “I love you” before he kissed the conch of your ear.
You peeled open your eyes after what felt like minutes but was clearly hours because of how dark it had become outside. You noticed the lack of heat and figured that Baekhyun was awake. You looked behind you just to be sure of him not being there.
You pulled your body up and reached for the phone. “Eleven thirty-two.” You calculated the time in your head and you had a little less than six hours left to spend with him, including the time for him to drop you off at the airport.
You dragged you feet to the hallway and made your way to the living room where he was connecting his laptop to the big screen. You could tell that he was having a difficult time finding the HDMI port on the back of the television when he started to complain about how it didn’t want to cooperate with him. You chucked at him and moved toward him.
“Having trouble Byun?” He jumped slightly before prying his head from behind the tv. He nodded to you and handed you his phone which had the flashlight turned on.
“You know, light isn’t your problem. It’s that you’re on the wrong side of the tv.” You took the cord from him and walked to the opposite side of which you stood. You tilted your head to see behind the television and swiftly plugged the cord into the port.
“See, I need you to be here with me.” He showed you an exaggerated pout and lifted his brows up.
“You don’t need me, you need common sense. If the port was hard to find on that side, why didn’t you check the other side?” You walked away from him and into the kitchen.
“Because I could have sworn it was on that side.” He scratched the back of his head and followed you into the kitchen. He took a seat at the table and watched you walk around the kitchen, on the hunt for snacks. “What are you going to prepare? Can you cut up some strawberries? I know they aren’t a typical movie snack but I really want some.”
“We can eat whatever your heart desires.” You opened up the refrigerator and took out the strawberries.
“Can you cut them into hearts like you did for my birthday?”
“Sure.” His face grew bright and he sat on the edge of his chair. His childlike reaction made your heart flutter.
You cut up the berries and put them into a bowl. As you did, Baekhyun made his way to the fridge and took out cool whip and scooped a few spoonfuls into a bowl. After he put the container back where it belongs, he took a strawberry and scooped up a large portion of the cream. He popped the treat into his mouth and did a little dance to express his happiness. He repeated his first two steps once again but this time he pushed the fruit in front of your lips. You opened your mouth and took the strawberry graciously and hummed at the taste.
“Mm, this is so good.” He nodded in agreement.
“Simple and tasty.” He picked up both of the bowls and walked into the living room and you followed him with napkins. You settled down and he went to his laptop.
“So, what’s showing tonight,” you asked him as if you two were actually at the movie theater.
“Lilo And Stitch.” He tapped trackpad and the movie started playing. You laughed at the way he shuffled toward you and took his seat. He picked up the bowl of strawberries and began feeding himself as well as you as the movie started. The apartment was filled with giggles and his impressions of the characters, especially the one-eyed monster that always cross-dressed. Or was that a woman...?
The movie ended and you both felt groggy and drained because of the fun movie. You both stretched your muscles before taking on a few easy tasks before heading back to the bedroom. You washed up the sticky dishes and disposed of the napkins with pink stains scattered on them. He unplugged all of the cords, wrapping them up neatly and putting them in the drawer designated for them. He then shut down the laptop and placed it on the coffee table.
When you got to the room, the two of you got rid of your pants since you both found it uncomfortable to sleep in anything other than shirts and underwear. You slipped into the bed and tried to go to sleep but you couldn’t. No matter how long you kept your eyes closed or tried to clear your mind, your body wouldn’t allow you to put it down for the night. You rolled over, hoping that a new position would put you to sleep but you were met with Baekhyun’s open eyes.
“I thought you were sleep,” he said to you as he bought a hand to your waist. You shook your head and gave him a small pout. His hand danced around your body as he just looked at you. “You are so beautiful.” Baekhyun was often a sweet person but there was something about the way he said his words today.
You moved closer to him and moved your hands up to cup his chest. He looked down to you as his hands still graced your side. He just watched you as you focused on nothing, staring at a random spot on his neck while you got lost in your thoughts. He swallowed down air as he started to feel nervous. He couldn’t understand why you were suddenly doing this to him but his hands started to shake and his breath was getting quicker. You looked up to him, his panting taking you out of your thoughtful state.
“Are you okay, Baek?” You whispered against his lips, the closeness forcing you to speak to him in a way he found to be sinful.
He swallowed again before kissing you, giving you a gentle open-mouthed kiss. Your lips automatically responded to his and you kissed him back just as softly as he approached it. His skillful lips made you whine and display a lustful reaction. You moved your leg over his body and he instantly pulled you to him, not leaving even a millimeter between you two. The kiss was hot and sensual.
He breathed into your mouth as he pulled away from the kiss to remove his shirt and then your own, revealing your bare breast to him. He shifted so that he was on top of you, your clothed sex lightly touching the others.
He kissed down your neck and bought both of his hands to your breast. He looked at your breast and chose which one he wanted to attack first, the left one. He laid a soft kiss on your nipple before sucking it between his lips. As it was clasped between his lips and teeth, he worked his tongue inside of his mouth and lightly licked your nipple. He didn’t neglect the other breast though, he rolled the bud between his thumb and middle finger while his index finger rubbed it, stimulating you in two different ways. He then switched the job for each of your breast. You moaned at the coolness that attacked your hot and wet bud before it was warmed up by his actions once again.
He kissed the valley of your breast and landed his lips back onto yours. Your hands went from his hair to the band of his briefs. You hooked your fingers into both sides and pulled them just below his butt. He pushed them off the rest of the way, fully freeing himself.
“Get on your back,” you slightly ordered. He did as he was told and laid flat onto the bed with his cock up and proud. You climbed between his legs and spit in your hand before taking his member into you grasp. You gave him a few long pumps before gracing his warm tip with a kiss to which he twitched in response. You licked up the precum that was leaking from him and he let out a small moan before he caught his lip between his teeth. You ran your tongue flat across the underside of his cock and then pushed it as far into your mouth and throat as it could go. You held your head in place and your throat started to flex as you started to choke and run out of air. He groaned at the feeling and let out a breathy moan when he saw you lift your head and the strings of saliva that connected your lips to his member. You repeated this a few times, until he was close to cumming and released his throbbing cock with a loud pop.
His erection was beginning to become unbearable but he still wanted to please you more before he gave you and himself what you both ached for.
He quickly settled between your legs and held one of your legs back strongly. He stroked your wetness with his long index and idle fingers. He made small circles on your clit, watching your entrance contract with excitement. He teased your pussy a little, sinking his middle finger in, only up to the first knuckle before pulling it out slowly and teasingly. You squirmed under him and he smiled at you, no sign of darkness in his beautiful face. He plunged both of his fingers inside of you and pushed up the roof of your walls, properly stretching you as well as pressing into your g-spot. When he took notice of how much you tightened around him and your quick breaths, he withdrew his fingers, bringing them to his face and licking them clean. He moved his wet hand to your other thigh and now had you wide open and made sure his grip was strong, rendering you immobile. His tongue licked at your clit and you felt your entire body heat up. He varied between firm licks and gentle, ticklish ones. After getting a good taste of you, he sucked on your clit hard. You moaned out in bliss and your body started to shake. His teasing licks got your body ready for more but that action over stimulated you. He reluctantly left your clit alone and shoved his tongue into your entrance. He wiggled and licked inside of you, pushing you to the edge just before taking out quickly. He looked up to you and asked you “Do you want my tongue to make you cum or do you want my dick?” You couldn’t even find your words so you tugged onto his fluffy hair and moved one of his hands away from your thigh.
He pressed his body against yours and laced his fingers into your own. He held both of your hands above your hand as he pushed into you while he looked you into your eyes. He had no need to look down because he knew your body so well, he paid attention to your every detail and remembered all of the angles that lead him to be inside of you.
You breathed into his ear as he pushed deep inside of you. Your vagina already started to pulse around him and begged him to give you more. He pulled out slowly and pushed into you at the same pace. He groaned at your tightness and buried his face into your neck as he focused on how good you feel, wet and clinging to his for dear life. His cock felt like it was being strangled but he loved it. His pace continued to be slow and rhythmic. Your fingernails dug into his knuckles as your hands wanted to touch him. But having his body pressed to yours while covered in a light layer of sweat was too erotic for your body handle. You felt every single breath he had puff onto your neck as well as the rise and fall of his chest.
“I love you,” he whimpered into your ear before pulling out of you. He rolled over and pulled your body on top of his. Before you even adjusted to the change of position, he buried his cock inside of you. You tried to keep your body up but he pulled you down, keeping your body close to him. He pushed into you from beneath, pace quicker than the slow and patient one he had before. He hugged you as he bent his knees more, allowing him to pound into you. You felt your muscles tense up as he made love to you quickly. Your moans got louder with every thrust and he was eventually knocking the wind out of you. You bought your hands to his shoulders, trying to brace for the orgasm that was about to take over your body.
“Yes, cum for you, my love.” He started to fuck you faster and you let out a strained moan as your body tensed up and went limp in a few seconds. He found his own orgasm while he helped you prolong your own. Your sex twitched with lustful joy before feeling one another relax while you were still connected. He softened inside of you and you continued to have your juices spill out of you and onto him.
After a few minutes of panting breaths and trying to gain enough strength to get off of him, you let him slide out of you, both of you had a hitch in your breath and the last pang of pleasure hit you both.
You laid on your side and let him embrace you as sleep started to finally take over your body.
“Sleep well, love.” He whispered into your ear before kissing the back of your neck.
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