#I really need to finish DKOS
sing-me-under · 8 months
Now that I’m finally catching up on reading the comics with Damian, I think I must admit that he’s probably my favorite bat boy. I want to hug him. He deserves a hug. Stephanie is still my favorite bat all around, but Stephanie AND Damian together just makes me very happy.
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blorb-el · 9 months
13 and 23 for the fanfic end of the year asks?
13. favorite writing song/artist/album of this year
I have songs that inspire me to think about the fic in question and the characters, but I usually need minimalism while actually writing. For inspiration: the Prisoner’s Chorus from Beethoven's Fidelio, the first movement of the Mendelssohn Violin Concerto in D minor, Peter Gabriel’s cover of The Power of the Heart, Leonard Cohen’s Recitation/A Thousand Kisses Deep, Regina Spektor’s The Call. For actually writing, long playlists/best of's of Arvo Pärt, Max Richter, and Ludovico Einaudi, and this random album of FNAF game music remixes
23. fics you wanted to write but didn’t
putting this under a cut because there are SO DAMN MANY GOOD GOD...........
the biggest would be finishing the Kryptonian superbat au, which would be (mild spoilers?) sort of a sequel to isostatic. It was my NaNo project in 2022 but I had to stop about 25k in for Reasons. I think once it’s done it’ll land in the 40k ish range? There Will Be Footnotes.
of course finishing we shall be free; we shall find peace, but tbh I was pretty damn sure I was never going to finish that in a year. I made about 45k of progress on it during NaNo this year, but, horrifyingly, that only got me about...halfway…through the plot outline. this mfer is a SLOW slow burn
I really wanted to participate more in bottom bruce wayne october with various superbat ideas and ended up with 4 drafts, one of which was done enough to end off to januariat to be beta read, but I just couldn’t figure out how a few paragraphs in that would flow, which is usually a symptom of being unsatisfied with a deeper issue. So the catboy pwp, the chastity belt dkos-ish au, the sex pollen, and the [redacted fic that shall remain undescribed bc I will never have the nerve to publish it except on anon] all remain in tragic stages of unfinishedment
speaking of various pwps, I really wanted to make progress on an immediate post-wf289 fic where the ashes of the Kryll give superbat low-level temporary telepathic empathy and of course they've been pining for each other for years and do it very tenderly and probably weep manly tears, because that's the bronze age worlds finest vibe <3
The claspers whumpfic where clark gets shrapneled and bruce has to do emergency surgery and oh no discovers his claspers remains one scene. I need to look up best practices in octopus physical therapy for this though if it gives you some idea of the intended plot. This would be a prequel/backstory to make this place your home and a home for my xeno clark headcanons in general
I really want to do an omegaverse fic that’s the opposite of the 'oh no, I’ve just gone into heat and I have no plans, you’ll just have to sleep with me' trope. like, bruce's contingency plans have fallen through yeah, but with two weeks advance notice and he's asking clark for a gentleman's favor and there's traditional style courting with cheese plates and possibly slow dancing. also maybe to incorporate xenomegaverse Delta clark and also how much more dangerous Poison Ivy would be in an omegaverse setting
I still have aspirations for a sequel to tacere featuring Kara acclimating to life on earth, but that’s on the back burner until I read more of her comics bc i know that plot's been done over and over and i want to be sure i know what the canon takes are
i fervently want a comfort (xen)omegaverse cloisbat set during the recovery in superman: lost
dragonclark aka the one where kryptonians all avoid magic bc they don't want the spells that shapeshift them into humanoid forms to be broken and they're actually (slightly fifth dimensional) dragons but otherwise tech based. don't worry about it. martha and jonathan found a baby six-limbed dragonlet in that rocket that blinked at them and then shapeshifted and they were like ok we are still gonna adopt
was contemplating a fic set in clark's sophomore year of college where xenoclark/mermaidlori get together but i can't decide whether i want it to be straightforward pwp hooking up or actual melancholy young love plotfic where they both have this impending separation hanging above their heads. i was vaguely thinking of having lori's mermaid tail be partially paralyzed but i'd have to do a hell of a lot more research into ableism related to wheelchairs and find a wheelchair using beta
old timey radio husbands ft. radio bruce getting blackmailed for having sexe pictures. need to buy a book to research the metropolitan american gay scene in the 40s. or perhaps the fic is just the excuse i need to order the book?
every time i watch any given jl episode i want to write a fic where dcauclarkie my problematic rectangular fave gets some god damn therapy. this has been the state of my brain for two years and it may in fact be time to pick up my first ever attempt at dc fic, which was post-stas pre-jls1 fic that attempted to explain why the US government would ever trust dcauclark again by lifting the plot of panic in the sky from the reeves show (ft. amnesiac clark)
speaking of reeves and watching shows every time i watch an episode of batman 66 I want to write an adamwest!bruce/georgereeves!clark because every time I watch 66bruce be a ridiculous dad to dick I’m like ohhhhhhh this man NEEDS to get [redacted] until [redacted] he DESERVES it. he is so husband material. and 50s Superman also could use [redacted redacted redacted]. Unfortunately this is not a plot, but as Jan so patiently reminds me, pwp is a thing, so...
that was so many. if you have read to the end let me know if any of these are intriguing and i shall perhaps move them forward to the front burner alongside wsbf
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astranauticus · 2 months
post mortem for my orv animatic bc i have lots of thoughts and yall are gonna hear all of them (that is a threat)
first is the obligatory special thanks/plagiarism declaration section but a lot of the shots in this are inspired by the original changgwi lyric video which like. please watch it there's a reason this song is a classic animatic song on bilibili like the music is good but the video definitely helped. also speaking of bilibili, special shoutout to this arknights chongyue animatic that introduced me to the song that will haunt the next 8 months of my life!
the original inspiration was the thought that the verse of the spirit telling the story of its own death felt very yjh coded but it took like another week of stewing on it to have the idea of using the final chorus for the dkos arc which was the moment i decided i have to actually make this thing
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going strictly by when i started putting pen to paper (pencil to ipad screen? whatever) this took almost exactly 5 months since i created the first drafts in february but the first 3 months ish from february until may were also my school semester so. most of the progress (id say about >60%) was done in the last two months of me working on this every moment i wasnt at work (or playing project sekai, for some reason)
also! funny little detail but counting the drafts and some discarded frames my procreate stack for this thing has exactly 49 artworks in it! neat little easter egg i guess (yeah 51 wouldve been more fitting but whatever)
this fully slipped by both me (at 2am) and my friend whom i sent the finished version to (fighting the flu) but in the final edit i didn't actually include the second half of the last lyric?? it's 'i will take you to the mountain god' i apparently just wrote 'i will take you' and never finished the rest LMAO
speaking of the lyrics i dont speak korean and im not a huge fan of most english translations of this song that exists so on multiple occasions i was so tempted to just use the chinese cover someone on bilibili did because then i'd at least be confident i know where the fucking line breaks were (there's one line at the end where im pretty sure i didn't edit on the line breaks correctly but that was more of an intentional compromise because the timings would've been off otherwise. anyway) tbh the only reason i didnt do that is the atmosphere and delivery of the original song is. really unbeatable like the cover's also pretty good but it doesn't quite achieve the same effect
also speaking of things i fucked up im aware i drew sys in the wrong outfit for the dkos fight but like. ok full disclosure my orv reference folder is a complete mess (theres like 400+ images in there. for some reason) so on net ive gotten character outfits wrong while working on this thing like at least 3 times bc id just grab a random webtoon screenshot from my folder and go w it. it's just that by the time i realised i fucked up i'd already finished drawing all of sys's frames and i was too lazy to go back and change all of them LMAO
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anyway yeah some other random things i wanted to whinge about:
there's a lot of effects i wanted to do that didn't quite come across due to. lack of skill/time/patience/all of the above but the one im really annoyed about is the yhk postchorus bit with the 3 circles bc. first off i think i drew those while halfway dozing off on the train to school once because uh. yeah
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anyway poor drawing aside id really wanted to recreate the sort of. drawn-in effect on the circles and lines that the original lyric video had but i could NOT for the life of me figure out a way to execute that in capcut so. here we are (also you cant put transitions on overlays in capcut so that's why those also looked so bad. youre welcome)
honestly my timeline for this in capcut looks pretty ridiculous bc if you want to do word by word animations/effects you need to pay for the pro version so my workaround was just to have like five thousand text layers with 1-2 words on it each (do not recommend btw)
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speaking of the text im a moron so i kinda forgot to account for the text when drawing frames and wow you can tell. yeah next time im just hand writing the text fuck this
and i have some more thoughts that are. mild to moderate webtoon spoilers so past this will be the spoiler warning line
actually my original plan was to upload this the day dkos dies in the webtoon but a. i genuinely did think it was gonna be yesterday like i dont pay for the early access episodes so i was just kinda going off orvtwt LMAO b. i could feel myself burning out on this like the last few frames i drew for this were fucking dogshit so i figured either i finish it soon or i wont finish it at all
i will probably still draw something for dkos' death day though for those who celebrate (basically when i was thumbnailing for one of the frames in this i ended up with one that didnt fit the video aspect ratio at all but still looks pretty good so im promoting it to a full drawing. so look forward to that)
like for an idea of how fucking sick of this shit i was by like. last week pretty much like for the last few frames of the dkos fight i straight up forgot to draw dkos' wings and had to add them in halfway through editing last night. like that's how fucking out of it i was by then lmaoo
looking back its actually kinda funny cuz the whole put this up when dkos dies thing was my plan since february but i had literally no way of knowing when that would be especially since the webtoon stopped going with the novel chapter numbers exactly (i could.. guesstimate but my original estimation was in june so yknow. real useful) but like i can find evidence of me panicking about that deadline since may. why did i do that
given that deadline i knew i cant really include stuff from the novel past the dkos arc but man. the amount of times i wanted to use something from later (ESPECIALLY 1863 arc). i actually have another idea i want to test out thats like full epilogue spoilers partially because working on this for so long made me realise i really want to make more epilogue content <- what
yknow how i mentioned discarded frames yeah i had to draw dkos' death 3 times because the first two compositions just never quite panned out. i mean the current one is also pretty unreadable with the colour scheme but trust me the previous ones were way worse christ alive
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hehearse · 1 year
ARE WE TALKING ABOUT ORV SONGS.... this is my time to shine i have an entire playlist dedicated to this
the first one that comes to mind is the right wrong by dear hunter. the yjh song of all time.... i don't think i need to provide lyrics for this one because it's? the entire song? there isn't a single lyric that doesn't capture his character so wholly. also it's just. really good. i would recommend listening to the entire album because this is not the only song that fits. in particular all is as all should be makes me so ... i don't know if it fits secretive plotter or 51% kdj more. i lean towards the latter but my friend prefers the former. it's the way it feels like such an uplifting song sung by someone who is miserable.
another one i like a lot is icarus & apollo by ripto for yoohankim. all of the lyrics fit for this one as well but in particular i'm reminded of the start of the story/dkos arc for the first verse, 1863 for the second, and oldest dream/49/51 for the third. and that's without mentioning the implications of apollo as hsy and icarus as hsy. something about apollo being a creative god but also one of healing who presides over the passage of children into adulthood. something about icarus being protected by his father, who created the labyrinth they were trapped in, but still choosing a fate that would inevitably doom him in spite of his father's warnings, just for that small chance of getting the one thing he wanted.
this one is unfortunately not in english... but mephisto by queen bee. good lord. i'll hold back on reccing any other yjh songs since this is already the second but i can't go without bringing this one up. even just the chorus is. I’ll risk my life, I’ll give my life to you / After all, you gave me time, didn’t you? / Once I fulfill all my desires, ah, once I achieve them / I want to see you / So I wish upon a star .... it makes me so insane. i wish i could provide more coherent thoughts but i feel like i'm transcending to another realm whenever i listen to any of these songs
divine loser by clem turner. oh kim dokja... this one is about his relationship with both wos/kimcom and himself. just. I don't know how I am / I'll pay you handsomely / If I should drift away / Please don't revive me ... My god, you break the skin / But may I be thy heaven? / Will you take my sickness / While I deprive you of your health? ... My habits wouldn't heal / I had to have killed god / And my body remains / But the person is gone - all of these lyrics make me so insane. just. Agh. ow.
ok i don't want to completely overwhelm you so i will stop there ^^' i hope you enjoy these songs as much as i have!!
I'M SO SORRY MY PERSONAL ORV BABYSITTER ADVISED ME TO CLOSE MY EYES i have not finished the novel yet so i'm guessing i won't be able to enjoy the songs to the fullest yet :""D (or rather i will listen and reverse engineer all the themes which might spoil the fun)
so i'm keeping this for the future and also posting for those looking for music
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUGGESTION THOUGH <3 keeping them as a future treat to enjoy when i will probably be half dead due to Feelings
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susiecarter · 3 years
Are you working on any long superbat fics?
:D This kind of has two answers, anon! One is that I definitely 100% can guarantee that I will be, since I'm signed up for this year's round of the Superbat Reverse Bang (@superbatreversebang). I haven't started yet, because authors are getting a look at the claims gallery for the first time this upcoming week (!!!!) and claims are next weekend (!!!!!!!), but yeah. No matter what happens, I can guarantee that that will result in at least one probably-excessively-long Bruce/Clark fic out of me, posting by May/June.
AND THEN the other answer is that I already am :'D but the timeline is wibblier here. Basically, I'm hoping to turn 2022 into a Year of Finishing Some Shit, because I have so many Bruce/Clark ideas and outlines that have been sitting around for so long, and I've put off working on them over and over because I've had some deadline or other, but THEN, I told myself, AFTER THIS, and yeah. :| These include but are not limited to:
Literally the first fic I started writing in my head after seeing BvS way back in the day! Which I STILL have not finished. /o\ I did actually write some chunks of this, but I didn't have a clear understanding of certain characters' powersets and I also hadn't seen MoS, and yeah. I now have a WAY better idea where I want to go with the plot ... but p much everything I've written needs to be reworked. If there is ONE thing I want to finish this year that isn't for an event or a gift for anyone, it's this. *shakes fist at it*
I signed up for a Superbat Secret Santa last year, which was A+ and I had a wonderful time writing for a totally irresistible prompt ... but that story was actually my second idea, because outlining the first idea I wanted to write turned into a multi-part canon-divergence AU I was never going to finish on time. :'D I want to try to get back to that one while it's still fresh in my head, and get it done as a late gift!
Sequels! I want to write the Clark-actually-comes-back-to-life sequel to Shape of Hope, and the what-about-the-rest-of-BvS-plus-more-kinky-sex-and-fumbling-relationship-negotiation sequel to praying for sparks, and BRUCE POV FAKE DATING, my white whale! The most ambitious of these would be a "what comes next" for Through a Glass, because that really only barely resolved its emotional arc by the skin of its teeth, it was SO LONG ALREADY and I had to end it somewhere, but I have so many thoughts and feelings about that version of Bruce and Clark actually getting their shit sorted out. *____*!
KNIGHTMARE FICS. There is a post-JL epic about the rest of the JL also having Knightmare visions/dreams + why that's happening + averting it and defeating Darkseid, in my heart, and I would like to get it out! Also Bruce getting thrown forward, living through a bunch of the Knightmare future, and then snapping back to the "present" all grim and traumatized and desperate to prevent it! Knightmare Clark killing Bruce, breaking the mind control on himself in doing so, and frantically time-traveling backwards to make it never happen, all grim and traumatized and desperate to prevent it. :'D
New things! I need to catch up on DKoS, and actually pick up Injustice, but I'm dying to write some Bruce/Clark in each of those continuities at some point, because y e s. :D
And of course all entries on previous iterations of my Big Scary Lists that I haven't finished continue to haunt me, because I am still so in love with every idea I've ever had, I just! need! to write them! /o\
So, yeah. I cannot guarantee I'll be prompt about these or get more than one or two of them done during 2022, but I want to, and I'm going to be making a real effort to rearrange my writing schedule and limit the other fandom commitments I take on so I can make at least a couple of these happen. (Obviously there will still be many shorter Bruce/Clark fics out of me along the way, not least because I do have gift works for people that I'm already determined to get done!) FINGERS CROSSED, wish me luck :D and thank you so much for asking!
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leandroconde5-blog · 7 years
Contentment Is A Decision I Create
To let folks know we live, doing OK, and also not influenced through such factors as warm, blizzards, floods, wild fires, typhoons, twisters, energy interruptions, or even other such points that might keep our team off DKos. By carrying out normal workout you change your anatomy, you transform your physical body chemicals, which will make you think various, so you start paying attention to different traits. Maybe you are to prepare tasty foods at my favored dining establishment (that makes me delighted) and while you are creating great food items, your ins are squirming with joy! Our buddies carry out have to stock up on calories to create this via those lengthy chilly winter months nights. She is actually quite, she is actually a gifted vocalist and dancer which she has actually had the ability to capitalize on and also make a whole lot from funds from, she is actually a star she even has little ones. I will be greater than delighted to do what I may to prove to you my earnestness on this matter. Greater than everything in a relationship, a woman has to think appreciated to become delighted. If you adored this information and you would like to receive additional details regarding yellow pages online phone book (this site) kindly browse through the page. Our contentment my close friends is one thing that we should focus on without making it possible for people's activity to affect this or to possess a bad impact on it. Challenge residing a happy lifestyle without permitting people's activity determine the technique you are actually attempting to live your lifestyle. YOU are actually the a single which could make you believe much better and through not doing anything will definitely get you no place. She loves all of them for being males, except just what they may be. Guys are actually typically delighted that females are ladies. If you have any concern analysis this fic along with a display visitor, simply carry out allow me understand and also I will perform definitely every thing I can easily to repair this. Generally, the songs are certainly not must comprehend the tale, having said that I am actually focusing on consisting of the verses to the tracks on the video posts so that need to be up quickly. Therefore although I desire my family members to consistently be happy, I must certainly never play down their ache or anguish, but merely permit all of them recognize that I love all of them and that when they are ready to let it go, I'll exist that can help them. I'm certainly not worked with, I cannot fill out the space, I'll never enjoy because filler in the empty once again and so on, you add another brick to the wall structure of sadness. The vibrant questions with stunning elements must surprise the attendees in the Christmas time party. The fact is that many people do not become pleased once they acquire things they presumed will make all of them happy. If our company are currently in touch with our internal feelings and also not reliant on them to make our team satisfied, external resources may carry our team better internal tranquility and pleasure however only. Countless health plan brokers, medical facilities, physicians as well as medical clinics have actually started making use of the distinct software applications and also products, especially created for healthcare, according to their demands. If you are looking for methods to create funds, try to observe your heart, however you should still stay functional. Orgasms likewise brighten the minds like a X-mas plant, and has been technically proven to make us More healthy is our experts make love when a week. When I recall at my life, twenty years later on, I discover that I truly had no tip which I was or just what created me satisfied. There are many points that could create everyone pleased, however to decide on one of the might be actually the hardest part. But in any case, they made me extremely very satisfied, and also made me intend to demonstrate and also stop on all the other things that are creating me satisfied in these times. Just, if your near loved ones and also pals enjoyed folks, there's a superb chance that you are going to be as well. Mindfulness could assist you to become delighted with what you possess by enabling you to definitely enjoy what you have. You're perhaps looking for suggestions to memorialize this pleased event in a big means if so. It is actually when a person does one thing nice for other people, and also individual, consequently, carries out something great for the following person, and then that individual performs something wonderful for an the upcoming person and so on. That is actually how our team influence and make the field around us a far better spot. They will certainly make us pleased for a quick or not therefore quick time frame, however ultimately you are going to respond to your first state. Picture strolling in to your next loved ones reuniting emotion thrilled about being there as well as recognizing that you'll leave emotion satisfied about your whole experience. The upcoming time you discover an anti-romantic looking for romantic motivation, portion these charming passion quotes with them as well as show that affection is worth seeking! Through being able to approve all expenses of one thing you really want, through enjoying in the course of the journey to your objective, you will certainly be happy. None of these explanations justify cheating or even create this ok, however through recognizing men as well as understanding exactly what guys really want, you'll have a far better opportunity from rip off proofing your partnership. You create a decision concerning that when you look about at your life. 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I indicated a guy that is actually label is actually PREDICTOR AHMED he is truly strong as well as might help cast incantations to revive one's gone, lost, acting up fanatic as well as magic loan spell or incantation for a good project or even good fortune spellI'm now satisfied & a residing statement cos the man i had actually would like to get married to left side me 3 full weeks just before our wedding and also my life was actually upside-down considering that our partnership has actually been on for 3years. This is actually one thing details to you, and along with some assistance you can easily learn how you can team up with your newly found expertise and create your life livable ... as well as actual life ... one that isn't bypassed with your obsession given that you believe that this is actually more vital in comparison to your genuine self ... since this's certainly not. Now unless you yearn for the connections to finish, you need to perform one thing to create amends for your actions that distress your pal (or guy or sweetheart). I determined to look at traits that create me delighted, and afterwards sought means to make funds through performing all of them. I wish you discovered one thing valuable in this brief post and dream you good luck and also pleased efficiencies. Carry out something new now and then to create every conflict memorable and thrilling.
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