#I really hope it's grammatically correct TBH
Behold, the field in which I grow my fucks! Lay thine eyes upon it, and thou shalt see that it is barren!
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eleni-cherie · 1 year
Translation of the Greek in WWDITS s5e4
Hellooo, I'm back! Since y'all enjoyed my last translation I figured I could do another one for the latest episode :)
*Nadja and grandma sitting at the table*
grandma: ela. ela! apo to fourno zestes einai. fae! - come, come! they're warm from the oven. eat! [typical greek grandma lol]
*Nadja introducing Laszlo to the family*
Nadja: yiayia! - grandmother/grandma!
*after Laszlo greeted the dog instead*
Nadja: ohi - no [can't comprehend what she says after that, sorry. either the pronounciation is off or the word just doesn't exist]
hazos - fool/idiot
hazoulis - little fool/idiot [basically the cute/lighter version]
*song Laszlo was singing*
skotose antipaxos - kill antipaxos [the greek isn't grammatically correct here tho, it should be 'skotose tin antipaxos']
*Nadja explaining in the interview what was wrong w the song*
Nadja: nisitha Moggonisi - islet of Moggonisi [the greek is a bit off again, usually you wouldn't add the 'island/islet of' in greek, especially since the name 'Moggonisi' already contains the name 'island']
[Moggonisi is a small greek Island that belongs to Paxos, the neighbouring island of Antipaxos. Paxos is the big island and Antipaxos its small neighbour. Basically Antipaxos means 'opposing Paxos'.]
nisitha Moggonisans - islet Moggonisans [tbh this part confused me a lot, bc she wanted to name their enemies and habitants of that island, so idk why they also added the 'nisitha' in the front. also 'Moggonisans' obviously isn't very greek and rather how an english-speaking person would refer to the inhabitants. The correct greek name for the inhabitants would probably be 'Moggonisii']
*after Laszlo held his monologue*
Nadja: panayia mou - holy Mary [Mary being Jesus' mother, it's an exclamation of surprise or frustration like "oh my God"]
grandma: the to pistevo! - I can't believe it!
ine o vasilias yourounion - it's the king of pigs
irthe o vasilias yourounion - the king of pigs came
[i swear I've never heard of this tale and I extra googled and only found a kids book but the author wasn't greek, so I'm pretty sure they invented that for the show]
it's not that much, bc Nadja & Lazslo were talking over the family, so most parts weren't audible and also sometimes the grammar/pronounciation was just so off, that I simply could not understand it. e.g. when they were throwing food at Laszlo for that song and Nadja yelled something, I listened to it like 20 times and I still don't no what she yelled. it could be 'skotoste auton ton malaka - kill that asshole' but it doesn't really sound like it.. idk sorry
like @FX hire me for actual correct greek dialogues haha
anyway i hope this post still helped a little tho😅
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ask-commander-arild · 2 months
what was it like for you when you were first taken from your home and forced to work for the pigmasks? did they threaten you to join? im sorry, either way it must have been a hard time for you.
It... was very hard. It still is. I don't like to talk about it very much, but... I feel like if I don't get it out at some point, I might just explode. So, well... where do I even start..?
When I was 11 years old, just weeks before my 12th birthday, I... hmmm... I got up one morning, got dressed, got my backpack, got breakfast, and watched some tv. It was the same as every morning. The only difference... before I left, I... got into an argument, with my mamma. It's been so long now, I don't even remember why, but I can imagine I probably did something stupid. We both said some pretty... not great things to each other, and then I slammed the door and left in a huff. I didn't care what the consequences would be once I got home, that was a problem for future me, I was just going to go to school and worry about it later. But, then...
I was on my way to the bus stop... and I... it happened so fast, I didn't even have any time to react. There were three of them, they grabbed me and... it was a blur after that. Next thing I remember, I was in a place surrounded by men in lab coats and strange uniforms, and they explained who they were (which, you already know, evidently), and I... may have punched a few people out of fear. Unfortunately, one boy vs a group of trained soldiers doesn't exactly end well... After that, I... don't know... I remember being approached by a caped soldier in a white uniform. He said something like "Y'know kid, we could really use someone with that kinda attitude. A little discipline and I think you'll make a fine addition around here." or.. something along those lines...
The thought of that terrified me. I didn't want to join them, I didn't even want to be there. I just wanted to go home to my family. I tried refusing, but... they gave me two choices. Either join their ranks and become a soldier, or be brainwashed and made to forget everything. I feel stupid for it now, but... well, obviously, you know what I chose. Thus, I've spent the past few years right here, in the army, and as much as I wish I could say I've hated it, I really don't know if I'd have it any other way. Overall, the army has done some terrible things, and I have always hated that, but on the other hand, getting to know my brothers in arms and making such a deep connection with them has been one of the best experiences in my life. Even still....
From the moment I was taken, I have missed my family desperately. Letting my lillesøster play with my toys, even if I found her annoying. Playing games with my storebror, even if he found me annoying. Going fishing and camping with my pappa, even if I was a little afraid of him, haha. And my mamma... jeg savner henne så mye... As much as I've enjoyed the past few years, there's nothing I want more than to be in her arms again. But, even if I can go back now, would she... even want to see me? After the things I said to her? Does she even care that I'm gone now? What if she's happier now that she never has to see me again? I don't think I could ever go back and face her again. Especially now, being a chimera. What would she say if she saw me? She'd probably see me as some kind of monster. I can't go back...
Thanks for the question, friend...
(ooc: Ooooo, boy, this one was tough to write, in more ways than one. I teared up more than a couple times writing, tbh. I did have a lot of fun writing it, though. Even still, I'm not the most proud of it. I def think I could do better, but oh well. Also, this post has a lot of Norwegian, and thus a lot of google translate. I have no idea if it's grammatically correct, but I just hope it gets the point across. If anyone who's Norwegian somehow finds this blog, HELPPPP. Anywho, sorry for the long read, y'all. Hope you enjoyed it! Thanks for the ask, Hal Pinkalliums!!)
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sayitaliano · 1 year
Ciao, I have a few questions:
what is the difference between lesbica and lesbiche?
Also, if I wanted to list my pronouns (he/she/xe) in Italian, what would I say?
Which kinda a follow up- are there neopronouns in Italian?
grazie, buono giornata!
lesbica = lesbian, singular; lesbiche = lesbians, plural I'm leaving you a few links about the lgbtq+ vocabulary, just in case you need: Lgbtqa Vocabulary | Lgbt+ | non binary (writing)
for pronouns I suggest you to read here (and other posts in the grammar masterpost in the pronomi section, right after pronomi diretti/indiretti). Btw personal pronouns are: I = io, You = tu, He/She = egli/lui, ella/lei (there's no specific agender pronoun as far as I know but check point n.3) We = noi You = voi They = essi/loro, esse/loro The pronouns I "deleted" are the ones taught in school for declaring verbs conjugations while studying, but not much used in common language. The fact that English provides the 2 forms pronouns (eg. they/them), doesn't need to be applied in Italian too: you can simply write he=lui / she=lei / they=loro as necessary.
Italian is a pretty gendered language, every noun has its gender to which you need to conjugate articles, adjectives and sometimes other parts of speech. Eg. you wrote "buono giornata": that's grammatically wrong cause "giornata" is a feminine word, so the adjective "buono" -masculine- is not correct; you should use "buona" -feminine- -> "buona giornata". We're still kinda behind with neopronouns, so when talking it gets a bit difficult. You can call a person by their name or be formal before asking how they rather be called (formal speech needs you to use a general "Lei", which has nothing to do with the person's gender despite seeming feminine -we recognize you're being formal cause you need to use verbs at the 3rd singular person too); or you can use the noun "persona" = person. Persona is a feminine noun, but you can use it no matter the gender of the person you're talking with cause it's just the noun itself being feminine. When writing you can add an */u/ə/ä at the end of the noun, instead of the "gendering" vowel when it comes to other nouns/adjectives and so on: eg. sono alt* = I'm tall (no gender specified). You can try using "u" when talking too (eg. sono altu), I heard it once so... yeah, you can try. It really reminds me of Sardinia tbh (Regional stereotypes, sorry) but if it works... I'm no one to tell y'all otherwise. Not saying we're not working on finding a solution, but it's a tough research and translating from English, a language that has a different grammar from ours, is pretty impossible. I've been researching a bit online and I noticed that English neologisms are probably to be used in Italian as well so: “ze/hir”, “xe/xem”, “ey/em”, “ve/ver”... just go with what makes you feel better anyway. You can still explain what you mean if someone doesn't get it (it doesn't have to be a bad/rude person, it's just that is something new for many of us, especially the elders, that are not so much online or informed about this kind of pronouns/changes). BTW you can try watching tonight's show about the Diversity Media Awards, maybe you'll get some more recent news on that matter too (IDK).
Hope this helps somehow, please feel free to ask for further infos if you need!
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blankitty · 8 months
Hello!- I hope ya don't mind an ask- How do you draw hair so well-? LIKE ALL OF THEM LOOKS SO COOL- AND BEAUTIFUL- As ya can tell- I'm not good at drawing hair- since I don't draw it often- and I'm curious on how ya draw hair so expressively- (idk if that's the right word-)
Hello!Awww thanks for the ask!!! I’m glad to have received it!
Firstly, there are so many artists much better than me on tumbrl, tbh I struggle with hair drawing too, so what I’m going to say is just my personal experience, not a serious guide XD English is not my primary language, so sorry for any grammatical errors…!
When I draw hair, I pay attention to its flow, rhythm and lighting.
As for the flow, the direction of the hair, I would divide it into several sections: front hair (bangs, etc.), middle hair (main part) and back hair (ponytail, etc.) It can be different depending on the different hairstyles you draw and your personal habits. Then you can determine the course of your hair in each section according to the hairstyle you are drawingand then express it with lines.
If the lines in one section are dense, the lines in the next section may be sparse. The larger the area of one section, the smaller the area of the next section. If this strand of hair is straight, the next one may be curved. The hair should be treated with rhythm and randomness. Not only when drawing the hair must this aspect be considered, in the whole process of drawing should pay attention to the rhythm of your art. but tbh, I am not very good at this aspect👉🏻👈🏻
When coloring, pay attention to the volume and lighting of your hair. The hair can be understood as a piece, the head as a sphere, and the hair is a leaf that covers a sphere layer by layer. When coloring, we must first determine the light and shadow ratio of the entire head, and only then consider the light, dark and gray sides of the individual piece of hair itself when the overall lighting is correct and complete. Personally, I'm really bad at sketching, so I usually just draw a few prominent strands of hair. As long as a few strands of hair look real, it can be convincing and deceiving... !XP
Thank you again for your ask!! Hope this helps!💕
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crispin-kreme · 3 years
How would the first years of twst confess to their crush? If u've already done this feel free to ignore it! Lol
twst first years confessing to their crush
pairings: every first year x gn! reader
warnings: grammatical errors, i might have cussed
notes: i got a bit angsty on epel’s part ehe… thank you sm for waiting and i hope you enjoy!
edit 1: your home boi was sleepy making this thus i made a error. but dw its fixed!!
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the shy type
we all know sometimes he can become an ass
but when it comes to confessing- he can get shyand flustered
it becomes so hard for him to talk to you
“y/n- i- i need to tell you something!” he says. you look at him “well, what is it?” you asked
oh my, he grows pink! he avoids every eye contact with you- he gets so shy and tense.
“ace?” “I LIKE YOU VERY MUCH-” ace exclaims
at first you were like “huh? impossible!” but he explains it more
yes, he does genuinely like you
so proud of himself that he confessed and you accepted his feelings
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gifts/letters type of dude
cool- he’s shy too so he leaves gifts
also little notes that say “i hope you have a great day” “eat well!” etc
ace tease him about this because well- its his first time seeing deuce this sweet and compassionate
it came to the point wherein he had to cnfess
he’s the type of yolo dude so he takes risk
“y/n!” he calls and you approach him “what’s up?” you asked him. oh and you see a boquet of flowers in his hand
“are those flowers- the ones you’re holding” you pointed out. oh wow he blushes “oh.. they’re- they’re for you!” he shyly says
you actually got flustered “i- i really like you, y/n.” duece struggles to say
awww- you accept the flowers and actually said you liked him back
omg happy boi :((
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the one you have to pry him out so he could confess-
knowing jack- he isn’t that expressive
although he’ll be expressive when correcting but yk— you get the gist
well- you liked him for a while now and so did he
basically you guys were on a topic of like crushes
you were nosy as fuck so basically you were prying on him
“please tell me who it is!” you groaned “i’ll do anything if you tell me- i won’t tell anyone.” you added
jack was flustered by your words making him shy
“i- y/n.” he says “so who is it?” you asked
boy got nervous if he should tell you or not
“fine… its you.” he mutters
u were just shocked tbh—
SO ANYWAYS- you reassured him that you feel the same way for him
boi did he wanted to scream after 😃
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“because i love you” type of dude
well… you’ve liked epel for a while and he did so too
like he really really likes you sm
dont break his heart pls he’s bby :(
anyways- you caught up in a argument with him because of his instead gush of worry for you
“epel, look! i’m not even hurt nor was i even touched. stop being emotional about it- why is it a big deal for you?” you kinda went overboard abt it so he gets offended and snaps at you
“because i love you, y/n!” epel raises his voice at you. you were suddenly stunned when tears actually fell from his eyes.
you just pulled him into your embrace “i love you too, epel.” you tell him
:(( ok now make him happy wth
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the dude who accidentally says it-
pls this prideful cabbage
you guys were literally having these playful like debates
you guys seemed like the enemies to lovers trope
yes you guys like each other- but anyways sebek was complaining about humans
while you were showing the good side of it (humans are cruel mans)
“no but except for you. you’re a special human for me. you’re probably the human that i only love.” he says
realizes what he said “forget that i told you anything!” he exclaims
you tell him that you actually like him back
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I just want to say thank you for writing things in Italian, I’m learning it right now and classical Italian literature is so boring, your fanfiction is much more fun. The main issue I have with Italian literature is often I feel that it makes women very plain or shallow, can you recommend any good Italian books about women for women?
✨🍕This makes my Italian heart melt~✨🍕
Thank you so much for this message, it really has brighten my day! I really think the real problem of classic literature is that it was created in a patriarchal system. I don't have anything to recommend right now that is written by women for women. I do know some names and authors but tbh, I've never read them.
I do know some very good Italian books but they're not what you're looking for. Mi dispiace, Sorry :(
However, I do NOT recommend reading my fanfiction for learning Italian.
Well... there are 5 main reasons:
All the dialogues are NOT grammatically correct on purpose in order to stay as faithful and realistic as possible to italian way of speaking.
La Squadra makes A LOT of mistakes when they talk to each other. E.g. Use of the indicative form instead of the subjunctive; use of incorrect forms,such as: 'a me mi' , 'ma però' etc.
All the dialogues contain very specific influences from regional dialects. Especially Formaggio's and Melone's. (I'll make a post about this very soon).
All the dialogues contain (most of the time) historically accurate expressions from the end of the 90s and early 2000s.
About the english translations... they are NOT literal. Maybe you've heard about 'localization' and that's more or less what I do when I translate the various dialogues. (PLEASE TAKE THIS AS A GRAIN OF SALT. THIS DEFINITION IS PRETTY MUCH APPROXIMATIVE. I'M NOT GONNA BORE YOU WITH TRANSLATION STUDIES TECHNICAL TERMS. )
Aaaaand, that's all folks! Thank you again for your kind words~ Hope you're having a great day.
-La Principessa della Squadra
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ladychlo · 3 years
Hello Chay! I am trying to keep calm after the Italian add with bad bad results because I have been freaking out since this morning! I knew they would go with this translation, because it just makes sense.
Your anon saying it could a “mistake” or they would want to sound cheeky is just… meh. Cmon. It’s clearly intentional. It can’t be a mistake for a simple reason: it’s a choice of words, not random. You don’t say “casa sei tu” in italian because it’s grammatically incorrect (not in the spoken language, but that’s not what you want for a promotional add i guess). The correct form is : TU + SEI + CASA (personal pronoun/subject + verb + complement).
You don’t need the article LA nor the MIA, because it changes the meaning of the sentence. Casa sei tu is more of a universal feeling, not what he is personally feeling if that makes sense? Like it’s deeper than “tu sei la mia casa” because it is stating that CASA is a real feeling like love or joy or something.
Also if you use google translate, it’s tu sei A casa. But NOOOOO casa is the first word because they wanted to put the accent on the concept. It’s not really the “you” that matters, it’s casa, the feeling. Now if an Italian translated it (like I did a week ago) I was going with two options: (tu) sei a casa, tu sei casa. I wasn’t thinking of casa sei tu, because that sounds really poetic and it didn’t match with the trend of translations from other languages. If a non Italian speaker translated it, I think they would have used a more literal translation and not mess up with the construction of the sentence (???) like this.
I know we Italians looooooove to interpret things in 200 ways, but this? This has one only meaning. And it’s intentional because they looked for this translation. It’s on purpose in my opinion! They could have chosen to go like with the Spanish translation but they didn’t.
I leave here the link of a thread my sister wrote about this (because she is a major in translation so I trust her lmao).
PS: i dont think they really have something with the pages where the add is, but it’s so funny that we have an huge article for Goldoni who was Venetian and a little article talking about fruit trees. I giggled, not gonna lie.
Hi love <3 Hope you're doing well!!
I'm enjoying this!! but yes, it is really interesting to consider that H doesn't do things often by coincidence or mistake, the multitude of translations can be very interesting some have the literal meaning of being at home (Estás En Casa/Você Está Em Casa/ tu es à la maison), other translations consider the person as home themselves. (Casa sei tu) the you have the Greek ΕΙΣΑΙ ΤΟ ΣΠΙΤΙ ΣΟΥ which means you are your home.
I can't wait to see what will be unfolded next tbh
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saetoru · 3 years
I just saw someone say in their rules they don’t want constructive criticism like 😭 bestie how are you gonna improve with that mindset?
while i personally don’t mind polite criticism, not wanting constructive criticism is actually rly valid tbh. sometimes something might be true, but it could be a little “nitpicky”
i’ll explain
one time i wrote a drabble and i used white chrysanthemums and mentioned how they’re a funeral flower in the drabble. before i wrote that, i surfed through multiple websites and each one explicitly stated that white chrysanthemums were often used in funerals in japan, so i was pretty confident that this little fact was correct since it was mentioned on sooo many websites. that being said, it was a really small detail, and even if it was wrong, it’s honestly not the end of the world to overlook. anyway, a few days later, i got a comment that said “actually, white chrysanthemums signify….” and it made my eye twitch a little bit. first of all, i already did my research—and flowers often have different meanings in different places, and second of all, in a 900 word drabble, if all you could find to comment on was my little fun fact and it’s inaccuracy, instead of telling me about how the characterization was, or how the dialogue was, or how the sentence structure was, or maybe how i described feelings, then honestly, you don’t need to comment. and 99% of the time, it’s someone who doesn’t even write that makes those little nitpicky comments. it’s so discouraging sometimes when people overlook your efforts to create a piece writing that flows and characterizes a character in a way you’re proud of all for them to just comment like you need to be a human encyclopedia and know every fact in this world. it just speaks more about you as a reader when you sit and speak on dialogue and details and the feelings a piece of writing makes you experience instead of babbling about how a small fact was wrong.
another example, i personally start my sentences off with the word “and” a lot. i know it’s not technically grammatically a good thing to do, but i feel it helps the flow of my words a lot, at least for my own writing style. this isn’t a college essay, so if it’s a little informal, i don’t think it really matters. some people might disagree with it, but that’s how i choose to write, and if that were the case for someone too, and they decided they didn’t want to hear criticism on that, i wouldn’t exactly blame them.
sometimes, even if it’s from a place of pure intent, constructive criticism is unwanted. because really, if you’ve spent hours on a piece of work, and are really excited to share it, it’s valid to look forward to comments talking about highlights of the piece, instead of telling you “you could do this to fix it…” i’m not saying constructive criticism is bad, at least if it’s polite, i’m just saying nobody is required to accept it, and just because you’re a reader, it doesn’t automatically make you entitled to give it, if that makes sense. so anyway, long ramble aside, i think that person was 100% valid for that rule, and i hope you respect it !!
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maevefinnartist · 3 years
Working with Tuireann, Irish Thunder Deity
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so I don't really like to talk about my deity work with other people very much, and when I do I'm pretty vague about it. but I'm hoping to help other people out with the same problems I have when working with a relatively obscure deity. I avoid using the word “god” to describe the Tuatha Dé Danann, since it’s not quite an accurate descriptor, but not an inaccurate one either. This choice is entirely up to you.
So what we do know about Tuireann doesn't even come from his own story, mostly a cameo in the story of his sons (Brian, Iuchar, & Iucharba by Danand) and how they murdered Lugh's father Cían. In this story he offered his sons sound advice on the manner of seeking forgiveness from Lugh. They were killed while trying to undertake impossible quests set by Lugh seeking justice for his father, and Tuireann died crying over their graves. Sad stuff and not super informative. He had three other sons by Brighid (or Danu, depending on the myth or who you ask): Creidhne the goldsmith, Luchtain the carpenter, and Goibhniu the metalsmith. All 3 were considered “gods of the arts”, a trinity of master craftsmen.
Other information available just assumes he and the pan-Celtic storm god Taranis are one in the same and then offer no further explanation. I *personally* don't believe that's the case but there are some similarities. Other texts suggest he and Delbaeth are the same entity, which I do agree with. Honestly, the only literary resource I can find that even links Tuireann to being a thunder “god” is that his name comes from the same root word as the indo-European word for thunder. But when it storms, there he is. 
anyway here's what I have learned from working with him, not everyone may have the same experiences (!! and I'm not claiming any of this as mythologically canon !!)
he seems to appear to people who have also lost children, or have sons, or both
he enjoys offerings of water (moon water, storm water, or just tap water), fire, smoke, creek stones, homemade bread, beer, wheels (drawings of, carvings of, etc), long bits of metal (think lightning rod), sing him a song, spend time in the rain. donate to relief funds and mutual aid for areas affected by hurricanes and tropical storms.
he is very sad, a very sad lonely man. he misses his sons, he misses the days when the Tuatha Dé Danann were thoroughly worshipped before the rise of Christianity. all he wants is your time for the most part.
he is very much a "get off your phone and listen to the wind" kinda guy
if you seek him in deity meditations/journeying meditations, you'll most likely find him on a beach at sunset
he appears to me wearing a humble but winged silver helmet and is almost always either holding a chalice or has one secured to his crois (woven belt).
color associations, if you're so inclined, would be gray, silver, slate, periwinkle blue, lavender, yellow, and white
tarot association is the Swords suit, particularly King of Swords
Here’s a prayer I like to say before a storm, when I miss my child that I lost, or just to let him know I’m thinking of him:
“Bringer of storms who guides the winds with his hands, I light a fire for you and wish you a safe journey
As you wet the ground so that life springs from the land, and thunder clears the stagnant energy from the air before me”
As Gaeilge (I prefer to address Irish gods in as close to what would have been their native tongue as possible, Old Irish, but tbh I don't know any Old Irish so this is in Modern Irish. It is not my first language so there may be some grammatical errors, please feel free to correct me!): 
“Beir leat stoirmeacha a threoraíonn na gaotha lena lamha, lasfaidh mé tine duit agus guím turos sábháilte ort.
De réir mar a fhliuchfaidh tú an talamh ionas go dtiteann an saol on talamh, agus go nglanann toirneach der marbh ón aer os mo chomair”. 
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seraphiism · 3 years
how can we tell if someone is copying ur style/format? ur style is so pretty but i see a lot of other tumblr writers with the same vibes like insta/feminist poets and i dont want to accuse someone by mistake :c
thank you! this is honestly a difficult ask to answer, as i've been copied before but i had several clues to indicate that the person was actually copying me.
i also want to note that i understand that writing format & style can overlap and be similar, especially in large fandom spaces, and i also realize that writers take inspiration from others as well and use that to shape their writing. i am not here to say that everything i do is entirely unique; i'm just saying that this is what i do -- and i personally have not noticed anyone do this aside from one occasion.
in regards to format, i mean that the person is pretty much copying my formatting exactly, such as:
title / character ( fandom ) ( quote ) a/n: quote by __ ; lyrics from __ said quote can also have some parts bolded, italicized, or all capitalized for emphasis.
writing style is a bit different and truthfully i can't really give a concrete answer? it's kind of something that just feels incredibly familiar when you read it, e.g. similarities in flow, sentence structure, pacing. tbh i don't always have grammatically correct writing on purpose.
if you feel that someone in particular may be copying me, you're more than welcome to send an excerpt or smth! please don't accuse anyone haha, i know how fandom drama can go down and that's not something i want to partake in.
i hope this kind of gave an answer and that i didn't sound snobby abt my writing :(. thank you so much for asking!
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yeuxmin · 4 years
how would treasure react when you fall
i've decided to divide them in three groups because when i've started writing it i've realized i was being repetitive so this is an easier way to not get bored.
members: hyunsuk, jaehyuk, yedam, junghwan, yoshi
the common point is that all of them act as if you've fallen off the highest skyscraper.
hyunsuk is the mom of the group so it's in his blood this protection feeling. you haven't touched the floor yet, but hyunsuk is already screaming your name and running to you. that boy is faster than the light. he asks you how you are with no pause, he's not breathing, he's only asking you until you answer him. probably after he sees you didn't hurt that bad he'll relax, but still he piggybacks you and will take care of you for the whole day.
jaehyuk doesn't scream your name, but he does a really big gasp. his reaction depends on the situation: if your fall hasn't been that dangerous, he'll help and piggyback you. but if you're really hurt, just prepare for a very nervous and hysteric jaehyuk. he doesn't want you to get hurt. he'll even try to call an ambulance, but you make sure you're okay. he'll take you home and cure your wounds.
yedam doesn't scream, doesn't run, but his heart drops. inside his mind there are many scenarios of what can happen next and what could happen if it was a worst fall. he gets anxious. he tries to help you get up and piggybacks you to the nearest chemist's to buy some things to cure you because he doesn't want to take you home until he treats your wounds.
junghwan is very young and in some ways it affects to his reaction. he doesn't know that well what to do, so he's not that dramatic because you've fallen, but more because it's a situation he can't control. he doesn't know that well how to treat a wound, so you indicate him what he has to do if you're really hurt. if it's nothing, both of you'll stay at the park until you can walk without problems.
yoshi always treats you as if you're made of glass, so when you fall... oh my god. he treats you like a baby, maybe he doesn't make a scene, but he's dramatic in the way he treats you after the fall. he asks you hundred times how you're feeling and makes sure you can walk. he knows how to handle the situation, he's really mature and is used to take care of people. he'll make sure to take you home safely and he'll make your favourite meal and will stay with you until you feel better or you fall asleep.
members: jihoon, junkyu, jeongwoo, haruto
jihoon is jihoon. he obviously is one of the sweetest boy, but he always makes jokes. so when you fall, he can't help but starting to joke about the situation. obviously he does it because 1) he knows you don't mind and 2) it makes you feel more calm and not that embarrassed because you also laugh of the situation. he also reminds you how clumsy you are and that you should start being more careful because one day you'll end up in the hospital.
junkyu is a mess of giggles. first of all, before he starts laughing, he makes sure you're not that hurt. he knows you don't mind and don't feel offended. his laugh is even contagious. probably your face is super red and you're so embarrassed, but the moment you hear junkyu's laugh you can't control yours. so both of you're on the floor and you're laughing and crying at the same time and you don't know if it's because of laughing so much or because it hurts. but he'll help you, for sure, and he looks like the kind of people that would kiss your wound (when it's treated).
jeongwoo starts laughing because he's nervous. he looks like that kind of people that laugh when they're nervous or awkward. so he's like more embarrassed than you actually are. he always jokes about how he must become a doctor because you just can't take care of yourself, you're too clumsy for this life. to be honest, he loves being by your side and spending time with you because everything is better and happier so you falling is a good excuse for that.
haruto is so used to it that he doesn't react anymore when you fall, he just laughs. he always things 'how i ended up meeting with the clumsiest person of this universe?'. and he makes sure to remind you that. after the incident he doesn't talk about it, but when you look at him and he does the same, the scene of you falling cross his mind and he starts laughing. but let's think about what would happen if you're very hurt: he changes so much. you don't recognize him. it doesn't matter your age, you'll feel younger than him because he handles the situation and he shows how mature he can be.
members: asahi, mashiho, doyoung
doyoung is like a combination of dramatic, neutral and laughs, but he doesn't make a scene and he has the situation under control. before helping you to get up probably he tells you to be more careful while smiling. he doesn't laugh because he knows you're embarrassed, but inside of him he found the situation funny, but if you were badly hurt the scenario would change. completely. he wouldn't say anything and would piggyback you to the hospital.
mashiho is the sweetest boy. he'll try to have the situation under control as much as he can so you don't feel more nervous (especially if you see you're bleeding). he knows everything and he knows you perfectly because this isn't the first time you fall in his presence, so he knows how you react and what you're feeling. if you were taking a walk, he'll piggyback you until you're at home and then he'll make you some meal and will buy you your favourite snack to make you feel better.
asahi is just a neutral person, he knows how to control his emotions without people noticing it so if you fell, he'll have the calmest reaction, he won't even have any expression on his face. i think asahi is the type of person that expresses his feelings with actions more than words. so he won't say anything, but he'll immediately help you to get up and then he'll buy you your favourite snack because he knows you're embarrassed and a little bit hurt.
i tried to make it as less repetitive as i could, i hope you like it. if there's some grammatical mistakes, i'm sorry, i didn't have time to correct it with the app. and tbh, this is like the longest thing i've written in english (except when i had english homework) so i'm quite nervous.
see you soon <33
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amindofstone · 3 years
Match up, No. 11
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Anon said:
Helloooo can I please get a one piece match up? I go by she/her pronouns and am bi. I enjoy skating and reading. I love to listen to other people ramble about their hobbies and interests, it's just so cute when they do that. I'm also a person that is shy at first but then will be more chaotic when I'm comfortable around you. I'm kinda lazy tbh and I love to listen to music while napping. I am a ravenclaw if that helps too. Thank you love!
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a/n: Hello dear. I hope that you´re good and are somewhere you can enjoy good weather with good and lovely people around you. My dear anon I have to apologize for making you wait for so, sooooooooo long, but sadly I couldn’t get myself to do it earlier because of live and assailments. Anyways I still do hope that you didn´t forget about your request and still look forward to the work of mine. If there is anything that bothers you or you simply hate please make sure to tell me so I can work on it and give you something better and different. Other than that I hope you will enjoy what will come next. Happy reading, my dear anon!
Match up rules can be found HERE.
Warning(s): Maybe grammatical or spelling mistakes since English is my third language and I´m still improving in every aspect (Please have mercy on that.)
!!! Please do not steal my idea or work. Credit me if this is shared or published in any other platform or any other way. Please respect me as the writer and my work. Picture is not mine. Credits to: @m_snm_wd (Twitter) !!!
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- Well my dear I choose to match you up with the number two of the revolutionary army. Our beloved chief of staff Sabo!
- When Sabo gets asked what made him fall in love with you, he would say your eyes. The moment he looked at you he knew that you were someone special. He knew that you were someone he´d get along with easily. He simply knew that you´d be someone he would love to be close to and always having close to him.
- You were a new comer at the revolutionary army and were about to introduced to some of the important people of the organization.
- Although you were just 18 you had great fighting skills. And on top of that you were an amazing fencer.
- You were currently walking next to a office worker of the organization who showed you all the important places in the base. You were about to walk up to the cafeteria when you bumped into the back of your guide who out of nowhere stopped walking. “It´s a pleasure to see you Sabo and Koala. How was the mission? Did everything go as planned?”,
- A blond tall man stood in front of your guide followed by a beautiful woman. Both of them giving you friendly smiles and greeting you before giving your guide a short info about their mission when Sabo stopped focusing on your guide but rather you. “You are the sword fighter that is now a part of us, right? This place might look a bit boring and gloomy but trust me when I say that it´s more than that. It´s great here and you get to see so much of the world in perspectives you never thought of. If there is anything you ever need just know that I am just one floor below you.”
- And that was your first ever encounter and talk in which he gave you a taste of his lovely smile that was able to light up a whole room no matter the mood.
- Sabo was always impressed of you. He always heard that the trainers complained about your lack of participation in the training sessions for the trainees and newbie’s. But Dragon never said anything because he knew how competent you were. And so did Sabo.
- The first times he tried talking to you, you always gave short answers or just listened to him ramble bout something. And he would have always apologized for not letting you talk too. And each time you would laugh and tell him that you liked listening to people no matter the topic. As long as they were comfortable.
- And so it came that he would always find you to have a walk with him so you could talk about something. Although he was talking the majority of the time.
- The little walks you would always have every day after dinner would turn into a little tradition. Whenever you wouldn´t have them he would think of the worst and get sad. Whenever he wasn´t able to see you he would be down and a total child that has to be dragged to a meeting by Koala.
- One day Dragon send you, Sabo and Koala on a mission. Everything was all good until a little mistake was done by Sabo simply because of him being a bit reckless and thinking he could shorten up the whole process even tho Koala told him he couldn´t. But that man never listens. Maybe his stubborn self was boosted more than usual because you were with them and he wanted to prove how great he is. But he would never admit it.
- Everything escalated in the blink of an eye. Koala was going nuts while scolding Sabo. And you? You were the definition of calm. You might be someone who was lazy but you were impressively smart. Logically and strategically thinking was your strength next to sword fighting. But you never spoke about your talent because you thought that when someone had a talented or was good in it they did not have to always show it off or talk about it. You always said that overconfidence was something you despised and avoided in all cost.
- And so it came that Sabo had the chance to get to see the intelligence in you and the burning determination in your eyes to complete the mission successfully. Sabo was in awe. He was impressed and had a huge grin upon his lips the whole time. Even on the way back to the base he would always have a tiny smile on his lips.
- After that mission he would always look forward to missions with you. He would always suggest you to accompany him on missions. But after some time it got suspicious and he always got teased for wanting to go with you on missions because these occasions were the only moments one could get you to come out of your room. And you didn´t mind at all. But Koala did because she knew that her friend found a liking in you but you simply couldn’t see it.
- Weeks passed and no sight of you realizing that the number two was crushing on you. Months passed and you were still as clueless as ever until Koala told you out of nowhere that Sabo liked you and left you overwhelmed and surprised. Alone in your room with your brain shutting down and intelligence leaving your body.
- After a few days in which Sabo hid from you and tried to avoid you at any cost you finally saw him at a meeting. When the meeting ended he approached you and tucked on your sleeve to get your attention since you were talking to Koala. “Do you have a minute? I would like to talk with you.”, he smiled at you with a little blush while he got lost in your eyes. “Sure. What do you wanna talk about? Did something happen?”, Sabo shook his head and offered you his hand and walked you out. He led you to the roof of the base and instantly got to the point right after he told himself to not do anything embarrassing. “y/n. Listen. I know this might sound weird but I truly like you. I thought I should tell you this myself although Koala already told you that and ruined everything. But that’s not the point. I am not telling you this because I want you to go on date with me but make sure you actually hear it from me. So if you, after this, still would like to be friends and keep wanting to spend time with me I really would appreciate it and would like you too….“
- Sabo was none stop rambling with no sight of him stopping soon. So you simply hugged him to stop him from rambling without an actual end. “Huh?!”, the blond man froze on the spot not knowing where to put his hands or if he should put his hand on you at all. “When someone usually hugs someone, they expect them to hug back. But it´s fine I took you by surprise.”, you said with a little smile on your lips while hiding your face on his shoulder. “That I know my dear, but they do not instantly hug back when they are in love and would like to hug that significant other all the time.”, the smile on your lips grew and made you look up. “So out of your words that were just a – I like you- turned now into a – I love you-. Glad to see that the hug worked and I could get you to speak what I wanted to say myself.”
- Congratulations my dear. Your sweet confession got one of the strongest men alive to blush and not know what to say. Flustered Sabo looked away with a smile upon his lips and a racing heart. “So you like me too? Am I correct… my dear y/n?”
- You nodded and that was what made Sabo to embrace you in his arms and pull you as close to him as possible. “Thank you for allowing me to hear your confession. Thank you for seeing me worth to be loved.”
- Your and Sabos relationship was one of the sweetest. You were what the world would have called couple goals. Every person at the revolutionary army knew you two and would always refer on you two with different names. One would call you -the beauty and the beast-, -Romeo and Juliet-, -Yin and Yang-, -Royal couple- and so much more.
- Sabo and you knew about that and loved it although it always would cause the both of you to blush and get shy around each other when you would hear it. Out of all the names you heard or got told about by colleges or Koala, Sabo had a favorite he would never admit out loud. And the name he loved was – the calm and the chaos-
- The calm and the chaos wasn´t romantic or sweet but to him it meant a lot. Because you were like the calm silence at the beach. The comforting silence that surrounded the atmosphere when the sun rise. You were like the warm silence full of hopes and dreams that surrounded the atmosphere when the sun set. You were the comforting silence he, the chaos, needed in his life to recharge and gain strength. You were the love filled silence he always looked for when the world was about to drown him in his raging wrath. You were like the love filled, comforting calm that embraced him when the voices in his head threatened to fill his heart with agony and despair.
- He was the uncontrollable storm and you were his heart the eye of the storm that held all the comfort and silence that would keep him from losing himself
- You were the only calm in his life. You were hiscalm. You were the only calm in his life. And he swore to keep you and love you until his last breath.
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minshinxx · 4 years
//tw abuse, manipulation
Big huge /roleplay !!!
(Sorry for any grammatical issues and dumb formatting errors. There’s a reason I’m an artist and not a theorist. It’s because I can’t write a good essay or armument to save my life, so bear with me please! This might be a little sloppily written.)
Ok, first off. The abuse and manipulation c!Dream put c!Tommy under is inexcusable and I will in no way invalidate c!Tommy’s mental state after what happened to him. Those streams made me so uncomfortable and upset I ended up skipping a few. C!Tommy’s already shown and will continue to show how c!Dream made him feel helpless and dependable on him and what impact the manipulation had on him. I’m very sorry if I made anyone think that or feel upset! Abuse is a very serious thing and c!Dream definitely cannot be excused for his actions!
I do not excuse anything he did just because I feel like it! I take responsibility for not clearing that up directly, sorry :/
I 100% agree that Dream not showing his pov is probably one of the best decisions made in the whole series! It definitely made me unbelievably curious about his character and motivation and I’m always on the edge of my seat when he makes an appearance on anyone’s stream.
A lot of the following is based off Punz’s last dream smp stream because that is one of the few times we actually get some insight on c!Dream and his motives and character. Also I’m taking a few things from a twt thread by @/dr3amt3am3. I wanna credit her, because it’s a very interesting thread. I am not speaking for her though! I guess this is just my interpretation of her theory.
C!Dream has been from the beginning on all about having a unified server and as he said in the conversation with c!Punz, he thought of them all as a family. Then came around people who destroyed that ideology by splitting from the group and making their own countries and stuff. I think c!Dream does think of everyone on the server as his family and you want the people close to you to get along, right? I think that was always his intentions. But instead of that happening- L’Manburg happened. And then Manburg. And then the Badlands. And then Mexican L’Manburg. I’m not even sure he knows about Dry Waters yet? His plans backfired and the server split up in more and more pieces. I think at this point c!Dream is very desperate because he lost the one thing he always needed. Control. Control over the server and it’s inhabitants. Also I’m not sure, so please correct me if I’m wrong, but I think c!Dream’s way of operating changed after his deal with c!Schlatt? I don’t want to blame all his wrongdoings on something that has no standing at this point in the story, of course, but I’m way too curious about that book c!Schlatt gave him to not at least mention it.
I wish I could just easily blame Dreamons or possession by a certain ghost, I’m not gonna lie, but that would invalidate literally EVERYTHING that happened story and plot wise. I did want to mention that as well though because this fandom does tend to ship off all the blame on possession, me included :’D
I think c!Dream took a huge step in the wrong direction after the Pogtopia/Manburg war.
My theory is actually that he thinks he HAS to commit to being a villain, as it is the only way to make everyone be unified. That’s why he’s sure he’s gonna be hated by everyone after whatever he’s done. He’s destined to be their ultimate villain and they bond and stay together after it. This sounds farfetched, I agree but this is what my brain latched onto after the information c!Dream dropped on us!
Something even a little more fucked up I’ve read by before was what if c!Dream just ends up putting everyone in the prison to rule over them as one nation? That sounds even more unrealistic but I did want to mention it.
Of couse this depends on whether or not c!Dream actually spoke the truth while talking to Punz. If it turns out he just manipulated Punz too by telling him that my theory is made null and my hope in c!Dream as well.
And yes, you’re right that Dream is well on his way of making c!Dream an inexcusable villain. There’s no doubt. None of my theories are based on c!Dream being a good person. Maybe he had good intentions once (???) but at this point he’s too far gone.
Don’t take this too seriously though, it’s all just some thories I have. I can definitely be swayed on my opinions if anyone thinks I’m 100% in the wrong here and should see it another way!! Please just don’t come and hate me, I get upset very easily :(
I don’t even know if any of this makes sense tbh I think I’ll just go back to drawing after this :’) Writing analysis and theories is really not my thing-
I do have to apologize for not clearing up that I do not excuse any actions of c!Dream though. When I made those posts before, I woke up after sleeping for two hours. I am sleep-deprived 24/7 but today was really bad and I didn’t really think before posting so there came up some weird things that I’m not very proud of, I’m really sorry. This does not excuse my dumb takes but I did want to explain it!
I hope I could at least relay some of my thoughts and I’ll take a break from tumblr today because this took like all my brain capacity available ngl
Have fun discussing my dumb thoughts though!
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sayitaliano · 1 year
Puoi per favore spiegare qual'è la differenza tra:
"Mi auguro che voi studierete!" "Mi auguro che voi studiate!" Uno è condizionale, e il altro congiuntivo. Penso che c'è una piccola differenza... Grazie! <3
Ciao! Una correzione: il primo verbo è al futuro semplice (io studierò, ...voi studierete), non condizionale (io studierei, ...voi studiereste) :)
Now let me go on in English as it may be a bit more clear for others too. It's never easy when it comes to choose the right verb mood/tense for the concordanza verbale. We need to consider the concordanza when we have a main clause ("mi auguro", in your example) and then the subordinate ("che voi studierete/che voi studiate"). Ofc there's a difference among the two verbs: the futuro indicativo is commonly used for future actions so the idea given here is that you'll have to study in the future before a test or something (the person talking is hoping that you'll study before the test, but not necessarily now/since today or even in the recent period: it may even be since this afternoon/following day); while with the congiuntivo, the given idea is that you need to study since now, as the congiuntivo presente indicates an action that is done at the same time of another (generally it happens together with the verb of the main clause so it should actually be that the person talking is hoping -atm- that you are already studying -atm-).
Now, this is true on a general level. The problem with spoken Italian is that the meaning of a sentence often has to be understood with the heart, not necessarily through grammar ("the meaning is invisible to the eyes", basically). In fact, if my teacher said any of the two sencences, any of us (me & classmates) would have thought about the difference as the main idea is the same: "we students need to study for the test or we won't pass it". Now, yesterday, tomorrow... it doesn't matter, we need to study anyway for the test. (And the teacher is hoping that we are studying. Fullstop).
So you may wonder "Then why the two options?" Again because we are getting worse at our own grammar :) Indicativo mood is the easiest mood, the more commonly used, the first one we learn at home and in school. The main one we use when communicating. Congiuntivo is harder to study, we learn it after indicativo and it ruins its beauty, it makes many kids go nuts (lol)... it has more rules and it's not always used (but it should be used for subordinate clauses as in your example, so grammatically speaking, the second sentence you wrote is the only correct one). But because indicativo is basically our comfort zone, it's easier and it's faster, we think mostly at the indicativo. So if we need to convey ideas, opinions or anything, and especially if we're angry/stressed, we have no time to think about the correct congiuntivo form of a verb (aside from congiuntivo which is the main problem, we do have doubts about some verbs conjugations, so yeah no worries if you have too we understand). Instead of stressing and losing time we go to our love indicativo. And sadly, this is becoming more and more common especially in commonly spoken Italian (nonetheless some people do not appreciate the lack of congiuntivo in some sentences: there are situations in which hearing an indicativo is really really bad for the ear too). TBH I am a congiuntivo supporter and I try to use it whenever it is supposed to be. It's part of our language, I don't understand why we need to mistreat it like this :/ (talking to some fellows Italians here ofc).
Anyway, here a few links to old posts I wrote about the concordanza verbale that you can find in the Verbi section of the grammar masterpost on this blog (take a look there if you need some more samples and explanations about the congiuntivo mood or feel free to drop another ask): concordanza dei tempi con il congiuntivo + a little bit here too + indicativo VS congiuntivo.
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bloody-wonder · 4 years
the gritty realism of aftg characters speaking german
so the other day i read this meta about neil, nicky and the twins speaking german and, although it's fun and interesting, it was written by a native german speaker so most of it is pretty unrealistic - which ig is in keeping with the spirit of aftg, but nevertheless it inspired me to share my own thoughts on how these people who haven't been learning german for that long tbh would actually talk.
an accent
they all have it
yes even neil and nicky have it bc several years are not enough to get rid of it
the thing about the accent is that it's a Bitch. you aren't gonna get rid of it easily. learning a language is one thing, but getting rid of the accent is a different matter entirely - if you wanna do it, you'll have to fucking dedicate yourself to it, take regular classes with a pronunciation coach or some shit
yeah i know neil had to blend in but wanting or needing to have no accent won't really help you get rid of it. it doesn't work like that unfortunately
although nicky has been learning german longer than neil, his accent is worse bc he didn't have an additional motivation of having to blend in. usually, people will progress to a certain level where their accent doesn't hinder the understanding of what they say and stop at that. even if you really want to get rid of it, it won't happen or will happen very slowly just bc subconsciously you know that people understand you anyway. we don't know anything about erik but i doubt he's that person who will correct nicky's pronunciation after every sentence. ig nicky gets better at it when he moves to germany for good but in aftg he has that juicy american accent
the twins' accents are atrocious bc they don't have any motivation to improve their speech nor do they regularly talk to native speakers. they pronounce v as w (instead of f), z as z (instead of ts) and a as ei (instead of uh). and yeah ik andrew has eidetic memory but unless it influences how his toungue moves in his mouth it's not gonna be of much help
all of them say schwul (gay) instead of schwül (humid) regularly bc umlauts are difficult. aaron is probably the only one who gets mad at himself for messing up and tries to pronounce schwül correctly. the rest of them don't care and are content with only ever using the word schwul in both cases bc if god didn't want you to call the weather gay, he wouldn't have made the word schwul much easier to pronounce. nicky can pronounce both words but uses schwul more often on purpose
as far as i remember the twins had german in high school - and you can't really learn a language in a basic school course. nicky helped them a bit but i doubt that took the form of regular lessons several times a week so their grammar is probably all over the place
der/die/das nutella? how about der/die/das vogel instead?? grammatical genders are totally random and they are near impossible to learn, especially if your first language is english. you learn the genders of the words you use often in your day-to-day and professional life but with the rest you just kinda rely on your intuition and hope for the best. this is where andrew's eidetic memory would come in handy, but the rest of them are screwed. they probably just live their lives misgendering german nouns. if you speak german, just imagine all those aftg dialogues that are supposed to be in german, except half of the nouns are misgendered :)
mixing up dativ and genitiv? how about using exclusively nominativ for all the words in the sentence?
before you utter a sentence in german you have to think very carefully about your life choices: is the sentence in the past tense? do you need sein or haben? if it's in the present tense, is the verb you're gonna use separable, perchance? is there a subordinate sentence? bc you'll need a different word order for that. the german sentence is a mine field that can be navigated in spoken language only if you actually practice your speaking skills intensively and regularly which i don't think the twins have ever done or do. and it looks like they speak pretty fast and don't think ahead about what they're gonna say so i'm 99% sure all the grammar gets thrown out the window
they wouldn't really mix up formal you and informal you bc there's no one they have to address formally in german. they don't use Sie, it's not on their minds. what they do mix up however is du (informal you singular) and ihr (informal you plural)
fluency and cultural references
nicky's german is the best out of the four of them bc his relationship with his partner happens in this language. the reasons are practical (he probably talks to erik rather often) as well as psychological (what purposes you use the language for and what people you speak to in it have a big impact on your progress). btw he and erik probably only talk in german and can't switch to english at will bc when you establish a relationship in a language it becomes "the official language of your relationship". it's weird but this is how it is for many international multilingual couples
the rest of them are hardly fluent bc fluency isn't determined just by how long and where you've been learning the language but also by how often you use it and for what. it doesn't look like neil and the twins talk german very often and they use it only as their "private language" - which basically means they don't use it for anything. unless they will regularly join in on nicky and erik's conversations their german will get worse and worse
as for the very niche cultural references, i doubt that andrew and aaron really know any. neil knows some but doesn't really care anymore bc he doesn't live in germany anymore. with foreign culture, especially with all the proverbs and memes and old media you're supposed to learn as you grow up, there's the information itself and the emotional connotation that people who have grown up in this culture attach to it - and while you can explain the former to an outsider, you can't make them feel the latter. which is why i believe all the stuff neil and the twins learn, they forget very quickly. nicky maybe not so much, just bc erik probably talks to him about it constantly
tl;dr aftg characters speaking foreign languages fluently works only if you don't think about it too much ://
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