#I ran and unhooked 2 of them and got hooked in their place
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DBD honestly wasn't fun today. That sucks but it happens. My teammates did a lot of questionable things and we suffered for it. Over and over and over. Every match almost. If I had to guess maybe it's because of the 400% BP incentive? People that typically don't play Survivor are playing Survivor? It was a frustrating day xD;
Dramaturgy exposed me so I dropped it.
It would have been nice to go back to shack xD;
He did end up tunneling me out but it was at the end of the match so no big deal. I do wish Kate had made it out, though.
I've only used this add-on twice ._. I also don't know how he missed.
People complain about how 99ing exit gates kills people but people 99 them for more than just the fear of Blood Warden. You need time to heal and go for rescues and shit. Opening the gate starts the timer :\ This would have been an easy 4 out if someone had just 99'd the gate =_= I went in knowing I could die but fuck just leaving - I want some excitement. Especially after a super unfun boringass day of playing DBD xD
#dead by daylight#dbd#deadbydaylight#Not going to share the clips but I had a match where my teammates didn't come unhook me#Ada went down and Jolt'd my nearly finished gen#Then Zarina picked her up with For the People#Ada immediately went back down and Jolt'd my gen a second time#and then Zarina went down and Jolt'd my gen a third time#I then got chased and I ran away from my gen and got downed and hooked#No one even tried to come unhook me#I ended up trying to unhook myself and it worked so I healed myself#I went back to my gen and it was almost at 0 because no one touched it#Tried to get rid of the clone but the Killer teleported back immediately and hooked me again#I let myself die because fuck that match xD#I had to fucking UNHOOK MYSELF and HEAL MYSELF#Because my teammates gave zero fucks about me#So I gave zero fucks back 8u#First match was fine#Second match? Myers on Midwich and my teammates all went down near basement#I ran and unhooked 2 of them and got hooked in their place#Myers was camping but the camp meter didn't go up much#I finally get unhooked after hitting second on my first hook#Then I get tunneled out at 5 gens#What does that tell me?#To give zero fucks about my teammates and wait for them to die I guess#Then I had two different Legions and I HATE playing against Legion so xD#My teammates kept doing stupid shit like running for a pallet save or a flashlight save and getting hit/downed#I was on a gen and my teammate let go to get a pallet save so the gen got blocked and he went down instead of getting the save#Then Legion saw me and dropped Ada and went for me#It was Haddonfield so I had dick-all to use
0 notes
Down Bad - Chapter 6
Chapter Summary: Cid sends the group to Serrano to collect Count Dooku's war chest, and of course the mission doesn't go as planned.
Word Count: 9.0k+
Pairing: Hunter x fem!Jedi Original Character
Notes: and season 2 begins! i might have already written up to chapter 21 (thanks summer break), so the bad batch will get their happy ending. i'm not going to say anymore about that so i don't spoil anything, but next chapter will have me writing something in place of crosshair's episode and a few more episodes. enjoy!
also, there are a few words in Huttese, so i will put the translated words on the notes at the end.
Series Masterlist - Chapter 5 → Chapter 7
AO3 Link For Chapter
They started to run away from the swarm of Aggrocrabs as they cut a left turn and Echo briefly fell into the water with Hunter pulling him up. Wrecker came running behind them carrying the large crate as Amina followed behind him.
“Go, go, go, go, go, go!” Wrecker yelled. “Go, go, go! Go, go!” He continued, as the crabs continued to chase them.
“We went over the plan five times.” Echo chastised Wrecker, holding up his hand.
“I got the package, didn’t I?”
“Just keep moving.” Hunter added. He held his hand to his helmet, “Tech, we’ve got the cargo, but we could use some firepower.”
“Wrecker woke the pod, didn’t he?” Tech asked over comms. A crab came from their right side, almost colliding with Echo as Hunter quickly shot it.
“Yeah, and they’re not happy. We need a pickup.”
“Copy that. We’re on our way.” Omega replied.
They continued running as moments passed, “Tech, where are you?” Wrecker yelled through comms. More Aggrocrabs ran in front of them as the Marauder turned the corner, flying towards them.
Amina gasped, “is that…?”
Hunter raised his hand to his helmet, “why is Omega hanging off the ship?”
“It is an unscheduled study break.” Tech replied hastily.
Omega came back up onto the platform, shooting at the crabs from the ship with her energy bow as she unhooked the line from herself.
The line came down as Wrecker clipped the hook to the crate and Echo and Wrecker sat on the small surface with Hunter occupying the remaining space.
Amina force jumped, rolling onto the platform of the ship before the line reached the ramp. They walked in, as Omega continued to shoot, and Wrecker unhooked the crate from the line before they flew away.
Wrecker grunted, “I thought the beach was gonna be relaxing.” He set the crate down.
Hunter sat down in one of the chairs and took off his helmet, facing Omega, “appreciate the backup, but try staying inside the ship next time.”
“I’ll try.” She took off her head gear, “but it was still pretty fun.” She smiled, as Hunter gave a soft grin in return.
"Next time, just stick to the plan," Hunter teased lightly, his voice laced with amusement as he leaned back in his chair, his gaze still fixed on Omega. "We don't need any more surprises."
Omega grinned sheepishly, nodding in agreement as she settled into a nearby seat, her energy bow resting against her side. "Got it," she replied, her tone earnest as she glanced around at the rest of the squad. "I'll try to keep the unexpected stunts to a minimum."
Wrecker let out a hearty laugh, slapping Hunter on the back with enough force to make him stumble forward slightly. "Ah, come on, Hunter," he chortled, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "Where's the fun in sticking to the plan all the time?"
Echo rolled his eyes, though there was a hint of amusement in his expression as he adjusted his gear. "Fun doesn't usually involve getting chased by giant crabs," he retorted dryly, his voice tinged with sarcasm.
Amina couldn't help but chuckle at Echo's remark, her laughter echoing through the confines of the Marauder as she watched her squadmates banter back and forth. “Yeah, Wrecker, maybe next time be a bit more careful. I don’t want to get eaten by crabs.”
Wrecker grinned, his expression unrepentant as he shrugged his shoulders. "Ah, come on, General," he replied with a playful glint in his eye. "Where's the adventure in playing it safe?"
Echo rolled his eyes at Wrecker's antics, though there was a hint of amusement in his voice as he shook his head. "I think we've had more than enough adventure for one day," he remarked dryly, his tone tinged with sarcasm.
They entered Cid’s parlor with Wrecker in front carrying the crate. AZI flew up in front of them, “greetings. It is I, AZI-345211- ”
“Yeah, yeah, we know.” Wrecker responded.
“You are all quite late. Mistress Cid has been extremely vocal about her displeasure.”
“Well, there’s a surprise.” Echo said sarcastically.
They entered Cid’s office, “well, well, well. The space lugs decided to finally show up.”
A woman sat in Cid’s chair, her legs propped up on the desk, “better late than dead, I always say.”
“And who are you?” Hunter asked.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” The woman stood up from the desk, carrying her cup with her, “so, this is the top team you’ve been talking about? The rogue clones on the run from the Empire, huh? How juicy.”
Hunter looked over at Cid, “you told her?”
“Don’t get twitchy. Phee’s a friend. She’s the most trustworthy pirate I know.”
Amina frowned as Echo shared the same expression, “is that supposed to be comforting?” He asked.
“Aren’t clones supposed to look alike? So much for quality control. This one’s too big. This one’s too small. This one’s got a face tattoo.” She chuckled, “yeah, real subtle.” Phee looked over at Tech, “oh. Hey now. Got a name, brown eyes?”
Tech adjusted his goggles, “Tech. However, the phenotypic eye color for all clones is brown. Iris pigmentation was not affected by our mutat- ”
Phee cut him off, “well, as fascinating as this has been, I have places to be.” Phee finished her drink and held the cup over Cid’s claws and dropped it. She walked over to the door, “you, let’s see those muscles in action. Grab that and follow me.”
Wrecker glanced over at Hunter who gave a small nod, “uh, y-yes ma’am.” He picked up the crate as Phee addressed Cid.
“And, Cid, that intel is not free. I expect a cut if your ‘top team’ comes through.” Phee walked out the door with Wrecker following, carrying the crate.
Hunter turned back around to face Cid, “what is she talking about?”
“Your next mission. You lot are heading to the Outer Rim.” Cid tapped on the holo table.
“That is Castle Serenno, the former home of Count Dooku.” Anna shuddered at the name, and the memory of Anakin cutting off his head.
“Who’s that?” Omega asked.
“A Jedi who betrayed the Republic and led the Separatists in a war.” Echo answered.
“With him being dead, Dooku’s entire war chest is up for grabs. The Empire has already started pillaging his palace, but there is still time to strike before it’s all gone.”
Hunter thought about if for a moment before shaking his head, “too much of a risk. You want that war chest? You go after it.” He turned around and walked out of the room. Amina tilted her head and followed him out as he glanced behind him, “are you going to try and convince me?”
She shook her head no and chuckled, “nope. I fought Dooku multiple times you know? Have a few scars to prove it.”
Hunter raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued as he glanced over at Amina. "Really?" he asked, his tone laced with genuine interest. "I didn't know that."
Amina nodded, her gaze drifting to the floor as she recalled her encounters with him, particularly his last moments. She shook her head, “I fought along with Obi-Wan and Anakin a lot throughout the war, so fighting Dooku was just a small part of it.”
"That must have been quite an experience," Hunter remarked, his voice filled with genuine interest as he studied Amina's expression. "To fight alongside Jedi like Obi-Wan and Anakin, it's... impressive."
Amina shrugged nonchalantly, though there was a hint of pride in her demeanor as she glanced up at Hunter. "Well, you fought with Anakin when you rescued Echo from Skako Minor.”
Hunter nodded, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips as he recalled their encounter on Skako Minor. "Yeah, we did," he agreed, his voice tinged with nostalgia as he thought back to the daring rescue mission.
"Anakin was... something else." Amina chuckled softly, a fondness evident in her gaze as she remembered her brother's fearless determination. "He always did have a knack for getting himself into trouble."
Hunter chuckled at her words, a warmth spreading through his chest at the shared memory. "That's one thing we definitely have in common," he admitted, his tone lighthearted as he leaned against the wall of the Cid’s parlor. "Always finding ourselves in the thick of it."
Amina grinned as she felt cold overtaking her as her smile dropped. Hunter leaned forward, “is… Vader back again?”
She gritted her teeth, crossing her arms over her chest and ignoring her brother’s presence beside her. While Hunter, or any of the squad, doesn’t know who Vader is, they’ve occasionally seen her glaring at a seemingly empty corner of the ship or mumbling curses under her breath.
As Amina gritted her teeth and crossed her arms, Hunter could sense the tension radiating from her. He leaned forward, his expression filled with concern as he gently placed a hand on her shoulder. "Amina, what's wrong?" he asked softly, his voice laced with genuine concern.
Amina shook her head, her gaze flickering to the empty corner of the room where she felt the presence of her brother, Vader. She swallowed hard, her jaw clenched as she struggled to find the words to convey the turmoil brewing inside her. “Yeah, he’s back, the kung.”
Hunter frowned, “what?”
“Sorry, Huttese. It slipped.” She looked out of the corner of her eye to see Vader standing beside her, arms crossed like hers as he seemingly glared at Hunter.
“A clone, sister?” Vader asked, slowly.
“Yeah.” She murmured, “don’t you have innocent people to terrorize?”
Vader's eyes narrowed slightly, his expression unreadable as he regarded his sister. "You've grown bold, sister," he remarked, his voice tinged with a hint of amusement. "But I see you still possess that Skywalker wit."
Amina clenched her jaw, her hands balling into fists at her sides as she resisted the urge to lash out at her brother. Despite the passage of time, the sight of him still filled her with a mix of fear and anger, memories of their tumultuous past swirling in her mind like a violent storm.
“Not long ago, you did too.” She glared at him through the lenses of his mask, “I’m done talking to you.” She said, grabbing Hunter’s hand and walking further down the hall, hoping Anakin wouldn’t follow her.
Amina quickened her pace, her steps purposeful as she led Hunter away from the lingering presence of her brother. She knew she needed to put some distance between them, to clear her mind and regain her composure before facing Anakin again.
"Are you okay?" Hunter asked softly, his voice filled with concern as he matched Amina's brisk stride. He could sense the turmoil swirling inside her, the weight of her past bearing down on her shoulders like a heavy burden.
Amina nodded, her jaw clenched with determination as she fought to keep her emotions in check. "I'm fine," she replied tersely, her voice edged with frustration. "I just need some space." She stopped walking and turned to face him, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have snapped. It’s just… every time I see him, he aggravates me, which is exactly what he wants.”
She let go of his hand and slid down the wall, “I probably look crazy talking to someone that no one else can see.” Hunter sat down on the floor next to her.
"You don't look crazy," Hunter reassured her softly, his voice gentle as he reached out a hand to gently brush a lock of hair away from her face. "And you're not alone. We all have our ghosts."
Amina sighed heavily, leaning her head back against the wall as she stared up at the ceiling, her mind swirling with memories of her past. "I know," she murmured, her voice tinged with frustration. "But it's like every time I see him, he just... gets under my skin."
Hunter nodded sympathetically, his gaze softening as he studied Amina's troubled expression. "I get it," he admitted quietly, his tone laced with empathy. "But you can't let him win. You're stronger than that."
Amina glanced over at Hunter, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips at his words of encouragement. "Thanks," she murmured, her voice filled with gratitude. "I needed to hear that."
Hunter offered her a reassuring smile, his gaze unwavering as he reached out to gently squeeze her hand. "Anytime," he replied softly, his voice filled with sincerity. "I'm here for you, Amina. Whatever you need." He placed their intertwined hands on his thigh, “and maybe you do look a little crazy.”
Amina let out a snort, “I knew it.”
Hunter chuckled softly, the sound warm and reassuring as he glanced at Amina with a playful glint in his eyes. "Hey, it's not necessarily a bad thing," he teased lightly, his tone lighthearted as he squeezed her hand gently. "We're all a little crazy in our own way."
Amina rolled her eyes, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips as she shook her head in mock exasperation. "Speak for yourself," she replied with a playful grin, her voice filled with amusement. "I'm perfectly sane."
“Some of your skills don’t make you seem sane. You fly like you’ve got nothing to lose.”
"That's harsh," Amina playfully replied, a mischievous glint in her eyes, her gaze meeting Hunter's with a playful challenge. "I'm a very talented pilot, Sarge. One of the best."
Hunter couldn't help but chuckle at Amina's retort, a warm smile spreading across his lips as he shook his head in amusement. "I'll give you that," he admitted, his tone lighthearted as he glanced over at her. "You definitely know your way around a cockpit."
Amina grinned, her expression filled with satisfaction at Hunter's admission. "See? I told you," she replied smugly, her voice tinged with amusement as she leaned closer to him. "You should have more faith in my flying skills."
Hunter raised an eyebrow, his gaze lingering on Amina's face as he felt a warmth spreading through his chest at her playful demeanor. "I never said I doubted you," he protested lightly, his tone teasing as he met Amina's playful gaze. "I just think you tend to take a few more risks than necessary."
"What can I say? I like to live on the edge," she replied cheekily, her voice filled with amusement as she flashed him a playful grin. "Keeps things interesting."
Hunter shook his head in mock exasperation, though there was a hint of affection in his expression as he regarded Amina. "That's one way to put it," he remarked dryly, his tone laced with amusement. "But maybe try dialing it back a notch next time. We don't need any unnecessary risks."
Amina rolled her eyes playfully, though there was a warmth in her gaze as she met Hunter's eyes. "You worry too much," she teased lightly, her voice soft as she gently squeezed his hand. "But don't worry, I'll try to keep the crazy stunts to a minimum."
Hunter smiled, a warmth spreading through his chest at Amina's reassurance. "I'd appreciate that," he replied sincerely, his voice filled with gratitude as he returned her squeeze. "I don't know what I'd do without you, Amina."
Amina's smile softened, her gaze meeting Hunter's with a warmth that mirrored his own. "You don't have to worry about that," she murmured softly, her voice tinged with affection as she leaned closer to him. "I'm not going anywhere."
Omega walked down the hallway, jogging towards them, “I was looking for you guys.” She said stepping in front of them breaking whatever spell they were under, “Tech wanted you to help me with my homework, Hunter.”
Hunter sighed before nodding and standing up, “alright, come on.” Omega smiled and walked into the main part of the parlor, sitting down at the bar stools as Hunter held a hand out for Amina.
Amina reached out and took Hunter's hand, allowing him to help her to her feet as they made their way into the main part of Cid's parlor. Omega was already seated at the bar stools, a datapad already in her hand.
Tech looked up from his own datapad as Hunter and Amina approached, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he adjusted his goggles. "Ah, there you are," he greeted them, his voice tinged with amusement. "I was beginning to think you'd gotten lost."
Amina chuckled softly as she settled onto one of the bar stools beside Omega, glancing over at the datapad with a curious expression before walking behind the bar to pour each of them a glass of water.
Hunter sat down next to Omega as they went over the kinds of Imperial ships. “What class of shuttle? Lambda or Delta?”
“Very good.”
“I’m in too.” Wrecker quietly said.
“Good. Then we’re all in agreement. Now, all we gotta do is convince dark and broody.” Cid said, as Hunter walked over.
“Convince me about what?”
“Uh, well, we took a vote, and we wanna go after the war chest.” Wrecker said, a hint of guilt in his voice.
“It’s unanimous. Even killjoy over here agreed.” Cid gestured to Echo.
“Serenno is Imperial occupied. We’ve stayed off the Empire’s radar since Kamino. Why chance it now?” Hunter asked.
“Because the contents of just one of those containers would be worth more than all the jobs you pulled for me combined. You can buy your freedom.”
“We’re already free.”
“It’s cute you think that. Clearly, you’re not paying attention to what’s happening out there, but I am. It’s only a matter of time before the Empire comes here. And then my little operation is over, which means no more jobs for you.”
“She does have a valid point.” Tech said.
“You wanna really be free? Then pull off this heist, and you’ll have the means to disappear. No more risky missions. No more living hand to mouth. You can have a future. Isn’t that what you’re after?”
Hunter glanced over at Omega and Amina, as Omega tapped on her datapad and Amina questioned her to see how she was learning.
The ship exited hyperspace as they descended upon Serrano. Tech landed the Marauder in a remote area in a clearing in the forest.
Echo exited first, with Hunter, Wrecker, Tech, Omega, and Amina following.
“So, where is this palace?” Wrecker asked, looking over at Tech who was looking down at his datapad.
“The city is on the opposite side of this mountain range.” Tech announced, as Echo and Wrecker followed. Amina stood behind Omega who stood on the stairs.
“Are you coming?” Hunter asked Omega. She made her way down the stairs as Amina walked behind her and Hunter put on his helmet, catching up to Tech and the others.
They walked up the side of the mountain, looking down at it from up high. “That’s the city? What happened to it?” Omega asked.
“Imperial orbital bombardment. Same as on Kamino.” Echo answered, looking at Tech and Wrecker before turning around and continuing to walk.
The group made it to a small clearing above the Imperial site as Tech pulled out his binoculars. “It appears that they are beginning to transport the war chest off-world. Our window of opportunity is quickly closing.”
Tech passed the binoculars to Echo, “there’s over 40 troopers down there.”
Wrecker hit his fists together, “that’s nothing.”
“Stealth, Wrecker. Remember?” Omega reminded Wrecker, looking up at him.
Two small ships flew up behind the larger ship carrying the crates, as they flew up into the sky. “Imperial escort ships. The standard protocol for when high-level cargo is being transported.” Tech said.
“Get to the nearest container and grab whatever you can. I’ll be the eyes on the ground. If things go sideways, I’ll divert their forces and buy you some time.” Hunter said, walking down one side of the mountain as the rest of them walked down the other side.
They stopped behind a tree as they watched a trooper walk by in front of them, pushing a hovercart.
“In position. And the second transport’s launching.” Echo said through comms.
“We’ve got roving patrols. Stay alert.” Hunter replied through comms.
“Let’s go.” Echo looked back at them as they ran to the transport shuttle. They hid behind a container, waiting for troopers to pass before running onto the shuttle.
Wrecker stood by the door, keeping watch as a trooper walked by and Wrecker stun blasted him, dragging him up onto the shuttle. “What? I did it quietly.” Wrecker responded to Tech’s look at him.
“They will definitely notice when he does not report in.”
“Well, let’s be gone by then.” Echo added in.
“I’ll keep watch. Start loading up.” Wrecker said, as Tech, Echo, Omega, and Amina looked at the crates on the shuttle.
“Whoa. So, this is what a war chest looks like.” Omega said, a hint of curiosity and excitement in her voice.
“This is only a fraction of it, but that is all we need. The priority is items of high value.” Tech responded.
“Like what?”
“Anything shiny or heavy is a start.” Echo said.
Tech opened a crate of gold as Omega opened a crate filled with credits. “Echo…”
“I’d say that qualifies as high value.”
Omega lifted up a jewel, as Tech walked over. “How could all of this belong to one person?”
“It is safe to assume that the majority of Dooku’s fortune came from the many worlds he controlled and exploited. All in the name of his war effort.” Tech answered.
“That’s what corrupt people do.” Echo added.
“Well, that’s an understatement,” Amina also added. She walked over to one of the crates, and opened it, finding more credits before lifting her head up and looking around.
“But isn’t that what we’re doing?” Omega asked.
“Depends on how we use it.” Echo answered.
“CT-8801, come in.”
Echo walked over to the stunned clone upon hearing the comm coming from the trooper’s helmet. “Hunter, I think we’re about to have some company.”
“Are you clear?” Hunter spoke through comms.
“Negative. We could use that diversion about now.”
“On it.”
Amina walked over to the front of the transport shuttle, on the other side of Wrecker. “I’m heading your way. Be ready.” Hunter said.
“Let’s speed this up. Wrecker, that one goes first.” Echo ordered, as Wrecker walked over to the crate and lifted it, putting it on his shoulder before walking off the shuttle.
Amina grabbed a smaller crate and stepped down and out of the shuttle, dragging it with her to the clearing where Wrecker and Hunter were.
“Where are the others?” Hunter asked.
“Still in the container.” Wrecker answered.
The engines of the transport shuttle turned on, “Tech, the ship’s taking off. Get out of there.” Hunter spoke.
“Hunter, we’re trapped in the container. We can’t get out.” Omega spoke quickly through the comms.
“On our way.”
“Uh, Boss? I think they know something’s up.” Wrecker said, looking at troopers standing in front of the trees.
Hunter huffed, holding up his blaster, “we’re done hiding anyway.” Hunter ran out, stun blasting the few troopers in front of them, with Wrecker and Amina following.
They walked by the shuttle as it slowly lifted off the ground as they shot at the incoming troopers. Hunter quickly climbed onto the ladder on the side with Amina then Wrecker following suit.
“Ha ha! Come and get me!” Wrecker exclaimed, still blasting the troopers.
The troopers shot at the side of the ship, close to the ladder as one blast hit by Hunter’s hand, causing him to fall as he grabbed onto the bottom of the ladder.
“Oh, I’m starting to regret this.” Wrecker said, looking down.
“We have to jump.” Amina said.
“Jump where?” Wrecker asked loudly.
The ship hovered over Castle Serrano, “jump!” Hunter exclaimed, as the three of them fell onto the top of the castle, sliding down the side.
Hunter used his knife to slowly stop his fall, now standing on a small circular ledge. Amina landed beside him as Wrecker continued to slide down, “this isn’t any better!” He grabbed onto the end of the ledge as Hunter pulled him up.
Hunter sheathed his knife as they watched the large transport shuttle with Echo, Tech, and Omega continue to fly away.
“Hunter, where are you?” Omega asked through comms.
“Sorry, kid. We got a little sidetracked. You need to get off that ship before it jumps to hyperspace.”
“If we gain access to the ship’s main hold, we could commandeer an escape pod.” Tech said.
“Do it. We’ll get to the Marauder and recover you.”
Wrecker grunted, “it’s gonna take a while.”
Amina and Hunter looked in the direction Wrecker was as a squad of troopers started to shoot at them from below.
“Quick! Inside.” Hunter yelled as they entered the castle from a side entrance. The three of them quietly made their way into Dooku’s office.
“This place gives me the creeps.” Wrecker said, looking at the large broken stained window. The door opened as Hunter immediately started to stun blast the troopers.
They jumped behind Dooku’s desk to find cover from the small group of troopers. More troopers started to show up at the front door, as they continued their blasting.
“Any idea how we’re getting out of here?” Wrecker asked, as they ducked behind the desk.
Hunter looked around as Amina and Wrecker continued to shoot at the troopers. “We’re not going out. We’re going down. There’s a lift below us. Cover me.”
He tapped on the electronic part of the desk as Amina and Wrecker continued their blasting. The two side doors opened, with more troopers showing up.
“What is taking you so long?” Wrecker yelled.
“I’m trying. Tech usually does this.” Hunter answered, using one hand to shoot at the troopers on his left.
The lift started to slowly go down until one of the trooper’s blaster shots hit the desk. “It’s jammed.” Hunter said.
“Well, I can fix that.” Wrecker confidently said. He threw a smoke grenade over the desk as he started to jump on the lift.
“Wait! Don’t! No!” Hunter yelled, as they all fell down the lift’s shaft.
As they plummeted down the lift shaft, Hunter, Amina, and Wrecker braced themselves for impact. The darkness enveloped them, broken only by the faint emergency lighting of the lift shaft. Wrecker let out a loud grunt as they hit the bottom with a thud. Amina, luckily, was able to use the force to break her landing.
"Ow," Wrecker groaned, rubbing his neck.
"Everyone okay?" Hunter asked, checking on Amina and Wrecker.
“Yep.” Amina said, standing up from her crouching position. She reached out a hand to Hunter as he grabbed it and she pulled him up. “Are you okay? You landed on your shoulder pretty roughly.”
As Hunter stood up from his rough landing, he winced, feeling a twinge in his shoulder. "I'll manage," he grunted, trying to shake off the discomfort. Amina's concern was evident in her eyes as she looked at him. Despite the urgency of their situation, she couldn't help but worry about his well-being.
"We need to keep moving," Hunter said, pushing through the pain in his shoulder. He glanced around the dimly lit corridor, searching for any signs of their next move.
Amina slowly nodded, “there may be a way to get to the lower part of the castle.”
Hunter's brow furrowed slightly as he considered her words. "How?" he asked, his gaze flickering between Amina and their surroundings. The dim emergency lighting cast long shadows across the corridor, lending an air of tension to their predicament.
Amina glanced around, her eyes scanning the walls for any sign of access points. "There has to be multiple elevators here," she explained, her tone resolute. "If Dooku was rich, he surely wouldn’t walk up and down stairs all the time.”
Hunter nodded, acknowledging Amina's reasoning. "Good point. Let's keep an eye out for any elevators or access points," he said, his voice firm yet calm as he took the lead, his blaster at the ready.
Amina followed closely behind, her senses heightened as she scanned the corridor for any signs of danger. They found a small elevator, as they descended the floors. Wrecker walked out first, followed by Hunter as they checked around the room.
Hunter tapped on the controls by the lift as the wall opened up, revealing that they were still high up, and troopers surrounded the castle.
“The regs have all the entry points to the castle surrounded.” Wrecker said.
“Not all of them. Our way out is down.” Hunter pointed out of the building.
Hunter placed a hook on the floor as Wrecker groaned, “I knew you were gonna say that.”
Hunter threw the end of the line out, “we use the city ruins for cover and trek back to the Marauder.” Wrecker started to slowly climb down as Hunter turned on his comm. “Tech, did you reach the escape pods yet?”
“Not exactly. We are using an alternate mode of transport. My calculations have us crashing towards the upper forest region of the planet.”
“Crashing?” Hunter exclaimed.
Amina’s eyes widened as Hunter shook his head, letting out a heavy sigh. “Alright, let’s get going.” Hunter grabbed the line and started to climb down as Amina stood on the ledge looking down. “Are you coming?”
Amina shrugged in response, “yes. But I’m not climbing. I’ll jump.”
Hunter took a glance down and back up at Amina, “that’s got to be a few kilometers from here to the bottom.”
“You’re going to get yourself killed by jumping. It’s suicide.”
Amina kneeled down and flicked the spot on Hunter’s helmet where his nose was, “it’s called force jumping, wermo. I’ve jumped out of ships in the sky before, this is a piece of cake.”
They heard Wrecker’s mumbled curses and dislike of heights coming from slightly below as Hunter held onto the line.
Amina raised her hands, “plus I’m not wearing gloves. I don’t want to get rope burn. And jumping is fun. And- ”
"Yeah, I got it. Just be careful," Hunter said with a mixture of concern and exasperation in his voice. Amina offered him a playful grin before taking a step back from the ledge, preparing herself for the jump.
With a graceful leap, Amina propelled herself into the air, her body twisting and turning as she descended towards the ground below.
As Amina neared the ground, she extended her arms and legs, her movements fluid and controlled. With a soft thud, she landed gracefully on the forest floor, her landing barely making a sound as she rolled to absorb the impact.
Hunter let out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding as he watched Amina dust herself off and glance back up at him with a triumphant grin. "See? Piece of cake," she called up to him.
Hunter shook his head in amazement before turning his attention back to the task at hand. He tightened his grip on the line and began to descend slowly, his muscles tensed with the effort as he carefully made his way down the side of the castle.
Below, Wrecker waited impatiently, his grumbling audible even from the distance. As Hunter reached the ground, he released the line and landed with a solid thud beside Amina and Wrecker.
Wrecker glanced over at him with a smirk. "Took you long enough, Boss."
Hunter rolled his eyes before turning his attention to their surroundings. They were surrounded by dense forest, the towering trees casting long shadows in the fading light of the day.
"We need to move quickly," Hunter said, his voice low and urgent. "The longer we stay here, the greater the chance of being spotted by the Empire." He held his fingers on the side of his helmet, “Tech. Report.”
“We are alive. But where we are, I am not fully certain.” Tech spoke.
“The Empire’s gonna come looking for their containers, and for us.” Echo also said through comms.
“Get out of sight and lay low. Once we get to the Marauder, we’ll come for you.”
“Roger that.” Tech said.
Amina, Hunter, and Wrecker made their way to the outskirts of the city, moving through hilly terrain when shuttles started to fly over them.
“Get down.” Hunter ordered quietly, as they bent down and leaned against the hills made of metal trash.
They crawled to the side of the small hill as two shuttles landed in front of them. “They’re setting up a perimeter.” Wrecker scoffed, “like that’ll stop us.”
“They know our forces are split. They’ll monitor comm channels.” Hunter raised his hand and pressed against the side of his helmet, “Havoc-2. The fourth sun is setting. Plan Double Zero.”
“Copy that.” Tech responded.
They made their way up a hill, where the three of them lay down, looking down at the troopers below with a pair of binoculars.
Hunter sighed, taking the binoculars away from his helmeted eyes, “we’re gonna need to break through their ranks. How many explosives do you have?”
“Nothing that’ll do any damage. Just a couple of smoke bombs.” Wrecker replied.
“Ten o’clock.” Hunter said, as Amina and Wrecker’s gaze followed his.
“Separatist tanks?” Amina whispered.
“Oh, now you’re talking.” Wrecker said, a hint of glee in his voice.
They made their way down the hill as Wrecker pulled out a droid from the tank, “thanks for the ride.”
Hunter got into his tank and pressed all the buttons as Amina stuck her head in from the top, her ponytail flipping over her head. He looked up at her and shook his head as Amina sighed.
“No good.” Wrecker called out from his tank, “how about yours?”
“This one’s down too.” Hunter said, as he hopped out of the tank and onto the ground. He made a gesture with his hands for Amina to jump down from the top as she slid down the side, Hunter’s arms at the ready in case she fell.
They walked around the small junkyard, looking for anything to help. Wrecker pointed his flashlight at a tank, with its interior exposed. “There! That one!”
Hunter placed his arm on the tank, “forget it, Wrecker. That tank’s not going anywhere.”
Suddenly, blaster shots fired in their direction, causing the three of them to duck and take cover behind the tank Wrecker had previously been looking at.
“Don’t need it to. Grab the battery pack.” Wrecker said.
“For what?” Amina responded.
“Leave it to me.” Wrecker said, as he climbed to the top of the tank and began firing stun shots at the troopers.
Hunter ducked and grabbed a smoke grenade before throwing it onto the ground. Amina reached down in front of Hunter and grabbed the battery, as Wrecker began to tug on the cannon. “Come to… Wrecker!”
Amina tossed the battery to Wrecker as she helped Hunter with firing blaster shots. The sound of a ship approaching sounded out, a V-Wing flying above for air support.
“Pick up the pace.” Hunter ordered.
Wrecker watched as the battery powered up the cannon, “and we’re in business!” He stood up and aimed it in the direction of the approaching ship, before firing it blasting off one of the wings, which sent the V-Wing crashing behind them.
Wrecker let out a laugh, “boom! I make a pretty good tank!”
Amina raised an eyebrow at Wrecker patting the makeshift tank, “well, I can’t argue with that.”
Wrecker moved from their position and into the fading smoke, holding up the tank and sent multiple shots at the troopers in front of them, as Hunter and Amina continued to fire stun blasts as they moved forward.
They ran closer to the Marauder, taking cover behind rocks as the troopers continued to shoot. “The Marauder is just over that ridge.”
“You said that about the last one.” Wrecker complained to Hunter.
“This time I mean it.”
Wrecker groaned, before he jumped out from his spot and shot the cliff in front of the troopers, causing a small rockslide behind them, blocking the troopers from reaching them.
Finally, the Marauder came into view as Wrecker let out a few more shots from his tank, hitting the trees as Amina got onboard the ship first, settling into the pilot’s seat.
She powered on the ship as Hunter got into the co-pilot’s seat. Wrecker got on last, looking around the cockpit, “this old bird never looked so good.”
“We’re in position.” Amina said through comms.
Hunter took off his helmet, setting it to the side, “Tech, send your coordinates.”
“Transmitting.” Tech replied.
“Coordinates received. We’re heading your way.” Hunter responded, as Amina started to take off.
“We got company.” Amina said, looking over at Wrecker. She rotated the ship in a circle before pulling the ship straight up in the air. “I count three!” She yelled back at Wrecker, who was now in the gun turret.
Wrecker shot down two ships, and once they made their way to the cliffside where Echo, Omega, and Tech was, Wrecker shot down the last one, causing it to fly into the side of the mountain.
Amina flew to the side of the cliff as Wrecker opened the door and gestured for them to come onboard. Once Tech came onboard, the doors closed, and Amina flew the ship away.
She flew the ship into hyperspace as Echo walked back to Omega. Amina walked into the hallway, where Tech sat rubbing his thigh.
“What happened?” Amina asked.
“When we landed on the surface, a container fell onto my femur and fractured it. And considering the actions of the rest of the day, it has exacerbated the injury.”
Amina raised an eyebrow before grabbing the med kit. “I’ll handle it.”
“Are you sure you can properly tend to the injury?” Tech asked, as Amina took off his armor on his thigh.
She grabbed a few things, including a splint and some bandages, “I’m not dumb you know. I may make jokes, but it doesn’t mean I’m incapable.”
Tech adjusted his goggles, “I didn’t mean to insult you.”
“I know you didn’t. That’s why I’m not insulted.”
As Amina finished applying the splint and bandages, she stepped back to inspect her handiwork. Satisfied with the results, she offered Tech a reassuring smile. "There you go, all patched up," she said, her voice calm and reassuring.
Tech nodded appreciatively, his expression softening slightly. "Thank you, Amina. I must admit, I underestimated your abilities," he admitted, adjusting his goggles.
Amina chuckled softly, a playful glint in her eyes. "Don't worry about it. I'm used to people underestimating me," she said, her tone light-hearted.
Tech smiled wryly, recognizing the truth in her words. Despite her youth and seemingly carefree demeanor, Amina possessed a quiet strength and resilience that belied her appearance.
“Now, go get some rest.” Amina said, gesturing to his bunk. “And maybe not on the top ones? I’m sure Echo or Wrecker wouldn’t mind climbing to the top just for tonight.”
Tech nodded in agreement, appreciative of Amina's concern. "I'll take you up on that suggestion," he replied, rising from his seat and making his way towards the bunks.
As Tech disappeared into the sleeping quarters, Amina let out a sigh, feeling the weight of the day's events settling upon her shoulders. Despite the successful mission, the constant danger and uncertainty of their situation weighed heavily on her mind.
She went into the refresher and took a quick shower, before she made her way into the cockpit, the blue and white lights of hyperspace lighting up the room. Hunter sat in the co-pilot’s chair, keeping watch while everyone else slept.
She carried in one of the med packs and set it on the pilot’s chair, opening the kit.
“What are you doing?” Hunter asked, as he turned his chair to the side to face Amina.
“When we fell in Dooku’s castle, you fell on your arm. I’m assuming it’s not broken, but maybe bruised. I’m going to check it over and put some ointment on it.”
“It’ll be fine.” He replied, as Amina turned around.
Amina turned back to face Hunter, her expression firm as she held up the tube of ointment. "Take off your armor," she instructed, her tone leaving no room for argument. "I think you only need to remove your shoulder pads, but you also have a compression shirt on, so you might need to take that off too."
Hunter hesitated for a moment, his gaze flickering between Amina and the tube of ointment in her hand. "Ami-" he began, but Amina cut him off with a pointed look.
"I can't hear you unless the words coming out your mouth are 'yes, ma'am'," she retorted, a playful glint in her eyes as she held Hunter's gaze.
Hunter chuckled softly, shaking his head in resignation as he reached up to unfasten his shoulder pads. "Yes, ma'am," he replied with mock deference, though there was a warmth in his voice as he met Amina's gaze.
Amina grinned in satisfaction, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she watched Hunter comply with her instructions. As he removed his armor and peeled off his compression shirt, she couldn't help but admire the strength and grace of his movements, the muscles of his arms and chest rippling beneath his skin.
Once Hunter had removed his armor, he turned to face Amina, his expression open and vulnerable as he met her gaze. "Alright, what's next?" he asked, his voice gentle as he held out his arm for her inspection.
Amina stepped forward, her movements confident as she moved to stand in between Hunter’s legs. She reached out and gently took hold of his injured arm, her touch light but firm as she began to assess the damage.
“Does it hurt?” she asked, her voice soft with concern as she carefully probed the area around his shoulder. Hunter winced slightly but shook his head.
“Not too bad,” he replied, his voice steady despite the discomfort. “Just feels a bit sore.”
Amina nodded, her brow furrowing in concentration as she examined the bruising on his skin. She squeezed a small amount of ointment onto her fingers and began to gently massage it into the affected area, her touch gentle but purposeful.
Hunter leaned back in his chair, his eyes closing briefly as he savored the sensation of Amina’s skilled hands working to ease his pain. He couldn’t help but marvel at her expertise, her confidence evident in every movement she made.
“You’re good at this,” he remarked, his voice filled with admiration as he glanced up at Amina. She looked down at him, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips.
“I’ve had plenty of practice,” she replied modestly. The ointment was rubbed in completely as her hand went up from his shoulder to the side of his neck. “Your tense. When’s the last time you had a massage?” she playfully asked.
Amina grinned mischievously as she felt the tension in Hunter's muscles beneath her fingertips. She had always been intuitive when it came to reading people, and right now, she could sense the stress radiating from him like a palpable aura.
"Hmm, let me think," Hunter replied with a wry smile, his voice tinged with amusement as he tilted his head slightly to the side, pretending to ponder her question. "I believe the last time I had a massage was... never."
"Hmm, never, huh?" Amina echoed, a playful glint in her eyes as she continued to massage Hunter's tense muscles. She could feel the knots melting away beneath her touch, and she couldn't help but marvel at the contrast between his tough exterior and the vulnerability he displayed in this moment. One of his arms slowly moved to the small of her back, pulling her in further.
Hunter's touch sent shivers down Amina's spine as she leaned into him, her fingers working deftly over his skin as she continued to knead away the tension in his muscles. She could feel the warmth of his breath against her neck, the steady rhythm of his heartbeat echoing in her ears.
"Feels good," Hunter murmured, his voice low and husky as he relaxed into her touch. Amina's heart skipped a beat at the sound of his voice, a rush of emotion flooding through her as she reveled in this moment of closeness.
"Yeah?" Amina replied, her voice barely above a whisper as she continued to work her magic on Hunter's tense muscles. She could feel the tension melting away beneath her fingertips, replaced by a sense of calm and contentment that she hadn't felt in a long time.
Hunter let out a soft sigh of satisfaction, his body relaxing against hers as he surrendered to the sensation of Amina's touch. In that moment, there was no war, no Empire, no danger lurking just beyond the stars.
Hunter chuckled softly, his gaze meeting Amina's with a warmth that mirrored her own. "I guess I've been missing out," he admitted, his voice filled with amusement as he relaxed further into the chair, allowing Amina to work her magic on his tired muscles.
Amina grinned, her movements becoming more confident as she applied a bit more pressure to the particularly stubborn knots in Hunter's shoulders. "Well, consider this your lucky day," she teased lightly, her voice soft but filled with playful energy. "You're experiencing the wonders of a Skywalker-style massage."
Hunter raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued as he watched Amina work. "Skywalker-style, huh?" he mused, his tone laced with amusement. "Should I be worried?"
Amina chuckled softly, “nope. Although, you may be disappointed because it’s only trademarked by me and not my brother.”
Hunter let out a low chuckle, the tension in his shoulders slowly dissipating under Amina's skilled touch. "I'll take what I can get," he replied with a grin, his voice filled with amusement as he leaned back in the chair, allowing himself to relax fully into Amina's ministrations.
A comfortable silence settled between them as Amina continued to work, her movements fluid and confident as she focused on easing the knots in Hunter's muscles. The gentle hum of the ship's engines provided a soothing backdrop to their quiet conversation, the rhythmic sound lulling them both into a state of calm.
He looked at her face, the soft curve of her lips, the small freckle she had on her jaw, and how a few pieces of her dyed black hair fell out of her ponytail, framing her face.
Lost in his thoughts, Hunter didn't notice the way Amina's gaze flickered down to meet his own. She couldn't help but feel a flutter in her chest as she caught the intensity of his gaze, a warmth spreading through her veins at the sight of him.
"Is everything alright?" Amina asked softly, her voice breaking through the comfortable silence that had settled between them.
Hunter blinked, snapping out of his reverie as he met Amina's gaze with a sheepish smile. "Yeah, sorry," he replied, his voice tinged with embarrassment. "I just got lost in thought for a moment there."
Amina chuckled softly, a playful glint in her eyes as she tilted her head to the side. "Must have been some thought," she teased lightly, her voice filled with gentle amusement.
Hunter shrugged, a faint blush coloring his cheeks as he shifted slightly in his seat. "Just admiring the view," he admitted with a shy smile, his gaze flickering back to Amina's face.
Amina felt her cheeks warm at Hunter's words, a soft smile playing at the corners of her lips as she met his gaze. "Well, I hope it's not too disappointing," she replied with a playful wink, her voice light with humor.
Hunter chuckled softly, the tension in his shoulders easing as he relaxed further into the chair. "Not at all," he assured her sincerely, his gaze never wavering from hers. "In fact, I'd say it's quite the opposite."
Amina's smile widened at Hunter's words, a warmth spreading through her chest at the sincerity in his tone. "Well, I have been told I’m pretty captivating. And sometimes annoying, but you can take your pick," she quipped, her playful demeanor inviting Hunter to banter with her.
Hunter chuckled softly, his eyes sparkling with amusement as he leaned back in his chair, his gaze never wavering from Amina's face. "Oh, I'll definitely take captivating over annoying any day," he replied with a grin, his voice filled with genuine warmth as he met Amina's playful gaze.
Amina laughed, the sound light and musical as she shook her head in mock indignation. "Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence," she teased, her tone playful as she reached up to tousle Hunter's hair affectionately.
Hunter smirked, his eyes dancing with mischief as he leaned into Amina's touch, relishing the feel of her fingers running through his hair. "Anytime," he replied cheekily, his voice filled with playful energy as he met Amina's gaze with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.
A comfortable silence settled between them, the air crackling with an unspoken tension as they both savored the moment. Amina's heart raced in her chest as she met Hunter's gaze, her pulse quickening at the intensity she saw reflected in his eyes.
Hunter's breath caught in his throat as he gazed at Amina, his heart pounding in his chest as he drank in the sight of her.
But just as quickly as it had begun, the moment was shattered by the sound of footsteps approaching from behind. Amina and Hunter both turned to see Echo standing in the doorway of the cockpit, a curious expression on his face as he took in the scene before him.
"Am I interrupting something?" Echo asked, his tone casual but his eyes betraying a hint of amusement as he glanced between Amina and Hunter.
Amina and Hunter exchanged a sheepish look, a flush creeping into their cheeks as they realized they had been caught in a moment of intimacy. "Uh, no, not at all," Amina replied quickly, her voice slightly breathless as she cleared her throat and attempted to regain her composure.
Hunter nodded in agreement, his gaze flickering to Echo's face before returning to Amina's. "Yeah, we were just, uh, finishing up here," he added.
A small sound was heard as the three turned their heads to a panel on the side, a wire cut. Amina turned her head to look out in the hall when she saw Vader standing in the hall, his fist closed.
What a way to kill the mood.
She sighed as she gestured to the hall to Hunter as he looked out, seeing nothing but emptiness, other than Wrecker and Tech sleeping in their bunks.
Amina shook her head, bringing her hand down her face, “seriously? You’re that angry?”
Echo looked at Hunter, at the empty hallway, and then back to Hunter who shrugged.
"You're getting awfully close to him, sister," Vader's voice echoed through the hallway, his tone icy and disapproving.
Amina's jaw clenched at the sound of her brother's voice, her fists balling at her sides as she fought to keep her emotions in check. She turned to face him, her expression guarded as she met his intense gaze.
"And what if I am?" she shot back defiantly, her voice tinged with anger as she squared her shoulders. “You don’t get a say in my life anymore.”
Echo leaned closer to Hunter, “is she… talking to herself?” he whispered.
“It’s some force thing.” Hunter whispered back.
“Perhaps you need a lesson.”
“On what? Not being a awful person? Cause, you need to take that clas- ” Darth Vader raised his hand, turning the steering wheel of the Marauder, causing a sharp turn.
Amina stumbled as the ship lurched to the side, her heart pounding in her chest as she reached out instinctively to steady herself. But before she could hit the ground, Hunter was there, his strong arms wrapping around her waist and pulling her close to him.
"Whoa there, easy," he murmured, his voice low and soothing as he held Amina steady. She blinked up at him, her breath catching in her throat as she met his gaze, the intensity of his eyes sending a shiver down her spine.
"Thanks," she managed to whisper, her voice barely above a breath as she struggled to regain her composure. Hunter smiled down at her, his touch gentle as he helped her to stand upright once more.
"Anytime," he replied softly, his voice filled with warmth as he met Amina's gaze with a reassuring smile. She couldn't help but feel a flutter in her chest at the sight of him, a warmth spreading through her veins at the closeness between them.
Echo watched the exchange between Amina and Hunter with a bemused expression, his eyes flickering between them as he tried to make sense of the situation. "Well, that was... interesting," he remarked dryly, a hint of amusement in his tone as he glanced at the pair.
Amina rolled her eyes playfully, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips as she stepped away from Hunter's embrace. "Yeah, you could say that.” She turned to glare at the hallway where Vader previously stood, but now it was empty.
Hunter noticed the tension in her shoulders leaving, and he could only guess that Vader, was gone.
"Is he... gone?" Hunter asked quietly, his voice filled with concern as he watched Amina carefully.
Amina nodded, her expression tight with frustration as she crossed her arms over her chest. "For now, at least," she replied, her tone weary but resolute. "He tends to pop up when you least expect it." She shook her head, “alright then boys, I’m going to meditate and hopefully fall asleep.”
"Think she'll be alright?" Hunter asked quietly, his voice filled with concern as he turned to face Echo. The clone shrugged, his expression unreadable as he glanced back at Hunter.
"She's a Skywalker," Echo replied cryptically, his tone laced with uncertainty. "They tend to bounce back from things like this."
Hunter nodded, though he couldn't shake the feeling of worry that gnawed at him. Amina may be strong, but even the strongest of individuals had their limits. He made a mental note to check on her later, to make sure she was alright.
Huttese translations:
kung - scum
wermo - idiot
tags: @callsign-denmark
#tbb hunter#tbb hunter x oc#hunter tbb x oc#tbb hunter x fem!jedi#tbb hunter x reader#tbb hunter x you#the bad batch#the bad batch fanfiction#sergeant hunter x oc#sergeant hunter x reader#tbb hunter x amina skywalker
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Valentione's Day Part 2/2
Tw for smut/ taboo subjects
Two shared bottles of wine later, we both were a little more than touchy, she was curled up beside me kissing my jaw line as her hands found their way under my shirt, Nails scraping at my chest. The free hand that wasn't tangled in her hair was tracing along the edge of her dress. She was so needy when she was tipsy. This was not part of the plan, but I did not want to argue. Especially when her hands felt this good on my body. They were so soft, her nails biting into my skin in the right way. The kisses along my jaw soon turned into small kisses we shared. Before repeating her cycle, I pulled my hands away long enough to sit up, discarding my jacket and shirt. She gave me the smallest pout, I couldn't help but give her a small chuckle as I settled down beside her again. I carded my hand back into her hair pulling her back to me, a deeper kiss, I could still feel the bit of timidness in both of us during these moments. We knew why it was there, how if this little secret of ours ever got out it would mean the end of my career. It never stopped either of us melting into the other's arms. Teal's hands found my arms as I rolled both of us over, one arm holding me over her, as I pulled away. The small strings of saliva kept us attached. Releasing her hair, I slowly slide my fingers over her neck, and across her collar bone. She sat up just enough to reach back for a second, unhooking the collar of her dress, unzipping it as well before laying back down, running her hands along my shoulders.“You know, I always have to ask. No matter how bad, the burning, Teal…” her loud whine and nails digging into my skin broke me out of my rant. “Mar, use me” She placed a hand on my cheek, turning my face to look down at her fully. “You don’t have to ask every time, you can take what you want from me. I know you aren't like dad, that you actually love me.”
That was enough to break me, She knew I loved her, She knew I wasn't just using her for a way to fix this damn family curse. I sat up, dragging her into my lap, lips finding the spot on her neck, the one that makes her squirm. I felt her arms wrap around my neck and shoulders, I bite hard into her neck, as she ground herself down into me, the grunt leaving my throat felt so needy. It would be an understatement to say I tore at that dress, we both heard the stitches pop. I whispered against her neck, as I kept trailing my kisses, pants breaking up my words. “I’ll pay for a new one, just dont stop.” My hands gripped at her hips as I leaned us both back down, laying her under me once again. My fingers were running along her hips, searching for the edge of her panties, only to be confused as I couldnt find them. When I stopped to pull away she was bright red, more than the wine could have caused. My eyes traced down her body, no bra, that was not unusual with this dress, as vision reached her hips, I let out a laugh. “You knew this was gonna happen you little shit.” She turned an ever deeper red, as her legs squirmed together, “I may have hoped this was going to happen.”. She had covered her face with her hands, trying her best to close her thighs. I smirked as I ran my hand in between her thighs, pulling them apart. “Well you're definitely getting exactly what you want.” I tugged at my belt, letting the clicking of the metal, a small warning of what to come. “Big brother~” her whines and pants came out muffled, my thumb pulling at her lips and hooking around her teeth, I pounded away inside of her. She had tears in her eyes, as she lapped and bit down on my hand, she’d bit me harder than this before, these were love bites. She hadn't even drawn blood yet. She could barely lay still, even with one her thighs pressed nearly against her chest, and the other wrapped around my hip. The constant agony in my stomach as I pressed as deep as I could in her, her walls fluttering around me made me dizzy. My own grunts and groans of pleasure, making her squirm even more. “You are going to be the death of me, Eden, Fuck.” She had asked me to use her, fuck this was gonna break me, I pushed her back a bit more, her hips angled higher, as I pressed deeper with each thrust, my tempo finally faltering as she squeezed tighter around me. She let out such a deep whine, as I held her tighter. “Please, please big brother please, I’m nnghh~ I’m going to..” A breathy gasp left me as I closed my eyes, tipping my head down, the burning in my chest was too hot I felt like I was going to break.. “Mark, mark you, Eden, Yes yes Fuck..with, with me” She twitched and clamped down an me biting down hard on my thumb, I could barely even register any of the pain as I twitched in her, unable to stop myself from filling her, a strangled moan leaving me as she cried. I held myself above her, the burn finally dulling down to a small roar in my chest. The same familiar feeling of everything being so much lighter.
(For the nsfw photo that goes along with this please check out my X!)
#ffxiv#ffxiv gpose#ffxiv oc#ffxiv viera#ffxiv screenshots#final fantasy xiv#ffxiv au ra#oc lore#smut
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To Steal Some Gems
This dream gave me dnd adventure vibes. I don't hate it but I do wish there was less falling into cold water and fearing for my life.
I had a dream that I was a fugitive and I was in a sewage tunnel with an elf girl trying to get to the castle from underground. 2 giant oni brother 1 red and 1 blue in a huge underground room. They were cooking pancakes and onions and would knock us into the clean water below. The giant oni sood in the water with a giant slab of stone between them which they were cooking on. Their were stairs that led from the water to a walkway that framed the room, the entrance was level with the stone slab and the exit was on the other side of the room near the water level with stairs connecting the 2 levels.
The next room had an angry black bull. This room looked very much the same and we tried to sneak past the sleeping bull but it noticed me when we got about half way and angrily charged from the stone pedistool and down the stairs, I also ran down the stairs and when it caught up to me I was near the exit, I clung to something on the wall and the bull charged my companion, as she dodged she urged me to run to the exit where it couldn't follow us. I hoped down and the bull came for me, my shirt got hooked on it's left horn, it swung me around and smacked me on the ground a few times as I held onto it's head. I unhooked my shirt and ran to the exit, it wondered back to its sleeping place.
Once I got aboveground I saw fireworks, a prince was born, and during the festivities I snuck into the castle and made off with a couple necklaces and a crown. I soon had to hide and jumped down I square hole in the ground lined with grey bricks, it looked like the rooms underground but ruined, crumpled and flooded, wooden beams floating in the murky waters. The last thing I remember were fish people not being happy to see me but I somehow talked my way out of it and had a nice conversation with one of the fish ladies and found the rest of my party that I had split from when I entered the sewer.
0 notes
Paper Surprise.
This popped into my head at the end of season 3 and what happened with Miguel. Thank you again @beccabarba for looking over this for me
Warnings: Smut with a mad twist.
WC: 1906
Enjoy x

It was your last morning in Cabo, you had been there for 2 weeks with your best friend Alice. The holiday was well deserved and something you guys had been saving for, for a while wanting to go all out. You were on cloud nine. You hadn’t been this happy and relaxed in such a long time, you had an amazing tan, had done some great shopping, partied every night and had managed to hook up with one of the most handsome men you had seen in while.
You had drought the tickets to the Cabo beach night club before you guys had even booked the holiday, it being the only night you could actually get entry, it being that popular. You felt so sexy with your sun kissed skin, your beach wave hair, just enough make up and your short black thinned strapped v neck sun dress with an open back. You felt like a million dollars and didn’t take long for you to catch his eye.
You could see him sitting in his private cabana on the edge of the day bed, three sides closed in and thick sheer drapes pulled back at the front. You stood at the bar, your eyes scanning over his perfectly placed hair, his brown intense eyes, his bearded face, his jaw that could cut glass, his white button down undone just enough clinging to his body and his tan pants fitting just right around his wide spread legs. You bit your bottom lip letting your eyes scan back up his body when your eyes met his and he gave you a wink.
Your cheeks blushed but you gave him a small shy smile as the bar tender handed you and Alice your drinks. Alice grabbed your hand and started to pull you back towards the dance floor. As you walked away you looked over your shoulder and he raised his glass up to you nodding his head slightly. It was a long while later when you walked off the dance floor onto the sand to get some fresh air, Alice was kissing some guy she met on the dance floor in a dark corner.
You walked across the sand, the warmth of the night hitting your skin as you walked to the edge of the water letting the waves wash over your feet and you looked out into the never ending dark of the night, the moon shining down into the ripples of the waves,
“You’re an amazing dancer”
Your head shot to the side and a small smile pulled to your face when your eyes locked with a brown pair that you had been flirty with earlier,
“Thank you” you smiled over at him “So is your cabana”
“Marcus” he held his hand out to you.
“Y/N” you placed your hand in his big one, he lifting the back of your hand to his lips kissing it, his hairy face brushing on your skin sending goose bumps all over your body and heat into your belly “Nice to meet you Marcus”
“Like wise” he grinned down at you “I haven’t seen you here before. First time?”
“Ah yeah. You come here every night?”
“I manage it. Helping out a friend while he runs another one, in the Height’s actually” The handsome man smiled down at you.
“The Ramirez one?” you raised an eye brow and he nodded back.
“You from New York?”
“I’ am actually. Here on holidays. That’s one of the best night clubs around, I know it quite well”
He smiled down at you and you felt your knees tremble looking into the sea of brown hoping they wouldn’t give way under you.
“Would you like to join me for a drink?”
“I would love too”
He lent over grabbing your arm linking it around his bent one, guiding you back up the beach towards the private cabana. He gave some orders to the wait staff in Spanish, you had no idea what he was saying, but the way he rolled his r’s made you think what else that tongue could do. He came back over to sit next to you, his body heat sending a shiver down your spine and he gave you a smile making your panties dampen. Cocktails turned into shots and the conversation was flowing amazingly,
“I might have to come to New York and buy some of your art for the club”
“It’s not my art, I just run the gallery. But New York and I will welcome you any time” You smirked up at him.
He reached up to your cheek, cupping it and rubbing his long thumb across your jaw pulling you towards him,
“You know I wouldn’t be coming just for the art” he licked his lips “Your more beautiful than anything that could be hung on any wall”
You turned your head kissing the palm of his hand before you lent forward, ghosting his lips with yours,
“Your pretty handsome yourself Marcus”
His lips crashed on yours, his tongue pushing into your mouth. You grabbed onto the wrist of the hand that was still on your cheek and your other gripping onto his shirt at his waist, his other hand resting between your shoulder blades pulling you towards him. You swallowed each other’s moans and groans before you pulled away to catch your breath,
“I’ am up for pretty much anything, but having a crowd watching isn’t one of them” you giggled low peaking his lips again.
You pulled away getting up and walked to one side of the cabana unhooking one of the drapes pulling it across as you walked to the other side doing the same thing, pulling them both so they were closed together. You turned around looking at him sitting on the edge of the day bed, his legs spread and a tent in his pants. You chuckled and walked back over to him. He reached for your hand pulling you to perch you on one leg, his arm hooking around your middle and his other going to your thigh running up under your dress.
You threaded one hand into his hair and reached down with your other undoing his shirt buttons, running your hand over his amazing chest. Not breaking the kiss to move you, he grabbed your leg so you could straddle his lap and you started to roll your hips down on him, both his hands running up your thighs to grope at your ass through your panties. You reached down between you both while your tongue rolled with his, undoing his belt, button and zipper, sliding your hand down into his boxers, wrapping your hand around his hard thick cock pulling it out, his pre cum coating your hand. He broke the kiss, his head dropping back and his jaw slack,
“Yes Y/N, like that” he groaned.
You lent forward kissing his neck, your teeth grazing over his skin as you made your way up to his ear nipping at his ear lobe,
“Protection?” you whispered into his ear.
He reached into his pocket pulling out a condom, ripping it open with his teeth. You moved your hands away from him to roll it on before you lifted yourself up slightly lining yourself to him, pulling your panties to one side and sinking down on him till you were sitting. His heavy hooded eyes looked up at you as he sucked in his bottom lip when you started to roll your hips over him.
His hands slid up your body around to your chest, cupping you through your cloths, squeezing them and pushing them together. Your hands started down to his abs and ran up over his chest, taking his nipples between your thumb and pointer finger, toying with them till they were both hard and then they slid up onto his neck your nails slightly digging into his skin,
“You are so sexy” he groaned, his hand’s on your hips rocking you back and forth bucking up into you.
You could see his chest raising, his grunts sounding more aggressive and rolled your hips faster, chasing your own release. He let go of one breast and it quickly found its way between you both, his long thumb connecting with your clit rolling it in circles.
It wasn’t long before your nails where digging hard into his skin pulling a hiss from his lips, your eyes slammed shut and your head dropped forward, your moans filling the small space you were both in. In a heartbeat he rolled you onto your back on the day bed, pushing both your legs up near your ears thrusting deep into you, another smaller orgasms washing over you when he stilled, gasping coming deep inside you.
He slowly let your legs drop down and he looked down at you, a big grin on both your faces. He lent down kissing you lightly, brushing your hair out of your face before getting up off you, disposing of the condom and zipping himself away. You stood up straightening yourself up pushing your dress back down and flattening your hair.
You were sitting in the hotel restaurant, you and Alice exchanging all the dirty details over breakfast waiting for your airport transfer when your waiter sat the days local paper on the table and refilled your juice glass,
“Oh Alice he was amazing. Everything about him was just- its making me wet just thinking about it” you both giggled “I’ll never forget Marcus. Maybe we come back next month what do you think?”
Alice rolled her eyes at you as you picked up the paper unfolding it, yours eyes scanning over the page trying to make sense of the Spanish words in front of you.
“That would be a no. You had an amazing holiday romance, leave it at that. He is probably a shit boyfriend or a murder or something”
You picked up your juice cup taking a sip, you turned the page and spat your juice straight out of your mouth all over the paper and table, chocking trying to catch your breath.
“Y/N, you ok?” Alice got up off her chair walking around to rub your back.
“Thank you” You finally settled down and had a sip of water “Alice, this is him” your eyes were wide looking at the picture on the page.
Alice looked over your shoulder down at the big black and white picture, with a big heading and the words under the picture ‘Miguel Galindo’
“He’s hot, good job” Alice patted your shoulder and moved to sit down.
“I can’t understand this, it’s in Spanish. He told me his name was Marcus, but under the picture it says Miguel Galindo” You grabbed your phone opening the web browser typing in the name, taking a deep breath and clicking enter. You gasped at the results, your hand coming up over your mouth “Oh my goodness Alice he- it’s-he” you were lost for words, speed reading what was on your screen.
Alice grabbed your phone scrolling through the stories on the screen and she chuckled,
“Only you could be in another country and manage to pick up and sleep with a criminal that is wanted for multiple charges from the DEA”
“He told me I was beautiful” your eyes were wide in disbelief.
“You are. Just write it off as a holiday romance and leave it at that”
Tags: @beccabarba @lovebishoplosamiguelgalindo @alwaysachorusgirl @withmyteeth @amorestevens
#miguel galindo#miguel galindo x reader#miguel galindo smut#miguel galindo x you#mayans mc#mayans fanfic#maynas#mayans smut#mayansmc
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FFXIV Write 2021 #5: Freebie - Passion (Aberrant pt 2) NSFW

((Since some of y’all are thirsty and let’s face it I am deep in this backstory))
Corran fumbled with the door to their room, managing to get it open without dropping Emelia. “Don’t slam it!” She admonished as he kicked it closed behind them.
It was only a few steps to their bed, to drop her on the mattress and follow her down, kissing her once more. Gods, the shape of her mouth fit perfectly against his, and her taste was more delectable than his favorite meal.
She broke the kiss, preventing him from chasing her with a hand against his chest. “Lock the door,” she panted.
Corran grunted in frustration, but got up to do as she bid. As much as he hated pausing now, it was better than possibly being walked in on by their small son; the lock would keep him at bay for a brief time.
Corran yanked his shirt off as he crossed the room, the night air doing little to cool the fever in his skin. He threw the lock and turned back to the bed, eyes already adjusted to the dim light, his breath caught by the sight of her.
“Stop,” he ordered as she finished removing her dress, leaving her in her flimsy petticoat and chemise. Emelia blinked at him, head tilted in her usual quizzical expression while letting the dress fall to the ground. Corran stalked forward, unlacing his breeches. “I want to undress you myself,” he told her, his voice pitched low. He was gratified to see her shiver in response, waiting while he removed his boots so he could drop his pants, left only in his smalls. He saw the tip of her tongue flick over her lips as her gaze took in his arousal through the thin fabric.
Corran fell on her again, mouth finding hers once more, tongue plunging between her lips. He made his way down her neck as he untied and unhooked her remaining clothes, freeing her shoulders to kiss along them. Emelia’s cool hands smoothed over his back and sides, and she made sweet little sounds of pleasure as his lips and teeth raked over familiar sensitive places. “You feel hot as an oven,” she murmured. “Are you all right, love?”
“More than,” Corran replied, freeing her breasts. He cupped and squeezed one, her head falling back as he nipped the stiffened nipple of the other. They weren’t large breasts, but perfect for being held, or taken into his mouth. The shape and feel of them had changed after being used to feed their child, but Corran couldn’t recall anymore how they used to be and he liked them just fine now.
He pushed her clothes down her slender torso and over her hips, which she lifted for him. He pressed kisses to her ribs, her stomach, her sides. His tongue traced along her stretch marks, teasing the sensitive places they led to. She had been so worried about the effects carrying and bearing a child had on her form, but Corran thought the lines and altered shape of her abdomen lovely--further reminders of the love and life they had created together.
Her fingers raked through his hair as he found the waist of her smalls and pulled them down along with her petticoat. He had not quite freed her legs but his impatience won out, helping her kick off the tangle of fabric as he nipped at her inner thighs and over her hips. A needy whine came from her and destroyed what was left of his resolve, his mouth covering her sex.
Emelia arced beneath him, a small cry passing her lips. He grinned against her softness, relishing the scent and taste of her desire as he laved his tongue along her wet folds. He thrust his tongue into her as deep as he could, knowing it wasn’t enough for her but gods he loved how she tasted, how she spread her legs further, inviting him closer and deeper. He made his way up to the sensitive nub at the crown and covered it entirely, sucking and licking at it. She practically wailed, one hand gripping the sheets, the other his scalp. He knew exactly how much pressure to use, how to use his tongue in long strokes to push her swiftly to the brink.
“Gods, Corran, I—” she was writhing in his grasp, breath catching. He hummed an affirmation against her, unrelenting. Usually he liked to draw this out, taking his time while slowly ratcheting up her tension, ensuring she was ready to take him in, but tonight he needed to drink from her and hear her scream for him.
She did, calling his name while her hips bucked as much as he would allow, the heady scent of her release filling his nose, her taste filling his mouth, finally overpowering the aftertaste of Avengret’s blood as he pressed his tongue into Emelia again. He looked up, breathing heavily, watching her. Her midnight hair pooled around her head on the skewed pillows, chest heaving, golden-brown skin slick and shining with sweat as her sparkling dark eyes returned his gaze.
“Perfect,” he growled, rising up to kiss her again, her arms and a leg eagerly wrapping around him as she responded with equal fervor, working his smalls down his legs to free and stroke his throbbing cock.
“Gods, Em,” he moaned, her touch making him dizzy. “Soon as you’re ready—”
“Take me, Cor,” she urged, guiding him. “I need you inside.”
He needed no further encouragement, shifting position and thrusting into her, hilting himself in one swift motion. She gasped, nails digging into his shoulders. Corran groaned against the curve of her neck; she felt so damned good, wet heat tight around him, soft muscles fluttering and clenching along his length.
“Oh, gods,” she exclaimed as he drew back and thrust again, setting a quick, hard pace. He lifted himself, arms straight with elbows locked, watching her, knowing just the right angles to keep pressure on her clit while also dragging himself over that sweet spot inside her. Emelia’s head tossed, face scrunching, breath coming in gulps and gasps with each rough stroke and her body’s own responses, rocking to meet his every motion. Her nails left scratches down his arms as their bodies slapped wetly against each other, the bed frame creaking and squealing and slamming against the wall.
Her hips stuttered, internal muscles clenching and fluttering wildly as her breath came shorter, her tension building. Corran grinned, sweat dripping from him to splash on the pillows and her. “Th-that’s it,” he managed. “Come, Em; lemme hear you.”
“Cor—!” She lost coherence as she cried out, lifting toward him, her release pulsing around him as he continued his hard pace, falling to his elbows as he did not, could not, let up, his own tension building until the rush of blood in his head nearly drowned out all other sound. She gripped the nape of his neck and his back now, her nails digging into his skin and cutting through the haze of sensation. He reached down and hooked his arm under her leg, opening her further, taking him deeper as he needed more of her, more, more…
He shouted her name, vaguely aware he had pushed her from the previous orgasm to yet another peak as he spilled inside her, Emelia crying out again and clinging to him for dear life as she shook like a leaf, body still jumping against his as they both slowly came down.
Corran rolled and fell to the side, pulling her tight to him, stroking her hair and back, burying his face in the crook of her neck again, idly licking the bruising bite mark he had left there, claiming his mate. He was heaving for air and sweating like the sinner he was, but the raging firestorm in his veins had abated, the Song merely a faint echo in his head and drowned out by the little sounds his wife made as they recovered.
“L-let me up,” she finally said, still shaky.
He growled and held her closer.
“I need to clean up,” she insisted, finally extricating herself while Corran pouted. She could barely stand, wobbling as she snagged her robe and unlocked the door to make her way to the wash.
Corran lay on his back, arms splayed, staring at nothing, head blessedly free from the earlier buzzing, empty of thought beyond the growing awareness of the aftermath of their lovemaking. He eventually forced himself up to pull the soaked coverlet off the bed--they hadn’t even gotten underneath it to the sheets--leaving it in a ball in the corner to be dealt with in the morning. He filled a glass from the pitcher she kept on the nightstand, drinking it swiftly and pouring another to drink at a more normal pace.
By the time Emelia returned, their discarded clothing had been picked up and hung on the correct pegs along the wall to also be dealt with on the morrow while Corran lay among the turned down sheets.
She slid into bed next to him, hands remaining a cooling balm as they ran over his chest. “Zaine’s still sleeping, somehow,” she said. “Though we were loud enough to rouse the dead.”
“Didn’t hear you complaining,” he teased, pulling her close once more.
“Certainly not,” she answered, looking down at him. “Though I am curious what brought that on.”
For a wild second he thought of telling her, but dismissed the notion before it even finished forming. He brushed strands of damp hair away from her face and smiled. He would continue to keep her as far from his people’s war as possible; he had decided that from the beginning. “Can’t a man want to swive his beautiful wife he adores with all his heart now and again?”
She laughed, that easy blush blooming on her cheeks once more. “I suppose he can; I know I enjoyed it. Although,” she yawned and settled against him, using his chest as a pillow.
“We were reckless; I’ll have to track myself for the next moon.”
His heart paused for a moment as he realized what she meant. While she often took a medicine to regulate her cycles, he usually wore a skin, or finished outside of her to be on the safe side. That...had not happened tonight, and he wondered how much of that was the dragon’s influence versus his simple, instinctual need for his beloved after the day’s events.
“It wouldn’t be a bad thing,” he said, not realizing immediately he had said it out loud, but then she tilted her head up.
“You want another baby?” She asked, tentative.
Could he maintain his responsibility to the cause, reaffirmed just this day? Probably, though it would be difficult. He had waited long enough, while life itself, he was finding, did not. “Do you?”
She hummed a little, snuggling in again. “It could be nice,” she replied. “I think Zaine would like a brother or sister.”
“Well,” Corran said, licking his suddenly dry lips. “If tonight doesn’t do it, I suppose we’ll just have to try again.” He tilted her chin up to kiss her one more time--gods, he really did love kissing her--and smiled. “Assuming you’re agreeable.”
“I’m sure you’ll convince me,” she replied, lips brushing his as they spoke. They laughed together, and he continued to stroke her back as she settled back down to using him as a pillow.
It took time for Corran to fall asleep, aware of Emelia’s steady breathing and her soft form alongside him, cooling the remaining heat in his blood. When he finally did close his eyes, he dreamed of her laughter while dragon wings beat through the sky.
(Direct sequel to Aberrant, Day 2 prompt for the FFXIVWrite2021)
#FFXIVWrite2021#Final Fantasy XIV#Lyn Writing#Backstory#Corran Striker#Emelia Striker#sometimes I write smut#Lemons
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Aizawa's Assistant Part 3
**Part 1 Part 2 **
*If the links don’t work, please let me know. Part 1 & 2 can be found on my page right now*
CW/TW: Fem Reader, piss, anal sex, pet play, pet names (sex kitten, kitty, pussy cat), slight humiliation, cursing, a tiny bit exhibitionism. let me know if I missed anything
Y/n still has to pee, and well...Aizawa found the perfect place and the perfect method to help her do that.
Hi cherubs! This is probably the final part.
Aizawa pulls on your leash to make you stand up on your own two feet. You still aren't fulfilled. You needed to pee more. But outside of the dreamy state an orgasm would have you in so that you could pee in front of someone without being embarrassed, you found it shameful to just pee in front of him normally.
Then again, holding in your pee, while felt amazing, also hurt like hell.
You walked, dragging your piss stained feet behind Aizawa as he gently tugged on your leash and tucked the handle of it in his pockets while he lit his cigarette with his other hand. His other pocket contained your vibrator.
You were terrified, looking everywhere to make sure no one could see anything. But, it was dark. You couldn’t tell who could see and who couldn’t. It felt like there were eyes everywhere.
On top of that, you really had to go. Like really.
As if your prayers were answered, you and Aizawa were about to walk past a construction site, where you saw a porta potty. Your face lit up and you stopped right in front of it. You can finally pee.
Aizawa kept walking and the leash that was in his pocket and held on to by his closed fist was tugged on.
He stopped and turned around to see you looking at the porta potty and closing your thighs. He caught the clue and chuckled.
“Gotta go again, huh?” he teased as he took one last puff of his cigarette and shut it out in a small puddle of water on the ground. He walked towards you and grabbed on to your arm, leading you inside the porta potty. It was one of the luxurious ones, enough to fit three people inside.
“I just saw this one dropped off a few hours ago. No one has used it,” he said with a smirk. He was staring at himself in the mirror while you were in front of him with an almost terrified look on your face.
Why was he in here with you? Couldn’t he just let you just pee in peace?
“No need to worry about me, doll. Just go and pee.” He unhooked your leash and put it in his pocket. He then turned to point to the toilet which was not accompanied by a stall and was out in the open. The bathroom was spacious, with a giant mirror and sink. *yes they exist just scroll down to get a vision of what I'm talking about*
You walk over to the toilet and look down at it, then at him.
“Ohhhhh, alright,” Aizawa sighs as he rolls his eyes and turns around. You got some relief and took off your already wet panties from your last accident, and sat down. But, you couldn’t pee. Something about Aizawa’s presence was not letting you pee.
Not only that, but Aizawa turned around, at which you yelped. He began to walk over and stand above you with both hands in his pocket. He had a smirk on his face and raised an eyebrow while he looked down at you.
“What’s the matter, pussy caaat?” he teased. “Can’t pee?”
You let out a tiny mewl as your cunt’s walls fluttered at his teasing words. “Go ahead, you can pee. I won’t mind,” he says calmly.
But how could you pee with him watching?
You were closing your eyes and biting your lips, trying to pee, but the intensity of his condescending nature was messing with your insides again. You were aroused.
“Is kitty thinking of her previous orgasm? Now she can’t pee? Is that it? Hmm?”, Aizawa teased as he lifted up your head by gripping your chin.
“I can help you with that,” he says. He pulls you up by your arms and steps on your already almost fallen panties to the ground. It forces you to take them off and he drags you in front of the mirror in front of him. You stand in front of the sink and Aizawa was behind you.
He takes off your skimpy bra, but leaves the collar with a bell on you. Aizawa, without breaking eye contact with you in the mirror, grips your tits and presses his groin against your ass. His dick had already pitched a tent and you could feel it poke your ass through his pants. He groaned while he groped you and he bent down on his knees.
“You know,” he began. “I can help you out with this little bladder issue, kitten.” You throw your head back as he licked your folds and shoved his tongue inside your cunt.
He looked up at your figure as he ate you out, and craned his neck to give your ass cheek a kiss and he began to spread your cheeks. “Ooo, what do we have here?”, he teased.
He spat on your butthole and stuck a finger inside, inciting a girlish moan that escaped your lips. It didn’t hurt, it just felt violating.
He groaned along with your moan and stuck another finger inside, making you rock your hips at the invasion. Your pussy let out a drip of urine on the floor at the approaching orgasm. Aizawa smiled and continued fingering your asshole, but not before he said, “So, it appears kitty is a bit of an anal whore.”
You mewl at his words and rock your hips again, trying to hold back completely peeing in front of him. He pulls his fingers out of your asshole, clean as a whistle.
“There’s only one thing to do, kitty,” he says as he looks at you in the mirror. You're bent over, with drool escaping the side of your mouth. You look back at him as he unbuckles his pants and pulls his erect dick out.
He kneels down to scoop both your thighs and hooks his arms under your legs, lifting you up to face yourself in the mirror.
You yelped at his sudden strength. Your pussy is now in full view in the mirror in front of you and your cheeks flush red. Aizawa smiles and lifts you just a tiny bit to tease your pussy with the tip of his dick.
“Now, I think you need that ass fucking, don’t you?” he asked. You swish your lips at the embarrassment. “Say it,” he demands as his tips rubbed your pussy’s entrance.
You couldn’t find the courage to say it completely and instead, you let out an inaudible mumble of “Fuck me.”
“What?”, Aizawa says as he playfully turns his head to display his ear. “You want me to want?”, he asks again. Your cheeks burn from the embarrassment and you try to cover your face but Aizawa butts in and scowls you.
“Ah ah ah. Answer me,” he says firmly.
You pull your hands down and say, “Fuck me.” Louder than last time, but still timid.
“Fuck you where?”, Aizawa emphasized. It was like he was pulling teeth.
You couldn’t take it anymore. “Fuck me in my ass please!”, you begged.
Aizawa smiled and hinted at you to help him stick his dick in your asshole. You both let out a moan and Aizawa let out hushed curse words as he thrusted into you.
The view was exciting. Aizawa was deep into you. You could feel him poking your lower tummy and you looked weak.
“God..t’s so good,” you barely muttered. “Who’s such a good kitty?” Aizawa purred in your ear. “You’re such a good little anal whore for me,” he praised.
His sweet nothings in your ear made anal exactly the reason why it was your favorite. Although anal did feel uncomfortable at times, Aizawa’s psychological lovemaking of filling your mind with his sweet nothings completely made you melt before him, and made anal worth it.
Aizawa stopped his fast thrusting and instead went slower to ask, “How deep is it? Huh?” You moan at his teasing words and patted your tummy. “It’s….it’s in here,” you say in a breathless moan.
Aizawa chuckled and spat on your lower tummy. It ran down your cunt folds and slightly tickled you. “Touch yourself,” he demanded. Your balled up fists opened up and you rubbed your swollen clit.
Aizawa smirked and watched you in the mirror. You were embarrassed, flushed red, and sweating. He began to thrust again and gritted his teeth as he hissed words in your ear.
“I didn’t know a whore could cum from just her asshole. You wanna cum? Huh?”
He began to bounce you on his dick. You let out screams at the deep penetration and you gripped onto his muscular forearms. “Take that dick,” he moans in your ear. You threw your head back as he kissed the nape of your neck and you let out breathless curse words.
Your tits bounced in the mirror to Aizawa’s delight and you turned your head back around.
“Look at yourself in the mirror, baby. Such a slutty kitten for me,” Aizawa said as he smirked.
You are embarrassed at your reflection, watching your legs dangle and your asshole getting invaded as such.
You suddenly felt the familiar feeling in your stomach, the wave of ecstasy nearing you. “I gotta...gotta…”, you stammered.
“Gotta what?”, Aizawa teased.
“I have...to pee...please,” you begged as you stared into his eyes in the mirror.
“Can I cum?”, you asked in a desperate tone.
“As long as you squirt all over,” Aizawa says.
He thrusted simultaneously as he lifted you, deepening the penetration and making everything more sensitive. Your head was full and you felt so overwhelmed.
You rubbed your clit in time with Aizawa’s vigorous pace and grabbed his forearm again.
Aizawa pumped one final thrust and you could feel his cum inside you. At once, you let out a stream of your piss as you orgasmed. It got all over the sink and some splashed on the mirror.
You and Aizawa both let out moans. You more so for the intensity of finally peeing and cumming. Aizawa sighed and smiled. He finally put you down and you fell to your knees, gripping onto his lower thigh.
He petted your head and tried to catch his breath. The sink dripped with your bodily fluid on its outskirts, and drops of urine began to form a puddle right near your feet. You were so tired and completely drained.
“Thank...thank you, Sir,” you somehow managed to let out while catching your breath.
Aizawa smiled and looked down at you with his Cheshire expression.
“Guess we christened this bathroom, huh?”, he teased.
yes there are porta potties that big


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The Kims | 18+
Genre: smut, angst, drama, au
Main Characters: Kim Minseok, Kim Junmyeon, Kim Jongin x Reader (oc: female)
Warnings: profanity, sex scenes, aggression, mature themes, slavery(not literally idk)
Summary: When you thought life wasn't a fairytale and you were no Cinderella, truth slaps you in the face when you become an orphan overnight and your step-family sells you off to the richest family in town.
Kink List: verbal degradation, size difference, exhibitionism, blowjob, gagging, mention of tears, spanking, overstimulating, daddy!Junmyeon
Part 3
(Part 1, Part 2)
The following days were boring once again. The Kims were busy, as per usual. Their money wasn’t made by staying at home and laying around. You really had no idea what their family’s business was into but it was safer that way. Baekhyun always said that the less you know, the better.
You sniffed the air and immediately guessed it was cookies. You ran to the kitchen where Kyungsoo was mixing the ingredients while the oven beside him was releasing a very distinct smell.
“That smells so good!” You inhale once more, catching Kyungsoo’s attention. He beckoned you to come nearer. “Help me with this, will you?” He pointed to the bowl.
“Sure.” You smiled at him and skipped to his side. You look at the dough he was mixing. “You should really add more chocolate chips.” You advise to the older guy.
He looked at you with thinking eyes. “Won’t it be too sweet then?” He asked, still holding the whisk in his hand. He contemplated for a moment but followed your advice nonetheless.
You smile when you see him pouring half a cup of chocolate chips onto the mixture. Kyungsoo was good with food but he liked his food not that sweet. He always needed yours or Baekhyun’s opinion.
After mixing, he jokingly puts some of the mixture on a tiny teaspoon. “Try it.” He jokes but you open your mouth and go for the mixture.
You let your tastebuds examine it before your eyes light up at the satisfactory taste. “That’s it! You got it, Kyungsoo-oppa!” You exclaim a little too loud. Kyungsoo grinned at how you gushed over the tiniest things.
“You really are a child.” He pinched your nose and ruffled your hair. “Yah, oppa! Don’t do that!” You glared at him jokingly which made him laugh even more.
You hear someone clear their throat. You quickly turn around and see Junmyeon walking inside the kitchen.
“Young master, we weren’t expecting you. How can we help you?” Kyungsoo immediately greeted him, saving you and your flustered self. You bow your head towards Junmyeon as a late greeting. You silently hope he won’t give you shit because of this.
“I just went to check since I heard some voices.” He nodded at Kyungsoo, making the tension in the air even thicker. Baekhyun appears by the open door behind Junmyeon and his eyes widen at the site of our boss in the kitchen.
Quietly, Junmyeon turned around and walked out of the kitchen. He whispered something to Baekhyun’s ear and proceeded to walk away. You sighed after the nerve-wracking scene finally ended. Junmyeon might look gentle and soft but he is no exception to the danger all the Kims have.
“You okay, Y/N?” Kyungsoo’s worried voice made you look at him. “I’m fine, oppa. Still not used to them, I guess.” Your voice was weak and faint. You shook your head, trying to get the nervousness out of your system.
Baekhyun entered the kitchen with a worried face and you look at him questioningly. His gaze shifted to Kyungsoo and back to you. This time, he even looked more worried.
“Spill it, Baek.” You say to him confidently despite your heart beating against your chest.
“Kyungsoo, Junmyeon said to bring Y/N to the study now.” Baekhyun looked away as if that would erase the worry on his face. You were confused as to why Junmyeon would say that to Baek. He could’ve told us directly or sent me after him but he didn’t. He had to order Baekhyun and now this overthinking man was all over the place.
“It’s okay, Baek. He’s probably just pissed we’re noisy.” You try to reassure him but your voice audibly shook. “We’re fine, Baekhyun.” Kyungsoo walked to Baek’s side and placed a hand on his shoulder.
Kyungsoo beckoned you to follow him out of the kitchen. He took his apron off by the counter and started walking down the hallways of the mansion.
You sigh once again and Kyungsoo turns around for a moment. You mouth an ‘I’m fine’ to him. He walked continuously until we reached the study’s door.
Kyungsoo cautiously knocked and announced your arrival. “Bring her in.” You hear Junmyeon’s muffled voice through the door. Kyungsoo turned the doorknob and pushed the wooden door open carefully. He gave you one last glance until he gestured he would leave.
“No, Kyungsoo stay.” Junmyeon’s voice was eerily calm, it scared the living shit out of you. He was even calmer than he was when they first welcomed you. You have no idea if this was a good or bad sign.
Kyungsoo simply nodded at the boss’s order and stood by the door with an expressionless face.
You see Junmyeon smirk a little as he looked at you while signing papers on his desk. You tried to look at Kyungsoo for help but he avoided your gaze. He didn’t want any trouble with the bosses.
“Strip, Y/N.” You hear Junmyeon say this so normally, his eyes still on the pile of papers in front of him. “E-Excuse me?” You tried to ask while looking at Kyungsoo for help. “I said strip. Are you hearing impaired?” He looked at you incredulously.
You gulped at his request but nonetheless, your hands went to the hem of the dress you were wearing. Kyungsoo tried to get a hold of the doorknob but Junmyeon spoke again.
“I said stay, Kyungsoo. Are you all deaf or dumb?” Junmyeon looked at him angrily. Kyungsoo immediately retreated to where he stood earlier.
He wanted you to strip in front of Kyungsoo? What was the point of all of this?
“Strip, you fucking whore. Stop playing dumb.” This was the first time you heard Junmyeon curse and honestly, it shocked you. You only shook your head and unzipped the back of your dress.
Your dress fell to the floor as you look at Kyungsoo who had his eyes stay glued on the floor. To be in this state with Kyungsoo present made you want to run and cry, you consider him a friend and an older brother after all. Your heartbeat now doubled as you stood in the middle of the room in your underwear alone.
You hesitated to do it but you couldn’t afford Junmyeon to get angrier. Your hands unhooked your bra from behind. You took it off so slowly, it was excruciating to watch. Your fingers hooked the ends of your lace panties and you took it off afterwards too.
Junmyeon looked up from his desk, a satisfied glint in his eyes as soon as he saw you naked. You close your eyes. You were naked in front of Kyungsoo. You wanted to run and hide. He was a friend for you, how could he stomach this image of you?
Junmyeon stood up, snatching your attention away from Kyungsoo. He walked to you and you bit your lip nervously. His hand reached for your cheek as you closed your eyes in anticipation of what was about to happen. It was shame, fear and anxiety all at the same time.
“Kneel.” Junmyeon ordered you as he shifted you to a position that your side profile was more visible to Kyungsoo. You followed Junmyeon’s command and kneel in front of him.
When your knees touched the velvet floor, it felt like you lost all your dignity as a human being. You were a slave to this man and if he said you should eat dog shit, you would. He was your god, after all.
Junmyeon unzipped his pants and pushed it lower, allowing his 9-inch penis spring to life. You gulped at the sight of his masculinity and you couldn’t help but gasp when it almost touched your face.
He looked at Kyungsoo who was standing by the door, eyes still on the floor. “Kyungsoo, watch us.” Junmyeon said with so much amusement in his voice. You refused to look at Kyungsoo when he said this. You knew Kyungsoo would obey him.
“Suck on it like the whore that you are.” Junmyeon smirked and held you by your hair. You wince a little at his harsh hold but then, you knew you should follow him.
You swallowed the lump that was forming in your throat and held the erect member. You opened your mouth and started to suck on the head. “Fuck.” Junmyeon audibly groaned when you let your tongue flick on his tip.
“More.” He pushed your head towards his cock more and you could feel it against your tonsils. Tears started to form in your eyes and you started to choke. You didn’t know if it was the huge penis in your mouth or the shame that you were feeling as you felt Kyungsoo’s gaze get heavier as he watched you and Junmyeon.
Tears streamed down your face but Junmyeon couldn’t care less. The choking and gasping noises you made just drove him crazier and harsher. He kept pushing you towards his cock, making you take it in as a whole every single time. Your head bobbed as more tears came. You didn’t know how something as degrading as this made you want it even more.
Junmyeon let go of your head as he threw his head back. You sucked his cock to your own accord now. You didn’t know how or when but this brought the same funny feeling you had with Minseok and Jongin.
You hold his cock as you divert your attention now to his balls. You caress them with your tongue while your hand pumped his member. “Fuck, Y/N. Fuck, fuck, fuck.” The curses Junmyeon spat made you want to work for it more. He was such a formal and professional person, you found out he only cursed like this whenever he was aroused.
You went back to his large cock and let your tongue flick its tip. You taste the salty precum and assume this was a compliment from Junmyeon. You took it in as a whole and he finally released his salty and bitter juice inside your mouth.
Before you could swallow his cum, Junmyeon held your jaw and made you open your mouth. Seeing his cum on your tongue made his cock twitch and his lips smirk. “Good girl.” He praised you and you felt the tingling sensation in your femininity heighten.
“Sit.” He pushes you onto the floor. You obey him and he makes you turn, facing Kyungsoo. You see his emotionless face as he stood there idly. You turn red in embarrassment as the thought of Kyungsoo seeing you suck your boss’s dick sink in.
Junmyeon pulled your left leg forcefully, making you widen the space between them. You cringed at the sight of your wet pussy that was facing Kyungsoo. His eyes widened at the sight and Junmyeon chuckled at that.
“Won’t you look at that? You’re wet and I haven’t even touched you.” Junmyeon growled, holding your legs apart from behind. You turn away in shame but Junmyeon uses his other hand to hold your jaw in place. He wanted Kyungsoo to see you like this.
“You still think this whore is a child, Kyungsoo?” He sarcastically laughed. Kyungsoo only shut his eyes. “No, Kyungsoo, watch. Watch this child turn into my whore.” He bellowed, his hand reaching for your pussy.
You felt his middle finger flick your clit and you whimper. He starts teasing you down there while he stared at Kyungsoo’s face. He was taunting him, showing him who you truly belonged to. You belonged to the Kims as their plaything.
He pinched your clit, making you scream. Your hands went to Junmyeon’s shoulders that were behind you. Your thighs trembled and you feel yourself reach your own peak. You clutched his shoulders as you felt your release. You close your eyes shut because you knew you were gonna squirt and Kyungsoo was about to see that too.
You opened your eyes and looked at Junmyeon’s satisfied face but stubbornly, he went on. He kept teasing your clit even if you already came. His gaze on Kyungsoo was smug and confident.
He puts a whole finger inside you so suddenly, making you jump in surprise. You bit your lip when you felt him entering and exiting your pussy so easily. You were that wet for him. For his touch.
His other hand that were holding your thighs apart travelled to your boob. The warmth of his palm against your cold breast makes you moan. “M-Master.” You manage to make out as you get wetter and wetter.
His finger started grazing your nipple as soon as he heard you begging. Jongin must’ve told him your nipples were your greatest weakpoint. You feel another release coming your way.
You cried as you reach for his shoulders for support again. You felt something gush out of you once again. You feel Junmyeon’s smirk against your bare shoulder.
You thought he was satisfied already but he kept going on. You were turning crazy now as he wanted you to come again. The finger that was entering your pussy was now below you as you rode it yourself. His hand was no longer moving. You pounded on his finger like the whore that he called you.
“Look at that, Kyungsoo.” He smugly bragged, gesturing to you who were now going crazy for his touch. He removed his hand from below you.
You were disappointed but he quickly crawled to your other side, his face now in your pussy. He was placing soft kisses on the inside of your thigh. He lets his tongue run down your vagina and you feel yourself tremble once again.
“I know that face.” Junmyeon declares as he sees you squirm. He beckoned Kyungsoo to come nearer. You hid your face in your palms immediately, blocking your sight as quickly as you could. You feel Junmyeon’s warm palm hit your pussy and that was enough to send you over the edge again.
You feel another wave of release coming. Tears once again came back to your face as you squirted for the third time today.
You fluttered your eyes open and you wanted to hide immediately. Horror entered your system. You see Kyungsoo’s face in between your legs. His cheeks were wet from your juice while Junmyeon stood behind him, smirking.
“See, she’s a bad girl, Kyungsoo. A slut, even.” Junmyeon licked his lips, an amused glint in his eyes. Shame was an understatement for how you were feeling right now. He was my oppa. He wasn’t supposed to see this, what more feel it on his face?
Junmyeon pushed Kyungsoo away from you. He replaced Kyungsoo’s position, his member still erect.
He enters you without any difficulty. You were so wet, his dick easily slid in and out of you. He rocked you as you laid limp on the floor.
He was grunting as he thrusted every time, hitting your G-spot. He pulled out immediately, letting his cum land on your bare stomach. You come one last time and this earns you a chuckle from Junmyeon.
You sighed when it was finally done. “You can go now, Kyungsoo.” Junmyeon smirked as he stood. Kyungsoo immediately raced out of the study. He must’ve been traumatized and that made you guilty.
“Thank you, Y/N.” Junmyeon formally said, pulling his pants up. He was back to himself after that final release. His pent up frustration might have been the reason why he switches personality when aroused.
You stood up too. You picked your clothes up from the floor and wore it back. Junmyeon nonchalantly returned to his desk and continued with his paperworks.
You were about to exit but Junmyeon spoke once again, his eyes still concentrating on the paper on his desk.
“Lesson for today, Y/N: Never make me jealous. I hate hearing you squeal and call someone else oppa.”
#exo#exo fanfic#exo fanfiction#exo au#exo smut#xiumin smut#minseok smut#jongin smut#kai smut#suho smut#junmyeon smut#daddy junmyeon#exo xiumin#exo suho#exo kai#exo chanyeol#exo sehun#exo chen#exo lay#exo do
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I Believe You
Pairing: Bryan Kneef x female reader
Warning: NSFW, smut, language, Bryan levels of fluff maybe?
WC: 2628
This is part 1. Part 2; Part 3
Tag: @beccabarba
Others I think might like this: @thatesqcrush, @prurientpuddlejumper, @itsjustmyfantasyroom

“Ah! Y/N, there you are,” your best friend Mary exclaimed as you approached her. “I want you to meet Bryan Kneef. He helped me out during the divorce. Bryan, this is my lovely friend Y/N Y/L/N! Oh! Is that the time?! I have to go. I have a meeting. I am so sorry, but since you’re both here, you might as well go inside for dinner. I already made a reservation. I’ll talk to you later. Bye.” Just like that, Hurricane Mary was gone. You weren’t sure she’d even taken a breath during that entire monologue.
As your friend disappeared around the corner, you turned back to the handsome man. He was tall and well built. His salt and pepper hair and full beard were immaculately groomed. Definitely older than you, Bryan oozed confidence. And wealth judging by the quality of the suit he wore so well. You felt a little underwhelming in your simple black dress and leather jacket, but, to be fair to yourself, you thought you were just having dinner with your friend, not the man who would get your vote for People’s Sexiest Man Alive. And those eyes! Wow! You’d never seen eyes so green.
“Well, that was very subtle,” you said rolling your eyes. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Kneef. I’m sorry my friend set you up like this.” You held your hand out to him. He just stared at you, but, as you started to pull your hand back, he reached out and took it.
Bryan was annoyed at first because he hated being blindsided by anything. He preferred control. Mary was tall and slender with platinum blonde hair. She looked liked most of the women he hooked up with, and he had been looking forward to taking her back to his place after dinner. The more he stared at you, the more intrigued he became. You were the antithesis of his typical type, but he thought you were pretty in a more simple way. You were a little thicker than anyone he had previously been with, but you had curves for days that he wanted to run his hands over. Bryan licked his lips. He could catch this curveball and roll with it. His new goal was to fuck you tonight.
“I hope your pleasure won’t just be in our meeting, Y/N.” Instead of shaking your hand, he surprised you by bringing it up to his lips to kiss. “I would hate for your friend’s hard work and reservation to go to waste. Would you like to have dinner with me?” Bryan asked.
He looked like a lion hunting a gazelle. You blushed as small warning bells went off inside your head due to his overwhelming charm, but you decided to ignore them for now. “I would love to, Bryan,” you answered with a smile.
Bryan’s charm continued throughout dinner. The surprise date was going surprisingly well. The food was good, the wine was better, and the company was best. Mary had tried setting you up many times and each time was a complete disaster. Bryan seems to be laying it on pretty thick, but you found it to be fun.
“Y/N, I don’t usually do this kind of thing, but,” Bryan started.
You laughed, “Don’t lie to me, Mr. Kneef.”
“Ha! Okay okay! I do this all of the time. Would you be interested in going to my place? I believe this is going extremely well, Beautiful,” Bryan responded.
“Hmm,” you started, “I actually have not done this before but yes. Yes, I would.”
“I believe you,” Bryan smirked.
The ride to Bryan’s place was quiet but eventful because Bryan could not keep his hand off your thigh. It was difficult to concentrate on anything else. You were really looking forward to this. Bryan was extremely cocky, but he was also unbelievably interesting. Even though you could see yourself seeing him again, you could tell Bryan was not a relationship type of man. You were going to ignore that for the night because, to be honest, he was incredibly sexy.
While on the elevator up to his apartment consent and limits were discussed. Bryan expressed his desire to be in control. While the sex you usually had was on the vanilla side, you’d be lying if you said you weren’t intrigued so you readily agreed to his desires. Butterflies were definitely in your stomach now.
“I’m willing to try anything you want. If I don’t like something, I’ll tell you,” you offered.
“That’s very trusting of you,” Bryan replied.
“If I can’t trust you, then I should leave now,” you countered.
“You can trust me, Sweetheart. I won’t hurt you. Tell me immediately if you don’t like or want to do something. Do you understand?” Bryan questioned.
“Absolutely.” you smiled.
After you entered his apartment, you only had time to notice a general sense of luxury as you removed your jacket which fell to the floor when Bryan pushed you up against a nearby wall. Bryan grabbed both of your arms and put them above your head. He held them there while looking in your eyes and demanded, “Keep them there.”
You felt your underwear get wet from just hearing the command. You could do nothing but obey. Bryan grabbed the bottom of your dress and started pulling it up above your head, leaving you standing there in nothing but your black thigh highs, heels, and lacy black bra and panties.
He stepped back to look at you with nothing but lust in his eyes. You were feeling self conscious, so you started to lower your arms to wrap around yourself. Bryan quickly had them pinned back above your head with both of your wrists in one of his hands. He grabbed your face with his free hand, forcing you to look at him, “What did I just fucking tell you?”
“To not move my arms. I won’t move them again. I’m sorry,” you answered.
“You’re sorry, what?” he demanded.
“I’m sorry, sir,” you correctly answered.
“Good girl,” he said as he forcefully kissed your lips. His kiss was almost bruising but you gave him just as much back in the kiss.
He released your hands, knowing you would keep them there. Pulling back from the kiss, Bryan trailed his mouth down to your neck as his hand drifted down your arms to your back. Then, he unhooked your bra and removed it. His lips immediately went to your breast, latching onto a nipple biting gently.
“Bryan… please,” you moaned as his beard scratched your sensitive skin.
He released your breast with a pop and asked, “What do you want?” He moved his mouth to play with the other nipple, waiting for your response.
“I… I want more,” you breathed out.
“More what, Dear?” Bryan countered.
“More of you please,” you begged.
“That can be arranged,” he replied as he bent down and threw you over one of his shoulders.
“BRYAN!” you gasped out in surprise. “What are you doing? I’m too heavy to carry!”
Bryan laughed, “Obviously not.” He carried you to his bedroom and tossed you on the bed. He looked at you with a smirk as he ran his hands down your legs then removed your shoes and stockings, tossing them to the floor.
“Hmm, what do we have here?” he teased, running a finger over your wet panties. He grabbed the band and pulled them down your legs. He brought them to his face and inhaled deeply. “Mmm. These are ruined,” he groaned as he stuffed them in his pocket.
You watched, captivated, as he undressed. That is until he was finally naked in front of you. “Oh my god,” an edge of worry laced your voice as you stared at his monstrous cock. He stroked it a few times to draw out your worry a bit.
“Normally, I’d have you on your knees in front of me now but I’m suddenly very hungry. Spread your legs open wide for me, Babe,” Bryan ordered.
Bryan climbed on the bed and licked the moisture from the inside of one of your thighs. “You’re so wet for me,” he growled. He moved up to look in your eyes as he cupped your pussy. “This is mine tonight and you’re mine. Do you understand, slut?”
Under his spell, you moaned, “Yes, sir.”
He ravished you with kisses as he worked his way down your body, leaving marks as he went. Your breasts, stomach, and thighs were bombarded with Bryan’s attention. You grew wetter with the anticipation of Bryan's hungry mouth on your pussy.
“Please, Bryan," you whined, frustrated by your needy clit.
He smiled, "Not yet, Y/N.” He knew he was in charge.
He surprised you by grabbing one of your feet. You did not see the tie in his hand until he started tying it around your ankles. Using the tie as a handle he lifted your legs back exposing your swollen pussy.
“Grab the tie with both of your hands. Do not let go,” he commanded.
“Yes, sir,” you replied, grabbing the silky fabric.
Once your hands were in place, Bryan wasted no time attacking your pussy with his mouth. He moaned as he licked you from end to end. He sucked your clit into his mouth as he plunged a finger inside of you. He slowly added more fingers to fuck you with. “We’ve got to make sure you can take this cock,” he teased.
You were so consumed by the pleasure that you found it difficult to maintain your hold on the tie. When Bryan added a fourth finger, you could no longer contain it. You called out his name as you came on his fingers. He removed his fingers but continued licking you throughout your orgasm.
When you jerked away for him, he sat up and untied your legs. He moved to kiss your lips as he lowered your legs back to the bed. You held him tight while kissing him back. You could taste yourself in his kiss. You moaned.
Bryan broke the kiss and smirked, “I don’t remember giving you permission to cum, naughty girl. I’ll forgive you this once since I didn’t tell you to ask beforehand. Don’t let it happen again.”
“Yes, sir!” you panted.
“Now I want you on your hands and knees so I can fuck you,” he instructed.
You hurry to turn over and assume the desired position. You look over your shoulder at Bryan as he rolled a condom on. “Please. I need you inside of me. I need you, Bryan,” you pleaded.
Bryan gave you a look you did not recognize. He paused to look at you because no one had ever said they needed him before. You stared back, but when you wiggled your ass, Bryan snapped back into gear.
He lined his cock up with your opening after coating it in your wetness. “Remember to not cum until I tell you to. You’re a good little slut. I know you’re going to take my cock so well,” he pushed into you slowly enjoying the tight heat of your core around his cock.
You let out a breath you did not realize you were holding when he was finally buried inside you. “You’re so big. I feel so full,” you whimpered.
Bryan pulled out then thrusted back in. He slowly built up speed and force after you begged him to fuck you harder.
“You want it hard and fast, baby?” he asked, grabbing your hips.
“Please! Yesss,” you answered.
As Bryan was pounding into you, he moved one of his hands to smack your ass.
You clenched around him in response, “Ohhhhh! Do that again!”
“Does my dirty girl like having her ass spanked? I should have bent you over my knee,” Bryan said while spanking your ass some more.
“I’m so close! May I cum, sir? Please!” you implored.
Bryan grabbed your hair and pulled you up until your back pressed against his chest. “Are you ready to cum on my cock, Baby?” he whispered in your ear.
“Yessssss,” you hissed in pleasure.
“Cum for me, Y/N!” he demanded. He felt his own release coming when you screamed his name and your pussy clenched around him. After a few more thrust, Bryan came, growling your name.
You both fell to the bed. Bryan’s sweaty body collapsed on top of yours with him still inside you. As Bryan started to withdraw, you stopped him. “That was amazing! Can we stay like this awhile longer?” you asked. Because you were not sure if you would ever get to see Bryan again, you wanted to enjoy him for as long as possible. The press of his weight was comforting after the most intense sexual experience of your life.
“Sure,” he answered and settled back on top of you. Bryan never did this. He never cuddled or actually slept with any of the people he brought home. He thought about how good it felt to be inside of you as he tried to clear his mind.
Bryan slowly pulled out of you and moved to throw the condom away then walked into the bathroom. As much as you wanted to just go to sleep, you knew you needed to leave so you do not come across as the clingy type. When Bryan came back out from cleaning up, he noticed you already had your dress back on as you stuffed your bra and stockings into your purse. He stared at you with a slightly confused look on his face. You gave him a smile and a kiss on the cheek as you walked past him into the bathroom to clean up.
Bryan sat on the bed trying to figure out his confused thoughts. As soon as he saw that you were dressing to go home, he got an odd feeling in his chest. He had to kick out many of the women he brought home with him. But he was pretty sure he did not like the idea of you leaving. This was totally new territory for him. Truthfully, you did not fit into his world at all, but he had never felt any connection before like he did with you… and the sex was phenomenal.
As you left the bathroom, you noticed Bryan sitting on the bed and walked over to stand in front of him. He looked up at you, putting his hands on your hips. You stepped forward to run your fingers through his hair. “My Uber will be here in twenty minutes then I’ll be out of your hair literally and figuratively,” you chuckled but Bryan did not react. “I can go wait downstairs if you want,” you offered, thinking he was tired of you being there. He did not seem like the type who wanted his lovers to linger.
“No,” he answered quickly. “You can stay here if you want. It’s very late,” he said, trying to make it sound like he did not really care one way or the other.
You tilted your head, “I can but only if you really want me to.”
Damn it! Bryan thought while growling out, “Cancel the Uber.” As he said this, he grabbed the bottom of your dress and stood up while pulling the material up and off your body for the second time. You grabbed your phone to cancel the car.
“Hop in bed, Baby,” Bryan told you while pulling down the blanket. Bryan turned off the lamp and crawled in behind you, spooning up against your back. He wrapped his arms around you and whispered, “I really never do this kind of thing.”
“I believe you,” you whispered back, hiding your smile.
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I've been enjoying SoloQ for the past few months. I was a SoloQ Survivor Main for years before becoming a Killer Main for like the past 3 or so years. I honestly feel like Killer suits me and my personality better. I love scaring people, chasing them, stabbing them and slapping them on a hook xD I also enjoy the power it gives me. If I see someone struggling with something or being griefed - I can do something about it.
However, I love the teamwork aspect of Survivor and I like working well with others. Loyalty is earned and it means something to me. If a teammate takes care of me, I'll take care of them. If they looped the Killer all match while we did gens - I will try to get them out. Looping the Killer is important and you owe that teammate for doing their part. You can escape because they looped the Killer - don't abandon them.
That being said, Killers have zero reason to leave the hook once gens are done. Toss NOED in there or a Killer that can insta-down with their power and it will be super risky. I don't like doing gens all match but I'm also not great at looping (I do like being chased and I'm trying to get better) so I typically prefer to go for unhooks and heal people. Going for high risk unhooks and trying to get everyone out is what's fun to me. I could open a gate and leave but that's so fucking boring and I feel selfish. If you looped the Killer all match - you're the reason I can escape so I will try to help you. If you die, you probably won't die alone xD;
I don't get why people are so skittish about going for unhooks. They pussyfoot around and end up not doing a gen or getting the unhook. If you're too scared to do it then let someone else do it and sit on a gen or wait at the gate. I will typically just rush in and take the trade. I don't care if I get left behind - I care about my teammates getting out. Not caring about winning is nice, actually. I'm just playing to have fun. Doing gens is boring. Doing good in chase is fun. Going for high risk unhooks is exciting. Running to the gate with everyone and taking hits so we all make it out is probably the only way to feel like a winner for me.
There's a few matches that I remember vividly and they're good memories.
Had a Jake one time that looped Myers all match and got camped in basement at EGC. I had Borrowed Time (wasn't basekit yet) and I was with Laurie at the gate. I figured Myers was camping and ready to pop Tier III but I went to rescue Jake. We ended up making it out together. That felt so good.
I unhooked a Meg once and got hooked in her place. She ran to the gate but got downed inside it. I was like "Meg noooo!" She had DS. She hit the Nurse with DS, ran back to unhook me with BT, I took the hit for her, and we both made it out. I was SoloQ and I didn't know what perks Meg had. That escape was amazing.
I played a match a little while back where Bestie and A had died and Feng was looping Myers. We had 2 gens left and I was like "If Feng can loop him long enough, I can finish both gens." She looped him and I finished both gens. She got hooked and either tried to 4% or kill herself so I wouldn't try to save her. I did save her and we both booked it across the map to the exit gate and made it out. Once again, that escape felt so good.
#dead by daylight#dbd#deadbydaylight#I don't care if I die I just want to have fun#An easy escape is boring#I want to feel useful to my team
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Family Gathering
Pairing(s): n/a
Word Count: 844 words
Summary: It’s Nic and Archie’s anniversary, so they decide to hang out with their family.
Tags: @me-myself-and-my-fos
Notes: 1) Happy anniversary, Nic!! I hope you have a good day! 2) I adore this small family we’ve created so so much. I hope my characterisation of your kids is correct.
‘So you don’t find it weird?’ Rain asked Beetle as they came out of the flower shop, hands full of the bouquet they’d purchased for Nic.
‘I don’t find what weird, ‘Rin?’ Beetle said, taking the flowers from them and placing them into the basket of Dorothy’s bike (Dorothy had been taking Toto for more walks lately, so she hadn’t had much need of the bike.)
‘The fact that the person that is married to your father only looks a few years older than you. That’s what, Bug.’ Rain replied.
‘You’re one to talk. You’re 150-something years older than your husband.’
Rain choked on air, catching themselves before they face-planted onto the footpath. Beetle grinned smugly, and handed them their bike helmet.
‘Got you there, didn’t I?’ Beetle said.
Rain didn’t respond, content to have them have the victory. They then took their helmet from Beetle and got onto the extra seat.
‘Are you aware if Ruby and Dorothy meeting us there?’ Rain asked, as Beetle pushed the bike off the rail it had been leaning against.
‘They are, Ruby texted me earlier.’ Rain nodded and put their feet into their set of pedals, as Beetle pushed their feet into the pedals at the front. It wouldn’t take long to get to Nic’s house (Rain could only hope that the flowers wouldn’t break apart n the wind.)
When the pair finally got to the home that belonged to the Hopper Family they were welcomed by Nic’s smallest child, Lily. She ran down the steps and attached herself to Beetle’s leg.
‘Oh! Good afternoon, Lily!’ Beetle said, reaching down and ruffling her hair - making Lily giggle.
‘May I have a rock?’ Lily asked.
‘Yes, you can take one.’ Beetle replied. Lily took a small pink rock - one that Beetle had picked up on their trip to the land of untold stories - and unhooked herself from Beetle’s leg, running into the house; probably heading up to her room.
August waved from where he was sitting in the porch seat. He stood up and walked over to Rain, hooking his arm with theirs. Then together they stepped after Beetle into the house.
It was a cozy scene. Ruby and Dorothy leaning on each others shoulders while seated on the couch, Rory sitting on the chair with Lila standing behind him looking over his shoulder at his phone screen.
Nic appeared to be working on something in the kitchen, but Archie was nowhere to be seen. Maybe Ichabod and Elizabella were with him?
Rain let go of August’s hand and he took their jacket off, placing it on the coat rack. Rain thanked him and returned the favor before walking with August to join their kids.
Beetle placed the flowers into the vase sitting on the coffee table and moved into the kitchen to see Nic. Nic was in the process of taking a tray of biscuits out of the oven.
‘Nic, you really didn’t have to. Today is for you, you should relax.’ Beetle said.
‘Baking is a way for me to relax, Bug.’ Nic said, shaking her head at them.
Beetle smiled and took the tray from her, placing it on the counter. Then, as if she’d been summoned by the presence of food, Lily climbed up onto one of the chairs placed against the counter.
‘That smells delicious, can I eat some?’ Lily asked.
‘No, you’ll have to wait a few minutes dear.’ Nic replied.
‘Aw, man.’ Lily said, pouting.
‘I’m sure you dad will be home soon. You’ll be able to eat then.’ Beetle said, reaching into their pocket and handing her another rock.
As if he’d heard that sentence spoken Archie, and Lily’s siblings (who were holding bags of groceries), entered the room. Archie waved at the guests and opened his arms for his daughter.
Lily ran towards her father and siblings, and Archie picked her up smiling. Seeing that they weren’t needed anymore her siblings placed the bags by the door, heading over to sit with the guests.
‘Did you miss me?’ Archie asked, kissing Lily’s head.
‘I did.’ Lily replied.
Archie carried her over to the kitchen and sat down with her on his knee. Happy that he was home Nic kissed her husband. While this was happening Lily reached over and snatched a biscuit from the tray, stuffing it in her mouth.
‘Lily!’ Nic scolded.
‘What? Beetle said that I’d be able to eat once Dad was home.’ Lily said between bites, looking to her mother. Nic, however, looked over to Beetle, who raised their hands in mock surprise.
‘I will have no part in this conversation, Nic.’ Beetle said, switching into their insect form. They then flew over to where Dorothy and Ruby were seated on the couch, switching back within the blink of an eye so that they could sit between them.
Nic laughed at this unique avoidance tactic, and walked around the counter to sit with her husband and child.
Oh, she had a lovable mess of a family, and she wouldn’t do anything to change it.
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Halloween // Matthew Gray Gubler x Reader
Another Story based on a gif/picture! (Hope this is kinda what you were thinking @aberrant-annie )
Summary - It's the first year that y/n and Matthew are a couple, and he insists that they have a couples costume for an upcoming party.
Word count - 2.5k
Gif courtesy of @nationgubler
It was that time of year again. The time where Matthew got impossibly excited, wore tremendously weird costumes, and snuck up behind me an ungodly amount of times.
Now you may be thinking, 'Halloween is a fun and *normal* time of year for many families!' But you only think that because you haven't met my boyfriend Matthew.
Now let's give a little background on the weirdo that is my best friend.
Matthew Gray Gubler is an actor, author, filmmaker, illustrator, fashion model, and painter. But what they don't put on his google search profile is that, before all, he is a Halloween Enthusiast.
He and I have been best friends for over 8 years, and every single one of those years he has effortlessly dragged me into any kind of spooky shenanigan that he could. This was the first year of the 8 that we are a couple, so he decided, in a fit of glory as he put it, that we *needed* a couple's costume this year for the Criminal Minds cast Halloween party. I was 100% down for this idea, but boy, I really didn't know what I was getting myself into by agreeing to it so easily. So let's go back to where this whole ordeal began.
The day was October 15th, and I was sitting blindfolded in the passengers seat of Matthew's car.
"Where the hell are we going?" I giggled, flailing my arms around the car, blindly looking for the trail mix I left in his car the day before. He grabbed my wrist, leading it down to the cupholder and putting my hand on the bag. He knew me too well.
"It's a surprise, obviously, just know it has to do with Halloween." He grabbed my hand and placed a gentle kiss to the top of it.
"Doesn't everything have to do with Halloween with you?"
"Maybe." He laughed.
We were in the car for around 15 minutes, all the while I jammed out to a mix of songs I loved and goofy Halloween themed songs. Matthew had made a playlist of the two as a compromise.
I heard the car click into park and listened as Matthew left the car and walked to my side, opening the door and leading me out.
"When will I be able to see again? This whole blind thing is not for me." He laughed at my remark, looping his arm through mine so he could lead me to what I could only assume was my death. That's when I heard it, the all too familiar laugh of a clown.
Here we go.
Without the notice of my lovely boyfriend I whipped my hand up to my head, removing the black cloth that covered my eyes, I only heard a squeak of protest from him before I saw 'The Haunted Jail' before me.
"Of course." I rolled my eyes in a playful manner, unhooking myself from his arm. "So, why are we here."
"Well, I was thinking that maybe we could get some couple costume ideas from here. It's the jails doubles night so two workers tag team on a costume." He gestured wildly with his hands towards the sign that read *Doubles night! Couples get a 15% discount tonight*. I shook my head in amusement.
"Alright, let's go."
After walking through the 3 story building, we came out with a nice list of ideas for scary couples costumes. This consisted of :
•Pupetmaster and puppet
•Wedding gone wrong
•Twisted Alice and Mad Hatter
Then we just had to come to a decision, and soon.
We then sat in the car on our way home to dig out more decorations from the attic. Our house from the inside looked like someone had gotten murdered. There were giant floor and window stickers that resembled blood, fake knives everywhere, and caution tape. This all paired with the tape in the shape of a body on the ground near our fridge. But Matthew had so graciously pointed out that we needed to decorate the outside like we were a haunted house.
He was currently up in our creepy ass attic as I stood with crossed arms at the end of the rickety ladder that led up there. He popped his head out of the little square hole, wearing a jason mask. I narrowed my eyes and shook my head with the smallest smile.
"I'm gonna hand some boxes down to you." I heard him say behind the muffling mask.
The first box held large organized strings of orange LEDs and hooks to set them up on. The next box was filled with fake webs and the next was a huge box. I set it on the ground, prying it open to reveal giant spiders with tacky red eyes and long fangs.
"Are we gonna have these bad boys climbing the ivy outside?" He popped from the attic in a new, mask. A werewolf one I assumed.
"Yep!" He lightly set another box in my hands. "I hate the smell of these masks," He ripped the mask off, revealing his unruly hair and squinting eyes from the new amount of light. "why do I keep buying them?" It made my heart melt, messy hair Gubler was my favorite Gubler.
We dragged all of the boxes outside and decorated for what seemed like 6 hours, it was way harder work than what you would expect. We ended up with 2 giant spiders hung on the ivy, 1 crawling up the porch, and 2 more on the roof. The webs we had were strung everywhere, but the 'main web', as Matthew called it, was across the porch. We had LEDs lighting up most of the outside of our house, it made it look like a constant sunset, or constantly living in a horror movie. Whatever floats your boat. And lastly, we had bloody tomb stones scattered in the yard with fake hands reaching up at the sky through the ground.
Then it was October 16th. I had woken up groggily, feeling the bed beside me for Matthew, but only touching the soft white sheets. The time was 9:47 am and the sun was bleeding through the curtains. My legs hung over the bed as my limbs stretched, pulling down a shirt that was much to large for me *probably because it wasn't mine*. As soon as I stepped out of my bedroom I was met with a scream mask.
"**Morning!**" This made me scream.
"Damnit Matthew Gray! Christ, will the scaring ever end?" I say this but of course, it was really one of my favorite things about him.
"Not until Christmas." He replied with a cocky smile, kissing me softly. I grabbed the back of his neck, deepening the kiss and trying to make him take the hint. He pulled away swiftly. "I would *love* to continue doing this." He ran his hands down my arms and to my hips. "But I made you breakfast and eggs are better warm." He squeezed my hip and gently pushed me toward the kitchen.
Over breakfast we discussed what we were going to go as for the party. We came to the conclusion that doing purge killers would be the most fun. Now all we had to do was get the costumes.
So we left around 1 for Party City. The place had a surprisingly small amount of people, considering the time of year. However there was one girl in there that kept sneaking looks at Matthew. She was standing near some children's costumes. I quickly found out why when a kid came running up with an Alice and Wonderland costume. Shaking it profusely at her mom. The woman kneeled down to her size and gestured towards Matthew. I scrunched my face up.
*What was she telling her?*
Matthew had kept walking and I swiftly caught up with him in the mask aisle. As soon as I got there, the small girl I had just saw was tugging at his orange pumpkin T-Shirt.
"Hi! My mommy said she's a big fan of you on crimimal minds." I giggled a bit. She waved him down to her level, and he gladly came down to listen. "I think she might have a crush on you." I could hear her whisper. He looked back at me expectantly, I just smiled with a shrug. I wasn't much of the jealous type, Matthew was *extremely* loyal, I trusted him with my life. I shooed him towards the woman. He stood and waved at her, gesturing her over and backing up to be by me. I was trying to be inconspicuous and look at the masks. But clearly my lovely boyfriend had a different idea.
"Hi! What's your name?" He asked with a famous million dollar grin.
"A-ashley." She stood for a second, silently staring at him. "I'm sorry, I obviously didn't expect to be seeing you. I'm a just huge fan of yours. And it doesn't help that you are way cuter in person." She smiled shyly, hugging her daughter to her side. Matthew smiled politely but quickly snaked his arm around my hip. I turned to her with the kindest smile I could. I could see realization dropping from her eyes to the red tips of her ears.
"Well you obviously know I'm Matthew. This is my girlfriend, y/n." I leaned into him slightly. Me and Matthew hadn't exactly gone *public*. So it was an honest mistake that she wouldn't know we were together. But to be fair, we weren't hiding it either. "Would you like a picture by the way?" That seemed to distract her enough to knock her out of her clearly petrified trance.
"Yes! A million times yes!"
"I'll take it for you." I grabbed the phone she held out with a slightly tense smile. We took a few pictures and said our goodbyes as she checked out an left. We got back to looking at masks.
"Did you see her face when I grabbed your hips? I kinda live for that look." I smacked his arm playfully.
"The poor girl, she just flirted with you in front if your *girlfriend*. You petrified her!"
"Well I think you just made her a little jealous." He came behind me, wrapping his arms around my stomach and kissing my shoulders.
"Ok Gubler," I slipped from his grip. "we are in public." He groaned a little and followed me down the aisle. I grabbed the cool LED masks with the X's for eyes and big smiles, the typical Purge ones. I got me a purple one and him a red one. Next stop was fake weapons.
I gazed at all of the weapons on the wall. Machetes, guns, bats, nunchucks, knives, all of it. I then looked over to see my boyfriend squinting and tapping his chin in fake contemplation.
"Oh just grab the knife, I know that's what you wanna get." He whipped it off the wall and gave me a serious look, pointing the sharp styrofoam at me. He tapped it to my nose and couldn't contain his laugh as I looked him in the eyes with the biggest smile I could muster.
"You really know how to break me out of character."
So he did end up buying the styrofoam knife, and I ended up buying a plastic machete. As we left the store, the masks and weapons in hand he nudged me.
"So have you thought of what we are gonna wear?"
"Oh yeah. I already have the outfit, you're gonna love it, mine at least. We still have some spare fake blood at home right?" He narrowed his eyes at me, nodding suspiciously. "Great, then I just have to decorate the shirts." Which is exactly what I did when we got home.
I laid our two white button up's on our asphalt driveway, splattering them with blood. Matthew watched me. Sitting a lawn chair as I covered my hands in the blood and put a few handprints on random parts.
"Can I see the whole outfit you have planned now?" He whined.
"Nope, you have to wait. It's not that far away."
But he had asked me to show him everyday up until today, October 31st, party day. Now here we are, on our way back from a McDonalds run that took a *bit* longer than anticipated and we had a very slight chance of being late. We stumbled into the house and ran to the room.
"Why are we rushing anyway?" I took a pause, catching my breath. "We don't have to be exactly on time anyway." He agreed and we slowed down a bit to get our things together.
"I didn't want to have to rush out after seeing you in costume anyway." He said, slyly reaching into the closet and grabbing our button up's. I grabbed the rest of my things from a plastic bag under my side of the bed. I went to the bathroom and changed. My outfit consisted of a black miniskirt, a black cropped tube top, and black knee high socks. Paired with black heeled low-top booties. Then slung over it all was ny open button up. I sheathed my machete behind me and walked out of the bathroom to see Matthew in his bloody shirt and old dress pants and shoes. His giant knife was sheathed in a holster on his side. He ogled at me for a moment, shifting on his feet.
"Holy- wow." He breathed out. I waltzed up to him, unbuttoning a few more buttons and messing his hair to fit the part a bit more. I handed him his mask, with my eyebrows raised. He set it on the bed behind him, cupping my face and bringing me in for a kiss. I ran my hands down his half bare chest and I could feel him smile into the kiss, so I did too, and boy was he a sucker for that. He deepened the kiss and pull me towards him as much as he could, leading his hands lower and lower. Eventually he grabbed my butt a little and I let a giggle slip into the kiss. I parted from him, staring into those honey brown eyes. I felt like a teenager. He had not taken his eyes off me since I left the bathroom.
"Take a picture, it'll last longer."
"Alright." He slid he phone from his pocket, snapping a picture of me. What was I gonna do with this man? I grabbed our masks and we headed out.
We were only about 20 minutes late to the party. We turned our LEDs on and entered AJs house, as her door was wide open.
"You guys look *amazing*!" Kirsten gushed. "Especially you y/n. *Damn* do you rock those socks."
"I know right?" He lifted his mask, placing a kiss on my cheek.
The whole night was filled with chugging fun Halloween themed drinks, compliments on our costumes, slipping secret kisses, and quite the photo shoot.
*And man was I in for it when I got home.*
@spenciereiddd said they wanted tagged in some writing, so here ya go my dude.
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Robin and Gale Hood; Ben Hardy x reader Chap. 9
*Author’s note*
WHOA IT HAS BEEN A LOOOOOONG TIME SINCE I UPDATED THIS STORY!!! But now with my Rock Angel series finally complete, I finally had some time to sit down and catch up on this series so here I have for you all 2 NEW chapters of my Robin and Gale Hood Disney AU! So I hope you all enjoy this new update and be on the lookout for the next one in just a few minutes :)
Chapter 9,
Jailbreak chaos
Two hours before dawn, two hours before Gale Hood would be burned at the stake before the entire town of Nottingham, Robin and his friends slipped over the gates and ducked the guards as they crossed the courtyard.
They all hide within the stables and hide from a patrol that was coming around the corner just a few yards away from them. Once the guards passed, Robin gathered his friends and whispered.
“Alright lads, this is it. There can’t be room for error. Share your positions, go.”
“Kit, David and I will meet up with Arthur to free the prisoners from the tower dungeon.” Gilbert said.
“Marian and I will go down below the palace to free Gale from her cell.” Little John said.
“While James and I will sneak into the master suite and bring out the royal treasury. And we all must do it before the clock tower chimes at dawn. And remember, Don’t. Get. Caught.” They placed their right hands over each other before shooting them in the air and went on their way.
Little John circled around towards the gardens where a secret entrance that Marian had found when she first went to visit Gale after she had been brought in. He soon spotted a dark cloaked feminine figure standing by the tower of the castle and he could already see from the moonlight that it was Marian from her blonde locks hidden underneath.
He let out an owl’s hoot to fool the guards but it told Marian that a Merry Man was nearby. She turned and when she saw Little John coming towards her, she relaxed with relief.
“Thank God you’re here Little John.”
“Alright, so how do we get in?”
“Just stand back and let me do the code, keep watch for me okay?” he nodded and stood in front of her to hide her from any guards that could walk along the tower. Marian grabbed hold of the lock and first twisted it to the right till her hand was fully horizontal, then she turned it left to the point where the bottom of her palm was facing upward but her fingers stood diagonally from her palm. Then she twisted it back towards the right twice.
The secret door soon unlatched itself and Little John allowed Marian to lead him down the stairs. Grabbing a torch from the wall, Marian led on till they reached the darkest dungeon that Little John had ever seen.
“This is where Gale’s been kept?”
“I’m afraid so. Thankfully, she still has her sanity intact.” Marian thought it best to not mention the fact that the Sheriff had been raping her multiple times since her capture. That wasn’t her story to tell.
“Seriously? God I would’ve lost myself in this darkness within the first hour. Never did I think Gale could be that strong willed.”
“Well best believe it Little John. This is it.” She ran towards a locked metal door that had a sign over it that read in bold letters.
And at the bottom was Prince John’s signature and the family Lion crest to make it official. Little John went to the door but Marian stopped him and said.
“Let me go in Little John. It’s best if she sees a—a womanly presence.”
“What do you mean? What have they done to her?!” he demanded the last part.
“That I cannot say. For it is not my story to tell. If Gale ever gains the confidence to tell any of you men what happened, she will. But for now, I ask that you don’t immediately embrace her or touch her.”
Little John already began to have an inkling on what she meant, but he prayed to God that she was lying and that it was only just physical pain the Sheriff of Nottingham had bestowed upon her. Marian revealed the key from her breast and unlocked the door before grabbing Little John’s torch and entered inside Gale’s cell.
Gale was now chained up to the wall wearing an all-white gown that they forced all witches to wear before they were burnt at the stake. Her hair was a mess and her lip was blood-stained. She lifted her head to see that it was only Marian standing there.
“Marian?” she croaked out. She set the torch down on the floor and knelt down beside Gale and unlocked her from her shackles.
“Shh, quiet. We’re busting out of here. All of us.”
“Thank God!” she softly wept as her arms were finally free. “My prayers have been answered.” She rubbed her raw, blistered wrists as Marian helped her stand up.
The two women left their cell, Little John bowed his head in greeting to Gale who greeted him the same way.
“Come on, we can head to the garden’s back entrance to escape.” Marian said.
“Wait, what about the others? Shouldn’t we try to help?” asked Gale.
“There’s no time Gale. Arthur and the others can handle getting the town’s people out. And Robin and James can handle the royal treasury. We’ve only got till sunrise to do this and there can’t be room for error.” Little John told her.
Gale wanted to argue but she knew that whenever her brother said that a plan of theirs had no room for failure, that was a code meaning stick to your position and nothing more. She nodded and then Marian lead them out of the lower dungeons and towards the garden’s entrance (the very same gate that Michael, Robert, Jimmy and little Laura used when they first met Marian, Arthur and Prince James).
Over at the tower dungeon where the people of Nottingham were being kept, two guards were pacing by the front door with one guard sleeping right by the door.
From some old crates and barrels hid Kit, Gilbert and David. Kit looked over to see the two guards pacing steadily in front of the tower. Each one holding their swords close to them as they paced.
“Safe to say we’re not gonna easily sneak by the front door.” Kit whispered as he slunk back behind the barrel beside his friends.
“I hope Arthur comes through and knows what he’s doing.” Gilbert said.
“He’s the future advisor to James. I think he’ll hold his own.” Soon enough Arthur comes out and he quickly goes over to the two guards and urgently gestures them towards the stable, which was just a few yards away from where Gilbert and the others were hiding.
The plan was for Arthur to lure any guards from their position by order of Prince James who ‘claimed’ to see a member of Robin’s Merry band sneaking into the stables. From there Gilbert, David and Kit would knock the guards out and disguise themselves as the guards, followed by getting the key and freeing the townspeople.
As the two guards were racing towards Kit and the others, David extended out the end of his bow which caused the guards to trip and soon Gilbert and Kit dragged them towards the barrels and knocked them out. They stripped them of their clothes and wore the guard’s uniform.
“Right so David stay out here till the first batch of townsfolk come out, then lead them to the back entrance where Marian and Little John helped Gale escape to.” Gilbert told him.
“Right.” David nodded as Gilbert and Kit went back to their guarding positions. The two of them met up with Arthur and Kit said.
“You got the key?”
“No. Apparently this drunken fool forgot to take it off his belt before he passed out.” Arthur explained as he gestured to the sleeping guard that was snoring like a pig at his post.
“Alright then. Leave it to me.” Gilbert said as he rolled his sleeves up. Much like he learned from Robin and Gale, Gilbert was the 3rd best cat burglar of the group.
He could swindle your pocket change and you wouldn’t have even known about it till you tried to buy something. He could swipe the prized necklace off your neck with just a feathery touch and a broken finger, and your wedding ring well—Gilbert could take that off your finger with just his fingernail and sell it to the highest bitter.
He spotted the keys hanging off the left side of the guard’s belt. Slowly he unbuckled the guard’s belt and using one of his arrows, he hooked it into the key ring and slowly pulled on it till it slid off his belt.
Gilbert grabbed the keys and unhooked all three of them off the ring as Arthur unlocked the tower gate doors and the three of them raced up the tower stairs towards the jail cells upstairs. Arthur unlocked the last door and there they saw the people of Nottingham all together in chains, some barely hanging onto life, others broken spirited.
The three men all worked together to free the people who looked at them with hope and gratitude. When he unlocked the Sharpe family from their bonds, young Michael held his bow and arrow and said.
“Alright I’m ready where’s the bad guys!?”
“Whoa, whoa take it easy laddie.” Kit told him. “We admire your courage but right now we could use an extra hand in getting all these people out of here, think you can be the man to do just that and lead the first batch to David?” Michael nodded strongly. “That’s a good lad.” Kit ruffled Michael’s hair before telling everyone the plan.
Once his family and the first dozen of townsfolk were free, Michael led them downstairs and using the special techniques that Gale taught him, he first peeked out and let out a robin whistle towards Daniel who replied back to him in the same tune.
“Okay, follow me everyone.” They quickly raced out towards David who led them across the courtyard and back towards the garden.
Inside the castle, some of the guards were patrolling the castle when one of them came up to the Prince James’ bedchambers and quickly looked inside to see the young prince fast asleep in his bed.
He nodded before closing the door and left to continue his patrol. James opened one eye then quickly pulled himself off his bed and quick as a flash opened up his balcony window. Down below he could see Robin scaling up the side of his balcony, just a foot or two from reaching him. Once he got close enough, James pulled him up and Robin said.
“Did you do it?”
“Slipped my bastard of an uncle and his slithery snake advisor a little something in their food? Yeah. Knocked them right out. Good news is that his bedchambers lines up exactly with the prison tower where Arthur is helping your men free the towns people.”
“Excellent. So all we need to do is a simple deposit from one tower to the next.” James nodded and the two of them left his bedchambers and snuck up towards his uncle’s just down the hall.
They slowly crept inside to see hills upon hills of sacks filled with gold. Not only did the gold belong to the people of Nottingham, but all of England’s riches lied within this very bedchamber.
“We better work fast.” Robin whispered to James. He nodded and Robin opened up the main balcony window and readied an arrow with a long rope attached to the feathered tail. He carefully aimed straight for the prison tower and let the arrow fly.
It flew straight through the barred windows and landed right along the wall. Gilbert looped the arrow through a iron keyhole before walking back towards the window to aim the arrow back towards Prince John’s bedchambers. With a careful eye and steady hand. Gilbert released the arrow and it landed right into the Prince’s bedchamber. After tying their end to the top bar above the royal bed, they had their makeshift pulley system ready to go.
The two men nodded to each other and proceeded to grab a sack of gold, tie it off and send it down towards the prison tower for the remaining prisoners as well as Robin’s men to collect.
As the gold arrived at the tower, Gilbert and Arthur pulled the gold inside while Friar Tuck and Kit handed the gold to the people.
“Praise the Lord and pass the tax refund.” Friar Tuck said as he handed an elderly couple a sack for each of them to carry. The elderly couple smiled warmly and the woman even embraced the gold close to her breast.
This plan continued to go along smoothly as the clock continued to pass on and the night slowly shifted to dawn.
The clock tower chimed 4am, dawn was fast approaching. James and Robin looked at each other and James said as he tied the last sack of gold.
“That’s the last of it, let’s go.” He whispered to Robin. He nodded and the two of them quickly raced towards the balcony and grabbed ahold of their make-shift pulley system and rode it the rest of the way towards the dungeon tower. Robin slid through the window first and he then helped James.
“Going somewhere gentlemen?” that haunting, gravely baritone voice spoke. The two men slowly turned around to meet over 30 arrows pointed right at them, and the Sheriff himself standing before them with his arms crossed over his chest.
“Sheriff of Nottingham, As Prince of England I hereby sentence you—”
“So sorry your majesty but I no longer take orders from you, by order of your uncle. In fact,” he snapped his fingers and soon the two of them were taken into custody as several men forced Robin and James to their knees. “It shall be my honor to say that you both shall hang by the neck until death. Just shortly after we burn the witch in trial.”
“Yeah, well good luck finding her. By now she’ll be miles away from you.” Robin sneered.
“Hmmm. Think so?” the Sheriff hummed. At this they could hear the grunts and screams of one Gale Hood.
“No! NO!!” Robin thrashed wildly at hearing his sister’s screams.
“Did you really think I wouldn’t have thought you’d be coming? So the King and I had the royal army hidden within the forest to capture anyone who tried to escape. Including those meddlesome townsfolk.” Robin struggled like a rapid animal trying to get to the Sheriff but the guards held him strong and firm.
Soon the Sheriff sucker punched him in the gut which made Robin crumble to the ground as he coughed out harshly. James struggled in his hold and he spat venomously at the Sheriff.
“I swear to God above Sheriff, you won’t get away with this!”
“No need for petty threats your highness. You’ll soon be joining alongside them. Your death will be the perfect leverage against your father.”
“What are you talking about?!”
“If I told you straight away we’d have to kill you. Oh wait, we’re already gonna do that. Take them away, and make sure they have a good view of Gale’s execution.” The guards soon took the young Prince and rebel of the people away from the tower’s dungeon.
As the sun slowly rose above the gallows, a man was throwing hay and sticks around Gale Hood’s feet as she was tied to the stake. A few feet away from her, the executioner held the flaming torch in his hands, his masked face making him look like the Grim reaper about to snatch her soul away and send it to Hell. All the while the sound of the executioner’s drumbeats echoed throughout the air.
“The Prisoner Gale Hood has been found guilty of the crime of witchcraft.” The drumbeats paused as the Sheriff continued to read out, “The sentence……Death!”
The people of Nottingham who were forced to witness this gruesome execution all fought against the royal guard who held them back with their spears or axes to keep them from interfering.
“She’s harmless!”
“Let her go!”
“She’s done nothing wrong!”
“She is innocent!” were some of the screams of the town’s people. Gale Hood’s heart was rapidly beating out of fear as she watched as more piles of sticks were being added till finally they felt it was good enough for a big fire deserving for her. She stared at the executioner in pure fear.
While down below Robin and his friends along with Marian and Arthur were all in cages surrounded by guards so that even if there was a slim chance of them escaping, they’d never make it pass the guards. Prince James however, he was dealt with the worst punishment.
For he was forced to stand at his uncle’s side on a makeshift platform where the throne looked over the gallows. He was chained by his hands and ankles right by his uncle’s throne like a dog forced to watch as his beloved would be burned alive.
“The time has come Gale Hood, you stand upon the break of the abyss. Yet even now it is not too late. You can spare yourself the flames of this world, and the next. Choose me, or the fire.” The Sheriff spoke to her in that deep, low voice of his that sent terrifying shivers up Gale’s spine.
After all that he’d done to her. Captured her, raped her, Gale knew better than to submit to him. In her last ditch effort to give the Sheriff what-for, she reared her head back and spat right in his face. The crowd all gasped as the Sheriff looked at her appalled.
“Go…….fuck…..yourself!” she hissed.
“Then in the name of his royal majesty King John the 1st, I hereby sentence you to burn at the stake until death, and may the Lord have mercy on your soul.” He nodded to the executioner and the two of them traded spots.
Not wanting to bare this anymore, something in James snapped. He pulled as hard as he could on the chains until his uncle let go of the leash-chain that held James in place. He raced towards the gallows and stood protectively in front of Gale.
“If you kill her you’ll have to kill me too!”
“James no!” Marian shouted.
“James you can’t.” Gale whimpered to him. “England needs you.”
“They’re going to kill me either way. And I’d rather die with you than watch you die before me. I told you Gale, I’d rather spend one lifetime on this Earth with you, than face all the ages of this world alone. I love you.” Gale’s eyes filled with tears as James leaned his forehead against hers.
“I love you James Lionheart.”
“And I love you, Gale Hood.”
“Well what are you waiting for? Kill them!” ordered Prince John as he now stood by the Sheriff’s side at the gallows.
“WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!?!?” a loud boom of a voice cried out.
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“Make Peace With Your Feelings” JJ Imagine Part 5
Summary: Olivia is the younger sister of John B and has always followed along with the Pogues. JJ was like a second brother to her and often crashed at their place. She really struggles after her fathers disappearance and she starts to self destruct, even JJ is having a hard time getting through to her.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Neither of us really said anything on the boat ride back to our house. I didn’t want to admit that seeing the Royal Merchant gave me hope that dad might actually be out there and John B was disappointed about not finding the gold. Of course as soon as we walked in the door our social worker was waiting for us. John B immediately started rambling and talking his way out of it, while I just watched, resigned to our fate. We were stupid to think there was anything we could do to stop it.
“Just shut up.” I told him after a minute. “We’re being split up and there is nothing we can do about it. Let’s just go pack our shit.” I didn’t wait for his response, I just went to my room and shut the door.
“I’m sorry Olivia, but you have to keep the door open,” Sheryl said, standing in the now open doorway. I just scoffed and went back to shoving random shit in my bag. I thought about trying to sneak some alcohol while Sheryl wasn’t looking, but one glance at her told me that wasn’t going to work. I grabbed the photo of my dad holding me and my brother on the beach when we were little and followed Sheryl and the Sheriff out to the car.
We weren’t far out of the driveway when John B caught my eye. He was holding the picture of dad he had near the open window. I wasn’t sure what he was trying to tell me, but I watched him as he purposefully let the picture fall out the window and made a show of it.
“Please, you have to stop the car, it’s all I have left. Please!” He begged and surprisingly Sheryl gave in and told the deputy to pull over. He got out to look for it and John B asked if he could help. This time she didn’t immediately give in but after a moment she unlocked the door. John B smiled at me and quickly motioned to his seatbelt. I finally caught on and unhooked mine at the same time he did his, grabbing my bag in my other hand. He opened his door and bolted out. I knew I couldn't make it around the car and it’d be harder to catch us if we split up, so I ran the opposite way of him out my door and headed for JJ’s place.
I didn’t stop running until I made it to where he and Pope were talking behind the shed.
“What the hell did you do? Running from the cops?” JJ teased.
“Actually yeah. Social worker showed up to take us into foster care, so I guess I’m officially a fugitive.”
“Okay well Kiara is making us go to that summer beach movie so you can come to that, incognito.” he put his hat on my head and then took a step back. “After you shower.” I glared at him.
“Sorry I didn’t have time to do my hair and makeup while being kicked out of my house and fleeing from child services.”
“I’m kidding,” he said as Kiara pulled up. Pope headed to the car and I went to follow, but JJ stopped me. “I know I ask you this all the time and you hate it, but-”
“I’m fine. We avoided foster care for now, but eventually we’re going to have to do more than just keep running. I don’t even have anywhere to stay.” I looked up at him hopefully, but he quickly looked away.
“I’m sure you can crash with Kie. Have a slumber party and shit,” his teasing tone did little to cover the tension. His dad was a drunk and barely around. I knew he was caught up in some shady stuff, but I still didn’t get why he wouldn’t offer to let me stay with him.
“Yeah, of course.” I replied sourly. He sighed and started to say something else, but I just hopped in the front seat of the car, throwing my bag on the floor. Kiara looked over at me questioningly, but I just put my feet on the dash and looked out the window.
Part of me thought I was being irrational. Just because he’s my boyfriend or whatever didn’t mean he needed to let me stay at his house, but I was also pissed that he was just trying to pass me off. He only seemed to care about me when it was convenient for him. I just felt alone.
“Aren’t you guys glad I made you come?” Kiara asked as she set her chair down in the grass. Pope shifted uncomfortably, glancing around like a paranoid freak and JJ was just watching me. “Okay, well I’m going to go get some drinks,” she said awkwardly, though none of us were really listening.
JJ sat on the blanket next to me as soon as she walked away. “I’m sorry about earlier. I just,” he paused and bit his lip. “I know I can be kind of a dick sometimes and I act like I’m this ladies man-” I was unable to suppress a giggle at that and he bumped my shoulder with his teasingly. “Okay, fine, but what I’m trying to say is that even if I act like I don’t care sometimes, you are the only girl I’ve ever liked and now that you’re my girlfriend, I don’t want to screw it up.”
My heart was racing and my stomach was doing so many flips I could barely concentrate on what I was trying to say, so I just leaned in and softly kissed him.
“So I just ran into Rafe,” Kiara interrupted, collapsing into her chair. I tensed up, immediately looking around for him. After scanning the crowd for a few moments I found him sitting in the back with Topper and Kelce. He caught my eye and winked at me making my skin crawl. “I’m sorry JJ tell me that you didn’t bring a gun here, there are children.” Kiara growled. I had clearly missed some of the conversation as JJ was now holding up his bag to Pope who looked terrified.
I turned away from JJ who was still arguing with Kiara to accuse Pope, “you swore you wouldn’t say anything.” I whispered angrily.
“I didn’t!”
“Then why did JJ bring a gun here and is freaking out about Rafe?” He contemplated for a second too long, so I smacked his arm. “Pope, I trusted you!”
He blurted out, “JJ and I went back after we dropped you off and sunk Toppers boat.”
“Are you insane?” I didn’t bother to control my volume this time.
“What the hell did you guys do?” Kiara cut in.
Pope leaned across my lap to get closer to Kiara, “it might go down tonight,” he said ominously.
“What does that mean?” She asked just as the movie started to play, removing the chance for either of them to answer, but I heard JJ whispering deny to Pope.
A few minutes into the movie JJ grabbed put his arm around me and after a little while I relaxed against his chest, smiling to myself. Maybe I was overreacting earlier.
“JJ, I gotta go.” Pope whispered over halfway into the movie. “They’re blocking the bathroom.” He added in a panicked voice after looking back at the three boys who were definitely strategically placed so that they would have to walk by them to go to the bathroom.
“Okay, uh, follow me.” JJ removed his arm and stood up in a crouch.
“Where are you going?” I asked.
He didn’t know that Pope told me why the kooks were pissed at them, so he was clearly anxious. “Going to wring it out.”
Kiara scoffed, “what are you going to do hold it for each other?” They didn’t answer, just walked over to the trees behind the screen.
Kiara was trying to watch the movie, but I just kept watching the edges of the screen waiting for them to come back. Rafe honestly terrified me and I felt more vulnerable than I cared to admit without JJ.
“Kie, we gotta go.” I said nervously as I saw Topper disappear behind the screen where JJ and Pope were.
She followed my eyes, “do you know why they're freaking out?”
“Yeah, but I don’t have time to explain, we have to go now.” My fear only intensified when I went to stand up and hit my foot against JJ’s bag. “Shit.”
I grabbed the bag, sliding it over my bag and as quickly as possible without drawing attention to us followed the path to where the boys were. Once we were close enough to hear the grunts of pain I broke into a run.
Kelce was holding JJ by his elbows while Rafe sent blow after blow into his stomach. Without thinking I jumped on the back of Kelce and reached down to pry his hands off JJ. In my peripheral vision, I saw Kiara pick up JJ’s bag that had fallen off my shoulder and use it to hit Topper who was wailing on Pope. Kelce reached down to pull me off him, successfully making him let go of JJ who was then able to fight back against Rafe. I wouldn’t let go, I just kept hitting him wherever I could while hooking my feet against his stomach. Suddenly, I felt his momentum moving backward and was confused until I felt the air leave my lungs as he propelled both of us back into a tree. I fell down and Kelce went back to pinning JJ in place so Rafe could beat the shit out of him. Kiara and Pope were fighting against Topper, who was choking Pope.
I heard JJ let out a grunt of pain. I was completely helpless and furious until I spotted JJ’s bag on the ground. The gun. I reached into the bag and pulled it out. It felt heavier than I expected. My heart was pounding against my chest and seemed to echo with the sounds of the fight. Was I really going to shoot someone?
“Stop it!” Kiara screamed. “You’re killing them.”
I shoved the gun back into the bag and pulled out the lighter instead, fumbling with it to get it to light. Finally the flame sparked and I tilted the lighter so it would ignite the screen. Once it took hold, it spread fast.
Screams echoed in the background and I grabbed the bag before scrambling over to where the fight was breaking apart. JJ and Pope were both gasping for air while Rafe, Topper, and Kelce were retreating while still calling out threats that it wasn’t over.
“Are you okay?” I asked JJ, offering him my hand.
“Yeah,” he coughed. “Nice one.” He nodded at the screen that was being quickly devoured by the flames.
We walked over to collect the rest of our things with Pope and Kiara as sirens crept closer and closer. Pope got in the front with Kiara, while I sat in the back with JJ.
The whole ride to JJ and Pope’s houses, the three of them chatted about what happened and filled Kiara in, while I silently cried and tried to still my trembling hands. We were almost there by the time JJ looked over at me and saw.
“Liv, what’s wrong?” He asked quietly, although Kiara and Pope clearly noticed as well, but they kindly started a loud conversation between the two of them.
“I was going to do it,” I choked out. “I was going to kill him.”
JJ moved closer to me and held me tightly. I completely broke down, terrified of what I had just confessed. Rafe was horrible, but if I was willing to kill him when there were other options, what did that make me?
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Wildflower - Chapter 2
here’s the previous chapter
Soulmate AU where things in your life appear as flowers tattooed on your skin, each with their own meaning.
Calum inspected his newly acquired bloom in the mirror the next morning. It was small in size, which was good despite the fact that the bright blue petals made his skin look bruised. He rubbed frustratedly at the flower in hopes to make it go away, but that only made the petunia stand out more against his reddened skin. His actions were futile and he knew it. He pulled his shirt down in anger before storming out of the bathroom, unwilling to stare at the reflection of a cursed man a second longer.
He hated the fact that a stranger he had met twice had managed to mark his skin with such ease. He hated the fact that of all people, Calum was forced to associate his bloom with Rory, the girl he could only describe as a bitch. Because she was a bitch. He hated the fact that his body now housed two undesirable blooms.
Duke’s paws padded against the wooden floorboards as he made his way over to Calum, nudging his dad’s calf with his furry head to remind him that it was time for his daily walk. He crouched down to stroke the dog’s head, a gentle smile tugging at his lips for the first time that day. A walk could do them good.
The park was busier than usual, presumably to do with the fact that a small Christmas market had established itself there for the duration of the month. The smell of cinnamon and chocolate lured Calum closer to the stands that each year he fought hard to avoid. Maybe it was because he missed home, but Calum was always reluctant to embrace the wintertime Christmas culture. It made him feel like he was losing the person he used to be.
Calum remembers his first Christmas away from home.
He was staying in London with his four best friends, excitement in their eyes as they watched snowflakes fall for the first time in their lives. Christmas carols were playing in the background to get them in the yuletide mood; the roast dinner smelled amazing and multiple gifts were tucked neatly beneath the Christmas tree.
But everything felt so wrong to Calum as he sat down to eat his dinner. The fact that the sun had set at 4pm and that the temperature outside was below zero felt wrong. The fact that his usual barbecue had been replaced by a roasted chicken felt wrong. The fact that he was trapped inside a thick jumper when Calum was used to spending a shirtless day by the pool also felt wrong. All he could think about was his family, spending Christmas day in the sun as God intended. And it was that very day, at that very dinner table, that Calum bloomed a sprig of golden wattle on his forearm. The spirit of the Australian people.
He wrapped his coat tighter around his torso as he searched the makeshift aisles for the hot chocolate stand. The market was filled to the brim with children running around, racing each other to see who could reach the small grotto first to meet Santa. Calum smiled to himself as he noticed the excitement on their faces, ecstatic to meet the man who supposedly left them gifts every year.
The smell of chocolate became stronger and stronger with every step he took until Calum was finally standing in front of the place he was looking for. The hot chocolate stand.
“Hi Calum,” said the person he least wanted to see at that moment, standing across the wooden counter with a small smile on her lips. Rory.
He couldn’t help but roll his eyes at the odds of meeting her here. “What can I get you?”
“Medium hot chocolate,” he grumbled.
Calum stared at the ground as she prepared his drink, hoping to minimise their interaction as much as possible. She placed his drink on the counter but when he went to grab it, Rory pulled it away from his grasp. “Can I help you?” he muttered in confusion at her antics.
“It’s on the house if we could have a quick chat,” Rory said somewhat hopefully.
Calum pulled out the money that was due from his wallet and placed it upon the counter, pushing it slightly towards her with an unamused expression. “In that case, I’m even more inclined to pay.”
“In that case, I’m not giving you a choice. We’re having a chat,” Rory told him with determination, pushing the five dollar bill back towards him. She told her coworker she was talking her break before leaving from the side of the stall, Calum’s hot chocolate gripped between her fingers.
Calum released a frustrated sigh as he tucked the green note back into his wallet before following behind her. His hands scrunched up into fists as he thought about things he hated. Rory, the fact that he was following Rory like a whipped fool and Michael for indirectly putting him in this situation in the first place.
She sat down at a bench and waited for him to join her before speaking.
“I think I should apologise for whatever happened last night. I don’t actually know what you bloomed but you’re clearly pissed off at me so I wanted to say sorry,” Rory explained, watching as Calum unhooked the leash from Duke’s collar to let the dog run around freely. “I’m sorry.”
Calum took a long sip of his drink and fuck did it taste as good as it smelled. Rory took his silence as a hint that he still didn’t want to talk.
“You were right, you know? I was never validated as a child. Mommy never complimented my drawings. Daddy never came to any of my ballet recitals. But I wasn’t bullied for my bra size, thank you very much. I was bullied for the yellow carnations on my back.” Disappointment. The universe had deemed her a disappointment and Calum was feeling sorry for himself because of the small petunia on his hip. Calum’s angry bloom suddenly didn’t seem so bad. “So yeah, I’ve got an inferiority complex and I’m a bitch. But I’m a bitch that’s sorry.”
“I don’t need your apology,” he mocked, keeping a straight face. “Your words can’t change what happened, they do literally nothing to help me.” Calum held back a teasing smile when he saw Rory roll her eyes playfully from the corner of his.
“Touché,” she commended, tightening her ponytail. “What did you bloom?”
“Why do you work at the Christmas market?”
“I’m volunteering.”
“How selfless of you,” Calum nodded, not quite expecting that response from Rory. Duke ran back towards the bench and hopped onto Calum’s lap, muddy paws dirtying his jeans. “Fucking hell, Duke,” he sighed, placing his drink beside him before lowering Duke onto the ground. He grimaced at the sight of his trousers, hands trying to wipe the dirt off of his jeans.
“He’s a good boy,” Rory remarked with a playful tone, watching Calum hook the leash back onto Duke’s collar.
“The goodest boy,” he affirmed, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. He picked up his drink as he stood up, holding it out in the air to draw Rory’s attention to the cup. “So, we’re good? I don’t owe you anything?”
Rory shook her head, tucking her hands into the pockets of her coat as she stood up. “You don’t owe me anything.”
“Happy New Year!” greeted Calum as he let the friends of his friends flood into his home, ready to drink into the next year with semi-familiar faces.
Calum was hosting the New Years Eve party this year with his roommate Roy. Over the past three years, Calum and his band mates had taken turns throwing the annual celebration and this time the responsibility had fallen onto his lap. Calum didn’t mind though. New Year’s Eve felt the same wherever he was in the world, and Calum wasn’t one to turn down any excuse to party.
The speakers blasted classics through the decades, bouncing from one hit to the next for hours on end. LEDs lit the apartment in colours ranging from red to green to blue as he bounced to the rhythm of the music with his friends.
“I’m going out for a smoke,” he told Luke who shook his head incredulously at him, lips tilting upwards when his tipsy boyfriend began pressing kisses to his cheek.
“Weren’t you going to quit?” Luke yelled over the music, arms wrapping around Adrian’s neck to pull him closer. And then they were kissing, lost in their own little world before Calum got a chance to reply.
A small part of Calum envied them. He envied the forget-me-nots that covered the skin of Luke’s shoulder blade, matching the ones on Adrian’s hand. He envied the way they held each other softly, lovingly, like the only thing that mattered to them in that moment was the man in their arms. Calum longed to feel that way about someone. He yearned to have what they had.
Roy yelled that there were fifteen seconds left until midnight, turning down the music to let his voice be heard, and soon enough the whole apartment was counting down the remaining seconds. Calum was glad Roy had interrupted his envious thoughts before a jealous hydrangea bloomed on his forehead.
Excitement bubbled in Calum’s chest as he thought of the year ahead, happy that at least he’d be starting it off right; drunk and surrounded by all of his friends.
So much can change in a year.
His eyes met Rory’s across the room as they pronounced the last number and the clock struck twelve. Surrounding couples joined their lips together while the rest of the room erupted into cheers. It was only when Luke and Adrian wrapped their arms around him, excitedly yelling ‘Happy New Year!’, did Calum come out of his daze.
“Happy New Year guys, I love you,” Calum grinned, embracing his two friends back. He playfully rolled his eyes as they mocked his words of affection before going to find his other friends to wish them the same thing.
“You came,” he noted, somewhat surprised when he found Rory up on the roof terrace, leaning on the metallic railing beside her. She gave him a quick nod while she blew out a cloud of smoke.
“Michael invited me. You don’t mind, right?” Calum shook his head, hand reaching out to grab the cigarette she offered him.
“It’s New Years, anyone is welcome here tonight,” he smiled softly before taking a drag. “Happy New Year, by the way.”
“Happy New Year,” Rory repeated as she reclaimed the cigarette, fingers almost brushing against his during the exchange. Almost. “Any resolutions?”
“Uh, I don’t know,” he shrugged, brows furrowing when he heard the music turn off downstairs. “Excuse me,” Calum muttered as he made his way back down to the party.
Everyone appeared annoyed despite their inebriated state, trudging their legs towards the front door. Calum pushed past his guests to reach the front of the crowd, finding a policeman standing menacingly beneath the doorway.
Sounds about right, he thought.
Calum felt helpless as he watched his friends flood out of his home. His neighbours just had to file enough noise complaints to shut his party down, one hour into New Year’s day. They just had to ruin his first glimpse at the new year, tainting the months ahead with a feeling of dread. If the first hour had been bad, Calum didn’t want to know what else was coming his way.
He eventually walked back into his living room, confused when he saw Rory frantically searching for something around the room. Calum leaned against the door frame, watching her with an intrigued expression. “You alright?” Calum questioned, turning on the normal lights to brighten up the place.
“I can’t find my fucking jacket,” she complained as she retraced her steps a third time. “Both my phone and my keys are in there.”
Calum looked around the apartment with Rory for wherever it could’ve been misplaced, the pair of them ending up empty handed.
“I’ll ask around, it should turn up tomorrow if anyone’s got it. Do you have a way to get back home? Or to get in?”
“Uh, yeah, I live around six blocks from here and I’ve got a key tucked into a top secret hiding spot just in case. So, uh, see you next time.”
“I’m walking you home,” Calum stated, already making his way to the hallway where he could grab his coat and keys. Rory chased behind him speaking words of disapproval, telling him over and over that she would be fine on her own, that she didn’t need him to protect her. “You can’t change my mind, Rory,” Calum said pointedly, opening the front door. “I’m walking you home.”
“At least make me a hot chocolate for the road.”
They found themselves in his kitchen a few minutes later, countertops filled with spilt whiskey and empty beer cans. Rory managed to find a clean spot she could hoist herself onto as Calum carefully read the instructions at the back of the packaging. His curls covered his forehead, trying their hardest to reach his eyes but failing.
“Did you forget how to make it, or what?” Rory teased.
“I just want to get it right.”
A warm mug of hot chocolate eventually made its way into Rory’s hands who hummed in delight after the first sip.
“Task completed successfully.”
There was an air of awkwardness surrounding the pair as they walked down the barely lit streets, sodium lampposts painting what little they saw around them yellow. Music could be heard from the windows of apartments nearby and Calum did all but curse their neighbours for not getting their parties shut down as well.
“I think that my New Year resolution is to work out more,” said Calum, answering the question she posed at the rooftop in hopes to interrupt the silence.
“That’s such a shit resolution,” Rory snorted with a soft shake to her head. “It’s up there with quitting chocolate and procrastination. It’s the kind of standard goal that boring people set themselves because they have no true aspirations.” Calum rolled his eyes playfully at her words, kicking the can that was resting in his path.
“What does an interesting person like you choose for their New Years resolution, then? I need inspiration since apparently I’m so boring.”
“Can’t tell you or else it won’t come true,” she shrugged, tone nonchalant.
“It’s not a birthday wish,” he said incredulously, concentrating on not letting Rory kick the metallic can away from him. “Or are you too ashamed to admit that you’re boring too?”
“I guess we’ll never know,” she replied, a mischievous smile on her lips once she finally managed to kick the can onto the parallel road.
Calum was forced to face the adjacent door to Rory’s apartment once they reached it, not allowed to find out where she kept hidden her secret key.
The place was small, though it was also the perfect size for a person living alone. Paintings of flower-covered skin filled every inch of her walls. The colourful petals looked vibrant against drawings of shoulders and ribcages, standing out beautifully against flesh of different tones. Calum took a few fascinated steps closer to study the artwork, astounded by the realism and detail.
“You’re an artist?” Calum asked, turning his head away from the wildflowers on the wall.
“Aspiring artist,” clarified Rory, stepping towards the windows to close the curtains. “I work at a tattoo parlour though, so I still get to produce art in a way. On people, not canvases, but we’ll get there one day.”
“I’m sure you will,” Calum hummed, knowing from experience that if you really want something, it will happen. Or perhaps he was just lucky. “You’re really talented.”
“Thanks,” she murmured, throwing her hair over the chrysanthemums on her shoulder. Calum nodded politely as he took a few steps back towards the open front door. “I think I better get going.”
“Why did you walk me home?”
“What do you mean?” he questioned with a confused demeanour, hand resting on the doorknob.
“You know what I mean,” she insisted calmly, making her way to stand in front of him. Rory was tall, taller than average, and yet she still had to lift her chin up to face Calum. “Why did you walk me home?”
“Why did you let me into your apartment?” Calum challenged with a teasing grin, leaning his arm on the wooden door frame. “I only planned on walking you to the building to make sure you were safe, but you insisted on me making sure I took you to the door. You also asked me to make you a hot chocolate.”
“What are you trying to say?” she spoke almost menacingly, though there was a playful layer wrapped around her voice.
“I think those were all tactics to spend time with me,” he explained cheekily, mischief in his eyes. “You like me.”
“I do not,” Rory huffed, horror painted on her every feature.
“I’m only teasing,” Calum chuckled softly, stepping backwards into the hallway. Rory rolled her eyes at him, clearly unamused. “This was fun,” he admitted, tucking his hands into the pockets of his coat. “We should do it again sometime.”
“In your dreams, Hood.”
The sun was beginning to rise as he walked the empty streets, occasionally walking past a drunk group of friends that made their way back home after a wild night. Calum felt the familiar tingle on the back of his calf, waiting a few nervous seconds to see the new bloom upon his skin. It was a lotus flower. New beginnings.
Calum’s lips curled into a smile as he looked down at the soft pink petals, excited for what the year had to bring.
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So it’s swf and we were doing 4 Davids and I said, ‘you know with the way he stands with his fists clenched, he looks like a dude who talks with a thick Cockney accent, wears a woolen flat cap, and gets in pub brawls all the time’. And bruh was like, ‘what accent?’ so I quoted something from Prisoner of Azkaban and he was like, ‘oh, English, well I should hope so since he’s from Manchester and wasted his life at the bar after fucking up his privilege’. I never paid attention to David’s backstory because he wasn’t interesting enough to, so this was kind of hilarious even if I was partially wrong.
So commence the pretending to be a newb again!
Basic Survivor cosmetics. No Charms. No Teachable Perks. Only the kind you can get in any Bloodweb. Try to Survive. Somehow be the only one who Survived.
Again, if you’re going to use a build that requires you to slug Survivors so you get the most value out of your Perks, you should have already accepted the chances that someone might have Unbreakable. How you’re allowed to have a plan for your build, but Survivors aren’t, is fucking ridiculous. Either learn how to actually play something like DbD, or stick to Animal Crossing.
I had a Key. Everyone could see it’s whiteness easily. We’re all Healing around the Hatch when Felix comes up and helps out. Gets Healed up. Leaves. Literally with me waving him back, he ran away, and since the Killer was coming, I opened the Hatch and 3 of us Escaped. He didn’t make it out.
When the last Gen pops and the dull Totem you were working on starts glowing seconds before it breaks! So the Killer rage-quits because it seems like NO-ED was broken in 3 seconds! XD
Face-camping Leatherfaces really can’t handle if you outwit them. I had Borrowed Time on me because I just got saved and was going to save the person getting camped a few meters away. I rushed right in and he lets his revving chainsaw go. I take the hit but Borrowed Time saves me and he crashes into the wall by the Hook and throws a tantrum. I unHook Meg so she gets Borrowed Time while he’s revving up again, and then I Dead Hard away while she takes the hit because she had Borrowed Time, and you hear that metal sound of him slamming into the Hook and then going nuts! And then the screen goes black.
IstG, almost every time I’ve spawned into a match to find a Killer just standing still and doing nothing, I always watch everyone fuck around with them and then watch as the Killer fucks them up because they were waiting for their guard to be let down.
Somehow, every time I get the swamp map, I always spawn in the same fucking place!
Nothing apparently more insulting to a Huntress than treating their throws like shit. I did not rush to avoid any of his hatchets. I simply walked and he kept missing! He landing hits on everyone else though, just not me! 2 of the last Gens were right next to each other so he kept a hatchet up while another Claudette and I just split his attention between them while the Megs did the last Gen on the other side of the map. Calmly walking around a Gen when he throws a hatchet at you is fucking hilarious! I wasn’t wasting my Sprint Burst for that. Not when he might choose to commit and actually come at me for once. He had that one hatchet left and refused to move toward the school or shack to reload because we’d no doubt get some good progress in the time it took.
Michael with NO-ED and Blood Warden. Couldn’t get anyone even with a No Mither Survivor on the team. 1 Gen left and I’m Injured and Cleansing a Totem. Halfway through, Adrenaline pops and the Totem starts glowing! It breaks! However, the No Mither guy finally got downed and Hooked and one dude DCs and then the next DCs and No Mither doesn’t even wait after that, they just kill themselves on the Hook so they’re probably swf. It was a shame because I was next to the Hatch and had a Key for it too. We could have all still gotten out.
Got some great custom matches and when it was my turn to play Killer, I did Impossible Skill Checks Doc. We’re loading in, and everyone was like, “Why did you pic the meat plant? I hate that map!” and I was like, “It’s small!” And then they realized who I was after loading in. Got a 3K and almost got the 4K if I wasn’t turned around. I didn’t run Huntress Lullaby because people tend to find my Totems fast and break them, so I just used Overcharge, and within a minute they all realized the build I was going for and were like FUCK! With the Skill Checks made smaller, the already small Skill Check for Overcharge is ridiculously impossible to hit and I love it! I was just following people and in a breathy, high-pitched, childish voice I would go, “Hi fwen!” “Come back, fwen!” “Let’s play, fwen!” They all hated it and begged me to stop! XD
In another custom match, I decided to use Diversion and Red Herring because I don’t have them normally and I wanted to practice. So I kept tricking the dude into coming back to the same corner of the map with making the Gen explode and throwing pebbles! XD He finally caught on by the time there was 1 Gen left! I was hiding in a bush while he was obsessively checking Lockers, and i threw a pebble in the opposite direction, AND HE FELL FOR IT AGAIN!
In the last game, some people had to leave so the rest of us did a swf match and we got a palindrome of Offerings and a shit ton of pts as a result! The Killer was a stranger btw. 504% Bonus pts after the match!
If you don’t know how to get points while playing stealthy, then you shouldn’t bother playing stealthy. How I, the Blendette, managed to never confront the Killer all match, but still get the most pts out of everyone at 25K, is beyond me. Don’t attack me claiming I’m useless when you following the Killer all match in hopes of getting Flashlight saves(that you failed at), only got you 9K pts.
Now that that half the entrances to the elementary school are blocked by breakable walls that seem to never get broken, it’s a lot easier to loop Killers inside. I looped a Blight in the school, without using a pallet, for 3 Gens. And then had to start using pallets which lasted for another Gen. I finally had to leave and go somewhere else but the moment we left the school he got a hit off on a Meg and decided to Chase her instead!
This happened on the saloon map! It’s happened to me several times and I managed to get a pic for once! Also, this match Zarina and I worked together go Feng Min couldn’t get Hooked. I broke the Hook and Zarina took the hit so I had time. The Killer was pissed and tunneled me for the rest of the match!
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