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aceagilecrash · 3 months ago
ok so obvi;ously spoilers for arcane s2 finale
this is the first time I've had a dream about a ship and I figured I just wanna share it with you guys.
So it starts off right after jayce and viktor come together within the crystal / arcane and as some people have theorized it's actually a teleportation rune so LOLOL MY BRAIN HAD THOUGHT UP that they ended up in a location far removed from piltover/zaun.
In the dream they crash land into a meadow with a large tree near a cliffside. I just remember jayce and viktor waking up slowly and realize that they didn't actually die and that they lived through that. viktor still in his ratty ass blanket and with his cunty bob and jayce in his final battle clothes but obvi no hammer in sight. it's just the two of them and jayce can't believe that they're still alive despite everything. a little ways over is a small town / village
in my dream all i remember is jayce introducing himself as jayce talis and then when people see his hand on viktors' back hes like and my partner, viktor (which causes so much confusion amongst the villagers about their actual relationship)
ITS LIKE sometimes I see some scenes and I'm like there's no way the brain thought of that, but I remember them not really speaking about their relationship and it's so.... jayvik coded of them, because when it comes down to it that's one of their major issues between the two of them. THey don't know how to communicate lol
i just feel like it's been viktor's whole life to put up walls and barriers for himself to try to fit in with able bodied kids, to trying to fit in within piltover / the academy so he can prove that he's worth it as someone from the undercity/zaun that he belongs there. and so he's never really been himself or has the space to be himself except those brief times when he's with jayce, but i still feel like he puts up these walls to protect himself (i.g. when he wakes up and immediately pushes jayce away and breaks up with... def a defensive mechanism fer sure) bc he's scared that people won't accept him because of his flaws, that he's from zaun which people look down upon and he's disabled and not the most perfect looking guy.
then i think jayce is like... not to say spoiled, but he's used to getting everything that he wants, the only time notwithstanding is when he almost got exiled, but it's like he has funding to do the research that he wants and he does. and despite the forementioned exiling that still worked out in his favor because he ended up with viktor ( HIS SAVIOR ALWAYS ALWAYS HIS SAVIOR, MORE ON THAT LATER) and inventing hextech. but i think the thing with jayce is that like he is like this perfect example to piltover to like not only innovation Man of PRogress frfr, but like an able bodied man from a House TM with a sponsorship from a Counsilor House. And there's totally nothing wrong with that I will always at the end of the day be a jayce defender but the guys like that popular kid in high school thats captain of the football team and also on the math team you know? on top of that he's kind, but I just don't think he's had to work hard at something you know? and with viktor you would have to work hard to break down his barriers.
for example if you look at jayce's relationship with mel, it did start off because mel wanted something from jayce so that she could secure good footing with the creators' of hextech and to also establish jayce as a person with power that she can influence (hence him becoming a counselor its just the right moves for her) right? but it's also like you can't help but fall for jayce and his puppy dog eyes and I'm not saying i'm anti-mel, I think she's beautiful and smart and sly aND THE WOLF but she's also sorta perfect. the perfect girl for the perfect guy, except the whole time that jayce was with her jayce mostly brought up his imperfect dying best friend. he slept with her, but viktor is the one who's bedside he stayed by yk? like i think a part of him and what he realizes in season 2 from season 1 is that he has all these expectations placed on him and at the core of it, he's just a big nerd who's special interest is magic and he just wants to be with viktor
anyway so back to my dream, it's like my brain knew that and knew that a big reason why season 2 is the divorce arc is all the not communicating jayce and viktor do. so in this perfect area and smaller scale than piltover/zaun it's like they can start fresh and they do. but they don't talk about what happened to them and why they're there in the first place. their first logical step is survival mode they need to eat and they need shelter. so they do that, albeit with a lot of kindness from the villagers who feed them and house them temporary. in my dream, they use their engineering degrees to the fullest to help out in anyway despite the fact that between the two of them they only have like 2.5 functioning legs.
jayce builds them a house and it just makes sense frugal wise that there's only one bed and one building and he ends up with the town's black smithery but the black smith is very old and they don't really need him as much because they can get a lot of their supplies from other places when they can afford to go to other ports.
in my dream viktor builds the town children toys because the town is basically just old people and children and everyone else of age went to go to some military campaign? idk brains work weird and dreams just assume things. he's doing that and sometimes learning how to cook so that the two of them could actually stop relying on this old grandma that felt bad when she found them out in the woods eating random ass salamanders that jayce catches randomly and viktor didn't realize he got the appetite for them.
at the climax ish of the dream is that the village people start getting sick, and viktor realizes that hey actually he became somewhat of a mage, it's not as all powerful as what the hexcore was but he's still and has learned to be attuned with magic, it has the added bonus of not totally corrupting him. so he wants to help the people out because at the core of viktor IS THAT HE WANTS TO HELP PEOPLE. that's why him and jayce get along because sure they're both brilliant, but at the end of the day they're just nice dudes that wanna help people. so viktor wants to help people with magic. but jayce:?
jayce is scared because he wants nothing to do with magic anymore. he's overcorrecting the issue, he was obsessed with it and now he wants nothing to do with it. to him magic used to be the thing that saved him but then he realized that his actual savior has always been and will forever be viktor. and he lost viktor to the arcane, sure he's the one that gave him the hexcore to keep him alive, but it's only because of the influence of the arcane that viktor even did what he did in s2.
so they fight because for viktor it's about autonomy hes in control this time and he can do something to help so it's not within him to not help people who need help. and jayce is NOT getting what he wants which is now to live a peaceful life with viktor. and thats what the fight's always gonna be about is that they want two different things, but don't know how to communicate to each other in a healthy way, so viktor tries to leave.
but jayce has seen what alternate post herald viktor has seen and he's been told by him about viktor that jayce is the only one who convincer viktor otherwise, so he fights to keep him. he tells him how he cant lose him again honestly instead of just implying it with the stupid house he built and the working hard to provide him a home honey and building a house right next to the tree they landed next to because viktor loves sitting underneath it on sunny days to rest his leg when it's acting up. bc to me? i think jayce fell first, he just didn't realize. jayce fell in love with the man that stopped him from jumping and always wanted him to share in the spotlight. that he calls partner and never once looked down at viktor and always treated him as an equal and saw his faults and imperfections and it's not until that he had GONE INTO LITERALLY THE ASTRAL PLANE OF VIKTOR'S EXISTENCE? MIND? that he saw oh this man's not perfect and I still want him anyway. that life isn't worth it if he's not there. and it's why hes so anti magic now because to him even though for a long time he thought magic saved him, he realized that in actuality it's always been viktor. so he doesn't need magic anymore
viktor is soo unprepared for this bc to him this whole time period is about repentance for what he's done. he's not sure if he fully believes what jayce has said about him, but he's also not pulling up his barriers so high that jayce can't reach. (tho he did lower it mostly because he literally saw through jayce's minds perspective to him and its never weak, or unequal and he is seen as eyecatching to jayce) bc he's so used to seeing jayce with his perfect girlfriend, perfect life and he's like there's no room for me there so i will leave first before he can hurt me.
uhm and yeah i dont remember the rest of my dream, but my rambles and head canons are in here and i'm just so UGH FERAL ABOUT JAYVIK FER REAL like why did they do that LOL
i'd like to think that they work it out, that they find some way to help but also maintain their simple life and that its always gonna be the two of them in it together. that viktor lets himself despite his flaws get what he wants and that he deserves jayce. and jayce learns that sometimes you gotta fight hard for what you want and that if you're with the right person sometimes all you need is eachother.
anyway if you made it this far through my fucking rambling and incomplete sentences and incoherent paragraphs all for this stupid ship from a freaking toxic game, congrats! you also have a problem LOL also hit me up in the comments if you wanna see someone write this (not me someone write this for me hello???)
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aceagilecrash · 3 years ago
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when he is boyfriend🥵 but also boyfriend🥴
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aceagilecrash · 3 years ago
what if i 😳 what if i tore the world asunder for one person 👉👈 what if i caused incalculable suffering across the universe 🤭 for one life
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aceagilecrash · 3 years ago
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PSY ’That That’ ft. Suga MV
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aceagilecrash · 3 years ago
Oh my gosh. I just found this website that walks you though creating a believable society. It breaks each facet down into individual questions and makes it so simple! It seems really helpful for worldbuilding!
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aceagilecrash · 3 years ago
fuck it. kpop girl group twice dancing to carry on my wayward son by kansas
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aceagilecrash · 3 years ago
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that time jungkook delivered jimin his birthday flower bouquet on behalf of jimin’s dad  💐
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aceagilecrash · 3 years ago
that Diana Wynne Jones interview where she’s like “I don’t understand why so many girls are into Howl, it must be because they want the challenge of fixing him” is so optimistic, like DWJ’s out here hoping I at least want to make him a more functional person as if “rogue academic turned melodramatic fashion disaster whose social skills Do Not live up to his own hype” is not a perfectly valid thing to be attracted to 
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aceagilecrash · 4 years ago
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Korok Planter Decorations made by MuiMuiHouse
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aceagilecrash · 4 years ago
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Wasting time.
Aka. I just wanted to draw kitty cat.
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aceagilecrash · 4 years ago
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Favorite 2020 Illustrations ヽ(• ‿ •)ノ
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aceagilecrash · 5 years ago
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my holy trinity honestly 🥺🙏✨
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aceagilecrash · 5 years ago
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„a dancer dies twice – once when they stop dancing, and this first death ist the more painful.“
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aceagilecrash · 6 years ago
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I shouldn’t be alive, unless it was for a reason.
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aceagilecrash · 6 years ago
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#BT21summerbash Pick a palette and make a gifset or gfx with it! (cr. hobies)
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aceagilecrash · 6 years ago
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a dream
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aceagilecrash · 6 years ago
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fandom has been quite a mess lately so here are out of context photos of bangtan that will make you “??????”
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