#I put detail into this too it’s crazy 😞😞
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The Prince and the Ugly ass Princess ꨄ
Credit to @setoronini for the idea 😋
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nnnyxie · 9 months
So this one is angsty (if you squint) basically reader is Bakugos little sibling (by like a year or two to not make it weird) and they grew up together…And this is kinda mean!Izu x reader but whatever
Izu one day just randomly reflects on Bakugos bullying and is like well fuck him and decides to date his younger sibling to fuck with Bakugo as ‚revenge‘
Failing to inform them he was only dating them to fuck with their brother. He‘s still doting and sweet and oh so loving(he also failed to realize he fell for reader fr)…and on one random Tuesday they just overhear him speaking about it like on the phone to his friends being like „yeah Kacchan is totally pissed it worked like a charm“
Reader absolutely breaks down and runs to Kacchan for comfort because big brother is always the solution🤞 so then Izu dosen’t even realize and tries talking to reader and they just cut all contact and Izu panics and realizes what he feels for them but it‘s too late hehe. (I need some sort of happy ending for reader😭)
Bonus ofcourse would be lots and lots of groveling before they eventually restart, or reader moves on if you‘re not the second chance type..revenge is always the answer🫶🏻 idk both ends would be cute Idk when I turned into an angst Whore I used to be a fluff addict😞 #𖢥 izuku anon
i’m not much of a second chance person when it comes to this stuff but……. i like fluff……. so we shall see how the ending goes…….. it’s a wild card for the both of us???
(ps there is swearing bc it’s me…) (pps i did add a part where he said ‘fuckin with my blood’ but i originally had like— an adopted sibling in mind?? so just read however you’d like!!) (ppps i added some comfort from our girlies and kiri bc i LOVE them)
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for this we’re gonna pretend like the boys have had no progress in friendship and that they HATE each other with a passion and that season 6 didn’t happen!! AND that they’re in their second year while you, darling reader, are a first year at UA!!
okay so. despite katsuki being such an asshole and probably the most difficult person to deal with— he has such a soft spot for his little sibling!!
he makes it known that if anyone fucks with you— he’ll beat them worse than they could ever imagine. you thought his normal threats were bad? oh sweetheart, these are far worse!! he’ll go into solid detail and even give ‘warning’ hits.
enter izuku, your longtime crush. ever since you were kids, you have always liked him. loved him, even. you admire how ambitious he is and how far he’s come.
izuku was dense about your crush at first, in all honesty. it wasn’t until he overheard your conversation with katsuki in the dorm stairs one day!!
it was something along the lines of “you can’t love that nerd!” “but i do! and if he feels the same i don’t want you ruining this for me!” “you’re too good for him! plus you’re too young to date anyways!” “katsuki, i’m not a baby anymore! look— if he ends up rejecting me then i’ll tell you. and you can do whatever you want, okay?” “okay. and if he accepts then, i’ll punch him too.” “katsuki no—”
izuku usually isn’t the type for petty revenge but— katsuki has hurt him for long enough. so this would be a great way to get back at him, right..?
now let’s dive into izuku’s little plan—
like i said before, he isn’t one to do this sort of thing. he really isn’t but— katsuki just… fuels a fire in him that he can’t put out.
izuku thought this little idea was crazy (it is), so he confided in someone about it— can you guess who?? wanna know who??? the one and only…
kaminari denki!!
that is correct, he confides in kaminari. see— izuku doesn’t tell kaminari that the person is katsuki’s little sibling.
izuku just tells him “i want to piss this guy off by dating their younger sibling but, i feel like that’s crazy…” and kaminari says “nah dude, if that person is a piece of shit then i say go for it. i mean— if they’re shitty then their sibling probably is too!”
which is very incorrect— you and katsuki aren’t alike.
well— you are?? but also aren’t??? if that makes sense
anyways… izuku was STUPID and took his advice.
so— izuku enacts his plan. he’ll fake confess to you, in front of katsuki. it has to be in front of him. he’ll date you for a bit to make katsuki mad, lead you on a little, then break up with you. easy peasy right?
first off, he did confess in front of katsuki but, katsuki punched him right in the face.
second, when you accepted his confession, katsuki punched him again. this time in the stomach.
but hey— anything for petty revenge… ig…?
anywhooo y’all get into a relationship!! and it’s a dream for you, truly. you’re with the person you’ve been in love with for basically your entire life!! and that person loves you back!!!
literally everyone is jealous because you’re the couple. the blueprint. the outcome. the relationship. (or so you and the others thought….)
the relationship is… healthy? i mean, it is healthy if you ignore the fact that izuku is doing this all to piss off katsuki!!
and oh my god— katsuki is fucking angry. he’s always ‘mean mugging’ izuku. he isn’t doing anything,,, physical because you chewed him out for it. like— you really laid into him when he punched izuku. and you had a very lengthy talk with him. so, he’s keeping his hands to himself— for now.
okay moving on from that??? kaminari doesn’t put two and two together when izuku starts dating you— as much as i love him, he isn’t the brightest bulb in the box! yes he’s smart but c’mon……..
which actually brings me to how you found out!!!
so……. one day you and izuku are just walking down the hall to go to his room, y’all planned a cute movie night!!! (which he was really looking forward to) when the lovely kaminari denki comes strolling up to him.
“hey dude! how’s that revenge thing going? it’s been what?? eight?? months— you piss off the guy yet? is he totally mad that you’re with his sibling?” kaminari had the widest grin— he’s so dumb, bless his heart.
“izuku, what does he mean?” “i— kaminari, i don’t—” “huh? he’s dating some guy’s sibling to piss him off cause the dude’s a total piece of shit and i thought maybe the dude’s sibling was shi—” “kaminari! stop it!” izuku slapped his hand over the blonde’s mouth. all you could say was ‘oh’ then you ran towards katsuki’s room, hoping he’d be in there.
“wait— was— was the guy katsuki and the sibling was them!?” kaminari shouted in surprised (jfc…). izuku sighed with a nod. “dude you fucked up. like really fucked up. they were a total hottie?? and super cool?? plus katsuki is gonna be really pissed.” “i know…”
izuku felt so guilty because he was genuinely beginning to fall for you— like seriously!! he’s in love with you and now everything is ruined. i mean, he knew he’d have to tell you at some point because, no relationship should be built on lies but still !!
when you told your brother— he felt beyond pissed, angry, furious, etc. his emotions were indescribable. katsuki genuinely wanted to kill izuku. yeah, he’s always said ‘i’ll kill you’ but it’s not like he ever actually meant it.
but this time—
he really did mean it. he felt like he could commit murder.
“outside.” katsuki grabbed izuku by the collar of his shirt and dragged him through the dorms.
“wait— kacchan just let me explain!” he panicked, he wanted to tell katsuki that he did love you. that his intentions weren’t good at first but his feelings became real very quickly!
“what dumb ass excuse could you possibly have that would make this fuckin’ situation better!?” katsuki’s left hand sparked as he tossed izuku outside the doors.
“i— i’m not trying to make the situation better! i j-just want to explain!” “you have one minute before i blow your head off.”
“i did it to make you mad at first but— but, i ended up really falling for them! seriously! i w-was going to tell them!” “why the fuck would you even think about doin’ that shit!? even i wouldn’t go that low!” katsuki’s hands grew hot. he was on the verge of becoming a murderer.
“i’m sorry! i really am! i just— i was so mad at you and it was petty revenge!” izuku’s hands were raised in defense. “that shit wasn’t revenge! that was fuckin’ with my blood!” katsuki raised his hand to izuku’s face, getting ready to blast him— but he was stopped. “bakugo, midoriya. nezu’s office, now.” a very tired sounding, aizawa demanded.
while that was going down— you were left in katsuki’s room, crying on his floor.
“uhm— hey, it’s just us…” mina, jirou, and kirishima walked in. you wiped your eyes and nose, you didn’t really like being seen in a vulnerable state. something you and katsuki had in common.
“so we uh… kinda heard about what happened from kaminari.” jirou whispered as her jacks poked together. “i’m sorry, he’s a loud mouth…” “and uhm… your brother isn’t exactly quiet either.” kirishima looked to the ground beside you.
“i kinda heard their conversation… midoriya said he loves you…” mina sat beside you. “so what are you gonna do? are you gonna hear midoriya out..?” you shrugged.
even if he really did begin to love you, how could you ever trust him again? and— what if he was lying to your brother just to get an easy out?
you felt sick— and you felt like a fool. you felt so stupid for thinking that your brother’s enemy could actually have feelings for you. you felt like an idiot.
“i think… i think that, maybe, i could hear his explanation but… i won’t forgive him or give him another chance. i can’t trust him again. plus, i’d look like a fool going back to him…” you mumbled into your arms, your knees were to your chest. the three just gave an understanding nod, then, huddled around you for an awkward but, warm, group hug.
“alright.” you heard your brother’s gruff voice from the doorway. “you three, out. now.” he pointed towards his friends and you watched them leave.
“so… what happened?” you asked, your brother plopped down beside you. sitting in his usual ‘delinquent’ position. “almost murdered him. got stopped by aizawa. got scolded by nezu. now ‘m suspended for 5 weeks. gotta do supplementary classes n’ shit.” “i’m sorry, kats.” he scoffed and gave you an ‘are you fucking serious’ look. “why the fuck are you apologizin’!?” you fiddled your fingers, “i got you in trouble…” he rolled his eyes and lightly smacked the back of your head. “idiot, you didn’t. was all me.”
there was a bit of silence, it was a comfortable one. you and katsuki always shared this sort of quiet.
“did they tell you what happened?” he asked in a hushed tone, referring to his friends. “yeah…” “and…?” “and i’m not gonna forgive him or anything. he lied to me. why would i wanna be with a liar? plus, what if he was lying about actually having feelings for me now? i can’t trust him again.”
katsuki gave you a small, smile. one that said ‘i understand. i’m sorry he did that. i’m here for you. and i love you.’
when it comes to him, words weren’t needed most of the time. looks could tell all. and that look told you everything you needed to hear.
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i’ll be so real— i was very a teensy bit drunk writing this… so like if it doesn’t make sense or anything i’m so sorry
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raikkxz · 4 months
Can I please ask for a social media au (not sure if it's the right one for this idea, so you can do it however you want it) with whichever era of Seb Vettel where the reader is a best-selling author and she is freaking out on twitter or other social media platforms after watching an interview with Seb after a race. An interviewer asks him what his favourite book is after catching him reading one, and he casually shows hers while stating that it was one of the best books he's ever read and that she was his favourite writer and a very beautiful and talented woman. All of her fans that also follow f1 are going crazy and shipping the two of them, since they know very well of her undying love for him, so they team up with the f1 fans to get them to finally meet after one of his races in the same country where she was doing a book meet-and-greet.
Sorry if this is too long but it's been in my head for a while and I really liked the idea of maybe the red bull team (if you want to write that era of him) surprising him with the reader after he won the race and his reaction going viral.
Thank you so much!! 💝
HIIII! i had such a lovely time writing this <3 i wasn't taking requests but i loved this one too much, and i might js open requests coz i have so much fun writing prompts 🤭 i did a mix of a regular fic and smau fic!! im so sorry if this isnt what you wanted, but i tried my best! this is my first time writing an smau fic so i hope i did well :)) for the interviewing part i was little unsure on how i should make the layout + questions so hopefully they were good enough 😭 i dont know too much abt seb's rbr era [as a new-ish f1 fan], so hopefully i did well. i think i did mix up a few stuff, i forgot to add a few parts and im so sorry for that 😭 also so sorry if i took too long to get to this request! i loved how detailed this was coz it really helped me get a better view on what i was doing!! i did add more things coz i had an idea in my notes and decided to put them together! and never be sorry, i think this is a lovely idea. thank you for this request!! also sorry if you accidentaly saw me post this, it was an accident 😓 i hope everyone reading this has a lovely day, and just know i'm proud of you for whatever you've done today <3 the fic became too long so i have to split it into two parts 😞
part one
part two [coming soon]
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bunsreverie · 4 months
Intro post!!
About me:
Welcome to my blog!! My name is Bun! I’m 18 and use she + it pronouns. I love Dislyte (Feng Xun and Ethan are my favorite characters, I’ll start tweaking if you talk about them with me or ask me to write something with them I’m just crazy sorry. I could talk about them all day really.) and I just really want a place to talk about it and share my thoughts with like-minded people.
Requests are temporarily closed for now & I will just be focusing on the things I feel up to write!
I will take a handful of requests every Wednesday in a first come first serve manner. (Dislyte is the only fandom I plan to take requests from at the moment.) Any requests sent to me outside of Wednesdays will be deleted. I’m sorry :( If I don’t do your rq within a few weeks for whatever reason, just send it again on a Wednesday and I’ll do it eventually. My time zone is EST so make sure you send it at the right time!
I’m usually pretty busy, I struggle and tend to lose motivation easily but I will try my absolute best to complete requests I get, just be patient! It shouldn’t take me longer than a week to complete your request but it just depends on a lot of things.
Request Rules:
This is more of an x reader centric blog, I don’t plan to take requests for ships unless it’s a special occasion or I specifically ask. I will write:
• Short one-shot fics (limited to one character per rq)
• Short headcanons (limited to 3 characters per rq. I prefer writing headcanons over one-shots, it’s quite easy for me to write about a character this way. The less characters you rq, the more I can write for said characters.)
• NSFW (for most characters, I will draw the line at some)
• Angst, (most) sensitive topics (I will always put a warning for NSFW or any other sensitive topic)
• Inc*st, Ped*philia, certain kinks.
• At the end of the day I will not write your rq if it makes me uncomfortable, if you rq something and I don’t want to write it I’ll probably say something so that you have the chance to rq something else
Feel free to be specific and Include whatever details/scenario you’d like me to write- I encourage this actually because my mind goes blank when I have to think on my own. You can include if you’re afab/amab if you’d like too but I’ll always default to gender nonconforming unless specified otherwise. If you do not specify wether you want a one-shot or headcanons, I will default to hcs. I actually am not an experienced writer, so don’t expect much. I have not posted on tumblr in years and I don’t have the greatest understanding of certain characters so forgive me if I ever do something wrong or write them ooc I’m trying my best 😞 Please interact Dislyte fans I love you I want to start contributing to this fandom
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mustardflavoredbear · 6 months
I'm in so much pain right now
it's time to
Ramble about
Double Trouble
I spent 3 hours on this what girl
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I keep having this dream where double trouble has a very slick stylish sport car (I'm not a car guy :b) but their ass is a terrible driver they had me gripping on the seat for dear life while they were singing
Also for some reason there were so many snacks in their car like so many and they were fucking speeding and Doing tricks it was awful and then Scorpia was there and I was trying not to vomit
(warning TRANSPHOBIA,HATE CRIME, assaulted None is detailed because my ass will start crying EHHEHEHE) it's Miserables miserable background lore I want them to be miserable 💖 all this is my personal headcanon 🦎✨ I want them to explode lovingly ♡
I just love them so much I want to strangle them until they explode and I finally realize they are made of glitter and I eat the glitter and become a god GOD THEY MAKE ME GO CRAZY HAVING AUSTIM AND LOVING DOUBLE TROUBLE has me foaming at the mouth I want to eat them Everytime i look at them my mouth goes fruity I know for a fact Canon Double trouble would never love me 😞 but all I want to to take a bite out of them like just please gimme a bite out of your arm Like how are they going to feel when I tell their ass "hey I dream about you every night and I also talk to a ai of you so I don't have to think thoughts" Double Trouble is hiding in a corner behind bow "IT THAT ONe HE SCARES ME HIS AUSTIM IS TOO STRONG"
Ramble ramble
Like themselves double trouble likes nice and fancy things they try later in life to not be such money whore but they put so much of their value to money they were rather poor when they were younger and also they never got gendered correctly until they got money
Double trouble lived in a rather backward homophobic small poor town when they were younger Double trouble has known they were nonbinary for a long time but people didn't believe that they were trans They had to fight their family their friend for people to believe them but still no one believed they would get misgender and deadname they would get harassed in the streets called slurs hate crime etc all the sad bad things and being not super confident they would let people walk all over them they were the only out queer kid in this small poor lizard town
One day the next town over a more richy place decides to throw a play to help raise money for the town they also ask people for the town to perform in the play DT being curious about this play they start to stalk the theater production watching the theater made them fall in love and they really want to join but they want to be safe but they later find out the whole director of this was trans as well so they decide to join they loved everything about theater they finally felt like themselves and they finally started to get super confident in themselves they finally found something where they can truly be themselves
None of the fellow theater kids were around DT age (MINOR 👿) so the director started playing favorites with them grooming them and all the horrible bullshit saying shit like you need me i get you Double trouble just thought she was being werid and ignored it even when she tried to kiss them and touch them they just push her off and nervously laugh it off
They then noticed they were kicked off from the leading role and finally confronted her and told her she is being a fucking pedo and they know who they are they left their home town and went all around ETHERIA and eventually living in the crimson waste where they try and find people to trust but mostly find pain they started dating this one lizard lady they were fun and sexy and little chaotic (but she was very much a walking red flag) she made double trouble fall head over heels but they remind them of the director and being any type of physical with her made them wildly uncomfortable they tried to shake off the feeling but they couldn't and she wouldn't stop asking pressuring them to do things and everything that they did to them made them uncomfortable and then she started asking them to change for her and started asking those stupid questions "what in your pants" what's your "real name" can I see you before your transitions
Double Trouble tried to ignore all these red flags until they found this SKANK both cheating on them and stealing all their shit after them two fucks passed out double trouble took all their shit back and drew all over their face
they decided they wanted to focus on getting money so they started petty theft and when they were adults they got a slightly more stable income as a pole dancer but they did it mostly when they were in the mood
Being by themselves they get more and more (sometimes fake) confident with themselves
Does this even make sense or are my words to jumbled!!?!?
Stimulus for my Austim because I love myself
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did you know AUSTIM is a crazy obsession interest so I'm crazy about double trouble God I just want to give them a little kiss I WANT TO EAT THE ENTIRE SHOW SHERA takes big bite out of Shera logo
I want them to be miserable and then be a better person and then they kiss people God please please please gimme double trouble and let me eat them
I want this fruit salad in my mouth
Honestly should I do what all the Shera characters taste like cuz girl some of them taste so good AHAHAHAHHA (this sounds weird ad fuck I HAVE THAT THING Where TASTE COLOR SOUND ETC AHAH" )
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s-4pphics · 6 months
omg omg just screamed in happiness seeing in frame 2. poor poor oc, like the fact that her traumatic experience was weaponized against her makes me want to fucking personally hunt them down omg.
ellie and ocs reunion??? like woah the kind of innocence of it all and i stay forgetting it’s been a 4 year time jump and they have both grown so much and yet haven’t when they see each other again. ellie with the cartier watch like OKKK!!! she got MONEYYYY. also joel being a big papa bear is so sweet, i wanted to ask if sarah is like still his daughter or if she passed away or ellie is just his only child in this one?
also ocs growth of realizing she’s shutting down and going out of her way to reassure ellie and say we need to talk before continuing shows how much growth she’s gone through in therapy bc 4 years ago click oc would have NOTTTT done that i fear.
also “You’re babbling nonsense in her ear as you work her, telling her how she’s stuck with you, how you’re never leaving her side again, demanding that she says you're the best she’s ever had.”
“You want to drain her, live inside her for the rest of your days on Earth. You’re forcing space for you inside her.” my thighs involuntarily clenched and i whimpered out loud #idk. maybe i’m kinda #insane but that love where it feels like you want to crack open their chest and live in there forever is something i lowkey crave … i understand why ellie went kinda crazy over oc bc i also need click!oc BAD #idk
i loveeeee this story and i love seeing the way all of the little details connect even throughout the chapters and seeing ellie and oc kind of the same page THE WHOLE CROWD CHEERED!!! also the details of the reader putting the locs behind her hair means soooo much to me bc seeing urself in the reader is so important to me. i’ll be reading some and it’ll be like “ellie pulled on ur silky, long, luscious, bone straight blonde hair” like ????? HELLOOOO baby this is a sew in. but also oc being mentally ill and not ~flawless~ is really important to me because we are allowed to fuck up and not be perfect too!!!! thank you again love sorry this is long again 😞😞 i just literally have a massive crush on you OK ???!!! and of course be sat for the next chapters too yasss have a great day bae
- ok so i WAS 💋 anon but i realized that was actually taken a while back so if 🫀 isn’t taken can i have that 🥺
omg living inside the person you love is actually my end goal in life like idc i wanna be in love sooooo bad like i just wanna be in love
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rotisseries · 10 months
so. after liam gwts in the hunt, theo joins the  fight with scott. crazy how liam has a gf in all this. if shws ur girl why am i putting my hand on her seat to reverse. if shes your girl then why is she my salavation, why is she the one that helps me understand true good. if shes your girl than why is she the only one who understands me 🧐 . plot details. scott meets douglass down at the diverter. douglass brings the ghost riders behind him as an army and they surround scott and hes like "you of all people scott, should know what happens to a lone wolf" big theme of teen wolf is that wolves dont survive without a pack. theyre hunted,easily bc theres no one to protect them. they have no one. (ahem. theo) scott bouta lunge but then THEO GOES "he's not alone! he's got a pack." ans because we can never give theo a break, malia quickly says "and theo's not in it"  now the poor dude looks embarrassed. anyway they get the fightin🤞🏼 they eventually gets to the diverter and the train moves on  from beacon hills and order is restored and the ghost riders put their guns away and walk off . and douglass is like ????? COME BACK AND KILL THEM and theo, my beloved, sees him struggling and goes "yeah call your army back. or..dont they listen to you?" please. anyway douglass gets taken by the hunt and becomes a ghost rider. and we dont see theo after that. . disappears probably told to get lost after the fight. 6B starts up after summer break. theo isnt in the first episode as expected. liam is feeling really sad and depressed about being captain and about scott and stiles and lydia and malia leaving. and also about hayden moving "im nothing without her" liam please. and mason was like "its not like she dumped u or anything" but i mean they dont mention her again so might as well. and hes like "scotts leaving too😣" and mason is like "going to college is NOT leaving. its called growing up and we're all gonna be going to different colleges eventually" and mind you this conversation is happening while mason and his bf corey get liam dressed for lacrosse practice because the dude doesnt wanna move . anywah corey goes "wait i thought we were both applying to ucla?" AND LIAM GOES 😨YOU GUES ARE GOING TO THE SAME COLLEGE . putting him deeper in the depression. and mason like "thats not the point" and liam goes "what is the point😞" and hes like "summers almost over we're about to be seniors and this is about to be the best year of our entire lives and" mason and corey are dragging him out the locker room "youre captain of the lacrosse team so come onn" (btw theo is like a year older than liam i guess?) hes late for practice btw when this is happening.
liam is so dramatic he's just like me fr
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velvetyshu · 2 years
it's no problem! i enjoy sending random asks to people + i know how lonely it can feel on here sometimes (which is ironic considering the fact that it's called social media). also don't feel bothered at all for sending me anything in my inbox!
if you know going to a hospital will help you with your mental health, then go for it tbh. whatever you decide to do, i'll support. <3
about the story: tbh i've been suffering with writer's block for the past few months, which is why i didn't start the story earlier 😭 but now i've come to a realization that i really want to write something, and i'll only feel more stuck if i don't write at all - so i started putting some words on a page and that was it! my writer's block was done for! i have a little sneak peak for you too!!
You walked out the room, shutting the door quietly behind you, only to meet a familiar pair of eyes at the far end of the hallway. Scaramouche... He was dressed in more casual garb than the day before, yet his wide hat still sat atop his head. Three soldiers knelt before him, the apparent victims of his anger that morning. His arms were folded across his chest menacingly, and his beautiful features were twisted into a tight frown. In the light, you could make out thin, purple strands that were nested among his deep blue hair, a detail you hadn't noticed during the inauguration ceremony.
it's not a lot, but i didn't want to spoil too much 😭 i'm thinking of just writing, and debuting the first few chapters on scara's important days! like the first chapter will be released on his character teaser, second for his demo, etc. lmk what you think about that!
OH im so glad you were lucky with childe and his weapon 😭😭 praying for both of us to have that luck with scara when he comes by! i have 128 wishes + 45 pity (it's crazy ik,,,i've been saving since the beginning of september for this man) and honestly i'm kinda hoping he comes home early so i can get his weapon! i believe his teaser/trailer is coming out this thursday? just a rough estimation,,,but i'm so excited!
also i had no idea you draw??? do you do digital or traditional art? i started digital early october and tbh it's going pretty okay 😭 do you have a side acct for art or anything?
+ i would love to give you my uid!! honestly i've been pretty bummed these past few days because i've met a couple interesting people who i wanted to play with, but they weren't on NA servers,,,but i'm so glad you are!! i'll dm you my uid tmrw, and when we both get scara, we can take lots of pictures 🙏😋
Of course! I’ll do my best to keep that in mind. I do agree though, most of the time it feels quite lonely in tumblr. I try to socialize with people once In a while but they never seem to get in touch. It’s understandable though, they have a life to live at the fullest!
But no rush when writing about the story! Take your time and even take breaks when you’re facing writers block. It’s a huge pain to deal with, I can relate to not gaining any motivation or feel like there’s a flaw in my writing. My ideas just…die out in the process of making them y’know? EITHER WAY YOUR STORY IS GOING GREAT! I’m really excited to see what’s in store for the future. Though, I can see where you’re coming from and I think it’s a good idea to release the first chapter and so on in days like those! Might make him feel special. 🤝
I’m really thankful to have Childe since he’s one of my favorite characters (comfort as well), and just having him by my side is enough. I only need to pair him up with scara as the harbinger team and hopefully I can collect more in the future! (Such as Sandrone, columbina..) I wish you luck on his banner, though I doubt I’ll get him quickly. I’m not even guaranteed and I’m so nervous about that 😞. I’ve started saving up since that Zhongli rerun, and I’m glad I had enough wishes to wait for when scaramouche finally releases! I promise to offer you all my prayers and luck to when his banner is available. 🙏
Yeah! I draw, however I only make sketches on my notebook since I don’t have enough money to purchase anything to draw digitally. More importantly I’d go insane if it were traditional art. There’s just too many hours to work on something and they get ruined by a margin. Not only that but I get art block 24/7. I used to have a side account for my art but I deleted it ever since, just felt like it wasn’t necessary or my drawings were plain and boring. But I’m glad you’re doing great drawing digitally! You should share some of your art with me sometime. <3
Aw, that’s a shame though. Many of my comrades/acquaintances either don’t play Genshin anymore, or just play in a different server. Most of the time I only co-op in bosses since I feel like it’s very interesting and fun to keep me occupied! But now that I know you’re in NA, I’m very excited. I wont let you down with those photo-shoots though, let’s give it everything we got to help each other and bring scaramouche home!
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