#I put Pathfinder PC into this because I can
entropy-mephit · 2 years
More disjointed pieces I just felt like writing, thrown out into internet because what good it does, rotting in my files.
Ternell is beautiful in a way that only a young being full of hope can and Xan can feel his heart ache. The fey eyes shine like gems in innocent delight, emerald and amethyst, unaware of what dark meaning they reflect. The laughter of innocence rings loudly as Ternell twirls, the teal ribbons trailing in the air in a confusing whirlwind. The intellect underneath this childish facade hasn’t had time for the cruel field to get forged into cynicism but with the enemies on their heels, Xan has no doubts Ternell will have to mature soon enough. He can only pray that the pain of change won’t kill the boundless kindness this child has.
Ternell splashes water around, sending the glistening droplets to hang in the air just like their hair trail weightlessly. It is a thing of wonder, this constant denial of gravity. Symbolic, in how Ternell refuses to be weighed down by reality. But they would never frolic like that on the battlefield. Their mind was blessedly pure. Despite all that happened. Ternell is a breathtaking wonder. Xan wants to wield his Moonblade with lethal force against anyone threatening this little wonder. To use his magic in ways bordering with war crimes and rewrite the minds of anyone who would wish them harm. He will do anything he could to protect this kid. And wasn’t that madness of its own kind? For so long Xan was the first and foremost clever survivor, keeping his path straight and narrow, naked blade sharpened at his purpose. And now the trailing ribbons had pulled him out of the way, entangled him into their dance and he couldn’t recall reason to get out of this wondrous meandering.
He is too old to get swept in reckless abandon and naive wonder. And yet here he is, watching Ternell dance, under the open sky, bare feet barely touching the blades of grass and leaving no trace of their passing. Making sure no one will disturb their silly joy.
He will have to tell them soon.
No. Little oracle either already knows who and what they are, or they will See for themself when it’s time. Let them dance as long they can.
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anim-ttrpgs · 5 months
Hey just wanted to say that the work you do is really inspiring. I think the TTRPG community has needed an urban fantasy noir sort of thing for a little while and I really like the direction you're taking it in. Looking forward to stuff in the future!!
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Thank you! Basically all our projects come from a place of need, each one being something that we wanted to play ourselves, but either it just didn’t exist, or the people who did do it didn’t do it to our satisfaction.
Since it’s our blog we can toot our own horn a bit, and yeah, the TTRPG community did need Eureka. The whole idea originally came out of our dissatisfaction with investigation and mystery-solving gameplay in most of the other more well-known TTRPGs that attempt to tackle this genre, such as Call of Cthulhu, Delta Green, and Gumshoe. They either make it too easy for bad dice rolls to get the party hopelessly stuck by relying too heavily of the PC’s skills, or make things difficult on the player by not giving the PC’s skills quite enough input, which can make efficient mystery solving very difficult across sessions with a whole week or more of real time in between them. (And it’s barely even worth mentioning that the most popular TTRPGs such as D&D5e and Pathfinder just plain cannot do investigative gameplay to any respectable degree at all.)
Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy’s Investigation Point and Eureka! Point system, whereby each skill check to investigate something fills a bar on the character sheet until the investigator gets a “Eureka!”, which can be spent to retroactively gain information from an investigation skill check that they previously failed, as well as many other specific rules that are too nuanced to go into here but that you can read about in the free version of the rulebook, are part of our answer to that. As you are putting the pieces together in your own mind, so is your character, and this system acts as a failsafe, but not a crutch, to prevent a single bad dice roll from leaving the party totally twisting in the wind.
And I personally have always been really autistic about folklore, which is where Eureka’s unique approach to playable monsters comes in. No RPG had ever really done certain monsters to my satisfaction, particularly vampires. Folkloric vampires have a great deal of quirks and weaknesses that usually get cut from any sort of vampire media because they’re too “silly,” but I disagree. I want them all, and so when a monster is playable in Eureka, it’s its own unique experience, unlike playing anything else in any other game or even within Eureka. (I am very, very proud to say that a number of V:TM veterans have said that Eureka does vampires much better than V:TM itself.)
Not every playable monster in Eureka is 100% strictly folkloric, which was a bit of a struggle for me, but ultimately the small exceptions that were made make the RPG better, so I can’t complain, especially because we managed to weave some pretty cool themes into all of them, which I will touch on more when I finally get finished writing that big huge post about, well, Eureka’s themes.
Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy is kickstarting from right now until May 10th! Back it while you still can!
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If you want to try before you buy, you can download a free demo of the prerelease version from our website or our itch.io page!
If you’re interested in a more updated and improved version of Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy than the free demo you got from our website, subscribe to our Patreon where we frequently roll our new updates for the prerelease version!
You can also support us on Ko-fi, or by checking out our merchandise!
Join our TTRPG Book Club At the time of writng this, Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy is the current game being played in the book club, and anyone who wants to participate in discussion, but can’t afford to make a contribution, will be given the most updated prerelease version for free! Plus it’s just a great place to discuss and play new TTRPGs you might not be able to otherwise!
We hope to see you there, and that you will help our dreams come true and launch our careers as indie TTRPG developers with a bang by getting us to our base goal and blowing those stretch goals out of the water, and fight back against WotC's monopoly on the entire hobby. Wish us luck.
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canonkiller · 7 months
Loving your D&D stuff.
thank you! however you are going to get a long answer because you have opened an opportunity for me to list things, which is my favorite
very few of the campaigns I'm in / have latched on to that my friends play are actually in D&D any more, for various reasons (primarily 1. WOTC sucks, 2. the system is not really designed for the kind of thing we like the most, which is "impactful character choices," and 3. "why play skyrim as a farming sim"). The games I've been a full player in are, aside from 5e:
Eberron / An Airship Is A Horse That Loves You is in Pathfinder 2e! We started in D&D 5e, which is why there are some semi-homebrewed imports, but it's a very similar system to 5e in gameplay PLUS Pathbuilder is a desktop and app program that will automatically put together character sheets for you, which is arguably the worst part of 5e. It's great, and I highly recommend considering it as an alternative to 5e if you're wanting something that still has the combat rolls and everything but also has more innate design for doing shit as a character. ALSO also there's a ton of included assistive devices, which range from normal stuff like wheelchairs and hearing aids to specifically magical stuff like my favorite: a wheelchair that has legs and can kill. Derien is my PC in this one, fresh out of the oven.
The only other actually active PC status I have had in this group was in an Eyes On The Prize oneshot! EOTP is a fake-marriage game (made by @iraprince !) with flexible setting / character guidelines that's played with a deck of cards, and I highly recommend it for shenanigans. My character was Moonlight Saidluck, a bug centaur fae who accidentally let a human into the fairy world and was pretending this newcomer was their partner and definitely not a human who had accidentally entered the fairy world. I played the one shot with two other couples, which did make it run overtime, but it was a delight. We also had very little trouble playing remotely, with one person in charge of cards and points tracking on an online draw-party style page.
The other games I'm more a spectator in, and then occasionally contribute ideas like fucked up boats or extended debates about magical darkness and the water cycle. That big list of alternative systems is ~
Persona: The Tabletop RPG (PersonaBS)
Quest (Luxknights)
Kids on Bikes (Streams of Consciousness)
Beam Saber (AFI, but we haven't been calling it that)
Girl by Moonlight (MMM / Magical Girls)
Cyberpunk TTRPG
Monster of the Week
aaand probably more that I'm forgetting because we're. Quite prolific about our play pretend time (and I've got a few concepts brewing that I still really want to nail down - Tanglethorn, the unnamed one about the sinkhole and Bad Hand may grace this list someday if I really buckle down to iron out the wrinkles)
I'm glad you're enjoying my little guys though! I just love a chance to get people into other TTRPG systems, especially when most of them are easier to learn and play than D&D and there's such a wide range of options.
Here's a little Moonlight png, as a reward for reading
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ultraflavour · 1 month
Character-first Fantasy TTRPGs
Games like Lancer, Gubat Banwa, ICON, Draw Steel, Daggerheart, even Fabula Ultima sometimes get described as "4E Inspired."
I think that's true in a broad sense, but there's something deeper that connects all of these games that 4E doesn't have, and that's a respect for the narrative journey of the characters.
None of the games I've listed have the traditional "Death Saving Throw." You never have to tear up your character sheet because a Skeleton got a lucky Crit in the first combat of the game, and the Bard didn't have Healing Word prepped.
Each of these games either give the player mechanical choices to choose how close to death their character ever gets (Lancer, Daggerheart, Draw Steel) or they make the consequences of defeat entirely narrative (Gubat Banwa, ICON, Fabula Ultima).
World-first vs. Character-first
I was having difficulty putting this categorization to words until I read a post from makapatag, the author of the aforementioned Gubat Banwa. In that article, he lays out a way of thinking about OSR games as being "World-first," as opposed to games like D&D, Exalted, and Lancer which are "Character-first." In World-first games, the character is never so powerful that they can override the dangers of the environment. They have to adapt to the setting to survive.
I understand the allure of this type of play, especially from the GM's standpoint. But at the same time, I find that I am most comfortable when I am at least sharing in the direction of the narrative. When the game has rules that put the players' characters in the driver's seat of the narrative, it lessens the burden on the GM to tell a story, but expects more of the players in return.
So in this way, "Character-first Fantasy" works as a sort of "Anti-OSR," a celebration of powerful PCs running roughshod in a fantastical sandbox. Not exactly a "New School Renaissance" though, because these ideas aren't necessarily new.
I think this style of play describes how a lot of people approach D&D 5E, since it has a lot of rules that describe abilities and spells that make the players increasingly harder to corral as they gain levels.
At the same time, I think games like 5E and Pathfinder have their feet planted too far in the past to consider either of them to be truly a part of this genre. Both have very punishing death mechanics that can turn seemingly easy encounters into painful death spirals that lead to torn-up character sheets.
The Only Time I Was Ever Happy
I can't stress enough just how much it changed the game to play a Warforged for the first time in D&D 4th Edition. In that edition, Warforged have a rule that they can never roll lower than 10 on their death saving throws. That meant that unless they were being actively attacked while knocked out, they would never just "bleed out."
When I didn't have to worry about losing my character, I could take risks that I thought a "Superhero" would take. It led to me getting my ass beat mercilessly, on many occasions, but I think that's what a hero would do: They would take on any amount of suffering if they believed it would make the world a better place for the people they loved.
Power Fantasy?
You could maybe classify this style of game as being strictly based around Power Fantasy. But I think it's more about the rules supporting the player's exploration of their concept than strictly being about overpowering every obstacle put in front of you.
In any game that is trying to tell the story of a character, there have to be ups and downs. I don't think it's either necessary, or even good for the players to always win. But as long as the mechanics of the game aren't punishing you for being defeated, you have more freedom to push yourself for the sake of the narrative.
Some people derisively refer to this style of play as "Superhero" fantasy, and I don't think that's necessarily incorrect, but... It's also fun. There's nothing inherently wrong with letting your players romp around in giant robots, as long as they acknowledge the responsibility they've just been handed.
When you play in a very punishing adventure or system for the first time, you realize quickly that farting around will get you killed. Enjoy sitting out the rest of the adventure because you tried to do a skateboard trick over that Iron Golem, smarty pants.
It makes that feeling of power in a more Character-centric game that much more rewarding. But you also realize just how hard it is for the GM to keep you reeled in. In these games, it's very important for open collaboration between the GM and the players. It's really hard for the GM of a Character-centric game to plan a narrative when the players can constantly kick down the walls of the setting that are supposed to be constraints to them.
One of the biggest changes D&D made in the leap from 4th to 5th was an overhaul of the rules that left a lot more room for narrative improvisation than 4th Edition or even Pathfinder.
That's not to say that these games necessarily need a rules-light approach. The important thing connecting them is that the rules support the fantasy that the characters represent. If my character is good at fighting, I want mechanics that help to reflect that in the game world, without resorting to handwaving.
For this reason, I think a lot of more "fiction-first" games in the PbtA or FitD mechanical genre get disqualified here. They tend to focus a lot on the narrative consequences of the interactions between the characters and the setting, and frame the players' powers less as "tools to conquer the setting" and more as "prescriptive ways to move toward your goals in a narrative-appropriate way." Does that make sense?
For a true rules-light approach to this budding genre of ttrpg, I would check out any game in the LUMEN system family of games from Spencer Campbell at Gila RPGs. I'm excitedly anticipating my Kickstarter copy of Infinite Revolution from Gwendolyn Clark to arrive, I think that game is going to really kick ass.
Well, Anyways
I wrote a lot of this on not a lot of sleep. My mind has been racing, trying to put a lot of these ideas to words. The aforementioned blog by makapatag really helped to put a lot of my thoughts about the current (and future) state of Fantasy into focus.
It's entirely possible, also, that this idea is not new. I'm sure there's someone out there who has had the same thought as me, and my lazy ass never actually tried to find their writing. Instead I just wrote it out again, because I'm a huge PIECE OF CRAP.
Anyways, sleepy tea is kicking in, good night.
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zeemczed · 16 days
Silly Game Time: Who are some of your favorite fighter characters? And what do you like about them?
They can weild any weapon (swords, spears, axes, clubs, knives, bare hands, etc.); they can be of any class or variety of combatant (ones who rely on strength like brawlers or berserkers, ones who use finesse like martial artists or technique masters, ones who balance defensive and offensive equipment like knghts or samurai, etc.); they can be of any race or species (from fantasy or sci-fi); they can even have access to special powers to improve their combat skills (magical, psychic, technological, superpowers, etc.).
What matters is that one of their primary skills, roles in the story, and traits as a character is physical fighting.
So, there are a LOT, and I mean a LOT of possible entries here. Flying Punching Juan, my OC superpowered greaser? Chaz Ashley, from Phantasy Star IV? Cranston Snord, from Battletech?
I think I'm going to pick three.
First off, my manga/anime pick, Vegeta from Dragon Ball Z. Yeah, the grumpy-ass one. Why? Because A) he's the only one smart enough to realize when he's been placed up against a gag manga character, B) he and Bulma are weirdly adorable together, and C) oh my god he has SO MUCH FANFIC POTENTIAL. SO MUCH. With DBZ the fic is better than the core material often, and Vegeta-centered fics are often some of my faves.
Second, from a Pathfinder/D&D campaign, Jenkins. Now, Jenkins wasn't a PC, he was a hireling, a follower from the Leadership feat. His leader/PC was a gunslinger, so he was a long-gun specialist. Quiet. Professional. Basically a more British version of the Sniper from TF2, always ready with a high-caliber shot from a great distance when needed. His master was the swashbuckling badass, Jenkins was the bulwark of stoic coolness that didn't NEED to swashbuckle. Over the course of the campaign the PCs got involved in a plot to overthrow Demogorgon as lord of hell. Long story there, but they succeeded (Jenkins personally landing a finishing blow on no less than three other major targets, including DAGON), and then everyone lunged for the crown at once. Including their allies, the other lords of hell.
Jenkins was in the right place at the right time. He nabbed it. Put it on. Cowed all of hell... and then muttered "well, that's a helluva thing for the CV." And then he tossed the crown on the party witch's head... and walked out of hell.
Jenkins STILL exists in my campaigns, operating at an epic level, usually only heard of in myth.
Lastly, my pro wrestler pick. ORANGE CASSIDY. The king of Sloth Style. The laziest pro wrestler of all time. And arguably one of the best. Orange can actually GO when he's pushed, and he's the master of the Orange Punch. He USED to be a heel, known for spraying OJ in his opponents' eyes. Evidently that was too much effort.
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thecreaturecodex · 1 year
Daisy Moonblossom
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"Ice Queen" © Xavier Collette. Accessed at his gallery here
[This is going to be the last of the PCs from the Rise of the Runelords game I post; I'm going to move onto other campaigns, like Curse of the Crimson Throne, Legacy of Fire, and Council of Thieves. Daisy Moonblossom was a very fun character, with her quotes like, "you would be happy if you thought less" and "I didn't think it would kill him; I only thought it would torture him forever!". She told me later that she didn't want to play a healer, she wanted to play a fighter, and so decided to be kind of a brat about it when it was decided by the group that it was "her turn". Everyone loved it anyway. So much so that the same player played her surly goth little sister, Belladonna, in Curse of the Crimson Throne, and the Moonblossom clan has been a recurring name drop in my games, and spawned multiple PCs and NPCs in the games run by @canwefixitnoitsfucked. Here's the original art for Daisy, done by one of the other players in that game:
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Art © Heather F., accessed here
Because of the whole "don't really want to heal" thing, a warpriest was the perfect choice for converting Daisy from D&D 3.5 to Pathfinder 1e. The Icicle Crown was a personal addition to Rise of the Runelords. The art for Lamatar Bayden was so cool, it seemed a shame that he was just a wight (especially up against a 9th level party). So I gave him an artifact, and then Daisy got it, and she got to go from "magical girl inspired" to "full on transformation sequence". The original version used various spells from Spell Compendium, so has been updated for Pathfinder applicability.]
Daisy Moonblossom CR 14 CN Humanoid (cold, human) This woman is short, muscular and beautiful, her arms bearing delicate Varisian tattoos. She appears to be made of ice, with inhumanly pale skin and hair, with a crown of icicles growing out of her brow. She carries an enormous mace in the shape of a rose, and wears the holy symbol of Desna prominently around her neck and on her clothing.
Daisy Moonblossom was born lucky. Although never very smart and with a penchant for solving her problems with violence, she was both charming and perceptive, and was a natural to enter the priesthood of Desna. There, she received training as a warpriest, a traveling crusader to bring dreams and joy to those who needed them, and a pummeling to those who deserved it. And she was able to do all of those things, joining up with a team of adventurers to defend Sandpoint from first a goblin incursion, and then a ghoulish serial killer. Aldern Foxglove, the Skinsaw Man, became obsessed with Daisy. Perhaps this is because she reminded him of his murdered wife, or perhaps because he detected her bloodthirsty streak. Appropriately, she was the one who freed the revenant of his wife, and then bashed Foxglove’s skull in.
On Hook Mountain, Daisy made two discoveries that would change her life. First was the friendship of the star monarch Roramoru, who happily serves her as a mount and confidante to this day. The second was the Icicle Crown, a lost artifact made by the White Witches of Irrisen in centuries past, sitting on the brow of the wight Lamatar Bayden. Daisy didn’t realize its true magical potential when she put it on, thinking it would just protect her against the cold, but it transformed her into a being of elemental ice. As a divine caster, Daisy can use remove curse to take off the crown and resume her human appearance when she needs to, but does so less and less these days.
Rather than explore the dungeons of Runeforge and take the fight to Runelord Karzoug, Daisy chose to remain behind at Jorgenfist to learn more about her Varisian heritage and to help rally an army of giants against Karzoug’s influence. Daisy is considered by many of the giants of the Kodar Mountains to be somewhere between a guardian angel and a bogey, as she will gladly aid giants who play nice and slay those who don’t. The legends that have built around Ice Princess Daisy vary from clan to clan. Some giants claim she is an unusually beautiful cold rider, or maybe a miniature frost giant, or possibly a divine agent of Desna herself. Daisy is happy to keep them guessing.
Although she is a talented healer, Daisy Moonblossom would rather inflict damage than cure it. She usually spends a round or two casting enhancing spells on herself, then wades into melee. If enemies keep their distance, she pelts them with ranged spells cast from the Icicle Crown, or simply uses air walk to close the gap. Daisy isn’t a very skilled combat rider, so although she does use Roramoru’s support, the star monarch typically drops Daisy off rather than carry her into the fray. 
Icicle Crown (minor artifact) When not worn by a creature (occupying the head slot), this appears to be a delicate silver tiara studded with diamonds and sapphires. When put on, it transforms into ice, and transforms the wearer as well, affecting her as per an ice body spell for as long as the crown is worn. The Icicle Crown allows the wearer to cast the following spells with charges, as if it were a staff: Snowball (1 charge) Frigid Touch (1 charge) Wall of Ice (2 charges) Cone of Cold (2 charges) Icy Prison (2 charges) The Icicle Crown has 10 charges, and regains 1d4 charges a day. If its last charge is expended, the Icicle Crown falls off of the wearer’s head and becomes dormant for 30 days. This is the only way to remove the Icicle Crown without the use of remove curse or a similar effect, or the death of its wearer. CL 13th; Weight 4 lbs.
Daisy Moonblossom    CR 14 XP 38,400 Human warpriest of Desna 14 CN Medium humanoid (cold, human) Init +5; Senses Perception +7 Defense AC 21, touch 11, flat-footed 20(+1 Dex, +10 armor) hp 136 (14d8+70) Fort +14, Ref +6, Will +13 Immune ability score damage, blindness, critical hits, deafness, disease, drowning, electricity, poison, stunning Defensive Abilities ice body Offense Speed 20 ft. (30 ft. unarmored), burrow 20 ft. (ice only) Melee +1 spell-storing heavy mace +16/+11 (1d10+7) or slam +13 (1d6+3 plus 1 cold) Ranged starknife +11 (1d10+3/x3) Special Attacks channel energy (positive, 5d6, based on fervor), sacred weapon (+3, 14 rounds/day) Spells CL 14th (CL 15th for conjuration), concentration +17 (+21 casting defensively) 5th—flame strike (DC 18), righteous might 4th—air walk, blessing of fervor, divine power, neutralize poison (DC 18) 3rd—communal resist energy, inflict serious wounds (DC 16), magic vestment (cast), prayer, sacred bond 2nd—align weapon, bull’s strength, inflict moderate wounds (DC 15), lesser restoration, owl’s wisdom, spiritual weapon 1st—bless, divine favor (x2), remove fear, shield of faith (x2) 0th—create water, guidance, light, resistance, stabilize Spontaneous casting—cure spells Spell-like Abilities CL 14th, concentration +17 (+21 casting defensively) 3/day—acid splash Statistics Str 16, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 8, Wis 16, Cha 16 Base Atk +10; CMB +13; CMD 24 Feats Combat Casting,Dazzling Display (B), Greater Weapon Focus (heavy mace) (B), Improved Initiative, Selective Channel, Shatter Defenses (B), Skill Focus (Intimidate), Spell Focus (conjuration), Trailblazing Channel, Toughness, Varisian Tattoo (conjuration), Weapon Focus (heavy mace) (B), Weapon Specialization (heavy mace) (B) Skills Diplomacy +9, Heal +9, Intimidate +24, Knowledge (local) +3, Knowledge (religion) +6, Linguistics +1, Perception +7, Ride +6, Sense Motive +9 Languages Celestial, Common, Giant, Varisian SQ blessings (10/day, freedom’s shout, liberation, lucky presence, unlucky enemy),fervor (10/day, 5d6),legendary, no breath, sacred armor (+3, 14 minutes/day) Gear 38,400 gp, +1 spell storing heavy mace, starsong mail, Icicle Crown, belt of physical prowess (Str, Con), rod of extend spell, cloak of resistance +1, scroll of speak with dead, wand of cure light wounds (20 charges), 4 starknives, 500 gp worth of diamond dust, 2 gold bracelets (for sacred bond), 2 flasks holy water,15 gp Special Abilities Legendary (Ex) Daisy is built on 25 point buy. In addition to her NPC equipment, she possesses an artifact, the Icicle Crown. These advantages increase her CR by +1.
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arrow90-alrakis · 10 months
erm so i havent scrolled too far down on your profile yet but is there anywhere where i could find the storyline if youve posted it? or how rimerock and larksharius met or who that cool lockar dragon is (i cant tell if hes related or correlated to rimerock because he also seems to be like a dragon). i will combust on the spot if it is in a very obvious location that i easily couldve found myself. I LOVE YOUR WORK!
Hello and THANK YOU SM!!!!! I'm so happy aaaaa!!! Ooops this got long lol
I have and will put most of their stuff in the pinged post HERE! The pair are my OCs in the game Pathfinder: Wrath of The Righteous. Rimerock is a companion for the Knight Commander(PC), and Larksharius is a war council advisor in Ri's companion quest. They met and fell in love during the Fifth Crusade. I wrote fics about them on my AO3, I will translate some of my work into English when I have time!
Larksharius is an OC who saved my life, they have been keeping me in extra good shape since then. And in my dream, they asked my old OC Rimerock for a date, and this is how ship-alrakis began. I will do anything for them, and I am and will be fully dedicated to creating a world for these two! ^^ Lark is my dream visitor (they were human and then turned into undead), and my other OCs are all dragons!
I don't have many stories written yet, sorry!! I like telling stories with images (which I haven't drawn...) and I'm not good at telling stories. English is not my first language but I'm trying my best! ;)) I do have some fragments of their lore/stories here and there! I can link what I wrote for Lark and Ri here! And a summary of all the characters related!
Main info:
OC Profile and everything I put up for both of them HERE! Another version here! With some of their favorite stuff and fun facts! This is what I put up for art commissions! Here I have their info and brief storyline! And links to Lark's deity paytron and a fic before they met! I can DM you their toyhouse page too, I want to keep their toyhouse page open to close friends only, bc we sometimes have nsft posts there… ;;;;;) They are married they do the thing, but both of them demand privacy.
Asks and other related posts:
Lark: name and rival, their hobbies, and their regrets, enemies, and dreamsLark's special soul and the trouble it caused for both of themShip songs and some brief story summaries for the two! I only linked the lore I think can be important! All my other asks are here #arrow answers
Other OCs related to the two:
We have a dragon family here! They are all OCs in the Pathfinder world! Rimerock was adopted by a pair of gold dragons, he grew up with his elder sister Mirikshul, and younger brother Neralshul. Mirik died later, leaving the other two in grief and trauma. Both survivors are corrupted. Ri's corruption is severe, nothing can save him, he is dying until Lark comes and tries to save him.
☀️Mirikshul/Mirik - She/Her | An ancient gold dragon, big sister, Ri's first mentor(Ri's second mentor is Lark). She fought the demon lord Baphomet in order to protect her younger brothers, and was killed. She taught Ri many things, formed his characteristics, and how to fight evil like a knight.
🔱Neralshul/Nera - Any pronouns (Gender fluid, amab) | A gold dragon, Ri's sibling. They were Ri's younger brother, until Mirik's death forever changed their world.
Mirik's death corrupted Nera and Ri. The siblings dealt with this disease differently. Ri suppressed his condition in grief (that's why he is dying of depression and nothing can heal him), while Nera let out all their anger and turned from Lawful Good to Chaotic Evil. Nera became the only psycho in my OC house since then. Their misbehaving made their metallic scales so dull that they forever lost their shininess and looked like a yellow dragon. Ri saw Nera's act as a shame and disgrace to their noble sister Mirik. He tried his best to save Nera, but it turned out fruitless, so the two parted ways. The siblings always fight whenever they meet. Not that Ri starts the fight, but Nera LOVES to piss Ri off. Sadly as a sorcerer with a much smaller frame, they never win.
Nera was sane after adopting Blackstar and even went back to Chaotic Good during these years. But then the little black dragon grew up and they said goodbye. After that, Nera went to the Stolen Land and somehow became the ruler there. That part happened in the game Pathfinder: Kingmaker.
🌟Blackstar/Star - She/Her | Ri's nephew, Nera's adopted daughter. She is a fey-marked black dragon, the main heroine in my Pathfinder WOTR playthrough! She's raised by Nera and brought some good back to this corrupted gold dragon. In the game, she tried her best to save Ri, she wanted to find a way to cure him without letting Lark turn him into an undead creature, but she didn't have enough time. The result is fine tho. Because of Blackstar's efforts, all of her companions ascended as demigods, so even though Ri is still an undead arch-dracolich, his body works the same as if he is a living creature.
🐍Set - They/Them/It | Lark’s Neutral Evil deity patron. They chose Lark as their successor, and already gave half of their power to Lark. However, to become god means Lark has to stay in Set's domain forever. Lark valued their freedom to travel around the world so they refused the offer, for now.
Lockar (or locker) - He is a silver dragon from DND, Bauldur's Gate 3. Actually, Locker and his lover (their shapeshifted appearance) were made by Ri and Lark. Ri was playing Lockar as his PC, and Lark watched him play. So sadly Lockar is not related to the pair's storyline. I wanted to put Lark and Ri into bg3 but the story won't fit their lore lmao, so I had Ri playing the game instead.
I'm so glad you like my stuff!! thank you again!!!! asks anytime ^^
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felassan · 2 years
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BioWare Blog Post: N7 Day 2022
"Greetings from across the stars!
Today marks our annual celebration of you—the Commanders and Pathfinders who’ve made such a celebration possible. Happy N7 Day!
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Since we last spoke about the next Mass Effect™ game, pre-production development has been proceeding very well. The team, comprised of Mass Effect franchise veterans as well as some amazing new additions to BioWare™, has grown steadily! They’ve been hard at work crafting new characters and locations that you’ll love, as well as revisiting many that you’ll remember.
This year, we wanted you to meet some of the people leading that work, so we’re putting a spotlight on four of the team’s leads for you to get to know a little better. With every game we make, pairing new talent with veteran developers has provided us with fresh perspectives and ideas, not to mention skills and experiences built from across the industry. Allow us to introduce to you Mike, Danielle, Mary, and Parrish!
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One day, when we’re ready, we’ll have more to share on the next Mass Effect, so thank you for being a part of this journey with us. It’s exceptionally exciting for the team and we’d love to continue sharing glimpses of what we’re working on with you in the future. And, on today of all days, we also want to honor the legacy that got us here. Millions of you have now experienced Mass Effect Legendary Edition, as returning players or for the first time. It means the world to us to see you enjoy our games and become part of this story.
Whether you’ve donned the N7 since the beginning, are planning to someday soon, or anything in between, it’s a privilege to see you wear it.
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A few folks at BioWare and Maxis came together with their mutual love for Mass Effect and The Sims 4™ to make a little something they wanted to give to fans of both franchises. We’re excited to share that we’ll be releasing N7 Day-themed wearable items in The Sims 4 on the 17th of November. These items are free to anyone with The Sims 4. Don’t have it yet, but want these exclusive crossover items? The Sims 4 is now free to play across all platforms! 
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We can’t wait to see you all rocking your Mass Effect fandom while doing incredible things in The Sims 4. Be sure to show us your Sims after the update goes live!
Sul sul!
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Our friends beyond our studios have been busy, too! From the BioWare Gear store to Dark Horse and more, we’ve got some cool stuff coming your way for fans who want to add something new to their collections or wardrobes. Full details and lineups can be found on each retailer’s website, so be sure to check out what they have in store for this N7 Day!
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BioWare Gear Store
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Dark Horse
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Volante Design
And for those of you looking to jump into Mass Effect Legendary Edition on PC, we’re also having a sale on the remaster on the EA App and Steam! Be sure to check it out if you’re interested.
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Every N7 Day is special to us—every single one. It’s a day made for all of you and exists because of your passion. As our team on the next Mass Effect game celebrates today with you, they wanted to leave you with one final message from the Project Director of the next Mass Effect game, Mike Gamble.
In the nearly 15 years since the release of the first Mass Effect, the biggest reason we still love working on it is the warmth, dedication, and passion of this community. There are some of you who have been with us through everything. We’ve grown together, sacrificed Ashley together, (Editor’s Note: Or Kaidan, Mike! We all make different choices.) faced difficulties together…and laughed until our Faces Were Tired…together! And for those of you who are new to Mass Effect (thanks, Legendary Edition!), welcome! I can promise that many years of fun, adventures, and characters you’ll fall in love with are still ahead.
Regardless of when you joined us, through four games and more expansions, I can say with certainty that we’re in this because of you, and every N7 Day is a wonderful reminder of that. As we look forward, each week is a fun and exciting challenge for the team. We love bringing this universe to life, and although there’s much more we want to share with you, that’ll have to be for another time.
For now, there is something we want you to have a look at. We’ve intercepted some strange footage from one of the monitoring stations in known space. It could be nothing, but…
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Download Video
Happy N7 Day, everyone!
—The Mass Effect team"
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paarthursass · 11 months
sorry, forgot to clarify in my last ask! do you have any rpg recs?
Ah! No worries! And I sure do!
Pillars of Eternity & Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire. Fantasy RPG developed by Obsidian Entertainment (same company behind Fallout: New Vegas, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, and Neverwinter Nights). You (the PC) are caught in a magical storm that "awakens" you - causes you to recall your past lives, and allows you to commune with other spirits. At the same time, children are being born without souls; you journey and gather allies to discover if the two are related.
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous: Fantasy RPG based in the Pathfinder system. A Demon Lord comes to town and you gather allies to try and stop him.
Divinity: Original Sin 2: Fantasy RPG developed by Larian Studios (of recent Baldur's Gate 3 fame) Sourcerers are being rounded up and taken to an island prison to be "cleansed" of their Source, in the efforts to stop the assault of Voidwoken - monstrous creatures who feed on Source. You're one of these Sourcerers.
These are all ones that I've played myself and so can personally advocate for as fun, creative RPGs that have memorable characters, great customization options, and all around a fun RPG experience. None of these really come close to the experience of playing VTMB, either in setting or in playstyle, but from what I've seen VTMB is extremely unique in that regard.
Other ones I've heard good things about (but have not played personally myself) are the aforementioned Neverwinter Nights and Star Wars: KOTOR, along with the Outer Worlds (also by Obsidian Entertainment). Tbh, looking at Obsidian's catalogue in general is a good idea if you're looking for RPGs, because they consistently put out good ones. Owlcat also had another Pathfinder game that came out before Wrath of the Righteous — Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Also, if you're looking for other games in the Vampire: the Masquerade universe (and you don't mind reading your games), Choice of Games has developed four Interactive Fiction games in development with World of Darkness. You can find all of them here (they can be purchased either through Steam or through the Choice of Games website). They all allow you to create and customize your own character, but as the games are Interactive Fiction they're all entirely text-based.
I personally really enjoy Interactive Fiction, and if you find you enjoy the medium as well I recommend browsing through the Choice of Games and Hosted Games official catalogue, as well as their forum where people will post WIPs of games they're working on. Interact-IF on tumblr also is a good place to look for free to play, in-progress IFs.
Hope you found this helpful!
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witchymcbitchy · 2 years
Intro post! <3
Hi there everyone! I've started a new tumblr account and I'm basically gonna be here to post art and try and make more friends who are into the same niche things that I'm into!
Here's a bit about myself:
My name is Quincy, but that is subject to change. This is because I only found out pretty recently that I'm non binary and at the moment I'm just testing the waters when it comes to names and such.
By the way, I go by they/them. I'm also bisexual.
I'm currently 20 years old, turning 21 in December (I cannot wait to be legally allowed to drink wine at red lobster. Gettin CRUNK.)
I'm an artist! I've been drawing for as long as I can remember and currently my goal is to go to college soon and study to be an art teacher.
I LOVE PLAYING D&D AND PATHFINDER!!! Im actually on the search for a campaign that I can join right now! Im just a bit picky because I want to find a group with other artists like myself that focuses HEAVY on characters/roleplay above all else. (HMU if youd like me to join your campaign by the way, our PCs can k-k-k-k,,kiss or something..)
Other hobbies include: Reading, gaming, contemplating the integrity of my reality, listening to youtube video essays, and collecting funny rocks.
Lastly, fandoms I'm in: The Mandela Catalogue, The Walten files, Grishaverse, Stardew Valley, Epithet Erased, Homestuck (*shudders*), Petscop, Good Omens, Omori, AND MORE! I mostly hyperfixate on my OCs so I don't really have time to indulge in a lot of other pieces of media, sorry.
So yeah!!! I don't know what else to put here. If you wanna be my mutual then step up bbg ahahahaahaaaaa (plz I am so alone)
Also look at my art:
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essaygraveyard · 2 years
Comparison without negativity.
One of the trickiest things about existing in the ttrpg space is the inexplicably hostile divide that exists between a large group of D&D players and a contingent of other players who seemingly define themselves by the fact that they play everything but D&D. The existence of this divide puts someone like me, who doesn't really have a problem with D&D but still prefers other games, in an odd position. See I want to be able to talk about other games, and the easiest point of comparison a lot of the time is D&D since it's the one you can kinda assume most people are familiar with. However, I have been struggling to compare games to D&D without sounding like I am being at least a little critical.
Let's use an example. Say I want to talk about games that use life-paths during character creation. I've been playing Star Trek Adventures and during character creation you follow your pc from their upbringing through the highlights of their career and as you do you tie ever single ability, interest, stat, and virtue to something in the characters past. The result is that characters come out much more developed by default than they do in other games. Thats not to say that the pcs in other games can't be developed, it's just to say that sometimes pc's in other games can feel like they just popped into existence in a way that they can't in ST:A. The point of comparison I would want to make here is to look at the abilities and skills in 5e D&D. So many abilities in 5e can feel like they just pop in out of nowhere, and just as often the proficiencies feel like they provide no insight into the characters themselves. This is a criticism of 5e, sure, and if I were to mention that criticism to people in the D&D community without first mentioning another game, I'm sure a lot of people would agree with me. However, bringing up a different game changes how people read that criticism. In this context it is now an insult being hurled from the outside despite the fact that I still play more 5e than any other game.
This makes a lot of conversations difficult to have. D&D has been walled off from other games with gatekeepers on both sides enforcing a conflict that as far as I can tell helps no one. Given I have little to no experience actually participating in online communities the ins and outs of this divide confuse and frighten me. A few months ago, I joined TikTok. a few weeks ago, I posted a handful of videos to test out the waters. Since then, I have been nearly paralyzed because every time I think of something that might be good to post I reconsider it for fear of stoking conflict that I'm not prepared for. This probably sounds like a really petty conflict for me to be tiptoeing around, and I admit it is, but nonetheless it has introduced yet another block for my ability to be creative.
What's unusual about this situation for me in particular is that I don't have conflicting feelings about it. My block comes entirely from how other people might take the things I say, not from what I am trying to say in the first place. In case it hasn't been obvious I think the entire dichotomy of this divide is stupid, that the people dismissing 5e are assholes and that the people refusing to even look at other games are largely being over defensive. I am also certain that this is a vocal minority that has just enough numbers to infect every comments section with their trademark cries of "just play pathfinder". Maybe I'm obsessing over nothing as I am wont to do, but I do want to be putting more positivity into the world and I'm still learning how to do that. In the process I'm just trying to be more mindful of the things I say in a public form.
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8bitsupervillain · 8 months
End of the Year 2023: Games of the Year!
Honorable Mentions:
Mortal Kombat 1
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I like the story mode this game has in it, I thought it was a very entertaining eight hours. Problem is I just really don't like the way the actual fighting game itself plays. Perhaps my instinct for fighting games has been tainted from playing anime fighters and Street Fighter 6, but I just find the controls in Mortal Kombat 1 to be frustratingly slow for my liking.
Final Fantasy XVI
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Another game whose story I am just loving to pieces, but there's just small annoyances in the gameplay that really stops me from putting it on the list. That and I've not completed the story, and I've begun to not put RPGs that I haven't finished on my year end lists because that can come back on me in a most irritating way. Cough, Pathfinder, cough. It mystifies me that people can play this game and come away with the idea that this is the worst games they played all year. I enjoy this a whole hell of a lot, I just don't feel right about letting it on the list since I haven't finished it.
The winners of the prestigious awards I don't have:
10: Hammerwatch II
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I am not immune to hyperbolic statements. Sometimes I'll read a statement that just knocks the wind right out of me for its audaciousness, especially when it's a needlessly combative statement comparing two games to each other. A writer for PC Gamer, I believe, did a preview for Hammerwatch II where he compared it to Diablo 4 and just raked D4 over the coals while talking about how Hammerwatch II was what he wanted from it. I played the demo and thought it was a nifty little game. I had never played the original Hammerwatch so I couldn't compare it, but I liked what the demo offered me. It's a very fine time waster game, much as that might sound like an insult. I think it's a good game to play to just sort of keep my hands busy while doing other stuff. It's a nice little ARPG, and I think it's a fun game to just mess around in.
09: Demon Lord Reincarnation
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For the longest time, even while playing it I kept thinking the games name was Demon Lord Resurrection. I don't know what it is but something in 2023 just reignited my love for Dungeon RPGs (DRPGs, or Blobbers as they're apparently known, for some reason), I was spoiled for choice this year Wizardry came out with two games, and then I saw this. I was instantly drawn by its delightful lo-fi aesthetic, the crunchy look of its low resolution late eighties graphics style. I love a good strictly monochrome visual style, and I was highly impressed by this game. It's a challenging DRPG, a surprisingly straightforward one that's not weighed down with pretension. Despite its relative simplicity I also found it a game that is extremely emotionally draining because of how captivated I found myself getting by the plights and trials of my small bands of doomed adventurers. Outside of a sentence when you recruit them there's nothing really to endear you to the characters, but it kept happening to me every time. I would beam with satisfaction and pride when they manage to scrape through a tough fight. I would become extremely morose when a total party wipe happened. It was a surprisingly touching game, and I wonder if the the emotional experience would have been lessened if the game had been slightly less monstrously cruel?
08: Amnesia: The Bunker
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Cards on the table here I didn't expect to actually play this game. I've played past Amnesia games and I haven't really liked any of them so I wasn't particularly sold on going back to the Amnesia well for another chance to be let down. I'm glad I did though because this is a very fun, surprisingly tense game to play through. It is also a source of massively untapped, but extremely great comedy as well. In the game during your exploration of the bunker you find yourself in you come across hand grenades and a bevy of locked doors. The game lets you know early on that you can break locked doors. So with no idea where to go, or what to do, I decide to use the grenade as a lockpick. I throw the thing at the door when the monster who hunts you down throughout the game rounds the corner right next to the door. My grenade bounces off his face, and detonates. Me and the monster have similar thoughts and immediately run back the way we came away from the explosion. It was such a funny experience, it really made me appreciate the game more.
07: Dead Space
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Confession time here as well: I didn't think Dead Space remake was going to be any good. Can't really justify why, I just went about my life hearing about the remake and just sort of internally groaning at the idea of playing it. It's Dead Space, the series doesn't stand out in my memory as particularly great, this remake sounds like a waste of time and effort, etc. etc. But time rolls on, and I decide what the hell, I'll give it a whirl. I quite liked it, and it makes for a really interesting comparison of remakes when you look at it next to Resident Evil 4. They seem to have taken off some of the rougher edges and just made the remake a more tightly put together experience. I find the idea of one day these guys getting to remake Dead Space 3 to be an interesting thought experiment. On its own however, I think Dead Space (2023) is a very fine time, and I definitely recommend it if you're looking for a good horror shooter. Especially if you have access to a time machine, and an Xbox Series X and buy it when it was on sale for the ridiculous price of $5.
06: Armored Core 6
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Tis very fun building your customized robot and seeing how it performs combatwise against some of the biggest jobber enemies in the universe and some of the cruelest, most vicious opponents that can be put in a game. This game made me realize something about myself. The cruelest thing a game can do is plant the seed in my head that my plans can work. I will throw myself against the wall repeatedly far past the point of reason if I think a plan of action can work for a given situation. If it had the decency to just kill me and prove that I need to revise my plans early on I would absolutely do so. But if I can get a boss down to the last third, or quarter of its life bar I will keep trying this same plan again and again. Only I'll do so slightly harder. If you played the game you probably think I'm talking about the usual suspects that have arose from the controversy surrounding this game, but as far as I've seen I'm the only one who really had an issue with the boss I fought for multiple hours (the boss of the mission: Intercept the Red Guns). Never before has privatized corporate warfare looked so visually stunning. So all that said, I think you should get in the robot. Because we dig giant robots. Incidentally people who complain about giant robots being "unrealistic" are very annoying.
05: Class of 09 (and Class of 09: The Re-Up)
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Just goes to show the power of becoming somewhat popular on Twitter I suppose. Never heard of these two games until someone I follow on Twitter reposted some scene from The Re-Up, and then I got intrigued in what the game was actually about. I was expecting a rather low effort western developed VN where they would brag about how unlike those silly other VNs this one is about the plot. I didn't expect the funny ha ha visual novel about a teenage sociopath to actually affect me emotionally, or to have some pretty relevant and deep messages about society in a way that doesn't really beat you over the head with its message. I'm counting these as one game because there really isn't much that's different between entries, and it works really well as a double act.
04: Pizza Tower
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To be completely honest with you when I first heard of Pizza Tower I was not impressed. I didn't care for it, it didn't look good, and so I wrote it off and moved on with my life. Somehow, some way it dug its claws in, eventually I take another look at it, "that could be fun," I say to myself. Unfortunately this was at a point where I wasn't willing to gamble on buying things, so I went to websites of ill repute and acquired it. I played a couple levels, and I'm struck with an intense feeling of "it's fine." But in November I was compelled to give it another shot, and this time it really stuck with me. Just as a pure gameplay experience I greatly enjoyed my time with Pizza Tower. Just running through the levels on the purest base level is great fun, but eventually the game starts filling your mind with the idea of trying for these higher skill level attempts. Maybe you could make your run through a level just a touch better than you'd done it previously.
03: Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty
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Nioh set in the Three Kingdoms period in China. The process of game development is a fascinating mystery to me, you spend multiple years making these elaborate things that must fire off just so, that the slightest mishap can doom weeks or months of development time. Eventually you get so adept at the process you're able to bang out these large hundred hour games on a near yearly basis. Wo Long takes the formula of Nioh that has been tinkered, and improved upon in Nioh 2, Stranger of Paradise and releases this, fundamentally the ultimate distillation of the process. I love this game, I love the general feel of the gameplay, the hamminess of the voice acting, it all just comes together in a beautifully crafted and wonderful experience. I know it will never in a million years happen, but it's my earnest hope that Blizzard one day taps Koei Tecmo to make a Diablo version of these games. But as it stands I will be more than happy to replay this game to get my fill of a level-based Soulslike. It works well to differentiate it, because not every damn game needs to be an open-world experience.
02: Resident Evil 4
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I admit to a certain wariness when this remake was announced. How far is Capcom willing to take this concept? What will they do when the time inevitably comes for them to remake Resident Evil 6? Or after that, will they remake RE7? Start the process over again? Also I feel a certain dread because they keep putting these out on a yearly basis, something's got to give eventually. Anyway I have a tremendous amount of love for the RE4make, it is such an utter delight to play that I've done gone through multiple times in 2023 alone. Which astounds me, because much as everyone claims the original Resident Evil 4 as one of the all time greats I was never the biggest fan. I prefer the remake of the first Resident Evil myself. And the release of the Separate Ways DLC was such a masterful shot in the arm that it improved what I feel was already a nearly perfect game. Also not to derail the conversation too much, but I don't understand people who say Resident Evil 4 shouldn't be in consideration for a GotY (from more popular sources) because it's a remake. It's a silly thing to try to exclude the game over. That said, given what they've learned from Resident Evil 7, 8, and the remakes I think Resident Evil 9 just might be the pinnacle of the series when that comes out in 2025.
01: Baldur's Gate III
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I bought Baldur's Gate III back when it first came out in Early Access. I never really planned on playing it during that period, but I know how it goes with Early Access games, the price always goes up, and I wanted in on the cheap. The thought was I would play the first two Baldur's Gates in the meantime to get myself good and prepared for the sequel made decades later by a completely different company. I never did, the two versions of the originals still sit unplayed in my GOG account. Well maybe like a minute was played to verify they would actually run, but you get my point. I went into this thinking it would be fine, nothing particularly groundbreaking, but a decent enough adventure. I was not prepared for how the game completely obliterated my expectations. Just the sheer size and scope of the interactivity is mind boggling to me, the fact they have seemingly planned for every stupid and wild idea the playerbase could come up with astounds me. You don't need me to tell you why Baldur's Gate III is good, hell odds are you've probably played it yourself. I just think it's really commendable how the folks at Larian seem to just have accommodated every single type of person with something in this game that would just sink its hooks in them.
Also have you seen Minthara?
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I mean, come on.
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How could she not win this award?
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Plus now they've made it so cowards can recruit her, so everyone gets to delight in her magnificent radiance.
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pathfinderunlocked · 1 year
Tranquilizer Dart Turret - CR9 Trap
Ow!  Hey, what just hit my neck?  Oh, it’s a... zzzz...
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Artwork by M. Tops at Printables.
Use this carefully.  I strongly dislike this type of trap in combat situations, because it takes a player complete out of the game for the rest of the fight, which in Pathfinder can often be over an hour.  That’s extremely un-fun.  Also, obviously, a trap that simply puts targets to sleep is technically harmless by itself (although if it keeps shooting you as soon as you wake up, I guess you’d die of thirst eventually).  If you want a version of this that’s appropriate to use in combat, see the Lesser Tranquilizer Dart Trap instead.
However, this trap works well in conjunction with other traps or hazards, and that’s where I would recommend using it.  If the remaining PCs have to choose between escaping from some other danger and saving their unconscious friend, that’s pretty interesting.
I made two versions of this trap - one magical and one technological.  Both are below.  They’re extremely similar.
I’ve included stats for the magic version as if it were a magic item - something that Paizo almost always forgets to do for traps, even though Detect Magic can absolutely detect and identify their function.
Most players will probably just destroy the turret after it appears instead of trying to disable it.  Assume it has 13 AC (as a Fine-sized object) and 1 hp.
Tranquilizer Dart Turret (technological) - CR 9
XP 6,400
This trap includes a Fine-sized camera (1 cm long) mounted on a surface such as a wall or ceiling.  This camera can be configured with a list of authorized creatures and uses facial recognition technology to identify them.  If the camera detects an unauthorized creature, the turret emerges from a hidden panel near the camera and attacks the unauthorized creature.
Type mechanical and technological; Perception DC 25; Disable Device DC 25
Trigger camera (perception +15); Reset automatic (1 round)
Effect ranged attack +15 (1 piercing), range increment 30 ft.  A target struck by this attack must succeed on a DC 18 Fortitude save against a poison effect or fall unconscious for 1d6 rounds and asleep for 1 hour.  A target immune to magical sleep effects is unaffected.
Tranquilizer Dart Turret (magical) - CR 9
Aura moderate enchantment; CL 9th; Slot none (unattended trap); Price —
XP 6,400
This trap includes a Fine-sized crystal eye (1 cm wide) mounted on a surface such as a wall or ceiling.  This crystal eye is capable of recognizing the trap’s creator, and the trap’s creator can select any number of other creatures or types of creatures to authorize.  If the crystal eye detects an unauthorized creature, the turret emerges from a hidden panel near the camera and attacks the unauthorized creature.
Type mechanical (effect) and magical (trigger); Perception DC 25; Disable Device DC 25
Trigger proximity (selective alarm); Reset automatic (1 round)
Effect ranged attack +15 (1 piercing), range increment 30 ft.  A target struck by this attack must succeed on a DC 18 Fortitude save against a poison effect or fall unconscious for 1d6 rounds and asleep for 1 hour.  A target immune to magical sleep effects is unaffected.
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galpiner · 2 years
Skate 3 cheats xbox one
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How do you unlock Mega Park in Skate 1?.How do you unlock all locations in Skate 3?.How do you unlock all the parks in Skate 3?.There is also a bowl to the right if you entered through the entrance. It is unlocked by getting the cover of both Trasher and Skateboard magazines (only in Skate 1). You may need to give your skater a half-second or so after tricking to align(parallel) himself/her with the angled landing surface(done automatically). In the same way How do you land big jumps in Skate 3? Your landing surface must be at an angle proportionate to your falling speed. Trucks and wheels disappear from your deck Pedestrians chase you, screen goes yellowish. The Super Ultra Mega Skate Park is a massive park located near the Observatory Skate Path in the University District in Port Carverton, it is a huge « Danny Way Style » park, that provides many chances to get massive air time with incredible speed, it is defintely a skateboarder’s dream come true.Įnables Zombie Mode. In addition, Where is the biggest ramp in Skate 3? Mcfly – Changes your skateboard into a snazzy hover board - Beware: They don’t go on water*ĭeadspacetoo – Unlocks Isaac from Dead Space.ĭontbesomayo – Unlock Miracle Whip clothes and objects. Wolf's Gaming Podcast ep.18: UnMetal, Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous & Hot Wheels 49:45.Wolf's Gaming Podcast ep.19: God of War on PC, And Mercury Steam Kinda Suck 52:26.Zombie – Turn pedestrians into zombies (Also changes the color of the sky) Wolf's Gaming Podcast ep.17: Playstation Showcase & Epic Loses In Apple Legal Battle 01:11:49.
Wolf's Gaming Podcast ep.16: How to respond to Activision-Blizzard, and what the Hell is up with Blue Box? 47:16.
Wolf's Gaming Podcast ep.15: Rambling About The Steam Deck 35:14.
Tony Hawk games dominated my early years, even though my interest in skating only extended as far as cruising around on a board occasionally and never once even managing to pull off an ollie. Myself and skateboards have roughly the same relationship as whales and desserts probably best not put together.
But skateboarding videogames were a whole different story, and the Tony Hawk series appealed to me on just about every level.
There aren’t many games I claim to be great at, but Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater and Pro Skater 2 are amongst the few I’d say I’m bloody good at. And then EA came out with something different: Skate, a whole new take on skateboarding in videogames. Skate’s control scheme has you flicking the right stick to pull off ollies, kickflips and every other trick in the game. An ollie is as simple as pulling back on the stick and then flicking it straight up. A kickflip is the same, except on the upwards stroke you push the stick just a touch off-angle. Grinds are handled simply by the way you land on a rail, wall or curb. In the original Skate I found this a nightmare at first coming from Tony Hawks games I couldn’t even ollie up a curb and ended up quitting the game entirely in a fit of rage. It took me weeks before I went back and patiently retrained my brain to Skate’s unique way of handling a board. It was worth the effort, though, because once you get good at Skate you feel like a king. The control system that once felt weird becomes intuitive and natural. While Skate doesn’t go as completely over-the-top with its physics as the Tony Hawk games, it’s still fairly arcadey. Skate 3 in particular can let you get away with some spectacular stupidity, especially as you learn the ins and outs of how it will try to automatically twist you into wall rides and such. But there’s a hardcore mode if you felt like something more challenging, tweaking the physics to be more unforgiving, taming the speed and being far less generous ollie height.
The singleplayer story mode is worth playing and is enjoyable in its own way, and features a bunch of real-life pro Skaters, plus Jason Lee (former professional skateboarder) of My Name is Earl fame.
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parasite-core · 2 years
It’s fun comparing my PCs stats using the ability score descriptions Paizo gave for Pathfinder 1e. Especially throwing Draven into the mix with her mythic powerhouse stats…despite her not always managing to live up to her stats due to her less than stellar luck (in universe and in meta).
Roland and Draven are both wiser than a Great Wyrm golden dragon, with Draven being *so* maxxed out in wisdom that she’s literally off the charts at 40 (even if we took away her status as Iomedae’s herald she’d still be off the charts at 36). Ileark follows them up at less wise than a Great Wyrm but still “basically prescient” at 26. My least wise character on the other hand, Sai, comes in at an 8 “forgets or fails to consider options”. Considering her go-to plans are “do what Hayden does”, “hex someone”, or “befriend the fuzzy animal”…yeah.
Strength is another fun one, because I forget who has absolute superhuman strength sometimes. Obviously Umbrolus at 24 without rage and 32 with rage. On the chart he goes from “pinnacle of brawn, able to out-lift several people” to “amongst the strongest creatures to have ever lives” just by getting a little feisty. Draven, however, always surprises me by also having a 24 base strength, and her spell Mighty Strength can get her up to 32 also, so she’s basically Umbrolus with high AC at that point. Roland having 20 strength feels like it should be surprising since he uses mostly ranged options, but remembering I originally built him as a mercenary sword fighter and he ended up fighting as a ranged spell caster organically over time as he grew into his cleric role is why his strength has gone mostly unused. That and low HP. He’s just really squishy. None of my characters in play are truly low strength. I have a bunch of 12 strength characters (Sai, Kiyo, Ileark), but nothing currently below that. Unless we go really far back to my first generation Pathfinder characters, in which case Jeffry and Jack had a 10 strength, although Jack beefed up his strength with mutagens.
Constitution would in theory be fun, but in action you can’t dump constitution without making a frail character who will go down in two hits *not naming any names, Rich* so none of my characters dip low enough in constitution to be noticeable, except again Jeffry and Jack because they were some of my first characters and Jeffry was supposed to be sickly so I made his constitution low without realizing it would affect his HP going forward for the rest of the game.
Like constitution, dex is often hard to justify dumping because it affects AC. I have a dhampir paladin I built with 8 dex who I imagine has a limp from an old injury, but I haven’t played her and honestly since my metamour played Berin a dhampir Paladin’s been done now so I probably won’t play her because it’ll feel like a rehash. Ironically even though Roland relies on ranged attacks his dex is his lowest stat at 14. He just relies on the fact he’s using touch attacks to get past AC.
Intelligence can be dumped, especially since it’s so much fun to play an absolute idiot. Enter Lucien, who started with 8 intelligence. He has 10 now because of a headband the party felt he *really* should wear, to which he immediately realized he’d made some very poor decisions after putting it on. As for my smartest character…well by a landslide it’s Jack with a 35 because he’s a super genius and also cheated by reading a book that made him smarter. But of my more recent characters it’s actually Sai at 23. Let’s hear it for high int low on wis. According to the chart she is as smart as a Great Wyrm Red Dragon, while Jack is just off the chart past a Great Wyrm Golden Dragon. Everyone wants to measure themselves against dragons these days…
Also Draven managed to get an 18 “genius level intelligence” by doing absolutely nothing. Friggin lazy mythic heroes.
Then there’s charisma. This is Draven’s lowest stat which is still really good for a regular person (16: popular, receives greetings and conversations on the street). That scans, she is a big damn hero, of course she’d be popular. Now…I don’t really play charisma casters or the face generally. I have a face/charisma caster lined up for Reign of Winter. He’s just starting out at level 1 with 18 base charisma, more than mythic Draven has already and equal to Ileark currently. He would be “immediately likeable by many people, subject of favorable talk”…whether that ends up true in action or not, we’ll see. He’s a bit of a manipulative bastard. As for lowest charisma…well Draven had an 8 for the longest time but I guess we can’t count former ability scores when she ended up at a 16 by the end between headbands and mythic boosts. Unfortunately Kiyo has an 11 which is something I’m trying to fix for their Blackjack persona. Umbrolus has a 9 charisma. He’s just a poor clueless puppy, he doesn’t know what social cues are or what he’s supposed to be adding to most conversations.
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ashedink · 4 years
Players will find romance in the damnedest places
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I am a colossal sucker for romances developing in D&D games but it absolutely has to be natural for me, I don’t like dropping “the perfect person everyone swoons over“ into the story (and besides PCs in my games wouldn’t fall for them because perfection makes genuine emotional connection hard). So it shouldn’t shock me at ALL that my D&D parties have had some weird or wild romances before, and also that a number of them stay between PCs.
And the two ghost romances that we’ve had? Wholesome. Good stuff.
We call them Ghost Ships.
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