#I only recently realized how all over the place her colors are
celestite-caroline · 6 months
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in this experiment we will give Toffee a more coherent color palette
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Champagne & Shenanigans
Summary - You and Benedict become not so sober at a ball.
Notes - 760 words. She’s a short bean, but we love her anyhow. Fluff, my grammar, neck kisses?, drinking/being drunk. *Don’t repost or translate this without my permission.*
You couldn’t remember how you ended up drunk, but you did. One moment you were entering the ball, the next you felt a buzz running through your body. You weren’t drunk enough to do something outrageously embarrassing, but you most certainly didn’t have your manners completely attached. Both fortunately and unfortunately your husband was just as drunk as you were. You had just finished a glass of wine, and replaced that glass with a glass of champagne when you realized you hadn’t scene your husband in a while.         
You approached his mother. “Have you seen, Benedict?”       
Violet Bridgerton shook her head, smiling. “No, my dear. Not recently. I last saw him in discussion with Lord Raemwork, discussing the colors of the wall.”       
You thanked her and made your way through the crowd, making sure to not spill your champagne. You found your husband, observing the painting on the wall. You quickly approached him and found him with a glass of wine in his hand. He was muttering under his breath about the colors working naturally well with the light.       
“Ben, dear?” You said, approaching him and placing a gentle hand on his shoulder.
He turned to face you, smiling upon realizing who it was. He pulled your hand up to his lips and placed a kiss on the back of it before doing it again and one more time for good measure, making you cover up a giggle. A few heads turned your war.     
“We are at an event, Benedict,” you admonished as best you could but your husband was too busy observing your face to pay much attention.             
He only grinned in your direction, before reaching for the fabric of your dress, playing with the skirt a moment. He let out a happy, thankfully quiet, gasp. “You see how the wall color complements your dress so well, dear?” Benedict noted proudly. He looked between your dress and the wall once more. “Perhaps we should repaint the drawing room. I like this blue.”      
You laughed before reaching for his hand and downing the rest of your champagne in one swig. You pulled him away from the wall, that dumb grin that made your heart pump like wild spreading over his face.        
You passed Lady Cowper and her daughter, Cressida. Neither of them were very pleasant. You leaned towards Lady Cowper’s ear as your walked by. “You have something on your bodice.” You relished, maybe too much, the sudden look of horror on her face as she stepped away to check what you were referring too. It was more exciting to know that she had gotten herself riled up over nothing.       
Making your way through the crowd, as quickly as you could without being impolite, your husband smiling all the way. You pushed the doors open that lead out to the gardens, breathing in the night air. You were barely out the door when Ben pulled you towards him, placing a kiss on your cheek, then your other cheek. You giggled against his touch before pulling him farther into the gardens. You both paused before a statue of an angel above a fountain. “What a pretty face,” you mumbled, looking at it.         
Benedict hummed in agreement, as you turned your gaze back to him, realizing he wasn’t even looking at the statue. “Yes you do,” he said stepping towards you and placing a not so chaste kiss against your lips.          
You laughed in response as your husband’s arms wrapped around your waist, before looking back over at the angel. “Now imagine that statue in the blue you’re in now,” Benedict whispered into your ear before kissing it.       
You let out a small hum in response before stepping forward and dipping your finger into the fountain and then pulling it out again. You weren’t really sure why but you just really wanted to do that. Benedict stepped forward again, an arm going around your waist, the other lifting up to the side of your face, his finger twirling a loose curl in your hair. He leaned forward ever so slightly placing a kiss on the side of your neck before looking back up at the angel.      
“Unfortunate you don’t have paint on you,” you whispered as if whispering the most important secret out there.        
Benedict laughed, placing another kiss to your neck.       
“Time to go home?” You asked him. Benedict has a tendency to become a needy man-child when he was drunk. You didn’t need to see Ben’s face to know he was grinning from ear to ear.              
“Time to go home.” 
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xtra7s · 6 months
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𝚁𝚎𝚗𝚎𝚎 𝚁𝚊𝚙𝚙 𝚡 𝚏𝚎𝚖!𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
Synopsis: Renee realizes her girlfriend is struggling and comes back from her tour.
Content: depression warning, fluff, deep talks/discussions, just tw
Word Count: 1.800+
a/n: I havent been writing lately, but I was listening to my shitty ass sad playlist after I hit my bong n wanted to write based on how I felt. Srry it's sad lol.
Masterlist |
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As Y/N lay in bed, surrounded by the suffocating weight of her thoughts, she felt as if she were trapped. Depression wasn't just a feeling; it was a state of being, an all-encompassing darkness that clouded her mind and consumed her soul.
The disassociation was perhaps the most insidious aspect of it all. It was like watching her life unfold from behind a thick pane of glass, disconnected from the world around her. She went through the motions of her daily routine, but it felt hollow, as if she were merely a spectator in her own life like she was sleeping.
Numbness was her constant companion, a thick fog that dulled her senses and dulled the vibrant colors of the world around her. It was difficult to muster up any enthusiasm or joy when every emotion seemed to be buried beneath layers of apathy, she just felt lost, like she was suffocating.
Boredom was another relentless adversary, gnawing at her from the inside out. No matter what she did, nothing seemed to hold her interest for long. Hobbies that once brought her joy now felt like meaningless distractions, and even the simplest tasks felt like Herculean feats.
But perhaps the cruelest aspect of it all was the overwhelming loneliness that seemed to suffocate her at every turn. It wasn't just a lack of companionship; it was a profound sense of isolation, a feeling of being utterly and completely alone in the world.
Even when surrounded by friends and loved ones, Y/N couldn't shake the feeling that she was nobody's person. It was as if she were standing on the outside looking in, watching as everyone else lived their lives while she remained stuck in place, unable to move forward.
And so, as she lay in bed, tears streaming down her cheeks, Y/N couldn't help but feel as if she were buried alive and clawing at the wood til her fingers bled.
The room was dimly lit, the only illumination coming from the sun that shined through the curtains, much to Y/N's discomfort. It was a familiar scene, one that had become all too common in recent months, she didn't have the energy to shut the blinds.
Depression had become Y/N's unwanted companion, a shadow that followed her every step, always coming back even after she thought she got rid of it. Loneliness was its cruelest weapon, wrapping around her like a suffocating blanket, isolating her from the world.
She had tried to fight it, tried to push through the fog that clouded her mind, but tonight, it felt like an impossible task. Tears welled in her eyes as she stared blankly at the ceiling, feeling utterly lost and alone.
Unbeknownst to Y/N, her girlfriend Renee had sensed the shift in her demeanor. Renee had been on tour for the past few weeks, but even from miles away, she could feel when something was amiss with Y/N.
Tonight, as Renee finished her performance on stage, her thoughts were consumed by Y/N. Something didn't feel right, a nagging sense of worry gnawing at her heart. Ignoring the cheers of the crowd, Renee hurried back to her dressing room, her mind racing with concern.
Once backstage, Renee grabbed her phone, her fingers trembling as she dialed Y/N's number. It rang once, twice, before Y/N's voice echoed through the receiver, thick with emotion.
"Hey," Y/N murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.
"Hey, love," Renee replied, her heart aching at the sound of Y/N's voice. "Is everything okay?"
Y/N hesitated, the lump in her throat making it difficult to speak. But Renee's presence, even over the phone, was a balm to her weary soul.
"I… I don't know," Y/N confessed, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I just… I feel so lost, Renee. Like I'm drowning in my own thoughts."
Renee's heart shattered at Y/N's words, the pain in her voice cutting through her like a knife. Without a second thought, she made a decision.
"Y/N, I'm coming home," Renee declared, her voice filled with determination. "I'll be there as soon as I can."
Y/N's breath caught in her throat at the sincerity in Renee's words. Despite the distance between them, Renee's love was a beacon of light in the darkness.
"Please hurry," Y/N whispered, her voice trembling with emotion.
"I will," Renee promised, her own tears mingling with Y/N's across the miles. "I love you, Y/N. Just hold on a little longer, okay?"
As they hung up, a spark of hope ignited within her chest. Even in her darkest moments, Renee was her guiding star, leading her back to the light.
The moment Renee stepped through the door, she could feel the heavy atmosphere weighing down the air. The dimly lit apartment seemed to echo with Y/N's silent struggle, and Renee's heart clenched at the sight.
Renee quickly made her way to the bedroom, where she found Y/N curled up under the blankets, her eyes red-rimmed from crying. Without a word, Renee slipped into bed beside her, wrapping her arms around Y/N and pulling her close.
Y/N melted into Renee's embrace, her body trembling with the weight of her emotions. Renee held her tightly, offering silent comfort as Y/N buried her face in Renee's chest, seeking solace in her warmth.
For a long moment, they lay there in silence, the only sound the steady rhythm of their breathing. But eventually, Y/N found the courage to speak, her voice barely above a whisper.
"I'm sorry, Renee," Y/N murmured, her words muffled against Renee's shirt. "I hate that you have to see me like this."
Renee brushed a gentle kiss against Y/N's forehead, her heart aching at the pain in her eyes.
"Don't apologize, love," Renee murmured, her voice tender. "You never have to apologize for how you feel. I'm here for you, always."
Y/N's breath hitched at Renee's words, the love and acceptance in her voice a balm to her wounded soul.
"I just… I don't know how to cope anymore," Y/N confessed, her voice breaking with emotion. "It feels like I'm drowning.."
Renee's heart clenched at the despair in Y/N's voice, but she refused to let it consume them. With a gentle hand, she tilted Y/N's chin up, meeting her gaze with unwavering determination.
"You're not alone in this, Y/N," Renee said firmly, her eyes brimming with love. "We'll get through this together, okay? I'll be right here by your side every step of the way."
Y/N nodded, a glimmer of hope sparking in her eyes as Renee's words washed over her like a lifeline.
"What if I never get better?" Y/N whispered, her voice laced with fear.
Renee's heart broke at the vulnerability in Y/N's words, shaking her head.
"We'll figure it out together," Renee promised, her voice shaky. "There are so many ways we can tackle this, whether it's therapy, medication, or finding what works for you. We'll take it one day at a time."
Y/N's shoulders sagged with relief at Renee's unwavering support, the weight of her burden suddenly feeling a little lighter.
"Thank you, Renee," Y/N whispered, tears shimmering in her eyes. "I don't know what I'd do without you."
Renee brushed a tender kiss against Y/N's lips, pouring all of her love and devotion into the gentle caress.
"You'll never have to find out," Renee promised, her voice filled with conviction. "I love you, Y/N. And I'm not going anywhere."
As Y/N lay in Renee's arms, her thoughts churned with a whirlwind of emotions. The weight of her depression bore down on her like a heavy anchor, dragging her deeper into the abyss of her own mind.
"Renee," Y/N's voice wavered, breaking the heavy silence that enveloped them. "I feel like I'm stuck. Like I'm trapped in this endless cycle of figuring it all out then knowing nothing again."
Renee's heart ached at the tremble in Y/N's voice, her grip tightening around Y/N's trembling form.
"I know, love," Renee murmured, her voice soft with understanding. "I'm here.."
Y/N's eyes glistened with unshed tears as she gazed up at Renee, her vulnerability laid bare for the world to see.
"But what if it's not enough?" Y/N whispered, her cracking ever so slightly as she spoke. "I feel like I'll always be this way. I never seem to get better, Renee."
Renee's heart shattered at the despair in Y/N's words, the fear of losing her consuming her from the inside out.
"You're not broken, Y/N," Renee insisted, her voice firm with conviction. "You're human. And humans are allowed to feel lost sometimes. But that doesn't mean you can't find your way back."
Y/N smiled sadly at Renee, trying to believe her words.
"I just… I feel like I'm losing everyone," Y/N confessed, her voice trembling with emotion. "And I'm so scared of being alone."
Renee's heart constricted at the raw honesty in Y/N's words, the pain of her loneliness echoing in her own soul.
"You're not alone, Y/N," Renee whispered, her voice laced with tenderness. "You're my person, and I'm yours. We'll navigate your darkness together, hand in hand, until we find our way back to the light."
Y/N's tears flowed freely now, cascading down her cheeks like a waterfall of emotion. But with Renee's unwavering love to anchor her, she felt a glimmer of hope amidst the storm.
"Thank you, Renee," Y/N murmured, her voice choked with gratitude. "For being my light in the darkness."
Renee pressed a gentle kiss against Y/N's forehead, pouring all of her love and devotion into the tender gesture.
"Always, love," Renee promised, her voice a whispered vow. "I'll always be here for you. No matter what."
As the weight of their shared emotions began to ease, exhaustion swept over Y/N like a gentle tide, pulling her into the embrace of sleep. Renee held her close, their bodies entwined in a comforting embrace.
In the quiet of the night, as the world outside fell into a hushed slumber, Renee pressed a tender kiss to Y/N's temple, her lips lingering against the warmth of her skin.
"Sleep now, my love," Renee whispered, her voice a soft murmur in the darkness. "And remember, don't kill the flowers."
Y/N watched Renee sleepily, hooded eyes silently agreeing with her words. Sleep soon claimed her, pulling her into its gentle embrace.
And as they drifted into dreams, the promise of a new day.
𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘬𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘧𝘭𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘴.
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sleepiexx · 1 year
Can’t Lose You
Simon “Ghost” Riley x fem!Reader
Note: way late to the party of writing for Ghost but y’know I had my fun
Summary: A mission goes slightly off plan, Simon doesn’t take it too well.
Warnings: he yells at u lmao, mention of injury, mention of blood, mention of stitches
Word count: 1190
Mere seconds after the rest of the team cleared out of the room to take off gear and rest for the night, leaving Ghost alone in a room with (Y/N), he snapped. The stress of the recent mission got in his head. It brewed nothing but trouble for him, anger festering until it boiled over. Namely the part where (Y/N) went into the enemy compound by herself— as she’d been ordered to do— when, unbeknownst to the team, her comms were cut leaving them with no way of telling whether she was alive or dead for a large chunk of their assignment.
It all worked out in the end but that did nothing to quell Ghost’s simmering rage.
“You’re a bloody fucking idiot.” He growled, “It’s like you don’t care about your own god damn well being. You’re completely fucking reckless, do you even realize how easily you could have been killed!”
(Y/N) was surprised at Ghost’s hostile behavior, normally they were on good terms. If he was mad at anyone, it was never her. Not to mention that the situation had in no way been her fault.
She scoffed, eyebrows furrowed in confusion and anger, “I was fine! Barely got hurt, I don’t know why you’re getting your panties in a twist over nothing.”
He knew he shouldn’t be this mad, the rational part of his brain could reason that it wasn’t even her fault. But he wasn’t thinking logically, he was thinking emotionally, and to him yelling seemed the only way to express big emotions, “It may not be this time, it may not be the next, but if you keep on like this, some day you are going to meet the consequences of your actions and it is not going to be pretty.”
By then, (Y/N) was pissed, “Jesus Christ, it’s not that serious, Ghost! This is my fucking job! I don’t see you getting onto anyone else like this. What, do you think I can’t handle myself because I’m a woman or some shit?”
“No it’s not that it’s-“ because I love you, “it’s-“
She was sick of the arguing and frankly could not stand the fact that he wouldn’t refute her claim of sexism. She never pegged him as the type, but sooner or later, most military guys showed their true colors.
“Yeah, while you try and think up some shitty excuse, I’m going to go get cleaned up.” She stood from her seat quickly, black dotted her vision.
Ghost watched from behind, confused as she stood there swaying for a moment. Quicker than he could catch her, she slammed to the ground.
He was filled with alarm as he yelled out to her, “(Y/N)!” He was at her side in a split second, turning her onto her back.
“Fuck.” He muttered. She was out cold.
Ghost didn’t even think, it was second nature to help her. He pulled her off the ground, one arm behind her back, one under her knees. With her in his arms, he sprinted to the infirmary.
“Medic! I need a medic!” He screamed as he neared the infirmary.
All heads turned towards Ghost holding (Y/N) in his arms. Any medic who wasn’t previously occupied with an injured soldier ran towards them.
“What happened?” One of them asked, putting on latex gloves.
Ghost was shaken to his very core, even stuttering out a simple response was hard. “She just- she just fell, I don’t know.”
(Y/N) was taken from his arms and moved to a cot where they removed all of her gear. Her green shirt was heavily stained with blood, just below where her bulletproof vest ended.
“Fucking hell.” Ghost whispered. His hands made their way to his head to rake through his hair but he was stopped by his mask. Instead, he ran his hands up and down his head.
He felt horrible. He spent this whole time yelling at her instead of checking if she was okay and she wasn’t. He shouldn’t have been yelling at her in the first place, he only now realized that. He wasn’t mad, he wasn’t even disappointed, he was scared.
They lifted her shirt, revealing a huge gash that was overflowing with blood. The medic who was wearing gloves pressed gauze down harshly on the wound to stop the bleeding as another medic ran to get the suture kit.
14. She ended up getting 14 stitches in her abdomen. The wound narrowly missed her internal organs; had it been a hair's width closer, she’d be in a lot worse condition than she found herself in.
Ghost was mortified, she could have died. She could have died and the last conversation they would have had would have been him yelling at her for something he wasn’t even actually mad about.
He sat at her bedside, mask rested on the table beside him. He didn’t want the mask to be the first thing she saw when she woke up; he figured that it would scare her, and he’d antagonized her enough for one day.
“I’m so sorry,” he whispered. His thumb rubbed over the knuckles on her limp hand. “I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have yelled at you like that.”
Simon tilted his head towards the ceiling, blinking away tears. “It’s just… I can’t lose you, (Y/N). I know- I know you are more capable than anyone else at your job. Hell, I’ve seen it, seen how good you are at what you do. But, (Y/N), I love you, and I dread the day that someone gets the upper hand on you and you get hurt and there’s nothing I can do to fix it.”
He stopped his monologue the moment he felt her hand squeeze his back. His eyes shot down to see hers blinking up at him.
“Good thing that won’t happen,” she rasped. She parted her hand from his only so that she could reach for his face. “Where’d your other face go?”
“My other face?” He snorted, holding her hand to his cheek.
“Your skull.”
“Oh.” He said, glancing towards the mask on the table. “Didn’t want to frighten you.”
“It’s gonna take a lot more than that to scare me, Lieutenant.”
Simon shook his head, half disappointed that she hadn’t seemed to have heard his confession, half relieved.
“Oh and Lt.?”
He perked up to her calling him, “Yeah?”
She sat up ever so slightly before pulling him towards her in one swift movement, pressing their lips together. He was shocked by her actions but caught on quickly, kissing back with double the amount of passion she kissed him with. Her hands found themselves interlocked behind his neck while his came to clasp around her waist.
As they parted— hands still glued to the spots on either body that they held onto with a death grip— a spit trail kept them connected.
“Gross.” (Y/N) laughed, triggering Simon to laugh as well.
She stopped laughing to stare into his eyes, the ones that gleamed with love for her. “In case you couldn’t tell,” she started, “I love you too.”
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imababblekat · 1 year
A Rare Sight
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Prompt: A silence has befallen the ninja turtle lair, and three brothers catch an unthinkable sight of their rugged sibling, Raphael!
Not a voice or sound of clanging weapons resounded within the lair, just the soft hum of technology echoing from an unoccupied lab and the whir of the sewers. In such strange quietness, the youngest of the ninja turtles who had just recently returned with a new box of pizza looked around inquisitively. Seeing two of his three brothers, Leo and Donnie, standing over the other behind one of the lair walls, he quickly walked over. “Hey! What are-mumph!” Mikey was quickly silence by two hands slapping over his mouth followed by aggressive shushing. Both brothers slowly lowered their hands, Mikey doing his best to talk in a quieted tone. “I know I’m the life of the party, but why are y’all being so quiet?!” Leo pointed toward his eyes and then out around the corner to where Donnie had returned his own intense gaze. Setting down the box of triple meat and cheese pizza on a nearby rail, Mikey crept forward and shoved himself under Leo who grunted slightly annoyed. It took all of the orange clad ninja turtle to keep himself from squealing at the sight that had his brothers so intrigued. In the common area of the lair, beneath the glow of warm fairy lights, sat Raphael and you huddled close together on the couch. Both were fast asleep, a stark contrast to how Mikey had seen you two before leaving to get pizza, each one in a loud banter about who was the best DC hero and why. The way you two were so close was absolutely adorable, your head rested on Raph’s shoulder, and the fierce turtles head rested atop yours. The boys were used to the serenity of your sleeping state, but to see their brother whose color matched his typical rage of character in such similarity was absolutely baffling. Not to mention the fact that he had even fallen asleep so close to another person! Raphael was not exactly known for outwardly expressing his closeness to others, that including his own brothers. “How long have they been like that?!”, Mikey all but excitedly shrieked, both his brothers shushing him once more. Turning his attention back to the two most likely unintentional snuggle bugs on the sofa, Donnie’s nose scrunched in thought. “Could not be for long. I stepped into the lab only a few minutes after you left, and I could still hear them arguing over the recent DC movies.”, he whispered out, much quieter than his ecstatic brother. Mikey sighed, resting his chin on a propped elbow and seemingly kicking back his feet like a high schooler in the mist of day dreaming. “Dudes, I bet they’re item. Yeah, they’re totally an item~.” Above the swooning turtle, Leo shook his head, the tails of his mask swaying ever so lightly. “I doubt it. Just last week I saw (y,n) adjust his bench seat to get back at him for mocking her height again. Raph couldn’t even squeeze his big head into the space between the seat and bar.” Before any of the trio could make another comment, a noise from the center of the room had them freeze in place. As soon as they realized it was just you yawning in your sleep, they had relaxed. Curious gazes watched as you shuffled in place, snuggling in closer to the outwardly brutish ninja turtle, who turn had adjusted as well for closer proximity. Seeing Raph be so soft with your smaller form as it cuddled closer into his side, was not a sight any of the brothers thought they’d witness. Even in his sleep, Raphael seemed know to be gentle with you beside him, and despite the foreign feeling of having someone so physically close, his subconscious had clearly wanted it. Regardless, the scene of seeing their typically short fused brother so at peace in the arms of someone they all held dear brought a warmth to their hearts. Knowing that someone as strong headed as Raph, someone who often threw up a tough guy front to hide the softness deep within, found and got to experience such a wonderous moment, was all that they could wish for. With a content smile for his the brother he often butted heads with, Leo stepped back from spot against the wall. “Come on. Let’s give them some-“ CLICK! The eyes of Leo and Donnie shot open in pure surprise and horror when they snapped their sharp gaze towards the loud noise, only to find Mikey holding a camera he seemingly pulled out of thin air. Cheeks heating up in embarrassment at not realizing how loud the device would be, Mikey awkwardly chuckled. “What, they’re sleeping! There’s no way they heard right? Right?!” As if to answer the mischievous youngsters question, a groggy and familiarly angry tone reverberated off the lairs wall. “MIKEY!!!” Said turtle yelped and turned to find his two other brothers having fled with haste, leaving him to deal with the furious approaching sounds of a now awakened Raphael, all the while you sat in the background still half asleep and very confused about all the kerfuffle.
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anglingforlevels · 11 months
Open House (Yandere House x Reader)
When people say the housing market is a nightmare, is this what they had in mind? (The story goes out to me because I’m trying to get an apartment and it is Suffering. Please pretend this count as yandere.)
CW: not proofread, unconventional captivity, swearing, I accidentally had too much fun writing Abby and forgot the point of the story-
Minors DNI
When you proudly had reached the saving milestone to buy a small house in the countryside, you had opted to spend some of that money on a real estate agent, figuring it was a good investment, hiring a Ms. Abby Bardot – who, over the phone, had insisted heavily on being called Abby rather than Ms. Bardot – who had twenty years of experience in the field.
Quite quickly, you realized that perhaps she wasn’t the most conventional real estate agent.
Ms. Abby, you quickly noticed at your first meeting, was all hand-wringing and nervous sweating, though she seemed sweet enough, having clutched a tin of home-cooked cookies in all shades of black and almost-not-black, and had heartily insisted you’d take as many as you’d like (which was zero).
She had insisted on bringing you to an open house for what she had called a hidden gem of a house, that it would be a private tour. To you, once she mentioned it would be at 1 p.m., it was quite obvious that “private tour” meant, “no one else has or will be showing up”.
Ms. Abby had also enthusiastically shown pictures of the place, pictures she had ready-at-the-go on her phone, presumably she really needed a buyer for the house.
“Ms. Abby.” You had said, interrupted with a small interjection of, Oh please, just Abby. “Ms. Abby, that’s not quite a house and more so a small manor. I went over my budget with you when I hired you.” Ms. Abby had quickly recovered from the rejection and puffed out her chest proudly.
“Why that’s the best part, this is within your budget!”
You had sent her a dubious look at this. “Are the pictures… How do I put this delicately? Are the pictures recent and unedited?”
Ms. Abby deflated so quickly that it almost felt impressive, almost urging you to clap as if it was a circus performance. Of course, it felt mean had you clapped at her dejected look.
“It’s well-kept, I assure you. These pictures are all recent, I’ve updated them every year for almost my entire career!” She said proudly, and you almost felt pity at the fact she didn’t seem to realize her own slip-up but instead paraded it around like a badge of honor.
Though, all-in-all you were charmed, and somewhat endeared, by the honesty. But not very much by the house at all. “I think I’d like to look at other options, it’s awfully big for just one person.”
“Ah, wait!” Ms. Abby said urgently. “Please, before we continue with other options, let’s first try out the open house this Friday.”
“Is this protocol, Ms. Abby?” Ms. Abby’s lips wobbled at this and… “Are you crying?!”
“No, I’m a professional. Real Estate Agents don’t cry, I’m simply sweating, is all.” Ms. Abby sniffled, dubbing her eyes with a handkerchief, presumably you were meant to believe her eyes were suffering heat stroke on this fine autumn day.
“…Alright, I’ll go to the open house. Just give me the address.” You eventually relented, if only to avoid seeing the pitiful sight of a teary-eyed Ms. Abby.
That’s how you ended up before a grand house out in the middle of nowhere, the closest town was an hour-long drive away. Forest and fields were most of the surroundings, which was why the house was in such stark contrast, standing as a sole presence, the forests and fields shying away to make room for it, leaving a vast vacancy around it, stretching on for at least fifty meters.
It really was a pristine house, when comparing it to the pictures, it seemed to match right down to the placement of every rock and plant in sight. As if someone had consciously placed each leaf and pebble.
The plants and trees of the garden donned vibrant colors despite the season. You wondered how often Ms. Abby came by, or if she had hired a crew for maintenance, as you could not spot even the slightest hint of dirt or spiderwebs.
The only thing that looked aged was, unfortunately, the “For Sale” sign.
It felt a little unnatural, but you chalked it up to currently being a display house, and thus not lived-in either. You took notice of the way the trees beyond the reach of the garden were withered and wrinkled, and the grass yellowy, dry patches, barely hiding the dirt beneath.
“Some more forest could really do this place some good.” You mumbled. You hesitated for reasons you didn’t fully understand before stepping beyond dead plants clinging loosely to your feet and entering the garden.
You felt a prickling sensation behind your eyes the further you traveled, the door felt so far when the weight of something cloyingly attentive seemed to drag you down as if to prevent your advances.
“You’re here!” A delighted Ms. Abby yelled out before the sound of pitter-patter was interrupted by a loud thud against the door that rattled the frame. With her energy dampened, a sheepish Ms. Abby appeared behind the front door, simply saying; “It opens the other way.”
Right, something attentive could only have been the attention of the overzealous Ms. Abby.
“Come in, come in!” She invited, all but pulling you stumbling into a most decadently, lavishly decorated foyer. From distasteful stuffed animal heads to the ruby red furniture and mosaic glass tables, it felt quite uncomfortable, all sharp angles and very little homeliness to it, like an ornate display of wealth rather than a welcome into a household.
“Not very welcoming, huh?” You commented, which Ms. Abby elected not to respond to, though the small “eep” suggested she had heard the negative impression.
Looking the room over it was impossible for your eyes not to rest at the centerpiece of the foyer: A huge painting above the staircase. A solemn-looking guy stared out into the air, curly locks framing his face. Old paintings always looked miserable, yet you couldn’t help but feel there was a glint of genuine misery in his eyes. Noticing your attention had wandered, Ms. Abby followed your eyes.
“Oh, that was an owner of the house who had it commissioned back during the Renaissance, they wanted it right here, in the heart of the house.” She explained though you couldn’t say you agreed to a decadent foyer being the heart of a house, and if it was, that wasn’t boding well for Ms. Abby’s already poor sales chances.
“I’ve never understood why someone would want to pay money to look miserable in a painting, like you’re paying for it, at least make yourself smile or something.” Your jab was met with Ms. Abby’s impressive ability to carry on like you had said nothing negative at all.
“You know, the owner claimed it was a Jan van Eyck-original too.” Ms. Abby said as if letting you in on a secret, or town gossip. “Really, we’ve had it appraised.”
“And the appraiser confirmed it was a Jan van-whatever original?”
“…The owner really loved art; you’ll see plenty of paintings throughout the place.”
So that was a no. And speaking of no’s:
“Listen, Ms. Abby, I don’t exactly have the budget for a big house, as I already said. I especially don’t have the kind of budget that the kind of person who’d commission an artist to paint them for their foyer would have.”
Abby laughed nervously. “Well, you see, the value’s dropped as I mentioned. We haven’t been able to sell it for a long time, so the price just kept falling.”
“Right. But even so, it can’t have fallen that much.”
At this, Abby avoided eye contact, wringing her hands before, after a big breath, blurting it out. “The person in the painting was the last person to own the house.”
“Is this place built on top of an oilfield or something?”
Ms. Abby laughed a hearty if a bit shrill, laughter, before sighing and mumbling. “If only.” She clapped. “But! This is a charming house, why, let me show you the many rooms!”
“Ms. Abby, have you ever considered a field outside of sale?” You asked dryly but nonetheless followed along, eager to leave behind the painting, as you felt watched. The house consisted of many sprawling hallways, enough to almost make one dizzy, and you struggled to remember where everything was.
The house had many rooms, none of them particularly inviting, reading more like a historical display room lacking any warmth or heart (and perhaps even worse, any semblance of renovation despite old age), and all absolutely clustered with trinkets, knickknacks, and in the case of the walls, paintings – leaving very little free space.
It really did read like a historical display, as some rooms seemed older than others, suggesting partial renovation must have been done on some of the rooms. You’d like a word with whoever had been in charge of that lackluster, nonsensical effort.
Perhaps the lack of replaced furniture or renovation was why the house periodically seemed to creak and moan in odd ways, at times you almost confused it as Ms. Abby groaning or sighing, only to realize it was the sound of the house itself.
As for Ms. Abby, she remained undeterred regardless of how many snide remarks you made, which you had to commend her for, though the charm you initially had felt from it was quickly wearing off. Ms. Abby actually seemed increasingly happy, humming to herself. She didn’t think the sale was going well, did she?
“How much of the house is there left to see, Ms. Abby?” You asked, increasingly impatient and tired, having been dragged through an unreasonable number of rooms, which inexplicably, almost all were bedrooms (and yet, you had yet to see more than a single bathroom).
“Well, we’re still missing a couple rooms like the kitchen, oh! I know, how about the master bedroom since you’ll be spending every night there.” She said with a beaming smile.
“That’s awfully optimistic, Ms. Abby.” You noted, at this you received a good-hearted chuckle.
“Oh, this place is too lovely to pass up on, I think it likes you – it’s a match made in heaven. If you don’t like some of the features or decorations, it’s easy to change those, so it would be a waste not to live here.”
“I can’t imagine a house as empty as this holding much affection, and I’m not up for a big project.” All you wanted was a small but cozy house, a simple place. You felt exhausted just thinking about the amount of work you’d need to pour into a house like this to make it feel like home.
“Well, it’s perhaps not an easy house,” Ms. Abby admitted, her cheer at this point an unshakeable force, as a sense of confidence seemed to have sprouted in her. “But that’s why when that rare fit comes by one must take the leap and hold onto it.”
You’d feel insulted by the suggestion you were a good fit for this distasteful and unpleasant house, had Ms. Abby not already shown herself as incompetent but well-meaning. You simply sighed, giving up the conversation, figuring you’d find another real estate agent when you came home.
“Well, take me to the master bedroom then.”
Ms. Abby led you through the foyer again, the bedroom apparently at the other end of the house. Your eyes were drawn to the painting once more, its eyes felt more sunken in than before, shadows forming beneath, to which you tiredly sighed. “Me too, buddy. Me too.”
The master bedroom seemed to be at the stopping point to the sprawling hallways on the right. You were just aghast at the fact you had gone through another set of sprawling hallways, you wondered who had come up with the confusing layout of the place.
Ms. Abby tried to imitate a trumpet to build up suspense but trailed off after you shot her an impatient look. After a weak cough, she simply said “Tadaah” and opened the door.
You stopped up, your right foot hanging in the air, about to cross into the room. A sense of foreboding filled you; it was a bit different from the first time, however. The prickling sensation you felt and the cloying attention, it felt smothering, less like a shove away and more like… Being held in place.
Ms. Abby waited patiently inside the room, not commenting on your hesitation, though you had been snarky and displeased the entire tour, so perhaps this just seemed like more of that. You swallowed and ignored the pressure as you put your foot down and entered the room.
The air felt different here. You had hoped the odd sensation would disappear if you just carried on, like when you entered the house, to begin with, instead, it worsened. The air clung to you, terribly heavy and sticky. It took you a moment to actually focus enough to realize Ms. Abby had spoken, so when you finally snapped back to reality, Ms. Abby was standing in the hallway.
“-tively spellbound already. I’ll give you some time to look around and get acquainted together, one-on-one.” And then she closed the door in your face. The room was, oddly empty, compared to every other room. Nothing but a big, red bed, the empty walls that you could’ve sworn were further away when you entered, and that feeling of being watched, lodging into your skin like stitching.
Nothing except an almost empty room that didn’t feel empty enough.
That’s it. Ms. Abby had officially used up all her pity points, you were leaving. You opened the door, a tad more aggressively than what was perhaps called for, but Ms. Abby was nowhere to be seen in the hallway.
For how annoyed you were with her at this point, you found that you missed her company as you walked down the hallway, nothing distracting you from the odd sounds of the house that seemed to have increased. It felt as if the floor beneath your feet moved and rumbled slightly, the velvety carpets uneven and bumpy, as if walking on something breathing, something living.
You wished that Ms. Abby had given you the floor plans, as you struggled to remember how to return to the foyer through the hallways and occasional rooms you had to cross seemed to hold no real rhythm and didn’t feel as if it obeyed any rules about directions.
At one point you could have sworn you turned back, only to be in another room than where you had emerged from originally. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, you found the foyer again. Even in your rush to find the door, your eyes were drawn to the painting, though you continued to rush by it. In your haste, it almost looked as if the painting’s colors were smudged.
You attempted to open the door but found it didn’t budge. It was an odd choice to lock the door, but you were certain that was the reason, it had to be. A locked door was no issue from the inside, but even after hearing the click of the lock, the door didn’t budge when you attempted to open it.
You attempted to kick, pry, tear, and even throw your body weight at the door, but with no luck.
Settling in the foyer after your final attempt at prying the front door open, you huffed, out of breath. You laid on the stairs, trying to settle your heart and pulse, when your eyes landed on the painting again.
…You rubbed your eyes and sat up, thinking what you had seen was owed to your tiredness and the upside-down angle, but no. The painting really did look smudged. Like someone had blurred colors and borders together, the hair’s vibrant color having lost its radiance.
And the mouth, it was oddly smudged between the lips, that it almost gave the impression of a mouth being pried open.
No, that was silly, you were being silly. The painting was smudged out, which was already creepy enough on its own, or rather, the house was already creepy enough on its own – your mind was just working overtime and was making up new things to get scared over.
“Well brain, if you like overtime, I guess I’ll have to put you to use and think of an escape. But you don’t have a union, so it’s unpaid hours for you, I’m afraid.”
If the front door was a bust, then you’d find a window. You struggled to recall any windows on the ground floor, but surely there had to be some. Or… That’s right! The kitchen, it had a glass door. You never got around to seeing the kitchen, having mainly been shown the upstairs so far, but you recalled Ms. Abby mentioning it back when she had given her pitch for why you should show up.
You hadn’t been on the left side of the house, at least not on the ground floor, so you figured that was a good direction to begin, in your search for the kitchen. You opened the door, urgency in your steps, only to find you weren’t in an unfamiliar room.
Instead, you were back in the empty master bedroom, which somehow felt much more crammed than any of the other rooms. But… That didn’t make sense. The master bedroom was upstairs, you had fought through a confusing hallway to find the foyer, so this… this didn’t make sense at all.
The air felt oppressive in the room as if your heart would be forced to a halt from the sheer weight of it, like a physical presence. This time you were sure that the walls were closer than they had been before. A bed table had been added next to the bed, and the part of you still delusional enough to hope thought maybe it meant that Ms. Abby was still around. As if this was an elaborate prank.
You tried to swallow despite how dry your mouth felt, your heart hammering painfully against your chest. This was ridiculous. You slammed the door open again, the door shaking on its hinges. Beyond the door, it revealed a hallway, but even if the hallway was confusing, you had been through it twice by now, you could do this, you could find the kitchen or a ground-floor window.
Hurrying along the hallway, it felt as if the floor and walls shifted and moved. Were you dizzy, or was this actually happening? The restrictive air of the master bedroom followed you, as you dragged yourself through.
“Huh?” you furrowed your eyebrows when you opened one of the doors. You were sure this was the one you had gone through before, but the room behind was unfamiliar. Cold dread filled you as a horrible thought crossed your mind.
No, no, no. You ran to the next door but behind it was another unfamiliar room. Were the layout… Changing? Your hand trembled as you tried to open a third door, and you felt like crying when all it revealed was the master bedroom again.
A lamp now stood on top of the bed table. Were new things going to be added each time you returned to the room? You thought back to the cramped bedrooms Ms. Abby had so cheerfully shown off. You weren’t sure what to make of it but felt sick all the same.
“I don’t have time for this.” You had to snap yourself out of it. You could spiral and panic later, but for now, you needed to get out. So, turning on your heel, you returned to the hallway. You’d go through each door that didn’t lead to the master bedroom, hoping to somehow find your way downstairs.
You almost cheered audibly when you finally saw the staircase, rushing to it. Once again, as you passed it, your eyes were drawn to the painting.
The painting no longer looked the same as before, the person it had been long erased by smudged and changing lines. You couldn’t tell what it was changing into but felt your heart race with familiarity all the same.
The mouth was a gaping hole by now, outstretched awkwardly. You thought it might have been a smile, but it looked much more like a pained grimace to you.
You only took this as further encouragement to get out of there.
When you failed to find anything of use, you realized there was one room that you seemed to always find. So, as counterintuitive as it seemed, you walked upstairs again, and as confusing as the changing layout was, it didn’t take you long to find it.
You saw the familiar bed, the bed table, the lamp, and the newly added clock on the wall (which didn’t seem to be working) and closed your eyes for a moment. You took a deep breath. And then you decisively walked in to grab the lamp, shivering a bit as you brushed against a much-too-warm wall.
If you couldn’t find the kitchen or a window on the ground floor, then fuck it, you’d find one up here. Whatever broken bones or bruises you’d get from the fall, you’d accept. Finding a window upstairs proved much more doable, as one would line the walls every now and then.
You threw the lamp against the window and braced yourself for impact.
But nothing happened.
The lamp fell to the floor with a hollow thud. When you opened your eyes, you found not a single scratch on the window. So, you tried again. And again. You tried punching the window, earning nothing but a stinging fist.
Yet you continued. At some point, it became more of a tantrum, an expression of your desperation colored in violence, than an attempt to escape. Hitting the window, kicking the wall. “Why-“ you hated this house. You hated it. Hated, hated, hated it. You just wanted to leave. Your ears rang, whether it was from your headache, or the way the house’s groans and creaks had grown in severity, you didn’t know, didn’t care, couldn’t care.
Already unsteady on your feet, your final kick caused you to lose balance entirely.
Stumbling and falling onto the floor, without realizing it, you found yourself by the stairs, and face to face with the painting. Your blood ran cold as you stared into your own lifeless eyes staring down at you from above.
Quiet had fallen over the house like a blanket, only the slow rumble throughout the house bellied any activity. In the heart of the house rested a painting, donning a toothy smile and a certain glint in their eyes.
A satisfied Ms. Abby removed the “For Sale” sign out front and drove away with a hum.
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sleepytoycollection · 2 months
Barbie Dream Besties "Brooklyn": A review
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Barbie Dream Besties is a newly released doll line by Mattel, and is a spin off of their main Barbie line. Looks wise, they seem to be a spiritual successor to My Scene, Ever After high, and the more recent Barbie Extra/Barbie Extra Minis. Also trying desperately to compete with LOL and Rainbow High.
They are $20 USD each retail.
I was interested in these for three reasons: 1) I liked Ever After High and My Scene. 2) They have much more quality outfits than I tend to see from modern Barbie. 3) @queenofsquids enjoyment of them made me hopeful I'd like them too.
So do I? Let's find out.
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I choose the character Brooklyn as I like her face up the best.
Her packaging is the standard plastic clam shell that seems to be all over the doll aisle anymore. I can't say I love it. I miss the cardboard boxes, so much easier to open and so much less plastic.
This box isn't super great aesthetically either. There's a lot going on in the service of nothing.
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Which is a shame, because I do really like the actual character art on the box. It's super cute and matches the dolls really well. It would pop even better if the rest of the box was a smidge simpler. Sometimes less is more.
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The back of the box.
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We get more of this delightful artwork, showing of the full set of characters available at the moment.
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We also get a short character bio for Brooklyn. She wants to be a choreographer, loves making dance routines, video editing, and creative writing. Despite her favorite color being listed as pink, she has no pink in her outfit and only one pink accessory.
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Here is the box without the cover. This is what I meant when I said the box design was doing a lot for nothing. Over packaging isn't just a problem with Mattel dolls of course, MGA is arguably worse, but it's still frustrating.
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Brooklyn herself is very pretty though. I tried very hard to pick one without a wonky face, but the way she's posed makes it very hard to tell.
I think one of her eyes is slightly bigger than the other. It's not enough to bother me at least. That said, so many of these were VERY wonky at the store. I would not buy these online unless you can see the specific doll you're getting. The QC is all over the place.
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Here are all the accessories she comes with.
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I do appreciate that all her accessories tie into her interests and character. That said, these are hit and miss.
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The purse is nice, and does open.
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The dog is okay, but I don't really care for these types of doll pets. It looks more like an in-universe toy than what's supposed to be an animal.
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I initially liked that the phone and case were separate, until I tried to put the phone in the case and it didn't fit. It will not go in there. If I force it in, it just pops right back out.
It's a shame because I liked the 80's Barbie logo case, but without the phone in it, it looks weird when the doll is holding it.
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At least the phone fits into the ring light stand.
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May I also say some of these accessories feel really flimsy? The phone and Ipad are VERY thin plastic.
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The boom box in hollow and unpainted.
I wish instead of having seven mid accessories we could've had two or three really good ones. Or nixed all of them and given her a stand. The doll herself is nice enough to deserve a stand I think.
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Let's look at Brooklyn. She's pretty darn cute. She stands at the standard 11", and has saran hair with tinsel.
Her outfit isn't my favorite though. Mattel stop giving your dolls ugly fur sleeved varsity jackets challenge. This could've been so cute as just a regular varsity jacket.
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Despite being ugly, the jacket is made pretty well. Though a button was already falling off mine. That poor QC strikes again.
Though I suppose it's moot as I doubt I'll ever put this jacket back on her ever again.
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Now that she's free of that ugly thing, you can see how nice the rest of her outfit is. I didn't realize how much I missed dolls getting to wear neutrals until I saw her plain denim skirt and white tank top.
It's simple, but she's dressed like a real person. Plus, I can easily pair these pieces with a lot of other outfits. Doll wardrobes need pieces like this for mixing and matching.
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Body wise she's a bit smaller than Barbie, and her feet are a little bit larger. This body reminds me a lot of the current bodies for the Disney Princess line now that Mattel has it back, though those have larger feet. If I can find the one I have, I'll do a body comparison to those later.
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Her sculpt in three views. The Ever After High comparisons are very apt, though the screening itself is more reminiscent of My Scene mixed with a little bit of G3 Monster High.
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For comparison, here's an actual EAH doll next to her. Brooklyn's head is just a smidge larger, but balanced out better with larger eyes, thicker brows, and bigger lips.
After this, I got Brooklyn redressed with just a few changes...
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I replaced her jacket with this vintage Barbie and the Rockers one, added a necklace, and hey! Now she gets to wear her favorite color.
Final thoughts?
It's a good doll, but the quality control issues, on top of the same BS Mattel throws on all of it's dolls anymore, is dragging it down.
The fact you have to look through every single one of the shelf to make sure you're not getting a crappy one is exhausting. Plus, kids don't do that. They're going to get home with their new doll and then realize as they open it something's wrong. Kids don't deserve that.
The accessories are mostly cheap and not special enough to justify their existence. The purse, phone with case, and ring light would've been enough if they were made a bit better.
The outfit is well made, and a huge improvement over what I see in the main Barbie line, even if I don't like all the design choices, but again, that's if you get one without QC issues.
The doll herself is super cute though, and screw it, I like the tinsel. Fight me.
Overall I really love this doll, I just wish picking one out wasn't a hassle. Hell, I even bought a second one already.
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I got inspired enough I wanted to repaint one, so I purposely bought this wonky Renee because she had the worst face up out of everyone at the store.
So I think there's definitely potential here. If this line continues, I hope they can improve the way G3 Monster High has improved from it's first wave.
I hope this can be the start of Mattel revitalizing it's Barbie line as well. It needs it. See ya next time.
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Hello there! 👋🏽 If you don’t mind, I was wondering if I could make a request with Tech? With maybe a bookworm reader if that’s okay? I feel like it would be a cute dynamic! Thank you and have a good day! 🙏🙌
Tech x Reader
Summary- You and Tech have a moment alone on The Marauder. What better way to spend it than reading! Accompanied by Tech on his datapad, of course.
A/N- It's totally okay!!! I figured the best format for this kind of request was bullet point- but I am not very good at those. So, i compromised with this! Hope you enjoy, thanks for requesting!
Word Count- 990
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Hunter, Omega, Wrecker, and Echo had all left the ship to go look for some dinner. A job you all completed recently left you with some spending money. You figured everyone deserved a real meal for once.
It left you and Tech alone in The Marauder. You could have easily went to hang out at Cid's bar, but you couldn't stand to be around her. You hated the way she poked fun at Tech's goggles.
Only you were allowed to call him 'goggles.'
The thought only temporarily distracted you from your book. You quickly resumed reading, only to realize you had to restart the whole page. This time actually process what you're reading! You thought to yourself.
Grumbling, you squeezed your eyes shut and straightened up in your seat. You happened to take a spot in the co-pilots chair. Tech always sat in the pilots.
"Something the matter?" Tech asks, not looking up from his datapad.
It was sweet, that he noticed your small movements. "Just trying to focus, I lost my place." You finally found a comfortable position, situating your book back in your hands.
"It can help to fidget with one hand, to increase your chances of focus." He informed, per usual.
You smiled up at him, he glanced up from the pad when he felt your gaze on him. He flashed a very brief smile- more of a grin, it was all you needed though.
You listened to him rant about his findings on 'focus' for a few minutes, knowing anyone else would have shut him up by now. Him talking never bored you or made you uncomfortable, despite many others complaining.
"Thank you, Tech." You simply said, returning to your book. He seemed pleased enough and went back to tinkering on his datapad.
A newfound silence came over, you read your book in peace. The story of the thieves with powers fighting the government amused you. What amused you more was the fact you had personally been on more dangerous missions, yet the book still captured you.
It was nice to imagine yourself in their place, even when you wouldn't change what you have for the word.
You'd go on a million death defying missions if it meant you were with Tech.
While you typically could put down over 50 pages in an hour, Tech interrupted you again. Not with any other intentions than to please you.
"Yes?" You responded after he called your name.
He reached in a compartment to the left of the console. A place Tech used to store his latest experiments.
He pulled out a neatly wrapped gift. It had swirls of color on the paper that wrapped it. He said nothing, just handed the rectangular item to you.
"For me?"
"That would be correct."
You tried to fight the corners of your mouth rising, but it was no use. Tech watched you violently, showing little expression.
You gently took the paper off, not wanting to make a mess of his careful work.
You slowly revealed it to be a new book, the fourth book in the series to the one you were just reading.
"Tech, I- I thought it was a limited edition! There was only a hundred made across the galaxy!" You looked in his deep brown eyes.
"Yes, it is." He confirmed.
"H-how did you get it!" You were baffled, the thought he put into your gift- and for no special occasion.
"It was not difficult. I was able to track all the shipping numbers to their respective planets, and when we had a mission on one- I located the book through its buyers." He said, nonchalantly. Like he didn't easily buy one of the most rare books you knew of.
"Why? Did I miss an anniversary?" You were slightly confused on why he gave you the gift. You hoped you weren't supposed to also have a gift prepared.
"Uh, no. You mentioned exactly 129 rotations ago that you wanted the book. I saw no problem in getting it." He remembered...
You were moved to small tears, now flowing down your cheeks.
"Are you alright?" He asked.
"Yes, Tech. Of course I am." You rose to your feet, throwing yourself on him in a big hug. He hugged you back. While he didn't completely understand your acclimation to physical affection- he didn't mind you doing as you pleased to him.
He gently patted your back, and you pulled away. "Thank you, i'm going to have to finish this book quickly now. I can't wait to read it..."
"You are welcome." He responded, you let him be and lifted yourself off of him. He grabbed his datapad and clicked away.
What you didn't know was that sometimes Tech would watch you read. In times like these, when you found yourself sitting or laying next to each other. You reading, him on his datapad.
He would study your face, taking in every expression. He would think about what you were reading- was it sad, happy, thrilling? Feelings were a trivial matter to him, but he was always thinking of ways to make you happy.
He loved it when you read, sometimes out loud to him. It was soothing to hear your voice when he worked on a project or was fixing a part on The Marauder.
The way you tapped your foot, or bounced your leg when you got to a complex part in a book. Or, when you were both laying down together and accidentally hit Tech in shock at a twist in the story. He loved every bit of it.
You turned back to your original book, now more determined than ever to finish it.
You did, however, catch Tech staring this time. You met his gaze, a wide smirk on your face. You couldn't help but giggle briefly. He gave you an odd look, but went back to his datapad. Just as you went back to your book.
A/N- Thank you so much for reading! Requests are about to be open, just one more to fulfill! As always, I am open to constructive criticism.
Tags- (LMK if you want to be tagged as well!) @thethreeeyed-raven @knight-of-flowerss
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shegatsby · 2 years
Can i request a smut of obsessed hannibal x shy student reader ( im obsessed with him lately). He is obsessed with her while she has a small crush on him and then he invited her to her house and just cant get enough of her (if u know what i mean *wink wink*)
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A/N; Hi! Thank you for this request ;) I hope you like it.
Warnings; Smut! Sexual encounter, pussy eating etc.
Pairings; Hannibal x Y/N
Doctor Hannibal Lecter walked into his classroom with his leather bag, and his attitude. The dean of the university has been requesting, demanding to have him there and finally the dean put Will Graham on the job and Will convinced him to do it. Now Hannibal had three jobs; being a psychiatrist, helping the FBI and recently he has been teaching. Whenever he entered to give his lecture he would observe his students. Most of them were scared of him because he was a monster when he was grading papers, he never liked the way his students dressed, so informal and untidy. However, one of his students, Y/N, she always looked energetic, ready and put together. She had this type of feminine energy which made him navigate towards her, the perfume she wore filled his nostrils every time. The most attractive thing about her was that she would get so shy around him, red cheeks, always looking away whenever their eyes make contact. Hannibal was close to figuring her out, or so he thought. ‘’Hello.’’ He said with a dominant tone, he watched Y/N sitting straight, fixing her hair, ‘’Where did we left off last week?’’ he asked even though he knew where they were he was just checking to see if the students were interested, only Y/N replied. ‘’Thank you Ms. Y/L/N, shall we continue?’’
The rest of the class was as usual, he gave his presentation, executed swiftly, watched Y/N take notes, she looked adorable when she was focused on something. When he was finished he had a strange thought, his fox like mind was moving at a speed which he wasn’t used to, he waited for other students to leave the room so that he could be alone with her. ‘’Ms. Y/L/N,’’ she lifted her head to look, she was startled because a second ago he was at his desk, now he was right in front of her, ‘’Yes Doctor Lecter?’’ she said kindly. ‘’I’ve realized that you are quite interested in what I have to say about this lecture, would you like to come over to my home and discuss the upcoming topics? I want to feed your hunger for knowledge.’’ His hands were in his pockets, never loosing eye contact, he watched her go red with his last sentence.
‘’I- I would love that Doctor Lecter.’’
Y/N and also other students knew Doctor Lecter’s infamous dinner parties, she always imagined to be invited by him, just to see how he entertains his guests, also to be near him. Yes, she had a small crush but so did everyone. He was a brilliant man with great knowledge of his field and he was so polite to her all the time. Last week he brought coffee just for her, the other week she couldn’t make it to the lecture because she was extremely ill and Doctor Lecter sent her that weeks notes. She thought He does this to every student.. oh how wrong she was.
That evening she dressed to impress, black dress with a smooth make-up and high heels, when Hannibal opened the door in his expensive suit she realized she dressed right for the dinner.
Hannibal’s maroon eyes roamed over on her body, ‘’A work of art,’’ he thought ‘’all for me’’
‘’Please, come in. I must say, you look ravishing tonight.’’ Y/N tried to hide her face as she walked inside.
She knew he was rich but damn, his house was something else. He had a dark taste in colors and art, she found herself looking at the painting on the walls, as if she was at a museum. ‘’I assume you’re a fan of fine art?’’
He gave her a glass of red wine before dinner, ‘’Yes, I often visit art galleries and museums. I’m in awe of what people can do with their hands and imagination.’’ Hannibal lifted his eyebrow with a smirk look on his face, ‘’Shall we go to the dining room. Dinner awaits us.’’
He guided her by placing his large hand on the small of her back, she felt her heart at her throat.
The food was placed elegantly on the large table, the fireplace was lit, it gave a warm atmosphere to the place but she could feel the tension hanging in the air. Hannibal, as a gentleman, pulled her chair for her, she thanked him and sat. 
The dinner conversation was casual,  they talked about the university and classes, she was curious of his work with the FBI so Hannibal explained it generously. He usually had his dinner alone by the fireplace but having a company wasn’t so bad, he could feel the feeling of obsession rising from the back of his dark mind to the surface, it happened before and it didn’t end well. But maybe this time…
Y/n didn’t know exactly when and how she ended up in this position but she wasn’t complaining when Hannibal’s thick fingers found her wet clit and started to gently rub it. She was on top of the table, legs spread and Hannibal between them. His smug smile and his eyes will always be printed in her mind.
‘’Have you been wet like this during the dinner darling? If I knew… I wouldn’t have waited so long.’’ And she whined in pleasure because he started to finger her slowly, it was too slow for her liking. This pent up tension between them had to explode tonight, otherwise she felt like she was going to die.
He knelt to give her soft lips a kiss, which turned into a long make out session, she cupped his shaven cheeks with her hands, feeling his skin, his free hand went to squeeze her neck, he wasn’t rough but it wasn’t gentle either. They locked eyes, ‘’Let me taste you princess.’’ And with that he knelt on his knees and lifted her skirts. She had black lacy panties, he didn’t take them off just pushed them aside and started to give her small kisses, not there but her inner thighs. His slowness and the grip he had on her was driving her mad. ‘’Hannibal,’’ she said panting, ‘’please-‘’ he stopped and looked up, ‘’Please what princess?’’
He could see her cheeks, her parted lips and that expression her pretty face, she looked as if she was under a trance, a trance which Hannibal put on her. ‘’Use your words.’’ He demanded. He was certain that if she kept silent he wouldn’t move a muscle. ‘’Please eat me, use me.. I’m all yours.’’
A hungry smile planted on his dark face, ‘’As you wish princess.’’ And he dived into her treasure.
Hannibal had a taste for finer things in life, as soon as he got that intimate, warm taste of her he knew that he made no mistake in letting her into his space. She was so sweet and tasty, so soft and the sounds she made…
Even though she was wet Hannibal spit on her and also started to play with her with his fingers.
Y/N couldn’t believe her situation right now, her professor was eating her out at his home. Well, not like she didn’t have dream of it, but she never thought it would be this good. His tongue was skilled, his fingers hit the right spot.
Hannibal Lecter, even though he didn’t want to admit it, he too had dreams of her frequently. While he was treating a patient or giving his lectures he often thought of her, bent over on his table or on his kitchen counter. He pulled away from her, which made her whine in need. He pulled down his pants because he couldn’t wait anymore, he had to be buried in her sweet, juicy core.
He wrapped his dick and buried himself inside her fully, which made her freeze, ‘’Relax,’’ he knelt to give her a long kiss, ‘’I’m here.’’ They locked eyes as he started to move in and out.
''You like that princess? Look at you, legs spread for your professor. Such a whore.'' His shameless words and his pace made her legs shake in pleasure, Hannibal was rough with her hold on her this time, his hand chocked her throat and she saw stars.
Her body was moving with his fast speed, legs warpped around his waist, as she came undone she screamed his name over and over again.
''Now,'' his movements stopped slowly, ''You belong to me.''
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grapejuicestyless · 7 months
could we have a story that warms up my heart and makes me feel gushy and mushy and eeeeeeek!!!!!!! I’m in need of something to ‘awwwwwww’ to and I feel like you’re perfect for that 🥹🫶🏻
Tiny Moves
JJ Maybank x fem!reader
Summery: You and JJ have only been friends for a little while, but to him it feels like he’s known you forever and he’s so sure he’ll always want you forever. Inspired by the song Tiny Moves by Bleachers. I wrote this with JJ Maybank in mind because I’ve been on an OBX kick recently but it could definitely be rewritten to fit other people!
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JJ Maybank was a notorious man whore, to put it delicately. Sleeping with any tourist who even batted their eyelashes at him, and any other girl from the cut who was desperate enough to sneak away from the party for a blurred night with the blonde.
He didn’t mind the status, being the guy they all went to. In his mind, no strings attached was the best thing for him. It meant no pressure to feel things and no guilt for turning down any girl who had stupidly fallen for him.
That was, until he met her. Y/n Y/l/n, a friend of a friend and his former lab partner from middle school. He didn’t mean to fall for her, but then again, who really plans on falling in love, let alone with some girl JJ wouldn’t even show up to biology class for when he was still on the brink of becoming a teenager.
He remembers the messy braids tied in her hair and the way the safety glasses left faint marks behind on her face after long hours spent leaning over a plastic beaker mixing different colored fluids to make a rainbow.
Back then, he never really paid her any attention. What she did or didn’t do never peaked his interest, he would much rather have spent his time with his cheek pressed against the palm of his hands while he looked out the window like he was in prison. Now, suddenly and without warning, it did matter.
JJ wanted all of her tiny moves, he wanted to forever remember the silly marks from the glasses on her face or how her nose would scrunch and the skin by her eyes would crinkle when she would smile. It made his chest feel funny, wanting all of the silly little nonsensical things from her, things that would never give him any kind of personal gain but all things he couldn’t stop praying for.
He remembers how she stopped by one day without warning in the middle of January, stumbling over the piles of leaves piled up by the front steps of the chateau. She was wearing a soft white dress that swayed around her ankles in the wind and had blue painted on her finger nails. She was just giving back his notebook he let her borrow when she was out of class with a cold a few days prior to her visit, and truthfully he had just stolen Pope’s notes and taken the credit, but the soft smile on her face and the dimples by her cheeks made it impossible for him to confess the truth.
When she left, he felt the insatiable burning in his chest and the intense pounding of his heart against his ribcage. He placed Kiara’s hand over his chest wearily, only driving himself into more of a panic as he declared to her that he believed he was having a heart attack. He felt so funny and sluggish that he was so sure of it, but Kiara only swatted his hand away and laughed with her whole stomach as she realized his feelings before him.
“Jayj, you’re in love!” She said it so loudly, he had to put a hand over her mouth and hush her until she promised not to say anything to anyone.
And how could he have not seen it? The tiniest moves she made, it was like watching his whole world shake. A simple smile or a polite giggle from across the campfire at one of his half decent jokes and he was redder than the sky at sundown and hotter than the lively flame in front of him.
He doesn’t know how it happened, or why he suddenly decided to start paying her any kind of special attention in their friendship, or even why it was her. He always thought he’d end up with Kiara because at least if he was unloveable, him and her had made a pact to get married if they hadn’t met anyone by thirty. But now, all of his past meant nothing to him when he had the something he didn’t even know he was looking to find.
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“Stay still.” Her voice ordered playfully, taking my wrist in her hands and blowing a cool breeze across my fingertips.
The overwhelming smell of nail polish mixed with the addictive smell of freshness in her room, her pillows fluffy and her blankets piled all over her bed. I knew that John B was surely going to give me a hard time when I walked into his backyard with bright orange nails, but when Y/n finished up her own hands and looked up at me all doe eyed asking if I would let her paint mine the same color so we could match, I didn’t even think about the names he would call me before I said yes. All I could think about was how happy she would be if I were to give in.
“Smells so bad.” I gagged, trying to pull my hands from her grip playfully, nose crinkling at the chemical like smell that covered my hands.
She laughed, throwing her head back as she grabbed both of my hands this time, despite one of them already being dry and shook them in her own hands.
“You’ll mess it up you dork!” She leaned forward, practically laughing into my chest at my faux hurt that I painted across my face. I laughed too, but not nearly as hard. I was too focused on her.
I’d only really been friends with Y/n for a year. She had only started tagging along just last June, and yet, she consumed all of my thoughts more than anyone I’d ever known. I wanted to be around her all the time, make her laugh just so I could hear the breathiness in her voice as she claimed she couldn’t breathe because her ribs hurt too much. I’d only really known her for a year, but it felt like we’d been intertwined like this forever, and I’m certain I’ll feel like this forevermore.
It was like Kiara had told me in January when she first came by in her pretty white dress and a sweet smile on her face, I was in love and I loved her.
“I love you.” Her giggles sputtered off into one final breath of air squeaking from her throat, and her eyes stretched in a way that confirmed that what I had said was out loud and not just the phrase I repeated to her in my head over and over again every time we spoke.
And my whole world shook violently when I got no response, feeling my heart breaking for that silent second and only hearing the ringing in my ears accompanied by the humming of the fan in the corner of her room.
And then, suddenly, her hands were on my cheeks, lips pressed to mine and eyelashes tickling my cheeks as they fluttered shut. She tasted like strawberry chapstick and minty toothpaste, I couldn’t help but feel completely consumed by her when all I could feel was her. Her hands, her lips, her coconut shampoo.
My hands found the back of her neck, massaging the skin between my fingers to deepen the press of her lips to mine like if I weren’t, she would slip away and I would wake from this blissful dream of mine.
When we pulled away, I found her eyes looking straight into mine, lips swollen and pink from where we were connected just a moment ago.
Then, suddenly, she was melting into a fit of giggles that bubbled from her chest, eyes closing as her forehead rested against my shoulder. For a second, I thought she thought it was funny, but then I felt myself fall into the same static feelings of pure excitement, happiness and love that she was feeling. That same funny feeling spreading from my chest to ever limb in my body until I was buzzing with it, blushing until I was sure my whole face was beet red.
“Why are you laughing?” I laughed along with her, pulling her head to rest against mine with both of my hands, feeling her moving against my forehead with each giggle that escaped her lips. Her hands found mine, pulling them down to her lap where she could brush her hands over my knuckles and smile at polish, which was now worn away.
“You smudged it!” She breathed out like it was the funniest thing in the world, and I knew it felt like it to her because of the leftover nerves and giddiness resting in her stomach, the same fluttery feeling I felt as well.
“Eh, you can fix them, right?” I didn’t let her answer, pressing my lips to hers again and holding her hands in mine. I’d only just gotten a taste and I was already addicted.
Maybe I was having a heart attack, but I wouldn’t know the difference with all the love pumping through my body. At least if I was, I would die knowing I finally got the girl.
And all of her tiny moves.
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seaadc · 1 year
sshshshshsh heyhey could i have some uhh aqua hoshino x streamer!reader
I feel like such a genius for thinking about this my third eye has been opened
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status | aqua hoshino x streamer!fem!reader
summary: aqua being madly infatuated with you ever since he had saw you streaming.
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- “If the world was against us, then I’m against the world.”
You are definitely in for a treat, definitely.
Before Aqua had met you, he was not that quite.. expressive? He had a cold demeanor, You can call him stern, but not too quite.
When Aqua was silently working on the little short trailer of a video that the team he was working with in “Love now” was gonna post, He came across you in the internet.
You were streaming in youtube, Your hair looked good and it looks recently brushed. You were talking to your fans since you were popular— heck, you even knew Mem-cho! You were slightly more popular than her which caused you to have a lot of viewers.
The girl was talking about her life and desires, how she’d want to be an idol someday. Aqua narrowed his eyes at the screen, staring deep into your galactic eyes.. How mesmerizing. He wouldn’t admit that
You were acting all so bubbly and giddy, showing your viewers some stuff in your room. And, to be honest, Aqua enjoyed watching you. Or was he just tired? He was tired from editing the short clip, he just laid his head down the table and using his arms as support while he looked at the laptop, gazing into your eyes that wasn’t even staring into his own.
He then sighed and closed the laptop, standing up while he went outside to grab the juice Yuki was going to gave him.
Aqua went out, Mem-cho went inside and opened the laptop, checking if the video had gotten more popular but she was greeted by a familiar face.
“Oh! It’s [Name]!” The blondie muttered to herself, wondering what was the tab doing in the laptop.
“Huh.. Aqua left the room last.”
Aqua decided to take a stroll outside the building, not too far but not too near. He was walking down the sidewalks when he felt like he should get a snack. He went to the nearest store and went inside, the bell on top of the door ringing.
Aqua sighed to himself and grabbed some chips, To his surprise there was a girl next to him.
She looked up at the shelf and grabbed the same chips Aqua had got but a different flavor, The girl smiled brightly to herself and adjusted her cap.
Aqua looked at her, He was 2 inches taller than her if he could presume.. She looked oddly familiar.
“Miss… Uh.. Have I seen you somewhere?” Aqua asked softly, his eyes narrowing at the girl’s cap which was colored white.
The girl looked up at him, Aqua widening his eyes at the realization it was the streamer had come across earlier.
“Well that’s interesting. People can still recognize me?” You mumbled, sighing in disbelief while you headed over at the cashier and placed your chips down at the counter.
Aqua hummed and followed, right behind you while he waited in line. It was awkward.. The only sound you could hear was the cashier’s machine clacking and doing such beeps.
The girl turned and looked at Aqua, smiling warmly. “[Name], At your service.” She introduced, and left while the bell rang.
Aqua stared off into the door, following your figure until it has dissipated. He looked down at the chips and put it down the counter.. Somehow, He felt.. attached. He couldn’t explain why, It was definitely not the universe playing tricks on both of you… right?
Ever since Aqua met you in real life, He couldn’t stop. As in, He couldn’t stop checking your profile everyday to see if you have a new video or stream. Truth be told, He watched every single video you had made and streams. Even if they were past streams, He still persevered to watch it.
Aqua felt comfortable and satisfied whenever he would rewatch a video of yours when you won’t post due to lack of motivation, but he would always check. Everyday, Everynight.
One day as you set up your computer, You thought of the fair blonde guy you met at the shop. You smiled at the thought, knowing it was the same guy you supported in the show “Love now” and the upcoming Tokyo Revenger live action.
You started streaming and viewers rushed in the stream, waiting for other viewers to arrive while a certain username joined.
“AquaHoshino… Are you a fan or the guy himself?” You chuckled, the viewers commenting of how cute and adorable your smile is while the user you had mentioned didn’t reply.
Meanwhile, through the other screen, Aqua couldn’t contain himself when his tongue slipped out of your mouth. He kept staring at your face, He didn’t know why, but the word that fits to what he kept on doing for the past few months was definitely ‘Infatuation’.
Considering he was a doctor before, ‘course he knew what this thing was. But it took him quite a long time to accept that he was inlove with you. A streamer who makes money off it.
Aqua just entered Strawberry Productions since Miyako called for him, only to find out that you, yes you, had signed a contract. Turns out Mem-cho had invited you and both of you were conversing with eachother on the green couch.
Miyako smiled and walked up to Aqua. “We have a new member.” She spoke with a soothing voice. Aqua flinched when he saw you, You both held eye contact until you smiled.
Oh shit, That was the best thing he ever saw. (except Ai’s smile) His heart melted, feeling it race like a sports car. Aqua cleared his throat and turned away, trying to hide the redness creeping up to his face while Mem-cho merely giggled. “Your so charismatic, [Name]-chan.” Mem-cho teased to which Aqua sighed at, He left the area to not get embarrassed any further and went to his room, leaving a very confused [Name]. and he would probably sabotage things a bit because he doesnt want you to be an idol, being a streamer is already making you tired and he doesn’t want that.
And since then, You would always talk to him with the most giddy-est personality ever. He would reply in short answers but he enjoyed your company, he wasn’t going to say that straightforwardly to you but might as well include it.
He would enjoy the peaceful silence you both shared in benches, school cafeterias, living rooms, and so many more places!
Aqua would probably be clingy to you in private, He isn’t a fan of PDA but he would gladly let you if you would do the first move or if he’s.. ehem.. jealous.
He once saw you conversing too much with a male employee at the cinema counter since you asked to join him in the mall which he couldn’t decline at. Only to find out another person was going to spend all your time with him.
Aqua approached with the popcorn he had bought and gave one to you, glaring at the employee. You thanked him while he simply nodded.
He took your hand and intertwined it with his, which made your heart pounding like some sort of wildebeest in a stampede.
And you both enjoyed that day.
Aqua had confessed, inside the store you both first met. The cashier looked very amused while imaginary stars appeared beside her.
“W-what..?“ You stuttered, blushing a pink hue at the sudden confession Aqua had made, since he just kind of.. said that so fast.
Aqua sighed with the tip of his ears were flaming red while his cheeks were red too. “I’m not repeating that.” He blurted out, looking away while he kept a blank expression though the color of his cheeks say otherwise.
Being his girlfriend made you realize how hard is life is, how he would risk anything just to get justice for his mother. Which he told you after a few not a few months of dating. He got comfortable around you and you would always be there to comfort him during his nightmares, And he would always be there for you whenever you get a hate comment that gets you really insecure.
To be honest, You would probably wake up one day and getting the news of the person who kept on hating on you suddenly so quiet… I wonder what your lovely red flag boyfriend did.
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erooca · 1 year
ellie williams x reader
description: ellie williams is forced to take a shift at a daycare. she knows she’s gonna hate it, that is, until she sees you. 1.9k words
this is very self indulgent cuz i work at a daycare. i’d be so down to continue this storyline if it gets any interactions :)
part 2: https://www.tumblr.com/erooca/725335248989208576/daycare-pt-2
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why the fuck am i here? is exactly what ellie was thinking, pulling into the small, but cheery daycare. it was 9:30 in the fucking morning. she should still be asleep, not getting prepared to run around with little kids for the next eight hours.
after feeling sorry for herself a bit longer, she turned off the ignition and headed into the double doors.
“good morning, ellie!” maria said with a bright smile. ellie almost rolled her eyes at the enthusiasm. maria was sitting behind the front desk, clicking away on the computer in front of her.
“morning,” ellie responded back, a complete opposite from the way maria had greeted her.
“i know i’ve already thanked you a million times, but seriously. thank you for coming in,” maria thanked.
right. the reason ellie was here in the first place. maria had mentioned how the daycare she owned was extremely understaffed recently and needed all the help she could get. of course, joel offered up ellie as help. he said it would be good for her. ellie would have shut them both down, but maria mentioned how much she’d pay ellie. ellie was sold.
“yeah,” ellie responded, still not happy about the experience.
“listen, ellie, as soon as i get some more workers you’ll be free to go,” maria comforted.
“i know. so what am i gonna be doing?” ellie asked, praying to whatever’s out there that she won’t have to change any diapers.
“i think i’m going to put you in the big three’s. it’s a good group of kids, so don’t stress. it’s just down that hallway. second door on the right.”
ellie nodded her head and set off to the room. she already knew she was about to have the most frustrating and long shift of her entire life.
as she walked down the hallway, she admired the kids’ art that was strung on the walls. she noticed more of it around the big three’s door. she took a deep breath, and then entered through the door.
and then she saw you. you were kneeled down, ground level with a little girl who was crying. she watched as you gave the little girl a big hug, and how you helped her focus on the tower she was building with the colorful blocks.
when you finished calmed down the kid, you spotted ellie. maria told you that you’d be having another teacher today, but she never mentioned that teacher would be fine as fuck.
“hey. ellie, right?” you asked.
“um.. yeah,” she answered.
you introduced yourself to her and the room.
“they’re doing centers right now. you should go around and try to get to know some of the kids. once we have circle time, we can do proper introductions. that sound okay?” you suggested.
“sure..” ellie said. you could sense the nervousness radiating off of her.
“don’t stress. these kids are fun to be around. at least most of the time. let me know if you need anything,” you encouraged.
she nodded her head and looked around the room. from what she could see, the centers included music, blocks, art, math, science, and a play kitchen.
of course, she felt inclined to visit the art table first. there was only about three kids over there, and it was a topic she knew pretty well. was she overthinking this? probably.
she took a seat on the uncomfortably small chair in front of the table. immediately, the three kids looked up at her.
“hi! what’s your name?” a girl with short brown hair asked her.
“ellie,” she answered, then realized she should probably talk a bit more, “um what’s yours?”
“pippa,” she answered, putting away the green crayon in exchange for a red one.
“what are you drawing?” ellie asked, looking at the mound of colors on the girl’s paper.
“my family!” pippa smiled, “that’s my mommy, and that’s my kitty kat, and that’s daddy!”
to ellie, it looked more like scribbles of different colors, but nonetheless she praised the girl for her creativity.
she felt a light tap on her arm and when she turned she was met with a shy looking boy. he had black braids in his hair and wore a toy story themed shirt.
“hi.” ellie said to the boy.
“can you draw me something?” he asked, handing her his blank sheet of paper.
“okay..” she said, taking the paper from him, “what should i draw?”
the boy thought for a minute, “ooo, i know! a dinosaur!!” he said, excitedly.
this request made ellie’s smile grow. of course she could draw him a motherfucking dinosaur.
“what’s your name?” she asked him.
“king!” he replied, awaiting his dinosaur.
as she drew, king watched intently, and once pippa noticed ellie was drawing, she started watching too.
when ellie was finished, she gave it back to king.
“woah!!! it’s a t-rex! i’m gonna color him green!” he said.
“ellie. can you draw me a mermaid?” pippa asked her.
ellie obliged and soon she had a good line of kids asking her to draw things for them.
as she was working on her third princess drawing, she heard you singing the clean up song.
she didn’t have chance to admire how beautiful your voice was before the kids started singing along. the three year olds started cleaning up their messes and ellie helped them out.
you had them gather on the carpet, where you finally introduced ellie as their new teacher (for the time being). you watched as ellie awkwardly smiled and you had to hold in a laugh.
after doing a couple songs and shit with the kids, they all went outside and played on the playground.
you took this opportunity to talk to ellie.
“hey, so, how you liking it so far?” you asked her, curiously.
“i thought i’d hate it, but it’s actually not too bad,” she said, glancing over at you with a smile. you swear you almost passed out right there.
“haha, yeah. it can take a second to get used to. you’re lucky they didn’t put you with the two year olds. those children make me want to quit my job,” you laughed, “so you know maria?”
“yeah. she’s sort of my- aunt-in-law - i guess?” ellie said, trying to find the right words.
“really? tommy must be your uncle then. gonna be honest, maria scares me,” you admitted.
ellie laughed, and your heart skipped a beat.
“pretty sure tommy feels the same way. she’s not bad once you get passed the cold exterior. how long you been working here?” ellie asked, intrigued to know more about you.
“about a year. its just a steady job while i’m in college,” you answered.
“you’re in college. where do you go?” she asked.
“jackson state!”
“no way, me too. you on campus?”
“yeah, campbell north.”
“no fucking way-“ ellie said, but caught herself, “shit-SHOOT, no freaking way. i dorm there too.”
after you laughed at her slip up, you continued your sweet conversation with her. you felt like you’re falling in love with her by the second, and little to your knowledge, she’s was feeling the same way.
“do you have any favorites yet?” you asked.
“um.. i like king. he’s sweet,” ellie answered, thinking back to the dinosaur drawing.
“yeah. he’s really smart too. he’s actually in the foster care system and can be a bit sensitive about it. try not to mention moms or dads around him,” you told her.
this struck a chord in ellie. she had been in foster care a long time before joel came along. she knew exactly what it was like for king. she hopes he will be as fortunate as her in the future.
when the time came, you and ellie corralled all the kids back into the room. there was a cart at the front of their door that had lunch on it. you explained to ellie that you guys will have to make the plates and then hand them out, same with the milk.
you passed out the plates to each kid who was sitting down at the small tables, while ellie came behind with the bowls of food, placing a nice scoop on each child’s paper plate.
you went to start pouring the milk but soon got distracted. you couldn’t help but watch ellie as her lean figure slid around the room. you liked the way she kneeled down when a child was asking her a question, acting as if that child were her equal. you studied how her hair was sticking up a bit on the sides, probably from being outside and running around with the three year olds. most of all, you loved how she was smiling. how it seemed that she was enjoying herself. the beautiful curve up of her lips was enough for your heart to beat at a rapid pace.
you snapped out of your trance when you saw ellie look up at you. you flicked your head away before she could catch you staring (even though she definitely did and you knew it too). you started actually doing your job and pouring the milk for your children.
as the day went on, ellie was very fond of learning more about you. you both spent nap time learning new things. when ellie told you how much she loved space, you told her how you thought you could be the first person to pluto as a kid, since it was your favorite planet. you guys talked about your favorite constellations and which ones you spot first. you told her how much you liked to read and shared your favorite stories with her. you asked what maria was like at thanksgiving dinner.
you were sat together against the wall, just chatting. the lullaby music played on the tv. the lights were off and curtains were closed. the three year olds were all asleep. ellie was all to yourself right now. you were so starstruck with how easily your conversation flowed. she sat with her knees up, resting ur arms on them as she looked at you. you could see glint in her eyes, even in the dark room. it made you like her even more.
once the kids woke up, it was less talking and more working, much to your disappointment. the rest of the day went by smoothly. you did a fun craft with the children that they enjoyed, and ended the day with tv time. once the number of kids got lower, maria came in to let ellie know she could go home.
“well. i hope all these kids didn’t scare you off. will you- be here tomorrow?” you asked with a hopeful look on her face.
ellie chuckled, “some of them are a bit scary, but they didn’t. i think i will be here tomorrow, but only so i can see you again though,” ellie smirked.
once her words sunk in, your cheeks turned a blushy color. no way the new, hot teacher just flirted with you. you stammered a bit but regained your ground.
“looking forward to it, ellie. have a good night,” you smiled brightly.
ellie have you a slight smile and a wave before walking out the door. you let out a breath you hadn’t realized you were holding. holy shit were you in deep.
ellie joyfully said bye to maria, earning her a weird look. she felt on cloud nine as she walked to her car. the day went better than she could’ve ever expected. she was already making a mental list on ways she could win you over.
maybe this daycare job won’t be so bad. is exactly what ellie was thinking as she drove away.
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novaursa · 13 days
can you make a where dragons dare oneshot focused on reader and alicent? the other one had nothing of her and the story was originally about them so we need the ship back <3 it could be about the kids being around the driftmark episode ages and reader take alicent for a dragon ride and they have some cute date/picnic bc alicent is too stressed about something (could be the aftermath of the driftmark drama) and reader notices her harming herself at her fingers again and decided to do something. they go to a pretty place with flowers, a small river etc etc thank you in advance
Where Dragons Dare (Lost Chapter With Alicent)
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Requests are closed!
- Summary: In the aftermath of events at Driftmark, you take your wife away from it and comfort her.
- Paring: male!reader/Alicent Hightower
- Note: This is another expansion of the story Where Dragons Dare. You can find all parts of the story on my first list that is pinned to the top. This part will be on the second list.
- Rating: Mild 13+
- Previous part: Lost Chapters
- Tag(s): @sachaa-ff
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The wind rushes past your ears as Dallax’s massive, dark wings slice through the sky, each powerful stroke carrying you and Alicent far from the oppressive atmosphere of Driftmark. Beneath you, the landscape stretches out—a patchwork of green fields and rocky coastlines dotted with clusters of wildflowers. The sea shimmers in the distance, the sunlight glittering off its surface like shards of glass.
You guide Dallax down toward a small clearing by the edge of a river, where wildflowers grow in abundance, their vibrant colors standing out against the lush greenery. The clearing is secluded, far from the eyes and ears of the court, and the only sounds are the soft rustle of the wind in the trees and the distant roar of the sea. It’s peaceful here, a sharp contrast to the chaos that has consumed your family in recent days.
As Dallax lands with a graceful thud, his scales shimmer under the afternoon sun, the deep black glinting like polished obsidian, his glowing green eyes watching as you dismount first. You turn to help Alicent, offering her a hand as she slides from the saddle. You feel the slight tremor in her grip, the remnants of her old fear of flying, though she has grown accustomed to it over the years. Her green dress, embroidered with gold threads, billows around her as she steadies herself on the soft grass, her eyes flitting nervously to Dallax before settling on the river that flows nearby.
“A small reprieve,” you murmur, your voice low, trying to ease the tension you see in her. “A place away from all that’s happened.”
Alicent’s smile is faint, her lips barely curling, but the strain in her expression is unmistakable. Her thoughts are elsewhere, caught in the tangled web of recent events. You can see it in the way her fingers twitch at her side, picking at the skin around her nail—a nervous habit she has developed in the wake of the stress that has overtaken her life since childhood. 
Your chest tightens at the sight. The weight of everything—the bitterness, the pain, the powerless feeling that gnaws at your heart since Viserys refused to punish Rhaenyra’s son—presses down on you. Aemond’s eye is gone, your son maimed, yet there has been no justice for it. The bitterness threatens to consume you, but you push it down. Not now. Not here.
You kneel beside her, gently placing your hand over her own, stilling her fingers. “Alicent,” you say softly, your voice barely more than a whisper. “You’re hurting yourself.”
She looks down at your hand, her brow furrowing as if only now realizing what she had been doing. Slowly, her fingers relax under your touch. For a moment, she doesn’t say anything, but you can see the turmoil in her eyes—the exhaustion, the fear, the grief for Aemond, for your family.
“I don’t know how to fix this,” she admits, her voice barely audible over the sound of the rushing river. “Everything is falling apart, and I…I feel so helpless.”
You shift closer to her, your hand remaining on hers, a grounding presence amidst the storm that swirls around you both. “You’re not helpless,” you reply, your voice firm yet gentle. “We are not helpless, Alicent. Aemond did nothing wrong. He claimed Vhagar as was his right. No one can take that from him, or from us.”
She exhales sharply, her gaze lifting to meet yours, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. “But he’s lost an eye because of it. And Viserys…he refuses to act. He refuses to defend our children, his grandchildren.”
Your jaw tightens at the mention of your father. His inaction stings more than you care to admit, but you can’t show that to her now. Instead, you lean closer, resting your forehead against hers, your voice low and steady. “Aemond is strong. He will rise above this. We will rise above this, together. And when the time comes, justice will be done.”
She closes her eyes at your words, as though drawing strength from them, from you. The tension in her body begins to ease, her breathing slowing as the weight of your presence offers her a moment of peace, however fleeting.
After a long silence, she pulls back slightly, her hand still in yours. “I hate feeling this way,” she confesses, her voice softer now, more vulnerable. “Like everything is out of my control. Like I’m losing everything.”
You cup her face with your free hand, brushing a stray lock of hair behind her ear. “You haven’t lost me,” you say firmly, your gaze locking with hers. “We may not have control over what others do, but we have each other. And that is something they can never take from us.”
Her eyes search yours, as if looking for some reassurance, some promise that things will get better. And though you can’t promise her that the days ahead will be easier, you can promise her this—your unwavering support, your love.
“I needed to hear that,” she whispers, her voice cracking slightly. She leans into your touch, resting her cheek against your palm.
You smile softly, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “Then you’ll hear it as many times as you need.”
For a moment, the weight of the world falls away, and it’s just the two of you in this quiet clearing, the sound of the river and the distant sea a comforting hum in the background. You sit with her on the blanket you had brought, sharing a simple meal, your fingers occasionally brushing hers as you pass her bread or fruit. It’s a small thing, this picnic, but it’s enough to remind you both of what truly matters.
You watch her as the afternoon sun casts a golden glow across her face, softening the lines of worry that have creased her brow for so long. She looks at peace, if only for a moment, and you find yourself wishing you could keep her in this moment forever—away from the court, away from the bitterness and the bloodshed.
But for now, this is enough. This moment, here with her, is enough.
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respectthepetty · 9 days
Jack & Joker - Wild Ass Theories
Yin and War are hot. I wanted to start with a fact.
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Also, Jennie is in the next episode, so our girl is living her best life!
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Theory #1 - The heist happens soon
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Random: The two guys Hope sends to go after Joke are the same men who end up tied up by this woman and her people.
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Hope seems to be from Jack's neighborhood in the opening scenes, so did Jack teach him how to fight and become an enforcer?
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I only have a thirty image limit, but this is vision from the trailer:
Jack goes to collect money from Tattoo and Hoy, but lets them off easy
Later, Hope hits Tattoo with a pan because he feels Jack took it too easy on him
Hoy and Tattoo try to ambush Joke because they think he is the only one who can get Jack out of this business
Joke flips the tables and ties up Hoy while asking more questions
They plan the heist because they need money and to get Jack's attention
Hoy and Tattoo are seen doing something to Aran's bag,
And Joke apparently takes the necklace right off of Aran's neck when the model passes out on the runway with the bag and Tattoo right there, so wouldn't Hope realize who is involved?
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So is this why Joke goes to hide out at Jack's house after he gets away from the fight with him? And Hoy and Tattoo spill the beans about where Joke is and this is this why Hope and Jack are fighting outside of Jack's house? I think so!
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Theory #2 - Rosé is going to fund Jack's school
The sweet rich girl wants to eliminate debt and help the poor. Plus Jack, at some point, stands in as her bodyguard. That's all I got. *shrugs* It's a vibe.
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Theory #3 - Joke's hand tattoo is Jack
Not really a theory but more of an observation because Jack's best skill is sleight of hand. He was able to steal Carbon's wallet without Carbon noticing which is why Carbon couldn't find it to pay.
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And Joke switched the tests by distracting the boy when he took his wallet, only two snatch the answer keys when the boy starting arguing with the other one.
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Joke has been at this for a bit because he had several aliases.
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And the reporter said previous to the most recent store robbery, Joke had committed five other robberies.
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And every time, he left behind his signature frowning face symbol, but five years later, he has as smiling face tattooed on his hand, which, once again, is his biggest asset, so does he have it to remind him to do better whenever he wants to use his skills again?
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Because he once ruined the happy boy's life who is the basis for the tattoo?
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But on his other wrist he has both the frowning face and the smiling face depending on how it is viewed, so is it both of them?
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Not related, Joke has a tattoo on his chest. Zoom in.
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Theory #4 - Jack will give Joke the ring
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Jack gave the boss this ring as collateral, and it has sentimental value since the opening credits show it has two names on the inside (his parents) and Jack's on the outside. In the final scene of the trailer when Joke kisses Jack (after opening his martial arts studio?), there is a glimmer on Joke's hand that has the smiling face tattoo. I think it's the ring!
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Theory #5 - Colors
The boys aren't really a Black Brooder and a Red Rascal.
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Like they are now, but they aren't. *squints*
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Jack was a Cyan Cutie.
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He was loyal.
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He was chill and happy. (shirt reads "happy place, happy place" over his heart)
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Joke was a "standard" blue boy who was intelligent in overlooked ways.
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But Joke's red shows up when he is Joker because his braces were red in the exam con.
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And his tie was red in the bank con.
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So I think even though times have changed, and they have absorbed their current colors, the blue will still be shared between them.
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Because it will show up again.
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Theory #6 - Aran is Tattoo's boyfriend
I want Mark and Prom to kiss so badly in this show that I'm going to single-handedly sail this ship, so I think when Hoy and Tattoo surprise Jack and Joke, Aran is standing next to Tattoo. It doesn't make sense if they robbed him, but he is the only extra boy with an earring in his left ear, the hair lines up, and he would wear a shirt like that.
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Give them to me!
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bri-cheeses · 1 month
Fiercely and obsessively (wrapped around your finger) — Part 1
| Rosekiller Soulmate AU | Word Count: 854 |
“So? Have you got it?”
Evan’s curious gaze roamed over his body like he couldn’t wait for an answer, instead having to search on his own. Barty laughed.
“Yes, I’ve got it, keep your pants on.”
Evan quirked a small smile and settled down, the bed creaking as he shifted his weight. Barty wasn’t sure why they had ended up on his bed, seeing as there were plenty of other, better places to do this—such as the window nook, which was plenty big to hold them both, or potentially even the chairs in the common room downstairs. Regardless, when Evan had come crawling into his bed as soon as they awoke, Barty hadn’t complained.
“Where is it?” Evan asked, still impatient. His eyes tracked Barty’s movements as he reached up towards his left sleeve and rolled it up, revealing a black mark in the shape of a somewhat blurred slash.
“Wow,” Evan breathed. His eyes were wide.
“Wow,” Barty agreed. Evan had the right idea with being a little in awe. Of course, Barty had already seen it on Dorcas—who had turned seventeen already—but it was something entirely to see it on himself. A permanent mark that would come alive with colors once your soulmate, typically by accident, touched you in the exact place your soul mark was.
Although there were some rules, the most prevalent being that a soulmate could touch you before both of your seventeenth birthdays and nothing would happen, and again after only one of you turned of age, but the colors would only light up after you both became adults. So, theoretically, you could have known your soulmate for ages before you ever discovered that your very souls were aligned.
Barty’s eyes drifted toward Evan, situated comfortably on his bed and looking for all the world like he belonged there. Something within him warmed at the sight.
“What do you think of it?” Barty asked. Evan’s looked back to the mark on his upper bicep.
“It’s certainly something,” he said. Some kind of emotion clouded his eyes, but he turned before Barty could figure out what it was. “Do you think his or yours will light up first?” Evan nodded toward the sleeping form in the bed next to them, closest to the wall. Barty could just make out a head full of curls, the rest completely buried under a blanket.
“Dunno,” he answered honestly. Of course, for all they knew, Regulus’s mark could’ve already been lit up. He had never shown them where his mark was, no matter how much they pestered him to show them. And believe him, they had tried.
But Barty didn’t say that, because somehow that felt a little rude. So instead he settled for a simple, “Guess we’ll just have to wait and see.”
“Like Dorcas,” Evan said.
Yes, like Dorcas, whose soulmate mark had remained black for two months after her birthday. It was just recently in a Quidditch game versus Gryffindor that hers had become colorful after a certain Marlene Mckinnon grazed her forearm while chasing after a bludger.
That had been quite a sight to see, both girls frozen in midair while the game raged on around them. Dorcas had been staring with wide eyes, and Marlene’s jaw had just about hit the ground a hundred feet below them.
The most ridiculous part was that they had agreed to shake it off for the moment and finish the game, causing an uproar in the stands as soon as they realized that they wouldn’t be getting a front row view to the drama they had been expecting. No, that had come after Slytherin lost by a mere 30 points and Dorcas and Marlene disappeared to hash out their differences. It had taken a while, but the two were now practically inseparable.
Admittedly, Barty’s eyes had gotten tired of seeing so much red and gold day in and day out. Marlene was a Gryffindor through and through and did not hesitate to let it show. Which Barty could admire, he supposed, if she belonged to an actual good house like Slytherin.
“If Regulus’s soulmate is another Gryffindor I might have to jump off of the Astronomy Tower,” Barty muttered.
Evan’s responding laugh from beside him put a smile on his own face, because there was no better feeling in the world than making Evan Rosier laugh a deep, real laugh, and not just the kind he used at fancy dinner parties whenever his parents’ friends made bad jokes. No, Evan’s real laugh was miles better than that ever would be, because his nose crinkled up and his face flushed and it really was a sight to behold.
Not that Barty would ever say that out loud.
“I’ll go with you,” Evan promised, reaching out a hand to ruffle Barty’s hair fondly. “Now come on, it’d be a shame to miss breakfast on your birthday.”
“You just mean it’d be a shame to miss a time where you can sing me Happy Birthday,” Barty accused, but he was grinning as Evan pulled him off the bed and into the start of another day.
(Part 2 is here)
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motions1ckness · 1 year
“Fall in Nashville”
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Summary: Julien invites you to a cabin for a second date with Phoebe and Lucy
Content: f!reader, fluff, forced proximity
(for the julien girlies/me)
pt 2 “Now I’m Covered in You” is out!!
Julien invited you to this cabin with her friends Lucy and Pheobe. You met her earlier that month and never thought you’d be spending weekends with her.
You arrived close to four, your stomach in knots the whole drive. In all honestly, you two hadn’t even kissed. This would be your second date, and you hoped the three of them didn’t plan on sacrificing you in the forest.
Earlier that week, you asked Julien about the dress code for the weekend. She laughed as she thought you were joking. You laughed along with her as you didn’t get your question answered. Guess go for a fall in Nashville.
Pulling into the driveway, you saw two other cars there as well. Julien came out waving at you as you parked, waving back as you hopped out.
“Hey,” she said with a smile forming on her face. She looks gorgeous. Her hair recently cut to shoulder length, her face dotted with pale freckles, and she wore black jeans, a white cuffed tee, and an amber-colored flannel, with a hair tie on her wrist. This woman. “I’m glad you made it.”
You felt your heart skip as she hugged you. You couldn’t believe how good it felt in her arms.
“Thanks for inviting me up here,” you replied, feeling a bit nervous, you broke the hug as she got your stuff from the back.
As you walked up to the house, you were completely mesmerized by her, glancing over more than you should. Fantasizing this becoming your future.
“So what do you think of the place so far? Pretty nice right?” She asked as she approached the door, stopping to keep the conversation for a moment.
“It’s really special Jay, I see the appeal,” you say, and it’s true. It all screamed Julien to you.
“I’m happy you’re here,” she said, putting her empty hand on your arm. A jolt of electricity ran through you as it only lasted a few moments before she opened the door.
Stepping inside, you were greeted by Lucy and Pheobe, who were laughing about something as you came in. Their welcoming nature made you feel like you had known them forever.
As the night went on, the four of you laughed and felt the hours slip away like minutes. It was nearly seven, and Lucy and Pheobe insisted on getting wine and snacks. They groaned realizing they’d have to go out to get some.
You were lying on the floor, legs relaxing against the couch and arms sitting on your stomach. Julien sat upright beside you, messing with your hair periodically.
Lucy stood at the door waiting as Pheobe grabbed her keys from the kitchen, “We’ll only be out for 7 minutes tops.” She tells us.
Right as Lucy was about to shut the door, “No fucking before that!” Pheobe calls out, followed by her and Lucy laughing.
And just like that, it was only you and Julien.
Your excitement peaked as Julien looked down at you with soft eyes. “I’m really glad I invited you,” she said, still messing with your hair.
You felt your face heat up from the feeling, “I’m really glad I came. They seem great by the way,” you beam up at her.
You start to hold her wrist, she flinches slightly as you rub your thumb against her skin. Julien's eyes dart to your hand and back to you. Her face matched the same red tint as yours.
The silence became palpable. A moment passed before she started to move down to you, which was poorly timed as you attempted to pull yourself up and accidentally bumped heads. “Fuck!” you wince, letting her go and holding your head.
Julien threw her head back, groaning from the pain.
You sat up and flung your hands onto Julien. “Shit Julien, are you okay?” You asked her. She kept her eyes shut, furrowing her brows. Did you fucking concuss Julien Baker?
Your hands found their way to the sides of her face, reiterating the same question, concern rushing through you.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Don’t worry about it,” Julien answered breathlessly, laughing it off, a small smile appearing as she moved her hands over yours. Her eyes opened, noticing your concerned expression.
For a moment, you two just looked at each other. The tension grew as she ran her thumb over your hand. She glanced down at your lips and then met your gaze again. Julien leaned forward and kissed you, tangling her hands through your hair.
After a while, you pulled away to look at her. It was like seeing her for the first time again. The knotting in your stomach faded and was replaced with contentment.
“I really like you, Jay,” you confess.
Julien beamed, “I really like you too,” she replied and kissed you again.
Julien eventually pulled away, smiling as she got up to put a record on. She returned and sat behind you, wrapping her arms around you. The two of you filled the silence with conversations about music and stories from adolescence.
Pheobe and Lucy came back with snacks in hand, seeing you two cuddling and talking. They didn’t seem surprised, exchanging a look as Pheobe set her keys on the counter.
“Did we walk in on something?” Lucy asked, giggling at the circumstance.
You laughed at her comment, sinking deeper into Julien's arms, feeling shy about the situation. Julien, on the other hand, seemed unfazed and laughed along.
Phoebe walked over to you tarot deck in hand, ‘Y/n do you want a reading?”
You nodded as you were curious. Julien stayed behind you as Pheobe and Lucy sat across from you two.
Phoebe was telling you about your future and what to expect, with cards like the Two of Cups and Ace of Wands laid out, Lucy egging on the reading as she went.
Lucy chimes in, “I knew it! You and JB!”
You felt your face heat up, Julien looks down at you, a comforting smile on her face.
“It’s not for sure, but there is a possible relationship, possible,” Phoebe added.
As Pheobe continued, you became more aware of Julien's presence, her breath against your neck, her arms tightening around you, the feeling dominating you as you attempted to listen to Pheobe.
You grin, but the excitement mixes with anxiety as you only recently met Julien. But the possibility of a relationship made your heart race.
Lucy left to bring the snacks and wine, and Phoebe started the put her cards away, “So how are you feeling about it? Helpful at all?” Phoebe asked, wanting to know if she had crossed any lines.
“No no, I liked it. Thanks,” you smiled, zoning out focusing on what the reading said.
Phoebe got up, Julien could hear them talking in the kitchen. She looked down at you and noticed you spacing out.
Julien left a kiss on your cheek, “It doesn’t mean anything. I still mean what I said,” she whispered to you, leaving another kiss, “Do you?”
You turn to face her, feeling the warmth from her breath on your skin, “Yeah, of course I do.” You respond, kissing Julien and moving your hand to her face. “Who else would bring me to this cabin?”
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