#I needed a distraction; uni has been weighing on me so much these past two weeks
xwhitepolar · 4 months
If you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog! (no pressure! ❤️)
Hi Kasiaaa!!!! three random facts about myself:
I'm good at maths!! 📓
I've been playing this mobile dressup game called SuitU for a few months now 🎀
I have never played D&D but I would love to try it! 🎲
thank youu 👽💖
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imthedoctorlove · 5 years
Skin Deep (Soulmate AU) (Part 6) 13th Doctor x Reader x Dhawan!master
Hey everyone! Thank you so much for your patience. I hope that this is worth the wait as I have not been able to put as much time into it due to Uni starting back up again. I pushed myself and got it up for you. Also apologises for it being so short.
Anyway, enough with my excuses, enjoy. 
warnings - swearing, Angst. 
Tag List -
@whittakerjodie @icarusinstatic @wonders-of-the-multiverse @oswildin @imagine-whatever @madelineannmolder @koschei-taylor @twentysomethingloser92 @thefandombandit​ @mymagicsuitcase​
Edit by @theaussietimelord​
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By using the Master’s Tardis, the Doctor was able to try and decipher the Master’s plan. Why did he do it? Why didn’t he constantly seek to destroy? How many times had she reached out to him? How many of her lifetimes had she spent trying to save him from the dark path he had chosen? Laughter from behind her was a reminder that she had at least someone by her side who understood. Perhaps with (Y/n) she could finally get through to him. Hope stirred within her at the thought of being able to steer him onto the right path, but the doubt still lingered and it was slowly eating away at that dream.
 (Y/n) was conversing excitedly with the important women from time. The Doctor was thankful for the distraction as she didn’t know how much longer she could put off telling her what she had done to their soulmate. In fairness he deserved it, he had done far worse to her in the past, but perhaps it would have been better to turn the other cheek. 
(Y/n) knew the Doctor was hiding something from her and it had something to do with him. She didn’t push it when the Doctor brushed away her questions about him, but there was a feeling of unrest without him near. She excused herself from the conversation and walked over to the console. 
“I know what he’s doing.” The Doctor said as she sensed (Y/n) next to her. “Why? Why does he have to keep doing things like this?” 
“Has - has he always been this way?” 
“Not always. There was a time.” The Doctor’s eyes seemed far away and darkened with a sadness that had begun to bleed through the hope she always tried to show to the universe. “It doesn’t matter anymore.” There was so much (Y/n) didn’t know about her, either of them. (Y/n) shivered as if the warmth from her body had been stripped away. It was then she realised that she could no longer feel her mark pulsing, either of them. 
 A wave a nausea suddenly washed over her. The Doctor managed to catch her before she hit the floor. “I’m okay. I’m okay.” (Y/n) didn’t know if she was trying to reassure the Doctor or herself. The timelord placed a cool hand on her forehead. 
“You’re burning up.” (Y/n) leaned heavily against her as she was led over to sofa and forced to lie down. The Doctor turned away from her, but was too late to hide the guilty expression on her face. 
“Doctor? What’s wrong with me?” She tried to reach for the timelord’s pale hand, but it was just out of reach. 
“I don’t know.” She said as she brought her hands to her temples and massaged them to try and ease the tension that had been building there. Liar. Her mind whispered. A pang resounded with her. It was if a switch had been flicked as this was not the Doctor who had greeted her just under hour ago. The more she thought about, the more she wanted to know why her demeanour had suddenly changed, but was too cautious to ask. She had already angered one timelord, she didn’t think she could stand another. Instead, she lay there as the Doctor went about disremembering the Master’s plan. She frowned as her mark didn’t even tickle at the thought of him. The lack of feeling from the ink on her arms brought her a numbness that seemed to have paralysed her body. 
Ada Lovelace came and knelt down beside her. “Even though I do not understood what is happening, I do happen to have quite a lot of experience with fainting spells.”
“Thank you, Ada, it’s an honour to be in your company.”
“I believe I am the one who should be honoured. The things I have seen - I cannot fathom, but they are truly extraordinary. It seems your Doctor is the only physician to make a difference to my life.”
My Doctor? Some of the warmth she had lost returned to her at the thought. 
“So, what do we do now?” 
“I stop him.”
(Y/n) breath caught in her throat when the Doctor corrected her. It was clear that she didn’t need or perhaps want her help. She wasn’t much use in the condition she was in anyway. She had taken a step back and let the Doctor do what needed to be done in order to stop the Master’s plan. Her body felt wary by the distance the Doctor had suddenly given her and it didn’t help the fact that the Doctor still hadn’t told her about what happened to the Master. After the Doctor had told her what he had Barton and the Kasavin had planned to do, she felt sick, even more so then she already feeling. Why did he hate humanity so much? Was she included in his pursuit of chaos and destruction?
The Tardis had landed with a jolt. (Y/n) headed for the door, but was blocked. The Doctor came close to her, but still put a noticeable distance between them. 
“I want you to stay here.”
“What? Why?” 
“I need to know that you will be safe.” Liar. Her mind whispered again as the feelings of confusion and hurt began to overwhelm her. 
“Bullshit!” Anger burst from (Y/n) out of nowhere. “You just want me out of the way. Isn’t that right, Doctor?” The timelord stumbled back by the ferocity of how her soulmate had spat her name. (Y/n) gasped as her mark came back to life with a vengeance. The negative emotions that weighed her down had now lifted along with the ability to think. She gazed upon the Doctor wide eyed. The Doctor stared back, clearly in pain and struggling to stay upright. 
“We have no time for this! Lets go!” The Doctor ground out and left leaving behind two very confused women and one guilty (Y/n). I’ve done it again.
She wiped away the tears that had fallen and rushed out after her. 
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theothercourse · 6 years
40 QUESTIONS — MEME FOR FIC WRITERS - 7, 8, 9,10, 15, 17, 19, 20, 35, 38. Again, a lot, I'm sorry, but I love when you tell us more about your writing! And happy new year, sweetie!! Hope it's full of love, peace and wonderful things for you and your loved ones! Love you! .Maizie
I love that you asked, and I certainly don’t mind answering many.
7. Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
This is from The Best Intentions, the RP romance between Ansgar Martinsson and Joline Lindberg. I wrote for Joline and loved this part:
Joline hiked up on her booted toes to erase the last bit of distance between them, wanting for be consumed by the torrential heat blazing off of him. The tangle of tongues sent the sweetest torture of sensation straight to her core, her body heavy with need. One of his hands dug into her hair to hold her captive against his mouth, the other pressed into the small of her back, tipping her hips against his. Dull fingernails scraped along his scalp when she took hold of his curls.
Lust played an undeniable force around them like gravity held them to the Earth’s surface. Slaves to it, but masters of it within their sphere of two. Their friendly jogger, his sights on Ansgar, now making his fifth lap past them, cut his losses and kept going to beat off his own arousal at the picture the two made, a smash of leather, denim and desire.
Ansgar was the one to end the meld of lips and teeth and tongues, regrettably. He knew that if they went on as they were he’d tear her clothes from her body and take her right on the spot, the wandering curious gazes be damned.
Joline herself felt ready to jump into her arms, coil her long legs around him and search out the closest surface to fuck against. He tasted of coffee, sex, danger and she already felt the addictive streams pouring through her body, her pores itching for his fingers and mouth as a balm.
His breath panted against her lips, swollen and pink from the pressure of their passionate kiss and the burn of his goatee. But—Fuck! She was a vision! His influence on her for all to see, he was almost… enchanted by it. He dragged his thumb across her lip, “You’re delicious. I simply cannot wait to taste what other flavors you’re hiding.”
Joline kept her eyes closed, concentrating on the bursts of heated breath spreading over her abused lips and the vibrations from his lips to hers. “God-fucking-damn it, Martinsson!” Only her voice had dropped to a seductive purr instead of the angry tones from moments ago.
He dropped his mouth to her ear, his tongue rasped at the fleshy lobe just once before her murmured, “Search out other art on your skin.”
The five ink decorated skin spots hidden beneath her clothes tingled, sending out a honing signal for him to lock in on. Joline pried her eyes open as he lifted his face to peer into hers. The brassed off woman had been somewhat tamed by temptation, he could see it in the flush of arousal and the relaxed scowl. “If this is what ‘intrigued’gets me, I’m fucked if I ever pique your interest,” she quipped in a delayed response to his comment that led to the heated argument and equally as heated kiss.
The pride and arrogance displayed on him in the forming of a Cheshire grin. “You’re fucked either way, as soon as I get you alone,” he replied confidently.
There’s just so much of their dynamic wrapped up in this part. I really loved writing for Joline, and writing with a partner. I always felt that writing with my partner made me better. My partner is infinitely talented, and I was lucky to have the opportunity to work with them twice! Really lucky. 
Joline stretched me as a writer. She was rough with harder edges than any of the other female characters I’ve created. She had to be to be a match for Ansgar. They loved each other fiercely, and fought just as much. Some of my best writing came out of doing that RP.
8. Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
Here’s a small snippet of Chocolate that followed after The Course of True Love Never Did Run Smooth:
“Are you waiting for him, turtledove? Are you waiting for Tom? He told you not to.”
Avoiding Terry’s gaze, I zeroed in on the steam rising over the rim of the wide width of the cup, considering his question seriously, weighing up how much of my reluctance was hung up on the man that left me behind. I didn’t blame Tom in the slightest. He was chasing his dream in Los Angeles as I was in New York City. Our careers were important and set in motion before we met each other. Although we fell in love, we couldn’t be together. Noble Tom set me free to date and possibly find another love, insisting that I shouldn’t wait for him until he could come back for me.
Our six month separation became ten with one phone call. Tom and I spoke only that once since he left, only to tell me that his career path was leading him back to England, and he couldn’t come back for me or the Hiddleston family watch that he gave me. There was no true end in sight for our separation.
Blinking repeatedly, I leveled my eyes on Terry’s concerned puppy dog expression. I cleared my throat and huffed a small laugh to cove my pause, reveling in the memory of Tom and I in our one week together. “I’m trying, Terr. I’m trying to not wait for him. But my heart… my heart isn’t in dating. Tom took it with him when he left,” I said honestly, picking at the chocolate donut, the very thing Terry was sugaring me up with.
“Have you talked to him?”
“Not since the Spielberg call, seven weeks, three days and sixteen hours ago.”
Terry said, sarcastically, “Excellent! I was worried you were counting.”
With a rueful shrug, I confessed, “I can’t help that, babe. All he left me with was time and a way to measure it.”
Mainly, I love what Kristiane says. It was so fortuitous that Tom gave Kristiane his watch at the end of The Course. I had originally wanted it to be some kind of trinket that Tom found along his theatre journeys that he kept for good luck, that he would eventually give to Kristiane as a hopeful ending to the story. I then thought it would be a piece of jewlery like... a broach or necklace. I’m grateful that it was a watch and I could use that line. It’s so... sad and hopeful at the same time. It’s romantic.
9. Which fic has been the hardest to write?
I answered this one in the previous ask.
10. Which fic has been the easiest to write?
I’ll go with The Best Intentions. It was always the easiest and most inspiring to write with a partner, someone to bounce ideas off of, plot with, get ideas from, and generally to get feedback and support from. I did the most writing I’ve ever done with a partner. 
15. If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?
Answered in the previous ask
17. Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?
Definitely, definitely out of order. That’s exactly why Down with Love and How the Other Half Lives have been so problematic. Piecing things back together is a bitch.
19. Stephen King once said that his muse is a man who lives in the basement. Do you have a muse?
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20. Describe your perfect writing conditions.
Summer day, late breeze, my balcony, sun bright, Broadway tunes, nowhere else to go... no time constraints, no distractions. A bottomless glass of ice tea and pink starbursts. My London themed notebook and my purple ink pen (Uni Ball Signo, medium, purple ink).
35. Would you ever kill off a canon character?
I’ve thought about it, but I don’t know if I could ever go through with it. I’m too emotionally connected to my characters to do it. I thought about it for the Best Intentions and Down with Love. I won’t reveal who or why or what it would do for the narrative and trajectory of the story.
38. Talk about a review that made your day.
All of them. Seriously. Beyond a shadow of a doubt. Any response to something I’ve written makes my entire day. I realize how much social anxiety and fear that goes into putting yourself out there, as a writer and as a reader. Any message or question that I get means so much to me.
Thank you, Maizie. You’ve been an amazing support for me, even while I’ve been so stuck. I appreciate it.
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castawxayaway · 7 years
half hearted: part five
part five? ALREADY??? okay I say it every time, but thank you guys for the love on this and I actually have something to ask of you- something small, minimal effort required: 
please please pleeaasse go read this post and send your responses, it’s an opportunity to unite as a group and yeah, it means a lot to me :) also I have finally started packing for uni (I leave sunday omg) but I feel better about it right now, so that’s that. lastly the anon who sent a request it’ll be done after this, I promise!
and enjoy part five ! (and pls give some feedback- love hearing it all!)
one / two / three / four / five  / six / seven (last)
collection of writing
Today he had it all planned, for the first time I was oblivious to whatever and wherever the day would lead us to. I secretly liked how he cupped my hands and blew his warm breath into them to keep them less than icy, that he held my hand as we wandered together and laughed at the little things I said. We’d sat inside an italian restaurant and spoke about life, about what the future might hold. I told him more about my aspirations and never before has anyone taken it seriously or cared that much. I could see it in his eyes, there wasn’t a facade, nothing was forced- he actually wanted to listen to me talk about my dreams. 
We had walked through the park, kicked the piles of rustic leaves as the children remained out of sight, locked in school for the day whilst our inner children was let loose. As I threw the leaves up around me and let them fall I saw his phone flash between the colours in front of me. Once they fell I raised an eyebrow to him, but he kept a small smile on his face not giving anything away, just the same smile that always hides more than I’ll understand. After we had tea on my balcony, he bought some cheap chairs to put outside so I wouldn’t freeze like I had a tendency to in the mornings. 
He kept saying things, small comments that no one else would say, that I wouldn’t let anyone else say without retorting. When we were in the restaurant the waiter told me I had pretty eyes and I was too flustered to respond. As I glanced Dans way his jaw was tightly clenched, and his hand moved closer to mine and the waiter walked away without another word being exchanged. I was told I had the most lively laugh, that I had humour deep within my soul. His compliments weren’t superficial, they meant something, something else. He wasn’t pointing out features on my face and commenting on them, instead he told me about my personality, about my hobbies, my dreams- anything that was something to adore, to even love. 
We are still sitting on my balcony, it’s the early evening and the sky is too plain for my liking. Yet despite the lack in excitement we sit in a comfortable silence, I sip my tea as does he and reflect over it all, over the past four days with him. No one has ever cared like he does, the way I wake up and he’s just there, looking at me with a smile. One morning when he was fast asleep I glanced down to see him, his left arm outstretched towards my bed, and all I wanted to do was hold it. His mouth hung open and the stubble was thickening whilst his bright eyes were hidden in the world of his dreams. I couldn’t help but simply admire him, my internet friend after all this time. He was just asleep on my old mattress, the one I hated sleeping on, but I didn’t want to suggest my bed. I didn’t want to assume the best option as he is a stranger- a physical stranger that is. 
“Dan,” I speak up, slicing the comfort into two as I feel my heartbeat racing faster already before the question has even left my lips. He turns his head and focuses on me, the same dimpled smile never faltering. “you said you wanted to play something this morning?” Tearing my eyes from his I fiddle with my nails, distracting the intensity of my heart pounding against my chest, moving my necklace as it beats. 
My question hangs around us, it weighs down on my shoulders as if each word is piling on top of each other, forcing me to sink in my chair with embarrassment, with a sense of shame for trying. “Come on.” He stands up quickly as I sit back up in the chair. Lifting my head up he stands in front of me, his arm extended before me with a glint in his eyes, something different. “Don’t just sit there, we’ve got somewhere to be.” The right corner of his mouth lifts, something other than the usual expression he gives, this time there’s something else in it, something I haven’t witnessed. 
Leaving the flat we walk nearer to the park, the crisp breeze thickens around my legs, making each step slightly harder. My arm is wrapped around his for warmth, at least I tell myself that is why. “Where are we going?” I ask with a little kick in my step,my voice is full of curiosity, excitement rather than that sense of dread. 
“Just wait and see.” He stands tall, adjusting his jacket as we take a sudden left turn away from the park and down a street I rarely visit. As he leads the way I cling to him tightly, not wanting to part ways with him down here, an unknown area. 
We walked down for a few minutes before he stopped outside of an old building. It was one of the few remaining from the Tudor era, the others had been converted into flats, some into shops that shut down over a year ago, but this seems to still remain. “This?” I ask, the enthusiasm fading from my voice into pure confusion. 
He simply nods as he opens the thick wooden door, his arm separating from mine as he does. As it hangs wide open he awaits my company in the hallway. From here I can see him looking up and around, mouth hanging open in surprise at the sight of it. “You gotta see this.” He calls out to me as I hesitantly stand at the entrance as I fear my nightmares about these buildings are going to come true. 
Shutting it all out I take a deep breath, I wipe my clammy palms across my jeans and step inside. Keeping my head down I can hear my own footsteps echo upwards, and as I find his feet I start to lift my head until I meet the eyes of the one person I need. He motions for me to look around and slowly I take a step away from him and examine where we are. 
All around us it is open, the old floorboards remain dull, but the walls are decorated with sheet music. Some paintings remain hung along the staircase, but other than that it is furnished. A furnished home. Glancing around I pinpoint the decor I learnt about as a child, the memories of Henry VIII spring to mind and the attire I wished to have worn. “This is beautiful.” I whisper between us, but no sound can be neglected in here. 
“Yeah,” He whispers as he walks past me. “you are.” Dan mutters in my ear as he begins to walk up the stairs, leaving me stood still trying to realise what he just told me. As my brain begins to click together my reaction forms, heat floods my cheeks and my eyes bulge out of my head. Turning around he calls my name from halfway up the staircase, motioning for me to join him. 
As I walk to the bottom step he heads up without me, leaving me to walk under the grand chandelier that hangs above the creaking stairs. Once I’m at the top it remains an open space, the modern styled carpet contrasting the original features. Glancing around I let out a frustrated sigh as he remains out of sight, yet again. “Come on Dan,” My patience begins to wear thin as I hear him laugh and my fists clench. “where are you?!” Irritation rises in my tone as the stress only grows as the nightmares I had flood back. 
Behind me the floorboards creak, this time he calls my name in a gentle tone, less of an excitable child. I remain still, focusing on the wall in front of me as it remains decorated with floral patterns, the swirls of the stems around the flower heads. His hand connects with mine, slowly pulling me backwards, closer into his arms. He begins to turn me around until I’m facing him, my hand intertwined with his. I can see him searching my eyes again, he is looking, checking for the fear that looms in them, never leaving. 
His left hand rises as he places it on my cheek, the ice in his fingertips warming at the touch of my burning cheek. Naturally I lean into it, lean into him as he mutters nonsense into the open space. “I want you to come and see this, there is something I want to show you, okay?” As he speaks he keeps eye contact with me, not once is there a flicker of anything harsh, no deep dishonest greys line the blue in his gaze. 
We stand still for a moment as he waits for me to respond, not wanting to force my hand here. After a minute I give in, I nod in response and his face has more a glow to it as he leads me into the room he was in before I got up here. Stepping inside all that sits in the room is a grand piano, the sort I’ve seen in films, in some of my most beloved films that I grew up with wondering if I’d ever have that kind of moment. But maybe, just maybe, this is it. 
I keep in the corner of the room as Dan wanders over, his hand brushing against the smooth curves as he becomes out of sight, hidden by the lid. Walking towards him I feel the glossy wood, how smooth it feels against my fingertips as I glance in to see the keys, the hammers and string remain still, all aligned in the same place. Passing the lid he sits before it, central on the matching stool as his feet are on the pedals, his hands resting on his lap as if he were waiting for something- waiting for me. 
“So, you play?” I ask quietly, feeling as if I am going to interrupt the silence around us as it remains so peaceful to be in, atmospheric even. He pats the spot next to him, shuffling across the velvet seat as dust rises, floating between us as he forcefully clears his throat. 
As I sit next to him he takes my hands in his, muttering my name. “I want you to know I really care about you,” It sounds like the start of a breakup I’ve known all too well, the one I lived through, but this time I don’t want to tear my hands from his and run off. Instead I want to stay, I want to gaze into his bright eyes for another second, more as long as I’m able to. “and I want you to hear this.” Yet it was gone too soon, his hands were no longer holding mine, instead they were on the keys of the piano and I stood up, giving him space. 
He began to play, slamming down onto the keys and it echoed around the room, around the house we are in. I can feel it in my bones, flowing through them like blood does in my veins. “Oh I feel overjoyed.” It was different, it was unexpected. In my mind I imagined something deep, overly masculine, but this was delicate, as light as a feather but as powerful as a lion. As he sang on it struck me harder, his fingers moved faster across the keys as he shut his eyes tightly, singing with more passion. “Words are all we have, we’ll be talking, we’ll be talking.” I smiled to myself as he remained so involved, him and the keys were becoming one in this moment. 
For too long, words were all we had to each other, they were our it and end all. Without our words, without the goodnights and the get well soons, without the meaningful remarks and entertaining stories I wonder what it would all be like. The horrid could have been without him in my life, without that first message I sent to a stranger, what could’ve been if he never replied. 
The more he sang and harmonised with himself, the more absorbed I became into it, but there was something about it, something familiar. “Oh I hear you calling in the dead of night.” He dragged each word out perfectly, it wasn’t painful to listen to, but I knew it, I knew this song. Looking at him with pure curiosity as his eyes remained out of view I wondered if I’ve met him before, if I’ve seen him somewhere and simply forgotten. 
As his harmonies went on, the life outshined the emptiness in the room. He played with more passion, the pain and love of it could be seen in the straining of his throat, how his jaw clenched and eased at different points. His hair began to fall forward, the temptation he had in between keys to push it back, but simply left it there. 
He began to slow down, the rhythm becoming more graceful. I knew the song was coming to an end, but the nagging feeling in the back of my mind would not part, I knew this song, I knew it, but I couldn’t pin it to one place, to a band, not even to him. “Oh I feel overjoyed.” His eyes opened and he turned his head towards me, locking his eyes on mine. The emotion was raw, it was genuine and encapsulated in the deep rich blue of his eyes, the depth was there, something I’ve never witnessed as he kept playing, finishing the song without a fault. “When you listen to my words.” He dragged the last few words out and in a single blink it rushed back to me. 
A few years ago, me and Dylan were in his car driving back from a visit to the lakes in the middle of winter. This song came on, I looked it up as I liked it, but he didn’t. I got a single glimpse at the band, at the name but it must’ve been blocked, forgotten in amongst all of the other memories that overwrote the bad. 
“It’s you.” I mutter to him and he turns away from the piano, facing me entirely. Getting myself on my feet I stand still, but I don’t dare turn away, look away from him. “Dan Smith?” Asking him my words do not echo, they remain between the two of us as if they know it’s personal, that it is not something to be ushered about between the furniture around the house. “You’re in that band, the French name.” It was coming back to me in pieces, snippets of memories from Myla and her ex, Matthew. He played some of their music, I liked it, I didn’t hate it. Yet once they broke up I forgot about it. It was just shovelled away under the dirt in my mind, waiting to be resurrected. 
He stands up and I cross my arms across my chest, unsure what to think or how to react. A small sigh sounds from beneath his breath as I focus on the floral design rather than the emotions that pour from his eyes, the care that I wonder about now. “Bastille.” A single name, a single date in history that I never got to learn about, but I know it. It’s a word within my vocabulary, even if it has never been used or spoken from my lips in years, it is known. “Please,” I can hear the emotion rise in his voice, the struggle to get words out with ease as I turn my body away from his, my arms still tightly crossed. “are you upset?” 
Mentally I heard myself scoff, the irrational yells begin. But physically I remain silent, unsure how to react. I remain quiet as I allow my mind to think, stir up answers, any possible response. “Why didn’t you tell me?” A simple question with a million answers and reactions. 
“I was worried it would taint us.” Us. Not just me and him, but an us. I glance over my shoulder as I see him behind me, his shoulders brought forward, his fingers fiddling with the loose threads on his jacket, hair still hanging down. “If you knew I was known that much I thought it would be gone, I would just be a show for you, a figure of fame or some shit like that.” 
“You really think so little of me?” I pipe up, wanting to hear his answer to that. 
“No,” He steps forward, the floorboards creak. “never. You mean too much to me, so much that I couldn’t lose you that way. It’s alright for me, I’m just me in the band, but bringing someone into that it is mad.” As he explains I can visualize it, the fans, the hate, the concern that would wear him down. “I care too much about you to see you ever get hurt.” 
Quickly I turn on my heels and face him, pain etched in his expression mirroring my own. “I, I don’t want to lose you Dan.” I shake my head as the tears rise, the emotions beginning to overflow. Taking a deep shaky breath I swallow the thick lump that rises in my throat, “I, I,” The sob sounds from me without consent and I take the final step into his arms, wrapping my arms tightly around him and bury my head into the crook of his neck. 
My shoulders shake with too much force, rising and falling until he begins to speak, whispering above my silent sobs. Sobbing silently is something we all learn, as children we cry, we scream for attention. Yet as adults we reframe that, we hide it away and just let our hearts ache and suffer the agony instead, keep it bottled up until we burst. “When I saw you the other day for the first time, I thought I wondered if I’d made a mistake.” He whispers as his hand glides up and down my back. “I wondered if I wasn’t good enough for you, that you would not like me, or that I wouldn’t like you as much as I had believed. But,” A soft chuckle sounded from him, I can feel him smiling. “the second I saw you, when you turned around and slowly eased into it I knew,” Lifting my head up I sniff as I focus on his eyes, the intensity never faltering. “I knew I hadn’t made a mistake at all.” 
Both of us began to flicker from feature to feature, he opened his mouth to speak, but I simply shook my head and leaned closer. We both knew it was right, it was what we want, what we’ve both wanted for so long but have been too afraid to admit it. My lips were on his with such a force it was nothing like a kiss with Dylan, this had passion, it has fire burning through it. I can feel the last of my tears mix in adding a salty bitter element into the sweetness of his lips against mine. As we pull away, slightly breathless I can’t stop the small laugh escaping my lips. “Play something else.” I whisper into his lips, kissing him lightly and before he has the chance to respond I pull away, waiting for him to join me at the piano. 
He pushes his hair back, taking an uneasy step backwards as rose tints his cheeks and sits before the piano. “This one is called Oblivion.” I lean against the edge of the piano, simply admiring him as he plays, as he puts the energy, the life that flows in his veins into each lyric and note. I watch in awe, wondering how for a single second this happened, how words on a screen formed a genuine connection. 
part six  /seven
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domestic-harry · 7 years
fics when the hate each other but end in love??? and fics when one of them admire/has a crush for the other but doesn't have like a close relationship (i mean that they aren't so good friends it seems they're already a couple!) thank you baby!
Hate to Love Fics
Love Is A Rebellious Bird  : Louis is the concertmaster of the London Symphony Orchestra, Harry is the New! and Exciting! interim conductor/ex-cello prodigy who “has made Mozart cool again” according to Esquire Magazine (Louis hates him immediately, which is definitely why he internet stalked him in his dark bedroom late at night that one time), and Niall is the best.  Zayn and Liam are around too.
Unbelievers : It’s Louis’ senior year, and he’s dead set on doing it right. However, along with his pair of cleats, a healthy dose of sarcasm and his ridiculous best friend, he’s also got a complicated family, a terrifyingly uncertain future, and a mortal enemy making his life just that much worse. Mortal enemies “with benefits” was not exactly the plan.Or: The one where Louis and Harry definitely aren’t friends, and football is everything.
Soft Hands, Fast Feet, Can’t Lose : American Uni AU. Harry Styles is a frat boy football star from the wealthy Styles Family athletic dynasty. A celebrity among football fans, he knows how to play, he knows how to party, and he knows how to fuck (all of which is well known among his legion of admirers). Louis Tomlinson is a student and an athlete, but his similarities to Harry end there. Intelligent, focused, independent, and completely uninterested in Harry’s charms, Louis is an anomaly in a world ruled by football. A bet about the pair, who might be more similar than they originally thought, brings them together. Shakespeare, ballet, Disney, football, library chats, running, accidental spooning, Daredevil and Domino’s Pizza all blend into one big friendship Frappucino, but who will win in the end?
Young & Beautiful : Louis, to his horror, attends an elitist university in which the name Zayn Malik means something, Niall Horan doesn’t stop talking, there are pianos everywhere, and Harry Styles, only son of a drug-addled, clinically insane ex-rocker, has a perfect smile and empty eyes.
Where Your Heart Is : Louis is ready for his brand new adventure. So what if he suffers from a genetic condition that prevents him from being touched? College is going to be awesome. It has to. Karma kind of owes him right now. Forget about his overprotective mother, or Liam– his entirely too chipper step brother– or his mess of a roommate. Forget about the gloves he has to wear at all times. He’s here to expand his knowledge, write and drown himself in books – No matter how distracting ‘Hallway Boy’ may be– The obnoxious, flirty frat wannabe determined to become the bane of Louis’ existence.Or, a college AU set in San Francisco where two lost boys who seemingly have nothing in common find inspiration, each other, and themselves in the process.
Learning to breathe : He’s playing football at one of the top universities in England and he should love everything about his life right now, but instead he’s moving backwards. How does your past fit into your present? Louis is still figuring it out.
Shake Me Down : Harry’s new to college, fresh out of Catholic school and conversion therapy camp, and Louis runs the campus LGBTQIA organization.
You Drive Me Round The Bend : In which Louis is a spoilt rich kid who’s always on the phone while he drives and Harry is a struggling musician making his way down the mountain. It’s just a matter of time before they crash and burn.
Wings to Break Your Fall : Strip club AU. Harry’s work and family are keeping him busy. He really isn’t looking for a relationship, doesn’t want one. He just wants Louis. Problem is, Louis has other plans.
Dance To The Distortion : Louis accidentally breaks Harry’s camera lens and in order to get it fixed, they decide to participate in a romantic couples study. The only issue is that they are not actually couple. Well that and the fact they cannot stand each other.
Resist Everything Except Temptation : The one where Louis is the commodore’s son who is forced to become a part of Harry’s crew when he is captured. 
With a Whimper : Dystopian AU. Louis has been alone for too long to remember how not to be, and Harry has too much to worry about to deal with a scrawny, wild, stranger.
You’re Cold And I Burn : Louis’ love for pretty colors and aesthetics, paired with his immense passion for painting beautiful flowers has stars in his eyes and thoughts of a successful career.unfortunately, budding artists will struggle at first, so, cue the unwanted roommate. it only gets worse when the new addition is a sarcastic, flirty, and style-ignorant annoyance. all complete with a dingy leather jacket and a vast array of tattoos.
You’ve got to see yourself from far and wide: Harry and Louis meet at a very early age under all the wrong circumstances, which leads them to absolutely loathe each other for years on end. Eventually they both make it as professional football players in (very) rival teams, but are suddenly bought by the same club and depend on one another to either make it or break it at the height of their careers.With a side of sports journalist (and bridge friend) Niall, teammate Liam and wannabe football rep Zayn. They say that there’s a fine line between love and hate. That line might as well be shaped as a football trophy. 
Walk That Mile : A Route 66 AU where falling in love was never part of the plan.
Tainted Saints and Velvet Vices : A self-fulfilling Hogwarts AU in which Louis is new to seventh year and Harry is the resident devil-may-care Slytherin set to make his entire experience a living misery. Due to less than favourable circumstances they’re forced to forge an unwilling, tentative relationship for their own survival. Repressed emotions, decidedly unromantic ballroom dancing, Triwizard Tournament tasks, creative jinxes and twilight flying above the Forbidden Forest ensue. 
Pining (without being close friends) Fics
In This Light: Harry is a wardrobe stylist who likes to live in the moment, and Louis is a popstar who looks dreamy in double breasted jackets. Harry never stood a chance.
Way in the World : The one where Harry has a knee injury and an embarrassing crush on Manchester United’s pretty number ten.
Adore You : Against his wishes, Harry spends the holidays at his family’s summer estate, and is reluctantly pulled into a courtship he didn’t ask for. Harry doesn’t want to get married, but Louis does. They don’t fit, but then again they really, really do.
Home To You : At fifteen, Harry wrote his first song for an oblivious seventeen year old Louis Tomlinson. Ten years later he’s a singer/songwriter who cant find any words for his second album and Louis is a closeted actor tired of LA. They both try to run from the things weighing them down and in the process, they find each other.
Just Tell Me the Song and I’ll Sing It  : Louis is an architecture student who can only think about the future. Harry is a baseball player who can only think about right now. Both are lonely for different reasons. Boybands bring them together.Or, this may just be a long love letter to Louis’ voice, I’m not sure.Based on the following prompt: Harry and Louis are university students who go to the same bar on the weekends. The bar has karaoke and Louis likes to sing Disney/Musical/Boyband songs sometimes. Harry thinks he’s cute so he starts singing Disney/Musical/Boyband songs and flirting with him while he’s on stage.
Sun-kissed Hurricane, Perfect Storm : Harry is the quiet kid in the back of his statistics class who writes a lot and dreams about Louis’ cheekbones . Louis needs a statistics tutor ASAP before he flunks and the quiet kid in the back of the class seems like a good choice. Harry wants to help Louis however he can and Louis wants to see how much he can make Harry blush. 
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rickhorrow · 7 years
15 to watch tech 5 power 5 week of 111317
with Jamie Swimmer & Tanner Simkins
With the new college basketball season officially underway, the FBI’s ongoing probe into corruption still looms. According to the Chicago Tribune, some of the nation’s most storied universities and basketball programs have been riddled with arrests and allegations, including Louisville, Auburn, and Arizona. The NCAA is hoping that public attention will finally turn toward the action on the court as opposed to the drama and scandal off of it. Speaking of the ongoing FBI probe, Pac-12 Commissioner Larry Scott said, “This has been a significant issue in college basketball, and a significant distraction…There's uncertainty in the air with a lot of our coaches and people around college basketball.” Auburn head coach Bruce Pearl has been repeatedly told that his job might be in jeopardy if he does not cooperate with the ongoing investigation, while further legal action is still pending for others as the season begins. Not helping the situation – three UCLA students’, including freshman LiAngelo Ball’s, continued detainment in China following alleged shoplifting charges stemming from a Louis Vuitton store near the team’s hotel in Hangzhou.
For the fourth consecutive year, the BNP Paribas Open has been voted the ATP World Tour Masters 1000 Tournament of the Year, as determined by player vote. The BNP Paribas Open, the largest WTA and ATP World Tour combined two-week event in the world, has swept the top tournament honors on both the men’s and women’s Tours since 2014. “As both a player and now as Tournament Director, I can understand why this event has been named “Tournament of the Year” for the fourth straight year,” Tommy Haas said. Since Larry Ellison purchased the event in 2009, ongoing improvements to the Indian Wells Tennis Garden have made the tournament a favorite for fans and players alike. Ahead of this year’s BNP Paribas Open, a “Full Bloom” integrated marketing campaign will highlight the world-class tennis players that participate in the renowned global event woven into the natural beauty and backdrop of the desert landscape. The 2017 BNP Paribas Open had an estimated total gross economic impact on the Coachella Valley regional economy of more than $406 million, according to an economic impact study – an increase of more than $32 million since the last study was conducted in 2014.
As the college football regular season builds toward the conference championship round, leadership positions at Football Bowl Subdivision schools continue to be dominated by white men, according to an annual report card from the Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport. The institute gave top-level college sports an overall grade of D-plus for race and gender hiring in leadership positions, with a D-plus for racial hiring and an F for gender hiring. Overall, Caucasians hold 86.6% of the 395 campus leadership positions reported in the study, which found that 89.2% of university presidents in the FBS were white, as were 83.1% of the athletic directors, 87.4% of faculty athletics representatives, and 100% of conference commissioners. The study revealed that only 22 people of color in total held the roles of university presidents or ADs, and also found that nearly 87% of head coaches in the FBS are white. Conversely, nearly 56% of collegiate football players are black, while 39% are white. A report card is by nature an analysis of progress, and clearly much more needs to be done to create an atmosphere of diversity and inclusion among college sports’ leaders, particularly within high-revenue, high-scrutiny football programs.
Media and e-Signatures platform Twignature announced a new funding threshold of $3 million investment, with 50% coming from Veterans of the Armed Forces and a new, patented e-Signatures service on Twitter called "Twignature." Parent company lettrs, Inc. also announced that Dr. Harvey W. Schiller, one of the most respected leaders in sports, media and entertainment, and a former Air Force General, has joined the company as Chairman. The Twignature app is now available on iTunes and activates an immediate digital marketplace for authenticated, distributed, and sponsored signatures across the Twitter network.  Twignature's decentralized service uses smartphone biometrics and blockchain distribution principles to activate a unique number, ledger, and seal of authenticity for signed Tweets, including signature location, device, and even whether the original autograph was associated with a major brand. Lettrs founder Drew Bartkiewicz was named one of Goldman Sachs' "Top 100 Most Intriguing Entrepreneurs" in 2016, while that same year lettrs was also cited as a Forbes Top 25 Veteran founded business.  A successful patent for a cyber method to authenticate mobile signatures, marrying biometrics and media on smartphones, is much needed in today’s high profile digital environments.
Dallas Cowboys Owner Jerry Jones is continuing his attack on NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell. According to the New York Times, Jones wants all team owners to vote on the payment package of Goodell’s pending contract extension. As it currently stands, only NFL compensation committee members will vote on this matter. Over the past 10 years as the NFL commissioner, Goodell has been paid over $200 million; Jones noted that “making a decision potentially worth more than $200 million should be done carefully.” Cowboys General Counsel Jason Cohen penned a letter to the head of the compensation committee on behalf of Jones, “which repeatedly criticized Falcons Owner and committee chair Arthur Blank” for his role in the matter. This past May, the owners voted to unanimously extend Goodell’s contract by five years. Through his lawyer, Jones stated that he wants the new contract “to include less guaranteed pay and more incentives tied to the league’s financial performance.” Goodell is essentially the NFL’s CEO, and top CEO pay has long been incentive based. So Jones isn’t off base…except within the clubby NFL ownership confines.
MLS will let teams keep 100% of transfer fees for homegrown players. MLS is "set to approve a new rule this offseason that will allow teams to keep" 100% of transfer fees for homegrown players, according to sources cited by FourFourTwo. This "incentivizes league owners to invest more in player development, and rewards the teams that do so successfully." Currently, MLS receives 25% of any homegrown transfer. Additionally, the league is "weighing a proposal that would increase the cap of transfer revenue used as General Allocation Money." A source said that the proposal would also see that cap "increase incrementally from year to year.” Across the board, MLS is on the rise, and the revenue streams rising all boats will benefit teams and players alike.
The Chicago Bulls will host the 2020 NBA All-Star Game, bringing the sporting event back to the Windy City for the first time since 1988. According to the Chicago Sun-Times, NBA Commissioner Adam Silver, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, and Bulls executives Michael Reinsdorf and John Paxson recently made the official announcement at the United Center. Back in 1988, Michael Jordan was the All-Star Game MVP and beat Dominique Wilkins to take the crown in the slam dunk contest when he jumped from the free throw line. Jerry Reinsdorf was vocal throughout the years of his opposition to hosting the All-Star Game, but ultimately this came down to his son Michael’s decision. “They would have to force me to take the All-Star Game,” said Jerry Reinsdorf in a 2012 interview. “They take over the building. Really, no good can come out of it and all it can do is upset your fans.” Famous last words from a famous father, about an event that has long been considered a standout in the pro sports All-Star Game pantheon. The NBA does it right.
The Atlanta Braves continue to see a revenue revival, thanks largely to the team’s new stadium and surrounding development. According to the Atlanta Business Chronicle, SunTrust Park and The Battery Atlanta have helped drive in $336 million in revenue during the first nine months of 2017. That marker is “already $104 million more than all of 2016 and more than $100 million higher than any of the previous three seasons.” While the Braves’ franchise value and revenue numbers have both increased significantly in the past year, the team took on a considerable amount of debt to finance the construction of the ballpark and community area. Through the end of September, the Braves “carried debt of $585 million,” a number that is up $74 million since the beginning of July. The team is not expected to have a tough time paying off its debt with the increase in “ticket sales, concessions, corporate sales, suites, and premium-seat fees.”
WNBA teams will be allowed to sell additional jersey patch sponsorships next season. According to SportsBusiness Journal, the majority of WNBA teams already have marquee sponsors on the front of their jerseys, but a new 2.25-inch by 2.25-inch patch will be available for a new sponsor on the upper left-hand shoulder of game jerseys. In accordance with league rules, patch sponsors must be “separate from the team’s marquee jersey sponsor.” Additionally, WNBA teams will be allowed to sell on-court advertising near both foul lines to a single sponsor, though those ads will have to be removed for all games broadcast on ESPN. “The league is in growth mode, and we want to continue to innovate,” said WNBA COO Jay Parry. “We are excited to bring the jersey badge and new on-court opportunities as ways for brands to connect with teams in meaningful ways.” As long as the advertisements are tasteful, they should meet with approval from the higher-ups at the NBA, which owns the women’s league, and may be using the women’s unis to test market approval for what eventually may be seen on NBA jerseys as well.
The 2019 NHL Winter Classic is heading to South Bend, Indiana, for a matchup between the Chicago Blackhawks and Boston Bruins. According to the Chicago Sun-Times, the Blackhawks will be the host team at Notre Dame Stadium, marking the team’s league-leading fourth Winter Classic. The Blackhawks played at Wrigley Field in 2009, at Nationals Park in 2015, and most recently at Busch Stadium in St. Louis this past year. In all, this will “mark the Blackhawks’ sixth outdoor game total, while eight teams have never played outdoors” and 10 more have only played outside once. Over the years, Original Six teams and other franchises with richer hockey histories have been picked more frequently to play in special outdoor games, but fans outside of Chicago “are growing discontented with the announcement of more Blackhawks games outdoors.” In all, the Blackhawks are only 1-4-0 in outdoor games, so they are hoping to reverse their luck this time around. Another reason for this league disparity – it’s a little more difficult to pull off outdoor hockey games in Phoenix, Florida, and Southern California, even in January’s so-called “winter chill.”
Amazon is continuing its push into the sports world, this time via a partnership with EPL club Manchester City. According to Bloomberg, Amazon Prime Video will produce a behind-the-scenes documentary series of Manchester City’s current season. The series will be released in 2018 to Prime members, and will include footage shot at the club’s training facilities at the City Football Academy, feature interviews with manager Pep Guardiola, and provide viewers with an inside look into executive meetings. Amazon has shown its willingness to spend big money on new ventures, with this being no exception; in all, Amazon is paying Man City more than $13 million for exclusive access to the club. The Seattle-based company is building its portfolio of sports investments and ventures, “after winning global live streaming rights for the ATP World Tour and the NFL’s Thursday Night Football package.” As cord-cutting becomes more prevalent and online viewing intensifies, look for Amazon to continue its global sports rights quest.
German sportswear company adidas is hoping to use this summer’s World Cup to restore sales growth. According to Reuters, adidas plans to launch new international kits before the 2018 Russia World Cup kicks off in June, following a slowdown in European sales these past three months. Germany and Spain – two of the best soccer teams in the world and heavyweight World Cup favorites – are among the countries that adidas currently sponsors. Adidas is now “lifting marketing spending and expects a sales acceleration in the Christmas shopping season.” Third-quarter sales missed the marker set by analysts despite the company’s recent success in China and North America. Slower growth in Europe was largely attributed to the general slowdown in the market, “while the termination of sponsorship deals with the NBA and Premier League champion Chelsea led to an overall decline in basketball and soccer sales.” Citi analyst Dan Homan recently rated the company’s shares as “neutral” in the market. It also won’t hurt adidas that the U.S. men’s team failed to qualify for the Russia World Cup – the USNMT, along with the USNWT, is a Nike operation.
The rise of superstar Giannis Antetokounmpo continues after the Milwaukee Bucks forward re-signed with Nike. According to ESPN.com, the “Greek Freak” – largely considered to be the next LeBron James – was being courted by almost every major apparel company for the right to sign him to a long-term shoe and apparel deal. Antetokounmpo ultimately chose to resign with Nike because the deal “includes the creation of a signature shoe,” which is already in the works. The first signature shoe of the line is expected to be released in time for the holiday season in 2019. The international attention that Antetokounmpo receives is expected to pay huge dividends for Nike in the creation of the new shoe line. With the new deal in place, the Greek Freak now has one of the largest shoe deals ever given to a European player – right on par with the one between Kristaps Porzingis and adidas.
Texas A&M University is looking to address the common issue of hotel room scarcity in college towns, but it’s going to cost consumers an extremely high price. According to the Wall Street Journal, Texas A&M is planning to build a new hotel directly across the street from Kyle Field to give more football fans a place to stay on home game weekends, and will use guaranteed room options to auction off rooms. For reservations on the hotel’s top floor, bids for GROs “range from $125,000 to $475,000.” GROs are much like personal seat licenses – a tactic that sports franchises deploy upon building a new stadium to partially fund projects and lock in ticketholders. A&M “took inspiration for the hotel from LSU,” while Alabama and Ole Miss currently offer “similar perks at campus-affiliated hotels.” School officials plan to have the hotel completed in time for the 2018 home opener. The GRO program is expected to raise more than $28.5 million for the university.
The Minnesota Timberwolves and Boston Bruins both have their eyes on China. According to the Minneapolis Star Tribune and Boston Globe, the two franchises are looking to expand their respective footprints into the Asian country by partnering with Chinese companies. The Timberwolves recently played two preseason games in China after Shanghai sports marketer Lizhang “John” Jiang “became the first Chinese investor in an NBA team when he bought a 5% stake” back in 2016. The team has since reached a partnership with a Shanghai-based organization that will help see Chinese youth basketball players and coaches come to Minneapolis to participate in camps and attend games. In terms of the Bruins, the NHL franchise has been “aggressive” in planting seeds in China. Hockey is not as popular as basketball across the vast country, so the Bruins have been helping to build the game from the grassroots up by sending players overseas to put on youth clinics. Of course, building a long-term fan base, in China and elsewhere, begins with youth involvement in the sport at hand.
Tech 5
1. Intel bringing ‘live’ virtual reality experiences to NBA on TNT games. Beginning with the 2018 NBA All-Star Game in Los Angeles, Intel True VR and Turner Sports will be delivering NBA content to fans ‘live’ in virtual reality. The two organizations announced a multi-year partnership which sees Intel True VR become the exclusive provider of virtual reality for the NBA on TNT. Intel will also be partnering with the NBA around its 360-degree video using Intel freeD technology. Intel plans to integrate the freeD technology into the fan’s ‘live’ virtual reality experience so they can freeze play and view the action from LeBron James’ or Stephen Curry’s point-of-view for example. The 360-degree replay technology can also be woven into broadcasts for commentators to pause and further analyze important plays.
2. NBA, Boston Celtics, Utah Jazz executives talk NBA 2K esports league. Aaron Ryan told audience members at last week’s TEAMS Conference in Orlando that despite working at the NBA for the past 20 years, what now gives him “street cred” at his house with his 12 year old daughter is being associated with 2K and the NBA 2K league. Ryan was joined alongside by executives with the Utah Jazz, Boston Celtics, Orlando Magic and Monumental Sports and Entertainment (Washington Wizards). He added that the new NBA venture with 2K and Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. is “access to a different conversation” with new fans, corporate partners and facilities. Seventeen NBA franchises will participate in next year’s inaugural season, with tryouts and a draft expected to be held next February and March.
3. Media and e-Signatures platform Twignature lands $3M investment, with 50% coming from Veterans of the Armed Forces and a new, patented e-Signatures service on Twitter called "Twignature." Parent company lettrs, Inc. also announced that Dr. Harvey W. Schiller, one of the most respected leaders in sports, media and entertainment, and a former Air Force General, has joined the company as Chairman. The Twignature app is just now available activates an immediate digital marketplace for authenticated, distributed and sponsored signatures across the Twitter network.  Twignature's decentralized service uses smartphone biometrics and blockchain distribution principles to activate a unique number, ledger and seal of authenticity for signed Tweets, including signature location, device, and even whether the original autograph was associated with a major brand. Twignature offers to verify, authenticate and "notarize" e-signatures on social networks and emerging currency networks like Blockchain and Bitcoin.
4. Whether on the golf course or in the boardroom, Norman has always tried to push the boundaries of what was possible. In this spirit and slated to disrupt the golf industry, Norman unveiled the “Shark Experience.” The bold, non-traditional concept combines connectivity, content and customization intended to produce an enhanced on-course experience. The centerpiece for Shark Experience presented by Verizon is Club Car. The Ingersoll-Rand golf subsidiary, along with longtime business partner GPSi, one of the world’s leading global positioning system brands, has joined forces with the Greg Norman Company and Verizon to deliver a ‘Your Game, Your Way’ concept to golfers through a connected Club Car golf cart. The overhead unit features a high-definition screen and built-in speakers with Bluetooth connectivity. Neither of those elements are ground-breaking until the system is turned on. When engaged it brings elements of Topgolf — music, live sports, news and other curated entertainment content — onto the golf course, combines it with standard dynamic yardage and hole flyover capability, and augments it with a seamless, one-swipe platform for a cashless on-course experience.
5. Bayern Munich’s use of Instagram Stories polls shows how useful it can be to clubs. The poll function – as illustrated brilliantly by Bayern’s social media team – adds a new dimension to stories allowing fans to feel involved and, in this case, literally direct the content themselves. Indeed, the reason that Bayern’s attempt at this is so interesting is because of what it could mean for teams in the future, and why Instagram polls could become so important., Instagram is the fastest-growing social media platform for football clubs. Recently, Nielsen found that it was the platform where starting lineup graphics gained the most traction, even though Twitter would seem like the most appropriate platform for a piece of content with such a short shelf-life (of only about an hour before kick-off). Cracking Instagram is clearly key for clubs in the near future, and having a way to actively interact with fans in stories is incredibly useful on this front
Power of Sports 5
1. NFL Makes Donation to Tuesday’s Children. The National Football League has given a $200,000 grant to the nonprofit organization Tuesday’s Children. Tuesday’s Children, a mentoring program focused on supporting children who have lost one of their parents, provides support to communities and families impacted by terrorism and the loss of loved ones in warfare. The NFL first began working with Tuesday’s Children after the 2001 terrorist attacks, when the league partnered with the organization to provide the families of first responders with aid. The recently announced grant will be used to expand this program to include children who have lost a parent in the military. Enrolled children will be matched with carefully selected mentors, who will provide the children with guidance and support to help them succeed both in school and in their communities.
2. Retired NHL Player Launches Charity Hockey Series. Former professional hockey player David Moss and his charity Hockey Has Heart hosted a face-off series for charity this weekend at the Arctic Edge Ice of Canton. The first annual Hockey Has Heart Charity Face Off pitted several Michigan high school varsity teams against each other to help raise money for the Hockey has Heart general fund. The Michigan State women’s varsity club team was also present at the event to compete against the Michigan Selects hockey club. Founded in 2003, the Hockey has Heart organization has  raised over $2 million to help more than 70 hockey families that are currently facing life challenges. Made up entirely of volunteers, the majority of all funds raised by the organization come from direct donations. These donations are used to provide assistance for families facing financial strain or extended periods of hardship. Most distributions are $10,000 or less and are intended to cover medical expenses and lost wages where earners have lost income due to accident or illness.
3. Andy Murray faces Roger Federer in Charity Match. On Tuesday, tennis superstar Andy Murray made his return to the court for the first time since injuring his hip on July 12. Murray returned early from his hip injury to face off against Roger Federer as part of the Andy Murray Live exhibition in Glasgow, Scotland. All of the money raised at the event will be donated to a variety of charities, including Unicef and several local organizations. The 26th matchup between the two champions wasn’t the only match that Murray participated in at the event. He also played in a doubles match alongside his brother Jamie. Last year, in the first year of the event, Murray and company were able to raise more than £300,000, and they expect to easily top that number this year after competing in front of nearly 11,000 people.
4. Falcons Honor Veterans for Salute to Service Week. The Atlanta Falcons hosted their third Salute to Service week ahead of their game with the Dallas Cowboys on Sunday. The week was dedicated to honoring the military with different events throughout the week for veterans of our armed forces and their families, leading up to the game on Sunday where they were  hosted for the game and each player on the Falcons wore a decal with the initials of a different veteran on their helmet. The families were also invited to the team’s Saturday walk-through where they were able to meet the players and coaching staff. Some of the events hosted by the team throughout the week included a a youth football clinic at Fort Stewart, an event where Falcons employees assisted with the packing of approximately 300 care packages that will be shipped to military personnel overseas, and a Vietnam War Veterans Breakfast.
5. Girls in Brazil Finding Solace in Soccer.  Brazil's favelas are best known for their high death tollheavily armed drug gangs, and heavy police presence. Every day, the people in these communities have to live their lives surrounded by violence. The children in the area have it particularly rough, unable to leave their homes or go to school many days due to nearby gunfire. It is for this reason why Street Child United, a charity based out of the United Kingdom, is working to create safe spaces where the children of the favelas can play without fear. In order to create these spaces, the charity had to strike a deal with local residents, police, and gangs to declare their facilities off limits to all violence and illegal activities. Thus far, the result has been a soccer pitch where many young girls have come to find support from others in their community and escape from the surrounding environment. Street Child United provides a global platform for street children receive the protection, support, and opportunities that all children deserve. Based in London, the charity focuses on giving at-risk young people opportunities through sport. The charity’s mission is to assist local street-connected children with reducing their risk of exploitation and abuse, developing their life skills, and improving their education and employment opportunities while changing the negative perceptions and treatment of street children around the world
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