#I need to give it a satisfying ending or I will explode
The rot consumes once again, and here I am, kept awake by Rain World Thoughts.
Tonight’s episode: The Void Fluid Revolution, the monarchy, and the absolute mess I think both of those historically were.
Frankly ridiculous length of lore below, so it’s under the cut.
The Void Fluid Revolution was undoubtedly an upheaval of the Ancients’ entire society, one likely beyond anything our world has ever experienced. Not only did Void Fluid serve as an incredible power source for industry and everyday life, it was seemingly a perfect answer to the desire for transcendence that had formed the foundation for their spiritual beliefs and much of their culture for a very long time.
Two white pearls mention a particular system known as the “hegemonic dynasty”, which doesn’t seem to be an actual thing, but based on the wording it’s most likely a kind of hereditary monarchy. This is already weird enough, seeing as the Cycle kept everyone from dying permanently, and no one even truly understands how it works - did monarchs reincarnate as themselves, with the ability to overthrow their own successors? Did they come back in a different body and need to fight for their throne all over again? Or is death simply a time loop, so that a monarch’s heir would continue their line without them, leaving the dead in their own timeline?
Whatever it was, by the time we get any substantial lore, I believe the dynastic system is long gone. The Ancients were fairly technologically advanced by the time of the VFR, considering their ability to build drills that could dig all the way down to the Void Sea, but it is said that the extraction of Void Fluid was what “started the big technological leap”, according to Moon. In real-life history, industrialization is strongly correlated with the emergence of democracy, and if the pre-VFR development wasn’t enough to push out the monarchy from power, the burst of industry and technology brought on by the discovery of Void Fluid’s practical applications would have mostly eliminated it.
With the last monarchs out of public power, councils of important citizens began to take charge - most of the evidence for this is close to the end of the Ancients’ existence, from the Shaded Citadel and Wall city pearls. It seems that family heritage still exerted quite the influence over politics, with the concept of houses sticking around and affecting what happened in these councils.
Admittedly, to this day, I have no idea what a living block is or why there are three titles associated with them. I think they’re a sort of city division that’s existed throughout history, as we see mentions of them everywhere from one of the white pearls that also mentions a dynasty, to the titles of a person who lived shortly before the final Ancients ascended.
(hold on I have to Google something)
Apparently in England, a Duke is the highest rank of royal peerage, all of which are personally given by the monarch. The title of Count comes somewhere after this.
In the Ancients’ titles, Count comes before Counselor, which comes before Duke. I’m not sure what this means, but Seventeen Axes, Fifteen Spoked Wheel was Count of 8 living blocks, and Counselor of an entire 16 (presumably Duke of none), while Eight Suns-Countless Leaves is Count of none, Counselor of 2, and Duke of 1. I think this implies that Duke > Count > Counselor, from the number of blocks each title was held over by each person. The terminology itself was likely a leftover of the monarchy, and may have come to refer to places on a council later on, as a representative for the blocks they were responsible for.
May add more in a reblog later, my phone’s dying and this post is getting so long it’s lagging Tumblr.
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itsbenedict · 24 days
so in an effort to be slightly less out-of-touch, i went and watched all of Skibidi Toilet the other day. (at present, the whole series is about the length of a feature film, so this wasn't too big a lift.)
what surprised me is just... how totally normal it was. like, it's not at all difficult to describe. people big it up as this incomprehensible thing that's emblematic of a generation gap, but it's. not.
the plot is: there's toilets with human heads in them that go "skibidi dom dom dom yes yes, skibidi dabbadul neef neef". they can move despite a lack of ambulatory appendages. this is wacky and unsettling, but the chief question is: Do They Win In A Fight Against Some Robots With Cameras For Heads?
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it's an action movie about a war against an alien invasion. that's it. less than the first thirty seconds of it are anarchic GMod YTP insanity- it develops a plot almost immediately. the plot is paper-thin and conveyed almost entirely without dialogue, existing to set up giant robot fights and zombie apocalypse jumpscares.
who are these factions? why are they fighting? you aren't failing to get it because the kids these days are on some totally different psychic wavelength. the show simply does not give a shit about this question. here are some bad guys! here are some good guys! they're going to do explosions and punches at each other for roughly two minutes until the perspective camera is abruptly destroyed in the crossfire somehow.
it is a remarkably competently-shot action movie. the fight scenes are weighty and satisfying and have lots of exciting little twists and turns as the two sides pull increasingly bigger weapons and gadgets out of their asses. the production gets more elaborate over time, and it's a pretty stellar example of what machinima is capable of. genuinely good at the things it's trying to do.
it does kinda fall down a little later, as it attempts to develop Characters and Deepest Lore after kind of not caring about that for most of its runtime. the decision to have "dialogue" almost exclusively in the form of incomprehensible heavily-filtered backwards speech with no subtitles is probably rewarding for die-hard Skibidi-heads who have the time on their hands to mess with the audio and uncover all the hidden messages, but it means you are not going to understand anything anyone is saying on a normal watch.
the action suffers from this decision a little bit towards the end, as for reasons that completely fail to come across, the toilets appear to have broken into their own factions and start fighting each other and forming various alliances, which disrupts the simplicity of the setup and makes it hard to determine who's winning a fight at any given time. a giant scary toilet man just exploded! was that bad, or good? listen, don't worry about it. all you need to know is that these things are going to keep happening until DaFuqBoom gets bored.
it's like a... 7/10, shallow but enjoyable. easy to see why kids like it. not going to give you any deeper insights into the Kids These Days, but there's worse ways to spend a couple hours.
(the most confusing thing to me is how something this straightforward got a reputation for crossing some sort of rubicon of cultural alienation. did everyone born in the 20th century who talks about this show just watch eighteen seconds of it and give up???)
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writeriguess · 20 days
Sugardaddy!Katsuki likes to spoil Sugarbaby! Fem! reader but reader isn't used to being spoiled before so she sometimes refuse the gifts (especially the most expensive ones) and it makes Katsuki spoils her more. (Sorry if this is too much lmfaoo)
You sigh as the shiny black box is placed in front of you, yet another extravagant gift from Katsuki. The high-end boutique logo glimmers under the restaurant’s soft lights, but you can already tell what’s inside by the signature packaging.
It’s expensive—too expensive, just like the last gift he gave you a few days ago. You hesitate, your fingers barely touching the ribbon, and you look up at him with a small frown.
“Katsuki, this is too much,” you say softly, eyes searching his crimson ones for any sign of understanding. "You don’t need to spoil me like this."
He leans back in his chair, arms crossing over his broad chest as he raises an eyebrow at your protest. His usual scowl softens just a bit, but there’s a determined glint in his eyes. “Tch. You say that every damn time.”
“Because I mean it,” you insist. “I don’t need these—” you motion toward the gift “—expensive things. You already do so much for me.”
Katsuki lets out a low growl of frustration, leaning forward to rest his elbows on the table. “It’s not about need, babe. I want to spoil you. Why won’t you just accept it?”
You bite your lip, feeling conflicted. Growing up, you weren’t used to having things handed to you, especially not like this. The idea of being spoiled didn’t sit right with you—it felt like too much, too indulgent. It made your heart flutter and stomach twist all at once.
“I appreciate everything, I really do. But sometimes… it feels like I don’t deserve it,” you admit quietly, eyes drifting down to the pristine box again.
His expression shifts, eyes softening as he hears the uncertainty in your voice. “You deserve everything, and more,” he says firmly. “I don’t care how much it costs. You’re worth it. I spoil you because I want to, because I like seeing you happy.”
Your heart squeezes at his words, but the guilt still lingers in the back of your mind. “But I feel bad—”
“I don’t give a damn if you feel bad,” Katsuki interrupts, his tone slightly harsher, though you know it’s just his way of being protective. “You’ll get used to it.”
Before you can protest again, he grabs the box and shoves it into your hands, his touch surprisingly gentle for someone who can explode things with a snap of his fingers. “Open it.”
You glance at him hesitantly, but his intense gaze tells you he won’t take no for an answer. With a sigh, you carefully untie the ribbon and open the box. Inside, nestled on a bed of silk, is a stunning necklace—delicate yet shimmering with diamonds. It’s breathtaking, and you feel your chest tighten at the sight of it.
“Katsuki…” you murmur, fingers grazing the jewels as if they might disappear.
“Put it on,” he demands, his voice low and commanding. “I wanna see how it looks on you.”
You hesitate again, feeling overwhelmed, but the anticipation in his eyes urges you to obey. Slowly, you reach behind your neck to clasp the necklace, the cool metal resting lightly against your skin.
Katsuki’s eyes darken as he watches you, clearly satisfied. “Perfect,” he says under his breath, a smug smile tugging at his lips.
You can’t help but blush at his intense gaze. “But you really didn’t have to—”
“I’m just getting started, princess,” he cuts you off with a wicked smirk, leaning closer until his lips hover near your ear. “The more you refuse, the more I’m gonna spoil you. So get used to it.”
Your heart skips a beat at the promise in his voice, and you realize there’s no escaping Katsuki’s determination to lavish you with everything he can. Maybe you didn’t need all these things, but knowing how much it meant to him… maybe, just maybe, you could learn to accept it.
After all, it wasn’t just the gifts—it was him showing how much he cared.
Requests are open. Send as many as you like.
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atzloverr · 2 months
Alphabet with CHOI SAN PLEASE
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NSFW alphabet - Choi San
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He’ll immediately check if you’re okay, or if you need anything. “Water? A bath? Anything baby,” he’ll promise as he caresses your hair carefully. It’s such a contrast from how he’s like 10 minutes before that, harshly thrusting into you at a quick pace.
“I’m fine San, I promise,” you’ll tell him, placing a kiss on his cheek. “Okay baby.” He’ll cuddle you for as long as you want, making sure you feel loved.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
San is obsessed with your neck, and will always make sure to gently massage it or just have a hand there. He’ll kiss your neck as often as he can (maybe even bite it). Other than that he loves your waist. Snaking his hands around it and pulling you into his embrace, just to feel your warmth against him.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He loves the feeling of coming inside your warm mouth (or throat). He can’t help but grab your head when he explodes inside you, not being able to control himself when the pleasure washes over him like that.
He wants you to cum on his fingers, just so he can lick the excess of your juices off of his hands.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He wants to make a sex tape with you. He doesn’t have the guts to ask you, but all he wants is a video of the two of you together. He wouldn’t want to post it, but the thought of having it as your dirty little secret turns him on beyond belief.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Contrary to popular belief, he isn’t. When the two of you met, he had only done it with one or two people before. He felt ashamed at his inexperience, but you made sure he felt comfortable no matter what.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He’s obsessed with taking you from behind. He’ll ravishingly thrust deeply into you, as you moan into the pillows. (He also loves the view of you bending over in front of him)
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
I think he’s pretty serious in the moment. He’ll of course smile, but he’ll leave humor and jokes for when you’re done.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He doesn’t always keep himself cleanly shaved, but tries to keep his hair pretty short down there.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
I think San can be pretty rough in bed, and he likes it that way, so he’ll be intimate but not exactly lovey-lovey during sex. At times though, when he feels very lovesick, he’ll be romantic and smother you with kisses and gentle holding. That’s usually when the two of you haven’t met in a long time, and he just wants to show his undying love for you.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He loves the lewdness of filming himself as he pleases himself. He’ll set up the camera on the floor, get on his knees and rut into his hands. He’ll make sure to not hold back on his sounds, wanting you to really hear how good he feels when you receive the video.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
He’s a huge brat tamer, and he’s definitely up for a challenge. His smirk only grows when you refuse to do as he says, and he’ll be so satisfied when you finally give in and let him do as he pleases.
At times, he enjoys being the brat. Nothing gets him going quite like the stubborn fight for dominance between the two of you. He doesn’t only enjoy it when he’s the one who ends up on top ;)
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He loves doing it in the shower. Pressing you against the wall and slowly thrusting into you as he feels the warm water dripping down your bodies. He also likes that he doesn’t need to clean up afterwards.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
When you tease him by whispering in his ear, or slowly dragging your hand up his thigh, god it drives him crazy. He’ll smirk as you try to be a brat and take control over him, knowing what he’s going to do to you the second you step foot at home.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He doesn’t want any other people being involved in your sex life. He believes it’s only between the two of you, and the thought of someone else getting to see you in such an intimate moment fills him up with jealousy and anger.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Don’t get me wrong, he’s definitely a munch, but he also can’t deny how much he loves it when you take him in your warm mouth. The feeling of your tongue against his sensitive tip is enough to make his eyes roll back in pleasure. He’s made sure to teach you all the ways to make him weak in the knees, so you’re a professional when it comes to giving San that double hand twist gawk gawk 3000
(I’m sorry for that last part)
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Whether he’s at a fast or slow pace, his thrusts are always deep. He’ll make sure you really feel him. He usually starts slowly, getting you used to the feeling of him inside you, but then he suddenly picks up the pace, going fast and hard.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
time to time, he’ll indicate a quickie between the two of you, but only if there isn’t enough time for you to go all out. However, he has a hard time keeping it quick with you, so if he feels horny before the two of you are going out, he’ll just make you an hour late if he tries something.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He’s a big experimentalist, and is up to try almost anything, as long as the two of you are comfortable with it. You wanna be tied up? sure! You wanna tie him up? sure! He’s not really into public stuff however, he values his and your privacy.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
After being with san, you’ll believe his stamina is never-ending. He’ll gladly keep going for multiple rounds, switching positions and pace. You yourself might feel tired after only one round with San, but he’s far from done with you.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
I don’t think he owns any toys tbh. He never really felt the need to buy any.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He’s a huge tease, and will gladly leave you hanging, begging for more. He loves the look on your face as you frustratingly try to control the situation, maybe move his hand just a centimeter closer to where you need it, but he won’t budge.
“San please!” you begged as his hands roamed closely to where you needed him. His featherlight touches tickled you slightly, making you squirm around in discomfort. “This is what you get for acting like you did,” San said lowly, an evil smile on his lips.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
When this man cums, the neighbors will hear it every time. He tries to muffle his moans with his hands, but can’t help but almost scream in pleasure. He’s not very loud otherwise, just grunting and whimpering as he ruts into you, but the second his orgasm washes over him, he can’t hold back his loud moans.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
As mentioned earlier, he loves experimenting, so you curiously ask him a question one day as you lay with your head in his lap, watching some drama on the TV.
“San,” you smiled, looking innocently into his eyes. “Yeah?” he answered, still keeping his eyes plastered on the screen. “Would you… Let me peg you someday?”
San choked on air and started violently coughing in shock at your sudden requests, laughing at your bold question. “What? I just wanna know!” you reasoned. As he finally calmed down, he looked at you with a smirk on his face.
“Why not? You wanna try it tonight?” he asked. This time, you were the one laughing at him. “What!? You asked me???” he said confused, pouting slightly.
“Good to know that you’re up to the idea, but I was just wondering if you were into that, not if you wanted to do it tonight,” you said, still laughing. Your boyfriend chuckled before placing a kiss on your forehead. “Well, now you know.”
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
I think he’s big and most importantly thick down there. It’s pretty long, but it’s the thickness that’s impressive.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He doesn’t have a necessarily high sex drive, but it’s not exactly low either. It’s almost the highest when he’s away from you, the thoughts of you making him miss you so. When with you, he has a very high “cuddle-drive” if you can call it that. It’s not sex that he wants the most, it’s just being close to you and loving you.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep
He’ll need a while to cool down before he can fall asleep, still feeling caught up in the moment after he’s done. He likes to take a cool shower afterwards, just to get his mind off of things, off of you, otherwise he might just get horny again.
my masterlist
Here you go!!! Hope you enjoyed! <3
Please leave requests or feedback it’s very appreciated! (which member next?)
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mingtinysworld · 6 months
Adrenaline Rush
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Pairing: choi jongho x fem!reader
Genre: smut, fluff
Word count: 1.4k
Summary: Jongho needs to blow off some steam after he's not satisfied with a performance, and you happen to be there for his assistance. Not that you mind.
Warnings: MDNI, rough, mean jongho, one face slap, throatfucking, hair pulling, degradation kink, use of names like (fucktoy, cumslut), cum swallowing
A/n: I SWEAR I did NOT plan to make Jongho this mean??? But it's ok because he's all cute and sweet at the end. I do love me a mean jongho though. Enjoyyyy please like, comment, and reblog!! - J<3
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You nervously wait backstage, eyes on the monitor as staff put up the intricate set pieces for Ateez's stage. You know how hard the boys have worked for this insanely monumental opportunity. Especially Jongho, who has been nonstop belting his voice to perfect the high notes.
A few hours prior, Jongho had started feeling pain in his throat. He was afraid of letting down the group when he's known to be the powerhouse vocal that he is. You knew that no matter what, he would do an amazing job, but you were nervous on his behalf due to his harshness to himself.
You let out a stuttered breath and bounce your leg as they go on stage. They look majestic, and everyone in the crowd seems to absolutely love them. They perform almost their whole set, everything being more than perfect. You feel like crying from how proud you are, of each and every member. Then it's time for Wonderland.
This is the song that Jongho has been nervously dreading. The intense belt of 4 octaves leaves him to dread it every time. But you know that he kills it every single time, and you're certain he will today as well.
He steps forward, takes a deep steady breath, and goes for it. It's as if angels have come down to make you ascend with them. You're convinced that Jongho is not a real human being, he's an angel. No one could be that perfect, that talented, that beautiful. Your jaw is wide open with amazement, and you feel like you could cry.
They take their bows as the crowd erupts with so much love and appreciation for Ateez. They start walking offstage and you go to meet and congratulate them. You scream and clap as they emerge one by one, making them look at you with exhausted adoration. As soon as you see Jongho you lunge towards him, looping your arms around his neck and squealing with excitement.
"Babyyyy oh my god that was amazing. I'm so so proud of you!!" You give him countless pecks across his cheeks as he holds you loosely. You pull back to see his face is pulled taut and jaw clenched, and you tilt your head in confusion.
"Love? What's wrong?" You ask with a pout.
He closes his eyes for a few seconds and takes a deep breath. He leans closer to your face and speaks with a barely recognizable voice.
"If I don't fuck your face right now I think I might explode." He says intensely.
Your eyes widen at his admission and you feel like you're hit with lightning from head to toe. You swallow thickly and attempt to speak but all that comes out is a jumble of words.
"Jongho w-why are you so intense?" All you feel at the moment is pure arousal, slick coating your thin underwear. He groans dramatically and hangs his head.
"I messed up and I'm so goddamn angry right now I can barely speak." He manages with gritted teeth.
"But you did-" Before you can finish your encouraging sentence he grabs your wrist and spins you around, holding it behind your back. He leads you towards an empty costume room and you can feel his solid body walking right behind you.
"Shut the fuck up and let me use your mouth. The only good use for it apparently." You comply immediately and let him handle you like a rag doll, enjoying every second of it. As soon as he locks the door, he throws you down to the floor and you look up at him with a wide eyed expression that is screaming "ruin me."
It would truly be a shame if he didn't complete your request, so really he's only being the generous and giving boyfriend that he is. You take fluttery breaths in anticipation and sit there looking so pretty and pliant for him.
He steps forward and with one hand caresses your cheek gently. You close your eyes in bliss and lean into his touch like an obedient kitten. That is until he delivers a harsh slap to the same worshipped cheek. You jolt in surprise and hiss at the sting his palm left, but you stay as still as possible to be a good girl for Jongho.
He smiles like he just won a reward. Maybe he did because the sight of you in front of him is enough to make him burst. He pulls down his pants low enough to pull his aching cock out, but still being mostly dressed. He's leaking so much precum that it's threatening to spill onto the floor and you have to resist the urge to just lick him clean immediately.
He hooks a thumb into your mouth, lifting your head backwards to a point of almost discomfort. The light bounces off of your glazed eyes, making them look like pools of desire and helplessness. He pushes down on your tongue and you don't waste any time wrapping your lips around his digit and giving him a preview of what's to come.
Patience running thin, he pulls his finger out of your soft mouth with a pop, and gathers your hair into one fist. With the other hand he guides his leaking member into your awaiting mouth. You instantly choke around him, somehow forgetting how thick he really is. You try to breathe calmly through your nose to control your gag reflex.
He slides in farther, reaching to the entrance of your throat. He gives an experimental thrust and goes through the restrictive barrier between your mouth and throat. You instinctively swallow around him, resulting in him throwing his head back and groaning. He loses all self control and starts using your throat according to his needs.
He sets a wild pace instantly, hips never stuttering. He hits the back of your throat so sharply that you're sure you'll have giant bruises leftover. Jongho seems to have ascended to a completely different world, with his eyes closed like he's enjoying a nice yoga session. You dig your fingernails into your palms, leaving crescent indents. You want to do your best for Jongho, be a stress reliever, be the best fucktoy he's ever had. It's as if he's read your mind, because in the next second he starts to degrade you to the point your head feels cloudy.
"Who's a good fucktoy? Yeah that's right, you are. Forever my little cumslut aren't you? God I love the way your mouth feels, I could fuck it forever." The only thing you can do is let out pathetic whimpers to confirm his words. You love being used by him, being his toy. As he nears his orgasm he goes even harder. He's now using your hair to pull you back and forth along his length, sending pleasurable sharp pain to your abused scalp.
Your nose meets his stomach and you're held there while Jongho's shooting his load into your throat. You sputter and gargle around him, releasing droplets around the side of your mouth. His stomach clenches in and out as he empties everything into you. As soon as he pulls you off of him you start to cough intensely. He immediately locates a water bottle to soothe your sore throat. You gulp it down greedily, savoring every precious drop.
He helps pull you up, and supports your wobbly form. Even if he treats you so roughly, you're always his princess first and foremost. He runs a gentle hand down your back, rubbing soothingly.
"Did I do too much, my love?" He whispers worriedly.
You shake your head assuredly. "No baby, you were perfect. You were perfect on stage too you know." You croak with a raised eyebrow. He laughs at your expression and softens up.
"Oh what did I do to deserve you? I just think the world of you sweetheart." He rests his head against your forehead, breathing deeply. Your heart beats loudly, feeling the flutter of a thousand butterflies inside. You break apart and give him a cheeky grin.
"I demand a bath and a massage." You raise your head defiantly, daring him to disagree. He rolls his eyes and shakes his head in disbelief.
"You don't ever change oh my god. How about I do you one better? I'll give you a bath and massage while singing you your favorite songs. Followed up by some very cuddly cuddles. What do you think?" He asks.
"I think you have yourself a deal mister Choi best singer and performer Jongho." You give him a bow and he playfully smacks you.
"Alright alright, get it together." He pretends to grumble grumpily.
"Okayyy mister bear." You retort while running away.
"HEY.” He says while chasing after you.
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cosmic-glow · 5 months
Request: "May I request soft akatsuki headcannons for a reader who loves to bake and cook? It's a passion of mine, and a great stress reliever! There's nothing I won't try and try to make!"
Notes: First of all, I'm sorry it took me so long to respond 😭 I also like cooking and I completely agree with you! I hope you like what I wrote, good reading!
"Are you hungry, love?"- Akatsuki
Warnings: no pronouns; no use of "y/n"; pure cuteness. Gender: Soft Headcanons. Characters: Itachi; Kisame; Deidara; Sasori; Kakuzu; Hidan; Zetsu; Tobi/Obito; Pein; Konan.
Itachi Uchiha
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He always offers you help in the kitchen.
He is very picky when cooking for someone but is easily satisfied with whatever you cook for him.
He feels obligated to return the favor by cooking for you too. That's why he took charge of breakfast, always waking up before you to prepare what you like.
Likes hot foods and pasta. Loves handmade sweets.
He prefers traditional foods, but accepts trying new flavors when he's with you.
He loves going out to buy new ingredients with you, he knows a lot about the subject and would be of great help.
Kisame Hoshigaki
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You know that popular saying that the best way to conquer a man is through his stomach? It applies very well to this man.
He likes to be spoiled with food and will be grateful for it so.. please cook for him.
His heart feels warm when he comes home and smells something delicious you are preparing.
He likes foods with a sweet and sour taste, and he loves meat. He also loves sweets, so it's not hard to please Kisame.
He loves trying new flavors with you. If you want, he'll even help you in the kitchen, but he's not very good (he's a bit clumsy).
He'll find a way to say thank you, whether it's washing the dishes, giving gifts, taking you out to eat, all of the above, whatever you prefer.
He's the kind of guy who would eat what you prepared even if it was completely burnt if he knew you put effort into it.
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He likes fast food, but is very happy when you cook for him.
Thanks to you, he's starting to eat more healthily, because he has a childish palate and is very resistant to exploring new flavors.
He likes spicy foods because are like an explosion in the mouth.
"I have to say, honey, your cooking is an art!" - he says with his mouth full when he really likes it.
One of his favorite moments of the day is when you're eating something you've prepared or he's bought, watching a movie and talking about anything.
It's something very simple, but if you make a cake just for him on his birthday, he'll feel so loved that he might even cry a little.
(Sometimes he brags to the other members about having such a skilled s/o in the kitchen).
But please keep this boy the hell away from the kitchen! When I say he's a complete chaos cooking, it's because the kitchen almost always explodes! Literally!
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He often forgets that he still needs to eat due to his puppet body, so he's grateful that you remind him. He still needs to eat a little every now and then to ensure a bit of vital energy or something.
And yes, that was the lie he invented to not disappoint you. And regardless of whether you believed it or not, he always eats your food, even though he knows how much work it will take to clean his insides afterwards (don't worry, he'll probably come up with something to solve this).
Understand, he lied because he knows how important cooking is to you, he sees how much you work at it, but had the misfortune of being with a guy who doesn't need to eat… but he couldn't risk hurting you for something that's his fault.
Sasori only eats your food and no one else's, no matter how much they insist.
He likes foods with strong spices, he no longer feels flavors in the same way as when he was a human.
At the end of every meal, he politely thanks you for the delicious food and offers to help with the dishes.
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He likes hot, very hot, and traditional foods. Doesn't like sweets.
He's great in the kitchen and sometimes cooks for you too, as a thank you. Kakuzu has many years of experience in the kitchen, take the opportunity to ask questions and get some tips, he may not show it but he really likes to help you.
Maybe you don't know, but Kakuzu practically never eats out, he knows that some people want him dead and could easily poison his food. So for him to eat everything you prepare without hesitation is really a great show of trust.
He is very silent while eating, but he doesn't mind if you want to talk about your day, he will be listening to every part.
He really appreciates your food, getting involved and asking about the spices you used, how you prepared it, he really likes it when you test a new recipe.
Always at the end of every meal he thanks you for the food and gets up before you to clear the table and wash the dishes, a silent way of thanking you.
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Spicy and crunchy foods and sour desserts, it's true heaven for him...
As incredible as it may seem, Hidan is very picky about his food, it's unbearable to go out to eat with him, it seems like he always makes a point of finding some flaw.
But it's the total opposite with you, he eats everything you prepare without complaining too much, just teasing you a little as always. Except if he is angry with you for some reason, then he will be impossible, no matter what you prepared, he will not eat it.
Hidan has a very annoying childhood palate, so don't force him to eat something he doesn't really like, like vegetables for example.
You'll probably have some arguments about him drink any kind of blood but not wanting to eat the soup you made (for example), but it won't change anything.
Whenever you enter the kitchen, Hidan follows right behind to find out what you're going to prepare and also because he loves to annoy you while you're cooking. He tickles you, bites you, hugs you, kisses you and even steals some utensils to disturb you before you kick him out of the kitchen.
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He likes meat a lot, in fact you thought it was the only thing he could eat.
He is very impatient and even hugs you trying to convince you to let him eat before you finish.
"I don't care that it's not ready yet and it's raw, I'm hungry, love. Let me eat it just the way it is."
Not a very good critic of your recipes, he will eat literally anything you put in front of him and thank you for it.
You are the one who teaches him to have a more refined palate and he loves trying new flavors with you.
Zetsu grows a vegetable garden just for you, with everything you need fresh and tasty for your recipes.
Tobi/Obito Uchiha
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Tobi >loves< sweets, make sweets for him and you'll have him curled up in the palm of your hand.
Both Tobi and Obito don't like spicy food.
He feels so loved when you cook for him <3 (a tip: prepare ramen for him when he's sad, it'll make him feel better).
Whenever he comes home early he brings you some sweets he bought at the bakery as a treat.
This is another man who is very easy to win over with his stomach. He'll feel very special if you tell him you've prepared something just for him. Make him your guinea pig for new recipes, he really doesn't mind and always gives you great feedback.
He always offers you the first bite out of respect, he is as happy to see you eating and talking about how tasty it is as he is to eat something you prepared.
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Pein went through long periods of starvation as a child, so as much as it may seem, he isn't very picky about what he eats.
Likes hot and spicy foods. Hate sweets.
He is a great fan of your food, even if you've accidentally burnt it or overdone the seasoning, he'll be happy to eat something you've lovingly prepared.
Due to his work as leader of Akatsuki, he often forgets to eat properly. It's you who show up at his office and remind him to eat, with something you've prepared in hand, he's really grateful for your care.
He is always attentive to your needs. Did you like a cuter utensil kit than the ones you have? Are your. Wanting new seasonings? Suddenly they appear in your pantry. Everything you need.
Pein always makes it clear how he likes you to cook but that he doesn't want you to be overwhelmed with it, so he does everything to make this task easier for you, including ordering something from restaurants for you to eat and enjoy your free time together.
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He likes mild sweets and, ironically, spicy foods. (Please make sweets for Konan, she likes a lot).
She will always feel like she is bothering or burdening you when you cook for her.
Konan isn't that good in the kitchen, so she's grateful to have a s/o who cooks so well. Sometimes she watches you cook to try to learn something, in an attempt to return the favor one day.
Buy a lot of sweets for you and make a point of always keeping your pantry well stocked so you don't have to worry about buying ingredients.
As I said, Konan doesn't like to burden you, so very often she takes you on restaurant dates.
Konan loves the culinary tours you plan, she could listen to you talk for hours about techniques, recipes and ideas. She loves seeing how excited you get talking about it.
Sorry for any typos;
Buy me a coffee?
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sleepinghypnos · 6 months
The Creed
Chapter 2 - Second Plate...
Genre: Smut
Tags: F/M, F/F/M, F/F/F/M, Facefuck, Throatfucking Rough Sex, Dirty Talk, Harem, Self-degradation, Masochism/Sadism(?), Cum Play, Piss Play
(The things in the tags will be present when the time needs for it.)
Disclaimer: This work is a fan-fiction and does not depict the person/people mentioned in the story.
A/N: You can self-insert if you want...
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“Just like that, obediently lay down and be used by me.”
“YES SIR, OH MY GOD!!! YOU ARE HITTING SO FUCKING D-DEEP!!! I'M YOUR SLUT, YOURS ALONE, PLEASE GIVE IT TO ME. RUIN ME FOR OTHER MEN. UGGHHHH, UGH-FUCCCK, SHIIIIIT!!!” Karina moans like a total slut craving for some rough fucking... Vlad told her to bend her knees to her chest and raises her feet while laying down, penetrating her deeper making her eyes rolling back and her tongue lolling out.
His study has a bed for the reason that he sleeps in the study more frequently instead of his bedroom since he's getting more requests nowadays.
"That's it, lose yourself in pleasure. Let me see that tongue of yours lolling out." Vlad thrusting into her with a fierce and unrelenting force, his massive rod buried deep inside her, Karina couldn't help but let out a string of moans and gasps that echoed throughout the room.
Karina was known for her confidence and strength on stage, in this moment, she was completely submissive to the man's will. Letting herself get consumed by lust and her carnal desire to be used.
“How are you so fucking b-big” She said between moans.
“You'll take this dick everyday whenever I want to, fucking slut. You are MINE now.” He slapped her face then grabbed her neck to choke her while still fucking her deeply.
“AACHHKKK- YES SIR! I'm your dumb slut. Just a cum d-dumpster for you, PLEASE F-FUCK ME. USE ME WHENEVER YOU WANT.” She managed to respond despite the choking.
Vlad is fascinated in her hidden slutty side. He just knows that k-pop idols are the horniest because of their job to act the way people want them to behave and so their real personality lay dormant within them until provoked. “I'll use you, keep begging slut."
“YOUR DICK FEELS SO FUCKING GOOD!!!” She screams in ecstasy as she lay underneath him. “IT'S REACHING SO DEEP!!!”
He's kissing her in a ravenous passion, unrelenting with his thrust, and insatiable lust for her, for her clenching walls massaging his entire length... Seeing her beg for more adds fuel to his already burning and scorching desire to claim her, make her dependent on him, a cockslave... that only lives for his pleasure.
“You like that? You like getting treated like piece of meat... like an object of pleasure?” He grinned at her moving his hips in a rhythm that stimulates her even further.
He squeezing her cheeks with his hand and she can barely talk. “YESSHH SHIRR! I"M A DUMB WHORE, A FUCK MEAT READY TO PLEASHHURE YOU ANYTIME.” She gave a very satisfying answer.
“Right, a fuck meat, remember your role from now on.” He thrusts his hips forward and meet her cervix in one fell swoop. Karina screams her lungs out as she felt his huge cock trying to enter the forbidden domain, she's new in deep penetration. This is her first time getting railed to the extent that she can feel a cock touching her deep ends.
“OH FUUUUCKKK!!! TOO DEEP! YOU ARE TOO DEEP SIRRRR!! SHIT, SHIT, SHIIIIT!!!!” She said as Vlad pounded into her by pulling his entire length except the tip then thrusting full throttle over and over again. "SIR, I'M CUMMING!!! SHITTTT. LET ME CUM, LET ME CUM PLEAAASSHHH!"
“SIR, Y-YOU'RE SPLITTING ME APART!!! HE-HEHEHE, FUUUCCCKKK! KEEP USING ME. PLEASE. HEH-EHEHE. IT FEELS SO. FUCKING. GOOD!!!! ” She's losing her mind, laughing... Vlad continues to pound her not stopping. “AAAAHHHHH, I'M CUMMIIIIIINNNGGG!!!” Karina squeal as she explode, squirting... Vlad's fucked her through her orgasm making it more sensitive and stimulating until he reached his own peak and release it inside of her womb.
"YEEEES PLEASE FUCKING GIVE IT TO ME." Karina said while still overstimulated, and felt a surge of liquid in her womb. "HEHE-HE, I can feel you cum inside of me, it's warm... I want it everyday, i want to be fucked silly by you... Sir.. please, can you please continue using me?" She said while caressing her underbelly that is noticeably bulging due to Vlad's massive load.
"Of course, fucking dumb whore... you are mine now. I'm going to use you whenever I want to." He said while pulling out watching his obscene amount of cum pour out of Karina's now loose pussy.
She smiled, “Yes, I'm a dumb whore, thank you for putting me in my place, Sir. Please keep reminding me with your massive cock...” Karina stares at Vlad with such submissiveness as if she's been bewitched by him...
Vlad left Karina in his study to rest, since she's worn out even with just one session with him. Even if he claims that he'll use her which is the truth, he's not a total scumbag that he will not look out for her well being. He then decided to go to his firing range to let off steam, Karina is a lucky one, he showed mercy to her since she's half drunk when she went to see him...
When he arrived, he was welcomed by a small petite figure rummaging his armory... "What are you doing here?" he said.
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A/N: A short update... Oh wait, all my works are short... Anyways, enjoy this short piece.
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nuemanfilms · 8 days
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Content warning smut, piv, no plot, unprotected, creampie, sub and dom dynamic, sub!sam, demon kink? Demon!reader, dean comes back at the end, no italics..
16+ recommended, wrap it before you tap it! Smut below the cut
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This was wrong. Dean knew it was wrong, Sam knew it was wrong. But Sam practically couldn’t resist you, it wasn’t about the blood. That’s what his brother first thought. And it wasn’t about the vessel.. well part of it was. But you just always teased him- and flirted.. you gave him what he always wanted from a woman.
Your hands gripped at his hair, Dean was out at a bar. Sam’s head was buried between your legs. Licking and sucking at your wet pussy. He was rutting his hips against the bed at the taste of you.
“You like eating my pussy, Baby?” You coo to him teasingly, and he lets out a moan. He’s never been this submissive in bed before.. Usually he was taking charge. But with you.. it was different.
His jeans had a wet stain on them from his arousal, and he lapped up all of the juices you provided him.
“Please- I need..” He didn’t finish. He couldn’t believe he was actually begging you, a creature known for violence.. a creature known for darkness, a demon. He couldn’t help but find it even more attractive.
“Need what, Sammy? You wanna fuck my pussy?” Your lips curled up into a teasing smile, and he couldn’t help but nod. God, his cock was aching against his confines so bad. The way you were looking at him, gasping at his eagerness against your clit.. he felt as if he might explode.
“I need to fuck you, Please—I’ve been so good.” He whined, looking up at you with a pleading expression.
“What if Dean saw, hm? Saw his little brother rutting his dick against me?” He swore he could see a look of intention in your eyes. But he couldn’t help it! His cock ached so bad.. he’d been needing this for a while.
“I… I don’t care. I need to be inside of you—Just please let me fuck you..” He gave you his puppy dog eyes. And it didn’t even phase you, not one bit. You were the first woman who didn’t fall for it. Yet you ended up giving in anyway because you could see how hard he was. Straining against his jeans.
“Fine, you can. But no cumming until I say so, understand?” Sam nodded hesitantly, hurriedly removing himself from his bottoms.
He lined himself up, looking down at you for permission, he let out a small whine.
“Go ahead, Hon.”
He pushed past your folds, groaning at the sudden tightness and warmth surrounding his cock. You couldn’t help but let out a moan yourself, He was much bigger than you thought.
He waited a minute, and you nodded.
“Yeah, c’mon.. fuck me, Sammy..”
He started to move, his mouth parting, he’s never been this vocal. But you felt so damn good squeezing his cock like that.
“F-Fuck.. you’re so- tight, Shit!” He let out noises he didn’t even know he could make, mixed with grunts, and moans. Your lewd sounds weren’t quiet either. And the motel room quickly smelled of sex, and filled with the sound of skin on skin.
“Yeah.. just like that- You’re so good, Sam.. you’re so pretty.” You praised, and he whined in your neck. Pressing chaste kisses to your supple skin. Trying to muffle his sounds of pleasure.
He was getting close so fast, and the thought of holding it made him whimper.
“Please.. Can I cum? Please let me cum inside your pussy- I’ll make you feel so good.” He pleaded, his fingertips trailing down to rub against your clit.. And he was satisfied with your own moan. He felt you tighten around him. And he didn’t think it was possible for him to get even harder, but he did.
“Fuck, okay, okay.. yeah- yeah. You can cum, Sweetheart..” He let out a whine, his cock throbbed, and he was filling his seed inside of you. Low whimpers of pleasure hidden by your skin.
“Did so good, so good for me.. Sweet boy.” You smiled down at him. He pulled out, and you moaned at the loss of him. You helped him put his boxers back on, and he laid down beside you, hiding his face in your neck that he knew was flushed.
The motel door opened, Dean turning the lights on before speaking, “Evil bitch.” He groaned, “Really?! I go out and you guys.. do this? Sam?!” Sam didn’t answer, he was too tired to respond.
“I’m just providing him what he asked for, Dean. I don’t see a problem.”
“You fucked my little brother and he’s practically a lovesick puppy for you.” Dean sighed, putting his hands up in defeat. “Whatever.. just not when i’m around, I don’t wanna see that stuff.”
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angelicblondie · 2 months
jj x doll!reader ~ cockwarming with jayj <3 (MDNI)
warning ~ public sexual contact
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the waves crashed against the shore, and seagulls gawked in the distance, creating the perfect ambience for jjs and your beach day.
the two of you had woken up, legs tangled together in the thin sheets of the bedroom in the chateau, where you crashed the night before. you had woken up to jj smothering kisses all over you, which had caused you to giggle hysterically.
"nooo, jayj, lemme wake up."
"'fraid I cant, lil' miss. gotta get all a'dis cuteness agression out 'fore i explode,"
from there you had sauntered out into the main area, seeing john b already up. he took in your appearances - you, dressed in only jjs shirt and covered in red and purple hickies, and jj, shirtless with his lips swollen, covered in similar bruises to yours, except all along his torso. john b sighed loudly, used to the two of you like this.
"swear one of these days i'm bannin you from sleepin' over," he mumbled the empty threat under his breath.
after eating a light breakfast, the two of you got dressed in your bathing suits (you in a light pink bikini, jj in navy swim shorts), and grabbed your beach bag, heading towards the sand.
the two of you laid in the sun whilst your mini speaker lowly played music coming from a playlist the two of you made, combining you music tastes (considering they were vastly different). with sunglasses perched on your noses, the sun browned your skins, giving you both caramel tans.
this was one of your favorite things about jj being your boyfriend - he would indulge in your tanning needs, and even join in, since he was the last person to go on n' on about how it would give you skin cancer.
you sighed contently, feeling a peace. you flipped around on your back, brushing your hair to one side and looking at jj on your other, squinting through your glasses as you sent him a sweet smile. "havin' fun?"
"oh yeah, doll. best day I've had in years."
you giggle, the sound of travis scotts, "drugs you should try it" (jjs suggestion, of course) playing faintly in the background. "m'glad."
it didn't take long for you to get needy though - and who could balme you? seeing jjs glistening abs on full display was enough to wet your bikini bottoms and pull attention to the fluttering in your core. you turnaround on your elbows, squinting at him through you sunglasses.
"hey jayj?" jj slowly turned, knowing you were up to something by the tone of your voice.
thats how you ended up sat on jjs lap on the foldout chair behind the towels, slowly sinking onto his dick.
"jayj," you whine, squirming on top of him.
"shhh, its ok mama, y'can take it. niiiice and slow," he reasures, his hands squeezing on your hips, fighting literal demons to not just shove you on. the only thing that covered you too was the measly towel jj lazily threw around you.
you bite your lip hard to prevent the noises that threatended to spill out, and you grip his muscialar shoulders to ground yourself.
when you had proposed the idea, you had made jj promise that you wouldnt have actual sex - you just needed to feel him, to temporatily satisfy the fluttering. but now, actuallly feeling eachother, the task felt next to imposible.
you whimper, against you best efforts. "jayj, wan'more," you whine.
"nuh-uh, you only get the dick if your being a good girl. wan me to pull out?" he scolds, thought it was a pretty empty threat, considering there was no way in hell was he gunna pull out
"fuck, n-no, im sorry, i'll be good," your quick to apologize.
jj grunts when you finally reach the bottom and you gasp, leaning over to rest your head in the crook of his neck. jjs breath is held, stomach sucked in as his face scrunches, overwhelmed by the pleasure. he releases a shaky breath, hyperaware of how tight you felt around him, your little pussy puslating.
"shit, think i might bust in you." jj chuckles breathlessly.
"no, jayj, dont even think about it," you scold weakly, trying not to move. honestly, although it was hard at first, you were actually enjoyed him being in you in not a super sexual sense. it felt really intimate, and kind of sweet.
though, nothing was sweet about the way you were clenching around him, every so often wiggling to adjust in a position that was less painful for your knees. jjs hands rubbed down your back, and you could feel the rise and fall of his chest. you wondered if the two of you looked suspicious, but you decided that you didnt care.
eventually, you forced yourself to detach from him, and the two of you spent the rest of the day going back and forth from the water to your towls, baking in the sun. and of course, as soon as you were alone, you fucked in the twinky, eager to get your hands on each other as soon as possible. with the smell of salt lingering, and the feeling of grainy sand in the crevices of your body, you two knew it was the perfect end to the perfect day.
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cyrusthedragon · 3 months
These two pics here are so dear to me, actually.
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One of my favourite things (i need to kiss my brain later) is that when i saw Billy and Ryan playing foosball i IMMEDIATELY thought about casuallander and how he'd absolutely suck in this game. AND HE'D BE PISSED ABOUT IT.
"Oh c'mon!" he'd snort, glare, wave his hands, as if he didn’t care at all, barely containing his rage, while Ryan would smile quietly from the side, and Billy would watch him with The sly grin of his. "What? What? Don't look at me like that! It's a s-.. it's a stupid fucking game for kids, okay? Oh god-..."
John would be (not so) surprisingly stubborn, Billy'd definitely say to him something like: "Aw, c'mon, love, ya lost a few times, so what? Gonna cry yer pretty eyes of now?”
And John would instantly explode, all fuming: "I didn't lost!"
"You lost, dad," it would've been Ryan then. He'd be all so bright in a good mood, with a smile stretching from ear to ear. He'd sit on a high table and swing his legs, and laugh every now and then.
"No i didn't," and there would be no end to John's sour mood. He'd frown at his lost rounds and wave his finger like he was scolding them nasty kids. “This isn't even that hard! Seriously, William, what are you, a child?” He'd pout, and for the first time in ages, Billy would laugh sincerely and loudly, tears of joy streaming down. His deep laughter and Ryan's giggles would make John's cheeks flush red. "Oh for the love of god..." he'd mutter, not really offended but obviously needing to save his face, turning his back to them. "Shut up already, you two."
"Yer old man's turned out to be a right crybaby, ain't he?" Billy's voice would reach John's red ears, but he wouldn't move, only snort like the big cat he was. Butcher'd wink at Ryan, "A'right than, lad, show yer dad how to play foosball proper."
And Ryan would gladly jump off the table to start a new match with him. And when he'd win, he would scream with pride, forcing his father to instantly spin around:
"You won?!" John'd exclaim as he'd move closer to take a look at the field.
"Uh-huh," Ryan's blue eyes, similar to John's, would shine brightly, and John would smile haughtily, pointing his finger at Billy:
"See?! That's my son!" Naturally, Ryan'd be pulled into a tight hug to the accompaniment of laughter, and his father would give him a strong smooch on the top of the head. "Well done, champ!" John's gaze would land on Billy, who now, calmed down, would watch the two of them in the fading rays of the setting sun with a grin. "Fuck you!"
"Right, fuck me I s'pose." He'd add, almost whispering. Satisfied, calm, safe. And none of the supes would hear him - so busy they'd be:
Ryan'd be smooched on the top of his head once again, and he'd feel happier than ever.
That one's for my kiddo @theryanbutcher 🫶 inspired me, lmfao
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1800jjbarnes · 11 months
◇ 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝟏𝟖 : 𝐓𝐨𝐲𝐬/𝐌𝐢𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐱 - 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 ◇
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The Perfect Gift
【Synopsis】 : Steve couldn't decide what gift to buy you while he was on a mission in paris. So he bought them all and now wants you to try them out. Every. Single. One.
『W.C』 : 1.11k
-> Genre: Pure Smut. No plot.
Pairing: Avenger!Steve x F.Reader
[Warnings] : Edging. Fingering. Dirty talk. Use of a dildo. Making out. Pet names. Swearing. Neck kisses.
Masterlist | Navigation | Kinktober Masterlist
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You don’t know how you ended up in such a predicament. But here you were, sitting on several blankets on the floor with your back against the end of your bed frame with pillows supporting you. Steve had gone on a shopping spree while he was in Paris, and at first, you thought he simply bought you a nice outfit or even some French snacks. But no, this was Steve you were thinking about. The man who secretly has a dark spot. A dirty side and of course he had bought you an array of toys. Especially.. butt plugs.
“I didn’t know which one would suit you, so I bought them all.” That was his excuse for the ten or so plugs lying hiding in a giant bag… among other things. He told you that about an hour ago now. Having set up a little spot for you to lay while he worked on you. He first took some attentiveness in stretching you. Lube was all over the blankets by the time he was done, and you were shaking like a leaf at this point. His fingers switching between your pussy to your ass was making your head spin in the best way and the more he worked on you the more nervous you got with the idea of the new toys. He wouldn’t tell you what else was in the bag other than ‘it’s a surprise’ making your nerves even more on edge.
He sat behind you, letting you lay on your lower back, holding yourself with your elbows. He sat you in front of your large full-length mirror, letting you see exactly what the gems looked like when they were pushed into your puckered hole. First, it was a red gem, ruby, it was cute and simple and he always said red was your colour. But he kept going, pulling the toy out, he pushed another one in. One after the other, and at this point, you didn’t care what the gem colour was. All that mattered was the feeling of it going in and out over and over again. He was edging you without even realizing and it made you all hot and bothered.
"S-Stevie.” at this point he needed him to fuck you before you explode but he just chuckled putting the new on, a purple gem deep inside your ass. He twisted it slowly, pretending to make remarks such as ‘Such a pretty colour’, ‘You should wear purple more often’, ‘It’s got a bright shine than the other gems’ as if he was talking about clothing or some accessory, rather then a butt plug. He pulled it out still satisfied with it. No, there was a perfect one in here, he just needed to find it. Your hazy eyes looked around the room while he dug in the bag, you saw all the plugs lying randomly on the floor, lube dripping off all of them, some most likely smeared with your own juices, given you were practically leaking for Steve to touch you.
“Ahh!” You suddenly look back at yourself in the mirror, seeing he placed a much thicker plug inside this time, but instead of a gem, it was a tail…. a bright red fox tail with a snow-white tip. It sat so beautifully on the floor, making you shiver. His fingers rubbed against the fur, patting it while he groaned. This was the perfect piece. A tail that made you look like what he thought of you as…. Just a sweet little fox in a big bad wolfs trap.
“My pretty little fox…” He whispered in your ear, making you whimper at his words. He picked up another object from the bag, letting you see he got a tentacle dildo. A deep purple one. The one you saw online the other night. You thought you were alone while browsing for sex toys, but Steve must have noticed the cheeky shit. He held the toy in front of you, giving you a good view of it. You bucked your hips, wiggling in anticipation while he spilled some lube on the object. “You want to be fucked by a tentacle baby? Dirty girl.”
“P-please Stevie.” You cried, feeling him rub the dildo up and down lightly pushing the tip of the tentacle against your clit and it started vibrating. “ffffuuucckk!!” You screamed out, trying to back away from the vibration, but Steve's body caged you, his thighs either side of you. He played with the tail with his free hand, stroking the fur while lightly tugging on it. Everything was so sensitive, and you felt like you were going to explode. He slipped the dildo inside your puffy cunt, fucking you harshly with it. Your eyes were glued to the mirror, watching the toy go in and out. In and out…
“Fuck, look at you. You’re enjoying this my little fox. Being fucked stupid on some toys.” His voice rang in your ears. Your head was spinning and your body was jerking in rhythm of his thrusts. You could feel you were close to your high but it felt different. Felt… faster, more intense.
“Steve I-” Before you could say another word, your body shook like crazy. Legs locking, hands gripping tight on Steve's thighs. You squirted all over the blankets, some of it managed to splatter across the mirror, making your lover chuckle in amusement. Once you slowly came down from your high, Steve switched off the toy before discarding it somewhere on the floor. His hand snaked along your wet body, squeezing your tit before gripping your chin, pulling your face upwards so his lips could capture yours.
“Hmm my baby.” he kissed you again “My pretty baby.” he kissed the corner of your mouth, "You enjoying yourself darling?” he licked your neck, sucking your skin. You just humped in response, feeling tired from the orgasm you had just felt. But Steve didn’t give you time to relax in your bliss as he softly pushed you forward, making you fall onto your tummy, keeping your legs bent and ass in the air. Your face was smooshed against the mirror making you keep eye contact with yourself. But Steve had the perfect view. Your ass wiggling in his face with a perfect tail swaying with it.
“You ready for around two…” He tugged harshly on your tail making your eyebrows knit tight together. “I have so many other toys to try on you.”
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slutforleeminho · 1 year
I have a Suggestion • Han Jisung
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Jisung has a suggestion as to how to help you with your insanely high sex drive
You would never consider yourself a slut, but the constant ache in your lower region made it difficult to keep your pants on. You discovered this in high school when you’d come home and make a b line straight to your nightstand where you kept your vibrator and some lube just in case. But you never needed it, your panties were always soaked at the end of the day. The littlest things would get your heart rate up and body burning with need, like that one time freshman year when a very handsome boy had to squeeze between you and someone else, placing his hands on your hips and slipping through the small space, rubbing his entire front against your back and his lower half against your ass. You had to run to the bathroom the relieve the pressure that was building up. And that very same boy is now someone you would trust with your life.
Han Jisung.
He was your best friend and also the only person who knows about your problem. Well it wasn’t a problem at first but it turned into one when you started to go out every Friday and Saturday night with intentions to get railed by complete strangers. And jisung didn’t like that at all. “Are you trying to get aids?” He’d asked you after the third weekend of you going out and not coming home till the morning. And then he started staying over at your place on the weekends just to hold you hostage so you could go out and fall into temptation. But little did he know he wasn’t making it any easier on you, especially when he walked around your apartment in nothing but a towel hanging lowly on his hips, showing off his toned stomach and a prominent v line disappearing underneath the material. And a toothbrush hanging out of his mouth, while he walked to the room to grab something out of his bag. He always slept in your bed with you, “to make sure you don’t run off in the middle of the night” he explained while settling under the blankets and letting out a satisfied hum. You didn’t mind sharing a bed with him at all, but it made it difficult on the nights you so desperately needed to touch yourself. And you won’t even lie, sometimes…. you did, with your best friend less than a foot away from you. And you could’ve swore that those nights your orgasms were so much more intense. But you couldn’t figure out why.
It was currently Saturday night and jisung was in the kitchen making you both dinner. It was a sweet gesture but it made your whole body heat up from the sight of him. You finally decided to stop ogling him and walk into the kitchen, and throw your top half over the kitchen island and groan as loud groan of frustration. “Can I pleeeeease just go out tonight? I’ll only be gone for a couple hours.” You smile up at him, giving him your best puppy dog eyes, hoping the cuteness would seduce him into letting you leave, your underwear is probably already ruined so you need to get out of here before you do something you’ll regret. “No” is all he says, continuing on the food. “You let you head fall onto the counter, with a loud thump and a whine coming from your mouth. “This is so annoying” you started flopping around like a fish, your whole body convulsing. “You aren’t my dad y’kow” your voice somewhat muffled by your hair thrown all over your face. “I might as well be, now get up before you get your hair in the food. Why are you whining anyways?” He asked as you straightened you body and fixed your hair.
“It’s uh… kinda tmi” You avoided eye contact by looking at you hands.
“Well go ahead. I already know all your dirty secrets anyway” Did he know you masterbate with him right next to you while you look at his beautiful face as a visual? Probably not.
You took a deep breath and said it before you could think too much about it and chicken out. “I already got off this morning and I still feel like I’m gonna explode. So please let me go out.” Your voice was high pitched. “I have a better idea” You waited for him to continue, open to anything at this point. “ let’s watch porn together, and you can touch yourself if you want too. But I don’t want you out there sleeping around with other guys.” You were stunned for a moment but then imagining the outcome of this. “I don’t know. I get really….. weird when I’m in the mood.” You said recalling the other times you’ve almost gone crazy chasing after your high. “I don’t think straight and I take things too far.”
“I’m okay with whatever you choose as long as you stay.” You could already feel list clouding you senses and you don’t think you couldn’t go without some kind of release tonight. You finally agreed after some time and jisung reassuring you that nothing would change between the both of you and that this was just him helping you out as a friend. He placed his laptop on the coffee table in the living room and pulled up the website “he often uses” he had said. You both sat in the floor in front of it, your backs pressed against the sofa. “What do like to watch?” He turned his head to look at you, while you were staring at the choices on the computer screen, all of the were just regular maleXfemale in missionary. You looked back at jisung almost embarrassed to tell him what you always watch but you do anyways.
“Lesbian” Your voice lower than a whisper. Jisungs eyes got bigger and his dick twitched in his pants. If he wasn’t hard earlier (which he was, seeing you get all needy and beg to let you go out and get dicked down) he was now. He nodded and clicked on the search bar to type it out, and letting you pick which video. You clicked on a video by you favorite creators. A sweet couple, both beautiful, and one of them had the sweetest moans. The video is mostly forplay, one of the girls sucking on her tits and groping her ass and eventually rubbing her middle finger up and down her cunt, making her whimper and grind against her hand. You glanced over at jisung, his arms were crossed and his legs were spread, giving you the perfect view of his hard on. His eyebrows were scrunched together in concentration and his lip tucked between is teeth. He was breathing heavily and you could tell he was just as horny as you were now. “I’ll be right back” you said, abruptly standing up and heading to you room. You returned with a blanket and jisung thought nothing of it, you were probably just cold. But as time went on he noticed a little bit of movement under the blanket right in between your thighs. He was so focused on the slight movements he didn’t notice you were staring at him, not halting your movements even a little. When he did look up and meet your gaze he almost came in his pants. You looked so fucked out already, your lips parted and eyebrows scrunched a little from the pleasure, but what really had him going was the way you were looking at him while you did it. I. Fact your hand sped up once you made eye contact and you looked him up and down. “Touch yourself” you finally said. “I don’t have a blanket” he smirked looking down at your covering. You flung it from off your body and threw it at him. “Here you can have mine” you retorted. His jaw almost hit the floor when his eyes scanned over your body. Your short you were wearing earlier we’re now around your ankles along with your underwear. But what shocked him the most is that the movement under that blanket wasn’t just your hand rubbing your cunt, it was a pink dildo. So that must’ve been why you went to your room.
Even with Jisungs eyes on you, you didn’t stop your movements, still plunging the toy in and out of your dripping cunt. He sat there for a moment, surprised by your boldness. “Jisung” he pulled his eyes away from your body to look at your face. “That looks painful” your eyes trailed down his own body. His eyes followed to where yours were looking, and landed on his crotch, where his jeans have gotten significantly tighter. “Ji please” your voice was airy. You rarely called him that unless you were really desperate and trying to convince him of something. He finally gave in and placed his hand over his bulge and started palming himself through his pants. Letting out a sigh of relief, you were right, it was getting painful. But that only lasted a few minutes before you wanted more. “Take off your pants” It went on like that until his pants and underwear were discarded and joined the pile of your own clothes. He was lazily stroking his cock while staring at the screen. While you were staring and him. His toned thighs, the way his hand wrapped around his length, the precum beading at the tip before he swiped his thumb over it to use as lubricant. It was making your insides flutter. Soon he was aggressively pulling at his cock, trying to relieve the building pressure growing in his lower abdomen. You were fucking yourself at the same pace, attempting to match his movements. You were both getting so close but you just couldn’t seem to fully get there. “Ji…. “ he snapped his head in your direction to see what you needed, only find you with your head thrown back over the couch cushion with your eyes screwed shut and you face contorted in pleasure.
Were you…… moaning his name?
Your eyes slowly opened and your head tilted to look at him one last time before you exploded. “Fuck Ji” you let out a drawn out moan and you whole body convulsed and twitched as the wave of pleasure crashed over you. Jisung couldn’t help but watch as you reached your end, squeezing himself a little harder while thrusting up into his hand while spurts of cum painted his hand and thighs. His hand slowed as he came down from his high even though he was still hard. But you didn’t stop, you kept going even after your orgasm. You arched your back from the overstimulation but kept going while letting out small whimpers. “Not enough” you said quietly, still out of breath. “What do you mean?” Jisung asked, clearly confused. “It’s not enough Ji I need……” your wrist finally slowed and you pulled the toy out of you and set it to the side. You sat up straight and looked into his eyes. “I need you to fuck me Jisung” his eyes widen and his lips parted like he wanted to respond but he couldn’t. “Please” you begged.
He wasn’t about to miss possibly his only chance to be with you.
“I thought you’d never ask” he shot up from his spot on the floor and hovered over you, placing his lips to your neck and his hands on your covered breasts. You moaned as he sucked on the most sensitive spots on your neck and collar bone. He raised your shirt up until it was over your head and thrown across the room. Once you were completely exposed to him he dove into your chest, sucking and licking at your nipple and then moving to give the same attention to the other one. Your fingers were tangled in his hair, gently pulling and urging him to continue. He trailed down your abdomen and lest soft kisses on your inner thighs. After some encouraging from your whines and whimpering he finally licked a long stripe up your center before diving in and sucking on your clit.
“Shit Ji” your back arched and your eyes rolled to the back of your head. His tongue worked wonders on you, pushing in and out of your entrance and nudging you closer to the edge once more. He pushed two fingers inside of you and curled them while roughly sucking on your clit. Your fingers pulled harshly at his hair making him moan. The vibrations shot through your body and your legs began to shake and your body convulsed as your second orgasm hit you hard. Your thighs wrapped around his head and his tongue slowed as you came down from your high.
Before he could even say a word you were pulling him up to you and begging for more. “I need you inside me” you wrapped your legs around his torso and pulled his shirt off of him. “You weren’t kidding when you said you don’t think straight” he smirked down at you. “Do you wanna stop?” You raised your eyebrows at him, daring him to say yes. “No” is all he said. “Good, cause I might cry if we do.” He was about to say something smart but you cut him off by kissing him. Aggressive. Aggressive was the only word to describe it. All teeth and tongue, moaning into each other’s mouth. Desperate to feel something, anything, you placed you hand around his throbbing cock and aligned it with you core, squeezing it slightly. You ground your hips upwards and his tip pressed against your entrance but didn’t quite enter. You were the first one to break the kiss. “Please just put it in Ji” you felt like you would explode if you didn’t release soon. “You’ve tortured me enough tonight”
“Oh not nearly enough” he was smiling ear to ear which worried you.
“Save it for another time”
“There’ll be another time?”
“If you don’t want me going out then yes” apparently that was all it took for him to finally push in, filling you up perfectly. The stretch was amazing, he may not be the biggest guy you’ve been with but he was at least in the top five.
His thrust started out slow but soon sped up, per your request. He was hitting every spot just right, making your toes curl. You ran your hand down his abdomen, he didn’t have abs but he was toned, and the firmness was making you clench around him. With every thrust you could see his muscles clench and unclench, you could hear his heavy breathing and quiet moans. You could see a thin layer of sweat building on his skin, the way his hair was sticking to his forehead and his lips were parted. His eyes were screwed shut, probably trying his hardest not to cum to soon. You never looked so closely at the people you slept with, but now you were taking in every detail of him, drinking in the way he moans your name and holds you so tight. It was so intimate and was going to have you coming for the third time very soon. “Oh my gosh” was all you could get out before you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulling him closer to you, and moaning his name as your walls clamped around him making it hard for him to move. But the tightness made his hips stutter and suddenly he was spilling his seed into you without a warning.
He collapsed on top of you, unable to move as he came back to earth. Your fingers played with his sweaty hair while you both just layer in your living room floor completely naked. “That was the best idea you’ve ever had” you stared at the ceiling until he lifted his head to look at you. “Are you satisfied now?” He asked jokingly. “I could go another round” you answered not so jokingly.
First i would like to say THANK YOUUU SO MUCH FOR 200 FOLLOWERS!!!!!!! This is so exciting! And I would also like to apologize for not being active. After the passing of Astro member Moonbin and some personal things happened, I felt like I needed a break from everything. And after this incident I created a twitter and instagram account dedicated to saying kind things about skz. I know people say we can’t help them but I’m sure as hell going to try. They’ll probably never see it and that’s fine but I just want them to know how loved they are. Please I beg you go follow it so it can grow and reach more stays and possibly skz, it’s stayville143 and you can dm that account of something you would like to say about them and I’ll surely post it. I’m so sorry for the long message but I’m tired of seeing these idols lose their lives to hate. And I don’t think I could take it if something happened to any of straykids.
Taglist: @yumiblogs
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ja3hwa · 1 year
♡ 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝟏𝟖: 𝐓𝐨𝐲𝐬/𝐌𝐢𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐱 - 𝐊.𝐇𝐉 ♡
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【sʏɴᴏᴘsɪs】 : Hongjoong couldn't decide what gift to buy you while he was travelling. So he bought them all and now wants you to try them out. Every. Single. One.
『ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ』 : 1.11k
-> ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: Pure Smut
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: Idol!Hongjoong x F.Reader
[ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs] : Edging. Fingering. Dirty talk. Use of a dildo. Making out. Pet names. Swearing. Neck kisses.
Thank you, my darling, @nateezfics, for requesting Hongjoong for this day. I hope you enjoy, baby. ♡♡♡
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You don’t know how you ended up in such a predicament. But here you were, sitting on several blankets on the floor with your back against the end of your bed frame with pillows supporting you. Hongjoong had gone on a shopping spree while he was in Paris, and at first, you thought he simply bought you a nice outfit or even some French snacks. But no, this was Hongjoong you were thinking about. The man who secretly has a dark spot. A dirty side and of course he had bought you an array of toys. Especially.. but plugs.
“I didn’t know which one would suit you, so I bought them all.” that was his excuse for the ten or so plugs lying hiding in a giant bag… among other things. He told you that about an hour ago now. Having set up a little spot for you to lay while he worked on you. He first took some attentiveness in stretching you. Lube was all over the blankets by the time he was done and you were shaking like a leaf at this point. His fingers switching between your pussy to your ass was making your head spin in the best way and the more he worked on you the more nervous you got with the idea of the new toys. He wouldn’t tell you what else was in the bag other than ‘it’s a surprise’ making your nerves even more on edge.
He sat behind you, letting you lay on your lower back, holding yourself with your elbows. He sat you in front of your large full-length mirror, letting you see exactly what the gems looked like when they were pushed into your puckered hole. First, it was a red gem, ruby, it was cute, simple and he always said red was your colour. But he kept going, pulling the toy out he pushed another one in. One after the other and at this point you didn’t care what the gem colour was, all that mattered was the feeling of it going in and out over and over again. He was edging you without even realizing and it made you all hot and bothered.
“J-Joong.” at this point he needed him to fuck you before you explode but he just chuckled putting the new on, a purple gem deep inside your ass. He twisted it slowly, pretending to make remarks such as ‘Such a pretty colour’, ‘You should wear purple more often’, ‘It’s got a bright shine than the other gems’ as if he was talking about clothing or some accessory, rather then a butt plug. He pulled it out still satisfied with it. No, there was a perfect one in here, he just needed to find it. Your hazy eyes looked around the room while he dug in the bag, you saw all the plugs lying randomly on the floor, lube dripping off all of them, some most likely smeared with your own juices, given you were practically leaking for Hongjoong to touch you.
“Ahh!” You suddenly look back at yourself in the mirror, seeing he placed a much thicker plug inside this time, but instead of a gem, it was a tail…. a bright red fox tail with a snow-white tip. It sat so beautifully on the floor making you shiver. His fingers rubbed against the fur, patting it while he groaned. This was the perfect piece. A tail that made you look like what he thought of you as…. Just a sweet little fox in a big bad wolfs trap.
“My pretty little fox…” He whispered in your ear making you whimper at his words. He picked up another object from the bag letting you see he got a tentacle dildo. A deep purple one. The one you saw online the other night. You thought you were alone while browsing for sex toys but Hongjoong must have noticed the cheeky shit. He held the toy in front of you giving you a good view of it. You bucked your hips, wiggling in anticipation while he spilled some lube on the object. “You want to be fucked by a tentacle baby? Dirty girl.”
“P-please Joongie.” You cried, feeling him rub the dildo up and down lightly pushing the tip of the tentacle against your clit and it started vibrating. “ffffuuucckk!!” You screamed out, trying to back away from the vibration but Hongjoong’s body caged you, his thighs either side of you. He played with the tail with his free hand, stroking the fur while lightly tugging on it. Everything was so sensitive and you felt like you were going to explode. He slipt the dildo inside your puffy cunt, fucking you harshly with it. Your eyes were glued to the mirror, watching the toy go in and out. In and out…
“Fuck, look at you. You’re enjoying this my little fox. Being fucked stupid on some toys.” His voice rang in your ears. Your head was spinning and your body was jerking in rhythm of his thrusts. You could feel you were close to your high but it felt different. Felt… faster, more intense.
“Hongjoong I-” Before you could say another word your body shook like crazy. Legs locking, hands gripping tight on Hongjoong’s thighs. You squirted all over the blankets, some of it managed to splatter across the mirror, making your lover chuckle in amusement. Once you slowly came down from your high, Joong switched off the toy before discarding it somewhere on the floor. His hand snaked along your wet body, squeezing your tit before gripping your chin, pulling your face upwards so his lips could capture yours.
“Hmm my baby.” he kissed you again “My pretty baby.” he kissed the corner of your mouth, "You enjoying yourself darling?” he licked your neck, sucking your skin. You just humped in response, feeling tired from the orgasm you had just felt. But Hongjoong didn’t give you time to relax in your bliss as he softly pushed you forward, making you fall onto your tummy, keeping your legs bent and ass in the air. Your face was smooshed against the mirror making you keep eye contact with yourself. But Hongjoong had the perfect view. Your ass wiggling in his face with a perfect tail swaying with it.
“You ready for around two…” He tugged harshly on your tail making your eyebrows knit tight together. “I have so many other toys to try on you.”
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funniestpersonalivefr · 3 months
I am BEGGING for Wesker x Pregnant reader after the adorable fic of yours I've read a few times now, and with it I include a 'pretty please'
by your side
ahhh this is a cute request thank you anon. i love you for this. i hope you enjoy this pregnancy fic. i did my research too. readers got some back pain and goes into labor so yeah wesker just being there for them the entire time. this is a part two so read part one. let me know if you want a part three of girl dad wesker. not proofread
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once you and wesker had decided to try for a baby, he didn't wanna stop trying until it was successful. with your husband's determination, it didn't take long with the little pink test to show a positive result.
as soon as wesker knew he was nothing but protective of you, even opting to work from home in order to look after you. his main and only real priority was making sure you were as comfortable as you could be.
though he never would admit it out right to anyone but he was incredibly nervous about becoming a father, he never experienced having one for himself after all. he thought he was gonna explode when you guys learned you'd have a baby girl by the end of this journey. he didn't care if it was a girl, he was just scared. he was confused, it's not like there was a book on the matter but in the end he knew everything would be okay, as long as you were by his side.
you groaned to yourself as you walked around the house, it didn't take long for your husband to come to your aid.
"my dear, is everything okay?" the blonde questioned. he had been so helpful up to this point; if you were craving something? it immediately was on a plate in front of you. you weren't feeling well? wesker was already standing by your side giving you any medication you needed to take as he encouraged you to rest.
you sighed, "it's okay sweetheart, just some back pain. you think i'd get paid with how much this pregnancy thing hurts sometimes."
your remark made your husband chuckle. he could tell you were exhausted but thankfully you were due to give birth any day know. you had immediately found yourself as he led you to lay down, knowing the best cure for your current issue was some rest. he was mentally noting to make sure to pick up a belly band for you but for now he knew just what to do.
he moved to have you lay on your side, he moved to lay behind you, almost like a spoon. his rough calloused hands finding the soft skin of your shoulders. his hands kneaded at the tense skin, helping to melt away the tension in your shoulders.
you were quick to relax into his touch, letting out a satisfied hum. wesker's hands were quick to get any knots in your shoulders as he continued down to your lower back.
wesker worked the muscles around your lower back and below your hips and you slowly felt the pain lighten up a bit. he knew it was a perfect fix even then he did everything for your comfort. he whispered soft praises to you, he wanted you to know how amazing he thought you were for going through with this pregnancy.
his heart was yours, you were his everything. you were asleep in no time and your husband didn't dare leave your side. you were not allowed comfort for long as your contractions started up again, you weren't entirely concerned as this had been happening often but these felt different. then you felt it, the bed was wet. your water had broke. wesker had felt it too, it was time.
he was moving quickly, panicked slightly. he stayed with you, refusing to leave your side. he made sure you only had the best staff prepared for you at the hospital, he could not risk you. your hand gripped his as he continued to whisper praises, encouraging you to push and after what felt like eternity you had done it.
he would never forget the sight of you, filled with exhaustion but holding the small being you and him had made together. he held her so gently, almost like she was impossibly fragile and that one move would break him completely. you were watching the scene when you realized a tear slipped down his face.
in such a beautiful moment wesker had finally allowed himself to be vulnerable. he didn't even process that a tear had slipped, it had never happened before. it was the type of weakness he could never show anyone else, but with you and the baby he held in his arms he felt at peace for the first time in his life.
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perfctvelvet · 5 months
I can’t stop thinking about Momo from Twice!! 😫 She’s SO hot and I NEED her to straddle me, put me into a mating press and use a double ended dildo with me. She’s so strong and has so much stamina I could imagine Momo not stopping her thrusts until she’s satisfied and eating reader in between out to give them a “break” (ofc with reader not wanting her to stop either but Momo knows reader is just being a brat 🤭)
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Lush; Momo/Reader
Content: 2nd POV. PWP, teasing and praise, overstimulation, double-ended dildo, oral (reader receiving).
A/N: Anon thank you for this message 😿I love when y'all get creative in my inbox!!! Hopefully I did your fantasy some justice. Enjoy!
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It was amazing how Momo could just keep going and going. All that stamina and energy had to go somewhere, and she took it out on your poor pussy.
Your knees are almost pressed to your shoulders as Momo drills into you. The toy she has is thick and placed inside the two of you. She's able to keep herself composed, focused on nothing but pure pleasure while you feel like a hot mess beneath her. Tears fall from your eyes as she tries to kiss them away. Two rounds and orgasms in and you're so overwhelmed. Despite having the same thick length in her pussy, Momo is able to handle it much better than you. The feeling of her driving the toy into you and hitting your sore soft spot made you shake. The mess between your legs caused your skin to stick to his. You kept your eyes closed shut in embarrassment; the only thing on your mind is when will he be fully satiated?
"Can you handle another one, pretty girl?"
She manages to speak in a clear voice with soft moans placed between some of her words. Compared to you, who can only let out a babble, Momo could go for a few more rounds.
"Momo!" You whine. It's the only coherent word you can manage.
Momo cups your face and kisses your bruised lips. She feels bad that you're already so worn out, but she also enjoys seeing you at her mercy.
"You're doing so good for me baby. Your pretty face is gonna make me cum!"
Despite the pleasure stirring in her stomach, Momo's thrusts are still consistent and mean. You know she's getting close because she's fucking you faster and harder. She meets you with one final thrust before grinding her clit against yours. You don't mean to cum with her but after all this time of getting your pussy stretched open, the pressure on your clit makes you explode.
Your voice cracks at the loud moan that escapes. Momo squeals and moans as she cums just seconds after you. Her cum slides down the toy and onto your pussy. You are far past feeling sloppy, but Momo wants more.
"Don't give up on me now baby." She sits up, giving you a chance to stretch and move your legs again, but your pussy is still stuffed. She starts bouncing again, her pretty tits moving up and down with each movement.
You just lay there trying to pull yourself together. You grab onto Momo's hips which slow her down a little. She gives you a sympathetic look and comes to a complete stop. You're tired, but seeing her slide off of the double-ended dildo makes your mouth water.
"My pretty baby feeling sore?"
Unable to speak, you nod your head pathetically. Momo coos at the sight of you. You weren't sure if she was teasing you or if she was feeling bad for making you this way. She gets between your legs and slowly pulls the dildo out of you. You whimper once you're pussy is empty and has nothing to clench anymore. Through half-closed eyes you watch her stick your end of the toy into her mouth and she sucks off your cum. She moans at the taste. You close your eyes completely to avoid feeling even more embarrassment. Your face feels like it's on fire.
Momo inspects your sore pussy for a few seconds before softly dragging her finger against your puffy folds. You tense up and open your eyes again. You're still feeling overwhelmed but somehow her touching you like this is soothing. Momo bends down and buries her face in your pussy. She collects the mix your cum together in her mouth. She hums as if she's feasting on the sweetest, freshest honey in all of the land. Her soft tongue on your pussy feels like silk. The feeling of your flesh against her tongue is turning her on more than you.
She should show some restraints, but she just can't. The mess between your legs, the taste of your pussy, and the sight of like this makes her hungry again. So for the third time tonight, she pushes the dildo into your pussy again and then mounts you.
"Just one more for me. I promise."
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terapsina · 1 year
Now that the writers and actors strike is about to begin being felt (and as we wait for those greedy billion dollar companies who are refusing to negotiate fair pay and conditions to give up) here's 10 of my favorite (all around best) fully finished older series you should definitely check out if you haven't watched.
I mean it, these are the shows with continuously great writing and a satisfying endings that manage to actually deliver on their promises.
1. Leverage - (containing 5 seasons, or 77 episodes) - trailer here.
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Hitter, Hacker, Grifter, Thief and Mastermind. Heists and cons. Stealing from the rich and giving to their victims. They provide... leverage.
Meant for anyone who enjoys bad guys being the best good guys, who will burn down the lives of evil CEOs and then gloat in the background. Very satisfying.
Hands down the best example of a found family trope I've ever seen on screen. Barring none.
2. Killjoys - (containing 5 seasons, or 50 episodes) - trailer here.
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Space Bounty Hunters. Another case of found family trope. Bisexual space princess assassin. Quippy sentient ship. Green alien goo. Evil lesbians (but like... in a good way). The warrant is all.
More seriously though, it's a story about three killjoys and the bounties they go after. Initially. And then they have to save the entire Quad from some very terrifying... stuff.
Contains one of the best friendships I've ever seen on television.
3. Orphan Black - (containing 5 seasons, or 50 episodes) - trailer here.
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Found family trope but with clones.
Low level grifter sees a woman who looks exactly like her kill herself and plans to take over her identity long enough to cash out. Except then there's two other women who also look exactly like her. And apparently they're all clones and someone's killing them.
Enter a global conspiracy. Human experimentation. Lots of clone shenanigans. Some serial killings. And a few murders 💖.
4. Person of Interest - (containing 5 seasons, or 103 episodes) - trailer here.
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Okay I'm beginning to see how I might have a found family trope issue.
Former CIA agent gets recruited by a reclusive billionaire computer programmer who developed a... machine that can predict acts of terror before they happen. But it also predicts 'irrelevant' acts of violence that will result in someone's death.
Unless someone interferes.
I'd really like to spoil some stuff to get you all to watch this one. But I'm going to maintain self control and just mention that early on they get a dog named Bear. Bear is a very good boy. Watch it for Bear.
Also for excellent commentary on rights of privacy, government surveillance and what does 'greater good' even mean? But mostly Bear.
5. 12 Monkeys - (containing 4 seasons, or 47 episodes) - trailer here.
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The very best time travel show out there. What starts out as a confusing mess of causality basically exploding, by the end of the series all makes complete and total sense.
(when that final timey-whimey loop slid into place and revealed the entire pattern it was like a choir of angels started singing in the back of my head. It was freaking glorious).
Anyway, a man from a post apocalyptic future travels into the past to stop a plague from decimating nearly the entire world population.
He has the name of the man who released the virus and it's supposed to be a single trip. One trip. One bullet. Simple. Done.
Except then things keep escalating, and escalating until time begins eating its own tail and it might start looking like the end of the world might be a better ending than erasing all of time and space from reality.
Because when our guys screw it up, they screw it up GOOD.
And oh yeah... found family.
6. The Good Place - (containing 4 seasons, or 53 episodes) - trailer here.
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A self-proclaimed Arizona dirtbag opens her eyes and finds out that she's dead and got accepted in the Good Place. Except that as soon as she arrives the Good Place starts glitching, and she really, REALLY needs to become a better person before she can be found out and kicked out to the Bad Place.
Luckily her assigned soulmate was a professor of ethics and moral philosophy.
One of the funniest, most thoughtful and clever comedies I've ever watched. Ever. The characters are delightful and by the time the final minute rolled around I had sobbed my heart out multiple times (which, as we all know, is a sign of the very best comedies out there).
As for the question of whether or not this too contains Found Fami- Yes! Obviously, yes.
7. Avatar: the Last Airbender - (containing 3 seasons, or 61 episodes) - intro here (couldn't locate the trailer but it's basically the same thing in this case).
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The four nations lived in harmony. Until the Fire Nation attacked.
It's been a hundred years since the beginning of the war when two kids from the Southern Water Tribe find a boy frozen in ice and wake him up. A boy who's able to bend all four elements... though not very well.
Enter multi-nation flying road trip (thank you Appa, we love you most of all) as they try to find teachers for the Avatar and save the world.
Includes found family (shut up), amazing fight scenes, the most heartfelt and vivid characters ever, and the best example of a redemption arc actually done well.
8. Love Between Fairy and Devil - (containing 1 season, or 36 episodes) - trailer here.
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This one gutted me. I'm saying this as a compliment. But it had to be said. Completely destroyed me. I just haven't been the same.
A love story between an Orchid Fairy and the leader of the Moon Tribe that starts out with her accidentally releasing him from millennia long imprisonment and then takes you through the caleidoscope of all possible human emotions (it's a body-swap comedy through the first part, then a romcom, then a dramatic romantic tale, and finally a tragic love story).
But it's such a satisfying slow burn.
And it carries this... humanity through the whole thing that makes it so visceral.
If you're a romantic who's very tired of instalove and characters dropping all their morals because 'ooh, attractive person' then you've got to watch this. Because this story does NOT take the easy road there.
(my more extensive rec for this series can be found here)
9. Star Wars: The Clone Wars - (containing 7 seasons, or 133 episodes) - fanmade trailer here (it was better than any of the official ones).
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This series did so much. Introduced Ahsoka Tano, and made us love her. Gave names and faces and souls to the Clone Troopers (okay, it's the same face but you know what I mean), to a point where their endings during Order 66 destroyed me just as much as the ending of the Jedi Order. And somehow made me both love Anakin AND be a million times more angry with him.
There are some arcs in this series that might be a bit weaker. But there were some... god, there's a reason I love Clone Wars more than any other series or trilogy in this universe. And I'm not even a little ashamed to say it.
Must watch for Disaster Lineage shenanigans; for the vod'e; AND for the Jedi (who did their best okay? They always did their best 😭💔).
(and on the subject of found family... do I even need to comment)
10. Nikita - (containing 4 seasons, or 73 episodes) - trailer here.
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A rogue assassin that escaped Division - covert government agency that takes recruits out of prison, fakes their deaths and then forces them to become spies and assassins - has come back to take it down. Brick by brick if she has to. With guns and explosives too when that works better.
Contains soooo many cool fight scenes. Is full of incredible characters you'll fall in love with (and hate with) very quickly. And most of all has an incredibly complex relationship of mentorship and friendship between two women that holds both great admiration and betrayal, real care and love as well as rage and hatred, forgiveness, mutual respect and an unbreakable kind of bond that so very rarely involves even one female character on TV, let alone two.
(as usual, found family tropes up the wazzoo).
In conclusion. We all know there's going to be a large space between seasons of our favorite shows now (and some shows that aren't going to survive it). Let's fill that space with some excellent TV we haven't had a chance to see yet.
And direct the blame for the wait towards the right place (i.e. the studios).
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