#I need my sanity to not be punched into the void every day man
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kihaku-gato · 5 months ago
The internet / social media really is getting super exhausting and really is just making everyone more stressed and angrier and angrier huh
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themissingmarvel · 6 years ago
Tell Him
((I took a lot of liberties with this. I also kept some characters alive because fuck you I do what I want and it fits better. I changed a bit because also fuck you I do what I want and it fits my story. It’s got Endgame spoilers like crazy so if you haven’t seen it and don’t want spoilers, save this and move on. Or read it and get spoiled idc live your best life. I plan on making this a series, depending on how it goes over. Or just in general cause I like this.
Pairing: Steve x Reader
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: Angst, talk of death))
Sweat was beading on your forehead as you felt your heart race.
 You could feel your muscles aching, sore. Your body was fighting as hard as it could.
Don’t stop!
 Now you could feel it in your lungs, your breathing hard and labored, panting as you could feel the sweat dripping off your body.
 Keep going!
 Your body hurt. Your lungs ached. Your hair was sticking to your head and neck. Every fiber in your being was pushing you forward, past what you even knew what you were capable of. Your mind was blank, filled with only one thought. One need. One desire. You only wanted one thing as you pushed your body past its limits.
 A voice echoed in the gym, snapping you from your trance as you suddenly stopped slamming your fists into the punching bag that had honestly seen better days. Bucky was walking towards you, concern on his features as he looked at you. Your tank top was stuck to your skin, your workout shorts soaked even. What he was most concerned about, however, was the blood seeping through the white hand wraps around your knuckles.
 You hadn’t even noticed.
 It had been six months since the world had returned to normal but you had felt so out of place still. You’d been one of the unlucky ones dusted into oblivion, cast into darkness and a void so dark you didn’t know light existed. You had seen nothing in your final moments except for the sky, laying on the ground and staring into the bright Wakandan world. It had disappeared, just like you had, and the world had moved on.
 When you came back, when you all came back, it had been to a fight to the death. You’d lost a best friend and almost lost a father. You’d watched Pepper hover over Tony, Peter begging in his own way for the man not to leave. FRIDAY had read his vitals as critical and you had thought that maybe this was what true fear felt like. What had Thanos done?
 Now all you could think about was the darkness. The void. The endless fear that came with your final moments and how it wouldn’t go away.
 Bucky knew what was happening as he walked over and placed hands on your shoulders, “You need to stop with this. Hitting that thing ‘till you bleed won’t make it go away. We went through something and now we have to live with it.”
 Tough love, right? He wasn’t wrong, though. Bucky had vanished just like you had. He had collapsed to the ground close to where you had been, and he had felt his form dissipate into nothingness. All of you were trying to make sense of not just a world that had carried on five years without you, but a world where you lived again. It had been moments between the snap and the return, but those moments had been agony. No pain, you’d reassured everyone, but the pain had been mental anguish.
 Bucky knew.
 He also knew you were avoiding the one man you wanted most to hold you and fix this. He had seen the way you looked at Steve and he had known it was more than just a crush. He had seen you get quiet and bashful, and this from a woman- sorry, a warrior, who shied from nothing. You drank with Valkyrie, had trained with Natasha (fuck…) and you had Wanda teach you to control your abilities, the electricity that rain through your veins and made you an asset.
 Moments before you’d fallen and as you lay on the ground, crushed over the snap that echoed before you even knew you were taken, you’d seen Steve. He’d been the last face in your vision and as you lay on the ground, sun bathing you in a beautifully tragic way, you’d thought only one thing: Tell him you love him.
 Even death (if that’s what the snap even was) hadn’t pushed you into Steve’s arms. He was powerful and he was good. He was better than you could be, you had thought, and deserved better. Didn’t he? Who were you? Some test subject that Hydra had let get away before they could twist your mind. You’d voluntarily gone in to change but had escaped once you realized what that place was. You’d practically run to the Avengers begging and pleading and Tony had taken you in.
 Letting you go, Bucky stepped back and sighed, taking your hands and eyeing the damage, “Let’s get you cleaned up, OK? Tony and Steve are out taking care of some business in Wakanda for the week, just left. We need you in shape in case anything happens.”
 You stayed quiet as he let you go and you followed him through the suddenly quiet gym that moments ago had echoed with your panting and yelling, that had echoed with your pain. Tell him. Tell him you love him.
Leave it to Bucky to clean you up. He had envied you for getting away from Hydra, as had Wanda and Pietro, but it had let him trust you. You understood firsthand what they truly were and you were an example of what they were capable of. So was he. So were Wanda and Pietro, frankly.
 Once the water had washed away the blood Bucky had seen that the damage wasn’t bad and that it needed to air out more than anything. You’d thanked him for taking care of you and assured him he didn’t need to, “It’s fine, Buck. I’m fine. Just training too hard is all. Got caught up in the moment, you know?”
 He frowned and turned, beginning to walk away, leaving the living room where you two had been, but pausing before turning his head, “She’d be proud of you.”
 You held back tears, knowing he was referring to Natasha, only watching as he walked out of the room for which you were grateful. You’d only lose it more if he’d stayed. He missed her, too. Clint arguably missed her the most which was why he’d distanced himself so much from the Avengers. He was spending more time with Laura, which was good, and his family was whole. Except for her.
 You walked to the wet bar Tony had of course set up and poured yourself a whiskey, neat. Your plan wasn’t to get trashed, which was good, but you did need something to take the edge off. Tony had seen your pain and begged for you to get help.
 “C’mon, Y/N, this isn’t what sane people do. You… you were dust. You’re back. No one would blame you for needing to talk to someone.” He had sat across from you on the couch at the Avengers base in upstate New York, rather than the tower in the city.
 You huffed, “We don’t live in a sane world, Tony. I can make electricity with my hands. You’ve got a suit of armor that can trash a tank without thinking. We work with two demi-gods from a place called Asgard. Sanity went out the window a long time ago.” You’d eyed him carefully.
 So why was this so hard?
 A part of you was so angry at yourself for not telling Steve you loved him before the snap. Another part was angrier still that you continued to keep quiet about it. Your final wish had been that you had wished you’d told Steve you’d loved him. You’d imagined being held in his strong arms or being twirled on the dance floor, a beaming smile on your face and the world disappearing around you. You were getting that second chance now and still you hadn’t told him? Trauma, you’d told yourself. It was trauma.
 “Didn’t realize you were one for drinking alone,” spoke the voice behind you. Turning you saw a grinning Steve, standing tall with his arms crossed, powder blue button-down shirt on and nice khakis. He paused for a moment before strolling towards you, taking a seat on the couch perpendicular to the one you were on.
 You raised a brow, “I thought you were in Wakanda with Tony. Bucky said you were doing some work out there.”
 Steve leaned back and sighed, “Strange decided to go instead. Makes more sense, really. Strange hasn’t been out there, yet, and I’ve earned a vacation.” He smirked.
 A blush crossed your cheeks for whatever reason and you nodded, “Glad to have you here, then. You know, in case we need America’s Ass again.” You smirked this time.
 Steve laughed, a true and heavy laugh, glad you had remembered one of the stories he had told once you guys had all been back together. Tony had thought it might be good to talk about what happened getting the stones given all you guys had been through. Banner explained how weird it was being out of his own body and you had wondered what it must have been like to see a huge, hulking man shown what-was-up by a smaller woman using only her bare hands. It sounded like they all had quite the trip.
 Taking a sip of the whiskey you relished in its gentle burn. You supposed that if it had been five years then you’d earned at least more than a drink. But it was a struggle to remain cool in the lone presence of the man you pined for.
 He narrowed his eyes a bit, suddenly leaning forward, “Hey, what happened to your hands?” He reached out, taking the hand not holding the whiskey, eyeing the skin that had been etched away leaving your knuckles raw.
 What’s happening?
 You snatched your hand back, inadvertently knocking the whiskey out of your hand and onto the floor, those words that had passed through your mind in your final moments passing through once more.
 Please… not with Steve…
 The liquid hit the hard floor and the glass shattered into a million little pieces. You felt the same. Stumbling to your feet and glad you had on shoes you felt yourself shaking, “I’m-I’m sorry. I have to go. I’m sorry.” You mumbled, repeating your words as you stumbled out of the room and towards the one you had called your own.
 Somewhere in your mind you could hear Steve calling out your name and you had wished for a moment you were able to tell him to make it better. You had wanted to run into his arms instead of leaving him with shattered glass and a concerned look.
 Entering your room, you about fell apart. You made it to your bed before the tears fell hot down your cheeks. That same pain you tried so hard to push away was flooding your vision. You saw that Wakandan sky again, felt the dirt beneath you, heard a voice that was so far away, “Bucky? Y/N?”
 It was beyond unexpected, then, to feel a pair of strong arms suddenly wrapped around you, head against your own as you heard him whisper, “Hey, hey… it’s ok. You’re safe, Y/N. I promise you, you’re safe, ok?” The words were gentle and healing, little pieces that were working to clean up the glass that had just shattered into a million tiny pieces.
 Opening your eyes you saw that it was Steve holding to you and without even thinking you threw your arms around him as well. It just felt so good. It felt like a relief, like letting out a breath you’d been holding in as he held you to his warm chest. His smell, a soft cologne, wafted up and you felt comforted more.
 But there you sat, unsure for how long, as he let you sob. You were certain tears were staining that nice shirt of his and you knew how he was turned it must not have been comfortable. But he held you. He held you close and he didn’t flinch as you sobbed. It was compassion from a man who had been through so much himself and still he was letting you unravel, keeping you centered as best he could while you finally let go of what you’d been holding onto.
 So why can’t I say it?
 When he finally did pull away you had calmed considerably, soft whimpers escaping over loud sobs, looking at him as he smiled warmly and brushed your cheek gently, “It doesn’t feel like it now, but I promise you it’ll be ok. And I promise, more than anything, I’ll keep you safe.”
 You nodded, wiping at your tears a bit as you looked away, “Thanks, Steve… sorry for falling apart there. I think I’m feeling better now, though,” you forced a smile and he leaned in, placing a chaste kiss upon your forehead.
 Tell him!
 He stood slowly, “I’ll be a few doors down if you need me, OK? Wanda said she’ll make us some food tonight. Vision is helping, though, so not sure how it’ll be,” he smirked. You couldn’t help but chuckle, only nodding as you watched him leave.
 If only you’d known. If only you’d heard his own voice screaming at him, his internal dialogue that never ceased once more at attention as he shut your door and moved smoothly down the hallway.
 You were the last one he saw. He watched as your form, the one he had memorized so perfectly, began to disappear. Without a word he watched as you slowly vanished into the air. He watched as your perfect eyes, your perfect hair, your perfect everything slipped from his fingers. Another missed chance. Another dance he would never get.
 Tell her you love her.
( @skymoonandstardust @spookydefendordreamer @luckynumber1213 and lemme know if you wanna be tagged or untagged w/e)
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baconsoupforthesoul · 6 years ago
The Ink Demonth- Day 29- Dream
A/N: *Slams hands on desk* I LOVE TRIPPY DREAM SEQUENCES! Anyway... sorry this is a day late but I had a ton of fun writing this one so I hope you enjoy~
Stumbling through Dreams and Doorways
Linda’s mind felt unfocused and hazy as she stared down the hallway. She… she was in Henry’s old studio… but for the life of her, she couldn’t remember how she got here or what she was supposed to be doing. The years had not been kind to this place, with a steady leakage of ink dripping from the ceiling and cobwebs filling every corner. The studio looked abandoned, but despite that Linda could see a light up ahead and hear the sounds of a projector running. She slowly walked forward, the aging wood groaning with every step she made. There wasn’t a soul in sight, only memories long forgotten as the reels behind the Joey Drew Studio’s sign spun on and on. Linda found herself meandering over to her husband's old desk, tucked away in a corner. She remembered visiting him at work on multiple occasions, always seeing him hunched over his work, drawing away with sharp focus in his eyes. The Bendy cutout leaning against the wall seemed to eye Linda mischievously as she approached the desk. Linda ran her fingers down the layer of dust that coated the wood, her forehead scrunched up in thought. Henry… that’s right, he was missing… wasn’t he? Linda’s mind still felt foggy but she remembered Henry receiving a letter and he had to go somewhere and… he didn't come back. He had been missing for… how long again? Two weeks? A month? Linda wished she could get her mind to focus so she could remember. While she couldn’t recall perfectly though, she knew what she had to do now. She had to find her husband.
“Hehehehehe~” Linda jumped when she heard an unknown voice giggling behind her. She looked up and paled when she realized the Bendy cutout that had been there just a moment ago was gone. She whipped around and saw the cutout at the end of the hall, leaning over to peer at her before moving out of sight.
“Hey! Who’s there?” Linda called out, but no one answered her. If this was someone’s idea of a joke, she wasn’t laughing. Linda huffed as she stomped down the hall, ready to give whoever was scaring her a whack on the head but found no one. Not even the cutout was there. As Linda scanned the room though, she heard that same giggle again emanating from down the other hallway. Linda followed the sound along the corridor, through a door, and down some steps into a room full of tables, chairs and a punch-in machine. At the other end of the room, she saw that same Bendy cutout peeking at her from around another corner, before it vanished from sight.
“Get back here you!” Linda yelled as she ran after it. As she turned the corner though, the walls and the floor faded to black. Linda blinked and looked around herself, and found that she was standing in a black void, with nothing in sight. She turned back and saw a solitary door in front of her. Slowly, Linda approached it and grasped the handle. With a deep breath, she turned the knob and threw the door open.
Linda’s eyes widened as she took in the scene before her. It was a maze, a maze unlike any she had seen before. It was massive, stretching far above her head and all around her. It was like some kind of abstract painting with staircases and doors leading in every direction. Some of the steps were on the ceiling, others led to nowhere. A couple of doorways were sideways, and there were more in places Linda couldn’t possibly reach. Ink dripped down the walls as Linda cautiously stepped forward. The door behind her slammed shut but Linda paid it no heed as she continued forward. She didn't know how but Linda felt it deep within her that her husband was here, somewhere behind one of the many doors littering this nonsensical place.
Linda turned as she heard the familiar giggle once again. The Bendy cutout was peering at her again, his head poking out from behind a door on her right. It made a squeaking sound before moving back, the door closing as it scuttled out of sight. Linda ground her teeth as she marched towards the door. ���Alright, I’ve had it up to here with you-” Linda threw open the door and was promptly blinded by a light shining right in her face. She shielded her eyes and squinted through the brightness, before the full horror of what stood before her sunk in. It was some… monster. Its body was covered completely in ink, a film reel sticking out of its left shoulder. Its head was a projector, the tape on it running wildly. Wires went from its head into its back and a speaker was implanted into its chest. Linda stared at it in terror for a moment before it let out an unholy shriek and lunged for her. Linda screamed as she stumbled back, turning on her heels and sprinting away from the door. The thing screeched and gave chase, its feet pounding loudly against the wooden floor as it pursued her. Linda picked up her pace and chose a door at random and pulled it open. She shut it quickly behind her and kept on running. She ran up and down staircases and through a few more doors until she had completely lost the creature. When she could no longer hear it screaming behind her, she leaned heavily against a door and heaved a tired sigh.
“Sheep Sheep Sheep~” A soft voice startled Linda as her head jerked up. Sitting in the center of the room was a man, or at least Linda assumed it was a man. He was also soaked in ink and was wearing a pair of stained overalls. Strapped to his face was a faded Bendy mask with the teeth seemingly punched out. He was strumming ideally at a banjo in front of a demonic-looking pentagram surrounded by candles.
“Are you lost, little sheep?” The man turned towards her. “You’ve wandered a little too far from your flock I think.”
“W-who are you?” Linda asked, trying to keep her voice steady but failing. “Just what is this insane place?”
“Who I am isn’t important,” The man waved off the question. “And sanity is all a matter of perspective, my dear. No, the important question is this…” Suddenly, the strange man was standing to the left of Linda, ideally walking around her. But… Linda swore she didn't see him get out of the chair. Goosebumps started appearing on her arms as the man continued, “Who are you, my little sheep? And what are you doing here?”
“I’m Linda,” she answered him. “I’m here looking for my husband.”
“Your husband?” The man was now right in front of her, leaning uncomfortably close as he examined her face. “Hmmm… that face… that name… I remember it… but why…?” Linda leaned back as the masked man peered at her closely, rubbing his chin in thought. “Ah yes!” He clapped his hands delightedly before backing up slightly. “You’re the Creator’s wife.”
“The… what?” Linda raised a confused eyebrow at him but the man paid her no heed as he started pacing in front of her.
“If you’re here that means… my my you really are lost, my dear. And as for your husband…” The man suddenly appeared back on the chair he had been sitting in before, picking up his instrument again. “I’m afraid I can’t help you.”
“Well some help you are,” Linda huffed, storming past the man and his creepy pentagram. “I don’t need you anyway, I’ll find him myself.”
“I wouldn’t go that way, my dear, ~” The masked man told her, leaning back in his chair as Linda approached one of the many doors in the room.
“Well, no one asked you.” Linda seethed, turning to glare at him while she opened the door. As she took her first step though, her foot met nothing but air. Linda turned her head and screamed as he almost fell through the doorway and into the bottomless pit. She managed to get her footing and stumbled back, slamming the door closed.
“I told you so~” The man’s voice was right by her ear and Linda shrieked. She whirled around but the masked man was now nowhere in sight.
“I don’t know where your husband is,” The voice sounded like it was right next to her, and Linda shivered. “But if I were you, I would try going this way.” The voice was on the other side of the room now, and Linda looked over to see the masked man standing near another door. “Best of luck, little sheep~” He called out to her, before stepping back, disappearing into a black spot that had appeared on the wall behind him. Linda gulped as she approached the door he had pointed out to her. She opened it cautiously and was happy to see it didn't lead to a cliff. As she stepped through it though, she let out a groan of frustration.
“This is where I started from!” She cried, recognizing the beginning of this nonsensical maze. “You led me back to the start, you-you-you-” Linda seethed in anger, and turned back to the door which had shut behind her and tried to tug on the handle. It wouldn’t budge though, so she let out an irritated huff, before continuing on. Her husband was here somewhere, and she had a feeling he needed her help.
She continued through the maze of doors and staircases, becoming more turned around by the second. Most of the rooms she encountered were empty, not much to see but faded posters for Bendy cartoons, still running projectors, and more drawing desks. She was getting nowhere fast and Linda was feeling more agitated by the minute. She sighed and flung open another door. She froze as he looked at what appeared to be a… tea party? Gathered around a little table were three demented toons, each one resembling a member of the Butcher Gang. They all looked horrifying, with Barley’s head dangling off a rope, Charley having a leg replaced with a plunger, and most terrifying of all was Edgar sporting an actual human eye along with a gaping mouth on his head. Despite this though, the toons appeared quite happy, with Charley and Barley deep in conversation, if you could call their unintelligible babbling conversation, while Edgar seemed to be pouring what appeared to be Bacon Soup in a teacup into the mouth on his head. Along with the grotesque toons was another tea party guest equally as strange. It appeared to be a run-down Bendy animatronic, holding a teacup and nodding along to whatever his companions were saying. The animatronic lifted the teacup to their mouth and tried to drink it, only for the bacon soup to spill over their face and onto the floor. The robotic Bendy hung their head in despair while Edgar patted them on the shoulder.
“Uhhhh…” The tea partiers looked up as Linda made her presence known. “Sorry to interrupt but… I’m looking for my husband. You wouldn’t happen to know where he is, do you?”
The toons and the robot all looked at each other, before turning back to her. They all shrugged in unison, before returning to their bacon soup as if Linda wasn’t even there.
“Not sure why I even asked…” Linda mumbled as she closed the door. Nothing in this place made sense, and her mind still felt hazy, too jumbled up to try to question it.
As Linda continued her trek through the studio, occasionally walking along the wall and on the ceiling as if gravity decided to take a well-earned vacation, she opened yet another door to a chilling sight. Linda gasped and covered her mouth as she saw a table with Boris the wolf strapped down to it. Hovering over him with a knife was a horrifying woman who bore some resemblance to Alice Angel. She sported the singing angel’s little black dress and bow, but her halo was broken and embedded in her skull. And while half her face appeared normal, if a bit ashen, the other half appeared to be melting, revealing the inner parts of her jaw. And where her left eye should have been was a gaping black hole. Linda stood frozen in shock as she watched the angel pull out a long knife and begin gutting the helpless Boris. The toon let out a pathetic whimper as his ink spilled out and dripped down off the table. As the wolf was crying out though, the angel was humming, dragging the knife down with glee. A manic grin spread across her face as she reached a hand into the dying Boris’s chest and yanked, causing the toon to let out one final cry before falling limp. The angel cackled as she observed the still-beating heart in her hand, turning it this way and that.
As the angel inspected her prize, she finally noticed Linda standing in the doorway. Her grin was soon replaced by a snarl as she set down the heart on a table next to her.
“Don’t…” She seethed, her shoulders rising with anger as she stepped around the table. “Don’t you LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT!!!!” She screamed picking up an axe that was leaning against the table. “I HAD TO DO IT! I HAD NO CHOICE!” She shrieked, running towards Linda with the axe raised above her head. Linda let out a yelp as she quickly slammed the door in the demented angel’s face. As she backed away, the angel, brought the axe down, leaving a gash in the wood. Linda quickly turned around and ran, not eager to be the angel’s next victim.
Once Linda felt like she was at a safe distance, she leaned up against a wall as she tried to catch her breath. She felt like she had been running around in circles this whole time, finding no clue whatsoever to her husband’s whereabouts. Just as Linda felt like she was about to give up hope though, she heard a familiar giggle. She turned her head to see the cutout from before peeking out at her again from behind another door. The little imp had gotten her into this mess, but maybe it could lead her out of it. Linda hurried over to the door as the cutout chuckled again before disappearing. Linda opened the door slowly, hearing soft ballroom music drifting through the air. As Linda looked inside, she almost slammed the door shut when she saw another Alice Angel look-a-like. This one was different though, she wasn’t deformed like the other angel. She seemed to be slow dancing with a Boris toon with a metal arm. The two of them turned to look at her when she entered but didn't stop their dance.
“Uhhhh, hello,” Linda gave the two a nervous wave. “Sorry to barge in but I’m a little lost. I’m looking for-”
“You’re looking for Henry, yes?” The angel spoke, her voice soft and calm, almost as if in a trance.
“Yes! Exactly!” Linda nodded eagerly, pleased that someone knew who she was looking for and was making at least a little sense.
“I don’t know where he is,” The angel informed her. “But I think if you use that, you may be able to find him.” The angel pointed to a table on the far side of the room.
Linda looked over to see a contraption that looked almost like a mirror. It was a pane of glass set in a frame with a few lights along the side. On the wall above it, the words ‘Use me!’ were written in ink along with an arrow pointing to the device. Linda slowly approached the table and picked up the tool by the handle.
The music suddenly stopped and Linda whirled around. She gasped when she saw that the two dancers had vanished. The only thing left was a metal ring and a bone lying where they had been just moments before. Linda shivered as she held up the tool in front of her. Looking through the glass she could see messages written in golden ink all along the floor. There were arrows pointing to the door and messages like, ‘follow me’ and ‘this way’. Feeling determined now that she was making progress, Linda followed the arrows, staring through the looking glass as she navigated the maze.
The arrows led to yet another door, no surprises there. Linda felt more confident about this one though, as he flung it open. She jumped slightly when she was greeted by the creepiest cutout she had seen yet. It was Bendy but he had more realistic eyes that seemed to stare right through her. Ink was dripping down his face and he held up a sign that read, ‘Wandering is a terrible sin.’ With a shaking hand, Linda lifted up her seeing-eye tool and was shocked to see the cutout change. One of its hands was now pointing to the left and his sign now read ‘What you’re looking for is this way, but you won’t like what you find.’ Despite the ominous warning, Linda followed the cutout’s directions as she turned left down a dark hallway. She continued on in silence for some time, and she was beginning to think she might have gone the wrong way when she saw a large window up ahead on her right. As Linda strolled past it, she gazed through the glass and stopped dead in her tracks. There, on the other side of the glass, was Henry. He had been walking along beside her but stopped at the same time she did as he looked back at her in shock. His clothes were soaked with ink and he had an axe clutched in his right hand. Dark circles hung under his eyes and his shoulders were slumped with exhaustion. But he was here, just beyond this pane of glass.
“L-Linda?” His voice shook as he rubbed his eyes like he couldn’t believe what he was seeing.
“Henry!” Linda rushed up to the glass and pressed her hands against it. “You’re here, you’re really here!” 
“Oh god, Linda I-I…” Tears started dripping down his face as he pressed his hands on the glass opposite of Linda’s. “How are you even…?”
“Oh my gosh, where in the world have you been?!” Linda felt her head start to clear up a bit, her thoughts coming in with sharper focus as memories filtered down her consciousness. “You got that letter from Joey and you said you’d only be gone a few days! But you never came back! What happened?” Linda cried, her voice pitched higher with hysteria. “Are you hurt? Lost? Please, Henry! Tell me where you are!”
“Linda I… I don’t even know how to begin explaining what I’ve… where I’ve…” Henry’s voice caught in his throat as he stared helplessly at his wife.
“Please, tell me Henry,” Linda sniffed. “I can help you, so please just…”
“You-you can’t,” Henry insisted. “I’m… I went to the studio, to see what Joey wanted to show me but… now I can’t leave.”
“What do you mean?” Linda asked softly as Henry's breath hitched like he was trying to stop himself from breaking down completely.
“I’m trapped here. The studio, it’s more like horror show now,” Henry explained. “There’s monsters, demons, angels. Heh, I’m being hunted by a monstrous version of Bendy, my own cartoon,” Henry let out a sound that was halfway between a laugh and a sob. “And worst of all, it’s like I’m trapped in some endless loop. The same things keep happening over and over again and I… I don’t know how to stop it… or how to escape. I… I probably sound completely insane, don’t I?” Henry tried to make his last comment seem light but his voice cracked. He held up a hand to his face as his breath quivered in his chest, his eyes bloodshot from crying.
“Oh god…. Henry…” Linda pressed her forehead to the glass and wished she could gather her husband up in her arms. “I believe you dear, I do. It does sound pretty crazy but… I’ve seen some pretty weird stuff myself here.”
“How… How did you even get here Linda?” Henry looked up at her, his eyes wide with fear. “You’re not stuck in here with me are you?”
“I don’t know…” Linda scrunched up her forehead, her mind feeling more clear than ever as she thought back on the things she had seen. “I was in the old studio but… I don’t remember how I got there… and there was this nonsensical maze, like some kind of Escher painting and there was even a damn tea party I…” Linda clutched at her head. “I think I’m dreaming? I’m dreaming… aren’t I?”
“Then you’re not really here?” Henry guessed and sighed with relief. “Good, let’s… let’s keep it that way.”
“No!” Linda protested, slamming her hands against the glass. “Henry, I have to find you, I have to get you out, I have to-”
“NO!” Henry yelled back, causing Linda to jump. “You stay as far away from this studio as possible! I am not dragging you down with me!”
“So I’m supposed to just give up on you?!” Linda screamed back. “No way in hell! I’m coming to save you and there’s nothing you can do to stop me, you hear me?!”
“Linda, please don’t,” Henry begged, his voice desperate. “It’s dangerous here, you don’t understand, the ink demon will-” Henry stopped mid-sentence as he felt a chill run up his spine. Linda’s face paled and her eyes widened as she saw inky trails start creeping up the walls behind Henry. “Oh god… he’s here.” Henry whispered before turning around to see a large inky portal forming on the wall further down the hallway.
“W-w-what is that?” Linda’s voice shook as she saw something slowly emerge from the wall. It was tall and skeletal, with bits of its spine poking out of its back. It had two curved horns and had Bendy’s signature smile, but the rest of its face was covered with dark dripping ink.
“That’s the ink demon,” Henry gulped before turning back to his wife. “Linda, whatever you do, do not come to Joey Drew Studios! I- I love you Linda… so so much.” Henry pressed his hand up against the glass, his eyes glossy as he looked at her like it was the last time he would ever see her. He then pulled his hand away from the glass like it burned him before running off down the hall. The ink demon screeched and stalked after Henry, moving deceptively fast despite having mismatched feet as Linda could only watch in horror.
“Henry! HENRY!” Linda screamed as she watched both her husband and the monster disappear from sight. She pounded her fists as hard as she could on the glass but it wouldn’t budge. Maybe there was a way around? She refused to leave her husband at the mercy of that creature. She took off down the hall, sprinting as fast as her legs could carry her. As she ran though, the floor suddenly gave out beneath her. Linda shrieked as she fell into darkness, her body feeling weightless as she dropped down down down downdowndowndown
“AHHHHH!” Linda screamed as she shot up in bed. She thrashed and rolled, not comprehending her surroundings, toppling right off her bed. She landed on her bedroom floor, tangled in her sheets. Realizing where she was, Linda sat up and tried to slow her breathing. Dream… it was all a dream… wasn’t it? Some parts of it were still hazy, and Linda couldn’t remember all of it, but the part with her husband had been crystal clear. Linda looked down at her floor which was covered with the police reports from their search for her husband. They claimed to have checked the old studio but had found nothing. Linda got up, her legs, wobbling a little bit before she sat down on her bed. She normally wasn’t one to believe in the supernatural, but that last part of her dream felt so real. Maybe.. maybe she needed to visit the old workshop and see for herself.
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dexcidium · 6 years ago
I will never forgive you for making the mistake of teaching me that a happy world does exist
Three years. It’s been more than three years since I jumped into a world that I knew nothing about. Into a job that I was clueless about. And  into a role that I wasn’t truly capable of.
I still don’t believe I am.
And I don’t think I’ll ever believe that I was the best person for this role. But I’m the only one they had left. As if by some cruel twist of fate, the only one left alive was the one who knew the least. It was painful to know that out of everyone who was infinitely more capable, I had the privilege of staying alive and able-bodied. Never in my life did I think that I could do it.
But I was constantly wrong.
Time after time again, the façade that I force myself to live through no longer became that. Soon enough, I was that optimistic child that my servants saw me as. Everyone’s Master. I find myself becoming more and more confident. With each Singularity, there were losses but it was humanity’s ultimate win. Again, and again, and again. The person that I forced myself to be was now just me. Somehow, we were able to do it. Da Vinci, Mashu, Fou… the Doctor and I… we continued to survive and thrive. There were prices paid time and time again. But they were necessary.
Until we had to pay the ultimate price.
The feeling of anguish I felt that day almost left me as a void. If not for the fact that I was leading the charge to the final confrontation against Goetia… all my sadness, my frustration and my rage… it was all poured into that single punch. And with Mashu’s shield on the other hand, and a weakened foe thanks to the hard work of all the people I’ve met on this journey… we were able to win.
I thought that… that would be the end of it. That I’d get to rest.
But this new world that I jumped into was far darker than I initially realised.
Magi politics took over and I was about to be named a criminal. Honestly, as long as the people that mattered to me knew about the fact that saving the world was our doing… that would have been more than enough. But there was always that lingering feeling of spite. How ungrateful of the very people we saved to brand me as a criminal…!
I was exhausted from the year and a half I spent fixing the singularities. But, a Master’s job is never over. It’s a twenty-four hour job. And I always took some form of pride in taking great care of my Servants. But the timeline still needed a little clean up. And over the next year, that’s what we spent doing. It’s strange though… I feel like there was a small part of that year that I’d forgotten. I’m surprised I hadn’t perished back in 2015 and 2016, but even in 2017, I will never stop being surprised that my death count is still zero. Near death counts, however… well, how many slices of bread have I eaten in my life? Roughly that.
And thus, that year approached end… I remember dreaming  of a purple-clad boy. He told me that my efforts were futile. That I ought to have let the world burn, and he showed me a world devoid of anything but white sand. He told me that this was all that was left…
And soon enough, this dream came true.
I was interrogated, my servants were forced out and once more, I lost another piece of what held myself together. If Mashu were to be next, I wouldn’t know what would happen to myself. Truly, and surely that time…
My sanity could only take so much.
I’m just one boy.
Barely a man.
I hadn’t broken yet. No… not once, I hadn’t taken the time to completely break down and become devoid of hope. Not once in that Temple of Time… not once in the constricting cages of the Shadow Border…
But back then… back then when the Lightning Emperor exclaimed that he wanted to protect his world… I realised that I was a hypocrite.
Back in the years before… I believed that what I was doing was merely making things right. Returning things to how they were before.
Several servants who had memories of their past summoning told me of the phenomenon known as the ‘Holy Grail War’. The very basis of the FATE system that gave humanity the fighting chance it needed to prevent its extinction. They told me how cruel it was… that it was, in every sense of the word, corrupt. There was nothing holy about it. Of course, the very being that corrupted it in the first place happened to be a resident of Chaldea. But… in those times that it hadn’t been corrupted… something else did. The hearts of man, their desires took over their reason… and greed won out.
With these Lostbelts… surely, it was a crueller form of the Holy Grail War. It wasn’t born from the greedy hearts of man. But this time, it’s born from a desire to continue to exist. What was required wasn’t a mere six deaths. No… this time, it required the death of entire worlds. And the responsibility… it all laid on me.
It was at that moment. That very moment was more than enough to stop my seemingly unyielding spirit. The fire in my heart that I had desperately shielded from my own doubts was doused in one fell swoop. I had lost all will. Even in the countless times that where all hope seemed lost… I knew that I had to keep going. I had my own justifications. It was undoubtable that protecting one’s world was the right thing to do. However… the price of other worlds… other existences where people lived their lives; no matter how cruel the conditions may have been --  who the hell was I to decide that my world was better? That my world was the only one that deserved to live. Even then… everyone had died. My parents who I hadn’t seen in years… friends who would have welcomed me back in the normal world; far away from the politics of the magi… and even those same magi that prosecuted me…
They were no longer there.
All that was left was a white void.
And there was no guarantee, that even if we beat all the other Crypters and destroy all those other worlds that our world would return to the form that I knew. That I lived in. That I struggled for years to protect… the world that I so arrogantly believe was far deserving of staying in existence…
But… do I truly think that now? That world full of war, death and atrocities that I couldn’t even begin to imagine because I can’t look at something at a smaller scale? All I saw was the entirety of it all.
Just... who am I to decide that this flawed world was the best?
Once again, a dear friend from the very world I decided was inferior… his words rang inside my head once again.
I will never forgive you for making the mistake of teaching me that a happy world does exist
So stand up. Stand up and fight.
Haughtily claim that a world where you can laugh and live is superior, that such a world deserves to survive.
Hold your head up high. Hold your head up high and fight for that weak and feeble world.
…Don’t lose. Don’t lose to this world where only the strong can live.
I won’t lose… I can’t lose. Arrogant and selfish I may be…
This is the path that I’ve decided.
This is the path that I have to take.
Even if by some chance, that amongst the worlds that I have to destroy in order to survive, exists a eutopia… where all the problems that exists in mine have been remedied…
No, there’s no such thing as a perfect world.
Where there’s order, there must be chaos.
A world devoid of either doesn’t exist.
And so, I continue on a path of destruction. For I am the biggest hypocrite and the most arrogant being in existence. I will selfishly proclaim that my world is better. After all…
I’m nothing but a child who’s selfishly decided that that is a fact.
My world is the best. Faults and all.
Where chaos and order are in coexistence. As well as everything else, and its opposite.
I am the forty-eighth provisional Master of the Chaldea Security Organisation, Gudao Shimazaki.
A selfish child who arrogantly believes that my world is the best world.
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dawnkiwi-blog · 8 years ago
A Beautiful Mind Chapter 2 - Tony Stark fanfiction
A Beautiful Mind - Avengers fanfiction | Iron Man / Tony Stark-centric | #1 in the Wretched Adrenaline series
Summary: 'Prodigious clarity conceived', Tony Stark is the most enlightened mind of this existence. Like an elastic band, his mind expands to encompass all knowledge he comes across. Bands snap.
Genres: Drama/Sci-fi
Word Count: 2,200 Chapters: 02/05 Status: Finished prior to publishing
Trigger warnings: Allusion to schizophrenia / mentions and explorations of mental illness + suicide / familial abuse and trauma / mentions of sexual activity.
Sincerest apologies for this late update! I had this posted on ff.net some days ago but this has been a hectic time for me and I forgot to press ‘post’.. I should probably queue these things.. 
Chapter 2: Gods
It had been days now. Thousands of minutes in which he had hidden himself from the world and all interaction, with only the precious indulgence of the most artificial mind- his own creation, and thus the safest option, as Tony innately knew that only he and that which he could completely dictate could be trusted.
Days since Tony had found the courage to face them.
He had suspected when he ventured upstairs- to his own kitchen- that it wouldn't go well, but the need for food had won out. And inevitably he had been humiliated. Perhaps they didn't see it that way. In fact, for all Tony knew, neither Steve nor Vision had picked up on how 'out of it' he had been. But the days taken their toll and his sleep deprivation had culminated in one of those dreaded flashbacks.
At least this time it had not been of Afghanistan.
"JARV, can you copy this template and store it on my private server, please."
His lab was washed in a soft natural lighting, creating a calming atmosphere. Controlled chaos reigned in his most precious space; his modus operandi flowed in a maze of questionable ideas. Each time he was struck with another moment of euphoria, it had to be jotted down by hand and plastered up in a string-board flow chart that coated every surface and space available.
Tony worked like a madman, never entirely still. His hands shook and his eyes wavered. Almost wordlessly he spoke to himself, reciting formulas, theories, and mashing the very fringes of theoretical science together in a corroded version of logic.
"Of course, sir."
He snapped his fingers, twirling around to snatch up another hot cup of liquid energy. $60 a cup. Because he's Tony fucking Stark.
"Sir, the synthesized element is now complete."
Tony let out a shaky breath. "Bring her up, JARV."
His beloved AI did as requested and the newly synthesized component emerged like an infant Jesus, or Simba. The steaming mist rose up, slowly evaporating into the air ducts. The theatrics of it all did nothing but exacerbate his irregular heart beat and warm his hands with nervous perspiration.
"Perfect," he murmured, gingerly plucking it from its perch. His latest attempt at recreating one of the many Chitauri 'elements'. Once he'd come to terms with whatever materials the Hoard consisted of essentially being out-of-this-world, he'd set about making his own. PTSD prevented him- no, reminded him of why space travel is a bad thing- a terrible, most dreaded, and utterly anti-human endeavor- so the safest option he had was to simply create it all.
He'd done more difficult tasks before. Like in caves, with a car battery wired into his chest.
Tony repressed a shiver but was unable to stop the frown which settled upon his face like scar tissue. Even during his most poignant moments, the repressive and plagueish feeling gnawed at him, chewing him to pieces and scattering his sanity like dollar bills from a blimp.
His new element glinted in the soft lighting. Iridescent like a polished pearl, it held his hopes, his fears, and his obsessions.
Snatching up his scanner, he let the holographic wave flow across it before processing the data.
Tony stood quietly with shaking hands, lost in the swirling mist of his coffee.
"The element does not match, sir."
Tony cursed, nearly throwing his cup against the wall. Instead he discarded it behind him, unaware of the blistering liquid splashing his bare feet. In a rare moment of ill-restraint, Tony let out a frustrated scream, sweeping his arm across his desk and sending it's contents scattering across the polished floor. Glass shattered and sprayed him with thin, nearly invisible cuts. His chest heaved, pumping out gutturally anguished grunts.
"Does any of it match?" Tony screamed into his hands, fisting his hair into painfully tight clumps.
His shaking increased with his shoulders hunching and tensing more as he waited for JARVIS to calculate the difference.
"There is a 52% match rate, sir."
"Fifty-two percent," he enunciated to himself quietly, "It's never enough."
Tony straightened up to stare blankly at the mess covering his lab.
Post-it notes dotted the walls, his tables, and even his cars. He didn't need them. In fact he had only ordered them last week thinking perhaps it would ground him, and remind him of the necessity and fruition of such an ambitious dream. But now it slammed into him with a splitting ache, his eyes scrunching up as a blinding pain coursed down his head. It reminded him of how fucking ruined he was.
"Never fucking enough," he muttered.
Fifty two percent means the elements, the material, whatever the fuck he labelled it- it all boiled down to having the same matter which existed for tangible forms, but beyond that, whatever accumulation of atoms formed the mysterious armours, 'flesh', and weapons of the Hoard simply did not exist as an Earthen configuration, and if Tony dared to press his mind into the darkest corners of his intelligence, he would be forced to consider that potentially, the elements he searched so desperately for were beyond his highest form of science.
Beyond science itself and perhaps into the realm of speculation and, he shuddered, magic. The horror.
Horrible potential. One would believe Tony Stark idolized magic. His own creations all embodied the most human form of magic. Technology so advanced he could craft his suit from the air (seemingly) and power his tower from a self-sufficient source. All ideas that scientists had salivated over, but truly, few had the brains capable of processing such advanced theories.
"JARV," he ground out through gritted teeth, "What does the two-percent signify?"
Another moment of silence while JARVIS considered his readings. "I believe, sir, that the two percent is evidence of a nuclear-bonding between the armours of the Chitauri Hoard, and their 'flesh'."
That means their armour is really an exoskeleton..
Which again meant he was no closer to understanding their technology or their ability to breathe in space.
Tony wanted to cry but he settled for sinking to his knees and gasping for air. Imagining space without his suit.. imagining floating in that awful, endless void..
He couldn't breathe.
Grasping at his throat, his vision swam.
"Sir, you are experiencing an anxiety attack. Code Beta. Sir, you are experiencing an anxiety attack. Code Beta. Sir, you are experiencing an anxiety attack. Code Beta..."
Code Beta.
Tony's self determined code word broke through the haze, allowing him enough time to stagger to his feet and slump towards his coach. Barely mustering the strength to pull his suddenly lead filled body onto the expensive leather, he never heard had a chance to fight he sleep which wormed its way into his deprived and demented brain.
Burning cinders drifted through the air lazily. Such beautiful hues of orange and magenta glowed behind the thick, black smoke. They danced like peacocks of death.
Plumes of the smoke filled the skies and suffocated him, working its way down his throat and filling him with trepidation.
Her voice chanted above the carnage, "Cinis praecepto cadunt acie retro.."
Screaming metal cut through his dazed thoughts and he raised his head, vision blurred by red, to see a ship leaning to left. It groaned ominously, straining against gravity, but inevitably, it lost. The dull silver wings tipped downwards and the ship fell headlong into a spiralling descent.
"In acie retro faciens iter sonitu.."
He tried to cry out in pain but the sound lodged in his throat. His entire body ached like he had been beaten for all eternity. He had to press on. Desperation clawed at him.
A spindly hand shot towards him and tightened around his throat. He thrashed violently before regaining his senses. Lifting his hand to fire a propulsion, the being was swept away in with a loud bang, landing sickeningly against a stone wall.
Everything blurred together as he fought them. There were so many. Everywhere. They swarmed like roaches, never ceasing, never lessening in number despite the culling blows they were dealt. Slate coloured skin, red eyes, and horrible, repulsive green mouths like moss and mold.
Somewhere far from his vision the Hulk let out an almighty roar, shaking the earth he lay on with a bellow deeper than he had ever heard.
"Rumpitur sanguine filiorum tuorum implebo tympana.."
They were losing. Vision hovered above one of their mother-ships surrounded by an unearthly red glow. Another mammoth beast fell from the sky with an almighty crack as lightening touched from the heavens and split it's skull from it's monstrous body.
Agony seared from his chest and as he looked down he nearly passed out. Luminous green shards jutted from his reactor like pins in a doll. They leaked a foul odorous discharge and his reactor sparked, sending blinding spots cascading across his vision.
He sent another energy charge at an approaching Chitauri goon, before commanding JARVIS to launch a rocket at the mother-ship closest to him.
"Sir, your arc reactor does not possess the energy needed to fire the rocket and continue to power your suit."
He forced JARVIS to do it.
The air in his lungs left him like a swift punch and he collapsed in the rubble, unable to breathe or scream or think. JARVIS said something but it didn't compute and he felt a blissful numbness encompass his left side. In the back of his head, he registered a stroke.
"Errorem suum pure et crucifigetis.."
Inhuman shrieks filled the air but it barely registered to him. JARVIS continued to bleat in his ear. All he knew was agony. Unfathomable and unnatural pain.
As his eyes slid shut slowly, the last thing he ever saw were the rising forms of those they had so valiantly tried to slaughter. They stood slowly, heads tipping back to join in the unearthly shrieks, bodies convulsing nauseatingly.
Darkness filled his vision.
Tony woke with a scream.
Silence. Then his ragged breath.
Another fucking night terror. It had been so real. So clear. But it was just a dream.
They were usually quite similar. It always featured the Chitauri. Plenty of death. The Avengers, naturally.
And that haunting voice.
It was so familiar that Tony was sure it belonged to a real person he had met before. But for the life of him he couldn't think of who. And that drove him fucking mad. Despite his near perfect memory, whoever possessed that lilting voice escaped his stranglehold grasp. He eventually concluded the voice manifested as a distorted version of a real persons voice. He then banished it from his mind before it sent him raving mad, and falling over his already precarious balance on the edge of sanity.
Tony had defied nature most nights but the fatigue had gone beyond his previously known limits, and once something as mere as a thought had triggered his fears, the need for rest wormed in like a disease and wouldn't let go.
Drenched in sweat Tony had summoned his latest suit models frantically, despite being barely conscious. Nine feet tall each, separately colour coded, they smashed through the concrete walls hiding them from any potential intruder. Ironically, when he had woken to tall and menacing figures looming above him, he had once again descended into a panic attack.
Sometimes Tony wanted to die. To kill himself. But he couldn't.
If space held such terrible things, then death.. death would be unimaginable.
He would suffer, and suffer happily as only the truly mad can.
The latin translation from Tony's dream;
"Commandment of ashes, fall in line behind your maker, march to the sound of their cries, fill your beating drums with the blood of your broken children and crucify the pure for their aberration."
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markgetsetgo · 8 years ago
The Only Exception
Author: ohhhkenneth
Pairing: Markson (GOT7)
Category: Romance
Length: 20 Chapters
Rated: M for smut, cursing
Summary:  Jackson is no stranger to one night stands or hookups. When the sun sets he comes alive; losing himself in the city lights, finding his way into the beds of guys whose names he didn't even bother to get. Relationships are off the table - he's more interested in the pursuit of unending happiness. Cars, clothes, money, sex. Life is easy for a twenty-something gay man in New York, especially when they're as hot as Jackson. What the boy wants, he gets. That is until his favorite coffee shop barista, Neil, is fired. Jackson is thrown for a curve ball when the coffee shop hires Mark Tuan as a replacement for Neil. Mark is a pale and beautiful young man who seems to have everything that Jackson wants, except one thing: he doesn't want Jackson.
Chapter 1
I have to be perfectly honest, I wasn't expecting to have as many potential suitors as I ended up having when I went out to the club on Saturday. I mean, being a young, wealthy, and good looking man - if I do say so myself - works wonders when you live in a large metropolis like New York. Over the year or so that I've been frequenting the bars my "little black book," if you will, has become filled with a dozen or so names of gorgeous and well endowed men that would drop anything if I called them, whether it was 4AM or 4PM, needing a hit. Typically I liked to find myself wrapped up in the sheets with another new body a few times a week. It was almost like a game to me, who could I get next, how long would it take me, that sort of thing.
One of my favorites, if not my absolute favorite, was Joel. He was a little older being 38 and all, but he was the epitome of a great fuck. I had heard stories of the mythical "monster dick" and men whose penises were that of tales and legends, but I hadn't run into one of those prized jewels until Joel. Turns out, they do exist. Unfortunately Joel is married and has three kids, so getting out and away from the family is sometimes tricky. We meet at motels and pretty well anywhere that we can. Sometimes I let him fuck me in his car. When you're horny you become crafty - every surface becomes a perfect place for fucking.
I met Chad online, he was a veteran, back from his tour in Iraq. He and I met on Grindr one evening when I realized that I was too spent and couldn't be bother to go out into the real world to find my night's fun. We exchanged a few contrived messages, "What's up?" "What are you into?" "Where do you live?" etc. After seeing a picture of him, I had to invite him over. I normally wouldn't host, because I don't like the idea of having perfect strangers in my condo where I have artwork that costs upwards of a hundred thousand dollars, but his ass was too great, it was an ass worth breaking a couple rules for.
Chad told me, the first night we met, that he was freshly single and wasn't well versed in bed. I told him it was okay, because I could take the lead, but I was pleasantly surprised that his own self evaluation of being an amateur was completely unfounded. Chad was a maniac.
Within minutes of me opening the front door, I found myself pressed up against the wall and my pants around my ankles. Chad bent me over slightly and buried his face into my ass, eating me out aggressively for what seemed like half an hour. I guess he had been deprived of ass eating for a while, and I was glad to help him out and be his late dinner.
Chad was the one with the perfect ass - even nicer than mine - so I was surprised when he took his saliva coated finger and slipped it into my quivering hole knuckle deep. He began fucking me in my front doorway for fifteen minutes, then lifted me into the living room where he threw me down, flipped me over, and took me for the ride of my life in one of the four positions he had in store for me that night. I guess being in the military really did have its advantages. Chad was incredibly strong, and tossed me around with ease. 
Finally, he finished me off by sticking his perfectly curved cock into my ass and pounded the cum out of me, making it sprout all over my chest. When he finished after me he mouthed a "thank you" and quickly did up his pants. Turns out he hadn't even taken his boots off, and with that he was out the door. I didn't mind that he trekked a little bit of mud in, I'd let him dump dirt all over my house if it meant that he would fuck me like that again. The maid would clean it anyway.
It's true that I have a wide range of men at my beck and call, some are into darker things like BDSM and role playing, some into feet and me stepping on them, still others are into romance and cuddling and "making love." I've been feeling a void inside my chest lately; something I can't quite put my finger on, that's making me anxious. For someone who can have literally anything he wants, why do I get the sense that I'm missing out on something? 
Work is something that keeps my mind busy when I'm not cruising or searching for the next hot guy to hit me up. I go into the office almost every day. One thing about me that I take pride in is my time management and conscientiousness; I stick to my schedule and respect my own boundaries and capabilities when it comes to work. My father's business got to where it was with my help, and together we have become incredibly successful. 
The only thing that makes work unattractive at times is the drudgery. It becomes incredibly slow and monotonous at times. Sometimes I find myself playing cheap games on my phone during meetings. That's why I take solace in the small things: the songs on the radio in the morning drive to work, seeing Neil each morning and getting my macchiato, the view from my office when the sun is rising. These are the things that maintain my sanity during the day.
Today was a morning just like every other. I pulled out of the car lot and headed towards Steepz, the coffee shop at the end of my street. They have a drive thru, but I insist on going in to speak with my favorite barista, the hilarious and cheerful Nathaniel.
When I step into the coffee shop, there's a small ding on the door as it closes behind me. There's a lineup of about 30 people, all tapping their feet and looking at their watches for the time. Seems there's a hold up; which is odd, considering Niel is practically a mad genius when it comes to coffee. He'd never let the line get this long.
"What's going on?" I softly ask the older woman in front of me.
"Ugh, they're taking so long. I think they're training a new staff member." she said over her shoulder to me in a very pointed tone.
I was tired too, so I understood her impatience. Coffee was like a drug, and this new staff member was the only thing between these angry addicts and the one thing they desired the most.
I waited and waited in the line, and since I'm my own boss I don't care about how late I am getting into the office, which is why I'm honestly not that upset when I finally get to the counter nearly 20 minutes later. 
The morning gets even weirder as I approach the counter and see that Niel is not working today. Surely he'd be the one training this newbie - he's the best there is. Instead, there's a shy and timid girl showing an even shyer and timid boy his way around the register. His face is down and his visor is hiding his face as he presses and prods at the till's buttons, nodding sternly to himself as the girl explains things to him.
When he lifts his head and greets me, I nearly lose my train of thought. 
"Hi, what would you like this morning?" the boy asks me in a gentle and warm tone.
It takes everything in me not to reply with "You. Right now. In front of everyone here."
I look down at the boy's name tag. Mark.
If I wasn't the most logical and rational thinker that I know, I would've believed anyone when they told me that Mark was an angel sent from the heavens to deliver coffee to me in that very moment. His hair was fluffy, a warm and deep golden color, falling neatly over his forehead. 
His eyes were two perfect slits of black that looked like they held the entire universe in them, and when he looked at me with a questioning gaze, I felt as though he had just looked right into my soul.
"Sir?" he asked. A single word that shattered me inside, arousing me beyond all control. It sounded so innocent, yet charming at the same time. What I wouldn't give to have him under me, begging me to enter him, whispering that same word to me in that same voice.
"I'll have a venti, skinny, caramel macchiato. Sorry." I finally answered when I had regained composure.
Mark nodded and turned his attention to the machine. His eyes went from innocent and loving to determined and focused as he worked away on the register.
"That'll be... $3.49 please." he said, looking back at me. I flashed him my gold American Express card, "Oh, credit. Okay, please insert when you're ready."
Insert when I'm ready? God, this boy. I thought.
"So, you're new. How are you liking it so far?" I said, punching my pin into the pad.
"It's really fun. I've made a lot of mistakes so far, but I'm excited to keep learning." Mark replied, beaming with light. 
"Ah, customers can be a bit unruly. Don't worry about it, I'm sure they'll warm up to you in no time. You have a very very inviting presence about you." I told him, wanting him to understand that I thought he was doing a great job.
"Thanks." he pursed his lips back and blushed.
"Here, this is for you, keep your spirits high. I'm sure it's the first of many tips you'll get." I handed him a fifty dollar bill and winked, heading off to the side to wait for my drink.
As I walked away I caught Mark's reaction to the tip. He was stunned, he picked the money up and quickly pocketed it, then shouted a thank you to me to which I nodded back at. 
I spent the next few minutes examining the new barista further as I waited for my drink. Mark looked to be about my age, although his gentle and loving demeanor made him appear a lot younger. He was fresh faced, with perfect soft skin and a winning smile that just begs to be returned. Though his eyes were determined and wise, they were juxtaposed on his face by his cute and boyish features. He was truly a sight for sore eyes. Maybe Neil being gone wasn't all that bad, after all.
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