#I need bodyslam hugs
ray935sworld · 3 months
Dear MotoGP riders, I NEED Y'ALL to be on your GAYEST BEHAVIOR this weekend. PLEASE.
You're racing in Saxony, a state in which a party will probably gain the majority of votes (like it did at the European and local election - 31.8% for today's time that's a lot) in the state election that has been declared as "certainly right-wing extremist" by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution.
They are quite homophobic.
Links to my statements under the cut, they are all in German so if anyone wants more explanations/ translation please reach out
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void-botanist · 1 year
Rain and sleet for the ask game 👀
💧Rain - What's the most emotional scene you've ever written?
I went on a whole adventure to try and answer this one and I still came up with a few:
In Tales of Tobar Si, when Sid makes it back to Tobar and has to tell Horatio about all the shit his parents have been pulling, or later when Sid's mom shows up and Sid actually argues with her for the first time ever.
In TFA/Syndy & Hoven, the moment where Syndy is reactivated and Hoven tells her that her builder Gweltsen, who turned her off seven months ago, is dead.
In Triad, either Aza's bar conversation with her brother or her later meditation on her impulse to get revenge on her parents, which occurs while she's also in the high-pressure situation of sneaking into her uncle's palace grounds to steal back her bird.
In Nicea, probably the scene where most of the crew hears about Cady and Bo's message.
🌨 Sleet - What's the most you've ever written in one sitting?
Probably one of the days I was trying to catch up on Tales of Tobar Si for NaNo 2020. The month was nearly over, so I was writing in huge chunks, leading to one day when I logged 5,243 words. I'm not sure I did it actually in one sitting since it was a Saturday, but close enough.
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cult--of--hypnos · 4 months
Crush me underneath your body, stat! I need to experience full pressure everywhere!
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bathomet-writes · 1 year
summary: During a movie marathon at your place, Raph and you unwind and have a quiet night in. Lots of cuddling, hugging, and body slams.
relationship: Raph x GN!reader
warnings: romantic, fluff, humor, stimming, light hurt/comfort, sleepy cuddling, established relationship, sfw
word count: 4,105
author's note: this is a request for @/m0om0obell!! i might have projected a little bit onto this lol...but i hope u like it!!
“Hey,” You whisper, setting down the bowl of popcorn. “Can you do that thing?”
Raph briefly tore his attention from your TV. “That…thing?”
He stares blankly at you, slightly unsure. You were both relatively quiet for the last hour or so, fully engrossed in your bi-weekly movie marathon. Your request came sort of out of nowhere. 
It was a cute little tradition you and Raph shared. Of course you loved watching movies with the other turtles, but even you needed a break from the whole group every once in a while. He would show you some of his favorite movies, you’d show him yours. You’d both react with varying levels of excited interest, or mild confusion. You were usually the one who made Raph concerned with your weird taste in cinema. A lot of obscure comedies…and sometimes horror, if you could sneak it in. 
At this point, you were knee-deep in the John Wick franchise since tonight was Raph’s choice. You loved anything with Keanu, obviously, but for some reason seeing all the wanton physical violence was making you antsy. Not nervous, just restless in general. The decent thing to do would be just to get up and walk around a bit, loosen up your tense muscles. But there was that other thing you and Raph did that you couldn’t really do with the other turtles. 
You heave yourself off of the groove you carved into your couch, letting a couple stray popcorn pieces fall from your shirt. 
“Yup, the thing! Beat me like an old rug.” You grin and step out into the open area of your living room. 
Raph’s eyes flit around, perturbed by your analogy. “Uh, if you say so? I don’t mind throwin’ ya around, but why–”
He stops as he watches you rearrange your more breakable furniture. Which was…well, all of it. You set the lamps and various knick knacks in a laundry basket and quickly scooch your couch aside. Once the stage is finally set, you give Raph a shrug. 
“It helps me relax. Now ‘John Wick’ me.”
Letting your body go slack, you turn on your heel and trust fall into Raph’s strong embrace. He chuckles, easily holding you up. 
“You don’t really want me to slam you into the wall, right? And then find every sharp object I can and fling it at your face?” He jokes. 
“That does sound tempting,” you hum, moving your arms up. “Maybe tone it down a bit.”
Like clockwork, Raph slides his hands under your arms and scoops you up. He cradles you delicately, carefully like one would treat a baby. He even puts his palm under your head, making you feel positively nestled. 
Then, he bodyslams you into the floor with a loud THUMP.
The photos hanging on your wall shake from the impact, and the popcorn bowl teetered dangerously close to the edge of the coffee table. 
“Woo! That’s the stuff.”
Raph didn’t really use his full force, he didn’t think he had it in him anyway. Just some playful roughhousing was all it was. Lightly (in reality, it was actually pretty harsh, but this was in Raph terms), he digs his sharp elbow into the middle of your back. You feel your spine stiffen, almost painfully so– before you both hear a loud pop. Another huff of relief escapes your lips, letting Raph know you were doing just fine. 
“Jeez, you need to see a chiropractor.” Raph smiles, lifting you up. “Get ready.”
“I know, but this is much cheaper.”
In an instant, he flings you into the air. You smile contentedly as you sail, reveling in the sensation of being suspended, until you’re grabbed by Raph again. Wrapping his arms around your midsection, he essentially just gives you the tightest hug you think you’ve ever gotten. Nearly all the wind in your lungs gets squeezed out, but it felt nice. Maybe this was a form of stimming, you were still kind of unclear about why you liked getting handled so roughly. You were just happy that Raph was so down to indulge your needs. 
You don’t really notice when Raph angles your bodies back up, with him sitting on the carpet and you in his lap. In the background, John kept dispatching High Table lackeys with ease. 
“That looks so fun. I wish I could be a stunt person, get paid to have Keanu Reeves beat me up!” 
Your voice uses up the last breath you had stored, and you let out a tiny, high-pitched wheeze at the end. Raph eases up on the hug and allows you to take a much-needed inhale. After just a couple of moves, you were satiated. He knew even when he was giving you the most diluted form of his strength, you needed some respite. His orders, not yours. 
“You need more?” He snorts, waiting for you to give him an answer after a couple of deep breaths. He puts a gentle hand on your back and attempts to soothe you back to normal. 
His tender touches make you relax again, and you practically melt into him. If only you could have Raph on standby wherever you went. Work, going to the grocery store, what have you.  You would use any excuse to be physically intimate with him. 
You mumble and debate with yourself, throwing up your hands to weigh your options. “Eh, I think I’m good for now. Thanks, big guy.”
You knew he wasn’t really used to being so casually violent with anyone who wasn’t his immediate family. Despite not being a mutant or a ninja, Raph thought you were actually pretty sturdy. Or at least had a higher pain tolerance than most. Whatever it was, he was glad he didn’t really have to worry about accidentally hurting you or anything. You were a tough cookie, if not a little odd. Your taste in movies was honestly a little stranger to him than this. 
Raph’s gaze dipped from the screen back down to you. “I have served, I will be of service.”
He shoots you a subtle smirk. Looking up at his smug expression, you don’t miss the clever reference he just made. Your eyes remain locked for a couple more seconds, and you try to decide the best response. You should probably know other John Wick quotes, if you were paying attention the last 4 hours or so. 
But watching Raph’s mouth curl into a slow, steady smile was making you a little distracted. You hated whenever he did that, especially when his fang poked through. And he knew it was your one and only weakness, the fiend!
“Damn it.” You scoff, playfully shoving his face away. “You win.”
Raph grins even harder, gathering you up into a regular, loving hug. One that hopefully wouldn’t squeeze you anymore than you needed to be tonight. 
“I mean it, I’m glad I can do this for you. To you?” He quirks his head to the side. 
“Yeah…” You knit your eyebrows together, all of the sudden feeling your tension fading away. It was being replaced with something else, something you didn’t want to have happen right now. 
You were sleepy. And a yawn was building up in your throat. No, you still had a movie and a half of action-packed thrills to get through! Not like this…
After an internal battle, you eventually stretch out your tenderized limbs and let out a loud yawn. Why was relaxation such a close relative to tiredness?
“Hahh…No, no I didn’t mean it! I’m not tired.” You argue. 
However, Raph had already swept you back up into his arms. “Too late! It’s happening.”
You had a sneaking suspicion that he was taking you to bed, but when you felt him reach over to pause the movie, that was the nail in the coffin. Your comfy, pillowy coffin.
“I’m not sleepy. And even if I was, I’ll just fall asleep on the couch and lean my head against your arm, all romantic-like. Doesn’t that sound amazing?”
Your body continues to disobey you. Eyelids growing heavy, the familiar feeling of tranquility warming you up. Your bones became jelly. Knees weak, arms spaghetti. 
“It’s already too late, your bed is right over there…” Ralph’s low, sing-song voice only made you even more relaxed. 
Once he lays you delicately upon your sheets, you fold. You felt syrupy, like thick molasses, your brain becoming dulled with fuzzy thoughts. All your movements were slowed as you lazily kicked off your socks. Thankfully, you were already basically in your pajamas, or else Raph would have surely had to help your change.
Not that you wouldn’t mind that…
“Why are you so soothing?” You whine. His big, surprisingly cuddly body and mere presence was making your vision blurry. He was like a balm for the soul. 
Raph only responded by carefully crawling onto your bed, the mattress having long since lost all its spring. It was sort of a sad, saggy mess of pillows now, but it felt extremely comfortable nonetheless. And supportive. You haven’t exactly slept next to him before, but Raph definitely sat with you on your bed plenty of times. Mostly to just show you internet videos and whatnot, or to chat. You two could talk for hours if you wanted, but right now your faculties were dwindling.
Once you get all comfy and cozy, fluffing the pillows and rearranging the blankets to your specifications, you get antsy again.
What, did you need a glass of warm milk or something? What was making you so weird all of the sudden? The bed was cool, but not cold. Just the way you liked it. And of course Raph was next to you, curled up into his own little nest. 
“You okay? I can move if I’m crowding ya…”
Despite literally all the other perks of sharing a bed with you, the closeness, the comfort, the intimacy, he kind of hated how big he was. He took up nearly all of the space, even with part of his body still on the floor. Right now, he was just kneeling beside you, resting his head on your mountain of stuffed animals you kept in the bottom corner of your bed. It was his little area you made up for him, a courteous gesture that warmed his heart every time he saw your room. 
You sigh, shifting around to find a better sleeping position. Maybe you were just lying wrong. 
“You’re fine, I’m just kinda— I dunno.” You move to lay your head on your folded arm. 
You were usually a side sleeper, and a chaotic one at that. Another reason why you never really liked to sleep with Raph, or anyone for that matter, was because you sort of thrashed. And starfished, your legs needing the entirety of the bed to feel comfortable. And you snored. You were a real Sleeping Beauty. 
“This is gonna sound weird, but I feel…weird? I know that makes no sense.”
“S’not weird. What’s up?” Raph chirps, lifting his head off of your various plushes to meet your eyes. 
You knew he understood what you meant by ‘weird.’ It was like being tossed around, the physical repetition made you feel normal. Made you feel a little less out of place. Sometimes, usually for no reason at all, the world would feel off its axis. The weather would be wrong, or an overhead light would be too yellow. Silly things that shouldn’t bother anyone nearly as much as it bothered you, but they did. You couldn’t put it into words, and it took a lot of time for you to talk to Raph about it. 
But, once again, he accepted you with an open mind and an open heart. And open arms. Just a lot of openness all around. And you were eternally grateful to him.
You roll your head around to look at him at the foot of your bed. His eyes looked slightly unsure, but his kind smile put you at ease. 
“It’s hard to explain, but I just can’t relax today. I don’t know what it is.” You admit. 
Before you could even ask, Raph’s arms creeped their way back over to you. You accept them, moving your arms around to hold his head as well. You felt a little bashful, being so touched-starved. But you needed to feel Raph, even for a moment. 
“What do you need? Do you wanna talk, not talk?”
You shake your head. It really wasn’t that bad, at least not so bad that he needed to do his little spiel. You hadn’t had a full-on breakdown in quite some time. But this was different. 
“No, it’s not that. I just need to move, but my body won’t let me!” You give him a crooked smile, weakly waving your legs around. “I feel so stupid.”
Immediately, Raph shushes you. “You are not stupid.”
He waits until you look him in the eye again, before going on. It’s a firm but loving look, making your heart flutter. You think he’s about to lecture you when his resolve breaks, his eye ridge rising to give you an affectionate smirk.
When he speaks, his tone is resolute. It sends a shiver up your worked-out spine. 
“I’m serious.”
“I know you are. I’m serious too,” you murmur. “I’m sorry. I know when I get like this— Woah.”
You didn’t realize it, but Raph was slowly moving to fully sit on the bed. His spiky shell was cushioned by your many pillows and plushies, shielding your wall from any damage. Before you know it, he has you cradled in his arms again. Only this time, he was actually holding you. 
No, he was rocking you? You felt your body being swayed gently back and forth. 
“Raph, I didn’t mean…” You frown, trying to hide your blush. “I’m not complaining, but I didn’t think you’d actually—“
“Rock you? Of course I would.” He states flatly, almost dismissively.
How the heck did he know…?
You didn’t tell him you actually liked to be held like this? Well, you’d like Raph to hold you in whatever way he pleased if you were being honest. But the swaying thing was something you did when you were by yourself. If you were having trouble falling asleep, you would usually play some ambient music or something. But the physical sensation of being rocked was enough to knock you out cold. 
“You’re kind of scary when you read my mind like that.” You fidget with the fabric of your oversized shirt, whispering into the curve of Raph’s shoulder. 
You hear him say something, and your head bobs back up. Dang, he was good. 
“Wha?” You sputter. 
Raph chuckles, staring into your eyes. Although it was becoming harder and harder the more your eyelids droop. 
“I said you read my mind sometimes too. Like when I’m hungry, you’re right there with a snack. Or if I’m feeling lonely, you shoot me a text. Or call me. If you aren’t already right next to me,” he smiles, reminiscing to himself. 
You try to actively listen as Raph drones on about this and that. The soft rumble of his voice in his chest, the body heat emanating from him, all of it lulled you deeper into slumber. Your concentration was hanging on by a thread, struggling to keep yourself awake. It had been ages since you felt this tired. Or rather, sleepy. This felt much more like ‘sleepy.’
“I get how you feel, by the way. Sometimes I need to go work out or punch a wall if I’m feeling stressed. Even if I’m not feeling stressed, it just feels nice to do.”
Raph takes the opportunity to look around your bedroom again. The only source of light was coming from the hall, a sliver cutting across the floor, up to the wall. You had a lot of stuff, it was actually kind of funny. Raph had a lot of stuff too, but his room was mostly full of exercise equipment or stuffed animals. He thought it was a little weird, but you insisted that it wasn’t. 
Maybe he should take his own advice every once in a while.
You had a lot of movie posters hanging from the wall, among other magazine clippings and such. It was a collage of your personality. A couple months ago, he wouldn’t know what half of the posters were. But after your movie nights, he could at least name some of them. Your room was what a kind person would call an ‘organized chaos.’ Everything had its place, but your method of organizing seemed to be just stacking things until they couldn’t be stacked anymore. A couple of piles of books and clothes littered the floor. 
Raph had been absentmindedly rocking you, his body going to autopilot. He wasn’t sure how long it had been exactly, but he continued. 
For a moment, he feels a snicker come on. It felt kind of like he was rocking a baby to sleep. Not that he really knew what that felt like, he didn’t really know any babies. There was that woman in Times Square who shoved her baby into his arms and took some souvenir pictures. The memory was sort of bittersweet to him. Like the only reason why anyone would allow him to hold a baby was because it was a novelty. Nobody in their right mind would let Raph, the spiky, lumbering oaf that he was, actually hold anyone. Not anyone that deserved so much love and care. 
Your soft mumblings rouse Raph, and you seem to almost talk in your sleep. It startles him a bit, but he stays calm. 
“You’re like…the best. I feel so held, you feel like home. Like from Midsommar, only for real. Y’know?” 
Raph gulps, feeling awkward for the first time tonight. Did you know you were a sleep talker too? He guessed you wouldn’t really know that kind of thing, but it was fascinating. Raph wanted to stay up all night to just watch what you did when he wasn’t around. Totally not in a creepy way or anything!
He’s almost afraid to say anything, lest he disturbed you. He wanted to let you sleep, or do whatever you needed to do. Did you guys always quote so many movies around each other that you did it in your sleep? You were so cute, even like this. 
You snuggle closer to Raph, your arms instinctively curling around his waist. They didn’t come anywhere near wrapping around his entire body. Raph had to bite down a guffaw when he felt your fingers ghost over the area between his plastron and his shell. 
“Gheh—!” He shudders. 
He wasn’t normally so ticklish, but the current situation found him a little…vulnerable.
In your mind, the only thing you could think about was clinging onto Raph. He did so much for you, and you wished you could help him relieve half as much stress as he did for you. You hoped you did, you knew you did. Insecurities aside, all you wanted to do was hold him. Cradle him. Even if your puny arms weren’t big enough.
“Do I feel like home to you? Do you feel held? I want to hold you…” Your words tumble out of your mouth, slurred and dripping with sleep.
There’s that movie again. Why did you keep bringing it up? Raph wanted to tease you, maybe flick you in the nose. But he wouldn’t dare. That movie was actually pretty good, minus all the insanely disturbing parts. Those lines must have really resonated with you for some reason. 
Still, Raph gave your half-awake ramblings some serious consideration. Of course you felt like home to him, it went without question. The being held part was a little less straightforward. And a little more blush-inducing. 
Even if you were currently holding him, your arms snaked around his waist and everything. 
Softly, Raph speaks up. His voice cracked a bit with a bashful hiccup. 
“I, uh— I guess I do feel…held.” 
You hold him even tighter. 
Raph blushes even harder.
Despite being mostly asleep, you had an impressive amount of strength. Enough to make Raph take notice. It didn’t feel desperate or needy, more like one person trying their best to make the other feel secure. 
Deep down, Raph knew. He would tell you some other day, when you were more awake, that he did sometimes feel like he needed a break. Not that he didn’t love supporting you and his family, not at all. It was just…
“I put so much pressure on myself. I’m getting better about asking for help, but when you’ve gotten by for so long without asking, it’s sort of weird. I don’t hold it against anyone, but I wish someone was there to—“
Raph shook his head, he didn’t even know what he was talking about really. Even so, he felt bad for letting off steam like this. But you probably weren’t even listening anymore. The soft sound of snoring down below made it pretty obvious. 
With the utmost care, Raph tried to tuck you back into bed. He thought if he just moved out from under you, you would slide back into your spot on the mattress.
The bed squeaked a bit as he crawled away, making him stop. 
“Phew…” He sighs, gently starting to peel you from his body. 
You didn’t really want to come off though. 
Your arms were locked in place, refusing to be removed from Raph’s person. A few seconds of mild struggling was all it took for him to give up. He smiles, a warmth spreading through his chest. 
“I guess I’m not going anywhere.”
He settles back into his spot, pillows and stuffed animals still in place, before letting his mind wander again.
He almost wished you were awake, so that you could talk some sense into him. You were really smart, and one of the people he trusted most to vent to. Venting was good, it let you get all the weird thoughts out of your brain and out into the air. A weight still sat on Raph’s shoulders, so he looked back down to you.
You looked so calm and peaceful, snoozing away. Raph’s seen you take naps before, but watching you sleep was a bit different. This was your room, your private space. It was a great honor to him that you let him into it so easily. 
Slowly, your arms begin to go slack and ease off. Raph watches on as you turn and get into another sleeping position, one that had you facing the door instead of him. His heart drops a little when he feels your absence. 
He wanted– no, needed to have your arms around him again. 
It felt like he didn’t deserve it. Or he didn’t deserve to have so much of you. Raph had to stop himself from getting lost in his guilty thoughts as he inches closer to you. 
As his face got closer to yours, he watched to make sure he didn’t wake you. You must be a pretty heavy sleeper. Once you were down, you were down. 
Looking at you was stirring up all kinds of new feelings within Raph. Admiration, serenity, a profound bond that couldn’t be broken. All his intrusive thoughts and worries didn’t mean a thing when he was next to you. 
Without a sound, his free arm reaches up and encircles your waist, pulling the two of you together. His plastron was nearly flush with your back, and his knees were close to hitting the back of your thighs. The position was almost a little too intimate, Raph wasn’t familiar with how your body felt like this. He felt even more uncomfortable with what to do with his own, but he couldn’t pull away. 
You made him feel cozier and safer than anyone else. 
“Thank you,” he whispers, a yearning hidden behind his words. 
Wordlessly, you stir. With the last bit of consciousness you had left, you move your right hand down from underneath your cheek to lie on top of Raph’s. You give him a light but reassuring squeeze, clutching at his large fingers. It was your way of saying ‘no, thank you.’
When you do so, Raph’s eyes welled up with tears. They had been building up for a while, but your hand was so soothing, enough to let him let out all the pent-up emotions he was holding onto. He wasn’t one to cry easily, but you meant so much to him. 
Raph and you together, it just made sense. 
taglist: @saspas-corner
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azlan-snow · 5 months
Humble Beginnings(Radiobelle)
Chapter Eight: A Trying Mother
(Still told from Lillith’s POV)
“Hello, Charlotte.”
“What are you doing here?”
“We’ve come to see you and your ‘redemption’ project,” I say. “But will you introduce us to your lovely residents first?”
“Of course!” She pulls Alastor down the rest of the stairs, taking him by surprise. “This is Alastor, my business partner!”  Alastor furrows at the introduction from her, and continues to introduce himself. “Quite a pleasure to meet you both, quite a pleasure.Your daughter is quite the demon belle.” His smile never fades as he looks at us, staring us down. He extends his hand to greet us, and I take it, seeing how much of a gentleman he is, but Lucifer, on the other hand, decides to decline, not liking how buddy-buddy he was acting with our daughter. “Come this way, Mom and Dad!” We follow her to the bar, when Lucifer speaks. “What in the UNHOLY Hell is that?”
“Just some of the reservations we had done, your Majesty. Adds a bit of color, don’t you think?”
“No, I don’t. I think it’s quite hideous.”
“Luci, that’s disrespectful,” I say, trying to be kind. 
“It’s true! It’s so tacky!”
“Dad, come on. Be nice! It adds color, just like Alastor said."
“Alastor. Your name sounds familiar,” I say, pondering where I had heard it from. “You’re the infamous Radio Demon, aren’t you. The one with the jazz and classical radio station.”
“That’s correct, Your Majesty,” Alastor says, congratulating her. “I’m surprised that the Queen of Hell knows who I am.”
“Yes, you have quite the reputation of carnage. Quite a feat, if you ask me. Congrats.”
“Thank you, Your Eminence. Thank you very much.” He looks at me with such pride, and looks down at Charlie, pupils dilating, and smile softening. “I noticed that the two of you have a special…bond per se. Is there anything you would like to tell us, Charlie?” Charlie blushes hard at the question, full of embarrassment. It seemed as if I asked the right question. 
“Unfortunately, no, Your Grace. Charlie and I are merely business partners, nothing more.” 
“Unfortunately, Alastor?”
“Sounds like someone needs to get a move on.”
“Mom!” Charlie, blushing even harder now from embarrassment, looks at her in stress. 
“What are you two talking about? You…like my daughter,” Lucifer asks, confused. 
“Yes. I do. Who would have thought the Radio Demon of all people would have stuck on somebody?  Never would I have thought I could love anyone, in life or in death. She proved me wrong. She deserves love. Love that you two failed to give her.” I was shocked by the comment, but remained emotionless. My husband, on the other hand, lost it. 
“How dare you! Insulting us in our faces!” Lucifer turns to his demonic form as he grabs Alastor by the neck and throws him against the nearest wall he could find. Alastor looks up at him, fear evident, but not affecting his decisions. He dodges Luci’s next attack as he releases hellfire.
“Dad, Stop! Please!” Charlie shouts at him running towards the fight. The closer she got the angrier she got. When she reached her father, she displayed the family resemblance: horns, red and black eyes, fire in between her horns, her adorable little tail, and angelic wings, just like her father. She pins him to the floor in a nice bodyslam that I believe was well-earned. “Mom, do you mind,”she asks, gesturing to my out-of-control husband. I walk over to her and pick up my squirming husband. “Luci, please. Calm down.”
“ Why should scum like you have our daughter?”
“Because your daughter changed me. She made me see things from a different perspective. I used to think that murdering people was the way to happiness, but she changed that. She showed me that there is happiness in people. She showed me how to love others, something I wasn’t capable of in life.” Charlie was in tears. Demon form still present, she rushed over to him and hugged him. His face shocked, then warmed up as he hugged her back.
“Thank you for loving my daughter, I say. “She deserves love. Love we failed to give her.”
“I still don’t understand,” Lucifer remarked, still in my grasp. “Why her?”
“Did you miss the whole two speeches I gave explaining why? Or were you just not tall enough to hear me?”
“Alastor! Apologize,” Charlie scolded, looking at him in shame. 
“No. It’s true. Your father is quite short, Charlie.”
Charlie punches him in the shoulder , earning a wince of pain from him. “Apologies, your Majesty,”he says. 
“Apology declined.” Lucifer laughs at the Radio Demon as he begins to glare at him.
“Well, I guess we should clean up this mess. Dad, Alastor? Do you mind working together to get this done?” She smiled sweetly at the two, and they couldn’t say no. As they clean, we talk. 
“Yes, Mom?”
“ Do you love this man?”
“I don't know, but yes. I do.”
“Very well. As long as you love him, I’m happy. Your father, on the other hand, may not be.”
“He’ll get over it. Hopefully.”
“How did it happen?”
“He started helping me a couple days ago as I was having a hard time due to insomnia. But I didn’t know I did all that for him. I’ll have to ask him later.”
“Well if you did this for someone, hopefully you will forgive us. He looks at us with such disdain.”
“Well, he doesn’t like you two. He knows what you leaving and Dad shutting himself out did to me. Which is probably why he treats Lucifer the way he does.”
“Who do you think would win in a fight?”
“Obviously Dad. Alastor is strong, but not that strong.” I chuckle at her answer as she looks me dead in the eyes. “Mom. I need to know. Why did you leave?” I looked back at her, hurt in her eyes, as in mine. 
“I made a deal. I was sentenced to Heaven for seven years in order not to cause any backfire in the exterminations. I wasn’t allowed to leave nor roam Heaven. I wasn’t able to get any of your calls either, little one. I’m so sorry.” I was in tears, kneeling before my crying daughter. “I don’t expect you to forgive me, Charlie. But I am truly sorry.” 
“ I do forgive you, Mom. I do. Thank you for telling me the truth.” We hugged, crying into each other as Luci and Alastor stared at each other and us. They walk over and join the embrace, Charlie and I still crying. Once we cease, we prepare to leave. “We’ll do the tour on a different day, Char-Char. Okay?”
“Of course, Dad. Farewell!” 
“Goodbye, my beautiful daughter,” I say, embracing her once more. 
“Goodbye, Mom. See you later?”“Of course.” We exit the hotel and enter the limo to return home.
“That went well, didn’t it?”
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themore12 · 2 years
Hey this my first time requesting so, Ace, Deuce, Jack and Sebek x gender neutral s/o, separate, where their s/o surprise hug them from behind, headcanons.
fell free to ignore, and sorry if your inbox is close
Surprise hugging Ace, Deuce, Jack, and Sebek!
Ace Trappola
He was talking to Deuce at the time, not knowing that he was about to get surprised.
When you hugged him it was like hugging something warm, and he smelled nice too, like a tart perfume or something.
Ace was going to use his fight or flight instincts with you until he remembered your hugs.......
Then he laughed like he wasn't going to use his nonexistent hand-to-hand skills with you.
(While Ace was thinking of whether to run or try to bodyslam the person hugging him. Deuce was just there, like mouth agape and slightly surprised expression.)
(If you’re wondering what was going on at his head it was, ‘Oh, how sweet!’ and then when he realized what was happening better, ‘Ace with a partner…didn’t know he could have one…’ he shuddered at the truth.)
He isn't going to lie, your hug felt great. He felt like he needed it.
But he's an annoying boyfriend so of course, he made fun of you hugging him.
But when you pulled away, he hugged you back, like he had been waiting for that moment hug, mumbling something like ‘It didn't feel right not to hug you back…..”
Then he continued saying that you couldn’t help yourself but fall for suave Ace Trappola, whilst hugging you.
He may be the most annoying one out of the bunch, but he does show his love the best.
Also, Deuce was just forgotten at the back.
Speaking of Deuce-
(He definitely thought about the whole interaction that night. Because Deuce swore he heard muffled high-pitched screaming beside him.)
Deuce Spade
“Ace what do you mean by DN-“
*Hugs Deuce from behind*
(Cue delinquent Deuce)
He was going to punch whoever thought to surprise attack (hug) him-
You got to see an annoyed Deuce for a sec before he realized it was you.
When he did he was apologizing already, he didn’t even do anything yet but look at you annoyed-
He had many enemies back then so he guessed someone sneaked in to seek revenge, which was far from the truth.
He said that it happened once, so he’s much more alert now.
He was flustered when he realized you just wanted to hug him, so he apologized even more.
He hugged you saying this was his apology, it was adorable.
(Cue Ace barfing in the background)
He walked you to your class after that whole affair.
When you got in your class and said goodbye he said "I love you." And ran away.
He was very flustered since he didn't expect to say it out loud, so there was a Deuce running to his class with a goofy smile and a red face.
So ace was left alone, like a third-wheel-
This man was a former gangster, he has more experience with fighting hand to hand more than Ace-
Can probably bodyslam you for sure, so be careful to not surprise him THAT much again.
(Also he thinks he's very lucky to have you.)
Jack Howl
Actually trying to surprise hug Jack is a challenge.
Not only is he beastman, but he is also a wolf beastman.
Making it much more difficult to surprise him, since his hearing is better than humans.
But you did catch him off guard one time.
It happened in his room late at night.
He just got out of the shower and he was looking for a comb.
It looked like a chance so you did the unthinkable.
Surprise hugged Jack Howl.
Not only was he surprised, but he also found the comb!
Which was on your hand, that was connected to your arm, that was hugging him.
You’re hugging him.
It took a while for him to process that you’re hugging him, maybe it's because it’s almost his bedtime and he’s sleepy, but man did it take a while.
But when he processed that you were hugging him, he didn’t blush or become flustered.
Ok maybe he became a bit flustered, but he didn’t blush!
“Please let go of me I’m still a bit wet.”
It was just an excuse because he doesn’t think he could stop his tail from wagging or the smile that was taking over his lips.
He slept with a hidden smile and combed his hair that night.
Sebek Zigvolt
Oh, this loud half fae….how do you surprise a knight in training?
He’s training to be a knight so he is always alert.
There is always a time when he seems to let his guard down, and it's when he talks about Malleus.
So while Sebek was busy telling Yuu how great Malleus is you sneaked behind him and just-
Unlike the others, he knows it’s you, as a knight, he should be able to know who’s an ally and who’s an enemy.
Although he is boisterous, he still has manners unlike the first two, (deuce has manners), and excused himself to talk with you, which Yuu was glad about since they didn't need to hear another 'the greatness of waka-sama.'
"Human! Why did sneak up behind me to hug me?! You could have simply asked!"
To which you replied. (you make your own reply)
"Ah, to surprise me?! How cunning of you!"
He meant it nicely, somehow in a nice way.
He hugged you back briefly, and you had a suspicion that he liked it with the way he smiled. But perhaps you were just hallucinating it.
(You weren't.)
(He isn't one to show affection in public, but he doesn't refuse your affection that much.)
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This is my first time writing for the first years so if this sucks ill just haha and go ahead and watch every god damn chapter again.
I only post at Monday! Wednesday! Friday!
Also, the epel request one is on the way dw
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somedaylazysomeday · 8 months
Different but Still Good - Part Two
Echo comes back into town on a bad day for both of you. The two of you take comfort in each other.
TBB!Echo x fem!reader
PLEASE read the note below! This story is not for everyone!
Personal Disclaimer: This is a second part that can be read as a stand-alone, but please be aware that this fic characterizes Echo's body as being either severely damaged below the waist or otherwise incapable of sexual arousal. The reader is a sex-positive asexual. I know these concepts are not to everyone's liking, so please feel free to skip this fic. The smut will return tomorrow.
Rating: Mature. Minors DNI
Word Count: 3,600
Warnings: Asexual reader, Echo is missing everything below his waist, largely asexual relationship, discussions of disability and frustration, feelings of self-loathing, massage
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It had been a terrible day. 
No, not terrible, you amended internally. There had been enough bright spots to keep it from being a total loss, but you were greatly looking forward to going to bed and starting over the next morning. After dealing with problem after problem all day, you were starting to feel like you would never manage to take a full breath again. 
When you got to your door, something was strange about it. You stared for a moment, blearily wondering if you had the patience and energy to deal with another issue before it finally clicked for you: 
The welcome mat was lying outside the door. 
Just the knowledge that Echo was inside your apartment made the day infinitely better. Your fingers trembled with excitement as you hurried to type in your code and get inside. You stepped into your dark apartment - darker when the door slid shut and locked behind you - but you didn’t see anyone. Other than the welcome mat, there were no signs that anyone had been there since you left. 
“Echo?” you called uncertainly. “Are you-?” 
Sudden realization struck and you searched blindly behind you until you made contact with the wall beside the door. You tapped your coded knock against the surface, the sound strange in the stillness of your unlit living room. 
A low chuckle floated out of the darkness and your shoulder eased away from your ears. “Scared me there, mesh’la. You’ve never forgotten before.” 
“I know, I’m sorry,” you apologized even as you rushed toward Echo with your arms outstretched. You pulled him close even as he did the same to you, and the resulting bodyslam threatened to knock both of you off-balance. You shared a giggle as you caught your balance still locked in each other’s arms. 
You snuggled deeper against Echo’s torso, reveling in the way he felt holding you. His natural hand cupped the nape of your neck while the coolness of his scomp stroked over the muscles of your back. Echo gave the best hugs - he always had. 
Echo’s grip loosened, but you gave a little disgruntled noise and held him tighter. “Feeling needy, sweetness?” 
The eagerness in his voice made you wish you were, but your cycle had ended the week before and you were still some time away from wanting to be touched that way. You shook your head, and the way your nose brushed against his skin made him shake with silent ticklish laughter.
“No, I just-” You released a deep sigh, relaxing for the first time all day. “I really needed this today.”
“Is everything okay?” 
“I’m not the one who just got back from some super-secret, super-dangerous mission,” you pointed out, loosening your hold on him. Even when you pulled away, though, your hands lingered on the narrow span of his hips. “Shouldn’t I be the one asking you that?” 
“Nothing we couldn’t handle,” Echo assured you. His eyes were searching your face, though you didn’t know how much he could really see in the shadows of the room. “I’m here.”
“Just because you’re alive doesn’t mean you’re okay.” It was a soft, knee-jerk point, spoken without thinking, but you felt his twitch. “Echo, I’m sorry. I promise I didn’t mean it like that…”
“It’s fine,” he assured you, patting your hand. “I know you wouldn’t.”
You smiled at that, but it was far from happy. Echo was slowly coming to terms with his new body, but there were still plenty of difficult days. He was bitter for everything he had lost, and who could blame him? In a span of weeks, he had to come to terms with being free but forever changed, then the Republic fell and most of his brothers had died aboard a Jedi cruiser. If that didn’t give him permission to be grumpy, you weren’t sure what would. 
“Are you hungry?” you asked instead of everything else you longed to say. “I ate on the way home from work, but I have some leftovers I could heat up or I could make something.”
“I, uh… I ate your leftovers already,” Echo admitted, dropping his chin abashedly. “I figured you were working late, so I made myself at home.”
“Good,” you told him, grinning broadly. “They weren’t going to last too much longer. Besides, I’m thrilled to hear you’re finally taking me up on this. What’s mine is yours, Echo. You know that.” 
“I do,” he agreed, and the softness of it gave the words more meaning than they could hold on their own. “What do you want to do?” 
“Honestly?” You blew out a sigh. “I just want to get out of these clothes and cuddle with you. But we don’t have to. We could watch something-”
“I think going to bed sounds great,” Echo interrupted. “Best idea I’ve heard all day.” 
You would have suspected Echo was humoring you, if not for the sweetness of his smile as he tangled his fingers with yours and led you to the bedroom. There was still a chance he was humoring you, but you didn’t mind as much.
As if you both needed the contact, you stripped down before you got into bed. When you sprawled across the sheets together, the only thing between you was space, and even that was minimal. 
You didn’t speak - you didn’t need to. You needed to feel Echo close to you, and he apparently needed the same thing. There was never a moment when one of you wasn’t holding the other or when you weren’t wrapped in each other’s arms. You drank in the feeling of Echo’s skin against yours like he was water and you had been dying of thirst. 
The first real noise one of you made was when you had shifted so that Echo was lying on his back and your head was propped on his chest. Your fingers were busy drawing patterns over his pecs. You finger had brushed over the flat disc of his nipple and he sucked in a loud breath. 
You were at an excellent angle to study the results of your actions: your eyes flicked up to watch Echo’s expression, but you watched in your peripheral vision as his nipple pebbled for you. With a lopsided curl of your lips, you slowly drew the tip of your finger over the sensitive peak once more.
“No point in doing that,” Echo told you when he was done biting his lip. “It’s not going to lead anywhere.” 
“It feels nice, doesn’t it?” you countered. 
“Yeah, but… I can’t…” He made a frustrated sound. “There’s nothing in it for you.”
You laughed at that, patting Echo’s chest when he looked mildly offended at your amusement. “I’m asexual, remember? There’s never anything in it for me.”
Echo frowned harder. “Yeah, but-”
“Echo, I love you.” It was hardly the first time you’d said it, but you never got tired of the beatific smile that dawned on Echo’s face when you did. “I love you, and doing something that makes you feel good is its own reward. In fact…”
You got to your knees, fighting for your balance on the mattress as Echo watched bemusedly. A swirl of your finger illustrated your request: “Turn over.” 
“Turn over,” you repeated. “I can feel how tense you are. It has to be giving you a headache. Let me give you a massage. It’ll help.” 
When you returned his incredulous look with only a steady one of your own, Echo heaved a sigh and rolled onto his stomach. With his head turned to one side and supported by his folded arms, he could watch as you wriggled up beside him. 
His skepticism faded as you pressed into the muscles on either side of his spine. The groan he let out managed to sound tortured but pleased.
“Stop smiling,” Echo muttered, voice partially muffled by the sheets. 
“And here I thought you liked seeing me happy,” you quipped. Echo’s mouth opened to loose his retort, but you dug your thumbs a little closer to the base of his spine and he made a noise that sounded far too at home in a bedroom. “You must. If not, you wouldn’t let me hear it when you feel good.” 
You lightened the pressure of your hands on him, delivering a series of firm strokes from his shoulders down to the small of his back. The friction of your skin against his made your palms warm, and you could feel Echo relax even further against the bed. 
With that encouragement, you started working his muscles in earnest. The sides of his neck got a gentle press of your fingertips, moving further down into the places where those delicate tendons anchored into his shoulders. You also lavished his shoulders with attention, rubbing at the muscles bunched at the top of the ball joint until they relaxed under your hands. 
Echo tensed once more as you worked your way down his right arm. It only got worse when you approached the place where the base of his scomp arm was attached to the stump just below his elbow. He didn’t say anything, but the furrow in his brow spoke clearly.
You let your hands fall away from him, but only to swat at his shoulder. “Stop undoing all of my work. Relax.” The scolding made him smile, his brows unknitting for you. When he relaxed again, you started back in from his elbow. 
Echo had a bit of his arm under the bend of his elbow. It was lucky, as he had told you in the past. Mobility and use would have been far more difficult if the amputation had happened above the elbow. It didn’t erase the pain and loss - nothing would - but it helped him feel like he was capable of contributing to Clone Force 99 on their missions. 
But his arm ached sometimes. Part of it was the frigid, stinging pain of the limb he had lost, damaged nerve endings sparking with stimulation of a phantom limb he could no longer see. But a lot of it was the scomp arm itself. The anchoring point was still healing, would be for a while. Grafting metal into human tissue was always a risky proposition, and especially when the area contained so much scar tissue. 
Echo had said that the wiring for the scomp was wrapped around the radius bone of his arm. Sometimes, using that bone to control the scomp anchored in scar tissue made the whole area sore. Massage helped it, but Echo had shown a pointed reluctance to look at or touch the places where machinery had been joined with his skin. That was fine - he didn’t need to. You would just do it for him. 
As your hands rubbed gentle circles around his elbow, Echo flinched away from you. You made a soothing noise. “Oh, are you extra sensitive today?” 
At the same time, Echo said, “You don’t have to do that.” 
And then you sat blinking at each other. You tried to wait, to let Echo speak first, but he was either too embarrassed or stunned into silence. Either way, you took the opportunity to speak first: “Echo, I said I would do this for you. I want to do this for you.” 
“But I’m…” He swallowed and tried again. “My arm isn’t… whole. Not anymore.” 
“That’s nonsense,” you said firmly. “Your arm is part of you. It aches, and I bet it’s aching today. This will make it feel better.” 
Echo stayed quiet, eyes fixed somewhere across the room. You sighed. “I understand it’s hard for you to look at, let alone touch. But I love you. It doesn’t bother me in the slightest - it’s just another part of you. Will you let me do this for you? Please?” 
“It’s- It isn’t…”
“Would you still love me if I lost a leg tomorrow?” you asked abruptly.  
A tired look crossed over his face. “That’s not the same and you know it.” 
“Why wouldn’t it be?” you challenged.
“Because you can’t pit a hypothetical future against the life I have to live every day!” The outburst seemed to surprise both of you. You had a feeling your eyes were as wide as Echo’s.
“I’m sorry, Echo-” 
“Mesh’la, I’m so sorry-”
You both broke off, still giving each other surprised looks as you processed that the other person had been apologizing rather than voicing their frustration. 
Once again, you managed to gather your thoughts first: “Echo, you really have nothing to apologize for. It was a trite argument and I knew better than to use it on you. You’re right, that’s not a fair equivalency. I’m sorry.” 
Echo was quiet for a moment. “Between ‘trite argument’ and ‘unfair equivalency’, I think you’re spending too much time with Tech.” 
The joke made you smile, but you didn’t back off. “Is this just frustration from being pushed too far? Or did something happen on this mission that you didn’t tell me about?” 
Again, it took a moment for Echo to begin speaking. When he did, his voice was soft. “I almost got captured by the Empire during the mission. We were trapped in a room with an electromagnetized wall. I got stuck.”
“Surely the others were stuck as well,” you mused. “Everyone’s armor has metal components. And then there are the weapons, Hunter’s vibroblades, Tech’s datapad…”
“All things that could be left behind,” Echo agreed. “But me…”
He trailed off, which made it all the more jarring when he tapped the blunted end of his scomp arm against the metallic implants in the side of his head. The clinking of metal against metal was loud in the quiet room, and you winced at the way he hadn’t softened his movements at all. 
You wanted to soothe him, to remind him that it wasn’t his fault, but you had the distinct feeling that it wasn’t what he needed at that moment. “How did you escape?”
Echo’s eyes were fixed on the bedspread. “Tech figured out how to send a pulse through the electromagnet’s current. It overpowered the generator and shut it down. Pulling away from normal magnetization is easy enough.”
Despite Echo’s carefully careless shrug, you winced again. The places where the metal was implanted into his skin were sensitive under normal circumstances. You couldn’t imagine how unpleasant it would be to break away from a magnetized wall, especially after struggling to break an electromagnetic current.
“Can I hug you?” 
Echo smiled, even if it seemed a little hollow. “You didn’t ask the first time and you don’t need to now. Of course you can, mesh’la.”
A moment later, you were wrapping your arms around him. You avoided as many of the implants as you could. The last thing you wanted was to cause him further discomfort. Even so, you couldn’t help but cling to him. 
You didn’t realize you were shaking until Echo carefully patted your shoulder, the one his chin wasn’t hooked over. “It’s fine, I’m okay. No need to get upset.” 
“You could have died,” you told him, your voice muffled. “And I wouldn’t have known what happened to you. People were doing their best to kill you on some strange planet I’ve never heard of.”
“Yeah, that happens a lot.” 
“And I get upset every time.” 
Echo sighed at your reminder, but it wasn’t an impatient sound. In fact, it sounded like he was trying not to laugh. “Would you rather I didn’t tell you?” 
“That’s the last thing I want!” You pulled away to see Echo looking lighter than he had been that evening. “I’m glad you tell me what you can about your missions, but I’m going to be upset when I hear about people trying to kill my boyfriend.” 
“I know, ner karta,” Echo said softly. “And I can’t blame you. When I think what it would feel like if something ever happened to you… When I do, it feels like I can’t breathe.”
“I feel the same way.” You watched him steadily. “Seems like we both should promise to be careful.” 
Echo held the scomp of his arm to his chest. “Cross my heart.” 
You both dissolved into giggles around the same time, the mood lightened with a little shared effort. Gently, you guided the scomp over your own chest as well. “Mine, too.” 
Even in the thick shadows of your room, the bright flash of Echo’s grin took your breath away. You rested your fingertips against his shoulder. “C’mon, lay back down. I wasn’t finished with your massage.”
Echo laid back down for you. This time, you started from the top of his head, massaging his temples and scalp before gingerly working your way toward the implants embedded above his ears. 
You watched Echo’s shoulders tighten as you gently rubbed around each implant, then ran your fingers along the bar that covered his ears and wrapped around the back of his head. Still, he let you ease his tension away with soft touches and slow circles of your fingertips against his scalp. 
He relaxed further as you worked your way lower on his back, but he was clearly uneasy when you strayed too close to the implants along his spine. After the scomp, these were the implants that gave Echo the most trouble. To be fair, they also performed the majority of the functions that Echo needed to live a highly mobile and relatively independent life.
The spinal implants did everything from keeping Echo upright to controlling his cybernetic legs. They also stabilized his spinal column and augmented his spinal cord. Echo had only explained it to you once, but from what you remembered, they helped push communications from his brain to his cybernetic limbs and pull different feedback into his brain. They were what allowed his legs behave like natural legs, and helped him control his balance.
The trade-off was that the spinal implants performed the most work, but caused Echo the most pain. You could feel the way his muscles were inflamed around each implant, and the way he tensed when you got close to any of them didn’t help. But you carefully avoided hurting him, soothing him with a steady stream of narration accompanying your every motion: 
“Ooh, that’s a tight muscle there. That has to ache. Let’s see if we can get this knot out… Try to relax your back if you can, love. There we go. When we’re done here, I might see if I can find a cool compress for this. I can feel the heat coming off your skin. The areas around these implants are at least a little inflamed. Okay, moving down to the next one…”
With each successfully eased implant site, Echo tensed a little less for the next. By the time you reached the last one at the very base of his spine, he was a boneless puddle on the bed. You circled back up to massage the base of his arm where the scomp was attached.
Echo watched you, though he didn’t move at all. There was a hard-earned peace on his face, and you couldn’t resist leaning in to give him a kiss before you darted to the kitchen. 
You had found a lovely set of cooling packs some time before. You had bought a surplus and always kept a few in the conservator. They kept cool for a long time, but always seemed to hold a bearable temperature instead of being frigid against sensitive skin. You kept them around for the migraines you got occasionally, but you supposed they would work just as well for Echo’s back.
When you went back into your bedroom, Echo hadn’t moved a single muscle. You couldn’t help the proud smile on your face as you rejoined him on the bed.
“These are going to be a little cool on your skin, but they shouldn’t be cold,” you explained. Echo gave a wordless grumble that sounded like an agreement to you, so you set to work laying the packs end-to-end down the line of his spine. You fashioned the last one into a loose circle, wrapping it around Echo’s right arm, just above the scomp.
Echo muttered something. You leaned closer, but it was so low and slurred with his weariness that you couldn’t catch it. “I’m sorry?” 
“Feels nice,” he told you, turning his head to rest it on his left arm. He reopened his eyes, blinking blearily up at you. “Are you sure you don’t want some attention?”
“I’m not in that part of my cycle, remember?” 
A soft smile curved Echo’s lips. “I know, I meant a massage or something. I can’t claim it would be as good as yours…”
“Actually, this seems perfect to me,” you told him, hoping your honesty carried through clearly. Echo cracked open an eye again, giving you a suspicious look. You couldn’t help your smile as you said, “Just as perfect as you are, Echo.” 
Echo made a show of rolling his eyes so you would know how cheesy he found you, but you spotted his pleased little smile as he turned away to get comfortable. You repositioned a cooling pack that had shifted with the movement and settled in beside him. 
When you let yourself drift to sleep, you were awash in comfort, satisfaction, and love for Echo.
Author's Note - I know, a Fanfic February fic with no sex or sexual touching at all? Weird! But I love Echo and I love getting to represent sex-positive aces. I thought I would take this opportunity to show a relationship that's intimate in ways that have nothing to do with sex.
Thank you for reading!
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thesupreme316 · 1 year
Hi, I was if you could write about Nick Wayne x Reader when reader is Nick Wayne Girlfriend maybe they have a kid and she and his kid are watching his AEW debut but then during the match Swerve Strickland gets in Reader face and intimidates her and Nick Wayne goes after Swerve for getting all in his girlfriend face and then gets all in Nick Wayne kids face as well? you can shorten this
We're Okay (Nick Wayne x Fem!Reader):
Word Count: 750
Supreme Speaks: thanks to @sunrise28sblog for requesting this and i'm so sorry that I didn't answer sooner (time is so random with me). also it's a little shorter than what i wanted but it flows better to me. i did not realize how behind I am on requests so imma try to upload twice daily. again, so sorry about that.
Warnings: cursing around a child, nothing else ig
Taglist: @sunrise28sblog @hooks-martin
Imma do a headcanon
You have always been supportive of Nick’s career choice as you’ve been dating for a while
At first, when you first met Nick, you didn't understand the appeal of wrestling and how serious for him
After getting to learn the different moves and how deep it runs in Nick's family, you grew to understand and love the sport
So when you and your son have the chance, you go to see him wrestle, you take it
Your son finds it so cool that his dad is a wrestler
To the point that he tries to bodyslam his pillow or tries to chokeslam his stuffed animals and your boyfriend
Even though you weren’t a wrestler, you were just as they come
You don't tolerate bullshit, you don’t take stupidity lightly, and you don’t get scared at anything
So you were able to get front-row seats as you really wanted to make sure Nick knows that his family supports him on his Rampage debut
He and Darby Allin were facing Swerve Strickland, one of his ultimate rivals, and Brian Cage
You and your son were cheering as loud as you could for your boyfriend as he made his way to you
He hugged the both of you before he gave you a kiss and his son a kiss on the forehead
You waved to Darby as they entered the ring
The match started with Darby and Nick having the upper hand until Brian just completely wrecked them
You flinched as Nick’s body hit the ground repeatedly as Brian tagged in Swerve
Strike 1
Swerve gave him a roundhouse kick with a smile before leaving the ring, walking in your direction
He walked up to your son, mocking him “Your dad’s a bum! He’s a bum!” Out of fear and intimidation, your son started to cry.
Strike 2
You pulled your son behind you, creating distance.
You cut your eyes at the man staSwerve darkly smiled at you, as he said “You’re dating a bum ass, broke ass, punk ass-“
Strike 3
You didn’t even allow him to finish as you delivered a slap to his face, making him fall to the floor
The crowd cheered as he looked up in shock. Nick got out of the ring and tackled Swerve while he was still on the ground
You cheered as Nick was throwing punches left and right; eventually throwing Swerve back into the ring
He quickly wobbled over to you and yalls son
“Are you okay?”
“We’re okay; go finish your match, baby.”
You just held your son and gave him juice as he quietly wiped his tears
Nick got back into the ring before the count of ten and it seemed like that one incident fired Nick up for the rest of the match as he needed both the ref and Darby to hold him back from injuring Swerve
A couple of more minutes went by before the bell rung and Darby and Nick held their hands up in victory. Your son was back to his bubbly self as he saw his dad stand tall and mighty.
At the end of the night, as he is driving with you in the front seat and your son is fast asleep in the back, you could see that he was still pissed, and he had every right to be
But on top, you knew he was deep in thought and was reflecting on what happened earlier
“Babe, everything is okay. We’re okay.”
“That bastard shouldn’t have been near you, let alone say those things in front of our son. What kind of man am I that I allowed-”
“Nick, stop. You don't control him, he was just trying to throw you off. And he didn’t scare me. Again, me and (Your/Son’s/Name) are fine. We know that those things aren’t true. You are a great father and significant other, I don’t care what Swerve says. I know the true you and I’m proud of you.”
Nick smiled as there were tears on the brims of his eyes, "You know, that was a great slap."
Giggling, you said, "Thanks. My hand kind of hurts from it still."
He chuckled, "Maybe you should join wrestling."
"Yeah, no. I'll leave that to you."
“I love you so much. I love our family so much.”
You leaned over the console and gave your boyfriend a kiss on his cheek as he continued to drive
“And we love you. I love you so much, Nick Wayne.”
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sleepdeprivedsimp234 · 6 months
Having a hell of a day as you know, can I get some New York, Mass and/or Loui fluff that's as angst free as possible pleasee?
Whenever he hasn’t slept in a while, Maine will quite literally snatch him (he has thought of just pillow-casing this mf) and take him to his and Alaska’s house and they’ll both cuddle him. And Louisiana just accepts it cuz he isn’t strong enough to escape either of them, and especially not both of them.
He has just- full on bodyslamed his friends and brothers and hugged them till they couldn’t breathe
The human(?) equivalent to a puppy
^Especially with the look in his face when someone he loves comes home or enters the same room 😭💙
^If he has his tail out, it is 10000000000% wagging at the speed of light
I feel like he is a really good listener and gives great advice if you need it
New York:
Idk why, but I feel like he cannot tell his left and rights. Am I projecting? MMMMMM QUITE POSSIBLY SHUSH YOU-
He’s also a really good listener but he’s not as good when it comes to advice. Again me projecting? MAYBE-
You don’t have to tell him if you’re sad. He just. He knows. How he knows? Idk he’s got some mind reading type power 😭
^He will just sneak up on you, and if you catch him, he’ll just simply do what he was gonna do in the first place: curl up on your lap and cuddle the sadness out you. He’ll even purr when he cuddles you 😭 Yorkie cuddles make everything better, 5 star rating from literally the entire statehouse.
Has bought and made band tee shirts for all his pets. It’s the most adorable thing ever. Even his pigeons and rats have Queen and AC/DC and Led Zeppelin merch.
Despite basically being a cat/vampire (every gacha oc in 2018 be like:), he actually loves swimming and is surprisingly good at it (I hc him to be either part of the Navy or Coast Guard so- he kinda has to know how to swim-). BUT IF YOU PICK HIM UP AND THROW HIM INTO A BODY OF WATER, EVEN A BATHTUB, HES GOING TO STAB AND SCRATCH YOU IN VARIOUS BODILY REGIONS. UNASHAMEDLY TOO.
Actually really good at digital art. He’s good at traditional art to, but prefers digital art (him, upon discovering digital art: "IT HAS A MOTHA-F(SPEAKS BOSTON)KIN’ UNDO BUTTON 🥹🥹")
He lovessss taking long walks outside, especially on the beach at sunset. Has gotten plenty of drawing inspiration from the sunsets and the beach <3
He also really loves plants and nature. Granted, not as much as NJ, but pretty close. He won’t admit it though cuz he’s a stubborn bastard. We love him though :3
Mass gives the vibes of someone that’s really good at bass guitar and drums
I like to imagine that whenever he takes his hat off, his hair falls in front of his face and temporarily blocks his vision. Penn and Ginny love making fun of him for it <3
Hope these are fluffy enough I tried to add no angst, but my finger mighta slipped somewhere idk <3
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popoutsekai · 2 years
an shiraishi’s next focus event: a little dump/prediction
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note: i grabbed this from my twt acc (popoutsekai) so if this looks like it it’s supposed to don’t worry abt it! the blue is the card opening text
story one.
one day she has a dream. kohane and akitoya are giants. an is equivalent to a fucking ant. they leave her behind because they can’t see her under them.
or something along those lines. anyways she wakes up with heart palpitations because she is terrified. tears sear her face. everything around her is blurry and unkept.
her broken look is the untrained card of the event; a hazy colored drawing of the ever-confident girl sweating and crying in her bed.
“weren’t we going to be together, always?”
story two.
well of course she has school. she goes and gets ready for school after this, ignoring her tears. and then she actually has to go to school. she brushes away her parents. she never did that. ever.
this story is short for a reason. she wants to leave her house as much as possible. she wants to take all the back alleys to school. she doesn’t want to see anyone that she doesn’t need to.
story three.
mizuki’s there, thank god. when they talk, an asks to go on the rooftop. mizuki is obviously irked by this. an had never asked to go on the rooftop in the past. more like ever.
but mizuki’s a good friend, so they walked her up like a good friend would.
story four.
shortly after arriving, an has a breakdown breakdown. she starts mumbling about how kohane’s gonna leave her and how she’ll never be good enough and how it’s stupid that she cares so much about it as well.
“it was supposed to be me that taught her, not the other way around.”
an is kind of screaming sobbing to the world so it’d be unsurprising if someone heard her cries.
but toya hears this.
he’s obviously like “is that really an???” yes, vbs recognizes each others voices, but it doesn’t mean they’re hesitant to reach out to each other.
but he didn’t hesitate to run up the stairs and bodyslam the door with all of his strength. his view of mizuki and an is heartbreaking. the two were hugging each other so tight it’s like they would lose each other.
the “camera” pans into his eyes. his mouth is open. he is scared.
this is his untrained for the event.
“get your head up, shiraishi!”
story five.
this gets wind to the virtual singers, and fast.
meiko gets wind of this first, since toya had rushed to street sekai (once he asked mizuki to leave the rooftop, he could take care of an) and she doesn’t hesitate to pop up on his phone once he gets back.
she’s like “what’s wrong??” and an is pissing herself she can’t think of words to convey what she’s trying to say.
so an writes down how she’s feeling and then meiko goes off screen and then she comes back. “i just told kaito about this. he’s going to visit kohane later today. but isn’t it time that you tell akito about this?”
story six.
after saying their thanks, they have to run to akito. he’s in his usual seat thanks to toya, who told him he needed to get something.
“ah, there you are, it took you long enough. hey an.” he treated her so normally it scared toya.
an has yet another breakdown breakdown, this time on akito’s desk. she can’t stop the tears or the incoherent mumbling.
akitoya tries to soothe her worries but her screeching only grows louder. akito pulls them all into a group hug. they need it. badly.
him initiating the hug is his 3* untrained.
“can we please bring it in?”
then they all leave. an decides it’s best if they all skip practice today, because what’s with going to practice if nothing seems right while they’re doing it?
toya texts the group chat about skipping practice. kohane texts back with a concerned but okay seeming message.
story seven.
but kohane goes to weekend garage anyways. she doesn’t really give two fucks about if they’re not practicing. she hasn’t had the greatest day and she needed an’s undying comfort.
“oh, an-chan!” she smiled as she walked into the cafe, spotting her friend. an waved back, but she did nothing more.
kohane’s brown turn inward at this bullshit she’s spewing.
“do you want anything to drink today?”
“don’t play dumb, an!”
she runs away, back into the kitchen, seemingly into the bathroom. there are pink and yellow triangles that signal that she went to sekai.
kohane’s eyes widened, but she opened ready steady and felt her body disappear into the darkness.
once she appeared, an was running past her. kohane turned her heel and chased faster.
“tell me what’s going on, an!”
puddles of tears fell at the sides of the vivids. “i can’t, i can’t do it kohane!”
they both eventually slow down and an runs into an alleyway, in hopes that kohane won’t find her.
her jacket’s too bright. she catches her in an instant. an’s tears pile up so high it almost makes a little stream in the divots of the unpaved ground.
“an, please get up.”
story eight.
they totally talk about the problem and an’s separation issues. an spills everything about her jealousy over the past year. it’s eating her out. she can’t hold it in anymore.
“an-chan, i would never leave you!”
“what makes you say that, kohane?” an starts sniffling again.
“i-“ kohane is blushing. is this the best time to say this?
“i love you, shiraishi an!” they stand there. tears well up in an’s eyes even more. kohane starts to panic. maybe she doesn’t lean that way? maybe it was too sudden and it’ll all break apart?
the girl shifted her hat and tenderly grazed an’s cheek. “can i prove it to you…through a kiss?”
anhane kiss ensues.
then kaimei is found to be standing at the back. they high five while anhane is kissing.
the back perspective of the high five is meiko’s untrained. anhane can be seen in the back with an’s eyes wide open and kohane’s hat off of her head and in her free hand.
“we’ve done it, kaito.”
but of course they get caught.
kaimei starts booking it but anhane stays behind. more love confessions and undying partner links ensue.
anhane met up with akitoya later that day.
“hi guys! we’re dating!” an grinned.
“didn’t you just have a mental breakdown saying how kohane was gonna leave you.”
“oh, um, i got her out of that, shinonome-kun.”
“and how exactly did you do that?”
“umm, it’s a little embarrassing, i kissed her.”
akitoya stares at anhane. damn, they were not expecting that.
afterwards they tell everyone. they’re all pleasantly surprised at how this turned out, but honestly they’re glad it turned out for the better.
kohane has a 2* titled more than partners???
the skill name is “lesbi-an” or something like that
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meilas · 10 months
Socks reviews POTO China For reasons I'm not sharing, this review is going to be limited to things I liked, things I didn't like, and things I couldn't decide whether I liked or not. Review under cut.
If you liked this production, you may want to keep scrolling.
Things I liked: Carlotta Piangi Carlotta is in love with Piangi. Piangi is in love with Carlotta. Piangi waving at the elephant Good arm movements during MOTN Very good "soar" (Chinese equivalent) Good eye contact with Christine during the sprawl Shirtsleeves under the Mandarin robe! The smacking sound when the Phantom plorps onto the ground during STYDI The way the Phantom grabs Christine's wrist was not really a grab at all, it was very gentle and I really liked it. The manager announcing the ballet! Shadow Phantom my beloved The unhinged laugh right before Buquet drops The bang and the smoke when Red Death disappears. Every production needs that loud bang. Raoul reacting to seeing the Phantom on the mausoleum Trio my beloved! We can actually hear Raoul during the trio! The BOOMS when the Phantom is throwing fireballs! The smoke that poofs up, and the way Raoul reacts to it Christine acting horny during PONR The Phantom grasping at his heart during PONR Phantom hands during PONR The Phantom almost brings Christine's hand up to his face during the boat ride The way he almost throws himself off the boat XD The way he's bent over so much
Things I didn't like: Carlotta wasn't wearing enough makeup during Hannibal Piangi's Hannibal moustache Christine. Christine's acting. The heavy breathing she does every time the Phantom shows up. The weird faces she makes. I know what she's supposed to be feeling, but I'm not seeing it. All I'm seeing is *heavy breathing* and open-mouthed--wide-eyes-pouty-face from her like you see from a lot of female characters in anime. The self-caress the Phantom does made it look like he had a headache. No lip deformity The audience really needs to stop talking during the performance. The lack of fireballs when the Phantom is throwing fireballs. Seriously, where is the fire? No candle. Fine, I'll accept it. But did this Phantom cut the rope with his fingernails??
Things I can't put in either category: Raoul. He's doing exactly what he's supposed to do. No more, no less. The Phantom. See Raoul's explanation above. There is nothing that stands out about either of them that makes me think "oh this guy is great!" or "oh this guy is awful." Nothing. Average. the way Christine acts after Carlotta "throws" her onto the bed. It was a very gentle push onto the bed, but Christine acted like Carlotta bodyslammed her onto the bed and started cringing away from her. Who is supposed to be the drama queen here again? Christine acting like she's drunk/hypnotized when the Phantom shows up during Maskenball. I guess that's one way to avoid your ex. The kiss-hug-kiss. What even is happening?
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ray935sworld · 5 months
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I can understand why the author had the need to add the "bodyslam" hug in the article about Valexplaining. I'd mention it at every chance I got too but I got called crazy for it.
I missed those two idiots having fun together so much!
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joie6000 · 1 year
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Another fun part of the weekend was taking these kids to the (heated) pool.
Eden is like our daughter. She’s one of Abby’s absolute besties and anytime Abby is bored, Patrick and I both say “get Eden over here” because we adore her. She’s an absolute beast in every sport. She makes Abby laugh like a fool. She bodyslams Ben and he does it right back. She gives me hugs multiple times a day and has even started hugging my mom when she sees her.
She asks for nothing and is happy with everything.
Everyone needs an Eden.
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The pie family haunted Halloween part 1
Blood: yahoo halloween is coming
Pinkie: calm down son halloween isn't here yet
Luna: *appears* sister
Pinkie: moon cunt
Surprise jr: *tackles blood* gotcha brother hahahah *gets up*
Blood: hahaha ready for Halloween?
Hauntress: yes we r it will be the first halloween we had as a big family
Galaxia: mhm yes it would be a first r all the kids gonna be here this year blood?
Blood: day and topaz won't make it because of other reasons
Galaxia: gotcha wat about ur first daughter?
Blood: ......i......i don't know
Micheal Myers: *busts down a random wall stabbing blood and slitting surprise throat then stab pinkie multiple times then leaves*
Galaxia: ??? Shit?
Blood: never gets old with my uncle Michael
Hauntress: hey asshole get back here
Michael Myers: *looks down at hauntress raising his kitchen knife tilt his head*
Hauntress: i fuck dare u mutha fuckin whore *glares at Micheal with the death stare*
Surprise jr: uncle leave now!!!!!! *teleports him away* babe u can't be doing this even on Halloween session
Hauntress: huh? Why not?!
Surprise jr: *whispers to hauntress*
Hauntress: *blushes* i remember now asshole
Leysa: *chasing jason jr* get back here u fuckin brat babe help me
Jason: *grabs jason jr by his head shaking his head at him*
Jason jr: but dad fine sorry mom.....
Leysa: u can repay me by giving me some love sweetie
Jason jr: *hugs leysa* love u mom sorry again....
Blood: always repeat ur mom boy
Jason jr: yes papa blood
Galaxia: feel old yet blood because he's calling u papa now hahahah
Blood: oh eat me
Galaxia: i could hahaha
Surprise jr: gross u two just shut up
Hauntress: calm down babe we do dirty stuff too
Leysa: mom gross
B: dad makatza needs u
Blood: coming *disappears*
Galaxia: so pinkie wat r we gonna do for a this halloween?
Pinkie: ur mom
Leda: was there a joke about me?
Galaxia: yes
Pinkie: get up here babe it's Halloween time
Leda: oooooo this time of the year is very important for this family i heard
Luna: yes it is very important but wat is the theme?
Hauntress: we'll we should start off with trick or treating first then a haunted castle party?
Leysa: yes that's gonna be awesome mom
Surprise jr: hell yeah so it's settled then?
Pinkie: mhm I'll make my baked good for the trick or treater too
Galaxia mmmmm ur baked good r so delicious momma pinkie
Pinkie: thanks sweetie *feels a cold down her spine* hmm.........
Pennywise: looks who's home hahahah
Pinkie: daddy!? *jumps on her dad hugging him* where have u and cilka been dad?
Cilka: we been traveling sweetie and other stuff heheheh
Pennywise: but we came home for Halloween season
Pinkie: yaaaaay im so excited for this season yes
B: hi papa wise
Leysa: who's that momma
Hauntress: i guess he's ur great papa wise from wat B said
Surprise jr: that's my papa pennywise the dancing clown
Leysa: i don't know him do i?
Hauntress: no i only met him a few times aswell
Cilka: time to cook *walks in basement* pinkie u coming
Pinkie: blood i got numbers for u hurry
Surprise jr: i can get them mom
Pinkie: ok here's the number list and good luck *walks downstairs with leda*
Hauntress: babe need me to come with u?
Surprise jr: if u want to love
Hauntress: good i was going no matter wat *walks out of the castle with surprise*
Pennywise: huh well uh
Leysa: *looks up at pennywise* so ur my son great grand pap?
Pennywise: yes leysa i am
Leysa: and how do u know my name
Pennywise: hah hah i know all but *stretches* im heading to bed traveling took alot out of me and cilka night u three *walks upstairs*
Jason: *watches penny go to his room*
Jason jr: *runs outside getting tackled by makatza* ugh wat the?
Makatza: boom gotcha kid
Rave: wob wob wob
B: *bodyslams rave* wob wob wob urself bitch
Makatza: huh? Babe wat was that language?
Blood: my dead god language u two rooms now
Rave: but dad?
God: NOW!!!!!!!!!
B: *runs*
Rave: *runs*
Blood: *breathes calmly* wooo shit i was thinking i had to beat my kids asses so makatza ready?
Makatza: *fainted from the sight of god*
Jason jr: papa blood wat was that?
Blood: huh oh uh just a halloween trick yeah gotcha huh?
Jason jr: yea......... *passes out*
Blood: ooops
Galaxia: oh blood come to our room
Blood: oh hell yeah smoke time *teleports to their room*
Galaxia: *laying on their bed in a sexy position* smoke with me handsome
Blood: i see u already been smoking without me
Galaxia: s-so mmmm u-u di-irty di-ick mmmmm
Belinda: hazy? Vaas?
Vaas: shhh
Hazy: *giggles staying quite*
Belinda: vaas hazy where r u two?
Hazy: *jumps out* boo
Belinda: *jumps* dah!!!
Vaas: *is behind Belinda* boo
Belinda: *jumps again* ahhhh!!!! oh its u two? Assholes
Vaas: u love us babe *kisses Belinda deeply*
Hazy: im out *teleports*
Blood: hazy? Why r u here?
Hazy: i don't know? Well actually does venom like me?
Blood: I'd be lieing if he didn't
Hazy: so he does?
Blood: yes ma'am
Venom: *comes out of hazy shoulder* hazy? R u mad
Hazy: actually venom im interested on wat u can do?
Venom: oh? Uh this is a shocker?
Blood: before this goes anywhere ask ur mom and dad if it's ok
Hazy: there busy at the moment uncle
Blood: oh uh ok but don't do anything I've done hahahaha *walks off laughing*
Pennywise: blood my grandson
Blood: papa wise ur back?? *hugs pennywise* how was traveling?
Pennywise: good been so many places but halloween is coming
Blood: mhm *lites up a blunt*
Leysa: i smell weed?
Blood: leysa? Where's jason? I figured u be getting it down and dirty hahah
Leysa: fuck off uncle
Jerak: hi leysa dad uh who r u?
Pennywise: call me penny mister jerak
Pheadra: dad can we smoke with u three?
Blood: sure why *puffs on blunt passing it*
Jerak: *takes a couple puffs coughing* my th-hroat hu-urt now
Pennywise: *takes a couple puffs*
Leysa: *puffs on blunt* ooooo smooth wats it called
Pheadra: *takes a couple puffs*
Blood: it's a creeper weed but it's called sun star wraith
Jerak: sun star wraith *puffs on blunt* not bad........ *passes out*
Pennywise: ouch *yawns* im heading back to bed *walks upstairs*
Blood: nite pap
Pheadra: jerak is a lightweight hahaha *puffs on blunt passing out*
Leysa: so r u pheadra hahaha but *puffs on blunt* im gonna find my jason bye uncle have fun *teleports*
Blood: *walks outside puffing on his blunt*
Vaas: hey blood i gotta go to day and topaz place wanna go with me?
Blood: sure i gotta ask them if there coming to Halloween party
Vaas: portal?
Blood: mhm *summons a portal* lets go
Makatza: *seek in the portal after blood and vaas* huh?
To be continued
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brandnewhuman · 2 years
I was wondering if I may request some headcannons on how any of the slashers you would like to do would react if their S/O either jokingly or spitefully body slammed them?
Or if you can't think of anything for that maybe how they would react if their S/O was able to successfully win in a playful wrestling match?
I love your writing <3 It's made me laugh so much! Thank you!!
Bo sinclair☆ aka greasy horny man
Michael myers ☆ aka stinky angry bastard
Asa Emory ☆ aka unhinged bug honorary dilf
Tw: canon violence, Michael, Asa, mature language
A/N: ç_ç thank you so much. I love this request, sorry if it has took me so long to finish it but I've been very busy lately. Anyhow i love me some well deserved slasher bullying^^ most of them sometimes really need to get body slammed into humbleness 👹
You hated when Bo had to go out of town to buy certain things
You always missed him so much and he would be gone for hours since the nearest town is really far
It all started with you holding his hands to stop him from zipping up his coverall 
"What are you trying to do, doll?" He knew you so well that you couldn't even try to hide your intentions anymore 
You let go of his hands to hug him but then he did the unspeakable 
Caught by surprise you moved without thinking and just downright body slammed him on the bed 
In your defence you didn't meant to, you acted on reflex 
The way he was looking at you tho
He was flabbergasted, it seemed as he just witnessed you killing someone 
"Did you…how the fuck did you do it??" He frowned looking at you like you were an alien
You still had him pinned on the bed and after the initial shock you just bursted out in laughter 
Even you were caught by surprise by what you did
And he took it personally 
He was like "you know what? Maybe violence is the solution" 
So he pushed your arms against you (without hurting you of course) and rolled over so he was now the one pinning you against the bed
"Hey! No fair!! I wasn't even paying attention" and with that he got caged under you once again
The amounts of times he tried to overpower you failing miserably were concerning 
Truth be told you were having the time of your life doing this 
He was just getting his ego obliterated everytime 
It got to a point where you had to take mercy on him and allow him to win
Which he noticed and made him lose his marbles 
i- i can't GUYS I CAN'T 
The trip out of town was long forgotten and the two of you kept doing this shit until you body slammed him again, pinning him successfully on the ground without him being able to move
He was just wiggling under you almost on the verge of a mental breakdance about his ego getting destroyed like this
"OKAY YOU WIN. FUCKING HELL" "aaaw you give up so easily?"
Bro face went through all the shades of red and just closed his eyes trying to keep his cool 
One could think that because of Bo's past he was really mad but he trusts you so much that he knows that all of this is just playing around
That doesn't help the fact that he will pout for days about this saying that you didn't play nice 
If you ever tell anyone about this he can and will throw you in one of Lester's dumpsters pit of roadkill 
Can he tho? I mean if you don't beat his ass again maybe
Bro will swear on god that he let you win and you were just lucky
Once he accepts that he got his shit wrecked he will tell you to "instead of using that to bully your lovely boyfriend you should do it on victims" 
If you ever happen to successfully bodyslam and overpower one of those cocky bastards that always get on Bo's nerves making the whole killing them harder than it should be he will make sure to thank you properly. aka seggs time with our greasy man
Sometimes life gets boring, even for the boogeyman himself 
I can't remember who said but i read in one Michael Myers headcanon that he has like a very dry sense of humour, like he lives on inside jokes that only him and his malfunctioning unhinged brain can understand 
So when he gets bored he finds SO INCREDIBLY HILARIOUS to prank you
And by prank you I mean what Michael thinks is a prank which consists in disturbing your inner peace by scaring you with the most stupid shit he can pull off
Today we're taking a trip back in time and use a classic stunt that Michael seems to always find super funny
Dressing up as a ghost to just come out of the blue and scare your soul out of your body
Safe to say he didn't expected to get attacked like this
He planned everything so the prank could actually work 
Michael made sure to disappear for three days so he can get that surprise effect 
He waited until it was late at night when you usually start to get ready for bed
You were kind of worried about Michael. You're used to him to be out longer but never more than two days.
You were scared that something might had happened to him but even if you knew you wouldn't be able to find him and help him
The fact that you were being so nice to EVEN WORRY ABOUT THIS BITCH 
He put on the white bedsheet and putting at use his sneaky abilities he got inside your room and slowly walked towards you
You had you back facing him. You mindlessly brushed your hair as your concern for Michael invaded your mind
For the first time in his life he couldn't hold back the big smile he had at the thought of your face contorted in fear. This man is having the best of moment of his fucking life at your expenses 
It only took  Michael to put one (1) hand on your shoulder for you to choose violence 
Okay I want you all to collectively imagine this
A tall ass deranged bitch with a bedsheet over them getting brutally slammed against the fucking floor by who he thought was a peaceful and incapable of harm person 
To add to that fucking glitch in the simulation keep in mind said bitch is the eVil inCarnAted, the mf shape of haddonfield 
bro was taking the ego violation like a champ laying on that floor
Before land what would be a avenger threat level of a punch in his face you thought well of taking the sheet of so you could see who was the son of a bitch that had the audacity of try you 
"WHO THE FUCK ARE Y- oh, Michael?...w- MICHAEL" 
What an unexpected turn of events, it's YOUR son of a bitch 
He was glad of having on his mask too cause mate this is embarrassing 
He was questioning life and watching the world spinning around while simultaneously trying to understand how to get over the fact he has been body slammed by you
He snapped his eyes at you and in that moment he was like "ight, you wanna do this? LET'S DO IT. COME ON, YOU AND ME" 
Fair to say he took this whole thing very personally 
"Michael?..mi- no. Don't you fucking d-"
Congrats, you now have to wrestle with Michael Audrey Myers 
He used all his tricks, bringing out the big dogs and all. 
He even attempted to tickle your horny side by choking you so he could make you lose focus enough for him to put you in place
Didn't work, too angry mikey boy
At this point it was just sad how the two of you, both grown adults, kept going with this
You two clowns kept going, making a mess all around you
It all lasted until you straight up blocked Michael against the floor making moving or getting up successfully impossible for him
he groaned out of anger and frustration. He didn't have any dignity left so he just gave up 
That night he didn't even went near you and when you tried to ask him if he was okay because you felt guilty about possibly hurting him he almost took killing you in consideration 
After that shit he just kept trying to get the upper hand over you out of spite.
Baby boy is not going to forget this until he dies 
And you successfully humble him every time 
He kind of deserves this, being that much of a menace while getting cocky about it too can't he be healthy. He surely needs a reality check
You were one of Asa favourites, his pet if you will
The thing is that you knew perfectly how easy would be for you to just put him in his place and go away 
He apparently wasn't aware of this and if he was he never said anything
YOU allowed HIM so many things 
I know what everyone is thinking now "why would I stay or allow that if I can do something about it?"
You always had that "I can fix him" sort of mentality 
You met Asa at the University, you were colleagues and for a while you thought you both were like in love for real
Turns out bro was a psycho turning people into insects as a side hobby 
Maybe it was the Stockholm syndrome kicking in but you stayed because you actually care about him and you know deep inside he could be a good person
Yeah you're kinda dumb I'm sorry
But not everything sucks. Being Asa fav it's actually quite nice if you like don't put at work your brain cells too much
Lately though he has been noticing something. And he actually felt kinda stupid for not noticing before
You never did anything to fight him and if you did it was almost like you were restraining yourself from hurting him seriously 
Now I think that Asa is one of the few slashers who would be willing to sacrifice his ego just for the sake of knowing everything about you that could be useful
So one day, he decided to find out if you were really holding back or it was just him imagining things
It all happened so fast, one minute he was just putting makeup on you as always and the next he was trying to stab your face with one of his knife he hided in his pocket 
You immediately stop his arm from hitting your face, holding Asa wrist and looking at him wide eyed 
"What the fuck was that for?!" He tried to hit you again with his free hand and now you had to get back away from him ending up in falling from where you were sitting
He kept trying to attack you without answering your continuous questions
You tried mostly to dodge everything without actually hitting him back but when he caged you against the floor trying to slice your throat you just had to do something 
You were blocking him by pushing with your own forearm against the his to keep the black of the knife off your skin
You could feel your strength starting to falter in your arm so you just managed to free one of your legs to land your knee between his legs hard enough for him to get off of you
That gave you the time to swiftly switch positions slamming his big frame against the hard ground and snatching the knife from him, throwing it far away from both of you
"Stop! What's wrong with you!!?" There's a whole two part movie about that babe 
He was just looking at you in awe and now has finally stopped moving 
When you felt him relax you slowly let him go but kept on alert for any sign he might start fighting again
He slowly took off his mask and looked at you with a soft gaze, a small smile tugging on the corners of his mouth. One hand reached up towards your face to cupped your cheek, stopping briefly when you flinched slightly 
The realisation hit him so hard that it almost knocked out the air of his lungs. 
You could've escaped a long time ago, you could've defended yourself at any given moment and just left him behind. Hell you could've even killed him if you really wanted to but you never did. You silently let him do whatever he wanted without never doing anything to hurt him 
It was fascinating, he had never experienced something like this. He looked at you like it was the first he really did see your truly, that he noticed every little special thing about you were things you let him see because you wanted to and not because he pushed them out of you
You did really like him and you genuinely cared for him. This knowledge was something weirdly comforting for him
Lately the idea of you merely fearing him was not enough, he wanted you to need him and want him 
And now that he knew you were capable of just raw strength and capacity of defending yourself but never used it against him is, for the first time in his life, making him feel butterflies tickling his insides. 
You were still on top of him, just looking down into his face clueless and confused but leaning on his touch nonetheless oblivious to the fact that Asa was now starting to believe you were becoming more of only a pet for him. 
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lovetorn · 3 years
all for the game [dream]
Exy player!Dream x Reader
summary: dream runs into trouble when the florida falcons play the edgar allan ravens.
w/c: 3.4k+ :D
warnings: violence, blood, swearing, ha typical exy shit
a/n: an au based on my favourite book trilogy, all for the game. idea by 🍀 anon <3 i wrote this for my own enjoyment AHHAHAAH. if u don’t understand the rules etc of exy, it’s basically hockey, soccer and lacrosse meshed together, but if u have any questions, send me an ask!
Exy is a bastard sport, an evolved sort of lacrosse with the violence of ice hockey. Dream loves every aspect of it. It is vastly different from the usual college football, and it certainly gives you more bruises. Maybe a little too many more bruises. Played in a stadium, on a soccer-sized basketball court with plexiglass to protect the crowd, it brings Dream immense joy.
Scooping the ball into the net of his racket, Dream looks at the wall before he uses his body to launch the ball towards it. The ball is quick to bounce back and plop into Dream’s net. He adjusts his grip on the stick and tilts his head, deciding where his next shot should be.
“Dream?” The dirty blonde turns around and sees you push through the plexiglass door that leads onto the court. “Hey!”
Dream smiles from under his helmet. “Hi, Y/n!” You don't play Exy, choosing to watch your best friend from the sidelines instead. He grips the grate of his helmet and slides his head out of it, his hair sticking up in every direction. “What are you doing here?”
You throw your arms up. “Coming to see you practice the great sport that is Exy,” You laugh before spinning around and looking up at the highest seats of the stadium. “Haven’t broken a bone yet, I assume?” This made Dream laugh.
“No, not yet. Saving that for the game against the Ravens.”
Dream’s determination for Exy scared you a little bit—it was almost like he wanted to get hurt. “Easy, tiger. We all know what happened last time we played them. Never again, please,” You shake your head, walking closer to him. The last time the Florida Falcons played the West Virginia Edgar Allan Ravens, Dream got a concussion so bad he couldn’t walk for a few days. You had sworn they would pay for their damage, but Dream went against you.
Dream rolls his eyes, lightheartedly. “That’s the way the game goes, Y/n. No way you can stop it,” he said that back then, too. You throw him a glare before taking the racket out of his hand to gain his full attention.
“Just, please be careful.” You practically beg. Dream’s eyebrows raise slightly, surprised. He didn’t see that coming.
“Yeah, always,” He follows your eyes as they trace the scar that runs from his temple to the middle of his forehead. You sigh and pass his racket back to him.
The dark purple Edgar Allan Ravens bus pulls into the Falcon’s home stadium car park that Friday night. Fans from all over the state and West Virginia crowd the entrances and surprisingly, there are a lot more supporters in purple and black than green and white.
Dream looks down at his forest green Exy uniform and smooths out his jersey. He rolls his neck in a circle to release the building tension. A hand clamps down on his shoulder as Dream slips his hands into his green and white gloves.
“You’re gonna be fine, dude. We all are,” Sapnap says, although Dream can hear the waver in his voice. Dream shakes his head and Sapnap inhales sharply.
“Nah, we won’t be.”
Sapnap slides his hand off of Dream’s shoulder and turns around, probably going to the bathroom to calm his crippling trepidation. The locker room is silent as the team moves around, changing and preparing themselves for the game ahead. Dream tries not to think about the team on the other side of the stadium, who are most likely already warming up despite the game starting in an hour.
Dream opens his locker and fumbles around for his phone. He needs to know that you’re here. Opening his messages, he’s frozen from the notifications coming through.
I hope your little friend prayed for you last night.
You got lucky with that concussion. Take this as a warning.
Dream’s fingertips trail up to hover above the scar on his forehead. He clenches his fist and throws his phone back into the locker, not flinching when the dark green metal dents. Dream leans his head against his forearm that rests on the locker.
“Dream! Dude, calm down,” A voice calls from across the room. Footsteps come up behind him and Dream has to stop the tears collecting on his waterline. “It’ll be fine, Coach said he might put you on for one half.”
George’s comments do nothing to soothe Dream’s anxiety. Dream has told nobody about the threats he’s been getting for a few days leading up to this game. If he told you, he wouldn’t even be here. You.
Dream ducks down to find his phone. George furrows his eyebrows as he watches. “Wha—?”
Grasping his phone, Dream then stalks out of the locker room. He walks down the hallway towards the inner court, presses your phone number on his now-smashed phone, and brings it to his ear. Pick up, pick up. “Dream?”
The sound of your voice makes Dream exhale deeply. “Where are you?” He asks desperately.
Dream can hear the crowd chattering through the phone as he scans over the stadium trying to find you.
“Uh, section 4, row 38, where I am every home game. Why? Is everything okay?” The worry in your voice is evident and it fails to calm Dream down like he thought it would. And when he sees waves of purple instead of green, his anxiety grows.
“I—Y/n. I need to see you, I don’t—I can’t,” Dream screws his eyes shut and tries to breathe through his nose slowly.
“Dream, I’m coming. I can see you in the inner court. Stay there.”
Y/n hangs up after that and Dream looks at his phone.
Scared? A text says from an unknown number.
Dream presses his tongue into the inside of his cheek and blinks a few times. A knock on the plexiglass behind him startles Dream. He turns and sees you smiling. He lifts his hand in a small wave and you do the same, laughing at him. At least he has a way to take his mind off of the shit with the Ravens.
A bell signals the start of the line-up announcements and Dream throws his thumb over his shoulder. You nod, understandingly, and blow him a kiss. Dream smiles shyly, his cheeks growing pink before he turns to leave.
You make your way back up to your seat, your legs bouncing in anticipation as the Ravens walk on the court one by one while the announcer calls the line-up. Once the Ravens are in a line on the halfway line, the Falcons are announced.
Since teams are co-ed, the variances in heights differ greatly. The Ravens are much taller than a majority of the Falcons, which gives them an advantage, to an extent. Dream had told you that being shorter allows you to move around the court with more agility, but being 6’2’’, Dream chose to be a striker instead of a dealer or a backliner.
“Number 2, Dream Tucker.”
At the sound of your best friend’s name, you stand and cheer, earning a few dirty looks from Ravens fans. As the remainder of the team is announced, you grow more nervous than you thought possible. A warning buzzer sounds and both teams go back to their benches.
“Alright, guys, this is our biggest game of the season, again. The last game against these idiots wasn’t ideal, but don’t let that deter you from doing your best tonight. That goes for you too, Dream," Coach looks towards Dream and he nods. Dream draws his bottom lip between his teeth from under his helmet and looks down at the ground. Sapnap’s hand slaps Dream's back in support and then the rest of the team is in agreement.
At his teammates’ words, Dream huffs. He can do this. The starting team goes onto the court, the doors closing behind them with a thump and then the scrape of a lock.
Dream sits on the bench next to Punz and Liliana. They hear the buzzer go off again and then watch as Sapnap flicks the ball into the air and slams it with his racket. There’s a distinctive crack as both teams race off their lines to find their preferred place on the court along with the players they need to mark. Three bodies crash into each other and the ball pops out on the other side, rolling silently.
At the sight of violence, the stadium roars. A Ravens backliner throws the ball and it hits the plexiglass in front of Dream who jumps in surprise. The ball is picked up off the floor by another Ravens player. He throws it to a girl who is running across the court and it lands perfectly into her net. Dream sees Tegan bodyslam the girl into the wall, the glass shuddering under their weight and Sapnap throws his hand up in a thumbs-up at Tegan, who smiles under her helmet.
The ball sails high in the air and players push and shove each other under it. As it comes down, George gets pushed to the floor, skidding to a stop a few feet away. The Ravens striker looks George dead in the eye and smirks as he catches the ball. He then tosses it powerfully towards the home court goal and the Falcons' goalie, Gabby, hits it up the court and away from herself. Dream, Punz and Liliana cheer from their spots on the subs bench.
“Nice one, Gabs! Falcons down the court!” Coach yells through the plexiglass.
Dream wears a smile when he turns back to look at you. You grin back, give him a thumbs-up, and nod. That’s when Dream knows he’s ready.
But, ten minutes into the game, the Ravens break the Falcons defensive line. The ball slips through the gap between Gabby’s torso and racket and lands in the back of the net, the siren above the goal going red and blaring a high-pitched sound. The Ravens don’t hug or cheer and return to their places on the court. Their fans, however, throw insults and middle fingers up at the Falcons while screaming and hollering.
“Fuck’s sake,” Dream mumbles. Punz slaps his pair of gloves against the bench and Liliana shakes her head.
The game went on like this for the rest of the half—the Ravens scoring 6 more goals, the Falcons scoring none. At half-time, Sapnap throws his helmet on the floor of the locker room.
“I fucking hate these guys,” He curses, pacing around the room. Coach sits on a chair, his elbows on his knees.
“We all do, but complaining about it isn’t going to help us win,’ Dream says. “Coach put me on.”
Coach looks at Dream for a moment. The tension in the room is thick and Dream knows he’s pushing his luck by asking. Nonetheless, Coach sighs before nodding stiffly.
“Dream goes on for Peter, Punz on for Drew, Liliana on for Tegan.”
And so it’s decided. Dream’s thumbs fly across his screen as he texts you. You pull your phone out of your pocket at the sound of your text tone and see the message. I’m on.
You smirk softly at it and message him back before you tuck your phone back into your pocket. The warning buzzer sounds and then both teams are back on the court: the Ravens with a whole new line-up and the Falcons with their three new subs.
Dream’s heart pounds in his chest, sending shuddery heat through every inch of his body. He holds his breath in anticipation for the serve, and then it starts. The Ravens are clearly a lot more experienced than the Falcons, but that doesn’t stop the team in green from giving everything they’ve got.
The ball hits the far wall and comes soaring back, thanks to the Ravens goalie. Dream jumps to catch it before it can fly over his head and it lands safely in the soft net of his striker racket. He looks around for opponents and takes 7 steps of his allowed 10, and passes it to George who is open further down the court. George catches the ball, then twists and passes the ball across to Punz. His mark collides with him a moment later and George goes sliding, his arm out with his racket to help him balance. Punz runs down the court, stops, then throws the ball to Liliana. His mark slams his racket down violently on Punz’s in retaliation. The backliner shakes his head in annoyance and continues running.
Dream is already near the goal by the time it gets to him again. He gets the ball and only has two steps to aim and shoot before a Ravens player crashes into him. Dream hits the ground so hard, he rolls. But, the crowd holds their breath as they watch the ball sail past the goalie and into the back of the net. The siren glows red and all Dream can hear is his ears ringing. Sapnap runs up to Dream and helps him up, congratulating him in the process. Dream looks around confused before realising he scored a goal. The entire team rushes towards him, cheering and laughing.
“Good job, Dream! Let’s do that again!” Coach yells. Dream’s surprised he can hear him over the crowd.
The game starts again with Falcons serve. The Falcons’ are fired up and back in the game, even if it is 6-1. And as soon as George throws Dream the ball, he dodges his mark and flies up the court, unguarded and ready to score again. The Ravens’ goalie isn’t prepared for Dream’s throw and misses the ball as it’s thrown at him, making the score 6-2. The crowd gets impossibly louder and Dream looks up into the sea of people to spot you. The smile on your face gives Dream newfound confidence and then everybody is back at their starting positions.
The Ravens are angry, there’s no doubt about that. Sapnap gives the striker a boyish smirk and a snide comment, which Dream can’t hear. He guesses it pisses them off because the second the ball is thrown from the Ravens dealer, the striker goes straight for Sapnap. The younger boy is thrown against the wall of the court and continues to spit insults at the Ravens player, despite his situation.
“Sapnap! Get out of there, bro!” Punz yells, collecting the ball from the ground and throwing it back to Gabby to hit up the court. Sapnap laughs and shakes his head, his lips still moving. Dream sees, out of the corner of his eye, the Ravens player drawing his fist back before punching Sapnap in the nose. The Falcons fans in the crowd start booing at the unnecessary violence and the referees unlock the doors to intervene. Dream meets Sapnap’s eye and raises his eyebrows when he sees Sapnap laughing, blood dripping into his mouth and coating his teeth. The referees pull the Ravens striker off of Sapnap and give him a red card for throwing the first punch. The Ravens fans boo and start swearing at the referees, but their cries are drowned out by the sound of the home crowd.
Due to the incident, the teams are to go back to their positions to start the serve again. Now that the Ravens are down a player, Dream knows the ways to get around them, especially when Sapnap is unguarded.
“Dream!” Sapnap calls when Dream catches the ball. He spins around a little too quickly, loses his balance slightly but throws the ball anyway. As he watches it fly across the court, Dream feels his entire body get crushed against the wall of the court. His head rebounds off the wall from the impact. There’s a heavy weight that pushes him into it more and he can’t breathe. Dream flails his arms, drops his racket, and attempts to push the Ravens player off of him. There’s no doubt that Dream hit his head again. He knows he did. A helmet can only do so much.
Dream can only hear ringing in his ears as he feels the Raven get pulled off—and it isn't the same ringing he heard when he scored the Falcons first goal. He tries to scramble to his feet before he crumples to the ground. Dream blinks a few times, disorientated, but still fails to gain a conscious mind. His eyes start to close when he feels his helmet being tugged off and then someone’s slapping his cheeks. “Stay awake, Dream.”
Dream can barely hear the sound of someone slamming their fists against the plexiglass behind him and then the person in front of him nods. He thinks it’s Sapnap. “Come on, bro, it’s only a few steps and then you can lie down.”
Dream’s head lols to the side, eyes half-open and a lazy grin on his mouth. “Sappy,” he slurs. Sapnap lets out a laugh for the first time since his best friend got knocked out and smiles at him.
“Yeah, dude, it’s me. We’re gonna get you fixed up, okay?” Dream nods before he closes his eyes. “No, no, Coach!” The world fades out around him and Dream falls unconscious.
The light is so bright above him. Dream closes his eyes again after he opens them and groans softly. The sound is almost too quiet for you to hear, but you do. And when you do, you lift your head from where you were resting on the edge of his bed. The chair you are sitting in is uncomfortable, so when you stand up, your muscles ache. “Hey, baby, how do you feel?”
If Dream was fully conscious, he would have blushed immensely at the sound of the pet name, but for the moment, he feels like he’s in a dream. His mouth is dry and he struggles to keep his eyes open for longer than 3 seconds. “You don’t have to talk, it’s okay.”
Dream feels pressure on his hand and moves his head slightly to see that your fingers are wrapped around his. You hear him murmur something, and lean down.
“Hi,” He whispers. You furrow your eyebrows at his greeting and look him in the eyes.
“That’s all I get? Hi?” You let out a breathy laugh and use your other hand to brush his hair away from his forehead. But, Dream can’t feel you on his skin. He hesitantly lifts his other hand to touch his forehead and feels a bandage.
“Surprise! Another scar,” You joke. Although, Dream can hear the edge to your words. Your smile disappears from your lips and then you sigh. Your eyes scan over Dream’s face, noting the dull green of his eyes and the pale of his skin. “Oh, Dream. I was so worried about you.”
Dream opens his eyes from when they had fallen closed again and sees the silent tears dripping down your cheeks. “It’s okay, I’m here, I’m fine,” His voice is scratchy and the sound of the word ‘fine’ does not sound fine. You smile sadly at him, then huff, wiping at your face.
“I almost forgot…” You trail off, rounding the bed to the other side to pick up a bowl and a cotton ball. You sit on the edge of the bed and dip the cotton into the antiseptic. You turn Dream’s head slowly to get a better look at the cut on his cheek. You drag the medicine over the gash and watch as Dream doesn’t flinch.
Once you are done, you place both of the things on the side table of the medical bay in the Falcons home stadium and look at Dream. He gives you a lazy smile and his fingers twitch against yours. “Thank you.”
You nod, eyes wide. “Of course, you know I’ll always be here to clean you up.”
Dream can feel his skin heating up. You get a concerned look on your face when you see the rise in pink on his cheeks. “Oh my god, are you heating up? Do you have a fever?”
He wants to laugh so badly. “Y/n, I’m okay. It’s not a fever. I’m blushing,” Dream says bashfully.
You realise why and then grow embarrassed. “Oh.”
The air isn’t tense, but there’s something there and you want to stick around to find out what it is.
Feedback is always appreciated xx
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