#I need another Dendro unit
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;;ooc: For the New Year, I will be reviewing all of my current Genshin builds & how I want to improve them in the upcoming year.
This is a very long post so buckle up! I currently have 27 characters geared up and ready to go which is way too many, I am aware. I should really start investing more in a few select units but I love the Genshin cast so much, I want to use them. T ^ T There's still so many other units I want to build too but I'm all out of artifacts haha.
Of course, we have to kick things off with my girl herself!
Right now, I have an 'all-purpose' build on her with balanced ATK%, EM, CRIT and ER% stats.
As much as I would love to have a cracked 4P BiS for each separate element, I simply have not had the time nor resin to do so while also giving some love and attention to my other characters. T ^ T
I do have her skill and burst talents leveled to at least 10-11 for all elements, with Dendro MC having the highest investment because it is the element I use the most.
In terms of which elements I use - from most to least - it would be: Dendro, Electro, Geo, Hydro, Anemo. All of them are used as sub DPS characters aside from Hydro - who has no off field abilities so she is a vape DPS instead.
Goals: First and foremost, I really want to get Jade Cutter for her. This does mean I will have to change her sands to an ER% one and her circlet to a crit DMG one, so it will require some additional farming, unfortunately. I do have a pretty good off set ER% sands but no emblem crit DMG circlets.
My precious boy is finally on a 4P vermillion set! He is definitely high investment and without Xianyun, he does not hit those crazy numbers yet but I hope she will have a rerun in either 5.4 or 5.5 so I can give his damage another boost.
Goals: I would like to get a sands with a bit higher crit DMG and perhaps some ER on there as well. The one Lumine has an off-piece right now is pretty good, but that would require an on-set crit DMG circlet with a decent amount of ER%. The circlet he has right now has a bunch of ER% rolls and that's exactly what this build needed since I don't have his C1 or a triple anemo team to boost the particle generation.
The second little meow meow is here! He got a 5* weapon quite recently when I pulled Lost Prayer from standard banner. His build does not rank very high on Akasha but I enjoy using them. In overworld, I prefer Wanderer over Xiao because he's not reliant on his burst to do 90% of his damage.
Goals: Getting a 4P desert pavillion is obviously the dream but I don't know if that will happen this year haha. A goblet with both crit stats or a flower with some atk% and higher crit DMG would be nice. I might go back to strongboxing some VV next year so perhaps he'll get an upgrade there!
This man is the GOAT. His crit DMG is on the lower side for an obsidian codex build but this is what works for me now since I don't have a crit rate weapon on him. The damage he does in a classic burning team with a F2P craftable weapon (albeit R5) is honestly pretty insane. He has saved me the past 3 abyss cycles and I have not regretted pulling him at all.
Goals: A crit DMG circlet is the ultimate goal. This would require either more crit rate stats on his other artifacts or switching back to Serpent Spine for his weapon. Although I'm not even sure if it would translate to more damage since the Earth Shaker passive is really good on him. Perhaps I will pull for his signature on his rerun, we'll see...
Alhaitham you are hot af but you're also one of the hardest characters to build...This man needs EM, crit and ER% and he ascends with NONE OF THOSE. I do have other builds with higher CV but then his ER is barely existent so I had to find a balance. I think a bit more CR and maybe some less CD might get me better results but I have switched around artifacts on this man so many times, I just cannot anymore. T ^ T Gilded Dreams has to be my most unlucky artifact set ever...
Goals: I would love to get his CR up to 70~75% while maintaining at least 300 EM and 150-160% crit DMG. I tried to pull for his signature but lost to Skyward Harp, unfortunately. If I do end up getting Jade Cutter from chronicled, I might sometimes put it on him so I can focus more on crit DMG with his artifacts.
Mualani is a character I was super excited about getting because I loved everything about her: design, vibes, idle animations, etc. Hydro is one of my favorite elements too. At first her playstyle was really fun because in Natlan, she can keep surfing almost endlessly. ...But then I began playing her in Abyss or outside of Natlan and suddenly I had to actually stack her hits quickly or her skill would end with me only getting 1 or 2 skary bites off. I am a skill issue player and I suck at playing her, so she has been benched for the past month or so. I really hope I can get better at playing her one day because her damage potential is insane. She has hit the highest numbers on my account ever with over 300k in Abyss.
Goals: Her build is super solid as is, but a bit more EM won't hurt. Her crit DMG is quite inflated so I wouldn't mind sacrifying some of that for more HP%, EM and a teeny bit more crit rate.
My very first 4* from standard and the only Pyro DPS on my account to this day. Hu Tao? Nah. Lyney? Nope. Arle? Nu-uh. I have a C2 Diluc collecting dust because Yanfei is my girl! She might not be as strong as 5* units, but I love her attack combos and always have a blast playing her!
I recently changed her build from 4P Wanderer's to 2P 2P because Tighnari needed some of her pieces. At first I thought it would be a downgrade but the boost in ER% and crit DMG makes it so she actually hits harder.
Goals: A flower and feather from Wanderer's Troupe with similar stats as my current 2P MH so I can get her back on a 4P would be nice. A bit more crit rate wouldn't hurt either. She does get a 15% increase when targets are below 50% HP, which is nice against chonky bosses but doesn't do as much against overworld mobs which die very quickly anyway.
I used to have this boy on 2P WT and 2P Deepwood but by yoinking some pieces from Yanfei, he's now on a 4P Wanderer's Troupe! I feel the difference more with him than I do with Yanfei, so I think it was worth it.
My biggest struggle with Tighnari is that I can never fit Nahida on his teams, so I end up having to run Zhongli on deepwood instead. Perhaps in the future I will build my Kirara to fill the role of shielder + deepwood holder instead. For off-field electro, my only options are Fischl and Kuki but Kuki isn't great for ranged combat and Oz is single target, so I need Kazuha for grouping & spreading the electro aura to the other enemies.
Goals: Higher crit DMG and for Hoyo to make an electro shielder with off field electro application lol.
My electro queen and the first 5* I pulled from standard banner! She was my main for the longest time alongside Yanfei. I have been purchasing Wolf-Fang from the BP forever so she doesn't have to share with Alhaitham lol. Again, I might sometimes run her on Jade Cutter went I get it from the Chronicled Wish.
Goals: Her pieces are honestly kind of garbage but her crit DMG ascension + crit rate weapon make up for a lot. I do have a flower with higher CV but I need this one for the EM - which is already very low for an aggravate comp. I'm forced to run her with double dendro + Nahida to get about 250 extra EM.
The Pyro Archon - BOUKEN DA BOUKEN! I swap around his circlet and weapon quite a bit depending on what my team needs. Favonius with crit rate circlet when I need particles, Sapwood for the bigger attack buffs and healing bonus circlet when I run him as a solo healer with Furina. He never gets all of the fanfare stacks but usually the atk buff he provides is more valuable than getting full fanfare.
Also yes, I activated his C6 and have not regretted it at all. I actually like playing around with it at times.
Goals: I would love to get more personal damage out of Bennett as he can actually hit really hard with his burst when running a Pyro DMG goblet and crit circlet. I just haven't really invested enough in Noblesse to have the right pieces for that.
I did not get Xingqiu until quite a few months into playing the game and even when I did, I did not build him right away because I hate his original design lol. Now that he has a skin, it's gotten much more comfortable for me to play him because I actually enjoy looking at him. His build is pretty average but he does what I need him to do - apply a whole bunch of Hydro and enable reactions such as vape, hyperbloom, etc.
He is insanely strong and while his design might not be my personal favorite, it would be a huge loss not to use him in a lot of my teams.
Goals: Level his talents to 1/12/12 and maybe get a bit more CV on him. Other than that, he does his job just fine as is.
I have a love-hate relationship with this girl right here. I know she's supposed to be AMAZING but my build on her is pretty mid and I also really struggle with Oz uptime...In AoE content in particular, she feels quite clunky when you don't have a grouper like Kazuha around.
Goals: Get a better crit rate circlet or an on-set atk%/EM sands which will allow me to use an off-set crit rate circlet.
Do not fear, Yaoyao is here! Using her as a typical healer did not do much for my account nor did I enjoy playing her that way, so instead I slapped my unused MH set and spare Deathmatch on her. I also have a spare PJWS but Deathmatch gives more CR so it works better with my current pieces.
Goals: Get a flower with crit rate on it. The one I had on her previously was given to my Yanfei, so I had to change my build a little. Yaoyao is not top priority - of course - but I'll have to farm the MH/GT domain anyway for Fischl and Albedo so if I get an upgrade for her along the way, I won't complain.
Zhongli also has two builds: the first focuses more on his personal damage as a burst sub DPS. The second one is specifically for teams with a Dendro DPS, either Kinich with Bennett/Xiangling or Tighnari with Fischl/Kazuha.
Zhongli is the second limited 5* character I pulled and while he is never the highest DPS option for a team, he is so comfortable for a skill issue player such as myself, I can not imagine how I would play this game without him.
Goals: I think I want to eventually change his sub DPS build to 2P Noblesse / 2P Tenacity for the 20% HP. I generally run him with. Bennett on teams which benefit from the atk% boost, so the 4P is a bit overkill. It's just that right now, I have better DPS pieces for Noblesse than for Tenacity.
Probably the easiest character to build on my entire account because I already had a 4P VV with EM main stats ready before I pulled him. (Thank you Strongbox for that EM goblet!) Even with lower crit stats, he still does amazing and his grouping is so much fun when taking on smaller mobs in the overworld. Just like Zhongli, I cannot imagine an account without him. I skipped on C1 Xiao to have a guaranteed for this boy and I do not regret it at all.
Goals: A feather with EM and a flower with more EM would be nice. Or more ER on my sands/circlet which could allow me to run an EM weapon instead. Although Fav is so good for team-wide particles, I think it's more worth it than hitting the 1000 EM on him.
The other Pyro Archon, Xiangling! Even though she's on banners every other patch, she's never on the ones I wish on so this girl is stuck at C0, unfortunately. Maybe I can get a copy or two from the Chronicled Wish banner because I would love to have her C4. Her build is pretty good but without C4, her damage output is just a lot less, unfortunately. T ^ T
Goals: Cons, please...Also maybe a bit more ER% and EM without sacrificing too much crit.
Remember when I said Gilded Dreams is my unluckiest artifact set? When it comes to Alhaitham pieces - it is - but Kuki pieces? Oh boy the game loves giving me those HP% and EM rolls. Just look at those feather and flower! I have her on a 5P Gilded now because I don't have a single off-piece which is better lol.
Goals: An EM goblet with HP% is the only thing which could improve this right now. It's very low priority though because her heals are pretty decent even now.
Kaeya is a character which I was not originally going to build but I had these artifacts leftover and figured: why not. It's not a great build but he's mostly there to enable melt reactions.
Goals: I would like to give him a proper build and improve his pieces. Especially the goblet is not great but it's the only Cryo DMG goblet I have leveled on my entire account whoops.
The best character in the whole game, anyone? Seriously Furina is so good - both her personal damage and her support capabilities. When I use her in the overworld, I can just sit around for the most part and let her little animals take care of the easy mobs.
Goals: Get a bit more ER. I sometimes have to switch her to fav, especially in teams where she's the only Hydro character. Other than that I'm very happy with her build!
My first limited 5* and the character I started playing the game for. I love soft pastel girls and Kokomi fit the bill perfectly! Even though she cannot crit, her mono hydro team with Xingqiu, Kazuha and Furina is so comfy to play and I have actually cleared the Abyss with it as well.
Goals: None at the moment! I do have a lot of wasted crit rolls on her pieces so I might eventually farm a second Ocean-Hued Clam set. Then I can potentally transfer some of these pieces over to a character like Qiqi or Charlotte who can benefit from the crit stats more. I should probably level her weapon to 90 as well haha.
Nahida my beautiful radish baby!! I am so sorry that I had to skip you in 4.4 but my guaranteed Xiao was waiting for me. When I got her and Kuki on her latest banner, it instantly boosted my account by giving me access to some very strong hyperbloom teams. I can slot her and Kuki on basically every team and it works great!!
I have another build with almost 100 EM but way less crit rate so I actually prefer this one. Especially since I generally run her with a 1000 EM Kuki so she still gets the full buff with her burst!
Goals: Perhaps a bit more ER on the goblet or some more EM on the flower/feather. Crit rate on the sands or crit DMG on the circlet would be nice too but none of those are priority.
This is barely a build but I do use him in some double Geo comps so I decided to put him here. Not having his 'signature' from the limited event hurts me every day. Harbinger is a great weapon but it does mean he is attached to Zhongli's hip or I have to swap off him very quickly.
Goals: Where do I even begin? I want to do a complete overhaul of his build. Either a new 4P Golden Troupe with better substats, or I might aim for a 2P husk 2P GT or even 4P husk instead. I am also considering leveling the new Natlan DEF% sword for him. It all depends on the main stats/substats I can get on my artifacts.
My Faruzan is basically just there to buff Xiao/Wanderer, which is why her pieces are very scuffed. I just tried to get enough ER and some crit rate to proc the favonius weapon. Which is a shame because her personal damage at C6 is nothing to scoff at either.
Goals: I want to get more Tenacity pieces so I can give her a proper build with a nice 1:2 crit rate (60/120 would be ideal) without sacrificing ER. A bit more atk% would be nice too. Lastly, I want to get her final acension and max out her burst level talent for optimal buffs.
I don't use my Jean super often, but sometimes her team-wide healing is very nice alongside Furina. I got her from Noelle's banner when I just started playing so I honestly should give her more love, but I've build too many units, it's hard to give all of them attention.
Goals: I think having a 4P VV set might be better on her so she can also res shred when I'm playing any team with reactions. I also want to get a bit more crit DMG and atk on her.
Layla's shield is THICC and that is all I need from her. If I ever get her C6, I might build her for damage too but right now her shield and normal attack buffs are all I need. I love her design so it's a shame I can't play her on field, but she's still quite useful to me in melt or freeze teams.
Goals: Right now I'm happy with her even though she does not crit. Her shield is almost as strong as Zhongli's and the fact that she does have some decent Cryo application is nice when I use her with Yanfei.
This character threw me off guard with his personality so much. I thought he was gonna be an edgy/cold boy but he's such a precious ray of sunshine!! I am so glad I managed to get her on one yolo 10-pull. His build is something I threw together quite quickly so he's hard-carried by his weapon but I love using him in taser and even hyperbloom teams!
Goals: I want to switch him over to Chain-breaker so I don't have to keep on swapping Skyward Harp between him and Tighnari. This means I will have to get a better 4P Scroll set on him so that's a top priority for now.
Last but not least, we have everyone's favorite housewife - Thoma! I got C6 while wishing for Kinich and this is pretty much the only team I use him on right now - hence the 4P deepwood on him. He doesn't do much damage on his own but he enables Kinich to do big PP damage and that's honestly what I want from him the most.
Goals: His HP% is quite low because he's only level 70 for now. I would like to get him up to 80/90. I generally run Zhongli on my Kinich teams as well (giving him Layla's tenacity set) so the weaker shield is not that big of an issue. I maybe want to play around with Burgeon Thoma too, but that would require getting FLOP pieces.
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what about the gang's genshin mains and why they main them
Ahhhh thank you for this question!
Love me some Genshin and JoJo mixtures!
Also, forgive me because I am 100% a use characters if I like their design and individual play style and NOT a cohesive team user lol
Bruno Bucciarati
Archon collector.
His main goal is to collect all of the Archons.
So his team is pretty simple.
Raiden, Venti, Nahida, and Zhongli.
He’s not sure what he’ll do as the other Archons become playable.
But for now, it works out for him.
He just likes the idea that he can play as gods in a game.
Though, he does find their characters to have questionable actions.
Their favorite character: Nahida.
Leone Abbacchio
Hu Tao main, hands down.
Because of this, he also uses Zhongli.
They work well together on a team.
But also the character dynamic is his biggest draw to them.
After that, he isn’t as picky as who else he uses.
But he has heard that Yelan and Xingqiu would bring his team to the next level.
He likes Hu Tao’s play style because it’s risky and gives him a sort of adrenaline rush.
He also likes Hu Tao’s personality.
Favorite character: pretty obvious.
Pannacotta Fugo
Has a constant rotation.
He plays based off of whoever best fits his needs in that moment.
He is very partial to using Geo, however.
Any excuse to throw a Geo in there and he’ll take it.
Especially fond of using Itto, Albedo, and Gorou.
The fourth member is on constant rotation, however.
But he does have other side teams for his rotational needs.
Favorite character: Albedo.
Narancia Ghirga
Aesthetics Only.
He doesn’t care how well a team works together.
He wants to use characters that he simply thinks look (or act) cool.
Childe is always a go-to for him.
Xiao, Dori, and Lyney are next.
He thinks they’re all neat!
Doesn’t care that it makes the game harder.
He makes Fugo join him in his world to chest hunt, though.
And will have Fugo do artifact hunting for him.
Or rather- Fugo volunteers to help because Narancia’s team hurts his soul.
Favorite character: Childe.
Guido Mista
Tall guys unite team.
Doesn’t necessarily care about how well the characters work together.
He’s focused more on how his team looks.
Though, bases his off of height.
Alhaitham, Nevillette, Wriothesley, and Zhongli.
Occasionally will rotate Childe and Diluc into the mix.
He does, however, have another team with Cyno, Venti, Itto, and Kaeya.
That’s the funny bones team.
They just make him laugh.
Favorite character: Venti (for the memes).
Giorno Giovanna
Always considers his team carefully.
He thinks every character has a use and wants to use them all to their best potential.
Will come up with the most hair-brained teams but somehow makes them work together.
Is very partial to Dendro visions.
He would use Tighnari as much as possible.
From there, he would use whoever he’s in the mood for.
Favorite character: Tighnari.
Trish Una
Aesthetic with a purpose.
Trish is actually amazing at games.
However, she values the aesthetic of her team and heavily calculates that into how she builds it.
Prefers a perma-frost team.
Female characters ONLY.
Ayaka, Shenhe, Kokomi, and Yelan is her forever team.
Though, she has side teams of other characters she simply finds beautiful but doesn’t fit her main team’s strong core.
Side team 2; Nilou, Yae Miko, Keqing, Layla.
Side team 3; Ningguang, Yun Jin, Jean, Faruzan.
Favorite character: all of the female characters.
#jojo's bizarre adventure#jojo part 5#narancia ghirga#guido mista#bruno buccellati#leone abbacchio#giorno giovanna#pannacotta fugo#bruno bucciarati#jojo headcanons#trish una#genshin impact#JoJo and Genshin junk
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long time no alt account moment smh
Anyway! so yeah ended up with a bit of an impulse pull of emilie here - im by no means like, crazy about her or her design (VA direction in english also being what it is. combat lines especially. the rest is fine) but i had a guarantee left over for attempting furina c1 for this acc and with no particular interest in the 5.0 characters and emilie herself being a pretty solid off fielder (my alt has. way too many on fielders JKJKWJKWDJKD) who has synergies with units like neuvi and arle i was just like. why the hell not. shes still cute and i do love the green color theme a bunch
(she also came early!!!! i had 29 pity when i did my first and only ten pull needed and she dropped at 31 pity which is very nice obviously lmao)
but yeah another part of this sudden emilie inspiration is that somehow this account on my way to a decent arle build had managed to roll what is like. a fairly insane 3p of the burning set and today i rolled a very nice off-piece dendro goblet and so i went to myself all. well okay with these artifacts ready to go if i now go get a crit rate circlet from reverie (ANY CR circlet at all mind you) then it combined with my skyward spine is like. a respectable enough build right out of the box for emilie so like sure. get me that and ill pull
...and then i got this before even a single 5* circlet of ANY mainstat from reverie after like 12 condensed resins worth of runs 😭😭
like welp okay i suppose it was meant to be KJWJKWJKAJKW . and genuinely this is better than ANY dendro goblet i even have on my main like . What . but guess i cant complain lmao . literally rolled this and went ahead and pulled immediately wjjkdjkdwjkd
#my main is on like. complete tunnel focus chiori rerun savings mode ever since clorinde so#its nice to have a new character to play around with on an alt in the meantime#and like. getting to pull units without rly needing to wonder abt pull value and shit all that much bc its just an alt for fun#is definitely a nice thing#anyway. now i wait like . a week to farm all her ascension materials and talent books bc arles eaten all the order stuff wjkjkdwjw#and the mora too.......#gaming tag#genshin alt tag#genshin
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To: Sophie
Subject: Today's wishing sessions
Omg omg omg okay so so hear me out,
I wanted lyney's bow. But I never pulled a 5* from the weapon banner, so, I'm at like 55-60 ish pity (yk, from building pity) I do a ten pull...
It turns gold, I'm happy.
I get my 2nd copy of the jade spear, not so happy (because Cyno is using it and I don't have any other characters who need the weapon)
So I'm like, "a 2nd Jade spear, haha, very funny" (but internally grateful that I selected the bow on the epitomised path + contemplating whether or not to refine the spear)
I see that I have some primos to spare (I'm skipping the 5* character this patch hehe), and so I do another 10 pull...
It. Turns. Gold.
I'm super, super surprised.
Boom. The first great magic.
I'm giggling and all, I get two 4*, I'm satisfied...
I. Was. So. Shook.
It was my first time pulling on the "scammy" weapon banner for a 5*, but it went so well hehehe!!!!
Oh, oh and! On my alt, I had gotten amos' bow like some weeks ago, and I was like "man I want a Tighnari" so I could make use of that bow + I needed a dendro unit
So, after all that good stuff on my main account, I was like "why not try my luck on lyney's banner"
Some three stars, I'm skipping my singles.
A gold. I barely registered the fact before my finger hit the skip option... I WAS LIKE AT 10 PITY!!!!
IT WAS TIGHNARI!!!! (Yeah I lost the 50/50, but I also won hehehe! Plus, next 5* guaranteed!!!!!)
Well... guess you could say I failed successfully on both accounts hehehehe
WOOOO CLOVER NONNIE GETTING THE Ws !!!! u got three 5* weapons on main and got the standard chara u wanted on ur alt goddamn 😩😩
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reflecting on my genshin characters
electro / hydro / pyro / dendro im p chill on .. for electro i have yae who's almost done w her first build (will refine her stats later, they could be much better) and i have a pretty ok raiden (world lvl 8 open world is too easy for her and up to floor 11-3 abyss isn't too bad). i also just pulled fischl (not built yet, will soon) and keqing (also not built) if i need it.
for hydro i have ayato with p good crit dmg (211%) and bare min crit rate (40%) but i'll def improve it later on after i get some other units with the primary build. im also in the process of building xingqiu; i j got him to lvl 80 and im currently working on his primary artifacts which are almost done as well. after that it'll be his talents (2/7/6 rn) but i can do that simultaneously with other stuff. and then with neuvillette coming up that'll give me a third good hydro unit
pyro is my most covered element. i have my og beloved diluc... I WILL NEVER GIVE UP ON HIM IDC WHAT ANYONE SAYS.. im pulling xianyun for him (but i also like her in general). he's a little bare bones rn until i finish building some other chars. i also have gaming who highkey eats (c4, ok crit ratio ((~50:150)) and when i pair with bennett, kaeya, and xingqiu he goes pretty hard for having a mediocre crit ratio. PLUS my bennett / kaeya / xq arent even built yet LMAO anyway as i j mentioned i have bennett, i slapped the free noblesse set on him but he could get better substats. this is low priority tho tbh, i think the set effects are more important. xiangling as well, im building her along with xingqiu since they both use emblem. her talents are mid rn (1/6/6). also j got her lvl 80 so she's a work in progress as well. finally i also have chevreuse; i lowkey am unsure of how to build her but i will probably put her on songs of days past. low priority rn as well since i mainly j use her skill and then switch out but shes fun in my overloaded team.
finally for dendro i have nahida and kirara. nahida was such a good decision to pull. amazing dendro app, saur cute, and her dmg in reactions is insane (even at c0). kirara is so cute as well and shes the main shielder i use. her skill also makes it easy to explore. nahida is on some bare minimum artifacts rn but since i j mainly use her burst / skill and not an onfield dps i'll get around to it later. same w kirara. when alhaitham reruns i'll then have a third dendro unit!!
with anemo i do have sucrose and jean but i dont use them too much. ik they're usable but i j have sm other characters id rather build rn. I DO HAVE HEIZOU i think some ppl think he's mid but i like the way he punches instead of casting. i think i'd def build him + resist being a meta slave lmao and then ik i'll def being pulling xianyun. im also not interested in either kazuha or wanderer.. hoyo tall anemo male when
cryo... i do like shenhe but she's such a niche supporter and i think wrio could be fun to play. but given w how primos are hard to get and how i dont wanna whale too much (i lowk whaled / dolphined for yae im crying) i might not pull him unless i come to like him more. it's not that i dislike ayaka but im j not interested in her design (similar to how i feel abt sparkle from hsr). im not interested in ganyu either.. i am begging hoyo for another 5 star cryo dps sldjfhald bc i think mono cryo would be a fun team. i do have layla and kaeya, and then paired with shenhe or rosaria (who i also have) and a 5 star cryo dps seems fun to play.
as for geo i do want zhongli and navia. hopefully zhongli reruns soon (most likely on regional banner/chronicle wish??) i didnt pull for navia on her first run (well i tried but she wasnt coming early thats for sure) and i knew raiden was coming up and i wanted her c2 so i j started saving for c2 raiden. i think chiori would pair well w my ninggaung and zhongli when i do get him but idk .. i also think itto's burst is fun to play but also not high priority for me. i want to incorporate more geo into my gameplay but i want a character who can rly wow me. or like i want to have more geo chars than just zhongli and navia
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I just figured out you can see your genshin account info on the browser lol...
Currently at AR 54, almost at AR 55. I started this account on 12/25/22 (super easy to remember lol, also, I did get extremely lucky and pulled Wanderer before his banner ended). Still F2P and intend to stay that way!
I’m still a Traveler main 100%, haha, but I might actually switch to Alhaitham...once I get far enough into Sumeru to obtain his ascension mats. He was an impulse pull, because I adore his design and Hydro Traveler is coming up, which means I’ll lose my only built dendro unit...
I clearly have a problem with building way too many units at one time haha, but for the longest time my main team was Traveler, Kaeya, Beidou, and Xingqiu (terrible synergy by the way). Now, I finally built Fischl enough to be useful so it’s currently Dendro Traveler, Fischl, Beidou, Xingqiu. I’ve also discovered that Fischl and Beidou must never part, lol. Beidou’s energy cost is so darn high, it’s always hard to get her burst up if you don’t have another electro unit on the team. She’s also my only semi-consistent shielder (I don’t use Diona despite having her leveled) so that’s important. Honestly, I’m not super good at using Beidou and she’s my least favorite on the team, her damage isn’t super amazing (though she has crap artifacts), but she was my first 4* I pulled aside from Noelle.
I also used starglitter to get Bennett because I just can’t seem to get him on the Standard Banner. I actually love playing him, he’s super fun. I throw him in when I need faster healing than Xingqiu provides, but I haven’t worked out a team for him.
Amber is so high because favoritism, Xiangling is too stupid useful to not build even if I hate her voice with a burning passion (the ONLY JP voice I despise), I’m working on Wanderer...slowly...and I actually like Diona but I use her a lot on my alt account (which I created to enjoy the story, this account I just zoom past dialogue for progress), so I don’t want to also use her here too.
Ironically, I have five 5*s and I don’t have any of them on my main team. Could be because supports are just overall useful in many different teams, while DPS characters need more investment for a narrower range of applications.
(also, I need a more consistent and powerful shield for Wanderer...)
#genshin stuff#im finally getting the hang of this team building stuff!#eventually gonna build yaoyao for alhaitham#and faruzan though she's only c1#artifact farming is the one thing i hate most about this game#ascension stuff is a fun grind but artifact farming is awful
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wait isn't alhaitham meant to be a dendro dps/driver?
so why do we "need" nahida? i thought he had the dendro infusion so he could act as a driver? you could use nahida for extra off-field dendro application but i don't think we'd NEED her :/
okay honestly my eyes start glazing over when people really get into the theorycrafting so i might need someone to #factcheck me on this but basically
first of all, obviously you do not NEED any character. however when TCs start talking about a character's kit it is in terms of what is their highest projected DPS, and a main factor of that is their teammates. it's the same way people say scara "needs" c6 faruzan to reach his damage ceiling and quite frankly that is true, hence leading some to believe that faruzan is "useless" before c6
so no, al haitham does not NEED nahida to just work
however, he DOES likely need nahida in order to reach his highest damage ceiling
based off early TC it looks like his best team is projected to nahida + yelan + flex but i think the popular pick right now is shinobu since al haitham's best overall team is looking to be quickbloom
(as an aside, this team is even more expensive because it seems like xingqiu, who is usually somewhat interchangeable with yelan, may provide too much hydro to support 100% uptime (on some reaction I'm not actually sure which? either way basically he applies too much hydro for other characters to keep up which will ruin certain reactions). now obviously you don't HAVE to use yelan, but again not having 100% uptime = DPS loss. but as far as i can tell a less necessary unit than nahida)
now aside from the usual of nahida just being a god (heh) at supporting/boosting the power of dendro reactions, she's also important for al haitham for two specific reasons: EM buffing and energy.
to maximize al haitham's A4 passive (e.g. converting a set amount of EM to a damage bonus, which is currently .12% for each point) it is currently projected you need ~850 EM, which is quite frankly impossible to get from artifacts and weapons alone without sacrificing the rest of al haitham's stat needs (tldr; he's basically really greedy and wants it all, EM, attack, crit, ER).
dendro resonance gives you 100 EM. assuming someone (nahida) on the party also has 1000 EM, nahida's passive gives another 250 EM. that's 350 EM from using nahida alone. even if you don't have that maxed out 250 EM, simply having nahida on the team decreases the difficulty of building EM on al haitham by a lot.
next is energy. al haitham's current burst cost is 70 which is on the higher end. not sure what his personal particle generation is but it's probably ayato-level e.g. not that high. so he needs a decent amount of ER or a battery (nahida) to burst every rotation (bc again if you don't, that's a DPS loss lol)
the other thing about wanting his burst up is that al haitham's scaling is like. actually insane. people are claiming ayaka levels of scaling on his burst right now. so this is a character who again, to achieve the highest DPS ceiling, you REALLY want him to burst every rotation. that's why ER is even more valuable on him, and again nahida simplifies that.
another thing to keep in mind though is that how things are projected may not match up in practice. one thing that's been pointed out is right now al haitham does not really have any interruption/stagger resistance.
so the combo of al haitham + nahida + yelan + shinobu may not actually work out very well if al haitham keeps getting knocked around like a ragdoll (scara and cyno have this same problem, rip). in which case you want to add some sort of shielder/someone like xingqiu who provides interruption resistance, in which you exchange maximum damage for comfort. but regardless nahida seems to always be on the team anyways. so yeah just things to think about
#sorry for the long response ajskdlfasdf#i'm not very familiar with dendro reactions actually because i don't rly use them so i don't know the details on why#nahida is so good for them specifically i just know she is lol#asks#heejakes#genshin leaks
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Genshin Characters and their Pokemon
So, I’m finishing that little fungi event and I was thinking, “man, what if there were actually Pokemon in Teyvat? What would each character have?”. And with that, I selected a few of those magical creatures that complement the characters in different ways:
Amber, the Outrider

Scorbunny is a given for her. They have a similar fiery and friendly attitude, and also scorbunny is a cute bunny. Scorbunny would definitely have been a gift by her grandpa when she first joined the knights, as he had one accompanying him since he left Liyue.
HOWEVER, I think she would also be accompanied by none other than: Pidgeotto, a bird of prey that is always patrolling their territory. I like to think that she captured the birb with Kaeya during a quick mission on Falcon Coast.
Lisa, the librarian

Now, one first instinct would be to give her an electric pokemon. However, might I suggest a…

I mean, Lisa’s lifespan is shorter, and I’m sure that that would attract a few ghost pokemon like this little guy. Not to mention the fact that her ult involves a lamp, and they do have some similar colors schemes.
Another one would be Roserade, mostly because Lisa really likes roses, she’s really good with dendro, and because I just think roserade is neat.
Jean, the dandelion acting grandmaster and Lisa’s girlfriend

Okay, hear me out- I know that this is a cotton pokemon, not a dandelion. HOWEVER, Junpluff is also described as releasing cotton spores wherever it goes, so I think we’re good. Moreover, Eldegoss is a support in Unite, moves quite swiftly alongside the wind, and has a little cape thing around itself, which reminds me of Jean’s clothing.
An Arcanine would also be one of her main pokemon, since they always appear with Officer Jenny in the anime. And while most people remember Arcanine as a, you know, canine, it’s also worth mentioning that it’s likely a combination between a dog and a lion.
Lastly, Cobalion.
Now, I don’t think Jean would actually have a Cobalion, but I do think that the knights keep in close contact with the swords of justice. You might say, “shouldn’t they be in Fountaine?”
To that I say, “yes, they should”
However, Gamefreak also decided that they were native to the region of Unova and not Kalos, so they started it.
Kaeya, the Calvary captain (without a horse)

Quaquaval. His mais Pokemon would be Quaquaval.
Why? For starters, water peacock pokemon, which fits both with his constellation and synergies well with his cryo attacks. Quaquaval is also very friendly in appearance and seems to have this very overconfident and suave exterior.
And they are both fruity
However, Quaquaval is not the only ‘mon he’d have. No, when he needs to apprehend someone who isn’t easy to take down, Glalie is here to help. After all, that ice cube is not only great at building bridges (just like Kaeya), but it also is very, very into hunting and freezing it’s opponents.
Lastly, Kaeya needs a horse. And as he’s technically the heir of Khaenri’ah, well…
Glastrider, a steed that can only be tamed by its king, capable of salvation and great destruction. A gift that Kaeya has yet to claim fully.
Lol, there are a few other characters that I have pokemon in mind. Maybe I’ll bring them in the future.
#genshin headcanons#genshin impact#kaeya alberich#jean gunnhildr#genshin amber#pokemon#gen 9 starters#pokemon headcanons
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My opinion on every playable Genshin Impact character in a few seconds. [3.1]
The same thing I did a fair while ago with Danganronpa characters, but now for another franchise that I have an unhealthy obsession with. All characters in alphabetical order by first name.
This goes up to version 3.1. The most recently added characters are Cyno, Nilou and Candace.
Thought he was kind of basic at first, and despite his enigmatic writing, didn’t really stand out. As of 2.3 and the event he was featured in, he’s gone up a little. My favourite part about him is his voice actor.
I think she hardly even counts as a Genshin character. I’d probably like her a bit more if I played her original game, but she has basically no character or personality to speak of in Genshin Impact.
She isn’t especially good compared to every other character in the game, but she’s a good introduction to the characters overall. Her personality is fun, and I’m glad she has a small following of her own.
His voice work in every language is fantastic, and the character itself is always a good time. Not only does he have a great personality, funny traits and entertaining moments, he’s a beast in battle and is super fun to use.
She’s a contender for being my least favourite character among the roster, primarily because I don’t like her playstyle and it causes me mental damage. However, I have nothing against the character herself, although there are many who have similar personalities that outshine her.
I don’t play her often any more, because I have more viable physical and Electro units, but she used to be part of my main team, and even now, she’s still a personal favourite of mine among the roster. She’s just an all-around cool as all hell character.
A precious boy. I’m not as crazy about him as most of the fanbase is, but he’s still a wonderful, energy bean who needs to be protected. Still, I can’t say much about him other than that.
I like her design a lot, and her playstyle seems super neat, but since 3.1 has yet to drop, I can’t say much about her character. She’s a definite pull though.
I kinda just...don’t care that much about him. He is one of the first units I used when I started playing, and he is among my favourite Element, being Cryo, but I didn’t get Chongyun’s playstyle back in the day, so I quickly grew sick of using him. His character and personality isn’t bad, but he’s not a character that I’m always excited to see. I also think that his Hangout Event is the weakest of the bunch.
I like her a lot. A WHOLE lot. I will admit however, that she would be a lot better in game if she retained some of her grouchy, tsundere and spiteful personality traits that she showed in the manga. There is an in-universe explanation as to why she changed so much, so I can’t complain, and despite that, she’s still a cool, fun and loveable character, who’s a great introduction to the Dendro element and really fun to play.
If I can be honest, Cyno actually kinda scares me from what we’ve seen of him so far. I have no clue whether he’ll be an ally in the end, or a threat to the traveler. If he’s our friend, then we’ve got ourselves one hell of an ally. If he’s our enemy, then God help us.
I don’t think he’s ever gonna lose his charm, despite how much powercreep he’s been put through. He’s still a cool figure, and is still fun to play. He’s one of the few characters from the original update who to this day is still viable. Can’t go wrong with fantasy batman.
I used to hate her, but it was primarily out of spite, since she was the first character I ever C6′d, and through an unfortunate circumstance (basically, got C6 from grinding Xiao banner). I do understand her charm though, even if she’s not a character I particularly feel like using ever.
Her playstyle ain’t the shit, but her character and voice work totally is. She’s easily one of the most entertaining characters in the main story, even though she’s only on screen for a brief time.
She’s pretty cool and I like her a lot. She doesn’t have much screen time outside of the 2.3 event and her own storyline, but I really want to see more of her. She’s pretty fun to play too.
I don’t like her as much as I thought I would, but I don’t dislike her by any means. However, I feel like her character progression over what’s shown in the events isn’t a strong, nor is it portrayed as well as it should be. She did used to be one of my better Electro units though, so maybe I’ll come back to her one day. Her alt skin is fire too.
It’s an indisputable fact that Ganyu is a DPS queen and a very popular waifu for this game, however, I for one don’t see the appeal of her character. If she was present more in the story, or had any event storylines that revolved around her and explored her character, maybe I’d like her more, but regrettably, what’s been shown of her so far portrays her as a bit one-dimensional.
I’ve built Gorou fully, but to be honest, I’m not, and never have been crazy about him. He’s very situational. On a team where his abilities work, he’s insanely useful, but in literally every other scenario, he’s almost completely useless. In addition, his character’s not particularly notable either. He’s not unlikeable, but he doesn’t seem to have any outlying and important traits. However, with that said, a few of his hangout event endings showed his very sympathetic and human side, which I enjoyed a lot.
I jokingly always talk about how I hate this character, but I don’t. I do however, think she’s a bit annoying, and she’s not a character that I care about much, outside of the charming voice work, and the damage potential.
She’s cool, and a fun mom-figure, even if she’s a little one-note. Her character quest was sweet and fun, and she’s a pretty good unit in battle too. Other than that, I don’t have much to say about her. One thing that does knock her down a peg though is that whenever I lose the 50/50, it’s usually to Jean.
He served as such a great introduction to Inazuma, and to this day, is among the game’s best characters. Not only is he an interesting, well voiced, loveable and sympathetic character, he’s to this day, one of the most useful units in the game due to his swirl abilities. I always look forward to seeing more of Kazuha all the time.
The most interesting character among the starter units, and still has decent use even later, with his ice bridging abilities. His attack animations are cool too, and I really want to try and build him so I can use him in battles. I plan on taking him to fight Dottore with Amber, Collei and Diluc.
The absolute best girl of all best girls. Initially, I planned on skipping for her so I could pull for Yoimiya, but then 2.0 happened, and we got to meet and hang out with her. I fell in love with this girl almost immediately. She’s a solid battler, she has a great personality, her interactions with the Traveler are so god damn adorable, and I always love to see her appear anywhere in the game, because it always makes me smile.
I can’t claim to like him as much as I like his sister, but there’s a lot about him that I do enjoy. His character quest was cool, his playstyle is fun, strong and easy to use, his personality is interesting and unique among the cast, and his voice work is soothing to the ears. A lot of good can be found in this enigmatic character.
I didn’t like Keqing much at all when she was first introduced, but that was primarily because she only had a few scenes in the archon quest, and said scenes didn’t portray her as especially friendly or easy to get along with. That has since been reprimanded with Moonchase and Lanturn Rite, and while I still think Lanturn Rite should’ve put more focus on Ganyu than Keqing, it still provided Keqing with some fantastic character moments and really solidified her as a solid character amongst all others. She’s also really fun to play, even if she’s not particularly viable compared to someone like Raiden.
She’s adorable, and is one of the cutest characters in the game, but she honestly kinda sucks in battle. Her kit isn’t fleshed out, even if her damage is pretty great. There’s also a limit to how much she can be explored as a character, on account of being a young child with not much life experience.
The more Sara appears in storylines and events, the better she becomes. Her first scene portrays her as a commanding, threatening and powerful presence, but hinted at her good morals and righteous nature. Her latest scene shows her human side, and how she’s a huge otaku for the Raiden Shogun, which was super funny and super adorable. She’s not the most viable unit, but she’s still a fantastic character.
Shinobu’s design was like a slap to the face when I first saw it. She was not at all what I expected, but I was so so entranced the moment I saw her. She’s in my top 3 designs among the whole roster of characters. While her playstyle unfortunately isn’t the strongest, she’s still a fun character to play and watch. It’s also fun to see how her personality reflects off Itto’s.
Of the beginning characters, at least currently, Lisa is my least favourite, but only because I think she comes across too strong with her flirtation, and because outside of that, she’s not a character who is explored very much. There is potential for there to be more info on her, given the more we learn of Sumeru’s Academia, and how she used to study there, but in the meantime, Lisa is the exact neutral point in this lineup. I don’t like her, but I don’t dislike her either.
Up until recently, I wasn’t fond of Mona at all. She was kind of snooty, overconfident and always seemed to be looking down on everyone around her, and her character just kind of annoyed me. 2.8 changed my thinking completely, mainly because it showed her doubts about her powers of fortune telling, how she’s depressed over how she can predict the future but not change it, and how she’s not actually poor at all, which resulted in a very funny interaction between her and Fischl. She’s definitely a good one now.
So far, she hasn’t really brought anything new to the table, but I still like her very much. Her design is adorable; so is her personality, and her fighting style looks unique from what we’ve seen of it. I’m definitely gonna try for her.
She’s ok. I remember really being put off by Ningguang because I didn’t understand her playstyle initially, but I enjoyed her hangout event, and she did show to have some cool and interesting moments throughout the story, as Liyue’s de facto leader.
Despite the fact that Noelle has 2 Hangouts, she’s not a character I care much about. She’s definitely cute and sweet, and I definitely like her, but she’s not someone I give much thought when I look at the total lineup of characters.
I get it. I get that there’s the Qurse of Qiqi, and I get that Qiqi is kind of a pointless 5-star, since Barbara can do everything that she can, but even so, I like Qiqi. She’s a silly little character, with a very sad and sympathetic backstory, and I can’t hate her, even if she does steal my pity.
If I must confess something, when I first played 2.1 and got to know her, I REALLY didn’t like Ei much at all. I felt like the character exploration and progression she had in earlier updates wasn’t that great, and I think her first character quest was one of the worst in the game. She was only saved initially by her prowess and usefulness on any team you put her in. However, she was massively saved by the second chapter of her quest, which was phenomenal, and one of the best quests in Genshin’s 2 year history. At this point, Ei is still my least favourite of the archons behind Venti and Zhongli, but due to how Nahida’s story isn’t finished yet, it remains to be seen if she will keep that bottom spot. However, I like Ei a lot now, and I will continue to do so for a while.
Razor is a cool character, and actually serves as an inspiration for one of my D&D characters. His playstyle is a bit confusing and hard to build, but it’s nice whenever he pops up as part of a story, and I’m looking forward to seeing new developments to him in 3.1.
It also took me a while to warm up to Rosaria, but due to character progression she got from Windbloom and also her battle prowess and usefulness, I think she’s pretty cool now. Pun not intended.
It is my genuine and strong opinion that Kokomi is the best-designed character in the whole game. And alongside the fantastic and gorgeous design, she has a sweet voice and useful battle abilities. I don’t think Kokomi was very well received at first, but I pulled her, albeit by accident, and have not regretted that for a day. She is great.
I mean...she’s ok I guess? Honestly, I really don’t have much of an opinion on Sayu. Her hangout was really mediocre and she’s not a character I really care about an awful lot. No hate though, I like her voice, and it’s fun to roll around with her.
She first appeared in 2.4 and has not appeared in the game since then, and I am DESPERATE to see more of her. She was such an interesting character, with a cool and interesting and sad backstory, and her personal journey was so great. She’s also a mean support and DPS unit. #BringBackShenhe.
He’s not what I expected he would be, but he turned out to be pretty awesome. He’s super fun to play as in battle, and useful and strong too. Plus, his hangout was unique and provided some interesting moments.
Much like Shenhe and a few others, Sucrose is hardly ever explored. Whenever she makes an appearance, it’s usually alongside Albedo, and he is more often than not the more central character. She is cute, don’t get me wrong, but there’s not much else to her. She is pretty good in battle though.
I can’t say for sure if this is the case anymore, but Childe was my favourite character when I first started playing Genshin. He’s still one of my personal best boys to this day. I know he’s a certified ass, but I like villains with layers to them, and I like how Childe has a sympathetic side and reason behind his misdeeds. He fights for the Fatui purely because he wants to create a world where his family will be safe and protected. I respect that.
I like him a ton. He has the best hangout event in the game and while he’s not an especially viable unit, he’s still one I enjoy having on hand. His personality is charming and easy to get along with, and his dedication is admirable. He also has a unique relationship with Ayato that I can’t help but enjoy.
He turned out to be a lot better than I thought he would be. From the first lines of dialogue he speaks, he’s immediately an entertaining presence, since he’s very blunt, strict and doesn’t make an attempt to hide his annoyances and grievances with other people. I relate to that honestly. His English voice work sells this very well in addition to that.
I think they’re both pretty cool characters, though I like Lumine’s design a tad bit more than Aether’s. They recently went up a notch in my book, primarily because Dendro Traveler is super fun to play for some reason, above all the other elements they can wield.
Even if he is a mischievous little squirt, it’s hard to dislike him. His voice work is great, his abilities are super fun and powerful, and he’s all around just a very solid character. Of every archon in the game, he’s also the one I think embodies his theme; being Freedom, the best.
She was one of the first characters in the game that I fell in love with, because I thought her design was cute as a button. She was one of the first characters I finished building, and I think that was a good decision. Moonchase was a fun and enjoyable event primarily because of Xiangling’s presence in it, and even now, she’s still one of the cutest and most fun characters in the game.
He was my first 5-star and still easily one of my favs to this day. He’s fun to play, and has some great character writing and backstory.
I didn’t think much of him when he was first introduced, and even now, I’d hardly say he has my favourite personality, but when I finished his character quest, I was surprised by just how much I enjoyed it. Even now, he’s still one of my favourite support units to use in tough battles. I only wish I’d built him sooner.
Her segment of the 2.8 island quest was my favourite part of the whole thing, and even now, she’s hella underrated. Her design is amazing, and the vibe she gives off is so fun-loving. She’s great.
Easily the best part of the whole Inazuma archon quest. She was such an interesting, entertaining, mysterious and funny character through and through. Even by the time she finally became playable for audiences, her own story quest, while paling in comparison to Ei’s, did not disappoint. The defining example of how and why Inazuma characters are the best of the bunch.
Really, I can’t say much about Yanfei. She’s cute, has a nice design and is a kind presence, but she doesn’t stand out much amongst the greater cast, and honestly has no real reason to. Even in the 2.7 archon quest chapter, it’s the other characters that are needed to make her stand out very much. Her relationship with Shinoby, Eula, Madame Ping and others are sweet to watch, and supposedly, she’s a pretty cool pyro unit, better than Klee anyhow.
First of all, she’s insanely hot, and second of all, I was taken by surprise just by how much I ended up liking her. Initially, I didn’t see much, but when the trailers dropped, they painted her in such a powerful and incredible light, that I eventually succumbed to the tactic and pulled for her. Not something I regret either, since Yelan is also one of the most insanely powerful characters in the game.
The autistic part of me resonates so much with her. If there’s one character in this game I relate to and feel the most kinship with, it’s Yoimiya. Even now, she’s in my top 5, and might even be my favourite. No matter where she appears or what she’s doing, she’s guaranteed to bring some sunshine to my life.
I actually quite like her! She’s not a favourite, but she’s definitely up there. Her voice is nice, her playstyle is cool, and her character overall is solid.
The best of the archons in my opinion. He’s got a great personality, he’s fun to play, is very strong, has a fantastic voice, and just is all around one of the best character’s in the game to this day. I WILL HAVE ORDER!
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Some random Genshin starting tips:
* Get/kill everything on your sight. Even mints. Even hillchurls! Use the map pins to mark important resources' locations
* The official genshin map is also great if you're looking for something specific
* Resin is important. Use it! Check what resources your main DPS needs to be stronger (high lvl weapon, talents and ascension. Don't worry too much about farming artifacts and save up your FRAGILE RESIN until AR45)
* Berserker's 2-piece bonus (+12% crit rate) is one of the most important artifact sets for dmg early on and is still useful later until you get good 5* pieces. The +18% atk 2-pieces are also neat if you can get them.
* Adventurer's 2-piece (+1000 max hp) can be used for supports who depend on hp to heal/shield
* Aim for a crit rate / crit dmg ratio of 1/2. (Example: 20% crrate / 40% crdmg. Doesn't need to be exact)
* Check your team's talent descriptions. Trust me you'll learn a lot
* Good artifacts' substats are crit rate, crit dmg, atk%. Energy recharge and elemental mastery are situational. Defense and HP are rarely good (mostly for supports). For a good while you're gonna be fine just winging it tho.
* Give ONE character your full priority!! They will be getting your best weapon, best artifacts, highest level, etc. This will be your main DPS, the one who's on the field the most. Make sure you like playing the character!
* Now, choose another character for second-priority, usually a very important support or sub DPS (a.k.a. the one with high dmg burst/skill, like Xingqiu for example)
* For the other two teammates: supports are your best option. They're useful even at a lower level. Heal/shield is a must if you don't know how to dodge much. If you want an elemental reaction for your main DPS to do more dmg, you can have a character here just for that (F2P examples: Xiangling can apply Pyro, Barbara can apply Hydro, Lisa can apply Electro, Kaeya can apply Cryo)
* Don't be afraid to look up tips about fighting bosses if you're having a hard time! Even if you can only remember one of the tips, it still helps.
* Watch your stamina! Some enemy attacks need you to sprint, not just run.
* Some characters like Yanfei benefit from being on higher ground or on top of a geo construct! Careful when around those Ruin Hunters tho
* Geo attacks and claymore users are the best for mining, but a few plunges from sword/polearm users can do.
* Speaking of which, in overworld you can jump from a slightly higher ground to a slightly lower one and get a plunge attack for more damage! It also damages some enemy shields more I believe
* For my fellow F2P: Xiangling is an amazing unit with big dmg just so y'all know. Kaeya and Barbara permafreeze is *chef's kiss*. Noelle's shield is VERY useful.
* Use Hydro to break Pyro shields, Cryo to break Hydro and Electro, Pyro to break Cryo and Dendro shields, Geo/claymore/the overload reaction to break Geo shields.
* If an enemy has a Pyro shield, for example, and the enemies near it are affected by Hydro, you can use Anemo to cause a swirl reaction and break the Pyro shield faster.
Aand that's it from me, hope it was useful somehow!
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✨ Yelan Hydro Sub-DPS Build ✨
💸 I had skipped Yelan so many times before realizing how much I needed another hydro applier for spiral abyss, especially after dendro element was introduced during Sumeru patch. Back then, I had to stick with Barbara as I only had Xingqiu as my only hydro applier/sub-dps. Only then I started realizing that it was time for me to get Yelan.
💸 Being a hydro unit, Yelan can fit into so many teams. People were comparing her a lot with Xingqiu when she was first released but to me, it doesn't even matter if she's "just" another 5* Xingqiu. I do need a second Xingqiu and if Yelan can do that, then she's perfect to me.
💸 Disclaimer: This build is not perfect and by no means should be treated as a rigid rule. I just share what I have tested in game and what I know works for me. So always do your own research and take my guide with that note in mind!
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