#I modified the og image
koreinwinter · 2 years
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“Look at my hands. 
They are stained with blood, just like a butcher.
It’s the blood I spilled for you.”
The Pale Horse.
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randomnameless · 5 months
Localization discourse has cropped up again on Twitter, and someone posted a few before and after screenshots of an Echoes mod that retranslates the game to be more faithful to the original JP script, with that same person claiming that all the mod does is remove all the personality and charm 8-4 added to the dialogue; for reference, here's the lines they're referring to:
Lukas (EN): But just once, i should like to be red with rage, green with envy... Something!
Lukas (JP): But still, i've never been caught up enough to lose control of myself...
Clair (EN): Do i not deserve better than these trite gambits of yours?
Clair (JP): That kind of behavior is very hurtful towards the one it is directed at.
Clair (EN): If that crass phrase means you wish to speak with me, then please proceed.
Clair (JP): Oh, Dyute. What is it?
I can somewhat get why people could see the first change as just being a less interesting way of getting across Lukas' lines about struggling with not feeling enough emotions (though even then i'd argue that changing the lines from him being dejected and resigned at his emotional struggles to him being actively angry about them is a decently big change to his character and not just "oh they worded it in a more interesting way"), but i really don't get how people can argue that Clair's localized lines aren't blatantly rewriting her character; her criticism of Gray being changed from "your behavior hurts people and you should stop because of that" to "your behavior hurts me and you should stop because i'm your superior and deserve better than to be toyed with by the likes of you", along with her greeting to Delthea being changed from "oh hi, what's the matter?" to "if that gross phrase means you want to talk to me, then i suppose i can grant you the privilege of a conversation" doesn't make the dialogue any wittier, it's just making Clair into more of a spoiled brat than she was intended to be originally.
You ruined my day with this :(
(i know this is an old ask, but I forgot it in my drafts!)
I thought FE15's localisation was nice, but granted, I didn't have access to the JP script (nor JP audio!), but now I wonder if the schtick "nobles vs commoners" wasn't overplayed in the lolcalised version, which in turn, would kind of explain why some people felt cheated by Alm's reveal -
Even if I always took it as "being a noble has nothing to do with birth" didn't meant Tobin as a peasant could become a noble and have a noble heart, but meant that even if you are born a noble with super special powers or not, being a noble character only falls on you, and the actions you take : Alm rescues random women (FE15 for you!) around at the cost of his mission/safety/etc, when Berkut, who is noble-born just like Alm, hunts peasants and burns his fiancée.
8-4 adding more "Nobles BaD" feels in touch with what ultimately happened with Fodlan, even if while the FE series already tried to dip its toes in this water with Ike, his "nobles BaD" ultimately amounted to childish tantrum and refusal to deal with "complicated things" when you realise and learn what kind of people he's working with, and their responsabilities.
In a way, I can understand the people being annoyed that the mod removed the "additions" brought by 8-4 if they really made the characters more memorable - but my stance will always be to be able to choose if you want to put parmesan on your pasta or not.
8-4!Clair is a spoiled and snob brat - but can't we get the choice to get a Clair without parmesan?
You know what, I'm thinking FEH's decision (in 2017!) to, uh, not include dual audio was due to the supposed limitations of the app, but imo, was also amde with the dubbing/US!VA industry in mind because, imagine the players from FE14-FE15 having characters who, by tone alone, are different from the ones they're used to, what kind of message would that send to players? You've played the parmesan!version of those games?
And to be clear, I like my pasta carbonara with heavy cream because I'm french and cream is life.
And yet, IDK, maybe that's just me, but I think I'd feel a bit out of the loop if I was thrown in game that celebrates a franchise I never played, since the games I played were... heavily "localised" to catter to my tastes and overplayed issues that weren't there because I'd maybe like this theme more than what was initially presented.
Cultural differences are a thing, but Crayon Shin-Chan is meant to be watched, in japan, by children in primary school.
OD's Crayon Shin Chan is basically japanese!Family Guy.
We had the "same" heavily lolcalisation back in the days here, with French!City Hunter ("Nicky Larson") and French!Hokuto no Ken ("Ken le Survivant"), and while in the 80s-90s some people still harped that those were the "real deal", with time it became more and more widely accepted that Nicky Larson and Ken le Survivant were... products that were lolcalised to fit with the regulations of that time (no blood for children! no swear words - when the regular french person says "merde" at least 10 times per day) - but if you were to go and interview the authors of those mangas, they wouldn't have a clue about what you're talking about with your french "dessins animés".
(granted, I've heard that recently, during a convention, both the author of City Hunter and Hokuto no Ken were surprised but pleased that even if it was lolcalised to oblivion, their work was so appreciated here!)
With modern FE though, I feel like FEH has to pretend that Nicky Larson and Ryo Saeba from City Hunter are the same person - so they will put Ryo in a fridge and call Nicky Larson "Ryo Saeba".
I mean, that's what we got with Halloween!Rhage - who roars using her special, and yet winks in her artwork because the artwork was commissioned by the people who designed/came up with Rhea, not with Rhage - and here, with your examples, with Clair.
Clair is a young noble lady, who as you pointed out with those lines, is a well mannered noble who doesn't hurt nor is looking down on people from lower birth, eons away from the "oujou who only means well" trope we ended up with with 8-4.
At the end of the day, people are free to enjoy whatever they want, let it be 8-4!Clair of Jp!Clair - but I'll have the same opinion as I always did regarding localisation : was it really up to 8-4 to change her characterisation this way? Are they still localising or swapping Jp!Clair with a brand new character of their creation?
If so, can this still be called localisation?
#sealofreconciliation#lolcalisation issues#I get that it's a very complicated work and it's easy to criticise behind your computer#and yet there's no reprieve from people who lived in the 2000s#Sure the anime expended on it because anime is different from the manga#but Katsuya Jonouichi was changed from Joey Wheeler from Brooklyn#Japanifornia is a term that was coined up by all this need to lolcalise even when it doesn't make sense#Localising isn't as easy as putting words in google translate#and yet I think 8-4 inserting their character in FE15 is not localisation#that's what we got with Fates and the differences between characterisation in the JP and US versions#it happened to a lesser degree with FE Fodlan#but there's still this discrepency between the og source material aka H!Rhea winking and throwing cookies#and Leigh's Rhage lines to go with that image#maybe as a non US person all this US localisation pisses me more#because the french localisation is either loltastic or at times and recently closer to the jp script which leaves me with more 4kids feels#sure you can always have the argument that if you can't understand the source material you have to use a proxy#but hey your proxy isn't even my native language so why should I use yours if something else is available?#even if what is available is crap and yet still manages to make me understand that your proxy isn't only a proxy but basically your takes#and your inserts in what the game isn't originally saying?#tbh I called out Rhage before the Halloween!alt especially with her lines about Willy in Tru Piss#Sure I couldn't understand a crap that was being said but by tone alone? the Rhea I couldn't understand felt like a very different characte#compared to Rhage#then friends translated the lines and I read that TV Tropes thing and found out Leigh's interview where she says#Pat told her to act in a certain way#and the rest is history#what is good localisation from what is lolcalisation always depends imo on what you want#and yet i think after a certain era people are more critical of what they consume#especially since the internet existing means people can check the og script and find out what was modified#sometimes it sucks and you have a dude writing 10k words about toxic masculinity because he didn't understood what 'boku' meant#and yet sometimes you have people finding out the lolcalisation turned someone saying Church GooD in Church BaD for no reason
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felinefractious · 2 months
I’m curious, how would you describe the phenotype of the Standard Issue Cat (SIC) ™? I’ve tried to look though your blog but I couldn’t figure it out. I’m guessing it’s pretty straightforward, but it’d be fun to have an official sounding phrase for this variety of cat.
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Ah yes, the standard issue cat… the OG… the original flavor… the wild type coat… one day I will have a SIC™️ and he will be named Nintendo DS (DS being short for Default Settings).
The SIC™️ is a shorthair black mackerel (or spotted tabby), most often referred to colloquially as a “brown tabby” or a “tiger tabby” by the layperson.
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Here it is in the fluffy variety.
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And here is a variety influenced by the bengal modifier gene, altering the stripes into a pattern called braided or candleflame.
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And here is an African Wildcat (Felis lybica) tom, which is the species which our cats were domesticated from, sporting a remarkably similar coat.
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Another African Wildcat (F. lybica).
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Northern F. lybica Wildcat subspecies doing a zoom zoom.
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Asiatic F. lybica Wildcat subspecies with a worried expression.
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jotarosexhusband · 10 months
Kamille Bidan (Zeta Gundam) VS Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)
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propaganda under the cut!
in the first episode he physically attacks a military officier for offhandedly saying he has a girl's name
KAMILLE WARRIORS RISE #<- has not watched zeta #i just like kamille
begging and pleading for you to vote kamille he’s one of us
VOTE KAMILLE (below image from here)
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this ask
Vote kamille he actually pulls with his Tboy swag
#kamille literally gets in fight over his name and gender more than once
Kamille is 100% banned from lex certified tboy though with a college fuckboy phase.
there are a bunch of tags on his round 2 match that just say "BIDAN BLAST!!"
#Kamille is so so so so trans it’s insane
#Kamille sweep he deserves it he's done so many acts of terrorism
everyone needs to vote for Kamille, he will start another war if he loses
Kamille literally punches a dude for saying his name is a girls he’s so
#EDWARD FUCKING ELRIC SWEEP #that boy is FULL of gender but definitely numero uno is his trans boy swag
#ed elric is constranly called short idk whats more tboy swag than that #other than using his prosthetics to modify his body to fit his tastes. because thats also pretty trans and therefore swag
#ED SWEEP #the only two characters who might have ANYTHING on him are link and jesse pinkman #but ed is the winner in my heart.
#EDDDDD #edward elric #if a trans person says ed is hashtag relatable #then yeah #slay ed slay
#are you fucking kidding me? are you kidding me. #ed doesn't have competitors. he IS the tboy swag.
#ED ELRIC SWEEP LESGOOOOOO #Hes trans bc i want his gender im not taking criticism
#EDWARD ELRIC!!! #og gender envy anime boy for me #i wanted his gender before i even knew that was a thing i could want
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beansricejc · 1 year
part one (part 2!)
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authors note: this is my first drabble on tumblr, I do plan on making these into a small series! please lmk your thoughts if you’d like! thx 💕
summary: you are an up and coming courier for organized criminals. you bump into buzzed and confident John at a cocktail party while you’re in the middle of work, but you let him know you don’t have time for his games.
warnings: NSFW blurb, alcohol, cursing, motorcycles?
John wasn’t one for parties. Well, he pretended that he wasn’t one for parties. It’s part of the image, the gruff and tough hitman, best in the world. He had a reputation to uphold.
But he wouldn’t deny a good drink and some conversation every once in a while.
The bar and lounge area in the Continental was quite, well, bustling. Filled with assassins, crime lords, you name it. If they were someone in the criminal underworld in NYC, they were here tonight. John could feel the tension between gangs in the air, the rules of the hotel hung above everyone’s head.
No business conducted on hotel grounds.
Of course, no one dared to break that rule.
Here was John, in a congregation of hitmen that he has known over the past several decades. Chatting it up with booze in hand, and on their breath. Some would call them OGs. In the game long enough for people in the industry to know not to fuck with them. Especially John. These old dogs didn’t need new tricks, in fact, all of them had body counts that combined, would make the High Table shudder.
But of course, what comes up, eventually must come down. They were aging men. As early as their late 30s, and as late as their mid 50s. There was fresh meat lurking on the sidelines, waiting for their chance to be in the spotlight.
And that’s were she comes in.
New to the game. Well, fairly new. She wasn’t an expert, however, she was very good at what she did. Was she a killer for hire? Not exactly. Y/N had created an industry no one in the underworld knew was needed. In fact, it was very convenient.
An anonymous courier business.
You need to send over files but the Feds are on your ass and probably have acess to your fax machine? Call Y/N. She’ll be at your door in 20 minutes to drive across the city to deliver it for you. You forget it’s your wife’s birthday because you were too busy pile driving your side piece to remember? Y/N will pick up something for her at Target and get it to your door in an hour.
You get the idea.
Have a hard drive of the password to a Bitcoin account that’s worth 5 million dollars? Y/N will bring it to whoever needs it in the city, on her modified motorcycle, gun on hip and helmet on head, safe and sound. She had a perfect track record of delivering things for crime syndicates around New York City for the past year and a half.
Enemies? Not for Y/N. Every criminal group used her services. So much in fact, she had even hired a small team. She was growing. Slowly. But growing.
It wouldn’t take long for John to notice Y/N. In fact, he would take notice in a few moments, right after he took a large sip of his bourbon that he just had to have tonight. John was chuckling amongst colleagues, as he noticed Y/N walk into the lounge, seemingly with work on her mind. Her helmet was still on her head, and she wore a form fitting protective biker suit that matched everything she wore.
John frowned in confusion. He’s never seen anyone wear full motorcycle gear into the hotel before, much less one that was sort of crashing a party.
Y/N walked quickly, right up to the man himself, Winston. She wasted no time, unzipping her well organized backpack and handing Winston a protected manilla envelope, with god knows what inside. The elderly man smiled kindly at the helmeted woman, quickly signing some sort of touch screen device with his finger, before she efficiently put her bag back on over her shoulder, and began to walk away.
John raised his eyebrows at the sight. Who was that? He couldn’t help but form a soft but playful grin as his eyes danced around her figure that was covered by that riding suit.
“Any of you recognize that one?” John blurted during a discussion his friends were having. The men turned their heads towards Y/N, all chuckling softly.
“Yeah, Y/N. She works this delivery service for people like us in the city. Super under the table type stuff. You seriously haven’t heard of her?” Marcus asked, as John shook his head.
“No. I’m not familiar.” John huffed out. John was a curious man, and he just had to know more. So, enticed by this mystery woman, he wriggled through the thick crowd of guests to catch up to her. Before she could make it any closer to the door, John gave her a light tap on the shoulder. The woman jumped a bit, before turning around.
There he was. The man. The myth. The legend. John fucking Wick. Y/N almost froze in fear at the mere sight of the man who towered over her. She had to swallow the lump that formed in her throat.
John stared down at her, trying his best to look through the blacked out facial shield on her biker helmet. He was just itching to know what she looked like. Guess he’d do it himself. He was a man of little words after all. What was she going to do, fight him?
John took his large hands and placed them on her helmet, applying pressure and lifting it up and off of her head.
“H-hey! What the hell?” Y/N stuttered out, as John took a moment to study her delicate features.
Wow, she’s fairly easy on the eyes. John thought to himself as his eyes trailed all over her face. With nice cheekbones and gorgeous eyes, anyone who had sight could tell that this was a woman you could never forget. An impish smile curled onto the man’s lips, his very well maintained black beard framing his mouth to perfection. Y/N unintentionally took in his scent of patchouli and tobacco. Of course she could also smell the whiskey on his breath but that went without saying.
“Well, aren’t you just a pretty thing?” John hummed out softly at the young woman, as she grabbed her helmet and plucked it with force from his grip. It was clear that this infamous hitman had a few bourbons to drink already tonight, and he didn’t mind finding a pretty woman to take up to a hotel room after a few more.
Y/N grumbled as John bit his tongue to force himself not to say anything else in this moment.
I’ve only heard stories about this guy, scary ass stories. What a pain in my ass. Better deal with him so I don’t make an enemy.
John was maybe a decade or two older than her. Jesus christ. Y/N had daddy issues but this would be a whole other level if she decided to even pursue something like John.
“Sorry. I gotta go, still working.” Y/N spoke to him as professionally as possible. John displayed a perky smile on his face, his eyes racing with attraction.
Just look at her. I’d be crazy if I didn’t shoot my shot.
“You can’t do just one drink with me? I’m sure your client would understand if they knew who you were with.” John offered, gesturing towards the hotel lounge full of people.
Y/N laughed nervously, her heart racing at the mere sight of this man. The way this older man with obvious charisma was certainly getting to her.
And here John was, thinking about how pretty Y/N’s lips would look wrapped around his hard cock. Her head bobbing as he used his large strong hands to grab a fistful of hair, making her take him deeper into her throat each time. Maybe she’d gag and plead with him to be gentle. Maybe she’d be a total pro at it. Maybe a mix of both. With tears in her eyes as she whimpers in pain, while her legs trembled for John to make his way over to spread them apart for the real fun.
“I’m really sorry, I just have a few jobs-”
John’s long pointer finger swooped under her soft chin, lifting her face to meet his gaze. Y/N had no idea what to do, there has never been a man this forward towards her in her life. Just the thought of John’s touch alone made hundreds of women wet with excitement. Y/N knew she shouldn’t be one of them, it wasn’t smart mixing work and love.
As they say, don’t shit where you eat.
John could sense tension striking the area where they stood. Right now, there was nobody else in the room besides for this woman. He took her as a challenge, new blood. Young, pretty, and probably naive, right? Someone he could have a bit of fun with upstairs after he bought her a few drinks.
If John were sober right now, he would have probably said ‘goodbye’ in a polite and formal way, smiling as she left the building. John with some liquor in him though, was a completely different man. The rumors people spoke in the criminal underworld were true, this man though and though, was a total playboy.
So of course, when a new and unfamiliar pretty face in town crossed his path, he just had to have her. At least for the night. He was especially curious about what she had underneath that form fitting riding suit, not that it left too much up to the imagination.
Y/N cleared her throat.
“Right, uh, I’m gonna, uh, go.” Y/N mumbled, pulling away from John’s electrifying touch, taking a subtle deep breath. John blinked his brown eyes of his a few times, almost lost in his train of thought in the few moments that he had her in his gentle but firm grasp.
Before he knew it, she was hurrying out of the hotel doors. Y/N didn’t think twice to get out of that awkward/terrifying/intimate situation. So many emotions were flowing through her at once, her heart beating at about a mile a minute. It didn’t take long for her to climb onto her motorcycle, start it up, and peel off down the busy street, away from that god forsaken hotel.
And then there was John. Shocked, stunned even. A woman who didn’t immediately jump at the chance to have drinks with him? Unbelievable.
He could hear his group of fellow middle aged hitmen snicker at his failed attempt at picking up the woman, and all he could do was clench his jaw, and walk back to the bar.
They’d meet again. Of course. It would take some time, John was a patient man, and Y/N was a working woman. Their paths would eventually cross again, especially in the industry they were involved in.
And maybe, just maybe, John could have his chance with Y/N, and actually convince her to have that drink with him.
Even if it was just for some fun.
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haven-flare · 4 months
Wanted to give my two cents on the whole wuwa character design. The person saying that having distinct facial feature is not aspiring or interesting needs to watch their wording especially towards POCs.
Most game always suffer from same face syndrome. This is mostly prominent with the females. No matter what a distinct a character looks like with their hair color or eyes. You plaster them on another character they practically identical. Genshin Impact and League of Legends suffer this big time.
Genshin Impact
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(Link to where I got the first 4 images: https://m.hoyolab.com/#/article/11600510)
League of Legends
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Besides their face ornaments you would believe these are all the same characters right? Nope! They are all different characters.
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This is just for a skinline. When compared with the other female characters og skinline they still have all the same faces.
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As far as I know the males have distinct facial features.
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Same person has point out that Taoqi is a thicker than most of the female girls and I agree. Look at the comparison.
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Small things like these make the game interesting and unique. Ethnic features and facial differences are important to everyone because it makes the character feel unique and we can relate them physical.
Not everyone is going to have the same eye shape, lips, nose, and mouth. But society excepts us to have the same feature and shuns/discriminates those who lack them or chose to embrace their features.
Which is why character creation games like Baldur's Gate, Elden Ring, Sims 4, and Cyberpunk allows players to adjust and modify their character to look like them so they won't feel like they need look a certain way.
Sorry for the rant. That post really trigger me.
First of all, thanks for sharing your thoughts. A rant it may be, but it was really interesting! Mainly because I didn't think about it from this angle before, but now that you mention it, it's so obvious :9
As a person of color myself, it is a little disheartening when non-white characters look the same but with a different shade of skin, lmao.
I don't play LoL, and haven't actually seen anything about it at all, so I hadn't seen this, though it doesn't surprise me. It's a common joke that women have less variety in their designs than men, and it gets pointed out a lot.
It's mostly modern anime poisoning or something, it's in the water I swear. Where it's just the same character but different colors and personality...
About the Genshin vs Wuwa thing, I agree that the comment of "faces" not being enough seems almost... insensitive? I don't know how to describe it, but I get it. They are so focused in the intricate clothing of Genshin and the large amount of accessories and at the same time disregard what actually matters when it comes to uniqueness, lol.
(In my eyes, clothing in character design, doesn't have to be incredibly decorated, it can be either way as long as it portrays accurately the character that's wearing them. So that whole argument is moot to me, since it's just a matter of stylistic choices and how you wish to portray an environment, etc, etc.)
Meanwhile, the fact that Genshin only uses like two bases for their characters feels like they've streamlined their design production to pull out 'bangers' each time. Just dressing up the same doll each time, changing out the wig and repainting their faces. I still like some designs from them, but it's clear they don't put much effort in the actual body of the character LMAO, they just let the fancy colors and accessories do the talking.
Anyways, hopefully we get more characters with more unique traits instead of some outfit change, both in Wuthering Waves, and in other franchises.
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1moreff-creator · 1 year
Is anyone still trying to figure out the final code on the MV? The one with (the world of abnormal sentiment dances)? No judgement, I have no idea what's going on with it either, but I'm surprised there's so little discussion of it. I’m making this post to share some observations, and some of the things I’ve tried as I go insane over this MV. Warning, don’t expect anything too revolutionary.
+First, the code doesn't have a direct parallel in the original LGI MV, so no clues there.
+But I did find something possibly peculiar. You know the "find the 'n'" bit that shows up right after it? Well, it's lifted straight from the original LGI video, but the symbol you're supposed to find there is somewhere else.
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That's the equivalent from the og LGI.
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And there's the n. It's in a completely different spot, which makes me wonder if it's somehow related to the code. The n does pretty much coincide with a number of the images. Here's a transcription of the numbers, with the numbers related to the n in blue (you should still check I didn't fuck anything up though). Italics and bold means I'm not completely sure about the number.
1 4 6 3 1 4 8 4 2 6 8
1 7 3 7 4 1 0 2 0 1 4
3 0 3 6 4 5 1 1 7 5 9
2 3 3 6 8 6 3 6 2 7 8
9 3 0 4 0 4 9 2 3 7 4
3 0 8 2 4 3 6 7 7 2 0
6 9 7 0 5 2 1 7 3 2 6
4 3 6 0 7 8 8 6 5 0 3
7 1 8 8 1 1 5 2 5 7 9
8 7 6 4 3 2 1 6 8 6 4
9 5 6 2 8 0 7 1 3 5 3
0 8 5 9 5 6 3 3 0 7 1
7 5 8 1 4 9 8 3 7 5 2
9 1 4 4 4 1 0 0 5 2 6
Does it mean anything? Hell if I know! I have no idea how any of this works!
+Perhaps a more out there possibility is the changed alphabet. I've mentioned it before, but there's a point in the David MV where a modified alphabet shows up.
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In case you can't tell, not only are letters listed in both capital and non-capital form, the alphabet ends W-U-X instead of W-X-Y-Z. This changed alphabet is not in the original LGI.
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This is the equivalent scene. You can see it's perfectly fine, and as far as I can tell (aka: zero Japanese, just the translation and vibes) the letters aren't listed twice. And this is the video the David MV is based on, there are a lot of similarities.
This would imply, in my mind at least, that the alphabet was changed for a reason. I've seen it interpreted as another sign David doesn't see himself as human, as he doesn't even use the same alphabet, but it feels like a weird way to go about showing that to me.
So, uh, if you're trying something, and some words don't look right, maybe this can help?
+I have no idea what footnote 14 is supposed to be. "Hint: word length of 256". I've seen it suggested that it relates back to Hamlet's "To be or not to be" thing, but... while I think I did see one source with 256 words once, the word count is highly inconsistent throughout the internet, and almost none of them have it as 256 words. I checked with wordcounter.net.
-Wikipedia: 275 words.
-Poetry Foundation: 259 words.
-Poets.org: 276 words.
-Nosweatshakespeare: 275 words.
-Representative Poetry Online: 265 words
-Shakespeare Resource Center: 261 words.
-Litcharts: 273 words.
See the issue here? And now I don't have any idea what footnote 14 is. Here's some other things that it isn't.
+Literature Girl Insane: >256 words.
+Colored lyrics in the MV: ~190 words
+Lemon: Way more than 256 words
+The part of lemon in the MV: 113 words.
+The defense of Socrates: Way more than 256 words.
+The defense of Socrates, but only the part in the MV, and extended to the next end of sentence: I want to cry. 257 words. 257. One off. Why? Why are you like this? Please, someone check the fucking text and tell me I accidentally pasted in a word I shouldn't have. PLEASE-
+That part of the Little Prince in that one part before the tally 5 code: 198 words.
+Undefeated by the Rain poem: 139 words (in English Wikipedia, or 180, in the English translation found in Spanish Wikipedia, because my life can't just be easy so apparently the English version of the poem is different in different languages of Wikipedia what-)
+Just the correct/incorrect code: The most is 247 characters, if you include "correct13" and "incorrect".
+Yamanashi, the story "kapukapu" comes from: Thousands of words.
I didn't check anything else, but I can't for the life of me find what this is referring to. And it feels important, seeing as it's on the goddamn equal sign. Maybe it’s one of those excerpts from that part of the MV right before the “correct/incorrect” code? I don’t know.
If it helps, I’m pretty sure the code’s going to translate to something related to Xander, seeing as his numeral flashes on screen right before that. And because of that, it’s possible this 256 word thing refers to some kind of revolutionary speech or text or something the like.
How would the footnote matter? Well, you know the ampersand symbol (&) that shows up between the numbers?
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Maybe, if we put the numbers on both rows together:
14 43 66 30 17 48 88 46 25 60 83
17 71 38 78 41 11 05 22 05 17 49
38 07 36 64 43 52 11 16 78 56 94
29 35 36 62 88 60 37 61 23 75 83
90 38 05 49 05 46 93 23 30 77 41
37 05 88 21 44 39 68 73 77 25 02
69 91 74 04 54 21 10 70 35 22 66
Then reference whatever text is 256 words long, we can assign each number a word. Possibly, we would only start where the n appears, just to give that some meaning.
Like, here's what you get if you do that with the Wikipedia version of "To be or not to be", starting with the 05 the n represents (starting from the beginning gives you a completely nonsensical message, I didn't even go all the way).
to - sleep - to - and - dream - of - against - to - die - opposing - to - that - and - no - them - consummation - to - to - fortune - be - devoutly - death - die - not - the - and - question - to - and - arrows - ‘tis
Like, that almost sounds like it works, but obviously we would need to find the actual text of 256 words, which isn’t the Wikipedia version of the Hamlet speech. I also tried with the Socrates text, but I don't think it works (from the n you get, like, "O - but - O - word - ashamed", and that's going to be in there even if you start from the beginning).
I also tried some kind of alphabet cypher thing, both with the regular alphabet and with the modified alphabet, and while I would like second opinions on account of my skill issues, I didn’t get anything.
If that’s not what the ampersand is for, here's what you get if you add the numbers together instead of just putting them next to each other:
5 7 12 3 8 12 16 10 7 6 11
8 8 11 15 5 2 5 4 5 8 13
11 7 9 10 7 7 2 7 15 11 13
11 8 9 8 16 6 10 7 5 12 11
9 11 5 13 5 10 12 5 3 14 5
10 5 16 3 8 12 14 10 14 7 2
15 10 11 4 9 3 1 7 8 4 12
It looks like it could be translated to hex almost perfectly, with the 16s possibly just translated to 10s, but I don't know what to do with it. I tried converting to hex and just putting it in as a Tumblr image URL, but nothing. Though there’s a chance I just didn’t do it right, I guess. I even took the first part up to the "n" and put it in th goddamn tally 5 page just in case it did something, but no. I tried the "word association" thing with the Hamlet thing as well, but nothing. Also tried alphabet cypher, even with the modified alphabet, and nothing. But again, any cypher cracking I tried to do should be taken with a grain of salt, since I’m a bit of an idiot at it.
One thing I didn’t do, simply because I don’t know how to, is try to use column cyphers. You can look them up and try them yourself, but I sorta doubt that’s the answer.
Finally, it’s a possibility “world length of 256” is actually some kind of cypher key. Like, not whatever it’s referencing, just “word length of 256” as a key. I severely doubt it, but if anyone wants to try it, be my guest.
Why am I telling you all this? Well, I kinda just wanted to tell someone, I guess. I’m going insane over most of the MV anyways, might as well share a bit of the madness. Also because of the content drought caused by me working on the MV video which is coming I promise but it’s going to take a while-
Anyways, thanks for reading my inane ramblings for so long! Take care!
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plaguemaskpatient · 10 months
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She traced the outfit but left out the shoes and just traced the in game dorm uniform of heartslabyul, more specifically, caters. Look closely on the red vest, you can see their shading is the same, that's because she just cut that part of the uniform and slapped it on her "outfit". She can't even design her own clothing. That's not really surprising.
Unfortunately, I found the outfit on Pinterest with no link to the og artist.
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Traced bits of the outfit and modified it. She did not credit the og artist for the design. Honestly why do I expect her to do something good, I should stop, the bar is fucking low already, I don't want it descending to hell.
same as the first post, I unfortunately found the art with no credit.
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Traced from this stock image. You can tell she traced from it cause If you look closely at the elbows, they look the same and the way the wrist is bent a little. If you rotate the stock image and make it transparent and then put it over the traced art, the hand on her hip is similar. Look at the hand at the top, the thumb finger is placed wrong and I know for a fact that it can't bend that way at all.
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the-enzyme · 5 months
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I modified my 3D artist OG-RE4 Leon S. Kennedy head sculpt. I also repainted him, for the gazillionth time, if that wasn't obvious. I have to say, modifying a tiny eyelid was pretty easy to do with the Vallejo Plastic Putty, the only issue is, it doesn't seem to sand all that well. It started to crumble when I tried to sand it. I let it cure for longer than 4-hours, when is supposed to take only one to two hours, according to Vallejo's own website. I had read mixed reviews about it sanding well, or not. I guess it doesn't? Kind of weird, considering it is meant to be filler for models, and then it goes without saying, meant to be sanded afterward for a perfectly smooth finish...?
Regardless, I feel it works well enough for me, for tiny modding projects. I am definitely going to use it again for my Leon, whom I feel happier about right now, but I still know that he's not accurate enough. He'll never be, because he wasn't sculpted accurately enough, and that's pretty sad. However, the only thing I can do is try to make mine as accurate as I can without having to pay someone else to 3D sculpt another one for me. I could try myself, but I live in the middle of nowhere and I don't want to have an adventure trying to figure out how to create a 3D sculp/mesh/file to then have it 3D printed somewhere. I haven't (3D) modeled anything in more than a decade. I feel like my old dusty 3D Max and Maya, are probably not it, for 3D printing and that's all I know. Since those were the programs, we were allowed to use in college, back in the dark ages. When I learned how to 3D model. I believe blender is the popular choice for 3D printing nowadays, but that wasn't allowed so I didn't even bother trying it. Of course, I am not going to be 3D modeling a head at this stage. I much rather mod this boulder of a 1:6 head sculpt. It's a huge head for what it is, and not accurate, but it's all I got! DX
I am happy that I found something that is less wasteful than a tiny .25 oz container of Aves Apoxie, and less expensive as well. I am probably going to try modding my Myou Bettina next, since I wanted to give him smaller eyes, but still don't want to waste money on Aves' clay, when I know I won't get even halfway through the tiny container. Now, I can actually try, without fear of wasting clay, money and possibly sanity. Modifying (relatively) tiny heads is a huge pain in the gut, but I still want my Leon to be more accurate, but not enough to pay anyone again for another failed likeness. I also want my Bettina to have much smaller eyes. He looks too baby faced for my taste. I do love my Leon so far, I feel he makes a gorgeous looking figure. However, I want my OG-RE4 Leon to be accurate and this is not it. I sanded his upper lid a lot, the 3D sculptor gave him te droopiest lids ever, I also sanded his jaw quite a bit -- Leon has a very roundish head. Not sure what the artist was thinking. I added an actual upper eyelid with the Vallejo putty, because the 3D-sculptor didn't give him any. Certainly not even close of an eye-shape as Leons, but I feel like I'm doing good progress. I wanted to see what the putty was like, before doing heavier eye mods. Now I kind of know, so I am comfortable moving on. I will try first on m Bettina, however, because that is an even larger head, with huger eyes to try plenty of times, without worrying too much about heavy damage (I hope!).
The 1st image and the last two were taken with my older than dust cellphone. I like the way those look, the "newer" phone adds a lot of noise/grain, for absolutely no reason, and also the colors are kind of gross, but they are all samsung phones, so I have no clue why the "newer" ones suck so badly -- I suck at taking photos as well, but I need all the help I can get. The "newer" phone, doesn't do me any favors. Sadly.
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shadeops21 · 5 months
Hello! I love your Cosplay Guides for COD! It’s very detailed and well done! But I can’t seem to find the character I’d like to cosplay beside Soap! I even found and looked on your DeviantArt, but he wasn’t there. Would it be possible to consider adding Gary ‘Roach’ Sanderson? Thank you in advance! :)
Ah, here’s where it gets difficult as there isn’t a “canon” reboot appearance of Roach that is able to be properly broken down. A lot of the “remaster” Roach images out there are actually just using modified or “kitbashed” versions of AI NPC skins or generic MP “milsim” skins, which share a lot of the same core assets as the campaign characters in terms of clothing, plate carriers, and pouches, albiet in different configurations and colourations.
The OG trilogy doesn’t give us much to work on either as we didn’t really see more than his arms from the first person mode, and what glimpses of his body we do get, he’s wearing the same kit as the other TF141 characters as their appearance was a lot more uniform than the reboot is. The other issue with the OG trilogy is that the equipment, even in the remaster, is too low-poly and generic to really make any kind of identification of specific equipment nearly impossible.
(Post-note: This is turning into a longer response than I expected so I’ll throw this under the cut)
Personally, if I were building a cosplay for Roach that was in line with the reboot’s aesthetics, then I would start with what “theme” I want to capture based on existing trends. Looking at what the other boys have there are about three, maybe four distinct themes:
- Night Raider: the “nightwar” gear where they’re all in black and navy blue, night vision goggles, all that “going dark” angle
- Field Work: what the boys wear a lot during MW19 and MWIII, your more conventional SF look with the green, brown, and camouflage printed clothing and gear, maybe helmets or hats, etc.
- Urban Ops: essentially streetwear or civilian attire with their combat loads just thrown over the top, maybe a thinned out load for mobility or “short duration” actions. Think Soap’s tee & jeans load or what is worn during the tunnel fight in the end of MWIII.
Once you have a theme in mind, draw inspiration from the others for what Roach might have, and don’t be afraid to incorporate headcanons if you so choose.
Here’s what I would do if I were building a Roach costume, using what is known from the canon trilogy and commonly adopted fanon.
Theme: Urban Operations
- Ranger Green Crye G3 combat shirt, rolled up sleeves to below the elbow. UK IR flag patch on right shoulder pocket flap.
- Faded blue and torn denim jeans, single kneepad on the right knee.
- Mechanix Original gloves in Coyote Brown, cutoff the trigger finger halfway on the right glove.
Platform (vest):
- Crye CPC in coyote brown
— Condor Tactical Annex Admin pouch on the top velcro section of the vest
— 2x HSGI Twin AR Taco rifle mag pouches on the front MOLLE panel, occupying wearer’s left and centre row pairs
— Flashbang pouch occupying right row pair of the front molle panel
— Left cummerbund, running front to back: HSGI Single AR Taco rifle mag pouch, Spritus Systems GP pouch, Tactical Tailor PRC-152 radio pouch - all coyote brown
— Right cummerbund, front to back: flashbang pouch, Spritus Systems GP pouch
— Rear platebag just remains empty to accommodate a backpack when needed
— Patches: Green IR UK flag patch attached to the admin pouch
- Ronin Tactics TF Belt, coyote brown
— Left hip: ESSTAC twin pistol magazine pouch, with single HSGI AR Taco behind it
— Small of back: Blue Force Gear Micro Trauma NOW IFAK
— Right Hip: holster of some kind on a low-ride platform, suitable for a sidearm of your choosing. Recommend Safariland brand.
Beanie/watch cap with Opscore AMP headset over the top, half-face neckwrap in black or grey, with tinted wrap sunglasses.
Haven’t covered footwear as I have a few boots I wear personally, can’t go wrong with either Underarmour or Oakley tactical boots, or cross reference my guides and see what the others wear.
I hope this serves as a helpful guide or something to help you out with your own Roach cosplay. And believe me, if we do get a Roach character in the reboot verse you can bet that I’ll have their loadout breakdown done!
Thanks for the ask!
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deepdreamnights · 7 months
Here Comes the Hotstepper
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Prompt: Nah, na-na-na-nah Na-na-na-na, na-na-na, na-na-na Na-na-na-nah
The prompt is the na-na chorus pattern from this classic.
Process under the fold (How to move gens to v6 without major changes).
I actually prompted this back in 2022, when Midjourney was under version 3. I've been reorganizing my images lately and also cataloging things like old prompts, and I came across the above image in its original grid:
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Since I'm playing Fear & Hunger right now, this is all very on-brand.
I have recently found a trick in Midjourney for getting access to the old school aesthetics with more of the current control and coherence (and speed), for at least some of the old models, the region-vary works, so you can select a section of background, change the version on the prompt, and run it, and it will move the image to the new model more or less unchanged.
From there, you can use the iteration, outpainting, and upscaler functions as you desire, with different combinations allowing for varying levels of madness/coherence to your taste.
The initial image was a "creative" upscale, which reinterpreted the OG splorts through the new engine's tastes to create that interesting combination of texture and shadow. But it wound up reinterpreting the top of the column of heads into a massive one, rather than the taper you get with the subtle upscale:
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Which has a very different feel.
The image(s) above in this post were made using a dumb as hell prompt and have not been modified/iterated extensively. As such, they do not meet the minimum expression threshold, and are in the public domain.
I was inspired to start experimenting along these lines by this:
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So I'm calling this trick "secret horsing"
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koreinwinter · 2 years
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“You... really don’t know why?”
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terraxcloud · 8 months
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Final Fantasy 6 drawing by Nomura that was found around 2013. Can be found in the FFWiki.
An additional image of Cloud's prototype is under the Mog section.
This version of Cloud was used to create Squall - the reason why the FF6 Opera featured so much in FF8.
You can see that the characters are unfinished. Relm's hair is straight, Terra doesn't have a ponytail and has a circlet on her forehead instead (she doesn't have her earlier short hair at least), Celes has a piercing (which became Cloud's), Strago has a mohawk, Lara is Strago's wife but didn't make the cut just like Cloud (his original name is unknown), etc.
When this image was put on the internet, people began referencing a very early 1994 V-Jump interview with Sakaguchi where he said that the main character was originally Terra as a male. Well, Cloud takes a lot of stuff from Terra, so maybe it was a half-truth. Many also latched onto the idea that it was originally Squall, but appearances are deceiving. Squall was made after this prototype of Cloud as Squall & Rinoa's relationship is a modified version of the storyline that was cut in FF6.
This is why the symbols of shooting stars, orphans, witches, angels, a flower field, and the late game promise are found in it. Some of these things seem to have come from FF7, but it's older than that.
Another character that was made after this prototype of Cloud is Leslie from FF7 Remake.
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Leslie's talk with his Fiancée is about Cloud (as the FF6 main character) talking to Terra (as her earlier prototype?). Did you wonder why Cloud reacted so strongly to his story? This is why.
It's similar to the ending of Loveless as Cid originally said at the end of OG FF7:
"When the sister of the lead asks her lover, 'Do you really have to leave?" And the guy says, 'I made a promise. The people I love are waiting.' '...I don't understand. Not at all. But, take care of yourself.' 'Of course...I'll come back to you. Even if you don't promise to wait. I'll return knowing you'll be here."
Tifa immediately mentions that Leslie's necklace means "Reunion".
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The ending of Loveless isn't the beginning of that storyline. It started in the FF6 Opera, which is actually about Terra saying that she'll wait for Cloud to return. Yes, it's sung by Celes, but it's actually about Terra. The character who represents this FF6 Opera/Loveless thing is Aerith (who also lost her love). Aerith borrows Celes' opera design and her theme song starts exactly like the FF6 Opera main theme.
Regardless of how few people talk about this, it's far more important than anything in the game. Honestly, the entirety of FF7 may have been crafted around this one thing. The game's theme is "Loss", and the game keeps reminding Cloud of what he had lost.
All main themes of FF7R are in Terra's words. I know that confuses everyone, but I promise is makes much more sense seeing it this way than it does forcing the meanings into the other characters of FF7. What character hasn't yet met Cloud in any timeline? Well, maybe they're not in the game yet.
I'm not sure if Rebirth will be the one that'll reveal this "secret" to the light, but I'm sure that any hints it gives out will start to be noticeable. The main portions of FF7 Remake to include these "hints" are Biggs/Wedge/Jessie, Marle/Mireille, Betty/Oates, Tifa/Aerith, Leslie's sewer mission, and the Sector 5 slums, although there are many other random things. Moogles are used as a symbol for Terra, which is why it appears heavily in the area that highly implies her, The Children's Hideout.
Oddly enough, it's well known that FF7 was made with elements from FF6 and Terra herself, yet no one has ever asked why? I guess no one played Dissidia.
Yes, there are hints in games last decade that Terra would make a visit to FF7 land, even get attacked by Sephiroth. They're very subtle, but if you can pay attention to patterns you'll notice them. You just have to find out what Cloud does in every game and it'll make sense...it really is that simple! It has nothing to do with canon, since what the developer thinks is not what the fandom thinks, and the best hints are found in the games no one will readily believe in.
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enteragoodnamehere · 9 months
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horrible idea I had earlier that gripped me by the throat until I drew it: I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream... but Rain World. more bits under the cut because. I have been Thinking about this lmao
so obv. the survivors are scugs (from left to right in the first image: Ted, Ellen, Gorrister, and Nimdok) and AM is an iterator. Benny (2nd image) was also a scug but got genetically modified by AM and now he's *gestures vaguely*
I'm thinking Nimdok would have been a purposed organism pre-AM (or at least a purposed organism that worked with/was created by AM's creators maybe?) and thats why he's fluffy and how he knows about AM
Ted gets the Mark of Communication (white orb) after falling due to a king vulture attack (the giant weather bird thing in the book). He gets knocked unconscious and has the dream where AM gives him the hate speech, and then he wakes up with the Mark.
the ice cave scene goes like this: instead of a cave, its an old scavenger outpost/toll. all the scavs are dead, but no-one is able to eat them (they were the promised "food"). Benny goes nuts, attacks, everyone panics, AM laughs his ass off, but then Ted notices that the scav corpses still have spears... then it plays out like in the og story and Ted gets jelly-thing'd
I think the Jelly-Thing here would be smth similar to Hunter Long Legs (content warning for body horror but its nothing worse than the actual jelly-thing lol) but like. still alive/sentient
yeahh thats my thoughts so far lol. thanks for reading!!
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barsoapp · 2 years
I Mean This Forever🩸
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Close up, og sketch from class, + image I used for the background(fyi‼️I did not draw only colored and very slightly modified‼️I found the image on pinterest so if anyone knows the artist please let me know)
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axilt2002 · 8 months
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I’m sure if you’re on Ed tumblr, you’ve seen the 75 hard on tiktok or someplace else. This is my modified version of it. One day, I hope to be disciplined enough to follow the og 75 hard but for now this will do:)
Feel free to try it out! (Ofc, my plan is to keep this up for longer than just 75 days, but this is a good start) and I know the 16 image is kind of random for anybody else who might use this template but I just added it to remind myself about the thing gap that I need for my sweet 16 lol!💕
My plan is to update tmblr every day and hold myself accountable even if every day isn’t perfect.
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