#I might turn this into a fic…. don’t hold me accountable tho!!
syuga-s · 1 month
i made my fiancés tinder profile
w.c. 8.5k pairing. non-idol!jeon jungkook x fem!reader genre. cute and angsty friends to lovers <333 a/n. idk guys i wrote this like a month ago but I JUST GOT THE ENERGY TO POST IT so i apologize in advance if you find mistakes here and there, ALSO i made the playlist that inspired me to make this fic so i'll just leave it here if you want to give it a listen or save it don't look at my other playlists tho they're a mess 🦦
You always thought you were pretty good at giving dating advice. It’s easier when you’re not the one doing the dating, right? That’s how it all started with Jungkook. You two were chilling at your apartment one lazy Sunday afternoon when you suddenly blurted out, “Why are you still single, Jungkook? You’re amazing, good-looking, and fun. You should at least be on like three different dating apps.”
He laughed, running a hand through his hair in that effortlessly cool way he always did. “Dunno' just haven’t found the right person,” he said with a smile that made you heart do a weird little flip. “I don’t think I’m good at dating, haha.”
“You’re ridiculous,” you shot back, sitting up. “Let's make you an account. We’ll get you some matches in no time.”
He hesitated for a second, then shrugged. “Sure, let's do it.”
And that’s how you ended up setting up his profile, not realizing that this would be the beginning of the end of your denial and the start of a love story you never saw coming.
You grabbed his phone and he settled onto the couch next to you. “Okay, first things first. We need some killer photos. Let’s start with your main picture.”
You opened the camera app. You sat there, looking at his phone for a minute before he let out a loud laugh.
You looked up. “What is it?"
He grinned, pointing at something behind you. "It's just Tae taking a picture of us setting up a dating profile," Jungkook said, chuckling.
You turned around to see Taehyung standing in the doorway, holding his phone up with a huge grin on his face. "Don't mind me," Taehyung sang out, winking at the two of you. "Just capturing this for posterity."
Tae showed Jungkook the picture and a fit of laughter erupted again, now from the two of them. "Your face! You look so focused and super serious right now."
Rolling your eyes, you lightly smacked his arm. "This is serious business! We need to find the perfect picture to reel in all the potential matches."
Then you started browsing through his photo gallery to curate the most attractive selection of pictures.
There you had him on the gym doing weights, him on his boxing gear, with his dogs, him doing the dishes with a strangely tight black shirt, a few selfies on his car, with his motorcycle. You could sell a whole album with his photos, how on earth would you do him justice and only choose 10 of them?
"Why is this so hard?"
Jungkook chuckled. "Because you're not choosing photos for a profile, you're trying to find a reason to stare at me and my body for too long."
"Boy, I'm trying to help you here, and if I'm gonna do it, I might as well do this like a professional matchmaker." You retorted.
His eyebrows furrowed. "When have you ever paired someone up?"
You smiled smugly. "That's none of your business, Jeon."
"It is, actually, since you're helping me with this thing."
"Fine, if you must know, I hooked up one my friend's older sister with my college roommate."
"Really? How did that go?" He asked, curious.
"Pretty well, they've been together for a couple years now." You answered, still going through his photos.
"Wasn't your college roommate that guy with the blue hair?" He asked, his tone changing slightly.
"Uh-huh, why?"
"Wasn't he the guy you were dating during our third year?"
"Oh yeah, I forgot about that."
"How can you forget about him?" He sounded annoyed. "You spent an entire week crying in my bed because he broke up with you."
"Oh my god, did I? I don't recall." You were playing dumb, of course you remembered but there was no need to talk about that. "What do you think of this one?" It was a shirtless picture, point blank.
"I think you look kinda slutty but everyone's gonna eat it up, you'll get a date in no time." You continued.
"I am not posting a shirtless picture, are you crazy?" He snatched the phone from your hand.
"Well, it's not like we're gonna sell the damn picture, it's just your torso and the picture is really nice, you look good, I don't know why you're making such a fuss."
He didn't say anything, just looked at you.
"What? I'm complimenting you, it's the truth." You rolled your eyes.
"Okay, thank you." He was blushing.
"Are you blushing?" You asked, amused.
"No, it's just really hot in here." He took off his hoodie, throwing it somewhere in your living room.
You didn't even realize how close he was sitting next to you. It wasn't like it was the first time he'd been on your couch, but something felt different today. It was strange.
All the photos that you chose showcased different aspects of Jungkook's personality. Each photo told a story about him - his love for his dogs, his passion for staying active, his playful side with silly selfies. As you scrolled through his gallery, you couldn't help but notice the genuine smile on his face in many of the pictures, a smile that seemed to light up the whole world.
After him putting up a fight on choosing his favorite photos of him, next you had to write him something for his bio.
Jungkook leaned in closer to read over your shoulder.
"This is stupid, what do you want me to write? My name, my age, my occupation?" He was whining.
"Yes, those things obviously, but also things like, I don't know a joke or something to sum up your personality. I want them to know you're fun and cute, mind-blowingly good at everything, something along those lines."
"I am mind-blowingly good at everything." He said, his tone confident.
You rolled your eyes.
"So let's say, what if I write 'shit i'd date the hell out of me', you like it?" You asked him with a smile.
He laughed. "I do, I really do."
"Okay, it's settled." You wrote down the phrase, and a bunch of things about him.
"Now we just have to add something that will hook them up."
"Like what?"
"I don't know, just be honest. Just, don't write that you're looking for a girl to have sex with."
"But I am looking for a girl to have sex with." Blank expression on his face.
"You are so dumb sometimes." You threw a pillow at his face.
He caught it mid-air. "God, you know I'm not look— this was YOUR IDEA IN THE FIRST PLACE!" He yelled, trying to defend himself.
"Yeah, but, just write something that will make you look not like a manwhore."
He thought for a moment. "I know, I got it."
"Okay, shoot."
"I'm a manwhore." He had the brightest smile.
"Oh, for the love of..." You couldn't help but laugh at his antics. "Alright, fine. If that's what you want to go with, who am I to stop you?"
You two were done, and he was already getting notifications.
"Woah, that was... surprisingly fast." He was surprised, and you were proud of yourself.
"Of course, you're hot and cute. We don't see your type in dating apps very often."
He gave you a weird look, you couldn't quite figure out. "Thanks?"
"No worries, I'm sure you'll find someone in no time." You patted him on the back as you were getting up and ready to go to the kitchen and make some dinner. "See who you like and I'll help you on how to ask them on a date."
"Okay." He smiled.
"What are you smiling at? Are you looking at them already?"
"Yeah, I'm trying to see which one of these girls will be our first victim."
"Don't call them victims." You laughed.
The truth is that Jungkook only agreed to this because he loves spending time with you.
As you busied yourself in the kitchen, Jungkook couldn't shake the warmth spreading through his chest. He scrolled through the notifications on his phone, half-heartedly swiping left and right. His mind wasn't on finding a date; it was on you.
He couldn't believe he agreed to this. Making a profile on Tinder just to humor the best friend he was in love with, seemed harmless at first, but now, seeing the app light up with potential matches, he felt burdened. He wasn't here to date. He was here because he wanted to be closer to you, even if it meant pretending to search for someone else.
Each time a new message popped up, he found himself wondering if you'd approve. Would you laugh at the cheesy pickup lines together? Would you help him craft witty responses? He realized he didn't care about meeting any of these girls; he only cared about spending time with you.
But as much as he tried to focus on the dating app in front of him, his thoughts kept drifting back to you. To the way you laughed and teased him, to the way you always seemed to know what he needed even when he didn't realize it himself. Jungkook found himself longing for something he couldn't quite name, a feeling that stirred deep within him whenever he was near you.
He sighed, setting his phone down on the coffee table as he leaned back on the couch because he didn't bother looking through any of the profiles. Instead he made his way to the kitchen, where you were standing over a pot, stirring absentmindedly.
He stepped up behind you, watching as you stirred. His chest was warm, and he had a strange urge to wrap his arms around you and nuzzle his nose into your neck.
"Hey," he said, his voice soft.
You turned your head slightly, not looking at him but smiling. "Hey."
Jungkook took a step closer, placing his hand over yours. "Let me help," he said.
You handed him the wooden spoon, your fingers brushing against his in the exchange. He stirred the pot gently, mirroring the way he wanted to handle your heart. Neither of you spoke, the only sound filling the room was the clinking of utensils against the pot.
"You okay there?" Your voice broke through his daydreaming.
He answered you softly while running a hand through his hair nervously. "Yeah, just... thinking."
As the aroma of the dish wafted through the air, you felt his warmth seeping into you, comforting and familiar. You couldn't ignore the heavy tension that hung between you, thick like a fog.
He cleared his throat, breaking the spell. "So... what do we do now?" His voice was low, almost a whisper.
You turned around to face him, his eyes searching yours for answers neither of you dared to voice. "We eat dummy," you said with a laugh.
You and Jungkook sat down for dinner, the tension from earlier still lingering between you. As you ate, you caught each other stealing glances when the other wasn't looking.
"So...have you looked at any of the matches yet?" you asked, trying to break the silence.
Jungkook shifted in his seat. "A few, but no one really caught my eye," he said evasively.
You nodded, poking at your food. "Well if you see anyone you like, let me know. I want to help."
"Thanks, I will," Jungkook said with a small smile.
You returned the smile weakly, a pang in your chest at the thought of Jungkook dating someone else. You had pushed the feelings down for so long, not wanting to jeopardize your friendship. But your dumb decision of making him a dating profile forced you to confront how you really felt.
After you finished eating together, Jungkook helped you with the dishes. You dried off your hands, and he was ready to leave. Almost as if he was on a rush.
"Thanks for making dinner," he said with a smile.
You nodded. "Of course, you know I love having you over."
You stood at the door awkwardly, not knowing what to say.
Jungkook cleared his throat. "I'll text you," he said.
You gave him a thumbs-up, your voice coming out more high-pitched than normal. "Yeah, cool. See ya later."
He chuckled and leaned down to give you a hug. You wrapped your arms around him, breathing in his scent. You held him a little longer than necessary, wanting to memorize the feeling of his arms enveloping you.
Jungkook's hand lingered on your shoulder as he pulled away.
"Goodnight," he said softly, his thumb brushing against your cheek before he turned to leave. You watched him go, feeling a mix of emotions swirling inside you. As the door closed behind him, you leaned against it, aching with the realization that you might have just pushed away the one person who meant more to you than just a friend.
If only you had the courage to do something.
The following week, you found yourself cleaning your house, the mess had piled up and you had a bunch of your clothes all over the place and that's when you found Jungkook's hoodie from last week. It had fallen between your couch and the wall, so you pulled it out with a considerable amount of force. That's when his iPod fell to the ground.
He still uses this thing? The corners of your mouth turned up involuntarily as you recalled teasing him about the ancient device.
You were surprised, most people uses their phones, or maybe he still has this thing because it was a present from you. If you hadn't seen it you wouldn't have remembered that you had given him this iPod for Christmas like 7 years ago.
You took the device in your hand and turned it on. You figured it would be nice to hear his playlists while you kept cleaning.
You should have just connected it and played it on shuffle. But I guess humans are very nosey creatures. Creatures who love to go through someone else's things, just to see another hidden side of said person.
So, like any other normal human being, you opened his lists, and started to go through them.
"Golden mix", "Euphoria", "OST's". Those were pretty standard. "Lonely nights" a bit of a stretch, "Best of the 00s", "Dance party" and "Songs to sing along". Fork found in kitchen. And there was one more playlist that caught your attention.
Simply labeled with— "Your name."
Your heart started beating faster. What is this?
You opened the playlist and you were welcomed by a list of what it seemed like... love songs.
The first one was "Best Friend". You didn't know what to think. Why did he have a playlist with songs like "Kiss me" by Matt Maltese, "Mountains" by Charlotte Day Wilson, "Making Time" by Rex Orange County. All love songs.
Then it hit you. He's in love.
You started panicking. Your heart racing with thoughts you couldn't ignore any longer. The playlist named after you echoed in your mind.
You couldn't believe it. Jungkook, your best friend, the one who always seemed so casual and carefree, had a playlist dedicated to you filled with love songs. Your mind raced as you tried to process this new information. Was it possible that he felt the same way you did? That the tension between you wasn't one-sided after all?
You sat down on the couch, still holding his iPod in your hands. The weight of it felt heavier now, as if it held all the unspoken words and emotions that had been swirling between you and Jungkook. You couldn't bring yourself to put it down; instead, you scrolled through the playlist again, each song title tugging at your heartstrings.
A sense of warmth washed over you, mingled with fear and uncertainty. What should you do now? Should you confront Jungkook about the playlist, lay all your cards on the table and risk changing everything between you? Or should you keep quiet, pretend you never stumbled upon this precious list?
You knew there was something going on, you weren't stupid. But you couldn't bring yourself to accept the possibility that the guy you love, might like you back. It's easier to pretend like nothing is happening. You have built this whole imaginary life with him in your head, but not once did you consider that it might be a two-way street.
"I already said I'm in love with you Can't you hear me? Why do you act like you don't? You know well the spark in my eyes when I look at you Can't you see it? Why do you act like you don't?"
You had been listening to the song on repeat for an hour. It was stuck in your head. Your heart was aching.
The reality was finally sinking in.
"He's in love with me," you whispered to yourself, the realization hitting you like a tidal wave. It explained so much—his kindness, his attentiveness, even his willingness to go along with making a stupid profile for a stupid dating app. But you had built walls around your heart, afraid to acknowledge the possibility that your feelings were reciprocated.
You felt a surge of emotions, a mix of joy and fear swirling inside you. Jungkook's unspoken confession through his playlist left you feeling exposed and vulnerable, yet strangely hopeful.
"Falling" played softly through the speakers, its lyrics painting a picture of longing and uncertainty. It mirrored your own inner turmoil, the battle between fear and listening to your heart for once.
You had spent so long convincing yourself that this was just a friendship, that any romantic thoughts were one-sided. Now, faced with the truth, you didn't know what to do next. Should you tell Jungkook? Should you pretend you never saw the playlist?
Your mind raced with questions, but deep down, you knew you couldn't ignore this any longer. Jungkook's feelings were out in the open, laid bare through these songs that said a lot about his emotions.
Taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes and let the music wash over you. Each melody, each lyric felt like a confession, a plea for you to see what had been in front of you all along.
"I already said I'm in love with you," the lyrics repeated in your mind, echoing the words you longed to hear from Jungkook himself.
The weight of the situation settled over you. You constructed the exact same playlist on your own phone, replaying it endlessly, searching for answers in the same songs he had chosen. It became a ritual, a way to understand what Jungkook hadn't yet said aloud. Each track felt like a message, a confession hidden in plain sight.
As days passed, the playlist became a lifeline, a connection to Jungkook that transcended words. You wondered if he knew the impact his secret gesture had on you, if he realized how deeply you analyzed each song, each lyric, each subtle hint of affection.
It was as if the playlist had become a conversation between your hearts, a silent dialogue that spoke volumes about your unspoken emotions. You couldn't deny the truth any longer—the love you felt for Jungkook had bloomed quietly, nurtured by his unwavering presence in your life and it reflected in the selection of songs carefully chosen by him.
And so you continued to listen, to immerse yourself in the music that spoke of love and longing. It was a soundtrack to his emotions, a testament to the unspeakable love that had grown between you and him.
The guys had planned a small gathering at your house. Hoseok, Jimin and Tae arrived at the same time around 8:00 p.m. with food, drinks and Cards Against Humanity. They were already having fun when they rang the bell.
"Hey," you said as you opened the door.
"Hey!" they greeted you.
You all headed towards the living room and they placed the things they brought on the table.
You chuckled, feeling a wave of warmth at their enthusiasm. "Thanks for coming, guys. I've got the place ready—cleaned up only for you the other day," you teased, motioning towards the neatly arranged living room.
As you all settled in, chatting and unpacking the snacks and games, there was a noticeable absence. Jungkook hadn't arrived yet, and though you tried not to dwell on it, his absence didn't go unnoticed by your friends.
"Where's Jungkook?" Tae finally asked, voicing the question that lingered in the air.
You shrugged nonchalantly, though your heart skipped a beat at the mention of his name. "Not sure. He said he might be a bit late."
Hoseok raised an eyebrow, exchanging a knowing look with Jimin. "Didn't he say he was gonna meet with someone from Tinder?"
"You know, the dating app," Tae chimed in, taking a bite of a snack.
"I know what Tinder is Tae,” you replied with a laugh, trying to keep your cool.
"So you didn't know he was on a date?"
"No, he didn't tell me. Are you serious? He's on a date right now?" Your voice came out louder than expected, and you cursed yourself for the slip.
Jimin frowned, concerned. "Are you okay, Y/N?"
You waved dismissively, trying to downplay the hurt and disappointment. "Yeah, all good... well, more food and games for us until he gets here."
You tried to push down the gnawing feeling of jealousy that threatened to surface at the thought of Jungkook on a date with someone else. The idea of him with another person stirred up emotions you had been trying so hard to accept the past days. You forced a smile as you joined in the banter and laughter, attempting to bury your own conflicting emotions.
Despite their casual remarks, you couldn't shake the unease settling in your stomach. You hoped Jungkook would arrive soon, eager for his presence to dispel the nervous tension building within you.
The minutes ticked by, filled with laughter and infinite jokes over Cards Against Humanity. Each time the doorbell rang, you found yourself tensing, hoping it was him. But each time, it turned out to be someone else—a delivery person, one of your neighbors...
As the evening progressed, you couldn't help but steal glances at your phone, checking for any messages from Jungkook. But you decided not to keep waiting and decided to send him a text first.
'whats taking you so longggggggg' it read.
He replied instantly. 'i'm outside, coming now'
You put down your phone, your heart pounding. A few seconds later, you heard familiar footsteps approaching and there was a knock on the door. You got up, heading towards the door.
"He's here!" Tae exclaimed, a grin spreading across his face as he jumped up to answer the door with you.
You held your breath as Jungkook stepped inside, a sheepish smile on his lips as he greeted everyone. His eyes met yours briefly, and for a moment, the world seemed to slow down.
"Sorry I'm late guys," Jungkook said, setting down a bag of drinks next to Tae's.
Jimin smirked teasingly. "Lost track of time, huh?"
Jungkook chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "Haha nah,"
Absolutely not. It was a disaster. Why did I agree to this? She seemed nice enough online, he thought, but in person... It just wasn’t there. The conversation felt forced, and I couldn’t wait for it to end. He grimaced, recalling how he struggled to find common ground and forced a laugh at her jokes. I should've been with y/n tonight, helping her get everything ready for this.
Of course, all of that stayed in his head. He was embarrassed to tell everyone how much he hated meeting someone new. It would just give your friends the opening to tease him more about it.
"Well, you made it, and we're all here now. So let's start" you suggested, breaking the silence.
His eyes sought out yours, finding a mix of emotions reflected back at him—surprise, curiosity, and something he couldn't quite place.
Everyone nodded in agreement and moved to gather around the coffee table, pulling your cushions closer.
With Jungkook's presence, the gathering felt complete, as if a missing piece had been found.
And as you all laughed and played into the night, you couldn't ignore the way Jungkook's gaze lingered on you, a silent reassurance of the feelings you'd been trying to suppress.
"I'm going to take a photo of this." Tae announced, lifting up his beer.
You and the others followed suit, holding your drinks up and smiling. Jungkook on your right got closer to you for the picture, cheek to cheek, his scent surrounding you. You wanted to lean in and practically inhale him.
"Perfect." Tae snapped the shot, and then showed it to the group. "What do you think, everyone?"
Everyone agreed that it was a good photo.
"We all look great," Tae said.
"But not as good as those two," Hoseok joked.
You rolled your eyes. "Please."
"It's true," Hoseok insisted. "You guys look good together."
Jimin nodded, taking another sip of his drink. "They're right. You’d make a cute couple."
Jungkook felt shy at their words. It's not like he was trying to hide his feelings for you, but he hadn't exactly made his intentions known, either. It was frustrating, wanting to be closer to you but not knowing how.
At least it was encouraging to know that your closest friends were seeing you both that way. That meant he had hope, right?
"Okay, that's enough," you said, feeling your cheeks heat up. "Let's keep playing."
As the game resumed, the group's attention shifted back to the cards.
You cleared your throat, shifting awkwardly on the cushion. "So... how was your date?"
Jungkook winced, not meeting your eyes. "It was okay," he said, his tone lacking enthusiasm.
You bit your lip, curiosity gnawing at you. "Just okay? What happened?"
Jungkook shook his head, still not meeting your gaze. "I don't know. It just didn't feel right, I guess."
You tilted your head, searching his face. "What do you mean?"
Jungkook shrugged, a sheepish expression on his face. "It was just... awkward. We didn't really click. I don't know."
Your chest tightened, a mix of emotions swirling inside. "Oh," you managed, turning back to the game. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be." He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I'm not good at this kind of thing, you know? Meeting new people, going on dates. It's hard for me. I'd rather be with people I already know and trust."
You knew what he meant. The same went for you. It was hard enough trying to navigate your feelings without having to worry about other people, too.
You nodded, giving him a small smile. "I get it."
"I just wish it could be easier, you know? Like, finding someone you actually like who happens to also like you back, and not having to worry about anything else. Just enjoying each other's company."
Your breath caught, your mind reeling from his words. And from the way he was looking at you, you could tell he wasn't just talking about friendship.
"Why would you say something like that?" you questioned, the words tumbling out before you could stop them.
Jungkook's brow furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean? Say something like what?"
"That you wish you could be with someone who actually likes you and not have to worry about anything else."
"I... because it's true. I don't want to go on stupid dates anymore, I want to be with someone I care about. Someone I can laugh and have fun with."
You swallowed, your pulse quickening.
"Someone like who?"
Jungkook exhaled, a nervous smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "I think you know who," he said quietly.
You stared at him, speechless, as his words sunk in. Your heart was racing, your body buzzing with adrenaline.
Hoseok, who had been unusually quiet, suddenly made himself heard, "I think I'm stuck in your bathroom!"
You and Jungkook turned to find your friend, who sounded flustered and slightly panicked. Jimin and Tae burst into laughter, trying to contain themselves as Hoseok continued to tug at the bathroom door.
"What do you mean you're stuck?" Jimin managed to ask between giggles.
Hoseok yelled helplessly. "I went in to use the bathroom, and now the door won't open!"
Jungkook glanced at you with a bemused smile, the tension from earlier dissipating with the absurdity of the situation. "Seriously, Hobi?" he chuckled.
Hoseok sounded exasperated. "It's not funny! How am I supposed to get out of here?"
"I'll go get some tools," Tae offered, still chuckling as he headed towards the kitchen.
You stepped closer to the bathroom door, trying to assess the situation. "It's just stuck. Let me try," you suggested, reaching for the handle and giving it a firm tug.
To everyone's surprise, the door swung open easily, revealing Hoseok looking both relieved and slightly embarrassed. "Oh, thanks, I swear it was stuck…"
Jimin clapped Hoseok on the back, still laughing. "Sure it was, Hobi. Sure."
The rest of the evening passed by in a blur of laughter and games, and despite the lingering awkwardness from earlier, you were glad that the night had gone well.
It was close to 2:00 a.m. when your friends finally began to call it a night, and you were exhausted.
"Thanks again for coming, everyone. I had a lot of funnnn," you said, giving them each a hug goodbye.
Jungkook was still on your kitchen helping you clean up all the mess you made. Drying the dishes and placing the glasses on your cabinets. You were cleaning up the table when he walked up to you.
"Need any help?"
"I'm done, thank you."
"Are you sure?"
"I am, thanks Kookie,"
You started walking towards your room when you heard him speak up.
"I really liked being here tonight."
"I know it was a lot of fun," you replied with a small smile. You grabbed his hoodie and his iPod to return them. Staring at the endearing device. Almost as if it were something fragile.
"I'm glad you had a good time," you responded as you walked back to the kitchen, handing him back his belongings. As you stood there in the dimly lit room, a comfortable silence settled between you. Jungkook's gaze was intense as he looked at you, his eyes searching yours for something unspoken.
Jungkook paused his moves, as if weighing his next words carefully. "I was thinking... maybe we could hang out again this week, just the two of us."
"What about the girl from Tinder?" you asked as you returned to face him, your tone sharper than you intended.
Jungkook frowned, confusion clouding his features. "What are you talking about? You know I went on one date. I told you it was a disaster."
You sighed, suddenly feeling foolish. "Yeah, I know, don't know why I asked that, haha" you muttered. "Didn't know you still used this thing,"
He smiled, his fingers brushing over the iPod. "I still love my music in here, you know, it sounds a lot better"
"Yeah, that's what I thought,"
He looked at you intently, and the air between you seemed to grow heavy.
"I've missed spending time with you, Y/N."
Your breath caught in your throat, your pulse quickening as you stared at him. "Me too," you whispered.
"So, is that a yes?"
"A yes to what?"
"The offer to hang out,"
"Oh, right. Um, yeah, sure. Sounds nice."
Jungkook's face lit up. "Cool. Well, I guess I'll see you later, then." With a final smile, he turned and left.
You watched him go and your mind was spinning. Jungkook's words echoed in your head, his words sending a flutter through your chest. You couldn't help but grin. Maybe there was hope for you two after all.
The following day, you woke up to the sun streaming in through your curtains, illuminating the room in a soft glow. You stretched lazily, savoring the warmth of your bed, before reluctantly climbing out and heading to the bathroom to wash up.
Unconciously, you began to shut yourself out. You had spent the whole night awake, thoughts about the possibility of being with your best friend swirling around your head, preventing you from falling asleep.
As you brushed your teeth, you heard your phone buzz. It was a text from him.
'Good morning'
A smile tugged at your lips, butterflies erupting in your stomach.
'good morning'
'can we go out today? im craving pizza'
You bit your lip, considering the invitation. A part of you was eager to see him, but another part was worried that it might be awkward, especially after the scenarios you created in your head last night.
You ended up refusing to go out with him. And he started to get anxious. He thought he may have done something wrong. That you were actually angry for going on a date or that you no longer wanted him to be part of your life just because he went out with someone else.
Jungkook started panicking.
And so, he called the guys.
"I don't know, she's just not acting normal." he sighed.
"Did something happen the other night?" Hoseok asked, concerned.
"No, I don't think so. She didn't say anything to me,"
"So why is she mad at you?"
"I have no idea. I was hoping maybe you had an idea,"
"Did she say she was mad at you?"
"Not directly, but she didn't want to go out today,"
"Well, I'm not surprised. She's probably just tired,"
"Yeah, from work and all that, she's probably exhausted. I'm sure it's nothing."
"Do you think so? You don't think she's mad at me?"
"I really don't think she is. She'll probably just want to rest for a few days, and then things will go back to normal."
Your attitude changed so suddenly. You kept on cancelling on him. It’s been weeks.
"You have to talk to her, man," Jimin said.
"What do I say? How do I bring it up? Do I just ask her why she's been avoiding me? What if she doesn't know what I'm talking about?"
"Then ask her. Don't overthink it. Just say it."
Jungkook sighed, frustrated. "You make it sound so easy,"
"Look, I'm not gonna lie to you. It's probably gonna be awkward as fuck, but you can't let it get in the way of your friendship. You've been friends for so long, and it's obviously important to both of you. If she really is mad at you, then you need to find out what's going on. But if she's not, then you need to clear the air and move on. Because otherwise, this is just gonna keep getting worse and worse for you."
"Yeah, you're right. I'm just... worried, I guess."
"I know, but don't be. Everything’s fine. It’ll work out, especially if you let her know that you like her."
"What? Are you crazy? I can't just tell her that."
"Why not?"
"Because... what if she doesn't feel the same way?"
"So what if she doesn't? You'll never know unless you tell her. And if she does feel the same way, then you can finally stop being all sad and pathetic."
"You think she likes me?"
"Well, only she can tell you that, but you'll never know if you don't talk to her. So suck it up and go for it."
"Fine. I'll talk to her."
"But... how do I tell her?"
"Just be honest. Tell her you've been worried that something is wrong, and you want to make sure everything is okay. Then let her know how you feel. But, be prepared for her reaction. If she doesn't feel the same way, it could make things weird. But you need to deal with it and move on."
That same day you were laying down in bed, scrolling through your phone. Reading over and over the lyrics of one particular song on the playlist.
"Is there a place for me? Is there a place for us? I can't tell you how much I love you, babe Open the door Open your heart Tell me how you're feeling, I miss you so bad I'm falling to pieces"
And just like that, your phone began vibrating, your heart beating rapidly as his name flashed across the screen.
"Hey, are you free? Can we talk?"
"Uhm... sure, yeah. Now?"
"If it's okay, yes."
"I'm coming up now."
"Wait, wha-..."
Jungkook was already at your door, knocking frantically. You opened it for him, your heart in your throat.
He stood before you, looking determined. His eyes were wide, his hair tousled, and he was out of breath, as if he had just run a marathon.
"Sorry, I was already on my way. I had to do it now. I have to say it, because otherwise, I won't have the courage to say it some other time,"
He inhaled deeply, his eyes locked on yours.
"Y/N, I really, really like you. And I've been so confused and conflicted because I've always liked you, then I started thinking that maybe there was more. And then I realized there was. I really, really like you."
You swallowed hard, the words ringing in your ears.
"It's okay, I just wanted you to know,"
You shook your head, struggling to comprehend what he had just told you. "I'm sorry, I'm just..."
"I know, and I'm sorry. But I had to say it."
"So, does this mean... what are you saying exactly?"
Jungkook hesitated, running a hand through his hair. "Look, Y/N, I don't expect anything from you, and I don't want things to get weird. But I just had to tell you. I'm crazy about you."
You nodded slowly, processing his words. "uh. I-... uh."
"I know it's sudden, and I'm sorry. I just couldn't hold it in anymore. But I don't want anything to change, I promise. I'll just go, and we can forget this ever happened. We can go back to the way things were, I promise. I'm sorry,"
"Jungkook, stop apologizing. It's not a bad thing, I'm just... processing. I've never had anyone say they're crazy about me before," with your phone in your hand an idea immediately came to you.
"Can I show you something?" you asked him.
"What is it?"
You walked up to him, your phone in your hand. You handed him your device and let him see your screen. There it was, the infamous playlist.
Jungkook's doe eyes widened, a small gasp escaping his lips as he noticed. "What... is this...?"
"I went through your iPod when you left your hoodie last time," you told him with an embarrassed grin. "They’re the same songs you have on yours,"
"This is so embarrassing," he groaned, his cheeks red. "You... you went through my iPod?" Jungkook asked, now with a hint of amusement in his voice.
You nodded, feeling a mix of embarrassment and relief that he wasn't angry about it. "I was curious about the music you listen to. And I found… this,”
He stared at the playlist, then back at you, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "So... does that mean you... already knew how I felt?" Jungkook asked, hope flickering in his eyes.
Your heart raced at his words, a mix of excitement and uncertainty swirling inside you. Could this really be happening? Could your long-standing friendship truly be blossoming into something more?
"Jungkook," you began, your voice barely above a whisper. "I... I like you too. More than just a friend."
"So what does this mean? That we are supposed to be together?"
"Maybe, or maybe not. It could just mean that you have great taste in music and I admire it,"
Jungkook's eyes widened with hope, a grin spreading across his face. "I've been wanting to tell you for so long, but I was afraid of ruining everything between us."
You smiled, your heart fluttering. "Me too, I’m sorry for making you worry these past few days,"
"Can I hug you?" he asked, his voice trembling slightly.
You nodded, wrapping your arms around his neck.
Jungkook held onto you tightly, his arms snug around your waist. You rested your chin on his shoulder, closing your eyes and inhaling his familiar scent.
After a few moments, he pulled away slightly, his hands still resting on your hips.
He looked at you with a mix of relief and uncertainty in his eyes. "So, I didn't ruin anything between us?" he murmured softly.
You shook your head, a small smile playing on your lips. "You didn't ruin anything, Jungkook. If anything, you've made everything clearer."
His shoulders relaxed slightly at your words, a hint of a smile returning to his face. "I'm glad."
"I'm glad too," you began again, your voice steady but tinged with nervousness. "But I also want you to know that... I've been thinking a lot too."
Jungkook turned to face you fully, his expression a mix of anticipation and apprehension. "About...?"
"About us," you admitted softly, meeting his gaze. "About how much I enjoy spending time with you, about how much I admire you, and... how I've felt something more than just friendship for a while now."
His eyes widened slightly, hope flickering in them. "A while?”
You nodded, a shy smile playing on your lips. "Yes, Jungkook. A while. I've just been afraid to say anything because I didn't want to lose you in case you didn't felt the same way about me."
He stepped closer to you, his hand reaching out tentatively. "Y/N... I wish I had known sooner. I've been struggling with these feelings, not knowing if you felt the same way."
"I'm sorry for not saying anything earlier," you murmured, your fingers brushing against his. "But I'm glad we're talking about it now."
He squeezed your hand gently, his eyes never leaving yours. "Me too. More than anything."
There was a moment of silence between you, the weight of your shared emotions hanging in the air. Finally, Jungkook spoke again, his voice filled with determination.
"So... what do we do now?"
You chuckled softly, feeling a surge of affection for him. "I think we take it one step at a time. We've already taken a big step today."
He nodded, a smile spreading across his face. "Yeah, you're right. I'm just... really happy right now."
"Me too," you said, squeezing his hand.
"I guess the only question now is... are we... together together?" he asked hesitantly.
You grinned, your heart pounding in your chest. "Only if you want us to be,"
"Yes, yes, yes. Of course, yes,"
"Then it's settled. We're together," you giggled.
Jungkook laughed, the sound sending a warm feeling through your chest.
Cut to 4 years in the future.
There you were at a dinner with friends and family. It had been four years since you got together, but it felt like an eternity. You both were so excited for each other, for your life from now on.
"Hey, you got a little something," he whispered, brushing away a strand of hair from your cheek.
You couldn't help but smile, his touch as tender as ever. "Thanks,"
"No problem," he smiled.
Then you could hear someone clinking a glass. "A few words from the fiancé!" Jin's voice reverberated through the dimly lit restaurant.
"Y-yeah, yeah," your boyfriend stuttered, clearing his throat and standing up. He was a nervous wreck, and it was adorable.
"Um, first, thank you all for being here. It really means a lot to us. We know how important it is to have your loved ones around you on a special day, and we're so grateful for everyone who's supported us. Second, a special thanks to my future father and mother-in-law. Thank you for always being there for us and for supporting our relationship. And, um, thanks to my own parents for, uh, also supporting us."
As the guests began to laugh, your boyfriend cleared his throat and continued, his gaze fixed on yours.
"But most importantly, I want to say thank you to my amazing girlfriend. Thank you for making every day better. Thank you for always being by my side and for loving me unconditionall—"
"We know that already! Entertain us or I won't pay the bill!" Jin's loud voice interrupted again.
You couldn't help but chuckle and the guests laughed again, amused.
Your fiancé smiled, clearly enjoying the teasing.
"Alright, alright," Jungkook cleared his throat before he continued, "actually, we agreed that we'd never tell anyone how we actually got together but I guess we're past that, right babe?"
"Oh no, don't!" You blushed, a little embarrassed.
"It's a funny story," he continued. "It's kind of a long one, but this girl right here thought that the best course of action was to make me a dating app profile before telling me that she was in love with me."
Everyone burst into laughter.
"I was dumb, okay?" you joked, earning more laughter from the guests.
"So, we ended up talking to some people on said dating app and went on a few dates, which were terrible—"
"Hey! It's not my fault that you agreed even though you were also in love with me!" — "Everyone, he had a playlist with my name filled with sentimental songs like the most lovesick boy on Earth!"
"But babe trust me, it's a great playlist, by the way," you added.
"And then we got drunk, and the truth was revealed."
"What?! No way," Hoseok laughed.
"We weren’t drunk, I’m kidding, I just told her that I had liked her since the beginning," he said. "We just made a disaster, and we were both scared shitless."
"But here we are," you added.
"So, yeah, thanks for coming everyone," your fiancé concluded, his voice breaking a little as he wrapped up his little speech.
You could see him trying to blink back tears as he sat back down next to you, and you gave his hand a squeeze.
"You did great," you whispered, leaning in to give him a quick kiss.
"Thanks," he replied, his voice hoarse.
Your parents got up, taking the floor after him.
"Thank you, thank you," your mom said, a bit embarrassed.
"We’d like to share a few words as well. First, we'd like to thank everyone for coming. It's such a privilege to have all our family and friends here, and we're so thankful for your support. And we're especially grateful for our beautiful daughter and our soon-to-be son-in-law. We are so proud of both of you, and we know you'll have a long and happy life together."
"Thanks," you managed to say, overcome with emotion.
"So, now, we'd like to present the couple with a little something. It's just a small token of our love for them," your mother added, signaling for someone to come forward.
Jimin, Hoseok, and Tae stood up from the table and approached the stage, each of them holding a framed collage.
"Here, you can pass these out," your mother said, handing each of the guests copies of the photos.
You and your fiancé were stunned as the three guys presented the photos to you.
The photos were a collage of different memories: you and him during his graduation, another one from yours, a candid shot of him cooking for you, a photo of the two of you smiling in front of the sunset, and a picture of him holding your hand while you were asleep.
Tears welled up in your eyes as you took in the beautiful photos, each one capturing a special moment in your relationship. The love and happiness radiating from the images made your heart feel full to the brim. You glanced at Jungkook, whose eyes were also glistening with unshed tears, and you reached for his hand, holding it tightly.
"Thank you so much," you managed to say, your voice choked with emotion. "These are... perfect."
"I have a gift for you too," you told him, reaching under the table. You brought out a box wrapped in bright pink paper and a bow.
He looked at you with surprise, his eyes shining with curiosity as he took the box from your hands. Slowly unwrapping it, his mouth fell open in astonishment when he saw what was inside. Nestled within the box was a beautifully crafted watch, the silver band gleaming under the soft light of the restaurant.
"Oh wow," he breathed, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "It's... it's incredible."
"It's engraved," you whispered, pointing to the back of the watch where a message was etched. His eyes widened as he read the words: 'Forever yours, Y/N.'
"I was hoping you'd wear it to the wedding," you said, grinning. "But don't cry, you'll make me cry!" you exclaimed.
"I'm not crying, I just..." he trailed off, sniffling.
"I love it," Jungkook finally managed to say, his voice filled with emotion. He stood up abruptly and pulled you into a tight hug, “I love you.”
As you both separated, there was a collective 'aww' from the guests, making you both blush.
The rest of the evening continued with laughter and joy, surrounded by the love of friends and family. People danced, sang, and shared stories late into the night. It was a celebration of love and new beginnings.
As the night winded down and guests started to leave, you found yourselves standing alone in the dimly lit space. Jungkook wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you close.
"Thank you for everything today," you said sincerely, looking into his big brown eyes.
"Thank you for being mine," he replied softly, feeling overwhelmed with happiness.
"I wouldn't want to be anyone else's," you whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips.
Jungkook cupped your face in his hands and placed a lingering kiss on your forehead. The world around you seemed to fade, leaving just the two of you in a bubble of the deepest affection you’ve ever felt.
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crystalcatgamer · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tag by @havenotwillnotreadthebooks, lo, Kefi!
How many works do you have on AO3?
122 🎵 I’ve orphaned and deleted a few along the years, though.
What fandoms do you write for?
Uhhhh. Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint (ORV), Boboiboy, Jujutsu Kaisen and more. Currently really, really fixated on One Piece though I haven’t written fic yet, but am cooking so much toxic doomed brothers food (Donquixote Bros)
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Vis la goddamn DSMP phase always going to be my biggest mark in the world. Excluding discontinued fics and stuff I’m not happy with anymore for now…
Run, run (Here comes the boy) 1415 kudos
May the odds (Be ever in your favour) 1203 kudos
There are days where I don’t know the person in the mirror (And there are days I don’t care) 1161 kudos
Hold you in my hands like hot tea 1155 kudos
Knowing I’m safe cause you want me 1052 kudos (A sequel to fourth place!)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I respond to every single comment I can, though sometimes I might miss some! I’ll catch them months later lmao. It’s always fun to chat with ppl about what’s in my fic
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I’ll call out your name, but you won’t call back. This is an ORV fic, doomed Doksoo (beloved) and since it’s canon compliant… yeah. ‘Twas full of angst that came from love.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
The deep blue of summer nights. This was a cute ORV fic born of me wanting to write Secretive Plotter’s birthday being celebrated by ABFD, SWK and Uriel! They’re my fav rare dynamic
Do you get hate on fics?
I think the closest I got was some discourse on my DSMP fic? To be expected, and it was cleared up soon enough!
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I did like years ago lmao, tucked into the depths of the internet. Definitely not on main, for this is a family friendly account sir. It was fun in a way but also I hated writing it most of the time??? More of a reader than a writer I would say. As for what kind… while, I wrote what I liked ☆
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I HAVE THREE (3) CROSSOVERS AND THEY’RE BOTH WITH JUJUTSU KAISEN. Maybe I’m more insane over JJK then I thought I was. In my defence they’re easy to cross. Okay so basically my craziest one is this ORV X JJK one (Something blue, something new) in which I wrote the ship Kim Dokja x Gojo Satoru because I was commissioned to
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nope and I hope I never do!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have not, but as long as people ask first I’m always open to it.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
A FNAF fic I wrote with Kefi (the one who pinged me for this game): Many vegetables, one soup, and a work full of original poems with @thenamelesshaven: You are made of the sea and the stars (and one day you are going to find yourself again)
What’s your all time favourite ship?
[glances at my art gallery] Recently, LawLu from One Piece and… Sharron/Maric from Lord Of The Mysteries
What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
We Shouldn’t Be This Kind Of Tired At Our Age! An ORV fic featuring Yoo Mia witnessing Yoo Joonghyuk’s changes with every turn!
What are your writing strengths?
Uhhhh. Being able to churn out stuff at the speed of light. And writing angst (lol)
What are your writing weaknesses?
Actually having a proper outline, ehe. It’s why I usually write one-shots.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Uhhhh I? Might do it some day? I’m just a bilingual guy who barely passed Chinese. It’s cool when other people who know what they’re writing about do it in their fics tho.
First fandom you wrote for?
Ehe. VIS LA BOKU NO HERO ACADEMIA (MY HERO ACADEMIA) but the fic’s been orphaned to the void ✌🏻
Favourite fic you’ve written?
Woah. Tough question, scrambling for it… this one! when I look in his eyes, well, I just see the sky. It’s a Black Butler fic I wrote recently for Whumptober (2023), Elizabeth Midford centric! I love her a lot <3
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sokkas-therapist · 3 years
I can’t tell it this is the best au I’ve ever thought of, of the worst…. Either way,
Au where Izumi is Sokka’s adoptive daughter!
It takes place when she’s around 6 years old, and as cute and sweet as can be! She was adopted when she was a baby, so she doesn’t really have any recollection of her birth parents. And you know what? What the heck, since we’re headed into that time of year, this all takes place during the holiday season!! Somehow Izumi wanders off while her and Sokka are supposed to be shopping, and bumps (like literally *bumps*, she was running…) into Zuko in the middle of the holiday isle at the grocery store. There’s the
Izumi: 😀
Zuko: 😀
Izumi: 🤩
Zuko: 😨
Moment, so obviously she runs back to Sokka like “OHMYGOSHPAPAYOULLNEVERGUESSWHATJUSTHAPPENEDCOMESEECOMESEEEEE” And she practically drags him over to see a mortified Zuko, and a similar reaction ensues, but instead it’s “oh my gosh you look like my daughter-” “yeah, we kind of established that”
Obviously, they can’t just have this interaction and then pretend like nothing happened, so Sokka invites Zuko over to their house so they can continue this conversation in a place that’s not the middle of a grocery store. After a long talk they come to the conclusion that yes, he’s almost positive Izumi is his birth daughter. Something to do with Mai telling him she was pregnant soon after they broke up (they broke up because they were both too gay for this, not because they hated each other or anything like that) and she moved away so he never got to meet Izumi. But, he had heard, because they’re still best friends and talk all the time, that she decided she wasn’t ready to be a mother and gave Izumi up for adoption.
It’s also concluded, in Sokka’s head, that this man is very very pretty and smart and wonderful and he can’t ever say any of these things out loud. It’s also concluded, in Zuko’s head, that Sokka is amazing and beautiful and handsome and he loves his laugh and he can never say any of these things out loud.
After hours of talking, and Sokka telling Zuko everything about Izumi and showing him a million pictures of her (he’s proud of his daughter, ok??) they exchange phone numbers… for Izumi’s sake of course!!
After Zuko leaves, Sokka talks to Izumi to see how she feels about it, because this whole situation is crazy, and they don’t even know if Izumi would be interested in seeing Zuko again. She 100% is, and now wants to see him all the time, and asks if he can live with them, and if she can see him tomorrow- All the things little kids say when they have no idea how the real world works. Obviously, Sokka declines her request for this complete stranger to move in with them… but he wouldn’t be against seeing Zuko again <3
They make it a habit to see each other once a month, so that Izumi gets to see him of course! No other reason. Then once a week… only because Izumi begs them too! Then they start meeting up while Izumi’s at school, or a sleepover, or a playdate, and eventually admit their feelings for each other.
In the end, Izumi does get what she she wished for. with Zuko living with them, and joining their little family, and she gets to see both her dads every day. ❤️
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space-helen · 3 years
‘Split up and search’
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Words: 2524
Pairing: PLATONIC Nick x Reader x Greg 
A/N: Ok obviously I need to brush up on my proper terminology but I hope this is ok? Longest fic I’ve written in a while but I enjoyed the heck outta it
Request: Hullo could you write something with the CSI characters Nick and Greg and the reader as friends on a case. The reader gets hurt in some way and the boys try to help her out but its not easy. Thank you. - Anon
The car pulled up to the scene and the three of you jumped out. “What’ve we got here.” Nick said, clapping his hands together and looking at the fresh body on the ground. 
The three of you took a second to silently take in the scene. One body, two witnesses and a large area of the immediate crime scene taped off lit with floodlights.
“I’ll question the hikers.” Greg stated before moving over to the young witnesses stood with the attending officer.
“I’ll help David with the body.” Nick announced.
“I guess I’ll take the rest of the scene.” you grabbed your kit and got to work processing the scene. The suspect had left you some very nice footprints to process as well as other small pieces of evidence.
The body was soon on it’s way to the morgue, the police officer left to take the hikers home and Greg, Nick and yourself were left at the scene.
Standing together the three of you discussed what you’d found, filling each other in on all the details you had.
“So the suspect could have taken off in any direction.” you clarified.
“Yeah. But that makes it more fun” Greg teased flashing a smile and looking around.
You rolled your eyes “split up and search?”
You could see Nick thinking it over for a second, he knew it probably wasn’t wise to split up but he also didn’t want to be out here all night. “Ok but don’t go too far alright? We’ll wait for daylight to go further.”
You agreed with the man’s terms before switching on your torch and beginning to exit the floodlight lit area “I’ll go this way.” The other two men were soon moving off in their own separate directions.
Branches snapped and crunched under your feet as you moved away from the main area, scouting carefully for more evidence. It didn’t take long for the main scene to disappear from sight. You’d managed to pick up a couple pieces of evidence but had no clue if they would even lead to anything.
Spotting a streak of red substance on a tree you froze, snapping a picture you quickly marked the evidence and swabbed the sample before storing it away.
You looked at your watch and noticed the time, you’d been away from the main area for about 45 minutes. You knew you should probably head back soon but you’d just found compelling evidence. 
Noise in the trees made you freeze for a second. Steadying your breath you looked around and shone your torch through the trees just the breeze and darkness greeting you.
After a minute of silence you took another couple of steps forward, and grabbed your walkie talkie. What you didn’t see was the deep hole dug into the ground not that much further ahead of you as you kept your attention on the trees. 
You felt yourself falling and lurched forward to try and grab the edge of the pit but it was no use. You crashed to the floor on your leg harshly and hit the back of your head. The loud cracking as it happened was not reassuring.
You sat and tried to orientate yourself properly for a second, your head hurt but the blistering pain in your leg was worse right now. 
Groaning you looked up, your torch had fallen down with you but it was a lot dimmer than it had been, picking it up you shone it around the hole.
It was deep, much taller than you if you stood up and the night sky was pitch black above you. Putting the torch between the crook of your neck and shoulder you freed up both hands to assess your leg. Poking and prodding you quickly determined whatever it was wasn’t good but you didn’t think you’d completely broken it. On all accounts you were lucky, you could have ended up much worse from an unexpected fall like that.
You went to grab for your walkie and realised it wasn’t in the hole with you, you must have dropped it as you fell. Cursing you felt your face get warm with frustration but the cold night air soon cooled it down.
Shivering briefly you rummaged through your back pocket and found your phone, it was busted. The screen smashed from the fall, slipping it back in your pocket you took a deep breath and screamed for help. Pleading that Nick or Greg would hear you.
You screamed again. Pointing your torch upwards and flashing S.O.S. “Nick! Greg!”
You did this for a while with short breaks between. What startled you out of it was the sound of crunching.
You froze and called out softly “hello?”
A man’s head peered over the top of the hole, you certainly didn’t know him. “Who are you?” You shone your torch in his face and shuffled against the dirt wall behind you.
“You found some evidence right?” You stayed quiet. “I know you did.”
“Yeah?” your voice clearly showed your nerves.
“Yeah. I saw you taking photos.” 
Your camera was still around your neck. “I did, but the photos might be nothing.”
“Still. I’d like to take that please.”
“I can’t allow that.”
“Throw it up or I’ll start to fill in the hole.” the man held up a shovel.
You played it over in your head, you’d really like to get out of this with minimal fuss and confrontation. “Alright I’ll give it to you. Give me a second alright?”
You turned your body to face the dirt wall and pulled your leg close, balancing against the wall you quickly slipped out the SD card as you stood up the best you could. Using the wall for support but also hiding what you were doing with the camera “Alright, here.” you tossed the camera up towards the man and he caught it. 
Just as it hit his hands your walkie on the side came alive, you couldn’t quite make out what was being said but it was enough to send the man running.
You groaned and lowered yourself back to the floor. Your leg really didn’t like standing up and a dizzy spell had hit you. As you adjusted how you were sat you opened your fist and turned the memory card over in your hand, smiling at the small success you slipped it into your CSI vest pocket.
You took another deep breath, preparing your lungs to shout again. “Help! Nick? Greg? Help!”
Another five minutes passed and your throat was raw. The cool night air was properly nipping at your skin now. 
Cold and in pain a stray tear ran down your face. You weren’t sad, you knew they’d find you, there was no way they wouldn’t.
You shouted for help and shone your torch up again flashing S.O.S for what felt like another age. Defeated you stopped and let your head lull back and rest on the wall as you let your eyes rest. 
You could hear what seemed to be shouting, opening your eyes you listened harder. “Y/N!”
“Over here!” you shouted
You could hear the men taking it in turns shouting. “Help!” 
The voices got closer and you continued to shout until you could hear their feet crunching the branches faster, clearly running towards you. You shone the light out of the hole again to alert them, hoping neither of them would fall in like you.
Skidding to a halt Nick dived to the floor and was soon on his hands and knees above the hole peering over. Greg not far behind him, both panting.
“Y/N.” Nick smiled and you could see that his eyes were shiny, coated with tears of relief.
“Are you ok?” 
“No.” you admitted “I’ve hurt my leg bad and my head hurts.” out of nowhere the emotion took over and some tears began to stream down your face.
“Hey hey don’t cry.” Nick tried to comfort you “We’re here now, we’ll get you out.”
“I know. I’m not even upset.” you reassured the men giving a pathetic laugh and drying your eyes.
“Forget this?” Greg joked, he’d been scouting the area, picking up your walkie and holding it over the hole. “What happened? Fill us in.”
“I was walking and heard a noise. I used my torch to scout the trees and kept walking but… this hole came outta nowhere. I hurt my leg and here I am. The suspect was still around and threatened to bury me in if I didn’t give him my camera so I did. But I slipped out the memory card first.”
“That’s our girl.” Nick said proudly before getting serious. “Let's get you out and safe and we’ll deal with the rest later.
You nodded “sounds good to me.” the pain in your head now throbbing and chills were shaking your body.
Nick stood and Greg moved next to him “What’s the plan? Can you stand Y/N?”
“It hurts but I can for a second.”
“Alright.” Greg nodded.
“I’ll jump in, give her a boost out and you can pull her out, then you can reach in and give me a hand.” Before anyone could react to the plan Nick had slid himself down the hole and offered you his hand. Taking it you let him help you up and you instinctively hugged the man. 
“It’s alright.” the man slightly chuckled but knew how scared you probably were deep down. He looked up at Greg who had sympathetic eyes. 
Nick embraced you back, his arms comforting around you. He went to place a hand on the back of your head to make you feel safer in the embrace when a moist feeling made him pull it away quickly “Did you hit your head?”
“I think so.” You admitted. 
Greg pointed his torch directly at Nick's hand which was slightly bloodied. Nick peered at the back of your head and saw the injury.
You pulled away and saw the man's face “What?”
“You definitely hit it.” Greg’s voice came from above you.
 “Let’s get you checked out ASAP.” Nick said worried, looking up towards Greg who nodded in response, the seriousness of the situation coming back in fully.
“Is it bad?”
“It’s not nothing, let's put it that way.” Greg said hastily.
“But it doesn't look life threatening.” Nick added. “Alright get on my shoulders and let Greg pull you up.”
The man bent over and you did as instructed. Greg's warm hand grabbed your cold one and pulled you out, stumping you flopped to sit on the floor to watch as he helped Nick out. “Thank you both.”
“No problem. Don’t make a habit out of it though.” Greg teased
You smiled at Greg “I wasn’t planning on it.” the adrenaline began to wear off and tiredness washed over you.
Greg and Nick helped you up, a man on each arm as you took a could of steps, the uneven terrain making it difficult to walk. You tripped several times but the men were able to catch you.
“Y/N can we just carry you? We’re about 40 minutes from the cars and at this pace it’s going to take all night… no offence.” Greg offered, just wanting to get you checked out sooner rather than later.
“I won’t object to it but I don’t want to be a nuisance.”
“I vote carry.” Nick’s added nonchalantly, but really he was worried about you. 
“Alright I’ll go first.” Greg grinned “Piggy back or bridal style?” the man joked, trying to lighten the mood.
You rolled your eyes and laughed “Piggy back. I love you but I feel like you’d trip and drop me in bridal style.” 
The man leaned forward and let you hop onto his back, he quickly adjusted you and walked side by side with Nick as Nick shone the torch ahead. The three of you discussing your findings on the case so far. 
The warmth of Greg’s back and the cool air was a nice contrast and you couldn’t help letting your eyes slip closed for a second, just to help ease the pain.
“Y/N?” Greg repeating your name brought you out of your semi-asleep state 
“Are we really that boring?” he teased “no going to sleep” he softly jostled you.
“I’m tired.” you added, eyelids fully drooping. “I don’t know why I got enough sleep.”
“Yeah we understand, you’ve exhausted yourself with all the fun you’ve had today.” Nick knew how tired he was after being buried alive and although this wasn’t too the same calibre he still had sympathy.
“We didn’t check for concussion.” Greg commented, knowing the head injury could be a cause of the tiredness.
“Let’s swap over and we can check.”  Nick moved behind Greg ready for the swap “Alright Y/N you’re coming to me now.”
You unwrapped your arms from Greg and placed them around Nick’s neck, letting him carry you bridal style. Greg slipped his torch from his belt and turned it on. “I’m fine really.”
“We’ve got to be careful though, you do have a nice wound on the back of your head.”
You rolled your eyes “Alright.”
“Feel nauseous?”
Greg quickly checked you for concussion “I don’t think you have it but fight falling asleep ok? We need an actual professional opinion.” he began walking and Nick fell into step next to him.
“I’ll do my best.”
It wasn’t too long before the main sight came into view again, but you were certainly fighting to stay awake now, eyelids feeling heavier by the second and the chill having even more of an effect on you. “Hey, hey. Eyes open.” Nick’s voice came out softly.
You smiled “I’m trying.”
“We know.”
The light of the main scene greeted you and the men made a B-line for the car. Greg opened the door for Nick and he put you down right by the door. Helping you into the car he quickly moved around to the driver's seat and started up the engine. 
Greg had brought an emergency blanket, some water and snacks for you out of the trunk. He wrapped the blanket around your shoulders, his hands fumbling, as you took the bottle of water from him and took some sips. 
Nick was soon gripping the steering wheel and speeding from the scene, calling in what had happened to dispatch while the two of you in the back were distracted, you with staying awake and Greg with ensuring you were ok.
“They’re sending a police unit back up just in case the guy tries to take any more evidence. D.B and Catherine are going to take the case until we’re back. He’s told us to look after Y/N.”
You shivered in the back seat, not really hearing what Nick had said.
Greg looked at you sympathetically and wrapped an arm around your shoulders bringing you into his side for a reassuring hug. “We can definitely do that.” Greg made eye contact with Nick through the rearview mirror and Nick gave him an acknowledging nod.
Tag List: (open)
Nick Stokes:
Greg Sanders:
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theleftovertaco · 4 years
Put Your Hands in The Holes Of My Sweater
I got a few asks for Charlie Weasley, and I got two that fit together well so I’m gonna go ahead and combine the elements of both of them. 
In this fic, we get a rather girly person (this will likely be more on the feminine side so i will probably use she/her pronouns for this one just a heads up if your gender non conforming i don’t want my fic to cause any dysphoria) who is dating Charlie. Molly has pretty much the same initial reaction as she does with Fleur so there will be a little angst involved. 
uhhh TW: angst, very light Molly bashing (it will be resolved tho)
Your boyfriend and you were polar opposites. Charlie was buff, stocky, and could rip a log in half with his bare hands. You were delicate. There was nothing wrong with that. As a matter of fact, that was the draw for the both of you. 
There was nothing wrong with being stereotypically girly. You knew that. You’d been told that countless times by your friends, you had told yourself, and your boyfriend. You knew there was nothing wrong with wearing flowery perfume and flowy skirts and lace and makeup and doing your nails and hair and wanting to look pretty.
So you weren’t sure why one person was able to make you feel like you were a problem for wanting that. 
So in the field outside the Burrow you lay with Ginny and Hermione as you sniffled. Hermione and Ginny didn’t really have a problem with you, it was Molly who seemed to find a bone to pic with you. 
Molly made sweaters for each family member. Even though you’d been dating for years, she still hadn’t accepted that you were together and pointedly made one for everyone accept you.
You could hear the arguments in the house.
“But Charlie, don’t you want someone who can keep up? She seems more interested in her hair than you?”
“Keep up? Mum, she’s smart as a whip, and the Dragons like her. I like her. Do you really need anything else?”
“Yes! You need someone who can fulfill you, she can’t!”
“You have no idea what she can or cannot do.”
“But Charlie-”
 And furthermore, I don’t need your approval to date her!”
‘Well of course you don’t, but I can tell she isn’t the right choice!”
“You can tell? What the bloody hell does that mean?”
“All she cares about is her appearance!”
“She does not! She’s caring, and inquisitive, and intelligent, and I love her!”
“You might change your mind!”
If you won’t even give her a chance, then I see no reason for either of us to stay. You clearly aren’t willing to listen to your own son”
“Well just wait one moment-” Charlie stormed out through the back door and sprinted out to the field where he saw you. You wiped your tears and stood up to give him a hug.
“You okay? Come on, we’re leaving.”
You shook your head, “No, Charlie, you deserve to spend Christmas with your family. Don’t leave on my account. I can head home.”
“No way, she won’t listen, I don’t need to spend any time with her. I’m not obligated to.”
You thanked Ginny and Hermione and then the two of you apparated home. 
The moment you were in your shared apartment, you just sighed and headed off to your bedroom. 
Charlie followed you in and dug around in one of his drawers, clothes flying every which way. 
“HERE! Put this on.” He threw a red sweater with a yellow C stitched on the front. There were worn holes where the thumbs were and it was soft with use. You slipped in on and melted in the warmth, slipping your thumbs into the holes of his sweater. 
“Thank you. I’m sorry I ruined your Christmas.”
“My dear, any Christmas with you is perfect.” You pressed a kiss to his lips and carded your fingers through his hair, giggling when he sighed. 
“Oh! I forgot about your present! Hold on just a second… Here!” You dug through your bag and found a moving photo to give to him. 
“Why are you giving me a photo of… wait a second… is that?”
“An Alaskan Sharp Stall Dragon? Yes, my dear, yes it is. I called a sanctuary, they have a mother and her two younger babies. She has a teared wing and they don’t have the facilities to treat her at the moment, so I asked if we could take her. She arrives next week.” A grin broke out on his face before he tackled you and peppered your face with kisses.
“Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!” you giggled and kissed him again. 
“I have a gift for you.” He grabbed a small box on his bedside table and handed it to you.
You opened it and inside the box was a charm bracelet that upon further inspection, had charms that reminded you of important shared moments. A fork for your first date, a dragon egg for the first baby dragon you had raised with him, a tiny picture of him and you during your one year anniversary, and a small beating heart. 
“It syncs up with my own heart, so I’m always with you.” You smiled and kissed him once more. 
“It’s perfect, thank you.”
“Of course, my dear.”
With that, the two of your turned your lights out and cuddled up to go to sleep
To be honest, you didn’t expect an apology from Molly, you barely expected her to acknowledge you existed. 
That’s why you were shocked when in the afternoon on the 26th, you opened the door to find Molly Weasley standing outside of your apartment, asking to come in. 
You sighed and motioned to let her in. You figured Charlie had contacted her, but when she turned to you and broke down in tears and apologies, you weren’t sure what to do. 
“I was awful to you! I’m so sorry!”
“I wasn’t willing to look past your looks and i-”
You sat her down on the couch and brought her some tea so she could calm down. She accepted the mug with a smile. 
“Thank you. I, I wanted to apologise. Yesterday, I was so rude, and I didn’t take the time to get to know you. I should have not jumped to conclusions. Merlin, I thought i had learned my lesson after Fleur.”
“Honestly, it’s ok Mrs. Weasley.”
“No, it isn’t. I didn’t take the steps I should have to really know you.”
“Well, I accept your apology. Can I ask what changed?” Molly sighed and took another sip of her tea. 
“After you and him left, Bill talked to me, so did Ginny and Hermione. They made me see what I had done.” She paused, “Charlie is so clearly in love with you, Besides Anyone my son is willing to leave a christmas gathering for must be someone special.”
You both laughed and the conversation deviated. You found shared interests. You both loved knitting, and cooking and baking, and she complimented the peonies you had planted in your garden out front “I have never seen a set that bright before!”
Maybe the two of you could be friends after all.
Yeeeeeee thats it for this one y’all. Uhhhh the next one i have is either an ask or a more personal one but ether way it should be posted by friday. Thank yall for reading, and please tell me how i can improve!
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notsolong-pause · 3 years
ship requests
“Hey 👋 . Can I get a male HP ship (from both eras if possible) pls . Thank u so much ! . So I m a Gryffindor (with a bit of Slytherin ) . In my free time , I would love to read fantasy or sci-fic novels or facts maybe , listen to music , research about anything I want to , do something my parents denied me off maybe . If my friends are available , I'll also go downstairs with them and play . I m not as such interested in sport but I love to play cricket and badminton . My hobbies are dancing , horseriding , reading , researching , cyber and swordfighting (I haven't done it yet tho). I love the trope of fake relationship or enemies to lovers
Next is my personality . Well , I can be shy if I m not comfortable with the person , but if I am then I am very talkative . I don't trust ppl at the beginning until they prove themselves . I m very reliable and trustworthy but I tend to hide my emotions . I like my privacy, I don't even share that with my bestie sometimes . I come off as a rebel and I can get annoyed very easily . I love to organise a room . Everyone comes to me for advice . I also have a very good sense of humour which comes out in front of ppl I'm comfortable (they say I never used to fail to surprise them with my hidden qualities) . I m also quite modest . I m a risk-taker and I always stand up to my friends , I also have their back sometimes . I can also be a bully to my enemies or my friend's enemies but only if they start it first . Idk what is it , but ppl tell me I carry a powerful aura and many boys get attracted to me . Also , the popular ones used to attract to me a lot because I could be seen as a quiet nerdy girl . I come off as very unique at first meeting . I m practical with my decisions but as said , I hide my emotions or else the emotions would have led me. I m also a human lie detector , or that's what my family tells me . The thing that stands out in me isy dressing style . I am very curious. I m also very much mysterious . I m loyal to a fault . Now my flaws are that sometimes I don't believe my friends at all and it hurts them since they ask me to be honest and I tell them the truth . I can be blunt and cold without realising it but I don't mean to . I am an extrovert so keeping me from doing something can make me insecure . I m sensitive to criticism . I can be super suspicious, like a looott . I hate when ppl try to control me, even my parents so I end up going against them or I follow their instructions half-heartedly . I can be very very stubborn . I also get many intuitions but I ignore them . I hate when ppl are unreliable , everyone's lazy but atleast they should do their work after some rest . I also hate arrogant boastful PPL . I hate when someone disrespects me and I immediately cut them off from my life . I hate lame excuses given by the ppl whom I expect something to do and they didn't. I am very patient but once they cross their lines , they wish they hadn't . I guess this is too much ? (Lol sorry but excited ) Thank u so much for ur time dear 💗”
a/n: Hi! Thank you for so many details!! It’s lovely. You also asked for TMR ship, so I’ve decided to do a HP form one era and one for TMR. Hopefully, you are okay with that:)
p.s.: sorry for being a Draco slaughter. i’m also doing all the other requests, thank you for them!! they are going to be trade in a day or two. sending love <3
Harry Potter:
I ship you with Fred Weasley 
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(so badly, you’re a perfect match)
First of all... being stubborn and taking risks is something that you probable have in common, which is going to create a perfect enemies to lovers dynamic. Maybe academic/prancing rivalry?
You constantly mocking each other, but not meaning any harm or anything, even though others might think that you hate one another
Him always helping you to break the rules if needed, but still making sure that everything is alright, and everyone is safe. And you would keep an eye on him back, supporting him when he doesn’t know what to do
He would be surprised when you started to open up, and crack jokes, but would love them so badly. And he definitely is very grateful whenever (and if) you chose to tell him something private, and wouldn’t tell anyone else even if he was tortured
You would always give amazing ideas for the shop products. And he would be like: “Where do you know that from?” “Don’t know, just thought it was interesting and decided to investigate”
You were walking in the dull lights of a corridor from the late detention in the Snape’s dungeons. You got this one for arguing with a certain Weasley. This was entirely his fault, though, but he didn’t get caught, and you could still see the stupid smirk on his stupid face when you were assigned to come down here after classes. The Slytherin do was just nearby, and you heard a couple of voices around the corner. You were hopping these were some of your friends from Slytherin, but as you listen closely you herald none other than Malfoy. “These Weaslebeeys are ignorant trash just like their father. Who’s would willingly study what muggles’ life’s are like? That’s just dumb”you didn’t know whether he was just showing off in front of his friends or if he was being serious, but you were furious at the moment.
“Malfoy!” - you energetically approached the group.
“Another gryffindor”, - he smirked. “Why don’t you spend an evening at your dorm or some other lame place?”
“Cut it. Take it back” - you face was almost stone cold. Eyes glimmering dangerously in the flickering light.
“Are you defending the Weaslebees?” - he grimaced, being so proud of himself for no reason.
“It’s not their name, and they don’t need any defense. You’re being an arrogant prick towards my friends, and I’m not going to tolerate that.” - you were stiff, your fists clenched in order to hold back the anger. How dared he speak in such diminishing manner about people 100 times better than him!
“What are you going to about it?” He replied cheekily, stepping forward.
“Well... I don’t know, how about TheLocomotor Wibbly!” - you were gripping tightly onto your wand, and Draco suddenly fell to the floor. His legs turned to jelly.
“You little...” one of his friends pointed your wand towards you, opening his mouth to jinx you back. Suddenly there was a loud bang, everything was covered with the thick smoke, and you were pulled to the corner. You instinctively pointed a wand on the person in front of you, still unable to see anything.
“Easy, lady” you recognized the voice. “Fred? What are doing here?” you were genuinely surprised, and started wondering how much has he heard. “Came to rescue you from the Snape’s claws” he smirked. “Why?” you didn’t understand a thing. “No fun being brilliant if you can’t see that and get jealous” - he cocked his eyebrows. You huffed back. “Well, thank you, I suppose.” “Oh good, I thought I’d never hear that”. You surprised a smile. “Let’s move already”.
“By the way”, he stopped you, “did I hear you calling me a friend?” You nudged his shoulder. “Don’t think too much of it, Weasley”.
The maze runner:
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I ship you with Gally
He’s the one to understand you not opening up fully and immediately and keeping things to yourself for 110%. He’s mysterious himself, and he can give you every time in the world (sorry, i’m love him sm)
Again... the enemies to lovers dynamic, ESPECIALLY considering the whole thing with him killing Chuck (still hurts, though).
He can be very protective from time to time, so you can have “Because I care for you!!” arguments when you’re being reckless and decide to risk in order to save him.
He's honestly the sassy king of the show. Taking your sense of humour in account, I belive that he would really appreciate that you have it and can back him up. So you would exchange jokes back and forth
He's also absolutely giving you every freedom in the world not even attempting to control you or tell you what to do, he would only give out advices. And as far as he realises you're sensitive to crticizm, he starts to control himself in order not to hurt you.
"Please, never do that again". You and Gally were walking around the Last City, back to the shelter.
"Do what?" You asked, raising your head to the boy slightly ahead of you.
"You know what I'm talikng about". He turned his head to you, and stopped in the shaddow of the narrow street between the houses. His gaze was pretty serious, and both of you were extremely tired after yet another mission in attempt to undermine the existing regime.
"I don't think I do". You looked up at him with the confusion in your eyes.
"What you did back there was very risky, and you could have not make it. Don't risk like that ever again".
"But the cranks would've gotten you then". You protested. In your opinion, what you did was the only option.
"I appreciate the concern, but I could I handle it". He was starting to get stubborn, while you were getting angry.
"That's not true. One of them was hanging on your throat. That's not something people cal 'I handle it'". You threw your arms in the air, gesturing.
"I'm not letting them take me instead of you!" Gally was almost shouting at this point.
"Well, I'm not letting them take you either!"
You both went silent and were walking angrily towards your shelter, turning, sneaking, and hiding.
"Gally". You called in a few minutes. "It's just that I really care about you".
"I know". He told you, looking back again. "Just promise me, you're going to be careful".
"You know I really can't promise, but at least I'll try".
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nininek12 · 4 years
Exes and hoes (Yandere! Kook)
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Disclaimer : this is a fic. Purely just me trying to procrastinate the rest of studying I have to do. 
College students : philosophy major Y/N x info major Kook ft. economy major Joon
Basically, Joon and Y/N broke up but they’re still friends who have feelings for each other and Jungkook, their friend, can’t take it anymore. 
What were you doing going around smiling like that ? Jungkook loved his hyung. They were the first one from the squad to meet. But right now as his blood was boiling he only saw red. You looked so comfortable on the clearly big enough sofa with his arm around your shoulder almost cuddling into his stupid 6′4 chest. “Hi noona” He said not even bothering to look at his friend. “Hi Kookie” you answered peeking your head from the couch with the same bunny smile you gave your ex just a moment ago. Knowing you, you would fall back asleep on his chest as soon as you dived back into it. That couldn’t happen. “How was your day, son ?” Joon said in an overly deep voice. He jokes a lot about how Jungkook might as well be your son since he’s always around you two. At first the younger boy didn’t like it one bit. How was he supposed to snatch you away if he were in the son zone ? He even confronted his friend about it saying it was plain weird. But after hearing your giggle and how you play along everytime, he figured he had to get on that. “Do you want to take a nap or should a make you a wittle snack ?”. I mean you would be a hot mom to be fair, he thought to himself. “A huggie !” Without missing a beat you get up from the couch and pull him into a hug. Bingo. You wore shorts and your own shirt for once. Somehow you loved that Namjoon was so tall and how you could wear his tops without bothering to put on bottoms. Or anything else. Not that he looked but he definitely looked through the teddy bear he gifted you on your birthday. All the squad teased him for it but you thought it was so cute you held the plushie to sleep that day. He’s moved evn thinking about it. He can feel all of you and when you pull back he pulls you in closer. You don’t question it because you love hugs. After some time you start to get worried and pat him “Hey you good ?”. That sounded horribly like bro talk but it’s all you knew. “Jungkook ?”. He hated it when you used his full name. Without looking at you he can guess your eyebrows are drawn together and your lower lip is slightly out. Meanwhile Namjoon left the house. You noticed because you nodded him goodbye quietly. That didn’t make you worry. Since you broke up he had a life of his own. That made you feel like you were a burden at first but really he was living it when you were together anyways. At least that’s what Jungkook told you when he came to find you after your breakup. You quickly forgave him tho, he was a precious friend, just not made for relationships. It was bittersweet because you did love each other. Last thing you know, you still very much love him. By the time you got lost in your thoughts you almost forgot about Jungkook. When he pulled back you almost whined at the lack of warmth. Maybe you were touch deprived since that night. As he settled his inked hands on your waist, you gasped. “Noona...”. Reading his eyes there was definitely something but you couldn’t pinpoint what it was. The best you could do for this poor boy who seemed to have had a bad day was be a sister figure right ? “Yes Kookie” you said softly grabbing his face look at him in the eyes. Little did you know he was staring at your boobs since he noticed you didn’t wear a bra. His angelic face seemed like it was making him glow. The grip he had on your waist was nothing like what his eyes told you. “You already ate today ?” The childish voice he usually had was nowhere to be seen. Fortunately, you love to solve problems. Not maths, that’s gross. But anything for people was just your thing. Your friends called you unpaid therapist but you didn’t even want to be a therapist, it seemed boring. Realising the hand you unconsciously put up to pat his head could be seen as patronising you slowly pulled it back awkwardly. You were now confused as the man in front of you seemed to scream panic in his eyes. The grip you grew into became harsher leaving almost no space between the two of you. Oh this could not be right, the Kookie you thought was slumping is having a semi-hard. You froze trying to remain the most naturally in the apparently very much needed embrace. “Let’s eat at my place noona !” that voice was back again. It was kinda creepy but you brushed it off. There was no food at your place anyways. “Ugh I’m too lazy to get changed Kook” you smiled apologetically “Put my sweater on !” He did come in with a comically thick coat, he would be fine. You tried not to stare when he took off his hoodie and quickly put it on. Your legs were covered to your knees and Jungkook could swear he let a moan out at the sight. 
His place was only a few minutes away so you walked. “Let’s order chicken !” You stared at him dumbfounded. “Ya why did we have to come here then”. You were met with only a shrug from his back. You’d be waiting for at least 15 minutes so you settled on his couch and turned Netflix on. The action made his hoodie ride up your thighs and he couldn’t help ut close the delivery app to snap a few pictures. “Do you want fries with it ?” He asked just to make you look at him “Yes pleaase” He could get used to the sight no doubt. Quickly he placed the order and headed to the couch. Fortunately his couch was a little smaller than yours. Like a little pet he places his head on your lap. You’ve been wanting to continue Start Up so that’s what you put on. Your account was registered on his TV. Everyone trusts him if it comes to technology. Something about how linking your things to his would make it faster. Or about him being able to access everything you do through the camera of those devices and hacking Namjoon’s phone to contact girls and block your number for a few days. Not to mention all your texts and exchanges. All of it. Of course he’s also the one Namjoon “owed his life to” when he managed to unblock you within a few clicks on his computer. “Are you on episode 6 ?” You asked for the third time but he obviously had a weird day you thought. “Of course”. He looked up at you. “Wow we really match”. Anything to hear your giggle. It was worth watching everything you watched. “Do you have a blanket ?”. In a rush he got back with his blanket. You settled on his chest and he had to hold your waist to keep you from falling off the couch. Taking advantage of the position he could talk confidently “You’re beautiful” “I know right ! Suzy IS that bitch”. Somewhere between confusion, relief then frustration he blurts out “I like you”. You twist your whole body so you’re chest to chest. Scanning his eyes you could see the adoration and even desperation. “What was that ?” “I love you”. This was all too serious. Before you could eat him up with your eyes that clearly say rejection he averts his eyes to the screen. “So that’s what the second male lead feels”. He laughs but it doesn’t meet his eyes, you’re still watching him. Not looking to answer anymore just studying him. “I mean Nam Joo Hyuk is worth it I guess”. He tries to lighten up the mood. There you go with that half assed smile. His plan is working, mind you. Now he’s truly the dejected guy friend. Everyone likes that. They always end up close and you had a thing for them. I mean as long as the first candidate is currently dealing with the board of education for “sharing innapropriate pictures of women”. Never assume fixing your computer is going to be free. Namjoon was a good man. He taught him everything he needed to know. Everything about you. He knew it was cheap but the way you were falling asleep in his arms told him he was so close. So close to having you. 
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writerbyaccident · 4 years
Being There (Yandere Izuku Midoriya x Reader)
Request: I'm not sure if your ask box is open or not but you do some really nice yandere fics! I was wondering if you could do a yandere Deku fix where the reader is supper shy (because of trauma) and has depression episodes where she doesn't eat for days but she still likes cuddles and sleeping. Basically a depressed cinnamon roll. You dont have to I'm just tho 👉👈. My depression has been getting pretty bad these past few months and I need comfort.
Author’s Note: hey lovely! I just wanted to say that I am so proud of you for getting through these last few months. I know how hard depression can be, so if you ever need someone to talk to, I’m always here 💖
Trigger Warning: depression
           Izuku hated the times when he had to leave you behind.
           The whole reason that he had brought you home with him, after all, was so you wouldn’t have to spend those tough days alone ever again. Well, he supposed that wasn’t the whole reason—his own needs and desires may have influenced his decision just a little bit— but it was still the aspect that haunted him when he had to leave for work every day. Really, Izuku wished that he could stay with you every second of every day, either by cuddling with you in bed or by finding a way to just tuck you into his pocket and keep you by his side all day long, where he could keep you safe and happy.
           But even if he had had a job that he hated, Izuku would have still had to work if he wanted to take care of you. And he was lucky enough to have a career that he loved, along with someone he loved waiting obediently for him at home. It was of those facts that he reminded himself when he was forced to say goodbye to you in the morning. They didn’t make it any easier to leave you though, especially when you were having one of your bad days.
           “Angel,” he whispered in your ear, one arm wrapped securely around your waist while the other rested on your chest, where Izuku could comfort himself with the feeling of your heartbeat at his fingertips. “Angel, I’m sorry, but it’s time for me to get ready for work.”
           It was one of those days, he knew, when you couldn’t get out of bed, not to eat, not to drink, not at all. You had been having many of those days recently, days where it was all that you could do to let him hold you. Izuku hated leaving you on those days, hated not being there to comfort you. Sweeping his lips over your shoulder with a delicate tenderness, Izuku squeezed you against him tighter for a moment, wanting to reassure you that he was with you, that he was there for you.
           “Really? Already?” you murmured hazily. Taking a deep breath, you summoned the effort to turn over so that you were facing Izuku, the effort of moving making your body even more exhausted in its emptiness.
           “I’m sorry, princess, but I have to get up.”
           Raising your eyes up to Izuku’s soft green ones, you fixed him with a sad but resigned stare, one that broke his heart to see. Not sure what else to do, Izuku brought his lips to your shoulder again, this time peppering your skin with kisses all over. He started at your shoulder, yes, but didn’t stop there, instead continuing onto the crook of your neck, then onto the shell of your ear, and finally onto every inch of your face. If he had to leave, Izuku thought, he wouldn’t do it without shielding you in his love first.
           Rather than try to pull away as you oftentimes did in the face of his love though, this time you leaned forward, pushing yourself further into the safety and comfort of his touch. You did tend to get more affectionate on your hard days, Izuku realized, though never before had you nuzzled your way deeper into his arms, burying your face in his chest. The true marvel was, however, came when you laid your arm over him. That was definitely something that you hadn’t done before. And although your grip wasn’t nearly as solid or unwavering as his own, Izuku couldn’t bring himself to care. Not when you so clearly needed him, needed his touch.
           “Do you have to?” you asked, your words muffled from the way your face was still hidden in his chest. His mind positively whirring in contemplation, Izuku pulled away ever so slightly, not even by a full inch.
           “Yes, I have to go to work, angel,” he said. Unable to face being left alone on such a day, you shook your head desperately, clinging to Izuku all the more tightly.
           “Please don’t leave. Can’t you stay home today? I want you to stay here with me.”
           At those words, Izuku couldn’t help but squeeze you tightly, as if he might be able to hold you together with his touch alone. Stroking your back soothingly, he pressed yet another kiss, this time to the very top of your forehead.
           “Oh, angel,” he murmured, “you know I can’t say no to you. I’ll call in sick, and we can have a cuddle kind of day today.”
           Yes, if Izuku had a choice, if he lived in a perfect world, he would never leave you behind. So when you asked him so sweetly to stay, especially when you needed him so much, he simply couldn’t bring himself to pull away. The very moment that he even suspected that you would ask for him to stay was the very moment that he would stay with you, sheltering you in his love.
Sign the petition calling for justice for Jacob Blake here.
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seijch · 4 years
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omg hi ... im like . ashamed to come back after saying brief hiatus in october and then disappearing off the face of the earth til FEBRUARY but under the cut i will be explaining myself and the following, if youre interested (and a tl;dr at the very bottom if you don’t wanna scroll thru this obnoxiously long post):
the reason(s) i was gone for so long
what i was doing during that time (its just a personal account yall can scroll past this idrc)
the status of those um . halloween requests
the future of this account
i. so . Hiatus .
i know. i know . i probably mentioned it when i made the announcement post, but my mental health likes to go on one of those rides. yknow the ones where you go like up rlly fast then down maybe and then up then DOWN .... its like that. i needed a break and every time i wanted to come back or thought about it, something would happen and i would get stuck in my own head.
a big reason for getting stuck in my head was (and i hate to admit this ... i hate to admit that i have Insecurities On The Internet) my feelings of inadequacy regarding my writing. i love to plot fics, i love concepts and characters and making little headcanons but i dont ... know if i love writing rn. and i thought for the longest time that like . whatever ill just push thru it its fine ill be fine but it kinda wasnt lmao you can kinda see it in my halloween reqs and what become of them when i get to that but i began to feel like nothing i had put out or would put out would hold up prose wise (and normally i dont feel like this im much more “idc its my life im living it” but thats not a rant for tumblr LMAO). i still feel like that -- like im better as a reader than a writer. but . You Know :-)
tl;dr: mental state go brrrrr
ii. anywhere here’s wonderwall
when i left, i was in a steadily decreasing mental and emotional state, made worse by a situation at work that really was a case of petty jealousy on my end and rlly isnt very consequential now despite how much pain and resentment it gave me when it Was a problem so i wont get into it. the tl;dr of november and december was me using work as an crutch and distraction -- i know my job, i do it well, it helped me not think about my responsibilities and obligations and inadequacies. of course, as the holiday season grew busier n busier i was scheduled so often that i moved 88 or so miles (according to my apple watch, which i ONLY wear at work since im never anywhere else outside my house) and fell into a cycle of showering n sleeping at my house before going back the next day. (theres definitely something to be said abt capitalism and “grind culture” here but once again its not the time or place snsjkdfds)
at the turn of the new year, i happened to remember a birthday card i hadnt filed away for safekeeping from a friend of mine that id been horribly out of touch with til that point. i started crying because i realized how out of touch id been in general up until that point. the month of january was great for me: i was focused, happy, and in a much better place than i had been before. the end of it brought me down focus wise and im hoping that enough time away from my distractions will refocus me bc i ... need it LMAO and though ive burned out from that level of productivity and gotten distracted again im ... trying to stay positive which i think is the most i can do 😁👍🏼
media wise, i got real into stardew valley (but burned out bc i played it extensively as a way to wind down after work), the pokemon platinum romhack renegade platinum (still havent finished it bc of school n i played it w the intent to see if i could nuzlocke it ... bitch its so hard but its so fun bc of it), briefly assassins creed: odyssey (im one of those ppl who completes an entire region before i move to the next so you can tell i burned out of that one + wouldnt have the time to properly devote to it even if i didnt), got back into genshin impact after pulling for xiao (after not touching it for like . months), and danganronpa. yes . danganronpa 😐 i Know. i stopped playing it after the second trial of the first game bc i was so hurt by the outcome and picked it up in late january only to get sucked in (thank god i had the foresight to buy the second and third games during the steam winter sale). rn im at the start of chapter 4 if anyone wants to come in my asks and um . talk to me abt danganronpa
tl;dr: I’m Into Danganronpa Now
iii. you realize halloween was three months ago right
i mentioned this in the first section, but i love to plot things. every request is plotted or at least has a solid foundation. i had fun detailing what concept i wanted to go with considering what i was given, and there were some bangers i might touch up in the future. but heres whats going to happen to the requests themselves:
there are two finished requests. one will be posted tomorrow and the other will be touched up (just bc i finished it doesnt mean its good 🧍‍♂️) and scheduled for next saturday. as for the ones i never got around to ...
i will not be finishing those requests. i hate to be That Person, but i feel like we all expected this 🧍‍♂️ what i will do is post all of my notes for each request in batches -- requests that have an @ to go with them will be mentioned in the post proper, but anon asks will be pictured. (there are some asks that came from blogs who are now deactivated but i wrote down all the prompts and remember most of those askers so ill cross that bridge when i get there) there will most likely be an excerpt or two simply bc i think i mightve written a few plot points or interactions in the form of bullet points. i rlly am sorry about doing this but i remember looking at my notion doc with all the prompts and feeling ... like i wasnt measuring up n it wasnt just to myself or to some intangible concept of “other” id constructed but it was instead to those who requested n actually WANTED to see and hear and read my writing and i ...... im gonna admit thats another big reason i avoided this site.
regardless, youll definitely get what i have (and likely more than just my bullet points and illegible handwriting).
tl;dr: im sorry. what i have in terms of plot, concept, and interaction for every request will be posted, but i cant say ill ever complete them and mean it.
iv. so what now?
well i mean . im not entirely sure how sold i am on haikyuu in the content creation department (as a creator n to a lesser extent, as a consumer). as mentioned previously, its no longer my primary focus. it doesnt mean im not into haikyuu anymore; i have a lot of love for those boys but i cant rlly say im even caught up w recent fandom activity and also havent even finished s4 pt2 LMAO thats on my to do list
and despite all that, i still want to share my plots n concepts and snippets and maybe even fics. it wont happen anytime soon. it might not even happen. but i mean . its better than me saying i wont write ever again shjdkfs but either way ill probably use this blog as a personal blog w the occasional ask game for dialogue prompts (those are always so fun i love making up aus to fit like . the most mundane prompts)
as for my works (past and any potential future), ive opened an ao3 acc here n ill be editing n possibly expanding on my old works to post there. tumblr, to me, is The x reader hub, but i figure more x reader fics on ao3 is never a bad thing.
ill be deleting/posting drafted posts to the queue since they were all meant to be queued anyway as well as (sorry again 🧍‍♂️) deleting or answering asks in the inbox. (moots if you get a notif from me saying i rbed your post from months ago ... mind your business) im very hard to get ahold of and its ... a problem. expect an overhaul of the nav n shit to reflect my new direction n also because i feel like i cant tell if my passion for carrd is shared by the majority HSDKLFS maybe its better to read my info in a normal post ykwim .......
and of course . if youve read all this n decided im no longer worth the follow, i sure as hell cant stop you. thank you for wanting to, at some point, hear what i have to say -- it means more than you think.
tl;dr: writing will be edited and reposted to ao3, this blog will be a personal blog with a hint of writing (sometimes)
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the tl;dr to end all tl;drs:
im back! i wont be as active as i used to due to a lessened interest in haikyuu in general, but i have an ao3 acc now where all my past work will be edited, possibly expanded, and reposted. any future work will also find itself there. my halloween requests will be posted in batches as incomplete concepts, plots, and snippets of scenes; i wont be promising to finish any of them.
there are still fic concepts im attached to and want to finish, but i cant promise any more writing on my end. this blog will be a personal blog with maybe writing, not a writing blog with my personal thoughts all over it.
regardless if you stick around or not, its been crazy sexy cool (equal emphasis) being on haikyuu tumblr even tho i wasnt around for long ... even tho its not my main focus anymore, im still excited to see what the future might hold 🤝
love, ari 💌
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krokonoko · 3 years
Got tagged by the one and only @northernscruffycat 💕
I tag whoever feels like doing this~
How many works do you have on AO3?
29, apparently? the account is REALLY old and has a lot of ancient crap on it tho lmao
What’s your total AO3 word count?
128149! which is a lot, considering that I write almost exclusively oneshots.
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
10! I’m usually not a very active fic writer lol
video games: Elder Scrolls, Amnesia, Hitman, Dragon Age and Metal Gear Solid
live action movies and TV shows: Better Call Saul, Collateral and Edge of Tomorrow
cartoon and anime: Gravity Falls and Boku no Hero Academia
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Bait (Lalo/Nacho, Better Call Saul, 2.7k words. “just” a pwp, but it’s my baby, my beloved)
Ten Years Passed That Night (Bill+Rita, Edge of Tomorrow, 3.4k words. insanely popular by my standards, but also rly old and I don’t remember what happens in it. All I know is that it’s set post canon, Bill experiences an uncomfortable situation, instinctively tries to reset the day through suicide and almost kills himself in the process.)
a Collar by any other Name (Lalo/Nacho, Better Call Saul, 2.7k words. shameless dressing kink. came into existence on a bit of a whim. I think I wrote it down in one go (just like Bait! it seems like those kinda
Something to Hold On To (Lalo/Nacho, Better Call Saul, 4k words. more pwp with an excuse for a thematic red string holding the whole thing together asdfg)
Strange Attractors (Lalo/Nacho, Better Call Saul, 14k words. Lacho, but make it Groundhog Day. holy shit, when did this one get so many kudos?? it’s a very rare multichapter from me and paused atm cause I’m a fickle sob who can’t focus on one and the same thing for more than two weeks :/)
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
yeah man, of course! honestly every time I get a comment I can’t really believe it? I never had an opportunity to get used to feedback, so every person telling me they liked my writing brightens my day 🥺
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
probably A Cornered Dog. it might seem like Max has risen to power, but in reality, Vincent has (involuntarily) succeeded in turning him from a sweet, emotionally intelligent man into a cold, manipulative person, aka someone who can endure what Vincent puts him through.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
yeah, not even a week ago I got this huuuuuuge, longwinded comment on my Kacchako fic Plus One explaining to me in great detail why Bakugo being trans and Ochaco being bi completely ruined the story lmao
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I do, but it's a fairly recent development! I mostly write m/m, but I have written m/f and I’m open to writing f/f smut too!
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that I know of.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
yeah, one of my Collateral fics got translated into Russian. I think it was We All Die Alone.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
stealing Pandirpus’ answer: I’ve written a very fun Amnesia AU fic with @pandirpus Tabula Rasa - and to this day, it’s the longest and most research-intensive fic I’ve ever written in English.
another fic I’ve co-written is the fantastically smutty Rising Tides which I worked on with the absolute master of E rated content: @seanfiction. Rising Tides itself, and stay with me here, is a story written by Marcius, a character from one of my books. but it’s not just any story, it’s porn he wrote of himself and a certain reptilian man he’s into, but in an alternate universe where they’re both pirates. it’s amazing and ridiculously self-indulgent and I love it.
What’s your all time favorite ship?
that’s really hard to say cause I ship a LOT. recently I think Lacho has a special place in my heart.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
oh, DEFINITELY Strange Attractors! but the inspiration will have to come with the next season of BCS.
What are your writing strengths?
rambling, lol? people tell me I’m good at building atmosphere.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
maybe it’s the linguist in me speaking, but imho, if you wanna use a foreign language, you gotta treat it with respect. too many people treat foreign languages as nothing but sexy glitter you dust over your writing for decoration.
if you can, ask a native speaker for help. I try to do the same as often as I can. never, under ANY circumstances, rely on nothing but google translate. there are so many practical translation tools online, folks.
What was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
Pokemon lol. when I was around 12yo or so I wrote like, half a dozen fics that were just self-inserts going on Pokemon journey and nothing else.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve ever written?
that’s probably Trip Wire. I feel like that one kinda got lost in the amount of Lacho fics I produced, never received any special attention, but I think it’s one of the best things I’ve ever written. it’s got exactly the kind of energy that I try to go for with p much all of my writing, but rarely give myself credit for achieving.
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mcwriting · 5 years
starstruck (2)
Heyyyyyy so I stuck to my word lol.
I’m basically unable to function after seeing far from home this evening but also it was so good. I teared up when tom did and my mom made fun of me but its okay because his acting was awesome! Highly recommend y’all see it (even tho ik you probably will if you haven’t already lol)
Ps this is my first time linking one post to another so please lmk if it doesn’t work, but if it’s not, you’ll always be able to access this through my starstruck tag!
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10
Fandom: Tommo Holland
Ship: Tom Holland x Reader eventually
Setting: LA
Word Count: 1386 (lol it’s shorter this time srry)
Warnings: i actually don’t think there’s any here, but lmk if there should be
Rating: K+ still
Background: part 2 of my DCOM inspired fic
B/f/n: your best friend’s name
Previously on starstruck...
The faint remains of his cologne wafted to your nose and you couldn’t help but breathe it in. You relaxed further into his grip and stayed comfortable until you heard a buzz on the table next to you.
You decided to ignore it until it happened two more times. Finally, you decided to wiggle out of Tom’s grip and succeeded without waking him. You picked up the cell and noticed it was 10 a.m. and all three texts were from b/f/n
Hey I’m coming over
I’ll bring ice cream since you said you weren’t doing too hot yesterday 
I’m on my way
“No. No, no, nonoNO,” you exclaimed, getting louder and louder, causing Tom to sleepily ask,
“Could you keep it down, darling?” 
“No, I can’t ‘keep it down,’ Thomas, because b/f/n is ON HER WAY HERE!”
He sat up fully awake.
“We have to get you out of here without her seeing, and she’s probably gonna be here in like 5 minutes.”
Tom rushed to get up and find his keys that were in the pocket of his discarded jacket while you hurried to brush your hair and take a makeup wipe to your face.
You clambered down the stairs and hurried Tom through the kitchen and into the laundry room when you heard the doorbell ring, and when you didn’t answer in apt time, it began ringing like crazy.
Panic stuck your chest and you looked at Tom.
“Open the garage and leave in 5 minutes, then text me so I can close it.” You commanded, beginning to walk towards the entryway.
“Wait, wait,” he grabbed your arm, “I don’t have your number!”
You scrawled it down on a sticky note and ran, hoping he would get out safely and quickly. You opened the door to find b/f/n holding two pints of ice cream, raspberry sorbet for you and coffee ice cream for herself.
“My gosh what took you so long? I about started searching for the spare key with all these goods melting.”
You were about to reply when the door between the garage and utility room shut loudly. 
“Uh, who was that?” she asked, knowing your parents were at work.
“Oh, uh, a friend from dance. We’re working on a piece together and we decided to talk about it last night since I hurt my head,” you lied.
B/f/n furrowed her brows for a second before letting it go and coming inside to set up your typical movie day in the living room. Meanwhile, you headed back to the kitchen to grab spoons and check your phone, where a new number had sent a message. 
I’m out so you’re good to close the door. Thanks again for the great night ;)
You smiled and sent back 
That makes it sound soooo much worse than what really happened haha. You made it out without suspicion too :)
You decided to put his number in as a contact, disguising him as “Clara Twinkletoes” after a joke made late into the previous night, then headed to the living room.
After finishing one movie and your separate ice creams, you both decided to take a break and were looking at your phones.
“Hey, I know you hate talking about Tom Holland,” you gave a side-eyed glance to the bringing up of his name, “but guess what? He liked my picture last night! I just remembered to tell you!” 
B/f/n held up her phone to show you the notification, then went back to staring at it excitedly. 
“That’s actually really cool. I’m happy for you,” you expressed, leaving out the fact that you had asked Tom to like it when you were talking about the post at 1 a.m.
A few minutes later, b/f/n breathed out a soft “woah.”
You looked at her in confusion.
“Y/n, look at this girl Tom was photographed with yesterday, she looks like your twin!”
Dread filled your stomach as you stared at the picture of you and Tom in his black Audi A8, that stupid ballet skirt wrapping your head.
“Yeah, maybe if I took ride alongs with celebrities and wore nineteen fifties headscarves,” you quipped, “you only think that girl looks like me because you want it to be me, b/f/n.”
“Hmm, I guess…” she trailed, taking back her phone to continue scrolling through Instagram.
Not long after, you got a text from Clara twinkletoes.
Have you seen the picture??? I’m getting tagged and you are too
Like… everyone thinks that girl is you
Psh as if. We can talk about it later, I’m busy with my gal pal
Fine. Also, I was wondering if you wanted to go with me to the beach tomorrow? I wanna talk about all this in person
Hmm. Maybe. Probably not ;) 
“Hey, b/f/n?” You asked tentatively.
“Is it cool if you don’t spend the night tonight? I need to go to dance early tomorrow since I took the day off and I’ve also got this head injury so…” 
it wasn’t a complete lie. You did have a head injury and your plan was to go to dance at some point, but you decided to leave out the part where you might actually go hang out with hot shot Holland.
“Oh, uh yeah, sure. My sister is coming into town this week so it’s probably for the best, you know how my mom is about cleaning the house and stuff,” she said, obviously trying to hide her disappointment.
Around 4 pm, she got up to leave. You had watched two more movies and eaten plenty more snacks throughout the afternoon. 
“I guess I’ll see you later, y/n. Hope you’re feeling better tomorrow,” she smiled. 
You returned the gesture and gave her a hug, then watched from the doorstep as she mounted her bike and rode off to her house only a few neighborhoods away, you feeling queasy about lying so much.
You headed upstairs after a light dinner and some TV. It was only about 8 o’clock, but the combination of a head injury, late night, and slight emotional distress (from lying to b/f/n) made you feel exhausted, not to mention you would be waking early the next day. 
You changed into sweats and flopped into bed, checking your social media for a little bit to wind down. 
Your snapchat was just pictures from friends, only a couple of them joking to you about the whole Tom Holland situation (but of course none of them knew the truth)
Twitter and Instagram, however, were a different story. After the premiere, you had chosen to turn off notifications and were especially happy to know it was the right choice. 
On Twitter, fan accounts and other people were replying to a joking tweet you had made days before the premiere in reply to b/f/n where you said “Why be friends with that tom holland guy when you could hang out with your superior best friend hmmmm?? He’s lame compared to me lolol” 
People were going nuts about it, divided over whether you were just messing around or if you really didn’t like him. Most of them chose the former, though you knew you had meant the latter. Other people were tweeting about you separately and debating about that picture from the day before.
You almost deleted your Twitter in a rash decision but realized how suspicious that could look and instead closed it and moved to instagram.
It too was overflowing with tags and comments and follows and likes. Your stomach churned as you realized how big this was becoming. Finally you made the choice to meet Tom tomorrow, even if it risked being caught again. You sent him a single text to let it be known:
Alright twinkletoes. Let’s go to the beach.
You figured you could reply to whatever he sent in the morning and put your phone on do not disturb before plugging it in and checking the alarm.
You snuggled into the sheets and buried your head into a pillow. A sweet and musky scent drifted into your nose and you took a deep breath. 
Tom’s cologne
You sat up, sniffing around the sheets, pillows, and covers, realizing he had left his scent everywhere. 
“I need to wash these sheets tomorrow” you breathed to yourself in an annoyed tone. 
With that you laid back down, glad that b/f/n wasn’t there to ask whose scent was all over your bed. Though you tried to convince yourself that you wanted the smell gone, had anyone been watching, they couldn’t deny the way you sunk into the bed and the faint smile that made its way to your lips as you drifted into slumber.
A/N: there’s chapter 2!! Hope you guys enjoy. I don’t think I’ll post 3 until this weekend but who even knows haha. Love y’all and am so happy to have your support!
Tag List: @marvel-lously
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jlf23tumble · 5 years
Hii Jen 😁 Saw you recommended The XF fics, could you possibly list a few of your favs?
I sure could!! NOTE: I really *do* have a mess of bookmarks that are still uncategorized or I bookmarked the works too recently to categorize, meaning that I probably have others I would rec to fit this bill, but oh, well…it’s a start, at least, le sigh. ADDITIONAL NOTE: read the tags! It goes without saying that people are gonna get upset about ages (even tho the UK/US have different consent rules), so if that’s you, do my inbox a favor and just stay away.
Sonic Sounds, by glasscushion, 5.7k words, E. “Harry takes a deep breath, suitably embarrassed, “I’m just really…” and he can’t say the obvious. He can’t just say really wet.” Harry loves feeling embarrassed. Louis is happy to help. (lmaooooo, this is really new, and yet I *did* categorize it? God, my system is in shambles, but I’ll get it sorted in the next month or two)
never worse but never better, by sky_reid, 4.4k words, E. louis knows all the tricks to make harry squirm. (I have so many recs that are sort of “X Factor era,” but they’re during the tour?? does that even count?? if so, i’d put that loadedgunn one on here, too, tbh, but anything, I like this one because the author actually references a kink meme, and I just never see those anymore–either a reference or a thread)
Tigers Play Too Rough, by Blake, 5.9k words, E. Louis puts on his Determined Face, which, Harry has noticed, involves avoiding eye contact. “You’re…,” Louis crosses his arms on his chest and looks down, tragically unaffected by Harry’s bum. “You’re, like, tying me up, yeah?” he asks, so rushed that it sounds breathless, his face twisting up into a sideways grimace at the end. Or, Harry wants to try something new with Louis, and things don’t go quite the way he had imagined. (From when Blake was on a total tear and cranked out, like, five epicly amazing stories in the blink of an eye, two of them XF-related, this one being the begin rather than the end)
Tight Trouser Troubles, by orphan_account, 6.4k words, E. The first time doesn’t count.  Neither does the second, the third or so forth come to think of it.  Basically, Harry in Panties Phase One should be completely disregarded because Louis’ reaction wasn’t organic back then.  It couldn’t be.  Today, he’d one hundred percent be able to appreciate Harry in panties, but during their days on X Factor?  That was a different story altogether.  The problem back then was that they were never alone and that was quite an unfortunate problem to have. (LOTS of panties)
What a Heavenly Way to Die, by objectlesson, 8k words, E. She’s thought about it a lot, and two big things seem to be holding her back, aside from the uncontrollable paralysis that overtakes her body every time she so much as tries to sneak a hand under the waistband of Harry’s knickers. Or, Louis is afraid to do stuff to Harry, who has done a lot of stuff to her. (LISTEN, Phoenix is the queen of XF fic, I just recommend you go back and read allllll of her XF works, I would rec every single one…I’m just putting this one here because it’s the last one she wrote, and it was girl direction, which she didn’t really explore too much in canon headspace…if you want just the Phoenix ones, ping me again! They! Are! All! GOLDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!)
give you my fever, by beautlouis, 10.7k words, E. And he’s wanted it even more since he met Louis, it’s driven him insane, he spends 90% of his life turned on because of Louis and he’s had no relief at all. He’ll wake up at night too hot and itchy, with Louis warm and sweet smelling next to him, and unable to do anything but wank unsuccessfully, with no release. x-factor era. harry’s never had an orgasm before, louis gives him his first (I adore everything this author has ever written, and this story is both lovely and hot)
come on, bring everything series, by blankiehxrry, 11.7k words, E.  a bunch of one-shots through the course of l & h’s life with a bunch of different kinks involved in each one (old but gold, it is as it says, the first one is x factor house)
Make Tea, Not War, by adventuring and howdoyouwhisk, 20k words, M. “Is he the messiest?" "Yes." "Does he do the washing up?" "Never." "Does he make his bed?" "Never." "Hopeless, hopeless flatmate. Would you rather be with one of these guys?" "Nope!" Or: Louis attempts to become a better flatmate, much to Harry’s dismay. (lotsssssss of kinks, especially service 
A/B/O ‘Verse, by sarcasticfluentry, 71k words, E, needs ao3 account. Harry frowns, thinking that he shouldn’t have to be glad about what gender he is, just like omegas shouldn’t have to be scared and nervous that anyone they meet might want to hurt them. He wonders why none of this occurred to him before, how he possibly could’ve just sailed through life before this without realizing how fortunate he was being born a beta. That seems a bit too serious of a conversation for Simon Cowell’s waiting room, though, so Harry puts an arm around Louis’s shoulders and teases, “You say that like you’re old or something. Two years isn’t that big of a difference!” “Tell me that when you’re eighteen and looking back on this conversation,” Louis says. (heyyyyyy, I’m not a fan of alpha Harry AT ALL, but this x-factor a/b/o is a helluva lot less annoying than 99% of them, especially in the beginning, but yeah, it’s the same old same old in a lot of ways, so keep that in mind)
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franeridart · 6 years
Ahhh i love akane uwu
THANK YOU I love her too so knowing you do as well makes me very happy !!!!
Anon said:Hello my name is Eijirou. I am the android sent by cyberlife.
You know, that’s one fandom I never got around to checking out before it died out
Anon said:hi i love ur art, especially your future bakushima! have u read this one ao3 bakushima fic called you can get what you want or you can just get old? i read it recently and it reminded me of your art style a lot... if not, nbd, ur work is so cool! ♡
IT’S OKAY DON’T WORRY ABOUT IT if you’re worried about blowing up my phone I have my notifs turned off on it ;;;; thank you so much for liking my krbks that much tho!!!!
Anon said:Every time I seen your art I'm like damn... Who is this person this is great I have to follow and then I look and I'm already following you nice job
Oh dang that’s such a nice compliment!! thank you so much!!!!
Anon said:Wow I finally found the original artist, theres so many reposts of ur art on Twitter that people don't credit and it made me sad cause I really wanted to see all ur work. Thank goodness I stumbled upon this blog!!
Aw dang, really? I even have a twitter, what need to people have of reposting over there :((( orz thank you for liking my things, tho!
Anon said:hello! i really love your kiribaku kids au, i was wondering when we’re going to see them again~ ( ◠‿◠ ) keep up with the good work and content!! have a nice day^^
Anon said:Ahhhh I love??? Your art??? So much??? Like seriously I've been looking at the art on your account so often whenever I type in an F in the search bar it immediately suggests your account. I was just wondering if you're going to do more of the krbk kids because I love them s o m u c h?? I hope you're having a great day! Plus Ultra!
Thank you both so much!!! And that’s a good question... Akane came up so I might indulge with her for a while now, but I love Tai and Mako very dearly too so I’ll probably get back to them sooner or later! They’re a happy family after all, it’s always nice to indulge~
Anon said:If BoKroo were in the MHA universe, what quirks do you think they'd have? Like, it'd be hella dope if you can doodle it.
Aw man sorry but I’m not really much into drawing hq right now :(
Anon said:Your blog should be reffered to as "a remedy for bad days" because honestly, your amazing art always makes my day. ALWAYS. Thank you so much and I hope you have a wonderful day!!!
That’s!!!!!! So sweet!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much I hope you have the best day ever!!!
Anon said:Pls explain last post me curios potato •.•
I wanna get back to it actually so I’d prefer not to talk about it before I have something more down!! :0 but I’ve seen people in the tags call them androids and that’s not exactly it! What Kiri has on himself is just tech, he’s 100% completely human! Baku might be considered a cyborg I guess, but the only part of him that’s mechanic are his hands 👀 so still mostly human too~
Anon said:How tf are your lines so smooth?!?!
A lot of ctrl+z and allowing them to sorta do whatever they wanna do instead of obsessing over having them be exactly the same as the sketch!
Anon said:Are you alright with rp blogs using your art as icons if they credit you?
Sure, go nuts! Just make sure the credits are visible both from mobile and desktop!
Anon said:I don't know if you're still doing bnha fusions, but what a shinkami (shinsou x kaminari) fusion or a miritama (mirio x tamaki) fusion?
I’m not doing them anymore :((( sorry!
Anon said:1. I love the kiribaku dog and cat drawings. They are AMAZINGLY ADORBS 2. Has somebody written an AU for it cause if so I need to read
Thank you!!!!!! And not that I know, sadly :( lots of arts for it around, but no fics that have both of them as kemonomimis at the same time (though there’s a bunch of cat!Baku or wolf!Baku around, they’re n i c e)
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baekyeol-fics · 7 years
[Fic Search] #16
1. That Young Love, Immaculate help! i’m trying to find this fic! it was on ao3! it was a high school au and baekhyun was like a member of the track team and he was dating chanyeol who was in a band and chanyeol is waiting for baek to be done with practice in his car and like him and baekhyun have car sex! and then i believe sehun or kai or maybe both walk in on them doing it in the car. thanks !!!
2. Hi! I’m looking for a fic which is cabincrewau, baekhyun and kyungsoo are flight attendants, while chanyeol, Jongin and xiumin are pilots. So they were on a flight then suddenly something happened and they had to do a emergency lending. I think one of the cabin doors flew open and kyungsoo nearly fell out and baekhyun went into the cockpit to scream at chanyeol and ask him to stop the plane. Baek and yeol were ex lovers. After this incident all of them had to go on break to recover. Read on aff
3. A Thousand Years Hi, mods. I was at my office feeling blue when I suddenly remembered this fic: where baekhyun and chanyeol got married at the hospital (I clearly remember that the wedding was supposed to happen in grand ceremony) and chanyeol died just right after ;; i think there was a scene where chanyeol asked for the kids where baekhyun worked to help him propose ;; omg the scenes slowly came to me but i still have no idea huhu pls help me find this one! Thanks
4. Hi! Do you happen to know the title of a fic about chanbaek fake dating? I don't really remember most of the details but I remember the ending. It was the last day of their fake relationship. I think they were eating breakfast at Baekhyun's flat and are acting indifferent. Then they said their goodbyes. When Baek thought Chanyeol left already he started crying but he didn't know that Yeol stopped before turning the doorknob, walked back to Baek and hugged him then he confessed.
5. Hello,please help me find this fic , where chanyeol is famous and baekhyun is a normal person then they met,sleep together and baekhyun got pregnant, then later on they met on a clinic and chanyeol had broke his foot I think and then he finds out that baek is pregnant, I remember that they had twins and baek's brother baekbeom was chanyeol manager,it was on AFF, thanks!!
6. hello!!!thank u for all the hardwork that u have done:)i forgot what was the name of the baekyeol fic which was emergency couple themed??
7. Hi first of all thank you so much for your hard work! You guys are amazing 😍 So I'm looking for a fic where baek is amnesic and he goes to chanyeol's school (I think?) Then they live together and he discovers that Yeol is amnesic too! Cy has a girlfriend but she's really mean and she just doesn't let them live... also she knew them both in the past! anyway they get together and bh is pregnant... I don't remember what else happens but I know there's a lot of chaps... please help me! ♡♡
8. Licentious Hi there, I'm looking for a fic in which ChanYeol and BaekHyun were roommates I think? can't remember exactly; BaekHyun was like such a tease and ChanYeol couldn't hold it anymore and they ended up fucking in the subway??? I'm not sure if it was really the subway or a bus but it was definitely public transportation. I think it was on ao3 but I can't remember the name of it or the author. Thank you a lot for your hard work!
9. two is better than one There was a fic where chanbaek are best friends and baekhyun loves Chanyeol but doesn't tell him. Chanyeol falls in love with ksoo and uts then when bbh tells i think they're in uni by then and then bbh plans to leave without telling chanyeol but ksoo catches him at the airport and asks him not to leave and chanyeol comes in later and think he's left bt bbh doesn't and they kiss omg I just said the whole plot but I'm really desperate to find this 😭 I hope this was enough >.<
10. Hello! i’m such a fan of this account *~* I’ve been looking for this fic in which baek and chanyeol were married and idk the rest but at the very end, Chanyeol came home from somewhere and when he went to Baek’s house, he was with Kai(not sure) and they were kid/s running around. I’ve been looking for it everywhere and I really cant find it. I’m not sure if it’s in aff tho. It might be in wattpad but i cant find it. I hope u guys can help me and thank you so so much!
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scoops404 · 7 years
I just wrote a fic
The Bait
Summary: Phil drags Dan into another video, but doesn’t give him the full story.
“Hey guys!” Dan feels that Phil waves at the camera, knowing his eyes would be showing his excitement. Dan’s sat behind a not-so-mysterious square pillow on the colorful duvet next to Phil. The things he does for Phil, honestly. The subscribers are going to see the title of the video, they know the ‘guest’ is Dan. Still, Dan can’t say no to Phil’s pouty face when he insists that Dan hide behind the pillow for a dramatic reveal.
“Since you guys loved my video where I took quizzes about myself so much, and then you loved it when Dan did it, we figured, we’d take some quizzes together,” Phil elbows Dan behind the pillow and then grumpily frowns. He supposes that was his cue.
“Ahh! Stop it,” Dan says, sounding a bit muffled and put out.
Phil starts tickling him when the elbowing doesn’t seem to work, “only guests who reveal themselves on time don’t get tickled to death.”
“You could have said,” Dan whines and then throws the pillow off like he’s a vampire and it’s time to wake up out of his coffin. The pillow lands somewhere off camera and almost knocks a plant over, “it is I, guys, Daniel Howell, here to keep our Philly Willy Ding Dong in checkarooni.”
“What language was that even?”
The whine turns into a pout, “you elbow me, you tickle me, you bully me, why am I even here, Phil Lester?”
Dan’s smiling enough to show both dimples so their audience will know he’s only kidding. Sometimes they don’t quite understand when he’s joking.
“You’re here to help me take quizzes, remember?” Phil says, pulling his ancient Macbook up onto his lap where he’s already pre-loaded a quiz. Dan can’t quite make out what type of quiz this is. He supposes it’ll be something dreadful like “Which ‘90’s Boybander is Your Spirit Animal?’
That actually sounds kind of cool, though. He would totally take that quiz in the middle of the night when he can’t sleep and Wikipedia isn’t cutting it anymore.
“You need help taking the quizzes? Isn’t it supposed to be a personality assessment? I think I’ll just confuse the answers,” Dan says, torn between trying to peek over Phil’s shoulder at the quiz for a better look and staring at the camera.
Phil notices the attempt at cheating and drags the laptop over to the other side, “I figure we’ll make a bit of a game out of it. I’ll read the questions to you first and you answer them, but the catch is, you won’t know what the name of the quiz is until the end.”
Dan’s face morphs into appreciation, Phil left that part of the explanation out when he was asking if Dan wanted to be in his video today, “so it’s kinda like how you know the name of the quiz and you can guess the answers that are going to give you the result you want, it’s like countering that urge.”
There goes Phil’s awesome brain again, Dan thinks. This is not the first time he’s conveniently left something out when asking Dan to film a video with him, and it sure won’t be the last. When you have a relationship like Dan has with Phil, there’s enough trust to know that Phil would never put him in a position where he was made to look like a fool. Well, more than gentle teasing. And if it truly is horrendous, then Phil wouldn’t put it up online. He’s also quite handy on editing.
“Yeah, it’s double blind,” Phil says, pointing at the camera, “Science Phil gave you your fact of the day.”
“I don’t think that’s what ‘double blind’ means, but okay, sounds good. And then do you do a quiz and I don’t tell you the name of it?”
“Yeah, but I haven’t loaded one for that because then it’d be cheating,” Phil adjusts how he’s sitting on the bed and looks over to Dan, “ready for the first question?”
Dan brings a hand in front of his face, grasping his fingers together and then bringing his whole fist down like he’s in a bad kung fu movie and he’s focusing his chi or something. “Yeah,” he says, “hit me with the first questy.”
On camera Phil doesn’t roll his eyes, but Dan knows he wants to. Instead, he pulls up the first question, “Okay, the first question is: ‘What do you look for in a friend?’”
“I’ve only got one and you’re looking at him,” Dan says to the camera.
Phil continues to read the question like Dan hadn’t interrupted, “A) Athletic B) Considerate C) Funny D) Loyal,” he turns to look at Dan, bright blue eyes focusing on reading Dan.
Phil could probably take this quiz for Dan with how well he knows him, and vice-versa. Dan’s never felt as known as he does with Phil and he loves it. He loves knowing the man he is spending his life with truly understands him and appreciates all the nuances that make him up, the good and the bad.
He cherishes the compromising they do—on the book and the tour, everyday life things. With Phil as his business partner, boyfriend, and flat mate, they’ve had to make every decision together and that can be very difficult if neither one is willing to compromise.  He’s enjoyed every way in which Phil enriches his life. He loves that when they start a family together one day, he’ll have a new type of partner in Phil and new things to argue about. Knowing that there’s more room to grow with Phil, comforts and excites Dan at the same time. They aren’t stagnant, but they are steady.
“Those are really hard to decide between,” Dan says, “can you read them again?”
Phil reads them again and Dan thinks on it pretty hard. Phil might have to edit some time out here.
“Well athletic is out right off the bat,” Dan says, because he can’t expect a friend to be something that he absolutely doesn’t identify with. Also, athleticism doesn’t speak much about a person’s character, so it’s not that important. Dan doesn’t choose his friends for their aesthetic appeal. His boyfriend of ten years does have a very high aesthetic appeal, though.
“And funny is out. I mean, I like funny people, but that’s not what I need at the core of a friend. Considerate would be nice, but then again, you’ve been leaving socks around and cabinets open since 2012 and I’ve clearly stuck around. So, let’s go with loyalty,” Dan feels confident in his answer.
“Final answer?” Phil asks, looking to Dan then back at the camera.
“Yeah, sure, next question.”
Phil clicks the answer and reads off the next question, “Which of these nights best suits you: A) Clubbing, B) Anime C) Sports D) House Party?”
“Anime,” Dan says with no pause.
Phil laughs a second and when he sees Dan’s questioning look explains, “I already had that one pressed, just needed you to confirm it.”
Dan laughs too, “Yeah, yeah, like that’s not the answer for you too. Go on, read the next one.”
“Which of these YouTubers would you talk to at a party: A) Felix—“
“Let me stop you there,” Dan interrupts, “Is AmazingPhil a choice?”
Phil nods and Dan goes on, “then let’s not kid ourselves. It’ll be you and me in the corner, eating snacks, and talking to a very select few people who are brave enough to approach us with the anti-social vibes I give off.”
“We’re not that bad,” Phil tries to protest, “that usually only happens after we’ve run out of things to talk about with people and we make excuses to go find a drink and then we just don’t return to the conversation, but we’re not quite ready to go home yet.”
Dan concedes, “true. My point still stands. AmazingPhil is my answer.”
Phil doesn’t bother to hide his little smile. After all this time together, he still loves when Dan chooses him above everyone else. Dan’s the same way, he gets a little thrill when Phil sits next to him—at home, in meetings, on the tube, you name it. He loves the validation of Phil making a conscious choice to be close to him.
“Next question, then,” Phil says, “and there are only two questions left.”
“Only five questions? That’s kind of a short quiz.”
“I didn’t want the viewers to get too bored. And this way we can do a couple different quizzes instead of one quiz with forty questions,” Phil says and Dan sees his point. Better to have shorter quizzes for more shenanigans.
“Anyway, the next question is: What reaction do you have when you see a dog: A) What breed is that? B) I want to pet it and I want to pet it right now C) That’s an ugly dog D) I’m allergic, help!”
“Quick answer to that one, obviously, I want to pet the dog. Who could look at any dog and say it’s ugly? What is wrong with humanity,” Dan asks, shaking his head.
Phil looks solemn as well, “Some people need to learn to look beneath the surface and see the true beauty beneath.”
“Besides that being literally the cheesiest thing you’ve ever said, it’s true. I would love my really ugly doggo, and we would play fetch, and do tummy scratches, and cuddles, and give each other kisses. What’s not to love about dogs?”
“There’s everything to love about dogs!” Phil agrees enthusiastically and both of them look at the camera. Phil will probably do some sort of edit here, “Last question, are you ready, Daniel?”
“The last question is am I ready? I mean, yeah?”
Phil gives him his patented I’m sick of your shit look. Dan giggles until Phil can’t hold the face any longer and joins him.
“That was the stupidest joke, Dan.”
“You loved it,” he says, “now give me the real last question.”
“Okay, okay, the last question is,” Dan watches Phil find his spot on the laptop, “What type of partner would you want for long term?”
This is a touchy question, since they aren’t out to their viewers. What type of partner would Dan want? Phil. Always Phil. In every way, Phil.
Someone to spend his day with, who makes him laugh constantly. Someone who understands him, holds him accountable, challenges him and supports him? That’s Phil. Someone who holds the same values as him but thinks just slightly differently? Dan loves the way that Phil’s mind works, it’s how he can be so creative and innovative.
“A) Supportive and Nurturing B) Funny and Loyal C) Challenging and Secure or D) All of the Above,” Phil finishes and, yeah, they’re going to have to re-film this bit because Dan can’t keep from kissing Phil.
“You know you’re all those things, right?” Dan says when they come up for air, “you are literally all those things and more. You’re my best friend, my lover, my partner, my favorite person in the world and I’d do anything to keep you happy and safe and by my side forever.”
Phil blushes like this is the first time they’ve ever kissed and Dan’s said nice things about him. He pecks Dan again quickly, “I love you too. Now, should I start at the answer choices this time?”
Dan lets himself look longingly at Phil for a couple more seconds before he tries to rein it in. He’s not very good at reining it in according to the internet, but he does try.
“The answers will be fine,” he says. Phil reads them off again and this time Dan doesn’t cross the distance and kiss his boyfriend, even though he really wants to. “I’m going to have to go with all of the above. Because why limit myself and why limit my long-term partner, am I right?”
Phil smiles and Dan thinks he’s just on this side of okay for what’s appropriate in a video these days.
“Do you want the answer first, or the name of the quiz first?” Phil asks.
Dan considers the question for a second, “I think it’s funnier if you give me the answer first and then the name of the quiz, but it might not make any sense. So, your choice I guess.”
Phil looks down at his laptop, to look at the answer, “I’m going to give you the name of the quiz first.”
“Okay,” Dan says and he thinks he picks up a hint of nervousness in Phil’s voice. He could be wrong, but just in case, he pushes his knee over so that it’s resting against Phil’s thigh.
“The title of your mystery quiz is ‘Which Youtuber Should You Have a Baby With.”
Dan looks at the camera and shakes his head slowly, a smile forcefully pulled out of him, “Really? Alright then, go on, what’s my result? Who am I having a baby with, Phil?”
He looks over to Phil for the answer and Phil is looking intently at the laptop screen. Phil’s behaving rather odd, Dan thinks, normally this is the part of the video where Phil would be over the top and enthusiastic and speaking quickly and excitedly. Instead, Dan sees that he’s biting his lips and his eyes look uncharacteristically serious for a moment like this.
“The results are in,” Phil eventually says, and turns the laptop screen around to show Dan that the answer, unsurprisingly, says AmazingPhil, “The internet says you should have a baby with AmazingPhil.”
“Of course it would be you,” Dan says, trying to pull it off as a joke for Phil’s video, but their eventual family isn’t really something he wants to joke about. Phil might have to edit this entire quiz out of the video because Dan can’t stand to even entertain the idea of having a family with anyone other than Phil.
“You should have a baby with me,” Phil says again and this time with a tone in his voice that Dan can’t quite place. It’s serious and something in it grabs Dan and forces him to look back at Phil until the strange reverence in Phil’s sharp blue eyes fills Dan to the brim. Phil reaches over and takes Dan’s hand in his, bringing it to his lips and kissing it softly.
“Please,” he says, “have a baby with me. I’m ready to start a family with you.”
“Is this going in the video?” is all Dan can think to ask, his mind strangely blank from happiness.
“No,” Phil says, holding Dan’s hand with both hands now, “there’s no video. I just wanted to ask you dramatically.”
Dan chuckles because of course Phil wanted to be dramatic. This is the man who forces them to open their Christmas presents slowly and one at a time so that they can watch each other’s faces when the present is revealed. This is the man who read his early teenage chats to the internet and dressed up and did voices for everybody. People like to claim Dan is the dramatic one, and sure, he’ll accept that he’s extra as hell, but Phil has a flare for the dramatic too. It’s one of the many things he loves about him.
“Yes,” he reaches over to kiss Phil, “I would love to have a baby with you and start our family.”
Phil’s tongue peeks through his teeth when he smiles and Dan’s heart melts. He throws Phil’s laptop carefully onto the bed and climbs into his lap to hug him. His arms go around Phil’s shoulders and Phil’s arms rest on his waist and they bask in the presence of one another.
“Phil?” he says a couple minutes later.
Dan nuzzles into his neck, “We’re going to be dads.”
Phil presses a soft kiss to Dan’s jaw, “We’re going to be great dads. We already have so many internet children who think so.”
Dan sighs, but he can’t keep the smile off his face all day.
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jestbee · 7 years
June 21: Ships that pass in the night (Chapter One)
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