#I might make the hearts animated/float?? idk yet
candyheartedchy · 3 months
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Trying to create a new header for my pinned post since I officially have two main f/os now.
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soggypotatoes · 5 months
nobody tagged me but i'm doing it anyway
Favorite RotE book: fool's fate, like everyone else said, because it's GOOD.. the pacing, the tying together of the last two trilogies.. also, i really like glaciers. i first read this 10 years ago, before the series was finished, and this book stuck in my head the most. i have bad memory for media retention so tbh the main thing i remember was all the descriptions of their hike across the glacier and the outislands, but i just really liked that!! you never see that kind of biome, really, much less in fantasy. it's a very clever, heart-wrenching, addictive book to read, and the one i'd most like to reread. also, the resolution from The Quarrel, which upsets me.
Top three favorite characters: I literally have a tattoo of the Fool lmao. so obvs he's my fave. I reeeeally really like Bee, I relate to her a lot. I'm not counting Fitz here bc he's obviously fave because I've lived in his head so much. My other favourite... maybe Paragon, actually. Paragon is very special to me.
Top Three Least Favorite Characters: TATS, god I hated Tats. I haven't actually finished the series yet, still in Fool's Quest, but Lant really upsets me - I had teachers exactly like that, who treated me like shit for no reason. Maybe he'll get better, idk. I'm not sure about others - obviously there are dirtbags, but I like reading about them, as awful as they are. They're interesting!!! Maybe Regal, because he upset me more than the other villains lol
Favorite Ship (of the floating kind): Paragon obvs
Top Three Favorite Ships (of the people kind): If fitz/fool doesn't count.. uhhh... Chivalry/Burrich? even tho we obvs don't see them interact at all. i like the vibe
Would you rather be Witted or Skilled? witted, is this even a question, the skill sounds like a nightmare
If you were Witted, what animal would you bond with? that is soooo hard... either a snake (specifically a woma python) or a great white shark. bonding to a shark would be hard, especially a fuckoff big one like that, but scuba diving is my favourite activity so. and, i've had a recurring dream since childhood about having a great white shark best friend who i get to hug. they're so huggable!!! it'd make me sad being bonded to one though because they'd be off swimming around the world, and i like to be comfortable in one place. we'd have a special kind of relationship, i think.
Would you rather live in the Outislands, the Mountain Kingdom, the Six Duchies, Bingtown, The Rain Wilds, Kelsingra, Jamaillia, The Pirate Isles, or the Fool's Homeland? rain wilds might be the worst option here but. rain wilds. it's the place i felt the most jealousy at the thought of living in, because god... big trees, man... we don't really have them in australia so i've never seen a Big Tree irl. i like the idea of climbing up and down the trees, gently swinging treehouses... ugh. the people, though... so much prejudice and politics. i'm not there for the people :/
How were you introduced to the books? my ex lol, and two friends who were into it. this was like 10 years ago. i also met robin hobb, before i'd read any of them. i got her to sign page 69 of the book i was reading then (one of the witcher books) cause i'm an idiot.
Share a quote you love: my brain is short circuiting. i don't have access to it right now, but my friend wrote the paragraph where fitz holds the fool at the end of fool's fate on the top of my window, which i found much later and had a breakdown over. the 'i have never felt less of a man that i did so' quote. fuck that
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warning: suicidal thoughts
An anon sent me an ask but the content might be unsettling / triggering to some of you, so I wanted to put it under keep reading and you can choose for yourself if you want to read it or not.
Remember, I'm not a doctor. I probably need therapy way more than you (you're reading the smut, I'm writing it XD).
I'm just a person. But there was a time, long ago, when I wanted to scream into the abyss and I really wished the abyss could scream back.
It never did.
But this time is different, because this time someone chose me as their abyss and I'm choosing to scream back.
from anon:
What you write hits me so hard. The use of mental health is amazing and it makes me feel better to know someone else goes through this...but I wanna scream. I'm so alone. I don't want these thoughts anymore but its a weight I've had on me for weeks and I've nobody to talk to. Literally, no one. My friends have school in the morning, my parents don't want me to go downstairs. I'm in bed and I don't like this anymore.
I'm not expecting you to answer this post especially as its an anon one and you cannot privately answer because then it will have to be public and thats just an odd thing to have on your page but jesus... I needed to rant. I don't even know you and you don't know me.
But it hurts.
Everything fucking hurts and I don't wanna put up with it anymore. I will try my hardest not to end everything but its so fucking hard. I don't even know if I'm strong enough anymore.
I'll try not to.
I don't need to burden a stranger with my death....heh...
Sorry, I'll stop this stupid thing now.
Idk if I should even send this. Oh well...Imma do it anyway.
Also I hope you have an amazing day. You are a great human. :) Be Happy ~
Ah, where to begin.
All of my works have a part of me in them. There are bits and pieces of my story, my thoughts, my feelings, mixed with fiction. Even if you collected them all, you wouldn't know everything about me. I have avoided certain parts, deliberately been vague, chopped up and rewrote things.
You didn't come here for me. You came to read BTS smut (yeah, I see you, you ain't sneaky about it). You came to imagine choking on Jeon Jungkook's dick or getting fucked by Min Yoongi (or literally any other member; I'm just listing the two I write about most lol).
But I'm the writer.
And I can't help but put part of me in everything I write.
I know this feeling, the loneliness you speak of, even if you think I don't.
I don't know what it's like for you, but for me, it was always this way. Ever since I could remember, being surrounded by people and still feeling utterly alone was there. My childhood? Kinda shitty. The details don't matter - what matters is that the only solace I had was reading books. I read so fucking much when I was a kid, because I could not stand the loneliness that seemed eternal. I felt pain and I didn't know if it was because someone inflicted it upon me or if it was because I was doing it to myself, thinking that was what I deserved.
So I read.
And I started writing myself.
For me, this is solace. This is the place I can be anyone, anything, and I can create a world that is all mine. It is still lonely. Maybe even pathetic. Think about it, I'm literally writing porn about dudes in South Korea who don't know I exist and pretending they care about me (I'm aware that they don't). If they knew, at the very least they would be disappointed in me. Disgusted, or worse.
I've accepted I'm not a very good person.
But I also think that, maybe, just maybe, someone out there reading my stuff takes a pause and forgets about their worries, their fears, their sadness, and they feel 1% better. Maybe. I don't know. I'm not you. Maybe someone out there reads my stuff and they fall asleep dreaming about fucking BTS instead of being awake all night thinking about their pain.
Therapy? Mmm, a big stretch.
But it's something.
I'm not trying to save the world one BTS smut story at a time (LMAO what if that was my tagline tho). I'm just trying to work through my mind, my pain, and I'm posting it here. Maybe it helps you. Maybe it doesn't. Maybe you're only here to learn how to suck dick (I do write a lot of blowjob scenes, but honestly, it's practice XD).
The number of times I have typed and wanted to say something about myself to you, my readers, and then deleted it because I think, "nobody cares about you, they just care that you write porn."
It is reflected in this part of head+heart
“They’re taking so much from you... You keep giving. That’s dangerous. Their selfishness will hurt you. They’re think of you less and less as a person and more and more like a factory. They’ll treat you like a thing they’re entitled to and not like a human being with feelings.”
I'm not saying that's all of you. In fact, if you've read this far, it's definitely not you. But it exists. Not just me, but for BTS too. Anybody who is a creative goes through this feeling.
I am going to do what I continue to do. I won't pressure you into reading. I won't tell you how to live your life. I won't give you meaningless advice that you can't listen to right now because you're visiting the dark place and even good advice can get twisted there, morphed into something it's not because your mind is tricking you.
Life is cruel. Unfair things happen. You can't control it.
There are many paths in life. Everyone has good and bad in them. "Who said people are animals of wisdom? / For me, obviously, we are animals of regret." And yet. "There is nothing permanent in the world. / Everything is just a happening passing through." Happiness is not forever, but neither is pain. The you of right now is not permanent.
Living just to chase a perfect life will leave you unfulfilled. Living for the sake of living is harder. It seems meaningless. Happiness is so fleeting when pain is so crushing. Living to get hurt, living just to float along, living to constantly have to decide what is good and what is bad, only to figure out that the only person who can determine those things is you, because this is your life.
The only person who can live your life is you. You are the only person who can see your tomorrow. So, I ask you.
What if you live like that?
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For the requests: Maybe some Lower Decks whump?
Fuck yeah let's do this. This is 100% set after Brad leaving the ship. (I know season 2 has yet to come out, but bare with me) Set on a Klingon ship. Klingons are easily offended so it would be easy to be put in this situation despite mariners contacts and knowledge.
If any of this isnt correct to the Star Trek Universe I am so sorry I have only seen lower decks and am trying my best to make it good! If it's not good... Ah.... I'm sorry! Also this turned out a bit more angsty at the end than I wanted. It made me tear up a bit but like also I'm super sensitive and a bit emotional anyways lol. also like the amount of research I did was slim so it might not be accurate. Idk I liked what I wrote 🤷🏻
Tw: side character death, swearing, the reader getting totally nerfed by Mariner so she can survive... ANGST
You would like to say you weren't entirely sure how you got into this situation, but you knew exactly how you got into this situation. Beckett Mariner. You couldn't help the memory from replaying in your mind, this all started this morning, your very first day as an ensign on the Cerritos. what a bright eyed kid you had been all those.... 6 hours ago. Your concentration was once again ripped from your thoughts as another prisoner, a Romulan man with a bad attitude. He was missing his shoes and arguing heavily with Beckett. Your eyes drift back down to the large wound on your stomach, Becket had used the Romulan man's shoe laces and her jacket to try to stop some of the bleeding but you were positive that would do nothing. She was trying though. You looked up at the ceiling, not paying much attention to anything else going on around you anymore. Becket sighed and moved back towards where you laid bleeding out. Her jacket was a far darker res than It started and you were begining to lose hope. Anxiety was pooling in your stomach... Or was that internal bleeding? You weren't entirely sure. After a few moments of trying to pay attention to Becketts words your attention was drawn outside of the cell. A large shadow looming over the group of you.
"What happened to the Ferengi man they took away?" You ask Beckett weakly and she starts to sweat slightly.
"He's dead, probably" she said it slowly. It was so much easier to pay attention to her when she spoke slow. You blinked slowly but that blink formed quickly into a harsh wince as you were pulled up by your arm. The Klingon man eyed you over
"you won't make much for entertainment.." his words didn't fully click in your mind. The loss of blood had become too great for most words to have meaning anymore. You knew the words separately but together.. thinking about it made your head hurt. The next few minutes seemed to blur. "(Y/n)? You are going to be ok! I'm going keep us alive" mariner said, but her words no longer seemed to reach you. She watched as your head slowly got lower and lower as you got closer to the room the Klingon was going to put the two of you and another life form in to fight to the death. The Klingon laughed lowly at Becketts words. She had no idea about what was to come. Not until the two of them were placed in the room. The walls were covered in windows. The more Beckett turned, the quicker she realized that there was not another life form coming into the room. It was just you and her and the Klingons were not patient.
"FIGHT NOW" was yelled I'm at the two but Beckett couldn't bring herself to even look at you the wrong way. You just... Sat there looking so.... pitiful. It was a stark contrast to the young ensign she was assigned to keep an eye on. When you got on the USS Cerritos you were happy, excited even, you reminded her so much of Brad. Brad. Her eyes started to water as she eyed you. Fresh out of the academy. She could tell. You had a look in your eye that screamed potential. A little spark of hope even for her. Her heart wrenched more every time she looked at you. "Mariner... I need you... I need you to kill me" you said certainly. You looked up at her weakly. She turned away, "No! I can save us-" but you quickly cut her off, your voice cracking and straining as your speak, "sometimes people can't be saved Mariner. Sometimes people need to die for the greater good. So please- Please, Mariner. Save yourself." She finally turns back to you. The way you look at her, begging to be put down like an injured animal. She untied the shoelace from your waist. You nod, assuring her, trying to give her confidence.
"And you are sure you are ok Mariner?" Carol asked her daughter, who looked... Different. Changed. She didn't want to talk about it. She never wanted to talk about it again. Ensign (Y/n) would be a cautionary tale for ambitious young ensigns looking for adventure right out of training. Ensign (Y/n) would be a ghost story to keep little kids away from deep space. Ensign (Y/n) who was now floating through space, a red jacket tied tightly around their waist.
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keyheartsia-dorm · 4 years
I’m bored let’s do a lore dump
It’s a Map~
Oh Yeah I mentioned a Sprinkle of Final Fantasy and KH but I haven’t talked about that Aspect of my Canon At all have I? Well truth be told it’s cause I’m focusing on getting the more Basic Aspects of my Oc’s Before I get into that but Guess who made this Baby on a Whim!
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So this is the Map of the Isle of Light well the Main Island at least there are other Littler Bits of land Yet to surface I̶t̶’̶s̶ ̶t̶o̶t̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶ ̶s̶o̶ ̶I̶ ̶c̶a̶n̶ ̶A̶d̶d̶ ̶o̶n̶t̶o̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶L̶a̶t̶e̶r̶ ̶h̶a̶h̶a̶ oh yeah did I mention it’s a FLOATING ISLAND!! Yeah P Sick right? Okay so I’ll go into the Island’s History and it’s Area’s but it may have some Spoilers I guess you could say but honestly I wouldn’t wait on me making a full fledged...Anything outta the Story I’ve made like I’ll sum it up (not here but like in general) but comics are hard Videos are hard Fics are hard maybe not individually but this is more of a Anime Series then an Anime movie if you feel me without further ado...Stuff
Oh god this was longer then expected
Some General Background
So The Isle of Light was Originally the Black Forest A Place of Freedom and Expression for all who lead lives who Needed to hide Such and Some Such was The Coven of the Black Forest made up of 3 sisters (not biologically also there was a 4th) they all found comfort and love with each other one being the Princess of the Kingdom nearby (The 4th and Littlest one) She had a fiancé who was Mad with a Lust for power and Control over things he Didn’t need power and control over He Treated the Littlest one Cruelly when the other 3 Decided enough was enough when he did...SOMETHING to Part of the Forest so Horrible it turned Dead and Cruel (Subtle Subtle Hint Hint Wink) When all 3 Of them saw the Ruin They went so mad they turned to Darkness and fought him and all his Manmade monstrosities there when the Princess Arrived there was so much Dark energy everywhere it was Bad like Real Bad So with her friends now monsters she Fought them with a heavy heart her heart broke so much she fell afterwards immediately Unintentionally Sending her Kingdom to somewhere nobody knows where she is though...That’s an even bigger question BUT the story would live on as a Weilder of the key blade who slayed 3 evil witches...(Oh yeah did I mention Crowley knows And that’s Why He Let the Girls Attend because he thought they might be the Black Forest Coven Reincarnated And the Prophecy that when they Awakened the “Keys to their Hearts once more” They’d Free The Princess From her Mirror Prison Oh Yeah also the princess DID Die But her Reincarnation Goes inside a Mirror and is trapped there when she turns 17 and Doesn’t leave until she dIES ALSO ITS HIS OLDEST DAUGHTER THIS TIME ALSO YES HE HAS 2 DAUGHTERS...Okay lemme just calm down..Also yeah she thought of the Princess System) but After a Wish got safe haven for all Keyblade Weilders (I have KH Oc’s other then these don’t ask Longer story they live and basically founded Fortana Haven) I guess the Isle of Light Rose from the Shadow Realm to be just that oh yeah also the Isle of light is literally that kingdom if ya didn’t know
Fortana Haven
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(Some Love Nikki BGs for Visualization if I’m Wrong about this from being from Love Nikki Correct me pls and if this is your art sorry and I’ll take it down)
Okay this Place Basically a Modern Fairytale Everything is so Rustic~ but they Have Cafe’s and Stuff~ They’re still very much in Development as a City..or town..or whatever Boss of everything Locket Clover (An OG KH OC) Runs Everything Wonderfully she welcomes everything with open arms and If you wanna run a shop or want a Building for a particular Thing or Activity she’s Pretty open to the idea unless it’s Incredibly Dumb But she will make you get The Wood and Supplies and The Bricks and the Brick Stick Sauce or whatever it’s called she might get give you help constructing but dang is she a firm believer in “DIY” but I like how she’s Determined to Have a Good Balance between Industrial and Rural In fact there is a Mall (God knows how it got there) And that’s pretty much all there is for your Juicy Capitalism Fix She Runs “Hope Stir” Workshop according to Her boyfriend Ephmer It was always Called a workshop but for the longest time she did EVERYTHING Subtle Farmwork And Animal Husbandry ACTUAL Workshop things all cause she wanted to help every Weilder she knew out and made sure they had a place for food and such She is a bit of a Moneyholic but when you’ve been doing what she’s been doing I bet you’d be too overall While it doesn’t have much History yet Fortana Haven (4-Tana is how you say it btw) Is truly well a Haven
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The Crowned Castle
(More Pics for Visuals I don’t think this is from love Nikki but if this is your artwork same applies I’m not gonna be the guy who Claims just cause it’s on google it belongs to everybody or something even though yeah I did find it on google)
The...Crown of the Isle of Light Before We came to the Isle for the first time Apparently Everyone In Fortana thought it was Haunted! Which..Fair enough Before we Placed the Princess Medals (Okay QUICK SUMMARY OF THIS BIT Okay so in the KH Mobile game there’s Medals and I wanted them to be in my story basically They’re Memories formed into powers when all my Oc’s Met the Princess’s Of Heart They Each got a Medal Representing them and then the Medals Restored the Castle I left out some details but basically that’s it) This Castle is the BOMB There’s Cool Pretty Princess Room’s And a Bedroom JUST FOR SLUMBER PARTIES!! And it’s just a good Place to Vibe and Hang out with your friends (I’m sorry I’m about to Lore Dumb all over this place) The Princess’s Fiancé Made a Crown for her before she could put it on he put some of his Subconscious in it poor Eden When she wanted to get stronger for Malleus (Malleus is her adoptive big brother and she was upset cause she felt she wasn’t good enough ran away to get power and found the crown) It really did almost completely overtake her I shudder thinking about it “Kachow”...Ew (The fiancé said that a lot ok) a lotta bad stuff happened here but as selfish as this may sound I feel like I earned my spot here and I wanna keep sharing it with my friends
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The Matteria Deadland
(Also Imagine some Pointy Mountains and some Lite Mech debris)
Man What to say... So Much Happened here as well probably Tragedy I can’t comprehend there is a few good places about this place though Diane likes to Scavange around Here for Interesting Debris Eden doesn’t like the Air around here but she says she finds Interesting Jewels here and Latte says the same thing so there is good to be found here We all come here every so often to try to help..Anything grow but they don’t call this deadland for nothing but still ya can’t give up hope! I wanna grow some beautiful Lillies here one day! Also hey! Also pretty cool name (Matter-RI-a is how you say it btw) All the sadness that happened here it actually did make the land rich in Metal if nothing else there’s even a whole Cavern we found in the mountains...it almost killed us but we found it
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Opal Cove
(also these are Gacha Backgrounds)
Is this Place an Actual Cove? Idk
Is this Place super cool and pretty? Yeah
Is this one of my favorite places in this whole Isle? FRICK YEAH
okay I love a lot about this Isle but Opal Cove!!
Our mermaid friend Mitella I guess “Runs” the Place Our KINDA merman Friend Skye also spends a whole lotta time here Basically it’s a Giant Pool and rumor has it...It’s endless Water...CAUSE IT IS SOMEHOW CAUSE I KNOW weird thing is the Sand it’s at the end of the Isle so there’s not really a beach just...Sand Near Water Odd The Coral Near the Bottom or well “Bottom” Is SO PRETTY it’s like Crystals in the morning the light shines its SO DANG PRETTY I’m glad Mitella is a Sea Witch Or else we couldn’t go so deep underwater it’s SOOO worth it!! She does NOT let a lotta people at once though Heck she doesn’t like Skye that much from what I can tell but she makes an Exception for ~friends~ So...BE NICE TO OUR CUTE MITELLA I’m glad we have a Convient Place for Blitzball practice and also Swimming around with pretty Mermaid Tails (New Nix Mermaid Action Fashion Doll only 25.99! Get it for your Child or they’ll cry!! Also a 5 dollar Boy doll take his Shirt off! That’s it!) Hyde Mi And Skye are kinda an Iconic Trio Mi Also Teaches how to swim with a mermaid tail better for the Weilders who wanna go to Atlantica Hey Mermaids gotta eat so get a Swim Lesson! (And also a transforming Mermaid Doll!)
Bianco Nero Forest
Well tbh I have the least to say because it’s Appeal is simple ADVENTURE AND MYSTERY! Lots can happen in Bianco Nero it’s Basically the Base foundation of the whole Isle! Presumably cause it’s the Black Forest or was at least though it can be dangerous it’s the only place heartless are know to appear in the whole isle (So where you’ll grind In the Video Game that’ll definitely happen :Says the girl who can’t commit to a single comic) They drop all sortsa cool stuff! Heck you can FIND Cool stuff just...Around so..Yeah!!
It’s 2 am maybe I’ll edit this later thanks for reading sorry I got obviously tired by the end goodbye my dearests~ (Seriously y’all deserve like a reward for reading this dumpster fire) I was inspired by those maps in those scholastic books like the Rainbow Fairies I think it was called (Anyone remember those?) that had lil maps in the beginning and also the map’s stickers all on PicsArt
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cosmosrival · 4 years
👀 Does Kama like to peg Ash? 👀
u know what... ? u know what ?
KamAsh headcanons (AND NSFW HEADCANONS) time!!!!!! i don’t care anymore i had fun writing the kama*master ones 
so have these !!!!! might also become a character analysis and trivia because i cannot stay consistent when im talking about them !!!!
reminder bfore i start: ITS FINAL ASCENSION KAMA. NOT THE OTHERS. 
ok we’re good now
i think kama tops by default in every relationship they’re in, but their true strength resides in the fact that they are vers. and i believe that ash is ALSO vers. because flustered kama is a luxury and super cute and delicious and BECAUSE YOU WOULDNT LET YOUR GOD OF LOVE TOP YOU ???? ARE YOU SURE ??? YOU WOULDNT LET URSELF BE PAMPERED BY UR GOD ? ARE U REALLY SURE ?
ash is very cute because he’s gap moe, his respect for parvati shows that he’s not just a rage machine and can very much think normally like ur regular gold hearted delinquent anime boy !!!! god i Love him... anyway, i think he respects kama enough to look out for them and worship them like a proper God!! i believe that ash would call kama things like ‘your divinity’, ‘your grace’ (and if u have some jp knowledge, i think he’d add “-sama” to their name) because they... are god? (i think arjuna and karna also call them like this !! polite mahabharatan warriors are good boys)
since ash never married in the epic, i like to think that it’s because he was very much focused on his duty and ALSO because his participation in the war was out of loyalty towards king dhritarashtra and hastinapur so he was... perhaps planning on getting married once the war Ends ??? HE WAS OUT THERE FIGHTING !!!!!!! but we all know what happened to him (sheds a tear) 
anyway i think he’d be a bit of a masochist. (the room falls silent and you all look at me)
SORRY THAT WAS VERY HARDCORE ALL OF A SUDDEN but hear me out, FIRST OF ALL this man was able to endure an immortality curse until lord krishna eventually decided to free him so he’d join the throne and SECOND OF ALL, in his interlude he speaks of looking for ways to repent because he regrets what he’s done. and since we’re kinky over here, i’m gonna throw gentle femdom in the mix bc i think it fits them and its cute. especially because kama is literally the best person he could apologize to. and the only person who’d make his repentance pleasurable (because its their mcfreakin talent !!!!!) even if it technically wasnt his fault, i think his need to atone would just... overpower that and he’ll want to do anything kama wants, just to earn a crumb of forgiveness (without being desperate about it because... HES GOT AN EGO STILL, COME ON)
i like to think that he’s tried to apologize properly before... in a tense moment when they’re both more calm and alone. but kama stopped him because it’d just make things worse. if kama loses the need to have a grudge, will they even be useful as a servant anymore ? would they forgive themself for being so lenient ? forgiving their murderer’s protégé when they havent even had proper revenge ? kamadeva might have been a benevolent god before, but now they’re a lot more malicious (mara...) and this pointless anger would just make them look like an idiot (because servant shiva doesnt exist (YET?)). and i think ashwatthama would understand. 
so he won’t say the words “i’m sorry” because it’d just hurt them. 
kama would find him interesting because he’s perfect bullying fodder but as i said before, it doesn’t work on ash. HE’S A WARRIOR ??? A CURSED IMMORTAL ? DO U THINK THAT PETTY PRANKS LIKE THE ONES KAMA DOES WOULD AFFECT HIM ? “are you bored ?” he asks while they’re trying to surprise him from behind and jumpscare him, without even turning to face them. kama groans in defeat.
SEDUCTION DOESNT WORK ON HIM EITHER AND THATS SO FUNNY but thats where it becomes subtle, he grows attached to them because they’ve gotten used to eachother’s presence (and strength in battle... small things like that). love can be born out of simple things!! blatant bimbo seduction doesn’t work on him but when he comes to wake kama up, and they’re too lazy to get up or float and groggily order him to lean forward so they can hold onto his shoulders so he’ll lift them up when he straightens himself is...
he’d find it cute. they’re cute. when they reach the cafeteria it’s still quite early and he already knows what they like to eat and get their plate ready for them while they’re waking up and yawning. god... they’re cute... its so subtle and cute...
......ok time to be horny !!! (TOMATOES GET FLUNG AT ME)
i think that they’d reach this stage after a while, when kama just gives up on bothering him cuz he’s annoyingly strong (and ganesha is more fun to bother anyway) and since they’re around eachother very often, kama would grow comfortable around him. same for ashwatthaman ! they’re very nice to be around when they’re calm and just chillin. 
the only teasing kama hasn’t tried on him is being openly horny and come onto him, asking him things about himself. and ash revealing that he’s never done these sorts of things before (HES A LIL MAD CUZ ITS EMBARRASSING ... DAMN... !!!), i think it’d give kama ideas. I MLAUGHING TYPING THIS BC I DIDNT THINK OF HOW THEY’D COAX HIM INTO GETTING NAUGHTY YET AND IT SOUNDS LIKE A BAD PORN INTRO AHHHHHHHHHHH
ok yeah like i said i didnt think of the coaxing yet but knowing ash, kama could turn it into a competition and make fun of him a little and he’s ready to go. arrogant dummy. 
he’s polite but his arrogance is a charm point because he’ll def want to prove himself to the god of carnal love. imagine kama’s reaction when he actually outfucks them.
BUT THEIR EGO IS WOUNDED and their shocked reaction is cute and ash wants to keep holding them for a little longer
their sessions genuinely feel like hatefucking at first since they’re both weirdly competitive like that but then, guilt hits and kama feels like an idiot because they just came onto someone thats supposedly their enemy??? and they’re a bit distant in the aftermath, they almost... look a little shy. 
ashwatthaman isnt beating himself over it as much as they are tho. it felt good, he got to see a new side of them he never thought he’d get to see so intimately and... he outfucked God :) SO HE IS PROUD. but looking at them lying there, breathless and looking all sad worries him. so i can see him leaning forward and spooning them, holding their hand and kissing their fingers and it’s such a soft gesture, kama stutters and asks “Where.. where did you learn to do that.” and seeing their reaction, Ash blushes as well and explains that he saw his father kiss his mom’s hand once???? AND ITS... SUCH A CUTE AND OBVIOUS REASON. kama feels dumb for asking but it makes them chuckle. 
and i think seeing someone who constantly looks so tired and depressed, have a genuine little chuckle would melt ash right there. i think he’ll want to see more. 
AND FROM THAT POINT ON, i think kama would also get used to this... intimacy they start to share. when he wraps his arms around them he always hugs them in this protective way, as if he wanted to shield them from something. and when he holds them like that, they always feel the need to wrap their legs around his waist, hide their face against his neck and Allow him to cuddle them.
they both have an ego u know aha. so if u openly ask them about eachother, they’ll get embarrassed and shut u down. IT’S... IT’S NOT LIKE THAT (sweats)
it is. it is like That. 
ANYWAY THEYRE BOTH VERY VERSATILE and ash is pretty much into everything kama could teach him about. like i said earlier, he’s also fine with being manhandled, mostly the feeling of kama’s nails gently pressing against his skin, or being bit. i think he’d be into getting a lil feral.
a mutual once said that sexually liberated ashwatthama is hot as hell and i feel it in my bones.... kama coming onto him after a particularily short mission that got ash angry but not enough to let out some steam --> they get pounded into the mattress and they live for it because riling him up when he’s like that is actually really fun.
OH ash bottoming is also very cute. his first times would be awkward but kama is a pro at this anyways and i’m finally going to answer ur ask: YEAH HE GETS PEGGED !!!!! he finds out how excited he gets when kama calls him a good boy !!! and he never knew that he was into these sorts of things but holy shit it feels nice.
when kama gives him his first blowjob he almost loses his mind
what i really love about kama is that they can see how tense he gets, even if he’s having a great time, and i know they’d teach him how to relax. EVEN WHEN THEY’RE RIDING HIM, they’ll massage his pecs and his shoulders, set the pace and squeeze down on him just to hear him moan. stare at his surprised little face because he didn’t know he could make THAT kind of nois e ? ? ? ? ?
HE’S EMBARRASSED but he doesn’t want them to stop
OH YEAH i wanna come back on the whole masochist thing (I GET SNIPED), him getting repentance and being punished through sex is both very liberating and hot as hell, especially when it’s kama. ashwatthaman moaning ‘your divinity’ like it’s a prayer is also hot as hell !!!!!!! IDK i just think that they can both get very intense, and also last a while, until they’re thoroughly SPENT.
...and leave room for softness. kama gently brushing his wet hair behind his ear, leaving him breathless and a little shy. they then lean in to kiss him and he immediately melts into their touch. but then they bite his lip. and he ... he Likes it but he could almost pout.
time to get a little angsty (i lock gazes with you) i think that after a long while of sharing such a relationship, ash would almost say The Forbidden Words in a daze. and kama deeply kisses him so he stays quiet. and they’re just staring at eachother, until kama tells him that he’s not allowed to say it. and if he does, it’ll almost be a betrayal towards shiva AND themself. they’ve grown impossibly close but neither of them can say Those Words because they both feel like they’ll break something.
also bc they both have huge egos.
but i think that deep down they really want to say them. 
another variant of this is kama wanting to make him admit it, have him say Those Words. but because of his blessing and respect towards lord shiva, he cannot. both because of the guilt and that it’d end up feeling like a lie, even if his touches, his kisses and the way he looks at kama screams otherwise.
"I Won't Say (I'm in Love)" Hercules (1997).
is this enough of a clue ;;);)););;;))))))) HAAHA
anyway shower sex hot !! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
i also think that them mutually jerking eachother off is hot as all hell and ONCE AGAIN, flustered ash who doesn’t know what he’s doing (at first) is cute !!!! cute !!
ashwatthaman LEARNING from kama is also a big fave. they’re abt to bathe in kama’s luxurious bathtub they had master buy for them and they’re removing their earrings and he silently leans forward and bites their ear and suddenly their face is red. god. huge dummy god of love. i love them soooo much its unreal
THEIR DYNAMIC IS BASICALLY.. I WONT SAY IM IN LOVE but still look at eachother like they’re newlyweds everytime they get intimate and (sheds a tear) i think theyre super married
GOOD GOD .......BODY WORSHIP IS SOMETHING THEYRE BOTH HEAVILY INTO ALSO. both giving and receiving, even if kama is a lot less obvious about it and a lot more smug.
oh, i think ash would be the loudest between the two !! THIS ONE WAS OBVIOUS. hearing him like that would also coax kama into making more noise as well so its win-win 
ok to be honest i think i should draw porn of them being soft like... THERES DETAILS I HAVE IN MIND THAT ARE IMPOSSIBLE TO WRITE DOWN IN THE HEADCANON FORMAT and i’m too nervous about writing fics (looks away) but i have things to draw.
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Summary: Y/n’s couldn’t remember much of her life, only little snippets and antidotes appeared in her mind. The further into the story you read to more of her past you uncover, fitting together the missing puzzle pieces of her mind.
Pairings: Pan X Reader X Felix 
Warnings: IDK I’m trying something new :/
**In this story Pan doesn't take over Henry's body but he goes to Storybrooke because of Rumple 
Side note: all back flashes will be in italics**
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*12 years ago*
"Where is she!?" Pan boomed, his voice reaching every nook and crannie of the island as it felt silent under this wrath.
Silent, the lost boys stood ashamed, there heads hung low in despair. Hopeing that their punishment, which would defiantly come, would not be a bad one. However, they all knew that it was going to be, they had just lost the most precious thing to the island, the most precious thing to Pan.
"Well?" he roared.
"We couldn't find her." A lost boy whispered, nearly audible over the thundering sky "We tried, we searched and searched, going round in circles but she never showed up."
"Did you check her special place?" Pan asked, by now the sky was a dark black but not because it was night, because I was seething.
"Yes, she wasn't there ether. We think she - she might be..." none of the lost boys wanted to say it, if they said it out loud then there might be some truth to their empty words, "dead." He whispered.
The leaders hands balled into fists of rage as lightning crackles over the dark sky, buckets and buckets on water poured down onto the island, the ground couldn't soak up any more.
That fateful day often replayed in the boys minds, many cried over the soul which had been lost, even Pan shed a tear. The little girl was special to everyone on the island, not just the boys, the sun seemed to shine brighter when she was happy, flowers seemed more vibrant and animals seemed more cheerful. Tink would often come down to camp just to see the bright girl with a smile on her face, the mermaids allowed her to splash around in their waters, warding off any unwanted creatures while she was playing there, even Hook and his crew would stop fighting the lost boys on her account. 
Everyone loved the sparkle in her bright e/c eyes, they loved the sound of her cute voice and contagious laughter. She had the power to make anyone happy, weather it be by cracking a stupid joke she had heard of one of the older boys or just simply being herself. Pan would calm down after spending five minutes with her and when she was around Felix quickly came out of his shell, but since she’d been gone his remained emotionless and cold and his leaders temper only worsened. Pan became hungry for power, stopping at nothing to try and find Y/n again and bring her back, they all searched for days on end but to no avail, they could only assume that her body had been washed away with the sand.
A certain blonde boy sat aboard the Jolly Rodger, hands tightly tied behind his back as he sat on the uncomfortable wooden seats. The rope cut into his soft flesh, burning the skin on his wrists, but the emotionless boy dint bother to fight it. He refused to speak to anyone, he wouldn't utter a word to anyone who wasn't Pan even though these so called "heros" had tried countless times to get him to talk. His mouth was sewn shut. A kinda lady with the short Raven hair would often make her way towards him, despite her better judgment, each time trying to encourage the boy more and more to speak.
"Here why don't you eat something?" Her soft voice echoed in his mind, bouncing around the walls of his skull before going out the other ear.
He didn't say a word, his hollow blue eyes remained glued to the floor, all he had left to do was twiddle his thumbs and think.
That's all he had been doing since he was forced aboard the ship. The boys mind filled with memories, in all his life Felix only took three very important things into account. Three things that stuck with him, haunting this dreams no matter how hard he tried to push those bad thoughts away, they kept coming back stronger.
The first was when he had lost his brother, they were messing around as boys did, climbing up trees and swimming in lakes. His brother had always wanted to lead to swim, he pestered Felix over and over again to teach him and each time Felix would shrug him off.
"Maybe next time." He would say before patting the smaller boy on the head and walking away.
One day the blonde boy’s brother took it upon himself to learn how to swim, jumping into the deep waters without a second thought. By the time Felix came home his brother was lying face down in the murky waters, his lungs undoubtedly filled with green liquid while his lifeless body floated.
The second was the day Y/n had gone missing, with her he felt like a part of his life was complete, every one felt that way around her and when she died, he was heart broken.
And now, now his home had been taken away from him. The reason he was on that dangerous island in the first place was because he wanted to forget. He wanted to leave all of his worries behind and have fun for once, he didn't want pity, nether did the other lost boys. They were his family, that island was his home and now it had all come crumbling down like old castle walls which were under attack.
So here he was now, watching the navy blue waves crash against the already rotting wood of Hooks ship, surrounded by his family, people he hated and traitors. Many things ran through his mind, one of them was what happened to Pan. He had seen Rumple and Hook lift him aboard the ship and take him below deck, but so far he hadn't heard a peep.
The small brown haired boy came up to him, holding a tray of food. He placed it in front of Felix without saying a word, just watching.
There was a moment's silence before he spoke, "You should really eat something."
"I only take orders from Pan." Those were the first words the blonde boy had spoken since he set food of the ships slippery wood panels.
"It wasn't an order." He shrugged with a clueless smile.
Grumbling to himself, Felix slid the tray of food over to him before taking a big bite.
"We'll be back in Storybrooke soon." Henry voiced, but Felix just ignored him and carried on stuffing his face.
From below deck the king of Neverland, which many feared, was bound to a rickety wooden chair sat in an almost pitch black room, unconscious but still breathing. The son which he had abandoned all those years ago stood in a dark corner, watching, waiting for the teenager to wake up so that he could have his twisted fun, after all Pan was nutritious for liking games.
“Is he awake yet?” Hook inquired, scratching is stubble with his hand as he impatiently stepped into the room.
“Not yet.” The dark one responded, his cloudy eyes glued to the boy in front of him, glued to his farther, glued to the man who had left him all those years ago. Smiling to himself as he thought of all the pain he could inflicted on the now powerless boy in front of him, but he would never hurt as much as Rumple did.
Quietly, the boy who would never grow up began to stir, mumbling things that no one else could make out as he did so.
“Rumple?” The once strong and feared king asked, his voice coming out as nothing more than a whispered croak, his eyes quickly turned dark in rage, “What have you done?”
The man let out a childish giggle in response, “The ropes I’ve bound you with are enchanted, they take away the power of their prisoners, but only for a short amount of time which is why you wont be here for much longer.” A twisted smile crept onto his lips.
“What do you want from me?” the weakened leader asked him.
His son had leaned in close, so close that their noses were almost touching, “I want revenge.” Rumple sneered before landing a punch straight on Peter’s face.
Then another, and another, and another, they never stopped. The punches kept rolling like a waterfall, but Pan was strong, he could handle it but he didn’t know for how much longer. He coughed and coughed, dubbing over in pain until Rumple stopped.
“We’re not finished yet.” He warned before storming out of the room, leaving his young father utterly alone.
He didn’t cry, he didn’t dare show any signs of weakness, not in a place like this. Although the room was dark the leader of the wild group of boys still manged to make out shapes and soon enough his eyes began to adjust to the dark. Those evergreen orbs danced around the shadowy room, from the look of it, it was pretty bare, but one particular thing stood out to him. The small flower crown made out of daisy's which lay on the floor, it was Y/n’s, she had given it to him. He remembered it like it was yesterday, he always carried it around with him, it never left his side.
The little girl sat in the corner of camp, not daring to turn around or look at anyone, she just silently sat there. The boy’s peered at her, curiousity filled their minds as they tried too look over her shoulder.
“What are you up to, little one?” Felix asked as he went to approach her.
“No!” she yelped, causing the second in command to jump back in surprise, “It’s a surprise.”
“Oh OK.” Felix spoke, giving her a friendly wink as he walked away with his fingers on his lips before taking a seat next to his boss, who stared at him, but Felix couldn’t read the emotion in his eyes.
“What?” he asked, turning slight red under the attention Pan was giving him.
“You really seem to like her don’t you?” he inquired.
“Yeah,” he smiled while looking down on her, “She’s like a little sister to me.”
The king of Neverland smiled, wondering how he ever had doubts about the small innocent girl when she had first arrived, “I’m sure all of the boy’s would agree with you there.”
The two boy’s were so engrossed in their conversation that they hadn’t even noticed the little girl standing in front of them, clutching a daisy chain in her small hands.
Peter had raised an eyebrow at the small creature, “And what do we have here, darling?” he asked sweetly, the only time Pan was ever sweet was when he was around her.
Y/n had climbed up onto a log, flapping her little legs in the air as she tried to pull her self up without any help, finally she stood up and placed the crown of flowers on Peter’s head.
“It’s for you,” She spoke quietly, her little cheeks turning crimson, “Because you’re the king.”
Pan didn’t want to admit it, but there was something about this girl which made his heart melt with joy, in his opinion she was just too cute to handle sometimes, that’s how she got away with anything, no one on the island would dare hurt her or make her cry because if they did they would just have Pan and the boy’s to deal wit, but the Pirate, Fairy’s, Mermaids and other creatures which would inhabit the island too.
“Thank you, love.” he voiced, flashing her a million dollar smile, “But don’t you think it’s a little small for me?” 
Her face reddened in embarrassment, “I can make it bigger!” she exclaimed, reaching to take the flower crown off his head and add more daisy’s to it.
“No, no, love, that’s OK, I want you too keep it.” He explained to the little girl.
“But you’re the king.” she quietly whispered.
“Well I guess that’ll make you my queen.” he smiled down at the wide eyed girl, a smile spread across her face as happiness took over her tiny features.
Pan had told himself that he wasn’t going to cry, but when it came to her he couldn’t help himself, she had gone and he had never forgiven himself for letting her wonder off alone at night, he should’ve been there to watch over her, but he was foolish. He wanted her to come back so bad, he wanted to see her little face and hear her adorable laugh one more time, just once.
By the time they arrived at the unknown town the blonde boy was fast asleep, lulled into a land of never ending blissful dreams by the gentle swaying of the waves. The ten year old had placed a kind hand on his shoulder before giving him a light shove, trying his hardest not to he too rough.
"Wake up," he uttered softly, "we're here."
His blue eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the golden sun which beamed down on them. His orbs wondered around the unfamiliar place, soaking it all up.
He wasn’t scared, he wasn't uncomfortable or anxious, he was simply broken.
The hero's had already ushered the lost boys off of Hooks ship, Felix searched and searched, but Pan was no where to be seen among the busy streets of his new home. Out the corner of his icy eyes he could see the "hero's" whispering about him, wondering what they were going to do with someone like Felix.
"You." A man demanded, his voice rough and harsh and he shoved his finger in the tall boys face, "follow me."
Felix followed the man's orders without question, not caring where he would end up. It was as if his soul had been hollowed out. He let his feet guide him, aimlessly following the stranger without a second thought as he was lead down ally ways and windy roads before arriving at a building. Upon stepping inside he was instantly throw into a cell, they treated him more like a caged animal in a zoo then an actual human being, what were they locking up for anyway? Being loyal to his friend and sticking by him?
The metal door closed with a thunk, keys rattled as the cage was being locked up tight, none of them said anything, they didn’t even look each other. It was as if the man was too ashamed, his eyes were ether glued down to the floor or to his hands, but there was a brief moment just before the man left where Felix caught his eyes.
He was left completely and utterly alone, just like he had been all those years ago.
“Y/n, Y/n,” Ruby had repeated your name more times than anyone could possibly count, clicking her fingers in front of the h/c headed girl’s face in a desprate act to grab her attention.
“What? Sorry.” The girl in question had spoke, blinking a few time before quickly coming back to reality.
A small giggle slipped from her red lips, “What’s up with you today? You’ve been acting so weird.” 
Y/n pondered for a moment, she was right, she had been acting weird but why? There was this weird feeling which erupted from the pit of her stomach that she just couldn’t seem to shake.
“Hello?” Red sung, waving a hand in front of your face, “Earth to Y/n.”
“I’m sorry.” The girl announced, placing a hand on her face, “I don’t know what’s wrong with me today, maybe I’m just tired.”
“Everything OK?” Granny chimed as she entered the storage room of her diner.
“I think Y/n’s feeling a little under the weather,” Ruby began, “she keeps spacing out, would you mind if she took some time off?”
“No it’s OK, you don’t have to do tha-” 
“Of course, go and get some rest.” She spoke before giving me a kind smile and walking away.
Ruby could see the guilt which washed across Y/n’s features, “It’s OK, we’ll see you at the party tonight.” she smiled, Giving her a small nod, Y/n gathered her things and began walking out of the diner.
“Bye granny.” She chimed before the bell rung to signify that she had walked out the door.
Crisp air nipped at her delicate skin as she walked out onto the busy streets, it was more lively then usual. That’s when Y/n spotted it, the old wooden ship was sat silently in the docks and Henry and the rest of the crew were all milling around, greeted by all of their family and friends. Excitedly she ran over to the ship she call’s home, pelting her feet onto the concrete ground as she ran as fast as the wind.
“Hook!” She squealed with delight, “You’re back.”
“Of course I’m back,” He spoke with a devilish grin, going to give the girl that he had know for so long a hug, “Why did you think otherwise, love?”
“I don’t know.” She proclaimed, “I just got worried and besides I missed sleeping in my own bed.”
Eagerly, she went to climb aboard the Jolly Rodger, excited to spend time and catch up on her family, after all she still had yet to find out where they had went.
“Wait!” Hook bellowed, causing the startled girl to turn around and meet his gaze, “You can’t, he’s still on the ship.”
Y/n only had to hear that man’s name in order to tense up, anyone could see the fear which radiated off her face, which was now as white as a ghost. Suddenly stopping in her tracks, the girl didn’t take another step, instead she slowly retreated.
“Oh.” Was all Y/n could manage to get out of her mouth.
“Shut up, shut up, shut up.” The mad man banged on the bared doors of her cell, alone on the dirty floor lay a little girl, unable to keep herself from crying as her tiny body shivered, not just from the cold.
“I’m sorry,” She whispered, her throat was ripped to shreds from all of the screaming, she was terrified, the innocent creature had heard what this man had done to other people in the past and she didn’t want to encounter his dark side for herself.
“Don’t be sorry,” He man giggled like a child, his scaly fingers hooked themselves around the bars of her cage as he lent his face in between the gaps, getting closer and closer to the little girl, “Just don’t do it!”
She jumped back in fright, unable to stop the salty tears from flowing down her rosy cheeks like a waterfall. Thankful that the crocodile like man had disappeared once again, retreating back into the shadowy castle which he lived in.
That was the only thing she could think of at the time. Why had the dark one taken me? Why did he strip me of my home and everyone I loved? Why haven’t Peter and Felix come to rescue me yet?
Although the little girl could never know for sure, in her heart she knew that the two boy’s which she looked up to the most would come to save her and when they did she would finally be reunited with her family and home once again, back in Neverland.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ooooo... the drama has started already, was it Gold that Hook didn’t want you to see or someone else? What happened between you and Rumple, I guess you’ll just have to wait and find out.
I hope you all enjoyed it! Hopefully the third person P.O.V wasn’t too confusing xxxx
@lady-of-lies @nevereverlandboys​ @britishfangirlxo-blog​ @lonesome-loser​ @n0rthern-litez​
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Bonus Diversion: Horikoshi’s Sketches
of all the things I could have spent time writing a post about on my morning off, it ended up being this. but in my defense, Horikoshi’s sketches are actually amazing and this was kind of overdue.
so! as you may know, Horikoshi Kouhei frequently gets bored and doodle-y and is then kind enough to share the resulting drawings with us. sketchy boi. but not sketchy like that. though he did invent Mineta so maybe a little. 
anyway, because he’s so disgustingly talented, these pictures are usually amazing. and there are a lot of them. when I finally got around to doing this post, I ran a search for “Horikoshi sketches” and it turned out there was a whole wiki page dedicated just to them (god bless whoever is running the BnHA wiki, they do such a good job). and, well...
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two hundred and eighty-eight. you may recognize this as being nearly fifty more than the current number of chapters. this would mean he’s releasing at least one sketch a week and has been doing so for the past five years! fortunately (for me, who has to do a recap of all these), this number is slightly misleading, as this page apparently includes some of the character sketches he did for the volume omakes. so I don’t have to go through 300 sketches omfg. but still, there are a lot! so I’ll just go through them and post my favorites and see how many we can get through in this post I guess.
these are all in alphabetical order according to their file names on the wiki, and like I said, I’m not doing all of them, just the ones that catch my eye the most. which is still a ton of them. honestly we’re about to find out whether tumblr text posts have image limits. (ETA: the limit does not exist!)
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right off the bat we are getting off to a great start! love me the ladies of class 1-A. these girls are all so, so valid. I love how Deku is there too and his hair is transforming into a tree or something.
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this is a sketch from chapter 10. this cat I guess just came up to them and they were like “...” and the cat was like “...” and long story short they’ve been like this now for a whole hour. meanwhile Aizawa is wondering where his cat has gone.
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why are they dressed like it’s world war I. ??
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holy fuck this cat. did it eat the other cat. anyway do you guys think Momo and Todoroki were walking to school together because that’s some cute shit omg. we know there is a cat that hangs out around Shouto’s house, so he’s probably good at playing with stray cats, and they probably really like him because he is calm and kind.
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holy shit.
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oh my god I need Tsuyu’s siblings to come visit the dorms at U.A. and play with Eri!! now.
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posting this one because it’s cute, but also because it notably has nothing at all to do with the actual chapter 120. but that’s okay.
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what, and I mean this sincerely, the fuck.
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are they making chocolate?? you know, canonically we haven’t actually had a Valentine’s Day yet in the series, and now I’m really hoping we get a little mini plot. things that would happen:
every single girl makes chocolate for Todoroki and he just accepts it very politely and obliviously.
they actually make enough chocolate for everyone (except Mineta. and honestly they would have, except they know how that’s gonna go down, and no. Tsuyu really would have made you some pity chocolate dawg, but you brought this on yourself). but don’t end up giving it to everyone. specifically several of them thought better about giving some to Bakugou after seeing him react to the first unlucky person to give him some (y’all know that song I THREW IT ON THE GROUND by the Lonely Island? I’m sure you can understand my meaning here). and also Jirou gets way too flustered about giving some to Kaminari and chickens out. she gives it to Momo instead. hmmMMMM.
Satou also makes chocolate for everyone, EVEN BAKUGOU, and it’s delicious. no one is throwing his chocolate on the ground.
Aoyama makes chocolate for Deku because!!  ☆ ☆ WE ARE FRIENDS, MON AMI  ☆  ☆  ☆ oui oui baguette.
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I love everything about this, but especially Ochako’s face. she’s just like. sincerely trying to figure out exactly where she went wrong.
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excuse the fuck out of me but DID HORIKOSHI SERIOUSLY HINT AT THE FUCKING A-BAND A WHOLE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY CHAPTERS BEFORE IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED. omfg. “what a cute AU!” “yes... AU,” Horikoshi agrees, nodding to himself. although after giving it some thought, he made the wise decision to switch Kaminari and Bakugou’s instruments. because we all know Bakugou was born to play the drums.
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NO!!! VIDEO GAMES!!! IN CLASS!!!!!!!! [does a fucking aerial while emitting furious little huffs and bitchslapping Kirishima in the face]
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I can’t figure out what’s going on in this picture. it appears to be baseball, except that Bakugou doesn’t have a bat. which I guess is the joke?? because his quirk is so strong he doesn’t need the fucking bat? except that I feel like that would result in either a broken arm or a blown-up baseball. idk this would make more sense with him as the pitcher.
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“we really do love this AU, Horikoshi-sensei.” “yes... AU.”
this time it’s Shouji on the drums. I get that we all want to see Bakugou shred guitar, but it feels like he was just postponing the inevitable.
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a full 85 chapters before he actually did this in the manga. god he really does enjoy foreshadowing with these things. I need to start paying more attention to these.
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I have no words.
actually I do have words, and they are, “is that a fucking toothbrush.”
also is it just me or does he look, like, really swole in this pic. like, this is what the scarf has been hiding the whole time?? here we all thought he was a beanpole who subsisted off of energy bars and plain rice, but like. nope.
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:) showing that there’s no hard feelings about the whole shooting-you-in-the-fucking-face thing. All Might is squeezing his hand awfully tightly, though.
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all of them are so good-looking when they’re not trying. and then they open their mouths.
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I am pained that there hasn’t at least been a karaoke chapter in one of the light novels yet, guys. pained. I NEED THIS.
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holy fuck Todoroki. what are you, a mermaid?? I feel like this is a result of a prank gone wrong. like the other guys were sick of the girls always pining after him, and so they tried rubbing a balloon on his head in an effort to make him look ridiculous, only IT BACKFIRED COMPLETELY. shit.
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fuck me I love this. of course Kami blowdries his hair and puts a ridiculous amount of effort into achieving the same kind of boyishly tousled look Todoroki is JUST NATURALLY BORN WITH. some things in life just aren’t fair. also lmao Deku.
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oh my god. how are they all so cute. this was from episode 12 btw. you’re welcome for saving your life All Might.
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I don’t have the slightest idea wtf is going on here but omg.
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this was for episode 16 of the anime, a.k.a. the obstacle course episode of the Sports Festival arc in season 2. I can’t read what they’re saying, but I’ll tell you what, I know Bakugou is being a rude little shit and I’m here for it.
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SHINSOUUUUUU. this was for episode 20. his one and only appearance in the anime so far. he knows he’s here for a good time not a long time.
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lmao. my headcanon is that Monoma actually ended up losing after this, but somehow still managed to be smug about it.
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lmaoooo. Kacchan refusing to even acknowledge that this is a thing that is happening for some reason.
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I feel like taming Deku’s hair is arguably even more of a feat than taming Bakugou’s. meanwhile Iida looks 90% the same. and Todoroki is. well. just goes to show that this look is not for just anyone.
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I have never in my life seen Katsuki so full on just done with life. like he is so fucking over this shit. he’s just rolled over and accepted it. I have never seen Bakugou fucking Katsuki just sigh and be all, “you know what, this might as well happen.” not until this moment. wow.
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you guys I’m crying.
is it just me or do the little matroyshka dolls actually look like little nun Jeanists. though the hair swoosh is going the wrong way. Monomas, maybe.
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HOLY SHIT I LOVE THIS? my god, how useful would Shouji’s quirk be for this sort of thing. and Shouto looks so surprised (on like, a Todoroki scale) to have actually caught something. oh my god. so fucking cute. c’mere you. someone needs a hair ruffle.
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I feel like this is how Tokoyami would want to be remembered. yes I know he’s not dead.
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oh my god. so I’ve seen this one floating around on tumblr, but like. ffff. it’s my favorite ever. they are. so. fucking. cute. both looking up to All Might. and then the contrast between their innocent happy faces and their shocked and worried expressions watching All Might at Kamino. god it fucking destroys me. all four of these kids need hugs goddammit. the older ones because they’re heartbroken, and the little bubbas just because they’re so stinkin’ cute omfg.
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I LOVE HER AND I’M NOT SORRY. please Horikoshi give me more Bakufam in this upcoming arc. who do I have to bribe or threaten.
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STRANGER DANGER omg. Toga no. that’s not nice.
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Horikoshi what did my heart ever do to you for you to treat it like this.
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villain Iida from episode 7 holy fuck I’m dying.
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here come the New Year’s sketches! I’ve been looking forward to these. Kacchan photo strategy: never look directly at the camera.
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I wonder which animal year 2016 was. rooster, probably.
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fucking look at Todoroki fucking Shouto stuffing his face yet again. can you stop chewing for one fucking second. we’re trying to take a picture you slob.
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the year is 2018. Horikoshi Kouhei attempts to draw a dog, because it’s the year of the fucking dog. it does not go well. panicked, he takes the All Might he’s already started drawing, and for some reason attempts to turn it into another dog. it goes even worse. now he’s really starting to sweat. “oh shit,” he whispers, drawing Deku upside-down in his unrest. “oh fuck.” finally he just draws Bakugou shouting the words HAPPY NEW YEAR in giant letters across the screen, hoping that’ll be enough to distract everyone from all the rest of it. it is not.
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oh my god. thank you so much to everyone who went to SDCC and made him so happy. this is the purest thing I’ve ever seen. also loving Bakugou tolerating the shit out of All Might leaning on him omg. I’m so fucking weak for this as always.
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this is Horikoshi’s most recent sketch! lookit, he’s so happy with the toy him omg. it actually is really badass.
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league of dorks. I love Toga’s face. and how Horikoshi clearly put more effort into drawing Tomura’s Face Hand than the entire rest of the picture.
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I don’t understand a single element of this. wow. also this is twice now that Horikoshi has drawn the fucking Predator in these sketches. just pointing that out. of all the films to make multiple references to. what’s going on here. and is Mineta playing the fucking little sister in Totoro. am I losing my fucking mind.
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this was for the season 3 premiere. I love how Bakugou and Deku are wrestling for control of the screen. but he knows better than to touch Mineta I guess.
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Iida and Ochako are the only two reacting appropriately here. Bakugou just looks concerned. to be fair I guess that’s appropriate too. but Deku is all “fuck YEAH All Might you go ahead and SMASH YOUR FACE RIGHT THROUGH THAT MONITOR” and I feel like his blanket approval of all his mentor’s actions has finally gone too far.
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this just goes to show you that even a very simple sketch concept can pay off dividends if you play your cards right. good job Horikoshi.
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he could run faster if he just pulled his fucking pants up. does anyone have any brain cells to spare for my son here. please he needs them. I don’t know what he thinks a belt is actually for...?
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hello this is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen and also is Kirishima doing the kage bunshin pose from Naruto or.
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sob Aizawa I’m dead. I fucking love how Mineta is like HE’S CLEARLY FINE IT WAS A FLOP as though Kirishima is not literally covered in fucking grape balls. something else I also love is that Katsuki is number 10 and Deku is number 11. even in a soccer match he can’t stand to be lower then his rival sob. also Ochako is straight up about to rip off Mina’s head jesus christ girl run.
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there aren’t even words for how much I ship this. just emotions. omg.
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this is one of those pictures that keeps getting more wtf the longer you stare at it. naturally your eyes are drawn to Todoroki’s reindeer antlers first. by contrast, Ochako looks relatively normal, even with the odd pose. but then you notice Deku’s Christmas tree hair. from there your eyes are drawn down to his strange lack of a shirt. and then, finally, you spot him. Tokoyami. you wonder if the mangaka has finally gone too far. you’re still not sure.
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for once it’s not Todoroki who’s leaping into action with his mouth full. never one to back down from a challenge, Bakugou has picked the absolute least practical food to consume whilst in the middle of battling. I can barely eat spaghetti without making a mess when I’m not throwing down. I’m not sure what a good food to eat while throwing down would be, but maybe something more portable, like a calzone.
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I feel drawn to him the same way one might be drawn to a stray cat, even though you’re pretty sure the cat is really wary of people and will probably try to claw or bite you if you get too close. I would like to pat him on the head, but he might try to blow me up. eh, worth it.
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look at the Baku Protection Squad trying to do some fucking Abbey Road thing. damn you can really see how short Tokoyami is in this. also Bakugou buys pants that are at least three sizes too big I s2g.
and that’s it! anyways, this was fun as heck. I’ve bookmarked Horikoshi’s Twitter now so I can keep up with the new sketches as they’re released. this is fucking great, and a whole new bonus to being caught up with the manga that I haven’t been appreciating until now. fucking love it.
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red-dyed-sarumane · 4 years
theres one main world i like to think about a lot & thats the psychic world which really isnt based on anything in particular but i guess maybe similar to raildex in ways?? like. not everyone has an ability, those that do don't inherit it, everyone's ability is determined just by them themselves. if you dont have one you can't really get one (sometimes people dont realize they have one for a while & theyre like 'oh i just got one!!' but its just they finally learned how to use it), if you have one u cant change it or decide what it is but its urs!! that said multiple people can have the same/similar abilities but like. its by chance & its. Extremely rare for people in the same family to have similar abilities. people who come into this world from other worlds also have a chance to get an ability but its based the same way as everyone else. there are people who will discriminate others based on if they have an ability or not but those people arent. well liked & for the most part both types of people get along well. its pretty common for strangers with abilities to pick fights with others for no real reason besides wanting practice or being bored. generally u have to make sure the other person has an ability & its a fair fight otherwise ur an asshole & the person Can get u in legal trouble if they want. but yeah most people like fights its like pkmn battles but with ur own minds. theres not any mainstream tournaments or anything for it tho. most of the time they are refered to as abilities but in some countries & languages its still called magic. abilities can range to pretty much anything as long as it has something to do with using ur mind in some way. (so like. u cant just naturally be super buff muscule man. but u can have an ability where if u focus u can turn into super buff muscle man)
the world has a lot of fun areas (? idk how i want to say this.) like. theres island chains that just float around in the sky. some of these have really big waterfalls and such on them. some islands are connected together by tree roots grown together into bridges. some are just big floating rocks. because they don't stay still no one's sure if all of them have been discovered yet. some of them only seem to appear in thick fog or cloud cover so its near impossible to actually reach it or find ur way back again. there are one or two small communities on certain islands but for the most part everyone agrees its too dangerous & uncertain to try.
theres really thick forests that seem to go on forever. the branches of the trees grow together so tightly almost no light can get through. in these areas there are rumors (that are true!) of creatures called gemstone deer. these are just really big deer with their antlers & hooves being a type of gemstone. they can sense people's intentions and will never appear to those ill-hearted or greedy & will flee if anyone tries to take pictures. when they do appear its often to help lost kids or kind people find their way back out of the forest again. in rare cases if they trust someone they will lead them back into the deepest part of the forest where they live. at some point the plants in the area start turning into the same gemstone the deer have on them. its a place of almost overwhelming calm & due to lighting and maybe some trick the deer themselves play its impossible for any person to stumble across these places without the help of the deer regardless of what ability they may have. & since the trees grow so tightly together people discovered its possible to walk across them. so often times there are treetop cities above these forests with occasional ladders down trees to go into the forest or down out to fields. its not uncommon to see small farms or gardens growing from the treetops as well since its essentially like ground made from tree limbs.
it some places there are old ruins that seem like abysses. most of them are concrete or marble or some other light colored stone that for the most part is 90° walls straight down until all u can see is fog. the only obstructions are the rather narrow walk ways & where the walls have crumbled & plants took their place. no one has seen or reached the bottoms besides the gods. no one knows who made them or why. these are scattered across the world but rather few in number over all. very large places though.
the main form of travel in this world is sky whale or other moving animal (horse etc) planes dont exist. cars exist but arent very popular. bicycles are decently popular. but if ur going any large distance in a relatively quick time u will be taking a sky whale. these are what they sound like. they are very big and just kinda float in the air & swim through it like water. most of them are trained specifically to deal with the public and are treated well. its pretty rare for people to own their own sky whale. what whales are where depend on what region theyre in. different species have different skills. there are some people who do have their own whales & enter them in competitions too. watching whale races & competitions is a pretty popular passtime.
money exists but isnt really that important. people do their jobs bc its things they like and enjoy not bc they need to.
its very common for kids to drop out of school around middle or high school. theyre encouraged to go out & find themselves. so, while its not recommended they go alone especially if they dont have an ability, its common for them to go on journeys across country & find what they like and where they want to be. many people keep traveling as adults as well. but it is risky between people and everything else in the world so theres a lot of emphasis on preparing if ur going to do this. theres a lot of open apprenticeships for various skills and also libraries & internet so learning what u need to isnt really a concern to anyone.
religions are usually animal based in this world. all of the gods exist somewhere in the world. (unless like ryuusei theyre in space but they're not a typical case bc they guard the space/heaven border so no one goes to the realm of the dead when they arent supposed to) gods do gain power from people believing in them but their abilities are just like anyone else's. its just the more people believe in or know of them the more controlled & potent they can become. they cannot die by traditional means. if u try to kill them they'll disappear for a bit & then suddenly come back like nothing happened. if everyone forgets about them they dont die they just disappear. if someone rediscovers them somehow they will reappear, however often very weak & disoriented for a while. theres no benefit to praying to the gods really? theres no like. heaven or hell concept really. ur not going to be eternally punished or whatever for anything u do. there IS a place for souls of the dead to stay which i call heaven for lack of a better word but like. its not really paradise or anything its just. a place. a half detached world i guess. if u do feel like praying to the gods tho u might get divine blessing if any of them like u. which is basically just u get more lucky in certain circumstances. gods often have multiple abilities at the same time & animal/animal-like attributes. they live in really obscure hard to find places most of the time, not that they dislike people, but its usually just easier for them. they do interact & come into average people's towns on occasion though, just for fun. the main religion in the country i focus most on is based on the seasons so theres (if i remember right) owl for winter, snake for summer, deer for fall, rabbit for spring, fox for balance & they control the coming & going of seasons as well as things related to the seasons like say renewal for spring, acceptance for fall, endurance for winter, etc. fox there to keep everyone in line & make sure its not like. winter all year & make sure everyones getting along. weather/seasonal oddities are often blamed on them not getting along or not being well.
ive been writing for like an hour so thats all for now
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Your right and you should say it. Sophie has also mentioned something about a scroll that she took home to keep after the final season and she says that scroll is a HUGE spoiler. Idk if you’ve seen that animated got trailer but Tyrion is holding a scroll in it. I’m sure that she will uncover his betrayal and toss him under the bus and stand by Jon and Dany. I actually like show Tyrion a lot so I am upset that he becomes a villain, how do u actually feel abt that? About Tyrion being a villain?
Alright, now I’m going to address the elephant in the room and admit that I have some conflicting Sansa posts floating around right now lmfao. The first, I lit her up for basically being the antithesis of her parents… but then that got me thinking. So my current take is:
If Sansa’s attitude toward Daenerys is genuine, she’s being irrational and cruel.
If Sansa is ‘playing the game of faces’ meanwhile working for Dany behind the scenes, then she is likely being honorable and clever.
I believe Sansa is playing the game of faces, and that her true loyalty lies with Jon and Daenerys.
Now, about that ‘spoiler scroll’…
Credit goes to my GoT soulmate for this find, @ktwrites (as per usual lmfao) ♥
Sophie Turner says this on April 4th:
“And I took a scroll that was in the last….like one of the last episodes and it’s like a huge spoiler, and I’ve just been carrying it around in my wallet.”
The show premiered on April 14th. This scroll appeared in episode 3, which aired on May 5th:
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A lot of people disagree that this is the same scroll she swiped from set because well, those aren’t spoilers! Yeah, not anymore, but they sure as fuck would’ve been on April 4th! So yeah, there could be other spoilery scrolls out there, but this one exists and it’s Katie’s and my personal best bet.
How do I feel about Tyrion being a villain?…
…Unfortunately, it makes perfect sense.
First of all, in the books he’s much less sympathetic and more of a ‘grey’ character. I was surprised by how much I didn’t like him compared to Peter Dinklage. 😕 I think, like any good show, GoT definitely incorporates a lot of the actor’s personality into their character, and so Tyrion became much more likable.
Tyrion has quotes like this:
“I never bet against my family.”
“I don’t want to destroy our family. I never have.”
There’s a quote from Genna Lannister, Jaime and Tyrion’s aunt:
“Jaime, sweetling, I have known you since you were a babe at Joanna’s breast. You smile like Gerion and fight like Tyg, and there’s some of Kevan in you, else you would not wear that cloak… but Tyrion is Tywin’s son, not you.
Tyrion is Tywin’s son, meaning that he resembles Tywin in temperament more than his siblings do, and let’s not forget that Tywin is one of the vilest men in Westeros.
Martin, himself, even called Tyrion a villain in a 1999 interview:
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And you know, Tyrion’s 'divided loyalties’ between what he knows is right and protecting his family fits perfectly with this line from George:
“I’ve always agreed with William Faulkner—he said that the human heart in conflict with itself is the only thing worth writing about.”
Lastly, I think I might’ve found evidence in Bran’s visions that (if the leaks are true) might suggest Tyrion had a hand in the Red Wedding, after all… but more on that coming later. (Keep an eye out for another addendum to my “Re-examining the “Bells” leak…” post - I’ve got to gather the screenshots yet.)
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ravens-rambling · 6 years
How Venom met the Spiders
A/N: So I have really been addicted to @sugarglider9603 and @ask-spiderverse-virgil Spideverse Au and I watched Venom the other day so I was inspired to make this! It’s gonna be how Deceit met Venom and how the gang met Venom and blah blah blah. It’s going to be similar to the Venom movie but with some differences here and there. And yes there will be a second part and yes this will end happy but for now, enjoy this beautiful angst. 
summary: So there he was enjoying his alone time, being the loner of your kind will do that to you, when he suddenly got captured by these creatures called ‘humans’ and taken to their planet. Now at first, it was fun he was going to enjoy some sightseeing ya know the whole works. But no! Instead, they keep him in this tube and really the only thing he’s felt since he has arrived is pain! The nerve of them right? Once he gets out of here he will show them what mistake they made messing with Venom. 
WC: 2,438
ships: Romantic RED/ Remilceit 
warnings: Crying, Angst, Violence, Mentions of puking, Mentions of body horror, Cracked bones, uuuhhhh idk?
Tag List: @punsterterry @frostedlover @stormcrawler75 @mutechild @mycatshuman @panicattheeverywhere15 @thewinterbookqueen @analogical-mess  
That’s all he has seen of this stupid world. That’s all he’s experienced. And quite frankly? It’s starting to get a bit boring to him. Though he has to admit at least it’s funnier here than at home… Well, he’s a loner too here but hey that’s beside the point right? Point is is that he is stuck on this miserable planet properly forever without the rest of his kind.
Take that as you will.
Some might say being stuck on a planet by yourself is fun. Some might say being alone and not knowing what the hell is going on around you with all the bright lights and noises is not fun. So hey whatever floats your boat.
One thing Venom is certain of is that he was taken from his planet with some of his kind for these stupid creatures ‘experiment’ to habitat his planet (I know stupid right? Pesky humans). Next, he’s either stuck in a tube barely able to move much or being in high amounts of pain which he’s got to say is not very fun won’t recommend that. Then he barely was able to hear loud shouting and was that guns going off? It was so hard to hear in this pesky tube.
Then a voice, “Royal, we need to get these out of here now. Arachne, go help Love Bite. Gale, clear the path for us.”
Venom didn’t recognize these voices… Interesting… They didn’t sound like their typical scientist. He moved more in his tube, maybe he can get one of their attention… Maybe he could-
A loud explosion went off right beside his tube. It appears that that explosion shattered his tube… How nice of them. And that his tube was the only one to shatter. As he leaned out of the glass he saw men rushing around. He heard his fellow people telling him to help them. Screw them. Not like he needs their help. Not like they had helped him before.
So he ignored them and crawled along the ground, he needs a host quickly. He can already feel the effects of these stupid planets elements taking hold of him and shutting down his body. Quick. Quick. Quick. Host. Need host.
Ah, this weakling will do. He went to the back corner human where it wouldn’t draw attention and quickly climbed up his leg. A grin just happened upon his face as he stuck onto the human's chest, he could feel the petty human's heart beating rapidly. He could hear it setting off its gun. And as he took it over he could hear it scream for help but over the chaos of the fighting, nobody batted an eye.
Aw… It’s kinda cute when it screams like this. Maybe he can have fun with this host?
Wait nope. As he took it over he could feel this host was practically useless. It wasn’t going to last long at all… Petty. Oh well, there goes that fun.
They stood up pointing their guns at…colorful humans? What the fuck was going on? There were human sticking to the ceiling and climbing the walls, even some slinging some sticky substance by the looks of it… Okay, this planet was way weirder than he originally thought.
Not like he cares though.
Quickly he turned around hoping for an exit. Ha! There it is. There’s no point in staying here it doesn’t concern him why take some pesky risk right?
So he ran towards it trying to make it seem like this human was scared for his life and was running with its tail between his legs. Hopefully, he was a good enough actor and… Yep, he was. Out he went into a hallway then another hallway. Where the fuck is outside?? Humans are so stupid sometimes with their elaborate buildings and pretty shiny things. How these dumb creatures managed to get to his planet he will never know.
After what felt like minutes of just running through hallways the yelling and guns shouting still echoing all the way down to him he was getting tired of this.
Shielding the host he jumped out the window, down five stories building. Which was nothing for him mind you, he can go down more, but as he was he looked out and marveled on the city’s bright lights.
Well even though all he’s come to know about this planet is the pain he’s gonna admit these humans know how to make something look pretty. Pitty that this planet might end soon by what he’s heard. Why would creatures who lives on their own planet kill its own home? That's just stupid.
But yet again doesn’t concern him. All he needs is a way back home.
When he landed in an alleyway he looked around growling under his breath. He spotted a…4 legged creature looking up at him with fear in its eyes. It was furry with a long tail and boy does it look tasty.
In a moment he lunged forward and in another, the furry thing disappeared and he was licking his lips. Meh, not as tasty as he would have hoped oh well. Just another disappointment.
Alright. Step one, find a more suitable host.
“Shit, shit, shit.”
Dolion kept mumbling under his breath as he ran down the street. A piece of toast was in his mouth as he checked his phone. Yep totally late to this meeting. Fuck. Fuck. What great first impression this was.
This was all Remy’s fault. He just had to insist on staying over at his place last night. And Picani wasn’t any help, in fact, he only helped Remy in making sure he stayed. Though they did it with good intentions, after all, they wanted to see what he was going to wear in his interview and make sure he looked okay before leaving. And had wanted him to relax a bit beforehand. Yeah, they were pretty nice boyfriends. And yeah he does appreciate their help. And yeah he does love them, don’t tell them he said that though he will never hear the end of it.
Truthfully they did need some time to relax. It was hard finding the time to spend with each other. What with Remy going to his university plus his super heroing taking up literally all his time. And Picani also going to classes and trying to get his job and dealing with his bull shit father all in the midst of things. Dolion was also trying to get a job while holding on to his part-time classes they literally had no time together anymore.
Luckily it wasn’t affecting their relationship at all but he knew it was a matter of time. Just like all his other relationships right? They will get tired of him eventually and move on. Could he really blame them though? Between his speech deformity of only speaking lies and the fact that he honestly looks ugly, it’s a surprise that they’ve stuck around this long. It’s only a matter of time…
Something caught his eye though as he ran past an alleyway. Something dark moving in the shadows. But it wasn’t somebody or some animal no from what Dolion could see it looked…sludge like? Now, this is the city man for all he knows this is some government project or some alien. Really he shouldn’t go poking a stick at it…
Nah, he’s gonna poke a stick at it. If it is some project or alien he knows that Remy would be delighted to see it, less work on his part. And they will have more time together, right? Or at least he hopes so.
So yeah he slowly approached it grabbing a piece of trash by the garbage can as he continued to munch his toast. This is way more interesting than some stupid interview anyways.
He jumped a bit as the thing moved towards him.
“Woah there…”
It was definitely sludge like what the heck is it? How is it moving? It seemed to have a mind of its own as it moves side to side as if it was looking for something…
“Hey, there big guy… What ya up to?”
The sludge got even closer as he talked his breath quickened as it kept getting closer and closer. Okay, it’s getting way too close for comfort now. The boy kept backing up away from it but it would only go faster towards him. Trying not to scream he threw some of the garbage at it only for it to get agitated by the looks of it.
Then it jumped at him. Screaming he tried to run away from it smacking and throwing his hands up to block it from his face. He watched helplessly as it went through his fingers and went towards his mouth. All he could do was scream and hope Remy or the others will hear him? No that was a fat chance they were properly clear across the city by now.
His breaths came in whooping gasps as he could feel it dissolve inside him. He felt it go down his throat and into his body. It felt exactly like sludge was inside his skin, was pouring into his organs and blood. The pain as it went through him was unimaginable it was almost like swallowing lava or nails. It was burning but soothing almost at the same time. All he could do was whimper and cry as he laid on the ground hoping he will pass out soon.
Then just like that the unbearable pain stopped. But still his body won’t stop shaking, still he felt heat pouring down his face in waves, still, he couldn’t move. His entire body hurt.
“Hey… dude your alright? I uh…”
Even though he felt his body rise up and his hands move he didn’t have any control over it. It felt like he was a puppet and somebody else was moving his strings. He was still crying and breathing heavily as he turned towards the young male.
In a split second, he lunged forward and pinned the boy down into the ground. His tears were on the boy's face as he tried to move his own body off him.
Then a sudden voice sounded in his head, a burst of laughter, as darkness took over half his vision.
Fangs prodded from his own teeth, dark sludge covered his entire body up to his one eye, he could tell the sludge was smiling. He could tell what the sludge was thinking just before he did it. And he wailed loudly as the thing ripped into him.
Dolion shakily walked up the stairs to his apartment hoping beyond hope that nobody will stop him. And that he won’t throw up in the process. Everything was spinning and tilting. His stomach was doing backflips. He could tell he was still crying and his breathing won’t calm down. His own chest felt like it was collapsing on itself. Everything was blurry… Why was it so hot out? It’s winter shouldn’t it be freezing??
With panting breaths, he sighed in relief as he made it to his room. Very shakily he dug in his pocket for his keys, he had to lean on the wall for support as he did so for he knew if he didn’t he was going to fall. Gulping he managed to bring it out and he almost dropped the keys before he could find the right one, which was difficult all on its own. Thankfully it wasn’t that hard to shove the key in the door. He all but practically fell in his apartment clumsily closing the door behind him and making his way to the couch.
Maybe he’s just sick... Yeah… He’s got the flu and that was just a dream… Maybe this entire thing is a dream… Maybe he just has to sleep it off… That sounds about right…
Within moments he was out like a light not even bothering to take off his sweaty clothes or lock the door…
“D? Hey Dee are you okay? Dee, can you wake up for me?”
Somebody's voice… Somebody… Who was it again? Wait it sounded familiar…
Emile right? That sounded right…
Slowly he opened his eyes to find a blurry concerned gaze of his boyfriend staring down at him. Dolion could feel a cool hand pressed against his cheek. That did feel nice… Mumbling something intangible under his breath he tried moving but found yet again that he couldn’t.
“There’s my Dee. Your burning up babe.”
Dolion mumbled something yet again. Before he could even warn Picani it felt like something took a hold of his body again. No. No. No, please…
Suddenly he stood up knocking Emile off him and almost causing him to smack his head against the coffee table. With wide eyes, he looked up to him, “Dee! Are you alright Dee? Hey speak to me I don’t like the-”
Dolion's hand shot out, but it couldn’t be his hand, he wasn’t moving it, it gripped onto Picani's neck. Within a moment he was squeezing Emile's neck even raising him in the air, effortlessly. The painful fearful look in his boyfriend's eyes wanted him to throw up right there. He could feel Picani shaking under his hand, he could feel his gripping on and trying to tear his grip from his neck as much as possible. There were tears in his eyes.
“D-Dee… Wh-What's…”
“No… Please… S-Stop…” Dolion managed to mumble out through his own tears leaking out of his eyes. Anything but Emile… Please…
“If you say so…”
A grinding voice in his head said.
As Dolion was processing the fact that he just heard a voice in his head his hand gripped onto Picani tighter and with one swing threw him against the brick wall of his apartment. He heard a sickening crack of Picani's leg and arm being broken and it made Dolion cry harder. He’s doing this right? He’s hurting his own boyfriend. Oh god, what’s wrong with him…
Picani fell to the ground and didn’t get up, he must be unconscious.
“Don’t know why you care so much about it. Weakling is what he is.”
Dolion could only watch helplessly as he walked out of the apartment he tried to scream to Picani to help him, he tried to stop his own body from moving, but nothing worked. It seemed only pleading would work with this creature. All he had control of was his shaking and crying as they walked out of the building and into the streets.
“I-I am…so sorry E-Em…”
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kittae · 6 years
Nocturne (M)
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Pairing: Yoongi x reader
Words: 9.2k
Genre: Smut, a dash of greek mythology, fantasy, male nymph!Yoongi
Warnings: Graphic sexual descriptions, magical intoxication, virgin!reader, unrealistic depictions of sex inside water
summary: The world, human as well as divine, would rather forget about a shocking scandal that occurred amongst the gods, and so they also forgot about the beautiful, but cursed creature that had been conceived through said event. This caused him to live a solitary life, one where the gentle breeze through the leaves, the chirping birds in the trees, the koi in the springs and the fireflies in the night established the only form of companionship. And then, he felt your eyes on him
A/N: FUCKING FINALLY! this fic has been long overdue, as i have been tweaking and rewriting this since last year! I’m very happy i can finally share this with you guys. Since this is a different approach, some experimenting with my writing style, i hope it doesn’t disappoint and that you can still enjoy it! 
special thanks to @vankoya and @tayegi for reading it over and giving me advice! @trbld-writer , @thules , @sydist ( stella idk if you’re still active on tumblr rip :( ) i’m sad the collab from which this fic originated never happened, but i’m dedicating this one to you guys! 
You never knew air could hurt until the moment it burned through your lungs as you sprinted as fast as your feet could carry you and then some. You ignored the burning acid rising up your throat and stomach, the twigs smacking into your face and the thorns scratching at your legs, rushing to just run empty-headed with no sense of direction or where you wanted to go, as long as it was away. To say you were lost was an understatement.
What else did you expect, dashing barefoot through the night and into the woods with the moon and the stars as your only guide and light source. Every few minutes, you could hear wolves howl in the distance, your nightgown sticking to your damp skin when you broke out in a cold sweat on top of the hot one induced by the long run. It sounded like they weren’t too far off, and you started to wonder if you’d really chosen the right option out of the two you were presented with.
Burned alive at the stake or ripped to shreds by a pack of wolves?
You’d never believed in the tales and legends of your town. They were often even more ridiculous and fantastic than the fairytales you'd grown up with. Yet, it could’ve been one of the reasons why they accused you of witchcraft. That, and the fact you knew your way around healing potions and herbs. When you had managed to cure a child who was on the verge of dying from a severe illness not even the best doctors knew what to do with, you had gotten the label practically slammed onto your forehead. But you know what they say; no good deed goes unpunished.
They came for you in the night, forcefully breaking down the door of your humble house with the intention of making their way to your chambers to capture you. To make you their prisoner and most probably torture you all night to force you to answer questions you didn’t know the answers to. However, you were always one step ahead. The barricade in front of your door didn’t serve to keep them out as much as it did to buy you some time. Time to climb out of your window and escape from the back. Time to bolt towards the only place you knew they would never follow you.
The haunted forest.
The people loved to pass on tales, tell the stories their parents had told them whose parents before them had shared with them, and so on. Legend has it that this forest was structured like a labyrinth and harbored an ancient soul. One that somehow ensured anyone who ever dared to enter the forest never came back out. No, people didn’t come here. They haven’t for centuries, until you. Then again, you weren’t one to believe in old wives’ tales, especially not those told by the same mouths that accused you of witchcraft.
The forest appeared harmless enough aside from the usual threats of wild animals and losing path. There was no sign of the air bearing the suffocating pressure the townspeople often spoke of, nor was your vision clouded with thick fog rising from the dirt. None of the horrors you’ve been told were present in these particular woods and this only motivated you to rush deeper into them.
When the flickering yellow lights and loud, threatening shouts of the torch-bearing crowd seemed to have died out behind you, you knew they went no further when you did.
All sounds had turned to silence aside from your panting breaths in the air and the dull sound of your feet hitting the soft soil, and finally, you deemed it safe enough to catch a breath.
Another spine-chilling howl pierced through your nerves, and even though your feet were sore and chapped, twigs and stones occasionally digging into the bare soles, you found yourself striding the opposite way of the sound that made your skin crawl. The more distant it became, the more you found yourself relaxing, the pace of your restless steps turning languid as the realization you'd probably escaped death twice tonight started to kick in. You felt exhausted, if not from the long run then surely caused by the whirlwind of emotions you got put through in the last couple of hours, the adrenaline rush finally dropping and leaving your body to be completely spent. You wanted to lay down so badly, sleep for a bit and recover your strength, and when the woeful cries of the canines had come to fall completely silent, the thought started to feel all the more tempting.
The moon stood tall and bright, its beauty seemingly only reaching your eyes now you were no longer focused on surviving the night. With its perfectly round shape and white glow, you were almost tempted to believe in this thing called magic, this thing your fellow villagers prosecuted you for.
As on cue, a small swarm of fireflies emerged from between the flowerbed a few feet further, emitting a comforting and warm, yellow glow that lit up your path like little stars. Slowly treading through the field of blooming bluebells, a hundred more tiny lights appeared in the air and surrounded you. You must've disturbed them by stepping through the flowers, but what a sight it was! What tragedy it must've been if the villagers got to you and you'd never have witnessed this indescribable beauty. And just when you'd convinced yourself this had to be the most breathtaking phenomenon you'd ever behold, you heard it.
Suddenly accompanying the nocturnal silence came a mesmerizing melody, humming from the distance and weaving through the forest to reach you. Those tones of allure and love incarnated were spellbinding; composed to fog the minds and feast on the hearts that listened to them. The little flying lights seemed to change formation, forming a long luminescent ribbon as they followed the sound. Afraid to lose your tiny stars and incredibly drawn to the foreign song in the distance, your feet were moving before you could think about where they were going. The music filled your head until there was nothing else left, your heart swollen and bursting with an inexplicable desire, throbbing with a yearning unknown to you. You felt what could be described as entranced, thoughts about how strange and suspicious it was to hear such soft and lovely melodies in the middle of the night, so deep into the forest, not once crossing your mind. You could only take in the swaying notes, leisurely being carried by the midsummer breeze, hushing you and convincing you not to question why they were there in the first place.
Your little lights unexpectedly came to a stop, where they left their ribbon formation to spread themselves out and float over a small spring a little further down. The sound of a gasp falling from your lips got interrupted by your breath getting caught in your throat first, your hand promptly covering your mouth when your eyes grew the size of the moon above you. There, waist deep and naked in the spring, was a man so beautiful you finally started to wonder whether this had all been just a very vivid dream. Hiding behind the nearest tree you could find that was broad enough to conceal your shaking body, you leaned against the stem to steady yourself as your knees turned weak and trembled in shock, trying to calm your hammering heart that threatened to break through its cage.
Still, you couldn't seem to tear your gaze away, even when the sight before you pained you so mercilessly you thought you'd collapse. Never in your life have you witnessed such sublime beauty before, such majesty exuding from a person as if he might as well be a fata morgana.
The silver beam of the moon paid him absolute tribute, his slender muscles and tightening tendons a kind of delicate strength rippling underneath a coat of untouched, unsullied ivory as if he was bathing in the white splendor of the moon instead of the dark waters of the lotus lavished spring it was reflected in. His hair matched the shade of onyx the night carried and the contrast with his skin was that of the one between the sky and the moon.
Although you were facing his back, you felt like you were being watched. Being watched as you were watching him while he continued to scoop up palms of shimmering moonlight, the droplets making his pearl pale skin illuminate an almost blinding brightness in seemingly utter ignorance of your mere presence.
The soft clattering of the small waterfall into the spring continued as undisturbed as ever, as if your heart hadn’t just plummeted to your stomach, your body stiffening up entirely at a foreign voice calling out to you.
“Would you have yourself standing there behind that tree and spy on me for the rest of the night or will you at least show yourself?”
The voice sounded lovely like the melodies that brought you here, soft and clear and more than slightly enthralling, in contrast to the words that made your blood run cold. Screwing your eyes shut, several bated breaths passed for you to register the question, and another five to remember that you were being expected to answer it. He’d seen you. The tension was thick in the air as you felt his eyes on you the same way you’d been scrutinizing him only moments ago, even through the with thick bark covered stem that concealed your shaking form. You felt like you couldn’t move at all, even if you wanted to. Your heart went frantic inside your chest, almost painfully so while you stayed put behind the tree that was the only thing that currently prevented your legs from giving out underneath you. You had to stay there, pretend he couldn’t see you, call bluff.
“Are you afraid?” the same soft and tender voice asked again, speaking directly to your hammering heart and tempting it to give in, “I promise, i bear no intent of hurting you.”
You drank those words in like sweet nectar, letting them sink into your soul to stir longing and curiosity there, swaying your screaming instincts telling you run once more that night to make place for a more comfortable feeling. How could such magnificent beauty, in any way, be something bad?
“Let me lay eyes upon you, too.”
The warm honey of his voice trickled down your chest with every word, clearing the last of your doubts. While words still could not find their way to your throat, your feet dared to take a single step away from your vegetal hideaway, revealing the white of your dress and the colour of your hair to this perfect stranger. Not so much fear, but rather bashfulness held you back from approaching the delicate beauty of this raven haired vision. Silly old you, in your ripped and dirtied nightgown, hair tousled and tangled and still bathing in sweat. Were you allowed to present yourself like this in front of such a stunning man?
He did not ask a second time, disregarding the fact he never asked in the first place. Instead, he carried on creating embellished melodies identical to those that led you here, soft hums on pink lips like the morning dew on a blushing rose. They tugged at your heartstrings and beckoned you closer. Your little firefly friends appeared as if they were dancing, no longer only hovering over the surface but swaying back and forth on the notes as they surrounded the pale male. Their yellow light threw a soft and subtle warmth on the cold hues of his skin, making the sight all the more alluring.
Again, your feet moved on their own accord, even if you were already planning on telling them to do exactly that. The moss underneath your bare soles felt soft and cool, soothing the stinging scratches the twigs and brambles inflicted on your skin as you were running earlier. Excitement stirred inside your stomach the closer you came to the white lotuses in the spring, and most importantly in the middle, the fairest of them all. A pleasant haze resided inside your head, buzzing only with a lingering desire to listen more closely, to see more vividly.
Sooner than expected, your toes had reached the edge of the spring, only needing to dip down a few inches to feel the wetness of the clear water. You didn’t realize how you were just standing there, mesmerized as you never let your eyes wander away from the bathing man in front of you. If you’d thought he was enchanting from afar, you needed to reevaluate your standards because up close like this, his ethereal face and glistening, naked torso only a mere few feet away from where you were standing, you were scrambling for the right words to describe him.
“Hello, sweet maiden.” The raven beauty finally faced you as he spoke, creating gentle ripples in the water as it carried his body effortlessly when he came even closer, looking up at where you stood at the waterside. “Will you tell me your name?”
With his head slightly tilted to the side, he waited for you to answer him once again, sparks of curiosity gleaming in his dark eyes but you did not want to speak, you only wished to listen. To hear him speak and sing, oh how you longed for the sound of his voice the moment the last word has left his rosy lips in a question. To all the gods in the heavens, the stars in the skies, you wished he would soon speak again. You’d been so focused on his voice, you momentarily forgot about the words it had formed and when you did remember, you realized you could make your wish come true by giving him what he asked for.
“My name…” You spoke for the first time in a long while that night, a night that seemed to have lasted two lifetimes by now. “My name is ____.”
Your throat was dry and your lips were dryer, your tongue coming out for just a second in a reflex to wet them. Your voice was slightly hoarse from both the physical and mental exhaustion you’d been put through and you winced at the sound. It was in stark contrast with the honeyed tones you’d been clinging to since the moment you’d heard him sing them.
“___.” He repeated, his eyes following the movement of the flash of pink darting out between your lips and his gaze lingering there long after. Your name felt foreign when formed with his lips, like something that sounded so beautiful could never belong to you. He seemed to like the weight of it on his tongue, if the small movement of a single corner of his mouth curling up was anything to go by.
You nodded slowly, your own gaze fixed on either his rosebud lips or his dark eyes on yours. You couldn’t quite decide.
“Will you join me, ___?” The perfect stranger, feeling more familiar with every word he spoke, proposed as he let his hands wade through the water in an invitation. “The water feels very pleasant.”
You seemed to be unable of doing anything else than dumbly nodding your head at everything he says, but your mind went truly blank in beholding such a sight, the fizz of inexplicable desire ever present. In that moment, nothing else but this man existed for you. It was more than just simple infatuation as you knew you would give your life to be with him, without hesitation.
You were about to plunge into the pool, nightgown and all, when your ears registered a series of disapproving clicks coming from the tongue of the radiant man in front of you. The skin between your eyebrows creasing slightly, you silently wondered what your mistake was.
“Bathing is not done while still wearing garments, now is it, sweet ___?” He answered your unspoken question without intent of getting response to his own, his dark gaze critically gliding over the dress concealing your curves and contrasting with the suggestive twist on his lips. There was no maliciousness to be detected in those slightly scolding words, spoken so gently you could have taken them as the caressing words of a lover.
Heat flushed underneath your cheeks, your eyes briefly cast at the ground for the first time within his proximity. Nevertheless, your hands eagerly moved to your shoulders, fingers hooking around the hem to let the gown slide down your hips until it was a pile of white fabric, bundled around your feet. Unexpectedly, you no longer felt shame underneath the scrutiny of his eyes when you stepped out of the discarded dress, your bare body for him to examine and approve or disapprove of.
“Slowly now.” He murmured as your pointed toes made the first transition from dry land to wet water, the rest of your leg following as he silently but thoroughly took in every inch of your skin, every little freckle and blemish there was to observe.
He waited until you had fully entered the pool, the bottom half of your body underneath the surface but still very much visible albeit a little distorted through the clarity of the water. Your breasts were only half immersed, nipples steadily growing harder underneath the cool temperature while the swell of your bosom peaked slightly above the surface.
For a few moments longer, the dark-haired beauty let his gaze linger there before slowly making its way up to your face, his eyes boring deeply into yours as he whispered, “Exquisite.”
A million wings appeared to flutter inside your chest and stomach, butterflies and hummingbirds, upon hearing that single word meant only for you. You couldn’t keep a dazzling smile from curling around your lips, your heart about to burst out of its cage in pure euphoria, especially when he graced you with a smile of his own. It wasn’t as wide or as exuberant as yours but it was all the more blinding, lighting up the darkness of the night as it still mirrored the same wantonness. You so wanted to please this man.
“This night has caused you much distress, has it not?” He hummed with a hint of compassion in his voice as he brought up his hand to let his fingers lightly brush over your temple and you did not question how he knew. “Allow me.”
One large and elegant hand curled into the curve of your waist, gently pulling you closer to him, while the other formed a cup with tightly enclosed and slender fingers to scoop up the spring water much like you’d seen him do before. He brought it to your naked shoulders to wet them as well, emptying it onto your skin before smoothing the water over with the palm of his hand to wash off the dirt.
“How does that feel?” He asked when he felt your muscles tighten only slightly with every touch of his hand.
“Truly refreshing.” You sighed in contentment, your body relaxing when it got used to the cold water. All the stress your nerves had endured that night slowly dissipating and making place for a strange kind of excitement that had started stirring in the pit of your belly.
A satisfied, but soft snicker tumbled from his lips. “I apologize if my hands are a bit on the cold side.”
“They say that if your hands are cold, it means your heart is warm…” you mused softly, as if you weren’t aware you were speaking your thoughts aloud. Suddenly, you’d become so much more comfortable around his bewitching persona.
“Is that what they say?” He hummed, amused, smoothing down your hair as he sweeped it to the side, baring your neck and all the while not taking his eyes off yours.
“I don’t know...I might have just plucked thoughts from my mind.” You boldly stated, feeling less like strangers the more he touched you, the more you spoke. You wished you could touch him, too.
You were hesitant, however, since you had never touched a man while bearing such impure intentions, such sinful thoughts in mind. Never have you been touched this way in your life, either. It awakened a craving inside, one that felt very strange to you. Exciting, yes. But strange. The unfamiliarity of it kept you from acting on your desires...
“You must be thirsty, are you not?” he pulled you out of your pondering thoughts as he plucked a half-open lotus from its leaf to fill it with fresh spring water, holding it in front of your parted lips. “Drink.”
Your own fingers gently closed around his slender ones cupping the flower, the petals soft and cool against the flesh of your lips as you let the liquid flow onto your tongue and against the dry walls of your throat. It tasted sweet on your tastebuds, too sweet for what you’d expected to be just plain spring water. You’d never had anything like it before. There were hints of honey and nectar, a floral delight you could not get enough of so you drank eagerly until the flower was once again empty.
When the last drop graced your tongue with its exquisite taste, leisurely trickling down your throat, your chest suddenly felt light as a feather. It glowed hot with a golden warmth, like the sun had liquified and you’d swallowed all of its light. You felt what could only be described as unadulterated euphoria, all doubts and fear that might have been lingering up until now evaporating as you looked at the perfect face in front of you. You noticed a dark strand atop his midnight shining hair, curling up as playfully as the corner of his mouth and this time, you did not hesitate to reach out and briefly touch it, gently twirling it around your finger.
He did not mind you playing with his obsidian locks and resumed his ministrations as before. His lean fingers lingered longer than necessary on less innocent parts of your body as he continued to bathe you. Cool hands wandered from your shoulders to your arms, from your arms to your waist, down your waist to your hips until his arms were wrapped around you like vines around a tree. A certain line had been crossed between the both of you without you even realizing it, but when your chests as well as your pelvises touched skin on skin, you found your sanity back the same time you lost it.
Not for the first time that night but for very different reason, your breath hitched in your throat when one hand found the curve of your belly, further descending at an agonizingly slow pace only to come to a halt when you wanted him to continue the most.
In an act of slight desperation at the thought of losing his touch, your hands came to lay upon his shoulders, aiding you in pressing your body closer against his until not even a single strand of hair could escape from between them. You opened your mouth to speak, only to close it again when you found your mind absent words, but filled with this craving you no longer feared.
You held the moon in your arms, his eyes shimmering like stars as they captured yours, a smooth palm coming up to cup your jaw tenderly. When he slightly craned his perfect neck and dipped forward, his lips but grazed the shell of your ear in a whisper.
“Give voice to desire and i shall see it satisfied.”
A delightful shiver crawled down your spine upon receiving those words, his cool breath tickling the sensitive skin of your ear and the sensation shooting straight to your core, hot and yearning despite being enveloped by slightly frigid water.
“Thoughts of being touched by your hands plague my mind, but,” your fingers wandered along the curves of his shoulders until they occupied themselves by tracing the cavities of his beautiful collarbones. “I have yet to experience a more intimate caress of a man… Nor have I ever had the pleasure to...pleasure.”
Once again, you surprised yourself with your unexpected boldness. Usually, such words would kiss burning heat upon your cheeks but in this moment, you felt shameless. Your objective the only thing of clarity in your foggy mind, it fueled your imprudence beyond belief. You would fall to your knees and beg if he would will it so. During your life within the small village, you had already prepared to see it to its end a spinster. No man you had ever encountered had grasped your attention in that sense. They were either dumb, a pig, or both. Not to speak of all other things they could be, or rather, could not.
This man, however. You barely knew him but this very man before you defied any premade judgments and prejudices you’d convinced yourself of, about the male species. He was elegant, attentive, almost fragile. So much different from anything or anyone you’ve ever known.
“Your experience or lack thereof matters not, sweet ___.” He smiled against the skin of your neck, his small nose feeling ticklish as he brushed it along the curve. “I would see you tasting the many delights the body has to offer.”
When he pulled back, separating his lips from your skin, you released the breath you didn’t know you were holding in a slightly disappointed sigh. They had barely touched you, but you already found yourself addicted to the way they felt. The disappointment did not last, however, for the sublime beauty of his face was only a hairsbreadth from your own.
His lips all but brushed against yours as your eyes locked, dark pools of night sky with flickering stars inside of them staring down into your soul and all of its harbored desires. The hand still cupping your jaw shifted a little, only to smooth a single thumb down your bottom lip. “Let me serve them to you.” His voice still like a silk ribbon wrapping itself tightly around your heart as he spoke.
You could only nod once, your jaw slightly slacked, before he tenderly captured your parted lips with his own in a chaste kiss. Those pink cushions felt cool and soft, small but plush as they performed the lightest of movements against the delicate flesh of your lips.
A tickling sensation arose inside your chest where the tips of his fingers drew downward lines until they rested atop your sternum, the small space between your breasts where the swell of your soft mounds already grazed the sides of his digits. His other hand, momentarily forgotten about when his lips touched yours, still laid resting a mere few inches above the small hill of your burning core. The water did nothing nothing to cool it down, as it ached desperately for his touch, right there. You did not know why you wanted his long, slender fingers inside of you, or whether it would even feel good. You just knew that you needed them there, have something to fill up the throbbing emptiness between your legs.
You chose not to speak your desires, fearing that if you would separate from his lips, they would not find their way back to yours. Instead, your hand slid down your own waist until it nudged the arm that was squeezed between your hips. Your fingers trailed along the edge until they found his hand, only to envelop it and guide it further south.
His digits disappeared between your thighs, clenching when you felt his lips curl into a small but satisfied smile against your own. The tips but grazed your hot sex, the feeling slightly ticklish against your sensitive lower lips. In all honesty, you had explored your own body on multiple occasions in the past. You had touched yourself like you imagined a man would if you would ever invite one between your sheets. You were what the people back in your village would describe as a ‘sinful woman’, yet you had never paid it any mind since they had condemned you for much less. Your fingers had been where this enthralling stranger’s were in this moment, but the sensations they enticed were incomparable with those you had induced by yourself.
A gasp tore from your mouth, your eyes fluttering shut in delight from the shock of a single pinch around your swollen, little nub. A lighthearted chuckle tumbled from his lips against yours, briefly pulling you back to reality after the surprise of this foreign pleasure.
You had half a mind of asking him to seize his teasing, right when a finger spread your fleshy folds, allowing the cold water of the pool to titillate the raw and vulnerable skin of your entrance for a brief moment. An almost inaudible hiss slipped from your lips and he took that opportunity to slip his tongue past them. The slickness of the muscle tentatively exploring the crevice of your mouth matched with that of your slit, a fresh flow of arousal coating the digit rubbing shallowly between your folds. Every movement, however small, brought a slight shift in the water with it, tickling and simultaneously relieving your blazing hot core.
Spreading your legs, you widened the space between your thighs in a silent request for more. One your angel of seduction picked up on immediately, judging by how his single digit that was yet a teasing spark mere seconds ago, suddenly turned into a scorching wildfire when it fleetingly prodded at your tight entrance before breaking through the barrier of hot flesh when it penetrated you for the first time.
The feeling was not completely unfamiliar, considering you had also simulated penetration with your own fingers in attempts to pleasure yourself long before this encounter. But just like the fleeting caresses, coming from his touch instead of yours, it was a whole different experience entirely.
Your mind was high on pleasure already and you found it hard to focus on the steady rhythm your tongues were dancing to together, barely grasping the reality of the fact that his perfect lips had still not left yours. All while that one long and slender finger was slowly pumping in and barely out of your wet crevice, your inner walls greedily sucking around the digit. Your head was filled with a haze, pink and sweet and thick like fog, yet your senses had never been this sharp, this heightened before.
The quiet mewls spilling from your mouth directly onto his lips had slipped past your attention, but had only grasped his all the more. He interrupted the breathtaking kiss for a moment, briefly taking your bottom lip between his teeth in the gentlest of a nibble, before slightly opening his eyes in a half-lidded gaze. The sudden absence of his lips slightly alarmed you, causing you to mirror his expression when you looked up at him, your chest slightly panting from the exertion of the kiss.
He said nothing while his ministrations carried on, content to watch your facial features scrunch up in pleasure, making a soft groan filter past his lips as his teeth dug into the bottom one to keep him from gasping at such a sinful sight.
“Aphrodite would be struck by envy like a tree by lightning if she would ever catch sight of you, my darling.” He murmured distractedly, watching as the pace of pants entering and leaving your parted lips increased with that of his finger still rubbing your walls. “Do not worry, for i will never let her wrath find you.”
Having trouble making sense of his soothing words, you still let his voice comfort you as you searched for your own through the labyrinth of overwhelming thoughts and sensations. You came up blank, save for a single question, difficult to formulate in between frantic pants and gasps, mewls and moans when his finger reached unexpected places with a particularly well-aimed thrust.
“Y-you never told— told me your n-name,” You managed to get past your lips with great effort before he stole your breath altogether when he diligently added a second digit inside of you, doubling the fullness, doubling the brain-blistering pleasure.
Another one of those satisfied smirks graced his already striking features, and you managed to catch it right before your eyes screwed shut and you threw your head back in pure ecstasy, registering the sound of his voice when he answered, “You may call me Yoongi, my beautiful maiden.”
“Yoongi!” His name rolled of your tongue in a sigh annex a moan when the two fingers inside of you worked as one to rob you of any thoughts save for that single word. Your forehead sought support against his shoulder as you could not keep your hips from rocking onto his hand, trying to get the maddening pleasure of his defined knuckles deeper into your tightening core.
“I would hear you speak my name in such a manner for all eternity,” Yoongi let you know, a strange expression marring his beautiful face while he seemed to be missing yours, his free hand once again coming up to gently pull your chin up under a feather touch.
His eyes caught yours for the shortest of moments before your lips connected as if they had never been separated. You were overjoyed, back to being devoured as before, but the feeling was short-lived when his fingers abruptly disappeared from the snugness of your hot walls, leaving a woeful emptiness behind.
A soft whine sounded from within your throat, but you could not find the strength to pull away from the mind-numbing kiss to form a real complaint. Choosing not to break the kiss as well, Yoongi answered in similar fashion, a playful and reassuring groan echoing into your mouth while your lips molded against each other like melted wax. Slowly backing you against the edge of the spring, the grass tickling your naked shoulders, his hands slid from your hips and underneath the back of your thighs.
You did not expect to be lifted up so suddenly, so when your feet no longer touched the muddy ground of the spring, a surprised squeal became smothered against his lips as you braced yourself with your hands on his until you found security back in the form of soft moss and grass underneath your backside. When Yoongi broke the kiss once more, your confusion only intensified.
“Would you lay back for me, sweetheart?” He requested in the softest of tones, the heat that never left your cheeks flaring up tenfold as you looked down at the raven haired cause of your demise. He appeared extraordinarily sinful, presented between your legs as he was still waist-deep inside the water while you did as he said and laid back into the comfortable bed of vegetation on land.
“W-what will you-” You started, curiosity getting the better of you as you still attempted to peak down, your weight supported by your elbows. Before you could formulate the whole question, one of your legs found rest on top of one of his perfectly sculpted shoulder while his lips left a trail of slow, wet kisses along your skin.
He started at your calf and worked his way up until he reached your inner thigh, gentle sucks and nibbles littered across every available spot, the more north he traveled, the more the leg he held trembled with anticipation and sensitivity. All the while, his eyes were hooded as he focused on mapping out every hill and valley. When he reached your mound of Venus, his gaze found its way back on your face, which expression was dazed with the feeling of a thousand buzzing nerves humming in contentment at the pleasurable prickles he left behind across the entirety of your leg.
“The first delicacy i will serve you, sweet ___.” he murmurs, planting a chaste peck next to your groin and having you shiver at the proximity of his mouth near your sex. Never, not even in your wildest fantasies, would you have imagined a man’s lips so close to your lower ones. You’d heard stories of women and their husbands, where they had been requested to perform oral pleasure on their partners… the women as the performers, mind you, you had always thought it a strange but intriguing concept, like a special service. Nevertheless, you had always written it off as a way for men to feel superior to their spouses. You had not even once thought about the possibility of the men as the performers, despite your critical mind. Assuming that this man, this miraculous person, is going to do to you what you had heard women were expected to do to their husbands… With the roles reversed, what did that make you? What did it mean?
Your thoughts were rudely interrupted when a slick wetness glided along your hyper receptive slit, quite shallowly at first as he but licked a long stripe on the outside where both your outer and parts of your inner folds were bared before the caresses of his wet muscle. Just this simple action, knowing the more sensitive of skin has not yet been reached, already has you reeling in rapture. Two of his fingers spread your lips apart, revealing the soft, velvety tissue, so vulnerable and delicate to his touch.
Another soft groan, bordering on a whine, willingly slipped from Yoongi’s beautiful, swollen lips as he took in the sight of the treasure between your legs, needing a moment to take it all in. The moment was indeed exactly that; a moment. It did not last long before he dove face first into your hot center, eagerly lapping up your essence, richly flowing from the crevice of your tightness. The experience was entirely ludicrous, a fleeting note that if you had thought his fingers felt divine before, this was launching you directly into the heavens.
A strangled moan forced its way out of your lungs when his tongue curled around your little nub, hot and swollen with want, and his lips followed suit to suck not so gently as you would have expected him to, nor would you have wanted him to. Your whole body staggered, back arching from the ground and your head thrown back in utter disbelief of the insane onslaught of pleasure he was inflicting on your poor virgin vagina. Your fingers found shelter in his midnight locks, tugging at the strands and accompanied by your lips, a waterfall of lewd moans mixed with chants of his name with a mind absent thought, you appeared as if gone completely deranged.
Your delectable noises and the urgent tugs at his silken hair moved Yoongi to lose himself further into the devouring of your begging mound, paying special attention to your red hot clit as it made you spout particularly delirious nonsense when he did. You tasted absolutely palatable on his tongue, the nectar of the lotuses bland in comparison in his modest opinion, and the more he licked, the more he sucked, the more your own nectar flowed.
You would have considered him a man starved, not taking note of the context, considering how desperately he buried his face between your legs to lap up every single drop. He enjoyed it so much, he was almost disappointed to see you topple over the edge much too soon for his liking. You did so bathing in sweat, muscles tensing up and white blasting behind your tightly screwed eyes as you sobbed an attempt at his name, your fingers clenching around your angel of sin’s locks as if they were reigns. Your skin glistened with the exertion of pleasure rather than the water from the spring, your body steaming in the cool night air as your first orgasm attacked your every nerve. Never had you experienced anything of the sort in your life before, a feeling as though you were possessed. Maybe the people in your village did have a point.
Panting in aftermath, small sighs and gasps of lingering disbelief continued to fall from your lips, your eyes widely staring at the stars above you and your hazed mind trying to make sense of what had just occurred. Yoongi licked a final stroke of wetness across your slit, making you hiss in sensitivity and having him snicker mischievously in response. Your hands fell limp and slided from his hair to lay uselessly next to your weak, spent body.
He carefully pulled you back into the water, hands guiding your hips so you would slowly slide down the edge without hurting yourself. You had trouble finding your balance, your legs still wobbly and weak and your mind drunk on the bliss of a hard climax, but he made sure to support you well with his arms locked around your waist and your chests pressed together.
“Well,” He started, a smug smile plastered on his almost marble-like face as he studied your delirious one in amusement, “Did you enjoy your first course, sweetheart?”
An incredulous laugh found its way past your lips, your forehead resting against his as you couldn’t keep the stunned smile off your face, “That was...was....It was…” You shook your head and giggled softly, not for the first time that night unable to find words that matched with what you felt.
“Agreed,” Yoongi chuckled, pecking a soft kiss on your cheek that made you want to curl into a ball, “If you still have an appetite, we can move on to the next one.” He proposed, the tone in his voice tempting and promising.
“Consider me a glutton, then,” You bravely stated, a daring look in your eyes and an accepting one in his when they met again, “For i will be hungry as long as there are courses.”
His thumb fondly smoothed over the skin of your cheek as he looked at you like you were a dream. “Oh, sweet ___,” He sighed in wonder, “If only.”
You wished to ask him If only what? but you did not get much chance to when his lips were back on yours in an instant. This time, they moved with a purpose, an untamed craving that came from deep within. His arms dropped from your waist to settle on your behind instead, his large hands squeezing your asscheeks as he pulled you impossible closer to him. The hardened buds of your nipples grazed his torso and even the smallest of sensations like that made a shiver trickle down his skin, raising goosebumps on his arms that had nothing to do with the nightly breeze.
A strange object dug into your hip, your eyebrows creasing slightly as you let one of your hands descend into the water to identify it. Heat flared underneath your cheeks, your eyes wide in realization when your fingers closed around a hard, meaty shaft, attached to the god-like man in front of you. You have seen many a manhood during your life in the village, especially when the men got drunk and liked to boast with their cocks. Not that you had ever thought they had anything to boast with. You had never touched one before, however, feeling the weight of Yoongi’s in your hand, it felt nice. You felt excited, the nervousness somehow never breaking through. Not once during your encounter with your beautiful stranger since you had entered the water with him, had you felt nervous or scared. Despite this being your very first sexual experiences with a man.
A soft moan broke through your pondering thoughts, making you remember the fact that you were still holding his hardened length in your hand. Closing your fingers around the shaft a little more tightly, you attempted a hesitant stroke, making his hips respond immediately by bucking into your hand further, so you did it again. Gaining more confidence, you tried experimenting with varying pressure, smoothing your thumb over the head like he’d done with your bottom lip and earning a delicious moan from his lips. Within a minute, you were getting the hang of it, even finding enjoyment in the action as you watched various expressions cross his beautiful features. Mesmerized by the sight, you lost track of the vigor of which you were pleasuring him with, too absorbed in the way his lips parted for drawn out moans and furrowing eyebrows.
You had not expected a hand coming down and joining you underwater to halt your ministrations so quickly, panting breaths hot against the nape of your neck where Yoongi’s head laid to rest for a moment.
“Your enthusiasm leaves me in awe, sweetheart,” He chuckles breathlessly into your ear, “but it is time for me to serve you once more.”
Your heart leaped in your chest when his hand left yours to lift up your leg, hooking it over his arm to keep your thighs widely spread as you stood in the pool of water. Your back still rested against the edge of the spring, making it easier for you to keep your balance. His free hand replaced yours that was still wrapped around his girth, his hips nestling between your own as the head of his cock kissed your wet entrance.
The anticipation picked up the pace of your breathing, your chest heaving quickly as he brushed the engorged tip between your slick folds, collecting your arousal to make it nice and slippery. His eyes found yours again after both sets were temporarily staring mesmerized into the clear water, watching the distorted image of your actions through the ripples of the pool. A single nod is all it took for him to get permission to enter you, tentatively guiding his length inside your tight core, your walls mercilessly clenching around him. Whether it was to try and push out the foreign object or suck it further in, you could not tell. There was a screaming, nagging pain when you took in more of him, his girth significantly more broad than the two fingers he had used to pleasure you before. It felt like small tears on the inside, and the uncomfortable feeling lasted until he was sheathed to the hilt.
“How do you feel?” His breath staggered as he asked the question, his arms and legs shaking with sheer effort to keep still inside of you.
“It’s… quite alright.” You answered in all honesty, the pain ebbing away steadily as your tightness grew accustomed to the intruding thickness of his shaft. “Go on.”
Yoongi nodded, lips softly moving against your own in an attempt of soothing the awkward feeling of the first strokes inside of you when he slowly started to move his hips, coaxing you through the pain. It hurt no longer, although the feeling was not exactly to be described as very pleasant. You had started to miss Yoongi’s mouth on your little nub, but were surprised by the replacement of pain with pleasure after a few seconds of getting used to the stretch.
“Oh!” You exclaimed when a slightly sharper thrust hit a spot deep within you that had your eyes roll back for a moment. Uncomfortable grunts turned into delighted moans when the repeated movements started to feel good, making you feel full and satisfied instead of tolerating a painful stretch. “Yoongi…”
The sighed out moan of his name was his cue to take it up a notch now you were no longer uncomfortable, but receiving pleasure out of the way his hips snapped up and buried his cock deep inside. He pulled your leg up just a little higher, only to plummet himself deeper than he’s ever gone, the head of his cock hitting your inner sweet spot directly. Judging by the way your voice raised in pitch as well as decibels, he knew he’d aimed well. With this newfound angle, Yoongi continued to pound into you with a steady rhythm, hitting that spot over and over until you were a mess with your fingers tightly clutched into his hair once again, a warbling mess unable to form coherent words. He could not keep from moaning either, the feeling of your tight walls holding his cock in a vice-like grip and milking him for all he’s got.
“Y-Yoo-oon-gi!” His name left your mouth in sounds pulled apart by the powerful thrusts making you bob up an down and steal your breath, a pathetic attempt of a warning.
When he added pressure on your neglected little nub, sparks practically flew from your skin. You were tumbling head first into your second orgasm that night, dangerously fast for someone who has never experienced one before. It was all too much, too overwhelming, too sensitive and powerful and you let the tears stream down your cheeks as you could feel yourself reaching your peak, the knot in the pit of your stomach almost painfully tightening while Yoongi continued to rub your clit diligently.
“That’s it, sweetheart,” He cooed, giving you adoring kisses on your lips, your cheeks, your neck. His breathing was heavy as he, too, neared the edge of his release, “Let it all go for me.”
You could not hold back even if you had wanted to, so you did as he said and let go with one last choked back moan, one last swallowed sob, one last pull at his precious head of obsidian hairs. This climax knocked the wind out of your lungs, your clit on the brink of painful overstimulation but also not wanting him to stop the rubbing while you came all over his thick cock, still thrusting mercilessly into you in a less controlled rhythm compared to before. This announced the fact that Yoongi, too, was at his limit as his grunts and moans rose in pitch and frequency, your walls hot and wet and tight as they pulsed around his length until he could not fight it anymore and erupted inside of you, coating them in a layer of his hot, white, sticky seed. He kept you close to him as he filled you up until not a single drop was left to spill. He slowly slipped out of you when he went soft again, but held you inside his embrace for a little while longer so you could both relish in the afterglow. You listened to each other’s heavy breathing, soft sighs and relieved moans as fingers lazily caressed skin, soft kisses landed on the first patch of skin they could find. It was intimate, close, like you had forgotten you had been strangers at the beginning of the night. It felt like you had known each other your entire lives.
“You are divine,” Yoongi sighed in utter bliss, gently brushing your mussed hair back much like he had earlier this night, planting another adoring kiss on your lips, “my sweet ___.”
You wished you could revel in this warmth, this love, forever. With your head far up in the clouds above, you had nearly forgotten about the question that had burned on your tongue since you first laid eyes on him.
“I must ask,” you started, hesitantly, as you worried your bottom lip between your teeth, “are you human?”
A silence fell, but it was not uncomfortable. It was expectant, innocent. You watched the way his eyes never seized to shimmer like stars as he mulled over his answer while lightly caressing your face with the tips of his fingers.
“I can not say that i am.” He finally answered, a light huff leaving his slightly curled up lips.
“I never thought you were.” You admitted. “Then, if i may, what are you? Are you an angel?”
An adoring smile giving you a peak of the slightest bit of gums spread across his face, a beauty you were sure you could never get used to even if the heavens would grant you an additional thousand years of life. “I’m afraid I am quite a bit older than the angels that you know, sweet ___. My heritage goes back further than the existence of your God.”
You looked at him expectantly, knowing there was more to his identity, his story. Noticing the curious gleam in your eyes, he continued.
“My father was a lover of the beautiful Goddess Aphrodite,” He sighed, not out of exasperation but more so out of a strange kind of acceptance of the story he was going to share with you, “she was rather fond of him, you know. He wasn’t handsome but he was beautiful. A delicate beauty that seemed to make the moon look bleak in comparison.”
“You are much like your father then?” You carefully inquired, a soft smile encouraging him to go on.
“In terms of looks at least, i suppose,” He smiled back, letting you know it was alright to ask questions, “I have never met my parents, personally. I only know their story, since it is also mine.”
“What happened?”
“Aphrodite wished to keep him for herself exclusively. She was not possessive of nature and was content loving each and every man that appealed to her the same. For some strange reason, with him, she felt differently.”
You listened intently, intrigued by the tales of which you’ve read about in books you secretly stole from the town’s library from time to time. Gods, Goddesses, Aphrodite...lovers. It was all true.
“He fell in love with a Naiad, a water nymph from Megara. Her name was Yiloise.”
“Your mother.” You understood.
“My mother.” He confirmed with a small nod of his head. “Does that answer your question?”
You nodded back slowly, amazed at that single fact , “So you are a nymph…”
“I am. Does that repel you?” He teased.
“On the contrary,” You suppressed an excited giggle. You had never thought nymphs and other mythical beings to exist up until you’d slept with one. “What happened to the Goddess Aphrodite, though?” You wondered out loud.
“That, my sweet ___, is why i am here.” Yoongi explained, a slightly sombre expression casting a shadow on his radiant beauty, “In a fit of jealousy, she punished my mother by taking me from her after she gave birth to me, only to banish me to this forest forever. I was meant to waste away here for all eternity.”
Having not expected such a tragic turn of events, you fell silent. You pitied him, even though you tried to fight it, and he picked up on it.
“Do not feel sorrow for me, sweetheart.” He gave you another reassuring, soft smile, halting the welling tears in your eyes from spilling past the border. “I am not alone. I never am.”
“I do not wish to leave you.” You told him, your voice but above a whisper as your heart felt crushed by a stone at the mere thought of being separated from this exquisite being.
“You will never have to.” He hushed you, his soft lips pressing a familiar kiss to yours and lifting the weight from your chest instantly. “I will see to it.”
As you melted away in each other’s warm embrace within the cold spring, time seized to exist as all that mattered was that he was yours and you were his, and you forgot about the village, about the wolves, about the world. Your only wish was to stay by his side, forever.
And so another never returned from the haunted forest, fallen into the clutch of the ancient soul it harbored.
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weezy-pup · 6 years
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I decided to redo my previous ship chart post because there were some changes. I also wanted to explain why I ship this characters and what the different colors mean to me.
Ship chart made by @culoniforsx
Now I am explaining myself being a lot of people seem to be confused of why I ship certain characters together. I accept no hate on ships. I don’t hate on ships and neither should you. Any hate comment will be deleted and I will block you if you persist
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OTPs: This are ships that I absolutely love and I think would mostly because canon (in my opinion) -Izuocha: This is clearly the most canon ship and we can see why. Both characters clearly care for each other and do have a crush on each other. They are the cute shy couple type and it my heart full just seeing them shipped. -Kiribaku(Bakushima): As many might know this is they most popular ship of the series despite Izuocha being more canon. This is most likely to be canon in most people’s opinion but that’s not why I love it. I love both boys dearly and how they just match each other well. Bakugou has grown a lot throughout the series but so has Kirishima and their relationship. Unlike Izuocha, the boy didn’t start out in good terms (heck Bakugou hated everyone and Kirishima thought he was crazy). But as time went on their relationship grew into friendship (and maybe more). Now I’m not going to be mad if it doesn’t become canon, because its no one decision but the creator. I will however be screaming for days if it does. -Ojiro and Hagakure (idk if they even have a ship name): Now these two I’m pretty sure are only shipped together because like other ships they have had a great amount of screen time together but not much else. I ship them because I love their chemistry they have together. Ojiro being a shy but protective guy and Hagakure being a cute but confident. It sort of goes well together in my opinion. Plus I love my girl Hagakure~ -Kamijiro: This ship is another that is majorly hinted at but its still unclear if its going to be canon or not. Kaminari has shown interest in many girls, seeing how he’s trying to be a player of sort, but one girl that he seems to stick around with is Jiro. He doesn’t seem to push himself at her as he has done with others so it seems he really does like her and doesn’t want to be rejected. Jiro has also been seen to blush around him and also been angry with him when he’s being pervy (possible jealous). Plus they seem to get along based on some similar interest. They definitely click together. -Todomomo: This is another ship that people ship due to much screen time together. Now I can’t say how Todoroki feel but Yaoyorozu may have a crush on him due to his help and encouragement towards her. Now I personally ship them because of this crush Yaoyorozu and their status. What I mean is they are both rich kids more or less. Now I’m not saying rich should get with rich only, I’m saying they probably have some similarities due their status and could relate in ways they couldn’t with the others. I also like the thought of Todoroki protecting Yaoyorozu but she showing him what its like to be loved. Its a soft and slow relationship that I love. -Miritama: Now this ship seems to popular due to the long term relationship that Togata and Amakiji have had. They do have a long past together and know each other extremely well. This is one of those “childhood friends to lovers” kind of ships. Plus they fact Togata is bright and outgoing balances well with Amakiji’s shy and gloomy personality.
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Like: Now these are ships I still love a whole lot (maybe even as much as the OTPs) but I don’t see as likely as the OTPs. -Bakudeku: This ship is very triggering to some but a lot of people (like me) really do enjoy this ship. This ship is well like due to Bakugou’s growth in the series. Bakugou has been showing Midoriya a lot more kindness than in the past and slowly working into being friends again (possibly). Which why people like the ship, bully to lovers is fairly heart warming type of ship. Seeing people change is always great and a little angst before fluff makes it worth more. Now I also like the whole angst of Bakugou liking Modoriya but due to their relationship in the past Midoriya doesn’t feel the same way. (this could just end Bakugou being sad forever or getting into another ship) -Todobaku: I love this ship so much (not as much as Kiribaku or Bakudeku but very close). This is one of those love hate kind of ships. Like they hate each other to start but fall in love in the middle of it all. Plus Bakugou need a strong man to take him down once in a while. -Seromina: Now a lot of people ship this because “They are the only bakusquad members without a ship” (this is if they ship kiribaku and kamijiro). Now I ship them together because I like Sero being the calm rational one while Ashido is they wild crazy outgoing one. Not saying Sero is a stick in the mud but I like to think Ashido would drag him into something stupid. And he’s go with it because he loves her but he’d also be there to stop things from getting to crazy. - Tokotsuyu: This is another cause of “they shared screen time together” type of ship. Now I ship them because they work well together, both in fighting and in personality. They are both calm and rational thinkers making them great teammates but also compatible relationship wise. I think their animal like quirk also gives them some similarities to connect with. Plus I love the thought of Asui being cute (unintentionally) and Tokoyami doesn’t know how to handle something so bright and pure. -Momojiro: This is a great due to their personality being very different. Its like proper rich girl meet rocker punk girl. Very romantic and very heart warming. I can see them getting together by accident, Jiro just thinking she admires Yaoyorozu and Yaoyorozu just being clueless to her own feelings. Very cute and slow pace type of romance. -Tetsukami: xkumah (sadly no longer on tumblr) got me hooked onto this ship. Its makes sense quirk wise, steel attracts electric. To be honest though Kaminari seems slightly ooc when shipped with Tetsutetsu. Like way more flamboyant and less after women, so in like a “Kaminari is gay AU” is only how this ship comes to be. Now I don’t like making characters ooc for a ship but this is the only one that seems harmlessly fun. -Inatodo: This ship is hard to explain. Its great because well because Yoarashi hated Todoroki but then didn’t? I guess I do like how Yoarashi is loud and optimistic and Todokoki is quiet and secluded to himself. They are polar opposite but both uses an element type quirk. -Tetsukendo: Now there isn’t much interaction with these two but Tetsutetsu has shown great support for Kendo. Now I ship them because I love the idea of Kendo having someone there to support her. She seems like the big sister of her class or even the leader of her class, meaning she has to fill the role of supporting everyone else. The idea of Tetsutetsu cheer her on, checking up on her, or even protecting her, just warm my heart so much. Now I’m not saying she needs protection because she a strong independent woman who can stand on her own but I’m weak for strong characters being treated gentle (aka Kirishima with Bakugou). -Erasermic: Now this is another case of “childhood friends to lovers” and also a “opposite attracts” type of relationship. They both known each other for a long time so know each other very well (and have time to develop a deep relationship). They are also completely opposite yet still friends, Yamada is loud and proud while Aizawa is quiet and tired. Despite their personally being way different they still have been friends through this whole time so its not hard to see them getting into a relationship as well. Plus is cute to think of Aizawa and Yamada being proud parents of Eri (and Shinso lol)
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Okay: These are ships I like but just not as much as the others. -Midoriya and Asui (no idea what this ship name): This ship is another I’m unsure why I like. It does seem cute and Asui does have much respect for Modoriya that could turn into a crush. Asui is confident why Modoriya is shy so a good contrast in personality, could lead to cute scenes. -Kaminari and Uraraka (I don’t this is popular to have a ship name): I saw this ship on Instagram and honestly I can see it. Uraraka is typical nice cute girl and Kaminari is a player type. Sort of jock player meets shy nice girl type of relationship. Either way I like is and can see cute moments between the two, -Iida and Todoroki (man a lot of my lower ships don’t have names lol): This is similar to Todoroki and Yaoyorozu in the fact Todoroki and Iida would share similarities in status. This is also another of I’m unsure why I ship it. I just like the ship. -Iida and Yaoyorozu (no ship name): I kinda lowkey ship but not quite lowkey. I have no reason for this ship. They both have status and both are the smartest in the class. I think Iida would treat Yaoyorozu beautifully gentle. -Iida and Hatsume (idk if this has a ship name): This is shipped because of the interaction during the sports festival. But its cute to think of Iida taking care of an over work Hatsume. And Hatsume making Iida test her new inventions but of course only because she trusts him. -Serobaku: Now I saw this floating around in a group of shipping the bakusquad with Bakugou. I kind of like the idea of Sero taking care of Bakugou. I feel like Sero more calm nature is something Bakugou would like and be relax around. - ShinAshido: This is similiar of why I like the Seromin ship. Shinso is quiet reserved and uninterested in being around people while Ashido is loud out going and loves to be around people. I can see Ashido dragging Shinso out to socialize but despite not liking being other he goes for her. But I also can see them have quiet relaxing time together, cuddling while watching a movie. -Kyoji(?): This is ship due to their interaction during the midterm exam. I love the idea of Jiro being protective of Koda while he is being soft with her. He would treat her with care and love while she is embarrassed by it but still happily holds his hand. -Mineta and Yaoyorozu: Here a ship people seem confused by. They’ve interacted quite a bit throughout the series, mostly due to Mineta being a pervert. I will state, I don’t hate Mineta. I see why he’s there and how he gives comedy and is the punching bag of the class. Now I won’t going into a rant why people hate Mineta but its clearly being his character is unattractive mixed with his pervert personality. Now the reason for the ship, I believe people can change (like how Bakugou has). And because of this I think Mineta could change his perverted was, once he knows what love feels like. I like to think once he falls in love with Yaoyorozu he’d try to impress her but fail many many time before she finally catches on. -Shoji and Tokoyami: This is another due to screen time together. Though it does seem like Shoji and Tokoyami have some sort of friendship and respect for each other. I like the ship because of how big Shoji is compare to Tokoyami. Its cute to think Shoji has to pick Tokoyami up for a kiss. -Kenmono: This ship is due to the usual relationship they have. Kendo seems to be Monoma’s care taker, keeping him out of trouble and shutting him up. Kendo seems like she be a tsudere when it came to Monoma, which would probably end up him being knocked out if she thinks he’d find out of her feelings. -Erasermight: Now I don’t ship this as much as I use to but I think its still cute. Its sort of the same concept as Erasermic but more calm.
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Maybe: These are ships that I lowkey like, I’m very new to, or I’m just unsure of right now. -Shinso and Midoriya: This is a unsure one. The ship post I’ve seen are cute but I’m unsure how the relationship would go. Like I see them being good friends but I’m unsure right now about a relationship. -Tsuchako: This a fairly popular ship (most popular femslash next to Momojiro), but I’m unsure about it. I like the ship interaction but its seems like just friends things than lovers. But I’m indifferent right now. -Bakujiro: Funny enough I got in this ship because of franeridart. I’m unsure if they actually ship it or not but I love their interaction post they have with Bakugou and Jiro. I think the two would be calm with each other and share similar interest. They would be the “non secret relationship but no one can tell either way”, which doesn’t bother them until Kaminari tries to hit of Jiro and Bakugou gets mad. -Kamibaku: This is another unsure one. I’ve seen some cute picture on pinterest but there really isn’t much with these two. Other picture I’ve seen is a very “feminine” Kaminari and I’m not into that. I guess I could see it but I’m not seeing it enough to hold interest right now. -Bakumomo: This is pleasant one. Its sort of “outcast bully falls for pretty rich girl”. Its cute, full of drama, and fluff all around. I think Yaoyorozu would bring out the softer side of Bakugou while he bring out the confidence in her. -Aizawa and Bakugou: Now before you give me any shit on this remember, its a ship not real people and I mention nothing sexual between the two. Its sort of like when kid have crushes on their teachers, it happens. I’m not going into much of this expect for I think Aizawa would defeat Bakugou with his life. -Minayama: I really use to ship this but now not so much. I kind of see Aoyama not being in a relationship, but I still low key ship this because I think Ashido could show him more that himself lol. -Kaminari and Ashido: Well they’re both airheads? Lol, I’m joking. I read a couple of fan fics were they were background couple and thought, “Yes, I could see that happening” -Aizawa and Asui: Same with the Aizawa and Bakugou one, not going to much into it just I remember seeing really cute ship art on pinterest. -Mineta and Asui: I can see this for the sole fact Asui is the only girl willing to talk with Mineta and can put him in his place. -Kamisero: I kind of don’t like this ship because of how feminine people make Kaminari. I just don’t like characters changing so much just for a ship (the only exception is Tetsukami). It just why change him to fit into a ship? I guess if I saw more of Kaminari being himself I would ship it more, but right now its on the fence. -Shinso and Kaminari: I’m unsure with this one because of the recent interaction between the two in the manga. Like Kaminari laying down some accidental flirts to Shinso is cute! But how would their relationship blossom? I think it could work if people don’t change Kaminari a bunch for this ship too. -Sero and Todoroki: This a recently new discovered ship that I’m unsure if I’m into yet or not. I like what I’ve seen but I’m unsure how they would actually interact. -Shinso and Monoma: I honestly just see this as a one sided love, that being Monoma falling for Shinso but not realizing it just becomes very clingy to him.
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Dislike: This are not necessarily ship I hate just ship I can’t personally ship myself. -Tododeku: This is an extremely popular ship and I’m unsure why. Modoriya and Todoroki don’t really have a relationship vibe going on. Its more like Todoroki just made his first friend ever and Modoriya is just being nice like he is with literally everyone else. So I don’t see the deal with it I guess. -Kacchako: I don’t like this ship very well. I can only see this ship happening if Modoriya didn’t exist or had became a villian, then maybe I could see this ship, maybe. But something I don’t get with the ship name “ Kacchako “, why use kacchan, the childhood nickname MODORIYA uses, as part of their ship name? Its almost a huge slap the Modoriya himself. Like “Haha I bullied you and now I’m taking the only girl you might of had a chance with” Like what the-? I get why people ship it I really do but I just get a weird gut twist sick feeling seeing them together. So I can’t explain why I don’t like them other than he looks better with Modoriya. -Kirimina: Ok this one is simple, I don’t like this ship because of the past relationship Kirishima and Ashido shared. Now I know this is a reason why lots of people do ship this is because they have a past together but other than that why? I don’t think they are good because technically Ashido made him feel like he was useless. Now I’m not saying that’s her fault or anything but I feel like she was a good blow to his self esteem and its hard to let that go sometimes. Now I know Bakugou is better than Kirishima but he helps Kirishima be someone that can be equal to him. Ashido kind of didn’t know or unsure how to help. They really didn’t have a close relationship younger, just happen to go to the same school. Plus their personalities don’t mesh well together in my opinion. -Kiritetsu: This to me just feel like dating yourself or dating your twin sort of thing. I know they aren’t the same but they were made to be close to the same so it still feels that way to me. -Nejitama: Mostly because Amajiki seems to gay and Hado seems to lesbian lol. -All Might and Inko: This, why is this even a ship? Yagi is already Modoriya’s father figure why go any further with that? You guy also realize the major age gap too right? Now age gaps don’t bother me but some of you seem bother by it (you know when I student is ship with a teacher, even aged up). I just don’t see Inko being that type of woman either, I feel she is either loyal to her husband still or is much more focus on Modoriya. And I’m sorry to say (despite my Erasermgiht ship), if Yagi wanted to date he would have had someone already. Now maybe he did date but hero work got in the way, that still means he wouldn’t date. Yes he’s retired now but he still has loads of villains who would try to get back at him now so his hero duties will technically never be over.
I didn’t do brotp because that’s to many and obvious anyways. There might be a lot I’m missing because there are a lot of ships in the fandom. If I didn’t mention a ship and you want to know my opinion then let me know. I may not even know about or just forgot to mention it. If you even have more questions on what I mention already please feel free to ask (but please read through first before asking), No hate comment, I will delete them. If you have an opinion that’s great but negative opinions will be considered hate and still deleted. If you have an actual discussion you want to talk about then that’s fine, but “Ew you like that ship, well I don’t” isn’t a discussion (that’s a hate comment more or less).
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monster-alien-chode · 6 years
Tom Holland...and your cat, a head canon
Im going to do a part two of this with a dog which will come very shortly after this...this is my second time trying to write this and im doing it on tumblr instead of google docs sooo yeet...oof this might be bad so endure with me here folks.... Paring; Tom Holland X Reader Warnings: unedited+ idk how to spell 
not my gif 
You were an animal person no doubt about it 
you didn’t label you animal love as a dog or cat person you were just an animal person
You always said you fell in love with who the animal was not what the animal was
And ever since freshman year of college the only man in your life was your blue Russian cat Charles
Charles was your cuddle buddy and therapist and you loved him dearly and he loved you just the same
your friend teased you for your cat lady status but once they met Charles they understood he was the biggest sweetheart
you loved dogs to you had to stop yourself from buying the dogs that you saw at shelters, mainly because you didn’t really have the money to take care of a full feldged furry family, even though one day you really wanted to have one
Every weekend you volunteered at animal shelter to give back to all the cute furry friends that you wanted to adopt but couldn’t
but you and Charles were tight none the less
But now Charles was not the only man in your life
You had been dating Tom for a long time now almost a year, kisses hugs and i love yous exchanged already
Tom wasn’t aware of Charles yet, even though he had been o your place before but somehow he had never seen him
which was alright with you because you were a little nervous for what would happen when they did met just because you knew of his distaste for cats
you didn’t mean to to omit the fact that you had a cat to Tom it just never came up in the beginning and then you just never said anything after that because the longer you waited the weirder saying it would be
but you never hid the cat food bowl when he came over he just never asked about it
you had met Tessa and fell in love with her instantly
that was one of the things Tom loved about you was how much you loved animals
buuuuuttt one fateful day you were sick chilling on your couch watching bad free movies on the TV with Charles sitting on your chest purring like a tugboat as you pet him and kissed his face
Tom knew you were sick so he came to bring you soup being the amazing boyfriend that he was
he had a key to your place and you his 
SO when he opened your door to hear you talking to someone
“Charles you’re so cute” he heard you giggle
“Ohh thank you for the kisses.”
Tom suddenly became angry, he wasn’t a jealous or angry person but in that moment he was
he set down the soup cantainer and walked into the living room with his eyebrows furrowed
“Whats going on in he--” Tom stated before he saw the scene before him
you cuddling a cat looking up at him with a wide eyed sorry look
“Y/N...what is, going on. YOu have a cat?”
You looked at him with a slight awkward smile
“Yeeeesss...i do have a cat.” 
“Okay, why did i know about it?” Tom said confused but smiling at your adorable face while you pet your cat
Then you began rushing to explain 
“I know you don’t particularly like cats but Charles, thats his name is just a sweetie and i wont get rid of him ever and i’m sorry i never told you but to be fair you never asked’
tom started laughing
“Darling i would never make you get rid of your cat i love you and i’ll love whatever you love”
“really?” you said with a wide smile
“Of course love, when i walked in i thought you were messing around with some div but if you’re just making our with a cat then i’m all good” he says laughing
You hit him on the shoulder playfully as he sat down next to you
Time has now passed between when he first meet Charles
Now you guys have moved in together and Charles and Tessa have become friends (Which was so heart warming thing that ever happened in your life)
Charles had become acostem to Tom and one day you woke up to Him sleeping atop of Tom you made sure to snap a pick to savor forever
Tom would time to time become jealous of Charles role in your life as cuddle buddy, even thought he too reserved that right
But some nights you would be snuggled up with Charles and Tom would look at you with sad puppy dogs eyes 
You would say you didn’t want to move Charles and he would say that two can play at game and get tessa to snuggle up too
but tessa wiggled over to you and snuggled wtih you and Charles
You looked back at tom with a grin and a look that said ‘haha i won’
Tom would then plop down next to you and cuddle with you and your furry family
You were a happy person these days you got your family and a wonderful man beside you who would love you no matter what and you would love him
(HAHAHA this was prob bad but i just needed to write it because its been floating around my brain for a few days i’m going to do a dog one too if ou want to stick around for that i hope you enjoyed have a good day friends!!!)
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bestiatexere · 6 years
what even is this idk @lachalaine
From the familiar scent that had lingered on the path and that still floated around his front door, Kavik knew his brother was already inside the house (and had been there for a while).
Huh. Chesh was early? That was a rare occurrence for sure unless…he was up to something.
Of course.
Kavik rubbed his face and mentally prepared himself for what might come. Was it going to be a confetti explosion again? A hundred strings of twinkling lights wrapped around every surface? Or maybe, irritating Christmas songs playing each time he moved?
It had been a while since Chesh last did something crazy or went overboard. He loves this time of year, Kavik reminded himself in the effort to increase his tolerance, it helps him, just go with it.
Pushing down the dread, he opened the door and headed inside the house. His eyes immediately swept around for traces of trouble or Chesh, but aside from the shoes, travel bag, and clothes strewn around the entryway, there were no traces of the younger shifter’s antics.
No confetti. No lights. No songs or even decorations.
Kavik stepped further inside with slow, soundless steps while continuing his visual search. Nothing was out of place...How unnerving...He made his way through to the lounge, vigilant the entire journey, eyes restless.
Like the rest of the house, this room was designed with nature in mind, in natural tones and materials so that the shifter blood and soul would feel at ease. It was an open plan space, with support beams mimicking trees, and the impression that fauna and wildlife were blending into the building, welcoming each other.
The animal hearts were relaxed and free here, unlike within the stifling concrete and metal of the cities.
And there was Chesh. Unsurprisingly shirtless (shifters took every opportunity to be free from clothes) and flopped face down on the couch. Kavik approached with a frown and then jabbed a finger against his brother’s shoulder as if to wake him.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” Kavik asked, his words heavy and blunt like a hammer, cracking the silence, his focus absolute.
Chesh flinched and groaned at the sudden touch, turning his head to eye him with a petulant pout, “What was that for?”
Kavik was immediately reminded of when 5 year old Chesh would give him that same look after being told it was time to get up or that he wouldn’t get his way. The image was clear in his mind, the little boy with messy curls, bright eyes, and expressions that would change in an instant. Chesh had been, and would always be, an emotional sort, the type who swung from mood to mood and wore his heart on his sleeve. To a degree, anyway. He hid things from most people, charmed his way out of reach, never let anyone see him down unless it was for some other purpose of his...
After growing up together, Kavik could tell (with 90% accuracy) when Chesh was being genuine or not, and it helped that he was one of the few that his brother did lower his guard and pretenses around.
The way Chesh currently slumped on the couch, like a fallen puppet whose strings of motivation and life had been cut, told him that something was not right. It was…uncharacteristic of Chesh to be so still and unenergized.
Kavik’s hard tone came again. “Just tell me. What’s wrong with you?”
“What do you mean? There’s nothing wrong with me.”
“Yeah, there is. There’s no Christmas shit all over the place. Where’s all the tinsel and lights?”
“Huh?” Chesh glanced around with a touch of confusion, a frown forming again. “You hate all that stuff.”
Hasn’t stopped you before, Kavik wanted to say with a snort, but instead he gave a little shrug and countered, “But you love it, always make a mess of my place with it. And besides, I don’t really hate it, I just don’t wanna do it or have it all through my house.”
Chesh blinked and seemed to take a minute to process that, then he shrugged too but otherwise made no move. “Oh, well, I just don’t feel like it this year.”
“That’s my point,” Kavik said with a roll of his eyes, “What’s wrong with you?”
“It’s not very nice asking it like that. And it’s the first thing you’ve said to me. Don’t I even get a hello anymore?”
He could sense the faux hurt Chesh was gathering, the attempt at guilt-tripping and distraction. Oh, here we go. He pinned him with a serious look to cut it off, “You’re avoiding the question.”
Perhaps Chesh realised that there was no fooling him, because he then sighed and seemed to somehow slump down more with a defeated grumble, “There’s nothing wrong with me, I’m just tired...”
With a slow breath to try shove down his frustration, Kavik rubbed his forehead and then studied his brother once more. Chesh was right, there was nothing wrong with him…physically at least. He was still fit and healthy, no scent of sickness on him. The emotional indicators were a little strange (seeming to signal a deep sadness) which would explain the current mood…but what he found most unusual was the strong presence of a human’s scent on him, and the fact that it seemed to have partially merged with Chesh’s own scent signature.
It was the sort of thing that happened when a shifter started to bond with someone else, most often when a pair became long-term mates at least. Had Chesh really connected with someone so much? With a human?
“There’s nothing wrong with me,” repeated Chesh, likely feeling the stare burning into him.
But Kavik didn’t push further, choosing instead to ask, “Where have you been hanging around lately? You haven’t been to your place much and you haven’t gone around bothering me and everyone else in a while.”
“Aww, have you missed me?” The teasing, playful tone Chesh was most known for finally made an appearance, along with a smile. And it made Kavik roll his eyes yet again.
“No. Just answer the damn question.”
Chesh’s face, though half pressed against the couch, lit up with a momentary grin at the irritated response. It then faded, and he turned his face against the couch more, his voice a mumble, “I made a friend, that’s all...Is that okay?”
The question, despite being quiet, held the trace of a challenge. Rarely did Chesh ever push like that, even during his ‘rebellious’ phase as a teen. Strange.
Kavik’s expression tightened, but he took another breath and then relaxed and sat himself on one of the armchairs. “Depends if it’s gonna be a problem or not…-”
And it could easily become a big problem.
“-Why you getting so close to a human anyway? It’s affecting you.”
They both heard it. Chesh’s heartbeat speeding up.
Kavik watched him closely; watched the way his eyes darted away, and how he chewed his lip in an almost guilty way. He saw the faint flush on his cheeks and the moment the casual, nonchalant appearance took over his features to cover up the worry.
Chesh spoke the lies easily, “It’s not. It’s just that I’m around her a lot, yknow? It’s just scent transfer and all.”
Easily spoken, yes, but Kavik was not the easily convinced type. He raised an eyebrow and adjusted himself in the chair, affecting a more relaxed and nonthreatening position.
“Uh huh, right…” he said slowly, “So who is ‘she’?”
The heartbeat, which had just started to settle down, kicked into higher gear once again. Funny, how the sign of life was such a dead giveaway...
Hesitation permeated every inch of Chesh, brought in and held there by reluctance. He looked like someone who would make a run for it out the nearest exit at any moment, shouting something like ‘you’ll never take me alive!’
What was the big deal? Was he in some sort of trouble? Was the woman dangerous?
He’s not gonna answer…
Should he push him? Or just drop it? Curiosity and a certain protectiveness and worry prodded at him to push and push, but his logical side warned him that it might go very wrong. Chesh might close up completely and leave, the usually buried stubbornness coming out to the forefront and digging in.
Hmm. Maybe it was time to give Chesh a taste of his own medicine. A dose of guilt-tripping shouldn’t be too hard to come up with, right? Kavik was the direct sort (Chesh only liked to be so when it suited him) and disliked mucking around with games and manipulation, but it couldn’t be beyond his capabilities to mimic his brother’s methods. Just because he didn’t usually bother with it, didn’t mean he would be bad at it, did it? All he had to do was what he would do and get him talking-
The name came out in a sigh from Chesh and drew Kavik’s complete attention back to him, in time for him to see a soft smile brighten.
And suddenly Chesh twisted around and sat up, his words spilling out in a rush of energy, “She’s Jackie, and she’s the best. She’s really funny, and cute and so pretty and she’s a DJ and she has a cute kittycat called Lemon. She has amazing purple hair, Jackie I mean, not Lemon, Lemon is a white fluff ball. Jackie is not a fluff ball, except sometimes in the morning if her hair is crazy…but she is sooo cute and short! And really good at petting and cuddles and she has such a nice voice and she loves swimming and diving and she has treasures! And she has really pretty eyes and the best smile and laugh…”
The energy evaporated and Chesh trailed off, his eyes unfocused, his mind clearly elsewhere. If Kavik was the fanciful type, he might have imagined seeing love hearts floating around his brother’s head, like in some sort of cartoon. As it was, he could pick up on the emotional signals from him, the subtle scents that were now as obvious as flashing neon lights, and were perhaps the equivalent to the floating hearts, telling him that Chesh was filled with affection for this human, and their bond was growing stronger with each minute spent together.
Holy shit.
Silence flooded the room with its heavy presence, creating heightened awareness of what had just been said.
Chesh, who was never usually the type to be affected by embarrassment, held a faint blush once again and turned his face away to hide it.
Jackie. Funny. Cute. Pretty. Purple. Short. Petting.
It took a moment for Kavik to process the key words, and the fact he had never heard Chesh ramble about a woman like that before. Cute animals, games, movies, food, places…yes, he’d heard many excited rambles from his brother about those things, but…another person? No, it just didn’t happen. Unless famous people counted perhaps. Was this woman famous? It sounded as if Chesh almost idolised her…
There were feelings there in any case. Maybe Chesh would give everything away now.
Kavik let the silence sit for a moment longer before going against his usual behaviour and breaking it, “So…you’re ‘friends’ with this ‘Jackie’?”
“Yeah…” It was another of those lovey-dovey sighs, but was followed by a hesitant hum and addition, “Kinda.”
“Kinda.” Kavik repeated it flatly. Leopards were generally patient, able to wait until the right moment to strike during a hunt, but this had gone on too long. He wanted answers already, it wasn’t normally so difficult to get them! 
“What the hell does that mean?” he asked, forcing a growl out of his voice, “You’re either friends or something else. How’d you meet her? At a club? Or what, is she one of your hook-ups but you got attached?”
“No!” The scandalised look accompanying that emphatic answer might have been funny in a different situation. It was hard to believe that Chesh would linger long enough with someone to get attached…oh but maybe the reaction was more to do with not wanting to relegate the woman to the side of meaningless sexual encounters?
An ache began to push into Kavik’s head and eyes, as if he’d spent too long staring at a complex puzzle. Something was going on. Chesh was changing, had already changed, and he’d missed it, clueless about what his little brother was going through. His heart and stomach sunk with the failure but were lifted by a sense of determination to improve.
He rubbed at his temples and huffed out a breath. Frustration at himself and at being in the dark was starting to turn into confusion and curiosity, “So you’re not fucking her?”
He wasn’t sure what he expected from the crude question, another emphatic ‘No’ maybe…but Chesh gave a short, low growling huff instead and looked away.
“Of course I’m not…”
‘Of course I’m not’…Kavik’s mind stumbled over the words. He even leaned back further in his chair, as if distance from his brother would somehow help him see the bigger picture of what he meant.
Of course? As in…obviously? As in…’don’t be ridiculous, there’s no way I would’.
His brother. Chesh. The playboy. The flirt. The guy whose sex-drive was through the roof and who had the charm and looks to never have to spend the night alone…was not having sex with the woman he clearly had feelings for? ‘Of course.’
The headache grew stronger. Maybe everything was being thought about a bit too much.
“Alright then...” said Kavik, starting to have an uncharacteristically creative worry that he might have walked into some sort of alternate universe when he’d entered the house. It was simply too strange to see Chesh this way. ‘Jackie’ must be one special woman. “Does she know what you are?”
Chesh sighed and flopped back on the couch. “No…She doesn’t even know I exist.”
Relief eased Kavik’s shoulders, but confusion scrunched his face as he processed the second statement, which was not even delivered in an overly dramatic fashion for once. “…What?”
“She doesn’t know me.” Chesh’s hands came up and covered his face, muffling the next words, “We…haven’t actually met properly.”
If the human scent wasn’t all over him, Kavik might have thought Chesh had well and truly gone nuts, and he might have doubted whether or not the human really was human. A witch seemed more likely. Some sort of love spell being involved would make sense.
“What do you mean you haven’t met? Who the hell is she?”
Chesh seemed to realise he’d said too much, he lowered his hands but avoided eye contact and appeared to find the couch cushions very interesting. But then there was a casual shrug. “I’m kinda…her…roommate? Uh…Pet? As a leopard…She, uh…calls him Kit.”
The recollection gave Chesh a smile, but apparently woke up ‘Kit.’ Kavik caught sight of the leopard in his brother’s eyes, and there was a light imprint of rosettes along his skin, a proper shift threatening to happen. Chesh shook his head and ran a hand through his hair. There was a faint, feline whine, but Chesh cut it off with a soothing ‘shh’ to his other side under his breath. He must have regained full control then, as the signs of the shift disappeared like they’d never been.
Likely to pretend that small incident hadn’t happened, Chesh spoke up again, this time with an explanation. “It was night and I was at the park, in a tree because I needed some nature time, y’know? And then she came along, and I accidentally scared her and made her hit her head a few times, and I couldn’t just shift back, but I wanted to make sure she was okay and all and then just…I dunno…I ended up staying at her place for a bit…and then more. And I really like it there…with her. We watch movies and stuff together and she pets me lots and she smells really nice and she’s so cuddly and soft. She decorated her place all pretty and Christmassy, but she’s gone to be with her family for the holidays…which is good, because I can be here without her wondering where I am…so it just works out well really…”
Silence settled in once again as the words faded and Kavik tried to wrap his head around them.
Oh, if only there was a rewind button, so that the rushed-out story could be recounted again (and maybe ‘paused’ so there could be a Q&A session). Maybe it would make more sense the second time. The only thing that was clear to him was that Chesh was trying not to miss the woman. And he was failing completely.
It was coming together now. He understood why the leopard had to be talked down moments ago, and why Chesh was struggling and moping. Shifters were not wholly human and were not wholly animal. They were both, two sides, two souls. Both needed acknowledgement and attention, especially from loved ones. It was never a good idea to suppress one side over the other…but of course there wasn’t much choice in this situation, Jackie was a clueless human, and that was another reason for caution.
“You need to be careful, Chesh, I don’t want SIAP on my ass. You know what could happen. Hell, it’s a miracle they haven’t already taken you in about this.”
Supernatural Incidents and Awareness Prevention. They weren’t afraid to interfere for ‘the greater good’ and wipe memories of humans that got too close to things they shouldn’t, the ones that freaked out and risked the balance of things.
Chesh winced, looking very much like he had just been punched in every vulnerable spot he had. No doubt he was imagining being banned from ever seeing Jackie again, at the very least. “Yeah…I’ll be careful. It’ll all be fine though, I’m sure she’ll…be okay with it.”
He didn’t sound all that sure. Kavik knew his brother well enough to know he would be second guessing ever telling Jackie about being a shifter, for fear of bringing the organisation down on her. 
But Chesh wouldn’t have to worry. Nothing was going to happen to him or to his human. It was a big brother’s job to take care of the younger and to stop bad things from happening after all, and Kavik might not have been perfect, but he was a damn good big brother when it came to protecting and things like this. He would do whatever he had to in order to protect the pair.
His mind was already running through the various possibilities and what he might have to do. It would be best if he gathered some more info on Jackie, gauged what sort of person she was, and it was probably a good idea to check in with his SIAP contact soon too, she might be able to see if there was anything going on there. 
With all of that in the back of his mind, he nodded at Chesh.
“Yeah, she sounds crazy enough to handle it,” he said, “She is living with a leopard already. Hasn’t she even questioned that?”
Chesh hummed and shrugged, “Sometimes she gets kinda suspicious of me…but I think she doesn’t wanna know or think about it, but…” He sighed and went on, “I wanna meet her properly. Talk to her…”
After he trailed off yet again, Kavik thought that was it, and he almost asked him what was stopping him from meeting her, but then Chesh grinned and added, “I did bump into her once, in person, nearly knocked her over. She was so cute, all dazed. And man, her hair has the most amazing colours in it! And it looks so soft and pretty, I just wanna touch it…But I can’t…”
Although he could understand and sympathise with the struggle Chesh had, of the position of being unable to do the simplest things with a loved one, of having to deny instincts and parts of himself…he didn’t really want to hear any more. Chesh gushing so much and being so lovesick was just too damn weird.
“Alright, alright, enough about all that.” Kavik stood and moved around the couch, lightly shoving his brother’s head on the way past. “Getcha ass up.”
Chesh huffed and tried to bat the hand away, rolling off the couch and following with a pout as he did so, “Why?”
“Because we’re gonna decorate this damn place.”
“But you-“
“Yeah, well you need a distraction and I know you like this shit.  S’better than having you mope around or be mushy, so hurry up and grab the box of stuff from wherever you hide it.”
His inner ‘Chesh sense’ started to ring in alarm. Oh no.
He tensed in preparation and half turned, in time for Chesh to dramatically fling himself on him like dying man onto his only hope. Kavik’s face screwed up and he huffed at the contact, having to adjust his stance so their combined weight wouldn’t topple them to the ground.
“The fuck are you doing? Get off me.”
Of course Chesh did the opposite and climbed up to cling even more with a whine, “But Kaaaaviiiiiiii…I miss her so much! I need lots of hugs!”
The statement was followed by the grip increasing and Chesh pressing his cheek against his in great affection. Kavik tried to turn his face away from him and pry him off, “That’s not my problem. Just don’t think about her.”
The crushing hug relented slightly, and Chesh seemed to be considering things.
“Just don’t think about her? Hmm…well I guess you’re right, decorating probably would be a great distraction…”
The Chesh sense started to ring again, and Kavik’s dread kicked in.
“But I dunno if it’s distracting enough, yknow?” Chesh went on, “It might not take up enough of my thoughts, because I do miss her sooo much. And she is the most amazing, most beautiful, bestest woman ever. And she doesn’t know who I am and its really sad and everything.”
They might be cat shifters, but Chesh had mastered the ‘puppy-eyes’ technique and was now aiming it fully at Kavik (who’s expression had not changed from distaste since the uncomfortable hug began).
“I could talk about it forever and ever…” added Chesh.
And Kavik sighed. “Unless...?”
There was a thoughtful (but unconvincing) hum, “Well…it would probably take up more thought if I had to tell you where to put all the decorations and stuff…don’t you think? Directing you instead of us both just doing whatever we want on our own.”
You little shit.
“...Fine. You can boss me around this one time, but no more hugging and no more going on about your woman.”
Chesh grinned and climbed down, clearly satisfied now that he had gotten what he wanted from the situation. He patted the top of Kavik’s head (earning a growl from him) and then went off to find the boxes of lights, tinsel, and baubles.
Regret was already knocking, but surely an annoyingly bossy and high-spirited Chesh, back to his manipulative trickster self, was better than a lovesick and mopey one…wasn’t it? It was okay as long as he was happy…right?
A tinsel tangled Kavik, only ten minutes in the future, would struggle to keep that in mind.
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heyhowyadoingpally · 6 years
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it’s been forever since i’ve done one of these, huh?
i figured i’d bring this little series back from the dead (pun intended) for october, but i’m not gonna be looking at one pokemon at a time - i’m gonna do mass reviews.
that’s right, i’m going to do a bunch of super quick, rapid-fire reviews of pokemon. more specifically, different pokemon types. even more specifically, three pokemon types.
i’m gonna review all - yes, all, including half-types and secondaries - the posion, dark, and ghost types, in that order. i would have thrown in one more, like bug or psychic, but i think i have enough as it is to last until halloween. although, if there’s a good enough response and, for whatever reason, a demand for either of those two types, i might do one more.
just to clarify, if a pokemon is two of the types i’ll be reviewing, i’ll be placing them in the review of their first type. i.e. if there’s a ghost/dark type, i’ll be putting it in the ghost type review.
yes, these are going to be LONG fucking posts. so sue me.
with that out of the way, let’s begin.
Spooky Halloween Special Part 1: Pure Poison
#023 - Ekans
there really isn’t much for me to say about ekans. he’s really a product of the first-gen’s shtick, which was having the first chunk of the pokemon be more like mundane wildlife than anything else. and that’s something i’m more than okay with; you need mundane wildlife to balance out shit like fire-breathing anteaters and living, floating magnets.
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that being said, i adore ekans’s design. there may be a good amount of pokemon out there that are based on real-world animals, but not many of them heavily resemble the animal they’re based on.
ekan’s look is so subtle yet it just works, from the reptilian eyes to the ring around his neck(?), and even the rattle at the end of his tail. hell, i never even noticed the thin lines going all the way down its body until now! maybe they could be segments that somehow help is slither around easier? who knows!
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i love ekans, but it’s not something that i would absolutely go crazy for. i gave it the extra half-point because, again, it’s one of the cooler “realistic” pokemon, imo.
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#024 - Arbok
in the simplest of words, arbok is just plain awesome.
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making ekan’s next stage be a cobra just seems fitting: a pokemon as “average” as ekans definitely would evlove into something weirder than a typical snake, but not too weird. cobras are pretty weird, but not too weird. it goes hand in hand.
it’s a little sad that arbok doesn’t retain some of the subtle qualities its predecessor had, like the eyes or the big ring, but it makes up for it with the kickass hood. i’m sure like everyone knows this, but in the first few games the little design on arbok’s hood differed slightly, because they’re arboks from other regions.
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again, i love its look, but it’s not an absolute favorite.
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#029 + #032 - Nidoran
i vaguely remember how awesome i thought the idea of this one pokemon with genders was. of course, now pretty much every pokemon has some minor detail that differentiates their sex.
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i love their cute little faces!!! they’re like adorable little rabbit-things with poisonous barbs!
oh, yeah! they’re poison types! so poison is incorporated into their design, right?
the pokedex states that nidorans have poisonous barbs sticking out of their backs, but they don’t really look like barbs. they seem more like really dull dorsal fins or something. like, if your tried to hug one of them the most pain you’d get is an uncomfortable poke more than anything.
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a neat concept for a pokemon, but the execution of the “poison” aspect didn’t really shine through.
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#030 + #033 - Nidorina and Nidorino
these two changed, and for the fucking better.
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i love the idea that when certain pokemon evolve, it’s really just them maturing, and the nidos did a fantastic job with their second evo. they look a lot more dangerous, but still not quite “barb-y”. i do love how the nidorino seems to naturally crawl on all fours while nidorina stand on her hind legs. it’s those subtle little things that i like.
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tbh i really don’t have much to say about these guys that i already said about their first forms. they’re more-or-less improved versions of both nidorans.
before we continue and before you say anything, yes, i’m one of those types of people who have a hard time hating any pokemon. the worst you’ll hear from me is that i’m not a fan of certain ones, but they’re nice efforts nonetheless. plus, i have a strong affinity towards the types of pokemon we’ll be looking at, anyway, so this is more of an excuse for me to gush about cute monsters.
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#088 - Grimer
GOD where do i fucking begin???
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this was the starting point for when pure poison (not quite yet for the half or secondary type!) pokemon really started to take advantage of the concept of...well, posion.
basically, from here on out, i’m going to be gushing a lot about the pure poison pokemon.
if you’ve been following/have known me long enough, you’ll know that i fucking adore any sort of outlandish, blobby monster. sure, most of those kinds of monsters out there are just the same thing over and over, but for some reason i never get enough of them. hell, my favorite animal is basically just a blob with a vague body shape!
everything about grimer is just so pleasing to me: the dopey expression, the little glob of goop dripping from its lip, the nubby hands...it’s even purple, my favorite color!
not to mention the fact that grimer is literally living sludge, one of my all-time favorite concepts for a monster. probably bc i associate any kind of goop monster with swamps, and you all know how much i fucking love those. i think we need more sludge/toxic monsters in our lives. i know i do.
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let’s face it: you all saw that coming.
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#089 - Muk
you know, i didn’t think there was any way that you could improve a living pile of toxic waste, but game freak proved me wrong.
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muk took everything i love about grimer and somehow made it significantly better. it genuinely feels like a grimer that grew larger and nastier through years of absorbing more waste and refuse. the strand of slime connecting the “lips” is a really neat touch!
 the more serious expression on its face makes me think that it hates its own existence, like it somehow just knows that it should not be alive. it’s a sad idea, and surprisingly not the darkest ideas that the pokemon franchise has ever delved into. but we’ll probably get more into that with later entries in this series.
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grimer and muk were, for the longest time, my favorite pokemon, period. that was, of course, until a certain gen 5 creature was introduced and immediately stole my heart. but, again, that’s one of those things we’ll get to soon.
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#109 - Koffing
if i had never gotten into pokemon, or even monsters in general and you tried to describe certain creatures to me, i’d think these were some of the dumbest, most batshit ideas ever put on paper. koffing sounds like a weird or dumb idea, but the way a floating orb that spews toxic gasses is presented here is so fucking original.
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i’ve always found it fascinating that we associate the color purple with anything poisonous. i suppose it stems (no pun intended) back from certain toxic plants having purple coloration? idk, i’m not an expert on these things.
as a little kid, i loved koffing, which i guess goes to show that i haven’t changed since then lmao. but what’s not to like about it? that’s a face that you can never say no to. koffing wants some cash so it can go out with its friends? go ahead! it wants to have pizza for dinner tonight instead of a casserole? sure thing!!! it wants to start an underground meth lab to rake in the dough to support its family? right on!!!
i especially adore the little skull-and-crossbones on its belly(?). it’s a really neat, subtle touch that didn’t even need to be on there but works so well. i especially love that it’s not just a standard jolly roger kind of crossbones that you’ll often find on monster/creatures that’re poisonous; it’s just the vague shape that makes it really feel like an animal might be able to evolve such a strange pattern on its body, which fits the semi-grounded-in-reality feel gen 1 was trying to go for.
fun fact: some real-life animals, especially insects and arachnids, have skull-shaped patterns on their backs!
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a perfect example of a pokemon that exemplifies its type.
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#110 - Weezing
weezing is either a really ingenious - yet dark - metaphor, or just a really, really cool concept. or both.
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i’m probably not the first person to think of this outlandish idea, but i think weezing might be some sort of weird, “hidden message” behind koffing and, more specifically, weezing.
lets take a look at this round, adorable, little cutie: 
it’s associated with toxicity and poison
it produces a gas that’s unpleasant to inhale
it has a second “head” growing on its side (with a cute little “starting crossbone”!)
both faces look quite glum
now, what in real life relates to to these aspects? what thing or things in real life are associated with being harmful or toxic; produce a gas or gaslike substance that, when inhaled, is unpleasant; can cause those exposed to it to develop large, potentially lethal lumps inside their body; and makes people quite glum?
hmmm....i just can’t think of any real-world items that could cause such dangerous, life-altering side-effects.
jokes aside, i’m more than certain i could just be pulling this connection with tobacco out of my ass. it sounds more like one of those edgy creepypastas from back in the day than anything else.
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this is the closest i think we’ll ever get to a pokemon with a fucking tumor, and whether or not it was intentional weezing’s design reminds me of real-world issues.
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#316 - Gulpin
after koffing and weezing, pure poison type pokemon were few and far between. it’s a shame, since a lot of the pokemon that are solely poison are just so damn cool, even when they don’t quite show off the “poison” aspects you’d come to expect.
at the same time, i’m glad we currently only have a few amount of pure poison types out there; it makes them feel more special, like a nice treat you’d get every-so-often.
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the first pure poison pokemon (how’s that for alliteration!) to appear since gen 1 was gen 3. there was an entire generation that skipped out on having really cute babies. those were surely dark time. at least they up for that with an abundance of other cute pokemon.
that being said, the first pure poison we get after a long, dark and empty era is an absolute cutie! again, i’m a sucker for round, blobby creatures. they always just look so soft and huggable! i think if i lived in the pokemon world, gulpin would definitely be one of those critters i’d snuggle up with.
you know, i really don’t know much about gulpin other than its adorable appearance. i’d really like to find out why its a pure poison! maybe i should see what the pokedex entries from the games have to say about this little cutiepie:
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o h .
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gulpin’s a really neat concept, but the idea of something small and cute that also has an insatiable appetite isn’t something entirely original, and nor is it the first time a character in nintendo followed that same idea.
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#317 - Swalot
listen: i LOVE swalot. but it’s the kind of love where if i sort of bring that up in a conversation people immediately assume i love swalot because of the same reason that a good two handfuls of people do.
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i’m sure you can guess why some people love swalot more than others based on both its name and its rather...erm....interesting eating habit:
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i told you that pokemon can get pretty morbid.
i’m really not the sort of person who "points out” something made for kids but with some sort of “underlying fetish material”, but swalot here is one of those few things that make me raise an eyebrow just a little.
but, uh, let’s look at this big cutie in a different, more wholesome light, huh?
designwise, swalot looks fantastic. i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again: i love evolutions that look like a genuine life cycle. i can see gulpin being this sort of nymph that grows over time into this huge, squishy, toxic thing with an insatiable appetite. it almost sounds like the premise of a 1950s b-movie.
even though it’s not a major change, i love the coloring. again, it gives me the impression that young gulpin’s flesh darkens with maturity into a swalot. it’s great.
a detail that i never noticed until getting the pictures for this review is that if you look verrrrry closely, both gulpin and swalot have a faint pattern all over their bodies. it reminds me of how light looks reflecting in the ocean, all broken up like that.
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potential vorebait aside, i really love swalot’s design, even moreso than gulpit.
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#336 - Seviper
there aren’t as many real snake pokemon as i’d like to think, but the ones we do get are pretty rad.
while ekans and arbok have great designs and are always gonna be near and dear to my heart, they never quite felt pokemon-y to me. yes, they were in the first gen and are revered as classics, they seem just too normal to me, you know? like they were literally just purple snakes.
i’m not saying that’s a bad thing, but when you compare them to the outlandish creatures from later generations, they aren’t all that unique. i still love them to death, of course.
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seviper, to me at least, looks like what you would mentally picture if someone told you that there was a snake pokemon: it retains the basic idea of a serpent, but takes some creative liberties.
idk why but i really love the eyes it has. they sort of compliment its almost-smile, like its just about to pull a harmless prank on someone and is anticipating the gag. what a smug bastard.
according to the every pokedex, seviper’s best quality is that the entire species has had an ancient rivalry zangoose, another pokemon, for years. from what i can tell, zangoose is supposed to be based off the real-life mongoose, so what we have here is the age-old battle between snakes and mongooses (mongeese?) in the pokemon universe. that’s pretty awesome. i wish they could find more ways to tie in real wildlife habits and instincts like that.
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overall a good bean with a good design.
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#568 - Trubbish
ohhhhh man. ohhhhh boy oh man. we’re at my favorite evolutionary line ever. i’ll try to keep this as contained and condensed as possible.
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i’m not sure what it is exactly about garbage monsters, but i adore them a lot. maybe it’s because you can get really creative with how you design the? idk.
i’m surprised it took until gen 5 to get a real trash pokemon. grimer and muk may have been associated with filth, but trubbish and garbodor are the living embodiment of garbage. like, you look at them, and you know exactly what their shtick is. 
i’ve seen a few garbage bag monster before, but trubbish is probably the absolute cutest one i’ve ever seen! look at those big, curious eyes!!!! look at that cute overbite!!!!! look at the little feet made from the bottom corners of the bag!!! it’s such a cute little baby!!!!
unfortunately, not a lot of people share that opinion. and that’s okay. because you’re allowed to have your own fucking opinions on the internet. there’s some pokemon a lot a ppl like that i’m not too crazy for, so sue me. i’ve got my little compost child and that’s okay.
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is this cheating? i don’t think it’s cheating.
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#569 - Garbodor
here it is! the best fucking pokemon to have ever existed!
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you might be thinking i saved garbodor till the end on purpose, but i’ve just been reviewing these by the order they appear on the pokedex. besides, there’s just one more after this, so you don’t have to suffer much longer.
GOD i love garbodor so much. everything about it is so creative and fun and cute. i’m so glad it kept the face from when it was just a trubbish. what a cutie!!!!
i love how the garbage bag is sorta draped over its body, like the bag somehow filled up with so much trash that it burst open. i also really love how both of its arms are doing their own different things. it really gives the idea that garbodor wasn’t trying form a perfect body, just a body that works. but the greatest part of this huge baby bean are those cute little pigtails!!! god bless it for looking so cute!!!!!!!
i wanna hug garbodor so badly!!! even if it smells like garbage!!!!
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i love that funky little compost
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#803 - Poipole (aka UB Adhesive)
i haven’t played ultra sun or moon, so the new pokemon in that game are still...well...new to me.
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one of the new ultra beasts introduced in the games, poipole has already stolen my heart and i don’t even know it that well. it’s got all of my favorite color combinations rolled into one - blues and purples and pinks!
being an ultra beast, poipole hails from ultra space, and, apparently, from a city in ultra space called ultra megalopolis. jeez, game freak sure loves using the word “ultra”.
i really can’t say much since, again, i’ve never played either of the ultra games, but i like what i do see.
i would have wrapped up this review here, but looking at the pokedex entries for it turned out to be a fucking road trip:
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poipole goes from adorably-loved to a fucking sociopath.
alright, i like this cutie even more.
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for some reason, i still get surprised whenever a new pokemon game has creative and original monster. you’d think they would have blown their wad in the first few gens, but so far they haven’t done so.
that wraps up the first part of this little “review series” next time we’ll be looking at both half-poison AND secondary poison, all in the same post. how terrifying.
...i’m sincerely sorry if you had to read through all of this
NEXT POKEFART: (it’s not out yet you dip)
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