#I mean he dated a siren. It’s Canon.
sarcki · 12 days
I’m gonna regret posting this but that billford animation? Ya know the one.
My headCanon is that Bill specifically chose the most bland Twink look he could, just to piss ford off
If mr Stanford monster-fucking pines wanted to save the town, he needed to do the one thing he dreaded most
he had to fuck the most average guy
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lemotmo · 3 months
Ask box is still closed but they commented on the deleted scene. First activity from them in days.
Technically I'm still on blog sabbatical but that deleted clip was a wild choice. There's a lot to unpack in that very short scene and none of it is very flattering for Tommy. The medal comment when Hen and Karen asked about his intentions was immature and blatant deflection. It was also cringe, the wtf facial pout he added didn't help. What I don't know though is if the lines are meant to come across as cringey or if his delivery is what's off. And that was just the first cringe moment. He only made it worse after that. Saying they're going slow, and he's letting Buck set the pace was good, he should be following Buck's lead, but then he immediately made a sexual innuendo joke, and yet another wtf facial expression choice. I know the rule tends to be that since it was deleted we can't count it as canon, but knowing that he saw the way Hen and Karen reacted to that conversation, and still followed it up by turning another meaningful conversation attempt, this time by Buck, into another sex joke, an even more immature and gross one, is certainly a writing choice. And clearly a deliberate one.
That wasn't even the most alarming part of that scene though. The diet comment about Buck is a warning siren if ever there was one. That line was concerning because it is absolutely a call back to Buck 1.0 who believed the only thing he could offer anyone was his physical appeal and he was obsessed with keeping his body to a certain standard. The fact that we now have Tommy making multiple comments about their physical relationship, and Buck's appearance, is not good. Especially when you couple those comments with the other scenes of him dismissing Buck's excitement and overzealous personality. None of that spells a healthy relationship for Buck, the character the show cares about. It continues to show Buck's very unhealthy dating pattern of settling for people who are physically attracted to him but don't seem to genuinely like the person he actually is. It's actually kind of fascinating.
I genuinely liked the Tommy of episodes 1-4, probably not coincidentally the length of his originally planned arc. He was written well in those episodes, he worked. I'm also now pretty convinced that those first 4 scripts were kept pretty much intact to when Eddie was the plan. They clearly put effort into him originally. Everything that came after 7x4 went increasingly downhill, and that's because they hadn't actually planned anything for him after that episode. If they had been able to stick with the original Eddie plan he would have been gone after episode 4 because the kiss would have been all that was required to initiate Eddie's spiral. Once they had to swap Eddie for Buck they had to change their plan because Buck was already searching for something so the kiss wasn't going to be enough to make Buck spiral. Which means they still need to get Buck to whatever the plan for him was but now they have to do it through Tommy. They're not going to put effort into Tommy because after 7x4 he became a textbook plot device. His scenes and dialogue are now strictly to move the story forward, and nothing more. It's why he seems so different now. What's interesting is if Buck's spiral is now going to result from him back sliding from all the personel growth he has had since Buck 1.0. All the work Buck has put into growing himself as a person and working on himself. That's why the diet comment was so concerning. It's the old Buck. If he thought figuring out he was bi was the last piece of the puzzle and he should feel 'fixed' now, but Tommy and their relationship still feels mostly physical he may revert back to believing he really doesn't have anything else to offer. A return of Buck 1.0, and a version of himself that Buck has referenced frequently he believes Eddie wouldn't have liked. I'm probably giving the show way too much credit but this would work and it would be fascinating to watch.
Thank you so much for sending this and the next one to me Nonny! :)
A day after the first one, the anonymous OP made another post about the deleted scene. I will paste it here as well, so these two posts can be read together.
I put it under a cut to save all your dashboards from clogging up. :)
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All right, so first of all, I agree on so many things in these two posts. In the beginning Tommy was 'okay'. I didn't love him, but he was an okay character and love interest for Buck. But as the show went on he just became worse and worse as a character. To the point where a lot of people who liked him in the beginning actively started disliking and hating him. And most of it is tied in with the way he treats Buck and talks about Buck.
And ultimately I do think this is the whole goal of the show. They are doing their absolute best to show us that Tommy is NOT a good guy and definitely not a good match for Buck. By posting this deleted scene they are once again trying to make that point.
Unfortunately this message just flies over some people's heads and all they see is a this fantasy headcanon Lou told them about. They aren't watching the show as it is, they are actively trying to mold the show and BT into something it isn't.
I can't possibly explain any of this better than the OP, especially the part about Buck's body image. So I'll let them speak, but I agree so much with what they say.
One last thing I personally want to add is this:
Whenever Tommy opens his mouth, everything gets reduced to sexual innuendo and/or a dumb sex joke. And when it isn't about sex, it's him being extremely dismissive and negative in anything he says to Buck or some of the other characters.
This is also a thing that got transferred to the BT fandom in general. Everything Tommy does or says is over sexualised by a lot of the fans, in posts, messages, pictures and fics it quite often boils down to sex.
Now, I have nothing against sex. I realise sex is a part of the human experience, even for fictional characters, but to make it so that all that ties this couple together is sex? That is not what Buck is about. We know that about him. He has canonically been established as someone who is looking for love, a connection, a family...
So, why don't they talk more about the real deep canon love connection BT have on screen? I'll tell you why. It's because there is no canon love connection between them whatsoever. Tommy has no depth as a character. He is there for a specific purpose, a plot device to help Buck navigate his way through a new phase in life. That's it. The only emotional connection Buck and Tommy have is fabricated in, yet again, a Lou cameo headcanon that probably cost 200 dollars.
In the deleted scene between Tommy and Henren we see him at his worst and it's clear that Henren do not like or trust him. And yes, I kinda get why the OP would have wanted that scene in the episode, because it would have shown us -once again- that Tommy's intentions for Buck are mostly just about sex. This isn't anything serious. This is about sex. He tried with Eddie, realised it didn't work so he moved on to Buck when he saw how confused Buck was about whose attention he was trying to get.
I have no doubt he probably likes Buck, but he has no deeper intention beyond the sexual aspect of the relationship.
I said what I said. Don't come at me. This is my blog and I can respectfully blog about my opinion here. No ship hate here. Just common sense.
Remember, no hate in comments or reblogs. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of the anonymous OP’s posts, you can find all of their posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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stargirlfics · 10 months
The Gentleman Chapter Six: Tremble
Alfred Pennyworth x Black Dancer!Reader
Summary: Scarecrow threatens to bring Gotham to its knees while you and those you love find yourself caught in the middle
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, canon typical violence, mentions of chemical weapons, anxiety and hallucinations, mild angst and hurt/comfort, competency kink, alfred being a soft dom, smut: soft spanking tw, body worship, oral (reader receiving)
Word Count: 12.0k
This chapter is finally here and I actually cannot believe the journey it has been from when I started working on this, having months of difficulty writing and then I just write this massive chapter! I’m really happy to be sharing it and I hope it’s well worth the wait. I really appreciate and cherish all your comments and love and patience especially on this series, it means so much 🤎
[series masterlist] [series playlist]
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At the mercy of impending catastrophe, an entire city was holding its breath in sick anticipation.
News of Scarecrow and his fear toxin was everywhere one went, anxiety climbing with every hushed discussion and passing day without answers.
His motives were still unclear and everyone was trying to decipher the severity of the message he had left: This is Gotham’s only warning. Fear the Scarecrow.
What was to come next? And would you be ready?
Trust in Gotham’s institutions was few and far between for most, though you did feel a little more hopeful with Mayor Bella Reál’s steady presence in public lately—even still, people were bracing themselves. 
For you that meant dance rehearsals were still being held so stage time was abundant, the exotic performances and the allure of the Iceberg Lounge were quickly becoming a good means of escape for many in the city. 
You wanted to dazzle the audience, satisfied when you could suspend their belief that this was just a dance and convince them nymphs and sirens were real and alive in front of them instead. 
It was easy to throw yourself into the work if you thought about it; counting steps and turns while the band played their hearts out.
There was no other competition, the shimmer and sparkle of the costumes, the lingerie underneath even more dazzling, opal pearls and diamonds adorning your lush bodies caught every single eye.  
Five, six, seven…a spotlight shines down upon you, such a pretty beacon of desire, of the passion flowering so strongly in your own heart until there’s nothing but you and the music.
You left nothing on that stage at the end of the night. 
Especially not when Alfred was in the crowd watching you with an ever growing adoration. 
He made the effort to catch a show when he could, waiting with roses for you afterwards and no compliment or praise spared from your ears if he could help it. 
It was amazing how much things could shift, how nervous you had been the first time you knew he would be watching and now you welcomed it, relished in his promise to show up for you simply because he thought your talent and love for your artform was worth it, that you were worth it. 
And of course how could you forget his handwritten letter with such neat and elegantly written words, the very letter that sat on your nightstand since your date in the bookstore when he presented it to you and made it all official. 
You read over it in the late night hours and in the morning when you woke up wishing he was next to you, until you could recite every word he had written by heart. Weeks ago you would have felt anxious about entering a relationship, not wanting to go through heartbreak if your feelings weren’t the same but now you understood Alfred would never let you stand on unsteady ground. 
He hadn’t since the first moment your paths collided, the memory of it still so vivid you could practically hear the echo of your pounding footsteps on the concrete hurrying to reach him, taking a chance on a stranger and embracing him out of fear only to come away from it with your pulse racing for an entirely different reason instead. 
Something solid and gentle had formed here and you wanted to be cocooned inside of it forever. 
Your friends definitely didn’t hide their excitement that you were “basically dating a member of the Wayne family!” as Roxie had put it. 
She was the first to tell you she wouldn’t mind at all if you slipped Bruce her number. Bambi was already ride or die for the relationship, as was Amber and then Kiera’s encouragement of all things romance on top of it all certainly made this a fanclub if you’d ever seen one. 
Truthfully though their reassurances kept you from letting the tendency to overthink get in the way, making sure you knew that the way Alfred treated you was everything you deserved. 
Grateful felt like too simple a word but it’s perhaps the best word to summarize the way you felt about each of them. Elated in how they celebrated this with you, a sing-song chorus of excitement when you told them about his letter in the chat or how everything went after he spent the night at your place for the first time. 
It kept you hopeful, appreciating everything you had just a little extra.
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Fresh snow dusted the windowsills of The Magpie where you were counting down the time until you’d have your evening free to spend with Alfred. 
You would see him in just a few short minutes anyways, with Bruce in tow for a meeting with the mayor and her team but knowing you’d still have some time before you truly got him to yourself left you feeling a little antsy. 
The bar had already been wiped down twice and you just checked on the handful of people sitting around for brunch, most of them talking and finishing off their drinks for the time being. 
So you settled on people-watching, polishing the crystal whiskey glasses while you did, arranging them in a stacked pyramid and you were almost done with the menial task when Bruce Wayne sidled up to the bar.
“Oh, hey! Can I get you anything, Mr. Wayne?” you greeted him with a smile, doing your best not to make it obvious you were also looking to see if Alfred was nearby.
“Please just call me Bruce, you don’t have to keep it so formal, really I insist. And just coffee if you can.” 
“Sorry, habit. I can get you some coffee, any sugar or cream?” you were laughing to yourself a little, forgetting that you didn’t have to address him so properly every time. 
You still did that with Alfred sometimes, a ‘Mr. Pennyworth’ at the tip of your tongue on occasion which always came with a playful scolding. 
“No thanks, I’ll take it as is,” Bruce corrected, thanking you again when you set the steaming mug down in front of him. “Oh, before I forget. He may have told you this already but when time allows it Alfred likes to try and get Dory and I together for a proper Sunday dinner and if you’re able to this coming weekend, I wanted to try and surprise him.”
Oh, how thoughtful! Quickly realizing he was inviting you to join them in this tradition of theirs made your heart swell and you hastened to accept. 
“That sounds so nice! Of course I can be there. Should I bring anything, dessert maybe?” 
“Yes, that would be perfect actually. It’ll be nice to have you there..uh, I know we haven’t had much time to speak but thank you, it’s good to see him happy lately and that’s because of you.” 
Bruce’s usual shy, reserved tone was more open, a little softer and you felt relief knowing that you had his approval in a way, maybe not wanting to admit to yourself that it had been a quiet worry all this time. 
His and Alfred’s relationship was on better working ground now and you didn’t want to complicate that or make it any more difficult for them to connect in the way they needed and it was very clear from the start that they did need each other and cared for one another fiercely. 
This was good, really good. 
“I’m glad and that’s okay by the way there’s been a lot going on you’re probably just as busy as he is, if not more, I figured we’d get to talk at some point. I really do just want to make him happy and I hope you know he is because of you too, he’s so proud of you.”
Your last few words saw the very rare edge of a smile before he took a sip from the mug, face turning stoic again.
Speaking of Alfred, he walked in the very next moment, as effortlessly handsome as usual. His suit was a crisp charcoal gray, a black tie tucked perfectly into that pristine waistcoat you knew felt smooth under your hands, the familiar gold accents of his wristwatch and cane pulling it all together. 
He always looked incredible but god did he have you weak from halfway across the room today, those kind, blue eyes finding you with ease. 
Waving him over to the bar, you started making his usual cup of Earl Grey, sharing a sheepish smile when you greeted each other. 
“Good to see you, darling. I hope you’ve had an easy morning.” The depth and lull of his voice and that accent sent warmth spreading across your cheeks, distracted from hearing the affection in his tone. 
“I have, thank you,” setting his cup of tea down on the bar counter, you leave the milk out for him to pour how he likes, “Hope the meeting goes well, you’re gonna kill it!”
“That’s very nice of you. I imagine it will, what we’re proposing will benefit the city and they seem receptive to Bruce’s ideas, which is all we can ask for.” 
Beaming at him you nodded encouragingly, giving yourself a few more moments to talk with the two men before the mayor arrived and they were whisked off to a more private table. 
Kiera came in not long after that, you were really just working the morning to fill in for her until she could get here but your plans to leave with Alfred right after his meeting lined up with the timing anyways.
An hour passed ever so slowly, the meeting finally finishing with what looked like good spirits from everyone and before long you were saying your goodbye’s to Bruce since he had to head out while Alfred lagged behind to take a phone call from his office. 
Bundled up in your coat, you waited by the hostess stand content to watch the snow flurries begin to fall outside, such a stark contrast to the warm, crimson interior. 
Not sure how long you were lost admiring the view, a warm hand slides across your lower back drawing your attention in a gentle caress you’re sure you’d know anywhere.
“Ready to leave?” Alfred held his hand out for you and kissed your knuckles when you fit your palm against his.
The eager nod of your head and the accompanying excited giggle gave you away but you didn’t care to hide how much you’d been looking forward to this evening with him. 
Outside the air was chilly, coats zipped up a little higher while you discussed what the plans were for the rest of the day. 
It was still fairly quiet out on the streets, the business sector in this part of the city always a bit more empty than the bustling traffic of downtown that you were used to, at least before dinner rush anyway. 
Nothing out of the ordinary piqued your attention until Alfred was pausing mid-sentence, asking if you heard what he had heard.
“No, what-” but no sooner than you had opened your mouth, the faintest recognition of what sounded like a scream could be heard. You flicked your eyes up to him in concern. 
Had it really been a scream? Or was the frigid wind playing tricks on you, whistling through the air?
The same sound rang out again somewhere in the distance, only this time you both were able to hear a distinct shout of “HELP!” following it. 
The mood had suddenly turned urgent but it was as if you could only move in slow motion until you realized that at this very moment, the other shoe had indeed dropped. 
Chaos was the only way to describe it, more shouts piercing the air but nothing prepared you for the wave of people running out into the street in every direction. 
You can’t be sure exactly what’s going on or what everyone was running from but the gears were already spinning in your mind and you don’t hesitate to move when Alfred hurriedly nudged you to follow him, clutching onto his jacket as he guided you to cross the street where his car was parked around the corner. 
But you wouldn’t make it more than a few steps off the curb.
The flow of the crowd was too dense, too panicked and you were jostled as you tried to keep your feet steady on slick, snowy pavement.
A gasp was knocked loose from your throat when someone shoved past you, upsetting your balance in the process, the impact forcing you to let go of Alfred’s hand.
Fingers flailed but it was no use, you couldn’t move fast enough and soon more people pushed themselves between you on all sides which meant he couldn’t reach you either. You were quickly losing sight of him, legs feeling like lead as you tried to follow the sound of his voice shouting your name but there’s too much noise to filter out. 
No, no! Where is he? I can’t see him anymore.
Your heart sank realizing you’d lost him in the crowd, even as frantically as you were searching for him there were so many people dashing past as you also tried to keep moving that you knew it would be impossible to find him like this. 
You were separated and on your own. 
Now it felt like your sense of direction was off, not sure if you were still headed in the right direction towards his car anymore, the whole world feeling like it was swallowing you up.
Deep breaths, just take a deep breath. Keep moving. 
You had to repeat it to yourself in order to stay calm, trying to reassure yourself that somehow you could make it out of whatever this was but a pang of worry for Alfred made you feel nauseous. 
Unwelcome thoughts of something happening to him threatened to take root amidst your struggle to think. Hands moving on their own volition, you reached into your bag to fumble for your phone; maybe you could could get a hold of him by calling, sending a text, could find where he was and try and make your way to him in the event you ended up making it to the car and he wasn’t there.  
Seconds later, up ahead of you, a truck swerved to avoid a group of people rushing into the intersection which sent everyone scrambling to move aside, inadvertently knocking you off balance again. 
Stinging pain prickled in the meat of your shins, rattling all the way up to your temple when you collided with the cold concrete, eyes going wide knowing it wasn’t safe to be on the ground like this. 
But it didn’t matter because had you not been knocked to the ground you weren’t sure you would have noticed it: the shiny silver canister nestled in a pile of snow not six feet away. 
Something didn’t feel right about this. It felt like you were being herded to this point.
Under the noise of so many footsteps and all the commotion you heard it click, a slow whistling hiss coming after. The sound grew louder but you were already scrambling backwards trying to put distance between you and the cloudy plume of gas extinguishing from the cylinder. 
This had to be the fear toxin, this had to be him. 
Fresh screams dotted the blood rushing to your brain through your ears, dread forming a hard lump in your throat as you watched the gas diffuse again and mix with the falling snow. 
Loosening your scarf you folded it over your nose and mouth hoping it would buy you some time if you weren’t breathing as much of it in, you couldn’t be sure you hadn’t already. 
Your heart was hammering in your ribs when you finally found your footing and could stand, ignoring the strain in your muscles or how your skin felt raw from where your tights had snagged and torn from crawling on the pavement. 
Now that you were on your feet again your surroundings were more familiar.
It’s how you spotted the mouth of an alleyway to your right, knowing exactly where it would lead, recognizing the rust red fire escape peeking out from the side of the building. You hadn’t realized you traveled back this far but you’d take it, at least you’d be off the street this way. 
The disadvantage of this was that you were working against the flow of bodies but you tried to keep your stance wide and square out your shoulders so you couldn’t be pushed quite as easily, and there was something else…a noticeable difference in how people were acting. 
It wasn’t just panic in their eyes, pupils glazed over and blown wide, this was an erratic look of fright. This toxin was confirmed to cause hallucinations which could only mean there had to be dozen’s on this street alone who’d come in contact with it. 
You could only imagine what awful things they were seeing, your voice ricocheting against the clamor of sounds trying to warn whoever you could. 
Just then, the quickest flash of gold appears in your peripheral and you hear your name again turning in time to see him, Alfred, shouldering his way through the crowd. 
You stared in awe, questioning for a split second if you were starting to see things too but he was really there fighting and pushing his way through the packed street to get to you.
The small relief when he reached you, both of his arms locking around you this time before ushering you the rest of the way. Slipping into the alleyway was easy after that. 
“Are you hurt? Darling, look at me please! Are you hurt?” His voice is chalked with concern, a clipped edge to his tone that echoed against the brick wall you had slumped against to catch your breath. 
He’s already looking you up and down in careful assessment. 
“I’m fine! I’m okay..I think, but wait, Alfred! This was intentional, the gas it-” the words come tumbling out but you fall short at the nod he gave you. Of course he had pieced it together. You’re gulping before noticing his cane is missing. “What about you? I was so worried when we-” the words died in your throat for a second time remembering how you got separated in the crowd. 
You didn’t trust yourself not to cry. 
“Me too, sweet girl but I am alright. I was far more worried about you.” and it’s the tenderness in his voice that makes you sniffle. 
Screaming cuts through the brief moment of rest and you both agree you need to get out of here, deciding to stay off the main streets. If you could cut through a few alleyways you’d be able to get to his car.
His hand is once again steady in yours, thumb passing over your skin trying to soothe you while your own fingers return pressure here and there, beyond relieved to be next to him again even with a million more worries arising. 
The damage had already been done though, time beginning to move slowly, buildings looming high above feeling suffocating, as if maybe you’d never find your way out, every muffled cry or scream from the streets a terrible chorus. 
A loud squeal and the creaking of metal a few feet ahead halted your steps again, Alfred’s arm thrown back to push you behind him. 
Four men filed out of a side door, the hoods of their jackets pulled up so they were shrouded in shadows, both of you just barely avoiding being seen. 
Alfred had hastened to backtrack and slip behind an empty delivery truck in the alley that provided some cover without close inspection but was still too close for any sort of comfort. 
Everything in you went quiet and still, clammy fingers gripping Alfred’s bicep a little tighter, grateful you were wedged between the side of the truck and his body. You don’t want to look their way again but your anxiety rises at the thought of not knowing how far away they were so you risk a peek over his shoulder. 
Your blood goes cold almost instantly, breath sucked from your lungs when a fifth man stepped forth. 
Dead eyes pierced through a ripped burlap hood covering the man’s head, its crooked stitching reminding you of an old scarecrow only the rest of him was clad in a suit. All you felt was dread. 
“Keep your eyes peeled.” a distorted command came from behind the decrepit hood.
There was something terrifying about the way this man moved, it was creepy and sinister, your suspicions confirmed when you spotted more of those silver canisters peeking out from his suit jacket just before he was slinking away, moving out onto the street ahead flanked by those four men, each with a weapon in hand. 
Tentative relief came seeing the distance increase between your position and theirs but you weren’t out of the woods yet by any means with one more street to go.
Counting shallow breaths one by one, you waited until the crunch of their footsteps on the snow faded enough to move ahead safely. 
Alfred squeezed your fingers to get your attention, motioning for you to follow him from out behind the truck carefully. It was best not to stay idle here too long.
In the midst of trying to process what just occurred you didn’t notice Alfred pull out a small blade until you saw it clenched in his left hand, noting the way he kept it tucked in towards his palm so that outwardly no one could see it was there. 
His other hand gripped your arm, keeping you from being able to move from behind his back as you crept forward together, a defensiveness in his movements that made it seem like this was just muscle memory for him. 
Here he was, protecting you, keeping you calm this whole time and though it wasn’t surprising anymore you were still a little struck by just how much he cared for you, your wellbeing. It bled through into every part of him and that had your heart clenching. 
When you finally made it out of the alley fresh worry spiked like ice inside your chest, attention drawn to every direction trying to make sure nothing would catch either of you off guard now that you were no longer under the cover of the city’s alleyways but at last, after what felt like an eternity, you had arrived. 
Unlocking the car and seeing to it that you were safely tucked inside, Alfred was skillfully weaving the sleek vehicle through the streets in no time.  
Everything felt like it was turned upside down.
Sirens and police cars whizzed past, headed in the direction you’d just left behind and you could only watch as the weather turned dreary.
Alfred checked in every so often, comforting you with reassuring glances, a soft squeeze to your knee which you returned with a weak smile. You were sure he had noticed you shivering as well and felt appreciative of the warm air circulating through the vents. 
Remembering your phone after a moment you fished it out of your bag, replying to a string of texts from Kiera who was worried sick and thankfully still safe inside where you last saw her. 
Scrolling through the rest of your messages and missed phone calls that kept pinging in your notifications you let each of them know you were safe until it hit you that something was missing, a sudden gasp catching Alfred’s attention.  
“Do-do you think Bruce is okay? He left a few minutes before us. Maybe he managed to miss all that.”
“I’m sure he made it through, but he’s not been answering his phone. We’ll be at the Tower soon and we can check.” 
It sounds hopeful but the crease of worry between his brows makes you wonder. 
Trying to cling to the more hopeful outcome, you attempt to keep bad thoughts at bay with the idea that you’d see that swath of dark hair emerging from the staircase as soon as you step into the foyer. He just had to be there. 
The rest of the drive was fairly quiet but the noise in your head made up for it. 
You couldn’t stop thinking about what you’d seen—Scarecrow. How close you’d gotten to the fear toxin but so luckily managed to avoid it, a sick feeling in your stomach seeing what it did to the people around you. 
Whatever his big plans were for the people of Gotham, you were sure they were horrifying. 
Anxiety drips from your shoulders when the car finally comes to a stop, limbs heavy again as you soar up to the penthouse floors from the parking garage elevator and it’s only when the low hum of the lift stops that you let go of Alfred’s hand, the doors opening to a suspended silence. 
It only took a few minutes and a quick search to see that it was evident Bruce wasn’t here. 
Your stomach was twisted into knots again waiting patiently while Alfred tried his cell phone one more time. Each trilling of the dial tone felt longer than the last and your heart sank once it went to voicemail. 
“If he has his location on, I’m sure I’ll be able to find him.” He takes a deep breath, pacing the floor trying to think, to come up with answers. 
Wringing your hands wasn’t doing much to ease the tension in your body so you forced yourself to lean against the solid wood table of the main room. 
Touching something solid seemed to help and you wanted to be helpful to Alfred right now, at the very least supportive in the effort to find Bruce, hoping anxiety wouldn’t take over everything.
Mentally you were running through a list of possible places near the incident that he could be, fingers flying to your phone to search news updates, find out if Bruce’s name had been mentioned anywhere. 
“Christ, I’ve found him! His phone is at the GCPD building. He can’t have been there for very long yet.” 
“Okay, that’s good. He’s probably okay then if he’s there of all places, right?” your question is tinged with a cautious optimism as is Alfred’s responding agreement but you still feel unsure. 
“I’m going to head there regardless, surely he’s fine but I don’t want to take any chances. I wish he would answer his bloody phone, though.”
He sounded like such a dad in that moment you might have laughed if the circumstances were different. 
“Maybe he’s there with the mayor too, they walked out together before us, it was probably the first place he would think to go especially if they saw something related to what we saw.” you offer a little reassurance and reach out to squeeze his shoulder. 
“Smart girl. I’m sure you are right.” Alfred sighed and closed his eyes for a brief moment.
Fngers pinching the bridge of his nose before he slips his glasses from his breast pocket and puts them on, focused in on what needed to be done once again, typing out a few messages to Bruce in the meantime. 
“I can come with you, just in case he’s in trouble or, or.” you don’t want to go any further with possibilities and you aren’t sure how to articulate your uneasiness at him going back out there on his own even if he could handle himself. 
It upset you to think you wouldn’t be there, wouldn’t know if something else were to happen. 
“Oh my love, I appreciate that. You’ve been so brave through all this and I do want you with me but more importantly I need you safe and staying here will ensure that. I don’t want you in harm's way.” he’s setting down his phone to cup your cheeks, moving in close so his nose brushes yours gently. 
You want to protest but understand that he’s right, the lump in your throat returning as you look at him. 
He was being strong, for you, keeping it together just to make sure you weren’t any more frightened than you needed to be but you could see the stress in his features and knew you needed to be strong for him too. 
“I don’t like it but I understand,” you relented with a whisper, leaning into him a little more, unconsciously trying to hold on. “I’ll stay here but just please be careful okay?” 
Alfred moved back a bit so you’d look him in the eyes, a determination in them that takes away some unsettled nerves. 
“I promise I will be. I’ll keep in touch as well, as soon as I find out anything you’ll get a call.” His soft murmur came in between the gentle press of his lips against your forehead. 
His kisses were effective in calming you even if it didn’t help the reluctance to part from him, you know he has to go and don’t want to delay him any longer. 
A new wave of emotion crests at the way he fusses over you before departing; making sure you were okay to be here alone for a bit, reminding you to eat something soon and that there was a change of clothes still in his room if you wanted to shower and take off your torn tights and snow dampened sweater. 
The anxious shake of your hands was better even as you kissed him goodbye, returning his thoughtfulness by making sure he had a pair of gloves and another cane from his collection in hand before hurrying off, your feet lingering for a moment longer after the elevator doors close behind him. 
Now…the waiting began.  
Barely twenty minutes have gone by but you’re restless and there’s a sharp tension in your shoulders all the way down to your hamstrings that won’t ease up even when you try to relax. 
Wayne Tower was quiet and far too empty, the methodic tick of the old grandfather clock in the foyer and your footsteps all the sound she’d bestow.
Sitting still has proved to be impossible so you wander the halls, count the steps each staircase you go up, try to roll out the stiffness in your neck little by little. 
It’s only afternoon but the skies are gray and dark, some heavy kind of shadow cast over every corner that could be touched and there wasn’t a single thing you could do about it but have patience. 
News updates are slow meaning no one knows anything concrete yet, just that nearby hospitals were starting to get an influx of people affected by the fear toxin and police were all over the scene of the incident and surrounding areas. You’re just glad it seemed to be isolated to the few blocks you had navigated around earlier, nothing else occurring elsewhere in the city. 
That certainly didn’t mean these incidents weren’t going to spread, you were fully prepared to hear of more fear toxin attacks in the near future with so much mystery still surrounding Scarecrow.
This whole thing felt deeper than what you could see at the surface but all you could come up with were questions and more questions. 
But there’s no use in giving yourself a headache, not now at least, your phone ringing abruptly and Alfred’s name illuminating the screen. You’re answering before the second ring, taking a deep breath the moment he tells you everything is alright. 
Bruce was indeed at GCPD headquarters when Alfred got there and the pair were in the process of giving statements about what they saw related to the attack so it was looking like they were going to be there for a while yet. 
You don’t get to speak to Alfred for long before you hear him being summoned and you’re wrapping things up, wishing him well before he leaves you with a promise that he’ll update you as things go. 
Your body felt much lighter now that you knew they were safe, the tightness in your chest dissipating as you finally allowed yourself to unwind a little.
Stomach still too tense to try and eat anything yet, you opt to take a shower instead, the change of clothes and the hot steam of the water would do you good. 
Finding the familiar path to Alfred’s bedroom was easy, his space inviting, kept as tidy as ever but you still see all of him in it. 
The faded bookmark sticking out of the novel on his bedside table, his nighttime reading glasses that lay folded on a stack of books to the left, and the tie and cufflinks atop his dresser still there from when he was getting ready this morning you imagined.
You’re comforted knowing you’re surrounded by his things and you’re further softened seeing your clothing items amongst his from when you stayed the night for the first time, everything neatly folded in the way you’ve learned he liked to fold. 
Thoughts of him lingered as you retreated into the warmth of the shower, adrenaline slowly leached from your body, swirling down the drain with the soapy water. 
You didn’t realize how exhausted you were from the last hour and a half until your eyes started to feel heavy but you don’t want to get out just yet. 
It feels safe here and you’re already too far gone indulging in daydreams of your boyfriend, the thrill of being able to call him that now—the same one who practically bouldered his way through a crowd of people to reach you. 
In the moment there hadn’t been time to really think about it but now that you were alone with your thoughts, it’s all you could replay. 
Or maybe it’s all you wanted to think about but either way you wanted to drown in whatever strength and steadfast skill Alfred possessed, heart fluttering thinking of how every movement was intentional, the way his entire body pivoted to shield you, keep you safe as you moved through the streets, the switchblade he so effortlessly and quietly had ready and the expert flourish of his wrist when he pocketed it in the car. 
Yes you knew he had been a soldier, had seen combat and was skilled in more areas than you could count, you could only imagine all the technical and psychological training he had from his days as an intelligence agent and though you took those parts of him seriously, you also couldn’t help but find it all deeply attractive. 
Where words could not be applied, he showed you. 
Refreshed and in more comfortable clothes, your mind felt a little clearer even if having to wait was still difficult but you try and be patient for another update, checking in with your friends in the meantime.
Alfred’s bedroom was warm from the steam still escaping from the connecting bathroom and you felt far too cozy here to venture back downstairs so you climb into the large bed and curl up on his side, comforted by the fact that his pillows smell like him. 
No longer restless from the quiet aura in the air, fatigue rolled in, the energy to worry had faded quickly. Instead you began to drift off, the allure of resting pulling you under so easily. 
Your phone is still clutched in your hand as you oscillate between worlds, thinking of Alfred and that “oh my love” that had left his lips so tenderly, understanding now why your breath caught in your chest after, why you’d been persuaded to listen. 
He refused to let you dismiss your own wellbeing when thinking of others, your importance to him was too great to let you follow him into the unknown even if he’d feel much better having you by his side.
Nothing was going to happen to you if he had anything to do about it. 
You hadn’t ever been shown this much adoration before and so fiercely and consistently at that and you slip into a light slumber thinking that this must be what falling in love felt like. To know perhaps, somewhere etched deep within you that it was exactly that. Love. 
An unending flame, a sewn red string, so viscerally real it had you swearing to nurture it always. Even in sleep you know you’d never dream of stopping.
Winter sun had just begun to set when you were woken up by the sharp buzzing of your phone. A text message. 
On the way back now, Bruce is with me. Hope you’re doing alright, I’ll see you soon, lovely   x Alfred
Smiling at the good news you rub the grogginess from your eyes and reply back before tucking your face back into the pillow for a few more minutes. 
Your nap had lasted an hour or so and afternoon was quickly spilling into evening as you blink the last remnants of sleep away and check the time. Anticipation and the rumbling in your tummy finally get you up. 
Taking a few moments to fix where your curls had flattened to your head from laying on your side, you fluffed out the small coils until it looked the way you wanted, padding down the old staircases and into the kitchen soon after. 
You wanted to try and make something quick to eat for when they got back, you were sure if you were hungry they must be too especially after everything that had happened, all the extra energy spent. 
A quick browse through the fridge and pantry had you grabbing ingredients for sandwiches, absentmindedly putting everything together and you’d just stacked the last one on the plate when you heard the elevator chime and you didn't bother to put anything away, rushing out to the foyer right away.
You don’t care that you’re running, feet carrying you forward with their own motivation, you’ve waited long enough and it’s a complete and total relief when Alfred and Bruce step inside.
Alfred saw you first, a grunt that turns into a chuckle resounding through his chest when you all but crash into him, arms wrapped around his shoulders in a hug that he returns immediately, his own arms sliding across your torso to pull you in close. 
Not a second more apart, that is all you wished out of the rest of this day. 
“I’m so happy you guys are back. What’s going on out there?” you compose yourself after a moment.  
“Half the city is shut down right now, people are scared and staying inside judging by how empty the streets are.” Bruce runs a hand through his hair while he explains.
You almost don’t notice that his fingers are smudged in some sort of dark ink or paint, the color reminding you of motor oil, thoughts racing as to what could have happened, what he might have seen. 
“Are you guys doing okay?” you’re asking quietly as you all walk into the main room, hoping you hadn’t pressed too much too soon, just worried by what their faces won’t yield. 
Alfred shrugs off his coat and rubs your shoulders to comfort you. 
“We’re both alright, darling, don’t worry.” He's reassuring you, steady and measured voice calming you enough to where you begin to let yourself focus on how delighted you are to see them. 
Bruce is the first to head to the kitchen when you mention you made sandwiches if anyone was hungry, his thanks echoing down the hall. 
You take a moment then to greet Alfred properly, kissing him soundly, spine tingling when he returned the kiss with a sweet pressure that gave away how much he missed you.
“I’m so sorry it’s been hours, their investigation is a big operation and nearly everyone needed to speak to us. Are you doing alright? I’ve been thinking of you all afternoon." He's looking over your frame again, almost like he can’t help but check for himself one more time
“I’m okay, I promise! Actually doing a lot better now that you’re here. It was hard not to be a nervous wreck for a second there but I took a shower and ended up sleeping for an hour and that really helped.” you’re sighing contently against his shoulder. 
“That’s my girl. I am so proud of you for how you’ve handled all this today, I really am. That’s great!”  
His words were so full of praise and affection it flusters your thoughts and you’re glad he can’t fully see your face lest he notice how much you’re affected, how much that just made you want him, but you reasoned it wasn’t the right time for romantic feelings and desires to take hold yet.
Not when there were still so many questions and things to be talked about, so you stow away those thoughts for the moment, already sure the tension would be palpable when you were able to be alone. 
Maybe it would only be a little longer left till then. 
Eventually the two of you joined Bruce in the kitchen, everyone feeling a little more settled after eating, able to process and debrief about what madness you’d found yourselves in today. 
Surreal didn’t even begin to describe how it felt but it’s all you could manage to say, not quite sure how you were able to make it out of the chaos in the streets unscathed save for a few bruises, it all felt like a bad dream come to life and everyone feared that the worst was still yet to come, that sick feeling in your gut returning with the thought that they were probably right. 
Dusky colors peeked over the horizon as the three of you tuned into the five o’clock evening news hour, wary faces glued to the TV as the first solid pictures of Scarecrow flashed across the screen. Your knees bounced nervously where you were sitting on an old loveseat, the reminder of his hooded face making you shiver. 
An eerie cell phone video showed him moving down a street with his henchmen, people screaming and writhing on the ground from the toxin. 
It seemed like he enjoyed what he had caused, a maniacal glint to his eyes, in the way he moved his face under that hood you swore had to be fused to his skin by the way it looked on him. You had to look away after the third loop of the video, an attempt to keep any nightmares about him later at bay. 
Some information was given about the initial incident that sent everyone running; the toxin had been released inside the vents at the City Hall building near The Magpie, gas canisters later found in the ducts like the ones you’d seen in the commotion, lying in the snow so coincidentally. 
Having confirmation that it had been planned like you thought only produced more confusion with the sudden wish to have been very wrong about what was going on. 
Premeditation like this could only mean this man was cunning and careful, that he’d only been caught on video and surveillance footage because he intended to be seen and that terrified you to realize. 
When you dared to peek at the TV again you immediately had to do a double take, up close photos of the men flanking Scarecrow in the video popping up, showing you what the men you saw in the alley really looked like out of the shadows. 
You wanted to throw up. You knew for sure that you recognized one of them. 
The same man who had been following you when you ran into Alfred that morning you met completely by chance.
It couldn’t be, you didn’t want it to be, as if you could kid yourself into believing you’d forgotten his face no matter how hard you had tried since that day, but it was him and a shudder rolled down your spine at how much of an awful turn this was. 
Your small gasp of surprise caught Bruce’s attention and you noticed his careful gaze shift from the screen to your face in a question, figuring out what you’re stuck on trying to explain before you can get any words out. 
“You know one of them?” there’s something in Bruce’s tone you can’t discern right away. 
“I..yes I recognize him,” your sigh was heavy, followed by the point of your finger when the man’s picture was shown one more time. “Don’t know his name or anything but I do know he works for Oz, I’ve seen him around the Iceberg Lounge pretty recently.” 
You took a deep breath before turning your attention to Alfred who was also listening curiously.
“I should also mention that I found out he was the man who was stalking me the morning we met. Oz sometimes uses his men to intimidate the dancers who get out of line with him and I may or may not have injured his pride the night before. I’m sorry I haven’t told you sooner I just didn’t want to upset you with it.” 
You cringe inwardly, anxiety rushing in all over again now that you’d said it out loud. 
That incident had been something you tried not to give too much thought to, you’d been careful, always were and hadn’t had any more issues with being followed, even got back in Cobblepot’s good graces lately as well but seeing that photo brought it all back. 
“Hey, you have nothing to apologize for, darling. That’s quite alright and more than understandable, I think you know either way I’d always be upset knowing he sent that man to stalk you but I would never be angry with you about that.” Alfred spoke gently. 
You’re relieved he isn’t mad at you even if the guilt that lingered made you worry.
Maybe you’d make a point to bring it up again when you were alone and able to discuss it in the full context of your relationship, you were sure he wouldn’t mind giving you a little extra reassurance about it. 
“Thank you. I don’t know what to make of this but I am a bit shocked Oz would be connected. He’s looking for opportunities to climb up in the crime world, all of us know that and he can be sleazy and he has a reputation for a reason but for him to be part of something like this if he really is involved is extreme.” you chew the inside of your cheek, pondering if your boss had made a deal with the devil in his search for power in Gotham. 
Men like him were all smoke and mirrors with a penchant for easily bruised egos but these revelations had you questioning things. It wasn’t a good thing to know too much in this situation and right now, you were making one too many connections for your liking. 
You would just have to be more vigilant now, especially around him. 
The investigation into today’s fear toxin attack was still ongoing and every news outlet was clamoring for updates and solid information that was nonexistent right now, Bruce finally turning off the TV after a while. 
There would be a press conference tomorrow, maybe the city would know more by then but for now it was no use to any of you to rewatch the events you’d already experienced firsthand today. 
Bruce announced he was going to shower and call it a night and wished you well if he didn’t see you again, adding that you were welcome to stay any time if you didn’t feel safe going home and he was glad you weren’t hurt after everything. 
It brought about a smile to your face again to know he didn’t think any differently of you and made sure you felt welcome.
You were remembering his offer to surprise Alfred with a proper dinner this weekend and though what happened today seemed to put a huge damper on things, you hoped that could still happen. 
Closeness and company was what you all needed right now. 
After helping Alfred tidy up the kitchen a bit he offers to drive you home and your face must have indicated your disappointment because he was quick to explain he had every intention of spending the rest of the night with you, just thought you’d want to be in your own space after such a taxing day. 
He was right, as comfortable as you felt here at Wayne Tower you did miss your apartment and your bed and the familiarity of being in your space but you were also relieved to know that he was still looking forward to making the most out of things this evening. 
Of course he’d never leave you wanting or wishing. 
Trying to hide your eagerness was a challenge, a new kind of adrenaline in your system as you watched Alfred gather some things to take with him because he said he’d be staying the night too which meant you’d get to have him to yourself after all, putting excitement back in your veins after you’d been quietly hoping to be able to wake up next to him in the morning.
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When you finally left the Tower, the streets were just as barren and quiet as Bruce had said, it was eerie not seeing any of the usual traffic. 
The only semblance of relief came from seeing that familiar bat signal lit up in the sky, a few hopeful beams cutting through the gloom in the air. 
Nothing was going to be the same moving forward and most of the city had been bracing for this since the first threat. It was only a matter of time but tonight, you wanted to forget for a little while and just take all the comfort and quality time with Alfred that you could. 
He was as protective as ever walking up to your building and doesn’t fully drop his guard until you’re both inside and the door is locked. 
Home at last!
Falling back onto more recent patterns, the space by the door is filled in with Alfred’s shoes, his coat hanging up next to yours, his presence in your apartment making it feel the most complete it’s ever been. 
He insisted that you let him make an evening cup of tea for both of you while you sank into the couch cushions, browsing through movies to watch together before you agree on something comedic and lighthearted. 
Eventually he joined you and somewhere in between laying your head against his shoulder and the middle of the movie, you finished your mug of chamomile tea and Alfred had pulled you into his lap.
And somewhere between then and the end of the movie you fit yourselves together so you could be cuddled against his side, your leg draped over his to make space. 
He’s so solid and warm that you’re helpless to sink into his hold, unable to explain why his arms made you feel so sweetly held, so comforted that the feeling radiated through just the mere mention of his name. 
Maybe it’s why the tears eventually came, when you knew you were completely safe and able to feel all your emotions fully after hours of having to push through.
It didn’t take Alfred long to notice your quiet sniffles though, catching the moment some of those tears spill over in silence. 
“Ohh sweetheart, it’s alright you’re okay. I’m right here, can you tell me what’s on your mind?” His words are soft and patient and spoken so gently you feel more tears come. 
“Today was just a lot…like I keep thinking of when we got separated in the street. I don’t think I’ve ever been as scared as I was at that moment. It’s probably all hitting me now I think,” the waver in your voice could have broken his heart. 
“It was a lot and you’ve done such a good job getting through it, you know that was a brilliant idea to use your scarf as a mask? You have no idea how proud I am of you! But you are right, that was terrifying, I was so worried you were hurt or trampled or worse, can’t imagine how caught off guard and disoriented you must have felt and I am so sorry for that, darling.”
Alfred kissed your temple, fingers careful when he began to wipe away the salty streaks left behind on your cheeks and nose. 
You wiggle yourself a little closer and nod against his shoulder, “You found me though, you made sure I wouldn’t be hurt even if you did almost give me a heart attack thinking I’d never be able to find you again.” 
This time there’s a genuine, shy laugh at the end of your words. 
“I’d always find you, you know that right?” his tone shifted to a slight seriousness, still comforting but there’s a weight to his words that steals your breath. “There isn’t a time, a place or a world in which I wouldn’t come find you, wouldn’t do everything in my power to keep you safe, you mean far too much to me.” 
You cried a bit more when all of that sentiment sank in because you trusted Alfred so much you knew he spoke truthfully, it wasn’t just to ease your emotions he meant every word and in turn, you’d felt every word. 
“I know, I don’t doubt that one bit. I know we talked about this earlier but I do want you to know I didn’t intend to keep that information about Oz sending someone to stalk me a secret from you. I promise I’m going to be a lot more careful around him now too.” 
He wiped away the dampness from your lashes before simply shaking his head at you and leaned in to kiss your forehead.
“That would definitely be wise going forward especially since we don’t know how deep his involvement goes but I also don’t want you worrying about how I feel, sweet girl. That was always yours to tell if and when you felt ready and it meant something greater that you trusted me with that knowledge, that I can be a place of confidence for you.” 
When would he ever stop rendering you speechless?!
You began to think the answer was never and that was just fine honestly, your heart so taken with his patience and diligence to validate your feelings whenever it was needed, no shame or dismissal involved.  
“Sometimes I think I just need a little extra reminding but you’re right I do know I can trust you with anything that’s going on, with anything I’m feeling.”
“Good, that makes me happy. I may have been thinking about putting you over my knee for thinking such silly thoughts that I would be upset, but there’s not a single thing you have to apologize for.” 
You forgot how to breathe after hearing that, something lighting up inside you imagining yourself over his knee, accompanying thoughts of being toyed with, spanked, squirming and helpless under the grip of those strong hands of his followed swiftly.
He’d figured it out now, reading the change of your expression for what it was, latent desires rising to the surface.
You untangled yourself from his embrace to sit up for a moment, further distracted when he clasped his hands behind his head, shirt pulling taut over his biceps. 
“Thanks for reassuring me, if I ask again feel free to do that though, think I might actually get it through my head then,” you teased shyly, “I guess I am being silly, you did after all muscle your way through a wall of people to get to me, which by the way was very impressive.” 
He laughed at your compliment, the sound low and gravelly to your ears, pulling you in. 
“Mm used to be a boxer, love. I’m flattered you think so.” 
Oh wow. Again your interest in his skills had been piqued and he must have seen the flicker of an urge to ask further in your eyes because he continued after a second. 
“Well, field medics like to have fun too and it was the army so we were all trained in hand-to-hand combat; boxing kept us in shape and gave the lads something to do, to focus on. I still try to keep up with the training, Bruce and I spar a lot of the time, we have since he was old enough to throw a punch.” Alfred tilted his head at you a little, reminiscence on his features for but a moment. 
A stray image of potentially watching him spar one day landed right in your lap and it was incredibly hard not to involuntarily scoot your leg further up from where it was draped over his thigh. 
He was so damn attractive it wasn’t fair. It made sense, the boxing, connecting why his shoulders were so defined, the tone in the muscles of his back, the power you knew he had behind those thick hands and even thicker thighs.
So sturdy and agile, age and old injuries just a reminder that every move was calculated for a reason. 
“That’s so cool. I bet it’s a good way to let off some steam too,” you rest your chin on the plush pillows of the sofa. Something had begun to shift, a slowly simmering tension working its way between your bodies. 
“Oh I can think of other things that would do that better.” 
The look on his face sends a wave of heat through you, straight to your core. 
“Like putting me over your knee?” 
It slipped from your lips on a whim but he was ready for it and you realized he’d been enticing you this whole time. 
“If that’s what you’d like then of course. Have you ever been spanked before, darling?”
You took a shallow breath, “Maybe once or twice it’s happened in the moment but no, not really, not properly like that. I-I think I’d actually enjoy it, um have you ever spanked anyone before?”
“I have.” 
He unclasped his hands to sit up next to you, eyes never leaving your face, keeping the intensity up, lighting every little flame inside you by the second. He knew exactly what he was doing and you were going to let every spark catch.
“Also impressive and yes, Alfred. I want your hands on me,” you sighed a soft plea. 
“C’mere then, I’ve got you.” He tugs you gently into a kiss and your fingers slide down over his wrists when they moved in to cup your face, touching you the way you wanted, so sure and thorough until he grasps for your hips, hungrier than you’d anticipated. 
He doesn’t waste time, your surprised little squeal making him smile when he moves to stand up and lifts you slightly by your hips, tipping you so you’d fall into him before he was transferring your weight so you were hauled over his shoulders, centered with such ease so that you felt balanced and stable now that you were off the ground. 
Your pulse thuds in your chest as you cling to him, those nervous giggles muffled against his back while he carries you to bed. 
The short walk down the hall made you feel jittery in the best way, a nervous excitement bubbling inside you knowing he was experienced with this, that he was going to show you and make it feel so good. You were sure he would. 
It’s almost crazy to be back in your room after all that’s happened today, how tense all the minutes bleeding into hours had been. 
But it could all be pushed to the background for a while, your attention locked into the moment as Alfred sat down on your bed, bringing you with him, your body positioned across his lap so prettily, angled so your legs were spread just slightly with the length of his left thigh keeping you supported. 
You stretched out your upper half on the duvet, propped up on your elbows to look back at him, watching as he pushed your leggings down, throwing them somewhere behind him on the bed before warm hands were caressing up your shins, over your thighs and up to the swell of your ass. 
His palm kneaded your flesh, strong fingers applying a teasing amount of pressure while you squirmed and arched back into his touch. 
“I’ll start slow, is that alright? Nothing too hard, just a few spanks to see what you can tolerate. If you don’t like it or aren’t sure, we don’t have to continue.” His hand moves in soothing circles across your skin and he leans in to press a kiss to your shoulder. 
“Yes, I’m okay with that.” you try and breathe. 
“Good, I want you to say the word red if you need to stop, yellow if you need to slow down and green to continue if I stop to check in. Can you do that for me, sweetheart?” 
There’s a little authority in his voice and it made you squirm again, aroused by his establishment of cues and a safeword right away, how in charge he felt right now, you wanted this so badly it caught you by surprise. You hadn’t expected to be so needy for this.
Remembering that he was waiting for a reply you squeak out a yes and have to bite your lip to keep from gasping when he pulls his hand back and swats the center of your ass, more sound behind the movement than there was force but it still made you jolt forward. 
You groaned at the dull sting that prickled your skin after and glanced at Alfred who was already studying your reaction. 
“Well done, how did that feel?” he cooed praise at you and this time you don’t try to stop the sound you make in response. 
“Felt good, like what I was expecting but also different but I liked it, I want more.” your legs flexed when his hands smooth over your skin one more time, his pleased smirk at your declaration making heat pool in your lower back. 
You wished he would slip off your underwear too, so then he’d be able to see just how soaked you were from all this but you knew you had to be patient and the reward would be everything. 
You do take a second, however, to wiggle out of your sweater, starting to feel warm under the fleece lined fabric, and when you glanced back Alfred was admiring just as you thought he might be. 
No bra, nothing underneath but soft, brown skin for him to feel and just to entice him a little more, you arch your hips, making your ass jiggle, just enough to pull his steely gaze down your backside. 
The next spank is firmer than the first, more heaviness to his hand that made you whimper, your mind feeling a little hazy in the best way, the kind of haze that felt like a release, a soft bed to lay down on and surrender some control because you knew you’d be taken care of. 
Whimpers and moaned out gasps mark the smack of his palm on each of your asscheeks, only a slight increase in the amount of force so that the sting just bordered on stealing your breath. 
“Christ, you’re so gorgeous like this, baby.”
His accent was deeper, that gruff voice sending tingles rippling across your spine, going down smooth like whiskey and followed by his left hand sliding over your back to rest on your right hip, making sure you couldn’t squirm away. 
He made each spank hurt in the most delightful way, alternating between right and left and then across both cheeks, spreading out the sensation, giving you a feel for which areas were more sensitive, which areas you liked being spanked at. 
“Oh, fuck!” breathy curses left your lips when he kept at it, precise hands giving you just the right amount of impact. 
“Good girl, you are doing so well. I think it’s time we take these off, hm?” he coaxes your hips up slightly so he can hook his fingers under the waistband of your panties and you’re all but begging him to. 
Nevermind if he felt like tearing them in two, you would have let him, but he’s polite in how he strips you despite the way you feel him stirring, hardening beneath where you lay. God, you wanted him so badly. 
“Please touch me, oh please,” you don’t even realize the words are coming from you.
In barely audible little pleas muffled by where your face is flush with the bed but Alfred doesn’t miss anything and he’s grinning in your peripheral. 
“You should see how soaked you are, love. Need my fingers there, is that right?” his fingers were already inching towards where you ached the most, his right hand circling, distracting you from being able to speak while preparing you for another spank. 
“Yes! Please, Alfred, I want it so much!” your whimper leaves both of you aching. 
A tremble in your thighs had spread down to your pointed toes with the way he swirled the pads of his index and middle fingers over the slick mess between your thighs.
Slow and sweet as he slid them over your folds and circled over your clit, waiting and then rewarded with the eventual roll and arch of your hips, his free hand drawing back and then coming down on heated skin. 
You gave a strangled cry, the sound turning into a moan when his fingers continued to circle your clit, responding to the way your body reacted, only taking his eyes off you for a moment when he finally put aside his self control to watch your pretty pussy swallow his thick fingers.
He worked you open gently, remembering how you liked him to move, where those sensitive spots were even at this new angle. 
Giving you something to clench around with his next spank, coaxing you to rock into his touch like he could see you wanted to do, the gorgeous sway of your hips trying to meet the plunge of his fingers, undeniably needy for him.
You knew he could hear it in the way you cried out his name, how sensitive your entire body was now, the broken, pleading edge to the way you praise him in return, telling him how good it felt, how much you’d been needing this. 
The pleasure built higher as did Alfred’s movements, a hiss at the edge of your words at each searing swat of his hands that mixed with the scissoring of his fingers, both working in careful, measured tandem. 
“That’s my girl, come on, that’s it!” he grits out when you push up onto your elbows again and grind your hips back. 
The passion and possession in the way he called you his merged with the curving of his fingers and you both know you’re there, tender walls fluttering as you come, thighs aching, your whole body tingling, trembling with the steady roll of his wrist keeping the pleasure drawn out, filling your entire body. 
You’re not embarrassed by the tears that prick your eyes or the sob in your throat that follow when he finally flips you over, laying you back because you’d begged for him to and who was he to refuse you, an angel.
If you wanted his face between your thighs, eating your dripping pussy until you were too sensitive to take it, that’s exactly what he’d give you and it’s why you weren’t shy, not in this moment, not when you knew he wanted it just as much as you. 
Soft hands disturb the careful style of Alfred’s hair, unable to help it when his tongue licks you and the salt and pepper scruff scratches achingly over your inner thighs, daring you to try and close them.
Not like you’d want to, able to see how his shoulders curved and bulged with the stretch of his shirt as he kept your legs parted with his body. 
This was everything you had wanted, moaning at the way he consumed you so lovingly, a weight in his touch and in his encouraging, filthy words that told you he wasn’t holding back now, you were his girl, he could show you the more true depth of his desire now.
And you were safe to do the same, you craved it actually, always wanting this and you reason you have this entire time, craving this level of care and need, even obsession with each other, so much trust and feelings at the center of it. 
“So good, baby. Just like that, please…” you barely get the words out, lungs losing air from the focus he gave to your words even before you finished speaking. 
His hands didn’t stay idle, the grip of his hands over your body like he wanted to memorize the feel of you, the way you dipped and curved and stretched and it drove you wild, the wet suction of his mouth the only thing your mind could focus on. 
It’s a wonder you can even move when he finally withdraws his mouth from your puffy lips, turning his still hungry and devoted gaze towards your chest, those stiff peaks he’d been neglecting through all this, but no longer. 
You squirmed into the flick of his tongue, the way he kissed your skin and praised and nipped and got his lips on every inch of skin that he could while you just laid back and relaxed, recovered from the orgasm still twitching in the muscles of your arms, your thighs, your tummy. 
“Just look at you. Fuck, I am so lucky,” he rumbles against your collar and you wrap your arms around him, curled against him.
“I feel exactly the same way.”
His soft huff of breath against your neck tickled and you snake your legs around him, hoping to keep him close, just wanting to be in his arms and under his body for as long as you could. 
You’d take forever, and that was all you needed to know.
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The Shoreline Lofts
November 27 
12:00 a.m.
The Batman was watching. Unblinking and focused, planted in place but ready for anything that might come. Folding himself into the inky cloak of the midnight hour. 
The Iceberg Lounge was directly beneath the loft space but that wasn’t why Bruce had come tonight.
No, he was far more interested in what Penguin got up to in private, without guests and dancers and clients around, what secrets or clues might be yielded if he just sat and watched, surveilled for a while. 
He was curious why the man you had recognized from the news was connected to Scarecrow and he didn’t believe for a moment that Oz wasn’t keeping tabs on what his men were doing, he had to have known the attack was going to happen. 
Motives were unclear but pieces of this horrid puzzle were starting to come together so Bruce  wouldn’t rest until he could see the grand picture for what it was. 
He tipped the binoculars back up to the blackened edges of his cowl, zeroing in again on where Oz was playing pool, unaware a shadow sat spying through the skylight. 
The building’s layout was already scoped out, every entry point found, tested, and memorized. Now Bruce would wait and watch until Penguin left the loft to slip in and see what he could find. 
Gordon needed intel, something to go on after grasping for dead end’s, there was no time to sit on things, not after what he’d seen today. 
Not after you and Alfred were almost hurt and especially not after he’d seen what the toxin did to people, recognizing the look of anguish in their eyes like his own reflection.
A waking nightmare was no stranger to Bruce so he’d make sure of this, Scarecrow would be made to answer.
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A/N: It’s been so long and I have missed writing for Alfred and I’m really surprised and proud of what I wrote here! Went through a lot of emotions trying to get this on the page and there was a lot of self doubt and anxiety and unfairly beating myself up about things not coming together but here we are and I just really love that I pushed through and had fun putting this all together in the end 💕 We stan protective Alfred! Like if that’s not a whole husband right there!
Thanks for giving this a read!
no pressure tags! 💌 @flamingdisputes @saradika @ozarkthedog @tarabyte3 @tarrenterror25 @the-eyes-of-andyserkis @communism-bitches @xnodamsel @glitterjuju @mariahthelioness29 @ayoarticulate @fluffyprettykitty @unrefinedmusings @xoxovivafics @peachyteabuck
181 notes · View notes
liz-allyn · 2 years
sugar and vice, pt. 15 [mob!tasm!peter x fem!reader]
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summary: what’s worse - a painful truth or a beautiful liar?
words: 5.6 k
chapter warning: trigger warning - *tw sa* - pls read at your own risk. John Walker (is officially a c*nt trigger warning). ANNNNNNGST. Mean awful words.
series warnings: mob-typical violence, bang bang shoot shoot, whump. hurt/comfort. s*xu*l situations. spousal ab^se. family trauma. dr^g use. coercion. manipulation. kidnapping. gore. blood. toxic/yandere!peter (maybe, sorta), negative self talk, shameless forced proximity trope. ‘only ten one bed oops’ trope, imprisonment. slowest burn. a dash of questionable and/or morally grey intentions. extremely toxic relationships.
This version of TASM Peter is not canon. The relationships and characters here are not healthy.
Don't date a mob boss.™️
18+ You’re responsible for your own media consumption, but if you don’t remember when Shia LeBeouf was just Louis Stevens then I’m not sure this content is right for you.
Back to Part 14.
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Part 15
She was inches off the ground, her feet kicking wildly. It was no different than a noose around her neck. John dragged her like a ragdoll into a wide bathroom stall. With his beefy hand clamped around her jaw, tight enough to crush it, he shut and latched the partition door.
The forced proximity caused her to mewl louder, hyperventilating in his grip. He lifted her further off the floor by the shoulders and slammed her against the tiles, expelling the air from her lungs. 
He was stronger than she remembered, his grip exponentially more painful. He’d no doubt logged extra hours in the gym, just like he used to, between his time at work and his time violating her.
She was weaker than she remembered, clawing helplessly at his arms with her shoulders pinned against the wall. Shrinking with terror at the feral look in his eye. Eventually, she went limp in his hold, submitting to her fate. She trembled uncontrollably, gasping through her nose, with her toes barely touching the tops of his feet. 
Just like old times.
“There you are!” he cheerfully cooed, with a tone that reminded her of the way two old women greet each other on Easter Sunday. 
His hand cemented her mouth closed while his forearm crushed her chest like a steel beam. “I’ve been worried sick about you, Peach. You haven’t answered my texts... my calls...” He grinned sadistically, with a festive tone. “I was beginning to think you’d fallen off the face of the Brooklyn Bridge!”
She had nightmares like this, where a scream tore at her throat but couldn’t break free. If she could, it would’ve pierced their eardrums. The panic in her eyes was shriller than sirens. Her heart drummed nearly as loud as the muffled music in the bar outside. Terror gripped her, and all he could do was laugh.
If she could scream, it would be one name: Peter.
As if John could read her mind, he narrowed his gaze, eyes darkening. Threatening. Daring her. “Now. I’m gonna move my hand so we can chat. And if you do so much as sneeze too loudly, I’ll drown you in that toilet bowl down there.”
She shuddered, tears spilling down her face. She sobbed. But she quit struggling. 
“Atta girl,” he purred with a wicked smile. Licking his lips, he wiped a tear away with the pad of his thumb. “Here we go.” Slowly, he loosened his grip, letting his palm slide down her chin and his fingers wrap dangerously around her throat.
She gaped up at him, wet eyes glimmering in the fluorescent light. 
“So,” he said, glancing between her petrified eyes and trembling lips. “What gives, Peach? Did you forget about me already?”
“John, please—”
He constricted his hand around the base of her neck. She pictured a python suffocating its prey, squeezing slowly until every bone shattered.
“I can’t help but feel like you’ve been ghosting me,” he said unnervingly lightheartedly. “Be honest. Was it something I said?”
She panted in short breaths. “Nonono, you don’t understand—I’m-’m trying to protect you!”
He tightened his grip.
“It’s the truth! You don-don’t understand—something is wrong... Peter is—he-he’s capable of things that-that humans shouldn’t be capable of!”
He curled a brow upwards, intrigued.
“I’ve seen it! It’s... it’s like the devil. I-I don’t know. He’s-he’s not human, John. I’ve seen him almost rip a man’s head off with his bare hands. Please, he’s... he’s not right—”
“You tellin’ me bedtime stories, Peach?” 
“Nooo,” she sobbed, shaking her head. He allowed her the space to do so. “I’m not, I swear! He-he can’t be stopped...I don’t know what he’ll do to me if he finds out— I don’t know what he’ll do to either of us—”
“Shh,” he whispered, his eyes softening. He wiped another tear from her cheek. “It’s okay, I got ya.” He stroked her face sweetly. It made her skin crawl—a cruel imitation of kindness. “I’m sure you’ll be fine. You just gotta use that silver tongue of yours.”
She gulped at his insinuation. 
“Speaking of which, you blow ‘em yet?” He sneered with a smile that made her nauseous, with an overemphasis on each syllable, “Come on, Hun-ney.” He wiped across her lower lip with the pad of his thumb, narrowing his eyes into slits. He breached her mouth, and she loathed the foul taste of his finger. “I know you’ve got what it takes.” 
She went stiff. Felt cold and clammy. Like her skin wasn’t attached to her muscles. She didn’t want to wear it anymore.
“Well,” John pouted, pulling his thumb away, “if you’re not willing to play, I’ll have to resort to other measures. Guess I’ll have to settle for the kid.”
Her eyes flashed with anger. “Don’t you dare! Don’t you dare touch Bella—”
“I’m not talkin’ about Bella,” he snickered. “And not any of your slutty sisters either.” Her brows pinched together anxiously. “I’m talkin’ about the other kid—Miles Morales.”
Her breath hitched in her throat. A Cheshire smile stretched his face like an evil clown out of a horror movie. “Fucked up what happened to his family,” John mused with faux sympathy. “If anyone ever knew where to find him, he’d be in real danger.”
Her glossy eyes widened and her blood went cold. He didn’t need to choke her. She was being strangled by a mix of terror and rage, cutting off her air supply. She thought she was going to pass out. 
“You can’t do that,” she whispered in shock. He tilted his head, glaring through slitted eyes. “He’s... he’s just a kid. He’s not even a part—”
“Oh, please,” he chuckled darkly. “Don’t tell me you’re that stupid. No one’s gonna believe that he’s some innocent bystander. Especially not the cops in this city.” 
Her upper lip curled. “You’ll never prove anything.”
“I don’t have to,” John said under his breath. His voice was as soft as a cloud, and his eyes turned to ice. “All I have to do is call for backup. Lotsa things happen when the police get involved. Miscommunication. Accidents.”
He let the words sink in, as if holding for a dramatic pause. He leered down at her maliciously, like he’d just delivered a punchline. Her sense of reason detached from her own body. A fresh swell of rage rose in her, boiling the blood in her veins.
She barely recognized her own voice, or the poisonous sound of her fury. “If you come near Miles, you’re a dead man,” she seethed, almost breathless with anger. “Peter will kill you.”
John’s smile melted at her insolence, staring at her with disbelief. Rage spread through him.
She recognized that look. Knew it well, like an old friend. This was usually the part where he’d flatten her with the back of his hand. 
She expected it. Welcomed it. She was convinced that it would have been worth it.
Instead, he pulled back his chin, studying her with scrutiny. “Wow,” he scoffed in disgust. “Parker got you good. He’s your knight in shining armor, isn’t he?”
He released her weight, letting her stand on her own, but kept his forearm against her chest. With the other hand, he reached into his pocket, pulling out a smartphone. Tapping in a code, he unlocked the screen and held it up to her view. She blinked rapidly, her eyes struggling to focus on the harsh blue light.
The image that came into view baffled her. It looked like a red paint can had exploded. But she knew who was showing her the picture, and anxious nausea gripped her. She looked away.
“Look. At. It,” he ordered through clenched teeth. “Recognize this?”
She glanced at the image with a stoic expression, which looked more like a Jackson Pollock painting than anything. She flicked her gaze upwards, glowering in silence. 
“No? Lemme show you the ‘before.’”
He swiped the photo away. Her eyes went cold.
Immediately, she recognized Peter. If you had asked her—that was the first thing she saw. He was in some kind of nightclub, maybe in a part of Web that she hadn’t seen. 
His face was partially obscured. But if you had asked her, she could tell you with certainty that it was Peter. That jutted jaw sporting a beard he’d worn up until today. That sharp nose. The prominent Adam’s apple in his throat. She’d recognize them anywhere. 
If you had asked her, he looked disheveled in a way she couldn’t recognize. His hair was wild. Black shirt slightly askew, hanging too loosely like he spent time in a mosh pit.
But if you had asked her at that moment, she wouldn’t say anything. She was unable to speak.
She was utterly frozen, staring horrified at the half-naked woman on his lap. The woman was wearing nothing but a thong and tiny slivers of fabric that barely contained her breasts. She straddled him, fingers laced around the buttons of his shirt. 
He didn’t look upset by it. Not one bit. 
Didn’t look concerned at all. Instead, his head was thrown back in what appeared to her as ecstasy. She’d recognized that expression. She’d seen it from that same angle. It had only been a couple of days since she was sitting where that woman sat.
A sharp line formed between her brows. It had only been a couple of days. 
This photo was taken with a long lens from a hidden angle. Someone had been spying on him. Watching him, unseen. Recently, too—there was a watermark of a date in the corner of the image. 
It had only been a couple of days ago.
She was numb. She didn’t need to look up at John to see him beaming down at her. The color was draining from her face, her natural hue turning greener every second. Viciously, he flicked his thumb, displaying another image.
This one had them locked in a filthy kiss. 
The next one had his lips latched to her chest.
The next one had his hands cupping her ass. Thumbs toying beneath the waistband of the silver thong she was wearing.
The next one had those hands buried in the woman’s hair—that gorgeous woman with her giant tits and flawless body. Perfect ass hoisted in the air as she bent her knees on either side of his thighs. Her tongue licked the flesh of Peter’s exposed chest. 
Although Honey’s eyes told her it was a still image, her brain projected a motion picture. Her mind crafted each frame, imagining this woman trailing down his sternum until she connected with the hard, thick line in his lap.
In her memories, she could vividly see his eyes, but now they were staring at this woman. Burning her with a hungry gaze. Speaking filthy vows as he worked himself with his own hand. Worshiping her like she was a goddess. 
“Aww, how sad,” John hummed, relishing in her pain. 
When had she started crying?
“Now, check this out. Lemme show you the ‘after.’”
Another flick of his thumb revealed a wider image of the painting. She gasped with horror as she recognized the paint splatter as human remains. It was all that was left of the woman. Body parts and organs spread across a room like disjointed puzzle pieces. Her mouth fell open in a silent gag as her stomach pitched. 
John snorted with a chuckle, “Geez, I can’t imagine the cock on this guy. Talk about splitting a woman in half, eh?”
Her heart crumbled. Her mind was shattered. Like the piano against the wall. Like that guard’s spine. Like the bloody mess of the man who’d kidnapped her. The whole world was red. 
“Did he tell you about Gwen?”
Her heart skipped at the sound of her name. Her eyes darted up to John’s—stunned. How did John know about the woman of Peter’s dreams—the other other woman in his fantasies? She gazed at him in disbelief. He snickered.
“Did he tell you they were married?”
Another stab to her heart. A phantom limb severed. 
“Did he tell you how she died?”
Another stone placed on her chest. She felt her lungs compress and buckle. 
“Did he tell you how he murdered his own wife?”
Now, she was nothing. Less than nothing. Pulverized. Crushed to dust. Ground into the dirt. No more a body than the bloody painting of Peter’s mistress.
“You know what’ll happen to me if something happens to Miles?” John said. 
He hooked a finger under her chin, pulling her gaze up to his. It was effortless. She had no fight left in her body. She was clay in his hands to mold however he wanted. A jellyfish washed up on shore. She had never had a backbone.
“Absolutely nothing,” he breathed, fixing her with a cruel smile. Tears were streaming down her cheeks, but she couldn’t feel them anymore. Couldn’t feel anything. 
“I won’t be the one that Parker goes after. It’ll be you. His sweet, saintly, slutty snake.”
She stared with lifeless eyes, like playing possum. That was a mistake. She knew it wasn’t any fun for John if he couldn’t see her suffer. He wouldn’t be sated. 
“Oh. One more thing. You forgot this.” He put his phone back in his pocket, retrieving another one. Her eyes went wide. It was hers—the one she kept hidden in her bedroom. “Can’t leave this lying around just anywhere,” he glowered. 
She felt an iron grip on her thigh. She gasped sharply, but he cupped her mouth and sealed off the cries. Viciously, he wrenched up her thigh, pulling her legs apart. His fingers groped beneath the hem of her dress. A scream bubbled up in her throat as he shoved his hand into her underwear. 
“Gotta make sure you keep this close,” he sneered through gritted teeth. Cold glass was placed crudely against her flesh, sending a chill that penetrated every cell in her body. In her mind, she thrashed, shrieked, kicked, hollered, scratched, bit, punched, yelled, clawed, bludgeoned, and punctured. But aside from sobbing, her body did nothing. 
Just like old times.
When he retracted his hand, her limbs were rubber. If his hand on her mouth hadn’t nailed her to the wall, she would’ve collapsed. 
Instead, he leered down at her, feasting on her anguish and relishing her torment.
He smirked. 
There was no need for threats. No need to worry about her at all. She was broken. Weak. She would fall apart if he pushed her—a dandelion in a hurricane.
He released her, letting her knees buckle. She slid down the wall, trembling, crumbling beneath the toilet bowl. She winced at the uncomfortable feeling of a foreign object between her thighs.
“You run along now,” he muttered, undisturbed. “You’ll be okay as long as you can manage to keep your legs closed.”
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Peter leaned back against the wall, letting the coolness seep into his scalp. His eyes were closed as he hummed a tune playing on the jukebox. Every breath was measured steadily, trying to shut out the noises around him.
He’d almost lost it. Again.
And while he was dreaming up violent pictures and all the different ways he could slaughter the two drunkards—who had smartly disappeared—he felt the sensation of an icy breeze tickling his body. It started gentle, like a gust of late autumn wind against bare skin. A moment later, the temperature plunged. It was excruciating, stab wounds all over his skin like he’d been dropped into a frozen river. 
His eyes opened wide, a gasp filling his lungs. A chill he hadn’t felt in years shot down his spine. His gaze darted across the room, frantically searching. And then he spotted her—his girl stomping across the bar, rushing towards the exit. Her shoulders were rigid, arms wrapped tightly around herself, head down. She was a few paces away from sprinting. He could smell her tears from here.
His eyebrows pinched together. “Honey?”
She stopped for nothing. Scampered on shaky legs and unsteady heels out onto the sidewalk. Frozen tear tracks decorated her cheeks like glitter. She could hear Peter calling after her. The sound of his voice made her want to rip her face off. 
A bomb of vile fury— ugly, savage, and raw— had been set off beneath her ribs. Rage vaporized her insides, burning blisters across her heart. A firestorm in her stomach and chest threatened to incinerate everything in her path.
“Honey! Wait up!”
Her eyes were blurry—glazed over. She recognized the shape of a yellow cab in front of her. Didn’t hesitate for a moment. 
“Taxi!” she shouted, reaching for the door handle. She wrenched it open—if she had a fraction of Peter’s strength, she would’ve ripped the sedan in half.
Just before she crawled inside, the door slammed shut. Again. Peter tried to pull her back from the edge. Again. 
“Whoa, whoa, whoa— what the hell—?”
“Don’t touch me!” she shrieked, voice like shattered glass. 
The shrillness of it caused him to jolt. Immediately, Peter removed his hand from her upper arm, a bewildered look on his face. He blinked in confusion, overwhelmed by the redness of her eyes and the streaks of mascara down her face.
“What happened?” he gasped softly. His voice hardened to a demand. “Who did this to you?”
“Get the fuck away from me!” she screamed in a tone that was sharp and piercing enough to cut through the concrete jungle of New York City’s streets. 
Peter suddenly felt every eye in the city on him, reminding him they stood on a busy Manhattan street. Flushed, he glanced around to see a crowd of bystanders turning to look. Curious and judgmental eyes attacked him from every direction.
Calming himself, he lowered his voice. “Honey, talk to me. What happened?”
Her eyes were wild. “Where’s Bella?”
“Where is she, Peter? Where did you take her?!”
He curled a brow upwards, studying her, becoming more disturbed by her erratic outburst. “We talked about this,” he said placatingly, “I told you she was safe—”
“All you told me was that you took my family out of their home and hid them away from me!” She roared with a sharp, accusatory tone, “What did you do to them?! Where are they?! What did you do with my baby niece?!”
Compared to her, he was a whisper in the wind. “Honey, please, just calm down—”
“Forget it, I’m leaving!”
“What? No, I’ll drive us home!” Peter rushed after her, trying to maintain control of the situation. Panicked, he made eye contact with a man sitting at the valet stand just off the arcade entrance. He called to him, “Hey! Bring my car ‘round, will ya?” He hurried to give the valet his ticket, and the young man darted off immediately at the command.
Honey was now ten feet away from him and expanding her lead. The crowd was still eagerly watching the drama unfold. His senses buzzed him again as his eyes found a beat cop parked in a police cruiser nearby. He broke eye contact with the suspicious eyes of the officer, jogging away to catch up to her.
She turned a corner just as he approached. “Honey, I said I’d drive you—”
“I’m not going anywhere with you!” she hissed. He jumped into her path, fighting the urge to make contact.
“Wait a minute—!”
“Get away from me!” she hollered, her voice cracked and ravaged with cries. She stopped and backed up, putting several feet between them. A couple that was passing by slowed to a stop to watch. As did a senior man walking his dog. As did an off-duty driver watching from his cab.
Peter could recognize a power shift when he saw one. Now, standing on Fifth Avenue with her screaming her head off in front of a growing audience, she had all the power in the world.
He breathed heavily through his nose, his voice barely above a whisper, “Please, just slow down. Lower your voice. Tell me what’s wrong—”
“Or what?” she snapped, her volume still teetering on hysteria. “You’ll kidnap me again?” She was louder than a jet engine. 
He felt faint, with the constant sirens in his mind alerting him to impending danger. He was defenseless. 
“You're gonna throw a bag over my head and put me in the trunk?” she hissed. “In front of all these people?”
He swallowed hard, stomach twisting. Skin burning from dirty looks in the crowd. Cheeks flushed red with embarrassment. 
“That’s your weakness, isn’t it?” she speared him, relentless in her attack. “You thrive in the shadows. You can’t survive without the dark! Can’t live where people can see how dirty you are out in the open! You’re worse than a rat; you’re fucking vermin! You act like you’re different, like you’ve got some moral code! But you’re no different than those dirty cops! All you want is to control people!”
His chest heaved while his gaze blackened. He lowered his chin, quietly seething. “Honey. Let’s not talk about this here.”
“I’m taking a cab.”
“You’re not gettin’ in a cab by yourself.”
“Why not?”
“Because it’s not safe!”
She glowered resentfully, jabbing a finger at him, “You’re not safe!” He blinked rapidly, taken aback by the pure loathing in her eyes. Rage flowed through her veins like lava. He’d never seen her so savagely cruel, like she was savoring the violence in her mouth.
“You call that love?” she demanded, voice cracking with cries. “Devotion? That’s obsession! Slavery!” Her whole body was shaking, eyes ablaze. “Fuck you! You don’t know what it means to love!” 
The twist beneath his ribs was beginning to throb. Nostrils flared, he glared back and opened his mouth to speak. She unleashed another barrage the moment she saw his resistance. 
“You know how to fight, but you don’t know what it means to surrender.” Her voice was quieter but no less vicious. She stalked towards him, emboldened by her anger. “You think I didn’t want to leave home? I wanted to run away! But I didn’t! I stayed... because that’s my mother! I stayed there to protect my sisters!” She paused only for air. “Suffering! Sacrifice! That’s love! How dare you pretend you know anything about it!” 
“I’ve sacrificed,” he bit back, his hardened defensively. His eyes were lit up by the cars that passed by, the glimmer in them unmistakable. “And for the record—that’s not love. Love isn’t suffering. That’s fear.”
She eyed him lividly, words spewing out like boiling poison. “How would you know?” she hissed. “Everyone that ever loved you is dead. And everyone left alive is too scared to tell you the truth.”
He pressed his lips together, lifting his chin. His eyebrows furrowed together, eyes hung solemnly on her seething form. She spotted the tick in his jaw. The way he clenched it tight to keep himself from breaking down in her presence. 
Against her will, the sight soured her rage. She inhaled slowly through her nose, biting down her jaw to keep her lip from wobbling in response.
He sniffed, rubbing his nose briefly. “That feel good?” he said bitterly. He glanced up at her, tears brimming in his eyes. “I bet it did. Now you finally know what it’s like to stand up for yourself.”
He swallowed hard, his Adam’s apple sliding up and down as if he was keeping something rancid from crawling up his throat. He sniffed again. Eyes flicked away. “Pretty nice bein’ on the opposite end for a change? Or do you get off on the pain more?”
Her irritation flared; his words sliced into her like a dagger. Her eyes burned with built-up tears. 
“You like that, yeah?” he glowered. His eyes flashed with anger, temper flaring. “Ain't that right?” He hissed through gritted teeth, stalking up until he was inches from her. “You love it when the bad men hurt you. Fuckin’ love being a victim. So much that you’re willing to apologize for it. Admit that you wanna be controlled! You wanna be tied up and kept! It’s your goddamn dirty fantasy, isn’t it?”
His voice reverberated off the buildings before he buttoned his lips. Nostrils flaring, he dropped his gaze to the cement beneath their feet. She glared back, but she wasn’t looking at him. 
Instead, she saw that slut writhing on top of him while she foolishly—stupid, stupid girl— worried for his safety. 
“You’re confusing your fantasies with reality,” she sneered lividly. “You bastard, you don’t even know my name. You don’t know anything about me.”
His jawbone twitched, eyes downcast. “How could I? How could anyone? You never let me in.” He glanced up at her beneath his lashes, bitterness in his gaze. “I don’t know if you won’t because you don’t trust me or because it’s just easier for you to lie. But I am the only one who has laid it all out for you! I’ve told you exactly who I am, and what I am!”
She shook her head, her tone virulent, “And I hate all of it.” 
The viciousness of her tone gave him pause. The sweet girl in the coffee shop was gone. Her humanity was ripped from her cells. He stood in horrified awe. Completely aghast and wondering who would have destroyed her like this. Who on Earth had the power to tear apart a soul the way hers had been?
“You were right, Peter,” she softly declared. “Your aunt and uncle didn’t deserve to die like that.” All the tears had drained from her eyes; the remnants dripped from her chin. Her quivering lip shook them loose. “But you do.”
The killing blow. That’s all he needed to hear in order to posit his answer. 
He had been the one to kill her. To break her spirit. Tear apart her soul. He just hadn’t realized it until now.
He heard the roar of a familiar V8 engine. Glancing over, still slightly glazed from the raw energy of their fight, he saw his Basalt Black Porsche Spyder pulling up to the curb. It stopped several paces away, high gloss shine glittering in the streetlights. It was a stunning jewel proclaiming his accomplishments, none of which he could immediately recall—or give a shit about.
Most of the faces on the sidewalk were now pointed away from them, but Peter could hear the cruel things they whispered under their breaths. Maybe they were right.
The valet popped out of the driver's side, smartly avoiding even a glance towards the couple. He disappeared, didn’t even wait for a tip. 
Peter stared at the ajar door, reeling with hot emotions and dreading the next fight ahead.
“Get in the car, Honey,” he muttered darkly. Any ounce of kindness or patience had evaporated.
“Fuck off.”
He flashed rageful eyes at her. “I’m not tellin’ you again. Get. In the car.”
She narrowed her eyes and scoffed at his empty threat. “You gonna have me whacked, Boss?”
He tilted his head. Glowered at her for several moments. “Of course not.” His tone was calm and his eyes gentle, a shocking contrast to his livid demeanor moments before. He strolled towards her until she was within arm’s length.
“I’m gonna let you go,” he said matter-of-factly. “Gonna let you run. Get as far away from me as you can, until I’m nothin’ but a bad memory. I’m gonna let you go free. Let you believe that you really won this time.” Like a feather, he drifted closer, stopping inches from her ear. He whispered icily, “Then I’m gonna hunt you down.” 
She flicked her gaze to his. His eyes were black, possessed by rage and whatever other evil lived inside his soul. “And I will bring you back. In handcuffs, if I have to. In chains.” He leveled his gaze at her, speaking in a hushed tone. “You think I’m scary now? You think I’m the bad guy? No. You haven’t seen me bad, Honey. You haven’t seen me angry.”
Her expression was stone. The threat lingered in the air, but she didn’t respond. He doubted she lacked the courage to do so. She likely didn’t have the energy.
She simply didn’t care anymore. 
“I’ve seen all I need to see,” she said calmly, letting out a tired sigh. 
Rolling her eyes, she rounded around him and began strolling towards the car. She walked with an airy gait, floating like a ghost. Untethered to this world. Empty and void of anything resembling life. “Dinner is over,” she bitterly muttered. “And I’m ready to go back to my room now—”
A force collided with her upper back like she took a punch to the spine. Before she could cry out, she was flying backward. 
The car shrank in her gaze. She came to a sudden stop, crashing against the brick wall of Peter’s chest, steel beams wrapping around her. They were both flying through the air, spinning dizzily, until coming to a hard crash on the pavement. 
The air ejected from her lungs as she rolled to her back. Peter’s body covered hers, shielding her.
A bright flash. Blinding light. A blast of heat. 
A shockwave erupted from the sportscar as it exploded into flames.
And then, there was nothing but silence.
Her lungs felt like they were on fire. She choked on methane, her chest trembling from damage. Her eyes fluttered open to see Peter gazing down at her. Doe eyes. Wide and terrified. He was sobbing. She could barely hear him over the ringing in her ears.
“Wake up, baby... Baby, please, please come back to me, wake up wake up, come back, stay with me staywithmeplease staywithme—”
It sounded like she was at the bottom of a well.
On the next inhale, she broke into a coughing fit. The change in pressure of her airways restored some of her hearing, but she was still trapped in a coffee can. The whole world rattled and buzzed around her. 
Peter’s face filled with relief, albeit short. “I got you.” His voice trembled. She was no longer on the ground. She was freezing and soaked, covered in road mud and sleet. She shook against the heat of his chest. Her fingers were icicles, and it was painful to grip his neck.
“I got you,” he repeated. “S’okay. Gonna get us out of here, okay? Just close your eyes for me.”
The bright lights of a bonfire blinded her, and closing her eyes was a welcome relief. Then her stomach pitched, like she jumped off a building. 
She kept her eyes closed. Gripping him close, her nails dug into the leather of his jacket. She was so cold. Like she’d been walking through a blizzard. Could barely feel her toes. What happened to her shoes?
She jostled as she came to a sudden stop. Her head throbbed from the jerking sensation. It was like she’d been in a car crash. Or had gotten hit by a bus.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Peter repeated, terror stretching his voice thin. “Sorry so sorry so sorry I didn’t mean it, I didn’t mean it—”
She felt herself crying, shaking in his hold. The sharp prickle of gravel on the backs of her exposed legs startled her. Dizzied, she blinked up at him in confusion. His gaze was buried within hers. He cradled her close to his chest. 
She was disoriented. Where did the buildings go? Were they on the roof? When did they go upstairs? Had she blacked out?
“Baby, look at me,” he called to her, his voice as gentle as a lake. Her eyes struggled to focus. Her mouth opened, but she couldn’t breathe enough to speak. Choked on the frost in the air. Choked on the taste of blood in her mouth.
Her eyes went wide, gazing up at him as terror settled in. Her brain started to reboot, putting pieces together, but her pulse pounded as the picture came to life. The car blew up. Right in front of her. They had almost died. She had almost died. Peter had almost died.
She sobbed. Cried out his name.
He held her tight, rocking her like a child. “It’s okay,” he whispered soothingly. He dug his arm beneath her knees, elevating her legs while dipping his hold on her back. He was so warm, always warm all the time—practically burning up. She was so cold. 
“You’re okay. You’re gonna be okay. Just breathe.” 
Tearfully, she hiccuped, sucking in big gasps of air. “Pete—”
“Shh, shh,” he cooed. “Breathe for me, baby. Just breathe. Just like you taught me, yeah? In and out. We’re gonna take a moment to breathe.” 
“M’sorry... I’m sorry about everything,” her voice broke over the words. It felt like her tongue wouldn’t move as she wanted it to. “I didn’t mean it—” 
His face was filthy, streaked with tears and horror and blood. He shook his head, touching his nose to her. “It’s okay, baby. Just rest right now, okay?”
“Peter, what happened?” she cried, shuddering as he rocked her. “Wha...?”
“It’s okay, sweetie. S’okay, we just fell. We fell. You-you hit your head... and—fuck, I’m so sorry, this is all my fault—”
“I’m co-cold...”
“Here.” He shucked off his jacket, blanketing her with it. “We gotta get you warm. Just need t’get a good look at you, see where you’re hurt.”
“Di-Did I almost die?”
He winced. Squeezed his eyes closed, like holding back a scream. “No, baby.” He swallowed hard. “No. I was never gonna let that happen. I’m never gonna let that happen, I swear.” His face crumpled as he pressed an agonized kiss to her forehead. “I’m so sorry. I’ll never—I’ll never hurt you again, I swear it. I swear.”
Her face crumpled as he squeezed her body to his chest. She closed her eyes, burying her wet cheeks in the crook of his neck.
He was sorry. So was she.
But not nearly enough. 
Not yet. 
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Continue to Part 16
[back to masterlist]
A/N yeeeeeaaaah. originally, i planned for 14 and 15 to be one chapter, but instead, we needed some semblance of joy. for a moment.
thank you so much for everyone that has given me beautiful feedback and notes and fun little ideas for the playlist—I have been going through a mountain of stuff but I appreciate you all so much.
want to be on the taglist for the next one? make sure you reblog!
take care, spider fam
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smallandalmosthonest · 2 months
considering that they said they dont wanna make a guy queer and then have him crush on his best friend immediately (cause cliches or whatever) i think eddie is going to be the one to take The Step which makes buddie canon. do you have any ideas or wishes as to what he could do or what could happen?
i mean if i’m being perfectly honest i think being in love with your bestie is a quintessential bisexual rite of passage and the whole ‘cliche’ thing always seemed a silly argument to me.
my wish would be that eddie’s “this doesn’t change a thing between us” come back to haunt him. i’m a playwright/new play dramaturg for my day job and that line feels like such a loaded gun — if this were a script i was developing i would IMMEDIATELY flag that line. he could have said anything else to the same effect (“you’re always gonna be my best friend,” “i’m proud of you,” “i love you no matter what,” whatever) but that line plants a seed for the audience; THAT LINE is what introduces us to the IDEA that anything between them COULD change. because before eddie said it, I Highly Doubt anyone watching the show was like “ohhhhh he’s gonna have a problem with buck dating dudes.” other than his bitch4bitch bickering with josh while at dispatch, we’ve never been given any indication that eddie could or would have any ~discomfort around queer men; that line might feel necessary if eddie were a different character, if the show had fewer queer characters, or if it wasn't LA in 202?, but it went off like a siren when i first watched the scene.
they’ve also just set up a beautiful context for eddie to have a queer realization arc:
eddie diaz was basically a teen dad; shannon was "the first woman he slept with"/dated, and he's been Shannon's Husband/Christopher's Father/Shannon's Widow ever since. but NOW christopher is temporarily out of the picture, and eddie has to confront what his life looks like when he's not being a father first and a man second. unless the writers really fumble this plot point going into s8, eddie is all tee'd up for some major self-reflection revelations/forced exploration of the self
we've established the boy has catholic guilt out the wazoo. he acknowledged a "reservoir" of this guilt that lies dormant; he basically admitted to being Deeply Repressed About Shit onscreen while talking about how he couldn't get it up for his gf
beyond "my gf was a nun and now i can't fuck her and this has nothing to do with her moving in with me whatsoever" we also have "someone assumed my gf was my wife/my son's mother and i had a panic attack so severe i ended up in the hospital"
i'm not even gonna talk about the kim thing
plus, buck is bi!!!!!
buck "checking out a hot guy's ass is normal ally behaviour" buckley is one of the most important people in eddie's life. i think it would make perfect sense for eddie to see buck's coming out journey, to see a masc dude have a queer realization in his thirties, and have some feelings about that.
"so, you always knew?" "no, man, not at all. it's more like NOW that i know, everything else makes sense." <- you know what i mean???? scenes i would write if i were in the writer's room tim if you can hear me
PLUS, eddie is friends with tommy! they canonically instantly became super close! so not only could we see eddie's queer awakening through scenes with buck, we could ALSO see them through scenes with tommy! we've seen it in the fanfics, my siblings in christ: eddie goes from loving tommy and hanging out with him always to suddenly being Weird about it.
at the end of the day this is an ensemble show and i think i would want to see eddie having big conversations with either bobby or hen about it and i do solidly vote for the whole third-party thing (i can totally see chimney can't-keep-a-secret han losing his patience and basically telling eddie "you're in love with buck" like the gif)
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this ask got away from me. i want it to be mutual. i want to burn for a whole season or more, where they're both slowly realizing they're in love with each other, until finally one of them grabs his keys to go to the other's place and just tell him but when he opens the door to leave the other one is standing right there, and they just say each other's names and it's awkward and stilted but they're both there to say i love you
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Alright, Siren. First post on Tumblr (Have I been here forever? Yes. Is this a new blog? Also yes. Does this mean that I will be dramatic about it? Very much yes
My friend and I were discussing the other day about Batkids and their ages!
So! Ages and reasons, let's go!
Let's start with some canon ages and events (Also, canon is a puzzle and who knows if any of this still applies anywhere but!)
Dick was 8 when the Graysons fell.
Bruce was 19 when he started his journey to become Batman (18 + 1 year of med school) Bruce also trained for 3 years overseas and there was no Robin for Batman year one. So Bruce is minimum 23 when the Graysons fall.
Now. When Jason dies, he's 15. Tim is 14 when he takes the mantle about 6 months later. And Dick is in his rebellious phase at 19.
Barbara is shot just shortly before Jason's death at the age of 19. Meaning Babs is 19. Jason is 15
When Tim becomes Red Robin, he's 17. Damian is 10.
Cass becomes Batgirl at 17 during the middle of Tim's Robin Run at +- 16.
Steph becomes Spoiler and starts to date Tim at 15, meaning they're about the same age.
Now Duke is a bit more difficult because canon shifts. But! He's Signal when Tim is wearing the terrible showgirl costume! So, it's after Red Robin. Tim's gone for a year so Tim is a minimum of 18 and Duke is 17 when he becomes Signal
This gives us age comparisons for all of these charactefs
Age stats as follows
Damian: 0
Duke: 6
Tim: 7
Steph: 7
Cass: 8
Jason: 8
Dick: 12
Babs: 12
Bruce: 27
So! In essence! Duke is 6 years older than Damian. Tim and Steph are 1 year older than Duke. Jason and Cass are one year older than them. Dick and Babs are 4 years older than them. And then, Bruce is 14 years older than Dick.
This means that now that Tim is 18 and out of the house, Bruce is 20 years older than Tim. So 38.
Why did I decide to do this again? I could have made the first post anything but this is what I chose. Lovely.
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teecupangel · 7 months
Hello dear angel. Hope you're fine and happy. I was checking out your blog and your Ezio android idea really got me. My brain just wnet to terminator Ezio. A new abstergo android designed and programed to hunt down assassins.
I think Ezio could be a real nightmare for everyone. I know he is a robot but sometimes he has vesions of his past. When he is on the feild killing and slaying his brothers and sisiters... he tries everytime to controll his hands but he just can't. He had to fix this. And when he is in facility he just sits and thinks that "Does god answers a machien's preyers?" Until oneday he got damaged and shuted down on the feild. Abstergo thought he was destroyed but he was in assassins' hideout. By Rebecca's idea to use his brain to access to abstergo's database. Everyone was thinking this is too risky but their gang did this anyway. When Ezio got online once more and saw Desmond... he knew him. He stared at him. And suddenly he talked. "I am your prophet" he said in a calm but confused at the same time.
So this is all I have. Feel free to chage whatever you didn't like. And I wouldn't mind some😈🔥🔞 If it is possible
Thanks for your i've found it recently. And i'm in love with it already.
(Thank you. I'm doing okay. I hope you're fine and happy as well :))
Android!Ezio is part of this Lunar Chronicles AU idea for those curious.
Oooohhh, so we’re keeping Ezio as a terminator-style android but without the time-traveling setup of the Terminator movies?
Okay, so Abstergo decided to give the whole android thing a try and they decided to use Ezio’s memories to create an Assassin Hunter.
For this to work, they would have to have access to Ezio’s memories in the first place.
So we have two main canon origin for those memories.
(1) Clay Kaczmarek
(2) Desmond Miles.
Desmond would have the more memories to include but Lucy would have had sent the data during the time Desmond was using the Animus to access Ezio’s memories. It would be too risky.
Or Desmond’s DNA that the Animus he used during Altaïr’s sessions could be used?
That would mean that Ezio the Android would have started operation on September 1 or sometime when Abstergo got Desmond’s DNA.
Clay’s DNA could mean an earlier boot up date but Clay’s genetic memories of Ezio ends earlier than Desmond. Perhaps somewhere in Brotherhood’s storyline so Ezio would know of Desmond BUT the memories Clay has access to will not include the memory of Ezio seeing Desmond’s face after touching Altaïr’s Apple in Masyaf.
I would still suggest we set him up to be born using Clay’s DNA because this gives us more time for Ezio to be active as an Assassin Hunter.
Not to mention, we can include a scene where Ezio was the one who raided the Farm on AC1 and, if you want to hammer some angst into this, perhaps he kills Desmond’s mother during the raid and Bill had been lying to his son about how she was safe and they would see her after AC3.
Perhaps the death of Desmond’s mother is what triggered the errors in his programming that could not be fixed.
There was something about Desmond’s mother facial structure that screamed familiar to him.
He didn’t know it yet but it was because Desmond looked a lot like his mother and Ezio’s memories screamed at the android.
He is transported to the Rome Facility for Vidic to look at after Lucy took Desmond to Rome hideout for the second phase of Project Siren and-
Ezio escaped.
He didn’t why but he left the facility, killing anyone who tried to stop him.
He travels to Monteriggioni and uses the secret passage in the abandoned mines.
He ends up slumped by the entrance of Auditore crypts and that’s how Desmond and Lucy found him.
Lucy, of course, is freaking out because she doesn’t understand what the android is doing here.
Rebecca recognized him immediately and wanted to pry open his head to check if there is any classified information that might help them.
And Desmond?
Desmond hates him.
Because he knows that this android was created using Ezio Auditore’s memories. It was the one that attacked the Farm.
It was a weapon that sullied Ezio Auditore’s name.
(… cue… uuhhh… protective-confused-android-and-angry-cold-assassin trope sprinkled with lots of angst and “what makes one human?” philosophical discussion that ends with EziDes???)
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esther-dot · 9 months
In line with the anti-jonsa arguments, the only one I believe had some impact on me (this isn’t even in universe, it’s just in general) was that incest is inherently oppressive towards women. The one person who is not supposed to think of you like that, look at you like that - does. There is no safety for you to fall back on because even your family is not acting like family. I don’t know how this will translate with Jon and Sansa, because Sansa will expect protection as a sister and then them falling in love with each while knowing the other is their half-sibling is tilted towards Jon having more power in that dynamic as a man. Then comes in the question of Sansa’s claim to Winterfell and Jon being the heir to Robb’s will. It’s muddled up and the solution (join together in marriage) doesn’t look as appealing to considering incest here will still hurt Sansa, because of society being inherently systemically oppressive, and not save her or her claim. (This is one of the reasons why I didn’t like show KiTN Jon because whatever the fuck happened to “Winterfell belongs to my sister Sansa”. I mean there’s a lot wrong with the show after that but it particularly pissed me off lol because in canon jon would NEVER do that and is the true air raid siren canary in the coal mine for Jon’s character butching (jonerys 🙄)) Anyway, lost track there, but yeah. And on top of all of that, how is GRRM going to paint a better picture of something he’s been criticising for almost 30 years now? Still a Jonsa though, because I am a clown 🤡
(about this ask)
It’s really hard to tell which resolution Martin is working towards! On the one hand, it could be about creating a scenario in which politics / love align and resolving the Northern succession crisis gives Sansa and Jon everything they ever wanted. I love tidy storytelling, so that is very appealing to me. However, I do agree with you that that resolution isn’t without certain concerning aspects.
The other possibility is, it’s a test for Jon, just as he has continual been tempted throughout the series, only, this is the greatest one yet. His brother, friend, the heir, the KitN himself chose Jon. As a Jon fan, I love what that will mean to him. The show didn’t have the benefit of Robb’s Will, so it felt more ooc for Jon than it could be written in the books. After all, Sansa is still married to Tyrion. Also, with different factions in the books possibly supporting different Starks, it’s possible Sansa sees the greater good (she doesn’t consider her claim much after all/isn’t attached to it) and works to get everyone to support Jon as he is older, male, has Robb’s endorsement, and might play a key role in winning back Winterfell so he could be a peace candidate / the one everyone can coalesce around. I mean, that’s a little hard for me to imagine with the prejudice against bastards and what his rep will be post rez, but Martin could write it in a way that doesn’t feel like Jon taking advantage of the situation and rather, Jon doing something he feels guilty about out of necessity, with the blessing of Robb and more importantly Sansa. However, if it is a test, Jon would have to instead defend Sansa’s claim. If Jon refuses everything and then parentage reveal comes out, they could marry at a later date when the relationship can be of Sansa’s choosing, removing the disturbing implications of the political benefits for Jon/the power imbalance.
I’ve moved towards the secret wedding idea (here are posts about that 1, 2). Sansa would probably have to suggest the idea herself and persuade him giving her a lot of agency in her own fate, and it’s potentially a callback to Jace/Sara and Rhaegar/Lyanna. That could happen secretly purely because she’s already married and she wants to be married before he goes to war, or because they don’t have support for it (maybe the North does think it’s icky or is very anti Targ with the disaster of Dany’s invasion happening), or it might happen before Jon is exiled simply because Sansa wants it. I’ve said before, perhaps the best way to answer Sansa’s fears are for Jon to marry her when he can’t have Winterfell, so she knows it is her, not her claim, that he wants. In that scenario, there is nothing for Jon to gain, it is love, only love that motivates him. It’s the most romantic of the options, even if it isn’t the happiest.
Whatever the endpoint, I think there are enough variables that Martin could make any of a number of different paths work and keep them in-character for Jon as well as avoiding backtracking his criticisms simply because we will know Jon’s motivations.
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oldfashionedmorphine · 11 months
it’s sunday again, so that means… time for another sneak peek of…
on the same frequency :)
(i also previously teased bits of this chapter back in september, if you missed it, check it out here!)
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-.-. .... .- .--. - . .-. / ...--
December 24, 1985
“Y’know… you didn’t really tell me that much about it,” Jonathan says and then he looks right at him. “The campaign—just that it was really cool and how you didn’t get to finish it, but not much else. You used to tell me every little detail.”
“Oh, sorry. I—”
“Don’t be. It’s my fault really—I should be the one who’s sorry. I sorta checked out for a while… and I guess I’m realizing now that maybe you don’t know how to talk to me about things anymore or maybe you don’t think I’m willing to listen... Of course you don’t have to, but I just want you to know I’m still here—you can tell me things.”
December 24, 1995
And they’d only just gotten outside, with Mike trailing a few paces behind them and not even five feet from the front door of the house, when Holly shouts, “Oh wow!”
“What?” Nancy asks.
She points up at the sky. “Look, look!”
Nancy directs her gaze upwards and then so does Mike—the very moment he sees what had attracted his younger sister’s attention, his eyes go wide as overwhelming dread crashes down onto him like an avalanche. It was impossible to miss—waves of green light were shimmering throughout the cloudless starry sky. Outside of haunting him in nightmares, the last time the sky looked like this was almost ten years ago—the night they found Will’s body. The sight of it squeezes at his heart, leaving an ache in his chest as the memories of that horrific night quickly flood his mind—the sirens, the flashing lights, so much blood…
🎶 a song from chapter three 🎶
rating: mature
tags: alternate universe, not canon compliant, major character death, grief/mourning, ptsd, blood and injury, supernatural elements, time shenanigans, butterfly effect, thriller, angst with a happy ending
release date: 11/26/2023
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(if you’d like to be tagged/untagged for the next chapter preview, please let me know!)
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pyroreadscomics · 3 months
The Problem with Black Mask in Catwoman (2018)
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(Spoilers below for the following Catwoman stories: Relentless, Backwards Masking, Catwoman: Blackest Night, Keeper of the Castle/Inheritance, and naturally Tini Howard’s run on Catwoman)
(Also, I wrote this on the Catwoman discord months ago, so some of this may be a little out of date but my points still stand.)
When it comes to Catwoman and Black Mask, it is very very very important that these two fucking hate each other. They loathe each other. They despise each other to move mountains to fuck up the other. The only reason it isn't on sight is because that's too quick.
And the reason this is important to me, is because it means Relentless is still canon.
Because they didn't start out hating each other, they first went at each other Selina didn't even know she was robbing Black Mask of millions in diamonds and Black Mask only went after Catwoman to send a message to people thinking of stealing his shit. Then Relentless happened. In which Black Mask hospitalized one of Selina's friends, kidnapped another, killed her brother in law, and tortured Maggie into a catatonic state that lasted over fifteen fucking years (out of universe, in universe it was probably like… four or five). Meanwhile Catwoman hospitalized his second in command, blew up his penthouse, and dropped him off said penthouse's balcony. Needless to say, they both held fucking grudges.
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(Catwoman (2002) #16)
And that was before all their future showdowns. Black Mask tortured her ex during round two, tried to torture Maggie to death during round 3, and killed her girlfriend's father in the New 52. Catwoman for her part has killed this fucker four times (Dropped off Penthouse Balcony in Relentless, shot through head in Backwards Masking, tag teamed by the Gotham City Sirens in Blackest Night, Throat slit and left bleeding out alone in the dark in the New 52) (If you haven’t noticed, Catwoman's no kill rule has an asterisk and that asterisk is called Black Mask). They should, if continuity exists, hate each other more strongly than anyone else.
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(Catwoman (2002) #52, Catwoman (2002) #83, Catwoman (2011) #45)
And yet.
If you were going of Tini Howard's run, you'd think they'd have no more history then any other pair of a long standing vigilante and rogue.
And I had hope, when Black Mask first shows up he has this line:
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"Catwoman! At my favourite nudie bar? Once I put a bullet in your head, this'll just be like that great dream I keep having."
Which... along being real gross made me think Tini Howard was preserving the history between these two because why earth wouldn't you and also... why else could Black Mask killing Catwoman specifically be a reoccurring fantasy?
But now, 18 issues into the run, and after the second big confrontation between these two... there's no references to their history. Specifically, there's no references to Relentless, and that's insane. Sure there's the occasional line, like that introductory one I quoted earlier, or his "I love seeing it so much I'm not even pissed about being compared to her" that he says when witnessing Eiko's fake betrayal of Catwoman that imply a special animosity. But by that point, she's stolen and blown up his mask which for Black Mask is reason enough to despise her. Meanwhile from Selina's side the reason she hates Black Mask... is because of Kristi, the stripper who kicked him in the head to help Selina escape and who was killed in retaliation for it (also he's just generally a chauvinistic creepy). And that would work for both of them as reasons to hate the other especially, were it any other pair of vigilante and rogue. Were it not Black Mask and Catwoman.
Like, ignoring everything else, these two have done to each other. Ignoring Black Mask killing Eiko's father, forcing Selina to okay the assassination of her own cousin, permanently scaring Slam, Blackest Night (not least because I don't think their showdown during that event is canon anymore), and ignoring the 3 other times Selina has killed the fucker (if for no other reason then explaining how he's still walking around upright), one thing remains: Relentless needs to be canon.
And not even Relentless as a whole (but yes Relentless as a whole because it's just good). You can take away Slam getting hit and run, Holly getting kidnapped, you can even take way Simon's death and Sylvia's betray. What happened to Maggie, as much as I personally, hated it, is fundamental to Catwoman. It is the single most defining tragedy of Selina's adult life and it's not close. It haunts her, almost literally.
Whenever it is canon (which isn't always, thanks New 52) that failure to save Maggie, and the guilt that follows, is referenced over and over again. It's brought up half a dozen times in Volume 3 alone, images of Maggie's dead eyed face appearing in Selina's thoughts. And then following Maggie's post rebirth recanonization, not only is Maggie present throughout the first three years worth of issues, flashbacks to Relentless, to Maggie's trauma, are shown twice, once in issue 4 in Jones's run, and once in issue 32 in V's run.
And that's not even it, because Maggie in this series is doing a slow burn recovery from mental trauma, which she got from Black Mask and it's not ambiguous. In issue 10, Maggie speaks a full sentence for the first time and it's because Selina triggered a flashback to Black Mask making her eat her husband's eye. And that flashback in issue 32? It includes specific details of Relentless that sometimes get lost in the shuffle like Sylvia's involvement, and Slam's hospitalization and what Holly did. Not only was the general "Hey Black Mask tortured Maggie" bit that everyone knows canon, the specific details of that story were canon.
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(Catwoman (2018) #32)
Relentless was canon, not six issues before Howard took over. And yet... There's a single scene in Howard's run on Catwoman so far that references Maggie. It's while Selina is in prison, I've included the panel but the short of it is Selina dreams of Maggie as a silent nun she confesses her sins to.
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(Catwoman (2018) #52)
In a Catwoman run where the main antagonist is Black Mask, there is no mention of the most important story to canon of Catwoman (outside of her frequently non-canon origin) where he appeared. I don't even know how to articulate how baffling and concerning a narrative decision this is. The closest I can get is this:
Imagine, if you will, a 18 issue run of Batman where the Joker was the primary antagonist. And then, when you got to the end of those 18 issues, and had seen multiple clashes, major and minor, between these two, seen them each plot against each other and ruminate at length about why they hate each other, you got to the end, put that story down, contemplated for moment and then asked: Hey, is 'A Death in the Family' still canon?
It would be utterly insane to doubt that for a second, it's such a fundamental story to the character, it's a structural support pillar for the character's entire canon post that event... and yet.
and yet…
(Also, while this post is about Selina and Roman dynamic, it’s also absolutely wild that this run reintroduces Eiko, makes multiple references to Valentine’s run, and has Eiko and Black Mask sharing multiple scenes, and yet it never once mentions that Black Mask murdered Eiko’s father.)
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dei-lab-assistant · 1 year
Nothing Builds a Friendship Like a Crisis
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Co-written with multifandoms27 Summary: You wanted to work in peace, but a certain CEO wanted you to take on a job for him. Dub canon plus a version of DSOD. Female Reader. Set maybe two years post DSOD. Fun fact: I always write my Reader character with personality and specific description. This means she may not be as generic as is customary for this type of story. Each reader character also has a specific place in the Yu-Gi-Oh world, and is basically an OC with set connections and feelings about the various canon characters and other reader characters. This is reader B, who is immune to the siren song of romance, cheap, eccentric, logical, and hands-on. Word count: 1,100 You never intended to become friends with Kaiba. You'd heard too much about him from Joey over the years to think such a thing was possible. But... It felt lonely after Yugi and his friends’ graduation. Over the course of the three prior years, while you had worked at Kame Game, Yugi had slowly pulled you into his friend group. Always slow to form emotional connections, you found you were no match for Yugi’s bright smile and quiet nudging to join in the fun. And despite being four years older, you had been well integrated by the time Yugi graduated—although, truth be told, you were only marginally aware of how much you had come to delight in spending time with the group. At least, until it ended, then you became keenly aware. Téa left to study in New York. Tristan was working full time in his dad’s factory. And Joey spent his days working a collection of odd jobs and chasing down his dream of becoming a professional duelist. And then Joey started dating your younger sister, and it felt like losing two friends at once. Fortunately, you and Yugi grew closer, starting Pharaoh Games together, designing a few games which the two of you sold for a slight profit at a small scale. And Mokuba started to swing by; he latched onto you, quickly becoming close. It was Mokuba who hired you and Yugi to design the proof of concept game for his older brother’s new solid vision holograms. And that was how, amidst a whirlwind year and a half project, you met Seto Kaiba. He was the most interesting human you had ever met, he designed incredible things, and he loved his little brother—the three shortcuts to winning your favor, all in one person. You and Kaiba worked well together—which Mokuba encouraged—and to your surprise, by the end of the project, Kaiba was going out of his way to talk to you, tell you about his plans, and ask for your advice on specific elements of scenario design for his own Solid Vision projects.
You even tried to help Kaiba win a bet with Pegasus, and although the two of you eventually lost, it did help create a true bond between you, (especially when it came time to pay up.) Still, once the Solid Vision game was completed, Kaiba moved on to other projects, and you were left with nothing to return to but quiet work at the game shop. It was a good job, a good life, and Yugi was a good friend; but you missed spending time with someone smarter than you, someone who built imaginary worlds from light, someone with impressive dreams for the future. It felt like, after years of hearing about Yugi’s adventures, you had been swept up into the edges of something grand, only to be dropped again back into the mundane—and there were fewer friends to share it with now.
Still, the Kaiba brothers both kept in contact in their own way, and you had low social needs, so it all seemed like it would work out. 
While working alone at the game shop, you flipped the radio on. An old fashioned trumpet fanfare blasted out of the speakers as you scrambled to turn the volume down. You were all too familiar with the melody—the theme song for a rapidly ascending game company, Knightly Rook, which had been in an advertising blitz for almost a month now. From your admittedly biased perspective, the company seemed more hype than substance, but it was the company’s snide, barely concealed jabs at Kaiba Corp that irritated you. Still, there was a lot of talk from the company’s popular president that Knightly Rook would soon go public, so for the moment, even the news was covering their rise to prominence.
At your hip, your cell phone went off, playing the Kaiba Corp theme. Switching off the radio, you popped the phone out of its clip and answered it. “Kaiba?” 
“You’re taking Mokuba to Kaiba Land tomorrow.” Kaiba rarely bothered with the customary social dance that defined most people’s conversations.
Had you forgotten about a plan made months ago? You switched to your calendar app, “No, I’m not. I’m working tomorrow.” You liked jumping straight past the niceties too. “Besides, I don’t remember asking you to plan my schedule.”
“You should. You wouldn’t make yourself a long-term plan if I paid you to do it.” Kaiba gave a harsh little laugh. “Yugi can run the shop. I want to hire you to assist Mokuba for his park inspection tomorrow.”
“Don’t you usually do the monthly park inspection with Mokuba?” You switched your phone to speakerphone, setting it down and grabbing a box cutter. “Besides, Yugi’s out of town this week.” Cutting open a few boxes of supplies, you began to check the contents against the provided invoices.
After a moment’s silence, Kaiba gave a little growl, “Why is Yugi in New York?”
He must have checked Yugi’s duel disk location. “He’s visiting Téa.”
“Fine. I’ll pay Mr. Muto to give you the day off.”
“Honestly, just wait a couple of days and—“
“Do you think you’re not up to the task? Is that why you’re turning this opportunity down?” 
“Hey, we both know I’m capable of keeping up with Mokuba. I’ll be available in a few days. You don’t even have to pay me.”
“I’d rather you did it tomorrow. And I’ll pay you. The last time someone other than me did the inspection with Mokuba, he ended up covered in wet paint and quit.”
Not surprising. Mokuba could be something of a feral gremlin with anyone he didn’t like. You sighed. “What time will a car be picking me up?” You weren’t going to pay for parking at Kaiba Land if you could help it.
“Nine. I’ll have someone fax you your W-4. Fill it out and have it ready for tomorrow.”
“Okay.” You marked off the last of the supplies on the invoice. “Anything I need to read up on tonight?”
“I’ll send you the latest security protocols. But be sure to destroy the papers after you read them.”
“Security proto—Kaiba what’s going on?”
“I’m handling it. But I don’t have time to accompany Mokuba tomorrow. Just keep an eye out.”
You sighed again. Why did Kaiba have to be secretive? “Fine. But I’m not a bodyguard. I don’t have the right training.”
“Mokuba will have guards with him.”
You set down your pencil. “That’s good. Will we see you tomorrow?”
“I doubt it.”
“Well, I’ll keep Mokuba out of trouble.”
“Bye.” Kaiba hung up. Abrupt as always. Hopefully, you wouldn’t make any embarrassing mistakes tomorrow. If Kaiba trusted you, then you had no intention of letting him and Mokuba down. Part 2
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
your aro dean posts remind me of the siren episode! people use the fact dean got a "male" siren as a way to prove that dean is attracted to men in meta posts, but the siren itself tells dean that it took this form because the type of intimacy dean longs for the most is a platonic relationship (a brother that looks up to him and trusts him)
LITERALLY!!!! I was mostly joking when I made my first post about aro!dean being the closest thing we have to canon, but???? I mean????
The more you look, the more the evidence stacks up: His longest relationship pre-canon lasted a few weeks. (Thinking of Cassie here, who I think is valid evidence for a demiromantic dean reading but could also be him wanting a deeper relationship with her and thinking the only way forward was a romantic one.) (his relationship with lisa pre-canon was that they had bendy sex lmao.) His fantasy world with the djinn gives him a fake wife who isn’t even a real person he knows but a fantasy from a advertisement (if I remember correctly.) AND he spends that whole episode more focused on the fact that his relationship with that version of Sam is so damaged. His siren takes the form a brother when his relationship with Sam is at its rockiest. When Zach puts him in his little au where Dean’s a Normal Guy, he still lives alone, no hint of even a fake romance this time. Sam and Dean SAVE THE WORLD because their relationship as brothers is so important and powerful, literally destiny changing, they held together under a pressure that broke two archangels apart!!! His relationship with Lisa is very clearly A Performance underpinned by caring about her and Ben but not being able to do so in the way she needs. He meets Benny in purgatory and when their relationship deepens beyond friendship, he likens it to being brothers. Family is always and forever Thee most important thing to him. He repeatedly voices a distaste for dating and the like. He literally just wants to nest in a war bunker with his brother and his buddies, cooking burgers and making sure they’re all safe 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Alsjdjlfjfkd sorry that’s so long but like!! Making a point!!! This man does not need a romantic relationship, he does not want it, he is always more fulfilled by platonic relationships!!!
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kaitidid22 · 2 years
Fanfic: If These Walls (Conrad/Billie)
Summary: Conrad floats an idea and old insecurities arise for Billie. Plus, Gigi is so stinking cute. (Canon-friendly...I think? Set post season 6.)
A/N: A few caveats here.
Firstly, I haven't watched the finale. I'm nervous about it. I'll watch it tomorrow. So, I have no idea if this is still canon-friendly.
Secondly, I've been sitting on this for a few days. I really did mean to have this out mid-week last week, but I kept second guessing myself on it.
I hope you like it!!
“Can we talk?”
Billie looked up from where she had been staring at the coffee pot with blurry eyes to find Conrad hovering at the edge of the counter, still in pajama pants. The early morning light was dim in the kitchen, and Billie hadn’t bothered turning on any lights when she stumbled downstairs at six-thirty. 
She had been in surgery late into the night and had only crawled into bed beside him around one in the morning. He and Gigi had both long been asleep, and Billie had almost gone home instead. But she and Conrad had planned to surprise Gigi with a brunch date—or what Gigi called “fancy breakfast”—at a restaurant the little girl loved the next morning. Billie had decided it made the most sense to go to Conrad’s, even if she would be forced to sneak in and creep up the stairs in the wee hours.
Billie was self-aware enough to know that she had used brunch as an excuse. She could have slept at her own house and told Conrad to call her when he and Gigi were awake. There would have been plenty of time to get back to Conrad’s for the brunch reveal to Gigi. But Billie preferred being in bed with him. There was comfort in hearing his breathing and being able to reach out to touch his back or chest in the dark.
Besides, she had thought to herself the night before. Why have a key if I don’t use it?
The fact that she had still woken up before either Conrad or Gigi, though, pissed Billie off. She hadn’t been able to doze off again, even with her hand against Conrad’s back as he slept peacefully next to her. So, she had stumbled down the stairs, accepting her fate, and flipped on the coffeemaker.
“Good morning,” she said in a sleep-rough voice.
A smile tugged at his lips. “Good morning,” he murmured. He studied her face. “Are you still up for brunch? You look exhausted.”
“You always know just what to say to make a girl feel special,” Billie said. As Conrad laughed under his breath, she added, “I’ll be fine with some coffee. I didn’t want to miss it.”
“How’s your patient?” he asked.
Billie pulled her phone out of the pocket of her robe and opened it to the status update she had received from the ICU staff. She held it out to him, and he studied the page with a furrowed brow.
“Numbers look good,” he said in a soothing tone.
“He’s not awake yet,” Billie countered. “He should have woken up last night.”
Conrad locked the phone and stepped close to slide it back into her pocket. Then he brushed a kiss into the skin of her temple and murmured, “You know it’s not always that simple.”
“I know,” Billie said. “I’m not giving up hope. It’s just… floundering.”
He ran a hand down her hair, and she shut her eyes, letting the comfort flow from his hand and soft touch into the center of her chest. Sometimes, with some cases, nothing anyone could possibly say could make her feel better. But, somehow, Conrad touching her always settled the restlessness in her chest. Not completely, of course. The anxiety would remain until she was sure one way or another how her patient would fair. Closure was important to Billie. Even if closure meant hiding in her office with the lights off and crying. But with one touch or hug, Conrad was always able to turn down the volume of her anxiety to a constant static buzz instead of blaring sirens.
The coffeemaker beeped to let her know it was finished brewing. The sound caused Billie to stir, and Conrad’s hand fell away as he moved to the cabinet to grab his own mug. She frowned, suddenly remembering what he had said when he joined her in the kitchen. 
“Sorry, what did you want to talk about?”
“We can talk about it after brunch,” he said, lips curved upwards in a gentle expression.
Her frown only deepened as nerves burst to life in her stomach. He poured coffee into their mugs, her first and then himself, before opening the fridge and pulling out the milk for her.
“Is this because of last night?” she asked, ignoring the milk.
Confusion had him squinting at her, but he opened the milk himself and poured some in her coffee. “Last night?” he repeated in question.
“Because I came here instead of going home,” she explained. She sighed and ate the crow. “I’m sorry I did that without talking to you about it. I thought about having you call me when you woke up—”
“I’m glad you came here,” he interrupted.
“Oh.” Then what… Her brain stalled out, though, failing to supply any sort of explanation.
He folded his arms over his chest and faced her, leaning a hip against the counter. “Drink your coffee.”
She picked up her mug. “Right.”
“I kind of wanted you to be awake for this discussion,” he said. He looked amused.
“I’m awake.”
“You’re really not.”
“I am,” she insisted. “Besides, I’m going to drive myself crazy wondering if you don’t just tell me what’s going on.”
He blew out a breath. “Yeah, I get that. I just… wanted to open the dialogue.”
“Okay,” she said. “About?”
He hesitated, then gestured to the living room. “Let’s sit down.”
Billie trailed after him to the couch and settled in the corner like she always did, surprised when he settled in the other corner instead of next to her. Six feet was left lying between them. She studied his face with growing fear. He looked… Was Conrad nervous?
“Okay,” she said, when he didn’t speak. “We’re sitting. Open the dialogue about what?”
“Moving in.”
“Moving in where?” she asked, stupid with exhaustion.
“Moving in together. It doesn’t have to be here.” His eyes flew around the room as if he had never seen it before. “Your place is bigger.”
And it was. Her place had three bedrooms, with a den, living room, and an eat-in kitchen, as well as a separate dining room.
“But I don’t have any furniture,” she said.
Conrad chuckled. “Drink your coffee,” he said again.
She took a sip. Her brain was trying to catch up—it really, truly was.
“We’ve only been dating for three months,” she said.
“So, that’s true,” he admitted. But he had a steel edge to his tone that told her he had anticipated this point and prepared a rebuttal. “But if you count all the time we spent together before that—”
“As friends,” she interrupted.
“What?” she asked, feeling her cheeks heat at his chiding expression and gentle, almost pitying, tone.
“We hadn’t been just friends for a very long time even before I kissed you on your porch,” he said. “I had been in love with you for… I don’t even know how long.”
Two years, seven months, and six days, her brain supplied. 
Not that Billie could pinpoint the exact moment she had fallen in love with Conrad. But she did know the exact moment she had realized she was in love with him, and her brain had sort of been in countdown mode ever since.
“True,” Billie conceded, brain finally chugging along as the caffeine began to sink in. “But we weren’t dating, Conrad. You were, in fact, dating Cade for about nine months prior to that kiss.” He winced, and she sighed. “I’m not trying to give you a hard time. I just want us to be on the same page.”
“We are,” he assured her, the words quiet as he stared at the rug.
“Do you actually want to move in together?” she asked him. She kept her tone as gentle as possible, but even though her brain was working again she was still shocked. “How long have you been thinking about this?”
He hesitated, and she held up a hand. “Wait. Sorry. We need to back up.”
“Okay,” he said. “Where do you want to start?”
She opened her mouth to speak and then closed it again. Her brain spun its wheels in mud going around and around the same points. Finally, she said, “I have no idea.” 
She laughed, putting a hand to her forehead as if holding her head together. His gaze was affectionate, and part of her wanted to crawl across the couch into his lap and kiss him senseless.
“Okay, first,” she said. “I really am happy you brought this up.”
His shoulders eased, and the crinkles she loved so much fanned out from the corners of his eyes. “Good.”
“Second,” she said. “How long have you been thinking about this?”
He laughed, smothering the sound behind his hand. “Awhile,” he admitted.
“What’s awhile? Two days? A week? Eighteen years?” she joked.
“A few weeks.”
Her jaw dropped open. “Weeks? We’ve only been dating a few weeks.”
“Uh-huh,” he said, avoiding her eyes as he took a sip of coffee.
“Hawkins,” she said. His eyes flicked to her before settling on his coffee again. “Talk to me.”
“We said it already, Billie. This just feels right. I’ve only been in one other relationship that felt this right, and you can’t tell me that this doesn’t feel different to you, too.”
Her chest ached at the reference to Nic, albeit vague and roundabout. They rarely talked about her anymore. Not because they were avoiding it, but because Nic had ceased being a part of their daily lives and thoughts.
Part of Billie hated that and railed against it, even as she knew it was completely natural. They had over five years’ worth of experiences since Nic’s death. Five years, half a decade, was such a long time. Longer in years than Nic and Conrad had been together. Nearly all of Gigi’s life. And half the length of time Billie had known Conrad. 
And, yet, a piece of Billie would always think of Conrad’s place as Nic’s house. He had chosen it with Nic in mind, for the two of them, and Nic had moved mountains to make sure they got it after letting it go the first time. And that thought triggered a cement wall to slam into place between Billie and Conrad on the couch.
“Why do we keep doing everything out of order?” Billie muttered.
“There isn’t really a proper order,” Conrad pointed out, sounding almost hurt by the words. “And who are we answering to?”
“No,” Billie said quickly, despising that she had hurt him, however unintentional that hurt had been. “That’s not what I meant. I just meant…” She licked her lips and hesitated for a long minute before saying, “I don’t know what I meant.”
The words were murmured, almost too quiet for him to hear, and she knew it was a cop out. But she felt trapped by old insecurities and frozen—in place, in time, sitting on Nic’s couch, talking to Nic’s husband about how right their connection was.
And she knew that looking at it through that lens wasn’t the full story, just a distorted view of everything that had grown between them. And she also knew that others—people who hadn’t walked next to them through the past five years—would judge and talk and say things that she prayed Gigi never heard. 
And Billie had told herself that none of it mattered. She had spent a lifetime either ignoring, dodging, or combatting preconceived biases. She could do it here, too. She could do it for Conrad and Gigi and a chance at the life she so very much wanted for herself. 
But this… Nic’s house… She forced the thoughts to silence.
“There’s no pressure here, no timeline,” Conrad said, and she could feel that he didn’t believe her lie. “Like I said, I just wanted to open the dialogue.”
She nodded, the movement jerky. “I’m going to go take a shower,” she said and fled.
At brunch, Conrad, Billie, and Gigi’s server was a young woman who adored Gigi on sight. The feeling was clearly mutual as Gigi began babbling as soon as their server seated them. She made the server go over the entire specials list twice, asking Billie for explanations where words were new to her.
“What are grits?” Gigi asked.
“You’ve had grits, sweetie. You didn’t like them,” Billie said, eyes still on her menu. “They’re yellowish beige and creamy? Kind of cheesy.”
“Oh yeah!” Gigi said. “I don’t like grits.”
“No, you don’t,” Conrad said. “But you like waffles.”
“I love waffles,” Gigi said, addressing the server.
“What about those pecan praline pancakes?” the server said in a sweet voice. “How did those sound?”
Gigi looked at Conrad, who gave her a significant look. “That sounds like an option, Bubble.”
Then Gigi turned to Billie. “Do I like pralines?” she whispered, with big, earnest eyes. 
Out of the corner of her eye, Billie saw Conrad and the server exchange amused glances. Ignoring them, she leaned close to the little girl. “You love pralines.”
Gigi popped upright with a wide grin. “That sounds good!”
The server nodded and jotted it down on her order pad. Billie dropped her eyes back to the menu and asked, “Could we both do a glass of the mango orange juice?”
“Of course,” the server murmured.
“And coffee,” Conrad added.
Billie nodded absently as she scanned the menu. “Can you bring a side of the breakfast potatoes, too?” She looked up at Conrad and tilted her head towards Gigi. “Those pancakes are going to be so sweet.”
His brow furrowed. “Maybe the sausage instead. Or both. Both?”
Billie shrugged. “She can’t live on carbs and sugar alone.”
“I can’t?” Gigi asked.
“I mean, you could,” Conrad said, with a shrug. “But you wouldn’t be happy for long.”
“I think I’d be happy for a really long time,” Gigi told them all.
“You’d also be bouncing off the walls,” Billie said. “Gotta soak up that sugar somehow.”
“Let’s go with both,” Conrad said to the server.
The server nodded, writing as they spoke. When they trailed off, she waited, pen poised, and then glanced up when they remained silent. “And what can I get for you two?”
“Oh,” they both said, raising the menus again.
“They’re going to split things,” Gigi said in a resigned voice. “They always split things.”
The server nodded conspiratorially. “My moms do that, too. It’s a parent thing.”
Gigi sighed with great drama. Meanwhile, Billie’s blood ran cold, and her chest squeezed with longing. A lump rose in her throat as her eyes ran over the menu, desperately trying to choose something, and she took a sip from her water glass to cover the moment. 
“I’ll have the huevos con migas,” she heard Conrad say.
Billie loved huevos con migas. Why did he always do this to her? Why was he so sweet? Huevos con migas wasn’t his favorite. What was his favorite? None of the words seemed recognizable through the haze in her vision.
Billie felt Conrad’s eyes on her like a brand against her forehead, but she kept her gaze firmly on the menu. Finally, her eyes tripped over words that made sense to her addled mind.
“I’ll have the baked eggs,” she said, holding her and Gigi’s menus out to the server. 
“Absolutely,” the server said, still smiling easily with no idea of what a bomb she had just dropped on the table.
“Oh,” Billie said, her brow furrowing. “Wait. Can we do those without mushrooms?”
The server nodded. “No problem at all.”
“I hate mushrooms,” Conrad explained to the server, tone easy as he lounged back in his chair.
Billie’s cheeks heated. 
“How come Daddy gets to not eat vegetables?” Gigi asked. 
“Oh boy,” Conrad said, though he was grinning at his daughter, love written all over his face.
“I’ll be back with your coffee and juice in a minute,” the server said, trying to hide a smile.
“Thank you,” Conrad called after her, and Billie was amused to see the server blush.
Her heartrate was slowly returning to normal after the parents joke, which Conrad hadn’t refuted. Of course, neither had Billie. Gigi hadn’t been bothered. But the mistake had been made before when the three of them were together. Billie was too maternal with Gigi—and Gigi adored Billie too much—for it to never cross strangers’ minds.
Billie had boosted Gigi higher on her hip, resisting the urge to check the time on her phone. But the barista had been flirting with each of the customers as they reached his register—thrilling the blue-haired old biddies to no end—and the elongated conversations had resulted in an extreme amount of tips and Billie’s patience dying a thousand deaths. 
No one is in your way, she had told her brain for the thirteenth time since they had joined the end of the line. Everyone deserves coffee just as much as you.
“I’m so sorry to bother you, but your daughter is gorgeous,” the woman—old enough to be Billie’s grandmother, let alone Gigi’s—had said, wiggling her fingers at the one-year-old.
Gigi had hidden her sweet, tiny face against Billie’s neck, wet fingers sliding in and out of her mouth as the woman had continued to stare. Billie had frozen in place, smile brittle, and it had felt like her face would crack in half. Her brain had stalled out. 
Nic had been dead three months. Only three months and strangers had already assigned her daughter a new mother.
“She’s not mine,” Billie had said, voice flinty enough that the woman’s smile had wavered.
She doesn’t know, her brain had yelled at her in a panic.
Billie had never felt so grateful for all the years she had spent perfecting her poker face with the surface smile that never reached her eyes. She had let it smooth over her features, erasing the lines of tension around her eyes and mouth. And she had seen the woman’s posture loosen, smile coming back as if Billie had laid out the welcome mat.
“She’s my goddaughter,” Billie had finished. “We’re having a girls’ day.”
The woman had seemed even more taken with Gigi then. As if the idea of a godmother fostering a solo relationship with her goddaughter had been limited to a bygone era. And maybe it had been. To be fair, Billie had only taken Gigi solo once before Nic had died.
But Conrad had gone to a job interview that morning for a concierge service. His sitter had cancelled due to a stomach flu at the last minute. His father, Marshall, had been in Dubai—the lord only knew why this time; Billie had stopped keeping track—and Conrad had called her in a panic, spitting out all the words in a flurry over the phone line.
“I’ll be there in thirty minutes,” Billie had said, even though he had woken her from a deep sleep.
Silence had stretched on the other side of the phone, and Billie had frowned, about to ask if they had lost the connection. Then Conrad had cleared his throat. “Actually, I’m standing outside your door.”
As if to highlight that point, he had rung the apartment’s bell. Billie had blinked, wondering how he had gotten past the doorman and security guard of her high rise. All guests had to be announced. And then she had remembered: when she had added Nic’s name to the security clearance list, she had also added Conrad’s. At the time, she had never thought he would have cause to come to her apartment alone. But it had seemed better to be safe than sorry.
“If you laugh at my hair, I will kill you,” Billie had said. 
“You’re a hero,” she had heard him say as she hung up on him.
And, so, she had yanked off her bonnet, thrown on a robe, and met Conrad at the door. Without much more than a thank you, Conrad had shoved Gigi into Billie’s arms, told Billie the baby had eaten, tossed the diaper bag on the couch, squeezed Billie’s shoulder, kissed the baby, and run back out the door. Within ten seconds, Conrad had been gone, and Billie had been staring into Gigi’s happy eyes.
“Well,” Billie had said in the empty stillness of the apartment after he had gone. “I guess we’re going to have a ladies’ day, my sweet baby.”
Gigi had gurgled at her. Love had welled in Billie’s chest, and she had pressed a kiss to the little girl’s cheek. Then she had taken a surreptitious sniff of baby head and sighed in contentment.
“Let’s go do my hair, huh?” Billie had said to Gigi in an overly excited voice.
Gigi had giggled. The baby had remained thoroughly entertained by the ongoing commentary as Billie had used a heated round brush to smooth out her hair. Then Gigi had helped Billie pick out an outfit by pointing at random—completely unrelated—pieces of clothing. (Billie had sweet-talked Gigi into letting Billie wear a sundress instead.)
And that was how they had found themselves at the coffeeshop conveniently located in the ground floor retail space of Billie’s apartment building during the mid-morning, blue-hair rush.
The woman had turned to look over shoulder. “Maude,” she had said. “Maude, come here.”
Another older lady had come over. “Oh,” she had said on a gasp. “She’s beautiful.”
To be fair, Gigi had been rocking a bow the size of her face, thanks to her father. But Billie had still wondered if she should remind the women not to assume. And then she had decided she didn’t want the conversation to continue that long pre-coffee.
“Thank you,” Billie had said.
The first woman had nudged the other with her elbow. When Maude had glanced over in askance, the woman had said, “Godmother.”
“Oh, bless her,” Maude had said, grabbing at her chest. “You’re an angel.”
Billie—thoroughly uncomfortable—had licked her lips. Over the women’s shoulders, she had caught the barista’s eye, and he had nodded his head in recognition. Quickly counting the line as a group of women had moved to the side, she had found herself to be third from the front.
So close, Billie had thought to herself.
“It’s nothing,” Billie had said to them. “She’s my favorite little person.”
“Are you giving her parents a little time to themselves?” Maude had asked with a wink.
“Maude,” the first woman had said, scandalized. “You have no boundaries.” She had looked back at Billie. “She has no boundaries.”
Billie had been distracted by the pain that had suffused every inch of her, pumping through her veins. God how she wished she had been giving Nic and Conrad a day to themselves. She would have traded anything for that to be true. Instead, Conrad had been off trying to find a job that would allow him to single parent a one-year-old.
This time, she hadn’t been able to control the way her eyes welled up. The women’s faces had stiffened as they had studied her, and then they had both tilted their heads to the side with identical sympathetic expressions. And Billie had realized that, somehow, the women had known, had seen the pall of loss that hovered over every aspect of Billie’s life and visage, and known.
“Oh, sweetheart,” Maude had said in an impossibly soft voice. Her hand had reached out and squeezed Billie’s wrist. She had given Billie a stern look. “You’re going to be fine.”
The first woman—whose name Billie never did get—had added, “And so will she,” nodding at Gigi.
And Billie had found herself nodding in jerky agreement, though she would never be sure why, cupping a hand behind Gigi’s head and cuddling the little girl closer. The women had each silently patted her one more time, and then they had walked away, giving Billie the space she had so desperately needed to get herself back under control.
That had been the first time. The worst time, if she was being honest with herself, which Billie tried to be these days. Each subsequent mistake of maternity—as well meant as they all were—had been a little bit easier to handle.
But none of them had happened after she and Conrad had started dating. It was like a new first. And neither of them—not Conrad and not Gigi—had even reacted. Billie couldn’t figure out what to do with that, how to reconcile that against the guilt beating through her chest.
“So,” Conrad said, in that voice he had when he was being goofy. The one that cracked on a high note at the end of his sentences.
God Billie loved him.
“The whole Daddy hates vegetables trick,” Conrad finished. “I see through you, Giorgiana Grace.”
Billie watched Gigi try to fight her smile by staring at the table and avoiding looking at her father. 
“Besides, everybody knows that you can veto one vegetable in life,” Conrad said. “Mine is mushrooms.”
“That’s true,” Billie said. “Everyone gets one veto.”
“But you have to use it carefully,” Conrad told Gigi.
Billie nodded. “Because you only get one.”
All trace of amusement had been swept from Gigi’s face. Her serious eyes looked from Conrad to Billie and back again, clearly trying to figure out if they were messing with her. Billie and Conrad stared back at her, waiting for her next question.
Gigi’s eyes settled on Billie. “What’s your vegetable veto?”
“I haven’t decided yet,” Billie said, keeping her tone calm. “It’s a big decision.”
The server came back to the table with their coffee and juices. “Your food will be right out,” she said.
“Thank you,” Billie told her before turning to Gigi. “Have some of your juice, sweetie.”
Gigi obliged, though her face was still screwed up in concentration. She drank deeply from the small cup. “So, I only get one,” Gigi said to confirm.
Billie’s eyes flicked up to Conrad, looking at him from under her lashes in the hopes that Gigi wouldn’t notice. Those crinkles she loved were fanning out from the corners of his eyes.
“You don’t have to pick now,” Conrad told his daughter.
Gigi nodded with a contemplative expression. She frowned at the white linen tablecloth.
“You could choose mushrooms, too,” Billie said. 
Gigi shook her head. “I like mushrooms.”
“Do you, though?” Conrad asked.
Gigi glared at him. “Yes,” she said, firm. “Billie and I get mushrooms on pizza, and I like them.”
Conrad raised his eyebrows at Billie. Defiantly, she jerked her chin higher and shrugged one shoulder. “You aren’t there, and mushrooms are delicious. What’s the problem?”
“Are you teaching my daughter to like mushrooms?” Conrad asked in shock. “Betrayal.”
“And pesto,” Billie said.
Gigi’s face lit up. “I like pesto!”
“Seriously?” Conrad asked, still in shock. Billie knew he appreciated a good pesto, but it was an awful lot of green for a small child, so she understood the surprise.
Billie held onto the defiance for a few more moments and then deflated. “I let her dip it in ranch,” she admitted. “I really wanted pesto that night.”
Conrad burst into laughter that had the other restaurant patrons glancing at them in indulgent amusement. Conrad held up a hand in apology to the room before rubbing it down his face to physically wipe away his glee.
“What’s so funny?” Gigi asked.
“Nothing, sweetie,” Billie said. “Hey, didn’t you say you had homework this weekend?”
“Yeah,” Gigi said, slumping a little in her booster seat.
“Did you show Aunt Billie your math workbook?” Conrad asked.
“No,” Billie said. She glanced between them. “Why?”
“Because Common Core is going to blow your mind,” Conrad said. “And I kind of want to be there when you see it.”
Billie’s lips twitched. But before she could respond, the server was back with their food. 
Within thirty seconds of getting her giant platter of pancakes with its teeny tiny pitcher of the praline syrup, Gigi had spilled the syrup across the table and into Billie’s lap. Gigi’s big eyes widened to saucers, and Conrad quickly stood to mop up the mess with his napkin. Their server dashed away, returning quickly with a cup of water and another clean napkin.
“Here,” the server said, soaking the corner and handing it to Billie.
Billie smiled up at the young woman, taking the dampened cloth. “Thank you. I appreciate it.” 
She finished soaking up what she could with her own napkin. And then Billie began to dab at the pant leg with the wet corner. She didn’t think she was making any progress, but with everyone hovering and watching she felt like she had to try.
“I’m sorry, Billie,” Gigi said, bottom lip trembling.
Billie smiled gently, looking up from the syrup stain. Billie suspected it was the attention that had cued Gigi into the situation being bad. She hoped Gigi knew Billie would never be angry about an accident, but, again, everyone was hovering and watching with careful eyes. That was enough to let any little girl know mistakes had been made.
“Did you do it on purpose? Was it a personal attack against my pants?” Billie asked. “I knew it. You’ve always hated these pants.”
Gigi giggled. “I don’t hate your pants.”
“Are you sure?” Billie asked with exaggerated suspicion. She heard Conrad chuckle, and he stopped leaning over the table to sit back in his chair.
“I’m sure!” Gigi cried.
“Fine, fine. I believe you,” Billie said. “And it’s okay. It’s not a big deal, sweetie. Eat your pancakes before they get cold.”
“Eat your eggs, Billie,” Conrad countered.
“Eat your sausage, Daddy,” Gigi added, clearly believing they were just naming things on the table.
The server was still hovering with uncertainty, so Billie turned to her. “Could we get another teeny pitcher? I think she salvaged some of it. But…” Billie gestured at the table and her pants.
“Of course, I’ll get you a fresh napkin, too,” the server said. But when she stood, she hovered for a moment, shy. And then she said, “You have a wonderful family.”
Billie opened her mouth, determined to correct her this time, but Conrad said, “Thank you.”
And Billie squeezed her eyes shut as she fought back the flood of emotions. When she opened her eyes, he was teasing Gigi by pretending to steal her pancakes. As if the moment hadn’t happened. As if it was no big deal.
When he caught her watching him, he pushed his plate into the middle of the table with a smile, a silent invitation to dig in, and turned back to his daughter.
God Billie loved him.
Arriving home after brunch, Conrad unlocked the front door, and Gigi darted inside as hopped up on sugar as they had feared. She moved so fast that Billie barely saw Gigi hit the stairs.
“Upstairs, young lady,” Conrad said in a booming voice. “I want to hear the wheels of academia turning!”
“The wheels of academia?” Billie repeated as Gigi’s giggle echoed back down the stairs.
“She has homework,” Conrad said, as if that explained everything.
Affection swamped her chest, making her cheeks heat and her fingertips tingle. Conrad’s grin was bashful, but he winked at her as he held out a hand for her jacket. She ignored the outstretched fingers for a moment and stepped into his personal space, laying her hands against his chest and brushing her mouth against his.
He let her lead, responding with gentle brushes of his lips to hers. And when she eased away again, he let her go without chasing. 
“Thanks for brunch,” she whispered, an inch or two away from his mouth.
“Uh-huh,” he murmured, sounding a little dazed.
As she smiled up at him, though, he came back to himself. He kissed her forehead as he slid his hands over her collarbone and up under her jacket to slide it down her bare arms. She managed to silence the hum of pleasure that rose in her throat as his palms skimmed her skin.
When the material cleared her fingertips, he leaned past her to get a hanger from the coat closet behind her. Billie took advantage of the new position to kiss his neck gently.
“Behave yourself,” he said, a thread of humor in the low tone of his voice, despite the edge she could hear starting to inch in. “My daughter is upstairs and very much awake.”
“I’m not doing anything,” Billie said sweetly. 
His hands were busy putting the coat on the hangar behind her, one arm on either side of her body, and she took advantage again, pressing closer to his chest. And it really wasn’t her fault since his neck was right there, so, of course, she brushed her lips over the tender place where his neck met his shoulder.
“Definitely not doing anything,” he agreed.
She swallowed a giggle and let her hands slide from his chest over his ribs and down to curl around his waist. Conrad’s hands stopped with the rustling fabric, and she heard the quiet click of the metal hook of the hangar settling on the clothing rod. Then the door snicked shut behind her, and Conrad pushed her against it. A hand slid into her hair to cushion her head from the wooden door. But he didn’t pause, didn’t speak again, before his mouth captured hers in a rough, open-mouthed onslaught of lips and teeth and tongue.
Conrad tended towards gentle and romantic, taking each step in his seduction very slowly, very seriously. It had become almost a game to Billie, seeing if she could push him to his limit. 
She felt a surge of victory as one of his hands wrapped around the outside of her thigh and yanked it up to his hip. The move let him push even closer to her body, sealing them together, and her fingers convulsed, squeezing the flesh of his sides and the chambray button up that separated them.
The fingers in her hair tightened into a fist, and the sudden flash of pain, as small as it was, made her gasp against his mouth. Immediately, he broke the kiss as his fingers unclenched, and he rubbed her head where he had accidentally yanked at her scalp.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, eyes locked on hers. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay,” she said, meaning it, knowing he would never hurt her on purpose.
She drew one hand up from his waist to wrap around the back of his neck and urge him closer, wanting his mouth back on hers more than she wanted air. He came willingly, and this kiss was gentler than the previous had been—but no less intense. His fingers, still on the outside of her thigh, tightened and squeezed. Her hand gently stroked the skin of his neck.
When he pulled back a second time, he nuzzled under her jaw and kissed the sensitive skin, sending tingles running through her body that curled her toes.
“We have to stop,” he said, murmuring the words into her skin.
She whimpered and dropped her head back against the door with a thunk. “I know.”
“Tonight,” he said. Then he swore under his breath. “That’s so many hours away.”
Billie couldn’t help but laugh at the dread in his voice. Conrad pulled back to look her in the eye, crinkles fanning out from the corners of his own.
“You think my pain is oh so funny, huh?”
“Your pain?” she repeated, incredulous. “What about my pain?”
“You started this,” he teased.
“Me?” she shrieked.
“Shh,” he hushed her, but his eyes were dancing. “Gigi’s going to hear you.”
They laughed, still pressed against the door and each other. As their laughter faded, they leaned their foreheads together, quietly breathing in each other’s air as their heartbeats settled back to their normal rhythms. With their bodies so tightly together, Billie could feel Conrad’s heart like it was her own.
After a few minutes of silence, Conrad said, “You should soak these.”
Billie glanced down to where his thumb was stroking the syrup stain on her thigh. “I think they’re a lost cause. They’re dry clean only.”
He swore under his breath. “I’m sorry.”
“They’re just pants,” Billie said, shrugging one shoulder. “No big deal.”
He hesitated before asking, “Do you need to go get more clothes for the week?”
He meant from her own home. And the reminder of their early morning conversation was like having cold water splashed on her. She didn’t mean to stiffen in his arms, but she did, and she knew he felt it.
“Yeah,” she murmured, tugging her thigh out of his hand and straightening. “I should actually… probably sleep there tonight. I have things I need to take care of.”
He let her go without protest and said, “Okay.” 
But he brushed a kiss against her cheek before stepping back away from her. Immediately, she felt cold, even in the rising humidity of Georgia summer.
Billie pushed her front door open and stepped into the entryway, setting the bag of takeout on the console table so that she could hang up her purse. The house was quiet, with a slight chill despite the eighty-degree evening, as if it had been closed up and shuttered for weeks without human life or even sunlight entering.
Billie felt that was unfair. She had slept there the night before and only left for work that morning.
“I was only gone eleven hours,” she snapped at the empty, judge-y air.
Feeling foolish, she snatched the bag of takeout off the console and marched into the dining room. Her table—the same one she had purchased for her downtown high-rise—sat lonely in the large space. The dining room was designed for a long table with at least eight chairs, like the one Conrad had at home. Instead, she had a small, circular table that fit four at a squeeze.
But her whole house was like that, really. She had purchased it only a few months before she and Conrad had begun dating and had procrastinated on decorating. The only rooms that felt lived in were her bedroom and the living room. The apartment had been a one-bedroom, and she hadn’t invested in anything new since she had arrived in the much larger house.
Even Gigi had teased Billie about it after she moved in. Conrad and his daughter had come over for dinner on Billie’s first night in the new house, and Gigi had spent most of the evening in the empty den—not just lightly furnished, but honest-to-Betsy empty—doing cartwheels and somersaults.
“Are you going to keep it empty forever?” Gigi had asked.
“Unlikely, sweetie,” Billie had said.
She and Conrad had been leaning against the jamb on either side of the door. 
“She’s going to have to furnish it eventually,” Conrad had said.
“What’s furnish?” Gigi had called to them, taking another tumbling course across the middle of the room.
“You know furnish,” Conrad had teased his daughter.
“It just means to put furniture in a place,” Billie had said.
Conrad had jabbed her lightly with his elbow. “You always ruin my fun.”
Billie had jabbed him back. “Don’t tease your daughter so much and maybe I won’t.”
Gigi had finished her cartwheels and run over to them. “Why don’t you have furniture?” Gigi had asked, slightly out of breath.
Billie had been impressed, though she hadn’t said so. If she had been the one tumbling around the den, she would have been dizzy as hell, but Gigi had seemed unfazed.
“I haven’t bought it yet,” Billie had said, wrinkling her nose in a slightly embarrassed expression.
“Right,” Gigi had said. “But why?”
Billie had opened her mouth to respond and then shut it again. She could have explained that furnishing a house took time and money, but Gigi already had a vague idea that Billie was rich—which she was—and Billie had suspected the little girl would dispute that argument. And Gigi would have been right to do so.
Billie had known for months that she was moving into the house. She had specifically timed it so that it coincided with the end of her apartment lease. There had been plenty of time for Billie to pick out rugs or a love seat to create a cozy sitting room. Or maybe some bookshelves and a desk to carve out an office space. Or she could pick out a flat screen and some folding seats to create a home theater.
So, why the hell don’t I have furniture? she had wondered to herself. What the hell is this room even going to be?
As her brain had swirled through all the potential rooms, none of which had felt like hers, Billie had felt her expression grow troubled. Conrad had straightened next to her.
“Why don’t we go eat?” Conrad had asked, intervening. He had held out a hand to Gigi, who took it without another word. Then he had glanced at Billie, with an overly concerned expression. “You do have a table, right?”
She had shoved his shoulder towards the dining room as Conrad and Gigi had laughed. “Move it, rascals.”
And, yet, nearly nine months later, Billie was still eating at a tiny table in a mostly empty home.
Billie liked to tell herself she had just been busy—which had been true the first few months she had lived there. The hospital had been swamped and understaffed due to the lack of funds, and then Billie had been devoting a large chunk of time helping Kit’s fundraising team drum up more money for Chastain. 
Another part of the truth, though, was that she and Conrad had started dating. And when they had started dating, Billie had started spending three or four nights a week at Conrad’s and that had very quickly morphed into five or six, sometimes seven. 
With a pang, Billie wondered what Gigi and Conrad were having for dinner. He had texted her, inviting her to join them, but she had begged off. She had told him she had reams of paperwork to get through that night, given a bus crash that had flooded the OR.
And it was true. But it wasn’t true enough that she should be hiding in her echoing dining room with its too small table instead of trading bites with Gigi of whatever Conrad had prepared.
Billie forced her thoughts back to the house. What was the point of having furniture when she was never there to use it? But it left Billie’s perfectly lovely house feeling like an empty, echoing cavern.
Conrad and Gigi’s felt like a home. Billie’s felt like a…well, a house.
And the other part of the truth, the part that Billie didn’t like to think about, was why she had bought the house.
The house had been an effort to create space in her life for the family she had finally admitted she wanted. The complicated part was that the family Billie wanted was Conrad and Gigi, and she had wanted them for a long time. But Billie had decided that she needed to accept that was impossible, which had been heartbreaking and a constant struggle, but one she knew she needed to work through to get to the other side. And she also knew that, eventually, she would open herself up to someone new. After all, Conrad had proven to her that she could. And she wanted it. She wanted love and a partner and maybe even a kid or two—though she was still on the fence about the last.
The purchase of the house had been an investment in a future that Billie hadn’t truly wanted at the time but that she had hoped she would grow into. Like a pair of pants or a bottle of wine that needed to age. 
So, of course Billie hadn’t wanted to furnish it. She had barely wanted to live there.
When she had begged off of dinner that afternoon, the bubble of three dots that indicated Conrad was typing back had appeared almost immediately. She had watched them blink on the screen, then disappear, then appear again, over and over for several minutes. She had stayed glued to the screen hoping against hope that whatever he said would have been enough to fix all of it. Which was unfair. And not his burden. 
When he still seemed to be struggling after a few minutes, she had typed out “I love you” and locked the phone, setting it aside. She hadn’t dared to look at it again until leaving for the night, and she had finally seen that he had responded with “I love you, too. Tomorrow?” And her heart had leapt into her throat, and she had written back “Yes” before she could talk herself out of it.
Stop thinking about Conrad and Gigi, Billie ordered herself and set about unpacking her takeout.
She wasn’t avoiding Conrad. She was avoiding the conversation they needed to have. But she missed him like she imagined it felt to miss air. Or maybe it was more like dehydration—slowly drying out, feeling every painful crack opening in her flesh the longer she went without him.
But she didn’t know how to say everything that was battering around in her mind. None of it felt fair for him to deal with. It wasn’t his job to remind her that Nic would be proud of her or that Nic would approve of her choices. That was Billie’s role, her job. She couldn’t ask him for that. 
Between the two of them, Conrad had lost more, so Billie needed to take less. That was just how it was.
You have to stop, her brain begged her. 
Stop what? Admitting the truth?
You didn’t steal anything, her brain screamed back.
Billie resisted the urge to throw her takeout containers across the room to silence the voices arguing in her mind. Instead, she pulled the foil package towards her and carefully opened it as the scents of garlic and warm bread wafted up to her nose.
That night, she had indulged in her comfort food favorites from Curry A-Go-Go downtown: spicy butter chicken and saag paneer, with an order of garlic naan. If she was spending another cold, lonely night at home, she was absolutely going to allow herself to reek of garlic.
The smell of garlic was going to come out her damn pores.
“Can we have pizza for dinner?” Gigi asked as she and Billie waited on the front porch for Conrad to unlock the door.
“Not tonight, sweetie,” Billie said, eyeing the bags of groceries in her and Conrad’s arms. Trying to cut off a potential tantrum—not that Gigi was prone to them, but still—she added, “But we could have a DIY pizza night this weekend?”
“What’s a DIY pizza night?” Gigi asked, tiny nose scrunched up.
“It’s a night where Dad gets a break from cooking,” Conrad said, pushing the door open and letting Gigi and Billie file inside in front of him.
“I’m too young to cook,” Gigi said. “You told me never to turn on the stove.”
Billie bit back a smile.
“You’re never too young to take over the chores,” Conrad told her, ignoring his daughter’s very valid point. 
Gigi rolled her eyes. “I’m a kid. You’re a dad. You’re supposed to cook,” she said, stressing the word.
“But pizza night is fun,” Billie told her, trailing after Gigi as the little girl skipped down the hallway to the open plan kitchen. “You get to roll out the dough and put all the toppings on. You can pick exactly what goes on your pizza.”
“Whatever I want?” Gigi asked as Billie set her bag of groceries on the island.
“Whatever you want,” Billie promised.
“Even if I want pineapple?”
“Sacrilege,” Conrad said, setting his own bag down next to Billie’s.
Billie raised an eyebrow at him. “Even pineapple, sweetie.” She leaned down to help the little girl take off her jean jacket and stage-whispered, “Don’t worry. I’ll work on him.” 
“Yay pizza night!” Gigi cried. “I’m gonna go tell Mr. Biggles.”
Billie watched as Conrad gazed after his daughter until she disappeared around the bend in the stairs.
“You guys can’t gang up on me with mushrooms,” Conrad said.
“You have to let that go,” Billie said, slanting him a smile. 
“I just can’t believe you would betray me with mushrooms on pizza.”
Billie shook out Gigi’s jacket to straighten the sleeves and walked over to him. “I promise,” she said, very seriously. “I will take your side on the mushrooms… if you let her have pineapple.”
“Blackmail,” he cried.
“Negotiations,” Billie countered.
His eyes danced at her, and Billie smirked at him before striding back down the hall. Pulling open the coat closet, she hung up Gigi’s jean jacket and then her own sweater coat. She took out a third hangar, intending to grab Conrad’s from him, but his voice interrupted her train of thought.
“I’ve been thinking about it since our first date,” Conrad said.
Billie turned to find him stalled out where the hallway opened onto the kitchen, watching her. His jacket was still on, despite the humidity beginning to rise in the Georgia morning air. 
“Thinking about what?” she asked. Then it clicked. “Oh.”
“How long have you been thinking about this?”
“What’s awhile? Two days? A week? Eighteen years?”
“A few weeks.”
He waited, eyes on her face, as she processed that information. He had given her space, she knew. She had been relieved when he didn’t push to restart the conversation when she had come back for dinner. But then a few days had become two weeks, and clearly he had gotten impatient.
“Our first date,” she said. Then again. “Our first date?”
He pulled off the light fabric jacket he preferred in the summer and early fall and closed the distance between them. She eased it out of his hand, sliding it onto the hangar, and shoving it in the closet with the others. His eyes were so tight on her face that she felt almost claustrophobic from the attention.
“Yes,” he said.
She swallowed against the lump in her throat. “I’m really confused.”
“I know. I just don’t know why,” he told her. “You know I love you. You’re here practically every night—”
“Only twice last week,” she interrupted, feeling defensive.
“And I hated that you were gone.” He paused to let that sink in, and then he pulled out the big guns. “So did Gigi.”
Billie winced. “She did?”
“Of course, she did.”
“We need to put away the groceries,” Billie said, brushing past him and trying not to cry. “We bought ice cream.”
“Yes,” Conrad said, following her back to the kitchen. “We. We bought ice cream.”
Her hand clenched on the side of the grocery bag. She couldn’t look at him.
“I wanted to open the dialogue,” Conrad said, sounding lost. “I didn’t want to scare you out of the house.”
“You didn’t,” she said, but the words came out as a whisper.
“Billie, talk to me,” he murmured.
But she couldn’t say this to him. The words throbbed in her cut-open chest.
“Is this about Nic?” he asked, in a carefully neutral tone.
Panic swept Billie into motion. She turned and started for the hallway, already visualizing the front door. “I just remembered that I…” But she couldn’t bring herself to lie to him either, so she found herself shaking her head, swallowing against the vise-like grip around her throat. “I can’t. I have to go.”
Conrad stepped into her path, hands held up in front of his body. “Billie.” She stilled, and he edged closer. “Please don’t run from me.”
“I’m not running from you,” she said.
“Then what?” he asked, and she heard an edge of frustration to his voice. “What are you running from?”
“Me? Maybe,” she said on a wet laugh. 
“You? I don’t understand.”
“I can’t say this to you,” she said, losing the war against the tears.
“Why can’t you talk to me about this?” he asked. “We talk about everything.”
“Because it’s not fair,” she said. “It’s not fair to say this to you.”
“Please talk to me. Let me help.”
Conrad’s fingers found her cheeks, thumbs brushing the tears away, only for new ones to replace the tears he had cleared. She slid her arms around his waist, burrowing her face into his chest. His warmth slipped through the cotton of his Henley, and his scent—pine and musk and Conrad and home—enveloped her. Her eyes were pouring, but, somehow, she stayed quiet, muffling the little sobs against his solidness.
“I want to,” she said into the cotton.
“What?” he murmured to her.
She pulled back, surprised when Conrad’s arms tightened for a split second before he controlled the reaction and loosened his grip. She knew she was a gross mess, had probably gotten snot all over his shirt, might even have it smeared under her nose. And all of that was less uncomfortable and humiliating and tragic than what she was about to say to him.
The words lodged in her throat. She gestured helplessly.
“Why don’t we sit?” he asked, letting go of her to point at the couch.
She nodded, hoping against hope that Gigi wouldn’t come barreling down the stairs and catch her like this. As soon as she was settled in the corner—her corner—Conrad dropped a kiss on top of her head.
“I’ll grab you some tissues,” he said and hurried out of the room.
She took the few moments he was gone to suck in a deep breath. In through the nose, hold, and out through the mouth, she reminded herself.
That was as far as she got before Conrad was back, tissue box in hand. She told herself the breathing had helped, and the urge to bolt for the front door had faded.
This time, take two on the conversation, when Conrad came to sit, he settled in right next to her. He aimed his torso to face her, one arm across the back of the couch.
Poised to grab her if she tried to run. 
Billie knew he would never. Conrad was a huge proponent of bodily autonomy. If she dashed to the front door, he would try to persuade her to stay, but he wouldn’t lay a finger on her even to stop her.
He set the tissue box in the scant inches between their thighs. His eyes were tight on her face. 
“Billie, is this about Nic?” She grimaced before she could control it. He nodded, once, decisively, and then he said, “Okay. I’m going to go first. Is that all right?”
The gesture she made as she wiped her face with tissue was caught somewhere between a shrug and a nod and a full-body shudder. But Conrad seemed to understand that what she meant was knock yourself outbecause he chuckled softly.
“We delayed facing this for so long that we were already on the same page before we ever made a move,” Conrad said. “So, I have to keep reminding myself that we’ve never actually talked about it.” He paused, considering. “Well… directly. Out loud. Each other anyway. I think we both talked to other people, if some of my recent conversations with A.J. meant what I think they mean.”
He was right, and he was right that they hadn’t said all of this out loud. Bits and pieces, but never all of it. 
They had each gone through their self-flagellation and dealt with their guilt silently in the shadows. By the time Conrad had leaned in for that first kiss, they had both been long at peace with the idea of moving forward together, which inevitably left Nic behind. Their hesitation had been centered in insecurity around how the other felt, if the other had found that same peace, as well as risking the friendship that had meant so much to both of them for five years. 
And, once they had kissed, cementing those feelings and answering those questions, they had each known exactly what the other thought without any words needing to be exchanged. So, they had never really talked about it.
Conrad took a deep breath. “When you were talking to Gigi that night, you said we were a family. I hadn’t thought about it that way. Not that I didn’t consider you family,” Conrad amended. “But it wasn’t a conscious thought, you know? You were just a part of our life. A fact of it. And then you said it out loud to Gigi, and I was like ‘Of course.’ It just fit.”
“We’re just right,” Billie said.
“Yes,” Conrad said. “We’re comfortable together. Completely, one hundred percent comfortable. I don’t want to assume anything about you and your past relationships, but I’ve never felt like that before. Like this before.”
Billie’s eyes shot to his face. Conrad was staring at his hands in his lap rather than at her. 
“It was different with Nic,” he said. “I loved her with everything in me. Every piece of me loved every piece of her.”
“I know,” Billie murmured.
“But I knew from the second I laid eyes on her that…” He shifted, hesitating to finish his sentence. 
“You wanted to be together,” Billie supplied, feeling rather prim even as she said it.
A grin flashed across his face. “That’s the PG version anyway,” he said, voice gravelly. “We weren’t… We didn’t know anything about each other, and that physical part—the sex part—was there from the beginning. Always there. It…complicates things. And we broke up and got back together so many times. And it was always exciting and wonderful, and she fit, too. She fit me. But even when I asked her to marry me, I was only ninety-five percent sure she was going to say yes.”
He laughed, but it was bitter, almost self-deprecating, and he cut it off to swallow hard. Billie felt her stomach twist in nervous anticipation. Somehow, she knew what was coming next, and she wanted to reach out and touch him, wanted to feel his warmth and his skin. Instead, she curled her fingers into fists around the tissues still in her hands.
“You,” he said, careful and tentative. “You were my friend first. Strictly platonic and someone I could rely on, could say anything to, without worrying you might disappear. And you became a part of me. I know that sounds crazy. But I meant it when I said we grew together over the last five years. Sometimes I think I know you better than I know myself. I know you in a way that I have never known another human being. I know how you’re going to react. I know how you think about things, how your brain approaches a problem. I know why you do the things you do, why you make the decisions you make, without you ever having to explain.”
He shook his head, and the motion looked a little rough. “And the fact that I missed how you felt about me is completely bonkers because, of course, I should have seen it. I think I was so scared that I was reading it all wrong, that I just… shut it out. But I’ve already told you that,” he said, cutting himself off with a sigh.
“I think Nic and I would have gotten here,” he said, gesturing between himself and Billie. “But we weren’t there yet. So, no, Billie, I have never felt about anyone the way I feel about you. It’s not better, it’s not more. It’s just—”
“Different,” she whispered. 
He raised his face to meet her eyes, clearly encouraged by her speaking, even if only one word. “And part of that comfort is because I saw you with Gigi, how pure and open and honest you are with her. No matter how she tests you, you never falter. And part of it is that we grew together and shaped each other,” he said. “We’re not the same people we were before Nic died. That changed us. But we also wouldn’t be the people we are now without each other.”
Billie nodded, tears starting to spill down her cheeks again. 
He rubbed his fingers over his forehead. “And all of that is to say that I understand why this house is a problem. We changed. But the house didn’t. So, you feel like you’re sliding into Nic’s life. Like you’re replacing her.”
Billie pressed a hand over her mouth so she wouldn’t sob loud enough for Gigi to hear.
“And it’s one thing to visit,” Conrad said, bravely forging ahead. “It’s another thing to move in.”
“I’m sorry,” Billie said, covering her face so that he couldn’t look at her. “I’m so sorry. It’s not fair.”
“What isn’t fair is you not talking to me about this,” Conrad said. “Billie, it’s me. This is us. We talk about everything.”
“Not everything,” she muttered. 
Against all odds, Conrad laughed. The sound was relieved, almost giddy. He eased closer to her on the couch, arm sliding behind her but not touching her.
“I’d like to change that,” he said. “Everything would be really, really good.”
“There are certain things I will never talk about with you,” she said, but her lips were curling up in the corners, just like he knew they would.
And as soon as he spotted the curls, Conrad’s arm moved from the couch back to wrap around her shoulders, pulling her closer into his heat. She felt a shudder run through him, and she realized he had been afraid. Her not talking to him, shutting him out, had terrified him and made him question his own confidence.
With all of that swirling through her mind, she said, “I don’t know how to get past this.”
“You don’t move in here,” Conrad said, as if it was the simplest decision in the world. 
The words were firm, and the world dropped out from under Billie. He was taking the invitation back. 
He didn’t want to live with you anymore, her brain hissed at her. Because he knows you’re right. You’re stealing Nic’s life. You’re the worst friend who has ever—
“Gigi and I can move in with you,” he said.
The voice cut off, and the world righted. A second later, a wave of shock swept through her as she fully registered what he had suggested.
“My house?” she asked.
“Why not?” he asked. “Gigi loves it there.”
“She loves to visit,” Billie pointed out. “Not to live. When she’s spent the night, she slept with me. She didn’t even want to go in the guest room.”
Conrad’s arm tightened around her, and she heard him swallow again. “Uh-huh.”
“And you know I bought that place in a hurry,” Billie said. “I barely even looked around the market. I took the first one that was nearby.”
“It’s a great house,” Conrad argued.
“Sure,” Billie said. “But this is Gigi’s home. She’s lived here her whole life.”
“True, but—”
“And the yard here is way better,” she said. “You even have a hot tub. I do not have a hot tub.”
“The hot tub can move,” Conrad pointed out. “I can’t move the yard, though.”
Billie made a complicated hand gesture that said See? My point exactly.
“But this place is small,” Conrad said, relaxing against the back of the couch. “Yours is bigger. If we decided to have more kids, where would we put them here?”
“Okay, we’re putting a pin in that,” Billie said in a dry voice. “Because that’s a whole different emotional conversation and a long way off if it happens at all. We could certainly find a new, different, third house option long before that happens. And, besides, selling my place would probably cover the cost of putting an addition on this one. And don’t you own that hillside? We could build up and maybe out off the back—” She paused, hand outstretched as she pointed out his windows, and took in his expression with suspicion. “What? Why are you grinning at me?”
He shrugged, still grinning like he had won the lottery. “I only ever wanted to open the dialogue.”
And Billie suddenly realized that she was quiet inside. The voice telling her she was stealing Nic’s life was gone. 
The fear wasn’t gone. The anxiety and guilt were still roiling in her stomach, and she wasn’t sure she would ever be ready to move into Conrad’s house. 
But the voice that had been berating her for two weeks was silent.
“How do you do that?” she asked him.
“Do what?” he asked, contentment on his face. He intertwined their fingers and brought her hand up to brush a kiss against the back.
“Make everything better,” she said.
His eyes squeezed shut like she had hit him, fingers tightening around hers. He sat like that for a moment, pressing her hand against his lips, his eyes closed to the world. And when he opened them again, they looked bruised. But not the bruised that Billie had become used to—the darkness of grief, of pain, of longing. All she saw in Conrad’s eyes was…gratitude and relief.
“I don’t know,” he said, voice gone gravelly again. “But I’m really glad I do. Honestly… you have no idea.”
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linisiane · 2 years
The Weird Diversity of Wednesday
While watching Wednesday, my brother and I were disappointed to see the darker skinned characters consistently used as bad guys or jokes!
The mean popular girl, the bully, the shady mayor, the pathetic nerd. It was WEIRD to see a darker skinned character get introduced, predict that they’re gonna be a minor antagonist, and then get proven correct every time. Obviously, that didn’t happen with the white/light-skin characters, who had the options of being bad guys and good guys.
The only exception was Eugene. Instead of being a villain, he got the chance to be the loser character that the show fridged for the latter half of its run time. (Excepting the finale, I presume, but I haven’t seen that episode, yet.) (Also, Deputy Santiago is a black woman who is just a deputy, but she’s also working with Sheriff Galpin, and she’s such a minor a character I forgot she existed. That one depends on your perspective.)
If you couldn’t tell by my “the option of being good guys and bad guys” comment, I don’t actually think dark skinned characters being bad guys is a problem. A person of any race or complexion should have the chance to be a bad guy because villains are fun and allow for complexity. (Also, more importantly, because race doesn’t determine morality.) In fact, I actually really love how the show delved deeper into the minor antagonists.
I love Bianca’s issues with her mother and her siren powers. I appreciate that the popular/beautiful queen bee isn’t a blonde white girl. I love the way the show humanizes the “mean girl” by demonstrating that she has more depth than her mean girl caricature, such as her talking with Wednesday at the dance about struggling with connection or her trying to save Lucas from getting scammed by her mom.
Lucas, similarly, is really fun as a villain. My brother and I got a kick out of how much game this guy had. Almost every girl he shared a screen with had chemistry or a mini-romance subplot with him! Go off, Casanova! I also liked that his reasons for attacking the dance wasn’t just cartoonish bigotry, but a human reaction to Wednesday kinda sorta enacting domestic terrorism at his dad’s ceremony. And it was cool to see him change and grow over the course of the season!
The show almost works! But it doesn’t, and Morticia’s scene with the mayor demonstrates why.
There’s a scene in this show where Morticia Addams, a white woman, tells a black man he has "no idea what it's like not to be believed."
Obviously the show was going for the “me-too” movement, identifying how her background as an outcast and a woman made her more vulnerable to victim blaming and disbelief. But it’s kind of crazy to me that they had her say that to a black man because black men have historically also had issues with being believed due to their marginalized status.
There is something to be said about how being a woman is different from being a man, how women are uniquely ignored, but Morticia, I’m sure the Mayor—as a black man in America—does have at least some awareness of what that’s like. Especially, especially, with the history of white women falsely accusing black men of crimes and getting them lynched or locked up because nobody would believe their word over a white woman’s.
It’s astounding that the show doesn’t address this context, and it makes the scene come off as ignorant. Almost willfully so. In fact, so much of this show felt like the reason they made “outcast” a marginalized social group was so that they could have white people be the victims of oppression with the most screen time on their tv show about marginalization, like they’re appropriating marginalized stories.
And this is consistent. They did this with LGBT+ themes, as well! Enid, a character who has no queer aspects to her character (only shown dating guys, no canon hints about same gender attraction), got an entire subplot about her mom trying to put her into “werewolf conversion therapy,” AND she got an entire scene where she told off her mom while wearing rainbow eyeshadow. Meanwhile, the actual LGBT content of the show consists entirely of two background characters (Eugene’s moms).
It honestly reminded me of the scene in the Vampire Diaries where Caroline, a vampire, gets electric shocks from her human dad, who is trying to use conversion therapy to turn her back into a human. Only, the dad character is ALSO canonically a gay man, for some reason.
Like, what is with this thing of creating fictional marginal statuses as a way to talk about social issues without actually involving said issues (no actual homophobia or colorism). Without actually creating main characters of real life marginalized status (no LGBT main characters). While also having the real life marginalized characters that do exist acting as the oppressors???? (Lucas, the Mayor, Caroline’s dad).
So yeah, the show is really interesting with its diversity. It almost works, as the stories it’s telling are cool and nuanced, but within the context of real life and the casting, the show is tone deaf. Plus, the show being somewhat produced and directed by Tim Burton (a guy who thinks that black characters must justify their blackness to exist in his works, and as a result, his works almost feature white people exclusively) does NOT help.
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starkskypines · 2 years
Tumblr media
waking up warm: 2.9k; t; Luke has a panic attack but Din finds him
quiet roar of the ocean: 2.6k; g; Din spends a lot of time thinking about what love means and finding acceptance in loving his family
weathered love: 6.3k; t; miscommunication and making up
don’t carry it alone: 12k; t; strangers to friends to lovers speedrun
sunrise at the altar of a dead god: 10k; t; Cody finds himself adrift after going AWOL from the Empire. He ends up on Tatooine
i’ll build a glass home from the sandy ruins: 5.8k; g; super angsty post-rots au where Satine lives on Tatooine with Obi-Wan
could’ve given you something, you my everything: 4.2k; g; Obi-Wan sings
and i was catching my breath: 12k; t; tangled au 
hold on hope: wip; m; Anakin falls, but his family isn't quite ready to let him go; Ahsoka and Padmé find him fighting Obi-Wan on Mustafar.
hear me when i speak (words of trust so unworthy): 2.2k; g; Obi-Wan is injured and says things to Anakin he doesn’t mean
a disconnect like a livewire: 5k; g; Obi-Wan is injured in battle and Anakin deals with the guilt. Then Obi-Wan wakes up and deals with Anakin.
it’s a winterful life: 1.5k; g; the 212th discover snow
you might think i’m bulletproof but i’m not: prompt fill; g; anakin and ahsoka feels 
i think i’ve seen this film before and i didn’t like the ending: prompt fill; g; cody thinking about the war
you broke another mirror and you’re turning into something you’re not: prompt fill; g; post-deception arc Padmé and Obi-Wan feels
mace windu trains anakin au: 3.4k; g; how Mace Windu taking a young Anakin Skywalker as his padawan saves the galaxy. 
the sauce that binds us: 5.7k; g; a crack fic based off the New Girl episode “Spiderhunt” feat. the usual tcw suspects + Quinlan Vos & Yoda
the price that paid left a mark that stains: 66k; t; Shadow Warrior au where Padmé refuses to trade Grievous for Anakin
Do You Remember?: a canon-compliant, post rots, poem from Padmé’s pov
Kenobi Show
a stone and a message: 2k; g; Quinlan Vos holds onto Obi-Wan’s river stone post-order 66
what once was lost (now is found): 4.9k; g; five times someone gives Obi-Wan a gift and one time he gives someone else a gift
shining just for you: 6k; t; wip; Senator Riyo Chuchi’s diplomatic ship goes down because of a Separatist attack. Riyo and Commander Fox are the only survivors
there were sirens in the beat of your heart: 2k; t; instances of Bly and Aayla feeling each other’s pulse throughout the war; mcd
the weight of knowing: 6.9k; g; Luke tells Rex that Anakin became Vader and Rex deals with the fallout of that knowledge
Sequel Trilogy
survivor’s path: 3.9k; g; Ahsoka is sent to rescue Poe but ends up finding Kix too
Din Djarin x Reader
lonely desert figure: 2.2k; g; Reader is a former Child of the Watch who left and now they’re a hunter working for Boba Fett (so this means reader has ARMOR), and they’re already fast friends with Fennec. Fett invites Reader to join the Daimyo, and Mando and Reader have a conversation about family. 
Cody x Reader
Little Corner of the Galaxy: 1.4k; g; Cody misses your dinner date…again. 
Captain Rex x Reader
you look at me and it’s like you hit me with lighting: prompt fill; g; literally just domestic fluff 
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alexdelray1 · 11 months
Miles 42 x F Reader
Attention! Angst! Death and other events occurring in Marvel.
I recently watched Avatar. This new part and this part from 2009. Awesome and now I want to be blue and be at least 2 meters high. And I want to say that each of the earth numbers used is not accidental.
I feel like a win when I lose.
-Who are you to me anyway?- Miles asked me.
-Your girlfriend on Earth 42, but don't worry. Miles from the dimensions above the earth 1000 are not my type. - I replied with a laugh during the last sentence, looking at Gwen apologetically.
How are you girls, guys and non-binaries? Here is your favorite and unique Spider-Girl not in her universe! My name is Reader Hardy and at the beginning my destiny on Earth 42 was to be Black Cat, but after an incident where there was no hero there, I had to give up being a hot cat. It's a pity, but at least girls are constantly attracted to me, not to mention boys. Supposedly, I'm a normal teenager who goes to Visions school, listens to Ayesha Erotica, Rihanna, Lady Gaga and Gwen Stefani, but at night and sometimes during the day I am the iconic Spider-Girl. And you can ask. Why Spider-Girl and not Spider-Woman? While thinking about my identification name, I realized that for now I see myself as more of a girl than a woman. Okay, we have to stop this monologue.
-Really?”-Miles asked.
-Yes. Men below 1000 Earth are mostly hotter. - I replied and took off the mask. We're at HQ and Gwen is giving Miles a little tour.
-No, it's not about that. I'm your boyfriend on Earth 42?- he asked, surprised.
-Buddy, by this logic you are someone's boyfriend on every earth. For example, on Earth 8, you are Gwen's husband. That's how it works. For example, I'm dating Peter on earth 901220. And, for example, our Peter is with Mary Jane on earth 616B.- I explained to him.
-Doesn't that make you feel a little weird?- Miles asked me with a grimace.
-Only a little, but it's not that bad. For example, we won't have such an attitude because my Miles is your opposite. Literally. - I wanted to reduce the tension.
-That's true. Once Reader showed me a picture of him and he's a total geek and you're a nerd. - Gwen laughed.
-Seriously...! Oh, I'm sorry, but I have to sweep up. There will be a canon event soon. - I said and opened a portal to my earth.
-Wait! Canon what?- Miles asked.
-Gwen will explain!- I said and entered the portal.
I found myself in an alley next to the police station and everything.
I closed the portal and put on the mask. Thanks to my nets, I jumped onto the police station building. Nice view. It's already evening which means my shift starts now. Why should I sit at the police station? After all, the American police will shoot me and maybe my mother will.
I swinged (I don't know what to call it) to the building opposite and was about to swing somewhere else but I heard an explosion and screams coming from the police station. Oh no. Please, I beg you not.
My reaction was quick and in a few seconds I was already in the ruins of the previous building.
I saw the bodies of policemen and policewomen. I quickly picked up the four bodies and set them down far away from the building, and did this a few more times. My mother was nowhere to be found. I moved the bodies that I could get out a little further away from the living. I heard sirens. Police from another station, many ambulances and the fire brigade will be here soon. Wait what's that?
-Reader....Reader......- I heard groans from under the rubble. I quickly pushed them away and saw my mother whose legs were now just a memory. The only thing that kept her alive was that the large stone on her legs stopped some of the bleeding.
-Ma!... Mrs. Hardy!- I said and crouched down next to her.
-Spider-Girl? Please, please tell me, is my daughter safe? - my mother asked me.
-Your daughter is safe because she is right here.- I replied with tears in my eyes.
-Reader? I could have guessed. The secrets, the oddities, the excuses. Reader, please. Let me see your face one last time.- my mother said. No one could see us through the rubble and smoke. I took off my mask. My face didn't look good at all. Tears and bulging eyes.
-My brave daughter became a hero. What a pity that I won't be able to see your next actions. - Mom smiled weakly.
-You will see. The rescuers will come for you soon and everything will be fine.- I said with false hope.
-Reader remember, with great power comes great responsibility.- Her eyes had no life left in them, she didn't move.
-No, no, no.... MOM! - I put on the mask and stood up, the services started searching the area for more victims.
-Here!- I shouted and when they started getting closer, I left.
I ran into my room and quickly changed into my normal clothes. I couldn't stand it and fell to the floor crying.
After a while, Miles ran into my room, but when I first looked at him, it looked like he was happy about something earlier, but when he saw me, his smile disappeared.
-Reader! What happened? - Miles asked me and knelt down next to me. I couldn't answer. The TV in my room was showing the news.
-Ladies and gentlemen. Today at 7:25 p.m. a police station in Brooklyn exploded. 20 people died and 15 were injured. The dead were Carl Grayson, Mark Smith, Jannie Queen, Camila Hardy.... the serial criminal Prowler was seen at the scene. It is believed that he is the reason and culprit of the massacre... - I didn't listen anymore.
-Prowler, he killed my mom.- I somehow managed to say.
-Wait, doesn't your mom work at the 99th Precinct in Brooklyn?- Miles asked me.
-No, Miles, she worked on the one that's in ruins because of that son of a bitch. - Miles didn't tell me anything. I looked to the side at something glowing purple under his coat.
-Miles, where were you then? - I asked him, looking into his eyes.
-Ummm, at home.- he replied, avoiding eye contact.
-You're lying.- I said and got up and he immediately followed me.
-Not at all.- he said, trying not to avoid eye contact.
-You're a Prowler... How could you?! I trusted you! - I started screaming and crying.
-It's not like that! I didn't want to kill your mother.- Miles tried to explain.
-You wanted to kill everyone! You knew this would happen! I hate you! YOU KILLED MY MOTHER! - I screamed.
-Reader!- Miles took a step back.
-Go away! I do not want to know you! The only reason I'm letting you go innocent now is because Spider-Girl will take care of you! And God knows if you try to talk to me again, I'll break your neck.- I threatened him. Miles left my apartment with a serious expression on his face.
I sat on the bed and the tears flowed mercilessly. I looked at my 'watch'.
"Canon event completed"
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