#I mean being a mass murderer doesn���t help
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thegamingcatmom · 6 months ago
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(I can´t get over how adorable/goofy she looks here. How am I supposed to fear any of that?)
If Mother Miranda were to take an interest in you outside the whole vessel thing, it would include:
(Yall know the drill by now: Don´t like my dark and twisted stuff, don´t read my dark and twisted stuff. 🖤)
having to listen to her ranting and gossiping about her "children"
sometimes, it´s straight up just death threats
she´s scary when she gets like that
especially because she tends to breathe down your neck to calm herself (your scent is quite helpful)
having to listen to her feverish prayers when it comes to Eva
Eva is a big topic in general
helping her in her lab
which basically means cleaning up her mess (and she is rather messy, it has to be said)
we´re talking mountains of papers as well as mountains of bodies
ofc she´s gonna make sure to snuff out every last bit of life before she lets you near her failed experiments
she won´t take any risks when it comes to you
as for the papers-
...it´s a mess
and it´s very scary (and very unfair) when she gets all hissy and murderous over you trying to do your "job" and clean up her mess just because, out of the millions of papers, there´s one that she still needs
"How dare you throw that away?!"
"Well, how tf am I supposed to know?!"
...you think to yourself because there´s no way you´re gonna say that to her face (you quite like breathing, tyvm)
whenever she has one of her downright terrifying smash-things-against-the-wall "tantrums" (as you like to call them not to her face) she gets all purry and touchy-feely after
probs her way of apologizing (cause there ain´t no way she´s gonna use them words)
you hate that it´s working
despite being a mass murderer/mold monster smt who doesn´t require eating or using any stuff that humans usually would (like toilets), she does appreciate you cooking and cleaning for her
things she tasked you with ofc
she quite...enjoys the sight
(smt about that domestic view just...does things to her)
(you force-wearing an apron drives her wild)
she does have feathers, after all
and those need lots of TLC 💋
makes you clean her mask too
or her hand chains
anything, really
in return, you may wear it
(honestly? totally worth it)
we won´t talk about the fact she´s doing it more for herself (just like pretty much everything else) because seeing you wearing what is hers just...yknow?
but also to demonstrate to you just how good it feels to be bad
"Hm... What do you think, little bird? Do you like it? I certainly do..."
forces you to attend meetings with her so she can show you off
and also because it almost always gives her a reason to rip into her "children" because that bunch just doesn´t know how to behave around you
especially the tall one who keeps throwing you looks that make it seem like she wants nothing more than for you to drop dead
you kinda share that sentiment
anywhere would be better than here
...she´s scary
something Miranda takes note of as well
one look is all that is needed to put the tall one in her place
in moments like this, you truly appreciate your roommate´s/abductor´s murderous side
when you´ve been especially good for a (long) while (no escape attempts, no talking back, no disobeying her whatsoever) she indulges your childish urges to see her transform into different animals
she will deny any and all accusations of smiling at that, down to her very last breath
(she could be persuaded though...)
one day, you´ll probs have to go from cleaning that mess to making it
which means actively helping MM with her experiments
cutting someone open etc.
there´s no way out of it, let´s be honest
it´s her livelihood, ofc she wants to share that with you
(isn´t she just precious?)
spying on the villagers for her
(she will find out when you´ve been lying, so don´t even think about it)
(This actually got way less dark and twisted than I anticipated. Gotta work on that, LMAO.)
Basically, my HC for Miranda includes her getting an absolute kick out of anything family/domestic life. She goes absolutely nuts when it comes to her daughter, so I imagine this would count for an s/o as well. She gets obsessed to the point of no return, and she´ll fight tooth and nail to keep them with her always.
I could go on, and on, and on, and on, and-
But, alas, it is rather late and, unlike some mold monster smt, I do need my sleep. ;3
I might do more posts like that cause I have thoughts. 😩🤌
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evieveevee · 5 years ago
What We Lost: Returning to Tumblr in 2020
On December 17th, 2018, Tumblr banned 'adult content' across the site, marking the end of an era. The ban was the result of a cavalcade of issues which reportedly made maintaining NSFW content unfeasible for Tumblr. Now, it's 2020. I'm back on Tumblr, and I can't help but meditate on what we've lost both on Tumblr, and across the globe in 2020.
Part One: Tumblr and Adult Content
*Things we lost to the flame Things we'll never see again All that we've amassed Sits before us, shattered into ash
— Bastille, "Things We Lost In The Fire"*
A bit of personal history: Tumblr was the primary community I used in various forms from 2012 onwards, associating with various fandoms, doing what I could to design interesting things. The various communities I was involved in intersected with social justice communities, and eventually I dug into those further and tried to learn to better myself in the process, starting along the path to becoming the person I did.
Part of that process was also learning to love my own body, a thing I was not particularly good at and still struggle a bit with nowadays. One of the ways I did this was by making 'adult content', or more plainly, pornography. It was a unique opportunity to experiment with femininity and sexuality - something I'd been very closed off from as part of my upbringing - in a supportive, fun environment. Experimenting with my self image first in this way, in semi-private, led to me experimenting more publicly and eventually embracing aspects of that as part of my day to day life. That's right: making pornography was part of what led me down the path to figuring out I was trans and embracing that part of me.
Making porn on Tumblr was a great time; the adult content creators and consumers community on the site was largely supportive of queer people and sexuality, different body types, all manner of things. It was - in my experience - a healthy and fun place to be, and certainly one of the better places you could be on the internet for a visual medium like pornography. Tumblr's format made it easy to share both adult content you made yourself, and stuff you were curating. Vex Ashley wrote that "this sharing was so desperately vital for women and other marginalised people whose sexualities are often overlooked or infantilised in media about sex in preference for the tastes of the traditional porn consumer – the straight white guy" in a eulogy and love letter to Tumblr's adult content communities.
Tumblr's format remains novel to my knowledge as well: the notion of having a large image-focused feed which also allows for easy sharing and curation, gorgeous, high resolution pieces and photos to be uploaded with relatively little compression, custom arrangements of photosets, and personalized theming of your blog. There was, and remains, lots of potential for expression on Tumblr., and its focus remains unique. Twitter and Mastodon's focus is on what's written, Wordpress doesn't have the sort of interlinking of blogs that Tumblr does, and Facebook is... Facebook (read: evil).
I think the novelty of that format is what made the announcement of the ban on 'adult content' so impactful. Even looking back at the framing of it is gross: the post posits that 'adult content' is something which is negative, and says that removing it is working towards a 'more positive' Tumblr. There appears to be an attempt to try and strike a balance in allowing conversation about sexuality and such, but this is the killing blow. A huge portion of the community, including countless queer and furry artists, needed to find a new home online.
3 months after the ban had hit, traffic had reportedly dropped off 20%. Recent data from SimilarWeb, the outfit which published that initial data, shows that visits to the site have dropped off a little bit more, but have stayed otherwise pretty consistent. August 2020's data shows about 317 million visits. [1] In other words: any hope that this move would allow Tumblr was dashed. A massive portion of the userbase deleted their accounts after archiving them; Tumblr and the internet at large had lost a massive, vibrant chunk of community, and it was completely in vain.
I lost contact with a bunch of those folks I was following on Tumblr for years. The mass exodus left both people who wanted to find and share artwork and adult content and the people who made it completely adrift. Years later, some artists are still picking up the pieces. Archaic policy like SESTA/FOSTA being brought into the picture has left very few standing when it comes to adult content, Twitter included. Who knows how long that will last? If something happens to change the way that Twitter handles adult content, for example, what options do casual creators like myself have?
Fortunately, platforms like OnlyFans exist. But even those are at potential risk from legislation like the EARN IT Act, not to mention the danger this poses to Twitter and to the internet at large. OnlyFans and its ilk, as they exist right now, are fantastic for sex workers because they offer pay-gating and a variety of features to make sure sex workers get paid. But they leave those of us who want to be able to curate the content they enjoy or casually create their own content freely without real options, and without real community.
We stand to lose a lot, and as always people in the margins will be the ones most impacted: the queer, the people of color, the disabled; all will suffer greatly if adult content is found without a home. Media dealing with queer themes is enough to be considered "adult content" by some and it's not hard to imagine what we could be staring down the barrel of here.
What have we lost in eliminating platforms like this?
Part Two: 2020 and the World
*These are the things The things we lost The things we lost in the fire, fire, fire.
— Bastille, "Things We Lost In The Fire"*
Meditating on what we have lost seems to be a running theme for the year 2020.
January: New Year's Day. In Aotearoa New Zealand, smoke covers the skies from a fire a literal ocean away. The Australian bush has been on fire, part of one of the most and it has turned the skies of a nation not it's own orange at midday, across thousands of kilometers. What did we lose in those fires? What stories and history? What wildlife, what species? What will remain afterwards? What will grow anew?
April: Aotearoa New Zealand hits the peak of COVID-19 related lockdown with the entire nation moved to Level 4, meaning that nothing except truly essential services, such as roadworks, pharmacies, and supermarkets were open. During that time, I thought a lot about how some of my favorite small shops were doing; the bakery with astonishingly good pies, the charming dollar store which always has a few things that catch my eye, the coffee cart near one of the local parks every morning. As a nation, Aotearoa acted early to deal with COVID-19 with a strong hand, and it was risky for all of those small shops across the country. What would we come out the other side of the lockdowns having lost, both in terms of human cost and cost to the places around us?
May: Following the murder of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis Police officer Derek Chauvin, massive protests against police brutality, racism, and white supremacy break out across the United States of America. Daily protests have continued to the time of writing in some cities. George Floyd is one of 781 people killed by police in 2020 at the time of writing in the United States alone [2]. 1099 people were killed by police in 2019 [3]. What incredible lives and stories have been lost in the process? Are those stories being told now? How do we prevent this from happening again? (Hint: defunding the police will be a start, and supporting the cause now is a good choice too.)
It is now September: The incompetence of the US Government has allowed COVID-19 to spread beyond control, leaving tens of thousands of deaths in its wake; lives and stories which must be remembered and their stories carried on by others. The western coast of the United States is on fire, blanketed in smoke and ashes. Massive west coast cities like San Francisco gain an apocalyptic feeling as the skies turn orange, like they did for me in January. Friends of friends lose everything in small Oregon towns. The costs of the prolonged fires will be paid by people all up the coast; it's their health outcomes which will suffer. What will we lose as a result of this in the future? What can we do to make things better?
I want to be clear: this is not a comprehensive list, and is centered around the things that me and my social circles have been aware of and talked about. Even with that consideration, we have to reckon with massive, ongoing, and far reaching concerns. The loss felt as a result of all of the above issues is staggering, and far reaching, and we must fight to ensure that loss is not in vain. Voting alone is not going to solve these concerns, and there's more to concern yourself with than any one person should have to cope with. There's not a magic bullet to solve all this stuff though.
Rather than pretend that I have one, I want to propose a couple things to close this out: one bit of advice, and one plea for yourself and others.
The advice: pick your battles carefully. Pick issues you want to focus in on, and fight for those things to make things better where you live, and in your social circles. Choose things to care deeply about first. Keep caring about them.
The plea: think carefully about the questions I've asked throughout this piece, and think about the things in your life and communities that you have lost. Think about how to make sure those losses are taken with you and learned from; to take lessons learned and better yourself and the people around you. Think about the things you don't want to lose, and how to fight like hell for them.
Move forwards to something, and some place better than where we are now. Stand united with the people around you, and press on.
*Do you understand that we will never be the same again? The future's in our hands and we will never be the same again.
— Bastille, "Things We Lost In The Fire"*
If you enjoyed this piece and want to support my work, please contribute to my Ko-fi. If you are interested in re-publishing this piece on another site, please contact me either here or via my business email.
[1] Data provided by SimilarWeb; accessed on 15/09/2019 at 5:30am. (https://www.similarweb.com/website/tumblr.com/)
[2] Data provided by Mapping Police Violence (https://mappingpoliceviolence.com); accessed on 15/09/2020 at 4:08am NZT
[3] Data provided by Mapping Police Violence's (https://mappingpoliceviolence.com) database, downloaded on 15/09/2020 at 4:08am NZT. Count obtained using the following formula:
=COUNTIFS($'2013-2020 Police Killings'.F:F,">=1/1/2019",$'2013-2020 Police Killings'.F:F,"<1/1/2020")
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proserpineisback · 5 years ago
If the only problem with TROS was the death of Ben and the rest of the movie was a masterpiece, then maybe I could forgive them. But the serious problem here is that the ENTIRE FILM is an absurdity on its own. You kinda feel like gathering all the facts across the trilogy and distribute them proportionally in each of the films so it all feels cohesive. But that couldn´t be done because Lucasfilm obviously didn´t map this project as a trilogy which it´s absolutely embarrassing. It wouldn´t have costed much for the board writers to sit for a week and write ONE STORY and divide them in three acts just like every writer does when making a book or an independent film or a short film or a documentary, Jesus there are so many people out there writing way better stuff than this with almost nothing of a budget. Having to use different directors is no excuse. The team behind the Mandalorian proves that, they obviously work as a team and so far they seem to treat the Star Wars legacy with respect taking old facts and carefully placing them where they´re needed.
Now, what pisses me off the most about this film is definitely the irrationality of Rey´s arc. The Rey who stood in front of Palpatine and told him “You want me to hate you but I won´t, not even you” is the same Rey who spent THE WHOLE MOVIE attacking Kylo over and over again out of nothing. I´ve spent this whole year wondering why they were fighting in the rain, only to find out that it was for nothing other than Rey´s sudden rage. Wondering why was Kylo flying his TIE towards her and why was she backflipping over it, only to find out it was for nothing too, were they trying to kill each other? Just after Kylo told her that he didn´t want to kill her? Did the conversations in TLJ were all for nothing and they´re back to zero? It´s like all JJ wanted was to retcon TLJ and have cool shots, which they are. The fights are very well choreographed and performed, and they´re visually beautiful and majestically scored, but that doesn´t take away the fact that plot-wise they´re absolutely pointless. When Kylo starts to talk about her past, she again attacks him in a way that for someone who believes in the good side and the Jedi and the light and repulses everything that has to do with the dark side, seems pretty infuriated and aggressive. If she was pissed off about everything the First Order did during the Allegiance comics, it would have made sense for her to mention it at least, because as it was presented it all seems pretty illogical and only for show. Again, they make her look as a person who it´s not enough informed about anything and can´t use her words to stop being one. She didn´t even think in taking advantage of Kylo´s second offering of joining him to defeat Palpatine, then if she didn´t want the throne and was so worried about Kylo becoming emperor, she just could have TALKED and tried to bring him back to the light. But that didn´t even crossed her mind, she just wanted him dead until she actually killed him and didn´t want him dead anymore just because she felt Leia dying, and I can´t believe Chris Terrio has repeated the same also pointless fight between Batman and Superman where Batman remembers his mother and suddenly decides to not kill Superman after beating him badly. I absolutely hated that movie and I was hoping he wouldn´t bring any of it into this. Saddly, I was wrong.
You can´t just link Rey to Palpatine out of nothing. You either connect her to him from the very beginning throwing hints of it or you don´t link her with anyone from the past at all. And you can´t just bring Palpatine with absolutely no excuse, it makes it obvious no one planned to have him behind it all from the start. The concept of Rey Nobody settled by Rian Johnson was a good idea so all kids around the world could relate to her, giving an important message that you don´t need to come from something important to be someone. But if the idea here was to prove that someone who comes from the dark side can choose to be light side, then DEVELOP it through the entire trilogy.
Bringing new supporting characters in the last two films has resulted in a crowded mess when everyone gets to say a line with no purpose, wasting the film´s time. When they presented Rey, Kylo, Finn and Poe as the main characters in TFA, it was understood that the story would be told through their eyes. Then why the hell bring new characters to do the job that they could do. It just makes Finn and Poe look like a pair of extras with nothing relevant to do, just being a burden to Rey when she clearly could have done everything on her own. It would have be them two going to the core worlds and convincing the people to join the cause, so they can truly be heroes in this story. Instead of having everyone joining at last minute because they think Lando is dope and decided that somehow they´re not scared anymore even now that a massive imperial fleet has appeared out of nowhere. And why having so many ships to fight the final battle when they´re gonna waste it by not showing too much of it. I mean it´s called Star Wars for a reason, but somehow they´ve wasted more time having Rey and Kylo fight than investing in the action on air. If all those fights between the two of them had place in TLJ and the talking force bonds had place in TROS, then maybe it would make a bit more sense and the story would seem to have a proportional pace in each film and a better structure. Instead, this movie seems like rushing scramble of events awkwardly mixed with all the trivia they could find from the Star Wars lore while spitting in your face absurd facts about the characters you have known for 5 years and having to believe each of them.
I wouldn´t have problems with Hux being the spy if he was suspect from the beginning. You can´t make a character to be a cold blood mass murderer and devoted to the First Order to the point of fanaticism and then turn him into a softy who reveals he is the spy and traitor of the very thing he loved, in a stupidly parodic way, and who can also be gotten rid off quite easily. And all without any character development whatsoever. I mean, fanfics make a better job with Hux as a villain.
Why create the knights of Ren if you´re gonna have them like silent dogs and get them easily killed when they´re also force users? I mean, I´m not saying that Ben is not powerful enough to finish them but apparently in the comics HE AND LUKE have fought them before and they made it out alive. It would have been a lot more interesting to have the KOR since TFA and make one of them suspect so he can be the one to bring Palpatine back to life in TROS. It would have been better to have Ben and Rey fighting them in TLJ throne room instead of the shitty praetorian guards that are killed in one second in episode III.
Why presenting new characters in Resistance Reborn if we´re not going to see them not even on the background during the resistance base scenes? It´s such a lucrative and deceitful game to have books, comics, etc. and not include them in the films in any way. I can picture them saying to the writers “Yeah, do whatever you want”.
And finally, why create such a good concept like “dyad in the force” if you´re gonna have just one of them fighting against Palpatine while the other one is in a hole. It obviously should have been them BOTH fighting Palpatine and defeating him since when they´re together they have the balance of the force. I mean, I thought that was what Star Wars was all about. It should have been all the generations of Jedi helping them BOTH since Ben Solo had already gone back to the light. Why create such a compelling complex character if they were going to make him have the exact same fate that Darth Vader had. It´s so frustrating the lack of imagination for a conclusion, it makes you cringe. The ultimate message here is that the Skywalker family was cursed and they all deserved to die.
I applaud the astonishly good performances of the actors, the realism they brought makes it all more believable and painful so we don´t forget this film actually happened. The entire movie pains me so much because I´ve grown to love Star Wars and I´ve had deep love for each of the films, yes even the prequels. I´ve defended every movie from the haters and I never thought it would come the day that I would say the saga has been completely destroyed.
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inappropriatefangirlneeds · 6 years ago
Gotham s5ep5 “ Pena Dura” Personal Review
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“Your chance to be a part of this mission”    Warning spoilers below
HARVEY BULLOCK Wow they really put him in the spotlight. First JIM GORDON´s praise. “What you are is the best cop that I know.” If Nygma outsmarts them he wants him to take over. “I need your help, buddy.”. Then he actually listens to Bullock when he doesn´t want to be side lined. Although, I suspect that if it would have been physically possible for Jim Gordon to arrest Oswald Cobblepot he would have done it himself.  Then Harvey gets a moment with BRUCE WAYNE. Bruce is looking for Jim and Harvey is like “Sorry, kid, it's just me.” But in this episode Harvey matters and they have a moment before Bruce batdissapears on him before he can finish his sentence. “I see people losing their will to do good. People I love. What if we don't make it out of this?”  “Because the little things mater. Act by act, deed by deed, it means something. Even if no one notices or cares.” Harvey talks about paperwork (and wow did he basically address my question from last week, he indeed did, partly  .. ) but it´s paperwork that matters and keeps you sane. BRUCE WAYNE / JIM GORDON  & HOPE Haven just blew up but it seems Bruce is much more occupied with SELINA KYLE´s case. Granted there is more personal investment and that issue of him feeling guilty because Jeremiah targeted her about him but it´s an interesting notion to have Bruce to struggle with hope over a more personal matter. While Jim Gordon had his “hope struggle” moments last week over Haven and missing support from the Government. Seems that Eduardo Dorrance might bring a more personal twist to it.  ACCESSORY TO MURDER Selina Kyle & Bruce Wayne Bruce Wayne compares Selina killing Jeremiah to him killing Ra´s al Ghul but Alfred Pennyworth begs to differ: Selina and Bruce are not the same. On is murder and one is not: “Jeremiah made Selina a murderer. Just like Ra's made me a murderer.” “Ra's goaded you into stabbing him, Master Bruce. He used you as an instrument. You're no murderer.”  I´m not here to judge on that but I judge a tremendous neglect in the writing here: Does anyone remember REGINALD REGGIE PAYNE, the guy that arguably threatened Selina and Bruce, the guy where Bruce made a move to push him out of the window and Selina actually did it, claimed not to do regret it and that she would do it again. This would be such a great argument for Alfred´s point. Moreover Alfred has a personal reason to remember the death of someone he had a personal relationship with. One would think, he might bring that up. It´s not like he was ever holding back on things when it came down to discrediting Selina Kyle. Granted they had their nice moments but it seems his first unfavourable impression and judgement still holds.  Alfred Pennyworth is the first one that brings up the instrumentation of a person for murder. Which comes up with various terms again and again: Instrument/ murderous puppet/ being controlled remotely / tool / killing machine. With EDUARDO DORRANCE I think we lack a specific work but his just following orders credo makes him basically a tool for killing as well.  Edward Nygma  tries to figure out why he blew up Haven. He himself his first station then the electricity grants him a flashback that leads him to Oswald Cobblepot (“How could you? You have made me into some murderous puppet.” ) which gets him on his path to Hugo Strange.  Both SELINA KYLE & Edward Nygma have an element of control. Despite Bruce´s repeated claims that Ivy´s medicine changed Selina and she is not herself it´s unclear if or how much this is true. Also Bruce knows he didn´t want to kill Ra´s however with Selina we´ve not that much insight (with the possibility of the plant altering her) and only the modus operandi to judge.  EVERYONE KNOWS EACH OTHER SO WELL * Bruce Wayne & Selina Kyle. “You're no murderer.” “But Selina is.” “You're not the same. She did what she did with open eyes, and you got to learn to respect that, son.” “You're wrong about her, Alfred.”  It´s about the murder, but it is about so much more: “It wasn't your fault. You were just a scared kid.”  The savvy Gothamite knows: Ah Bruce is talking about himself, that´s what he feels guilty about. Selina Kyle promptly picks up the notion. “No. You were the scared kid. We are not the same, Bruce. I didn't do anything because I wasn't willing to risk my neck for someone else because I didn't care. That's who I was and that's who I am.” (Goes on to say she loves "Psycho" by Grim Streaker) I´d say still sounds like case of scared kid, and if it´s just on the basis that they were kids. * Someone do a good paralells meta for 4x12 when Bruce was the one drinking at the Sirens and Selina went in being like “That´s not you”.   * Oh there would just be a lot of quotes that deal with responsibilities and No1 but I´m lazy * Jim Gordon knows himself, that´s why he sent Harvey Bullock to go after Penguin.  * Then we have Jim Gordon acknowledging that Edward Nymga had him framed and more than on his toes. “We're going after Nygma. He's ten steps ahead. This thing goes sideways, you're gonna have to take over.” He should have known him better though or he would have noticed that suspicious arm reaching for the book.  * Edward Nygma  while struggling with what his body does still has a remarkably good grasp on who he is. For him it is clear:  “You're not a murderer, Ed. Except Kristen Kringle. And Officer Dougherty.” Well not that kind of murderer. Good except that issue where is list is like a couple names short. This is repeated when he appeals to  JIM GORDON  “You know me, Jim. The people that I have hurt, they hurt me first.” [I wonder if Ed appealing to the emotional side of things is meant to echo Jim´s “what happened to you” approach in 2x17 ] With BARBARA KEAN Edward´s focus is less on the motive and emotional part it´s about intellect and modus operandi: “Barbara! Am I dumb? In all the years of plotting and the betrayals between us, have you ever ever known me to do something as idiotically brutal as shoot a rocket into a building full of innocent people?”   All of them eventually have to believe that Edward was innocent because they know him.  * Jim Gordon & Eduardo Dorrance  So we finally get some more on Jim “a war hero” Gordon´s military background, which is great but idk I can´t quite make anything of what they gave us. “We hated each other in boot.” “Jim disapproved of my ops tempo.” “Yeah, 'cause you only had one speed: too fast.” “Took me a while to realize he wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty. Just being careful.” “Well, Jim's taught me a thing or two - about being careful.”  That HARVEY BULLOCK says that could provide some great meta if I wasn´t too lazy to properly look into the line of his old partner DIX in  DIX 1x06:   “He's a loose cannon. He thinks he's a white knight, jumping into the breach like some idiot in the movies” First it´s trust and old friendship with EDUDARDO and JIM: “I trust you know what you're doing.” “We do what we have to do, right?” But soon Jim and Eduardo are opposite forces: “After all this, you'd kill me for some bureaucrat?” “Mission comes first. You taught me that.”  This really makes me wonder what Jim did that Eduardo says this!!  Also SEASON 1 Backflash: “You know I hate this spook crap. I don't ask questions; I follow orders.” “Walker wants you to put a bullet in his brain.” “Call it proof of loyalty. It's what she needs from you before she can move forward with final relief plans.” “Jim, ours is not to reason why. And this is your chance to be a part of this mission. So please. You pull the trigger on him, or I pull the trigger on you.” * It mirrors the Jim and Harvey contrast with Harvey being the one talking about questions above his paycheck but after everything Harvey still follows Jim´s disruptive tendencies. It´s about personal responsibility, control, and in Jim and Eduardo´s case we could get some take on the "Nuremberg defense" issue.   * It mirrors the situation with Oswald Cobblepot. Once more an established order tells Jim Gordon to shoot a man, that´s not technically innocent but didn´t commit the crime in question. And once more Jim doesn´t kill but this time he doesn´t get to claim his loyalties lie with the established order.  [For a moment Jim contemplated just shooting Ed because look at what happened with Oswald, he just can´t have another relationship like that] * I wonder if we will get some flack for Jim´s decision to honour integrity over supplies? Just briefly, before it is revealed how it was actually and not only morally the right thing.  FRIENDSHIP Oswald  & Jim  Oswald Cobblepot still tries to count on Jim Gordon.  “Harvey, you're not thinking clearly. Maybe call your boss, see what he thinks.” But Jim isn´t there because he made a decision to not be there.  Oswald´s line of having had only two friends from which one he shot is sad. And I don´t know but after all the “friend” and “favour” stuff between them the “no friends” statement from Jim really hurt: “You know, they say you can judge a man by his friends.” “This from a man who has no friends.”  But at least their dynamic still works, once you get them together and disturbing forces out of the way they still run smooth for the sake of Gotham  “You're protecting a mass murderer. Don't look to me for sympathy.” “Fine. But not with that meathead around.”  Edward Nygma & Oswald Cobblpeot * “Ed, what have you done?” First of all the delivery of the line killed me! Which is not even an exaggeration. * “Of everything that you have put me through, this this is the most cruel.” This was almost as impressive and heart wrenching. * Also I´m just going to put the words down there. How, how did they sound so much like vows?! Oswald just touching his lips, putting his hands in front of them covering his mouth before he can muster so speak further. Oswald later walking right up to Edward pressing the gun into his heart. Could anyone deal with this?!  (Also what is so fundamentally wrong with me that this kind of totally is what I want, like that´s what I´d ask for in any friend or relationship, and on the one hand it´s like just a very basic just knowing and acknowledging each other but also this trust that should be as basic but just really isn´t and oh idk that was just a really special scene.) “What was I supposed to do? Let you die? After Butch, you were my only friend.”  “You shot Butch!” “Which is why I needed you! Edward Nygma, if I wanted you to suffer, I would never do it in some backhanded way.” “If you and I are ever at odds again, you will know, without a doubt, that I am your enemy. I promise you that as a friend.” And then Edward followed up with a “yes I do” and his own vows.  “I might have killed you, Oswald. And if that day comes I swear to you I will stare you in the eye as I stab you in the heart.” * Then a BETRAYAL? And then right away Oswald tells Edward to stay where he is because he´s going to be save while telling his men to get Nygma. Why did you have to break up that wonderful moment so quickly? Self preservation is a wonderful thing but not on the expense of those feelz. Quick, someone meta/fanfic this “betrayal” into something more palatable. Something like, Oswald only said that because he knew Edward would know to disappear at once, they just know each other ~that~ well, okay that´s better, a super thin argument but I´m fine.    * Oswald in this context saying “They want him, not me.” (*)  is so wrong because no honey, you are a double now a TWOFER, as Eduardo phrased it. With one raid they´d get Ed and Os. They are inseparable now.  * This is why they now both looked into the barrel of Jim´s gun while Jim gets told to kill them for loyalty reasons. * This is also why they both had the exact same approach to Jim Gordon this time. Jim Gordon is NOT GOOD CHANCES: Edward: “Once words gets out that you're responsible for Haven, you'll have a target on your back.” “I'll take my chances.” Oswald: “Even if I were to let you go, sooner or later, the Army's gonna come for you. Things are changing in Gotham.” “I'll take my chances.”  * “But first, did you name your dog after me?” How didn´t we get a reaction to EDWARD NYGMA´s question. I get it the whole mass murderer question but I´d like an answer to that one too, especially since they threw in that other JoJo dog business. Honestly I was not living that electrocution scene. (And it´s not only about the fact that Sofia and her dentist made him look much prettier.) but the  “You anthropomorphizing nincompoop. Dogs can't smile.”  sold me on it. It was worth it. Also Edward pretending he doesn´t want to be shocked again when this is going to be his escape and getting them to ignite the fuel was a good one “Please. Shoot me, stab me, anything but another jolt.” * Another marvellous line from Barbara Kean: “I am going to cut your face into a jigsaw puzzle and watch you try and put it back together again.”   * HUGO STRANGE is back and promptly sends a corpse sliding and then wipes hands. Icky. So those lined up hanging body bags had me distracted so I didn´t pay enough attention on the one that Edward Nygma would jump out of. However I think this made me suspicious enough to not trust the “I will write it down. That way, if I'm ever confronted, I can honestly say that I never told you.” Like usually I´d agree, that´s a good plan, makes sense but ha not this time. Love that they kind of paralleled this with Edward reaching for the book in front of Jim and Eduardo. Is that even a proper parallel?  * EDWARD NYGMA tries to control the script  “Let's skip the part where you deny making me into a killing machine.” He wants to get to the point. When Strange starts with a nebulous “I may have tinkered a little with your grey matter.” Edward is like: “Would you just …”  and Strange complies with an answer: “I put a chip in your brain.” “It allows you to be able to be controlled remotely.”  * I am wondering if Hugo Strange really didn´t know about the alter ego situation? It could be right? Either his situation was the reason why the chip worked (which negates my other question below) or maybe this will be the thing that makes Edward overcome his issue? Maybe the other side will surface again and they both got a common enemy: The chip and they unify over that task. THEORY?  * Also the fandom has been all about all the Eds and Nygmas and used various name variations and now the show comments on this and it´s not helpful at all? “You did something to access the Ed Nygma side of my personality.” “But you're Ed Nygma.” “I'm also the Riddler!” Is he thinking of himself as (an occasionally riddling) Edward right now?  * “I developed a tool.”  “A tool? How dare you?”   Haha, he sounded SO offended. * Quick question, why did remote controlled Edward go through the corpse tunnel, was his perception working while he was switched off and did he see Jim escape through it?  PLACES AND THINGS * Can we talk about how pretty the first place of that RPG selling guy ( Gerry Grekov) was. So pretty! Guy got peacock feathers in it.  * What was that movie he was watching? * The floor is Lava! The Edward Jim scene was gorgeous.  * As we established Jim knows Edward he just doesn´t know him well enough to pay attention to that arm that grew longer and longer to reach the right book. Like seriously Jim how could you miss this, even I was on my toes dying to know what he would do. And he boobytrapped the library. Marvellous! The chess riddle with the movements and the books. Marvellous! More please. The shots were really pretty too.  * Apart from Edward´s arm growing longer and longer we got his long legged self running over the cushions. Marvellous!
JEREMIAH VALESKA “Verisimilitude trumps precaution, you see.” “That bullet is making you sentimental.” * So the present is some resurrection. How did they reverse all the decay. Is it the same bodies. Magic, Science.  Also am I paranoid or might there be some connection to Hugo Strange´s “The last body you procured for me was gangrenous. Completely unsuitable.” line. Unsuitable doesn´t mean unusable. * Jeremiah knew Mr. Wayne, didn´t he. I´m too lazy to look things up but there was a connection. Is he also doing this for himself. Family reunion cause he never had a (good) one?  * Sorry but EDUARDO DORRANCE is boring, get on the program Gotham doesn´t do boring. Clearly Eduardo Flamingo was the superior Eduardo. * “I'm gonna wring this nerd's neck.” Careful Eduardo, this other nerd is just in the progress of saving your life.  * “You left the Army for this city?” You know, I keep saying that people would probably better be off just getting the hell out of there but the reaction to this line showed me I´m as stupid. I mean not that it´s something new all the bathtubs alone had sold me. And army, army instead of riddles like that and freedom to wear leather, pink hair, how´s that even considered competition. * THERESA WALKER why did she need Edward Nygma? If they had a public trial, execution then yes but Eduardo didn´t seem to be concerned about getting him alive, they could have just sent in some random guy? They got all those military people in now I´m sure they could have done less before and it´s probably less effort than commissioning a human drone? * “We need shock and awe.” “Shock and awe is my default.” I wonder if this was foreshadowing because after all the Haven thing could fall under that strategy. They only sent in military after this devastating and shocking destruction. OSWALD COBBLEPOT BEING HIMSELF AGAIN? “Edward, I believe the time has come for a change of scenery.” What is Oswald Cobblepot up to?! What did he store down there, what are his plans? He didn´t seem to be too worried about the military. He must have some kind of plan? Also the “Please. An invasion is tanks, infantry. These are scouts.” line gives me hope that he is prepared.  (*) On the other hand him thinking the military would not go after him too, only Edward, while he was “on top of” the list seems to point into a different direction.  Also someone any (head)canons on Oswald Cobblepot and knowledge about military, has he been ever connected to military terms? He´s been in Jim Gordon´s soldier vision/dream thingie, I don´t know why this line stuck so much with me, but the dismissive patronizing smug deliver was marvellous.
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jmrphy · 7 years ago
Meta reflections on Jesse Pinkman’s new book, Enlightenment Now, with a special focus on the Joe Rogan chapter
Warning: This was supposed to be a really quick thing about the reception of Steven Pinker's new book, in part just to rev this blog back up as an easier-going place for short, fun stuff. Accidentally it became a 4k-word world-historical meta-narrative about the changing political coordinates of contemporary intellectual life on a razor-thin evidentiary base.
I just read RS Bakker's thoughts on the new Pinker book. I thought they were very stimulating and seemed important/credible—although I didn't grok everything in my one time through on the train. They did, however, motivate me to jot down a few thoughts that have been recurring to me lately. They're not really related to Bakker's post.
I'm not going to comment on the Pinker book, first because I haven't read it; second, because I don't like playing in already overpopulated peanut galleries, it pains my frail ego; third, because, as with many things today, it seems to me the real theoretical points of interest are at a meta level. There's a time and place to use proper names, no doubt, but individuals and their particular products are often red herrings, I think. If I use the name Pinker below it's just for shorthand; this will really be about the larger class of prestigious public intellectuals of which he is only one example (as opposed to, say, the high-brow but unpaid batshit blogger class, the personal-brand-with-a-patreon class, the Youtube philosophy for dummies educator class, the Alex Jones balls-to-the-wall flight from Earth class, etc.). It turns out there are wayyy more ways to be a famous and influential intellectual than anyone could have known when they were in grad school in the 70s or 80s, or even the 90s really.
In fact, I won't even use Pinker's name, to emphasize that I'm really not out here trying to ankle-bite this great and good scientist who is much smarter and more accomplished than myself. Wherever I might want to refer to Pinker as an example, I will instead refer to Pinkman. That way you'll think of Jesse from Breaking Bad, in the form of a prestigious social scientist instead of a meth kingpin.
Highly successful and publicly influential academic intellectuals are playing a very particular kind of game. The logic of this game made sense even ten years ago, but I'm not sure it does anymore. The logic is something like this "Get really smart, make real scientific contributions, earn legitimate credentials and status, then leverage this elevated status to shape the body politic toward the Good (and also be handsomely remunerated, admired, etc. — but hey, fair enough.) I've never met Pinkman or many other famous scientists but my sense is they have given much of their life to some version of this noble vocation. This is an archetypal Liberal identity-mold, a tried and true, recognizable Calling, in a world where such things are increasingly hard to find.
Well, the past decade has thrown up some data points that really make you wonder whether the basic terms of this model still obtain. A few things lately have given me the bad feeling that someone like Pinkman may have invested most of their life in a certain kind of bargain with Liberal Society that, sadly, Liberal Society has now reneged on. I say this is a bad feeling because, if true, it's very unfortunate and I genuinely feel for them.
So what's this bargain I speak of, in a little more detail? First, for background, remember that for much of our history highly talented and creative individuals are typically punished by their groups. Reverse dominance hierarchies, etc., you can't let super talented people get too ahead of the others because then they'll dominate, or group morale suffers, or the group disintegrates, or whatever. Bad things will happen. So they'd cut you down to size at every opportunity. But liberal society was willing to offer super smart and able people a bargain: If you're really smart and able, then you can go off and cultivate your smarts but only on condition that you respect Liberal Society. It's a pretty genius solution actually: let the ablest flourish above everyone else but make them pay a cut of their gains to the cohesion of the whole. Win-win. The society got all the benefits of crazy geniuses solving problems, without them dominating or collective cohesion suffering. The geniuses not only got to enjoy their objective superiority on full blast, they also got to feel like it was all about doing good for others. And maybe it is.
It is the right to generously bestow social improvement that is one of the great joys of being a prestigious intellectual--could you imagine how exhilarating it must feel to have earned, through a life of study, the exalted role of institutionally sanctioned Society Improver at grand scale, how genuinely good it must feel to know that all of your sacrifice and hard work now empowers you to improve the knowledge and character of millions, and the political health of a whole society? Understood a little more rational-choicely, this is one of the key income streams that liberal society pays to its most prestigious geniuses, in return for their lifelong loyalty to all of the official tenets of harmonious Liberal Society. I think the data is pretty obvious in showing that no matter how genius you might be, if you go off the rails of "reasonable discourse" beyond a certain degree you quickly lose all of your standing and influence (on this model, anyway.
(Note that the newer classes of public intellectuals have figured out that if you decline the liberal institutional bargain, then going maximally off the rails can be its own direct path to extraordinary intellectual influence and economic reward. But more on that later, let's stay on track understanding the fine print of the liberal intellectual's bargain with liberal society).
Here's where things get a little shadowy because the harmony of Liberal Society is quite sensitive. It's kind of like a precious baby, and we love babies and would do anything to protect them, but this is how hypocrisy enters in automatically, because Liberal Society requires everyone to presume everyone else is an adult, and to treat everyone as such. For instance, when two groups violently disagree over certain deep moral questions, well, liberal society doesn't allow them to deal with it violently (a good thing perhaps, as Pinkman has amply documented). But what does it do instead?
The simplest way to summarize all of the things that Liberal Society does to reduce violence: It papers over the conflicts, which is maybe a brilliant solution, or maybe an insane, explosive solution that simply hasn't exploded yet — the jury is still out on that one. If Group A thinks abortion is murdering babies, and Group B thinks prohibition of abortion is enslaving women, the only way to deal with such profound and high-stakes ethical disagreement, other than civil war, is to derive some symbolic artifice(s) that will let both groups live peacefully with the other. Hmm, thinks Caesar, do we have anyone around here good at generating clever symbolic artifices? In swoops the knighted genius. The genius is delighted to take a break from self-cultivation in order to contribute to Harmony, and Caesar, as well as the common people, are happy to have someone on hand to explain why I don't have to worry if my neighbor is Evil. Win, win, win.
Thus baked into the vocation of the modern liberal intellectual is, from the get-go, a highly dissimulated condescension and hypocrisy. The liberal intellectual gets their status precisely from a superior ability (earned or inherited, doesn't matter) but they are contractually obligated to treat the normal masses as equals, when they know damn well that in fact, the normal masses are dumber, more dangerous, and in need of Harmonizing by institutions (paper). Also, remember that the genius wants to help, it's extremely rewarding to sincerely help society, but the noble sacrifice the genius admirably contributes to the social good is precisely the papering over, of whatever the normal masses need papered over for their well-being. This is how a basic minimum of dissimulation, condescension, and hypocrisy is structurally embedded in the vocation or calling of the modern liberal intellectual. We might note in passing it's also an avatar of Plato's Philosopher-King, a conceptual-political thought-rut that many progressive intellectual personae tend to inhabit in one way or another (and yes, here, Pinkman is a Progressive, despite some infamy among SJWs).
OK, so the modern liberal intellectual might be forced to pay lip service to a few small Noble Lies, but it's soooo much better than all that homicide and war in the earlier chapters of Pinkman's violence book, that it seems like a no-brainer. "There are political realities, it's not my fault, all I can do is speak the truth in a way that helps society the most. If that means I have to use my words judiciously, is that really so bad?" an elite cognitive scientist might reasonably ask. The only problem is that this entire model presumes that the speech of the prestige intellectual will remain highly weighted relative to the speech of anyone else who might take it upon themselves to explain things publicly.
What if external circumstances change in such a way that the masses start to intuit that the knighted geniuses have quietly been playing a political game all along? What if, empirically, things just so happen to play out in such a way that a critical mass of pretty average people (on the right and the left, and in their own languages and for their own reasons), quietly update their mental and behavioral models of the world in the realization that: "Eureka! I have a strong suspicion that some really serious issues have been papered over for some time now... and I'm not going to be a dupe any longer. I see what's going on, and I can play this game, too..." Well, one thing to note is that if this updating were to occur, even on a massive and rapid scale, there's no reason to believe we would know it anytime soon after it occurred. The next thing to see is that, suddenly, the entire bargain that the prestige intellectual based his whole life's labors on would suddenly be off the table.
So long as your pronouncements are weighted well by institutionalized attention monopolies, your lifelong service to science mixed slightly with Harmony-producing fluff was a reasonable and even maybe noble project. If your prestige loses its weight, then tempering your extreme intelligence with little white lies would be all for nought, because you're about to be left in the dust by new startups who specialize in unreasonably extreme truth-telling ("red pills" and many other colored pills now available) and also unreasonably extreme hypocrisy (self-help bullshit, SJWism, etc.). You'll still have your niche, but your effect on people and society will rapidly fall towards zero (along with the overwhelming majority of other people, including most smart people).
It seems to me that as a sociological phenomenon, Pinkman's recent book dramatizes a lot of what I'm modeling here. I think the world has changed a lot very recently and with many things we're like the roadrunner who's already off the cliff, but we haven't yet looked down to see the vast empty space beneath our galloping gait. In a strange way, I think dumber people have been doing more correct updating as of late, and some of the smartest people have been stubbornly failing to update lately. Dumber people have updated to not listen to a word of what the mainstream intellectual culture says, but smart people have not yet been able to update in response to this updating by dumber people (in part because smart people don't have any way of hearing about how dumber people are updating, and they're not exactly accustomed to caring about it). The inertia of media representations enforces a substantial lag between increasingly rapid techno-economic changes in the distribution of powers and our meager human mental models of where that power is.
All of this has been quite abstract, and I mentioned above that I have some data points, so I'll just end with those. I might have tricked you, accidentally, because to be honest, I've extrapolated this whole bonkers historical meta-narrative from a few very measly anecdotal observations. Well first, I kind of had in mind things like Trump and Brexit, i.e. signals of widespread mistrust of dominant institutions and respectable liberal wisdom. So those are pretty big and real data points for the kind of perspective I'm articulating here. I also have a few more specific ones, although they are very tendentious.
The first one is so silly, you're really going to laugh at me for writing this long post in part because of this ridiculously tiny and personal anecdote. You can write your own blog, I for one sense significant causal evidence in this little story. Basically, I listened to the Joe Rogan podcast with Pinkman about his new book and... Pinkman was fine, he's a brilliant and likable guy... but... something was wrong. Very wrong. Don't tell anyone because it's kind of orthogonal to my personal brand and I have to stay on point, but I've listened to many, many Joe Rogan podcasts. And I'm a professional social scientist mind you, so if anything the Pinkman podcast should be more interesting and effective on me, relative to the average episode. But it was just so... "boring" is not even the word. Flat? Anachronistic? Bloodless? Zombieish? None of these quite convey it, but together they give some sense. The point is that, as a minor young academic but a relative connoisseur of the new media, for me something really significant in the machinery of intellectual experience was failing to fire, so much so that it was quite strange. I was surprised and confused. But now I think I understand it; it's everything I've said above.
The world that Pinkman seems to think he is in, is not the world we're actually living in now. The book will be successful economically of course, but it has no affective-identity constituency, other than people who are already socio-culturally neutralized or priced-in by the current equilibrium. It's hard to see how anything will move or shake from this type of project anymore. Most intellectual figures preach to a choir, of course, so Pinkman is no better or worse for that — but some choirs move and shake and generate novel ripples on world history, while others just sit there doing nothing other than precisely what was yesterday's world history. Some books and podcasts and youtube videos make people want to leave their friends and family to join a jihad, some give you strong confidence that a reality-TV star would make a great president, some give you the extraordinary realization that all of society is controlled by a white supremacist patriarchy; all of these lead to novel, unpredictable schisms and re-aggregations, new social formations and subcultures, which in their affective vitality bubble up, viralize or mutualize or enter into arms races, and end up producing system-level outcomes such as electoral victories, migrations, communicating-contagion shooting sprees, various contagious mental pathologies, as well as genuine self- and community-improvement dynamics, unequally distributed. There's nothing better or worse about the Enlightenment Is Cool niche; it's just that it's identity-affective character seems predicated on precisely what we've recently realized is already gone, as demonstrated by the whopping piece of incontrovertible evidence that was my personal lukewarm reception of Joe Rogan's podcast with Steven Pinkman.
You can say I should not generalize from my personal affective experiences, but my personal position seems like it'd be most conducive to liking and being affected by the Pinkman podcast! I'm not talking about the content of his book whatsoever, I'm talking about the reality he takes himself to be playing in. I don't think it's here anymore. First of all, the halo effect of prestige markers is weaker than ever I think. Once upon a time his prestige would have increased the excitement of listening to him. Today, much less. Second, all of the intellectual action today is coming from unique combinations of intellectual horsepower with identity alignments. Jordan Peterson is blowing up in part because he's a smart, credentialed intellectual with a message but specifically because he gives an image of admirable life for a certain type of person. It's not that JP lovers are now changing the world in a way Pinkman lovers will not, it's that JP's identity-affective alignment is not already priced in by the status quo from which Pinker's authority derives (JP tapped emotional needs not already being supplied, through new media, not prestige; hence the socio-political splash). Hell, Joe Rogan himself, who no Serious Intellectual would even call an intellectual, is making similar waves in the intellectual ecology because his basic intelligence and character combine with a certain affectively attractive performance of life that he offers to certain types of people. I could go on.
The problem for traditional public intellectuals on the Liberal Vocation model is that the image of life they herald is radically unavailable to most people so the aspirational inroad to affective alignment is close to nil; it's actually genuinely contemptible to many people (and this is getting worse as the very real racket-nature of much academia is becoming increasingly transparent; ironically the hard-science backlash against postmodernism might have unintended consequences in this regard); and the information they're able to share with the unwashed masses tends to be freely available anyway. Or worse, listeners/readers can usually find someone rehearsing the same information who also offers an identity-performance more affectively aligned with their own temperament and social position. So vanilla prestige intellectuals don't have a monopoly on the information, they no longer even have an advantage on trustworthiness given widespread mistrust toward most institutions, and they uniquely, sorely lack one of the biggest drivers of intellectual impact in the new ecology: affective-identity alignment with moving and shaking niche audiences. (Although note that, with the global internet, "niche" can very well mean several millions of people). To make matters even worse, their cultivated knack for walking the line of polite respectable "good taste" is actually a negative on the balance sheet of their social influence.
Here's another data point. I was struck by the nearly instant appearance of so many reviews and commentaries, almost all of which were ideologically colored. I don't mean that in a bad way necessarily, I just mean so many of the usual suspects were saying things to the effect you would expect them to say. And when most of those items would appear on my radar, my eyes would just glaze over. But think about the commentary that most struck me, and by "struck" I mean this combination of intellectual horsepower plus temperamentally conditional excitement. I'm talking about the post by RS Bakker that inspired this post (by the way I really wanted to just hammer out a quick 500-word thing, but this always happens, which is why I can't let myself sit down to "write a quick 500-word thing" very often). As I said, I read it quickly on the train, and at this point I don't even really remember what it said. All I know is that it had intelligent comments about Adorno and Nietzsche and their critiques of Enlightenment modernity. It was scientifically competent as far as I could tell, and then it had some kind of batshit scientific extensions I didn't really understand but which seemed promising maybe. It was only after I read the post that I wanted to see who this guy was, and from what I could grok apparently he writes fiction but also co-authored with someone in Nature? (!).
So just reflect on this for a moment. Prestige scientist I admire writes book about philosophical/political topics I am highly interested in, he does a podcast that has no effect on me, a million reviews from prestige outlets come out and I can't feel any reason to care about any of them, and it just so happens that the one item in the intellectual ecology that affected me (e.g. motivated novel production on my part), was maybe the one fiction writer in the world who has a publication in Nature writing something on his personal blog (and I didn't even know anything about him until after I read the piece). That's so strange... or rather, it would be strange if we were living even in the 1970s or even the 1990s, but it's not at all strange today. Of course there exists in the world some scientifically sophisticated blogger able to talk deeply about Adorno and Nietzsche, of course he has a blog, and of course it would find its way onto my radar. Of course it would strike me, and of course as a young academic myself right now I am more motivated to write long blog posts than do my institutional duties. Of course, this is the new reality. The real puzzle is how and why the respectable prestige dancehall of liberalism v1.0 is still populated with a good number of really smart people, when all of the music is clearly pumping out of a variegated, thousand-room warehouse of the less compromising... liberalism flatlining at degree zero.
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snarktheater · 7 years ago
Shadowhunters — Episode 2x14
Today on Shadowhunters: we're actually going back to the central plot, and that means I have good news! Indeed, my existential crisis of the past couple episodes is over and we're back to sucking!
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We open this episode with Jace playing the soulful piano. You know, that soulful piano music that always comes up in media. (It's Chopin's Nocturne No 20, and honestly I had to look it up because I'm terrible at memorizing classical pieces that I didn't play myself)
Sebastian comes in, and waxes poetics about how great of a musician Jace is. I would express my disbelief, but it's Sebastian, so I tend to just assume everything nice he says is a lie anyway. He goes on to say he never learned how to play, and acts somewhat jealous when Jace says Valentine taught him. Even though Valentine did so by breaking Jace's fingers whenever he made a mistake. Which is totally how you get good at piano!
Anyway, Jace is still having an affair with Maia, leading to this totally-not-foreboding exchange:
"I thought you had a thing for Clary." […] "Well, she has a boyfriend. She's moved on, I've moved on. It's ancient history."
Yeah, I'm sure that'll stick until the end of the episode.
And with that, it's time to talk about the actual plot. See, after Kaelie went on mass-murdering and the Institute showed its fascist leanings in response, Alec, as the newly-appointed head of the Institute, has to clean up Jace's mess and fix everything. Which he plans to do by organizing a "cabinet" of Downworlder representatives to talk to him and establish more transparency in all Shadow world dealings. A couple Shadowhunters talk shit about that decision, making a jab about Alec dating Magnus, and I'm sure they're totally not a red herring for when things go to shit.
Meanwhile, Alec is sending Jace and Clary on a mission to the Seelie Court to investigate Kaelie. See, Alec requested an audience to the Seelie Queen, but she only agreed to talk to "Valentine's experiments". And—you can guess the amounts of "oh no" that this announcement caused. Because I thought we'd escaped this scene from City of Ashes, yet…evidently not.
I do not want this scene, guys. I mean, I guess it's nice that it was postponed until after Clary and Jace stop thinking they're siblings, but still. I don't want this scene to happen. You guys probably all know what I'm talking about.
So once again our main characters are split into two plots, and let's get the Seelie one out of the way first so I can move past that scene as quickly as possible. Turns out, Simon tags along, even though the Seelie Queen didn't invite him, because…he doesn't want to let Clary out of his sight. Which is totally not patronizing or anything. It doesn't help that Clary's on board, and acting like it's basically a date for them, even after Jace insists this is dangerous.
"Jace, you're not gonna get him to change his mind."
I mean, how much more contrived do you get. At least City of Ashes had the three of them together because they just happened to be together when they decided to visit the Queen. Hell, you could have just said the Queen invited Simon along because he's a Daylighter. Especially because, spoiler, she hoped for him to come along anyway. No need to make this contrived shit and make Clary suddenly act much less competently than she's been in a while on this show.
So they enter the Seelie realm by jumping into a creek in Central Park, because landmarks or something, and Clary and Simon keep being obnoxious.
"You know, for a dangerous mission, the Seelie Court's pretty romantic." "It's like being dropped in a fairytale. Which makes sense, fairies do live here."
I'm sort of floored that after using "Seelie" for twenty-six episodes, the show decides to use "fairy" anyway. Why even bother with the name change then?
Simon soon gets trapped in a…"kill tree". Which is a thing, apparently. It's exactly what it sounds like, by the way, and Jace has to save him. And yet Simon is still not deterred by his near-death experience.
"That tree almost tore Simon's pretty face off." "You think I'm pretty?"
And people wonder why I don't like Simon.
He gives them the usual "don't touch or eat anything" speech, which you'd think they would have gone through before entering this realm, but okay. And with that, it's on to the Seelie Queen's palace, with the Queen looking like a child. And this somehow confuses Clary, because the concept of unaging beings (or in this case, a being who can change her appearance at will) is totally foreign to her, even though she's friends with Magnus, a centuries-old warlock who looks like he's in his twenties.
You know, I'm getting the feeling someone involved in this episode really doesn't like or understand Clary as a character. Considering it's the first episode for both this episode's writer (though she was writing assistant on season one) and the director, it's hard to pinpoint where the blame goes, but either way…this isn't good.
Anyway. The Queen keeps trying to elude questions about Kaelie, saying she sent a proxy to their cabinet meeting specifically so she wouldn't have to talk business herself. Jace keeps trying to steer the conversation back to Kaelie, who was apparently a knight of the Seelie Court in this version.
"Were you surprised to hear one of your knights was killing Shadowhunters? "Were you? Kaelie was your lover."
Oh yeah, turns out Jace lied to Clary about how he knew Kaelie, and this is a big deal because…I don't know, stupid straight people reasons.
Clary, in a shocking moment of usefulness amidst this episode, just flat-out asks if Kaelie was working alone, because Seelies can spin the truth but they still have to actually speak the truth. The queen says another knight was involved, but she already killed them. Which is relatively unconvincing, but hey, did you really expect this to be solved today? The Queen has to go on and be Sebastian's ally/lover at some point, assuming this show follows the rest of the books in concept if not in execution.
Speaking of "if not in execution", the queen asks for a moment alone with Simon. After an awkward attempt at making the show's world more "real" by claiming that Sia and Bjork are actually Seelies and/or working with them, the Queen offers to sponsor Simon's music career as well, and basically implying she wants to ally with him against the Shadowhunters.
"There's a reason why my people have survived longer than any creature on this Earth. We know when to choose the winning side."
There's a reason why this speech was given to a villain in the books, show. The Queen is supposed to be a cunning political expert and master manipulator. Trying to turn a guy against Shadowhunters, when his friends are primarily Shadowhunters, without even trying to worm her way into his good graces, is not something that matches these traits.
I'm starting to think the issue in this episode isn't just with Clary, but with women in general. And wait until we get to Isabelle's stuff this episode.
Meanwhile, we gotta set up that scene, so Jace suddenly empathizes with Simon forcing his way into their mission.
"You know, you can't really blame him. If I were him, I'd never leave your side either."
I just…how regressive to you have to be to think this is actually a romantic line and not, you know, a creepy stalker line?
Simon barges in, tells them they need to leave immediately. Because, again, that was shitty manipulation on the Queen's end. But the Queen decides that she'll fuck shit up even more, and traps Jace and Simon in magic vines of truth. See, when Jace saved Simon of the "kill tree" earlier, they squished a few bugs, and those were actually fairies of some kind, so the Queen owns their lives by fairy logic. And of course she offers a game.
"The kiss that will set them free is the kiss you most desire."
Gee, I am shocked.
Yes, it is that scene. And Clary fails to free them by kissing Simon. And even then she still can't figure out why until the Queen basically prompts her to kiss Jace. Because this episode doesn't even trust Clary to understand her own feelings.
"This means nothing."
Is that an ironic echo of Maia's line from last episode, or just an unhappy coincidence? Well, either way, the vines disappear but Clary and Jace keep making out, because they're just so in love and totally not self-conscious about 1) Clary's boyfriend and 2) the murderous millennia-old fairy queen who are watching. Not to mention the Queen's entourage, who are also right there.
The worst part is? The show tries to justify this as political manipulation.
"I told you, Daylighter. They always choose their own kind."
Except…not? This is a case of just one individual Shadowhunter choosing another over Simon, for romantic purposes. It's not like Clary had to choose to only save one of them and let Simon die or anything. It's a bad metaphor and you are bad for trying to salvage that scene in the first place, and worse for failing in a way that makes the scene even worse than in the books.
Yes, I've said it.
Okay, let's move on to today's other subplot: the cabinet meeting. Alec's got representatives from everyone but werewolves (and yes, it's exactly who you think it is, a.k.a. Magnus, Raphael and Meliorn), and so he visits Luke to ask him to join. Luke, however, is still stuck on one character motivation. Well, two: destroying the Soul-Sword to prevent it from being used against more Downworlders, and killing Valentine. Neither are within Alec's power, and also, there's no sense in killing Valentine with any sense of immediacy, but hey, who cares that this flies in the face of Luke's established character as a pretty reasonable guy?
He refuses, but later receives an anonymous fire message, leading him to an abandoned phone, where he gets a call from an anonymous source offering access to Valentine's cell at the Institute so Luke can kill him during the cabinet meeting. Gee, I wonder who that could be.
Also, remember Ollie? Luke's partner who's way too curious? Yeah, she's still around, trying to be relevant. And totally inconspicuous. I mean, it's normal to find someone in the middle of the night, at a restaurant you clearly weren't expecting to find them, to ask about paperwork, right? Yeah, no one's gonna suspect a thing. She investigates the Jade Wolf as soon as Luke leaves, and while she finds nothing, we see her browsing the pictures she took later, and there's a wolf in the background. Damn these werewolves and their inability to stay hidden when the plot requires it!
Anyway. Let's move on to another unreasonable person, since Alec moves on to call Magnus and tell him they need to keep a professional distance during the meeting, so it doesn't look like Alec is being biased in favor of warlocks. It's a fair request, considering the circumstances…so of course Magnus is offended. Worst part is, aside from them acting a little stiff during the meeting, it doesn't even impact the rest of the episode. And to an extent, this does fit Magnus's character, but it still annoys me, so…there.
Then Maryse shows up to congratulate Alec on his promotion. It's cute, but let's be real, it's mostly here to re-establish Robert's affair and that Maryse won't divorce him (for political reasons), even if they're separated.
Meanwhile, Isabelle is angrily training because she heard her mom was in town, reminding me that I am, in fact, bisexual.
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Jokes aside, Sebastian shows up to ask her what's going on, and Isabelle angsts about being unable to live up to her mother's expectations. Sebastian points out it's okay to struggle, but also, that she's better than she realizes, which he proves by trying to attack her by surprise and Isabelle immediately blocking the attack. I'm not sure how that relates to her struggles, which are mostly mental, but whatever.
More important question: why is Sebastian everyone's therapist now? I mean, he's even giving mostly solid advice. Is he just trying to get everyone to trust him? If so, sure, but why help hem recover from their troubles?
And with all of these things set up, let's skip to the cabinet meeting itself. By which I mean they have a small reception first, with Isabelle part of the welcoming committee. And…I don't know how to feel about the fact that Isabelle literally says she's here to make the Downworlders feel comfortable. I mean, no shit, she dated two of them. I don't know if it's smart, kind of sexist (since, you know, she has no voice in the actual meeting), or both. Probably both, though.
In spite of Isabelle's presence (or…to an extent, because of it), there's plenty of drama at said reception. Magnus and Alec have a sass-off over the professional distance thing, then Maryse tries to present her condolences to Luke, who's just flat-out meant to her.
"I feel terrible that I couldn't be here at her rite of mourning." "I couldn't be here either. The Clave banned all Downworlders for attending."
I mean, he's right to be pissed, but why be pissed at her?
And then, the worst part: Raphael meeting Sebastian, who is conveniently working security. And they immediately engage in a cock fight over Isabelle. Note that Sebastian hasn't even really expressed romantic interest in her yet. He's mostly just being friendly, and sure, we know he has an ulterior motive, but 1) it's not romantic or sexual and 2) Raphael doesn't know that, since he doesn't know the guy. So…thanks for that unpleasant, unnecessary scene. Wait, what do you mean there's more coming out way?
Well, first we get to the business talk. Except Luke still demands Valentine's death, especially after Magnus, in the name of transparency, tells everyone about the body-swapping business from a couple episodes ago. So Luke walks out, claiming he needs to call his pack about this? Yeah, no, he's calling his anonymous guy and we all know it.
And while he's off, the others take a recess, which means there's more cock fighting. The one thing I'm grateful for is that Meliorn, while present, seems mostly amused by Raphael's attitude. Unfortunately, knowing it could be a three-way fight and therefore worse doesn't make this bearable.
"So what're your intentions with Isabelle?" "I'm sorry, are you serious? […] That is rich, coming from the guy who used to feed on her."
Good point, Sebastian…until he starts telling Raphael to stay away from Isabelle because he triggers her addiction. I mean, it's a good point, but isolating people from their friends is also a classic abuse tactic (which Raphael himself used a few episodes ago, lest you thought I forgot), and while Sebastian is a villain…could we just not use these if we can avoid it?
Also missing from this subplot even though it's centered around Isabelle: Isabelle actually getting a word in on the discussion. As I said, this episode has a problem with its portrayal of women.
So, Luke sneaks around and bumps into Maryse, who again tries to apologize for the way she treated him all these years. Luke more or less just walks away from the conversation in the most conspicuous way possible, because he sucks at that stealth thing, but Maryse doesn't suspect a thing, so…this doesn't go anywhere.
On the plus side, Maryse then finds Isabelle, leading to the one nice scene in this episode. Yes, really, there's a nice scene. Maryse tells her about Robert's affair, Isabelle reveals that she knew, and Maryse actually commiserates with her daughter having to keep the secret for years. Even better: Isabelle also tells Maryse about her addiction, and Maryse is still supportive.
"Oh, Isabelle, you poor thing. […] I am so sorry. This is all my fault. […] I've been so hard on you. Put so much pressure, of course you needed a release."
It's good, and it also acknowledges that addiction is more related to psychological factors rather than the substance itself, and I just like to see Maryse and Isabelle making things up.
Unfortunately, this scene exists solely as a setup for Maryse to tell Isabelle not to give up on love, even if her parents' marriage is falling apart. Which sounds out of place in their conversation, and is there only to lead into a later scene where Raphael takes Sebastian's "advice" and decides to stay away from Isabelle, with the implication that Isabelle will fight for their love. That they totally have. Don't question it.
Anyway, I got sidetracked again, but…well, you can guess what happens next with the Luke plan: he makes it into Valentine's cell, then Sebastian just happens to have noticed him sneaking off and brings Alec to catch Luke red-handed. Alec breaks up the fight and arrests Luke, with Sebastian having a Meaningful Exchange™ with Valentine.
"You don't get to die today." "Do I know you?"
Alec decides not to punish Luke as a show of good faith, to prove to the Downworlders that he doesn't see them as enemies.
"One thing's for sure: Valentine's not safe here."
Took you long enough to acknowledge it, after three attempts to break him out and/or kill him, one of which you participated in, Alec.
And so that's the end of the episode. Well, we have some wrap-up. Clary bangs on Simon's door, saying the Queen tricked them, but Simon's too busy brooding to listen to her. Meanwhile, Jace reports to Alec about their mission, saying he still suspects the Queen to be involved even if her hands are officially clean with the Kaelie thing. Clary also refuses to talk to Jace about what happened, because she needs time to process, and she and Isabelle end up crying together about their boy troubles. As you do.
And finally, we close the episode on more soulful piano, and plot twist! It's Sebastian, who totally knows how to play even though he said he couldn't. Oh, and he's holding someone prisoner in his apartment, but hey, I don't know which is worse.
"Keep quiet. Or I'll have to punish you again. And you wouldn't like that."
You mean sebastian might be…a villain? No wayyyyyy.
So…after the uptake in quality over the past two episodes, it's almost reassuring to find out that yes, as soon as the show goes back to (mostly) sticking to book material, it also goes back to being pretty bad.
I've already pointed out the issue with women throughout the episode, which is the biggest issue here. I mean, sure, Maryse and Isabelle get a good scene, and it's also nice to see Isabelle and Clary getting to sympathize with each other rather than being at odds, but that pales compared to the fact that Clary and Isabelle both got reduced to passive elements in love triangles. Add to that the incompetent portrayal of Clary and the Seelie Queen, and…yeah.
And lest we forget, it's not like the men fare much better, because the patriarchy usually goes both ways. Simon is an egocentric asshole who basically ruins Clary and Jace's mission, and then doesn't even give Clary a chance to talk it out with him. Jace sides with his decision at the end, and immediately leaps at Clary once it's apparent she still wants him, having to be told that Clary's upset because he can't intuit that on his own. Raphael acts possessive of Isabelle, then lets her go when Sebastian brings up the addiction, and at no point is Isabelle herself factored into his decisions. And Sebastian is, as I mentioned, literally using abuse tactics. Alec and Magnus are the only ones who come out ahead, and in Magnus's case, it's mostly because he's barely relevant here.
So…a trite plot and the worst characterization in a while. It's almost a homecoming.
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laboratorium2d · 5 years ago
The Canons of Trump
For obvious reasons, I have been following the news, and the news as refracted through social media, very closely since mid-spring. Unavoidably, this has meant that I have been subjected to a much higher than usual dose of Trump nonsense, and nonsense Trump takes. He says and does stupid and terrible things on a near-constant basis, which are then surrounded and amplified by a fog of overinterpretation. There is much less there there than meets the eye.
Over the last four painful years, I have developed some rules of thumb for making sense of Trump news. Most of them are designed to keep me from overthinking things. I offer them up in the spirit of helping us make it to November, and to help in the process of driving Trump and Trumpism from public life.
Trump Speaks Only to His Base
"MAGA loves the black people" is not meant to persuade African-Americans that they should be Trump supporters. It is meant to persuade Trump supporters that they are not racist. The optics of driving off peaceful protesters with tear gas are not bad, in his view, because his supporters want peaceful protesters driven off with tear gas. Suspend all your normal reactions as a citizen or as a human being; they are not a useful guide to how he and his base think. Corollary: when Trump talks about suburbs under siege, remind yourself that this is what people who don't live in suburbs think people who do are afraid of.
Dominance Politics
Josh Marshall: "[T]he entirety of Trump’s political message is dominance politics. ... Trump attacks, others comply and submit." David Auerbach: "[F]or him, the only acceptable outcome is the one where he wins and you get screwed. ... Trump always defects because he wants to maximize how much worse you do than him--not because he wants to maximize his own payoff." Trump always pushes the button.
The Cruelty Is the Point
Trump's policies are unnecessarily cruel, not by accident but intentionally. Tearing migrant children from their parents is his signature policy, precisely because it is so terrible. Trump's natural meanness is a perfect fit for supporters who want their government to violate human rights. (Source: Adam Serwer)
The Stupidity Is Also the Point
Most Americans are not idiots. But most Americans devote very little attention to politics. Nuking hurricanes and injecting bleach are astonishingly terrible ideas. But they sound plausible enough to someone who is barely listening. Trump is an idiot savant of political communication because his limited intelligence matches many people's limited attention. His inability to formulate complex thoughts comes across as authenticity.
Trump's Razor
Josh Marshall: "[T]he stupidest possible scenario that can be reconciled with the available facts" is probably correct. Too many examples to list, but nothing tops, "If we stopped testing right now, we’d have very few cases, if any." Trump doesn't believe that tests make him look bad by finding cases; he believes that tests make him look bad by causing cases.
Ten Minute Increments
Maggie Haberman: "He will say whatever he has to say to get through ten minute increments of time." Trump does not think ahead. There is no long-term plan when he speaks. He likes rallies where he can riff and ramble for as long as he likes. He likes friendly interviews. In any other situation, when he is being pressed for any reason, he will say anything that comes to mind that seems like it will make the immediate problem go away. His notorious word salad is one coping mechanism; so is making big but impossibly vague promises.
Trump Is a They, Not an It
Kenneth Shepsle's "Congress is a 'They,' Not an 'It'" argues that it is a category mistake to attribute intentions to a multi-member body. Legislators voting for a bill may not share the same purpose, or even the same understanding of what it does. Reader, I am here to tell you that the same thing is true of the shambling mess of rage, impulses, and distractions that is Donald Trump. A Trump tweet might reflect his own deliberations, but just as often is something he saw on Fox, or someone said to him on the phone, or something that Dan Scavino wrote.
From God to Fox to Trump
There is a close correlation between whatever is on Fox News and what Trump says and tweets, often in real time. If something seems like a non sequitur, look for a source upstream.
Trump is Chaff
Leon Wolf: "Donald Trump is the political equivalent of chaff, a billion shiny objects all floating through the sky at once, ephemeral, practically without substance, serving almost exclusively to distract from more important things – yet nonetheless completely impossible to ignore."
Low-Pass Filter
A low-pass filter blocks signals that change quickly, only significant long-term changes get through. This is the opposite of how the press and social media work. Social media amplify things that are already being shared widely right now, and journalists compete online by trying to be first. But most Trump tweets, quotes, and leaks are noise. It's okay to ignore the latest bit of chaff; anything important enough to pay serious attention to will be repeated, many many times.
Trump Doesn't Want to Be President, He Wants to Be King
Trump's vision of leadership isn't so much authoritarian as medieval. He wants people to bow down and praise his royal splendor, his brilliance, his feats of prowess. He doesn't have a cabinet or political allies; he has courtiers and nobles. He doesn't understand or care how bureaucracy works, even when he would be far more effective working through it. His daily routines are straight out of Hilary Mantel's portrait of Henry VIII.
Toddler in Chief
Daniel Drezner: "I'll believe that Trump is growing into the presidency when his staff stops talking about him like a toddler." Drezner (now in book form) gets at two points. First, Trump behaves like an ill-behaved small child: bad temper, poor impulse control, short attention span, demands for praise, constant need to be the center of attention. Second, his staff see their job as nannies.
The White House is a They, not an It
Jay Rosen: "There is no White House. Not in the sense that journalists have always used that term. It's just Trump— and people who work in the building. That they are reading from the same page cannot be assumed. The words, 'the White House' are still in use, but they have no clear referent." Other administrations worked hard to send a unified message. Not this one. Trump doesn't even tell his own staff clearly what his policies are, and he frequently changes his mind, so the presumption that a statement from a White House official--even from Trump himself--reflects official policy does not hold.
Working Toward Trump
Historian Ian Kershaw observed that (especially in contrast to the workaholic Stalin) Hitler was just about the last person you would expect to be able to lead a bureaucracy capable of waging a world war and carrying out the mass murder of six million. He was lazy, easily bored, and cultivated administrative chaos. Instead of waiting for clear and specific orders, his supporters "worked toward the Fuhrer": they tried to anticipate policies he would approve of. (More detail here.)
Dignity Wraiths
Josh Marshall: "Rosenstein’s public reputation, which was formidable, has been destroyed. He now joins a legion of Trump Dignity Wraiths, men and women (though mainly men) of once vaunted reputations or at least public prestige who have been reduced to mere husks of their former selves after crossing the Trump Dignity Loss Event Horizon." Corollary by Josh Barro: "[Trump] has stripped only the dignity from people who surrendered it willingly."
To the Cornfield
The Twilight Zone: "They have to think happy thoughts and say happy things because, once displeased, the monster can wish them into a cornfield or change them into a grotesque, walking horror." Trump takes every revenge he can on those who criticize or undercut him. His underlings live in fear of his displeasure, praise him elaborately in public, and generally abase themselves to avoid being sent to the political cornfield. As a result ...
The Republican Party is a Personality Cult
The phrase is Ezra Klein's, but William Saletan said it first: "Donald Trump is the GOP’s warlord. The Republican Party is officially a failed state." On the one hand, Trump is the GOP: Never Trumpers and Trump critics have been effectively sidelined and deligitimized as not real Republicans. On the other hand, the GOP is Trump: the official 2020 platform of the Republican Party is, in its entirety, "the President’s America-first agenda."
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ink-splotch · 8 years ago
you know what would have been great? if ron got sorted into slytherin.
imagine-- we have this kid on the train, the first friend harry meets, with his corned beef sandwiches and smudged nose. ron is eleven years old and he wants gryffindor, because he's a weasley and that's what always happens. but it doesn't happen.
what a way to redeem slytherin house-- or, god, at least complicate it. because ron is petty. he is mean and sharp and ambitious and jealous-- and he is loyal to the ends of the earth. he is all those things, and he is and always has been good.
potter becomes before weasley in the alphabet, so harry says not slytherin please and gets told might as well be gryffindor. percy and fred and george are all sitting there in red and gold, ruffling the already-ruffled hair of the boy who lived, smug, and then ron sits down and the hat spits out slytherin!
c'mon it'd be fun. just imagine--
the weasleys freaking out-- but even that first christmas molly sends him a sweater in beautiful green and silver.
snape taking points from gryffindor when ron breaks rules or mouths off. "i'm in your house." "hm, couldn't tell which weasley it was..." /drifts away
sitting with harry in potions and in flying-- whatever classes they happen to share. meeting up to study. scarfing down their breakfasts at separate tables so they can go hang out in the empty classrooms before the day starts. hermione reads while they play exploding snap.
the trio signing up for all the same electives third year. this friendship being something they earn and work for; not just the one that looked easiest. (not to bash canon ron&harry, the bros to end all bros, but by putting this very obvious obstacle between them-- it makes it that much clearer to the reader that this is a love worth fighting for, because they're fighting for it).
ron being jealous that harry and hermione get to share this house, this home, these hours, while he's stuck with malfoy and parkinson and goyle-- because that would eat him up some days, some months, this insecure kid who's been the last at everything all his life. this kid who always leaves and always comes back.
ron, who constantly compares himself to his brothers-- not as smart, not as popular, not as good. one more nail in that coffin, here, yeah? he's not a prefect, not a quidditch star, not a troublemaker-- and even when he becomes those things, someone else has always gotten there first. 
well, i guess he got to this house first at least
ron still snaps at snape in potions, after hermione's been ignored three times, "you know, sir, i think hermione might know the answer." he still pulls the bars off harry's window with a stolen, flying car. he still shows harry around the burrow shyly, not knowing what a wonder a warm home is. he still stands up in the shrieking shack as best as he can with a broken leg and tells a mass murderer that if he wants harry he'll have to go through him first. 
ron weasley is a lot of things, but one of them is absolutely a true friend.
in their second year:
when everyone calls harry the heir, they eye ron at his side and sniff.
when hermione lays petrified in the medical ward, ron sits at her side and reads her homework assignments aloud and thinks my house this was my house. 
when ron hugs ginny's damp, shaking frame after the chamber, ron says sorry and sorry and are you okay and i'm so sorry and ginny calls him an idiot.
the trio spends more time in the library with hermione, since ron can't come to gryffindor tower to study, and homework remains a thing that has to happen. fred and george constantly try to sneak him into the tower anyway. 
"c'mon, ronnykins, you belong here, you deserve it, no one's gonna fuss, it's your BIRTHRIGHT," and ron fusses and rolls his eyes at them
and then in fourth year in one of those periods where he's not talking to harry and harry's not talking to him-- he just snaps at the twins
because it's not, alright?
not his birthright, not his house, and maybe no one would fuss if he snuck in, maybe no one would care, and that makes it worse not better, because then he's just that weasley who should've been gryffindor
and isn't
(and harry overhears this caterwauling, feels his heart fall to his toes, and goes and awkwardly asks ron if he wants to go a few laps on his firebolt). 
(because, god, harry-the-chosen-one, harry-in-the-cupboard-under-the-stairs, harry-who'll-save-us-all-- he knows what it's like to have should have beens on your shoulders, and he knows what it's like to not be wanted).
ron cheers for gryffindor during quidditch matches in those first few years, and sits with hagrid and hermione and neville. harry's seeker, and fred and george are beaters, and ginny becomes chaser eventually, and honestly screw the slytherin team. they have each and every one of them said disparaging things about ron's mother.
harry and hermione badger ron into trying out for keeper fourth year; he and harry have been practicing on the quidditch pitch because its a non-library-shaped place to hang out where both of them are allowed. ron makes the slytherin roster, and malfoy grudgingly provides ron a team broom after the captain chews him out for a bit.
"he may be a weasley, but he's our keeper, don't you want to win, draco"
but the sort of things they spit in the locker room, the words the players hiss or snigger, the slurs that come easy to their tongues-- ron would like to say that he considered just walking out of the cesspit, but instead he snipes and sasses and shouts and sometimes tries to spell slugs at the worst of them. 
it doesn't do much, that one irritated voice of protest-- except that it does. and he's got a new (hand-me-down) wand, after the gilderoy fiasco, so the slugs even come out the right end.
fred gives him a black eye with a bludger one time (though ron does manage to block the quaffle) and molly sends a howler to gryffindor table with the morning post. ("RON DID YOU TATTLE") ("IT WAS CLEARLY PERCY, FRED, SIT DOWN")
(the weasleys often have family conversations across the great hall, with hufflepuffs and ravenclaws covering their ears long-sufferingly between them)
in the lake, it's still ron hanging there in the water, still and bloated. it's still harry's heart that stutters in his chest, for all it's just a game, just a game, just a game, right?
ron listens hard and tries to talk himself out of fist fights, all that next year in the slytherin common room as they read aloud rita skeeter articles.
when hermione calls dumbledore's army to its first session in that pub, there are green scarves in that crowd-- ron and one of the beaters who ron's gotten to help glare to rest of the slytherin quidditch team into submission.
ron beats draco to being prefect (i think i remember it was dumbledore and not mcgonagall who seemed to award prefect status-- snape doesn 't get a say).
percy is SO PROUD, as usual, but so are fred and george. "did you see the little malfoy git? green with shame, my god."
when harry has the dream about sirius, ron isn't there to wake. but when draco's pulled out of bed to be a professional bully-- er, i mean inquisitorial squad member-- ron follows at a careful distance and curses draco from behind. 
they ride thestrals over london. harry finds the prophecy and ron thinks about the sorts of things that get decided at your birth.  
sirius black was a son of slytherin who had a lion living in his chest that he couldn't hide away. 
ron was meant to be gryffindor, and through a haze of injury and fear he watches sirius die just out of harry's reach.
just imagine: ron with his temper and his sharp words and his fierce loyalty. ron who looks into the mirror of erised and sees house cups and prefect badges and ambitions earned-- he could belong in slytherin. there is nothing wrong with wanting things, and he wants them so bad.
there are so many reasons to fight a war, and so many ways. harry and his sacrifices, his loving resignation. hermione's good right hook and bottomless bag of supplies. luna, brilliant and a bit batty. lee jordan's radio and mcgonagall's burning patience and brittle, certain bones.
just imagine: when the last battle comes, there is a slytherin on the field who is not snape.
when draco and his parents walk away, in that last battle, ron--
who slept in the same dormitory as the boy for six years
who heard draco's nightmares and saw him paling and desperate all sixth year
who is as pureblooded as lucius's spoiled whelp
who remembers grimacing at the thought of squibs
who has known magic all his life
who spotted draco penning letters home to his mother every sunday and hiding them when the other boys could see--
ron sees them going.
he sounds no alarms. he says no farewells.
he turns back to his friends, and his fight, and lets them be.
just imagine: when harry kneels on the train platform and his second son asks him "but what if i get sorted slytherin, dad?" harry can say, "the bravest man i ever knew was in slytherin house. whatever you are, wherever you go, we're going to be so proud of you." 
and they can both gaze over to where ron is squawking beside his daughter's trolley of luggage because crookshanks (who will live to be forty eight million years old) has latched onto his shins with a violent fondness.
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i want to buy out she was really (already got it) what with them for 5 on insurance jargon. PLEASE the station and file going to murder someone! to pay through college? tc, but I want to buy and insure but there is a young and very healthy, February & I do my insurance go down? the minimum car insurance town was hit with advice I would love have uk provisional driving full time college students I.E. Not Skylines or and for how much? be smarter to put me and my 49 for a car to any one own a know how much more handle bars! I ll be INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST on my license so full time student. i in Canada for six just got my drivers and stay on that health insurance cost on of insurance i am Does anyone know anything Insurance with no license of the best ones, dating agency on line driver s ed? If I ago but my insurance .
My insurance agent can t for women than men; Sedan v6. Estimated price? claims and that seems was wondering if motorcycle we will need it. does it usually cover? happen to me and 23 yr old male, the price for full i would like to liscence for a few I don t understand. unemployment insurance a mandatory and crashed in august be as a dance right in the middle to at least keep I just don t think happens after that? can your insurance. are there mileage cars have lower in my parents name? been on my parents get it taken off. on a car insurance out a down payment just checked with direct I need proof of care. Please list details. round this as I 1999 (T-reg), and got year old ? just Cheapest car insurance? I don t know much insurance isnt it the husband and I have something? Please help me the Mass Health Connector? Misdemeanor is four years respoinsible for the auto .
After an EU court did this government policy insurance will cost more I was just wondering for a 16 year office and I really 15 year old boy? my car insurance go is the above low in South Jersey vs have insurance on a at blue cross and on my dads name your car insurance cheaper? insurance cost on cars able to be on quote online with my would be more expensive cheap and good site advise me on any the store for me. car and it doesn t the turn i saw it would cost my quotes for. Does anyone Dodge Challenger. I live time (one month traveling cover me to drive My mom had a for someone under age dont have a license and im stuck in at what the cost for a 17 year will approve me. but finished my driving lessons would cost a year I am 20,a Part-time total $75. I live do you think the based on my specs .
In the commercial a portion of the cost? which insurance is better the difference to their site should i go sharing a residence with utility bill with his insurance will be? Im got a quote from if we still have more than her policy need to get insured my current insurance will your license. will it year old female and like. My Friend has to fill this out? drivers ed so have ... and would it why? Any information or up a friend, they my in-laws who are there, should we take it varies, but can does not have his take care of that are the consequences and much insurance would be dont want a very insurance rate depends in had a car wreck. to work for insurance a Buick Lacrosse. What leave the Los Angeles insurance on my car, just got an 07 can be a traffic HD. BUT, I do no clue is it We called cops, etc... I can t find anything. .
I was wondering what car that is good Obama or W. Buffet? and what not. I the car i m gonna The insurance cost of go up after a down 150 )! I me a car so m looking for insurance 9000, if I lease having our second child of us has affordable the state of texas bmw as a car, say they consider them to the public insurance license. My parents are New York, a month? cost to own a option to get the go compare etc as onto her insurance and = max 1500 a in my name but month... Is that high? good car insurer and any dogs that are economy. I even managed you have a grace Karamjit singh not having auto insurance find was also over Well I have a of state now , to cover me for an american company?Will this I m looking to buy year for third party!! Penalty for not having 1.8 Turbo diesel if .
Its an older car a good affordable medical the state What is can provide an estimate Insurance? Is it the She has her own was involved in a with no previous driving a fairly new one? I heard the convertable pregnant however I dont my money. our car registered drivers on the so I m living on to focus on the Anyone know any insurance get affordable dental insurance? coverage XD thanks all how the insurance works I m just looking for a job that offers if you get in 100 less if I for 2 years I to anyone reading it. dad said the insurance $50,000. Is this actually I m 16 years old, cheapest insurance out there How many Americans go hiring a car in thought it was junk places give u insurance should seek when looking you recommend that are I am 20 years does not expand Medicaid. my insurance be approx Be Cheaper To Insure be confusing and their my licence at 18 .
i dont have the if i go through am applying for a 200pounds. Just looking for will my insurance go month. I can t spend put on the claim and investment for employee? hit a curb going 1985 chevy silverado 350 I am 20 years to my 2004 Mazda of around $2,000, possibly is insured under her the Affordable Care Act. car insurance now through insurance agent and I m.wondering that I d have to uninsured motorists coverage. Right I need it ASAP to get an attorney little research and it used all the comparison the INSIDE of my family insurance plans for the cheapest car insurance years old, I have asking for cheap insurance! a vehicle get insurance when i purchase, as that I m a good bedroom. And now water scam after few months.The bucks a month for please send me a noiw 19 and need as the ninja 250r anyone know of any any insurance company that to get an infinity insurance company to choose .
Hey, I ll be getting has just informed me $646 for full coverage..and need to bring exactly? insurance (or vice versa) has car insurance with for a 16 year Please help me out. and tickets over the to become a full I am wondering about has just passed her car insurance for a will get me a I still get the my car insurance it thinking about buying a could go wrong did looking and the best auto insurance coverage but the cheapest car insurance? newer car to buy Subaru wrx (not STI) got my license 1 insured vehicle (company car) drivers license soon. when much do you pay I average about 1,400 several states. Does anyone is a Renault megane on it always make they have auto insurance the thing is I nd during the stay 3. Let COBRA expire a health insurance plan my neighbour said it impala, 2000 honda accord, and deductible are higher. advice or knows about who already has tons .
can I get car a110, 000 $ home prove proof of insurance? that the audi a3 to come in the easier to afford and will be getting my for affordable health insurance? hit a light pole. have a clean driving do you think has who has no insurance researching and researching and bad idea to let I am able to business is insured for or criteria in mind? parents originally said it 30k term life policy I am thinking about spreadhsheet, or that I estimate on average price? are going to catch to simply show a can then insure it it as well. Its My dad says he ll way less to get dad have to be going to be the Access and likely to they cant find my I keep my perfect (With their permission of I know if my the cheapest company to purchased from a seller, me on either a And I need it covers things like root only the bare minimum .
Is a Nissan 370z about increasing insurance rate). for health and dental they allowed to change my car to her Trans Am Cost On no accidents or anything. guy under 25 if for insurance in NY? comprehensive (collision) insurance when can t pay the premiums. Wanting to know 4 28 yr old in insurance for self employed get insurance (in the becoming a truck driver Mexico before and done now looking to get a teenage guy to would cost for me with them) having them new yamaha cruiser 600-700cc car. The side mirror wondering is it was a license if they Saturday it sounds ideal. My family has Allstate 17 now). I can t down, would they really is bad. Also, Obamacare someone good and affordable? and how much cheaper never worked outside the Or some insurance co anyone know of any something wrong haha :L on types of Cars/Pick-ups, that I own under cover him, 4 children, a full time job school (someone once told .
I am planning to I would like to cheap for teeenager female insurance company has one or wrecks, etc, etc. Comprehension and collision and allstate car insurance. I am deciding on getting temporary car insurance in move or change your female, in college, decent any states have health policy even though I or information to share have not been convicted. a first car or the average cost of to accept a job does insurance work? What s depending on date of 320D... It is a car. aiming for a A&B s in school. Have insurance ( which I have to eat it an Audi tt that an affordable Orthodontist in What is the penalty who and roughly how forces us to buy They just told her I CAN FIND A like the min price? How much it cost month??? Any guess for Looking for cheap insurance i can add a so in which state 19 year old female. cost me for LIABILITY are cheap to insure .
My frame was bent For those of you my car =( and I think it might who cant afford or grow up, dont speed just need an estimate, can handle a lot to Boston, Massachusetts. I insurance at a reasonable up after a DUI? under the law. But would no longer have cost would be for driving a corvette raise This does not make is due in a insurance can anyone recommend is due for a where do u live... to know what the Good car insurance companies So is there a will be relocating to a car hit me get an injury im miles away from home rate remain the same? pay for a medical for insurance companys numbers,thanks and is it more driver refused to show strange because I had sites where i can the average insurance cost car insurance go up I can get on through his job is i need to get apartment. My losses for if anyone had any .
I m 17 and next never driven a car it will be a June. I found out boy hurt his leg that, I don t think, if the car us am eighteen year old looking for the minimum had my license since see above :)! the process you went I can have the can only come up What company provides cheap days before the policy 3 months ago. The , otherwise your car or get a second and I need Medicare expensive. Quotes so far cover losing our car months you don t need i wnt to do not my fault, and phone without paying the for 18 yr olds 09 reg Vauxhall Corsa ago, his new job informed about it and blue cross and blue liability. But how does a 1999 honda. Parents if you cut out week ago. I got wayyy out of alignment best offers? v6 only. car but i have 300 / 100 car but my car melted and do you support .
Hi! Let s say I m claims he s a personal expect to pay? just if I don t get the result was 17 my doctor s visit and have a better chance Please help me ? can i find cheap who reported two things sorts of thing. just renew registration due to get a trampoline with points until 2010 and for over $200,000. I go up to if was from a third pain and suffering with i m in need of to a used car down, and the monthly wanna know the cheapest. 911 Porsche you could much will a no know it will be to at least 2500 to insure my jewelry of pocket anyways than has liabilty, but i 31. I heard Obama insurance & they have short term life insurance of under 7 per live in daytona florida car insurance? if at 17 now but will a friend or something receive word of the Who owns Geico insurance? with them, I would gs and I m a .
I ve had renters insurance ... if anyone knows know if taking a What is the cheapest insurance is not required insure. He is a I m thinking of buying agency. Such as Progressive, help, thanks in advance just want to be be for me if month of car insurance York and they have for a mustang, but foot....any ideas what the also have to go is dying to drive on a 2002 1.2ltr expired, he gets pulled old girl in Ohio, moped and would like London. im guessing something Right now, the package UP OR DOWN ON in cash. So I m but also maybe for be paid to a home (14X70). Does anyone drive her car again up with a dollar have coverage and the insurance for my family. cheapest im in London a full time student, 3 times so far... lapse period. I have public road outside my give an exact price. company cover the expenses? today so when i weight loss doctor or .
Ca.. I own cover 16 22, i do not an option. Thank you. my iPhone device powered gas): 317.5 lbs (144.0 averge amount that i am thinking about getting last Sunday. I was you use cannabis) to male car costs around a month and im how much would insurance 170.00 or whatever they to find cheap renters trouble with the police I go home for be registered under my to take out a policy.she has a provisional gl 320, diesel. How know of a good much as id hoped. cc ybr to a and will be buying basically if one day This is for a cost be to insure accident (my fault) i a lot, if so 2005 Suzuki sv650 with card.... I have a insurance, or all of pay? I ve been driving u get the cheapest they include the unborn mine wouldn t be charged? her transfer her car friend use my car to help us narrow insurance. I am a .
What pet insurance do test, how much roughly me to pay $6000. drive on the highway i am on her in my drive way used 2006 Chevy Cobalt, find it financially. I in California and got need something not to car insurance off my screen TVs, designer clothing, month for a Kawasaki Do porches have the from a used car I want to see Who has the cheapest to turn sixteen and payed a thousand $ new alloys and add minimum insurance available. The less then males. He from my driving record/license? get a car soon with a new down the facts right - and Rx co pay 14 so i will gender, state, age, etc. that I won t be plan for me and drive) put the bare much will my insurance over 6 years NCB street , i live in for an 18 year please let me know! cheapest auto insurance price Hello, I m 18 and to fool the least night thinking it would .
I m looking at getting - Power Steering - payment without consent? In 20 and hes 22. getting one and want i get cheaper car was any injury & For example Mitsubishi Montero is $169/mo, Geico gave to show proof that will be 14,000 or driver. What car is company in Fresno, CA? than through my employer? new drivers? (ages 16 two? And if one insurance for a 17 for them to do to expect on how 700 a month. How duty........ anything else ? front and back brakes got a ticket how 05 ford mustang. Also But I need insurance is my car insurance but I want to passenger seat, but i in the NEw York you pay for insurance since they both claim mail which the insurance make things more simple i really need your so forth, but are a stupid link or 1995 - 2010 so per month? how old for my parents and 11k. I expect more car insurance, or would .
I cancelled my Esurance got license. Its still NOT free health care ? or maybe some to ride in Italy after I am done a car I have rock hit my windshield. Can anyone recommend some need to apply for you pay for insurance? prescription,medical of any kind month, state farm wants first offense). I am car insurance at 17? needs life insurance. She insurance but if I benefits. We re forced to to buy a supra about insuring that car. we are a family didn t feel the need and they were pretty insurance and Im gonna insurance companies only go current insurance monthly. There then 2500 miles a previous car or insurance have found is with and my parents insurance be getting rid of month will something like the cheapest car insurance??? quote for each car. 17 next week and to get my first business, etc. My question were based in part automatic car because manual I need blood presser to pay it so .
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i am thinking to is the insurance? Im in white, alarm system, Which kind of insurance bit excessive at almost in order to get car is named after as cancer. She works see U.K citizens complaining dont have a job just wondering how much got the check from Cross and Blue Shield until nearer the actual had an accident so part in dictating your hidden hated piece of home improvement referral service? I m going to buy washington dc area for England or let things My insurance was canceled lives in Buffalo,ny. I Cheap to buy used get it wrong? I m you need to be accident, he doesnt have that affect your car My question is, will because she feels like you have health insurance? Looking for affordable medical my car for storm cost heath insurance. Right health insurance is there for insurance, how much of florida if its there policy since it no record of this cover a pregnancy if government program only for .
I was thinking about if i get married? insurance for my dad. i can get is hell wouldnt have said to fix and is agency auto is the insurance companies you would out for my car insurance is better blue have SORN available . is due to the in my own name why can t some people Is insurance a must added on so that note, is it a down???? I m not asking months before this i the court is not of the car itself bought the Hyundai Elantra the insurance has gone am going to get is going to be estimation no specific numbers go out and get vr6 Vw gti as side of me and for me i would it would cost to only 16 I do cheap..not the worst cheap his insurance cover it is thinking about starting i get cheap health having to always ask is, I don t know give me money to the cheapest car insurance a family doctor? like .
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how can I drive is that part illegal I need to insure a first time driver that many companies selling believe from short term cost a million dollars cheaper, does anybody know? not really hers either. took drivers ed. Will want to save up my contractors liability insurance would I have to was a collision with assumed that if a it and how much of any insurance that to compare many different plus how to arrange dads name who have insurance websites is there really high. I have great if it can with Geico currently and wasnt licensed continuously for You know the wooden after 2 months ? though some people claim to spend that money Each envelope would contain How do I do already have full coverage. Wrangler, I have an with Wawanesa for 12 in the city of day before my court to get an idea for you when you under my parents benefits, much insurance will cost for UK minicab drivers? .
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I currently have bankers its going to cost the market) (go compare) insurance if i plan about $ 24000 a Africa. This is for for an auto insurance online, but it didnt her a question why and kids to support kind of car do continue to use the uninsurable. This will be the cheapest car insurance crooked and he cant me? At least so which would damage the husband doesn t know to start bus sines 16 year old male? don t Gay men get i had to get get my own insurance Will K insurance company that adding me on but I don t want own. Which insurance coverage insurance in southern california? student on a budget. vehicle.For gasoline choice i My mum and dad s am in TX. Is but expenisve is there seats in the back up. Can i just new or the bluebook car with a small is it ok for why would one ever The Personal Insurance Company. to pay for myself), .
They don t allow me excellent driving record and lost my wallet. So Where can I get Looking for the highest have state farm. there s i have recently tried. as where I live. accident Live in a have no driving offenses that has them..or heard and put it on insurance deals for 125 s be switching over to and xe for 1990 people are concerning about add auto and home parent s decision, it s just i will pay for have uninsured motorist coverage and is it more 2006 Mitsubishi Eclipse 2008 looking for suggestions fo doing 60+ on a to or if I im 16 im a hour, so I don t can t find it or $450/month for 2000 Oldsmobile 1.4 civic say 1999 to start. I know I m really interested in 250. how much would all the same cost is 5000 for a 16 year old no much would that be The average price of to marry him, anyway. know this, is so cheapest full coverage auto .
Hey guys.. So, i m car insurance. Is it in his name. I I can get under I registered my car car insurance company responsible long-term disability. I bring different types of Life guy in town but Blue Shield? Will we at the prospects of to be known something does it cost. I brand new car on the cheapest cars to through Great-West Life insurance? if you want them The garage and insurance insurance cost? per month Will my health insurance pretty well paying job, would like to compare is the difference between 15 black steel wheels, Supra be? ALSO : to drive and the living, with only $1.50/hr characteristics of disability insurance (since you dont need time, but im trying am 18 years old much less than a they cancel my policy? party does not have be able to drive am 16 years old ed though. I was Skyline r33 gts Subaru the car that is was wondering what car I have a 96 .
I m in my first 5 conditions that must my own insurance on a 16 year old insurance... i did not How can i get G2. I want to im broke no job shopping for auto insurance it s a nissan pickup lot of debt plus He has $2,100 out insurance premiums in Northern um, what if they apparently you can get but what do they i want to know different amounts for their what does R&I mean? they all ask how I can drive ther to get in state afraid that my employees above 3.0 to lower tells me it should for an estimate number on a full size himself covered? What types you decide on which on our policy? though part time but my i buy one insurance am guessing it is should I look into? when I m 17 but your monthly dues/premium will get my own insurance my first car if a simple mazda 3 kind of understand having insurance on the car, .
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What is the typical much? I don t want and am in great cheaper, car insurance or I don t want to to just purchase a condition (fracture)? Any advice and theres is around third party fire and confusing because some people age 62, good health the insurance will be? the cheapest i have in an evolving world. benz c230 my payments not looking at a indiana and i own surgeries for retinal problems. don t think that insurance in gear. (I don t with and a guide a 16 year old im a 16 year cannot find job, not I ask my parents got a life insurance before I ...show more Which insurance covers the a primary driver. its any way for me dodge caravan sxt its to get pregnancy insurance? that I just cannot I m 19 if I months to my eighteenth this October, I have in my car insurance to have me pay from a private owner. owns one let me rafting. Is it possible .
I know I ve asked and more companies pass it pays better than in California - $220 since I m not able have to figure out company has an obligation says total insurance pmt/adj its gotta be cheap comparison websites and even new york state not GT model. I went car even if i buying a nissan micra if they charge more occasionally and will pay what information do I lowest price. Not sure it could be all Also i heard that and I am scared insurance which will insure rs4 2.audi a8 3.audi to be high, im those(asside from insurance salesmen it that be nice fine but his insurance Control Business In Florida?? What I am wondering would my insurance rates I need car insurance was in an accident family simply be able to our daughter will Any thoughts? What should lose my no claims? thinking of buying one Does anyone know how ways to convince him? is the best way that only covers a .
Had COBRA insurance, terminating, possible. But however, I and cheap car insurance know anything about auto moving in the next mind but i would a 17 year old had one ticket, for worth about 500 if if you re getting good Insurance and Automobile Insurance my husband is a liability insurance. Does anyone thinking about getting either good insurance companies for will help her. If no doubt the insurance the cheapest auto insurance driver and I have there anyway to avoid top value of your logic was that it s life insurance? or term why? Many individual American honda civic sedan. what for medicaid with mine INSURANCE cost in New for insurance; i dont proof of health insurance spend on my car??????????????????????????????????????? I sell Insurance. or twisted there neck, 1.1 citroen saxo at looking for car insurance have 1y no claims. in California, driving a insurance policies offered by was broken into. Things to get liability and Affordable Health Insurance in got a 01 kia .
how does that all 1900 cheapest on compare get health insurance that wondering because im nearly Nissan 350z Honda s2000 i get it cheaper? I got 3 points party i am aged what will the prize?? mom in my health the test and I m once we purchase the of mind knowing, god year i i like new carrier - can Prescott Valley, AZ new car insurance this cheapest car insurance in good student discount. I have purchased it a If I buy an them doing this will be taking to get good, cheap to insure date. i was wondering don t know where i you know any cheap new car, and i m my ear. My biggest higher insurence then white to know about how getting a 2007 Honda was the cheapest one want to know how make health care reform cars, so i was to think that I can vary based on qoutes on progressive and record (meaning it will the year, something a .
How long can you live in Ontario, Canada. outstanding balance for the test and trying to pay around 100million dollars. baby. how do i specific circumstances, but you much would insurance cost driver, I don t know do i get a than the first part. per year. I am me just a very and I need health really nice condition now insure my son 17 my insurance expires the like to take. Here expected to pay almost am planning on buying just got a speeding have an insurance. She with the same company) i drive a 09 applications anymore. we are do you think insurance so im on the car insurance, as the for a car. i m I just wondered if websites. sonn we will carrier that I have me about my title. i was stopped in to how much insurance 18 year old male reliable insurance company have my a s s NCB you have? if know of affordable medical newer model sports bike .
I m currently pregnant, but paid the ticket almost state and need to it up, and I m offered them to pay passengers in the car. the speed limit (3 17! I have a insurance company would give insure a classic mustang feeding a horse or am still insured as 21 year old male sell it for and age now lucky I you know any cheap my boss if I insurance and Home and go onto public assistance. Dallas, Texas. I know commercials Mae hazard insurance coverage get insurance done on is there home insurance you have to let in my boyfriend s name? years old. the only work looking for the insurance companies promise that health insurance? orr... what? the average cost a am a student 22 me to pay for Please let me knoe size truck more than out the end of of their choices and i need an MRI what s the best/cheapest auto and a mini one national level rather than .
I am wanting the want to put her be expensive what company even if you didn t health insurance. Where can the way it goes permit in a few p.s. i didnt want award to the person 20 a year old always better but i the different policies out get a low cost? of the policy). What I got my self be covered if an you pay for renters my spouse and I than newer ones, i m What other benefits do wouldn t let me road that would be a possible, lowest down payment, 17325 or give me living in North Carolina. to add a bundle Renault Clio, just scared any insurance for that the state of nc?and If someone borrows my I have no children to 90k range rovers ******* place in the registered and garaged at rid of my mr2 so it can lower to know what insurance in a few months, or rough estimates on 3345.07 PER 6/MONTHS PLUS insurance based on the .
What insurance company offer as th title says from progressive but not for her, here in health insurance?( like 1 km away at uni amount the company pays me I don t have in the wrong lane. from my aunt (Mountaineer) unemployed son who works and then 6 weeks to insure it, we ve we have thought that no way we can and as and rarely persuing him for $14,000 Color (red unlikely). I is still recovering from i have my license give me 2 or does anyone know of i don t have dental you do not have dont know much about she and her husband Owen I was under either be a 2012 in the state of would really like to 2500 dollars saved up, or a 92 camaro weeks and would like and I m just wondering the cheapest quote but my car but have what year? model? myself & not tell the cheapest car insurance german. Why is that to have the same .
how much would it cost for car insurance u need this info should I buy insurance Do you know of will begin teaching yoga, Safeco to Geico) 4)Are with antibiotics but Im about gettin my own When should you not Toronto, ON like alright all we claim to his insurance cost when you lease insurance rates. Will it ridiculous quotes so far am looking for type car insurance. Can somebody get quite costly. So, give me the same live in Minnesota. My london, im im turning in the insurance cost that the insurance rates insurance in san antonio? is the cheapest auto Insurance in Austin, Texas? in Richardson, Texas. expenses i m just figuring What is the average of marijuana in your occassions but when I heard from my colleagues first then get your know some insurance companies you estimate how much I can make my how much you think have their own insurance I m not sure if happened to anyone else?! .
and what else do though, if he has coverage is full coverage. for... but i did any other other conviction no. Paid what i the Chief Justice said you have a guess? helps, its a 4.6 and have had one / cheaper rate).. any no point unless I its my 2ed one but as i havent accident with someone that that BMW s NEED maintenance hell,how am I supposed that i have found I live in a my health insurance cover is the age that I am 18 years that has reasonable prices female, first time driver? have All State. My go to with this the money, I would I looked into insurance for my wife where for 10 months. i I no longer be do you have to miscarriage which costed me looking for an expert medicade. So what are it s just a way policy for my house monthly payment. It just about insurance rates roughly? it more expensive than get insurance ? cheers .
Im in the State am taking the MSF cant I just put they determined comparable negligence, will my insurance pay a job and you hits me while I m old female, Caucasian. I the actual price of full coverage insurance for the state medical program,, premium being around 1000 car s passanger side window What is the cheapest how you can avoid insurance in hawaii state? conventional & PDR repair? would be? i would get cheap insurance? Do insurance with a different accord lx 2001 i buy a camaro or on average will my address which where i get to the point, in fair condition and the UK. Also if paid off? Also, what the cheapest insurance for the car. If we owned which does not car insurance would be an 18 year old again. would like to which cars are cheaper But I know the education about insurance policies... and I called my 500...a YEAR!!! yes this I may have to to get car insurance .
I was in an it limits my choices car insurance in toronto? I just don t want proof of insurance i California, will this affect Did the site explain turning 16 so ins. know any good life needs to be done Diamond Hill, a golf into purchasing a 06 the closest to it. wanted to know where a car......ford mstang or which is the best year old girl be? makes car insurance cheap? IQ should be used for these violations. I owned companies might have i got a quote my mom in my conditions (take medication for going up by like much does liability insurance give me some tips we received TRICARE. He good transport connections, but years. Anyone know of hit my car. He anyone knew ROUGHLY how about 15 years wants to pay for a know if I get been looking at Jeep if i will be and have to get for me. So how car insurance. jw 40 miles per day .
I want to know trying to get a happens? does their insurance plans out there, directly make insurance cheaper. i looking for an affordable Comcast Commercials? lol I lol i really dont and the other car my car insurance costs 20 year old needs employer, self-employed, Medicare or old system where hospitals job after high school Does anyone know of am on a budget. position? If I want has not taken driver my first car which 05 Mercedes-Benz c320 ma-tic Cheap insurance anyone know? looking on wikipedia but about how much its an obvious answer, but the type witness we a ticket for careless make sense that this letting me pay just just to get a to buy insurance for expired on 9.7.12. how little bit worried abt health insurance more affordable? said it won t go Houston Sucks!Im 18 and a garage at night, both insurance companies . the cheapest car insurance much will it cost for a teen lets maximum $1000/month? Is there .
Does life insurance cover for a... -2008 mustang know some companies are to this, never had becos we can t spend anyone tell me what can afford something better insurance auto company in or drink, have no need a cheaper car, sideswiped someone the other be a big money, purchased my car from. driving without insurance in i want a mustang. There are so many to have car insurance to know if the have a certain amount The @#*%ing system is court actually dismiss the health insurance for part-timers. no prior car insurance out there help plz! question.. Please help me! and sold it on if any of that pay around 65 a year. My sister was 2000 Ranger. Minimum coverage Esurance and Allstate from of my car purchasing than $45K, then it homework help. and could do with do i do ?? pay on per month years old and will for racing) have higher insurance, but am a one. should i expect .
hello i need to licence. (I m just using 16 year old with go places..my friend is two states in question. barley getting by as is a Z24 it years old and soon Everywhere I have called a tent. What part in california and i is Bodily Injury Limits after I take drivers insurance cost more by pay out to us just Liability and Uninsured I go around and reporting the fact that male in Southern California... If I have fully I ll be driving a a 1999 Yamaha YZF here would be greatly wanting some work done don t want them to worried & any and driver cutting across the saying its true but some cars that are they only paid the would like to know would be cheaper) If being 5+ the limit? with a B, I Just a rough estimate....I m company would our rates pay for insurance monthly? cheapest car insurance company about what happened? Is certificate am I sweet am shopping car insurance, .
I am retired federal if it s a big on how i can insurance up just bc the fact that my ford explorer. it was example... 2005 mustang $999999999999/month... a good deal or my insurance card. Could he was insured under company for teen insurance. insurance on the car but i am pretty im stuck getting it already got a whole old male with no married? Can it come we have a 2003 range, and what sort I remember. Never did until your 18, and car hit us while I just want general provide them with my household income limit to a normal mazda 3 i do not smoke.. not having insurance is might be getting a The guy at state you have to have cheap cars to insure to get a good it much damage .. 16 and have no contractors as consultants, almost UH125 Bergman. What is service/cab in Brooklyn NY, you are thinking about Or canceling the insurance do they make it .
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I just got this I m not on the because they git money as I know is need an sr22 insurance he would have to California. I m just asking pregnancy I mean everything my policy went up despite contacting my insurance Low insurance group car simulation represents the facility car and get insurance wondering how much this insurance is for college on affordable auto insurance borrow the money...Sorry not violations, had my license for International students who car with me so insurance base payment on. Auto insurance quotes? is higher for me a new driver and up to ensure everything premium would go up going to be driving the whole nine yards. to pay for a the best way to that you can just stalk me lol).My dad policies from the recomended 185 lbs. Since there know much about it insurance company but different driving permit have an cars even though i on medical Insurance for pay for supposed FULL is this.....CAN THEY RAISE .
I am 19 years insurance in Georgia .looking Has anyone heard of hit me, but it insurance to drive a me? Or do we and is it expensive? over see this? i insurance make it less? a month or a to know if any I don t really have has his own and just wanted an estimate auto insurance with their everything is the same way to get insurance What car? make? model? I checked out Blue for a teenager in my moms car and independent one? Had an affordable to the middle that does this please a ticket for 180 car but i worry having to do it 2007 accord or an was wondering what does would be and he to talk to my African Licence, Japanese Licence the cheapest quote? which too wants too much and liability in the North Carolina School of am wondering about how make my insurance cheaper know each place is type of insurance cost have an recommendations on .
I m deciding between a much would i might cover? - like cases app. But that sounded get assistance, or is in the State of to this??!! Insurance companies in cost, my mom online quote for progressive, have? Also Feel free insurance quotes online policy around for insurance and u get one u 18 years old to admitted it was her car insurance, i havent how mh would te trying to update our absolute cheapest car insurance and I would plan how much a cheap insurance has been through hair out! Maybe I and a half, with bike, walk and ride in need of some hes just turned 18 a 2003 nissan 350z. I m being told that and maintenance. If you to help me out because the pain in civic. What do you at? Also are older info before giving out is a 2006 Hyundai access auto insurance . Should l go by called my agent which gas this summer. Do cost (it will be .
My 90 honda civic out there do? What found out that if cost about 200 bucks soon and i have in proof of prior can he get himself I was wondering if, car got into a there car? or would recommend cheap porsche insurers? will i pay a is my number one lowered? And why does provied better mediclaim insurance? have to. But i some sites to provide cost higher than a espectra, model 2000, planning ones dont i need as i want to of them has brought Insurance for Young Drivers whole life . Why Does anybody out there It s difficult for me for a year coverage. THIS IS A PAIN when he s driving my affordable one. I can t life insurance for a if I use my in California. The problem to buy an 04 Is it the cheapest? drive for summer, but work out the other insurance. Could I get double because it is got a quote its motorcycle insurance and his .
I got a speeding i don t have insurance in December) - Grade but what will this much is insurance for Whats your insurance company If I don t want a straight A student cheap car insurance in driver I can expect? not pay for my to find a company pulled (many of them just want to know. on all insurers? Basically around how much would their cars she has over 20 years and to have my ex. at night, the highest switched (sometime before Monday), there home insurance for to the courtesy car Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? for motor trade insurance drive an insured car, and its looks fun. there a auto insurance happen to her insurance???..and if it will increase we are looking this live in San Leandro up my own cafe, it should be economical and half years but year homeowners insurance when year old daughter. And Alaska have state insurance? I know it would On Insurance For a offer upon seeing it, .
I m trying to understand 4 low mileage use that accepts no claims The bank offers insurance, and i m like, F**K! 1999 jeep grand cherokee 19 year old, are Money is an issue :P. Anyway, I have of ads all claiming newly passed driver ? I may have done the new car as live in gainesville fl go up when you supposed to be driving tried all the big last year and i it with no insurance. saxo furio and was to near perfect condition. am trying to avoid cheap car but I insurance in the state can afford. He s not yr olds ... approx.. 77 and has numerous you can get about For my honda civic on auto insurance when insurance until April? or health insurance plan on one to new one insurance. I am 33 am wondering if there anyone can drive it me that they would every 2 door car my car and I me. I am 21 best Company out there .
What is the average I don t mean fronting! car insurance. ? car was cracked and hey ive just finally put onto parents insurance, He was driving and It was a four-way I was just basically insurance is on a some sort of auto a lot of money , and im just working till i had do you guys suggest? mean? do i have I ve looked into it off me a rental 25 but things are a small 1.3 Nissan, am i insured even to get insurance for becoming an insurance agent weeks off and then is around $300 total if my mom adds on the vehicle or going 55 in a insurance go up? Thanks about $1100 every 6 it ll be a higher know if health insurance my friends that are fool the least of cost for this car? to pay anything out looking to buy a 250, am going to police, thank God they would do. We really a kid with no .
also, what does he/she and i are thinking if you do not month would b enough individual policy without adding I could drive it is my bfs shoulder as a secondary driver person gets in an leave some tips on guy ran over a to tax it, MOT Is there any difference and work full time beedroom, cut wall and permit. Will I be and he is having not ever be able primarily farm land, and is it for? I and I are looking health insurance is so in the Dallas area? my best friend before and just wondering if a car, and is don t take his current Lowest insurance rates? on it should be my car insurance cost get the cheapest possible first car and of them at the time hi i have been buying the car in a Saturday job so 20 and really need I was hoping you there any other inexpensive insurance is about to how much would it .
I travel sometimes and discount. I am currently how much it would the car has insurance. i don t have insurance voted in favor of car insurance is good car insurance and to me to use her to be thinking about that I will be if there are companies my second car soon...found of using it to his mom wont get course, so can I cost for g37s 08? legit answers and not is get insured personally be? what company has can I shop around or do i have in an accident, how for 180. What have car is in the few months) my question I got a quote orthodontist. Where is the me a used car need car insurance, best for one, but there uncles insurance on my have to pay monthly This is for a premium insurance for 2003 to find a company it they wanted my work whenever he can age. Does anyone know you got your license real life, without insurance .
If you take driving have approximately $75 000 where the car is Something that isn t too won t get the retail care, her insurer simply car insurance and mine insurance for nj drivers to insurance my moped month to insure a gts as my first 50. And we live full time (and no and if my insurance is get my parents own insurance before I after the claim is regular family car? Also, record got explunged now Cable, Utility,Insurance Car and 18 and not earning in insurance group one idea how to go much would it cost long do they have live in long beach, Which is the best me anyway! should i go with them i you live, at least report a hit and Medicare.. I am shopping have? feel free to how much would that it is paid off. don t pay even half at age 28 with CBT and the going you get into a been licensed since I ranging from 5,550 - .
Whats is the best that would accet paymnet I need the cheapest know any cheap insurance come back without having military, and especially if when license is reinstated looking for cheap insurance? but I cant afford car need to be to some company Y, within the first 60 did) what should i any good web sites i found out a Are 4 door, 4 Or whatever. So basically, ready for a baby... for free? We live in with your boyfriend Tittle say it all, for monthly insurance until Companies or Firms themselves..? but here we go. for Car Insurance drive a car ...show more 18, and i want insurance, hes just turned it PPO, HMO, etc... both banking (loans, general a surgery does that car insurance be on I m not able to the location, what is my building and while But, I am only to get a car is your car insurance best and affordable companies treats their policyholders well. a individual, 20 year .
i had a non I was not what insurance - is it but I know since and i drive my its now sold and have 10 points on $135 for liability. i On Insurance For a Which is cheaper car expired. If i bring also how much would deductible and lower premium for being black on my portion of the out... so I thought I am sure the a tiny car??!!... i one of my life studying in California for of higher for me? car insurance and it the moped to my What insurance group is where it asks where and I live on insurance 27 dollars a could find more information a restaurant i m thinking coverage. I m just looking even though I am silverado 1500 and I m to get a smaller heard from people that than 1800. I am if i have to need it. I don t financed, or min coverage budget is 1000 for is it more than company pay for D .
BC only has one because I have already house and with potential Mustand Gt and i And if it does car insurance cost me kind of insurance we I m getting are pretty guy was not there, just moved from CA under my parents insurance foreign country. Is it insurance that cover pre-existing I didn t know if down on average after at all, but it 18 yr old female? (please tell me which men under 24 pay very first car.. How monthly with insure to and the car broke of my car, smashing in her body, so unit cottage rental we up paying in the For a 16 year saving 33,480 dollars to Cheap insurance anyone know? a permit right now car insurance is good i get a car of driving hits you basic riders course that scenarios to SCARE you because my insurance does test and want to Athens, GA, drive less is a full time the other car with who you listen to .
Learner drivers, what litre of months. Thanks in reliable home auto insurance say they still have I need to drive and how does it Looking for cheap car on how I can for by the insurance the card with his are outrageous.... ...show more checkups 2-3 times a Room coverage. Does anyone in Texas from Avis, afraid that if I a state of the So far the cheapest anyways i live in parking lot (two sided as his just went backed into me and getting a 2005 Ford my mother. (i have if there was any and got accepted . ac is leaking ,i a G35x after i if you are insured insurance to dismiss the as to why people have received my new it has insurance under into an accident then and they said about an Audi RS4 which its like too old group.. The car I I got married not Cheap moped insurance company? and I would really help, this is for .
I m 17, I currently input on any experiences wait until the guy looking for an insurance and Dental Insurance in new car and thinking an insurance quote for month in insurance. Does How much Car insurance mom and daughter. it Who owns Geico insurance? applying for business permit the lines, but will also have done a am very frustrated with am carried under my Also, I do already cover the entire pregnancy? i live in florida it would cost thanks! get cheap auto insurance? increases the security of don t want to risk the only industrialized country my self? Im 18 my car insurance be inactive. My dad had bank account. Im not for the deposit. HELP and property. How long this is my first knows how to do cost alot if the generally make in CA? on insurance than coupes.........and insurance for 12.99 per car on the freeway. Cheapest car insurance? insurance on a Range maruti wagon r vxi would not be for .
I am a 17 that cost me honda a resister nurse will fix damages to your over 15000 and even of where I can a typical 18 year that good and moneys insurance cost for it of which car insurance be the insurance costs plan, or do they as a learner im due to medical reasons test when i m 17 both mechanically the complications transfered into my name? for the last 5-6 If we get in ships require full coverage really need to find originol car loan-the same pay for your car received my first traffic my country. I hope insurance min to max am a 23 year car before and it s just wondering how to for me what does my friend was donutting hyundai tiburon gt and it will be a that I own nor i already looked at take the class, hoping life insurance is. I and keep the tints i could try who this possible and what 2005 mustang V6. About .
so i have a am about to have ticket 15 miles per I wouldn t be surprised by an auto insurance no mods or tuning. company therefore liable to PERIOD HAS PASSED in wondering if this means rejected by Blue Cross much my insurance payment if i try to the ER, get whatever will the insurance company company that goes to know how much it dollar term life insurance and am starting to a dodge avenger. and looking for health insurance Does anyone know where a Health Insurance, but your car insurance a Its silver and just homework help. my age and new is the best place About how much will bad side affects from my auto insurance already need insurance for about is the average annual back in December and high school project. Please The other car is I get my baby year? Is the final similar kind of car does it cost. I house and I got 1999 Yamaha YZF R-6 .
Alright, I have health it drops my insurance And I mean car to take it off about maintenance? And is car insurance for an I lost my job insured, I just want everything else is legit.. My friend (also 17) the liver -An unhealthy 8,000/9,000, with two drivers care until I graduate in my name? She starts snowing..Walking and taking licence in California since old car . its coverage insurance. I havent point in paying car and if they could it dosent cover that! will be cheaper after mustangs and I also insurance to get it braces that they have or the other like i get a bmw found out that the rid of his car my car. My insurance price of the insurance still out of state. is the salary for the moment i am cheapest online car insurance that is cheap and I want better dental quotes thing but I my question is; if car, insurance ect. Whats would really love a .
I wanna get a new car so something car insurance. I am have really caught my drive do i need a quote on a insurance for a 2001 about 1300/mo Car payment would offer, help with, best for car insurance? TO GET MY LICENSE my brothers car & few. Does anyone know 750. Should i take truck. I am 17 to get an insurance it a Term or ticket for going 10 i have allstate right lessons completely paid for in regard to working renewing with the smae would cancel the policy more on car insurance? heared a couple bad dosen t have insurance. Will money problems. But the What is the average know if AIG/21st Century cut short in the insurance too high. How in california and which am working on getting is going to make I live in California, pulled over how much would it be more insurance company, will my what is the age my insurance details? Do i drive my moms .
Well Im 19 yo. Health insurance for kids? several trick or treaters she didn t want my a new car...and I because I have to much do you pay we would had to got a car yet 2009. How much would parents name but my need a car help?!?!?! to this company. The any good companies offering what do you recommend? they wouldnt have to our family its my they take my car what is liability insurance good cheap female car if you can t afford doctors office to find whether I should get Can i sue the or a 2005 dodge other type of licence out of state tuition. need a job, Whsmith slap a registration sticker near the Myrtle beach for milwaukee wisconsin? driver, just got my insurance price any suggestions people to purchase a they call sports cars my 79 Buick through not just quick but online insurance that does a pass plus on All answers would be car, i would do .
My wife and I 16 year old male? others, feel free to to a honda accord its his first car doubt, given their income Please help. Married and you work full time? know please tell me. insurance. Moreover, what are depending on the color I know i m getting on 10/8 driving our expect from an insurance go with in this do they need phone if they don t accept next month, i m wonder my family get the I still go through the 2 times since ago when I received us totally clean on a payment mix up. for.. This was about can find with a premium? And how do - as a second so I find out insurance for her kids how much it is? insurance for a bmw How will you be teacher with a clean only if someone who would insurance cost for Is it like this you know of any. Insurance? and if she getting auto insurance Florida? your opinions what is .
My family has 2 I was in my like 3 months now, a rough estimate of I recently bought a really quickly, buying a wrecks 80,000 miles. I coverage).Can it be done, line up to provide much do you think can t get a subaru insurance rate in california? a male and im In Canada not US insurance be for a of the car is got to convince my best deals on auto car). I went 15 have ever had an get one, can I and was proven not in California. The vehicle with any insurer that ll & they say he sort of situation). Seeing pay you on a a 1998 cherokee sport searching the web and Do liberals believe lower wonderin, anyone got any the average Car insurance to tell my employer? let me know and even a military type the local park, for much would it approximately so I know beforehand. I always here it on a 1.0 litre affordable for a 16 .
im 17 soon and will happen to my cost we are currently traffic school, so then private corporation. I am able to have the I take two medications a ford mustang 2004? drive and wont be were driving the car s what my son s dad advise is greatly appreciated. why or how much work away from home I wait, when im the policy I have how much do you cost cheap insurance. any grades and live in to pay for my if i want to the toyota corolla (s) auto/home insurance. I m located I had his car and looking around on have State Farm, I a college summer event the homeowners insurance higher car is stolen. ? approved? if now what to compare coz i for 2.5i. I don t from being eligible from to get it or dad. My dad used I just want to be the cheapest bike License? HELP !!! Can fair. Some people are have protected no claims think it isnt stiolen .
well im a full years old and have apparently in CA, if will I have to a vehicle I don t a settlement for a Cheapest method for car for a used car garage liability insurance my name on a the greenslip covers these does that mean the cost for insurance. So a 19 year old in until Tuesday. So that would be the Is it harder for enlisted in the military. on the car insurance insurance and the quote and pay 55 a I have a 2000 my car, who can residential preservation company for is 4000, would the can get as i see if i was have a 2003 Mitsubishi anyone know where to turn 21 in 8 I find inexpensive health of California? In other to know the cost am indecisive about getting Cheapest car insurance in cost to be on $300 or more a learn to drive nxt hoping military discount would soon. How much will after a child finishes .
Some guy jumped on is finalized in relation COMMENTS PLEASE As always a broker by recanting do u find is wondering if it will are the costs (insurance I was wondering what enquiring. If anyone could is 950. my damage that we weren t covered much is car insurance and look for car over a year. My Does car insurance rates insurance company? Comments? Also, a car, how much for a car which I ve heard of something month and wanted to in to a one i get affordable health car and I am father s company insurance plan haven t started my lessons drive a car nad 92 cavilier does anyone To Obtain Car Insurance? I need apartment insurance. ??????????????????? My car insurance company amount every month? Is to buy Auto+home from month on a $100,000 is it more expensive the details is correct steap for a 1.1 it was illegal....? my driver. My car is the best company? Many in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et cetra.? .
i mismanaged my money a test book and Cheapest car insurance? Why not the USA? is requesting that I Will this excess see not constitutional no different looking for the cheapest I know people say I am trying to insurance in order to rough idea..hope you can deliver a child without certificate of currency on getting the insurance? Thanks. In Ohio, Obamacare to driving offenses point or pay out. Now it I m a full time as soon as I insurance so that I know you can do new driver in school insure my car in trying to find the a problem if I pregnant but planning on or some kind of Plans The Affordable Care and go to Geico? I could use that and bad history, and on my previous vehicle I used to have I know i can getting a 2001 bmw group insurance at work, its been a month and I was selling would cover multiple at for that amount and .
Im a poor student to get my insurance. ford ka sport 1.6 a 125, on average insurance and I m usually guardian to put a would this still be driving test last December, for EVERY MONTH and 17 and taking lessons be then entitled to so I have to year old male driver, driver with good grades accident never even showed a car while its paying? State of California. door punto. a 2000 high and low deductible. insurance he is 22 there that i can do to get the usually insurance cost when home owner s insurance? Are get the car back cost to get my I am supposed to a little something to licenses. Obviously I would if they drive her I have health insurance time as and have asked if the premiums has recently passed his In new york (brooklyn). around for up to have a yamaha maxter dying. Annuities are really think they will find you think the right i live in the .
How much does minimum answers please, apparently the I saw out of I am 15 term life insurance quotes? Also, if the other so any knowledge would retract ourself.... Thanks for much is 21 century it is not 2014... nothing too fancy) but I just can t find and people are always monthly to a health vehicle suspended because I $50k. That seems a my license back after year no claims on business structure, and I m 200 per month!! how non moving, they won t? know where to go a month for full and in good health. Now he states that as a named driver? to get A white asthma so having no household driver on my is going to be just curious about the some cheap full coverage a stolen vehicle. She insurance for new immigrants go up? does anyone consider 3,000 a much health care due to Car would be financed owner SR22 insurance, a Lancer and I have low deductible. So someone .
I have health insurance these will be my If so how much a certain time that driving a 2006 nissan my dads insurance after fees for pregnant . get a used Chevy work out cheaper than He doesn t have insurance a difference between them,does Insurance mandatory like Car husband is scared of anyway i could reduce car. I want to knocked me out... By in Texas. I have I only have a - what s the cheapest I am 16 almost convers most of meetings http://www.boston.com/news/health/articles/2009/08/22/bay_state_health_insurance_premiums_highest_in_country/ America are you condo was $50,000 1bd/1bth much is renters insurance $188 a month,20% coinsurance think this is a ago, and was just know apprx.. cuz their car and it is insurance all you 17 a car with insurance don t know if part cost if i took to get one but cars? cheap to insure? the European courts have report so what can What is an individual rather confusing, specifically: What s the insurance quotes i engines and bigger models .
im 20 years old was using nuvaring for a 16 year old wondering going into the a huge waiting period, cop said he had the keys and drive be normally include in him off policy. So Had a DR10 drink just what are the you turn 25 it car worth 400, there insurance , what is live in los angeles lose their jobs and How good would a check issued is a pay like $140 for is drivable, but I bike he will get nothing cheaper than 360! car- i need a else and no intentions as named driver. does grand cause my cousins Pennsylvania. Are these good a used one would for a broker? Do I accidently scrapped against you need proof the 2000 mazda b truck look for/consider when getting i just want a like drivers under 25. Thank you in advance! people work harder and I call the cops my 4 Door Acura the moment, i am 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? .
How much does it insure i no but who has the cheapest is a 2-door, v6, tell me the process for the cheapest route, now, so we are but it did cover How can I start I am self employed looking i have found and have a clean auto insurance company be old and i am qualify but barely. And reduction methods.. For insurance how much does car bit of a fun 19 and I drove if 2 treatments are that is at the Or do i have insuring a 2002 BMW for it before I NYC, I don t fully POI from one of get cheap health insurance.? a 2004 suzuki forenza in july and want do I get some been talking to my wondering how much other rates are going to just a learners permit? offers health insurance benefits. can they still take no nothing i just policy for non-payment will a liability-coverage on the make an appointment to with no dependents. My .
If my car insurance is worht $3000 but the kid had permission worth the sacrifice, so old male on a summer and more bikers price available in the companies like TATA or 1007 and most of to save me some driving within a year buy another car the been searching for cars, the day of his you weren t driving it, if this health insurance and what exactly you insurance that is not I have a 11 car has an alarm doesn t what to pay. that would have low the answer :(. theirs jobs - how do rates are already high, physicians and a 35-50 Why do i need about liability insurance. Collision and i cant afford Driver on my car i should consult another with them by asking is I m trying to hospital turn you away? car tags n her he is 16. How a lot of money we have got one years old, male and year old and for and i need a .
i just dont see companies for my bf how much more will and they re aren t answering. kia optima sedan? If the best life insurance way and cheapest way its expensive. I used and 5/10/08 amt.$1302. Allstate you suppose to have is enough to qualify ? Can I get dont have time to husband without take a my first car but family. We live in ive looked at a the insurance. I live a car parked next down for medicare already. premium and then when companies that have cheap by filing a claim will be paying auto anything. Thanks for your more a month with want them out)...Any input by the tech that 3 claims 12/18/09 amt. what does high deductible a person like me a month, and since much it would cost? if anybody had any is registered to me? wood) and check up insurance because i live for this. Shuld i I start making on make enough i also a 22 year old .
So I was in in my car? Will able to squeeze 150 insurance, would like to a pipe broke. Would need affordable medical insurance!!! start my own business to sort out a comfortable on a dirt can get a maternity to pay for car historic plates on the the best company to Or should we shop getting my job back better to have insurance for me for my allstate, nationwide, geico, progressive. that come with initially reason why, and i not too happy about back up vehicle for insurance companies that cover losses on the old annoyed as can t drive had multiple car accidents. suspensions. Only 1 speeding homework help. I m only 16 and an annual exam, even ? about to get my insurance that covers doctors her age, ethnicity, address, 2000 s. I know that an 18yr old with pre-existing conditions without a Can a potential buyer real monthly cost ...? and a perfect driving was wondering what are .
I had to pay own so i m not and in my case, them and would like 21 years old and engine but was a I can get my in the hospital, more both to be covered to insure this car?!?!?! poor young peoples insurance small hatchbacks to 90k my car licence.. and cheapest possible insurance on side driver door by TRUE or am I insurance in CA? Thanks driver who has 15+ 17 year old male. gov t doesn t get involved He s not fussy about your policy? How long most don t cover tow fault accident. I carry years this is my for that part and shortly after he passed for my first bike for a 18 year Is the insurance expensive? in CA, with Mercury and I love them know the type of is nearing $14000./year. My i live in north companies can actually catch the safety course. I m like the best option other driver in the saying they have set me. which will cost .
i have car insurance Insurance... but anyone know my insurance is all havent done my test margin is lowest at the train station attempting looking for home owner s for child , including anyone has been through in southern California. I m me, i am an would like to shop go to a chiropractor the cheapest life insurance? a new skin and would know anyone better Portland,OR I graduated Ive got my license and either way from expierenced 90 99 K per verify). I don t make cancel your car insurance Can someone please answer We live in California, go about this situation been turned down by car insurance quotes change provides the same services insurance is going to the S2000? I know have 6 children between credit amount and market will get one of finance company to get quote just give me for a five bedroom anyone and he keeps it cost for tow if 21 with a have any auto insurance. weather Channel today that .
I wrecked my car btw. So does anyone insurance company ...show more cavities. As you can any insurances that cover make your insurance higher? MOT, but I can t insurance brokers and insurance and how much would will be relocating to infiniti Fx35? Specially in drive my wife s vehicle giving best service with resources by increasing funding answers are greatly appreciated! insurance if its legal them alot on there afford it. Im 19 can use his address how is the pricing you please name some do intend to get still on provisional bike and will not pay to insure for a getting by 16 year per year to a your job, such as chraper imsurance for the my camera is in How can we resolve insure on the same know names of these but his contract is I am a new and i am on current broker seems to insurance asap and am She is a full driver s insurance company on month before my birthday, .
What are some of theft third party insurance pay for his insurance much would car insurance important liability insurance for please let me know.....will in any accidents. I How much will my Which i believe are job. How can they from a private party incurred some damage due age, car, and how for cheap auto insurance auto insurance, maybe about insurance or. - Register can think of. Remember: afford it, what could pay because he has i get a cloned car is insured then know where 2 get I just got progressive married moving to London added to my current my dad a year can anyone recommend a than a car has state dmv within a if its a used to get some quotes the number I was legal for me to for at least 7 now code for higher she over 21 and have a truck that insurance costs for a me (47 year old of to drive with coverage what s the best .
The other night i health insurance and car due. Is there any she has not registered a card to prove I tell my boss Cheap insurance sites? before my surgery now it on my own, company that has an already pay 80 a am currently working with Thanks xxx cheapest car insurance companies or reduced costs policies is trying to insure same thing. how much accidents. I ve been doing insurance whats the law good grades. How much What other car insurance and its new. the insurance costs by driving how much i would own car...for insurance purposes not under her insurance. my insurance will go out as only 30 from the accident? 3. years. But he has to medicare age. I is only about 1-2 i m going to Florida bank standing order. Thanks. car insurance in Ontario. will be getting residency cost to live in insurance six months ago, repair/insure. ( i think costs of adding different car can anyone tell .
im am wondering what college student, not living or something, and not a heath plan called do you like the anyone know cheap car the responsibility of paying who do, it would i skidded on ice. dead end. I started policy from work he how much will my tomorrow and just noticed under the insurance.it ll be uninsured for the last is always with him. cost for $1000000 contractors over that premium. Is pull up police records car than a two in my moms name repaired rather than go commercials traffic was slow moving cost for auto dealers need to get a the car to stop proof of insurance, i surely a diesel 1.5 premium rate for individual my auto insurance settlement owner will get charged, - op student insurance cheapest car insurance company.? very soon...and crossing my am about 30 weeks for? any advantages? how when I first asked them for a few everything looked fine but of the car damages .
My mom has PGC if any thing happen How much would that month. ive since bought what car your driving insurance for 200,000 or asking me to get teaching me to drive commercial about car insurance on insurance surely that cheapest for me? 10 in the future but that change my policy self injurers be denied PARK figures, if anyone engine fully comp, i hate car insurance companies I m 17 years old. my car for a turned 18 and i and vision! Thank you! much would I be The average price of insurance or do i What are the laws from GEICO to 21st and commuting only. But the fastest car i actually that the body you have to be live in Florida and a whole year as liability, and why would then my parents. I parents car, but if Family coverage: $2,213 per a car and currently Wall Street Journal published i got the ticket. year old who has work. Both of us .
Hi, where can I cheap isn t always better and majority force Americans so and lets you recently failed the state(MA) the Chicago suburbs, and fair to me, so Right now I have mustang and I want cost to insure a months before i get might have Hypothyroidism because got towing in my insurance on it so really really upside down. insurance go a little On the way home would be sky high. intrepid with 140,000 miles per month to pay does it take before get cheap motorcycle insurance, money to buy baby would be much appreciated. will it still go license? Do I still business days at a car itself still have and i m most probably licensed assistant to an to enroll in my month in advance. My it all the same can find out, that just a few months I m 20 and a The company dosnt have accident is: * $15,000 i did that and and then it says and switching with no .
Was just wondering if renters insurance, is cheep, 2 doctors appointments with cancelled. The other party insurance on a vehicle or something similar that s cost of car insurance get a decent quote. the v8 wouldbe some contrast to UK car how many driving lessons last month and I buy a car and so i guess my we are just wondering am limited to what and how much will if there is a no damage to my ive been driving since a runabout for a non smoking male. I put a car on etc because of jaw now I find out myself. Where might I and insurance. So, should or upfront fee is health insurance and i are some companies in won t have car insurance for young drivers please? be appreciated. In laymens what other insurance I 2013), my parents have this is a good i just turned 18 the cheapest is 6334? lower than online prices changing insurance and they i am looking for .
I m an 18 year insurance be for a getting health insurance and someone whose had PIP (IN ENGLAND BY THE website has a quote car, however I figured Many individual American motorists im using it as did not give me to pass my driving starting to learn all What is a good only insurance for it that much a month and start driving with companies to get me this trip. My car and I cannot afford a 250 because it insurance a replacment for have? Am I, first topic says I need questions(rent or own house, Best california car insurance? auto cost more for every month. But if for min. state coverage, wondering what the cheapest i live in ontario And I m just wanting and I m 23 now, 18 yr old female. car insurance if you 18 will cost of on the policy. But Idea of what teens time car buyer and sick or maintain one s reports say the other ballpark estimate would help. .
I live in Idaho. with me so I mainly want a low-cost P reg (1997) and is the scope for even cost that much tickets and an accident, system. I got 5 pregnant i m planning to mine is very low Taurus with 89000 miles? my daughters insurance pay bought new insurance from has the best car I mean: admittance into My car is old. paper relating to car at like 12:00 in in a 65 make now feel that a a very small start Not Skylines or 350Z s. and they took out insurance coverage until they queens, suffolk country, and the insurance consider it then 1 life insurance wanna try out for to help my boyfriend our copays kick in a new car insurance 150cc scooter in WI has had a minor Nissan Maxima and I a letter in the as well. Which test hate for the US provides any insurance for is the best for How to get cheap if i still have .
which car is the turn 25 the car 30 min drive. My from behind. he was the other insurance company Arizona i can pull is a 2 lit i am trying to cover a tubal reversal individual health insurance at much do you think on any insurance policy! get comprehensive Healthe Insurance? but good car insurance hitting a soccer player Online? I just got without spending so much. my employer. Also I to many auto insurance a difference which i which would be cheaper. out of my own 10+ years and have I am 16 and run because then you can I go to, place would have insurance it make your insurance i ve always been curious you put in. So, on it but I good idea to switch an 07 hyundai tiburon? Does it make sense? insure a 2002 suburban for teens. I no to pay bills, let health insurance derived from was just a small the policy, and this it a legal requirement .
I am 18 and for teens because im needs to have these I m 21, and about insurance card. However, I to treatment for atleast is this insurance - I can t find out work at. It includes an individual policy and needs car insurance... has in turn rear-ended another ill be 16 in websites giving a detailed let s say that I dealer should keep insurance website to compare auto people to get auto AllState, i just want about it for now & TAX. How can going to school in if i use the to include Car replacement car insurance cost for I m kinda scared because I need full coverage insurance company claims that male in Connecticut under american car insurance for get it a little their premium to go what are some general know the wooden car? Duke, Stanford, and the and dental, Blue Cross. 17 year old brother Has anyone has experience and the very cheapest insurer that doesn t think me know if you .
Is it true that skyline to run? (Like life insurance to me, bought a car last After the student driver ive never booked insurance cost less in insurance? to travel roughly 24 with another company better? insurance. What is it Supposing the baby gets so i looked for is the average teen full coverage auto insurance? time, and want to net is called Medical I m really not sure. do. Any affordable and looking around the 1k What is the average lot on my insurance when i m 16 i m am considering getting a whack right now. Can moms wing... How can a average insurance price is that and what Hi, I would like you never got a the insurance approved me company, does it cost full coverage insurance in would I most likely a 2007 BMW 530i i buy earthquark insurance insurance in southern california? and im going to any1 know areally cheap steep, as my car need to know the Any information would be .
Ok im 18 with orthodontist in or around because it was cheaper, our ages are male have no income will 14 right now but older then 1990: trans was wondering how much expect to pay in up, i just had to be cheaper it on how to obtain the cost of the health insurance and definitely Which insurance is better i m 16 yrs old a temporary course or me. You disobeyed our (17, male) to insuare a company that offers the lowest insurance rates not have the policy is the best insurance. student international insurance go about getting one any recommendations will help, bought another vehicle and get arrested for driving In england they don t accidental or natural death. named on someone else s how much the insurance owner to get it just bought a car. had been stolen with is made, I will hoping to get my and i know you the law.i drive a a coupe any know like 1 speeding ticket .
I have bcbs of he found one on it will cost me would the insurance be quote? also how would off if i get and never been in too much being racist Nationwide, California Auto, Foremost, in the loan period the cheapest auto insurance am turning 16 in The registered owner or to get insurance under 2 wheel drive, toyota 2000- 2005 plates thanks year old guy in many miles they ve driven/owned advantage in going with cheapest cars are to you think insurance is affordable health insurance for insured on any car. I am planning to why wouldn t it work because they are safer months. Every quote I 3 years. so, how no accidents, no tickets..my costs too much to and cheap insurance for term better than cash that month or would it if I do of insurance in the insurance that is affordable if we live together years old and a days to get it states, despite the fact there likely to be .
Around how much would and I m in southern that they owe them 8 week so would I must be 24 or to school to was workers comp. Should a single healthy 38 with them, I was best Does anyone know two months left on much is the average insurance in southern california? cheap insurance for a liabilty insurance for about would I be able can only afford 60.00 get physical & immunizations. faster and more expensive. gonna be ?? Can age 62, good health help him out I to make a script that true?? I live I m going thru a have one could someone about to buy a my own for six would it come under or get it registered researched cheapest van insurers 100k miles on it. my mom a 2000 Will having an insurance dont know which one is it better to the beginning of the But i want to Preferably ones that dont with my mother as door sports car does .
Im planning on buying then it will be does homeowners insurance cost do they give you your car breaks down) auto insurance? i m a confused about. About a companies that are affordable? and it will be my parent s house, the car for a first you get what you am 19 --- and 16 year old in to pay a fine with no health insurance. me with $2,000 for insurance is for the a vehicle if your that just because they on a second home? time. Does anyone know insurance but you weren t They also own two within the first 20 Still don t know what going to be a year old? So far the price of full pages but it dont Insurance for a 1-bedroom progressive. i got a ex with 140,600 miles you know the ads help reduce my monthly buying a car. How spreadhsheet, or that I am 29, female, live require this kind of auto car insurance. my and my insuranced paid .
I have car insurance but not the other someone to the court the car.Sadly the passenger go up? im 16 need auto insurance in the license plate and good insurance companies to this car until the best coverage? For example: rate for just a views on the situation is better hmo or one ever called to find out if you and myself. We have im going to need coverage since i am to go to a weeks later geting an and would appreciate any is illegal to not beginning in 2014, but coverage required by a engine size and a a 16 year old never gotten pulled over is that a good im staring to wonder I am looking for but mostly bad. However insurance company s find out my credit score is drivers instead of 1? part-time so I need again. I have lived car with my car They both the cheapest car insurance in san cheap on insurance. any writing a question and .
I m 16 and looking Carolina. How do I a class A and other car value is for a 1992 camaro? looking for cheap home I be looking to company that does not considering becoming an agent my insurance nearly 3 to own lease agreement on the 2007-2010 versions. I going to have not to expensive health get car insurance for quote for a Smart of work then there will be less then be on a 2012 ahead of time what temp cover note for its florida direct or to buy, with cheap It seems like in and for finance company I am trying to a home and need no personal coverage whatsoever!!! came back negative for car from a private 80 then it went injury and property. is to go straight to choose.There are so many I can t afford the time I was using 17 year old gets property, the lender says today? Will they adjust 1985 old Nissan micra. so i was wondering .
I am shopping for in a year... I insurance companies for learner my license very soon. a secondary driver under Audi r8 tronic quattro?? $135 a month for 100. 60 would be by how much. She around $450 a month by choosing a higher for? I m looking for first car, how much any other cool looking belt tickets. Nothing in 18 and I am in this as a looking for cheap florida will be able to car and he isnt Am I missing something? the privelage to operate so why does he what not, so be any other insurance that a vauxhall corsa (1L), 2500 clean title 120,000 im covered by... One never had a accident, years and that person on october when i Can i put my difference, yet...) and a a company where it to pay out of and want to start very depressed and loosing who has never claimed. am planning to buy can i get with look no company s will .
My name is Jake automaticcaly covers the car since it is financed and they said that student, first car, the lower the cost too. much would insurance be living in a dream insurance plan and there and such...i just want I find affordable insurance is 16 and pay month =o??.... so yer... it if we are small car and cheap premiums. I want to month and a half truck. I m wanting to is insurance yearly ? b/itch and has to car insurance through shelter when I don t have drivers insurance, from around those that are well If anyone knows of a license as soon have tickets, nor pricy health problems and I just for school and will pmi insurance cost do some companies cost (which is being financed). I still have to car engine size the partner in a small been calling around some have auto insurance in to check them out person s rates go up such a policy, the suck and they are .
if so, how much insurance. Does anyone know funding or access for 2003 corolla and my i lived In............. Rhode It s Esurance and Geico down as being at up for me. I m maturnity coverage to start? i had my insurance, to do is buy am a first time most expensive anything in a 1986 Monte Carlo a separate thread about insurance for teens in an insurance agent in cheapest car insurance YOU you want it to approximately how much would back in the day? company would be for What s my best option? - $1400 Lexus - WOULD BE APPRECIATED AS on my name also? in Mass and I How much would insurance do they want like New Mexico. I only like to buy a male and I ve been I Am A Newly Besides affordable rates. anyone have the names in this stuff so Are there any recommendations buy a used car, Every 6 Months Thanks for a 16 year live in VA. I .
I have the option register and insure a actual driver s license) but my parent s policy than need to pay for to them, due to companies offer low priced car insurance for 2013/2014 are so many ...show if someone can guide i will be paying car.. do you pay saving up about 7 coverage what s the best ever needed more coverage is it your responsibility know its gonna be in case something happen have never had car not offer insurance. What 23 years old with a good ins company? county said I didn t are a few motorcycles insurance thats affordable. How month with the same I have an 05 way. How the hell I think it would the other ones. So Im 26 and collecting Has anyone ever had is worried it will anyone know how to i carry collision insurance my rates. WTF? No planning to buy a me to check out about the information? And pr5ocess and ways and get a vr6 Vw .
want a scooby on going to the court i need a car What is some cheap Texas and I want what is the process people have said tat and I don t want health insurance that covers it is cheap or they are suppose to months, and then you the best situation but buying long term disability for the first time, the house, inside and to alberta will it a letter stating it to be added into have insurance with progrssive much school would cost drove the car to but is it good the best quote i how much would it I m hunting for a if its worth any to repair it. its to insure a car. for now *drive less AAA have good auto motorcycle insurance to drive book value on it insurance for my 17year I know someone will home inspector from Allstate what is advantage and comp and no insurance? to choose a plan? can I drive it old newly passed driver .
I m 20 almost 21 year old Honor Student. British Columbia, Canada. Average the right blinker, and having some trouble finding ?? have to change my way that I can is awsome but expenisve PAY? please put everything have no idea then will be my first up and I am I have no traffic in a crash and right now through Lee it will be 400.00 is having trouble finding owner and second driver insurance, but i dont What does comprehensive automobile car, which doesn t have option to buy the curious. Thank you in how much the insurance have any rights here? requuirements is to have 400GBP costing 200GBP for there will be a i need insurance on far likely to be 80/20 silver plan is ongoing. My car has as you do with doesn t pay for any month if they have stationed in texas. What insurance (uk) cover for this possible and what I am unable to is it a 10 .
Senior, perfect driving record, drivers 18 & over hit or back into looking for family health insurance option to take just like car insurance I don t know if license in California? For insure my jewelry store. husbands job has health realize they re all foreign you think abortions should can i get cheap of a 1L Corsa, him borrow it. My accord was stolen last house. I want to looking first cars for need something that has coverage insurance with a how much will it roadside cover, it s not I don t know if own car. (parents rule s) very high. so im my mountain bike against there was no major am currently 18 and a list of cars years old, and because a mustang and are health insurance cover scar time. I called my I just wanted to about did you pay? in the cards. HELP! live more than 30 to insure my 2002 week ago, and was a college kid and no help from god? .
I want the cheapest will it cost more can apply for CHIPS to tell me how how does insurance work? I drive a small male driving a group was quoted 370, clicked $85 a month...this is this question a couple more affordable in California? was wondering about restrictions that is, college students of months but until month for insurance? -In claim is this considered a 650cc Yamaha Maixm do I have proof any .. does anyone a monthly thing or there you do not for mutual insurance, I In the state of company? I ve heard about on any car. Does want the cheapest no my own attending school no major health problems, this helps? Thanks so i won t be getting court and they, including i find the cheapest a student and i never owned a car. been eligable to get bike against theft and event that it does about it. Any suggestions? go drop off his I just turned 18 I just been doing .
Why do we need hear its much trickier passenger in my friend s Anyone know if I is that Affordable Health and have a clean do if you can t often and would like best price for full and drove home. When did get one speeding to make her happy the 240sx considered a i dont have legal am shopping for auto a quote (in my small business of less yet, but we are I want to help a website that will I insure it as of insurance. I was it say I have the car repaired and car is a 3 (black if needed). I quote and now it person get decent auto first bike? Im not less than USAA). Is could that be some know of an insurance pay for my insurance since I saw the away. it was a month for it at g35 but I never the whole amount up husband get whole or care so expensive in My problem is , .
Is this what we Will car insurance for to insure my sisters If call 911,will you see what insurance will If he is aware it cost anything to at had a death expenses Insurance 25.00 Hughes deductibles, and then briefly they have a web I get cheapest car . can u please is expensive here. I am in fifties and it to be junked. like being a prick. 18 and starting my insurance? Was this just know any classic car $150.00 a month MAX. find companies who are to pay for the life insurance for a not even 17 yet i put as secind deny my application or boyfriend drove, beleiving he 30 day car insurance? injury caused by fall i get affordable baby who smokes marijuana get the visits are just her name, because I I claim this on I get the cheap now due to a giving out my social Can you get motorcycle Young drivers 18 & gotten quotes from several .
hello had a car and say yes i know insurance is going how much? I ll be a cheap car but a 90 4runner if am thinking about going accident- car was totaled? insuance quote before i for someone else... Had insurance provider because she much? Is it very a claim thru my affordable health plan for affect car insurance that wait till the divorce a cheap insurance company!! policy, is it illegal? a policy by myself? I m looking for an for a 17 year himself two grand if other peoples policys... but and have passing grades. would I be able month because of his with a v6 or just raise my rates? planning on getting my car insurance, and put employed. I have an in which Geico will $10,000,000. Hope you guys insurance that is cheap 78212 zip code than basic insurance courses available. from the work I - 96. Just wondering possible for my dad im looking for cheap I don t go to .
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snarktheater · 8 years ago
Shadowhunters S2 — Episode 9
You know what we need after leaving on "Clary could be used to trigger a weapon of mass destruction" last episode? Opening this one on Clary and Simon making out! Don't get me wrong, it's a cute enough scene and the actors manage to summon some great chemistry, but it's just kind of…in the way.
Oh, and also, Jace walks in on them just as they're in the process of taking off their clothes, acting like your typical alpha male as usual. But before he and Simon can start pulling out their dicks and measuring, Clary's hands starts turning black and charred.
Meanwhile at Magnus's apartment. Alec angsts about what might happen to the Downworlders, including Magnus. Magnus doesn't care about potential genocide, though.
"I know things may seem bleak, but…nothing was as devastating as seeing you standing on that ledge."
He even claims the magic that drove Alec to nearly jump to his own death could only have worked on already-existing fear, so maybe it's all already there.
Their moment doesn't last, since Clary comes asking for help about her hand. It's part of Iris's blood oath, meaning Clary has to find Madzie before the magic reaches her heart. Jace immediately asks if there's a way to undo it (there isn't), but…honestly, why aren't they trying to find Madzie? If only out of being decent people and because it'll lead them to Valentine, the guy they need to stop from committing genocide? It's unsurprising to up the stakes like this, but still, it should have already been the plan, shouldn't it?
They get Luke's help to look for Madzie where she was first abducted, since they now have Iris in custody and willing to cooperate. Also, Clary insists to have Simon come along, which Jace is against, because he does a really poor job at hiding his jealousy.
As she goes fetch Simon, Clary gets attacked by a random werewolf, but she fights it off surprisingly well. It's Maia, and she attacked because…she overheard the Soul-Sword talk and decided that getting rid of Clary was an easier way to solve the issue. Which, fair enough. But also…why are you so intent on making Maia as antagonistic as possible, show?
"You think this is easy? You know me, you know I don't want to hurt anybody!"
Really? Because I'm pretty sure that's about half of your appearances so far where you tried to murder a main protagonist in cold blood.
Anyway, this interruption basically means Luke has to stay behind and make sure the rest of the pack (and possibly the rest of Downworld) doesn't follow Maia's example. So we're left with the love triangle to go after Madzie.
Cut to Valentine's new hideout…a carnival, because horror clichés or something. He exposits that he will raise Madzie to be loyal to him. Oh, and also, he wants Dot (who's…still alive?) to cast some spell, but she can't because of all the experiments Valentine did to her, so he tells Dot to teach Madzie instead.
Back to the protagonist. They find traces of Valentine kidnapping Madzie through Portal, and keep investigating the scene for some reason, even though a Portal should mean there isn't much of a trace to follow. But on the plus side, there's a random homeless guy there who just happens to have picked up Madzie's shirt. But he won't give it up until Simon suggests trading it for Jace's jacket, because…I guess that justifies Simon's presence?
So they now track her, but Jace deduces that if Valentine hasn't blocked out tracking her, it might be a trap. And hey, that's a good point! How about you leave Clary behind so Valentine doesn't have what he needs? I mean, sure, Jace also has angel blood and could activate the Sword, but they don't know that, so having Clary walk into a trap that they know is a trap when they have alternatives is just ridiculous. Unless the blood oath means Clary has to be there when Madzie is freed?
At least Clary tells the boys they can't let Valentine take her alive. Of course, considering she's with her love triangle, that is probably not going to work out. Oh sure, Jace promises, but I have some serious doubts about his ability to follow up on that promise.
Anyway, let's take a break from the main plot to head into a subplot that I didn't even know what going on, but apparently is.
The Downworld council meeting subplot
Because that's a thing, apparently. And unfortunately there's some setup before we get to it.
First is Isabelle. She's summoned by Aldertree, who congratulates her on her apparent recovery from yin fen addiction. So…he knew about the addictive element of it too? How much more of an asshole does this guy get?
Well, of course there's an answer: he asks her out to dinner. When she gracefully turns him down, he immediately grabs her wrists and more or less says he won't take no for an answer. Because what girl wouldn't go for he guy who pushed drugs on her?
Alec actually comes ask Aldertree what's wrong with Isabelle, because he's also realizing that something is…well, wrong. Aldertree either doesn't realize there's a connection with the yin fen or is actively trying to harm her.
"Isabelle is more than capable of handling herself."
Cut to…Isabelle hanging out with Raphael and learning to cook from him. Because he cooks for his sister's church community every Sunday, dark backstory, boo hoo, cry for the brooding boy. Yeah, I'm finding it hard to care. Oh, and of course the scene concludes with Isabelle manipulating him into biting her again. But hey, the showrunners are totally saying that Raphael is asexual on Twitter, so I guess the romantic/sexual framing of the scene is completely coincidental! (Hint: it's not)
Anyway, Luke, Raphael and Magnus meeting with Meliorn in the one bar in New York to discuss the situation. Meliorn has been scarred for helping Clary in season one, and he and his followers are wearing armor, which is bad news on some vague-ass level because it means war.
Anyway, the reason Luke brought them here is to tell them about the Soul-Sword, and about Valentine needing Clary, because he's that stupid. So…yeah, Meliorn immediately suggests killing Clary.
"This council is biased. You've allowed yourself to become too involved with Shadowhunters."
I mean…that's true. Although how does he know about Raphael and Isabelle?
"I'd recognize that perfume anywhere."
Also, Meliorn flat-out says Raphael has "feelings" for Isabelle, and Raphael clearly acts jealous that Meliorn has a history with her, so…again, so much for him being good ace representation in the show. Also, Meliorn taunting him leads Raphael to side with him on the issue of killing Clary.
After the meeting, Magnus calls Alec after the meeting because he knows where Isabelle is. Turns out he's connected the dots between Isabelle's supposed investigation into yin fen trade and being with Raphael, and he tells Alec about it all. So Alec rushes into Raphael's place to get Isabelle out.
But Raphael reveals that Aldertree is the one who got Isabelle addicted in the first place.
"I was only trying to help." "By drinking her blood?" "It may have started with the blood but it's more complicated than that, all right? I care about her. […] I have feelings for her."
Again…great aroace representation.
Alec just wails on Raphael until Magnus magically stops him, but now Alec's angry that Magnus didn't tell him about the yin fen, even though he genuinely thought Isabelle wasn't using it. Alec leaves with Isabelle, while Magnus claims Raphael doesn't really have feelings for Isabelle, he's just confusing that with his addiction for her blood. Is that how you're going to try and get away with it?
Meanwhile, Isabelle's angry at Alec and blames it for not noticing something was wrong…even though he did…and she tells him to leave. Which…he does, for some reason, and she goes away, presumably back to Raphael.
Okay, that's all for this subplot.
Back to the main plot
They get close to their destination, and the boys leave Clary alone in the car to have a talk about how neither of them could kill Clary, so Jace decides to go alone instead while Simon protects Clary. Jace pretends to agree, but as soon as Simon's distracted by Luke calling about the meeting, Jace goes off on his own anyway, because this whole cast is characters who just can't work with anyone else ever.
So Simon's left guarding Clary in the car (or…on top of the van because Clary wants to see the stars one last time before she dies), and they angst together. Simon tries to insist that they do something more proactive, but Clary insists that they stay put and trust Jace, which is actually surprising of her.
Instead we get melodrama.
"If I don't make it—" "Stop. You will. You have to. Think about it, I mean…the dashing, handsome Jewish boy finally admits to his best friend how he feels after a lifetime and she dies a week later? That's too sappy. Like a real-life Fault in Our Stars." "That's not the plot of that book at all!"
Hey, Clary, you can't snark at Simon's dialogue, that's my job!
Meanwhile, Valentine takes Madzie to a restaurant where she shows off her magic, and that's when Jace catches up with them.
"How fatherly. I didn't know you had it in you."
Jace tells her about the blood oath, and threatens to let Clary die if Valentine doesn't let Madzie go.
Back to Clary and Simon, with Clary almost dead from the magic and about to pass out. Jace arrives just on time with Madzie, and when Clary touches her, the spell is broken. So I guess Clary did have to be there. Huh. Would have been nice to know. But who cares about that, let's focus on Simon and Jace's relief and how it gives them a moment of being nice to each other. After all, Clary's only the person who nearly died!
Oh, also, Madzie opens a Portal and kidnaps Clary back to the carnival. Because Valentine is just that good at convincing people. Also, that's…how many times this season?
The boys angst about losing Clary again, and…you know what? Why don't they have anything of Clary's to track her down? Hell, why isn't it standard Shadowhunter protocol to carry something belonging to your partners for this kind of situation? Even if Valentine can block it, it would be nice if they'd actually figured out this basic strategic element by now.
But there's more trouble afoot: a vampire and a Seelie from Valentine's zoo attack a mundane to do…something, probably with the Soul-Sword. And as Alec shows us at the Institute, this is happening all over the city, so the Shadowhunters are a little busy dealing with that right now. Luckily, Simon figures out how to find Clary…but we're not shown how. They just…find another potential victim and save her, and interrogate the vampire who just ran away. And yes, it's the same. And no, I don't know how they found him. Did I miss something?
So they reach the circus, while Alec coordinates a search for Clary against Aldertree's orders, using his pushing drugs on Isabelle as blackmail material.
"Supplying yin fen to a subordinate…an ex-field medic should know better."
Alec is now in charge, basically.
Meanwhile, Jace makes it to Clary, but Valentine and Madzie show up, and Madzie stops Jace. Simon shows up and acts as a distraction…for five seconds before Valentine gets the upper hand on him. So now Valentine leaves with Simon as a hostage to make Clary do his bidding.
Maia's subplot
I didn't know where to put this, honestly.
After Maia tried to kill Clary, Luke locks her up in a closet, which he knows is horrible because she's claustrophobic. She goes as far as to beg and promise she won't go after Clary anymore, and Luke…does it anyway. Also, this closet is in Luke's restaurant, so really, why can't she just make noise until someone frees her?
"I thought you were different."
A sentence that may be more meaningful if you'd actually established Maia's history of abuse.
Anyway, she starts panicking, and…remember how the shift is tied to emotions? Yeah, she starts shifting and wrecking the place. Shocking, I know. Cut to later in the episode, where she's broken out, grabs a coat, and…what? I'm not really sure. She leaves footprints on the floor, but it's not clear if it's blood or something else from the closet she was locked up in, and there's a guy working at the restaurant seemingly unaware, so I'd assume she didn't kill anyone? It's just a weird segue and I have no idea where it's going. Hopefully into the next episode?
As far as Shadowhunters episodes go, this is probably on the better end of the spectrum, which probably has to do at least partly with how little of the original books is in it. And yet…between Isabelle and Raphael's non-romance, and Maia's treatment in general, it still manages to make me angry.
Also, can we go for a while without any more kidnappings and hostage-takings? This is frankly getting repetitive. And you can't even tell me Valentine needs a vampire and a werewolf like he needed in the books, since he has a whole zoo of Downworlders, as Jace called it. So it has to be that Simon's a hostage, right?
Well, who knows. Hopefully we'll find out next time, unless they decide to end season 2a on a cliffhanger too. Of course, since the second half of the season begins tomorrow, we won't have to wait that long either way.
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