#I may or may not have access to some “cheese”
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peccatulum-b-gone · 6 months ago
Hunt halted
After an extensive stakeout, it seems that the Erlking has once again vanished without a trace.
No worries, though. The rat will show up again where there´s cheese to be had.
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snailpaste · 14 days ago
Okay guys. Y'all remember the treaty protest in NZ parliament that went viral a few months ago? Well, the right wing weasle-faced asswipe who was pushing for the treaty to be overridden, David Seymour, has recently made massive cuts to the NZ school lunch programme (surprise surprise) to "save taxpayer dollars".
The new supplier putting over 70 local kiwi enterprises out of business is multi-billion dollar UK company Compass Group. Compass Group have been involved in various scandals including UN misconduct, bribing overseas officials, slave labour, negligence to allergies (including in hospitals), multiple cases of food contamination, and a proven international track record of substandard services. They also refuse to have halal or kosher certified meals, probably related to the horse meat scandal they were involved in.
Not only are these new school lunches arriving hours late, small, shallow, and cold, but they're largely unidentifiable and basically inedible.
Like. Look at this shit.
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Meatballs (?) mash & gravy
Allegedly a cold ball of mac and cheese and chilli
"Plant based meat and tomato sauce"
Chilli and mystery sauce
Fucked if I know, rated "a 2/10"
Chicken teriyaki on rice
Chilli and rice, again. Note (haha) the size.
Size comparison to a snack apple/adult hand. The apple/snacks were supplied entirely by the school.
These meals are not free— students still have to pay, but thanks to Seymour can save a whopping $1! Meals are cold unless the school can somehow heat them all.
Feeding kids was certainly never a waste of money, especially as for some it was the only hot meal they'd get all day. Now it is a waste, because kids aren't eating them (they reportedly taste... like they look), and even for free at the end of the day schools can't shift them.
Because these meals are, frankly put, fucking gross, schools may have to resort to scraping through their already strained individual budgets to source edible food for their kids.
This is disproportionately affecting poorer families and low socioeconomic areas, which are overwhelmingly comprised of Māori & pasifika communities. Obviously access or the lack thereof to food hugely impacts school attendance and achievement, and by extent class mobility, quality of life, opportunities etc. But these are decisions made by old white men, so what do we expect.
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tarnishedtwill · 3 months ago
Nevarran Culture
Nevarran Surnames – It is remarked briefly in a codex that most Nevarran surnames are three syllables. This seems to be true with the majority we are exposed to in game: Pentaghast, Van Markham, Hezenkoss, Volkarin, Anaxas & Tanhausen to name a few examples. However we do see an exception with the Blackthorne’s and Forsythia families. Blackthorne’s notably adopted their surname from the land that was gifted to them, and Forsythia which [has four syllables] doesn’t seem to have any information alluding to them not being originally from Nevarra. 
Nevarran Features – From looking at a handful of known Nevarran characters [Emmrich, Cassandra, Myrna, & Tessa] It seems that generally speaking, most Nevarrans tend to have dark hair, often black, as well as brown to green eyes. [Hazel seems quite recurring.]  This of course is not always the case, but it seems to be quite prevalent. Likewise it seems that olive complexions seem to be quite common in the region.
[Death Watch] Beetles –The imagery of beetles can be found amidst Nevarran motifs. Fitting in amongst the geometric shapes well. Perhaps thats where the fascination first rose. Hard in Hightown mentions the use of encrusted wings being used decoratively by the Nevarrans. Boxes of Beetles can be found in the Black Emporium [DAII] with the following Codex [Crate of Live Death Watch Beetles] The Death Watch Beetle is thought to fortell death, and thusly has become prized. Sometimes families go as far as keeping one caged in their homes as good luck. Insect symbols are also used throughout the Grand Necropolis, necromancers state they, “Honor the work of the humblest creatures in our funerary rites.”  While this may be true looking at longstanding traditions in Nevarra including oftentimes vegetarianism, the codex goes on to provide a more clear idea on beetles. It states that Nevarran found a kind of beetle that consumes flesh of the dead [i.e. a carrion beetle] This leaves behind only the skeleton, insects like this are probably valuable in the grand necropolis to expedite decay processes and keep things ‘cleanly’. Emmrich notes [codex: ‘on beetles’] that the Watchers have bred ‘fascinating variations’ of the beetles, I find it so interesting that they rely on nature for this process instead of using magic as part of ritual. It’s unclear if these are specifically the death watch beetles mentioned in Hard in Hightown, but it is interesting to see the beetle motif surface in so many ways within Nevarran culture. [I also personally find several of the Mourn Watch insignias to look like stylized beetles.]
Hexagons– Alright, so I would adore anyone who may have additional insight, but now with the nearly completely decoded Nevarran script I feel comfortable to make this assertion, but the Hexagon has some type of cultural significance to Nevarran culture, it features not only in things like architecture and clothing [even the chains on Emmrich's outfit are hexagonal links] but also things like, every mourn watch symbol I have run across fits into a hexagonal outer silhouette not to mention the script of the Nevarran language’s alphabet fits neatly into a hex-base as well. I am trying to dig for design notes on this, but I don’t have access to the artbook. If anyone knows more I’d love the insight.
Cuisine – With the evidence provided by a menu in Rivain, referring to ordering a dish meatless as Nevarran, and several dialogue and text mentions of Emmrich not eating meat [though cheese seems fine]. It can be assumed its pretty common practice in Nevarra to be vegetarian. This makes sense if you look at their cultural reverence for dead and the importance of the body in their burial rites, probably paints eating the bodies of creatures in a different light. To us what is simply meat, is probably seen as mild desicration. Emmrich even goes as far to state: each Watcher must decide what they wll and won't take a life for. Though it is probably common for Nevarrans to think this way and partake in vegitarian based diets, I also would argue this could be in part class based as well. We know that Emmrich grew up in a poor family, and his father was a butcher. A butcher in Nevarra. This implies that despite the pervasiveness of things like no meat options being referred to as 'Nevarran', and there being cultural significance to how they percieve meat and death, people in Nevarra are still in fact eating meat with enough demand that a butcher was a feasable occupation. This also could imply perhaps meat is seen as a lower-class consumable, and being able to sustain a vegitarian diet with more diverse ingredients a privilege. Known dishes include: Blood Orange Salad, Flatbread [similar to a pita], and Hazlenut Torte. Nevarrans also take great pride in aesthetic presentation and plating of food, often displaying it quite beautifully and with care.
Grave Mist– With the appearance of a churning cloud within a bottle, Grave Mist is magically infused vapors. It is captured near tombs where spirits dwell, and has some type of intoxicating nature to it. We don’t know if its more along the lines of inebriation or hallucination, but Emmrich notes that while he personally doesn’t partake, he hears it’s effects are quite invigorating.
Duchess's Games- Held at the Anaxas estate in the Summertime, in which scholars from Cumberland test their wit against those of the Free Marches in debates. [often times over philosophy and rhetoric], usually taking place over tea with the Duchess Ravria Anaxas. 
Hunt Balls- Nevarran high society awakens each Winter, while other areas of Thedas brace for the cold. Winter is historically speaking one of the best times to conduct dragon hunts, as the cold weather causes them to be sluggish and stick closer to their hordes. As a society that celebrates the hunt of these magnificent beasts ‘Hunt Balls’ gained prominence quite early in their history. A chance for these nobles and ‘heroes’ to show off their mighty kills. Traditionally the great halls would be decorated with rather gruesome displays of the slain dragon, perhaps is heart or head the focal point. Now, with the scarcity of dragons to hunt, the balls have become more of a cultural metaphor. A display of passion amidst the cold winter, symbolizing the thrill of the chase, couples dress in armor and flowing red cloth and dance with fervor and passion to symbolize the hunt.
Additional note on Winter in Nevarra, the Minanter river is known to completely freeze over. It is a common site to see people skating along its surface, with vendors set up along the banks selling hot spiced teas, and roasted nuts.
Wintersend – A wide spread Andrastian holiday, originally called “Urthalis” [named after the draconic Old God of beauty Urthemiel], and since has been transformed in to a celebration of the Maker. It signifies for most throughout Thedas, the end of Winter and beginning of Spring. In Nevarra it begins a series of contexts and tournaments primarily focused on archery and tests of arms. Also note, Emmrich’s mom apparently made a Hazlenut Torte every Windersend.
Nevarran Statues/ Ancestral Pageants – While the finest statues and displays of pageantry happen in the Castrum Draconis, it is said that Nevarran statues honoring it’s heroes and ancestors extend out from the city, to the streets of even the meanest villages and even in to the gilded streets of Cumberland. Each autumn, residents of Nevarra city hold lavish pageants to honor these ancestors. Families are known to drape statues in colorful cloths often in their house colors, and lanterns are lit along the streets to illuminate them. Actors [paid in copper coins, which is specifically noted and an odd detail] are hired to recreate and perform stories and exploits of the heroes. The nobility are often known to compete over the best displays, notably the Pentaghasts and Van Markhams. It is to be noted that the Mortalitasi of the Grand Necropolis are also known to perform autumn rites at this time, ‘according to rumor’, it’s unknown if theirs are open to the public. I unfortunately have not run across a name for this festival/pageant.
Nevarran Spirit Philosophy- This is one of the main reasons that the Nevarran people choose to entomb and mummify their dead versus cremation, which is the more common form of ritual throughout Thedas. The idea is that once dead, a persons soul passes into the fade. This causes a spirit to then be displaced into the world, if mummified remains are nearby this gives the spirit a safe place to reside without risk of corrupting/turning. It’s a concept of balance, some scholars argue wether or not death is a 1:1 transaction across the fade. Emmrich states [codex: The Great Passage] that spirits have difficulty grasping the concept of quantities let alone numbers. Also that, no one knows a way to effectively tally both spirits in the fade, and people in the world, to ever entirel prove or disprove this theory. Nevertheless this is the concept at the heart of most Mortalitasi ideology, it is woven into the very folklore of Nevarra. The higher dead may be a melding of a spirit with the memories of the soul who came before– or even able to retain their souls.
Grave Dowry- It’s mentioned when asked why Emmrich wears so much gold that it is considered a custom called grave dowry. This is reinforced by the fact that if Mourn Watch Rook selects gold as their favourite color (conditional), the dialogue continues as Emmrich asks them if they have started their collection of grave gold yet. To which Rook responds they ‘have to decide which pieces are good enough for eternity’. If Rook is not a watcher and chooses gold, Emmrich replies by saying, ‘The Watchers wear grave gold in acknowledgement of our own deaths.’ [This implies that gold and opulence worn by members of the Mortalitasi is ritual. Its seen as something with foresight to have in death. This is very much so akin to grave good practices seen throughout the ancient world: think Mycenae, Egypt, or even Bulgaria <see Varna Necropolis>] Another codex [Aurum Profundis] mentions a passage from Prelate Vestalus Pentaghast remarking, “Gold is the eternal metal, and the sun beneath our vaults. It was first worked by our ancestors in tribute to the dead, and only Nevarra appriciates it’s sacred nner nature. Silver will tarnish, copper corrode and iron rust. Gold endures as our dead endure, and will ever adorn the inhabitants of the Necropolis.” I find that this quote perfectly captures the ideology and watcher sensibilities towards gold and the concept of dowry. It however is unclear if this is an ideology throughout Nevarra or just a tithe within the Mortalitasi.
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This is my first post of several. I have been taking close notes deep diving Nevarra, the Mortalitasi, and the Grand Necropolis. I will be organizing them on my page under the tag Nevarran lore, If missed any key details or got anything wrong please by all means let me know, I want to make this as good as possible and would be happy to correct. Both for a resource for fic writers but also knowledge for my fellow lore nerds. More will be posted soon as feel sections become complete or mostly complete.
Update Edits:
Added information about Hexagons & the Nevarran Language.
Removed a section of lore on Recruitment as I found the citation to be unbacked and probably fanon.
Insight on why Butchers would be in Nevarra.
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readychilledwine · 2 months ago
what do you think prythian's food is like? Like how does the food differ in each court? Which one is known for spicier food? Or meat centric or veggie centric food? Summer would probably have more seafood right?
The Food of Prythian Headcanons
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Warnings - Mentions of alcohol. While this is food based, it is based on the vibes of what I felt the culture of each court would be like in comparison to real places in our world. Some of these may be discussion worthy. We handle that in polite ways. Also, Liz thirsting over Helion's thighs.
A/N - The gif had to be Anime food. No cooking show makes ya girl hungry like anime food does. Welcome to the beginning of the requests being queue. Some of you have waited a very long time for me to get out of my funk. I cannot thank you all enough for that.
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Spring in my opinion would be French style foods. Why? Because of how SJM described the molten chocolate Feyre had.
I imagine Spring to have fresh ingredients that, combined with meats, make light but filling meals and vibrate plates.
I see Tamlin as the cheese board kind of guy. I think Spring would be filled with different cheeses from around the map and lands and people capable of telling you all about them and proper pairings.
Wine. I know we hear about wine a lot in Night, but I will never drop the headcanon that Spring is 7 course meals with different wine pairs as the meal progresses
Overall, I imagine Spring to be filled with dishes that are focused on fresh and quality. I think they'd have a wide variety of options for meats and game.
Ps, edible flowers. They garnish plates with edible flowers
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Hear me out, I think Summer would be a combination of Hispanic and Latin foods
Summer is seafood heavy, no doubt. Fresh catches served after flavorful preparations.
Summer isn't afraid of seasoning. Nor spice. I think in terms of getting your spicy food fix, Summer is your best options.
Access to fresh fish and summertime thriving fruits such as limes and lemons, naturally Ceviche is a very common dish to be served and a traditional welcome meal for guests.
Pazole would also be right up there with the incorporation of fresh peppers and produce to make it flavorful and impactful.
Alcohol pairings in summer also include fruity mixes. Tarquin is a margarita on the rocks baddie. I will die on that hill.
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I'm hiding from how controversial this one might be. I was torn with Autumn because of how Eris and Lucien are written. I think the Forest House with the High Lord and his family do not eat traditional Autumn cuisine and try to separate themselves. So, for Autumn, I am torn but will be focusing on my gut instinct.
Autumn is English and Irish cuisines. Hearty beef stews, bangers and mash, Yorkshire pudding. Meals in Autumn are warm, heavy, and meant to be fulfilling at a price point that even the lowest income families can pull off. Spoiler, I 100% think Lucien and Eris are throwing down bangers and mash. Why? Because it feels right.
Breakfasts tend to have a variety on the plate. Eggs and sausage served over beans was an immediate one that came to mind for me.
I think game meat is also very common in Autumn, but farming is the primary meat source. Cattle, boar, and sheep would make up the majority of dishes with chicken being a last choice.
I think fish is potentially common in Autumn, but they are tinned fish central. And let's not bash tinned fish. You can do a lot with it and create meals for a fairly decent price.
Autumn is spiked cider country. Apples grown so rapidly here that they had to find a way to work them into their drinks. Mother bless the barmaid who asked for some rum and said to hold her mead. Apples since have been worked into whiskey, wine, vodka, and whatever else they could sell. Cinnamon apple whiskey is a personal favorite of Eris's. I asked him myself.
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Winter to me has very Slavic vibes. With it being so bittery cold, though, I imagine their diets are filled with soups and very heavy stews.
Winter is a season that would struggle with produce and with how I picture trade systems working in Prythian, I'll bluntly say it, Winter is the pickled everything part of Prythian.
Pickled fish, vegetables, and olives are all very common ingredients in meals and as snacks.
Root vegetables such as onions, garlic, and potatoes are featured in every meal. They're known to grow in harsh environments, and paired together can be a great base to a meal.
Game meat is common here. Venison, elk and some options that we may less commonly think of such as bear, fox, wild big cats, and rabbit
Drinks wise, like the foods, it is about warmth. Mulled wines, warm ciders, anything to keep their hands warm and bellies full.
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It would have been far too easy to argue Dawn is 24/7 breakfast, but I think Thesan is very into cuisine that touched the homelands of his Court's population.
Dawn is heavily leaning to Japanese and Asian styled foods. Bright dishes, bold flavor, and full of experiments and experiences. I don't think there is a dull meal in Dawn.
Dawn is filled with brothy soups centering around rich cuts of meat, different styles of noodles, and an ever rotating flavor profile as seasons change.
Seafood is common in Dawn, but they're open to trying any form of proteins. Eggs are a favorite.
I think meals in Dawn vary from you feeling heavy and ready for a nap afterward to something light and refreshing. I think this variation comes with seasons and availability to ingredients.
Dawn is drinking a variety of things. Hard liquor with touches of fruit, hearty beers, plum based wines, and teas. Dawn is filled with variety in the beverages, all paired perfectly to compliment meals.
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Helion and the Day Court had to be a Mediterranean diet. I won't apologize. She can't describe thigh daddy as wearing white togas, snake arm bands, and not expect me to decide he serves me my favorite cuisine post... thigh admiration.
I also feel this works well with the Day Court due to me picturing it as a similar situation where the days reach high grueling temperatures and Nights are made for dancing under the moonlight in anticipation of getting to see morning break and the sun begin to rise.
The Day Court is light meals during the day hours that center heavily around fruits, vegetables, and seafood kissed with notes of citrus. Nights are slightly heavier with touches of beef and lamb joining in.
Hummus. There's various hummus bowls at every meal, and each one is a different layer of flavor or spice. Helion ensures they are served with a variety of root vegetables, pita breads, or falafel.
Drinking is common, but beers are not. Even beverages are kept light in Day. Of all the courts, though, I feel the Day Court is heavily pushing water intake.
Full discretion. I wanted to break the Night Court into Velaris, Hewn City, and Illyria. Due to tumblr LIMITING MY CREATIVITY (jerks) i am focusing on Velaris.
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Have you ever wanted to make love to your food or make love because of your food? If so, "Welcome to the Night Court."
I think Velaris doesn't necessarily have a region of food from our world, but instead, it is a melting pot due to the variety of citizens and walks of life there. One thing is always true, though, artistic expression is worked into food.
Velaris is known for gorgeous plates, high end cuts of meats, and things being extra. It is common to see edible gold leaf in Velaris.
Proteins wise, I think due to the melting pot, there isn't a common or most popular choice. Venison, beef, lamb, chicken, and seafood are all common. I do think Velaris leans towards roasted vegetables, though. Roasting them can bring out flavor and, most importantly, color. I heavily believe presentation is key here.
Chocolate dipprd fruits are a favorite, but dipped figs with a touch of sea salt are a go to dessert.
Wines. Prepare for wines with every turn. Full bodied reds, crisp whites, flirty rosé, and oh so bubbly champagne.
In short, food in Velaris is meant to make you feel something, to push boundaries and flavor palette, and to fill your tummy.
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normal-thoughts-official · 8 months ago
In the remote recesses of the world, north even to the great Maghreb, live a people with a weird and offputting cousine.
The French, as they're called, partake in the consumption of unique, and oftentimes alarming, ingredients, such as snails, frogs, fish eggs, and, on occasion, juice made of rotten grapes.
The most surprising part of this appalling cultural norm is that it is not, as no doubt thought our readers, the result of famine or lack of resources. Although mainly known for their violent culture, in which it is widely accepted to burn other people's cars, (and, before modern civilization made its way to the region, even take off helpless people's heads with a giant cleaver called the guillotine), the French also have access to rich resources often not exploited by the modern world. One such place is the Landes forest, home to the adorable rabbit, which recently has become a choice of pet for those leaning towards the exotic.
No, the French don't eat such slimy, questionable items out of necessity; it is by choice. As appalling as it may sound, they actually consider the foods derived from such ingredients to be high cuisine, and dishes containing them can be particularly expensive in the small region's economy.
With the blessing of my editor, and the guarantee that a medical team specializing in gastroenterology would be at the ready in case of an emergency, I agreed to travel to the faraway region to sample some of the so-called "delicacies". They were prepared by real, native Frenchs, although inspected by a health expert to make sure the hygienization was adequate. I've always been an adventurous eater, but even I must admit that the prospect filled me with aprehension. Would I be able to stomach the foreign dishes without getting sick, or worse, offending our arson-happy hosts?
My anxieties were initially heightened by the conversation with the French who hosted me; as is typical in their culture, he was offputting and rude, often commenting on the mistakes I made on the weird, twisting tongue I was doing my best to emulate. Still, in the spirit of cultural acceptance and not getting my head cut off, I accepted his socially inapt behavior with grace.
I must admit that the rotten grapes were what I was most curious about. The juice derived from them, known as wine, is considered a delicacy, and there are hundreds of different types of it. In French culture, there are even people whose entire job is to appoint the correct choice of wine to go with any given food; such men and women are caled sommeliers and held in high regard by French society.
I quickly learned that the making of wine is something of an art to the native Frenchs. As my self-important host dizzied me with endless descriptions of different wine varieties, I realized I may have gotten too deep into the turbulent waters of the unique region's palate. Out of the exhausting and oftentimes confusing technical detail, however, I was able to extract an important piece of information: the extent of the rot is important in the making of wine.
That's right, dear reader: they actually prefer it when the grapes are more rotten! Spanning not only decades, but sometimes whole centuries, the French's grapes are left to rot in humid wooden barrels - a tradition that's been kept alive since the Middle Ages -, becoming thoroughly ruined so that their juice may be extracted for the making of wine. And the longer they have been left decomposing with their local fungus, the more valuable the juice is.
I was simply too curious to wait. And even more delighted to find out about yet another culinary tradition I didn't know about: the social gatherings known as wine and cheese, in which wine is paired with a variety of solid, yellow, rubber-like wheels derived from fat extracted from cows' milk - the cheese.
Such unique, foul-smelling dishes are a frequent part of the everyman French's life, being consumed by rich and poor alike in a variety of different recipes from all sorts of French subregions. Among them, I found yet another that would delight my intellect and terrify my stomach: gorgonzola. To the reader not quite as deep in diving into the intricacies of French culture, I shall explain: gorgonzola is but a piece of the aforementioned cheese, left to mold.
I could not believe my ears. These people drank rotten grapes and paired them with rotten cow fat, and they enjoyed it. What to us would be a nightmare scenario in a case of extreme poverty, and a surefire way to earn a trip to the hospital, to them was a quite enjoyable meal.
I later learned that gorgonzola is actually from a neighboring nation close to the French - the Italians. Although officially considered a different tribe, Italians share much in common with the French, including the love for wine and cheese, a quite long border, and a language derived from the same roots - the long-dead Latin, ancient language in which their holy book, the "Bible", was once written.
I am happy to report that my experimentation did not lead to hospital trips, and the most I got was an unusually long carsickness. But I have taken with me much more than the curious experience: traveling to France has helped me expand my horizons, meet new people, and connect with cultures other than my own. Although violent and offputting, the French can be quite amorous, and I was even gifted a piece of cheese from a little girl. It is not an experience I would like to repeat anytime soon, but it's made for an interesting story that helped me grow as a writer, investigative journalist, and, most of all, eater.
I can only hope my stomach has taken some good lessons out of the experience, too.
Cremilda Castanho is a writer, cat-lover, and known foodie, with a knack for finding unexplored depths of cuisine across the world. Her book, What Weirdos Eat, was a Folha de São Paulo best seller, and paved the way for culinary exploration in journalism, earning her a Pulitzer prize.
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astroyongie · 4 months ago
☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ Goddess Worship: An Introduction of Hekate ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾
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Note: Hey guys. I am indeed very late for the calendar but. life lately has been erratic and complicated. Today we have the last introduction of deities I work with/worship. This post is to provide some information about the deities but also how I work with them personally. Everyone has their own methods with the Gods, and you should do whatever feels right with you while also respecting the bases of the religions.
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Historical Background:
Hecate (or Hekate) is a goddess from the Greek pantheon associated with magic, witchcraft, the moon, night, necromancy, and crossroads. Her origins are debated, but she appears in Greek mythology as a powerful and ancient deity, sometimes associated with the Titans or as a daughter of the sky god Perses and the star goddess Asteria. She is also linked to the pre-Greek civilizations, potentially from Thrace or Asia Minor, where her worship may have originated based on the most recent archeologic studies. As the deity of crossroads with the power of navigating between worlds, we find several counterparts on other mythologies/religions: Exu, Papa Ledga, Janus, Odin, Hubal, ect
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Atributes and Symbols:
Torches: Hekate is often depicted holding two torches, symbolizing her ability to illuminate the unseen or unknown. Hekate is the goddess of magic, she is believed to be able to cross both the dead and living realm Keys: Mostly linked for her to be a guardian and also to hold secrets. Dogs: Dogs are sacred to her, especially black dogs who seem to be her loyal companions Snakes: they symbolize her connection to the underworld. Crossroads: Hekate is associated with the liminal spaces where three roads meet, symbolic of her power over transitions and the boundaries between worlds. Moon: Her magic is tied to the moon phases, which is why most people who worship her will perform rituals during the moon phases.
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Worship and Rituals:
Deipnon: The Hekate's Deipnon was a monthly offering made at each new moon, where supplicants left food offerings (bread, cheese, eggs, garlic, and fish sometimes wine as well and basically what they had to offer in her honor) at crossroads to appease her and ask for her protection. Crossroads Shrines: Small shrines or altars to Hekate were frequently placed at the boundaries of homes, gardens, or towns, especially near crossroads. Worshipers would leave sacrifices like incense, honey, and eggs. Witchcraft and Magic: Hekate is invoked in spells, particularly those related to protection, divination, necromancy, and curse work. Her role as a liminal goddess gave her the power to grant access to the underworld and the unseen forces. However Hekate is a very strong presence and not for begginers as your spells can turn against you if you aren't experienced enough.
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-> When worshipping Hekate, it is fundamental to make offerings during every moon phase to apease her energy and allow it to flow through you during your spells. An altar/shrine is mostly necessary if you want to work with her. Offerings can be given to her at her altar for three days before you can remove them and dispose of them in a crossroad for the wandering spirts.
-> Ideas for offerings: Wine, honey, bread, garlic, fish, eggs, keys, snake symbols or dogs symbols, blood, crystals tarot cards, prayers
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"Greek Religion" by Walter Burkert "Hekate: Liminal Rites" by Sorita d'Este and David Rankine Marquardt, P. A. (1981). A Portrait of Hecate. The American Journal of Philology, 102(3), 243–260. https://doi.org/10.2307/294128 Boedeker, D. (1983). Hecate: a transfunctional goddess in the Theogony?. Transactions of the American Philological Association (1974-), 113, 79-93. Daşbacak, C. (2008). Hecate cult in Anatolia: Rituals and dedications in lagina. Anados 6-7/2006-2007 Studies of the Ancient World
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pillow-princess-diaries · 1 year ago
𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚝’𝚜 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝙶𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝙿𝚞𝚜𝚜𝚢 𝚂𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚜 𝙻𝚒𝚔𝚎…
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Summary:- when cooking dinner takes a little detour
Pairing:- Atsushi x AFAB!Reader
Tw:-cunnilingus,fingering, oral ( M & F receiving and giving),unprotected sex???cum eating??giving atsushi a blowie through his pants??
W/C :- 1.3k ish i think
A/N:- the brief my friend gave me was ‘dry humping and stuff through clothes’ so this is what i came up with😭.I hope it isn’t too awkward and y’all enjoy it! Also this is totally in reference to the vine!
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Imagine like you come home after a shift and start cooking dinner
A few minutes pass and you hear the main door click open and a very tired very drained little weretiger walks in.
Imagine you’re cooking some creamy pasta, and then you feel a pair of slender arms wrap around your midsection,their owner burying his face in the crook of your neck.
“hmm watcha cookin’ love….” Atsushi slurs against your skin.
“Oh just a classic,” you say “mac and cheese,’sushi”
You stir the pot a little to let him hear what you mean because you know he has his eyes closed.
Little did you know it’d remind him of something else.
“Hmm..” he sighs, “sounds good y/n/n”
As you stir the pot you can feel him behind you.
Lightly grinding against your ass,burying his face deeper and inhaling your scent.
You know exactly what he’s doin,but you wanna try something~
You stir the pot slowly,making sure he can hear it,and just as you’d thought,his thrusts become more pronounced,more defined.
You push your hips back just a little and feel something hard.
Just to mess with him you stir the pot faster and just like that his thrusts came at a faster rate.
Atsushi moans into your neck, “y/n��please…Hngh” but he shows no signs of stopping.
“What was that sushi?” You say,not stopping what you’re doing while you fein innocence.
He begins to lightly nibble your skin,making his way up to your ear,placing little kitten licks over the bites.
You lean your head back,allowing him just a little more access,and he rolls with it.
Placing open mouthed kisses anywhere he can reach.
And at this point,you’re not even paying attention to the pasta,stirring it out of habit.
As his hands grip your hips,you realise,actually you may need him just as much as he needs you in this moment.
You bring his hands back around your waist and turn in his arms,your hand reaching back and turning the stove off.
You bring your arms around the back of his neck and pull him in for a steamy kiss,your lips moving against eachother’s in unison,before you both pull apart for air.
“Dam…that was.”
He nods in response.
You move your hands to his waist and lightly pull him closer.
He whines at the feeling and you trail you eyes down to his crotch.
You see the little tent jutting out and lightly palm his erection
his breath hitches as his eyes screw shut and he lets out a little mewl.
as you feel the wet material of his pants you have a thought and lower yourself till you’re at eye level with his painfully hard cock.
You trace it’s outline a few more times causing him to stumble back into the kitchen island,his hands bracing himself against the countertop.
You then begin to lick it throughs through the fabric,your hands undoing his belt and him watching as you do so.
Neither you nor him wants to stop what’s happening so you have absolute freedom.
After his belt is undone,youre met with his boxers.
Ofc he thinks you’ll pull them down too,but nope
You wrap your mouth around the material and his head falls back as he feels both the friction of his boxers and your warm mouth,rubbing against his sensitive dick.
And a few minutes later he realizes that you have no intention of taking that final barrier between you and him away,so he thrusts his hips forward,pushing his length just a little deeper into your warm,wet mouth,the fabric straining his tip and the combination stimulating him enough to cum.
Tiny droplets of the milky liquid seeps through the fabric much to your disappointment,and thats when you realise this isnt gonna cut it.
At this point, atsushi is panting from his orgasm. And you harshly pull down the final barrier of his boxers before you abruptly wrap your lips around him and he lets out a loud moan,eyes widening and gaze snapping to your smirking form.
You lick his tip and he jolts his hips into your mouth.
You nearly gag but quickly recover before you begin to bob your head up and down,sucking him off as you do so.
His grip on the edge of your kitchen island causes his knuckles to go white and then he thrusts his hips one last time before cumming down your throat.
You take it all in,drinking up and then pull your lips off his cock with a pop!
He then helps you up and you give him a kiss,he tastes himself on your lips and it turns him on again.
You turn back to the pasta and he pulls his pants back up,but the longer he looks at you,the more he wants you.
He taps you on the shoulder and you look back to him.
He directs his gaze to his re-hardened cock and you smirk with a little laugh.
“Want me that bad huh ‘sushi?”
He looks away sheepishly and you sigh before turning back to the pasta and putting the lid on the pot before taking his hand and heading to your bedroom.
He locks the door before taking his pants off, and when he looks back to you,your spread out across the bed,your skirt lightly ridden up.
He groans at the sight and looks back to his hardened sick.
He pumps his length a few times before climbing on top of you.
He kisses you passionately as his hand runs up your thigh and his fingers touch you through your panties.
You know he’s trying to get a tiny bit of revenge,but you also know he wont last long.
And true to form, about five seconds later he’s pushed the wet fabric aside and has already inserted his lithe fingers into your folds pumping in and out of you.
He rubs your clit with his thumb and you moan into the kiss.
You cum not long after and your slick coats his fingers like a fine glaze,breaking the kiss as your head falls back and you let out a tantalizing moan
He then pulls his fingers out of you and looks at them, pulling them apart to see the silky strands connecting his fingers like a spider-web he’d gladly love to get stuck in~
He sniffs his fingers before shoving them into his mouth and licking them clean.
You whimper at the sight and feel his tip graze your folds,you instinctively raise your hips and he takes this as his cue.
He places himself between your legs and lifts your hips,lining himself up with your pretty little pussy.
And before you can say anything he thrusts into you,burying himself deep before abruptly pulling out and going back in.
You both moan in unison and when he asks you how it feels, you pull him in by his tie and one of his braces,lightly choking him before loosening the knot, in response.
His thrusts becoming more erratic and the bed slightly creaking as your tongues explore eachother’s mouths~
After a very heated thirty seconds,you wrap your legs around his midsection and he pulls you closer by the hips.
You break the kiss before saying, “atsushi im gonna-hnghh~”
Cumming on his dick harder than expected,causing him to cum right into your cunt,white,hot and sticky.
He pulls out and You both look at each other while coming down from your highs.
“That was-“
“Amazing..” he finishes your sentence and you let out a soft,breathy laugh.
You give him a quick kiss and then you both peel yourselves off the sheets,heading to the shower together to help eachother clean up.
And once you’re done, you head to the dining room for dinner, and after reheating the now-cold pasta you sit down and share and eat together.
“This is really good y/n!” He says as he eats.
“Thanks sushi☺️, ive heard the sound it makes is what good pussy sounds like~”
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Tag list(open):- @diagonal-queen @sapphic-serenade
All rights reserved © 2023 pillow-princess-diaries. Please do not repost, modify or claim as yours. Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated!
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twstowo · 1 year ago
I didn't see any mention of how many boys are acceptable for a single ask so feel free to do as many or as few as you want, though my favorites are the three fish boys and the two fire boys.
So, the way I show affection is I'll frequently give them small trinkets or snacks from my hoard that I won't miss and I think they'll like. If we're close enough and it's been established that they don't mind drinking after me and they like soda I'll even pass over the rest of a soda that I know I won't finish before it goes flat. Or if I made food like pasta or cheese sticks and I don't end up eating it all but they're nearby and like that kind of food I'd hand it to them. Often I'll let my sister 'steal' clothing I won't miss or borrow clothing I will, though I'd do the same for a close enough friend if they were interested.
(some of these examples are from how I treat friends and some are for people who are close family)
Anyways I'd like to see some of the boys react to a s/o or close friend who shows affection like this
♡︎That's a cool way of showing affection, I'm more into being annoying
♡︎Includes: Octavinelle and Ignihyde
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He finds it odd that you're offering him the rest of your soda. After all, as the owner of Monstro Lounge, he could easily access an endless supply of that soda if he desired. The same applies to any snacks or food you offer him, he just can't grasp why you're doing it. However, over time, he comes to understand that this is your way of showing affection. Thus, he learns to appreciate it, albeit he may continue to politely decline. In return, he takes note of your favourite snacks and drinks, occasionally surprising you with them free of charge. Perhaps a couple of kisses in return?
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I feel like he would be similar, but he wouldn’t do it affectionately, he would simply get bored of eating or drinking and nonchalantly, he hands over the remainder to you. He always accepts what you offer unless it's something he dislikes, he might even toss in some Monstro Lounge coupons as a token of gratitude.
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Politely declining each time, similar to Azul, he is unable to grasp the appeal of sharing partially consumed food or drinks. If Floyd is in proximity, he's quick to snatch the food from your hand and enjoy it himself. On the flip side, whenever you visit Monstro Lounge, he goes out of his way to bring you your favourite dishes. The gesture is offered generously, with no expectation of payment, as an act of kindness. At least for now.
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The first time you did this, he felt a twinge of embarrassment, contemplating the idea of an indirect kiss, as your mouth had just been in contact with the soda bottle. However, as time passed, he found himself engaging in the same gesture. He began to relish sharing snacks and drinks with you whenever you came over to play or watch something together. The two of you enthusiastically explored and ordered new and weird snacks online, savouring the experience of trying them out together.
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He can’t eat or drink, but he does notice that you have this way of being affectionate. In a thoughtful move, he brings you snacks, cleverly sourced from Idia's stash. He memorizes your favourites and the ones you dislike, sharing this information with his brother. The next time you spend time with him and Idia, you find a generous pile of your favourite drinks and snacks, just for you.
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thatsodapopgirl · 4 months ago
Some basic backstory of my Bill Created Alastor Au (I’m gonna be honest I might add or change stuff if I ever decide to write a fic)
Bill had become frustrated with humans for continuing to disappoint him. He thought to himself, If angels were the supposed ‘perfect’ beings, why did they create such fragile and at times dull creatures? I bet I could create a way better human! And he decided to go through with it and make the perfect obedient human tool; an anchor for access to different realities. Or so he thought.
He used the same ingredients such as the dust to create his human just with added modifications such giving them dark magical abilities.
For Alastor it started as worship because Bill was his creator and was considered Bill’s favorite. But after gaining knowledge and growing into his own person throughout the years, Alastor began to understand that he was merely a pawn in Bill’s game. It was until the 1920’s that Alastor began to question Bill and his own existence. Alastor had fallen for the radio and was able to convince Bill that with his radio show, he would be able to spread Bill’s influence. However, as he began to live life as an independent human, he began to do things for himself now. He didn’t randomly kill humans, he killed humans he deemed were deserving for their evil actions and he became focused on other topics to talk about besides Bill on his broadcasts. Bill saw this as the first act of defiance in Alastor and had to ‘fix’ him. But despite the torture and threats of death, Alastor continued doing what he thought was best for himself and his audience.
So Bill took another page from heaven, he sent his human to hell. This again backfired, hell in a way was similar to the Nightmare realm except there was no controlling triangle breathing down your neck, it was freedom. So when he had no choice but to leave because of Bill’s plan for Gravity Falls, Alastor had grown to resent his creator, his god, his father.
Bill’s View of the Angels
As we all know, Bill Cipher is a being of pure chaos and causing havoc wherever he goes. Basically he’s everything Heaven doesn’t stand for. Bill also sees the angels as stuffy snobs who think they’re better than everyone else. So he never really had much interest to ever engage with them, until he heard about the Eden incident and evil was released into earth. It was the most hilarious thing Bill ever heard and to know it was one of their own that had a part in it was even sweeter. It was also an opportunity to finally be able to go into the dimension where earth was and to conquer it.
While on earth, Bill began to notice that most of his schemes and atrocities he committed were all being blamed on this one particular angel, Lucifer. Honestly, it pissed the dream demon off that this guy was basically stealing all his street cred. So when he decided to check this hell for himself, he would say it was pretty impressive. It was fun to watch all these humans turned demons still continue to cause pain and misery even in death. And then he met the big cheese in charge; apparently he heard that Bill managed to sneak into hell and was disrupting order in the other rings. If he had just stayed in the pride ring, Bill probably wouldn’t have been found out early on because the pride ring was already chaotic.
Lucifer knew of the stories of Bill Cipher's terror and it was only a matter of time until he plunged all of hell into its own destruction. He may not like the sinners, but the hellborn didn’t deserve to lose their world and he had to protect his family. He was able to fight Bill off and create barriers to keep the triangle at bay and to never set foot in hell ever again.
When Bill found out Alastor was dating an angel he felt sick, but when he found it was Lucifer of all people, he lost another bit of his remaining sanity.
Bill and Alastor Relationship
Bill at the beginning only saw Alastor as a pet/puppet. He still even refers to Alastor as one, but deep deep deep deeeeep down he started to care about the human he created (he will deny this however). Out of everyone, Alastor was the only one Bill felt comfortable talking about Euclydia and his family. He was given the same story like everybody else that he liberated his universe, but there were times he was vulnerable enough to give Alastor bits and pieces of the actual truth. The best Alastor could conclude was that Bill must have started with good intentions in trying to reveal the third dimension to his people, but something went terribly wrong and that’s the most information he could get because Bill would black out and not remember.
As Alastor’s powers grew, Bill had made him his right hand man. Alastor would be Bill’s eyes and ears whenever Bill would send him somewhere and be a spy. However, he felt like he was losing Alastor’s loyalty bit by bit because of the influence of humans, so he decided to send him to hell. To Bill, sending Alastor to hell was like sending your kid to summer camp; however to Alastor it felt like abandonment. Still, Bill assumed once he took over earth, he’d do the same with hell and give it to Alastor as a gift.
Alastor and Pine’s Family
Alastor had met Ford first when he was ordered by Bill to hunt him down. This would be Alastor’s first act of defiance, yes he hunted and tormented Ford throughout the years (he loved the twisted cat and mouse game) but when he was actually close to capturing Ford, he’d let him escape at the last second. Bill was none the wiser because he still believed in Alastor’s loyalty despite the attitude he came back with. Ford eventually developed insomnia because of the nightmares of the Radio Demon and wherever he went, the demon would always find him. So learning his family was friends with the monster who haunted his dreams was a horrific discovery.
After spending three years tormenting Stanford Pines, Alastor spent the last four years living in Gravity Falls. His mission this time was to make sure all pieces on the chessboard would fall into place for Stanley Pines to open the portal again to get Ford back. But in true Alastor fashion, he took his time and decided to have a bit of fun while he was there. If he was going to spend however long in such a small town, might as well give the townsfolk the proper medium of entertainment.
As Alastor stationed a new radio studio in Gravity Falls, this would lead him to making a partnership with Stan Pines and talk about the Mystery Shack during his radio show.
The Pine twins were also to win over, Mabel was already a fan of his radio show, especially his romance segment and Dipper was someone who craved acknowledgement. So when Alastor told the boy about his newest segment of the supernatural and wanting to know about the child’s adventures, it was easy.
Despite using them, Alastor couldn’t help but grow a bit attached to the Pines for they were a colorful bunch. When Weirdmageddon happened and everything was revealed, it wasn’t pretty.
Hazbin Hotel and Alastor’s relationship with Lucifer
Pretty much the same happens in the show. Except with Alastor keeping his secret identity. He could have revealed himself and what he was when he was sent to hell, but he didn’t know how the outcome would have been. The sinners and other overlords weren’t much of a problem, but there was still the hierarchy of hell and despite him being powerful, so was Bill but he had been banished or at least prohibited from entering hell. So if all of hell knew he was the creation of the dream demon, he’d most likely be a target for everyone. And it didn’t help that the king of hell was already beginning to feel suspicious of him. So Alastor decided to turn up the charm and get into the king’s good graces. Since the beginning of Alastor’s existence, he was taught how to recognize and manipulate one’s feelings. He could tell Lucifer still yearned for affection and companionship.
It wasn’t easy, the two would constantly argue but after finding things in common and Alastor suddenly being sweet; Lucifer began to fall for Alastor. And Alastor caught the fallen angel into his web, what he didn’t expect was to fall for him too.
Unfortunately, his secret was discovered for the last seven years he was involved in Weirdmaggedon. Lucifer had known about Bill Cipher especially his time as Angel in heaven, and he wasted no time shielding hell. So learning that Alastor was created by him was devastating and angry. He felt so lied to and having Charlie be so close to danger was enough for him to kick Alastor out of the hotel. Both were heartbroken, Lucifer despite his anger still had feelings towards Alastor and Alastor had never felt such affection for anyone.
And since Lucifer wanted no trace of Bill in hell, it was best he left hell entirely. Besides, he’s been dealing with Bill telepathically wanting him to return back to earth.
Bill and Alastor now
Since Alastor is an anchor, Bill is able to return to earth but not physically for he’s still trapped in the Theraprism. They’re all they have left now since both lost everything. For Alastor, it seems strange because now he’s the one taking care of his creator because Bill is slowly losing his mind, but still wants to try again.
Unknown to them, Ford has discovered they are both back and decided to hunt them down. Not just Ford, but also Lucifer and the rest of the residents at the hotel. Lucifer decided he would be the one to bring Alastor back to hell, (he kicked him out of the hotel but not hell) and he wanted to apologize for his overreaction.
I wrote this while still brainstorming ideas and plots for my au. Cause I plan to do one shot comics or maybe mini comics. I don’t know if I’ll ever get to write a fanfiction of it though since I still need to finish some other stuff.
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internetgiraffekid1673 · 4 months ago
What the Hell is Wizard101 (and Pirate101)
I'm making this post for the lovely @ellazimmermansblog, who is very sweet and wants to actually have half a clue what's going on in the fandom that I'm in but she's not. And oh sweet cheese and crackers. You asked for it. I tried to leave this in the comments. I really did. This is gonna get long, so feel free to read this in chunks or disregard it or just read it whenever you get the time.
Wizard101 is a JRPG or junior-role-playing game that's also an MMO or Massive Multiplayer Online game that was big in the 2010s. In case you don't know what those are:
A JRPG is a game where you basically play as the protagonist of a middle grade fantasy/adventure story, meaning the target audience is usually 7-13. Think Pokemon or Kingdom Hearts.
An MMO is a game where everybody who plays the game is playing at the same time, in the same world. You can always interact with other players and are heavily encouraged to team up and collobarate.
While it is advertised as "free to play," it's only free for like the first hour or so of playtime. You can do the tutorial and like two other areas before you have to fork over some cash for a membership.
Basic Story:
Anyway, the spoiler-free story of Wizard101 is that you are a young Wizard enrolled in Ravenwood School of Magic by Headmaster Ambrose. He found you magically transported from "a strange world that doesn't believe in magic" (read: Earth). He believes you may be "the one we've been searching for." After doing a personality quiz to decide which school of magic you belong to, your enrollment is immediately crashed by Malistaire Drake. He used to be the Professor for the Death School, until his wife fell ill and he went mad with grief and turned evil trying to bring her back.
After beating up your would-be teacher, you learn that he's been unleashing scores of undead onto Wizard City, mind-controlling people, is going after major infrastructure, and is just being a dick in general because he's eeeeeeeeviiiiil. Ambrose turns you loose in the streets to help a number of other student NPCs save the city and do general damage control.
The main story of Arc 1 basically has you trekking after Malistaire like a lunatic, cleaning up his messes and trying to stop him from breaking the world apart while he attempts to ressurect his wife. This is where me and my brother J-Dog are at in our playthrough.
But there are 4 arcs, and the story continues WELL after you mop up the Malistaire problem. It's basically the Young Wizard saving the spiral from major threat after major threat, trekking through quirky worlds willy-nilly, and meeting a massive and entertaining cast of NPCs, all with different motivations and sidequests and problems for you to solve (or cause).
Each world in the spiral is also kind of an analogy for a real life place or a popular fictional story, but you replace all the humans with anthropomorphic animals (I'm really not sure why this game isn't more popular with furries). Marleybone, for example, which is where my brother and I are right now, is analagous to Victorian era England and populated by a bunch of stiff-upper-lipped dogs that nobody likes, mutliple crime rings of cats, and a contingent of Irish foxes that only appear in the less-popular but very good companion game: Pirate101 (I'll get to that).
That's the most basic I can make the gist, but there's still a lot of other basic information that might matter when I talk about it, so I'll put that under a cut!
Magic Basics:
The 7 main schools of magic that you can play as, and what they're general purpose/ability is are as follows:
Storm: Hit things really hard in exchange for a low accuracy rate and lower base HP. Glass cannons basically. This is what I'm playing as.
Fire: Also hitting things, but focuses more on damage-over-time spells that kill your enemies slowly.
Ice: Damage Sponge. They have the highest natural health pool, access to some decent spells early on to reduce damage, and even have a taunt spell that can draw enemy fire onto them (this isn't very useful in practice from what I've heard).
Those are the three elemental schools. The next three are spirit schools.
Life: Healers. What did you expect? They're the only class with the ability to heal other players. They get a high health pool, really good accuracy, and a lot of healing spells, but they're less good at hitting things and dealing damage. This is what J-Dog is playing as.
Myth: Summons. You can summon lots of different minions to help you out. From what I understand, each minion plays slightly differently and you're supposed to build different strategies around what they give you.
Death: Drains. Stealing health from the enemy basically. A lot of their spells will hit the enemy really hard, and then give half of that back to you. Because of the capability to hurt and heal in the same turn, they're the best to solo the game with.
And finally there is a school that lives in between Elemental and Spiritual:
Balance: battlefield control. They have a lot of damage increasers and damage reducers, and have the capability to mess with the powers of any of the other schools.
While each class does have it's unique and specific niche, they do all have the same main function: summon a monster to hit your enemy. All the combat in the game is done in a summoning circle where you take turns summoning monsters to hit each other. Each side can have up to 4 allies at a time (are we sensing a number theme yet).
Each enemy in the game has an assigned school that they belong to. Casting spells from the same school as them does less damage, while spells from the opposite school are stronger. Opposites are as follows:
Life and Death
Fire and Ice
Myth and Storm
Balance is a special snowflake that has no opposite :)
Your ability to cast spells depends on your Mana, which can be restored with blue wisps of magic floating around the world. Your ability to not be dead depends on your health, which can be restored with red health wisps.
Most spells that you cast, especially damaging spells, have a chance to "fizzle" or fail to cast. It's like missing in a pokemon game. This is the bane of every player's existence.
There are also Astral Schools later that do other things, but I ain't got there yet, so it's whatever.
There are a number of other fun things you can do in Wizard101 that don't involve saving the world:
PvP: player versus player combat! Get the shit beaten out of you by people with more time and money! For fun! Beat the shit out of other people and win arena tickets, which can buy you cool prizes like better gear!
Pets: You can have a number of adorable little animal companions that, if you take good care of, will help you in combat! Some of them cast spells on their own, some of them give you extra spells to cast, some of them have passive abilities that increase your strength, and all of them will get more helpful the more you train them. You train them via minigames, like teaching them to dance or having them eat snacks off a stage or FIRING THEM OUT OF CANONS (amongst other questionable activities).
Gardening: Take care of the weirdest assortment of magical plants you've ever seen, in exchange for harvesting them for money and crafting ingredients and treasure cards and stuff. All of them are puns btw. Like. I have laugh-o-dils, despairagus, baby carrots (literal screaming baby carrots in diapers), and dandelions (which have actual lion faces) to name a few.
Fishing: Pull weird magical pun-based fish out of the water and sell them for exorbitant amounts of cash or stick them in your aquarium or something!
Monstrology: Study various creature types by killing them a lot until you become an expert and can either summon them as minions, stick them in your house, or just get EXTRA good at killing them.
Crafting: Use natural ingredients you found across the spiral (reagents) to make better gear yourself!
There's also photomancy, but that's just a glorified screenshot feature and we all know it.
Me and everybody else who plays this game is fucking obsessed with all of the non-player characters in both games. There are so many of them though, and they're so different from each other, that you're better off just asking who's who every time I post about one.
While the Wizard is off being a tragic chosen one saving the spiral from various world-ending threats, there are other adventures going on underneath their nose! Pirate101 takes place at the same time and in the same universe as Wizard101, but never interacts beyond vague references.
The basic spoiler-free plot of this one is that you are a young orphan who got thrown into prison after crossing the Clockwork Armada, a tyrannical army of steampunk clockwork robots who want to conquer the world and end our God Given Right to steal shiny things (and also suppress free will or something. Idk. I never got that far).
You're broken out of jail by eccentric pirate captain Boochbeard and his monkey first mate Mr. Gandry, drag a fellow captive along with you, beat up one of the high-ranking members of the Armada, and are taken to the pirate safe haven of skull island. You're introduced to it's steward, the successful and retired pirate Captain Avery, who immediately enlists you as his errand boy/girl/goblin thing. You meet one of the first companions of your crew, Bonnie Anne, and together you run some turncoat sharks out of town.
After proving yourself to Avery and getting swindled out of a real ship, you basically spend the rest of the game chasing after untold gold and riches, beating up the Clockwork Armada, and helping out unfortunate souls where you can.
The critical difference between wizard and pirate though: The wizard makes temporary NPC acquaintances and even a few true friends, but they're always left to fight alone with just themselves (and a few other wizards if you're playing the game multiplayer, as intended). Meanwhile, the pirate is collecting ragtag companions for their motley crew like they're pokemon cards. Some of them are looking for adventure, others money, others freedom or a new life, and a lot of them just feel like they owe you because you beat them up.
All of these NPCs join your crew and you can have up to 3 of them in a fight with you, in addition to a pet. They all have highly entertainig personalities and different sets of abilities that are useful in different scenarios.
Pirate101's combat is much more up close and personal, playing more like chess where you have a bunch of different pieces that you have to strategically move around to hit different attacks with.
The different classes of pirate, which are determined by which crime got you in jail at the beginning of the game, are as follows:
Musketeers (my fave): guns and traps. The idea is that you don't have to get too close with them.
Witchdoctor: magic! They function sort of similarly to wizards in wizard101, but they can also hit things over the head with their staff and get stabbed, so no they don't.
Privateers: Healing, boosting, and commanding other pirates
Bucanners: Big sword that hits one thing very hard (and also big defense) at the cost of more agility and freedom to move.
Swashbuckler: Also hitting things, but less defense and health in exchange for more agility.
Pirate101 also has ship combat. While Wizard has convenient magical teleporters to move you between worlds, Pirate101 said "get in your boat and drive there yourself." You basically fire canonballs at each other until one ship gets damaged so badly it stops moving and gets boarded, at which point you transition to regular combat.
Pirate101 is in general, the neglected younger sibling. Kingsisle doesn't pay a quarter as much attention to Pirate, but it's still really good.
Apart from the companions and the combat, the biggest difference in pirate is probably your lack of supervision. You don't constantly have people glaring over your shoulder and telling you what to do, you just have a ragtag gang of misfits and a general order to "get money, don't die, and don't be a dick." The pirates get to be very chaotic in comparison to the wizards.
Holy mackeral, that was a lot. Anyway, I played both games a lot as a kid and spent my summer allowance on memberships for them. Now that I have an adult brain and adult money and am a lot better at video games, I have returned to enjoy them again, and I am dragging my brother along with me (don't worry, he's having fun too).
I highly recommend that you play them both, they're very fun. But this post should be a good guideline if you don't want to put that much investment into it, but still want to have half a clue what I'm talking about when I bring up either game. Thanks so much for asking!
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the-shipper-center · 5 months ago
*. ! MY DNI LIST 🌟
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Disclaimer !! DNI lists are made so you can know what kinda of people i don't want following me or even trying to befriend me. I know I can't control who is gonna rb, see, or like my posts all the time, but I can block ppl who follow/dm me. DNI lists are not up to debate or discussion. I will not reply to ppl starting arguments about what they think is wrong about my DNI. My DNI is hella long, and i'm proud of that 🌟 Note: it may have some typos.
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!! DNI IF YOU ... 🪻
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— Hold beliefs that are queerphobic.
— Support conversion therapy or believe in the pathologization of queer identities.
— Attack people’s pronouns( is against xeno/neutral/neo or graphic pronouns).
— Radical feminism (radfem) and trans-exclusionary radical feminism (TERF), transmed(A person who believes that medically-diagnosed gender dysphoria or medical transition are essential traits of being transgender), transcum(A person who believes that gender dysphoria is an essential trait to being transgender).
— Deny the validity of xenogender identities or believe that only neurodivergent individuals can be xenogender.
— If you deny trans individuals access to gender-affirming care, whether medical, psychological, or social.
Racist and xenophobic:
— Support or spread white supremacy, neo-Nazism, anti-Black, anti-Asian, anti-Indigenous, anti-Latino, or ethnic nationalism.
— Use racial slurs, mock ethnic traditions, or engage in cultural appropriation.
— Deny the existence of systemic racism or dismissed movements like Black Lives Matter.
— Has xenophobic beliefs against immigrants or foreign cultures.
— Advocate for fascism, Nazism, or far-right extremism.
— Promote harmful conspiracy theories that demonize marginalized communities.
— Engage in or support political violence against minorities or dissenters.
— Spread antisemitic conspiracy theories or rhetoric.
— Support Zionism or justify actions that harm Palestinian people.
— Defend Russia’s invasion of Ukraine or promote Russian propaganda.
— Support Israeli policies that lead to the oppression of Palestinians.
— Support MAPs, NoMAPs, Zoopride, or any notion that minors and animals can give consent to sexual interactions or relationships.
— Deny that paraphilic individuals can seek recovery or that their paraphilias might harm others.
— Anti-para that believe that paraphilics should be "killed" or harmed.
— Pro contact of any kind.
— Believe that paraphilias are just harmless kinks, ignoring the need for recovery when they are causing harm.
— People who use terms like "cp," "cheese pizza," "kiddie corn," etc, when referring to CSEM.
Misogyny or sexist:
— Disrespect people for their gender and if you perpetuate harmful stereotypes about gender roles—such as believing women should solely fulfill domestic responsibilities or that non-binary individuals are invalid.
— Support or excuse rape culture and dismiss the prevalence of gender-based violence. If you believe that victims are somehow responsible for the violence inflicted upon them or if you make jokes about sexual assault.
— Deny the existence of trans individuals or refuse to accept them as their identified gender. Anyone who refuses to acknowledge the identities of trans individuals or insists on misgendering them is not welcome here.
— Spread harmful myths about trans individuals, such as calling trans people “predators”. If you hold the belief that victims of harassment or assault are responsible for the actions taken against them based on their behavior, clothing, or choices, you are perpetuating harmful narratives that silence victims and protect perpetrators.
— If you believe that certain traits or behaviors should be confined to specific gender(such as associating emotional expression with weakness in men or suggesting that ambition is unbecoming in women).
— If you promote toxic masculinity, it refers to cultural norms that encourage men to be aggressive, unemotional, and dominant while discouraging vulnerability and compassion. If you believe that men should conform to rigid standards of masculinity that harm not only women but also men themselves, you are contributing to a harmful environment that perpetuates violence and emotional repression.
In Kink:
— Shame others for their kinks or sexual preferences. Everyone has the right to explore their sexuality without judgment, as long as it involves consenting adults.
— If you are an adult who interacts with or attempts to involve minors in kink-related activities or discussions, you are crossing an ethical and moral line.
— Think that kink should not be in pride.
— Advocate for the normalization of kink in inappropriate spaces. Respecting boundaries is key; discussing kink should happen in contexts where all participants are consenting adults and comfortable with the topic.
In Fandom & Others:
— If You harras people over fiction.
— If you think that AO3 should be censored.
— If you mock or invalidate individuals who engage in reality shifting.
— If you invalidate or attack those who identify as alterhuman(individuals who feel a connection to non-human identities or experience their identities in non-human ways) such as Therian, otherkin, dollkins and more.
— If you actively express disdain or negativity towards the furry community.
— If you engage in shipping real individuals, such as celebrities or public figures, especially in ways that invade their privacy or misrepresent their relationships. It's okay if they publicly expressed that they are okay with it.
— If you think that it is valid to identify as "kin" of real individuals, such as celebrities or historical figures. Additionally, claiming kinship with deities, gods, or religious figures(such as Jesus).
— If you enforce strict criteria on who can be considered a part of a fandom or who can engage in certain shipping practices.
— Mock or ridicule individuals for their interests or passions.
— Mock people's boundaries.
— If you can't tell the difference between real life and fiction.
— If you propagate stereotypes that characterize fandom members as obsessive, socially awkward, or harmful, you contribute to the stigma surrounding fandom culture.
— If you target individuals who identify as lolicons, shotacons, or lolishos by calling them pedophiles. Not all individuals who enjoy or engage in lolisho content condone real-life harm against minors.
— If you express disdain for self-shippers.
— If you harass or belittle self-shippers who have s/os that are characters fictionals minors, animals, or with incestuous dynamics.
— Pro/neutral about AI.
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aguineapigcouldntdothis · 1 year ago
Disabled connection and joy is so so wonderful and im lucky i get to experience it. I want more irl disabled friends (more friends in general would be great) but i know friendships take time and I moved here less than 2 months ago. Those fleeting moments of connection, of knowing glances, of smiling to each other, of complimenting each other's aids, basically all that?? means the WORLD to me right now.
Me and the wheelchair user in walmart with bright purple hair grinning at each other because holy shit! we're both people with mobility aids and bright colored hair AND we are both buying cheese!
The person I see on the accessible pathway I take to class who compliments me and I compliment them back
The person in their power chair who always has the absolute coolest pants I've ever seen. who i absolutely love seeing around campus because i may not know their name but i know a cool person when i see them
The person who walks with a limp that I pass once in a blue moon on my walk home. every single time we smile to each other.
The cane user I saw walking around who without even knowing it, gave me the confidence i needed to actually use my cane in public instead of forcing myself through horrible pain
The person with hot pink decals on their wheelchair that i want to talk to more than anything bc there are not many things i love more than decorated mobility aids and hot pink
The person I keep running into who always looks at my cane with curiosity, but without any sort of judgement or hint of malice. and they always have something kind to say.
I think about these people so much! i hope they are having a good night and I hope tomorrow will be a good day for them. I might just be some guy in strange outfits that they see around every so often (i am that to many people). but they mean more to me than they know.
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lavender-butterfly-cookie · 3 months ago
I have some questions to ask you before I can start building up the idea in the future: 1. (isekai x self-aware) After the epilouge of Ep 1-2, do you want to focus on Beast-Yeast Episode only or would you like to make side stories such as visiting other kingdoms with shenanigans(Baker pranking/exploring/hang out with other Cookies) ? First stop could be Gingerbrave's kingdom but its up to you. 2. (Game Crossover, currently Roblox x CRK) Have you seen the idea I requested? If it didn't meet the standards or not good enough then may I ask what kind of roblox game and scenario you wanted to write so I can get some ideas to request it? 3. Would you like to try and write the reaction scenario? Like the cookies can hear voice of us human talking and see their reaction of our talk about the future/past (somewhat self-aware ig?) or some events in canon but with a change of their action(like my first request about Gingerbrave one). This is just a draft of self-aware reaction I have in mind but take a look. Dark Enchantress Cookie: Do you know the reason why, we cookies are created? Golden Cheese Cookie: What nonsense are you talking ab- Y/N: Made to be eaten. Yea, I heard that for like 10 million times already, White Lily Cookie. God, please skip this boring process so I can start gambling for Ancient Cookies with this fresh account. 4. I have an idea about Y/N (in human world) can visit Earthbread through their sleep(when they sleep they are teleported to Earthbread) with the knowledge of the game, so there are some options for it: A. You are normal human being, no superpower, trying to explore the beauty of Earthbread and go on adventure with Gingerbrave's gang. B. You can have power of any games you want (but only 1 game) or CRK Cookie's power. C. Same as A but it would be YOU(the reader) will VOTE which action would they take and you can write the scenario for it. D. You are like a ghost and only the Gingerbrave's gang can see you. Same as A (could be C too). That'd be all, I hope some of these ideas would give you some interest. Thank you for taking your time reading this and have a nice day!
Alrighty, wifi's back finally.
I'm perfectly fine with spreading to other stories like them going to kingdom. I'd say I'm just more accustomed to it being Beast-Yeast.
I don't have any asks regarding crk x Roblox, sorry.
A reactin fic sounds both fun and chaotic. By now if you've seen how I right self aware crk x Y/N cookie stuff, you'd know that I usually make Y/N cookie a menace. Them being able to casually break the story and having the cookies hearing them- oh witches I'm gonna have fun with that one
To be fair, option A. The moment option B, C or D are active I fear that Y/N cookie would be op. Keep in mind, access any power from any game. Do you know how I would abuse that?!
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shilo-sumac · 29 days ago
Do you have any care tips for Zorua? My little sister has recently befriended one and wants to catch it, but there is hardly any information on the internet. As you have a Zoroark, I thought you might be able to help!
oh! id be happy to help :D
this probably will get a little long so ill put a cut here to read more
Right, so, firstly, Zorua are a super fickle and shy species. They have a natural fear of humans due to overhunting in the past and will be wary of you even if you have good intentions. It's super telling of your sister's character that she was able to get one to trust her. She must be very nice :3
Zorua need a lotta places to hide to feel comfortable in a human home. They 100% need at least one of some sort of covered pokemon bed to make their den in. If not, they might end up hiding in a closet or under your bed. Please, please, please never force them out of a hiding spot unless they're in danger, it will break their trust, and its very hard to earn that trust back! Young Zorua usually hide inside their mother's mane for safety. A nice, quiet, soft, warm and dark place for them to retreat if they ever feel overwhelmed is highly recommended. This can either be a corner of the house or their Pokeball.
I'm not sure if your sister is a trainer looking for a battle partner or if she just wants a companion. Luckily, Zorua are great Pokemon for either! They enjoy battling, contests, or simply being able to snuggle someone 24/7 (zoroark are a little harder to keep as pets only but not impossible!) either way, it's best to start slowly with them. Don't introduce them to all your Pokemon at once or they may become overwhelmed! If they're gonna be a house Pokemon, keep them in one room for a while so that they aren't overwhelmed having access to a full house right away.
Zorua are omnivores, so you'll have to be sure they have a varied diet to remain healthy. High quality canine Pokemon food is a good base, but should also be supplemented with fresh fruit, eggs, raw or deboned cooked meat, insects, nuts and seeds! As treats, they LOVE cheese and pastries like pokepuffs. Though give them these sparingly! They WILL beg you for human food. An occasional bite of something like pizza won't harm them, but don't make it a habit!!!
While you should get them used to tolerating strangers, most Zorua will never warm up to more than a handful of people that they meet. It's just their nature.
Alright I thiiiink I got the basics of care down, now I gotta get to the negatives. I love Zorua and Zoroark but it wouldn't be right of me to not give ya this disclaimer: Zorua Love Pranks
They actually show that they like people by pulling what they see as harmless pranks, but their opinions on what is and isn't harmless is different from a human's pov. It's important to praise them for being good!!! But when they're bad, you need to *IGNORE* the behavior. Not yell at them! They won't understand why you are suddenly so angry, and this may break their trust in you.
Quick disclaimer: pulling pranks and casting defensive illusions are *different things.* Zorua usually only use their illusions when they feel like they're in danger or otherwise need to hide in plain sight. A Zorua infiltrating a family as a doppelganger is pure mythology. They may disguise themselves as someone they've seen before, but this is purely so that they can escape at the first opportunity. (Rarely they use their illusions to scout out something they're curious about, but they run pretty quickly if things get scary and tend to stay away from humans who might get suspicious.)
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catofadifferentcolor · 1 month ago
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Random DA Thoughts (1/?): Skyhold Layout
I have a tendency to hyperfixate. Here, my Dragon Age and medieval history hyperfixations merge together perfectly to answer the question: is Skyhold a functional castle?
The answer is obviously: no. Optimization and rendering have done away with quite a lot that is necessary to make Skyhold a truly livable fantasy Middle Ages-analog castle, up to and including all the cellars and cisterns that would be necessary to keep the population fed during the winter or in the event of a siege.
But it's close - close enough that with a few tweaks Skyhold could serve as a believable, livable mountain fortress.
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Starting with the bird's eye view, my biggest changes are in the area immediately to the south of the keep - rather than keep the stables there, I've turned it into a kitchen yard with bakehouse, brewery, and coops - in addition to access to a kitchen garden.
The stables and a small stockyard have been moved to the lower bailey, but most livestock would by necessity be kept further down the mountain - and so would most dairying and butchering. Only the most high-ranked, like the Inquisitor's inner circle, would keep their horses in the keep. There might also be just enough cows or goats to provide daily milk needs, with cheese and butter coming from offsite.
Each of the nine towers would rise five stories - a ground level with four levels above, plus at least one sub-level with cellars, cisterns, and/or wells in the event the curtain walls are breached. For convenience sake, I have named these (clockwise, staring from the top): the North Tower, Wolf Tower, Kitchen Tower, South Tower, Eastern Gatehouse, Western Gatehouse, Star Tower, West Tower, and Courtyard Tower.
Ramparts can be accessed via the 3rd level of each tower. Some, like the gatehouses, have additional officer housing on the topmost level, as was common in medieval castles. Others, like the Courtyard Tower, have the infirmary in its lower levels, with medics and healers housed on the upper floors. The North Tower - which can be customized for mages or templars in game - is envisioned as mage tower here, with space for enchanting and requisitions on the ground level.
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The keep's ground level and courtyard remain largely the same, merely be expanded upon. The courtyard gains a hothouse and a separate building for the chapel as well as hot springs access for bathing. The keep grows outwards, becoming more than just a great hall. Josephine's office also becomes the castellan's suite, gaining a waiting area and restricted access to their private chambers. The War Room is the ground level of the Wolf Tower, accessible only through the castellan's suite.
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The 1st and 2nd levels are largely similar - with a lot of wasted space open the the great hall. I envision it as similar in size to Westminster Hall and imagine it must be a nightmare to heat even with magic. Main attractions include Vivienne's balcony and the chamberlain's office - which, as the chamberlain is historically in charge of managing the royal household, may well be Vivienne's rooms. Leliana, as the Inquisition’s seneschal, has the office and chambers on the second level.
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The 3rd level is the one which required the most imagination, as other than the towers and outbuildings there's not a lot of obvious space where visiting nobles and other dignitaries might sleep - and those would likely be given over to military officers and servants respectively. So, drawing inspiration from the Winter Palace, we have a handful of household apartments here too.
The 4th level houses more than just the Inquisitor's bedchambers. Here, I've given them an actual office and a bedroom with a door that closes, as well as a second suite on the same level - perhaps if Vivienne isn't claiming the chamberlain's rooms, she has the two-room south-facing suite.
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The rotunda extends up for two more levels, though for sanitation levels the ravenry has been moved to a different building. A balcony extends around the 6th level, offering a brilliant view of the Frostbacks - but politely cuts off before turning north, allowing those in the 4th level bedrooms privacy from prurient eyes.
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There are also two sub-levels - the first provides more cellars as well as access to the secret library (behind a not-so-fake wine rack in the smallest of the cellars). The bottom-most has the undercroft as well as the hot springs - here imagined as largely untouched, with minimal masonry additions added for safety and privacy. (I'm really loving the images I've found of Deep Blue Hot Springs in Warrnambool, Australia, so something along those lines.)
Does this cover all bases? Probably not. There are a lot of latrines I've not bothered drawing and prefer to imagine as some lovely ancient elven version of internal plumbing, being emptied far from the castle's drinking water. The outbuildings I've added should provide more services beyond the blacksmith we see as well as servant housing. (Laundries. Coopers. Fletchers. Chandlers. The works.)
Anyway, I had a fun time making these. Feel free to offer up any comments or suggestions on what should be added or changed.
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shadowpeachceo · 1 year ago
Ninjago incorrect quotes I'm having too much fun
Nya: Alright, who’s hogging the Netflix account? I’ve been locked out all week!
Lloyd: Sucks to suck! I’m already on the 8th season of Friends!
Kai: Not me.
Nya: Don’t lie. I know it’s not Jay or Zane.
Kai: It’s not me, really!
Nya: …
Kai: …But it might be Ronin…
Nya: You gave Ronin access to our Netflix account!?!?
Kai: he wanted to watch Orange is the New Black!
Nya: I’m going to kill you.
*The team at Home Depot*
Nya: *pushed in the cacti display while wandering around the garden section*
Jay: *Shitting in the display toilets*
Kai: *Tokyo Drifting one of those flatbed carts down the aisles*
Lloyd: *Stealing paint chips for aesthetic purposes*
Zane: *Just wanted some goddamn lightbulbs and everyone ruined it*
Cole: *In the car sleeping*
*The team is asked what they would do with 5 children with only 3 chairs.*
Cole: Get two more chairs!
Nya: They can get their own chairs.
Jay: Make them fight for it.
Zane: You only need one chair to beat them all with.
Lloyd: I would never be near children.
Kai: Kill two.
Zane: A mouse!
Kai, pulling out a knife: Go back to where you came from or I'll stab you.
Nya, pulling out a frying pan: It'll make a nice meal!
Lloyd, giving the mouse cheese: You deserve a treat, little guy.
Cole, gasping: It's Ratatouille!
Jay: His name is Remi, dummy.
Zane: ...I was going to say to just trap it and throw it out the window... what is wrong with you people.
Lloyd: So, did everyone learn their lesson?
Jay: No.
Kai: I did not.
Cole: I may have actually forgotten one.
Nya: Also no.
Lloyd: Oh good, neither did I.
Zane: *Exhausted sigh*
Zane: We’re kind of missing something guys.
Kai: Cohesion?
Lloyd: Teamwork?
Nya: A general sense of what we’re doing?
Cole: And Jay is not here.
Kai: Oh, and that, yeah.
Zane: Stressed.
Cole: Depressed.
Lloyd: Possessed.
Nya: Obsessed.
Jay: Impressed.
Kai: Chicken breast.
Everyone: ...What?
Kai: I just wanted to join in.
Zane: You know, when Nya comes over, Jay can get a little…
Cole: Psycho?
Kai: Scary?
Lloyd: Drunk?
Zane: All three.
Before Lloyd joins the team
Jay: The floor is lava!
Cole: *helps Zane onto the counter*
Nya: *kicks Kai off the sofa*
Kai: *lays on the floor*
Jay: ...Are you okay?
Kai: No.
Jay: What's worse than a heartbreak?
Nya: Waking up in the morning and your phone wasn't charging.
Lloyd: Waking up in the morning.
Cole: Waking up.
Kai: Waking up in the morning...
Kai: And seeing Zane.
Zane: Hey! Rude!!
Squad reactions to being called straight:
Kai: The fuck, no I'm not.
Nya: Excuse the hell out of you?
Zane: Ding dong, you are wrong!
Lloyd: Who told you that? And why did they lie?
Jay: Rude.
Cole: *punches the person*
Jay: *standing at the top of the stairs* What are y'all doing at the bottom of the staircase?
Zane: I accidentally fell down.
Cole: KAI PUSHED ME down the stairs because I refuse to pay THEIR part of our rent!
Nya: Zane bet me fifty bucks that I couldn't reach the bottom of the stairs faster than they did falling down it, so I slide down the banister to get my money.
Lloyd: I don't know how I got here. One moment, I was sleeping in my bed, three floors up, and then suddenly I was waking up here, just in time to get crushed by Nya.
*The squad's reaction to being told they're the chosen one*
Nya: I will not let you down.
Zane: Sounds fun.
Cole: K.
Kai: No, I'm fucking not.
Jay: Do I have to be?
Lloyd: Please god, I am so tired.
*the team at mega monster amusement park, in the teacups*
Jay, Cole, and Zane: *spinning a little and talking*
Nya, Lloyd, and Kai: *flying past them, spinning as fast as they can, screaming*
Cole: If you got arrested what would be the charges?
Kai: Theft.
Nya: Disturbing the peace.
Jay: Aggravated assault.
Zane: Arson.
Lloyd: All of the above. In that order, probably.
Nya: Imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the things you lost throughout your life.
Zane: It would be nice to have my sense of purpose back...
Cole: Oh wow, my childhood innocence! Thank you for finding this.
Lloyd: My will to live! I haven't seen this in years.
Kai: I knew I lost that potential somewhere.
Jay: Mental stability, my old friend!
Nya: Jesus, could you guys lighten up a little?
Cole to Jay, who’s about to get married to Nya: Today, two families are becoming one.
Zane, in an ominous voice: Two families enter, one family leaves.
Kai: That sounds so threatening…
Nya: The Wedding Games…
Lloyd: May the bouquet toss be ever in your favor.
Jay: Beautiful.
Cole: Fuck all of you!
Lloyd: *dies*
Cole: Timer starts now! When are they coming back? I say two months!
Zane: Bullshit. One month.
Nya: Nah, half a month.
Kai, scratching chin in thought: One week.
Nya: I’m the smartest person in my friend group.
Kid Lloyd: You hang out with Kai, Cole, Zane, and Jay.
Kid Lloyd: It’s not as high a compliment as you think.
Zane: Throw lamps at people who need to lighten up, and throw handles at someone who needs to get a grip!
Jay: Throw a refrigerator at someone who needs to chill!
Cole: Throw scissors at someone who needs to cut it out!
Kai: Throw a clock at someone who needs to get with the times!
Nya: Throw matches at someone who needs to get fired up!
Lloyd: Throw a brick at someone to kill them.
*Everyone is standing around the broken coffee maker*
Nya: So. Who broke it? I'm not mad, I just wanna know.
Lloyd: ...I did. I broke it.
Nya: No. No you didn't. Kai?
Kai: Don't look at me. Look at Zane.
Zane: What?! I didn't break it.
Kai: Huh, that's weird. How'd you even know it was broken?
Zane: Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken.
Kai: Suspicious.
Zane: No, it's not!
Cole: If it matters, probably not, but Jay was the last one to use it.
Jay: Liar! I don't even drink that crap!
Cole: Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier?
Jay: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles. Everyone knows that, Cole!
Lloyd: Okay let's not fight. I broke it. Let me pay for it, Nya.
Nya: No! Who broke it!?
Cole: Nya... Kai's been awfully quiet.
Kai: rEALLY?!
*Everyone starts arguing*
Nya, talking to Sensei Wu and Sensei Garmadon: I broke it. I burned my hand so I punched it.
Nya: I predict 10 minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig head on a stick.
Nya: Good. It was getting a little chummy around here.
*the team in the bad timeline*
Cole: So what have you been up to recently?
Nya: Leading a revolution with Zane.
Cole: Good for you two! Me, I've joined the mob.
Nya: *nods* Oh, how cool! That's awesome!
Cole: I know! Anyway, have you heard from the others? Jay?
Nya: Happily living as a hermit in the woods. Lloyd?
Cole: Wrongfully locked up in an asylum, which reminds me, we need to break them out later. Kai?
Nya: Cult leader.
Cole: Yeah, that sounds about right.
Zane: Doctor = $140,000 a year, Furry artist on patreon = $160,000 a year.
Lloyd: I think you’re lowballing the furry art amount tbh.
Zane: Sorry for the inaccuracies Doctor Yiff.
Lloyd: No matter how I respond I don’t look well, well played. I walked into that.
Nya: Well, furry artists are typically more competent and courteous than your average doctor, so I can see that.
Zane: Did you legitimately just tell me that a person who draws wolf ass is more competent than a dude who spent 8+ years in an university to give you a lung transplant?
Jay: Doctors are bullshit and furry artists perform an infinitely more valuable service to society compared to them.
Zane: You will die in 7 days.
Kai: It took doctors 10 years to diagnose what was wrong with me, some insisting I was faking it for attention while a furry artist I knew said “Sounds like Crohn’s” after hearing me complain once and ended up being right.
Kai: Besides I can’t go to a doctor and ask them to draw Rouge the Bat wider than she is tall with tits to match, now can I?
Jay: You could if you weren’t a fucking coward.
Cole: This was like 50 consecutive punches to the face, what the fuck went on here.
Jay: If you put 'violently' in front of anything to describe your action, it becomes funnier.
Jay: Violently practices.
Zane: Violently studies.
Nya: Violently sleeps.
Kai: Violently shoots pictures.
Cole: Violently boxes.
Lloyd: Violently murders people.
Nya: Violently worries about the previous statement.
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