#Rampaging Horseman
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peccatulum-b-gone · 6 months ago
Hunt halted
After an extensive stakeout, it seems that the Erlking has once again vanished without a trace.
No worries, though. The rat will show up again where thereÂŽs cheese to be had.
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imagine-darksiders · 2 months ago
Girl, I have a serious question I need to expertise on. What Christmas gift does one give the four Horsemen?
War: This one's tricky to buy for. But, if you get him an electric bench grinder, his eyes will light up when he realises how sharp he can get Chaoseater in less than half the time it takes for him to sharpen the sword with a whetstone. Also some chrome dumbbells, as heavy as you can get them, for training purposes. In War's opinion, presents have to have a purpose that will work towards his benefit. But the bamboo socks you got him with little skulls on them are a nice luxury, he supposes.
Death: A Fortnum and Mason's tea selection, 120 tea bags of all different flavours for him to try. Guaranteed there'll be flavours he's never tasted before, and for a being as ancient as Death, putting in the effort to give him something he's never experienced before will always leave an impression. He'd also respond well to a new chess set. Don't forget to give something to Dust too. Death will accuse you of trying to spoil the bird, but he'll be privately touched at your thoughtfulness.
Fury: Stroke her ego. Get her a mug that says 'World's Best Horseman' on it with a picture of her on the back. Or get her portrait painted. She'll insist you hang it in your living room where you can always bask in it when she isn't there. If you really want to get into her good books, buy a present for Rampage as well, something like a new pot of leather oil for his tack, or a bunch of the juiciest apples you can find.
Strife: The best Christmas present you could get this man is renovating one of the rooms in your house and showing it to him like, "So, I thought it'd be nice for you to have somewhere familiar to stay between your missions, and well... I wasn't really doing anything with this room, so I fitted it out to be a sort of... bedroom for you, y'know, if you ever needed a place to crash.... Here's a spare key to our home too. Oh, also, there are two Nerf guns hidden in here. Get to finding them so we can shoot each other without either of us getting hurt."
Strife doesn't trust himself to speak for a good five minutes because he's convinced he'll accidentally confess his love for you if he opens his mouth.
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alllgator-blood · 3 months ago
(Technically 3 question about Shamura)
Do you think they would speak similar to the Gman from Half-Life? As in similarly awkward pauses/stutters/inhales/drawn-out syllables on account of their brain injury?
Also, do you think them having a sudden episode of visions could/would be similar to the whole "leave me alone" meme from Akira (like imagine them just chilling around having tea and then suddenly random images of Narinder going on a bloody rampage while flipping off the camera start flooding his mind).
Please tell me I'm not the only one who's always pronounced it "sham-yura".
(oh and your Narinder somewhat reminds me of those awful prank youtubers like Jack Doherty, like literally the most perfectly awful combination of spoiled+narcissist+sociopath, the only thing he's missing is that dumbass broccoli haircut)
I haven't played half life in forever but now that I'm rewatching the gman cutscenes, you're definitely onto something....if I could come up with what I think shamura could sound like, it'd have to be your suggestion blended with beatrice horseman (from bojack!) after she develops alzheimer's. I think gman's incredibly uncanny way of speaking mixed with beatrice's distantly pleasant cadence masking unending terror would be PERFECT for shamura.
NO WAY YOU MENTIONED AKIRA AND SHAMURA IN THE SAME SENTENCE CAUSE I LITERALLY DID A SHITPOST ANIMATIC A FEW WEEKS AGO THAT USES THE "DING!" SOUND EFFECT FROM THAT SCENE. I'LL HAVE TO POST IT SOMETIME. For my specific shamura, their visions and prophecies appeared only in dreams before The Incident, so their next angst comic is gonna be about the visions coming back while they're still awake. THAT'S when it becomes more like the LEAVE ME ALONE!! scene
I've heard youtubers say it like sham-yura but I'm dead set on shuh-murr-uh personally, I think they say it like that in kallamar's metal song!
OH GOD LMAO I FEEL LIKE JACK DOHERTY IS MORE OF AN EVIL PRESENCE THAN NARINDER CAUSE AT LEAST NARINDER IS FUNNY. My sister told me I should draw him with the fuckass broccoli cut, but I think narinder has been through a lot at this point, he doesn't need the prank youtuber haircut on top of that :')
ALSO, I'm very glad you like my kallamar that much and as such, I present you with this drawing! Idk how to draw a bridal carry but kallamar is just a bunch of wiggly tentacles so this was probably the perfect character to draw with this pose
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voidwritesstuff · 6 months ago
New Beginings In The Golden Hour
Cw:angst,strife has an anxiety attack.
Summary:Death must deal with the consequences of his millennia long awful behavior.
>Hurt/Comfort girlies.
>Part 2 of "Final Moments in the blue hour"
A/N: @darkdemeter hey Deeeem look what I've got. Also, I wrote the lil lullaby and enchantment depicted in the fic (I love making stuff rhyme)
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--I'm sorry
The words still didn't registre in Strife's mind. He pulled from the hug a little startled,eyes widening as he turns to Fury for any sort of confirmation that she's just as confused as he is.
But his sister doesn't meet his gaze. She hangs her head low with a reverence for the eldest that is so unlike her. He began to feel something prickle at the back of his head. Something just didnt feel right.
Death didnt fight him when the hug was broken, he simply pressed his face to the hair of the female nephilim. Then the eldest cleared his throat and pulled back,turning to meet Strife's eyes.
--Alright...thats New-- The gunslinger didnt have his characteristical bite to his witt. He coughs a little and his eyes struggle to meet his brother's. -- we should go uh...find War.
Fury nodded,wiping what seems to be tears from the corner of her eyes. She Gave the reaper a look,a bit complicit And like they're having an unspoken conversation.
Yep,hes defenetly was missing something.
--I..I think I know where to find him-- The she-horseman said, nodding towards the spire that ominously hovers in the Sky as a dark and reddened shaped of shattered evil.
--Thats...defenetly a good start-- The gunslinger breathed out-- May! -- the earth shook, kicking up like a jittery whirlwind that sucks in debrie and dust around.
Followed by the spectral neigh of the mare that brings with her a show of beautiful dancing purple flames that pulls the Grass in a well of gravity. The air grows thick with tension that would bring the heart of any non-rider to their throat, making them feel an adrenaline so pure that they would simply become a trembling,feral mess.
As she jumps from the very boughs of the earth,Mayhem the white horse of frenzy tears through the fabric of reality. She runs past her rider and slowly lowers her speed so she can safely trot Back to her master's side.
Mayhem shakes her snout,inspecting Death with an odd tilt of her head as she blinks slowly at the pale rider with confusion. But she doesnt linger, she then turns to Fury and lets out a pitiful neigh.
Within her, Fury feels Rampage squirm at the sadness of his kin. The she-horseman reaches to pat the snout of Mayhem and Gently shooshes her-- He's still too weak to ride. But he Will be fine-- she said softly,the mare closing her eyes and pressing her ears flat to her head.
--He'll be fine-- strife tried not to linger his gaze on the face of the eldest. Its been so long since his actual features could be seen, up until now his face was but a fuzzy memory from childhood. -- C'mon up, Fury. I'll lend you my ride.
With ease he hops on Mayhem's saddle, patting the neck of the mare as a brief comfort. He then offers his hand to his sister,who takes it and gets on behind him.
Strife chuckled to himself and said--Hey whens the last time I gave you a ride? Werent you like...ten? I piggyback carried you to the kitchen didnt I?
--You did-- Fury mused,sniffing Back some of the emotions that still clung to her eyes and soul-- If I recall correctly,I called you squire.
The gunslinger scoffed-- wouldnt be the first time-- he half joked-- Wish I still had my Abyssal armor though,thats such a perfect set up for a knight joke.
With a barked out laugh,the she-Horseman says-- Hm,you've always been a knight to me. I dont see why you would hold back a joke,so unlike you.
Strife eyed Death who watched on with something akin to amusement and subsided endearment. He needs to re-learn how to read him. But still,his unhidden gaze tempers his wit and he just shrugs-- Ah,forget it. The moments passed anyway.
Faintly both hear the eldest snicker before whistling lowly. A sound so puposely horrible that it sets their teeth on edge, even as quiet as it was it remains shrill And withered like a screech from a mournful banshee.
Both wondered what it would happen if he whistled at the top of his lungs.
Yet their thoughts are cut short as theres a loud espectral neigh, behind the pale rider a Mass of blue flames emanates as Despair makes himself known. His Fire Withers the Grass in its path,sucking the life out of them and leaving the vegetation riddled with something akin to frostbite.
Unforgiving winter in his cold flames, he emanates from the ground,bringing with him the smell of sweet Decay yet so glacier cold that it burns the breath of the two younger nephilim.
Despair's hoove pads at the ground and nuzzles the chest of his rider with surrender and relief. Death Gently pats the stallion's head and hops on.
--Shall we?--The eldest asked.
Strife nodded and clicked his tongue at his Mare who begins to trot towards the spire beyond. Silence settles, yet it doesnt dampen the odd tangle of secrets and unspoken information in the air- the gunslinger is defenetly missing something.
Whatever it is, its eating at him already. First, the hug. Whatever the hell has gotten into the eldest?. His mask is gone, that stupid piece of bone is gone and now the white rider can stare with dread and fear at the face of the eldest. Its been so long, he cant reconcile the sweet memories of his brother's face to the bitter ones that were carried by the mask thats Now seemingly lost somewhere.
Neither of the three comment on the lack of spoken word, clearly each of their individual journeys has taken a toll on them. Who gets to speak first? Whats the most important thing to be said? Theres no way to decide,no way to gauge who has had it worst.
Yet if the gunslinger had to guess, Death would be the one to talk first. There has always been an air of mystery to the reaper in his cold detachment, but now he feels more like a myth than a Man.
A sigh leaves strife,louder than he intended to. He flinches as the attention is now on him.
--Something on your mind,Brother?--Death asked,seeing his Real lips say those words makes the white rider freak out internally.
His brother,his guide and lighthouse. The reaper,kinslayer and butcher with his cold,hard shoulder and dismissive attitute. The dichotomy was going to kill him.
--Nuthin' that Will help us-- he said,shrugging-- Y'know me,always thinkin' about silly shit.
The eldest Snickers with genuine warmth,hes conciously slipping up and it only confused the gunslinger further-- While it is true that you're known for your lack of sense,you never hesitated to share. Whats the difference does it make now?
Strife tried so hard to get angry at his brother,before it came so naturally to him but now...he had to conciously find a reason to get angry-- Jus' forget it,okay?-- his voice sounded filled with ire, but its all hollow. Theres no Real intent to bite,theres barely any intent to bark. -- I told you,nuthin' that Will help us.
Behind him,Fury stirrs. Hes so bad at hiding his turbulence from his siblings and specially Fury who knows what to look for. Yet she doesnt say anything and simply pats his arm, telling him quietly to simmer down.
Death let the matter rest, and with yet another dreadful whistle he sent Dust to scan ahead. Were there still demons and angels in the barren earth? This world is nothing but overgrown ruin and forgotten civilizations sundered.
Its a miracle theres still birds to sing and chirp like they've always done. Filling the sunny day with life even if humanity was not there anymore,Wether by the hand of Demise or the saving of maker and she-horseman.
--I...met Angie and Gabrielle-- Fury added a few minutes into their ride-- You sung her our lullaby?
Strife tensed up,ready to feel the scrutinizing gaze of the eldest. What he gets instead is a smug,curious look that still doesnt ease his mind.
--Well uh...its always worked-- He excused, voice a little shaky-- I dont see the issue in it.
--theres none-- she admitted,a little amused at how on edge he was-- Just curious,brother.
--Had to put her to sleep somehow. She has more energy than War when he tried sugar for the first time-- Strife dismissed,trying to shift the attention from him. He doesnt want his vulnerability to be judged by Death's words like hes grown so used to.
Hes quite surprised the pale rider hasnt said anything yet.
--Oh by creator,dont remind me-- Fury said with disdain-- Didnt we knock him out with the Hilt of a maze?
Strife chuckled--We did! I still think that was overkill,though.
--It worked,didnt it?--his sister replied with a laugh to her tone-- He slept for a week afterwards.
--And thank god for that,I couldnt handle so much energy-- the gunslinger answered.
--So much for the spirit of eternal unrest. --She teased
--Ooookay!--He raised a finger-- Lissen' that was waaaay before we became horsemen. I wont let you make me responsible for a title I didnt even have back then!-- his voice cracks just a tiny bit-- And besides! Im the spirit of eternal unrest, not the spirit of eternal sugar rush!
The comment makes his sister burst into loud laughter. She throws her head back and holds her ribs. Something in Strife calms at the sound,always happy to make his sister laugh. Its such a beautiful sound.
--I wonder if he still has that same intolerance!--exclaimed the black rider.
Death snarled-- I am not dealing with that.
--Me neither-- strife agreed-- its your bull to wrangle.
Fury shrugged--My own personal show,then.
--Your funeral-- the gunslinger corrected under his breath. A sugar rushed,grown War sounds like the stuff of nightmares right about now.
--Last time he lost control he almost cleaved you in half-- Death prodded with unhidden amusement.
The black rider shrugged-- he already apologized for It. The past is the past
Strife Turned in utter confusion-- Excuse me? I know he didn' do it on purpose but d'you know how unhinged you sound sayin' you'll forgive a near decapitation?
Fury snickered-- Ive grown a sense of humor,brother. Get used to it. Or are you begining to lose yours?
--Oh fuck right off!--He chided,turning Back to face the road-- 'm just sayin' it sounds crazy.
--You've said crazier-- she bickered back, unaware of the fondness that held the gaze of the eldest rider.
Death has missed this so much. Hes almost inclined to snicker,but he didnt want to Interrupt this very amusing battle of Witts. Ah,hes only missing the popcorn.
The gunslinger scoffed with a bit of annoyance,feeling more pressed than a panini-- Yeah,like what?
Fury thought for a few seconds,trying to remember a concrete example. --When you were at Belials dam in hell. You told war "we need you just shy of raging uncontrollable chaos or you might lose another arm"
--I...fine. ill give you that one.
Death couldnt help himself and let out a few chuckles. He gains an odd look from his siblings and says-- You two truly havent changed. I still remember you two bickered like this when we got our horses.
The she-horseman narrowed her eyes at the reaper like a discontent cat-- Then you proceeded to jump into the raging stampede. You have no place to talk.
--Hm...perhaps-- Him? Admitting defeat?. Strife was going to lose his shit.
Yet the gunslinger doesnt comment on it, he allows the moment to pass and he looks down at the ground with confusion and grief. Hes been worrying, gruellingly so. And now he shows up,face uncovered and acting so..cheerful.
Death.Cheerful...those are two words he would never think of stringing together in one sentence. Until now, that is.
It eats at him, he recalls all his sleepless nights wondering if he would lose the eldest to his mourning. He doesnt feel strong enough to ask,hes grown so accustomed to the reaper's cutting Words that now he cant concede the idea of actually talking to him.
Hes paralyzed by fear. An instinct telling him he Will be mocked and dismissed like Many times before. He wonders what must have happened for him to change so suddenly. Did he even want to know?
And what was he missing with Fury and Death? Theres a certain sadness in her eyes yet relief when she stares at the eldest of their kin. Did she reach out to him like she did with him? What did they talk about?
The gunslinger horseman wished War was here with them. The youngest had a knack for observation and insight. With his cool mind he would be able to tell,hes sure of it.
Until the red rider showed up,he would have to live with the tension in the air. An unspoken issue that still needed to be tackled, an issue that made Strife linger his gaze on the pale rider.
Beside wanting to memorize his face in case that mask comes back on,he also wanted to see how much hes changed. Death never said anything if he noticed. And his firey gaze had mellowed out into a dancing flame like the one in a fireplace.
The reaper "mellowed out" . It really is the end times,isnt it?. At least so it felt to the second oldest horseman,he picked at the situation day in and day out.
He saw his brother act in a way hes never seen before...
No. Thats a lie. Hes seen this behavior before,in the pale rider's youth when he only upheld the title of brother.
What had his journey shown him?
And what was Fury not telling him?
Strife pondered all this as night began to settle. They were in the middle of a barren city,taking refuge within one of the broken down appartment buildings. Around the first floor for easy escape and a good vantage point.
He lays there on an old,probably moldy sofa that he doesnt fit in. His legs hang and rest unconfrotably against the old stone floor thats overgrown by greenery.
Beside him a small fireplace burnt,one that Fury had set up and was currently allowing a kettle to simmer. He figured that after a hundred Years of living with humanity,she had grown attached to their customs. And honestly, the Four had always a bit of a fondness for such drinks.
Yet his ears keenly listen to a hushed conversation that Death and Fury are having outside of this run down appartment.
--I..havent told him-- came the voice of the she-horseman-- I dont think he felt you...
Death sighed and he could hear the shake of his head-- no matter. I dont believe he Will take it well. Neither Will War.
--I didnt feel you either. Not until I reached out-- She sounded confused,mournful. Its such an odd thing to be witness to- shes usually headstrong and sure of herself.
--I dont believe the Council wouldve liked us finding out about those kinds of things. They must have meddled somehow.
--How dare they?--Theres such a primal anger to her growl-- not even the decency to let us know...
--It wouldve raised alarms,sister-- the reaper answered,patting her shoulder-- No matter now. -- then he made a brief pause--...are you alright?
Fury scoffed-- No. --she then sighed,sounding Like she was deinflating as she calmed down-- How do you want me to be? After everything...-- she trailed off-- the pain just never ends for us,does it?
Death let out a low breath-- by our hand,it Will. Nevertheless,sister, I Will not expect you to be your usual self. I dont believe neither of us four are of clear mind at this moment.
--You'll find us all changed,brother.
Theres no hesitation in the reaper's voice as he says-- changed or not,we're still four horsemen united. Still we remain kin. Perhaps thats the only thing that wont change.
Strife heard the clink of armor against armor,he guessed Death hugged Fury. Or the other way around- he couldnt really tell.
Then his siblings returned to their camping spot. The she-horseman tended to the tea and Death stood there with his arms crossed and looking at the gunslinger with an actual amused smile(small, but still there).
--I pity the state of your spinal column.-- he tapped his index finger against his bicep expectantly.
--Psht, its a social construct-- he half joked,hoping that his lack of enthusiasm doesnt slip through.
Its been like this since the begining,Strife is devoid of witt and bite. Hes never quiet,unless something is bothering Him. Like when he found that dagger in Mammon's hoard.
He would rather not think about It, hed has enough of a bitter taste in his mouth. He centers on the faint chittering of cicadas And grasshoppers that begin to sing to the night Sky that remains unchanged with the moon shining bright.
The gunslinger's gaze gets lost in the dancing Fire,trying to make sense of his feelings. He is relieved that Death is alright,hes been worrying for milennia. Theres a joke in the situation that the reaper didnt give any signs of life but he really isnt in the mood for humor right now.
He cant pretend nothing has changed,and still his stupid face stares back at him. The strong features and now kind eyes remind the white rider of the nicer memories with the eldest,he hates it.
Enough was enough and he wasnt ready to reconcile the image of the perfect,protecting brother to the merciless kinslayer. It reminds him that a lot of the pain hes felt after the massacre was thanks to the hands of Death.
Yet anger cant seem to get a grasp on him,a part of him does understand that neither were the same after the siege of Eden. But why was he so cruel? So needlessly cutting.
No,he cant come back to play house without an apology.
Will he even get an apology?
--Strife...--Comes the firm voice of Fury as she hands him a Cup.
--Wha..?--He muttered,looking up to see the mug with steaming tea. He sighs and sits up,taking the cup in his hands and realizing soon he recognizes the craftmanship-- these are Gabrielles...
--Yes. She let me take them with me--The female nephilim answered-- Angie was specially happy to lend them after I told her i'd be seeing Jones too.
The white rider looked impressed-- Wait,does she know...?
--I had to tell her eventually-- Fury noted how...coy he looked. It was an adorable sight-- she really likes you.
Strife felt his face redden. Death didnt need to know about all this.
--Who is this Angie you speak of?--smug,smug old bag of bones and dust...
Fury scoffed and sent a malicious look to the second eldest who sinks against the couch and begins to dissociate as his face burns with shame. He is never living this down.
Death looks amused, wondering If some of his older brother habits rubbed off on the second eldest. He chuckled and said-- I see the resemblance with War...or is it William?
The gunslinger sets the mug on his lap and puts his hands on the eye part of his mask. He sighs loudly and says-- fury...I hate you...so much...
A laugh is the answer he gets-- Its adorable, brother--Fury takes a sip of her tea,just about to combust from how funny the image of his brother being flustered is. --She only says good things about you.
Death chuckled lowly,looking at his brother-- You've got a fan,strife. -- he teased.
Strife pointed at his eldest and said-- You. Zip. It.
The sound that comes Next stuns both of the younger riders. Its a sound that they've seldomed, something that they might have heard in a dream or a childhood memory- the origin is uncertain, which only floors them further.
From deep within the pale rider's gut, reverberating against his narrow diaphragma and his sinewy throat...Death laughs quite loudly and bares a fanged smile at his younger sibling.
Both siblings exchange a look of...surprise? Horror? Neither know but Fury just joins in the laughter out of either sheer desbelief or unbridaled joy. She throws her head back,her laughter growing a little deeper and scratching her throat at the shift in position of her traquea.
Yet Strife's hands begin to shake,his breath is uneven and his world began to swirl. He hurriedly sets down the cup and all but runs out of the appartment in a huff.
His eyes Sting with tears ,and he has to go to the floor underneath their camping spot and find a dark corner to curl into himself. His helmet gets torn off and he begins to heave in his breath.
Light does his chest begin to feel,pressure lowering and his eyes Rolling back into his head, yet he still cries. His whole body shakes like an unstable earthquake,and his throat feels like its scratched by a feral,scared animal trying to get out.
Water streaks down his cheeks and chiseled jaw, his lightly scarred lips quivering and his nostrills flare with each breath that burns his lungs as he cries.
The disconnect between both faces of his brother was breaking his mind in two. How could the same brother that was his lighthouse be the responsible for his pain all those milennia back?.
He cries, realizing now that his child self is begining to catch up to all the trauma and pain that Death has caused. His whole world is about to just fall and shatter as conciousness wavers between abandoning Him and staying.
Memories begin to mix,old and New,good and bad. His brother,the kinslayer,his role model,the butcher. Its all so,so much.
Strife put his hands on his face,clawing at his scalp to try and ground himself. He cries and tries to Keep silent and yet the beast within him,that wounded Child,wants nothing more than to scream and growl.
He spent the night Cooped up in that dark corner crying. Hes seldomed his siblings and the cup of tea that his sister has so kindly brewed for him.
Meanwhile at their camp,Fury begins to settle and see that her brother is not there. She tilts her head and asks-- was he..that angry?
Death narrows his eyes at the spilt cup of tea on the sofa and sighs-- not..angry. -- he raised a hand as his sister tried to stand up-- leave him alone. I dont think its wise to go out looking for him...you know how unstable his emotions are
Fury huffed,sitting down-- I just...I dont understand what is up with him.
The eldest rubbed his face with exhaustion. He underestimated how closed off Strife would be--I dont think he can move on,nor do I blame him. Ive been...awful,to say the least-- he gave his sister a reassuring look-- we'll find him in the morning. Neither of us can handle this right now.
With a sad nodd,the she-horseman went to a quiet corner herself and hoped that her gun-slinging sibling didnt do anything stupid. Death simply stared at the flame,knowing theres a lot of hard work ahead of him. And he knows hes going to hate it,mainly because he Will have to actually show emotions.
But he wanted that second chance and he got it,so he better do good on his word.
He did tell his sister to not meddle,but he does want to make sure that Strife is okay. Dust seems to pick up on this because the rebel corvid flies down to the hiding spot.
The gunslinger tries to Gently shove the bird back,but the crow is quite insistent and cuddles on the horseman's shoulder. He sighs and relents, at least he has this anchor.
Morning came soon.And when Strife appeared outside already on mayhem, Fury went to hop on the Mare and lean on her brother reassuringly. A brief touch but a show that she had worried.
He shook his head dismissively--Im fine.
--Youre not-- she said lowly,decisively and firmly. But she doesnt pry further.
Death sees his brother avoid his gaze, and this time he doesnt whistle to call for his steed. Simply he does a hand gesture and hops on the saddle quickly, sending Dust ahead to scout.
Yet before he obeys the commands of his master, the corvid settles on the white rider's shoulder and begins to preen off a few hairs with gentle care.
Strife snorts loudly and doesnt shrug off the bird. Hes also glad that his eldest of kin doesnt comment on it, Fury does though.
--thats how he shows he cares-- she said lowly for her saddle companion to hear.
--He can come and talk to me like an adult--The gunslinger ignored the hypocrisi in his statement. He could go and talk to him too.
After that,he Gently kicks the side of his steed and both stallions begin to ride forward to that accursed spire looming over earth.
This unrest he feels lingers for days. Strife wasnt sure what he was feeling, was it relief? Horror? Fear?. He didnt know what his emotions were doing,he was scared shitless and for the first time in his life he is unable to put his brother on a place that feels right.
First he could say that he admired and loved his brother,then that he couldnt stand him and yet still he worried. Now he didnt even know if he should talk to him,or talk back.
--Dust has seen some tracks that look like Ruins-- Commented Death,trying to prod his brother to talk-- Do either of you know what happened to War?
--He was casted to the abyss--Fury seemed to know,strife doesnt even react. He had his ways of knowing but still the idea of his baby sibling suffering such fate stabbed his heart.
Not that he would let it show.
--Only that?-- Asked the eldest,disturbed at how his once witty brother now seems lost with his gaze on the floor. Hes almost allowing Mayhem to set the path and route,at least the mare does try to follow along with their plan.
--Sadly,yes. I could try and reach out again-- the sister proposed-- Easier to find him if we just ask...
Death began to see the golden hour set in. He nodds and says-- We'll find a place for you to safely reach out to War. -- he then tried to Gently nudge the calf of his brother with his foot. Emphasis on the gentle part-- Is that okay with you,Strife?
The gunslinger seemed to blink out of his stupor. Unaware of the pained look of his sister behind him,what a horrible state to see him in.-- huh?wha- Sure. Whatever-- He murmured,breathing sharply and trying to save face.
Death flinched a little and drifted his gaze to the dark spot that was dust against the Pink and purple Sky. The colors swirl together and like melted honey they mingle. Its been beautiful day so far.
As planned they find a safe enough spot. An old greenhouse thats been largely overgrown by now. And near a park with a recornizable enough statue, woman with a fruit basket.
They hope the easily recognizable landmark helps the youngest rider to find their camp spot.
Fury goes to a quiet spot but as she passed the eldest she gripped his forearm hard,strong enough to dig her taloned gauntlets on the metal armor of her sibling.
--talk. To. Him. Now. -- she growled- no,demanded. -- I wont spend one more day with him like this.-- her hair flares a bright yellow,he recognizes the power of the Fire hollow. And he sees a few glimmers of purple in her hair as the force hollow allows her to sink her nails into his armor further only to prove and solidify her Point.
With a silent sigh he nodded and felt himself shoved a little with anger.
He goes to find his brother who stands before an overgrown pond. Hes looking down at his own reflection,the helmet Next to his pistols a few meters back. The golden hour makes his spiky hair look like a jagged eclipse with a ring of Orange lines.
Silent steps approach the gunslinger and he then says--Strife...we must talk.
--What is there to talk about?-- His brother answered,voice flat.
--The matter of why Ive been behaving the way that Ive been-- he stands beside his brother,looking at the face of his younger of kin. Hes also missed being able to see his face.
Perhaps without their masks,they can finally talk.
--I need you to understand that what I did, I did for War-- He began, his hands tightening into fists and then relaxing like hes a jittery cat. -- I visited the crowfather, and fought him. The amulet shattered and embedded itself in me.-- the recalling of those memories isnt pleaseant,but he must Keep going-- to resurrect humanity, to erase the crime,I had to make a sacrifice. I...threw myself into the well of souls. To exchange the nephilim for humanity.
--...so you died?-- his voice carries no life,no witt,no snark,no rebellious undernote or teasing remark.
--yes--death tries to be soft in the way he speaks,he recalls the way he used to Lower his voice and quieten his pronounciation. With a bit of ease,he slips into his old role as brother-- and before I did,I remembered our childhood. And I realize now that i...-- he hisses out a sigh-- Ive done Many things wrong..
He sees strife blink back into conciousness-- Yeah?
Okay, hes defenetly not hearing the end of this. Ever. But he is no stranger to making sacrifices for his siblings.
--Indeed,and I have hurt you all in ways my younger self would be horrified to know about. -- he sighed loudly and put a hand on his sibling's shoulder--And for all the titles ive beared,the only one I cared for, the only one I havent been able to uphold has been the title of Brother. I....am sorry. For all the pain I've put you through.
Strife Turned to face his brother. Expression confused and eyes widened to the point they might pop out of their sockets.
--You...are such an asshole!--he chided.
Death snickered and nodded--Indeed. Ive..been nothing short of awful. But I wish not to lose another brother,and yet another part of my soul.
The gunslinger snorted.Begining to cry and having to bite back a fanged grin that ultimately,hes unable to restrain. His tears look like Fire in the golden hour glow,and his eldest of kin Gently wipes them away.
--Would you throw yourself into a well for me?--He asked,showing a bit of his humor.
With a snicker,the reaper says-- of course -- he keeps wiping away the tears-- remember when you came back home late?
--You...wiped off the dirt on ma face--Strife recalled,feeling himself slowly return to his usual self. Thats all he needed to hear-- n tended to my wounds.
--I never felt...--He struggled to hold the eye contact,but managed to do so if only because he knows the gunslinger Will never forgive him if he chickened out now.
--C'mon,asshole,spit it out.
--So...scared of losing you-- he finally finished,feeling a bit of annoyance at the disrespectful remark. But he was in no spot to be picky-- The same way I...made sure we all returned from Eden. And having...died, showed me a lot of things.
A scoff left the white rider,he nodded along and his grin never wavered-- was that so hard?
Death snorted and shook his head-- you absolute blight...-- he said with fondness.
--Hey! You deserve it.
--I do.--Strife roughly hit the side of his brother and snickered at how he flinches.--i bear my heart to you and thats how im repaid?--The reaper teased.
--Now you know how I feel.
--Fair enough
Both stand there in the overgrown garden,a Tiny oasis in this abandoned world. Reminds them both of the forests they would train in,the places they would forage. Returning to their old selves perhaps wasnt so bad.
In the golden hour,Death finally can take in the face of his brother. He missed seeing it, its good to know neither have changed much in appereance.
The eldest sighed loudly and pulled his brother for a tight hug. And this time,Strife didnt fight back and melted into his brother's embrace. The eldest begins to sing a lullaby in nephilim tongue.
Hes never forgotten the words either.
--the sun's gone to rest. The moon above begins to show.
In the clouds lay your head,and hold tight to your Cowl.
And if the cold comes to bite you,nuzzle close to my heart right beside you.
Strife picked up where his brother left off-- night sweet night,of slumber and repair.
Pair with your loved one,as the shadows lumber again.
Safe against my ribs,holding you close to my heart.
And youll find nightmares to be scarce.
When morning comes,and the sun shines bright.
Open the door and play, ever spry.
The light of the sun begins to set,the hug tightens and neither feel the need to pull away. Not anymore.
Meanwhile,Fury sits on the inner part of the greenhouse. The Windows are overgrown and the whole room is dark and its the perfect place for her to zone out and reach for her brother. She worries still that Death Will mess this up,but theres little she can do to fix her eldest's problems.
Its not her responsability to fix it.
She does worry, she finds herself doing that a lot these days. And by now shes just bitten the bullet that she has a tender heart, and always had It.
With a shake of her head she sits on the mossy Grass and puts her hands on her knees as she is currently crosslegged. She has been practicing meditation with the humans,and shes found a few magical uses for it.
A deep breath fills her air with lungs finding the thread that connects the four that they are. A bond that felt like running horses,burning flames, coldest bite, frenzied,bloody and unmoving. But kind,growing and healing.
Its a hectic Line to walk,but Fury has grown accostumed to it and knows where to step now. She holds her breath,hearing the rustle of the wind that moves the vegetation around her.
Lowly,she sings a little lullaby of her own. Like the Cantrip of a spell to focus on a certain horseman,needing not of memories but rather calling to their very Essence.
Shes perfected it along the past months where her yearning for her family has grown exponentially since shes last reached out. she'd never admit to how tailored each verse became,and she would never admit she would read what human poetry was scavenged And saved before creating New Haven as inspiration for rhyme And reason.
Clearing her throat, she allows the words to flow. The Fire hollow ignites and spreads her warmth to the Flora,its Like the magic travels across the mycelium networks. Nature in itself carried an arcane connection like few things in life.
As Death had told her, Life was quite entwined with the ending of all things. Just like she was forever tangled in the thread of her brothers.
--Beyond the smoke,beyond the brimstone.
Hulking does your form become.
Pale red in the thin storm.
Of Fire and desolation thrown. --she can see her brother walking Among an Ashen field,perhaps it was during the battle of eden or one of their countless missions.-- I becon you red rider.
I becon you,my Kin.
My red cladded brother.
Sweet as you've always been.
She breathes out,sending the call out into the world. She finds It grip the mind and attention of War and she finds herself glowing like flame,still using her hollow power. She thought the Fire would help to center her magic, she knew flame was tangled deep within the red rider.
He stands there confused,magic has always escaped him-- sister...hello?
Around them is An ashen battlefield with dark clouds and faint Fire crackling over a storm that threatens to break anytime soon. Corpses around them are blurry,overlapping in details like mixed memories.
The air smells of ash,decay and smoke. Neither seemed to mind,the smell just a part of their lives by now.
--Dont sound so surprised-- She laughed,crossing her arms and tapping her index finger on her bicep. Little thing she got from Death.
--Your magic escapes me-- he chided,a little embarassed at sounding so caught off guard-- But its good to see you. You heeded my call?.
--Always...-- she said softly with a fond smile-- We are in a greenhouse. I Belive we're near an old plaza,grand. Broken statue of a woman with a basket of fruits.
War remained silent,the cogs clearly turning in his head as he slowly finds the place and the route to get there. --I believe I know the place. Shant take long,a days ride away.
--Dont overwork your horse,Will you brother?--she asked teasingly.
The youngest rider laughed--Will try not to-- He snickered and then returned to his serious demeanor. A little soft,and concerned-- How is Rampage faring?
Fury's smile Turned silken and gentle-- He's...reccuperating well. I feel him grow stronger every day.
--Perseverent and enduring. Much like you, sister.
She giggled-- Thank you,brother. How is Ruin?
--Hes doing well, the time with the demons still haunt his mind. But not as often,hes returning to his self.
--Good to hear--Fury Turned behind her,hearing a soft windchime that ends with the Roaring of a flame-- Ill dissapear soon. Come find us.
War nodded and pressed a gentle kiss to the forehead of his sister's apparition before both are pulled from this pocket dimention back to their bodies.
Fury does laugh at the gentle gesture,endeared at the unlikely softness of War. She stretches and takes a few minutes to shake off the strain this spell usually caused,and to give her brothers more time to reconcile.
She lingers for ten more minutes before standing up and walking to the garden. She finds the brothers hugging and just pulling back when she fully reaches the entrance to the place they are in.
Death pats the shoulder of his sibling,purpousely tripping Him into the pond,its easily 6 foot deep. He then turns to Fury,unbothered-- well?
--He'll be here tomorrow night,probably-- She answered-- if he takes longer,Its my fault. I dont want Ruin to be overworked.
--Good enough-- he nodded approvingly,crossing his arms over his chest and Gently tapping his index finger on his bicep--You seem tir-- his sentence is cut short when Strife yanks him by the back of his crusty,dusty,stinky purple cowl into the pond.
The pale rider stumbles into the cool water,letting out a curse in nephilim tongue and goes to fight his brother in the water. His black hair sticks to his face and he bites on It a little in the rustle And toussle of the fight.
And to add insult to injury,Fury calls upon her stasis hollow and throws a ball of freezing ice into the makeshift water feature. It freezes them in spot and she laughs loudly as shes deathglared by her kin.
--You two are like dogs-- she justified with no convincing tone that what she did was fair. She walks past them,sticks her tongue out and goes to find a patch of beautiful orchids to gaze at and take just a few blooms for herself. She freezes a few of the seeds and flowers,setting them in her bag for humanity when she eventually returns.
And they stay the night,there. The brothers do break from their icy Bonds and chase after their shit stirrer sister. For the first time in milennia,they feel like children again in their little chasing game and harmless sparring.
It ends with Fury in the pond,as Strife laughs loudly and Death watches on in smug content.
The day waiting for War is spent in quiet storytelling. Drinking tea, and finally telling eachother about their journeys across realms and even...Time.
--Of course you get time jumping shit!--Strife chided,thoroughly offended. His voice cracks and he drinks what has to be his third cup of tea.
--Jealous much,brother?-- Death asked,nursing his fourth cup of tea as the afternoon settles above them. They rest in the cool shadow of the overgrown,dark greenhouse.
--Piss off!-- He chided again, pointing accusatorily at him-- gimme! Hand it the fuck over!
--In your wildest dreams,brother-- the eldest answered,smug as always and his face not hiding the utter contentment because of his kin's dismay.
--And you get hollows?!--He asked to fury. Shes also not exempt from his jealousy-- C'mon!!! Its not fair.
The she horseman snickered,seeing his brother In the lowlight of their campfire reminds her of the times they would spend the nights in candelight and tell eachother stories back when both were young.
--You mustve gotten something fun,im sure-- his sister said.
Strife sniffed, looking at the Fire and losing his train of thought in the process-- Last cool thing I got was the Void Bomb,An Aether Spark too. But I left it hidden. That power is not good in my hands
Death raised a brow-- And then you complain about having nothing...fun.
--If the creator ever decides t'send me on a fun lil' adventure of my own through time n' space ill let you know-- He snickered,a joke only to himself. He turns to something the others cannot see,and winks.
Fury rolled her milky white eyes and smacks her brother out of his otherworldly stupor-- idiot...--She bit with a smile--I'm telling you right Now this tea had nothing special.
--Y'know I do have one cool gift but I wont tell you-- He snickered,setting the empty cup on the Grass and he laying down-- 'nyway. Shut up. 'M takin' a nap.
He puts his helmet over his eyes like an ill-feeting cowboy hat and uses his arms as pillows. His back pressed against the soft moss.
The she-Horseman checked his cup just for good measure and shrugged at her brother who does a dismissive hand gesture. They resume their conversation
in a low tone as to not disturb Strife who got really bitchy if hes interrupted in his rest.
When night comes,they Hear the clobbering of heavy hooves and meet their hooded brother out on the street. War seems a bit on edge,wondering how much do his siblings know. And if they believe him a traitor.
No animosity has been detected in his brief interactions with Fury though, which eases his nerves.
--Brothers...sister--He called out,not hopping off of Ruin just yet-- Theres much to talk about.
As if able to sense his worry,Strife says-- The council sucks ass. Whats New? --He has his helmet tucked between his forearm and rib. He smiles a fanged grin and adds-- Death here threw himself into a well of souls for you and to bring back humanity. Fury convinced Ulthane to help you and I never doubted you. -- he scoffed-- you? Breaking the rules? Pluh-ease.
War sighed with relief,hopping down from his horse. He pats the stallion's neck and dismisses the equine steed back to rest in his pocket dimention.
Death becons his brother closer and Gently dusts off his shoulder pauldron. A habit hes always carried,always a mother hen.--We'll talk in the morning-- the eldest decided,giving a complicit look to the other two siblings.--I believe we all had enoug bad news for a lifetime.
In their heads they get the faintest hint of an idea. And so they bring their sibling within the green house,to the pond that in hindsight it really is 6 foot deep, he'll fit just fine. And with their strength combined (and a bit of Force Hollow shenanigans) they throw their behemoth of a brother into the water.
He screeches at the sudden coolness before he looks at the three with the eyes of a kicked,betrayed puppy. His white eyes just widen and his lips part,and then prank clicks instantly. Their laughter wont last long.
And thats how they know they have messed up,as his eyes fill with determination.
War yanks his siblings by grabbing the three in a waist hug and throwing them into the pond with him. Laughing along at their dismay
The night is filled with the joyful laughter of the horsemen. And when theyre done horsing around, they all huddle in the darkened interior of the greenhouse and sit around the Fire with warm tea and content looks in their faces.
Death keeps watch for the night as his siblings rest with their weapons nearby. He sighs and with a smile In his face he feels like hes finally fulfilling his Word.
Kinslayer no more,Brother from now on.
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bookloover35 · 3 months ago
The Witch and The Headless Horseman- Ichabod Crane.
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The moon was full, casting a pale glow over the darkened woods. A cold wind stirred the trees, their branches swaying like skeletal fingers. In the distance, the sound of hooves pounding against the earth echoed through the night. It was him—the Headless Horseman.
You stood at the edge of the forest, your heart racing. You had sensed his presence long before you saw him. The Horseman wasn't merely a legend to you; he was a force you could control. As a witch, your powers were strong, and among your many gifts, the ability to summon and bind spirits was one of the most dangerous. The Headless Horseman had been your secret weapon for years.
Tonight, however, was different. He wasn't under your control. Something was amiss. The Horseman was rampaging through the forest, his steed charging wild, and his maddened spirit was on the hunt for Ichabod Crane. You didn't understand why the Horseman had been set free from your influence, but you could feel the connection weakening with each passing moment.
And then, you saw him—Ichabod Crane, the schoolteacher from Sleepy Hollow, barely holding onto his horse as he raced through the woods. His eyes wide with terror, he was no match for the Horseman's fury.
You couldn't let that happen. Ichabod had come to mean something to you in recent weeks—a kindred spirit, an unlikely ally. Despite your powers, he was the one who had opened your heart. And now, he was in danger.
You raised your hands, chanting softly under your breath. The air crackled with energy as your connection to the Horseman flared to life once more. The familiar rush of power surged through you, but this time it felt... different. It felt like you were fighting a battle within yourself, a war between controlling the Horseman and ensuring Ichabod's safety.
Suddenly, the Horseman's black steed appeared before you, its glowing eyes locked onto yours. You steadied yourself, hands trembling as you tried to reassert your control.
"I command you, stop!" you shouted, your voice fierce.
But the Horseman was no longer listening. His fiery eyes burned with rage, and before you could react, he swung his sword. The slash barely grazed your shoulder, sending pain coursing through your body. Blood spilled, and you gasped in agony, falling to your knees. You had underestimated the power of the Horseman's fury.
As you struggled to maintain control, you felt a familiar presence behind you. Ichabod.
"No!" he cried, rushing to your side. His hands shook as he touched your shoulder, his voice filled with panic. "You're hurt!"
"Ichabod, you have to leave," you whispered through clenched teeth. "The Horseman... he's beyond me now."
Ichabod shook his head, determination flashing in his eyes. "No. I won't leave you."
The Horseman's steed reared up, hooves striking the ground in fury. His headless form towered over you both, and for a moment, you thought all was lost. But then, Ichabod's hand found yours, and something inside you sparked. A flicker of hope.
"Together," he whispered.
With all your strength, you took his hand. The connection between you deepened, your powers flowing through him. He wasn't just a mere mortal anymore; with his touch, you felt a strange, magical connection that amplified your own strength. Together, you focused all your willpower into subduing the Horseman.
The air around you crackled, energy surging like lightning. The Horseman reared back, his wild eyes narrowing, but his body began to slow. The connection was finally weakening, your control returning.
And then, with a final, commanding shout, you forced the Horseman to stop. The steed skidded to a halt, and the Horseman's form fell motionless, his spirit subdued.
You collapsed, feeling drained, blood dripping from your wound. Ichabod was there in an instant, his hands cradling your face, his eyes wide with concern.
"You're... you're not going to leave me, are you?" he whispered, his voice breaking.
You smiled weakly, your vision fading. "No, Ichabod. I'm not going anywhere."
With the last of your strength, you reached up and cupped his cheek. The warmth of his touch was the last thing you felt before everything went dark.
When you awoke, you were no longer in the woods. Soft candlelight flickered around you, and the smell of herbs and healing potions filled the air. You turned your head and saw Ichabod seated by your side, his eyes tired but relieved.
"You're awake," he said softly, his hand gently brushing your hair back. "You're safe now. The Horseman... he's gone."
You nodded, feeling the weight of the battle lift from your chest. But there was something else you felt—a new bond between you and Ichabod, something stronger than you had ever experienced before.
"You saved me," you whispered, your voice hoarse.
Ichabod smiled softly, his eyes glistening with something deeper than mere gratitude. "We saved each other."
And with that, you realized that your power, though great, had never been as powerful as the connection you shared with him. Together, you would face whatever dangers the world threw your way—witch and mortal, bound by an unbreakable bond.
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darkdemeter · 5 months ago
For Halloween, I can just imagine a bunch of shenanigans. People mistaking War as Red Riding Hood, Strife constantly changing costumes and going to the same house just to get free treats over and over, Fury being prideful and proud when people comment how awesome her “costume” is, and Death trying to make a scarecrow to scare away Dust which probably fails. Oh and with so many “grim reaper” costumes, the other siblings will tease Death over if he’s sired offsprings in the past.
──────────────────────── TRICK OR TREATING WITH ↳ Horsemen x Female Child!Reader ────────────────────────
The mighty Four Horsemen partaking in the ancient tradition turned modern, Halloween. Once an eve that took serious and dedicated offering to celebrate the dead; now it's all about how much candy you can pocket before curfew.
Hey, it was all your idea. They're just along for the ride.
In the humble abode they're staying in for the meantime, kindly offered a place to stay during the festivities, Death is in the front lawn setting up an intricate and rather artistic likeness to himself as a scarecrow. It's going to most likely scare the poor kids away than it's original intended target of one: Dust.
Can the insufferable, lazy Corvus lay off for one night? Apparently not when his beak is jammed halfway into Death's brains by now. With pale, tensely angled fingers, Death bats and shoos the creature off his shoulder with a sharp tsk of his tongue.
Stepping out onto the front porch and down the few steps, you happily trot down the paved pathway and to Death.
You: "Look, Deafth, looook!"
Death turns his head and his eyes find you -- or what he thought was Fury. Almost identical if you asked him based on experience. Very close... In edition, a crafted replica of Rampage made out of boxes, tape and a lot of colourful paper accompanied your person at the straps resting on your shoulders.
Death: "I thought you were dressing up as a princess."
Strife: "Oh she was, and then she decided last minute she wants to go as a Horseman."
Fury: "Her Favourite Horseman."
Fury passes Strife with a wide, toothy and smug grin. Her step is lined with a prideful sway.
Strife is mumbling to himself: "Yeah, but not for long..."
Strife, with the knowledge that you won't catch him, he flips Fury off. War is the last to step out of the house, the doorway his arch nemesis as of late due to its narrower size. In his grasp, he hands you your bucket.
War: "You forgot this, little one."
You eagerly take the bucket and show a smile of tiny teeth.
You: "Thank you Wawr!"
Death: "Are we ready then?"
His siblings and you nod and taking the eldest Nephilim's hand, you begin your adventure of trick or treating...
Strife: *replacing elements of his costume for the millionth time* "Alright. Iet's hit it again. I know that old witch has more candy."
Death: "Leave it. Once more and she will call the earthly authorities on you for harassment."
Strife: "What the hell are they gonna do? Arrest us?"
War: "They can never contain us. We are the Horsemen. Beings of unimaginable power."
Strife: "Yeah. What he said."
Fury has taken up the responsibility of holding your hand and walking with you, making sure that no cars dare to cross your path. Meanwhile, behind you both, Death stands between his brothers. War is vigilant, on guard as he walks alongside Death. Strife is more taken with pretending to fight the many carved pumpkins along the fence line, the clutch of his pillow case almost filled to the point that he can't hold it closed anymore.
A group of fellow trick or treaters gasp in awe as they pass by. They comment on how well done Fury's costume. Of course, the compliments make her head rise higher and her saunter becomes more pronounced and cocky. You cannot help but mimic her, after all, you are Fury for Halloween. The passing group then reminisce and giggle, adoringly calling out that they admire the recasted version of Red Riding Hood; mistaking War's attire as such a costume.
Beneath the shadow of his cowl,. his cheeks bloom with a pinkish hue. He scowls to his brothers.
War: "I'm not this... Red Riding Hood!"
Sympathetic to his youngest sibling's struggles, Death merely offers a pat to the hooded rider's shoulder.
Death: "I think we ought to retire for the night."
Strife: "What?!"
War: "Oh thank the Creator..."
Fury halts and turns slowly to glare at Death, almost accusing at the oldest brother.
Fury: "Tired already? You must be going soft if your old bones have tired out already."
Death's eyes narrow into a pointed glare in return. He growls, low and deep.
Death: "No. But it's getting late and I don't want Strife's sugar high keeping her up any longer."
Strife: "Uh huh. Sure. It isn't because we're at ninety-six and counting little reapers? Death... you dog."
The spike haired rider chuckles and elbows Death in his rib.
Fury smirks as she rests a hand on her hip, still holding form to your hand assuridly.
Fury: "That's a good point, Brother. Death, you never exactly told us you sired so many offspring."
Death: "They're not my offspring!"
War: "This is hardly the place to talk about this matter. It is probably best that we return."
You hurridly approach Death and stop with a small breath, the box version of Rampage madly moving about as you ran.
You: "Just a few mowr, pweaaaase?"
Despite the obvious sign that you're bucket is full to its completion - as had been the deal that you'd go until your bucket was full - it was hard for the Horsemen to deny you anything.
Especially Strife and War. Right from the get-go you had them wrapped around your fingers and only recently had you snagged Fury after proclaiming how pretty she was, that she was your favourite Horsemen. Death was next and it was beginning to show in the wane of his resolve.
When you give him that large, dazzling and puppy-like eyes that glisten ever so slightly with tears, he sighs.
Death: "Alright. Who's next?"
With a beaming grin, you and Strife unfurl the map you created earlier that day, the page scrawled with crayons of the many locations you planned to go for your trick or treating. Now to hit the last few locations...
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charalysis · 2 years ago
Darksiders: Fury
And finally onto our last Horseman, Fury.
Fury was long awaited by Fans when her game released, everyone eager to see the lone woman amongst the Four and who she was to be. Many speculated for a bit that maybe she'd ironically be the levelest one of the group (at least what I saw).
Fury, is in fact, consistently furious and snappy. She is aggressive, if not hostile. She's petulant and snotty. Often she is tactless and rude. She is self centered and holds herself in very high regard, thinking she's the strongest.
She wasn't chosen to kill the Sins because she was the best for it or just the only option to the Council. No, they sent her because she was most susceptible to them which we shall dive into here. We can actually go about this today in list format and discuss the ways in which Fury has been like, or is like, the Deadly Sins themselves.
Starting off with the easiest,
Pride: Fury holds herself in incredibly high regard at the start, believing she should lead the Horsemen. She genuinely thinks she has the raw power and authority to command her brothers, forgetting that the current leader, Death, is far older and far more powerful than her. Death is near indestructible, able to withstand War ramming Chaoseater through him. Meanwhile, the very leader Fury seeks to usurp specifically made an artifact, Nephalem's Respite, to heal her because she kept getting hurt so much. Fury also seems to believe the others would follow her lead, despite there being no evidence that they would. She shows her ass a lot on conversation with humans and Makers, thinking herself above them and insulting them.
Wrath: Fury is aptly named, being consistently enraged, snappy, and aggressive. While War is temperamental and can become utterly enraged, he is typically pretty level headed. Fury, however, loses her cool constantly. She screams at people, threatens them, and is always ready to attack. Its truly not a wonder that Wrath himself likes her, probably seeing a partner as angry as he.
Sloth: Despite her own claims, Fury is ultimately lazy, though its mostly in her quest for power and authority. Until her game, she's actually seemingly done very little to further her own ambition. She's also very easily lulled into nap time by Sloth because, yes, she is tired. But she's not addressing what's made her feel that way. Consistent, sustained anger, hurt and grief over Rampage, loneliness without her brothers, feelings of unworthiness as she kept not reaching her goal of leading... She is tired of it all, and she does just want to rest and let the world move on without her.
Avarice: Fury is greedy, but not for material items. She craves power and authority. She covets specifically the leadership role Death occupies and is eager to claim it, and hold it. She seeks a lot from others in general, upgrades, items of power and use, information... She's very demanding and seeks to almost hoard things for herself to make herself better. However, she is possibly least suspectable to the manifestation of greed, Avarice himself, because he primarily seeks material items.
Lust: Fury surprisingly seems to have the best understanding of what Lust as an entity and concept is. She explains to the Watcher that lust isn't just what humans interpret, that being a concept of seeking physical intimacy, but a more amorphous concept surrounding desire as an entirety. And as she covets power and the position of leader, so too does she long for it. She's almost desperate for it and she desires it so badly, she almost falls for Lust's illusion of her brothers telling her she's the new leader.
Gluttony: Fury is perhaps the least suspectable to Gluttony as a concept, being that the false food is obviously fake to her. She's not looking to gorge herself, or indulge in much of anything, expect maybe power, but she's not a "stuff my face" kinda gal. In fact, she broke Gluttony's illusion pretty quickly, recognizing it as such almost immediately.
Envy: Jealousy is one of Fury's greatest flaws. She is viciously jealous of the power and confidence her brothers have in themselves. She's jealous of Death's authority, of War's strength, and Strife's confident nature. She's trying to be what she isn't and can't be, which is why Envy is the final boss, why Envy is next to her the entire game. Her greatest flaw and struggle is with jealousy.
All these combined, I think its safe to say, Fury isn't actually all that confident in herself, at least not by the end. Truthfully, I don't think she was ever as confident as she painted herself. I think she masked her insecurity behind bravado and rage.
Let's look at her circumstances and who surrounds her.
One, she's the only woman left of the Nephilim. We don't know how women were treated by the men amongst the Nephilim, but I personally think they were treated the same, as a soldier. However, it is possible women were sought out to forcibly create another generation. We don't know for certain. Regardless, being the singular woman amongst her brothers probably isn't a great feeling.
Two, Wrath says that he and the other sins used to call her the dumb one. Now, Fury is as intelligent as her brothers, however she's much more emotionally charged than them, acting on impulse and rage, and she frequently ignores the finer details until its too late. That isn't to say the boys don't also have blind spots or emotional impulses, they clearly do. Death, for example, ditches all other Balance responsibilities to go erase War's alleged crimes because War someone he cares deeply about.
However Fury being specifically called "the dumb one" would be incredibly hurtful and a big blow to Fury's ego. She seems to believe she's the smartest and strongest of the Four, but to have a being she sees as lesser laugh at her and insult her like that would probably hit her exactly where she hurts most. Its possible she doesn't actually believe she's intelligent, or at least she's buried the idea so far it doesn't crop up until its dredged up again by the events of 3.
Three, she's constantly belittling others. Calling Strife "the delicate one", insulting how Death smells, insulting humans and Ulthane to their faces, treating Vulgrim like crap (not that he's unused to that from the Four, which really, they need to fix lol), and she belittles Usiel for acting to protect his angels. She's frequently using these to draw reaction, or to go " but I'm not like that".
Truthfully, I don't think its until her fight with Lust that she starts to examine herself and her situation. And I think the illusion of her brothers shook her a bit.
For her, leadership is a big goal, but something about the illusion reveals a bit more about her.
For context, in this illusion, Lust is suddenly shot by Strife. The three men approach their sister and explain that they were sent to aid her, but with her as newly appointed leader, so sayeth the Council. What breaks this illusion for her? Her brothers kneeling before her.
Her reaction to this is visceral. Pure rage. Which anger would be understandable at being tricked, but she is righteously pissed about the kneeling. The anger around this is peculiar because until that point, Fury has expressed no care for them, but it seems she cares a lot for her brothers and how they are represented.
Now, I know many will likely argue that her anger is just over being tricked and she's telling Lust off with, "You shouldn't have made them kneel", as if its passive aggressive criticism of his illusion. I would like to argue though, that when Fury has seen through illusions other times (Gluttony's for example), she's smug and will make a comment like that with a lot of smugness. This was pure anger.
This anger tells me that she hasn't truly seen her brothers as subservient and that she actually respects them more than she lets on, and she loathes their depiction as submissive to her will. I also believe this shows she doesn't necessarily want to lead. She just wants to prove herself as better than what others have believed her to be in the past.
(Plus, her Brothers kneeling being the sign it was an illusion is probably linked to the fact that she, War, and Strife probably dont kneel to Death. While Death's the leader, its honestly probably more for group missions or ceremony's sake to them.)
Onto the symbolism in her design! Once more, we may be diving a bit into Biblical symbolism as we did with War.
Firstly, the covers on her ears.
These could very well be linked to a practical desire to protect her ears from the elements, especially when using magic, which ties itself into her hair seamlessly. Symbolically, it shows an unwillingness to listen to others; opinions or reason from others don't go into her ears because she's unwilling to hear anything but what she wants to.
The eye over heart is another interesting design choice. Biblically speaking, we may look to Matthew 20:1-15. In short, "Matthew 20:1-15 is a parable in which a typical Evil Eye accusation is employed to denounce envy as incompatible with life in the kingdom of heaven and detrimental to the community's well-being."(quote from journals.sagepub.com).
This is particularly interesting as Envy is the primary antagonist in Darksiders 3, and once Fury learns the truth and understands clearly the reality, she goes after the embodiment of Envy and relinquishes her own jealousy.
The placement of the eye is also over her heart, symbolically saying she views her situation and life with her heart/emotions over using her head, especially when you consider her own eyes are solid white in color without clear pupils. This gives the impression of her thinking with her heart over her head, thus contributing to her being blind to anything requiring stronger analysis.
By the end of her game, Fury has changed her view on many things. She understands the Council is corrupt, War innocent, humanity must be preserved, and that she's not exactly all that and a bag of chip. She's a bit softer and trying to be better than she was.
Tl;Dr: Fury both a temperamental child and a confident woman, though her confidence boarders on cockiness and her anger outbursts get her into deeper shit than necessary, but she learns better by the end.
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butchbonerot · 4 months ago
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Blog Introduction Post
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General Info
Hi!! I'm Quinn, I'm a 21yo butch from the southern US. My gender is smthn along the lines of nonbinary woman/androgyne/butch. I'm in a butch4butch relationship. I plan on posting art, occasional personal photos, my gecko, and general train of thought brainrot (I yap a LOT). I will add+change this as time goes on. I have a lot of anxiety with social media but I love to talk to people :]
Night In The Woods
The Lego Batman Movie
Bojack Horseman
Mean Girls
The Owl House
A League Of Their Own
Our Flag Means Death
Over The Garden Wall
Gravity Falls
Infinity Train
But I'm A Cheerleader
Killing Eve
Moral Orel
Avatar The Last Airbender
Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated
Death Note
One Punch Man
There are more but it's so much and a lot of the stuff doesn't have a fandom LOL
Check out my playlist, because it's an even longer list
I literally will not keep up if I don't put this here
#quinn brain soup - rambles, thoughts, brainrot, writing, etc
#zoinks quinn - if i post nsft art or thoughts, I will also try to tag anything that might be especially triggering!! Like blood, if it's explicit, whatever it may be.
#quinn makes - art stuff!!
#perchance quinn - if I ever feel comfy posting myself
#rampage the gecko - my gecko or gecko related stuff
#little dog yaps - quotes from my love who is frankly much funnier than me
DNI?? Whatever
Don't be bigoted (transphobic, racist, etc) or fascist. I tend to just block content that rubs me the wrong way or isn't something I would like to see. I treat others the way they treat me, if you're in good faith as am I.
My blog is 18+
I probably won't post much nsft content, it's for my own comfort and also because I probably will not be pg ALL the time.
I won't follow people who post or reblog a lot of heavily nsft real people images, but you're free to follow me. I just don't want that in my feed.
I might occasionally post about some heavy topics like politics and mental health.
I reclaim the d-slur and q-slur.
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I made the userboxes and dividers (after reading tuts online akak). I would love to make more, especially for userboxes, it was fun :]
Edit: I keep accidentally posting this before I mean to and I give up so it's just staying up
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6 notes · View notes
talesfromthecrypts · 10 months ago
1999's Sleepy Hollow is a good baby's first horror and the feature of many many sleepovers for me growing up (shoutout to the dog I had as a teen, who slammed his paw full force into the door of the living room just as the Horseman was on his rampage leading to shrieks from teen girls that I think woke up the entire block. Miss u TomĂĄs you were a good dog)
I had it on the list at one point but I must have replaced it when The Munsters came out (I'm keeping the list at a clean 100). I too watched it at a sleepover originally.
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mostlymobilegames · 2 years ago
I'm really torn on the War decision (spoilers and writing)
On one hand, Vicky gets in Plague's good graces, at least for a bit (but that's not saying much, Plague treats her enemies and her friends similarly), gets strength points, a cool sword that only she can hold (I like to believe that her actual vacuum power has something to do with that since War was basically closest to her in his last moments and he'd already shared his power with her once, even if he took it back that time; I don't like this to be just a "omg the power of love" thing), she proves her worthiness to the OR and gets rid of one evildoer out of 4 (and it's just an epic moment to witness). Plus it seems like this is setting up to be what kills Plague
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Very poetic, to die by your brother's sword whose death you planned and set in motion
On the other hand...
No one stopped Vicky from being tortured multiple times or gotten her out of solidarity confinement, the same way Vicky was powerless to stop the others from being hurt. Sure, maybe they would've if they could but it just didn't happen. If Vicky invests in her relationship with War to the point where his love for her, although superficial, is enough to kill him, maybe such a powerful ally is preferred. Maybe he won't be an ally as in "I will go against my siblings for you" but maybe he can be an ally as in "I won't be a problem to you specifically", which is saying a lot because almost everyone really powerful is a threat. I don't know if War is a casual LI or endgame, but it's hard for me to imagine them running off into the sunset in their happy ending, like it seems the Horsemen are destined to die regardless.
Plague is definitely the most volatile out of the two of them (maybe out of the four them?); shunned and belittled by her brothers, she acts out of desperation to impress her Mother. It's convenient for her to be the only one left, she can just do as she wishes. War is the nicest to her out of the others and they seem to have something resembling a semi-healthy relationship (as healthy as two tortured souls with superiority complexes and an unloving creator can be)
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He is a problem to her rampage because he's close enough to her to actually matter. Plague despises her brothers, War seems the only one who'd willingly fall into her trap (he knew what Vicky was trying to do, he wasn't at all surprised that Plague wanted him dead). I think that while Hunger and Death were fuelling Plague's hatred-
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War was a very faint source of light.
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Adding to this, War himself is a complicated character. He feeds on anger and destruction but he's tired of it all at the same time. He was ready and willing to face his death, even if it came in such a pathetic way (from a powerless Unclaimed). The Horsemen are very lonely creatures, they only have their powers and yet they still aren't invincible; drowning in rage and hatred but unable to not be addicted to it. I think the relationship between the MC and him could've developed nicely with a bit more time.
But returning to the beginning, should the MC be sidetracked like this for something so fragile and the small hope that War can be of use? Is killing one of the Horseman (and maybe one that poses an even bigger threat than Plague because of his composure and disinterest in playing games) and (allegedly) getting the means to kill another more important that keeping him alive to keep Plague somehow toned down and gain an ally (allegedly)? If War is dead, wouldn't the other three just feed on hatred among each other and cause more havoc? Or maybe the OR would be more efficient, after eliminating one of the threats. But what if Death and Hunger just fuel Plague's plans, who's now without anyone that could calm her down?
So many thingssgsggsgss
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peccatulum-b-gone · 6 months ago
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I am waiting in front of your house @7associationfixer. Time for the Hunter to be Hunted... or something.
Is the car mine ? No, it's borrowed. Is it spacious ? You bet. Is it embarrassing ?
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imagine-darksiders · 2 months ago
Woe upon thee, a thought has occured in my mind.
Which of horseman's horses wouldn't even touch a sugar cube and which would eat a rubber boot filled with gasoline?
Rampage is as fussy as his rider, and though he doesn't need to eat, he wouldn't graze on anything that didn't come directly from the purest plains of the Horsemaster's realm.
Ruin and Despair are less bothered. Ruin wouldn't eat anything proffered to him by hand, he's too proud, but if you leave a sugar cube on the ground nearby, he'll scoop it up as fast as he can to avoid being spotted.
Despair will take most anything out of your hand so long as it's vaguely edible. He's a proud horse, but he isn't so proud that he'll refuse a polo mint if it's offered. Besides, he likes to make you happy.
Mayhem. Oh Mayhem. If it fits in his mouth, he'll usually try to munch on it. Doesn't matter what it is. Grass. Gloves. A hat. Your hoodie strings. Strife's finger. He's a curious horse, and wants to sample everything just in case it's edible. You've had to rescue several pieces of paper from his mouth when he got hold of your notebook once.
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mysterycharacterbracket · 11 months ago
Tier 1 - First 44
300. 260. Puff Puff from Your Favorite Martian
299. 160. Maxil of Gallifrey from Doctor Who Arc of Infinity
298. 88. Nobody from scp foundation
297. 64. Jubei from Video Game (Blazblue)
296. 131. Nyssa from Doctor Who fused with Bulbasaur from Pokémon
295. 242. Rarity from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
294. 148. Garwin Chang from Kotlc
293. 103. William from Chad Smith: Life of a rich boy (webtoon), and more coming soon TBD
292. 244. Benrey from Half-life VR but the AI is self aware
291. 15. Flavio Who from the submitter's own memes
290. 70. Vislor Turlough from Doctor who (-_-)
289. 293. Lee Ping from Detentionaire
288. 19. Clay Puppington from Moral Orel
287. 211. The Puppeteer from Steldomo (aka an oc in a story the submitter wants to write)
286. 43. hatsune miku; colorful stage
285. 167. Hugtan / Hagumi / Cure Tomorrow from Hugtto Precure
284. 164. Dr Frankistein from Frankenstein (the book)
283. 60. Dr. Zoidberg from Futurama
282. 175. Sho Minamimoto from The World Ends With You
281. 28. Stacy Hirano from Phineas and Ferb!
280. 199. Dib Membrane from Invader Zim
279. 25. Loras Tyrell from A Song of Ice and Fire (NOT the show they fuckijgbmassacred his character)
278. 74. Candyman from Lethal League Blaze
277. 31. Kikiu from Tess of the Road
276. 191. Dazai Osamu from Bungou stray dogs
275. 185. Juta Tachibana from Otomen
274. 85. Jenny Jergens from Detentionnaire
273. 119. Theodore from The House in the Cerulean Sea
272. 95. Shirou Emiya from Fate/Stay Night
271. 124. Puss in Boots from Shrek
270. 137. Phantom Horn from Two Best Brothers Bitch About Ponies/Slime and Punishment/RowdyFuckers CopKillers Endless War (indirectly originatined in Sonichu as well, as slime and punushment is the cannonical ending to Sonichu, TBBBAP, and while not the end, is a cannonical story in RFCK)
269. 8. Greenland from Plague, Inc.
268. 233. Link from The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap
267. 223. Scooby doo from Scooby doo
266. 156. Cricket from Wings of Fire
265. 10. Wilbur the pig from Charlotte's Web
264. 1. Cleopatra the 7th from Real life
263. 189. Colin Frazer from Doctor Who Arc of Infinity
262. 79. Peter Pan from Once Upon a Time
261. 240. Shiho Kobayakawa from Private Actress
260. 277. The Human Faced Fish from Shingi: The Spirit's Playbook
259. 84. Chopfyt (The Tin Man) from Oz
258. 250. Albedo from Ben 10
257. 257. Sam Lloyd/Sergei Lubovitch from The Diviners series
Tier 2 - Round of 256
256. 254. Andrew Ryan from Buoshck
255. 216. Nyssa Ôf Traken from Doctor who
254. 228. Asha from Iji
253. 22. Whisper Schnee from Boldores and Boomsticks
252. 253. Chuuya Nakahara from Bungou stray dogs
251. 18. Mapleshade from warrior cats
250. 190. Andrew Eldritch from real life
249. 120. sans undertale from undertale
248. 219. T-Rex from Jurassic Park
247. 141. Karkat Vantas from Homestuck
246. 53. Rasputin IV from X-Men
245. 20. Hunter | The Golden Guard from The Owl House
244. 7. Kim Dokja from Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
243. 50. Death from Darksiders
242. 266. Dave Miller from Dsaf
241. 174. Dr. Miranda Jones from Star Trek: The Original Series
240. 274. donquixote doflamingo from one piece
239. 92. Hyakunosuke Ogata from Golden Kamuy
238. 11. Kha'Nel from Dragens Øye
237. 139. George Costanza from Seinfeld
236. 121. Rampage from Beast Wars
235. 62. Δ (epsilon) from Mathematics, real life (kinda? Not sure maths qualifies as real life) ) (common phrase: Let Δ>0 be any real number)
234. 134. BoJack Horseman from BoJack Horseman
233. 291. Juleka Couffaine from Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir
232. 129. Flavio Rezza (MC Flava) from real life
231. 215. Goodtimewithscar or Scar for short (the minecraft youtuber)
230. 186. Percy Weasley from Harry Potter
229. 170. claude frollo from the hunchback of notre dame (specifically the stage musical)
228. 217. Grian from Life Series (3rd/Last/Double/Limited Life)
227. 168. the submitter from real life
226. 269. Mizi from Alien Stage
225. 96. Robin Stuart from Arc of Infinity (Doctor Who)
224. 172. Tessa Minsky from Imogen, Obviously
223. 267. Ea-nasir (real life copper merchant - 1750 BCE)
222. 37. Kokichi Ouma from Danganronpa V3
221. 147. Rose Lavillant from Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir
220. 135. Fiver from Watership down
219. 251. Keith Kogane from Voltron
218. 63. Cricket from Wings of Fire
217. 146. Adric of Alzarius from Doctor Who
216. 177. Mort from the Madagascar Movies/All Hail King Julian
215. 59. Edward Elric from Fullmetal metal alchemist
214. 290. Jimmy Solidarity from The Empires smp
213. 259. rayla from the dragon prince
212. 205. Starfy from The Legendary Starfy
211. 232. Taako from The Adventure Zone
210. 188. Hatsune Miku from Vocaloid
209/208. 182. Matt Murdock from Daredevil (Netflix)
209/208. 107. Ted Kord from DC comics
207. 86. Juleka Couffaine from Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir
206. 27. Sailor Saturn from Sailor Moon
205. 197. Marc Anciel from Miraculous Ladybug
204. 159. Yona from Yona of the Dawn
203. 220. David Chiem from Danganronpa: Despair Time
202. 125. Tynan from Aurora Webcomic
201. 169. Kid Blink from Newsies
200. 128. π (pi) from Mathematics (as in half a circle of radius 1)
199. 275. Zee from Total Drama 2023
198. 278. Flynn Moore from Echo (the furry vn)
197. 270. Caim Tivh from MĂžrkalven
196. 195. Grendel, The Grimm General from Boldores and Boomsticks
195. 280. Hermie the Unworthy from Dungeons and Daddies
194. 181. Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way from My Immortal
193. 247. Monkey D Luffy from One Piece
Tier 3 - Round of 192
192. 68. Jacopo Bearzatti from The House in Fata Morgana
191. 117. Pugsley Guttman from From the animated series Dead End: Paranormal Park
190. 57. Maglor from the Silmarillion
189. 203. Al-An from Subnautica: Below Zero
188. 112. Hercule Poirot from Agatha Christie-verse (???)
187. 122. Rampage from Beast Wars
186. 284. Callie Cuttlefish from Splatoon 1-3
185. 61. Ranpo Edogawa from Bungou Stray Dogs
184. 123. Emil from Nier series
183. 157. vriska from homestuck
182. 213. Brainy Smurf from The Smurfs
181. 36. Doppo Kannonzaka from Hypnosis Mic
180. 38. Diane Nguyen from BoJack Horseman
179. 32. Serial Designation N from Murder Drones
178. 29. Morgrem from Pokemon
177. 17. Joy Wang/Jobu Tupaki from Everything Everywhere All at Once
176. 54. Rex Salazar from Generator Rex
175. 161. Huan from The Silmarillion
174. 225. meg from megahex comic series
173. 136. [redacted] / trivia murder party host from jackbox; trivia murder party
172. 42. Toshiko Sato from Torchwood
171. 106. Veeva Dash from Stampy's Lovely World
170. 39. gaheris from arthuriana
169. 287. waylon smithers jr from the simpsons
168. 77. Nathaniel Kurtzberg from Miraculous Ladybug
167. 89. Pit from Kid Icarus
166. 82. Tsurugi Kyousuke / Victor Blade from Inazuma Eleven GO
165. 171. Danhausen from Professional wrestling
164. 3. Maia Drahzar/Edrehasivar VII from The Goblin Emperor
163. 165. Taranee Cook from W.i.t.c.h.
162. 207. Ardyn "Izunia" Lucis Caelum from Final Fantasy XV
161. 132. Invader Zim from Invader Zim
160. 94. Mumbo Jumbo from Real Life/Mcyt
159. 208. Garwin Chang from Keeper of the Lost Cities
158. 78. Aya Burnstein from Dancing In The Devils Auditorium, by xxangelxbl00dxx(the OP) on ao3
157. 230. Nintendo EShop Bag from Nintendo EShop
156. 234. Logan(Logic) from Sanders Sides
155. 261. Eridan Ampora from Homestuck
154. 235. Markiplier from Real Life
153. 138. Hajime Hinata from Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair
152. 264. Bao-Dur from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2
151. 71. Fabian Seacaster from Fantasy High (Dimension 20)
150. 283. Bruno Madrigal from Encanto
149. 13. The Fifth Doctor from Doctor Who
148. 155. Tegan Jovanka from Doctor Who
147. 273. Lynne from Ghost Trick
146. 130. Hoshina Hikaru (Cure Star) from Star Twinkle Pretty Cure
145. 81. Damon of Gallifrey from Doctor Who Arc of Infinity
144. 239. "Phoenix" from iiRitW, the OP's ORIGINAL (sob) wip videogame
143. 115. Sound Saran from My School President
142. 149. data from star trek the next generation
141. 2. Iruma-kun from Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-kun
140. 256. Akane Kurashiki from Zero Escape
139. 104. Usagi Tsukino/Sailor Moon from Sailor Moon
138. 91. Kuromi from Sanrio
137. 158. CorazĂłn de Ballena from Oxventure
136. 192. Milo Murphy from Milo Murphy's Law
135. 105. Alice Price Healy from Incryptid
134. 48. Raven Scofflaw from the submitter's OC from a wip that currently has the filler title 'Family'
133. 187. Vash the Stampede from Trigun
132. 206. Ben from the submitter's OC with almost zero information about lmao (this will change once I update artfight?)
131. 66. Natsuki Subaru from Re:Zero
130. 126. Geralt of Rivia from The Witcher
129. 255. Kevin from Ghost Host Ghost House
Tier 4 - Round of 128
128. 116. Pancho from All Hail King Julien!
127. 110. Kento from Payday 2
126. 113. Grantaire from Les Miserables
125. 65. Lexcanium from Wasteland 2
124. 297. Anakin Skywalker from Star Wars
123. 263. Chocolat Aizawa from Chocolat no Mahou
121/122. 153. Syv from SnĂžkattprinsen/The Snowcat Prince
121/122. 299. Adam Tyler from the Firewatching series
120. 83. Imogen Scott from Imogen, Obviously
119. 152. Garwin Chang from Keeper of the Lost Cities
118. 198. Sylvio Sawatari from Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc V
117. 295. Pheonix Wright from Ace Attorney
116. 221. Prince Tarte (full name so long even he can't remember all of it) from Fresh Precure
115. 286. Ingo from Pokemon Legends Arceus
114. 279. The Collector from The Owl House
113. 227. Guildmaster Wigglytuff from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky
112. 99. Nanako Dojima from Persona 4
111. 262. Lunar from The sun and moon show
110. 143. the doctor (could just be the 10th doctor if thats too broad) from doctor who
109. 108. Don Quixote from Limbus Company
108. 46. Chiono from Steldomo (aka an oc in a story the submitter wants to write)
107. 236. the Doctor from Doctor Who
106. 45. Hao Asakura from Shaman King
105. 16. Tatsuya Suou from Persona 2
104. 194. Magic Brian from The Adventure Zone: Balance
103. 229. ronan lynch from the raven cycle
102. 58. Todd Chavez from BoJack Horseman
101. 252. Susan Sto Helit from The Discworld series
100. 12. Baljeet Tjinder from Phineas and Ferb
99. 271. Manga Fukidashi from My hero academia
98. 238. Cure Lovely/Megumi Aino from Happiness Charge Precure
97. 154. Nate Ford from Leverage
Tier 5 - Round of 96
96. 210. Melanie King from The Magnus Archives
95. 241. Vriska Serket from Homestuck
94. 93. Cure Passion from Fresh Precure
93. 44. Stanford Pines from Gravity Falls
92. 265. Otome from Video game (Gnosia)
91. 173. Lucian Lockhart from the submitter's imagination
90. 4. Pyotr 'Pierre' Bezukhov from War and Peace
89. 6. Mia "Maps" Mizoguchi from Gotham Academy/DC Comics
88. 76. Meridius from Venom
87. 268. daniil dankovsky from pathologic
86. 55. Nona from Nona the Ninth (book)
85. 24. Prince Peasely from Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga
84. 298. IMOGEN from stellar firma
83. 52. Jordyn Khaos from The chronicles of Destiny
82. 166. Gideon Nav from The Locked Tomb
81. 282. Obi from Snow White with the Red Hair
80. 281. Dalinar Kholin from Stormlight Archive
79. 140. Tim Drake from DC Comics, Batman Comics
78. 248. Brightheart from Warriors
77. 23. Garwin Chang from Keeper of the Lost cities
76. 109. Roy Mustang from Fullmetal Alchemist
75. 289. Ken Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul
74. 114. Vinnie Dakota from Milo Murphy's Law
73. 14. Jin Macchiato from Fuga: Melodies of Steel
72. 101. Hendry Lowe from All of Us Villains
71. 212. Annabel McAllistair from Dolls of new albion
70. 258. Sanji from One piece
69. 214. God from the Bible
68. 73. Kosane Kiriha from Null Magical Girl
67. 218. Bilbo Baggins from The Hobbit
66. 118. anakin skywalker from star wars
65. 90. Adina Astra from Lost Constellation (Night in the Woods Supplemental)
Tier 6 - Round of 64
64. 35. Larten Crepsley from The Saga of Darren Shan
63. 49. Eda Clawthorne from The Owl House
62. 26. Perona from One Piece
61. 47. Bain from Payday: the Heist and Payday 2
60. 144. Heiji Hattori from Detective Conan
59. 41. Maglor from The Silmarillion
58. 237. Carrot from The Discworld series
57. 179. John from Malevolent (podcast)
56. 226. Katarina Claes from My Next Life as a Villianess
55. 127. five hargreeves from the umbrella academy
54. 196. Dragon from Parahumans
53. 102. Vanessa Santoro from Fablehaven book series
52. 150. James Flint from Black Sails
51. 180. Sasha Rackett from Rusty Quill Gaming
50. 249. Donna Noble from Doctor Who
49. 178. Beauregard Lionett from Critical Role
Tier 7 - Second bracket
48. 151. Zisu from Pokemon Legends Arceus
47. 209. Prince Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender
46. 56. Canute from Vinland Saga
45. 183. otto octavius / doc ock from spiderman 2
44. 204. Kim Dokja from Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
43. 33. Mihashi Ren from Ookiku Furikabutte (Big Windup!)
42. 100. The original char aznable from Gundam
41. 51. Percy Weasley from Harry Potter
40. 292. akagi shigeru from akagi
39. 202. Douglas F. Eiffel from Wolf 359
38. 80. Marty Mikalski from The Cabin in the Woods, 2011
37. 142. The Reaper from Death's door
36. 184. Thors from Vinland Saga
35. 200. Ryoma Hoshi from Danganronpa
34. 75. Darth Maul from Star Wars
33. 243. Kim Theerapanyakul from Kinnporsche The Series
Tier 8 - Round of 32
32. 34. Godzilla from Godzilla
31. 300 Baljeet Tjinder from Phineas and Ferb
30. 245. Duck Newton from The Adventure Zone: Amnesty
29. 145. Gakushuu Asano from Assassination Classroom
28. 30. Natsume Takashi from Natsume's Book of Friends
27. 276. Nona from The Locked Tomb series
26. 87. Cordelia Gallo from Gosick
25. 162. Richard Spender from Paranatural
Tier 9 - Round of 24
24. 296. Horse from Centaurworld
23. 40. charlie kelly from its always sunny in philadelphia
22. 294. Warren Peace from Sky High
21. 176. Percy Weasley from Harry Potter
20. 285. Daisy Wells from Murder Most Unladylike (book series)
19. 201. zane from lego ninjago
18. 9. Tin from Triage
17. 111. Kelsier from Mistborn
Tier 10 - Sweet 16
16. 98. Fujiwara no Sai from Hikaru no Go
15. 133. Megamind from Megamind
14. 97. V from Devil May Cry
13. 69. Vegas Theerapanyakul from Kinnporsche: The Series
Tier 11 - Top Twelve
12. 193. The Obituary Writer from Death By Dying
11. 163. hollyleaf from warrior cats
10. 72. King Clawthorne from The Owl House
9. 288. Vin from Mistborn
Tier 12 - Elite Eight
8. 222. Galacta Knight from Kirby
7. 224. Metal Sonic from Sonic Series
Tier 13 - Final bracket
6. 272. Ilke from Phenomena
5. 231. Maika Halfwolf from Monstress
Tier 14 - Final Four
4. 246. Phoenix Wright from Ace Attorney
Tier 15 - Thrilling Three
3. 21. Olenna Tyrell from A Song of Ice and Fire
Tier 16 - Top Two
2. 5. Parker from Leverage
Tier 17 - Only One
1. 67. Sophie Foster from Keeper of the lost cities
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darkdemeter · 10 months ago
✘DARKSIDERS FILED CLIPPINGS | Fury x Female Watcher!Reader ────────────────────────
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The sharpened lash of her tongue runs fine with a coating of agitation. Her reputation precedes her along with that of her entrusted whip. A force not to be trifled with unless under the banner of kinship - in which that only exceeds to her brothers and none else - it is advised by her wrathful temper that you steer clear and out of her way.
First impressions can be tough and more so considering being a Watcher. How this first meeting could have gone much worse or better, you cannot begin to wonder any differently.
Not that the Charred Council were moved by her outcrying rage, professing that being tethered to a Watcher proclaims a line of insult, that she must be kept under your watchful eye. She is utterly forced to come to terms with this bound arrangement. Upon steeling you with a glassened, pearly hued glare that sends an unnerved rot to defile your voided, shadowy body, all you can do is raise a single hand and ever so slightly shift your palm side to side with a little wave.
“Don’t think you can win me over so easily, parasite.” Her eyes thin and her lips curl up into a beastly snarl. Already, you fear beyond the boundaries of comprehension that you’ve upset her to the point of no forgiveness. So, with a faltering hover, you lower your head submissively towards the frightful Horseman lest you incur what her name - her existence implies - fury. A reckoning that’d be your fateful demise.
Set a course on whatever task she was to carry out for the Council, you - being latched to the weaving of her body, mind and soul - follow. Silently and out of her way. Sometimes she’d forget you were there until you showed yourself. Never would you so much as writhe beneath her immortal flesh out of sheer terror she’d smite you down, her whip restricting and reducing the essence of your spirit into nothingness. When not harboured inside the vessel of her body that convulses with her ever-present anger just below the surface, and when not being an inconvenience as much as possible, you take to exploring the world around you.
“Ugh, you’re pathetic, little Watcher. Like humans, you find the most mundane things fascinating,” she scoffs, a clawed grasp attached to her jutted hip, eyes barreling a thousand fold of her sneering. At times, her words did come to sting harshly, tear their way into the hollow of your frame that has been described as ghastly by her own words, but overtime
 she’s come to say, “But I’ve seen far less flattering things than you.”
Before you can even make to smile through the illuminated glow of your eyes, she quickly cuts into you again. “But that doesn’t mean I like your company! You’re a morsel of a parasite that I could crush beneath my heel. But at least you're silent
Your nature to be that of a muted shadow is one reprieve Fury has come to be thankful at the very least. A talkative Watcher can become so overbearing and an influence of annoyance that drives her to the edge of her already shortened patience and temper.
When you try to point out locations you deem useful in some sort of way, she’s quick to snap as you try to grab her attention. She’ll snarl, and viciously at that, only to then look at where you point and her lips coil.
“Ugh, fine! If it ceases your infernal writhing.”
In due time travelling with the rider, who’s horse also embodies a vengeance to meddle with you whenever you’re presently near, she does have a sense to calm; perhaps even open up to you. In cases of her boredom, she finds nothing better to do other than to rant to you and Rampage. And you remain there, silent and listening. At first, Fury was concerned that any of this could be retold to the Council, but you never did. You always kept the veil closed, to let her burn her rage out like a flame that devours the blackened wick until there is nothing left.
Soon, she comes to quietly appreciate having you around. But just a little. She still finds your presence and the meaning it serves behind it insulting and gravely annoying. But she knows and understands you are not like any other Watcher. You don’t smother her with repetitive reminders of the powers you have over her, that you are the Council’s eyes and ears, nor do you bombard her with meaningless words of vomit grovelling. But she sees the flare of admiration you hold for her and her skills, and maybe she revels in it, if only to be praised above all else by the likes of you. Though she plays it off that your admiration means nothing to her. It eventually does. It fuels her and keeps that edge about her battle prowess. A need to show off her capabilities to their entirety.
In the heated confrontations of her battles, you of course take to seeking refuge inside the bonds of your tie with the Horseman as she unhooks her whip from her hip, the chain rattling and ready to slash and maim. But the few times you do not take residence, to hide, you mind the space of the battlefield in some near forgotten corner to watch. At one point did you intervene, much to your mistress’s disapproval afterwards, but at the time it seemed viable. Acceptable. She could have gotten hurt if you didn’t make a move to distract her opponent.
Just as the cleaving axe was being reared into action, you hovered fast towards the beastly form, and with all your might and courage, you flung yourself around. Your fists pounded and hit hard against the bulk of the monstrous body, you floated around like a bug set to irritate. Of course, this plan works enough for Fury to bring her foe to his knees before smiting him. However, you did take a few nasty swipes and hits, furthermore, she scolds you for your actions.
“What in the Nine Hells was that?! You could have gotten yourself killed!”
She watches as you deflate at this and her brows furrow. Was she being too harsh? Was she being ungrateful?
As more time passes, and you journey across the known realms with your rider, she does eventually spawn a curiosity about your silent nature. The reserved quietness that leaves her to somewhat be a victim of talking to herself because of your lack to communicate. Only when Rampage is summoned is she granted a piece of mind from this ‘victimhood’ of rambling on to herself.
“Why is it that you don’t talk, little Watcher?” She finally asks, voice grating with the final threads of her nerves and patience. You blink once, then twice in surprise. Her question is abrupt. Cracking like a sudden boom of ominous thunder. This short rest is very rare between her assignments and so you were keen to make the most of it. Intending the explore the desecrated and overgrown ruins, her question prevented you from moving too far.
She glared at you now and you feel that chill consume you whole. Her state is one that penetrates without remorse, that can very well drain the life force from you.
“Well?” She presses on with a scoff. Turning your body fully now to face her, you slowly approach, the wispy tendril of your torso wavering slightly as you near her.
Your voice breaks through a heavy layer of internal grime and disdain, coming into form of a crackling echo that’s as soft as the faintest of whispers that share the darkest of secrets.
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lady-owl · 2 years ago
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An older sketch from a few years ago (2019 I think) of Fury and her steed Rampage the Black horse. She is one of the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse as they appear in the Darksiders series and main protagonist you play as in Darksiders 3.
Figured that since one of my Halloween / October projects this month is Vulgrim, sharing some of my older Darksiders sketches felt relevant.
I can’t stress enough how amazing this series is. Highly recommend it.
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the-four-hoursemen · 3 years ago
Fun Side Note of Information:
I love going on rampages of liking (and otherwise interacting with, if I feel up for it) the post on people's blogs
Like just absolutely flooding somebody's activity notifications
Completely and utterly relentlessly liking post
I take like Godzilla to unsuspecting bloggers as they do to Tokyo.
If I am bored (or sometimes angry or otherwise upset) I shall graffiti what I can reach of the world around me in my appreciation for it.
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