#I made him because I was in a stupid rp server but i am now in a better place where he can be a boy failure obsessed with a blonde vampire
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randomshenaniganery · 1 year ago
This man has so much religious trauma he's one step away from worshipping his ex bff
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redflagzsys · 2 months ago
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LONG Rant of an Ex Friend who used us to fuel their own "diagnosis" (Spoiler alert, they were faking)
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Okay, heads up, there's some triggering stuff here so I'll put that right here:
TW: Self Harm, Bodily Mutilation, Triggering Hallucinations, Influence to Self Harm.
Good? Good. Keep reading how if you're ready for this shit show.
(P.S: We'll be using plural and singular pronouns interchangeably) So, originally, this was about a year or so after discovering I was a system, and I only knew about so many of my alters. We were really into KNY/Demon slayer at the time, so we decided to join a RP server on Discord where we could RP with other people. Everyone there was super chill, and we actually met some really cool people here. Enter in Velvet. Now, Velvet played Kokushibo in this server, and we immediately bonded because we matched each others energy and also had similar RP styles, so it was easy to get a plot going.
Important note: At the time, Velvet told me they were 13, and we were 14, closer to going 15, so that wasn't an issue with us much as we had other friends who were also 13.
Eventually we made a private RP server so we didn't clog up at the channels, and here we got comfortable enough to share the fact that we were plural with Velvet. They were very understanding about it, which was a relief.
Over the course a few days, Velvet would ask things about being a system, how our alters spoke to us, how we felt when we switched, stuff like that. Never personal questions thank God.
It wasn't until Velvet started to say they experienced similar things that we did, hearing people speak to them in their head, loosing time, disassociating, and this was the first time we were hearing about any of this from them.
I'll admit, it's on us for proposing the idea that they may be a system, but at the same time, we told them that they shouldn't go around saying that they 100% have DID since they haven't done any proper research like we did, and are just going of our systems experiences alone.
Velvet agreed to this, but obviously didn't actually do it. They went around into Syscord servers we were in (That were now banned from for stupid ass reasons) saying that they 100% had DID and hung around these spaces a lot.
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One night, our Obanai (Yes, from KNY...) was in front, and suddenly, Velvet splits a Mitsuri fictive!! Now this wasn't too much a big deal, they spoke normally from what I observed, but then it got weird once Mitsuri started openly flirting with Obanai, making him uncomfortable.
Velvet had an odd obsession with trying to ship their "alters" with people, and seemingly split new alters over night.
Now, around this time, someone else enters the picture who I will not name, and I am simple doing to call John Doe. John Doe entered and almost immediately, Velvet formed some weird ass attachment to him and one of his alters who Velvet treated like he was their dad. Velvet would basically trauma dump onto this guys alter, requesting that he front simply so they can complain about their day, stressing the alter out so much he eventually split.
Velvet saw no issue with this.
Velvet then pretending to have hallucinations, going on call with someone with diagnosed schizophrenia (and they knew this) and triggering their hallucinations for their own entertainment.
Also note, Velvet never claimed to have hallucinations EVER until John Doe shared that he did. All of a sudden Velvet does as well.
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Velvet had also faked Self Harm on themselves, and it was painfully obvious. At the time, we didn't notice since it was so sudden and our brain was on panic mode, but now looking back at the images they sent (Yes, they sent images), it was obviously fake.
They had claimed to have slit their stomach open, and claimed to have managed to hold out for 10 hours without needing to go to the hospital. Though eventually they said they went to go get stitches. In the image they sent, it just looked like they opened a small pack of ketchup and slid it across their stomach.
They had also influenced someone to harm themselves while in a vulnerable mental state, with the promise that they were also doing it. (They weren't).
Whenever Velvet was confronted for their actions, they'd simply go, "Oh, but that was my alters, not me!!!" and not take responsibility.
John Doe tried to confront them multiple times, though was shut down frequently by Velvet mocking him.
Also not to mention that Velvet believed in the "All persecutors are evil" idea. Constantly villainizing their own "persecutors" and other system persecutors, objectively making them worse. Even after we explained to them that not all persecutors were bad and it was simple how they learned to keep the system safe, even if it damaged it in the process.
And the time they DMed us claiming their persecutor, "Raven", banged their head on the edge of their night stand and their head was now bleeding. We asked to see so we could see how bad it was and what actions needed to be taken, and they always went on a long "Are you sure? It's pretty bad..." rant before showing us, which I'm almost certain was them getting time to put ketchup on their face. I shit you not, the image they sent us looked like they just smeared ketchup all over their face. I could see the marks from their fingers. Of course, we didn't process this because our brain was in panic mode.
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Another thing Velvet lied about, going to the mental hospital. John Doe said that they had experience in the mental hospital, and Velvet said they also went to one, and were also in one at the same time as John Doe. This however, is not true. On the day Velvet claimed to be in the mental hospital, they sent an image of them with makeup with a caption along the lines of "Makeup for when we saw the FNaF movie the other day." and in a vent channel, they claimed that same day that they were in the mental hospital, but were given their phone. This can't be true, I know some hospitals may give short access to phones, maybe, and play movies, but I don't think a mental hospital would play something like the FNaF movie, or let someone do their makeup for it.
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Velvet is a pathological liar at this point, what else did they lie about? Being diagnosed with things such as Anxiety and ADHD. They have never been to a mental health professional when they claimed these things.
They also allowed their 15 year old "alter" to date a 12 year old. 3 years doesn't sound like a big age gap, but when it's 15 and 12, that's... wow...
Also, Velvets age? Yeah. They weren't 13, they were actually 12 years old when all of this happened. 12 years old, triggering peoples hallucinations on purpose, causing splits, faking disorders, the whole shabam.
They also admitted to lying about all their experiences in order for me to say they might have DID. Why did they lie about any of that? I don't know. I cut contact with them after we cussed them out.
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Anyway, that was a hot mess. Sorry if the rant was disorganized as fuck, it all pilled up in my mind at once.
short list:
Lied about DID
Lied about being diagnosed with Anxiety and ADHD
Manipulated my friend to harm himself
Faked self harm for attention
Caused splits for me and my friend
Triggered several people on purpose
Lied about experiencing hallucinations
Made fun of someone for being poor
Went in peoples DMs to start trauma dumping
Used DID to excuse their shitty actions
Lied about being in a mental hospital
They claim they're currently in therapy, though I don't really believe them since the time frame they gave me of the stages they've entered are very slim and they'd have to progressed very smoothly and quickly in order to get to the stage they claimed to be in when I last spoke with them.
Anyway, that's all!!!
- Fax Machine🦊(He/It/Fox)
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guckies · 1 year ago
about people being upset about how Bad gives a ton of stuff and never gives anything in return, it’s definitely something you’d only really pick up on and be upset about if you watched his pov a lot. Yeah people are being kind of dramatic about it, but a lot of people in the server (in rp of course) seem to only seem to think of him as the guy who gives them things or the guy that was awful in purgatory (when in reality he genuinely wasnt much worse than a lot of other players)
I think it’s similar to how foolish fans constantly talk about how people (again only in rp) call him a bad father, when in reality it really doesn’t happen that often, and as far as I know it’s always just been jokes. Like of course fans are gonna be dramatic about the things their fav streamer goes through, even if those things aren’t super evident to someone who doesn’t watch them often.
it’s really just a difference in perspective, but if people talking about how they’re happy Bad isn’t giving things away for free as much anymore is bothering you that much, you can always block them
I genuinely don’t mean to come across as aggressive or hating on you or anything, I just saw your post about it earlier and wanted to talk about my perspective 👍
It wasn’t that they were upset, rather they were using it as justification for Bad to have a villain arc (which imo is lazy and there are way better reasons or ways for Bad to have a villain arc).
As well this “struggle” is not exclusive to Bad. Like during the cookie quests arc, Morning crew were the ones that put most of the extra items or mobs there for everyone. Especially Phil who had a lot of ingredients and stuff they needed that he did gave even on days he didn't stream. But there are so many instances in which people give for free and don't recieve acknowledgement.
I totally get being happy that Bad isn’t giving everything away for free, been the same with the ccs I watch too. But calling Bad the only good guy for doing that and saying he needs a villain arc over something so stupid that no one asked him to is questionable. Especially when it was/is not exclusive to him and their are so many cooler ways for him to have that villain arc.
But also I'm not saying y'all shouldn't be happy about Bad not giving stuff because I also am happy he's not giving stuff away for free(personally love watching the struggle people go through looking for things). Rather just not give him this massive praise for it when it is universal experience they all face. Cause my increased annoyance is with some fans more specifically ghosties who act as if their cc is the only one that experiences these "problems" or just don't watch anyother pov so instead amplify the "problems" that don't exist or affect everyone.
And I get what you’re trying to say with fans being dramatic because some of them really are. However, it’s definitely not similar to Foolish getting called a bad father at all. Since doozers had to make a whole thread that we still refer to now to infrom people that have never watched Foolish & Leo clips ever and just hate Foolish and believe that Foolish is a bad parent over the jokes Bad or Fit have made. (Which we are so sick of because how is it 9 months in and we’re still discussing Foolish’s parenting which has been nothing but good)
Also not going to talk about purgatory because to me he was a bad guy and should have faced lore consequences for some of the stuff he did but that is neither here nor there so ✋🫥🤚
But yeah I already do block people for things I just don't agree with but also I like talking about things that include criticism so if people don't agree with me then I encourage them to block me too. Also thanks for being nice about it, cause this isn't really the biggest deal for me but I do like the discussion of these things sometimes :]
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positivelybeastly · 1 year ago
🌟 - Who was your very first rp muse? 💙 - Are there any muses you’ve been considering trying out? 🍕 - What’s your favorite food?
🌟 - Who was your very first RP muse?
Oh, that's tricky. That's really tricky. Umm. Shit. I feel like it might well have been an OC I wrote for a Resident Evil RP on Gaia Online? He was an original S.T.A.R.S member during an AU of the Spencer Mansion Incident, and he had a brother who I also played that was a researcher at the Mansion.
I remember the brother more vividly, actually, because I did something really funny that, looking back, is VERY me - he was an idiot who knew nothing about guns, so he bought the biggest, meanest revolver hand cannon possible as protection, and the only time he fired it was when they were fighting Yawn in the library. He made the mistake of firing it one handed while trying to pull his brother up and out of the way of the giant snake, and promptly broke his hand from the recoil.
I always like playing characters who have blind spots and who will do dumb things because they don't know better - it's part of the reason I like Hank so much; for as smart and as strong and wonderful he is, he can be very, VERY stupid and ruins his own life on occasion, plus he's only strong compared to normal people, really. Playing him forces me to think scenarios through smartly and really consider what my options are, because more often than not, especially in a fight scene, he's underpowered. That's a tendency through my muses.
💙 - Are there any muses you’ve been considering trying out?
Well, on the Marvel Discord RP server I'm a part of, I've recently picked up Alex Summers/Havok, Ben Grimm/the Thing, Count Nefaria, and I'm considering picking up Isaac Christians/the Gargoyle, so I suppose they'd count!
Ben's a fun one, especially, because I have my brain so tuned to Hank style quips and replies that I go to type them, only to remember oh yeah, Ben wouldn't say that in a trillion years. It's a fun challenge, though!
🍕 - What’s your favorite food?
I am a basic male image and I love pizza above all other things. Parmesan shavings, garlic, oregano, plenty of different cheeses, some pepperoni, stuffed crust, give me that right now. I will eat it in front of you whole and I will feel no shame.
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dont have aspd but i like never had emotional empathy growing up (yay mix of autism and childhood situations that caused me to unlearn/block off emotional empathy) and i've never felt remorse and i only get small twinges of guilt i can easily brush aside, but i watched drrr at age 17 and showed it to my family and having all of em be like "yo ur just like izaya" (my mum was like "yeah if i hadnt been super careful how i raised u, 100% u would've turned out worse than izaya" which. uh considering before izaya the chara i related most to was azula from atla. fun to hear). and it me caused me to be like "oh shit maybe i should like learn empathy". i didnt realise i had cognitive empathy or that it was even a thing so i spent a few years teaching myself emotional empathy and man it suuuucks. worst decision i ever made. now i spend time being like upset for other ppl? when i used to just, be able to intellectually understand things sucked for them and help em out w/o feeling anything and so i wasnt emotionally bothered/drained afterwards. whereas now i like, spend time crying over other ppl? exhausting and terrible. it hasnt improved me as a person at all, im dont actually care abt things any more than i used to, and i think cognitive empathy is by far the most useful and practical out of the two. im not saying u shouldnt listen to ur therapist, i just kinda wanted to get that off my chest and not be judged?
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WANNA MAKE CLEAR i am not judging u i just have always always always wanted to use this meme for as long as i have known of its existence
and what ur describing is literally exactly why i worry abt emotional empathy and feeling remorse like. maybe i'm fine existing this way. maybe i don't want to be fixed!! i get that itd make me more palatable and easier to get along with or whatever but i'm a person too!! what about me?? everyone will have conflict at some point; what about me makes it so that all chances of that need to be hammered down?? i'm a person too- what about what i feel is right for my own emotional state???
fun facts my fiance liked me partly because i reminded him of izaya. idk if you know enough of my blog to know my Lore but: he knew me for a day thru roleplaying and i wanted to know him outside of a rp context, and he was talking abt liking psychology. i then challenged him to diagnose me, yaknow As You Do, and in a Public Server he went "oh you have aspd, don't you?" totally innocently, he had no idea abt the stigma
i ofc denied it because i wanted him to like me and also was sixteen, but oddly enuf the aspd traits are (partly) Why He Liked Me??? not in a fetishistic way but just like, accepting that was part of my personality that doesnt need to be hammered out and like, not acting like Total Full Remission It's Like It Was Never Even There is the only end goal worth chasing like. maybe i dont wanna fully remiss maybe thats my choice and i have fuckin, command over my own god damned mind body and life!!!???
also fwiw: i dont know the rest of your symptoms but you having autism and the symptoms coming from trauma don't negate the possibility that it's aspd so id suggest looking into it more! even if a therapist said you didnt have it, they can be kinda..... stupid about aspd lmfao! don't look on quora and don't look on reddit nothing good lies behind those walls
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james-harmony · 1 month ago
ok I don't know the WHOLE drama but the recent stuff:
dream jumped into a random discussion on twitter that didn't include him whatsoever (literally no one was talking about him) and called all tommyinnit fans the r slur in a meme, took forever to apologize
tommy released a 5min video (not gonna go into detail bc it makes more sense if u just watch it), and then dream said smth on reddit about how he was autistic (which is stupid because you can't rlly reclaim a slur if you're just. gonna use it as a slur, derogatorily towards a mass of people, yknow?).
tubbo did a stream talking about it at some point I think, either before or after (or both) dream's stream. then dream did a 5+ hour stream just talking around the subject & randomly bringing up other things unrelated to the fact that he called people a slur.
when he finally did properly apologize, it was about 1 minute of a video on his youtube (trying to save face on a different platform), and the rest of the video was him accusing tommy of
then, and I'm not caught up on this bit so it's just what I've heard, tubbo did a stream where he talked w/dream, dream gish gallops (look it up if you're not familiar w/what gish galloping is) around the subject enough that sometimes people forget the point of the question they had asked, tubbo tried to keep him from changing the subject, and... yeah honestly no idea what happened in that stream bc I haven't watched it yet, but that's how caught up I am 
stuff that OTHER tumblr users have said to summarize or provide context:
1- @/pyperplane, in a comment, and a very good summary.
"Basically Tommy mentioned how he disliked working with a YouTube named xQc or something, and Dream decided this was the perfect opportunity to post a meme calling old DSMP fans the r slur. People started calling him out for that, but he responded it was okay for HIM to post it because he was autistic (allegedly) and reclaiming it (this isnt how reclamation works, btw).
Everyone called out his bullshit and it all went downhill from there. But to sum some important points:
A) dream admitted to sending porn into the DSMP server when he was in a call with minors,
B) dream texted Tommy’s *mother* a year or two ago complaining about how he didn’t like Tommy’s way of making videos about Dream (+ how Dream got tommy’s mother’s phone number off a doxxing scandal),
C) Dream called Tommy’s editors underpaid, BUT all of Tommy’s editors came forth after this point was made to DISPROVE IT,
D) he claimed Tommy scammed his fans and showed ‘receipts’ that were ACTUALLY invoices that Tubbo paid (Tubbo said this on stream WITH proof). Tubbo has done the most vocalisation on this drama, so i would recommend checking out his streams. If you want to stay on tumblr maybe visit user bugflies00 (they’ve been posting consistently on the issue).
It is not up to me whose “side you’re on”, but I hope this clarifies some information so it’s easier to follow. It is probably wise to understand both “sides” and then compare which “side” has more valid points (from a completely objective view)."
1- @/witherrosealliance (in a comment), good at summarizing this newer situation with context.
"OH BOY. so 2 or 3 days ago now, tommy was having some extremely mild beef w/ another cc on twitter, then another separate cc got involved and called tommy cringe, tommy called this one cringe back for being a trump supporter - in response to this dream (had not been mentioned up to this point) tweeted a meme calling tommy fans the r slur. literally everybody went wtf to this and some ppl talked abt it on stream a little, incl tubbo.
dream makes a reddit post doubling down on using the slur and notably does not apologize in any way. then he does a 3 hour stream reacting to tubbo's stream where he does not address the r slur thing at all, rps as his "detective dream" persona in mc the whole time, namedrops a shitton of ppl w/o evidence (a lot of women esp), incl bringing up caiti, who his friend george groped when she was 18 and george was 26-dream was present for this, did nothing, and defended it on twt. dream also mentioned that he was letting ppl in the dsmp discord show tommy+tubbo (minors at the time) drawn porn of his friends.
tommy drops a 5min vid essentially asking dream to leave him alone and get off the internet (recommend watching), as well as calling out dream and his friends' misogyny tubbo reacts to dream's react stream, and mentions that he's planning on talking w/ dream on stream to potentially sort some of this out, but dream backs out bc he says hes too busy making a response video to tommy dream drops the response vid in which he spends maybe a minute apologizing for using the r slur and the rest of the time just lying about tommy? for ex the claim that tommy doesn't pay his editors properly and uses child labor for his merch (remember this last bit). dream also uses out of context clips of tubbo (branded 'tommy's best friend' in the video) from tubbo's streams to make tommy look worse in the video
tubbo does another stream about the video pointing out that its fake and trying to talk with dream a second time to hash this out, but dream says he's about to go to sleep (which in his defense here, he probably was despite the time being midday, he notoriously has a horrible sleep sched) finally dream agrees to talk with tubbo on stream today and is constantly talking over and interrupting tubbo (who he called 'tommy' 6 times 💀), adamantly trying to avoid talking about the caiti situation, admits he has no proof about the tommy using child labor claim but says its probably true bc of where the merch company is based (racism moments), and kind of sidesteps the queerbaiting accusations (complicated). worth noting that pretty much every cc outside dream's immediate friend group that dream has ever worked w/ (and some he hasnt) has come out of the woodwork to support tommy or argue against dream across these few days. fucking DEADLOX showed up again lmao. this is not all of it, but here's the cliff notes."
2- @/halfabouros, in an ask, actually a really good summary of the most recent stream tubbo did w/dream lmao
"Basically the entire stream between Tubbo and Dream surrounding Dream's entire situation that he entirely dug himself into was as follows
Tubbo: Dream please give context on why you've refused to give context on these situations
Dream: No, but do you think I'm sexist?
Tubbo: Dream please explain why you think I would defend you when you're not providing proof and are putting words in Ludwig's mouth.
Dream: Tom-Tubbo you're being ridiculous
Tubbo: Explain why you were being sexist to HannahxRose and Aimsey. Also Aimsey is Nonbinary
Dream: I don't think I was it was. I was just joking around you know? Also what's Nonbinary?
Tubbo: Explain what proof you have over the editor sweatshop after everyone you've shown proof of has come out with the full context and has denied your claims.
Dream: well.. you don't have the full picture and I'm not showing anything more. Because the proof is in that I have those screenshots at all.
Tubbo: So delete that part of the video if you don't have any proof for it?
Dream: No because it's a joke lmao
Tubbo: Explain how you've linked Tommyinnit getting scammed by a merch company to him directly profiting from Child Labor
Dream: Well it's a Chinese company. They use child labor.
Tubbo: Provide proof that Tommy did that
Dream: Well you got scammed by them too so.
Tubbo: Proof Dream. Proof
Dream: No also it was a critique over his video because he made fun of my ~homemade~ merch
Tubbo: Tommy stated an opinion and you've claimed this as a fact. Facts require proof. So show the proof
Dream: No and also I'm right because the company is Chinese
Tubbo: Okay so... You're not actually saying anything about change or apologizing to anyone that needs it and Tommy doesn't owe you communication.
Dream: *lovebombs <33333*
Like. God it was so manipulative and scummy. I'm actually disgusted just hearing everything."
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my-lunaberg · 2 years ago
OKAYYYYYYYY okay, Im about to watch Tommys The Last Stream vod after I go for another quick walk, after that its just Tubbos stream which is probably just the same thing but from a different pov anyway, then its just the Syndicate End vod and then its just a two minute video of Ranboos end and then Im finally free. I really wish I could do this properly on my blog instead of having to do this in my notes app but I simply cannot wait another day. Im so hopped up on adrenaline rn i dont think I can sleep tonight, especially if I dont finally finish this. Also I have therapy tomorrow when Im writing this and I need to calm tf down before I show up at the therapists office all shaky n shit because of some minecraft roleplay. Its almost 6 pm rn and I shall be free of this nightmare before the clock strikes midnight. Amen.
Tubbitch boi
I dont even have anything to say man
This is so upsetting dude
I made it through these first 15 minutes with basically no pausing and I just wanted to take a moment to appreciate that bc I just know the second that joker starts talking to Dream I'll be pausing every 5 seconds
Why the fuck does the prison look like it was under water for like a decade and now theres just barnacles n shit growing on everythinh
Alright I took two minutes to mentally prepare myself now Im ready for this
Wait why the fuck was he just hangin out in the main cell if he wasnt even expecting Tommy. weirdo behaviour
*long uncomfortable pause*
"Uhm... okay"
It looks like Tommy is doing a good job stalling them so far so Im very curious how it goes from this to the stuff Ive read spoilers about
Ouhhhhhh I wonder how hes gonna react to that dig at Spirittttttt.........
Okay, no like verbal ouward reaction but that is what got him to start attacking Tommy
I dont think Punz will care that Tommy tried to kill himself bc of Dream, I think hed find that kinda hot
"The world doesnt fucking revolve around you"??? Bro Punz Boomer arc??? "Those darn zoomers wanting compassion and kindness after almost killing themselves
"Youre insane to think everything revolves around you" hello?? says the guy who fancies himself a god and also thinks everyone but him and his boytoy deserve to die because theyre "simple-minded"
OH NO i completely forgot, the nuke is not gonna hit them. this is allpretty much pointless
Okay listen, Im a huge c!Dream sympathetizer and I know this is gonna end with him being presented in a sympathetic and pitiable light and Im gonna fall for it no matter what because of course I am but like, he has been so comically awful throughout this entire finale I am not expecting this to end in an actually satisfying way at all
Oh that sly dog got him monologuing
Girl help I dont remember pre-rp dsmp well enough to tell if Dream is embellishing shit and victimizing himself or not
OKAY dream smp from Dreams pov lets gooooooo
??? what.
Bro Dream is not in his right mind hes so far away from his right mind he might as well be chillin in lmoonberg that guy is so mentally ill (source: I have like atleast 90% of his mentall illnesses for sure)
what do you MEAN "know more"???
Maybe Im just a simple minded nihilist but why does that matter man. Why die so you can "know more" when you can live and have like, a party with your buddies
Honestly, I feel like Dreams motivations are so stupid at this point, like literally just make him someone who worships XD and is favoured by him or whatever and then also have him have this morbid curiosity about the stuff beyond the server and have him try and become god while appeasing his actual god in the hopes that he'll reveal his otherworldly knowledge to him or whatever idk man
Hows Dream gonna grow old with the people he loves when he doesnt have fucking friends HAH got im
No offense but why has most of this finale been Tommy philosophically waxing about how you should accept death even though all thats waiting for you on the other side is eternal torment with Dream responding by being like "but why though?? :(" when that has like, literally nothing to do with any of the Dream SMPs themes? Like, okay, theres been a ton of storylines obviously but the two main ones are definitely Tommy vs Dream (its essentially the throughline to all this bullshit) and Wilbur, Lmanberg and every single attempt at a country after that. Because of this I would say that the dsmps themes are Cycles of Violence and Legacy and when they intersect you occasionally get glimmers of this idea of History Repeating Itself.
The Legacy theme is insanely well executed, no notes, Im in love
The Cycles of Violence theme.... less so. I'll probably make a more detailed post about this in the future since I dont wanna waste too much time with this liveblog. But I personally think that if they wanted to pull this theme off while also making Dream sympathetic, he absolutely needed to be affected by the violence he inadvertently caused and the audience needs to actually see it in atleast one (1) scene that would be impossible to twist into something unsympathetic unless you were looking at it in bad faith. Dream being thrown in jail and subsequently physically tortured wouldve been a great opportunity for this kind of stuff like, I remember lurking in the fandom around this time, this was the point where plenty of people were starting to sympathize simply because of how inhumane the prison was. Like, if they werent gonna show him break a little in front of others for their perspectives, the least they couldve done was make like, a few short videos of Dream being alone, doing whatever, you wouldnt even need dialogue and then pepper those throughout the post-prison arcs. You could have one like two or three minute video right after Tommys visit where he maybe tries writing those stupid essays out of boredom before burning them and then some potatoes plop into the pool and you really get a sense for the emptyness and isolation of it. Another good one would be one showing how Quackity tortures him, or maybe one taking place right after one of the torture seassions with him starving and shaking and maybe trying to write a log or something but failing because everything hurts. Him being in the prison after hes escaped and made it his base again, watching it slowly decay and fall apart with him in it. They really dont have to be long, again, two or three minute videos wouldve done a lot of good here imo. And then you could also sprinkle in some monologues because as much as I like to make fun of the snake monologue in my head, it did give some much needed insight into Dreams perspective on all of this while making him a bit more sympathetic.
Honestly, Dream is making some pretty reasonable points here (if you completely disregard all the context of the entire dsmp but still) but like dude, you cannot go around calling your teenage nemesis a pest that such obvious villain behaviour dude
Im not gonna lie, i thought the very last final scene between Dream and Tommy would take place in a more, idk, intimate? place. Thats not the right word but whatever I cant think of anything else that fits. But like, they absolutely do not have a reason to leave so I guess this is just gonna continue with Tommy and Dream talking in this fucked up room of this fucked up prison while Punz is also right there
Okay, I just got to the bit where Tommy says 'Im sorry' to Dream and I know a lot of people were upset by that bc they took it as him apologizing to his abusers for being 'abuse-worthy' if you wanna phrase it like that and thats not what I got from that at all. Like, its technically part of a very earnest emotional statement so his tone was kinda soft and apologetic but it really came across as an 'Im sorry you feel that way' kind of apology to me
What the fuck is happening now
Is this hell.
Oh my god please tell me this wont go on for much longer I already watched like 30 hours of these boring ass guys dicking around back in late 2020 i cannot take a second more
Bro why did they pick the part of the stream thats just Dream trying to figure out his fucking minecraft settings for this this isnt doing anything
Please bring me back I dont wanna watch this boring shit
What is ahppening
Okay they revived him, are they gonna explain why his afterlife hell is just him watching the most boring minecraft streams on planet earth
"It doesnt matter if I get horrifically traumatized because I'll just live forever :)"
Okay I think Im starting to understand Dreams motivations here a bit more and they make more sense but its like, if you care so much about eliminating suffering why did you go out of your way to torment Tommy like that in exile. Like, i know its because you did want him to be your friend at some point and maybe you still do but you didnt like how he would never listen to you so you figured itd be better to just break him down mentally but like, I dont think that would be necessary for the long term goal of eliminating all death and suffering at all so, what
Dude, he was not happy he was adjusting his minecraft settings
What if he just started sobbed. Hes all smug like "well, im happy now :)" and then the dam jist breaks. wouldnt that be grand
Hes fucking psychoanalyzing the green bitch this rules
Im sorry man I was not envisioning this emotional final scene to be accompanied by Punz occasionally saying some bullshit in the background
"George and Sapnap are still here" uh no, George literally isnt and last time we saw Sapnap he was making a deal with God to sacrifice his own life and afterlife to ensure that Dream would die and stay dead forever
Oughhhhhhh this is great I can practically smell the insecurity coming off of him rn
Oh god why is Tommy being like "you just wanted things to be simple [like they were in the past]" giving me a more complete understanding of myself as well this sucks I dont wanna be a c!Dream kinnie anymore >:(
I dont think Tommy is wrong about what hes saying abt Dream at all here and I think this is a smart angle to focus on for making Dream seem more sympathetic but right now I definitely feel like its missing the crucial element of "yes, Dream just wants friends, friends who will do what he wants with minimal resistance because hes a control freak" yknow? Like, his need for absolute control all the time is one of his most prominent traits and him wanting to gain some understanding and control of death and other things beyond his comprehension actually lines up quite nicely with that, its just kinda getting muddled with Dreams statements about wanting to make everything better. Granted, he probably wouldnt want to admit that his version of "making everything better" is just making everyone listen to him bc hes god basically but still, I think his control freakiness needs to get addressed more explicitly and maybe it will be, weve still hot a few minutes but ehhhhh. I doubt it
Honestly, ive grown to like Punz quite a bit eventhough he really hasnt done much but like, why the fuck is he here
I realize that the dialogue in dsmp is always overwhelmingly improv but its just so odd and kinda bad in this conversation. I think its because out of context, the way both Dream and Tommy are phrasing things makes it seem like they were on more equal footing and both suffered equally during their conflict when thats just not the case and Im not a fan
I think Ill tentatively take back all the stuff I said about how Dream shouldve been a worshipper of XD but i still think its a neat concept so I'll probably do something with that later
Oh god why did they do that crown, Dreams skin already looks bad and silly enough. Oh well I take solace in knowing that all the fanart of this scene probably slaps
Punz is still there is he gonna say anything about the nuke thats about to hit
Lookat these guys, never heard a nuke about to hit before
Ohhhhhhh I thought that previous 'sorry' was the one Ive seen people upset about, but Im pretty sure its actually this one
Honestly, I still dont see why you would be upset about it outside of the fact that it is an abuse victim apologizing to his abuser but its like, idk man. I dont think a piece of media featuring a scene where that happens within a very specific context is doing abuse apologism, although I guess a lot of people would argue that the fact that Tommy is even reaching out to Dream after everything he did is abuse apologism and. Im not even gonna try to argue with them. I'll just say that I disagree and try to explain my perspective in some amount of detail, this will get pretty personal though, so watch out:
I was recently semi-diagnosed with a personality disorder and i probably have a bunch of other bullshit going on as well and not to armchair diagnose a fictional character but c!Dream definitely has that personality disorder and whatever other shit thats hiding inside my weird brain. His irrational, defensive thought processes, his contradictionary wants, his persistent need for control, his detached nature, his manipulation, the way he uses actual emotional pain as a tool for manipulation while keeping that pain at an arms length, even his weird monotone way of speaking, I relate to all of it. I have seen and related to a lot of mentally ill and neurodivergent and neurodivergent-coded characters and I have never felt as seen as now. He embodies my worst qualities turned up a few notches to make them even worse and then he has a weird god complex on top of all of that and yet, he still ends up being given sympathy, someone tries to understand him and offers him help. And idk, that just means a lot to me so I look at this whole thing a bit differently.
Also, while I get why some people are upset and I get peoples desire to critize this from a Doylist perspective because real people came up with this story in real life and that still has implications, even when the line between fiction and reality is thick enough to be considered a wall, from a Watsonian in-universe perspective its like, Dream is not a bad person for accepting help (or trying to accept help) when its being freely offered to him
Okay wait but if the nuke still hit the prison and blew everything to shit what the hell did Jack do when he rewired the redstone at the launch thingy. Is the prison that close to the main smp I dont remember
Oh man this is gonna take a hot second huh
Okay we're back in Minecraft, Tommys punching a tree
I hate the fact that Tommy doesnt atleast punch the entire tree down before making a crafting table
I was gonna finish the whole series today but its almost 11pm and I a sleepy gal so i'll watch Tubbos pov tomorrow and the Syndicate vod and all that and also I'll probably give my thoughts on the ending in more detail after that. Right now I dont think I cant bare to write any more man, I just wrote like three or four decently detailed (for me) analyses about fucking bullshit basically in a row, my head literally hurts
So yeah, goodnight I'll be hopefully posting all of these posts tomorrow and I'll hopefully be peoperly liveblogging everything again
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enderwoah · 2 years ago
jimmy solidarity is so intrinsically mind-meltingly confusing i love him dearly and i want to squish him with a passion and i want him to win (or lose) the next life series installment and here is why
(this is a very long insanity fuelled rant sorry but if you too are obsessed with jimmy solidarity and the concept of him actually not being pathetic and possibly winning heres the post for you)
jimmy solidarity is the kind of guy that literally has one gimmick and its being the most pathetic person on every server he has the pleasure of being on. he is the wet cat of a man that gets bullied and taken advantage of and nobody listens to him when he complains or objects to anything and yet not once has he truly gotten angry about it because hes just that nice of a guy. sort of.
cause i dont know about yall, but jimmy solidarity is kind of a bastard to me?? i will never forget him swindling joey out of 50% of his gunpowder profits (u think that wasnt swindling?? consider the following: he was earning NOTHING before joey started doing gunpowder on his own. NOTHING. and yet all he had to do was go over and put on his little sad pitiful pathetic song and dance and beg for a cut of joey's profits and suddenly: whats that? a net profit?) i will never forget the sheer amount of times this guy has had to hold himself back from straight up killing or aattacking someone; not because of morals or kindness or goodwill, but out of spite. but out of "i need to be better than this person it hurts them more if i dont kill them in cold blood (in my head)." i will never forget the amount of times he has just straight up punched someone in the nose (/rp) because they were being mildly annoying in the middle of a conversation.
im not saying hes a mastermind thats manipulating everyone by acting lame but also just a little bit?? minus the manipulation part?? hes proven on multiple occassions that he isnt like stupid idiot baby man. like yeah he can be a little incompetent sometimes but so can scar and by now we have ALL recognised that scar is terrifying and could raze the server by himself if he so pleased. i think if jimmy solidarity's main bit wasnt 'its funny when my friends bully me' he could genuinely cause some serious damage. i think the one time hes like ever made a trap on his own in the life series (the one in his doorway in last life) it worked flawlessly which. like. a trap. in the life series. working flawlessly. hello. sure it was basic but the fact that it worked without a hitch should alone be a testament to his ability
and if thats too obscure for u i mean we can step out of the life series for a little bit and just direct you to the fact that he isnt bad at minecraft like at all?? if u havent had the pleasure of watching his dodgebolt 1v3 i really reccomend it because youd THINK that someone bad at minecraft would be trembling in his boots and being in a total panic in that situation. hell even someone AMAZING at minecraft in that position (grian) literally sounded on the verge of throwing up for his entire time and thats FAIR. thats NORMAL.
all i am saying is that jimmy solidarity rolled up to this 1v3, said 'ive got this,' and took out two people in literally a second and a half. and then just chill-ly said 'ive got this' again. the only time he sounded mildly panicked was when tommy was making him dodge for a ridiculously long amount of time. as soon as tommy missed twice- or, rather, as soon as he dodged tommy's bolts twice, mine brother in craft took one shot after like five seconds and it was over. every SINGLE time i decide to watch a jimmy mcc pov im sitting there like. 'damn. DAMN?? JIMMY SOLIDARITY???? POPPING OFF???????" at like more than one point every single time. there are so many other places that hes demonstrated that he isnt bad at minecraft but its late/early and my memory doesnt work like it used to
which brings me back to the life series. since we all know that his 'being bullied hahaheeheehoohoo' bit is a bit (and hey. its a good bit. im not saying its a bad bit. i think its funny and i think it gets even funnier when jim starts fighting back. if youre gonna have a long-lasting gimmick thats a good one and jimmy does a swell job at making it entertaining and also making it clear that it isnt serious) this means that he can un-bit it for a bit. or at least peel away the bit a little.
im just saying jimmy solidarity has huge bastard energy and hes allowed to let it free in the life series!! he will burn things down he will cheer at traps he will fight for his friends he wil fight tooth and nail and claw for his life (he started last life with two lives. he never got any more. he only died due to a trap and due to murder like COME ON). if he wanted to burn down a base he could if he wanted to set up a huge trap PERSONALLY i think he could hell i think if he went up to someone in 1v1 combat he would at least have a chance (depending on the person of course). i mean look at his dodgebolt performance all the man needs is a bow and some distance and hes APPARENTLY set for life!!
ill say it
if jimmy solidarity played it smart, he could win the life series. easily.
jimmy is good at making alliances with people (coughs and kicks the southlands betrayal underneath the rug Ignore That One he was Desperate he started off with two lives remember honestly it was a justified move) hes a litlte bit silly stupid and oft acts impulsively but he can direct that impulsivity against one person and for another. if he got himself in a squad like he did in 3rd and last life and stopped playing up the pathetic bit and set a trap for once in his life (/endeared) he could actually get himself some kills. some Real kills, not accidentally blowing up ren and skizz with tnt.
i dont even care how he does it. i just want him to win. and if he doesnt win, i want him to come top five at LEAST before getting horrifically stabbed in the back by someone he had been running with for the whole series that is the ONLY loss i will accept and still be happy about. the man deserves a girlboss moment please we're approaching two years let the man LIVE
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lemonsbakery · 2 years ago
Massive inf au appreciation post, this thing is..rllyy long..
The infected au was made on 2/2/22, today is 2/2/23. The au is officially 1 year old!! :D
The au has come a long way and I am so happy I was able to see it grow to be what it has become today, from the beginning to now. This post is basically how the au came to be, the way it affected me as a person, and more extra stuff!!
Also heads up! Nearing the end of this paragraph there is a bloody eclair edit! Beware!
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The infected au was formed by a lot of people! Me and a bunch of my other friends (Norman, Roffy, Shun, Klee, Mags, and Trophy) were in a GC that was initially made to raid a server with this one weirdo guy but we don't talk abt him erm, anyways!! The idea to make an au came from Norman. He sent an eclair sprite edit with the text "I might make this an AU if I really wanted 😦" the sprite edit was eclair but really injured and. miserable. We decided to make a server and began brainstorming in there!
Now you might be wondering (no you arent) how did all the creators meet? Did you know each other from another server??
We all indeed meet from another server, we all actually met from a now-deleted cookie run rp server! Ironically enough Norman was the first person I rped with LFAMSSOA anwayys coughs so much erm. yeah!! I have this really vivid memory where Roffy, Norman, Klee, and LEMON (me!!) were doing a Mandela catalog cookie run rp, Roffy was Almond (he got his SHIT ROCKED BTW OH MY LORD), Norman was Madeleine and Eclair, I was my oc, CC, and Klee was her oc, Max! I think that was the moment when we all started getting comfortable with each other.
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oh my god, this server has changed me so much as a person and has helped me develop into the me I am today. That place was and still is my safe place. I feel so comfortable in there and the community is so accepting and silly, we're all just like a little happy family. I remember when I was going through a really awful time in my life and I opened up abt it in the server. The community helped me get out of that god forbid situation without making me seem like a fool, they helped me realize that it's OKAY to be going through something heart-wrenching and that people care about me. I remember when I wasn't really a good roleplayer in that server. Every one of my rps would seem so rushed and panicked, but nobody ever made fun of me. They let me go at my own pace, and they made me feel like I belonged. Slowly and steadily I got better at it, I started doing paragraph rps and started researching stuff about writing and reading more, I learned how to expand on my interests and how to get better at what I love all because of that silly cookie run rp server. I wouldn't even BE here without that server, I wouldn't have gotten Tumblr, I wouldn't have even gotten that into cookie run without that server, and I wouldn't be able to make the things I make today without that server. It's so hard to explain just how much this au means to me, this place is like a second home to me. I can be myself there without anyone screaming at me, I can write in whatever way I want without someone telling me I'm writing too much or too less, I can draw anything my heart desires without someone telling me my art is awful or overboard. There's no such thing as 'cringe' or 'stupid' in the infected au, be anyone you want and this place will love you just as much as everyone else! Its literally the most accepting discord server I've ever had the pleasure of building and being apart of. The infected au caused me and so many people to become closer. Roffy is literally like a little sibling to me, Norman is literally my platonic lover, and Klee and Mags are my children apparently, I love them all with every fiber of my being.(/P) I'm so happy we all got to create so many memories in the AU and I hope we all will continue to do so for much, much longer. Today was the day my life started getting better, today is literally like a worldwide holiday to me, today is a day I hope never is forgotten by anyone in the infected au including myself. Im running out of things to write but you get the point.
Happy 1st anniversary infected au!! KILL OFF ALL YOUR CHARACTERS NOWWWWW/J /POS
Norman suggesting that we make an au out of an eclair sprite
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Half infecteds become real
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first few messages in the server
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first picture sent to the server
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first rp in the server
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emo (literally) almond comes 2 life😈😈
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uhh yeah thats basically it. The server has come so far and im so proud of it and all of its members. ILYSM INFECTED AU!!
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theminecraftbox · 3 years ago
OH i have a fun question for the eldritch confessions !! who is the one person you honestly think has hurt you the most?? i can predict DREAM’S answer, but i’d be interested about sam and Quackity…
/dsmp /rp
Quackity: heh.
Dream: …Sam.
Quackity: …what, seriously?
Sam: that’s not even true! I didn’t even—I basically didn’t do anything to you! I fed you, I took care of you, I kept you alive, for a year!
Dream: (laughs) alive. That’s true! That’s true. Yeah, you kept me alive. And I’m grateful for that, Sam, I am. I mean, I kept you alive too, remember? You were starving, in your little idiot cell. You asked me for food, so I gave you cake! As a thank you.
Sam: (quietly angry) I’ve been—you killed me, Dream. You manipulated me, you lied to me, you told me—you told me so many awful things!
Dream: I didn’t lie to you.
Sam: are you kidding? You did nothing but lie! You tried to get into my head, you forced me to give you the keycards, you made me think—you twisted up my mind!
Dream: (incredulous) oh my god, Sam, you can’t seriously—
Sam: QUIET, Dream. Now.
Dream: …
Sam: (dangerous) You’re going to shut up and you’re going stay right there and you’re going to be good and you’re going to listen. I’ve had enough of your shenanigans, they’re going to stop. Right now. You know who’s hurt me the most? You have. You’ve lied, you’ve manipulated, you stole, you murdered—you’re a monster! You tortured Tommy, you toyed with him, you abused him! Why? Because you wanted to—what, mold him? What did you say—rehabilitate him? He’s just a kid, and you—you killed him and you laughed at me!
Dream: …
Sam: It’s YOU who made me the Warden, Dream, let’s not forget that! The day you made me Warden is the day I died! YOU made me build the prison, you made me use potatoes, you made me—I—I—I had to keep you locked away! I killed—I let—I—I did so many things that I NEVER wanted to do, and all the while I had to keep you alive!! “Oh, no, I can’t kill the prisoner, no, it’s against PROTOCOL.” and all the time, it was YOU!! Everything bad that’s ever happened on this server, everything bad you say I ever did to you?? You chose it! You say I hurt you the worst? You think that, you actually think that?? You dare even consider that? It was all your idea, it was all your sick—design! Everything about that place, everything that happened there, you—you did this to yourself, Dream! And you twisted my mind, you tormented me, and then you killed me! You did this to ME!
*a brief struggle ensues.*
Dream: (low, hoarse) …get. The fuck. Away from me. Right now. Or I will break your fucking arm.
Sam: …okay, okay, let go!
Quackity: shit, fuck, Jesus fucking christ. You okay, Sam?
Sam: (furious, panting, rubbing his arm) I’m FINE.
Quackity: look, take a breath, have a—uhhhh, have an apple. Have some milk. You gotta calm the fuck down, man, calm down. I need you on my side here, Sam. I need you with me. Don’t let that prick get to you, okay?
Sam: Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Dream—I’m warning you, if you don’t—I’m gonna—
Dream: (evenly) Tell you what. Let’s be reasonable about this. You two are capable of being rational adults instead of emotional little babies, right? I’m gonna draw a little line, down the middle of the room, with the frosting, see? This is my half, that’s yours.
Dream: If no one crosses that line, no one gets hurt. Does that sound fair to everyone?
Quackity: don’t fucking threaten us, Dream. We can fucking take you and you know it. Don’t think I can’t see you’re still limping.
Dream: Then cross the line. Find out.
Quackity: Fuck you, and fuck your stupid fucking line.
Quackity: …And I’m not answering the question. By the way.
SCORE: 17-18-20 (max 22)
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quicksandblock · 4 years ago
constructive vs. destructive actions 
I’ve just realized something - all else being equal, the more a character builds on the server, the more likely I am to sympathize with them. (give them the benefit of the doubt - assume good faith.) and I don’t mean metaphorical building, like they built a community or something, though that does count in their favor - I mean literally placing blocks to build a structure.
it doesn’t even have to be a good structure! Tommy’s stupid cobble towers and his reverse coaster and his obscure transportation infrastructure and his abomination of a hole in the ground that he’s spent so much time keeping just the way he wants it make me instinctively more inclined to trust him. Quackity’s wacky dirt platform in the sky, and now his shining city but even more than that the businesslike and functional storage room underneath it, make me believe in his belief in his own goals. new buildings spring up around Tubbo wherever he goes and I so know that he’s going there for a reason that matters to him.
Dream on the other hand, you’re going to have a hell of a time convincing me to give the benefit of the doubt - because what mark has he made on the landscape of the server? a fucking hole in the ground. a hole that used to be a place other people built from the ground up because they loved it. that’s it. he’s left nothing else behind him. there used to be the community house, but he destroyed that himself. the only thing he’s ever cared about enough to put the time and effort into was a shrine to his objective of holding what everybody else cares about hostage.
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actualbird · 3 years ago
me, scrolling thru ur blog for my daily regularly scheduled serotonin: wow a marluke update! gonna save that for myself as a treat
oh, what’s this ?
what if vyn and artem had tumblr blogs
look what you’ve done to me i’m in sheer pain
HELLO, CLOWN!!! i cant remember if youve messaged before with this designated emoji but the clown after This Whole Ask made me cackle. i honk my clown nose along with you.
man, i KNOW luke was into fandoms. i KNOW he has discord, in fact i have an entire fic draft that has this whole fucking premise, it's titled "→ lukeonthebrightside just slid into the server."
lemme get the rest of it, heres the summary without any scene excerpts:
The year is 2021. Luke Pearce, fifteen years old, is told by the school guidance counselor that he needs more friends. Too shy to interact with his non-Ria classmates, he ends up going online and joining an ACD Sherlock Holmes fandom Discord server.
heres a scene i managed to scribble before i made 85 more tot wips:
thegeekery You can’t be serious. Please tell me you’re not serious. You Cannot be 15 years old, holy shit. How are you 15 years old and in a server for Arthur Conan Doyle Sherlock fans. The books. You're messing with us, you are not 15. lukeonthebrightside ? why would i lie about being fifteen? thegeekery To give us an ulcer, like you usually do? I mean this in the most loving way possible, btw. WaffleTime YEAH LMAO, TO PUNK US? it’s not out of character for u lol lukeonthebrightside [attachment.png] thegeekery Uh. WaffleTime BOY??? IS THAT YOUR FUCKING BIRTH CERTIFICATE???? OH MY GOD thegeekery Okay, no, hold up, real talk Luke, you should not. Be sending stuff like this. To a server full of strangers. Actually, can we get a @mod in here? I don’t think I have the EQ to handle this very well. lukeonthebrightside huh why did i do something wrong thegeekery Luke, that has your address on it. jeeperscreepers Give me a moment, I’m backreading. Oh, geez. Hm. lukeonthebrightside meet me in DMs please. WaffleTime ohhhhh somebodys in TROUBLEEEEEE
i got super emo about this wip actually, i wanna go back to it because i wanna explore luke's younger days before super spy training and terminal illness fucked with his head. i am convinced that even before those things, inside of luke, there was like...this want to be with people. and yet this fear that he doesnt deserve to be.
also i just want to write luke being a stupid kid doing stupid kid things on the internet and having a server of very protective fandom adults bonking him on the head and telling him to be safer online and also to be less hard on himself
irt to marius on the internet, i talk about that (and vyn being hilarious on twitter) in these posts!!: nxx boys on social media: part 1 tiktok. part 2 vyn on twitter.
i.....do not believe vyn would be on tumblr. if he did, you will have to give me some time to figure it out. artem, however, i have thought about and to me, it's possible he would have a tumblr.
actually, heres a secret: i was planning on making a STUPIDLY IN CHARACTER artem rp blog. like, not even styled as an rp blog. it's. it's Artem's Blog. the blog title would be "My Thoughts" and his bio is just "Hello. I hope you find this interesting." and his theme is the default theme and all he reblogs are movie reviews and recipes. nothing in the tags ever. and many long posts about his interests with linked and Chicago Manual Of Style cited sources. no pictures. he was born in 2001, the era of "dont even put ur name online."
im....still on the fence whether i wanna do that blog actually kJBSJDKFS IT WOULD BE SO FUNNY
in this entire response, i did not tackle how luke interacts with homestuck. because im saving this for another ask i have in my inbox, asking me what luke's classpect would be. and now i have to become a hermit in the mountains, studying the lore and theses on classpects, to come up with my view and opinion.
youre in pain, clown? i am too.
and ive come to enjoy it :')
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darlington-v · 3 years ago
The piglin is fine, they just moved him and put another in its place, they laughed at the message because someone was said Nicheal in a serious way, they haven't actually hurt Michael and only messed with/killed their own stuff. The reason everyone is mad over the stupid extreme protectiveness of Michael is because messing with, stealing and causing random fights because of pets has been a long standing thing in the server but only when it comes to Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo do fans care. No one makes this much of a fuss for anyone else's lore it's only for then do they start screaming at streams. Hannah lost her elytra and was made fun on by fans for being upset when that actually connects to her lore and fairness on the server. Eret I can't even count how many times lore got messed with or fell through but it's shrugged off and it's sad only seeing Eret taken seriously when it comes to their lore because now it's connected to Ranboo and Tubbo.
I get saying dteam have full rule to break the rules on the server is bad but also it's very one sided when it comes to people's care about the rules when they haven't broken anything and in all honesty are doing lore rn. Sapnaps character has always been an awful guy to other pets pets enjoying killing them because they're helpless and will make others made, George likes to cause problems and sticks by his friends no matter what even of they're in the wrong and Dream wants to mess with the server so joining in a seamless taking of something precious is on point rn. Also again the Michael is fine he is literally unharmed and it seems they did this to see how everyone reacts which was that Sam and Eret literally replaced Micheal with another on.
This isn't dteam bullying, Eret wasn't being targeted and I think a lot of people rn me included are sick of how picky people are about caring about lore. It's flat out "my streams stories matter more then you guys" and that's unfair. This brings more to the lore and can have the chance of Tubbo facing Dream and Techno actually had pets killed by Sapnap so that can be worked in. Idk what the problem is, I am more annoyed by fan reacts to natural on the fly lore happening when they cry about wanting it (aka they only want it from Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo messing with others not them getting messed with back)
I don't mean this to come off as rude at all I still fully respect you and this is just became I think your post recapping things was near sighted in what this mean. You have to understand that fans that what the server active besides lore are frustrated rn
okay this is a long and disheveled ask so for the time being i'm going to disregard the specific lore aspect, because i'm not focused on SPECIFICALLY beeduo lore. i do not CARE about specifically beeduo lore.
what i care about is the way dteam totally disregards not only well mannered fans but also their own friend. like i UNDERSTAND they are doing this to... "get back" at toxic twitter stans? to maybe try to discourage unacceptable behavior?
but they're LITERALLY not. they're not DOING what they THINK they are. they're just adding fuel to the flames and LAUGHING when the fire grows, as if the fire wasn't supposed to grow when they poured the fuel on it.
like, the smart thing to do is to just put the fucking fire out.
to elaborate out of this complex metaphor, i'm saying passive aggressive behavior gets you no where. passive aggressive behavior is lashing out, which we all do. it's human to lash out.
but in their situation where they hold the power over this group of people, the solution to stop unacceptable behavior is to DENOUNCE that behavior. which is easier said than done, but clearly necessary when fans of your smp as a whole are taking a minecraft rp TOO seriously.
and there's a difference between taking something seriously versus taking something TOO seriously.
the too seriously comes in when you're sending death threats. when you're sincerely wishing bodily harm on others.
but taking it seriously isn't harmful. especially when that's what the rp asks of its fans! yes! it's minecraft rp, which is why the narrative being shared asks us to suspend our disbelief during arcs like exile, prison, the egg. when the tone is dark and serious, the story is taking itself seriously.
and in an effort to piss people who take the minecraft rp TOO seriously, they caught people who JUST take it seriously in the crossfire.
they LITERALLY ridicule eret's message and you can hear it in their tone. the whole tone of that part of the stream is MOCKING. dream asks for sad music when he read's eret's message which makes it look pitiful! though as if we, the audience, are SUPPOSED to laugh at eret for taking it seriously enough to use the @\everyone ping on discord when he notifies the server and asks them to return or at least keep michael safe. like it's ridiculous that he'd ask that and further send a ping out that notifies EVERYONE.
i don't think that's funny and most of all i think it's immature. and honestly hypocritical when dream himself helps write these dark and SERIOUS aspects. why are you going to mock your fellow server member for taking a server rp seriously when YOU asked for that.
like i said, i understand it could be an attempt to discourage unacceptable behavior but this is NOT the way you do that! NOT by ridiculing your own friend for doing something YOU inherently asked of them! you asked for that the MINUTE the smp began to take the story it was telling seriously!
you discourage behavior by being DIRECT. you discourage behavior by having a SERIOUS stream where you directly acknowedge SPECIFIC actions you've seen from YOUR fandom YOUR community and you say, "NOT in my community. you DON'T behave like that."
you outline SPECIFIC instances and you shut them down!
and i think MULTIPLE dsmp members should do this! but they don't fucking communicate. i don't know why and i don't know what may finally get the point across to do that, but bigger ccs with fanbases who do have a BIGGER, and therefore MORE VOCAL, portion of hostile and toxic fans should UNDENIABLY communicate with their fellow ccs. they should do more to discourage damaging behavior that THEIR fans are inflicting on their friends, their fellow ccs. this includes both benchtrio AND dteam.
because clearly it's beeduo, benchtrio, that side of the fandom being malicious to dteam. but the people you're talking about being dickheads to hannah include dteam stans! i've seen it on my tl before! which is like... why doing this shit doesn't help!
like i'm sorry but indirectly acknowledging something and just RIDICULING it instead is NOT going to help ANYTHING. you have the power over this group of people! butt them out! your platform is big enough that you won't be affected by weeding out bad apples who wish bodily harm on your friends. who are MEAN to your friends!
their behavior is childish! when you have the power in this dynamic, that's childish.
humiliating and poking fun at in that way IS bullying! it's school ground bullying.
what they did was careless and immature. like beyond lore and minecraft, they were just being cruel. which isn't okay. like when you're the cc, when you're the person in the position of power you HAVE to be the bigger person. you have to! instead of being mean and malicious RIGHT back, you need to be mature and tell it to your fans straight.
i understand it is hard! it is hard to be the bigger person. i cannot understand from a cc perspective but i can understand from being someone who has positions of power in different dynamics! and it is possible! like, phil and sneeg do a good job at this! they're examples of this! sometimes they're a little snarky with it, but they UNDENIABLY shut the shit down.
the point BEING that as a group of people with fanbases THEYRE AWARE have a toxic streak in them, they need to do the mature thing and directly address that instead of passive aggressively humiliating everyone taking an smp seriously that already demanded that of them.
like saying "they're not TRUE fans" or "you're NOT a fan if you do xyz" is not enough. because it's easy to let that flow through you. it's easy to disregard it, especially if you see your cc liking clapbacks on the timeline.
you HAVE to call out specific behaviors you don't want to see and you HAVE to emphasize that you don't want that in your community! not that they're NOT a fan, but that YOU don't WANT THEM as a fan! that this is not a space for them. that their fav ccs don't even want them here! confirm the idea that "your cc wouldn't like you!"
and again, this includes benchtrio!
like i KNOW its both toxic benchtrio and dteam fans being hateful. because they're BIGGER fanbases. like, i'm not upset about the fuckin lore i'm upset about the principle. the fuckin values at their core here.
and i think it's shitty to RIDICULE your friend's VERY sincere message just to be a dickhead to toxic fans in a collective fandom of yours.
like i'm BEGGING you to disregard lore right now and instead INSPECT THE PRINCIPLES AND BEHAVIOR at hand here.
again, really it all comes down to the horrible lack of communication in this server but that doesn't excuse them, or anyone really, of being bullies when they're grown ass men! when they should know better!
like, i don't REALLY have stakes in this anymore. i don't care about the dream smp as much as i used to unfortunately, i just care about people i look up to actually exercising emotional maturity and kindness. and so i'm a little bothered. i've lost respect for them.
and in regards to people being "picky," there are people with various interests in this fandom! yknow, given how many perspectives of this narrative there is! individuals have individual preferences! storylines and lore are among them!
that's not ABOUT "my streams matter more than yours," that's about how evident it is when a story element is fixed versus flexible! it's about benchtrio and beeduo fans making up a significant portion of the dream smp fandom, much like the dteam fans making up another large portion! hence the very vocal and wide spread discourse with THIS issue versus the HANNAH issue, which involved boomer and hannah! not beeduo and dteam! like undeniably if boomer and hannah currently held the same widespread attention of the majority of the fandom, the same discourse would have taken place! because hannah's wings were a FIXED element! she had lore PLANNED for her wings! but purely objectively, they do not have that attention currently, which is why it SEEMED to go under the bridge.
like you understand that you can apply the same principle to real world instances right? like... especially in activism? why certain movements go under the radar because not enough people are AWARE of them? why spreading awareness is so important in activism?
like you have to look at this from an objective perspective in order to see the principles im talking about here! it's not benchtrio fans being whiners, it's literally that, along with dteam fans, they make up such a big portion of the fandom! anything else gets washed over! because the fandom is SO. BIG. like, being someone who is interested in beeduo, im going to be NATURALLY curious enough to search out the clip being talked about! unlike with hannah, because i'm barely a dsmp fan anymore! i'm hangin on by a thread of interest here. and i'm sure i'm not the only one! because that's how interests work!
like, my opinion doesn't magically change if the people involved changes. like if this situation was the same with boomer and hannah, i'm maintaining the same opinion! further more if boomer, punz, and sam decided to mockingly read a sincere message from hannah that pinged everyone notifying how fucking with her wings would fuck with her lore, i'd be pissed! ESPECIALLY if my interests were fixed on those characters! i'm not UPSET about the specific situation here. i'm upset about the lack of manners and kindness and overall immaturity.
ykw? to take it a step further, if it had been TECHNO, a cc ive stayed a fan of, who had been ridiculing others, my opinion would not change but my disappointment would only be DEEPER. like it is about the principle of the situation here.
like, i'm still unfollowing and breaking mutuals that claim dteam should be allowed to do whatever they want because it's THEIR server. it's a total disregard for manners. like yeah, technically, i guess you're right! by that logic they should, but that's not gonna make them any more likeable. definitely not gonna magically justify their actions and behavior.
i don't take issue with the lore, i take issue with the treatment of others being displayed here. the reason why this situation has more outcry is because, objectively, benchtrio fans and dteam fans make up the largest portions of the fandom. not because anyone is being picky or whiny.
PLEASE, do NOT respond with debate. you can send me an ask, send me a dm, but i'm NOT debating anyone in reblogs.
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masked-puppetmaster · 4 years ago
hey, i saw you asked a while ago why dream & techno apologists are apologists for those characters (and you liked a bunch of my posts concerning that, actually) i was wondering if you still have any more questions - and also i wanted to ask if you wanted to talk a bit about c!tommy and what makes you like him so much? like is it just the emotional attachment to him? is it the trauma? anything specific about the way in which he is written? i've always watched his pov & i'm very curious! / - red
yo yo yo hey! I think I understand it a bit more now, for the dream & techo apologists, I think I’m still a bit confused when it comes to technoblade. I see a lot about people only using him as a weapon/ him not being able to trust people / no one sticking up for him and I’m not sure where it comes from? In all fairness, I only know him as the guy who executed Tubbo / spawned withers but im assuming that’s in large part because I came into the story so late (iirc I didn’t really get into the dsmp until around doomsday, and I got most information of past events just by like. osmosis or reading wikis) so I might simply just not have enough information on techno to get it. Like, he executed Tubbo under a lot of pressure iirc but that doesn’t take away from the fact he did execute him? or things with the withers, I know technoblade doesn’t like the government and I’d go as far as to say he has a point, but was it really necessary to destroy lmanburg (iirc, multiple times). I know he was mad, but I feel like he shouldn’t have taken in that far, like from what I see and understand it’s like yes he had his points but he hurt people and doesn’t seem to care that he hurt anybody, just kinda stands there assuming he’s right about everything and not rlly looking at the situation from anyone else’s perspective. That being said like I said I came into the story really late and so my arguments might be able to be chalked up to just a lack of proper context, and even if I’m kinda annoyed at Technoblade’s behavior I still like him as a character & when techno does stream I enjoy the content so I’m not like a technoblade hater or anything I just don’t see why people can be apologists for him bcos from my pov he’s just kind of hurt people and not taken any personal responsibility for it (I mean this as in acknowledging to himself he was ever in the wrong; ex. The whole Tommy / techno betrayal situation which I think was a p complicated matter to be fair he just keeps saying over and over how Tommy betrayed him and it doesn’t seem to me like he’s even bothering to look at the situation from Tommy’s pov or rlly reflect on his own actions at all)
I just rlly like Tommy! I think at least some part of it can be chalked up to Tommy being the first streamer I watched in the dsmp and one of the ones I watch the most from (half the time I’m watching the dsmp it’s a Tommy stream) so there’s just gonna be some inherent bias towards him there like there is with literally any of these streamers. As you put it, it is kinda the trauma, haha. trauma and emotional attachment lol. I think part of it is I relate to him a lot, and I can see where he’s coming from on a lot of things, and I also just like the way his character is written. Smthn abt him that people have pointed out is that his trauma isn’t pretty and romanticized it’s ugly and yk he acts out and all that, which I appreciate. I can see where he’s coming from on a lot of things or at least understand why he thinks the way he does. I like seeing him learn and grow I like seeing his arcs both personally with himself and with other people. He’s an interesting and complex character and he’s been through a lot and I think it’s just super interesting to see how what he’s gone though affects his mental state and his actions as a character, like just from like a mental analysis standpoint there’s a lot to talk about which I think is pretty cool. this isn’t to say that he’s never fucked up or done anything wrong, because he has, but to be fair so has everyone else on this server I don’t think there’s a single member of the server who’s done nothing wrong (except maybe like. Charlie. Charlie my beloved). He’s made his mistakes but every good character fucks up that’s what makes them a good character is their flaws and so with the ways that he’s messed up and the ways he’s hurt people I’m an apologist because I can see why he acts that way, where the feelings and actions are coming from and I can forgive him for it because I understand the why. Also I just think the punishments he’s received for his actions are rlly unfair, easy ex with exile he did something many people on the server have already done at one point or another and was exiled and mentally broken down over it and rlly it’s just been like one thing after another and even if he’s made mistakes he gets way more harshly punished than I think was fair. I’ve seen people talk about how annoying and selfish his character is and when I read the posts (not all of them, there’s a nice chunk of people who are civil about it) it just seems like they’re not rlly thinking abt his character and his experiences. I’ll see people explain his signs of trauma and say it’s annoying because it’s not soft crying trauma it’s messy acting out trauma which it’s just like you do not understand this at all, do you? Or with the discs, I’ll be honest with you here. I will defend Tommy’s attachment to these stupid little music discs till the day I die. Why can’t he have his discs? They’re his , they’re not even that valuable outside of the fact that they’re his, why can’t he have things? why isn’t he aloud to have items he’s attached to without someone taking them for the sole reason of he likes them. And all I see is people saying he is selfish and cares about the discs more than people, which is literally disproven in the rp. Ranboo flat out says he’s not selfish, when Tommy takes the blame for George’s house (also keeping in mind here tommy and ranboo barely knew each other at the time, and if Tommy was actually selfish he could’ve very easily dragged Ranboo down with him) and when it comes to the discs he’s given up the discs multiple times in favor of helping other people (he gave them up for lmanburg, and then for Tubbo I think twice actually) and the one time he told someone the discs were worth more than they were, that was the moment yeah made him realize he didn’t like who he was becoming and he immediately backtracked and allowed the disc to be handed over. TL;DR he’s not selfish he’s just got a lot of strong attachments and his attachments are both his greatest strength and his greatest weakness. And he’s a kid, he’s been though a lot of things, he’s got a lot of trauma he’s dealing
with and it’s not always pretty but he gets better, he has his arcs and he gets better and learns from some of his actions, and I think looking at him and his yk. Timeline and character development and arcs and his whole like mental deal and just general character choices are super interesting and I find it fun, as someone who enjoys character analysis, and all in all I love him I relate to him in some ways and some of it also might just be emotional attachment and bias towards him as Tommy being one of my comfort streamers
& it’s fully possible someone could have just as much of an argument for c!techno, my deal w looking at c!tommy making mistakes and c!techno making mistakes and being able to be an apologist for Tommy and not for techno is more about me understanding tommy’s character better and understand the reasoning and the why behind the things he says and does, vs. techno who i dont really get and i can’t be an apologist for him if I don’t understand anything hes doing or why he’s doing it and then seeing him over and over dismiss other peoples perspectives and never rlly reflecting on himself (not to say Tommy couldn’t use at least a little of that himself- I am Looking over at his relationship w Jack Manifold lol) can be kinda frustrating but as I said earlier that might just be me not knowing all the proper context
I could probably write more about Tommy especially when it comes to the whole technoblade vs Tommy thing but this post is already way longer than you probably ever wanted to read so I’ll stop now I’m sorry I’m just hyperfixated haha and yk if anyone wants to like add arguments or points or if you or someone rlly likes technoblade or dream or whoever and wants to talk to me about that go ahead I encourage that like I rlly enjoy having those conversations w ppl provided theyre civil abt it bc like we’ve all said a million times over before eveyone in the dsmp is an unreliable narrator and you’re just going to automatically have a bias towards a character if you watch their POV most and all that so. Yk I am a tommy apologist but I watch his streams most and I’m also just emotionally attached so anything I can say has to be taken w a grain of salt bcos I’m biased towards his character
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artistic-floofhead · 4 years ago
Smol writing thing I did
This one server decided to hold RP auditions but the server owner deleted the server/kicked me before it even started. The snippet I wrote was sort of just sitting there so I decided to share it here.
The prompt for it was "There’s been a murder and you found the body! It’s one of the people you considered close and the one you’d want to escape with. What is your reaction?"
I auditioned for Nagito Komaeda, and my mind immediately thought "Komahina" when seeing this so I did a what-if scenario where Hajime was somehow murdered and Nagito had been the one to discover the body.
As soon as Nagito saw him, he didn’t believe it. Even after the body discovery announcement rang and after everyone double, even triple checked the body, he still didn’t believe it. He couldn’t have died, because that was impossible.
“Ahahaha… This has to be another trick of yours to outsmart the mastermind, right? Right??? Because that’s how clever you are… You promised we’d make it out together… You would have never let them get the better of you, because… because...” Nagito wheezed.
“Oh, but who am I kidding, the body is right there! Cold and dead!”
Tears started streaming down his face as he laughed hysterically. The others were trying to calm him down, but they failed to restrain him. “I’m so, so stupid, ahahaha! This is the consequence of allowing myself to get close to anyone! Oh, but, but! This despair I’m feeling… Just another obstacle to overcome to achieve a greater hope, isn’t it?! Your hope wasn’t enough! It was weak! It wasn’t enough to get us out of here! I was wrong about you being the Ultimate Hope all this time, ahahaha! You’re nothing but a stepping stone to something greater!”
Someone was calling his name. He couldn’t care less about who it was. Because that’s not the important thing right now. He felt numb all over, static ringing in his ears.
“... It hurts… Everything hurts…” Nagito was shaking, knees giving out under him as he collapsed to the ground. “Why did it have to be him…”
No matter what the rest of them said, he didn’t leave the body’s side. Everyone gave up on trying to convince him otherwise. One by one, they all left to investigate, leaving him alone in the room.
“Don’t worry, your death won’t go to waste…” Nagito whispered, as if the other was still there to listen. “We both made a great team, didn’t we? The killer was smart to eliminate the one who was great at exposing everyone else’s lies and guiding us all to the truth, but now…
“Ahh, they made a mistake leaving me alive.”
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la5t-res0rt · 5 years ago
fun fact fucko no one cares that he’s trans, gnc, or autistic. all they care about is that he said someone wasn’t bisexual all because they hate them. thats fucked up no matter who you are. being austistic isn’t an excuse to be an utter dick hole.
alrighty folks strap in because we are in for a long one today
to start off i will begin by saying that i care about the identities of people i like and call friends i care enough to listen and learn from them because they have different perspectives on issues that i as a person who is none of the things that this person is will ever understand
it is important to listen to people and learn from them not just shine a light out of your ass for someone out of a weird place of blind worship thats honestly so cringey but that isnt what this is about this about you and likely others harassing ad sending death threats my friend and comrade betel bitches
i will now be going under a readmore to spare the dashboard
so lets recap what exactly is he being harassed for
as you all are no doubt aware there is a blog called nether receipts where a certain user we shall not name catalogs instances where members of the beetlejuice fandom are harassed correction its a blog where this person catalogs instances where flaws in their character as well as the characters of the people around her are highlighted and critiqued with the occaisional off color remark and threat which i obviously do not approve of who would
anyway following reading some ill-informed and not-so-well-phrased comments from a certain narcissistic user about their sexuality my friend had this to say
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this was the post that got them put on this receipts blog which really exists as a source of people for a certain cluster of the beetlebabe fandom to harass and try to drag or cancel 
this is the post that has made people call him biphobic and here is why thats wrong and stupid
you said in your ask that he only is saying that this icky person is not bisexual because there is malice between them and while yes its true that there is malice orion never once said that this person wasnt bisexual
i took the liberty of sifting through the harassment asks he received yesterday because you all love receipts so much i took the liberty of grabbing a few and adding some highlights so you dont miss the important bits
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orion never once said this person isnt bisexual he stated that equating doing femme on femme  pornography to bisexuality is a biphobic statement and is in fact a problematic thing to say
there may be crossover between bisexual people and people who do femme on femme but they are far from the same thing doing pornography is a choice you actively make and you do it for compensation however being bisexual is simply part of who you are it is something you dont choose 
although this person would perhaps disagree
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and before you come for me this person posted these for the world to see and obviously i have as many receipts as my drive can carry furthermore how does this argument make sense why would you care so much about heterophobia if youre not heterosexual why are you so pressed oh wait is it perhaps
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because this person is using the split attraction model for woke points like this screams that this person sees women as sex objects or perhaps this person is comphet and is denying themselves because heteronormativity is so deeply ingrained in their being that they wish to cling to heterosexuality to keep up their squeaky clean white feminist woman persona or maybe theyre just not well informed on lgbt+ issues
editors note the editor is an ace person who considers using the split attraction model is situations like this isnt exactly helpful like i cant stop you from doing it but you shouldnt have to say im a bisexual heteromantic person you can just be a  bisexual woman and keep dating men you dating men doesnt erase your bisexuality saying that you would have sex with a woman but not romantically be involved with them makes the editor think woman = sex object and as a feminist the editor has to say thats fucked up
i will reiterate implying that doing pronography of any kind is equitable to a human sexualty is harmful to bisexual people and if youre like uhhh im bi and i think its okay guess what you do not speak for every single bi person so you should try harder to be compassionate for other peoples level of comfort
in any case statements like these are hurtful to bi people equating voluntary sex work to a sexuality isnt okay and its something that person should maybe address and consider apologizing for but since this person only listens to people in their inner circle and they dont even really listen to them its unlikely that this person will ever make amends for past biphobic tendencies because as everyone has been so quick to point out being bi doesnt excuse biphobia or homophobia or anything of the sort editors note heterophobia is not a legitimate issue im sorry if you feel oppressed for your straightness but really thats a you issue 
here is one more screenshot where my friend basically covers what i have just said as well as reminding the world that the owner of nether receipts is a narcissist 
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being a bisexual person does not excuse you from saying biphobic things and there is literally no identifier you can use for yourself that exempts you from criticism for your actions and it doesnt mean that people cant demand that you address the wrongs youve done or said
you dont have to listen you dont have to do anything but dont be surprised if you say something shitty to a group of people and they get mad at you
also all that being said what orion said was not biphobic if anything he is raephobic but lets be honest who isnt ok there thats my one funny haha for you
we have every right to criticize someone who creates simulated cp and shares it with minors in 18+ servers or someone who equated bisexuality to voluntary sex work or someone who accuses people who disagree with them of being fascists or nazis or someone who goes out of their way to repost and edit art in a mocking manner or someone who actively claims to own a fandom like these are all critique worthy behaviors that all come from the same person who never explains their actions never holds themselves accountable for the shit they cause like we as people who share the same space as this person have every write to call bull roar when we see it
it is no secret that i dislike his person and it is also no secret that i will not hesitate to the the opportunity to drag them for being a shitty person whenever the opportunity arises and since their most recent beef with me was about how i was a bad friend i guess i figured this would be a good time to come forward for one of my friends who received dozens of harassment messages and several death threats over his commentary on the actions of this one vile individual
and i am addressing them now if they ever end up reading this or when it is inevitably sent to this person 
if youve got a problem with the way he and i or other antis critique you maybe come out from behind your wall of dipshit cronies and talk to us your damn self i am very sick of having to deal with nasti or morgan or that one minor or suz or that person that runs the rp blog or any of the others in your little hoard im tired of them trying to be slick like we see you we see all of you
all of your simulated cp aside youve said some really shitty things that you could easily amend since youve likely learned more about what it means to be lgbt+ since it is now a community you see yourself being a part of 
part of being human is learning from your past and making a better version of yourself for tomorrow and although i think you are a really awful person i dont think youre above self betterment and self reflection and self awareness 
also you dont seem to care at all when threats are being tossed around by your buddies but no matter how much me or orion or any of the others dislike what you do no person in their right mind would be okay with sending death threats and you shouldnt either you should at the very least extend that courtesy 
fuck you asker youre full of trash garbage and i hope you have a not so good day like i hope it rains or something invalidate my friends identity and ill yell at clouds
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