#I made Rosaline an older sister
Stuff that happened at school:
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Context for drawing 1: When I had sport today it was raining and we still had to do it outside
Esther-me not really caring or having it because of the fact that we were doing Football
Emery-my friend, Eve not bringing her jacket while it was still cold outside and it being rainy made everything worse
Context for drawing 2: It was lunch and since it was wet weather we had to spend our lunch time at the school gym where you can go upstairs and spend time there. The boys I’m guessing were playing ping pong or handball so there were some flying off the balcony. One of them being a red handball. I grabbed and one of the boys were calling to me to pass it back to them. One of my friends, Zoey wanted to pass it back to them. So I gave it to her and she threw it towards them but it ended up hitting the front of the balcony and bouncing back down.
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honeyynymphh · 2 years
| The Mark of the Beast |
Cardinal Copia x Fem!Reader rating: E chapter word count: 3k total word count: 5k chapter 1 of 2 tags/warnings: dom copia, he's a dickhead, humiliation, inappropriate touching, abuse of authority, hair pulling
An imposter has apparently been hiding in the abbey, and there is only one way to prove you're part of the congregation. And that is to submit yourself to an examination to find Lucifer's mark upon your body.
read on ao3
I sat just outside Sister Imperator’s office, patiently—or not so patiently waiting for my turn. I was last and had spent the entire day on edge, unable to pay attention to my chores or lessons. Nobody had really been able to pay attention, not since this morning’s sermon. And it hadn’t really been a proper one. Papa Terzo had been interrupted halfway through by Sister Imperator, who had rushed in late—a disturbing thing in its own right. Sister Imperator was never late!
Her hurried and whispered words with Papa had left the rest of us whispering in the pews until Papa had turned to face us, looking confused. He had told us we all needed to submit to an inspection—apparently, an imposter was amongst us. Spreading falsehoods and lies about our Dark Father. The whispers had grown even louder then.
Over the next few days, we were all to submit for an examination to confirm that we were all truly siblings of this abbey. And the only way to prove that was for our bodies to be stripped and searched for a mark—the mark of the beast. A mark bestowed upon our skin when we had pledged ourselves to Lucifer. My stomach had twisted just as my hands in my lap did now.
Some of my other sisters had proudly shown me theirs. I had not been a sibling for very long and I had heard a few remarks about them but nobody had ever said that everyone had one! I thought it was something only the higher clergy were gifted with. Last night, I had twisted myself in circles like a dog chasing its tail trying to find some mark upon my body. Anytime I had spotted a blemish I had felt a momentary rush of relief only to realise it was simply another freckle. I had asked Sister Rosaline, whom I shared my room with to check me over and she had found nothing. Her suspicious eyes and cold voice had made me reluctant to ask anyone else.
Would they throw me out? I knew in my heart I was no imposter, and I had taken my vows. But still, my heart was gripped with dread.
The door was suddenly opened and another Sister walked out, giving me a smile before she skipped in the direction of the papal suites. A ghoul followed, not even glancing at me before it slunk down the halls. Sister Imperator soon followed but before she could hurry out her eyes fell on me.
“Sister!” she said, raising a hand to her forehead in surprise. “I thought Sophia was the last one today.” She sighed. “I am sorry to have kept you waiting but I must go speak with Papa Nihil urgently.”
I tried not to let it get to me. “Should I return tomorrow morning?” I asked as I stood up. 
I did not want to wait a whole night for my fate to be decided, I was anxious enough as it was. This whole ordeal needed to be over!
The older woman shook her head. “No, no, no.” She looked across the hall at a closed door. “Cardinal Copia can check you, we have too many siblings to get through and I want this dealt with quickly.”
“Cardinal?” I squeaked out. I did not want that man anywhere near me. He was terrifying. And I certainly did not want him to see me naked! “But, Sister, I would much rather it be you.”
While the smile she gave me was kind, she was clearly tired and I could tell she had better things to worry about than my embarrassment. 
“Dear, he’s very efficient,” she said, giving me another smile. “You’ll be fine.”
“Or Papa?” I asked. “Can he not check me?”
Sister snorted. “Ha. No. This is not an excuse for Terzo to fuck the entire congregation. We would be here until spring if that were the case.” She gave me a quick little pat on the shoulder and then prodded me in the direction of the Cardinal’s office door. “Cardinal Copia is a professional. And he has finished with everyone else.”
I went to open my mouth to protest but she was already waving me off and hurrying down the halls, her shoes clicking behind her. I stared at his office door. Maybe I could just go back to my room, but I knew it was pointless. I had to be checked and I didn’t want to disappoint Sister Imperator—or have her think I was silly. If it had been Papa Nihil I think I would have been less hesitant. I shuddered at the thought.
I had only ever been in Cardinal Copia’s office once before. It had been when I had first joined the abbey and was a fresh-faced novitiate. He had been talking of rituals—explicit ones—and I had been unable to stop fidgeting in my seat, unable to really concentrate. I had been sitting so far back I do not know how he had noticed me, but he had. And the Cardinal had requested to see me after dinner that night in his office. The old church I’d left behind had instilled in me a sense of shame that had been hard to ignore during those early days—especially when my thoughts would turn to the more lustful. Whenever the Cardinal would speak, I hadn’t been able to control the way I would press my thighs together. I didn’t really care what he spoke of, only that he did. But when he spoke of rituals out there on the sacred grounds, bodies naked in praise of Lucifer, how was I supposed to concentrate? I had never heard such lascivious talk before, and certainly not from a man wearing a cassock!
I didn’t know what I had expected when I had arrived in his office, but having the back of my hands struck with a ruler had not been it.
Lack of discipline, he had told me. I should pay attention and not fidget during lessons. It had been mortifying. But not because he had struck me like an errant child but because it had made my mind immediately think of being bent over the desk and him striking my backside. I never wanted to go into his office again.
That was a lie. I did. But he couldn’t know that. I had witnessed a few hopeful siblings sidle up to him after an impressive sermon, surely emboldened by his passionate words and that wicked look he would get in those mismatched eyes. All of them had been turned away with a snide remark. I had no desire to be mocked or to embarrass myself in front of a high member of the clergy. So I didn’t dare approach him. 
I knocked on the door politely until I heard the sharp command to enter. I did so, letting the door shut softly behind me. The Cardinal was at his desk, bent over some document and scribbling furiously. I stood there awkwardly for a moment before I cleared my throat.
He held up a hand for my silence but did not look up. I bristled but kept my mouth shut, hoping he would finish quickly.
I glanced around the office. It was very much like Sister Imperator’s office with dark wooden panelling and numerous shelves full of books and other odd trinkets. But the Cardinal’s space had a ridged neatness about it, I felt sympathy for the maid who had to clean in here. I suspected he was rather pedantic about everything. My eyes continued to roam until they fell on a high wooden stool off to the side. It looked out of place compared to the Cardinal’s high wingback chair and the hard uncomfortable chair that sat in front of his massive desk—I suspected this was a deliberate choice in an effort to discourage others from staying long. When my eyes fell back to his desk, the Cardinal was placing his fountain pen away and finally acknowledging me with a raised brow, gloved hands folded in front of him on the desk.
“Sister,” he said, “what do you want?”
“Sister Imperator was meant to see me—for my mark,” I said quickly. “But she was called out urgently. She said I could see you instead.”
The man regarded me a moment before he let out a suffering sigh and waved a gloved hand at me.
“Si, si.” He stood, his grucifix clinking against the many buttons of his black cassock. 
It was then I realised he had already removed his biretta. I’d so rarely seen him without it when he was wearing the regular clergy attire. The soft lamplight made his hair look like burnished wood and I could see the greying strands at his temples. I clasped my hands in front of me and tried to not think of how it would feel to run my fingers through it.
He moved around the desk and past me, leaving a trail of heavy incense and leather in his wake. There was a scrape and I turned to watch him grab the stool and place it before his desk.
“Do you know if you have one?” he asked in a bored voice but then he smirked. “Unless you wish to confess to being a virtuous little idolator now?”
I shook my head. “I couldn’t find one but I’m no imposter, Cardinal.”
“We shall see.” He pointed at the stool. “Take off your clothes and sit.”
I stood there stunned by his brash attitude. He scowled at me impatiently.
“Hurry up, girl.” He waved a hand at me impatiently. “I do not want to be here all day.”
I quickly stepped out of my shoes, taking my veil off as I did. I angled my body away from him ever so slightly, not wishing to look at him, though I could feel his eyes on me. The skin on the back of my neck prickled and a shaky breath escaped my lips. I undid the top few buttons of my habit before unceremoniously tugging it over my head. It was nothing, I told myself. Many people had seen me naked since my time at the abbey, I had become more comfortable over time. But still…it had never been in front of Cardinal Copia. I folded my dress over the nearby armchair with my veil before I moved to sit on the stool but his words stopped me.
“Dai!” he snapped, coming towards me and pulling up my bra strap so that it flicked down hard against my shoulder. “The rest of it as well.”
“What?” I said, shocked.
“Remove the rest of your clothes,” he repeated, voice tinged with irritation. “Satana salvami dalle bambine stupide…”
While I didn’t speak Italian, I didn’t need to in order to guess what “stupide” meant. But I wasn’t going to sulk, I just wanted it over and done with. Ignoring the embarrassment already welling somewhere in my chest, I took a deep breath and undid the clasp of my bra, grateful that my fingers didn’t fumble with them. The flush of humiliation was rising up my neck and I could feel it suffusing my cheeks. It’s just like a medical exam, I told myself. A very strange one. I glanced at the Cardinal and he was staring at me with a blank expression. I couldn’t just stand here forever so I decided to just treat it like a bandaid and gathered whatever courage I had to push my knickers down my legs and step out of them. I kicked them towards the rest of my clothes and immediately used my arms to try and cover my breasts with my hands clasped in front of my sex.
“It’s nothing I haven’t seen before, Sister,” said the Cardinal, bored disdain dripping from his words. He pointed at the stool. “Sit.”
I awkwardly perched myself on the stool, my hands in my lap and keeping my thighs pressed together tightly while my feet dangled. I didn’t know where to look as he approached me, engulfing me again in that delirious scent of his. It made my skin prickle and I tried to think of anything that would distract me. I was all too aware of how bare I was and didn’t need my stupid body to give me away. Thankfully, he walked behind me and I felt myself relax somewhat. It didn’t last long. Suddenly and without warning, a leather-clad hand was gripping my shoulder while the other touched my bare back. I couldn’t help but flinch at the sudden contact.
“You have not been here long, Sister.” It wasn’t a question.
“No,” I replied as his hand pushed me forward slightly. “I only joined a few months ago.”
“Most marks are on the torso,” he said. “The mark isn’t used much in these modern times but everyone is gifted one.” I felt the leather glide down my back, making my skin break out in gooseflesh. It felt unbearably soft despite his precise movement. “Sometimes it is like that of a burn—a branding—or it can be like a tattoo or birthmark. But it’s always His sign.”
It was easier to try and pretend I was merely in a lesson, or perhaps mass, and not sitting here naked while his hands roamed over my skin. He grasped my shoulder again and pulled me back upright. A gloved hand swept my hair to the side and trailed gently over the back of my neck. He moved methodically but I couldn’t deny how every touch sent my nerves alight. Occasionally when he moved closer, the grucifix he wore would swing forward and I’d feel the cool bejewelled cross graze against the skin of my back.
When he tilted my head to the side to look behind my ear I had to bite my lip. The patch of skin there was too sensitive and again my body was tingling. I tried to squeeze my thighs together and then abruptly stopped—I was completely bare, I told myself, and couldn’t hide. He would notice. I tried to think of anything to distract myself: Nihil naked, the smell of rotten eggs—anything revolting I could think of. But it was too hard to conjure up anything disagreeable with those hands on my skin and his scent enveloping me.
“Nothing yet, Sorella,” he hummed. He sounded a little gleeful, as though he was hoping to be the one to find the imposter in our midst. “It could be on your head,” he continued thoughtfully, hand grabbing a fistful of hair and tugging me back so I had to look up at him, “we could chop it all off but that would be a shame to have you looking like Papa Secondo.”
He let out a bark of laughter and moved in front of me, letting go of my hair. I still kept my hands in my lap, trying to salvage whatever modesty I had but he grabbed one arm and stretched it out. I didn’t know where to look so I just stared below his chin at the top few buttons of his black cassock. He twisted my arm and then spread my fingers before he dropped my hand unceremoniously and began doing the same to the other.
It felt like a slight reprieve to have him checking my arm and hand. It didn’t make me feel as delirious as his touching of my back and neck. But too soon he was done with the other arm. I couldn’t place my hands back in my lap so I just gripped the side of the stool. The Cardinal was already tilting my chin up so his fingers could glide over my throat before they dipped over my collarbone. There was a rustle of fabric as I heard him lower himself to the ground before me. I kept my head slightly up, staring at a small brass globe sitting on a shelf behind his desk. One of his hands was gripping my waist while the other flittered over my chest. He muttered something in Italian under his breath.
“I have yet to find a single mark on your skin, dolce,” he said and I still refused to look at him.
“There will be one,” I replied even as my breath hitched.
The feel of his thumb digging into my hip was driving me insane and I tried to take in a calm and even breath. But I lost any composure I had when his thumb accidentally swiped over my nipple. I sucked in a sharp breath in an effort not to moan, my whole body trembling at the contact. 
“Keep still then.”
I bit my lip again as leather moved underneath my breast. How was I supposed to keep still? Surely he didn’t need to touch what felt like every inch of my skin? It was torturous. 
His careful and businesslike touches should not have had me dancing precariously on the knife’s edge of arousal but they did. I was praying that he would find it soon, I wasn’t sure how much more I could take. My stomach was tense with building desire and the throb between my legs was getting insistent, I knew I was already soaking wet. Sneaking a glance down at him, I could see his face was set in an expression of focused concentration—his heavy brow furrowed as his eyes swept over my legs. A hand glided up my shin and gripped the side of my knee, fingers tickling the back of my thigh.
He hummed in thought and when I saw his finger move between my pressed legs I nearly cried out.
“Spread your legs,” he ordered.
No way, I told myself. I was not parting my legs. It was too humiliating. But he just glanced up and caught my eye.
“Do it now, Sorella.”
That frightening face just watched me, seeming to dare me to defy him. I parted my legs barely two inches. His face was directly in front of my shamefully soaked pussy and I was terrified he would notice—and even worse that he would make some snide remark about it. But I knew he had to notice, there was no way he couldn’t smell it. If I could, he certainly could. I wanted to run, but his grip on my leg was firm.
An irritated huff fell from his lips before his large hands swept up my legs and gripped my knees. He forced my legs apart and I nearly tipped off the stool with the sudden force of it. My face flushed again and I readjusted my tight grip on the seat and stared up at the ceiling. The humiliation had me breathing hard. I couldn’t even try to pretend I had any composure left as soft leather-clad fingers moved over the inside of my thigh. I glanced down again unable to stop myself and saw him lean closer. His finger paused—it was right in the crease of where my thigh met my groin. His hand was so close to my dripping sex I was ready to scream. He tapped my skin and I squirmed in my seat.
“I think this is it, dolce,” I felt his breath against my folds and bit the inside of my cheek. How was he doing this? How in heaven was he so calm? “But I have to check for sure.”
“How?” I managed to ask. I didn’t even sound like myself.
As with earlier when he had first begun, there was no warning from him. His head just moved forward as his hands dug into the flesh of my thighs before I felt his mouth kiss against the skin. His cheek brushed again my pussy, sideburns tickling and teasing my flesh before it was suddenly gone. I’d been unable to stop the soft whine of protest that fell from my lips, I prayed that he hadn’t heard.
Suddenly it stung hot and I gasped. I looked where he had touched me—there was a small mark—three sixes intertwined—which blared red for a moment before it faded to look like a regular birthmark. It also sent a rush of pure, unfiltered pleasure through my entire body—a body that was already on edge. I shuddered. The temptation to just scoot myself forward an inch or so, just so that the Cardinal’s large nose was buried against me was overwhelming. 
But he stood abruptly, smoothing his hands over his cassock not even phased that he had left me a wanton mess. I just sat there, still breathing hard as I tried to come to myself.
“You can go, Sister,” he said, moving towards his desk. He glanced at a clock on the wall and grabbed his biretta before placing it on his head and giving me another withering look. “I’m already late for dinner.”
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thanks for reading! will hopefully add the rest soon :) apologies for any errors.
Dai! - Come on! Satana salvami dalle bambine stupide - Satan save me from stupid little girls
chapter two
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hyacinth-sims · 1 year
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Hermia always had a steady hand when it came to makeup, it made Juliette a bit jealous at times. Even at her young age, she had tons of practice from applying theater makeup. Luckily for Juliette though, Hermia was always willing to work on a new canvas. She needed to look perfect tonight, and for Romeo to fall for her even more.
Her cousin Rosaline was going to be in attendance, and she was not a fan of Juliette’s new relationship with her ex. Were they ever actually dating though? It barely lasted a few weeks, yet Rosaline’s scowls towards her grew colder with every sighting. 
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“What are you planning on saying to Tybalt if he catches Romeo here?” Hermia teased, gently blending in the foundation on Juliette’s face. It was certainly a possibility, but Juliette was going to do her best to prevent that from happening.  
“Well, that isn’t going to happen,” Juliette assured with a small smile, sitting up straight as Hermia applied concealer to her under eyes. “He’s coming late, so I’ll have already done all of my socializing by then and he’ll be staying firmly outside by the patio—“ Juliette looked straight at her sister, “And of course my loyal little sister will be there to warn me if Tybalt’s nearby, right?” 
Hermia rolled her eyes with a small smirk, “That sounds like a lot of work on my side, what exactly do I get in return?” 
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“I’ll continue to keep your huge crush on Mercutio a secret from Tybalt,” Juliette replied, “He’s suspicious of your friendship already, and he might have us both under lock and key if he ever were to find out about the extent of your feelings.” 
Her sister could only stare at her momentarily, surprised at her sister’s retort. However, Hermia’s lips quickly curled up into a smirk, “You’re really sneaky sometimes—but I suppose that is a fair trade agreement.” 
“Now, speaking of that Monty,” Juliette teased, watching as her sister picked out an eyeshadow palette to use. “How are things going with him?” She asked, “Is it love? Does he treat you well?” 
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Hermia laughed as she grabbed an eyeshadow brush, dipping it into a neutral pink color, tapping off the excess powder. “You move so fast, Juliette,” She joked, “But things are nice, he’s quite sweet too.”
“I somehow find that hard to believe, but I suppose I’ll take your word for it,” She giggled, “Now what about Puck though? I know you’ve liked them since you were a child, is that still a thing?” 
“I would say so, yes,” Hermia assured as she nodded, “We’ve been spending more time together at play rehearsals as well.” Juliette knew Puck well, although clearly not as much as Hermia. The pair had been inseparable since childhood, it seemed rather—presumed that they would one day be together. 
“And I do think Puck would make a better partner in the long run,” Her sister admitted, “I do really like Mercutio but he can be a bit—“  
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“Childish? Arrogant?” Juliette suggested teasingly as she raised an eyebrow, “Constantly picking fights with your dear older brother?” While she supported her sister’s happiness, she did not like Mercutio one bit. It wasn’t because he was a Monty, that wasn’t the issue at all. No, Juliette’s issue with Mercutio was that he was a conceited ass.
She dealt with him for Romeo’s sake, but she certainly hoped Hermia would not date him as it would mean seeing him more than she already did.
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“You sound just like someone I know,” Hermia replied jokingly, “And I was going to say…tentative, I can never quite tell how he’s feeling, if he feels the same, if he’s even interested in dating at all.” The girl pursed her lips in thought for a moment, “But I suppose I shouldn’t confine myself to just one person yet anyways.” 
“Smart girl,” Juliette agreed with a smile, “You never know who else could be out there.” It was a somewhat uncomfortable thought that she sometimes had herself. But Juliette knew she wasn’t interested in whoever else could be out there, Romeo was certainly the one.
She was young, but when you know—you know. 
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warblingandwriting · 1 year
More 'The Company of Wolves' thoughts
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Basically, this is a short story with an adaptation that I actually (mostly) really love! The story (featured in Angela Carter’s The Bloody Chamber) is probably my favourite of the collection, and interesting look at folk tales, tradition, and breaking free of the tradition. The ending, while somewhat gruesome, ultimately tied the entire collection for me, and made me retroactively like some of the other stories better because the bluntness of this one admittedly made some of the themes I had been uncertain on clearer to me.
So, that said, it’s not surprising to me at all that this is the one the spawned a movie. The 1984 film was also co-written by Angela Carter, which is probably why it stays as true to the story’s themes as it does, and retains its feminist messaging. On top of that, the production design and special effects are fantastic, I mean check out this transformation scene (TW, Gore, like, a lot of it):
And the fairy-tale like village the characters live in feels at once whimsical and claustrophobic, which considering the ending, I’m sure is intentional. I’m being a little cagey about it because I truly think everyone should watch the movie and read the story. The story is only like ten pages long, and all you have to do to get it is click this link (Only the first 12 pages in this PDF are the actual story). The film is great too, and available on free streaming services like Tubi, so I recommend checking that out as well.
What I want to talk about though, is the themes, and I do kind of have to spoil both story and film to get there, so here it goes.
The one thing I take issue with in the film is the bookends. See, the fairy tale world we get, in the film, is really just the dream of a girl who is on her way to growing up. The opening scene is two (present-day) parents meeting their older daughter outside of a lavish mansion, and her going inside to wake her younger sister, who she calls a brat, and implies is being difficult. We then see the younger sister tossing and turning in bed, and cut to the woods. Then, at the end of the story, grandma gets eaten (as she does in the short story) and the main character runs away into the sunset with her attacker, becoming a wolf -or werewolf- herself (as she does in the short story). Then, we cut back to the young girl, and a wolf bursts through her bedroom window, and to me the metaphor was obvious: periods, right? Getting older, losing innocence, ect ect. And while I think those themes exist in the original story, I’m far more interested in the one the movie (perhaps inadvertently) sort of cuts out.
That theme is the rejection of tradition. Without the bookends, when the story ends with a young woman becoming a wolf (and running off with the wolf who killed her grandmother no less), she does not just grow up, she specifically grows out not of girlish folly, but of her village, her family, her grandmothers folksy stories. The death of the grandmother, the older generation, serves as both a metaphor for growing up and taking on a mantle, and of rejecting the old ways, the old stories, of leaving what you’ve know for “the paws of the tender wolf”. And I feel like bookends, in making granny’s death and the subsequent love of the wolf not ‘true’ events, emphasize one theme and sacrifice the other. This theme is made stronger by the way it runs throughout the entire short story collection as well. The old guard (usually fathers or elderly husbands, but sometimes simply older/immortal beings and people) die, leaving room for the next generation to flourish. It’s a theme I began to appreciate more and more as I read more and more of the stories in the collection, so it was one I was sad to see take a back seat, because there is no tradition, really, for Rosaline to shed in the film. In fact, we don’t know anything about the ‘real’ Rosaline (although it is safe to assume, I think, that she is at least fairly similar to her dream self).
I still really enjoy both, but it did interest, and disappoint me a little that the immediate metaphor the film came upon and lead into was ‘periods’ over anything else. Granted, Ginger Snaps did that too, and I also love that movie. A bit of a nitpicky thought, but one I wanted to share nonetheless, even what I think is a really great film can drop the ball on adaptation sometimes.
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civicmuses · 2 months
anonymous asked:
So.... basic facts about Marsha's family? From a new follower who isn't terribly familiar with her
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Hunson Abadeer
Demon lord
Ruler of the Nightosphere, a hell-like dimension
Raised Marsha, Sarah, and Rosaline
Struggles to really connect with his half-human kids
Narcissistic and short-tempered but loved his kids
Frequently took his anger out on his kids
Was overly protective of his kids
Often pushed his kids into the family business (ruling the Nightosphere)
Marsha and Sarah ran away; he dumped Rosaline onto Marsha and Sarah hundreds of years later
Marsha has been dodging his attempts to reconnect
Human woman
Probably the only one that Hunson really loved
Was in college when she met Hunson
Loved kids and wanted to be a mom
Was disowned by her parents when she got pregnant
Mother to Marceline, Sarah, and Marsha
Was unaware of Sarah's existence
Loved Marsha and Marceline very much
Became terminally ill while Marsha was a baby
Sent Marsha and Marceline away so they wouldn't have to see her die
Is alive again under mysterious circumstances
Family doesn't know she alive
Depending on the RPer, I'm open to portraying Elise as Simon Petrikov's sister.
Marsha's oldest sister
Is 3 years older than Marsha
Grew up on Earth, mostly alone
Traveled with a man named Simon Petrikov for a time before he had to leave her for her safety
Was around Hunson for a time until he ate her fries
Hunted vampires for a time before she became one of the last vampires in existence
Met Sarah and Marsha hundreds of years later
Loves her sisters
Likes to tease and play jokes on her sisters
Has a pet poodle named Schwabl who Marsha adores
Had a brief falling out with Marsha and Sarah while she was dating Ash
Marsha's second oldest sister
Is currently 3 years older but was originally just a year older
Sarah never made it to term; was brought to life by Hunson
Grew up in the Nightosphere
Was often made to look after Marsha when they were kids
Sarah and Marsha are very close as siblings
Ran away with Marsha after an extremely bad fight Marsha had with Hunson
Was saddled with taking care of Rosaline when Hunson dumped her on Sarah
Into gardening and raising butterflies
Has a pet owl named Azrael that Marsha took in as a fledging
Marsha's younger sister
Looks to be 8 years younger and is 600 years younger
A product of a demonic ritual that had Hunson being initimate with a cult member
Was spoiled absolutely rotten by Hunson
Began acting out in order to get attention from Hunson
Was dumped on Marsha and Sarah when Hunson didn't want to deal with her anymore
Her older sisters all love her
Marsha practically scooped Rosa under her protective wing
Rosa does still get on Marsha's nerved from time to time
Isn't really fond of Marsha's romantic interests because she feels they're taking Marsha away from her
Likes Marsha's animals but often doesn't go about the right way to interact with them
Marsha's dogs often chew on Rosa's toys; isn't helped when she uses said toys to tease Marsha's dogs
Marsha's animals (since pets are family too lol)
Has 9 dogs (Autumn, Apple, Butch, Brutus, Mr. Black, Hazelnut, Leigh, Ross, Victor & Charlie), 5 birds (Apollo, Chickie, Pipsqueak, Roth and Poe), a shape-shifting familiar named Blackberry, a python named Cornelius, 2 goldfish (Dory and Nemo), 6 rabbits (Fluffy, Baxter, Bun, Cinnabun, Fiver and March), 2 rats (Gus and Doug), 3 ferrets (Jammy, Swifty and Skitters), 4 mice (Basil, Minnie, Ms. Nibbler and Mr. Squeakers XV), a hedgehog named Needlemouse, a cat named Neil and a Nightospherian Iguana name Rex
Mr. Black, Ross, Hazelnut, Butch, Brutus, Victor & Charlie and Leigh are Nighthounds; demon dogs that come from the Nightosphere
Fluffy, Bun, Jammy, and Rex are all animals that come from the Nightosphere
Fluffy was her childhood pet; Mr. Black and Ross were nighthounds Marsha knew as a child and young teen respectively
Love her animals like they were her children; especially her dogs
Autumn is a light in Marsha's life and her pride and joy
Most of her dogs are toy killers (except for Leigh); mostly stuffed animals and dolls
Mr. Cottontail, Marsha's plushy collection and Rosa's toys are frequent victims; especially to Autumn
Marsha's animals are frequently teased and unintentionally antagonized by Rosaline
anons about my muse's family | open & accepting
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amidst-wonderland · 7 months
pairing: general gray family warnings: mentions of predatory behaviour that are implied, underage smoking is mentioned, strong language. 'queer' used casually, not homophobically - also, jack is gay and i'm queer. summary: rosie's not keen on her dad's new star hot-shot actor.
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"she fancies him,” rosie knowingly hums but bitterness lingers in its delivery. hovering by the window and peering down at her baby sister who’d now draped herself over the yellow cab’s door like a mewling lovesick pup. she can’t see violet’s face but rosie’d put money on the expression not being too far removed from that adoring smile she’s perpetually wore across the dinner table. “can hardly blame her, but–”
    nora lightly scoffs at her elder daughter, flicking over the worn script. “she’s jist taken a likin’ tae ‘im. he’s a sweet-talker in a nice suit here tae impress yir da. can hardly try it on wae you.” she waves a hand motioning it in the general direction of rosie’s prominent bump, ash dripping from the lit straight. “got one of those hollywood types already, don’t you? speaking of, yer da’s got some work on offer if he’s lookin’ ‘something-hoaliday’ ‘hink it’s called – continent shite.’”
   the brunette ignores the offer, jibing again at her sister’s crush on the upcoming actor. “you know what she said to me, the minute i walked in the door? no, ‘hello’, no ‘how’s the baby’ just, ‘he says i could be the next doris day, ro!’ clearly never heard the wean bloody sing.”
    “or seen ‘er dance.”
     he has.
     rosalin hadn’t been home to her siblings much since falling pregnant but tonight's dinner guest had become quite the regular visitor in their home. she’d heard from her younger brother. jack explained this new mystery man, a friend of george’s who he met at a co-worker’s engagement dinner. he was from the stage now wanting to branch into film, “mum’s taken to him, well, said to aunt linda she sees a bit of dad in him, which is rather queer if you ask me considering vi’s stropping around the apartment like he’s the gentleman caller. georgie’s stopped picking up the telephone because of the pestering, had to tell her off.”
     jack continued ramble with general observations: the brief and playful pokes, rosy cheeks, the giggles and hair-twirls also how he’d caught them sharing a cigarette in the kitchen during george’s thirtieth birthday then a dance to one of sinatra’s. not to mention - although jack made sure to - the teen had gained a rather affectionate pet name, "flower".
     rosie frowns as her nostrils flare when catching a glimpse of violet’s pink skirt disappearing into the back of the cab before michael shuts the door behind her. she hastily decides to play devil’s advocate before his return, continuing to watch him instead of turning to her mother. “do you think dad would entertain it? he’s only a little older than me.”
     nora pauses, her pen’s scribbles halting in its tracks, scrapping against the paper. michael had a way about getting what he wanted, after all the shelby inside him was grimly decaying like some sticky, clingy tar as opposed to dissipating, but he consistently left his children out of the equation. much to his own detriment whilst they were little but there was no gain in this specific hollywood game. he’d won. gotten his lead actor, there was hardly a need for the hook, line and sinker foreplay act played subliminally through his freshly seventeen-year-old daughter. “wouldn’t feel the need to.”
     rosalin grimaces at her mother’s admission.
     she didn’t really know.
     “she’s just a kid–”
     “swallow it hen. filmin’ starts in the next few weeks and him’n’ that leigh-lassie will be all over the papers.”
     feeling a light burning sensation in her chest and bile rise in her throat causing a strain, “i hope he’s nice.”
     “well, if ‘es no, he’ll have tae deal with her glesga-bred brother, that an yir faither's kilt three blokes.”
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so, i saw priscilla and wanted to write this, i did explicitly write this as open-ended, take it how ever you will with rosie's last line. i've never really written for violet and i thought it would be fun - don't worry this very year this is set (50-'51) she does meet someone her own age, however it was james dean - vi really knows how to pick a bi doesn't she?
anyways it's pretty obvious who this is about but i didn't want a name drop, similarly with rosie's husband who i have named elsewhere (it's weird because i wouldn't consider it rpf, but it technically is).
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rosalinedavis · 1 year
Location: The Hopping Pot Date: March 20th Rosaline & Cordelia @cordeliaeavan
The Hopping Pot seemed to be packing more people in by the second, and it had her longing for the comfort of Moribund's. She was certain that if she went there right now that it would be filled with similarly uncomfortable Pure-bloods that were trying to hide from the crowds of undesirables. But Rosaline was here to stay, unfortunately. Glancing around, she was looking for a familiar face, someone that she could talk to as she waited.
Out of the corner of her eyes, she spotted Cordelia, standing similarly alone. She didn't think that she had ever been so grateful to see her older sister as she was in that moment, and she made a beeline for her.
"I know it's not Moribund's quality, but have a drink with me," she demanded, not bothering with hellos and small talk.
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0hcicero · 3 years
Rules: Tag 9 people you want to know better.
I was tagged by @roamingbadger :D It's been so long since I've been tagged in anything! Thanks babes!
Three ships: I am woefully not in massive shipping mode right now, and it's weird to ship characters from a book you're writing, so here are the ships I love in the shows I've watched recently - Ted/Rebecca (Ted Lasso), Gregory/Janine (Abbott Elementary), Rosaline/Benvolio (Still Star-Crossed) -- also, honourary mention to Perc'ahlia from the Legend of Vox Machina (because I've just finished watching the series) First ever ship: I feel like I'm going to date myself very badly here, but it was two ships, Eowyn/Faramir (obvs), and then uhhh in Smallville, Clark/Chloe. I'm pretty sure the first two fanfics I ever wrote (under a terrible pseudonym bc being 13 yrs old will do that to you) on fanfiction.net were Lord of the Rings. *grizzled Sam Elliot voice* Ahhh, the old days of the fanfiction wild west, when you couldn't tag for shit and 12 year olds were hunting twee little plot bunnies and announcing they didn't own characters, but had definitely taken them hostage to force them to kiss, just like their older sister's barbies.
Last Song: Round & Round by Common Tiger, Sir Bishop, Nathan -- It's kinda downtempo indie hiphop and it's been in my headphones a lot lately - it's got a great vibe for working and doing stuff and it's just delightful! Fully recommend. Last Film: Scream 5!!! It was SO GOOD GUYS! Total redemption from Scream 4, Solid script, great story, super funny, and amazing acting. It was done by the same guys who did Ready or Not, with Williamson as a producer, so you know the quips were great and also there was clearly big love for the franchise and for horror as a genre. The kills are brutal but not over-the-top gore, the soundtrack works so well, and the storytelling choices were clutch. It was a truly fantastic fucking film and it was everything I hoped it would be!
Currently watching: Ahhh I'm gonna show my whole nerd ass here, but Campaign 3 of Critical Role (Bell's Hells). I'm not currently obsessed with any scripted TV shows at the moment, so livestream dnd shows are really my jam right now - tons of great character development, hilarity, and a weirdly enticing format, which creates this sort of metadialogue between the actors at the table and the characters in the game. Also the use of mechanics and chance as part of the tools of storytelling is such a wild thing, and its crazy to see the Dice decide the nature of the story FOR YOU. I just find it all really fascinating, the stories fresh and interesting, and because they tend to be reaaaaally long and stretch over multiple years, they're incredibly well-developed and full of depth. And because of that, I will also plug Critical Role's animated TV show about their first campaign, The Legend of Vox Machina, which is an adult animated fantasy series, and its hilarious, doesn't take itself too seriously, is full of gags, gore, and is fairly raunchy at parts. It's fun! The music is great!! The animation is incredible, the fight scenes are golden, and the story is *italian chef's kiss* Season 1 is out on Amazon Prime!
Currently consuming: I'm gonna take a note out of @roamingbadger's playbook and go with food/drink here - Coffee with milk and sugar, and a slice of banana coconut coffee cake with espresso coconut glaze. I made it last night, this is the first slice, and dang, it's tasty!
Currently craving: dnd and writing...I'm kinda burnt out at the moment with work being truly crazy right now, so my original fiction fantasy novel that I'm working on is not getting the kind of attention I hoped it would, having taken a week off work for recouperation. I'm also building a dnd game world based on the worldbuilding I'm doing for this novel, which I also love a lot, and mostly I just crave spending time in this world I created and enjoying all the cool things about it, either running a game in it, or writing a story in it. For a writer, I think when I found dnd I stumbled into my personal crack den - story telling? as a game? with friends? and booze? and like fun little miniatures? YES PLEASE. Tagging (Totes ignore if its not your vibe): @mrbadwitch, @criticalrolo, @typicalbrunette, @wildnoutinwildemount, @quietstorm-thundathighs, @randomfandomteacher @nerdlove4thewin, @jessiecrimefighter, @imeeshuu
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femmeharringrove · 4 years
when steve goes into labor early, he finds himself craving his mother's presence in a way he never has before.
he's always loved her, even if she never really loved him. growing up, she always just sort of avoided him - his eyes were so big and open and honest as he toddled about proclaiming his own love for just about everything under the sun - his nonna, the roses growing, and his mama. and she knew she should have loved him. hell, she wanted to love him, but she just couldn't. and since she couldn't love this little being who seemed entirely made up of love, she distanced herself.
and maybe as a child he didn't know, he was gullible enough to believe that she was just busy, just couldn't come play or couldn't help him plant a new flower, but he grew up and he saw everyone else's mother do so much better. and it stung. it did worse than sting, it ached in a way he just couldn't explain. and when he was fourteen he finally broke down and asked her why she didn't love him, and he'd hoped that she'd tell him otherwise but she was drunk and all she could do was break down and cry and ask for his forgiveness. she didn't remember it the next morning but steve's been haunted by the memory ever since, the knowledge that his mother doesn't love him.
of course he always knew his father despised him, there was no question of that. and now that he's having a baby of his own his aversion to the elder Harrington has only worsened. john harrington is a cruel being, he never should have been allowed near ant child, and steve was determined to keep him away from this one no matter what. he's already told the man he won't be allowed in the hospital, but his mother is supposed to be there. but it's the dead of night and the baby is coming early and as much as he cries for her there's no possible way to get her there in time.
still, billy's heart tugs at the way steve whimpers and says "i - i need her." but the thing is, billy knows the infamous misses harrington. and she doesn't deserve to be there when steve gives birth. but he knows exactly who does.
he does feel a little guilty about calling at such a ridiculous hour, but he isn't surprised when joyce answers, soft and groggy.
and billy pauses, because he doesn't know how to word this. he doesn't know how to tell her that steve's hours away from being a father instead of week, that he's crying for someone who doesn't love him, that billy himself is a little terrified. but in the end it just comes out on its own.
"he needs his mom."
and so joyce shows up at four in the morning and steve sobs against her because he's only ever been ready for the theoreticals. this isn't him reading a book on pregnancy, this isn't one of the kind mothers of hawkins sharing their delivery stories. this is steve, his stomach contracting miserably, his back and hips screaming, his heart racing because he's about to be in possession of a tiny little human being who's going to need him for everything. and this is also steve, barely in the third decade of his life, no real plan for his own future, staying up most nights because he's scared of monsters - monsters he'll now have to protect his baby from. and he doesn't know how to put those fears into words so all he can do is cry, and joyce, she gets it, she always does, and so she strokes his hair and soothes his fears as best she can.
and then there's claudia of course, who's been there since steve's first ultrasound, and she never leaves his room for long, not if she can help it. she holds his hand and wipes his tears and steve feels safe. claudia's always called him the older son she never had, and he feels more like steve henderson than steve harrington in those moments.
the kids won't leave either, because of course they won't. eleven and will overheard joyce on the phone the night before and when hopper tries to get them to school they outright beg to stay home because focusing is impossible knowing their honorary neice or nephew could be born at any second. and hop wants to make them go, but ultimately he can't. and once they get the all-clear, they call the others, and the next thing steve knows he's surrounded by a gang of not-quite teenagers looking him over for any problems and loudly expressing their excitement. and it's endearing, because it reminds steve that this kid has a plethora of babysitters at the ready - even if mike tries to act like he doesn't care, which is decidedly false judging from the panic that crosses his face when steve's hit with a nasty contraction.
dustin refuses to go home even as night falls, and max tells susan she's spending the night with eleven - which is true, but they're both staying at the hospital as well, hopper watching them while joyce stays firmly by steve's side.
on his right, as has been the case for the entirety of his pregnancy, is billy. holding his hand, pushing his hair out of his face, comforting and praising him through steve's low whines and pained groans. he doesn't know how many hours he spends pushing but it hurts like nothing else, like his body is being torn from the inside, and he wants it to stop but he needs to keep going. so he does, he grits his teeth and he pushes through everything, and in the end he's rewarded with the first wail of a human being.
and he doesn't cry right away.
not that he can, his body is catching up with that the hell just happened, his breath is still coming in quick, shaky gasps, and he feels like he's only hearing joyce, not listening. nothing feels right until he's given the solid six-pound weight of his baby on his chest. she's so pink, and her cries are subsiding slowly, but steve runs a trembling hand over the top of her head and realizes she's got the same dark fuzz from all of his baby pictures and then it smacks him in the gut.
this baby is his.
and he holds her close and cries because the amount of love in his chest is too much, he hurts with the intensity of it.
nikita rosaline harrington is her name, and billy tears up a little bit because of it. she's a pretty little thing, her nose is tiny and scrunches up whenever billy runs a fingertip down the tiny bridge of it. she's got her father's eyes too, big and brown and curious, billy's never seen anything more precious - or he thinks so, until he watches steve stare at her with the same eyes and nearly has a heart attack at how sweet the two of them are. and he doesn't need to complicate things right now, not when steve's finally catching his breath after months of hardship, but he knows in his heart this is his family. that's his baby, that's his - well, his steve. and he kisses them both on the forehead and promises he'll take care of them. he's not the dick responsible for knocking steve up, but it's an honor to do this, to step in.
to prove he's not like neil. he can be a dad, and a damn good one at that.
and steve, who doesn't even like letting nancy drive the party to the arcade without him being there, he trusts billy wholeheartedly to raise this baby with him. billy doesn't take that lightly.
joyce and claudia spend a good hour fawning over nikita, they've gotten her so many gifts and she ends up in the little cap claudia made and the outfit joyce got. max and eleven are just as thrilled, max kisses her chubby little cheeks and eleven stares at steve in awe for literally creating a life. will talks to her quietly and holds her like he never wants to let go, even though he does in order to let hopper hold niki for a bit.
there's never been a question about who her grandfather is. neil and john are simply unfit, and hopper's been a pseudo-dad to billy and steve, he's the only one who gets the grandfather status. there's a whole mix of emotion on his face as he bounces the cooing baby, telling her how nice it is to finally meet her and how he's gonna enjoy spoiling her rotten. when he finally gives her back to steve, the man has tears in his eyes.
"you did good, kid," he tells steve, runs a heavy hand over his hair before patting billy on the shoulder.
dustin holds her the longest, of course. he quickly comes to adore the fit of his finger in her curled palm, and he tells her about all the things he's going to teach her as she grows up. steve's fondly amused at how easily dustin takes to carrying nikita, in the same way steve got used to dragging dustin around. every time the curly-haired kid remembers to look up at the other people in the room, he gives steve the brightest grin, eyes crinkled with merriment.
"you have the coolest dad ever, niki," he informs her proudly, and steve's finally beyond the need for cool points but it's touching nonetheless.
mike and lucas meet her in the morning, and lucas immediately charms the baby with a little song as he rocks her back and forth. he declares himself the fun uncle, which dustin protests, but steve and billy know lucas is correct. mike is the only one who just knows how to hold a baby, thanks to a baby sister, so he takes nikita from lucas like it's nothing and stares at her little face for a long time. the emotion there isn't something steve can read, but he sees the way mike draws her closer after a moment and smiles.
mike's a protector, even if he likes to act like he doesn't care sometimes. and steve, who's just as protective, knows that niki is beyond safe with him.
when robin meets the baby she nearly screams. but then she remembers how new those little ears are and settles for the biggest grin as she swipes niki from billy and walks about, cooing all sorts of nonsense to her little neice. "she's too cute," she gushes, planting a kiss to the baby's forehead. "i'm taking her home. sorry, dingus." and steve protests, but they both know she isn't about to walk out of there with a baby. robin loves kids, but she doesn't think motherhood is for her.
it's certainly not for everyone. and that thought doesn't occur to steve until his mother shows up, nearly a day after niki is born.
he watches her go to pick nikita up and his heart twists and he wants to reach over and take her back. his hands stay clenched under the blanket as the woman smiles at the baby, then at steve himself.
"you made a cute one, i'm not surprised," she muses, and then she says, "don't you just love her?"
and steve, he can't really respond to that.
billy's his saving grace, picks up on the shift and ends up gently convincing misses harrington to come back another time. when he turns back to steve, the brunette has tears already streaming down his face.
"why couldn't she -?" he tries, but billy doesn't need him to finish that sentence. he moves closer and wraps steve up in his arms and for the first time decides that he hates both harringtons, not just john.
because steve's easily the most loveable soul he's ever stumbled across. he looks at nikita and all he can see is a little steve, and he hates the boy's parents for refusing to love the vulnerable little soul they brought into the world.
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cottoncandyjester · 3 years
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Soooo about hikaru’s milf mommy, here is a lil teaser
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“Why are we at your parents house?” You asked as you and hikaru walked up to the very large house. “I need to see my sister, also I gotta pick some shit up you could wait in the car yknow” he hissed out as he kicked the door not hard enough to break it just hard enough to make loud knocking sounds.
“Nah, I haven’t seen your folks for a while, figured I would say hi” you said with a sly grin. You’ve been friends with hikaru for years and in all that time you’ve only met his parents a few times since they’ve been too busy over seas but there was one thing that stuck out to you…his mom was so damn hot.
Yeah it was wrong to think such a thing but you honestly couldn’t help it, she looked super young to the point where you thought that she was his older sister when you met her at first. “Whatever, just don’t piss my dad off I don’t wanna have to save your ass” he sneers out before the door opened revealing the woman you came to see.
“Hikaru, my baby” she cheered out with a smile as she went to hug him only for him to scowl, ducking under her arms and slipping inside and making his way upstairs. “So damn annoying” he hissed under his breath. “You must be y/n, it’s been quite a while since I’ve seen you wow you’ve grown so big” she cheered out with a smile.
“Oh hi miss-” you stopped when the female pulled you in for a hug “please, don’t use miss you’ll make me feel old. Call me rosaline, it’s been too long” she said before planting a quick kiss onto your cheek.
She definitely was way more attractive than you remembered, you tried not to focus on her body in the slightest before she pulled away ushering you inside and closing the door. “My husband is away at business, please make yourself at home would you like a drink?” She asked as she guided you to the living room.
“Ah no I’m good, thank you so much” you said politely, gazing around the house trying to keep your eyes away from rosaline. “I remember all those time you and hikaru would spend ages in his room playing video games, you are definitely his more well behaved friends so I’m glad you two are still close” she cooed out as she patted you leg, the action making you shudder as you glanced her way.
“Y-yeah, hikaru is a good friend to have too. Heh he is a little rude but that’s normal hikaru for you” you stayed with a nervous chuckle, watching rosaline scoot closer “sadly he gets his temper from his father, but you’ll watch out for him won’t you? He needs good people in his life” the way she spoke to you made your head spin, it was like she was putting some sort of spell on you.
“S-so does your husband usually go out for trips?” You asked quickly, hoping to break her spell and resist the urge to do something feral. Your question was definitely a sore subject cause in an instant rosaline moved away from you, hands in her lap as she looked down with a sad expression.
“To be honest, his little trips are more and more frequent. I suppose he doesn’t feel any need to stay at home with me anymore, my husband is into more..younger and youthful people” she said in a soft hushed voice.
Seeing her so sad made you panic, before you knew it you were blurting out the first thing that came into your head “but you’re hot! How could he leave you all alone! If it was me I would never-” you immediately covered your mouth with your hand, face flushed staring at rosaline who looked just as shocked as you were.
She gave a laugh turning her head away to hide such laughter, shoulders shaking lightly. “You are too adorable, I could just gobble you up~”
Please do, at this point you were one button away from popping. You watched her move closer before a soft kiss was pressed to the corner of your lips, teasing you just enough to yearn for more. “Too adorable, what am I to do with you?” She asked lowly as she placed her hands on your thighs moving closer, lips just barley on yours.
Her sweet scent filled your nose and made your head a fuzzy mess, you were almost salivating from her teasing. You reached out to grab her but just before you did you heard hikaru coming down the stairs.
“Oi! We’re leaving” he called out as he walked downstairs and towards the living room. Rosaline moved away from you just in time, smiling at a grouchy hikaru.
“You didn’t mess with them right, you wrench?” He snapped at rosaline who showed a hurt expression before covering it up with joy. “Of course not! We were just chatting about how adorable you are” she teased before hikaru scoffs lightly now marching over and grabbing your arm.
“Let’s go! Don’t go all day” he hissed out, you let hikaru pull you, as he did he glassed at rosaline who winked your way. As you and hikaru got back to the car you let out a long sigh shoving your hands in your pocket only to feel something.
You took out a business card with rosaline’s contact info on it. On the back was black pen.
“2nite @ 7”
Excitement bubbles in your stomach as you shoved the card back into your pocket, you weren’t sure when she had time to do this but now you had to get home and get ready for a..date?
You weren’t sure but you knew that you had to hide that huge grin on your face
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write-like-wright · 3 years
Valid here,
May I take up some of your precious time and talk about children. Especially the DGS kids I made and am currently making. Because I can't keep it for myself anymore(again) and since my friend is not a bit AA/TGAA fan, more a PL fan(I am too, that's not it. My brain is currently AA/TGAA) I drop it on you
As I already talked about Rosaline and Esmond, so I will talk about the rest.
First Ryus kids, yes kids.
Like Herl he will have a boy and a girl, Yoshiro (18) and Asami(17). Based on what I saw Yoshiro means righteous and son, and I thought it was fitting, while Asami is a combination of hemp and beautiful.
Yoshiro would follow his fathers footsteps into becoming a defense, but in a more natural way than Ryu. Yoshiro has an interest in fencing and other similar sports, as well as in art, even though he doesn't really understand some art work. Yoshiro doesn't really understand his sisters style, but lets her test out different of her outfits on him.
Asami herself currently has no real plan of what she wants to do and follows her older brother as an assistant, but she loves making clothes and trying out western styles, even trying to find a mix between Japanese and western. Asami absolutely adores frills and lace, soft pastel colours and cute, especially flower accessories.
Then Kazuma. He has a son Shinsuke(19). Shinsuke, whos name means a few different but similar things(extend, stretch, open/real, genuine + help, assist) is Yoshiros and Asamis friend.
A bright and friendly guy that loves to help and, like his father is going the attorney way. Shinsuke towers above most of his friends with nice 1,87m and loves to help with his height. He and Yoshiro learned how to use a sword together and shows similar interest in it, but tends to be more reserved about his interests. What really gets him to talk about his interests are gems. Shinsuke really loves gems and stones, their meaning and their beautiful colours and designs.
Tomoko(16) would be Susatos daughter. Like her name states she is an intelligent and somewhat wise person, who spends most her time around books, especially British detective stories. She and Asami love the ones about 'the great detective' and 'the young great detective', spending time and time together reading the imported newspapers and booklets, even questioning their parents about their time in the British empire. Tomoko is dreaming about working somewhere to protect the law and keep the citizens safe, but herself is unsure what she would want to be, and even if she can achieve such things as a woman.
Last would be Marceline(23). She is Baroks only child. Marceline is a very sickly and fragile young woman. She is almost blind and very shy. Her 'bodyguard' Clive Sauveterre(27) is around her almost 24/7 making sure she is safe. Marceline is friends with Rosaline and Esmond and in best(maybe even worse) times gets the protection of Clive and the Sholmes siblings.
If there is one thing she has mastered, it's how to play the piano. The fact that she is almost blind was not an excuse for her to not learn what she wished to learn, listening to famous musical composition and trying to replicate it on the piano. Rosaline tries to get Marceline to dance with her, but the young woman prefers Esmonds calmer style, much to Rosalines dismay. (she is not mad at Marceline, but loves Esmonds face when he has to dance with Marceline)
Clive Sauveterre, like I said acts as Marcelines guard, protecting her from harm, and acting as her second pair of eyes. When he was younger he learned different ways of self defense.
He got Marcelines partens attention, after he protected the young girl from an attack, after she got lost in the wrong parts of the town, when he was 21 and Marceline was 15. From that he got a few scars on his face.
He loves listening to Marceline playing her music and reading with a nice cup of tea, never touching coffee or alcoholic beverages.
I have also planed a prosecutor named Ernust Blumstein(31) and his assistant Guinevere Barber(28), who actively work on building fair court system, not thinking about winning or losing.
Again, Valid doing more than needed and I am already trying to draw them, wasting everyones time.
Valid, you put more thought into your OCs than CAPCOM does in any of their games. I admire you.
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the-cheese-writes · 4 years
[Chapter II]   [Chapter IV] 
A growing feeling of longing came to Virgil the moment he stepped away from Roman. Again, he couldn’t explain why the feeling was there, it just was and he was honestly getting quite annoyed that he wasn’t able to figure out what it was.
As he and Celine rode home, he couldn’t stop thinking about Roman and he kept replaying all the moments he spent with him in his mind. Looking outside the window at the wondrous stars above, Virgil unconsciously 7started smiling and Celine caught sight of it.
“Did you enjoy the night?” she asked, interrupting Virgil’s thoughts.
“Very much so,” he responded before looking back out the window.
Celine pursed her lips and fiddled with her hands as she shamefully looked down.
“Virgil, I’d just like to apologize,” she said, making Virgil look at her in confusion.
“Whatever for?” he questioned in a quiet, soft voice that made Celine relax a bit, knowing that he wasn’t cross.
“For forcing you to attend the party with me. I know that you don’t cope well in big crowds and gatherings, yet, I begged you to come, even though it was obvious you didn’t want to. And look where that got you. You had a panic attack, and it’s all my fault. I’m sorry.” Celine looked away from her brother guiltily, but Virgil gently took her hands in his.
“Dear sister,” he started, making her look at him. “You have nothing to be sorry about. You just wanted me to have fun and experience what it would be like to attend a celebration since I am never present in those. I understand. Yes, unfortunately, I did get tangled in all the commotion but I genuinely did enjoy myself. This was the most pleasant night I have had in a long time. So, if anything, I should thank you for being the annoying, nagging sister you are,” Virgil said with a childish smile and Celine hit him playfully.
They shared a laugh before she soon fell asleep and Virgil was left alone again with his memories.
Back at the party, Roman couldn’t let go of Virgil either. A dopey smile found its way to his lips whenever he thought about him and his little sisters delightfully seized this opportunity to tease him.
“What are you grinning about big brother?” Lydia said as she smirked at him knowingly.
“I think I know,” his mother chimed in. Roman’s face turned red instantly, fearing what they were going to say next. Had they seen him and Virgil? Did they know about him? How did they find out that he was-
“Miss Celine, no doubt,” his father said. Roman exhaled covertly. Fortunately, they were still clueless. He didn’t answer them and instead looked down sheepishly. Obviously, he was thinking about Virgil, but he let his family believe what they wanted.
“Aww, that’s adorable!” Eleanor giggled and Lydia joined her.
“Stop,” Roman weakly said through a smile, unable to hide his blush. His older sister, as stoic as ever, approached him.
“Where is she now? You must find her and secure your chance of marriage,” Rosaline said flatly.
“Calm yourself, sister,” Roman told her as he looked at her with a light smile. “We talked briefly and I am positive that she has taken an interest in me.”
“Excellent,” Rosaline replied emotionlessly. “Where is she?”
“She has returned home,” Roman said.
“So, you just let her go?” Rosaline asked him and raised her voice a little louder than necessary.
“Do not fret sister! I will see hi- her again.”
“How are you so sure?”
“I’m not. But here’s to hoping,” Roman said as he looked down a little melancholy. He really didn’t know when he would see Virgil again, but sincerely wished that he would.
He excused himself from his family, walked over to the front entrance and stood outside and stared sadly ahead of the road.
“Pull yourself together Roman,” he whispered to himself. “You don’t even know if he reciprocates your feelings.” Roman looked into the distance. “Still… that doesn’t mean I can’t have hope.”
When he walked back inside, Roman noticed a familiar coat hanging on one of the hooks.
“That’s Virgil’s.” Suddenly, he got an idea. He raced upstairs to his room and quickly got out a pen and some paper. When he finished, he ran back downstairs again and out into the garden, trying to find the reddest, most vibrant rose in the bushes. Eventually, he found the one and he gently plucked a petal off.
Making his way back inside, Roman briskly walked to the entrance again, trying to avoid gaining any attention and slipped the rose into the paper, and the paper into the pocket of Virgil’s coat. All of a sudden, he heard two people approaching.
Roman panicked and hid in one of the nearest rooms so that they wouldn’t see him.
“Oh, Virgil left his coat here.” He heard a woman’s voice say through the walls, likely Mrs Sable’s. Grinning, Roman sank to the floor, lovesick. The mere mention of his name was able to send Roman into a tizzy and he held a hand up to his chest to feel his heartbeat; it was speeding up quicker by the second.
He heard them walk away, and he knew that they were in a far enough vicinity, Roman stepped out of the room and watched them go.
“Till we meet again…”
“Virgil! Mother and Father have returned, come down!” Celine called up to her brother.
“I’m coming,” he shouted back. Closing his drawing book and hiding it under the floorboards again, Virgil put on his robe and joined his sister. It was late at night, possibly early in the morning and, seeing the navy sky, he realised how much he had actually lost track of time upstairs.
He arrived just in time to greet his parents as they walked through the door. His mother then walked over to him.
“You left your coat dear, at their house,” she said as she handed it to him.
“Oh thank you… mother,” Virgil’s voice trailed off as he saw a small piece of paper sitting in the top pocket. Still staring at it, he quickly excused himself and ran back upstairs to his room and closed the door.
As he hurriedly took out the paper and opened it, a single, red rose petal fell and Virgil caught it before it could touch the floor. He stared at it curiously and when he looked at the paper, there was one sentence written in beautiful handwriting.
‘Until when we meet again.’
Sighing, Virgil leant back against the wall and held the paper and the petal close to his chest. He laughed quietly at himself, seeing how pathetic he was then placed them in his box under the floorboards, grinning constantly.
Suddenly, Virgil grabbed his pencil and a new sheet of paper and started sketching as much as he could remember of the garden. He never stopped smiling as he recalled the memories and the night he shared with Roman Prince.
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soraavalon · 3 years
DM: The second morning without Nathaniel we start with Moriarty, has a couple questions and makes for the servants, then makes his way down to the Upper Crust which is a bakery not far from the Price house. The bakery is kind of full, it's still early in the morning there are people getting loaves of bread and baked goods for breakfast, it's the morning crowd. Behind the counter is a tall Yuan-Ti woman with dark scales, a tall Yuan-ti man whose quite a bit younger than the woman is, also with dark scales, and then three younger Yuan-Ti who have mottled brown and black scales and blonde hair and they're running about in the back, getting things done. Eventually you make your way to the front counter where the young man waits to help you.
Balthazar: Good morning, what can I get for you?
Moriarty: Is Rosaline around?
DM: He kind of narrows his eyes a little bit at you.
Balthazar: I'm sorry, who's asking?
Moriarty: Moriarty Gowan Kilmister.
Balthazar: Mmm, are you... Do you work for Thefaren?
Moriarty: Yes.
Balthazar: Ah, well Rosaline will be at work in a few more days, she's taking some time off.
Moriarty: Yes, I know. I was hoping to speak with her about recent events.
DM: He again kind of gives you a hard look like he's not really sure what you're talking about and you kind of get the sense that this is her older brother who is doing the older brother 'why the fuck do you want to talk to my sister?' thing.
Balthazar: She's sleeping in, I don't know if she's gonna be taking company today.
Moriarty: It's about Mr. Price.
Balthazar: Uh-huh. What about Mr. Price.
Nathaniel (OOC): [in chat] im screaming this is great
Moriarty: Were you not made aware of...
Nathaniel (OOC): [in chat] oh no
Tark (OOC): [in chat] i love her brother
Hunt (OOC): [in chat] oh no
DM: His eyebrows raise.
Moriarty: Well, they were getting close.
Nathaniel (OOC): [in chat] does he think moriarty is intending to be chaperone? oh no oh no
Moriarty: Unfortunately, is no longer with us.
DM: Make an insight check.
Moriarty (OOC): Oh god, oh fuck, oh shit. Where are my dice, oh right, I put them in a box.
DM: Why do you not have your dice, you know we're playing D&D?
Moriarty (OOC): Yeah, I expected there to be literally conversation and nothing else. Natural 20.
Hunt (OOC): [in chat] You just told her brother that his sister and Nathaniel were getting close then told him that he passed
DM: Okay, excellent. You see for the first big part of the conversation he's fully going through this panic of
Nathaniel (OOC): [in chat] may the ghost of Nathaniel's luck bless you
DM 'Oh my god, my sister got knocked up out of wedlock' Like fully starting to get furious
Eudora (OOC): [in chat] 'oh my god'
DM: Like 'damn, I was about to murder a man.'
Tark (OOC): [in chat] IM SCREAMING
Nathaniel (OOC): [in chat] I AM SCREAM
DM: And you kind of see when you say that Nathaniel is no longer with us, he hasn't quite fully let go of the theory, I don't think. But there is more like a 'Oh. Okay.' She says as she tosses the rock aside kind of thing.
Nathaniel (OOC): [in chat] NO DONT
DM: *laughing* Yeah, exactly M. He's trying to go through this
Nathaniel (OOC): [in chat] IM ALREADY DEAD
DM: like 'Okay.'
Moriarty (OOC): Me being horribly awkward playing a man racked with grief.
DM: Mm-hmm, no it's perfect. I love this. Balthazar eyes kind of widen for a moment when you say that then narrows them again.
Balthazar: Why don't you come back later this afternoon and you can talk to her then.
Moriarty: Very well.
Balthazar: Yeah, ma I'm gonna take a break.
DM: And he takes his apron off and goes into the back. Leaving three people in line behind you.
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bramb · 3 years
One of the protagonists in Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare, faces desire from others to conform to society. This protagonist is Juliet. Throughout the play, she shoves down her own desires. One could argue against this claim, as she marries Romeo. However, the circumstances of their marriage are often ignored. In scene 2, Act 1, Juliet is confirmed to be only twelve years old. The character Lord Capulet states, “My child is yet a stranger in this world/ She hath not seen the change of fourteen years; Let two more summers wither in their pride.” Let’s examine how this factors into her relationship with Romeo. Romeo’s age is not stated, but looking at a minor character, we can deduce what his age is.
Romeo has a love interest introduced as Rosaline. However, she is planning to become a nun. The decision to be indoctrinated as a sister is commonly made around the first years of adulthood. Since Rosaline must be 20 years or older, this makes Romeo an equal age. Back to Romeo and Juliet, this means that the pairing is 12 on 20. This play is not a love story. It is a tale of a minor being targeted and groomed by someone with power over her in age and strength. A person can’t think for themselves when they are told what to think.
Scene 3, Act 1: Lady Capulet asks Juliet of her stance on marriage. Juliet states, “It is an honor that I dream not of.” This scene confirms that Juliet, as a character, is not interested in marriage. She doesn’t care who she would marry, either. The point is that she does not want to become a bride to anyone. So, how does this all change so fast? Enter Romeo. He meets her, and upon this meeting, they kiss. Why would a 12 year old kiss a stranger? The only explanation (other than Juliet changing her personality overnight) is that she was afraid of denying him. Looking at Juliet’s interactions with her father, we can assume that the household demands her to be lower than the men.
Another quote from Scene 3, Act 1 is from Lady Capulet. “By having him (Paris) making yourself no less.” Then, the Nurse adds, “No less? Nay, bigger! Women grow by men.” These two characters are drilling into Juliet’s mind that women are improved by being with men. After being told this, Juliet is presented with a man with interest in her. Since she is only 12, and has been told she’s improved by men, Juliet has no choice but to go along with whatever Romeo wants with her. The party dwindles, and Romeo climbs into her room and asks her to marry him. After analyzing the text, it does not come as a surprise that she says yes.
This agreement ultimately leads to Juliet’s death. Shakespeare’s play shows the horrors of cause and effect. It shows how unhealthy mindsets and opinions from others can build onto a character’s shoulders, until they collapse. Juliet was a victim of being fed the idea that she was lesser than men, and it added up by the end of the play.
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ofpostmortem · 3 years
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Dr. Bliss Constanza Ortiz is a forensic pathologist with the NYPD, performing autopsies and determining the cause of death in victims laid upon her metal table. She’s well respected in her field, but often looked upon as an odd egg for her strange behaviors such as a lack of facial expressions and emotion, her over use of sarcasm that leads people to question whether it’s actually sarcasm, and her strange, morbid hobbies such as taxidermy and the collection of cursed objects.
Bliss, despite her name, is anything but blissful. She’ll tell you to blame her hippie parents for the mishap that is her first name. Often, she’d much rather be referred to as Dr. Ortiz. 
While growing up with a loving mother and father, Bliss seemed to be a normal child, until the age of six, when her older sister went missing. She didn’t understand what happened, or what was going on. Her parents made sure to shelter her far more after the disappearance, and for years, the Ortiz family desperately searched for Rosaline, until seven years later, when an anonymous tip came through. With that, police were able to locate remains, and from then on, Bliss was obsessed with the idea of solving tragedies through morbidity.
Bliss lost most sense of humor throughout her unfortunate childhood, mostly enjoying books and her studies. In high school, she excelled, though she had quite the temper(though concealed by her cool exterior, and difficult to detect if serious or sarcastic). She managed to receive scholarships not only to her choice school but to her safety school as well, attending Stanford University for biology in undergrad, and receiving her doctorate at Harvard university years later in pathology. 
Being referenced to the NYPD for her outstanding work and impressive thesis, she began working her way up in the morgue a year after moving into the apartments. She’s thriving, but quite the insomniac.
If you see her in the halls, it’s best to assume she isn’t interested in chatter. 
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thorne93 · 4 years
The Softest Fire (Part 14)
Prompt: Rosaline Vaughan had it all: fame, money, power, glory, a high status job. Until, one day, she woke up, and realized something was missing from her life.
Word Count: 2710
Warnings: fighting, violence, wounds, torture, abuse
Notes: First Fantastic Beast fic! I could NOT have done this at all without @arrow-guy. They have created a counterpart to this fic, writing it from Nora Vaughan’s perspective (Rosaline’s cousin/adopted sister). Fic aesthetic done by @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo​.
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The next morning, bright and early, I left the castle, alone. This time, I didn't mind. I had plans that would require me to travel without a companion. Gellert may not want answers or retaliation for the spy in our ranks, but I felt like we did. 
I made my way to a shop in town. The shop was known for custom items. 
“What can I do for you, miss?” a gray haired man asked from behind the counter. 
“I need a portkey, to Hogsmeade in London, immediately,” I informed, my tone serious and dire. “Thank you,” I tacked on with a silky smooth smile. 
“Alright. There will be an extra charge for a rush order,” he said slowly, as if that would deter me.
“I can manage any extra fee,” I confirmed.
He nodded and went away to the back to grab an item. “Will any item do?” he called up front.
“Yes! The smaller the better though!”
After five minutes, he returned with a glass orb, nothing special about it. It was a small, clear orb, small enough to slip into a purse. 
“This do ya?” 
He charmed it and handed it to me, ringing it up. The price was heftier than expected, but I needed to do this. I left as just as the sun had finished rising over the horizon. I knew Gellert said I didn’t need to do more, but this felt right. At the very least, I could get Albus Dumbledore to listen to me. I could throw him our pitch. A man of his talents, his wisdom, he would be all we needed to unlock this world. 
He and I got along famously when I was a student, often providing me private study lessons, mainly because the material in class was so far behind me. He taught me advanced lessons and we became friends, I felt. Perhaps he would listen to me. 
I arrived at Hogsmeade and made haste to get to the entrance of the school. Once I landed there, I breathed in the air, remembering how much I loved it here. I walked up the steep hill to the entrance, greeted by a groundskeeper who asked what my business was. He clearly didn’t recognize me, because he didn’t say my name. I wondered if this was a good thing. Once I told him I was here to see Professor Dumbledore, he gave me a suspicious look but let me by. I bobbed my head and walked past him and up the stairs to the last office I knew Dumbledore to keep. 
I was in luck when I found his classroom empty, and him behind the desk. 
“Professor?” I softly said, my voice almost going childlike. Funny how old habits are hard to kick. I was a grown woman now, about to be a bride, and here I was, speaking to Professor Dumbledore as if he still held some power over my head. 
His back was to me when I opened the door. He was speaking softly before he stopped quickly. “Yes?” he asked before turning around. When he did, though, his eyes went wide before a soft smile pulled at his lips. “Rosaline Vaughan, is that you?” he questioned before standing to round the desk. 
I fully entered the room, closing the door behind me as I did so. “It’s me,” I assured with a grin. I wasn’t here on bad terms, contrary to what it might’ve looked like on the outside. Yes, a spy was sent to us. Yes, Dumbledore betrayed Gellert, but something in me kept me from being furious with him. He was as old a friend as any of mine, and this was nothing more than a causal social call. 
“You… you’re all grown up,” he stated with mystified eyes. 
I nodded. 
“Well, to what do I owe this pleasure?” he questioned quickly, still grinning, warmth radiating off of him. 
“I thought I would just… come and see you,” I half lied, feeling bad for it. “Actually,” I began again, already correcting it, “I know about Joshua, the spy,” I admitted.
He bobbed his head, his jaw opening to speak but then he snapped it shut. 
“It was clever. I’m afraid Gellert was a bit privy to it, though,” I informed, no malice or threat in my voice. 
“So you’re here to… what? Exact revenge?” 
“I take it you know about the engagement?” I wondered. 
At this, he turned and began slowly walking back to his desk. I followed. 
“I do,” he admitted. “I can honestly say I’m surprised. You and Grindelwald… He’s older than you. He’s my age,” he stated, as if I didn’t know. He reached his desk, leaning on it, his hands gripping the edges.
“Yes, I know,” I responded with a gentle smile. 
“I’m not your father, I can’t and won’t judge you for your choice of companion. But I must admit I was shocked when I read the announcement in the paper.” 
I laughed lightly. Of course he would. “I… I don’t know what to say except I love him and he shows me care and concern that most people have failed at.” 
“A word of advice?” he suddenly offered, leaning forward a bit, peering at me. 
I bobbed my head. 
“He does that. He targets weak spots for people, and nurtures them. I know you’re smart. Clever. I know you would see past any sort of manipulation.” 
My throat became tight as I peered at him. 
“However, if this is real, then I wish you all the happiness in the world,” he assured with a star-studded smile. 
“Thank you.”
“Is it just you then? Grindelwald isn’t with you?”
I shook my head. “No, no he isn’t. He doesn’t even know I’m here. I wanted to see you on my own.” 
“Why is that?”
“Well, for one, to discuss why you sent a snitch our way. Secondly, to discuss you joining us.” 
His eyes blew wide as he leaned farther forward, a disbelieving laugh escaping him. 
“You can’t be serious. Me? Join Grindelwald?” 
I peered at him, my expression entirely serious. “Why not?” I went to lean on the desk beside him. “Come on, Professor. With your wisdom, your power, your talent… Next to Gellert and I, we will rule this world.” 
“Is that what you’re after now? When I taught you, all you wanted to do was make the world a better place. Did he change that?” 
“I still do want to make the world a better place,” I retorted, my voice hard. 
“By killing hundreds of our own kind?” he remarked incredulously. 
“We want peace, that’s all. We don’t want to hurt wizards, witches, or muggles. You don’t understand what he wants. You’ve been misinformed,” I tried with my usual sugary voice.
He shoved off the table. “Rosaline, I know him. I know him better than anyone else in the world. He is using you. He is manipulating you. What Gellert Grindelwald wants and what I want are two vastly different things.” 
“Don’t you want to come out of hiding?” I implored. “Instead of being holed up inside this school? You could be so much more. You are so much more. You possess greatness, and you’re squandering it.” 
“Is that how you felt when you left the Ministry?” he fired at me.
“You kept tabs on me?” 
“Of course. My brightest student? The only one who could out-duel me? Why wouldn’t I?”
“Afraid I’d turn dark?”
“No, I wanted to see how you would take your power and make this world better. When you were running for office, I was proud of you.” 
“And when I left?” 
A subdued smile came over his face before he looked down at the floor, then back up at me. “Even prouder. I heard you went to work with Newt, to help with his creatures. I knew you would do splendidly.” 
I couldn’t help the blush that rose to my cheeks. “Thank you, Professor. That means a great deal to me,” I admitted. “But I take it from your distaste for our cause, that you won’t be joining us?” 
With his hands in his pockets, he peered up at me. “No, Rosaline, I can’t.” 
“Are you sure though?” I stressed. “Imagine a world where we are rightfully at the top of the food chain, where we belong, where you belong. You, out of everyone should know the frustration of hiding.” 
“It does not bother me one bit to live where muggles don’t know we exist. It’s easier this way, Rosaline, you know that. You know if we became common knowledge it would be utter chaos.” 
“Would it though?” I challenged. “Think about if we got the muggles… in their place, so to speak.” 
At that moment, the door flew open, where Gellert stormed in, his dark coat flying around him. He was flanked by two people -- Vinda and Abernathy. His face was the fiercest, most dangerous I’d ever seen. His stormy eyes found mine quickly and a boulder of guilt formed in my gut. 
“What is the meaning of this?” he demanded in a chilled tone.
I was too scared to answer. I knew how this looked, and I knew it looked bad.
“Answer me, Rosaline!” he barked and I complied.
“I came to see Dumbledore to talk to him about the spy and about recruiting him.” 
His eyes flashed from mine to the man behind me. “You will do no such thing,” he ordered and my head hung. 
“Yes, Gellert,” I acquiesced in a hushed tone. 
Gellert made his way over to me quickly, grabbing my upper arm roughly. “You will never leave the castle unattended again. Is that understood? I had no idea where you were, if you were hurt. You had me worried sick.” With that, he tugged on my arm, making me stumble forward to keep up with his long strides.
“Grindelwald, don’t hurt her! We were only talking!” Dumbledore called after him, taking a few strides forward, readying himself to protect me.
“I will deal with you when I’m done with her,” he called over his shoulder. “I can’t believe I find you here, consorting with my enemy, our enemy, after he sent a spy--”
“I was trying to find out about the spy,” I informed as he pulled me along. “I wasn’t here to betray you, my beloved, I swear. I was just talking with him.” 
“You expect me to believe that, after the conversation we had two nights ago?” he challenged lightly once he stopped, standing near Vinda and Abernathy. “You could’ve very well risked our entire--” 
Out of nowhere, a group of people barged into the room. Nora, Newt, Theseus, Tina, and two other aurors I did not recognize. 
“Nora?” I breathed in shock as I stared at her. 
Her eyes went straight to me, and Gellert’s hand on my arm. He immediately let me go and then smirked. Nora’s eyes flashed with fury, drawing her wand. Before I could think, my wand was out like a reflex. She shot a jinx at Gellert and I deflected it. Her expression morphed into utter shock. 
“Rosaline, I don’t want to hurt you. Come with us,” she encouraged, glancing to Gellert beside me. 
“No,” I said defiantly, lifting my chin as I stood my ground. “I’m staying here.” 
“You don’t want to stay here. I don’t know what he’s done to you but the Rosaline I know would never be with a man like him,” she urged. 
Gellert smiled at my side, speaking to my cousin. “You see, Ms. Vaughan? Rosaline chooses us. Now, can’t you respect that choice?”
As if someone lit a fuse in her, she snapped, trying to throw a spell towards Gellert but I moved in front of him protectively, deflecting the spell. My veins were lit with fire, my face a mask of beautiful rage. 
In the blink of an eye, I lifted my wand again and tried to stun her but she deflected it. She shot a slicing spell back at me, but I dodged it. Three more shots flew between us before she suddenly retrained her sights. 
Gellert smirked from behind me, pulling my long blonde locks behind my shoulder as he bent down slightly, his lips pressed to my ear. His eyes were locked forward on my opponents when he said, “End them.” 
I nodded, understanding the command completely, and I unleashed an onslaught of spells and charms within seconds. I disarmed the unknown men first, knocking their wands across the room. My sights were now set on Tina, throwing an “Expulso” her way quickly, sending her flying into the brick wall. She fell to the floor in a moaning heap. For some reason, this gave me immense pleasure. 
Theseus and Newt tried to throw a paralytic and expelliarmus charm my way, but I danced effortlessly away from them before sending Everte Statum at Theseus. He fell back and gripped his chest, pain lancing through him. 
Now it was down to Nora and Newt. 
The entire time, Gellert and my friends watched on in adoration, not lifting a finger to help, because I didn’t need it. 
“What’s the matter, Scamander?” Gellert began to tease Newt. “You had the power to reveal me, but not to attack the woman whose heart you broke?” 
Newt said nothing, his wand drawn. He seemed torn, unsure what to say or do. 
“I let you live last time, this time your outcome won’t be as fortunate,” he informed as he took a step around me and raised his wand. My gut involuntarily lurched as I watched him inflict a Crucio curse on him. Newt fell to the floor immediately, screaming from agony. I couldn’t watch. For the life of me, I didn’t know why. What could I possibly feel for this man that would make me unable to watch?
“Grindelwald, that’s enough!” Dumbledore shouted as he raced forward and stood in front of Gellert. “Stop it! You’ll kill him!” He shoved his hands in his chest, breaking the focus and his spell. 
“They’ve stopped me for the last time, Albus,” he informed darkly, getting nose to nose with Dumbledore. 
As if I were in a daze, I didn’t notice how Vinda and Abernathy tried to fight Nora, Theseus, and Tina who had all recovered from their wounds. Newt was still on the floor, gasping for air. My eyes only watched Gellert who was speaking in hushed, angry tones to Dumbledore. Magic, spells, jinxes flew across the classroom, lighting it up before suddenly I looked up and I was surrounded. I raised my wand, still in a daze, moving automatically, without thought. That was my downfall, because Nora disarmed me, rather easily. I’d never been disarmed during a duel. 
Nora threw a Confundo charm at Vinda and Abernathy, making them stop their onslaught completely. 
“Go! Go now!” Dumbledore pressed. “Get to my office!” 
My arms were being grabbed by Theseus and Newt to be forced into the office. Nora slammed the door behind all of us and locked it before we heard shouting. I heard Gellert trying to spell the door open, and suddenly I snapped out of whatever I was doing.
“What the… Let me go!” I screamed, fighting them. I went to aim my wand, only to find my wand was no longer in my hand. My frenzied eyes searched the room, and saw Tina had it. I clawed and fought my two captors. “Gellert!” I screamed as loud as my voice would go. “Unhand me!” I shouted, fighting until Nora finally turned and charmed me. 
“Immobulus,” she firmly stated.
My body and mouth instantly stopped moving, but inside I was still thrashing around in my head. 
Nora looked to the fireplace and inspected it. Meanwhile outside, the shouts and the attempts at the door had seemed to stop, making me worry for Gellert.
“It’s connected to the floo network,” she informed. 
“Do we use that?” Theseus questioned.
“What choice do we have?”
With that, Nora charmed me once more with “Mobilicorpus” and she put me in the fireplace next to her. She grabbed my hand, and said her address loud and clear, and we were off, down the floo network.
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