#I love you aimi I love your characters
chungsungs · 2 months
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Kotoko edit of Aoi Kureha from Paradox Live since they both share a seiyuu and look similar lol
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potatogratins · 17 days
— love letter
꒰ summary ꒱ in high school, many students do their hardest to achieve their dreams. aimie, an aspiring writer, ghostwrites love letters for other people to earn just a little for her aspirations. when her friend and aspiring volleyball player, yuki, finds out just what kind of work she's commissioning, he's not too pleased.
꒰ genre ꒱ hurt/comfort, slight fluff, high school au ꒰ pairing ꒱ | ishikawa yuki/female oc ꒰ w.c. ꒱ 6,075 ꒰ published ꒱ september 4, 2024
꒰ a/n ꒱ i just have so many ideas for yuki fics that I honestly can't stop! i initially wrote this with the characters as adults, but i decided to make them high school students cause the situation seemed immature enough for teenagers to do. anyways, I can't wait to see yuki play once again this season! will be sleeping late for sure, but it'll be worth it, i know it.
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Last night, I made up a string of lies just to ask my mom what she thought of you. I wouldn’t dare to write every word she uttered in this paper because it would be too much for the nib to handle. Allow me to summarize it for you to protect your heart: she did not approve of us. It hurt me to see that the woman I have looked up to for so long would go so far to insult you, even if the both of you have never formally met.
People may never approve of us, but none of it matters.
We have professed our love in the presence of God. If they say our love is false, then so is the God we all bow down to. Still if they prove that God is real and our love falser than false, then reality isn’t real and this world is a dream, and what a beautiful dream we’ve concocted for each other.
Tonight I will dream of you as every other night, and there we will meet again.
Your Eternity,
As I wrote the last letter, I took the paper that held these contents and rested it on the table beside me. I wiped the black ink off my fingers with a worn-out towel, as I looked out into the horizon.
There were things in this world that I begged to know, like why we could barely see so much of the world when we looked towards the distance. But as I looked into the pink sky, raging into orange and then black, I realized the magic of distance: I can believe that there’s a whole other world behind the distance my eyes are capable of seeing, even if it was most likely filled with nothingness. 
“Are you done with my letter?” Jun, my schoolmate, asked, who crept up behind me as I was looking out the window.
“The ink is drying. I’ll put it in the envelope in a few minutes,” I explained to him.
 “Can’t you just use the Parker Ink? I swore you used that a few letters ago.” he insisted.
“The Parker inks aren’t dark enough for me.”
“With writing like that, I’m sure the receiver wouldn’t think about what ink you’re using. Elaine–Emaine–I mean Emilie–loves the letters that I send her!”
“Yeah, yeah. It’s a me problem. But I just think the presentation is just as important as the content, you know? Why do you think we judge people’s handwriting so much? Ink is also a factor in how we judge the writer,” I explained.
“We can talk about ink if we were in the 20th century, but we’re not. Aimie–letters have been out of fashion for so long that people won’t even tell what’s good parchment and what isn’t.”
“Yet you come to me asking to write old-fashioned letters with flowery words for a woman,” I said as I raised my eyebrows.
He scratched his head, tilting it while explaining, “She’s an intellectual. I needed to find a way to impress her.”
I shook my head. This dude was a pain in the ass.
“Alright, the letter’s dried. Now take this envelope and get out,” I ordered him, folding the letter into the envelope before I gave it to him. He placed a couple of coins on the table and left the classroom.
I tightly sealed the bottle of ink before wrapping it in a plastic bag. I stuffed it in the bottom of my bag before putting the extra pieces of paper inside my portfolio bag. For a brief moment, I continued to look out the window. Then, there was a knock on the door.
“Aimie,” Yuki greeted me softly before walking towards me.
“I’m surprised to see you here,” I told him. I felt spots of heat enter my cheeks. I looked away, allowing my cheeks to cool down, before turning to him.
“Don’t you have a bunch of girls waiting outside your classroom every day?”
He rolled his eyes.
“Or was there no one camping out for you today? Maybe they finally got to find out that you’d be a nightmare of a boyfriend,” I joked.
“I think I’d be a capable boyfriend. I would be a very good boyfriend… I think…” he boasted…ish.
“I know you always make your folks late to work because you take up so much time showering,” I sneered at him. I heard him huff, and he crossed his arms.
“Hey, at least I’m unlike you, lazing around, looking into the window all day. I know you always finish your homework while your teacher is asking the class to pass the papers to the front.”
“Shut up–”
“And you’re always obsessed with men… kissing each other…”
“It’s the 21st century! I am at the very least politically correct–”
“With a bed filled with nothing but stuffed toys because no one wants to hug her at night!”
“That’s mean! And to think I was supposed to take you out for dinner. Hmph! Leave me alone!”
He took a chair and dragged it beside me. He quietly put his bags on the floor and nudged my arm.
“I’m sorry,” he attempted to console me, “It was a joke. I won’t do it again…”
A smile began to creep up on me.
“…I’ll pay for dinner instead–” he slowly said.
“Exactly what I’m talking about!” I celebrated as I bolted right up. He scoffed as he watched me quickly gather my belongings. There wasn’t much left to put in my bag, but I wanted to be sure that I had everything together, lest I end up leaving behind something and be forced to think about what I left behind all night till the next school day.
“Are you actually going to pay for my food?” I asked him.
“Obviously not,” he retorted as a matter-of-factly. I whined and stomped the floor, crossing my arms. He smirked and quickly turned away, leaving me. I shouted and followed right after him.
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We arrived at the restaurant not thirty minutes after I packed up. There was hardly anyone save for a few salarymen, tourists, and a woman speaking to herself. Loud rock music was playing in the background. We chose a table in the corner just by a window, where we would practically see none of them. The music was surprisingly quieter in this area. We sat across from each other.
“I would have said, ‘Finally, some peace and quiet!’ but you’re here,” Yuki hissed at me.
“Hey, you’re making me pay for your food and fooled me into thinking that I won’t be paying and now you’re making me pay again!” I complained. A “hmph!” came out of my mouth. Yuki slid himself closer to me and tapped my hand.
“I’m just messing with you,” he whispered, “I’ll pay for your food.”
“Really?” I pouted. He looked down as he smiled, and I could only get a glimpse of his sheepishness.
“Yes, now go and order what you want,” he directed me.
We both looked down at the menu. For a good three minutes, there was a circle of silence around us. I looked up to take a peek at him. He was so concentrated on someone who just needed to choose a meal for himself. Then he looked up at me, and I looked away for a moment.
I nodded, turned the menu towards him, and pointed at the two meals. Yuki shook his head, “Can’t you just get one?”
“Why? I’ve had a long day. Can’t I have two?”
Yuki rolled his eyes, showed me the side of the menu he was browsing at, and pointed at two meals.
“You’re not the only one who wants two meals,” he clarified, “The doctor told me to eat more so I could add some more weight.”
I sighed, “Fine. I’ll just get the curry.”
He didn’t reply but gave me a face. He pressed the button to call for the waitress and gave out our order. He pointed to the menu and asked for adjustments, to which I rolled my eyes and mocked him, then looked away.
When he had finished ordering, he called for my attention.
“Aimie, what were you up to in the classroom?” he asked me, the tone which almost felt like an interrogation.
I turned my eyes to him, but still kept my head towards the window, “I was just… writing some letters.”
“Letters?” He raised his eyebrow.
“Yes, letters. People ask me to write letters or translate them so they could send it to other people.”
He fussed, “Who is sending letters out these days? Can’t you just send them through mail?”
“I mean… that’s what it is…” I spoke slowly. He stared at me, then rolled his eyes.
“I meant mail as in online mail. You’re taking me literally.”
“Yes, I know what you meant. It was a joke.”
“It was not.”
“Not. And you’re changing the subject. Why are you writing letters for people?”
I crossed my arms and frowned at him. He tilted his stupid head, waiting for me to answer, but as time passed, he was disappointed to find out that I was not planning to respond at all.
“Aimie. I know you’re the best in our class when it comes to writing, but I think you should not be doing this.”
“Why not? It’s becoming a trend! Everyone likes to get letters 'cause they’re genuine.”
“Genuine? How can you call that genuine when you’re the one writing letters instead of them?”
As I was about to respond, the waitress arrived with our orders. We both looked at each other uncomfortably and began to eat in silence as if to forget the argument that was just about to transpire. He looked out the window as he ate while I slouched like a child, eating my curry as quietly as I could.
Later on, the waitress returned with another meal set on her tray and placed it between Yuki and I.
“A third one?” I quickly turned to him, “Is your doctor really making you eat that much?”
He shook his head and slid one of the plates towards me.
“It’s yours,” he told me softly, “Of course I’m not going to make you pay for my food after I just told you that I was going to pay for it.”
I nodded while looking down. My cheeks began to turn red, and from the edge of my eye, I could see Yuki slide the plate towards me even more. He continued to eat, looking out the window again.
I often wondered if we ever thought of the same things when we would look out the window. Does he judge others who pass by or think of them with kindness? Does he imagine the daily lives of the people that pass by? Does he see a woman and think she’s pretty? Does he think of me while he looks at a woman, as I’m before him? 
He then continued our previous conversation, “I just don’t like the idea of you posing as someone else–”
“I’m not pretending to be someone else–” I emphasized. A heavy feeling was growing in my stomach, and I knew that tonight was going to open fresh wounds.
“It could cause you a lot of pain. And confusion. I–It’s admirable that you–I mean, you’re writing what other people can’t seem to express, but a letter–it’s personal. The people asking to write letters for them should express what they feel even if they can only express it in very few letters. It would be a dishonor to those who receive it. They would be disappointed when they begin to know the real them and find that they’re not as honest as their eloquence,” he tried to persuade me.
“Come on, Yuki. Who are we to judge them? I’m just trying to help. I’m not harming them at all.”
Yuki placed his hands behind his head, squeezing his eyes and opening his mouth in frustration.
“You know, I don’t know what to do with you. I know you want to help, but–”
He looked around, bewildered, and then shook his head. He dug his hand inside his bag and took a notebook out, and rolled it took his notebook from his bag, rolled it, and slightly stood up.
He began lightly hitting my head.
He hit my head again.
“With honesty. If you help people become dishonest, then you’re not really helping at all.”
I pouted and looked up at him. He blushed and sat back down.
“Finish up your food. I have work to do,” he breathed out.
I saluted in reply and took big bites of my food.
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After we finished eating, we walked our way to the train station. I sat on the seat nearest to the door, while Yuki sat across me. I looked at him as he stared down at the floor. I tightened the grip of my school bag, eventually hugging it instead. When he turned his eyes towards me, I averted mine, and I tried to focus on the view behind him.
“Don’t you want to sit beside me?” I asked as I patted the seat beside me. He hummed and did so.
To the ordinary person, a stranger asking their friend to sit beside them was a normal occurrence. But when it came to Yuki, sitting beside him on the train meant something else. I had the privilege of looking out the window to stare at him through the reflection. It seemed desperate, and it was. When the boy you like was admired and ambushed by girls every day, spending your every minute with him had to be well-spent. I would do anything to sit and look at him, even if his reflection could only hold an ounce of what was genuinely worth admiring about him.
I turned my head to the real him as I allowed my hand to wander inside my school bag. I pulled out a ball of those expensive Lindt chocolates, and showed it to him. His head was pointed towards the chocolate, then to me. He looked down and shook his head.
“No, I can’t have any. I need to control my intake,” he rejected me and apologized profusely. I cleared my throat and looked into the window. I wanted to phase out. Even if I was in public. Even if he was right beside me. I could handle a rejection of chocolates from anyone but him.
“You alright?” he asked me, putting his hand on my shoulder.
I felt my hand shake a little as my fingers began to sweat. When I turned towards him, his brown eyes were looking right at me. I could drown myself in that sea of chocolate. I could count the times he blinked. One… two… three…
Then the train doors opened, and Yuki stood up, motioning me to get off the train with him. With a myriad of people, we tried to stay as close to each other as possible. I held onto the strap of his bag, so I wouldn’t lose him. Then, all of a sudden, he turned around and took hold of my hand that was attached to his bag strap. He held that hand and looked at me in the eye as if to tell me to hold on tight so we wouldn’t lose each other.
There was a part of me that wanted to swoon. But for the most part, I wanted to hide in embarrassment because that’s the thing with Yuki. When you thought you finally knew him, he does something completely out of the ordinary. But no matter how shocking the action was, it doesn’t actually mean anything.
Still, he warmed my heart every time.
“I’m fine on my own,” I insisted.
“No, Aimie. In my six years of knowing you, you always have the tendency to get lost,” he nagged me and held my hand even tighter.
My hands began to sweat, and I managed to pull away from his grip..
“I don’t… feel comfortable,” I admitted.
His eyes softened. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you feel that way.”
“It’s not you, it’s me,” I stood firmly, “But I think we should get walking.”
For the next few minutes, we walked around in silence. A few cars would pass by, but the atmosphere between us was static. He would sometimes slow down to let me catch up. To my surprise, he would usually scold me for being so slow. This was not the case.
As we turned to our street, there was a man and woman arguing. The woman, high-pitched, kept on slapping the man as he kept on pushing her. Yuki and I stayed close to each other to the point that our arms began to touch. But as we were about to pass by them, the woman suddenly grabbed the collar of my blouse and pulled me in front of you.
“Are you Aimie?” she asked me.
I gulped and nodded.
Yuki walked beside me, “What do you want with her?”
“Get out of it, you brat,” she spat at him and pushed him by the shoulder. She then focused at me.
“Are you the one writing letters to Jun?”
I shook my head. I looked at Yuki, his lips pursed, and his fists began to turn white. She then began to shout at me, the words incoherent. I froze like a doll, allowing her to hurt me, till Yuki got in the way.
“No, I don’t think you understand,” he insisted.
“Yes, I do! She’s the mistress! She–She writes to Jun!”
“She’s not interested in him at all. And who might you be?” Yuki raised his eyebrow.
“His… his girlfriend!” she shouted unsurely before looking away. 
“You look too old to be his girlfriend,” he remarked. Can’t he be a little more careful?
“HUH!? And who are you to tell that, with that tiny voice of yours?” she shouted again.
“I’m her friend. And you’re misunderstanding,” he placed his hand out as if to calm her down. The man with her looked at the both of them the same way I was looking at them. We were clearly the most useless out of the four.
“Her friend… Clearly, you’re dating. And I can’t believe you’re… tolerating her. That hag is cheating on you!”
“She’s not my girlfriend,” he said calmly, “And she’s not the mistress. She’s just writing letters for other people.”
The woman was taken aback. She walked back slowly, though never turning back, and tilted her head towards the man behind her.
“Do you think he’s telling the truth?” she whispered to him. The man raised his eyebrow.
“I don’t think Jun dates high school girls in the first place–”
“He could, if he would,” Yuki interjected, “He’s a high school student after all.”
Quickly, the man walked away from the woman. He began to laugh at her.
“Did you just get tricked by a high school student?” he cackled and pointed at her.
“No, no,” the woman objected, “I’m just a year older than him. And… I thought we were in the same university…” She tried to convince him that there was nothing wrong when something obviously was, and it had barely anything to do with the letters at all.
“Well, he does look old,” the man said, to which everyone either looked at him in horror or shame.
“I’m sorry for my sister,” the man apologized and bowed in front of us, “She caught Jun’s letter on the table while he was at work. It seems like he puts your name and house as the return address.”
Yuki laughed lightly, and I stared at the floor.
“Do you actually write the letters?” the woman asked me, her voice softer.
“Yes, I do. But I put it in the envelope and well… I don’t write the addresses for them. I didn’t know he’s been putting my name and address the entire time. I apologize,” I explained.
She sighed, “Kid, try to get out of people’s other matters. Even if it’s just writing a letter.”
In embarrassment, I kept my head down. Yuki spoke for me, “Sorry for making you worry. I’ll bring her home.”
“Sorry for the misunderstanding. Have a good night,” the woman said and the siblings bowed.
Yuki and I walked back to my home, but before I could say anything, he stole the opportunity to break the silence.
“Don’t tell me you’re planning to write letters even after all that,” he looked at me in a distasteful manner. I shook my head as fast as I could.
“It’s just a misunderstanding. It’s going to happen from time to time, but I can–“
“You’re still going to do it!?” he blasted. I took a step back.
“Yes, but–“
“I don’t–I don’t understand the thought process here. If it wasn’t for me, you would have found yourself beat up the next morning. I mean–they’re not capable of maybe beating you to death, but you would have definitely still been in danger… Aimie, can’t you think straight for once?” he scolded me.
I began to warm my hands with my palms as my heartbeat grew faster. I felt a spot in my throat beginning to hurt. In hurried breaths, I could visually feel myself turning into a pot, ready to whistle for tea.
“No! I can’t!” I shouted, “I don’t have the luxury of doing that! Don’t you know that other people ghostwrite?”
“I know people ghostwrite. But do you agree? Is this unethical doing of yours okay with you?”
“It’s just a bunch of letters!” I screamed and stomped my feet. Yuki crossed his arms.
“It’s not! A letter is supposed to… to… tell people what they feel. To help the receiver understand the writer… in their perspective. You’re missing the point of this!”
“Well, you’re making a big deal out of this. I write letters for other people, love letters. For high school students. I’m not–I’m not going to fool… the Prime Minister into doing what the customer would have wanted him to do. I’m not blackmailing people.”
“No matter how young they are, you’re still fooling with other people’s feelings!”
“I’m not the one fooling them. It’s the person asking me to write for them.”
“So you agree? That someone is at the very least, lying?”
“Okay, fine. Yes. There’s dishonesty.. The person asking me to write the letter is lying. I’m lying, too. But I didn’t ask to be in this kind of position. I didn’t want to be writing letters, I wanted to be writing novels. But I can’t afford to be one. I’m not like you, living in a fantasy world where offers come right at me left and right, where people come flocking at me from all corners.”
Just miles away from us, we heard some lightning strike. Though we could have ran away, we stood there, arguing like children.
“You’ve worked hard, that’s for sure. But other people have, and they don’t get as much returns as you do, to the point that you’re privileged enough to continue to work hard with extra help along the way,” I added.
He wanted to interrupt me, but allowed me to continue talking:
“You have no right to talk to me about honesty, genuinity. How do you know if everything that you have is real? Let’s start with that first.”
Then, it began to drizzle.
I took a deep breath before telling him, “Those love letters those girls would give you? The ones that you would throw away? Most of them were written by me anyway. And if you–and if you ever bothered to read them, you’d realize that I’ve written what they’ve wanted, true, but every word was mine. Every love letter I’ve written, no matter who wanted me to write them, always had you in mind. You’re real to me.”
“You live a good life, and I know it’ll just get better. But that doesn’t mean you can bug me and tell me what’s good and what’s bad. I know… friends.. are supposed to tell you what’s good and what’s wrong. But these commissions–they’re the only thing I can do. We both know that.”
“I could help you–“
“I don’t need your help! I never did. I’ve been doing fine without you anyway. But you’re right. It’s dishonest. It got in the way. So I’ll stop,” I finished.
I dug down my school bag and got a foldable umbrella out. I shoved it in his big hands as he looked at me, puzzled. The rain poured even harder, puddles forming at the side of the road.
“Go home,” I demanded him.
Without looking at his reaction, I turned away and ran to my house. I felt his footsteps follow right behind me. I heard him calling for me. As I reached the front door, I turned around to find him gone. With a sigh of relief, I entered my home, where nothing could ever be capable of hurting me.
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Two weeks had passed since the incident. I spent most of my days, running away from everyone, even Yuki. My feelings towards the conversation began to mellow, and I clearly saw what Yuki was trying to talk about. When I began to realize the grand scheme of things, my pride and selfishness immensely lowered. Since then, I stopped taking in requests for love letters, and spending my time in the library or the empty classroom.
But there were times when I had to walk out of my safe spaces and Yuki would happen to be there, and every single time, he would have his eyes on me. Every time he would stand up or even take a step toward me, I would run past him as fast as possible or even turn the other way around.
Eventually, my luck had run out because one day, after trying to run away from him, he attempted to chase after me.
“Aimie! Wait!” he called for me.
For some reason, I could have run as fast as I could. He was more athletic than I was, but desperation caused as much adrenaline. Yet I somehow froze, and he eventually caught up to me. I must have used up all my energy because I couldn’t seem to move.
“Can’t we just talk about it?” he asked me, slowly reaching for my arm. I quickly moved it away.
No. We couldn’t just talk about it. Because I didn’t let you talk the last time. And my mouth always took action before my mind does.
“Aimie, please? I’m sorry,” he nudged me. I scratched my arm and looked down, my lips sealed shut. I turned around to face him.
Fair to say, his eyes were red, and they widened when I turned around. I could see the sweat glistening on his palms. He was out of breath. 
“No. I should be sorry. I was too prideful,” I admitted.
“No, I should be.”
“You’re too soft towards this. You defended me, and when we were finally alone, I lashed out on you. Insulted you, even. Don’t apologize to a dishonest person.”
“You’re not dishonest,” he stated.
“Do you even know how many letters I’ve written in the past month before I stopped?” I questioned him. I could hear him whisper, “No, no.”
“You’re young. And you’re human. And wel… you’re different. You always have good intentions, but you never really… do them properly,” he acknowledged these as he took a deep breath, “You’re naive, Aimie. You always have been.”
“But I’m a bad person. A bad human.”
“It’s not a crime, is it?”
I didn’t know what else to say. So, I started crying. Wailing, even.
“I–I don’t know what I’m going to do without you. I felt so stupid without you!” I cried out to him, then he began to hug me, “I thought to myself, ‘I’ve lost Yuki! The human equivalent to my brain! My senses have left me! I’m stupid, I’m stupid.’”
He laughed, patting my back. We broke our hug as I took my handkerchief out of my pocket, to which he snatched from my hand and dabbed the tears out for me.
“You think you’re the only one going through a crisis? How am I going to live without my heart?”
“My heart?”
“Yes, you’re my heart.”
I stood still and shook my head, “No, no. You’re my brain and heart. You’re my organs, I’m just a host.”
He cackled at me, “Aimie, think of yourself highly from time to time–”
“Yuki! We’re going in circles! That’s literally why we didn’t talk to each other for two weeks! Because I was thinking of myself highly–”
“Okay, okay. Let’s not talk about it. You’ve put out too many tears,” he interrupted.
When I stopped crying in such an ugly matter, he handed out a piece of paper to me.
“Can you do me a favor?” he asked me.
“It depends, what is it?”
“I want you to write a letter.”
“Oh no, no no. You just told me that you didn’t want to–”
“It’s worth it, I promise. It’s the last letter you’ll ever ghostwrite. It’s just a love letter I want you to fix a little while translating.”
“To English.”
I glared at him.
However, I began to think of his previous actions and how they were never really as I predicted. Maybe he had something in mind. A terrible joke, even. So, I decided to play along with it, “Fine, fine. Look how biased you are…”
We walked back to my classroom and I sat by my usual seat near the window. He sat at the chair right in front of me as he crossed his arms and let them rest on the back of the chair. He placed his chin on his arms, and I could feel his eyes follow my every movement. I took out my pen and a fresh leaf of paper, and looked at the outline of his letter slowly.
I began to ask him a few questions, to which he responded with no hesitation.
“To whom is this letter addressed to?”
He smirked, “Keep it empty for me. I’ll write her name on the envelope.”
Her? My heart dropped. The worst thing he could do, after all this, was to make me write a letter to a girl. She must be a wonder for him to even ask me to write a letter in the first place.
“It’s a love letter?”
“Well, what else could it be?” he retorted, “Is there anything wrong with that?”
“No, no. Not at all,” I lied.
I took a deep breath and looked through the outline of the letter he wanted me to write. I looked at him, and he was still looking at me. I couldn’t tell what was on his mind–there was nothing written on his face. I gulped and began to write the letter:
A few days ago, my friend told me about this flower that is native to South America. It takes half a decade for it to grow, before it is able to bloom. Then it blooms again once a year, and it always happens in the middle of the night, before it closes in for the rest of the year the morning after. 
As he was explaining this lovely flower, I began to realize that the flower and my feelings were no different.
Like this flower, this love was nurtured and cared for. And it took me one night for my heart to burst and realize just how much I’ve admired you.
Flowers come alive at the sound of good words, and I would be just as alive at the sound of your voice and the sight of your words, our nonsense conversations, your laughs at my terrible jokes, and our bickering–which was very much like an old couple.
If it took me six years by your side and a night to realize just how much I like you, then I would say it would have been worth it. There is no greater source to make the flower of my heart grow than you.
If you’d return these feelings back to me, then feel free to write back a letter. Say these good words and everything in me shall be healed, and the flower in me will bloom for as long as both our feelings will live.
I capped my pen and I let the letter sit there for the ink to dry.
“Is she a foreigner?”
He put his shoulders up, as if to say, “I don’t know.” I slammed my hands on my lap and sighed.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to write her name?” I questioned him again, just to be sure.
He thought for a while. He pretended to scratch his chin like an old man, and hummed to himself.
“I changed my mind.”
“Alright. So what’s her name?”
“Aimie. Address it to Aimie. A-I-M-I-E.”
I froze and stared at him, my eyebrows knitted together. He looked at me, and a smile seemingly began to grow on his face.
“Do… do you want me to… to put it in an envelope and write the address for you?”
“You do that now?” he cackled.
“It’s a special offer, for the last love letter I’ll ever ghostwrite.”
“Sure. Do you have a piece of paper? I’ll write it out for you.”
I took out my notebook, ripped out a page, and handed it to him. He turned away from me and I could hear the pen scratching the page. There was a metaphor that began to form out of that moment, where every stroke of a letter began to scratch my heart. When he had finished, he turned around and showed the paper to me, pointing to the block of text.
“Address it to her, please,” he requested.
I moved closely to the paper, observing what he had just wrote.
It had my surname and last name, as well as the exact house number, street, prefecture, and postal code. I could feel my eyes beginning to itch, slowly being filled by water.
“What a lovely name,” I told him.
“Yes, and what a lovely person,” he smiled, “I’m always in awe every time I see her.”
“I’m sure she’ll love the letter.”
“I’m sure she would. But I’m hoping she’d return the feelings too,” he sighed, scratching the back of his neck and avoiding my eyes.
“I’m sure she will,” I laughed.
He looked up at me, his mouth forming an “O.” Silly as it both was, I still wrote my name and address in the English style. I could sense that his smile was permanently stuck to his face, and when I finished writing, he patted my head. I handed the envelope to him, to which he licked to seal it shut. We stared at each other for a good while before the bell rang.
“Can I walk you home later?” he offered me.
“You don’t have any practice later this afternoon?”
“No, I don’t… So, can I?”
I nodded. Overjoyed, he walked up to me and hugged me. When we looked each other, I was positive that we were equally red. He then began to leave the classroom and turned to me by the door.
“I can’t wait to see you later,” he said.
One by one, my classmates entered the classroom, oblivious to what had just happened. One, they didn’t know that the boy I’d liked for so long had confessed to me. Second, they didn’t know that he’d walk me home later after school. Third and most importantly…
They didn’t know that in a few days time, I’d be able to write my very first love letter. One that wasn’t ghostwritten. One that was written to someone I have always wanted to write to. One that had my name signed at the end of the letter. One that allowed me to express my feelings toward something that was real without any shame or embarrassment. One that would reply to the confession of a friend I’ve admired for so long, to no longer be a pair of friends but something more.
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linagram · 3 months
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Hiii! Don't know if you remember me, I send you Naomi and Asahi sketches once. I want to repeat how much I like your project and I'd love to draw more for it, but I miscalculated how much free time I have so it took some time (I was supposed to finish the second drawing two months ago or smth...). Anyway! I present to you: the goddes of Linagram, Andou Miki! (I wuv her) Same as last time, I tried to make it look more like Milgram style, this time with color even. Not sure how accurate it turned out, but I kinda like the result. Tbh at first I just wanted to make an art of her, but now looking at the composition and background style... Dunno I just think it looks like it shoud be a series of art of wardens... I really want to make it into a series, but not sure if I will be able actually do it Aaand I guess I kunda screwed up some of her design details (jokes on you, I coildn't even be consistent with her design in my own drawings lol), but it's too late to change anuthing so whatever In the end I want to wish you good luck with both T3 Linagram and Linagram2 development! Oh, oh, and I also want to ask something, but you obviously don't have to answer: are there any special gestures or facial expression traits that your characters (both prisoners and wardens and maybe even victims or side chars) have that you'd like to point out? Like Shun having closed postures or Kei smiling a lot even if it doesn't look like he feels like it? I suppose you've talked about this before, or maybe someone even sent you a similar ask... If it's true, I'll search it!
SHDJAJASJKSJSJ SHE LOOKS AMAZING THANK YOU SO MUCH!! (and yes i remember you!) i love her expression in the first drawing so much she looks like a tiny scared kitten.. (and she kinda is one) i really love the shading on the second one too it looks so much like the milgram art style!! (and it's okay i kinda forget things when it comes to my own designs too 😭)
oh and also i haven't received an ask like that before so here it is! so sorry i think it turned out a bit long ><
akio is one of the characters who has changed the most throughout the seasons. in season 1 (and before milgram), he usually had this kind of annoyed or more serious face expression (but i really like to make his expressions look like he's a bit nervous or even scared maybe? like he's just putting up a front..)
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in season 2 he looks much more tired and traumatized for obvious reasons and he's supposed to look like he's in a lot of pain (and he is).
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and in season 3, he still looks very tired, but i like to think that now he just kind of.. accepted everything that happened to him. akio doesn't think he'll be able to live that long even if he's able to leave milgram so 😔 akio's character arc is just a humbling experience took too far
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aimi's an interesting case! she's actually a character who has the most consistent face expressions and by that i mean. she's literally almost never seen without a smile on her face.
like this art is the only exception??
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but also, in season 1 the faces she makes are usually more sad or apologetic-looking! she also likes to do. The Thing with her sleeves
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she still has some of that in season 2, but she starts to smile a bit more calmly and even confidently.
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and in season 3? she's in her girlboss era!! she's much more confident now, her smile is more wide, she doesn't look sorry at all!!
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but some of the art that is supposed to show her outside of milgram shows her having the same smile too.. like she started to look more "like a victim" only when she came to milgram.. huh..
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shun is a fun character to draw because most of the time he's either supposed to look stressed (or like "physically he's here, but he's not here mentally") or he's supposed to look so confident that it's kinda scary considering his usual personality. i like to think that in season 1 he mostly looked like the former and started to act like the latter in season 2 only to act like the former again in season 3 because of his punishment.
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like!! the difference!! also im not sure if it's easy to notice but when i draw shun i try to make his poses look a bit.. tense? i like to imagine his movements being a bit unnatural, almost like he's in pain or he genuinely doesn't know how to move or make certain poses. it also could be related to why he has his hands close to his face so often, it's almost like he's trying to check if he's real or not!
like aimi, naomi is almost always smiling and her expressions and poses are supposed to make her look like the "mom friend".
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she also has her hand on her chest very often, to make her look more.. confident, maybe? like she's supposed to have this "don't worry i'll take care of it :)" vibe!
SHE IS LITERALLY STILL SMILING EVEN IN SEASON 3 it's just that her smile is more wide now and it's supposed to make her look more unhinged rather than someone reliable. like aimi, literally the only case of her having a different face expression is this art.
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I HONESTLY CAN PUT KEI, EIKO AND RIKU IN THE SAME SECTION all of them are the smiley characters too but the way they act is a bit different.
kei's smile is supposed to show that there's something. Wrong with this man. like you shouldn't trust him. i'm also not sure if it's easy to see but kei often has this expression like he's looking down on someone. he's supposed to look all cool and when he's drawn with another character, he's almost always going to either look at them or look somewhere else, like there's another person that we don't see.
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this is also one of the reasons why this art with him and someone who is (or was?) very precious to him is so important bc he's!! looking UP at the boy!! and he's not smiling!!
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riku also likes to smile a lot but it's often supposed to look a bit. forced. it's like kei really believes that he's better than others and breaks when he realizes it's not true, meanwhile riku has the same belief about himself but he KNOWS he's not really special or unique, so he has no choice but to fake it until he makes it. when i draw riku, i always have this sort of rule (?) in mind: riku's smile is never sincere. he is always too worried about his image, popularity and reputation. he hates himself too much to be truly happy even for a moment. which is why him suddenly not smiling in his t3 art is so scary to me it's like.. idk, it's like he's too broken to even pretend to smile now..
eiko is very interesting bc unlike the guys she is a genuinely very confident woman! she doesn't have that many issues with her self-esteem, yes, she's a bit too much of a perfectionist, but honestly, she just has very high expectations from others and if we compare that to kei and riku's problems, that.. doesn't seem too bad to me. her expressions are also often supposed to look like she's laughing at someone or she's about to tell a joke or she's just being playful.
asahi's expressions are surprisingly hard to come up with when i draw him, so i usually just go with whatever i think is cute or shows his personality well. so most of the time he looks disgusted or angry, but i like to make his expressions adorable at the same time too! like akio, he also often looks a bit scared or stressed on the inside. he is also often seen chewing on something.
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yurika is another character i find hard to draw when it comes to expressions and poses.. but that's also why i like to take advantage of her. reputation in the linagram fandom and i like to make her look a bit insane!! i get to go crazy with her poses too like girl get a snickers or something!!
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and when she's not in a silly goofy mood she just looks kind of >:( i also have a rule similar to the one with riku: if yurika is smiling, her smile is usually fake.
tumblr pic limit is killing me we have to do the rest of this quick!!
reina is another character that changed a lot and if in season 1 she was usually seen smiling, she quickly dropped the facade after it ended and now she is only seen with a more cold and emotionless face expression. who knows, maybe she will smile again one day..
eiji, ironically, was supposed to have expressions and poses a bit similar to kei in season 1, but after it ended and the plot (and yurika) hit eiji badly, i can only imagine him looking more and more stressed with each day. the fact that he's actually similar to kei, but he can't pretend as well as he does..
miki is almost always seen being a bit sad or scared, and she only starts to smile more when season 2 begins and she starts embracing her role here. interestingly, her smile isn't supposed to look fake or forced, and it's actually more sincere compared to kei and riku. when season 3 starts, she lets her hair down and her eyes become more empty (same goes for eiji, who had "swirly" eyes in season 1 and the beginning of season 2) and her tone is more cold.
hinode is a bit.. too relaxed for a guard. he often presses a finger to his chin, like he's curious about something, he's always smiling and his smile is like.. you can't say it's sincere, but you can't say he's faking either. he also often has to lean on something or someone because he gets tired a bit too easily so he's usually seen either sitting or lying down and if he's standing, he's either leaning on a wall or someone's shoulder (usually miki's).
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simplysummers · 1 year
What songs make you think of your faves?
Ooo this is difficult because my brain is basically a big jumbled mess of songs and story/character relations, and I haven’t made a proper character playlist in a while, but I’ll do my best!!
These are just for my current or very recent faves, and the songs are just the ones I know off the top of my head have correlation in my head.
Alex Summers:
- X Men
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These are on vibes alone, not as much storyline
I Saw Her Standing There - The Beatles
Leaving On A Jet Plane - John Denver
Don’t Stop Me Now - Queen
I Know Places - Taylor Swift (shut up I know 😭)
Cough Syrup - Young the Giant
I’ll Stand By You - The Pretenders (this one is specifically a Charles and Alex father-son esque song.)
Monster - Caissie Levy
No Surrender - Bruce Springsteen
Teenagers - My Chemical Romance
The Way I Loved You - Taylor Swift
We Built This City - Starship
Iris - The GooGoo Dolls
I have a lot more on hc based storylines but I haven’t introduced that version of Alex to the public very much yet.
Shout out to You Belong With Me as that makes me think of Alex simply because of Lucas Till, and You Are My Sunshine for being the main plot point in my first Alex fic.
Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr:
- X Men
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Andante, Andante - ABBA (Mamma Mia version) (CE)
As If We Never Said Goodbye - Barbra Streisand (C)
Can’t Fight This Feeling - REO Speedwagon (CE)
Confrontation - Jekyll and Hyde (mostly E but could be CE depending on the AU)
Dos Oruguitas- Sebastián Yatra (CE)
Evermore - Dan Stevens (CE)
From Now On - The Greatest Showman (C)
History Has Its Eyes On You - Hamilton (E)
How To Save A Life - The Fray (E/CE)
If This Was A Movie - Taylor Swift (CE)
Just A Man - EPIC: the Troy saga (E)
Knowing Me, Knowing You - ABBA (CE)
Make You Feel My Love - Sleeping at Last (CE)
On My Own - Samantha Barks (C)
Our Last Summer - ABBA (Mamma Mia version) (CE)
Pieces - Ella Henderson (CE)
Slipping Through My Fingers - ABBA (Mamma Mia version) (C)
Somebody That I Used To Know - Gotye (CE)
To Sir, With Love - Lulu (C)
Treacherous - Taylor Swift (CE)
Turning Tables - Adele (CE)
Wild Uncharted Waters - Jonah Hauer-King (CE)
Writing’s On The Wall - Sam Smith (E/CE)
Sebastian Smythe:
- Glee
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Some of these will be KB labelled
All You Wanna Do - Aimie Atkinson/SIX
Applause - Lady Gaga
Bad Reputation - Joan Jett
Bad Blood - Taylor Swift
Bejewelled - Taylor Swift
Blackbird - Beatles
A Boy Like That - West Side Story (KB)
Candyman - Christina Aguilera
Crazy What Love Can Do - Ella Henderson + more (KB)
Delicate - Taylor Swift
Gee Officer Krupke - West Side Story
Glad You Came - GCV
How To Be A Heartbreaker - Marina and the Diamonds
I Never Dreamed Someone Like You - Katie Irving (KB)
I See The Light - Tangled
I Want You Back - GCV (KB)
King Of My Heart - Taylor Swift (KB)
Make Me Feel - Janelle Monráe
Paris - Taylor Swift (KB)
Shut Up And Drive - Rihanna
Speak Now - Taylor Swift (KB + B)
Patricia Thornton:
- MacGyver
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I don’t think you people understand the chokehold she has on me. She’s barely in the show and yet she has me by the neck with those manicured fingers.
Literally so many songs from Reputation by Taylor Swift
Ready For It?
I Did Something Bad (this one is the most Thornton song that’s ever written)
Don’t Blame Me
Look What You Made Me Do
Getaway Car
Dancing With Our Hands Tied
This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things
Okay other than Reputation:
No Body, No Crime - Taylor Swift
Rabbit Heart - Florence + the Machine
Skyfall - Adele
Thumbs - Sabrina Carpenter
Trust In Me - Scarlett Johansson
Yours - Ella Henderson
AHS: James March and Kit Walker:
- Asylum + Hotel
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No don’t worry I don’t ship these two. They’re just the only characters I care about besides Sister Jude.
Until I Found Her - Stephen Sanchez (KW)
Insane - Black Gryph0n & Baasik (JPM)
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lumilasi · 3 months
So i have been scrolling trough your blog for a while now, enjoying the lore and the many beautiful characters and designs. And i keep coming back to your blogs header image, the striking green hair, beautiful lighting, it is amazing, i haven't been able to find the full image though! i would love to see it and hear more about the character! love the design!
Aww thanks! Glad you like them! Also sorry for late(?) response, timezones and all....
This is the full image in the header: (there are 2 versions, can't recall which one it is)
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It was part of my Spooktober series last year. (Here's the OG post too)
Her name is Avane Faydream, or Ava Mantis; she's mostly known as Ava by her friends. Ava is a mixed heritage Mantis Fairy-Dreameater where she has abilities belonging to both beings. (Her Dreameater heritage is why she has black wings, typically her kin have green ones. Her eyes also come from her dreameater dad)
The image above is not her "canon" design though, apart from her hair, Here's her actual ref. (Some info below miiight be slightly outdated though, I tend to develop and change things overtime, but the designs at least are up-to-date)
She also has this outfit that was inspired by a really pretty Japanese modern dress I saw online once when researching for inspo for outfits to another character: (Her OG version was Japanese, now she doesn't really have direct connections to human world, but I'd say her mother, if placed on earth, would probably be from Asia somewhere, though not necessarily Japanese.)
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Ava is kind of my main lady, because she has direct connections to all of my "main" characters, from working for the Goth Dad Jurou/Alistair as a tattoo artist, to being one of Azul Samaros/ Chester Knight's friends he sometimes ask for help from. (When Azul says he knows someone, he goes "I know a gal" rather than "I know a guy" quite often lol)
She has a boyfriend, a bi Grimmhound (with some Lycan heritage) named Roman Bosco, who used to work for a human mobster (or more like was forced to/the guy was also in love with him but in kind of a toxic way....) and he's one of those absolute sweetheart, romantic teddy bear guys. (His ref here if you wanna learn more about Roman)
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(Roman has vitiligo btw)
Her dad Lawrence is sort of the 'antagonist' for my main story Night City Parlor, and she sort of tends to meddle in her dad's business to try and protect people from his influence. This includes Jurou, she actually went to work for him to secretly keep an eye on him, knowing her dad would be interested in someone as powerful as Jurou. (She also works together with her uncle, who ends up becoming Jurou's love interest lol)
She loves her dad dearly, but he's somewhat gone off the deep end after what happened to his wife/her mother; he's not coping with her condition well, burying himself in his dangerous and important work, which has started to erode his moral code. As a result, Ava feels the need to protect others from her dad's worse tendencies. (Ava has some of these personality traits from her dad, where she has the capability to be somewhat manipulative and occasionally struggles with empathy. Unlike her dad though, she is self-aware of this and actively works on not giving in on her worse impulses, and will let her friends/BF/Family call her out on it and listen)
I guess I can also list couple of fun facts:
Ava's design took me SO long to get into a place where I liked it. This is kind of typical for me with ladies for some reason, but once I did manage to create something I loved, she quickly became one of my favorite characters.
Ava has a couple of friend groups; 1. the day-to-day one with her coworker and friend Claude, as well as their boss' adoptive son (and Claude's BF) Caelan. 2. Her "sneaky action" group which includes both the former and current right hand woman of her dad, Marci and Aimi. (Typically ones she goes to, when she wants to meddle into her dad's business, or alternatively do something more dangerous lol) 3. Her Girl Bestie, Taiga (A kitsune, works at a hair salon she often goes to, they do girls night hangouts)
Ava is Demiromantic/Demisexual, she basically had no interest in either until she met Roman and slowly developed feelings for him. (She was actually kind of worried her dominant personality would be off-putting to him given his history, but they had a honest talk about it and he basically didn't mind because she tries her best to be the best version of herself despite her mental hiccups)
Ava is NOT good with kids, she has no proper patience to deal with them, and tends to be awkward around children. That being said she tends to try and be a good role model to the ones she has around her in her day-to-day life (namely her boss Jurou's daughter, who's a huge fan of hers lol).
Ava has a lightning bolt tattoo (not shown on the images above, given they are timed before she got it) designed for her by Roman. She basically appeared suddenly in his life like a 'lightning from clear skies' and completely changed things for him, gave him a chance to built the kind of life he'd actually want to live, instead of being forced to work for a criminal.
This got kinda long, but that's what happens when you get asked about your characters I suppose lmao
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roseofcards90 · 9 months
what are your top 3 milgram songs?
IM SO GLAD THAT YOU ASKED DEAR MOOT!!! I’ll only be counting original songs here instead of covers from the characters if that’s okay!
1. The Purge March
Legit this is the song I first listened to when I first got into Milgram, so I might be a bit biased towards it, but it's genuinely one of the best composed songs in the entire series so far imo. The marching band drums, the inclusion of the church choir voices that come back from Magic, just AMANE'S VOICE IN THIS IN GENERAL 😭❤️ THE ENDING ESPECIALLY IS JUST SO GOOD. It's catchy, and the mv for it is absolutely gorgeous with its visuals (Amane’s fluid motions with the baton throwing are so well animated!!!) but yeah 11/10 song I think Amane should be allowed to go apeshit
2. It’s Not My Fault
This song is literally so iconic I don’t even think I have to explain why lol, but yeah Mu is the queen she didn’t do anything wrong I love her <3 this was the first Milgram song I heard when my friend first showed me the songs for the series, so it has a special place in my heart because of that
3. Deep Cover
Someone is gonna get me for this for putting this song up so high when the mv isn’t even out yet 💀 but I really do love this song a lot! I’ll probably have more to talk about it once the official translation and mv come out, but the instrumentals of this song are so fucking good, it gets stuck in your head very easily. Kotoko’s voice is amazing as always (Aimi you goddess), and the ending part especially, is the best thing I’ve ever seen in a Milgram song LMAO but yeah love this one a lot <3
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muffinrecord · 2 years
Re-recording more stuff. 
Aimi’s MGS is better than I remember. I actually really like how they did her character? Yeah she’s obsessed with romance but they could have just left it at that, you know? By emphasizing the whole daydreaming aspect, they really made her into something more interesting.
I’d go as far as to say that it even makes the whole lack of confession make sense. Aimi isn’t going to confess because she already has what she wants-- the daydream/fantasy world she’s built up. It doesn’t matter that she loves the guy and that she knows he loves her back... I don’t think that’s what she actually wants.
I’d love for her to get a story with her uncap and for him to confess to her and they go out dating... but something is wrong. She’s not happy.
It’s not that he’s a bad guy. In fact, make him amazing. But that just makes it worse for her. Because she’s with him and it’s not right.
It took away her daydreams. What was in her imagination can never measure up to reality, no matter how awesome he is or cool their dates are. Every possibility she imagined in her head is just... gone...
Now, it can end with them staying together. But I think it’d be neat if she had a story that said “hey this intense daydreaming of yours might be a way to avoid the real world.” But also in a way where like... she can keep her daydreams (maybe she channels it into something different? Like maybe she starts thinking of writing a story) but also she can become a little more grounded.
IDK. I just wasn’t expecting to walk away thinking “Aimi is underrated actually”
Next up is Natsuki’s mgs and I suspect I will not have anything positive to say about it, so I might just keep my mouth shut on that one.
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meandmypagancrew · 8 months
Okay, awhile ago, someone asked me how I felt the West End version of Death Note compared to other versions, but I couldn't answer because I hadn't watched the other versions and they sent me a link. Now that I've watched them, I feel like I can give a fair answer.
The West End version is a lot more serious, and I think the reason for this is twofold - the first being that the main comedic relief (Ryuk) was played by someone who I don't think was familiar with the source material. I think Adam Pascal just knew he was playing a God of Death and took that at face value, not realizing that Ryuk isn't a serious character. The second being that the secondary comedic relief, L, didn't seem to realize that either. L's comedic bits are a very deadpan sort of humor, and Dean got the deadpan part, but when he says things like "I am also childish and hate to lose" it doesn't really feel right, because Dean is playing it as serious as a heart attack, pun intended.
However, a lot of this comes down to the director, and I don't think it comes down to his lack of understanding of the original content. I think it simply comes down to wanting to be a success, and looking at what has done really well on the West End, and those are shows like Les Misérables and Phantom of the Opera - dramas. And while it is possible to have a drama with riotously funny moments (see the recent Broadway revival of Sweeney Todd), those are far and few between and I think he was trying to emulate that, because he expected that an average West End audience member wouldn't know Death Note.
The Korean and Japanese versions let themselves have a lot more fun with it, while still hitting the serious beats, and it truly shows. Also, their casting looks a lot more like the characters. Especially the Japanese L - they look like they took a screenshot of L from the anime and then put him into an AI photo generator and said "make this look like an actual person". Like my mom watched it with us and afterwards she was in my room and looked at the L figurine I have and was like "I finally get who this is! He looks just like him!"
Dean, on the other hand, looks exactly like what he is - a buff guy in a shirt that actually fits. Which I think does take away from the Light and L dynamic. When L looks spindly, you do see it as an intellectual battle, but when he's built like a tank, you kind of wonder why he doesn't just beat the shit out Light. I do think Carl, who was the alternate L in the second run, was definitely a better L.
However, while I do think that, of the three versions I've watched, the West End version is the weakest, it is still really good. Frances (and later Jessica) is a fantastic Misa, Rachel Claire is so damn cute as Sayu that I loved every second she was on stage, and Aimie remains as my favorite Rem, despite the fact that I still don't think she should have been cast. And Joaquin was great as Light! I also really liked Christian as Sochiro. It really says something about the quality of a show when even the worst version still kicks ass, and I am really excited to see the future of the show, as well as how Your Lie In April will do.
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waiting-on-a-dream · 1 year
hi aurora! sorry if it's a weird question, but i just got an idea. if your prisoners could cover my prisoners' T1 songs, which song would each character get? i can also do the same thing with my ocs and your prisoners' songs, if you want! :D
Lina. This is a great question. 👀
Ichiro: Error Screen (Okay, so the colours and glitchy effects of the MV certainly suit Ichiro's vibe. There's a disconnect between reality and what happens in the MV, which fits his usual state of mind. Some of the lyrics fit Ichiro's feelings towards his mom too. There's nothing wrong with me still missing you, right? There's nothing wrong with me still wanting to be with you, right? So why don't you leave him, you deserve better, even though I'm probably worse.)
Akane: Heart-shaped Candy (I can't think of any of your prisoners' songs that would fit her because none of their crimes give off the same vibes as her killing her dad. But ah, I assigned Heart-shaped Candy to her because she's angry just like Yurika lol. Yurika working as a maid reminded me of Akane working as a waitress too.)
Daisuke: Empty Desk (HELP I can't quite believe it. Daisuke's babygirl energy is just too strong. I checked Hot Pink Illusion first, but the rose coloured glasses lyric didn't fit. Yeah, the lyrics of Empty Desk and Naomi's guilt after her crime fits him to a T. Everyone's reactions of her crime may or may not apply to Daisuke as well.)
Suzume: Lost in Perfection (The lyrics and the somewhat obsessive feelings towards Eiko's love interest? Yes. Not to mention, wanting for something perfect.)
Haku: Jump Together (This might be kinda funny because Riku is so similar to Kiyoshi. But uh, I took a look at the lyrics and... Let's just say one aspect of Riku's relationship with his childhood friend applies to Haku's relationship with Kurosaki. Just a little. Also, just imagine Haku singing a song obviously made by a band.)
Yui: Heart-shaped Candy (Again? Yes. Himiko. That's all I have to say.)
Rin: Portrait of Friendship (I considered giving him Asahi's song, but Aimi's song about friendship fits him well enough to be assigned to him. The lyrics and her being an outcast in her class apply to him well.)
Noa: Empty Desk (Only the most babygirl of my ocs get this song. She gets this song because the general sad vibes and MV fit her well.)
Kiyoshi: No Reason (Reina's façade and her potential true friend group's dynamics. That's all I can say before I reveal too much.)
Mayumi: Staying At The Top (Its really weird, but I think this song isn't a bad fit for her. She and Akio would both cover Purge March, so they're quite similar.)
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rosachinensis · 1 year
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Did I just made a KNY OC ? Yes, I did.
So, behold Aimi! I've been wanting to draw my KNY OC for the longest time, but I hold it in because I thought ; All of the OCs that I planned out in 2016 is not something that I should publish. So, she has been in 3 surgeries, more or less. I've changed her name for like... idk, 4 times?
But at least now she's here. With a fanfiction book on the way!
֙⋆ Aimi's facts and Taisho rumours are down here 𓄹 ࣪ ִֶָ 
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Her favourite food is salmon ramen. She always have it in winter and rainy days!
Her name Kanji is '愛美', but she often write the 'Mi' as '実'.
Her birthday is on 22 March because her surname is 'Ohitsujiza', meaning 'Aries'.
She's the one who came up with the surname for her and her mentor.
The braid on top of her head was made out of her real hair but is detachable. It's like hairband/headband.
She called her hairstyle as 'squid hair'.
She once killed a demon because it accidentally cut her front side hair to a messy cut, and she didn't like it. Before she got the squid hair, people often questioned her hair and she only answered them with, "Once, I go to a bad hairstylist. It was really bad so I decided to leave in the middle of the process."
Did they believe it? Some are but some are not.
She's just too lazy to re-tell the whole story to them, so she made one up
She always feel sad if people forgot about her, but Aimi herself tends to forget a bunch of things about other people. She always tries to remember it tho! That's why she kept a book called, "Open this book if you forget about things."
۫  ּ   ִ  ۫   ˑ ֗  ִ   ˑ    ּ  𖥔 𓄼   ࣪ ִ  ۫   ּ  ֗  ִ    ۪  ⊹  ˑ 
Mitsuri and Aimi are foodies. The first person who get to taste Aimi's cookings is always Mitsuri.
She thought that Shinobu is quite hard to reach and have a conversation with. Aimi always felt nervous around her.
Aoi and Kanao on the other hand, always kind to her, so she have no problem with them or the triplets!
She didn't like Inosuke because he's loud. Like... Really loud.
Tanjiro is a bestie for eternity. She always said to him, "This world need more of people like you." Whenever he does something nice to her.
Nezuko is a baby! And she loves her so much. Both of them likes to talk about absolutely everything.
She likes Zenitsu... If, he's in quite mode.
Aimi said that she likes talking to Giyuu. He's that type of friend that will listen to your rant and vent quitely. He's the best person to approach if you just want to be heard.
Obanai... No comment. Aimi and him are just acquaintance.
Gyomei too. He's a good guy, but they're just not in the same vibe area.
And Tengen is just out of her reach. Their humour did not match...
Rengoku? He's like her big brother! She often comes to him whenever she needs suggestions.
She likes to tease Genya! He always blush madly whenever she sit next to him. It's cute to see!
But Sanemi... He reminds her of someone at home. She didn't really like him, but she doesn't hate him either. So I can say, he's just not bad but not good to her rating.
Aimi always goes to Muichiro for peace. She often tails him wherever he goes. Mui himself does pay her no mind and often forgot who she was and ask her why's she following him everywhere. She explain it patiently though, but with tears.
Also! I've made her character theme too, you can hear it on my telegram channel for full audio! Under a post with the same drawing
Also, she a far from perfect character and of course have her own opinions about things. I do hope people did not see her as an annoying type of character tho! ୧( “̮ )୨✧
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hiighborg · 9 months
For the CP2077 OC ask game: 4, 11, 19, 33!
I'll do this for Vance since he's my main OC and my V, though I can always add on later for the bazillion other Cyberpunk OCs I have💦
4. what tarot card from the major arcana would you associate with them?
The Fool or the Devil. Getting fired from Arasaka left him with a new freedom he didn't have before. He can be reckless and fucking stupid sometimes, but this Night City is new to him in a way.
19. is your character from night city? if no, where were they born? what brought them
Born and raised baby!
33. what is/was their relationship like with their parents? 
🎉Mommy issues 🎉
Florence Caid is a Chief Scientist working at Biotechnica. Aimi Kusanagi is a leading anchor at News 54. They're overbearing but well-meaning. Loving in their own weird corporate kind of way. After getting fired from Arasaka he feared letting his parents down and so the only option (to him) was to disappear.
11. do they have any cyberware? is it cosmetic or is it weaponry/armor?
The first and most noticeable cyberware are a pair of sleek, long, cybernetic legs. Formerly Jinguji originals, Vance has augmented and personalized them so much over the years they're unrecognizable. For cosmetic, there's EMP Threading and cosmetic plating underneath his top surgery scars and around his hips; otherwise it's all to push his physical limits. Vance is addicted to chrome, edging cyberpsychosis. He's got internal cyberware for netrunning such as neural ports and interface plugs, and an internal cooling system. Alongside that he's chipped with monowire and pain adapters. He's so chromed up if he were to be up open, wires and cables would spill out. Aimi got him chipped around the age of 16 to be taller-- more 'designer'. It'd give him an edge the other's didnt' have in the industry. This is likely why he has a physical dependency on cyberware now.
He's big time Overcompensating™️
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linalilia · 1 year
I'm kinda late but yeah :D
For fandoms: Soukoku, Jade x Trey, and Leona x Ruggie
For your ocs: Akio x Ichiro, Aimi x Akane, Kei x Daisuke (Now that we know more about them, I'd like to see what you think of these skips, hehe. :DD)
it's okay it's okay! i'm surprised to see no bllk ships here /lh
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LISTEN. AGAIN. i'm just not really a fan of this dynamic in general? like, i really like the concept of 😠😆 characters being a couple, but ehh, for some reason soukoku is just.. not it for me. it's like, i can see the "hating each other" part, but i can't see the "secretly in love with each other" part?? also i just got too tired of seeing it everywhere and the "this ship killed my grandma, okay" part is like. i've told this story to my other friends before, but long story short, back when i was like 13-14 years old and i just got into bsd, i was a part of this gc and all members liked skk, but i didn't, so they came up with this great plan: THEY JUST KICKED ME OUT OF THE GC EVERY TIME THEY MENTIONED SKK AND THEN ADDED ME AGAIN WHEN THEY CHANGED THE TOPIC. like. i get it, they were even younger than me and they said that "they did that for my own comfort", but also.. yeah, i kinda get ptsd every time i see them now /j
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i just.. don't really get it?? like yes, i know about their interactions and i know about the whole "oh, trey thought jade is just like him fr but it turned out that jade likes working for azul" (??) thing, but also.. idk, i just don't really care about this ship :'D maybe it's bc i'm kinda neutral when it comes to these characters too (i'm like a magnet for trey and jade simps though. i have too many mutuals/friends who like them JDJSKSALSL) so that's why i don't really care about shipping them too?
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tbh the age gap makes me feel a bit uncomfy? like, listen, i'm not the type of person who goes "IF THESE TWO CHARACTERS ARE NOT THE EXACT SAME AGE, YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO SHIP THEM", but ehhh, idk, i think leona is a bit too old for ruggie. i think i like the concept in theory, since i enjoy dynamics where character a has more power and character b is their servant/follower/etc, but ruggie is like.. basically, i think he deserves better jdkdslsdls
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WELL. UH. NOW LET'S TALK ABOUT WHAT I ACTUALLY LIKE. okay, i love both platonic and romantic versions of akio x ichiro. they're just so cute, but so toxic at the same time <333 like, hear me out. they have a very cute dynamic bc akio just wants someone to listen to him and admire him and just do what he says, but also recognize that he's more than just his intelligence and he has other good qualities too and if ichiro needs attention and someone to guide him and answer his questions, well, akio would be glad to do that! but also, there's a lot of angst potential since akio still misses arata to a very bad and obsessive degree as it will be shown in season 2 and he may also see ichiro only as a "second option" because he would like to reconcile with arata if he's able to go back home and also, unlike riku, ichiro probably doesn't really share any traits with arata? but hey, maybe akio should just stop searching for guys who look and act exactly the same way and try something new? also i can definitely see them as, like, that type of ship where someone talks a lot and the other one just listens and nods. but yeah, i think they should go to therapy together once they're out. if they're able to leave milgram that is (also hi i'm typing this while thinking about t2 akio and I'M THIS CLOSE TO CRYING)
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AIMI X AKANE IS SUCH A CUTE SHIP (both platonically and romantically) IT LITERALLY MAKES ME MELT. like, their t1 version is so heartwarming, aimi finally gets a friend (maybe something more?) and akane finally gets someone who won't look away and give her all the attention and love she needs! also matching bandaids!! brushing each other's hair!! aimi saying that she can hug akane if she's too cold!! (and aimi is very soft and warm and her prison uniform is just like that as well) but also man. i'm thinking about the fact that i've actually never revealed much about aimi's backstory and what kind of person she was before milgram and like, why she was bullied by everyone.. and again, her undercover lyrics, if someone is not her friend, they don't deserve to even breathe. would love to see akane's reaction to t2 aimi, hehe <3 (don't worry, aimi is still cute, but now we get to know how messed up her morals can be) (also the fact that their love languages go together so well makes me go insane)
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AGAIN. i love them both platonically and romantically. two angsty boys who have some love-related problems, how cute <3 but also, i think daisuke deserves someone better than kei jdkslsls. kei's morals are literally non-existent and he genuinely enjoys hurting people though one of the reasons why he likes it is because he thinks it's a normal way to show how much you love them. their love languages go together surprisingly well too (the masochist bit made me laugh so hard like if kei found out HE WOULDN'T LEAVE HIM ALONE AND WOULD TEASE HIM NON-STOP). this is also that kind of ship that really makes me wonder how your ocs would react to the t2 versions of my ocs, though in this case it's more about, well, kei's t2 mv and more info about his crime because IT'S GONNA BE SAD.
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oooohno · 1 year
love letters for your moots self ships?
Oooh this is so cute! I’m not sure if these are love letters per se but this is how I see their love 💕
@burnishedcrown Jas & Byakuya are like a fairy tale couple to me - the stuff happy ever afters are made off. They have quite opposite characters but I think that’s really want makes them work so well together! She makes sure there’s no stick up his ass & that he learns how to enjoy himself & Byakuya helps her calm down & focus. They are superb at bringing out the best qualities of the other & making sure their chaotic traits are a bit more under control lol. Also they have the best vacations together - it’s like they thrive extra well when they explore the world together & make new experiences. I also fully believe that Byakuya sometimes gets lost in watching Jas go about her day & cannot get enough of taking in all of her reactions 💗 if I had to assign them a kiss it would be one to the inside of the wrist.
@ohtokki Laura & Akiteru are partners in crime who happen to be so madly in love & 100% made for each other. When I think about their selfship it has to be based off of Laura’s best friend’s older brother stories! They have always been in love with each other it just took them some time to fully realize it & once they did it’s like a damn broke. I absolutely believe that they go on the cutest dates & even the most mundane activities feel like an adventure when they are together (like going grocery shopping & making it feel like a treasure hunt) 💗 their assigned kiss is one to the corner of the mouth (bc they are always teasing each other & it’s such a playful spot).
@kuroosdarling Aimie aims & kuroo are THE power couple. They are each other’s safe heavens after looong stressful days at work and are so good at building each other up so they can go out the next day to kick ass. Their love to me feels like a never ending well of support - it’s like they click on a different level which makes them so good at reading the other person & knowing what they need. They are also quite competitive which gives them such good chemistry too & they definitely tell the other one of all the office gossip (Kuroo thrives on gossip lmao) 💗 their assigned kiss is one to the neck, right below the ear.
@bagladyk K & Osamu are my comfort ship! They scream comfort & warmth to me bc they always try to make the other person feel looked after & taken care of. They are so considerate, thoughtful & attentive and I think their love is all show - a warm meal to wake up to, a surprise visit at work, a new apron with larger pockets to keep love notes in, a warm towel ready for you when you get out of the shower. It’s all these small things that accumulate to make the other person feel so incredibly desired & loved & these two have absolutely mastered this 💗 their assigned kiss is one to the cheek (especially mid chew when osamu cannot contain his adoration for Kate bc he thinks she’s adorable when she eats his food).
@kitashousewife Heids & Kita are soulmates - love at first sight, it struck them like lightning & they instantly knew they were made for each other. And over the years their love is only getting greater - they are constantly learning to love each in different ways & are growing together as a couple but also individually! You can definitely see their love in the life they have created for themselves & how after all this time they still put in the effort to make the other person feel loved & appreciated - consciously loving each other is like breathing to them 💗 their assigned kiss is one on the back of the ring finger (I really wanted to say on the mouth but I could see kita subconsciously seeking out heids ring finger bc he always knew that he’ll propose to her).
@strawberrystepmom Kendall & Natsuo are so incredibly dear to me & they are the epitome of intense (but not suffocating) love. I imagine them having such a domestic relationship - like a week in of dating, natsuo has already bought a second toothbrush for Kendall & is keeping a list of all the things she needs so he can fully stock his apartment to meet all her needs. He wants her to move in ASAP so they can watch all the romcoms together & eat breakfast for dinner. Also I 100% believe they regularly have discussions over made up scenarios (like ‘would you still love me if I was a worm’) and Natsuo will absolutely take this very seriously & will come up with the most elaborate answer to completely eradicate any feelings of doubt - they know to read between the lines & are so good at communicating. I also firmly believe that Natsuo likes to watch Kendall sleep bc he doesn’t wanna be apart for even a second 💗 their assigned kiss is one to the forehead/ hairline (he likes to sniff Kendall’s hair & he thoroughly enjoys the way you look up at him afterwards).
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linagram · 1 year
everyone's album covers, song previews and album trailer voicelines!
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okay okay i'm actually kinda proud of myself?? :'D like i always prefer just. drawing characters even though i don't really avoid drawing backgrounds and i don't find drawing them that difficult but i rarely pay attention to things like. doors so yeah it's kinda cool that i've managed to come up with ten different door designs and draw them! even though most of them don't even look like doors. it's okay listen i just wanted to make them as weird as their mvs okay
(also about some prisoners having the symbols on their uhhh restraints and most of them not having them. well you see i just didn't have any energy left to draw them so i was like "it's fine i'll just draw the actual symbols later" and guess what. i didn't :) and i'm too tired to draw all of them so y-yeah. honestly maybe i'll change the symbols to something else like it takes way too much time to draw them and they're not even that close to the canon ones)
okay sorry for rambling, you can read everyone's song previews, titles (though you can see them on the covers, but still. or maybe you can't see them i'm sorry if the text is hard to read 😭) and album trailer voicelines under the cut! and also more of my rambling
Album trailer voicelines:
Aimi: "Don't you think that's kind of.. unprofessional?"
Shun: "I-Isn't it a good thing that I'm getting better?"
Naomi: "But in the end, I've simply decided to agree with you."
Kei: "It's time for your punishment, Eiji~"
Eiko: "It's like.. your life finally has a purpose."
Asahi: "I wanna go home, even if I don't have one anymore."
Riku: "Haha, trust me, I'm strong enough to do that."
Reina: "So, yeah, the show's over."
Song titles:
Akio: The King's Execution
Aimi: Mask of Kindness
Shun: Wrong Route
Naomi: Your Story
Kei: Web of Desire
Eiko: As Seen On TV
Asahi: 'Cause I Deserve It
Yurika: Bitter Aftertaste
Riku: Trendsetter
Reina: Death of the Author
Song previews:
Akio: "Come on, fight me, punch me, beat me to death,
Show me how you've really felt about me all this time
There's no one left to support me, no one left to call me "Your Majesty"
I guess it's time for me to admit my defeat" 
"Let's have as much fun as we can today, like this is the last day of our lives
I won't ask you to be careful, I know you won't listen to me anyway
Let's make these moments more colorful than ever before
Let's turn today into our best masterpiece"
"I know that this is the best option, I don't even need a guide
"Real life"? What's that? Some kind of joke?
I know you will love me in every world and universe
Tell me I'm your everything, let me get the best ending"
"I can't believe I found out about this only now
Why didn't you tell me sooner? Why didn't anyone else tell me about this?
Your life was so short, but so full of pain
Does this mean that I've saved you from all that suffering?"
"Congrats, you've fallen right into my trap
Make yourself comfortable, you're in for a long ride
Tying you up, choking and biting
Keep your eyes on me, take those rose-colored glasses off"
"Yay, she did it, good for her! What an icon, am I right?
Haha, thank you, thank you! Serves him right, I know
You've forgiven me, darling, so let me thank you properly
Tell me what you want, I will give you everything and more"
"Give me more, you know that it'll never be enough for me
You want me to repay you? That's funny
Why should you give me so much and get nothing in return?
It's obvious, 'cause I deserve it"
"Please, please, make my world sweet again
This world is so cold, so bitter, if I take a bite, I'll get poisoned for sure
Hey, hey, what are you saying? You want more sugar as well?
Sure, anything for my master! But you're not her, so get out."
"Now, listen, I don't like to do this
I'm not the type to abuse my power
But looks like it's time for you to get what you deserve
So get him, everyone, I'll pat you on the head later"
"What about my crime? What about my sins?
Well, why don't you figure it out yourself?
I'll let you decide, I'll let you write my story
Aren't you the one who's supposed to judge us anyway?"
Random facts about everyone's song titles, lyrics and doors (spoiler-free. mostly):
The silhouettes from Akio's T1 MV are back!
If you've read Aimi's T1 MV description, you probably already went "Wait, is her song title a reference to that mask from her video?" and you are correct!
Shun's song title is kinda supposed to be a pun? Basically it's a reference to dating sims, character routes and all that stuff, but it's also supposed to mean taking a wrong path in life or something like that.
Naomi's song title was the hardest one to come up with and it turned out to be the most boring one. I am so sorry.
I actually wouldn't say that Asahi's door shows his MV that well, since his video will actually have mostly white and green colors, but I thought that a door like that would look boring, so yeah, I made it more colorful!
"Why is Yurika's door like that?" Oh, don't worry, compared to Asahi's door, Yurika's door shows her MV perfectly fine <3
Riku's door. Riku's door made me go through so much pain, IT WAS THE LAST DOOR I CAME UP WITH. I LITERALLY HAD NO IDEA WHAT TO DRAW. Not even because I dislike his MV, it's just that his MV has this motif that's. Very hard to show as a door. Like all ideas I had just sounded stupid so I decided to go with something like this instead. Also I still hate drawing chains and I used a brush instead.
Yes, Naomi's door just. Looks like a diary. BUT I TRIED TO MAKE IT LOOK LIKE A DOOR OKAY I TRIED
Reina's door having a more "actor-like" motif probably doesn't make much sense because of the song title, but trust me, it does. And yes, her song title is based on the trope of the same name.
Aimi's song lyrics kinda sound like a sequel to her T1 song though i guess her t2 song can be called that here, but the rest of the lyrics sound more different. And yes, there will be more of their song lyrics in the MV descriptions this time >:)
Kei's song lyrics are actually supposed to be much more sad this time and even the chorus will sound differently in the end.
Reina, please, stop breaking the fourth wall, you're becoming way too powerful.
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ur-typical-nerd · 2 years
What am I doing-
So, @sparkerinparadise has this really cool idea called sexyman descendants, and I instantly fell in love with the concept (I actually have kind of a similar idea, only it’s with exclusively cartoon and video game characters. I have no idea how I’ll get it off the ground, especially since the main character is a SpongeBob descendent lol-)
However, I am…not the best artist. Nor am I the best at making/describing Monster High-styled outfits. However, I am a good writer, so I’ll be writing descriptions for my seven (you read that right) OCs for sexyman descendants. I…might be also write some fanfic for this. BTW, these guys’ parents are all pulled from the sexyman Wikipedia (something I’d never thought I’d have to look up…)
Lucille has pale, almost grayish skin, pitch black, fluffy hair, her dad’s eyes and horns, fangs, and sharp claws that are usually painted black. I…have no idea what her outfit is; all I know is she has a black faux fur jacket and a pitchfork necklace. She’s on the shorter and lankier side, something the compensates for with heels.
-Daughter of the Devil from Cuphead
-Rules the cheerleading squad with an iron fist
-Also in both the drama club. Probably the one who takes the lead from @sporesgalaxy’s Spamton Jr. 
-Inherited her dad’s temper and crybaby tendencies
-Has caused multiple fire drills due to her fire powers flaring up when she’s angry
-Will occasionally try to con her classmates out of their souls
-Fairly protective of her step-sister, who is Dice’s daughter
-Her pitchfork necklace can turn into a full-sized pitchfork by pulling the charm off the chain
-Lords her dad’s status and power over anyone who dares to threaten her
-Haaates @sparkerinparadise’s Dee Cipher and Roman (sees her as competition and beating her sister out for class president, respectively). Thinks Too-Lette is cool though.
-Arrives to school in a pillar of hellfire every day for the ✨aesthetic✨
-Lucille: I’d sell all of you to my dad for a corn chip-
-Voiced by Aimie Atkinson (aka Katherine Howard from Six)
Ivory is a average-sized, slightly curvy teen with dark skin, white hair with a purple streak in cube-shaped  puff pigtails, green eyes, and purple freckles. She wears a version of her dad’s shirt and jacket with the sleeves rolled up, a purple skirt with rows of all four card suites in pink and black, purple chunky high heels with dice for the heel, pink poker chip earrings, white gloves, and a black choker with a silver crown charm. She also wears purple lipstick and eyeshadow
-Daughter of King Dice
-Assistant leader of the cheerleaders and member of the debate team
-Tried to start a gambling club in school, got shut down almost immediately
-Do not play any sort of card game/game of chance with her. You WILL lose.
-If you make her sister cry, Ivory will kick your butt while simultaneously comforting Lucille
-Favorite class is music
-Occasionally brings her dad’s card minions to school with her
-Regularly blackmails/bribes others into doing things for her
-Kinda unhinged
-Can remove her head like her dad can. It’s…way more disturbing than when her dad does it.
-Always has a deck of cards with her
-Voiced by Ashley Park (aka Gretchen Wieners from the Mean Girls musical)
Callie is a small, lanky girl with pale, metallic skin, white hair in a messy bob, and dark eyes framed by square glasses. She wears a red and blue argyle sweater vest over a white t shirt, a blue skirt with a silver stripe at the bottom, knee socks with a yellow stripe on top, clunky heels that look like a computer mouse, and a circuit board hair clip.
-Daughter of Colin the Computer
-Head of the robotics/coding club
-Loves talking about computers!!!!
-Will throw you through a wall while screaming if you touch her 
-Her attempts at socializing often come off as kinda creepy. Nobody knows if it’s intentional or not
-Can bring people into the digital world, though she’s banned from doing it on campus after Lucille’s head exploded into glitter upon exiting (she was fine after a day or so)
-Exempt from swimming due to the risk of her shorting out
-Regularly asks intrusive questions about others 
-Nobody knows if she’s an AI in a robot body or a cyborg. I mean, she plugs herself into a wall socket for lunch, but Ivory swears she saw some sort of brain-like organ in the panel on the back of her head last week…
-Voiced by Shelby Rabara
Diane is a tall, bulky girl with pale skin, long, dark hair in a braid, and blue eyes. I don’t have any outfit ideas for her, but I do know she has a sort-of steampunk-ish style, a love for the color purple, and high heels with a wheel for the heel (that can act as heelies because why not-)
-Daughter of Dick Dastardly
-Bisexual, with a preference for men
-Part of the robotics/coding team 
-Though highly intelligent, she occasionally ends up in detention because she cheated on a quiz or something minor 
-Grumpy and dramatic
-Favorite class is either engineering or woodshop
-The next person who asks her if she’ll join a sports team is going to get punched in her dad’s namesake-
-Has an emotional support/service dog named Molly she brings to school with her. She doesn’t tell anyone why she has an emotional support/service dog; Callie asked once and got thrown into a garbage can.
-(It’s for health conditions she has due to her father going to the Underworld to save Muttley before she was born and depression)
-Occasionally wishes she was more feminine-looking
-Has a motorcycle she drives to school pretty much every day
-Can be found fixing cars and inventing outside of school
-Voiced by Genesis Lynea (aka Anna of Cleaves from Six)
Eris is a tall, lanky teen with wild pale pink, almost white hair, tan skin, her dad’s mismatched horns, and heterochromia: one yellow and red eye and one green eye, both with different-sized pupils. I don’t have a set idea for her outfit, but I do know that the outfit doesn’t even seem to match itself, she has a different tie every week, and it’s made up of both her dad’s and mom’s color palette. She also paints each of her nails a different color and changes them frequently.
-Genderfluid (any pronouns) Polysexual (not attracted to people who identify as male)
-Daughter of Discord and Fluttershy
-Enjoys music and psychology classes
-On the debate team
-His chaotic powers have an entire section in the school rule book dedicated to them
-Completely aware that they’re all fictional, but they’re strongly encouraged not to tell anybody
-Chaotic neutral, seems to pull a different prank on the student body every other week
-Has a feud going on with both Lucille and Dee
-Attracts animals with her singing; however, they are not the cute little woodland creatures her mom attracts
-One time classes had to be canceled because a goose flew through the window while she was in music 
-Has slight stage fright. Can’t handle large crowds (aka auditorium/stadium full of people) watching him sing, but can handle a classroom full of people watching
-Severe claustrophobia/fear of being trapped
-Encourages people to make up new pronouns to refer to them as
-Voiced by Christina Modestou (aka Anne Boleyn from Six)
WALLYWINK (because we need more male rep, dang it!)
Wallywink is an average sized, dark skinned teen with curly pink hair and matching fur on his upper arms and legs. He wears a pink, fluffy sweater, jeans, and dark pink cowboy boots, under which he has hooves.
-Son of Wammawink (yes, I’m just as surprised as you are)
-Favorite classes are Home Ec and Music
-Total Mom friend
-Regularly helps out in the cafeteria
-More satyr-like than his mom
-Has the same kind of magic Wammawink does, but mostly sticks to bubbles
-If two people start fighting in the hallway, Wallywink will put them in bubbles he calls “time-out bubbles”  until they calm down and are able to apologize to each other
-Loves his mom, but he wishes she was less overprotective
-Has totally brought his mom’s mertaur magazines to school (both for himself and because others dared/blackmailed him to)
-Voiced by Jeremy Jordan
Betty is a tall, bulky girl with tan skin, red hair in a messy ponytail, sharp fangs and claws, horns, and dark eyes. She wears a slightly torn white tank top with pale yellow stripes, a black biker jacket with spiky shoulders and sleeves and a red flame design on the back, torn green pants, black combat boots, spiky bracelets with a matching choker, and a green spiky shell purse.
-Daughter of Bowser Koopa (yes, I’m giving him another kid. Why not?)
-Lesbian Transgirl
-On literally ALL of the sport teams. Basketball, soccer, golf: you name it, she’s a member
-Loves all her siblings and would kill/die for them (BTW, most of the Koopalings probably attend school with her)
-Very loud and in-your-face
-Total delinquent 
-Attracted to princess-like/feminine girls like her dad
-Has no clue how to flirt, so she just brags about herself very loudly, acts intimidating, and throws random gifts at people and hopes it works
-(It hasn’t yet, but she’s trying okay-)
-If you imply her personality/appearance makes her “less of a girl” you WILL be lit on fire with extreme prejudice
-Did I mention she can breathe fire? Because she can.
-Cleans up quite nicely when there’s a formal event
-Voiced by Kimberly Brooks (aka Jasper from Steven Universe)
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barrenstars · 1 year
shuji’s watching aimi from afar, stretched out across her bed as girlfriend paints on the other side of the room. she’s not said anything for the past hour, leading him to think she’s seriously focusing on what she’s doing and in direct response to this, he’s not had a singular thought for most of the hour. that is until now, when lips part as he inhales, small smile tugging into sight as he sits up. “ if you had to exist in any show, which one would it be and why? ”
@sociieties / unprompted ask.
this painting was by far her most colourful and annoying one to date. she can't quite explain why or what prompted her to make it so colourful, but for the last hour she's sat hyper-fixated on making sure the colours didn't bleed into each other. only when her mission was successful did she begin to wash her brushes, hearing her boyfriend, who she truthfully forgot was even here, pipe up after an incredibly long time. spinning around on her little chair, the pinkette reaches both hands above her head and stretches, giving a gentle squeak before dropping them back into her lap and moving her arms around, getting some more feeling back into her body before she begins to contemplate his question.
❝ hmmm, that's a good question, ❞ aimi admits quietly, pursing her lips while eyeing his little smile. he said show, so that excluded manga she liked and movies, but it didn't exclude anime. and aimi quite liked anime. one comes to mind as she thinks it over, but there would definitely need to be some tweaks. ❝ sailor moon. but only if i could drag you into it. ❞ nodding at her response, she shifts to stand, moving her hips around to regain feeling from the waist down. ❝ i can be a cute space-themed superhero and get an even more adorable romance, but that'd only be fun if you were like this evil villain who was trying to kill me at first then realised i'm the love of your life so you turn good and help me save the world. ❞ ceasing all movements, she gives an abrupt shrug.
❝ if i couldn't drag you into the sailor moon universe... ❞ silence settles once again as she thinks it over, trying to think of many different shows that she would like to be a part of. when not many come to mind she shrugs once again, surprised she's given it this much thought. ❝ i don't know then, maybe vampire knight? i'd be a hunter and just burn the school down with them all in it. did you know they're all dating and they're all related? the main character is in love with her brother, that's gross. so i'd kill them all for being weird and then go find myself a hot vampire boyfriend who wasn't into incest. ❞
finally, she trudges over and climbs up and onto the bed beside him, grinning at him. ❝ what about you? ❞
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