#I love when ppl combine myths like this
sarafangirlart · 5 months
Zeus: Whoever can free my wife can marry A-
Athena: *About to make the coup against look like it was as simple as a sheep wandering off.*
Zeus: Aphrodite! Aphrodite! I was totally going to say Aphrodite!
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forgotteneabha · 3 months
The Arms of Calleary & Hanthom
Combined Arms of House Calleary of Hanthom
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Azure (blue): truth and loyalty
Vert (green): hope, joy, loyalty in love
Argent (white/silver): peace and sincerity
Tawny/Tenné (orange/brown): worthy ambition
Ship: voyage, remarkable voyage, life, determining one's course in life
Wheel: fortune, torture/one prepared to undergo trials for their beliefs, steering, continuity/cycles, vicissitude
The Ancient Arms of Hanthom
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Seahorse: martime success, good luck, fortune, fortitude, strength, power, courage; as "the dragon's bastard:" valour and protection, courage
Note: the division here indicates a maternal and paternal branch coming together, likely with the wheel (at dexter) being the paternal charge, and the seahorse (at sinister), being the maternal one, the grasping of the wheel can be seen in a number of different ways but generally it would be more or less read as willingly taking on or claiming a worthy and desired goal or duty and bringing that into your own protection/worldview/aim, etc. w the sinister overcoming the dexter, it may either indicate absolute partnership or even the bearer (child's) posthumous birth to the father or the mother carrying on boldly after the loss of her husband. so! lots that can be happening here!
The Ancient Arms of Calleary
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Mullet/Star: celestial goodness, nobility, divine quality from above, mark of third son
Pearl: purity, honor, and virtue, that which is priceless beyond measure, that which the worthy choose to give their lives to seek
Moon: serene power over mundane actions, serenity
Shell/Escallop: protection of providence, successful leader, one who hasjourneyed far, traveler to far places, victorious naval commander
Fess: mark of naval service
so, since the malconaires, lorcans, and ormonds all have names that coincide w the name of their territory, i thought it could be interesting to build an in-world explanation for why it might be that the callearies do not preside over a place called calleary but, rather, one called hanthom, and, given that they also have claim to an as-yet unnamed seat in the north which is much smaller and in a state of disrepair to the point that it must be rebuilt before daring habitation (it also seems that the cold might be a factor here tbf), my thought was that perhaps there're a few things at work here! so i did some mock ups for us, and im eager to hear your thoughts! ;D
the callearies are maybe a newer house! we have established that the staffords and the malconaires and the lorcans are amongst the oldest houses in astaira, and perhaps the callearies aren't quite as ancient, but have roots in an older house that has, otherwise, gone extinct, namely: hanthom
alternately, or perhaps in a way that coincidences, there's the matter of the northern seat...maybe this is just an uninhabited place that roderick carved out of astaira...or maybe this is the og seat of the callearies from when they ~first became lords and was abandoned after they came into possession of the far more hospitable hanthom
so here's kind of what i was thinking: perhaps the last daughter of house hanthom wed a calleary and, thus, their child -- now a calleary of hanthom -- inherited both seats but, since calleary was both teeny and inhospitable, when the last lady hanthom died, the new lord/lady calleary brought everyone from calleary to hanthom and set up shop w their combined ppl living together
now, how do you do this? how do you make this work? never fear, ive got some notions abt all of this too! and it also (at least tries to) makes sense of why the last lady hanthom might choose a tiny random struggling house from the north w which to ally herself, knowing they'd be the future rulers of hanthom! and basically the answer is that house calleary had 1) v, v few ppl looking to them and 2) maritime knowledge of their own...it also brings in an atlantis/numennor/tomb of cleopatra/old valyria/pompei sorta myth bc i have zero self-control always dsklafjkdsjf are you ready?
ok, for i leap into this, side bar to tuck away/keep in mind: irl ancient celtic mythology, manannán is the irish god of the sea...and, originally, of the afterlife as well. why is that? bc the earliest celts believed that the afterlife was an island to which you could sail (this is why king arthur was taken to avalon on a boat -- the meaning was lost over time but it comes from this and there're some really interesting ancient myths abt sailors accidentally shipwrecking on the island of the dead and all kinda of wild things ensuing largely bc the ancient celts believed in reincarnation so it was a place your soul went and could return etc but then you go there w a living body and chaos ensues you get it laksjdfkljdsajf) so! i thought riffing off of this could be fun since we know astaira is lowkey fantasy ireland etc ;D and it actually sorta solved the puzzle in my mind of the connection to the north and the differing name so!! bear this in mind and now get ready #forrealizies
incoming thought: this story might be that of either the callearies or the hanthoms, actually...originally i was thinking the callearies but it might ~actually make more sense if its the hanthoms???? idk but either way imma refer to it as the callearies (bc either way their descendants are in fact our modern day callearies, if we go w this!) below ;D
im thinking that maaaaaybe...originally...they weren't astairan at all!! originally, the callearies from an archipelago somewhere off to sea, its location now lost
the callearies could have been kings, but im actually thinking that maybe they were just random sailors, maybe lords, but they were lucky bc while they were off at sea, their homeland was destroyed whether via volcanic eruption or tsunami/tidal waves or earthquakes or -- v possibly w a volcanic eruption -- all of the above!!!
many of the sailors and merchants and ships that were asail were crushed and drowned in the horrific storms and upheaval that came w the destruction of their homeland, but in the aftermath those that survived banded together into a ragtag fleet, set adrift in the terrific storms and desperately sailing towards land as their supplies dwindled
the survivors ended up banding together beneath the banner of the callearies, either bc they were surviving lords or simply bc they were simply charismatic/kept their heads on their shoulders/had the biggest ships/had a surviving captain/whatever!!!
when the fleet finally made land, the survivors spilled forth onto a spit of land and made a settlement there, grateful to have survived
this land was, of course, in astaira
they did their best to rebuild their culture, eventually coming into contact w other astairans, and -- being sea people -- quickly set about becoming trading and naval powers in the region
their lost homeland now survives as a mytho-historic atlantis/avalon-type myth in the collective minds of the astairans and many have sailed off into the horizon in search of the place, never to be seen again
now how does this tie into the hanthom-calleary thing???? trade!!! seafaring!!! im imagining the two co-existed for some time w one ruling the northern seas and the other the southern and yeah! while one ploughs the wintry northern seas, the other commands the summery southern seas. if you're house hanthom and you know ur abt to die out but you want someone to keep ur ppl alive and ur sea culture going etc, ur gonna want the other parent to ur heir/aka the future lords of ur spot, to be someone who knows the waters, gets ships, understands the needs of ppl who live off the sea, understand trade, etc etc etc, PLUS uniting their fleets and trade routes does exponentially compound the wealth, power, and influence of the combined house so ur heirs and ur ppl will be well off on a lot of counts!!!!
now, im thinking that, since the northern callearies only had a small number of ppl in an inhopsitable place, they probs brought all their ppl w them (at least who wished to go) and bing bam boom fast forward a couple centuries and you've got our kiddos!
anyway alksdjfkljdsf this is a lot and all of it frankly insane and yeah idk if we want any of this????????? but here we are -- lmk what you think!!!
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liqsouls · 2 years
I have some thoughts and I won't call it "a theory" or "analysis" lol, it's more like product of my obsession with Swift and kaylor combined with me being Greek mythology geek. Also idk if anyone mentioned it before so sorry If I'm late to the party.
So...I rewatched Anti Hero mv and now I have some new thought about this particular moment:
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«Pierced through the heart but never killed»
You know who in Greek mythology pierce through the heart but never kills? Eros (Cupid) does. Ig it's already cool symbolism if we consider that moment of piercing with that arrow as falling in love and that love makes her bleed with this lavender thing (which is smth that a lot of ppl in gaylor fandom interpretate as her gayness or whatever). But then I remembered one of the most popular myths abt Eros which is legend abt Eros and Psyche (btw reference to this myth was used in last season of Killing Eve).
First interesting thing is that this myth in some way about secret love or rather love with some secrets. Cause Psyche for a long time didn't see Eros, didn't know who her lover was and they used to meet only at night. And all other ppl knew that Psyche had a lover but they also had no idea who is he.
Lets look up some more info abt myth.
Aphrodite (goddess of love and mother of Eros) was mad at Psyche cause she was incredibly beautiful and 'Dite ordered Eros to use his power(arrows) to make Psyche fall in love with horrible ugly creature. But when Eros saw Psyche «he himself felt his heart pierced by one of his own arrows» means he fell in love with her and ofc failed his mission.
Meanwhile Psyche was worried cause she never was in love with anyone and nobody was really in love with her. This situation stressed out her parents. So they asked Apollo for advice. «Apollo decreed that Psyche, dressed in black dress, should be brought to the summit of a mountain and stay there alone. The husband that was assigned to her, a winged serpent, terrible and more powerful than the gods themselves, would come up and take her for his wife». Ofc it was horrible fate but it's not like they could do smth. But when Psyche did as Apollo told her and was ready to accept her fate...
«While she was shaking and crying in the quiet night, a slight breeze reached her. It was the fresh wind of Zephyr, the mildest of the winds. He felt that she was being raised....She then woke up by the sound of clear stream and when she opened her eyes she faced an imposing and magnificent castle. It seemed destined to a god, with gold columns, silver walls and floors of inlaid precious stones». ( Bejeweled mv vibe maybe?). That's where she "met" Eros tho she didn't see him, but she heard him and understood that castle is her home now and the voice belongs to her lover aka the one she always wished for.
Psyche didn't know much abt him, met him only at night(it was Eros' conditions) and during day she was always alone so she asked to bring her sisters in the castle. Eros didn't like that idea cause he believed her sister will influence her in a bad way but he let her invite them anyway. Sisters were very jealous of what Psyche had (bad sisters bejeweled vibe again?) so they started to sabotage her thoughts abt her mysterious lover and made Psyche more curious abt who he was.
«Indeed, that night, when her husband fell asleep peacefully, she took courage and lit the candle....The light did not show a monster but the most beautiful of men....But while he was leaning on him, a drop of oil fell from the candle on the back of that handsome, young man. He woke up in pain and saw the light. He looked her at the eyes and, facing Psyche's distrust, he left their bedroom without uttering a single word. Psyche immediately ran after her husband. It was dark and she could not see him, but could hear his heartbroken voice: Love can not live without trust.»
Psyche understood that her lover was Eros himself but Eros felt hurt and betrayed. (The great war vibes?).
Psyche was desperate and went to Aphrodite to ask what to do. Aphrodite thought that Psyche wasn't a good match for Eros so, in order to prove her love for Eros, Psyche had to complete three impossible, even dangerous tasks. (The great war vibes again?). Btw one of the tasks was to separate «different small seeds of wheat, poppies, millets and many others».
Long story short, even when Psyche completed all tasks Aphrodite was mad at her and told that she(Psyche) will forever remaine her servant and won't be with Eros. But other gods decided to tell/show Eros what Psyche did to prove her love and he was touched by it, believed that Psyche truly loves him and actually never meant to betray him. So Eros decided to save Psyche: «He left his room and found Psyche exhausted in his mother's garden».
They had their happy ending. Actually it's one of the most beautiful and pure love stories in Greek mythology. And yeah for me this legend kinda vibes with some Taylor's songs but one question still remains.
Who is the archer (Eros) and who is the prey(Psyche?)?
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hoodoobarbie · 3 years
The mythology of the Siren, Mermaid, Water Spirits & Mami Wata and it’s origins within black feminity.
Today I had to listen to other another black woman rant about how mermaids/sirens/mami wata are evil low key. So this educational post was born in response. 
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Did you really think the divine essence of the black feminine wouldn’t protect itself ? That energy exists for a reason.  Suddenly it’s evil, to have teeth and protect yourself from predators. Water is a precious resource. You will be tested to see if you are deserving of it or not. Also these spirits will defend natural resources so they don’t get fucked up by human greed. 
It’s common for some places in Africa for people to offer the Sirens/Mami Wata/Water spirits or make an offerings/contracts with them in order to use the resources on their land. It also keeps the white ppl away too because they cause so much trouble.
Sirens are also associated with being the killers of children and men, but often this is completely misrepresented intentionally.
Men fear the power of the siren because she can override the patriarchy at core and can completely unravel them. The orgins of many water spirits lie in matriachal societies, temples divine feminine and motherhood. This is why temples and sacred magikal knowledge was intentionally destroyed and stolen, especially to empower the white patriarch.
Sirens are also described as thiefs of children and child killers. Sirens have been known to kidnap kids who were being abused or have were murdered near water and take them to their kingdom to restore them.
Sometimes the child returns, sometimes they are not. However in general they are big on kidnapping people, mostly women and giving them powers, if they decide to return. The idea of them eating and killing children, was a lie perpetuated by Greeks to cover up some truly horrific acts. Unfortunate these false accusations have been allowed to continue to perpetuate.
If a siren is acting in a predatory way, there is a reason why as their energy as been disturbed. Sirens are natural guardians. 
So the real question is . . . what did you do ? Did you destroy their habitat ? Abuse a child or a person ? Commit an egregious act against a woman ie rape/murder etc ? Disrespect a sacred place, the land, the seas or rivers ? Steal precious resources that weren’t yours to take ?
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These sacred traditions are more than just deities, spirits and our ancestors. All forms of ATR are access to our spiritual mind state as an entire community. When you move in Vodou, you can sense the whole of black consciousness and all of our problem spots, specifically  areas that need healing. 
Oxum-Oshun, Olokun, Yemaya, the Mami Wata, La Baliene, La Siren, Met Agwe, The Simbi - these are all spirits with a connection to waters. Water is life and has always been inherently associated feminine energy. I’m not going into detail about all these cross connections but let’s chat about La Sirene, specifically.
La Sirene, Queen of all Mermaids is more than just a powerful sorceress and queen of song/music and dreams, she is also a keeper of secrets an a guardian of sacred memories & knowledge.
Many of the souls of slaves, from the Transatlantic slave trade that were thrown off the boats into the ocean are her children, citizens and warriors now. She comforts them eternally & they live in paradise. That doesn’t mean all of these souls are at rest, plenty continuously ask their mother if they will be avenged, especially the young children. She also has a close connection with the Indigenous Taino. The isle of Hispaniola also known as Haiti (Ayiti) & the Dominican Republic is her most known domain. 
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Let’s not act like slavery and colonization was a cake walk. Rape was common place and mermaids, water spirits offered African and Indigenous women protection and power over men. They became demonized overtime for their hypnotic powers and killing men, who often overstepped their boundaries. Women could leave offerings to these spirits, work or commune with them and be quickly avenged or gain great power and wealth. All of this was threatening to the white patriarchal standard.
La Sirene’s presence in Haiti and other merfolk tales that float around the Caribbean/West Indies, is not without purpose. She has ties to many people and many different cultures. Her sacred symbols are global. This is why I speculate she is much older than people think. La Sirene, is a fairly young evolution. She clearly has ties to much older things. Her older names might have been lost but she has evolved, to save her self and also document other forgotten elements of history in the process. There are those who speculate that La Sirene is the embodiment of a cross mixed culture, the evolution of Indigenous & African water spirits combined, due to the excess trauma of colonization and so the Mermaid Queen was born. Others will argue that she is the Orisha Yemaya but a newer avatar of her.  I hate to argue semantics but I will say this, she exists and her presence is felt to this day, all around the world. 
La Sirene is often depicted as a mulatto woman with eyes like the sea but if you have been blessed to see her in dream state, she does appear sometimes as a brown or dark skinned skinned woman of possibly mixed Indigenous/African ancestry with glowing hypnotic eyes.  Alot of her older depictions, deal with colorism and slavery, but as things have grown in the modern world this imagery has begun to change. However mermaids, are known for their shapeshifting powers - to truly behold her true form, is a gift reserved for the rare few. 
As a keeper of the mysteries, La Sirene also access to many forgotten things in the black subconscious. The element of water is an intensely psychic sign.  Water is her domain, and what is the human body 80% of? WATER! The truth does not hide from her hypnotic eyes. This sacred connection to water and her essence, also means you can  track forgotten elements black history and connect to other deities/cultures who’ve had contact with her & her whole court or other black water spirits as a whole. So let’s take a short historical trip down memory lane.
The Greeks & Black women. Sirens, Aphrodite, Sibyls and other Children of Water 🧜🏾‍♀️
The deity Aphrodite/Venus is of Grecian and Roman legend.  
A little known magikal fact is that Aphrodite/Venus is half siren. She is a child of the water, she was literally birthed this way after Uranus got his balls cut off & thrown into the sea. Much of her Venusian influence and powers of love and beauty come from this element. Now my Mambo doesn’t like mentioning it but Aphrodite, is tolerated by the oceanic court of sirens/mermaids. Any child of water, falls under the domain of the queen. La Sirene has a sort of strange fondness for her and so does Aphrodite for her. However this doesn’t mean they are best friends.  It’s tentative friendship at best and comes with some perks. Aphrodite works quickly for children of water sirens and often will send mermaids to her devotees who misbehave. She has deliberately placed me around her people have pissed her off, to cause mischief. She’s quite petty but also  very generous. I won’t go as far to dare and say she is in the queen’s court, but she does curry favor with the queen. Being born of water, her half siren/mermaid influence has definitely attributed to legends of her beauty in myth but also her treachery with men 🧜🏾‍♀️😂. She clearly also has some sort of homesickness for the world underneath the water, because many of her offerings are gifts of pearls, kisses, sea shells, beauty products etc. Anyone who serves the Mermaid Queen knows the meaning behind those gifts. If you’re a black gyal with water or siren energy and decide to work with Aphrodite, do it!  If you ever irritate her, the least she’ll do is give you pimples and fuck up your skin, she won’t have the full power to completely fuck up your love life like she does with the white girls.  And let me tell you, she has completely ruined some white girls lives by giving them terrible lovers or men.  
The trident 🔱 is known for its connection in Greek and Hindu cultures.  However La Sirene or other African water spirits are depicted carrying it, which is largely ignored in the occult world.
You can track the trident in Hinduism, with the serpent spirits, the nagas or Lord Shiva but let’s focus on it’s Grecian connection. The usage of the trident and Poseidon, even in mainstream society today is associated with him.  This lets us know there is a connection between the mermaids, merfolk and La Sirene/African water spirits. Poseidon’s trident was rumored to made in Athens by the Cyclops - this is the city of Athena. So now we can track an element of black history all the way to Poseidon & Athena. Keep that in your thoughts we’ll come back to that later.
Tridents were also used ceremonially in Africa & India as well, as scepters, tribal weapons and religious symbols.
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They were also associated with the sea faring people and fishing. It’s highly likely the origins of the trident are cross mixed between these two societies. Indo-African relations, go back to the Bronze age and the Indus Valley civilization. Which means traveling over by sea to reach each other was necessary. There is historical evidence of African millet being found in a Indian city Chanhudaro, including a cemetary or burial ground for African women.  Maritime relations between these two groups existed before Grecian & the Egyptian Ptolemaic dynasties.
Now of course there are some deranged historians that will try to whitewash history and say the trident has its origins from the labyrs but the Ancient Greeks & Africans/Indians interacted regularly. The trident also looks nothing like a labyrs, which is quite literally a double sided axe.  This is one of the more painful obvious pieces of white washing and historical revisionism. 
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Regardless, the trident is associated with water, ceremonial/religious purposes, fishing, battling in the coliseum and the symbol of power for a few African,  Black diasporian an Hindu deities.
🧜🏾‍♀️ Oracles & Sibyls
Some sibyls/oracles were known to be African prophetesses/Mamissi to the Mami Wata/Sirens in Africa, some were stolen or captured by Greeks or Romans, sold into slavery and made to be oracles, some of whom became quite famous in legend. Their connection to these water spirits, is what gave them their gift of prophecy. Not every sibyl or oracle was African but SOME were.  This lead to the sharing and theft of sacred knowledge. It’s likely these women shared this sacred information, with their colleagues, some whom may or may not have been enslaved or kept in these temple and likely this information was traded, for their freedom, power or money etc. This gave way to the usage of sacred spirits and magick being used by men. A great example of this is the snake spirits of the genii, genius spirits (not to be mistaken with genies) and which then evolved into a diluted lesser energy in Greek society being known as daemons (not to be confused with goetic demons) Instead of a woman commanding these specific energies/spirits, the patriarchs decided that these specifics powers were only worthy of being used by men. These spirits were whitewashed, adopted into their religious practices and said to only be given to men at birth. No woman was allowed to possess them anymore.
🧜🏾‍♀️ The whitewashing of Medusa & Lamia. 
In mainstream society these two women stories have been white washed but also to hide a very shameful history and narrative. These two were beautiful women, in older stories of black black mythology were known to be black and they were children of water & daughters of the powerful water spirit/snake/siren divine mother/feminine goddess. 
Medusa was raped by the GREECIAN GOD OF THE SEA, POSEIDON  and Athena covered it up, refused to avenge her and punished her by making her ugly to everyone. It’s speculated in several magikal circles that the snakes in her hair were actually dreads, due to their lack of understanding of black hair and also allegorically might have been a reference to her devotion to the fish or water snake, great mother goddess. A child of the divine feminine, mother goddess was assaulted in a temple by a man and a woman covered it up & celebrated it.
Let’s start there ... cuz this story says a lot! It’s one of the first historical cases  in myth that really documents the issues that surround the black feminine specifically and it was intentionally whitewashed. Then to add insult to injury, Athena made her hideous to all men and her chopped off her head and used as a symbol of protection but also a subtle sign of disrespect to the fullest. This still goes on to this day.
In fact ALGOL, the demon star, which is considered to be strongest protective magick talisman in the occult world today is the HEAD OF MEDUSA. The child of water! BITCH! This energy is invoked constantly and the spirit of medusa is never allowed to rest.
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However these egregious acts did not come without a price. Athena at time was a goddess of fertility. However desecrating a child of water or the sirens, is seen as an attack by the divine feminine and can will cause people to be afflicted with fertility and other mental health issues as well. This is speculative but it’s also likely that after this they were constantly visited by droughts, floods or repeating issues with water sanitation & purity after this. Lowered fertility rates and miscarriages might be more prominent, for Athenians and Athena devotees & likely continues to this day.
Devotees of Athena may also develop severe issues when it to their mental health because of this connection. They completely lose touch with their feminine energy and become extremely misogynistic after continued work with her.
Not only did Athena, cause Medusa to be seen as hideous throughout the land but she celebrated when she was murdered and proudly wore Medusa’s decapitated head on her shield. From the feminist eye this virgin deity/woman was extremely male identified and adhered to the patriarchal standard. She was tested by the divine feminine and failed.
Even more strange, Athena’s birth allegorically proclaims her essential character: her wisdom is drawn from the head of a male god; the bond of affection between father and daughter; her championship of heroes and male causes, born as she was from the male, and not from a mother’s womb. A dreaded goddess of war, she remained a virgin and a servant of the patriarchal society and remains so to this day. She is the misogynistic cool girl and very asexual at the core. In fact if you explore more of her mythos, it becomes very clear she hates women. I’m bewildered at how she has become associated with lesbians and the feminine at large, when it’s been very clear that she was intent on transcending her gender from the very beginning, but never managed to escape it.  
To top it off, I’ll leave you with this quote from Aeschylus’ Oresteia by Athena:
“There is no mother anywhere who gave me birth, and, but for marriage, I am always for the male with all my heart, and strongly on my father’s side. So, in a case where the wife has killed her husband, lord of the house, her death shall not mean most to me.”
Queen Lamia was a said to incredible beauty who seduced Zeus, (a literal man whore) which as made Hera jealous. Hera cursed Lamia with infertility and insomnia. She went insane and is said to have killed her own children and ate them. Zeus is said to be the one who gifted her prophecy and gave her the ability to take out her eyes, so she would not be irritated at the site of other happy mothers.
She became associated with a child eating monster who was half woman and half snake, which ties into the Libyan snake cults. She was associated with phantoms, the shapshifting laimai or empusai and the daemon spirits.
Medusa and Lamia were Libyan by heritage and came from a place in Africa where temples to the water snake mother goddess & divine feminine were common before they were destroyed by invaders intentionally. These women likely had extreme gifts of seduction, mind control and other abilities etc. It’s highly likely that Queen Lamia used her powers of seduction, at the behest of her people to save them from colonization and was demonized for it. Zeus’s temple was in Cyrene in Lybia, so this is far more than an allegorical story. This may be a real life story that was disguised in mythos. Unfortunately deeper research into this subject has turned up many dead ends for me. It’s highly likely Medusa was a priestess of the the matriarchal Mami Watas or water goddess/snake spirits and was likely raped intentionally in Athena’s temple, as a show loyalty to the rising patriarchy by descrating the symbolism of the great mother and the divine feminine. This was likely an attempt to lessen power and status of the matriachal societies that existed at the time. Rape was common war tactic amongst colonizers and news of such disgrace would likely spread like wildfire. This also solidified Athena’s place amongst the male gods and gaining her their respect. Athena and her devotees went a step further to show their allegiance to the patriarchy, by stripping Medusa of her beauty supposedly and exiling her, then parading her decapitated head on shields, when going into battle likely with Libyan enemies.
This is just a brief explanation of a few horrific acts in history, which were whitewashed & explain why the essence of the black feminine has evolved to become more protective, predatory and fierce. She learned to defend herself. Now she kills those who threaten her. 
Fun history tip: Usually anytime you see a snake in Grecian mythology, just know something got whitewashed, because the truth was really fucked up, made them look really bad & a black woman was there.
🧜🏾‍♀️ The black feminine is capable of more than you know.
Yes, mermaids/sirens/snakes & the mami watas can be scary at times but that’s what stepping into mysticism of deep waters is like. Water is capable of many things, it is one of the most powerful elements on earth. It can nourish you and kill you, and that’s the beauty of it really.
We should all be grateful the black feminine is so beautiful, fierce & scares the living daylights out of everyone.
You would be dead if it wasn’t.
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stranger-nightmare · 2 years
Like this man will go all out and have the coolest costumes made from stuff either around his trailer or from like craft stores and charity shops and stuff bc why should looking awesome be so expensive?
ALSO did somebody say literature dissertations 👀 I almost outed myself and removed my anonymity bc my brain was like "gimme now I need to consume and learn" 😂 if I was doing a dissertation for my final year of uni I'd absolutely be doing it on vampire literature and the vampire myth, but I chose a creative writing project where in each short story everyone is queer (as a queer person I suck at writing cishet ppl dhahehwhs)
Imagining a modern!Eddie just dropping by when you're working on literature assignments and even though he finds it hard to focus on books and essays he will still wanna read your assignments and listen to you talk about what you're working on.
I also think he'd find the fact Stoker wrote Dracula in response to his friend and rival Oscar Wilde being convicted of sodomy really interesting and kinda metal. Like Stoker wrote this book and was like "you too would fall in love with a sexy mysterious European man don't lie"
- 💀🦄
halloween with Eddie would be so fun! like it’s more than just one might, you guys make a whole thing out of it!!
like you’ll maybe go to a party dressed in a couples costume one night, and then other nights you’ll just binge watch scary movies together and just generally enjoy the spooky vibes
also carving pumpkins with Eddie? fucking precious
ahhh that would’ve been so cool to do a disso on vampire lore and literature! but ngl the creative writing thing you did sounds amazing too!I did two dissertations on horror, one for my bachelors degree and one for my masters and each time I focused on four ‘modern’ (80s onwards basically) horror novels and analysed them in different respects!
so for my bachelors one I took a theory by Mr Stephen King himself about the different ‘levels’ in horror writing and I basically examined how each book fit into the different levels and the varying ways they interacted / combined levels and what effect this had
then for my masters one I basically looked at gender, female sexuality and the female body within horror (this one’s kinda long to explain so if you wanna hear about it then do feel free to ask bc I love talking about it but otherwise I won’t bore you to death with it now lmao)
anyways back to Eddie yes I love the idea that he’s not the best in English class bc he finds the typical stuff boring but he absolutely loves to listen to you talk about the darker more gothic and scary stuff, like that’s the kind of literature he can actually get on board with
- hope
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shijiujun · 3 years
i feel kinda bad for shl cos all the fans of hyx and spl are blaming shl since their dramas are being delayed :(
LMAO I really don’t get that altho i can see that the timing might be a little back to back, and i’m not a SHL-only stan by any measure but:
For HYX especially,
Firstly it was already having problems since the end of last year with censorship and review. This is mostly due to the reason that 2ha is a pretty big fandom and is the cult fave in the danmei industry - what this means is that there are three types of fans basically right, (1) Normal fans who love the novel + show (2) Those who fanatically love the novel in some extreme ways haha (3) Those who hate it and/or are HYX-onlys - so you get it all in a bag. 
The first type of fans is definitely the easier ones to deal with, but unfortunately in big fandoms you get a lot of (2) and (3). It’s not something that’s exclusive only to 2ha/HYX but because it’s a cult fave, and a controversial one at that, problems definitely arise.
(2) are the ones who head down to the filming scenes, take photos and footage despite crew telling ppl not to do it, not to sneak around filming sites and definitely not to leak photos or footage. They do it anyway. Yeah sure of course it’s a couple of photos every few weeks or a tiny video every few weeks but word gets out. They’re inevitably hurting the show and the fandom with their actions, because shit trends on Weibo really fast, and the censorship committee (not just for the film industry or shows) is always lurking on the site to catch any sign of you know, hate speech for the country etc. and more. Not related, but the point is that social media is watched very closely. It’s not a myth or an exaggeration, you really just got to be careful, and HYX is a show that, despite not having been broadcasted, has consistently trended on Weibo over the last few months. Not always because of leaks, but yeah, HYX is in everyone’s faces. Fans themselves put a fucking huge spotlight on the show BEFORE we even have any content at all, and of course this isn’t enough to like create huge trouble for the show but then we have-
(3), which I believe creates the most trouble - the thing is 2ha and meatbun who wrote the book, has a long line of haters and antis, way before HYX came into the picture. I shall not go into details of how I’ve seen some big accounts on Tumblr here spit vitriol at the book without even reading it just based on the content/trigger warnings and playing the morality card (and I think most ppl who’ve followed me for a while know just what I think about that). Like this was way before any footage or leaks or even HYX being a thing came about - as a cult fave it has its share of haters, and this share is a huge. There are those who get off on their moral high grounds XD and I think especially these ones are the most troublesome, all they have to do is report that HYX is immoral, bad for culture etc. etc. hahaha and yeah the censorship team is always ready to step in on reports, especially on BL stuff.
And of course the larger part is the change in censorship processes - honestly even way before SHL came out in end Feb, HYX was no closer to getting passed by the review committee than it is now. Maybe yes, SHL scenes may be now used as reference for comparison but seriously? People are deluding themselves if they thought pre-SHL HYX was going through the review process smoothly and only hit roadblocks after. I mean, we’ve all seen the leaks, some of them are truly like god-tier scenes that may be hard to explain away. It’s not like they can repackage the script especially because they have to submit everything to the review committee.
I mentioned this in a post yesterday but how SHL passed reviews is due to the fact that they didn’t have to submit a full script. They only had to submit a partial script, and that makes a world of difference. Basically a team, under these requirements, can repackage the script to include the more het looking parts even I feel, and of course some heavy misdirection by the team, it could work. Now that you have to put an entire script up for scrutiny.. I mean, it’s hard. This is just a game of probability.
And the last reason I think is still Tencent. Honestly, I’ve never seen a huge ass MNC like this handle a show this terribly.
1. No control over leaks - This is honestly the dumbest shit to do
2. Terrible crisis management response time - When fans leak footage, it’s standard and practical business sense to control it IMMEDIATELY. They shouldn’t just leave it up to the crew to put up notices and as the company that owns the rights to the show, it’s up to them to possibly threaten legal action as well. Basically a sterner stance would have helped a lot, but Tencent is a motherfucker of a company who only cares about free marketing and publicity without any considerations over impact to the show itself 
3. Terrible at communicating with fans - Seriously, I’ve never seen a company or team that’s been this bad at confirming delays etc. and providing updates about a show. I understand that it’s mostly due to them not wanting to affect the review process or create more chaos within the fandom but lmao Tencent allowed the hype to build so much and then goes absolutely silent at crazy rumours. I mean we had to find out about a delay from Cai Bao, their cat mascot, like??? In a really veiled and poetic message that didn’t outright say the word ‘delay’ like damn these ppl have a lot of time
As for SPL,
Lol we don’t know anything about this show. We don’t know if they took out or left in the Yifu part that would supposedly make it less gay or whatever, we don’t know anything about how gay it should have been or could have, so this one might be a tad more ridiculous. I mean none of us have seen any good leaks, and we haven’t seen any of the script, we got ZERO idea about this. Maybe they really went hard on the bromance, how would any of us know hahaha so all the more it’s like people have zero basis to go on, to say that it’s because of SHL. Seriously, everyone’s shooting in the dark.
Technically if laws didn’t change last Feb, I think SPL/WIK should have been passed in the same way as SHL did, but it’s just inopportune time for them.
- So tl:dr HYX already had tons of problems, that I doubt were going to go away just because SHL didn’t air, honestly. For SPL, it’s really hard to tell what failed the review, because none of us know what’s going on in the script.
No one cared about SHL, even I only realized the show was airing on the day itself and then made a rec post after I watched the first 4 eps. And if it truly was anything to do with SHL, I’m telling you that the first thing the censorship committee will do is basically shut SHL down, get Youku to take it off sites etc. until it’s reviewed again etc. etc. That hasn’t happened yet, at least not before HYX and SPL were stalled.
ALSO!! Don’t have to feel sorry for SHl fans hahaha I’m telling ya a lot of us definitely weren’t OG SHL or TYK fans, seriously! All the bigger accounts I see on Twitter are a combination of CQL/SHL or MXTX/SHL, SPL/SHL and I am personally 2HA/HYX/SHL. The fight is all out on Twitter HAHAHAHA but it’s not that bad, we’ve all got practice. Seriously WHO ACTUALLY is an SHL only stan I’ve honestly not seen much?! HAHAHA the point is we’re all yelling on behalf of SHL as a cross fandom fan, easier for us to do so as well. We’re talking about 2ha/HYX/SPL/Priest dedicated accounts that delved deep into SHL championing for no-nonsense in the space hahaha
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janiedean · 3 years
Why do you think Jaime puts Rhaegar on a pedestal and thinks so highly of him when we can see he's not that great? To be fair, if Jaime loves someone, he always puts them on a pedestal.
I mean with the premise that most ppl in those books do it with r. and I'd say that it's a combination of the guy being like... generally nice/known for being gentle and gallant and stuff and because the entire thing with lyanna had the whole LOVE STORY angle going on plus compare him to his father people go like OH BUT WHAT IF HE HAD SUCCEEDED HIM HE LOOKED SO PROMISING, like it's... the whole mixture of myth + dying young and beautiful + the whole mysterious prince aura thing + the fact that outwardly probably everyone thought he was a swell dude except for robert and honestly i think he was well-intentioned but didn't use his brain, but anyway when it comes specifically to jaime and idolizing people:
I mean... he grew up doing that with c. and I already went through all the reasons why that's unhealthy but basically if you grow up with your sense of self being completely off/not existing/idolizing someone you think is your other half you will... tend to do that for anyone you like because you have no idea of your own worth
I mean he has literally no idea of his own worth at the age he's at esp since he still hasn't realized he's a better knight than most around anyway
jaime is also.... I mean, middle ages courtly-literature coded and putting people on a pedestal is the main point of courtly love and like he's deconstructing that trope bc he has to realize that idealizing ppl is not good but he's getting there
but like the thing is that jaime is also written as someone who basically likes... I mean the things I do for love? he keeps on doing them for people he loves all his life without getting much of it back if at all and not realizing he's own person and internalizing other ppl's hatred of him to the point that he pretends he embraced it when in truth he loathes it, but that means that the moment someone he thinks is a good/better person than him shows up then he immediately goes like PEDESTAL!!!!!!! CAN DO NO WRONG!!!!, which... then doesn't really serve him well when he realizes that it's not the case and I mean the entire disconnect between the fact that when he dreams about rhaegar + the rest of the kg they're asses to him and accuse him of shit that doesn't even exist and he dreams that brienne takes them out putting herself in between the two of them while when he's awake he's like OH THEY WERE SUCH GREAT DUDES but then he thinks back abt them treating him like shit and resents them.... I mean at some point he's gonna get there but again it doesn't really serve him well and that's also why his char evolution is going in the way where he stops doing that
(I would also argue that the difference in between brienne and everyone else is that he didn't exactly pedestal her in the beginning which means she got under his skin all of her own and proved she's worth the time investment and the contrary is valid except that instead of pedestal-ing ppl she has trust issues but that's why that rship is different)
tldr: because he has trauma and if you don't know your own worth everyone else will always seem better to you than they actually are the moment they do something you consider good/they appear to be better people/everyone treats them as such, or that's my two cents XD
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inferior-fairy · 3 years
I was tagged by @ragnarlothcat!! Thank you ilu 💝
How many works do you have on AO3?
75! I'm very sad that I didn't notice when I hit 66 or 69 😔😔 my new goal is 420 though that is,,,, a long way off
What’s your total AO3 word count?
218,847! Which is,,,, holy shit y'all- I sometimes forgot how much I've actually written so seeing the numbers now is just- wow
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Uhhhhhh depends on how you count it! I have Star Wars, obviously, but I've also published a PJO/DCEU crossover fic outline (the first thing I ever put on ao3!), then I wrote 2 D.Gray Man fics and 1 Fairy Tail fic when I was ~14 and published on them on ffn (which have since been deleted), and ig also Maximum Ride when I was ~10
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Anakin's Froggy Friend- 813
Skywalker Is A Slave Name- 467
Straddle and Stretch- 344
I only want you near me- 288
symphony of stardust- 270
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Yup! Partially bc as a reader I like it when I get responses from authors, but also bc I just like interacting with ppl and letting them know that I appreciate their comments!
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Oooh boy, ok, so I think this one kind of depends on which flavor of angst you like better? Because the first one I thought of was Möbius Strip, but then I remembered I also wrote Orders Unrefused, so,,,,, one of those two! Or my whumptober fics. Definitely any of those.
Do you write crossovers? If so what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not technically! Like I said I did publish the outline for a PJO/DCEU crossover fic, but I didn't actually write anything, so I don't think it counts
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yes and yes.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
What’s your all time favorite ship?
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
At this point? Sephir. It was the first multi-chapter fic I ever worked on and I had high hopes for myself being able to finish it, and then I just,,,, never did. I keep going back and forth on the ending too, which isn't helping. I have it open in a tab to guilt myself into finishing it, so hopefully one day, but for now it's definitely on the backburner. Way, way in the back.
What are your writing strengths?
Asking the hard questions here 😂 I like to believe that I'm good at conveying emotions, it's one of my favorite parts to write in a fic!
What are your writing weaknesses?
A Thing I've been more aware of recently is that I tend to write a lot of weirdly formatted sentences and there's not a lot of variation in length. Otherwise banter, and dialogue in general, is something that's always been more difficult for me to write!
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I think it's cool. I prefer having the translation indicated either in the notes or the fic itself, but otherwise yeah, I just think it's cool.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
D.Gray Man! Technically it's Maximum Ride bc I wrote self insert fic in 2nd grade, but I don't count that bc I didn't know what fanfiction was back then
What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
Yoda and His Two Bottoms
My answer changes depending on my mood, but it's either Möbius Strip, Love Is, or Want (An Artist's Touch)! Möbius Strip is the first fic I remember being super excited about publishing because I was proud of the setup, and I still love the whole 'perfect idyllic world is slowly revealed to be not what it seems' vibe, combined with the whole 'reset' thing.
Love Is started out as a forest spirits idea from someone on the obikin server (I'm so sorry I don't remember who 😔😔) and I wrote a few paragraphs right before I went to bed! I really loved it and it developed from there due to a writing workshop I was in- also on the obikin server!
And finally, Want (An Artist's Touch)- Like I said, I enjoy writing emotions, and this fic is basically,,,, only that lol 😆 It's based off the myth of Pygmalion and Galatea and I went so ham on the prose but I still love it
Tagging: I can't keep track of who's done this and who hasn't so I'm sorry, but @jswander @pandora15 @obiwanobi @obikinn and,,,, anyone else who wants to! If you see this consider yourself tagged
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tonyglowheart · 4 years
I saw that you, too, hate the "stygian" translation of "yin" for the tiger seal in MDZS. It felt so out of place when I saw it for the first time; it's hardly a common english word to start with, and since it fundamentally means "relating to the river Styx", it feels like a very mixed metaphor in context. Considering CQL made yin iron into a Thing, I don't see why they couldn't have used "yin" again; for the other media translations, "dark" could have worked fine afaik.
I think the reason it was chosen was for the “underworld” connotations, and probably the meaning of 阴 chosen was more of the 阴间 one, vs like... the whole host of linguistic & cultural connotations that 阴 ties into.
My opinion on why/how this came to be (based not so much on direct research as my impressions) is that the issues are several-fold. 阴间 yinjian, meaning underworld, actually is sometimes - especially in older sources - translated to “Hades,” by way of indicating, I suppose, the realm of the underworld that is not the Christian “heaven” or “hell.” My opinion of where this arises from, is from an older generation of sinologists who are comprised mainly of white men, and in a time where I’d say Grecian culture & Greek myth is fairly normalized as “classic,” and to which these white men might draw parallels for translation, kind of like how when white food bloggers talk about “ethnic” foods they do things like “sort of like a cross between a burger burger and a taco with vibrant ethnic spices” i.e. relate it back to something “familiar.” I’d like to think academia is... if not quite there, then at least getting to a place where it’s more aware of its biases, and there are more ppl challenging certain biases, and so there’s more... hm, ethical? I’m going to say ethical - ethical behavior in dealing with cultures. I do think if you look at older sources - academic or otherwise - there’s definitely places where people have just. straight-up made shit up to fit whatever narrative they were trying to tell, whereas now I’d like to think people are more likely to mention what they don’t know, and frame their speculations as such. But the point being, it is in this kind of environment, and esp with a lot of... imo unfortunate “precedent,” and esp if you’re pulling from older EN>CN/CN>EN dictionaries, you can get these unfortunate and, imo, less nuanced & culturally aware “definitions.” 
And tbh, I think the fact that English is a heavily Christianized language, isn’t always... very obvious to people? Especially if they live in a region where English may be a primary or even secondary language, but the culture isn’t English or American. And their experiences aren’t invalid, and connotations are a difficult needle to thread anyway, but then I think certain translations still create more issues than they solve when you take English’s linguistic history into consideration.
Coming back to MDZS, I think “stygian” was chosen out of, like, less awareness of English linguistic definitions but also connotations, and perhaps with less concern of linguistic colonization (which I’m more sensitive to as diaspora in the US than someone who is in Asia and isn’t a "minority” there). It... potentially could be a valid translation, but I still think it creates more problems than it solves, and when we bring in CQL, I think it gets very interesting. Because the reason “stygian” remained in MDZS, imo, is because.. honestly I think Tencent’s subs were “community subs” lmao, meaning whoever got there first to submit subtitles, was able to do that, and then after a while Tencent “locked” the subs, which is why you get. such ridiculous weird subs in the “official” subs. And the reason “Stygian” remained, and also got carried over to GoodSmile, is bc it already existed in the general popular conception :’) But since yin iron is a new concept, ppl were translating it from scratch. In which case, you can see that... they in fact just kept it yin. Which I think strengthens my case of “it should just be Yin Tiger Seal/Amulet/etc” lmao
tbh I don’t think “dark” works bc I think that, again, removes a lot of tie-in cultural meanings/aspects, the way “stygian” narrows the box of interpretation too into one specific aspect.
I also don’t love stygian bc when you have stygian & “demonic” combined, it has ppl thinking that the MDZS construction is a lot more “hell” in the “classic” (read: Christian) sense than it really is :’)
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seafrightened-blog · 6 years
SPEED. im actually online a lot because im on summer break and all my friends here have already headed back for college (theyre on the semester system while im on quarter system) so i am. alONE. i’m also a super fast writer, so im pretty speedy at replying combined with all the free time when im not working.
REPLIES. i try to match length but usually end up writing more than the person i reply to and then replies just get really long lmAO SORRY ;; also u may have noticed but my two favorite things are way too many adjectives and semicolons. this hoe LOVES a good semicolon.
STARTERS. i loooove writing starters tbh never be like “hmm i wanna write w/ emmy but dont know if i can like her starter call” pls do it lmao. i tend to write about 3 paragraphs per starter, thats my “i want this to be interesting but not overwhelming” limit. whether i write ninny as visible or invisible depends 100% on my mood but if you want one version over the other its totally chill to specify. nothing makes me sad w/ roleplaying quite like when i spend a lot of time writing a starter and the other person never replies. if you like my starter call, please. actually reply to the starter i wrote you lmao ;; like im serious that so many people like my starter call, like the starter to let me know they saw it, and then just. never ever reply to it. not just on this blog, ive been rping for years on this hellsite and its always been a thing. it makes me so gjhsgdfsf bc i spend so much time writing those starters like boi
INBOX. i reblog ask memes once in a blue moon bc i always get super worried people wont send anything + am super picky about which i reblog lmAO but on the occasion i do reblog ask memes/rp ask starters, feel free to send in as many as you want i guess? i rly do enjoy writing them so go hard idk
SELECTIVITY. im mutuals-only! i used to not be on my older blogs but oh my god so many weird ppl tried to force me into rping with them and bc i wasnt selective (plus was kind of desperate to please lmao) i just uncomfortably went along with it and it was. tragic. i have no problems with OCs or multimuses or if you use icons or how fancy said icons are or if you make your font tiny or not, i care more about the writing style n stuff. i follow back most of the ppl who follow me! but if we aren’t mutuals than please don’t jump onto an open post or anything ;v;
WISHLIST. i think it would be so cute if i did a thread w/ someone who met ninny as she was when invisible and then met her again as visible, when she’s barely recognizable because she’s so healthy and happy. im also pagan (got a bigass tattoo of Aphrodite on my chest which my friend refers to as my aphrotitties,) and spent a ton of time in the greek/norse myth rpc, and seeing as ninny is a magical creature, itd be really cool to do rps with ppl who roleplay gods. ive had a few but theyve never gone super far. i also wanna explore ninny having a crush on too-ticky because oh my god they wouldnt stop cuddling at the end of the episode in the 90s cartoon u cant tell me she doesnt have a crush on the local butch lesbian
TAGGED BY : @exitstcgeright
TAGGING : @graecvs hello loki ur my default for tagging in anything ilu :*
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2organ · 6 years
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In order to do well in the often extremely financially rewarding game of internet marketing and also affiliate advertising and marketing particularly, you will certainly additionally have to act and in fact apply exactly what you are learning from your associate advertising and marketing training course.|A great deal of individuals are lured by affiliate marketing since it could be monetarily rewarding, also if you simply remain at residence. If you have already have a blog site or site, you can post the authors free item there and drive website traffic to your site through article advertising or social networking websites. At the very same time, these formulas and security treatments resulted in the far better inspecting of conditions mandated by merchants marketing services and products.|Associate marketing professionals are always trying to find ways to raise and also boost both commissions and also sales. Sites are 10 times (10X) most likely to attain Medium" degrees of website traffic compared to Rich Associate. If you're trying to grow a start-up and also you begin an affiliate programme, you'll need to learn the ins as well as outs of handling an associate program.|Keyword option is an essential component of any kind of online company. If you send normal newsletters or special offers via email, consist of a link to your affiliates' products. Customers that click these ads will indicate a charge to the affiliate's account with the internet search engine firm. Today there are lots of people that have prospered in gaining a large amount of money in a short amount of time as associate marketing professionals offering items online.|The pay each lead (PPL) structure for payment in affiliate programs could be a successful means to entice affiliates to stand for an item or deal. James here and I would love to welcome you to see my website where you can learn a lot extra about associate marketing g "Tips and Techniques" that will certainly aid you grow your company and also with any luck give you far more success in your venture making loan as an Amazon associate marketer. http://greve91burris.desktop-linux.net/post/what-everyone-is-saying-about-profit-engine-is-dead-wrong-and-why Earning money online making use of affiliate advertising is simple, very rewarding and also simple. Third, you can use joint venture webinars to make a great deal of sales in a brief period of time, while all at once expanding your email list and creating brand-new material. Every excellent network marketing business has a head workplace, with several workers taking care of incomes, item buying as well as satisfaction, development and research, consumer and also supplier assistance, and so on The file-internet hosting internet sites promote costs get entrance to the details to most of individuals. E.g. You could end up being an affiliate at eBay or Amazon as well as they will certainly provide you a special" associate link" to every product that you intend to advertise on your website, blog site or socials media. As I have actually specified often times in my posts, Associate Advertising and marketing is just one of the best methods you could make a fulltime income from residence. So unless you are intending to build a huge evaluation or purchasing website, physical products will probably be a very small part of your blogging affiliate revenue. If for some reason you are looking short term and simply intend to make added income online for a brief amount of time then you might get entailed with web home business chances such as information access, taking surveys online or mystery buying as well as you do not require your own site. The fact is that if you comply with a person online and you truly love their style and also ambiance, you will certainly acquire some of the products as well as suggested things they share. Affiliate advertising and marketing predates the Internet, but it is the world of electronic advertising and marketing, analytics, and also cookies that have actually made it a billion-dollar sector. For those who do not know, developing an associate marketing program indicates structure partnerships with blog owners and also influencers in your room that have an on-line target market and paying them each lead they send to your website. As a matter of fact, a lot of the today's successful blog owners began in this manner, then created their skills with time. In JV marketing, a beginner to a specific market might cash in by connecting his product and services to another organisation that has already been developed. Building an area around your web site as well as supplying important content is a certain method to produce a complying with that depends on you and also your reliability - which will cause click throughs and also associate sales. While having your personal newsletter is, by a long mile, not the only effective affiliate advertising method, you could make associate sales very quickly even in the next few hours after sending a sales message, gave that your subscriber list is huge and also responsive. You could start generating several streams of recurring income by advertising just a few of these products. Since people from throughout the globe are beginning to obtain more comfortable online which indicates they're less averse to using their credit card online. Your best success with these programs will stop by means of educating yourself concerning the Clickbank product you want to offer. Suitable approaches: Explore a few service or products to locate a core income earner" as well as round out your affiliate offers with a few corresponding electronic products (e-books, packaged solutions, download items, etc.).
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aclevine51-blog · 6 years
Pauley Perrette's Ex lover Husband Files Legal Action Alleging She Stalked Him And Also Broke Into His Home.
affiliate marketing for dummies and get started learning from specialists today. Individuals also do not have to have their very own site or have any HTML programs knowledge to start earning money with this system. Some affiliate programs have GREAT DEALS OF associates. Search Affiliate Networks - The most convenient way to get started with promoting products is to search though Affiliate Networks. There are trustworthy and trusted affiliate programs over the internet. Google is altering the whole landscape of Web search through combination of Google+ with natural and paid search results page. The existing roster of qualified associate items includes the Bitcoin Economics Course, Ethereum Programming Course, as well as Cryptocurrency Trading Training Course.|Although associate advertising is promoted as one of the easiest and also most efficient methods to make money online, it is not as very easy as it appears. She begins by browsing the internet for her child's name: Tiziana Cantone. By spending for clicks with Google and Advance, you'll have the leading three positions on the search engines that matter one of the most. Numerous online merchants have affiliate programs, including Target and Walmart.|When beginning out in this service, our write-up today will be resolving 3 of the most usual errors associate marketing experts can make. As a matter of fact, it is very difficult to forecast specifically for how long it will consider your associate programs to be successful. In addition to the various other options to make up with the associate marketing program, look at just how advertisement placement impacts your income.|Associate advertising may captivate you and you could want to learn exactly what this type of home business is all about. The most effective way to engage and also tie-up with associates is to accumulate an online reputation by giving great web content. A resource site has all the info about products associated with the sector and also needs to be upgraded consistently to make sure that it is top-of-mind for the clients.|Associate Advertising and marketing is just one of the most effective means you can make a fulltime income from house. In the case of joint venture advertising and marketing, those events are businesses providing associated goods and solutions that could aid grow a responsive consumer base through their very own collection of dedicated clients. Normally, it can be a bit much more function to end up being an affiliate for these products because commonly the developer is a little bit more safety of that they allow market the products.|There are some myths in affiliate marketing, which attract a lot of individuals to it thinking they are true. However after that as internet search engine advertising and marketing developed, people discovered that it was not enough simply to have leading rankings for the ideal essential expressions, but we discovered the relevance of having the ability to provide material that forced the visitor to do something about it.|If you are looking for an organisation chance that does not need a first financial investment and also does not require you to equip any merchandise, on the internet affiliate programs could be a great venture. Select an item and also begin promoting it via a complimentary blog from Blog writer or WordPress. There are plenty of small company suggestions you can use to make money online. Yes, words advertising" becomes part of the expression associate advertising, but for the most component, our work as an associate is not to market-- that is the work of the sales page our affiliate links lead the reader to.|Without any uncertainty the road to your online or associate advertising campaign begins with web traffic and also continues with a huge newsletter. Are you conscious that the in which you place these key phrases on your webpage is also crucial, though when starting a net search engine optimization project the keyphrases and also search phrases you end up choosing are vital? You do not make money from the act of blogging itself - I started my blog to make sure that I might share things I've learned, as well as fulfill brand-new people who also love travel, as well as because I'm a writer at heart.|Which is the better possibility? It will likewise seek to construct a network of calculated companions in the sales as well as advertising and marketing space and open local offices to boost awareness of Gagapay and also its advantages. BI Knowledge, Service Insider's costs study service, projections that U.S. customers will certainly invest $385 billion online in 2016.|Associate advertising and marketing is a kind of performance-based advertising where an organisation awards several affiliates for each visitor or client brought by the associate's ownmarketing initiatives. To see this in action, have a look at the Group Champigny associate sources page for my electronic book on Producing An Item A Day ... You'll see that the very first 6 sources there are tweets for our affiliates to use when affiliate marketing on Twitter.|Associate marketing suggestions for beginners wases initially to "Start". Caution: some affiliate programs choose a specific quantity of traffic prior to they will certainly approve you into their associate program. If I should come tidy I promote great deals of things and also those firms pay me well to do it, I indicate. I am happy for associate advertising and also my capability making a revenue online.|Associate advertising is thought about to be as one of the top home organisation using internet. Every firm needs an affiliate program particularly tailored to its market. Products exist in your target audience now (that individuals are probably already buying) as well as if you can come to be the source that advises those items, you could produce a commission therefore.|Throughout the coming weeks, I am mosting likely to completely cover the details of generating income online with affiliate programs. When an affiliate joins the vendor's program, he or she is provided a distinct ID and also a certain LINK to use when advertising the product. After that I would certainly pick my particular niche camping or football as well as decide exactly what items to advertise on my new (camping or football) internet site.|AVENTURON is a family-owned outside, cycling and also overlanding seller focused on supplying their customers with the most effective prices on costs gear. Some associate programs use persisting payments in which an associate would be compensated for future sales too. By the time the Bitcoin Embassy devoted to the affiliate program, the Bitcoin Partnership, one more organization standing for bitcoiners in Canada with 150 participants, had actually already passed.|Associate Marketing is a performance-based marketing network where vendors pay a fixed sales commission to affiliates, likewise called advertisers or authors, for advertisement area. A personal endorsement, for a targeted affiliate program with helpful insightful truths can assist tremendously in urging the site visitors to take a look at the sellers you promote. Affiliate advertising and marketing is a web-based advertising and marketing method that essentially utilizes one site to drive website traffic to one more internet site.|There are lots of people online that are attempting to earn money with affiliate advertising and marketing. By now you need to have a common sense of just what affiliate advertising is, have an idea of just what products you want to know as well as advertise the best ways to get your affiliate links for them. Yet exactly what this has really highlighted for you is that affiliate advertising is not a simplified organisation and also does require a fair bit of homework before you end up being entailed.|You may have heard or been involved in a recurring revenue company possibility in one way or another. In order to prosper in the frequently extremely profitable game of online marketing and associate advertising and marketing in particular, you will certainly likewise need to take action as well as in fact implement exactly what you are learning from your affiliate advertising and marketing training program.|A lot of individuals are enticed by affiliate advertising because it can be economically gratifying, also if you simply stay at residence. You can publish the authors cost-free item there and also drive website traffic to your site through short article advertising and marketing or social networking sites if you have already have a blog site or web site. At the exact same time, these formulas as well as safety and security treatments led to the better looking at of conditions as well as terms mandated by sellers selling services and products.|Affiliate marketers are constantly trying to find means to enhance and enhance both sales as well as commissions. Websites are 10 times (10X) more likely to attain Tool" degrees of traffic than Rich Associate. You'll require to discover the ins and outs of taking care of an affiliate program if you're attempting to expand a start-up and also you begin an affiliate program.|Key words choice is an essential component of any online organisation. If you send out regular e-newsletters or special deals by means of e-mail, include a connect to your associates' products. Consumers who click on these advertisements will signal a cost to the affiliate's account with the online search engine company. Today there are lots of people who have actually succeeded in earning a large amount of money in a short amount of time as associate marketing experts selling items online.|The pay per lead (PPL) framework for payment in associate programs could be a successful means to lure associates to stand for a product or offer. James below and I would love to welcome you to see my website where you could discover a lot a lot more regarding affiliate advertising g "Tips and Approaches" that will help you expand your organisation and with any luck give you far more success in your endeavor to make money as an Amazon associate marketer.|Don't believe him if someone tells you that you cannot make loan anymore on associate advertising. The advantage of picking ClickBank or Amazon as your associate documents is that both these online sellers human a comfortable ambit of products from every level that you can figure out to boost. Having a defined social networks approach will help to advertise your brand name, product or services effectively. I extremely advise that an affiliate marketing professional usage items before advertising them, since you end up being a better marketer in an immediate because you know just how the product works. You need to attempt to maintain the item in relatively the same market if you are attempting to market several products after the success of your very first campaign in associate advertising and marketing. My concern is that my traffic originates from USA, UK and also NZ. What associates benefit worldwide blog sites. There are two points that individuals are seeking to get out of the web content they view online. Search for associates that create premium, commendable content. The affiliate might pay a tiny cost in advance to begin collaborating with the firm, and afterwards gives the financing for advertising efforts like an internet site, mailings or door-to-door flyers. Normally the more content and study you produce the higher the likelihood of you generating significant sales, which is why I 'd constantly recommend advertising something that fascinates you. It's a best online program for newbies or for definitely anyone thinking about earning an excellent income online. Since of the huge selection of brand-new items that are presented on a daily basis, the primary factor why I've always suggested Amazon.com as the best affiliate network for beginners is. Doing this will certainly not just give you a concept for search phrases, but suggestions on selecting products to advertise. The products that tick all the checkboxes are your finest opportunities for affiliate earnings. Affiliates are oft mercenary on delegation structure, although other online sellers would decide to pay a geostationary charge for the associate's correction. Affiliate marketing enables you to deal with brand names to help them market their products, gaining you a compensation each time somebody acquires via your associate link. Costly products normally indicate you'll make more money, yet there is other information you have to know as well. It may be smart to understand more concerning who the normal associate marketing expert is if you are thinking about using an affiliate marketing program for your business. Normally, associate marketers are business kinds who tend to take dangers; they commonly do not mind a trial and error approach of prospering in company. To enhance the success of your affiliate marketing, supply your visitors with a description of the items that you have actually decided to promote. This valuable background details will certainly help us craft the associate company Web marketing program that benefits your demands. It is also able to process massive amounts of visual information (including user-generated images as well as videos) in real-time, and also simultaneously carry out searches versus huge visual data sources of related services and products, shared a main launch.
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