#I love uncle danny
jormvngandrr · 1 year
5 for dialogue prompt, with Danny and Peter :>
[5] - “We’re lost, aren’t we?”
Denmark & Sealand
Human AU
A bead of sweat trickled down the back of his neck as Peter yet again forced one foot in front of the other, and then the other, and again the other to keep walking.
He reached back to wipe it away instinctively since it tickled like a bug crawling on his skin, and as he felt his whole neck wet, he let out an impatient grunt.
“Come on, we’re almost there.”
“You said that hours ago,” Peter responded, huffing as he stomped his little feet and wrapped his fingers tighter around the straps of his backpack.
“Yeah, well, that means we’re even closer than before.”
Peter didn’t believe that, though. Whatever turn they took a while back seemed to him like it sent them straight into another country. For all he knew, they could be arriving back in Sweden by this point.
He should have listened to Niklas. ‘Good luck going with uncle Mathi; he doesn’t know the way’ he had said in his stupid know-it-all tone and that stupid smug smile of his. The worst part? He had been right.
Peter frowned as he imagined Niklas sitting in the back of their dad’s car, unbothered, playing Minecraft on the way to Väinö’s cabin and then hiking swiftly the rest of the way when they couldn’t get the car any further into the forest. Papa could take them to and fro blindfolded, although that wasn’t saying much since he was already pretty blind…
Anyway! The point was that, had he stayed with his dad and his brother, he would already be at the cabin, all warm and cosy and having hot chocolate and a piece of pulla.
Instead, he was sweaty and tired after a long hike—longer than it was originally meant to be—and they were still going. His shoes were beginning to feel a little too tight on his feet, and his face was starting to get all red from the exertion.
It had seemed like a good idea at the time to go with uncle Mathias and fetch the bedrolls, and meet up at the cabin later whilst everyone else got a head start over to get dinner started. And it had been fun, up until this point.
After walking for a couple more minutes, uncle Mathias stopped for a moment, sliding the bedrolls and big backpack off his shoulders. He sighed, looked up into the trees, and then down at Peter.
“We’re lost, aren’t we?”
“I haven’t been here in a while,” he answered sheepishly, pushing a hand back through his hair.
“Can you call my dad?”
“No signal.”
“You don’t know the way?”
“You’re the adult!” Peter cried, and uncle Mathias whined.
“You’ve been here more than I have! Let’s just keep going, then. Do you need help with that?” He asked, jerking his chin to gesture at Peter’s backpack on the ground. He, too, had taken it off to rest for a moment.
But his uncle was carrying all their other stuff already, so Peter shook his head despite the light strain at the middle of his back.
The rays of the setting sun had already painted the sky warm by the time they finally got there. They had seen the smoke from the chimney swirling up into the air and followed it, and before they even got to the clearing, Peter’s dad was already hurrying over to them.
“Papa!” Peter exclaimed and ran to him, forgetting all about his tired feet.
His dad picked him up, and rested him on his hip as he fussed over him and mussed his hair with his free hand.
“What took you so long?” He asked after pressing a small kiss to his forehead. The question wasn’t directed at him, though.
Still, he replied: “uncle Mathias didn’t know the way from the parking.”
“Yer an idiot,” Papa said to his uncle, and Peter pressed his lips into a thin line not to laugh.
“Not my fault your boyfriend decided to live in the middle of fucking nowhere,” uncle Mathias said, wheezing as he threw down the rolls and the backpack. He placed his hands on his hips and arched his back. It popped, and he let out a little, relieved noise.
“Watch your mouth,” Papa said, shaking his head in the same way he did whenever he caught him eating just one jelly baby too many.
“Oh, they’re alive,” a small voice spoke from a distance, sounding disappointed. When Peter turned around, he spotted Niklas standing by the doorframe. “You win,” he called out louder as he turned around and headed back inside.
Peter wiggled in his dad’s arms, wanting to be put down, and as soon as his feet were back on the ground, he squirmed out of his backpack and sprinted into the cabin.
“You bet on us dying?!” He cried accusingly as he ran after his brother, and from where his dad and uncle remained standing, Niklas’s response wasn’t loud enough to be intelligible.
“Sigurd and Eiríkur’re already here?”
Björn nodded. “‘S just the two of you missing. Dinner’s ready, too.”
Now that Peter was gone, he could feel the weight of Björn’s scrutinising gaze on him.
“There was no signal.”
“Of course there isn’t,” Björn said. He leant over to pick Peter’s bag up from the ground and hung it over his shoulder. It looked comically small on his broad frame. He pushed his glasses up into his nose. “I gave you directions.”
“Ej - every single tree looks exactly the same. Let’s head inside, I wanna beer.”
Mathias moved back to where he had dropped the rolls and the backpack, and before he reached for them, he looked back at Björn.
“You gonna help with this?”
Väinö - Finland
Niklas - Ladonia
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charlietheepicwriter7 · 7 months
During Bruce's trip around the world, learning all the things needed to be batman, he was recommended Maddie Fenton as a teacher. He didn't understand at first - while she was a ninth-degree black belt, she was also 5 months pregnant with her second child - until he saw her and her husband's inventions.
Bruce spends most of a year with them learning how to build and use everything he'd need to be Batman.
He also becomes little Danny's godfather, much to Vlad's horror when he shows up over a decade later and tries to claim the title.
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lwh-writing · 1 year
Ghost King Isn't the Only Title Danny Has
Okay, so you how monarchs can have multiple titles? Like how the heir to the English throne is both Prince/Princess and Duke/Duchess of Cornwall? And how monarchs can get titles and epithets that just stack onto their preexisting names/titles? Like "Catherine the Great" or how Daenerys gets her famous list of "Stormborn, the Unburnt, Mother of Dragons, etc."?
Well, there are dozens upon dozens of names for the Infinite Realms. The Ghost Zone might be what Amity Park calls it, but there have been hundreds of names for it throughout history. The Afterlife, Sheol, Heaven & Hell, Purgatory & Limbo, Valhalla, and so on and so forth.
So when Danny finally gives in and lets himself be crowned, he doesn't just become the Ghost King. Oh no. He is crowned "King Daniel Fenton, First of His Name, Protector of the Infinite Realms, Defeater of Pariah Dark, Liege of Fright Knight, Ice Mage of the Far Frozen, and Hades of the Underworld."
And then a few months later when Danny inevitably gets summoned and pops up on the Justice League's radar, there's some serious side-eyeing going on because 'Diana, why didn't you mention your uncle looked like a teenager? Why does one of the most powerful gods like to hang out in teenaged form anyway?'
Just... give me an unknowning Danny accidentally inheriting a niece along with the crown, and that niece just so happens to be Wonder Woman.
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ghostbsuter · 1 year
Just sometimes.
Bruce, tired father of too many children, wished for a small break.
Just a tiny one.
He pinched his nose, cowl covering his head and expression and glared.
"I can't believe you snitched on me!" Billy batson, freshly revealed teen and sitting on his usual spot during meetings, hisses.
"If I have to get parented, so do you!" Danny fenton, also freshly revealed teenager, glared right back.
"Boys." Both their attention snapped to wonder woman, still tense and warry.
"Do you two have adult supervision, at least." Batman asks, feeling slightly more drained than before, he can feel Nightwing's stare at the back of his head, coming closer.
"Do the voices count?" Danny asks, to which Billy nodded. "Yeah, do they? Zeus has strong opinions, and many kids. He probably can parent, somewhat."
They shrugged both, like they hadn't just opened another whole can of questions.
"Wait!" Danny snapped his fingers, "what about clocky? He sends us on time missions, has his own lair, and lets us hang around. That counts? Right?"
The other teen nods in agreement.
(Knowing both are black haired and blue-eyed teens, he already knows Dick will never let him live this down. Deceived by children, for YEARS.)
(So much for being the greatest detective.)
(The text he sent to Alfred is between him and his butler dad.)
In the end, the two agreed reluctantly to stay around for a while. The Kents, the Allens, Diana, and the Waynes have opened up their homes to house them permanently.
Much their amusement, they declared, that to make no one jealous, they'd switch homes every other week or so.
That alone smelled like chaos.
Whatever, it was Diana's first week.
(And if the house of mysteries appeared in front of them sometimes, that's also between them and a very suffering John constantine.)
.・゜-: ✧ :-
A continuation
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt 251
Danny is tired and annoyed. On one hand, his parents took the whole ‘so I might be slightly dead’ pretty well! Which is good! On the other, they decided to send him and his sisters to their uncle while they take care of the Guys in White and refurbish the house to be, well, him safe. Which meant a ridiculously long flight all the way to New Jersey. 
A flight he was pretty sure happened to be illegal what with the fact that neither of them were asked for their IDs or anything despite having them with them. Hm. Y’know he’s not going to question it, he’s getting a nap the moment they get to Uncle Harvey’s. 
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flamingpudding · 5 months
do you still take requests? if you do can you write your take on this idea https://www.tumblr.com/ilydana/746501696852819968/cloneclonedbatman?source=share
Thanks for the Ask! That's is an interesting one!
Also as long as I can write something to it I don't mind getting requests, if I can't I will let people know if I can. So no worries about that K?
Out of courtesy and because I believe its is the right thing to do here the Link and a Tag to the original writer @ilydana I hope you don't mind that I am taking inspiration from you for this.
Also I don't know Conners Timeline well and I like to base my writings on the Wayne Family Adventures settings so.... yea sorry if I got some facts wrong....
Clone double Wamy
Thinks were never easy for the Waynes, Bruce realised that when he sat in the meeting room. Usually he would have confronted his best friend in a more private setting, like when it was just the two of them or only Diana with them. But his best friend had been grating on his nerves with this for a while now. Bruce had honestly believed Clark had gotten better with the whole Clone thing but apparently he hadn't.
"All I am saying is that Conner is a person and to stop referring to him as 'it'." Bruce wasn't sure what had this brought on but maybe it was also having listened to his own kids rants about the way Conner had been and sometimes still was treated by Clark. Usually when someone called his friend out on it he would laugh awkwardly and say it was a slip of the tongue. That he still wasn't completely used to the idea of having a clone.
It's been years and Bruce wasn't buying that excuse anymore.
Well his persistent nagging had now caused this petty fight in front of everyone. He knew his children present, Dick and Tim, would have his back as well as most of their friends. But he also knew that those that prefer to keep the peace would try to argue in Clarks favor to sweep this hole problem under the rug once more.
"You don't get what it is like to be cloned or how long it takes to get used to it!"
His eye twitched under his cowl, he could also feel his kids tense up, especially Tim. His entire family had expirence when it came to cloning. The number of labs from the LoA they had shut down and destroyed was a testament to it. But there was one thing his entire Family aside from Alfred didn't know either.
"I actually do."
He stated calmly watching Clarks reaction as he stared unwaveringly at his best friend. He could see the colour drain, the paling and the pure look of disbelief he was getting, while Nightwing and Red Robin stood up to stand behind him with crossed arms. They probably thought he was referencing the time they had to fight Damian's Clones that sadly couldn't be saved like Conner had been.
"What do you....?" His best friend started but wasn't able to finish his question as Bruce decided to rip the bandaid off.
"The original Bruce Wayne died before he even was one month old. My parents, unable to cope with the loss cloned the baby with the help of a pair of scientist from Illinois." If the situation was different he might have laughed into the faces the people around him were making, not very Batman like of him but it was kind of funny. Still he was thankful for the comforting hand his son, Dick, placed on his shoulder or the way his other son, Tim inched closer protectively like. These two while probably shocked still stood by his side.
"And i was not the only clone that resulted from my parents original grief."
He left it at that as he stood and left the meeting without any further explanation. Bruce had made his point clear, now the ball was in his friends court. He was thankful that his kids followed him out as he went straight to the Zeta-Tubes to return to the Batcave. He knew his kids had questions for him, but he was not willing to answer them in front of the other heroes and thankfully his kids knew that that. So they silently followed him until they were back to the cave.
"B?" Dick asked tentatively once they were back in the came.
"It is as simply as I stated. My parents grieved the loss of their original son and unable to cope they cloned their own child with the help of a pair of scientist." He reiterated his earlier statement not looking at the two at first. For a brief moment he was thankful his other kids were out and about busy with other things.
"A pair of scientists?" Tim propped further and Bruce sighed wondering how much he should tell or if he could keep some things secret.
"Family actually. Estranged but they were... are family." He nodded. "The Fentons. Jack Fenton was my fathers cousin. Because of his field of research he got estranged from the family, not fitting into the perfect image my great grandparents had in mind for the Waynes originally. My father contacted him for help regarding the cloning back then."
"You said you weren't the only one?" He gave Tim a small smile, it was just like him to catch on to the small details and focus his questions on that.
"I didn't know until many years later when my parents died." He smiled a little remembering back to his training with Lady Gotham and how she asked him if he had siblings and then proceeded to introduce him to his clone twin. Ever since then Danny had become quite the fixture in his life, a reconnected family member. Though they had needed a lot of help when it came to actually speaking with each other but that thankfully Danny's sister Jazz helped.
He couldn't help the laugh that escaped him when he noticed Dick's stare of realisation. "Uncle Danny!"
Bruce just smirked, chuckling lightly as he gave his eldest a slight nod. "Danny."
Dick was the most familiar with Danny having meet the other a couple of times when he was younger and just started out as Robin. Bruce wasn't ashamed to say that Danny and Alfred had been the two he had asked for advice the most when he had taken Dick in back then. Danny had already expirence in raising kids from an even younger age than Bruce had. That their two cousins Dan and Danielle were in a way clones too was however something he would not be telling his kids yet. Frankly it wasn't his place and honestly if Danny hadn't become as comfortable as he had with this fact over the year he wouldn't have outed his clone twin to his kids either.
"So...." Tim started, rubbing the back of his head nervously. "...what now? Not that it will change anything now but uh...."
"Nothing really? I mean if Clark still got a problem then well I guess we don't have a super uncle anymore? But hey maybe we could introduce Uncle Danny to Conner?" Dick shrugged turning to Tim.
"But that would mean we admit to Uncle Danny that B let us in in the secret and that could make things awkward and..."
"Tim you are overthinking! It will be fine!"
Bruce smiled as he watched his two sons start to argue wether or not to introduce Danny to Conner. Well even if they did Danny wouldn't mind it. In fact Bruce had kept his clone twin updated on a lot of things that happened with his work as Batman. One of the reasons was that Danny had started out in the hero business way sooner than Bruce had but also because Danny was his last resort contingency plan against everything.
His twin would probably laugh in their faces and ask why it took them so long to introduce them and then drag his own daughter to meet Conner so they could have some 'clone'-bonding time and knowing Danielle, she was going to drag Dan along and then Bruce himself too. Bruce chuckled at that thought, he also knew that if Clark doesn't clean up his act than Danny would most likely swoop in and adopt Conner right out of under Clarks nose.
Well all he had to say if it came to that was that his best friend wouldn't be able to blame anyone but himself then.
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travelerpoetry · 5 months
Of Atlantean descent Maddie Fenton
I've been thinking about a few things specifically Maddie being of Atlantean descent the line she comes from was minor royalty that specialises specifically in protection (Family, People, Land etc.)
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Her great-great-great-grandfather was estranged from his family due to falling in love with a human woman who showed such passion in wanting to help get rid of pollution and help sea and on-land wildlife that were seriously hurt by man-made machines recover and be released into the wild once more and after a whirlwind romance with adventure and soft touches years later they had a child and they couldn't be happier.
But due to a complicated family matter her great- great-great-grandfather's Father called him back home to Atlantis, her great-great-great-grandfather did not expand on the issue any further. He claimed in one of the old letters Maddie found that he'd be back soon and not to worry about him
But in his absence, her great-great-great-grandmother fell sick with a deathly Illness that killed her before her great-great-great-grandfather could return and it was in fact her Great-great-great-grandmother's neighbour who found her dead and her child (Maddie's great-great-grandfather) in the crib next to her bed crying for his dead mother's attention.
The neighbour of course called the police who in return came with child protective services that placed her great-great-grandfather in a foster Family due to not finding her great-great-grandfather's Father.
Her great-great-great-grandfather came back only to find everything he knew gone his Wife? Nowhere to be found, his Son? Can't be found. Maddie's great-great-great-grandfather stricken with grief over the Family he lost soon died from Heartbreak.
But her great-great-grandfather had kept photos of himself as a baby with his Mother and a Ring.. a Ring that was as he was told placed next to him in the crib he was lying in as he was found that fateful night by his Mother's neighbour.
The Ring became an Heirloom passed from generation to generation. until Maddie finally got her curious little hands on it on her tenth Birthday and Maddie knew.. she knew that there was something special about that Ring that was so beautiful with shells and fish-shaped crystals that were littered across the ring in a pattern and little ten-year-old Maddie was right the artefact as she had realised it wasn't just a ring had helped her breath underwater she had gills! And scales! But sadly no tail... but little Maddie was ecstatic!
and Maddie kept the ring well into her adulthood and as she finally started a Family with the man she loved Jack and furthered her research into the ecto-entities she grew happier, happier than she had ever been happier than when she was in the water free to explore and relax.
Her oldest Jasmine showed no signs of being as drawn to the ocean as she was as a child but Jazz still could hold her breath at a minimum of 17 minutes! Jazz also seemed to not particularly care for the ring though commenting multiple times that she finds the ring to be beautiful .
Her second oldest Danny had been drawn to the Ring, he constantly begged to have it when he was younger until Maddie had given him the ring permanently. Danny loved the ocean and went to visit it a few times a month and after her Son had revealed the fact he had died due to the machine that Maddie and Jack built and that the ocean was the only place he was truly at peace? Well, she and Jack made sure to tell him how much they loved him how he would always be their son no matter what and that they promised to go to the beach more often with the family if he truly felt that much better there.
After She and Jack found out about Dan and Eliie? Well, they welcomed both with a big bear hug courtesy of Jack and his Joy of finally being able to pamper younger children again. Both were apparently de-aged due to them not being very stable in this timeline but Maddie and Jack couldn't careless they were just so happy that there were no more secrets between all of them and that they could finally be a truly Happy family but ofcourse before that She and Jack had forced Vlad into therapy and he's slowly redeeming himself.
Now nothing could surprise the Fenton Family anymore!
That was what they thought before an Atlantean King came knocking on their door claiming that Maddie was related to him.. oh well what is a new Family member to this already chaotic but loving Family?
Sender : The Traveler
Addressed to: You my dear reader
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beesechurgerzz · 1 year
pariah 💚
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Avatar: The Last Airbender Live Action Thoughts!
-First of all, ya'll need to leave those child actors alone, they are babies and they didn't write the show, nor was it their idea to do it. I have seen way too many people body shaming children; leave them alone they all did well!
-I think Gordon makes Aang just as cute and small and powerful as I always saw him as!! He manages to joke around and be fun even when the storyline is a lot darker and more serious.
-I really wish Sokka was able to be more of his goofy and silly self. I understand why he isn't, and his humor is more sarcasm and dark jokes, but I saw glimpses of him in there! His excitement when he was with the Mechanist, engineering and getting to do something other than be in charge. Also when he has any older brother convo with Katara or Aang. I'm hopeful with time he'll be able to loosen up!
-(Speaking of the Mechanist, my boy Danny Pudi was SO GOOD, I love him, him and his little son).
-I wish Aang would practice waterbending with Katara :( those scenes of them practicing together were always some of my favorites in the series. Just beautiful kataang moments. I'm glad they addressed it but I missed those moments.
-I don't understand how you guys can't be having fun watching this, I get so excited waiting for little moments of lore, or when Jet and Katara were fighting in the forest I was sitting in front of the TV like "WHERE'S SMELLERBEE AND LONGSHOT. OH MY GOD NO IT'S PIPSQUEAK!" It's just so much fun! The colors are beautiful, the effects are gorgeous, and the plot and characters are entertaining. Think about the piece as it's own thing and enjoy it!
-Adaptations are just that; adaptations, and things will be changed! I think so far I haven't minded their changes, I understand why they've been made. There are things to criticize, but I think this is pretty well done.
-Zuko is fantastic; I think all the child actors are fairly good but Dallas' pissy attitude and the faces he makes are so so fun! I feel for Zuko and I'm scared of him when he shows up, and he's just as annoying and bratty as ponytail Zuko should be. His physical motions are fantastic!
-TEO WAS SO LITTLE?? Oh my god, like as a kid I thought the cartoon version of him was kinda hot so when they wheeled that tiny baby in I was HORRIFIED.
-Idk why YOU ALL weren't scared of Lizzy Yu's Azula, but her little smile in her intro scene gave me a lil chill. Maybe it's because I was away when the show first came out so I saw post after post about how bad she was, but I just.... Thought she'd be worse?? She did really well! Ya'll better be careful though or Gaten Matarazzo will come for you, that's his girl.
-So far the mushing of plots has made sense to me. Yes, I miss the silly filler episodes and the traveling the Gaang did, but it allows us to sit in a scene longer, and to colorize the world better, when we're in one place and one plot for longer. I think that's important for this type of medium and this amount of episodes. They might be able to justify more next season if this show does well enough.
-I am OBSESSED with Zuko and the 41st division oh my god, what a fantastic and well thought out addition. The reveal, and they're bowing for him when he comes back was DEVASTATING.
-They we're GIVING us Sokka and Katara best sibling moments, I loved all of them. They are so cute, they just mean so much to me.
-I don't feel Appa or Momo as characters like I did in the cartoon. I'm hoping this can change, because rn they surprise me every time they get on screen. I'm like "WHAT- oh it's Momo, he's here." How are we going to feel Appa's loss as much as we did in the cartoon if they continue to like barely be in it.
-Ken Leung SLAYED as Admiral Zhao, I watched him go literally insane as the episodes went on.
-Aang's imposter syndrome and feeling of failure being focused on I will always enjoy, even if I hope he can be silly next season too. His entire character arc this season just made me want to cry.
-Bro the coloring during the the Siege of the North was A M A Z I N G. The way the color faded in and out with fireballs and the monster koi passing nearby, just so pretty. It looked awesome.
-Making Yue a waterbender? The best. Her freezing Sokka in place so he can't stop her? Heartbreaking.
-Iroh and Zuko paddling off looking for bestie Lt. Jee?? Okay.
-They really grew this show up for us adults that watched it in 2005 and focused in on the really painful moments, themes, and details.
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millspyxis · 9 months
my mom took me and my dad to see migration and all i have to say is
if i had a nickel for everytime mack and pam salsa danced i would have three nickels
which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened thrice
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fishyartist · 8 months
Tumblrina 2 me btw. Would ride up and say some shit like “I’m not trans but I believe in their beliefs” or maybe say some shit about leaving to “steal some shoelaces” then kicking Joe Biden in the sack or something
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#I’m thinking about their families. Danny’s r easy the fandom is ripe w Fenton opinions#less about mansons or foleys pr grays#like there’s some stuff but there’s a lot more room to explore the space#I also wanna give them uncles and aunts and cousins and extended families but I’ll worry about that if/when relevant.#but the family units they actually live with matter more so that’s where my thoughts lie#anyways! so#mansons give me big ‘’coparenting after a divorce must be rough’’ ‘’…we aren’t divorced’’ energy#like get divorced 10 years ago. they make each other worse and no one enjoys it#ida had a huge life where she was poor but moved around a lot+learned+did alot and I think whichever of sams parents she parented resent it#and rebeled from that by leaning super into the hussle culture capitalism tar pit#then maybe ​one of tuckers parents is technically a step parent… bio parents had a healthy divorce/breakup to friends coparenting arc#but like written in a way that doesn’t think of either parent as worse or weird shit like that#like ‘’technically’’ as in legally but tucker considers all three equally his parents#idk. I have some worried about writing that well but I’ll look into it on my own later#Valerie’s other parents probably gonna be a ghost. lots of potential for angst and/or a sweet reunion there#probably the latter I love that sappy shit#but bc that parent’s gone Val+her dad became super super close+trusting#they for sure have shared hobbies but I haven’t decided what yet#thinking something related to athletics or photography?#that’s probably closest to fanon based on my understanding of fanon tropes#where like. lying to their dad about hunting ghosts it is a major struggle for Val emotionally.
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redgoldblue · 7 months
hello! after pouring out my entire dice bag on the table because i wanted the d20 with a little rubber duckie inside for this, so after pouring out my whole dice bag and chasing an escaped d8 around under the table and nearly losing a different die when it decided to go up my sleeve, for the WIP ask game, for a wip of your choice: 14, 20 (a nat 20!), 10. and optionally also 21 if you want, because that one never stood a chance with my chosen method and i feel bad.
i love the backstory on this. and the rubber duckie dice please send me a picture of the rubber duckie die.
gonna alternate these between state of disrepair and the honesty affair
14. What have you been finding frustrating writing this chapter/fic?
SoD: I've reached a point where there is so much in the doc and i cannot hold it in my head and i consequently feel like i'm dragging it around in a billy over my shoulder. I reached this point about 10k ago but I solved it then by dividing it into proper chapter sections in Word, which worked for... apparently 10k. I'm hoping it recovers when I finish chapter 2, because chapter 3 is when things start Happening again.
20. Share 3 images that would fit to a mood board for this chapter/fic.
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10. What is the last line of dialogue you've written?
SoD: “Oh,” Danny says. “She’s right. I almost forgot you’re a nerd under all those muscles.”
21. Share 3 songs that would belong on a playlist for this chapter/fic.
See, if I was doing this for state of disrepair I'd already have- ykw fuck it I'm doing it for both
SoD - top 3 off my 28-song playlist: The Bones by Maren Morris (i'm sorry hozi. her solo version is better); Pushing Up Daisies (Love Alive) by Brothers Osborne; Love You For A Long Time by Maggie Rogers (state of disrepair? outrageously sappy? noooooooo...)
THA: Paris by Taylor Swift (this one is kinda tongue-in-cheek, for reasons that will become apparent when i post the fic); Surrender My Heart by Carly Rae Jepsen; I'm A Rocker by Bruce Springsteen. I will assign these '60s spies girl pop if it kills me and also them. yes I'm A Rocker counts as girl pop
wip asks
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lovemayble · 9 months
why is uncle richard kinda 👀
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channelrat · 9 months
Pick a villain
Why are they a villain? Were they always going to be a villain or did they start as something else? What are their goals?
Tess !! I think she's very "i could fix her" coded but she's the niece of a drug dealer and quite literally chooses to be a menace (breaking up couples, getting other people involved with the family business, letting them take most of the blame, etc) she's awful but i love her
her goals are quite literally be a menace. i think she has high ambitions to be one of the more wealthy families so she dresses nicely and sells drugs to the kids her age at formal events
she has a sister who is not a menace but Tess, unfortunately for Sav and Nik, is one.
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fastandcarlos · 4 months
The Littlest Surprise » Daniel Ricciardo
caption: hello im a new f1 content creator and would love some feedback if you enjoy my fics tysm 🩷
summary: you’ve not been seen at the paddock for a while and the fans are getting worried, little do they know the reason for your absence is about to make everyone’s dreams come true
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liked by schecoperez, georgerussell63 and 842,420 others
danielricciardo: always a pleasure to have the fam on my side, excited to show the little ones what uncle danny gets up to 🥺
username1: is this yet another race y/n won’t be at this weekend??
username2: I cannot wait for the day that this man becomes a dad
username3: if y/n doesn’t hurry up and make him a dad…daniel i’m happy to offer my services 😊
maxverstappen1: how big is y/n/n now! she looks so grown up 🥺
danielricciardo: @/maxverstappen1 she’ll be 6 soon, where does the time go??
oscarpiastri: don’t forget your little adopted aussie nephew
landonorris: and your british nephew too!!
danielricciardo: @/oscarpiastri @/landonorris hey! i might be a bit older but not old enough to be your uncle thank you
username4: anyone else think something might be going on, daniel posting about his family without y/n there is strange
username5: @/username4 let’s not overthink this too much, y/n might just be busy
username4: @/username5 it’s been ages since we last saw her, you gotta admit it’s a bit sus
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liked by lewishamilton, alex_albon and 629,301 others
danielricciardo: another great weekend of racing, nice feeling to be back on the podium…man how I missed hearing that champagne pop 🏎️
charles_leclerc: congrats brother, nice to be up there with you once again
username6: y/n not distracting you anymore to stop you getting on the podium??
username7: @/username6 wtf? why would you suggest such a thing?
carlossainz55: always knew you’d be back up there one day, long may it continue!
yukitsunoda0511: you gotta give me some tips bro, those manoeuvres were lethal today 🔥
pierregasly: danny ric just doing danny ric things
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liked by ynusername, charles_leclerc and 922,547 others
danielricciardo: hey team! just wanted to clear up some things after miami this weekend…me and y/n are absolutely fine, had some things going on that I promise we’ll explain soon ❤️❤️ for now tho, here’s an update on life recently ☁️✨
ynusername: 🥺🥺🥺🥺
username8: I knew you guys would be okay, take as long as you need my two favourites!!
username9: a big screw you to those who doubted you…real fans love you guys
landonorris: I love you guys, here if you need anything brother ❤️
username10: hope whatever is going on clears up soon, we’re missing you guys around here🩷
lilymhe: tell y/n to gimme a call! ily guys ✨
visacashapprb: can’t wait to welcome y/n back into the paddock soon - see you for race week!
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liked by danielricciardo, iamrebeccad and 310,409 others
ynusername: it’s been a long few months, but we finally feel ready to share with you our happy news. pregnancy has been tough, I’d love to say it has treated me well, but it hasn’t. I cannot thank daniel enough for being by my side and helping me out whenever I’ve needed him…baby spam incoming ⛅️🍼
ps. each of us chose a picture to share, guess who chose what 🙄
danielricciardo: words cannot begin to describe how proud I am of how brave you’ve been, the worst of it is over now my love, the countdown to baby ricciardo starts now
danielricciardo: ps my photo is way cooler than yours is
landonorris: omg I can’t believe you guys didn’t tell me, uncle Lando reporting for duty!
carlossainz55: the biggest congratulations you two, you’re going to be the best parents
carmenmmundt: so glad to hear y/n is doing better, may the rest of your pregnancy be a dream ✨
lilymhe: the strongest girl I know - so excited to see you become a mum 😍
username11: all my manifesting has paid off, baby ricciardo will be the luckiest
oscarpiastri: AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE!!
estebanocon: my spidey senses were spot on, I knew a baby was on the way!
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liked by danielricciardo, lance_stroll and 102,585 others
ynusername: life lately 💫 exhausted but loving all the little things (including daniel 😂)
username12: y/n looks like she’s living the dream, mum life suits her well 🥺
danielricciardo: im definitely not a “little thing” how else did we end up like this?
landonorris: @/danielricciardo excuse me sir you are about to have a child, sort your humour out
maxverstappen1: glad to see you’re feeling more like yourself again y/n, brunch on me soon!
ynusername: @/maxverstappen1 yes - let’s not tell daniel #gatecrasher
danielricciardo: @/ynusername you know your comments are public…right?
username13: anyone else wishing they could brunch with y/n too??
lance_stroll: sending all the good book recs your way!
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liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri and 738,603 others
danielricciardo: babymooning 🍼 the smile says it all, so happy to have my girl back on her feet and feeling like herself again…making the last few memories just the two of us 🥺
ynusername: thank you for the best couple of days and being my personal taxi driver
username14: look at his face - you can tell daniel is buzzing to be a dad
pierregasly: where was my invite?? I thought we were friends
carlossainz55: and mine!
georgerussell63: me too!
landonorris: looks like we were all forgotten!
visacashapprb: enjoy the break daniel! you and y/n absolutely deserve it 🏁🩷
username15: i speak for all your fans when i say keep the holiday photos coming pls
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liked by ynusername, georgerussell63 and 920,355 others
danielricciardo: mum and dad 🔥🥺
tagged: ynusername
landonorris: adopt me pls, im less problematic than a baby
danielricciardo: @/landonorris debatable
lewishamilton: so glad to see you both so happy, good luck with everything
charles_leclerc: wow!! y/n looks insane (suppose you look alright too daniel!)
ynusername: mum and dad?? i can definitely get used to hearing that 🤩
alex_albon: it’s not fair how adorable you two are, this kid is hella lucky!!
username16: pls keep the baby spam coming, you guys are the sweetest 🍼💫
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liked by lilymhe, yukitsunoda0511 and 109,446 others
ynusername: the many faces of a man who has just remembered he’s just signed up for no sleep for the next 10 years 😂
tagged: danielricciardo
danielricciardo: after all I’ve done for you, this is how you repay me? you just wait my love 🫢
ynusername: @/danielricciardo this was too good of an opportunity to miss
carlossainz55: make the most of that middle photo whilst you can danny
georgerussell63: you have NO idea how much I just laughed at this y/n 😂😂😂
schecoperez: speaking from experience, you could not be more correct y/n #dannynosleep
username17: embarrassing dad before even becoming a dad 😬
oscarpiastri: call me for anymore embarrassing daniel pics 😂
danielricciardo: @/oscarpiastri no one asked for you to show up here
username18: I just want you to be my mum and dad instead 😭
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liked by oscarpiastri, carmenmmundt and 113,999 others
ynusername: can you believe this man is really about to become a father?? 🤦🏻‍♀️
charles_leclerc: sometimes i really do wonder what you see in him y/n
landonorris: the biggest clown known to man, still the world’s biggest kid 😂😂
danielricciardo: is that really how you want to talk about the father of your child? I thought you were supposed to love me
ynusername: @/danielricciardo i do, ily very much 🥰
username17: not y/n releasing all the humiliating photos of daniel now they’re about to be parents
username18: y/n’s clearing the phone album for baby spam and giving us daniel spam in return
logansargeant: more to the point, this is the guy you chose as the father of your child??
lilymhe: the two of you are perfect for each other y/n ❤️
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liked by ynusername, oscarpiastri and 1,403,407 others
danielricciardo: welcome to the world baby ricciardo 💕
after a lot of hardships and tricky times, y/n and i are beyond excited to share with you that our little one is here. everyone is safe, loved and doing well, my heart has never felt so full 🥺
tagged: ynusername
 ˗ˏˋ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ! ´ˎ˗
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leclercwriting · 1 month
little verstappen | max verstappen social media au
pairing: max verstappen x wife!reader basically max being girl dad coded
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liked by maxverstappen1, redbullracing and 741.698 others
caption: daddy's lucky charm
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landonorris: where is my lucky charm when i need it?
y/n.verstappen: sorry shes only supporting max maxverstappen1: stop stealing my daughter lando
user4: Omgg i love girl dad max
danielricciardo: P is so cute
maxverstappen1: thanks but if you saw her when she has to go shower u wouldn't write this y/n.verstappen: that's true...
user5: she's mini version of max
y/n.verstappen: i knoow. she's his little copy. AFTER I WAS CARYING HER FOR ALMOST A YEAR!!!! victoriaverstappen: verstappen genes are strong. People still think that my kids are max's kids....
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liked by y/n.verstappen, danielricciardo and 748.614 others
caption: who's gonna tell daniel that he's babysitting P in 2 days?
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danielricciardo: I'M WHAT?! EMILIAN
y/n.verstappen: oopps. sorry but you're uncle danny and uncle danny is called for the babysitting duties maxverstappen1: we're gonna pay you don't worry danielricciardo: I DON'T NEED MONEY. I'M NOT GONNA BABYSIT THAT MINI MAX landonorris: stop screaming dude maxverstappen1: uh lando we need you to babysit P on wednesday.. landonorris: BRO
user5: the comments lol
user8: poor danny boy
user67: i love this family
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liked by y/nverstappen, maxverstappen and 847,557 others
caption: the best uncle reward goes to me because i was forced to babysit this little devil
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maxverstappen1: thanks for your service
landonorris: now im next...
user55: someone save lando user25: SOMEONE SAVE PENELOPE. LANDO IS THE CHILD
user6: danny is really the best uncle
maxverstappen1: he is
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liked by y/n.verstappen, maxverstappen1 and 854.585 others
caption: future mclaren driver
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landonorris: naaah, she likes orange cars y/n.verstappen: max is having heart attack next to me
user7: not lando making max's daughter a mclaren fan
danielricciardo: she's not mclaren fan.. boooooo
landonorris: shut up muppet
mclaren: new mclaren reserve driver
user45: lool poor max
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liked by landonorris, redbullracing and 742,563 others
caption: enjoyed our time alone until lando tried to turn my baby into mclaren fan
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landonorris: she was born a mclaren fan. orange suits her
maxverstappen1: yeah orange suits her. but the dutch one
user7: this is still too funny
user122: why is no one talking about them?? i need to have husband like max
y/n.verstappen: u need great wife like me maxverstappen1: everybody needs their y/n
redbullracing: P has a place in our team already
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liked by maxverstappen1, landonorris and 984,526 others
caption: and now the best part. summer break with the verstappens
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user7: yall are too cute
y/n.verstappen: tysm
maverstappen1: our baby is growing up so fast
landonorris: family goals
danielricciardo: you cant even take care of a goldfish u muppet
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