#I love that kind of meme istg
her-canine-teeth · 2 years
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random-twst-things · 2 years
Daily Ace amd Deuce arguments:
Ace: Does your mom even love you?!
Deuce: *move hair to show a kiss mark bruises*
Deuce: She's enthusiastic 😌
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zabala0z · 1 month
I’m very scared to watch the next episodes. Anyways hi, it’s me, your friendly neighborhood host. I got a lot of thoughts and I’m dying here 😭
MAG 72: Takeaway
Another meat thing oh god. Like I physically grimaced when Goodall had his Achilles heel cut like genuinely that’s one of my fears. Also another direct connection to like Christianity and meat. Or like kinda because in Rations I think, that guy made a prayer that was originally a Christian prayer I believe but altered it to put meat in. ALSO, Haan killed his wife but apparently she had self-inflicted wounds as well. I’m thinking this is maybe cult or some kind of like sacrificial thing going on. Maybe the wife wanted to die.
We also have Haans nephew who appeared in “Killing Floor”. He had his own meat sort of story. Guess it runs in the family 💀
MAG 73: Police Lights
I feel like Maxwell Rayner is not dead simply because it’s not the most implausible thing considering Michael Crew pops up in a couple episodes after jumping out a window. But who knows maybe Rayner is truly gone (I am betting not) also Natalie was there which definitely made me feel a little sad. I always feel a lot in terms of cults. I’m trying to figure out what Rayner and like the cult was planning on doing to the kid. Maybe kill him? But I feel like that’s too basic, they were probably doing something else. The fog seemed to hurt when it hit that one police guy like it burned him. Came out of that dusty old man’s mouth after all.
Also Basira quitting? Queen shit. I cannot blame her.
MAG 74: Fatigue
Oh yeah this is good. Something about the disjointed events really adds to the sleep deprived perspective I love it. Also MICHAEL. What is Michael I swear to god. Every appearance of this weirdo makes me more and more confused. What does he get out of this? Is it just for fun? He didn’t seem to benefit at all, like he even told Lydia she looked terrible 💀
It was said he was making spirals out of grass blades. What is with this creature and spirals, like that corridor was trippy too. I’m wondering if spirals are fractals. Lydia was drawing them for some reason. Similar to Evo’s dad in Burned Out.
And I KNEW Sasha was going through the tunnels. Like duh. I think she was the one who screwed up the quality because multiple times have electronics have been screwed around like tape recorder and the computer. I have no idea who that man is though.
MAG 75: A Long Way Down
This statement takes place after Michael jumps out the window. I guess he changed a lot. And he got some drip because why is he wearing a full suit?? I can’t tell if he actually contributed to Grants disappearance because maybe he was doing something else y’all 😭 (I’m in denial.) I am wondering what his little spell did back in Literary Heights. Did he like- bind himself with the lightning thing? I don’t know how that would work. He did say “I am yours” so did he like..sell his soul. That’s what I’m thinking.
Feeling really bad for grant. I don’t have a major fear of heights but the way the situation is described, I’d develop one.
MAG 76: The Smell of Blood
Wooo Melanie King! First time a character gave two statements which is cool. I’m wondering what kind of meme she ended up. Someone draw that.
Not much to say about this episode but oh my god I’m so happy someone noticed Sasha. I’ve been waiting for this moment for so long. I miss Sasha dude 😭
One thing I’m curious about is like…what is going to be the ending. Because right now, the institute, or technically Jon, has so many probable enemies right now. Like you got the Church of yada yada, the circus, Fake Sasha, all those diseased people, Michael, the Lukas family, etc. Who is going to drop the other shoe? Because right now, they all have the other shoe istg.
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sunnysideaeggs · 3 months
hi babes this is my ep 3 review. this is a lil monday tradition i love to yap
lmao rhaenys subtly gagging rhaenyra and calling her out. i’m liking her more and more compared to the first season, she seems more rounded and actually a figure of peace instead of coping
now rhaenyra is coping lol. ‘a little boy murdered in his bed’ ‘but my throonee :((((‘
rhaenyra parentifying rhaena and making her go to her mother’s place of death to safeguard her sons 🙄 not even recognizing the burden she is putting in her. a white woman giving her children to raise to a black girl smh
i like a lot what they’re making with rhaena, giving her actual thoughts that often contradict her ‘side’. go get your hightower husband girl
why no one remembered that larys, yk, the greens’ master of whispers, is lord of harrenhal? like of course it is a green location? where is he? isn’t he a memeber of the council? why does he never attends council meetings?
lmao not daemon wishing to be called king when the proper title is king consort. let me just get a meme:
i just realized that alicent now dresses less ‘richly’ maybe to indicate frugality during war to the people. ‘look, we’re not having feasts while you starve’ kind of vibe. the green queen beloved of the smallfolk
and she is also less structured because she doesn’t need to cover herself for viserys. i enjoy her having the freedom to dress as she likes
as a sansa lover, i must say i love rhaena. go gentle princess with a good who feels everything too much and wears courtesy as a weapon. i love u
if they’re diminishing helaena’s grief and they’re not going to give me helaena taking revenge in dreamfyre istg 🤨🤨🤨
I KNEW THE ARMOR WAS VALYRIAN STEEEEELL 🔥🔥🔥 that’s why it doesn’t fit him it literally isn’t made for him. i hope it’s fireproof
egg promoting his lads 😭 medieval networking
lol larys is the kind of guy that suddenly comes to you with the weirdest true crime facts that leave you feeling icky. i love him
aegon did the alicent disappointed face to his kingsguard. neat party trick
not making baelon cheat on alyssa 🙄 our one successful sibling marriage and they take it from us
tbh if i was dyana you wouldn’t catch a glimpse of me after the meeting with alicent. fuck king’s landing, that stinky city. i would have alicent get me a little house in oldtown. a job as a cook. no chance of any dirty man getting his hands on me. why keep victimizing a character for no reason condal?
any dragonseed should zip it for good, unless you get something for your heritage. my mom was a lyseni whore, that’s what i would say. nobody asks you questions when you say your mom was a lyseni whore
aegon 🙄 i thought we were getting past this. i hope he apologizes, i’m tired of this aemond slander.
i dislike the full frontal scene with aemond. literally gratuitous, no one asked for it. and we know there’s awful people saying shit about ewan’s body, they now get another chance of making fun of his most intimate parts and aemond’s intimate moments. why.
finally some class conscience exploration with criston? are my prayers being answered?
lmao not rhaenyra getting another girl daemon. i dislike baela’s hot head since ever but if it gives me comedic relief i’ll take it
rhaenyra is his father’s daughter. not a compliment
i love how daemon barricades his door just to… open it when he thinks someone wants to get in. and gets out. big forehead not big brain.
MILLY APPEARS YAYYYY 🥰🥰🥰 jaehaerys noooooo 😭😭😭
i could see jae’s actor kinda winking, his little lashes twitching. he’s a baby and he’s doing his best omg 😭💕 it could be the candles tho
yes daemon cry i hate you
imagine you’re a kid and they tell you your job is to be still and have a pretty lady hum at you and touch your cheek. so comforting tbh
ALYS APPARITION YAYYYY 🥰🥰🔥 she’s as stunning and disturbing as i imagined her. devoured. ate him alive. as she should.
lmao of course alicent would think war is to be averted after seeing her grandson without a head 🙄 and if she does she’s dead to me istg
yes rhaenyra threaten a queen 🙄 of course she will react well and think of making peace with you. at gunpoint. classical targaryen.
also she literally smuggled a weapon into a church. threatened to spill blood in a holy place. then ask why people don’t believe you have any morals or respect for anything.
alicent asking her if she’s surrending it’s so funny loool
once again, alicent talks about a child’s murder. rhaenyra brings up the throne. i’m done with her tantrums.
did you betray him at your very last, alicent? don’t you know you owe loyalty to your rapist and jailer, alicent? don’t you know you’re not allowed to want, alicent?
that’s how rhaenyra sounds.
i love how rhaenyra doesn’t spare a thought to surrender yet wants to pretend bloodshed concerns her. lmao.
alicent, i’m back. go green queen.
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tips for editing novels i wrote instead of editing
these are mainly targeted to people who find it hard to focus on editing (like yours truly) but really helps for anyone.
work section by section. i started doing this and it wasn't working because i kept reading on to the section after instead of focusing on editing the one section so what i did is copy paste the section (each should be no more than like 1000 words) onto another document and work on it there. read it over and over again until it sounds the way you want it to sound that copy paste it onto the other document and move on to the next section.
sit somewhere quiet. absolutely quiet.
no music.
turn off the wifi on your phone and on your laptop.
to get the emotion right in a scene, listen to music that embodies it. can't catch me now (olivia rodrigo) and east of eden (zella day) are what i'm listening to right now. of course, i can't write and listen to music at the same time because that's the kind of person i am but before you start writing, listen to the music and really get in the feels because emotion is what drives a story forward more than plot
i actually saw an author say this, i can't remember who, but it's good to have a song that evokes emotion so you can write the emotion properly
THESAURUSES. lifesavers. i can't come up with the perfect word to describe something because i have poor memory but the thesaurus always remembers (am i even spelling it right?)
drink water. (now. stand up. if you don't istg i'll find you.)
change the cliches. don't say it was a dark and stormy night. say it was a starless night that smothered even the smallest lamp lit in the little window of a small store at the edge of the abandoned town.
don't tell me what happened, tell me how it felt. it was not cold. her nose stung and her fingernails turned blue, she stamped her feet to keep warm, she shivered despite herself, her teeth chattering.
i think the trick is to search for every time you used the word 'was' and change it to a feeling
read aloud. do impressions. make your annoying character sound like your social studies teacher from 11th grade. have fun with it. just make sure the dialogue doesn't sound stiff and make sure the sentences flow well.
as a rule, shorter sentences flow better and are easier to understand
add more internal monologue, have your character try to reason things in their heads, don't have them just observe what's happening.
this is something i struggle with but if you have a mystery with a grand reveal in the end, keep track of what your readers know and don't know. reveal tiny clues that only fit when you finally see the full picture. be as evil with it as you want.
for motivation, reread your favorite scene (mine is the mc and love interest being adorable)
also, imagine the book being published. who would you dedicate it to? how many people would make tumblr posts analyzing it, how many people would make memes, who would the fandom ship?
finally, unrelated to editing, but if you must kill off characters, don't do it just because you want something dramatic and you need the plot to move forward, only do it for two reasons:
a) it completes the character's arc (i.e. they were afraid of death but when someone they truly loved was in danger they jumped in front of a bullet to save them)
b) they're going to come back to life later as a metaphor for phoenixes rising or something
personally, my favorite thing to do is to leave the death ambiguous. no one will know if the character really died or not (not even me)
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pseudonymphomania · 5 months
If you haven't already answered it (I can't find your FAQ >A< My tumblr literacy is GONE!) it's been on my mind since I first saw your username. Is it Pseudo or Pseudonym? What is the story behind it too?
Thank you for asking! ISTG my tumblr has been under construction for so long that I keep forgetting I actually have to construct it. Let this be the first thing I link to for my FAQs because it comes up often.
I went through many name changes over the years as a fan of things, but the time came when I could no longer be contained by the label Enjoyer and finally evolved into my ultimate form; Creator.
I started playing god back in the grand old times of February 2023 (this blog was created around March 2023 in the midst of me writing my first story so I could make press-releases about it because having-fun-is-an-all-ages-activity). This was before I thought I could even make art; I was purely a writer and not a very good one at th I was pretty decent at it.
There are a few things going on with my username. Pseudonym (fictitious name), and Nymphomania (excessive sexual desire), and together Pseudonymphomania is fictitious excessive sexual desire (because I write smut haha). I'm on the asexual spectrum and the process of writing enables me and others to experience it theoretically (you can even say Fictitiously).
In terms of what kind of fan I am, I veer on the silly side of things. I am a purveyor of comedy and I often make literary or meme references or a mashup of the two. On the flip-side, I'm also an essayist and fan-academic. A Pseudonym is something that is used in the writerly world and especially in the fan space, so why shouldn't I be a little silly and call-back to it?
The real question is, what the fuck I decided to use as my icons back then:
Since I wasn't a digital artist until after I finished my first story, I used Canva and free assets to create my first one. I had a kind of bland beige background with four different coloured hands reaching toward a strawberry ice cream cone. The ice cream is phallic imagery, especially with the pink head making it look like a peen. I used a serif font (evokes an image of classic literature) for the username. And it was a visual travesty.
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I soon refined my taste and I made a second pfp with an all-white background to imitate the pages of a book. For clarity, I used a sans-serif font for the username this time and curved it into a circle, added two hands grasping it like looking into a crystal ball (the process of writing). The ice cream is dripping/melting [.............] and there's a little heart (universal visual for love) at the tip of it, acting as a sprinkle (representing "Prn with Feelings", an AO3 tag)
The thought process behind this kind of nonsense is what you can expect from me for literally everything. I've since stopped using cryptic symbolism and just use my own art, but that doesn't mean I stopped being ridiculous.
If you've seen me in the other places I hang around and wonder why it's not Pseudonymphomania everywhere even though I sign all my works as that...
PseudonymFanfic (Reddit): Created April 2023. Character Limits for username. At the time, I was only a writer. I couldn't change it after.
PseudonymDicks (Twitter): Created March 2023. Character Limits for username. Used to be called PseudonymFanfic like my Reddit and hosted all my works, including SFW and NSFW) until I was shadowbanned for containing too much flavor and never taken off it. This became NSFW only and my name changed to Dicks to reflect that. PseudonymDicks is also what I'll be using for my NSFW patreon when I get that set up, unless there's a restriction on that kind of naming that will force me to be PseudonymDix or something, oh my lords. Please no.
PseudonymWorks (Twitter): Created January 2024. SFW and Suggestive works only. The second twitter exists because a tree falling in a forest should be heard by someone who wants to harvest the firewood. PseudonymWorks is also what I'll be using for Etsy, Kofi, Patreon, etc. when I get those set up.
I continue to be Pseudonymphomania on here, AO3 and Bluesky and wherever else I am not limited by how long my name is that everyone knows who I am but nobody knows how to spell my name. (The mirth this gives me feels delightful)
"How are you so prolific?" Obsession. Some things become a catalyst for improvement that you will never see coming. How could I predict liking DiaLuci so much that it would spawn a million works from my abused hands when I originally started playing Obey Me for a whim and a lark?
Fandom is an island in Hell and I am determined to enjoy it.
I hope you enjoyed reading my personal lore. Thank you for being here. :)
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caliburn-the-sword · 1 year
scarlet reactions and thoughts
buckle up buttercups shit's about to get real (and yet i STILL haven't hit the climax of this book holy shit)
i hate ALL men and it's because of wolf. istg he better be fucking lying out of his ass to keep scarlet alive and under control. ran wouldn't have attacked him if he wasn't - actually i guess that could've been a ruse to gain her trust. but then WHY would he ask her to run away?? there's a reason he hasn't had a SINGLE pov chapter this ENTIRE book. now i'm trying to figure out if he's ever glamoured her or not. i don't want to think he has because otherwise he could have skipped all the theatrics and made her trust him or force her to come against her will.
forgot to mention this on the last post but i find it HILARIOUS how scarlet and wolf got more action in 2 days compared to cinder and kai who never got a real kiss across 2 weeks or however long book 1 takes place across FKSHFSDKH. also you know the memes of what one character is doing while another character is doing something with a completely different tone?? that's literally cinder and kai like skirting around their little crushes on each other vs scarlet running around and freaking out about her granny going missing
holy shit this scarlet flashback: HOW did granny live a double life of looking after both cinder and scarlet all those years?? also she was essentially cinder's foster mum for a while?? because this isn't helping the ouat family tree allegations at ALL. cinder's foster parent is scarlet's grandmother, and cinder is the step cousin of princess winter. love this kind of bullshit. (note: this no longer applies for suspended animation reasons but it still counts as the silly ouat flashbacks where everyone somehow knows everyone else). anyway what did granny mean that she's fearful of hovers?? shouldn't she ALREADY be fearful of them?? like girl your granddaughter is lunar was that not already a concern???
it's official: thorne is a kaider shipper
ngl i don't have it within me to be upset about the death of scarlet's father. i hope it was painful
look as much as i love cinder i'm glad that kai got tipped off by the linhs because they NEED a full conversation together PLEASE
omg i KNEW something was off with the way granny kept asking questions and didn't offer any new information of her own. i should have seen it sooner. holy shit. this is amazing and such a good tie in to little red riding hood
FINALLY WOLF POV. ze'ev kesley. glad to finally have a name. AND I WAS RIGHT HE'S ON OUR SIDE YAY
that wraps up all my reading from yesterday!! i need to be sedated. this book has me so tense like it's taking years off my lifespan but in the best way possible
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pastelpousay · 2 months
For the self shipask: 🧠 🌿 ☀️
🧠: I (or Rina) love love love listening to Hades talk about how his meetings (or rather parties) we’re like on Olympus or at least how it was, like gossip or embarrassing stuff that happened, cuz Ik he says it in a funny way and it absolutely cracks Rina up
🌿: I don’t have a picture or video for it but her unironically reminds me of the what are those meme OR LITERALLY ANY VIDEO OR PIC OF ANYONE MEWING 😭💀 bro has been mewing since the dawn of time Istg
☀️: Rina would definitely make his life more positive by showing him kindness and actual care, in which everyone seems to lack towards him. She’s always asking if he needs something, giving him extra of what he asked for, giving him things that he knows he likes or would like. Just overall giving him the appreciation he deserves both as a god and as a person.
Hades helps to make her life more positive by teaching her self love and helping her to learn how to stand up for herself, and also just giving her affection because she’s touch starved lol. He overall just wants her to see her worth for the sweet and kind soul that she is. And even if she can’t see that he’ll still treat her like it whether she likes it or not.
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winterchimez · 1 year
💌 moot game! tag/describe your moots whom fits in the categories below:
can always rely on
never misses a post
share the most interest with
have the most in common with
one(s) you look up to
you'd run away and live in a cottage with
spouse material mutual
best personality
never fails to make you laugh
you'd have a crush on if you knew them irl
you absolutely cannot live without
omg thank you for the fun ask anon! hehe here it goes:
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can always rely on — @sungbeam @cloverdaisies
beamie my little sweetest meimei whom i love dearly 🥺🫶🏻🩵
and obv my love, clo 💚💚💚 (ps the fact that she always, well almost everyday pops into my dms to ask how has my day went like?? and how we both always listen to each other's rants/irl issues/looking out for one another/giving each other support all the time uggh sweetest ever 😭😭😭)
never misses a post — @zzoguri @flwoie
istg like you both are always literally one of the first to rb/like my works sakajdk i love you both sm 🥹🥹🥹
share the most interest with — @sungbeam @zzoguri
beamie with literally almost everything from kpop to classics to mcu!! also recently discovered that moni is also into anime like i am YAS BAE 😩😩😩🤙🤙🤙
have the most in common with — @sungbeam
i mean almost every single day we'd find something in common with one another, i'd say we're like long lost twinsies 😤
one(s) you look up to — @stealanity @daisyvisions
i find that matty is that big sister that we can all always rely on cs every time she would either randomly pop up in the discord gc/in your asks and drop you a kind/positive message which really just makes your day a whole lot better 🥺🫶🏻
ofc daisy. my ult favourite sangyeon stan!!! i love interacting with her and obv been a fan of her works since coming back to the app back in early feb this year!!
you'd run away and live in a cottage with
all of my loves from the deoboyznet comm!! istg we'll have a blast and party till dawn probably 🤪🤪🤪
spouse material mutual — @stealanity @daisyvisions
obv if they are the ones i look up to, then yes they're def ready for marriage too 😚😚😚 (calling changmin & sangyeon to come pick you both up right this second brb)
best personality — @justalildumpling
honestly, all of my mutuals would fall into this category but im giving j an honorary mention!! bcs we are now emotional support buddies 🥲🥲🥲💓💓💓
never fails to make you laugh — @sungbeam @haet-sal @i520cm @hongyangi
i mean if you look at beamie & my everyday dms, i can guarantee you that 80% of it is either just us laughing our ass off on random topics or unhinged memes 🤡
obv, lacey & ipah are just so freaking hilarious omg??? they truly are the ones who bring chaos & laughter into our gc all the time lmao
and there's dal, making me lose my shit over nsfw content all the time 🫠🫠🫠
you'd have a crush on if you knew them irl — @cupidjyu @hanniluvi @cloverdaisies
hear me out, yumi & soph are literally one of the sweetest ppl you'll ever meet here. every time i interact with them our convo is always just so pure & sweet i love you both loads my cuties 🥰🥰🥰
and clo?? my talented beautiful kween for obvious reasons. 😘💚
you absolutely cannot live without
all of my mutuals!!! 🩵🩵🩵
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mrslatifi · 11 months
Just adding to what the prev anon said, but genuinely thank u sm for having the courage to support Logan with ur super kind words !! I think he really needed that, I hope he knows that there's always going to be someone in his corner cheering him on. Sometimes time I look at Logan Im reminded of when Nicky was in F1 and when I hoped for him to preform well and my heart hurts a bit ahah, I love them both sm :((
Anyways, please continue being you OP!! Your posts are so funny and I always enjoy seeing them pop up in the F1 tags. Istg ur memes are top tier lmao, have a wonderful day/night where ever you are!!
This is so SO sweet, thank you so much!
After he got his first ever points today, I can’t help but hope my encouragement gave him a lil nudge to get there. From him looking me in the eyes and saying he’d push for me, to seeing him finally succeed and get his best ever position to date — it’s been so heartwarming! I know he did that for me, and of course for all of us!
I’m so glad we’re getting to see his spirits and performance be lifted up so much this week. Things are only going up from here! 🥹🥹💙
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whenisawthemoon · 8 months
People i wanna know better tag meme
Oh, thanks for the tag @mikuni14 💕, i'm not used to this but i'll try my best lol sooo:
Last Song:
I've been feeling a little blue lately so i'm soothing my mind with Montell Fish ;;
Favourite Color:
My comfort color is purple with all its shades (💜) but sometimes i like blu and orange... Which, if you think about it, all together make the colors of a sunset;;
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Cureently Watching:
Ok so, lately i've been watching a looot of things:
The Sign (my sweetheart🤍), Cooking Crush, Pete Babe (Pavel is k-wording me with his good acting 💞), Last Twilight (P'Aof better fix things up istg!!!!), Cherry Magic, My Demon (aaand sometimes i keep in check with playyboy and Twins but they're on hold fn)
Cureent Obsessions:
I mean, look at this:
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...aaand The Sign the series, i love this kind of lore tbh 💕
Last thing you googled:
Lemme check:
Tianjin Treaty of 1858 🙄
I'm currently studying "International History of East Asia". Fear and dread are my feelings towards this exam 😭
Selfie or another pic you took
I'm a bit shy to put a selfie here but my catita is not, here she is:
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Ok, i'm not confident to tag people but feel free to do this if you want 💕💕
@recogniseillusionfromreality i'll tag you tho lol ;;
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effervescentdragon · 11 months
Random question but what kind of rodents do you think the current grid would be if they were lizards? Personally I see Carlos as a chinchilla (great hair and sassy expressions), Valtteri as a capybara (chill and everyone loves him), Oscar as a kangaroo rat (not because Australia, because they and he are both babey), etc. What do you think?
I had to google a lot of shit but lets show pictures here and then debate. I also have to add, in spirit of transparency, that I didnt know chichillas and capybaras were rodents.
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Okay i see it it makes sense.
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This one too, all i know is that capybaras are chill and that meme song so i concur.
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I know nothing abt these kangaroo rats so I wil defer to you. I know very little about rodents so after some googling ive come up with these pairings too:
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This fucker is a nutria bcs of one rwason only and thats that where I used to live, someone had a nutria farm which went to hell, so the dude just released them and now theyre everywhere fucking up the ecosystem and scaring poor lil me when I go to drink coffee by the river.
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Its the vibes. Dont ask. Its the vibes for me. He'd be the Ice Age squirrel that fucks everything up bcs of his stupid acorn istg thats most lando coded shit ever.
Anyways tumblr wont let me upload more pics but Esteban is a rat <3
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fl0-bo · 2 years
Hallo, I'm posting this entry like a week late but it's better than nothing tbh. Anyways this is my first weekly music update, i basically just talk about what music i really like from that week. I will be talking about new music i find, my favourite songs, what playlist im listening to the most and show my spotify stats as well😋
This week, due to the announcements related to Melanie Martinez's new album, I have gone back to my roots and have been listening to all of my favourite songs by her. Melanie has been one of my favourite artists for years now, probably since just before k12 came out!! It's really hard to decide on my favourite songs by her since I really like all of them; despite this I have still decided on my favourite song from each album/ep. From crybaby we have 'pacify her'; from k12 it was a bit harder to decide but i'm going to go with 'highschool sweethearts', and lastly from the after school ep we have 'The bakery'. In the last week almost all of my top songs have slowly become melanie, she's just really amazing like that I guess. Anyways i'm super excited for the new album, her new form is really pretty💕
Here is a playlist with all of my favourite melanie martinez songs!!
Some of the other songs seeping into my spotify stats are from a playlist I have called "WHAT IS THIS MELODY ''. This playlist has quite a bit of crystal castles in it. In Fact the overall theme of this playlist is just crystal castles and other songs that I think are kind of similar. I think that my favourite song this week was probably 'Goth' by Sidewalks and skeletons, this song is on the previously mentioned playlist as well!! I just really love how the song sounds, it's a good one to listen to on loop while doing things😊
Other artists I've listened to a lot this week are Lana Del Rey and Glass Animals. I really got into Lana near the middle of last year due to my friend who is a lana stan, and I'm honestly very grateful for it. Lana has so many amazing songs, i just sometimes feel like i'm on another planet listening to them, she managed to place in my top 3 artists during spotify wrapped last year lmao. I don't particularly have a favourite song by her at the moment but i think ultraviolence and art deco may tie with each other. Anyways moving onto glass animals, they have been my favourite band since around 2016. I initially found them through sally face and creepypasta animated memes; 'pork soda' and 'The other side of paradise' , , they really had a chokehold on us all istg. My favourite album by glass animals is probably 'how to be a human being' . Every single song on that album is a masterpiece, I literally cannot dislike any of them if I tried. My favourite song from HTBAHB is probably 'pork soda'; from zaba its 'black mambo'; from dreamland 'space ghost coast to coast', and finally my favourite single is 'golden antlers'🥰
Heres my favourite songs by glass animals!
And heres my favourites from Lana <3
Majority of the music at the top of my stats came from me listening to them on loop for hours at a time and also from exclusively listening to the same playlist for weeks. I haven't actually listened to them in a while. They're just still up there from listening to them so much. Fun fact "miss you" by south star has been in my top 20 for months now, i listened to it 399 times last year and i can't seem to get rid of it from my stats now. Anyways, I am now currently working to get rid of those songs from my stats😭
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weepingflowerbonkcop · 8 months
Hi!! Just saw that you new here (I think? 💀) and I wanted to welcome you!!!
I readed your posts about the slangs and memes with the chain and I honestly cannot stop thinking about it, its literally the funniest shit ever istg NFKSNFJKSMFMSMFMS I truly love your writing!!
I hope you feel welcomed and loved!!! 💚💚💚
Till later my leaf!!! 🍃🍃🍃
Thank you for your kindness!
You're just the sweetest for welcoming me!
I'm glad to hear to like the headcannons, I just had to write about the brain rot I've been having about Linked Universe lately.
I've got more ideas but feel free to ask anything you want, love.
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alyszaen · 1 year
your moots as skz members!
This was so difficult Istg but so FUN!!! I quoted a few people, so if you want me to remove the quotes please let me know!!! I made sure it's nothing personal you told me and only shows off your vibe. Thank you for the game, anon!!
Chan - @j-0ne25 - my parent LISTEN. Tan is a Stayblr NATIVE. When we first became moots I got so excited, because "omg a stayblr giant is my MOOT now". Tan isn't a moot I have chatted with all that much, but the few times we have I got clear chris vibes. They clearly care a ton for other people, trying to help when they can. She has a lot of experience in writing and it shows. All in all it's just Leader vibes. I would gladly follow you through the world!
Lino - @yrhome - my bestie Okay I know this is a surprise. And from the way she texts, you would not think that elle is lino. One day we were talking about haunting people as ghosts (i don't even remember how that started) and elle did not HESITATE to say this: "I'LL HAUNT HYUNJIN FIRST JUST BECAUSE THAT MF WOULD GET SCARED SO EASY" Do you need any more proof????? This bitch is lino. Aint no way ANY other member would say this. Like leave poor hyunne alone mans is AFRAID for his life. I just know if elle realistically were to ever have hyunjin visit her, she would buy an airfryer just to scare him. She is a fucking menace.
Changbin - @strayingawayy - my husband Welcome to the SHO SHO SHO. Lol I'm so funny fr fr Nah but sho is so changbin coded. Like out of all the members, changbin is the most likely to be married to multiple people (felix and hyunjin). And sho, han and I are married. Sho is my husband. My wife. My bestie waifu bro. (lets be honest han would hate us). Nah but the messages scream changbin, as does changbin himself. If sho and I were in a room together we would be L O U D LOUD. If changbin was there, too, it would be over. Chan would hate us. He really would. IDK how else to explain it other than loud. And I don't mean vocally. I mean that too, probs. But just the vibe.
Hyunjin - @boydepartment - my sister Jay is 100% Hyunjin. She not only has his energy level, but also his drama. If Hyunne and JJ ever met, I fear for the world (and whoever is in the same room when they do) because they would probably just spill coffee everywhere. Hyunjin would GAG at what she does with her frozen fruits, but he'd then try it in silence the next day - realizing it's lowkey intelligent. But it's not only the drama, but the sensitivity. My sister is someone who can read the room well, and even if she doesn't particularly like someone, she still shows empathy for them. Also ARTISTS! Jinnie would be OBSESSED with Jays artstyle, honestly.
Han - @stealanity - my me I hope you feel honored that you get MY han spot smh Jokes aside. Matty is so Han. Like okay, I don't even know how to explain it, so I'll just show you guys some quotes. "AJFISJEJE IM SORRY" "YES DONT WORRY i screamed a lot" "HEY OMG???" Like look at these. These are so real. Like same honestly. Actually the more I re-read our dms I'm convinced that Han would be afraid of us lowkey LMAOOOOOO Nah but seriously. Matty can be just as energetic as han. Screaming at me in caps, getting just as excited about things. But she has a way of turning it "professh"? fast. Without matty i wouldn't have gone to music bank. Like ????? I owe her my life basically???
Felix - @gimmeurtmi - my sunshine The second I found out she were a spidey stan, the excitement she showed was IMMENSE. I could feel it through the screen! she is such a lovely person. Lilly is incredibly kind. Whenever we text I feel so warm and comfortable. I just KNOW she has a sunshine smile like felix does. All I want from Lilly is a hug. Like gimme. I know it would be the best of all hugs. Lilly knows the memes. Lilly makes the memes. Lilly would totally have recorded that tiktok. You know the one. The one where felix put his whole felussy into it. Like I know she would have recorded it. She probably would have held the camera for felix. I just see it.
Seungmin - @lino-jagiyaa - my comfort Rin may not believe this themselves, but she has a calmness that I haven't seen anywhere. When we first messaged she matched the vibe immediately, without it feeling forced. They were understanding, relatable but still real and themselves. The way she messages is truly gen-z, but not too much? It's like the way we all know that Seungmin knows how to use his phone like a pro, but he will act all adult about it, like he just LEARNED it and didn't have it all his life. Like bro. But anyways. If Seungmin and Rin were to sit in a room together, it would be the most polite room ever. There would be a couple of conversations, but then both would ask someone else a question and just listen to them, content.
Jeongin - @bbyquokka - my discord emote supplier Okay I know this one is unexpected. Nemu is very internet. Like the way she texts shouts "hey ive known this all my life". Now I know this could go for most of the members, BUT the vibe I get is incredibly innie. She is sweet, kind, calm, but I know she gets excited about things that she cares about. Also her emote game is almost as good as mine so I fear for my status as discord emote queen.
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justsomekpopstuff · 7 months
I was tagged by the wonderful @vesvosmozhno to do this! Apologies, this will get VERY long!
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Who are your favorite groups?
Seventeen / Monsta X / Ateez / Stray Kids / NCT 127 / KARD (I also stan a whole bunch of soloists but I'll leave them out of this!)
When did you discover them?
(lowkey actually had to look this up bc I had no idea its been so long) Seventeen: late 2016-early 2017 (the first comeback I was here for was "Don't Wanna Cry") Monsta X: 2017 Ateez: ...2023 (I was SUPER late to the game I KNOW) Stray Kids: 2017 NCT 127: 2017 KARD: around late 2018? (I knew about them then, and listened lowkey, but I've relatively recent become more of a stan)
Which member sparked your interest?
Seventeen: Joshua (a meme of him and Seungkwan got me in to Seventeen) Monsta X: Wonho (back when he was still with the group) Ateez: Seonghwa (he was the first I could recognize, even before I knew who ateez was, and I was like "hot damn he is BEAUTIFUL") Stray Kids: Felix NCT 127: Jaehyun/Taeyong KARD: I want to say it was Somin
Who was your first bias?
Seventeen: Joshua! (thanks memes, I appreciate you) Monsta X: Changkyun/I.M. Ateez: OT8 because they're beautiful and I am VERY indecisive Stray Kids: Bang Chan NCT 127: Jaehyun/Johnny KARD: Somin
Who is your current bias?
Seventeen: still Shua! Monsta X: still Changkyun/I.M.! Ateez: Seonghwa (I was able to pick but he is on thin ice every day) Stray Kids: still Bang Chan! NCT 127: Yuta KARD: Somin/J.Seph (despite me talking about BM all the time)
Why are they your current bias?
Oh god if I gave the long version for each of these we'd never leave...I could talk about my biases for hours!
Seventeen: the more I have learned about him the more his personality just makes me love him; sweet, kind, gentle, and also the world's biggest heathen - what more could I want? Monsta X: very similar to the above; he had so much talent and charisma, but I saw that he was appreciated so little for it, so I took it upon myself to show him the love he deserves! Another cute, sweet, heathen (who makes d*ck jokes on national television) Ateez: he and I are very similar in a lot of ways, like with our nerdy interests and clean-freak tendencies, and that really endeared me to him a lot; he's also a sweetheart who will also find a way to create chaos when space permits (he's also super fucking hot have you seen him???) Stray Kids: I saw just how much he cared for the rest of the members so early on through the Stray Kids survival show; seeing how much time, effort, dedication, and passion he had for them and for music really made me fall for him (and, he is also a sweet cute heathen) NCT 127: Another case of a member going so deeply underappreciated that I decided that I will be their biggest cheerleader, and the more I learn about him and his devilishly charming personality the more I love him (and another cute, super hot heathen) KARD: literally just bisexual panic. that's the only explanation I have. That and both of them are so talented and have incredible charisma and stage presence that its hard for me to look away!
Who is your bias wrecker?
Seventeen: Wonwoo/Woozi Monsta X: Kihyun Ateez: literally the rest of the group, but mainly Hongjoong/Mingi/Yeosang Stray Kids: Lee Know and Changbin NCT 127: Johnny/Jaehyun/Taeyong KARD: BM/Jiwoo (full group!)
Which members are you currently obsessing over that aren't your bias/bias wrecker?
Seventeen: Cheol and Seungkwan (I am ride or die for them despite neither being on my bias list) Monsta X: Minhyuk and Shownu Ateez: FREAKING JONGHO ISTG Stray Kids: Felix NCT 127: Doyoung and Mark KARD: this is a cheat but BM (big tiddie gang for LIFE)
What are some of your favorite songs by this group?
another one where if I list them all we would never leave...
Seventeen: Pretty U (classic)/ Super / To You / Don Quixote / Left & Right / Fire / Trauma / IDUBILU / Highlight / Habit / Don't Listen In Secret (see what I did, whole groups and then by unit!) Monsta X: Beautiful / Shoot Out / Destroyer / Shine Forever (I like their old stuff, sue me) Ateez: Bouncy / Crazy Form / Eternal Sunshine / Arriba / Silver Light / Wake Up / Halazia / The Real (Heung Version) / Wonderland (Symphony No. 9) / Dreamers Stray Kids: My Pace / Maniac / Case 143 / Gods Menu / Wolfgang / Domino NCT 127: Touch / Fact Check / Angel Eyes / Chain / Simon Says / 0 Mile KARD: Icky (banger) / Bomb Bomb (another banger)
Have you ever been to one of their concerts?
No, I decided to do a dumb thing and get a Master's Degree instead and put myself in crippling student debt...but now that I have a real-person job I'm hoping to see at least one in the future!
I now want to tag (NO PRESSURE!): @vcrnons / @myrockstaryuta / @itstheghostofmypast / @multi-stantrash !
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