#I love me some お茶づけ too!
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don-dake · 3 years ago
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BJ got his favourite meal today! 🍵🍚
*お茶づけ (ochazuke) — tea on rice
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pricechecktranslations · 2 years ago
Chill me
Chill me
今お目覚め 黄昏のアイコニック
Wake up now, iconic of twilight
昨日は昨日でお別れ 別に今日は関係ない
The farewells I had yesterday don’t really have anything to do with today
Got a lingering scent of irritation
うつ伏せで寝るlonely night
A lonely night spent sleeping face down
No matter how many times I do it, I never learn my lesson
I just grit my teeth and dance
Things never go how I plan (I’m cursed)
Getting hurt is just my bread and butter
Sometimes I’ll make an ass of myself
Is god some savage giving me tribulations?
Man, what a life. I’m lost and confused 100% of the time.
Before I know it I’ve got metabolic obesity; oh well, maybe I’ll just take a nap
Reality is out here giving me vertigo again
Even so, I still love tomorrow
Go ahead, keep making me stagger about
お任せあれ Have a wonderful day
Just leave it all to me, have a wonderful day
Dalalalia dalalalia oh-eh
解き放て what a day
Just let it out, what a day
Dalalalia dalalalia oh-eh
In the sunlight filtering through the trees
The weather’s nice now too
Did it rain while I was asleep?
All the stuff that bugged me yesterday just flows right off
That cracked asphalt
Those overgrown weeds
My bike’s passing them all by at an alarming speed
There are people who keep asking for a reason, but you don’t have to stress over it
As long as you like it, that’s reason enough
振り回されないで アタシが良けりゃいい
Don’t get twisted around; as long as I’m good, it’s alright
Reality is out here giving me vertigo again
Even so, I still love tomorrow
Go ahead, keep making me stagger about
お任せあれ Have a wonderful day
Just leave it all to me, have a wonderful day
Dalalalia dalalalia oh-eh
解き放て what a day
Just let it out, what a day
Dalalalia dalalalia oh-eh
In the sunlight filtering through the trees
スーパー食う super cool ぶってやけ食い
Eating supermarket food, chowing down like crazy on “super cool”
Giving myself heartburn
Even my dog’s looking at me funny
後悔はないけど 反省してる
I’ve got no regrets, but I am reflecting on it all
Reality is out here giving me vertigo again
Even so, I still love tomorrow
Go ahead, keep making me stagger about
お任せあれ Have a wonderful day
Just leave it all to me, have a wonderful day
Dalalalia dalalalia oh-eh
解き放て what a day
Just let it out, what a day
Dalalalia dalalalia oh-eh
In the sunlight filtering through the trees
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magicalgirlsandcerulean · 4 years ago
Ep. 10's blog post
This blog post, with Hori's second entrance, is dated 15th June 2021. Spoilers below, as always!
Notes before we begin:
For those of you who didn't check out ep. 9's blog post, see tweet 2 on that for more info about one of the characters of the day.
Due to the unintended delay on this post, I've tried to translate more completely than usual and that caused the release of this post to be postponed by another day...Sorry. Even still, consult the actual post for proper placement of emojis, coloured text etc.
This time, just for efficiency's sake, I skipped a lot of the honorifics because Hori refers to Takara, Tina and Tsumahara as -san. I've only left it in for "Balle-san" (a one-off) and when other people refer to Hori as "Hori-san" (as opposed to when Hori calls himself "Hori" with no honorific).
Also, an advance note that you'll probably want to cry when Hori pulls out the crying kaomoji. (I wanted to cry at two points when he did, at least.)
CR translations were used where I could chase them up.
Post title: バリバリのバリの禁忌其の拾!
The Very Vigorous Taboo No. Ten! [T/N: バリバリのバリ (baribari no bari) has some obvious repetition in Japanese, so I had to try convey that in English as well, even though small!Takara is more "working hard" than "vigorous". The final "bari" is a Hakata dialect thing - we already know Hori is from Fukuoka, so that fits. I had to translate the title because this phrase appears later on.]
Everyone, thank you for taking care of me. Fairy蘭丸〜あなたの心お助けします〜で雅楽代 寶 を演じております、堀 曜宏と申します。
I am called Akihiro Hori, who voices Takara Utashiro in Fairy Ranmaru ~We Will Help Your Heart~. 又の名をジャガイモ堀堀です、本日は何卒よろしくお願いします。
Also known as "Potato Digging Hori", please kindly take care of me today. [T/N: "Potato digging" = jagaimo hori, so "potato digging Hori" = jagaimo hori Hori. It also makes reference to the ep. where the kids dug up potatoes.] 禁忌其の拾『快楽』熱かったですね!!!
Episode 10, "Hedonism", was passionate, wasn't it?!!! 今回は寶さんの二回目のお当番回ということで、本編を見返しながら楽しめるような感想を主観ですが、勢いと共に書かせて頂きたいと思います。
This time was Takara's second focus episode. Although we see [elements] that recur from the original story [ep. 5], the impressions we are able to enjoy are subjective and so I will write with fervour. 開幕は女王チームとの密談からSTART!!
We START by opening the curtain on the queen team's private talk!! [T/N: "Queen team" = Queen + Houjou (+ sloth).] シリウスについて女王からせっつかれている寶さん。
The Queen is pestering Takara about Sirius. 座長…誰の台詞が麩菓子じゃい!!!!
Leader...whose lines are fugashi!!!! [T/N: Fugashi are a type of Japanese sweet. There are sweet potato fugashi, so I assume this is either a typo or a pun on a similar word. If it's a pun, the word is likely to be おかしい (strange, suspicious, unbecoming).] [T/N 2: The line below suggests "leader" (zachou) = Ranmaru, so this sentence would be referring to Sakata.] でも生配信で話している時の堀からは想像できないと思いますが…実は普段の堀は、どうやら寶さんの女王様に対する話し方くらいのらりくらりでみんなと通話しているらしく、このシーンをみんなで見てる時、ざちょ「堀さんだ」草「堀さんだねぇ」なんて言われながらみんなに笑われておりました。
However, while the stream was happening, I couldn't imagine this, but...to tell the truth, the way I usually speak to everyone is like Takara's non-committal way of speaking to the Queen, so when everyone saw this scene, the leader [Sakata] went, "That's Hori-san," and Kusano went, "That's Hori-san, isn't it?" without saying anything and so everyone laughed. 電話が切れた後の豊穣さんと女王の会話から、寶さんのお父上が夭聖界にとって如何に大事な存在だったかがわかります。
After the call was cut, we learn how important Takara's father is in the fairy world from Houjou and the Queen's conversation. そんな豊穣さんからの厚い信頼に応えるように、どこかのお姉さんへお誘いをかける寶さん…
While proving worthy of Houjou's kind confidence, Takara is asking a girl out somewhere... お相手の名前、ayakoさんって面白い名前だなぁと思ってたら、堀気づいちゃいました。[T/N: The source text, as you can see when you pause the ep. at the right time, is meant to say "[at sign]yako", but the at sign was tripping the "mention a user" function in Tumblr, so I had to swap it out with a lowercase A where it appears in this post.]
His partner's name is "ayako", which I thought was an amusing name. これ、あやこって読むんですね!!!(アハ体験)
This is read "Ayako", isn't it?!!! (a-ha moment) そしてはい、きました、 バリバリのバリのショタカラさん!!!!(人間体)
Also, we got to see him, the very vigorous sho-Takara!!!! (human form) [T/N: Literally "we got to see him" was "[he] came", LOL.] [T/N 2: Sho-Takara = shota (prepubescent boy) + Takara.] あまりの可愛さにコメントも騒然としましたね。
There was an uproar in the comments that he's excessively cute. 回想シーンでは��前も登場した、弁護士さんと寶さんの関係も明らかになりました。
The relationship between the lawyer, who's appeared before this flashback scene, and Takara is also made clear. 弁護士さんも元夭聖、しかも寶さんのお父上とただならぬ関係だったみたいです。
The lawyer was also from the fairy world and had a strong relationship with Takara's father. 幼い寶さんは弁護士さんからどんな風に人間界の生き方を仕込まれたんでしょうか…
What sort of way of living in the human world did the very young Takara learn from the lawyer...? 半裸シーツで肌に傷をおった姿のショタカラさんが、窓の外を見上げながら「いつかきっと… 」と呟く様子にその壮絶さを感じます。
The half-naked and wounded sho-Takara, looking out the window and whispering, "Someday, surely..." [gives off a] heroic feeling. [T/N: I couldn't use the CR quote for this because that's translated more in context, as just "someday".] 寶さんのエセ関西弁は、この弁護士さんに仕込まれた影響だったんですね。
Takara's fake Kansai accent is acquired from the lawyer's. そして現代に戻ったと思ったら、 飛んで火にいる子猫ちゅわん!
Also, when we think we've returned to the present, a kitten jumps into the flame! [T/N: This translation builds off the CR version of the line, "Like a kitten to the flame!"] 今回の依頼人、ティナさんの登場です!!
This time's client, Tina, appears!! 「ちょっと何言ってるかわからないんだけど!」
"Oh, please! That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard!" 寶さんこの時のっけから飛ばしまくっていたので、堀はこの台詞がツボに入って笑いを堪えるのが大変でした。
Takara, at that time, couldn't help but send her flying from the beginning and it was difficult for me because I was trying not to laugh - there was "tsubo" in my lines. あいも変わらずスマートに名刺を渡すも、「世界で一番惚れてる男のところに連れてって!」とピシャリ。
Even after [Takara was] as smooth as ever and [handed] over the business card, she refused with "Take me to the man I love most!" [T/N: The word for "smooth" here is literally "smart", but "smart" doesn't seem to have the right connotations.] …どうやら今回の依頼人も、一筋縄ではいかないみたいです。
...apparently, this time's client seems very straightforward. 『快楽』チリリリン
"Hedonism" *ring ring ring* 寶さんはティナさんをお子さんのお迎えに連れて行き、そのまま2人を仕事場へと送り届けます。
Takara brought Tina to her child and, without a pause, brought those two to [Tina's] workplace. 仕事場ではみんなでティナさんのお子さんをあやしていたり、同僚の方のティナさんのダンスへの信頼に、思わずいい職場だなぁと感心する堀でしたが。。。
At the workplace, everyone comforted Tina's child and Tina's colleagues had confidence in her dance, so I admired, without thinking, how good of a workplace it was... そこに現れる父親、妻原さんですよ!!!!!(フンヌー‼︎)
Then the husband, Tsumahara, appeared!!!!! (Barbarian!!) [T/N: There is no confirmed reading of this name, so it might be "Tsumabara".] 前回のうるう回の久二さんも相当でしたが…勝るとも劣らない圧倒的なそれ…っ!!
He's equivalent to last time's (Uruu's episode's) Kyuji...but [Kyuji] overwhelmingly compares favourably to that guy...!! お子さんの顔も見ずにお金をせびるのみならず、ティナさんの一張羅のコートまで…!!
Not only does he demand money without seeing his child's face, but he also goes as far as taking Tina's one good coat...!! ちょっと申し訳なさそうにして受け取るのがまた、なんかもう…っ!!
The fact he looks a little apologetic as he receives it is just...!! だのにティナさんは、頑張って稼がなきゃって…″家族″のためにって(′つω;`)
Despite this, Tina must try her hardest to make money...for her "family". (′つω;`) その言葉は、お子さんに対してだけじゃなくて…うわぁああああ!!!
Those word aren't just for her family...uwaaaaa!!! 次のカットで妻原さんは貰ったそのお金をギャンブルに突っ込んでました(遠い目)
In the next cut, Tsumahara pushes the money he received into gambling. (distant eyes) この時の寶さんのモテポイント、 「姉さん、そろそろ出番でっせ」は何も見なかったように落ち着いて投げてあげて、 それでも見られたくない所を見られちゃった、というニュアンスが返ってきたら 「こういうことする俺、格好ええやろ?」と冗談まじりに茶化しながら優しさを渡す。
This is the time Takara is popular. He says, "Dearie? I think you're on." He calms down and gives up as if he never saw anything, but even still, after he returned [from seeing her exchange with Tsumahara] with a nuance of "he saw what he did not want to see", he would joke gently, "Aren't I cool for doing this sort of thing?" and poke fun at himself. この機微がモテる大人のテクニックなんですよ…!!
This subtlety is a technique popular with adults...!! 見てくださってる男性の皆さんにも是非取り入れていただきたい…なぁみんな!!?
Any men watching should certainly take in this [advice]...yeah, everyone?!! 堀は後十年は修行させてください(′・ω・`)
Please train me [in the art of love] for another 10 years. (′・ω・`) はい、一方BAR Fは今日もカレーです。
Yes, at the same time, there's curry at Bar F today too. 前回のラストが熱い…!展開だっただけに、皆さんあれからどうなったのか、眠れない夜を過ごされていたと思います。
The conclusion last time was intense...! I'm sure everyone had a sleepless night wondering what happened after that development. 何気なく水をうるうくんに渡す焔くん 、 何気なく焔くんを気遣ううるうくん、 照れながらも返事をする焔くん、 嬉しそうな蘭丸樹果バックン。
Homura, who's casually giving water to Uruu,
Uruu, who worries about Homura,
Homura, who blushes while responding,
Ranmaru, Juka and Bakkun, who seem happy. てぇてぇが過ぎてぇ堀は平身低頭(てぇとう)ですありがてぇ…ありがてぇてぇ!!!!
They're excessively precious and I was prostrating myself, thanking them...thanks, precious!!!! [T/N: Hori slurs several of his words in this sentence, typically てぇてぇ = toutoi (precious/noble), 平身低頭 = heishin teitou (prostrating oneself) and ありがてぇ = arigatou (thank you). He then combines てぇてぇ and ありがてぇ, hence "precious".] それから所変わってお出掛け中の寶さん、 いつも通りキスのおねだりを茶化しながら交わしていきます。
Then, in the meantime, Takara was out, as always, begging for kisses and teasing a woman. 聞こえないくらいの声で憂うように、「わいが欲しいのは、なんやろなぁ」とポツリ。
In a voice that can barely be heard, he mumbles, "I don't know what I want..." この台詞は後の展開にも効いてくる凄く大事な台詞なんですが…。
This line is very important in terms of later developments... コメントで「(カレーには)ナンやろなぁ…」って書いた人怒らないから正直に言いなさい(ピキピキ)
In the comments, there was a person who wrote, "I don't know what (curry) I want..." - please say who you are, I won't be mad *veins snap* Aパートおしまい!
That's the end of the A part! ブログでもCM入ります!情報いっぱいだよ!
This is a blog, but I'll still insert ads! There's a lot of info! ・山野ホールでライブします!(9/18だよ!)
- The live show at Noyama Hall! (On the 18th of September!) ・特典盛り沢山のBD、DVD発売します!(第1巻は6/16発売!)
- The BD/DVD is being sold, with lots of bonuses! (1st BD/DVD sold on the 16th of June!) ・キャラソンアルバムHEAVENS DOOR発売します!(同じく6/16、遂に艶歌が全部聞けるよ!)
- The character song album HEAVEN'S DOOR is being sold! (On the same day [as the BD/DVD], the 16th of June, so you can finally hear the whole enka!) てつえーさん「Nice Pole Dance…ダンスダンス」(ええ声エコー)
Tetsuei [Sumiya]: "Nice pole dance...(dance dance)" (nice voice echo) Bパートいきます!!
To the B part!! 開幕ティナさんのキラキラポールダンスからスタート!!
The curtain opens on Tina, who starts with a sparkling pole dance!! お子さんを膝に乗せて馴染んでいる寶さん。
The child, who's on the lap of and [now] accustomed to Takara. お子さんのママ~!の声、可愛いですねぇ(´,,・Д・,,`)
The child's cry of "Mama~!" was cute, wasn't it? (´,,・Д・,,`) やはり彼のためにも、家族の為にも頑張るというティナさん。
Of course, Tina will try hard for his sake, for the family's sake. 自身の生い立ちから、家族という存在をいかに大事にしているかが伺えます。
From his own background, we can see how much he values the existence of his family. 5話の寶回の時の依頼人の恵夢さんもやはり家族のために身を粉にして働いていましたし、今回のティナさんも…。
From episode 5's Takara episode, the client, Emu, also worked assiduously for her family, so this time's Tina also... 寶さんにも金鋼族の復興のため、寶さんのため、痩せ細った体で自分の食べるものすら譲ってくれたお母さんという存在がいたからこそ、家族のために自分を犠牲にし���頑張る方に複雑な思いを抱いてしまうのでは無いでしょうか。
In order for Takara to revive the Metallum Clan, for Takara's sake, Takara's mother even gave over her own food and it is precisely because of that that she became a victim of trying hard for the sake of her family and that's why Takara has such complicated emotions, is it not? しかも今回はその″家族″が不義を行っているなんて…。
Moreover, this time, this time's "family" is unjust... そしてそして!!!!!
Also, also!!!!! お待たせしました!銭湯ノルマ達成ですありがとうございます!!
Thanks for waiting! Thanks for fulfilling the bath quota!! この時流れてきた「みんなストローは持ったかァ!!」ってコメント、爆笑しました。
At this time, the comment that came about was "Everyone's holding straws!!" and so there was uproarious laughter. [T/N: It's not clear if there's just one person laughing or many, hence the intentional vagueness.] ですが今回の銭湯の中身はすっごくシリウス…じゃなかったシリアス。
However, this time's bath [scene] is amazingly serious...not (Sirius). [T/N: Hori inserts Sirius's name at the end of the sentence as a pun on "serious", so if it seemed like the translation said "serious, not serious", I did my job.] みんなの顔を眺めながら、豊穣さんと交わした特命の話を回想していきます。
After we gaze at everyone's faces, we go to a flashback scene where [Takara is] given his directive from Houjou. その中には女王に内密の話まで…そんな重たいものを背負いながら、寶さんはみんなに毎日カレーを作っていたんですね。
In that it's to the point it's kept a secret from the Queen...Takara makes curry for everyone everyday while burdened with those heavy things, huh? でも、これまで毎日みんなでカレーを食べて、銭湯に入って、愛著を集めて、日々を過ごして。
However, until now, every day everyone's eaten their curry, gone to the bath, gathered attachment and spent their days [together].
As family, when spending time together and looking around at everyone's faces, Takara's face is full of affection. この時の「楽しい時間は長く続きまへんな」という台詞。
At this time, there is the line: "The fun times never last, do they?" 寶さんのみならず、堀自身もF蘭の最終回の近さを意識しておりましたので、言葉にした時に込み上げるものがありました。
Not only Takara, but I personally realised F-Ran's final episode is near and so, while I'm bad at putting this into words, [emotions] welled up inside me. そして明らかになる妻原さんの別の家族の存在。
Then, it becomes clear Tsumahara has a different family. ティナさんと妻原さんの会話が始まります。
Tina starts a conversation with Tsumahara. もうここの妻原さんのクズっぷりが真骨頂!!!
Already, the Tsumahara from this [point in] time's true worth is basically scum!!! ティナさんがあまりにもあまりにも可哀想で…
Tina is really, really unfortunate... 「お前も俺を見捨てるんだな!!」
"So, you're abandoning me too!!" あんた、別のところでも同じようなことしとったんか…?
Aren't you the same, even though it's from a different perspective...? 絶望のあまり、倒されたゴミ袋の上で笑うしかなくなってしまうティナさん。
Without much remorse, Tina has no choice as she's left collapsed on the rubbish bags and Tsumahara laughs. そこに夭聖は現れるんです…!!
Then, the fairies appear...!! 「美人さん、お持ち帰りしてええか?」
"Lovely lady, might I walk you home?" ほんと、全人類言ってみたい台詞トップ5にランクインする台詞です…!!
Really, that's going to rank in the top 5 lines that all of humanity wants to be said to them...!! チャイルドシートを携えたいつもの車でティナさんの話を聞く寶さん。
Takara listens to the story of Tina, who's always carrying a child seat around with her. 「わかってた、利用されてるだけって」
"I knew...some part of me knew he was just using me." 「なのに、あいつがポケットに手を入れた時にさ、指輪かなって思ったんだよね」
"But when he reached into his pocket, I honestly thought it might be a ring." 「笑顔で溢れるあったかい家庭、作りたかったの」
"I wanted to create a happy family, full of smiles..." この台詞が悲痛過ぎて…。
These lines are too sorrowful... 堀は最初、思わず拳を握りしめて返す台詞をかけてしまいました。
I, at first, clenched my fists without thinking at these lines. ですがこの時、製作陣から、何より真摯に優しさを向けてあげて。
However, this time, I felt sincerely affectionate for this cobbled-together group. 頑張っている人は報われるんだよ。ってティナに伝えて欲しい、というディレクションを頂いて。
I received the direction that I should convey to Tina, "Hard work will be rewarded!" このシーンの台詞は寶さん自身の言葉で、その思いが乗らなきゃダメなんだと何度もトライさせていただきました。
This scene's dialogue is in Takara's own words and I had to try repeatedly to convey his thoughts on it. 「あなたの心、頂けますか?」 から大自然の流れでジャ…変身の時間だぁーーー!!!!!
After "Could I take your heart?", the scene changes and...it's transformation time---!!!!! 思わずナイスバルク!と声をかけたくなる惚れ惚れする筋肉。
Without thinking, I was charmed by [Takara's] muscles and wanted to call out, "Nice bulk!" 画面いっぱいに広がる肉体美と拳、地面をぶっ壊しながらあげる名乗り。
The physical beauty of his body and fists filled the screen, he broke the ground and called out his name. 格好よさが臨界点突破して美しいに昇華しとるんですよ!!!!!!!
His coolness has broken through the critical point and sublimated itself into beauty!!!!!!! 妻原さんはティナさんとあんな会話をした後だというのに、 魂が昂りながら「夢も愛もどうでもいい」なんて曰いながらギャンブルに興じていらっしゃいますねぇ…。
Tsumahara, even after he had that conversation with Tina, happily spends his days gambling, arousing his spirit as he says, "What do dreams and love matter?" バレさん、技を借りるぜ…!!
Balle-san, I'll borrow a technique of yours...!! ふざけんにょ!!!!!
Stop screwing around!!!!! [T/N: reference to Balle-san's ep. 9 post] そして始まる艶歌、五話もそうでしたが、歌詞が今回の話とのリンクして、絵の美しさも合間って没入してしまいます。
Then the enka begins - it was in ep. 5 as well but the lyrics are linked to this episode and I was immersed in the beauty of the visuals for a moment. 早くフルで聴いてほしい!!!皆様、是非HEAVENS DOORを!「愛の勘定」も勿論ですが、みんなの艶歌をフルで聴けばストーリーとのリンクが増して、よりグッと来るはずです!!!
I want you to hurry and listen to the full version!!!! Everyone, please listen to HEAVEN'S DOOR! There's "Payment of Love" of course, but if you listen to everyone's full enka, you'll [be able to make] links with the story and it will hit you in the feels!!! 艶歌が終わり、ドアが開けば今回のヘブンズ空間はまるで屏風の中に入ったかのような和風の世界。
After the enka ends, the door opens to this time's Heaven's Room, which is a Japanese-style world quite like that on a folding screen. そこに雷神と雷神を模したかのような敵が現れます。
Then, enemies that look like the well-known thunder god and a thunder god's imitation appear. [T/N: referring to Raijin] 毎回のことですが、ヘブンズ空間も本当に趣向を凝らしてあって…ど緊張のバトルシーンのはずなのに、思わず堀の魂も昂ってしまいます…!!!
It happens every time, but these Heaven's Rooms are really ingenious...there should've been a hugely nerve-wracking battle scene, but without thinking, my spirit was unintentionally aroused...!!! なんと今回の鍵穴にはティナさんとお子さんの2人が!
What? This time Tina and her child are both behind the keyhole! なぜわかったノルマに愛らしい声が混ざる日が来るとは。
I never thought I'd see the day where a charming voice would be mixed in with the "What? I got it!" quota. そしてもう一方の鍵穴からは妻原さんの極悪な声が…
Also, in the other keyhole is Tsumahara's heinous voice... 「人はなあ!快楽には勝てねぇんだよ!」 「酒!タバコ!セッッッ!!薬物!!特にギャンブルはなぁ!!」
"A person can't conquer their hedonistic tendencies! The pleasures of drinking! Smoking! Sex! Drugs! And gambling especially!!" [T/N: Hori censors the word "sex" by "stuttering" over the final syllable but CR doesn't, so I've sided with the latter.] 座長が現場で ��ッキリ言ったぁーーー!!!ってツッコんでたのを覚えていますw
"The leader put it clearly at the time--!!!" I remember joking. ですが、言葉のパワーはもうネタの領域を超えた、狂気の世界のそれです。
However, that is a mad world where the power of words is beyond the realm of stories. その言葉に促されるように敵から酒の玉攻撃が、 そしてもう一方の敵からはヤニの煙の攻撃が。
With those urging words, the enemies send bubbles of alcohol and then from the other side comes a tobacco smoke attack. この時のうめき声のディレクションは、堀くん今○○kgの重りが乗ってるよ!! と言われながら、体にそれに合わせた負荷をかけるように声を出していました。次の日筋肉痛になりました。
At this time, when the direction, "Groan and pretend you have a __ kg weight on you!!" was given, as I shouted, it was like a corresponding load was being added. The next day my muscles hurt. なんとか持ち堪えた寶さんですが、 「なら、これならどうかしら…」 その言葉と共に現れる寶さんのお母さんの幻想。
Takara's able to hold out somehow, but then an illusion of Takara's mother appears with the words, "Well, what will you do?" 前回もうるうくんのお母さんと焔くんのお父さんが現れましたが、まさか今回は寶さんのお母さんが…。
Last time, Uruu's mother and Homura's father appeared, so surely this time Takara's mother... しかもこんな形で痩せ細っていないお母さんの姿を見ることになるなんて…!
Furthermore, to see his not-so-skinny mother in this form...! あの優しかった声で、こちらに攻撃をかけてきます。
This is the attack that's given with that gentle voice. 押し倒されて首をしめられる寶さん。
Takara is being held down and strangled [by his mother's illusion]. この時の台詞の色気も相まって、まるで2人が繋がっているような…
Coupled with the sexiness of the dialogue at this point, it's as if the two are connected... 更に畳み掛けるようにチェリーの入ったグラスから液体を口に含み、そのマッマ寶さんの口に流し込みます。
Furthermore, as if pressing for answers, Takara's mother uses her mouth to pour liquid into Takara's mouth, from a glass with a cherry in it. 苦しさのあまり悶絶絶叫する寶さん、これは先の妻原さんの「酒、タバコ、セッッッッ、そして薬物」それらの快楽を暗喩しているのでしょうか。
Is Takara, who's about to scream and faint in agony, [being subjected to] metaphors for hedonism Tsumahara was mentioning earlier? そしてシリウスの登場です。
Also, Sirius appears. す○ざんまいのポーズって言うのやめーや!!!
Stop doing the Su___zanmai pose!!! [T/N: referring to the dude who stands with his hands outstretched from Sushizanmai] しかし今回の句には堀は思わず確かに…と頷いてしまいました。
However, this time I couldn't help but nod and say, "Indeed..." 人は何故ほんの刹那の快楽のために沢山のものを犠牲にしてしまうのか…
Why do we sacrifice so much for a fleeting moment of pleasure? むしろ刹那だからこそ、それを追い求めてしまうのかもしれませんね(哲学)
Rather, it's because it's momentary that we chase it and seek it out? (philosophising) 苦しみながらも、「俺が欲しいものはこんなんじゃない」と懸命に耐える寶。
Even in agony, Takara eagerly bears it [and says], "This isn't what I want." しかしそれも、「あなたが欲しいのは、母親からの豊満な愛情でしょう?」と、肥大化した幻想に押しつぶされる寶さん。
However, in addition to that, the illusion becomes fat [with the words], "What you want is the full-bodied love of your mother!" ニコニコのタグにもありましたが、確かに快楽要素全部乗せプレスは重い、重すぎます。
As the tag on Nico Nico said, it is true that all the hedonistic elements being pressed are heavy, far too heavy, イきかける寶さんですがなんとか力を振り絞り、幻想を押しのけます。
Takara is about to have the life choked out of him, but he comes to his senses and pushes the illusion away. しかしそれが最後の力だったのか、体が動かず追撃をかわせそうにありません…!
However, that was the last of his strength and so he's not able to move...! これで終わりか…と思ったその瞬間ですよ!!!!!
This was the moment...I thought it was the end!!!!! 最高に勇ましい掛け声と共に焔が敵の攻撃から寶を守ります!!
With a shout, Homura, who's the best and heroic, comes and protects Takara from attack!! そのまま蘭丸とうるうが雷神と風神を倒し、樹果が 「オン・アユス・ヴァルタ!」の掛け声とともにペロキャンを振って寶さんを回復してくれます。
Similarly, Ranmaru and Uruu bring down the thunder gods and, with his tongue stuck out and his lollipop, Juka yells, "On ayus valta!" to heal Takara. ここ、さいっっっっっこうに熱かったです!!!!!
This was the most intensssssssssssssse [moment]!!!!! 寶のピンチに駆けつけるファミリー達、初めての全員集合、初めての共闘!!!
This is the first time they've [run to Takara's aid and] fought as a family when Takara was in a pinch!!! 台本を読ませてもらった時は、遂にきたか…!くらいの興奮だったんですが、 現場でこのシーンを録った時、こーすけの「はぁあああああ!!」って勇ましい声が聞こえてきた瞬間、鳥肌がブワァーって!体がカァーッて!熱くなったことを���く覚えています。
When reading the script, I was exhilarated to the point of going, "Finally, they came!" and now that this scene is recorded, I strongly remember the moment Kohsuke [Tanabe] valiantly can be heard going, "Haaaaaaaaaaa!!" I got goosebumps from the passion. 蘭丸とうるうの声も頼もしくて、樹果のたからぁ~!って呼び声に癒されて。
Trustworthy Ranmaru and Uruu, and Juka healing Takara by calling out his name. こんなに頼もしい仲間達が揃って、負けるわけがないですよ!!!!
With trustworthy friends like these, you won't lose!!!! この後の飛び上がるシーンも、月を殴りつけるシーンも、高まったボルテージを思いっきりぶつけさせて頂きました!
After this is the flying scene, the moon-breaking scene and I was able to use my heightened [emotions] to the fullest! [T/N: Hori calls his heightened emotions "voltage".] そしてGO TO HEAVEN!!!!!
Then, GO TO HEAVEN!!!!! 「またすっからかんかよぉ~!」なんて言いながら、トドメを刺された時の勢いで手持ちをオールインしてしまう妻原さん。
Tsumahara, for some reason, said, "I'm broke again?!" as he's finished off while playing everything he has with an all-in due to his leftover momentum. [T/N: the all-in in poker] ティナさんの「寶さん、あなたと結ばれたかった…」
Tina: "Takara...I wish we could've been together." 依頼人からこんなに純粋に好意を向けられるなんて…寶さんも罪な人ね。
The client has this kind of pure affection [for him]...Takara's also a wrongdoer, isn't he? ですがそれは叶わない、ティナさんもわかっているからこその過去形なのでしょうか…。
However, that can't be granted, since Tina understanding him is now past tense, isn't it...? こんなにも切ないワンシーンなのに、もう1人の堀が「あなたと結バレッタ裕…」って囁いてきてもうダメです(現在朝4時)
In this one heartrending scene, too, another Hori whispers to me, "You and Yutaka Balletta ..." but it's already no good (currently 4 in the morning)
Everything's wrapped up so everyone calls out to Takara. なんだよお前ら、ちくしょー、まじで、お前ら…(′つω;`)
What the hell, everyone, damn, really, you guys... (′つω;`) しかもうるうくん、「僕たちは、ファミリーなのだから」それってさ、焔くんのことも、みんなのことも引っくるめて″ファミリー″なんだよね…?
Yet, Uruu goes, "We're family, in case you've forgotten." That means Homura and everyone are 'family', huh...? 万感の思いを込めて「サンキュ」と一言だけ返す寶さん。
Takara returns that with a single word full of emotions: "Thank you." 寶さん、あなたの欲しかったものって、きっと…
Takara, what you really want is certainly... そして後方家族面の蘭丸、その視���の先には様子を見ていたチルカが…。
Then, from behind Ranmaru, Chilka, who was watching him out of the corner of his eye... かつて愛していると言っていた蘭丸に対して、「Go to Hell!!地獄に落としてやる!」と言い残してその場を去ります。
As opposed to [when] he said he loved Ranmaru in the past, he leaves as he [yells], "Go to hell!!" …何故和訳してくれたんだ…。そこに不穏な空気が残ります。
Why did this Japanese translation come up? This left a disquieting atmosphere. [T/N: Hori translates "Go to hell!" (ENG) as "Fall into hell!" (JPN).] 豊穣さんの「いいファミリーになりましたな」
Houjou: "They've become a fine family indeed." この一言、嬉しかったなぁ。
I was happy with this one brief comment.
第一話の時、「君たちは今からファミリーだ」 なんて言われて戸惑っていた5人ですが、今では声を大にしてファミリー蘭丸って叫べます。
In episode 1, he says, "From now on, you are family," leaving the 5 of them bewildered, but now they can yell about how they're "family Ranmaru". いや、ファミリー蘭丸ではないけどね!?山本さんのプリティミス(伏線)だけどね!?笑
No, not "family Ranmaru"?! Is this a pretty mistake from Yamamoto (foreshadowing)?! (LOL) [T/N: This is referring to Bakkun's VA Kazutomi Yamamoto. Also, yes, it does say "pretty mistake", but it's likely to be "printing mistake".] そんな中改めて十訓を厳守させよと戒める女王。
In that [part], the Queen once again demands rigid adherence of the 10 Laws. あのような過ちとは…過去の因縁はまだ根が深そうです。
A mistake like that... it seems that past fates are still deep-rooted. そしてここからが怒涛の展開ですよ皆さん。
Then, everyone, the surge in developments [happens] from here. なんとあのシルク・ドゥ・マーズから合格通知が届いたティナさん!
Tina's somehow received a notification of acceptance into Cirque de Mars! 相当頑張ってきた努力が遂に実って、ニューヨークから熱いラブコールをかけられています。
The hard work she put in has finally pulled off and she's receiving passionate calls from New York. 喜んでいたのも束の間、そこに現れたのはなんと妻原さん!!?
It was a short moment that she could be happy, and then, who would arrive but Tsumahara?!! あんたって人は、懲りずにまだティナさんに…と持ったらなんと勝ちすぎちまったから命を狙われている!?
He's still trying to teach Tina a lesson, but...he won too much and they're gonna kill him?!
それもしかして、GO TO HEAVENされた時のオールインで…!?
On top of that, what about the all-in from the GO TO HEAVEN...?! すっからかんかよォー!!じゃなかったのかよォー!!
He's not broke anymore?!! 費用も全て持つから連れて行ってくれ、なんて、うーん、ティナさんとしては助かるけど…。
He'll come along, pay for everything and, yeah, sorta help Tina out...? まぁ、イケメンだからいっか……よくないわい!!!!
Well, he's handsome...but no!!!! [T/N: reference to ep. 5] 改心して今度こそ家族になるのか、それともニューヨークでまた悶着を起こすのかはわかりませんが、なんにせよティナさんとお子さんの先行きが明るくて良かったです。
I don't know if the family has reformed properly or if they're going to New York to quarrel again, but Tina and her child's future is bright. その様子を微笑ましく見ていた寶さんの元に、一本の電話が。
After seeing the smiling child's face, he receives a call. シリウスの事を伝えていた弁護士さんから、大変なことがわかったぞ、と。
The lawyer uncovered some [information] about Sirius and it's something unbelievable. 女王の過去や!と言いながら見せた一枚の写真には…、 あ、あ、あ、あ、あアイドルユニットぉ!!?
"...the Queen's past!" he says as we're shown a photo of an...i-i-i-i-i-idol unit?!! かつて一大ブームを巻き起こした、ウィンタートライアングル。
Winter Tri-angels, who created a sensational big boom in the past. シリウス!?ベテルギウス!!?プロキオン…?
Sirius?! Betelgeuse?!! Procyon...? シリウスとベテルギウスは恐らく…でも姿が…!?
Sirius and Betelgeuse are probably...but that form is...?! そして女王の過去というのは、この写真とどう関係してくるのでしょうか…。
Also, what does the Queen's past have to do with this picture...? 女王の過去や、チルカと蘭丸の確執、夭聖界のことや、寶さんの言っていたもう一山、更にここに来てまた新しい謎が…!!!
The Queen's past, Chilka and Ranmaru's antagonism, the fairy world, all the stuff Takara said - on top of that, another mystery...!!! 本編もいよいよクライマックスに向けて、盛り上がりが止まるところを知りません。
At last, we're approaching the climax of the main story and I don't know if [the tension] will stop rising.
Finally, there's two episodes to go, so let's get really excited until the end! Fairy蘭丸~あなたの心お助けします~ 次回『憎悪』もお見逃しなく!!というわけで、禁忌其の拾『快楽』堀の感想ここまでとなります。
Don't miss the next episode of Fairy Ranmaru ~We Will Help Your Heart~, "Hatred"!! That's it for my impressions on Taboo No. 10, "Hedonism". ここまで長い文章に付き合って頂き、ありがとうございました!!
Thanks for keeping me company [as I write] these long sentences!! 余談なんですが、大体メインキャストは一緒に��るんですが、この回の収録は実は堀が1人ブースに籠って先に録られた皆様の声を聴きながら台詞を当てておりました。
As a side note, usually the main cast would record together, but this time, I was alone in the booth, listening to the voices of those who recorded before as I added my lines. 収録が終わってからブースのドアを開けて、 誰もいないだろうなぁ、と思ってフッと休憩スペースを見たら、 なんと5 to HEAVENのみんなが残ってくれてて、映像が流れるディスプレイをずっと見守ってくれてて、 こっちを向いて堀さんお疲れ!とか、メッチャ汗だくじゃん!とか笑いながら言ってくれて。
When I finished recording and opened the booth, I looked at the rest area, thinking no one was there. Surprisingly, everyone from 5 to HEAVEN was there, watching over a video display. They turned to me and said things like, "Good work, Hori-san!" and "You're so sweaty!" so I laughed while I talked. その瞬間、堀の頭の中に寶さんのサンキュ。のシーンがリフレインして、 なんかしどろもどろになるくらい嬉しかったです。きっとあの瞬間は忘れられないです。
In that moment, the scene where Takara says, "Thank you," played again in my head and although I was [in a state of] confusion, I was happy. I will surely not forget that moment. はい、余談終わり!笑
Yes, I'm done with my side note! (LOL) 話が進むにつれて、SNSで#F蘭丸であげてくださってる実況や感想、ファンアートや、写真など、盛り上がっているのを実感しております。
To continue the conversation, use #F蘭丸 on your real-time impressions, fanart, photos etc., which will give a real feeling to your excitement. そしてそれを見ている時、堀はスマホを握りしめるくらい嬉しくなります。
Also, when I see those, I become so happy, I grasp my phone tightly. いつもF蘭を応援して下さり本当にありがとうございます。皆さんの声が僕らの力になります!
As always, really, thank you for supporting F-Ran. Everyone's voices will be my strength! 引き続きFairy蘭丸を応援の程、何卒よろしくお願いいたします!!!
Please kindly take care of me as you continue to support Fairy Ranmaru!!! このブログ書くの頑張ったからな!
I tried my best with this blog [post]! 読んでくれてメチャクチャ嬉しかったからな!
Thanks a lot for reading! 雅楽代 た~から!役の堀曜宏でした!
This has been Akihiro Hori! who plays the role of Ta~kara Utashiro! スネークバァーイ!🐍
Snake-bye!🐍 [T/N: "Snakebite Hori" joke.] ワイの魅力、皆にも伝わったかな~?
Takara: Did I convey my appeal to everyone~?
Update: Fixed the note regarding "Yamamoto". Thanks, @blankie-greenie-anon.
Update 2: Missed a sentence, improved a sentence and fixed some pronouns and other minor things.
Update 3: Improved a sentence.
9 notes · View notes
gyakutengagotoku · 4 years ago
GS4 vs AJ:AA - Episode 2, Part 4
I don’t want to start every one of these posts with an apology about being late again, so I’m just going to apologize to my eyes for keeping open this long. They burn, still do. I was tempted to count this day as another “unannounced sick leave” day, but I persevered for you all. You’re welcome.
And, uh, I’m just gonna leave a joke here that no one will get until they click the Read More link.
“What do you call a distressed lawyer who’d forgotten his badge in his house?” “Oh, darn, ok... house key.”
10/19/20 edit: Oh, nooo! I can’t believe I forgot to revisit the Detention Center! I’ve corrected this grave error. Now it’s complete. Also, since this case is a bit free-form in how it progresses, I’m just going the order I went the first time I played, or close enough to it.
> Wright Anything Agency
> Examine: piano
<Apollo> ピアノの上に、奇妙な 道具が並べられている。 There are all sorts of strange paraphernalia sitting on top of the piano.
<Apollo> これだけ道具があるんだから、 何かマジックやってみせてよ。 It seems a shame to have all these props and not do a trick or two.
<Trucy> いいですよー! You asked for it!
<Mr. Hat> また会いましたね。 ビックリくん、でしたか。 Heeeey, Mr. Righteous, was it? Wakka wakka!
<Trucy> ちがうよ。オドロキくんだよ。 “王泥喜 法介”! Justice, Mr. Hat! Apollo Justice.
<Mr. Hat> ああ。“汚泥鬼 呆助” Just is? Apollo just is what? That's what I want to know!
<Trucy> “ドロ”しか合ってないよ! Oh, you're hopeless!
<Apollo> ‥‥そいつはもういいよ。 ...Please, make it stop.
"It seems we meet again. Bikkuri-kun, was it?" [also means shock] "No, no. It's Odoroki-kun. 'Odoroki Housuke'!" "Ah, I see. 'Ohdorokie Housekey'." "You only got the 'doro' part right!"
...Anyway, if you look at the JP script above, you can see Boushi-kun got all the kanji wrong, though it's still pronounced the same way. Also, it's funnier when you realize Minuki just called him 'mud' because that's actually part of his name.
> Examine: silk hat
<Apollo> みぬきちゃんと同じ、 ブルーのシルクハットだ。 A blue silk top hat, just like the one Trucy's wearing.
<Trucy> それは、みぬきのイメージカラー 《ミヌキー・ブルー》です! It's my trademark color! Trucy Blue!
<Apollo> ‥‥勝手に“色”を 自分のものにするなよ。 I don't think you can trademark the color blue.
<Trucy> やっぱり、ステージに立つ人間は、 目立たないとアレですから。 Standing out is everything when you're up on stage!
ほら。オドロキさんだって、 キメてるじゃないですか。 Bet you didn't know you've got your own color, too, Apollo!
全身《オドロー・レッド》で! Crimson Justice!
<Apollo> ‥‥おどり出したくなるような、 おどろおどろしいような。 You make me sound like some second-rate superhero.
<Trucy> でしょー? At least it's better than being a first-rate super zero!
"Look, it's obvious what yours is too. A full-body 'Odoro Red'!" "...I'm guessing you'd want me to dance or be super flashy." "Right?"
Fyi, "おどり出す" (odoridasu) means "to break into dance" and "おどろおどろしい" (odoro'odoroshii) means "eerie" or "exaggerated"; basically not being subtle at all.
> Examine: plate of spaghetti
<Apollo> 喫茶店のショーウインドウで おなじみ、ロウ細工のスパゲティだ。 A dish of plastic spaghetti like some restaurants put on display.
そういえば、こんなの どこから持ってきたの? Where did you get this, anyway?
<Trucy> パパからの誕生日プレゼントです! It was a birthday present from Daddy!
うれしかったなあ‥‥ ずーっと欲しかったから。 I was so happy... You don't know how long I wanted one of these!
その夜は、抱いたまま寝ちゃって、 ヘシ折っちゃいました。スパゲティ。 I fell asleep with it, cradled in my arms, and the spaghetti bent!
<Apollo> (意外に女の子のウケがいいのかな。  こういうの‥‥) (Mental note: What she really wants for her next birthday: A bowl of plastic food...)
"(I guess this kind of thing is really popular with girls...)"
If anything, it's really popular with girls who work with attorneys at this firm... usually they ask for some sorts of noodles, or some saucy meat in buns if you count the EN versions.
> Examine: table
<Apollo> 手品用のテーブルの上に、 ポットが置いてある。 A hot water pot sits on a magic table.
このテーブル、 どうしてこんなに脚が細いのかな。 Why is the stand for this table so flimsy looking?
<Trucy> ‥‥うーん。 カッコイイから、かなあ。 ...Hmm. Maybe it looks better that way?
<Apollo> ‥‥もっと、おもしろい コタエを期待してたのに。 ...I was hoping for a more professional explanation.
<Trucy> ‥‥うーん。 Well...
シカケがないコトを 見せるため、とか? Maybe to show that there's no tricks involved?
<Apollo> ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ マトモだね。 ... Not bad.
<Trucy> ‥‥アタリマエのコト 言っちゃ、ダメなのかなあ。 I still think it's just that it looks better that way.
The last two lines were: "......Well, that was pretty honest." "...I think giving the obvious answer would be against the rules, though."
Btw, I can see why they translated Apollo's line as "Not bad", since 'matomo' can be used in contexts where someone is giving something a "decent" rating. I just think Minuki's next line makes it more clear about what he means, though with the changed context, it's only fair Trucy's last line here is changed too.
> Examine: Charley
<Apollo> 観葉植物のチャーリーくんだ。 It's Charley, the houseplant.
ずっと前から、この事務所で 育てられているらしい。 They've had it for years, apparently.
<Trucy> “くん”なんて、シツレイです! “先輩”って呼ぶの。 That's "Mr. Charley" to you! He's been here longer, after all.
<Apollo> ‥‥は、はあ。 ...Right, sorry.
<Trucy> チャーリー先輩、すみません。 レイギを知らない新人でして。 I'm sorry, Mr. Charley. He was raised by a tribe of heathens.
<Apollo> (水をやりながら、  なんか言ってるぞ‥‥) (She's saying something to the plant as she waters it...)
<Trucy> あ。それから。アイサツは “おはようございます”ですから。 Mr. Charley forgives you. This time.
<Apollo> ‥‥そういえばココ、 芸能事務所だったっけ。 ...Is there anything else I might do to please His High Leafiness?
Huh, I've spotted a legitimate mistake in translation for once: Apollo's line in (). For reference: "It's Charley-kun, the houseplant. They've been raising it for a long time in this office." "'Kun'!? That's so rude! Call him 'senpai'!" "...Right, sorry." "I'm sorry, Charley-senpai. He's just a newbie who doesn't know his manners." "(She says to it, as she waters it...)" "Oh. From here on, you'll greet him with a 'Good Morning, senpai', okay?" "...Oh yeah, this is a talent agency, isn't it?"
10/10/20 edit: Thanks, Ash. Tweaked Odoroki’s last line here to make it clearer what he means. It’s customary in talent/entertainment agencies to uphold a stricter code of seniority, especially one with a reputation. It seems it’s also customary for staff to say “Good morning” as a general greeting regardless of what time of day it is. The only reason Odoroki forgot his place is because he’s still used to thinking this place is a law firm.
> Talk: Wocky's Father
<Alita> なんかね。今の組長さん、 極道から足を洗おうとしてるの。 Did you know that the boss is trying to get out of the business?
<Apollo> え。そうなんですか! (極道を‥‥やめる?) R-Really? (Mr. Kitaki wants to quit being a gangster!?)
<Alita> フツウの企業に生まれ変わろうと しているみたい��� He's trying to transfer his assets into a normal company.
滝太クンのお父さんがね。 最近、急に言い出して‥‥ He only announced it recently, out of the blue...
組員のヒトたちも、ずいぶん とまどってるみたい。 I hear there's quite a lot of confusion in the ranks.
<Apollo> (そういえば‥‥似合わない  エプロンをつけてたな‥‥) (Hmm. I wonder if this explains that apron?)
‥‥でも、それ。 滝太さんは反対しそうですね。 ...I can't imagine Wocky going along with that.
<Alita> ふふ。あのヒト、 やんちゃなトコロがあるから。 Hee hee. He's highly motivated, isn't he?
<Apollo> “やんちゃ”って 感じじゃないですけど。 Um, that's not the word I would have used.
<Alita> 『オレが組長になって、  ゼッタイ極道をつづける!』って。 He said, "I'll be the next Big Boss, and keep the Family alive."
ちょっぴり、背伸びしたい オトシゴロなんですよね。 I think he's at that age when boys want to make a mark on the world.
<Apollo> (ややこしそうだもんな。  あの親子) (That's not the way I would have put it...)
Fyi, she uses "yancha", or "naughty kid", to describe him.
The last line here: "(What a complicated father-son relationship.)"
<Alita> 最近、すごーく 儲けてるの。キタキツネ一家。 His father moves in a lot of circles... He's really focused on profits.
滝太クンのお父さん、 いろんな世界にカオがきくから。 The Kitaki Family's been making a killing recently!
<Apollo> (たいした人物らしいな。  滝太クンのお父さん‥‥) (Again, not the way I would have put it...)
<Alita> 滝太クン。『極道がカネ儲けに 走ったらオシマイだ』って。 But Wocky says it's not about the money. They have the gangster tradition to uphold.
<Trucy> それって、アレですね! Ooh, a generation gap!
“ぜねれーしょん・ぎゃっぷ” ‥‥ってヤツ。 They've even got the ever classic "what about the family business" thing going...
<Apollo> ふつう、父と子の主張は 逆だけどね。 Usually, it's the father worried about tradition...
The first three lines here: "Lately, they've been making soo much, the Kitakitsune Family. Takita-kun's father holds a lot of influence in lots of places, after all." "(His father sure seems like a big deal, alright...)"
> Present anything to Alita
<Alita> ごめんなさい‥‥わたし。 事件のこと、詳しくはわからないの。 I'm sorry, I don't know much about the case.
わたしにできることは少ないし、 あなただけが頼りなの。 I... I feel so helpless. You're my only hope.
滝太クンのこと助けてあげてね‥‥ Please, help my Wocky-Pocky...
Hahaha, she said "Pocky". I just imagined Wocky-style Pocky sticks and I want some. I bet they'd have some foxy designs on that choco...
Ahem, sorry. I just wanted to share. She doesn't call him anything different here in the JP either.
> Move: Detention Center
<Apollo> よし。河津さんの話を聞いてみよう。 ‥‥ちょっと疲れそうだけど。 Alright. Let's have a little chat with Mr. Stickler. (I hope I don't regret this.)
<Trucy> 貴重な“目撃者”ですからね! He is a valuable witness!
<Apollo> (まあ‥‥ある種“貴重な”  目撃者だよな、アレは‥‥) (He is a bit "precious", I'll give him that.)
<Stickler> なんなのですか‥‥ ワタクシはこれで、忙しいのですよ。 Please, keep this brief, if you would. I'm quite busy.
今日中に、論文の構成をまとめ‥‥ ムムッ! アナタがたはッ! I need to finish this paper... Nyurk! I-It's you!!!
<Apollo> ‥‥河津さん。 お話をうかがいに来ました。 ...Mr. Stickler. We'd like to have a few words with you.
<Stickler> ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ ......
‥‥まあ、いいでしょう。 手短にお願いしますよ。 ...Very well. As long as they're few.
<Apollo> (立ち直りが早いな‥‥) (Nothing would make me happier, believe me.)
“(He sure was fast to return to form...)”
> Examine: guard
<Apollo> 面会のようすを監視する看守だ。 A security guard. He stands here, watching this room.
オレたちの話を聞いているのか いないのか‥‥‥。 I have no idea if he's listening to us talk.
まったく、表情が変わらない。 I'm not even sure he's breathing.
That’s a bit harsh there... It was just “His expression doesn’t change at all.”
> Talk: Panty Theft
<Trucy> みぬきのパンツのシカケを 知りたかっただけですもんね。 You wanted to know the trick to my panties, right?
<Stickler> あ、あなたはッ! Y-You're here, too!?
<Trucy> ‥‥? ...?
<Stickler> どうか、あなたを “先生”と呼ばせてくださいッ! Oh, Great Trucy! Teach me!
<Trucy> ええっ! Eh!?
<Stickler> なんとかして 教えていただけないか! I must know the secret of your panties!
ワタクシの人生を狂わせた、 あのパンツのナゾをッ! My very existence hangs in the balance!
なんなら、このワタクシを あなたサマの“弟子”にッ! Please, make me your apprentice!
<Trucy> オドロキさん! なんとかしてください! Apollo! Help!
<Apollo> いいんじゃない? カッコウもマジシャンぽいし。 I dunno, I think he'd make a great "lovely assistant".
<Trucy> そんなムセキニンな‥‥ Don't say that, Apollo...
Hahaha! He straight up called her “Sensei”. That’s kinda cute if I’m being honest.
Odoroki’s last line here: “Why not? His uniform kinda looks like a magician’s outfit too.”
> Present: anything
<Apollo> ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ ...
(‥‥証拠品、見てくれない) (...Fine, ignore my evidence. See if I care.)
(おお��た、パンツのナゾの  コタエを考えているのだろう) (I wonder what he's thinki... On second thought, let's not go there.)
Actually, Odoroki has a pretty good idea: “(He’s probably still thinking about solving the mystery of those panties.)”
> (optional at any time) Return to W.A.A. to talk to Trucy
> Present Magic Panties
<Trucy> スゴイでしょ、みぬきのパンツ! 法廷でも大カツヤクでしたよね! Aren't my panties amazing? They were a big hit in court.
<Apollo> (たしかに。今日の裁判の  決め手になったもんな‥‥) (They were the star player of the day, that's true.)
<Trucy> 明日の法廷も、 みぬきにおまかせです! What should I show them in court tomorrow!?
<Apollo> (毎回、パンツにたよる弁護士には  なりたくないな‥‥) (If only I could count on panties to save the day every day...)
The last two lines: "You can leave it to me to make a show in tomorrow's trial too!" "(I've had enough of being known as the 'panties attorney' these days, thanks...)"
I know nothing about that, I swear.
> Move: Eldoon's House
<Guy> 屋台が“現場”って どーいうコトよ! How can a noodle stand be a crime scene, that's what I don't get, Trucy-doll!
あのヤロウ、死んでまでもヒトの 商売のジャマをしやがって‥‥ Even in death he's after my neck, I tell ya! Bah!
ワシが、そんなに しょっぱいってか! Can't even cook an honest noodle...
<Apollo> “あのヤロウ”‥‥ですか? "He"...?
<Trucy> “死んでまで”というコトは‥‥ 被害者の宇狩院長さん、かなあ。 "Even in death"... You mean the victim, Dr. Meraktis?
<Guy> まあ、そんなワケでな。 I tell ya.
ワシのカオも《極みそ》並みに しょっぱくなっちまうワケよ。 It's enough to drive a man to make his soup even saltier.
<Apollo> (‥‥やれやれ。  キゲンが悪いみたいだな‥‥) (Remind me never to eat his noodles when he's in a bad mood...)
"What do they mean, the noodle stand is the 'crime scene'!? That jerk, even in death he's in my way of a good sale... Not even I'm that salty!" "'That jerk'...?" "'Even in death'... You mean the victim, Dr. Ugari?" "Yeah, that's him. Makes me so salty that I could even rival my 'Extre-Miso'."
By the way, "Kiwami" means "Extreme"! ...But seriously, it shocked me how well I could fit "extreme" with "miso".
> Talk: Noodle Stand
<Guy> あの屋台はな。 矢田吹家の男児が代々、 That stand... For generations, it's served up the very best noodles us Eldoons could make.
ちぢれ麺と秘伝の“みそ”と ともに伝えてきたのだ。 A tradition of noodles and salty broth.
ある種、このあたりの歴史そのもの と言ってもいい���ロモノなのだ。 It's more than a stand, it's history, I tell you.
<Apollo> (それは言いすぎだろう) (Watch what you say or it might become true...)
Originally, he said "(That might be pushing it a bit.)" Though, I gotta admit I like the way the loc team did it.
<Apollo> あの‥‥ムギツラさん。 Mr. Eldoon, I don't mean to pry...
あなたの、ムカシのお仕事って、 なんだったんですか? ...but what exactly did you do before you became a chef?
<Guy> フン! クチに出すのもイヤな、 ニガくてしょっぱい思い出だよ! Bah! Let old noodles lie, that's what I say.
<Apollo> (なんとなく‥‥  ハナシが見えてきたぞ) (I'm starting to get an idea of what he did, anyway.)
<Guy> とにかく! トナリのオヤジは、 ワシから夢を奪って死んだのさ! He stole my dreams and left me with nothin' but noodles.
《営業停止》という、 ドえらいメーワクを残してな! And now I don't even have that!
Originally, he answered: "Hmph! Even saying it aloud brings back horribly bitter, salty memories!" "(I'm starting to get an idea of what he did, anyway.)" "Anyway! That geezer next door stole my dreams dead, he did! And I was left with a big, fat 'Business Suspension'!"
> Talk: Meraktis Clinic
<Guy> 個人の医院にしちゃ、 リッパなモンだろ? He's the only doctor at that clinic, you know. Pretty impressive, eh?
ヤツは、成功するために ヤクザたちと手を組んだのだ! I'll tell you the secret to his success... The mob!
<Apollo> やくざ‥‥というと、 《キタキツネ一家》ですか? You mean... the Kitaki Family?
<Guy> 連中、“抗争”とか言って ケンカが多くてな。 They're always having one of them "turf wars" or whatnot.
ケガ人が絶えなかったのさ。 そこに目をつけたのが、あの宇狩だ。 Always an injury or two that needs fixing. Meraktis saw a chance for some business.
《キタキツネ割引》という サービスを始めた。 So he started giving the Kitaki Family a good deal...
<Apollo> わりびき‥‥ A deal...?
<Guy> きっと、先代の知恵の結晶‥‥ Every fifth operation for free!
《やたぶき屋スタンプ割引》の アイデアをパクったんだよ! He stole the idea from my pops! One free bowl of noodles a week, he used to say.
To clarify, it seems the noodle stand tradition was to provide customers a stamp discount. I'm not sure if it's standard or not, but most shops I know that have stamp discounts count by fives or tens, so on the 5th or 10th purchase, there's a discount or some special deal that comes with it.
> Talk: Former Profession
<Apollo> オヤジさん。もしかして、 “ムカシの職業”って‥‥ Mr. Eldoon... or should I say "Dr. Eldoon"...
<Guy> ‥‥バレちまったみたいだな。 Figured it out, did ya?
そう、ワシは外科医だった。 おととしまでな。 That's right, I was a doctor. A surgeon... until the year before last.
<Trucy> じゃあ。宇狩さんは、アレですね? “しゅくめいのらいばる”ってヤツ。 So Mr. Meraktis was your rival?
<Guy> ‥‥アンタ。 ラーメンのネギは好きかい? ...You like those onions they put in the soup broth?
<Apollo> え。はあ。ワリと。 Um, yeah, kind of.
<Guy> ちりれんげでスープを飲むと、 かならずネギがまじっている。 You take a spoon, you drink some broth... Those onions will find their way in there.
ネギ好きにはたまらないが、 ネギ嫌いにもたまらない。 For people who like 'em, why that's just fine. For people who hate 'em...
‥‥ワシは、 ネギが大ッキライなんだッ! ...I hate onions. Hate 'em!
いちいち、よけいなところで 味わいのジャマをしてくさる! Always sneaking in from the side, gettin' in the way of a good tastin' spoonful.
アイツがそうだった! 宇狩のネギボウズがッ! Well, that's what he was. An onion! Onion-boy, that's what I called 'im.
And to clarify here, it's usually green onion, or scallion as some chefs prefer to call it, that you'd find in soup broths. Personally, I love that stuff and grew up with soups where my mom would add it all the time, no matter what soup she was making.
Fun fact: "たまらない" (tamaranai) can change its meaning to the opposite side depending on the context. If you mean it positively, it's "irresistible"; if negatively, it's "unbearable". Basically, there's a strong response of some kind.
> Move: People Park
<Apollo> あれ。なんか、 ちょっと印象がちがうような‥‥ Huh? Does something about this scene look different to you?
<Trucy> きのうは、地面に青いシートが 敷いてありましたから。 The blue tarps are gone! Maybe that's it?
<Apollo> ああ、そうだっけ。 あ。あそこ。 Yeah, I think you're right. Look over there.
<Trucy> きのうの、白い刑事さんですね。 The white-frocked detective from yesterday.
ゴミ箱に向かって土下座して、 必死にあやまってます。 She seems to be apologizing reverently... to the trash can.
<Apollo> ‥‥カワイソウに。 きっと、捜査が進まなくて‥‥ She's... under a lot of stress.
すこし、アタマがおかしく なっちゃったんだな。 The investigation's probably not going so well.
By "apologizing reverently", they mean she's prostrate before the trash can. More likely, she was just head-down focused on tracing those footprints, but to be honest, I get that feeling a lot, especially lately. Straining your eyes on little things or bright screens for such a long time...
<Ema> ちょっと! アンタたち! Hey, you there!
ナイショ話なら、聞こえないように やってくれないかなあ。 If you're going to talk about someone behind their back, do it more quietly, please!
<Apollo> あ。刑事さん、どうも。 Oh, Detective Skye. Hello.
<Trucy> なんか、今日も ゴキゲンななめみたいですね。 You seem as gloomy as ever.
<Ema> ホント、最低ね。 新しい道具はうまくいかないし。 This is miserable! Miserable! I just got a new kit, and I can't get the stuff to work.
じゃらじゃらした おニイさんには、やさしくされるし。 And everyone's all smiles for that glimmerous fop.
<Trucy> じゃらじゃら‥‥? 牙琉検事さんのコト、かな。 Glimmerous...? Does she mean Prosecutor Gavin?
<Apollo> ふつう“ちゃらちゃらした” って言うんじゃあ‥‥ More to the point, doesn't she mean "glamorous"?
<Ema> あのヒトが歩くと、クサリが じゃらじゃら鳴って、気になるの。 When he walks his shiny chains catch the sun and glimmer in my eyes! It's distracting.
さくさくさくさくさくさくさくさく さくさくさくさくさくさくさくさく。 MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH
<Apollo> (この刑事さんが歩くと、  さくさく言って、気になるな) (Speaking of distracting...)
It pains me to admit that "glimmerous" is not a real word, but in my heart it is.
Anyway, originally the word Akane used was "jarajara", which is onomatopoeia for a jingle-jangle sound. Odoroki tries to correct her with "charachara", which also can mean the same thing, but also can refer to "flirty" or "flashy" types. She specifies she means "jarajara" because his chain necklace keeps jingle-jangling around her.
> Talk: Prosecutor Gavin
<Ema> ちょっと、合わないんだよね。 I won't lie, I'm not fond of the man.
ああいう、 じゃらじゃらしたタイプは。 Those glimmerous types always rub me the wrong way.
<Apollo> “ちゃらちゃら”‥‥ね。 "Glamorous"... right.
<Ema> やっぱり検事さんはこう、クールで ちょっとミケンにシワ寄せて‥‥ A prosecutor should be cool of wit and furrowed of brow.
“じゃらじゃら”より “ひらひら”した感じが理想よね! Less "glimmerous" and more "simmerous"... you know?
<Apollo> ‥‥まったく イメージがわかないなあ。 ...No, actually, I don't.
She wants less "jarajara" and more "hirahira" from her prosecutors. I'm sure you all know that "fluttery" sound by now.
> Talk: Ema, reject her offer
<Apollo> ‥‥今は、やめておきます。 失敗したら、悪いし。 I think I'll pass. Wouldn't want to waste a kit if I messed up.
<Ema> うーん、困ったなー‥‥ 手を借りたかったのに。 Really? That's too bad... I really could use the help.
<Trucy> えー! やりたいな、みぬき。 トクイなのに。手打ちうどんとか。 Aww, I want to try! It'll be just like making pancakes in the dirt!
<Apollo> (あとで気が変わったら、  やらせてもらおうかな‥‥) (I guess I can always talk to her again if I change my mind...)
Aw, Minuki mentioned it'd be like pounding up udon dough. (Who knew that udon dough would become a lot more relevant down the line in a future game...)
> Accept it, examine any set of prints
<Ema> あ。そのカオ。 I know that face.
なんか“見つけた” みたいなカオしてるね。 That's the face of someone who's made... a discovery!
<Trucy> あれ。 やっぱり、わかっちゃいます? Hey, how did you know?
<Ema> ふふん。 科学捜査官の目をナメちゃダメね。 You can't fool someone trained in the ways of science!
<Apollo> (そこは“カガク”は  関係ないと思うけど) (Next she'll have us analyzing face prints...)
<Trucy> とにかく。宝月刑事さんに おねがいしちゃいましょうよ! Let's ask Detective Skye to help us, Apollo!
Originally: "(I doubt her eyes had much 'scientific' procedure to do.)"
> Examine smooth footprint, present wrongly
<Ema> ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ あたしがナニ食べてるか、わかる? ... Know what I'm eating?
<Apollo> まあ‥‥ カリントウ、ですよね? Um... Snacks?
<Ema> あたしね。フキゲンなときは、 カリントウ食べるの。知ってた? Snacks. More precisely, whenever I'm in a bad mood, I eat chocolate Snackoos.
<Apollo> ‥‥それは、知りませんでした。 ...I had no idea.
<Trucy> たぶん、オドロキさんのコタエが ちがった、ってコトでしょうね。 I think she means you picked the wrong evidence, Apollo.
<Apollo> (まわりくどいな) (...I had no idea.)
Ah, here it is, the origin of Snackoos. They were "karintou" before, which are a kind of crispy, bite-sized, brown-sugary cookie sticks. On the occasion, you can find a few bags at your local Asian supermarket.
> Present: slippers, get Ema's permission to investigate
> Move: Detention Center
<Wocky> はーい、お待たせ! ボクのかわいいペテン師ちゃん! Yo, 'sup, my little imposter!
<Trucy> きゃあッ! な。な。なんですかッ! Eeek! Wh-What did you call me?
<Wocky> うお! な。なんだ。アンタかよ。 美波ちゃんだと思ったぜ! Dizzam! It's you!? Sorry, G, thought you were Alita.
<Trucy> コイビトを“ペテン師” 呼ばわりしてるんですか? "My little imposter" sure is a strange nickname.
<Wocky> あれ? そんな感じで言うだろ、 シャバのヤツらは。 It's a clink thang. You wouldn't understand.
ええと‥‥ あ。“堕天使ちゃん”か? D-Did I say "imposter"? I meant "poster"... like "poster girl", 'aight?
<Trucy> “ペ”や“だ”は いらないと思いますけど。 If you're going to drop part of that, why not drop "poster" and just call her "girl"?
<Wocky> とにかくよォ! オレにとっちゃ 弁天サマなワケよ、ある種。 Cause she's so much more than that, G. She's like... She's like an angel. A fallen angel.
The localizers got lucky here that the word “imposter” is close enough to “poster” to make that joke. The joke had to be changed from Japanese, since it was more wordplay. Takita actually made a mistake; he meant to call her “ 堕天使ちゃん” (datenshi-chan), like a “fallen angel”, but called her “ペテン師ちゃん” (petenshi-chan), “imposter”/”swindler”, at first.
Then, Minuki says: “I don’t think you need to add the ‘pe’ or the ‘da’, though.” “Anyway! She’s like Benten-sama to me, in a way.”
Benten, or more formally Benzaiten, is the Japanese name of the Buddhist Goddess of Wisdom (and sometimes as Shinto Kami) who often is seen holding a biwa, a Japanese lute. She was originally based off of the Hindu Goddess of Wisdom Sarasvati, whose name was honored in ancient Chinese Buddhist texts as the religion carried over and later to Japan.
<Wocky> ば、バカ言うなよ! オトコってヤツはなァ。 M-Man... I ain't trying to hear that!
タイセツなものを守るために戦って、 それで死ねるなら本望なんだ! A man fights to protect what's valuable to him, you know what I'm saying?
<Wocky> ミナミちゃんに会いてえよォ。 つれてきてくれよォ! ...I miss my fallen angel!
アンタ、オレの ベンゴシなんだろォ? Hey, you go get Alita for me. You're my lawyer, aren't you?
<Apollo> (やれやれ‥‥  世話の焼ける依頼人だな) (Lawyer, not gopher...)
“(*sigh*... What a troublesome client.)”
> Talk: Alita Tiala
<Apollo> 来月、ケッコンされるそうですね。 So, I hear you're to be married next month?
<Wocky> そうさ!  もう、サカヅキはかわしてるんだ。 Straight up! We poured the nuptial 40 out on the stoop!
ミナミちゃんも、来月からは ウチの一家さ。サイコーだよな! Alita! Oh, snapplecakes! She soooo foine!
<Apollo> (ヤレヤレ‥‥  そうとうホレてるみたいだな) (I think he's smitten with her in his own weird way.)
Man, how could I have left out most of Wocky’s wonderful swag-talk...
By the way, Takita mentions how they even exchanged sake cups. This practice is a pretty big deal in Japan and one that most people wouldn’t do lightly. There’s usually a solemn oath to be made with such an exchange. It doesn’t have to be between lovers getting married; just between two (or more) people who swear to abide by some social contract.
And guess what, it’s the very same practice that Yakuza are renowned for doing when they swear brotherhood among their ranks. One does not simply become “kyoudai” without some serious exchange of... Wait. I can clearly remember someone in a Yakuza game who was kinda “ok” about things and it happened. Okay, it’s usually the case anyway.
> Talk: Kitaki Family
<Wocky> 極道ってのは“ワル”の道だ。 “ワル”にこそオトコの美���がある。 Life in the Family is a G thang. It's about being a man.
‥‥わかるだろ? ...You know what I'm saying?
<Trucy> みぬき、女の子だから。 わかんないなあ。 Sorry, I'm not up on my G things. I'm not even sure what a G thing is...
“I’m a girl so, no, I don’t get it.”
<Wocky> オヤジのヤツ。ここ最近、 急に弱気になっちまってさ。 But my old man, he's gone soft.
《切った張ったの時代は  もうオシマイだ》なんて言ってよ。 He says the old rival gang days are over. He just wants to make money!
<Trucy> いいじゃないですか。 Isn't that a good thing?
<Wocky> バカ言え! カネもうけに、 なんの美学があるんだよ! Man, there ain't no soul in making money!
ワルってのはな。スカッと生きて、 アッサリ死ぬもんさ。 Better to live fast and die young. Fo'shizzle!
<Apollo> (やれやれ‥‥) (*sigh*...)
There’s actually an important point his dad makes here, about how the gang war days are over. While he certainly is referring to the way that the Kitaki Family is going legal again, it’s also true to modern Japanese history.
While the 80s had a huge economic boom and Yakuza were likely all up in that biz, it led to a huge bubble that collapsed and a depression that lasted through the 90s. Though Japan was still relatively quick to recover, through the 2000s and on, Japan entered into a period of changing politics and much more governmental intervention. For the once very profitable and romantically dramatized Yakuza, renowned as the “necessary evil” to keep petty crimes off the street, future prospects weren’t nearly so hot for them anymore, and their MO had to change. Some formerly Yakuza-run Big Zaibutsu Biz went completely legal and stand to this day. Even as a concept, the Yakuza gradually fizzled out in popularity in public opinion. Only traces of their former glory remain in crime drama series and games like this.
And then there’s the Yakuza series and their memes.
<Wocky> 見てな。 オレが組長になったら。 Wait till I run the yard. Then everyone'll know what time it is.
《ワルい奴ら》のカッコイイ世界を 作ってやるぜ! That's right! O.G. time all the time. Represent!
<Trucy> “ワル”はどうかと思うけど。 夢があるって、イイですよね。 Apollo, why does he keep talking about "Old Guys"?
<Apollo> (平和な子だよな‥‥) I don't think that's what "O.G." means, Trucy.
The last two lines: “I don’t know much about being ‘bad’, but it’s nice that he has a dream to follow.” “(Such a peaceful kid...)”
> Talk: Pal Meraktis
<Wocky> 公園で、ヤツと出くわした。 なぜか‥‥屋台を引いていた。 When I run into him in the park... and he's dragging this noodle stand behind him!
<Trucy> あの。滝太さんが “要求”したんじゃないですか? Wait, you didn't put him up to that?
ほら、アレ。 “みのしろきん”感覚で。 Like, you know, in the movies?
『イノチがおしければ、  屋台を引いてこい』みたいな! "If you value your life, you'll bring the stand..."
<Wocky> ‥‥ムジャキなカオで くだらねえコトを聞くな。 ...Shorty, you're more wacked than I am. And that's saying something.
<Trucy> ううう‥‥みぬき、 シンケンだったのに。 ...But I was serious!
Wacked, indeed. Or as it was originally: “...Don’t gimme that stupid crap while lookin’ so innocent-like.”
> Present: anything
<Wocky> ‥‥‥‥‥‥ふーん。 いいんじゃねえの。 ... Yeah, whatever.
<Apollo> (何か別のコトを考えてるな。  ちゃんと見てないぞ) (He seems preoccupied... I'm not sure he even looked at my evidence...)
<Wocky> ‥‥ミナミちゃん。 会いてえなあ。 Alita, man. Alita.
“...Minami-chan, I wanna see you again, babe.”
> Move: Meraktis Clinic
> Examine: reception desk
<Apollo> 病院の受付だ。 当然だけど、ダレもいない。 The clinic reception desk. No one's here, of course.
カウンターに、標語のような ものが張り出されている。 There's a small sign on the counter...
《ココロとカラダに  やさしい、明朗会計を》 "Please pay your bill: Remember, we're the ones holding the scalpel."
‥‥深いな。意外に。 Brutal... but effective.
Originally, the sign read: "Treat your heart and body well with a honest bill." So it has a similar message, but isn't as directly threatening.
> Move: People Park, ask about print analysis, present slippers & sandals
> Move: Meraktis Clinic, then its Office
> Examine: cabinets
<Apollo> うわ! なんだコレ! Whoa! What are those?
カベ一面、ビーカーで 埋めつくされてるぞ‥‥ The wall is covered with beakers...
<Trucy> きゃあああッ! 中で何かが動いてますッ! Eeeeek! Something's moving inside that one!
‥‥オドロキさん! みぬきの かわりに、見てくださいッ! ...You look, Apollo!
<Apollo> そ。そういうのは、自分の 目でたしかめなよ! ‥‥あれ。 H-Hey, look yourself! You can't... Oh.
‥‥なんだ。金魚じゃないか。 ...It's a goldfish.
<Trucy> わあ! 他にも、 いろいろなお魚がいます! Wow, they're all fish! So many kinds!
<Apollo> (まったく‥‥ヒト騒がせな  インテリアだな‥‥) (Whoever designed this had a sick sense of humor...)
That "sick sense of humor" must be from someone who likes to cause trouble or raise false alarms... Basically, a troll.
Oh wait, Meraktis definitely was a troll. He trolled Eldoon since they were kids and kept doing it even in death. Man was a master troll to the end... Normally, I don't respect trolls, but I can make an exception for someone who dedicated his whole life (and death) to the trade.
> Examine: safe, present fingerprint set, enter code
> Examine: papers
<Trucy> これは‥‥ カルテ、ですね。たぶん。 This looks like... a medical chart.
レントゲン写真といっしょに、 1組だけ入ってます。 There's an X-ray in here with it.
<Apollo> レントゲン写真‥‥か。 見てもイミがわからないな。 An X-ray...? Hmm, can't make heads or tails of it.
‥‥カルテも読めないし。 ドイツ語だから。 And I can't read the chart either, it's all in medical- speak.
Interestingly, this medical chart is written in German. I know historically, Japan had quite a long-term relationship with Germany even before the advent of WWII, and German engineering influenced quite a bit of Japan's growth in industry before the US came along, so the Japanese still have a few words borrowed from German and other European languages, especially in regards to scientific terms.
Case in point: "karute" from Karte, which is German for "map". The transition isn't perfect, of course.
10/10/20 edit: I blame Google Translate for this. So it can mean “map”, but it also can be used for “charts” in general, including medical ones. Though, “karute” in JP is used exclusively to refer to medical charts.
<Trucy> でも、名前のトコは日本語です。 患者さんの名前‥‥《北木 滝太》 But, the names are easy enough to read. Look, by "Patient" it says... "Wocky Kitaki"!
<Trucy> あの滝太さん、ですよね。 ‥‥依頼人の。 So this is Wocky... our client's chart, huh.
<Apollo> どうして、このカルテが 1組だけ、金庫に‥‥? Why would this one chart be here in this safe...?
医師のサインは、ええと。 《担当医:宇狩 輝夫》か。 Let's see, the physician's signature says "Pal Meraktis".
え‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ Eh...
<Trucy> どうしたんですか? オドロキさん。 What is it, Apollo?
<Apollo> こ。ここ‥‥ “カルテ処理”の担当者の欄‥‥ Look here where it says who filed the chart...
<Trucy> ええと。 担当看護師‥‥《並奈 美波》 Let's see... "Nurse Alita Tiala"...!
<Apollo> 滝太クンの婚約者、だよな。 なみなみなみなさん‥‥ Alita Tialita is Wocky's fiancée!
<Trucy> “な”が1コ多いです、 オドロキさん! That's one "ita" too many, Apololo!
Ha. Alita's name in JP is "Namina Minami", last-first, and Odoroki added one too many na's to her name. Look at Trucy wrecking his name, though.
<Apollo> なんで、ここに彼女の名前が! Never mind that, what's her name doing here!?
<Trucy> し。知りませんよ! でも。名前があるってコトは‥‥ How should I know?
どうやら、この病院のスタッフ みたいですね。みなみさん。 Though... I guess it means she's on staff at this clinic?
<Apollo> ‥‥どうして、今まで 教えてくれなかったんだろう‥‥ Odd that she neglected to mention this before now...
<Trucy> それは‥‥ヤッパリ。 何かの理由があったんでしょうね。 I'm sure she had her reasons.
<Apollo> (‥‥なみなみなみさんは、 ���宇狩外科医院のスタッフだった) (So Alita Tiala worked at the Meraktis Clinic...)
(しかも‥‥きた��たきたきの  カルテを処理している‥‥) (And she had access to Wocki Kitaky's medical chart!)
<Trucy> “き”が1コ多いです、 オドロキさん! You got the "I" and "Y" wrong, Appolo!
And Wocky's name is "Takita Kitaki", last-first, and Odoroki added one too many ki's this time. Look at Trucy still wrecking his name. Now I can't unsee "Apollo" as looking weird.
> (optional) Move: People Park
> Present: lamp
<Apollo> そうだ。 このスタンド、見てもらえますか? Say, could you take a look at this lamp?
<Ema> あれ。電球が割れてるね。 Hmm. The bulb's broken.
<Apollo> そうなんです。 ちょっとオカシイですよね。 Right. Strange, isn't it?
<Ema> うーん。そう? あたし、 よく割れるけどな。電球。 Really? I break bulbs all the time.
デスクが散らかってるからね。 すぐ落ちるの。スタンド。 My desk is a mess and my lamp is always falling over. ...Not too bright, huh?
<Apollo> (問題外だな、それは‥‥) (Ouch...)
<Trucy> ちょっと、気になりますよねー‥‥ I still think it's kind of odd...
I swear this bit about the lamp falling over is a direct reference to Turnabout Sisters. Emphasis on the word "stand" too. Odoroki even said: "(That's practically unthinkable...)"
> Move: Eldoon's House
> Present: medical chart
<Trucy> あの。どうしたんですか? ダマりこんで‥‥ Why the sudden silence, Mr. Eldoon?
<Guy> なんだ、こりゃ‥‥ どういうコトだよ、コレは! What...? What's going on here!?
<Apollo> いやいや! こっちが聞きたいですよ! That's what we want to know!
その、カルテ‥‥ オレの依頼人のものなんですけど。 That chart belongs to my client.
<Trucy> 今、サツジンの容疑を かけられて、裁判を‥‥ He's on trial... On suspicion of murder.
<Guy> バカ言ってんじゃねェよ! On trial! That's crazy!
そんなネムたいコト言ってたら‥‥ 死ぬぜ、このクランケ。 You can't put him on trial! He's ABD!
<Trucy> ‥‥くらんけ? ...ABD?
<Guy> 患者だよ、カンジャ。 こいつは‥‥一刻を争う事態だ。 All but dead. He's knocking on the Pearly Gates, and someone's about to answer.
Originally, he refers to him as "kuranke", which is from the German word "Kranke", which means "sick".
For the record, no, I don't know German. Ironically, I have Google Translate to thank.
10/10/20 edit: Thanks have been revoked. The word actually means “patient”, not simply “sick” as an adjective.
> Move: Detention Center
<Wocky> はーい、お待たせ! ボクのかわいい堕天使ちゃん! Don't cry angel, Daddy's back and Daddy's...
‥‥って。 またオマエらかよ! ...Oh. You again.
<Apollo> あの。 毎回、その登場をするんですか? Do you always have to announce your entrances like that?
Hey, he got it right this time, good for him.
<Wocky> まあな。さっきは オヤジにやっちまってさァ。 Man, my old man, he... Man!
かなり気まずいムードに なっちまったぜ! Now I'm all in a funk, and it's his fault.
<Apollo> (‥‥そのケイケンから  何か学んでほしいな‥‥) (One can only assume that his father tried to teach him a lesson. And failed, clearly.)
<Wocky> それにしても。 アンタらも、ゴクロウだよな。 You two got your work cut out for you, straight up.
オレはもう、 カクゴはできてるってのにさ! Course I don't care if they lock me up. I'm ready to go!
<Apollo> (やれやれ‥‥有罪になる気  マンマンだな) (Some days, I wonder why I do what I do.)
“(Oh, boy... He’s sure pumped up about being convicted.)”
> Present: medical chart, then talk about Alita again
<Trucy> ‥‥《宇狩外科医院》ですね? ...The Meraktis Clinic?
<Wocky> そこでさ。出会っちまったワケよ。 オレだけの堕天使ちゃんに。 That's where I met her. My fallen angel...
<Apollo> 並奈 美波さん‥‥ですか。 You mean Alita Tiala?
<Wocky> 最初は、オレのコト、 コワがってたみたいなんだけどさ。 She was scared of me at first, turns out.
ひかれちまったんだろうなァ。 オレの“悪”のミリョクに! But you know what they say -- the bad guy always gets the ladies.
<Apollo> はあ‥‥ Right...
I try not to waste entry space, but I was just reminded of a certain song about “Why good girls always like bad boys?”, but mixed with “How baa-a-a-ad can I be?” and I hate it, thanks.
> Present: anything else
<Wocky> ‥‥‥‥‥‥ふーん。 ダッセェの。 ... Man... that is so far off the hook, it's off the chain, G!
<Apollo> (何か別のコトを考えてるな。  ちゃんと見てないぞ) (He seems preoccupied with something else...)
<Wocky> ‥‥ミナミちゃん。 何してんのかなあ。 ...Wonder how my Alita's doing. Man, I miss her.
Man, I suck at ending these posts. Here, have more Wocky free-stylin’.
Fyi, his first line here, he’s calling something “lame” and I dunno if he really did see but didn’t care or didn’t notice it at all.
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andersunmenschlich · 5 years ago
Conversation in a Diner
「…なるほどぉ…それはなかなかたいへんですねー…」 "...I seee.... That's quite serious...."
ホット・ミルクをすすりつつ、ちっとみたいへんそうじゃない口調でゼロスはいづちをうつ。 Xellos said in a tone that didn't sound serious at all, sipping hot milk.
近くの村のちいさなメシ屋。 A little eating house in a nearby village.
かなり遅めの昼食をとりながら、あたしはこれまでのいきさつを、彼に説明したのだった。 While having a rather late lunch, I had explained the sequence of events to him.
時間がはずれているせいか、あたしたちのほかにはほとんど客もいない。 Possibly because the time was wrong, there were almost no customers other than us.
「けど、今��と思ったりしたんですけど、呪文が封じられているなら、僕の呪符(タリスマン)を買ったところで無意味なんじゃないですか?」 "But—it's just occurred to me—if your spells are blocked, wasn't your purchase of my talismans pointless?"
「そうでもないわよ。一日一回術を唱えて様子を見てるんだけど、どーも封印が弱くなってきてるみたいなの。ほんのちょっとずつ、だけどね。封じられたその日は、『明り(ライティング)』を唱えたってなーんも起きなかったんだけど、きのう唱えてみたら、なんとかローソクくらいの明るさになったわ。…ま、それもすぐ消えちゃったし、攻撃呪文なんてそれこそ唱えるだけムダってもんでしょうけど…この呪符があればなんとか、初級の攻撃呪文くらいは扱えるんじゃないかなー、って」 "No, actually. I've been chanting one spell a day and watching the results, and it looks like the binding's getting weaker. Just a little bit at a time, though. The day of the binding, I recited the Lighting spell and nothing happened at all, but when I tried it yesterday I managed about a candle's worth of light. ...Well, it vanished almost instantly, and attack spells don't work at all, but... with these talismans I figured I might be able to pull off an elementary attack spell, maybe."
「なるほど…しかし、術の封印がゆるんで来ているとゆーのは…マゼンダさんの術が甘かったか、でなければ、あなたの魔力容量(キャパシティ)がケタ外れに大きいのか…」 "I see.... But if the seal is loosening, that means... either Ms. Mazenda's spell was lax, or (if that's not the case) your magical capacity is exceptionally large...."
「いずれにしろ、だましだましやりながら、まずはなんとかガウリイと会流しないと…」 "Either way, while using every trick in the book, first I have to run into Gourry somehow...."
あたしは空になった皿に目を落としたままでつぶやく。 I muttered, looking down into my now-empty plate.
「…まあ、ガウリイの方は、彼のことだから、なんとかやってると思うんだけど…それより心配なのはアメリアの方ね」 "...Actually, Gourry can probably take care of himself... Amelia's more worrying."
「大丈夫なんじゃないですか」 "Isn't it all right? / She's probably just fine."
「…どーゆー根拠でそーゆーのーてんきなセリフが吐けるのよ?」 "How can you say something so scatterbrained? / What basis do you have that makes you able to say such a heedless thing?"
「そりゃあまあ…ですねぇ…」 "Wellll... you seee...."
彼はホット・ミルクをひとくちこくんっ、と飲みくだし、 He took a deep drink of his hot milk, swallowed.
「えぇっと…さっきの状況なら、敵はそのアメリア��んを、その場で殺すこともできたはずですよね。ナイフか何かでひと突きすればすんだことなんですから。それをわざわざ、荷物になるのを承知の上で連れていったということは、何かに利用する、というつもりがあったからでしょう?」 "Mmm... based on the situation earlier, the enemy could have killed this Miss Amelia right there, yes? A single stab with a knife or some such thing would have done it. Despite knowing that she'd be a burden, they went out of their way to take her along with them, which suggests that they must have some use for her, right?"
「―つまり、あたしたちをおびき寄せるエサね」 "—In short, as bait to lure us in."
「そういうことです」 "That sort of thing,"
こっくるうなずくゼロスくん。 Xellos said, nodding.
あたしはため息をつきながら、 I sighed.
「…あのねぇ…それくらいはあたしだって読んでるわよ。あたしの心配してるのは、つまり…何とゆーか…命があったからって無事だとは限らない、ってことよ」 "...Now, look... I'd figured that much out myself. What I'm worried about is, well... how do I say this... just because somebody's alive doesn't mean they're all right."
ようやく運ばれてきた食後の香茶をすすりながらあたしは言う。 I took a sip of the after-meal tea that had finally arrived.
「それもだいじょーぶなんじゃないですか」 "That's probably just fine, too,"
またもやカルク彼は言う。 he said lightly (again).
「敵にマゼンダさんがいっらしゃる以上、そのアメリアさんの術を封じることもできますから、喉をつぶす、などという手段は取らないでしょう。それに、敵にしてみれば、アメリアさんを盾にして、あなたたちを倒したあとは、もちろん彼女を殺してしまうつもりでしょうが…どうせ殺すなら、儀式にでも使ったほうが合理的じゃあありませんか」 "Since Ms. Mazenda is among our enemies, this Miss Amelia's magic can be sealed, which means they probably won't crush her throat or anything like that. In addition, looking at it from their point of view, while they almost certainly intend to kill Miss Amelia after using her as a shield and defeating you (plural), wouldn't it be more rational to use her in, say, a ceremony or some such thing, since they're going to kill her anyway?"
「―儀式!?」 "—A ceremony!?"
香茶を持った手を止めて、あたしは思わず問い返。 I exclaimed, my tea-holding hand stopping.
「そうです。敵も一応宗教集団ですから。宗教に凝ったひとって、なぜか儀式とかが大好きなんですよね。ましてや敵は、魔王信仰などというシロモノ。となれば儀式として考えられるのは…」 "Yes. The enemy is also more or less part of a kind of religious group. For some reason, elaborately religious people love rituals and such-like. And our enemy worships a demon king, which means that when it comes to rituals...."
「生け贄!?」 "Live sacrifice!?"
思わず声を上げるあたし。 I blurted.
「そいうことです。生け贄は、なるべく清く美しいものというのがセオリーです。ならば彼らは、アメリアさんに無意味な迫害をしたりはしないでしょう。…しっかし…」 "That sort of thing, yes. The theory is that a live sacrifice should be as pure and beautiful as possible. That being the case, they shouldn't meaninglessly persecute Miss Amelia. ...Still...."
ゼロスくん、やや複雑な苦笑を浮かべ、 Displaying a wry smile with slightly mixed emotions, Xellos continued,
「あの連中、人間があがめたてまつったからって言って、魔族がよろこんで、何かしてくれるとでも思ってるんでしょうかねぇ…本気で」 "Do you suppose those people really think that just because they've reverently offered up a human, mazoku will be pleased and do something for them... seriously."
「ま、他力本願で自分勝手に生きよう、ってぇ奴は多いから」 "Well, there're a lot of people who want to rely on others so they can live however they want,"
ため息まじりにあたしは言う。 I sighed.
「神サマの方につぃたら、どうしたって『自分勝手』の方が実現できないから、なら魔王の方の力を借りよう、ってなもんじゃないの?」 "It's a 'since we can't get 'however I want' by going to God, let's borrow a demon king's power,' sort of thing, right?"
「…ま、そんなところですか…」 "...Well, something like that...."
醒めた表情で言うゼロス。 Xellos said with a jaded expression.
「―あ。けどさ。敵が、人質として使い終わったあとは生け贄にしよう、ってとこまで思いつかなかったら?」 "—Oh. But hey. What if they don't think of using her as a sacrifice after they're done using her as a hostage?"
「それはないでしょう。なにしろクロツさんは、徹底した合理主義者ですから」 "They almost certainly will. After all, Mr. Kurotsu is a complete pragmatist."
「…クロツ?」 "Kurotsu?"
どこかで聞いたことがあるよーな…? I have the feeling I've heard that name somewhere before...?
「あのひとたちのボス…教祖様、って言うんですかね」 "Their boss... guru, I suppose."
あ。そーか。 Ah. I see.
確か三人で敵の集会所へ言った時、あのバルグモンとかいう男が言っていた名である。 If I'm remembering right, when we three went to the enemy's meeting place, that Bargumon guy said the name.
「それで―あんたの方は、いったい連中とどーゆーふーに関わってたわけ?」 "So—how are you mixed up with these guys?"
「いやぁ…実はライゼールの方で、彼らとあるものの取りあいやってたんですよ。ま、くわしく話せば長くなるので、かいつまんで話しますけど結局クロツさんたちが、まんまとそれを手に入れて、本拠地のここへ帰って来て、ということです」 "Welll.... The fact is, we were both trying to get the same thing in Raizel. Telling the whole thing would take a long time, so this is just a summary, but ultimately Kurotsu and his people successfully got hold of it and returned to their headquarters here."
「…思いっきりかいつまんで話したわね…ま、いいけど…それで、一体何なの?その『あるもの』ってぇのは?」 "...That's an extremely summarized summary, isn't it. ...Well, whatever. So, what is it? That 'thing' you were both after?"
「…いやぁ、はっはっは。たいしたもんじゃありませんよ」 "...Ah, nooo, ha ha ha. It's [not an important/a trivial] object,"
言いながら、視線をそらし、ホット・ミルクをまたひと口。 he said, looking away and taking another drink of hot milk.
「あのねぇ…あんな連中やあんたみたいなのが争奪戦やってるよーなモノが、つまんないもんのはずないでしょーが。…正直に答えちゃいなさいよ」 "Now look... anything that that bunch and someone like you are fighting over couldn't possibly be boring, could it. ...Be honest/frank/straightforward."
「…いや…まあ…その…」 "...No... well... that's...."
ゼロスくん、何やらもぐもぐ言いながら、やがてぽそりとつぶやくように、 Xellos, mumbling something, finally almost whispered,
「…ただの『写本』ですよ」 "...It’s just a manuscript."
「…写本…?」 "...A manuscript...?"
写本、って言ったって… Did he say 'a manuscript'....
―まさか!? —No way!?
「ちょっと待って!」 思わずいすから立ち上がるあたし。 Involuntarily, I stood. "Hold it right there!"
「リナさんっ!声が大きいですよっ!」 "Ms. Lina! You're being very loud!"
あわててなだめるゼロスのことばに、あたしはふたたびいすに腰かける。 Xellos said, hastily trying to get me to act normal again. I sat back down.
―店のおやじさんが、うさんくさそうな目でこちらを眺めているのを視界の片隅にとらえ、あたしは声を殺してゼロスに尋ねる。 I saw the shopkeeper staring at us suspiciously out of the corner of my eye. Suppressing my voice, I asked Xellos,
「…写本って、あの『写本』なの?」 "...When you say 'manuscript', do you mean that manuscript?"
「…たぶん…その写本です…」 "...It's... probably that manuscript...."
「―異界黙示録(クレアバイブル)―」 "—The Claire Bible (Otherworld Revelation)—"
あたしの小さなつぶやきに、彼はこっくりとうなずいた。 I whispered, and Xellos nodded.
異界黙示録。 The Claire Bible.
それは、魔道士の間に伝わる伝説だった。 It was a legend among magicians.
こことは別の世界の、魔族たちや、魔道の奥義が記されているという魔道書。 A book of magic telling the secrets of sorcery, and mazoku, from worlds other than this.
オリジナル一冊と、その部分的な、不完全な写本のいくつかのみが、どこかに存在するという。 The legend said that only the single complete original and a number of fragments, incomplete copies, exist... somewhere.
魔道士うちで、ただ『写本』と言う場合は、それ―異界黙示録、実在説が根強いが、確たる証拠があるわけでもなく、ただの伝説にすぎない、という者もいる。 Among mages, just saying "manuscript" means "Claire Bible manuscript"—the rumor of its existence is deep-seated, but there's no definite evidence and there are those who say it's nothing more than a legend.
しかし― However—
実在するのだ。異界黙示録は。 The Claire Bible does exist.
かつてあたしは、郷里(くに)の姉ちゃんといっしょに、ディルス王国へと行ったことがある。 Once, I visited the kingdom of Dirus with my older sister.
その王宮には、こんな話が伝わっていた。 In the royal palace, we heard this:
かつてここには『写本』が存在したのだが、かなり昔、何者かによって焼かれてしまった、と。 That once a manuscript existed here, but that it was burned by someone quite a long time ago.
しかし『写本』に書かれた内容は、代々王宮づきの賢者によって言い伝えられてきており、あたしは幸いそれを耳にすることができたのだが― But the contents of the manuscript had been passed down through generations by the sages attached to the royal palace, and happily I was able to hear it—
かなりうそくさい話ではあったが、あたしは面白半分に、その言い伝えをもとにして、ふたつの術を組み立てた。 It was a very untrue-sounding story, but just for the fun of it I used what I'd heard as the basis for constructing two magic spells.
そして、うちの一つは実際に発動したのだ。 And one of them actually worked.
―車破斬(ギガ・スレイブ)― —Giga Slave (Wheel Destroyer)—
魔王の中の魔王、『金色の魔王(ロード・オブ・ナイトメア)』の力を借りて、この世界に虚無を引き入れる術。 A magic that draws on the power of the demon lord of all demon lords, the Lord of Nightmare (the Golden Demon Lord), and brings nothingness itself into this world.
その破壊力は、人が使えるうちでもっとも強力と言われている、竜破斬(ドラグ・スレイブ)の力をかるく上回る。 Its destructive power can be said to be the strongest a person can wield, easily surpassing the power of the Dragon Slave.
もしもディルスの言い伝えが―いや、それよりもまず異界黙示録(クレアバイブル)とその写本の存在がでたらめならば、決して発動するはずのない術である。 If the things passed down in the kingdom of Dirus—no, if the idea that Claire Bible and its manuscripts exist were rubbish, that magic spell would never have worked.
それができてしまった、ということは、とりもなおさず、伝説の魔道書が実在することを意味していた。 The fact that it did means that the legendary book of magic truly exists.
しかし― However—
あたしはそのことを、魔道士協会には報告しなかった。 I didn't report that to the Mage's Association.
人が扱うには、あまりにも大きすぎる力のような気がしたのだ。 I had the feeling that it was far too much power for people to wield.
やりようによっては世界さえ、滅ぼしうるほどの力である。 It's a power that, depending on the way it's used, could destroy the world itself.
…とは言っても。 ...That said.
『写本』が実在するからと言っても、ゼロスくんとあの連中が取りあいをしたモノが、本物だったとは限らないが。 So manuscripts really exist—that didn't mean the thing Xellos and the cult were fighting for was the real deal. 
「…でも…その『写本』って、本物なんでしょうね?」 "...But... is that 'manuscript' of yours genuine?"
あたしはわざと、疑いのまなざしをゼロスに向ける。 I purposely turned a doubtful look on Xellos.
「どっかの村が、村おこしか何かのために『写本がある』なんてふれまわった、なんてことかもしんないわよ」 "Some village somewhere might've spread the rumor that there was a manuscript there in order to revitalize the place or something like that."
「―ああ。よくあるそ―ですねぇ。そ―いう事件」 "—Yes, indeed. That's a common event."
カルい口調で答えるゼロス。 Xellos answered in a light tone.
「『伝説の魔道書』と称して、自分で書いた愚にもつかない本を、マニアに高く売りつけるとか… けど今回のこれは、そ―いうのとは違うはずです。 僕のカン、というのもむろんありますけど、何よりクロツさんが、教団の主力の大半をあの『写本』の奪取にふりわけ、自分自身も足を運んだ― そこまでやる以上、かなりの確信があったはずです。 その点から考えてみても、あれが本物だという可能性は高いと思いますよ」 "Selling a nonsensical, self-written book to enthusiasts for a high price, calling it the legendary book of magic and so on.... But this one is probably different. There is, of course, my intuition, but above all else, Mr. Kurotsu put over half the cult's main force into taking that manuscript, and even took a personal hand himself—to go that far, he must have been quite certain. Even if you consider that point, I believe the probability of it being genuine is high."
…なんか苦しいリクツのよ―な気がするが… ...I have the feeling that theory's pretty strained....
しかし『写本』が本物かどうか、ということよりも、重要なのは― But more important than whether the manuscript is real or not is—
「それで―」 "So—"
あたしは彼の瞳をじっと見すえて言った。 I spoke looking right into his eyes.
「その『写本』には一体何が書かれているの?いや、それよりあなた、その『写本』を手に入れて、一体何するつもり?」 "Exactly what's in that manuscript? No, more importantly: what do you intend to do once you've gotten your hands on it?"
「…う―ん…」 "...Mmm...."
ゼロスはしばし、困ったような顔をして、 Xellos looked uncomfortable for a little while, then:
「…僕の方にもいろいろと事情がありまして…言えることと言えないことがあるんです。 ただ―これだけはお約束します。 絶対に、『写本』を悪用したりはしませんから」 "...I have various circumstances myself... there are things I can and can't say. However—I promise you this: I absolutely will not misuse the manuscript."
むろん― Naturally—
そうと言われて、はいそ―ですか、と信じるほど、あたしはお人好しじゃない。 I'm not good-natured enough to say "oh, okay" and believe someone just because they've said that.
しかしともあれ、彼がその、クロツたちと対立していることだけは、どうやら確かなようである。 But whatever the case, at least the fact that he and Kurotsu's bunch were opposed seemed certain.
ガウリイの行方もわからず、あたしの魔術もたよりにならない今となっては、たとえ一時的なものにせよ、味方がほしいところである。 At this moment I didn't know where Gourry was, couldn't rely on my magic, and wanted an ally even if only a temporary one.
「―わかったわ。それじゃあそのことについては聞かない。 …けど、連中の方は『写本』を使って一体何をするつもりなの?」 "—All right. In that case I won't ask about that. ...But what do that bunch plan to do with the manuscript?"
あたしの問いに、ゼロスは苦笑を浮かべつつ、 In response to my question, Xellos smiled wryly and said,
「…そりゃあ…僕に聞かれたって困りますけど…まあ、あ―いった人たちですから、すべての人が幸せになりますように、なんて目的でないことは確かでしょうね」 "That's... a little troubling, being asked that question... well, since they're the kind of people they are, it's probably certain that they're not going to wish for everyone's happiness or anything like that."
「なるほどね―ね、ひとつ提案があるんだけど―」 "Yeah. Say, I have a proposal—"
「一時手を組まないか―でしょ?」 "Shall we work together temporarily—right?"
「あたり。敵の本拠はわかんないけど、近くにあった集会所までなら案内してあげられるし、あたしとしても、味方がいた方が心強い」 "Bullseye. I don't know where the enemy's headquarters is, but I can guide you to a meeting place near here, and even I feel better having an ally."
「―いいですよ。それに、敵にマゼンダさんがいる以上、ほうっとくわけにもいきませんからね」 "—All right. Besides, since Ms. Mazenda's here, I can hardly leave things as they are, can I."
「…わけありね」 "...Because reasons, I'm guessing."
「秘密です」 "It's secret."
言ってゼロスは、人さし指を、自分の口に押しあてた。 Xellos said, and touched his index finger to his mouth.
―かくて。 —Thus.
あたしとゼロスとのにわかコンビは結成されたのだった。 The impromptu Lina-Xellos combo was formed.
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jokertrap-ran · 6 years ago
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[Initial] 5★ Will (Normal) Translation
第3話 素直な反応 Chapter 3: Honest reaction
CV: 石田 彰  (Ishida Akira)
*Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Name will remain as my normal ( ラン )
彼の突飛な行動と、恐怖にしばらく放心していると…―。 After gaining a peace of mind around his erratic behavior and his tendency to spring scares—...
メモを取り終えたウィル監督が、表情を一変させた。 Director will’s expression changed yet again after having completed his notes.
ウィル「よし、なるほど。また恐怖に対する反応の引き出しが増えたな、これは次の新作に生かそう。驚かせて悪かったね、ラン」 Will: Alright, I see now. I’ve noted down much more responses to fear now; so I think my next new work will be good to go with these in hand. Sorry for scaring you, Ran.
ラン「今、私の名前……」 Ran: You- Just now, my name...
ウィル「うん、君、なかなか見どころありそうだから、もっと親しくなりたいなって」 Will: Yup! You’re quite an enigma if I must say so I’d like to get to know you better.
悪びれもせずに、監督はモニタ―の電源を切る。 He calmly switched the monitor off.
ウィル「君も、『監督』なんてよそよそしい呼び方はやめて、ウィルって呼んで」 Will: And you should stop calling me “Director” since it’s such an offish title. Call me Will.
ラン「ウィル……さん」 Ran: Will…-san.
ウィル「うん、改めてこんにちは、ラン。僕のスタジオにようこそ!」 Will: Good! Hello once again, Ran. Welcome to my studio!
にこやかに笑って、腰を抜かしそうになっていた私の肩を叩いてくれる。 He grinned, patting me hard on the shoulder.
ウィル「それにしても、僕を目覚めさせてくれた人が君みたいな人だなんて……ホラーの神様は、僕のことが大好きみたいだ!!」 Will: Even so, to think that the person who woke me up from my slumber would be someone like you...It seems like the god of horror loves me!!
わけのわからないことを言って、喜び勇むウィルさんに、恐る恐る私は問いかけてみる。 He seemed really elated despite how he was spouting things I didn’t really understand. And so, I gingerly asked...
ラン「あの、もしかして招待状にあった完成しそうな新作って……」 Ran: Um, so the movie you mentioned that was about to reach completion in the invitation was...
ウィル「もちろんホラー映画だよ。今君が見たやつ」 Will: It’s a horror of course. You’ve just watched it.
明るい声で言って、レンズの向こうでウィンクをする。 He answered with a bright voice, winking behind the lens of his spectacles.
(どんな内容なんだろう……最後まで見られるかな……?) (I wonder what it’s about? ...Can I even sit through it till the very end…?)
これから先のことを考えて、私は少し気が遠くなったのだった…―。 I felt overwhelmed when I thought about what was to come in the near future—...
… …
…… ……
その後、ウィルさんが紅茶を淹れてくれたので、私は気を取り直して、近くの椅子に腰かけた。 Will brewed some tea afterwards so I pulled myself together and sat down on a nearby chair.
ウィル「君、砂糖は何個?」 Will: How many cubes of sugar do you do?
ラン「一つでお願いします」 Ran: Just one please.
ウィル「了解」 Will: Roger.
小さな壺から、角砂糖のようなものをウィルさんが取り出す。 Will took something that looked like sugar cubes from a small jar.
けれど…… But...
ラン「なっ、なんですかそれ!?」 Ran: W-What are these things!?
ウィル「あ、見た? 可愛いよね! この、しゃれこうべを模した砂糖。」 Will: Oh, you saw them? Aren’t they just so cute? They’re sugar shaped to resemble skulls.
ウィル「この輪郭の型どりとかさ……よくできてると思わない!? 行きつけの喫茶店にあったヤツで、一目ぼれしちゃってさ。頼みこんで譲ってもらったんだよ。」 Will: Don’t you think the contours and shape of this thing are well-made!? It was being used at the coffeehouse I frequent and I fell in love with it at first sight, you see. So the owner gave some to me when I asked.
ウィル「コイツも仲間だ――!って叫んでたし」 Will: This guy’s also a fellow skull-lover――! He cried out.
不健康そうな指先で、ウィルさんは胸元の髑髏型スティックピンを指す。 With a pallid looking finger, Will pointed to the skull-shaped stick pin on his chest.
ウィル「カッコいいよね、これ?」 Will: Isn’t this cool?
Choice: 髑髏が好きなの? Do you like skulls? (SUN)
ラン「髑髏が好きなんですか?」 Ran: Do you like skulls?
ウイル「モチーフのひとつとしてね」 Will: As a motif, yes.
ウイル「この落ちくぼんだ目に独特のフォルム、堪らないよ。けど女の子の悲鳴はもっと好き」 Will: I just can’t resist the allure of what a unique form it has with those deeply recessed eyes. Although, I do prefer the screams of girls much, much more.
ラン「……」 Ran: ……
Choice: 何も言えない Don't say anything. (MOON)
何て答えていいかわからなくて、沈黙を作ってしまう。 I kept mum as I didn’t know what I should say.
ウィル「……君のその顔は、恐怖でもない、怒りでもない。呆れた顔だな」 Will: ...That face you’re making over there is neither one of fear nor anger. It’s one of astoundment.
ラン「……すみません」 Ran: ...Sorry...
ウィル「さ、冷めないうちにどうぞ……この髑髏はあっという間に紅茶に溶けて消えるから」 Will: Here, drink before it cools...This skull will melt and dissolve in the tea in no time at all.
そう言って、砂糖を一つ摘み上げる。 Saying so, he plopped one in.
ウィル「怖いなら溶かしてしまえばいい」 Will: You can just wait till it melts if you’re scared.
ウィルさんは自分のカップに、小さな髑髏を落とす。 Will dropped a small skull into his own cup.
ウィル「……まあいいや。気にしないで。僕、人からよく変わった趣味をしてるって言われるし。でも、女の子の趣味は別かな?」 Will: ...Well, whatever. Don’t worry about it. I’m often told that I have rather eccentric tastes and hobbies from the general populace. I guess girls have different tastes and hobbies?
レンズ越しの瞳が細められる。 He narrowed his eyes.
どこか色っぽい眼差しが私を見て…… He was looking at me with such an alluring gaze out of nowhere...
ウィル「だって、君が可愛く見えるのは、この世の摂理的に当然のことだから」 Will: I mean, you only look cute because of this world’s providence, which is a given.
ラン「……っ」 Ran: ……
伸ばされた指先が、私の頬をくすぐる。 His fingertips tickled at my cheek.
そのまま私の髪を指先に巻き付けながら、じっと見つめる…… His gaze fixated on mine as he wound locks of my hair around his fingers.
ウィル「ね、ラン」 Will: Hey, Ran.
名前を呼んだ彼の唇から覗いた歯がホラー映画の中の吸血鬼のようで、胸騒ぎがし始めた。 I could see a fang peeking out of his lips as he called my name. It reminded me of a vampire from a horror movie and that sent my heart speeding.
(気持ちが落ち着かない……) (My feelings just can’t seem to calm down…)
つい視線を彼から外してしまう。 I couldn’t help but to look everywhere but him.
すると、ふとまた彼の指先が動いて私の顎を捕えた。 That's when his fingers darted out and snatched my chin up to face him.
ラン「……っ」 Ran: ……
ウィル「君、さっきの様子を見れば、ホラーが苦手なのはわかるけど……参考までに、好きな映画も教えてもらえる?」 Will: Just observing your behavior from earlier was enough to tell me that you’re clearly bad when it comes to horror but...Could you tell me about your favorite movie, just for reference?
ラン「わ、私のですか?」 Ran: M-Me?
(映画……好きなジャンルは……) (My favorite genre of movies is...)
Choice: 動物もの Something related to animals (SUN)
ラン「動物ものです」 Ran: Something animal-related.
ウイル「……いいね! 僕も好きだよ」 Will: …… How brilliant! I love them too!
ラン「そうなんですか?」 Ran: You do?
(意外だな……) (That’s surprising…)
ウイル「特にサバンナの過酷な状況なんかで、自分の命の危機を感じたときのあの動物達の鬼気迫る表情……」 Will: Especially the somber situation within the Savannah where you get to see the animals’ expressions as they face crisis with their lives at stake...
ウイル「なかなか、学ぶものが多い」 Will: There’s much to learn in that aspect.
ラン「……」 Ran: ……
どう返していいかわからず、飲み込む言葉を。 I swallowed my words back down, unsure of how I should reply him.
Choice: 恋愛もの Romance (MOON)
ラン「恋愛ものが好きです」 Ran: I like romance.
ヒュウ……と、ウィルさんは賑やかしのような口笛を鳴らした。 Will let out a whistle akin to what one would call a cat-call.
ウィル「やっぱり女の子なんだね。僕も次回作には恋愛要素を入れようかな」 Will: Well, you’re a girl after all. Maybe I should put some elements of romance in my next movie?
視線を明後日の方へ向けて、何やら考えるそぶりを見せると、またメモを取り始める。 He looked as if he was mentally debating something regarding matters on the day after tomorrow before he started jotting down notes yet again.
ウィル「なんにせよ、君が驚くほど素直だってことがわかったよ! ……まあ、そんな顔を見たくて呼んだんだけどね」 Will: In any case, I’ve learnt that you’re surprisingly straightforward! ...Well, I only called out your name because I wanted to see that expression of yours.
かすかな声で、彼は意地悪そうに微笑んだ。 He said softly as a teasing smile made itself known on his face.
ウィル「けど、お楽しみは後に取っておいて…… せっかくだから、映画の製作現場を案内してあげるよ!」 Will: But let’s leave the fun to later...I’ll have to show you the movie production sites since you’ve come all the way here!
これまでの彼とのやり取りを思い出して、胸に一抹の不安が過る。 Recalling everything that had transpired whenever he dragged me off to a new location, a single anxiety took root in my heart.
ラン「ウィルさん、私は結構で…―」 Ran: Will-san, I’ll pass―...
ウィル「遠慮しないで!!」 Will: Don’t hold back on me!!
こうして私はウィルさんに手を引かれ、スタジオから連れ出されたのだった…―。 And that was how I was dragged out of the studio by the hands of Will himself―...
つづく… To be continued...
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stealthyward-blog · 8 years ago
Case markers (格助詞 kaku-joshi) が、の、を、に、へ、と、で、から、より
Parallel markers (並立助詞 heiritsu-joshi) か、の、や、に、と、やら、なり、だの
Sentence ending particles (終助詞 shū-joshi) か、の、や、な、わ、とも、かしら
Interjectory particles (間投助詞 kantō-joshi) さ、よ、ね
Adverbial particles (副助詞 fuku-joshi) ばかり、まで、だけ、ほど、くらい、など、なり、やら
Binding particles (係助詞 kakari-joshi) は、も、こそ、でも、しか、さえ、だに
Conjunctive particles (接続助詞 setsuzoku-joshi) ば、や、が、て、のに、ので、から、ところが、けれども
Phrasal particles (準体助詞 juntai-joshi) の、から
-------------------------------------------------------------- Basic Particles
で at, by means of
Jitensha de ikimashō. 自転車で行きましょう。 Let's go by bicycle.
Koko de yasumitai. ここで休みたい。 I want to rest here.
Nihongo de tegami o kaita. 日本語で手紙を書いた。 I wrote the letter in Japanese.
kimi ga suki de yokatta. 君が好きでよかった。 You are loved (and so) I am glad. / I am glad that I love you.
でも even, or, but, however, also in
Uchū kara de mo Banri-no-Chōjō ga mieru. 宇宙からでも万里の長城が見える。 Even from space you can see the Great Wall of China.
Ocha de mo, ikaga? お茶でも、いかが? Would you like tea or something?
Nihon de mo eigo o benkyō suru 日本でも英語を勉強する。 In Japan also, we study English.
De mo, watashi wa sō omowanai. でも、私はそう思わない。 But I don't think so.
へ to, in [direction]
Nihon e yōkoso! 日本へようこそ! Welcome to Japan!
が [identifier], is (the thing that ___.), but
Neko ga esa o tabeta. 猫が餌を食べた。 The cat ate the catfood. [Answers:"What ate the catfood?"]
Inu ga suki. 犬が好き。 I like dogs.
wa ga kuni 我が国 my/our country (我= I, me, my)
Fujimi ga Oka 富士見が丘 Fuji View Hill [が=noun connector]
Seki ga hara 関が原 Gateway Plains [が=noun connector]
Inu wa suki da ga, neko wa kirai da. 犬は好きだが、猫は嫌いだ。 I like dogs but I hate cats. [conjuction- connects 2 phrases/words together]
か question, doubt, whether(dō ka- whether or not), conjunction
Kore ka, sore ka, docchika erande yo. これか、それか、どっちか選んでよ。 This or that, choose one of them.
Iku ka [dō ka] wakaranai. 行くか(どうか)分からない。 I don't know [whether or not / if] he'll go.
Dokoka de mita koto ga aru. どこかで見たことがある。 I think I've seen you somewhere before. (You look familiar)
Wakaru ka? 分かるか?Do you understand? (informal)
Eigo nante wakaru ka! 英語なんて分かるか! Why the heck would I understand English? (informal)
Sate, dekake yō ka? さて、出かけようか? Right then, shall we leave?
Iku ka to omoimasu ga... 行くかと思いますが。。。 I think he'll go (but I'm not sure)...
ね [interjection] eh?, hey, huh?
Kimi wa kashikoi yo ne. 君は賢いよね。 You're pretty smart, aren't you.
Kakkō ii desu ne. 格好いいですね。 That's pretty neat, eh?
Ne, ima nanji? ね、いま何時? Hey, what time is it?
に to, in, at, by, [indirect object], direction, -ly Following a na-adjective, it creates an adverb
Gakkō ni iru. 学校にいる。 I'm at/in school.
Gakkō ni iku. 学校に行く。 I'm going to school.
Ore ni kaese. 俺に返せ。 Give it back to me.
Ka ni sasareta. 蚊にさされた。 I was bitten by a mosquito.
Eiga o mi ni iku. 映画を見に行く。 I'm going to see a movie.
teinei, teinei ni 丁寧、 丁寧に polite, politely
の [possession], noun link, topic marker
先生の車 the teacher's car
私のコンピューター My computer
anata no shukudai あなたの宿題 Your homework
車のトヨタ Toyota the car
Kare no tsukutta kēki wa oishikatta. 彼の作ったケーキはおいしかった。 The cake that he made was tasty.
Yasui no wa, kore. 安いのは、これ。 This is the cheap[er] one.
食べるのが大好き。 I love eating.
もう、食べたの? Have you eaten yet?
車なの? Is it a car?
Kare ni mō ageta no yo! 彼にもうあげたのよ! I already gave it to him!
を [direct object], through, from, past (motion verbs)
Neko ga esa o tabeta. 猫が餌を食べた。The cat ate the food.
Sora o tobu 空を飛ぶ Fly through the sky
と and, with, as with [preposition], if, quotation
それとこれ that and this
それとこれと that or this
Taiyōkei dasshutsu e to chikazuite itta. 太陽系脱出へと近づいて行った。 They were getting close to the point of leaving the Solar System.
僕と行きたい? Do you want to go with me?
勉強すると分かる。 If you study, you'll understand.
Umi made! to sakenda. 「海まで!」と叫んだ。 "To the sea!" he cried.
は [Topic marker]
や Used to make an incomplete list of things [usually nouns].
私の好きな食べ物はお菓子やパンやミカンなどです。(okashiお菓子=snacks). "I like snacks, bread and tangerines."
よ Makes assertions, Goes at the end of a sentence. Sometimes used after nouns, as a vocative marker, often used in older speech, poetry, and songs.
Kaeru yo! 帰るよ! I'm going home!
Saraba, tomo yo. さらば友よ。 Farewell, oh friend!
かな I wonder
Kare wa ayashii hito ka na. 彼は怪しい人かな。 I wonder if he's a suspicious person.
から from, after, because [Kara may be followed by の to link two nouns.]
Tōkyō kara kaetta. 東京から帰った。 He returned from Tokyo.
zutto mae kara no hanashi ずっと前からの話 a conversation from way back
Owatte kara, kite kudasai. 終わってから、来てください。 Please come by after finishing (after you've finished).
Niku o tabenai kara, raamen wa dame da 肉を食べないから、ラーメンはだめだ。 Because he doesn't eat meat, ramen is bad (a bad idea).
かしら [Like かな, but is used more by women.]
Kare wa ayashii hito ka shira. 彼は怪しい人かしら。 I wonder if he's a suspicious person.
けど although, but, [short v of けれど/ けども]
Kanojo wa hen da kedo kirei da. 彼女は変だけどきれいだ。 She is strange but pretty.
Particle Contrast
はvが は is the topic, while が is the subject.
は gives focus to the action of the sentence- to the verb or adjective, while が gives focus to the subject of the action.  
は is used to declare/ make a statement. が is used for new information, or asking for new information.
にvで Both used to show location in English, their uses are mutually exclusive.
に is used with stative verbs [いる, ある, すむ(to live, inhabit)]. で is used with action verbs to convey the place of action. Gakkō-ni neru. 学校で寝る。 I sleep in/at school. (Gakkō-ni neru/ I sleep to school. is incorrect.)
にvへ Both mean to or at. へ is like 'towards'.
Gakkō e iku. 学校に行く。 I'm going to school. Gakkō ni iru. 学校にいる。 I'm at school.
友達に会う。I'll meet my friends. (Incorrect: 友達へ会う。 I'll meet to my friends.) "Meet" is not a verb of motion, so it's impossible.
がvを Some cases, they are interchangeable, like with the -tai form.
ご飯が食べたい。 Gohan ga tabetai. I want to eat rice. ご飯を食べたい。 Gohan o tabetai. I want to eat rice.
好き (a な-adj) can take either が or を. 君が好きだ。 Kimi ga suki da. I like you. 君を好きでよかった。 Kimi o suki de yokatta. I'm glad I like you.
にvと [Sometimes interchangeable, like になる and となる]. になる suggests a natural change, whereas となる suggests change to a final stage.
やvと や - used for incomplete lists. と - used for complete lists.
ばかり (許り) just, only, full of Tōkyō wa hito bakari da. 東京は人ばかりだ。 Tokyo is just full of people.
Tabeta bakari da. 食べたばかりだ。 I just ate.
Kare wa tabete bakari iru. 彼は食べてばかりいる。 He's always eating.
ばかりか (許りか) not only, さえ(but also)= 許りかさえ
Sofu bakari ka, sōsofu sae ikite iru. 祖父ばかりか、曽祖父さえ生きている。 Not only is my grandfather living, but so is my great-grandfather.
ばかし (許し) only/ bakashi is another form of bakari.
だけ (丈) only, just, merely [noun] お忘れになっただけかと思いました。 You might have just forgotten.
Rōmaji dake no jisho. ローマ字だけの辞書 a rōmaji-only dictionary
Netai dake nereba ii. 寝たいだけ寝ればいい。 You can sleep as much as you want [to sleep].
だの and, things like This particle is used far less frequently than to ka. Often has negative connotations.
Nattō da no, shīfūdo da no, wasabi da no—nihonshoku ga nigate da. 納豆だの、シーフードだの、わさびだの—日本食が苦手だ。 Natto, seafood, wasabi—Japanese food isn't my thing.
どころか (所か) anything but, far from
Kare wa keisatsukan dokoro ka, hanzaisha da. 彼は警察官どころか、犯罪者だ。 He's anything but a policeman; he's a criminal.
ほど (程) as much as, upper limit
Kare hodo nihongo ga umakunai. 彼ほど日本語がうまくない。 My Japanese isn't as good as his.
Hayai hodo ii. 早いほどいい。 The sooner, the better.
Aitsu o koroshitai hodo kirai da. あいつを殺したいほど嫌いだ。 I hate him enough to want to kill him.
かい gentle/masculine variant of the question marker ka.
きり (切り) just, only, less used than だけ, Functions as a noun and may be followed by の.
futari kiri no o-mise 二人きりのお店 a shop with just two people [who work there]
っけ What (was it, again?) [Similar to か but recalling for info. of what you used to know.]
Nani wo iou to shiteta no da kke. 何を言おうとしてたのだっけ。 What we're you trying to say, again?
koro/goro ごろ (頃) around, approximately [Functions as a noun and may be followed by の.]
こそ [emphasis marker] precisely, exactly
Kyō koso, yaru zo! 今日こそ、やるぞ! Today, I'm going to do it!
Kimi ga suki da kara koso kore dake ganbatte iru n da yo. 君が好きだからこそこれだけがんばっているんだよ。 It's precisely because I like you that I'm working this hard.
Kochira koso, yoroshiku onegai shimasu. こちらこそ、よろしくお願いします。 Nice to meet you, too. (Emphasizes this side or me too)
くらい・ぐらい (位) about, approximately [noun; may be followed by の.]
Juppun kurai kakaru 十分くらいかかる。It takes about 10 minutes.
まで (迄) up to, until, as far as
Kono densha wa, Shimonoseki made ikimasu. この電車は、下関まで行きます。 This train goes as far as Shimonoseki.
までに (迄に) by [a certain time]
Ku-ji made ni kaeru. 九時までに帰る。 I'll come back by nine o'clock.
め (目) ordinal particle (め only- "damn...")
Amerika wa nikai me desu. アメリカは二回目です。 This is my second time to America.
Orokamono me! 愚か者め![You] damn fool!
も(亦) also, Replaces は and が, but may follow other particles.
Watashi ni mo kureta. 私にもくれた。She gave some to me, too.
もの, もん (物) [feminine sentence ender]; a bit cheeky. Verb+物: Creates a noun from the verb (only applies to certain verbs).
Nomimono 飲み物 drink/ Ikimono 生き物 living thing
どうしてこなかったの? Why didn't you come? Jugyō ga attanda mon. 授業があったんだもの。 I had class, hah.
もので [Similar to ので/んで] because (of something)___is happening.
ものか, もんか Put at the end of a sentence Used to strongly decline. (More gently : もの/もんですか)
Makeru-monka! 負けるもんか! I will not surrender!
Dare ga anna tokoro-ni nido to iku-mondesuka! 誰があんなところに二度と行くもんですか! Who dares to go to the place like that at the second time!
ものなら (物なら) if (I/we/etc.) could/ if it's possible
その伝言が重要なものなら彼に電話しなさい。   Telephone him if the message is important.  
ものを Shows feelings for not doing something they need to.
「好きだ」とひとこといってくれさえしたらけっこんできたものお・・・ "好きだ"と一言言ってくれさえしたら、結婚できたものを... If you had said "I like you", we would have gotten married...
な/なる, なあ/なぁ Adjective, "don't" な- Used with adj that act like nouns. な-adjectives なる (old)- Used the same way as な-adjectives. Dictionary form verb + な = "Don't__." Verb stem + な = "Do___." な Modifies general nouns before other particles which can't directly follow nouns (ので).
するな Don't do (something). 食べな Eat./ Please eat.
hen na hito 変な人 a strange person
Hen da na! 変だな!How strange!
など (等) For example, things like, such as, etc., and so on
Nattō ya kabuki nado wa Nihon dake ni aru. 納豆や歌舞伎などは日本だけにある。 Things like natto and kabuki are only in Japan.
なんか, なんて (何か, 何て) emphasizes disgust/ negative feelings
Jogen nanka iranai. 助言なんかいらない。 I don't need any (damn) advice.
Oyogu nante dekinai. 泳ぐなんてできない。 I can't swim.
Ōkiku nanka nai kedo, kirei da. 大きくなんかないけど、きれいだ。 It's not big [or anything], but it's clean.
なら if [conditional, hypothetical]
Atsui nara, eakon o tsukete. 暑いなら、エアコンを付けて。 If you're hot, turn on the air conditioner.
にて Formal version of で/ Functions the same way.
には for, in, to, in order to
Shichimi wa, watashi ni wa kara-sugiru. 七味は、私には辛すぎる。 (辛 = spicy, すぎる = too) Shichimi is too spicy for me.
Kyōto ni wa hana ga aru. 京都には花がある。 There are flowers in Kyōto.
Mizu o mitsukeru ni wa みずをみつけるには In order to find water
ので because, often shortened to んで
Tesuto ga aru no de, ikenai. テストがあるので、行けない。 Because I have a test, I can't go.
Gakkō na no de, kin'en da. 学校なので、禁煙だ。 Because this is a school it's no smoking.
のみ only, just, [formal], less common than だけ Unlike だけ, it only means a small quantity/single frequency
Tō-ten de wa, Nihon en nomi go-riyō itadakemasu. 当店では、日本円のみご利用頂けます。 This store accepts Japanese Yen only.
のに despite, although, even though, would have, in order to Nouns and な-adjectives must be followed by な before using this particle. Has a stronger meaning than けど when used to mean "although" Conveys regret when used to mean "would have".
Benkyō shiteiru no ni, eigo ga hanasenai. 勉強しているのに、英語が話せない。 Although I am studying, I can't speak English.
Kaette kitara, yokatta no ni. 帰ってきたら、よかったのに。 It would have been nice if you had come home.
Hikkosu no ni torakku ga hitsuyō da. 引っ越すのにトラックが必要だ。 (In order) to move, you need a truck.
さ [Masculine] Indicates obvious facts, softer than よ さあ, さぁ [Feminine] Used like ね
Kanojo ga inai kara, dansu niwa ikanai sa. 彼女がいないから、ダンスには行かないさ。 I don't have a girlfriend, so I'm not going to the dance.
Kinō saa, gakkō de saa, sensei ni saa, chūi sarete saa, chō mukatsuita. 昨日さあ、学校でさあ、先生にさあ、注意されてさあ、超むかついた。 Like, yesterday, in, like, school, I, like, got fussed at by, like, some teacher, and it totally made me sick.
さえ even, [overlaps with も] Implies emphasis that something is greater than expected. Can be followed by も for extra emphasis.
Kanji sae kakeru. 漢字さえ書ける。 He can even write kanji.
でさえ even, Replaces は and が, like でも.
Sonna koto wa saru de sae dekiru. そんなことは猿でさえできる。 Even a monkey can do that.
さえ…ば/ら (さえ followed by a verb- "if only")
Kore sae nomeba, futsukayoi ga naoru yo. これさえ飲めば、二日酔いが直るよ。 If you would just drink this, your hangover would get better.
し "and what's more"
Kirei da shi, hiroi shi, ii ne, kono apaato! きれいだし、広いし、いいね、このアパート。 It's clean, it's spacious; this apartment is nice, isn't it!
しか only, just, [must be followed by a negative verb] でけしか, きりしか, のみしか + the negative verb = Stresses an extremely limited quantity or frequency.
Ichi en dama shika nai. 一円玉しかない。 I have just a one-yen coin.
Yūbin-kyoku ni iku shika nai. 郵便局に行くしかない。 The only thing [to do] is to go to the post office.
すら even, overlaps with も Implies a (usually) negative emphasis that the extent of something is less than expected. Contrasts with さえ.
Kanji sura kakenai. 漢字すら書けない。 He can't even write kanji.
とか [listing particle], Like のど Often used with なに in the form, なんとか (something or other)
Kani to ka, hotate to ka, zenbu tabeta yo. 蟹とか、帆立とか、全部食べたよ。 We had crab, scallops, [other stuff,] we ate them all.
とも (共) both, all of the とも(w.out kanji)- even if, even though, at the__-est, whether noun + とも + negative verb = "none"
Watashi wa, aitsura ga futari tomo kirai da. 私は、あいつらが、二人��も嫌いだ。 I hate both of those guys.
Zannen nagara, sono kuruma wa san dai tomo irimasen. 残念ながら、その車は三台とも要りません。 Unfortunately, we need none of those three cars.
Dō shiyō to mo amari susumanai. どうしようともあまり進まない。 No matter how we try [to do something], we don't make much progress.
Sukunaku to mo go-jū mairu aruite kita. 少なくとも五十マイル歩いてきた。 We walked at least fifty miles [to get here].
Osoku to mo itte miyō yo. 遅くともいってみようよ。 Even if it's late, let's go and check it out.
Kau to mo kawanai to mo hakkiri shite imasen. 買うとも買わないともはっきりしていません。 It isn't clear whether they're going to buy or not.
Waratte ii to mo. 笑っていいとも。 It's okay to laugh.
行きませんとも。 As if I would go.
って [Casual] Another form of と. Short ver. of という. Present progressive form of 言う/いう (to say). Verbal quotation mark. Sometimes used as a direct quote. Sometimes used for an indirect quote. Used to emphasize a word or concept. To be formal, use いいます instead of って.
Sugu kimasu tte すぐ来ますって。 He said, 'I'll come soon.'
Arabiago tte, muzukashikunai? アラビア語って難しくない? Arabic─isn't it difficult? (Emphasizing a word; used instead of というものは or は)
ってば [Emphasis marker] Esp. when speaker is impatient
コーヒーだってば! I said "coffee"!
わ [Used by both genders] Establishes an emotional connection if used at the end of a sentence.
やら Denotes either uncertainty or listing.
より from, used to make comparisons
Kono densha-wa, Kashiwa-yori saki wa kaku eki-ni tomarimasu. この電車は柏より先は各駅に止まります。 This train will stop at every station after Kashiwa.
Dare-yori-mo kanemochi-ni naritai. 誰よりも金持ちになりたい。 I want to become richer than anyone (else).
ぜ Indicates assertion. [Mostly used by men.] Never polite.
ぞ Indicates assertion. [Mostly used by men.] Less forceful than ぜ.
ずつ at a time, one at a time, 'by' in 'one by one', 'each' in 'one each'. Usually follows counted nouns.
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gyakutengagotoku · 4 years ago
GS4 vs AJ:AA - Episode 3, Part 3
Lately, I’ve had a terrible time setting a posting schedule that keeps conflicting with my folks’ plans. I’m like the resident errand girl... Now, especially now, I understand the pain of Nick and his pupils when the court makes them do whatever because no one else wants to.
Anyhow, I’m back and back on schedule. No more mess-ups dragging me back to a previous post, no sirree! Oh, and again, don’t mind the extra entries I through in there just for sharing. I got at least one viewer who has yet to play through the English versions of these next games.
If only I knew how to be funny when I have nothing to say, though...
> Wright Anything Agency
<Trucy> なんていうか。ナゾが多いって、 ワクワクしますよね! なんとなく。 It's another mystery, Apollo! I love mysteries.
<Apollo> オレはしないケドね。 I don't.
そういえば‥‥成歩堂さんは? 意見を聞きたいんだけど。 Speaking of mysteries, what's Mr. Wright up to? I wouldn't mind asking his opinion.
<Trucy> あ。そういえば、パパ。 最近、見ないですよね。 Now that you mention it, I haven't seen Daddy around.
<Apollo> おとうさんを、 “のらネコ”みたいに言うなよ。 What, is he some kind of stray that just wanders in and out at will?
"Don't treat your dad like some 'stray cat'."
Ah, so he's a cat?
> Examine: photo
<Apollo> 古そうな写真に、みぬきちゃんが 尊敬する魔術師が写っている。 A faded photograph showing one of Trucy's favorite magicians.
みぬきちゃんは、毎日この写真に 向かって手をあわせているみたいだ。 She talks to it daily for good luck, I hear.
<Trucy> あ! 今日の“お祈り”忘れてました! Ack! I almost forgot!
えーと。 偉大な魔術師になれますよーに! Umm... I hope I become a famous Grand Magician!
あと、ついでにオドロキさんが、 リッパな弁護士になれますように! Oh, and I hope Apollo becomes an Ace Attorney!
‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ これで、よしっと。 ...There! All done.
<Apollo> (まあ。ご利益があるかどうかは、  ナゾだよな‥‥) (I suppose if you're going to talk to inanimate objects, a photo isn't so bad.)
Aww, Trucy. Yeah, this is more of a custom you'd find in Japanese households and offices, since they're pretty big on praying to their family members beyond the grave or certain lucky Kami for good fortune and all that. 'Tis an Asian thing, really.
Odoroki: "(Eh. Who knows if it really works or not...)"
> Examine: silk hat
<Apollo> やっぱり。ボウシから、 色々なものを出すんでしょ? That's one of those hats you pull things out of, right?
<Trucy> もちろん、やりますよ。 みぬきのボウシも小宇宙ですから! Of course! My hat's like a little universe! Bigger on the inside than on the outside!
<Apollo> 小宇宙か‥‥なんだかスゴイね。 “ギャラクティカ!”ってカンジだ。 Hmm... That reminds me of a sci-fi show I used to watch.
Odoroki actually gives that sci-fi show by name: "Galactica!", which is most likely referring to Battlestar Galactica itself.
> Examine: spaghetti
<Apollo> ロウ細工じゃなくて、ホンモノの 料理を置いてるお店もあるよね。 I've seen some restaurants that set out real food to show what's on the menu.
<Trucy> そういうのって、 なぜか減ってることありません? I have, too! But I noticed something strange...
喫茶店のサンドイッチの具だけが、 なくなってるの見たことあります! One time, there was a sandwich without any lettuce!
あれはあれで、フシギです! Like it had disappeared... by magic!
<Apollo> ‥‥ダレかが、 ツマミ食いしただけじゃないの。 ...I'm sure someone just swiped the lettuce and ate it.
<Trucy> あ! あのサンドイッチ、 もしかして‥‥ Wait, that sandwich... You didn't...!
オドロキさん。いくらおナカが すいたからって、カラダ壊しますよ。 Apollo, you shouldn't eat sample food, no matter how hungry you are!
<Apollo> 食べないよ! ヒトを“のら犬”みたいに言うなよ。 Just how hard up do you think I am!?
Last two lines: "Odoroki-san, if you're always keeping yourself hungry like that, you'll hurt your health." "I didn't eat it! Don't treat others like a 'stray dog'."
Ah, so he's a dog. Btw, yes, it is still a sandwich with lettuce from a coffee shop in the JP script.
> Examine: hula hoop
<Apollo> けっこうジャマなんだよな、それ。 You know, that ring kind of gets in the way.
この前も、依頼人が つまづいて転んでたし。 Our client the other day tripped on it and fell on the floor.
<Trucy> そのあと、外までころがった リングを探すのもタイヘンでしたね。 ...Sending my ring rolling out the door! You know how long it took me to find it?
<Apollo> 怒った依頼人をなだめる方が、 もっとタイヘンだったよ。 You know how long it took to calm down the client?
けっきょく、依頼もらえなかったし。 ‥‥少しは、片付けようよ。 And in the end, they walked out without hiring us. Could you clean up a bit?
Oh, I would pay a private eye good money to find who this client was based on, out of the staff who wrote the original script. Any ideas, guys?
> Talk: Yesterday's Trial
<Apollo> 今日の法廷で‥‥ラミロアさんは、 ハッキリ証言した。 Lamiroir dropped a bomb in court today...
《犯人は、ダイアンさんだ》って。 "It was Daryan"...
<Trucy> ラミロアさん。一度、聞いた声は ゼッタイ忘れないんでしょ? Lamiroir said she's never forgotten a voice, right?
なんか、カッコイイですよねー。 That's so cool!
<Apollo> うん。まあね。 Um, I guess.
<Trucy> なんていうんでしたっけ、アレ。 What's that called again?
ええと。 “じごくみみ”っていう‥‥ Um... Elephant ears...? I bet that's what they're called...
<Apollo> ちょっとちがうぞ、それ。 ...Somehow I don't think that means what you think it means.
In JP, Minuki uses the word "jigoku mimi", which is a metaphor like "ears so sharp they could hear into hell itself", or so it sounds. It can refer to one of two kinds of people: 1) those with the special ability to remember something forever after hearing it once, or 2) incredibly nosy people who'd dig into others' secrets without permission.
Also, I just learned that "elephant ears" can be another name for taro.
> Talk: Interpol
<Apollo> 国際警察の捜査官‥‥かあ。 An Interpol agent... hmm.
<Trucy> で? なんですか? “こくさいけいさつ”って。 I was wondering, what is "Interpol" anyway?
<Apollo> え! そ。そりゃ、アレだろ? Huh? Interpol?
国際犯罪のハンニンを つかまえるんじゃないか。 They're the guys who catch international criminals.
<Trucy> なんでも“こくさい”をつけりゃ いいワケじゃないと思いますケド。 Why can't they just call them "International Police" instead of making up some silly name?
Minuki: "I don't think just throwing 'International' onto anything has an excuse, though."
Unfortunately, they don't have the rights to name themselves "Justice League of Nations" yet, so "Interpol" will have to do.
<Apollo> ‥‥やっぱり、アレかな。 ラミロアさんを調べていた、とか? Yeah... ...Anyway, you think he was investigating Lamiroir?
<Trucy> えええ! ナニ言ってるんですか! Whaaaa--!? Why would anyone do that?
ラミロアさんが犯罪者なワケ、 ないじゃないですか! She's not a criminal! She couldn't be!
<Apollo> いやいや。ヒトは見かけによらない、 って言うぞ。 Don't be fooled by appearances is all I'm saying.
<Trucy> コドモの純真な目はゴマかせない、 って言うじゃないですか! But remember I'm a magician, Apollo! I can spot a palmed coin at fifty paces!
<Apollo> 自分で言うなよ。 If only it were that easy.
Last three lines: "Sorry, but like they say, 'You can't judge a book by its cover.'" "Don't you mean, 'You can't fool a kid's true-seeing eyes!'" "Don't make up your own saying."
(Fyi, I do sometimes hear this saying about how "kids aren't so easily fooled" in both English and Japanese, but I wanted to make a pun of my own.)
> Enter Valant
<Apollo> はあ。どうも‥‥ Ah, um, nice to meet you. Who... are you?
(ニヤニヤ笑いながら、  言われてもなあ‥‥) (And could you please stop smirking like that?)
<Trucy> ああああッ! あ。あ。あ。あ。あ。 あ‥‥あなたはッ! Ah. Ahhhhhhh! It's you!!! Uncle Valant!
<Apollo> なんだよ。 やっぱり、トモダチか? Uncle Valant...? He's your uncle!?
<Trucy> ナニ言ってるんですか! No, silly!
或真敷(あるまじき)バランさん ですよ! It's the Great Gramarye, Valant Gramarye!
あの。大魔術師のッ! The Grand Magician!
<Valant> さよう‥‥テレビでおなじみ、 あの有名な或真敷 バランです。 Yes, it is I, the Great Valant Gramarye. As seen on television.
<Apollo> (ニヤニヤ笑いながら  言われてもなあ‥‥) (And could you please stop smirking like that?)
Btw, it's only in English that Trucy calls him "Uncle". In JP, she simply calls him "Valant-san". Oh, and that "t" at the end is supposed to be silent.
<Apollo> あの‥‥ Um, I hate to intrude, but...
いったい、大魔術師さんが、 オレたちになんの用ですか? What is a Great Magician doing paying us a visit?
<Valant> ‥‥おそらく。用があるのは、 あなたたちの方でしょう。 I believe it was you who wished to see me?
なんなりと、 聞いていただいてけっこう。 So, be quick with your questions!
このバランに乱反射する‥‥ And do not quail, quake, or quiver. I am quite tame.
ビッグスターのオーラを、 恐れることはありません。 Though my stardom may sear the sight... I'm quite down to earth when need calls.
<Apollo> (‥‥たしかに、あるイミ、  恐るべきオーラがマブしいな) (He does have a certain aura to him, it's true.)
"(...Yeah, in a way, he does have an impressively shining aura.)"
> Talk: Troupe Gramarye
<Trucy> あの。もしかしてオドロキさん。 Wait, Apollo...
《或真敷一座》を知らない‥‥ なんてコトはないですよね? Don't tell me you don't know about Troupe Gramarye?
<Apollo> あるまじき‥‥ なんていうか、その。 Troupe Grammarie... huh? No.
どこかで聞いたような気は するんだけどね‥‥ But it does sound kind of familiar...
<Valant> おお。まさに、 あるまじき青年というべきかな。 Oh, lost life! Lamentably listless lad!
今をトキめく大魔術集団を ご存じないとは。 To not know of the greatest troupe of magicians on the planet!
<Apollo> (或真敷 バラン‥‥  思い出してきた) (Valant Gramarye... The name began to surface in my mind.)
(たしか、オレが小さいころ、  テレビによく出てたような‥‥) (It was a name I'd heard on television as a child.)
<Trucy> そうですよ! You bet you've heard the name!
ゴウカ客船を消してみたり、 遊園地をバクハしてみたり、 He made a cruise ship disappear, and blew up an amusement park...
銀行の金庫から金塊を消してみたり、 あげくの果てに、 ...Oh, and he made all this gold disappear from a safe!
閉じこめられた刑務所から 脱走してみたり! And then escaped from a high security prison!
<Apollo> ‥‥なんだか‥‥ Um...
大いなるゴカイを生みそうな プロフィールだな、それ。 ...You said he is a magician?
"That kind of profile could lead to some big misunderstandings."
(Ok, honestly I only kept this bit in because I love how colorful they made Valant's lines and they are worth sharing.)
> Talk: During the Show
<Apollo> あの‥‥もしかして。 So, I was wondering...
この歌の途中で起こっている “フシギ”は‥‥ That stunt in the middle of the song there...
<Trucy> フシギ‥‥? I didn't see a stunt...
<Apollo> ラミロアさんが消えたり現れたり してるじゃないか! What about Lamiroir vanishing and reappearing!?
<Trucy> あ。ああ‥‥見なれてるから、 フシギだって思いませんでした! Oh, that? I guess I'm so used to seeing that happen I didn't even notice.
<Apollo> (さすが、魔術の子‥‥) (So young to be so jaded...)
"Oh, that... I'm so used to seeing it that it's no mystery to me!" "(As expected of a young magician...)"
<Valant> ‥‥さよう。 かの、ささやかなステージこそ。 A simple slight-of-hand, a petit prestidigitation.
この或真敷が仕掛けた魔術なのです。 A modicum of magic from me... to you.
<Trucy> やっぱり! バランさんが、 コンサート会場にいたのは‥‥ So that's why you were at the concert!
<Valant> ご想像のとおり。 Yes.
このバランのトリックを 見届けるためだったのです。 I was there to watch my trick take to the air...
<Apollo> じゃあ‥‥ラミロアさんが消えた、 そのシカケ‥‥ご存じなんですか? So you're the one who knows how it was all done.
<Valant> トーゼンでしょう! 我こそ、ステージの神。 Of course. I am like a deity, with the stage as my domain!
ステージ上で起こるすべての フシギを操る‥‥ I suffer no mystery upon those floodlit boards not grasped tightly twixt my fingers.
そのフシギなチカラこそ 神たるゆえんなのですから。 It is a potent, primeval power I possess.
Someone give this man a medal for "Ascending the Astral Apex of Alliterative Ability" at once.
<Apollo> あ、あの! よかったら‥‥そのシカケ。 Um... Well... Do you think you could...
教えていただけませんか! ...tell me how it was done!?
<Trucy> おっと! Hey now!
<Apollo> み。みぬきちゃん‥‥? Trucy...?
<Trucy> 魔術師にシカケをたずねるのは ルール違反ですよ、オドロキさん。 That's like, totally against the rules, Apollo!
<Apollo> ナニ言ってるんだよ! 殺人事件の捜査だぞ! Not during a murder investigation, it's not!
<Valant> そういうワケにはまいりませぬ。 或真敷の秘術は、或真敷だけのもの。 Mais non, for my illusions are mine alone, m'sieur.
And he speaks French! ...Well, actually that's not so surprising. His name is very Frenchy in the first place.
Also, I just wanna mention how he's one of the few AA characters to use the '-nu' form of negation to some words. So far, I think only two others have used such colorful or cultural language, and that would be Luke Atmey and Victor Kudo.
> Present anything
<Valant> ほほう。この私に‥‥ただで、 キセキを要求するというのですか。 What's this? You would ask me for a miracle? Free of fee?
いいでしょう。その証拠品を、 消せばいいのですね? 永久に! Then thy wish be granted! Thy will be done! Thy evidence evicted into the ether!
<Apollo> いやいや! やめてください! Ack! No evicting, please!
(‥‥魔術師って、  こんなのばっかりなのか?) (...Are all magicians like this, I wonder?)
From my experience? Yeah, quite a lot of them like to make things disappear right from people's pockets. Usually they return them to people, though. I still remember that one lady who was still screaming after the show about the autograph she got from Penn & Teller after volunteering in an act...
Sorry, I feel nostalgic for the ol' Vegas days. Anyway, this is just another entry to share.
> Finish talking
<Valant> ‥‥それでは、みぬき嬢。 バランはこれにて失礼いたしますぞ。 ...I, Valant Gramarye, now make my leave, Miss Trucy.
<Trucy> バランさん! もう少し、 ゆっくりしていってくださいよー。 There's no need to rush, Uncle Valant! You should stay a while!
<Valant> そうもまいりませぬ。 I am afraid I cannot. I may not. I shall not.
捜査に協力を求められているゆえ、 現場に戻らなければ。 I have been asked to assist with an analysis and so I shall slink back to the scene.
<Apollo> じゃあ‥‥今日は、 あのコンサート会場に? So... you'll be at the concert venue today?
<Valant> さよう。このバランに話があったら、 あのコロシアムへどうぞ。 Correct. If you would call on me, come to the Coliseum!
ではッ! いざ、さらばッ! See you later, crocodile.
<Apollo> (サッソウとマントを  ひるがえして‥‥) (With a whirl of his cloak, and a wink of his eye...)
(ドアからフツーに出ていったな) (...he turned and walked out through the door. Normally.)
...I don't know why "See you later, crocodile" irks me so much. It's either "See you later, alligator!" or "Been a while, crocodile!" Not both mixed up! This scene does remind me of the "dancingly descended through the front door" boys back in the day, though.
> Move: Detention Center
> Examine: camera
<Apollo> 監視カメラがこっちを見ている。 That security camera is looking at me.
カメラを向けられると、 ついポーズを取りたくなるな。 Why do I feel this sudden urge to make a silly face?
"Suddenly I feel like making a pose before that camera."
> Present: anything
<Machi> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@‥‥ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@‥‥
<Trucy> “コトバが分からず、話せないのが  残念です。美しいお嬢さん‥‥” I think he said...
<Trucy> ‥‥ですって。 "I am sorry I cannot speak your language. You are very beautiful, fair maiden."
<Apollo> ‥‥勝手なホンヤクをするなよ。 ...This is why I never trust a translator.
Screw you, Apollo. I didn't make this blog to ask for your opinion. >:(
Anyway, it was just: "...Don't make up your own translation."
> Move: Sunshine Coliseum
> Examine: blimp
<Trucy> あ! 飛行船ですよ! Look! A blimp!
<Apollo> となりには、 バルーンもあがってるね。 Those balloons next to it have ad banners on them.
<Trucy> えーと‥‥《大安の日セール・ 大安売り》ですって! Let's see... "Big Sale, All Shirts 50% Off."
<Apollo> なんだ。となりのデパートの バルーンじゃないか‥‥ Oh. It's an ad for the department store next door.
It doesn't specify what kind of sale it is in the JP, so I guess it's officially a clothing shop sale. That said, it does say it's a "Lucky Day Sale - Huge Bargain Deals!" I'm not sure exactly how common it is among the Japanese to honor particular "auspicious" days of the year (though, they do have a lunar calendar for these kinds of events), but you'd definitely see these events affect the seasonal shopping cycles.
> Examine: coliseum
<Apollo> 《県立国際ひのまるコロシアム》か。 やたらとビッグな名前だね。 Sunshine Coliseum sure is living up to its name today.
<Trucy> おっきいですよねー。 It's huge!
こんな大舞台に立てるなんて‥‥ うー。牙琉さん、うらやましい! And Mr. Gavin got to play on that enormous stage... I'm so jealous!
みぬきもいつか! このコロシアムで、デビュー戦を! Someday, I'll fight my first battle on this stage!
<Apollo> なんだよ。“戦”って。 Battle?
<Trucy> だって。なんか“コロシアム”って、 格闘技のイメージがありませんか? Well, yeah, it's a coliseum, isn't it?
<Apollo> 語感が、“コロシアウ”に、 似てるからじゃないかな。 Um, they don't do gladiatorial contests at these places any more, Trucy.
<Trucy> そっか! さすが、オドロキさん! ナゾが解けました! Really? I had no idea! I wonder why they stopped.
<Apollo> (そんなに、感心されると、  訂正しづらいな‥‥) (Sometimes I worry about her.)
Last four lines: "Well, when I hear 'Colosseum', it makes me think of duels to the death, right?" "Maybe the nuance of the word comes from 'koroshiau'." [mutual killing] "Really? Nice, Odoroki-san! We solved the mystery!" "(With how much she's admiring me, it's hard to correct it...)"
> Examine: costumed mascot
<Apollo> なんだ? あのイヨウな人物は‥‥ What's that... creature there?
<Trucy> わあ! 警察局のアイドル、 等身大「タイホくん」だ! Oooh! That's the police mascot, the Blue Badger!
<Apollo> え! あれが等身大なの? Eh? It's life size!
<Trucy> 知らないんですか? よく見ますよ。 夜の街をパトロールしてるところ。 Haven't you seen them around town? Patrolling the streets?
暮らしの“安心”を願う、正義の マスコットキャラクターなんです! Yes, now even law and order has a mascot!
<Apollo> ‥‥それは、アクニンもゼンニンも まとめて逃げ出すだろうね。 ...I'd run from that thing even if I wasn't a criminal.
歩くたびにグラグラする アタマが“不安”なカンジだし。 Why does its head wobble like that when it walks? It's freaky.
<Trucy> オドロキさん! モンクが多いですよ! I don't think you're showing true Blue Badger spirit, Apollo.
It was just "Odoroki-san! You're complaining too much!"
To be honest, though, I kinda agree with him. I love the Badgers, all of them, but it didn't take AAI to make me question whether they'd be cute or creepy... At least the official Tokyo PD mascot Pipo-kun actually looks cute, kinda like a mouse or teddy in uniform.
...Manly Pipo scares me, plz make it go away.
> Move: In the Wings
> Examine: piano
<Trucy> おっきなピアノですよね! みぬき。弾いたことないんですよね。 That's one big piano! I've never actually played one.
<Apollo> ふうん。 成歩堂さんに習えばいいのに。 Heh. You should get Mr. Wright to teach you sometime.
<Trucy> あー、ダメダメ。 パパ、弾けないから。 No good, he can't play either.
<Apollo> (これだけソンケイされてない  パパもめずらしいな) (I kind of feel bad for the guy now...)
"(It's not too often that I'd find a dad who is respected this little.)"
> Examine: electronics
<Apollo> いろいろなキカイがある。 音響装置だろうか。 Look at all the electronics. They must be sound-related.
<Trucy> こういう機械を見ると、どうにも いじり倒したくなりますよね。 Doesn't seeing a bunch of machines like this make you want to just fiddle with 'em?
いじり倒していいですか? オドロキさん! Can I, Apollo? Please?
<Apollo> “いじる”だけじゃダメなのかよ。 やめとけよ。コワれるから。 No, no fiddling! You'll break something.
<Trucy> でも。コワれることをおそれてちゃ、 何もイジれませんよ! If you're going to make an omelet, you gotta break some eggs!
パパがいつも、言ってます。 “カタチあるもの、みなコワれる” That's what Daddy always says.
<Apollo> ‥‥そこまで悟ってコワしても、 怒られるの、オレだからな。 These eggs look kind of expensive.
"But if you're always afraid to break things, you'll never get to fiddle with them! Daddy always says, 'Anything with form will eventually be broken.'" "...Even if you understand and still break it, I'm the one who'll be blamed."
> Examine: tower
<Trucy> このステージの塔の上に、 レタスさんとマキさんが‥‥ I still can't believe we found Machi and Mr. LeTouse up there...
<Apollo> アレはさすがに驚いたよ。 だから、高いところはキライなんだ。 Yeah. I used to not like high places. Now I hate them.
<Trucy> それ、高さはあんまり カンケイないと思いますけど。 It's not like it would have been nicer if we found a dead body closer to the ground.
‥‥そういえば。 パパもニガテですね。高いトコ。 ...Though that reminds me. Daddy's bad with heights, too.
<Apollo> へえ。そうなんだ。 Huh, no kidding.
<Trucy> こないだ。遊園地で カンランシャに乗ったんですよ。 He took me on a Ferris wheel ride a while ago, you know!
パパ、途中からカオが “もすぐりーん”になってました。 Halfway through, his face got all green and he mumbled "objection" over and over.
<Apollo> (‥‥成歩堂さん、かわいそうに) (...Poor guy.)
"Moss green", she says. Thank you, Minuki-chan, for that very detailed description.
> Examine: instrument case
<Apollo> 巨大な楽器のケースが置いてある。 Now that's a big instrument case.
<Trucy> それ、コントラバスっていう 楽器のケースですよ。 That's a case for a contrabass, I think.
<Apollo> ちょっとしたバイオリンなら 20個は入りそうなイキオイだ。 You could fit twenty violins in there, I bet.
<Trucy> カタチは似てますけど、 ゼンゼンちがう楽器ですっ! It may look like a violin, but it's a completely different instrument!
<Apollo> みぬきちゃんなら、5人は 入りそうなイキオイだ。 You could fit five Trucys in there, I bet.
<Trucy> もう! ワザとやってるでしょ! Hey! Are you comparing me to an instrument!?
みぬきとしては、あのビミョーな “半開き”が気になります。 Hmm. I wonder who left it sitting open like that.
Second to last line: "Hey! You're doing that on purpose, aren't you!?"
> Examine: ladder
<Apollo> 昨日、塔の上にのぼった ハシゴが置いてある。 That's the ladder we used to climb up the stage tower.
‥‥あれは、キョーレツな 体験だったな。 ...Not a moment I'm likely to forget any time soon.
<Trucy> うーん、たしかに。 アレは見モノでしたよね。 Me neither...
みぬき。《へっぴり腰》ってコトバ の意味、ハッキリわかりました! I'll never be able to climb another tower again without thinking about it, you know?
<Apollo> ‥‥だから、ニガテなんだよ。 高いところはさ。 ...I'll never be able to climb a tower again, period.
Second to last line again: "I now understand what they mean by 'weak knees'!"
(Literally, it's "bent back", but has the meaning of that. Though, it definitely puts a smile on my face picturing moss-green Nick with his bent back again.)
> Talk: Valant Gramarye
<Valant> ‥‥あなたの考えていることは わかります。 I know what you are thinking in that head of yours.
『“或真敷”‥‥ああ。そういえば  ムカシ、テレビで見たっけ』 "Gramarye, yes," you say. "I recall seeing him on television."
おおかた、そんなトコロでは ないでしょうかな? Something of that sort?
<Apollo> え‥‥ええ。そのとおりです。 Um, actually, yes, you're right.
<Trucy> これがウワサの “読心術”かもしれませんよ! Wow! He just read your mind, Apollo!
<Apollo> ‥‥ウソつけ。 ...Or everyone tells him that and he made a good guess.
"So this may be the rumored 'mind-reading technique'!" "...I'm not buying it."
> Talk: Magnifi Gramarye
<Valant> 天斎とザックの亡き、今。 私のねがいは、ただひとつ。 Now that Magnifi and Zak are gone, I have but one wish.
残されたこの私が、天斎の奇跡を ステージによみがえらせるッ! Let it be I, Valant Gramarye who brings the Gramarye miracle back to the big stage!
<Trucy> みぬき。応援してますから! I'm rooting for you!
<Valant> みぬき嬢。早く大きくなることです。 あなたのウデっぷしが必要なのだ。 Miss Trucy, you cannot grow up quick enough! I need your skill by my side!
<Trucy> はいッ! こ���ウデっぷしで! One skill, coming up!
<Apollo> (やれやれ。ものすごいスピードで  話が事件からそれていくな‥‥) (How do we manage to get off the topic of the case so quickly all the time?)
Interestingly, the "skill" he mentions refers to physical strength? Was he expecting Trucy to help him move some loads backstage or something? Well, times have been tough on the troupe, so I guess stage workers are short...
> Present: attorney's badge
<Valant> ほう‥‥それが、あなたが 弁護士たる“証”ですか。 Ah... The proof positive of your profession, yes?
<Apollo> ええ。そうです。 Um, yeah.
<Valant> ‥‥ふむ。少々、 拝借してよろしいかな? Might I... have a look?
‥‥おや。 消えてしまいましたな。 Oh! What's this? It is gone!
<Apollo> うわわっ! 何するんですかッ! Ack! What'd you do with my attorney's badge!?
<Valant> はっはっはっはっはっ。 あわてずともよいですぞ。 Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha. Don't be alarmed.
みぬき嬢! その腰の トピットの中をごらんなさい。 Miss Trucy! Take a look into your topit, if you would.
<Trucy> きゃっ! こんなところに オドロキさんのバッジが! Eek! It's your badge, Apollo! What's it doing in there?
スゴいです、バランさん! フシギですよねー。オドロキさん。 That was amazing! Wasn't it, Apollo?
<Apollo> (そんなコトより、みぬきちゃんの  腰についてるポシェット‥‥) (He called that pouch at her waist a "topit"...?)
(“トピット”っていうんだ。  ‥‥魔術師用語か?) (Is that some kind of magician speak?)
So I had to search it up, and apparently a topit is a hidden sleeve or pocket that a magician uses to hide objects during an act. So it is indeed magician-speak. Normally, these topits are hidden in a jacket or outfit or somewhere and not out in the open like Trucy's pouch, though... If anything, her topit is stuffed with a certain Mr. Hat already.
> Move: Backstage Hallway
> Examine: Gavinners' dressing room door
<Apollo> こっちは、 《ガリューウエーブ》の楽屋だ。 That's the Gavinners's dressing room.
今、ガリューウエーブのメンバーは 捜査でいそがしいはず‥‥ They're all out on the investigation.
おそらく、誰もいないだろうな。 Being backstage isn't half as glamorous without a band here.
Funny seeing this coming from Apollo of all people. For reference: "There's probably no one in there."
> Examine: Lamiroir's dressing room door
<Apollo> ラミロアさんの楽屋‥‥ 事件現場のドアだ。 That's Lamiroir's dressing room... and the scene of the crime.
殺人事件の現場にしては、 警備がウスいよな‥‥ It's kind of lightly guarded for being a crime scene.
<Trucy> いいじゃないですか。 入りやすくて。 I'm not complaining! Makes it easier for us to go in!
それに、みぬきたち。 アカネさんも公認ですから。 And Ema gave us her OK, right?
堂々と入って、これでもかと ひっかきまわしても大丈夫ですよ! We can wander in and do as we like!
<Apollo> (‥‥なんだか、アカネさんが  心配になってきたぞ) (How is Ema doing, anyway...?)
(カリントウ食べすぎて  虫歯にならなきゃいいけど) (I hope she's not getting cavities from eating all those chocolate Snackoos...)
"(...I get the feeling Akane-san is gonna worry.) (Ah well, as long as she doesn't get cavities from eating so much karintou.)"
> Finish talking
<Lamiroir> 連絡はそれを使っておりましたから。 ないと困るハズなのですが‥‥ We use it for communication. It would be quite inconvenient should it go missing.
<Apollo> わかりました。オレたちが 預かっておきますよ。 We'll hold on to it for you then.
牙琉検事に会ったら、 言っておきますから。 We'll give it to Prosecutor Gavin when we see him.
<Lamiroir> そうですね。 では、おねがいできますかしら。 Yes, that's best. Thank you.
<Trucy> あ! じゃあ、ソレ。 みぬきがつけておきますね! So, can I put it on?
< > 《ヘッドセット》を みぬきちゃんに取りつけた。 Headset attached to Trucy.
<Trucy> プラモデルみたいに 言わないでください! "Attached"? I'm not some kind of robot, Apollo!
Or a plastic model, as per the JP.
> Move: Lamiroir's Dressing Room
< > ‥‥さくさくさくさく‥‥ ...MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH...
<Apollo> う‥‥‥ Uh oh...
このキョーレツなニクシミをこめて カリントウを噛み砕く音は‥‥ There's only one person I know who can munch with such... venom.
<Ema> ‥‥ナニしに来たのよ。 ...What are you doing here?
<Apollo> あいかわらず、フキゲンそうですね。 アカネさん。 Hello, Ema. You're looking as grumpy as ever.
<Ema> そりゃそうでしょ。 Oh, am I supposed to be happy?
法廷でアンタにやりこめられて、 牙琉検事にバカにされちゃうし。 You give me the second degree in court, and Prosecutor Gavin makes me look like a fool.
Heh, I like both the descriptions with "venom" and the "intense crunching noise" from the JP. Thinking about it, for someone to munch so loudly even with a closed mouth, that is a pretty impressive level of intense.
> Examine: crime scene
<Apollo> あれ。ここ、 カーペットが切り取られてるぞ。 Look, the carpet's been torn up here.
<Trucy> 今日の法廷で《のみとーる試薬》を ふりかけたトコですね! That's the part we did the lunimol testing on in court!
<Ema> “ルミノール試薬”よ! ノミを取ってどうするの! "Loony mall"? What's "Loony mall"!? It's "Luminol"! Get it right!
<Trucy> ‥‥‥! ...!
アカネさん、カガク捜査の コトになると、コワい‥‥ Ema's kind of scary when it comes to science.
<Apollo> ‥‥みぬきちゃんも、そろそろ キチンとおぼえようよ。 ...Best learn the word and not incite her wrath again.
Heh, she mistakes it as "Nomitol", and Akane-san snaps at her about "Why would I be catching fleas!?" since "nomi" is "flea" and "toru" is to "take" or "pick up".
> Examine: bullet holes
<Apollo> こんなに厚いカベが、 ぺっこりヘコんでいる。 Look at the way those bullets tore through this thick wall.
ホントに、オソロシイ威力の ピストルだったんだな。 That revolver really was something else.
<Trucy> マキさんみたいに小柄なヒトでも、 撃てるものなのかなあ。 I wonder if someone as little as me could even fire it?
<Apollo> 肩がハズれちゃうかもしれないね。 しばらくピアノなんか弾けないよ。 Dislocating your shoulder would kind of put a crimp on your stage career.
<Trucy> あ。じゃあ、ウチのパパの 肩コリも吹き飛ばしちゃうカモ! Daddy always has stiff shoulders, maybe that could loosen him up!
<Apollo> やめてくれよ。ホントに 撃ちそうだぞ、あのヒト。 Don't even mention it. I'm afraid he might go out and actually try it.
<Trucy> たぶん、ないと思うけどなあ。 そんな度胸。 Nah, he doesn't have the guts to pull the trigger, I bet.
Haha, Odoroki's second to last line: "It might dislocate your shoulder. You wouldn't even be able to play piano."
> Examine: bowl
<Trucy> きゃあ! フルーツですよ フルーツですよフルーツ! Look! It's fruit! Fruit, Apollo! Fruit!!!
<Apollo> ‥‥1回多いよ。 ...I heard you the first time.
これだけあるのに、スイカを ひとクチかじっただけとは‥‥ It sure is a lot of fruit. I doubt anyone would miss a bit of watermelon...
<Trucy> メロンを瞬間移動させましょうか。 ‥‥みぬきのおなかに。 I know, I'll make it vanish! Into my stomach!
<Apollo> やめておこうよ。 ベンショウさせられるかもしれない。 Better not. They might make you pay for it.
そんなおカネがあったら、 事務所のカベを塗りなおそうよ。 And if you have the money for that, you should probably repaint the office first.
<Trucy> メロンって、そんなに 高いんですかっ! Watermelons are that expensive!?
<Apollo> まあ、よく知らないけど。 *shrug* These could've been imported from some exotic locale, for all we know.
Nice shoutout to Japan's exotic fruit market. There are indeed such things as square watermelons and exquisite canteloupes that can go for as high as 10-15,000 yen per melon (~$95-143 these days).
Also, Minuki mentioned she'll have some of the canteloupe to herself, which is why Odoroki warned her about how expensive it'd be.
> Examine: bouquet
<Trucy> “ゴウカらんらん”な花が 飾ってありますね! That's one heavy-duty bouquet there.
<Apollo> ワルいけど、“けんらん”だぞ。 I have trouble thinking of flowers as being "heavy-duty".
<Trucy> えー! でも!“ゆうきりんりん” って言いません? But they call lots of things heavy-duty!
<Apollo> それは言うけど。 Not flowers, they don't.
<Trucy> “るんるん気分”とか。 What about a "heavy" scent?
<Apollo> たしかにね。 I think you mean "heady".
<Trucy> 事務所のトナリのメガネ屋さんは “れんれん”だし。 What if the flowers were plastic?
<Apollo> お。苦しくなってきたな。 They still wouldn't be heavy.
<Trucy> “ろんろん”は‥‥‥‥‥‥ないや。 みぬきの負けですね! OK, what if they were made out of metal?
<Apollo> じゃ、満を持して “けんらん”ってコトで。 What, like a magnolia made out of steel?
<Trucy> はいっ! Exactly! Though I hope all my fans don't start throwing metal flowers at me.
Once again, we have a case of Japanese wordplay that couldn't make it through translation. Here it is:
"There's some 'gouka ranran' flowers here!" [splendid-fiery] "Sorry, but that should be 'kenran'." [gouka kenran = luxurious] "Huh? But don't they always say 'yuuki rinrin'?" [full of vigor] "That they do." "And 'runrun kibun' too." [exuberant mood] "That's right." "And even the glasses shopkeeper next to the office is 'renren'." [attached to /
fond of] "Oh, now you're starting to grasp at straws." "And for 'ronron'... I can't think of any. Well, I'm out!" "Then, you can accept that it's 'kenran'." "Okay!"
I respect the ref to Steel Magnolia, though.
> Examine: wigs
<Apollo> 美容院なんかで見かける、 パーマをかける機械だ。 That's one of those permanent dryers you see in hair salons.
<Trucy> そういえば、これ。正式な名前は なんていうんですか? Is that what they're really called? "Permanent dryers"?
<Apollo> パーマをかけるキカイだから ‥‥《パーマ機》? Do I look like a beautician? I just know they dry your hair and give you a permanent...
<Trucy> “機”だけニホンゴって カッコ悪いです! It just doesn't sound very glamorous, you know?
<Apollo> じゃあ‥‥ちょっとコジャレて 《パーマシーン》‥‥? OK, how about a "permachine"!?
<Trucy> シンプルに《パーマー》とか。 《ドライヤー》のノリで。 Or you could go more simple, like "permer"!
<Apollo> ‥‥けっこう遊べるね。 《正式な名前を考えよう》って。 ...This isn't a bad game, thinking up official names for things.
その時点で“正式”じゃないけど。 Not that it makes the name actually official or anything.
As it happens, it's not too far from the original script, even including a bit of Japanese wordplay: "It's one of those machines you'd see at a beauty salon that gives you a perm." "Say, what is the official name of those things?" "Well, it's a machine that gives you a perm, so... 'perma-ki'?" [kikai = machine] "It sounds weird just leaving that 'ki' in there!" "Then... to keep it trendy, how about 'permachine'?" "Or keep it simple like 'permer', kinda like 'dryer'." "...We sure can play around with thinking up official names for things. Not that it makes the name actually official or anything."
> Examine: presents
<Trucy> ラミロアさんへの プレゼントですね。 A stack of presents for Lamiroir.
さすが、大スターのプレゼントは どれも大きいですよねー。 Stars always get the biggest presents.
ね。ね。オドロキさん。 みぬきも受付中ですよ。プレゼント。 You know, you could give me a present, Apollo.
<Apollo> ‥‥じゃ、はい。アメ玉。 ...Here, have a piece of candy.
<Trucy> わあい! ありがとう! Gee! Thanks!!!
<Apollo> (喜んでくれたのに、なんで  こう、ムネがいたむんだろう) (She must not get a lot of presents... Poor girl.)
(I'm happy for her and all, but why do I feel so bad?)"
I guess it can go two ways: he's sorry that she doesn't get many presents, or he's upset he had to give away some of his sweets.
> Talk: Yesterday's Trial
<Ema> とにかくね。あのちっちゃな子に ダマされてたと思うと、くやしくて。 It just bugs me to think that little kid outsmarted me.
<Ema> 目が見えたんなら、よけいに アヤシイんじゃない? あの子。 And it makes him even more suspicious now that we know he can see!
天井の通気口も見えたワケだし、 ピストルも撃てたし。 He could have seen the air duct, and he could have shot that revolver.
<Trucy> でも‥‥ラミロアさん、 そうは証言していませんよ。 But that's not how it sounded in Lamiroir's testimony.
<Ema> ああ。現場で、ハンニン‥‥ 眉月刑事の声を聞いた、ってね。 You mean her saying she heard Detective Daryan's voice at the scene? Hmm...
<Trucy> そうですっ! That's right!
<Ema> もう。なんでワケのわかんない 事件ばっか起こるのよ、この国は! Why can't we have a normal, straightforward killing once in a while in this country!?
<Apollo> クニのせいに しないでくださいよ‥‥ I'll pretend I didn't hear that.
Ah, here's the legendary Ema quote! It's pretty similar to the original: "Ugh. Why is this country just full of cases that don't make sense at all!?" "Please don't blame the country, it's not at fault..."
> Talk: Song Lyrics
<Ema> ここまで一致していると‥‥ グーゼンとは思えないよね。 It is kind of hard to chalk it up to coincidence, hmm.
<Trucy> ですよねっ! みぬきが見つけたんですけど。 I know! And I found it.
<Ema> これって、やっぱり。 ハンニンがやった‥‥のかなあ? You think the same person did all of this?
<Apollo> オレに聞かないでくださいよ。 ハンニンじゃないし。 Don't ask me. I didn't do it.
<Ema> あ��しだってちがうよ。 あの通気口、入れないし。 Neither did I! I couldn't fit through that air vent anyway.
<Trucy> ‥‥え! みんな‥‥ みぬきを疑ってるんですかっ? What... You all think I did it!?
<Apollo> (ダレも言ってない) (Sometimes I worry about that girl.)
"(No one said anything about you.)"
This here is some fine Among Us logic, yessiree.
> Talk: Something Odd
<Trucy> ‥‥あの。 ナニか見つけたんですか? ...So what did you find?
<Ema> まあね。ちっちゃくて、きのうは 見落としていたんだけど‥‥ It's so little I must have passed over it yesterday.
あの、ソファの下に、 コイツがね‥‥ I found it under the sofa.
<Trucy> ‥‥なんですか。コレ。 ...What is it?
<Ema> 何かの機械の部品、みたいだけどね。 サッパリわからないの。 Part of some device, I think. I haven't a clue what.
ハジっこについてるキカイ、 見覚えがあるから調べてみたら‥‥ The bit sticking out from the end looked familiar, so I had it examined.
どうやら《アンテナ》みたい。 Turns out it's an antenna.
<Trucy> アンテナ‥‥ Ooh, like on a beetle?
<Ema> だから。電波に反応するのかな、 って思って。 Like on a cell phone. This device must use an electronic signal of some sort.
<Trucy> 電波、か。ココロ当たり あるような‥‥ないような。 An electronic signal, you say? Hmm...
Hm, I wonder if Trucy likes collecting beetles. Otherwise, I have no idea where that line came from.
> Finish talking, examine crime scene again
<Trucy> ‥‥ちょっと、 気になったんですけど。 You know what I couldn't stop thinking?
このカーペット、誰が ベンショウするんでしょうね。 Who's going to pay for this carpet?
<Apollo> オレたちじゃないコトは たしかだけど‥‥ As long as it's not us...
やっぱり。 ハンニン‥‥じゃないかな。 Maybe... the shooter?
<Trucy> うーん。それじゃあ、 悪いコトするときは‥‥ I guess it's true what they say.
ヒトにメイワクが かからないようにしないと。 Crime doesn't pay!
<Apollo> ‥‥ベツのルートから そこへたどり着きたかったね。 I would hope that carpet replacement costs weren't the only thing holding you back.
The last three lines: "Hmm. It's like, 'When you do something wrong... don't cause trouble for others too.'" "...I wished we could have come to that through a different way."
> Move: Sunshine Coliseum
> Meet Daryan, finish talking
<Daryan> どう思ってるんだよ。 ホントのトコロは。 What do you really think happened? Really?
‥‥オレがやった‥‥なんて 考えてないだろうなあ? You don't think I did it, right?
<Apollo> そ。それは‥‥ W-Well...
<Daryan> なんか、たよりないからな、 おまえさん。おぼえておいてくれよ。 Great. Way to instill a guy with some confidence.
事件が起こった瞬間。オレは ステージで、暴れてたんだぜ。 Just remember, I was ripping it up on stage when it happened, OK? Ripping!
<Apollo> ‥‥‥! ...!
<Daryan> あの“歌姫”とかいうおばさんの 言うことに、ダマされるなよ。 Don't get led astray by some siren song, eh?
さもないと‥‥ 1年ぶんのハジをかくことになるぜ。 Get this one wrong, and you'll be eating humble pie for a year. I'll bake it myself.
<Trucy> なんか‥‥感じ悪いですね。 Let's... not talk to him anymore. Alright?
<Apollo> (眉月 大庵‥‥刑事、か‥‥) (Detective Daryan Crescend... He's one stone I'd leave unturned if I had a choice.)
Heh, nice. It was plainly "Don't be fooled by that 'songtress' lady", but made the perfect opportunity for a reference to siren songs. Ngl, I was half-expecting the JP script to run off of her Goddess title in some way...
> Move: Prosecutor Gavin's Office
< > ‥‥ピッ‥‥ ...*beep*...
<Klavier> やれやれ‥‥こんなときにこそ、 ダイアンが必要なんだけど。 It's times like this when I start to miss Daryan...
‥‥ん? ...Huh?
<Apollo> あ‥‥どうも。 Erm, hiya!
<Trucy> えへ。 来ちゃいましたあ。 Tee hee! Just thought we'd drop in. Hope you're not mad...?
<Klavier> ‥‥“えへ”とこられちゃあ、 怒るワケにもいかないな。 ...How could I be? There's not enough "tee hee" in the world, in any case.
まあ、座りなよ。 Have a seat.
<Apollo> (意外にココロの広いオトコだな) (Prosecutor Gavin, the philanthropist.)
<Trucy> オドロキさんも見習うんですよ。 Watch and learn, Apollo!
"(He's a lot kinder than I thought, this guy.)"
> Examine: guitars
<Apollo> すごい数のギターですね。こんなに 持ってて、どうするんですか‥‥ Look at all the guitars! Why so many?
<Klavier> 何本あったって、困らないさ。 ギターは、ぼくの恋人だからね。 You can never have too many guitars. They are like... my lovers.
<Apollo> (なんだかハラの立つセリフだな) (I didn't just hear him say that.)
"(Feels like he's saying that just to rub it in my face.)"
<Trucy> オドロキさん、知らないんですか? これは、予備のギターですよ。 They're backup guitars, Apollo. Don't you know anything?
“ろっくんろーる”は、ギターを 壊してナンボの世界ですから! Rock 'n' rollers always smash their guitars at the end of a show!
<Apollo> どんな世界だよ‥‥ No wonder it's so hard to make it as a musician.
"What kind of wacky world do they live in..."
<Trucy> ほらほら! オドロキさんも、 “ろっく”してみてくださいよ! You know what, you should try rocking a little, Apollo.
<Apollo> ‥‥持ち主の目の前でそれは、 さすがにロックすぎるだろ。 And breaking his guitars while he watches? That might be a little too rocking.
<Klavier> はっはっは。でもね。 ぼくは、そーいうのはやらないんだ。 Ah ha ha ha. Of course, I would never do such a thing.
言っただろ? ギターは、ぼくの恋人だって。 Did I not say, they are like my lovers?
ぼくが、恋人にそんなことをする オトコに見えるかい? Do I seem like the kind of man who would do such a thing to ones he loves?
<Trucy> いいえ、まさか! 見えませんよ! さすが、ガリューさんですね! No, no! Not at all! I mean, you're Mr. Gavin, upstanding prosecutor!
<Apollo> (おいおい‥‥“ろっく”な  世界はどうしたんだよ) (What happened to Prosecutor Gavin, god of rock?)
"No, no! Not at all! It's you we're talking about, Garyuu-san!" "(Hey... what happened to that world of 'rock' you were on about?)"
> Examine: window
<Klavier> どうだい? すばらしい眺めだろう? The view is exhilarating, ja?
いつも、ここで夜景を 楽しみながら、曲の構想を練るんだ。 I sit here, gazing down upon the city, writing my songs.
<Apollo> 検事の仕事をしましょうよ。 Try working on cases.
<Klavier> 曲を考えることと、 事件の推理をすること‥‥ It is the same thing.
ぼくにとっては、同じなんだよ。 I write lyrics the same way I corroborate evidence.
どちらも大切なのは、ロジックと 感性のハーモニーだからね。 It is a harmony between the logical mind, and the primal spirit within!
<Apollo> (言ってることはカッコイイけど、  ごまかされている気がする‥‥) (Is it so hard to admit that you like staring out your window and daydreaming?)
"(He may have put it in a cool way, but I bet he's just trying to deflect...)"
Do prosecutors have a habit of just staring out their windows for some reason? I know that frilly guy does it because he's got a bit of time at this time.
> Talk: The Case
<Klavier> ああ‥‥そうだ。 今日の新聞を見たかな? Ah, that reminds me, did you see the paper today?
<Trucy> はい! Yes!
テレビのページだけはみぬき、 毎朝チェックしてるんですよ! I always read the TV section.
<Klavier> それはエラいね。 おデコくん、キミは? Good girl. How about you, Herr Forehead?
<Apollo> オレも、��コマまんがは チェックしてますけど。 ...I read the funnies.
Ah, something we can agree on, Apollo. Then again, with how Odoroki mentions the 4koma, I can't help but picture those on Gyakuten Tsuushin and now the joke is super meta.
<Klavier> ‥‥コイツを見たまえ。 ...Then you will not have seen this!
<Apollo> 《悪魔のしらべが惨劇をもたらす!  ~二枚目検事のキケンな歌声》 "Concert of Tragedy -- The Prosecutor's Deadly Song!"
<Trucy> え。今夜、そんなドラマ、 ありましたっけ? Ooh, is that a new show? I haven't heard about that one.
<Klavier> ドラマじゃないよ。 れっきとした、記事の見出しさ。 It's not a show. It's an article. News, you know?
<Trucy> あ‥‥もしかして。 みぬきたちの‥‥ Oh, does this have anything to do with the case...?
<Klavier> 法廷から帰ってから、 ぼくの電話は鳴りっぱなしだよ。 Since getting back from the trial, my phone has been ringing off the hook!
Second to last: "Oh... so it's about us...?"
> Finish talking, get the replica
> (optional) Move: W.A.A., present replica
<Trucy> レタスさんは‥‥ コレを調べていたんですね。 So this is what Mr. LeTouse was after...
<Apollo> うん。国際警察がコレを 追いかけていた、ってことだろうね。 It's international smuggling. That's why Interpol was involved.
���今回の事件とどう関わるのかは、  まだイマイチ分からないけど) (I'm still not sure how this ties into our case, though.)
<Trucy> ちっちゃいのに、 すごいんですね、コレ! Wow, how could such a little thing be so important!
<Apollo> たしかに‥‥ まるで、みぬきちゃんみたいだね。 In that way, it's a bit like you, Trucy.
<Trucy> !‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ オドロキさん! ...Apollo!
みぬきは、ちっちゃいんじゃなくて、 まだ若いだけです! I'm not small! I mean, I am, but I'm still growing!
<Apollo> (‥‥一応、  ほめたつもりだったんだけどな) (It was intended as a compliment.)
<Trucy> オドロキさんこそ、前髪で 身長かせいでるじゃないですか! Well you cheat your height by sticking your hair up like that!
<Apollo> (こ、これは別に、そういうんじゃ  ないんだけど‥‥) (Hey, it's called fashion.)
"(H-hey, I just like it this way. I didn't mean it like that...)"
> Move: Sunshine Coliseum, In the Wings, then Hickfield Clinic
> Move: Detention Center, present replica
> Talk: The Cocoon
<Trucy> この“マユ”‥‥ いったい、なんなんですか? What is this cocoon, anyway?
<Machi> @@@@@@‥‥ @@@@@@‥‥
<Lamiroir> 『マユ、糸‥‥特効薬』 "The cocoon, the silk, is a potent cure."
<Trucy> とっこうやく‥‥? A cure...?
<Apollo> 何かの病気に効く、ってコトかな。 It must cure some disease.
<Machi> @@@@@@@@@@‥‥ @@@@@@@@@@‥‥
<Lamiroir> 『《チリョーレス症候群》‥‥』 という病気に効くみたいですわ。 It's a cure for "Incuritis".
<Apollo> チリョーレス‥‥ A cure for Incuritis?
Ughhh, it literally is just "Chiryoles" (chiryou + less = cure-less), aka "Incuritis". And here I was expecting it was just the loc team having a brainfart once in a while.
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