#I love halloween so much ahhhhh
it's September 1st
Autumn is officially here, omfg!
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queenofbaws · 2 years
Hello! ♡ How are you? Thank you so much for your previous post, I loved it! ^^ Your writing is adorable and no amount of delay will make me love it less! Also, thanks for your attention, I'm going to celebrate Halloween at Disneyland paris! I'm really looking forward to it, and I hope you'll have fun tonight too, no matter how you celebrate Halloween! ♡
And I know it's not really the weekend anymore but I still have a little request for you! I'm pretty upset that Josh didn't get his birthday in October! Our prince of horror deserves better than that. -_- So how about writing our favorite little ghost hunters organizing him a surprise party? ♡ (bonus point if Alan and Edgar make a fun appearance)
As far as birthday parties went, this one was, Josh had to admit, pretty choice - what with the food, the card games, the presents, the ice cream cake that was only mostly still a frozen brick - he just had one question about the whole shebang: “You invited my fucking therapist?”
“Our therapist,” Sam corrected him, playfully nudging her present along the conference room’s table to be closer to his arm, “And no, I didn’t invite him...that sort of seems like a, uh, breach of contract or something.”
A mouthful of ice cream didn’t stop Ashley from correcting her, “Conflict of interest, actually, and uh...I didn’t invite him either, sooo...”
“This will shock you all I’m sure,” Alan sighed, pointedly looking anywhere but them as he filled a flimsy paper plate with party food, “But I’m simply here because it was brought to my attention there was cake of which I was invited to partake.”
“So Edgar invited you,” Josh said, just as Chris whipped around, a terrified expression on his face as he asked, “Wait, do you know how to text?!”
From out in the library proper, Edgar sighed a flat, “Of course not - I sent word by way of carrier pigeon and simply hoped for the best...it’s how I proposed, too, were you wondering.”
six sentence sat(or)sunday!!!
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sharkieboi · 2 years
I can’t wait to actually bring my bird home cause i’m gonna be so obnoxious about posting pics/video of her on every social media
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thebearer · 1 year
stop, thinking of teddys first holidays. she’s still a little new to being earthside. like her first halloween you dress her up in an animal onesie or something, and she’s barely old enough to stay awake for longer than an hour for thanksgiving so everyone’s cooing over how blue her eyes are and how much heartburn you had because of how dark and curly her hair is. and for christmas you get to start your new family traditions, and how carms like “this is more for mama, then you” and she is just sucking on her paci looking at the new lights on the tree
oh i have to elaborate on these i'm sorry this is so cute ahhhhh!!! having an idea that you make a little calendar of teddy or maybe document each milestone with a cutesy type photo shoot??? i think carmen would sob.
thinking about teddy's first halloween. you ordered a little bear costume for her to surprise carmen and it's WAYYYYY too big lol. she ends up in a little pumpkin onesie instead, but carmen thinks the costume is adorable. how big she is in it. then next year, she fits in it and he's stupidly emotional. like beyond emo about it. she can sorta toddle and walk and babble and it's still a little big, but by her third halloween she fits in it. it became a running joke that you'd keep trying until she fit. you'd send a picture every year to your friends and family saying something like "closer this time! maybe next year!"
when it does finally fit, you snap a picture and put it on your instagram.
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finally fits. happy halloween from the berzatto's
her first thanksgiving, she's about three months pushing four (i hc she's an august leo baby... she gives leo energy and you know she does). you had so much heartburn. next to carmy's pepto was your tums bc it was so bad. the old wives tale lived up bc she came out with a full head of hair. a true berzatto trait, you decided.
carmen's favorite holiday was thanksgiving. especially with you and his "chosen family" he likes being able to cook and it's not chaos like his usual family. he holds teddy while you eat, you'll spoon him bite fulls of his own meal but he's content being showered with compliments about how good the food is. boosts his ego.
you give teddy a little bit of gravy, off your pinky, everyone at the table laughing when she smacked her lips, eyes opening at the taste. carmen beamed. he'd never been so happy.
carmen and richie are taking a smoke break outside, so you take the chance to snap a photo. teddy all bundled up in a bear onesie (a gift from tina ofc) and you lay her in a pile of leaves.
carmen feels his phone buzz, looking down to see you tagged him in a photo on instagram. he's grinning ear to fucking ear.
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first thanksgiving and first leaf pile. big day for teddy bear! thankful for my baby teddy and my baby daddy @/chefberzatto
by christmas, teddy is enamored with the lights. she loves watching the tree, just gawking at it and all it's shiny ornaments. carmen spends a good portion of his time holding her, bouncing her gently in his arms and showing her the many different sparkling trinkets on it.
carmen is doing his best to try and create new traditions, happy traditions that would let teddy grow up loving and looking forward to the holidays. not dreading them and wishing they'd be over soon like carmen grew up with. love and caring instead of chaos.
you'd taken teddy to see santa, which she'd sobbed the whole time about. carmen had to sit next to the mall worker, holding teddy so she'd be halfway calm, but even then she'd refused to smile- only giving a pitiful, pouting lip jut that had you melting and cooing at her.
carmen had insisted on making holiday cookies. gingerbread cookies (more for you and him than teddy) but he said it gave him time to perfect it by the time she could enjoy them. he'd make a batch, a homemade hot chocolate (your powdered and hot water made him gag) sitting down to watch the grinch with you and teddy. you in his arms, teddy cuddled to your chest in her little christmas footy pajamas.
carmen was at work the next day when marcus laughed, calling him over to see what you'd posted.
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gingerbread-ted thanks to @/chefberzatto (ps his were good but @/marcusbakes is much better lol)
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sassylegshayne · 1 year
simp notes
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this is a bonus chapter for 'support your local caffeine dealer'
okay that being said AHHHHH!!!!! I've had this written for so long and ik chapter three of mmi is taking a bit so I wanted to post this now!! I love it, it's a peak into their relationship past the fic w lots of introspection from shayne, it's adorable! 2.8 words! enjoy xx mwah 💓
series masterlist
Shayne woke up much earlier than he planned to, so he found himself sat in silence at your shared dining table, staring at his mug of coffee. He unintentionally mirrored your actions in the exact moment that brought him to this point today.
The start of your relationship was a bit rocky, filled with pining and misunderstandings, but Shayne wouldn't change a thing about it.
Four and a half years, one shared apartment, and two cats later, everything felt right. Not perfect yet, but close. Your lives meshed together perfectly in every little way he never imagined it would.
You had similar food tastes, but neither of you liked the other person's favorite snacks or cereals, so no arguments about stealing. You like opposing chores, making it easily to share the weight. You showered at night, him in the morning. You liked the same books, so you shared your libraries now.
You'd been promoted recently, the position allowing a bit more flexibility with your schedule; so you and Shayne often woke up together in the morning and arrived around the same time at night.
The welcome addition of you to his friend group even meant that making plans was extremely easy. Shayne was also immensely thankful to have you with him at pretty much ever group outting.
He felt like you two knew every small thing about each other, so the secret he was keeping weighed heavy. For three months and twelve days he has been keeping the biggest secret from you, and everyone else.
The small velvet box sat in the bottom drawer of your dresser, stuffed between a pair of jeans that were actually too short for Shayne and a pair of Halloween themed sweatpants that matched a pair of your own. He could find it blindfolded at this point with how often he took it from it's spot, almost four times a day, contemplating when it would be the right time. It didn't feel right until earlier in the morning.
Just at 7:39AM, Shayne shot out of his sleep, his heart fluttering as he glanced over his shoulder, finding you softly snoring. His alarm hadn't gone off yet, the two of you didn't need to be up until around ten.
You had the day off and Shayne only had one shoot on his schedule, one you were going to be apart of.
You had been in a couple of shoots in the few years since your relationship had been known to the internet. Some fans had recognized you from the crew and casts personal accounts, especially Kimmy and Damien's.
You were very well received in your first appearance at Shayne's graduation, your speech bringing him and most of your friends to tears. After that you had been brought into an 'Eat It Or Yeet It" video, getting your first chance to witness your boyfriend's grave mouth first hand. After all of the love for you came in, you appeared on a Board AF' episode and began making memes for 'Who Meme'd It?'
You kept your privacy and boundaries still, your social medias were all still set to private, making it clear that you'd appear on occasions, but wouldn't join.
Shayne was fully supportive when you told him this after he mentioned the idea of you coming in for a video. You loved your job, having moved up into management of the shop, the promotion coming as a huge surprise to you, but not to Shayne.
Today you and Shayne were do on set at 2PM, shooting another TNTL episode, as per request of the other's lined up in the shoot. Damien and Courtney were quick to shoot Kimmy the idea, which wasn't hard to greenlight when the producer was your best friend. The easy part was over, convincing you was much more difficult. It tooka lot of coaxing from your friends, but Shayne remained neutral. It almost pissed you off that each time you asked him for advice on whether or not you should do it, he'd say it's up to you. Shayne couldn't help it, he still finds himself not wanting to push you too far, he still wants to protect you from anything he can. Most fans loved you, but what if it stops? He was still in shock of how much everyone seemed to like you. His heart couldn't help but flutter with pride and joy each time he read a comment that spoke highly of you.
It couldn't compare to the love Shayne has for you. He writes every small, tender thought he has about you down in his phone. He isn't sure when they started now, but it was definitely before you had started dating.
He started off using it to get things off of his chest, to write down the words of admiration that he wished he could tell you. Overtime it'd had begun to be every thought he'd had about you.
"I told the stars about you"
"you're the only one want to wake up next to"
"I wonder what goes through your mind when someone says my name"
Damien and Spencer have heard almost all of them, extremely supportive of him, always quick to call it sweet. That's then followed with different ways to call Shayne a simp. It turned into a joke between them, dubbing them Shayne's Simp Notes.
Gears were turning as Shayne shuffled from your bed quietly, grabbing his phone from the night stand before wandering into the living area, brewing coffee.
He took a deep breath, unlocking his phone as he finished replaying his morning in his head before noting the time. 8:17AM is when the perfect idea strikes, apparently.
Shayne was quick to open the notes app and begin writing out everything. He's loosely planned sketches for the show before but this was much bigger, he wrote out every detail to make sure it'd go right.
After about an hour of nonstop writing with Shayne's eyes glued to his screen, his coffee long gone cold, your yawn echos down the hall.
A smile stretches across his face as he finishes his last line, closing out of the app before setting his phone on the tabletop. You enter the room rubbing your eyes as yOu mile softly at Shayne. His ASU shirt covered your top half, an old pair of gym shorts covered your bottom.
Without a word, you made your way over to Shayne's lap, straddling him as you rest your head on his shoulder while he rubs your back gently.
The two of you tend to lay in bed together and cuddle if you're up before your alarms, enjoying the peace of being together before beginning your respective days. On the off days where that doesn't happen, you tend to make up for that lost time whenever you can, like right now.
"Ditch me on my day off, I see how it is." You chuckled as you sat up, rubbing your fingers lightly through Shayne's hair as he groaned playfully.
"I'm sorry, you're just dating an absolute genius, and I had a breakthrough, baby." Shayne laughed softly as you rolled your eyes; he moved to cup your cheeks pressing his lips to yours softly.
The two of you sat there for a bit longer, chatting until your alarms rang in your distant bedroom. You sullenly removed yourself from Shayne's lap, snagging his mug of coffee before disappearing down the same halway you'd wandered out of earlier.
"Ew, Shayne this is so old! How long have you been up?!" You shouted as your turned off the ringing, prompting a laugh from Shayne.
He makes sure to bring you a fresh mug, prepared just how you like as you're busy getting ready later. Your heart swelled at the small action.
It wasn't anything out of the ordinary from Shayne, he loved using small, subtle ways to show his affection. You always had fresh flowers from the very beginning of your relationship, sometimes you'd have more than one bouquet at a time. He's been a big fan of ordering things to you while he's away, off on shoots or even while hest at work.
He once ordered groceries to your apartment and video called you to cook together when he was on a trip to visit his parents.
You adored him so much. This relationship had far exceeded what you thought it could be, and you couldn't be happier. You're heart swells at just the thought of your boyfriend and everything he means to you.
The two of you arrived on set a bit early, giving you time to mingle with everyone. You were quick to dart from Shayne, heading toward Kimmy and Courtney across the room.
Shayne stood off to the side, staring at his phone screen once more. He felt like he was gonna scream, throw up, and cry all at once. He just needed to get through this. It's just an episode with his friends, he's gonna tell jokes and do his characters, his girlfriends gonna be there, it's gonna be amazing.
The box sat heavy on his thigh in the front pocket of his jeans, the outline barely concealed by the flannel he had buttoned over his white tee in an attempt to hide it.
Shayne eyed Kimmy, chewing his lip as she finally departed from her conversation with you. He was quick to grab her, requesting something weird of her. He needed you to go last, this wasn't something he wanted to have as the opening bit.
He kept the reasoning to himself, and Kimmy didn't seem too concerned about it so she happily agreed.
Once the others had arrived, Noah only setting the shoot back half an hour, they began rolling. You did great, getting Damien out quickly with an inside joke the three of you had shared after a trip to Universal one night.
Shayne was so nervous he found himself laughing his way through his joke, which eventually got Damien after it had become evident that Shayne wouldn't be able to stop his laughter.
His nerves had settled a bit, his arms wrapped around your shoulders, small kissed placed on your forehead between your bits, hidden by the divider.
You grinned as the end of the video neared, you being called to the yellow stool last. You filled your mouth with water and gave a thumbs up as you heard rustling from behind the divider.
"Okay, this isn't my turn but just wanna do this real quick" Shayne called out, peering around the corner as you shrugged.
After a few seconds, a toy crow flew over the clothing rack as Shayne belted out a purposefully bad impression of Train. You spewed instantly as cackling sounded from your boyfriend.
"I hate you!" You called out as you refilled your mouth, shaking your head.
"No, you don't." He called back, laughing.
The others' bits flew by as Shayne stood behind the divider, his wig and phone clutched tightly in his hands as he took deep breaths.
Shayne told you to close your eyes as he pulled on the curly, bob wig from a character of his.
You had a hate/love relationship of Shayne's simp character, Sir Phillip Simpne, so he felt it was right for this occasion. He had his phone hidden behind an open book as he moved to stand beside you on the stool. He cleared his throat, offering you a smile as your opened your eyes.
You groaned, keeping your mouth shut as you shook your head, determined to hold it over Shayne that he couldn't make you laugh with this bit.
"I haven't a poem for you today, m'lady," Shayne begun, trying his best not to laugh as you stared at him blankly. "I offer you something better. I bring love notes that I have written about the fair maiden before me today."
Shayne's palms felt sweaty as he looked down at his phone, deciding to drop the accent as he read to you, the giggles from others were silent to him.
"l'm gonna start from the beginning, kind of," He smiled, nodding as he looked up at you, removing the wig. "I wrote 'I never planned to like you this much and never planned to think about you this often' right before we started dating."
Shayne couldn't look at you as he felt tears prickle at his eyes, his throat running dry as he knew he'd run out of time.
Nobody in the room was counting anymore. Once Shayne had gotten more serious, the air in the room shifted and everyone grew quiet.
You sat in the chair, head tilted in confusion when Shayne had dropped the character, the game leaving your mind all together as you tried to process what was happening.
"Uh, 'I wonder if we ever think about each other at the same time.'" He kept his eyes on his phone, a bit scared to meet your eyes. You stared at him in perplexion.
"Okay, on my birthday I wrote 'of all the things my hands have held, the best by far is you', then the next day wrote 'there's been a place for you in my heart since we first met.'" Shayne sniffled, looking to you with teary eyes, chuckling a bit.
You took in his appearance with your brows furrowed, his cheeks were bright red, his blue eyes glistening.
"So, yeah, those are some of my Simp Notes." Shayne spoke softly as he caught sight of you laughing, some water dribbling from your lips.
You stood from the stool, taking a few steps away as you swallowed, wiping your mouth. You were still clueless as to what exactly was happening, but the name had caught you off guard and made you laugh.
Shayne felt like time slowed down, everything was going too perfectly as he removed the box from his pocket, your back still to him as you laughed.
He found himself grateful for your unwillingness to laugh at him, you allowed him to tell you some of the things he hadn't been able to before.
The energy had come back to the room, everyone laughing as soon as you broke, the assumptions previously made now leaving everyone's mind until Shayne drops to one knee.
A few gasps are heard as you turn back toward Shayne. small shriek leaves you as your eyes widden quickly at the sight.
You two had talked about marriage before, and you both wanted to get married, but you didn't expect this. Nothing could've given this away for you.
"I wanna spend the rest of my life making you laugh." Shayne chuckled as you laughed a rolled your eyes as the purposely bad joke.
"Y/N, will you marry me?" Shayne's voice barely audible, the crew further back hadn't even heard him ask.
"Yes, Shayne!" You squeal, your boyf- no.
Your fiance is quick to grab you, wrapping his arms around your waist as he lifts you up. The two of you are a mess of tears, smiles, sniffles, kisses, and whispers as the room is filled with cheers.
You and Shayne are quickly enveloped with loads of your friends, the shock and excitement evident throughout the room.
After a few minutes, Kimmy hugs you and Shayne tightly, congratulating the two of you continuously, quickly gasping as she looks up.
"I can't believe you didn't tell anyone!" Kimmy sniffles, smacking Shayne's chest lightly as he laughed. You looked to him with wide eyes, quickly looking to Damien in confusion as he shook his head.
"Yeah, I've had the ring for... uh, some time now" Shayne laughed, blushing brightly as you at him in awe. "I wanted to surprise you, and| wanted to have a bunch of people we care about with us to celebrate, it just felt right."
Shayne couldn't hide his embarrassment as you wrapped him into another hug, the two of you embracing each other for a few moments, happy tears falling from and for the couple.
"Oh my god, we're still doing a video, holy shit." She laughs, wiping her own tears as she quickly moved out of frame, the rest of the crew following suit. The cast quickly surrounded you once more, each with bright smiles and tear stained cheeks.
You sit back on the stool, grinning as Shayne stands beside you, his arm draped over your shoulders.
"Pst." Damien called loudly from Shayne's other side. "You should give her the ring, Shayne." He whisper-yelled, causing a fit of giggles to ripple through everyone, both you and Shayne blushing deeply.
He fumbles a bit as he opens it again, pulling the delicate, ornate ring from the box before sliding it on to your finger.
You pressed your hand on to your lap, grinning as you stared at the accessory that fit you perfectly in every way.
"I could not imagine being a comedian and having to go on after this guy." Spencer called from out of frame, causing Shayne to cackle.
You guys were quick to wrap up your outro, Shayne still wrapped around you the whole time, placing a kiss to your forehead as they called for a wrap on the shoot.
This was the perfect he was looking for.
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nebulousbrainsoup · 11 months
Raise a Little Hell
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SUMMARY: It's your first Halloween with Joshua and his friends, and you're more than excited to win their famous costume contest. Just when you think you're bound for the trophy, the secret your boyfriend has been keeping dashes your hopes. PAIRING: Incubus!Joshua Hong x afab!reader GENRE: fluff, suggestive, crack AU/TROPE: demon au, halloween party WORD COUNT: 2.4k WARNINGS: implied alcohol use, not beta read RATING: PG A/N: AHHHHH HE'S FINALLY HERE!! I wanted to post this on Halloween, but alas. It was not finished. This is my contribution to my Evil Twins Halloween collab with @justhere4kpop, who also made me this really pretty banner so we could twin!! Go check out their companion fic, "Oh, Nurse!!" featuring Jeonghan here. There will be two more installments to this universe; Fall from Grace, the smut scene I omitted from this one, and Silk & Spice, a filthy prequel featuring both of the evil twins in all their demonic glory. divs, as usual, from the lovely @cafekitsune masterlist | join my taglist | buy me a coffee?
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“You’re leaving in thirty minutes and you’re not even dressed yet.”
Joshua chuckled quietly, smoothing invisible wrinkles in his jacket before meeting Jeonghan’s gaze in the mirror. “I am dressed, actually. I’m a devil.” He smirked, letting his eyes settle into their natural red.
“Every day of your miserable, eternal existence, sure,” the elder hummed, shoving his hands in the pockets of his white lab coat. He’d gone as a doctor for reasons none of the boys could comprehend, and he was judging Joshua?
“It’s not like you didn’t take most of your costume out of your closet, too,” Joshua sighed, turning to level his brother-in-arms with a playful glare. “And I think I look dashing, thank you very much.”
“Look dashing another night. I thought you wanted to win the costume contest, and you’re not going to do that without a costume.” Sighing, the younger shoved his hands in his pockets, watching the gears turn in Jeonghan’s head. He blinked hard when they clicked together, huffing a disbelieving laugh. “You’re serious.”
“Yes, I’m serious! Y/N wanted to do a couples costume, an angel and a devil, and… I figured, as cliche as it is, it might make telling them easier.” His gaze flickered down as he gnawed at his lip, wincing as his fang pierced the inside of it. “This way they can see I’m not lying.”
His friend flashed him a wary look, but nodded. “Be careful. You know the rules.”
Joshua’s expression steeled and he gave a single, curt nod. “She’ll know before she enters the house.”
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A knock at the door of your apartment startled you, and you cursed quietly as you glimpsed the time. You knew you had been running late today, but you hadn’t realized just how late. Now, here you were, makeup only half applied and your dear, sweet boyfriend waiting patiently in the hall. Setting down your brush, you hurried to the door, giving Joshua a sheepish smile as you peered around it. 
“I’m not quite ready yet, but—” you began, tongue twisting into knots as you caught the heated stare Joshua was giving you. His eyes raked over the near indecent dress hugging your figure, lingering on the curve of your cleavage and appreciating the innocent, glowy look your half-done makeup provided. He ran his tongue over his teeth hungrily as his ruby gaze fixed on your own, stepping into the space properly.
“That’s fine, I think they can wait on us,” he purred, crowding into your space to place his hands on your hips. You could have sworn, between the lust in his gaze and the abnormal red of his irises, that his eyes glowed. “Just for a little bit. I don’t mind missing the costume contest if you don’t.”
You breathed a laugh, reaching up to cup his cheek as you rolled your lip between your teeth. “I think you put too much work into this for us to miss it, honestly,” you hummed, stepping out of his embrace to drink him in. He started to protest, his grip tightening on your hips, but you gave him a firm shove back, humming appreciatively. “When did you have time to do all of this?” you questioned, reaching up for the horns perched atop his head.
Much to your surprise, he ducked away from your touch, gently catching your wrist as a flush color his cheeks. “I, uh… A couple of late nights, y’know?”
You frowned for only a moment before movement caught your eye, and Joshua cursed internally as you zeroed in on the tail behind him. Your furrowed brows shot up to your hairline, a grin taking over your features as you squealed in delight. Every spare shred of his attention went toward keeping the accursed appendage from twitching as you shuffled around him and cupped it in your palms. He sank his fangs into his bottom lip as your fingers wandered over it, tracing down the red gradient to the rounded little spade and back up to where it began to match his skin, finally disappearing under his clothes. By the time you pulled back, he had drawn blood, but he forced a smile onto his lips. 
“Shua!” You beamed, and his heart swelled as you jumped up to wrap your arms around his neck. Sighing, he wrapped his arms around your middle, tucking his nose into your hair to breathe you in. “I know you weren’t too excited about this,” you muttered, “but thank you for taking it seriously for me. I can’t imagine how long this all took.” 
“Years,” he huffed, chuckling at his own joke. If only you knew.
You stepped back to look at him once more, giggling with him. “I’m sure it felt like it. Now come on, I have to finish my makeup and we have to get there so we can win this thing and beat Jeonghan!” 
He opened his mouth to stop you, but before he could, you dashed off toward your bedroom. Joshua sighed. He’d tell you on the way—he knew better than to interrupt your makeup time.
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In general, Joshua Hong was one of the most laid-back people you’d met. He stressed himself out as much as any other college-aged guy, but that was insight only you and his closest friends held. He was an expert at keeping his emotions to himself, sometimes keeping even you from knowing how he felt. It made the way he was positively radiating nervous energy that much more noticeable. His fingers tapped out an absent-minded rhythm against the steering wheel, one small muscle in his jaw twitching as his eyes scanned the road, seemingly avoiding you. You frowned, picking at the feathers on the wings laying in your lap. 
“Shua?” you called into the silence, and you swore you saw him jump, the tail twitching with the movement. He hummed acknowledgement, eyes still locked onto the road as you turned into a neighborhood. “Are you okay? You seem… Tense.” 
“No, baby, I’m fine,” he replied quickly, the smile he flashed you not quite reaching his eyes. 
You frowned, your own gaze shifting to the streets rolling by. “If you don’t want to tell me what it is, that’s okay, but don’t tell me you’re fine when you’re clearly not, Joshua,” you snapped. 
Once again, he startled, bile rising in his throat. Heaving a sigh, he pulled up to the curb in front of his friends’ house. “It’s not that simple, baby.”
You scoffed, rolling your eyes as you moved to get out of the car. “I know you’re anxious about me meeting your friends, or whatever, but this is so unlike you. If you were this worried about it, you didn’t have to—”
“Y/N,” he sighed, running a hand over his face while the other reached for you, grabbing your wrist and successfully halting your escape. “It’s… I have to tell you something, before we go in. And it’s kind of both life and relationship changing, so… Forgive me for being nervous.” 
His gaze dropped to his lap, hands fiddling with the hem of his jacket as you settled back in your seat, eyes fixed on him. The look on his face made your heart ache, anxiety creasing his brow as he gnawed at his lip. Reaching a hand out, you settled it on his thigh. And this time, when the tail behind him twitched with your touch, your heart jumped into your throat. 
Your boyfriend seemed to realize immediately, wide eyes darting over his shoulder to where you were staring. His heart was pounding a mile a minute in his chest, throat tight with anxiety as seconds stretched like hours, and when the words finally left him, it was all at once.
You blinked, slowly, pulling your hand back and tilting your head curiously. “I’m sorry… Slower?”
“I’m… I’m a demon. Like, from hell. The costume isn’t actually a costume. It’s just… Me.” He continued to avoid your gaze, tail flickering anxiously behind him. “I thought that the whole angel-devil thing would make it easier to tell you, because you can see that it’s all attached, but then you got all excited about me taking this seriously and that on top of the fact that ‘we’re demons’ is a lot to handle, I… It just made me more anxious.”
You blinked, processing his words silently. He was practically writhing in his seat, and if this weren’t his car, you’d be afraid he would bolt. Hell, maybe he still would. 
Your brow furrowed as you mulled over his words. “Wait. We?”
Much to your surprise, he chuckled, and you watched the tension drain from his shoulders. “I tell you I’m a demon, and the we in that rambling is what you latch onto?”
“I mean… You’re still my Joshie, right?” you murmured, once again tugging at the pile of feathers in your lap. “You’re not going out and killing people or stealing their souls at night or stealing children, are you?”
Joshua laughed, reaching across to still your nervous hands. “No, baby, nothing like that. I’m still the same old Joshua I’ve always been. The only thing that changes is my appearance.”
“Okay,” you nodded, giving him a reassuring smile. “Then this changes nothing. Except, now, you can be yourself around me.” 
He grinned, eyes creasing into crescents as he pulled your hand to his lips, pressing a kiss to your knuckles. “I love you, angel.”
His preferred nickname for you always sent heat rushing through your veins, but with this added context, it was all you could do to suppress a shudder as warmth pooled in your belly. “I love you too, Shua.” 
“I, uh… There’s a reason I told you tonight. We… kind of have our Halloween parties in Hell.”
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“Look at you, Y/N!” Seungkwan beamed as he greeted you, pulling you in for a quick hug. You giggled as he pulled back, spinning slowly to give your friend a full view of your angel costume, fluffy wings now looped over your shoulders. “Cute.” His eyes flicked to Joshua, giving him an unimpressed but amused look. “Angel and devil, hm? Very original. You could’ve put some effort in, hyung.”
Your boyfriend huffed a sigh as he slid in next to you, rolling his eyes slightly at the teasing. “I’ll have you know, this costume took me years to put together,” he hummed, reaching up to run a hand over his horns. 
Seungkwan rolled his eyes heartily in return, pausing to take a long sip from his cup. “Bad joke.”
You pouted, crossing your arms. “You better be the only one to think that. I wanna win this famous costume contest!”
“Good luck with that,” he cooed, patting your hair underneath your halo, “rookies aren’t known to win. Jun and Minghao are in it to win it this year too, and there’s only so much Shua-hyung’s pretty face and your cute self can do when those two are determined.”
You frowned, shifting closer into Joshua’s side. He smiled down at you, giving your waist a reassuring squeeze. “You never know, Kwan,” he hummed. “It’s kind of a toss up, sometimes. I mean, Soonyoung won last year.” 
He huffed a sigh and rolled his eyes, and you and your boyfriend shared an amused glance at his annoyance. “That was a fluke,” he huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. “And entirely Jeonghan’s fault. I will not be convinced otherwise.”
Joshua laughed quietly, nodding. “Okay, yeah. I’ll give you that. I really think we have a chance this year, though. Couples' costumes always do better, and we’ve made a joke.”
Glancing at his watch, the younger man grinned. “You’ll find out soon, hyung. It’s time to get started.”
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Joshua had warned you, briefly, about how seriously he and his friends took their yearly costume contest, but it didn’t fully sink in until each party goer was parading in front of you, dressed to the nines. It became clear, as you and your boyfriend walked the dancefloor-turned-runway that few of his friends were impressed by his display, not too far off from his daily look. It was only when he stopped, gesturing back toward you with a flourish, that the crowd erupted into cheers. Flushed and giggling, you took the hand he offered and quickly disappeared back into the crowd. 
“So?” he asked, tugging you back against his chest as he leaned against the wall. “Think we’ll win?”
Laughing softly, you shook your head. “Not a chance. I mean, look at Jun and Minghao. And honestly, Wonwoo and his partner as black cats are pretty cute, too.”
To your surprise, your boyfriend snorted, and you could hear in his voice the way he rolled his eyes. “Please. He can literally turn into a cat. He could’ve done what I did instead of buying cheap ass ears!”
You blinked, gears turning in your head for a moment as you recalled your conversation in the car. “Wait. When you said we, you meant—”
“Oh, yeah, all of the guys. Wonwoo can turn into a cat, Seungkwan and Dokyeom are kind of siren-esque…” he explained, eyes glancing over the room. 
You frowned, looking up at your boyfriend. “What are you, then?” 
He smirked, fangs flashing dangerously for a moment before your attention was pulled to Soonyoung, shouting over the din, “Time for the voting and rankings!”
You felt more than you saw Joshua’s smile as he leaned down to whisper in your ear, “I guess it remains a mystery.”
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“Next year, you have to actually try,” you huffed, crossing your arms over your chest. It took all of Joshua’s willpower not to laugh, following your glare to where Minghao held his trophy. “Tell me we at least beat Jeonghan.” The apologetic look he gave you spoke volumes, and you groaned. 
“I’m sorry, angel. I promise, he’d be insufferable if we won,” he hummed, wrapping his arms around your waist. A shudder lit down your spine at the sudden proximity, coupled with his warm breath next to your ear. “I can think of a few ways to make it up to you, though.” Pressing his lips to your pulse, he held you tighter when you jumped at the foreign feeling of his tail winding around your bare thigh. 
You hummed, pleased as you melted back into his arms. He was intoxicating, taking over your senses when he got you like this, making you putty in his hands. “Can you? I don’t know if I believe you.”
“You should, sweetheart,” he purred, fingers dancing over your sides. “Unless you don’t want me to show you what kind of hell an incubus can raise.”
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taglist: @/justhere4kpop @thatonenoona to be added, fill out the form here.
© November 2023 nebulousbrainsoup | all rights reserved. do not copy, repost or translate my work.
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emry-stars-art · 9 months
Emry 🥺
it should still be Christmas for you, so here is my little present.
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I hope it does not offend you in any way.
Unfortunately I’m not an artist, I sometimes create edits and I just want to share this with you 🤍.
I have re-read the Halloween scene (several times 🥹) and cannot get over how beautifully written it is, you have created a world within a world, a fantastic and extraordinary one.
I thank you once again but I don’t think it’s nearly enough. I repeat, you should collect these wips in a book.
Ps. or propose you as a consultant for the next CS Pacat novel or as a fashion consultant.
A world of thanks and best wishes for your holidays and an extraordinary new year 🤍✨💝
it IS still Christmas!!! And this is SO LOVELY OH MY GOODNESS 🥹 thank you so much, I want to make these my lock/home screens for a while ahhhhh
Your asks and nice words are always a gift for me, they're the absolute highlight of my days :) I love to create and I love to share, and hearing people enjoying those things makes me so so happy haha. One day I'll have everything online, collected, published properly, and we can all sit back and enjoy the entire thing 🥰😂
I don't think I can thank you enough, but I'll say thank you again and I hope we can all keep creating this way through the new year 💕
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Can you tell us three headcanons you have for Ned and three for Olive, please?
Oh my goodness yes
1) Touch starved in both a romantic and platonic way, I can totally see her and chuck cuddling during all their roommate sleepovers in season 2
2) Pre-show/pre-chuck when it was just her and Ned working in the pie hole she comforted him on Halloween (since she knows how hard it is for him emotionally and how much he dislikes it)
3) not so much a headcanon as just an analysis but her whole backstory with her parents neglecting and ignoring her her whole childhood is just like AHHHH she felt overlooked and unloved her whole childhood and now as an adult she craves love and understanding but can’t help looking for it in Ned who doesn’t/won’t reciprocate it (and she’s already so used to feeling unwanted and unloved ahhhhh)
4) (bonus because I want to) I don’t like the whole ending she got with her opening a Mac and cheese restaurant I choose to believe her happily ever after involved going officially into business with Emerson as a P.I.
1) I don’t believe he’s had much experience in romance and relationships outside of chuck, I know he makes a one-off comment about past relationships but he’s been so emotionally cut off since his mom died and purposefully keeps distant from everyone, we see this with Olive in the first episode
2) listens to the most mind numbing boring talk radio on long car trips
3) This man is not cis or straight I don’t know what he is but he’s not cishet guys
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zeenmrala · 11 months
after three months the bitch is back!!!!
weird stream of consciousness update below the cut
during my hiatus i completely dropped out of my star wars fixation which was insanely weird because ive been deep in it for over two years. it threw me tf off because i became fixated on an old white man from a horror movie franchise instead????? i loved him when i was like 14 but didn't realise why i was so into him like i remember being young and attracted to this stupid man and being mad at myself for not being able to stop thinking about him and being so confused about it. but then i recently rewatched the movies and it hit me that bitch iM THIRSTING FOR HIM and now im not only writing fic for him but SMUT for an OLD WHITE MAN. HUMAN MAN!!! HUMAN!!!! who would ever think we'd see the day when lil moonie was writing for a HUMAN instead of an alien???????? not ME!!!! i know some of y'all saw my ao3 updates and were like tf is happening??? bitch idk either. im just horny ig.
im back. again. now the heat from the white man obsession is cooling off slightly im back dabbling in the sw universe again, mainly space gays, my oc mimi being a lil lesbian whore. maul is on my mind again, always. and ofc wolfwren my pretty little lesbian emo girls UGH. i read the britney memoir and the inspo and motivation for mimi has returned so maybe ill play more with her and my OCs and the mimiverse in general ahhhhh
otherwise, im still broke!!! still mentally ill!!!!! nothing much else has changed except im kicking ass with recovery and will be discharged from services soon (yay me!)
im gonna be way less serious with fandom and not get as obsessive about it moving forward so expect a stupid amount of shit posting and any drama will be immediately curb stomped (blocked). and i will be less weird about everything (hopefully) but just as unhinged (definitely)
lol happy halloween happy november happy fall remember to prepare yourself for S.A.D season honey, it's here and the depression is ready to strike
love u
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insanityofbones · 1 year
Okay so I had this idea based off the new Halloween art that came out for demon slayer. If you want to write about it that'd be awesome!
So Male or Gender neutral reader x Shinobu, gender doesn't really matter for the idea.
Tldr a Demon has been using Masquerade Balls as a way to catch humans and eat them without having to show their face so Shinobu and the Reader are tasked with infiltrating and Killing the demon. Shinobu and the Reader have what they think are unrequited feelings for each other but dressing up and going on basically a fake date and dancing with one another causes them to just cave and confess at the end. Also possibly both panicking to find clothing that fits the event but also to look good for one another lol.
Love your writing!
𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞
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† 𝑷𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 : Shinobu X Male!Reader
† 𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 : Slight angst, pretty tame for me tbh, mention of fear, modern settinggggg
† 𝑨𝒖𝒕��𝒐𝒓𝒔 𝑵𝒐𝒕𝒆 : God I love this idea and I love the fact your entrusting it to me to write??? Ilysm /p, I had to do this idea right so terribly sorry for the wait 🥀🦋 also I haven't been able to find the art so.. i just gave her a black dress, also TYSM AHHHHH
† 𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝑪𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 : 800~
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Shinobu and you grew close as you were Hashira together, following after Rengokus death. It only seemed to make her angry as the days passed by, causing sorrow in her wake. She hadn't even paid a visit to you for what seemed like days— until you and her were called for a mission.
"A masquerade?"
You eyeballed her, short and stubborn as per always, though she seemed in a much better mood. "Yes, it's where you wear a mask-" You rolled your eyes at her words, scoffing. "I know what a masquerade is, Kocho-san,"
She smiled, pink lips shimmered in the sun. Shinobu always had a soft spot for you, someone she adored and stayed close to. Yet she always thought you didn't want her the same. If only Shinobu felt how you really feel, how you want to kiss her so bad your heart aches. You were the only one she ever dated to confide in, and you took that with open arms.
"Then go get ready,"
After that, you spent absolute hours trying to find a outfit that would look good on you. Hopefully to catch her eye. You even did your hair, styling it in a way that Kanroji taught you. Not like hers, but just something that made you look more sophisticated and assertive. Finally, you landed on a beautiful dark purple and black suit, something to match the insect Hashira's aesthetic.
Shinobu herself had also panicked, trying to find something she thought you would like. Gold's, pinks, hell she even tried a completely white dress. Only to end up in a pure black one, guessing it's the safest bet when push comes to shove. There she stood in all of her beauteousness, right infront of your eyes. Shinobu Kocho was your friend, and your crush. Even if she had absolutely no idea at all.
She let out a small giggle, placing a hand out, you obliged and kissed her knuckles. Soft skin onto your lips, it was meant to be a gesture of friendship, or you knew she would only take it that way. It was absolutely obvious to everyone that you fancied the stubborn woman, but she would never let her feelings be known. Shinobu wanted to be just like her sister, a replica, a copy to keep her alive in some form.
You brought your head away from her smaller hand, letting it drop to her side. You could have sworn she almost seemed sad when you let her arm drop. That, or you were daydreaming. Shinobu had always been orphic, a sore sigh for the eyes. Shrouded in darkness and anger but light as a butterfly. The limo ride however, was heart wrenching. Collywobbles delving in you, lurking at every single inch of your stomach to your esophagus. In all honesty, she was your reason for even living at this point. Shinobu was always so close yet so far, merely inches out of your reach, but also across the sea. Only oblivious to you, she felt the exact same. Not wanting to fall in love, but doing just that.
The party was Lucently lit, her existence in the light was eesome. Bouncing off the wonderful onyx dress that just so happened to match the suit.
Smiling at each other as you finally put on your masquerade masks. Yours was in the shape of a crow, while hers was just like a butterfly. You two were meant to pose as a couple, and eliminate the demonic bastard who poised a threat to humanity. Only to find yourself slow dancing with the woman you so adored. Steps perfectly aligned like the stars, your hand firm on her hip.
That hand of hers was on your shoulder, her fingers tapping every once and a while to the beat of the orchestra that played. It all felt like a dream, being here with her. You were a luftmensch. Always having your heads in the clouds. Only to be brought down when you stared into her eyes. The world slowing down around the both of you.
"Kocho, I have something to tell you," Your voice made her perk up, a smile up right at you. "Yes?" You were unbearably nervous, butterflies setting in your stomach once again. A wisp of air leaving your mouth, only to end up kissing her instead of confessing with words.
It was sweet, or rather she was. She didn't move away, which you thought she would, but in a needy frenzy, she pushed herself closer to you. Almost begging for more of your sweet kisses. Only for everything to suddenly fade into black, hearing the screams of civilians.
Some things, are better left unsaid.
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Tags : N/A
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pearlypairings · 18 days
Okay tell me literally ANYTHING about In the Shade of Aurelias that didn’t make it onto the page? I love that fic so much 💜
Fic backstory askpost
AHHHHH! my golden child fanfic! There's so much there bc I like to write multiple versions of the same beats to see what I like best!
In the first chapter, when Christine comes down to eat with her family, she actually had a brother like in canon. There was a strong contrast to how her mother coddled her brother and criticized Christine. Her brother was an unwilling participant in this dynamic, but clueless on how to help. However, the more the scene went on, I realized the story I wanted to tell did not involve looping her brother back into it in any way and seemed to cheapen any reflection on the opening scene's meaning. So I went with sickly only child instead 😅
I'm breaking this up bc I rambled lol but there's more under the cut here
After her scare in the marketplace, I also wrote an extended scene where her father notices the blue dust from Eddie on her gown and asks Christine many peculiar, specific questions which ultimately makes her concerned that he will figure out that the person in the alley was "cursed" and try to hunt him down. But the pace felt too slow and chunky, so I ultimately cut it down to a short, generic paragraph that suited the chapter beats better I think!
There is a ton of backstory for the side characters that has yet to be told and some that may not make into the final cut depending on the flow of the story! I think the main one I don't mind sharing for now is that her second suitor Lord Harrington is well woven into the truth behind some "entertainers" and merchants of the marketplace. He is a quiet ally to those hiding in plain sight, mostly because he had witnessed them do more good when they thought no one was watching than the evil he was told of by his family. So, he works well to make sure their secrets are kept safe in exchange for some behind the scenes display of their powers and plain ol' good conversation. Our middle child is lonely 😅
Our Hallowed Fire troupe is one of the more organized magic user groups that has been cast out, but still infiltrates beyond the walls to survive and make a living. In many of the scenes of the forest, I have sprinkled in details that didn't quite fit the tone of that chapter, but will be revisted later! Most of it is about the kids' powers and the next chapter (I swear it's on my list to work on/post possibly for Halloween) has Christine getting some lessons in what she's been missing out on all her life when it comes to magic and it's uses💕
I could talk your ear off lol but I'm gonna wrap this up. Feel free though to ask any more questions that you may have 🥰💞
PS: Because of the grander scope of this fic, I keep a thorough outline/world buulding/inspo collection for Aurelias! Before I started writing, this was my first fic that I found like character aesthetic models for reference and I'm gonna share the main ones with you bc you're so lovely 😘
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daughter-of-melpomene · 7 months
🌟 + Audrey Beiste for the 10 facts!!
Ahhhhh, an ask for one of my newest babies, thank you so much, Grace!! (And I shall also tag @dancingsunflowers-ocs since she also asked for this with Audrey, as well as the other Glee lovers @ginger-grimm, @ginevrastilinski-ocs, and @manyfandomocs!! <3)
Tina very quickly becomes Audrey’s best friend after she moves to Lima with her aunt; despite being the exact opposite of a Goth, Audrey loves Tina’s whole aesthetic, and Tina finds Audrey’s determined optimism very refreshing and endearing.
During the New Directions’ “Born This Way” number, where they all wear t-shirts with things they don’t like about themselves written on them, Audrey’s shirt reads White Whale, after a mean nickname she was given by bullies at her old school.
Audrey really loves card magic, even if she isn’t very good at it herself; sometimes she’ll spend hours watching videos of it on YouTube, or rewatching the performances of card magicians who were on America’s Got Talent.
She and her father often exchange letters - despite the fact that he’s in jail, he really is ultimately a good guy who loves his daughter and is glad she has a good life with Shannon, and Audrey loves her dad as well.
Audrey is actually bi! She’s known since she was pretty young and came out to her aunt when she was only eleven, and of course Shannon was incredibly supportive and loving (and, of course, Audrey is also incredibly supportive when her aunt becomes her uncle years later).
She isn’t much of a person who swears, and always tries to find alternatives for curse words, some of which wind up being kind of funny to hear (such as when she uses flicking in place of fucking).
Audrey loves strawberries and strawberry-flavored anything - strawberry ice cream, hard candies, popsicles, you name it, she’ll definitely eat it, along with the actual fruits themselves.
She’s a big fan of Minnie and Mickey Mouse, often wearing outfits that are inspired by Minnie, and the first Halloween after she and Finn get together, she definitely convinces him to do Mickey and Minnie for a couples costume with her.
Her love language is definitely physical touch, both for giving and receiving - my girl loves hugs, giving them and getting them, and she gives amazing ones, too.
She really loves learning about different heists throughout history, and definitely watched every episode of the History series History’s Greatest Heists with Pierce Brosnan when it came out.
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send me an oc and i’ll give you ten facts about them!!
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softpine · 1 year
hi brandi! i've been a follower for a long time and just FINALLY caught up on camelia from start to finish - I love this story and this world and these characters you've created so much! I just wanted to thank you for sharing all of this with us and i'm so excited to see where things go from here <333 also beth finally seeing cara in the waitress outfit when they get together is hands down the funniest fucking line in the whole story sdfghjkl
omg that's awesome, thank you so much for reading and the kind words 💖💖 the diner ahhhhh someone needs to make a sexy waitress outfit so cara can give beth a heart attack on halloween
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violentinecrl · 11 months
Hello, may I reveal myself before Halloween 🎃 as your secret Trick-or-Treat partner for this @choicesfandomappreciation event 2023? It is I, and I came here to drop you your treat. I really hope you like it. I'm not a great artist like you.
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Leonore got slightly up on her tiptoes and threw her arms around Kamilah's neck. Her lips easily found hers in a crashing kiss. Kamilah growled against her and she pulled away breathless.
"What's the matter, my Queen?"
"Nothing, dear. How about we continue this in our bedroom and not here in the kitchen?", she raised an eyebrow while preparing breakfeast for Leonore and herself.
"Hmmm, maybe later. I'm hungry."
"But I want now.", Kamilah ordered, lifted her up and Leonore wrapped her legs around her waist. Kamilah nibbled on her lower lip.
After an intiminate and hot moment between them, they broke apart, taking their seats in the dining room for breakfeast. Kamilah impressed Leonore by serving yummy, heatshaped pancakes with Canadian maple syrup. Each bite of it felt like heaven.
"Mmmmh, I love you."
"Are you talking to me or to your food, Leo?"
"Definitly to you, darling. You made these tasty pancakes for me. I love you."
"Love you too", she answered and planted a sweet kiss on her nose.
"Oh hey, you think you could shape the pancakes like a pumpkin?", she asked which confused Kamilah.
"Why, dear?"
"Don't know what's coming up soon? Did you forgot? It's Halloween time!!! And we still have to decide which costumes to wear."
"Hmm... I'm not much into Halloween and dressing up, but for you I could. Have you thought about anything already, sweety? A theme or anything.", Kamilah raised an eyebrow.
"Oh, I did. My vampire queen.", Leonore smirked, opened her mouth and then two fangs appeared while her eyes turned into a red color.
"We'll go as vampires, Leo? Hmm, why not? I like that idea. Can't be that hard.", she winked.
"Oh no, we won't go as ordinary vampires. We'll go as a hot vampire couple, my Queen.", Leonore corrected her and planted a quick kiss on Kamilah her cheek.
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Kamilah Sayeed
You can tag all your Kamilah stans friends if you'd like. I don't know many
AHHHHH omg the fact that you were just here and now you tell me you're my trick or treat partner!!! This is the sweetest thing ever 🥺 And you even picked two of my options!! 😭😭 i loved all of it!! And Leo???? That's adorable 😍 I loved how you got a nickname for my mc!! THE MOODBOARD!! Gorgeous! I have a playlist on Spotify for kamilah and mc and the cover is literally the last picture you used, the neck and claws!!
This couldn't have been any better! It's so adorable, YOU are adorable!! Thank you for this and for the previous message! I am really lucky to have gotten you as my partner!
I hope you have the best Halloween 🧡🖤
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saradika · 11 months
Trick or Treat!!! Ahhhhh this is SO CUTE Jess 🖤🖤🖤🖤
my favourite characters include Arthur Morgan, Dutch Van Der Linde, Elder Maxson, Paldin Danse, Din Djarin and Boba Fett- I will let you choose which ones!!
And my comfort spooky movie is 100% The Addams Family!!!
Sending love and spooky vibes this holiday season🖤🎃
happy (early) halloween, sweet margo! 🎃 Thank you so much, and ahhh I LOVE your ideas (it was so hard to pick)! And I love the Addams Family, too - I was imaging a RDR2!AU where the gang lives in the house together, as the previous owners (so sort of a dark western vibe)!
thank you so much for sending this in! I hope you like it! 🦇💖
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red dead redemption 2 x addams family
Sic Gorgiamus Allos Subjectatos Nunc - We Gladly Feast on Those Who Would Subdue Us
[saradika’s trick or treat celebration]
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prouvaireafterdark · 11 months
Hi, I hope you’re doing well! I wanted to come here and tell you how much I love PE!!
I was re-reading it and remembered that you said Armand says his and Daniel’s anniversary is on Halloween. How do you think they would spend their 1 year anniversary?
Ahhhhh what a question omg
So, I might want to explore this in a fic one day (maybe a 2 parter that covers the night they met and then a year later on their anniversary??) so I don't want to give TOO many details, but I think at least part of their night would be spent at Louis and Lestat's massive Halloween party bc you KNOW Lestat goes all out planning it every year and Armand would feel obligated to stop by if he was invited
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