#I love green the way Barbie loves pink if that helps
the-blind-assassin-12 · 4 months
Get to Know Me
if you dare… muahahaha! (just kidding I’m very much not a scary person. please feel free to come say hi!)
I was tagged by @crazysouthernlady - thanks!! ☺️
Rules: Answer + tag 9 people you want to get to know
Favorite color: Green. All shades of green are wonderful but I love grassy, clover, leafy greens the most.
Last song: The Otherside by VHS Collection
Currently reading: Faithful Place by Tana French. I love the Dublin Murder Squad series.
Currently watching: My background noise show right now is AHS 1984 because it’s (almost) summer and I always love campy (pun intended) 80s style horror in the summer. But other than that nothing. Recommendations welcome!
Currently craving: Italian ice. Specifically from Strollo’s or Ralph’s but anywhere will do. I have ice pops in the freezer but they just don’t hit like good Italian ice, you know?
Coffee or Tea: I’m not an OR person - mostly because I’m a chronic over thinker who is crippled by decisions - BUT ALSO because I genuinely like both beverages. I usually have 2-3 cups of coffee in the mornings and then switch to tea for the rest of the day because I get too jittery otherwise… but there are those days that I throw caution and good sense to the wind and ignore my history of jitters and continue to consume coffee well into the evening. And I generally tend to regret those days but… c’est la vie. 🫨☕️
tagging: @jessthebaker @practicalghost @grogusmum @marauderskeeper @ohforficsake
@thosewickedlovelies @secretelephanttattoo @valkblue @alraedesigns
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yjhariani · 2 years
Stealth Mission
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley X GN!Reader Word count: 1100± Warning: Profanity Summary: Annoying your husband in any way possible.
A/N: Still fixated on the idea of crossovering CoD and RE because. Maybe I should branch out and make the reader a part of SCP Foundation MTF.
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Ever since you married Simon, you made it your objective to annoy him in any loving way possible. One of the ways to do so, you titled Stealth Mission. Not only because it required stealth, it would end up mostly redacted in the history book of your marriage.
The way you saw it was that both your work was so harsh and full of darkness that you two needed at least occasional light in between. So, you started it.
For example; Simon was getting ready to go to the gym. You scouted the area around his duffle bag. Once making sure that Simon was away from the area and that the area was clear (sometimes you bait him by putting his phone somewhere inside the house and calling it so he went to get it), you made your way in towards the duffle bag.
Eyes on and sharp, you went through his bag. You took out his shirt that was black in colour and replaced it with the package; a bright, pastel pink cropped shirt or a bright yellow tank top, maybe a neon green water bottle or red towel with hearts and flowers or cute little cats or puppies on it. 
You tucked it inside the bag, made sure that it was hidden. Once the package was delivered, you RTB (Return to Base—wherever the hell Simon was not).
A few minutes later, Simon left. In a few hours, he returned home to you waiting for him in the living room with your camera opened. He was wearing the package. Usually, you managed to take a couple of snaps before Simon looked at you disapprovingly.
Mission complete.
Another example; you waited until Simon fell asleep. Once he did, you very carefully removed yourself from the bed. You had direct intel that Simon’s phone was located on the nightstand. You located it precisely where he would usually put it.
You made your way to the other side very quietly and very stealthily. You stayed prone on the ground, but not after getting the target—Simon’s phone.
With a little bit of tech forgery, you unlocked the phone (in actuality, he made sure you could unlock his phone with a fingerprint or even your face as well as giving you the passcode). You connected the phone to a pair of earbuds that you had prepared to ensure that there would be no loud noises accidentally echoing.
From there, you downloaded the most obnoxious song—maybe Crazy Frog or Barbie Girl. Afterwards, you set his alarm with said downloaded song before making sure to disconnect the earbuds from the phone. Following that, you returned the phone to where it was before returning yourself stealthily to your side of the bed.
The next morning, you two were woken up by the most ridiculous song ever. You started the day with Simon calling you little shit.
Mission complete.
If you were not feeling too lazy, after making sure Simon could not catch you doing it, you would intentionally make an effort to pull a chair and put a lot of things on the higher shelves, just out of your reach. Every time you called for him to help you get them it would annoy him because you could simply pull a chair or something.
However, sometimes he was feeling generous and picked you up, letting you take whatever you were reaching for with your own hands. Simon rarely put you down immediately and you two ended up at least making out.
Another mission complete?
One time, you did the same thing throughout the whole week you two were home. You kept asking Simon if he had seen something that was in plain sight.
“Simon, did you see my phone?” you asked whilst holding your phone.
“In your hand, love,” Simon said.
Sometime later, you asked him, “Simon, have you seen that mug I just bought for you?” as you handed him said mug with tea that you brewed for him.
“You’re taking the piss?” Simon replied.
The next day, you just finished showering with only a towel on you and walked to where Simon was, asking, “Simon, I can’t find my towel.”
“Don’t make me rip it off you,” Simon warned.
At some point, you were doing laundry. You held the laundry basket in one hand and shouted Simon’s name.
“Everything alright, darling?” Simon asked.
“I brought the hamper here earlier, I don’t remember where I put it,” you answered.
A little frustrated, Simon was about to say something a little mean, but decided not to. Instead, he put up a finger.
“No,” he said. “I’m not doing this.”
The last one at the end of the week happened while he was lounging in the living room. You walked over, looking under the table, under the pillow, in between the seats.
Simon, at this point, knew what you were doing. He was about to ignore you, but he did not find it in his heart to do so.
“What are you looking for this time?” Simon sighed.
“I’m looking for my husband,” you stated.
There was a second passing of Simon furrowing his eyebrows before he stood up.
“Get over here,” Simon requested.
“Why?” you asked, holding back a laugh.
“Just get over here,” Simon replied and started walking towards you.
You stepped aside, around the table.
After another pause where the two of you were mapping the living room and tried to guess each other’s net move, Simon started literally chasing you around the living room. It got weird pretty quickly.
You rolled on the ground to avoid him and Simon started calculating his movement.
Hollowing your hand in front of your mouth, you said, “This is Y/N to HQ, requesting immediate backup.”
“You’re fucking kidding me,” you heard Simon muttered as he continued to chase you around the living room.
“Eyes on armed tango in the up right,” you continued. “Fucking beefy, fucking scary, and fucking handsome.”
“Y/N, stop this!” Simon insisted, but you started to see him smiling a little bit.
Grinning, you tried to make your way out of the living room, getting chased by Simon before getting tackled by him onto the sofa.
“Contact! I’m hit!” you announced. “Going dark!”
“Going dark?” Simon repeated, half chuckling.
“I don’t know why I said that,” you chuckled.
Simon only looked at you for a moment, a thin smile bloomed on his face.
“Remind me why we’re married again?” Simon said.
“Oh, we got our wages raised if we’re married and I got a house,” you said.
“Right,” Simon nodded.
“I also seem to remember that you said that I’m the best thing that’s ever happened to you,” you teased.
“I’m changing my mind just this second,” Simon said.
“And you still love me anyway. How’s that making sense?” you replied.
Instead of answering that, Simon started kissing you.
Mission complete.
If you were not feeling too lazy, after making sure Simon could not catch you doing it, you would intentionally make an effort to pull a chair and put a lot of things on the higher shelves, just out of your reach. Every time you called for him to help you get them it would annoy him because you could simply pull a chair or something.
However, sometimes he was feeling generous and picked you up, letting you take whatever you were reaching for with your own hands. Simon rarely put you down immediately and you two ended up at least making out.
Again, these missions would end up being redacted in the history book of your marriage and the only people who would know about these missions were the people involved; you and him.
However, next time, though, you might have to buy some Nerf guns.
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fieldofdaisiies · 16 days
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nessian week masterlist
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I haven’t done headcanons in a long time, and for this prompt it felt so right to do some fluffy modern Nessian + daughter Alayla ones
while on the outside Cassian is this strong and tough army general, behind closed doors and especially with his daughter, his is this big soft teddy bear
there is not a single wish he would not fulfil his little daughter (or his wonderful wife Nesta)
that can reach from breakfast in bed, to tea parties with her stuffed animals or going to Disney Land
“Try it!” Alayla is beaming, watching how Cassian takes a bite from the chocolate cookie she has just made. She mixed together all sorts of things in the kitchen, Cassian watched her and then helped her bake them (he would never allow her to use the oven alone).
Cassian fights the urge to grimace, tries to force a smile on his lips while nodding, and forcing down the bite. It’s disgusting, but how should he tell her?
“Lovely,” he brings out, still trying to smile.
But Alayla pouts, reading him just as well as her mother. “You hate them?” She furrows her brows, and silver lines her eyes.
So, Cassian is quick, shoving the whole cookie into his mouth and then a second one. “No. Deli-f-oms.” He holds both his thumbs up. “I momf them.”
Alayla also loves to play beauty salon and paint her parents nails, or do their hair
“Your right hand, daddy.” Alayla throws her hands, also the one tightly clasping the nail polish brush with the hot pink tip, into the air. “You need to focus, we are not doing this for fun. This is business.” She rolls her eyes and with the toss of her hair over her right shoulder she reaches for Cassian’s hand and holds it down before starting to paint his thumb and also the skin around it in bright pink.
Nesta laughs, slightly mischievously, from where she is leaning against the doorframe, her gaze moving from her daughter and Cassian to her own hands and the bright orange and pastel green gracing her nails, and the skin around them.
“Mummy always calls you my pretty man so we need to do your hair next.” Alayla thankfully spared Nesta’s hair. She explained to her daughter that it would be lovely if the blow-out she had done just the day before could stay the way it is.
Reluctantly, Alayla had agreed and decided to do Cassian’s hair instead, braiding some strands and pinning others with Barbie and Paw Patrol hair clips. (Also, on more than one occasion has it happened already that Nesta went to work with a one of those hair clips pinned to her hair). 
Rhys and Az will never let Cassian forget that one day he also forgot to remove the hot pink from his nails and fingers and showed up like this to training – “A sight for sore eyes,” as Rhys called it
Az and Rhys have been laughing for a solid twenty minutes, until Cassian came up with some stories about them and their kids
let’s now talk about cuddling
this family loves cuddling
staying in bed on a rainy Sunday, watching Alayla’s favourite shows on the TV in Nesta and Cassian’s bedroom, while eating in bed
“What’s his name?” Cassian asks, taking a big bite from his toast. 
Alayla sighs dramatically and Nesta, laughing, says. “It’s a girl, Cass, and her name is Skye. You finally need to remember.”
“You really do, she’s my favourite.” Alayla grins, mimicking the way Skye, the dog, is flying over the sky. Then she rests her hand on Cassian’s shoulder, and purses her lips. “Who is your favourite?” she asks in a very serious tone. 
Cassian swallows, then squints his eyes at the screen before looking at his daughter. Her eyes are trained on the TV screen and so Cassian throws Nesta a help seeking glance, before mouthing “What is the fire pup’s name?”
Nesta has to hold back from laughing, she bites the insides of her cheeks and then mouths “Marshall.” 
A thankful smile appears on Cassian’s face. “Marshall!”
“Ah!” Alayla taps her chin, nodding slowly. “Interesting.”
Interesting indeed, Cassian thinks when he ends up having to play said dog when Nyx, Dalia and Zada are over for a visit. 
Since they are three girls and only one boy (Nyx wants to be Chase, Dalia Everest, Zada Zuma) they are in need of another male dog and since Cassian’s favourite is Marshall, he earns himself this roll, much to Nesta’s amusement
and lastly, Cassian is a great cook and there is nothing better for Nesta and Alayla to enjoy one of his amazing meals
Cassian who was alone a lot as a child due to his mother working so much learned to cook very early on
He creates amazing meals, some of them are only reserved for his family
Nesta will never stop praising his talent, and the same goes for Alayla who boasts to her cousins and friends that her father is the best cook in the entire world
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tags: @helhjertet @moonlightazriel @aayo-whatt (no smut) @crushedcloudx @brekkershadowsinger @girasoli-e-sorrisi @ignite-me @swifti-ed @cassiansbigwingspan @burningsnowleopard @banasheefan56 @a-frog-with-a-laptop @bookishbroadwaybish
for @nessianweek💛
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whatgaviiformes · 7 months
Fic: Grannies (part 1)
A/N: When I am in a writing lull I default to two things: crafting and post-Hydrofoil/post-SOS. I hope this is still enjoyable - dedicated to the craftyfam for inspiration. In this part: Scott
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On a new day, Scott realized he wasn't alone in the lounge. Sometime in the early morning his younger brother must have stumbled in, still encumbered as he was with the cast helping his leg to heal, but Scott had been too engrossed with the work begging for his attention to notice. 
He apologizes for it now. 
Gordon has used pillows to prop himself up against the arm of the sofa so that he's sitting, and there's a space right past the injured limb for Scott to gently position his weight. This couch is made for Scott’s height, so Gordon seems entirely too small against the decor pillows. 
He’s healed nicely after the events of finding Braman - the strain on his arm and shoulder had just needed rest. Their caution saved his neck and spine, though he hadn't been able to escape the head injury, which still gives him headaches from time to time. And the leg - well that needed a bit more than just TLC. 
Scott’s hand finds the ankle attached to the uninjured leg, his voice crackling a “good morning” from the lack of use and dryness he hadn’t realized was there. Gordon, with honey-brown eyes that shine with a knowing amusement, pauses the movement of his hands and lets the strand of orange yarn drop at the reminder of Scott’s presence. They both share in the explosion of color just outside the lounge windows.
Clouds like peach fluffs remind Scott of just how long it’s been since they were able to enjoy the dawnslight together. Prior to the accident, their routines aligned with daybreak, the timing of their exercises overlapping. Gordon’s, of course, included laps in the pool. The pool which was decidedly off limits with Gordon’s current accessory. Scott would often go for a run, chasing the sun. Scott’s not so much a fan of this new normal created by the Hood’s attack - the world where Gordon is unable to partake in what runs through his blood, and where the rest of them are spread far, far too thin. 
“Granny for your thoughts?” 
Scott shakes his head. “They’re not worth the - wait, what?” 
In response Gordon tosses him a square of fabric, blaming aerodynamics when it lands on his own foot instead of on Scott’s face where he was aiming. “Well, I can’t reach my wallet and you don’t need my pennies anyway.” 
“So this is your substitute?” Scott picks it up between two fingers to inspect it. He’s not trying to make it seem like there’s a practical joke here… but it’s Gordon. So there’s a practical joke here somewhere. 
If anything, it’s the color combination. Gordon’s never been afraid of putting clashing colors together, though Scott’s never been sure if that’s truly fearlessness or whether it’s just Gordon being oblivious about it. There was a period when they were younger where Dad thought Gordon might even be colorblind - had him tested and everything. But when all was said and done, Gordon could see what he was doing when he dressed himself with one green sock and one orange - he just didn’t care. 
The square’s got the same energy, the only pattern being that no color is repeated. Otherwise, it’s random and clashing, and oh so Gordon. 
He loves it immediately. 
Even the Barbie pink near the autumn orange.
“Can I keep this?” 
“Sure. What’s one granny?” Gordon cuts the orange yarn with a flourish and loops it back through his work. “I have hundreds more where that came from.” 
“Oh, wow, that’s … a lot.” Scott wonders if they all channel Gordon’s chaos the way his square does. 
“Yeah, well. Not being able to swim is a lot.”
“Oh, Gordon…”
“Don’t. I’m irritated, and it’s not your fault. Pick a color for me.” 
“Hmm. Teal.” 
There’s a basket on the floor. Gordon reaches for it, placing it instead on his lap while he digs through his options. In the end the color he holds up for Scott is more turquoise than teal, but it’s close enough to the bird feathers outside the window, which inspired his choice in the first place, that he nods his approval. 
For a while, Scott watches him work the green-ish blue over the row of orange. Without knowing exactly what Gordon’s doing with the hook and the yarn, Scott catches the general pattern: spaces over the clusters of color and new stitches where the previous row had spaces. Each row around the row before it with corners shaped into a square. 
He understands the principle.
“What do I do with it?” he asks. It's small, despite the volume of its color. “Will it work as a coaster?” Scott hopes so; he could use some life for when working at Dad's desk. 
“It's perfect for a coaster.” 
“What are you doing with them? You can't possibly need hundreds of coasters, can you?” There's actually very little Scott assumes about Gordon’s logic. This is one he feels fairly certain about. 
“Ha, no.” Gordon's sly smile would make warriors cower. “Virgil's making me a blanket.”
“Virgil is?” 
“Well, yeah. He doesn't know I know. But it's Virgil so of course he is.” Gordon leans in conspiratorially, lowering his voice. “I'm leaving them around the villa for him to find. There's one in his favorite coffee mug right now.”
Gordon cackles. An actual full belly laugh. “I haven't had any sent back to me in retaliation,” he explains further. “Ergo…”
“Ergo,” Scott echoes, the pieces coming together. He absolutely understands now that Gordon is doing just the part he enjoys, a welcome distraction from his current misery. The injured aquanaut gets to enjoy the instant gratification of the small project while Virgil…
…does the heavy lifting. 
That’s so entirely them it makes his teeth hurt grinning. 
Scott glances at his square with a rush of warmth being welcomed into the language his brothers seem to share over yarn. He never learned when Mom taught Virgil her magic, but he knows it’s important to the two of them and that Virgil taught Gordon at the hospital all those years ago now. 
There is still one more thing he’s wondering. 
“Gordon? About these ends?” The square looks unfinished with the strands dangling with each color change.
“Oh, do they bother you?” He beams. “I don't mind them so much.”
Scott's gaze immediately jumps to Gordon's gaze away from the trailing yarn. That little shit. Virgil will hate that. Hell, Scott can't stand them unfinished like that himself. And Gordon knows exactly what he's doing. 
“You're maniacal.”
Gordon shakes his head. “No, I'm bored. And Virgil likes fixing things, remember?”
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rosedpetal · 1 year
Fandom Leap - Chapter 8
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Series Masterlist
Word count: 1.8k
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
A/N: My contribution is finally here! Just wanna say I'm flattered to be in this project with such wonderful authors! @nickfowlerrr @unabashed-lover-of-fictional-men @crazyunsexycool @swiftlymoniquesblog @missvelvetsstuff @vibraniumarm06-bucket @rosedpetal @imyourbratzdoll @herdreamywasteland @jamneuromain @potterhead2207@supraveng
Previous chapter || You can both feel a shift in the air around you. Sitting in each other's presence the feeling begins to come over you, “Buck, I don’t wanna go” You whisper softly gripping his hand tight. “Please don’t leave me, Doll” his voice trembling in fear, You can’t help but shed some tears because You don’t want to go either, but You have no control over this. “Come back to me baby, please” He whispers holding you close to him, his please sounds absolutely broken which makes your heart heavier. “I love y-,” as the shift overtakes You, You can still feel his presence. Shedding a few tears your heart feels heavy and You hope that where you end up next is a place in which you will be safe and protected like how You were with Bucky.
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There was a pounding in your head. Your eyelids were heavy when you opened them, and by the way your stomach rumbled, you knew you had to eat something rather sooner than later.
You looked at your surroundings. You were lying in a queen-sized bed with a cherry print bedding set, a nightstand to your left that had a pink alarm clock that seemed to be broken by having been beaten against the wall too many times.
You screamed. You finally acknowledged the pretty blonde that was lying next to you.
"Caroline Forbes?"
It really was her. Her perfect golden locks were around her head like a halo, and her shiny green eyes had smudged mascara around them.
She was as stunning as a beauty queen, all the same.
"Are we on a full-name basis now, Y/N L/N?" She teased you, and yawned, stretching her arms and sitting up in the bed.
"What happened last night?" You asked, the memories all blurred and confusing in your head.
She grinned at you. "Before or after you confessed to Elijah Mikaelson that he was the hottest man on earth?"
Oh. My. God.
"I need context, Care."
She squinted her eyes at you.
"I knew we shouldn't have let you get in a drinking contest with Damon."
"Damon Salvatore?"
"Who else would it be? You're so weird this morning, jeez."
Of course. You were in The Vampire Diaries universe. You didn't know where this left you, or why you had a previous life here. Maybe it was a pattern. The first two times you didn't belong. The third, you did. In other universes, you were an anomaly. A version of you probably didn't exist in those places.
Here, you could see by the memory board in the wall with pictures of you with Bonnie Bennett, Elena Gilbert, Tyler Lockwood, Matt Donovan and the Salvatore siblings that you actually belonged here.
Hell, there even was a polaroid taken by you of Rebekah Mikaelson flipping the camera (you) off, the caption "Barbie Klaus" written with permanent marker under the picture.
Like everything was right.
Except, something was missing.
As your mind drifted to Bucky's lovingly gaze on you and the feel of his hand in your strong grip, the way you were holding on for dear life when you shifted again...
You got up too fast, almost falling in the process, and ran to the toilet. Caroline was behind you next, holding your hair while you threw up.
You had tears in your eyes when she turned the shower on and helped you out of your clothes, washing your hair without another word as you sobbed uncontrollably.
Caroline held you in her arms when you couldn't formulate words, brushing your hair and getting you into something comfortable.
"Do you want to lay down?"
You nodded your head negatively.
"I need to tell you something, Care."
"What is it?" Her voice was soft but you knew she was worried about you. She was your best friend in the whole world.
This world, at least.
"I'm not Y/N. Well, not the Y/N you grew up with, at least. I'm from another universe, and I'm scared to death because I want to go back to my fiancé, but I don't belong there either."
You told her the whole story, from how you were just struggling with too much work and had nothing going on in your life, to the Comic Con event and how you just woke up the next day to find yourself in Bucky's universe. How you jumped through dimensions, finding your favorite characters and bonding with them.
You left out the part that you were obsessed with The Vampire Diaries in your teens. You were not about to tell Caroline she was a character in a show and all the shit that was about to happen to her and each one of your friends in Mystic Falls.
After you finished, Caroline stared at you with wide eyes. "We can't seem to catch a break, can we?"
"What do I do now, Care?"
"Babe, you're friends with vampires, witches, a werewolf and the originals. You have Matt too, but he's human like you so he's useless about anything involving the supernatural. No offense. We'll find a way."
You sniffed, hugging her. "Thank you, Care. Now tell me what the hell was last night about!"
She laughed.
"We threw you a birthday party. Bonnie casted a spell on you so you wouldn't get too drunk when you and Damon started taking shots."
"Oh, crap. And why Elijah was there? Doesn't seem like his type of fun."
"It's not." She snorted. "But he came anyway because he adores you."
It felt weird when she said that, the thought of you with another man making you sick. There was a little flirting now and then, but you couldn't forget that you were about to get married.
Why did it hurt so fucking much?
"Now get up! We're doing research before you leave us too." Caroline laughed humorlessly. Deep down, you knew she was just as afraid as you.
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"So, you've made all of us come here, and not that I want to bitch about it, but I had to change shifts last minute, just for you to come with this nonsense story when in reality Y/N could just be losing her shit?"
"Matt!" Elena glared at him.
"I'm not blaming her! I'm just saying, with all the things we have to go through because of you guys, maybe she's just so stressed that her mind is finally shattering?"
"For the love of Taylor Swift, shut up." Damon rolled his eyes at Matt. "Don't worry, kid. We all believe you and we know you're not crazy."
"Not that I'm condoning with that asshole, but what if Y/N is really going insane?"
"Tyler, I'm right here!" You crossed your arms, outraged. "I didn't give you this shit when I found out you were a werewolf." You complained.
Caroline called everyone to the Salvatore's boarding house, just so you didn't have to repeat the same story over and over again. That's why she had the Mikaelson siblings on the speakerphone too.
"Bon, what do you think?" Elena turned to the witch, who had a serious look on her face.
"I don't know. Granny never had the chance to explain to me about multiple simultaneous lives. Let alone the multiverse jumping. All I know is that is possible, but I don't play with this kind of magic. It bends all the rules we know of."
"I'd ask my mother if she wasn't dead." Klaus finally spoke on the other side, and you almost smiled at his words. "The best I can do to help sweet Y/N is get Freya to do some research."
"Thank you so much, Klaus." You sighed, feeling a little bit better.
"In the meanwhile, what can we do?" Stefan asked.
"If there's nothing we can do, we can put her in a straitjacket."
"Too soon, Damon." You murmured, sending him a death glare.
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Caroline took on a mission to distract you from your distress. She dressed you up and took you to the Mystic Grill, ordered pancakes and soda for you both, and took you to see the most important spots in the city.
"That's Elena's house. We tried to smoke cigarettes in her room when we were fifth graders and we spent a whole bottle of her mother's perfume to mask the tobacco scent. There's a spot under her rug where we put them out."
"In Bonnie's place, she finally told you she was a witch."
"Damon and you were playing stupid games as always, and he dared you to go to the forest on a full moon, that's when Tyler almost bit you. I tried to save you and he bit me instead, so Klaus had to come here and cure me."
"Matt, Vicky and you used to play hide and seek in the church when you guys were little."
"Oh! You're gonna love this one! Elijah gave you a daylight ring right there in the gazebo! He told that if you ever transitioned you'd need one and it would be nice if that was already taken care of."
The memories were permanently imprinted on you. How you and Caroline always teamed up against Bonnie and Elena when the four of you fought, how angry you were at Matt when he couldn't let Elena move on, how heartbroken you became at Vicky's funeral.
And the day Elijah gave you the daylight ring, you were so touched by his gesture that you spilled "I love you." in a serious tone before hugging him. He was taken back by your reaction, but he hugged you back.
The sun was setting in the horizon, when Caroline received a call. She smiled at you in a cryptic way.
"Okay, I'm taking her."
The whole drive back to the Salvatore's board house was silent. You suddenly had a feeling your time in Mystic Falls was ending.
Caroline pulled over and walked you to the front door. She sighed.
"This is my cue. I hope you find what you're looking for, Y/N. And I just want you to know that you are my best friend and you are loved in every universe you exist. Please, never forget me."
You sniffed, and hugged her tight. Caroline's delicate form embraced you.
"Thank you, Care. I love you to the moon and back. And hopefully, in a few hours, you'll have your Y/N version back."
Caroline took off full vampire speed, leaving you alone on the Salvatore doorstep. The door opened, and a gasp left your lips.
"Whenever you say "I love you", you always say "to the moon and back" too. Must've been too much on her."
You looked over your shoulder, grateful for everything Caroline has done for you in the last hours. She let you go without putting up a fight, just so you didn't have to worry about her too.
"I guess we are alone?" You raised your brow, and Elijah's lip curled upwards.
He offered you his hand and as you took it in your own, he guided you to the living room.
"Freya and Bonnie crafted this." He took a little bottle of his pocket, the content a red liquid that resembled blood. "You just have to drink it, and you'll be off again. I guess you'd like to finally do this in your own terms."
"I don't know what to say."
"Then allow me, Y/N. You are a kind soul. You told me once that I deserved to have a life of my own and pursue my own dreams instead of always taking care of Niklaus. You were the one who confronted him when everyone was walking on eggshells around him, and you captivated all of us. You deserve to have a life of your own too, Y/N, and I know it's gonna be brilliant."
As he spoke, Elijah brought the bottle to your lips, and you drank its rich liquid. As you felt the ground swirl under your feet and Elijah becoming more and more distant, all you could keep was an opal daylight ring.
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oneforthemunny · 1 year
so i just went on vacation to a lil beach town with cute shops (but everything was so expensive i blew through 250 dollars and got like five things sobsobsob) and i can just imagine like janitor eddie or one of the eddies without lots of money feeling so ashamed that he can't buy you everything you want and you guys have to stay in a cheap motel because renting a beach house is pricey and he just feels like a failure and you have to comfort him
but i also imagine mafia eddie or rockstar eddie taking you out and you guys stay at a 9,000 square foot house and its so lavish and anything you even glance at it getting bought immediately
I don’t even think you would really want anything souvenir wise but janitor!eddie is adamant to get you something. he’s so sweet and tries to buy you handmade she’ll jewelry that’s wayyyy overpriced and you tell him not to. he’s feeling all insecure, even though he’ll be eating chef boyarde for the next week bc he’ll be so broke, so you take him to the shore to look for shells. laughing like kids as the waves hit your feet, sticking your hand under the water to wash it off and reveal it to each other. sand dollars, a half a star fish, a gorgeous pink shell that eddie found and you gasped so excitedly at he couldn’t help but boast. it was better than that overpriced shit bc you two found it together. the cheap motel aided to the “ambiance” you told him with a grin. it was pastels of sea green and blues and it was fun down, stuck in the fifties, but you didn’t mind. it was clean, it had a bed and a working toilet, and an ocean view (sans balcony).
mafia!eddie is taking you somewhere off the grid entirely. somewhere safe, under an alias. really to him, a vacation is anywhere that it’s just the two of you. a house in the mountains without neighbors for miles? paradise. a lighthouse on the coast of the north east where nobody but fishermen come by? even better. he just wants to be somewhere secluded where he can really relax.
rockstar!eddie goes big always but he wants to rent or buy somewhere with character. when airbnb becomes a thing??? omg he’s their biggest customer. the malibu barbie dream house?? fucking sick. the haunted mansion look a like house?? the girls love it. a hobbit inspired cottage?? you gotta be shutting me. eddie tries to buy it off the owner for an absurd amount. he loves cool vacations really. wants his girls and you (and himself) to travel and see the world. experience different cultures and ways of life and environments.
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annbourbon · 4 months
Movies that get me in a girly mood♡
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Mamma Mia, both movies. I could watch these two movies almost every day and be happy. That's how much I love Mamma Mia. They are after all about friendship. And family. They have a lot of music and fun moments but also know when to be sad.
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Barbie. The movie makes me feel for once, capable of anything and especially remind me to be kind to myself. America's speech keeps me on check. If that's not enough you have the whole Barbie~verse, because those movies are more about the plot and friendship while romance is a bonus.
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Crazy Rich Asians. While the main plot is not about friends but romance, this movie would be nothing without the support cast and the characters who help our heroine, in fact, our couple doesn't have so much screentime together. It's like a couple of scenes at most. The rest is a very interesting relationship that IMHO, I feel this is the way adults should be behaving. This movie is all green and a breath of fresh air. That's why I decided to include it here.
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Walk of shame. I love to laugh. And this movie is perfect for that. I won't say anything else or I'm spoiling it. But the whole plot is ridiculous and really funny. And I love her friends.
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Burlesque. Wanna feel sexy? Dance or sing? This movie is my go to. The characters have their issues, yes but everything is solved without too much drama. The main character is perfect. And where else you're gonna have Cher, Christina and Kristen Bell together?
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Montecarlo I find this movie a classic in the sense of how the sequence of scenes and humor is managed here. Good humor, lots of friendship and again, nothing big happens, which allows you to relax and enjoy.
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New York Minute if anything, this movie is peak comedy and all about sister bonding. Plus, you get to see Jared Padlecki in his firsts years.
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Bridesmaids although it's not one of my favorite movies, it's definitely all about friendship between them. And that's why I'm including it.
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Wild Child It's another story with more friendship than romantic interests. It's nice to see that because they believe each otther and know each other enough to see past their mistakes.
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Aquamarine I can't believe I almost forgot about this movie. But it's definitely worth watching. And it's all about friendship.
You know? Doing this I realized that we really don't have a lot of movies where it's more about friendship and bonding with other girls over romantic interests. So please, if you have any other options, that are uplifting and girly vibes all the way, drop them in the comments or reblog. I'm interested.
Others: I'm out of gifs already so I left the other 2 options in pink and mesh them with these ones that focus more on romance than girls enjoying themselves or having a friendship.
While romance it's great, I believe we need to have more movies where that comes as secondary. Which is why you're not gonna find the main list of chick flicks with a lot of romance, but here~
♡ To all the boys I've loved before
♡ Leap Year
♡ Legally Blonde
♡ Pride and Prejudice
♡ How to lose a guy in 10 days
♡ 10 things I hate about you
♡ Love, Rosie
♡ Coyote Ugly
♡ The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants
♡ Miss Americana (and Taylor Swift concerts)
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pvffinsdaisies · 1 year
Random and specific questions to help develop your OC :)
What is your character’s favourite colour of highlighter to use?
Does your character know their exact height?
If your character were a Beyoncé song, which Beyoncé song would they be?
Is your character more partial to a gonk or to a gnome?
How many ABBA vinyls does your character own? If the answer is 0, fix that mistake immediately.
Could your character go on a 10 hour long rant about the importance of a hairbrush?
Which Olympic (or Paralympic) sport (past or present. Winter or summer) has your character never heard of before?
If they were a mr man character would they be mr grumpy or mr tickle? No other answers accepted.
Does your character own any moomin mugs? Do they plan to get one or more?
Has your character ever owned a “Pink Sands” scented candle?
Does you character use hand lotion every single day?
In 5 words or less, what are your character’s opinions on ikea?
Is your character’s mother currently in possession of a bucket hat?
What do you mean you’ve never considered whether or not your character’s mother has a bucket hat?
Has your character ever visited Canada? If they live in Canada, have they ever visited Poland?
How many Hindu gods can they name off the top of their head?
What is your muse’s favourite Taylor Swift era?
Has your character ever locked themself in the bathroom and cried whilst listening to any song from Eurovision 2016?
Does your character own a highland cow? If yes, what is it called? If no, what would they call a highland cow if they had one?
Has your character ever been on tumblr? If they have I feel so very sorry for them.
What is the 5th option that comes up when you search “Barbie” & your characters birth year. Do you feel as though this barbie resonates with your character?
How many times have they streamed “22” by Taylor Swift in the past month?
Is your character from the city of “Tromsø” in Norway? Would they ever move there?
Do they prefer red or green apples?
How do they pronounce scone? Do they pronounce it the correct way (rhyming with “bone”) or are they a heathen who pronounces it like it rhymes with “gone”
Does your character believe in life after love?
Does your character believe that Pierce Brosnan’s singing improved the Mamma Mia film or make it worse?
Which Bratz doll is your character’s favourite?
What do your character’s slippers look like?
As a form of torture, your character is forced to read a 900 page book of their most despised genre, what genre are they reading?
Has your character ever performed a dramatic and soulful duet of “Breaking Free” from high school musical with their best friend?
Is your character more of a slug or a snail? Neither is not an option.
Does your character actually know all of the phonetic alphabet? Do they use it?
Does your character prefer the sims 2, the sims 3 or the sims 4?
Has your character ever crocheted or knitted a tiny Loch Ness Monster?
Does your character prefer to write with black or blue ink?
Is your character’s favourite African flag that of seychelles? If not they need better taste.
Has your character ever competed in the Commonwealth Games?
Has your character visited the county Pyeongchang in the last 5 years?
Does your character find the concept of pineapple on pizza more or less horrific than the concept of banana on pizza?
Is your character an avid listener of the Rolling Stones?
What is the most embarrassing song your character has cried to?
Does your character have strong opinions on eggs? Please do not share them if they do.
Is your character good at telling their left from their right?
Has your character ever owned exactly 3 gold fish at the same time?
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notquitecharlie · 1 year
T/w suicide
Dear friend,
Today my school was going to have a dance. It was Barbie themed.
We also were going to have a game day thing so all the classes would be shorter. After leaving first period everyone was told to go back to their classes and that the game day was canceled. No one knew what was happening until by some force of nature known only to high schoolers it got out. A freshman from our school had killed himself in the park yesterday by our school and his body was found last night.
It’s weird because it’s like I didn’t know him but I cried. My friend did know him and she just buried her face in my shoulder for the entirety of our choir class.
One of my best friends throughout elementary school killed himself last year. I’d been trying to get his number from someone and they’d told me they would ask him when they saw him at school on the following Monday, he was dead that evening.
It’s just they were good people they were funny they would have had great life’s but they won’t have lives at all now. They were each 15 and that is way too fucking young to die. Neither of them will ever learn to drive. They won’t get married. They won’t have familes. The bad time won’t ever really be over for them. I feel terrible. I wish I could have done something. I wish someone could have stopped it.
The dance is canceled.
When I left school which is normally a bustle of noise and laughter and on fridays between periods one of the teachers blasts music it was so silent. You could see people closest to him sobbing into other peoples shirts you could see the juniors and seniors who couldn’t have known him very well trying to wrap their heads around this. It was hard to be there.
I’m sorry I just want to be able to tell someone. It hurts and I feel terrible for it hurting me. I feel terrible for wearing my Barbie outfit to school (a neon green dress, neon green eyeliner and eyeshadow and pink combat boots). I don’t know.
They’re not forgotten, months after he died a song (a million dreams) me and my friend used to listen to almost every day in fifth grade came on and I sobbed in public. Everyone that knew this kid and my friend have been shocked. They always seemed to happy but they weren’t and they needed help and I just wish they could’ve found it or talked to someone even if it’s a stranger online without sharing their name.
I’m sorry.
Love always,
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vazelbeak · 1 year
Thoughts on Unhappy campers
This will be a longer one
World building: So first things first lets start with world building! On a first run being in the human world there's not much worldbuilding for hell but it is odd Barbie needs a human costume, prior Moxxie and Millie didnt need one in seeing stars and now we're here where kids think their legs and skin are weird, until Millie ends up being seen as attractive (we'll get to that, i promise). But also we have a scene where Moxxie jumps into and stands in a fire but somehow isnt burned. Then when they go to have sex on stage and take clothes off, nobody recognizes them as demons. So...why did they need outfits? They still didnt answer this.
Plot: Personally I feel like we should've had more to connect western energy with this episode because it feels weird to leave off Stolas upset Blitzo might not love him and then Blitzo's breaking into a hospital to look for his sister. Like, a lot of people were under the impression he was going to visit Stolas until it was mentioned. They imply this to be a multiple time thing, but the way they deliver it feels like we should've have some prior build up like of Blitzo saying while theyre in sloth he has some other business to take care of besides Loona's hellbies shot. Viv said these episodes should all be watched together but this doesn't read that way. I think Moxxie deciding Blitzo put him in charge is funny, but Blitzo being so freaked out should've been played up more as at the moment it ends up looking like he's just acting weird. I think they should present the reason hes so worried about Barbie a lot sooner. She's clean, she doesn't want to talk to him, and despite that we get much on why he's worried until he finds out she's just on heroin. It may have worked if we had that implied earlier the full extent why hes worried. With the flip back to Moxxie and Millie my question is why are they deciding to be siblings? Why not just be a couple? I was dreading incest jokes the moment I heard this because now its coming off excessive especially to have it across three episodes two technically speaking being back to back. With Moxxie finding the suspicious behavior circumstantial it feels intended to drag out the plot because we get nothing to indicate him changing his mind from "this is coincidence" to "theyre the culprits". When if he went "holy shit its them!" when Millie pointed out everything it would make sense. I also don't follow why Moxxie is going to the kids for info and not counselors? They would know more about who would've had the means to drill into the boat. Or are kids better because Moxxie is trying to integrate himself into the camp and make sure counselors aren't wondering where an extra kid came from? think it would help to have a line of dialogue to indicate this. Moxxie trying to talk about who he is feels like it could've been a good set up for either 1. lying about being from another country and having a skin condition like how plenty kids go to summer camp and lie to seem cool in which all the other kids fall for because he makes increasingly elaborate lies to cover for himself 2. Making an original OC type joke with the "I like boys, makeup, and hot pink. I dislike people who think theyre better than me, bad make up, and the color green. My catchphrse is-" to imply Moxxie getting into character is him basically making a human oc. Also it feels a bit conflicting to go from "Millie leave out the fucking bitches part because these kids are too young" to "All the boys want me <3" like maybe just leave it at a "Boys fight over me all the time" Yeah kids can be cruel, but I'll just say i presume this is funnier when you weren't the one being bullied in that way. It comes off as just "okay...so is there gonna be a clever joke with this?" Kids being atttacted to Millie and seeing both about a bunch of girls crushing on her and being sent nudes is weird and uncomfortable. I feel like maybe they should've kept it to kids looking up to her and her almost becoming the cool kid/leader of them. I dont really follow the whole "i cant elimante any suspects because theyre too busy swooning over you" wouldn't this be good by giving Moxxie time to investigate while everyone else is distracted like what they had by the end of the episode? I dont really follow the whole "i cant elimante any suspects because theyre too busy swooning over you" wouldn't this be good by giving Moxxie time to investigate while everyone else is distracted like what they had by the end of the episode? ill have to reblog with the rest
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lacytales · 9 months
ㅤ️ㅤ️ㅤ️lacy and her tales 𓆩♡𓆪 𝅄 ⋆
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ᅠㅤ️act i : who is lacy?
ㅤ️welcome, lovelings. hereby you are entering lacy’s fairytale. now... you may wonder, who is lacy and what do you need to know about her? well, you have taken a great start here. ♡
ㅤ️lacy moeremans is an alter-ego created by aurelie rosetta janvier, a normal corporate worker who spent most of her time crushing herself against life and the problems within while half of her mind wandering around what she called “beyond the universe”. unlike aurelie, lacy is a free-spirited ego who isn’t afraid to speak to her truth. and like a little kid, just as pure and as curious about the world, lacy finds beauty in the mundane; spending her days writing about her layered feelings, to let out what aurelie can’t due to her principals.
ᅠmeanwhile, most people have a back-to-back different alter-ego, aurelie and lacy got each other’s back like a figure and its shadow. what aurelie couldn’t say, lacy would. and what lacy couldn’t do, aurelie will pursue.
ㅤ️both aurelie/lacy often describe themselves as an orange cat, having infp-t as their mbti, and a proud piscesian all the way. she preferred being addressed using feminine pronouns, and in case you are bewildered with all this new information, you may address the human form with both names {let’s just say it’s the same person, different name}. :]<3
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ᅠㅤ️act ii : what intrigues lacy?
ଙ♡ generals : lacy/aurelie likes anything pink, sanrio, and positivity contents. she believes in manifestations and the power of mindset; universe, and everything in between. she has always been a one-true worshipper of makeup, skin and body care, food, and perfumery. she indulges in fiction books a lot, as it helps her to write better. and one of her quirky qualities is that she is always curious. be it you started to talk about science, which she isn’t fond of, she will spend her times to search around for answers so she could have a conversation with anyone. she loves strawberry, green tea, and sushi a lot {you would find her talks about these three things a lot}. she loves learning new things as she treasures what’s already there.
ଙ♡ music : she is fond of k-pop music since her early years of living {nowadays her lenses are focused on day6, seventeen, ive, newjeans, xdinary heroes, and xg}. besides those, she is an avid listener of taylor swift, niki, mitski, olivia rodrigo, melanie martinez, laufey, lomba sihir, nadin amizah, gracie abrams, and so much more musicians! ♥︎ her life rotates around music and always will, and listing all her favorite musicians will be a long-life job she couldn’t finish.
ଙ♡ movies and series : during her worst days, she found reading books overwhelming since the letters were running around her head; thus, cinema helped her recover her feelings on those times. two of her favorite genres is romcom and child flick; as she could watch movies with those genre forever. before trilogy, 13 going on 30, 10 things i hate about you, mean girls, wild child, legally blonde, la la land, the devil wears prada, you are the apple of my eye are some of her favorite movies to watch. while modern family, brooklyn nine-nine, young sheldon, superstore, the big bang theory, anne with an e, hospital playlist, reply 1988, extraordinary attorney woo were some of her favorite tv series. she likes cartoons {especially lacy} and barbie is the one who accompanied her growing up. besides that, she loves the baby boss series and studio ghibli productions! well... the list is taking too long, isn’t it? shall we stop now?
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ᅠㅤ️act iii : where is lacy?
ㅤ️you are reaching the last’s part of lacy/aurelie’s mega-bank {phew, finally...}! now that you are here and before you find out about where you could directly speak to both lacy and aurelie, i think it’s best for you to know that the place is her safe place; so if it’s uncomfortable for you to stay around with all her stuff going around, please always know that you are allowed to skim her presence from your life. and she would prefer new friends whom she could talk to; so if you aren’t up for that also... please skip this message, kindly. c:
ᅠㅤ️✧ㅤ️lacy’s main-residential
ㅤ️ㅤ️✧ㅤ️ask lacy anything!
ㅤ️ㅤ️✧ㅤ️hot-or-cold tea sesh with lacy
ㅤ️ㅤ️✧ㅤ️lacy and her ancient tales.
and that is that, lacy and aurelie hope you enjoy your short stay here. and she is looking forward to see you somewhere above. see you on the other side! 🤍
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la-appel-du-vide · 1 year
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08•13•23 - Nashville, Beach Bach Day 3
Today’s theme was “Kiss the Miss Goodbye” - meaning Kena and I wear pink, while Beach continues to wear white of course. I liked my outfit today a lot, and even executed a claw clip well! So proud.
I’m very glad we were able to visit Five Daughters Bakery on Friday, so we had a little bit of extra time to sleep and pack this morning. We were still running late as it was. We had to pull down all the decor, pack, take out the garbage, and clean up after Kena’s blood drips from her foot all over the place, and her pink and orange hair dye in the shower. We were running around like crazy trying to get it all done in time to make it to our brunch reservation. We cut it close, but we made it, even after doing some quick pictures in our hotel lobby. It’s called The Jolene, and it’s all Dolly Parton themed. Still weird there is no one around to help, and there’s no furniture, but it is a cute lobby.
Brunch was at Layer Cake, which is a fairly new spot just off Broadway. The bottom floor has three distinct color sections - pink, blue, and yellow, and that includes chairs, decor, paint… everything. Each floor also has it’s own feel, including a speakeasy basement. We were running down the street to get there before our 15 minute grace period expired, and I ended up tripping and rolling my foot. It hurt SO bad. If you were watching, you’d have thought I rolled my ankle, but it really was my actual foot. I ended up having a hard time putting weight on it for the next week or so, but at least it wasn’t more serious. I did have to limp around the rest of the day.
Breakfast was incredible, and this ended up being maybe my favorite meal of the whole trip. I ended up just getting two appetizers instead of an entree, and I have zero regrets. I got chicken and biscuit sliders with country gravy, SO GOOD, and buffalo chicken egg rolls (I will be thinking about these for the rest of my life.) Incredible. Beach also had a French toast casserole that was amazing.
We made our way back to the car and sped down to our next activity. (By the way, parking in Nashville absolutely sucks. It is SO expensive. Sometimes we were paying $50 for a couple of hours!!! I’d try to plan that out better next time, but WOW.) We went to Paddywax Candles for a custom candle pouring experience. The first step is choosing a vessel for your candle, and there are too many gorgeous choices. I had the hardest time, but I went with a blue and white checkered one. Beach did a cowboy boot, and Kena did a dark green glass oval shape. Then you pick your scent, and I went with a Wisteria + Willow. I chose a blue color for my wax to match the vessel, and then mixed the color in with the scent and hot wax. I put my wick in the jar, and then poured the candle! It was easy and fun, and then we had to leave them there to dry. Luckily, Kena wasn’t leaving until the next day, so she could come back to get them. Paddywax also had a little boutique, with so much great stuff. It was hard to resist!
Then we had some final time to kill before the airport, and we had planned to do a mural tour. Nashville is full of mural walls, and great photo ops, so we figured we could see as many of them as possible before we needed to head to the airport. We started out by visiting The Graduate hotel, and White Limozeen! The Graduate is the CUTEST hotel, all Dolly Parton themed. We wanted to stay there, but it was crazy expensive, and we figured our money was better spent on activities. But we still wanted to visit. The ground floor was adorable - floral wallpaper, southern gowns as chandelier lights, couches for lounging… I loved it all. Then we went up to White Limozeen, which is the rooftop bar and restaurant. We tried to get reservations there, but it’s very small and very popular, so we were not successful. The patio has a black and white checkered floor, but everything else is PINK. It feels like Barbie-world. There is a statue of Dolly Parton’s head made out of pink chicken wire, pink umbrellas, pink couches, and a small pool you can reserve for the day. I loved it.
We had time for one more, and Beach chose the “Nashville Looks Good on You” wall in the Gulch. We drove out there, found it pretty quickly, and got our pictures. And that was it! Time to head back to the airport, after a whirlwind of a weekend. Kena dropped us off, and then Beach and I changed into comfortable clothes, got checked in, and went to find our gate. We got the bad news that our flight was quite delayed, and that we’d be missing our connection to SLC as a result. Everyone got in line to try to re-book or find other options, but I had gotten a text from Delta letting me know I could look for other flights on my own. I ended up finding a direct flight to SLC leaving an hour later, and if we took that one, we’d end up getting home two hours earlier than we would have! So everything worked out for the best.
I was limping around pretty bad at this point, since putting on my slides made my foot feel even worse, so we found a place for dinner and just hung out there until boarding. The flight home wasn’t comfortable, especially since we were wearing our custom cowboy hats home so they wouldn’t get squished, and it was inconvenient for sure. But it’s alright, it wasn’t too long.
I think we pulled off a super fun weekend for Beach, and I had a blast too! Long live cowgirls!
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moony-t0ast · 1 year
hi mom :)
life update: i got my schedule for the school year (ew school starts in 8 days help) i’m such a culinary girlie. they didn’t put me in early childhood education, but imma email SOMEONE to get that changed cuz there’s no way imma take drama instead of ece, losers. and i’m taking ceramics, i’ll make u a vase ofc. what else? oh, and i got lunch with gabi again so i won’t be depressed and alone :D
that’s my life update u didn’t ask for (also i’m going to see barbie tonight finally)
AHHHH I love this sm. I rly hope u get into the ece class Ik how much u want to be a teacher <33
And now that you’ve said it I’ll be expecting my vase. My favorite colors are green, pink, purple and black (also let me know how much you love Barbie after you see it, I’ll be expecting more updates ♡)
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suckitsurveys · 1 year
Any recent purchases? I just bought a shirt for my Billie Eilish Lolla outfit, earrings and a bracelet for my Barbie Cafe outfit, and a clear backpack for both days I’m at Lollapalooza.
Have you ever thought about giving up on life completely? Yup. In college it was the worst.
Have you seen the entire Harry Potter series? "You made me watch all the Harry Potter movies. I don’t even like Harry Potter.” “That’s insane! You’ve seen all 8 movies!” (Also, I’ve only seen the first one and read half of the first book).
Do you still have both of your parents? I don’t. I lost my mom 10 years ago this month.
Do you live very far away from Kansas? Not VERY far. Would take maybe 8-10 hours to get there.
Do you enjoy cuddling? I do.
Do you play video games? Meh.
How many colors are in your hair right now? My natural hair color and a faded pink/blonde color.
Do you have your full license yet? Yes.
Do you have the same color eyes as your mother? Yes.
Does your significant other boss you around a lot? Nope.
Do you prefer winter or summer? Summer.
Do you know anyone who has overdosed? Yes.
Are you a fan of PDA (public displays of affection)? I don’t care one way or the other, unless its really aggressive.
Have you ever been put to sleep for surgery? Nope.
Where are your siblings as of now? I really don’t fucking care.
What color shirt are you wearing as of now? It’s purple.
What is your favorite class? I’m not in school anymore.
Are you in love with someone right now? Yes.
Can you speak any other languages than the one you’re fluent in? Not fluently.
Do you take a lot of photos? Sure.
When you were little, did you think band-aids healed everything? Yeah.
Have you ever had a pregnancy scare? Yes.
Where do you download music from? I use Spotify; I haven’t downloaded music in more than a decade.
Have you ever attempted suicide? I came very close to it.
Do you know what ‘irony’ means? Yes.
How many pillows do you normally sleep with? Three.
Do you lose your remote often? Nah.
Have you ever skipped class before? Oh yes.
Are you a regular school skipper? In college for sure. There was a whole semester where my mom would drive me and drop me off and I’d just walk to the train and ride it back and forth until it was time for her to pick me up because I fucking hated college so god damn much it almost killed me.
Do you have any Pay-per-View channels? No..
Who, in your life, makes you feel discouraged? My fucking sister and her fucking husband.
When was the last time you went bowling? It’s been a while.
Do you ever suspect your significant other of lying to you? No.
Are you expected to help fix Thanksgiving dinner? I make mashed potatoes and a homemade green bean casserole (like, we even make the mushroom soup and the french fried onions from scratch).
Is there anything bothering you right now? I’m feeling such a crummy way about my sister right now. I feel completely lost about what to do. She’s treating me more like a babysitter than a sister. She’s treating me like my ex friend treated me and I keep thinking about just walking away from her but I couldn’t do that to my nieces. It’s such an awful feeling.
Would you like to talk to someone about it? I have.
Do you live by any major bodies of water? Yes, Lake Michigan.
Do you tend to make the first move in a relationship? As in, starting one? No. Making the first move as in initiating something sexual? I’d say its about half and half.
Do you spend a lot of time with family? Blah.
How many times have you been to Disney World, if any? Zero with no plans on ever going.
Have you ever lost anyone close to cancer? Yes.
Have you ever been accused of being on drugs when you weren’t? Never.
Do you have a more quiet or loud voice? Soft.
Do you personally know anyone who is transgender? Yes.
When was the last time you got a shot? A year or so ago when I got a Covid booster.
Can you play any instruments? If so, what are those instruments? Not well.
Do you have any diseases? Probably.
Have you ever been into a car accident? Very minor fender benders.
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yourlovermori · 2 years
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izuku with his baby girl who gives him a bit of trouble
At times like this he looks back on his days in UA and feels bad for aizawa sensei because now he gets to experience himself what it’s like come across a problem child of his own. His little girl is throwing herself around giggling and squealing — living room a mess from her rampage. Marker scribbles ranging from green to pink decorate the wall, the couch pillows are disregarded on the floor along with a mess of various toys — headless barbies covered in drool, dried playdoh kneeded into the carpet, and even pieces of mr potato head man in a bowl of cereal.
But right now she’s beaming with excitement and preparing herself to jump from one couch to another an unknowingly impossible accomplishment for her tiny self. Knees bent and arms spread wide in the air — swooped up last second by her daddy giggling and gurgling at the woosh of being swept into the air. “Put me downn daddy please put me down,” she’s whining bending backwards in his hold trying to finish her earlier activities. Somehow he still holds a gentle smile, finger rubbing against the chub of her neck making her squirm in his hold. “Can’t mommy’s gonna get me if we don’t clean up, how bout you help me clean, yeah?” he asks — smiling at the way she leans back up to take in his question pushing her curls out of her face with a pout.
“Ugh nooo we don’t have to clean noww, we can do it later,” she whines trying to push herself away from him — dramatically grunting and huffing when he doesn’t let her go. “Move daddy I wanna go jump pleaseee” his resolve has never been strong not when it comes to you and definitely not for your daughter especially when she’s a reminder of his love for you, leaving him to try and reason.
“If you help me clean i’ll get you anything you ask for,” he says and it’s almost comical — the way she brings her finger to her chin doing a little ‘hmmm’ looking oh so serious and deep in thought about the declaration. A light bulb goes off in her head and it’s almost like he can see it with the way her eyes light up when she’s finally come up with an idea.
“Okay i’ll clean,” she says and he thinks he’s won the war unscathed until a, “only if you and Uncle Kacchan play tea party with me” falls from her lips. And his face visibly drains of color not because he minds playing tea party, he really doesn’t, but Kacchan? pro-hero Dynamite Kacchan? That’d surely make an interesting scene. His mouth opens and it’s almost like she can read his mind by the way she starts begging and pleading him to say yes. Little arms circling his neck pulling him forward, “Pleaseeee Daddy pleaseee,” she’s whining eyes squeezed shut the noise bouncing off the walls.
He takes a look at the clock on the wall right to him, it’s almost 5, then to the mess around him and back to her giving him no choice but to relent. “Okay if Uncle Kacchan and I play tea party, are you going to clean?” and the smile that spreads on her face is just adorable. She’s nodding with enthusiasm telling him, “Uh-huh yes I’ll clean. I promise” as he places her down. Sighing at the soon to come cussing, he’s pulling out his phone to make a quick call to Uncle Kacchan about a tea party that he’s invited to.
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Friends Don't Look At Friends That Way - Chapter 3: Age 15 and 3/4
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cw: none
word count: 2.597
read on AO3 || masterlist
chapter summary: the one where they play spin the bottle
"The red or the green one?" Aelin asks, holding up two dresses. She is standing in front of the closet in her room, while Rowan is lounging on the bed behind her and scrolling through his phone. 
"Hmm… the red one," he says, not even looking up from whatever he's doing.
"You're not even looking!" She accuses, throwing her hands up, the dresses flying dramatically into opposite corners of the room.
"Come on Ace, you're going to a lunch with your parents, not the Met gala." Rowan is still not looking at her. 
Aelin crosses her arms. "Well, what's more important than this, then?" Her tone shows more of the hurt she feels than she'd like. It's ridiculous to feel this betrayed over Rowan's lack of interest in her dress, but she can't help it. Ever since he told her about his crush on Remelle a few months ago, he barely talks about anything else anymore. And he even managed to make Aelin promise to help him talk to the girl. She has since found out that she'd rather eat her own hair than listen to Rowan talk about how pretty or how interesting Remelle is. 
Rowan finally puts his phone down and looks at her. "I've been invited to this party and I was just texting a few people to find out who else would be there."
That makes Aelin's brows rise. "You've been invited to a party? By who?"
"Fenrys. He's on the lacrosse team with me."
"Oh. So is it a team party?"
"Nah, apparently it's only a few guys from the team, along with some of Fenrys's other friends. Plus a few of the cheerleaders."
Now Aelin knows what's up. "Let me guess: including Remelle?"
The tips of Rowan's ears turn pink. "Yes, including Remelle. I think this party could be the perfect opportunity for me to finally take the next step! Our talks in school have been going really great – thanks for all the tips by the way Ace – but I'm not sure she would be interested in being more than friends."
Aelin tries very hard not to let her face make a grimace, but she isn't entirely sure she's succeeding. Rowan doesn't seem to notice though, so apparently she's doing an okay-enough job. "So you're hoping to what – test the waters at this party?" She really wishes she was not having this conversation right now.
"Yes?" Rowan says, but it sounds more like a question. "I just… I like her, Ace. A lot. Like, I-hope-she'll-be-my-first-kiss levels."
Aelin thinks she needs to be sitting for this conversation, so she walks over to her vanity opposite the bed and sits on the white stool, facing Rowan on her bed. "That's amazing," she says weakly. 
Rowan raises an eyebrow. "What's up with you? You're acting kinda weird."
"Oh, nothing," her laugh comes out high and fake. "I just can't believe you got invited to a party before me." 
He seems to accept that and Aelin is relieved. How is she supposed to explain something she doesn't understand herself?
"Why don't you come with me then?" He says it suddenly, but she can already tell he loves the idea. "We'll go to our first high school party together and you can help me with Remelle."
"How am I supposed to help you kiss her? Do you want me to smash your heads together like two barbie dolls?" Yep, her voice is definitely shrill now. 
"Okay, maybe not for that then," Rowan backpedals. "But come on Ace, it'll be fun. And I don't want to go alone."
"I don't know, Rowan."
"Ple-ease?" He adds, drawing out the syllable into two and looking at her with what could only be described as puppy-dog eyes. He only uses those when he wants something really bad. 
Aelin sighs, knowing she can't say no to him now. "Fine," she relents. 
Rowan's answering cheer is deafening. 
The party is happening the following Saturday at some Lacrosse-players house. Aelin has never met the guy, but the neighborhood is not too far from her own so she's passed the house often. It's a nice, white, two-story building with a balcony that faces the driveway. There's a garden out of sight, judging by the chatter and music that can be heard. Aelin and Rowan walk up to the front door, the chilly January air making Aelin glad she chose to bring her winter jacket, even though it clashes with her outfit. There's a spring to Rowan's step she's never seen before. Aelin tries not to think about that too much. 
"So what do we do now? Do we knock?" Aelin doesn't know the proper protocol for parties. She's never been invited to one before, after all.
"No, I think we just go in?" Rowan says and tries the handle. It's unlocked and Aelin can see a few people crowding the hallway. She takes a deep breath and follows Rowan into the house.
There's a ton of people once they reach the living room. A few guys Aelin recognizes from the Lacrosse team are crowded on the light gray sectional, some of the cheerleaders from their grade sitting between them, and in one case on a guy's lap. She can also see a terrace that leads to the garden she guessed was there. Fairy lights are strung up around the terrace, shining brightly in the dark of the evening and some upperclassmen are dipping their feet into a pool that's placed in the middle of the garden. The steam rising from the water tells her it's heated. 
It's surprisingly unlike anything she imagined a high-school party to be like. The atmosphere is relaxed and people are just talking while some pop music is playing. Aelin would feel comfortable if she didn't feel so terribly out of place. She's not friends with anyone except for Rowan, she now notices.
"Do you want to drink something?" Rowan asks her, already waving to one of the guys on the sectional. Aelin recognizes him. It's Fenrys, the guy who invited Rowan.
"Sure. Some kind of soda or something. You know what I like."
"Okay, be right back," he tells her and leaves to find the kitchen. 
She takes a few steps into the room, unsure of where to go, when the girl next to Fenrys smiles at her. "You're Aelin, right?"
"I'm Essar. And this grump here," she points to a guy to the other side of her, "is Lorcan, my boyfriend." The guy looks a bit older than them and gives Aelin a nod. 
"Oh, yeah, I know." Aelin says lamely. "We have math together?"
"Oh right," Essar slaps her forehead dramatically.  "You sit in the front, right? I always take the back row, so I'm probably more familiar with the back of your head." She laughs and Aelin can't help but laugh too. 
"I can turn around if you think that helps?" Aelin suggests.
"Oh no, don't worry. Here, sit down though," she points at a place opposite her on the floor. Someone put pillows there to make extra seats, so Aelin happily complies. 
She and Essar fall into an easy conversation when Rowan finally returns with two drinks in hand. She smiles gratefully at him before she realizes he's followed by none other than Remelle. 
The smile falls off her face when she sees them talking animatedly before Remelle throws her head back to laugh at something Rowan said. 
She's never seen Remelle this close and this unguarded. Usually she's surrounded by a gaggle of other cheerleaders. But even though Aelin doesn't know Remelle, she can tell the girl likes Rowan. It's obvious from her body language and the way she looks at him. Aelin's stomach turns. 
"Remelle! Nice of you to show up as well," Essar greets her. 
Right. How could Aelin forget they were friends?
"Well, it doesn't seem like I missed much," she teases, pointing at the party around them. 
Rowan hands Aelin the drink he brought and sits down next to her on the floor while Remelle talks. 
"Thanks," she mutters, though she's not sure he's listening. 
His eyes are still fixed on Remelle who now says, "How about we do something fun?"
"Like what?" Fenrys interjects.
"Like spin the bottle," she suggests, eyes on Rowan. 
Oh god. Is this what Aelin thinks it is?
"I'm in," Fenrys says, a grin spreading on his face that Aelin can't help but describe as mischievous. 
"Us too," Rowan says immediately, shooting Aelin a look. 
She can't believe he just agreed for her. But hey, at least he thought of her at all, right?
They round up everyone who wants to play, which is mostly people from their grade who aren't there with their significant others, along with one or two upperclassmen. 
She's sitting next to Rowan in the circle they formed on the carpet in the living room. The people who aren't playing are sitting on the sectional, watching their game and chatting.
The game starts and the first few rounds are a bit boring, Aelin thinks. Fenrys starts and his bottle lands on a cheerleader. Then the cheerleader's bottle lands on another cheerleader. Some of the guys whoop when they kiss and Aelin rolls her eyes. She's glad to see Essar do the same from the sectional, Lorcan next to her with an arm around her shoulder.
The cheerleader spins and it lands on one of the upperclassmen. He's attractive, with cropped chestnut hair and copper eyes. He and the cheerleader kiss and then he spins the bottle. It turns and turns until finally, it points straight at Aelin. 
She's never kissed anyone before and while she knew what this game entails, she hadn't really made the connection that she might have to kiss someone. Her throat goes dry while the guy gives her an encouraging smile. 
Oh god, can he see how nervous she suddenly is? Aelin feels like she might die. But then she squares her shoulders and decides to be brave. She leans forward and the guy meets her halfway. She closes the distance between their mouths. It's… okay, she guesses? She can feel the warm press of his lips against hers, can smell the shampoo he uses and it only lasts a heartbeat or two before they pull apart. 
When she settles back on her knees next to Rowan, his gaze is on her. She can't quite decipher the emotion on his face, so she whispers a quiet "What?" 
He just shakes his head and points at the bottle. Right, now it's her turn. Better get it over with.
Aelin gives the bottle a good strong spin and it turns even longer than it did before. It comes to a stop pointing slightly to the left of her – right at Rowan. She can feel her heart speed up. If she thought she was nervous for her first kiss, it's nothing compared to what she feels now. There's a tingle spreading from her stomach all the way to her fingertips.
She turns to Rowan, whose eyes are locked on the bottle as if he could move it with the power of his mind alone. "You know, we don't have to do this," she whispers, but there's a rushing sound in her ears so she might have spoken louder than she intended. 
"Hey, no fair! Rules are rules!" One of the lacrosse dudes shouts.
Finally, Rowan's eyes lift to hers. There's another look on his face that Aelin has never seen. She doesn't really know what to do with that. Usually, she feels like she knows him better than she knows herself. There's nothing usual about this situation though. 
"No, it's fine," he just says. "He's right, rules are rules."
Rowan leans over slightly and so does she. Her breath catches and she closes her eyes. She feels the moment his lips meet hers, the soft but insistent press of his mouth against hers. She knows Rowan inside out, but still the smell of him this close is intoxicating. 
He pulls back after a second and it's all Aelin can do not to follow his mouth with hers. Rowan turns his face back toward the circle, toward the bottle and after another second, so does Aelin. 
As Rowan reaches for the bottle, there's only one thing playing in Aelin's mind. I just kissed my best friend. 
Then the bottle lands on Remelle and Aelin doesn't think anything anymore. She watches a shy but inviting smile spread on the other girl's face. She sees Rowan lean forward, the motion looking so eager and Remelle does the same. Aelin watches numbly as their lips meet. The kiss lasts longer than any of the others did, though it's still just a peck. It shouldn't be different than her kisses but Aelin can feel that it is. This is a kiss that is going to change her friendship with Rowan forever. It's ironic, she thinks, that this kiss is what will change things, when she and Rowan just kissed not five minutes ago. 
They pull apart and at the soft smile she sees on Remelle's face, a smile that is mirrored on Rowan's, Aelin feels faint. 
She waits another two turns, when she hopes no one will make the connection, and stands up.
"This was so fun guys," the cheer in her voice is entirely fake but no one knows her well enough to tell. Except for one person. "But my parents set me a curfew, so I have to leave." There's a few commiserative groans. "I know," she laughs. "But thanks for inviting me. See you guys around school!"
"See you," Essar says, a few others echoing the sentiment or simply waving. 
Aelin is almost impressed with herself at how composed she seems.
She turns toward the door and sees Rowan stand up to follow her. He catches up to her and says, "I didn't know you had a curfew."
"Yeah, I'm just tired, but I didn't want to look boring,'" she lies. She's never lied to Rowan. It makes her feel even stranger. 
"Oh, okay. Just give me a moment to say goodbye and then we can leave." He looks slightly disappointed by the prospect. 
"It's fine. Stay. I can make it back on my own." She doesn't know why she said that. She doesn't mean it. But maybe she hopes that tonight hasn't changed things after all. She hopes he'll walk her home as always, that everything will still be normal tomorrow.
"Really? That would be amazing. I'll see you tomorrow, okay? Be safe." Rowan hugs her and Aelin is sure she must have misheard him. There's no way he just did that. But as he turns his back to her and walks back toward the laughter, she realizes that he did. 
"Damn. What a dick." The guy she kissed is standing in a doorway on the right halfway between her and the living room. He probably had a perfect view of their exchange.
Aelin wants to defend Rowan. After all, who is this guy to call her best friend a dick? But she can't really argue his point right now. 
"I'm Chaol, by the way," the guy offers and Aelin realizes she's still looking towards the living room. 
"Aelin," she just says.
"Well Aelin, I was actually just leaving," Chaol tells her. "Can I walk you home instead?" There's a smile on his face that suits him very well. He really is attractive, Aelin thinks to herself. 
"That would be nice," she answers and Chaol opens the door for her.
thanks for reading!
let me know your thoughts/theories in the comments or reblogs! <3
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