#I love dragons so naturally I made my phone into one
herearedragons · 1 year
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A phone case I painted with acrylics a while ago! I was really happy with the shading on this one.
Also, because I made the eye by gluing a piece of plastic under the socket that shows off the apple logo, it created an accidental optical illusion of the eye following you when you move around. I did not plan for this. It’s awesome.
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critterbitter · 9 months
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The twins and their starters may have grown slightly taller, but their love of shenanigans have tripled, no, quadrupled in size.
On that note did you know Eelectrik has a glow animation?? Perfect nightlight eel. Absolute gold standard for creature. Click here for the masterlist!
Bonus shitpost under cut ft @birdsaretoddlers’s incredible take.
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(plus a fanfic drabble that birds did while we were discussing in chat! Check out their funny writing @birdsaretoddlers) “Lam lam pentttt. Lam.”
“Language. I am not calling them that. This is a civil discussion about the capacity of a 284 Berkshire’s firebox, not a playground argument.”
“Lammm Pent.”
“If you possess my phone I will have to put you in time-out in your ball, and neither of us will like that.”
The argument over a literal online flame war was cut short by the door flying open, one of the hinges breaking off with the force and flying somewhere into the aether, never to be seen again. Or at least, not without a strong magnet.
Emmet stood there, proudly, holding his newly-evolved Eelektrik, his grin a mile wide. Ingo picked his heart up out of his femoral artery, where it had lodged itself, and gently removed Lampent from where she hid, hanging over his shoulder. Emmet stood there, eyes twinkling, clearly ready to perform the coveted Bit. Ingo opened his mouth, got halfway through a word, and his twin took the proffered delight of cutting him off.
“I am Emmet and I discovered something INCREDIBLE. INGO LOOK.”
Ingo looked, because what else was he going to do? He would allow his twin to complete his circus act, it was only proper and polite. Eelektrik trilled with delight. Emmet twirled like the best of Nimbasan runway models, clearly wrestling his eel, cooing platitudes to it as he writhed and squirmed to get it into position.
“Me beautiful slimy baby, my beloved pool noodle, my beeesstt conductor!~” Doing something that could generously be called ‘dislocating his shoulders’, Emmet managed to get his eel flipped up and around his neck. He flopped forwards, bonelessly, tipping his hat and giggling madly. He was grinning harder than normal. Ingo was a little scared.
“But now, Eelektrik can do MORE. OBSERVE.”
He threw his shoulders back, standing up as tall as he could, somehow not throwing himself ass-first onto the floor as the fifty pounds of eel he was currently deadlifting remained stationary over his neck. Emmet’s arms flew upwards and out, rocking back and forth in jazz hands. Eelektrik frilled its fans, made another happy little buzz and-
"Eelektrik boa."
There it was, clear as day. Eelektrik flashed it’s spots in natural bioluminescence, blinking like a neon sign. Bright beautiful yellow and clearly charged, Emmet’s hair stood on end, pushing his hat an inch off his head. They blinked in a rhythmic, pulsing manner. It was almost hypnotizing to watch, in a way. Ingo snapped back to reality, realizing his mouth had dropped open and Lampent had ceased questing for his Pokedex. Recognizing Emmet was looking for a response, he threw his arm out in a thumbs-up so fast his arm hurt, snapping his suspender against his neck.
“Brrravo! Ten out of ten! Majestic eel scarf!” He praised, Emmet’s expression only growing further full of himself and his achievement, which was well deserved. Lampent echoed the sentiment, flashing back at Eelektrik in response.
Now that both Pokemon could glow, they’d never have a problem in the caves again!
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flowerandblood · 3 months
Play with my heart (Epilogue)
[ modern actors • Aemond x Strong • female ]
[ warnings: semi-public sex, smut, angst, fluff, sexual tension, little domination & praise kink ]
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[ description: He gets the main role in a series about a great family and dragons, which could change his career. He is set to play the uncle and love interest of his childhood friend. When he meets the actress who plays her role, he begins to lose track of what is an acting and what is his real feelings. Sexual tension, grumpy, withdrawn, thirsty Aemond. ]
Author’s note: Yeah. I talked about it and I did it. You don't even know how much fun I had doing this. Of course, my characters play in a series whose script is an exact copy of my story The Fall from the Heavens. In this universe, Aemond (playing the One-Eyed Prince) and Rhaenys (playing the Princess) are of course not related – the other characters are also just actors. This three-part series is my gift to all fans of the original series, thank you so much for your support. "Rhaenys" in this story is her artistic pseudonym which she use instead of her real name. You can read this as a standalone story.
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
My other works: Masterlist
The first months after the shooting were both wonderful and terrifying for him. Contrary to his grandfather's predictions, he did not stop thinking about her; moreover, he missed her so much that he did not know what to do with himself.
He got used to their daily conversations, the embrace of her warm arms, falling asleep between her soft breasts, watching Disney movies together with her with a big bowl of popcorn.
She brought a breath of fresh air into his life, a smile, lightness and laughter, forcing him to let his inner child that he had always suppressed within him come to the surface.
With her, he was not ashamed to be weak, tired, sad, discouraged. She gave him the comfort of knowing that all his feelings as a human being were natural and desired by her, no matter how ashamed he might be of them.
They tried to see each other every two weekends, taking turns visiting each other. Although he wanted to spend time with her walking around museums and parks, they usually ended up staying in bed all the time off, trying to make up for lost time.
They also saw each other at interviews to promote the series, for which the producers sent the actors in pairs, and unfortunately, although they tried to hide it, a few gestures and glances during them caused both her and him to be flooded with a wave of comments from fans so large that they had to block them from being added to their profiles.
Nooo, they're not a good match. 😫
It's just a promotional trick. They're going to break up after they finish airing the series. 😒
Leave my prince alone!!! 🤬🤬🤬
I'd love to fuck her myself, not gonna lie 👀
It's already clear where the chemistry between them comes from, lol. Pathetic. 🤮
Both of them were very much affected by the nasty comments and criticism, fearing that the production would draw some consequences against them, but it turned out that this made the whole project generate even more interest before the premiere, which pleased them.
However, in between the nasty, bitter remarks, they also received messages filled with good emotions, wishing them luck, saying that they were great to watch, that they complemented each other perfectly in interviews, that it was clear from the trailers that there was genuine affection between them.
They tried to cope with it all by talking for hours on the phone, sometimes crying together from sadness and exhaustion, falling asleep with speakerphone on, waking up in the morning and seeing that they hadn't hung up all night.
He felt he was ready to move on and thought everything through, at the same time wanting to surprise her.
"– how was your audition? –" She asked softly, excitement in her voice.
"– unfortunately, not very successful –" He lied, fiddling with his pen between his fingers, sitting at his desk, having just exchanged emails with the director of her theatre, with whom he had spoken personally a few days before about the terms of his future employment.
"– oh no – I'm very sorry – how are you feeling? –" She asked clearly worried, making him feel remorseful for a moment that she would believe he was suffering.
"– fine – I wasn't feeling that role – I'm lucky that I can be more choosy now – and how are you, little one? –" He hummed, writing back in an email that, as agreed, he would turn up in three days to sign the contract in their town.
His girlfriend grunted, clearly very excited by the news she had to share with him.
"– apparently they've hired a new actor in our theatre, but no one knows who it is – the director is very mysterious –" She said, her voice light and warm, filled with joy.
"– mmm – are you excited to have a new colleague on stage? –" He murmured as he sent the email, closing his laptop with a quiet click.
He heard her laugh at his words.
"– not in the way you suggest –" She said.
"– are you a good girl when I'm not around? –" He hummed, licking his lips involuntarily, feeling the pulsation in his trousers at his words.
"– well –"
"– are you touching yourself? –"
"– I –"
"– answer me – don't lie –"
She was silent for a long moment making him grin, biting his lower lip.
"– so you haven't been a good girl, or am I wrong? –" He sneered and heard her swallow hard.
"– you know what happens to bad girls, don't you? –" He asked, looking at the display of his screen, feeling his heart pounding fast.
"– but –" She finally mumbled out in embarrassment.
"– mmm – I'll see you soon –" He murmured and hung up, knowing that he had left her in complete shock for sure with her panties wet with her moisture.
The third thing he enjoyed most right after fucking her and talking to her was teasing her.
The next day the removal van took his things to the flat he had rented on short notice figuring they would find something together later, and after two days he drove to her town straight to the theatre building.
He went inside through the main entrance and ran quickly upstairs, praying not to meet her on the way, heading for her director's office. The man welcomed him warmly, saying that he was very happy that an actor with such charisma would be performing on his stage.
From the audience it was impossible to see whether his eye was real or fake, and his scar could be covered up with make-up if necessary.
His grandfather was furious, saying that he was giving up a world-class career for second-rate theatre, but he was relieved.
He didn't want to go through again what he was going through now – being torn apart by paparazzi and fans, being in the spotlight all the time.
He was tired of it and decided that, although it was a great adventure, like her he wanted to work in theatre, where artistic sense, monologues and dialogues counted more than nudity and sex.
It was what he wanted for both of them.
The director said it was time to introduce him to the whole crew.
"– I kept it a secret from everyone so that she wouldn't accidentally find out about anything –" The director laughed, a short, grey-haired man with a warm voice and a good-natured face, a visionary and a lover of the classic literature he was staging in his theatre.
"– I can see you with the eyes of my imagination in the roles of Hamlet and Ophelia – you've been wonderfully matched, I have to give you that –" He said softly, and he nodded, thinking in the back of his mind that indeed, this was a fantastic idea.
He felt excited like a little child and thought in the back of his mind that it was because of her, that she had changed him, making him fight for his fulfilment, his comfort, his joy.
"– my dears –" He called out, stepping onto the stage during their rehearsal for The Wedding of Wyspianski, his Rhaenys dressed in Slavic folk costume and a garland on her head turned towards them along with several other people.
Her eyes grew big in disbelief at the sight of him.
"– I would like to introduce you to your new colleague, who from now on will be playing on the stage of our theatre – I am very pleased –"
Everyone looked at her and she just stood there, looking at him and his grin full of satisfaction, breathing loudly through her mouth, her bright eyes hot with affection, disbelief and happiness that apparently shook her body.
Several people laughed as she threw herself into his arms and burst into a loud, panicked sob, whooping and panting with her own tears, his broad hands stroking her hair and back while his lips placed warm, reassuring kisses on her face hot with emotion.
"– shhh – it's okay, little one –"
She looked at him in disbelief, gushing with energy and joy as she introduced everyone to him one by one. He was relieved by the warm welcome given to him by the other actors, some of whom could have been his parents or even grandparents.
They seemed very close to each other and addressed each other warmly.
He was allowed to stay in rehearsal to see how they worked, so he watched as his girlfriend played a young bride, a village girl marrying a nobleman, during whose wedding many unexplained, mysterious events occur.
He smiled the whole time, watching her, satisfied that apart from one brief kiss there was no intimacy on stage between her and her partner, exactly as she had described it to him in their telephone conversations.
When it was all over she ran up to him in her folk costume, all hot, breathing loudly through her mouth, field flowers entwined together on her head.
"– what do you think?! –" She asked, and he hummed under his breath.
"– I really like your staging – I need to read this drama – you look amazing –" He hummed. He smiled under his breath as she sat on his lap – the seats in the audience were sunk in darkness so the people on stage couldn't see very well what they were doing.
"– I can't believe it – you've been lying all this time –" She muttered simultaneously embittered and delighted. He shook his head at her words.
"– I told you I had an audition – I just didn't say where –" He stated.
"– you said you did badly –" She said, wrinkling her eyebrows – she squealed as he caught her around the waist and pulled her closer, making her feel the hard bulge in his trousers.
"– that was my subjective assessment which was clearly not shared by your director –" He grinned, looking at her with his lips slightly parted. They both sighed as her hips rubbed against his pulsing erection, her gaze hot and misty.
"– my little girl can't stand it? – shall I take you to the toilet? –" He sneered and she swallowed hard, red with embarrassment and nodded.
Nothing more than panting and moans left their throats as they locked themselves in one of the cabins, their mouths immediately clinging to each other in greedy, loud, messy, sticky kisses. Their saliva clicked each time their lips pulled away from each other, his hands pulled up the material of her skirt and petticoat, pulling her panties off her thighs.
"– turn your back to me –" He commanded, and she did so without a word of objection, in a natural reflex leaning over and bucking her buttocks towards him, knowing what he wanted to do. His hands exposed her bare hips to him and what was between them, her opening glistening from her wetness, pink and swollen.
He hit her womanhood with a sharp, short slap and she jumped up with a quiet squeal and whimpered.
"– quiet – I warned you – I said: no touching – didn't I? –" He asked, gently rubbing and massaging the little spot that pulsed all over and leaked from his stroke, teasing the puffy bud between her plushy folds.
"– 'm sorry – I tried –" She confessed with embarrassment, panting heavily, rolling her hips to the rhythm of the strokes of his hand, trying to find a better source of squeeze.
"– the deal was different –" He said coolly, parting and rubbing her throbbing, dripping wet slit, her cheek pressed against the wall all red with pleasure, her lips parted in a helpless moan.
"– it's all mine – the sight of your fulfilment, your moisture, your little cunt is meant for my eyes –" He continued, as if he was explaining to her some essential, eternal principle, something obvious and logical that she could not change. She trembled as two of his fingers slipped between her slick, throbbing walls, stretching her core.
"– yes – I'm sorry – I missed you so much –" She mumbled, rocking her hips to the rhythm of the thrusts of his fingers, which teased and pressed the spongy bud between her fleshy folds deep inside her, from which a trickle of her moisture ran down her thigh.
"– mmm – I know, baby – I missed you too –" He confessed, recognising that although he wanted to, he couldn't last much longer. This sight and the euphoria that gripped his body made him let go of her as his hands slid down to the belt of his trousers, undoing it – her eyes opened in hope, her breath accelerated and uneven.
"– please –" She muttered.
"– shhh –" He hushed her, grabbing her by the waist, the other releasing his throbbing, fat erection, the tip of which he guided to her leaking, swollen slit.
"– thaat's it – there you go – fuck –" He exhaled, slowly forcing his way between her hot, fleshy walls, clenching greedily around his cock, sucking it inside her.
"– yes – yes, God, please, yes –" She mewled, immediately beginning to roll her hips to the rhythm of his impatient, fierce thrusts, fitting his pulsing erection inside her again and again, though they tried to restrain themselves, their panting and moans echoed around the restroom.
"– Rhaenys –" He muttered, sinking his face into her fragrant, hot neck, her scent wonderfully familiar, her insides moist and warm, welcoming him with ease. He thought about it, thrusting into her with slick, sharp stabs – how deep he was in her body, how much they united in this chaotic, viscous act of desire.
"– Aemond – o-oh, fuck, fuck, oh, God –" She cried out as he imposed a fast, aggressive pace on her, pounding into her with the deep, sharp pushes of his hips, opening her wide with his manhood throbbing painfully with longing.
"– shhh – shhh, little one – just a little more – yes, that's my girl –" He praised her, panting heavily as he felt her reach the edge, her breath heavy and loud.
Nothing more than moans and grunts left her lips, her little cunt gave him a few more thirsty, steady squeezes before she shuddered with sweet fulfilment, her wetness running down his thighs as with the last, loud slaps he reached his peak inside her with a sigh of delight.
Since she was taking the pills, he could fuck her whenever and wherever he wanted.
"– fuck –" He breathed out, embracing her tightly from behind, while still rocking his hips inside her and hugging her like a little, longing child.
He wished she would say that they were going to watch some new cartoon or comedy in the evening, that they were going to lie in their sweatpants, spread out comfortably on her bed, cuddled up, eating popcorn, kissing and caressing each other.
"– m-maybe – maybe let's go to my place – we'll watch something and relax – I can cook you something, but we need to do some shopping –" She whispered, stroking his arm, and he purred, delighted by her words.
"– yes – yes, that's what I need –"
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giuseppe-yuki · 1 month
I HAVE A THOUGHT oh btw it's the original wolf!reader anon who's also the anon that sent in the ask about the groupchat hehe ANYWAY BACK TO MY THOUGHT
Ollie's gf is a bear. But not just any bear - a bear CUB. Like she's just a little cub and everyone is like: OLLIE WHY DO U HAVE A CUTIE PIE WJFNEJFJEJJFJD
Paul Aron's gf is a bird that likes to nest in his hair because it's so fluffy
Going down the Prema pipeline now but like - Dino's gf is obsessed with dinosaurs and wishes with all her heart that she can turn into one... And then she finds out that she can turn into a komodo dragon. She goes: welp, that's the closest I'll get!!
I have so much more omg 😭 but yeah too shy to go off anon for now
helloooo wolf!reader anon! i'm always down to chat :)
my thoughts under the cut!
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pictures credits from pinterest :)
that would be perfect for ollie's gf to be a bear cub. i imagine she's clingy like a bear cub too, and it would be common for her to just scamper towards ollie when she needs some love, and to crawl up his long legs. unfortunately, more often than not, ollie would end up with the legs of his sparco racesuits and sleeves of his alpinestars fireproofs accidentally ripped up from her long claws. not that he minded, though. he would just pick her up both of his hands and give her a big smooch on her nose. at first, the prema manager in charge of racesuit distribution would be pissed the constant ruined clothing, but like everyone else, she would fall into the loveable bear cub spell and then spoil ollie's gf rotten. ollie has not only protective boyfriend instincts, but also fierce momma bear-like traits too. god forbid someone tries to harm his girlfriend- they always seemed to have their balaclava's ripped up and radio headphones cords cut before a big race!
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i like the idea that paul aron has a songbird!gf. many of the f2 drivers joke that paul is like a princess with a feathery friend, just like george russell and his deer. nevertheless, he takes pride when his gf flutters around his head, singing the most beautiful tunes, or when she nests in the fluffy blonde ringlets on his head. when the jokes go to far, he knows that she doesn't hesitate to dive bomb the offending person and attempt to peck at their eyeballs.
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it's not a secret that dino's gf loved dinosaurs. her phone case and background are pics of dinosaurs (she makes sure that a polaroid of her boyfriend is visible from her phone case at all times, though), she takes great care in putting up dinosaur string lights around the driver's room, and she knows every line from jurassic park. hell, even her boyfriend's name is dino. when she found out her special ability, she was over the moon. komodo dragons were basically mini dinosaurs! when she went out in the paddock, some people might have found her scaly, amphibious outer layer scary, but dino loved every bit. when he had bit of spare time from racing, he made sure to research every page on google and read every book on komodo dragons from cover to cover to make sure he could best take care of of his gf when she shifted. in return, she used her scary nature (and toxic/venomous spit) to piss off irritating reporters or touchy fans.
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not to worry! thanks for the thoughts :) i've seen other blogs do emoji anons, so if you feel comfortable, you can pick out an emoji to use as your signature so you don't have to repeat yourself every time you send in an ask! 💕
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simmeradventures · 1 month
Boba Legacy Challenge (TS3)
I have taken a break from sims 3 and while I am still working on my lepacy, I sometimes need a break and so look for more challenges. @tomatosoupcat posted a Boba challenge and didn't see a TS3 version so decided to covert it. THIS IS NOT MY IDEA AND I MIGHT NOT BE THE ONLY ONE. I kept within the theme and didn't write a massive story to them but did try add a creative spin.
Gen 1: Brown Sugar
Leaving home is tough, but you will always have mum's cooking to keep you safe.
Traits: Couch Potato, Natural Chef, Green Thumb (Randomise The Rest)
LTW: Bottomless Wine Cellar OR Master Chef
Career: Nectar Maker OR Culinary
Skills: Cooking, Gardening and Nectar making
Colours: Brown, White
Master LTW
Marry a sim with 2 matching traits.
Max out skills
Gen 2: Blueberry
The farm life was nice, but there's a great big world waiting for you.
Traits: Non-Committal, Loves The Outdoors (Randomise The Rest)
LTW: Seasoned traveller OR Grand Explorer
Career: Part-Time Jobs Or Skill Based Profession (after quitting business job)
Skills: Fitness or Martial Arts (or both if your fancy), Scuba diving
Colours: Blue. Purple
Reach level 3 of the business career before quitting to travel
have a one night stand on your travels
never marry
Travel until child is a young adult
Max skills
Gen 3: Matcha
You've seen the world, but now all you want is a career and a forever home...or mansion.
Traits: Ambitious, Snob, workaholic (Randomise The Rest)
Careers: Any (based on degree)
Skills: logic (plus whatever is related to the degree.)
Colours: Light green
Go to university and graduate
Befriend and date co-worker (either break up once you reach level 10 of career or get married.)
Go to the spa every weekend
Complete LTW
Max Career
Max Skills
Gen 4: Passionfruit Mango
All work and no play so pick up a guitar and play anything you want.
Traits: Socially Awkward, Family Oriented, virtuoso (Randomise The Rest)
LTW: One sim band OR Rockstar
Career: Music
Skills: Guitar, Bass, Drum, Piano
Colours: Yellow, Orange
Play instruments throughout childhood
Date and marry someone with the Avant Garde or artistic trait
Go on art dates (museums or a cute art café)
Complete Career
Max Skills
Gen 5: Sakura
You are a party girl, but also a lover girl.
Traits: Flirty, Family Oriented, Hopeless Romantic (Randomise The Rest)
LTW: Master Romancer OR Master Mixology OR Surrounded By Family
Skills: Mixology, Charisma
Colour: Pink
Have a high school BFF
Sign up for online dating and date 5 sims (and fail)
Marry BFF
Complete LTW
Gen 6: Dragon fruit
Who needs love when you could rule the world?!
Traits: Evil, Childish, Irresistible (Randomise The Rest.)
LTW: Heartbreaker OR Gold Digger OR Emperor of Evil
Career: Criminal
Skills: Charisma, Athletic
Colours: Dark Red, Purple
Marry a wealthy sim and have them get into a "tragic accident."
Have a negative relationship with children
Max career
Max Skills
Gen 7: Taro
Never give up on your dreams even if life throws a baby at you.
Traits: Genius, Cat person (Randomise The Rest.)
LTW: Scientific Specialist OR Become A Creature Robot Cross Breeder
Career: Based on LTW
Skills: Science, Handiness, Logic
Colours: Light Purple
Join after school club (idk if its a mod but there's a chess club, can add other ones through Nraas)
Go to university and drop out when pregnant (if not using mods or using mod that allows you to go to university in hometown then drop out and then get pregnant 
Work part-time till the baby is a toddler
Go back to university and graduate
Adopt a cat. 
Gen 8 Lychee
“You're always on that damn phone!” and “I hate normal people.” made a baby 
Traits: Unflirty, Loner (Randomise The Rest.)
LTW:  Blog Artist OR Forensic Specialist
Career: Based on LTW/ Free pass
Skills: Social Networking, Science
Colours: Pink, White
Have a plant sim
Max Skills
Max Career
Gen 9: Thai Tea
Sometimes it's good to look back. Spread the founder’s love of food! 
Traits: Adventurous, Perceptive (Randomise The Rest)
LTW: Star News Anchor OR Professional Author 
Career: Journalism OR Writer Profession
Skills: Writing, Photography, Cooking
Colours: Orange
Visit France, China and Egypt to collect recipes 
Throw dinner parties (once a season.)
Max Career
Max Skills
Gen 10: Sunset
Humans have been fun, but everyone knows the supernatural have the most fun.
Traits: Hopeless Romantic, Good  (Randomise The Rest)
LTW: Master Mysticism OR Resort Empire
Career: Based on LTW
Skills: Scuba Diving, Alchemy, Painting
Colours: Purple, Red, Orange
Fall in love and marry a supernatural (if you choose resort empire LTW then you have to marry a mermaid.)
Decorate home with your art.
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melancholysway · 2 years
TMNT Imagines: S/O being mugged/stalked (2012)
Since this user PMed me about this request, I'm just going to put the message here :)
Thank you so much! Could I actually request one more? 2012 headcanons again because it's my favorite era of the boys 😅 Anyway, we know that the turtles can be real protective when it comes to their family being in danger, including April and Casey. But when their S/O is in some type of danger (for example, they get mugged one night or they're being stalked), how would they respond? I do apologize for the back-to-back requests, but your writing is so good I can't help but ask for another request! (Okay, that sounded a lot better in my head 😅) But my point is, it would mean the world to me ❤️
Okay! I'm finally finished! So sorry for the wait! For some reason along with college, I wasn’t sure how exactly to write for this one! Like I said I write TOO much, so I have so many ideas that I can only squeeze in so much Yk? Anyways. Hope you enjoy!
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- Now, 2012 Leo is usually level-headed, he thinks about everything before he does it. He’s a strategizer.
-But, if he sees you in danger, he doesn’t have to think of anything other than getting you out safe. He can deal with whoever is mugging you later.
-You’re his priority.
-Leonardo, much like Raphael, is protective over you. It’s in his nature as a leader to look after the ones he loves.
-You just so happened to be that person for him. He loved you, there was no denying that he did
-He trains you, to have some tricks up your sleeve if you were to ever get caught up by a Purple Dragon or some low-life mugger.
-Because he knows you can handle it. You can handle yourself.
-That’s why he fell in love with you in the first place. You were strong, especially during the times others would be weak.
-He spends his time with you, how to get into your fighting stance, how never to throw the first punch. Let them run out of stamina, and then go in for the finishing blow. It’s a bonding experience for the two of you, and it always ended in a beautiful kiss after every session.
-“If you ever get into trouble, Donnie made these, here,”
-He gives you a T-phone. It has a little shell as the case, and when you go through it, you see Leo is the only “special” contact. His name has hearts on it, and his contact photo is a selfie of you and him during one of your all-night Space Heroes marathons. It’s Leo holding up the camera and smiling while you sleep on his chest.
-You can’t help but smile. Leo is a very sweet boyfriend, that was the truth.
-Contrary to popular belief, and by popular I mean the fics about Leo mercilessly beating the shit out of anything that is a threat to his s/o because they mug them is…false.
-That’s more Raph’s style. Leonardo doesn’t handle things that way. -He thinks about you.
-Because that’s what matters here. His anger that someone hurt you doesn’t. He’d rather save you first and make sure to get you to safety before handling things his heart wants to.
-He thinks with his brain, not his heart. However, with you, it’s both.
-So when you press the emergency button on your T-phone to notify the guys, you’re hoping they can come and help in time before anything bad happens.
“Do you think it’s a butt dial?” Donnie asks, looking down at his Shell cell while the emergency alarm goes off. Usually, it goes off when April’s in danger, which is often. She’s the target of the Kraang or Shredder, not you. You- now see this as you want- had no value to either party.
This didn’t stop you from falling victim to any local gangs in your area.
Raphael and Michelangelo emerge from their rooms, yawning after a long day of training. They were visibly tired. Donnie was visibly tired as well since he’s been in his lab all day and night. Leonardo was somewhere in the middle, but the thought of you in any danger had woken him up.
“We should treat each one as an emergency, Donnie,” Leonardo says, a wave of nervousness going over him. This was the very first time you dialed them with the emergency button. After glancing at your location on the map, you weren’t in your apartment. In fact, you were a few blocks away, and the heart icon that represents you (which Donnie programmed to be a heart on Leo’s phone ever since you both started dating,) seemed to be between two buildings, and it appeared to mimic an alleyway.
So, yeah, fluke or not, he had to go see if you were okay.
Leonardo could visibly see the tiredness in his brothers’ eyes and decided to do this solo. He can handle it, he always could. He knew how, especially if it was a petty gang.
“You guys stay back, I’ll check it out,” Leo’s blue eyes stare at his brothers. Raph gives him a confused look, “Wait, you don’t think we can handle it?” He asks, now looking annoyed at his older brother.
“No no, it’s not that! It’s just…”
“Mwah mwah mwah!” Mikey teases, making kissy noises. Raphael and Donnie get the hint, and now Leonardo has a trio of kissing noises in his face, only for him to sigh.
“Guys stop! It’s…okay, it’s that. I want to be able to help Y/n out on my own. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I couldn’t do that? Right? Right? Say something, please,” Raph, Donnie, and Mikey exchange look, only for Raphael to do the talking.
“If you need us, just give us a call, bro. Go help Y/n,” That’s all Leonardo needs. He leaves quickly, while Mikey begins making kissy noises at his older brother, just for Raphael to smack him upside the head.
“Don’t make it any harder than this shit has to be, just fuckin hand over your bag!” You continue backing up into the alleyway, trying to buy yourself time, until your back hits the cement wall. You look up and realize you’ve hit a dead end. You think back to the defense lessons Splinter has given you, and right now, you wished you could move instead of being frozen in place. You were cornered like a mouse. The cat is holding a knife, hissing threatening words, and flashing its fangs into a sinister smile.
Your breathing becomes heavy, as you see the knife come closer to your neck, soon pressing up against it when you still won’t hand over your bag. There was valuable stuff in there. Your ID, a piece of Leo’s bandana that wrapped around your keys as a good luck cloth. Yeah, very valuable shit. You did not want to lose those.
“Don’t make me cut ya for it, love.” The man in a ski mask says, his beady eyes glaring down at you. The word “love” drips like venom from his covered mouth, and you can’t help but shiver in response.
You’re seriously wondering if the emergency alarm worked. It was late at night, almost midnight, what if the guys were sleeping? What if they were all busy or their t-phones died? These scenarios played in your head as to how you would respond to the situation you’re in but…they don’t end very well. You end up bruised and beaten for protecting your bag.
You don’t say anything, but your eyes say all the words your mouth doesn’t. You’re scared.
That is, until, a dagger that’s shot from God knows where perfectly grabs the knife from the loophole in the blade, taking it from the mugger’s hand as it flies and is stabbed into the brick wall off to the side. Nobody could do something with such precision except for one person. Err, turtle.
You don’t dare look around, because the man in front of you is also capable of using his hands to get what he wants. But. it seems that he’s confused, frantically looking around, yelling curses into the atmosphere. He doesn’t seem to look behind him, as can faintly see your savior emerge from the shadows, creeping up before grabbing the dirty mugger and bringing him into the darkness. You hear muffled protests and screams, only for them to go silent after you hear an angry voice whisper:
“Don’t catch me seeing you hurt them again.”
It’s quiet in the alley now, the only noises being the cars on the street nearby and their honking of them. You look into the darkness, trying to see your knight in the soft blue bandana.
“Leo,” You say softly. You can’t see anything, until Leonardo emerges from the shadows, looking at you with worry. Leonardo’s blue eyes scan your whole body, to see if there were any signs that he had hurt you. He looked panicked as if he had been dreading this scenario for the longest.
He has.
“Did he hurt you? Please tell me he didn’t.” Leo pleads, cupping your cheeks and checking to make sure you don’t have any marks. There is a small dribble of blood coming from where the knife was placed on your neck, and Leo notices, sighing to himself and kissing you on the lips. As you kiss back, you can’t help but cry. Leonardo feels your tears land on his cheeks, and he stops kissing you, looking into your eyes and wiping your tears. His big blue eyes were something that you could get lost in, and they could calm you down all the same. As he continued wiping your tears, your sobs passed, only into sporadic sniffles.
“Hey, love,” You feel better. That’s who you wanted to hear call you “love.” Leo was the only one who got the privilege of calling you that. You’re reassured by his soothing voice.
“I’m here,” He lifts your chin, making you look into his ocean eyes, “as long as I’m here, you won’t get hurt. Not on my watch.”
“L-Leo…I froze, I couldn’t…” “Y/n, you’re safe,” Leo reassures you before you can break down again in front of him, “We’ll work on defensive skills- together.” He takes your shaking hand into his own, and the shaking seems to die down. Slowly, but surely.
Leonardo was grateful he got there when he did, or you would’ve been hurt. Or worse, but he doesn’t wanna think about that happening. He knows he can’t be your bodyguard 24/7, and he knows things like this happen, rarely, but they do. The only thing he can do is train you. Train you like Splinter did April. For shit like this, for you to defend yourself, without freezing up. He hates that he never trained you for the actual beginning part of the fighting. How to not completely forget the training you’ve been through. How to calm your nerves. How to not expect the worst. He didn’t teach you that, Splinter wouldn’t forget to teach something like this, but Leo did.
“Come, I’ll take you home.” The leader says, putting his hand out for you to hold. You take it, as you would any other time he offered his hand. As you interlock your fingers with him, you can’t help but feel a sort of comfort. Like his presence is home for you.
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-Raph was never one to think as Leo does. He’s passionate, and therefore, he’s the type to think with his heart. If anyone hurt any of his family, they better be ready to feel the wrath of an angry green-eyed turtle.
-He was sure he would always be there to help you out. He wanted to be the one you called on. As usual, Raph is very reliable. That’s one of many amazing traits about him.
-Very cautious of you. He knows his strength, and the last thing he wants to do is hurt you.
-But, he WILL hurt those who hurt you.
-He’s fully devoted to you, so it’s only natural that he does this.
-“Need me to give little miss bitch an ass whooping?”
-Yeah, he was like that. And when you came around to meet Casey, ---Raphael made one thing very clear when he saw how the hockey player stared at you.
-“Back off, man. Y/n’s already taken.”
-“By who!? Casey Jones likes what he likes,”
-“Oh. Well, I guess Casey Jones can let this slide.” Casey knew he would never dare cross his good friend Raph. Plus, Casey literally falls in love with anything that breathes that isn’t named or looks like Irma, so, there’s that.
now, you were almost sure someone had been following you home.
-You weren’t sure who exactly it was, but you had a feeling all the same.
-So when you told your boyfriend about it, he was on it.
-He freaked, though. Because, who’s the asshole who wanted to watch your every move??
-“When I find them I- they’re getting the ass-kicking of the century!”
-He wasn’t one to plan out anything, so he decided to watch you. Watch you walk home at night, and make sure nobody was following behind you.
-Because, well, he cared. He told you that when he had the courage to spill his feelings out.
-You cared about him, too.
-This went on for a while. He would watch over you from the rooftops while patrolling on his own, making sure you were okay during the day, and making his way to see you at night. He would escort you to the lair (what a gentleturtle,) and take you home after if you didn’t stay the night.
-Raph had not seen anyone following you, up until one evening, when he noticed someone in the weirdest of places.
“What the hell?” Raphael squints his electric green eyes into the distance, trying to figure out just who is watching from above the rooftops down at you. What was their reason? As he got closer, he noticed the familiar face.
Now, just what the hell did this Salamander want with you? Why was he so infatuated with you? He looked to be studying you. How agile you were, how aware you were of the world around you.
Whatever he was doing, it wasn’t good. Because this quiet stalking would only turn into something worse. So, before Xever can do anything, Raph calls you.
“Baby, don’t freak, but I found out who’s watching you.” Your body turns cold, unsure of exactly who it could be. You start to look around frantically, wondering if someone is behind you. Feeling an overwhelming sense of anxiety wave over you, you walk faster.
“W-Who is it?” You ask after Raphael told you to walk as normal. There wasn’t anyone behind you, but the idea of someone hiding somewhere made you extremely nervous. As Raphael continued to watch over you and monitor Xever, he realized Xever had seen him.
“Fuck, he saw me. Okay, go straight home, okay? I’ll take care of Fish Face for ya.” That’s how he was, always. Always thinking of you.
“Are you sure? Raph, I-” “Of course I’m sure. I want you safe. I love you.”
“Be careful.”
“Do you know who you’re dating? I’m the most careful turtle I know.”
“Okay okay, I’ll be careful,” With that, Raphael takes his sai from his belt, preparing his body and mind to take on Fish Face by himself.
Xever walks slowly, not with a need to run. He eventually makes it over to Raphael from a few rooftops away.
“Turtle.” He says as Raphael scrunches his nose from the sudden smell of the walking fish market. What he hated most about being around Xever was that he smelled like…well…fish.
“The talking Unagi Don, what the hell are you doing watching Y/n like that? Lonely much?” Raphael seers, throwing the first punch. Xever dodges and counters it, sweeping Raphael off his feet.
“Foolish mutant, I knew this human meant a lot to one of you, and now I know it’s you, I only want to take them to Shredder even more.” Raphael charges, causing the fish to back up onto the rooftop's edge, only to do a backflip and get back comfortably off the ledge.
“You’re not takin’ them anywhere. Not while I’m still around here to kick your ass like our regularly scheduled programming!”
With that, Raphael and Xever fight on the rooftop. It’s not unusual for Raphael to fight angrily, but right now, he was angry. Because, what exactly would Shredder do to you? Who was he to just pick someone he just happened to care about to use as a pawn? Shredder’s pointless vendetta was negatively affecting his family, and now his significant other. He didn’t want you to become another April. Someone that had to constantly look over their shoulder. You had a whole life to live, not that April didn’t, but, you were less involved with the turtle’s missions or issues than she was. It wasn’t right. And of course, he felt guilty.
He felt guilty, because, well, he got you into this mess when he revealed himself to you the first time you two had met. He should’ve thought it through, he let his personal attraction to you wind up to this point, where now you’re more than friends, yet at a cost.
It wasn’t right. And like Leo says, if you mess up something, it’s your job to fix it.
The fight was done. Xever had never experienced this type of Raph before. The “protecting their lover” Raph. Because, if we’re being honest, Raphael fighting for his significant other is a sight to see, yet an experience you wouldn’t want to be a part of. Unfortunately, Xever was.
And when it’s done, for the very first time, Xever feels defeated.
Because Raphael holds back a small part of himself when his brothers fight, but this time, no. There wasn’t Leo there to tell him to calm down, or Donnie to scold him for almost stabbing him on accident. No, right now, it was just Raph.
And as he goes running to your window, he wants to make sure you got there safe.
You hear the frantic knocking on your room window, and you open it, allowing the cold air to rush into your room. You stare at Raph, watching as the cuts and bruises littering his skin, with scratches on his plastron. He looks at you, smiling.
“You okay?” Another beautiful yet detrimental trait of Raph is that he thinks about you over himself. Right now, you were fine. But it didn’t matter. What mattered was Raph.
So you ignore his question and help him inside, sitting him on your bed and just kissing him as gently as you could. He’s a big boy, he can take some hits and scratches. But right now, you were there to doctor him up. He knows not to stop you once you’ve got that look of concern on your face; so instead of protesting, he lets you take care of him.
You clean the cuts and some small gashes, dressing his minor wounds. He doesn’t require any stitches and thank the Lord because that’s more Donnie’s thing.
You give him an ice pack (it’s a frozen pea bag) to put on his head while you retrieve some medicine for his headache when you stop as you see he’s staring at you.
“Nothin,’ just like seeing you so…dominant.” He smirks, causing you to smile and roll your eyes in response.
“Hush,” You hand him two capsules of Tylenol, “and take these, you should feel fine, I hope.”
That last part seemed to get Raph. The last thing he wanted was for you to be concerned like that, he was going to be fine and he knew it.
“I’m gonna be more than fine thanks to you, PhD in reviving mutants,” he jokes, bringing you into his arms as he gives you a chaste kiss on the lips.
As long as you were safe, Raphael didn’t mind a few boo-boo’s.
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-The weakest out of all his brothers so
-Don’t expect him to come alone if you need saving
-Sure, if it’s a few foot ninjas, he can handle. But do NOT get mugged by the Purple Dragons, Donnie kind of can’t handle all of them at once. He’s better when he’s with the team. He fights more confidently.
-He gets overwhelmed if he’s outnumbered. This happens even when he’s fighting with his brothers. He starts to overthink everything and, well, it’s just a mess.
-As your boyfriend, Donnie is pretty protective over you, I mean, look at how he was with april in the show!
-He really wants you safe, because that’s how Donnie is.
-Calls you all the time, especially while walking home, he has to know you’re okay.
-He sees how much you care for him, when he comes back bruised from a mission, you’re there to take care of him.
-Donnie always aids his brothers, but he was so used to helping himself, that it felt foreign to him to have you dress his wounds.
-But anyway, he would freak if you were in danger.
-Like right now, Donnie walked you home after a long day of spending your Sunday with the turtles. They were your therapy, and down in the sewers, there were no worries; just family.
As you’re walking through the alley to climb the fire escape to your apartment window, You both stop as a person appears to peer in the alleyway from the entrance. You and Donnie can’t really see who they are but their figure, but the purple-banded turtle assumes it’s a homeless person. So, you both act normal, standing still for a bit in hopes that they’ll leave, as they probably can’t see either of you.
Oh, but they can. Well, you, at least.
After stumbling a bit in front of the alleyway, you can now see the unknown’s face. It’s a man, an older, greasy-looking guy who doesn’t know what deodorant is. He grins at the darkness engulfing the alleyway, “I see you~” The man’s voice snarls, causing you to scrunch your nose up in disgust. You weren’t sure how he could see you, but one thing’s for sure, there was gonna be a little situation in regard to getting him to leave you and Donnie alone.
You feel a protective arm wrap around you, and you sense Donnie behind you, putting on that protective face of his. Not like Leo’s, where he’s a mama bear looking out for his cubs, no, like a loving boyfriend, looking out for his significant other.
He wouldn’t let anything happen to you. He couldn’t, and this low-life wouldn’t be hard to deal with at all.
“I think you should leave,” You say, feeling a wave of confidence go over you since having Donnie by your side. Usually, you would try and ignore, but right now, you felt confident that he wouldn’t lay a finger on you.
“And I think you…should come with me…back home, sweetie~!” After every stop between his statement, he takes a step closer to you, and now, this is when Donatello intervenes. He’s not one to show himself unless absolutely necessary. And right now, it was absolutely necessary if it meant protecting you.
“Nope. You’re gonna walk away,” Donnie states flatly, hovering his free hand on his bo staff just in case this drunk tries something funny. He steps more toward the man, ultimately revealing himself to him. Honestly, he looks so drunk that he probably won’t remember this shit in the morning.
“Eugh! What the fuck are you!?” After jolting back from the sudden dramatic jumpscare, Donatello sighs. He’s used to that. Although, he always remembers that you didn’t react that way when you first saw him. It was more of a friendly first meet, considering you were being cornered by the local Purple Dragon gang and was saved.
“The one that’ll….put you in a hospital if you keep it up!” Donnie wasn’t the best at clapbacks when he’s in protective mode, maybe while under pressure but, that’s more Raph’s thing. But, he would save all the sarcastic remarks for later, right now, his priority was you.
It’s no surprise that the man laughed at this, and retorted with a comment about Donatello being a…
“I ain’t listenin’ to a fuckin…lizard thing,” Yeah. That. When did lizards get shells is beyond me, dear readers.
As the man steps closer, Donnie tells you to back up and steer away from him, to lessen his chances of a friendly fire.
“Love, let me be the hero for once,” Your boyfriend was so used to being helped by his brothers when it came to saving you or his other 2 human friends, that he never got the chance to be the only one praised. He would love to hear praise from you.
So, you get out the way quickly, to respect Donatello’s request. He smiles gently and kisses your forehead, and he approaches the man head on. He doesn’t want to hurt him per say, just rough him up that he gets the hint.
It all changes when the man takes Donnie’s approach the wrong way, and gets hostile. So, he runs (sloppily, might I add) into the alleyway fully, coming full force at Donnie. It’s nothing crazy, he tries to punch him but, Donnie’s much more smarter and sober than he is, so, it’s not nothing he can’t handle.
So when the drunk pulls out a knife, it’s all a little too cliche. The turtle in purple got shot at, stabbed at, shell, even spat at by a big spider…thing. So, this was nothing. He swore it was nothing.
Donatello ditches the bo staff utilization for a pressure point instead. Yes, it was risky, but, Donnie was sober, he was not. His vision is most likely impaired, and his cognitive ability isn’t so well.
Except sometimes, humans get unknown superhuman strength when drunk. Not in a good way, either. They do dumb things, regretful things.
You watch as Donatello meneuvers around the man, taking notice at how focused your boyfriend was, seeing his rare face covered in self-confidence, up until he got to putting his finger on the pressure point right under the man’s chin. Long story short, he got a little stab in at Donnie’s arm right before he was knocked out. It happened so quick, the ninja didn’t even realize what had happened until after the fact. His body was pumping with adrenaline that he almost didn’t notice. Not until you said something.
“Hey…Donnie! Your arm!” You run toward Donatello, who’s now feeling the pain in his arm as he’s coming down from the adrenaline high. His breath hitches as he notices the new fresh cut on his arm. He wasn’t stabbed, per say, just grazed. He couldn’t believe the man who could barely walk in a straight line managed to get a hit in on Donnie- a highly trained ninja.
He stops to look at the blood trickling down his bicep and onto the concrete, staining the ground with drops of crimson. “Gosh, ouch! Okay okay, ow!” The sudden winces from Donatello break your heart, he’s not usually one to outwardly show when he’s in pain.
“Okay, Donnie? I’m gonna take you back to the lair, okay?” You’re already dialing for Leonardo and pressing the button to let him know it’s an emergency.
You rub circles onto your boyfriend's shell as he struggles with the new massive headache and the world around him spinning slowly, “Leo? Donnie got hurt, can you get the fir-” “Already on it! Do you need any help getting him here? Are you in danger? Is Donnie breathing okay? Is-” Leo’s slew of panicked questions are cut off by you.
“Alrighty mama bear, Donnie’s conscious. I got him-” You take off your sweater, wrapping it around the turtle’s bicep, it seems to relieve him somehow, as the bleeding has slowed, staining your cotton lavender sweater to a deep plum.
“I just, let me be his hero for once.” You say. You can handle getting Donnie back to the Lair. It wasn’t hard. As long as you kept him conscious and moving, you would get back to the lair in no time.
“I…okay. Call me if anything happens, okay?”
“Leo, I got this,”
And you do, you so got this. You get Donatello down to the lair safe and sound, already grabbing an ice pack from the freezer once you set him down on his examination table. Since he doesn’t have the strength to dress his graze, you take charge,
“Just order me around on what to get and what to do, I got it.”
He’s so appreciative. He can’t help but smile at you. How beautiful your face looked when you were concentrated on patting down his graze with peroxide, knowing it’ll burn, so you do it as quickly as possible. How you give him a soft kiss on the forehead when you’re done (he loves forehead kisses by the way,) and tell HIM to rest. You’re the doctor now, and it’s your turn to take care of Donnie. He smiles weakly after it, and his purple-red eyes land on your lips, as you get the hint and dive down to kiss Donnie’s lips, giving him reassurance that you’re okay, and he will be, too.
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-Mikey is very outspoken. He calls it like he sees it. Maybe not in the best way, he’s direct without realizing it.
-So he’s the best person to confront a stalker
-Because he’s not the “rah-rah” kind like Raph is, more like the “go away you’re weird” kind of confrontation.
-If it’s someone he doesn’t know, like a human, he’s not sure how to confront them.
-Like, should I show myself, should i not?
-For the past few weeks, someone on campus had a…weird obsession with you. There was a party coming up in a nearby house known for frat parties, and when you turned down their offer to be your “date,” they were upset. REALLY upset.
-But, they can’t get mad at you! You had a boyfriend.
-When you went down to the lair and complained that Romeo (this was Leo’s nickname for your new stalker) requested to follow you and message you again on Instagram, Mikey could feel a little mad.
-Which never happened, he wasn’t the angry or jealous type
-But when it came to you, he felt the need to be protective over you, and this Romeo guy wasn’t about to get in the way of you both.
-So, he does something kind of dumb?
-He does some FBI searching on the same social media site he found -Bradford, and was able to find Romeo. And trust me, it took a long, -LONG periodically time.
-Luckily, Romeo literally shows ALL of his life, where he’s at, what he’s doing, who he’s with, etc
He's status on facebook is that he's friends with you, which leaves Mikey slightly pressed?
For good reason, you were NOT Romeo's friend.
-When you reject him another time, the stalking gets worse, he begins going to your job, and sitting there, leaving when your shift ends. It’s until today that he tried to follow you home.
-Michelangelo just so happened to catch your emergency call as he was skateboarding on the rooftop, and he was on the job.
-He can handle it, no way he couldn’t. Some desperate guy?? ROMEO?? Yeah, he got this.
“Okay, seriously, stop fricken following me!” You decide to confront Romeo, head on. Although the streets were bare, you were still outside, meaning he seriously couldn’t do you no harm. The blonde haired football player couldn’t do anything but stop in place from a few feet behind you. He stands, slightly upset that you figured it out.
“One date, Y/n! One! Just one! I swear I’ll leave you alone! Or give me your number! Something!” This begging, coming from an soon-to-be adult is frankly very cringeworthy, and you’re catching secondhand embarrassment from the desperation his words hold.
“R-” You catch yourself from saying his code name, Romeo. You’ve been so used to saying it that it’s almost natural. “Steven, no.” You give a simple no once again, yet he persists.
“What could possibly be the reason why, huh?” Steven isn’t giving up, and now he’s just begging to be rejected again with that question.
“I have a boyfriend, that’s why! And honestly, even if I didn’t, I would still say no to you man!” What was so hard to understand?
“That’s harsh Y/n.” Steven’s demeanor had changed, he looked somewhat crazy right now, as he laughed after his statement, “I was being nice, but since you wanna be a fucking bitch to me, I’m gonna be mean.” The blue-eyed Romeo starts to walk over to you, and you back up, both going down the street. You make a turn, but instead of turning the curb, you wind up going into a more secluded area. As you back up even more, you realize the mistake you had made, as you were now in an alleyway.
‘Great,’ you think, ‘How cliché of me.’
You pressed the emergency button on the T-Phone your friend Donnie had given you a while back. This would be the first time you used the emergency feature on it. After pressing it, the signal had been sent to all T-Phones, notifying the turtles. Honestly, you were hoping that it would be quick, but you knew you had to do some serious stalling for the time being.
As Steven circled you like a cat honing in on its prey, you continued to back up, looking all around you for something to use as a weapon. Now, you had some training from Splinter, but you’ve only started to train like he taught April for a few days. So, you had no weapon of your own. But, Splinter always says that a great fighter can use anything around them as a weapon in some way.
After quickly glancing around you, scanning everything in the terribly lit alley, you find a potential weapon- a pole to what looks like an old american flag near the dumpster. Unfortunately, you had to get past Stev- you know what, Leo’s code name is funnier- Romeo, in order to get to the pole. So, you begin to look for ways to get around him. You’re unsure of what his intentions are with you, but you know they aren’t good. Romeo wears a…perverted look in his eyes, and now you realize that you need that pole.
You do something unthinkable, and walk closer to him. It’s a brave act, but you have tricks, dear reader. Romeo is taken back by the sudden change in your aura, as if you’re inviting him to touch you, yet…
When he gets close, you instantly knee him where the sun-don’t-shine. So bad, that he falls to his knees, whining in pain.
“Ow! My…my…my coconuts!” His voice is high-pitch like a school-girl, and you almost felt guilty for doing it so hard.
What makes this all so good, is that suddenly, Romeo is hit by what appears to be a balloon, yet as it pops, his hair becomes wet.
As you look around, you can see a two white slits that resemble eyes from atop the rooftop, as it’s dark, you can’t see who it is, but you have a good feeling who it might be.
Suddenly, a large puff of purple smoke appears behind Romeo, and after it fades away, you can see Michelagelo emerge, winking at you as he kicks Romeo back down as he tries to get up, feeling a presence behind him and looking back.
“Eyes straight, Romeo!”
“You questioning me?” Mikey challenges, throwing another water balloon on your stalker. It must be some cold water in those balloons, because Mikey has the poor dude shivering in addition to the cold temperatures tonight.
“Uh, no! No! Y/n, you know this freak?”
“The only freak here is you! Following Y/n around like…a stalker!” Mikey exclaims, now pinning Romeo down after his freak comment. Totally unnecessary by the way.
“You’re the freak! What are you!? Some kind of mutant?” Romeo should really learn to shut his mouth if he knows what’s good for him. After the second freak comment, Mikey twists his arms tighter, how Raph does when he wants Mikey to say “Uncle.”
“Yeah, a mutant, and theres 3 others that look just like me so, we better not catch you doing this to our Y/n again!” To finish off the threat, Mikey bonks him on the head with his nunchuck, causing Romeo to whine in pain, and finally agree to leaving you alone after Mikey wouldn’t let go, almost spraining his wrists.
~ “So, our Y/n, huh?” After getting to the window of your apartment, all is fine. You felt a weight being lifted off your shoulders tonight thanks to Mikey. And, thanks to Donatello for being such a genius and making those T-Phones.
“Well, you know,” Mikey rubs the back of his neck, laughing nervously, “You are our friend, but…you know!” He nudges you playfully, wathcing as you giggle and embrace him into a hug.
“Thanks, for getting rid of Romeo.”
“It’s kind of fitting right now, since, you know, we’re on a balcony and such, like a tower,”
“Mikey, that’s Tangled,”
“Oh, well, whatever! I’m just glad you’re safe, cutie,” Mikey always gets excited during loving moments like these, and after breaking the hug, you reach up to kiss him on the lips, it’s no surprise, he tastes like pizza. It’s always like that, but, you’ve come to enjoy it. If pizza lip balm was a thing, it would taste like your boyfriend.
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thebibutterflyao3 · 7 months
Day Sixteen - Prompt: Binge @rosekiller-microfic
March Daily Series - 731 words
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Barty ignored Frank’s good-natured prattling with this bloke with the in-progress dragon tattoo and focused on the door that he’d heard slam closed after Evan walked by. He was fairly certain that it was the one that led out to the smoking area. The urge to chase after him was strong, but he knew better than to act on it.
His hands flexed against the sides of the table when he heard the faintest rumble of Evan’s voice. A phone call, maybe. Barty hoped it wasn’t with another bloke. Murder would be a shit way to start this week.
“Yeah, it can be rough the first time,” Frank said, leaning forward to squeeze Barty’s shoulder. “When you’re an old pro like Barty here, it’s nothing. How many times have you fallen asleep on my table, mate?”
Barty cleared his throat, but his voice still came out strained. “No idea. A lot.”
He wasn’t sure if Frank was trying to relax him or warn him. Either way, the message was received. Barty hated how perceptive his flatmate was.
“You fell asleep? Really? How?” dragon tattoo said.
“The vibrations are relaxing.”
Frank lifted the back of his own shirt and pointed. “Happens more often than you’d think. See this one, on my back? Passed out for a full four hour session. Best sleep I’ve ever had.”
Dragon tattoo gaped at him, shaking his head. Frank grinned and swivelled back around. He loved to show off for the newbies.
“I can’t imagine that!” Dragon tattoo said, eyes wide. “I’m just trying not to tear up in there.”
“Rosier can be a little heavy-handed, but he’s bloody good too. You definitely want him for a piece like that. He’s patient.”
Barty nodded in agreement as he glanced back at the bloke Evan was working on. Dragon tattoo had introduced himself when he wandered over, but Barty wasn’t paying attention and hadn’t caught his name. What he did catch was Evan storming out after Barty’s comment about him being brilliant.
He is brilliant though. It wasn’t a lie.
“Good to know! This is my kid’s artwork, so I wanted to do it justice.”
Kid? I was right then. He’s probably straight.
That was more comforting than it probably should have been. Evan was a professional. It cost Barty an obscene amount of money and multiple weeks to convince him to break his “no clients” rule. Now that he’d broken it though…Evan could do it again.
Frank's loud, booming laugh interrupted his thoughts. “Yes! I prefer to wait until all the episodes are out and binge that whole season!”
“Same, but I have no self-control,” dragon tattoo replied. “I can’t help myself!”
Barty twisted at the waist to meet the bloke’s gaze. “Better fucking try.”
Frank tensed his grip on Barty’s leg. That was definitely a warning. He knew he was acting irrationally, but he didn’t care.
“Control yourself,” Barty said, glaring pointedly at the bloke. “Around him.”
Dragon tattoo stared at him incredulously, then blinked very slowly. “Him who?”
“Ignore him. He’s obsessed with Rosier.” Frank shoved Barty back down onto the table roughly. “Calm your tits, arsehole.”
“The tattoo artist? Why would I—”
“Don’t worry about it, mate,” Frank said, waving a hand dismissively. “He’s a bit dramatic, that’s all.”
Dragon tattoo made a hasty exit from the conversation as soon as the door slammed again, announcing Evan’s return. Barty tried to peer over his shoulder, but Frank still had his hand pressed in the middle of his back.
Look at me, Evan. Come on. Say something. Anything.
“Alright, Rosier?” Frank called cheerfully.
Barty forced his muscles to relax and pressed his cheek against the cold black leather. A strong scent of antiseptic leached out of the fabric. The familiarity of it grounded him a little.
Even if he couldn’t see, speak to, or approach Evan, Barty needed to be near him. He couldn’t stay away. Hearing his voice was comforting. It was only a one-word answer forced out with half-growl, but it was something.
Frank leaned forward and flicked the back of his ear hard. “Don’t be an arsehole or I’ll kick you out. Not everyone wants to have their guts rearranged by your ex.”
“Then they’re idiots.”
“His dick is that good, huh?” Frank teased. “Are you addicted to it?”
“Love is a serious mental disease,” Barty deadpanned.
“Prat. Which one was that?”
Next Part>>>
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kiawren · 19 days
Okay I wanted to study math but I got so distracted by thoughts.
You know how some time ago I posted this about the fire-crested wren's story making me think about kiawren (I realised there was a typo, I didn't type out the 'wren' after 'fire-crested' woops.)
Today I realised I didn't dwell on the other part of the chapter I read this at. One of the hawaiian stories of Maui finding fire relates to him learning from birds who could make fire. (you can read the full thing here, it's cool I found it online after reading this in person but my new phone doesn't have the pics of the pages)
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And like..... ... I was thinking how it is birds that first alight fire in this folklore. And Kiawe... Maybe his fire burns passionately becuz of Wren. Yes he's always had the drive in him, but a new sort of fire was kindled after he met Wren. It's a new sort of love and passion. Especially becuz he talks about feeling down and unsure about the future until but he says talking to (the player) helps.
Similar to this Pokemon Masters storyline:
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He can and does feel burnt out (haha) sometimes and it really helps to know the people and pokemon around him care for him and want to achieve their goals together. So, I think with Wren around he'd have a new sort of motivation and looking forward to show them his progress. (Becuz he does all this for pokemon and people in the first place, to learn about the connections between the natural world and people through this cultural art.)
Wow ok I'm going off tangent. Uhm basically he needs a bird to keep his fire alive. (The bird meaning me)
Something else,
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I find it comforting that he'd also know Banyan trees becuz they also have stories where I'm from: (there are more apart from these)
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I think Kiawe would like that the former myth relates to music (the kompang drum) since he's a traditional dancer that also appreciates traditional music.
This is the same sccreenshot as the second picture on this post but I was quite glad to read they were baking bananas. Becuz I love goreng pisang that you can find in my region🤤🤤🤤 (fried banana)
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Like! We could tell each other these stories and remark about their similarities (also, the snake in the Banyan was killed and Maui broke a neck and burned the head of the birds in the earlier story, but I didn't screenshot that part. Interestingly they have the animals on the losing end lol) and find parts of it that relates to us, even though these stories were shaped in different places.
The main thing I wanted to say is that Kiawren is so special to me for relating our love to the stories and symbols of the world, so that it goes past just "haha us" to wow I'm learning a lot of things because of you, and it's a larger than life feeling.
Also I remembered this silly drawing I did last time. If you asked Kiawe about loving Wren he'd probably remark that he loves them simply, becuz he cares for them and likes learning with and spending time with them. And if you ask me about loving him, I'd tell you about the fire-crested wren, the birds that made fire on trees that led Maui to bring fire to people, the way the Pacific Ring of Fire and the way tectonic plates subduct to form volcanoes reminds me of him and us. The Dragon and Phoenix in Chinese myth are celestial beings and when paired together represent marriage and prosperity. (He reminds me of reptilians, hardy and seemingly fierce but can be gentle. The dragon is formidable. He also has dragon, charizard, that used to be his grandfather's, the ex island kahuna and yes I'm following the pokeani story here cuz i like incorporating it with his game character. So yes I associate him with the dragon. And I'm the phoenix becuz bird. And also he loves fire. The dragon and the fire-bird. ) Chalk it up to age-old mythologies and natural phenomena that is a symbol of us before we even met, and even if we part.
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mrmissmrsrandom · 6 months
Sumeragi Subaru
Ohhh excellent yes my boy.
send me a character and i’ll list:
favorite thing about them: Just how kind he is. Despite everything, even later under all his trauma and depression, he is still kind.
favorite line: I don't have my darkhorse volumes with me (gathering the new Yen Press Release but only have the first 2 volumes, so this is from volume 2)-- "No one can change the past. No matter how hard we try, time won't reverse. But the future? Only you, Mitsuki-san, can change your future." The "Dream" chapter had a big impact on me when I read it, even if I don't 'agree' with all of the points Subaru makes in that discussion, having him try to center someone on the here and now and reassuring them that they have a choice is powerful. Most of my favorite lines from him are in Tokyo Babylon because I haven't read Tsubasa, and he is more quiet in X.
brOTP: Hokuto-chan. His twin, his sister. ;; Maybe catching up in a what if scenario with him catching up with Hashimoto (the girl who loses her eye, wow the theming!) post-series or even post-X if you imagine all of humanity doesn't die.
OTP: I think at this point its him and Kamui. I'm not saying in that its "better" than him with Seishirou, just that the concept of them interacting based on how they interact in X is more compelling now to me. We never get to see/fully imagine (unless you write fic, which yay! Love that!) Subaru and Seishirou interacting with the full knowledge of who the other is/on an even playing field without The End of Tokyo Babylon. I like everything that is built up and in the end, Subaru did not fall in love with the facade Seishirou put up, but him for him (and then Seishirou never QUITE gets there, so we get -points at X- bozo was too focused on winning The Bet he made with a fucking third grader). SO, back to him and Kamui: they just feel like they get each other in a way no one else seems to, and that adding into the sadness of their bond (understanding but being unable/deciding not to convince the other away from a destructive path). How Subaru tries to be there for Kamui once he officially joins the other Dragons, from speaking with him or helping with homework. Their relationship, if/when we ever get a finale to the manga X (or if you just think about it), feels like the most likely to grow and build into something by the end for me. And hey, both of them have Seishirou and Fuuma as foils/'twin stars', but guess which out of the four get reincarnated as VAMPIRE TWINS in Tsubasa? Subaru and Kamui! Something something soulmates getting reborn together/commentary on Hokuto escaping the wheel of fate but these two boys are still thoroughly In It: but imagining them together makes it feel hopeful. :)
nOTP: Uh, I do not necessarily see him ever being romantically interested in women. So I guess him in a romantic relationship with a woman.
random headcanon: Post-Tokyo Babylon Subaru ends up calling every number in Hokuto's phone book to give away her clothes to friends, but months down the line he gets an unlisted call from the friend she makes in "Smile." They meet up, and Subaru has to tell her what happened, and her trying to smile for him and comfort him, causing him to break down from it, but it also somewhat brings him out of the haze of vengeance he had been in and return to like, eating regularly. Though, after that meeting he also picks up his first pack of cigarettes.
unpopular opinion: Subaru does not naturally come by fashion. He's cute and let Hokuto dress him up. I don't think that's "unpopular," but also by X if the only thing he could wear was something "embarrassing" but not risque, like a mascot uniform or something along those lines--- he would wear it and think nothing of it. Also let my mans be a rope bunny and get to exist in subspace for a bit. Maybe Karen knows an escort from Soapland that can get him into contact with the local BDSM community so he can get out of his head.
song i associate with them: Moon by Rebecca IS from the character soundtrack, but it just works so well for him.
favorite picture of them: This one from Annex: Start, I think? It's just always filled me with so many different emotions despite how subdued it is.
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beestriker015 · 1 year
Rika x male s/o headcanons
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Everyone who knows Rika and s/o would tell you that they are absolutely made for each other.
S/o’s friendly and outgoing personality pairs really well with his girlfriend’s calm and confident nature.
Rika and s/o got together in their second year at the academy when s/o transferred there after his family moved to Paldea from the Kalos region.
Having been charmed by s/o’s warm and extroverted personality, Rika immediately began subtly flirting with him every chance she got, successfully leaving the handsome young man flustered every time.
Eventually, Rika stops with the flirting and bluntly asks s/o out.
“S/o, I think you’re really awesome and I want to go out with you. What do you say babe, wanna go out on a date with me?”
He accepted, much to Rika’s delight, and the two have been together ever since.
When they both graduated from the academy, s/o smiled ear to ear when his girlfriend was offered a spot as one of Paldea’s Elite 4.
“That’s amazing! I’m so proud of you babe! Though I’m not suprised, I already knew my gal was one of the bestest trainers ever!”
Rika chuckled at her s/o’s praise, while also trying to hide the faint blush on her face.
Now, you would think that being an Elite 4 member, Rika would struggle trying to find time to spend with her s/o due to her busy schedule right?
Rika always finds time for her boyfriend, whether it be multiple phone calls all throughout the day, or s/o coming to pay her a visit at work occasionally.
One time, Rika was in the middle of a battle when s/o showed up for a visit and began cheering her on.
“Woo! Go, Rika! You got this babe!”
After the battle, Geeta told s/o he couldn’t come to visit anymore when there is a challenger, though that isn’t to say she wasn’t mildly amused by his antics.
Being Rika’s boyfriend means that s/o is well acquainted with the other Elite 4 members.
Poppy loves s/o and views him as her big brother, much like how she has a little sister/big sister relationship with Rika.
Hassel is easily the biggest proponent of s/o and Rika’s relationship, always going on and on about how great they are together.
“You two’s love for one another is stronger than a Draco Meteor from even the mightiest dragon!”
He exclaims before bursting into happy tears as Rika and s/o deadpan at the sight.
Despite Larry’s brooding and tired nature, no one has ever seen him smile as much as he does when s/o is around.
Seriously, s/o has such an infectious personality that even the most stone-hearted person can’t help but lighten up when he’s near them.
As for Geeta, she gets along fairly well with s/o.
While she does scold him occasionally for his antics when he visits, Geeta does generally like s/o and has a small smile on her face whenever he comes to the Pokémon League to visit Rika.
Jealousy is pretty much nonexistent between Rika and s/o, as she is too secure and confident to believe that s/o would ever leave her for someone else, and s/o is too positive minded to have any jealous thoughts.
If s/o would ever be hit on by someone else, Rika would take it in stride.
She understands very well that s/o is an incredibly hot guy that a lot of people would want to be with, but would smirk pridefully to herself fully knowing that s/o is hers.
Should someone ever hit on Rika, s/o wouldn’t think too much of it, as he knows that despite her being a massive flirt, Rika would never flirt with anyone other than him.
However, if the flirting would ever get to a point where it gets uncomfortable for either of them, the other will step in and put an end to it.
When she’s not busy with her Elite 4 duties, Rika and s/o are practically connected at the hip, whether they be battling each other or are simply spending time together alone in their shared home.
Dates often involve Rika and s/o going someplace peaceful and quiet, not just as a way for Rika to unwind after a long day of battling, but also so she can have s/o all to herself without any distractions.
“I missed this babe. There’s no one around, people or pokémon. That means you and I can enjoy each other’s company for as long as we want.”
“Sounds good to me babe. As long as I get to spend time with you Rika, it doesn’t matter to me where we are.”
One thing Rika really loves about s/o, besides everything, is how much he adores her Clodsire.
There has been multiple times when Rika has caught s/o giving her Clodsire a belly rub and feeding him berries, causing her to gush at the sight every time.
“That’s so adorable s/o!”
He blushes and chuckles.
“I can’t help it Rika, I love this little guy. He baby!”
S/o exclaims while holding Clodsire like Simba from the Lion King before he gently places him back on the ground.
“I swear s/o, I think I’m falling more and more in love with you everyday.”
Rika says before getting pulled into a kiss by her boyfriend, surprising her before she sinks fully into the kiss.
They both pull away for air as s/o smiles warmly at his girlfriend.
“I love you too Rika.”
She grins and drags s/o off to the living room so they can chill and watch movies together, Clodsire watching his trainer and her boyfriend with a carefree smile on his face.
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ameonds-dragonn · 2 years
Hotd modern au
I got inspired by @sansaorgana she made me fall in love with this au 🥰
For warning, this was something quick I made on my phone so probably ain’t great. But enjoy 💚
We’ve agreed that the Targaryens are rich as fuck, i think it’s old money like the Kennedy’s. Visryes is a huge lawyer and Daemon gives me Wall Street investors or CEO vibes. And Alicent is stay at home mommy that loves her kids. Nrya is Sahm as well but she modeled some I think, not runway model thou.
Aegon is a pothead/frat boy obviously, he only parties at college. Not caring if he graduates or not, Vis probably pays the uni a shit ton of money. Every once in awhile he puts an effort for classes :) He dresses like a frat boy and a stoner had a baby. Slides 99.8% of the time, hoodies that have his frat house name Or university name on it. He owns one part of jeans and slacks(they stay at home 99%). Smells like cigarette smoke, small vanilla notes and whiskey. Knows he can get away with failing school, getting pulled over, screwing girls. He knows Alicent loves him bc he’s her first baby. He’s not dumb as people think he is. He loves his mama too but kinda takes advantage of it.
Aemond is a Harvard baby through and through! Most likely an English major, but he also gives me medical school vibes(personally for me). He puts school first, he knows not everyone can get into Harvard so he appreciates that he did. Ameond is the campus mysterious heartthrob. Girls and gays love him! He’s 6’5, blonde with shoulder length hair, wears leather and black clothing w/sliver rings. Little whore! Also he has his scar on his eye. Obviously dragons aren’t real for us. So Aemond and Luke didn’t fight each other over Vhgar. I’m thinking he lost it on accident, maybe Vis took him and Aegon knife throwing or one of the neighbors kids and him were playing with sticks or something. Personally the scar is what made fall in love with him. It’s him no matter what au it is. It shaped him to who he is as a person. He’s a huge mama’s boy! He don’t hide it either, he loves Alicent.
When he comes home from school for the summer and Christmas, he brings gifts for her and Heleana. Stuff he saw while he was out one Saturday, little trinkets, shoes, books. Anything that reminded him of his mom and sister. Also does this for his S/O, he’s just a sweet emo boy!
Heleana still loves her bugs and other creepy crawlers! We stan Helena the bug queen in this house 💚 she’s the quiet girl that is always reading a book, drawing in her sketch pad. Has earbuds in, but will take them out if anyone talks to her. Loves old English literature and plays. She loves NYC and broadway, she gives me NYU vibes. Definitely lives in NYC but goes upstate a lot bc of nature. Also I think she would be a witch or at least into paganism. Aemond is close to Salem, MA so he goes and gets her stuff from the shops. He has 6 tarot decks that he plans on taking home along with crystals and books he got for her. TSA workers hate Aemond bc he goes over the weight limit with his suitcases.
Alicent, my favorite mom! Okay so, Alicent was Vis’ sugar baby when she was 20ish. Went to school with Nrya and ended marrying her dad. But I don’t think they hate each other in this AU, probably not each other’s fans. I think Nrya and Harwin are together, probably met on a photo shoot set. Harwin was definitely a model or an actor in his day. Anyways! Alicent got pregnant with Aegon before the wedding, you could see her bump in her dress. Vis works 24:7 so Alicent got very close with Aegon as a baby. Aegon looks after her always has! She was very involved with school when the kids were little. PTA mom, sports mom, art/theater mom, she always supports her kids and their activities. Calls them each everyday to see what’s new, are you sick?, how’s the money looking? She used to feel insecure about being a young mom, but now she’s 43 and her kids are in college. She has so much free time now! Definitely the hot mom, also the cool mom(mean girls hey!). Alicent was meant to be a mother, she truly loves her kids and wants the best for them. She don’t give me toxic mother in law vibes
Nrya is the first child of Vis, so he is crazy over her. He’s still in Nrya’s lane, but he talks to the other kids moreish. Nrya became a model her junior year of college. Has been covers of vogue, vanity fair, a bunch of wedding mags. It’s how she met her husband, Harwin. They fell in love and had Jace, Luke, Joff, the twins. Definitely a boy mom but she loves being a mom.
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nyappytown · 2 years
Susano'o Theory Bones:
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First: What lead me to look into Susanoo in the first place was a mention of Kushihime in Clash! Oh Ye gods of Calamity. Upon looking into her I had to of course, look into her husband. And immediately he reminded me of Yato’s behavior.
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Second: While Yato mentions that Yukine is scared of the dark, Yukine mentions that same chapter how Yato hates storms. Since the beginning of my looking into the theory it has always made sense that he would despise his own nature.
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Fourth: The reoccurring motif of storms through the series while we still have no sign of the storm god.
“I wonder if Yato has another name too… I’ll go ask Mayu about Yato after I stop by the team room…”
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Now onto a very rough comparison of folk lore!
Susano'o is a key figure and works as a foil to Amaterasu through in many points of the mythology, many of the events of the Kojiki and Nihon Shoki cannot exist without him, yet, he is no where in Noragami as it stands. But as I will list below, we still see some of those stories interpreted... but with Yato in place of Susano'o-no-Mikoto.
Susano'o was born of Izanagi’s nose in the Kojiki. Yato is constantly shown with a runny nose.
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He was sent to Ne no Kuni by Izanagi after his birth because he wailed to be with his mother.
Yato was sent to Yomi after wailing to be reunited with Hiyori and Yukine.
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(Ne no Kuni translates to “land of roots” but it has been associated with the underworld in just about everything I have read.) fun fact! We have seen Yato demonstrate he may have some sort of control over Ayakashi.
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The heaven arc is honestly where the most was shoved in our faces. Susano'o is the god who slew Yamata no Orochi and retrieved Kusanagi from its belly.
In the heaven arc Yato is who takes down Take’s dragon.
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The trial by pledge is known as “ukei” which is the same ritual that was performed by Susano'o and Amaterasu to determine his innocence. Each party took an item from the other and was chewed on them to produce children. The party to produce daughters would be seen in the right and the party to produce sons, wrong.
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Susano'o was declared in the right, and upon winning was so overwhelmed with joy he proceeded to make a mess of Amaterasu’s weaving hall and flayed her horses. (Normal person behavior, I know.) And that is, in one of the accounts, when he was banished!
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Those primarily in order they appear in Noragami and not the Kojiki and Nihon Shoki but hopefully it is enough to express why I am so in love with this theory! There are also other more humorous moments and little call outs which I adore.
At the beginning of the series, in chapter one, Yato makes mention of how stormy it is, and then sneezes, which can indicate someone is talking about you.
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At the divine party Yamata no Orochi gets mentioned, directly across from that, and paneled to the same size, we see a “gloomy” Yato drinking by himself.
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In chapter 83, we see Take with his perm and watch Kofuku break the rafters of Izumo Shrine down on him in a way that is very similar to how Ookuninushi and Suseribime managed to hold of Susano'o to get out of the underworld. This may in fact be a call out to this story. This is also potentially quite punny, as one of Susano'o-no-Mikoto's titles is Takehaya-Susano'o-no-Mikoto.
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While it is Take in the scene, we see Coo phone, and black cats which are both associated with Yato through the series. But of course, black cats could also just be bad luck. (Poor kitties)
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I adore that Ookuninushi is in this shot too. It’s just too perfect.
On the note of the above story!
In this tale, Ookuninushi received scarves from Suseribime to protect him from the trials Susanoo set him on. At the end of the tale, he receives a sword, as well as a bow and arrows from Susano'o.
And what is Rekki’s vessel form?
Exactly that-
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I would like to end, with the manifold fence.
“Ah, a manifold fence.”
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For shame.
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I need to add this because I can’t stop thinking about it. “In other words, you’re the invisible hand of nature.” Also, the pesti-germ is a reference to pestilence. Which Susano’o is associated with via Gozu Tenno. While Father, in this case, is associated with the Capyper.
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This has been my first attempt to back up a Twitter thread! Thank you for bearing with me as I know these are probably strange in bullet point format on Tumblr. The other two are a bit more complicated, so I will get to those at a different time.
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dumb-hat · 11 days
Tagged: Get To Know Me
Tagged by: @briar-ffxiv, @thefreelanceangel and @lal-ffxiv Last Song: My phone says it's Pigs That Ran Straightaway Into The Water, Triumph Of by the Mountain Goats. The Mountain Goats are kind of like, the perfect band for me. Like, they engage in all of My Bullshit to the highest degrees possible. It's like someone made them in a lab, just to suit my tastes. This one makes me think of my hometown. Not Chino, but the "all your threats are empty" bit still resonates. Favourite Colour: Oranges and yellows, though that'll also range into reds and browns, on occasion. Also a big fan of green. Currently Watching: We just finished Kaos, so not really anyth—oh heck, there's gonna be a new Make Some Noise today, isn't there? So yeah, I guess that and most of the other stuff Dropout churns out. Last Movie: Oh god... I think it was Deadpool and Wolverine? Sweet/Spicy/Savory: I refuse to be caged by the tyranny of this false trichotomy! I love them all! ... Except that while I really love spiciness within the range I enjoy, that range isn't particularly deep, so I can't really say I love it like other people do. I guess if I had to pick, I'd pick sweet, but particularly natural sweet, like from fruit, rather than, like, candy. (Though I like that too, if I'm being honest. Relationship Status: Happily, lovingly married to @luck-and-larceny. We've kinda/sorta known each other since about 2001 (friends-of-friends, old Livejournal mutuals, back when that was a thing). We started dating in 2005, officially moved in together in 2006, and got married in 2011. Current Obsessions: the tabletop RPG Exalted, which I'm once again/still happily running thanks to Exalted Essence, and Dragon Age. I'm super stoked for Dragon Age: Veil Guard, and I've recently been throwing myself at another playthrough of Dragon Age: Inquisition to tide me over until that comes out. Last Thing in My Search History: I mean, the two most recent ones are going to just be the most recent song and Exalted Essence, so I could grab those links. I'll give you the two most recent besides those, though, because it kinda amuses me: "fantasy warehouse map" and "holy goldblum" Tagging: Is it cheating to tag @luck-and-larceny?
Here's my usual plug for my ooc blog over at @justlikethefish
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midnightmah07 · 10 months
Whenever gossip about boyfriends came up, the first names to show up were Isabelle and Adeline. As best friends was a common noon conversation to have, specially Seniors, the last year of high school in Royal Sword Academy. And in one of those type of talks, Adeline wonder out loud to her friend in the middle of rambling.
“Isa, do you think Leona and Malleus do this type of conversation?” Isabelle turns at her with raised eyebrows, as if saying “like they would ever talk to each other” but before Isabelle could make any comment, Adeline explained her thoughts. “I mean, like, one day they encounter each other and one of them touch the subject, just to façade politness. Do you think that they’ve already talked shit about us? Like we do on them.”
“We don’t talk shit about them.” Isabelle crosses her arms.
“You’re right. You do.”
A gasp left the brown haired girl’s lips. “Wow, wow, wow. Is not my fault that we had an enemies to lovers story and he comes off as naturally annoying, it’s all the auth—“
“—Isabelle, the mirror in that fourth wall is almost falling and breaking.”
Isabelle stands up from bed and fix quickly the mirror, without being able to finish her last sentence thanks to Adeline.
“However…” Isabelle hums. “I-I don’t think they would talk about us to one another.”
Adeline nods still considering her own idea.
What both girls didn’t knew is that; even by rare occasions, Malleus and Leona did had some talks about their partners. But, not quietly how Isabelle and Adeline would’ve imagined…
The silence between both Malleus and Leona awhile they’ve waited for a kingdom’s meeting start. Specifically big ones, like Briar Valley and Sunset Savanna. Yet, there was no one else beside Leona and him, Malleus and him.
And each other’s company made both uncomfortably annoyed. But a message did happened to pop up in Malleus phone from Adeline, and that’s how it started.
“Adeline, have I guessed right?” Leona smirks, as Malleus give a nod answering her message asking if all was well.
The dragon huffs. “Yes. She only wanted to check on me.”
And little did they knew, that was how the discussion had started.
“Aww, the little lizard has to have his mommy checking up on him?” Leona gives a satisfied amusing smirk, that wides every second.
Malleus had his posture maintained, awhile took a deep breath. “At least, I don’t have a fiancée who kicks me out to sleep on the couch.”
Leona eyes flinch in anger, no one other than him could make fun of his girlfriend kicking him out of the bed!
“My fiancée is none of your concern, horned bastard!”
He roars, gritting his teeth. Awhile, Malleus furrows his eyebrows at the hypocrisy.
“I beg to differ, then, if I may comment on your fiancée, you watch your tongue to talk about my partner, Adeline’s worries over me are as well my concern only.”
Leona rolled his eyes at the ramble of Malleus’. They stay for a good minute quietly, until, the lion opens his mouth again.
“Isabelle is more loving than Adeline.” He mutters under his breath, whatsoever that didn’t made the dragon any close to happy.
Even with the girls’ being the greatest best friends, Malleus and Leona would have a weird raffle between their girlfriends only for rivalry intentions. That would never get to the girls, it would be like their “gossip noon moment”, of course, in a more like of a discussion and battle of whom has the best girlfriend than an actual only a calm cozy conversation.
“Nah, I don’t think they would talk about us the way we do.” Back to the present, Adeline says, taking a sip of her water. As Isabelle nods in her side agreeing with her friend.
I chuckled sm when Leona said he's the only one who can complain about Isa kicking him outta bed + him suddenly going into a competition to say that she's more loving than Adeline??? Bestia this is NOT a competition 😭😭😭
I love this sm it made me laugh<33
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spookiesmausoleum · 3 months
𝐑𝐞𝐝 𝐕𝐨𝐱: 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐁𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐥 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬
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Bit of a silly one, but please remember to specify muse for multi-muse blogs! Content warnings for: general bathroom humor, swearing, some sentences might be nsfw in nature, emetophobia
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𝐕𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐭 𝐈𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐏𝐢𝐭
"Vomit in the ball pit."
"I saw it when I was a little kid."
"It fucked me up and made me sick!"
"So I went to see a therapist, he said "face your fear and shit on it"."
"But now my ass is burning red."
𝐑𝐨𝐢𝐝 𝐑𝐚𝐠𝐞
"You've got a roid rage."
"You're gonna let go, no holding back."
"You've got a freight train running down the back of your crack."
"You had to go, and then you bled."
"Running down the crack of your spine."
𝐓𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐎𝐟 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞
"Come on babe, I ain't your pogo stick."
"Too much love will make this old man cry."
"There's such a thing as too much pie."
"Like a knight with a broken sword, I'm slaying dragons from between your thighs."
"Screams of passion turn to whimper-cries."
"So grab your shit and take a hike."
"My junkin' jenkins have gone on strike."
"I see you standing over my bed while I'm trying to sleep."
"Sometimes I get so tired that I just have to take a nap."
"It's not because I'm tired of you."
"It's because I'm... tired of love."
"Love's such an ugly five-letter word."
"The way you love me is fuckin' absurd."
"Your libido is set to kill."
"You don't ever seem to get your fill."
"Shat my pants on a date."
"Hundred dollars for a plate, she left me with the bill to pay."
"That's how you know when it's fucked."
"Dropped my wallet on the train."
"Phone was hacked the other day."
"Zipped my fly up to my dong."
"Wrote myself a shitty song."
"I don't even know what's happening, but it's fucked!"
"Fuck, fuck, I missed it? Again?"
"Fucking go home, rub one out."
𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐬
"I pray to God you'll let me in."
"I know that I've been wrong, but I know where I belong."
"And I'm a fly between the moons of Venus."
"Prepare your ship for docking my probe is set for interlocking."
"Between the cheeks of love!"
"As I look into your eye it's as brown as chocolate pie."
"I know we've had too much space and I forgot that look upon your face."
"and I've been thinking about that, but I'll remember."
"Open up that astro door, cause baby I'm a coming home!"
"There lies a little story that my Mami and my Papi told me when I was a boy."
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izayoichan · 1 year
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Flynn: You know, I almost thought this would never happen, that I would share a home with you. It was always a dream while you were away, but now it suddenly feels real. And I am glad it does. -he looked at the 3d plans on his phone that they had sent so they could see how it would look.- Grampa always calls Grampa Hayle his luck dragon, maybe you are mine?
Emil smiled gently and took Flynn’s hands in theirs, kissing them gently.
Emil: I believe it’s the opposite. You are my lucky dragon. You gave me purpose and you gave me meaning, without you, I’d still be a feral beast lost in my grief -gently they reached over and kissed Flynn’s forehead.-
They still mourned the loss of Tyvan and their children, but, it hurt a little less, for they had found new happiness, new meaning, new love. And they had found all this in Flynn, and now, they’d share a connection with Flynn again, one that was beyond physical and emotional. Their own makeshift heartlight. 
River made his way home. He suspected his son and the dragon would be waiting for him in the family living room. Reform the familiar bond. It appeared to him as an odd request. Familiar bonds weren’t supposed to be made like this, they were meant for pets, for simpler spirits and simpler energies, simpler sentience and sapient. He had learned before the damage and trauma the bond his son formed with a feral dragon could have caused, even if he was yet to see the signs, he now understood the incredibly irresponsible nature of his actions, how callous and selfish of him to allow a teenager (even if a powerful one) to form a spiritual bond with a creature that could have destroyed him and that he believed only ignorance had kept his son safe. Yet, what his son might have felt when bound to Emil.
Beginning - Previous - Next
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