#I love doctor who women and i love their adventures on audio <3
gnougnouss · 11 months
Doctor who in general and nuwho in particular has a TON of prominent female characters (mainly due to the fact that a huge majority of companions are female) so Big Finish and their spin off making mania ends up looking very #feminist by having sooooo many female fronted series lmao
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pers-books · 24 days
Paul McGann stars in the forthcoming full-cast audio drama box set, Deadly Strangers, which includes a story by the writer of his very first adventure, the 1996 Doctor Who TV movie.
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The Eighth Doctor (Paul McGann) and his companions Charley Pollard (India Fisher) and Lady Audacity Montague (Jaye Griffiths) have three brand-new audio adventures in store in The Eighth Doctor Adventures: Deadly Strangers, due for release in December 2024. 
The Doctor, Audacity and Charley visit many times and places, always with the best of intentions. But others have a different agenda.
An alien princess takes an interest in Puccini, a visitor to Iceland causes chaos, and a lethal interloper slips into the dreams of a sleeping population. Some strangers have deadly intent...
The first of the three stories, Puccini and the Doctor, is written by Matthew Jacobs, the screenwriter of 1996’s Doctor Who: The Movie. Jacobs was the first person to write for Paul McGann’s Doctor and this audio drama marks his first time penning any Doctor Who media since then.
In Jacobs' story, the TARDIS arrives in Milan at the turn of the twentieth century, where the time travellers encounter legendary opera composer, Giacomo Puccini (voiced by Tim McInnerny, known for Blackadder, Game of Thrones, and Doctor Who: Planet of the Ood). But the Doctor’s not the only alien around with an interest in the music of love. 
Doctor Who – The Eighth Doctor Adventures: Deadly Strangers is now available to pre-order as a collector’s edition 3-disc CD box set (+ download for just £22.99) or as a digital download only (for just £18.99), exclusively here.
The three new adventures for the Eighth Doctor and his companions are:
Puccini and the Doctor by Matthew Jacobs Women’s Day Off by Lisa McMullin The Gloaming by Lauren Mooney & Stewart Pringle
Producer David Richardson said: “How brilliant to have Matthew Jacobs return to the series to write Puccini and the Doctor – a man so dedicated that he woke up at 4am in Los Angeles to listen in to our studio recordings! He’s given us a lovely and imaginative tale, which feels very much in the spirit of the Eighth Doctor TV movie.”
Matthew Jacobs said: “This is the first time I've written a Doctor Who adventure since 1996. The Doctor is such an integral part of my life, so it's been fascinating over the years to see it grow and grow. Paul has kept the Doctor alive at Big Finish in a marvellous way and he has become so much more sophisticated as a character than when we were starting.   “I was over the moon when script editor Matt Fitton asked me to put together a story. We discussed that this version of Paul's Doctor is a bit closer to the TV movie Doctor – inquisitive, not as embittered as he gets through the Time War.   “The idea that stuck out was one where I got to deal with some unfinished business from the TV movie. In the movie, the Doctor says how sad it was that Puccini never got to finish Turandot, and it was the bane of his life towards the end. I wanted to tell a story to do with the nature of how we use music and how we search for love.”
Big Finish listeners can save money by pre-ordering Deadly Strangers in a multi-buy bundle with the previous Eighth Doctor Adventures box set, Echoes, for just £44 (collector’s edition CD + download) or £36 (download only) exclusively here.
All the above prices include the special pre-order discount and are subject to change after general release.
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bustyasianbeautiespod · 4 months
Do you guys have podcast recommendations? I'm caught up on everything I listen to, but you guys are my favorite podcast, so I assume we have similar tastes
AWWW i'm so honored that we're your faves! grey is no longer a podcast listener so i (crystal) shall be the only answerer
in terms of people-watching-a-thing podcasts, i've enjoyed:
doctor huh- two brothers, one a former doctor who watcher and one who... only knows about it from social media... watch nuwho eps in a random order
zero to zero- three friends watch dc/marvel properties and respond w fun and funny levels of haterism. i have enjoyed ALL of this despite never once touching something they reviewed. on maybe-permanent hiatus
LMNOP- the only good cbs elementary podcast. also on maybe-permanent hiatus
i've been meaning to watch that- i've listened to less of this one, but it's hosted by manika dulcio, who we had on our s4 wrapped, so if you liked her there check her out on her home base!
as for fiction podcasts, listing my fave subscribeds below! for some of these, the first few eps are kinda rough but i've found them all resoundingly Worth It eventually! also if you, babpod listener, care about this, all of these have queer main characters and i'll bold the ones where the main char is explicitly a poc:
hi nay- "a supernatural horror fictional podcast about Filipina immigrant Mari Datuin, whose babaylan (shaman) family background accidentally gets her involved in stopping dangerous supernatural events in Toronto." v rich lore v good at being creepy! (ongoing)
the silt verses- what if every single folk deity was real and hungry and society ran on ppl being sacrificed on telephone poles? incredibly sexy writing like SO sexy (ongoing)
midnight burger- space diner adventures and friendships! they recently dropped a 3-hour beautifully audio-engineered season finale they've grown so much since the beginning. great cast and fills you w so much wonder about The Universe (ongoing)
greater boston- an expanding cast of chars tell the story of the forming of a new city on the boston red line train cars. makes u wild about community and interconnectedness and local politics and how no one is beyond compassion while also having like. cheese robots (ongoing)
within the wires- what if a world war led to a worldwide cultural shift that decried all tribalism starting at the family unit and babies were separated from their parents at birth? extremely interesting world and formats though i do think it's kinda tired after s4. i think listening to s1 then reading the companion novel might be the Move (ongoing)
unwell, a midwestern gothic mystery- what it says on the tin! lily returns to the fading small town she grew up in to care for her mom. there are ghosts and town history and wolves in the woods. some rlly beautiful and complex family relationships and friendships, great vibe and sound design (complete)
parkdale haunt- p classic haunted house horror (well i say classic. there's also an influencers cult) which i also consider a Top Friendship-Focused Media (complete)
alice isn't dead- usamerican road trip show about the horrors of freedom. spn wishes. love jasika nicole as a VA (complete)
the pasithea powder- epistolary space bisexuals after a war that left them on opposite sides. excellent interpersonal drama and aliens (complete)
wooden overcoats- v funny british funeral home rivalry show antigone funn is the weirdgirl extraordinaire (complete)
monstrous agonies- nice soothing ten-minute segments of a supernatural advice show. i think i've mentioned it as being the anti-spn in terms of the monster rights and monster-human cohabitation background of the world (complete)
midnight radio- ten-episode small town radio show ghost romance. it's an excellent annual fall listen if you have a saturday free (complete)
mabel podcast- ONE OF THE PODCASTS OF ALL TIME. if you care about women you will like this podcast. i've always found anna and mabel so revolutionary and freeing to listen to. horror podcast about fairies and a house that loves (creepy edition?) you (long hiatus)
brimstone valley mall- silly delightful y2k demons in a mall (long hiatus)
the far meridian- magical realism story about a girl living in a teleporting lighthouse. sweet and melancholic (long hiatus)
khôra podcast- greek myths in space. i need to hug all the characters (long hiatus)
ty for this ask i love podcasts i need to catch up on them!
- Crystal :)
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batboyblog · 2 years
I watched the new Doctor Who Episode.
as a disclaimer I stopped regularly watching Who sometimes toward the end of the Matt Smith years but from time to time something will pop up so I've been kept generally up to date on whats happening.
any ways The Power of the Doctor. Uh first of the actual plot felt like a 7 year old hopped up on too many pixie sticks watched 3 different Doctor Who episodes but didn't understand they were different episodes so is trying to tell you the plot of all 3 as if they all happened at once. It's a mess and does not work at all. But hey the "plot" was largely an excuse to get to the second half which had the fun stuff
I really enjoyed the mind metaphor and the Doctor getting to talk to themselves. I can't over say how much I appreciate Who not trying to CGI de-age any of the actors or recasting them with look a likes or any silliness. I like that it was not commented on mostly, I like that they trusted the viewers to be adults and understand that hey actors are people who age and it's been 30 to 40 years since these guys were the Doctor they'll look different and we love them and want to see them again.
The hologram Doctor becoming old versions of the Doctor was smart and I'm a sucker for old companions coming back. I loved seeing Tegan and Ace. The scenes between Janet Fielding and Peter Davison and Sophie Aldred and Sylvester McCoy were really good, particularly between Aldred and McCoy, McCoy is a really great actor who doesn't get enough credit and it felt like a good showing from them to show why it was so unfair they were the team that the show was canceled on back in 1989.
I will say while I'm fine with them recasting the First Doctor and David Bradley does a great job, having him there and not having recast the Second and 3rd Doctors feels a little unfair, if they're gonna keep using Bradley and the First Doctor it does kinda erase #2 and #3 because Tom Baker so overshadows all the other old Doctors and Davison, McCoy, McGann, and Colin Baker have been so game to show up in New Who, since Troughton and Pertwee are dead it does feel like their Doctors are getting overshadowed and forgotten.
Speaking of Tom Baker it would have been nice to see him in the mix, it was a little odd to see them keep jumping from First Doctor to 5th-6th-7th-8th. I get that Tom Baker is very old now and so he may have just not been up for it, and also he has a history of being difficult when it comes to getting him to do Who stuff, but it still would have been nice to see him give a few lines. Likewise if they could have gotten Eccleston I know for a long time he wanted nothing to do with Who but in the last few years he's softened up and started voicing 9 in audio adventures so it would have been great to see him. Also Matt Smith or Peter Capaldi it just felt a little incomplete to have the current Doctor meet the incarnation of her incarnations but only like half her faces show up?
I loved the Old companion support group at the end it was very cute, it was great to see old faces like Mel, Jo who is one of the all time greats, and the fact they reached back back back to the VERY start with Ian was it made me a little misty eyed no doubt. It would have been good though if they could have tried to get some New Who people in the mix other than just the current doctor's latest companions, a quick Captain Jack maybe?
also this is very much me, but if we're paying tribute to the companions, to the greats, to girls who grew up into tough women who never stopped saving the world even without the Doctor around. It would have been nice to see a tribute or a nod to Sarah Jane Smith, particularly since the show did nothing when Elisabeth Sladen actually died in 2011.
over all enjoyable, the plot was a mess, the evil plan didn't really make sense or work, but it was cool to see a bunch of old Doctors, old companions, and have one last fun spin around with David Tennant as the Doctor, particularly given the whole theme of the 13th Doctor clawing her way back because her time wasn't up and the 10th Doctor's last words were "I don't want to go" it'd be fitting that he never really moved on, which would have been cool to show if he was the only face that didn't show up talking to #13
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circular-time · 3 years
I wrote a rant about my dashed hopes for Season 13 months ago, during Comic Con I think? I never posted it, because I didn't want to be a wet blanket, and it was long and rambly, and maybe I just needed to get it off my chest in private. On the other hand, I'm still mourning something that really mattered to me, and I want to make a space for that before the new season starts.
WHILE acknowledging that I am not owed anything as a fan. Doctor Who has to keep changing and regenerating or it will stagnate and die. It's just my bad luck that it looked like the show was headed in a direction I've wanted for decades, and then it didn't.
[Spoilers to S13 trailers as of October 30]
TL;DR: I want a SF show with a BFF-ship between two women in the same vein as broships like those between Watson and Holmes, Kirk and Spock, Fraser and Jay, Scully and Mulder. Yes, I've gotten hit with the Thasmin bug too, but that really isn't the point.
The point is, women in the real world tend to form strong friendships and Get Shit Done thereby, and that's what I relate to. I went to a women's college. Most of my friendships and relationships have been with women. Much like PoC, I crave seeing my reality exist in the media I consume. But the last time I saw that dynamic portrayed on TV was Xena and Gabrielle over 20 years ago. It's a blind spot in an industry dominated by male writers and producers, who don't know how to portray women's friendships (And yet male bro-ships are common in all media formats).
I believe this is a loss for everybody. It omits a huge swath of human existence. Plus it misses out on a powerful interpersonal dynamic that's perfect for an effective team of adventurers/problem solvers in science fiction.
Before Xena, the last BFF-ship I can remember was Nyssa and Tegan working together in episode 1 of Castrovalva, while the Doctor was unconscious. The audios occasionally allude to their being BFFs, but again, probably thanks to male writers' blind spots, they almost never act like it, and seldom pull off anything through BFF Teamwork (tm). Barbara's friendships with Susan and Vicki were great, but she was more of a mom figure for them.
Since the Doctor's usually a he, there are very few opportunities for BFF relationships to occur on my favorite show. Thirteen's regeneration offered such a chance. I think it was even more important for Chibnall to reestablish that 3 companions are possible, and I loved the fam for two seasons. But there were very few points when Yaz and the Doc tackled something together.
Meanwhile, the synergy between Jodie and Mandip in real life was exactly the sort of BFF chemistry I wanted to see more of onscreen. But it didn't seem to occur to Chibnall and the writers to let some of that bleed into their characters.
Instead, they kept having the male characters tell Yaz and Thirteen about themselves. Ryan reminds Yaz she's a cop, the only time that thorny issue has been addressed. He has a heart-to-heart with the Doctor to help her process her identity crisis, telling her who he thinks she is and how to feel about it. And that's after the Master plays Thirteen's Evil Psychotherapist.
Graham has that lovely scene on the Cyber-ship where he talks about how impressed he is by Yaz. And when it comes time to broach the Thasmin question, we don't hear it from Yaz; instead, it's Captain Jack intuiting Yaz's unspoken feelings, comparing her relationship to the Doctor with HIS relationship to the Doctor, advising her how to cope with those feelings.
Midway through S12, I started to notice how often we saw Yaz and the Doctor as people, rather than plot agents, mostly through the eyes of the guys.
So when Ryan and Graham chose to stay behind, while I will miss them both, I couldn't help getting excited. FINALLY, the writers would have to write Yaz and the Doc doing stuff together and relating to one another, without mediating their characters through a male POV. We'd had two seasons of a TARDIS family, which I'd enjoyed, and now I was getting the female-buddy show I've always wanted, at least for one shortened season! I was so stoked.
But when I came online the next day, all hyped to talk about Team BFF, people were talking about this Bishop chap. Who? The streaming service on which I'd watched Revolution of the Daleks had not included an S13 trailer. So I hadn't gotten the memo.
I tracked down the missing trailer. And lo, my hopes were dashed. Yaz and the Doctor weren't even IN IT. It was all about this John Bishop guy's experiences; the Doctor was an enigmatic side character in HIS story, instead of Yaz and the Doctor being the protagonists (or even present) in the trailer for what I'd been thinking of as "their" season.
See why I was disappointed?
And then the interviewer at Comic-Con spent more time talking to Bishop's actor than Mandip or even Jodie, and I wrote the rant that I didn't post until now— extensively edited to remove the claws.
I'm avoiding trailers and spoilers now, as I usually do before the season starts. The fewer my expectations, the better I'll be able to take it as it comes (good advice from Chesterton.)
And I promise I will do that, instead of sitting there with my fingers in my ears griping because the writers and showrunners didn't magically cater to the precise tastes and wishes of the One True Fan (me) they don't even know exists.
I'll hold onto a glimmer of hope for Team BFF in spite of Mr Third Wheel. Maybe Chibnall's team will respond to the enthusiasm of those who are big fans of Thirteen and Yaz, instead of the frustrations of those who are already looking ahead to a new Doctor and showrunner even before this season has aired. Maybe they'll realize that hey, the one and only time you have two female leads in SF, you make the most of it. But I've tamped my hopes way, way down so as to be able to enjoy what we're given, even if I don't get what I wanted.
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dailyaudiobible · 3 years
08/18/2021 DAB Transcript
Esther 1:1-3:15, 1 Corinthians 11:17-34, Ps 35:17-28, Proverbs 21:19-20
Today is the 18th day of August welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it is wonderful to be here with you today as we begin some new territory. So, we concluded…well…we read Ezra and then we read Nehemiah. We concluded Nehemiah yesterday and there’s so much in Ezra and Nehemiah for us and we explored that. So, we’re not really leaving stories from the exile, but this is a totally new complexion and it's so wonderful when we arrive at this place, the book of Esther.
Introduction to the book of Esther:
And what we’ll learn is that…well…the story of a Hebrew girl named Hadassah and she was orphaned in the exile, and her cousin, his name was Mordecai. He took her in and raised her as his own. He was of the tribe of Benjamin. And, so, Hadassah, she is in exile in Persia and so they can have a different language and different naming scheme. And, so, she takes on the name Esther, which means Morning Star or Star in the Hebrew tradition. So, what we will find is that the Persian king has a falling out with Vashti, his Queen. She embarrasses him, really humiliates him and rebels against him in a way, and as it turns out she is put away, which is what eventually allows Esther to come onto the scene. A search throughout the land for beautiful maidens that would qualify, like they would if chosen, become the Queen. And as it turns out Esther is beautiful, like stunningly beautiful, gorgeous. And just inside and out has a quiet temperament and is kindhearted and not arrogant or condescending, and she is chosen to be, you know, kind of in the final group where a lot of different women are being given lots of different beauty treatments and cared for and being taught the ways of the palace and how to be before the king and all of the customs of royalty. And Esther was taken into the harem as it were and began to go through all of this and she found favor everywhere that she went, but she kept the fact that she was Jewish a secret. She didn't say her ethnicity and that turned out to be pivotal. We’ll also meet someone named Haman who rose to great prominence, basically second in command in the kingdom. He was in Amalekite. He descended from King Agag. He becomes kind of the antagonist in the story because the Amalekites and the Hebrews have been enemies actually all…all the way back to Jacob and Esau. And it was Samuel, the Hebrew prophet that executed the king Agag the Amalekite. It was the Hebrew king Saul that had defeated Agag but had spared him and then…well…Samuel then didn't spare him. So, much later now Haman’s got this brewing, seething rage towards the Jewish people and he’s risen to prominence in Persia and so he plans the...the extermination of the Jewish people throughout the entire empire. So, this is a short book but it's pretty high in drama. And in the end it establishes a festival in the Hebrew culture that is lasting until today, the festival of Purim. And we’ll find…we’re gonna love Esther. It's a great read. It's a great story. It's a short story but it's a beautiful story. But as we overlay it with our lives there’s so much there. God against all odds is present. Circumstances don't always work out the for the worst or the way that we think that they might. Everybody has a role to play in the story because God brings people into things and assigns them to do things for such a time as this. And, so, let's…let’s dive in and enjoy Esther. We’re reading from the Good News Translation this week. Esther chapters 1 through 3 today.
Father, thank You for Your word. We thank You for this…this new territory, the book of Esther that we find ourselves in. Thank You for the story of a valiant beautiful woman who rescues Your people for such time as this. And we look in our own lives and look for these scenarios where we find ourselves in a situation and maybe we’re not the Queen and maybe we’re not gonna rescue an entire people group, but there are such times that we are the one that's in the right place to do Your service. Help us to recognize that even as we continue with the story of Esther moving forward tomorrow. Come Holy Spirit we pray into all that we've read we ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.
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Check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop. There are a lot of resources in there for the journey through the Bible in a year, things to read, take the journey further, things to write on, things to write with, which also takes the journey deeper as you journal your way in your own hand through a year in your life, as well as things to wear and things to listen to. And…yeah…just check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop and wear your colors proudly as we continue our journey, the adventure of a lifetime through the Bible in a year in community. So, check out the resources in the Shop.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, thank you humbly. Thank you. If this mission to read the Bible, fresh every day and give it to anyone who will listen to it anywhere on this planet any time of day or night and to build community around that rhythm so that in life or in the Scriptures we know we’re not on a solitary endeavor, we’re not alone. We are in this together. If that brings life in your…into your life than thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address, if you prefer, is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, which is the little red button up at the top, can’t miss it, or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that's it for today. I'm Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hey guys this is Lazarus calling. For those that have followed me over the years, this is it. Finally losing everything and it's OK. I'm extreme pain. I put off the surgery on my shoulder for two years and now it's beyond bearable. I was near suicidal earlier this week from the pain. On a new pain scale, it’s level 17. So, anybody wants to jump on board with that one come on. I'm just putting together a list of all the things that I have to sell with what I have left and try to figure out a way to make it to a surgery that I can't afford. So…and losing my company, losing everything. So, not sure how to deal with loss but Jesus is there. I can do anything with him. And I'm just trying to reconnect with His fire. So, for those of you who are in pain or loss or whatever, I feel for you. I am there with you. Just know that He's there and when it's dark…I've been dark…He gives you a flashlight and points you in the right direction. So, please keep the faith. I have no idea where I'm going to be, where I'm going to be living, if on the street or whatever, but I'm in his hands and I'm doing His will. So, I give it all up to Him. So, thank you for your prayers. Over the years and I pray I'm around to talk to you in the near future and with a praise report or any report. God bless you all I love you all. Thank you Brian, I’ve loved you for years brother.
This is Peggy in Texas and as a grandmother I ask you to pray for my 15-year-old grandson. He's suffering some from some type of trauma. The doctor has told us this. We do not know what it is at this point, nobody does. He has shut down, he's pulled in, he's evidently feeling very lonely…is…he's alone in many ways in this world and he is filled with anxiety. And, of course, all this leads to depression. Will you please ask our Lord to grant his parents and me…he's staying with me as…beginning in a few hours for now for several days and then his parents are taking a daughter to college. We ask for wisdom, ask for strength ask for peace in the mist of upheaval, please. Ask for direction, that…that we'll all be able to pull together, and the need will be met, that God will be honored. I am 87 and, of course, you can probably tell in my voice that I'm experiencing some anxiety and restlessness and just longing and for help. Anyway, I thank you for praying with me as I pray with you for your concerns. Oh man…heavenly Father, hear us and direct our paths and heal our hearts and our minds and our…our children for His honor in His glory. Thank you for hearing this request. Thank you for praying with me. Blessings. Bye- bye.
Hi Daily Audio Bible family this is Sheena from Saskatchewan Canada. I wanted to send a prayer out to Quiet Confidence in Virginia and just…just letting you know that there's no shame in anxiety and depression. And I get it. But I just wanted to let you know that when the enemy is telling you that you're backsliding or that you're going against your faith it's just…it's…it's not true. And you are strong, and you are loved, and I just hope that I can provide you some encouragement with that prayer. I called in a little while ago, so thank you to those who prayed for my situation with my boyfriend being wrongfully accused of a crime. We’re doing alright this week. We've…we have our next court date which unfortunately isn't till February. So, please continue to pray for us as we prepare for this preliminary hearing. Couple people I want to send shoutouts for, Lorenzo, you’re such a blessing to our DAB community. I pray that as you go back to school that God will grant you strength to continue in your faith and wisdom to do well at your new school. Holly Heart your commitment in praying for all of us is inspiring. Thank you, Lord for Holly and her faith and service to You and the rest of us. And Esther from Kissimmee, I pray the Lord continues to shine on you and to be gracious to you. Your passionate prayers for all of us lift my heart and restore my faith in the world and it makes me want to do better. Thanks DAB family. I'm hoping that I can make this a regular thing, calling in and praying. Have a great day. Love you. Bye.
Hi DAB family this is Jessica from California. Tonight, I'm calling in to say a prayer for Dave from Indiana. Actually, the prayers for his son Lucas who has been a rehab for 28 days because he has an alcohol problem, and he has a wife and two children, and he somehow maybe had a relapse. And I just want to say a prayer. So, here we go. Dear heavenly Father, we just come before You Lord. You know what it is that Lucas is trying to drown and what void he's trying to fill with the alcohol Lord. And I just pray that in his quiet Time Lord that You speak to him and You pour Your love and Your anointing oil all over his mind and his body Lord, that You heal him from the inside out from all that's troubling him, whatever it is that he's choosing to use alcohol as a vice for Lord, that You just…You remove that splinter from his heart Lord and You heal him up Lord. And I just pray this on his father's behalf and also his wife and his children's behalf Lord because this not only affects him it affects his children and his whole family. I just thank You Lord that You are going to do this for Lucas and because he is a praying father and…and that You love him and You have wonderful dreams for him and I just want to encourage you Dave that the Lord healed me from…in Jesus’ name I pray Amen…that the Lord healed me from a drug addiction. And he had to heal me from emotional things first. So, I just pray that he heals your son from any emotional problems that he has. And…and thanks for calling in and putting your faith in the Lord Dave. Have a nice day. Bye.
Hi, it's Tom here calling from the UK just calling to ask for prayer for my left eye. I have a condition called recurrent corneal erosions and basically what that means is that wake up in the middle of the night with really excruciating eye pain. It's red, it's streaming, and I've just got to use eye ointment and eye drops and eye wash and usually it just settles down but for the past two days it just hasn't and my eyes quite swollen and it's just very painful. I'm over in Ireland the moment and it's my godsons christening and I really want to make it for Sunday. It's Friday today but at the moment I'm contemplating going back to the UK to…to get treatment. On top of it I'm also a doctor myself. I'm a surgeon in training and I need my eyesight. And I just really would covet your prayers, that my eye would be healed and that this condition would go and I'm thanking Jesus already for the healing and I just…yeah…I would just really appreciate prayer for it, that this pain would go and that I would get 2020 vision and this condition would just go away completely. So, thank you once again. Take care.
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magicofthepen · 4 years
Gallifrey Relisten: Lies
In the chaos of.....all of November....totally forgot I meant to relisten to this episode sooner! Which is odd because Series 2 is definitely one of the high points of Gallifrey for me (apparently listening to everything slowly collapse into the civil war is super engaging and interesting? idk Series 2 just does a lot of solid character work and storytelling and good narrative progression to the “ahhh everything is very bad” finale...and I’m not sure how to feel about this, given *gestures at the world these days*). But anyways, now for some thoughts on the series opener:
Fun fact: From the TV show alone, Romana I was my favorite. (This had something to do with her having more character growth in season 16 than season 17, since her early days on the TARDIS involve the “wait my academic success does not necessarily translate to the real world” realization and learning about worlds and people different from her own and growing from High-Achieving Student to Adventurer in her own right. Also I loved the grudgingly-working-together to actual-friends arc with her and the Doctor. I was a bit less interested in her character when she was just going around being a capable adventurer, although I did become invested in Romana II in her last episodes, as she quietly grapples with the issue of what she wants to do next in life and eventually chooses to go off on her own. Also to be fair, I appreciate the fun times of Season 17 a lot more now because Romana being happy and having a good time traveling around the universe? What a concept.) 
All this to say: me on my first listen of Gallifrey was very excited about Romana I being in this episode. And even though it’s not quite as much of a !!!!! thing for me these days (the Gallifrey audios have long since solidified Romana II as my favorite), I do love the (sort of) multi-Romana interaction that happens in this one.
Brax essentially going “yeah the education system is supposed to be shitty and take an emotional toll on you” sir.
“I am not xenophobic” — Oh yeah, this scene is Narvin at his most unlikeable. “I’m not being bigoted, I’m just trying to protect Gallifrey, the fact that I assume that people who aren’t from here inherently can’t be trusted, and also go on about how they’re too loud and disruptive and don’t belong is definitely not a bigoted worldview nope.” Yikes. Very glad he’s going to see the error of his ways. 
The Narvin and Darkel rant session does actually do a good job at explaining what’s been happening and establishing the primary conflict of the series while not feeling like it exists solely to be an info dump to catch up the listener. Like, it’s definitely a setup scene, but it is an interesting setup scene. 
“But she is my President, and it’s my job to ensure that she gets what she wants and needs, efficiently and without question. Well, too many questions anyway.” Okay this moment and Darkel and Wynter’s conversation later about Narvin’s weakness (“Loyalty. An unswerving loyalty to his office and his precious CIA. And above all, loyalty to his president.” “He despises President Romana!” “Oh yes, of course. But it’s the position, not the person, he places that trust in.”) are really setting up some key Narvin Character Theses that we’re going to see play out this series (and also that the narrative is going to push in really interesting ways later on..... “position not the person”.....just you wait....) 
Darkel and Narvin being indignant that Romana changed the law is just....hilarious in a kind of horrifying way? Oh no, the President worked with the legislative body to actually get a law passed. The horror.
“She has a temper. And a very long memory.” This is definitely about the CIA trying to overthrow her in Neverland but uhhh also it’s about Etra Prime and the Powers That Be on Gallifrey never making a serious effort to save her (at least from her perspective). 
Yeah Darkel as antagonist is a bit abrupt (not that I particularly mind, she’s a good enough “love to hate” character that her not being set up as an antagonist from Series 1 doesn’t really bother me). But yeah, not sure what was going on behind the scenes, but it doesn’t seem like in Series 1 the plan was for her to be the primary Series 2-3 antagonist.  
Darkel to Narvin: “You will let me know when you’ve decided.” Ooh yeah, this moment is quite a good setup of Narvin’s arc throughout this series — he has to decide where his loyalties truly lie. 
Wynter is really interesting as far as character dynamics go, because he breaks the whole “Romana and Leela are the youngest people in the room” vibe — and it is just really interesting to see Romana interacting with this quite young Time Lord and specifically compare/contrasting it to how she interacts with young Time Lords in the later series when she’s older and a bit more emotionally mature and has more of the “mentor figure” vibes. (There isn’t really a conclusion to this thought, it’s more of a “huh, I’m thinking about this now” thing.)
“It’s been seven weeks, Andred. It’s hardly a lifetime.” Romana: please you have not been in a cell for that long, calm down.
“I thought you two were friends.” “A president of the High Council of Gallifrey cannot allow herself the luxury of friends.” Ahhhh, where it begins!! I’m extremely weak for the arc of Romana opening herself up to friendship and love, what of it. 
Honestly, Andred’s politics have always been very confusing to me? And it probably doesn’t help that the show is all “he’s fully Andred now” but also “he lived as Torvald a long time and that’s still influencing him.” Like both of those things can be true, but it’s a bit unclear what Andred’s true priorities and motivations really are right then — and honestly, it just comes off like his primarily desire is to be useful to someone, and be granted some form of autonomy/power/respect in return (aka he doesn’t have any real clear principles that are motivating him). Also complaining about Romana opening Gallifrey up to aliens is such a bad look dude. 
Romana to Andred: “I control your future. I control whether you have one.” Umm???? The foreshadowing?????
Andred, no. Andred, the free time pun was too much.
“I wish I had databanks. With a flick of a switch I could turn myself off, become unaware of all that has happened.” Leela ahhhhhhhhhh. (The desire to give Leela all the hugs and emotional support is very very high throughout these next couple seasons especially.....her mental health is in such a rough place ahhhh.) 
Andred regenerated “nearly six months ago” and it’s been six and a half (or seven, depending on which character is speaking) weeks since A Blind Eye, which took place an unspecified amount of time after The Inquiry, which took place two weeks after Square One...(don’t mind me, just taking some notes on the timeline math...) 
I believe a couple times in the Gallifrey audios, they reference the position of “Vice President,” which is very weird because that doesn’t seem to be a position that exists?? Chancellor is definitely seen as the #2 spot?? Idk what’s going on here. 
“You are appreciated, highly regarded, and were I to lose you I would be...disappointed.” Romana, you started strong and then you got a bit emotionally repressed there. 
“Torvald was a fool, but he was my fool.” .....I am not saying anything.....I will not be commenting on the Narvin and Andred scene......I just.......you know. There are some fics you cannot unread. 
Romana does really trust Brax here, doesn’t she. And she really doesn’t trust easily post-Etra Prime, so this is a big deal — making it all the rougher when she (in the short term) finds out he meddled with her memories and (in the long term) has to deal with him doing things like temporarily betraying her for the greater good of protecting her while not explaining at all what’s really going on. 
Okay, yes the whole pearl-clutching about Romana changing the laws is kinda silly and horrifying in a “how dysfunctional is your society if passing one (1) law is drastic change??” way, but also the flip side of this, aka “we thought these things were entrenched as norms in our society and would not change and then here comes along one president who’s trying to undo all of these things and threaten the whole system”.....y’all that hits differently now in the month November in the year 2020. In the Gallifrey audios the context is different — they are for sure overreacting to Romana’s very mild idea of “perhaps....we could change some things about society” but the way they talk about her political changes in the episode — feels a bit too close to home!
Romana’s voice right when she sees Leela....she missed her.....
Pandora being the “first female president” is a very weird and very unnecessary bit of misogyny? Ah yes, we must specify that this ancient president of Gallifrey who was wildly power-hungry and cruel and went too far and almost ruined everything Gallifrey had built was a woman?? Why was that bit of dialogue needed?? Tbh early Gallifrey does have a problem in general with characters played by women tending to be power-hungry....which is partly down to the fact that they have so so few women in the cast in general, it’s Romana, Leela, and Villains, mostly. (The lack of women in the supporting cast in early Gallifrey is going to be an ongoing complaint.) 
“You should not be afraid of your feelings, K9.” / “Yes, thank you, if we can move on from the emotional support group session.” Pffffff
I do choose to ignore the implication that Romana returned to Gallifrey and became President because of the subconscious influence of Pandora/the Imperiatrix Imprimatur nudging her towards power. Tbh it’s simply not interesting to me to have such a pivotal character choice reduced to genetic/subconscious manipulation. Yes, Romana ended her TV run insisting she didn’t want to go back to Gallifrey (and even staying in another universe to avoid it), and yes, it creates this initial emotional dissonance suddenly jumping to stories where she’s President of Gallifrey. But I already did the headcanon work before I jumped into Big Finish to make it work for me, I didn’t need this weirdness.
Elaborating on this a bit more: There is something interesting to me about a person who left home and slowly ended up rejecting the narrow worldview she grew up with, cutting herself free from the place she was born — and then eventually choosing to return because she genuinely wanted to make that messed-up world better and believed she could. And it also creates a really interesting contrast with the Doctor: two Time Lords who came to realize that Gallifrey was pretty terrible actually, and one of them kept running away from it and rejecting Time Lord society, and the other came back and said maybe I can change things. Because both are understandable and complicated reactions to have to a messed-up home world, and there are different ways of trying to do good. And regardless of how her choices turned out, I always liked the idea that it was Romana’s own choice that brought her to Gallifrey again, and I don’t think Pandora needed to be shoehorned in to explain her actions.  
Okay, I want to hear the follow up where Leela insists Romana tell the whole Key to Time story after hearing all of these random out of context bits and pieces. 
Why does Brax admit to breaking the Laws of Time? The fact that he’s in contact with his past/future selves isn’t actually relevant to what he needs to tell Narvin? He literally could have just said that he hypnotized Romana, without mentioning that it was his future self who did it? (Also, it’s implied in this one that he pushes for Romana to use the mind wipe on Narvin because he wants the memory of that reveal erased, but somehow that’s the one thing that Narvin keeps because he uses that information against Brax later? Aka: how did Narvin remember that Brax told him this?)  
And final thought: general internal monologue during this episode is just: Pandora arc Pandora arc Pandora arc here we go!! Because the Lies through Warfare run is really one of the more interesting bits of Gallifrey for me (Imperiatrix specifically ranks very high on my favorite episodes list), and I’m excited to be re-listening to/thinking about/hearing other people talk about these episodes!
Next Episode Reaction: Spirit
Previous Episode Reaction: A Blind Eye
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MONTHLY RANGE : Eight & Charley & C’rizz (1/2)
Scherzo -  2.5/5 : So... I really don't know how to rate it. Because I recognise the brilliance of the thing (excellent way of using the audio medium, the sound creature was brilliantly creepy and the atmosphere is so cringy but in a good way? Also Paul McGann and India Fisher are excellent and they do have good chemistry together). But I'm not a fan of Eight/Charley so this was kinda … annoying? I liked how the Doctor/companion relationship is explored and I like the fact that companions are memento mori (a nicer way of saying "pets", the Master gets it) but I really hated the idea that Charley was the first one the Doctor really loved (lol no) because like Rose and Clara, Charley is supposed to be """special""" (the difference being that Rose and Clara actually believe that they are special, it's not the case for Charley which is why I don't hate her with all my guts like the other two) in her relationship to the Doctor. Each and every companion has a special relationship with the Doctor, no one is special and the Doctor (whatever the incarnation) loves them all. Period. So yeah, having them mopping for two hours about "You said you loved me, you didn't mean it", "But I love you", "No, I don't love but actually I do, I'm just trying to protect you." was annoying. Just say you love each other, kiss or whatever and move on, but don't linger on it for THREE episodes, thank you very much. And then in the last part, the Doctor admits that he loves all his companions, so yeah great, but what was the point of saying that Charley was the first one half an hour before except pissing me off greatly? Despite all this, this was still a good illustration of my Eight-treats-his-companions-like-shit thesis. (Also, forgot to mention, Eight at the beginning whining about loses his senses … annoyingly brillant and sent me huge Eleven vibes). So yeah, I love some of it and hate other bits, so I guess I'll settle for something in the middle, rating-wise.
The Creed of the Kromon -  2/5 : It was going well pretty much until the end first part. Then it became a huge disappointment. We have two female characters, Charley and L'da, and they're both reduced to being reproductive tools for the Big Bad Bugs of the week and despite saving L'da being C'rizz motivation from the beginning, he just shoots her when he finds her without even considering trying something else to help her, I mean it's not like she begged that bad. And then he's ready to do the same to Charley. Great. Way to go. I hope this trigger-happy tendency will be corrected soon because I do find him an interesting character - I mean he's rough around the edges but there's way for amazing character development so please don't screw this up. The chameleon concept is also great (and wouldn't work on visual medium, let's be honest). Consider me hooked up for the Kro'ka/C'rizz arc (which I don't remember at all btw so that will be like listening to it for the first time). Also, I have to add that Eight's laugh in this episode cleared my skin, watered my crops and all of this. Also! I’m glad to have a Doctor + two companions dynamic, I really love it
The Natural History of Fear -  4/5 : So this was weird. I mean most of Eight's adventures in the main range are weird but this is another level of weird. Like they're really taking meta to the next stage. I don't have much else to say to be honest, except that it was difficult to follow at times but that I obviously loved the 1984 vibes. THIS IS THE VOICE OF LIGHT CITY. WELCOME TO YOUR NEW WORK DAY. TODAY IS HIGH PRODUCTIVITY DAY. Also that end twist *shocked*
The Twilight Kingdom -  2.5/5 : That's not particularly memorable. It really struggles to keep us hooked up for two hours and it didn't really work for me : I've lost interest and let my mind drifted several times and I was still able-ish to understand what was going on. That's not a good sign, people. The interesting bit was at the end with the return of the Kro'ka and how the mystery thickens about this weird place. Also Eight yelling "RASSILLON" at the end … someone's mad at daddy. We get to know a bit more about C'rizz which is always good to take since last episode didn't offer us any insight on his person at all. There's something definitely shifty and not coherent at all about him, like he's supposed to be a pacifist monk and yet, he's a pretty violent lad (I mean, this episode doesn't really count, he was controlled, but in the Creed of the Kromon he's not particularly gentle), which he acknowledges himself (I mean it could just be that being enslaved by the Kromon changed the man that drastically, but still...)
Faith Stealer -  3.5/5 : Ah! Finally we learn a bit more about C'rizz and we address what the hell happened in the Creed of the Kromon. Although, did he just get brainwashed into getting rid of his guilt, just like that? Because if that's the case, I'm gonna be very disappointed. I mean, I don't want him to suffer or anything but it all seemed a bit easy. Also, yeah, poor C'rizz, easily manipulated and preyed on by pretty much anyone is this freaking universe - can anyone give him a break for a second please? (also, is strangling Charley going to be a recurring thing or what? Because that is NOT ok, writers, no matter how much Charley jokes about it afterwards). Anyway, the plot was ok, the multihaven (or whatever the name of this place was, I don't remember) is an interesting concept (even more relevant today) and I really liked the idea that it's completely ok for anyone to worship literally anything without judgement. 
The Last - 3/5 : Excelsior used a nuclear weapon to end a never-ending war and killed most of her people in the process? Excuse me? The unpredicted parallel with the Doctor and the Time War is up the roof people. And so I can't help thinking that this story would have been much better in a shorter version with a post Time War Doctor (can you see this with Nine, Rose and Jack? Because I definitely can and I'm not ok). Anyway. Charley doesn't get strangled this time but choked with a pillow. I don't know, do the writers have a kink about strangling/choking/killing women? And her death was the least credible possible with the Doctor moving on from it like twenty seconds after and absolutely not going into huge drama/self pity/extreme guilt mode, so you know she won't stay dead very long. I liked C'rizz very much here, he's actually growing on me much more than Charley. I like his loyalty and the fact that he has a much darker side, when it's actually well exploited.
Caerdroia - 5/5 : gfvbvgttybvgf THREE EIGHTS THREE EIGHTS T H R E E  E I G H T S it's more than I can take. Hmm. So, i love the first part where the Doctor takes a nap (he deserves it) and sass the Kro'ka into telling him where the TARDIS is. I love him. Then we gets three versions of Eight and that's when I completely lost it. I also quite liked the crazy vibe of this episode, which felt a bit like Alice in Wonderland (again). The labyrinth part (or is it a maze??) was quite well done and the fact that it feeds off the Doctor, Charley and C'rizz subconscious was a nice to get to know them a bit more (especially C'rizz, whose annoyance with Tigger!Eight was very relatable). Charley and Eeyore!Eight was also priceless to be honest. And finally, finally, we get the TARDIS back and yeeeah! Also the Kro'ka is a frog vbyvegbvfy I can't
The Next Life - 2/5 : Excuse me but did this thing need to be that sexist? I mean... even Eight was a bit borderline a couple of times. I hated Charley in this episode, I hated how quick she was to judge C'rizz and how jealous she is throughout this audio when she's never really struck me as being jealous, especially not of C'rizz of all people. And it's a shame, really, because I was starting to think that maybe, she was getting less annoying. And most of all I HATED how her interactions with Perfection were depicted, how they bicker about the Doctor and, like, I get that it makes sense with Perfection being Zagreus and all, but it was very poorly brought, and ... just no. Also Perfection's relationship with Kip ... brrrr. Again, no. The plot in itself was not particularly memorable. It ends the Divergent Universe arc properly, the idea of this universe being in a constant cycle was kinda interesting and made sense with everything we had learnt so far so that's that. It was also nice to get to know more about C'rizz and I really like him more than Charley, and I hope he'll have a proper chance to find out who he is now. I'm definitely disappointed with this audio, it was way too long and problematic. (Just kudos for the Grace reference ... and it's made me miss Grace so I might rewatch the movie as a treat)
Overall opinion : Well I’m glad this is over. The Divergent Universe was an interesting concept but the quality of the episodes overall wasn’t very good and the way women are treated/depicted here is just a big NO. Big kudos for Caerdroia which was a nice surprise. The Natural History of Fear and Faith Stealer are good too, not as much though, and the rest, I’ll probably forget very soon, just like I did the first time. The only good thing to come out of this is my boy C’rizz
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kolbisneat · 5 years
MONTHLY MEDIA: November 2019
Whoa November is over! So I didn’t see any movies this month but there are so many I want to check out. Parasite! Knives Out! Jojo Rabbit! Maybe December.
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Daybreak (Episode 1.01 to 1.03) This seems like fun so far! Characters are great, the world seems well-established and feels like it’s been lived in for a while, and it’s really just the plot that I’m not clicking with. Most of the stuff works until it goes back to “gotta find dream girl!” It just feels...dull. Especially when compared to all the other far more interesting stuff going on. Gonna keep watching but hot dang I hope they move on from the “where’s Sam?” stuff soon.
The Good Place (Episode 4.01 to 4.05) I’m not ready for this series to end but hot dang does it feel like it knows where it’s going and how it’s going to get there. I’m just happy to be along for the ride.
Queer Eye: We’re In Japan! (Episode 1.01 to 1.04) I appreciate that they addressed the magic of translators at the end of the first ep and I wish they would’ve gone into more of it. Their “guide” was likely a choice based on social media influence and bilingualism, but it seemed like a missed opportunity to have a gay Japanese man introduce the Fab 5 to the culture. Even the comedian from Episode 3 seemed like a better fit. I just don’t know if I got the right introduction into various nuances of the culture, you know? Also this article says a lot more and in a much clearer way. 
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Emperor Mollusk Versus the Sinister Brain by A. Lee Martinez (Page 191 of 293) Very breezy and easy read but for an interplanetary romp with a hyper-smart squid as the protagonist, it isn’t quite connecting. The book is full of alien tropes and the premise is fun, but the lead character doesn’t really get challenged and there’s little impact from events as they happen. It feels pulpy but doesn’t seem to have the melodrama that makes it read like the author couldn’t commit to the bit.
A Spell for Chameleon by Piers Anthony (Complete) I have a vivid memory of seeing this cover when I was a child and really wanting to read it. So when I saw it at a thrift store I immediately picked it up. There were some fun magical ideas in here but it is dripping with so much 70s sexism that I can’t, in good faith, recommend this to anyone. If it was maybe one or two moments then you could maybe give some leniency to the era, but every chapter has at least one moment where the author takes a shot at women. It’s real bad. 
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Silver Surfer Omnibus by Dan Slott, Michael Allred, Laura Allred, and many many more (9 issues/chapters in...sorry this book doesn’t really have page numbers) Okay I love it. I didn’t know what to expect but you know when you just have a gut feeling that you’ll like something? Exactly this. I knew nothing about Silver Surfer but the book catches you up and then takes you on a fun series of intergalactic adventures. When I realized it was essentially Marvel Doctor Who, I knew this was for me. I’m really taking my time with this cause I think it’s something special.
James Bond Origin by Jeff Parker, Bob Q, Roman Stevens, Jordan Boyd, Jordie Bellaire, and Simon Bowland (Complete) Pinpointing what makes a Bond story a “Bond” story is tricky. This series is a fun and engaging spy narrative, but I think showing the early days of Bond makes it read the same way Young Indiana jones felt: you know where they’re going but they’re not quite there yet. That isn’t to say it’s not great, cause it is. I suppose I’d just recommend this to those who like spy stories, narratives set during the second world war, or a combination of the two. Those are likely the same people as those who like James Bond as a character, but I think it lends itself more to the genre than the character. Great start to the series.
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Delicious in Dungeon: Volume 6 by Ryoko Kui (Complete) Still fantastic. It took a weird turn in the middle and I was worried it was moving away from the characters to focus on big fantastical monsters and melodrama, but it quickly corrected course. I can’t not recommend this to anyone who likes small fantasy with a gimmick.
The Tomb of Black Sand by Jacob Hurst, Gabriel Hernandez, and more! (Complete) This was mostly for research and I love this D&D module. It’s a fun concept with nuance and one of my favourite fundamental details: the characters are doing their own thing with their own goals and have been doing things before the party shows up. If you’re okay with spoilers, check out this review.
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The Wolves in the Walls by Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean (Complete) It’s interesting reading a true picture book by Neil Gaiman. I enjoy it as an adult, but I wonder if it connects well with its target audience. With that said, I loved the craftsmanship of the story and seeing Gaiman’s work stripped down to its essentials really helps to understand his approach to writing.
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The Adventure Zone: Graduation (Podcast) Back to D&D and having Travis DM is a great change up! With that said, I’m having a hard time getting past the first ep. It introduces so many characters and so much world-building that I’m not really getting into it.
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Untitled Goose Game (House House) Fantastic, silly fun. I love the concept and the execution is perfect. I wish the game was maybe...2 levels longer, but what we do have is fantastic. Highly recommend.
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Maze of the Blue Medusa (Satyr Press) The group just sorted out a major threat that has been following them throughout the dungeon. A peek behind the curtain: I’m not sure this module is connecting with the group. I don’t think there’s a clear goal and the party hasn’t really taken the initiative to make their own goals. Maybe that’s my fault and I think part of it has to do with our previous adventure being fairly bespoke and rather on rails. They loved it, but I also think it set a precedent. I need to pull back and chat with the players to see how they’re feeling.
A Red & Pleasant Land (Lamentations of the Flame Princess) We don’t get to play often but when we do, it’s a great time. The party stumbled into a genuine warzone and had their first taste of real danger. But they also landed their first true kill and it really had a lot of impact! Up until now, enemies have been whimsically changing when they “die” so to kill someone really meant something. It was a moment that really stuck with me.
And that’s it! As always, Let me know if you have anything you think I should check out and happy Saturday.
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thebadtimewolf · 5 years
guess what i rewatched: 
doctor who: the girl in the fireplace and remembered why i didn’t watch it because of the main complaint that was attached with it and at the time, i couldn’t form into words what i wanted but now: now i can
y’all: i hate girl in the fireplace. it only serves to drive a rift between rose and doctor with madame de pompadour
me: what wasted potential
y’all: it should have been the doctor choosing rose and th--
me: and rose choosing madame de pompadour and doctor so they could have been an polyamorous couple where pompadour and tyler and doctor would fight alien battles in that era in that era clothing and would have gotten pompadour to live longer than she should have thanks to rose and that the end of half a season in that era of france, mickey and the tardis comes with a whole new look and that, while they were mickey could have been a space pirate with the TARDIS acting as a guide to get to the doctor and rose the long way round as a spin off series for mickey so he could have been more developed on screen and show that he didn’t need the doctor or rose before when he thinks quick on his feet. and then we could have the age of steel two parter and that separation would have been even more heartbreaking because they don’t know they just don’t know that he’s no tin dog - he’s his own TARDIS, his own Mr. Smith (SJA), his own doctorxrose because he’s more than what they wish they could have been had it not been outside inference - he’s better than that, and we were robbed of that kind of individual character growth pre-martha/pre-age of steel etc while also being robbed of rose and doctor and pompadour poly dynamic where pompadour realizes that who she thought was ‘a child’ was no child at all, someone who actually shows and understands that being stuck on earth and doing what’s expected of you is total malarkey and doctor is just like ‘these are my wives and they own all of me oh and the duke of france is our plus one!’. and we could have had younger-ish(?)!river (who is after all just passing thru according to big finish audios) and it would have became an OT4 because wow these 3 women are brilliance incarnate and it would have gotten them to really drop small bit of river timeline with them [mainly as a guest appearance let’s be real, river got things to do despite how much she would’ve wanted to stay] with a tiny side plot of the doctor at night trying to get rose and him (mainly rose) to the tardis because he made jackie a promise and he meant his word gdi and history shouldn’t be altered like this but, the lure of rose and pompadour is too strong before being thrust into danger again for the umpteenth time and its only when mickey comes back, ripping a hole in brick wall with arthur the horse neighing in the background of the ship. and they leave her with both promising to come back for her only, when they do does history corrects itself as if they were never there as if they didn’t go though those adventures, those warm nights, hazy mornings, laughter of the woman they loved - loved so deeply - and it was doctor like usual being given the news and him reading those letters and rose asks the way she asks ‘is she alright’ while mickey look on like he did (does) and the doctor telling her its fine because the one thing he doesn’t want is rose emoting how he feels - her cry of anguish and wanting to go back because ‘why can’t we just save her??? just her’ and having to hold her back from the controls with mickey’s help and it all just turns into a solemn hug with the muffled cries of rose into his chest echoing along the normal engines of the ship and mickey could tell - we could tell - that he’s the only thing to keep them all - mainly them two - from crumbling to the TARDIS’ grated metal floor and then it fades out into credits leading into the age of steel 2 parter 
y’all: ....
me: what? was that not what u was going to say? my bad my bad. pls continue
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timeagainreviews · 5 years
5 Moments when Doctor Who SUCKED
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Imagine, if you will for a moment, that you are a brand new Doctor Who fan. You don’t even know to call yourself a Whovian yet. You get on a few facebook groups, see a few YouTube videos and discover, much to your dismay, that Doctor Who is, in fact, ruined now. Woe is you who set path down a trail leading toward mediocrity, and eventually utter devastation. I ask you to picture yourself in this manner because I want you to realise that only a person new to Doctor Who would believe such drivel. Everyone else saying this seems to have rose tinted glasses. The rest of us all know that Doctor Who is a show that sometimes requires forgiveness.
Am I saying Doctor Who is a bad show? Not hardly. Much like pizza, Doctor Who is still pretty good, even when it sucks. I would venture to say that one of the things I love most about Doctor Who is how campy and silly it can be at times. Why is it then that so many people are turning their backs on a show that’s filled their lives with so much joy? I’m really trying to avoid the "because sexism," argument. But I can’t help but feel like if you were to switch the Doctor to a male, nobody would be calling the show "ruined." Furthermore, how do you even ruin something that has gone through so many changes throughout the years? Oh right, it’s the Doctor Who fandom. Where the only language allowed is hyperbolic.
Perhaps these fake geeks are mad because making the Doctor a woman takes away their ability to call her a Mary Sue. Especially when you consider the same character once burst out of a golden birdcage and floated to the ground in a wave of Jesus energy. That might mean they’d have to retroactively apply the title to every incarnation. Could the Doctor ever escape the distinction? Unnaturally talented, charismatic, good at everything he does, brilliantly smart. Or is it that these attributes only belong to men? We can believe Tom Baker’s Doctor is capable of walking into a burning furnace to save K9, but hell no, a woman can’t be the Doctor.
You have to face it, Doctor Who has had some terrible moments. Yet we continue to tune in because we forgive it. We forgive when Doctor Who is bad because of the moments when Doctor Who is wonderful. Which I know is how you would describe an abusive partner, but I’m gonna let it slide for a television series. Especially this series. Because unlike that dickhead who never texts you back, Doctor Who can change. If you don’t believe me, please peruse this list of five instances when Doctor Who was terrible.
1. The John Nathan-Turner era
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My God, how could I not start with this? While there is no denying there are some wonderful moments in JNT's Doctor Who, it's easily my least favourite era of Doctor Who. And as much as I personally love Colin Baker, his Doctor got the lion's share of poor scripts and erroneous costume choices. Never has a man more game for a role, been dealt such a bad hand.
Introducing a Doctor that was cowardly, and even violent toward his companion, was seen as a bridge too far. While I understand the desire to try something new with the character, this wasn't the way to go about it. While the show begins to pick up around the end of McCoy's tenure, it's evident that this is more the influence of studio notes and the hard work of script editor Andrew Cartmel. I can't think of anyone less suited for the job of showrunner.
It seems that for a good nine years, Doctor Who had a madman at the helm, and not in that cute Matt Smith way. Dressing in flamboyant Hawaiian shirts, Nathan-Turner brought that same brash sensibility to the program. From Six's garish costume, to question mark lapels, to Mel's entire timeline, it's a big fat mess with him sitting in the middle. Add to all of this, the allegations of him being a predatory creep toward young male fans, and it's a surprise the show ever survived. Oh wait, it didn't.
2. Racism
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Ok, maybe I should have started with this. While Doctor Who has taken efforts to address its racist past, it still happened. They drop a racist slur in "The Celestial Toymaker." Even the term "celestial," is used to mean "Chinese," in describing the titular character played by the very white Michael Gough, fully clad in Oriental silks. This tradition follows into "The Talons of Weng-Chiang," when Li H'sen Chang was played by John Bennett.
It's an uncomfortable miracle that they didn't allow Patrick Troughton to play the role of the Second Doctor in brownface. Not to say his era escaped the odd bit of racism. While Toberman in "Tomb of the Cybermen," gets a few heroic moments, he also gets none of the lines. Cast as mute manservant, we learn nothing about the inner workings of a black man who died so that white people may live.
Later, the show used characters like Ace to talk about racism. She shows disgust with a "No Coloureds," sign hanging in the boarding house she's staying in. When the evil Morgaine had her under mind control, it was calling her friend Ling Tai "yellow," and "slant-eyed," that she was able to snap out of it. Real Ace would never say such things. But even with that groundwork laid, the new series still struggles. From the Doctor being weirdly dismissive toward black people, to it taking nearly 50 years for the first black TV companion, Doctor Who is still grappling with its race issues. Yet you all kept watching.
3. Ace gets molested
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This one is a bit of a lesser known infraction as it takes place in the books after the show had already been cancelled. Kicking off the Virgin Media "New Adventures," is 1991's "Timewyrm: Genesys," by John Peel. In it, the Doctor and Ace travel to ancient Mesopotamia, where they meet King Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh wastes no time going full blown creep, groping Ace and pawing at her like he was Joe Biden.
The Doctor's reaction to this is to tell Ace to just go with it, and that it's part of the culture. While I agree that, yes, Gilgamesh may not be the sophisticated modern man that hugs a bro and supports equal pay, the Doctor's reaction is some straight up bullshit. If you're going to go there, maybe try saying something with it other than "Women are men's property." This could have been a great opportunity for the Doctor to puff up and use Gilgamesh's own primitive mindset against him. "How dare you touch my woman!" the very tiny Doctor could say to the very tall man. It would have been a funny visual, mixed with the Doctor utilising male privilege in a way that helps his companion.
This is really an objection I have against most of John Peel's work. He writes women in that "she boobed boobily," manner. Much to my dismay, Peel is one of the sole writers of the Dalek books, so any time you want to enjoy a tale involving our enemies from Skaro, you have to also partake in his brand of women. I'm talking women being described as buxom babes with shoulder length blonde hair, voices like baby goddesses, and legs up to their neck. While on the other hand, we get men described as having a hat and probably some other features. I may be embellishing, but seriously, John Peel, your women suck. Yet it still spawned a rather large book series.
4. Minuet in Hell
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Doctor Who has never been known to nail accents. Tegan is vaguely Australian. And Peri must have moved around a lot due to the fact that nothing about her American accent sounds like a regional dialect. That doesn't mean that Robert Jezek's Foghorn Leghorn meets the KFC Colonel performance as " Brigham Elisha Dashwood III," is any less painful. But bad accents aside, the biggest demon in this Big Finish audio is one of Doctor Who's oldest enemies- sexism!
While I understand that Charlotte Pollard may be a fan favourite among many Big Finish listeners, her character will forever be tainted for me, and it's all due to this story. In it, Charlotte, or Charley, gets literally human trafficked. They kidnap her, force her to wear lingerie in a very creepy and misguided attempt to add some sexiness to the story and force her to wait on rich businessmen at a casino.
Now, allow me to clarify, it's not the human trafficking that taints her in my eyes. People who get trafficked are victims, obviously. What bothers me is that neither Gary Russell or Alan W Lear thought to give her a single line of dialogue where she protests. She doesn't even complain a little. Sure, the Doctor often gains intel by getting captured, but this is ridiculous. Add this to the weird disjointed story, and "Minuet in Hell," easily serves as one of the lowest points in not just Big Finish history, but Doctor Who as a whole.
5. Sexism
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(Image by Billy Darswed)
It makes the most sense that this is the last one on the list. Because let's be honest, it's a huge problem in the fandom. A lot of early Doctor Who audios and books smack of moments when it feels as though the writers never considered the existence of female fans. Women are often utilised as a means to make the Doctor look better, and for the baddies to look scarier. Mind you, it's not always been a pantheon of swooners and screamers. We got the occasional Sarah Jane, Leela, and Ace.
Even the strong women are long-suffering. Liz Shaw (and her real-life actress Caroline John) left the role of companion over sexism. Beginning her time on Doctor Who as UNIT's top scientific advisor, she was demoted to assistant, holding beakers for the male Doctor who stole her job. The Fourth Doctor acted similarly when telling Romana her qualifications had nothing on real life experience. The same excuse has been used for decades to keep educated women out of the workforce. "Come back when you've got some experience, sweetheart."
While Rose Tyler was a refreshingly real character with a family and life of her own, it doesn't mean that she wasn't horribly mismanaged. In "The Stolen Earth," we see a darker, more serious version of her character. The Rose we used to know is now fully devoted toward one mission and one mission only- getting her man back. It's as though her personality disappears and is fully dependent on having the Doctor in her life. She rises to greatness so that she might bask in his once more. Maybe it's romantic, but maybe it's bad writing.
If you were to ask me who my favourite Doctor Who writers are, I'd have to say Robert Holmes is up there, and he wrote "Talons of Weng-Chiang," a serial full of yellowface. I'd also say Russell T Davies, who wrote the aforementioned "Stolen Earth," and also saw it in his wisdom to turn Shirley Henderson's "Ursula," into a blowjob dispensing garden brick. Or even Steven Moffat who believes the Statue of Liberty could sneak around New York, undetected, and that nobody notices his predilection toward dominatrix women in stiletto heels.
In my review for "The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos," I quipped that Chris Chibnall had not yet written a truly great episode of Doctor Who. However, since "Resolution," I can no longer say such a thing. I may even go as far as to say it's one of the best Dalek episodes ever. It would seem then that, given enough time, he could become a great showrunner. And it seems that given enough time, any writer, yourself included, could one day write the latest "worst episode ever."
Every new era has had its stumbles. Not every Doctor gets it correct 100% of the time. Capaldi decided he was the kind of Doctor to exit through the window, a trait we never saw again. The Fifth Doctor decided to sleep his way through his first adventure. The Eighth Doctor was "human on his mother's side." And Ten took so long to regenerate that I'm beginning to think it was old age, and not radiation that did him in. If you can look at all of these stupid, stupid moments and still say you love Doctor Who, then maybe, just maybe, you can get over a bit of spotty writing, like you always have. Or is it still the female Doctor thing? Oh...
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amilynh · 6 years
Dear Yulegoat!
It took me forever to get this finished.  But here are my Yuletide Optional Details.  The short summary of What I Love goes as follows:  Badass Ladies Having Canon Compliant Adventures.  I LOVE work that fits tidily into canon.  I LOVE my ladies.  I LOVE them having badass adventures.  I LOVE hurt/comfort and fear and women saving themselves (and, sometimes, the world). I HONESTLY love them all! Really! Request 1 by Amilyn Fandom: Early Edition Toni Brigatti Marissa Clark I don't need to have BOTH Marissa and Toni; I just want at least one of them foregrounded. I also love Cat. I'm happy to have Gary strongly in the story too, but I really want it all about my ladies. Basically....these women being awesome. Marissa and Toni teaming up! Brigatti and Gary (snowed into a cabin, perhaps...)! Marissa and blind adventures! The women handling things when Gary can't. Toni knowing or not knowing about the paper. Hijinks. Toni and Gary together...or not *yet* together. Toni/Gary OTP. Marissa's skills and abilities being remembered. Marissa getting out of the bar to do things. Cat and Toni coming to a detente. Toni covering for Gary and taking heat from Winston. Toni and Miguel meeting and realizing they both find Gary a likeable oddball who has...something going on...and comparing notes. A Day In The Life of Team!Gary's!Paper. Toni and Marissa going undercover as a couple. So many options...and a magical newspaper brought by a cat. Request 2 by Amilyn Fandom: Sarah Jane Adventures Sarah Jane Smith It was always about Sarah Jane. In Doctor Who, in the audios, in SJA. I love my Sarah...in every iteration and every time. I admit, I'm not too invested or interested in Sky; I never got attached. I enjoy the other kids (though I love Sarah's interactions with Clyde most of all). That said...my FAVORITE SJA Sarah is in "Invasion of the Bane." She's still prickly, brittle, CLEVER--oh SO clever, and goes, fully calculating, toe-to-toe with an opponent. I LOVE Sarah, finally, oh-so-late in the game, meeting Jo Grant and other former companions. I'm fascinated that they never found one another until so LONG after they'd been dropped off. I DO feel we were cheated of the chance (in fanfic--I never expected it from the series) for Rose to call up Sarah once she was no longer travelling with the Doctor. I'd love to see a Tea with Former Travellers with the Doctor Group for those living in the 21st century in the UK. But I love FAR more Action!Sarah. She still running, after all these years. Still poking her nose in where it doesn't belong. Still standing up to dangerous aliens and helping the lost ones get home. I LOVE that she's the rescuer of wayward aliens, sort of like an old cat lady, but for aliens. I love that she's seen as the Crazy Old Lady of Bannerman Road...and how she, like the Doctor, keeps her distance because it's Not Safe for the others, the ones who don't have that kind of courage and fearlessness and foolishness and willingness to ask the right questions...she keeps them away unless they're particularly persistent. I love Sarah. As long as Sarah is the focus, I'll love it, no matter who else you bring on board (from the audios, DW, TW, ...no matter what). I also LIVE for tropes, though with Sarah, a straightforward adventure is aces. Literally...give me Sarah, flawed and prickly and nosy and clever and stubborn and brave and terrified and fighting for what she believes in and rashly running in with barely a plan...I love her. Request 3 by Amilyn Fandom: Cagney and Lacey Mary Beth Lacey I love Mary Beth. As a teenager, Christine was my favorite. As an adult, now that I have kids, I relate more to Mary Beth. I love how she juggles--and tries to juggle--all these things that matter to her...marriage, motherhood, profession. I am a sucker for hurt-comfort, tropes, hostage situations. A couple of my favorite scenes/episodes, are Mary Beth in "Heat" in the train yard being held hostage and how everyone tries to manage all the things, what a GREAT cop she is, keeping the pressure on this dangerous man the whole time. Mary Beth and Christine in a bank hostage situation would be lovely. I love Mary Beth and Christine going out and drinking together...that one scene of them leaving their responsibilities behind and bonding...so good. Hell...it would be fun to see them, in a later Menopause-Years kind of setting, having to play a couple undercover. I love the shootout in the series finale. I love these two and their interactions...the ways their values and backgrounds clash...and the way they mesh. I love Mary Beth as a mother. I love her as a cop. I love her as a friend. I love everything about her. (And I love the others, too...feel free to include ANYONE, so long as Mary Beth is the focus.
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willreadforbooze · 5 years
Here’s our weekly wrap up from the WRFB crew =)
Linz’s Updates
Got drunk Friday. Got less drunk Saturday. Celery and sadness the rest of the week.
What Linz read:
This Is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone: Two figures, Red and Blue, fight for opposite teams in a war to change the course of time, and they start to fall in love. REALLY cool concept, but there’s a lot that was left to be explained–and I suspect they could have done so if this weren’t just a novella.
It All Comes Back to You by Beth Duke: I’ve been trying to make use of my Kindle Unlimited trial, so I read this novel that bounces between a nursing home aide writing a book about a now-dead patient’s life, and the actual events of the patient’s life. Meh–unhealthy relationships, questionable motivations, and a major fail of the Bechdel Test.
Now Entering Addamsville by Francesca Zappia: A rebel girl tries to prove she didn’t commit a string of arsons without telling the truth, because that would mean telling people she sees ghosts and fights demons. Review tk, but I really enjoyed reading this book.
Cursed by Thomas Wheeler (illustrated by Frank Miller): You’ve all seen the very catchy Netflix-toned ARC cover, you’ve all seen this at every book festival this year. Review tk, but…yikes.
What Linz is reading:
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Recursion by Blake Crouch: I literally have no idea what this is about, I picked it up because I really liked Dark Matter and everyone else on our team has loved this book. I’m 2.5 chapters in and goddamn I may finish this today.
Ginny’s Updates:
Whatsup! I’ve had a great week. Went to see a Cirque du Soleil show for my Birthday on Tuesday with some of my amazing friends, and as always my mind was BLOWN! I tried to branch out this week and read a little more things outside of my norm. I’ll let you know how that went, but first:
Currently reading:
Breathless by Beverly Jenkins: This is the second book in a series, the first book was Forbidden which I covered in a previous weekly wrap up. This book focuses on one of Eddy’s nieces and one of the other minor characters. This series is charming and does a really nice job of creating the atmosphere of the old west. I’m really enjoying Portia’s personality and the way Kent is so laid back.
After the Flood by Kassandra Montag: This is one of the ARC’s we got from somewhere and it takes place in a flooded world. It’s pretty damn heavy on the dystopian. I’m about 70 pages in and I get the feeling this might get DNF’d, not because the book is bad, but just because I’m not sure I’m in the right place to read something like this. Myra is traveling with her 8 year old daughter and finds out that her 12 year old daughter (who had been kidnapped by her shitty shitty husband) might have been sold basically to slavers… It’ll be interesting to see which list this ends up on for me next week.
Half-Off Ragnarok by Seanan McGuire: This is the third book in the InCryptid series and it switches focus from Verity, to her older brother Alex. Alex lives in Ohio with his grandparents working at a zoo which is a great cover for his interest in cryptozoology. I’m planning on writing a review for this one, so no more info here.
Lord Dashwood Missed Out by Tessa Dare: I think I’ve read other things by Tessa Dare and picked this one out because of a twitter thread about the “enemies to lovers” trope which I occasionally find delightful. As a note, this was a novella, so pretty damn short. But they were childhood friends and he was a bit of an ass to her before disappearing for years. She wrote a book about it and when he comes back she’s right pissed at him. Obviously it works out in the end. But a quick fun read. 3.5/5
My Best Friend’s Mardi Gras Wedding by Erin Nicholas: I have this book club where I read free romance novels from Amazon with a few of my friends. This one was a lot better than the ones that we usually read. Definitely had a few issues (starting out with the leads have painfully cringey flirtations at the beginning of the book and ending with the wrong person uprooting their entire life plus the addition of a probably too bitchy fiance of the heroines best friend). Regardless, the cast of this was pretty fun. 3/5
Trouble in Lafayette Square: Assassination, Protest Murder at the White House by Gil Klein: This book takes snapshot looks at pieces of history in one small square of the nations capital. The book follows a fairly linear timeline and especially early on there’s a fair amount of overlap. It was a good reminder for a local about the amount of history that is steeped in the vast majority of the city I walk through on a daily basis. 4.5/5
How to Lose a Bride in One Night by Sophie Jordan: This book had it’s moments but there was definitely a certain amount of sexual assault and I’m kind of in the camp of offering warnings for that somewhere.
The Memory Keeper’s Daughter by Kim Edwards: This book starts in the mid-60s when a doctor and his wife has twins. The girl has downs syndrome and the doctor gives the baby away before his wife wakes up form the gas they used to give women who gave birth (gonna be honest, the “twilight” births sound kind of great. Wish they still did those) and tells his wife the baby died instead. The book follows the lives of the Dr, wife, and son, to be compared with the life of the nurse who took the baby and raised her as her own. It’s an interesting look at grief and the ways a single decision can ripple out. That being said I’m very conflicted about the way that I feel about this book and the way that the people with Downs Syndrome are treated. I think it could be a realistic portrayal, but I’ can’t tell whether or not it’s also infantalizing. 2.5/5
Sam’s Updates
It was a fun week! Ginny’s and Mama’s birthday, went to the show, it was awesome. Got drunk on Friday, and then also last night. I am hurting pretty bad this morning (she says, at 4:39 in the afternoon).
What I read this week:
Four Dead Queens by Astrid Scholte: In this story, the country is divided into four quadrants each with their own specialty, run by their own queen. Enter our everyday thief and she finds out about a plot to kill the queens. Off we go on our adventure. I listened to this on audio, and it was fine. not great, but not bad either. Insta-love was a thing and so was the “plot twist”.
Only Human by Sylvain Neuvel: This is the third book in the Themis Files. I was talking about this with Parker this week, while I LOVED book 1, and book 2 was alright, this one has shifted tone drastically. I didn’t mind the end at all. But I sorta wanted more from it.
What I’m currently reading:
Steeltide by Natalie C. Parker: This is the second book in the Seafire series, which I didn’t enjoy as much as I wanted to, but THIS book. THIS BOOK is significantly better than the first. I love it when that happens.
The Girl From Everywhere by Heidi Heilig: This story is about a girl on a pirate ship that can travel through time. Her dad, the captain, is tryna get back to Hawaii so he can save his wife, but it may mean that our lady may cease to exist. I’m doin ok with this. I think, like Linz, I struggle with this author. Audiobook format is helping though. Idk what the plot is supposed to be yet.
Minda’s Updates
What Minda is reading now:
On Swift Horses by Shannon Pufahl – Based in the post-war American west, this woman and her brother-in-law are living a restless and divergent life on the road. Haven’t gotten very far yet.
Mrs. Everything by Jennifer Weiner – This story is about two sisters growing up in the suburbs of Detroit in the 1950s. As we follow them through their lives, things don’t go according to plan. Enjoying so far!
Weekly Wrap Up: September 16-22, 2019 Hello! Here’s our weekly wrap up from the WRFB crew =) Linz's Updates Got drunk Friday. Got less drunk Saturday.
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dailyaudiobible · 6 years
06/07/2018 DAB Transcript
1 Kings 2:1-3:2, Acts 5:1-42, Psalms 125:1-5, Proverbs 16:25
Today is the 7th day of June. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian and it is a pleasure to be with you right now as we step in, step away from all that's going on and step into a peaceful place where we can allow God's word to speak to us. And, so, we’re reading from the Amplified Bible this week and we began first Kings yesterday and we are watching Solomon, David's son ascend to the throne and reaching the end of David's life. First Kings chapter 2 verse 1 through 23 verse 2 today.
Okay. So, we have certainly transitioned in the Old Testament. King David this man that…we've been journeying with him since he was a lot younger. So, we've been traveling with him for a long time and we reached the end of that. He lays his head down in death today and Solomon ascends to the throne. And we can see that that wasn't the most smooth of transitions. And Solomon is beginning to realize that there is a lot to his job and he's gonna need help and we’ll get to that in the coming days.
And in the book of Acts…it…I mean…this this Jesus thing that has been happening is starting to actually get some traction and the apostles are in the temple complex and people are thronging around them and things are happening. There's just an incredible amount of energy happening through the power of the Holy Spirit and people are being drawn to this and its making the religious leaders burn with jealousy. And, so, we witness them exerting their power and they’re trying to intimidate the apostles, who simply can only say ‘we've got to obey God’. Like, no matter what…no matter what we do…no matter what you’re telling us…no matter what authority that you have…we have to obey God. And in the end, they, the Sanhedrin, the Jewish High Council decides they’re gonna kill the apostles the same way that they killed Jesus. But one of their most educated doctors of the law steps up and gives some counsel, that we read today. Gamaliel is an interesting character because he's a revered, revered in Judaism, but it's the apostle Paul, who we will meet shortly and spend pretty much the rest of our year with, who claims that he had been trained at the feet of Gamaliel, but we don't really know anything more than that. So, it becomes conjecture, interesting conjecture. I mean, on the one side, scholars would debate that maybe Paul wasn't so trained up by Gamaliel since, Gamaliel shows this sort of even balanced neutral counsel toward the apostles. And the apostle Paul in was raging against the followers of Jesus before he became a follower himself. On the other hand Gamaliel could've had a strong influence on Paul that weighed in later, as Paul was reconsidering after his encounter with Jesus. So, we don't know. We don’t know the exact dates of a lot of this. And what makes it even little bit more interesting is that, you know, in the letters of the apostle Paul that we’re going to move into as we move forward in the New Testament, they were written before Acts and the Gospels. So, they’re earlier writings, Paul's letters. Like, the New Testament isn't laid out chronologically. At any rate, Gamaliel steps forward and offers really wise counsel to the Sanhedrin that they take and the church spreads forward. We can see that the Holy Spirit is protecting these people, as bold as they are, as the church is getting traction.
Father, we thank you for your word. Want to thank you for all that it brings up and all that it allows us to consider and all that we look at and wrestle through. And we thank you that your Holy Spirit is always there leading us into all truth. And, so, we thank you for that. We ask that you plant your word in our lives today so that the fruit of the Spirit might abound in everything that we do and think and say. In Jesus; name we ask. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is the website, it's home base, it’s where you find out what’s going on around here as I say most every day, but there's always something going on around here.
And the one thing that we are excited to continue to mention is the Daily Audio Bible Family Reunion that I started talking about last week, end of last week. And I'm excited because my suspicion that we could come together in community like this is proving true. And we are going have a blast together as a community in the rolling hills of Tennessee. And that's gonna take place September 1st and 2nd of this year, which is Labor Day weekend for those of you who live in the United States. So, come to the rolling hills of Tennessee and experience those rolling hills and be inspired. And there's all kinds of stuff to do. And we've prepared for that. We've come up with some ideas of things that you can do and see, depending on upon your interests, while here in the Nashville area. And it's a beautiful area. And we’ll send all that to you in an email when you register. So, you can take your days and go on an adventure, maybe with some new friends that are Daily Audio Bible listeners that you’ve never known before, and go check it all out, and we’ll all come together in the evening to spend some time together. And we’ve never done this before but I think it’s going to be a ton of fun. So, you can get all of the details at dailyaudiobible.com. If you're on the homepage, just scroll down to the Initiatives section or you can push the Initiatives button at the top in the Navigation section and you’ll get all the details that you would want to know.  And I hope to see you there. The Daily Audio Bible is unique and beautiful community. So, I hope to see you there. Check it out.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. There is a link, it’s on the homepage and I thank you, I thank you deeply for your partnership. If you are using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill, TN 37174.
And, as always if you have a prayer request or comment, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.
And that's it for today. I'm Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for next month, which is tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hi family. I’m calling…I need your help. I have been listening to the DAB for almost since the beginning. And recently I’ve been hearing a lot of prayers with women calling in about their husbands, which has given me a little bit more courage to call in. I used to call in on a regular basis but I kind of stopped but I do pray for everybody. I’m in trouble with my marriage. My husband has recently retired and he did allow me to retire. He was a doctor. So, we can afford for me to retire. I had a laborious job that’s really…I was just exhausted all of the time. So, he did allow me to retire. And I’m only 61. So, I’m very grateful and thankful for that. But being a doctor, he is very controlling, and he has three nurses that they just did everything that he wanted them to do. And now it’s turned out to be me. And I apologize if I hang up quickly because he might commend. But I’ve started drinking a lot. Nobody knows about it, but I am…I am so sad. I cry every day. I just do what he says. I can’t talk back to him. I can’t stand up. My sister asked me why I can’t stand up on my own two feet. But he always manages to turn everything around back to me. I need your help. I need your prayers. Please, I love you. Please help me. I don’t want to do. I pray. I pray every day. I just need your help family. I love you. I love you so much. Thank you, Brian, thank you Jill for all you do.
Hello DAB family. Hello Brian and family. I guess you can call me __ would be my name. I’ve been listening to DAB for, it’s going on at least 5 to 6 years or so, right? But this is my first time calling. I would just like prayer. I’m a single mother but I don’t feel a lot of joy in that. I just feel like everything that I enjoyed I can no longer enjoy. I mean, even the work that I used to do, traveling, and training, and technical work, I can’t do that anymore. So, my life completely started over. __ over the years. And my prayer is __. So, my prayer request for the community is family. I’m not finding that in my church, even though __ several years __ five years committed to the same church. It just seems like, sermons is…is pretty much not a requirement __. I want to life. I want to life. I want something different. I’m not happy with my job. __ the basis of my life __ and managing the house. And that’s where I am. And that’s what I want prayer for. __ thank you all. Have a good week.
Hello friends. Hey, this is Annette Allison. I love you guys. Hey, would you guys pray for my friend David at work? Tell you what. This guy, he handed it to me. You know what I’m saying? So, I get this new guy in my shop and he’s kind of overweight and kind of old and kind of sweaty and kind of reminds me of the dog named Lucky, missing a few teeth. All he did was that there and sweat. And it’s like, he was quiet, and he never talked to anybody. And I was like, what’s up with this guy? I was kinda busy with my project and I didn’t get the chance to know him. And, well, I’ve changed locations and I got sat next to David and pretty soon I got to know him and I got to figure out what an amazingly intelligent, smart, funny, he is hilarious, and he is so smart, and I have learned so much from him, including how not to judge a book by its cover. Awe….I failed. I had to ask forgiveness. I kid you not…in that, I asked for God to show me people as He sees them not as we see them. Awe…so…I did learn a lesson out of this. But my friend David is very sick. He’s in the hospital. He’s in ICU. He’s been fighting pulmonary obstructions and I think that maybe he has one in his lung. But he came to work and he fell out from low blood pressure. And would you guys please pray for him? And we are all really worried because, you know, because we kind of fell in love with them, you know? And, you know, I just don’t want to see him go out like this. So, would you all please pray for my friend David? And…
Hi family. This is Jeanette from Charlotte. This is my first time calling in and like so many of you, I have been listening and pray along with you all for quite a while now. I want to ask for prayer for my husband Vince. He has Parkinson’s disease and his symptoms have progressed to the point that he’s going to have brain surgery called the brain simulation. This surgery happens in three stages, the first of which will be on June the 5th, when they place 4 screws called fiducial’s under his scalp to serve as markers. The second phase happens on June 13th. This is the most invasive part of the process, where they drill holes in his skull and place electrodes into his brain. The last stage happens on June 25th when they place of battery pack on his chest, kind of similar to what they do for a pacemaker. On July 10th they will actually turn it on for the first time and we’ll find out how it works for him. Vince has been struggling so much. We have been asking God to heal him since he was diagnosed in 2008. We realize that God uses everything in our lives to draw us closer to Him. So, would you please pray that, number one, we will draw still closer to God through this process and that God will accomplish what He desires in our lives? Number two, would you please pray for an extraordinarily successful outcome, so that Vince can regain a good quality of life and that he would be able to do things again? We really want God to be glorified above all else. Vince and I love and appreciate you, family. Thanks for your prayers.
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grgie · 8 years
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in honour of march being #trypod month, here’s everything you need to know about podcasts! (part two here)
what the heck even are podcasts?
podcasts are audio shows that are either in episode or radio format, which you can download and listen to whenever you like, for free!! there are both fiction and non fictional podcasts, so there is something for everyone
why should i listen to these?
podcasts are similar to audiobooks and radio shows in that you can listen to them anywhere, on your phone or computer, and are ideal for commutes and journeys (i personally listen to most of mine on the bus to and from school). most podcasts are made by people as a hobby rather than their job, so you can support them by listening as well 
where can i find podcasts?
pretty much every podcast ever is available on itunes and spotify, and many apps for non apple devices
cool, can you give me some recommendations?
welcome to night vale [weird and spooky fantasy] is about a small town in america, where a lot of weird crap goes on, but here in night vale this is generally completely normal. this is pretty much how everyone gets into podcasts, and is a really good starting point for listening to fiction podcasts
the bright sessions [sci-fi] is about some folks with superpower in therapy trying to learn about themselves, their powers and how to control them. honest to god this is my most favourite fiction podcast ever, i love it with all of my heart and cannot recommend this enough. 
the orbiting human circus of the air [fantasy?] is about an old-timey radio show that broadcasts from the top of the eiffel tower. this is honestly such a joy to listen to, and has some wonderful stories with really interesting ways of telling them
wolf 359 [sci-fi and comedy] is about a small crew in a space station, orbiting the red dwarf star, wolf 359. it starts off pretty light hearted and gets pretty wild pretty quickly, so buckle in for a bumpy ride. (they did a live show and recorded it and put it on youtube and it is honestly such a gift seeing zach jump back and forth arguing with himself.)
the penumbra podcast [noir/fantasy/western/horror] is really queer. its great. the main stories follow a non-binary pi named juno steel, but there are other stories on the feed too that are well worth a listen (and season 2 premiers really soon!)
eos 10 [sci-fi and comedy] is about some doctors in space. its hilarious (the main plot arc starts with a boner that just will not go away) and the characters are super interesting. its been on break for a really long time, but is on its way back soon, so keep your eyes peeled!
the strange case of starship iris [sci-fi adventure] is new and really cleverly done. im still blown away by how cool the end credits are, everytime i hear them. its also about gays in space which is cool also ;)
the adventure zone [comedy and adventure] is barely a fiction podcast as it is 3 brothers and their dad playing d&d. if you have never played d&d, or think its boring, then dont let that deter you, because this podcast is the funniest one i have listened to. it starts a little slowly, so be prepared for that, but it really picks up a few episodes in, and griffin’s story telling gets SO good, i really recommend this one as well
dead serious [supernatural] is about two teens who discover that the local haunted house is actually Haunted and talk to the ghosts living there about their lives and deaths (this is mine ;))
spirits is 2 women chatting about really cool myths and legends, both old and new, from all of the world, whilst quite tipsy. this was the first podcast i listened to and i fell in love. i personally recommend the “japanese urban legend” episode its super creepy and super cool
dead pilots society is a table reading of tv pilots that are bought by companies but never made. they so far have all been comedies and include well known writers and actors, and are great for long journeys, as well as one time listening if you don’t want to get too emotionally involved in anything
my brother my brother and me  is a really bad advice show and really good comedy podcast run by 3 brothers (the same ones in the adventure zone minus their dad) who answer questions and give terrible advice that is hilarious to listen to. they also made a tv show on seeso recently, which you can also check out the first episode on yt!
international waters is a quiz show between british and american comedians which is interesting and hilarious, with different contestants each week to keep it fresh and interesting
i have a ton more i could talk about, but these are some of my highlights. if you want any recommendations, feel free to message me or drop me an ask!
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thimblings · 8 years
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AHHH!! YES!! um. prepare your eyes, this is gonna be a long, rambly post because apparently i have A LOT OF FEELINGS and i can’t just list things like a normal person. and i also kept remembering podcasts and the list JUST KEPT GETTING LONGER. so. GIANT TEXT POST, i am so so so sorry. also, there are actually a few on this list that i’m not caught up with (some i’m like REALLY behind on) but i’m still gonna rec them... 
Welcome to Night Vale is the one i’m sure most ppl know of (although! if you have not read the novel, i’d HIGHLY recommend getting the audio book version. Cecil Baldwin does a great job of reading, and the “Voice of Night Vale” sections actually feature guest stars. i really want Cecil to do more audio book recordings omg). but!! along that same theme (radio show in a strange town w/ supernatural themes), King Falls AM is spectacular (ben and sammy are just! a freakin delight i love them). IMO it starts off feeling like it’s trying to be like WTNV, but within a few episodes it finds itself and becomes something unique (i say this bc i was initially put off by the first episode for that reason, and later came back and gave it another shot and enjoyed it immensely). it’s funny, it made me cry a few times, and i reaallyyy really really need to catch up with it. sammy stevens also has….just….a really nice voice hahaaaa The Truth is a great one. it’s mostly one-off short stories, but they’re generally really high quality and the plot of most of the episodes is really thought-provoking or just interesting in general (there’s one ep about aliens who find the Voyager craft with its recording that’s just really charming to me). the tagline “movies for your ears” is really apt. a lot of the stories veer on the side of unsettling/creepy, and it’s great if you like horror stories. i’d also recommend The Black Tapes and its sister podcast, Tanis. i love horror and unsettling mysteries, so these are right up my alley (Tanis is definitely more in the sci-fi/horror genre, but i like how it also digs into real unsolved cases and events). these are relatively well known, at least in that my friends who don’t listen to podcasts have listened to TBT at least. but they’re still great to check out if you haven’t. Limetown is really good, but ends on a cliffhanger and as far as i know there’s no immediate plans for a season 2? (i remember reading something about  them in talks for a TV show? which would be cool, but i’d miss the audio format of it). the first season is worth listening to, because it is really interesting and the audio production is pretty top notch - just be aware that a second season may or may not happen. what i’ve listened to of Hadron Gospel Hour so far is SUPER enjoyable, but i’ve only listened to the first few episodes.  arsPARADOXICA is FANTASTIC (at least the first season and a half that i’ve listened to). sally grissom is a great character and a brilliant and  scientist and i’m just really in love with her. this is a nice podcast because it has very capable women in it and the concept overall is really fascinating and handled really well. The Cleansed, set in a post-apocalyptic US, is well written and overall well produced (there’s one ep that still sits with me, because of a scene that truly unnerved me, just in the music and the atmosphere and the dialogue just ahh) and i’ve been meaning to pick it up again. In that same vein there’s We’re Alive, which is of the zombie variety. i’ve only juuuuust dipped into that one, but i’ve enjoyed what i’ve heard so far. this one has been around for a long time, like WTNV, so there’s a lot of episodes and a lot of content available. THE BRIGHT SESSIONS! i’m really really fond of this one and i just really love it, please listen. it’s about a psychologist who works with people who have “special” abilities, and all of the patients she helps are just so! precious!! i just love them a lot. Wooden Overcoats is a GREAT podcast that is pretty much the audio version of all my favorite British comedies that i watched growing up (think Fawlty Towers, Are You Being Served?, etc). it’s a comedy podcast about two competing funeral parlors (one of which is owned by the Funn’s). it’s exactly my kind of humor, and everyone involved just seems really great and kind. Antigone Funn has great lines and HONESTLY i’m surprised i haven’t seen more people quoting her and this podcast because it’s just! really great. and i don’t THINK this is a sister podcast to WO, but i always associate the two because they have some of the same people working on them but - Hector vs The Future is great. again, i haven’t listened to many episodes, but i’d still recommend it. it’s slightly different than other podcasts on this list because it’s actually filmed/recorded in front of a live audience. Homecoming is a short podcast (only 6 eps and the eps are pretty short) that i THINK is meant to be part of a larger, written universe (which i want to check out). it’s about soldiers with PTSD. this one actually has some well-known people involved - both Oscar Isaac and David Schwimmer voice characters and do a great job. The Darkest Night is another one with big names involved - Lee Pace is the narrator, which alone makes it worth checking out. overall, i’ve enjoyed it, but some episodes veer into areas i was kind of uncomfortable with (Tic-Tac-Toe is the one i’m stuck on and why i haven’t finished it yet ahh).  AND OK i really really really like space and space stories and space adventures, so my favs all have that in common hahaha Wolf359 is kind of like. okay, it’s about three people and an AI on a space station, light years away from earth - and the communications officer records his reports by pretending he’s doing a radio show. it starts off fun and humorous and things are great and then before you know it, you are going to be driving from Wichita Falls to Dallas and have to pull off on the side of the road because you’ve started sobbing while listening to it in your car. this podcast is fantastic, with a great cast of characters and strong women and DOUG EIFFEL and just. it’s very good. (i am ashamed to admit that i’m actually SUPER behind on this one. p much, i’m at the point where kepler and crew are on board but i’m only a few eps into this storyline). THIS is actually the podcast that really got me on board with the whole audio drama scene and just like….SCOURING the internet for more that would captivate me in the same way. This one is actually ending with this last season, which i think is a good thing? it’s very plot and character focused and i’m glad that they’re telling a complete story and HONESTLY! i’m just really excited to see where everyone involved goes from here. EOS_10!!!!! similar to Wolf359, it’s about a space station. there are a LOT more people there though (it’s more like an intergalactic hub). it’s about a doctor, his recovering alcoholic doctor-boss who he’s trying to help, a nurse who is spunky and maybe a bit psychotic, a hypochondriac alien-former-prince, and a “alleged” “terrorist” living in the cargo bay. idk this podcast just makes me incredibly happy. the writing is witty and fun, the characters are lovable and flawed, and i’ve listened to the whole two seasons at least 3 times because it just fills me with joy (my favorite dynamic always: assholes who are friends and they love each other but they also just….insult each other constantly. and somehow they save the world? but they’re still assholes). the universe of this show is really interesting without ever feeling like an info dump, and the unfolding mystery is very intriguing. WARNING: this show has been on hiatus for awhile, so there are only two seasons right now. but honestly??? it’s completely worth it. (obvi i’m hoping a third season will eventually come, but i enjoyed the first two enough that i love it regardless haha). and, finally, my current obsession. The Penumbra Podcast. it’s pretty much everything i’ve ever wanted in a series ever - detective film noir, but in space (on Mars), and literally everyone is queer. there’s a main story line (”Juno Steel and the [blank]”) and then one shots between each Juno story. the one shots are fantastic and really show the strength of the writers - sometimes being creepy, other times just being entertaining. The Juno Steel stories are the main running plot, done in the style of old detective radio shows - but also kind of twisting and upgrading the genre to be more inclusive and diverse. Juno Steel is a canonically non-binary and bisexual private eye (also canonically grumpy, sad most of the time, and a huge nerd who laughs at his own awful jokes in HIS OWN MONOLOGUES), and is the type of character you want to punch for being frustrating but who you also want to just…be…happy and protect from the universe. the writing in this is fantastic and beautiful and all of the characters are captivating. even one-off characters have a ton of personality and just add to the diversity/representation of the show. the voice work is top-notch and just!!! it’s so good!!!!! i have so many feelings!!!! (Juno hits close to home for me, with his self-esteem issues and depression and just…yeah, so i gushed about him there. i have a lot of feelings about the other characters but i’ve seriously rambled so much already so I WILL REFRAIN. also? gushing TOO much about a certain someone spoils the enjoyment of getting to know them at the same time Juno does) i REALLY enjoy audio drama-type podcasts so that’s mostly what i listen to. i’m also really into true crime and weird theories and occult stuff, but i’m particular about the podcasts i listen to for that. basically, i get attached to a specific host(s) and it’s hard for me to listen to anyone else talk about similar things haha. so as far as that goes, i love The Last Podcast on the Left (haha i get a bit nervous rec’ing this one because it’s really offensive, mostly in the early eps, and is def not for everyone but honestly!! i just love these boys a lot, and they discuss p much everything i’d ever be interested in ever). this one also led me to listen to Page Seven, which is celebrity gossip but honestly just really enjoyable to me. Two of the hosts from that show (Marcus is a LPOTL host as well) also do another show called Sex and Other Human Activities, which i’ve listened to a bit and enjoyed and deals with a lot of different issues - like sex, but also delving into depression and different things the hosts and their friends have gone through. but as far as non-fiction podcasts go, that’s pretty much it? i’m still planning on checking out Radio Dispatch, but that’s honestly mostly because it’s Molly (from Page Seven) and her brother and like i said, i have a problem. other podcasts i know of and have been meaning to check out: Hello From the Magic Tavern, The Adventure Zone, Pleasuretown, Lesser Gods, Tales of THATTOWN..... and ok, probably others but this has gotten excessive i am so sorry friends (some of the links may accidentally be wrong and i am very sorry)
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