#I love cosy rooms
spoonyglitteraunt · 2 years
don’t you hate it when your sense of aesthetics is in direct conflict with the amount of energy it would take to keep it clean?
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averlym · 8 months
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,,, sun-dappled sheets...
#the sapphics got to me okay. portrix real#it's so cute how they go from falling asleep tgt at the presses to having a room to share#adamandi#portia elizabeth harper#beatrix valeria campbell#it was a doodle and then i was like i want to make it softer so i painted it over and in the process rendered it somewhat#it's still quite sketchy akdhfj but u get the vibes!! ++ tried out using a Lot more noise than usual#so that's like the New Art Takeaway from doing this.#;;; i feel like every time i draw wlw fluff it's stepping back deep into my comfort zone haha but yes. soft cosy comfy etc.#my brain was not processing enough to figure out casual wear so this is kind of just the stripped down costumes akdhdjdh but yeah#bonus side note here is i was like hehe wouldn't it be fun if beatrix hand + portia ribbon. as like a nod to contrast how#previously it was strings on their hands instead. and now she cut them off bc portia and also smth smth about the difference#between tying (the strings) and choosing to hold (ribbon) and sjdhdhfhfh ue.#*incoherent noises* it's about the softness. the touching. the idea of choice- but less afraid of losing it- smth smth inherent trust also.#knowing tomorrow you'll still be there..#<- sorry there's a silly little conceptual thing in every adamandi thing i make i think#i would love to say this was For Adamandi Week but i do very badly with timed events so the truth is just. i woke up and saw#@/regret-repentir 's post (which is so so lovely actually) (credit where credit is due) and then spent the next 1.5h drawing portrix#the prompt was post graduation i think? but seeing as i didn't really respond to the prompt itself#it doesn't rly count in my head as a prompt response for the event. idk#it technically works. but also it feels like false advertising...#<blinks> fun times include this being the first time i've drawn adamandi characters entirely without reference. they have been blorbo-ified
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casdeans-pie · 11 months
Dean, whispering to the Angel in bed beside him who literally cannot sleep: Cas. You awake?
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choco-froggie · 3 months
In his late twenties - Sebastian Sallow
Headcanons below
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I want to start a series of my headcanons about what kind of person the HL characters would have become in their late twenties. Also I know next to nothing about the 19th century and don’t have the dedication to learn about it so in these, they’re just set up in our time. 😅 Bear with me
Work Life
I love the headcanon that Sebastian becomes a Curse Breaker. It fits his personal story AND personality well.
But he wouldn’t be happy working for a big corporation or the government. He is too much of a free spirit who needs to be allowed autonomy. So he would work in a small structure, a bit like a private investigator agency.
He loves his job and pours himself in it, resulting in a lot of overtime work. His boss has to throw him out of the office some days.
His home
He doesn’t need a big place so a small flat with two rooms is more than enough for him.
But he is prone to clutter and his place is full of books and things he thinks might be useful someday.
His flat is located in a big city, probably London. He needs to live in a place buzzing with life because he is easily bored. He needs a place where he will never have seen everything, with lots of things to do like exhibits, museums, libraries, pubs and restaurants,…
He doesn’t care for decoration but chooses his pieces of furniture with care. Decoration is usually taken care of by his partner.
He doesn’t own a pet, he is not at home enough to care for one and doesn’t feel the emotional need to have one.
He has a picture of his family in every room, even if it’s a small picture, but he wants them close everywhere in his place.
Social Life
He kept in contact with a lot of his former friends back in Hogwarts. He doesn’t meet them every day but is happy to have a drink with them when the opportunity rises.
He is outgoing and comfortable in social settings. He is able to come to a party where he knows no one and blend in with ease.
Despite being quite extroverted, he doesn’t form a strong bond with just anyone. Even though he is friendly with everyone, it’s mostly superficial and his true friends can be counted on one hand.
He doesn’t enjoy being alone so is often meeting friends after work, several times a week, and shares activities with them on the weekend like playing quidditch, go on small trips, game nights, watching quidditch games,…
Love Life
He has dated but has never had a « wild phase ».
He needs an independent partner. He is very busy with his work and all the things he has in mind, so he really appreciates someone who is likeminded. He can’t deal well with needy people. Being in the same room or space is already great to him for most evenings.
Actually self sufficient and people who are their own person attracts him.
He also needs someone with patience. When stressed or tired he can become a bit grumpy or moody, so he needs a partner who won’t escaladate. But he knows he is wrong and will come back and apologize once he is calmed down.
As said, he is a bit busy, but his partner is the person he wants to spend all his relaxing time with. Whether it is by cuddling after a long day in bed, or by exploring the city together, trying new activities, strolling in museums, or trying new food.
He is independant and self sufficient, as a partner he doesn’t slack off around the house and shares the mental load. He is reliable, he is used to live alone and gets things done without being babied.
He hates doing laundry and doesn’t tidy his place as much as he should be but it’s always clean.
He can’t handle silence, even when he sleeps. He is always listening to something, most of the time it’s documentaries or podcasts about things he wants to learn about.
What would yours be about adult Seb ?
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"I am a mature and responsible adult," I tell myself while spending most of my time here:
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seagull-scribbles · 2 years
it would be cool if Antoine had two swords
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Oh no, he’s autistic ranting about his vast collection of swords 💕
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0utrenoir · 7 months
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everywhere i walk i step on a book
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intertexts · 5 months
#how do i tell my sister that while i appreciate the thought it is in fact not nicer if she takes the couch occasionally and lets me have my#room sometimes. first of all i HATE disruptions like this it's kind of even more distressing 2 be able 2 sleep in#my own room for one night and then i can't again!!! that sucks net zero!!! second of all She Has My Quilt.... trying very hard 2 be normal#and chill about this and not like it's one of the few things i really really really hate other people using & causes me distress etc.#also like i explicitly said 'hey haha don't do this please' & then she did anyway. which she does!!! i forgot about that!!!#also like man i dont fucking want to sleep on someone's used sheets & blankets that's gross. so im arguably less cosy than i would be. gggh#this all seems like.... very minor and stupid im sure however man im like constantly in a state of middling to severe distress over this#shit. because i in fact also hate people going through my shit or being in my room and also having no privacy however#im very good with suppressing and or masking how much i hate it usually!!!!! but dude she fucking hung her laundry & underclothes#to dry or air on top of my fucking books on my shelves. like. ghghhh hate it hate it cant SAY i hate it because of the everything!!!#ok. sorry. minor pressure cooker escape valve complaining over now im gonna go sleep awkwardly on top of the blankets on my own bed with#some throw blankets. leaving my door open for the beafts if she closes it in the morning bc she thinks she knows what i want ill scream.#txt#neg#this is like private kvetching btw ok i love her dearly it's just unbelievably frustrating.
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neondiamond · 1 year
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rowenabean · 10 months
What does it say about me that I'm considering swapping my own single bed for my spare room queen bed and I consider this a step down in the world?
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the-busy-ghost · 1 year
What an awful curse to be a person who theoretically loves maximalism but hates seeing stuff that has been stored outside cupboards, hates dusting, is terrified of somehow decorating The Wrong Way and being laughed at, is extremely clumsy, and has no real motivation to purchase nicknacks
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jaydakenz · 1 year
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fun fact! if im struggling to fall asleep i always put on a nutcracker performance 🪽🩰🏹 it relaxes me so much and i feel like a disney princess!🎀🧁🌨️
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The thunder and lightning has been insane all day, I am thoroughly enjoying myself 💕
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Spending money online for me is a weird mix of s*lf h@rm and filing the void in my heart and life.
Like a part of me does it because I feel like I’m drowning and worthless and I’m never going to have a life so what’s the point in saving towards a future so I’ll just chew through the money I don’t even feel like I deserve to make me hate myself even more
But then also I feel like I have nothing in my life except for the things in my room. I know hoarding/ excess purchasing can be a symptom of OCD and I guess since any slither of personhood I have comes completely from fiction / the lgbt non fiction books I have, I guess it would make sense if those where connected. But I don’t know even know if they are not.
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sludgeguzzler · 2 years
damn i feel miserable/scared/lonely/gay time to paint my nails
#that will require me leaving my room at night which is 😦 but thats ok i can do it im a big boy i can do this.#SIXTEEN YEARS OLD too old for anything to come after me. hopefully#im making it worse for myself#what no sweater does to a mf (WHERE IS MY COMFORTABLE GROUDING CLOTH THINF)#i just need some fucking acetone hhhfjnfnsbsbsbfndm#plus im hungry#plus i need to go to the bathroom#my god ok maybe staying in bed for hours on end doing a simple mindless task and skipping dinner as a result has its consequences#im fine tho i can survive this#i have delicious apple juice with me omg i have delicious apple juice with me several exclamation marks an embarrassih amount actually#the reason why i have to paint my nails is bc i had painted them this lovely blue like a week ago but#i chewed it off 😼 bc i got bored 😼#so now theres only paint on my right thumb and right . the finger next to the pinky#and its coming off pretty fast#i cant keep avoiding the fact that i have to lwave my room but also i dont wanna do this#its always like this WHY am i afraid of leaving my room i live in a happy home its literally so cosy during the day#why is it so scare when its oh my god its two thirty two am#????????? hello#will i have to survive on this warm apple juice. will i have to pee in its empty box when im done. am i becoming dave strider#either way im sure im reaching a terrible faith#i just have to remember to eat when the sun comes up (i have decided i am mot able to sleep for today i think)#sg.txt
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lifestyleofluxe · 2 years
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