#Not as cosy/ stylish as some of the rooms here
lifestyleofluxe · 2 years
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2 notes · View notes
mcufan72 · 4 months
Sugar and Cinnamon
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Loki x female reader (AU)/ 18+
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Warnings: contains fluff, smut, unprotected sex, alcohol and cigarette consumption, soft!dom/sub vibes, angst, and maybe some drama. It's a long chapter again so get some snacks and something to drink.
Shortly after Loki had made you lustfully shake in his passionate embrace, you arrived at his penthouse. Walker would wait for you in front of the building until midnight. He gave you his reassurance and handed you your travel bag from the tank. He gave Loki a threatening look and got back into the car. Loki huffed with a smirk, raised his eyebrows, and gave you his attention again. Nonetheless, he appreciated Walker's concerns for you.
“Let me carry this for you, Sugar.” Loki took the bag from your hand and his free hand clasped yours.
“Thanks, Luke. That's sweet of you,” and you lovingly squeezed his hand. Your cheeks were still glowing and your eyes shiny. You never had that kind of car sex before and to be consumed by him like this had been wonderful.
He led you into the building and you took the lift to the top floor where his penthouse was. He was nervous. Would you like his home? Would you feel comfortable? It was a risk to bring you here, for both of you. When he opened the door, a luxe penthouse, elegant and sumptuously furnished, with a big living room, awaited you. An amazing view of the Manhattan skyline by night through the large floor-to-ceiling windows, a big terrace in front of them, took your breath away. His home was gorgeous and inviting and no comparison to your small and too expensive apartment.
“Welcome to my home, Sugar. I hope you like it and feel comfortable here.”
“I like it very much, Luke. Your home is gorgeous. Thanks for letting me be here with you and letting me invade your privacy. That's not self-evident.”
“I'm glad that you like my home. Tell me, are you afraid? Being here alone with me?” he asked cautiously.
“No, I'm not afraid. I always feel good with you. Your home is a wonderful and cosy place. Cosier than I expected. Most penthouses I've seen were cool and impersonal, with cool, stylish but impersonal interiors. Just there to be shown and to impress others how far you had come. And the view is amazing, Luke. I've never seen Manhattan's skyline from this side of the Hudson. I'm impressed.”
“Yeah, the view is pretty good and even more impressive by night. And to enjoy this view with someone you like is even better.” He smiled at you and passed you your bag.
“You can bring it to the bedroom if you like. It's over there,” and he pointed to a room on the opposite of where you stand. You nodded and headed for the bedroom and placed it right at the door.
“Want something to drink, sweet thing? Champagne, whisky, or wine?” He asked you while you let your gaze wander up to the open higher floor with an open gallery. A curved staircase led to the higher floor where you saw the upper end of his impressive book wall, two armchairs, and a piano. Yes, it was really a cosy place.
“I fancy a tea or coffee,” You said politely.
“Of course, no problem. Anything you want, Sugar.” He made you some tea in his spacious kitchen and also prepared you a glass of water and placed both on the kitchen counter. You went towards his book wall and pulled one of the books out of the shelf. It looked a little bit antique and had a wonderfully styled leather cover.
“Nordic Myths and Legends,” you read out loud the title of the book and you opened it randomly and marveled at the beautiful illustrations.
“You could read something to me. Your voice would lull me to sleep, I guess,” and you smiled at him. He stood already next to you.
“What would you like me to read to you? The story of the legendary Allfather Odin or do you prefer the stories of the golden Prince, the mighty Thor? Every girl loves the golden Prince on his white horse, don't they?” You flipped through the book while he asked you and pointed it out to him.
“I'm always with the dark guys. I prefer the dark prince on his black war horse, willing to ride with me through hell and back. Would you read Loki's story to me?” and you looked at him asking.
His piercing blue eyes stared at you, inexplicable. He took the book out of your hand, closed it and put it back on the shelf, never breaking eye contact with you.
“Come, I have something for you,” he changed the topic, took you by your hand and led you to his large, comfy sofa. He brought you your tea and the glass of water and vanished into his bedroom. He came back and sat down next to you, a small black box decorated with a golden bow in his hand. The box looked similar to the box in which the dark green dress was packed.
“For you,” and he gave it to you.
“Thank you, you don't have to do this,” you said kindly and opened the lid. In the box, embedded in the same kind of black tissue paper, was a set of dark-green lace underwear, made of silk. You never owned such a beautiful, seductive lingerie set made of such pretty and delicate sensual floral lace.
“Gosh, Luke, it's so beautiful but I don't deserve it. It's too expensive and too pretty for me,” you said and your eyes teared up when you looked at him.
“You deserve much more, sweet thing and I owe you a new lingerie set. I destroyed your lingerie last time and you definitely need a new one, don't you?” He ran his thumb over your cheek.
“Yes, you might be right. And you still have my other thong in your pocket…Thank you, Luke, I really don't know what to say. It wasn't necessary but I appreciate your wonderful gift,” and you hugged him tightly. He wrapped your arms around you and inhaled your scent deeply. He would love to kiss you.
“Thank you for coming here with me. I feel extremely honoured that you trust me that much.” He broke the embrace to look at you.
“No, I have to thank you. You must trust me a lot if you're bringing me here, to your private place. And you should know that I trust you. I did right from the beginning. Otherwise, I couldn't have slept with you.”
“I think we both have… some issues with trusting someone, haven't we?” He wondered, holding your hand in his.
“Yeah, possibly. To feel used and be disappointed when you've given everything of yourself to someone …” you began.
“…and just being loved because of your sex appeal and for the fact that you're looking good…that doesn't feel like love at all and it doesn't make it easier to trust…” he added.
“Luke, I really enjoyed our last encounter. I'm genuinely sorry for being so… rude afterwards, I…”
“Could you please stop permanently apologizing? You don't have to, everything is fine. Who, for heaven's sake, told you that you have to be sorry for everything concerning sex? I can sense that you know very well what you want and what you like, and at which pace. You just showed me in the car how passionate you are. And that's okay. Believe me, Sugar, I enjoyed everything we did so far too and you never did anything wrong. The way you treated me recently was tender and caring and damn, you were so devastatingly sexy and tempting. And it felt so good to lay in bed with you and to hold you in my arms.”
He stood up from the sofa, walked to the house bar and poured some whisky into a tumbler. He took a deep breath and gulped his whisky. Sometimes he didn't know how to handle his feelings properly. He always felt so insecure about it. He was still aroused and on edge and holding you in his arms didn't make it any better. But he couldn't very well fall upon you like a starving wolf. He would've loved to do it but he didn't want to scare you. You were on unknown terrain in his home and he wanted you to feel safe, not scared. He turned around just to see you walking toward him.
“Want me to do it again, Luke?” Your warm hands explored the firm muscles of his torso, hidden under his tight dark green shirt. His chest lifted and lowered heavily with each breath, his eyes filled with untamed desire.
“Do what?”
“Treating you right, making you shivering and writhing. Your moans are such a turn-on, Luke.” He loved how you whispered his name and imagined how his real name would sound from your mouth. He wanted to lie on top of you, underneath you, next to you, be inside of you and all around you. Every night, every day.
“Look at you, sweets. So eager to get fucked,” Loki grinned smugly at you but could barely stand your touch. What he would give for a kiss from you. But he needed to stay in control. To show his soft side and how much he adored you would reveal too much of his heart and his vulnerability. Why did he even allow you to be this straightforward? But he enjoyed it, he wanted it and his need for you went straight down to his cock. He wanted nothing more than to be inside of you now, embedded in your warm silken heat. He liked the thought of you liking him and that you were taking care of him.
He knew your feelings were just pretended ones and not real but it did him good. Your proximity did him good, you did him good. He was shocked at how touch-starved he was because he wanted you to touch his bare skin. He couldn't show you that, he didn't deserve to get touched like that. He didn't deserve your hands on his body or your care and attention. He should not lose control, never but he was damn close to it.
“Me? Eager to get fucked? I think it's the other way around, Luke. You're eager to get fucked, especially after our session in the limousine, you're desperate for some relief, aren't you,” you teased him, your hands still working his pecs.
“Can you still taste me on your tongue? Want me to fuck you, Luke? Reckless? Merciless?”
You wanted him so bad, it almost hurt. Your craving and your feelings for him were already beyond pure lust but you refused to accept it.
“Try me!" He growled, lowering his voice. He was bursting with lust and desire. His dark timbre sent shivers down your spine and made you dripping wet and your nipples harden like pebbles. You slowly walked him backwards, pressed him against the kitchen counter and kicked his long legs apart so you could stand between them.
“Hey! What are you doing,hm?” He asked you, a dark softness in his voice.
“Taking care of you. You like it, don't you?” And you cupped his manhood gently with your hand, enjoying the growing firmness between his legs.
“Yes,” he hissed and gritted his teeth.
“Want me to continue? Under my conditions?” You rubbed him firmly through the fabric of his trousers, caressing and squeezing him, hearing him quietly moan.
“Yes… you can use me. Use me as you please, I'm yours. I want you so bad, sweet thing.” His fingers curled around the rim of the kitchen counter, searching for some support. He was putty in your hands.
“Will you accept my requests?”
“Am I allowed to make the rules, by considering yours?”
“Will you be my good boy?” You were skating on thin ice but you wanted to know how far he would let you take it.
“Yes, I wanna be your good boy,” he groaned.
“Do I arouse you?” a rhetorical question because you felt his erection growing and twitching in your hand.
“Yes, you do, sweet thing,” he sighed desperately.
“Loosen your tie, pretty boy, and give it to me,” you let go of his manhood and took a small step backwards so you could watch him.
He was a feast for the eyes and the impersonation of sin. You had never seen a man so full of lust and passion and craving for you that much. You were blessed to have him as your client and you dared to become bolder with your demands. You have never been this demanding before but he gave you the safety, respect and self-confidence to try it. He wasn't even obliged to do it. He was the one with the money and the one who paid you and could be demanding, not you. Loki did as he was told and gave his tie to you, which you draped around your neck.
“Open one more button of your shirt… slowly!” You murmured, biting your lower lip.
He did. You grabbed the open collar and yanked his shirt completely open and watched the buttons scatter down to the floor exactly the same way you had dreamt of. He was so beautiful, his scent beguiling and it intoxicated you. You wished you were allowed to let your hands travel over his naked sculpted torso and feel his soft skin under your digits, licking him down from his throat over his chest to his cock and peppering kisses all over his body.
“Bedroom! Now!” you commanded.
You felt how wet you already were. You were on autopilot, wanting nothing else than to make him and you shake with desire. He took your hand and led you to his bedroom, a king-sized bed with lots of cushions, soft silken bedsheets and a large duvet, all of it in shades of green, waiting for you. You had never seen such a snuggly and cosy bedroom before.
“Undress! Completely…and slowly please. I want to shamelessly indulge watching you getting naked for me.” You couldn't wait to get him out of his clothes.
“Yes, Ma'am,” he whispered obediently.
You were incredibly aroused and you'd loved to spend the whole night with him, enjoying him, making him happy. And you wanted to show him that you were worth the money he paid for your services. You secretly wished this wasn't the only reason why you were here.
“Lay down, I want you on your back. Show me your ethereal beauty,” you whispered commandingly.
Loki did everything you wanted him to do and waited eagerly for your next command.
“Has anyone told you yet how devastatingly handsome you are? Your body is divine and you have the face of a god and a heart so wonderful that I want to die.” You soaked in the stunning view of his gorgeous body, trembling with arousal and anticipation.
“It never sounded that good as when it comes from your mouth and no one was ever interested in my heart,” he stated, feeling himself getting harder if that was even possible. He loved how you looked at him and soaked up his naked form. Seeing you trembling with arousal was such a tempting sight. He propped up on his elbows when he saw you undressing with nimble hands.
You only had your knee-high leather boots on and you walked towards him, his tie in your hand, your nipples erected with anticipation, your skin glistening with a thin layer of sweat. You were an indecent, horny sight to behold and he had to control himself to not cum right now because of your seductive appearance and a desperate moan escaped his throat. You were the epitome of beauty to him.
“Dare not cum too quickly, loverboy. Sit up and spread your amazing legs!” And he followed your command. You placed your foot between his thighs and salivated over his throbbing, pre-cum leaking, erect member. You forbid him to cum just like this but you weren't any better. It seemed you needed just a little soft touch, a little lustful gaze and you would cum immediately. You ached for relief from this sweet throbbing pain.
“Be my good boy and take the boots off my feet! Slowly!” You murmured temptingly. It was so hard not to fuck him right away. To hold that tension high and slowly work towards the lustful finale was something that you never had done before. You had to meet him to find the courage to try. It felt heavenly to be the one in charge. And you couldn't believe that he let you do it. Loki obeyed and he slowly unzipped your boot and took it off of your foot and you placed your now bare foot back to the flooring. He almost burst with excitement.
“Now the other one, pretty boy,” and you placed your other foot between his thighs.
He unzipped the boot at the same slow pace, took it off, looked up to you, and saw how your pupils dilated with arising desire. You were burning with lust like him and he looked between your thighs and saw your almost dripping wet cunny. He gasped lasciviously and he wished he were allowed to eat you out. He wanted to taste you on his tongue and lick your soaked core. Maybe next time. He could wait.
You were both completely naked now for the first time when having sex and it doubled the eagerness to fuck each other. You climbed onto the bed, pushed him back into the cushions and straddled his lower abdomen without touching his cock and placed your hands on your thighs. You wanted to torture him a little bit more. Just a little bit because you were eager and desperate to feel him finally inside of you. He felt your wetness drenching his happy trail and wished he could suck your delicate nipples and lick your folds and your sweet throbbing clit. The mere thought brought him close to the edge again. But you haven't given him permission to do it.
You felt his engorged cock against your ass and moaned blissfully. You would lose control soon, that was for sure. You struggle not to move and get some friction and rub yourself over his pubic mound. You'd love to cum like this but you definitely wanted to prolong this sweet torture for him and you and he seemed to enjoy it as much as you did.
“Hands above your head, handsome,” and he did as he was told. You took his tie and wrapped it around his wrists.
“What are you doing, sweet thing?” he whimpered.
“Tying your wrist together, loverboy.”
“Because you want to be my good boy and to make sure you can't touch me and… Safety reasons. I'm in your private rooms and you could do anything to me here. You're so much stronger than me and I wouldn't even have a chance to send an emergency message to Walker.” you explained, tying his wrists carefully together.
You placed your hands on either side of his head and leaned down.
“They're very loosely tied, you can free yourself at any time,” you murmured to his ear.
“It's okay, sweet thing, don't you worry…I allowed you to play with me so just keep going. I love what you're doing.” He was well aware that he could free himself faster than you could even imagine.
“Okay,” you whispered, “Are you clean, Luke? I am and we can do it without a condom if you want. I'm on pills and I want to feel you completely, I want you to fill me with your cum.”
You knew he was the only one for you and you have not whored around but you didn't know if the same goes for him and if he would believe you. You were an escort lady at least. It was a big risk for you, you were pretty much aware of it but you needed to feel him, pure and natural.
“I trust you,” he whispered reassuringly. “I'm not whoring around, for me there's just you.” It was the truth, he wouldn't lie to you about that.
“And I trust you,” you whispered back, slowly raising your upper body again. “I'll ride you to heaven, Luke Larsson!”
“But in the end I'm always in charge and that won't change.” You were irritated for a moment but he winked at you and a slight smile on his lips signaled you that he enjoyed playing this game with you. Your game. He just wanted to provoke you a little bit.
“Too late, pretty boy,” and you winked back at him.
His hips were thrusting upwards to get some friction and he was writhing and flexing underneath you. You felt how desperate he was. His eyes, filled with pure lust, gave it away how bad he wanted you and you loved him for giving you the power over him, allowing you to be in charge, to be the one who decides what's going to happen next.
“I want you to feel like I felt every time you fucked me,” and additionally to his tied wrists, you blindfolded him with the fabric belt of your dress. You would give him a proper portion of his own medicine. In a good way. You wanted to take care of him, make him feel good, satisfied and wanted.
“What are you doing, silly girl?” You stroked him firmly a few times, making him gasp and he felt how you guided his rock-hard shaft into your silken heat until your walls were sheeting him completely.
“I'm riding you into oblivion, loverboy,” and you were consciously clenching your cunt around his length. Loki whimpered, his cock twitching impatiently inside of you. He waited desperately for you to move. Your nails scratched lightly and torturously slow from his collarbone, over his happy trail down to his pubic mound and the root of his cock, causing goosebumps on his heated skin. For a short moment, he didn't feel your fingers on his body but then you slowly gyrated your hips, rubbing your clit over his pubic hair, making you groan and tremble. You touched the place where you two were connected and when your fingers found your clit, you began to please yourself. Loki felt you squirming, your thighs clenching at the sides of his torso.
“Fuck, Sugar, please let me touch you.” Of course, he could free himself easily. But he didn't want to, somehow he enjoyed that you dominated him. Something he never thought would make him feel…safe and wanted.
“No, you're not allowed to touch me. Now you know how that feels.” Your one hand rested on his chest, while you shoved two of your fingers of your other hand carefully into his mouth. He sucked at them and his tongue circled your fingers. He moaned lasciviously when he tasted the juice of your arousal on them and tried to buck up his hips to get more friction and stimulation for his needy cock. He felt so hot and you knew that your orgasm would wash over you soon. You hopped up and down his cock, feeling the swollen veins on it which were fiercely pulsating under the pressure of your clenching cunt. Your fingers left Loki's mouth with a pop and you rubbed them, slick with his saliva, over your throbbing clit in delicious circles. You couldn't hold back a loud moan when you felt the coil in your lower parts tighten. You fastened your pace, your gyrating movements became sloppier, your wetness grew and Loki tried to thrust into you as deep as he could and hit your special spot inside of you.
He felt your walls pulsating, vibrating and twitching around his hard length, massaging him and your tightness and warm wetness made him go feral. He couldn't hold back all the whimpers and sighs and he was panting heavily.
“Close…I'm so close…,” you moaned, riding him faster and circling your clit more firmly.
“Can't hold it… fuck…anymore, Sugar.”
Without the barrier, his cock was so sensitive and you felt so good, the physical feelings he had were so much more intense, doubled by the fact that he couldn't look at you.
“Close…close your eyes…promise me…to close your eyes, …I'm…begging you…,” he whimpered, he desperately wanted to cum.
“Yesss….,” You came, hard, with relish, screaming his name, a mind-blowing orgasm washing over you, letting you see stars behind your eyelids.
Loki came hard shortly after you, a loud, primal moan leaving his mouth when he spilled his cum into you. You immediately came for a second time when you felt him filling you up to the brim and collapsed against his chest in urgent need to let your fingertips trail over his chest and his armpits, upwards to the undersides of his arms to finally clasp your hand with his and freeing his wrists. You wanted to caress every inch of him. But you knew you weren't allowed to touch him like that and so you didn't. You just reached upwards and loosened his wrists so he could free himself from the blindfold. Your head still laid on his chest, heaving up and down in the rhythm of his still fast breathing.
You two bathed in the post-orgasmic high for a few more moments before Loki sat up with you by holding you by your waist. When he looked at you he felt respected like never before. You were blindfolded. You had put a blindfold over your eyes before you impaled yourself onto his hard length. He took the blindfold from your eyes, grabbed you carefully by your hips, lifted you up and bottomed out of you, his seed dripping from your still clenching cunt. You already missed him and you wanted to cuddle with him. An escort, you were just an escort and cuddling was never part of the deal. That he held you in his arms and fell asleep with you the last time you had sex with each other had been an accident and it would never happen again. Was there a shimmer of blue on his skin again or did you just imagine it?
“That was amazing, Sugar. You treated me so well. I hope I was able to make you feel good. If I would be allowed to kiss your beautiful soft lips now I would do it,” he said softly and chuckled.
“What a pity that I will never kiss you, right?” you took a tissue from the bedside table and cleaned your folds, got off of his lap and the bed, and walked over to his bathroom with lasciviously swinging hips and closed the door behind you.
Your self-confidence was gone immediately with the shut of the bathroom door and you breathed deeply several times, swallowing down your tears and covering your mouth with one hand to muffle the sobs. It felt so good, he felt so good. You wished you were wrapped in his arms again right now, giving each other loving aftercare. You felt so safe with him. You wished you could've touched him and…kissed him. You trailed your fingers over your lips and imagined Loki would kiss you. You were sure his kisses would be passionate and demanding and soft and his taste must be delicious. You knew his cock and his juices taste good, sweet and salty, you just got a taste of it some days ago. You were sure the taste of his lips and tongue must be even better, sweeter. But he was your client, you an escort and you weren't allowed to love him. Your sassiness towards him after fucking and ending the intimacy quickly was just your way to hide the growing feelings you had for him.
Loki was confused by himself. You had been in charge, you took what you needed from him and he was on your mercy and… he enjoyed it. Also, you followed the rules, you were blindfolded, you didn't take the chance to look at him while he came undone and see him in a very vulnerable moment. And you didn't touch him…nearly. He was sure you hadn't been aware of your fingers trailing down his torso and he enjoyed it way too much to tell you that. He could've stopped you easily. But he didn't want to, your gentle touches felt too good.
He hoped you would kiss him, demandingly, passionately and gently. You didn't and he had to accept it. You were his escort and he was your client. What you just did had nothing to do with love and he wouldn't fall for you. He might feel some kind of addiction or obsession but it wasn't love he felt for you…it wasn't love.
When you came back to the bedroom, tears dried and your body cleaned, you took a fresh lace thong from your travel bag. You turned your attention back to Loki and smirked tantalizingly at him, a cigarette lingering in the corner of your mouth. You walked towards the bed where this piece of art was still lying in the rumpled sheets, head popped up on one hand. With half-opened eyes, he looked at you. His gorgeous hair was a mess and he looked well-fucked. It made you proud that it was your doing that he looked like this. You lit the cigarette and dragged joyfully on it, lasciviously blowing out the steam.
“It's okay if I smoke, isn't it?” You asked him playfully and Loki huffed, amused. You crawled onto the bed and laid down on your stomach, supporting your upper body on your elbows and looking at the handsome guy with tousled black curls next to you.
“I would've loved to clean you, sweets.”
“I'm sorry, Luke. I'm used to doing it myself. Old habits die hard,” and you dragged on your cigarette again.
“Then excuse me for a moment, I just take a quick shower. I'm back in a few minutes. Please wait for me, sweets, don't vanish, okay,” you just smiled at him and he left the bed and headed for the bathroom. He was afraid you could be gone when he returned from the shower. On his way to the bathroom, Loki presented you with an awesome view of his backside which made you lick your lips.
“Has anyone ever told you what a nice butt you have?” You wondered, lazily lolling on the rumpled bed sheets. "You have such a hot butt and such tight ass cheeks…I want to smack and bite them," you purred and you bit into your lower lip, your mouth watering. You didn't expect the speed at which Loki turned around and was back on the bed, his knees to either side of your torso, caging you between him and the mattress. He wrapped a hand around your throat, possessively but gently, and leaned over.
“You want to bite me. Is that so?” He growled darkly but softly and felt your pulse point beating faster under his digits. You didn't fear him, you felt safe with him and smirked tantalizingly.
“Yes, that's what I want to do, loverboy,” you cooed.
“Maybe next time, sweet thing. You have to be patient,” he murmured with a salacious grin.
“So will there be a next time?” You wanted to know. Loki let go of your throat, got off of the bed and headed for the bathroom again.
“If you let me… and you should stop smoking. It's not healthy,” he said as he left.
“I do what I want,” you stated cheekily.
“I know,” he replied tersely and vanished into the bathroom.
You smiled. To be with him felt so normal but it shouldn't feel like this because this was a professional relationship. You two had sex without feelings. But if this, what just happened was some kind of aftercare, you definitely liked it. He would never cuddle with you again after fucking each other but you appreciated this kind of teasing after having sex and you enjoyed every minute of it. You finished your cigarette, rolled onto your back and stared at the ceiling, waiting for him to come back.
Your sassiness never failed to amaze him.He took a really quick shower because he wanted to return to you as soon as possible and he wanted to hold you in his arms again, feeling your skin on his. Was it even normal to feel like this with a paid escort? Probably not.
“Want me to hold you in my arms? Am I allowed to hold you?” He asked you when he returned from the bathroom, a black towel wrapped around his waist, his hair moist and extremely curly. He loosened the towel and tossed it away, sat down on the bed against the headboard and spread his legs invitingly. You smiled, nodded and crawled between his spread legs and sat in his lap between his breathtaking thighs, your back against his chest. You didn't expect this and it surprised you. He felt so warm, his arms wrapped around you like a soft blanket, his shoulder your pillow, his scent your drug. You felt comfortable and protected, maybe for the first time in your life.
“Do you feel good, sweet thing?” He wanted to know, lovingly cuddling you and pressing a soft kiss to your neck.
“Yes, I'm feeling good. What about you? Are you okay? I thought I saw a shimmer of blue on your skin when you removed my blindfold,” and you took his hand into yours, intertwining your fingers with his.
“Which blue shimmer? You must have imagined it, Sugar. I'm good, there was nothing,” he lied but how should he explain to you that you haven't imagined it at all. How could he be so weak, he should control his emotions better.
“Okay, I just wanted to make sure that everything is fine, Luke.”
"It is Sugar. Thank you for caring.” He found your concern about him and the attention you gave him adorable but he didn't deserve it, he didn't deserve you.
“Don't you want to open your hair bun? Isn't it uncomfortable to wear your hair like this all the time?” He asked concernedly.
“No, I'm used to it. It doesn't feel uncomfortable.” It was just half of the truth but the tight hair bun was a part of Sugar, a part of the masquerade and you'd never drop the mask you were wearing.
“Will you ever open your hair for me, sweets?”
“No, probably not,” and your fingers played with his. His fingers were so long and his hands so veiny, strong and beautiful and you loved it when his hands roamed up and down your body, cupping your breasts or when they held you in a protective embrace.
“Believe me, I don't look that beautiful with open hair or casual clothing. You wouldn't even look at me if you'd see me in casual clothes and my hair undone.”
“How do you know, Sugar?”
“Hmmm… all men want the pretty, sweet girl by their side, flawless, with perfect makeup, perfectly styled in bodycon dresses and matching lingerie and high heels, wanton all the time, willing to fulfill daddy's every sexual wish, sucking his dick and spreading their legs for him to get fucked like a whore. Believe me, I know what I'm talking about. If you would see me in private, undone, with tousled and greasy hair, wearing an old comfy t-shirt, my tits hanging loose underneath it and my ass engulfed in an old linen panty, you'd never touch me again. 'Cause that's what I wear in private. Disillusioning, right?” You sounded so sad and it made him feel sad, too.
“Not a bit. To begin with, your beautiful boobs are not hanging, they're wonderful and just perfect. I don't care about perfect makeup or a perfect style combined with devouring lingerie. It's not that I don't like it, I do actually like it but I love the idea of you being comfortable at home more. You would still be the most beautiful woman I've ever met. And if you were mine, I'd prefer to see you wearing one of my t-shirts and the most comfy linen underwear you can find in your closet. Because I want you to feel comfortable around me and also… it would be more comfortable when I'm cuddling you. And honestly, I really wonder about what kind of men you met. They were never worthy of you, you deserve better,” and he hugged you a bit tighter.
Your eyes were suddenly filled with tears. How could he say something so utterly nice? His words felt like a soft blanket he just had wrapped around you.
“Unfortunately, I'm not yours,” you murmured.
“Yeah, unfortunately not, and I'm not worthy of you either,” he replied sadly.
All of a sudden you left the bed and walked over to the kitchen. You two shouldn't have such a conversation. Professional distance should be your goal and not you talking about emotional things with him. So you fled from his much too comfortable embrace.
“Can I have some champagne from your fridge?” you asked while walking away, Loki still surprised by your sudden action.
“Yes, of course. Take what you want, and make yourself at home. He answered genuinely but perplexed, raising his eyebrows.
Loki was still sitting against the headboard of his bed when you came back from the fridge, and you were close enough to him so he could smell your natural scent, mixed with the aroma of sparkling champagne you just drank. His gaze wandered over your naked form. You were almost bare for him, the skimpy black lace of your thong barely hiding your intimate parts.
“Please don't stare at me like this,” you told him softly.
“When was the last time someone looked at you like I'm doing right now?”
“I don't remember…,” your voice was merely a whisper and you were fidgeting with your fingers.
“How long has it been, sweets?” His voice was deep and warm.
“But you had sexual intercourse, intimate touches, didn't you?” You nodded hesitantly.
“But no one…stared at me like you do. Not that intense, never that long,” and you crossed your arms in front of your naked breasts to hide yourself from Loki's piercing blue eyes and his intensive but loving stare. You felt so fragile and vulnerable.
Loki sensed you were clearly unused to someone staring at you for longer than a minute. He got off the bed, strutting over to you and stood close to you.
“Drop your arms for me, Sugar. I want to see you. Please let me look at you,” he asked you calmly.
Instead of dropping your arms, you tightened them over your chest. Loki made a step toward you and let his fingers gently run from your shoulders down to your elbows.
“There's no need to hide from me, sweet thing, I adore every inch of you,” and he tenderly grabbed your forearms to make you relax for him and to show him your beautiful body again completely.
“You're safe with me. Always. You're so beautiful and I need to see you, sweets.”
His eyes were fixed to yours and when he saw the upcoming tears in your eyes his heart clenched painfully. Who, by the nine realms, had hurt you so much and why? Who was that prick who took that confidence away from you and how?
“No man ever wanted to see me, I mean, truly see me,” you sobbed quietly.
“I can't believe that, Sugar. You deserve to be seen and admired wholeheartedly. You should be treated like a queen.”
He wanted you to feel comfortable, to feel free and valued. He wanted you to let go and enjoy all the feelings he wanted to give to you. He cupped your breast softly and grazed his thumb over your nipple. It hardened instantly and so did his cock.
“No one ever did, I'm not lying,” you sobbed.
“Sugar…,” and Loki pulled you carefully flush against his chest. You buried your head into the crook of his neck and snaked your arms around his torso. So close to him, feeling his body and his warmth, inhaling his beguiling scent, fresh and manly, you couldn't hold it back any longer. You were desperately crying and sobbing and you clung to him as if you were afraid you would drown in your tears if you couldn't hold onto him.
Loki's heart pondered achingly against his chest. He felt your pain clearly. He wasn't good at comforting others but he pulled you closer and held you tightly. He didn't want to shush you so he just held you, one hand between your shoulder blades and his other hand on your lower back, his fingertips slightly crawling over your soft skin. He felt the goosebumps on your skin and your body wasn't only shaking from crying. He reached behind him and with a bit of magic you didn't recognise, he held one of the thin bedsheets in his hand and wrapped it around your trembling naked body. He tugged the loose end into the hem under your arm for a secure fit and hugged you tightly, pressing you against his chest again.
“Let it out, Sugar, let it all out. I'm here, I have you.” He wanted to be there for you now. And he did it gladly for you. He would do anything for you.
After some more minutes, your crying and sobbing became less until you finally stopped crying and loosened your grip on him. You wiped your tears away and leaned your head a bit backwards to look at him. With his thumb, he wiped away another tear and his finger traced over your cheekbone.
“Do you feel better, sweet thing?” And he leaned his forehead against yours, his breath lightly fanning over your face.
“Ye…yes,” you hiccuped, your nose nudging against his, your lips almost brushing his.
Loki was tempted to kiss you, just amicably perhaps but it wouldn't be the right moment. And maybe there would never be a right moment for it.
“Ple…please don't ki…kiss me,” you hiccuped while his tender hands cupped your cheek.
“Don't worry. I know I'm not allowed to do that…,” Loki responded and before you two could get any closer to breaking the rules you fled from his embrace again into the bathroom.
“Ex…excuse me…fo…for a moment…,” and you vanished and closed the door.
You opened the faucet of the sink and washed your face with ice-cold water to get your composure back and act professionally again. You couldn't behave like this. Were you outta your mind? Crying like a baby in a client's arms?
“I know it's close to midnight but we still have some time. Do you want to fuck me one more time as compensation for my unprofessional behaviour? It would be just a quicky but…,” you offered him when you returned to the bedroom. For a promise of a quicky, some men were ready to fuck and cum within a minute.
“You want to make amends? For what? No, Sugar and it definitely wouldn't feel right to fuck you now.” Loki was taken aback by your offer.
“Oohhh…but you paid for the night with me until midnight and also for a carefree evening so…but okay…you'll get your money back then, of course. This date can't have been to your satisfaction. You don't have to pay for unprofessionalism.”
“No, I don't want it back. Why should I? Because you cried? You've been wonderful tonight, this evening has been wonderful and I enjoyed every minute. Also, you need the money for whatever reason so please keep it. You haven't been unprofessional at all!” He stated. He didn't get why you were thinking you had been a disappointment tonight.
“No, no I cannot keep…,” you tried to convince him before he interrupted you.
“You can, Sugar. I know you need it, otherwise, you wouldn't do this job. I won't tell your agency about what happened. You have my word.”
Your eyes teared up again. Why couldn't you control your emotions better? You felt bad. You couldn't take his money without giving him what he had paid for. And on the other hand, you appreciated his decency and understanding of this special situation after your emotional outburst and the emotional outburst itself. You should get back to more professionalism. It was the second time you had become weak. You turned around because you didn't want him to see that you started crying again and you headed for the kitchen and poured some water into a glass. Your throat was dry and you swallowed thickly.
“I'm so sorry for my unprofessional behaviour. I shouldn't have… to cry in a client's arms is more than unprofessional,” you stated strongly.
Loki had followed you into the kitchen, hugged you from behind, pulled you carefully into his arms and engulfed you completely.
“You're adorable being unprofessional,” he cooed softly to your ear.
You turned around and wrapped your arms around his neck. You were clinging desperately to him cheek to cheek.
“Then I'll do the most unprofessional thing now,” you murmured, cupping his cheeks and looking at him, tilting your head and latching your lips onto his.
He reciprocated your kiss immediately and you parted your lips so he could slide his tongue into your mouth. Your tongues danced with each other, exploring each other's mouth with wet, messy and longing kisses. While you were making out, your arms around his neck again, your fingers caressing his nape and tugging his soft curls, his hands roaming tenderly over your back, you both forgot the world around you. You were right, he tasted so good and his lips were so warm and soft. His passionate kisses sent shivers down your spine. His scent and how he tasted were a deadly sexy combination. He tasted familiar somehow but you were so lost in his kisses and touches that you couldn't define what he tasted like.
Loki felt like he was in Valhalla. To sleep with you was one thing but to kiss you was so intimate and satisfying in a different way. Your soft lips, your sweet taste, all of this, and how it felt to kiss you and to hold you in his arms triggered a feeling inside of him he didn't know he was still able to feel. He wanted you. Not the escort, who was now ‘dressed’ in his sheet that was still wrapped around you and that skimpy black lace thong underneath. He wanted the woman you were. You looked so sweet and vulnerable. And yes, in a t-shirt and jeans, you would still turn him on. He genuinely wanted the woman he was holding in his arms. He wanted to protect you, love you, and stay with you. You didn't know it yet but you were his now. He didn't want you to be an escort anymore. He would find out why you had to do this job and he would free you from it. Nobody else would be close to you like this again. Nobody else would kiss, touch, or sleep with you except him.
Tears welled up in your eyes and you broke the kiss.
“Why are you crying, Sugar?” He murmured against your lips.
“It's nothing, Luke. I'm just a bit overwhelmed.”
“So am I. But you've no idea how much I enjoyed it and how much I wished for a kiss from you,” and he smiled lovingly at you.
“I hope this wonderful kiss doesn't change anything between us. I still would love to meet you and be together with you.” He didn't dare ask if you two could be exclusive because for him it would be equivalent to you quitting your job as an escort lady. He would never share you with another man. But would you quit the job for him?
This kiss changed everything. Feelings were involved now and how could you escort him to events or parties and sleep with him and he continues paying for it? This wouldn't work. But he also wouldn't date the real you. He would never date a woman who dates other men professionally. Also, you couldn't quit this job that easily and you were sure he would never like the real you with all the flaws and secrets. It was far away from your fake personality. There wasn't a way out anymore. You were stuck in a dead end.
“I should get dressed. I have to go soon.” You tried to escape from this emotional situation again.
“What?” did you hear him right?
“Stay, I don't want to be alone tonight. I don't want to let you go.”
“I'm not bookable for the whole night. You know that.”
“What is your price? Tell me how much you want for the whole night. I pay every price you want but please don't go. Please don't leave me alone.”
You were considering his offer. You could demand a big sum of money, maybe the whole sum you needed. You could solve your problem tonight with one blow. But no, you couldn't do that and you wouldn't. Nonetheless, you loved the idea of staying with him until sunrise.
“The price per hour stays the same, Luke, there's no special price list. But I want to get Walker properly paid. He has a night shift now because of me…”
“I'll take care of it, Sugar. Thank you for staying with me, it means a lot to me,” and he kissed you tenderly. You wished he would never stop kissing you like this.
You had a little midnight snack before you went to bed again. Loki was spooning you and holding you incredibly close to him as if he were afraid to lose you. He nuzzled his nose into your neck, peppering featherlight kisses to your throat and your shoulders, softly suckling your warm silken flesh. He'd love to mark you as his but without your permission, he would never dare suck on your flesh like that. The physical proximity and feeling your soft skin against his, your pretty ass pressing firmly against his cock has made him harden again and before he could ask you, you already whispered the answer.
“You can have me, Luke, I'm yours,” you whispered. “Don't forget the blindfold.”
“Just close your eyes and enjoy sweets,” he murmured and with a further tender kiss to your nape, he entered your wet cunt, pumping deeply and slowly in and out of you. His hand wandered over your side to your stomach, further down between your legs until his fingers found your clit and circled gently around your swollen bud. Your silent moans and whimpers filled him with warmth and delight. Did he ever like slow sex that much? He kept fucking you at this slow pace, circling your clit just a bit faster than before. Your breathing became heavier, his thrusts sloppier and he felt you throbbing and tightening around his length. He wished he could stay with you like this, deeply buried inside of you and holding you tight. With his next slow, deep strokes you came, sweetly and almost silently, and feeling you like this, so calm and savouring the feeling of your orgasm, pushed him over the edge as well and he spilt into you with low moans and sighs escaping his throat.
Loki stayed buried inside of you, slowly getting soft again and still holding you in his arms. Your hand rested the whole time on his forearm and to feel his veins and muscles flex under your fingertips when he worked your clit was amazing. But there was something else that made you feel valued. He was not only physically extremely close, his whole attention and affection were close to you too. It has reached your heart. He finally captured your heart. And this was never supposed to happen. He bottomed out of you, headed for the bathroom and came back with a warm washcloth to clean you gently and when he had finished, he pulled you back into his arms and gave you a devouring, passionate kiss which you tenderly reciprocated.
“Good night, sweet thing and thank you for this wonderful night.” Did your kisses mean that you'd fallen in love with him? For now, he didn't want to know the answer. You were here, you had captured his heart with your loving kisses, he was yours now and that was the only thing that counted.
“Good night, Luke. Thank you too,” and you snuggled up to him again. You've made a big mistake. You kissed him, and you only ever kissed a man when you truly liked them and had a genuine interest in them. Did it mean you were finally falling for him? This shouldn't have happened. This should never have happened.
You both fell asleep in each other's arms and with the first rays of daylight, you woke up. You needed to leave. Quickly, before this whole thing with Luke would take a course you both didn't want. You couldn't expect him to become an important part of your fucked up life. You couldn't expect him to love you. You tried to escape from his embrace, but in his sleep, he unconsciously pulled you back into his arms. Why? Why was he doing this? This wonderful man was just too adorable. You were close to crying again but finally you freed yourself from his grip without waking him up.
He was such a beautiful and peaceful sight when he was sleeping. You didn't want to leave without a word but you also weren't able to talk to him. It would hurt too much, both of you. You decided to write a letter and left it on the countertop in the kitchen, placing your tea mug from last night on it. When you quietly closed the entrance door of his penthouse behind you, your heart clenched painfully and shattered into a million pieces. You would never see him again.
Loki woke up, finding the place in his bed where you had been lying cold and empty. He got off the bed, put on his black dressing gown and looked for you but he couldn't find you anywhere in his home. Neither your travel bag was there nor the box with the lingerie set he gave you. You were gone. Without a word, without a goodbye.
Did he do something wrong? Has he been too demanding, too possessive? Had he been molesting at some point? Was it his fault? Or did he show his affection too soon? It was always the same. Whenever he showed his feelings he had for a woman and made himself vulnerable, they left him, ran away without a word and never came back. He headed for the kitchen to drink a strong coffee when he found a folded piece of paper under the tea mug you had used yesterday, the rim decorated with small faint traces of your dark red lipstick. He unfolded it and began to read your handwritten words.
My beloved Luke,
I'm sorry that I left you without a word, but I had to. Last night was the most wonderful night I've had for a very very long time and I'm genuinely grateful for it.
To sleep on your shoulder and in your arms, was so satisfying. Your embrace gave me a feeling of being protected. Your bed was the safest place I've ever slept at and your loving, passionate kisses will linger on my lips and my skin forever. But I have to go and it breaks my heart. We became too close to each other and I won't be able to see you just as my client anymore. I broke too many of my rules and my feelings for you got too strong. I can neither love you nor can I be your escort anymore. It just became impossible. I hope one day you'll understand. Anyway, I don't deserve your love and care but thank you for giving it to me nonetheless.
I don't want to leave you without letting you know about something. The reason why I need that much amount of money is a simple one but I cannot talk about it, to no one. I could've demanded an absolutely exaggerated sum from you for the whole night with me and my biggest problem would've been solved. But I couldn't. I want to earn my money in an honest way like I've always been doing in my life and I didn't want you to pay for a mistake I made a while ago. That wouldn't be fair. One day you will have forgotten me, and that's okay because you deserve a loving and decent woman by your side and I'm anything but decent. In the end, I'm just a whore but I was only ever your whore, Luke and I hope you believe me.
I didn't know how to tell you and to be honest, I didn't want to tell you at all but after everything that happened between us you deserve to know about it. Someone is blackmailing me and maybe I have to leave this country. I don't want you to be involved in this so please, do not search for me. I have to handle this alone.
I will never forget you, Luke Larsson. Thank you for everything, you wonderful, generous, beautiful, lovable man. Please forgive me.
In love,
Loki gasped for air, his eyes wide open and filled with tears. He felt like he couldn't breathe. His heart raced achingly in his chest and he got hurriedly dressed. Who did this to you? Who was blackmailing you? Why and with what? What bad thing could you have done that someone put you under such pressure? He had to talk to Rhea immediately. He needed a new appointment with you, as soon as possible, today, no matter what. He would talk to Rhea personally and he wouldn't accept to be put on hold. He urgently had to talk to you. You would need help. Help you didn't dare ask him for but he wouldn't let you down. Not now, not ever. He would never let the woman down who became a part of his life. The woman who kissed him so passionately last night, the woman who became more precious to him with every date, the woman he fell in love with.
He would find you and he would help you even if that meant he would have to burn down the world for it.
@lokisprettygirl @faesimps @gruftiela @anukulee @fandxmslxt69 @foxherder @depressedpolishgirl @buttercupcookies-blog @chantsdemarins @fictive-sl0th @justjoanne242 @km-ffluv @stupidthoughtsinwriting @lovingchoices14 @wheredafandomat @lokixryss @huntress-artemiss @smolvenger
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hungergamesheadcanons · 7 months
Capitol Living Quarters For Victors We Know And Love:
In my head the Victors get allocated blank space apartments on the floor of their district in the Tribute Centre for when they 'need' to be in the Capitol, whether for The Games or for clients. Maybe these rooms get memorialised after their deaths, maybe they get scrapped and left for the next victor, you decide. Here are some headcanons on their rooms.
Mags Flanagan:
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Simple and clean, reminiscent of home if slightly on the more luxurious side. Gravitates towards blues and whites, as it reminds her of the ocean. Usually has a scared tribute sleeping in here at least once a year, so it's very cosy and calming.
Finnick Odair:
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So I couldn't actually find a reference I was 100% happy with but this is the closest I could get. To me Finnick's room is full of reminders of home - seashell strings on the wall his sisters made, driftwood tables and stuff like that. I also think it's full of things that catch his eye - whether because it's almost impossible soft or kind of quirky, and even though it's kind of eclectic, the room is full of pale blues and soft yellows. I also like to think that he has a lot of art on his walls to remind him of the sea - most people get homesick but Finnick gets seasick.
Johanna Mason:
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So I reckon Johanna fully started this room expecting to lean fully into the District 7 aesthetic, but when her family was killed she tapped out and the Capitol designers were left to fill in the blanks. Consequently her room is like a mix of too much yet not enough home, and she despises the place. If she had to pick between being in this room or at home though, she'd always pick this room. Home has too many ghosts for Johanna.
Haymitch Abernathy:
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Haymitch's room is a mess, for sure. Littered with beer bottles and other booze whenever he's in it, but when he leaves it's always magically cleaned and smelling like citrus when he returns. It's filled with all sorts of cheap tat - most of it makeshift gifts received from the tributes he knowingly sent to their deaths as they knew they wouldn't be getting out alive. Those are the only things in that room he consistently dusts. He has a cactus too. That thing should be dead by now but it isn't. Maybe the cleaners water it.
Bonus round!
Katniss Everdeen:
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Katniss designing a bedroom? She would have scoffed and said no, leaving the Capitol (and probably Cinna) to sort it out in her stead. It wouldn't have been bad - it wouldn't have been her safe space sure, but to Katniss a room is a room. As long as she's got a bed, she doesn't care.
Peeta Mellark:
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Peeta's on the other hand would be simple but cozy. Let's be real, any tributes after them would probably gravitate towards Peeta if they were scared or struggling, as he's easily the most sensitive and comforting of the gang. So Peeta's room would be full of soft, squishy surfaces and blankets for when sniffling children knock on his door in the middle of the night, along with warm fairy lights and big windows.
Lucy Gray Baird:
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Didn't expect to see her here, did ya? Colourful, chaotic, and more than a little jarring to the eye, Lucy Gray's room would have been almost painful to look at. Everything in it has meaning, though, and don't you dare tell her to change anything if you don't wanna get sassed.
Effie Trinket:
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Hyper-feminine and rather stylish, Effie's Escort room would be the height of luxury befitting her station. Very comfortable, and slightly impractical in some instances but what does that matter when you have an aesthetic to maintain.
Coriolanus Snow:
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Stuck in the past. Nasty, horrible man. Ugh. enjoy your room of designer sadness sir.
Primrose Everdeen:
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Were Prim to ever have a Capitol bedroom, it would be full of pastel shades and jewel tones, comfy and cosy. Lots of cute decor and plants - she'd love watering them all. Probably lots of big pillows for buttercup to snooze on.
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bniblogger · 1 year
Designing Your Master Bedroom: Creating a Serene Retreat
Your master bedroom is not just a place to sleep; it is your personal sanctuary, a haven of relaxation and rejuvenation. Designing this space requires careful consideration and attention to detail to ensure it reflects your style and promotes a sense of tranquillity. Whether you're starting from scratch or giving your existing bedroom a makeover, here are some tips to help you design a master bedroom that is both functional and inviting.
Define Your Style: Begin by determining the overall style you want to achieve. Are you drawn to minimalist, contemporary, rustic, or bohemian aesthetics? Browse through design magazines, websites, and social media platforms to gather inspiration and identify key elements that resonate with you. This will serve as a foundation for your design decisions.
Optimize Space: Consider the layout and size of your bedroom to make the most of the available space. Choose furniture that fits comfortably and doesn't overcrowd the room. A clutter-free environment promotes relaxation, so incorporate ample storage solutions like built-in closets or stylish dressers to keep belongings organized and out of sight.
Choose a Soothing Colour Palette: Colours have a profound impact on our moods and emotions. Select a calming colour palette that promotes relaxation and serenity. Soft, muted tones like pastels, neutrals, or cool blues and greens can create a peaceful ambience. Introduce pops of colour through accessories or artwork to add visual interest without overwhelming the space.
Layer Lighting: Lighting is crucial in setting the right mood in a master bedroom. Incorporate a mix of ambient, task, and accent lighting to create a layered effect. Install dimmer switches to adjust the intensity of light according to your needs and preferences. Consider natural light as well, as it can enhance the overall atmosphere of the room.
Invest in Quality Bedding: The centrepiece of any master bedroom is the bed. Invest in a high-quality mattress, comfortable pillows, and luxurious bedding to ensure a good night's sleep. Opt for soft, breathable fabrics like cotton or linen that feel gentle against the skin. Experiment with textures and patterns to add visual interest to your bed.
Create a Relaxation Nook: Designate a cosy corner in your master bedroom for relaxation and unwinding. Consider adding a comfortable reading chair or a chaise lounge where you can enjoy a book or simply take a moment to yourself. Enhance this space with a plush rug, a side table, and a floor lamp for added functionality.
Incorporate Personal Touches: Your master bedroom should reflect your personality and create a sense of intimacy. Display meaningful artwork, photographs, or treasured items that evoke positive emotions. Add personal touches through decorative accents like candles, plants, or scented diffusers to infuse the room with your unique style.
Remember, the key to designing a master bedroom is to create a space that promotes relaxation and serves as your personal retreat. With careful thought and attention to detail, you can design a serene and inviting space that brings you joy and rejuvenation every time you step into it. Take the time to plan and consider your preferences, and let your master bedroom become a haven for rest and tranquillity.
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6never6mind6 · 2 years
Illumination as well as lamps
The ideal lighting can make all the difference to the feel and look of an area. We welcomed home lights professionals and designer light manufacturers at www.modernfloorlamps.org.uk to share their leading tips for picking and also utilising lights in the residence. Understand layering and also the different kinds of light Everybody that likes home designing intuitively knows exactly how important light is for the atmosphere for developing the feel of a room. However there is some science to it also. The key is to understand that there are three types of light.
Ambient light is the general light you need to be able to move a room without running into things (in many residences, it's the kind that begins when you flip the primary switch). Accent light is extra extreme, focused light used to stress specific points in a room, such as paints or building attributes. Usually, accent lights must be around 3 times stronger than ambient lights. And task lights is light for a particular practical objective, such as a work desk light or overhead kitchen area lights. As soon as you've determined the kinds of light, you can use them to develop various textures as well as moods in a space. This is what's known as layering light you can find out more concerning it that our sensible guide to it here. Usage numerous table lamps and floor lamps for flexibility One of the standard principles of layering light is to stay clear of counting on a solitary overhead source. Instead, make use of multiple table lights, flooring lamps, wall surface lights and also pendants. This permits you to be adaptable, particularly in areas with numerous features. For instance, with various illumination 'scenes' the very same area can be an intense home office throughout the day, a glamorously-lit dining-room for guests at night and with a well-placed armchair and also table lamp a cosy reading nook at night. Buying a central control panel, especially ones fitted with dimmers, can permit you to conveniently alternative in between your pre-set lights 'scenes' at the flick of a button. There is a fourth kind of light which we really did not state earlier. Attractive light refers to any kind of light source that is meant to be attractive in itself, along with the real light it casts. We believe a light ought to be a beautiful space attribute also in wide daylight when it's turned off. So be bold, or understated, or modern-day, or retro, or whatever fits your style. Make a statement with big, flamboyant lights why not? Blending and matching lights with lamp shades offers you enormous freedom to locate your special decor appearance: whether it's a gathered patterned cotton shade for a classic theme or a sleek black or ivory silk colour for something great and also modern. So don't simply select the colour that features the lamp by default shop for the one that operates in your space. The general rule of thumb for table lamps and flooring lamps is that the elevation of the colour need to be about three-quarters the height of the light's base which if dithering in between two dimensions you ought to choose the bigger one. However, regulations are made to be damaged, as well as very thin as well as high lamps can usually match smaller sized tones. One means to think of selecting a table lamp, floor lamp or pendant for a particular space is to do it by product. Exactly how about buttery, warm brass or some distressed timber for a shoddy stylish appearance? A ceramic or glass table light can be an attractive ornament in itself, while we have actually tried out effectively with even more unusual materials like marble and also material. Occasionally a straightforward rattan ceiling pendant can completely change a room. In a dining room, it's crucial to have actually low-level illumination centred on the table. That's what produces that charming, intimate, a little dramatic environment when visitors are congregated. A fantastic means of accomplishing this is to have a pendant light or a series of pendants, hanging reasonably low. Generally, the bottom of the light should be around 36 inches over the table, and odd numbers of pendants work far better than also numbers (so threes as well as fives are far better than fours). See extra detailed suggestions for lighting a dining room by clicking right here.
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waynejay · 6 days
Chateau de Sable -A Brief Guide to Buying Baby Rompers and Onesies in Singapore
When dressing up your little bundle of joy, nothing quite matches the charm and comfort of baby rompers and onesies. In Singapore, where the weather can be as unpredictable as a game of peek-a-boo, finding the right attire for your tiny tot becomes all the more crucial. Fortunately, the digital era has made shopping for baby clothes a breeze, with a plethora of online options at your fingertips. Let's go through the virtual aisles of onesies and baby rompers in Singapore to explore what you should look for to ensure your little one is as snug as a bug in a rug.
Quality Matters
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When perusing the online marketplace for baby rompers and onesies in Singapore, quality should be your top priority. After all, these garments will be in constant contact with your baby's delicate skin. Look for materials that are soft, breathable, and hypoallergenic to keep your little one comfortable throughout the day. Opting for organic cotton can be a wise choice, as it is gentle on the skin and environmentally friendly. Keep an eye out for reinforced stitching and durable fabrics to ensure longevity, because let's face it, babies can be as wriggly as a fish in water, and their clothes need to keep up with their antics.
Sizing Savvy
Navigating the world of baby sizes can feel like deciphering a cryptic code, but fear not, we're here to demystify the process. When shopping for baby rompers and onesies online in Singapore, always refer to the sizing charts provided by the retailer. Babies grow faster than you can say 'peekaboo', so it's essential to choose sizes that allow for some wiggle room. Every brand may have slightly different sizing standards, so don't hesitate to reach out to customer service for guidance if you're unsure. Remember, a well-fitting romper or onesie is not only comfortable for your baby but also ensures ease of movement as they embark on their daily adventures.
Design Delights
Now comes the fun part - selecting the perfect design for your little one's wardrobe! From whimsical prints to classic patterns, the options are endless when it comes to infant rompers and baby onesies in Singapore. Whether you're drawn to adorable animal motifs or chic minimalist designs, there's something to suit every taste and personality. 
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Consider opting for snap closures or zippered fronts for easy diaper changes, because let's be real, anything that simplifies the diapering process is a parenting win. Don't forget to check out the array of sleeve lengths available, from short sleeves for sunny days to long sleeves for cooler evenings. With the right design, your baby will be turning heads faster than you can say 'cute as a button'.
Accessorising with Style
No outfit is complete without the perfect accessories, and the same holds for baby rompers and onesies in Singapore. From adorable hats to cosy socks, accessorising your baby's ensemble adds an extra touch of charm and personality. Look for accessories made from soft, baby-friendly materials to ensure comfort and safety. 
Consider playful prints or coordinating colours to complement your little one's outfit and create Instagram-worthy moments. Just remember, safety always comes first, so opt for accessories that are free from small parts or choking hazards. With the right accessories, your baby will be ready to steal the spotlight wherever they go.
When it comes to buying baby rompers and onesies in Singapore, quality, sizing, and design are key factors to consider. By prioritising soft, breathable fabrics, choosing the right size for your growing baby, and selecting designs that capture your heart, you can ensure that your little one is both stylish and comfortable. So why wait?  Embark on your online shopping adventure today and dress your baby in the finest rompers and onesies Singapore has to offer. For a delightful selection of baby apparel, visit Chateau de Sable and elevate your little one's wardrobe to new heights of cuteness.
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7 Best Summer Blankets for Cool, Comfortable Nights
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Summer nights can bring a paradoxical need for comfort: the desire for a cosy blanket without the warmth that makes sleep elusive.
Enter the summer duvet - the perfect solution for those seeking a light layer during the warmer months. This article guides you in choosing the best summer blanket to ensure your nights are comfortable and relaxed.
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What is a summer blanket?
A summer blanket is designed to provide comfort and a light sense of security without the heat retention of traditional bedding. Made from breathable materials, these blankets allow air to circulate, helping to regulate body temperature throughout the night. They're ideal for those warm nights when a heavy comforter is too much, but you're not comfortable sleeping with no cover.
Fabric matters
Choosing the suitable fabric is crucial to finding the perfect summer duvet. Here are some popular fabrics:
Cotton: Breathable and easy to wash, cotton blankets are great for summer. They provide a lightweight cover that doesn't trap heat.
Bamboo: Known for its moisture-wicking properties, bamboo blankets keep you dry and comfortable.
Linen: Highly breathable and absorbent, linen is another excellent choice for a summer blanket. It tends to get softer with each wash.
Microfiber: For those who prefer a softer, more plush feel, microfiber blankets are lightweight and breathable but provide a cosy touch.
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Weave is key
The weave of the blanket affects its breathability and warmth. A looser weave allows more air to pass through, making it more relaxed, while a tighter weave can trap more heat. Choose a waffle weave or a knit option for the best summer comfort.
Size and weight
Summer blankets come in various sizes and weights, depending on personal preference. Some people prefer a lightweight blanket that barely covers them, while others may opt for something heavier.
Care and maintenance
Look for blankets that are easy to care for. Many summer blankets are machine washable, but some may require special care, such as line drying or dry cleaning.
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Colour and style
Summer comforters are not only functional; they can also be a stylish addition to your bedroom. Choose colours and patterns that complement your room's decor.
Expert tips for choosing the right summer duvet
To help you make the best choice, here are some expert tips on choosing a summer duvet:
Consider the climate: Your local climate is vital to your choice. If you live in a humid area, opt for moisture-wicking fabrics.
Consider your sleeping habits: If you sleep hot, look for ultra-breathable materials like linen or bamboo.
Allergies matter: For allergy sufferers, consider hypoallergenic materials to keep sneezes and sniffles at bay.
Layering is an option: Sometimes, a summer blanket is not enough. Consider getting a few different weights and materials for layering.
Remember style: A summer blanket is part of your bedroom decor. Pick one that fits your aesthetic.
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How to Improve Your Summer Sleep Experience
In addition to choosing the right summer duvet, there are other ways to ensure a comfortable night's sleep during the warmer months:
Use a fan or air conditioner to keep the room comfortable.
Consider moisture-wicking sheets to complement your summer duvet.
Keep your bedroom dark and quiet for a better night's sleep.
7 Top Summer Blankets to Keep You Cool
Regarding summer blankets, the key is finding one that balances breathability, comfort, and style. Here are seven standout options that promise to enhance your summer sleep experience:
Brooklinen Lightweight Cotton Quilt
The Brooklinen Lightweight Cotton Quilt is a favourite for those who love the classic feel of cotton. This quilt is designed with a lightweight fill and a 100% cotton shell, ensuring breathability and comfort on warm nights. The quilt's diamond stitching adds a touch of elegance, making it a stylish addition to any bedroom. It's also machine washable, making care easy.
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Casper Cool Supima Sheet Blanket
Casper's Cool Supima Sheet Blanket offers a unique blend of sheet and blanket, perfect for those who prefer a minimal cover during summer. Made from 100% Supima cotton, known for its durability and softness, this blanket features a percale weave that enhances breathability and a cooling effect. Its lightweight design is ideal for hot sleepers or those living in warmer climates.
Parachute Home Linen Blanket
Linen is renowned for its natural breathability and moisture-wicking properties, and the Parachute Home Linen Blanket is no exception. This blanket is crafted from 100% European flax, ensuring a lightweight and airy feel. The linen's natural fibres soften with each wash, offering increased comfort. Its simple, timeless design complements any bedroom decor, making it a versatile choice for summer.
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Buffy Breeze Eucalyptus Blanket
For an eco-friendly option, the Buffy Breeze Eucalyptus Blanket is made from 100% eucalyptus fibres, which are biodegradable and sourced from renewable forests. This blanket is designed to be ultra-breathable and cool, perfect for those warm summer nights. The eucalyptus fabric is also hypoallergenic, making it ideal for allergy sufferers. Plus, its smooth texture offers a luxurious feel.
Bearaby Cotton Napper
The Bearaby Cotton Napper stands out for its unique hand-knitted design, which not only adds a cozy aesthetic to your bedroom but also promotes better sleep through gentle weight distribution. Made from organic cotton, this blanket is breathable and offers a comforting heft without overheating. It's available in various weights, allowing you to choose the perfect one for your comfort preferences.
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L.L. Bean Washed-Cotton Blanket
The L.L. Bean Washed-Cotton Blanket is another excellent choice for cotton lovers. This blanket's soft, washed cotton construction provides a comfortable, lived-in feel from the first use. Its lightweight design makes it suitable for summer, while the textured weave adds an extra layer of breathability. Plus, it comes in various colors to match any bedroom palette.
Cozy Earth Bamboo Blanket
Last but not least, the Cozy Earth Bamboo Blanket is made from premium bamboo fabric, known for its exceptional softness and thermal-regulating properties. This blanket keeps you cool in the summer and warm in the winter, making it a versatile option for year-round comfort. Its moisture-wicking capabilities ensure you stay dry and comfortable throughout the night. The bamboo fabric is also naturally hypoallergenic and resistant to odours and bacteria.
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Enhance your summer nights with MOBILESTYLES
Enhancing your summer comfort doesn't stop with choosing the perfect duvet. MOBILESTYLES offers personalized beauty advice to help you look and feel your best during the year's warmest months. From skincare tips that address summer needs to makeup styles that stand up to the heat, our experts are here to help. Visit MOBILESTYLES to discover how we can enhance your summer beauty routine to keep you cool, comfortable and stylish all season long.
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haveaseatau · 11 days
Top 10 Corner Booth Seating Designs for Cosy Family Gatherings
Corner booth seating can transform any dining area into a cosy, inviting space. It's perfect for family gatherings, offering a comfortable and intimate setting. Here are the top 10 corner booth seating designs that will make your family meals more enjoyable and stylish.
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Classic L-Shaped Booth
The classic L-shaped booth is a timeless design. It fits neatly into the corner of your dining room, maximising space and providing ample seating. This design is great for large families, offering plenty of room for everyone to sit together. Upholstered in soft fabric or leather, it adds both comfort and elegance to your home.
U-Shaped Booth
For those who need even more seating, the U-shaped booth is ideal. It wraps around three sides of the table, creating a cosy nook. This design is perfect for large family gatherings, making sure no one is left out. With cushions and a high backrest, it provides extra comfort for long meals and conversations.
Built-In Storage Booth
Maximise functionality with a built-in storage booth. This design incorporates drawers or lift-up seats to store extra dining essentials like table linens, utensils, or even children's toys. It's a practical choice for families who need to keep their dining area tidy and organised.
Rustic Wooden Booth
For a warm, homey feel, consider a rustic wooden booth. Made from reclaimed wood or finished with a distressed look, this design adds a touch of farmhouse charm to your dining space. Pair it with plush cushions for added comfort, and you have a perfect spot for family meals.
Banquette Booth
A banquette booth offers a sleek, modern look. It often features a straight back and clean lines, making it a stylish addition to any dining area. This design works well in both traditional and contemporary homes. Upholster it in a bold fabric to make a statement, or choose a neutral tone for understated elegance.
Curved Booth
Add a touch of sophistication with a curved booth. This design features a rounded backrest that embraces the table, creating a semi-circle. It's perfect for creating a focal point in your dining room. The gentle curves make it an inviting spot for family meals and special occasions.
Convertible Booth
Flexibility is key for busy families, and a convertible booth offers just that. This design allows you to adjust the seating arrangement as needed. Some models can expand to seat more people or fold down to create extra space. It's a versatile option for families who host frequent gatherings.
Booth with a View
Position your corner booth by a window to enjoy natural light and outdoor views during meals. This design not only enhances the dining experience but also creates a serene atmosphere. Add some colourful cushions and a few plants nearby to make the space even more inviting.
Luxurious Velvet Booth
For a touch of luxury, choose a velvet-upholstered booth. Velvet adds a rich, tactile element to your dining area. It’s soft to the touch and exudes elegance. This design works well in formal dining rooms and makes family gatherings feel extra special.
Compact Booth for Small Spaces
If space is a concern, a compact corner booth is the perfect solution. Designed to fit into smaller dining areas, this booth offers all the benefits of corner seating without taking up too much room. Look for models with slim profiles and integrated storage to make the most of your space.
Final Words
Corner booth seating designs offer a variety of styles and functionalities to suit any family’s needs. From classic L-shaped booths to luxurious velvet options, there's a design to match every home decor. These booths create a cosy, inviting atmosphere that encourages family bonding over meals
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lushlyfseo · 14 days
Why Lushlyf Sofa Throws Are a Must-Have for Your Home Decor!!
In the realm of home decor, few items are as versatile and transformative as a well-chosen sofa throw. At Lushlyf, we understand the importance of blending comfort with style, and our collection of sofa throws is designed to do just that. Here’s why Lushlyf sofa throws are a must-have for your home decor.
      Unmatched Comfort and Warmth: Lushlyf sofa throws are crafted with the finest materials, ensuring that every piece offers unparalleled comfort and warmth. Whether you’re snuggling up with a book on a chilly evening or adding an extra layer of cosiness to your living room, our throws are designed to keep you warm and comfortable.
      Elevate Your Aesthetic: A sofa throw isn’t just about warmth; it’s also a powerful decor element. Our diverse range of designs, from classic solids to intricate patterns, ensures there’s a throw to complement any decor style. Whether you prefer a minimalist, modern look or a more eclectic, bohemian vibe, Lushlyf has the perfect throw to elevate your space.
      Versatility at Its Best: Lushlyf sofa throws are incredibly versatile. Drape them over the back of your sofa for an instant style upgrade, or fold them neatly at the end of your bed for a touch of elegance. Use them as picnic blankets, wrap them around yourself during a cool evening outdoors, or simply cuddle up on the couch. The possibilities are endless.
      Quality You Can Trust: At Lushlyf, quality is paramount. Each throw is made with meticulous attention to detail, ensuring durability and longevity. Our throws are easy to care for and maintain their softness and colour even after multiple washes, making them a practical addition to any home.
      A Touch of Personal Style: Adding a Lushlyf sofa throw to your home is an easy way to inject your personal style into your decor. You can mix and match with a wide array of colours, textures, and patterns to reflect your unique taste. Change your throws with the seasons or your mood to keep your space fresh and inviting.
In conclusion, Lushlyf sofa throws are more than just decorative pieces; they are essential elements that enhance your home's comfort, style, and versatility. With their exceptional quality, beautiful designs, and practical benefits, they are a must-have for any home decor enthusiast. Explore our collection today and discover the perfect throws to transform your living space. Below are some suggestions from the Lushlyf wardrobe you can explore to make your home look better :
Sofa Throw From The Lushlyf Wardrobe :
Below are the sofa throw options of Lushlyf which you can help to you’re your home look better:
Olive Green - Premium Chenille Sofa Throw
Elevate your home decor with the Olive Green Cozy Haven Premium Chenille Sofa Throw from Lushlyf. Crafted with luxurious chenille, this throw offers unparalleled softness and warmth, making it perfect for snuggling up on cool evenings. The rich olive-green hue adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to any room, effortlessly complementing various decor styles. Whether draped over your sofa or folded neatly at the end of your bed, this throw is a functional and stylish addition to your home. Experience the perfect blend of comfort and style with the Cozy Haven Premium Chenille Sofa Throw. If you are looking for a sofa throw in India and wish to purchase the following products to change the aesthetics of your home décor, then you can explore it at Sofa Throw online in india.
Blue - Premium Chenille Sofa Throw
Add a splash of sophistication to your living space with the Air Superiority Blue Cozy Haven Premium Chenille Sofa Throw from Lushlyf. This luxurious throw, made from ultra-soft chenille, is designed to provide the ultimate comfort and warmth. Its striking blue shade brings a refreshing and serene vibe to any room, perfectly enhancing your home decor. Whether curling up with a good book or adding a stylish layer to your sofa, this premium throw is essential for a cosy and chic living environment. Experience the perfect blend of elegance and cosiness with the Air Superiority Blue Chenille Sofa Throw. If you are looking for a sofa throw in India and wish to purchase the following products to change the aesthetics of your home décor, then you can explore it at Sofa Throw online in india.
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To Know More: https://lushlyf.co/blogs/blogs/why-lushlyf-sofa-throws-are-a-must-have-for-your-home-decor
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adornifyyourhome · 28 days
10 Home Decor Ideas to Transform Any Living Room
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Ready to turn your living room into the ultimate hangout spot? Your living room isn't just a room—it's the heart of your home, where all the magic happens. Whether you're hosting a movie night with friends or snuggling up with a good book, your living room should be a reflection of your style and personality. So, if you're ready to give your space a makeover, here are ten home decor ideas for living room to help you do just that: 1. Statement Rug: Let's start from the ground up, shall we? A statement rug can totally transform your living room. Think bold patterns, rich textures, and vibrant colours that'll make your space pop. It's like art for your floor! 2. Stylish Sofa: Your sofa is basically the VIP of your living room. It's where you'll spend lazy Sundays binge-watching your favorite shows or catching up with friends. So why not make it stylish and comfy? Whether you're into modern minimalism or cozy classics, there's a sofa out there with your name on it. 3. Accent Chairs: Add a little flair to your space with some funky accent chairs. Mix and match different styles for an eclectic vibe or keep it coordinated with a matching pair. Either way, accent chairs are a fun way to inject some personality into your living room. 4. Wall Art: Blank walls? Ain't nobody got time for that! Jazz up your space with some killer wall art. Whether you're into bold prints, vintage posters, or quirky sculptures, there's something out there to suit your taste. 5. Lighting Fixtures: Let there be light! Lighting can totally change the mood of your living room. From statement chandeliers to cosy floor lamps, experiment with different fixtures to create the perfect ambiance. 6. Decorative Pillows: Pillow fight, anyone? Okay, maybe not. But decorative pillows are a super easy way to add some pizzazz to your sofa or accent chairs. Mix and match different colours and textures for a look that's totally you. 7. Coffee Table Styling: Your coffee table deserves some love too! Dress it up with books, candles, and trinkets that reflect your interests and personality. It's like a mini art installation right in the middle of your living room. 8. Window Treatments: Don't forget about your windows! Whether you prefer curtains, blinds, or shades, dressing up your windows can really pull a room together. Plus, they'll give you some much-needed privacy when you're binge-watching Netflix in your PJs. 9. Artificial Potted Plants: Want the greenery without the hassle? Artificial potted plants are your new best friend. They add a touch of nature to your space and require zero maintenance. Perfect for those of us who aren't exactly green-thumbed but still want to enjoy the look of lush, vibrant plants. 10. Personal Touches: Last but not least, don't forget to add some personal touches to your space. Whether it's family photos, travel souvenirs, or quirky knick-knacks, these little details are what make your living room feel like home. So there you have it—ten home decor ideas to take your living room from drab to fab. Get creative, have fun, and let your personality shine through. After all, your living room should be as unique and awesome as you are! Read the full article
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carlimuja · 1 month
Check Out These 10 Condo Interior Design Ideas To Create A Stunning Space!
Living alone in a condominium can be a liberating experience! You can invite your friends over, host a party, learn to be independent, and enjoy the comfort of your own home without the stress of dealing with the preferences and styles of others. Going solo, however, can sometimes mean dealing with limited space and unique layout challenges. But fear not! Because with some creative condo interior design ideas in Singapore, you can transform your condo into a cosy and functional living space that perfectly suits your needs.
In Singapore, homeowner's house interior design is ultimately crucial. Many citizens love the notion of living and enjoying a stunning and comfortable living space. If you want to experience the same, here is how to do it!
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Multi-functional Furniture
One of the best hacks to maximise limited space in a condominium is by investing in multi-functional furniture pieces. You can have a sofa that doubles as a bed, a coffee table that works as a desk, or even a bench with storage underneath. These types of furniture are excellent for saving space and adding extra functionality to your condo.
Wall Storage
Maximising storage space is vital in residential interior design in Singapore, especially condominiums. Utilising your walls for storage can be a nifty hack. Installing shelves, cabinets, or hooks on your walls can help you store items without consuming valuable floor space.
By reflecting light and creating an illusion of depth, mirrors can make your condo feel more spacious and airier. Place a large mirror on your walls and see the difference in your condo's overall look and feel.
Area Rugs
Area rugs to your condo can help define different areas and add a cosy touch. When choosing one, consider the size of your space and furniture placement. A rug too small can make your space look disjointed, while something too large can make your place feel cluttered.
Proper lighting is one of the condo interior design ideas in Singapore to apply. Good lighting can help enhance your ambience, mood, and functionality. Adding light layers, such as ambient lighting, task lighting, and accent lighting, can help create a warm and inviting atmosphere in your condo.
Paint and Wallpaper
When choosing colours or patterns, consider the size of your space and the mood you want to create. Lighter shades can make your unit feel open and airy, while darker ones create a cosy and intimate ambience.
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Curtains and Blinds
Window treatments are essential to your residential interior design in Singapore. They not only add privacy but also provide an opportunity to add a decorative touch to your space. Choosing curtains or blinds that match your overall design aesthetic can help tie your place together.
Plants are a chic way to add life and freshness to your condo. Plus, they help purify the air! Choosing plants that thrive in low light and require minimal maintenance, such as snake plants or pothos, can be a safe option for condo living.
Room Dividers
If your condo has an open floor plan, add room dividers. This condo interior design idea in Singapore can help you create different areas without sacrificing the breezy feel of your space. Consider bookcases or screens!
Artwork and Decor
Artwork and decor are the finishing touches that can tie your condo together. When choosing artwork and decor, consider your personal style and the overall aesthetic of your space. Adding a gallery wall or a statement piece of art can be a stylish way to showcase your personality and add visual interest to your condo.
On the hunt for a reliable interior designer to work with in Singapore? FineLine is here for you! Visit their website to learn more about their team, services, and pricing structures.
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luxefurnishes1 · 1 month
The Ultimate Guide to Decorating with Eames DSW Chairs
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The Eames DSW chair is a true icon of mid-century modern design. Created by the visionary husband-and-wife team, Charles and Ray Eames, this chair has endured as a timeless piece of furniture for over 70 years. With its sleek and simple design, the Eames DSW chair has become a staple in homes and offices worldwide, beloved for its comfort, style, and versatility. In this ultimate guide, we will explore the history of this legendary chair, discuss its design and aesthetic, and provide inspiration and tips for incorporating it into your own spaces.
History of the Eames DSW Chair
To understand the impact of the Eames DSW chair, we must first look back at the remarkable designers behind it. Charles and Ray Eames were pioneers of modern design, pushing the boundaries of furniture and product design in the mid-20th century. Their work with moulded plywood during World War II caught the attention of the United States Navy, who commissioned them to create wartime supplies such as splints and stretchers made from this innovative material. 
It was this experience with plywood that led to the creation of their iconic chair designs. In 1946, the Eameses introduced the Moulded Plywood Dining Chair, now known as the Eames Moulded Plywood Chair, which showcased their expertise in working with this material. However, it was their exploration of fibreglass that resulted in the creation of the DSW chair. 
First introduced in 1950, the Eames DSW (Dining Height Side Chair Wood) was an instant classic. With its sculpted, one-piece shell made of fibreglass, the chair offered a sleek and modern alternative to traditional dining chairs. The "Eiffel Tower" base, made of sleek metal rods, added to its unique and distinctive look. The DSW chair was an affordable and stylish option for homeowners, and it quickly became a symbol of modern design, embraced by those seeking a contemporary aesthetic.
Design and Aesthetic
The Eames DSW chair is a masterpiece of minimalist design. The curved, organic shape of the seat is designed to ergonomically support the sitter, while the use of fibreglass allows for a smooth, seamless finish. The "Eiffel Tower" base, with its slender metal rods, adds a sense of lightness and elegance to the overall design. 
The chair's simplicity and clean lines make it incredibly versatile. It works beautifully in a variety of spaces and interior design styles. From Scandinavian-inspired interiors to mid-century modern homes, the DSW chair seamlessly blends in while adding a touch of contemporary flair. The chair's muted, archival colours, such as white, grey, and beige, further enhance its adaptability, ensuring it can complement a range of colour palettes and design themes. 
Incorporating the Eames DSW Chair into Your Spaces
The versatility of the Eames DSW chair is one of its greatest strengths. Whether you're looking to create a stylish dining area, a cosy reading nook, or a productive home office, this chair can be the perfect addition. Here are some tips and ideas for incorporating the Eames DSW chair into your spaces:
Dining Rooms
The Eames DSW chair was originally designed with dining rooms in mind, and it still excels in this setting. Create a stylish and cohesive look by pairing several DSW chairs with a simple, modern table. Opt for a wooden table with clean lines to complement the chairs' organic shape, or go for a more industrial look with a metal-framed table. For a pop of colour, mix and match different chair colours, or keep it classic with all-white or neutral tones.
Bring some modern elegance to your kitchen with the addition of Eames DSW chairs. They work beautifully as seating for a kitchen island or breakfast bar. Opt for colourful chairs to add a playful touch to the heart of your home, or stick to muted tones for a more subtle impact. The lightweight and sleek design of the chairs ensures they won't overwhelm your kitchen space.
Home Offices
Incorporate the Eames DSW chair into your home office to elevate your workspace. The comfortable and supportive design of the chair makes it ideal for long days at the desk. Pair it with a minimalist desk and a stylish lamp to create a productive and inspiring environment. Add a cosy rug and some greenery to complete the look and enhance your focus.
Living Rooms
The Eames DSW chair can also work as a stylish accent chair in your living room. Place one or two chairs in a cosy reading nook, creating a dedicated space for relaxation and quiet contemplation. The chair's comfortable seat and supportive backrest make it perfect for curling up with a good book. Add a soft throw and a small side table for the ultimate in comfort and functionality.
Bring some mid-century modern flair to your bedroom with the addition of an Eames DSW chair. It can serve as a unique and stylish alternative to a traditional bedroom chair or chaise lounge. Place it in a corner with a small side table and lamp for a cosy reading spot, or use it as a statement piece at the end of your bed. The chair's simple design ensures it won't overwhelm your bedroom décor.
Entryways and Hallways
Make a statement in your entryway or hallway with the addition of an Eames DSW chair. Its sculptural integrity and unique design will instantly elevate these often-overlooked spaces. Place a single chair in the entryway, providing a spot to sit while putting on shoes, and adding a touch of personality and style. In hallways, the chair can serve as a practical and eye-catching addition, especially when paired with a small console table and a stylish mirror.
Color and Material Choices
One of the joys of the Eames DSW chair is the variety of colour and material options available. While the original fibreglass design is a classic, you can also opt for chairs made from polypropylene, a more sustainable and eco-friendly choice. The polypropylene chairs offer a slightly softer and warmer feel, while still retaining the iconic design. 
When it comes to colour, the possibilities are endless. From neutral tones like white, beige, and grey to bolder options like red, yellow, and blue, you can choose a shade that complements your existing décor or makes a statement. Mix and match different colours for a playful and eclectic look, or stick to a single colour for a more cohesive feel. 
Caring for Your Eames DSW Chairs
To ensure your Eames DSW chairs remain in pristine condition, proper care and maintenance are essential. For fibreglass chairs, regular cleaning with a soft, damp cloth will keep them looking their best. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaning products, as these can damage the finish. For polypropylene chairs, a mild detergent and warm water are usually sufficient for cleaning. 
It's also important to protect your chairs from excessive sunlight and heat, as this can cause the material to degrade over time. Regularly rotate the chairs to ensure even wear, especially if they are placed in areas of direct sunlight. With proper care, your Eames DSW chairs can last for decades, becoming cherished heirloom pieces.
Investing in Eames DSW Chairs
Original Eames DSW chairs have become highly sought-after vintage pieces, with collectors and design enthusiasts willing to pay a premium for these iconic chairs. If you're lucky enough to come across an original at an auction or vintage store, be prepared to invest a significant sum. 
These modern reproductions maintain the same design and quality as the originals, ensuring that anyone can bring a piece of mid-century modern history into their homes. While still an investment piece, the availability of authorised reproductions makes the Eames DSW chair more accessible to design enthusiasts around the world.
The Eames DSW chair is a true testament to the enduring power of good design. With its simple, elegant lines and versatile aesthetic, this chair has become an enduring symbol of mid-century modern style. Whether you're a design aficionado or simply looking to add a touch of contemporary flair to your spaces, the Eames DSW chair is an excellent choice. 
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insaraffurniture · 1 month
Revamp Your Space with Stunning Chairs At Saraf Furniture
Chairs are important pieces of furniture in any home as they give you a place to sit and relax. We all know that chairs come in many styles from classic to modern designs but you must pick the right chair styles to make your home look great.
Level Up Your Living Space: Unleash the Power of Stylish Chairs at Saraf Furniture! 
Saraf Furniture, a top seller of stylish chairs offers high-quality chairs based on excellent Insaraf Furniture reviews. This article talks about different chair styles you can use to decorate your home. 
We look at classic wood chairs as well as sleek modern chairs. You will learn what styles work best in different rooms. So, read on to find fashionable chair ideas for your home.
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5 Stunning Wooden Chair Designs to Elevate Your Home Decor
Wooden chairs come in many styles to suit different rooms and tastes. 
Here is an overview on some of the most selling wooden chairs:
Minimalist Wooden Chair Design
These chairs have an extremely simple and pared-down design with no extra embellishments or decorative elements. They typically feature clean lines, an open rectangular frame, and minimal detailing to achieve a modern, uncluttered look. The wood is left with a natural, light-coloured finish to showcase the beauty of the wood grain itself.
Mid-Century Modern Wooden Chair Design  
Popularised in the 1950s-1960s, these vintage-inspired chairs are characterised by an iconic curved backrest and angled or tapered wood legs. The sculptural shapes and use of wooden slats or moulded plywood panels give them a distinctly retro yet stylish flair. Mid-century chairs pair well with both vintage and contemporary decor styles.
Contemporary Wooden Chair Design
These chairs blend a rustic, natural wood finish and aesthetic with more contemporary design elements like slatted backrests or armrests. The wood may feature knots, grains, and other organic imperfections that give it a warm, earthy vibe. The rustic textures are combined with clean, modern lines for an updated take on farmhouse or cabin-inspired decor.
Read More: Light and Airy: Furniture Styles to Keep Your Home Cool This Summer
Modern Designer Wooden Chair
These avant-garde wooden chairs are designed by renowned furniture makers or artist-designers. They often incorporate innovative or experimental shapes, forms, joinery, and wood manipulation techniques. Modern designer chairs are functional art pieces meant to be conversation starters and accent items.
Wooden Chair Design for Study Table
When choosing a wooden chair for a study area, the priorities are ergonomics and back support for long periods of sitting. Chairs may feature curved backrests that follow the spine's natural shape as well as armrests to reduce shoulder tension. An adjustable swivel base allows easy movement between the desk and bookshelves.
Find the Perfect Chair for Every Room
No matter what room you need to furnish, there is a chair type to fit the space. Lounge chairs provide ultimate comfort for relaxing. Look for an overstuffed chair with thick cushions that you can sink into. Recliners with an extending footrest are also cosy lounge options. Position lounge chairs next to a window or near a fireplace for a serene sitting area.  
When choosing chairs for your dining room or living room, consider versatile dining cum living chairs. These multi-purpose chairs work hard in both areas. Look for a simple, streamlined design that coordinates with your kitchen table and living room sofa. Chairs with an upholstered seat and wood back are a timeless choice.  
Armchairs are perfect for living rooms, dens, or home offices where you want to create a cosy reading nook. An armchair keeps you supported with padded arms to rest your elbows. Many styles like wingback or club chairs have an enveloping wrap-around design. This makes them feel like your own personal retreat space.
For top-quality comfortable chairs, check out Saraf Furniture Reviews and there diverse offerings. The Saraf Furniture Owner takes pride in sourcing sturdy, well-crafted chairs for the home. Just read through the many positive Saraf Furniture Reviews to see the quality they deliver. No matter what chair style you need, InSaraf Furniture has a cosy option to upgrade your living space.
Decorating with stylish chairs elevates any room's design. From classic wooden pieces to modern loungers, chairs create cosy sitting spaces. Browse all the chair options at Insaraf Furniture to find the perfect fit. Their knowledgeable staff can guide you to chairs that complement your home's aesthetic. Visit a Saraf Furniture showroom today or explore their online gallery to bring home high-quality, fashionable chairs.
Read More : Raghunandan Saraf Success Story: MBA की डिग्री, उधार के पैसे से शुरू किया बिजनेस, रघुनंदन सराफ ने ऑनलाइन फर्नीचर बेचकर खड़ा किया करोड़ों का कारोबार
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iclub22 · 1 month
Elegant Living: Top Decorating Tips for Your Penthouse in Bhubaneswar
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Decorating a Penthouse in Bhubaneswar can be a delightful and fulfilling endeavor. The city's distinctive fusion of contemporary conveniences and cultural legacy makes for a great setting for designing an opulent and fashionable home. Here are some of the best decorating ideas to help you create a stylish and cosy retreat in your penthouse.
1. Embrace Natural Light
The availability of natural light in a penthouse is one of its biggest benefits. To optimise the natural light coming in, make use of large windows and glass doors. Think about using sheer shades or drapes to give seclusion and let light in. Natural light not only enlarges areas but also highlights the exquisiteness of your furnishings.
2. Create Open Spaces
Penthouses frequently have roomy floor designs. Create spaces that are open and breezy to embrace this feature. To prevent clutter, opt for simple furnishings and décor. To keep the area practical and organised, choose furniture with several uses, such as a coffee table with storage or a sofa that can be made into a bed.
3. Incorporate Local Art and Craft
Bhubaneswar is renowned for its traditional crafts and rich cultural legacy. To add a bit of regional flavour to your decor, incorporate handmade textiles, sculptures, and artwork from your area. These components honour the lively culture of the city while also enhancing the aesthetic appeal.
4. Use a Neutral Color Palette
A refined and tranquil ambiance can be produced with a neutral colour scheme. You may create a more airy and welcoming atmosphere in your penthouse by using shades of white, beige, grey, and gentle pastels. Incorporate accent pieces like as artwork, carpets, and cushions to bring in colour and generate visual interest without overpowering the room.
5. Invest in Quality Furniture
For a penthouse, high-quality furniture is a wise investment. Select items that are not only fashionable but also cosy and long-lasting. Seek for classic styles that can accommodate shifting fashions and individual preferences. To guarantee that the furniture fits your area perfectly, custom-made furniture can be a terrific solution.
6. Enhance with Greenery
Plants can bring life and freshness to your penthouse. Indoor plants like peace lilies, snake plants, and succulents are low-maintenance and add a natural element to your decor. Consider creating a small indoor garden or placing potted plants on balconies to create a seamless transition between indoor and outdoor spaces.
7. Focus on the Views
A penthouse frequently provides breathtaking metropolitan views. Make sure your furniture is arranged to best capture these views. To create the ideal spaces for entertainment and leisure, arrange seating areas next to windows or balconies. Create a focal point of your design by framing the vistas with floor to ceiling windows.
8. Add Luxurious Textures
Add opulent materials to your decor, such as silk, velvet, and faux fur, to give it depth and richness. To create a warm and welcoming atmosphere, use textured throw pillows, luxurious rugs, and exquisite draperies. These components can turn your penthouse into a stylish and cosy haven.
9. Personalize Your Space
Your apartment should be a reflection of your tastes and personal flair. To add a personal touch, put your favourite books, pictures, and trinkets on display. Take into consideration assembling a gallery wall with pieces of art that speak to you. Customising your area gives it a more lived-in feel and gives your décor more personality.
10. Integrate Smart Technology
Modern penthouses benefit from the integration of smart technology. Use smart lighting, climate control, and security systems to enhance convenience and comfort. Automated blinds, voice-controlled assistants, and high-tech entertainment systems can make your penthouse both functional and futuristic.
Decorating your Penthouse in Bhubaneswar offers an exciting opportunity to blend luxury with local charm. By incorporating these tips, you can create a stylish, comfortable, and personalized living space that reflects the unique beauty of the city. Enjoy the process and let your creativity shine!
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linensheduniplda · 2 months
Hosting in Style: How to Create an Inviting Guest Room with Linen
Creating an inviting guest room that makes visitors feel welcome and relaxed is essential when hosting. Linen, with its natural charm and comfort, is perfect for this purpose. Here’s how to use linen to style a guest room that exudes warmth and elegance.
1. Start with Quality Bed Linen
Begin with a set of high-quality linen sheets. Choose a neutral shade such as soft beige, light grey, or classic white to instil a sense of calm and serenity. Linen is renowned for its ability to regulate temperature, keeping your guests cool in the summer and cosy in the winter.
2. Add a Luxurious Duvet Cover and Pillows
Select a duvet cover that complements the sheets. A slightly different shade or a gentle pattern can add depth without overpowering the room. Equip the bed with multiple pillows in linen cases to provide both comfort and support. Consider a mix of larger European pillows and standard ones to offer options for reading and relaxation.
3. Layer with Throws and Blankets
A soft linen throw at the foot of the bed not only looks appealing but is also practical for guests who may appreciate an extra layer during the night. Opt for throws in richer shades or with textural weaves to add visual interest and warmth.
4. Dress the Windows in Linen Curtains
Linen curtains can transform the room's ambiance by softening daylight and enhancing privacy. Their light, airy texture helps maintain a relaxed atmosphere while still being stylish. Choose a colour that coordinates with the bedding to keep the room’s aesthetic unified.
5. Include Soft Lighting
Soft, ambient lighting is crucial in a guest room. A pair of bedside lamps with warm bulbs can create a welcoming glow, allowing guests to unwind at their leisure.
6. Provide Essential and Thoughtful Extras
Equip the guest room with a few thoughtful additions like a linen robe, slippers, and fresh towels laid out for convenience. Include a small basket with essentials such as bottled water, reading material, and perhaps a local guidebook.
7. Final Touches
Lastly, add some fresh flowers or a potted plant to bring a bit of nature inside. This touch of greenery not only beautifies the space but also helps purify the air and boost the room's overall appeal.
Using linen in your guest room is about creating a space that feels both luxurious and comfortable. It’s these thoughtful details and the unmatched quality of linen that will make your guests’ stay memorable.
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Make Your Space Inviting with The Best Interior Fit Outs
When it comes to creating a welcoming and appealing environment in your space, interior fit outs play a crucial role. Selecting the perfect interior fit outs transforms your space into a warm and welcoming haven. Opt for designs that speak to your style and personality. From cosy furnishings to vibrant accents, every choice adds a touch of charm.
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If you’re looking for expert advice and exceptional craftsmanship, consider La Sorogeeka Interiors, one of the best fit out contractors in Dubai. They have earned their reputation by delivering top-notch designs and impeccable execution.
Whether you're setting up a new office, renovating a home, or even just looking to refresh your existing space, here are some key tips on how to use interior fit outs effectively to make your space more inviting.
Understanding Interior Fit Outs
Interior fit outs involve the process of designing and furnishing interior spaces to optimise their functionality and aesthetics. This includes everything from choosing furniture, lighting, colour schemes, and flooring to creating efficient layouts that suit the purpose of the space.
Define Your Purpose
Before diving into interior fit outs, it's essential to define the purpose of your space. Are you setting up a cosy living room, a productive office, or a stylish retail store? Understanding the primary function of the space will guide your interior fit out decisions. One of the top fit out contractors in Dubai, La Sorogeeka Interiors sources materials from trusted suppliers to ensure that every project meets the highest standards of craftsmanship and longevity.
Optimise Layout
A well-planned layout can significantly enhance the usability of your space. Consider factors like natural light, and focal points when arranging furniture and fixtures. Ensure that the layout is both functional and inviting.
Choose Appropriate Furniture
Furniture selection is key to creating a comfortable and inviting atmosphere. Opt for pieces that not only fit the space but also reflect your style and purpose. Mix and match furniture of different sizes and shapes to add visual interest.
Play with Colours and Textures
Colours and textures can completely transform the ambiance of a space. Choose a colour palette that suits the mood you want to create—calming pastels for relaxation or vibrant hues for energy. Incorporate textures like wood, fabric, or metal to add depth and character. One of the best fit out contractors in Dubai, La Sorogeeka Interiors pays meticulous attention to every detail, from the placement of furniture to the selection of colour schemes and textures.
Ensure Comfort
Comfort should never be compromised. Invest in ergonomic furniture, quality mattresses, and cosy seating to ensure that your space is not only inviting but also functional and comfortable.
Stay Within Budget
Interior fit outs can be tailored to your budget. Set a realistic budget and prioritise your spending based on what matters most for your space. In essence, if you’re looking to make your space inviting and appealing, consider the impact of professional interior fit outs. La Sorogeeka Interiors, recognised as one of the best fit out contractors in Dubai, can turn your dreams into reality. So, what are you waiting for? Visit their website now to get complete information about the brand.
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